The Straits Times, 13 August 1974

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 312 1 1,800 told: Amnesty— if you lay down arms KUALA LUMPUR, Monday PRIME MINISTER Tun Abdul Razak today offered an amnesty to the 1 ,800 communist guerillas operating in the jungles of the Malaysian peninsula. In a speech over Radio Malaysia timed with coming general elections in
    AP  -  312 words
  • 112 1 20-man terror gang seize crane pRIK, Mon. About 20 communist terrorists yesterday stopped a lorry carrj^nc a crane from this town in Upper Perak to the Temenggor dam project and ordered off the driver and an attendant They tried to destroy the -rane but only did n«pi!«lb'e damage. The driver
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  • 107 1 Japan may check rise of US TOKYO. Mon. A senior Japanese Government economist said today he believed the Bank of Japan would Intervene "to some extent" In the Tokyo Foreign Exchange market. If the US dollar should continue to rise significantly above Its present level Mr. Isamu Mlyaxakl. direc-tor-general of
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  • 51 1 LONDON. Mon Police (aid today they had seU*d 40.000 LSD ÜbleU In a raid on a north London house last nlfht, Urn Mggeet-erer haul of Urn drug In Urn capital The tablet* were said to be wotth 00.000 (8*174,0001 on Urn black market. Three men were arrested
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  • 130 1 Plane crash on highway: 46 killed OUAGADOUGOU (Upper Volta). Mon— A Soviet built IlTashln IS with M people aboard crashed when the pilot attempted an emergency night landing on a highway, air officials ■aid today. Official* aald 46 ware killed and 14 injured when the Air Mall turboprop plane ran
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  • 76 1 CANBERRA MOO- Australian Defence Minister I«nce Barnard, said her* today that the balance of power In the Indian Ocean should not be viewed aa a "two party gune." Mr Barnard said that •part from any changes In i American and Soviet power In the area,
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  • 337 1 Plan to cushion any new oil shock WASHINOTON, Mon The United States and 11 other major oil consuming nations have drafted what they call an "Insurance policy" to cushion the shock of any new International oil crisis. The tentative agreement reached recently at Geneva calls for poolI ing all available
    Reuter  -  337 words
  • 40 1 NBW YORK. Mon. Dow Jonas averages, baaed on first hour of trading on the Maw York Stock auehanre SO Indus 773.71 off 3.63 M tranap 111.41 off 0.11 15 uttla M.M off 0-J3 stocks SMM off OJO UPL
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  • 36 1 WASHINGTON. Man. Jube Nixon Eisenhower and her husband. David, planned to Join the family of President Ocrald Ford In the gallery tonight for Mr Pord's address to Urn Joint asuuon or Congress. AP
    AP  -  36 words
  • 59 1 tokyo. Moo. Japan* prestigious Federation of Economic Organisations (KefcUaren). baa offirtallT ir.nounced the culling of Ita tie* with the fund-ralauw arm of the ruling Liberal Democntlc Party <LM>> Mr. TbahJo Doko. Reioaarent president, said: Tba rtMni of potttieei funds from buainaai corporations tbould be discontinued
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  • 43 1 MANILA. Mon The rhUipfMnes, facing a Mualim rebellion In its sauthsra region, la seeking the estNuelsn of non-ega'rsesUn pacU f countries In South-east Asia. Foreign Saorsiary Carlos Komulo «*id tonight shortly kefec* leaving for Thailand for a throe-day rWt. upi
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  • 107 1 riRANKFURT. Mon. Bass and Hen, one of West Germany's ■mailer private banks has gone Into liquidation the German w w Mng Association said today. The Frankfurt based bank, which has an annual turnover of 130,000,--000 marks (about ***** million returned its licence to the Federal Banking
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 47 1 SKYDIVER Nobutaka Yoshinoya, 23, (arrowed) falls to his death before a helpless crowd of 20,000 at an air show at Yamajjata in Japan on Sunday. Police said his parachute struck the parachute of another jumper and failed to open properly. UPI radiophoto
    UPI  -  47 words
  • 580 1 2,500 DIE IN FLOODS NEW DELHI, Monday INDIA and Bangladesh are currently facing some of the worst flooding in history with at least 2,500 people reported killed and some 30 million others affected. Troops In northeastern India today stepped up their relief effort In
    Reuter  -  580 words
  • 109 1 Convicts seize Lisbon jail LISBON, Mon. About 800 prisoners. Including former members of the disbanded political police, seized part of the Lisbon penitentiary today, and troops were rushed to surround the prison. Lisbon's Radio Club said 10 members of PIDE, the political police of the rlghtwlng regime overthrown last April,
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 69 1 HONOKONO, Mon Sluggish trading at Urn Hongkong stock market today brought the days turnover to HKSI S8 million (Sai.SM.--000), the lowest level aUot the HKI3 09 million < 811.MM.--000) recorded on April IT. Today's share prices opened below their previous closing and only fluctuated within a
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    • 57 1 LONDON, Men. Britain* Labour Government announced nationalisation plans today to apeed the flow of North Sea oil vital to the country's economy. Energy Secretary Erie Varley said the state would take over "a limited number of sites" all in Scotland to produce the giant concrete drilling
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    • 38 1 GENEVA, Mon. British Foreign Secretary James CaUaghan today met Cypriot leaden to discuss proposed new terms of reference for talks on the sruieal prsMam of a eeuttUtatlonal settlement fur the Mediterranean Island.— Beater (See Page t>
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 12 1 UUPa arWaau^aW ■BMbm*la ••>&••• uwu vvicii iiiiw wim RtPO AUTO POLISH and CLEANER
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    • 13 1 t^Twftl k? .kYI •■utt^y^^^^S I Su9s-~--J f iuuuulSf (ft U^Bl uuß uuSS-uuuuuuuuuu. gggjggh
      13 words
    • 67 1 SPORE CREW'S TYPHOON ORDEAL -Page FORD'S list for vicepresident X GREEK tanks roll eat far wax I TUT U«| to rapture base felled 4 COURT told of gunshot after chase I CABBIES death: SAF sentry's negUgent act 1 ACID attack on couple la ear U PLEDGE to auuuu* out vandals
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    • 119 1 For Clear Comfortable Consult: C.S. CHONG O.D. EVERBRKHT OPTICAL CO. 19. CNULIA STREET, SINGAPORE 1. I Philips GFSO3 Ploy what you wont, any where-with Philips portable electrophone. Philips take-along GFSO3 works on mains or batteries so you can play it anywhere. And look at these advanced features Playar deck with
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  • Straits Times World News
    • 198 2 Profits up 80 pc for the oil industry rULSA (Oklahoma), Mon. OU Industry profits for the first half of the year Increased by 80 per cent compared to a similar period last year and the petroleum Industry was one of the nations top earners, the Oil and Gas Journal said
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    • 197 2 Gaddafi: My rift with Sadat a disaster BEIRI'T, Mon.— Libyan Leader Col. Maanniar Gaddafi says his rift with President Anwar Sadat of Egypt Is a "disaster perhaps engineered by the United States" In an interview with the Beirut magaxine Isbu El Arab! (Arab Week). Col. Gaddafi accused the Egyptian Government
      AP  -  197 words
    • 832 2 Ford has list of 15 names for VicePresident PRESIDENT HOLDS TALKS WITH PARTY LEADERS WASHINGTON, Mon. President Ford is studying a list of about 15 names, with no surprises on it, to fill the vacant VicePresidency. But he Is still asking for ideas not only about who the choice should
      NYT  -  832 words
    • 386 2 3 men said: We go and Nixon agreed to quit WASHINGTON. Mon. Top White House aides and Republican Congressional leaders last week subtly manoeuvred Richard Nixon Into a position where resignation be came his only alternative, according to published reports The Philadelphia Inquirer reported yesterday that the turning point came
      NYT; UPI  -  386 words
    • 415 2 WASHINGTON. Monday WATERGATE special prosecater Leon Jaworski la taking a thorough and very cautious look at the possibility of seeking Indictment of former President Richard Nixon, according to informed sources. Meanwhile, sources said the prosecutors are preparing to pass the word to the
      UPI  -  415 words
    • 214 2 WASHINGTON, Maa. The defence lawyer far former White House aide H.E. Haldeman said yesterday he knew of no attempts to win pardsas from former l*i salient Nixon for the six defendants charged with the Watergate eoTor-up. Attorney John I. Wilson said he made no saeh
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 228 2 isv 4*s*^ atf B BB' I B A 0k v^s^ the famous Japanese WEISEN-U will help you. WEISEN-U, the double layered tablet works two ways. Double r^> ygfiw* l^^ action. To give you quick relief ■^vWawisBBBBBBwF f rom ulcers and other stomach i W*^F^ disorders. S3 /ill -I] WEISEN Us
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    • 242 3 Anti-govt plot: Ex-Head of State convicted SEOUL, Mon. A South Korean military court today found former President Posun Yun guilty of being Involved In an aliened plot to overthrow the Government, but suspended a three-year. Jail sentence for the former Head of State, a military spokesman said. The court also
      UPI  -  242 words
    • 271 3 LONDON, Mon— Police arrested 2* people in London and the army stopped a 2,000-strong march in Belfast who were staging protests marking the third anniversary of internment without trial in Northern Ireland. Among those arrested in London were men wearing black berets and sunglasses
      Reuter  -  271 words
    • 189 3 Debate on general mineral rights goes on CARACAS, Mon General debate on coastal and land locked states, preferential right beyond territorial seas and deep seabed mineral exploitation continued today at the third United Nations Law of the Sea conference. The general debate In three working committees of the conference Is
      AP  -  189 words
    • 302 3 "l/ffiNTIANK, Mon V Laotian Prime Mtnister Prince Souv&nna Phouma, who suffered a mild heart attack last month, plans to fly to Prance for convalescence, according to a member of his family. Prince Souvanna, who haa appointed Deputy Premier Phouml Vongvtchlt as acting Premier, win
      Reuter  -  302 words
    • 534 3 Full state of alert along border ATHENS. Monday QREECE was on a war footing today with tanks concentrating along the border with Turkey in northern Greece and on Greek islands close to the Turkish coast. As tension between the two countries over Cyprus continued,
      Reuter  -  534 words
    • Briefs
      • 55 3 rKYO. Mon. Japanese Prime Minister Kakuel Tanaka said today he may visit the United States during the course of a trip to Latin America and Canada In late September. "I still don't know," Tanaka told newsnten who asked him whether Washington would be added to his Itinerary. "But it perhaps
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      • 27 3 DAMASCUS: President Hafei Assad today appointed MaJ. Gen. Yous■uf Shakkour Deputy Defence Minister, official sources said. Gen. Shakkour was chief of staff of the Syrian armed forces.
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      • 27 3 AUCKLAND: A collection of Maori treasures and a modern gold figure stolen from a private museum here may have already left the country, police sources said today.
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      • 27 3 MANILA: Mrs. Imelda Marcos, wife of Philippine President Marcos, will leave on Thursday for an unofficial visit to Peking, reliably informed diplomatic sources said today.
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      • 33 3 HONGKONG North Korea today accused the United States and South Korea of introducing heavy weapons into the Korean Demilitarised Zone as part of provocations against the North, the North Korean News Agency reported.
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      • 29 3 HONGKONG: Tbe New World Development Company today unveiled plans to transform the Kowioon waterfront on Hongkong's scenic harbour with tbe construction of a multimillion dollar residential and commercial complex.
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      • 34 3 TOKYO: More than 80 per cent of Japan's registered nurses and nurse trainees are not married, and blame it on the fact they have to work at night, the Japan Nursing Association said today.
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      • 36 3 JERUSALEM Former Prime Minister Golda Meir said today tbat a foreign head of state tried to arrange a meeting between her and President Anwar Sadat but the Egyptian leader did not reply to the invitation. Agencies.
        Agencies  -  36 words
    • 238 3 Japan plan for 90-day oil stockpile rpOKYO, Mon. The 1 Japanese Government and petroleum refining Industry are planning to Increase Japan's stockpile of oil and oil products to 90 days by 1978 compared to the present 83 days, official sources said today. The plans may Include the establishment of a
      Reuter  -  238 words
    • 29 3 BRASILIA. Mon The staunchly antl Communui government of Brmatl hu derided to establish diplomatic relations with China, the Jomal do Braall new* agency reported last night Reuter.
