The Straits Times, 19 August 1974

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 517 1 After India, Bangla and Burma, it's the Philippines... MANILA, Sun. PRESIDENT Marcos proclaimed a state of national emergency today because of the worst monsoon floods in two years in the main Philippine island of Luzon. The Philippine crisis came as Burma was facing its worst floods of
    UPI  -  517 words
  • 60 1 CAIRO. Sun A British Airways jumbo M carrying SM psawnesri made aa emergency landing at Calm yesterday when one of Its engines caught fir* Cairo newspapers reported today that all paawiigm were said to be safe and another British plane took them on to London. The
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 163 1 5 more fleeing convicts die in gun battle OANOKOK, Sun.— Another five escaping prisoners were killed, shortly after one of them had slain a three-year-old girl whom they were holding as hostage, In a gun battle with police last night In north-eastern Thailand, police reported today. Police said the men
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 57 1 BUCHAREST. Sun. Delegate* from 14* nations today crowded Into this Balkan capital for the first Intergovernmental conference aimed at drawing up a world plan of action on the population expkwton. An estimated 5.000 experts. delegate* and toumallstt will attend the 12-day forum representing more nations
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  • 215 1 MOSCOW, Sunday THE Soviet Union confirmed today that its marathon negotiations with China over their border dispute and other bilateral issues were pressing ahead despite earlier speculation of a suspension. The official new* agency Taas reported the departure fron. Peking of its chief Soviet negotiator
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  • 66 1 POZA RICA (Mexico). Sun. Quadruplets ail girlswere born early yesterday to Mrs. Sara Martlnsa. M. in thla oil refining town near the port of Veracrus on Mexico's Oulf Coast. The infants, weighing between 1.2 and 1.7 kg HI and 1.9 lb) were said to
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  • 44 1 KUWAIT. Bun Kuwait today decided to lend MO ton* of foodstuff*, blanket*, medicine* and clothing to Baagladwh flood victim*. It was announced nan. n»nfl«(iMh Finance*ur T»Juddln Ahmed 1* dee here tomucw for a one-day yiait Reuter (Sea rag* T»»i
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 52 1 iouala. Sun. Pour men armed with machlnafoni kidnapped a wealthj raaabar near thto Mrrtcan City and Ullillllin UBUMJOO (I«W.--000) for hfc life, kufchorttta* aUd today. The four armed man forced Jorat Morales TMnaaa fmn bia oar on jartaaay and then fled with their taoaaat In a ftaway
    AP  -  52 words
  • 29 1 PHMOaf FBKH. •un.-Ba-btl foroat aVormed a fo*srnmant outpost la the ally Mean ■atfhsnt pf»Tlaea north-w«at of bare mUrday kUßng tha farrtasa comßiardar. military awro« •aid today OFI
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  • 96 1 Crash plane's $17 m shipment nOOOTA, Sun. A D DC-3 airliner which disappeared over the Andes last Monday was carrying gold dust worth about £3 million (8917 7 mil), El Tiempo newspaper reported today, Quoting official sources The report could not be confirmed because the Bank of the Republic, which
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 46 1 SKTPTON (Bngland). Sun. Rescuers today freed five explorer* trapped yesterday by a rocksude more than 3 2km (two mllea) underground, police said Membirs of two rescue teams found the five unhurt after they cleared away fallen rock* using special •qutpment brought to the
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  • 31 1 WCBT BERLIN. Sun— The central committee of the World Council of Churches voted to open a "Church World Bank." in Oeneva aimed at aiding the worlds poorest nations— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 38 1 ZURICH. Sun —A swindler posing a* prince defrauded a Swls* clergyman of 3.000 franc* (about 851.350) which he said, he needed to enable him to negotiate ex-King Consun tines return U> Oreece. police laid today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 33 1 CHICAOO. Sun.— A team of researcher* from England and South Africa amy that many of 20th century-man dlssaaat may be caused by tha lack of Indigestible fibre* In bis food OPI
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  • 161 1 JERUSALEM. Sun— The head of tha Oreek Catholic Church In occupied east Jerusalem was arrested today by Israeli security men on suspicion of aiding the Al Fatah Palestinian guerilla organisation. A police spokesman said Archbishop Hllarton Capuccl wu suspected of being a messenger for
    Reuter; AP  -  161 words
  • 36 1 lioecow, sun. TtM Soviet Onion today warned Japan that chauvinistic talk about reclaimlnc Northern Island* could only delay the signing of n|« accorJi. including the tong-ewarsd peace treaty between aL» cow and Tokyo— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 151 1 WASHINOTON. Sun Special Watergate prosecutor Leon Jaworaky today cleared former New York Oovcroor Nelson Rockefeller of allegations thai ha was Involved In a Water-gate-type scandal Tha soeusaUons earlier today appeared to remove the four-term Naw York Qovemor from belnß considered as President Ford's vtca presidential nominee.
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 37 1 MBOKTB (FruM), 9mm.- Mve -salt tain dtabara, rwa*4 tacetaar far aa HMt la the alAaatt •MJe ataa af the French Alp., wart OM Uaay whea they fell Ht a *M cttft, a**** sal*.
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  • 77 1 'PEKING'S ENVOY TO KL DUE NEXT MONTH' I£UALA LUMPUR, MX Sun. The Chinese Ambassador to Malaysia will arrive here next month or In October, Senator Ibrahim Yaacob said tonight. He was speaking at National Front rally for Dr Tan Tlong Hong in Jtnjang north. He said that Tun Razak wanted
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  • 61 1 WATHtraU (Maine). Sub. A bomb mailed to an attorney bar* and apparently intended tor Pissldtnt Ford appears to have artglMHit a titm ftfaiae state |nttffn pnltwi •aid. The package containing an explosive was mailed from Thorns stnn. where the prison U located A not* aide asked the
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  • 50 1 wASMiwiriwin. sun US farm officials, under Increasing pressure far action to limit or at toast monitor grain export* ctaasty in coming months, win rsvtsw the export outlook In talk* with major foreign customers here during the next few weeks. Assistant Agriculture Secretary Clayton Tsattsr said today— UPl
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  • 25 1 MOSCOW Sun Leong Uytchyov. head of the Soviet delegation at the 81no-Soviet border talks left Peking \> r home today. Taa* news agency said. Rsuter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 124 1 Gaddafi meets Sadat for talks ALEXANDRIA. Sun. President Anwar Sadat and Libyan leader Col. Muammar Gaddafi held their first formal meeting today to try to thrash out their differences. Sheikh Zald bin Sultan. President of the United Arab Emirates, who succeeded In bringing the two together is apparently staying to
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 53 1 MIAMI. Bun— A bomb blast ripped off the back door of a Cuban exile organisation early yesterday, the third time In four months a Cuban group hare has been the target of an explosion. Damage to the rest of the building was minimal Thar* wars
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  • 63 1 Paris, sun. French aodaltot laader PrancoU Mitterrand cam* under a hall of atom* and abuat from leftist youth* reatcrday whan he uttresMd a public manlac In the southern French town of Laraac. Mr ICttarrand. the unsuccessful toftwtnf candidate in this year's Presidential election, wu not hurt In the
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  • 1040 1 TURKS BREACH CEASEFIRE NICOSIA. Sunday 'JU'RKISH tanks and troops were advancing today along the valley just beyond the southernmost outskirts of Nicosia, eye witnesses reported. The Turks In breach of the ceasefire were moving westwards within 1.6 kms (a mile) of the Nlcoala-L am a
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  • 73 1 RHODES (Dodecanese Islands). Sun —Sleepy-eyed people ran for cover In this sleepy Oreek holiday resort close to the Turkish coast and other* headed out of town In their can with their valuables a* air raid sirens wailed at dawn today. Policemen took up defensive positions, but It
    Reuter  -  73 words
    • 61 1 DUBLIN. Son. Troops and police today hunted for eight members of the outlawed Irish Republican Army who blasted their way from prison with gelignite and escaped In hijacked ears. Among the escapees frosa the rrlm Port a Mm Prtoon was Kevin ■■■■in, a leading official of
      Reuter  -  61 words
    • 37 1 ALEXANDRIA. San.— FruHwt Sadat u4 Libyan Into C*toMl m—- Gaddafi har« afTMd to th«iT« th«tr HlmM far Um —mwl and c*aUbm a lUUfM «M•d at rndtnc thw, w«U-taf*raMd fwcaa •aid today. -Inter. (8m Back tog*)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 83 1 BUBARIi SOLE DISTRBI. ORS SIMGAPORE MOTORS PTE. LTD. 17GOLDHIL PI A/ASMGAPORE 11 TEL *****5 ACCURON Price and performance add up to an unbeatable combination M ACCURON POCKET SIZE W MEMORY KING I ELECTRONIC CALCULATOR .^■aw^awk. at awm^av A^ w**^4.^aw# m v PB£ J^^aw^P^w*^ > w -TwX^^ #'^^mawr\ Manu/scrursr ACCURON SDN.
      83 words
    • 227 1 J^ENMARKS STERLING j^B^ su/ervwAre m m steel MumF by J^<W> OEORO Zdzr VT JENSEN SENA (PTE) LTD. HCH CLASS JEWELLERS BRANOCS: RATTLES HOTELS.^ F The Linea 98 is the new manual typewriter that incorporates teatures trom the electrics aw*4 «/U .awal^al^a.»ft»ft»a»_ -ft .^aw^Lwlaw^P^^al a^a^a^a^a^aa^^Tl JT~ tyahk^. Lw^BawHwl awk^^^^H %v MhaH
      227 words
    • 57 1 OTHMAN HITS AT EARLY MARRIAGES P*f« 15 GREEK withdrawal threat won't hit Nato S PARDON iO but try Nixon: Lawyers 4 RAZAK: Govt not anti-Chinese S WALKING la the rain 7 WHY the Govt ke-.-ps at it WHAT an MP -ildn't know about that Sl.aat arise CROSSWORD 9 TV. RADIO
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  • Straits Times World News
    • 145 2 Pullout of Korea demand to US by 32 [NTTED NATIONS Sun. T* 1 Soviet Union, China and 30 other African and Asian countries launched a new drive yesterday for withdrawal from South Korea of about 40.000 US troops there under the UN flag. In a memorandum to the Oeneral Assembly,
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    • 649 2 Flooding in Burma worst century RANGOON. Sun. MORE than 200,000 peqple are homeless and thousands of acres of crops destroyed in the worst floods in 60 years, Burma's state-owned press nsx>rted today. Ail of Burma's five main rivers were spilling waters Into fields and washing away embankments, the report said.
