The Straits Times, 17 August 1974

Total Pages: 30
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 964 1 TURKS CALL HALT TO WAR As two more towns are captured I ANKARA, Friday THE TURKISH Government has ordered a ceasefire in Cyprus effective at 4 p.m. CMT (1 1.30 p.m. Singapore time) today, Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit announced here. The brief announcement after a Cabinet meeting came as the
    Reuter  -  964 words
  • 392 1 LONDON, Friday oil production is currently running at a surplus of up to four million barrels a day, an Arab delegate to a London meeting of major oil-exporting The delegate, who declined to be named, wm ■peaking during a break In discussion at
    Reuter; UPI  -  392 words
  • 205 1 Woman held on suspicion of aiding alleged assassin fkOAKA. Frt. Osaka vf police aald tonight they have arrested 23--year-old Mrs. Mlklko Yoshll on suspicion of having helped the alleged killer of South Korea's First Lady. Mrs Park Chung-hee. get a Japanear passport enabling him to fly to Seoul. Police said
    UPI  -  205 words
  • 47 1 WABHINOTON FrL *"«Mant Ford yesterday n*msd Mr Philip Buchan. a close personal friend and teas* «i V partner as hi* White House oounsai Mr Buchan takes o*«r the )ob once held by John Dean ex-President Nixon's principal accuser In the Watergate scandal. Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 24 1 WASHINOTON. Frt President Potd met King Hussein of Jordan today to d**cua* attempt* to reach an owtrall Middle But peace settlement AP.
    AP  -  24 words
  • 55 1 COLOMBO. Fri. The Oovrmment of Kuwait hu »awiM«l the transfer nf S»2l million (B*sl million) to Brl Lanka aa the first instalment of economic taliance. the government controlled Ceylon Dally New* ■aid today. Lite report *aid the aid Is the first result of nagoUatton* imong Sri
    AP  -  55 words
  • 59 1 MANILA. Fri— Tha United Suits has aaked the Philippine Oovemment help In eulevlng 20 itolen OS Treasury note* worth Ua« J million (8(5.7 mlltton) the Central Bank satd today It said the denomination of one of the missing notes to ue»i million iSSIi
    AP  -  59 words
  • 343 1 Don't let S'pore become another Cyprus: Raja rX>R£ION Affairs Mir nister Mr S. Rajaratnam warned last night that the situation In Cyprus could happen In Singapore. Bpeaklns at a National Day dinner at Kampung Glam. Mr Rajaratnam aald It could happen if Singaporeans were not careful, or tf they were
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  • 45 1 NCW YORK. PVI Dow Jonai a*araaat, baaed on the ant hour of trading on the New York Stock Knhanac. wore: M Indus TMM up 111. M tranap up 0«J 16 utlla n M up 0 M. U atoeks mn up •tt— upi
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  • 80 1 ADDIS ABABA. Pri— The arasy Uaay ■tripped f Halle T-' r*- a* his reaaainfaf power* and •Used alow of atramcth thrawfh the capital. Western lalaasaHe ahaainn said the salutary Mtlan eoald topple the cirUUn fOTernmeat of Prime Mlaaatar Michael lava aad lea 4 to f
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  • 23 1 SEOUL. FTI Three high school students yesterday fell about 100 fact to their death while climbing a mountain near Seoul. UPI
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  • 340 1 ftIALA LUMPUR, Fri. Malaysia's acting police chief Encik HuniflT Omar today warned that communist guerillas were out to create trouble during the coming general elections but said the Government was able to safeguard the nations security. Encik HanifT, acting Inspec-tor-General of
    Reuter  -  340 words
    • 99 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Fire peaple were Injured, two aerioaaly. when Are destroyed the Mobil UaaeOed petroleam ru <LPG> fUUnc plant at Segambajt tonight. Foar factories in the area, were aJao rated to the groand. The blase waa heUeyed to have atartcd after a tanker collided
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    • 33 1 ANKARA. Fri The TvrkJah Ara; an wsaaes< tonight that It had eaptared the aorth-wectera Cyans town of Left* the Ia a t Greek Cyprtot ttronfhold oa the AtUU line. Ist.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 45 1 Whwi the FEELING it uch that you *ant it to last fortvv. buy diamond ring to lymbolw -J^aW CHIONG SHING'S AJsawU«9 •"•■pore t* ui73«a aauoT and LAUS ARCADIA 2U. East Coat- Aoe*. Is^ajsjaai Tel: *****1 Certificate of ohgin will ba issuad. lA DIAMCDTsO IS FOREVER
      45 words
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    • 184 1 g] fe^ GERMANYS FUST IN FASHION nbermain Refittered Trail* Mark POLICE PROBE $1 mil TONTINES PIK 9 SEOUL lifts exit ban on Japane* 2 SIHARTO call Prepare far greater atrafgle 4 NIXON lawyers fail to "hijack tapes f "PREVENT rather than care** bndgrtk < SHIPYARD to farm oat >oba 1
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  • Straits Times World News
    • 130 2 HONOKONO. Frl. A prime piece of water front real estate here r.n which the Hongkong Oovernment has approved the building of Asia's tallest skyscraper Is up for sale. International purchase tenders have been invited for the site about 6.300 square metres (98.000 square feet)
      Reuter  -  130 words
    • 552 2 Exit ban on visitors from Japan lifted MOVE WAS TO DETERMINE IF PARK'S WOULD-BE ASSASSIN HAD ACCOMPLICES SEOUL. Frt. gOI'TH Korea to day lifted an order that had kept Japanese nationals from leaving the country for the past 24 hours, Government officials said. The travel ban, Imposed at 4 p.m.
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    • 100 2 WAS A STOLEN GUN USED IN SHOOTING? rpOK YO. Frl Japanee* 1 police said today that they were still cheeking with South Koreas authorities whether a Japanese .loUce pistol stolen last Month waa used in the assassination attempt on FresMeat Park Chaag-hee yesterday. A police spokessnaa said Korean aathorities through
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    • 51 2 TOKYO, Frt— China will take wmlt-«n4-«M atutudt •bout Prswdiut Port! until hit poUetss becom dw, In Peking was quoted m saying today. Kyoto new* aarvtce Mid Mi Yoshlkauu Takrin chairman of Japan's Ko—ttn (Clean Oovarr.mcnl) Party made the »:*i*aßanl after SM«th« with Chin— Vlc*Pitmfer T«ng Hsteoptnc iwtrrtfar
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    • 154 2 WASHINGTON. fW. The US balance oi payments fell sharply Into the red for the second quarter of 1974 recording Its worst level for more than a year, the Commerce Dopar',mer.t repotted yesteqUy The deficit for the second three months of
      Reuter  -  154 words
    • 246 2 Nuclear force vital for our survival: France DARIB. Frt. Prime A Minister Jacques Chirac yesterday stressed that a nuclear deterrent was essential for France's survival and Independence as a French nuclear explosion was reported to have taken place In the south Pacific In line with Its policy of silence, the
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    • 29 2 SYDNTY Pn Qanta* has decided to cease operating 1U once-weekly flight* between Mexico and London tiecause It la unprofitable Qantas chairman Sir Donald Anderson said today —neuter
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 345 2 I a^E^L^Lwfl I aw^ I w^Mmm^^m iß^L^L^L^L^bW^L^L^L^L^B^B^bW^bwH BW^B^B^L^L^BW^Bwfl aW^t^^^awP^awaTie^^V^^Lr I am bwbw bw^B 1 bw^bwZwwX*Vbw^Lt^ bw^L^Ri^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^b^b^bwl \a n^w»^L^L^Bw^Bw^Bw^Rßßb L^bwk a! Law aw^L^L^^ta^awX^^^viw^Bw^^^. <'V' I _a4aT^aW ■PaTi lia^^Bi bT w JF a^s^Lwa^LwP9P> KSbWt. > 4R> a^Lwa^Lwa^LwHl LKMaUwUTw S I H I K?W"Ji l M '^j^B^aV fcC^l B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^al '^1 W^B^B^B^B^H B^P^P^ bP*^B^
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    • 244 3 600 back at work as hotel dispute ends BANGKOK. Frl. Six hundred workers whose 10 day strike closed one of the Thai capital's leading hotels returned to their Jobs today after accepting a compromise agreement with the management. A spokesman for the Slam Intercontinental said all the strikers had returned
      Reuter  -  244 words
    • 267 3 Bangkok talks on Asean peace pacts MANILA, m Senior Asean officials will I meet In Bangkok In November to further discuss a Philippine proposal for non- aggression pacts In the region. Foreign Secretary Carlos Romulo said today. Mr Romulo said at a I news conference on his arrival lrom a
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    • 106 3 Chou well but told to take it easy TOKYO, rri— Chinese Premier Chou En-la! U In good health but Is still kept from official duties under advice from his doctors, the newspaper Asahl Bhlmbun reported today. Anhl aid In a dispatch ?!"■> ****>« the report cam* tram Chlncae Vlce-Prnnltr Tent
      UPI  -  106 words
    • 232 3 WASHINOTON. FW. The Senate yesterday voted to launch a 10-year. US$2O billion <Bsso billion) energy research and development programme to make America aelf-suffi-cient for all it* energy needs. The research and delopment programme for non-nuclear energy alternatives was added under an amendment
      UPI  -  232 words
    • 82 3 SCOTT Davis, 10-months-old, reaches for the underwater camera as he displays his swimming form with the guiding hand of the instructor (left). Scott is one of the IN tots at Yuha City. California— aged seven months to three years— who is taking part in a YMCA»po ii
      UPI  -  82 words
    • 436 3 Heavy Viet shelling near three towns GOVT TROOPS REEL UNDER ATTACK SAIGON. Friday THOUSANDS of shells rained into positions near several small towns near the northcentral coast while latest reports on an overnight battle on Saigon's northern defence line said fighting was temporarily ebbing, according to the Saigon Command. Military
      Reuter; UPI  -  436 words
    • 234 3 Japan, Iraq sign oil-for-aid pact rKYO. rri. Irs* and Japan today signed an economic aod technical co-operation agreement to extend Japanese credits to Iraq for economic development projects in exchange for a stable supply of crude oil aad other oil prod»«U. Is* Forelga Ministry announced The ministry said the agreement
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    • 118 3 HONOKONO. FrL— Ttoe cost of shipbuilding In Japan has Increased by 30 to 40 per cent since August, an executive of a large Japanese Industrial and Ow^tii group said yesterday Mr. Shoso Dol, executive vice president of Sumitomo Shipbuilding and Machinery Co. Ltd., said steel
      UPI  -  118 words
  • Briefs
    • 31 3 WASHINGTON. The US Export- Import Bank announced yesterday it has authorised a credit of U5513,137,262 <$SM.*43.lV>) to New Zealand to hern finance a U85t9.1tt.915 (8572.9M.7g7) sale of US power generating equipment.
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    • 35 3 TOKYO: An Influential business organisation said today it has decided to enforce stricter measures to halt .he flow of goods between Japan and Rhodesia In response to a request by the Organisation of African Unity.
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    • 21 3 TAIPEH: A Government spokesman said today President Chiang Kaishek has recovered fully from pneumonia and has resumed attending important state affairs.
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    • 30 3 PHILADELPHIA: Controversial Vitamin C. thought by some to cure the common cold, may now have an even greater value protecting humans against the harmful effects of smoking and heavy drinking.
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    • 43 3 PARIS: A major Unk In the "French connection" drug traffic between France and the United States was broken with the arrest of five people In New York on Wednesday, the head of France's Criminal Investigation Department. Mr. Maratice Bouvier said yesterday.
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    • 37 3 WASHINOTON The United States Army should spend less on develop- Ing expensive weapons systems since "the economy of abundance no longer exists In Amel rlca." according to a report by a defence industry panel Issued here today.
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    • 50 3 POST MORESBY: Trade officers here are analysing a mass of figures on essta, freight and shipping rates as Papua New Guinea looks away from Australia to Southeast Asia as a possible source of cheat food following a ie-day tow by Minister for Defence. Foreign Relations and Trade Albert Maori Kiki
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    • 42 3 TOKYO: Talks in London between Japan Airlines and the Hongkongbased Cath*y Pacific Airlines endeO with an agreement to continue the status quo on Cathay nights to the western Japan city ot Osaka for another month, the Transport Ministry said today. I Agencies.
