The Straits Times, 15 August 1974

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1974 25 CENTS M.C(P) 21/74
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  • 808 1 Turkish jets bomb Nicosia, Famagusta as Greece pulls her troops out of Nato NICOSIA, Wednesday THE war was resumed in Cyprus today after the breakdown of the Geneva peace talks, with Turkish planes bombing and strafing Greek Cypriot areas and heavy ground fighting erupting in the
    Reuter  -  808 words
  • 380 1  -  K.S. SIOHU By TWO hundred people lost their homes and property worth $100,000 in a fire near the junction of Syed Alwi Road and Verdun Road yesterday. No one was Injured In the boor long blase which started among a row of attap and
    Christopher Lot  -  380 words
  • 50 1 WASHINOTON. Wed— The United State* today exploded a nuclear device In the Nevada desert lv third announced weapons-related test this year, the Atomic En'-rgy Commlaaton (ABC) said. A I**— an said the Matt was In a yield range equivalent to lass than JO,--0M tons of TNT— Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 246 1 Reds attack again after lull in fighting DAN AND, (Vietnam) Wed. Communist forces attacking under heavy cloud cover renewed their mcnth-cld offensive near Danang today wth infantry attacks xi two district capitals, field officers said. Unseasonable, cold rains blanketed the Danang area, 370 miles north of Saigon, grounding all Government
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  • 43 1 NIW YORK. Wfd. Dem Joqta average*. haaed on flnt hour of Lradlnc on the New York Stock exchange: JO lndui 744.17 down IM. 30 tramp 157 (3 down 1 04, 1* uUI» MM down 0.04; M stock* 225.U down Jll UPI.
    UPI  -  43 words
  • 549 1  -  CHIA POTEIK By HIKE IN LINE WITH GOVT CALL TO SAVE MORE increase in the Post Office Savings Bank interest rate to a flat six per cent for all deposits, and an expansion of its computer service with 23 more lines were announced by POSB
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  • 135 1 All 49 killed as plane hits hill DORLAMAR (Vene--1 zuela). Wed. A Venezuelan commercial plane crashed Into a hill today while trying to land on the Island of Margarita off Venezuela's •iast coast. Initial reports said all 44 passengers and five crew were killed. The Unea Aeropostal Venezolana (LAV) Viscount
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    • 33 1 WASHINGTON. Wed. The US Government today warned Greece and Turkey that their military aid from the US woald he eat off if they ge to war. AP. (See this page)
      AP  -  33 words
    • 37 1 WASHINGTON. Wed. —President Ford Made a trans-Atlantic telephone call to British Prtnw Mlitmr Mr. Harold WUsea as he Joined hi «»lesaaUc efforts to ease the latest '■threat or fighting in Cyans.—AP. (See this page)
      AP  -  37 words
    • 43 1 A YOUNG cisjjli, Mr. Chan Bsisttsen. 23, and Miss Gob Bet TUn, 21, died when their MG Midget crashed Into the rear of a bw at the Jnnetiea of Farrer Bead and BafcJt Tinuh Bead at IMS a.m. today.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 156 1 Si** 1929, the Name fl a m 3L DAH SIM OPTICAL CO. FOOMDtO 111* ftM btM synonymous with Quality and Reliability in Service. **etc be informed that our NEW ADDRESS is NOW at: G 46, HIGH STREET CENTRE. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINGAPORE. 6. TeUpho.e *****0 ***** I Hex t door
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    • 100 1 SCHOOL PROBE BY MINISTRY PM« 11 FORDS Bill* slashed by Senate t 8ADAT: War If talks fall I LIMIT train experts call to US Govt S ■MONETARY •tabiatjr in S yean' OYAMA on that km fa challengr 17 1« YEARS aiMl for robber IS CALL for study on care f
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    • 1 1 I
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  • N-arms protest
    • 406 2 Big welcome, then 12 hours later WASHINGTON. Wednesday gENATORS yesterday set the stage for President Ford's first test of strength with Congress on foreign policy issues only 12 hours after they gave him one of the most rapturous welcomes ever accorded a
      Reuter  -  406 words
    • 124 2 WASHINGTON, Wed. The Watergate scandal which topped Mr. Nixon may have caused delays in the progress of US-Soviet talks on the reduction of forces in Europe, Secretary of Defence James Sehlesinger said yesterday. Mr. Schlesinfer told a Senate military manpower subcommittee the tone of the
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    • 251 2 EX-RAF MAN'S CALL TO HELP SAVE BRITAIN LONDON, Wed. A retired Royal Air Force Wing Commander, veteran of two world wars, yesterday sounded a clarion call to officers and gentlemen kindly step forward and Join a Junta to fight the "thugs and parasites" who Imperil England. Ex- W ing Commander.
      Reuter  -  251 words
    • 22 2 znaaUATT. (awusariaad) Wad. Two Austrian and two West fliiai i lounum cumbers vtf» kilted In th* Mattarborn ragton on aaooday..—AP.
      AP  -  22 words
    • 134 2 HOTEL STRIKE LEADER HELD BANGKOK. Wed.-Thai ■ottee last night ar»«sted the president of th- Hotel Workers' AaaoeUUoa for carrying a M revolver with cartridges withoau licence .part n(BH.2M) was put ap as ball, police aaid yesterday. The president. Therdtoon Chaidee. is a leader of the strike which has closed down
      AP  -  134 words
    • 30 2 HONOKONO Wad. Two people were kUMd and aavan Injured whan a bus ovwturaad after eraahinc Into the Iron railings alone a road on tn* Xcmtßßß Peninsula jwstoitfar OH.
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    • 235 2 JAKARTA. W«d. rl Indonesian Per tamins oil firm and the American Continental Oil Company (Conoco) have jointly found a new oil and natural gaa well near the Natuna island group In the South China Sea. a Per ft" spokesman said today. The well,
      AP  -  235 words
    • 340 2 DACCA, Wednesday pLOODWATERS which have caused 2,500 deaths and untold damage in Bangladesh were retreating in most parts of the country today, but in northern India the swollen waters have en- golfed new areas. Much of Dacca was still under water and main roads were
      Reuter  -  340 words
    • 58 2 TOKYO- Wad Japan will haw to eoaUnuc eoppar asserts biniw of the hfth level <X atoaka. ofteUU of Urn Ministry of Xntaraatfcmal Tnda and Industry aald today But Urn export* wul b* at alow rmu In viaw of owarmi eoamplaaats that Japans export* of Urn commodity
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    • 28 2 ROME. Wed. Interior MlnMar Paolo EmlUo Tavtanl uld yesterday bands of nec-Paactst extremists were uatnf a "strategy of terror" to overthrow the Italian democracy.
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    • 230 2 Plan on better terms for Japan aid TIOKYO, Wed. The ■1 Japanese Foreign Mln'stry is studying new guidelines to Improve the quality of Japan's economic aid to developing countries, ministry sources said today. The sources said the guidelines aimed at classifying developing countries Into three categories developing nations, underdeveloped countries
      Reuter  -  230 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 305 2 i^ jr bbM ■ML Way' M, 1 m m a^fl J She owes it all to her Hicee She knows the secret to a beautiful complexion. She knows she owes it to cMicx* The wonder tonic sweetlet that contains the Vitamin C content of 10 oranges. So essential for bouncing
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    • 167 2 Come, see Australian Light Engineering Equipment High quality products from an Australian industry that demands the best should b* available to you to develop and make your business operation more efficient The range of equipment on display includes guillotines, metal cutting machinery, air hoses, tubings and fittings, masonry anchors, electric
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    • 302 3 BUENOS AIRES, Wed. —Three new government ministers will be sworn In today by President Maria Kstela Peron In her first Cabinet reshuffle since she assumed P°*er on the death of her husband. President Juan Peron, 45 days ago. Official sources said the new Interior Minister
      Reuter  -  302 words
    • 170 3 AMIN'S EX-WIFE KAY DEAD IN CAR LONDON, Wed. Radio Uganda today reported that police had found the disemembered body of a former wife of President Idl Amin In a doctor's ear. The dead woman was named as Kay Adroa (above) one ef three ex -wives of the President. The radio,
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    • 137 3 Outlook brightens for Japan rpOKYO. Wed.— Japan's X balance of payments deficit narrowed substantially to a prellmina r y US$2OO million ($5OO million) In July from U551 .277 million ($3,193 million) In June, the Finance Ministry announced today. The trade balance surplus increased to US$33O million ($BOO million) In July
      Reuter  -  137 words
    • 103 3 Three Awami leaders shot dead DACCA, Wed. Three local leaders of the ruling Awaml Party have been shot dead by unknown gunmen in different parts of Bangladesh, police reported yesterday. They gave these details: AMur Rasbid. secretary of the Srtna«ar Thaaa A warn] League, was murdered In tbe presence at
      AP  -  103 words
    • 159 3 The hijacker who paid pilot for his ride LUANDA, Wed. A hijacker forced the pilot of a light charter aircraft to fly him from Angola to Southwest Africa and then o*id In full tor the flight, pilot Antonio Oomes said yesterday. The unidentified passenger probably on* of the first pay-your-way
      Reuter  -  159 words
    • 365 3 War if peace talks fail: Sadat TENSION AS REPORTS TELL OF ISRAELI BUILDUP ON BORDER CAIRO, Wednesday PRESIDENT Sadat warned in an interview published in Beirut today that if current Middle East peace efforts prove unfruitful, "we shall resort to war." In the Interview, with the Beirut weekly As-Sayyad, the
      Reuter  -  365 words
    • 225 3 Gaddafi frees four who blew up jumbo BEIRUT, Wed. Libya has released four commandos who hllacked a Japan Airlines jumbo Jet 'n July last year anil eventually blew it up at Benghazi airport, a Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) spokesman here said today. The spokesman confirmed a report published today by
      Reuter  -  225 words
    • 73 3 LOHDOH. Wed. A •queeee on leans to buy home* baa reduced the number of weddings In tr*Und and Wales, a National Marriage Council official amid yesterday Last year 400 >ll couples marrted MOM fewer than the year before and re—rins a wine-year trend, -rt would seem that
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    • 43 3 NBW TOfUC. Wed. Al least MM people were trapped during the moraine man how yesterday when a rubbish fire stranded two subway trains. Two people were hospttaawed and srren others ware treated for injuries sod released, pottoe said. UPL
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    • 251 3 npOKYO, Wed. A 16M. member Japanese Parliamentary mission left here for Peking today for a two-week goodwill visit to China. They are expected to exchange views with Chinese leaders on International and bilateral issues, Including the problem of concluding a peace and friendship treaty. WASHINGTON: "No amnesty for Nixon."
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    • 185 3 Senate throws out Whitlam Bills CANBERRA, Wed The Opposition parties combined In the Australian Senate today to defeat Labour Government Bills to expand its Australian Industries Development Corporation, (AIDC). The Senate also rejected legislation to act up a national Investment fund to provide finance for the expanded AIDC's capital projects.