      Reuter; UPI  -  649 words
    • 309 2 WASHINGTON, Sun. President Ford and King Hussein of Jordan agreed In a Joint statement today that a Jorda-nian-Israeli troop d 1 s engagem ent should get early consideration as a next step towards a Middle East peace. The U8 Jordanian statement waa issued
      Reuter; UPI  -  309 words
    • 33 2 wabHWOTOM. Sun. The UnlUd Malta win Him atop* aarh> shtpsasnt of about l oioes tons of tram In an asyosmant to be skjnod toaMrrow by Urn two estmtrtta, soeroas said ap
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    • 339 2 A MOURNING arch bearing a portrait of Mrs. Park Chunghee, the slain South Korean First Lady, stands near the Central Government Building in Seoul. Mrs. Park will be buried today In a national funeral service. It was announced yesterday that the gunman who killed sination attempt
      Reuter  -  339 words
    • 95 2 India won't cancel that steel pact NEW DELHI, Sun The Indian Oovernment has turned down a strong Parliamentary demand to cancel a longtenn contract with Japanese steel mills for the supply of Indian Iron ore. Several member*. Including some in the ruling Congress Party, called for the cancellation during a
      Reuter  -  95 words
    • 52 2 LOURENCO MARQUIS Sun The Portuguese Oovemment will swear In tomorrow the head of a •even-man Junta which will provide an Interim administration for Moaambtque while Independence la granted to the territory. An official announcement named him as Major Mek> Antnes and said he would be •worn in
      Reuter  -  52 words
    • 32 2 HONOKOWO Sun The United Stales and Hongkong will dlacuai hart tomorrow technical nutters relating to th* implementation of the recently concluded Hongkong US Uxtlto an— bJ, a government spofcossnsn said
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    • 123 2 $9m aid to fight disease pANBERRA. Sun. Indonesla will receive aid amounting to US$3 9 million (SsB 8 million) to help in its fight against foot and mouth disease. Foreign Affairs Minister Senator Don Willesee said today. In a statement here. Sen. WlUesee said the Australian aid would Include equipment
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    • 35 2 houokono. Sea Twtnty-eifht co n tructioo worker* died and another 3.l** were injured In Industrial accidents In Hongkong during urn ant six month* of this year, a Qovarasaent ipn>— itu said today Hauler
      35 words
    • 196 2 WASHINQTON, Sun SECRETARY of State Dr. Henry Kissingers planned visit to South Asia In October will not be disrupted by the current Cyprns attaaUon, State Department onViata have declared. Although Ens date* have not been formally released here. State De■artaaent officials and dtnloaaaU have said
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 333 2 tawtaMamttajajmmawm MHHHHMHHsHrS BH I *aT^ **s* u^H m I J0 Datwaw'*" H \S I ytjislNGEß |]k^^H II IQbbH KflM Baßaß^BsVaaVaßvaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaß^K H I i^dsfl- J *lli£?Jr^tiiißiiiiSa bi*^^^^^^^Lbbl BuMßUßaaal 1' .^o^^ C a .^a\w*S^ h win fl mOf% '"for- H B«tfHM j^tw about Singer's Professional* I -V^^^^^ rnschin* ft ■W^^ ~^!il m
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    • 573 3 VLTASHINGTON, Sun.— Military specialTT ists say a Greek military withdrawal from Nato would do little real harm to Natos south-eastern flank defences, although it would delight Moscow and force the US navy to find new ports and deployment strategies. Pentagon officials have made no official
      AP; UPI  -  573 words
    • 295 3 Pak hogging its wealth: Mujib DACCA, Sunday BANGLADESH Prime Minister Sheikh MvJibur Rahman yesterday accused Pakistan of being reluctant to give the young state its share of the wealth of the former undivided Pakistan. "The Issues of the people who form the majority of former Pakistan are unresolved," he told
      Reuter  -  295 words
    • 185 3 Woman saves boy from jaws of lion SAN JOSE (California). Sun. A three-year-old boy ni pulled from the mouth of a baby lion last Thursday by a woman who pummelled the animal with her shoe, too off\:Uls said yesterday. The boy. Brandon Gate*. was reported in good condition after knee
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    • 46 3 WASHINGTON. Bun —An ■Jinj epokesnan bat denied a report that In iwll|i limn found rrtdenot of criminal Blteonduct by FenUiiwi ***-L*im in the hartttlng of a OSftM million (MIM aUlnon) advertialnc contract, but he eoneadad Urn project mar have been ml— enegtit UK.
      46 words
    • 45 3 PEKING, San. Chin— c arehaaatogteta have aae*rer«4 atensUa awa> from iltru' tones at the ralas «f "the earliest ctty yet f otJiwl la China," Mew China Newt Agency said yesterday. The I,***- year -old relic* were foan4 near Chencchow, capital of Hanaa. AT.
      45 words
    • 158 3 Hunger strike by 14 Tibetans at embassy NEW DELHI, Sun. A batch of 14 Tibetan refugees began an Indefinite hunger strike In front of the Bhutan Embassy here to protest Bhutan's decision to try Tibetans allegedly Involved In an abortive plot to assassinate King Jlgme Slnhye Wangchuk. "We have resolved
      UPI  -  158 words
    • 39 3 DOVem. aun. Abte Khalbt. 13-year-old BtypUan girt from CUro. today became the youngest person to rwlm the ShgUeh Channel. She corered the 21-mile Dover Btralto from England to Prance In 13 hour* 30 mlnutet during Urn night
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    • 39 3 saioow. sun. Thi P*cten Vietnam Company a ■übeldUry of Uw United mm i»wd Pactaa-abeii. hat begun Unfclnt the first offshore exptoretory oil well into South VMhbl continental shelf, the oOcUl Vietnam Pr«*a New* Afency reported today. AeuisT.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 193 3 TABARD makes you^B| unattractive (to insects) You will actually look a lot better to people M when you're not covered in bites! M Tabard protects you against all insects M B^ jfl mosquitoes, ants, sandflies, leeches you name i^^H the insect. Tabard keeps it away You just rub Tabard on
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    • Briefs
      • 29 4 XTEW DELHI, Sun. ■I" India and Burma yesterday agreed to institute a special payment s arrangement which will enable Burma to purchase goods worth 75 million rupees (Ss*4 million).
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      • 25 4 NEW YORK: Tbe Chase Msnhsttaa, New York's second largest bank. yesterday announced plans for opening a fall-service branch In the Sultanate of Oman this autumn.
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      • 30 4 BRASILIA: Princess Alexandra of Britain and her husband Angus OglJvy arrived yesterday for a week-long official visit to Brazil which will include stops at Rio de Janeiro and San Paulo.
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      • 24 4 DAMASCUS: Syria denied Israeli charges yesterday of disengagement violations and accused the Jewish state of trying to "torpedo peace efforts" In the Middle East.
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      • 30 4 HOUBTON (Texas): Even If Americans continue to conserve fuel at reduced rates, the country still won't have enough domestic refineries to meet its needs to 1077. oil industry officials say.
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      • 44 4 NEW YORK: The New York Times today editorially credited President Gerald Ford with a first week marked by openness and cautions conservative approaches at home bat called on him for emphatic personal action to check Turkey's Cyprus con quest and save the Atlantic Alliance.
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      • 49 4 MANILA: Three top favourites tied for the lead at the end of the sixth round of the 13th World Junior Chess Championship here today. Anthony John Miles of Britain, Larspake Schneider of Sweden and Roy Diets of the Netherlands, now share the lead with 4}fe points each.
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      • 40 4 NEW YORK: Nearly half of the adults question ed In a nationwide survey have despaired of the nations economy and believe the country Is headed for a depression, according to a Gallup poll taken two weeks ago and released yesterday.
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      • 32 4 DACCA: The Bangladesh Government Is likely to sign contracts with a number of foreign oil companies for exploration of oil. mostly at its offshore islands, later this month. Government source said yesterday.
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      • 29 4 PARIS: The news magaslne Le Point said today that Egypt was considering baying about M Mirage Jet fighter- bombers here should Prance lift Its Middle East anas embargo Agencies.
        Agencies  -  29 words
    • 34 4 CARACAS. Bun Member* of the National Ouvtf ■hot and killed atvtn prtaon•n it the stn Cristobal Prison in the Aadat Mountain, today and reamed two officials who had been held hoetas* on
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    • 151 4 3 claims on exleaders' frozen assets BANGKOK, Son. Three claims have been made on the frosen assets of three of Thailand's former military leaders, but none have come from the men themselves, according to members of the special committee administering the property. The assets of former Premier Thanom KitUkachorn. his
      Reuter  -  151 words
    • 64 4 Burning rage VattaN <F¥ance>. Sun Joseph Paranl. 74. became so irritated wfth hte as-yaar-old neighbour that he decided to bum him alive. police amid today. Mr. Psranl dretxhed the flat of hla nelfhbour. Sylvto Rondanin] with ps'rol and then toaaed a Molotov cocktail through the window but Mr Rondanlm escaped
      Reuter  -  64 words
    • 222 4 Rare meteorite find intrigues museum men ADELAIDE, Sunday J)R t ortan Mason of the US Smithsonian "Institute has confirmed a South Australian discovery last May of the worlds only tiny unfractured sample or a rare meteorite a museum spokesman said yesterday The only other known •imllar meteorite, found to 1915
      UPI  -  222 words
    • 232 4 PIOLIDAYS END FOR 40,000 COURT LINE TOURISTS LONDON. Sun. The first of 40,000 tourists stranded by the collapse of Court Lines. Britain's second largest travel firm, began returning home yesterday. Another 100,000 wouldbe holiday-makers, many who paid more than £200 (SS1.180) in advance, were stranded at home with little prospect
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    • 566 4 HONOLULU. Sun |N WEEKLONG sessions of the Ameri can Bar Association, the nations top lawyers examined political ethics and ended by resolving that ex-President Richard Nixon should not get immunity but that the young men who refused to serve in Vietnam should
      AP  -  566 words
    • 124 4 Ethiopia premier quits report ADDIS ABABA. Sun. Prime Minister Michael Imru and at least four Cabinet ministers were reported yesterday to have resigned In a move that could force an army takeover of the Government of Ethiopia. The resignations were reported by diplomatic sources to have been made after the
      UPI  -  124 words
    • 96 4 »f O S C O W. San. 1 l*ravda said today the «aest for naefear dlsannament remains the •rlorlty Itea In dereloplnj SorletABBertean relations. "The strsiff ck for a— tear disarmament. In the nrst alas*, far ending ■■dsrgrsamd naclear wsissm tosts, fsaaliis •ne of
      96 words
    • 38 4 BONOKONO. Sun. The MMtar of hydjo-siaetrtc power stations hu Increased from IN to IJOO In nir«. •was ot Hupah province in etntval China in tbe i»at nine jtm. the New China H«wi Asjbuij report«d today -Rnur.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 332 4 ••LUCAS now has parts available for any Japanese car you can nameff **^B Jb- *IB B^B^aw*~ 1 f fl^L 1 A bt^^^Kblb^bh I^b^bm dP^ LUCAS Fbrts (or Japanese cars cfctnbuied by SINGAPORE 54 Orchard Ro«<1 M: *****1/8 KUALA LUMPUR: 3 Jalan Robertson Tal *****3 IPOH 183 Hugh Low Street P.O.
