The Straits Times, 7 August 1974

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1974 '25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 1167 1 Cabinet in crisis session WASHINGTON, Tuesday FACING a new fire storm in the Congress President Nixon today told an emergency Cabinet meeting that he would not resign and intended to fight to the end to stay in office. President Nixon said his respect for the
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  1,167 words
  • 323 1 Stock mart jumps as hopes rise... YfEW YORK. Tues. i> The sto^k market took a spectacular up ward Jump this morning. Impelled by what brokers described as hopes for an early resolution of the Nixon Impeachment issue. At 10.30 am 10 p.m. Singapore time) the Dow Jones average of 30
    Reuter; AP  -  323 words
  • 74 1 TOKYO. Tue*. The continued to decline heavily on selling by investor* disappointed at gloomy market outlook. At the momlng ckwe. U?t market average was at 4 190 71. off TlJl following a fall of 140.*t yesterday. Reuter. Shelling again SIDON. Tues Israeli heavy artillery shelled areas surrounding
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 32 1 ADELAIDE. Tues— Housewife Joan Odium. SI. was excused from jury *ulj <■ the South Australian 6upr»me Court today after claiming she was a clalrroyant and would know the verdict in advance Rcuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 49 1 A 33-year-old housewife. T»n Chong Poon. was found dead In the toilet of her home In Maud? Road, off Jalan Btesr. last night. Tan. a mother of an eight-year-old boy. had a deep wound In her neck. Police recovered a bloodstained chopper near Tan's brdy
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  • 178 1 Saudi plan to cut oil prices DONN, Tues. Saudi Arabia wants to cut its oil prices to head off a worldwide recession, Saudi Oil I Minister Ahmed Zakl Yamani was quoted as saying today. •We In Saudi Arabia are convinced that oil prices rose more strongly than they should have.
    AP  -  178 words
  • 97 1 $53bil military Bill WABHDJOTON, Tues. Prrtldent Nixon yesterday slfr.Fd but sharply criticised a UB*22J billion .8*63 38 bill military BIU providing money for US defence projects and funds to pay for military aircraft for South Vietnam. Ihe president said he had "serious reservations' about 1 the Procurement Authorlsa- tion Bill
    UPI  -  97 words
  • 63 1 MEXICO CITY. Tues. A government official said last night that Mexico was now self-eufflclent in crude oil and would soon become an oil exporter (or the first time since foreign oil companies were expropriated In 1»M Industry and Commerce MlnUter Jose Campillo Seine told a news conference
    AP  -  63 words
  • 44 1 OBUBSELB. Tm>. MM hv woaaa* -paa4ow! ovtaMo SpojUah eflleea Mere toiay, Iwrtng tfcroe -ooaJo FiSK Mid It waj_» WWIMtkVi TW b«Bba were Hcre4 pUntc. ky an orcaataaUon oppooet to the Hftih GoTern■nl called Uie ■afloaial Bcretatlanary Action Great* Better.
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  • 469 1 PObank loans for homes NEW SCHEME FOR DEPOSITORS rvEPOSITORS with the Post Office Savings Bank may borrow up to a maximum of $150,000 to buy their own homes under a new scheme Just Introduced by POSB. The rate of Interest will depend on the period of the loan— 11% per
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  • 39 1 TAIPB. Tuer— lndonesia has agreed to seU more crude oil to Taiwan and the first shipment of 20.000 metric tons Is on Its way. according to air. Jerome Hu president of Taiwan's Chinese Petroleum Corporation Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 31 1 WASHINOTON Tues. The OS Defence Department said today that because of shortage* it Is having difficulty buying enough steel, machinery, electronic* and other item* to do 1U Job Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 61 1 BELORADE. TttOS. The Yugoslav Oovemment yesterday banned Imports of /tome consumer goods and I raw materials to curb the country's soaring trade deficit The ban will cut foreign exchange funds available for Import of consumer good* by I IS per cent and those for raw materials which constitute
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 58 1 Sumatra oil strike JABABTA. Twos. Two American oil companies have fonnd an oil well In central Sumatra capable of producing 5.6 M barrels of crude a day, a spokesman of the state-owned Pertiralna saJhd today. Calasiatic and Topco. the respective subsidiaries of Standard Oil of California and Texaco, discovered the
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  • 18 1 ANCHORAOE TU*B. A moderate earthquake shook the Alaskan Peninsula in the niamana volcano area yesterday —UPl
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  • 32 1 KUSHIRO (Japan). Tues Five occupants of a light van were killed when their vehicle burst into flames alter a head-on collision with a concrete mixing truck here today. Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 166 1 Senator: Free passage vital to US /CARACAS, Tues. v The United States is unlikely to ratify a sea law treaty that does not provide for free passage of ships, submarines and planes through international straits apd "economic zones" a US Senator said here yesterday. Sen Claiborne Pell, chairman of the
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 231 1 Turks and Greek Cypriots clash again T^ICOSIA, Tues. 11 Another outbreak of fighting today held up attempts to cement the Cyprus ceasefire as Turkish troops and Greek Cypriots clashed west of Kyrenia. Informed sources in the Cyprus capital where the thud of gunfire was clearly heard— said Turkish artillery and
    Reuter  -  231 words
  • 68 1 Jakarta hunt for S'pore woman JAKARTA. Tues. Police today began huntIng for a Singapore woman believed to be on* of the organisers of a drug smuggling ring. The search was sparkitd oft by the arrest of 16 members of the syndicate In Jakarta, a police * said today. The arresU
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 72 1 BUD/UTBBT. Tu«s—Hungarian adcnUeU have been forbidden to acres* acholarshtpa In the Wen to prevent a "brain drain from tnr countrj. U* newspaper Magyar HUlap ia.d yesterday "HlgMy deve'jped countiie*. lii order '> save large sums ttey wou d nave to ■pend ca trainini (paclalUU. are to buy
    AP  -  72 words
  • 45 1 NIMCS (Prsne*). Turn. Five fuiuien wearing wlaji and mulu held up a main postal aorUag centre hare today and got away with about o\x million franc* (about S2JOO 0OO) In an operation kxaibed by tbt police a* "raaaUrljr and hlfhly ptofCKionai." Rcu-
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    • 22 1 WASHDiGTON, Tms. ■■■ate lereign BeU Uons Oasssßittee rated ■Hants—alj te clear Secretary of State Bis ■lager el InvoWement In wbeUpa.—NTT.
