The Straits Times, 23 August 1974

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 367 1  - ANOTHER SKELETON FOUND K. 8. SIDHU Kampong Bahru horror find is third in the last 12 days By POLICE yesterday found another skeleton the third in the past 1 2 days. The skeleton, believed to be that of a teenager, was found at about 5 p.m. in blukar at Bukit
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  • 699 1  - Peking leaders get top billing by Front ERNEST COREA By KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday £HINA'S leaders took top billing in the National Fr o n ts countdown rally which ended Malaysia's fifth general election campaign one day ahead of schedule. A 50-minute colour film of Tun Razak's visit to Peking was
    699 words
  • 69 1 LONDON, Thurs. Plans tor an organisation ef sperlsHst volunteers to take over vrtai aemoat If Britain U threatened by crippling strikes war* revealed today. The organisation, known as Qreai Britain T>. la the brainchild of Colon*! David Stirling, founder ef Britain's special air atrvtce. who cams
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  • 42 1 NIW YORK. Thurr— Dow Jonm averages, based on first hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange SO lndui 706.74. down 484. 20 transp 147 40. down ill. IS utlU 6467. down OM. 65 stocks J1617. down ia»— opi.
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  • 455 1 Clerides to hold talks with Denktash NICOSIA, Thu«.-Pre-«fko» Cle«*»o' Cypßs aaid *>- <•»»•>; would meet within M hours with Turkish Cyprlot leader lUuf Denktaab In what could be a nm step toward a peace settlement on the war-torn Mediterranean island. Mr. Clertdes tcld newsmen the first meeting would be restricted
    Reuter; UPI  -  455 words
  • 70 1 HOVB (Ingland). Ttaurs. John Bortai, 71. a taxi driver, called pottee to tarnplain that a iar* b* took on tour-mil* round trip to a Brighton post office ran away without paying. It wasn't m though Urn tar* aidni have the money, police mm The paaMnger
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  • 147 1 fttNDHOVEN (8.1 £j land). Thara.-Ca-rettae raan, the fl ve-year-old lr'i.aaiiii daaghter *f a Dateh dear asagaats. la dead aad M-year-cU aaa has confessed U straagttag hat. police said Carottac was dragged lato a Ma* ear Taesday while playing eatsMe her hease la The paHss and hat aareala
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  • 330 1  -  BAILYNC SUNG By rOl' SANDS of Singaporeans squinted at the san yesterday. pusxled by the appearance of this giant hak> in the sky (above). The halo, which was rainbow-coloured, became visible In the bright sanshlne aronnd 11 am and remained framing the sun till
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  • 44 1 MANILA, Than. Muslim Insurgent* la central Mindanao ambashed a track and killed 1« workers of an American timber eeeapany. aearcej In the timber lnfastrr said today. Another five people have been killed hi ether eaeoaaters with tae MasUm rebels AT.
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  • 106 1 WASHINGTON, Thurs Portugal has received an Arab offer of US$4OO million (8$ 1.000 mil) to refuse renewal of US alrbaae rights In the Aaores, according to US Intelligence sources. Arab representatives also were said to have offered to lift the oil embargo
    AP  -  106 words
    • 41 1 Japan says 'Miry 1 TOKYO. Than. The Japanese Genera BMat today officially expressed regret that tea* week's attempted a— ■sslnaHoa ea the Seath Korean Prestdeat Park Chang -hee by a Korean gaaaaaa had) been prepared la Japan. Beater. (tee Page Pew)
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    • 39 1 LONDON. Taara.—Faktetaa raced to a ferasldabss tost innings 275-1 la the third and fln*! cricket Test against Sag-land at cles* acre today Zaheer is 193 net oat. MMktM 42 act Mt MajU (N) wu Ml it lH
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 10 1 01 SUVKkiMOS. «•>'!••»«• vvm: t« -?»2 Bfflfißw^iSS^sV'^aß ■aT T^^aL»J aV^kzytf Hill
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    • 79 1 $4m GOVT AID FOR NANTAH COMPLEX P«I« 7 N-SHIP tests delayed far two years CHINESE congress In secret KOREANS continue anti-Japanese demos 4 TWO million homeless la Barms g SCHOOLGIRLS warned: Beware of strangers WARNING ea population growth 10 MINISTRY gaide on lay-off plans fee factories IS WHITLAM denies pians
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  • Straits Times World News
    • 228 2 rfOKYO, Thurs. Ja- pan's first nuclearnowcred ship, the Mutsu. will lesve <Jn Bunday for the first of a aeries of reactor teats, delayed for nearly two yean because of local fishermen's opposition. Government officials said. They said today the ship's nuclear power out-*
      AP  -  228 words
    • 139 2 Move to stop costly presents WASHINGTON. Thar. The Beam of BefreeentaUves Foreign Affatrs Oasaaatttes yesterday veted to eat eff. rands far snwaaliii slits, sack- aa beUeea)ters and ears, to foreign heads of state. It approved, ky votes vete, so amendment by Representative Wayne ■ays who said he wasted te cars
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    • 390 2 Case of the persistent heckler at Rocky's fund dinner MAN CARRIED OUT TWICE NEWPORT (Rhod. Island). Thursday A HECKLER shocked a Republican fund-raising dinner last night as he twice interrupted Vice-Presidential nominee Nelson Rockefeller. The heckler, who identified himself as Joseph McDonough, 22, a member of the US, Labour Party,
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    • 94 2 WASHINGTON, Than. The army reported yartartay thai Oen. Crstfhton Abrams, army chief oi staff, v in Walter Head Army Medical Centre being treated (or a blood colt and that be U In serious condition Om. AarsaM. H itxw Iml Jun* bs4 remnnd to «aA In
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    • 24 2 SOTUCUm. Tbars. A i*-mmtm Tni»in «my ktft vsak sß^Jitf tvo w* daasatf sasto la Witfrniir ■kBAlayM. s Mm Mlnbt*? ejskaaasß tsM. OPL
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    • 67 2 VHNTTANI. Thur» The eonununtt Pmthet Lao today propo— a Sept Ha* a daU tor •schang* of prlaoners of war, raising hopes for the rataaM of the last known American prisoner of the Indochina conflict Bnmet Kay, 47. of Honolulu. Hawaii, a civilian contract pilot for
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    • 19 2 TOKYO. Thun. A Pating delegation arrived her* today to netoUatc a Japan -Chin* civil aviation pact Reuter.
      Reuter  -  19 words
    • 286 2 Criticism by Ford, so GM lowers price hike TVKTROIT, Thurs.— The iJ General Motors Corporation said yesterday that as a result of criticism from President Ford. Its previously announced 9.5 per cent price hike on 1075 models Is being lowered to 8.5 per aent. This means that the price of
      NYT  -  286 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 578 2 Pill Of li N.w.y compl.t.d W lIP prestigious commercial/ ■Hill iii n "">pp"x> »p- c b Ul I ULI 1 111 4.800 sq ft available on th« ground floor only. SINGAPORE suitable for banking, proCHIN SWEE ROAD/HAVELOCK f-MMMMI practic*.. a*ROAD JUNCTION CLw^T-i ST* Long term lease San Development Co (S)
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    • 170 2 SEND ROWERS TO YOUR LOVED ONES OVERSEAS THROUGH INTERFIORA WORLD WIDE SERVKES INTERFLORA MEMBERS S>o^e>pof M6>nbwfi Cold Storage (Malaya) Sdn. Bhd.. Corona Florist. Coronation Flower Shop Daisy Pte. Ltd.. Everahine Florist. Goodwood Florist. Katong Flower Ship. Little's Flower Shop. Naval Base Flonsta. Quean's Flower Shop, Robinson ft Co. Ltd.. Floral
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    • 298 3 High US honour for slain envoy WASHINGTON, Thnra. Mr. Rodger Da▼tcs, the Ambassador to Cyprus who was aaaaaainated in the U8 Embassy In Nicosia on Monday, was awarded the State Department's highest honour posthumously yesterday and waa eulogised by President Ford as a "great patriot." In a ceremony at Andrews
      Reuter; UPI  -  298 words
    • 34 3 CORDOBA (Argentina). Thun Juan Martin Ouevara. brother of Cuban revolutionary hero Kmaato "Che" Ouevara. waa utoatad from prison yesterday, four months after he waa arraatad and charged with poamaing subversive material. Reutar.
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 140 3 CHINESE CONGRESS IN SECRET SESSION REPORT rpAIPEH, Thurs.— China's X long delayed fourth National People's Congress Is either being held now or will be held soon, a Central News Agency (CNA) report said yesterday. The report, quoting reliable Intelligence sources In Hongkong, said China Is either holding or actively making
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    • 60 3 CAMBBUU. Thur* Qmu» pUot, hawt eallad for a meeting today to itoctd* on ■trik* action after a 17 par Mnt pay rIM after Bade to u*m by the stats-owned alrttn* ni vatoad by Tranaport Mlalstar Chartas Jonaa Ttat airline's bostaaaas hum alao thraatanad <o atrlha, claiming-
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    • 39 3 TAIPSH. Tbura. THUnIng at graHißrti aehooJ-towri in Taiwan baa wihatan> tally trnprovad In tba past 10 jwaia aa a raaalt of tht D Talwan artanw eo-oparatlon pingiaaaaia lnitlaud In IM4T a US artufUon oAdal laid UMtay Rautar
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    • 34 3 TAinß, Thura. Taiwan U to supply soe.ooe sastrle tonnas o7 oaaaant to Qatar br tba and of that year undar a aalaa ooneraet aajnad nan. the Oantiml Nawa Amkt nporXrt today. BeaMr.
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    • 323 3 US move to foreign oreign projects NEED FOR ACCURATE DATA WASHINGTON, Thursday THE House of Representatives tonight overwhelmingly approved a Bill that would authorise the Federal Government to study all foreign investment in the Inited "States. The vote was 324 to 29. According to Congressional and Administration officials interviewed today,
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    • 45 3 lONDON. Thurs— Seventetn crew > *ti tof a Bangladesh coaiter were drowned when the 4M-ton veseel capdaed on Tuesday on lv way to NarayancaA). near Dacca, with a cargo of wheat, Lloyds Shipping Agency reported today. Nine of the 36 craw were rescued Reuter
      Reuter  -  45 words
    • 37 3 6KOPJT. (Yugoslavia). Thun. An earth tremor fhoofc an area 130 kilometres (76 mllesi south of tba Macedonian capital of Skopje yesterday but no < *ht"»U't* or damage were reported, the Yugoslav newi agency TanJug said. Rautor.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 171 3 at* Ma mUt eT -^S^z^^iH in a^aßr^T Jw^N* "'^^^^^^■sH •^BST' j^ s% TOSHIBA STEREO RECEIVER SA-SOO^** 35Wx 2 (RMS 8 ohms. 0.4%), 2-channel FM/AM/FM stereo rectryer *^***"^aafc^ Pure-complementary symmetry circuit, OCL output section with balanced two power supply circuit Coupling condenser lest main amplifier IC's for IF and equalizer circuit
      171 words
    • 368 3 I EXTRA LARGE TENDER I &,lfWJ] W '/JLM WHOLE CHICKEN 445 \U^^kUM{fM' CHICKEN LEGS 270, 860 MH"iawßHaw»wK FRESHLY MINCED BEEF I VEGETABLE OIL ladh choke soot 1.98 us*- 3kg 860 GOLDEN CORN OIL wsoon LAMB LOIN HEW ZEALAND SMi 3.00 2k| 70Q OX HEART Anntiiu sh, 1.90 m<fka 7- y
      368 words

    • 381 4 Ensure sea treaty is ready in 1975 US call to Caracas conference CARACAS. Thursday THE United States called on the 148 nations at the third United Nations Sea Law Conference yesterday to make sure a sea treaty will be negotiated at a follow-up session next year. 'If we do not
      AP; UPI  -  381 words
    • 130 4 PORT MORESBY. Thun. JT Papua New Oulneai Chief Minister, Mr Michael Somare. has received a death threat following his dismissal of the emerging nations Justice Minister, It was announced here today. TOKYO: A leading teono mlc dally, the Nihoa KeJsai. today reaarteu that the performance of Japanese companies would
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    • 161 4 COLOMBO: Almost all the ISMM population of the Maldivian Republic are expected to gather at Male today to welcome Sri Lanka's Prime Minister. Mrs. Slrimavo Bandaranaike. when she arrives to begin a threeday •Octal visit. MADRID: Spain yesterday said It would grant selfdetermination to its Sahara colony
      Agencies  -  161 words
    • 61 4 Unity call by Selassie ADDIS ABABA. Thun Bnperor Halle Selassie, whoee throne has odme under increasing pressure in recent days, has Issued a call for national unity In ■Uitopta. diplomat* said jßataidsj Two Cabinet ministers, In an unusually frank statement, told Parliament that bribery was rampant In PhtopU and a
      61 words
    • 35 4 SEATTLE. Thurs s>rU Krogh, the former Nixon aide conrlcted of authorising the burglary at the office-, of Daniel EUsberg s psychiatrist. was yesterday barred from pncUslng law in Washington State for nine months Reuter.