      Agencies  -  42 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 68 3 CASH and CARRY mate Will/ c Koir 4tM Hp^ kk captain choif a never before BARGAIN while stocks last! •sms) m« nwu s cnmi i TEL *****1 DEAF! CKMCO INVISIBLE EAAPHONfS •«t» rnwdt you« «or. no cord* <m bOhmim- GuarariMd far your ht» tmm MJ22 00 pair Write far Hrn
      68 words
    • 336 3 mR\ mKtvV ..•••ssssssssssssfissssssssssWSR 1 I I CUItQ tLT, sm 1^ LA sm\ vl sflst rzszg^M msV m^ ?«£3 Bssr •r"**" sssssW A m sfl sm\ _^ut\\, sWsv .^m m ssfl BmV CLvVa. ibßnK* X for less than $2 a day you can have this magnificent copier Rent a Ricoh BS2
      336 words

    • 80 4 WASHINGTON, fwL Iran and George Washington University have slgaed an agree BBeqt to assist In deveWfsng and tsasveytnc Iran's educational system, it was announced yesterday. ia ratara. In* h— Ummft isai mi*" (W-4 «k* Aryifcr Chair k> dUMUMI ■yagyta^ifc. i «J*«*fl i MliwrtU »i>nSMa iasa, Uafer
      80 words
    • 52 4 Rail. mishap: 12 die L train jus** the track last sugat. stamad £S2_* StCT" Wh killUg U aa4 lajvts* secrei paaaeagcra. rilfciM •metafe said. MM "MX tfce dead and iajared were BeigUaa. ■■fIUI spiii—n said IS aMfk were kißed. MMtksff m IsJsvW. Tker. w«re >Wti lit pssyle In the eight-ear
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    • 1114 4  - Suharto: Get set for a greater struggle YEO TOOI JOO PARLIAMET TOLD: TRY AND ACHIEVE AIMS DESPITE INFLATION AND ENERGY CRISIS •y Call for tolerance JAKABTA. rrl President Suharto has called on Indonesian Muslims not to mac reUgtoQ to aromse tensions ■■mr the communities. Having different religions should be no
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    • 271 4 WASHINGTON, Friday fHE Soviet U.iion has cancelled orders for 13.3 million bushels of IS wheat which had been scheduled for delivery by next summer, new export figures by the Agriculture Department indicated yesterday. Bookings by exporters showed 8 7 million bushels remained for delivering to
      AP  -  271 words
    • 39 4 WBT BOILJM. Frt— Ths caotraJ rtmmHtm of Urn world OooncU of Chorea* ha* hasftcally AoospC6d Urn plan to Mt ap church world bank' aimed at aidii* poor no— trim, a rnaawttln ■i* aim said h«rt rwurdaj mmtm.
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    • 227 4 China Mail to close after 129 years YTONOKONO. Frl. The H China Mall. Hongkong's oldest English language newspaper will cease publication from tomorrow, the paper said today. The decision to shut dewn the 129-year-old publication was reached after "very long and careful consideration," said acting editor David Smith Mr. Bralth
      UPI  -  227 words
    • 48 4 PORT OF SPAIN (Trinidad >. Pi i— A crew man was killed in a collision law night Involving the 4.5H6 Brazilian cargo vhwl Jurua. which tank near here, and the LJberian registered baaxi t« carrier Olafku. is. 340 tons, port oflcials Mid yesterday—Rev ler
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 703 4 Northern FlIJlV Restaurant 801, 8th Floor COLOMBO COURT, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINGAPORE, 6. TEL: *****, *****. Celebrates its First Anniversary today with full confidence of the future. The occasion also marks the many changes which the company underwent since it started business on this day last year. This is the
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    • 56 4 CONGRA TULA TIONS TO NORTHERN PALACE RESTAURANT on their Ist Anniversary from LOKE HONG KEE (8) PTE. LTD. (Civil Engineers L Contractors) 189, Clemenceau Avenue, Singapore, 9. Tel: *****6 (2 Lines) *****8. Congratulations to Northern Palaqe Restaurant on the occasion of their IST ANNIVERSARY from MR. WOO CHEK SAN, CITY
      56 words
    • 51 4 <© ISP .++\\\W\W H^HHkX Si^rCjO^^^a^ SIZE s~l°5 1 515.Q0 d«tinn63 SIZES 3-7 6t $i>^oV 8 9.00 qaJ.UIJ JASMINE d£*a nn N^ 9 «3.(JCJ sp%a.tJO homo chop fc^jßj -y iffft*rffSifot--3 54.00 HURRY! MEW BARGAINS FOR YOU! THESE AND MANY MORE ATTRACTIVE AND COLOURFUL ITEMS AT SUPER SPECIAL BUDGET PRICES .g^fe NOW
      51 words

    • 216 5 CANTON. Friday gTREET wall posters attacking heads of factories, communes and educational institutes arc on display at this southern port city. There are also repeated references to a massacre on Ju* ie, 1968, alleged to ha»e been ordered by foraier Armed Forces
      Reuter  -  216 words
    • 118 5 $1,200 mil aid pledge to Africa PORT ST. LOUS (Mauritius). Fri. The Luropean Economic Community (EEC) has pledge; tSfc>Vo milli >n (SSI.2M million) worth of aid to African countries most affected by the rise in world energy and raw material prices. Speaking yesterday at a regional conference of the World
      Reuter  -  118 words
    • 231 5 Methadone kills twice as many as heroin T^EW YORK, Frt. •i^l Methadone poisoning, virtually unknown only a few reprs ago, killed nearly twice as many people as neroln In this city last year, according to a confidential report by Or. Domlnlck Dlmalo. th.< city's acting chief medical examiner. While confirming
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    • 233 5 40,000 stranded as firm folds up LONDON. Frt. Over 40,000 tourists are stranded all over the world t'.lay following the collapse of Britain s biggest package holiday company. Court Line. The news late last night that the giant company Is to go Into liquidation means that another ICO.OOO Brit .ns
      Reuter  -  233 words
    • 239 5 Cyclone adds to Bengal flood havoc NEW DELHI. Frt A severe cyclonic storm with a wind velocltv of IMkm (SO miles) an hoar ripped through India's West Bengal stair last night leaving at least three people dead and addinr to the region's flood devastation. Officials said that In the state
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    • 147 5 WASHINGTON, Frt President Ford has opened contacts with the Soviet Union In an effort to speed the emigration of Russian Jews to Israel and to stop the harassment of those applying to leave, three Senators said. They said after a breakfast meeting with the President
      Reuter  -  147 words
    • 380 5 CARACAS. Fri. ARTIFICIAL islands A present a delicate problem to coastal states and should be clearly defined in any global se« treaty, Belgium sala yesterday. Artificial islands raise "two separate problems." said Alfred Tan der Essen, head of the Belgian delegation. In a document
      AP  -  380 words
    • 85 5 WELLINGTON. Frt Twe wmib ml I nart-, I New Zealaader and a Briteo, UeaaatM* Ucetfter at nuipetat In aeatkera Thailand ea April ZS are la tood health, a New Zealand r«rdin Affairs Ministry »!■■■<■■■ aaM todayThe apekeaawn said eonUrt had been aaaak with the Orenea* Mssateaary PeOewßhto
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    • 63 5 CARACAS. PW— Northern VeneaMia m batured jmicrdaj bf hurricane Ante which baa airway ntsfwl M lira, including 47 poopU In an airliner driven Into a hlllatdt by powerful wind* OfflcUU aUd at mat II people were killed when tbsw houaaa perched precarkxMly on hltittew In Caracas, wot*
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    • 559 5 FORD ('I WONT HAVE IT') KILLS 'RULING' THAT THEY ARE EX- PRESIDENT'S PROPERTY WASHINGTON. Friday PRESIDENT Ford and special prosecutor Leon Jaworski have blocked a move by Richard Nixon's lawyers to turn over the White House tapes to the former President. White
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 139 5 HOW'S ABOUT A GRUESOME TWOSOME? Come on and be friendly. If you Ike the strong, silent type, you'll like our Frankenstein. Because he makes a pretty picture everytime, we've picked him to pose with you for souvenir snapshots. So come and team up for a gruesome twosome. Frankenstein's waiting. At
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    • 400 5 The end of the needle The new Fujica STBOI has the most sophisticated light metering system in the world With 3-way focusing, shutter speed on the left. LED light metfr on the right the STBOI viewfinder is a real Control Center See those dots on the right of caused by
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  • 248 6 HK team praises Govt backing for social work TIB Singapore Government's backing for community service has Impressed a 27-member delegation from Hongkong Kalfong associations, who are now here on five-day visit Mr. Chan Ling-rung, leader of the group, whose associations represent voluntary community workers in the colony said that they
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  • 82 6 Samtas cost redaction course A course on cost reduction will be organised by the Supervisory And Management Training Association of Singapore (SAMTAB) on Mondays and Fridays between 1 p.m. and 9.30 p.m. at Hotel Royal In Newton Road beginning Sept 1 The ooursa lecturer Is Mr Urn Boon Tong. s
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  • 65 6 UM Hal Tonf M, suocosdad In killing himself to his second attempt ax aulctde. a coroner heard vestardsx Urn. whoa* body was? omtd at the foot of a block of fats In Redhul Ctoee on the morning of Jab; is. hsd bean unsuccessful In t *«nt hlmaelf
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  • 62 6 Entries invited for photo show rDE Photographic Society of Singapore la Inviting photographers to take part In thU year's Singapore National Photographic Exhibition. In tbs awnnihir— and colour Hint* ssetlon. participants abouM aamatt a aaHmum at tour prints of not isas ti»^«« n i n aaj^ BMajntod OB ttiH aurtnc
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  • 42 6 Chinese art course MADAM Sunya*. principal of Uw amampon >eirtssiy of Arts, will conduct a twoBoonth. bsftnnsrs oourss oa Chinos* pfii-i tt taw Orenard Road TatOA frosn Sapt 1 m pat. r— la MO for ■awhsri and •M for ntm aasailwti.
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  • 390 6 'Prevent rather than cure' budgets J^ MEDICAL professor yesterday called for a shift from treatment-oriented health budgets to one where more money is allocated for the prevention of diseases. Prof. W.O. Phoon, head of the Department of Social Medicine and Public Health, University of Singapore, also stressed that co-operation of
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  • 95 6 BUSMEN GET SECOND CANTEEN ABECOND canteen to senre bus employees has been started at the Commonwealth bus terminal. Run by the Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation, which represents the busmen, the canteen will senre soft drinks and light meals at reasonable prices. BotUed drinks will cost only SO cents a bottle
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  • 28 6 THE Minister for Law snd I NsUonal Dsvstopsntnt. Mr I W Barker, will Introduce s Cancellation of Planning TTwHaajnn sill H tte nest ssmnt of Psrltssasat.
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  • 148 6 rrms cap shows that 1 Slnfapore Girl Galde Constance Foh was a blf hit at a recent mm for Girl GwJdes 1b Japan. Pinned to her f uldf cap are msmsntss from IS Girl Gmlde orranimUobs from all over the
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  • 98 6 SABAH student. Chin Shou Tong, 23. will be flown out on Monday to stand trial for murder In the United States. He will be escorted by three American law officers, who arrived here on Wednesday The officers. District Attorney Mr. Walter Jlubbtnl, and Insp
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  • 181 6 Wife who borrowed from husband's business mates BUBINESSMAN Teo Keok. 40. of Namly Crescent (Buklt Tlmah). told the High Court yesterday tnat his wife "embarrassed" him by taking loans from his business associates. Mr. Teo said be received an "annoying" telephone call from a male stranger who claimed that he
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  • 83 6 THE Port of Singapore 1 Authority car park at Tanjong Berlayer will be closed to all private vehicles from 1 p.m to 8 p.m. today. ThU U to facilitate perk, ing for guesu attending the official opening of the second antenna of the Sentoaa
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  • 28 6 THE Singapore Tamil Youth* Club will celebrate National Day with a concert snd tea-party at the Community Hail in Lorong 1, Toa, Payoh. tomorrow st am.
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  • 205 6 Tiny Pei to help raise funds for new c-centre HONGKOJO actress Betty Ting Pel will aDpear in person at a three -day variety show at the Nafonal Theatre from Sept. 0. Wong far and Ya Fong. no« filming in Talpeh, wife also appear In the shot, stars of the Orient.
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  • 64 6 Keep S'pore accident free drive THE Sliwapore Police Force wfi launch a natlon-wldl Keep Singspore Accldant Free campaign fron Oct. 6 to 30 this year. Several BlnUtrles and statutory board* Including the Home Affain Ministry are expected to take part, according to ft police spokesman yesterday Community centres and constituency
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 52 6 Law bbs™^^^ maH aaaa iLH KSaaW' I ARE S I TC lf M« QaUu^^^i at wfWfe I mal ■41 AMD TO^Bl L*_^e** I crow a u«u«pl niooucr c* g fj "^US S4MS v H .^^P I AVa I aY I C BaawL rQaTaQ I aVH JL Uat W The22carat Scotch.