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    • 39 1 LOS ANGELES. Taea. -A boaab exploded today In tke ran Aaaeriean Airlines teraalnai amUdlnc at Lea Aagelea International airport Firemen said la an Initial report that three or fo«r people were killed and others were Injmred.-CFI
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 171 1 iii mfi champions M URfcfST STOCKISTs'»yf THE PENINSULA SHOPPING COMPLEX. GROUND FLOOR (G 71. COLEMAN STREET SINGAPORE 6 TELEPHONE: *****9. NATIONAL FRONT: THE CHALLENGE PAGE 13 ROCKEFEIXEft solution to oil millions t SAIGON denies "tear up peace accord" threat 4 TIES (rowing from strength to strength: Swaran 5 MAN loses
      171 words
    • 172 1 CALCULATOR A MATH-MARVEL lun irol on your wrist ■UTOVM77C WRIST A^^aaws^X^ CHRONOGRAPH WITH F ABk V PRECISION BEZEL iff siiDh rl it for i ami ENGINEERS. BUSINESSMEN, B 7 sdh 77S n riLO r.s Awiltbleit BwaVH CHUN CHONG &2, South Bridge Road, Ro 110 Kit Sincere. 1.Te,:734 21 3 HVM
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  • Straits Times World News
    • 261 2 DOL DC BRETAGNE. (France), Toes. Police and firemen freed from mangled wreckage yesterday the last victims of a train derailment that killed nine people and Injured 30 others. Judges started an investigation into the accident, bat passengers agreed that the train was travelling too fast
      UPI  -  261 words
    • 63 2 WFLLINOTON, Tues. New Zealand will send an allwoman delegation to the World Population Conference In Bucharest this month. Prime Minister Ncrman Kirk said yesterday The delegation of five will be led by Dorothy Joellrtch. a Labour Party backbencher In parliament. Mr. Kirk said the women had been
      AP  -  63 words
    • 51 2 NEW YORK, Tues. A new flu vaccine appUed through the nose rather than by Injection wUI be marketed in Belgium during the 1974-75 Influenza season. Smith-Kline Corporation of Philadelphia announced today. Belgian authorities have approved the vaccine which contains live virus. Uke that In oral pouo vaccine.—
      AP  -  51 words
    • 290 2 Historic joint session debates poll Bill pANBERRA, Tues. The \j Australian parliament today began Its historic Joint session to debate a government Bill which seeks to rearrange electoral boundaries. Prime Minister Oough Whltlam, opening the debate said redistribution of the electorates would make the people equal In making their laws
      Reuter  -  290 words
    • 89 2 China youths sent to border towns MOeOOW, Tuea. China has begun deporting young people from cities to swell the population along the Soviet and Mongolian borders and to reduce risks of potential trouble, the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda said today. The newspaper said Chinese leader Mao TSe-tung and his supporters have
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    • 73 2 nniTLSA, (OkUhaau) A Th. Semrinc aU Prteea trl(f»nel by the Aim* emharre have ■artaaa farclfß exehaace feftatt attuttam. the OU •aei Oaa Javimal said yeatenlay The trade laatadna •aid S«riet latian frem crude ofl an* iredaeta f xporta but year eiec«elael UBssS alllien <B|lJ bUlaa)
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    • 382 2 Rockefeller solution to Arab millions 'SHIFT MONEY TO GOVT BODIES' WASHINGTON. Tuesday J^|R. David Rockefeller believes recycling of Arab oil money "has to be shifted from commercial banks to government entities." In an Interview In the current issue of US News and World Report, Mr. Rockefeller, chairman of the Chase
      AP  -  382 words
    • 23 2 VIENNA. Tues. Two passenger trains collided south of the upper Austrian capital of Uns yesterday. Injuring 30 people, five seriously Reuter.
      Reuter  -  23 words
    • 82 2 BONN. Tues.— West Oermany Is planning to relax restrictions on the admission of visitors from some Arab countries imposed after the September, 1973 massacre at the Munich Olympic Games an official spokesman said yesterday. Mr. Helns Schwars. chairman of the Conference of State Interior Ministers, said
      Reuter  -  82 words
    • 290 2 US cattle men starved, shot at aborigines charge CYDNEY, Tues.— American cattlemen have assaulted, starved and shot at Australian Aboriginal tribesmen to force them off their lancL a senior Australian civil servant said today. Mr. Charles Perklrs, an Tif l Tanf secretary cf the Department of Aboriginal Affairs, said In
      Reuter  -  290 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 286 2 Only Qantas gives you the big, beautiful 7478 every day to London. < mim\ B# «w- ]-£r^* wdwt&'*¥&Yv!l TraveNin 9 dlrect to iSittA HH^~Sfl/ilif London? Qantas' ■B^*--- fleeti aTT^Rn bw^BV^ special advance kjftjjfl S^i I fe^^VL purchase fare gets y^ *%c AWLttyllJ^a. attßiß And when youre m^k \^m ready, Qantas
      286 words
    • 148 2 I FIRE PROTECTION SECURITY ELECTRONIC ALARM SYSTEMS E DESIGN MANUFACTURE SUPPLY mU r INSTALLATION MAINTENANCE n^Bn P^ INTRUDER ALARM LjJ T^^^^^^^ SYSTEMS BUILDING SERVICES JsmmSmmmm xC^3 I aaaaaaaaaaaaV supervisory systems Alia aViia» aMswNjy digital central rlTi S^^^a^Si CONTROL STATION llXsisaaa»DQaJ aaaaaaaaaaaav monitoring service WormaM Sprinklers and Fira Protection VaMM Equipmant
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    • 396 3 EfIROSHIMA, Tver 1 Millions of people throughout Japan observed the anniversary today of the 1945 atom bomb attack on Hiroshima as the city's mayor called for an emergency United Nations conference to ban all nuclear weapons. A peace bell, rung by two survivors of the blast, tolled out across
      Agencies  -  396 words
    • 775 3 WASHINGTON. Tuesday 'Otherwise we will vote for impeachment' warning by hitherto strong Republican backers REPRESENTATIVE Charles Wiggins (Republican), leader of President Nixon's defence in the House Judiciary Committee, said yesterday he would vote for impeachment if Mr. Nixon did not (resign. Two
      UPI  -  775 words
    • 194 3 Japan to build mega-ton dock in -Korea- WOKYO, Tues-A JapaX nese firm, Kawasaki .leavy Industries Ltd aid today It was planning to build a megaton (1.000.0* ton) repair dock In South Korea in a Joint venture with a local shipyard. Kawasaki said It had reached a basic agreement for this
      Reuter  -  194 words
    • 135 3 Pilots' strike cripples airline for sixth day NEW DELHI, Tues. Operations of Air India, the Indian International airline, continued to be crippled for the sixth day today because of an Indefinite strike by pilots In protest against a new duty system, which abolished overseas postings. The ktrike began when the
      Reuter  -  135 words
    • 88 3 rUST BERLIN, Twas. Cj East and West German officials today disease communist traffic disniptlen on transit routes between West Germany and Iselaled West Berlin. A Meeting here of the inter-German Transit day after Britain, Prance and the United States delivered separate proesU to the
      Reuter  -  88 words
    • 322 3 PARIS, Tuesday yiSITING Egyptian Foreign Minister Ismael Fahmi yesterday told French officials his country wants a general Middle East peace settlement as soon as possible, French Foreign Minister Jean Sauvagnargues said here. .After a three-hour meeting between he two ministers Mr. Sauvagnargues raid
      Reuter  -  322 words
    • 36 3 JAKARTA. Tuet.— A Pakistani company la negotiating with Indonesian official* for the purchase of Indonesian timber worth between UBSS and US»« million (SI 13 and 8114.4 mil.), an Agriculture Ministry spokesman amid today —Reuter.