      Reuter  -  185 words
    • 24 3 NbTW DELHI, Wed. India otoeen*r» Its 37th anniversary of Independence tomorrow faced with an economic crisis unprecedented since freedom to 1*47. OPL
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    • 200 3 BELFAST, Wed. Over 100 teenage boys escaped death or Injury last night when they decided to play football outside their Belfast youth club minutes before two mortar bombs ripped through the building. The mortars were thought to have been fired by the outlawed Irish
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    • 273 3 Some lovely memories are locked in fat bodies: 1 The House of Dawne 9 can make your memories come back to reality. They say that inside every At the same time fat woman there's a slim one Thermatrim helps you correct who wants to get out. your eating habits, makes
      273 words
    • 630 3 Many men end wemen haw found till batter ieei w MdMtrv wnm ma help of i f/l'wHr* fffftP Cottier MacmiUan horn* study cewnei \r~ They an new tntoymt. tt* tacantv /Mmt jtM *W\tfwla»iS^ ot aood tobi batla> pay. and ha« foal 7lN^aV<«in 1 m k«a They heva never looked back
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    • 538 4 Ford: Expand N-arms if no Russia treaty CALL FOR INDIAN OCEAN FLEET WASHINGTON. Wadn— day PRESIDENT Ford said in an interview published today that the United States should expand its arms deveiopment programmes if it could not reach an agreement with the Soviet L'n'jn. "I think we have a situation
      Reuter  -  538 words
    • 84 4 FIGHT FOR KEY POST DOWN TO TWO MEN WASHINGTON. Wed Conservatives are pushIng President Ford to nominate Republican national chairman George Bush as his Vice-Presi-dent, and moderates are holding out tor former New York Governor Nelsun Rockefeller. The deadline for their suggestions passed today. and Ford is expected to decide
      84 words
    • 102 4 JAKARTA. Wed. The Jakarta District i Court txlay rejected a defence request that It drop charges agalust a former Indonesian studI ent leader on trial for alleged attempt to topple "President Suharto Chief Judas Mr. BiL atburtan said the trial would continue on Mooday
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    • 300 4 White House passes the test WASHINGTON, Wad. Like any new homsuini. the lady carefully checked the closet apace, the colour Ing two hours, said: Tm thrilled at the thought of moving In. It js In excellent coodltkJC-" Mrs. Betty Ford, wife of tfce new President. Uked what she saw about
      300 words
    • 250 4 Seoul jails 37 for anti govt plot QBOUU Wed.— A military O court sentenced 37 more people to prison I terms of ap to life for inToiveoaent tn an aßeged antl forernment plot, a military spokesman said. The ajtes and jgof—Vms of those convleted were not diselnsed. but most were
      250 words
    • 74 4 ADDIS ABABA. Wad. fif ill ■aik* SasaealawM infrialil la Mb pa law sinaii ee»e?lX*» aaldkvn esslsasßg they had Ml beast paasi thaar fw> ■■■■■■n wMat asrrtag wtta the CW fee— sa Ifce Cssags hi tfcs sSwTa.^ that tW CM s—y MBTAwVt 0 >yBwtMI EtfcsVBjaisVS wßwttsW (8(31-9
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    • 33 4 Wed BrttaSfti j •atapad Onu Train roboer 1 Banald B*jg« e»n **T -pcrarUy utßrasU tccaaat bo otbar cosMry prepared to i acesst tahm. JvsUe* arsrtstfj mm satd bar* lass niajii
      33 words
    • 62 4 BKLO HORIZONTE. Wed. A local train drt- Ter has become Brazil's newest millionaire. Zeae Bantana SUrelra. 39. who drives a train i In an Iron ore dulc won 14.337.000 cruaelros i about 8*523 million) on this week's football pools, the second highest win in BraaU history BUrdra U
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 249 4 US-CHINA TIES ISSUE IN POLLS? TOrttO, Wednesday DIPLOMATS here see the possibility that L'S recognition of the People's Repub lie of China could become a 1976 Dresiden tial campaign issue unless President Gerald Ford takes the initiative earlier. Iraator Henry Jackno. badftig eaa-Udot* lor th» Ds— ocr«tk pr-snsnsttri. has Mk)
      AP  -  249 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 687 4 b^bv Shoot atl atlt Of an The Sankyo Macro-Zoom P" U. .^gak^- 9 sv»w jfi elephant, zoom from zero camera features:- /wHb\\ Ws-^-arfcl^^wiT^a. ■M^LaßsasM* '«'»"•"•> 11 Macro sw,.ch for .mini \aaVa/ ▼sstel; •*—^^r^ wv? H^BaV However close or far you zoom, and filming. «fl \M f rom the
      687 words

    • 239 5 OPEC meets to maintain current oil prices ONTON. Wed. Offl♦V clal from most of the world's major oil exporting countries open talks here tomorrow on ways of maintaining the current price levels for their oil. All members of the Organisation of Petro'ejunJSxportlrg Countries (OPEC) have been invited to the talks,
      Reuter  -  239 words
    • 224 5 Hirohito to join 6,000 in prayers for war dead TOKYO. Wed. Japan observes tb« 20th anniversary of Its surrender in the war tomorrow In a memorial service to be attended by Emprror Hlrohlto und Emperor Nagako. The Imperlc.l couple will (to to the Budokan (martrial arU-i Hall outside their oalace
      UPI  -  224 words
    • 42 5 OTOKE-ON-TRENT (England), Wed. British Rail, the state-run railroad, advertised it as a mystery tour It was. The engineer forgot to pick up the 300 customers and stopped at the wrong station, British Rail said today. He was reprimanded. —UPI.
      UPI  -  42 words
    • 492 5 Senate urges Govt to limit grain exports Opposition from Ford predicted WASHINGTON, Wednesday fMIE chaiiman of the Senate Agriculture Committee yesterday called on President Ford to limit grain exports to protect American consumers against drought-induced shortages and food inflation But Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz predicted Mr. Ford would oppose the
      Reuter; UPI  -  492 words
    • 143 5 EEC heads for record harvest LUXEMBOURG, Wed. The European Common Market appears to be heading for record wheat harvest this year. according to latest estimates released by the EEC Statistics Office here. The office said the area sown with cereals was about the same as last year, namely 26.7 million
      Reuter  -  143 words
    • 51 5 ATHENS, Wad. Ala* ander Paaafoaßa fXMuad to Orrcca last nsjht to a t—illluous airport wakosai ate yaars aftsr b* Mad to aasmaslaata Ofaafc sUrsagaaati Oaorgc PapaoopoukM Ha was aanaanoad to death for Urn AHf la. lMt, aasaatnation attempt Th« santanoe waa Jatar oocamuiad to Ufa unprtoonsMnt.
      AP  -  51 words
    • 162 5 IMELD A 'S CHINA TRIP PUT OFF MANILA, Wed. The proposed visit of rbillppine First Lady Imelda Marcos to China has keen pat off for several weeks and may not take place until next month, diplomatic sources said today. The sources said the trip, originally scheduled for raid-Annul, was postponed
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    • 351 5 (CARACAS, Wed. General debate on the legal aspects of a possible sea treaty entered its final stage yesterday at the third United Nations Law of the Sea Conference. Between 2,000 and 3.000 dele gates representing some 148 nations at the super-conference, dealing with
      AP  -  351 words
    • 36 5 AUOBBURO (West Oarmany), Wad— A 30-jrear-old Polish canoeist Zblenlew afajeroaak. has asked for political asylum In Wast Germany after competing In European Cup canoe slalom races hare at the weekend, police said today Reutar.
      Reuter  -  36 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 184 5 FEW DAYS EXTRA CASH DISCOUNT EVERY $10 PURCHASE PAY $9 PRICES REDUCED TO ROCK BOTTOM Ladiea' Nighties. Dm ten. Pyjaais NOW 85.50 Bedtheett Single 100% Cattta S4.SO Pillowenei 100 Cotton $0.90 Blaikett 100 Cotton Siagle (4 Colours) $5.50 T-Snirti Many Colours (Freesize) $1.90 Shorts May Cotears (Frtesize) $1.50 Men s.
      184 words
    • 1 5 vrHr
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    • 254 5 Lira M GIANT That's what they call the ADLER 81 Because, despite its amazingly small size, it has giant-sized features not usually found on pocket electronic calculators: B Percentage Key. For calculating price mark-up and gross selling prices. Or *****^^_^^ discounts, sales tax and nett J^^^^^^O amounts. Without re-entry. Independent
      254 words

  • 558 6  - Accord on monetary stability in 5 years' jvR. PHILIP E. ColdweU, president of Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, United States, yesterday forecast International monetary stability in two stages by a tentative agreement within the next one year and a more permanent one In five years. He said the new agreement,
    558 words
  • 115 6 rBEE people, two •f them brothers, were taken to On tram Hospital with bead and limb Injuries after they were attacked by a fane of It men outside a provision shop In Beach Bead en Tuesday afternoon. AH three brother! Tee Cheng Slab,
    115 words
  • 167 6 mWKNTY-THRKE emX plovers were fined a total of $28,540 during the two weeks ending Aug. 4 for Infringing the Central Provident Fund, Factories, Employment and Regulation of Employment Acts. In addition. WJOBM being arrears on CPF contributions and SBIJS being interest en late payments were collected
    167 words
  • 55 6 THE Singapore Polytechnic will pr— nt diploma* and certificate* to I.7SS candidates at 1U 14th graduation cor— ony to be beta, at the NattooaT Theatre on Aug. M at SSOaJB Amoc* the gnduaoda will be ITS women The *—»««»t/««t. diploma win be pisiitia to 10SJ candidate* wntU
    55 words
  • 264 6 rm arc seas* of the gtarlew* pointings that will do the "talking" for talented Singapore art**, Mr. Wan Soon Kam. daring bH forthcoming exblMtloas In Britain and United States. Chinese educated Mr. Wan, M. who speaks tittle English, said yesterday throagb
    264 words
  • 228 6 Help prevent crime call to hotel staff fTOTEL staff have been O urged to co-operate with the police to help prevent crimes In Singapore hotels. Mr. Peter Lee. assistant manager of the Goodwood Hotel, said in a talk on security measures recently that Increased security would help prevent crimes In
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 261 6 H/HEN WE ARRNE IN ITS GOOD AFTERNOON. EUROPE ITS NOT GOOD MORNING, Sleeping all night in any aircraft just B^^ B )aH^|B^H^^|^^|^^RK-^|^^|^^^^H w|u& *^gamflalHmlßgi lSn s ee P in 9 a a ,^SHHl^H|9H^«|HHJH^^^^^^^^^^l mSt next time you 90 t0 Europe, go on ll^^^HjJp^ u^uf I board SAS' daylight Trans- Asian
      261 words

    • 321 7 Racial issues: A 'lock up' warning Ghazali: Nobody is above the law KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday H JMt Atfairs Minister Tan Sri Ghazali Miafie warned today that the Govern ment will not hesitate to "lock up" anyone, irrespective of their parties, if they contravene the sedition law during election campaigning. He
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    • 76 7 Never tool old, says Ha mid, 70 riNJUNO KARANO. Wed. Pekemas candidate for a State Assembly seat, Abdul Hamld Manan. 70, scoffs at the suggestion that be U too old for politics. "Age does not matter." he said today. Besides I have n ore /ears of experience than my younger
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    • 50 7 WELXINOTON iNew Zealand) Wad— Malaysian student leader Khoo Be ban thoM arreat In Malaysia earlier this rear led to widemread itudent agitation hen had been detained solely for his activities after returning borne from New Zealand. the H- 1 1 ma* Oom■frr*'-— told the government yesterday— Renter.
