The Straits Times, 22 August 1974

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 19 1 RECEIVED 7YAUG.W4 mCSm Issslaa The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 8 1 Style points to same killer of two girls
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  • 322 1  -  PAUL WEE DETECTIVES yesterday launched an island-wide hunt for a sexfiend following the macabre discovery of a schoolgirl's skull in secondary jungle oft Old Upper Thomson Road on Tuesday. Veteran police officers think he is also responsible for another rape and murder where the skeletal remains
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  • 56 1 BONN. Wed.— ltalian diplomatic sources said yesterday that West Oermany was ready to help Italy out of the wont of Its economic difficulties with a bilateral finance credit The sources were commenting on the two-hour consultauons yesterday between West German Finance aßnlster Hans Apel and
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  • 22 1 Nil DELHI. Wed— lndia hat Imposed a one-year ban on the use of cement for non-fseentlal construction andJoad building.— UPll
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  • 241 1 Call for 25,000 US troop. cuts in xxold WASHINGTON. Wed. The Senate Appropriations Committee yesterday called for a reduction of 25.000 US servicemen stationed overseas, preferably In Asia. It was believed to be the first time any of the four Congressional committees that oversee toe military had voted such a
    Reuter  -  241 words
  • 66 1 MANILA. Wed TIM Philippines lowrnnunt mtardajr extended unUl February. l*7*. hnmemwtnt profraaune grantlnf air (arc dlacount* and other tnMnUm to oi' si seas FlUptnoa vuiun« their homeland, "It cannot be dented that the programme ha* been a r— winding success," aald Pi— ldsnt Ferdinand Mareoe. Sine* it tv
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  • 216 1 NKW YORK. Wed— Dow Jones averages, baaed on first hour of trading on the New Tort Stock Exchange: SO Indus TUt* down JJI 10 tranap IMJt up olt IS utlla «T6 down OJt; nocks »0M down a.M— DPI. grlly last night to reports from Tokyo that the Japanese
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  • 39 1 NYW YORK. Wed Two people la ■Hssamiil have been charged In a scheme to smuggle Uouor to Inmates at the state Tail by running a U-tneh boas through a first-floor window to Oh prisoner**, police said— AP
    AP  -  39 words
  • 49 1 SEOUL, Wednesday gOUTH Korean Prime Minister Kirn Jong Pi I has given a new twist to the strained relations with Japan by holding it responsible for last Thursday s attempt by a Korean gunman to assassinate President Park Chung Hee. Mr. Kirn reacted an-
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  • 87 1 TAIPING. Wad. A ■Bsafcar of the arearlty f •reea wa» killed aad two •then lnjared by hawhy traps near Grla, hi Up** r Perak, yesterday. Tatj were eperaUns In the jwagle aemr the east weat highway project wham the Incident seemB The lmjaraw
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  • 60 1 Snap— then girl shot dead SECONDS after this picture was taken, the girl on the right was dead, cot down by the hold-up man's gun. The picture, taken by the bank's hidden camera, shows lt-year- old Connie Adams of Kalamaboo, Michigan, facing her killer FBI and local police officers are
    UPI  -  60 words
  • 27 1 WASHINOTON. Wed. The united States Senate today narrowly defeated an attempt to cut OStlt* milBon (SM7f million) from military akt to South Vietnam AP.
    AP  -  27 words
  • 280 1 Turkey orders UN forces out VICOSIA. Wed. Turkish forces have ordered the UN peacekeeping contingent out of the Famagusta district on the east coast of Cyprus, a United Nations spokesman said today. The United Nations Is seeking clarification of the order, he said. In an Interview In Nicosia, the TurklshCyprlot
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  • 75 1 TOKYO, Wed An air and sea search has produced no trace of II missing crewmen from the Stngaporereflstered freighter Toulouse which sank In rough sea east of Taiwan today, the Marltime Safety Agency here said Only three of the 34 crew were picked up by
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  • 65 1 BETRUT (Lebanon). Wed. Klnc Faisal of Saudi Arabia and United Arab Bnlrate's President Sheikh Zayed Ben Sultan signed an agreement today ending the oldest border dispute In the Arab world. The accord defined (or the flret time the border between the two countries on the Persian
    AP  -  65 words
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  • 23 1 WASHINGTON, Wad. President Ford will rtaMy seek election U7« far a fall fearyear tens, the White Hexsas said teday.
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  • 35 1 Talks to resuae NEW DELHI. Wed. Pakistan and India have agreed to resume the rwriHattai talks whteh Pakistan brake on* la anger at India's May It nuclear teat blast. Foreign Ministry ssireea here reported, AT.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 33 1 ESH^is Mini Premier Store Bata Building 119 NORTH BRIDGE RD. SINGAPORE 8 One flit, they're QpaQv K^y New Super El ".I Formula Rt flit Morepower<™<*m* fulthanever before. HARMFUL ONIYTO llNotl/10. Main Distributor' 'scstsorrsMßisyißhd.
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    • 77 1 WARNING TO PORT USERS ON BRIBES -Paga It US power mast be second to none 3 MILLION homeless after floods t TEMPORARY shelters far Jobless urged USE CCs to help disabled eaU FENCE smashed with arrest of leader I WHY senior staff cannot Jola onion EXTRADITION rii accord an poinU
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    • 135 1 I r#r: Swkte rule for I £§3 on Weld works I AvaiM>)«*t all laeding detrimental itont wall "I fixed deposit investment CCS offer sound dependable investment savings opportunity FIXED DEPOSITS. security j<. CCS is owned by The f\ Chartered Bank. Australian f\ *yn M Guarantee Corporation Ltd, V"* M and
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  • 202 2 THE 21st Century family should have only two children, the US Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, Dr. Casper Weinberger, proposed to the World Population Conference here yesterday. Dr. Weinberger said that all countries of the world should convince their populations in the next 25 years to adopt the goal
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  • 96 2 PANAMA CITY. Wed. The amount of food produced for each person fell in more than half the countries of Latin America between I*7l and 1973. an FAO official said here today. Mr. Armando Samper of Cols—Ma, the FAO s regional representative, told a conference
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 266 2 Call for 2-child family by the next century BUCHAREST, W«d. India's Minister of Health and Family Planning, Dr. Karan Singh, spoke for most of the developing world when he declared: "It seems Inescapable that affluent countries will have to take a searching look at their own economies." Mr. Rafael Salas,
    Reuter; NYT  -  266 words
  • 124 2 PLUMBERS CHIEF OFFERED JOB BY AG SEATTLE, Wed Mr. Egll Krogh. who led the White House "plumbers" Investigative unit, has been offered a job in the state Attorney-Oen-eral's office. What the Job would be. however, depends on the outcome of proceedings before a three- member trial committee appointed by the
    AP  -  124 words
  • 61 2 MELBOURNE. Wed -Australian trade unions yesterday called off their ban Imposed on French shipping t^+^utf of Prance's nuclear lasts In the South Pacific Aiu trails n Council of Trade Union* president Bob Hawke •aid It had bean decided to lift the two- month -long ban
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  • 246 2 Donations 'trickle in* for Haldeman defence fund WABHINOTON. Wed. Blzable donations to a new defence fund for former Presidential assistant H R Haldeman are "Just starting to trickle In," and the prospects art •encouraging" according to fond trustee, Wayne Ortflln. Mr. Griffin said that be had already received about 10
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  • 59 2 LOURXNCO MARQUES Wed. A coloured Acting Oovmor-Oonstml of afosunMqut *v sworn la here yesterday amid demonstrations calling for Immediate Independence for the Portufuear territory. The now Oovemor-Oanarmi. Dr. Ferrc Rlb-iro. win act as an lnt*run administrator until the arrival hare of Major Ernsoto Mate Antunss, named
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  • 432 2 Try the curry tip to Aussies GENEVA, Wednesday fjOMMODITY prices may have reached their highest point and be about to fall, Mr. Gamani Corea, Secretary-Gene-ral of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), said here today. "There is evidence of this In what U happening In many commodity
    Reuter  -  432 words
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    • 583 2 B^*^^ VT^t VJH '^'^^^■l bbbbbb^^^^ POsk lONIC TL "*K asSKL&aaT' JbV. n> /,a>y T^Mh-BBBirar^^^u^i^, -BBB»nf^ A aT p*iKLm \u WJu the vitamins and minerals you need in just one high potency capsule to fulfil your daily requirements. Give yourself a richerhealthier life with H VM, manufactured in the USA. by
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  • 181 3 US wants secret talks .with N- Korea: Kirn rpOKYO. Wed. North L Korean President Kirn 11-Bung was quoted today as saying the United States proposed secret talks with hia regime to discuss relations between the two countries. The North Korean leader was quoted as saying "we desire to have relations
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  • 71 3 JAKARTA. Wed. Dr. Mohammed Hatta, former Indonesian Vice President and a veteran nghter (or independence, has called on the Government not to Ist private companies carry out development efforts In the country. Development by the private sector would only enrich private croups and barm the
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 369 3 BKALY (Texas). WML Twenty-one people were Injured, five seriously, yesterday when two tractor-trailer trucks, a paaenger bua and 16 cafe coUlded In the denae ■moke of a graaa fire a long an Interstate highway here Uh". SECRETARY of State Henry Kissinger told the American Legion last night that
    Reuter; NYT; UPI  -  369 words
  • 16 3 Dr X: U.S. power must remain 'second to none' DR KISSINGER no altcmail ye «o nefoUattoD
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  • 27 3 NCW DELHI. Wad— TlM Indian Oomunoit today announcad heavy Increases In railway fralght ratw and peinnfti fares to cut )mmb on the ctato-owtMd rmliway
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  • 162 3 BANGKOK, Wed.—Thailand's Education Ministry v investigating student riots In Tak Province, about 500 kilometres (313 miles) north of here, that killed one technical student and wounded 12. Aboun five hundred students of the Technical College stormed the Agricultural School on Monday In hijacked buses and set fire to every
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  • 432 3 MANILA: The Belgian Government has extended a lean to the Philippines worth 50 million Belgian francs (about SfUKMSt) It was officially announced today. NAIROBI President Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya Is standing for re-election for a third five-year term In October and will be the only candidate. RABAT: MlflHl
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  • 83 3 31 killed in Zaire plane crash KINSHASA. Wed. A Zaire Air Force C-130 Hercules transport aircraft crashed near the north-east town of Klsana^hl three days ago, killing all 34 passengers and seven crew, the national news agency, Azap, reported today. The accident happened on the night of AutiMt is, but
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 208 3 /CHINA'S mass political Vj poster campaign has taken a more subdued turn, apparently because of the harmful effect It was having on production. Calls from radical elements for a more violent struggle have been subordinated to demands from top leadership levels for more emphasis
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  • 224 3 CRICAOO, Wed. 881 fc— mi— a-jear-eM ABStraUan wftw tan he has m sacra Hum MUN miles stakes hk «Mh UrthAay, piaas U ru an* dm U» Grand Caayea «*xt Mooday. Yestsrdav he saM he baaed U sesiplsts the a-ssito iwaai trip from the ss«ta to the north
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  • 28 3 INDONESIA TO HOST ASEAN DEFENCE SEMINAR L JAKARTA, Wednesday INDONESIA will host a seminar on defence 1 problems for Asean this year In Jakarta, Foreign Ministry officials said.