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 59 3 pAIBO, Tues. Thousands of letters seat by Egypt V laru to their relatives working In Libya, were returned undelivered by the Libyan authorities, the newspaper Al-Ahram said today. The newspaper's report— a further indication of the rapidly deteriorating relations between the two countries said the number of
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 268 3 PLO warns Arab leaders against sabotage commandos BEIRUT, Tues. A prominent guerilla leader criticised King Faisal Of Saudi Arabia yesterday and warned against attempts at sabotaging the commando movement's position in Lebanon. Salah Khalaf better Known as Abou Iyad. spoke at the opening session here of a fiveday conference by
      268 words
    • 100 3 NAOOYA. Tues. A M year old Japanese man was charged today In connection with the hijacking of a Japan Airlines DC-8 Jetliner ojjj* domestic flight on _2)jL. N Nrcyii district proweu tors office said Akirm Iwakoshi h«d bwrTihaViid with violation, of U*as{. HU««king
      Reuter  -  100 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 315 3 MANAGER MANUFACTURING PLANT MOTORISED TOOLS A leading Australian organisation with a long and well established market for Its products In Singapore and adjacent countries Is seeking applications for the position of manager to set up and manage a manufacturing organisation In Singapore. Applicants preferably should have a degree or diploma
      315 words
    • 360 3 Visit Australia two great. inDUSTRim. EXHIBITIOnS Eight great halls. Three hundred and twenty-three companies will exhibit products from twenty-seven naiions. Official national exhibits by nine nations Austria. India. Italy. Japan. New Zealand. Romania, West Germany. UK., USSR Separate machine tools and mining sections Co-ordinated seminars The Asian area s one
      360 words

    • 518 4 HUNDREDS of whites defied a curfew Imposed by the Angola military Junta to drive through the streets of the Angolan capital last night, honking and shouting slogans against the army and two Afri can nationalist movements. The demonstration came within 48 hours
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    • 49 4 TOKYO. Tues—Sumitomo Metal Industries, a Japanese s eelmaker. announced today It would set up a steel pipe factory In Saudi Arabia in a Joint venture with Saudi Arabian capital. A Sumitomo spokesman said the firm would be capitalised at about It billion yen (Stli.T million).—PPL
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    • 27 4 TOKYO. Tues.—sirs. Margaret Whitlam. wife of Australian Prime Minister Oough Whitlam. arrived today to launch the Australian National Line's 23.000-tonne vehicle-deck container snip Australian Emblem.—ReuMT
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    • 251 4 4 bombs explode outside party offices ROME, Tufts. Four small bombs exploded today outside o'fices here of the neo-Fascist Italian Social Movement (MSI) Party In apparent reaction to Sunday's bomb attack on a packed holiday train which killed 12 people and Injured 48. The blasts all went off within half
      Reuter; AP  -  251 words
    • 414 4 Saigon denies 'tear up peace accord' threat 'PRESS GAVE WRONG IMPRESSION' SAIGON, Tuesday THE Saigon Government today denied it would abolish last year's peace accord if communist forces took a district capital in their current campaign. A Foreign Ministry statement containing the denial was Issued in response to press reports
      414 words
    • 245 4 SOUVANNA PICKS TOP RED AS ACTING PREMIER VENTIANE, Twe*. Prime MinUter Soavanna Ptaouma of Laos has appo'nted the rankln, communist member of his coalition Cabinet to serve aa I Actlnf Prime Minister for the next two monthi while he travels to France to recuperate from his heart attack, Government sources
      AP  -  245 words
    • 57 4 LIGNANO SABBIADORO (Italy), Toes. A herd of runaway circus elephants yesterday stampeded through this placid coastal resort, romping across a tennis court and breaking into the kitchens of a local hotel. Ten elephants top bill at the Medrano Circus deserted their trainers to stomp through the town, squashing
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 305 4 12 nations agree on steps to meet any Arab oil ban WASHINGTON. Tues The world's major oil consuming nations have reached a tentative asrreement on measures to blunt any future Arab oil embargo, a State Department official said yesterday. They include sharing existing oil stocks among the 12 participating governments
      Reuter  -  305 words
    • 265 4 POLICIES OF TWO ENVOYS CRITICISED WASHINGTON. Tues Two congressional reports yesterday sharply criticised the policies of US Ambassador to Vietnam Graham Martin and his counterpart in Cambodia. John O. Dean. The reports, written by Senate and House staff analysts who visited Indo-Chlna earlier this year, charged that Mr. Martin has
      UPI  -  265 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 483 4 Viva: we proved its economy now a few more surprises he Viva £as& .spirit #*> asl^"^.- sM£v < m£ tE» t swßPs^^sl UP>-"**r" fl ll'■ I j B^sl H^S^SSBBBS 1 I I^BSW vWHbWJBBuILT I 1 1 J i sfl rfSSBBBBBBBSWs^SW»»»SWg^;^^ BWW-JL »J|l wl Itwlw^^vVJllliHLiwfl Lw^Lw^*. M^-g£gJjjS swfiSsi WSsMBLfJ IfT*\ '^^^^^9lbWs^bWs^bbbbbL
      483 words
    • 28 4 Jbt*** <> J cwuji great dty then Is a great Dewtpaper in Hoag K«g a*, the M»w» |var craW far IT wUh MAKAN SONS, LTD v Ta *****0, *****
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  • 418 5  -  R. CHANDRAN By No bilateral problems: Swaran INDIAN Foreign Minister, Mr, Swaran Singh yesterday warmly welcomed the growing ties between Singapore and India. He was very glad, he said, that there was a mutual desire to strengthen po 1 ltlcal, economic ana cultural relations
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  • 277 5 Personal loan scheme for education officers lEDUCATIONI EDUCATION officers under the Industrial Training Board can obtain personal loans of up to a month's salary from the ITB when Its proposed re* scheme .0* service Is Implemented. This loan, to be only used for emergency purDoses, Is Included In the scheme
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  • 335 5  - POLITICS AND THE PUPIL CHEW By npEACHERS have a major role In explainx Ing political changes of this century not only to their students but to the populace at large, the 23rd assembly of the WCOTP was told yesterday. Mr. John Thompson, Secretary -Oeneral of the World Confederation of Organisations
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  • 32 5 The taxi drivers' find' Commuters who have left articles in taxis during July can claim them from the Registry of Vehicles. Among the article* are cameras, binoculars, handbags and school text books.