      Reuter  -  29 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 134 3 W^.^eMfIBUBR^FBV L^S^bß vflS //^hl^^b^^b^b^bEß b^S^b^b^b^Bb^^^K^^^^ (£Z\ flnarcopoto TMTP\.,#r*l ni^rt'm /f^v AmrnfenufnwfawaubGKXf) t*' Tjk W®>) PROFESSIOMAI respec^|M -^B Law L«t BriMin't null iuccm«(ul coll. ft t.«ch you! M*»" k'ii'n. O>ar))o.tHiiamiu[( t ii« import If you Mine to build a luccMlful carter you can do to Motel S Catering .n *our ipartnm««.
      134 words
    • 133 3 EKE. Typist tDraftman-S CHAIR cnjir STEEL EQUIPMENTS MM D«sfc Typist Stand I Cabinet LW Visible »—«J Recorders FIRE PROOF SAFES Night I _j Safe V-— Home '^T-& Round Door <0f wan Safe j VI Paper Double FuMy Shredder insulated Chests .j^Bm Coin Counter Bank NoU Counter R»8 Rrluact oSKtSeaßun(S f
      133 words
    • 314 3 Come, see Australian Light Engineering and Machine Shop Equipment High quality products from an Australian industry that demands the best should be available to you to develop and make your business operation more efficient. The range of equipment on display includes: guillotines, metal cutting machinery, air hoses, tubings and fittings,
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    • 263 4 LISBON, Mon.—Portuguese troops were rushed by air to the Mozambique coastal town of Antonio Enes during the weekend after more than 1,000 Africans went on a burning and lootIng rampage, the newspaper Diario de Noticias reported today. Several people died in the disorders, Including two
      Reuter  -  263 words
    • 62 4 EAST BERLIN. Mon— An East Oerman court ha* sentenced West Berliner Ralner Trampenau to six yean imprisonment for hatftlin Bi«t Oormans flee to the west, the official AON news agency reported yesterday In the past month. AON ha* reported the sentencing of 33 West B«TUners and 15
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 50 4 TORONTO. Mon. Engelbert Humperdlnck British pop singer, set a now bos office record of (*****.000) for eight performances at the OTCeefe centre during the weak that ended on Saturday. Previous record of USflTt.--000 ($320,400) was sec by Tom Jones, snother British pei f aimer, last June. AP.
      AP  -  50 words
    • 432 4 TOKYO. Monday EMPEROR Hirohlto decided to end the Pacific war on June 9, 1945, soon after goverpment leaders had agreed to keep on fighting, accordIng to a report published here today. The national daily Mainlchl Shlmbun was
      432 words
    • 63 4 PORT ELIZABETH. Mon Hospital authorities seeklnj a rare type of Wood found in only two out of every 10.000 people, said yesterday they will ask the United States for help If their search here prove* fruitless. The blood to urgently needed by patient Fvter Kennedy
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    • 155 4 'Needles method not for West yet' pvAIXAS, Mon. A \J University of Texas South western Medical School professor recently returned from China and said acupuncture will not be a tally recognised method of surgical pain relief In this country for a long time. "Acupnnciurc works weU In China with Chinese
      UPI  -  155 words
    • 60 4 SEOUL, Mon. The new Seoul subway jould ease traffic jama for the city's six million residents, though the track* run less than six mile*. The South Korean capital Inaugurates the fint portion of the subway network on Thursday. The 10 km (SB miles) track connect* the central
      UPI  -  60 words
    • 54 4 Repairing the gap HONOLULU. Mon. Student* from Japan are using soldering Iron*, screwdrivers and pliers to break down the barriers between them and the local community. A group of 34 electrical engineering gtudenu attending the University of Hawaii recently offered to repair broken appliance*. In exchange for a chance to
      AP  -  54 words
    • 605 4 Another bid to overrun base foiled Eight Redd killed in new attack SAIGON, Monday (JOMMUNIST gunners fired 500 artillery shells into a former US Green Beret camp in the Central Highlands, but were unsuccessful in a sixth attempt to overrun the base, the Saigon Command said today. However, communists were
      Reuter; UPI  -  605 words
    • 242 4 CHINA'S FIRST IMMIGRANT TO CANADA? rpORONTO. Mon. A X young Chinese woman on her way to Vancouver to discuss marriage with a Toronto man la Canada's first potential Immigrant from China since Prime Minister Trudeau and Chinese Premier Chou Bn-lal discussed a new emigration programme last autumn. Miss Sseto Tork-chlng.
      AP  -  242 words
    • 42 4 TOKYO. Moo.— lndoowU today itpmi 10 JO million m (about 8*ti.0«0.000> wan ifrwmtnt with the Japanca* Oovarameat's Over SHM ■nonomic 00-optraUon FvaA her* to finance alx projects. Including a power tnnamisfcxi network plan in BMt Java, the Fund «n--■owiced.—lUuter.
      42 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 212 4 you'll love our 101 L m^ k J^^Kli^^^^ g* g^g^g^Mg^gyfclg^gA Jg^g^g»3 ■isliliM'Hß .srilfc..**-- sHHHHI^^bIIisCsB lHHHlß^Bllllllßr 1,1 +^^m*^^Mtm£iitfMJLJ^immm^ t it^g^gTs^g^WMMMMlg* ■jvjj^g^g^gd -rtt s^M g^^g B g t __^^|^ißk ß^ a >BM| B '*W»>MVQN*^gMVfls«Vg^M^Bg^PM» stiim. -^m *fl£s«gfe_ w Aim L^ E^ r^s^^^ L -v g^gw v^fl Bgw •skJJ'X /■B_flflß| w. iv ikly^
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  • 533 5  -  BEN DAVIDSON By A BUILDING conA tractor, who allegedly robbed a goldsmith shop of diamond rings worth $22,720, whipped out his gun and shot the mapager in the chest when he tried to stop him, the High Court was told yesterday. DPP Lawrence
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  • 65 5 A NEW set of posters Is to be Issued early next week to publicise the advantage* of staggered working hours and car pools. The first set of posters was issued at the opening of the national campaign on July IS. The aim is to keep up public
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  • 229 5 Police seize records from Peoples Front POLICE yesterday telsed I a brie quantity of documents In a raid on the Peoples Front headquartera In Zlon Road, off River Valley Road. Among the materials selied were the party's accounts files, statements of accounts, voucher and receipt books and other documents. The
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  • 15 5 THE rmbuay of PtkteUn will remain etoaed tomorrow berauae of PakJatan'a Independence Day.
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  • 208 5 Response to POSB housing loan scheme f\EPOSITORS with the Poat Office Savings Bank have begun to show Interest In Its housing loan scheme, and some application forms have been collected. According to a POSB spokesman, one of the conditions of the loan will be that houses or flats bought through
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  • 124 5 Lorry man fined $2,000 for death of cyclist A LORRY driver was yesterday fined $8,000 In a district court for causing the death of an 11 -year-old cyclist. He was also HUgn«Hfled from driving for a year. Ang Hok Lai, 29, was found guilty of causing the death of Liew
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  • 44 5 THB student* welfai* council of Victoria, School will bold a seminar on poataaoondary education and nationaJ needs at the achool on Saturday at 8 15 ajn. The. speaker* are Dr. Lav Telk Soon. Dr Tham Saong Clmc and Mr. Thomas ic>"»y
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  • 34 5 DUX to unforssMn drcumttances. the Acadsaiy of Medicine of U-'irtii haa pectpooed the Bth MalaytfaSingapore Congrws of lisdicln* to be held In Kimla Lumpur from Aug. U to Bept 6. 7 and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 350 5 DIETHELM'S comcs^o v At the Diethelm Showroom, a complete and beautiful range of imported curtain and upholstery fabrics at very special prices. And carpets, rugs and interesting boutique items Also, the widest range of lounge suites you can find at especially attractive prices! Imported suites of distinction from Denmark, Sweden,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 282 5 Bringing Op Father »y ■Ui Kavnagli #r C— p> —^J /'■UT JHatat^N *sl T YOU WANT TO fmiffUm HK,MAN,IV»CX3rAPAT^J I A.«»»L y/wsVL.A MAMS A HIT WTTM Hf» cSSST' BlondU By ChU y»«»j P* <r v >s WE'RE MODERNIZIMGI |INSTAU_Ii*3 THOSE NEW] lU»* UU *V mo— T»^Hr WHAT'S AU-TWATJQ «f V__-
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    • 120 6 PEKEMAS: STRONG OPPOSITION VITAL FOR DEMOCRACY I£UALA LUMPUR, Mon. Pekemaa president, Dr. Tan Chee Khoon said today a strong-, viable and healthy opposition was essential for democracy to flourish. An absolute majority for the National Front "will not be conducive to the practice of democracy," he added. Speaking at a
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    • 346 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday 'pHE establishment of the National Front has reduced politicking and has enabled the Government to devote its efforts towards development and bring greater progress and prosperity for the people, Tun Abdul Razak said in a radio broadcast tonight The National
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    • 58 6 Political parties on the air KUALA LUMPUR, Mod. Major political parties have been alloted time over Radio Malaysia to campaign for the election. They art Urn National Front (104 minute*), and Pekemaa DAP and Parti SosialU Rakyat (11 minutes each). Television Malaysia will televise live the results of the elections
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    • 130 6 90 Front men fan out for polls drive KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. —All the 90 National Front candidates returned unopposed are being deployed throughout the country to bolster the Front's election campaign machinery. Front chairman Tun Abdul Razak. who began his whirlwind tour on Thursday, will visit Penang. Perak, Malacca. Negrl
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    • 47 6 Students to campaign MALACCA. Mon— A fiftyman group from the University of Malaya Students Union arrived yesterday U) campaign for Paxtl Rakyat candidates In the elections. The union's president. Enclk Kamarulzaman bin Tacob, who U leading the group, said that the student* are acting on their own.
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    • 31 6 PORT KLANO. Mon. Port security rorcea detained four men and recovered a lorryload of suspected stolen motorcycle batteries and chain blocks worth a total of »9 .000 last night.
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    • 94 6 'Foreign govts getting into the act' KOTA BAKU, Mon A prominent National Front candidate, Endk Wan Ismail bin Ibrahim. has warned that "certain foreign governments are trying to undermine the progress and stability of the nation." stoclk Wan ihBMU. who la poJtUeal meMUry to DaAik Aal, Mhilstf of iAnd Dnr«Minwit
      94 words
    • 137 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Parti Soslalls Rakyat wIU keep to the 11 -point code o' conduct for the elections announced recently, a party spokesman said today. The code of conduct was agreed to by the National Front. DAP and Pekemas at a meeting at the Elections Commis-
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    • 51 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Three children two in Johore and one Id Selangor— have died of dengue haemorrhagic fever. They are the latest fatal caaet to be reported In Peninsular Malaysia last week. Another 16 suspected casea of denfue fever were alao reported during the $tjot
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    • 296 6 3 acquitted shopmen get $30,000 goods back KUALA LUMPUR, Monday rpHREE shopkeepers had $30,000 worth of goods returned) to them when they were acquitted by a magistrate's court today The 258 bags of sugar, 954 tins of cooking oil and 113 cartons of condensed milk were seized from their rice
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    • 216 6 TRIAL OF FAN PUT OFF TO LATER DATE KUALA LUMPUR, Mon —The trial of DAP organising secretary I Fan Yew Teng for alleged sedition, which was adjourned twice last week, was postponed today to after Polling Day on Aug. 24. Mr Justice Abdul Hamld said the dates for the trial
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    • 33 6 PENANO. Mon— Haji Ahmad Murad bin Nasruddin. 64. a former lecturer of the Malayan Teachers College here, died at the Oeneral Hospital at 3JO p m today after a abort Hint—
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 825 6 s^mTjiTTfi fsß •■^■i" •js^biM_— J i I JJ^JJt^^ Alloys with low melting- g^g^galHgatfgß point were first developed '< ttBLsV by HANDY HARMAN for HH'iiiMljH 1 1 gftflsßßl brazing extremely tough, lllp|lf|||| J BL^jWP^^^gß tight joints at amazingly Xs^J^^^^ low temperatures as o o^^^a^Jv^ low as 114E)°F. That's why C—^ o''
      825 words
    • 271 6 Don't let our smiling faces fool you. B mmW*KtAk Ist MHHP?;. i B Laflflr J gB sBTt VI Mi *^A K^f ALTEC Bj g^g^gai^gfs^ißßaflD g^ ■sB It'a easy to -^^H work together to put smile when every bit of expertise we you're the have into making every best in your
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  • 224 7 Interest rate hike hits car sales rpHE recent four per JL cent Increase In Interest rates for mortgages on cars Is being felt most by prospective buyers In the middle Income group, according to traders. They said the hike in Interest rate, coupled with higher Import duties and taxes, was
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  • 246 7 Gunshot death of cabbie CTATE Coroner Mr. Chee Wai Pong yester*f day held an SAF sentry responsible for the death of a taxi driver, who was shot dead while driving a soldier escapee away from Portsdown Camp in Portsdown Road last March 26.