      332 words

    • 127 5 Jakarta move for Asean defence system ITUAJ.A LUMPUR, Sun. f* The Governor of the Indonesian National Institute of Defence. Lieut-Gen. Sayidlman, arrived here today to discuss the possibility of holdlnc a special defence course in Jakarta trus The course which will be for two months Is aimed at solving Asean
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    • 231 5 IPOH. Sun The People's Progressive Party which Is contesting the general elections under Ute National Front banner, sprang a surprise in the campaign for votes and has drawn the ire of the Pekemas. Cashing in on Tan Razak's Peking visit and his M-
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    • 314 5 SCRCMBAN, Sun fUN Abdul Razak today assured the people that the Government is not anti-Chinese as claimed by the Opposition. Even the People's Republic of China, a Chinese Oovernment. recognised thla fact, ne added. The Alliance Oovernment and later the National Front Oovernment had ruled
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    • 237 5 Reds still pose threat, warns PAS chief KUALA TRKNOOANU. Sun. Land Development and Special Functions Minister Datuk Hajl Aarl bin Muda today warned the people that the communists still pose a threat to the political stability of the country. They were trying to break up the unity of the people
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    • 53 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Bttn Mar* than «0 Wlihtri and ■upparten erf Urn DAP and Independent* have pledged their support for the National rroot In Urn central election* The reason for their change of mind la that only the Front, under the ludershlp of Tun Abdul lUsak can
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    • 56 5 KUALA LUMPUR. SUB. Sdenoe and technology are the instrument* tor unity that U the thews of this year's National Day celebration* Announcsng this today. Home Minister and chairman of National Day central working oommiuee Tan Sri OhaaaU Shafle. said a Hant parade with 10.000 people taking pan
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    • 285 5 Man shot twice in tussle with gunman KUALA LUMPI R. Sun A fishmonger was «hot twice when he tried to disarm a gunman daring a hold-up at his room at Park Hotel. Ja.'an Baklt Blntang. this afternoon. Mr. Urn Hal Cheek. 27. was admitted to the hospital here with a
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    • 51 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun mem ■aehange In Wit Malarsla In June has dropped by IJM from the prerUxn months 14,660 ArconUnf to the monthly newsletter of the Labour Information Service of the Manpower Department there ••re 11.1 M new job seekers m June, brtngtag the total IJMS? trmnt
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 275 5 Some lovely memories are locked in fat bodies: I :i 3»r m The House of Dawne 9 can make your memories come back to reality. They say that inside every At the same time fat woman there's a slim one Thermatrim helps you correct who wants to get out. your
      275 words
    • 470 5 Ha\ Asm N bsssssssssssss||bssssssssssssssssssssssssssssU\ f '^aMsßtfi K I m BBSS, m BslbbsE^ mi*. tt» stssWmfi Bsfa r< staaV m d*%4 mssV m^^* msm ssss! Lssss. BBBBV tT BBSS. BBT Bssb M. M A BssssVX VsVCSat \^B for less than S2 a day you can have this magnificent copier Rent a
      470 words

  • 183 6 Three armed men take $4,300 from family of eight THREE armed men held up a housewife and seven members of her family at their MacPherson Road home on Saturday evening and robbed them of cash and Jewellery amounting to $4,300. Madam Tong Yuet 81m 58 owner of Union Printing Company
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  • 68 6 Local fruit and vegetable carving decorator. Mr. A. Takahaxhl, will conduct a six session course on fruit and vegetable carving for decoration at the Orchard Road YMCA beginning Sept. 4. Th« analona will be held on Wednesday from 7.30 pjn. to 9 pm Pee
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  • 127 6 rpHE unidentified driA ver of this Dmtiun pickup escaped unhurt, when the vehicle went oat of control and crashed Into the Bukit Timah canal yesterday. Shocked and visibly shaken, he crawled oat of the vehicle which overturned hi the murky water* of the canal.
    Straits Times reader Mr  -  127 words
  • 222 6 THE Government's constant reminder to the people of the country's problems is intended to cultivate in them the ability to reflect on the fature and not to frighten them, the MP for Kirn Seng, Dr. Ong Leong Boon, said yesterday. "The people, he
    222 words
  • 101 6 Jumbo' treat to 500 by SIA MORE than 50 underprivileged and blind children were among a party of 500 people on demonstration flights in Singapore Airlines' new Boeing 7478 yesterday •tor moct of these children it m the first umt In the •ir All asnad that It waa one of
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  • 15 6 J2-*r«» -vi MkiSs ■ÜBMar for rv f ■mniftimii >«5.T00t Myuk Lto. v tS
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  • 107 6 TR E International Trade CentreUNCTAD GATT are co-ordlnatlnf with the Department of Trade here at a seminar far trade iTrrr'T-'T-iTTi trade attaches and trade officials fiaaa today to Aag. 17.. A Finance Ministry stateavent said this was •a* the five ar*ieeta In the 1»74
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  • 89 6 Consumer Index up by O.Spc rE Consumer Price Index, based on 1M points in November 1972, has increased by ••8 per cent last month. The Index moved up from 142.6 to 143.7 in Jane. According to the Department of Statistics, this increase was largely due to the upward movement in
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  • 118 6 CHARITY SHOW TO AID DISABLED THE Society for Aid to the Paralysed <SAP> i and the Singapore Armi ed Forces Reservists Asi sociatlcn (SAFRAt will Jointly hold a Charity Cultural Show at the Na tlonal Theatre on Sept 1 at 8 p.m. Parliamentary SecreUrv i>. Mr Pnua B»h Lee.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 488 6 Hi*¥¥-Wn. HICHABIUJi&REUABLE Rujiheavy-s (SSr) EltgilieS applicablo to Pump. Vibrator Tampar, WoMat, Ganarator. Bolt oonvwyor. Compiassui, etc (ALL UNDER ONE ROOF FOR ENGINES a BUILDING EQUIPMENTS.) Fiijiheavy's (wfifca]) Engines POWER FOR YOUR PWff.WttTOR.TAIiW.WI^ ETC. S X^^^K VIB«*TO« PUMP 2 and 4 Cycte EngmM T AMPCR I V II Quality built for
      488 words
    • 20 6 IkllUlMivl W^* COOLDINCSSF soothes cx>ughs and relieves colds M|^^ and feverishness witn no stomach upsets W^ ANOTHER INTERNATIONAL PROOUCT FROM
      20 words

  • 262 7  - JUST WALKING IN THE RAIN. IRENE NGOO By MORE than M.M« people including the Minister for Social Affairs, Eneik Othman Wok. took part in the fifth Festa Sukan National Walk yesterday. A heavy downpour early in the morning did not dampen the spirits of the participants who completed the eight-
    Tan Wee Him  -  262 words
  • 132 7 Fatal skid on a wet road... A TAXI-DRIVER and a pedestrian died in two separate accidents during the past 24 hours. The taxi-driver, identified by police as Ouan Tiong Chlaw. died in an accident at MacPherson Road, at 3.05 a.m. yesterday. His car skidded and overturned in heavy downpour. He
    132 words
  • 42 7 THE Singapore Buddhist Youth OrfaruaaUonaV )otnt celebrmllons committee held forum on Nationhood. Buddhism and Values at the Cultural Cento* tn Canning Bias yesterday The cpeakers were Messrs C.X Tseng. Robert Put. Hanrr Lav. Parma Chow and aMwln Chan If Boa.
    42 words
  • 189 7 The 2 moves Miles didn't see ALEXANDER KoA clev of the Soviet Union and Roy Dicks of Holland share the lead in the world Junior chess championship, now being held in Manila, after the fifth round. Dicks beat erstwhile joint leader L. Schneider (Holland. to reach the top mark of
    189 words
  • 152 7 Music from an age long past fIHE Music for Every--1 one series scored a resounding success at the Conference Hall last evening when they presented The Renaissance Players of Sydney Ten musicians, dressed in period fashion, trooped into the hall and performed a large number of Items from the music
    152 words
  • 324 7 yOUNG people must show gratitude for 1 their elders by ensuring that they are well provided for in the latter part of their life. Kit becanat the generation were ople who paved y for Singapore fop Into what it Sha'ari Tadln. r Parliamentary ■y (Culture) and
    324 words
  • 57 7 THE Minister for the Environment, Mr. LJm Kirn San, will open the newly-completed guides and scouts hut of Monk's Hill Secondary School on Aug. 36 at 9.30 am. The hut was built mainly through the students' efforts. They raised about $27,000 from a walkathon sponsored
    57 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 188 7 saim. Nivea protects the natural moisture in your skin Nivea creme contains oils, moisturizers and Eucenne, trie purest lanolin. These combine to protect your skin. to soothe and soften it. Nivea keeps the natural moisture in your skin... and replace* it whan you lose it. It's a groat beauty creme
      188 words
    • 997 7 docs something no other electric typewriter can do*** it feme nibcf s FACIT 1810 The Facit 1820 has two tabulator systems. Regardless of what the first system is used for, the second one will always remember exactly what your standard forms look like! In addition the Facit 1820 features: keys
      997 words

  • 131 8 Three years for opium addict A SELF confessed opium addict was Jailed for three years by the Fourth District Court on Friday for two drug offences committed In June. T»n Cnan Liang, 59. was jailed for three years for possession of 340 gm of prepared opium In his house In
    131 words
  • 40 8 THE Comex Club will organise a five-day tour to Praaer's Hill, denting Highlands and Pangkor Island from Sept. 1. The cost Is |95. Those Interested can Join up at the Sports House. Rutland Road, today at 3 p.m.
    40 words
  • 128 8 $27,000 theft: 'Inside' job says boss rp HIEVES broke Into 1 two electrical firms In MacPherson Road and escaped with goods worth $27,000 recently. The theft was discovered four days ago by workers of the two electrical firms. Police who confirmed the theft said the thieves broke open the two
    128 words
  • 98 8 Firm wins $69,000 counter claim ITNIVERSAL Associated Corporation, of Boat Quay, defendants In a $31,583 claim by a textile company, on Friday won its counter-claim for $60,290 after a five-day hearing In the High Court. Mr. Justice Chua also awarded Universal Associated lul! costs of the proceeding* on an application
    98 words
  • 422 8  -  CHEW LEE CHING By rpHE Education Mm A latry said yesterday tfat no teacher or principal stood to gain in a material sense from the $1,000 it awarded to each winning class implementing the block teaching programme. It was commenting on criticisms
    422 words
  • 99 8 TEONG: WORK HARDER FOR SUCCESS mHK MP for Sem--1 bawang, Mr. Teonc Eng Seong, has urged Singaporeans to work harder to achieve greater success. He said, although a young nation, Singapore bad been fairly successful In nation building because of three fundamental factors. "firstly, we have a government with dynamic
    99 words
  • 38 8 THE Metropolitan YMCA International Centre will conduct a alx-session course on archery on Tuesdays and Thursdays, starting on Tuesday from p.m to 7.30 p.m at Palmer Road. For further details, contact *****1 ext. IS.
    38 words
  • 35 8 ORGANISERS of baby shows held at constituency level are now preparing for the Grand Baby Show finals at Singapore Conference Hall on Sept. IS. So far 130 entries have been received.
    35 words
  • 146 8 Malay grants: 'Form central body' call fTiHE Minister of State J- (Prime Minister's Office) Hail Yaacob bin Mohamed, has called on Malay organisations to form a central body for the award of bursaries Such a body would give the Malay community a clearer picture of the needs of students, he
    146 words
  • 41 8 THE finals of the eighth annual Inter-school Safety Pint Chinese oratorical contest will be held at 23a pm on Wednesday at the Cultural Centre, Canning Rue. Mrs. Ong Pan« Boon, »!> of Minister for Labour, will give away the prises.
    41 words
  • 49 8 PONOOOL Constituency Sports Association Is uniting football teams from schools, clubs and residents In postal district 19 to vie for the Ng Kan Ting Challenge trophy which will be held In September Entry forms may be obtained from the Ponggol community centre In Upper Setangoon Road.