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 28 4 KHARTOUM. Thur*. Kuwait la ir^iwtij- an all pipeline from Port Sudan on the Red Sea to Khartoum, the IHirtan— t capital, an oa*aal statement jc*terday AP.
      AP  -  28 words
    • 395 4 Koreans continue anti- Japan protest SEOUL, Thurm. Angry South Koreans demonstrated for the second consecutive day today In protest over Japanese handling of investlgaUon Into last week's assassination attempt ea President Park ChungBee. About &SM people took part In protests la Seoul and Paw, the nations second largest city about
      UPI  -  395 words
    • 197 4 DARIS, Thurs A well dressed man rented a »afe deposit box at an elecant Paris bank and walked in and out of the vault with two large •uitrases Police said he managed to get away with valuables worth more than UBs2 million
      UPI  -  197 words
    • 277 4 The sex poser: Chinese doctors have the -answer- HONOKONO, Thurs.— Doeton In China have reported a high degree of success In predicting the sex of unborn children by the middle of a normal pregnancy period. A report In the Chinese Medical Journal amid doctors were correct In 45 of SO
      UPI  -  277 words
    • 245 4 Strike a balance between production, politics: Mao HONOKONO Thun. China's current political struggle Is developing into a classical con frontaUon that has plagued almost all of Mao Tie-tang's mass campaigns In the past 25 years politics versus production. Which ia paramount l Politics. Mao insists But he also realises that
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    • 41 4 COLOMBO. Thuri. B*l Lanka and India signed a programme yesterday under which India will supply 1.4 million rupee* <8S1.7».000> worth of ild to Bri '«nU to act up three i i«ii|it— of aheap, cattle and buffalo breeding farm*. stouter.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 303 4 af amV^mamaSlaaaaal Perfect sleep. I That's Dunlopillo, Imk IPii world's best |||r OTI 1 JLJfc^k^ Gentle support while you sleep Constant self -ventilation ST'^Haal mONM When you sleep on a Dunlopillo mattress, it's A Dunlopillo foam mattress actually "breathes yj g| S fff^^ *ttjjj as good as sleeping on air
      303 words

    • 227 5 RANGOON, Thursday gI'RMA'S worst floods in a century have left 18 people dead, two million homeless and caused property damage of more than US$lO million (Ss2smil.), according to official figures released yesterday, t Floodwaters cover some 30,000 square miles —about 11 per cent of
      AP; UPI  -  227 words
    • 29 5 LONDON. Thurs. Mr. Abddel-Hallm Khaddanv Syria* Deputy Premier, yesterday Invited Mr David Binals, British Deputy Foreign Minister, to visit Damascus an indication of friendlier Anglo-Syrian relation*.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 123 5 CONGRESS EXTENDS LIFE OF BANK WASHINOTON, Thurs. —The House of Representatives last night approved a BUI extending the life of the US ExportImport Bank for four more years, but placing restrictions on loans to the Soviet Union and Turkey. The Bill now goes to the Senate where similar legislation has
      Reuter  -  123 words
    • 501 5 Further, cuts in Kuwait oil supply BEIRUT. Thars. Kuwait Minister of Finance and OH. Mr. Abdel-Rahman Al-AUe.l, has said Kuwait has reduced its oil production this month and planned to reduce It farther In the next two months. Mr. Atiql speaking in an Interview In Kuwait with the Lebanese weekly
      UPI  -  501 words
    • 402 5 A boost for Republicans term GLOOMY OUTLOOK FOR DEMOCRATS WASHINGTON. Thursday PRESIDENT Ford's announcement that he will probably stand for a full fouryear term has given the Republican Party its biggest political fillip since the Watergate scandal burst two years ago. With former New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller v Mr.
      Reuter  -  402 words
    • 100 5 Mafia boss freed after a month ROME, Thun. —An Italian court today freed alleged Mafia boss Frank "Three Fingers" Coppola on provisional liberty less than a month after he was sentenced to six years In prison. Coppola waa convicted in July of association to commit crime In a massive show
      Reuter  -  100 words
    • 56 5 TBL AVIV. Thun. A practice call-up of Israeli army reaenriats la to be earned out within the next few days, the army w^ilasmsn Mid today. Fbreign ambassadors and United Natfcfca iwpremntativet in Israel have been warned of the exercise to avoid misunderstanding*, but Arab spokesmen have aatd
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 7 5 US move to avoid domestic grain shortage
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    • 29 5 vmmANK. Tnur*. The Loo coalition Owui ment haa appointed two mtostons to negotlato foreign aid with wciaiut. neutral and Western countries, a ■oversment spokesman a»ld today. Rrutsr.
      29 words
    • 209 5 DEFENCE CUT: COMPROMISE SOUGHT WASHINGTON, Than. The battle to re sU>re Unite* State* defence fund* eat by the Senate mores today to a joint Senate-Hove of Espcw titfriw conference committee with riinHwt Fwrd the rtdeltaes. The Senate voted yesterday to eat defence ■aendlng by more than 5.7 per cent, lncmdlnt
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 234 5 sm^Lm mm s^mm\X m A smdtmX yS jl m^m^fx ,V* awssmflsmm C«»X t X cuito ILL mi ;shft- bw^ x.i'* j^m^m^m^ml t ■■rnT* wr mm dfl mt r^^J STJi S-* |en*| v ft Tl d^smmmVsK •"^T^^H mmV flO* 13^^ L v \l L^st S^^H smW a^sr' LmV Bw™^ a^v V
      234 words
    • 249 5 FOR PERSONAL SHOPPERS ItAlffvS {VEM- wink™ 7sO*O O 7a^aC-_ J^3t) TOMATO tjjfiflSjk L qf%V%JrCAMPBELLs\ i/Mi/nr/viDiiT y^iijj^x wm j4^mmmmWmmE*mi-^^ 3400 y^^mm Ilmr SiZG S®^L» HP BEEF.®?.. VwWW N^V^^^^^sswa*^ 34 m mv^N. wmw w>n f W/IW/ T rggfo \INSZCT I w wy» »«»»»»«»«< t^s^ (SENT' 9w us P/LLFT I HAJP&PP/IV '***xzm STEAK
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 171 6 Why carry mono when you could be carrying stereo? Here's a great new way to speaker units, the CF-550A has two with both channels driven. the beach or for the home, double your portable music pleasure matched pairs of speakers at each You can record in stereo, too. Mono or
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  • 322 7 University has received $4 million from the Government to build a sports complex and two blocks of students' hostels in the campus. The new Government subsidy was disclosed by the chairman of the University Council, Mr. Wee Cho Yaw, at a general meeting
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  • 103 7 KNIFE MAN GETS SIX STROKES HUSSEN bin Kader. 30, was Jailed for two months and given six strokes of the cane by the First Magistrate yesterday when be admitted to having a sftinch knife unlawfully. Senior Inspector D Krlshnan. prosecuting, told the court that Inspector Michael Tay. of Beach Road
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  • 40 7 MR On( Teong Wan. president of the Singapore Trading and Development Association (BTADA). will speak on the Training and Development Function In the Private Sector at the International V's Men's Club lunch meeting tomorrow at 1.30 pm
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  • 31 7 THE First Lady. Mrs Sheares. will attend the 14 th annual sports of the Spastic Children's Association of Singapore at Field House In OlUtead Road today, at 10 ajn.
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  • 162 7 44 cabbies booked for refusing to pick up -fares F)RTY-FOl'R taxidrivers were booked for refusing to pick up passengers in the first seven months of this year. According to an informed source, three of them, described as "recalcitrant cabbies." were brought to court and fined. The rest were served with
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  • 36 7 DR. Paul Tan has been reelected president of the International V's Men's Club (Beta Chapter). Other officials Include: Mr Albert Low 1 vice-president Mr Leslie Ec (secretary) and Mr. Tan Nglap Hong (treasurer).
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  • 40 7 MR Ong Teck Hong. Assistant Professor of Nanyang University's Department of Government and Public Administration, will give a talk In Mandarin on "Choosing your career" at Toa P«yoh branch library lecture hall on Aug. 20 at 3 pjn.
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  • 33 7 MR. Jek Yeun Thong. Minister for Culture knd MP for Queenstown. will five away prizes at a National Day children's tricycle race at Queemlown community centre tomorrow at 8 30 pm.
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  • 275 7 Youths above 16 years can get 20 lashes rpHE Appeal Court yesterday upheld a submission by DPP Mr. Loh Kin Kok that youths above 16 could in appropriate criminal cases be given 20 strokes by orders of district Judges. Mr. Loh also successfully submitted that youths between 16 and under
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  • 37 7 THE numbers picked In last night's Toto Draw 66 74 were 37. 39. 48, 47 and 21. The additional number iv seven. In the circles draw the numbers picked were 34. I and 13.