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  • 107 5 GIRLS WIN INTERSCHOOL DEBATE rE Paya Lebar Metho dlst Girls' School yesterday beat Victoria School br./s to win the Serangoou district In-ter-school debate. Che winning team, who spoke for the motion comprised: Kwek Puay Swan. Urn Slew 81m, Hazel Chua aad Stella Danker. Nations' wealth riM «übj*et was The prosperity
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  • 97 5  - UNHAPPY 14 QUIT PSA POLICE JACOB DANIEL By pOURTEEN Port Authority policemen are believed to have resigned from the force recently following dissatisfaction over a promotion exercise carried out two months ago. Sources say they were also unhappy with their pay and working conditions. The sources also say some police
    97 words
  • 58 5 $6,500 GIFTS rrm Par 1 la mentary 1 Secretary (Social Affairs), Mr. Chan Cher Seng, yesterday received SSJM worth of books and equipment and a cheque for »l,5«0 on behalf of the Social Welfare Department. The books and equipment were •resented by the Mcc Ton Buddhist School sad the chrqnr
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  • 101 5 When to register for N-service NATIONAL service registration for Singapore citizens and permanent residents born between Jan. 1, IMS pnd March 31, 1058, will be held at the Central Manpower Base in Dempsey Road, Tangiin. from Sept. 9 to Nor. 18 between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. A Defence Ministry
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 154 5 FOR PRIVATE SALE CATTLE STATIONS WILUNA DISTRICT WESTERN AUSTRALIA S ADJOINING PASTORAL LEASES 3 (Expiring 2015) ■CARNBOIE" 390, 596 HECTARES (865.429 acres) "PRENTI DOWNS" 353.510 HECTARES (947.874 acres) "WINDIDDA" 355.055 HECTARES (§77.352 acres) IMPROVEMENTS Normal Station Homesteads and Outbuildings. Cool rooms. etc Adequate waters, mills, troughs and yards. Rainfall 200
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 239 5 Straits Times Crossword 1 Bad Pr^TlU ,I*. SST"^ U» ycu the shiver* (7) 7 weapon seen in a cata--5 Every one In sporty car )o V "Ul frtj hcen you U brave (7). <•' Delicacy to make king eat •It feu carden looking dlfon time <s>. ferent 10 Crumpled art
      239 words

    • 288 6 A-G quits to stand for Dewan Rakyat KUALA LUMPUR, Toes. —Tan Srt Abdul Kadlr Yusof has resigned as Attorney -General and a senator to contest his first general election for a seat In Parliament.. He announced yesterday that he would stand In Tengaroh (for merly Johore Tlmur). The Johore Tlmur
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    • 445 6 A whirlwind 'tell the people' tour.,. K. LUMPUR, Tues. Razak to explain manifesto TUN Abdul Razak will begin a whirlwind tour of the country beginning on Thursday Nomination Day to explain the National Front's election manifesto to the people. This was announced by tfce Front's director of elections, Encik Ghafar
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    • 193 6 Brother of top CPM man for polls IPOH, Tuesday A YOUNGER brother of Rashld Mydln, one of the ton leaders of the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) will contest la the Sunge; Manlk state constituency. He Is Mohamed Yusof i bin Mydln, 47. a headnotn of Kampung Chenderong BaUl and
      193 words
    • 109 6 Bridegroom of a day dies in road crash JOHORK BAKU. Tues. A man, married less than 24 hours, was knocked down by a car and killed In Batu Pahat on Sunday. Bakrt bin Jufim 14 was walking from hla bride* house In Parlt Jeluumj Mar ber* to bit bous* a
      109 words
    • 74 6 Distribution of cement unfair says CAP PINANO, TU6S. The Consumers Assoclatlotx of Peuang called on the Government today to "take firm action" to «*ure *»lr distribution of cement In the state CAP WiaHlwn. Mr. «i,. Mohamad Idrta, aliaaad that •Whaugh the prtTTi ii aesn faisaa iw fUtto g. waniatactwma an
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    • 7 6 BoUa > *"*r*— but naada S^^anTSnS
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    • 234 6 Taximan robbed and left in the nude KUALA LUMPUR, Tms. —Two youths forced a taxi driver to strip and then escaped In his taxi with his earnings and clothes yesterday. They left A. Femmmal, M. in the nude on Edinburgh rubber estate at Kepong, near here, to prevent him from
      234 words
    • 70 6 FAJUT BINTAB, T»s. Twenty-nine children aged from two to 12, were warded at the district hospital here yesterday afternoon for suspected food poUoninc Some of them, children of workers at Gula Estate, 12 miles from here, were uncoascioos when taken to the hospital. They had eaten
      70 words
    • 215 6 CAR SALES DIP AS FINANCE FIRMS PUT ON THE SQUEEZE KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Sales of cars have dropped In the past few months because of the credit squeeze being Imposed by some finance i companies. Car salesmen complain that some finance com- panles are making It more difficult to obtain
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 184 6 Welcome to THE HCXJSE OF TANG Fashion Show at the Ist National Exposition. Reception Information Area, r Ground Floor, National Stadium, 8.00 p.m. Nightly from Sth to Tlth August. SHOP AT TK HOUSE OF TANG j- .^^L^^^^^i^^^^^^^isajafr .^La^fcasßw MM JmXi' -jS~ BBBr^^^aSJ -^^^^^~^^^^m aBB* t sbk aBB^B^B^BasB^BsBIA •^B^Bm^sr*^r^Bsa^ Baasa^B'WP^BHf^ MmmWW^^mtmm^^-'
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 227 6 Bringing Up FBtsasW sly BUI KBVaMsssgss Hal Camp r JX~vY "*> ™c opb«a mxt wok/ BloaelU By ChU Youag h OOI^WTLC^KsAr-w fl* SORQV J VDU Z/ TwERE Q-OSiNG TME U*l Abnwr By Al Capp V" "~^V C l*U.OrVg^ /^TVUE WINO Ao BOV.T^N AFTER TDQAV t»rS^s?^? SV^ 06 \T-^r S[ MOMMA'
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 881 7 mjr THE NEW ENCYCLOPAEDIA Britannica 3 NOW IN 30 MAGNIFICENT VOLUMES MADE UP OF 3 SERVRATE BUT INTEGRATED PARTS V |BL«nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn^i^B^n^nßßH^nn^nnnnHß«m4nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ■^■ma nnnl '^^^SalllnlV nnS al'nß 1^ I ITM 5 f M y tj^s g^^ ■^a^^^Bßnu^^B^nni^^nH Bnnn^^nu nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn^ n^knßC^nnrv K A i *^M nnn^M m nanr^MnannnnnnVSH ■nv^BP^^LnnnnnnnnV aann^Bnnnßnnnnnnnnnnl LnT^l mr
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 364 8 I »L" f'^l a^aaal KNHNb^bI AaWWonal FaaMVel OWarm:- '■■•wi O»*»» DIAMOND SOLITAIM OIAMOND SOLITAiat S .5,.. i S! .ar m a aaa aa < 1 4B»B#a TnT rn\n t Itttt IJirti 71< 2.M Caratm t 6.400 00 > 3.840 00 1" 111 laaaaa iaaa I 724J ssoooo 3&4000 Tia i'ftao'aa
      364 words
    • 252 8 ■■■B»#lBW7t L l^»nfVfaaaaß»alß*aß I LAST DAY! 7** l*-. Hilnlii: Mate SLN— CNUrac SIM Tha Original Doberman Gang In Thatr All NCW Advwitura!!! |MIE IXTMI! ■NETWULt! NME OMTOKIT! "^^B^B^B^B^Lir^aaaaaaaaar /atVißaßjaVA'afß^^V aßßHaa^B^B^Bkai** .aaaVaWß^^/ /i'l*V» J*7f jj uJJL^M ran aaaVSaVttal VUbbMbMBvIbUbV X OPENS TOMORROW!^ ORCHARD: NEXT CHANGE! RUSHEB WITHJBUSIIIG LAUGHTER! \cwßt^i^gjL waa> v*>«n<
      252 words
    • 361 8 COME HEAR I Hi^M THE WANDERING M GYPSIES AH LbV^ M NIGHTLY fli^l BbßbV V^ 8 3OPM-iooAMaamV^aaT»#..w at the ■fC HIBISCUS v %lM LOUNGE j£ •A a^BT I |^S^,^ti^B^Baaa^tsaMl|| Tomorrow SpacaM Midntßht ft Friday Momang Siiewr at Ttiraa Tliaaaaa Thna: MUnJaJn at 12 Mornana. Show at 10 30 am I
      361 words
    • 277 8 pi CAFITtL-XOW SBOWIIVC! tJ 1 1ftaj 1.40, 4. 646 ».aOB« MO f"ICC LI«T UAMMEX Rlfji-Tk VAMPIRE SPECIALISTS mi SHAWS-TW KUTfG Fl SPECIALISTS POM tMaT OmtaTt tCCaafaifMS t> BTBf JfO-..« ft I Xc i-^DMCULA^cT Golden vampires CrjJEßt^ tfiu start** PETER CUSHJNG, DAVID CHIANC JUUI Eg t SWH SUMh CaWwcapt OI'F.XS TODAY
      277 words
    • 757 8 CATHAY!; J LAST OAV I \t 2 Show* 700 ft 130pm J I TNI OARINQ OOMRMANt ■tamra THa Origmal C&mrmtn B Gang io Coto- OPtNS TOMORROW' CANTONESE Diatogu* TMt TIN ANTS Of TALKATIVE SHIFT m Cok>rScoi« Tarn Hog Mar Lr*J S TOMORROW AT MIDN-GM- ij HIROSHIMA 2* Mandarx S» Fonfl
      757 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 346 9 TRADE-IN FOR A COLOUR TV The trade-in value of your black white TV set is *****.00. We will accept any brand of TV set that has a 20" screen or above and within 5 years old Do not hesitate! Limited stock- 100 sets only, r&&*^ \jS mm *f VISIT our
      346 words
    • 43 9 t! IF EMBEDDED TOBACCO STAINS effectively removed with EUCRYL SMOKERS TOOTHPOWDER Jm" «WC«»1 l||| gycfyl smokers smokn t ]Too,hpo^r.. w I i emoves viscid film Vj rrij]!!^ br. B hun»ndwh.t^ Sol. Aoam COLO STORAGE (SI PTE. LTD. B^r J/ < lyi bY y^Xi^^B .^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^i^B^B^B^i^i^B^^.