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    • 515 6 F^ Introducing ashionM^r ALLTHE PATTERNS AND ALLTHE INSTRUCTIONS FOR JS&9H I^l EVERYTHING VCHAL EVER WANT £ZM lUj TO MAKE INCLUDING WEEKLY M H COURSB IN KNmiNG f CROCHET 1 AND DRESSMAKING I Fashion Mater builds intp the m most comprehensive reference 1 library of knitting, crochet and M^^^^^^ dressmakirg youVe
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 198 6 Straits Times Crossword igMMMHBjejH a I 19 I K I 15 I I^ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ "aaaaV^^am J CIIOM sfcroaO wtth aaa Turner set free IS) 5 ral—hilsla T.O.C smbd--6 Rlrer toea mto lake odd- bwTaavtat dair trtpO) 1# I •^Alf*iJ!*» to has* a trtbuts dn« (U). quart favourtta tts aaand- It
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  • 157 7 2 varsity students on 'obstruct' charge riTWO University of Sln--1 gapore students were charged In the Fifth Magistrate's Court yesterday with obstructing a Central Narcotics Bureau officer from executing his duty. Chan Kum Shee. 24 and Chung Meng Ker. M. are alleged to have prevented Inspector M. Arumugam from enterIng
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  • 69 7 Not in hotel lobby. ROYBTON Chan was stabbed to death at Orchard Road, outside the Mandarin Hotel, on May 16 last year, and not In the hotel's lobby, as reported in yesterday's Straits Times He was the youngest brother of Robertson Chan, who died in a crash at Parrer Road
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  • 279 7  -  P.M. RAMAN B^ fHK Jurong Shipyard group is farming out more and more fabrication jol>n to local engineering firms to help upgrade their skills and reduce construction costs. A spokesman for the group said that some 70 per cent of construction costs of a
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  • 77 7 MOTORIST Rang KUnf Kiong. of Chutn Hoe Avenue, was fined $250 by the Tenth Magistrates Court yesterday for carrlea* driving along Upper Nankin Street on Jan. I at about 2 p.m. Kang pleaded guilty to falling to exercise care when moving his car at a parking lot
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  • 93 7 CREDITOR DROPS PETITION TO WIND UP FIRM A PETITION to wind up Art Friend Advertising Corporation (l*te) Ltd. of Cecil Street was withdrawn before Mr. Jastiee Kulaaekaram In the High Court yesterday. Mr. Robert Chia Seng Chin, for the petitioning creditor Malaysian and International Media Representatives Pte. Lid said a
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  • 25 7 A BARBUCUE-cum-plcnic will be held at Tanah Merah Holiday Camp for members of the Rochore community centre's youth sub-committee, on Aug. 24 and 25
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  • 74 7 AN elghi-man Japanese trade mission will be making a four-day visit from Aug. 25 to study the possibilities of promoting trade and Investment between Japan and Singapore. The mission, organised by the South-east Ada Trade, Investment and Tourism Promotion Centre. wIU be divided into
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  • 216 7 Mute resists bid to get her to jai l A DEAF-MUTE, who A was Jailed for a month yesterday for stabbing an amah, wept and resisted the efforts of a woman constable to get her inside the prison van. Lee Al Olok. 51. had to be dragged from the Bee
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  • 152 7 200 hurt at ice rink in a week MORE than 200 m men, women and children have been injured at the Jurong Ice Skating Centre since Its opening last week, according to a New Nation report yesterday. It amid that some of Injuries sustained included broken teeth and cuts on
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  • 78 7 Concert by three music students VICTOR Doggett will present a concert by three students Jennifer Leong, Urn Tahul Yin and Vivien Ngo— at the Cultural Centre on Aug. 28 at 8 p.m Proceeds trom the concert will go to Miss Ngo who wIU leave for a three-year scholarship at the
    78 words
  • 37 7 MR K Venkatvhalam has been re-elected president of the Singapore Hindu sabal management committee for this year Also elected were Mr. V 8 Vatrappa Therar. Tic*- president. Mr D Vengadasalami secretary and Mr P Kantiusamy treasurer.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 152 7 Introducing a new way to write. Sheaffer Refillable Markers with the revolutionary Tektoflip. The New Sheaffer Reti liable Marker. A pen with a tip that has the precision of a fountain pen, the strength of a ball point. Whichever way you write the dp won't go soft, won't go thick.
      152 words
    • 496 7 -^r MB $20,000 participate it IN 9^ M?I T| IW J2r? 74 WON IN DRAW No. 64/74 L I SmOAPORf POOLS I I 9AI r JH-T^vA'- W IP Il^ i r/ 1 110 izL-f?*- i<r<>.-3|jl SPECIAL OfFER! U-^V fffr* ..< 0.n..^- JVI f-■ c I laacial *aco«M Orta aman Mi.
      496 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 270 7 Bringing Up WmtHmr By ■ill K« vnagJi 4* Ml C— .a> >oot) Brrr«» Y vMtu O€> V nor -nu-N 1 poaw.i H*m to CAU-^tf Auwr **AstM *AmtT^\ unos jieasTx^ >^»* T s*f?y Arrm i mm. wckilp I evr»N Wwno hot j cm call y\ MAaefi r N s T _---<
      270 words

  • 236 8 MR LEE TO SPEAK AT RALLY fjf ß. Lee Kuao Yew iW will speak at the National Day Rally and Cultural Show —one of the major event* held annually at the National Theatre tomorrow evening. Admission Is by Invitation only, and the theatre, which can accommodate up to S,OOO, U
    Tan Wee Him  -  236 words
  • 186 8 Cheating charge: Four claim trial |jK>UR men claimed JT trial in the First Magistrate's Court yesterday on a charge of cheating another man, Mochtar Ramll, of $30,000 in a game of chance in a room at Holiday Inn, Scotts Road, on July 7 at 3 p m They are Chng
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  • 35 8 TH* Ministry of Culture will present Music of the Middle A«e« by the Renaia■ance Player* of Sydney In the Music For Creryone aertoe at the Stagaoore Conference Ban tcmonoa at I pjn.
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  • 141 8 PLASTIC SURGERY QUACK FINED $1,100 A MAN who practised plastic surgery on two women and sold poisons without a licence in both cases was lined a total ef $UH by the First Magistrate's Coart yesterday. Willy Wang Tai Caien was lined «00 after he admitted administering a series of silicone
    141 words
  • 41 8 DR AuguaUna KM. Tan. Political secretory (Prime Minuter* Ordce) and MP for Whampca. yesterday attended a children* party and senior eiUarn*' buffet at Whaapoa Drive. Tne party and buffet *er» organtoad by the Wnampoa National Day celebrations committee.
    41 words
  • 750 8 rtONSUMXRS can save v up to 55 cents on butter and 60 cents on luncheon meat by buyIng the cheapest brands A Dtparuaaot of Trad* r«laaat aUtad that Snip brand butter to rrtallsd at M eenta par half pound. Otbsr ebtas brand, are
    750 words
  • 65 8 THE farm prteas af mbli«t aas turn bava gaaa mf fey M-t0 MM* la mm* lI M mm kaM iihiiM lU mr Urn hwl tlwaa w«aa. Ifea tmrm bHm W m ■In l iln likUt mm* tatnl •as* ha* aha rtaaa hy Sft-U •M*> to
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  • 371 8 Officials seeking material gains rapped OFFICIALS of the Education Ministry have been criticised for their tendency towards "commercialisation and utilitarianism" in uerformibfl their duties. Parliamentary Secretary (Foreign Affairs* and MP for Nee Soon. Mr One Soo Chuan. said If this "error" wu not corrected In time, Slngg.pore'i society would lean
    371 words
  • 100 8 $1,030 fine for six with faulty scales SIX durlar hawkers were nned a total of $1,030 by the First Ma glstrate's Court yester day for having faulty weighing scales In varlou« districts in Singapore between June 14 and July 4 this year Thejr ptMdcd guilty. Koh K«n( Tat and Ctev
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 360 8 SAIL AWAY ON A 8 DAY ROUNDTRIP SEA CRUISE TO BRUNEI for only $269 on board RAJAH BROOKE' Comfortable cabin-dan accommodation with facilities. English, Chinese and Malay Cuisine. SAILING DATES: 20/8,30/8.19/9 29/9, 9/10. 19/10/74 BOOK NOW AT MANSFIELD TRAVEL OR YOUR TRAVEL AGENT j? k_ a *A2mnaaaNmßß^a>J i JLt K_i
      360 words

  • 101 9 '700 swindled' report A MAN and a woman arc now helping the police with their investigations into illegal tontine operations involving over $1 million. Police had been seeking the help of four people, including the couple, since late June. Some 700 subscril>ers including
    101 words
  • 207 9 Driving out the 'hell racers THOUGH police action has forced out a group of "demon racers' from their old "racing tracks" in various parts of Singapore. One of their latest tracks lor 'hell driving" is Nicoll Drive, where r'.ders, in groups of 15 to 20 gather on holidays to race
    207 words
  • 120 9 300 KIM SENG RESIDENTS FOR BIG MARCH SOME 300 residents of Kirn Seng constituency will take part in a National Day procession tomorrow at 9 a.m. The procession, organised by the areas citizens' consultative committee, will comprise 10 contingents including uniformed groups, schoolchildren, sportsmen and a lion dance troupe. The
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  • 146 9 Jail and 4 lashes for robbery bid LABOURER Kuah Chin Chal, 22, was jailed for 18 months with four strokes of the cane by the Fourth District Court yesterday for attempted robbery of $80 on a bus conductor on Wednesday. Senior Insp C. Oopalakrishnan, prosecutting, told the court that Kuah
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  • 57 9 THE Finance Minuter. Mr. Hon Sui Sen. and MP for Havelock will officiate at the variety show-cum-tea party to celebrate National Day at Havelock Road community centre at 7.30 tonight. Mr. Hon will also wltneas the presentation of certificates to the chairman and members of the
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  • 459 9  - Job hunt why NS men shine CHEW LEE CHING By AYOUNO national service officer with several years of responsibility and leadership is apt to be far ahead of a man fresh out of university when competing for jobs, an oil executive said yesterday. The general manager of Esso Singapore, Mr
    459 words
  • 17 9 PRESIDENT Shearea ha» received a National Day cwntratalatory Beaaafc irom rrrsident Ernesto Geiael of Braiil
    17 words
  • 103 9 $240,000 cheating cases: Appeal to three THE Commercial x Crime Division yesterday appealed to three men they believe can help them In their investigations into a series of cheating cases involving; nearly $240,000 to contact them. They are, Lim Yong Hiaat. 43, last known address, 17-A. Lorong Rajin. Singapore: Lee
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  • 79 9 Farooqui-Tan fifth game drawn THE fourth game of the chess match between Farooqul of Pakistan and Tan Llan Ann ended In a draw by repetition of Farooqul played the Centre Counter against Tan's king-pawn opening In the ensuing mlddlegame Tan won a pawn but could not convert his material advantage
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  • 37 9 MOTORCYCLIST Ta n Keng Pow of Lorong Klnchlr. ofT Braddell Road, was fined 1200 by the Tenth Magistrate's Court yesterday for careless riding along Lorong Chuan on Aug. 1 last year at about 930 am
    37 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 550 10 ■■■ii ..-.I 1 a— a»— PSrS-r w :w H •►>.!• jood «»on »l'll a> t Jazz Band And t i ■gtvar a singt?t*s Ar«? In -•< «»««oo''«u«n Att*?nd««c« i^xpr'il -Ma .i '^nt. lort on* at- < J ■yi > «a>>. a J'aoi. gaol Of- < H jj. Homidoh The Four
      550 words
      339 words
      201 words
    • 361 10 iMOW SHOWIMGI^iIy at 7.00 9.30pm jj Idniatioa: AdpJts: $2.00 Childrer. SI. OO jji i Hiroshima 1 28.^^ i :tmw*riifM>cmmm***tM*i*«** JURONG DRIVE IN CINEM/U M.-iijkt Tc*f-t' > Hk m^ m w A WAI MAN >^*% HC^^HSUN CHIA LINGIrVOf J j: I aUHOMIW HIM 111 CHIOnSCOH WITH iNtiISM S»lTimS*aP OOEON ORCHARO: Midnifbt
      361 words
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 168 11 MIRROR, MIRROR ON THE WALL... Shangri-la has the greatest collection of them all! k§r Ev^Vf^invT^auM^BaaHßa! f $420 a month for luxury premises 8 Fully air-conditioned. Wall to-wall carpeting. Telephone and room service. Piped-in music. Laundry and baby sitting services. Restaurants, shopping arcade and cinema at your door step. Wide choice
      168 words
    • 341 11 BB^^ dt l^ e Oberoi M 80 Imperial Hotel, V 99Rw Patl Poolside. jJmyW' Wed and Sat. nights Steamboat and Barbecue 1 from 7.30 p.m. MM^^MM^T n Daily Lunch time M B Burbecuf from 11.30 v.m. Laaaaar 7^^C& LaV— aafl j/il I^V BB^ bV^K aa^ aal SKy^ ftlS^ .^f GOOD
      341 words
    • 468 11 insmrrr LE*nwiinc courses THtfTTUItfiYOURCASSfci iIIUPE RECORDER WTO •UnOffTMTK LE*miG rTUKHUIEI Uaaj(HMNH f m* m aara^kaai akvaffa\ (BOPiBB) VIQ MM aj ALL TM DO jig H IS PUSH A MfTTON J Jij.t AMUSTM- jA J £!L t AM§ LIAMI! jjrim a^^^L^ak^a^^BaV Jb^L^BfC *^^T* ««WBn I UCN AUTOMATIC IHBailC COOWI B coMPim
      468 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 498 12 THE "Blue Berets" of the UN —International peacekeeping forces deployed In trouble spots —cannot stop war by waving a copy of the UN Charter at combatants. The point has been demonstrated before and proved to the hilt in Cyprus. UN forces patrolled the Middle East fitfully from 1956,
      498 words
    • 91 12 PROPOSALS for a "South-east Asian 1 community," endorsed in Bangkok during the recent visit of Philippines Foreign Minister Carlos Romulo, have been floated in many forms before. Cooperation in the region is a commendable aim. But there are also so many divisions —the war in Indo-China continues,
      91 words
  • 458 12 T.F. Hwang takes you down memory lane TTOE Ugly Japanese. M. To older Asians, he was ugliest- than -ever during World War Two when Japan was ruling for some years the countries, now known as Asean. To Asean member countries now, he Is ugly In their midst —In varying shades
    458 words
  • 1602 12  - is our Joe' doing badly? Dr. WINSTON OH HEART DISEASES AT AN EARLY AGE By Extract* from a speech at the Rotary Club of Singapore. JJOW is "Joe's heart" in a description made famous by the Reader's Digest doing in Singapore? Coronary heart disease results from narrowing and at times
    1,602 words
  • 754 12 Excerpts of editorial comment from the New Straits Times. Malaysia. rPTMUSfS wfOgl CMC* Uons. the National Front would have to pack up Its bags sod call It a day. Fartal Bakjat has cleverly adopted separate manifestoes for separate States. In Penan* It has pledged Itself (among other
    754 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 29 12 sjOttzyoun happiness 1 T is n o OUR BUSINESS kSoverseas fefcKy N^H§ ASSURANCE CORPN LTD &S&f\^ LifeDept 7^l\ SINCE 1920 Various Life Insurance Plans for all Big or Small.