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  • 143 3 Gloomy outlook Down Under SYDNEY, Wed. The National Bank today pointed a gloomy oatlook for Australian Swstaisss In Its monthly review of the economy. Mounting tnlation, extremely tight credit, a detertorasJag external financial situation and lack of unanimity to overcome the difficulties wore contributing to an increasing sense of unease
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 333 3 A special offer f rom^i-w FREE Wm\ Hi-matic F or Hi-matic 7S an extremely compact electronic flash unit specially designed for use on Minolta Hi-matic cameras. Cordless, hot-shoe convenience. Switches on automatically when attached to camera, and off when removed. M .jTrTTSa^-j BSVa-' "^^g^^^S^saflSaW' a- Sg4Jk v^fc.gV^wSw»wSS«Sp~^ V^*^^ Available from
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    • 334 3 22nd AUGUST to 28th ST 1974 PEANUT BUTTER mhp eww uig 1.15 LYCHEES TAW whole sts t I.QB BOVRIL ix m t 4.35~ GREEN BAMBOO SHOOTS BLOtE TAIWAN 822 f 1.00 PINEAPPLE SUCES amn cucu mg 1.50 MENGLEMBU GROUNDNUTS HAND BRAND 300g 1.00 BISCUITS MARIE/CEM NO. 2 TIN 3.15 BRANDY
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  • 165 4 'NO WAGE, PRICE CONTROLS' SAYS FORD WABHINOTON. Wed.— President Ford said today after a meeting with Congressional leaders that "it U clear there will be no federal mandatory wage *nd price controls." Ford Issued a brief statement after the meeting, aimed at the danger of '*ntlclpatory price Increases or wag*
    NYT  -  165 words
  • 280 4 pAfeACAS, Wed— Delegates to the third UN Law of the Sea Conference said privately today that two more conferences may be required next year to draft a new treaty to rewrite the 17th century laws now governing the sea. Some delegates said the
    UP  -  280 words
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  • 88 4 CARACAS, Wed. A special presidential committee today announced a wide-ranging draft Bill to n^»""iHtt Venesuela's oil Industry, ranging from exploration to marketing. The 30-potnt draft, drawn up by the committee made up of representatives of all political parties and the public sector, recommends compensation payments
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  • 47 4 HOUSTON Wed. WU11am Deacon" Jonas, a onetime getaway driver for outlaws Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, was shot to death today. A witness told police that Jonas was shot when he refused to move his car from the front of a residence.— UPl.
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  • 190 4 CPA totake over S'pore-HK JAL routes lIONOKONO. Wgd. Cathay Pacific Airways (CPA) said today it will pick up some of the slack, and some of the profits, when Japan Air Lines (JAL) cesses its HongkongSlnfapore operations next month. "We will he filling the gap," a spokesman for British owned aj^i
    UPI  -  190 words
  • 368 4 WASHINGTON, Wed. Nelson Rockefeller, President Ford's Vice-Presiden-tial nominee, yesterday said that be hoped Mr. Ford would ran for re-election in 1176 and Indicated his own sag a ruses to campaign oa behalf of Republican candidates in this autumn's elections. Asked If he thought Mr. Ford would
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  • 526 4 MKADVTLLC (Pennsylvania). Wad.— A la-yaar-old girl waa killed and bar stater and several other jimiMaiw i Injured last night whan a motor stunt driver lost control of hU vehicle and crashed into a crowded granrtatanrt at a county fair- CHICAGO, Wednesday A DAY after President Ford surprised them
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  • 13 4 Nuclear mishap only in a million years LUZON DEATH TOLL RISES TO 78
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  • 829 4 Impeach report in but no stand —taken— WASHINGTON, Wed The House officially ended the second Presidential Impeachment proceeding In history yesterday by accepting the House Judiciary Committees report but taking no stand on the conclusion that Richard Nlxoc should have been ousted from omce. Chairman Peter Rodlno, who led a
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  • 25 4 NAPLBB. Wed. Pr-rol bombs daaMged the o«c«s here of ruiy» dominant Chrtauan Oenocnt Party •ad the neo-FSadet MBI Party during tbe night Reutar
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    • 224 4 Everyday to the USA Philippine Airlines crosses With Philippine Airlines you're the Pacific seven times a week on the wings of a warm, gracious to San Francisco. Four times a bird where you'll find care, concern week from Singapore: Monday and generosity are part of the Wednesday Friday Sunday. With
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  • 333 5 No deceit, so man jailed for bigamy freed after 5 days A FATHER of 11, lx originally Jailed for four months for bigamy, yesterday walked out of the Appeal Court a free man after spending only five days ln Jail. Chua Klan Hln. 39. a contractor, had his sentence varied
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  • 61 5 Bus service report now on sale The report of the Government Team of Officials on management and operations of Singapore Bus Services Ltd. (English version) Is now on sale at $1.80 per copy. It U available at Singapore National Printers' publications sales division, ln Upper Serangoon Road and at Fuller-ton
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  • 39 5 THB Deputy Speaker of Parliament. Mr. Tang See Chtrn, will attend a National Day and 3Sth anniversary dinner of the Singapore Lorry Owners' Association at Its premises ln New Budge Road on Aug. 36 at 7 pm.
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  • 291 5 REV. Gunnar J. Te i 1 mann, the director of Samaritans of Singapore, yesterday called for the setting up of "temporary shelters" for homeless, jobless and friendless men. "There are a number of such desperate men ln society now who need help," he said.
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  • 124 5 Hunger made me steal, says 'outcast' i TEENAGER yesterday i\ told a magistrate's court that hunger drove him to steal after his parents had ordered him out of the house because he wanted to become a sailor. Mohammed 81dlk bin Abdul Rahman, 16, said he had no money to buy
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  • 151 5 Sports Centre in Jurong to open rB Jurong Family Sports Centre, which Is the largest recreational centre ln the area, will be officially opened on Saturday. A Joint venture between local and Japanese entrepreneurs. It costs about $0 million. Its amenities Include an international -slie Iceskating rink, a 20-lane bowling
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  • 48 5 A Vigilant* Corps national serviceman was yesterday Jailed for three months for absenting himself from training three years. Jamal bin Mohammed Eunos. 37. pleaded guilty to skipping training sessions at the River Valley Secondary School centre from July SO 18-71 to Aug. 17 this year.
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  • 175 5 Waning shot by payroll robber in chase drama A GUNMAN, fleeing with an accomplice on a motorcycle after frabbtng a HUM payroll, aretf a shot Into the air to warn off partners ln a ear. robe* said the robbery oeearred at 2.M p.m. on Tuesday when a sabcontractor, Mr. Loh
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  • 57 5 THE Victor Dogsrtt Music Studio* will preaeru a concert by three itudent ptanlaU ■t the Cultural Centre on Aug. 28 at p m They are Mint Jennifer Leoog. Urn Tshul Yin and Vivien Ngo Ticket* at $5 S* sad S3 •it available at Cold Storage. Orchard)
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  • 47 5 Poly society camp THS Singapore Polytechnic Engineering Society will hold a welfare camp at Punggol Point Holiday Camp from Aug. J7 to 30 The programme will include vudu to houses, doing odd jobs at the Ramakrlshna Mission and Trafalfar Home, a lantern stroll, and a treasure bunt
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 274 5 Try and see yourself as others see you \bu look in the mirror at least once a day but you've probably never seen yourself as others see you... from the back! B Issfl Overweight people seldom your very first treatment, you can look good from the back. lose up to
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    • 317 5 > faVl [L V*l': IsD^A^BSSSSUk From dawn to dawn, the pleasures flow, the gaieties never end. .sfiislHssssssTW >YlsssssslbV itf > z"^"^" I IBRlhlEswx^ InJI 9^V s^^JV .few 'iMYZr <& (i? S 1 a\ft I mf WL < I '^B^^Hl^Bsssssssssd *^^J I Hall 3tC^fe > J HbbW^bbPQbbl $v I IrasrVl bbbV~*^^l
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 177 5 ■rtnglai Op WmtMrnm »y Ml stovaaili «Jr Hal Camp BltjdU By ChU V»ts»i slsjL cc-wr iwsc^rui^i I*^ OieOOWS ACCOUf^T I PT I'M ©ETT)»*3 TiPED)"fI lIT SEEMS LIKE EVERY J SJUVMotSc v-^~—^ OVERDRAWN!!—^~H _^-1 OP THAT y TIME THEY MAY/C r~~~ r U1 AD— t By Al Capp /npflmJaU I >
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  • 187 6 October date for $6mil electric factory TjnORK on the M mllTT lion Yokoc awa Bectrlc Btncatpore Pte Ltd. factory at Bedok New Town will start In October. A company ipokexman, Mr. I. Nakao, aaid yeaterday It waj expected to be completed In 10 month! The factory, which would produce electric
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  • 26 6 THS Chin sea Women's Ajaoclatlon will sere-n a film show on Pilntieaa Anne's wedding at the Hilton Hotel on Aug JO at 10 ajn.
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  • 539 6 Man who was killed by nails- rT Chew LJam. U, died froea tetanus three weeks after stepping on some mails hi his backyard, a eerener's court heard yesterday. His widow, Tek Tee, said he went to the back of their house in Lereag 9. GeyUag en July 7 at abowt
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  • 279 6 ITODrB Ho Toon Ngee. Ea 30. who run* a restaurant business in Canada with his Hong-kong-born wife, yesterday won his appeal here against a three-month Jail sentence, plus a $4,000 tine for a corruption offence. Mr. David Marshall. for Ho. said a
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  • 60 6 Call to use CC's to help disabled (COMMUNITY centres should be used as focal points where the handicapped could be brought into the social life of Singapore, Professor T. Elliott, adviser to the NTUC, said yesterday. Prof. Elliott said this was Important for it was one of the ways in
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  • 81 6 Work starts on second college WORK has begun on the Government's second junior college at Upper East Coast. The Oovemment ha* accepted a tender for $6,007,000 aubmltted by Hum, Ho Hock Swce Oeneral Building Contractor*. The college, which will atand on a IS-acre Ute is erpected to be ready next
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  • 29 6 PROP Wong Un Ken. MP for Alexandra, will officiate at a campfire. organised by the Alexandra constituency's youth subcommittee, at the community centre on Saturday at 7 pjn
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  • 236 6 Poor response to drive for more scouts mHE Increase In memX bershlp In the local Scout movement has been negligible despite a cry for more scouts and new groups, according t< the Chief Commissioner of Scouts. Mr. Son Teow Beng. This U stated In his 1973 annual report of the
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  • 54 6 A VAN driver was fined 0000 by a magistrate! cour" yesterday for causing a collision through his careless driving Tan Ulan Boon. 28. admitted falling to obey a red traffic signal as he was making a right turn Into Anaon Road and colliding with an oncoming
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  • 58 6 THE University of Btn**pore School of Postgraduate Studies has announced tr.<t following successful candidates in the second Part 1 fellowship examination of the Royal Australian College of Surgeons held In July: Chla Yu Thuan. Kok May Lang. Edmund Kwock YlngICee, Lo Kwok Hung. T*n Ser
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  • 47 6 k WORKER died when he fell through a lift snaft while completing the lift in a building at Kallang ea June a coroner's court heard jesierdar. Ng Chin Heng, lg, was found pinned under a concrete slab at the construction site. Verdict: Misadventure
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 126 6 coLoaß you ReaLl^y can enjoy iP TELEVISION ANTENNA /^^l~~ FOR PERFECT I COLOUR RECEPTION. ___J_— r«4t\D l^lKl^i MODEL AVAILABLE l\ll NVJ7 ZRI6.ZRIB.ZR22 Manufacturer: STAR ELECTRONIC ft ELECTRICAL PTE. LTD. SINGAPORE* TEL: 462 til I^^JK ia^^^ B^r^ v y^ak^^^^Wß^^B^H^H 11. «^ygMawfe^»P^^^r^<f 7 a S^ *^ffe»Bßßmw»w»w*^B at f^^ttk 4>^sssa v akr .aw*»fl
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 251 6 Straits Times Crossword ACBOM ll> 1 Dtckenslan dark stan at 7 Wave to one with hint of enuring credit nou (0) flourtah >» 5 Mark followa tnc foreign 0 Shy but got engaged? (0) seaman (0) 11 "—r wrius mekxty t Leave hide by lake, per- when about «vf heivns'
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  • 256 7 SLICK GIVES CLUE TO COPTER CRASH SITE CBARCH and rescue unite of '-'the Continental Oil Co. (Conoco) and Bristow Helicopter* Co. have traced the spot of the wreckage of the helicopter that crashed in the South China sea oo Monday. Divers using electronic equipment were able to determine the spot
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  • 10 7 KUCHING. Wednesday
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  • 366 7 Rallies banned on eve of polls fUN Abdul Razak told the people of Sarawak on Monday night that they could vote the National Front into power in the .State for guaranteed peace and prosperity, or support SNAP and suffer for the next five years. Speaking to 80,000 people at a
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  • 199 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Tomorrow is the last day for political parties to hold election rallies the eve of the general election. Federal headquarters spokesman. Mr. Robert Cheong said today that police permits which may have been Issued earlier to applicants to hold rallies on Friday are to be
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  • 340 7 Hock Guan and the tale of three cities— rOH. Wed. The National Front candidate for Petaling parliamentary constituency. Mr. Ooh Hock Ouan, spoke of "a tale of three cities" at a rally in Menglembu near here last night. The three cities he was referring to were Peking, New Delhi and
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  • 69 7 Tobacco price goes up KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Tlm Ministry of Prtaarr lixtvutrtai ha» dacktod to rate* the prtca* of Malayrtin produced Virginia tobacco Wf with effect from last May l. Announcing this, the Deputy Minister of Primary Industrtss. Enctk Yusof Abdullah, said a cms on the sale of Due-cured tobacco
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 253 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Two widows of a businessman killed In a motor accident five years ago and their 11 children were given $36,670 in a consent Judgment In the High Court today. Madam Chan Meow Hua, 38, and Madam Ng Peck
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  • 211 7 'PEKEMAS WILL GO IT ALONE' DENANO, Wed. PekeI mas will not form a coalition government with any other party in Penang. "We expect to win 18 state seats six on Penang Island and 10 In Province Wellesley and capture the government here," the party's secre-tary-general aiclk Yunus Nawal, said today.