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  • 123 7 TOORTY-four cases of r malaria have been reported since the beginning of this month. This figure exceeds that for th* whole of last August. There were 37 cases last August but according to a Ministry of the Environment spokesman, this increase of seven does not
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 140 7 I AlWayS 9 better ggjb *> Fresh Eggs r. 'ISO I I /?MuHMT IB^^mV^l ft Tomato Sauce nl /,4S I I wrBWOKK^L Evapora M* IPS I Hot °°9 Sausages f% QC Lr W Danish Crown 227 g %J+7<& ■iAHIMESS \&A*a Peaches Pears t i%C Two Fruits Edg^ii 425 g Al/J
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 213 7 Bringlnt Up Fathtr My BUI K^vanagh «s Hal Camp ~Zuu* cn*iiiu\ S* TH*TI» NOTMWO I &US9S >tX/RS \f CHI TH«N YOU »«*U.V "N I ALwm EJrZr YOU* MAP QUTT TO ASOJT/j meHTIMTLMABT IV mtj IMVI 90MBTMM* TO <Cr^ __zLy\ Atic> tHT I »oTUNWk is )_^y vWDwrv four/ Blondla By Chl«
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  • Sanya and Razak to confer on Muslim rebels
    • 405 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday JUN ABDUL RAZAK said tonight that Opposition parties had not, during the past two weeks of election campaigning, put up "sound and practical policies and programmes" to meet the problems and challenges facing thecountry. "They are not able, for instance,
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    • 75 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Tbe Election Commission has named tbe 11* centres In Peninsular Malay sia where votes will be counted on Saturday. The centres one each for every parliamentary constituency would also be tbe place where votes for the contested state seats in the area are to
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    • 273 8 Second Govt rubber purchase causes —flurry— KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Tbe Government made another sarprise Intervention In the Malaysian rabb*r market today In a major "mopup" operation. Tbe operation was started yesterday when the Government made its first direct buylnc from the market. Daring the past four weeks, the Government had
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    • 238 8 YEOH TELLS WHY HE LOST BANK UNION POST KUALA LUMPUR Thurs. MTUC president Mr. Yeoh feck Chye said yesterday that he lost In the recent National Union of Bank Employees (NUBK) election on a matter of principle. He said he and the five other principal officials of NUBE were defeated
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    • 272 8 Pekemas, DAP hit at ban on rallies KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday rpWO opposition parties today hit out at the cancellation by the police of all public rallies for tomorrow— the eve of polling day PekemM president Dr. ran Cbee Kboon said: "I have taken part In tour elections since 1955 and
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    • 127 8 Voters told: Don't heed threats KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Election Commission chairman Tan Sri Ahmad Peran« today called on voters to come out to vote on Saturday and advised them not to be Influenced by "sweet" promises or threats made by candidates when they cast their votes. Threats that they would
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    • 86 8 Loggers told: Back the Govt IPOH, Thurs— Loggers and Timber workers were today told to stand solidly behind the Government In Its battle against the terrorist* on the Malayslan-Thal border. "The destruction at a bulldoaar a few days ago in a logging camp In Kroh snows that the terrorist, are
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    • 64 8 KLANO, Thun. Th* Harun Report will bo lmmwUately Imptwnantod once the OoT«mment haa rocelvvd It from tha Harun Ootnmlaajnn Labour and Manpower Mlnlatar. Tan OH V. Manlri.Ta*atam aald today Ba aald thl» at a motUnf «Ith m»»— ulalHa. from the Port Authority Staff Union (PASU). the Fort
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    • 43 8 BAOHDAD. Thun. Iraq and Malaysia rtcned a civil arlatlon a«reement bar* yotUrtay, the Iraq New* A«ency raportod. Under th. pact. Iraqi Airway* will ahorUy opoi an office In Malaysia, and Ma layalan Airllna* will ooen an oOe. In Bagbttad.— RbuUr
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 464 8 \^P^ goodisa wallet without money Fiilitupthnxjghthe SENGAPC«E SWEEP NEXT DRAW: 5 SEPTEMBER 1974 I L at COLOMBO COURT MALL (OPP. NOCK LAM STREET) 6.30 P.M. M B^aw^^^^^BW^HLaa^^^^^ /"""X W M fatt H q qp E ATWAYS KODinSOnS got supermarket The Specialists' Shopping Centre is like a p. RTTI^TI^? U^E^HSall^""^"^^"^^') gigantic
      464 words
    • 104 8 Wll H4MG ENTERPRISES |PTL| LTIIJ SANDEN I^? Rotary Auto-Air Conditioners FREE GIFTS BY COURTESY CF ALLSTAR HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS WEST GERMANY-^i^M WITH EVERY INSTALLATIONS OF SANDEN CAR. A/CONDITIONER. 1 Light Weight, Compact, Small Engine Load, Quiet Operat on. No Viabrations Stress. 2 Less Appetite For Fetrol 3 Right Even For 1100
      104 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 222 8 Straits Times Crossword ACBOM (4. K. 1. 4. 1 Scott osscaml ooocarpf 6 Student I catapttoed withf wtth Uzaa ft Past twantv— ahould b* T Hota* of a fca*)pnl brkefc} paid off 1 (S. I). (I). MUUkan tactics by an- Withdrawal numbar It baad la a trace <•> taJna Gartar
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  • 246 9 Don't ape foreign quality control methods: Expert MANUFACTURERS In Singapore should dels* their own system of Quality control, based on local experience and environment, rather than copy standards from other countries. Dr. Kaoni Ishlkawa. a Japanese expert, said here yesterday. Ishlkawa. ProJe«»°jr of Engineering at the University of Tokyo 1*
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  • 93 9 Work to resume at death site CONSTRUCTION work V- at the Pearl Bank Building in Outram Park is expected to resume soon. The Labour Ministry ordered the contractor. Sin Hup Huat Pte. Ltd. of Cecil Street, to stop all work when a second worker fell to his death at the
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  • 205 9 r~E shipping community is awaiting results of the feasibility study to set up an ocean engineering centre to assist shipbuilders. The project was announced by Dr. Toh Chin Chye. Minister for Science and Technology, at a recent seminar on ship technology. He indicated that the
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  • 265 9 Accident claim fails: No iota of evidence MR. Justice Cho o r Singh yesterday expressed surprise that an accident claim for damages was brought against a woman motorist and a firm— "without any lota of evidence against them." He told Mr. Chan Nglap Seng, for the plaintiff. Wong Han Pool:
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  • 11 9 THERE were M road accldenu. four serious, on Wednesday.
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  • 452 9  -  PAUL WEE 'No short cuts, no lifts' advice By pOLICE yesterday warned schoolgirls to be wary and extra vigilant of strangers who followed them. They also advised parents to ensure that their children travel safely to and from school and, if possible, make arrangements
    452 words
  • 115 9 Garlands for Indian artistes A OROUP of artistes from India arrived here last night to five four performances at the National Theatre from tomorrow. The group, comprising actors, actresses, dancers, singers and musicians. Is led by actor Oemlnl Oanesh who Is popularly known among the Indian community as South India's
    115 words
  • 33 9 Youth group camp THX Buktt Merah Youth Oroup will hold a recreational camp-cum- barbecue for IU memberi and frieoda tomorrow and on Sunday The cost is SA for mamben and 16 for non-memUra.
    33 words
  • 66 9 TAN Hock Chwee. M was fined a total of MOO by the Pint Magistrate's Court yesterday for smoking opium and having opium, smoking utensils In a room In Stm Leong Road on Wednesday evening. He pleaded guilty. Another man. Mohameri O house Ha mid Marlcan.
    66 words
  • 315 9 Price of duck goes up by 10 cents rpHE price of duck has m. gone up by another 10 cents and is now being retailed at $2.10 a katl, according to the Trade Department yesterday. The price of horse mackerel (selar) has also Increased by 10 cents to $1.70 a
    315 words
  • 360 9  -  CHRISTINE CHEW By and IRENE NGOO THE parents of Urn I Che« Khiang, 17, a welder, agreed to a, request by doctors to donate his kidneys before he aied yesterday of head injuries received In a
    360 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 23 9 #3SSsI I ssiß^P^^^^^^^^^^s^si !gnE^ ~vv3ii9*l^iß^iß^iß^B I f» w^ Fnfesfe safe 9^P^l H PEP. |UrTo| KM wm^M JT A MvlFtt HP m K^^^trrwK I
      23 words
    • 79 9 s^L^Lb 1 i^Lls^s^sVsVs^sflsVHßsSsVHsiHgflißVilvlswVHsVs^saHß^HliHHli^^Hß sH 1 s^s^s^r^s^Ks^E^s^La^s^^^s^ifsVT^Lws^ks^sWs^LWsl m II ikkaujauhb| i s^s^sb sislslslslslslslslslsH A FtED I^* (PHH|BPIC^ Model 1217 /y-^^^B Modell22lP Display with >^^^BB Sfev^^ Printer with 1 memory L^sW l^^W^v^B Pr 2 memories AC /DC operation I yd fIIIIITIIIIII SINGAPORE 60 ORCHARD ROAI TEL *****2 KUALA IUMPud 80 JALAN AMPANO
      79 words

  • 176 10 Murder case gold bars: Claims are -invited POLICE are seeking I claimants, if any, to 124 one-kilo (2.2-lb) gold bars and 532.550 cash over which seven men are under death sentences for the murder of three people who were last in possession of the gold. An inquiry into the disposal
    176 words
  • 137 10 Dr Lee to attend Teacher's Day dinner ABOUT 400 teachers are expected to attend a dinner, organised by five teachers unions, to commemorate Teacher's Day at Hotel Royal Ramada on Sept. 1 at S p.m. This Is the fifth celebra- tion organised by the Malay Teachers Union, the Chinese School
    137 words
  • 72 10 A VEOrTABLE Miter. who bought a forged driving I licence for 1530. was jailed for a day and fined 11.000 I by a district court yesterday for having the forged document. Koh Yew Chee. 35 pleaded guilty to a charge of having In his possession
    72 words
  • 38 10 MOTORCYCLierr. U*mrudl bin Awang of Cardiff Orow. was fined |3S by the Tenth MagUtrate yesterday for falling to we«r a crash helmet while riding his machine along Srrangoon Road last Tueaday (Aug. SO). He pleaded guilty.
    38 words
  • 46 10 SINGAPORE will host the fifth annual confer- tact of the Textile Workers Asian Eecional Organ- isation at the Regional English Language Centre from Sept. 17 to 20. The meetlni will be organised by the Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation and the Pioneer Industries Employees' Union. <
    46 words
  • 421 10 Twice as many j despite zero target fHK Health Minister Mr. Chua Sian Chin, has said that even if the Government's target of zero population growth was achieved in 50 to 60 years time, Singapore would still have to cope with an ultimate popalation size of more j than twice
    421 words
  • 185 10 CLASH LOOMS AT WORLD POPULATION MEETING BUCHAREST, Thurs— A head-on clash Is ex- pected today between Latin American and I Asian delegates at the < World Population Conference here orer at- I tempts to re-write a i proposed "world plan of action" centrepiece of the meeting. Argentina has proposed 68
    Reuter; NYT  -  185 words
  • 40 10 LORRY driver Tan Klan Soon. 45 of Lorons Semankm. Hned $100 by the Tenth Magistrate's Court yesterday for driving along Upper Chanel Road a lorry which emitted excessive smoke at about 11 am hut "ueeday He pleaded guilty.