    49 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 379 8 f PARTSI FOR ON-Of F HIGHWAY TRUCKS Front Axle Assemblies ft Components -TIMKEN.SHULER Reer Axle Assemblies Components TIMKEN-ROCKWELL, CLARK Transmission Assemblies Power Train Components FULLER, SPICER Steering Assemblies Components GEMMER, VICKERS. SHEPPARD Electricals DELCO REMY, LEECE -NEVILLE, MOTOROLA Air Systems BENDIX WESTINGHOUSE, SEALCO WAGNER, MIDLAND, WILLIAMS Suspensions Brake Drums Linings
      379 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 101 8 ■rt— ii Up mOkmr My »ill Uviatih mt HI Camp i *!?y* By ChU Yowag Ux-^WWTUAT^^ OOINTW6 WINTEPTIME?] ft\ I TAMAI_ES) Wl U1 Aba»ir^^ _By_M_Cmpp f*L fmSmtSfo^O (ItMMmx%K&V*L) IW^Mrf OC3Nf4A I HtNRV— AN'I^ /s* \^^B^g^"^^^ AH«y Q#p >y y T MV COSH. XXIVE RIGHT FOOZV'A WHICH FO6CS A PflDHLfiMl I
      101 words

  • 2085 9  - Timebomb that's ticking for a special private US citizen BRUCE AGNEW: JUST HOW VULNERABLE IS NIXON NOW? By New York RICHARD Nixon's first term as president was four years. His second term was to have been four years too. But his next term— if everything goes wrong for him could
    NYT  -  2,085 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 630 9 "^■a^aiJ^i < eep ice cubes ready for a 4 A special butter conditioner m ■^e=^^- i& party or a thirsty family m I ensures butter is always easy this b*g storage bin rospread \fTJMBBBH a. ■'_i_ Vs^^Vvk i^a^B^B^B^B^B^L^BVVK > mm. y v can store eQ 9 s loose or I
      630 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 416 10 Texas I Instruments fl 2 ;«L ii. [jabilatnrs j aaT^^l>>BaaaaaaSaaS LaaV l\ W i\ [jL-XaA Vk 11 A f^^-- CaY- Texas Instruments Texas Instruments j electronic calculator electronic slide rule TI-1500 calculator SR-11 Powerful performance in a compact Electronic Slide Rule Calculator portaWe. Complete four-function designed especially for use by
      416 words
    • 345 10 MOW SHOWlw'Diily it 7.00 1 9.30p« Hmixtin: AMtt: 12.80 -CWMtm: SI. OO j; -1 HIRC :^^26^M jj IV POftU* lEMAIIHEFEAT School Children Morning Show! ORCHARD: sat. 24tk it ioam BOX-PUNS Ml OPEN-CASH MOUNCS ONLY Sulk SIH-Orck: tf.^jyjrecjisi liO,l SPECTACULAR^ A yp 12thiATHArl)Ai! •MLV 5 SNVS: 11m. 1 JI, 4.00, 8.30
      345 words
    • 390 10 With Gelusil-M tablets. Recommended by doctors because they're safe, effective and cause no side effects. Gelusil-M contains not one, but three antacids to promptly relieve pain and wind caused by indigestion, excessive stomach acids or ulcers. Gelusil-M also protects ulcers and allows healing to proceed a Gelusil-M. Available at chemists,
      390 words
    • 681 10 NOW SHOWINQ I 11 am. 141. 4.00. B 48. 818 Woody Aaan ft Diane Keaaan SUiatW COLOW lUA) Nf XT CHANGE i Georo* HWon EoVino* Fenecti The CASf or THE BLOODY IRIS' <n Scop* Cotor Wll«ll»aaaßttUttiaal NOW SHOWING No Free LM 11 am. 1 30. 4.00. 5.48. t 30 fu
      681 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 157 11 W SO GO r ON^A PILGRIMAGE OF TASTE TO. 1 r RESTfIURfINT I OUR SPECIALTY SEAFOOO SZECHUAN STYLE L Jurong Family Sports Centre, V 1 Yuan Ching Road, Singapore 22 e^T Tel. *****7 ■■ylltl ■e^Tf|T{rftHfTf^ti|fl I bibbbbbsbsbsbbbbbbbsbsbbbbbbbbbbbsSbsbbbsbbbsbbbssssbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbsbbl fl Congratulations I and I Best Wishes I to I TANG LOONG RESTAURANT
      157 words
      368 words
      151 words
    • 97 11 j JL tfß '^B .BBBBBBBg^BBBM^^PLsfc r^T J Xv J% aBBBBTk *tjW IK jj^B| *4feHßßßßßßßß^^^^sWv^^'*\ 9Km I ■aBBBBT' -4^aß\ VKaST Id. BBJ 148 LaiBBBB^aBBBBBBBBB^^. >V r 1 yP^ Singapore's top •nttrtainan "X-OU«SfTES" back after a iuccacsful tour from Bangkok ft Kuala Lumpur't Tim« Tunnel discotheque. AteoappMnng Tnwaoex A local TV recording
      97 words
    • 30 11 .BBBBBBB^^liM^^B^^M^^l ■WParW^SaBBBBBBBsfcr MbbV^ Eaßß^d 4 1 •'BBB^B^^^I Vi£^' ..SBbI la bWlisbbbUbV m mi m I .tSBBBBI l m IJ r */Y*V isBBBT I H «ssl W r m f /Wl
      30 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2315 12 J% SINGAPORE PAPER PRODUCTS UMHED y^J^/fTr^fi^^^r Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore under the Companies Ordinance. 1940 McHK^ PROSPECTUS Issue of 1,500,000 ordinary shares of SSI.OO each at SSI OO per share This issue has been underwritten by CjTICORP FINANCIAL LTQ This Prospectus is dated the 29th day of June
      2,315 words
    • 2539 12 Gross Profit from Manufacturing Operations Gross Rental Income 1969 ***** 296 1970 285.859 2W608 1971 281.297 "2 608 1972 *****3 3001 a? 1973 657 363 300.193 The loss in 1 97 1 wa. due to the steep increase ,n the pnees of .mported jumbo rolls from Japan consequentlyresulhng ,n a
      2,539 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1516 13 We give below the Fair Markc-l Value of the land and the Sound Value of the buildings and other land improvements as defined in our report indicated Value On land 87 488 sq ft® $22 per sq ft $1924 736 On Building Other Land Improvements 2.145 200 TOTAL $4 069
      1,516 words
    • 2740 13 NET TANGIBLE ASSET PER SHARE Net tangible assets as shown above SSS 7 1 8 652 Add Proceeds of this issue SSI .500,000 Less Estimated issue expenses 1 75.000 Net Proceeds 1 ,325.000 Total SS 7.043.652 mttnttmmsi On the basis of an issued capital of SS6 000 000 this represents
      2,740 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 422 14 MANY will disagree with the statement made yesterday that Singapore has "a comprehensive system of social security for the old arid needy." In a sense, the Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Culture) and MP for Kampong Chai Chee is correct. The old should have their Central Provident Fund savings,
      422 words
    • 171 14 SINGAPOREANS who remember the dead during the seventh month of the lunar calendar now spare a thought for the living, too thanks to a new Government ruling, effective yesterday, to reduce noise at wayangs and outdoor shows. The Chinese "Ghost Festival," when lavish offerings are made to
      171 words
    • 58 14 Govt replies 1r REFER to the comi plaint by Allan Tan (8.T.. July 31). The timing of the traffic lights at the Junction of Jalan Bahru Selatan and Jurong Road has been reviewed. Arrangements will be made to re adjust It according to the traffic flow there. UM AH BEE.
      58 words
    • 44 14 I REFER to the letter by "Frustrated" (ST.. July 31). "Frustrated" is requested to see the Officer -ln -charge. Traffic Police. Traffic Police Headquarters, Maxwell Road ln order that his case may be Investigated. NG WOON POH (A/ASP). FahUe BelaUons Officer! Singapore Police Force
      44 words
    • 503 14 I am most distressed by your article "Mid week with HI. Urn' ST. Aug. 7) and felt that such an article would have been better left unpublished. The Chlldrens' Aid Boclety Is a truly worthy charity being the home of 62 of our less fortunate children
      503 words
    • 98 14 ICE skating has caught on judging from the response from the public to the opening of the leeskating rink ln Jnrong. Bat the admission ttt only to watch skaters enjoy themselves— cold kill this sport. Unless there is something of spectator interest like an ice- hockey tournament
      98 words
  • 960 14 gO. it finally happened. And. believe me. it restored my faith in American society and in the American system of government. Who would have thought that at least money would not save Richard Nixon? Or that there would not be a deal before Ye left the White House
    960 words
  • Article, Illustration
    1016 14  -  TAN WANG JOO A run away hit —this dance By rEV came on almost like a combination of Zorba the Greek, the Cossack dancers, and the Fiddler on the Roof. A drum, slapped thump, thump de thump, de thumo. thump set the beat The rhythm was caught by
    1,016 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 18 14 Earn/ interest in solid safety Open FIXED DEPOSIT or SAVINGS ACCOUNTS with fOCBC Oversea Chinese Banking Corpn. Ltd.
      18 words
    • 432 14 WRITE SMOOTHER SMARTER I: WITH ill Sssssyj'js lln pe\sl\» Wl:l RILLPEHS Igj I Superb writing instruments in sporty yellow and Li black finish with reserve ink tank. Also available, four <ol our ballpens I&j Oj MONT f I BLANC GERMANY tot. «ra <o. !"<•«'■•'• WILLIAM ft JOHN (PTE) LTD |M
      432 words

  • 209 15 Sentosa skeletons: Expert views sought SAWN-OFF parts from the 14 skeletons recovered from Sentosa recently have been sent to forensic experts In Ame rlca. Britain and some other countries for their views. This was confirmed by the Outram Hospitals consultant forensic pathologist. Dr. Chao Tze Cheng, yesterday. Dr. Chao said
    209 words
  • 162 15 Getting them used to the idea AN orientation programme for Primary Si* school leavers Is being organised by the Education Ministry to familiarise them with the concept of central workshop practice. But it was not necessary for repeating pupils who had visited the centralised workshops before to take part In
    162 words
  • 40 15 EMERITUS Prof KJang Al Kirn will Inspect the Ouard-of-Honour and address Crescent Olrls' School at their annual speech day and pure presentation In the school hall at 10 a m tomorrow Mrs. Klang will give away the prtaea.
    40 words
  • 537 15 'DELETERIOUS EFFECT ON SOCIETY' THK Minister for Social Affairs, Encik Othman Wok, yesterday hit out at early marriages which, he said, had a "dcleterioos effect" on society. Speaking on child-care at a baby show at the Pasir Panjang community centre, he said: "Parenthood Is a
    537 words
  • 89 15 The homes that breed mosquitoes rpHE incidence of mos■l qulto breeding In residential houses showed an Increase for the week ending Aug. 7, according to an Environment Ministry statement. Of 72M houses Inspected. 130 or 16 per cent were found breeding moaquitos This was an Increase of 0 3 per
    89 words
  • 75 15 YMCA plans two holiday camps ■OTROPOUTAN YMCA will organise two camps during the school holidays next MM A kelong camp for boys and girls within the age group of nine and 13 years will be held from Sept. 1 to 4 and M| |H"| on Seletar Island fot those between
    75 words
  • 50 15 THE Registry of Vehicle* rwuvday »nnounc«l th»t bids (or motor car refUtrmtlon number series ED 0001 to ED 9»»» will be held tomorrow to Sept 2 The minimum amount for s bid v I2JO All bids must be made on prescribed forms obtainable at the Registry
    50 words
  • 36 15 IN yesterday's toto draw Mo 68 74 the numbers picked were 9. 44, 21. 35 and 17 The additional number was 3» In the circles draw, the numbers picked were M. and U.