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  • 235 7 Union to consider Manicka's call to end strike KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Interpreters Union will meet in Ipoh tomorrow to consider a request to call off the strike by 1U 265 members. Labour Minister Tan Brl M «"«**"«TH-iirn. who met a Union deleRation in his office this morning *t his
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  • 52 7 Aussie- Asean co-operation KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Australia today agreed to help Asean countries la Ibe development of low cost p»»-Win-fich food to meet the need of the countries In the The agreement waa reached at the end of the two-day meeting held at Wtama Putra here between Australian and Asean
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  • 103 7 AUMt STAR, Wed. PoUee seised wo home-made pistols and three rounds of ammunition In twe separate operations at Padang Besar, on the Per Us Thai border, last night. In the first, a police party stopped two men walking along Jalan Maajld and recovered a
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    • 658 7 Viva: we proved its economy now a few more surprises 15 mpc by \SV>£££r^~ the Viva ~Ct\&£~ r in final rim sgg y^y s^y §r* •^^> f^ O uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuwsf^gauuuu^^ M^^^auu« I suum*^" auuuuuuuv wV>y^a**«am. kuftll /V safal s-u 4^tiur.^r4uul JuTHuMPuty aw -Zm^^^^^m -^BBvauul >ixx I ■jffTO tzcSfP^m '-^^Buuuf auuuP^^ wi*
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  • 5 8 Fence smashed with leader's arrest
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  • 237 8 DECLINE IN SPORES BIRTH RATE anderworld syndicate, which helped criminals to dispose of their hauls to pawnshops and goldsmiths, has been smashed by police. Informed sources said the gang, which had been operating for more than a year, was crippled when one of Its leaders was caught nine days ago.
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  • 23 8 THE Cedar OlrU Seoondary School band will parform at tha ftfelUtchia R#Mrvolr Park on Sunday from IJO pjn to 6JO pja.
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  • 160 8 THTJUE were M road acetdtnta, on* aOriOBB. on Tuaadai. QINOAPORK'B populate tlon at the end of June this year stood at 2.218.100. an Increase of 34.000 since 'June last year. According to statistics Just Issued, the halfyearly Increase from last December to June was substantially lower '15,800) than
    160 words
  • 34 8 THB Joan Bootr Acadamy of Modelling and Charm win praaant t fashion anew at the Rotary Club of Hoppore East Lodtaa* Day lunch ■MOttng at th* Singapor* niton tomorrow at 1 pm.
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  • 132 8 QUESTIONS concerntar the welfare of and will be aaked by the MF for JaJ&n K*y». Mr. Hwrnng Soo Jin, »t the next meeting of Parliament on Wednesday. Is the question, Mr. H wane wUI aak If the Government wfll enoearace and aavtet in the
    132 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 78 8 BBaS^aaßßalZlßatasaßaßßßbT Abb! bbV 3aai BBakaa^BBBaBBBaBBBBVT V^F^~^F Ba 4 B^^Li I BBaBBB«aaW ANNIVERSARY ilijlia mm EwPmSpm IH S3SS3SSI sIPB SHOES HANDBAGS 30%-70ro OF USUAL rtHX 75, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, |fjf #hatbnai J t day. I: special offer TOA I PAYOH S^- emporium (pte) ltd. 4 JJaK/^^_J 67ALOSONC4 TOA PAVOM PP *****2
      78 words
    • 152 8 2a*- Waafc. > Oilur, 116. 3 JO. 7 A 9 30 Ooldan City 1 46 4. 7 A 9 30 J, An Acnon-Packad Manoann 2 Fam wr» Enokah SuotrOa* 2 Hu CMna> Chan Hut Mmg Sany Ting Pai m J i ajßp^Lmv9fS^9_P^^Bß^B V *r Flu* VatuaMa Snort "Tha laat Day*
      152 words
    • 239 8 PaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaWTfi^fITTWi^^ j OPENS TOOAY! Wy it 7.00 9.30p« I AaaitsiM: Malta: S2.M CaiMrar. SI.N WL^^mSUH CHIA L»NGJg\^jC UAKM HIM M CMMSOff oJ|T« UKUSI SMttTlfi I I OPENS ODEON TODAY! 5 SWw. Daily U IM., 6.M. 9^o pts. j TIM Aaaziig Etpltftt Of A fetter Spy i;W» tktllmni Ail Tit
      239 words
    • 186 8 1 a a a a a S w a"a"a"a"o"o"o"o"»"a"a"»"o"o"a*a" I ■:i-»l«T]fJmtt [MEEIMI:i: NOW SHOWHN! GOLDEN ullOO A M 130 4.00 645 ft 9.30 P.M. KONG CHIAN at 1 1.00 AM 1 30. 3.30. 7151 30 PM. GOLDEN 3 DAYS Advanoad Caah Boofcmga. O a KONG CMiAN 2 DAYS Adwancad Caah
      186 words
    • 338 8 jOPENS TODAY AT THE CAPITOL I 11m. 1 30. 4. a.48 9.30»m-NO PRCC LWT Mo aore groping ni f iwbling DUSTIN HOFFAAAN HAS FINALLY GRAUUATED! J sssssW^ I AbbbbbbbbvV bbbbbvWJ bY BHam^L^BBBaBBrnVV I BBaBBaBBaBBBBBBa BBaBBW^BBaB B I Ww^r Jt r il^ is b Wifctcrcet ud Technicolor Co-starriog STEFAWIA SAWDKELU v
      338 words
    • 685 8 I |k CATHAY S I',! OPENS TODAY J| 2 Shews 700A9 30 pm Jl "ANOMY TlOir Mandarin i| a > Chan Wai Man ColorScopa *i I Sun Chi* Ling Enolitri Sutw Jl ll' Jwonf On<ra-ln CMama J■: O**c*i CaOtar Orchard I«, 2nd MIDNIGHT SATUP.D*» IQaaan Sunday at 900 am: k
      685 words

  • 10 9  - 'Why senior j bankmen should not be unionised' EDWARD LIU
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  • 6 9 Come home appeal to missing schoolboy
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  • 445 9 SUCH A RARE EVENING OF MUSIC THE Malayan Banking Berhud claimed in the Industrial Arbitration Court yesterday that unionisation of its senior officers would affect the of the local banking industry. Mr. Teddy K.C. Lim, advocatt for the bank, said that was why the bank had refused to recognise
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  • 5 9
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  • 347 9 By AFTER the boisterous muslc-maklng of last Sunday when we heard the music of minstrels and troubadours In "Music of the Middle Ages," we listened last night to music of the drawing room from roughly the same period The last harpsichord recital I attended In Singapore was by
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  • 36 9 A YEAR-OLD Australian baby girl was found dead in the bedroom of her house in Thomson Ridge, off Thomson Road, yesterday. Police investigating the cause of her death declined to reveal her name.
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  • 261 9 Rusul, 6 wins S5OO in soft drink contest- SINGAPORE kindergarten pupil Mohamed Rusul bin Anwar, 6, became $500 richer yesterday by winning third prWe in the Fanta Disneyland contest. Rusul is the youngest of the winners of the three top prises. He received the cheque from Mr. Frank Newman, marketing
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  • 52 9 THE Singapore Polytechnic Yoga Movement hopes to raise about $800 by screenIng the film Elvis That's The Way It b at Orchard theatre on Sunday at 8.30 am Ticket* at $I.M and 12 SO will be on sale at the theatre on Saturday afternoon and
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  • 5 9 Association not a gaming house
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  • 162 9 Man who lent car to friend fined A MAGISTRATE'S decision, holding an asA sociation in Kirn Keat Avenue to be common gaming house," was reversed by the Chief Justice, Mr. Wee Chong Jin, in the Appeal Court yesterday Mr. Justice Wee upheld the contention of Mr. James H H. Wan.