    40 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 573 10 L^-a—aaaaaaaai aaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa. aaaaaaß a>aaaaaaaa«aaaW~ I |i NOW SHOWWG!*OaiIy f at 7.00 9.30pm J Adniuioa: Adiltt: $2.00 Children. $1.00 f/S/7 KMtTDY 4 As aaaH .^aaaaaaW ■P' BB «fli*---y aal i^ TIGER tiOMllMl aaaPJ aaaa^ LlNGjjj^^^L^J a TP>J*^^^aJj\T H^afl V^C 'W.-'A i^t-lIMP^P RPQTTAI IR APJT mhom n him in cotonscow «ith
      573 words
    • 135 10 |sajtof4^^'^^3arcle^ I 37 7 3 V 8 I 7 24, 3,32 p I $174,***** iDJAHfiNbI IMPERIAL^rsss. 1 l^aaaaaaaaVißßßißaaaaaaJ V^MS uWI 'h^MN *o*o HURRY' LAST FEW DAYS aß^^rtrf^^^^^aßaaaaa** 3 30 6 30* 800 PM aaK RIMA MELATI BENJAMIN S BBRnf^^JBJTeBJ JIHI if BAPAK KAWIN LAOI j\lßi3aVV»^fjf nNooNcaiA* coioß»coPt) j^»»-^^Masrm'K >a TOMORROW
      135 words
    • 311 10 a \|"l"lOI 1\ "»u"sn"o%% I M-! j 11am. 1.30. 4. 6.45 9 30pm-.NO PRCE LIST No more groping and fumbling DUSTIN HOFFMAN HAS HNALLY GRADUATED! i the BEDROOM GRADUATE v a with Stefan ia Sandrelli as his bedroom-mate a 1 I. IDO— OPK.XS TOMORROW 7 J lUlrTM«rßtniio«Wd»ky I k^^f V
      311 words
    • 723 10 pj 'OHGAMISATIOaj ■> Bj 1 1 am 1 46. 4 00. 64S •IS Gaorga Hilion Edvyiga Fanach m "The CASI <A THE BIOOOV aj iris n Scop, a Colo. aj OPENS TOMORROW al Mi Howard Zu Zm Git- aj gj _UP THt FRONT IQIUB MOW SHOWING No Fraa LM B
      723 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 155 11 •<4j B^ law- t^^ Treat the family to a meal at the Sl watch Singapore go by. Prices are reasonable desserts galore Satay is served from 6pm daily Open from 11am to midnight raiN<7 court Tel. *****3 y||y O CORAL I 3-WAY SPEAKER KIT FOR SOUND ENTHUSIASTS CoffJ i-wa> BpMfcei
      155 words
    • 245 11 KIMBERLEY t MhOUSE OF COSMETICSin^ «^nfperSof^ Cr KOTEX U.S.A. I r j T s aim 8 n I KLEENEX U.S.A. r I 200x2. Color- $1.20 I F 1 White- $l.lO J 0 c 111 R I ORAL B TOOTH 1 0 BRUSH 2 FOR "I J L REVLON ZP II
      245 words
    • 339 11 DOLLARS SAVINGS^ SALE JSiL KNITTED TOPS $3 90up MDfcli^^B BLOUSES S49oup i^^B SKIRTS S3 90up SHORTS $2 90 up 2 PANTS $8 90up DRESSES $7 90up S I SS MAXI SKFtTS $9 90up «a m MAXI DRESSES S lB 90 up JUMPERS $790 up a^^S JUMPERS PANTS $14 90 up
      339 words
    • 197 11 xjT^^v PLAN YOUR JSfS&QiXS RELAXING m^sMi) vacation V^N? Wf AT THE NEWEST PATTAYA RESORT "THE ASIA PATTAYA" 3i\r^B«&^M 5^ B^BT SV^Ly JBBw. Set in 22 acres of landscaped gardens on a cliff-top overlooking the Gulf of Siam. Private white-sand beach, 9-hole golf course and large swimming pool. 270 luxurious rooms
      197 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 479 12 THE Comptroller of Customs and Excise phrased his letter to the business community diplomatically. But it stretches public credibility to accept that transport workers and employees of other port-users, who are Involved in the actual handling of cargo in and out of the wharves, can afford to sustain
      479 words
    • 153 12 CARE— NOT SCARE npHREE skeletons found within 12 days, two of them the remains of nine and 11 -year-old girls, both believed to be rape-and-murder victims, must alarm parents, especially those with runaway children. But there is no need for a scare. Police Investigations may yet establish that the three
      153 words
    • 166 12 AS practising speech pathologist* In Singapore, we read with Interest the reported article c.n stuttering. (BT.. Aug. 21>. by Dr. Israel Qoldtamond. We would like to offer the following comment*: The method described usually known as "delayed auditory feedback, has been commonly used for about 15
      166 words
    • 82 12 THE facilities for pcI destrians crossing Orchard Road Scotts Road are confusing and dangerous It Is difficult enough for people who understand Singapore traffic. Imagine how terrified tourists must be when exposed to the lunchhour traffic. I was almost knocked down by a motor cycle which appears to have beaten
      82 words
    • 32 12 MY son attends a school In Buklt Ho Bwee district. His class has been without a General Science teacher for four weeks. Could the authorities do something about It? CJLT, Singapore 3.
      32 words
    • 77 12 FIS heart -warming to note that once again Singaporeans have come forward to help Bangladesh flood victims. In 1971 a Singapore military medical mission did a wonderful Job at Bangladesh (then East PakisUn) and followed up with a donation and food to East Pakistani refngees. My only concern
      77 words
    • 124 12 1 REFER to the views expressed by "Karateka" In the article "No Controlling Body" (ST.. Aug 23). I would like to Inform the writer that the Sin gapr.-e Karate Federation is recognised by the Singapore Sports Council as the controlling body for Karate In Singapore and that the Singapore
      124 words
  • 1209 12  -  TSAI TAN m SOME wise man said: "It is mure blessed to give than to receive." If I were a famine or flood victim. I would be Inclined to agree The gifts which come a disaster victim's way are never the creme de la creme out of
    1,209 words
  • 2185 12  -  ERMEST FRIDA By ATHLETES and swimmers are the brightest medal prospects in the 60-strong Singapore contingent that will compete at the seventh Asian Oames at Teheran from Sept. 1 to 16. In athletics, our hopes are pinned on Chee
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 6 12 BANKof AMERICA 111 Man-on-the-spot* service worldwide
      6 words
    • 226 12 VflWißß 111 I! _^Tpir jot ■it fit j yWif f 1 1 1 KYI __i_^ There are occasions when only the extraordinary will do. That is the time to give a Silver Imperial or Imperial Sovereign. Crafted in predous metals. THE QON SOON TIOE STRING ORCHESTRA celebrates its 21st ANNIVERSARY
      226 words

  • 252 13 TH E Parliamentary Secretary (Social Affairs). Mr. Chan Chee Seng, consoling a griefstricken lonely widow who lost all her belonging* in the fire at the junction of Syed Alwi and Verdun Roads last week. Madam Tan Bong Soo, 66, said she had
    252 words
  • 169 13 VOSPER Thornycroft Ltd here Is now building two vessels, worth a total of over $2 million, for the Kuwait Government. The vesseU, a supply landing craft and a fast patrol craft, are scheduled to be completed next month. The supply landing craft, the third of
    169 words
  • 137 13 Man, 60, jailed 3 years for opium offences LOH Han Kwang, 80. was Jailed for three years by the First District Court yesterday for trafficking In raw opium and having opium smoking utensils He was found guilty of trafficking in 4> 2 kilogrammes of raw opium at a hut in
    137 words
  • 42 13 MOTORIST Kah Boon Hong of Kirn Pong Road was nned $70 by the Ninth Magistrate yesterday for parking his car opposite a white Une at Moh Ouan Terrace at about 11 am on Nov. 23 last year. He pleaded guilty.
    42 words
  • 34 13 MR Eric Cheong, MP for Toa Payoh. will be the gueet of honour at a nre-flghung display at the car park In Lorong 4. Toa Payoh, on Bn>t 7 at 4 p m
    34 words
  • 115 13 ABOUT 45 passengers spent a "sleepless night" at the airport on Wednesday when their Cathay Pacific Airways flight was delayed for more than 12 hours. Flight CX 701 to Jakarta was delayeo due to engine trouble, according to a CPA spokesman. It had taken off
    115 words
  • 44 13 AN art exhibition by Meaars. Tan Kl«n For and Tar. Kee Bek will be held at the Rising Oallery In Tttok Ayer Street tomorrow at 2.30 p.m. It will be open dally from 930 »jn to 6 pjn. until Bept 4.
    44 words
  • 279 13 Ministry guide on factory lay-offs LABOUR Ministry officials are now visiting factories to advise managements on possible retrenchments of workers. Their visits were prompted by recent retrenchments of about 2,000 workers by four major factories as a result of "world market slumps and inflation," informed sources said yesterday. The workers
    279 words
  • 110 13 REUNION FAILS: SHE GETS DIVORCE SEAMSTRESS Tan Slew Wan, married nine years ago, was granted a divorce yesterday on ground of desertion by her taxidriver husband Toh Kong. Her petition was last heard on Oct. 5 lart year and was adjourned for a Government report on the possibility of
    110 words
  • 40 13 TIB National Productivity Board will organise a course on Industrial Mechanisation with Compressed Air at 1U Jurong premises from Aug M to Sept. 6 The fee Is 1120 for National Productivity Association members and $180 for nonmemuera.
    40 words
  • 30 13 MR Ahmad Mattar. Parliamentary Secretary (education) and MP for Leng Kee. will officiate at a baby show at the Leng Kee community centre on Sunday at 10 am
    30 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 103 13 protect your from infection pßC^U^^^^^^^ Bathing the eyes U^PP^^ regularly with Optrex Eye Lotion is the best and f^ most effective I protection against I < *'C^B e y e infection r^BI Sore, irritated and inflamed eyes are soothed _^<^^fl and relieved cve N Optrex I O EYE LOTION Protect
      103 words
    • 354 13 New Silhouette 100 with double locks for individual security The Samsonite Silhouette range now comes with double locks for your double protection. The new Samsonite Silhouette 100 is fitted with a combination lock for individual security, as well as regular key locks. Now when you travel Samsonite. gives your luggage
      354 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 1046 13 WATER consumption on Wednesday was 119.3 million gallons (542,000 cubic metres), 7.9 million gallons (36.000 cubic metres) leas than on Tuesday. 1 TV SINGAPORE (5) TV MALAYSIA (3) 00 Fof F|mil (Chi I 7 -JA W News and Newrnl AA HI Progrimme Sommiry Bint 7.47 Sumnnry 7SI Malay J VA
      1,046 words

    • 1661 14 THE last transacted sale at the closr- of buslneN in the Slock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day's price* togrthrr with 1974 high and low Adjusted for all new issues). STSBLIMO BUBBBBS S.N 40* Bakaa 400 I.TO 2IS C Planta IIS .SS 2.20 III 1
      1,661 words
      • 12 14 I H«4«i 1185 lilt II .58 MM .01 .09 .oa -02
        12 words
      • 71 14 IlkrfeMU- 12. 82 .M L Taham* (3 M Jl liiiliil $4 30 —JO f. MJO —.10 H.B.C. $6M> —.10 I. Box $321 —.07 i.oj, u.oa —06 L Kawmt $1 44 —06 mnt HMt $134 —.00 I. B'rirfpa HM —06 Uaakar MBO' 2 —.06' rmhf fc-c tin —o» '•a. runt.
        71 words
      • 26 14 G««. Inter roirr IMh SUM Du+r 1. O. B. Tot*l TiiMnr: T »UI Vataa: 343.000 179.00P 18*000 1 SI .000 2 004 U»4M
        26 words
      • 60 14 Aug tl Aa« tt IndutrUte: IlM* tN.ll Ptaanet 144.11 MI.M Hoteta: IM.II IM.M Praynilcs: HIM f TIM: 1M.14 I*l7l t t rabktn: US.ll UtH i 0.C.8.C.: If 1.41 ltl.M I S.E.S. U4.: Mt.M IM.CI Dr«. M. 1M« 1M f Dec SI, IMI 1M f Dec I». lMt a
        60 words
    • 391 14 lITITH the Malaysian Tt general elections two days away, operators on the Stock Exchange of Singapore receded farther Into the background yesterday when trading was featureless and the trend was slightly easier. Most of the bids posted were tentative in nature, being too low to attract
      391 words
    • 1206 14 2 K ID »nd offer prices offl- «*> cislly Hated and business aa> In and reported to the Stock m» Exchangr of Singapore yesSterday with the number of shares traded shown In bracket* In lots of 1.000 unlU JJ unless otherwise specified INDUSTRIALS I* Arm* il.94Si 2
      1,206 words
    • 1240 14 I 'UID md offer prices offl- J cislly listed and buslneu a In and reported to the Kuala >■ Lumpur Stock Exchange k yesterday with the number of I J shares traded shown in brae- keu In lots of 1.000 uniu i unless otherwise speclded. INDUSTNIAL* > A.