      29 words
    • 233 12 RKOHSOOG «n»»_^^_*^ dEVJ it» jßUfum al <bY picom an OO smm»O--mmV! The world's most wanted camera Makes obsolete every other camera in its class Auto/Manual exposure o Shutter speeds from 1/8 to 1/500 sec. Exposure lock facility Electronic flash synchronization Automatic self-timer •40 mm wide-angle f 2.8 colour corrected lens
      233 words

  • Business Times
    • 153 13 NO STRONG CARTELS OF RAW MATERIALS FORECAST OONN: The West OaV* ■I* man Economics Ministry <?oes not expect raw material producing countries to be able to create cartels a.« powerful as the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries' control ot ell. In a special study it chid that at present more
      153 words
    • 754 13 LONDON: The British Government said it pro |X)si\s to extend public ownership through a National Enterprise Board and to introduce a system of threeyear planning agreements. It did not name indivij dual companies. The Rovernment's White Paper. "The re-generation of British Industry," proposes the establishment of
      754 words
    • 251 13 AFTER enjoying a doubling of profits at the half-way mark, Malayawata Steel has managed a trebling of profits from $3.57 million to $12 089 million in the year ended. March 1974. In fact the profit figure could have been a lot more substantial If not for
      251 words
    • 175 13 ALVIM Toffler, author of "Future Shock." will fire two talks here on Auf 3t. "The corporation of the future" will be gWen In a seminar at 1 pjn. at Shangri-La Hotel, while "The general crisis of Industrial society" will be made at a dinner
      175 words
    • 531 13 Crittall Hope proves to be no bargain ONDON: Mr. Jim BU■J ter once said that the achievement of which he was most proud was the wav he turned CrittaU Hope, Britain* largest producer of window frames, from a rambling loss maker into a sleek Industrial company. t was his first
      531 words
    • 437 13 F)l lowtno a 15 i per cent rise in group pretax profit* to $1.85 million in the firU 10 months. Ben's fortunes appeared to have done an about turn In the next two months for profits for the full year ended February :fc74 fell by $230,000
      437 words
    • 236 14 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Mr. C.C. Wang, general manager of Hotel Royal Ramada has announced the appointment of Mr. Ng Khye Saa as the hotel's new accounts controller. Mr. Ng holds a diploma In accounting. He was formerly working in a chartered accountants firm for several years prior to joining Hotel
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    • 1034 14  - Intervention bring benefits ANTHONY COCKERILL By pKIVATE industry in the UK is up in arms against Britain's future industrial policy including Stale |Kirticipalion in private industty. By rational argument and heated attempts It is trying to turn Mr. Tony Benn Into a bogeyman. In the process, there Is a danger
      1,034 words
    • 286 14 How sweet can you get? rKYO: The search tor auftar substitutei hat beonme respectable again an-« In America hopes have even begun to rise of persuading the Food and Drug Administration to lift Its ban on cyce 1p mates next year. Behind this Is the realisation that sugar la going
      286 words
    • 315 14 N*W YORK. Thur. -Price. lJ* finlahtd lower for the I »Ulh consecutive teaston Economic problem* and the i »UuaUon In Cyprua con- Unuad to be mm aj main loadblodu to a marked advance Regarded aa a dafpenlng i market factor wii the US baJanee of pavmenu deficit In
      315 words
    • 90 14 FINANCIAL TIME* nn 2*>«*f/ w jo WadntssßKj Mj« Week ago «A3 ■IBBUI 2>U««J»y t04.C7 Wtrsmiaj Ms Ji Wstk «fo OILS ThwwVy IMM Wednesday IHM We«* tfo m.M INBUBTBIAU Thursdajr fi».7 Wednesday «o Weak ago mi DOW JONBS AVBAOB INOUITBIALS Thursday 7»7 M Wlikiisdaj 740.M W«t» bjb> TMW LONDON
      90 words
    • 579 14 NstW YORK: The surge In sugar prices, which hare tripled In eLjht months, has forced major industrial ssMfs to raise the prices of their products and give sirtssM thought to sagar alternatives. The price of raw sugar in New York spot
      579 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 205 13 SALORA I afl| I r?lw B^B^B^aisa^Bß [aajajl sa^ai Salora R Hi-Fi Stereo _~aaaaa«aw aMa^BwV SALORA STEREO 2000 B^ 11 a new high quality starao racaivar combining an amplifier and FM lunar. Connactiom for SALORA 20x 2 tapa recordari. racord playar. nucropnona. with TMORENSTDiaO^"^ 2 taparata wtt of speakers and 7
      205 words
    • 183 13 t TOM This issue having been fully subscribed, this announcement appears by way of record only LJ GUTHRIE BERHAD (5P NEW ISSUE. ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE OF SINGAPORE LIMITED, OF 8 MILLION NEW SHARES OF $1.00 EACH AT $2.50 PER SHARE Underwritten by CHARTERED MERCHANT BANKERS LIMITED In conjunction with
      183 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 215 14 fJgVjCTtrieS^-^ aßr^^Bß^ \sj| Meet your fnrndt heir. j£_ n genuine. Inendty 1 alnuvphere. Open specially Vjffa^ M\ tor thai special buuaeat lunch. ffjyJK *fl jn inlimjlr dinnrrtor-lwo or i iysMkaV. #S^w9 Quak dnnk jlirr I ivc HEHTAI HANT s »i—^ SOMrKSIT KD.'ORCHAK'I) RD 5v I We are the I I
      215 words
    • 1024 14 BSfiflßl Australian Consolidated i^/fgfj Industries Limited Hsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbß Registered Office: 550 Bourke Street. Melbourne. Victoria. Highlights from tha 1974 Annual Report and from tha Address to Shareholders by tha Chairman, Sir James Forrest, at tha Annual General Meeting in Melbourne on 7th August, 1974. ProlHa Coats and Prices Th« net trading
      1,024 words

      • 68 15 rnto >■»!•» L JalNW LAJL luk tut •M. CMH l M lea Oaat. CartM* I. Urn L W»y I. 8kl»ym(« IX. E »6 4!> »222 UM U40 •lit fl.K I1.M UOS M50 S3M *1« II 90 1.10 II 11 •1.40 ISO I1H $S.M •3.11 •3.M .10 .ot -t- Of
        68 words
      • 7 15 Waa 11.70 S3M U .0$ ji
        7 words
      • 22 15 Faker Bfetfte 414.000 Maw Darky 24A.0M V. a BY 310.100 Haw Par 160,500 Tetol Tanevwr: 3ilM Ts4aJ Vatas: MUM
        22 words
      • 56 15 ladMtriafc mjl suji PlMMt: ISiJS I ■■<*!§: ***** 151.17 fl»»«lUt»: 1S1.7* MlJt t TIm: 1M.11 1M.J4 t f labbcn: WjN U4J4 t O.( .B.C.: 1M.«7 1M.M 1 K.E.S. to4.: MLM MI.T1 Dm. M. ltM 1M f Dec. II, MM IN t Dm. n. IMS 1M Dec. II. Ifl7f
        56 words
    • 1648 15 rE last transacted sale at the close of business in the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day's prices together with 1174 high and low. Adjusted for ■11 new issues) CLOIINO TOMB t rtnaac* M*ae>. laeaatrtal* latx** wall* IB* MM barely «t*aa>. TUMMSVSR OSMaI tetal
      1,648 words
    • 392 15 SHARES fluctuated within narrow limits at the Stock Exchange yesterday and finished on a mixed note with the trading volume considerably reduced The opening trend was Arm an shorts >ct about to rover their position In the volatile and speculative stocks. Thin, however, proved shortlived as
      392 words
    • 1168 15 DID and offer prices offl-■■-*clslly listed and business in and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets in lot* of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS A.P.I. (1108) i»JhneaHi ***** 2.466) (1) 2.40 A. HolcUag (1308) AIUe4
      1,168 words
    • 1137 15 BID and offer prices officially listed and business in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified IWOUITHIALt *HMMIt <IMB> II) I.M. A. Taa* 10 MB> Atoan 2 TOB I
      1,137 words
    • 91 15 TRADING la Urn Furaaiaa aaaa all MrtM t— **tlv* as Tkjiralar. aatarttac M MPOPA Tin US bum aaaM araMMally I* a iiaaSMlll a* mtmat oaatta*** B«« Sufot wot* wltMnn to Ik* I w* anrk*U Quiunaai UM /amta i RotMr<i>i —I— Mala* war*: Aag IUIiHW **au nmw. Bast. STM
      91 words
    • 220 15 HOBART International ha» expanded further into the Pacific market by forming a Joint venture. Bell-Hobart Manufacturing, inc.. In Manila, with the Smith-Bell group. The new company. fully Integrated, manufactures a complete range of mild fteel and alloy electrodes, and services the growing Industries of the Philippines. In due
      220 words
    • 300 15 KL shares close on a mixed note pRICES ended the week 1 on a mixed note at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday Business continued to be thin and selective with operators remaining cautious. This was particularly evident In. the morning when traders were generally hesitant. Shares remained steady until
      300 words
    • 162 15 a 8IAN currency deposit interbank rate* m at cloat on Friday. Auf 16 1'8 DOLUUU Oftar Mi 7 dam H^ ll\ 1 nth 1J 7 11 13 6 16 1 bUm 1) 111 u 7 16 1 Bthl 1] 13 16 II 11 16 6 mth. 11%
      162 words
    • 35 15 Closing lctctbank rate* m Btnopor* dollar* lor Am(. Offer BM Otrnlgbt 10* 10 1 nth 10S 1«H S BUM 19% 19% I bum 10S 1*S PrtM nto n^% S«vc«: P. MvtvJmm IikntUML (Miiijin).
      35 words
    • 51 15 RESULTS" of lulu aeld Aif ll for •l-4«y Rills toke lesaed fraw Aag 19 to Offered: M« mlUtoa. AmMM for: SM.I wmtm. Allotted: $4* nil! ton HtMftld kMs: Wt7s anfulasately 43 par cent; hither hMa la fall Average rmte of tUseatjal aa aUoiaaeat: US* ■er teat »cr
      51 words
    • 375 15 US dollar fell slgul- flcantly In vary early trading to $*****-15 after opening around Its overnight dose. lnu was perhaps a reaction to the unfavourable second quarter balance of payments of the US announced on Thursday. Thereafter the dollar hovered at $2 4105-11 until lunch time Trading continued
      375 words
    • 183 15 The followlnf are the noirlital averagt closing interbank rate* In Singapore: Canvaetes N— slaal rate* ftmithtonUn rcrecaUft •■ot«4 yesterday (rrws) parity change US dollar 2 4810 2 4820 2.8196 —12 00 Sterling pound 5 8215 i 8285 7.M69 —20 it Hongkong dolUr 48 .95 49 00 MSI 308
      183 words
      • 30 15 Rubber Aug U. Singapore: 16*51 cts (down 2.51 cts). Malaysia: IC2.M ets (down I.M ct). Tia: $1.2*5 12) (down $17 25) Official offering: £M tons (down 33 tons)
        30 words
      • 227 15 r[E Straits tin price (ell $1725 to $1,205 124 per picul in Penang yesterday on an official offering down 33 tons to 220 tons. LONDON: Cash Standard tin Hut £40 and thre* months 525 per tonne on Thursday. The effect of easier rterllnc was not enough to counter
        227 words
      • 104 15 V NINBII »B»OUCI IXCMAWOS. imctrom moon closing •MICSI PIN PICUL TItTInOAT CMaHMt OH: bulk 1150 oomlnal drum (IM namiaal. C*era: Mlaal (Ioom) VK Chi SHI aamtaal. Nmm: Muntok AST A »hitt fob IMH NLW S!M| »rll«n. Sarawak wbll* f.a b M* NLW 1270 **ll*n. Sarawak *p*ctal Mack f.a.b. M«
        104 words
      • 39 15 1 i*l«n osaaar arica* aa W*S- ■■lay ipravHMM :a arackM) Wlraaar Spot kqw ITM.M ((TM.M) -ttor (TST.M IiTST.M). Tkn* Maatk buy*r CT4S.M (<*MOO) ttlfr ITM 00 IiW4.NI. M*rt)*< MM: IIM«r at tM law*r i«y*i. Sal**: S.*ts taaa
        39 words
      • 541 15 LONDON advices were lower than expected and opening quotations in the Singapore rubber market yesterday were marked down 3.50 cents. It went on to nxvre rather uncertainly with some selling resistance becoming at the 160.00 cents per kilo level (or September otherwise the market was quiet and featureless.