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 30 7 MNTOMO. Wat Fasko ha»» aetaad 1S1« gmlloaa of paim oU worth about tTJM In two HpmraU raid* bar*. They have detatnad two moo and aatatd two tertsa
      30 words
    • 226 7 Jaga shot in 'cold blood' court told PENANO, Wednesday WATCHMAN Jan Mohamed was gunned down "in cold blood" when he grappled with one of three armed robbers who held up the Penang Mercantile Bank on July 7 last year. i The robbers, armed with pistols or revolvers, fled In a
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    • 130 7 Dr Tan alleges strong arm tactics KUALA LI'MPIR. Wed. Pekemas Party leader Dr. Tan Chrr Khoon said today his members were prevented from contesting the parliim entary elections In Sabah and that at least eight were still being held in JalL He told a press conference that 1« Pvkemas candidates
      Reuter  -  130 words
    • 309 7 What the Johore DAP defection shows: Razak BUTTERWORTH. Wed.— Tun Abdul Raxak today described the defection of DAP Johore state candidate for Buloh Kasap. Knclk All Mohamed Dom. as resulting from the party having no clear-cut policies. "This bears out clearly what we say about DAP having no leadership and
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    • 78 7 3-NATION 'YES' TO lvr KORAN CONTEST KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Philippines. Cambodia and Afghanistan have accepted Invitations to take part In Malaysia's annual Koran-reading competition to be held here In October.. An organising committee spokesman said today 18 countries have been invited to the three-day competition starting on Oct. 4,
      Reuter  -  78 words
    • 114 7 ITUALA LUMTirm, We*. Deswty PrtaiM MlataUr, Datok Hussein Ona today scat a eonfratulaiorv mesmt "Hr*" on tctovtaW to the Singapore Ftrcign Minlatf, Mr. S. Rajarmtfuua on the aasilag of the Republic's aooMd omrth aalslHit sUtlon at Sent— a. He Mid the opening of this status sigalAed
      114 words
    • 254 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Musical programmes will replace the 13 minute* of air time allotted to Opposition party candidate* If they fall to turn up, a spokesman for Radio Malaysia said today. He was commenting on the DAP decision to boycott Radio
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 323 7 From dawn to dawn, the pleasures flow, the gaieties never end. HbbUolHMEiul?^ r aHI WM Wm^m zr >4 *^a>^ G>& vA a#bV\ A 1 Btr^ fffv%A i «S Bi^Jn^Bi I BY j B ~v%*> _jrl' "3 V^t W[ jam I HL_ ft BDH HllßßlfWHißmal 1 1 B^L^Bf til ii~M J
      323 words
    • 341 7 15th AUGUST to 21 I CONDENSED MILK nu» 397 K .59 I I R>UIT COCKTAIL i4w nix *n WJ*\ I CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP I CAMfiai't 305 g .60 I I HORLICKS ~^t 2SO" I SOYA SAUCE nmm light m t .54" I BAKED BEANS heirz ust. 2 "< -42
      341 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 276 8 3 mm Wai .v.v.v.v.v.v. CAPITOL -OPENS TODAY! GOLDEN KONG CHIAN aaaaaaaV aaaaaaßaaaaaal -<-? -*»-T I— •*f>«44> Lriaai R S^ 9^t GOLDEN 5 SHOWS E«fl i > l*IWV^ l> yMA n.oOA.M. 1.30. 4.00. ILaaWTH 6.46. ft 9.30 P.M I aaal k. V v W KONG CHIAN 4 SHOWS I I il
      276 words
    • 285 8 'I OPENS TOMORROW at > iiaUHTum&imiam:: GOLDEN f- SHOWS at 1 00 A.M. 130. 4.00 5.48 B M P M PLUS MIDNIGHT SHOW TOMOHHOW at 12.00. NO FREE LIST a* KONG CHi AN 6 SHOWS at 11 00 AM 130 3 30. 7 1B ft 30 P.M. PLUS MIDNIGHT SHOW
      285 words
    • 675 8 <-^dcx'^2lr?r r J Qpgg no^ 1 Wy at 7.00 4 9.30p0 i k ««««np». IMttita: AMU: SJJi Wl**.. Sl.OO MANIN/f J-V Saaaal. 10 FONO H aaaaak> •«b^^^~-^ Vat «v ABin rur I jMMAOoif li w Dr v ~*l^^ Anil InL ■chi»mii»iii, ..up a VTIWWJ^ i:3rd ASTOUNDInT WEEK! I a*-- K|Jr\6UA^
      675 words
    • 751 8 OBCAMISATtO* OPE MS TOOAVI 11 am. I.4ft. 4.00. 8 4ft. SIB Woody Man ft o<an* Kaaton SUlPta COLQW lUA) OLgTOW'-gWgg 11 am. 1 -*0. *<*■ M Fu Shang ft Chi r*uan Chun SMAO LIN MARTIAL ARTS' MANOARIN m Soap* ft Cotor BATUROAV MIONIOMT ft Sanaat Momma, ahowa at CAPITOL -LIOO-^UROWO
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 197 9 on invltotion to dinner. |iiyilMf« t^mentTdinneVt.r a d 86n Hpßlwl Dancing: 8 pm to 1 am. Evergreens, country and western, current hits JCTrtfff^lWWl No cover charge for non-diners! SfS#4 AMBASSADOR HOTEL pgai™ 42-46 Mayer Road. Singapore 16. Raaarva now Tel: *****1 Ext. 6/ 7 ll** 1 LbbHLbbbl**'*"* ■bbbbbbbbbbUbbbbL B^P^*fl*J >~
      197 words
    • 447 9 H BBDaVi^S(PrBB|IHHLfI||IB[ BBBBBbI VL M (|S£SuSiS3BV(BBBBBBBBBl Bbb^^^^^^ ■^b^^^l^b^^^^B^^^bbß bbbbbbT i^r^^^^^^^ Bb^E^bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbl l5 *****^ B niwnnnMPM ißbT^bbbbbbbbbbbbßM BMW?W^CTSiBBBBBBBB^B^aBT Bb!H DBBQ R^.Hi aaWAi' BBBnNttlPlMLlfl BB^aaVaßßfl BBBBBBBBm LVI B*'PwWfßP^Br^B^Faaß aaf H bW bbbbV LBfiV m 1..M k. i A^bbbbbCT BBBBBBB^^ B^ B "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^L functions with (X^%.^^7^fc^J| ea press \T Useful to Government Printers,
      447 words
    • 565 9 TONY BENNETT DEAN MARTIN BILLY DANIELS FRANK SINATRA tay* say* *ayt *sy* ■tevenfaflln "HuroktMMu "Black magk "H« it (ht dnatr lessapln IHunlngto wy thing. who ting* Me* |y*t ktanini" (beautiful Hi doarl nwd it a good wine" woman's atgn" pu»t aari to Itrten" THE COCKPIT HOTEL proudly presents a star
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    • 111 10 All that glitters is pretty as gold GOLD that much sought-after precious metal Is now beyond the reach of many. Its high price is not likely to plummet, but its popularity as an ornament will probably never wane so long as women stay rain. It's 1W rtittertac beauty that •o
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    • 800 10  -  PR BOOER LEWIM By BRITISH psycho logist Dr. Colwyn Trevarthen has discovered that babies just over eight weeks old make positive attempts to have conversations. The young babies move their lips and gesticulate with their hands, Just ag adults do when talking. Until Dr. Trevarthen made his remarkable
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    • 395 10 During toanag* years many girla face the praHiM of oily skin and ita accompanying blemishes, pimples and blackheads, due to adolescent hormonal changes resulting, among other things, in over activity of the skin's oil glands. Prom the early twenties, in most cases, these problems
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    • 220 10  - Nora 's tears got her the lead role MAUREEN CHUA By VORA Chin burst out crying and won the 471 lead role In a play. It wag at an audition to select an actress for the heroine's part In a Chinese classical play late last year. Since then she has
      220 words
    • 195 10 rKYO: More than M P«r cent of Japan* registered nones and none trainees are not married. And blame it on the (act they have to work at night, the Japan Nursing Association says. The association itas s«eJtsaed the resmlts of a svvey of its
      195 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 209 10 ..^^j^^a, Haa^^u^__^^Bßj^gsj a S^aflS^Bj^Sj B a^^ B S^iSSBBBBBB Jt^S^Kfe I BSSSSSSSSSSSSS^^B^BsVBVSf** Light, unbreakable tube Jctriscns cae for the fccb/ \ojlcm2 with new creamier and smoother Johnson's Baby Cream. Johnson's Baby Cream gives a fine protective screen on baby's delicate skin to guard against nappy rash and other minor n tations.
      209 words
    • 21 10 CASH and CARRY |B^ captain choir a novor before BARGAIN while stocks last! i m«a Htm mmn wm ammtt TEL *****1
      21 words
      395 words

  • 73 11 MOTORCYCLIST. L 1 m Sog Soon of Kirn Tlan Road wm Jailed (or one month and fined MOO by the 10th MaKlitrate's Court yesterday (or driving, when disqualified for one year, along Lower Delta Road on Oct. 11 last year at about t JO pm. Lin
    73 words
  • 105 11 CECIL Eugene Edge, 59. was fined $1,000 and Jailed for a day by the First Magistrate's Court yesterday for voluntarily causing hurt to a waiter, Poo Say Khln. 28, at Oil's Grill In Bhaw Centre at 10 45 p.m. on July 1. He pleaded guilty. Senior
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  • 153 11 $53,000 CHEATING CASE MAN CLAIMS TRIAL ALBERT Urn Chin Seng claimed trial in the First Magistrate's Court yesterday when charged with cheating three people of liquor and goods worth $53,781. He is alleged to have cheated Mr. Urn Chin Kirn. on three occasions of goods worth SVi 553 at the
    153 words
  • 310 11 Spanish mackerel cheaper by 20 cents Prices of Spanish mackerel (tengglrl beI kah) and horse mackerel (selar) dropped by 30 and 10 cent* a katl respectively to $2.40 and $1.70, the Trade Department reported yesterday. On the other hand, the price of cockerel rose by 10 cenu to $1.90 a
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  • 440 11 Ministry probes mass stand-in atNJC Principal 'punishes' ***** at car park 3y IRENE MQOO tpHE Education Ministry is investigating an incident in which some 1,200 students of National lunior College in Linden Drive were ordered to stand in the school car park for an hour or more on Tuesday morning
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  • 177 11 DIVORCE HEARING PUT OFF FOR THIRD TIME rB High Court yesterday adjourned bearIng of a beautician's divorce suit to give her husband tune to prepare his defence and submit his cross-petition, if necessary. Madam He n g Bok Keng. mother of two. Is suing her husband. Tan Kirn Llat, for
    177 words
  • 12 11 THOU IWjl KMd ftcctdßßtSt tacludtiiff four ftcrtoug c**H on TMmsaj
    12 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 223 11 .-gSB^-gsi l _BBsß'*^^«3s! -BBBBBBBBBw V^H gfl IHgV.^B^B-Sw^^-_- _----^-B_SS-g-g-gSBBBI I LANCER It is an economical, safety packed f ive-seater sedan. With its long and low sporty styling, and its brilliant performance in the prestigeous international rally, people might take it for a "sport buff" model. But in real life the Colt
      223 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 177 11 Bginglni Up F»U»»i» »y MUi Kavnagh «St Hal Cmmtp r (T* im^SS wanim. Pevw.'^vtowrv I I eve him two acpmin_>, |j^ ANOTWR OHOOT LBAOT X I COCXB? COKNBP I CANT MRS Jl«©S T OWLS' MAKE I I iMBWSNCY/ J oeo&HtD nee could do I aear anp casoasc /_*t it, houcs
      177 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 459 12 rpHE Greek Junta created the Cyprus A crisis; Turkey has extended it. Cyprus yesterday was again under attack by Turkish forces and the possibility of war between Greece and Turkey could not be ruled out. Greece has withdrawn its forces from Nato In a huff. Western Europe's southern
      459 words
    • 108 12 ff!ROISM takes many forms. Madam Goh Wai Keng exhibited one form of it during a robbery on Tuesday. An amah in a household which robbers entered pretending to be repairmen, she had the presence of mind and pluck to escape and summon the police. Her sense of
      108 words
    • 99 12 rpHE ruling that 1 comes Into force on Sunday that wayang operators be required to fit devices to limit the sound of their amplifiers is most welcome. Nol*e from wayangi can be nerve-wracking. We are suffering at the moment The wayang stage is only one- metre
      99 words
    • 39 12 rl bom* la not the beat place to study But I find It difficult to concentrate In the library at Toa Payoh because of a few unruly boy*. Could the authorities do aomethlng about It. DUMB, Singapore It PSYCHO,
      39 words
    • 48 12 "T.JO SLBXP (ST. Aug. 9) has our sympathy. For the resident* of Realty Park, too, have sleepless night* because of noisy dogs and cats. Schoolchildren are unable to concentrate on their work while adult* cannot relax. But In spite of this noise, owners of these a.nim«,if are unconcerned.