      43 words
    • 111 9 MIRROR, MIRROR ON THE WALL... Shangri-la has the greatest collection of them all! Eo/tof Jovothel/leof 0011... ond... Hotel 801 l Qeoch Here, simply, is the best hotel on Bali, a unique fashion of east and west. With its 500 deluxe rooms. Five restaurants. Four cocktail lounges. Choice of swimming pools.
      111 words
    • 408 9 HKS^3«a^aß^Ski^^ai Be honest Vv Be a new man ■f in only 14 days! Xpv J Results you can see, feel measure guaranteed PH^g^ir OR YOU PAY NOTHINC! It you always thought it took long hours can turn it into reality ANO actually of exhausting exercise to obtain a attain results
      408 words

  • 643 10 The S traits Times WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1974 COMING CLEAN "/X)MINO CLEAN" is an old-established virtue. It derives partly from the Christian teaching on repentance as a precondition for forgiveness. The ethic has been incorporated in Western Jurisprudence in practice, if not always in formulation ana an admission of guilt
    643 words
  • 327 10 IWAS disturbed about the statement by the Deputy Public Prosecutor (ST.. July 30) that the public should not be encouraged to take litigation cases against doctors. Why not? An doctors Infallible? I would have expected a civil servant to hold the opposite view. Because It U
    327 words
  • 117 10 JWJZ refer to the letter If oy Teow Peng Kwan (ST. Aug. 1). Many lessees renovate their new flats to suit their Individual style of living. The haulage of building materials and debris removal service has been Introduced principally for the benefit and convenience of HDB residents.
    117 words
  • 907 10 TH E impecunious Journalist is legend. But, in real life, newspapermen are not exactly charit> cases. Unfortunately, a lot of people seem to think we are. In various contradictory ways. Some want to feed us, some flatter us, some flummox vs and some want to avoid us in the
    907 words
  • 1001 10  - The whole truth is in those crucial tapes DAVID ROSENBAUM GETTING INTO THE HEART OF A CONSPIRACY By THE second article of Impeachment accuses the President of violating his oath to execute the law and of broadly abusing his Presidential power. It specifies five Instances of such abuses as follows:
    NYT  -  1,001 words
  • 138 10 Prevent pool mishap f|iHK Housing Board la to be congratulated on doing a splendid Job of turning a piece of barren land, next to the Toa Payoh Swimming Complex, Into a lovely park. However, some children are using the pool In the park as a swimming pool and even as
    138 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 5 10 watch of f§Um l-adrtion&lechnology *****030
      5 words
    • 447 10 Yomeishu BOTANICAL •I HEALTH m tonic good for... m Ia gastrointestinal DEBILITIES Take a glass of YOMEISHU. and evening, before eating and you could K^"* y I YbmetfhU find that 9astro f^rV-A i IV 1 11 mtest.nal debilities f i /'tjCC^ M are alleviated Ay m k and your
      447 words

  • 143 11 Youth who got no pocket money A 16- YEAR-OLD youth told the First Magistrate's Court yesterday that he stole his mother's diamond ring and pawned it because she did not give him pocket money. Boh Nam Lee. who pleaded guilty to theft of the $425 ring from his Lorong Lima
    143 words
  • 12 11 THERE were 96 road acetdi»iits. four serious on Moi day.
    12 words
  • 180 11 A FORMER planter. Quah Ooi Jin, yesterday lost his appeal, arising from his counterclaim for $333,400 against his mother. 87-year-old Yew Phaik Hoon. He claimed this sum as accumulated unpaid salaries, allegedly owing to him for 28 years (1940-68) when he was virtually in overall
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  • 251 11  -  T.F. HWANG By judgment sum In favour of the mother. 00l Keat was not Involved In yesterday's appeal hearing. Mr. K. Ksnippau Chettiar, for Madam Yew (who was not In court yesterday) said his client had not evjn sough Interest on the Judcrment
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  • 160 11 WOMAN JAILED FOR WHISKY THEFT A WASHERWOMAN was Jailed for six weeks by the First Magistrate's Court yesterday when she adi mittrd stealing two bottles of Sco t c h whisky, a packet of rice, and three bottles of essence of chicken, from NTUC supermarket in Serangoon Gardens on Monday
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  • 28 11 MR. Wee Toon Boon. Minister of State (Environment), will officiate at the Pexta Sukan Open Invitation Cheas CnamptoiMhlp at Hong Urn Park today, at 7 pja.
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  • 187 11 Gamble that didn't pay A 25 YEAR OLD man posed as his uncle in a magistrate's court to plead guilty to a gambling charge, the Second Magistrate's Court heard yesterday. Leong Kok Heng. who admitted falsely Impersonating Low Ah Tee in the First Magistrate's Court on July 23. said In
    187 words
  • 54 11 PASIR Panjang community centre will celebrate National Day with s "Miss Paslr Panjang" contest and a body-building competition at Its premises on Aug. IT st 7 30 p.m. A yo-yo competition and a baby show will be held on Aug. 10 and It at 7 30 pm
    54 words
  • 55 11 THIEVES broke Into a flat at Jalan Mem Una on Monday snd stole )ewellery and other good* vklued at about 57.830 Loh Alt Lool. 37, a hawker told police she and bar incthcr left their flat at about P am. that day and returned an hour
    55 words
  • 128 11 MORE than 38,670 customers have visited the three NTUC Welcome sup c r m arkets since the opening of their fortnight long Food Festival on Aug. 1 The festival is being held at the Toa Payoh, Buklt Ho Swee and the Serangoon Garden
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  • 409 11 Constable gets 30 months and rotan A POLICE constable months' Jail and si by the Second DlstrU found guilty of robber Brian John Danker, 22, was also Jailed for another year for extortion. Danker pleaded guilty. Both sentences are to run concurrently. Danker 's two accomplices, Ronny Ng Sal Fook,
    409 words
  • 296 11 UP GO PRICE OF FISH AND EGGS THE price of egg.« (medium) has Increased by 10 cenU to $1.45 for 10, the Trade Department reported yesterday. Prlcas of horse mackerel (selar) and mackerel tkenvbong) rose by 10 cants to II 70 and 11.20 a kaU respsctlrely. Following are the recommended
    296 words
  • 33 11 SENTnPTT community centre Is now holding weeklon* Fiesta National 14 fasturtnf aj debate, a ■tory-teil-lng contest, sewing;, photographic, art and craft exhibitions, at Its premises from 7 pja. dally until Sunday.