      1,240 words
    • 121 14 T HB *»">»••■ pa'm Ml mark*! »K*aM vary aailva ovia* I* ra»artad Mk«aatMi wraim Mr Paklataa Ml Will! I Hay BM dlod ••w* wkas Ckaaa** ■>■■! «awa HaHU. I m HIM to MFOPA tka 11 martat waa wnM ir la urn ll«kl of Uawki ««UkH oaaCiMau QnHlHaa UNmu
      121 words
    • 198 14 TIONOKONO and Shanghai Banking Corp said negotiations are proceeding with Triumph Investment Trust of the UK for the acquisition of Triumph's banking subsidiary In a the Channel Islands, Whyte Oasc (Channel Islands.) The Jersey finance and economic committee has indicated that It Is In favour of the proponed
      Reuter  -  198 words
    • 187 14 a SIAN currency deposit Interbank ratca m at CldM on Thursday Aug IS. US DOUAU Oftar BM 7 dajn 11 3 4 11 1 mth U 3 18 IS 11* a mth* UIS It IS 11 It 3 muu IS I/I IS 1/1 6 mth» IS 11
      187 words
    • 23 14 Lnctpor* dollars for Widow Ml Ott«r BM wtmtfhl Its mth US 10\ nUu lIS US mth. UH 10 S rimerM 1114%
      23 words
    • 304 14 Shares in KL resume easier trend TH E Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange resumed its dull and easier pattern of trading after Wednesday's steadiness Uzzled out yesterday on lack of follow -through support. Small selling emerged across a wide front again, causing tiny falls In all sectors of the market. Speculative
      304 words
    • 335 14 fH> US dollar opened steady around overnight level at *****0-4600 on Ihuraday and although there were some buying support in the morning. attributed to cummercia.i demands, It was held below the f 2 4900 level. Dealers feel this Is because there Is an overbought position In Singapore
      335 words
    • 179 14 Tne following an the noirliial average closing interbank rates In Singapore %mtf* jrttr4mj ttntu) parity thmagt US dollar 2 47** 2 4795 2819* 18.09 8WrIln« pound 5 74*0 1 7500 7 346* —31*0 Hongkong dollar 4« 885 48 896 60 51 lit Malaysian dollar 103 60 103 70
      179 words
      • 30 14 Rubber: Aug. 22. Singapore: IC2.M cts (up S.M cts). Malaysia: ***** cts (down 2 5* cts) Tin: $1.216 37* 'up $16,371). Official offering: 2#* tons (down 17 tons).
        30 words
      • 103 14 MINStI MODUCI lICMAMkI V imOPOM MOON CLOSINC obicss rsa hcul viiTinoAv Catamit Oil balk lIJON aalWra. imn |INN acllcra. Caora: Mix** iloaaa) UK/Coot. SUN B. •amjar: Muntek AST A white fab 100« Nl.w S2X7I ftlm. Sarawak whlta fob. N« NLW ST7S aallara. Sarawak aparlal black 'ob. N«i NLW SIM
        103 words
      • 71 14 Waatoaasar r*t4m f UM UtS Sy«aty (1) 104 07 104 4* Lan*aa ih SOB IS* SOB IS* 50* 157.508 B»lnit 157 M 157 SO Maaskaac 15S.N 151.50 Zurirn 133 MB 154. 508 13*308 137.008 Pana 140 M I*2 07 I par* (2) 134 «SB IM JOB 137.068 15*
        71 words
      • 175 14 Straits tin Up $1 0.371 npHE Straits tin price 1 recovered marginally by $10.37| to $1,210,374 In Penang yesterday on an official offering down 17 tons to 206 tons. The overnight London market also showed a steadier tendency with Its forward buyers gaining £5 to £3,625 per metric ton. LONDON:
        175 words
      • 34 14 London coopir prlcaa on W»d a«a*air (pnvwua la krackata) Wirakar spot buyar 17*3 (17*4) aallar (7M iiTNi. Tkraa Momiu burar 17*2 *****) arllar 17*1 il7sji. Mark at lam: Stradr. Sataa: S.SM MM.
        34 words
      • 507 14 AFTER an unchanged opening conditions In the Singapore rubber market yesterday were very quiet but steady supported by further enquiry by the M R.F.8.. for SMR 20 Prices turned marginally lower after noon on lack of trading Interest, est. A steep rise In the afternoon was accounted for
        507 words
      • 112 14 R ud SBR price* iMMd at noon reaUnUy HK.E.LB. BUR bCV BUR »L ■MR I BUR 1* MR M I sm m B-A.«. M JO 3SR SO OH iCwnatMUi (hmrf MUn Bvyw Mkn Bayer* Mhn I«M P« U> (MM* kf) (1 ton p»D*> IMOO 167 00N ISiN
        112 words
      • 217 14 UONOKONO. TTiur*.— enare price* fell n a broad front today oil v* Hongkong exchange In Increased tradln. The Hang seng index dropped 16.37 points to ***** Hongfcaog Baak lost SO cent* to HK816.00 on Its local register and lost 70 cent* to 814 90 on It* London register Other
        217 words
      • 231 14 r>KYO, Thurs. Share prices on the Tokyo Stock market continued to decline on liquidation selling with reluctance reflecting the plunge on Wall Street, and bad company results. The Dow Jones average fell below the 4.100 level to record the year's new low The downward trend. however, moderated towards closing.
        231 words
      • 409 14 MELBOURNE. Thurs The Melbourne stock market moved to sharply higher 1 ground in moderately active trading today with share prices consolidating their food gains in the wake of yestei day's rally. Market leader BHP edged 36 cents higher to ASS 30 before Kit ling at 85 36. while The
        409 words
      • 209 14 AMSTERDAM. Wad. Dutch Internationals closed mixed after an attempt to consolidate yesterdays recovery failed Royal Dwtcb gained on Investor demand and covering purchases PiaUßßs was unchanged on balance and Akro. Haagsnus and L'nUrver losing some ground. Initial firmness was aided by WaU Street tnd London trends. Trading was quiet,
        209 words
      • 131 14 J 2 DR ICH. Wed.- THe I resistance Yesterday was intensified today resulting in stock prices generally main- tainiiig Ihelr le»el. except for bank stocks which suffered saVM i l>M e s Bonds continued their Irregular trend. The Credit 1 Swlsse Index fell OS polnU I to 1953 I
        131 words
      • 394 14 I V«W YORK. Wed— Investors were obviously not encouraged by monthly oo* of living figure, or with a paitul price rollback by Geaaral atsNis Carp and drove stock* tower (or the ninth time In the last 10 ssssk-ns, said market analyst*. The Labour Department reported that consumer price*
        394 words
    • 380 15 ft R O W T H at Shangri-La Hotel appears to have come to a standstill with mid-term unaudited pre-tax profits reaching $2.46 million against $2.42 million in the similar period in 1973. Though this Increase is marginal and Is a sharp contrast to the Jump
      380 words
    • 376 15 AFTER three consecutive years of losses, Far Eastern Hotels Development owners of the Singapore Hilton has turned the corner •Ml pre-tax profits of $146 million for 1973. However, the company Is not out of the woods yet. For the turnaround from the 1972 loss of
      376 words
    • 273 15 BATA (Malaysia) has managed to offset cost Increases with higher sales to such an extent that it has achieved a 14 3 per cent rise in unaudited pre-tax profits to $177 million for the first half-year ended June 1974. Viewed against the sales growth of 26
      273 words
    • 127 15 LOVDON: Tara Exploration, and Development said It baa been forced to suspend operations at Navan In Eire and put the mine development on a "care and maintenance" basis. Tara said It haa been unable to agree on financial terms with the Irish Minister for Induatry and
      127 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 637 15 STATE OF BRUNEI VACANCIES IN THE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT BRUNEI Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill the following vacancies in the Education Department. Brunei. 1. ASSISTANT INSTRUCTOR. CAR PENTARY AND JOINERY: Minimum Qualifications: Must have passed the City and Guilds No 80 or 605 examination or have a
      637 words
    • 574 15 IF YOU ARE CAREER MINDED and possess drive confidence and ability to conduct business with top management, we can offer you a challenging career with one of the largest manufacturers of glass container, tumbler machinery in the world Our office in Singapore require the following:position TECHNICAL SALES ENGINEER AGE 30-35
      574 words
    • 583 15 i '/TvN PUBLIC UTIUTIISW TECHNICAL OFFICERS (CIVIL DRAUGHTSMAN) (SUPERNUMERARY) ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT SALARY SCALE $465 x A2O 505/560 x A2S 660/750 x A 35 1030 QUALIFICATIONS a Technician Diploma in Civil Engineering from the Singapore Polytechnic/Ngee Ann Technical College, or City Guilds Full Technological Certificate or equivalent Entry Point: $465/-; b
      583 words
    • 497 15 *has vacancies ci aadi for the vl/TiDL following posts 1 CORPORATE FINANCE OFFICERS DUTIES: To undertake or assist in (a) the evaluation of loan and investment proposals, and (b) the planning and execution of projects involving stock and share issues, underwriting, mergers and acquisitions. QUALIFICATIONS: Likely to hold university degree
      497 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 644 16 PREQUALIFICATION TO TENDER MARITIME SERVICES CENTRE AIR-CONDITIONING AND VENTILATION INSTALLATION The proposed building approximately 240 metres long. 60 metres wide and 45 metres (12 storey) high is to be located at the former Jardlne Steps and comprises Shops. Offices, Restaurants. Car Parks, etc. The Construction Is of reinforced concrete design
      644 words
    • 560 16 TELECOMMUN CATION AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE TENDER NOTICE A. Tender No. LOG/04/74 Tenders are invited for the purchase of Scrap Materials/Radio Equipment and Scrap Vehicles. Deposit: $1,000/Closing Date: 2 September 1974 Tender documents are obtainable from Logistics Division, sth floor. Orchard Exchange Engineering Centre. Exeter Road during normal office hours. B.