      48 words
    • 207 12 IRETKR to the letter by "Born Loser" (ST. Aug IS). This division has aU slong been following the day parking scheme along Prtnsep Street Dhoby Ghaut and Bras Besah park, charging eO cents from a.m. to 9 p.m. Recently, this division Introduced a night parkIng schem* In
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  • 1165 12  - Fancies of a Hollywood scriptwriter now a reality BILL STOCKTON ONLY THREE POUNDS OF PLUTONIUM NEEDED TO MAKE A CRUDE A-BOMB By AS the naelear age near* Me SMI. birthday two nervewracking problems arise. The art of making a credo nuclear bomb U in the pab he domain. A terrorist
    1,165 words
  • 440 12 The high cost of race for oil in North Sea f ONDON: The race v against time to Ap Britain's vast North Sea gas and oil resources is claiming the lives, on average, of more* than two deep-sea divers each month. A act of tough, new compulsory safety measure* Is
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 58 12 man since 1934. Suits completely hand tailored A stitched right to the buttonholes ensuring best workmenship. Mre era also importers a exporters of finest Cents textiles thereby we have the letest widest range of materials for selection. And for our customers In a hurry, there's our express service. 21. Chulia
      58 words
    • 190 12 r-. I aflEnL 4 Mm 4*m I BEAUTIFUL I GIRLS AND I BIG PRIZES I ■era h a easrtaat that is aa aaay te aatar tee sa aaay ta wia. All yes km ts aa is ataca 12 gwH ia grftw af etaaty aaa yw ceeU see vp with aM
      190 words

  • Business Times
    • 431 13 \|ANILA: The Board of Investments seems to be having second thoughts about whether to limit the number of companyparticipants in the proposed progressive truck manufacturing programme About a year or so ago. no less than the 801 chairman Vicente T. Paterne. indict ted that
      431 words
    • 1120 13  -  MARTIN LIM By LOANS ADVANCES Five months to May 1974 May 1*73 Total ($> Total ♦/<•> Cars 185.4 3.3 137.9 16. Other conaumer durable* 1. 5 (17.8) 3.* U7.0 Other goods 48.2 21.6 44.9 (11.3) Housing 290.6 ».O 229.1 24.1 Individual! 75.1 1.5
      1,120 words
    • 132 13 Future bleak for brokers ABOUT one Australian sharebroklng firm In four will be forced to c ose Its doors or seek amalgamation In the next six months, according to one Melbourne broker who is going out of business. Mr. DM. Bennett, a broker for 46 years, said: "You can't stay
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    • 278 13  -  TSAI TAN By SIME Darby Holdings has declined an lnvitaUon from the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange to comment on rumours currently i»« fct **r 'Be rounds at the market that Slme subsidiary. China Engineers (Holdings), has Incurred a loos of HKMI million. In a
      278 words
    • 71 13 LONDON stockbrokers. WJ. Carr. this week opened an office in Dubai after 18 months of careful study of the Middle East The main object is to link the Middle East, through Dubai, to Carr's existing network of seven offices in London, O c n c v a
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 460 13 When you fly TW\. to America or Europe, well save you money on places to stay And places to ga Eft T%mW%^iffl^& mmmmm\ V )^>fc^ Jo&t E r? .jKji- -.a^a^a^aal b^^V Ba« I r^^sr *.^rJ a^^^^w^^^B t\7% BF" v T El -v*^> r **f '*~wNL\ BBaW 5 fe asr •**a^-'
      460 words
    • 494 13 B W 9mm HMnl I^B W^m MR lIP W/KLWtE^ZZm^^IZSmmWKI law! [wRwH BBBr y Z. HSv Is lAS9O*? AAtO MACHINT AN<\ To help effective management integrated business sytlem. grams to enable you to derision making, you need an One in which application pro expand your basic L 8000 as jmm effective
      494 words

  • 318 14 Mr. Pang Plow Chi, a former engineer with a New Zeaiana engineering consultancy, designing snipping containers and hydraulic lifting equipment, has Joined Hume Industries (Singapore) as aslstant engineer concrete (mechanical) on July 1. A Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from Auckland University, New Zealand, he worked with an
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  • 828 14 By DICK WILSOM rtESPITE all the as- surances of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Oatt) and of Western governments restricting textile and clothing Imports, the Third World is losing its share of the U5522,000 million world textile market This fell,
    828 words
  • 439 14  -  TAN UAH CHOO By Br^bl ill ll I^l if RESPITE heavy losses estimated for the year ending July 1973, Hapag-Lloyd announced at Its recent AOM at Bremen, West Germany, a dividend of nine per cent for its shareholders. Speaking at the AOM. Mr.
    439 words
  • 290 14 NEW YORK: In the 1 first ef what will keeome periodic nnerte on foreign activity in stock markets here, the New York Exchange released data last week shewing that foreign Investment represents dose to It per cent of volume en 1 the
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 669 14 1fj:***** 1 RENTA<^&§ World's No. lair conditioning nutter So 1 FROMSSiK) j DBPiIU 3bbl fUI '-'^BbH^Hbbß »^^i^fc-i -^^^PIC9W High teak-capped rails, two foot wide side decks, seating capacity for 12 on the fly bridge she's a big, sate, luxurious cruiser. A new Grand Banks: 48 feet of very carefully planned
      669 words
    • 196 14 PLANNING B^B^BkB^BV -^^te^V*i^<* m^aw't U tßj*U*l I B^l t3 '-MWaW 1 IjsS^B«BMßß»S*TJ^siß^By^T^^*t«^ Ir^ WJißlS^*^*^*^BJßjßWaWamMj_Wßj^P r IXT J WHY DID SO MANY CHOOSE SHANCRI-LA MObH ITT A bank-amfricaH) Could be because only Shangn La PNONE NOW .a^oT'So"'*"""' to 0« CONVENTIONS ft Or our superb modern equipment MEETINGS HOT LINE even closed
      196 words

    • 119 15 Rltts Tart. Oerp. $i M J{' uso +.oa Falls »^|J*-W- $4.M —JO M. Bank. 8 46 —.15 Haaat (K) %i M -,1J ■v»*-»« SI.N .11 UOB wo* -.11 bMteafw »a.67 —.11 M^" M»0 —.10 F N |3»6 -.10 Wjaraea |3.0» —.Of ■M 52.61 —.OS 8. Darby M
      119 words
    • 1555 15 TKB wet transacted sale at the dose of business In the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day's prices together with 1974 high and low. Adjusted for all new Issues). INDUSTRIALS CLOAIMO TONII All Hilsai cloMd May. TURMSVIR: OSMI tetftl turnover on UM ainsapor* irmdins
      1,555 words
    • 379 15 PICES ware again depressed at the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday In unison with bearish Influences from overseas and In the absence of encouraging factors at home. Selling was light on all fronU, this being mainly attributed to stop -loss selling by those who had recently
      379 words
    • 1150 15 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the StockExchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets In lots of 1,000 units unleM otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Aema (3.108). AJM. (0.99H8 1018) (1) 1.00. A.TJ. (0.968) AJlnomete (3.368). A.
      1,150 words
    • 287 15 SHARES met with further small but perststant selling pressure at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. Trading was slack with a handful of volatile Issues recording light transactions. Elsewhere shares ware mostly marking time. The easier tendency was evident from early morning when shares opened
      287 words
    • 1057 15 BID and offer price* officially listed and business In and reported to the Kuala I Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in bracket* In lots of 1,000 unlU unless othenrlM specified. INDUSTRIAL Aimamata (IMB 1.108). A Tap* (O.SSB 0 MS). Ataan 12.448) (T)
      1,057 words
    • 123 15 THE US market became fairly active on Tuaaday following a bullish US Depaitmeut of Agriculture report on aovabaan which found the oU going up ttmite In Chicago. According to MOPCA «u--rope was also similarly influenced and trading waa raw rihad as wild. 9uot a 1 1 ons USI/eente
      123 words
    • 227 15 T>LESSEY Avionics has I received a £330.000 order from a Far Eastern naval administration for the supply of a hlßh accuracy rank) direction findlm system for naval defence purpnees. The equipment to be supplied comprises a Plessey PV6 1120 A Multlbesm Antenna System together with a P\3 860
      227 words
    • 216 15 BIAN currency deposit Interbank rmtea m at eloae on Wadneaday. Aim. 14: US DOLUUU OOar BM T days 11 11 7 8 1 mth 13 I'll 11 16 16 3 mth. IS 1 II 1| l 16 I mtha U 1/3 II 3 1 mthi II II
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    • 285 15 f N early trading the US dollar touched the day's high of M4SIO-1I after opening firmly at U4WOTJlffi. Thereafter it eased marginally and hovered at the 12.4806-15 level on buying support until the lunch break Afternoon trading begun at W 4905-18 but as sentiment swung »g*'"*^ the US
      285 words
    • 157 15 The following are the nominal average cloalng interbank rates In Singapore: Nate: Thtae rates may differ sllnhtly fron. those quoted i by banks to their customers. qmett* jm»m4mj («i«m) parity U8 dollar 1.4M0 1 4900 3J196 SterUng pound 5 W75 5 8730 7 3468 Hongkong dollar 48 13
      157 words
      • 64 15 rl Malaysian Minister of Finance has fixed these rates for calculating Customs duties from Aug. 15 until further notice: Rubber 77 eta a lb Copra J1.J28 a ton P. Kernel 1235 25 a ton The rates of duties Krable are: bber 81 eta a lb (Total 111 cents)
        64 words
      • 28 15 Rubber: Ajg. 14 Singapore: IM.M eta (down I.H et). Malaysia: lliN eta (down 5« et). Tin: 5U27.2S (up $15.25) Official offering: 234 tons (down It teas).
        28 words
      • 102 15 r.DMUI meouci sichamos SIHOAPOas NOON CUMIN O PBICIS MM PtCUL TISTIROAT «Hi hulk SIM ■tilasi, ■rum IISC mini O^rai Wu4 (Ioom) UK/Osat •SI asilßsl. >■!» Mufilo* AJTTA whit, fob IM<% NLW tmti xll.n ■arawak wan* f k. as« nl» SJto Miicra. Sarawak s>««tal tSMk fob M% NLW saw Milan.
        102 words
      • 150 15 •PIU Straits tin price in 1 Penang yesterday gained $15 25 to 14.227.3S per picul on an official offering down 10 tons to IM tons. The overnight London metal price «»s steady with forward buyers quoted up lav on Monday's close to £3.655 per metric ton. LONDON: Standard
        150 words
      • 60 15 TMnamy stonaay v tt UM stomt (l) iei.44 inn Leaaea IU.OOB im sob ****** 152 SOU Burnt IM 00 15*75 Istoagaaat iH«o r«rt<» ISO SOB MI. SOB lat.soa lss.ssa F»rt» IM.4S IMM port (t) ISOtSB ISO.OOB IH.*M IH4OS ■apart prMM la aon-atcrilnc imi la V.B. AoiUn m
        60 words
      • 37 15 lan4on saeear prim* oo Tim44jr (vniwmm ta ktaakaU). WlrrtM Sam kttjrar (TS7 00 urn os> iiiin UT7S.OO): TarM Month bur*r 1806 00 (£791 00) Mll*r I*o*oo Iffasvaat Martat smm>i FUsht. •etas i 5.075 tea*.