    36 words
  • 65 15 SAF jets in live-firing exercise BAF aircraft wonld be conducting live firing exercises at the Southern Isl nd Live Firing Range at Pulau Pawai between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. dally from today till Friday. Demolition exercises would also be conducted at the Pulau Senang Kange between S a.m. and
    65 words
  • 41 15 MORE than 1.000 entries have been received for the children story-wrltlng« competition Jointly organised by Bata Shoe (Si Pte. Ltd. and sin Chew Jit Poh. The organisers have extended the closing date from last Thursday to Aug. SI.
    41 words
  • 127 15 SOON: A TOWN AT ULU PANDAN ,tiHE Ulu Pandan con--1 stltuency will soon be a self -contained satellite town, said the Minister for Law and National Development. Mr. E. W. Barker on Saturday night. Speaking at the Ulu Pandan constituency celebrations at Buona Vista Estate, he said: "In two months,
    127 words
  • 339 15 London centre to help exporters SINGAPORE manufacturers and exporters may make use of the facilities of the newly set up Import Opportunities Office for the Developing: Countries in London. An off shoot of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the office is financed by the British Oovernment. Its objective
    339 words
  • 29 15 THE Leng Kee community centre management committee and women's subcommittee will hold a baby contest at the centre In Jalan Buklt as>rah on Sunday at 10.00 a.m.
    29 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 61 15 BB^^H BaBBB^ B B te..B^»J- >^^ •SB^^^^BB^-aSaJ^^l ff *Zrj^ I a FiSJT^bbbbbbl _Hllhbbbb^^bbbbbb| Itpp) K- is^^m A I \fH aaaaaaaaaaaaj 4 1 I pr^^^^^^aW X '•SbbbV lf"^T i '*'HHr*'r' I 'TB LbP^bb! r I ©l m I V FROM THE EXPERTS J f 22" SCREEN FOR LESS THAN I I
      61 words
    • 823 15 sW -S" bsbb! IIVV EMBEDDED TOBACCO STAINS effectively removed with EUCRYL SMOKERS TOOTHPOWDER Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, W |J|II" 'H|| I w ,thEucrvl smokers smok.,, J^vT^!r<tTL I i Toothpowd.r also V li/jli'" 1 U IUo«»lr "..'illlll I '•movas viscid film V ™fl Ilir^llll P" J '•«OV.OOdH..p. V 11 M brighttn and wrtmsfi
      823 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 22 15 WATEB consumption on Saturday was I*s 3 ■Billion gallons (ST.— cable metres). S.S million gallons (It.— emMc metres) leas than on Friday
      22 words
    • 900 15 TV SINGAPORE (5) TV MALAYSIA (3) Ml Diary of Events (Tamil) 11$ fcVt i Ria (Mala») IJS £J£. cast Ml News 1.11 Belaiarlah 124 The Fartners UN Kemah.ran Low It A M«nv Spiendoured Thine Si IjUimum (SJT IM > BIhJM Andl 11 llllmc Fof «F s Pw">»«iunan 'I The Hospital
      900 words

    • 731 16 rsiHE following ii a list of quotation for the week up to Thursday. Auf 11 for counter* not included in toe "weekly snare analyils Price movement based on a companion of la>t sales Auc It and Auf 1 as shown In brackets MMMII H L B. 8.
      731 words
    • 1450 16 AS service to readers the Business Times publishes weekly a detailed analysis of selected shares traded on the Stock Exchange of Singapore. The year's high* and low* are followed by the week's movement* in price and turnover with calculated dividend yields and gross price earning ratios. NOTE:
      1,450 words
    • 435 16 MEW YORK. Frl. Th» stock market got a brief lift In the morning from sporadic bargain hunting and report* of a ceasefire In Cyprus. The overriding problems of Inflation and high Interest rates continued to Influence market sentiment and prices finished lower for the seventh consecutive session. A
      435 words
    • 114 16 7URICH, Frt. Block prlMd oss tended lower again with the majority of stocks closing with remarkable toue* The bond market snowed an Irregular trend. The Credit Swiss* Index fell 19 to IM3 Ctoainc prtcM la Swim frmaa with ik» *ifftr*n«t ea Urn »h¥|— i iiiiih »n*M P Cn«n SWUM
      114 words
    • 99 16 FINANCIAL TIMES TINS Friday 70 M Thursday 70.30 Week ago W 05 RUBBERS Prlday 300 71 Thursday 304 67 Week ago 900.04 OILS Prlday 16*16 Thursday 10$ 48 Week ago 170 M INDUSTRIALS Friday 310.3 Thursday >l»1 Week asp 338 3 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Friday 7J1.84 Thursday 737
      99 words
    • 53 16 FrMay Thn4u m w (>) IOt.M WU IMM ISJOOB him lM.wa B«i~t 157 w wn lit»C 141 *0 IMM S«ft*B IMM* IMOOB 1M MS IHOM Pv«« IM M IH4I Mn (t) IMWI lUIM mut iM.Ma bpwt M MSX*rIU« ana* la US. aalian »«r «a« (I) Aiatrmllu «Mlara Mr
      53 words
    • 227 16 Company meetings The following company meetings are due: Larwt Tin Fields Bkl: Aug 20. 11 am. Bangkok Bank Building. 6th nooi, 105 Jalan Bandar. Kuala Lumpur. BafcM Scaabswsng Estates Ltd.: Aug 23 noon. Office of John Buttery tt Co. Sandllaiids House. 100-C PmMr Panjang Road. Singapore. Sim Lint InvcstasenU Ltd.:
      227 words
    • 188 16 AMSTERDAM. Frt. The market finished mixed with Vnilver and R#yal D*rieh moderately lower KLM lost some ground, but Akae, HesgiMJs. and Philips gained some ground In Dutch Internationals Conditions quietened after Urn previous rather turbulent session Some technical recovery occurred, but the undertone remained weak Leaders to rise In
      188 words
    • 34 16 I a»s niiir prtex sa rrMajr igmiw is brmekttai W>M»ac S»*t barer ITS* <n**> Miter I7SI (ITST): Tfcn* Heats* tarn its* htmi miiw OSS HTM) •Sarftat Imm: rtnawr Safes i I.TM taas.
      34 words
    • 298 16 Forex market roundup I«HS US dollar displayed a steady undertone In the European forex market after new UB President. Oerald ford, mentioned In his address to the Congress that tne fight against Inflation would get top priority on his axenda There were Indications that fiscal policy would henceforth take a
      298 words
    • 212 16 ASIAN currency average deposits rates for the week ended Prlday. Aug. 16. Hlfh Urn 7 day* 11 7 8 11 3 1 mth IS 6/16 11 16/H 2 mths 13 16/16 IS 1 H 5 mttu IS 11/16 13 6 roths IS 5 8 IS 1 li
      212 words
    • 131 16 BASE YEAR: JAN. 4. 1»71— 1H 1171/74 Weafci Action Hlch Law It* Chmac iJJ »4 144.11 Automotive 151.24 151 tl —Ml IIUII 199.1* Bank*. Insurance. Finance Mia TnrtM SlS.7* mil 7.M U»M 127 M < hraalcals. Rubber Product*. Refining and SwlUnf 123.21 IU.2S 4.M «M 44
      131 words
    • 104 16 rE fellawlnc Ust of storks gives the ten moot dealt In last week. This Ust gives the turnover In thoutand* of anils, cleslnf price, on Friday aad high and low for 1974. Fiber Merita Sime Darby Hold Ifcl Onmu Bank Haw Par Intern. Dcv Bank of S'porc
      104 words
      • 60 16 Industrials rtiuorr Hulrl* Tini. t rubber. 0.C.8.C.: S.E.S. l>id 214Ji M 5.72 159.14 IM.M IM.J9 JJS.M IM.SI 2HH lIS.U MX.IS 1i«.2l l«i.I» IM.J9 SU.CZ 117.5* ZM.2I 2 KM SS7.M 1M.14 111.21 IM.SI ISS.M 1*4.14 tHJI 2ii.»i 151 II 157«T 111.7 C 1M.31 JJSOS 1»4»7 2«1 2« »Uf IB 21
        60 words
      • 74 16 Industrials Finance: Hotel* Properties Tlaa: S rvtebcra* "IUJ. 14 It AUf II 221. 7« 22«. M 217*7 US.M ni.i4 ttt <2 IS«SS IM.SS IW7I IM.M 1*4.17 HIM 1M.41 IM4I 1M.47 «4.1* tlijM J21.1S I>ec. M. IKC 1M f DM. SI. IM* 1M t Dm. t», IMt IN 0 Dk.
        74 words
    • 97 16 (■rrent Date Total lor Total for ■»7««U payable the j«r prtrtoa« year Bau (M) «r- c+ Oct. U «%f 1»4 N**. It 12% M% r. CaMra 7.3%TE Od It 7.SCJTE »4%T« M-waU 7.S%TF OeL It 7J%TF Nil S*L Drrdfiaf tt% Oet It *$«> if Tmtam Mine% U% Oct.