        541 words
      • 96 15 r\AILY BMR and SSR prices Issued at noon vMtcrday B**4. OS*. (Mali par M> <ea*ta par kg) m. *CV (1 tan paUrt) UIM IMOOM lITN IMJtI »L il too p»Jlrt) ***** IStOON IS7OO IM.MI II tonpdM) IUOO 144 MM 142 00 144 Ml ■B It (1 ton
        96 words
      • 279 15 JJONOKONO. Fti. Share prices were mostly down today on Uie Hongkong Stock Exchange ln decreased trading The Hang Seng index dropprd 5.17 points to SOI 73. Beawrkeag Bank lost 20 cents to H1U11.40 on IU local register and was also M cents down to 116.00 on It* London Register.
        279 words
      • 252 15 'TOKYO, Ftl— Share prices on the Tokyo stock market moved higher due to •elective buying on incentive backed issues and blue chips The Dow Jones average recovered to the 4.200 level. In the mon.lng nession shippings, sutos and foodstuffs were purchased. In the afternoon session s segment of autos.
        252 words
      • 328 15 WELBOURNE Frl. The I m Melbourne stock market i clcied on a generally mixed note In quiet trading today but with a noticeably firmer undeitone in evident at the end among selected issues On the mining boards Metiamar was the star performer, us It scared seven cent* to 35
        328 words
      • 49 15 ThurM., UM Ult ■ydrif)r (I, lOS.M ]O1 1 1-O"*)o 132. 1M8 1M.308 IMOW IM3W IJ2SL." 3T2 Zurl< 152.008 1M.308 IMOM IMMS •»or. .2) ,STi STSb 134.M IM.OM fctiwrt priru m Bon-alrrllnt ■rau in i' g. aoli.n p. r Mnr Hi AuMralian dollar prr eun. It) Avrrage prlr».
        49 words
      • 155 15 AMSTERDAM. Thurs.— Dutch internationals "ry weak led by lailever. which lost 970 guilders at M5O Phlap* •dged 140 lower following announcement of its half far figures which were »w«r than expected. HVA finned .'lightly against trend In plantations, shippings. Investment funds and Insurances were ill weaker tod by Van
        155 words
      • 117 15 yURICH. Thur*.— The un- changed political and economic situation caused only flight fluctuations it the stock market. Most stocks continued their downward trend Bonds were Just maintained The Credit Sulsm Index fen by 0.1 to 300 3 points O*atac ar*MS la Swim mm «llh Ik* lltwiMi ea th* pnvlou*
        117 words
      • 416 15 THE markets registered a further snail decline dur- I ing the past period, and volume contracted The ISO cents per kilo level wai approached In after hours trading on Thursday Mrs Hollday. Cutler. Bath In lv weekly rubber renew At first conditions were quietly steady
        416 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 621 16 a^T f?SU Pl c#m#ot AdVieory Services M for Clients Our client is an International Company involved in the marketing of various engineering products, such aa pumps, air compressors and construction equipment, which are supplied by I its uJSissai factories located in different parts of the world. Due to the expansion
      621 words
    • 470 16 MARKETING CO-ORDINATOR The position carries responsibility for coordinating the complete marketing function, including market planning, marketing services, sales promotion and advertising. Candidates should possess a degree or diploma in Marketing, Business Administration or Commerce. Working experience is not essential. Personal qualities of tact, drive, initiative and an analytical mind are
      470 words
    • 496 16 A CHOICE FOR PROGRESS Qollei invites applications for the post of I TECHNICAL I I PURCHASING I I OFFICER I REQUIREMENTS: 2/3 years experience as a Tool Die Maker or Tool Designer. 1/2 years experience in purchasing, with know- I ledge of jigs, fixtures and moulds suppliers. I must be
      496 words
    • 766 16 jJHDB invites applications from Singapore and Malaysian Citizens for appointment as:ESTATES OFFICER (PERSONNEL) THE JOB: To take overall charge of monthly and dairy rated staff of the Property Resettlement Division and be responsible for their recruitment, management, administration, discipline and welfare To liaise/negotiate with the Labour Union and daal with
      766 words
    • 463 16 HaJEI I. A Z. (S) Pte. Ltd., a member of the I.A.C. Group, the largest of Carrier's distributors outside America. invites applications for the post of MATERIALS MANAGER The ideal candidate should have at least five years in the field of Purchasing and Materials handling and preferably a sound tertiary
      463 words

  • 246 17 30,000 for Pesta Sukan walk tomorrow ABOUT 30.000 people are expected to take part In the Fifth Pesta Sukan National Walk tomorrow morning. There will be seven starting points scattered throughout the island The finishing point wlli be the National Stadium's east entrance. The starting points and routes are: From
    246 words
  • 48 17 MOTORIBT Loh Mun Hon. of Ueylan* Road, iv fined $140 by the Tenth Ma«istrate's Court yesterday (or •peedtaf along Toa Payoh at il-85 krr.h on May 39 last y*»r at at»ut 930 am. The authorised speed limit Is U kmh Loh pleaded tullty
    48 words
  • 33 17 THF Japanese Cultural Society's sixth Japanese language elocution contest will be held kt its premises In Orchard Road. In conjunction with trie Japanese Association and the Japanese Embassy, tomorrow at 3 p.m
    33 words
  • 76 17 A "Junior Executives" programme has been organised by the National Productivity Board at Its premises In Jurong on Mondays and Fridays between 8.45 a.m. and 10.45 am. from Sept. 16. The course will provide an Introduction to management principles and practice* tor those who are
    76 words
  • 264 17  - Feeling the free form of modern ballet... CORINNE THAM By JOSEPHINE Teni cuts a graceful pose to de- > monstrate the beauty and flowing style el modern ballet. An advanced scholarship Undent of the Martha Graham School of Contemporary Dance in New York, ahe vent three years studying I various
    264 words
  • 591 17 Busmen: A new pay deal 'in the bag' J^ NEW deal offering better wages and conditions of service to the 8,500 workers of the Singapore Bus Service Ltd. is about to be concluded between the Government-bolstered management and SILO, representing the busmen. SILO believes that a new wage pact Is
    591 words
  • 52 17 THI South Korean Con-mlat*>-Oeoera: has opened a condolence book at Its ofltee on the nfih floor. Thong Tack Building. Scott* Road. In connection with the assassination of Un Park Chunghe*, wife of the rustisMil of the Hepuboc of Korea. Visitors may call from 10 am to t pjb
    52 words
  • 29 17 Tan Mul Choo. It, was yeuerday fined 1500 for taking morphine at flkllleu Coffee House la Pcnang Hoed at about J4» am on July 21. She pleaded guilty.
    29 words
  • 130 17 FESTIVAL FUNDS: WARNING BY POLICE POLICE yesterday I warned that stern action would be taken against people who solicit public contributions without a police permit. The warning was issued by police headquarters. In view of the coming Seventh Moon Festival. Police said that "under the House to- House and Street
    130 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 96 17 Buiova excellence is not only electronic accuracy. People think of us as the tuning fork watch people. It's a price we pay for pioneering the world's first electronic watch. But electronic excellence is only part of the Buiova story. Excellence in design is another dimension. For each Buiova timepiece is
      96 words
    • 297 17 e coral 3-WAY SPEAKER KIT FOR SOUND ENTHUSIASTS n I V"^** K>j*» I jay**** Coral 3-wiy tpesker kit >C\ttjV-^_ n tpeoslly designed for A jjcT^yrtj^ th« budget-conscious A^-/' Hi-fi enthusiast* who f^- 0^""^ with to build their own gC^^\ s^K^J tpesker system to flj Hf I suit their own sets.
      297 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 754 17 TV SINGAPORE (5) TV MALAYSIA (3) 12.55 J" M JJ2 I Kff Br^STvS^ 245 s- D e-t UfT H I -r-to 1 J-^iSSHsft 4 -^i^ l 2 SmKs-J Cp- Singapore Perak (Repeat* the Jeaflo Mmt) IM km) rimZjiiiii I n iT n ZdU MLH iC- 2li 'taf IM Opening of
      754 words
    • 60 17 HIGH TIDES tIHT: lapan noo in. aim), m. a») smm Q.M Nrt MM S.SI S g-hi), IV fM. SM. sOTt SißJpVi 11-34 (2fsi). 1106 pm O.lia). MM IhM 10.11 ».m. 9.20 M. (2 2»). ftrt MM 139 in M. 7 10 fm (2 9») Water erasuipttea •b Thwaday wu
      60 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 517 18 QIiBLOND PTE. LTD. Subsidiary of Leßlond Inc.. Cincinnati, U.S.A., the worlds largest maker of a complete line of lathes invites applicants meeting the following requirements for the post of TECHNICIAN APPRENTICE QUALIFICATIONS/REQUIREMENTS Trade Certificate in Metal Machining OR Trade Certificate in Electrical Fitting and Installation OR Trade Certificate in Maintenance
      517 words
    • 657 18 the only elevator manufacturing company in Singapore offers opportunities for career development, job satisfaction and advancement in our newly established Company to suitably qualified SINGAPORE CITIZENS in the following posts (A) ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Graduate with at least 2 years expenence in administrative; personnel duties, preferably in a large factory HSC
      657 words
    • 627 18 ASSISTANT COST ACCOUNTANT Accounts Clerks with four or more years experience in costing and. Part I or II of ICM A ACCA or ASA qualifications, looking for an opportunity as Assistant Cost Accountant are invited to write to us!. In our large manufacturing company in Jurong, the successful candidate will
      627 words
    • 441 18 ANNOUNCEMENT We are pleased to announce the appointment of: SUMMIT COMPANY (S) PTE. LIMITED AND SUMMIT COMPANY (M) SDN. BERHAD as Sole Distributors of MERCK SHARP DOHME (AUSTRALIA) PTY. LIMITED Effective August 1, 1974 Merck Sharp Dohme (Australia) Pty. Ltd., Bth Floor, Supreme House, Pen ang Road, Singapore 9. Tel:
      441 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1240 19 ciiriiwiaip ttwict ti w/CMTmnn 5" BREMEN EXPIESS »\z; JJg fig gm g v MIMMNI llPtlt. ,rZ A H »MS iIS ,4mS aas f ap«i Jg „*ms ?S fz iz ?S stfs .s ,-m 35 »r, ss is IMH lIPHSS TMt I let aMI "i, ,Z. I CMUmtCIIIP SEWKE FMM M/CMTIIIEW
      1,240 words
    • 1018 19 fcfe BLUE SEA UNE \|7 Express States to Straits Service f~ N. Ortaaat Ntaiaa Mrt/Pn.i N Tart faart P ttitue *niu| PMMTMM MM latM MtM MM St. lat la.M Ml II PMMTII MM MM I Mat 1 MM t MM > '■IMM Maat MaM Mtlat taaaa taM I Mai II
      1,018 words
    • 819 19 TO MMPE iw Damnirk Ire-an Anhaarp A.I U K Wmi Sen. Ahum Hiwe Dest. ■rMMUprtS* Simm tl mj ISat USaft USat I Sat aUINIME EIPIESS 21 ia] 21 laf USafl Mtat uitf KAUUT 2Sat 4 &M1 2J S*|t Vim Mm Bin "—""M M»H fct I let I let J k
      819 words
    • 983 19 B^piaPIIHHI^T^H FULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE TO EUROPE •wi »*»t FM ttUITI aaJMt 'Sm^t "otierinri, Ajtsteraan. Antwerp. Ie Htvf mmnm Siti 1 ""-"I *r«t<torm. SSnViitn C C W >^' Mmkml Hum mi 71 Stockholm. Oslo, Helsinki, UmM KaMaa. (mum TMad LCI a Man PCI 74 Man. FULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE FROM EUROPE M