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  • 104 9 T»HE University of 81ngapore has received a donation of $20,000 from Haw Par Brothers International Ltd. for the establishment of the Aw Cheng Chye post-gra-duate medical fellowships in memory of the late Dr Aw Cheng Chye. Mr. O. E. O. Watson, managing director of
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  • 218 9 1 \fISS Randy Baker. i"l Miss Australia 1974 yesterday met local Charity Queen contestants at a press conference and gave them I the lowdown on how to bring the money rolling in. "Be yourselves and be aa natural as possible, and
    Vow Yun Woh  -  218 words
  • 54 9 sociation. $800 fine for illegal hiring A labour suprevisor was yesterday fined MOO In a magistrate's court for employing an Illegal Immigrant at a construction site Mm Ah Bah pleaded guilty to hiring tiling bin Lela. 20. as a steel bender at his construction sit* at Lorong MarslUng between July
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  • 51 9 Talk by envoy MR Wee Mon Cheng. Sngapore's ambassador to Japan, will give a talk on The Restructure of Japanese Economy and Singapore at a dinner given by the Japanese University Graduates Association of Singapore at Shanfrn-La Hotel on Sept < at 730 pm Mr Wee U now back on
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 563 9 TONY BENNETT DEAN MARTIN BILLY DANIELS FRANK SINATRA tsyt uyt viys tayt "Lovertfall in "Hn voice it like "Black magic 11 "He is the tmgei love again listening 10 my thing. who tings like just listening" j beautiful He doesn't need it a good wine" woman't ugh" iutt ejrt to
      563 words

  • 464 10 The Straits Times THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1974 EVENING SCHOOL THE use of schools in the evening for homework, an Idea the Education Ministry is expected to Implement when the new term starts on Sept. 9. will meet a deeply felt need. Singapore's flat-build-ing programme is the only expansion of housing
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  • 162 10 "KELSON ROCKEFELLERS appointment as US Vice-President adds a new dimension to the Ford Presidency. Mr. Ford is very much a domestic political animal, an old hand on Capitol Hill and a conservative in more than one sense. Mr. Rockefeller is an internationalist who held domestic office in
    162 words
  • 187 10 I REFER to the talk given by a teacher, Mr. Thomas Khng. at a seminar on post-secon-dary education and national needs i Sunday T, Aug. 18). He told students not to become Intellectual eunuchs but to develop Inquiring minds and an urge to express ourselves
    187 words
  • 182 10 I REFER to the letter (ST., Auf. M) from the Public ReUUoiu Officer of the Slnnpore Sports Council headlined "Karat* and Gay World." The PRO most be under tome misconception. The Singapore Karate Federation la NOT the controlling body for karate In the Republic. It is merely
    182 words
  • 569 10  -  JN 11K)8, the year that Mr. Nelson Roc k c feller was born as a grandson of the nations first billionaire, he inherited huge wealth and privilege, and a problem in political imagery. That year President Theodore Roosevelt was backing denunciations of the
    569 words
  • 1397 10  -  rE British Labour Government's proposed wealth tax Is guaranteed to spark off a fierce controversy as it becomes realised that those affected wIU be more than "just a small minority" who the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Mr. Denis Healey aimed at The Issue has been
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  • 1 10
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  • 455 10 MTE refer to the report ff "Unhappy 14 quit PSA police" (ST., Aug 7). The report that 14 PSA policemen resigned because of dissatisfaction over the recent promotion exercise Is not true. The promotion results were announced on July 11 and since then only one resignation occurred and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 53 10 men fti ncc 1934. Suits completely hand tiio'td m st t c fted IftO Importfff cipoMffrt of finest Gent* textiles thereby we have the iatwtr A range of materials for selection. And for our customers in a hurry, there's our express service. 21. Chulie St.. Singapore. 1. Tel *****
      53 words
    • 283 10 Nyal Vitamin E capsules golden seeds of life makes you feel younger vigorous and virile Nyal Vitamm Capsules containing high potency vitamin E which is I^JfiP^ejLV v fortified with natural wheat germ oil. are Kff^HRMV 1 valuable m maintaining muscle and nerve MBfeMM^U^kOi conditioning and m promoting increased BY health
      283 words

  • Article, Illustration
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  • 3 11 aA Baal ■■^^■H
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  • 494 11 rl MOST striking aspect of the world stock market scene is the iear- uniformity of symptoms and causes. Most of the markets have been declining fairly steadily in recent months, and in many cases the downward trend haa been continuing, more or less steeply, since the
    494 words
  • 418 11 ONDON: Mr. Jim Slater, chairman of Slater Walker Securities said he has come to the end of his selling phase for a while. Although he is still interested ip hearing of any attractive offers for any part of his group, he has finished his positive,
    Reuter  -  418 words
  • 296 11 3 Spore speakers for natural resources meet nnHREE Singapore dele--1 gates will speak I at the four -day confer- ence on South-east Asia's natural resources and the world economy which b>glns In Kuala Lumpur on Sept. 17. Mr E. W Barker. Minister of Law and National Development will speak on
    296 words
  • 399 11 AN lr. vestment In 1935 of £100 In Britain* 30 largest Industrial shares would today be worth £200 in our much depreciated. currency, but only £40 In reil term* <le. In 1935 values). London's stock market now values the giants of British
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  • 620 11 Tougher stand on takeovers, listings SYDNEY: The Australian Associated Stock Exchanges has announced major listing requirement changes which will compel companies to disclose more about their transactions and Intentions. Three new listing requirements dealing with takeovers are the most Important of the changes, which will be effective from Sept. 1:
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  • 337 11  -  pOME September, the V London Rubber Terminal Market Association will discard Its half-century-old practice of conducting business In "whispers and adopt a system whereby business can be seen and heard to be done. The open market system under which prices and tonnages will be
    337 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 233 11 BEST INVESTMENT $36,000 rental income annually from a penthouse in DISTRICT 9-5 minutes walk to Central Orchard Road Area Exclusive High level penthouse type apartment (floor area 3.000 5q feet) In well managed security guarded small private block with swimming pool Separate marbled living, dining and entertainment patio Carpeted and
      233 words
    • 279 11 I c Hotel Equatorial anrfCYbu in I^iala Lumpur's Qckhn c lriang]e Symbol of charm axl warmth, Hotel Equatorial lends you the experience Towering 6 storeys, 300 luxurious rooms and suites offer a spectacular view of the vibrant city and serene forest -clad mountains. A swimming pool, banqjet ar.d convention facilities
      279 words

  • 1519 12 Mr. Loo Henj-Shuen, acting executive director of the National Productivity Board, returned recently with a Master's In Business Administration degree from the Harvard Business School. Mr. Loo has resumed' duties as the executive head of the NPB with effect from July. Mr. Ow Chin Cheow will act as deputy executive
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  • 516 12  -  little denial of the anecdote about his leaving the room to phone the White House, and a longer letter from Andrew Brimmer (now resigned) saying the Open Market Committee had not been influenced by politics. The magazine Itself responded tartly that
    NYT  -  516 words
  • 71 12  -  (CLEARING operations at the S ez Canal and speculation that It will be opened by next year have prompted further discussion, both economic and political, among world shipping circles. Early last month, the first stage in the operation minesweeping by American helicopters was completed.
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  • 302 12 B^l ill II fi I j| I tJ^| 73 per cent of the net transiting tonnage, and 84 per cent of the northbound cargoes. About a third of the ships going south were tankers in ballast The Egyptians' greatest challenge Is the economy that some tanker operators have exhibited on
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  • 348 12 /iHAIKMA.N of Sydney \j Stock Exchange. Mr. John Valder, has been appointed chairman of the Australian Associated Stock Exchanges folowing the retirement of the AASE president, Mr. Michael McAUster Mr. McAUster. the first president, was appointj ed in March, 1972. following a wave of criticism regarding the
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  • 6 12 Valder to head Aussie stock exchanges
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 215 12 BEjgSgHg^l THE LATEST SX DUPONT IS NOT A UGHTER. ORFfcV RES A PARIS Sole Agents < ISE V EXTFRPRISES PTE L TD. Rooms 230,231. Stamford House. 9% Stamford Road, Singapore 6. U Ihl S3gT«" i^tflr i^Afes^h !^L^k^i^^^V«^g^^ #a^H .^^k^kK^K^^*^ «^P^^Hk^^k^k> •> \J\ lIL/iNC/l I lUUU needs R&D? Yes. When you're
      215 words
    • 228 12 I FOR LEASE GROUND FLOOR OFFICE FINLAYSON I HOUSE I Approximately 4,100 sq.ft. airconditioned space in Raffles Quay, the heart of Singapore's commercial district. Suit bank, insurance and travel companies. Proptrt\ 'imiulunti tnd Rrjl h.ilste Afjeni 3rd floor Ramayana Building 45C 47C Robmson *O«d SmoaDcei Tei ***** ***** O*HCES ALSO
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  • 455 13 400 4.00 BEA Corp. 400 S.M I.M U. 0.8. 1.14 .0* MM 110 O.TI Conaol 071 187 l 32- P. Merlin I.M .0* •.so on rm. Rt. o.ui ot 131 O.SI FT HottU OtTt -Ml 4.10 2TX Otntlni IN .04 IM I.TT Owood f.TT 1.12 1.40 H.
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  • 1 13
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  • Article, Illustration
    553 13 THE last transacted sale at the close of business In the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day's prices together with 1074 high and low. Adjusted for all new Issues). CLSHNO TBNBi All aactWas cleaas vary ataaoy. TUKNOVm Ofllclal total turnov«r on th« stngapor* trading room aa
    553 words
  • 612 13 SMALL improvements were noted over a wide front at the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday following news of a general recovery In overseas markets Gains ranged op to I per cent and more. This was particularly trie of volatile stocks. Haw Par International and Slme Darby
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  • 956 13 DID and offer prices offl- daily luted and business in and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Arms (1.945) A.P.I. (1.01 B) ATI <OBSB 0 908) AJlnomoto
    956 words
  • 803 13 DID and offer piicfi offl- dally llated and tnulneM tn and reported to the Kuala Lumpur SUxk exchange yesterday with the number of sharei traded thown In brackeu In lou of 1,000 uniu unJeM othenrUe apeclfled. IMOUITNIALS A. Taaa (OMB 0*18) 11) O.M. Allan 2MB ITtS) A CKM
    803 words
  • 335 13 T« torafw palm Ml mar».< mrM thanHy tnonN tWtmillir influaorad ay daator tee* liquidate.. aeasrSlas to MPOTA. Trsdlnc in tta VI alaa followed UM towninM witk "Wrti of battar era* aaaSltlaa Oasts I Has DNmu (Rwttarsbjb) mMm *utad war* Ax •TOO tiaaas: Bas4 |TN iUII *I.M Mat* aaUan.
    335 words
  • 782 13 MOBILE North Sea. operator for a group of companies drilling a wildcat well in the northern sector of the UK North Sea, said preliminary testing of oil and gas shows indicate* the possibility of a new discovery. The group consists of Mobil North Sea (50 per rent). Amerada
    Reuter  -  782 words
  • 681 13 Slight rise in XL shares AFTER seven straight days of decline, share prices recovered marginal ground at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. As usual, it was the volatile Industrial counters that set the pace this time solwly upwards. Better ovemljjht sentiment In New York and London *as said to
    681 words
  • 122 13 ASIAN currency deposit Interbank rates M at close on Wednesday. Aur 31 Oftar BM T day* IS 11 7/t 1 mth 11 a T/t 1 mth* IS 15 16 11 11/11 3 mth» US! U 1/4 6 mtht 11 Si 11 1/1 mth* 11 718 11 I/It
    122 words
  • 37 13 Closing Interbank ratss In Singapore dollars for. Oltar BM Overnight 1 mUi i mthi 1 mthi PriiM nto Iww: r. latenwttMMl 10-1/4 10-1 I 10-1 2 10-* 10»»l 10-1 1 10-1 10-1 J 11-1/4% Mmr-Jwi
    37 words
  • 210 13 UM UN *y4nty II) 104.4* 104 W London IM.SOB IM.OOB IST Ma 197.00* B«lml IST. SO 194.79 ■ongkonc 1U.90 151.W Surlcb IM.SOB IM.OOB 197. 00« IM9OS >mi H207 1«0.7t ipor. (f) NA IM.NB NA 167 40S Export prlew 1> ooe-it»riinf r**> in U.S. dollar* per ounc«. (1)
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  • 301 13 AFTER opening weaker at r M***** 30 against Tuesday's cloae of 52.4M0-70 In the Singapore forex market. the US dollar drifted down to the 82.4770-90 level In quiet morning session yesterday In the afternoon trading, the dollar seemed to con- j solldate on short-covering purchases, bringing It marginally
    Reuter  -  301 words
  • 167 13 The following are the nominal average closing interbank rates in Singapore Carreneks Neaalaal rates ftssitaseiilaa IVrcentag* •acted yesterday (rree.) parity change US dollar 2.4775 2.4788 3 81M —13.13 Sterling pound ***** 5 7830 7 3489 —21.83 Hongkong dollar 4888 4892 60.51 323 Malaysian dollar 102 50 102 60
    167 words
  • 175 13 Straits tin Down $2.12} rE StralU tin price fell marginally by 53 12} to $1,200 per plcul In Penang yesterday on in official offering down 11 tons to 223 tons. The overnight London market was also easier with Its with Its forward buyers price shedding £5 to £3.620 per metric
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  • 34 13 London eopnar prlcaa on Tuesday iprtviout la bracktta). wiraaar Spat burar ITS 4 (ITM) aallar iTM IITTO) Tbraa Mooth burar £782 (iTM) atllar ITU (iTM). Markal tana: Statdy. lalM: 1.4 M teas.
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  • 1 13
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  • 29 13 Bubber Aug. 21. Singapore: 158 50 cts (down t.H cts> Malaysia: 159.04) cts. (down 2 50 cts Tin: $lJtM(down $2,121). Official offering: 223 tons (down 11 tons).