        37 words
      • 551 15 AFTER an unchanged opening, toe Singapore rubber market yesterday drifted marginally lower and later remained lethargic throughout the morning The only feature wag the reduction of the August premium on clearing operations. Turnover wu small. The morning session closed quiet. The market lifted slightly in the afternoon on
        551 words
      • 271 15 UONOKDNO. Wed. After opening on quiet note the market retreated further in slightly more active trading than yesterday. Sellers continued u> dominate TtiWng In share prices easing across the board. However, in the afternoon bargain hunters appeared causing most counters to close at a shade above towact for the
        271 words
      • 218 15 I qnOKYO. Wed— The downx ward trend on the Tokyo stock market moderated towards closing because some incentive backed issues centring on foodstuffs were purchased. m tne morning start on. chemical*, steels, paper-pulps, machlnarlee, light electrteals and non-life insurances toet ground reflecting the continuous decline on New York stock
        218 words
      • 332 15 wBXBOURNI. Wed— The Melbourne stock market closed on a generally mixed note In quiet trading conditions today Falls outnumbered rises, but these were on the whole marginal downward moremenu, vita a few exceptions Several selected issues moved to higher let ell Among these, metals exploration rose two cent* to
        332 words
      • 173 15 AMSTERDAM. Till. Hoogoreni Armed ahead of the post-bourse publication following the Estoi results, against a weaker trend In Dutch internationals with UaOerer easter ahead of tomorrows interim figures. Aftae was also slightly tower despite IU second quarter profits rise. Local Issues ruled quietly mixed with an easier bias. Oalns
        173 words
      • 109 15 ■yCRICH. Tims.— Due to the lack of Interest and undeddadnass on the side of Investors the stock market showed again a irregular tendency on yestarday's level. Bonds maintained their prices. The Credit Sutsae index dropped 1J potnu to 303 0 polnU. CkM PM k Swi«* tnam Wttll ta-# 4laTW*B»#S>
        109 words
      • 419 15 TV«W YORK. TUBS. Prestdent Ports economic 1(1 1 Mi to Congress iv regarded by Wall Street analyst* as a food morale booster I Hontw, tt wu overahadowed by depressing afrtcuttural news ard Hock prices declined across a broad front Mr. Ford's first major addrees since hemming Prssldant last
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1255 16 |}/jp\ PUBLIC UTILITIES (fIUIJ BOARD WATER DEPARTMENT ASSISTANT ELECTRICAL SUPERINTENDENT (TRAINEE). JOHORE WATERWORKS SALARY SCALE: ($465 x A2O 505-Prof Bar 560 x A 25 660/Eff. Bar 750 A 35 1030) QUALIFICATIONS: Singapore Polytechnic Ng«e Ann Technical College Technician Diploma OR City Guilds Full Technological Certificate OR Kuala Lumpur Technical College
      1,255 words
    • 351 16 TAKADA <OsJ|^ INDUSTRIES LIMITED A prominent industrial plant construction company requires: 1 Estimator (Engineering) Singapore Citizen having diploma or degree preferably in mechanical/ marine engineering. Working experience as an estimator or in sales will be an advantage. Good prospects of advancement for the right person. 2. Accounts ClerkS Age 24
      351 words
    • 370 16 UNITED ENGINEERS (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. invites applications for the following positionsA) MECHANICAL ENGINEER (Pressure Vessels) To head a section of its Mechanical Engineering Division primary duties include sales, design and manufacture of pressure vessels. The successful candidate will have a Bachelor's Degiee in Mechanical' Chemical Engineering and a minimum of
      370 words
    • 319 16 ffMETROI) We need more progreM-ori«nt«d p*op'« tor Our larest expansion programme, at METRO (GOLDEN MILE) DEPARTMENT STORE 200 SALES ASSISTANTS Education Sac 2-4 Aoa: 16* Experience and knowledge o* Chinese dialects advantage Training lor those without experience. 10 SUPERVISORS Education: Sec. 4/GCE Experience: 3 years in similar capacity. 20 PEONS
      319 words
    • 326 16 (f A Chief I (^Accountant Kuala Lumpur $2,000 p.m. I I An international company engaged in the I manufacture of consumer products at Shah I Alam is seeking a chief accountant. The I rapid expansion of this recently established I company has created the need for this new I post
      326 words

  • 103 17 GRIEF STRICKEN— WOMAN WHO LOST HER HOME IN HOUR-LONG BLAZE MADAM Tan Ho P«ay, 7f, cries as nrifhbours console her after her tine and woeden be« s c was rutted by Ore yeaterMadam Tan lost everything In the hourleng blase which started at 3 1« p.m. Madam Tan's hesae was
    Tan Wee Him  -  103 words
  • 46 17 TIB industrial Alteration Court will hear a dispart* today between Aaaoetetad Motor tnduatrlaa (Pte) UA and the Ptonear Industries Employ**! Union over the continuation of their eidatinc <v>ii«-ttv» a freemen t tor another thraa ywu*. The asraaufnt enarM at the and of the month.
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  • 134 17 SUHARTO AND WIFE FOR STATE VISIT rE Singapore Govern m ent officially announced yes t c rday that President Suharto and Madame Tien Suharto would pay a threeday State visit to the Republic from Aug. 29 to 31. The visit U at the Invitation of the Singapore Government. The President's
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  • 50 17 WONO Cheong Kong of Tlong Pah Road was fined $350 and Jailed for one day for driving his motorcycle along Penang Road on Peb. 1 at about 130 am while disqualified for one year. He was fined another M5O for not having an Insurance policy. He pleaded guilty
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  • 187 17 fHE four robbers who held up the the family of an Indonesian businessman, Mr. Liem Sioe Liong, in their Katong home on Tuesday, took $14,300 in cash and jewellery, according to po- lice sources. About $2,000 In cash and Jewellery have been recovered from
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  • 55 17 M-cycle theft gang chief sought DBTECTI VKB from Joo Cnlat police station are looking for an 18--year-old gang leader who specialises In stealing motorcycles. Five of his henchmen were picked by detectives In a aeries of raids during the weekend Detectives lauweied two ■tolen motorcycles from a stdelane off Bast
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  • 53 17 LORRY driver Taa Wee Boon, or Mcl Line Street, was Aned 1100 by the Tenth MacUtrate'i Court raaterda.y for apeedins. along Kappel Road at ta mph on June M at about 1 35 p.m. The madmum speed for lorrlaa along the stretch la SO mph.
    53 words
  • 333 17 Karate King sets the record straight on kung fu rE chief of Kyoku■hlnkal Karate-do In Singapore, Mr. Peter Chong, yesterday clarified a press report on state menu regarding Chinese kung fu made by the »l«lting Karate King Mas Oyama. Mr. Chong said that Mr. Oyama i Interpreters bad misunderstood his
    333 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
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    • 158 17 Now is when you really start to feed your baby mHsWHs^Bt' sH BT T bw -^f^Mm I BawV Sa> d F fc^ak IBP^ k\Y %^^NI Jw^ b^bbV*^bT tM as# <B bbK: Hflf ai^^Bai-.^^aW Jf y^^ In the coming months, as your baby forms and grows inside you, he is living
      158 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 656 17 WATEE consumption on Tuesday was IMJ million rallons <•**.- -•M cable metres). M million rallons (H.swS cable metres) more than on Monday. HIGH TIDES THAT: Ssspsara 9.44 i.m. (2.2 m), !30 bji. (2.5*). SsM Iseaf 114 MM (22m), 5.56 IJL (2m). Part Hcaaaa 3.41 i.a>. 0.2*). 4.46 pja. (2.550. TIM—U:
      656 words

  • 193 18 MALAYSIAN eltisena who have registered themseires as "absent voters" at the High Commission here will be able to vote by post in their country's general election on Aug. 24. Enclk Redia ZaT>a, First Secretary (Information) at the Malaysian High Commission, confirmed this
    193 words
  • 52 18 A DRIVFR of a motor pick-up van. Lee Yong of Berangoon Hoad, who aomitted going through the traffic lights at the Junction of Paya Lebar Road and Oeylang Road on April SO at about 1030 a.m was fined 1100 by the Tenth Magistrate's Court yesterday. He
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  • 21 18 THB Powlle School Band win play at the Macßltchie Reservoir Park cm Sunday from 530 pjn to 6JO p.m.
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  • 503 18  -  BUI DAVIDSON Girl faints while testifying By LIOW Han Heng, 30, a building contractor, originally accused of using a gun to injure a goldsmith shop manager, was jailed yesterday by the High Court for 10 years with six strokes of the cane
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  • 66 18 A PIECE ef paper with the werd "lalilti" In Chinese characters was disoovered a few news before a O-year-eM man was found hanged, a coroner's court heard yesterday. Tee Keng Slew's body was dbweverei by his two sons in the erehid yard in front ef his Teiok
    66 words
  • 73 18 ANOTHER question on the recent Increase In con*enrancy charges for Homing and Development Board flata has been rabmltted for the next anting of Parliament. The MP for Kuo Ctutan. Mr. P. attrmtmi, to ukioi Urn Mlntrtw for Ui ud National D**ttofaaent. Mr. B.W. Bark* far detail! of Urn
    73 words
  • 32 18 TWO Enn| Lan«. TT wm ntMd MM la a imMiui court ywtartey tar fcyloa to outty Urn modty of four Ha Dlaaited nilltr fat praUK hirmrtf To irtu
    32 words
  • 168 18 Consumers to be told more on Giro service PUBLIC Utilities Board consumers will soon be getting leaflet* with their monthly bills telling them how they can use the Post Office Savings Bank Giro service. Olro which conies into operation on Sept. 1. offers POSB depositors the service of paying their
    168 words
  • 38 18 THB Minister for the «nviroomem and MP for Calmhin. Mr. Urn Kirn Sao, will open the guides and scouts hut m the compound of the Monks HUI Secondary School on Aug. S4 at 990 MB,
    38 words
  • 183 18 Two drug traffic men fail in their appeals re Chief Justice. Mr. Wee Chong Jin, yesterday dismissed the appeal* of two men, convicted of trafficking in drugs. ~ASE NO. 1: Llm Joo Lye, 31. a seaman, lost bis appeal against two consecutive sentences of thee years Jail and two strokes
    183 words
  • 42 18 THE Polish Tibassy will hold a photo and poster exhibition to celebrate the Mth anniversary of the foundation of the Palish People's ReoebUc The exhibition will be held at the Matloral Library lecture hail on Monday at ■JO p.m
    42 words
  • 223 18  - POLICE SMASH GANG OF YOUNG ROBBERS K. S. SIDHU By FLICE have smashed a H-member gang ef ha use break ers, robbers and extortioners and recovered stolen goods worth W,»oe The gang members comprising youths aged between 14 and It, were arrested by detectives from the Chinese Investigat ion Branch
    223 words
  • 282 18 Bank union to take ballot for strike mi EMBERS of the Singapore Bank Officers if Association working in the Indian Overseas Bank plan to take a strike ballot on Saturday over two disputes covering recognition and transfer. NTUC Secretary for Industrial Disputes, Mr. Chue Bhul Hoong. said yesterday that the
    282 words
  • 35 18 RAFTSN Mn Mat Sin. was fined 1300 by the First Magistrate's Court yesterday (or haTtng tfm at cannabU In an open ana, at Lorong Aman on Tuesday at 135 pja. He pleaded guilty.