      983 words
    • 811 19 "■^■■■■■■■■■■■■■■''■■■'■■■■MaMaTaaßMaaßaMaMai I *1>444; P. lUlMtt *J4l; K.L. 17J11. rWaff JSJOI THE BANK LDfE LTD. IMB raits wiiu IwiMIAM iMj.' M.ntS *f.rta) P bi**| a am. 7MM S P»-t MTIAM !S Air ca) M'n J >». |„,MM MIMMM H1 S AJ-dl P MlaM I/IIM S act II Ml •MM lAil I
      811 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 748 20 M^t. KAWASAKI KISEN KAJSHA LTD. UNASAKI KMMI USED MISHA LTI. lAf/W, HONCKONC. STMITS SUVKL uaaa Haat«i«t Siapaar. f laM| caiaipita Klimt I. taaM Japan Arabian Cull vl— Sinfiaari fM: .M...P cj^-jkj.;.-;;;, iinaii kwoi i aaatliaar. Japan Couth AMM Waal AfrtaM SaMrvtaM >.*!*»>•• 'tl H .NtsmitA ham a it tat «•<-;
      748 words
    • 931 20 ACCIPTIM AU lIMt M lIITT IMIftIIRT FM PMTIAaAI. UMfIT uMiAMuiia tAiimfaa. uiHiiaM. lAatianiUM. tauatui, bubam niaATt. taa tat «ji maa am uiu HAM fMTt. Fraai HA (TO laataaMM: ICT MA«TT KTM taaariaM It Aat Aat laaaaaui. L l l MUTT Ml Maftaiiaat la fart IT tat S«alp HI linaf Tartu*
      931 words
    • 949 20 ocictt utter| U.K. IUHOft MKVICi LOADING FOt LONDCN. ROT TIB DAW. HAMBURG. BILBAO, Li MAVRt fciwjaaara miMf riaaas laasaa taw H'W| aiPIWK liPfaitf M/M aat *1/<ts»t 11 taal IM IM FIASWI MAM It taat/1 tci i 1 Set I I kl II kl 4M. Itm I i|al I lUISM *M<|
      949 words
    • 777 20 bwps am Tt urnm. utarm/mman nm I| »i>i SiaMSW. PL Ktiaaf P«o»»e LaaMai far ■mi HUM la ran <l»o ll loaasa IS 9. f'Uvr 10/1. N'aarf »l Iraawi 2*/*. AMa.ip. 2 10 MMM TMUMM J I la* isVIS taat 14/Wtaat um»i 30 10 L'aaal I'll. H'tarf. 11. fan" 14 11
      777 words
    • 916 20 THI PONT OP fINOAPONI POUT KLANO. AUTMOaiTT amhOUN:iD sm*)! Part Klmanls. Panorea. TMI FOUOWINO SiajTMlNO woodnrmph. Ancho Emprrss AMNAMOfMrNT* FO#) AUO. '7. and Makllllnf OUT H*w Ann 3» 1 1 TiDoa Shan Jally: Thai Ocean I it m,' 17 \9 Kuji»« 20 Mar* Oamm«wah Fortan* Trader 22 Bari^ll R ISartfc
      916 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 493 21 W>m *JI Til l^ll^l rm LEMBAGA PERANCANG KELUARGA NEGARA MALAYSIA i* J ESK 1 K555..A MlfllUra dl bawah pro 1. PRESSMAN (selama 24 bulan) Gajt $600.00 sebulan Kelayakan: Calun-calun untuk jawatan Pressman hendaklah tldak leblh dart 40 tahun dan mempunyal kelayakan dl bawah (a) Ijazah Am dart Unlverslti yang dllktlrafkan
      493 words
    • 642 21 PACIFIC CHEMICALS BIRNAO, an associated company of THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY, has th« following vacancies for suitably qualified Malaysian citizens: 1. DISTRIBUTION ft- SIRVICI PUHCHASINC OFFICIR >«9»if laiiti: A science graduate maionng in chemistry with ar least 2 years experience in distribution, service and purchasing, although purchasing experience is not
      642 words
    • 241 21 Psrmohonan adalah dlpelawa darlpada Wargaiiegara Malaysia yang berkelayakan untuk Jawatan Chargeman Letrlk. Kelarakaa PenraUman: Mempunyal Sljll Chargeman Letrlk (Medium Pressure) dan pengalaman yang sesual Tangga Gaji: «350 x 15T $530. Lam- lam Paedak: I) Caruman /Wang Slrrrpanan Pekerja-Pe-kerja <EPR> 10V bagi kedua-dua pthak. II) Perubatan percuma dan elaun rumah. Permohonan
      241 words
    • 1025 21 PAYROLL SUPERVISOR I I IWTmPT I S™?^JL K MIW Permohonan adalah dlpelawa darlpada WarA large labour Intensive company located In L'Sfmbertkut*-* memenuhl JtwaUn Penang Invites applications from experienced oeri u personnel to All the above vacancy which Drcfeer: (ITK/P: 12.11/17) exlata In their Accounting Department. Tanggagaji: $104x0 122 (pokok) irkß
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 725 22 MALAYAN EMPLOYERS' CONSULTATIVE ASSOCIATION Arising from the further expansion of its activities. M.E.C.A. will consider application for one additional post of INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS OFFICER who will be required to (a) provide detailed advise to members on labour legislation, industrial relations problems, union claims and negotiations; (b) summarise and comment on
      725 words
    • 905 22 ASSISTANT ENCINEER Malaysian Citizens are invited to apply for the above position. Ths successful man should have a recognised degree in mechanical engineering or an equivalent professional qualification and have had previous working experience in general maintenance, refrigeration and mechanical engineering work. Men who have completed approved apprenticeship in mechanical
      905 words
    • 559 22 PRODUCTION MARKETING EXECUTIVES Forward plans and expansion require additional Malaysian Citizens to fill the above posts. The successful men should have the relevant university degree and preferably with previous experience on line production and quality control in food processing and marketing. Starting salary will be negotiated commensurate with the candidates'
      559 words
    • 759 22 CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARY SELANGOR DREDGING BERHAD A Motor Vehicle Assembly Plant at Shah NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Alam lnTltes applications for the abovemen- p^j. FinQ} D i v idend Of 25% less Orffi" Swiyatan citiiens (female) who:- Income Tax at 40% In respect of the (1) Possess Overseas School
      759 words

  • 81 23 MADAM OINNATHANOAM wife of late Kandavanam died peacefully on 16 8 74 Leaving behind Sandrasegaran. Annusuya Dcvi, (•owry Devi. Daughter-in-law Jaga Dcvi, Son-in-law Isaac C*thera*oo. Balakrlihnan. Brother Kandavanam. Nephew Amlrthaalngam. six grandchildren to mourn her loss Cremated 16 8 74. MRS. CHUA CHIMB HI! (nee s»ow Hong Neo)
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 674 23 classified ads (j[) jSSSSSSB 00 YOU NIEO expert and qualified advice on your akin? Thtn coniult Loulie Klerk, medically trained beauty tneraptst with 25 yean tropical experience, at Hotel atnfapura. telephone J***** (S'pore). TNt ART* Every Saturday New Nation present! special column* on art. theatre, television and llteratur e These
      674 words
    • 548 23 •JATHB SCNWCE. W-Ungual JJ*^» 8-hour WO- 6000 monthly basis A^^jonu. pwam OFFSHORE OILFIELD PERSONNEL Expatriate* experienced Top Wage* new rigs 7-7 schedule live In MM. Sarawak TOOLPtMHEM DRILLERS ASSISTANT DRILLERS DCRRICKMEN CRANE OPERATORS Call at: for application forma EXPERIENCED MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIANS required Pieaae write age qualification* and aalary expected
      548 words
    • 582 23 RELIABLE MUVIRY CLINKS required, must have some exp*- I rtence In clearing good* at PSA Contact: 114. Venus Road. Stock 15 B'pore 30 T*l: ***** WANTID FINAL! CLERK typist. Experience above one year Phone David *****1 for appointment. CARGO CLAIMS CLIP* B o™ rwwowwa oy ammag oaaaaaag compoiii Appllcanu
      582 words
    • 708 23 be abl* to top* and have aom* knowtodg* of Accounts Ability to correspond In Chinese and Ctunoot preferred Apply with full particulars, enclosing a recent Estabushed foreign insurance company require* a MALE CLERK/TYPIOT to work In their Jurong Office Preferably one who I* redding In Jurong or near it* vicinity
      708 words
    • 655 23 A LEADING IMPORTER/ EXPORTER firm require* a Sale* Representative In their sundry department. Appllcanu with spoken/ written English and Chine** languages and aom* a- > pwfcWKi* advantageous Apply to P O BO* 3036 with photograph WANTEO DYNAMIC SALESMAN for printing company Only thoee wtth experienc* and cotitacu for big printing
      655 words
    • 666 23 EXPERIENCED AIR CONDITIONINO SERVICEMEN wanted. Apply personally to 4. Jalan Kuras Spore 30 Tel: *****9/*****9 ELECTRICIAN W* require a Senior Typ* Electrician with minimum 5 years experience in AC Alternator*, Motors. Oenerator Control Panel Installations and Repair* Familiar with various aspecu on DMaot Engines (both Static and Brushless) and abl*
      666 words
    • 825 23 ENGLISH SPEAKING WAIT- I fxfOBEB any nationality food 1 and lodging provided, high I salary. Apply personally at 217, i Lavender Street, B'pore 13, t *****07 RBOUNMB URBEMTLV DRIVER/ MBBBMIBBB, preferably Maying i around dUt 3 Apply to S T Box A91T38 I WANTED ENOLISH SPBAKINO < WAITRESSES Oood pay
      825 words
    • 895 23 SOCIAL BSCORT" REQUIRED. MuM be sociable Apply personal URom Oarden Social Escort. 'Oolden Mile Shopping Centre. Sjpore 1. (Opposite Oolden MO* Restaurant And NIU Club). WILL-CSTABUSHEO LOCAL AD VIRTIBINB agency requires Female Trainee Account Executive Minimum qualification* HSC with. Principle Level Engluh and Mathematics Apply In owii handwriting with full
      895 words
    • 824 23 SPLIT-LEVEL SKMI-DSTACHSD BUNOALOW 4 bedroom*, fully furnished, available Immediately, Seletar HUU Tel: *****1 before 2 p.m. After 2 p.m. Tel ***** MST. IS ROOM ROAO apartment fully furnished. 3 bedrooms. 1 with bathroom attached. 1 air conditioner, telephone. r***r<*d irparx immediately available. Rental $850 Ring *****4 during office hour*/ *****8
      824 words
    • 906 23 OMTMCT FurnxttMd furnished ***** OMwarCa Petroleum Engineering 5 I A. UN Staff* S*TT34 *****7 INTERNATIONAL HOUSING AQENCY require* the following* In good residential areas, furnished unfurnished Detached bu- (alow 11.000 »3 500 House* $500 $2,500 Flats $500 Pleaae phone *****3 OBNIOR VICE PRESIDENT and finance manager of newly Incorporated American
      906 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 747 24 FIRST MANSIONS. Elevsted groundnoor flat Large sitting bedrooms Pleasant seaside/ Kstong Park surroundings $118--o*o or offer Ring Mrs Lee. 4*3106 DtST. 16 APARTMENT COM MANDNia VWW Partly Furnished Three Bedrooms One Servant* 24 Hours Security *****.000 *****7 wMVoY rWfm, OMC- *TV Luxurious detached bungalow, fully carpeted split-level. 4 bedrooms. 9.000
      747 words
    • 832 24 UMAC MARKETING ASSOCIATES presenu •fOy tiM.OO S.I. A. return ticket Transport to and from Airport/ Hotel Accommodation st main wing Oentlng Highlands In deluxe room comfort MMI^i HH msi States! tTl' Mmn "oVpicb hours NAM-HO TRAVBL SERVICE (SINGAPORE) PTC. LIMITED. Tour West Malaysia seven days SJI3O alr-condltloned bus ssiso/-. Malaysia
      832 words
    • 734 24 SPECIAL LOW FAMBS to London. New York. Toronto. Los Angeles. Europe. Australia Indonesia Hongkong. Tokyo Please call Airmasier Travel Centre. 9* Dhoby Ohaut (Near Cathay Cinema) Tel: 367J0/ *****. WORLD CHARTBM CBNTRB ISS-A Market 8t hsi 1. Tal: 916*36 919*63 Lsußea Parts Bnsni_li LOW COIT taMai •••W"*J FLIGHTS VlmMb) Rasae
      734 words
    • 665 24 MSN BSNBAFORB COMBBBKIII SCHOOL for Typewriting. Shorthand (Theory and Speed). Bookkeeping. Higher Accounting. Correspondence and Report Writing. Auditing. Audio- Typing. Economics. Commercial Law. Business statistics. Commerce and Finance Please enquire/ enroi ISA. Mar keruue Road. (*****/ *****8) or 766-D. Upper Serangoon Road. (*****0/ *****0). JOIN RSOBMT COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE for Typewriting.