      560 words
    • 877 16 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING BOARD SINGAPORE NATIONAL TRADE TEST GRADE 3 Applications are invited for Grade 3 National Trade Tests which will be conducted in the following trades Duration Trad* Practical Theory A ARC WELDING shrs 2 hrs B ELECTRONIC SERVICING 4 hrs 4 hrs C FURNITURE MAKING 8 hrs 2 hrs
      877 words
    • 509 16 TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited from Registered Contractors of the Jurong Town Corpoiation for the following protects (A) ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION TO HAWKERS' CENTRE AT TOA PAYOH (SUB CONTRACT) ELIGIBILITY Electrical $50 000 and above SHOWROUND 308 74 at 1000 am Meet at JTC Site Office at Braddell Road &Next to
      509 words
    • 501 16 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING BOARD Tenders are invited for the supply of the following: Tender doting Su PP |ie9 Deposit Date 1 Hotel Posting and Acrountlng Machine for Hotel Front Office at Hotel Catering Training School (ITB/HCTS/ 16/74) $250/- IJ.W./1 2 Silverware Utensils for Food Beverage Service for Hotel it Catering Training
      501 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1215 17 CONTAIHERSHIP SERVICE TO U» CONTINENT tfflhour™ E *P rMJ ,VS ,/mt oil" I" istti i«nt is stti nmt ami NtMiutc UPtfss nsm ii sm act i act i act i ici uviapooi ii. ii sm 14 sm it act n act it act n hi iiiino Miau ii sm
      1,215 words
    • 1004 17 iAi BLUE SEA UNE \J/ To U.S. East Coast A Gulf Ports pm. m ,,s ir* '-S'v sn v*u fr c $1 1 pmimiifs Sm t sm il Kintston Mr S «»if.iri ptiiM smn smis pfistMlf act it act it act il Cjrirt'i. tVilrmri|ton. nonsuits act ii mm i a
      1,004 words
    • 1088 17 BBB^BBr^r*^"^^iT«Bßl 10 ItttPl B lUm S HtaiftM Otflaalrt B'ttw AntKtrp I' Mplrmursp F.srMt ao-» Fmm Scaa bit. a Nat. Dtit osm bit 1 snt 4 sm is snt I' sm a sm 11 stti NtMßuac uptiss 11 snt nsm act act 1 act 1 act imipoti in nsm M snt
      1,088 words
    • 975 17 FULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE TO EUROPE ■MBlWlil FM tot ah i ttptn "olttfdtlP, AfßJlttfttofß. lutwwp. If H*vf S", ST",; 8 1 *«*rtaw»Mtaiia.e otut act n ajrlM, Copfnhaftn. GcttieabufE. Hahnoe. mimon Mat i Stockholm. Oslo. Helsinki, UmtPd K:ri(c]orn 1.a.1 ICI a atari FCI 14 tttn FULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE FROM EUROPE •R
      975 words
    • 856 17 5.««.»0.t »*****. P. KfUatf 6J41. XL 27J11; Pt..-, 2SIOI THE BANK LINE LTD. LOAIS ■lit URIC* <IIIU« M>. •»,f. i |t,tt s r 'ItlatlSm •c.iiMx s»• p t,.,, f s my, 7ii sm NiitwiM v t wii-i in kt raaa i •kt ratal usi i si«ia arnci im iuuh auaujk.
      856 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 897 18 UWASAKI KINMI RISEN KAISHA LTD. lAPAN. NONSRONG. STUITS SERVICE lawn Ho-|iy| 5 "|»cr'« P t HISSII I Stpl Japan Arabian Cutt Sarvte* $,<itK«'i rtt fiats raiiaiSNiP nsttt C" -m MjKit DoUi alt o*a» Doka lava.t Japan South Africa Waal Africa Scrvlca S."ta3^'» 'at NiciiKW Miau It USttt Mt tatn *aa:
      897 words
    • 909 18 I M«.^BH.^RRAiTatAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal ICCIPTiat 111 lINIS M NII»T lIOIPMINT fit PMIIIIU SIMPII •INIIIIMISIN lIIIIPIPIN SIMIIINII SiNMUIItINC TltlllN MINIM TfINITI SOIONC WIST lIIIN INI MM Mlla PttTS rma C» UD atftiattita icr tiiaTT itTM paaaraail is aa« l» »ai Wwrw ICI lIIUTT Ktl i' II ate N tat Inttan'l LSI lINTIP St
      909 words
    • 1002 18 UK tUIOPC StKVICI LOADING 'OR LONOCN. ROTTtRDAM, HAMBURG RILBAO Lt HAVRE Mfaatrt Mianf i".nar>| ttndo* I'dt* H'bt'i NIPTUNI SIPPNIIC It It Itf It It lit 11 ISttt IT tttt I tc| |a, riiact miiu n Sttt i ttt i l oct i s tct it tct aam t m SMaajtrt
      1,002 words
    • 852 18 fggSS SEIWCE TO LOHHII. LlffßfMl/COIITHKIIT PORTS 'I v s-n: r a>'»r| .;t luMj far lUKCI IINJONC J IStM UllSttt IlliSttt l.Ha.rr 10 L HOI J 1!. NtHirf f turn \t ii IUNtI Mil tllStat I] It St*< lIIIS.It Nil Sttl P. Itao 1»'19. I'Ma tl »'IO ream Tt !0. I
      852 words
    • 677 18 THE PONT OF SINOAPONE PORT KLANG OTMOPtITY ANNOUHCfO j^,,, p,,,, the FOLLOWING B«P1TMIMO ,tv Kalryu AftHANGEMEHTS POM AUO 23 Tl.l OUT ivnlrxli 3 4 AnnJ S h«i Jt-n, I Krutin Bakke 6 Tokala 2-T Moftfl Sh<H Mount A«o 2» 30 Tovo Maru No > Dua I and Barer Hal Llan
      677 words

  • 87 19 WELL ESTABLISHED LADIES' BOUTIQUE Approx 400 sq.ft. Orchard Road area. ror takeover rental fully furnished without stock For further detaHa appry S.T. Sea A9lS3* OO~YOU HI I'D expert and qualiried advice on your skin? Then consult Louise Klerk medically trained beauty therapist with 25 years tropical experience, at Hotel
    87 words
  • 17 19 Religious Announcements SALE NOW ON AT Christian Book Centre Suite 122-125 Peace Centre Sophia Road. Tel: *****2
    17 words
  • 33 19 MADAM LIE SIEW HE NO alias Mrs Lily Shanmugam of 30, Hranksome Road passed away pescefully on* 22nd August 1974 leaving behind her husband and daughter Slta cremated on the same day
    33 words
  • 27 19 THE FAMILY OF TMI late Soh Peck Boh nee Nr Bee Sang thank relatives, friends for their assistance, attendance, wreaths, donations, condolences during their recent bereavement
    27 words
  • 26 19 CHIA CHIN SOON called home 23 8 6(1 The passing years nave not diminished Our cherished memories of a loving and devoted father husband
    26 words
  • 27 19 SO 8 SAMARITANS OF L SINGAPORE -Troubled? Discouraged' 1 Ring 91-44-44 or ***** day or night Help Is as near I a.i the telephone Call at
    27 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 428 19 classified ads gg EU to Susan and Raymond a baby boy on 22.8 74. brother to Kevin Orateful thanks to doctor and stafr of Mt Alvernia. LOH: To Frank and Lilian a baby girl on 22 8 74 Orateful thanks to obstetrician and staff of Mount ProfosslosssU YOUNG COMPANY REQUIRES
      428 words
    • 744 19 ■sfsis^al and O«rt«jgu ESTABUSMCO COMPANY In DUtrtct 1 requires Receptionist cam Telephone Operator ft one Typist Application* giving full parUcu..?h and ry r ulr «l togetner i r c *ru non-returnaole photograph to 9M. Asia Insurance Building. Spore 1 'AR lAST "■^■SINTATTVI OFFICE OP BMHART CORPOfUrToN urgently require* a SECRETARY
      744 words
    • 658 19 NEWLY ESTABLISHED BUSINISS concern requires female clerk/ typist Enclose one (non-return-able) photograph to P.O. Bos 3893 S pore 2 Please state salary expected H FYNHOUT FAR lAST PTS. LTO. Invite applicants from Singapore Citizens for the post of ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT QUALIFICATION/ EXPERIENCE 1 Possess LCC Higher Accounting or equivalent 2
      658 words
    • 627 19 iwtsrauts Pt*. Ltd In vitas application* for Bess* ReareoentaSva* to market a wide range of product*. Applicants must be welleducated, presentable and preferably with own transport. Apply ln writing with photograph to: InMrsjuM Pto. L»*\, B» *sxsU tstsxl BTlrmir SINGAPORE. 9. AN EXPANDING COMPANY REQUIRES Ssles Olrls to promote consumer
      627 words
    • 633 19 MALI LABORATORY TECHNICIAN REQUIRED Completed National Service minimum qualification OCE 3 O Level Pleas* apply personally at 281Q Selegle Complex 15th Floor. Singapore 7. Applicants are requested to bring along their relevant document SORttSO BSRMAO requires:TEMPORARY FILM LABORATORY TECHNICIAN (a) Primary secondary education in English stream ib) Preferably with knowledge
      633 words
    • 717 19 CLERK-OP-WORK* with 3 year* minimum experience required for projects under construction Salary commensurate with experience and Qualifications Please apply v S T Box A*l«3l INDUSTRIALISM BUILDING SYSTEM (PTB) LTD (In Beds* New Town) invites suitably qualified applicant to fill the following post Immediately: TECHNICAL OFFICER (2 vacancies) Singapore CMxen Should
      717 words
    • 792 19 ASSISTANT STOWKIIPBR REQUIRED. Job involves Supervision of income and out -going good* and stock records. Apply with photograph to Assistant Manager Shrtro (China) Ltd PO Box 18W Spore 1 WANTED (11 DELIVERY CLERK with Ckus In driving licence (2) Apprentices age above 17. Ring *****5/ ***** PHILIPS requires 1 ACCOUNTS
      792 words
    • 710 19 OFFICE SOY WANTED Must be able to ride a motor-bike or drive a ear Apply 26 Toh Crescent, off Chang! Road 12 mt. Spore 17. EXPERIENCED DRIVER WANTED Apply personally at 3-O. Chow House 3rd Floor. 140/2. Robinson Road Spore Tel *****7 DUtrtct 14. IS. 16 17 A large contracting
      710 words
      718 words
    • 849 19 FOS OUICK LUNCH Reservation, visit Lai Wan Restaurant ir. 0^* 1 Btt (ircon) Tel *****03 *****94 Branch Block 44. 1136 Bendemeer Road (Alrcon Tel *****60/ *****61 PRINCE ROOM RMTAURAnT" (2nd Fleer. Selegle Compla*) HONOKONO tim -SUM FROM 8 A M CATERB FOR ALL FUNCTIONB STEAMBOAT GARDEN (3rd Floor. S sisal*
      849 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 782 20 IDENCE ANO MMIir»WTW«: A rive-Month practical courte P^P**?* Sent, to wnu fo^^^f 1 commercial lett*r and reports i On juccessful completion School Certificates will be •>»«r<"< l Days Times Saturday* 4 0 pm.' Sunday* II P, m and Thurtday* So l 30 o m Commencing slh Bth SS^ZESs s^oo 0
      782 words
    • 929 20 NEW SOCIAL OANCMO CLASS (or beginners rommf ncing 6 00 p m tonight Contact Sunny Low (MNATD London), Pohian Dancf Studio. ***** GUARANTEED TUITION IN MATMt MATICS. Science. English Physics. Chemistry. MeUJwork Theory. Technical Dra»lng Primary Three Secondary Four Write to qualified tutor Jimmy Tan 70 Jilan Naung. S'por«. 19
      929 words
    • 991 20 COLT QALANT OTO December 1973 one owner with alrcondllloner and many accMaorlM. ImmirultU condition foing for highest offer Tel ***** David 1(73 FIAT 1M Sport* or Maada <m both alrcon tape/ radio. iporU rims, highest offer rlnf Mr Tan MMI/SMM7 I*7l 1 OWNCR Mercedes Bern MO Up top condition with
      991 words
    • 731 20 M Bo#i Accessories and B^vsbunwil tNTIMIAIHNt COMPANY steering wheels. bll(e pumps, searchllf hts. marine refrigerators, horns, anchor, skiropes accessories. Campari Inflatable boau. ymchtlrtf shoes. Talurlt wire rope mechanical splice and many other essential boat/ yacht parts available For your requirements please call at M 7 Gsrtsnfl Road (LaroftgH) S'pon 14.