    33 words
  • 23 11 WATER consumption on Monday was 184.7 million railona (M7,»M cubic metres), 12 million gallons (S5.M* cubic metres) more than on Sunday.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 220 11 aWM ill nan i ill ■■R| t^ jUiiu V DAYUNM v^»4 I itWl 1 ■111 111 V.tamln mineral Abbott's murtivitamin mineral syrup with its formula for lovely candy flavour and pleasant aroma flawing children DOES HAVE A DELICIOUS TASTE W^*K I ONE THAT ALL THE CHILDREN ADORE CIV VI OAVLIN
      220 words
    • 265 11 PUT THE NEW VAUXHALL VIVAS TO THE ULTIMATE MPG TEST AND WIN UP TO $1,000 IN CASH PRIZES3WAYSTOWIM 1. You start with a new Vauxhall Viva from Orchard Motors, Orchard Road Showroom. 2. You start with a new Vauxhall Viva from Orchard Motors, Paya Lebar Showroom 3. You start with
      265 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 916 11 O Colour programmes in black letters TV SINGAPORE (5) yy MALAYSIA (3) I fafi Openini and Lenu 7.M Oending Simudri (Mtliy _A A a_k-_ O.\n) Rtluirp (Miliv) IJI rapeit) 7J* Ne« an) Newsrecl f\f\ Surnwry IJ4 Maul- PMbsksfiM Ml SMirrM Onrv of Ewflts (Malay) 13S love (Malay) 7.X RTS Oratoncal
      916 words

  • 280 12 'I didn't mean to shoot' says sentry A SOLDIER told a coroner's inquiry into the shooting of a taxi driver that his rifle accidentally went off when he cocked it to scare the driver into stopping his vehicle. Bandsman Pte Shlng Thlan Weng, 19, said he was then pursuing another
    280 words
  • 152 12 83 HELD IN SWOOPS ON GANG HAUNTS rvETECTTVES detained mJ 83 people for questioning after a series of raids on suspected gangland hideouts on Monday night. The raids, code-named "Operation Eagle," were part of a big anticrime drive. The police, led by Supt. Teoh Beng San, OC of •100 Chlat
    152 words
  • 276 12  - Hospital where beds outnumber the patients... NGAIM TONG HAI r^ ROWS of empty beds In silent wards at Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital are awaiting patients. The hospital has nine wards with 40* beds. Only 269 are occupied. All because the public are unaware of the modern facilities available at this
    276 words
  • 213 12 HOW GUIDES CAN BOOST TOURISM /\FFICIAL touriit guides were yesterday urged to help the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board achieve the target of million-plus tourists this year. Mr. Runme Shaw, chairman of the board, said they could do this by bettering themselves and keeping abreast of the rapid development In Singapore.
    213 words
  • 129 12 Deaf mute on knife attack charge A DEAF and dumb woJ\ man wept in a magis- trate's court yesterday when toe was charged with causing hart with dan if rout weapon. The charge was interpreted to her in sign language. Lee Al Giok, 51, is accused of hartlng Ng let
    129 words
  • 246 12 When not to apply for costs in a divorce case NO divorce petitioner who commits auultery, should apply for costs against his own spouse (the respondent), Mr. Justice Choor Singh said In the Divorce Court yesterday. The Judge said: "The petitioner should In that event consider himself fortunate when the
    246 words
  • 42 12 A bus driver. Kee Wah Kee, w fined $250 by the Tenth Magistrate's Court yesterday for speedIng between 85 and 90 kmph In a 50 kmph tone along Keppel Rom on June 17 at about 11 p.m. He pleaded guilty.
    42 words
  • 215 12 *****31 wins top sweep prize rpICKBT No. *****31 I. won the first prize of $400,000 In the Singapore Sweep No. 8/74, held at the Tay Buan Ouan car park last night. Second prize of $150,000 went to ticket No. *****29 and third prize of $75,000 to ticket No. *****35 JACKPOT
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 115 12 Best investment in Singapore. International offices (2nd phase) apartments now Property tax at concessionary rate of 12%p.a. construct st.* i Podium Block completed and occupied r Stage II Offices (First Phase) Bth Floor to 17th Floor Completed and fully occupied Tenure Leasehold 99 years (free from encumbrances on completion) Stage
      115 words

  • 1828 13  -  NOORDIN SOPIEE: Kuala Lumpur By SURVEYING THE OPPOSITION JN May Mr. V. David, one of Pekemas' five MPs and one of the party's top national leaders wrote a letter to Dr. Tan Chee Khoon, the party president. "Dear Doc," the letter began. What followed
    1,828 words
  • 112 13 portlon to its minute membership In a House of 144 members. And much of the criticism has beep calm and constructive. Unlike Snap, for instance, which must again seek to capitalise on its parochial stand of "Sarawak for the Sarawaklans." the party is
    112 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 139 13 fiiiflV 1 il 2 S^ss§3* **fcfcsv for Sale and Rent. j| j|§||fp| S^B^tfs^sfl 1 B^Blß H^ t J for further particulars, please call at the office of "^^j W^^~ t t JL lnternational Associated Co Pte Ltd J m» *Z+t+lXlX 125 OXLEY GARDEN. OXLEY RISE. SINGAPORE. 9 TELEPHONE *****5 3
      139 words

    • 179 14 Rites T. Dev. $1.27 +09 Prtnva »2 24 04 Falls OCBC SSSS —M M. Bank. 1650 —JO Traetars M 62 —.16 Otyaapta (110 —.IS I. Wood 50.70 —10 inIUU 11.10 —.10 S. Nat $1.90 —.10 T. Chant f 1 80 —.10 FAN 13.M —.10 P.M. Ceaacnt 52.52
      179 words
    • 1630 14 THE last transacted salt at the close of business In the Stock Exchange of Singapoic yesterday compared with the previous day's prices together with 1974 high and low. Adjusted for all new Issues). INDUSTRIALS CLOSING TON! All sertMMU closed easy. TUMNOVIB: Official total turnorrr on tbe stiwaporr trading
      1,630 words
    • 346 14 DRICES drifted low- er across a broad front in quiet at the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. There was a lack of incentive to trade in a market where sentiment was Its lowest. After hovering slightly below overnight levels, prices were further depressed in afternoon
      346 words
    • 1309 14 BID and oiler prices officially lifted and buslncas In and, reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yes- lerday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Aesaa (1.918 1.968) (1) 1.96. (1) 1.94. A.P.I. (0.958) A.TJ.
      1,309 words
    • 1482 14 KUALA LUMPUR Palm oil rt ID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reportrxl to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units uiilrss otherwise specified IHOUITBIAL* Aimemete i 2 2SB) ill 2 25. A. Tss*
      1,482 words
    • 233 14 DESPITE a drop in log production and sales. North Borneo Timbers has managed to achieve a 51.5 per cent rise in unaudited consolidated pre-tax profits to $13 12 million. In the light of the results it would appear that that forecast made by the chairman
      233 words
    • 308 14 rE Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange suffered another day of selling yesterday with sentiment showing no sign of Improving. Against this background the New ST Industrial index fell 3 78 points to 215 42 Investment shares suffered heavier losses Guinness, tell 15 cents to $5.60
      308 words
    • 215 14 ASIAN currency deposit interbank rates as at close on Tuesday. Aug. 6 US DOLLARS Offer BM 7 days 113 4 11 1 2 1 mh 12 IS 16 12 13 16 3 mUu 13 9 16 13 7 16 3 mths 13 14 16 13 13 16
      215 words
    • 43 14 Closing ir Urban* ratea In Singapore dollars for Aug 6 Oder BM Overnight 1112 ll 1 mih 10 1 2 103 6 2 saths 10 3 4 10 1/2 3 mths 10 3 4 10 1 2 Prime rau 11 1/4%
      43 words
    • 122 14 pAiLY am and n pricw lamed at noon reatertUy Am Sap*. (Cwraat lath) IPMiirf Mtk) ■LK-E.LB. Sevan SaHan Bayar. SaMara <MM par kgl (caste par Ml 8MR 5 CV fl ton pallet) MM 1M.MN IMN 1MMN CMR 6 L (1 ton PBJM) 1M.M 1M0ON 1M 00 1M
      122 words
    • 56 14 rE US dollar advanced In very early trading to $2.4730-40 after opening at $2.4690--4720 In the Singapore forex market yesterday. In later sessions it slipped marginally to $2 4720-30 and held steady at this level until the lunch break. Afternoon dollar was steadily traded at $*****-25 Initially but
      56 words
    • 173 14 The following are the nominal average closing interbank rates In Singapore: Note: These rates may differ slightly from those quoted by banks to their customers. «mU4 ywHuimj icnm) parity chute JS dollar 2 4715 2 4725 3 SIM —12 35 Sterling pound 5 8985 5 9020 7 3440
      173 words
      • 28 14 Rubber: Aug Singapore: lU&$ I cts (down 3.H cU). Malaysia: 1«7.M (down Z.M cU). Tin: 51.2 M.12, (down MJ7|). Official offering t2» tons (down 34 tons).