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  • 65 13 rE Malaysian Minister of Finance has Axed these rates for calculating Customs duties from Aug 2. until further notice: Rubber 751 cts a lb Copra $1.32* a ton P. Kernel $235 U a ton The rates of duties Krsble are: Bber 5J cts a lb (Total I*l cents)
    65 words
  • 105 13 frnmnu •sjbouob kcmamoi l lIMCArOIII MOON CLOIINQ »>NI«B« »icuL tiitiroat Cllliwl Oil: bulk SIMN Milan. l drum IISBN aaliara. Oaan: Mlxai (Mom) UK/Coot. ISSN B »imi" Muntafe AST A whltt f e.b. ioo* NLW isrrt aallars. Sarawak whita f.a.a M<* NLW I*TB Mllcra. Sarawak apaetal black fob. NLW I2OS
    105 words
  • 524 13 AFTER a rtlghtly better opening, the Singapore rubber market yesterday ruled dull and es/ier with turnover once more down to a minimum. September wms traded down to 169.00 cents per kilo towards the morning close The drop was partly influenced by lower Tokyo results. After turning lower again
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  • 120 13 TjONGKONO. Wed —Share I prices closed mixed today on the Hongkong exchange in slow trading. The Hang Seng Index climbed 0.58 point to 298 03 Heagkeng Bank gained 10 cents to HK816.80 oo its local register snd wss ato 10 cents up to 815.60 on It* London register. Other
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  • 103 13 TOKYO. Wed— Share prices on the Tokyo stock market plunged down and the Dow Jones average fell to the lowest level of this year In the morning session, shipbuildings recorded low prices In the afternoon session steels, chemicals, light electrical* and shippings moved further lower, and foodstuffs which kept
    103 words
  • 234 13 i wELBOURNE Wed— The 1 Melbourne stock market i closed on a firmer note in active trading today, wvh share prices recording their best gains for several weeks. However, most or these gains were eroded under quick proflttaklrg pressure. and the higher levels were j not maintained till the
    234 words
  • 87 13 AMSTERDAM, Tues— The I '"market Initially continued yesterday's drift lower on lack of Interest Influenced by Cyprus and weak overnight New York and London markets but turned firmer when foreign offerings largely subrided and some shortcovering developed Dutch Internationals closed generally firmer with gains for MSB! Datch and nosgevißa,
    87 words
  • 56 13 ZURICH. Tues.— Banks •nd finance companies were traded again on a lower tendency However other stock prices seemed to be somewhat firmer on slightly increased volume. Bonds tended Irregularly. The Credit Bulgee Index fell 0.8 points to 1969. Cloaini pneaa la Bwlaa fraaea with tM dlffaraac* aa to* privioui
    56 words
  • 488 13 NEW YORK. Tues.— Political and economic development* were greeted warmly by Wall St as the stock market rallied from a four-year low hit a day earlier. Analyst suggested bargain hunting appeared to be the btggeu motivation for the Investment community following eight consecutive decline* Traders were mostly buying
    488 words
  • 363 13 weaker trend In Insurances. SUte loan* were quietly mixed with a weaker undertone Cloalnc prlcaa In Dutch guild"* 'with th* dittenne* an tna pravlous aaaalan's prteaa; P TINS Tuwday 71. U Monday 7».M Week ago tilt lIBSUI Timdiy 303J7 Monday Ml 04 Week ago 323 M Ml Tueaday
    363 words
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  • 123 13 |^AILT SMR and 88R prices lasted at noon yesterday at lev at 6L i at i at 10 at so i A 50 ICWMI Mttl (F«rwmr4 Mthl Bmytn Barer* Saltan Imn tm kg) leaato par kf I (1 ton paJK) IUOO 117.00H IMM 167 OON (1 ton
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 639 14 aWx^ (tVaTfJI Placament Advisory Services a^rf m IVaf for Clients via Bl Our client is a foreign food products I manufacturer distributing to the Singapore I market through its own sale* organisation. j It now seeks an aggressive and experienced man for the post of I SALES MANAGER $1.200 -1.500
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    • 633 14 MARKETING MANAGER j DJAKARTA Our client which is part of a large and highly successful Indonesian based group of companies is engaged in the production and distribution of steel. The Company wishes to recruit an outstanding Marketing Manager to be bated in Djakarta. The Marketing Manager will report to the
      633 words
    • 472 14 0h OPERATIONS ENGINEER SHELL invite applications from suitably-qualified candidates for the above post. THE JOB entails the design, construction and maintenance of facilities for supply, storage, distribution and marketing of petroleum products in Singapore. THE MAN should: have a mechanical or civil engineering degree/diploma registrable with the Professional Engineers' Board.
      472 words
    • 477 14 MBjajaaajw^ ■■■■■■■^Ba™ m We require a DEPARTMENT MANAGER for our Pharmacy Department. The applicant must be a Singapore Citizen I and a qualified Pharmacist. He must have I had at least three years experience as a I Pharmacist and marketing experience will be I an added advantage. We would prefer
      477 words
    • 780 14 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING BOARD SINGAPORE NATIONAL TRADE TEST GRADE 3 Applications are invited for Grade 3 National Trade Tests which will be conducted in the following trades Duration Trade Practical Theory A ARC WELDING 2 nr B ELECTRONIC SERVICING 4 hrs 4 hrs C FURNITURE MAKING 8 hrs 2 hrs D
      780 words

  • 271 15 Inflation puts the chop on honeymoon tours PARTICIPANTS of this year's mass wedding ceremony have opted for cheaper tours to stretch their honeymoon budget. Due to Inflation and the higher air fares, many of them have cancelled the longer, more expensive tours and settled for the shorter, cheaper ones. Mr.
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  • 75 15 Yeo heads the varsity law society THIRD year law student Stanley Yeo has been elected president of the Law Society of the University of Singapore. The others elected were Messrs Bernard Doray (vlcepresldent). Scan Teck Kirn (secretary), o Ravindran (assistant secretary). David Ungam (sports secretary. Wong Bwee Mln (academic secretary);
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  • 23 15 THE En\lronment Minister. Mr. Urn Kirn San. will attend a Calmhlll constituency satay party at Calmhlll community crntre at 8 p.m.
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  • 347 15 Cheers as firemen bring off a 'rescue' FGHTING their way through smoke, firemen yesterday rescued two workers "trapped" on the top floor of Tiont; Bahru Secondary School. Their descent however was not watched in grim silence but by cheering and applauding schoolchildren. The "rescue," was part of a display put
    347 words
  • 54 15 A MINDV truck drtrar was fined MM by the 10th Magistrate* Court yesterday for dangerous driving last Aug. 17 at about 7.H am. Ueow Yeo Klong. 11, admitted driving hi* truck across a road dlrlder Into the path of an oncoming lorry resulting la a head-on
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  • 30 15 THE Kirn Seng atUsns ConsultatlTß Commltt— will hold a Tooth Night tor over 300 youth* in tha "-mUMtwey at tha community oantra on Saturday to mark National Day.
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  • 7 15 Warning to port users on tips, bribes
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  • 485 15 *pHE Government has warned port users that it would take a serious view if their Employees continued to tip or bribe public employees. They have also been warned that corruption, when detected, would cause greater delay In port services as Investigations and the process of law were time
    485 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 166 15 'IJTTLK «l A\ r l That's what they call the ADLER 81. Because, despite its amazingly small size, it has giant-sized features not usually found on pocket electronic calculators: Percentage Key. For calculating price mark-up and gross selling prices. Or discounts, sales tax and nett amounts. Without re-entry. Independent Manual
      166 words
    • 320 15 The winning team of 74 ■Lib* t II "^B^sssssf^^^B^B^ssssassf i -"^•_^a_ sbbj bssP^bssT bb^^ Va^a^^BßßßV^^ SSBm t *X B^B^^ L^f jgl J SSSI^T^B> BBBBtSBBBBBBBBB^ •4HP**^ B T' >^BbSb>~ m *^bwil»^»«S^Q^^BbbwJ»"'^^'"^***~>^ssP^bW bsW^^l Sb9*sbw3 bbbW What makes this team just that much better than the others? Sustagen That's why they're a little
      320 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 323 15 >J WlA\ \Mt Jf ■"'iJil^iE TV MALAYSIA (3) JC PM Summary 2.47 Toto f. 31 PM The Invadm: Vkcr -TO jjs Bijak Bistan 355 O.JI 7.14 Rancangan Malaysia Kebun Kita 4.1S Empat Sekawan Kedua 7.41 Here's Lucy: Lucy and 4.37 Iman 4.47 Inch High Private The Astronauts 1.11 Summary US
      323 words
    • 708 15 WATER consumption on Tuesday was 127.2 million tallons (578.004) cubic metre*), 1.6 million gallons (7.000 cubic metres) more than on Monday. TV SINGAPORE (5) Jftfl N Openmf md House Z 3C m Cornel (Miliy-ftepcitj J-W wive, Mil *M of L M JZ ftJ£ Peirli (Cantonese FUm, Pt. 1) 1.4J jgmT
      708 words

  • 4 16 Pictures by FRANCIS ONG
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  • 829 16 SEX AND THE SINGLET GIRL STRIP a singlet from off the o'd man's back and you have In hand the latest fashion gear. For daddy's old singlet Is changing sex. Made for cool comfort, the vest yields to a girl's curves to bring out the most and best. Brighten it
    829 words
  • 15 16  -  Students today are so hardpressed MAUREEN CHUA By
    15 words
  • 104 16 CABON. of Parts recently launched Its latest Inflni perfume here. It Is said to be a delicate scent which U •t the same tint like the former times aad the unknown f stare MAX FACTORS IsUst creations for face, eyes. Dps and nails The Face of Fortune" In the
    104 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 167 16 N 1* i WAKE UP^jJl YOUR SKIN k ft Before you co to steep We get so used tjfcjvtifnTw^iorget it's there. Then when \XJOJms Xa wear out, we wonder why. You^gtirn was made to last a long timeout it does need the help of 'Ant miiiff Cleansing Milk. 'Anne French
      167 words
    • 345 16 sv «4r^%. L^aft%M-t-JI r^< r^ wfa^L^HJi sV How mature skin can look more youthful Many of the world's most beautiful women retain their complexion radiance even though they are into their middle years. They are able to look and feel more youthful and beautiful because they make the most of
      345 words
    • 330 16 Long Awaited Latest Models MARIO VALENTINO SHOES Just Arrived with Matching HANDBAGS AVAILABLE TOO IN J >4 MULTICOLOUR /\^T A PYTHON SK/NS^[ ,M^ J SHOES y^Bmmmm devoted TO THE m\\\WWlj& Lm WP^J^B Asa/ways f^jtm^ we have only G^H but the best CAPRICE 4 Ngee Ann 8. *n j Orchard Tel
      330 words

  • 0 17
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  • 339 17 Extradition pact: Accord on 11 points INDONESIA and Singapore have reached agreement on 11 clauses of a proposed extradition treaty between both countries, Indonesian Foreign Minister Mr. Adam Malik told the Straits Times in an interview here yesterday. Agreement was reached here last^week In one of a series of meetings
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  • 75 17 THE Management Service Unit of the Finance Ministry will soon move from the sixth floor of Fullerton Building to the first floor. leaders have been called for renovation, additions and redecorstlons of the first floor, formerly occupied by the Telecommunication Authority and later used
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  • 265 17  -  THE Minister for Foreign Affair*, Mr 8 Rajaratnam. will attend the National Day celebrations dinner of the Singapore Tamils Movement at Its premises In NorrU Road on Saturday at 7 p m YEO TOON JOO: By "I think Singapore and Indonesia are completely relaxed with each other Mr.
    265 words
  • 179 17 MORE than 30 hoteliers and restaurant officials from Singapore will take part in the fifth Asia and Australasia Hotel and Restaurant Association (AAHRA) Convention in Kuala Lumpur from Aug. 21 to 29. Inflation and ri sI n g prices will be the main topics
    179 words
  • 207 17 'No need to set up insurance _dept f l rpHE Singapore Insur--1 ance Brokers' Association has advised Singapore Industries against setting up Insurance departments. Mr. Urn Ho Inn, president of the Association, said this was because the Industries are not sufficiently large enough to Justify Insurance personnel on their staff.