      731 words
    • 760 20 AT YOUR PLACE WtLL-TRAINEO and experienced Masseur/ MfLstruie Phone ***** for appointment (1100 am t.M p m FLEMINOO MASSAGE STUDIO (Opposite Mandarin Hotel) Operates from 10 am to p.m Sundays to 6 p m Singapore *****1 JEUNESSC ET MAUTt for your scientific relaxing massage, sauna baths, spotrtduelng and physlo-therapeutlc treatments
      760 words
    • 660 20 ACM* Alft-CONOmONOft twincool re rtigerator special discount for cuh Trad* In f 120/- upward! Servicing/ repair -rental HI -Cool Air-condmonlng Refrigeration (Pte) Ltd 234 Victoria Street. Spore 7 Tel: *****6 AH KIIW AIRCONOITIONING REFRIGERATION Service *peciallst In sale, repairing, reapraylni and rental Tel 542*4 REMOVAL SERVICE. DaUun Ptckup or Lorry
      660 words
    • 684 20 PON SALC RENTAL HIM pur- I chase and repairs Indaatt Oa» Cookers Sltal washing ramchtnt*. Metric chest fraeatn and other appliances For enqulrtw contact Prestige Electrical Company Tel *****1 Authorised Distributors for the above products. Price* are reasonable. MWWtO MACHINE. Singer Jade Lady Hardly used Selling for MOO/- on o
      684 words
    • 773 20 LATEST WMQIOAim. OINERAL ■LICTWC. Westlnghouse. Hotpoint. Phllco. Norac. Aetna and Pan Electric. 110/220 volt* AC SO/80 cycle*, twin-doors and fro«t free rcfng«raton. available at Slncapore Refrigeration Company 11/ m International Building Tel *****8/ *****6/ *****0/*****2 KM SALE lien.*, freeser upright door. 110 volt* 250 yard* very special fabric, for aircraft
      773 words
    • 778 20 BUNOALOWS: Raffles Pmrk SI 700; Ban Oum Park $1,500. Seletar Hills 11.400. Changi Orove 200; Paslr RU $1,200. Pongfol It SO Semi-detached Putr RU facing beach $650. Bedokvllle $M» Seranioon Oarden $500. JUletar Hills $450 Serene Realty 7.'491 *****3 «'«KTMINM OfF STEVENS ROAD 3 bedrooms attached builtin wardrobe*, living' dining
      778 words
    • 786 20 LINDIN OHIVI central alrcori i •> bungalow $3,200 Balmoral Road colonial $2,500 Coronation Road West modern $2,200 House* Thomson Oreen brand neiir many extras 1900 11.200 Faber Drive 11.200 Lucky Heights $650 Jervols Close beautifully furnished apartment $1,000 Please phone *****.1 CENTRALLY AIRCONOITIONED APARTMENT with swimming poo* dttt 9 four
      786 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 625 21 times friday properties AIP.IINE ENGINEER ONE CHILD requires accommodation Dlst in 11 20. 21. 28 Other areas con- „,r«l *****1 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING COMPANY seeks housi < In dlsts 9 10 11. 21 for their personnel company budget $2,000 000 owners. 2SSS2SO ext 42 EUROPEAN COUPLE WITH 7 CHILDREN REQUIRE IMMEDIATELY
      625 words
    • 809 21 COMPLCTION SEMIDETACHED split-level 2-storey bungalow 2-> miles from Johore Bahru Town Reasonable o'lei accepted Call Spore ***** BEDOK 2-STORCV SEMI-DE-TACHED 4.000 sq ft 4 rooms, ser vant s quaaers. 2 big halls, r *^^*"o. mosaic throughout b f» < u i>Jul tarden. renovation' $145.000 furnished *****8. *****2 ■W-— L^m\ MaatMH
      809 words
    • 796 21 NEWLY COMPLETED APARTMENT Faber Hills SI 10.00. Renovated Apartment Calrnhlll 595.000. Blnf le-storey Serancoon Oarden $85,000 *****55 MANAOMM OtmCTOK of International Petroleum Company requires 2-storey bungalow Oood surroundings. 3-brdrooms. lounge separate dining room, modern kitchen and 2 servant's rooms. Large garden and patio for entertainment Write to -ST. Box *****
      796 words
      569 words
    • 243 21 PEOPLE'B ABSOCATION HENDERSON COMMUNITY CENTRE TENDER NOTICE Tenders are Invited from approved Contractors for the erection and completion of: A Community Centre at Buklt Merah View for the People's Association Detail drawings, specification and full particulars may be Inspected at the Architects' Office during the office hours or obtained on
      243 words
    • 760 21 SENIOR MARKETING EXECUTIVE TEXTILE MACHINERY CIRCA HKSI OO.OOO PER ANNUM PLUS EXPATRIATE BENEFITS THE COMPANY is a wholly owned subsidiary of a large multinational trading organization with headquarters in Europe. The parent company has wide and diversified interests in the Far East. THE SENIOR MARKETING EXECUTIVE will report to the
      760 words
    • 696 21 HOUSING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD Separate tenders are Invited for any one or all of the following: -(IIERECTION AND COMPLETION of One Block of 12-Storey Improved 2-Room Flats: One Block of 12-Btorey New 4-Room Flats; 2 Blbcks of 12-Storey New 3- Room Flats and One Block of 12-Storey New 3Room Flats
      696 words
    • 708 21 MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT SINGAPORE y Tenders are Invited from t* PWD Registered Con- tractors and from "Specially Registered Contractors" for the following works: (I) Kirn Chuan Sewage Treatment Works Modifications/ Improvements and East Works Stage II Extenaions-Contract XC 11/ 2A-Pumping Machinery. All Mechanical Engineering Contractors. Cloainc Date: Thursday, 24-10-74
      708 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 646 22 11/.^ J I Bssi "I i I ssV fiv^J invites applications for the following executive appoirrtrnentt TRAINING OFFICER Reports to the Group Assistant Managing Director. Liaises with subsidiary companies in the PERNAS Group to determine training needs. Responsible for organising internal training courses and for arranging attendance by executives and
      646 words
    • 488 22 A newly established Golf Ball Factory at Senawang. Seremban, In rites applications for the post of MECHANICAL FITTER (3 VACANCIES) The Man 1. Age above 22 years 2. Will Work on shifts Qualifications L.C.E. and 1.T.1 Certl- flcate of Proficiency Experience In General Mechanics or equivalent. At least two years
      488 words
    • 503 22 Due to future expansion ■RISTOW HELICOPTERS MALAYSIA SDN. BMD. Have vacancies in the following positions PILOTS Should hold or be capable of obtaining a Malaysian ATPL/H endorsed for S6lNs and/or Bell 2125. ENCINEERS Should have at (east three years practical experience on helicopters. Please apply to: The Managing Pilot, Bristow
      503 words
    • 790 22 PERBADANAN PEMBANGUNAN BANDAR PENOAFTARAN SEBELUM TAWARAN I. Tawaran akan dipelawa untuk keria-keria kontrek kecil (Sub-Contract) yana berikut untuk Ctdangan Bangunan Cahav* Suna di Bulatan |»Un Pudu, Kuala Lumpur: a. Mete! Windows and Panels and Glazing b. Aluminium roller shutters, aluminium ihopfronts and glazing c. Metal louvred screens. d. Aluminium sunscreen.
      790 words

    • 494 23 Weakened Leeds sink to the bottom LONDON, Thurs. English League soccer champions Leeds United, who went 29 games without defeat at the start of last season, last night lost their second match of the new campaign. Beaten 3-0 by Stoke City In Saturday's opening game they went down 1-0 to
      Reuter  -  494 words
    • 249 23 Turrail, US best are also after new times NEW YOBK, Than. —Australian teenX Jenny Turrail. owns two world records, expects to be Involved In another world record race today at the National Amer c I a n Athletic Union (AAU) swimmlng championships at Concord in California. "In the 4Mm freestyle,
      249 words
    • 191 23 TOP SEEDINGS FOR TENNIS SWEETHEARTS NEW YORK. Thurt Tennii sweethearts Jimmy Connors and Chris Evert axe the topseeds in the singles In the U.S. Open championships at Forest Hill here, starting on Aug. 96. The tournament Is the richest In history, with a purse of U*****.000 (about 5M7.000). The winners
      191 words
    • 90 23 ADELAIDE. Thurs.— Australian Oeoff Hunt ttas world's top rankad player, had a comfortable s-j. »-4 |»i|> through his men's iwnlaaaonal quarter -teal match against feUow Victorian T. wuigem In the Australlan Open Squash Championships h«« last night The worlds sasand ranked player. Oagl Alauddin of
      90 words
    • 24 23 MOfIOOW, Thun The Soviet Unton beat tbe United States 1-1 <l»-7, I*-1, 11- I*. 16-7) in their volleyball match bare today Keuter
      Reuter  -  24 words
    • 283 23 Two more world records by East German girls "17TKNNA, Thurs. Roeemarte Kother of last Oennany, act a world record In the heats of the women's 100 metres butterfly at the European swimming championships here yesterday with a time of lm Ototf. The 18-year-old girt smashed the record of ***** set
      Reuter  -  283 words
    • 107 23 DIO OB JANEIRO. Than. Waknr Pwntra-fllek-named DKn— u likely to be the new trainer of BrasU's football team in wihihbHii to Mario ZagaJo. bald responsible bar* tor losing Brasll this year's World Cup. Silvio Pacbecouj. acting prssKlatit of tbs BraaUaan Sports Confederation, said he felt Didi.
      107 words
    • 94 23 OHDGH. Than. Colin Cowdrey, former afkod Test cricket captain, att Ms 106 th omaUxrj list Jay •coring m (or Kant against Yorkshire Cbwdxwy was at the wtoket tor as* minutes and bit IT (ours In a flawless «««t"f n was hU fifth century this MaSouth African-bora Basil DXNtvelra
      94 words
    • 460 24  - Napoleon Solo a picture on the track EPSOM JEEP By IPOH. Thurs. Napoleon Solo 11, one of the top fancies in the Sultan's Gold Vase on Sunday, looked a picture when taken out for a canter over the Vase course today. Napoleon Solo n arrived from Penang only on Wednesday.