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  • 22 7 Press dub Tim Singapore Press Club will bold Its weekly lunch meettng at Omei Restaurant, Hotel orand Central, In Kramat Lane today.
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  • 85 7 $20,000 FINE FOR SEVEN BOOKIES JMVE men and two women were fined a total of $20,000 in a magistrate's court yesterday for book making. The women, Tlk Ai Nyut and Ng Ah Trow were fined $6,000 and $3,000 respectively. The others were Lee W e n g Kee (fined SUM)
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  • 52 7 Lee Chlew Hng, 33, waa fuund with a six-inch vegetable knife, at Ophlr Road, at 11 30 pjn. last Sunday. A MAN was yesterday jailed for four months and ordered to be given six strokes of the cane by the Pint Magistrate^ for having an
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  • 47 7 A 19- YEAR-OLD youth was yesterday fined $300 by the First Magistrate for selling obscene magazines and photographs at Rowell Road at 4.50 a.m. last Saturday. Tham Chan Hoon admitted having six copies of obscene magazines and five sets of photographs for sale.
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  • 36 7 POH T»u Choo, 44, was fined (180 by the First Magistrate's Court yesterday for smoking prepared opium In an unnumbered hut In Upper Changi Road last Saturday at about 2J5 p.m. He pleaded guilty
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  • 75 7 HK team to study S'pore progress HONOKONO. Man. A delegation of 22 Kalfong leaders (unofficial urban leaders of Hongkong) will leave on Thursday on a twoweek visit to Singapore and Malaysia, the Government announced today. The delegation will study the two countries' achievements in education, tr a n sp o
    UPI  -  75 words
  • 221 7 MAJA CREATIONS AN INSTANT HIT WITH SINGAPOREANS rtOLD and bright D that's how the 1974 fashion collection of Germany, created ky Maja of Munich, looks. Designed spec tally for the "mature and sophisticated women of the world," Maja's creations, ranging from beach wear to formal evening gowns, were an Instant
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  • 75 7 Lian Ann loses first game PAKISTAN chess master Z. Farooqul beat Singapore's Tan Lian Ann In the first game of their match last night. Lian Ann had Just survived a sacrificial attack by Faruoqul when he blundered under time preeaure In trying to win the game he could have drawn
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  • 33 7 A TALK on careen In the air command will be given by officers In the Singapore Air Defence Command at the Toe, Payoh branch library on Aug. 16 at J pjn
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  • 238 7 SMA studying offer of aid for industry A COMMITTEE of the Singapore Manufacturers Association Is studying the Government's offer to help small Industries modernise or enter Into Joint ventures so that they could reach high precision standards. The chairman of the SMA. Mr. Ong Leng Chuan, said there were Immense
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 7 THE Malar Chamber* of Coojincroe will hold their 16th annual meeting at their premises In Jalan Sultan on 1 Sept. 7 at 2 JO pa.
    27 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 121 7 f mm m^ I the world's finest lenses IJI ALLIMATSU CORPORATION JAPAN m^M ta^ e P' easure in appointing B bM pij Staflex Global >l .H r^ftAs^iS STAFLEX GLOBAL (FAR EAST) PTE. LTD. I T^B® I fliSipi IBl^^^K 225 STAMFORD HOUSE, STAMFORD ROAD, SINGAPORE 6. TELEPHONE: ***** ■^^■J WJM f
      121 words

  • 102 8 Sharebrokers sue client for $19,000 PCIFIC Union Co. (Pte.), sharebrokers, are suing a client, Harban Singh of Jalan Emas Ural (Buklt Timah) for $19,642 zd a writ filed In the High Court. The claim U In connection with alleged share transact lons between the parties from May 17 to June
    102 words
  • 58 8 MR TV Bukumar has ben elected president of the Singapore Indian PUm Arts and Dramatic Society Other official* elected w«r»: Mr D .N Rat (rtoa piasMarit). Mr Simon Roaarto (eßcreUrj). Mr. P. Ooptnath (aavt •ecreUryi. Mrs. Reglna Antony (treasurer), Mr Tl*. Antony (as*, treasurer) Mr. N.C
    58 words
  • 599 8  -  NGIAM TTONG HAI By Social work? Ah, so! But they're shy PRESIDENT of the Singapo re Japanese Chamber of Commerce, Mr. T. Isobe, yesterday described his countrymen as "shy and timid" at approa chmg foreigners. But, he said, they were
    599 words
  • 295 8 lAC 'yes to appeal against referee THE Industrial Arbitration Court yesterday allowed an appeal by the Singapore Bank Employees' Union against the decision of a referee not to hear Its laundry dispute with the First National City Bank. The bank would be asked to explain why It was not represented
    295 words
  • 37 8 SHAHRUL bin Abdul Rafcman. 19. was fined 1600 by the Pint Magistrate's Cburt yesterday (or taking morphine in a coffee stall at Race Course Road at about 1 am on July JO He pleaded guUty.
    37 words
  • 44 8 YAM Youn rock. M tv fined »*OO by the Ftrai MafistratS ytirrtiiy (or ateainf a Hereto worm %*> batoo«iDC to Bay Npiin Big in the eorrkkr of nnfar Fler BuUdInt at Trtofc Ajw BMta at ■bout J pm last liiuraday. Ha pleaded guilty
    44 words
  • 28 8 THI WhUßpOft Derrtopmsnt Council wUI hold a three-day Yaristy show at Urn National Theatre from ■apt I to to ralM funds to a new oommunltj emotn
    28 words
  • 93 8 POLICE DEPTS, COURTS GO METRIC OOME departments of the Singapore Police Force have adopted the metric system and are using It In their everyday administrative and field wont. According to police sources, the Traffic Police, the Accidents Investigation Section and the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) have switched over to metric.
    93 words
  • 59 8 THREE employee* from Shangri-La Hotel recently received award* (or acts of honesty from Mr. Ruiune Shaw, chairman of the Singapore TourUt Promotion Board. They were Micky Pang Hock Huay and Clk Fmtlmah Mnte Ismail, who each received a cheque (or $25 and a pewter plaque, and
    59 words
  • 432 8 Tanker arrest: QCs in bid to settle suit mWO Queen's Counsel 1 said in the High Court here yesterday that their clients had reached some settlement on an Injunction matter, arising from the arrest In Yokohama of an oil tanker belonging to one of the parties. But neither disclosed In
    432 words
  • 29 8 ARTHTTS from angapore and Malaysia will take part In the National Day art exhibition to be held from Aug. IS to 21 at the Victoria Memorial Hall.
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  • 43 8 ANG POH CHOW, el St. HeUen Avenue, was fined by the tenth magistrate's coart yesterday for parking his ear In raeh a manner as to cum obstruction to other motorists in Bras Baaah Road ea May 24. He pleaded guilty.
    43 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 272 8 .a/^aCjaSl Bwa^SM HHK laßafalfl 1 j£- -*Ws% I I©'' t*' J miisßs^. vfl t sasainnnii*«)lWMM H_PJKJLA_A_PJLRJ^J^JKJKJKJKJ^* s^p^fgi tYifg ill Tflll»% m II II Wm J I iTaj NOW SHOWING!* wiy «t 7.00 935..: «..<..!•■ AMU: $2.00-CWdru: SI.N d|V«v TAMHNOMAN IBHKJHQKAM /fIsJJaV fffi*KjL« o TAIKATIVf RfeL .I ijßfT^^ »c*nwi <^m ORCHARD:
      272 words
    • 39 8 .v.v.v. .v.v >LDEN KONG CHIAN 13TH BIG DAY! 30LDEN 5 SHOWS 00 A.M. 1.30. 4.00. 6 45. ft 9.30 P.M. ING CHIAN 4 SHOWS 1 30. 4.00. 6 45 9.15 P.M. DISTRIBUTED BY C.I C. i PARAMOUNT PICTURE .aaaaaaaaaa
      39 words
    • 69 8 ■■■■■■■■■■i inimia:«TiT Laat 2 Day*' OoMan City 1 48 4. 7 a S.JO A Mandarin Comady wltti Laughtar* Galo a Cotoncop* with EngMati China*. Subtittaa Starring Mv CMn. Pa 4 Ti Lam Crwa ft Liv Ming To Day ft To Morrow Onty 4 Show* at 1 1 5. 3.30. 7ft
      69 words
    • 14 8 I I^^^ ,^^^■'^^■■^i^aaßiaaayaiaMajj IMPERIAL 1 6^^JS^1§ M^bbbbbV 49sbMsM ste faw> I I J^ J
      14 words
    • 299 8 TODAY AT LIDO 1 1 asa, 1 .46. 4.00. 6.45 9 1 5 pm.-NO rRCC UaTT (inmandarin) Golden vampires starring PHBt CUSHIM6, DAVID CKUNC I JUUE E6E 4 SHW SZU h Colomote 1 1 ENGLISH VERSION^— NOW IN ITS 12th DAY j I AT THE CAPITOL !\'I?XT CHANGE AT THE
      299 words
    • 684 8 OWCAIiISATIOM" OPENS TODAY No FrM On 11 am. 1.45. 4.00. S.4S. It Davtd Chiang Patar Cuahmg DP.ACULA A th. 7 OOLDEN VAMPIRES' Scop. Coto. in MANDARIN DIALGOUI NEXT CHANGE Woody Allan i Diana Kaaton "SLIEPEH- COLOR ITilaHriThHil 12« l 810 DAY HUP.BY 11am. 146. 4.00. S.4S. 930 David Chiang Patar
      684 words

  • 367 9  - Adrift at sea ordeal of 19 seamen JACOB DANIEL Typhoon ship spun 'like a top' By JfINETEEN seamen, including Singaporeans from the locally-registered vessel, Kota Aman, yesterday recounted their 30-hour ordeal when their vessel was spun "like a top" by typhoon Ivy off Hongkong last month. The seamen, who had
    367 words
  • 224 9 Skeleton found on tree that of missing girl rE skeleton recovered from the secondary Jangle off Clementl Road, on Saturday afternoon, has been identified as that of missing schoolgirl, Yatlmah binte Abdul Rahman, 9, of Corporation Drive, Jurong. Her identity was established after her Barents. Encik Abdul Rahman bin Hajl
    224 words
  • 155 9 Beware of antinational elements: Othman SOCIAL Affairs Minister Enclk Othman Wok yesterday warned Singaporeans of dangerous antl-natlonal elements who were "respectable people In disguise." Enclk Othman, who was speaking at a carrom and checkers contest at the Pasir Pan Jang community centre, said that such people were by far more
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  • 45 9 VAN driver, Lay Chee Foong, was fined (100 by the Tenth Magistrate's Court yesterday for falling to stop at a red traffic light at the Junction of Paya Lebar Road and Oeylang Road on June sat about 9.50 a.m. He pleaded guilty.