    207 words
  • 57 17 A bus driver was lined $200 by the Tenth Magistrate's Court yesterday for reckless driving In Somerset Road last Nov. I at about 4.30 pm Toh Fee Klong. 28 admitted driving his bus at a busstop before a girl, Loh Seng. IS, could. safely get down
    57 words
  • Article, Illustration
    37 17 THE Metropolitan YMCA. Tanglln Centre, has started a 15-sesslon Oerman language course for beginners eveiy Monday and Thursday from 7 pjb. to (.30 pm each day Kin Wu (left) with hit trophy and Wan Yu
    37 words
  • 160 17 RUNNER-UP WAN YU GOT A BIGGER HAND... THE first !>rise went to Chin Kirn Wu of River Valley Government Chinese Middle School, but most of the applause went to the runner-up. Chan Wan Yu of Raffles Girls School. This was because Wan Yu was the only student from an English
    160 words
  • 126 17 THIRTY-TWO Bpeclal Constabulary inspectors have been promoted to Assistant Superintendents of Police. They are Messrs. 81m Boon Hock. Lim Beng Huat, Tony Chan. Raymond Ong Eng Kong. Low Kok Meng. P Otharam. Salem bin l<ohd Ibrahim. Chong Kwo n g Siong. John Lang Ben
    126 words
  • 5 17 Assembly plant axes 230 workers
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  • 216 17 $500 fine for attack on inspector A RADIO aid transistor assembly plant in Lower Dolta Road yesterday retrenched 230 of Its I.bOO workers the fourth company to do so this month due to "poor market conditions." Atlas Electronics (8) Pte. Ltd. carried out the lay-off exercise after a month's negotiations
    216 words
  • 2 17
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  • 167 17 MR. PC Ram had been appointed Assistant Superintendent <* Ftoliae In the Special Constabulary from July 1, according to the latest Government Oaaette. TAN Kheng Nguan, 20. was fined $500 by the first Magistrate's Court yesterday for throwing a stool at a public health inspector who was taking
    167 words
  • 23 17 MR Yue Kirn Hon hss been appointed an inspector of factories with effect from Au«. 10. the latest OaaeUe notification announced.
    23 words
  • 37 17 The central adult section of the National Library will organise a talk on fashion designing and dress making ir. Mandarin at the Library's meeting room this Saturday at 1 pjn. Admission Is fim NOTICE ALA
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 267 17 H Bh.lhHss>l H IWIWIH TEiEciiuifEii I ssssssssl ssßsssssssssk sssssssssssisHssssslssssssssssl ELCrUniVCII Mllil TUE i 7 "n I HIUU I HE LjiVmmUpS I ■*^H|W^f iHsW IyBH |das beste der Welt] I 111 II mM IM lUI j^H lUIIUI There are 3 colour transmitting systems IB HI^HIF H sHI being used by different
      267 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 562 18 AGRICULTURE DEVELOPMENT OFFICER |Ref. 142] A well established chemical Com pany in Shah Alam invites applications for the above mentioned post This is a senior position involving the supervising of field trails of agri cultural pesticides, its market potential and providing technical advice to clients in the usage of related
      562 words
    • 591 18 Due to future expansion BRISTOW HELICOPTERS MALAYSIA SDN. BHD Have vacancies in the following positions PILOTS Should hold or be capable of obtaining a Malaysian ATPL/H endorsed for S6lNs and/or Bell 2125. ENGINEERS Should have at least three years practical experience or> helicopters. Pleass apply to: The Managing Pilot. Iriitow
      591 words
    • 408 18 WE MAKE INDUSTRIAL CONTROL EQUIPMENT FROM GERMANY AVAILABLE TO FACTORIES IN MALAYSIA. Sometimes such systems are simple and Inexpensive. Then we call ti.em Low-Cost-Automatlon Sometimes. They are highly sophisticated complete Control systems for production planta and special purpose machine*. These control elements and systems enjoy a world wide repuUtlons. To
      408 words
    • 806 18 TENDER NOTICE Tenders are Invited from experienced and well established contractors for the mechanical erection. Installation, assembling and commissioning of a sugar factory near 28th milestone, Alor Setar-Padang Sanal Road, In the district of Padang Terap, Kedah, Malaysia. Tender documents can be obtained as from 19th August from the office
      806 words
    • 737 18 TAWARAN UNTUK PfN|UALAN SIBUAH MOTO LANCI lABATAN IMICIMSIN. SIMINAN|UNC MALAYSIA Tawaran -tawaran, bersampul surat bermetn (sealed) dan bertanda "Tawaran Untuk Peniualan Sebuah Moto Lanci (Grace)" akan di'erima oleh Ketua Pf garah Imigeresen. jalan Tugu. Kuala Lumpur seh> lgga iam 12.00 tengahan. 23hb. September, 1974 untuk peniualan sebuah moto lanci (Grace)
      737 words
      444 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 995 19 conumtnaip mtict to m/cmttimw: k-mS'..-- vr ?S ?5 iirr-^' sg s gg as IBtt. II ,:S II -I 31 as CfIITtHK»SIIIP SttTKt FMM M/MTHtllfT •*> .p..,, -I. "a '^a isv^ tS la «!S "3 m a ?S Mtsriui CMTtina sarias pti^ti Jiu^ jm."* TmT* C mm Lm II H CWIIM"
      995 words
    • 905 19 OrtMM UMIM MHJMjM I T«t m PMMf PMMf A I FMMTII MM* IMM M!M I M > I PMMM ImM tMM MM Mnk* Ml HUH PHIAM ImM b.M II tM 8 M MtM MB PIIMMfI M*mMm| ItrftNMM to II to 14 to If I PMTttIUMM HMftitMtHMttto MU IK I pi
      905 words
    • 585 19 ■mm K^Z_f?_l-ar r k r Tl IMMI: HhKf ,-Mm •m. "mttrnmn, hi,,, im. *u~ i-m-km Mm Mm *Wt *v v.x I ajr^M B I Wss stwict n i" cmiiwittlipmts^^^ anas sfwia iiui cMTiunu pmti. |^Z^^pP^VVMpMMHpi9MMI^.M..HHgMMH^H^pMKI IWCCT S7UITS/I4PU, STUITS CMTtIKI SUVKE "a- mm m s 'a-M? J 'r raiTin--iiiiif a :<S
      585 words
    • 762 19 llmmJ'^Am^^^^Ml Mm\^^R wJ FULLY COMTAINEKIZED StKVICE TO EUKOPE mmmi im FM: HCHIITt HUM teal 1 MTM isti wNardiM. AmtirM. Jwfwtftj, LeHtrri. MtESmU S?", »M-*t hM, »MIMIU. SSJSJ 1 g Gmm»4», BotMMfc IM. aw 1 SlocUMm, Olio. HtlunJu, UmtM Imm. cmmm tmt vi a mmi in x mmi. FULLY COWTAINimZED StKVICE
      762 words
    • 676 19 Imw**, f)M44; P. llmmj 4541, XX. *****; rMM, MMI THE BANK LDfL LTD. IMB VMU. I*" 1 (MW.taß.M.ri»t»HiM) P.MMJJ I/IM s'pori 11/ J Ml WTUM PMN Smt %/ufm atiaaua iHm..i,« i i Wnc) p vi», l/n S|n v, FM (UI I Mil imu FN MJW, U.IU MMMM P S'M.
      676 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 802 20 KAISHA LTD. UNJ-UI IMMI USE! UISM ITB. mm. mtvm. stmjts stmcL jaaaa Naaatiiai liataura P. lalaaj I WWI I aa»t Japan Arabia- Call "riaa lianaaw ntt >iaii tatiaasair *llaal CaHaaa/Miacat/Baaai nati FttiaaMir Ma Oaaa./Baaa'iia.a* inn! anannaiaaai. Japan South Alrta- W««t AfHaa *mwt%mm Ummn PMi atc—uai M a <> tm »•<*■■
      802 words
    • 738 20 tetmiM iv imm m mwn iMWBMrr im 2 m l J m *H imm ntturt. mmm. Mn mm'im imm "*ia pmti. Fraai IT* fro tatkaaHaa: I.CT Ml— lim twirim a aaj »km l«aaaa«. ic.r. But— n Ma* n— a aat imni t. LSI u-«f t«a— i atm ltm mntlUM mmm
      738 words
    • 759 20 l^^ngpTinc ociaiT uno UK. JUtOPI SIBVrCI LOADING «O« LONOCN. KOTTUDAM. MAMiUIG BILiAC. U MAViI Siaawor. Kahat Naaat laa«aa IM h'Wi 1 at— aM mppmm a/a n/*t n/ i taat J> urn tM t k raiaci mm a saat/i tat i, > att i/ i act it act a- im Sttpaara
      759 words
    • 717 20 pm-b amg it vmm, iM»m/muam mn I( >w tmann biv>t PaaaK Ua— fan MWTUJM 1/ I taat ta/tlaaat 14/titaat L >vil>. ratal VII. H'tart »/11. It 11 MMA aari t/tlltat M/Nlaat itttSaat MVaMat itaa kVM. l*a» an* r«aai m/u. •w. 30,10. M'aari J/11. Vt— ff 7/11 ■M— lt/IM I IM
      717 words
    • 662 20 PORT KLANO auth Part: Victoria Oammewah. Hoi Ylng. Kota Ratu Kalryu Maru and Enco Swan ■haal JaMr Sunnae No 1 Marth «ta— MaU line. Parlu Sri Mrlatl. Slncapor* Ramln' Thai Ocean No I King Horse and J Spaa— a NarWi Pan; Temaralr*. Tung Chow. Mergenburg and Yamatoml Maru taiaaw »arav
      662 words

  • 5 21 A LADY Box A *****
    5 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 702 21 LlU33lJie(l (JOS ggj OUI6E KLERK'S SALONS In Hotel Sinx*pura for your latest hairstyle*, expert perming and rorC eou« tinting Very moderate Sices Appolntmenu: telephone Vtuts is pore' 0 OEPARTMSNTAL BTORE, BHOF NO: 4. HYATT HOTIL r^rreU to Inform ,ii business sssoclstes and patrons 9m E«s» wsi ws cseawa Mr Business
      702 words
    • 634 21 OPPSNONI OtLFISXO PCRBONSSEL Expatriates experienced Top Wages new rigs 7-7 schedule live In Mlrl. Sarawak TOOLPUBHBRB ONNIINS ASSISTANT DRILLERS MNRWSUBEN CNANI OPIRATONS Call at: MmSSCIsSMSn 884. Csxsww SsSWliB for application forms. M£&a'7.y WWCHI ANO BWMDB) for dty araa. Enjoy Excellent salary and empfoyte benenu Start career^luhßß now f«« tecunty and
      634 words
    • 743 21 STASLISHIO ADVERTISING AOBNCY require one efficient Steno-typlst with good command of English State experience Apply to: The Managing Director P.O. Box 1371. Singapore. CONFIDENTIAL CLINK We invite applications from Singapore Cltlsens for the position of CLERK (Moto) In our Property Division. The successful candidate must be able to fulfil the
      743 words
    • 614 21 1. ironworkers Wednesday 21st AmsmsL 1874 1 WELDERS Thursday Itnd AUSMM.IB74 1 PrfTIPJS (Marine Matafnent* SRd Oenersl) Friday I3rd Ayoust. 1874 4 TURNERS Menowf ISwi AtaSMSt, 1874 8. SLINOERB Menday 16th Aub-sL 1974 8. ELECTRICIANS Tyososy 27*1 Aujuet. 1974 Please call at No l, Jalan Samulun. Jurong, Singapore 22 for
      614 words
    • 715 21 Qanavas ■kkaava* flMkAi t^^*^m> a MH-il PM.LS6. offers you a career m ELECTRONIC 8 Candidates must be Holders of Trade/ Craft Certificate In radio and TV servicing from recognised Vocational Technical Institute and have some relevant working experience PnltT bl y tx-NaUonal ServtotnixMa. Pisses w*4M tee O4TTAP BMPLOVMINT CINTRB, ISB-C,
      715 words
    • 707 21 REQUIRED IX. NATIONAL SERVICEMEN for post Of Labourers Tel *****7 for Interview BUvLONtO CONSTRUCTION FIRM requires Oeneral Site Foreman Immediately Interested applicant* please ceo tact *****25 for appointment ■UNOPIAN TRADING COMPANY HAS vacancy for van driver Interested candidates plsase contact Mr Chew (*****) for an appointment WANTS) VAN DPJVCN, DeUvery
      707 words
    • 743 21 COMPANY ORIVIR WANTID ISxMBJOUTBLY by large orpanlsauon Apply direct to Ms: *****1 ext 148 for appointment VACANCIES OP CLINK/ TYPMJT and Of flee Boys advertised on 2nd August, 1874 by The Personnel Officer. P O Box 1821. have been niled All appllcanu thanked BANK RVOUNHS A OvWVBJN living near Buklt
      743 words
    • 791 21 pOSfT MISS THIS OFFBIB -Pte 32.500 p.m. you can live In a newly completed 2-storey bungalow 4 ■wTn^rrcsa 1 10 Vl#wtn DMJT. 18 MBCUTTVI BUNGALOW. 4 bedrooms, alrcondltloners, spacious living/ dining, servant s faculties, matured garden rurnlshed $1,800 *****4 LSONtB TO WINS APANTMBMT tc let Senior executives. Phont *****0/ *****7
      791 words
    • 819 21 DIST. 16 1-STONtTV detached off Farrer Road central alreondlUonlng, 4 bedrooms study all with bathrooms attached Ample built-in wardrobes, soacious split-level living dining room, isrge modern kitchen, beautiful bathroom tiles, flooring marble/ 7-quet, three pauoa leading from living, dining, and study Small neighbourhood For inspection tel. *****0 88, JALAN HtKAVAT
      819 words
    • 754 21 AMERICAN COUPLB residing In Singapore for past three yean lease expires on 19th September urgently require accommodation In dlsu. 9. 10. 11 Call «*i— Pat *****29 office hours JAPAHBSE HIAVY MACHINERY CORPORATION with new arrival require* accommodation by Ist October Spacious bungalow (or luxurious apartment i for Its managing director
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 758 22 KATOMO HILLTOP *EAVIBW TWO•TOREY Duplex Split-level House. Remarkable Designed. SSaJry located. Aluminium win£jn\ conurt Mr Chong Tel •6364 Singapore [Sis ring 552*2 after 7 00 p m SBLBTAR MILLS. SEMIDETACHED single-storey bungalow, elevated, good location, furniture. «"'c°n<| n >»- medltte occupation $110.0*0 Phone 8*5646 Double-storey semi-detached. 4.--000 sq ft $129,000.