      665 words
    • 759 24 YAMAHA CHILORBN MUSIC COURSE Children age 3 6. Vacancies available Monday 4 p.m. Thursday 1 p.m Friday 2 p m 3 pm.. 4 p.m. Yamaha Bectone Course. Saturday 9 am. 10 a m. MondMv 5 p.m. Yamaha Wuslc School Tel: 53T756. 52*09. finfapore RADIO TV., Alr-con a Refrigeration, electric motor
      759 words
    • 854 24 CHAN REPTILES. CROCODILE BAOS at lowest price* ISO Peace Centre Selegle Road Tel *****3/ *****2. SHOW HER YOUR LOVB With fashionable and distinctive jewellery from Tin, Sing Ooldsmlths Pte Ltd 215-217. Sooth Bridge Road. QENENAL SPRAVPAINTIM4L repair-refrigerators and slrcondiuoners five hours Customers House re-enamel longbath *****62. *****12 B'poce BNO YOUR
      854 words
    • 681 24 REPAIRS 6 GENERAL BWLONM CONTRACTOR. Reasonable price d workmanship In lerrasao, Ule, mosaic, teak-flooring, electrical etc Please contact phone *****8 INTERIOR ANO BITBRIOR DECORATION. Specialize: Mosaic terrasso flooring, fencing work, grass planting, furniture, white washing and etc Tel *****15 Mcl Hwa Construction works. SPECIALIST CLEANMO OF commercial. Industrial, residential buildings
      681 words
    • 659 24 AVAILABLE 680 H.P. 650 h p 730 h.p and 1000 h.p. tugs for bare boat, time charter or trip charter Interested parties p:eaae contact S T Boa A ***** B'pore t^WVOtal KNOWS BY NOW that we are specialists In fully automauc washing machine* and tumble driers Over 18 models on
      659 words
    • 695 24 BONY CASSBTTB, NTVICO CART- L-SNAPSD R T I oliTs 2 rattttl > RtOOt dash recorder, neat P/83. weave 'r« l iJ* n *U&. s 2 Thoren* arm. shure. Roland bar stools. 89SO. amplifier FAX 200 C 1 set Onkyo MD N w NBCCMI sewing speaker/ Box View Hotel Phoe- automauc.
      695 words

  • 444 25 fHK Singapore I'ndergrad, a Univer sity of Singapore Students' Union pablication, has called for a reorientation to the "paper chase" for academic qualifications that is plaguing the university. It says many people especially undergraduates have lost sight of the opportunities the university
    444 words
  • 248 25 Breach of promise case printer made bankrupt MICHAEL Wong Choon Chew, a printer. successfully sued by a widow last November for breach of promise, was made a bankrupt on her petition in the High Court yesterday. Mr. Lee Tow Klat. for petitioner Madam Song I Chal Yok. 37. told Mr
    248 words
  • 69 25 Minister opens association office MINISTER of Stats (Environment) Mr. We* Toon Boon opened the new office of the Everton Park Residents' Auocla--1 Uon last night. In his speech, he said the association should not be static and content with sclvins a few problems but oe forward -iooklng and strive to
    69 words
  • 33 25 LORRY driver Koh Kin Leyong. of Lorong Halus. ofl Tamplnas Road. was fined 3700 by the Tenth Magistraus court yesterday for driving a lorry with an expired licence Ha pleaded guilty
    33 words
  • 27 25 THE University of Singapore will send a full sport* team to the Biennial intarvarstty OaoMs in Hongkong The 160-strong conUngent leaves for tne Colony today.
    27 words
  • 181 25 'Strike that culturetechnology balance VOtNG sveple most 1 he fally involved in nations) life and cultural sxtivit** In Singapore, tfajl Sha'ari Tadin. Senior Paruamtitirj Secretary (CsJtwre) said on Thursday. Bail 8h» art whs was speaking at the openIng of the Yswng People's (.allery at the National MnsesUß said that th«v
    181 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1716 25 times Saturday car mart BMMsffIMH B ractarV Jfr^Slf T o 01 UMBMsI I A IMS Oood COB£9 I 8^n n 7 7 0 W O V** BpOrt^ CoU COLT eALANT IMt. Ex B^ B Mrs *Juy2?i7° n C*" 1 ca"«>t condition 17.M0 on o M.W 1H year. excellent pSJ\^Tl\^ Vl^m
      1,716 words
    • 574 25 I ten ermoeM ea cum mo c.s bas4iurul coodttton InUrtiud. plaase rtnc biMOt aftar lpT^ IS7I MAZDA CAMLLA 1600 (Sajoon) 1 ownars. Low mOssat Excellent paintwork. wcaks MsJs^ssn past. M.MO o n.o. IMS MOWS) TC MM* \m mam late condition reasonable offtr acc«ptad TM: SIMM Spore tMt OATSUN tee. 2
      574 words
    • 217 25 IMS MISCA IMS SL Oood ooMtl- I Uoiv ns* romdux and laaonnes I SUM ono. T«i SMMS/ SMtS IMS MM) COOMNpriM S4.MO I ono Contact tal S7IMS itTt MM OWMCH Austin 1100 I wltn OTtrhtulcd sngln*. l>osßam eondltlon with road tax. Interested ring ITStSI Mr. S MONTHS MITSUBISHI Colt Mlnlea
      217 words
    • 554 25 ft ViioliJin X 43P^ SINGAPORE PTE LTD Yaohan Singapore, a newly-established Supermarket-cum-Depart-ment Store nearing completion at Plaza Singapura. and a member of the Yaohan International Group of Companies, invites applications for the following positions Chief Cashiers and Accounts Clerks Applicants should have a G.C.E. and at least 2 years experience
      554 words

    • 188 26 Experts to draw up blueprint for port expansion OENANO, Fri.—Bxperts are now conducting a comprehensive feasibility study on the development Of the port here. The study, started ln June, v expected to lead U the preparation of a 20-year master plan to meet future demands for port facilities. The experts,
      188 words
    • 58 26 Qantas cuts package toui prices BYDNIY Prt. —^ntai today announced substantial prlc* cuU for Its package holiday tour to Malaysia. In a pram statement, tha airline said a It-day visit to Kuala Lumpur and Penang from mld-a*ptamb*r will coat U***** <SSJ7) compared to the currant far* of UBS4IB (11.24*). Tha
      58 words
    • 61 26 KUALA LUMPUR, PH. Watallsrs have appealed to the Ooramment in a memorandum to allow them to stock up rnor* sugar, tar, cooking oil and raToaam than tha amount stipulated ln their licences. "This is to ensure no disruption of our In nl i iii Baiangor Tao Cmv
      61 words
    • 47 26 MALACCA, m. MaJaccm Is to have its own sUU •nthem •nttttod "Malacca, M»]u J»y» Chief Mtniitar H»JI Abdul Oh«ni bin AH toid a press conference today that the nthem would be played for the first time at the NatloaaJ Day parade hers on Aug. Si.
      47 words
    • 93 26 MAS TO START KUCHINGJAKARTA FLIGHTS KUALA LUMPUR. Frt. —Malaysian Airline System wIU start direct flights between Kuching and Jakarta from Oct 1 the deputy secretarygeneral of the Communications Ministry, Mr. Ibrahim Mahmud. said today. Initially there will be two flights a week. He said MAS would also increase its Kuala
      Reuter  -  93 words
    • 64 26 KUALA LUMPUR. PH.— The Asian Drratopmcnt Bank recently approved a loan of US* 14 million (BSS3S million) to Malaysia for land development In Sabah according to an ADB statement. The loan the 10th mad* by the ADB to Malaysia canias Interact at 7 J par cant
      64 words
    • 51 26 PSMANO. m Narcotics Bureau officer* arlaed 111.000 worth of raw opium from a chicken coop near a houae ln Mukim 2 Pcrmatang Pauh, on Tuesday night. The opium, weighing 24 3 kilogrammes (S4 pounda) and wrapped in- plastic packets. was found In gunny aackj containing chicken
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    • 130 26 Siew Sin launches bank's 'gems for cash loan scheme KUALA LUMPUR, Frt. —The Financial Advlaer to the Malaysian Oovernment, Tun Tan Stew Sin, Inaugurated the "Jewels for cash loan" schema of the United Asian Bank today The chief economist of the bank, Mr. K. 8. Mjhar, said that under the
      AP  -  130 words
    • 43 26 IPOH. Fn.— Two youth* ware seriously injured whan they ware set upon by a gang of IS near Loke Urn Oardan her* last night Choong Chong Mm. 20, and Tan Che* Kong war* admitted to the Oeneral Hospital her*
      43 words
    • 25 26 PCTALINO JAVA. Prt Motor spar* parts worth man than 00.000 hare been reported «tolen from the Asian Motor, store In Jaian 21* hare.
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    • 346 26 K. LUMPUR. fr\. ACTING MCA president Datuk Lee San Choon told the Chinese community last night that "this is not a time for fence-sitting." "I would like to say that this Is a crucial moment for the Chinese It Is a tlrue for decision."
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    • 272 26 •WE COULDN'T FILE PAPERS' KUALA LUMPUR. Friday OPPOSITION Pekemas party leader Dr. Tan Chee Khoon has asked Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak to investigate alleged election irregularities in Sabah. Dr. Tan in a letter to Tun Razak yesterday, copies of which were circulated to
      Reuter  -  272 words
    • 87 26 Border travel curbs eased KUALA LUMPUR. Frl. Thailand and Malaysia have agreed to relax their lmmlgration requirements to facilitate tevtsas ln the border areas. Vmtm a new railing sicert here today, cltisens of bath co«ntries crossing the ThalMalaysU frontier with border pinri are no longer repaired to have InUrnatlonal health
      Reuter  -  87 words
    • 280 26 Jungle 'frozen' to cut supplies to Reds IPOH, Pit The ▼Ast Jungle regions of Upper Perak have been "frozen" and a food denial campaign launched to prevent supplies from reaching the communist terrorists. i T r UxTy <Wvers, lumberjacks and all other workers employed ln the timber-rich Jungles will be
      280 words
    • 29 26 PENANO. Prt —Chief Minuter Dr. Lisa Choi* Bu will OPCP A OOnfWwOO OB *aBa%M pant public" at Unlvanltt Bains bars next wasfc. it was annmmosd today.
      29 words
    • 15 26 KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. Malaysia yesterday donated 176.000 to help flood-atrtckan victims in Bangiartaah
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 938 26 You'll be proud to represent the Dynasty Group of Companies^^^k NnaßMaMi*o*>min> xMuumi sitawi aaxoo m DYNASTY The leading interior decorators and consultants in Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong offer the most rewarding and satisfying careers for: FINISHING DEPARTMENT (SINGAPORE, KUALA LUMPUR JOHOR BAHRU BRANCH) we require a qualified person to
      938 words
    • 369 26 THE CHARLES JOURDAN announces the arrival of its new collection a Just unpacked! The latest in fashionable LADIES' and MEN'S shoes from France. CHRISTIAN DIOR. CHARLES JOURDAN, PERRECARDHM JlMftal •ffiflS 30% DISCOUNT Usual Price Sale Price > CHRISTIAN 125.00 S 87.50 DIOR 135.00 94.50 > SHOES 145.00 101.50 < (219
      369 words

  • 202 27  - Walking Tall tipped to win again EPSOM JEEP By JPOH, Fri.— Walking: Tall can maintain his unbeaten record in Race Five here tomorrow. This racy four-year-old has the makings of a top flight sprinter. He routed a Class 4 field in his first start over the Penang 6f, and a
    202 words
  • 1084 27 Race 1 Gilrastfra: Due (or winning break., lost narrowly with 7.7 to Adll DW. I B( ipoh. June 39; looks well Terhnlcal AavkMr: Last (Urt fourth with 7.7 to Owen Porgy. Dlv 3. HI. Ipoh June 33 ru good showing. Worked well on Thursday; should go close.