        28 words
      • 141 14 CHINIII MODUCI SKCHANOI. lINGArOM NOOM CLOtINC men p«h s-icul TisTiaoAT CllllM Sil: bulk IIM nominal drum fIW nominal 0««ra: Mlz*« ««saM> UK/CSoal *ft 3 nominal P%m*'- Muatok AST A wnlt* fo b 100", NL.W SM7» a*ll*rs. Sarawak wbll* fo b ff\ NL.W 1275 sellers. Sarawak special Mack; (Ob M",
        141 words
      • 204 14 Straits tin DOWN $4.87 THE Straits tin price slipped M..7S to 11.*****-. In Penang yesterday on an i official offeilng down 34 tons to 226 tons. LONDON: Monday's standard tin finished about 140 per tonne lower for Cash and C 35 down for Three Mcnths. The net k*s at Penang
        204 words
    • 100 14 SIUTMENT of StrnlU refined tin frcm Penang .or July 1974 totalled 7 476 91 tons (June 6966.00 tonnes), according to statistics Issued by Straf.s Trading. The following table shows the destination and metric tonnage, excluding metal shipment from Klang via Port i Kelang. I United Kingdom 304 82
      100 words
    • 458 14 A LTHOUOH opening A quotations were marked up on the Singapore rubber market yesterday, first business was about unchanged on last night's prices after which the market fluctuated quietly and narrowly until past noon when It turned slightly easier. Turnover was small. The morning session closed very quiet.
      458 words
      • 568 14 HONGKONG. Tues— Bhare prices closed sharply lower today In very slow tradin. The Hang Seng Index dropped 1243 points to 537.67. Hoof konc Bank lost to HKSI74O on Its Local register and dropped to 116.90 on its London register Other losers Included Hoot-too. Land at $6 55. Hong Koof
        568 words
      • 112 14 TK)KYO, Tues Share prices on the Tokyo stock market continued to decline sharply today, sending the Dow Jones average below the 4.200 level for the first time since last Jan. 11. In the morning session. tome speculative issues such as shippings and food stuffs opened (lightly higher, reflecting the
        112 words
      • 226 14 WILBCURNE. Tues. The Melbourne stock market cloted on a mainly weaker note In dull trading conditions with yesterday's selling pre&sure -pilling into today's station. On -the mining boards. MIM retieated to MISS and CMS sulfered a comparable loss at $1.40. RH South was cut back at $2 00 while
        226 words
      • 61 14 Monday saturaay v is u •ydney <1> fßav Closed London I'nav Closed Unav Closed Beirut Inav 134.00 Hturkotis t'aav. iS3.«o /-unch Inav Closed Inav Closed 'Part* Inav Closed I pore (2) 131 7SB 131 UOB 134 338 134 00* Export prices in nor •trrlinit area ■a IT a
        61 words
      • 176 14 AMSTERDAM. Mon— The ■"market was quietly mixed today *lth Rayal Dutch, Philip, end I nilrver higher and Akaa> and He«g«vcta kmer AossirraUsß-Rabber. Hal. IH(, Fakkrr and Algr»ft Rajkk Nettertaad led Haas I elsewhere Meaefca, EaaUa 1 and Bergs— were kaders to decline Most shippings were firmer and banks mixed.
        176 words
      • 113 14 7URICH. Men— The majority of stocks were again tr.dec at lower prices. today on a small volume 7he bond market was Irregular. The Credit Sulaae Index tased 09 point to 2031 Closing prlc»« IB Bwiu franc* with tM dln>rrncc 00 the prrvloua MMtoa prleas: P. I Cwln milM* MM
        113 words
      • 432 14 XJEW YORK. Mon The battered rtock market mcved hlxhe.- today, propelted by rumcurs that some announcement about the Impeachment *ltualk>n would come from the White House after the close of trading Some broken thought a Nixon resignation might be In the words The prospecu were enough to send
        432 words

  • CITY DESK Contd
    • 565 15 Public Bank results justify its confidence THE confidence exDressed by Public Bank's chairman, Tan Sri Nik Ahmed Kamil, in his last annual report about the group's 1974 prospects was not misplaced, as the interim statement shows. In the first six months unaudited profits of the group, after providing I'.r tax.
      565 words
    • 308 15 T»HE performance of 1 Singapore Building Society, whose business is the financing of residential home ownership appears to have been affected by the current depressed state of the property market. SBS only managed an 116 per cent growth in unaudited pre-tax Income to $3 million
      308 words
    • 205 15 DOW Chemical of the US has reported record pronu ol $445 mil lion < US$l7B million) based on ssles of $3 25 billion < US$l.3 billion) for the second quarter ended June 1974. For the same period last year sales were $1.87 billion US$747 million) and
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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    • 83 15 I pi Matsushita Electric of Singapore (Pte) Limited. a refrigerator compressor manufacturer, invites applications for the position of PURCHASING ASSISTANT Applicants should satisfy the following requirements: Familiar in purchasing of hardware materials and parts. School Certificate or GCE "0" levels passes or equivalent. Above 20 years old. Please give full
      83 words
    • 141 15 T ENGINEERING SALES We are looking for an Executive to Join our team selling a range of Electrical Engineering market lines. We are one of the major Marketing Companies in Southeast Asia and the successful applicant will have good career prospects. Applicants must be Singapore Citizens with commercial experience. A
      141 words
    • 674 15 MSG TRADING PTE. LTD. EXPERIENCED SALES MANAGER SALESMEN for LEADING FASHION HOUSE Sin aap nm Indonesia Wo are looking for an ex penanced fashion Managar and Seiosmon who have contacti with loading fashion retailers in the above area* They will bo rosponsibla for launching tho Pierre Balmain International Sports and
      674 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 464 16 mfo STENOGRAPHERS SHELL invite applications for vacant positions as Stenographers. Applicants whu must be Singapore citizens, should have the following qualifications:- School Certificate Grade I and/or Higher School Certificate. Shorthand speed of 100 w.p.m. and typewriting speed of 40 w.p.m. Fluency in English Preferably some working experience Please submit your
      464 words