      758 words
    • 843 22 OME PAJM SSSM-OSTACHBO dlst 10 large 2S-storey 5-bedroomed split-level furnished bungalow Freehold land. 3.400 sq ft each Genuine buyers please reply 8 T Box A ***** PACIPtC MANSION, NrSH FLOOR apartment, 3 bedroom*, separate living/ dining, mosaic/ parquet flooring $90,000 Ace Housing 25*0129/ 25M148 DIST. 1* StGLAP HILL. Delightful single-storey
      843 words
    • 696 22 NEWLY COMPLETED BHOPHOUSft f >r sale at 8S m* Upper Changi Road Area 1.886 sq ft approximately Freehold Contact Mr* Ong. 3*141 ONLY 1 SHOP left To let. Orchard 1 ower Shopping Centre, lit floor Ttl 3716 M 37*432. Andrew Leong Housing Agency. 2-BTOMEY SHOPMOUSES at Brifhton Crescent off Serangoon
      696 words
    • 774 22 HOUOAV TOURS LONOON/ EUROPE APR. -OCT. T4 14 DAYS (7 Coimlos) .___.«jlt* 32 DAYS (7 Com* tot) •2MB/271 24 DAYS Ceuiiwlte) MM* Pricet include good notelt (shower/bath), all mealt. sightseeing plus commercial alrfllght ALSO Special low leree lo London/ Amsterdam/ Brutstlt/ Frankfurt/ Parts/ Rome/ New York/ San Francisco/ Lot <\ngeJe*
      774 words
    • 770 22 EURO-SINGAPORE EXPRESS (PTE) LTD. 9117/*ll* GOLDEN MILE •MOPPING CENTRE TEL: 2MMII. 2S*3M7. 2SMM3 (1) MALAYSIA 7 days alrcon coach $140 2) HAADYAI/ BONOKHLA 7 days $130/- Dept Every Sundays (3) MALAYSIA 4 days 5 nlghu non-alrcon coach $79 90. alrcon coach $96/- Dept. Every Wednesday night (4) PENANO/ IPOH 3
      770 words
    • 783 22 W I EMBER BE»tttNEMS BOOKKEEPING. SHORTHANO. TYPEWRITING. StudenU are prepared for School. Pitman and LCC Examination*. On successful completion School Certificates will be awarded. Fees: Commencing 6th 9th September Please enquire/ enrol early. Regent Commercial Institute 217. Bast Coast Road. (Lav's Arcade). Singapore 4001*0 WEEKEND BOOKKEEPING. HORTHANO. TYPEWRITING. CORRESPONDENCE AND
      783 words
    • 894 22 ATTENTION LADIES ft HOUSSWIVBSI A Modelling or Personal Oroomlng Course with Michelle Beauty ft Model Academy will make you feel more confident of yourself In every aspect Join Now For enquiries ring *****3 CHINESE. JAPANESE POR BEGINNERS, and Chinese Engllth Translation Ring for more detallt L 8 T C Tel
      894 words
    • 1011 22 LIAN HUP SENG 125-F Thomson Rd *****7 *****9 1973 DaUun 1300 Pick-Up Honda Civic 1200. Morris Mini 1275-OT Austin Mini 1000. 1973 Colt Oalant 14L. Subaru 1400. Mazda 1000 Mazda 1500 B'Wagon. Ford Escort 1300 XL. Comnvr BY Wagon 1971 Maada 1000. 1970 Morris Minor I*oo Van. 1969 Ford Cortina
      1,011 words
    • 772 22 IBT3 COtT OALANT 14M Btjooiv One owner, new road tax $8,200 o n.o. View 321 3rd floor. Supreme House Penang Road. Spore 9 ONE YEAR OLD Datsun 1200 c c Saloon Immaculate condition Accident free, one year road tax $8,200 o.>- v Vltw 8-A, Joo Avenue off Tessensohn/ Rangoon Road.
      772 words
    • 644 22 SSRVrCF RBPA'R MAINTENANCE all kinds room package alrcondltloners. refrlgeratort Please contact *****7/ *****6 Tropical Engineering CHEAP SALE CARRIER. PhllCO room alrcorulltloners 1 1■ 1. 2 h p under guarantee Rental 325/--p m Tel *****7 CALL SEABOAMD FOR YOUR container stuffing and un-stufflng Fork-lift rents and shipping documentation Tel *****8 FOR
      644 words

  • 79 23 fHE Government will offer financ i a 1 assistance for approved overseas training pro grammes in the private sector so as to introduce new skills and techniques or to supplement local training capaci ties during peak periods. This is In addition
    79 words
  • 174 23 Plan to train 200 students for shipyard rE Industrial Training Board Is considering proposals from a Japanese heavy industry firm to set up a joint training scheme to recruit vocational students. Negotiations on the scheme are under way between the ITB and Mitsubishi Singapore Heavy Industries < MSHI > Although
    174 words
  • 331 23 DITECnVEB from the CID arrested a 15-year-old man at Corporation Drive, Jurong on Sunday in connection with two stolen motorcycles He U now being held for questioning at the Buklt Psnjang police station. velopment division of the Economic Development Board will handle all Inquiries about this
    331 words
  • 141 23 Support for POSB Giro scheme- rpHE Post Office Sav--1 Inn Bank Giro scheme Initially for depositors to paj Public Utility Board bills from their savings accounts Is attracting good response. The serrlec, which starts on Sept. 1 Is fret and will save PUB consumers, who at present have to oaeoe
    141 words
  • 9 23 Drop in price of Spanish mackerel and red snapper
    9 words
  • 162 23 No licence scooterist fined pRICES of Spanish mackerel (tenggiri bekah) and red snapper (merah) dropped by 20 and 10 cents a kati respectively, the Trade Department report- ed yesterday. They are now being retailed at $2.30 and $1.10 at the Kandanf Kerbau Meanwhile, the price I of hone mackerel (telar)
    162 words
  • 94 23 SCOOTERIST £im Ah Beng of Lorong Qendl was fined a total of $170 by the Tenth Magistrate's Court yesterday after pleading guilty to two traffic offences In May He was fined $50 for riding his scooter without a licence along Upper Serangoon Road on May 26 at
    94 words
  • 5 23 Display centre for building products
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  • 264 23 Court told of threat to throw woman into river •pHE Singapore Institute of Architects is planning to set up a display centre to disseminate information on building materials. Mr. Albert Hong, the Institute's president, said the centre, to be located In the heart of the city, would hare a display
    264 words
  • 260 23 TWO men were charted x In the first Maglato»te's Court yesterday with trying to rob a woman by threatening to assault her and to throw her Into the Singapore River. Chua Stow Chua, M. and Tan Puay Chlanc. 17. plead•d not fulHy to Uireatenlng Ooh Ah Nak in front
    260 words
  • 168 23 GBOI'NDNUT O I L: $2.30 (880 g). $9.50 (5 katls or 302 kg) and $19.00 (10 katU or 6.05 kg). Condensed milk 65 cent* (14 oss or 397 g). POBK: Lean meat $3.40 a katl or 60S g, twee bak $2 80, streaky $2 20
    168 words
  • 39 23 TRZ Central Division of the Singapore CMrl Ouldes' AmoclsUoo wIU hold IU annual day with the theme "Our todeavour" at the Chinese High School ground. Buklt Ttmah Road, on Aug 14. from a pja. to I pm.
    39 words
  • 29 23 THK ancapor* Chaahlra Boom win hold IU donation draw In the Singapore Council of Social Samoa buildin* st Psnanc Lan* on Nov. II st 10 10 im
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 524 23 1975 DONATED OVERSEAS MERIT SCHOLARSHIPS TENABLE IN THE UNITED KINGDOM Applications are invited from Singapore citizens who are below 23 years of age on Ist January 1975 for UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS In the following fields commencing from the 1975/ 76 academic yearA: Courses tenable at Universities of Oxford snd Cambridge For
      524 words
    • 218 23 ANNOUNCEMENT m L\ A 1m iß^ns^HaMßaflaMHi^L^H LTD From Ist October 1974 F. E. Zuellig (Trading) Pte Ltd. Denmark House, 12 Raffles Quay, Singapore will be appointed sole distributors for Wolf Electric Tools in Singapore and Malaysia. For details of Wolf Sales and Service phone Mr. J. Chua at Singapore *****1/7
      218 words
    • 335 23 I 1 PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD TENDERS ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT (2nd Floor. City Hall) 1 Disposal of 404 Nos of AC Celling Fan lying at Thomson Road Hiring Store. Tender deposit $100/- Close at 2 15 p.m. on 5.0.74. Note For the information of prospective tenderers, one lot of 404 Nos or
      335 words

  • 0 24
    0 words
  • 222 24 IPOH, Wed. Consistent Kuala Rompin, who has five wins, a second and a third in his last nine starts stepped up his preparations for the Sultan's Gold Vase with a splendid gallop here today. Georre Pod more took this Prlnceione five- year-old for
    UPI  -  222 words
  • 0 24
    0 words
  • 253 24 BARRIER DRAW FOR IPOH RACES bABUEK draw an. 0 eeratekmgs far thie weekemt's raeee at Ipeh: SATITtDAY Cmm I Dtv. tf 1. T, It, t. t, U, I. 11. 11. 14. I*. t. 4. I. I. Scratekmg: Bet Clam I Dlv. 4— tf: 11, t. I, I, UMI. 4. T,
    253 words
  • 335 24  -  DACWO tCBBDOIX: v nm day Cm* 1 Dtv. I V; Class t Dtv. I tf; DH. I tf; Claes 4 D«v. 4 am* t H; Dtv. t ami 4 ST. tirseil «ay: Cm* 1 Dlv. 1 tf Claee Wv. 1 amt 5 Dtv. 1 M; Cmee Dtv.