      97 words
    • 422 16 T*BE Singapore produce market last week law another period of quiet trading with dealers generally withdrawn for want of Incentive to deal. Oversea* market* were still quoting prices lower than those ruling locally Only In the market for futures did foreigners show any Interest as the nearby market
      422 words
    • 600 16 SENTIMENT re- tuained generally depressed at the Stock Exchange of Singapore last week. Fresh dealing wait at its lowest ebb while the bulk of business was chalked up on contra account. Dabblers and speculators were finding less and less incentive to deal as prices generally headed downwards most
      600 words
    • 455 16 PRICES at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange in line with movements In major world markets suffered a slow dally decline last week. Measured on the New S. T. Industrial index, the fall was 3.29 points to 217 97 Financial and bank stocks fared worse, as reflected by
      455 words
    • 52 16 FO R the week ended Saturday. Aug. 17. the range of call rates received from Short Deposits <M> Berhad were as follows: BANK FUND: 2} per cent to 3t per cent. GENERAL FINDS: 31 per cent to 35 per cent. MOVr Mr NTS of funds totalled
      52 words
    • 862 16 LONDON The market was sent reeling yet again last week as the the drain on confidence was accentuated by more bad news on the trade and Industrial side. Culmination of the week's share price gloom was a new low for the FT. lnaex, which on Friday was
      862 words
      • 142 16 f ONDON Cash standLi ard tin on Friday finished £95 per tonne higher and three months £45 up despite the lower Penang price. Sterling uncertainties helped to mark up prices, while the market was underpinned by a renewed tightening of the nearby supply position which resulted In
        142 words
      • 401 16 LONDON The rubber market on Friday was very quiet. Physical offtake remained thin although dealers said a few consumer orders were circulating for specialised grades for nearby shipment, notably SMR's Despite the 250 cents decline at Singapore. first hand offers from the East were said to be
        401 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1235 17 gMMMMMMMMMM c 3 »i.i«K«IP SBWrCt Tl M/CMiTMW: rtm Htjart A-mwo v.L FIBTCU TIIA.MH t D-aart Iraa Bam UI Wrlkwnc upreu n taj utaat taint mm* ..u, MT «Mat Sapt ntapt a Itpt a tapt '.mom until mh MMat oact ian i act tan viifoai iat tlMat stat MMt H Oct
      1,235 words
    • 957 17 kfi BLUE SEA UNE \gf To U.S. East Coast A GuW Ports Spar, p uiaaaj Pcaatt -.->..• Maaarni Mat t sapt i Mat 1 Lbbbbjbji trutoaai, •MMMM Mat I Vttll ItBMIIM flMMlt pt itM Mat a Mat a ■■^F"'"* PttMMti Mt M an it MM Cajrlostoa. Wilaaailit, PMTUiiAM act II
      957 words
    • 904 17 k l^TßTT l^™r*Mß^B I taaaPt i Mtca t tmt fMaptta O.iaarl mmm Aakaarp All U L MetMMrac Eiareu "♦'•"I v > ln *mn mm. Mr bbbbib] btpaa j, ntm II Mat HBMI MMpt put" itapi 4sapi mum nian mmbi atttt IL BAMBMI lIMIM It Mat 14 Mat I Oct IMt
      904 words
    • 960 17 ■■■■■■■-■■Ihbj II s as^P B V"VP*r^^vnP"V > iaV rr^^ I FULLY CONTAIMIKIZED SIKVICI TO EUtOf i MMtroft Mb BM%t »1 ftaAaWaaiVaatai --J latino la IA" ijL| 1 PjontraVi, MKntrtpH, Mnwtff li nfvrt. WJ" J-J" 1MB). HMBOTt InMML ItltMtiMML rnSaTt m 1 Aatiw. C^mmjw, CiltiOain. Hobooo. [lmm? Nl#T art ii StocklMßi,
      960 words
    • 776 17 II VIM 44 P. rTaltta AMI; XL *****; Pi 2SMI. THK BANK LOfB LTD. IMB IM L I S. VMU. MVtaAM (MMrttia*, Rain 1 1 Africt) P a Aat/t ta* Vaart MTBAM (1 Atrici) p mini 1 'part 1/11 la* MMMAM (Mttntiaa I S Afnca) P. lataNj I/It Mt Spar.
      776 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 730 18 XV tSf 1 .^_2aMMMMBMM 11l am V sr^ ™*'™™™^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^i ™AX«-»— KAWASAKI KISCN KAISHA LTD. I y J v UWISUI UWU KlStl ÜBM Itl. mm. mmmm. tmm aim Z mm iM««»Mf »ttM» p «fMj Mmi-AmMm OtBH SMrria* ,«,nt«Mu.p raraSSR. tu».l I MuiiMUM*' j.p.»«4.utl. AtH4M-W€« AH44M tarria* t«P» PBB: mi«> m h
      730 words
    • 785 18 MMMMMM| f ■V i/ I I a^Hßßffa,jpWjßaj|BMj^BMj ICCIPTIM Mi. lIMH Bf BMfT IMIPMI*T PM IMIIiaM, ItMPIT. iMMin wimnT ummbvm. iimibimim, tmmm. mmm. M TIMMTVIMM MIT HIM MMM MMB PMTI. laaj n» m *im CT BUBTTUtM IMUT.MI Vtm UMt IMMM. C.T tCMTT «Mt SMft«l«| M 225 MMmww.. mmm n-iamii: 2»7 cm
      785 words
    • 881 18 ocigriT unt^ j IK. IVROfI SIRVrCI LOADING 'OR LONDCH. ROTTIRDAM. HAMBURG BILBAO. U MAVtI I Pll I P UllMf PMMf lIMI *'«m N'MTI maM imm a/B mi nm tm n/ ilm »mm i m •to uwuM aMU/ito i/lto mm aw > *am IIMn P MIMf PMMf BilMI II Nwn IMI
      881 words
    • 709 18 ryinrsfra SB* owes snmct tb mm. imwm/mman puts H'»«r| 24/t. |r«<M« 2f 1 A»t»»>0. 2 10 ■WiIMM I/IMI It/lIK* 14/1* M* l L f 'U;' l v l J. to •-11. M II MUHU t/lllWt 11/11 Ml 11/ It Mil Mil*** JMO. l/tw I'M* 30 ,10. NIDI 11. tutmit 1
      709 words
    • 777 18 NOTICE MEISHIN LINE EeUU of Bmm Kunr hoon. M "Form,* Trader decea*«d. Ute of No. »B. Arrd:ls/R/74 ft Gdn 22 Mosque Slroet. Singapore, who died tcoutc on ibr 41a day Consignees of all damaged of May H7O cargo Ex the above vexsej Pursuant to Section 32 of are notified that
      777 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 528 19 S safl CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Career opportunities exist in the Singapore Armed Forces for skilled personnel and trainees in the following vocations: a. Driver b. Electronic Trainee c. Armourer d. Technical Storeman c. 'Q' Storeman f. Vehicle Electrician g. Vehicle Mechanic Those interested in joining the SAF in vocations not listed
      528 words
    • 466 19 the only elevator manufacturing company in Singapore offers opportunities for career development job satisfaction and advancement in our newly established Compsny to suitably qualified SINGAPORE CITIZENS in the following posts (A) ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Graduate with at least 2 years experience in administrative/ personnel duties, preferably in a large factory HSC
      466 words
      520 words
    • 377 19 •VTIIIE (tMW) SEMIRIAN BERHAI Applications are invited from Singapore citizens SALES EXECUTIVE (General Engineering Division Brunei) JOB SPECIFICATION: 1. To be responsible for establishing what markets exist at present and In the future for Outhrie Engineering products in Brunei. 2. To be responsible for securing a given share of the
      377 words
    • 438 19 w m m IBS m m mm 88 mn tffi ton 383 383 am aw *B ¥+++4 mm BgSB I Royal Insurance APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS IN ITS SINGAPORE BRANCH OFFICE:TRAINEE I EXECUTIVES Age 28 years or below Minimum 4 years' experience in IH general insurance Preference
      438 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1751 20 (tsso) ESSO Borneo Sondirian &«rhjd Moks to fill Hrn position of: SALES REPRESENTATIVE in its Salos DoMrtmont, Kwching. Sarawak. The man should be East Malaysian. His duties involves in providing assistance and technical service to dealers, direct consumers and government and the promotion of good company and product image to
      1,751 words
    • 509 20 fetda KINYATAAN TAWARAN Tswsrsn-Tawsrsn adslsh dipelawa dar.pada pemborong-pembofong vsng berpengslaman bagi kens-keria di bawah mi: (A) IP. NO: 220/74. Mengsngkut bush-bush kelspa $10.00 saw it (FFB) dsri Prengkst Ml satu Mt. IV Ul'j Tebrsu. Daersh Kota Tmgni. lohor ka Kilang Felda Bk. Betar 33 batu). IB) IP. NO: 241/74. Membekal
      509 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 770 21 classified ads W, IOSC EBERWEIN: (Advanced I>achers' Certificate Royal .vademy of Dancing. London) personal coarhlne for Ballet Ex,m:n«tlon.« All trades and Malon Also Oriental. Jazz and Keep-fit. Phone *****8 ran PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES lor your wedding by arMMo when you announce your marriage In the Straits Times classifieds plus 12 BOTTLES
      770 words
    • 473 21 FASHION DESIGNER CUM BALI* ASSISTANT required by a well established Factory 'or Its Showroom at UIC Bldg Shenton Way Qualifications: Secondary education preChl* bly th knowle<l e of Pleasant personality. Ability to design, measure and sew. Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications Reply to •"owroom giajsmkjai Spore 22 with a
      473 words
    • 538 21 WANTED FEMALE CLFRK able to type and some knowledge of Accounts ability to correspond in Chinese preferred Salary commensurate with experience Apply with full particulars enclosing photograph (non-returnable) to S T Box A ***** FEMALE CLERK URGENTLY required Must know typing No experience required Phone Florence *****8 for appointment MALI
      538 words
    • 529 21 MALE/ FEMALE REPRESENTATIVES REOUIMO by establish ed publishing and media representing firm Experience an asset but not essential as training will be given to successful applicants Baste salary from 3256 3000 plus commission and bonus Please write In detail to Advertiser PO Box 301 Colombo Court Spore 6. SALESGIRLS Vacancies
      529 words
    • 492 21 I RIAL ESTATE COMPANY requires Sales Representatives preferably matured ladles with experience Write giving f U u p» r Oculars to P O Box 2478 WORLD'S MOST RECOGNISED AMERICAN PUBLISHER Ofi 9ip£n#«ofi isw*9^"*y r#^*jsw## Ml m the aawty iriaufpaot ol CUSTOMER RELATIONS OFFICERS Training provided with good, prospects for advancement
      492 words
    • 492 21 Technician Assistants Minimum Radio/ TV experience with driving licence Serangoon Koad. P O Box 25 Singapore 12 VACANCIES FOR ELECTRONICS TECHNICIANS POM Servicing Test Instruments. Communication Equipment L Analytical Instruments Applicants must have relevant working experience, not less than 2 years IT BOX ASI7S3 SPORE WANTED EXPERIENCED ELICTRICIANS AND plumbers
      492 words
    • 477 21 Office Peon with School Certificate and good knowledge of llsh those without Encallons need not apply c apply to S T Box A9I7M together with passport photograph (non-returnable) Our Materials Handling Division have the following vacanciesla) BALIS REPRESENTATIVES Mess/ Female (b) TRAINEE TECHNICAL ASSISTANT Mala/ F smolo (c) MECHANIC Mats
      477 words
    • 532 21 ■XPIRJCNCIO OPJVER WANTIO. Apply personally a. 3-O. Chow House. 3rd Floor. 140/2, Robinson Road B'pore Tel (<12»77 MOTOR INVESTMENTS BHO require 1 WATCHMEN •ar dM. IS and 18 Please aaary In parson te> Oroup Peisamiel Msnsgsr. Motor tetvOTtofMrtts Shd 3rd Bear. Crosby House. 71. Riblinun Rood. S-perei. DRIVER WANTED by
      532 words