    45 words
  • 196 9 WARNING ON TOWERS' OF VITAMIN C rE Consumers' Association of Singapore (CASE) yesterday warned the public against believing recent reports that Vitamin C could help avert heart attacks. It was hitting out at reports that the amount of cholesterol taken by a person was not harmful as long as a
    196 words
  • 43 9 VAN driver Wong Pak Chiang vu fined lido by the Tenth Magistrate's Court yesterday (or driving at 90 to 06 kmph in a SO kmph woo* along Jalan Boon L*y on July S at about 5.46 am. He pleaded guilty
    43 words
  • 110 9 TH E Adult Education Board will organise two courses In electrical engineering at its Joo Avenue school centre from Sept. I. The Electrical Engineering Practice (Part 1) course of 132 hours to prepare students to take the final Part 1 In advanced electrical technology will
    110 words
  • 134 9  - Teenager held after ammo seizure PAUL WEE By A TEENAGER waa being held for question- Ing by police yesterday after a cache of ammunition and thunderf lashes was seized from a house d urine the weekend. According to Informed sources, 67 rounds of rifle ammo and several thunderflashes were recovered
    134 words
  • 85 9 THB National Museum will screen three colour films en Hongkong at 1U lecture hall at 7 30 pm. tomorrow. The films are Report to the Oods. a colourful account of Ufa In Hongkong; Hongkong Style, a Wok at the piogitsa mad* In Hongkong over the
    85 words
  • 83 9 P'l'R men and two women were fined a total of SlB.OOO in a Magistrate's Court yesterday for assisting in running a l«,M0--character lottery. The men were Chew Oh Row, SI, who was fined $3,004. Teo Kirn Tee, M, <$5,M«), Ong Keong Sit, 23, (S2.MO) and
    83 words
  • 47 9 YMCA dance course An eignt-seation social dancing course will be conducted by the YMCA of atngapore at Its auditorium In Orchard Road on Saturdays between 6 pm and 730 pm. from on Sept 7. The fee* are M 0 each for YMCA members and $16 for non-memben
    47 words
  • 276 9 Prices of tenggiri and kembong up lOcts PICES of Spanish mackerel (tenggirl Bekahi and mackerel (kembong) row by 10 cents to $2 40 and $1.30 a katt respectively, the Trade Department reported yesterday. Following are the recommended prices: Rice: American 15 per cent, 90 cents a kati or 605g. China
    276 words
  • 58 9 THIEVDS broke Into a home in Bedok Terrace on Sunday and took caah and jewellery worth over Madam Sim La* Wan. 34 told police that she locked the premises and want to visit her mother at about 1130 ajn. She returned at 10.15 p.m to
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 127 9 |fr%jftL f Minolta for art's sake The SR-T Super was made to Then, to further satisfy the meet the highest, not* Jemj riding requirements of the knowing lens creative standards. artist Minolta built in multiple All the information you need exposure capability. And a hot to take inspired photographs is
      127 words
    • 249 9 You can see them growing taller every day with JUiiIUITE Junivite is the vitamin syrup specially formulated for children, with the 6 Essential Vitamins in concentrated §I&E\£&£a orange juice. ;jm mT 2Jt^ Start your children S!^^K on Junivite today ■^^■MB^^Jea. ~^x ■mfJV^W^^efH hV^*£j^eß RECOMMENDED BY DOCTORS I The Straits Times
      249 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 241 9 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS acquire Arab iif]— it, 9 Itent to iwml oppon- 7 wWch •oft more.. It glvw £SL,,I.. I ',«v bOUt ST* P fOnß tSSSTMi n«l«*«n 10 Stylnx which Urn drl for cotagd by Frenchman (4). turns back (5) Dr f* Hrl In pub to go out
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  • The Straits Times
    • 480 10 OCEPTICS— both local and foreign— who wondered whether the booby-trap incident and the slogan-raising of last June 20 were put-up Jobs should have had their doubts dispelled by no less than the Communist Party of Malaya. On July 6, a clandestine radio broadcast by the CPM acknowledged
      480 words
    • 73 10 rvESPITE last-minute procedural problems at pre-lndependence negotiations, Portugal's decision to sponsor the new state of Guinea-Bissau for UN membership means that the dismantling of a 90-year-old colonial empire has actually begun. Freedom for Mozambique and Angola cannot now be far behind, although negotiations there may be
      73 words
    • 433 10  - 'Family code' the leveller in Cuba CLAUDE REGIR Havini By CUBAN men will soon have a legal obligation to wash dishes and share other domestic chores with their wives und-r a ''family code" now being debated by the Cuban people. The new code would replace antiquated laws, governing family relations.
      Reuter  -  433 words
    • 213 10 A parking trap for any driver are two signs in 1 the parking lot at Prlnsep Street. One reads: "40 cents hourly parking." The other states: "40 cents per entry 5 p.m. 11 pjn." This means that one has to pay the additional 40 cents when parking after 5 pjn.
      213 words
    • 768 10  - Rewarding those who want to upgrade skills WILLIAM CAMPBELL TRAINING SCHEMES TO BOOST PRODUCTIVITY AND WAGES 1 I AS executive secretary of the Singapore Portworkers' Union, Mr. V. Jayakody, 34, is more at home in his Cantonment Road headquarters than on the wharves in advancing the welfare of inemuers. But
      768 words
    • 245 10 I REFER to the reply to "Curious" (8.T., June 21) and wish to throw more light on shorttailed cats In Singapore. The majority of cats In the Far East, some 5,000 years ago, had short tails. They were often kinked some completely tallless. These cats were
      245 words
    • 27 10 11/E appeal to the Mln- lstry of the Environment to destroy all mosquito breeding grounds at a construction site at Chua Chu Kang Road. RESIDENTS. Singapore 23.
      27 words
    • 73 10 rpHE unloading of bricks X between 4 a.m. and 5 a.m. In Petaln Road has disturbed residents. I have complained to the police about this disturbance but all mv pleas have fallen on deaf ears. I even tried ringing for a police patrol car each time the lorry started unloading
      73 words
  • 714 10  -  DAVID MARTIN By Lisbon TkTEGOTIATIONS paving ll the way to independence for Lisbon's East African colony of Mozambique within 18 months are expected to begin soon between the Portuguese Government and leaders of the liberation front Frelimo. This follows a visit by United
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 6 10 aw /sm I ay a^s^bvi .^av
      6 words
    • 157 10 TMB's 'specialized service' keeps your equipment working, prevents unscheduled downtime and achieves maximum profit for you to a high level of efficiency. We know that idle throughout Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei. We have machines make no money. That's why our specialized trained and experienced service personnel. And the S service
      157 words

  • Business Times
    • 210 11 A better edition of DBSDaiwa guide By BOH TIANG KENG DBB-DAIWA Securities International has put up a revised, up-dated edition of Its Investor's guide and directory of companies in Singapore and Malaysia. This 1974 edition, with the addition of new companies, facts and statistics, is a definite Improvement over the
      210 words
    • 1055 11  -  MICHAEL JENSEN DESPITE SOARING INTEREST RATES... By NEW YORK gVEN as consumers and businessmen are still reeling under the impact of the highest interest rates since the Civil War, America's big commercial banks have cheerfully been announcing sharply higher profits for the second
      NYT  -  1,055 words
    • 278 11 LONDON: President of the New York Stock Exchange, Mr. James Needham. said last week the resignation of Mr. Nixon from the US presidency would not In Itself solve US economic problems. Mr. Needham, speaking from his Wall Street office, said In a BBC
      278 words
    • 270 11 NEW YORK: Profits of United States companies In the second quarter of this year rose 25 per cent to nearly SIS billion compared with the similar three months of last year, according to the First National City Bank, which surveyed 1,429 corporations. Compares with
      NYT  -  270 words
    • 213 11 r>KYO: Japan Is at an historic turning point because its miraculously high economic growth has come to an end, an official government report said last week. The Economic White Paper compiled by the Economic Planning Agency proposed Japan should transform lis industrial structure with more
      Reuter  -  213 words
    • 193 11 Merger of two well-known British broking firms LONDON: Broking firms Capel-Cure, Carden and Myers said they will merge under the new name of CapelCure Myers on Not. 1. The new firm will have 36 partners and 210 staff. There will be 50 redundancies and early retirements. Neither firm has traded
      Reuter  -  193 words
    • 108 11 Charter's stake in Haw Par Brothers LONDON: Charter Consolidated said It now owns 14,125,000 ordinary shares (13.25 per cent) In Haw Par Brothers International following the recent sale by Slater Walker Securities of its 266 per cent stake. On top of the original 10.450.000 ordinary shares Charter agreed to buy.
      Reuter  -  108 words
    • 330 11  -  MARTIN LIM By rE strong recovery in the first six months at International Wood Products has been extended Into the second half year, giving the company a magnificent net profit of $5,035,943 for the year ended Febraary 1974, or M cents a share. This significant turnaround conies
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 77 11 ■KOPHH9bPPF:#W bbbbW^MKT^^JScCSbbbbl a— J\^*°i^Kml £k I'A Ilk «V kr lUf^Ey asm VfV^ .^kw UHH^bbbbbbbF FC-*****CH ft^HBWBBBBBBtL. *****. l isBBBBBBBB^A l^sV For complete, coordin a ted intermodal service from mauor USA West Coast ports to CCP and major markets. ..Be Specific. Use Union Pacific S I. V 1 *fc^^\ im Mum
      77 words
    • 425 11 BBBB^Sr M&*A^At M A AB^BbJ bb/ /^MB^X^f BpeVSßpHM|rißjH ■BBBBK<HBk^^BBBBBB^jBBBsI HMSs^fi^^! S»\ from the everyday" Rasa Sayang offers a fresh new venue for your business meetings, conferences, conventions, dinners or banquets (for 10 to 0 500). Excitingly different in atmosphere, m fl comfort and services. We have all you need W
      425 words

    • 551 12  -  TERRY ROBAROS By FONDON: The Briu Ush Government moved last week to protect pensioners and small savers from the effects of Inflation by creating two new savings plans with dividends based on Britain's retall price index. The two plans will have
      551 words
    • 142 12 A GIF, an Italian company for petroleum exploration and production and petroleum products marketing, belonging to EM, the Italian stateowned company which Is one of the world's larger multinational groups, has concluded agreements with companies operating in South-east Asia and the Far
      142 words
    • 589 12 rpHREE thousand sets of 1 the limited first Issue of Canadian Olympic coins (see picture) have been allocated to Singapore for distribution to collectors and Investors throagh a local trading company, Charoen Pokphan (Singapore), in co-operation with the Canadian Government These coins are part
      589 words
    • 182 12  -  MOK SIN PEN By KELVIN Hughes, the i marine division of Smiths Industries, has announced the formation of two new subsidiary companies In South-east Asia— Kelvin Hughes (Singapore) and Kelvin Hughes (Malaysia). The Singapore company will be responsible for Kelvin Hughes sales and service operations throughout the
      182 words
    • 341 12 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Mr. Keith Victor Robinson has resigned from the board of North Borneo Timbers with effect from July 29, according to an announcement by the secretary, Mr. P.C.H. C'eh. Pegl Malaysia has announced the appointment of Mr. Andrew Ann-Li Chen as alternate director to Mr. C.H. Gaskin with
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1209 12 I O,k JJ H^ a» W M Datuk Haii Mohd Ta.b b.n Mahmod B^- S^^^L daW^k aw Miri P"™<v i«juitrie». M»i»vf« I A 1 Th» Ho« Ertcik Muu bin Hium SOUTH EAST ASIA'S W Deoutv Min,«» Tredt end Imlwtrv.MalevJi* J NATURAL RESOURCES P^ Btt.f'TffTL Mr M G R Sandberg -^bB
      1,209 words
    • 185 12 MERCHANT BANKING SENIOR CORPORATE FINANCE EXECUTIVES A leading Singapore Merchant Bank with international connections is looking for 2 Senior Corporate Finance Executives to carry out a considerable volume of work on new issues, rights issues, take- overs, corporate restructuring and general corporate finance work. Successful applicants will be accountants or
      185 words

      • Article, Illustration
        83 13 G«aUar T. (-hone Jtrdin* P. OwMda P.M. Cement In. LC. If. Iron OCBC Dubf t I'MW S. c c US B. Bonk. CCM U. Hotel m 8. Bhlprmrd Oml rhaU F. CiUn B. K*r» MM $a.07 13.77 $3.60 11.16 I 9 60 U6O S3M M.15 $182 $3.70 $3 08
        83 words
      • 22 13 Fabar Marital San lUMtnp D. ft. ft. Staa* Dirt; ToUl Trover: ToUl Vatat: 43&.000 MI.OJO 3M.000 3W.000 4.56 M
        22 words
      • 60 13 Auf S A»» IS indßstriak: tlSJtl 114.51 Flnanc«: 344 Jl MS.TS 1! Hotria: 157.4* IM.M Properttea: 1M.54 IM.M f Ttaa: 1M.41 INJI t niMera: JJS.JJ SJS.M i 0.C.8.C.: IMM 1M.51 8.E.8. iDd. M 74« tMJ* Dec M. 1»M I— f Dm. SI. IMS m IN Dec. St. IMS 1M
        60 words
    • 1586 13 THE last transacted sale at the cloae of business in the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day's prices together with 1974 high and low ('Adjusted for all new Issues). IMDUITRIAL* CLOSING TSNI: Tinea baraljr airady while tni raat ataady TUURMOVC.iI: Official total turnover on
      1,586 words
    • 1357 13 ■oID and offer prices officially D listed and bustness In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Bxchanfrc ysterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In loti of 1,000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Altnamata I 2 238) A Tim .O .MB O.tSS). Altan iIWBI
      1,357 words
    • 387 13 PS IC E 8 finished a shade better after nnctuatinf within a four per cent limit at the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. Trading was moderate and remained heavily concentrated on the volatile stocks. The opening market saw very steady support on extention of Thursday's closing
      387 words
    • 1244 13 DID and olfer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1,000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS API. (097 B) A. T.I. U.O3S) (1) 099 Allied (hoc. U.