    35 words
  • 72 18 Magistrate admitted to the Bar THE Third Magistrate. Mr. Chine Chlak Yong. was admitted aa an advovat* and solicitor of the Supreme Court by Mr. Justice Kulasekaram yesterdayTen other lawyer*, raslnlr 187J Singapore University l*w graduates, w»re admitted They are: Ulan Bias* beth Choo Bee float. Esther Lim Syn Poh
    72 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 294 18 This wec^s SPECIALS SANITARY NAPKINS Kolex New Freedom 1.30 LIQUID DETBKENT hae 720 cc 2.00 SHAMPOO Clinic 75ce 1.40 GINSENG ESSENCE Kor-n 2.15 CEREAL Post-Tens 284 9 (Pack of 10) 2.90 BABYCHAM Sw..t/o y per bot 1.15 (1 glass free for every dozen) JAM Chivwrs (3 454 g 170
      294 words
    • 107 18 Tj TtJ -^&M SHOPS OFFICES GODOWNSCOLD ROOMS All in the same building A dynamic multi-million dollar commercial/ residential complex, 23 storeys high and strategical ly located by the Golden Mile in a district that haa easy access to all parts of the city. FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY: OFFICES SHOPS c BANKS
      107 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 254 18 Straits Times Crossword ACwtoaa 7 A post going before M. 4 TIM bora's discordant and IS sound (S. 4> Worked from the treaaat1* VesstU by begtonen Untie edition (4) (•>. 14 What the tallyman Is doll sad on* of vindictive- ing getting a reprtness (1). mand (7, J> IS and
      254 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1045 19 «M a^l^^^?^s^? I CMUIREKIIP SEITICf ««s^^^^^^^ll^^ Er ilf'Sfl'i Ss !S i ill lii CMTaimiMIP SHIflCt FMH «1/CtMTINCMT la* ami Ess- 53 S3 S§ g i HBBBBBl^MßMlTaßr^^^B^r^M^^^l^lj^aßßßß HBBBBBBBBBTaTFf^HBBBT^""^M» i M|aBBBlMB«^B f«ju«r iVra a^rii, *> H .v as «t7r f ,/1m ../um a=„• a S m lIPIUMI 17/11 M 11/ M Mli/ntattM
      1,045 words
    • 1053 19 \Jj Ejq»ess States to Stwite Service i I Mmm NmMm Mt/fM R ran I siari P naiax Van A 22"' wtl Ullm MM MM MiM MIM I.Pt/AMil Am II I •"■MMMIItJ mm mmmmMl MMMat fttaVft 1 wMt 1 SMf 1 I «J» <«M MMM MM 11 Mt MH t MTI
      1,053 words
    • 707 19 mmmm^^mK^l^mT^l*^^^^T*^^r^^mm\ Mmbbbbbmmb! Tl [Wtfti M-tMkri tfciirtn 22sss ss j's in a s s"C aa^lPaJM/^fH f IFTaIM Jl Im Q _m v S-Mn'tAPMB ,ifl ,'S 5 "M >*S uriMai ua USE TiLvSiM HSC mm^ w w mm 11 mi TiTii^^l. "*H n m aid nMt tmu imm im im aM im
      707 words
    • 956 19 I- .MlMlM.l—^^^^ iiii.ji.. I I ll llAMk^B M.^^^MMMB^MJMMJM^^MMJMIMB' I aaaMaMBMMMM^BMMM^M^MBMMMBMMI^MMMMMMMa^^^^BM^M FULLY CONTAIMIKIZED SHVICt TO IU«O»C MMMf taori ffj. MmrmMi mm i rtotMML tMtanlM, Mtaarf, UNmt*. SntAa S3" NMM a ■■■wMjii. Miamia m n StackaotM. Otlo, Hdtanli. United Kmtam CMMM TMMU tM. MM W M Man. FULL 1 CONTAINERIZED StRVICE FROM
      956 words
    • 780 19 Haaaaara f *****; P. K.Woa *J4l. K.L. *****; »a»a» t JSJOI THE BANK LDTK LTD. LUtS WLIS xIUU. •A*IIAM UM'it.M. M.ra A I Arncal P laaMf NAam/UaH r*xt MTMM (> MMM] t mum t'pon l/n MM MIMMAM |Maar.t.M AI, Mr, :> f MiaM tvil M I'para II Mt FM UM
      780 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 880 20 Pyl KAWASAKI aUS£N KAJSHA LTD. wusm dmui msn kajsna itb. JAPM. MKIMC STUITS SOVKL a«M HMIMJ IlaiMira P MIMI cmmtim «cuaiA n m MfM-AMMu 6ml« MrvlM sMsaasr^. BmMMM MSMJMMM AMM-WM AMm SMPVIM i.naMO'l Pt*i I ■MMIMM4 M4M M Aaj MltM.. Pert Ntrctart. Lltn. A*t*t. UM. „,ui il tart "ata?. ttfiMt.
      880 words
    • 800 20 KttPTiM vi urn m mi^ri tmmain_rmjmmm i jmwn^ iitTunirarnr *aiivap<*. iimiimmi immmm. t«mim. mmmm. TiMUTTI*MMI. BUT PMM *8 »*A. Ittia PMT*. •na ITA no MMMmm -CT. MMTTUTM U~ .Ml M tmj MMM. ..CT. MMTT JMT toMWMI I* Part It *aj l«Mja II UITV TvtkM UM| MM| IaMMW. HMTT IHN Mo-la
      800 words
    • 833 20 ULr- tU»OW SWVKi LOADING FOt LONDCN. ROTTERDAM. MAMIURG. BILBAO. Ll HAVRI ».»ffllM P >llMf PMMf IMIM I'MB N-Mff mptmm urraiM mm *m\ mn\ m\ mtum n*m im i m "iuuxmum awviM vi m i ihi aki im m, Man Nwi i.iim tmm law, anm naeaa* STTm it/i* hi h/m mi
      833 words
    • 687 20 cwec amp w v— uwpm/cwTMOi wws Tpri M«iMf Nmi ImMmi hmi mam m i*t iT/t* mi i..m. n/*. im«m i:t. i'mb w*. M Mt M/*. »<%. Mm* 2/10. MMM HUM M Nil II NMft I>M< Vl* 10/10. I'mb M/M. MMM TMMM 4/ I IMt 11/11 Mft */1l Mft Ll Mm.
      687 words
    • 534 20 WT^TTZ «T«VMi m.^mß •711 •ii kl §^j| ?HHR 0> RIMOAPORR OUT: ChiTralUT B»nht B^T T AOTMoiITY ANPIOUMCRO *>er*tron«l Bart*. BmUth IM*^ HI \oiLOWIMO RRPJTHIMO B/4 and *C Runtof ZmnVwU sISTt LKnd«ff IVI4. KoU Bai>a«U. YaiMtomo Hn. Kenbinu i» «f»« nr 47, Ptml- Ki»hln Mmni and Aranal 4* PreaWent nilmor. I
      534 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 580 21 Misng port au«t«r.ty port haang nwaaya. UPwHai JAWATAN KOSONG -«S3?^Ka^^ nuhl jawatan sebagal JurGtrengkw Kyu atau Jurutrengkas InggerU (Peremmiam n ßahaglan ni dl Lembaga Pelaouhan k". T.n K a Gajl: «J M Ml/386 xl 4 6436/--(Oaji Pokok) Oaji yanß; dttawar *i p n adalah gajl menglkutTrtto perkhldmatan sekarang dan akan
      580 words
    • 581 21 ELECTRICAL MAINTEMAHCE EIBIIEEI Aoplicstiorn te invited from MaUysian Citiwn for the post of Electrical Maintenance Engineer at our Sting*. W«v Brewery. The duties of the successful applicant will be to assume overall responsibility of the day to day operations and maintenance of the electrical service* including high tension switchgear. transformer*,
      581 words
    • 659 21 aw«-aaaai awa aawaa TOWH p^^^,,,. An established and progressive motor ""cno"!!??* £S^ y -JS£ mar etin 8 company NOTICe wish to invite applications for the I*7 following appointments. Kotw* v btnn* gimi under Section 131 of the Town \%J Markcaiif; Executive Boanu Enactment <n<>. iu> Responsible for promotion TuftgjSZ&J l^.