    • 586 21 UNIOUELV DESrONEO DETACHED Bt'NOALOW off Farrer Road, central alrcondltlonlng. 4 bedrooms, study, all with bathrooms attached, ample built-in wardrobes, spacious living' dining room. Large kit-hen modern fixtures and amenities, reasonable size garden For inspection tel *****0 OIST IS SELBTAR HILLS 3bedroomed single -*torey semidetached nice garden, furnished rent S47S o
      586 words
    • 675 21 DIST 10 2-C. LBRMIT ROAD furnished apartments consisting of 3 bedrooms, servant's auarters (detached) Shelford Road apartments 20. 20-C. 20-D. 20-<i 22-E. 22-D, and 24-E luxurious apartments equipped with swimming pool facilities Contact MUs Wong Property Investments Pte Ltd *****4 ROOMS AND HOUSES for rent sale Available Immediately at Katong
      675 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 660 22 s^pi^j^fßyp^ff,| FULLY FURHISHED ROOM dll immediate occupation Suitable for quiet male executive Miss UUioftlce9llo3o SSRANOOON GARDEN. SINGLESTOREY corner terrace 3 bedrooms, sitting, dining, well furnished $500 Immediate occupation *****1 OIST. 16 FULLY FURNISHBO apartment 3 bedrooms. 2 aircondlUoners telephone, celling fans. $7*o Lai Housing *****6 STEVENS ROAD I«CUTrVB flat. 3
      660 words
    • 722 22 FOREIGN EXECUTIVES URGENTLY require detached/ semi-detached bungalows and apartments tn dlsl i 10. 11, 13. and 15 Rental $50* S3.OM Owners kindly furnish details to Lucky Housing Agency Miss Ooh *****6 FORBION BSTABLISNBO COMPANY REOUIRES furnished apartments houses dlsts. 9. 10. 11 Rental $800 $1,900 Phone ****** Mr Teo *****3
      722 words
    • 884 22 CAVSNAOH COURT APARTSJSNT spHt-levei. marble, parquet and mosaic floor Wooden pan*! fully furnished, a.rcondltloned tenanted, brand new $180,000 Hong Leong Oarden doubleho'usV seaside 2090 sq ft Nearing completion $124,000 Tel: *****/ *****8 TONO ENO HEIGHTS Off 11* ms. UoDer Chansrl Road detached bungalow 2 lots ttrjiU .title (freehold) Land area
      884 words
    • 723 22 FOR QUICK SALE OP Property please get in touch wltn BBC. MSC-2 Orchard Road (opposite Mandarin Hotel .tVXUS/ 7 Bssßb*bsb**sbßsl SHOWROOMS AND OFFICE BPACBS svallable at Central Building (In dlst 1) Fully alrcondltloned: immediate occupancy Please contact *****0 ACCOMMODATION FOR OFFICE UNITS available at Sommeraet Road Interested parties please contact
      723 words
    • 840 22 t PsrSak* INDUSTRIAL LANO MACPMERSON ROAO Aroa: Approximately 39.000 sq. ft. TWo: Freehold Zonk* Oeneral Industries Sorvtcos: Power to 250 KVA. main < sewers, water available vacant Pu Inn- Immediately Par worn Tonne: Negotiable IgjjlJltßSJJßJlJgjgJgß •TuirHOTRAVBL SBRVICB (SINGAPORE) PTE. LIMITED. Tour west Malaysia seven days *****/-. alr-condltloncd bus SslsO Malaysia
      840 words
    • 686 22 AUSTRALIA TOURS SBRVICB offers Charter flights to London 1735/-. Australia $51 5/-. Europe/ America/ Tokyo/ Hongkong/ Indonesia 142. Race Course Road [Tel *****/ *****9) MOOBRN TRAVEL <S) PTB LTD. Specially organised one way trip to Malaysia for the general election on the I4TH AUGUST 74. Kaass L i—si mi $I*/-
      686 words
    • 741 22 CITY S GUILDS Electrlaal Engineering Intermediate for beglnners commencing Tomorrow Builders' Quantities Stage I commencing soon. Regal School *****9 CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTWRtTINO: A Five- Month practical course preparing stu- denu to write good, effective commercial letter and reports. On successful completion School 1 Certificates will be awarded. Days. Times Saturdays
      741 words
    • 827 22 Y.W.C.A. MANDARIN CLASS eommenclng 4 9 74 st 6 p.m Decoupage class commencing 5 9.74 at 930 am or 7 9 74 at 2 p.m. Tal Chi class commencing 2.9 74 at 530 p.m Aluminium Relief commencing 30 8 74 at 2 B.SE. Enqulrtos ***** Register 254 Outrani Road PUBLIC
      827 words
    • 919 22 I*7l MORRIS IM* Dauun 1200 1970 Mini 1000 1969 Volkswagen 1300 1468 Masds 1500 DaUun 1000 8/W 1967 Dauun 1000 Pick Up 19M Flat 890 Coupe Mini 890 81mca 1000 :965 Mini 890 1964 Flat 890 HP Arrangeable View 3. Cavan Road (Spore) *****94 1*73 FORD eSCORT 11*0 Saloon together
      919 words
    • 755 22 BRITISH WALL TO WALL. CARPETINO COMPLETELY INSTALLED INCLUSIVE RUBBER PADDINO (•> $2 50 PER 9Q FT Please contact AMIR SONS. 276, Orchard Rood (Opp: Mandarin Ho**f) rpor**. T*l: ******. NTERFLORA when you care b Jt •ant he there tend riowers by nterfloni World-wide Service Contact your Local Interflora Florists Ooodwood
      755 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 376 23 is expanding its sales team and invites applications for the vacancy of PASSENGER SALES REPRESENTATIVE QUALIFICATIONS: Singapore citizen; 3-5 years sales experience (if possible in airline or travel business); GCE certificate: Should have completed National Service. REMUNERATION: Salary is negotiable and will commensurate with qualification and experience. If you are
      376 words
    • 438 23 I NATION I has vacancies for ADVERTISEMENT I REPRESENTATIVES I I Applicants should have the following qualifications I al A genuine interest in sales I b) A GCE I c) Ability to mix and convince people I d) Must be willing to work hard I a) Completed or exempted from
      438 words
    • 565 23 ■OR SAUB:- mow cargoes -seU. DWT 650/ 1500 tons used steel ralrs. used dlesel locomotives, used logging tractors a trucks Please contact P O Box 111. Katong. Spore 15 CAT D7E WITH ANOLE doier hyster wtnch and canopy undercarriage 90S with heavy duty track and rock guards Call Frank ReWy
      565 words
    • 315 23 AT DAMANSARA HEIGHTS. K. L I 3*«mmmam«mm«v««w«mwa«mmmvasammmmmmml mmammsmmtmC ChMbbbT FOR SALE IV PRIVATE TREATY Elevated modified 'Flamingo' design 3 beds/baths, study. Extra large split level dining, living rooms. Parquet flooring jpstairs Circular driveway Land area 1 1 ,800 sq. ft Price: $230,000. Write in first instance to Th« Director, P.
      315 words
    • 709 23 TENDER NOTICE GOVERNMENT OF FENANQ MALAYSIA PEN A. SO STATE WATER SIPTLY SITES MVDA WATER SCHEME CONTRACT NO. I*E COMPLETION OF BARRAGE. CANAL AND INTAKE PUMPING STATION Tender* are Invited from Claai D and above contractor* who are refiatered with the J.K.R. under Head I Bub-head* 1 At 3 and
      709 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 554 24 COULD YOU BE A JET SET FLIGHT STEWARDESS Perhaps you could What does it take to be entrust ed with the care of our Very Important Passengers' For a start take an attractive young lady add a bright personality a large dash of charm heaps of energy lots of patience
      554 words
    • 477 24 FOSTER Assistant Manager L.B. Foster Company, North America's largest FabricatorSupplier of Steel Pipe, Piling and Rail Products is opening a Branch Office in Singapore approximately January 1, 1975. Excellent opportunity for a strong sales-oriented man. The person we seek must be a Singapore Citizen and bilingual, English-Mandarin. Position will require
      477 words
    • 581 24 0 OH NOTICE OF REMOVAL 15 sbi As from Monday 19th August 1974 our address will be:— 24th Floor, Ocean Building, Collyer Quay, Singapore 1. Republic of Singapore. Our telephone numbers remain unchanged. GUARDIAN ASSURANCE CO. LTD., ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE, UNION INSURANCE SOCIETY OF CANTON, LTD., AMSTERDAM LONDEN VERZEKERING MAATSCHAPPIJ
      581 words
    • 436 24 LIEN HOE INDUSTRIES BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) The following Ordinary Share Certificates have been reported lost or destroyed: Certificate in the name Amount of Noa. of Share 6680 Ie Mr. Ang $2,000/--6681 Kirn Sye NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN that If within fourteen days from the date of publication, no claim
      436 words
    • 497 24 POLIS REPABLIK SINGAPURA TENDER NOTICE SMALL ARMS CARTRIDGES TENDERS will be received at the office of the Commissioner of Police. Ist Floor, Police Headquarters. Pearl's Hill. Singapore 2. up to 12 noon on 19 September. 1974 for the supply and dellvery of Small Arms Cartridges required by the Commandant. NPCC
      497 words

    • 128 25 India pick 130 for Teheran Games ■^TEW DELHI. Sun India yesterday named a 130-member team to represent the nation at the seventh Asian Games In Teheran next month The team, the largest ever to be seni out by the country to an international sports meet, will take part In 12
      Reuter  -  128 words
    • 27 25 Hongkong. Sun. The North Korean team left Pyongyang for Teheran yesterday to attend the Seventh Aiian Games, the North Korean Central News Agency rrported. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 197 25 'Jumbo' wins title by 4 strokes TOKYO, Sun. Masa- shi 'Jumbo' Ozaki today shot a one over par 73 In the final round but won the 13,560 000 yen ((112.800) Japan Professional Oolf championship tournament with a four stroke margin. Ozaki, 27, fired four birdies against one bogey for a
      UPI  -  197 words
    • 221 25 Reutemann all the way winner in GP 7ELTWEO, (AUS- tria). Sun. Argentina's Carlos Reutemann drove a Brabham Formula One racing car to victory today In trie Austrian Grand Prix. Reutemann held the lead from start to finish. New Zealand's Denis Hulme and Britain's Jim Hunt were second and third, respectively.
      AP  -  221 words
    • 100 25 RUDY OUT OF WORLD TOURNEY JAKARTA, Sun. Indo- neaiat badminton ctar Rudy Hartono will not Uke part In the Second World badminton invitation tournament here In October, chairman of the Indonesian Badminton Association Raden Soedinnan said ywtarday. Kartono wai preparing for the coming All-Btogland Championship* to defend hia title for
      Reuter  -  100 words
    • 47 25 TOKYO. Sun The title fight between World Boxing Association (WBA) Junior welterweight champion Antonio Cervantes of Colombia and No. 10 contender Tasuaki Kadota of Japan ortftnaUy scheduled for Sept. 1 In Tokyo has been rescheduled for late October, according to the Fuji Television Company. UPL
      47 words
    • 236 25 FUST DIVISION BTuun 0 Mld*rou«ti j Burnley 1 Wolvt* J Cbctara 0 Ctrltete a Bvcrton 0 Derby 0 Utot 0 Annii 1 Luton 1 Uvwpooi a M*n CJty 4 Wwt Run NewoftMIt Oarmtry 1 ■hef f Utd. 1 <JPR Stoke a LMdi TotUnhMn 0 Ipawleto 1 SECOND DITUMMI
      236 words
    • 802 25  -  ERNEST FRIDA By J)ASHING Tommy Manotoc of the Philippines cruised to a four-stroke victory in his first Singapore Op«n ffolf championship at the Bukit Course yesterday. Tommy, 25, the 1974 Philip pines amateur champion, produced the tight temperament to beat a strong field.