      1,244 words
    • 265 13 HIDONG ESTATE reports an after tax profit Of £26.673 (£15.732) for year ended March 1974 on a turnover of £182.493 (£90.853). A dividend of 10.05 per cent net (8.82 per cent net) will be paid. The UK treasury has given conditional consent to transfer of control and
      265 words
    • 307 13 Sellers put pressure on KL prices SHARE prices turned easier at the Kuala Lumpur stock exchange yesterday with the return of sellers. Profit-taking which set In Quick and fast at the start of trading was Initially absorbed with little difficulty. Shares were unable to hold their levels in the early
      307 words
    • 172 13 a BIAN currency deposit interbank rates aa at close on Monday, Aug. IS: US Daifctn 7 d«yi 11 6 S 11 3 8 1 mlh IS 1/4 1J II 3 mlhi 13 til II 15. 16 3 mth* IS 1/1 11 6 mth» 1J 3 16 1J
      172 words
    • 28 13 Hngmpotv doll*™ forAuf. II: OremJfM 1 1 11 1 mth 10H 10H mth* 10% 10* i mttis 10 H 10% Prtrn* rate 11*% Iwei: P. Mumj-Immm
      28 words
    • 273 13 /WERSEAS Union Trust seems all set to double Its net operating income for the current year following a 94.3 per cent growth in the first six months ended June 1974. Reporting a mid-term Income of $919,045 against $472,524 last time, the company. In the interim report, says:
      273 words
      • 32 13 Rubber: Aug. 12 Singapore: 165 00 cts (down 2.M e*s>. Malaysia: 165 50 cts (down 2.5« eta). Tin: $1,211.5* (down $38M). Official offering: 272 tons (up 51 tons). I I
        32 words
      • 62 13 Hturdar Frtda» US* USS Sydney (1) Cloaad 102 M London Cloaad 153 MB Cloaad ISS.SOS Beirut Unav. 158 75 Hongkong Unav. I4S.SS Zurich Cloaad 153 SOB Cloaad 15S 00a Parts Cloaad IM.SS Span (t) 162.4D8 Cloaad 139 MS Cloaad Export prlre In non-xerllng ana* to U.S. dollar, par
        62 words
      • 26 13 THE Straits tin price plunged $38 .50 to $1,211.50 per plcul in Penang yesterday on an official offering up 51 tons to 272 tons.
        26 words
      • 97 13 MIMItI FROOUCt EXCHANGE, SINOAPORI NOON CLOtINC Ceaenut on bulk 1150 nominal. drum $155 nominal. Caora: Mixed (Ioom) UK/Coat. SSS nominal »iaa)ii atuntik ASTA whlta fob. lOOaf. NLW I2ftl| aellera. Sarawak while fob. NLW *270 sellers. Sarawak special black fob M% NLW f l»7i sellers. Sarawak ASTA back fob. 10O«*
        97 words
      • 502 13 /\PENING quotain the Singapore rubber market yesterday were marked up following overseas advices and ruled quiet and thin. tending slightly easier on lack of orders. The morning session closed very quiet. The market drifted lower In the afternoon on lack of trading Interest. The market closed very quiet
        502 words
      • 120 13 QATLY BMR and SSR prices Issued at noon yesterday M.R.E.L.B. [R SCV at v, at i at 10 i nt w < at so iCwiwt Mth) (Fwwart Mthi B»»er» Bdkn Buytn ScUcr* KMBta per k«) (rcats per W (1 tan p»lletl 181 00 163 OON 161.00 183
        120 words
    • 72 13 mHE US dollar Auctuat•l ed narrowly In very thin trading conditions to finish around $2.4805 15 level after opening steadily at $2.4800-20 in the Singapore for c x market. In very early trading the dollar firmed up marginally to $2.4810-20. but slipped In later sessions to hover at
      72 words
    • 154 13 The following are the nominal average ncelng Interbank rates in Singapore Cwraswfcs Neaalnal rate* Smithaonbui rmntap quoted Trat«rdaj (rrets) parity ehaag* JB dollar 3 4809 2 4815 3>l9< 11.03 Sterling pound 9.8839 9.8890 7 3469 19 92 Songkong dollar 49 06 49 13 50 51 2.53 Kalayalan doUar
      154 words
      • 279 13 HONG KONG. Mon Share prices ck.ed lower today on the Hongkong stock exchange in extremely slow trading. The Hang Seng Index dropped 4.30 points to 327.71. Hong Konsr Bank lost 30 cents to HK517.30 era Its local register and moved down 20 cents to $17.10 on its London register.
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      • 222 13 rpOKYO, Mon. Share 1 prices on the Tokyo Stock Exchange moved within a narrow range in the absence of any background news. In the morning session, foodstuffs were selectively bought. Some speculative issues also gained ground. On the other hand, .tome leading trading llrms were sold. In the afternoon
        222 words
      • 400 13 MELBOURNE. Mon. The Melbourne stock market closed on a firmer note today, with several sections of the market scoring some substantial gains In quiet trading. Oolds featured amonz the mining shares. Emperor Jumped 15 cents to $1.95 In one of the best gains of the day. and GMK stood
        400 words
    • 283 13 LONDON: The rise of 11.4 M tonnes la London Metal Exchange copper stacks was the biggest ancle Increase since Nov. It, Wit when a gain of 74M teanes. (to IS*> lM Isaacs) was recorded. The latest increase took the total to 40.1 M tonnes, a sharp
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  • Obituary, Illustration
    36 14 In ever loving memory of BOXY TAN PU AY, HWANG of Johore Bahru. Age 12. Called by Ood on 13.8 1973 Sadly miaaed but never forgotten by Dad Mum stater Alice and brother Colin
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 674 14 Malaysian Internstionsl Shipping Corporation Berhad the National Shipping Line of Malaysia presently operates a diverse fleet of vessels on international routes. These include modern fast cargo liners, woodchip carriers, bulk and ore/oil combination carriers. Continued expansion of our fleet means a continued demand for experienced Malaysian personnel to man our
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    • 874 14 PERBADANAN PEMBANGUNAN KBTANIAN NEGEBI PEBAK IKLAN JAWATAN Permohonan adalah dlpelawa darlpada Wargaaegara Malaysia, untuk memenuhl tawatan benkut: (1) PEG A WAI PEBTANIAN 1 mi h 28 tahun hlngga 35 tahun. TANGGA GAJI: $750 x 60 SSO/950 x 50 1150/ISOO x 50 1500/1600 x 100 IISOO/KEIAJLUSAN: Ijasah dalam Ilmu Pertanlan atau
      874 words
    • 2081 14 UNrVEBSITI MAUIYA akalti PerubaUn Permohonan-permehonan adalah dlpelawa untuk tawatan-Jawaun tersebut dlbawah. Tertakluk kepada kelayakan llmiah dan pengalaman yang seaual, keuUmaan akan dlberi kepada calun-calun yang mahtr dalam Bahasa Malaysia. A. Kan* Anatoml Calun-calun mestllah mempunyal kelayakan llmiah yang tinggi dan pengalaman luas dalam pengajaran dan penyelldlkan. Pengalaman pentAdbiran adalah dlperlukan.
      2,081 words
    • 129 14 UNYATAAN TAWAKAN SEMULA JABATAN KEBJA RAYA TAWARAN adalah *pelawa dan pemborocig-pemboroa« yang berdaftar dengan J.KJI untuk kerja-knrja di Pollkllnlk. Muir Johare ba«i ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION. Pemborung-petnborcng yang berdaftar dalam Kelaa I. Pecahan Kepala 1 <a>. 2. 6. dijemput membuat tawaran. Surat-«urat tawaran boletn dldapati dl pejabat Pengarah Ukor Bahan. Jabatan Kerja
      129 words

  • 192 15 Worker's death fall: Ministry to check work site ABOUR Ministry Inspectors are expected to visit today the Pearl Bank Building project In Outram Park where work has been suspended following the J death fall of a worker at the site. The site manager, Mr H.H. Chla, 30. yesterday said: "We
    192 words
  • 27 15 aUNIfiTOI of State (Fotelgn Affairs). Biclk A. Rahlm lahak. will open the National Day Art Exhibition at the Victoria Memorial Hall today at 6.30 pjn.
    27 words
  • 346 15 SBS: Action for better system rpHE Minister of State (Communications), Mr. Chal Chong Yil said last night appropriate measures were now being taken by the Government team of officials attached to the Singapore Bus Service to devise a proper management system to improve its employees' working conditions. He said the
    346 words
  • 24 15 WATER consumption on Sunday was 116..S million gallons (530,000 cubic metres), 5.S million gallons (25.0 c* coble metres) less than on Saturday.
    24 words
  • 74 15 Huaj M, tv fined $180 by the 10th M*«l*'i Cburt jealeiiiajr after patarWng fullty to commitun* two traffic offence. In February He in fined too for falllag to dlapUy "L" pUtea on hi* motorcycle what holding a provlatonal drlvar'. licence aa be rode aloof
    74 words
  • 31 15 WHITLBT Secondao School win hold tv Mwantfa kivlnc day In the acbooTbaJl on Auc 17 The (ueat-of-honour 1* Dr. Lav Wai Har. Deputy Director of KduoeUon (Development DiYiaton).