    1,084 words
  • 577 27 IPOH, Frl— Class 1 newcomer Showman VI, with Dennis Mc C 1 un c astride, stepped out attractively in a trial with Gudea (George Poamore) and Epplnr Forest (M. Masruhen) on a fast track here today. The trio ran 3f in 38 with Showman VI joint
    577 words
  • 321 27  - Paterson Tower to make amends today DENNIS CHIA By r ATERSON TOWER, who has been knocking on the door for some time, can find his winning break In Race Three at Ipoh today. Che Oreat Nephew gelding has been placed throe times In his four •tarts so far and was
    321 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 626 27 r^paasce: W. V J j w J^R LA .atßafl J J* fjP ateeaVß a. fl Bbw i. J i W^F j 4 mlk *^BB tsP r 1 fir dl Ik. JBBB^ tfla^r jJU _^A W^ B^. f ***^Bta^aC^^^B^r if *^VaL.^i^H At In m jgj^ Congratulations IKT M Congratulations to the
      626 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 938 27 Today s runners at Ipoh RAOI I I MOM eflBP TIT I OINMIt CNIA 2.15 Claaa 6 Dhf 4 BWf i ~ffi^LZ SCSST liill^B \Appr»nttee'rOck^re"o^ TLJU^r r^J^T Praf Wtaatua latalllcme* Inlillniw i O0» aaataaaaa i (NL) Ahmad T(t (dd I»W 0 Maataa 5 BSaaxviEEai > °3H »Ss^ SSs" less Na»
      938 words

    • 189 28 LONDON, Frl. Bob Shearer of Australia shot out from the field with a flve-under-par 66 and a four -stroke lead aftSff 36 holes of the Benson and Hedges golf festival at York yesterday. The 26-year-old Australian followed up his opening round of 65 with the
      189 words
    • 527 28  - Manotoc takes the lead with superb 70 ERNEST FRIDA By §IX-FOOTER Tommy Manotoc of the Philippine? broke loose from the star-s t u d d e d field to take a twostroke lead after the second round of the Singapore Amateur Open golf c h a m p i onship
      527 words
    • 673 28 r«IUMi after M a«tr«. 145 T. Manotoc (P) 76. TO (37. S3); 147 B. Marks (8) 7b. 71 (SI. 3S). 14S XC. Choo (M) 74. 74 (SS. SSi. P Buranaalrl (T) 76. 73 (S6. K Bathumalal (M) 78. 73 (M. 35). L. airetia (P) 74. 74 (37. 37)
      673 words
    • 360 28 Third round draw 18T TEE": 13.00 08. Lovell (8). 4U» Looi <M); 1107 pm 'L. DuUiie (8). OtrcU (Pi. R.A. Mall*] llf>; 13.14 Kadar Shah (M). P.O. SalayMjr (8). Wong Went Poo (8); 13.31 L SUverlo tP), T.B Ltong (M) D.L Jalving (HK). 13 M P. Pattlradjawane (I). Lee Choon
      360 words
    • 659 28 Liverpool can win title for record ninth time fONDON, Fxl. English soccer, once the envy of the world, kicks off a new season tomorrow against a depressing background of hooliganism, declining crowds and the realisation of being a second-class football nation. This year's World Cup finals underlined how far English
      Reuter  -  659 words
    • 167 28 Coventry sign Lloyd for $1.3 m LONDON. Fri. Centre half Larry Lloyd Joined Coventry from Liverpool for £240,000 ($1.3 million) last night in the second big transfer deal in British football this week. Lloyd. 25. has been with Liverpool for five years since he Joined from Bristol Rovers for £50.000
      Reuter  -  167 words
    • 66 28 MEXICO CITY. Ptt The World Boxing Association iWBAi has ordered featherweight champion Rubrn Ollvares of Mexico to flgtit the No. 1 challenger. Brazilian Bder Jofre. within the next M days, the Mexicans manager said today Manager Pkanclsco Roaales said he had received a cable from the
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 585 29  -  PERCY SENEVIRATNE Recover from 54-4 to total 240-9 declared By SINGAPORE pulled themselves out of the morass when they were 54-4 to end up in a fairly comfortable position at the end of the first day's play of the Saudara Cup cricket match against Malaysia on the
      Wan Seng Tip; Wan Sen Tip  -  585 words
    • 132 29 aiNOAFOBB Ist aana sivaaMyasa c Samuel b MaxunuUtu I Aaara Sato™ MarisMthu 1 •aggst «a Iflva c Krtahna•aaay b SamiMl M ■iharlssMf c Ramani b Jayakufgan U CMva Rajah b Samuel 66 J. laarteas b Zainon Mat 40 PiMaai Slack b Bam«cl M S. afaratfcl c Ramanl b Samuel
      132 words
    • 282 29 Fina will lift ban on China: Rassouli TEHERAN, FH.— Asian Game* official* anticipated a possible reversal of the nan on Chinese swimmers when they issned Games accreditation card, to the Chinese contingent here today China are not affiliated to the International Amateur Swlmmlnj Federation (Flna). whose rales stipulate that members
      Reuter  -  282 words
    • 40 29 LONDON. PH. Oary Sobers, toe former We»t Indies captain and an* of the world k greatest all-rounder* In recent yaar*. v to retire from nrst-claa* crifcet at th* end (X the current English seaion, he said today Reuter
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 20 29 BOAC beat Qantai J-0 In t friendly socoar match at Thomson Road, yesterday Klilai and Roland Kr arortd
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    • 288 29  - Saints strike form in second half GODFREY ROBERT By CT. ANDREWS School unleashed their brand of attacking rugby in the second half to score a 19-0 (two goals, a try and penalty) victory over AngloChinese School In a vital National Schools Post Secondary match at Orange Road yesterday. The defending
      288 words
    • 300 29 CIMOAPORI Aaaatwr Cycl- Ins AawcUtton plan to chang* two rutes In local track competition* in Unt with tooM of Urn IntamaUonal CycUnf PXaraUoa (PIAC) Th* fint Chang* tnvotrM Urn IO.OOOtn race what* Urn placing* win b* dacidad on a poinU basis Instead of Urn
      300 words
    • 223 29  -  JOE DORAI By SINGAPORE Air Trans-port-Workers Union last night trounced Hotel Blngapura 7-1 in a PAS League Division One match at Jalan Besar Btadlum and moved a step nearer the title. Satu's clash with Tampines rtovers on Tuesday win be a vital game for
      223 words
    • 89 29 Over 250 for Anchor squash meet MOM than SM squash plaMrs will take part in the SSRAI anchor Chaav ptonshtja starting today ■frhtitrt will eoaoptte la Urn 'B- grad* <*«— r*"- -*-1r at Taagfin Club. M in Urn C and* at Holland Road 34 in Urn D- tTßtte tt Rafflas
      89 words
    • 24 29 UAKtLK Prt— PhiappliM Junior b«htw«afbt iliißl<illl Uttta OaSaw dsSaated Apolto Toahtoof Japan an paints in a IS-round nan-ttU* bout bar* tonlcht UPI
      UPI  -  24 words
    • 354 29  - Asian Games swimmers in schools international ALBERT JOHNSON By OIK Teheran-bound swimmers will spearhead Singapore's medal challenge In the fivenation Schools International iwlmmlng championships starting at Toa Payoh pool on Aug. 22—23. They are Anne Hoe, Justlna Twng, Yeo 8u Ming. Balne Bng. Mark Chan and Bernard Kan Anne has
      354 words
    • 152 29 FCTR will meet Pertamina tonight IJOOTBALL Club of r Tamplnes Rovers, the newly formed soccer Club coached by former I national coach Cboo Seng Quee. will play I Pertamina of Indonesia I at Jaian Besar Stadium at 7.30 tonight. FCTR haa arranged a series of games against i foreign teams
      152 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 256 28 SinCDPORE PfIPER PRODUCTS GROUP HK 4*4k% 'TTTTrr f!J!l 'T fl 6>ssssws» H -^^^ewsF«sß The Singapore Paper Products Group has stood the test of K0 ™^B»sssssV 2 «H-55iHfi^B time. Today we supply Singapore with quality paper products HT wsJbJwsVIHbV sssslssssiisssiisssi aw*i_*- J* or r 9v9r ncr9as n 9 "**<&< w overall
      256 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 134 29 The Patented Performers... LwaWaWaWaV KfcwvJi P* PTbh The complete line of NEW/Q.^O 2^2 All models available m flat or U/^ «X I upright lie and length from 9 32" to 35" with pro-grip. '^p^ra NEW j Calibrated /O.Akn **H^ Woods Si by deadwe.ght^^^^l^^l COLOR your best insurance^^^^p^a^/ COOED IRONS for
      134 words
  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 129 29 8OCCUI: T*v atUh at 315 and 445pm >. Tampines Rover* v Parta- GOLF: Singapore Open lamina Indonaala (Jl. Besar (Bufclt Course, f ajn.) Stadium. 730 pjn). TAB rairßtrr- bm Youth TMrmaaiesH: Jalan aSfTvJH P*jak v Stable Boy*. Partr B>>rt <p d n «*»njant OC Boon Tack m OC Hong UaOCt
      129 words

  • 185 30  - Detainee helps police in child rape probe K. S. SIDHU B> FLJCE have arrested a man who is now helping then in their investigations into rapes and a murder Involving children. The man, 37, was picked up by a raiding party on Monday at an unnumbered hut in Ylo Chu
    185 words
  • 53 30 S'pore for ad congress JAKARTA. Frt. Delegates from 14 countries are expected to attend the ninth Asian Advertisement Congress to be held here in October, an organising committee spokesman said today. The countries are Malaysia. Singapore. India, Pakistan Bangladesh. Sri Lanka, Thailand. Hongkong, the Philippines. Japan. Sr.'ith Korea. Taiwan. Australia
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 45 30 ■AST BERLIN. Frt Otto Braun, the only foreigner tc take part in the epic Long March of the Chlneae leader Mao Tae-tung 44 yean ago. died hare today at the age of 73. tha atast German newi agency ADN reported. Router.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 231 30 Rahim warns of that 'one spark of fire' PARLIAMENTARY Secretary (Foreign Affairs), Encik Rahim Ishak, yesterday warned of the "one spark of lire" that could destroy Singapore. He made the point when stressing the danger of antl-natlonal element* creating chaos and strife In Singapore by cashing In on linguistic cultural
    231 words
  • 22 30 ACCRA. Frt Former child star Shirley Temple Black. 46. has been appointed the new United State* Ambassador to Ohana Reuter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 65 30 PBTI'H. Frt Ttoanlat Valary Knmoy laft hart for horn* today after batnf orderad by *hwalan finbaaay offielaU not to perfenn at three Parth concert. Mr. Kllmov. 42, who waa making a to-ronwrt Auetnliavn tour, tv achadulad to fl»a hi. but three performance. In Perth Ha aud
    65 words
  • 39 30 MIAMI. Frt. CbnUotad Watergate burglars Bernard Barker. Kugenlo MarUnra and virgilto OonaaJaa, aiont; wlth a Florida builder plan a new housing project In central Florida. The UBST million (B*l7 million) development will bo called Watergate Hllla.
    39 words
  • 28 30 BBOUL. FH The tint rubwaj ayatem hert aUrlcd ooaraUon today on a s- rkllaaMtr* <6J-mile) route, three yaajrs and four month* after tlkt eonatructton rtartad. lUutor
    28 words
  • 28 30 MANILA, FH— Conunuoua rain cauaad by a tropical atcrm today aubaiajaad low areas In metropolitan VUnlia and atvcral town* an Luaon baand In the north. Hautar
    28 words
  • 86 30 OABIS, Fri Fai-Mans today stratled B«a». fatty In »arU of tvia that «a aay other day arc a wrssswhag. h— kilt aaaaa «f apssitiig «r stalled eats- The vast PUec de la o— estate aad a stretch «r th« CkMH Htscm wan dosed
    86 words
  • 396 30 It onixjn. m. n» a»uk*t w*. ''aaaniiy lower o**r a broad h-eat u4 at 1 a.m. Urn FkucM Tt»n lac** m 10.1 «owa t* Ml Urmmi >Ibc« November iaM Yeetamajra iKhoical rally m follow!*. Urn aeUa*ee at ho4h*a r tour operator. Own Urn, wlmm (ban* w«r< alrmay ua4v
    396 words
  • 61 30 TOKYO Prt Prtoct "fo U>t flr»t »on of Crown £Itk* Aklhtto and Frtncaaa *ffJ»»o. left lor ordMy today for a two-«Mk racmUon tour In AuaUmtta. Tha 14-ytmr-oid prino* la ■rhliUlad to Majojr MMUWIUaB tMiitnt In nortbam AaatraMa, and then win stay at Uw homo of a
    61 words
  • 28 30 WOLTSBDWO. (Oanaan) ■rrt VoßUrWasfaKU WOCW*" wtd* car aalas dseatosd. U per oant to 1.0T1.M0 ctnotte rim an mootha of the jajar. tb# caeapatw aatd yaaaardajr CM.
    28 words
  • 133 30 Arabs plan strategy for Geneva talks CAIRO, FW— The Foreign Ministers of S'pt and Syria and a estlne Liberation Organisation (PLO) representative wiu meet in Cairo later tb 1 a month to co-ordinate strategy for the ArabIsraeli Geneva peace conference, the Middle East News Agency said yesterday. The meeting will
    UPI  -  133 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 188 30 REGAL. TYPEWRITER FDfl EVEfinjWELLEfiI If it's Quality you want, then it's got to be Hanmex BuHt for the budget conscious. with features one cannot expect from portables. Designed for your traveling with a very convenient travel case. M-ft SHANKARS EMPORIUM 306. C010mb0 Court Sangapore 6 TEL *****-3327W I Silara Intametionat
      188 words
    • 314 30 LSHafla^LMafl Special English language course. This course is designed to help students reach a satisfactory level in as short a time as possible. Courses are 3, 6 or 9 months in length, according to the ability in English of the individual student and what may be recommended for the student
      314 words
  • Page 30 Miscellaneous