      802 words
    • 648 25 Clough speechless as Stoke sinks mighty Leeds 3-0 ONDON, Sun. Champions Leeds United opened the new English season yesterday by crashing to a 0-3 defeat against Stoke City, the team which ended their 29-match unbeaten run last term. New manager. Brian dough not noted for his silence, was almost speechless
      Reuter  -  648 words
    • 74 25 NSW YORK Sun. lU•uiu of imtmUmfr major Imcim bMtteU mctcbea KiHml LMfM: M Dta*> ChXM«o t; PttUbunh 4 Urn nim'n S; Otanetaa«U Mew Tort S; AUaoU 1 Pto»Udelpbla (11 lnn«). Bt Loula San RwdMO I. MootrMl I Howton S; Uhm: Oaf**lutd 4 Tom Itaw York I CfalMWO
      74 words
    • 287 25 Stockton fires a 69 for 3-stroke lead VTEW YORK, Sun 11 Dave Stockton held a three-stroke lead yesterday at four-under-par 199 after 54 holes of the Sammy Davis Jr. Grea t er Hartford Open golf tournament at Weathersfield. Stockton started out with a bogey on the first hole, then blrdled
      Reuter  -  287 words
    • 2479 26  -  EPSOM JEEP By Osman saddles 3 winners Ist: No. ***** ($2442) 2nd: No. 3M31 ($1,171) 3rd: No. ***** ($585) STARTEXS ($M each): Nos. *****. *****. *****, *****, *****. *****. *****. *****, *****, *****, 3M«4. 3952 C, *****. CONSOLATION ($45 each): Nos.
      2,479 words
    • 1002 26 STIPES REPORT IPOH, Sun. Appren- tlcei Peter Lee and Mansor Affandl were ••upended for three race days by the stewards. Peter Lee was suspended for causing Interference In his riding an Trapper Joe In Race Five today, and Mansor for careless and dangerous
      1,002 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 341 25 > sHbQHHHIHbI Effectively treats the majority of alt 3^?-«££r I o''"0 stomach and duodenum complaints ty I by spreading a protective film over r the affected parts and thus allowing 40 Tablet* the damaged tissues a chance to heal y J 1 120 Tablets and at the same time absorbing
      341 words
    • 92 25 Lljl DAIDIN ac arc EL.F WELDING VACHINE sn^s»^«^^r", ■WtoSt* B LHJmETALEXPORT poland bHb? l^issfc CHAIN in- BLOCKS swlffr 4bssV WESCOL op x iwata \*r\ V AIR COMPRESSOR REGULATORS XJsj^^is^ AND CUTTERS. mm > r>M |£".lj WELDING ACCESSORIES if 1 f INDUSTRIAL DC WELDERS \M JOHN MACDONALD vibrators and CONCRETE BREAKERS
      92 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 294 26 ft Cooking'^. h I ***«SBss*m»B»»__ .o^^SSlm; r V H wssließßßßß^^^^^^lsmi mmmmV*s>_^ 'Km* jM ±^^^Mr BBBBBBBBBB^ ■Bssjgt/S^-^^*^ PHILIPS •i^te- II I JH L^^B li^p.zf iXI tiil^^^Hl i Flu Ii I LI HHIH W^ mHmtmmmmmmmmmmmmH l JI I'lH L ssssi _v> ]r\ k i^ -i f^ *mmltJilV^l L iFi fcW^vaH^llf fink I
      294 words

  • 360 27 England may include Willis for final Test ONDON, Bun.— England will *-< almost certainly change their team for the first time in five matches when the Third and final cricket Test against Pakistan starts at the Oval here on Thursday. The selectors today picked the same 11 players who opposed
    360 words
  • 204 27 Raj slams three goals to prove a point pZNTRK forward Ra- Jendran. who switched from goalkeeper to striker turned out to be match winner yesterday when he scored a hattrick for Jollllads In their 3-2 victory over Buklt Tlmah In the FAS Youth tournament at Farrer Park. Raj's father Naraya
    204 words
  • 35 27 SERANOOON Oarden 8C edged Toa PayoJi Spartan 3-1 In the BO6C Invitation Cup soccer tournament match at Seranaoon Oarden yesterday Jamas Wee and Neo Nam Tha seared (or Oaratns. white Joe Lm replied.
    35 words
  • 621 27  -  PERCY SENEVIRATNE Captures 4-7 but Malaysia hold out for a draw By fHE Saudara Cap cricket match flickered to a draw after a belated but exciting Singapore attempt to swing the game their way on a pitch responding to spin. Scores Singapore 240-9 (dec) and 146-7 (dec);
    621 words
  • 442 27  -  JOE OORAI By IT was a goal spree at the National Stadium last night when Malaysian Prisons, with national team strikers Syed Ahmad and Shahruddln Abdullah, beat Singapore Malays 6-4 In a friendly match. The 30.000 crowd at the National Stadium last night had their
    442 words
  • 154 27 Tamara's new mark will not count TLfONTREAL. Sun. ITI Russian Tamara Oarkuskina set a world best performance In qualifying for the semifinals of the women's pursuit at the World Cycling Championships here today Oarkuskina knocked six seconds off her own previous best, set In the qualifying round last Friday, to
    154 words
  • 242 27 LONDON. San— Patient spectators who waited until after tea far the match between Lancashire und the Pakistani cr.cketen to start here yesterday were rewarded with a sparkling batting display by Majld Khan. After rain had cleared and the pitch dried out sufficiently for the threeday mate
    242 words
  • 169 27 Slagaasre MS-* flee aas 144-7 esc Malaysia MS aaa 4»-4 SINGAPORE taa. lass •veratgat 4-4; N. Slouai.M b Jeyacagaa 1 at M "-'-n— Ttna c ■■■■al b Martmathe 1* B. nslaHrtshejai c ■■■■I b Jcyakagaa 4 Blggta aa KUva b ■Urtaaataa M CMvaraJab c Mshlasir b Basaael IS J«ha
    169 words
  • 32 27 TOKYO. Sun The AllJapan soccer team, which will take pan In the Asian Oames next month at Tetoeran. beat a visiting United States team Mini friendly match here today —Beater
    32 words
  • 259 27  - Eng Bock: Spain tour has built confidence A. JOHNSON By WATER-POLO coach Tan Eng Bock said yesterday that the training tour of Spain by the national team has telped to develop a new spirit and confidence among the players to the Asian Oames at Teheran next month. He said "This
    259 words
  • 67 27 NAIROBI. Bun —The Kenran Amateur Athletic Association has accepted world re-cord-holder Ben Jlpcho'i dental of accusation* that he received bat cash rewards while stUl running as an ABMttsMlT Jlpcho. the World 3.000 metres steeplechase recordholder now competing on the United States Professional Track Circuit. was quoted earlier
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 53 27 WCLLINOTON, Sun— The Unl»«rsU- of Canterbury Rugby Club are planning a icran-naUon Asian tour early next year The Chmtchurch baaed club said It had already received an invitation to play seven-nation Asian tour The proposed tour will also include Singapore Kuala Lumpur. Bangtoos-. Manila. Hongkong
    53 words
  • 33 27 CARACAS Venezuela Sun. The scheduled title fight between World Boxing Association Junior welterweight champion Antonio iPambelei Cervantes of Colombia and Japanese challenger Sotnlshi Kadota has been postponed indefinitely. Carvantai' manager add yesterday—AP
    33 words
  • 218 27 Roberts is first to reach century mark LONDON. Sun West Indian fast bowler Andy Roberts became the first player to take 100 wickets during the current English cricket season when he wrecked Glamorgan's batting at Cardiff yesterday Roberts, needing Just two wickets to reach the century mark In his first
    Reuter  -  218 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 67 27 Super 99 The New Generation battery from Eveready for your new U [S—J\ XV Eveready Super 991 Big strong power .#^7 to work at a touch, to drive motors. M Extra power for all your new generation Mj equipment. Seal-wrapped for freshness! _k^ WSl^mm C1 ii Ml KXt± t .aJaaT^aßsaW^^ar
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  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 38 27 BOWUNO-FMU Bukan c ships Jackie's Bow)) «l GBY— National schools •emi-nnals (TaagUn. IJO and 6*o nm> FOOTBALL MaHylsn Prisons v B'porc Malay* invitation (National stadium. 'JOpmi Dr. Lee Chlaw Mtnc Cup: Hampshire v M*rble 8C (Farrar Park ÜBJBs).
      38 words

  • 54 28 MOSCOW. Bun Soviet Communist Party leader Leonid Brezhnev returned home today from Simferopol in the Crimea, Taas news agency reported. Over the laat three-and-a-half week*. Mr Brezhnev has ■een three East European party chief*— Mr. Edward Olerek of Poland. Mr. Janes Kadar of Hungary and Mr.
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 63 28 PARIS, Sun. Police today were looking for the people who sent letter bombs to four banks In widely scattered parts of Prance and warned that more bombs could turn up In the post tomorrow Police Inquiries centred on the city of Rennes in Brtitany. where the
    63 words
  • 31 28 ADDIS ABABA. Sun —An unprecedented letter calling for the abolition of the Ethiopian monarchy ww today pubUahed here In the government-owned n c w apaper AddU Zewen Reuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 147 28 A war zone scene after $13m blast LOS ANGELES, Sunday AN Industrial area looked like a war zone today after a giant explosion apparently started by chemicals tore apart one building and set three others on fire. The explosion last night sent up a mush-room-shaped fireball "as big as a
    AP  -  147 words
  • 68 28 Lee sees N-Day show THE Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew last night attended the National Day rally and cultural show held at the National Theatre. The theatre was packed for the hour-long performance which featured 11 Items presented by the National Dance and Theatre Company. People's Association Dance Company,
    68 words
  • 131 28 AFIRE fed by gas from a leaking main In Upper Hoklen Street burned for several hours as PUB engineers worked to seal both ends of the main. Till late last night the repair work was still going on. The main is believed to
    131 words
  • 28 28 IfEIVA Colombia, Sun. Eleven people were killed and 18 others Injured, many of them arrtoualy. when a bug caught fire near here mterday. polk* Mid. DPI.
    28 words
  • 148 28 Egypt to keep those Libyan Mirages BEUII'T, Su.— Egypt has decided net to send back to Libya a saaadroa ef Frenchmade Mirage Jetflghters stationed In Egypt since last October's Middle East war. Irasji news agency saM tola a dispatch from Cairo, the agency said Ike Egyptian decision probably was la
    148 words
  • 131 28 MM*. LSI MAM CMtl (mm Madam CMw Ak T»T«>. mnl awmy paamftilbr J.i.i. Mack Am. Ipa*. a* IS.S T4. 10 It am.. ImtW MM ta Kirn Saa. Fn Baa. Thaac Ctwaa K«m« Saa. -tan. Kai Tm. Mr* LMw nu On—. Mn Lm Pot Smb. Kak TiX. Mn MMtHMt Urn
    131 words
  • 126 28 Top IRA men blast oat of jail DUBLIN, San. Two explosions today recked a high srenrity prison sooth of Dublin where Ira dint members of the Irish HepabUcan Army are •erring- sentences, prison officials said. One official said as many as M prlsemrs may have escaped after the late morning
    126 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 11 28 New! Double-action, double-flavour double-flavour ice treat \nJftvV V from Walls. KSw^^^^^^i
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    • 251 28 v joubi* lonoon V-^THE NAME FOR GIFT LrGHTERS Perfection in miniature. Ihe fittest roller lighten in the world. AvoilGUe in 1 8 or Ixamt solid gold or heavy gold and silver plate. I 1 Colibri is internationally guaranteed. Obtainable only from AUTHORISED COLIBRI DEALERS I inokoshi I I pA gives
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