    31 words
  • 268 15  - Acid flung at couple in car IRENE NGOO By A SALES manager and a girl sustained burns when two men in a passing car hurled a mug of caustic fluid through the window of their car at the National Stadium car park on Saturday night. Jin Chin Seng, 38, received
    268 words
  • 135 15 YOUNG STOREANS WHO DON'T WANT TO HELP ril'NG Singaporeans are now unwilling to do voluntary work In the social, recreational and cultural fields, the MP for Anson, Mr. I*. Govindaswamy claimed yesterday. This Is one of the problems confronting Singapore today, he told a large crowd attending a National Day
    135 words
  • 74 15 ecooTEßiar Ng Ha,w Kuang was fined a total of Siao by the 10th Magistrates Court yesterday after pleading guilty to two traffic offences committed In pril this year. He was fined $40 for having a pillion rider on his vehicle when he held only a provisional driver's
    74 words
  • 74 15 Reserve blood stocks above average TOTAL reserve blood stocks are above average level. LMt week, a toUl of tM blood donation* were received and 634 transfusions given Donations were received from the Tanjong Oul Camp. Mowbray Camp. Vigilante Corp* district aeven. Slim Barracks. Raffles Hall and the St John's Ambulance
    74 words
  • 151 15 STAY OFF MAIN ROADS, JOGGERS ADVISED rpHE Singapore Jogging X Association yesterday advised people not to Jog along main roads to avoid any mishap. This advice was given by Parliamentary Secretary (Social Affairs), Mr. Chan Chee Seng, who is also president of the association. He said: "As the sport is
    151 words
  • 105 15 3 beginners' courses at Cairnhill OCentre CAIRNHILL community centre Is to hold courses In shell craft, judo and dressmaking, all for beginners. Shell crmrt lesaona will be held on Tuesdays from T. 30 pjn. to c.So pjn. The fee for the six-month course starting on Sept I U MO, Application*
    105 words
  • 51 15 NATIONAL Day congratulatory messages have been pouring In from all puts of the world. Messages came from Sweden. Norway, Nepal. Kuwait. Bulgaria. Iraq, Turkey. Csechostovrnk Socialist Republic. Hungarian Peoples' Republic. Iran. Maurtius Hungary. Bulgaria. Laos. Democratic Peoples' Republic of Korea. Spain. Yugoaclavln. lfc;pt Libyan Arab Republic, and
    51 words
  • 289 15 Leprosy on the decline in S pore T EPROSY la on the decline In Singapore, says the annual report of the Singapore Leprosy Relief Association. Although still endemic there has been a steady decrease in ihe yearly incidence. The report states that the World Health Organisation has estimated that there
    289 words
  • 55 15 A WORKSHOP on Management by Objectives will be conducted by the Snitpore Inatitute of ifanafu merit at Its conference room In Thong Teck Building. Sootu Road, on Sept. 9 and J between 0 a-m and I pjn. dally The fee U $l» for SDf meenben and for nonmemiiers
    55 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 180 15 DC* I BEAUTIFUL I GIRLS AND I BIG PRIZES I Here it a csntest that 11 m Mty tt Mrttr aid to Mty tt win. All you hrn I to do it otace 12 ajirto in order of beauty and you could cod up with one I of the big,
      180 words
    • 470 15 RUDE* UULff\tY iwa fB/&7*. underwear W'sjjjjf^Svyi'''*- "tT A collection of MVlet inflecting Hj iJm designs, colour and fabric ideal '^slßSE*'^£ I M al from ihe world'i f asttion centres. v centres 100% combed cotton. "^"■^sl^^S^i ''< Law BBBV. I ">■ Contrawing tnms. rtHjlti 'j&BmfffcvfcM---' '^aaBBBBBBBBBsI 7 colour*. Continental styling •^Kw§ftf|sv^-
      470 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 839 15 TV SINGAPORE (5) TV MALAYSIA (3) ?AA Ml Gomcr rSfit-iom. 7AA M SunriwH-Uad of the rAA Summtry LM Make Trail 1M Sswoiry 7JI Fort* O.UU The Cird Shirk IJS W L m^,,, ?J( D.UU «r-, m i***, af ">* *ristrai Ml Oiiry of EvefiU (En|lak) 3.M Lovt L °T .TT
      839 words

    • 108 16 Beautify Your Skin At Night The promise of a younger, lovelier complexion free from wrlnkle-dryness Is yours when you pamper, nurture and fortify the tissues with nightly vitalized creaming. Even while you sleep your complexion will blossom with a new smoothness, suppleness and radiant beauty. Dot rich Ulan vitalizing night
      108 words
    • 174 16 HERE Is something old and yet new the Nonya Kebaya. Bat Instead of pinning the front opening with the conventional three brooches linked by delicate chains, two or even one can be used depending on how daring yoa are. If yoa fed like shortening the length of
      MAHFUTZ ATTAR  -  174 words
    • 238 16  - Nonya, it's time to wear your kebaya again MAUREEN CHUA t THE Nonyas will be proud to know that their ultra feminine kebaya is contributing to the fashion scene this year. While the young Nonyas can swipe a few pieces from their mother's hangers. the others I hear, are desperately
      238 words
    • 558 16 Mmako is out 13 show ou the eauty of cane sets INDUSTRIAL graphic designer Mrs. Minako Hant made me feel the sturdy hardness of the cane-chair and invited me to sit down to revel in its soft velvety cushion. "How do you like it?" she asked. "Not too bad, It's
      558 words
    • 68 16 LEARNING to W relax Is essential for anyone valuing good health and good looks. Some people think my relaxed nature is a gift, but I have had to work hard to control tension. When I'm quite keyec-up, I draw the Mood from my brain by soaking my feet hi
      68 words
    • 306 16  - What it means to be 'tied' to a brother SYLVANA FOA 6y NEW DELHI Indian ladies happily stuffed their piggy banks with rupees recently tnanks to a tOO-year-oia custom to save the honour of Hindu women from marauding Moßhuls. According to Indian tradition, on the full moon day of the
      UPI  -  306 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 220 16 SPECIAL TWIN OFFER AVAILABLE NOW NEW SKIN DYNAMICS Multiple Acton Cleansing Cream n and Skn lone both packed m v>i* a neat plastic contaner for only $950 an Ardena Skn Deep Milky Cleanser that gently caresses and cleans your face -together with QUfa Ardena Skn Tone that gives tJ£ you
      220 words
    • 122 16 CASH and CARRY mate „,.<• chair a never before BARGAIN while stocks last m W»T OUTLAY CHIITB* nous hooi xoni s mm cntu > TEL *****1 iiimiiniii Complexion Loveliness The secret of smoothing and beautlfylng the complexion Is said to lie In the saturation of the skin with a tropically
      122 words
    • 163 16 Beauty Hints Beautify Your Skin To keep your skin clear and fair you need a natural cleansing and bleaching tonic. Ask at your pharmacy for a bottle of Lemon Delph the latest type skin freshener used by beautiful women throughout the world Lemon Delph makes the complexion, neck and shoulders
      163 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1345 17 CONTAiIEISIIIP SIIVICt Tl M/CMTINENT: t'tom IfDar, A-ajart RRFMFN PXPRFSS S.nupsu F. Mli>| 0-aun, Iraa. Naert UK. kiiLioupuE ElPtlti 11 la, il la, lisa* ilta* ilto* tstu tiv l it* 4 swl a st* n sett a it* a se* HiMtuec iiPtiss ilta* 14 Stfl s tat IM I tat I
      1,345 words
    • 1132 17 fcfe BLUE SEA UNE \J t 7 Express States to Straits Service N. Orteant HoMtao tait/Pliil N Tort S'oore P Kelaaj Paaaat •MMtTMH ItaM U.IM taaM WM 11 Aaj H Aa, II PMtMTis taaM SariM St* 1 Sa* I St* I PNIMMS taaM lt»M SatM II la* Sa* I Sa*
      1,132 words
    • 903 17 II IMMPI: Ntor, Itoeoa I'tam S Hampton BREMEN EXPRESS 5 U-B -S SST^g? gSSSSrsa a a ig ■P m m "I****?. HSopt 14 Sapi s tat 1 tat I tat I tat "HE** 1 a ta* MSa* II act 11 tat it tat 11 tal liL.Taf.i" HU act ti act
      903 words
    • 989 17 FULLY CONTAINEKiZED SEKVICE TO EUKOPE •M*»l S'aara fM MMU aai 21 Mtuirt miima sa* i Mtaf<Bi, rMtttrOMi, Antwerp, it Ham. umlmm sSiV 1 M 't frwrtwea, uSSIi tat n SlxkaoHn. Oslo, Helsinki. United KHifdoia. dataaj faMi: Ul M Man fCI M taon. FULLY' CONTAINEKIZED SEKVICE FKOM EUKOPE I FMM: MUM
      989 words
    • 881 17 Immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml S*»K»wa •*****; P. lUteaifl AMI; K.L. *****; Paaaa t 2SJOI THE BANK LINE LTD. LIOS FNLIS tfttU. IMTIMIM taaa.aa. L Martact A S MM Miaa, Spare I ll il t m •Itnitm MjM* ta.n t S »M« p laian, a/a la, Spare I trITIAM P Mlaa, Sport
      881 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    49 18 baow-tevtag ■■■iry a* IMnUa Kirn Yaofc Dajpartaal 15.5.1V71 It la three years since you've left us and the emptiness that is always felt Though temporary it must be For we'll someday meet Sweet memories of you will always be cherished by all your loved ones at home.
    49 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    54 18 I rtSSK In kving memory of Richard (h«n Ckce (hor, who died In an accident near Ipoh on 28th July. 1974. prayer service will be held on 14th August. 1974 from 6.00 p.m. to 11.30 p.m. at TSE THO AUM. No. 283. Upper Changl Road, 1\ m.s Singapore.
    54 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 984 18 »^JL- "iCAWASAKIiaSEN KAISHA LTD. KAWASAKI KINKAI KISEN UISHA LTD JAPAN, INK RDM. STMITS SOVKL jtft* Nom>cm litttaon P. ««ia»t CNAMFIM KIANII 11 Aai Japan Arabian Cull Sarvlea tiattMlt fit: CtlMM'M'JKtt ol*ai lUIL am Dkat. DaM'liK'ain Mil RIorraMSMIIf. Japan South Alriea Waat Atria* laa-Vtf Snt'M" 'I* bMMJ II ttfl Ka'taT.
      984 words
    • 856 18 4CCtFTIM AU aitJM M MAVT IaiIIFMIRT FM F4MTIAMM. UMFIT. unaiuauiia. iaiupafan. uautiata. tutamiiAM. tmui auataa Ttnurt. itaaat. wist lauat tat uui main fmts. frta [TA CTO atttitttit* I.C T ll»«TT itTM imr,« uAm 11 Mf IMtMW. IC T MA«n NUT Sanftm.a-t It Part II AM "olp II I HNT4F In*
      856 words
    • 895 18 l^^ngpTune ocienT uner| UK. IUBOft SHVICI LOADING fOX LONOCN, ROTTIRDAM, HAMBURG, BILBAO, Lt HAVtI SiMtatr* F DtitM FtMaa laaata I'ata H'byr. N(FT«M UFFMiat M/M AM It'll Mf 11 1 taat lltapt ltd I tal mmci auaa attpt/i ttl i i act j s act act *m, tan Siatapw* F. KtiaM
      895 words
    • 696 18 owes somct re imm, imwm/mmon mn T| Mam tmaaain F Kaiaof FtMnf UiHaa *an MMtAMitt Span i4/ii tai ii/ia am fciito in. iiaaaa is a. a-ia* »i. 1 H'larf IrttHa Aatatra 2 10 MFMA UMIA la Ftrt 11/11 AM Lt Hatf. I I'atcl 3 10 H>if| 10 10. turn It
      696 words
    • 521 18 Em Mn*T OP IINQAPORI I FONT KLAMO auTMOMITT AMNOUMCIO toulr) ••ft: Ooldan tillVSISSmi mSmmm*. em. KoU Ratu Kirn Him Lt lAuutatiMTVpoai AUO U Koia Banagia. Kenlncau and W OU>?ds?i2«. »^4 luljo Stoltl^rwl.-. n/M Talyo Maru 31-S2. JtM|. P»tro Lima Klyite £53? intirmac 315 Mart* Mar* Karlnfo wifi fhi* ijovd'
      521 words

  • 30 19 00 YOU NEED expert and qualified advice on your skin' :.*ult Louise. Klerk, medically trained beauty *ith 25 years tropical rxprrience. al Hotel Slngapura. telephone *****3 (S'pore i
    30 words
  • 93 19 MRS CHAN WAH TECK nee Phua Chew Knu (passed away peacefully 11 8 74. leaving behind beloved ah Trek son Oeorge. daughter Grace, son-in-law Tong l.i.inii daughter-in-law Muriel. 3 md 1 grand-daughter ue at 936 East Coast hOO p m Wednesday .rtege leaves for Bedok Methodist church at
    93 words
  • 29 19 MR MRS OUEK AH CHUA and family wish to thank all relatives friends, for their kind attendance, condolences, wreaths, vrolls. donations and assistance in their recent bereavement
    29 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 458 19 classified ads (D FREE PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES ,ir wedding by srttoto when you announce your iiiarriaue in the StralU Times classifieds plus 12 BOTTLES OF SPARKLING BABYCHAM FROM SIME DARBY CsM C.A. T. S. *****1 ANNIVERSARY SALE BARGAINS ir. children's wear V Thrift Shop. 9.30 a.m. 5 [i m 14/8/74 YWCA
      458 words
    • 1434 19 rnuoJLC OVERSEAS CORRESPONDENCE ASSISTANT COMPANY In Jurong has Imme- Applicants must possess HSC diate requirements for a male Ac Wide knowledgPof written lounis Assistant with shipping English, ability to correspond In»r.,?.Ji nventory back- dependently and typewriting esKround Company expansion and sentlal Preference given to thos« persona gro»ih opportunities who can
      1,434 words
    • 1389 19 INDOOR SALESGIRLS REOUIRED. Applicants must be able to speak Fngllsh ft Manit'ln Apply with INTERNATIONAL RECLAMATION full details to 220. People's Park COMPANY Complex Singapore 1 INTERNATIONAL COMPANY JSuSe.^ sS REOUIRES Salesmen with car »»cancles In Singapore Salary, commission and trans- (1) assistant manager port allowance Interested ting *****1 9.00
      1,389 words
    • 1331 19 EXPERIENCED DRIVERS WANTEO DESPATCH RIDER/ OFFICE PEON, preferably above 40 year* old at least Primary VI Education in Apply 172 Buklt Ttmah Road. English Must have own scootei Spore 9 and preferably with class 111 drlvORIVERS FOR PRIVATE CARB. ing licence Salary all Inclusive Apply personally al 19-20. $225 P
      1,331 words
    • 763 19 SELETAR HILLS. DOUBLESTOREY semi-detached fully furnlshed 4 bedrooms, master bedroom, carpeted, aircond $650 p in Single-storey semidetached fully furnished $450 p m Changl. 10'< miles, singlestorey semi-detached fully furnished, aircond $450 p m Tel *****9/ *****5 between 9 am 4 30 pm MING TECK PARK 2 STOREY detached house furnished
      763 words
    • 832 19 OUEENS ROAD NEW LUXURIOUS double-storey bungalow central alrcon. 4 bedrooms, separate living/ dining, study servant's new furniture $3000 Doublestorey semi-detached 4 bedrooms, servant's, split-level living/ dining. $1200 Ace Housing *****29/ *****46 DIST. SO THOMSON HILLS new luxurious double-storey semidetached 3 bedrooms, study, servant's split-level living dining. 4 alrcons furnished $1400
      832 words
    • 846 19 EXCELLENT DOUBLE-STOREY BUNGALOW split-level centrally alrcondltloned. dlst 10 4 bedroi ms. study. with bathrotms. wardrobes attached Beautlf illy landscaped garden offering maximum privacy Exquisite flfcorutlon Spacious well equlppec kiu hen Immediate occupatli n Proximities to Amerlc. n' Tanglln Clubs Telephor *****5/ *****3 ROOMS IN OIST 10 fully furnished win tlrcondltloner.