      659 words
      931 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 345 22 Notice of Annual General Meeting NOTICE is hereby given that the 17th Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the Registered Office at 48 Spottiswoode Park Road, Singapore 2, on Saturday, 31st August 1974 at 10.30 a.m. for the purpose of transacting the following business 1. To
      345 words
    • 690 22 f SOUTH JOHORE AMALGAMATED A HOLDINGS BERHAD (I ncorporated in Malaysia) I W NOTICE OF MEETING I Notice is hereby given that the 28th Annual General Meeting of South Johore Amalgamated I Holdings Berhad will be held at the Registarad Office, 197 A, 4% m.s., Jalan Scudei, Johor Baru, on
      690 words
    • 724 22 MOSBERT BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTICE OF MEETING EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Com p iny will be held at Mosbert House, Jalan Ibdul Samad, Johor Baru, on Saturday, 7th September, 1974 immediately after the close of the Sixth Annual General
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      1,506 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 556 23 classified ads H nu PHOTOGRAPHY SE "VICES for your wedding by artMo when you announce your marriage in the Strmiu Times classifieds plus It BOTTLES OF *PAJMUNQ BABVCHAM FROM SIMf DARBY CaM C.A. T. I. *****1 LOUIM KLERK 1 SALONS in" Hotel Slngapura for your latest hairstyles, expert perming and
      556 words
    • 553 23 nvites application* from MALI Ungapore Cltlwu for appoint nant a*: MCUMTYQUAND JUAUTICATION: Completed Primary VI School -*avin« CertlHcatc examination >r equivalent CandMaUa muat o*o be below 40 years of an with nlnlmum helfht of 1 83 metre* retired policemen, ex-serviee-nen or those who have had ecognlsed experience at a Security
      553 words
    • 696 23 kPPLICANTS replying to Bos number* for Vacancies are requested not to endow ciglna! :ootm of testimonial* or referenwith their applications No ■esponsibtllty can be accepted for heir loss. Applicants are alao adruad to write to Box number* -orrectly and check them before posting. Wcmm HmmM pmmna— «i School Certificate with
      696 words
    • 729 23 PBM«tB BBHBRAL CLtML BOOM experience preferred but not Mntltl. Apply with full particulars to IM. Joo Sens Road. Spore 13. MnmunoNAL THAOMO PIRBJ require* HALS CLBHK Senior Cambridge, preferably with knowledfe of sales A*K 22 25 years Hmw *f**r to S.T. Baa Atiaei •Mpertence, efts, easl asasjpevi Mac ■jStefteavaeA (aaev**AMni**jssL
      729 words
    • 668 23 EXPIRIINCIO SALBSOIRLS wnuwn byeatabUsned firm In Singapore. Must be enthusiastic iMpnptnd u> wort hard Oood remuneration. Apply stating full p»rtlrul»r» and photograph (non-returnable) to BT. Box A ***** wnim tmdwo m. Ltd. lALU MMIHNT*TIVII to promote sale* for our TOSHIBA products Th* candidate should bt young and energetic with previous
      668 words
    • 567 23 4) Taihnl— l ■AIW, neumcum wanted by American OU Company to wort offshore In Inrtonesfsn nttn. AS applicants should have Mmrlnt experience on an oU rig with M Mast chief mate* ticket Apply with ravine and photograph (noniwturnaole) to Kllllney P O A leading hotel Invites applications for the posts
      567 words
    • 854 23 cmmr btiwaro ado cooks ov required for offshore oil rigs Only Oil experienced personnel wafl versed ma in Wiitn, Cbineee and Muaiim ac* cooking need apply Reply to:- Mi The Catering Supervisor for in- phi tarvtev. 8 T Box A9IM3 Spore sat WANTCO MALI CLIAWM. Alao P* l required on*
      854 words
    • 651 23 BVIRMAS RESTAURANT IN MMtANV require! on* live-In male cook. Singaporean, tingle ut 40 Speaks English and Malay Apply with litiit photograph (non-returnable*. •alary expected and fivtngfull partlculari to 8 T Box A»l«7» MQUHWD MALI AM) FIMAU factorr worten for Jurbng baaed factory to do tlfht ihlfl wort Transport provided Ring
      651 words
    • 834 23 FULLY PURSMBHID PIATUTT for couple MOO a* SI. Uoyd Road dlst 9. »-ater anrl electricity Inclusive Cor. tact Mdm Foo M«T. It MHM TICK PAUK 3bedroomed 2-ttorey semidetached 2 atrcondi new furnltur- new fridge, furnished 81.--2 so saous DIBT 13 FUYONO ESTATE Jbedroomed ttngle-ttorey semidetached house nice garden. Purnuhed rent
      834 words
    • 773 23 wtr. i» oouwji-rrowv SEMIDETACHED 3 bedrooms. Mrvant's. separate living/ dlnlnc. fully furnished, available immediately MIM An| *****8/ MM WBT PACIFIC MANSION, fully furnished 3-bedroomed apartment with 2 alrcons. $790 p.m. Tel 3791 M FULLY FURNISHED QROUNO FLOOR Row Garden Apartment with 3 alrconds For rental at 1420- p m Contact
      773 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 815 24 INTERNATIONAL HOUSING AGENCY MOMMS the following In dlst 9. 10. 11. 21 Other districts can be considered Detached bungalow $1,500 $3,000. Semi-detached/ terrace. 3/ 4 bedrooms. $600 $2,000 Apartments $700 $1,500 Furrushed/ unfurnished. Please tel ***** PHARMACBUTICAL QINERAL MANAGER with wife only requires bungalow/ apartment, preferably residential locallUes One year
      815 words
    • 815 24 CLEMBNTI PARK I-tTOREY detached bungalow, typr "H" 4 bedrooms. 3 bathrooms, tTtsently tenanted Selling $.'OO,OOO on o. Phone *****11/ *****72 FABBR HILLS 1-STONSV splitlevel detached bungalow, 6 oedrooms. 4 bathrooms 9.900 sq ft Swimming pool and central Alrcon. Selling $360,000 Phone *****']/ *****72 RESIDENTIAL LANO IN DIST. It and also
      815 words
    • 731 24 FOR SAL*! urrn-« wkm uuiurilll Plasm approximately I.WO sq. ft Union Building approximately 939 sq ft. Fook Hal Building approximately 600 sq ft Shtnton House approximately 500 sq ft. For particulars pleas* call Singapore Housing tllli«s—snl Pte Ltd Tel *****1 OFF ORCHARD ROAD hall In apartment, seml-furnlshed. phone. $200 p
      731 words
    • 902 24 NAM NO TRAVSL SBRVICB (S'POM) PTS. LTD. Tour West Malaysia *even days B*l3o/-. air-conditioned bus B*l9o/-. Malaysia OenUng Highlands by alr-conditloned bus seven days StlTO/-, Departure: Every Sunday, Monday Cameron Highlands Four days B*Bo/-, Gentlng Highlands Four days StllO/-. Departure: Every Wednesday Malaysia Haadyal Songkhla seven days (Alrcondltloned bus/ rooms),
      902 words
    • 694 24 ARCHIPSLAOO SPECIAL S.I.A. HOUOAYS 747/7*7 GRANO EUROPEAN TOUR* 19/12 DAYS *ll**/tI7IO FRIDAYS Inclusive meals, hotels with private facUltl**. ft sight •Mint (fully escorted) 8/9 countries Lake Toba/Mtdan 6 days SMt Manila 6 day* MM/- Saturdayt Bangkok 'Chlengmai/Hongkong 7/10 days t*4*/*l*M/- Bangkok/Chlengmal 7 day* SM* Bangkok/Hongkong/Tslwan (Huallen) Allshan/Wulal/Sun Moon Lake 10/12/14
      694 words
    • 728 24 ■TtsTtgua WEM YOUTHS DISAPPOINTCO THHrrSSNTH LAST TIME? Th* lenguage-leamers who have had to watt because our class** of 12 were full will be pleated to hear that the following ntw Inllngua courses will be commencing soon DAY CLASSES BNOLISH ALL LEVELS Morning L Afternoon classes commencing 2nd September FMNCH ELEMENTARY
      728 words
    • 874 24 OUALIFY PON A BETTER Job Britain's foremost correspondence school can help you qualify for a responsible wellpald Job With IU outstanding success record, tht school offers you the best possible training for a successful career Complete home-study courses In Bookkeeping. Accountancy. Secretaryship. Banking, Commerce. Management Established 80 years Write for
      874 words
    • 866 24 EXPATRIATE SBLLMM IMS Vauxhall 1975 cc beautiful condition. new tyres, new battery, radio, automatic aerial, tax Ull end December Price $1,900 Tel: 86*379 IMt VTVA SUB 4-door Engine overhauled, new paintwork, good upholstery Taxed. Insured. $2 700 24 -O. St Mich Mi's Road after 4 pm. PIAT 114 SPECIAL I*7l
      866 words
    • 949 24 SMW MM LATB I*7l with alrcond Compagnolo whtels. Dunlop SP tyres. Konl. spare webers. radio/ tape Asking $23 500/- Showroom condition Interested contact Tan *****8 DATSUN IM* JANUARY I*7l 2nd owner, insurance road tax till end 1*74 5 new tyres, tip top condition Selling $7,700/- Cafl Mr. Ho •***** IM4
      949 words
    • 725 24 MAKE NBW FRIENDS IN*,l AHILTn Hundreds of Interesting mends All Professions Malaysia- Sf ngapore OPO 657 Singapore FRIENDS? JOIN US. We ha»* latest trends in friend makln« Write P.O Box 1756. Spore 2. FRBB BROCHURES. Friendship introductions. All ages/ areas welcome OPO Box 974. 4 MONTHS OLD female puppy m
      725 words

  • 280 25 Interest to take part in shuttle bus scheme A NUMBER of people are showing Interest In taking part in the shuttle bus service to be introduced early next year as part of the Government's park -and- ride scheme. Among them are some of those associated with the public transport trade
    280 words
  • 81 25 Constituencies' National Day dinners THE Tanjong Pagar community centre will hold a dinner and variety show at its premises in Van Kit Roal at 7 30 p.m. tomorrow o celebrate National Day. On the atmc day. the Minuter of Ktate (Health). and MP for Crawford. Dr. Anc Kok Pwg. will
    81 words
  • 27 25 PROF. Phcon Wai On of the University of Singapore will speak on Preventive Medicine at toe Rotary Club (Cast) lunch meeting tomorrow at 1 pja.
    27 words
  • 155 25 CRASH VICTIM PLANNED TO STUDY IN U.S. MIBB Hope Wai, 2J. daughter of a Nanyang University don, was planning to do a dietitian coarse in the United States at the end of this year when she was Ulled la a has accident last Tharsday. She was returning home with her
    155 words
  • 37 25 MOTORCYCLIST Tay Hock. 20, died without regaining consciousness In Thomson Hospital on Monday— about three hours after his machine crashed Into a lamp-post at the Bth mile Buklt Tlmah Road, at about 8.53 p.m.
    37 words
  • 192 25 Promotion exercise for ITB officers /VJTICERB of the Indusv/ trial Training Board will be called up for the board's promotion and absorption exercise Interviews soon. The shortlisting Is being done now. interviews will be conducted by various selection committees beginning tomorrow. All Interviews are expected to be completed by Aug.
    192 words
  • 153 25 AEB to hold course on interior decor rot Adult Education Board will organise three courses on Interior Decoration and Home furnishing, the Understanding and Maintenance of Electric Motors, and Flower Arrangement at Its centres in September. The Interior dacoratton and home fumlihlnf course designed lor housewives and ho«n*-owner« at a
    153 words
  • 91 25 I pnVKKSXTT ef MaIs gayara stadenta have eaUaeted aaathec UM* towards sending a sports teas* to the Tiiaatal Utor-vanHy Oaasaa m He«glras»g. They BMW Bead estfy SIMM mare to aaad the team off ea tmtmtdav. The Trial mteimam eeet ef the trip far the
    91 words
  • 170 25 Hitting it off at their first meeting rEV had only just ■set. Bat they were like old friends, exchanging stories. The first thing Madam Agnes "Sunshine" de Sosiia (right) did was to exylaln to Mrs. Mary Robinson, committee member of the Royal Overseas Leagae, hew she got her nickname. She
    170 words
  • 320 25 Call for study on care of the old J^ SOCIAL service cl Government and cial Service to set up to study the overall n aged sick in Singapo Dr. Ooh Soon Chye, chairman of the International V's Men's Club of Singapore < Beta Chapter) organising committee donation draw In aid
    320 words
  • 165 25 SENTENCES SLASHED FOR 3 WHO ROBBED CABBIE WHS Appeal Court yes- <! terdav slashed threeyear prison sentences on U)rc4> young robbers to nine months and reduced their caning strokes from six to two each. Pans Men* Stan. 11. Foh Kuay Llm and Ana; Koon Chal. both 30, ra'd. In their
    165 words
  • 53 25 TUB Oota urn -Oenaral of Australia, Sir John Kerr. hu sent a eonaratukUory ommi to Pi eat flam flbaares on Singapore* ninth National Day. At ths auto Unt. Urn "-r "*nf-*-r for *aretan Affair*, flaoator Don will— s. also tan t al— Day ataasaa* to Mratfa Affairs inmtar.
    53 words
  • 46 25 A ■>Illlir froai Johort Mr RaJah Bnveraa. was attached by ttm ssen white watttag ataw meeß ngtoway with his gMMsnd at 114 a pm. en Tuesday Pestoe saM he was treated for two stab wounds oa his Isft lag at the Outran HoepMal
    46 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    75 25 MADAM GOH KHEE HI AX. Age BO passed away peacefully on 13.8.74 Leaving behind 4 son*. Urn Teck Hajv Teck Khlm (ex Outhrle). Teck Nghee (FYanc* Scott). Teck Hong (Postal) 3 daughters Puay Chin, Puay Tien. Puay Choo 3 daughters-in-law. M grand children. 14 grand sons-in-law. 12 grand daughters-in-law.