    335 words
  • 490 24 RANGOON. Wed. Defending champions Burma may not take part in the Seventh Asian Games at Teheran next month, well Inform ed sources said yesterThe source* said this was because official sports writers were very critical about the performance of the 17-man soccer team which
    Reuter  -  490 words
  • 692 24 nriHIS year's lOf Pesta L Sukan Cup race has attracted 32 Class One stayers They art Big Chris. Champagne. Charlie Brown. Chaya Timor. Dilettante. Don Markos. Firebrand, Freedom Fighter, Oamerullah. Hard To Say. Indian Rebel, Integrity. Just Too Oood. Lascelles. Mustang 11. Need You Badly. Nineteenth September
    692 words
  • 38 24 China will not compete in Games swimming rpEHERAN, Wed. China yesterday reluctantly agreed to conform 1 with an International Amateur Swimming Federation (Fina) ban on Its swimmers taking part in the forthcoming Asian Games here. KUALA ROMPIN consistent
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  • 394 24 Henning: Peking is free to join Fina NAPERVILLK. (Illinois). Wed. The president of the International Amateur Swimming Federation (Fina) said yesterday that China was free to Join the organisation anytime it wanted, but Flna was not planning to expel Taiwan. Dr. Harold Henning made the statement in response to a
    394 words
  • 552 24 The Shah tours $375 m Games complex rpEHERAN, Wed. J- The Shah of Iran and Empress Farah yesterday visited the Asian Games Aryamehr sports centre and Inspected facilities The Royal couple, who were accompanied by Premier Amir Abbas Hoveyda and a number of Cabinet ministers. toured the sports centre and
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 673 24 We offer an outstanding opportunity to a capable, enthusiastic young man who will join U9 ADVERTISEMENT SALES MANAGER if you are involved in advertising and sales promotion are aware of the total range of communication techniques have a sound understanding of press advertising and other types of media have had
      673 words
    • 602 24 m requires a FINANCIAL JOURNALIST This is the opportunity for a challenging and exciting career in the world of finance. Tertiary training with specialisation in Economics and Business Administration will be an advantage but of more importance are an analytical mind and knowledge of the workings of financial institutions. Fluency
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  • 10 25  - Rivals pick Singapore to win most medals A. JOHNSON By
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  • 850 25  -  team are a stroke behind The Philippines on 236 Thailand, who finished njnnen up to The Philippines In last year's championship at Kuala Lumpur, are way down on 241. A heavy thunderstorm delayed the start by an nour and play finished in semi-darkness. The golfers
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  • 390 25  -  DENNIS CHIA By AUSTRALIA'S Terry A Wenbum snatch ed the lead from team mate Alan Lehner In the Masters qualifying round of the 10th Singapore Intern ationai Bowling championships at Jackles' Bowl Orchard last night. Bowling consistently he had a total of 1369 plnfalls 59
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  • 9 25  - ACS bounce back to finish third GODFREY ROBERT By
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  • 360 25 The test: Pakistan stand pat. A NGLO-Chlnese School bounced back from A a 0-3 deficit to snatch a 12-3 (three tries to a penalty) victory and third placing from Victoria School In the National Schools Post Secondary rugby championship at Orange Road yesterday But ACS. the fittest and best prepared
    AP  -  360 words
  • 42 25 PUB Security beat Colombo Transit Camp 6-1 in a friendly soccer match at tbt Pandan yesterday. Mahat 6, Lang Ahmad and Sarajl scored for PUB who lad by 4-0 In the first half. Pong scored for the camp
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  • 36 25 OEYLANO BAST yesterday entered the final of the Oeylang West National Day soccer tournament when they beat Crawford 3-1 at Oeylang SUdHsm Oaytang West will meet Bras Basah In the other m^ftj|mi today.
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  • 17 25 BANK of Singapore beat Cathay PUms 4-Jln a friendly soccer match at Pamr Park yesterday
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  • 93 25 Akii-Bua to defend his title KAMPALA. Wed Uganda's John AkllBua will defend his Olympic 400 metres hurdles title in Montreal In 1976. Th.c 25-year-old police officer said: "I still feel strong and hope to win." Akll-Bua. whose 47.8 seconds run In the Munich Olympics still stands as the world record,
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 173 25 Everton edge Stoke in Div 1 clash LONDON, Wed.— Stoke > City, conquerors of mighty Leeds United last Saturday, were beaten a-1 by Everton in a First Division League soccer match yesterday. Cat itsie humbled Jackie Charlton's Mlddlesborough 2-0 In the battle between the two newly-promoted teams In another First
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  • 304 25 OAJI Shaarl Tadln, Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Culture), said yesterday that China, with a population of more than 700 million, had an Important role In the Asian Games. Speaking at the Rotary Club luncheon on "Olympian and Singapore's participation In the Asian Oamei,"
    304 words
  • 69 25 NSW YORK. Wed Remit* of ywUrdar i major taaguc baaatoall iuw NaUraal Umm: Lkw Angelaa It Chlcm«o HouJton 6 New York 2. Atlanta 8t Loul* 8 San Francisco Ptttaburfh 7, ClnclnnaU 7 Philadelphia 1. 8u Dtato Montreal 0. HwiHiaw Leaf**: New York 2 Minnesota 1. Kama* City
    69 words
  • 163 25  -  JOE DORAI By A WELL-PLANNED goal in the 33rd mlnnte paved the way for International Contract Specialists to beat Darul Aflah 4-0 at Jalan Besar last night for a berth In the play off for the FAS League Dlv Three
    163 words
  • 223 25 SOCCEI coach Michael Walker has turned down a n*w two-year contract offered by Football isssriarlw of Singapore and will leave at the end of the month. Tbli was announced yesterday by FAS Deputy Chairman N. Ganesan after he had an hoar's meeting with Walker. Regret Mr. Ganeaan said:
    223 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 99 25 Just over half- a- pint of Guinness Stout is Now you can drink in all the goodness of in this little Guinness bottle. We call it the a strong, reviving glass of Guinness Stout and enjoy every hearth-giving minute of it. And the nip is specially prepared for y< if
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  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 60 25 GOLF Ptttra Cup (Bu- BCC v Khalaa "B" (padang) kit oourat 1230 pm) BADMINTON InterBOWUNG Peata Sukan constituency championship Stngapor* Open champion- Queencwar 88 Rangoon ahlpa (Jacklei Bowl Orchard Road. KJC 7 »0 pm.). am SOCCgS: Dr. Lee Chlaw BWagBDNO Schools In- Meng Cup: Oc«an v Darul tcrnaUonal (Tba Payoh).
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  • 183 26 RIDING OUT TO SAFETY FROM FLOOD-HIT HOMES A FATHER and his two sons ride to safety on a banca among submerged homes in San Simeon, Pampanga. on Tuesday where flood waters have nearly reached roof level. Rescue officials rushed amphibian trucks to at least eight towns still submerged In flood-ravaged
    AP  -  183 words
  • 225 26 UNITED NATIONS, Wednesday PAKISTAN has called for South Asia to be declared an atom-free zone, "to ensure against the proliferation of nu- clear weapons." Acting Just three months after India exploded an underground nuclear device. Pakistani Foreign Secretary Agha Shahl yesterday asked for the
    Reuter  -  225 words
  • 139 26 HONOKONO, Wed. China has transformed large tracts of Oobi Desert Into oases during the past two decades, the New China news agency reported. The agency said the production and construction corps under the 81ngklang area military command of the Chinese People's Liberation Army had built SO big and
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 68 26 VTSNNA. Wed. Parliamentarian* from the 17--natlon Council of Burope yesterday held out the prospect of speedy membership for Oreece and Portugal, but reported that Spain iuil failed to meet the democratic standards for entry Oreece was forced to resign from the organisation two years
    68 words
  • 59 26 TKRBBINA (BraiU). Wed. —About SO people were killed and IT Injured when a bus overturned and caught (Ire in nortb-eaet Brasil in the third etrtouß but accident In the country in the pan three week* Police eouroai aald the bodies were ao badly burned that they
    59 words
  • 86 26 BR.UBSBJB. Wad. Hobdrtda of farmers itaiMliil ad throughout SMlgtuai despite speeal government nssanim to aid than casnkig Into (arc* ywuntey ■swsej down iMiMMUatan mounted on It tractors rumbled Into the main ear park of the Brussels headquarters of the iUU bmdcmlU( ooeaoany KTa. to protest at bOßnt farm
    AP  -  86 words
  • 142 26 Minimum wages in Thailand to be raised- BANGKOK. Wed.— The Thai Government has decided to increase minimum wages la as effort to eat down the labour unrest which has hit the country since the overthrew af the military government last October. A government spokesman said the Cabinet took the decistea
    142 words
  • 348 26 TURIN (Italy), Wed,— A 10-year-old MUan boy kidnapped last week was freed In hills near here today following payment of a ransom of about 80 million lire (about 8HM.000) police sources s»id. The boy. Btefano Berbert, was In good health and had been treated well,
    Reuter; UPI  -  348 words
  • 2 26
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  • 216 26 *EECs policy fair to all nations' r ONDOH. w««. a —tin eleae L< iiicktir ww oa >>>«■«« ib mo*«r«l. trm4lm« At pm. tk* n— umi Tlaa >D4.m w— S at 114 k<M aftaf* pnos iUmm kMk Mi«r «r wut of liurat. 4nm mm. Utlm v*m Burowiy Knr «a tbtlviMi aaOter
    216 words
  • 171 26 COLOMBO, Wednesday rIE European Common Market's desire to build a prosperous Community will not be at the expense of the developing countries, the spokesman for an EEC delegation from Brussels said here today. The Common Market had imported US$3O,OOO million (8175,000 million! worth of goods from developing countries,
    171 words
  • 25 26 umtdom. w«< am ».m enr ass ii* i eat M.n. om »v. ■■mi aaa a* 1 ea*. mm mb Ott MM Ma. Trai BataM
    25 words
  • 24 26 LOHDOH WM kyM Mm I"** nilOTi iSTM iai ♦a*. nil— INN <♦!•> liWl (im i+l») IWum *.a. IN MM m. IM MM. Tm* «rtM.
    24 words
  • 35 26 MOSCOW. Wad —Six Jew* lmprlaoned near Uw aaartin city of Tana are eoeVng a hangar strike they began Au« to protect aganat oondiuom In their labour ramp. Jewah Kwrota aald yeaterday.-AP.
    AP  -  35 words
  • 91 26 rKTO. W»t-JtHi Air Umi Mid Uh; K wli rah* Ms IstteraaUoaaJ air fares keglnmiag Ini 15 fcaaaaaa «1 raaag fael eosta. las raise, tae fvevtk this year, to MBjeet to aamtal ay tae Traasysrt MUritry. aaM paaamgar tares aa Aslaa r— t«a will
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  • 6 26 Vietcong take another town and outpost
    6 words
  • 507 26 POWERFUL BOMB IN PRAM SAIGON, Wednesday unabated communist military campaign has driven Government forces from another town and a militia outpost in widely separated parts of the country, military sources disclosed today. The Saigon Command today confirmed the loss of the town of Mang Buk In the Central Highlands yesterday,
    Reuter  -  507 words
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    • 92 26 I 4fe I Ha^j asa»B™»v^ I MAKING OF I ■SINGAPOREAN I I. 1144 Mm lisas* hi Sssfatrt ulawnta. a WSBtawWawSaal taa aaas saßaa AaSata bbbbbsb aasaaaaa aMB«a» J« J itlimi m Wild COT Mi OTrl MSpMOM i w^B m PVM «TH§ ffffwalI. 1848 saw lecal sctsn m* f as -f
      92 words
    • 225 26 $100.00! Trade In On old Adding /Calculating Maci lines YIP 121 M OIOIT ELiCTWOWIC IMf MOWY CALCULATOR Exclusive Features •Percentage Operator •Direct Memory •Automatic Roatng Deomai and Fixed ftants gaataf** •Automate Clear •item Count afl LaaaV aWsVam^ _^a^awl bW^^^ Char Cateutetion r\ •Constant Calculation La» "Automatic Memory Accumulation Add/Subtract Mode
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