      846 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 591 20 GERMAN EXECUTIVES REOUIRE accommodation In several districts within peaceful surroundings company lease, rental $1,200 $2 500 Alml Estate Management tel *****8 REOUIRED FOR 1 MONTH furnished flat or terrace house dlst 15 or 16 Tel *****/ 4 BALMORAL POINT APARTMENT or similar wanted Company lease Phone *****7/ *****0 LUXURY LEAVE
      591 words
    • 833 20 SERANGOON GARDEN SINGLE- STOREY semi-detached 3 bedrooms, mosaic, furnished, longbath. extras $100,000 ono. Tel. *****0 FREEHOLD WITH VACANT POSSESSION Ufl 523 sq ft land for sale at Kampong Bahri' Kempas. Johore Bahru exactly 5 miles from J B Post Office Water and electricity available Interested parties tel Spore *****7 WILKINSON
      833 words
    • 831 20 SHOPS. SHOWROOMS AND OFFICE spsc* available at Central Building (off Canal Road near Labour office), fully alrrondi'ioned Immediate oc--1 uparnv Please contact *****0 QOLOHILL PLAZA OFFICE SPACE for rent approximately 1.200 sq. ft fully furnished Available Immediately For particulars please call Singapore Housing Management Pte Ltd Tel *****2 FOR RENT
      831 words
    • 740 20 y EUROPEAN COACH TOURS Five European Capitals 9 Days $1617 Leisurely Europe 19 Days $2010 3rand Scandinavian Tour 14 Days $2013 Above prices include meals, hotel accom and return alr-tlckets INTERNATIONAL AIR TRAVEL AOENCY Spore 217 East Coast Road Slngspnn 18. Tol: *****0/ 4*5217 2SSSBSI/ *****92 London 12-14 Argyll Street
      740 words
    • 702 20 NAM HO TRAVEL SERVICE fSPORE) PTB, LTD. Tour West Malaysia seven days SSI3O/-. alr-condltloned bus *****/Malaysla Gentlng Highlands by alr-condltloned bus seven days SBI7O/-. Departure Every Sunday Monday. Cameron Highlands Four days 8880/-. Oentlng Highlands Four days Ssllo/- Departure Every Wednesday Malaysia Haadyal Songkhla seven days (Aircondltloned bus' rooms). SSI7O/-.
      702 words
    • 616 20 PRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTS PON SEC. 1 Pre U I Mornings, Afternoons/ Evenings. Singapore Institute of Commerce. 283 C Selegle Complex (*****9)' 75 Middle Road (*****1). CENTRE FOR CAREER DEVELOPMENT (1) AIB September Examinations Revision (2) Business Correspondence on Sundays (3) Accountancy l A CA Pt A (4) Banking 1975 Examinations
      616 words
    • 756 20 SHORTHAND BEGINNERS RAPID COURSE commencing 13 874 Duration 3 months Fee 810. Tuesdays' Thursday 7 30 p.m. 8 30 p m or 10 a.m. II a.m. Teacher In charge 6 years teaching experience Please enquire Systematic Business Training Centre Room 117. Ist floor. Peace Centre. Selegie Road (*****/ *****5) RAPID
      756 words
    • 809 20 IMMACULATE CONDITION IBTI 280 Benz with tape/ denso alrcond 4 new tyres lax 6 months $'8 000 Ring *****2 1973 VOLVO I*4B excellent condition factory alrcon Done below 10.000 miles Tel *****7. Chong UNIVERSAL CARS WE PAY SPOT CASH FOR OOOD USED CARS If you ore thinking of selling your
      809 words
    • 787 20 LATE IS7I HAT ItS Special showroom condition, low mileage Radio, cassette, new tyres Please phone ***** MO MIDGET -8J good condition $2 500 new paintwork and interior Contact *****6 Ronnie 8 MONTHS OLD DATSUN 120Y Coupe showroom condition, sports rims, cassette. $11,700 Tel *****4 NOVEMBER 1973 CORTINA 1600 OT one
      787 words
    • 507 20 LIFEBOATS svaMaM* -stock subject unsold: 24' 38 persons (motonzeiT-gj persons) 21-25 persons Phono: Spor* *****. M3S2B. a. P.O. Box 17SS G.P.O. Fiberglass Pt* Ltd. LIFT REOUIRED SELETAR Hll Upper Serangoon mornings only Ring Yap 9am 4 pm. onl> *****7 CAR LIFT REOUIRED from-jMd Kallang Airport Road to OrwHßjd Roa'' 9am
      507 words

  • 270 21 Pledge to stamp out vandals 'WORK OF OUTSIDERS 9 THE Education Ministry will take firm action to stamp out vandalism in schools, the Parliamentary Secretary (Education) Mr. Ahmad Mattar said last night. He said such acts of vandalism were committed by irresponsible "outsiders" with antl-natlon-al sentiments. Referring to the recent
    270 words
  • 19 21 The PAP Alexandra branch will organise a ta«-twon-do tournament at Its Stirling Road premises on Saturday at pjn.
    19 words
  • 188 21 CO-OP TO MEET ON PIG FARM PROJECT rB PROPOSED Singapore Livestock and Agricultural Cooperative Society will meet tomorrow to decide whether to undertake a project to develop a million-dollar mechanised plr farm at Sembawang. The meeting will be held at St. Joseph's Institution hall in Braa Baaah Road at 7
    188 words
  • 131 21 Shopkeeper's death: Man sought FLICE are looking for Mohamad Jallanl bin Mohamad Hassan. 26, of Oreenleaf Road, to help them In their Investigations into the murder of shopkeeper Mohamad Mustaffa at the Singapore Turf Club on Jan. 5 last year. Police said four men burst Into a provision shop at
    131 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    19 21 i.»-i« w**. 0" Loving Husband t Father. inserted by wife sons £vX ce r rs .n-?«w S"'n''aw
    19 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 716 21 ATTENTION LADIES. Sauna baths, scientific slimming, spotpostnatal treatments :h very latest machines at I,,'jise Klerk's Salon. 22 Ngee Ann Building No slrenous eXeri. phone *****2 (Spore) ■1 YOUR PLACE WELL-TRAINED md experienced Masseur/ Phone ***** for ap11.00* m -9.00pm) HCI FLAT OWNERS:- why „.,,ney on cement plastering L "amting Use
      716 words
    • 579 21 COFFEE HOUSE CUM MSTAURANT FOR RENT 5 300 8q Ft At Textile O tre 3rd Floor Junction of North BrMea Road' Jalan Sultan One i Of The Elegant Building with Oreeny t Sea Views Alto available Theatre. Bowline Emporlum and Many Depl Store* Ample Car Space IntOTMioij Principal* Ptaaaa Contact
      579 words
    • 51 21 SENIOR SHIPPING EXECUTIVE Aged 30/45. Holding Chartered Institute of Transport qualification or equivalent. Required in expanding shipping organisation Salary commensurate with experience around $2000/ $2,500/- p.m. plus allowances. Please Apply ST. Box N***** Spore. Hatararep ■■(SINGAPORE) PTE LTD has moved to: Suite 109 Cathay Building Mount Sophia Singapore 9 Tel:
      51 words
    • 459 21 \Joetf &inqafote wholly owned subsidiary of USA precisiof^W tools manufacturer have vacancies for /machine operators (male or female) Vocational. Technical or Secondary School Certificate*. No previous experience required. Must be prepared to work shifts Oberg Singapore will provide training in precision grinding machining. ELECTRICIAN Vocational or Technical School Certificate Experience
      459 words
    • 1032 21 lOm\^^^(^ Group B^BT B^B B^B^l^l^B^B^B^B^B^a^B^H BKHN MKYKR group of companies I i^CCrCZciricLl invitss applications for tha following positions:- I A well known and well-eslablished public compan> I In ths Singapors office: w tn many subsidiaries is enlarging its management structure and requires: I SALES ENGINEERS I ASSKI Af TO J?
      1,032 words
    • 20 21 r PHOTOGRAPHS rnvivviuirnj Plac«.your ordar for str-h pap*, tht** H ous«. or by calling *****1 «xtn 235 \oH?J Striiti fines
      20 words

    • 286 22 Singapore crash to their third defeat By ALBERT JOHNSON CINGAPORE'B fledgeling team yesterday crashed to their third straight defeat when they were beaten 89-72 by Indonesia's leading club side Warlgln in the Pesta Sukan sixnation international basketball tournament at Gay World stadium. Both teams started on a lethargic pace and
      286 words
    • 33 22 BANQIE National* a* Paris "A" beat Bank United 6-3 In a Bankers friendly soccer match at National Btadlum Practice Track yesterday Their 'B* team btat Chase Manhattan Bank 5-3 at TangUn.
      33 words
    • 724 22  -  ERNEST FRIDA By rpALENTED Marc 1 Tay gave a power-packed performance yesterda> to steal the honours from Singapore's Asian Games swimmers op the first day of the National Schools swimming championships at Shaw pool. Marc of ACS competing In the Boys Lower Secondary division, erased
      724 words
    • 46 22 LONDON. Mon A 16-1 outsider. Beswellia (Des Culwon the if WUllam Hill Oold Cup Handicap at Redcar today Calus 1-1 was second and My (14-1) third of 13 runners. Boswellla won by a short head with a bead between second and third Reuter.
      Reuter  -  46 words
    • 663 22  -  PETER SIOW By Chia and Tan defeat Indons in thrilling final gEAP Games men's doubles champions Tan Yong Hong: and Chia Chong Boon won Singapore their first gold medal in the Pesta Sukan table tennis invitational championships at Tanjong Katong yesterday. In a thrilling fiveset final, which
      663 words
    • 140 22 Israel will send 80-strong team to Games riiEL AVIV, Mon.— An 80-m ember team will represent Israel at the Seventh Asian Oames In Teheran next month. Israel Olympic Committee announced today. The 59 athletes and 21 officials, the largest delegation Israel has ever sent to an international competition, will compete
      AP  -  140 words
    • 69 22 BJNOAPORE Kerala Aaav clatlor. Invites en tries for the annual Onam sports matt to be held at Parrer Park on Auc 26 Oartlnc at 9JO ajn The men la confined only to Malayalees. Entries must be submitted to the Sports secretary. Kerala Association. 44. Race Course Read,
      69 words
    • 66 22 THE formidable University netball team, with the cream of the BU* trainees, thrashad than- opponents in all their games to win the Pesta Sukan netball tournament at Parrer Park over the weekend Lad by Belinda Ang. they whipped all the other teams In then- group In
      66 words
    • 42 22 OCEAN SC beat Junior Wanderers 4-0 In the «r-wing match of Dr Lee Chiaw Meng's Cup soccer tournament a Parrer Park isatai In the Oeylang West National Day soccer tournament. Oeyiang stoat bsat Rochorr Constituency «^e at Oeylsng Stadium.
      42 words
    • 20 22 BOON TICK CC Under-30 bsat Toa Payoh Under-30 4-3 In a friendly soccer ■stch at Toa Payoh yeater-
      20 words
    • 626 22 CYDNIY. lion— Results of 117 last weekend i Australian Association football matches: SATURDAY Naw Sooth Wales Fa*. Dl». 1: Canterbury 1 Auburn 3: Dt*. t: Corinthians 1 Baokstown 1 Newtown 0 Riverside 0. Polonia 3 Maxrickvule 0; Dl». I: Belmore 1 Campb'ltown 0. Northern 1 Kurlngal 0.