    75 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 766 25 classified ads (D AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT from V.K. Vehicle? Buses coaches Vast quantity of L spares Hl.ii'kbrooker Brook Drive London S E II Telex. 946*81 COFFEE MOUSE CUM RESTAURANT FOR RENT 5 .300 Sq. Ft. At Textile Centre .3rd Floor Junction or North Bridge Road/ Jalan Sultan
      766 words
    • 460 25 CLEARANCE aALEB. *KES installation durable Btl«lura carpet only 90 ccnta per aq. ft. roam underlay Carpet at $1 30 TAO AOCNCTBB SHOWROOM. 23. South Canal Road. Tel: *****2 a mum. CMABM HELMET APPftOVED BY SIBIR Small and big quantities ■ccepted IS per piece Enquiries 91 HIV 93*04 STEEL «PSS about
      460 words
    • 761 25 fIPPfT^Hf Straits P 3 Steamship M 77 r W Company Limited EshLJHeI incorporated in Singapore INTERIM REPORT TO STOCKHOLDERS The Directors advise the following unaudited consolidated pre-tax profits of the Oroup for the six months ended 30th June 1974:Half Year to SOta Jium 1974 1973 SS'OOO SS'OOO Turnover 32,000 18.709
      761 words

    • 286 26  - Sigeto helps Chukyo to thrilling victory r ALBERT JOHNSON By r«HUKYO University team of Japan yesterday sprang a surprise when they snatched a 69-65 victory over the fancied Royal Hong Kong Police in the sixnation Pesta Sukan basketball championship at Oay World stadium. Hong Kong took third overall position with
      286 words
    • 725 26  - Silverio—the threat to Bosley ERNEST FRIDA By rpHE strong foreign 1 entry will make it difficult for defending champion Bill Bosley to retain his title In the Singapore Amateur Golf Championship which begins at Buklt Course today. Bosley won the title last year by six strokes from 8. Widgery with
      Reuter  -  725 words
    • 421 26 Disrepute charge against Keegan DILLY BREMNER, capUin of Scotland and Leeds United, and Liverpool forward Kevin Keegan are to be put on trial after being sent off in last Saturday's showpiece charity shield match. The English Football Association, determined to stamp out misconduct by players, announced yesterday that apart from
      Reuter  -  421 words
    • 192 26 Saints chalk up century score By PETER SIOVV C*T. ANDREWS School t3 qualified for tha terni finals eat tha Secondary Schtols rugby tournament with a ltt-t win ever Tarn Seri Utsuutg at Elver Valley Road yesterday On this term, St. Andrew's, who scored nine goals and 12 tries leek set
      192 words
    • 29 26 LONDON, Wad. Hugo Yamold. Former professional cricketer who set a world wicket-keeping record, was killed in aa auto accident hare on Tuesday night. He rat 67— AP.
      AP  -  29 words
    • 584 26 PELIX TBENO, of BJI, took the honours on the final day of the National Schools swimming championships yesterday when he toppled Asian Games representative Bernard Kan in the 100 m breaststroke. Felix won the event In 1 14 Osec with Bernard finishing nine-tenths of second
      584 words
    • 84 26 1977 World meet in Venezuela MOWTRBAL. Wad. The InUmattonal Cycling Union haa deckled the 1977 World Championships will be held In Venezuela Hext year the world event Is scheduled tor llasilwii with Italy pakjrtnc hast to' the ohamptrruritpa in It7t But tha lUUaa cnamntonahlp wIU be for laiifaailiiiial riders only,
      84 words
    • 730 26  -  P. SENEVIRATNE OOBIN Tessensohn has cried off and Balakrlsbnan takes over the reins of the Singapore Saudara Cup cricket eleven for the three-day match against Malaysia suiting on the padang tomorrow. The vacant berth will now be filled by Chelva Rajah, who was in the original
      730 words
    • 290 26 Nastase falls to lowly ranked American ILfONTREAL, Wed. lfl Bill Brown of the United States upset third-seeded Hie Nastase of Rumania 6-1, 6-1 last night In the US$l3O,OOO ($300,000) Canadian Open tennis tournament. Nastase, who won this event In 1972, was flat from the opening serve and missed consistently with
      Reuter  -  290 words
    • 24 26 UNIVIRamr beat Ai drome S-fl In an A UPS soodt league match at rturer P*-k yesterday. BtmU Harm (ii and Ismail scored.
      24 words
    • 283 26 f ONDON, Wed. L* Rain decimated the English county cricket programme yesterday with no play In six of the eight matches. Ha m p shire, seeking their second successive championship, had hopes of squeezing a victory out of their rain-ruined match with Lancashire, but had to
      Reuter  -  283 words
    • 49 26 LONDC.«. Wed. lam BomA. Ull It-year-old Amertran (afar who finished Mat third in the United >Mm ?oa ClMsnpsonablp on anad«j. rmcMltenth bo»y-to-on« of hU ctmr •n^d. whohMtu tfcht-"a^F-Pw round of *j ■*res third bo^-M? 2ZL "5 .1^ •*•<* all Urn wmy And ran ran (tralcht Into tha
      49 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 156 26 NYAL. Ascorbic Add nGHT FLU AND CX)LD Take Nysl Ascorbic Acid the vital Vitamin C for maintaining healthy bones, skin and body tissue, promoting growth and building resistance to respiratory infection. Vitamin C is particularly essential for infants and a»»wr "fi jAftgl gr° w i n g children. For *""^^aal
      156 words

  • 380 27  -  JOE DORAI By UAPPY VALLEY'S "Small Tiger" Chung Chor Wai and "Wily Fox" Cheung Chi Doy will be on the prowl for goals tonight when the Hongkong professional Club meets Singapore at the National Stadium (kickoff 8). Team manager Henry Fok said on
    380 words
  • 350 27  -  DENNIS CHIA By COUTH Australian JoctJ key Dps Coleman. oerhaps the only Jockey to have won almost all the classic races here, has deckled to hang up his saddles. Paying a farewell call at Tunas House yesterday, the three time champion 'ockey said
    350 words
  • 217 27 Amateur rider Brown wins in France again rpOP amateur rider Des1. mond Brown put Singapore racing In the limelight again when he won the Prix Oeorges Courtols for the second year running at Deauvllle. France, last week. Riding brilliantly, he steered bis 14-1 mount Kublal. to a length and a
    217 words
  • 67 27 NtW YORK. Wad. Results of yeeterdar's major league baseball gams: NeUeaal Lmim: San Dtego 1 St. Lnulal. New Tort JLoi Angeles 0. Houston I Chtca«o 1 Philadelphia S San Pranclseo a. Atlanta 4 Montreal 1. Pittsburgh 1 Cincinnati 1 ■rrlrn Lsagwa: Baltimore a Chicago 1. Tsmai Cltr
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 740 27  - Kuala Rompin, Kemosabe in splendid gallop EPSOM JEEP By IPOH, Wed— Kemoaabe and Kuala Rompin, two of the finest sprinters in training, stepped up their preparation for the $30,000 Sultan's Gold Vase with a splendid gallop on a good track here today Breaking frr.Tn the «f they reeled off the
    740 words
  • 23 27 Paterson Tower Storm Petrel Showman VI Archibald Veil Koot Napoleon Solo II Yours Truly Old and Bold Not Guilty Gilgandra
    23 words
  • 61 27 MADRID. Wed. Dutch World Cup aoccer star Johan Cruyff vh sent off while playing for Spantah club Barcelona agalnat Uruguayan champions Penarol at La Corona last night. After Cruyff had been brought down In the 43rd minute by Penarol defender Hugo Fernandez there was a
    61 words
  • 238 27 Chi Doy, Niwat star in drawn —match— OANGKOK. Wed— 0 The Com b 1 ned Bangkok team, who will represent Thailand In the Seventh Asian Game* In Teheran next month, held the visiting football t*am Happy Valley of Hongkong to a scoreless draw yesterday at the National Stadium. The fans
    Reuter  -  238 words
  • 376 27 BAJUUXIt draw for true week-ends boh racer AATUBOAT: Daw Dt«. i «r 1. 7. 11. 10. 1. I, 16. 5. 13. 14. 9 11. 11. 4. Ctaes I, Dh. J ir 1 12, a. 7. n. j, m. to. it, it. a, 14. 4. 1.
    376 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 277 27 Keep coolwith Rnrtter Ba j s^s^sSsHSsls^HsJsßsVHbW I .^gfl .^ss^ea^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^HHHswßsesVßßk .^s^s^s^sV s^sl s^Hs^HBB Vs% a^sW ~*r** I HI \/wlwUI Wb Fmm (fflfflijrS^Siß ™"^™^™^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H &Js>s>sßb&. I sisisl^^^^^siß Hit _J JI Ist. Prize: Tetefunken 26" Colour TV. Console Model. II g^ "gSaHl 2nd. Prize: Roxy 26" Colour TV. Table ModeL 3rd. Prize: Sharp
      277 words

  • 33 28 MANILA Wed Plrt aestroyid a two stony warehouse Inside the OS anbasy samfront oompound In Manila today causing dssnaga aatlmated at stkfhUr mar* than UStIMjMS (8M7».00») an embassy spttSMtmiu said. UPI.
    UPI  -  33 words
  • 21 28 oabls assaivsa. kbisomah KaTTTT. NsjraaTtla. Pfcravar. laaVa ptani away IS/S/T4. lanrtoi br Kaojaarlahaaa. Iniaim ir>ok) ISO, JaJaa Numln. raan. M.
    21 words
  • 77 28 A GENERAL view af yesterday's lire at the junction af Syed Alwi Read and Verdun Saad in which MM people were rendered homeless and property worth $IM,«M gutted. Four Are-engines and a snorkel helped to pat off the blase within an hoar. Police said nobody was
    77 words
  • 66 28 TOKYO, Wed. The Tokyo Electric Power Co. announced yesterday it would stop majrifiy contributions to political parties In the face of mounting public opposition to dose ties between corporations and politicians. Political sources said the decision 'announced by company president Hlsao allsuno could be a serious
    UPI  -  66 words
  • 60 28 DUBLIN, Wed. The Soviet ftah factory ship Viktor Khudyakov, was under arrest in the port of Cork hut night while charges of flahtng in irMi tarrttortal vraten are being drawn up against her. The Soviet atop, reported to be carrying about ISO tors of fish, wma
    60 words
  • 400 28 I I ONDON. WM. -TW Its* marktt clOMd ahwply la«*r M*ur. u4 at I p.m. u» rtmti jUI Tlaw Mb wu down «.t to tlf.l TMtaraajr Brttlsh trt4« fl«ur«a for July iitirmiuii kMM imillwii twtkar. *MJ«n asM. OUmt IMHn w«rt Wall atraM'a fall, Ukt Orpram iltuatloa aa* Unllwnr't
    400 words
  • 102 28 BANGKOK. Wad. PbiHaptaM rarain •eeretery Mr. Caries ■aasmla aset with Thai ttaßfiaaUaßl ta%a\a\T/ bibb bVa. emw bia Brspsssis far MflKßalaT ■•> ■ftaWlakA.nlflßMiai U eertia aaaaftla osa aara ef tha AsaaetaU»b ef Soath-east aaftaa Nation* Na aetalb wara dhv cl«aa4 af asevaiac •aariaa with
    102 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 181 28 »thftnnivauftßV--s, Acrylic. Tarylana /nrjm3 and Oralon Cur U*TT tain 48 Usually r& -JJ k $12 50 to $15.00 6a62. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD SINGAPORE 6 TEL *****0 J ®The three centres of the METROPOLITAN YMCA offer the following courses INTERNATIONAL CENTRE 70 Palmar Rd. 2. Phone *****1 CAMPINO CAREER DEVELOPMENT Swimming
      181 words
    • 16 28 Prtntad and Published by The Btrttts Timaa Press (Sinfapore) LM MO, mm Hw.f ir.^ mf^riprt* t
      16 words
    • 309 28 j ITEALTROraCI Guarantee >^^fl Laaaaaaaaaaaaariw f I v y Nett Price <^ Tealtronic PM 1200 is one of the most advanced desktop electronic calculators on the market today. Specifically engineered for professional use, its versatility is matched by its reliability. The advanced LSI circuits used in this machine can be
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