      460 words
    • 579 24 BACK 1 t.« Claaa S Dlt S— SP 1 Bcaale*! Pat t.M U Johnaea 1 t Geargy Pargy S.M Aaawa« It S Glorify II 1.17 BaJee 4 Carryaaae 111 Ckbaa S I C be. Neva 111 T. Taa S 5 Glli-aadra lac Pijajm I 7
      579 words
    • 541 24 SACS 1 MS CLAM S MT. 1 »r 1 Chaka#» U M Arlffln 4 SeJrt S «ay»l FVaaia 111 MeCtane 4 Mnlitia fIS ntaaha Naceya Prte> IN M. Übmll s^««. 55 «er is ntsr fc n ts s=lS>ralcUara TUa CaJa. THsMy. Paclfk Barn. BACK I US CLAM S
      541 words
    • 206 24 The Scout of Daily Express dies v ONDON. Than. Can Grakaja. aaa cf Britain's eeet-aaewn raelag Ear—Mala. «laa hare yaateraay after a teag aped la hcapHal fallen tag a ear acaHaal. He was SI. Mr. Graaaiu ajiata far the Leaaea Dairy Bspraaa aaaar Uae aaeae ef Tto regalarly far Ike
      206 words
    • 214 24 Anji scores shock win in the Ebor I ONDON, Thurs. Anjl, a 20 to 1 out- sider, scored a shock win In the Ebor Handicap, Britain's richest handicap horse race, at York yesterday. Storming up on the rails In the closing stages of the 14f race. Anjl grabbed a purse
      214 words
    • 28 24 NAPm (New Zealand). Thura. The touring Fijian Rugby Union team beat Hawka'i Bay by 28 potnU to 21 here today, after leadIng 12-S at halftJmo Rcutcr
      28 words
    • 99 24 SINGAPOBC Amateur Cyellng Asaoelatton has sasprnded Nattonal eycltote Saileh All. A. ■■b—aa Sharifl. Laa Wah Kirn aaa He Wai Seea fer sU month. They were jaipiaiU fer abeenUng IbiaiiMliH from the Nattonal Day panuto en Aag. I. A nfth cyclist. Lee (boon KUt, who alee inlesil
      99 words
    • 69 24 NTW YORK. Thun.—Result* of yesterday'! major league baseball game* Natlanal League: Los Angela* 7 Chicago 5. Atlanta. 5 St. Louis 4. Pittsburgh 4 San PrmncUco 2. Philadelphia 10 Cincinnati 3. Montreal I San Diego 7. New York Met* 10 Houston 2. American Leagve: Boston 4 Chicago 0.
      69 words
    • 421 25  -  ALBERT JOHNSON By r*REW-CUT Khoo Teng Chuan, who withdrew from the Asian Oames trials to concentrate on his GCE examinations, and the Asian Age Group gold medallist Yeo Tseng Tsal yesterday smashed National marks In winning their events at the flve-natlop Schools
      421 words
    • 124 25 f ONDON. Thurs. Majld Khan rave Pakistan a flying start to the Third and final cricket Ttot against Bngland at The Oval today At lunch, the Pakistanis were 111-1 with the elegant Majld 06 not out and Zaheer Abbas 16 not out A mg total la In prospect
      124 words
    • 277 25 Beys Senior 400 m free 1 Khoo Teng Chuan (8) 3 Mark Chan (S) 3 Liew Chun Wai (M) 4:88.1 (meet and Spore record) 300 m breast 1 Wong Ylk Heam (M) 3 Ha Kir NJan (I) 3 H Krtstanto <ii 2 44.0 (rec> 100 m back
      277 words
    • 718 25  - Malaysia take clear lead as HK crash ERNEST FREDA My MALAYSIA shook off Hongkong and became clear leaders by five strokes, with an aggregate of 455, at the halfway stage of the Southeast Asia team championship for the Putra Cup at Bukit course yesterday. Hongkong, who surprised all with their
      718 words
    • 143 25 AsnuN. of ladon— created a sttr when be took second spotJnUirateliers auaUfylng round of the Bingapore InternaUonal BowUng" championships at Jackie? Bowl Orchard J*****: Aslkln. a straggler until yesterday found nU touch to roU 1323 pintails to finish behind Australia's Terry Wenban. who Is leading with 1888.
      143 words
    • 43 25 DARUL AFIAH. who were beaten In the PAS League Drvlatan Three semifinal on Wednesday, yesterday qualified for the final of the Dr. Lee Chlaw Mscg Cup wapttttlon. besting Ooean 1-0 at Psnw Park. Ismail Kaasan seared a first half penalty.
      43 words
    • 198 25 OTJTRAM Secondary School are strongly placed for honours after the third race of the Junior Sailing Club's Student Lark Championship at Changl, reports PETER SIOW. Tan Joon Iteng and Loh Kwan Boh, Leow Cheng Hong and Koh Tee Kiat and Pannlselvam and Slew Bhaw Her. all
      198 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 560 23 INVITATION TO TENDER BUILDING CONTRACTORS Contractors who are interested to tender for the Construction and Completion of Proposed Housing Scheme on Lots 5202 Mukim of Setapak, Kuala Lumpur which comprises of 57 Units of Detached Houses and 42 Units of Terrace Houses, are invited to register with the Office of:
      560 words
    • 356 23 TAWARAN MIMIEKALKAN ALAT-ALAT PERKAKAS DAN KELENCKAf AN MAKMAL SAINS TAWARAN adalah dipalawa untuk membekalkan alat-alat perkakas dan kelengkapao makmal kepada Maktab Rendah Sains MARA. Seremban. Kota Bharu dan Kuantan. Butir-butir lanjut dan dokumen-dokuman tawaran boleh didapati dan Bahagian Latihan MARA. Tingkat 3. Bangunan MARA. 232. Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman. Kuala
      356 words
    • 543 23 "KENYATAAN TAWARAN IBU PEJABAT JKR. TAWARAN darlpada Pemborong Pemborong yang berkelayakan akan dl terltna dl Pejabat Ketua Pengarah Kerja Raya, Semenanjung Malaysia, Jalan Tun Ismail, Kuala Lumpur hlngga pukul 12.00 tengah hart pada shb Sept. 1974 untuk CADANftAN PUSAT LATIHAN PENYIARAN NEGARA, ANGKASAPURI, KUALA LUMPUR SUB-CONTRACT FOR SUPPLY tt INSTALLATION
      543 words
    • 1031 23 LEMBACA LETRIK NEGARA, TANAH MELAYU OVERALL BANGSAR DEVELOPMENT TUKR FOR PHASE 111 CONTRACT 3 External Works Tenders are Invited from Contractors who are suitably registered with .he Lembaga Letrtk Negara, Tanah Melayu for the execution of the above mentioned Works, consisting of Demolition of Old Stores, etc, and construction of
      1,031 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 38 23 9OWUKQ ■npynrji Bowl Oreterd) swnanwo aeiioote mtwmtlaaftl (Km r%yah 1J»). (MU Putn Cup («0D 12 JO DJB.) •OCC«m AUPS taarm. BMOt: Vantty T >l— nfti H«»p(Ul. Pin Brt«md* T TAB rVkmr v%i% pa). RBKlMMMt: !■>!■ (F Fftft »1» pj».).
      38 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 621 24 CLEANER FASTER WITH THE POWERFUL Hi~Air~Flo INDUSTRIAL s VACUUM CLEANER ff This Hi Air Flo System uses a cat. no. A ji moulded turbine to move a 5437 tmaaaJH fl larger volume of air with greater suction. Cleans up M^ J faster and picks up laiger and heavier objects. w
      621 words
    • 134 24 Does the Vitamin Tonic you give your children contain all these 4^ essential vitamins M Check this list t* VITAMIN A for clear, sparkling eyes VITAMIN B1 for extra strength and energy VITAMIN B 2 for correct blood development VITAMIN C for building resistance to illness VITAMIN D for strong,
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 284 25 THIS WEEK IK TIME wHe!s^b^BaiZi"l i 111 I' J 11 j I 1,1 J STARfTt*QTHSWEB< SPECIAL SUMMARY OF KEY STORES President Ford makes a fast, clean start and the U.S. breathes easy again. The agony of a divided Cyprus. Assassination in South Korea. The latest Russian sax manual. Plus two
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  • 290 26 Elusive luxury homes 'cat burglar' arrested nOLJCE have detain•l cd an elmsive "cat burglar," who has been breaking Into luxury homes In the Orchard and Quernstown areas since 1972. The burglar, whose favourite mode of entry was by scaling ever balconies, was arrested on Wednesday morning while trying to sneak
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  • 71 26 Pak hope on zone IBLAMABAD. Thurs. Pakistan hopes India— which "tptoded an underrround nuclear denoe earlier this y«*r win not object to IU call tor the United Nations to declare South Ada an ■toro-free aotw. official sources said today Pakistani Pord«n Bacfwtary Afha Hhahl asked DW flecre-tary-Oanaral Kurt Waldhatm tn
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 26 26 LONDON. Thtnv— Th« OS dollar climbed stronfly at the •xpensa of the pound today end Improved against most ?e!i < *_0Fi rMICl e». OoW prlc*
    26 words
  • 39 26 SIAN VSW M*««, U. 1 ST-C. Km xm, mv.m <n>. pum «m MMMttUy Jt/S/74 lMna« k*M «w< mm KM Turn. C*mt ■a*. *Mwkt« Tit Baa, mm ZZi I* 4 S»*»**M«M*r. Oarus* *~*m Mount V«m 1 Ml li Hi
    39 words
  • 165 26 Israelis: Missile attack a threat to troop accord- rL AVIV, Thurs. Israeli officers said today that an Egyptian missile attack against a patrolling war plane threatened to undermine the six-month-old agreement separating opposing armies In the Sinai Desert. "We have an agreement," a military source here said. "If they fire,
    UPI  -  165 words
  • 66 26 LONDON. Thurs Nearly 100 people wen detained in an all-day raid tn and around London by Scotland Yard potto* yesterday, believed to -bs aimed at the city's "underworld" crime network. Some 3M potto* from th* Yard's serious c runes squad. nicknamed the gsnebust•rs", took part tn
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 51 26 BAN QUKNTIK (California,). Than. A flan Quratln prison correctional officer m wounded yesterday when a convict hurled apaar. mad* from rotlad newspaper* and a sharpened toothbrush, at him. Priaon orflelab said O W Lawaon suflsiwd minor injuries. They idsnOflad his saaaUaru as Oeofft Warren. St. a eonvtcttd ssiuraswr
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  • 261 26 20,000 to beat back threat to Phnom Penh PHNOM PENH. Thurs About 30.000 Cambodian troops today launched an operation to push back a large Insurgent task force threatening Phnom Penh, military sources said. The sources said government troops, supported by two squadrons of armoured cars, were spreading out on the
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  • 303 26 Whitlam: Nonsense, I'm not quitting /CANBERRA, Thurs. v> Prime Minister Oough WhlUam today laughed off speculation that he was about to resign. "It's nonsense. I'm not quitting," Mr. WhlUam told newsmen aa he strode through the Federal Parlfa m c n tary Buildings here. The Sydney evening newspaper. The Sun.
    Reuter  -  303 words
  • 59 26 TOKYO. Thurs. Kuwait has asked for CO par cent participation in th* Arabian OU Company. Japanese incorporated organisation in which the country now owns a 10 per cant interest, the company said today. The iiqusat was made last Tuesday to Mr. Yosfalhiaa ojimi. Iks in— Maul
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  • 28 26 washinoton. Thar*. President Port underwent an early-morning physical checkup today, and was pronounced in fin* snap* by his new personal physician.— AP. (See Pag* I).
    AP  -  28 words
  • 88 26 HEATHROW RENEWS ANTIGUERILLA MEASURES LONDOM. British tree** In "/■•■r*d troop earners and Jeep* moved into London airport fer the first time 'n twe months la a renewal o f aaU-gae-rl Ha measures An airpert spokesman said the reapaearajsee ef the the first tlase since late Jane was "a continuation
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    • 391 26 gggaj *as B aVJ Feature- pecked! If more could be added into a portable cassette/ radio it has y«t to be invented! Features include: 4-band radio. Variable monitoring. Cassette recording and playback. A Pause button. Fadjhin/fade out mike-mixing. »FM stereo with Stereocast. •A memory counter. •Built-in condensor-mike. •A Review tautton.
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