      626 words
    • 271 22 A RECORD lit c o m petltori from six countries have entered for this year's Singapore Open Golf champion ship* starting at Bukit Course on Thursday. Players from countries competing In the Putra Ca* tournament Hongkong, Malaysia. Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines have entered
      271 words
    • 394 22  -  JOE DORAI By ARMED FORCE'S superior team work and fitness won them the Pesta Sukan Under-23 rugger title yesterday when they thrashed University of Singapore 30-3 in the five-team league final match at Gillman Barracks. The power-packed Forces side, with 12 national players, scored three
      394 words
    • 506 23 I RACIW6 I rrWBNTY -YEAR- OLD apprentice Djulkifly Ahmad stormed his way to the top spot among local riders with a great week-end at Kuala Lumpur. A double on Saturday and a treble on Sunday brought his tally of winners this season to 18— one
      506 words
    • 29 23 thirty two teams have been invited (or tha PARC soccer fiesta, to ba held at Buklt Chermin on Sept. IS Closing date for entries U Aug. 18.
      29 words
    • 414 23 Layer tames Solomon in Volvo final NEW YORK, Mon.— Top-seeded Rod Layer of Australia, playing at the top of his form, swept past 21 -year-old Harold Solomon of the United States 6-4, 6-3 yesterday to win the US$5O,OOO ($120,000) Volvo International tennis tournament at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. Playing In
      Reuter  -  414 words
    • 47 23 MANILA. Mon.—The WoUpacfc basketball team-Amart-ca'n 1074 NCAA champions —opened 1U Philippine campaign with a 138-101 win over a Selection team from the Manila Industrial and Commercial Athletic Association (MICAAt In Quenam City yesterday The North Carolina StaU Wolfpaek team lad 08-88 In half time —UFL
      47 words
    • 35 23 LONDON. Mon. Judy Rankln of tha United Staaas yesterday won tba OUgat* European Women's Open golf championship by five strokes with a final round one-over-par 71 for a 04-hoto total of 318. Reutar.
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 161 23 Sheene wins British motorcycle Grand Prix ONDON. Mon. Barry -J oheene of Britain on a Suzuki yesterday won the British mternaUonal Motorcycle Orand Prix with an uverage lap speed of 106. 22 miles per hour (170.94 kph> over 20 laps of the SUverstone circuit. Teuvo Lanslvourl of Pinland on a
      Reuter  -  161 words
    • 65 23 Poona is new venue NEW c tun. Mon. Tha lnter-aoni> semi-final Davis Cup ma ci between India and the fcoviet Union will ba played at Poona next month, instead of New Delhi. P K Khanna, secretary of the All India La«~n Tennis Association said yesterday. The venue was changed "on
      65 words
    • 188 23 Russians outclass Germans and French I>ONN, Mon. Soviet O athletes scored a convincing victory In the two day International athletic* match against France and West Germany at Stuttgart yesterday. The result gave the West Germans and the French little cause for comfort with the European Championships In Rome only three
      Reuter  -  188 words
    • 31 23 BANGKOK. M^« Thailand's 1574 Inter Club champions Port Authority held the vtaluns; Happy Valley club from Hongkong to a 1-1 draw last night at the National stadium here.— AP.
      AP  -  31 words
    • 822 23 pOLLOWINO are tha r welghU for tha Ipoh racfls tola weekend SATVKDAr: Claai 3. Dhr. 8F Birthday Present 040 Major Step 8.11 Ookten Way 0.04 Dum Dum 043 Ooidmorln 8411 Katong Ocean n 840 Turn On 8.00 Predator 7.13 Bhatford Road 7.13 Winner's Laurel 7.11 Sraokey Shadow
      822 words
    • 290 23 Tolchard, Davison steer Leics to victory lONDON, Mon. L* Leicestershire marched on to their 12th win of the competition when they beat Middlesex by seven wickets at Leicester yesterday to strengthen their adv a n tage In the John Player Sunday cricket league. The Middlesex total of 162 for seven
      Reuter  -  290 words
    • 73 23 NIWTORK. Mon.— Rasults of >satsi ik ys major kM|M baseball gaaaa AaMrtaaa Laacwa: Naw York CaJlmraam 4 CVwaMUt j Chlearj; Minnaanla BalUmora Bostosi > Oakland 1; Kansas Cite a aOlwmakas J; Tana 7 Oatntt i. rstimil Lawaa: Ctodnnati 10 Naw Talk 4; Plttaaunh Ban Dtaajo 1; AUanU
      73 words
    • 45 23 MZLBOCKN& lion. Pakistani aquaab aea O. AUuddtn swapt through to tba second round of tha World Squash Championship last nlgtt with as aaay win o*ar Australian J. Hrw«U *w»wt^i P tha aaeand aaad droppad only two points In his »-J MM win— lUuter
      45 words
    • 20 23 PORT Authority bald FooUaa Dtatrtct M to t M draw In a frtondly soeear ■Mteb at Pontlaa ysaUrday.
      20 words
    • 267 23 KU ALA LUMPUR. Mon. —National champion V. Karu was the only Singapore boxer to win a title In the Malaysian Open Championships at Stadium Negara here last night. Karu scored a points victory over Malaysia's Mokhtar Ruddin to win the bantamv eight title. Singapore
      267 words
    • 606 23 Trevino fires a 69 to clinch 'PGA' by a stroke YEW YORK, Mon. A1 American Lee Trevino won the 56th U.S. Profess ional Golfers Association (PGA) championship tournament at Clemmons, North Carolina, yesterday with a final round of one-under-par 69 for a one-stroke victory over Jack Nlcklaus. The 34-year-old Mexi-can-American
      Reuter; UPI  -  606 words
    • 57 23 LONDON, Mon. Pakletan lost an early wicket today when play in the Second cricket Test at Lord's resumed shortly aAer tea because of rain. Waalm Raja waa out caught Uoyd bowled Underwood for 53 and Pakistan were 183 (or 4. Mushtaq Mohammad was 62 not out. Scotes: Pakistan
      57 words
    • 46 23 HONOKONO. Mon Tha Chinese National football team trounced a rutting Senegalese National side 5-2 In a friendly match In Peking yesterday, the New China News Agency reported today. The Agency said about 80.000 people watched the match played at Peking's Worker's HUtiliim Reuter
      Reuter  -  46 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 717 22 SINGAPORE TECHNICAL INSTITUTE INDUSTRIAL TRAINING BOARD, SINGAPORE ADMISSION OF STUDENTS FOR THE OCTOBER 1974 INTAKE Applications are invited for admission to the following Industrial Technician Certificate Courses: 1 Full-Tim* Court* (2 Y«sv«) a) Mechanical Engineering b) Mechanical Engineering Drawing and Design c) Air-conditioning and Refrigeration d) Electrical Engineering 2 Entry
      717 words
    • 19 22 3 PHASE Q-470V 15 AMPERE 0-270 V w 8 AMPERE O-270V 4 AMPERE 0-270 V 2 AMPERE Q 27QV
      19 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 468 23 LsssW ssssssssss^LssS' IB M Here's a list of 30 favourite Puffin m V A A fl books which are best-sellers in the last IMB I V V twelve months. H Adventures of Tom Sawyer Mark Twain Island of Blue Dolphins Scott O'DeJI Wp Emil and the Detectives Erich Ksstner House
      468 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 87 23 TABLE TENNIS FmU and 10 SO p.m.). Sukan Individual finals (Tan- BILLIABOS Three- ball long Katong Tpm) lndlvtdual champ (Balertler BASKETBALL— Peata 3u- Rd I p.m.) tan Open: Japan 81n«a- SWHnUNO National pore (6.30 pjn>. Korea v Schools meet (Barker Road Malaysia pjn). Indone- 2 pm.i da v Hong Konf
      87 words

  • 184 24 LONDON, Mon. A I Singapore metal and commodity brokers firm and its parent company In London have made claims for over £1.25 million (518.27 million) In the High Court here against- the stricken Israel-British Bank In Tel Avlt. Wallace Brothers Commodities Group of
    184 words
  • 60 24 CERRTTOB. (California). Mon. The house where Mr, Pat Nixon lived as a child wm set on fire deliberately yesterday, Fire Department officials said. Damage to the rear of the home which is unoccupied and has been turned into a monument by the city of Cerr'.tos was
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 57 24 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Malaysia and the US today began talks on a new long term textile agreement. The current agreement, under which Malaysia exports annually to US the 19.3 million sq. metres of cotton textile* and 6.2 million aq. metres of synthetic fibres. including batik, will expire
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 44 24 Manila, Mon. Aram Hapln, an escaped convict and suspected member of a gang which pulled off 10 major robberies in Manila in the pact year, was killed In a noon Runbattle with police today in the city's Tondo alum district. CPI.
    44 words
  • 28 24 NEW YORK. Mon —Second quarter profits of US corporations rose 25 per cent from a year ago. Pint National City Bank said In a report. UPI.
    UPI  -  28 words
  • 131 24 WASHINGTON, Mon. What President Ford (above) may miss most when be moves into the White House will be his 12 metre (40ft) backyard swimming pool in which he swims 17 or 18 laps a day. The President demonstrated his ability yesterday evening by doing
    131 words
  • 139 24 Warning on cut-backs threat to British defence LONDON, Mon. A parliamentary committee 1 today warned of a threat to Britain's defence efficiency by cutbacks In spending on the armed forces. Short-term cuts in expenditure such as the £346 million < 3*2,006 8 mil.) taken off the defence budget for 1974--75
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 76 24 Storm Mary kills 2 in Guam AOANA (Ouam), Mon. Tropical storm Mary swept across this South Pacific Island late yesterday, killing two people and causing extensive property damage, officials said today. Killed were Cheater Morgan. 1». a US «allar who drowned while surfing during the storm, and a seven-year-old girl
    76 words
  • 40 24 DAMASCUS. Mon Syrian Fbrelfn afmutcr Abdel HaUrn ITh»<t/I.m U tO fly tO Washington (or talks with US Secretary or State Henry KlMtnger tntnatlmo in the next two weeks, eourcea cloae to the Foreign MlnUtry reported today —AP.
    AP  -  40 words
  • 233 24 Asylum rumpus over Russian violinist PERTH, Mon. Last minute action today by politicians. union officials and lawyers kept Russian violinist Oeorgl Ermolenko In Australia while officials decide whether he wants to defect to the West. Writs were served today in Perth on Australian police and the Soviet cultural attache requiring
    233 words
  • 31 24 HONOKONO Mon. An Australian delegation is In China at the invitation of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the New China News Agency reported today. Reutev.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 379 24 I ONDON. If OS— Tka market *-< eland modarmtaiy towar la quial trmdlng At S pm. th» Financial Tuna* lodax ni eowa 6 8 to SSO.4. Ccoootnic aod political un<-*r-talntlM coupled with rir—lue worrlM prompted «mall mIIIds. Thin coodltlona. however, accentuated toaea which avcra«ed fly« or clx peoc*.
    379 words
  • 194 24 CHEERS AT SIREGAR TRIAL JAKARTA, Monday COME 2,000 people attending the trial of a former Indonesian student leader charg- Ed with attempting to overthrow President Suharto's government today cheered and applauded when his counsels asked the court to nullify the charges. The cnarges of subversion against Harlman Siregar. 24, were
    194 words
  • 328 24 Ford goes to the people WASHINGTON. Won. PRESIDENT Gerald Ford goes to the American people tonight to appeal for a national awakening from the Watergate nightmare His appearance before an overwhelmingly sympathetic Joint session of Congress will be televised across a country wracked by two years of political scandal. Administration
    Reuter; UPI  -  328 words
  • 79 24 CALL FOR 10pc PAY CUTS WASHINGTON. Mon. Sen. Barry Ooldwater yesterday offered a solution to America's monetary inflation problem: A 10 per cent cut in Federal salaries, starting with President Pord's US$2OO. O 00 iSs4Bo.oooi a year. Sen. Ooldwater. leaving the White House after meeting with the President, told reporters
    79 words
  • 18 24 THE weather outlook for Singapore from 6 am to noon today: Isolated ihowsu In late morning.
    18 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 274 24 Mil wL aifW T3 I rr or^ srViNCEiViT ''W^^^^^C/mm Thematic fK. Stamps r^^_ iikks\ Offer ■a» i. i v r^ t Si d,«a«nt .tamp. your, lor BJS ISI WPSi i only 00 Mm .lamp, dapicting Famou. AfW Nod. B. Will In *^6 f/ c!,a» Birds Vmalr World i^k\
      274 words
    • 75 24 lluML_Oil awH aV^ [4 |V > I HI A I I o' w J I 1 1 IP J Htawaw By BB HafaHlMiwH I •>o«m.d. r ii«Uv •<• LWiTßL^wT^aW^j^^^^vTrnßTT^nßß BWaW^^«n4l f^^^ir^a^Tljft*BßßWai r\ H k M M H k^H I 1 f\\ *1 WfTfY 1 1 yi|| OP "'"or wukmv curs
      75 words