    • 617 16 A well-established foreign trading company in the course of expansion invites suitably qualified Singapore citizens for the position of Sales Representative in the Medical Division The position wi'l require direct selling of Medical and Scientific Equipment. Applicants should possessor Minimum Senior Cambridge with credit in Science •to At least 2to
      617 words
    • 650 16 Established Civil Engineering Company has vacancy for a QUANTITY LAND SURVEYOR Qualif cations/ Experience (a) Singapore Polytechnic Technician Diploma in Land Surveying or equivalent/extensive practical experience in land surveying, preferably in different aspects of piling works: (bl Singapore Citizenship preferred, but Malaysian candidates also considered: (c) Of excellent health and
      650 words
    • 268 16 Established Merchant Bank has a vacancy for an ACCOUNTANT THE JOB The successful candidate will be responsible for the management of the accounts department, preparation of final accounts, budgets, management information and active participation in corporate planning. QUALIFICATIONS EXPERIENCE Preference will be given to CA, ACCA, AASA and/or ACIS and
      268 words
    • 281 16 HOTEL ft CATERING TRAINING SCHOOL INDUSTRIAL TRAINING BOARD SINGAPORE PART-TIME COURSE IN KASHMIRI AND MUOLAI CUISINE Applications are Invited from Male Singapore Citizens for the above training. Aim: To train young men In basic Kashmiri and Muglal cookery for the catering Industry Duration of Training: 6 months Training Session: Mondays
      281 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1368 17 j CINUINEISNIP SEIYICE I M7CMTINENT: ttam CITY OF EDINBURGH «;-->. p o^r? m_ *S!* uk. m'ilmUi«T.S.^ 1 111 "*3 'Itoft lltafl 11 SM Isus i.^.,,1i JW 4l «ot auft rstti astft nsMt *AMMM lIPMtS 11 Stft II SMI S Ort 7 tal I tat IMI i JIIFJ.." I 2t Jt
      1,368 words
    • 1123 17 4- BLUE SEA UNE To U.S. East Coast Gulf Ports S'-n p. KtiMt P-t- t u g m fr. Cristobal pmmitm«s tat il tot is tot ii Vmkim y,, m! S'«M-a PUMMTIS ta| SI Mft I Mft I !_*_!_^.____r PMMIM Uft I taft IS CMTMttO*. .IMMfiM, piiam swt a taft
      1,123 words
    • 873 17 VV^S^yMMIMMBI MMMMM Tl ttMfli H-uri ftaiM riaa ftaMpM I CITY OF EDINBURGH j"j-« S* H- [.-.its SE ,2 u7 2S 4 >,5 lv?. MtiMMM iimu nmi aZ urn mm iim 2-v*rr««,M ijs:, 1 „*S ?r i* ""s &aRMr sss -i 5l sa :s ss s M«I*MM/ MM IM n tal
      873 words
    • 970 17 _?1 FULLY CONTAINEKIZED SEKVICE TO EUKOfE •MMI run I FM: iJiJt*" tit Rotterdam, tasttraM. tatwerp, liHavrt. nmS* 51,; Buh. HaakarL Immm. IrtMriutr-. IM.IOM mala**,. ci>iuh». coo*m*-i. h*^. MioiTiMin tat n I Stockholm. Oslo. Helsinki, United K«f«Mi. CMat Ti«t> LCI M ta— l PCS, M ka—i FULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE FROM EUROPE
      970 words
    • 813 17 huftpin tl 34)44; P. K*Ut>« «J4l; K.L. 27J11; Pt» n «j JJJOI THE BANK LINE LTD. IMK FM t I S *FIIU I— AMAM MjMHM, Pmmm, 1 "iwililiidi r M»"i ti pi/t A_ r»M Itl A« •AVIMM MjMMt,MM)«IMMJ P Mil— r M At| S-'f -JTMM'SAIm p MIMI S p<Kl M
      813 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 877 18 KAJSHA LTD. UWASAKI KINMI RISEN RAISHA LTD JAPAN HONfiROM. STMITS SERVICE jaaaa Haaftcaf Sinpaort P M.a»| catMP.M KltNlt II aai Japan Arabian Gulf Sarvlea Lataao't 'It mm mm la ZXSJrssSgZ, BaaM MvramMftr Japan louih Alrlaa Waal Atrlaa Imvlii S.nftX'l FM: HtKISDIMI Mtlt It "<»•.. P°l Marcel. LatM Km. l«M ,issn
      877 words
    • 757 18 tcciPTiM an iimi r* Man latipaiNT rff pmimm, tanfiT. aiaiit»atsiii taiivaptN. siaiiiatt ummihum rtaaaua niMft Titaan. ifMM. win iiun taa tataa at id pmti ETA ETO taataalMa: let aitarr htm laMrmu ii> tl aai laJanaa. I C T litarr NMT Saafk.i»H ta fart I aai lalainu it r imrap Tarawx
      757 words
    • 1005 18 I'jMMM^^llSf OE>CnT Ul C UK. IUNOPt SI«VICI LOADING FOt LONDCH. tOTTERDAM, HAMBURG. BILBAO. LE HAVRI Siotaaara P fi*l ftnanf laaaaa rtaa Ntar| MPWM taPffiH »»»a| »/>l Jaj M'Jlaft JJ tap) ltd •fa Fiaaci aait tmvi St «ct It ftt a*, i w S.nCttw* "•'■t fa«>«f l.lba* It Ha»rt I'lara LOMO
      1,005 words
    • 672 18 11 ii awEg somct to lmmm, iivnrtm/cwnMan mn tMM HUM ''•."Kit ?MTlif iVVl'lij liiTaai l^rll! 1 11/T La«Ma 1 15 f«aa »1. It N'bart J4y'». traaM* 20 I. Atrtaara MO. MMi HUM 11 M v Htm x% 1 I KOI 110 M 6u'| 10/10. rim 11,10. MMATINJfM 4, llaat 11,,J1«,t
      672 words
    • 719 18 Susawa.'ssr* "55&5. OUT: JuraU «'*7. R<»tock U/M Barge Wing Wre Barge and riMllltlil Lincoln SO. Ever Pro*- Avantl pcroui (Barge) 42. Hai Llan No 1 -TESfis£ir" 522 "piTJcin, TOW Loon JLIZ Pn-t-rou. (Barp 42. rr^ STB^" KSiu" 1 1 City of Edinburgh 49. Hlnodt a^,, j-nT^", U J? J or
      719 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 682 19 classified ads g| LOUISE KLERK'S SALONS li irapura are closed on t-riday. 9th (National Day) Please make your appointment* r gr ly for to-day). Please make mur appolntmenu early for today or tomorrow. Telephone j-M 173 (Spore). FREE PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES for your wedding by atwotu when you announce your marriage
      682 words
    • 803 19 WANTED ACCOUNTS CLIRK with knowledge of English and Chinese Either female or male Singapore citizens. Must have experience in handling general ledger and trial balance sheet Apply giving full particulars Including salary required and experience to ST. Box A *****. ACCOUNTS CLIRK CUM TYPIST require urgently by a Public Accountant
      803 words
    • 772 19 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FEMALE SECRETARY, shorthand and fluent English/ Chinese necessary Personal Interview only. 46-D. Jalan Tcnteram. St. Michael's Estate. S'porr 12 CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARY TO MANAGING DIRECTOR pony mgigis In oM BottT andiaerlne sorvtco aad supply. The camp—ii The candidate should have 5 years experience with 2—3 years in similar post.
      772 words
    • 678 19 and Salesgirls for Jewellery and antique. Apply personally to OotdenhUl Pte. Ltd.. 18 Tangttn Road. Singapore 10 Tel *****6 OCB HOLDERS WANTIO as Sales Trainees In an established publishing company. Oood personality, able to drive or ride a motorcycle Training dven during probationary period Apply tn writing to ST Box
      678 words
    • 782 19 ASSISTANT with OCE or equivalent Please apply enclosing recant photograph (non-return-able) to 8 T Box A ***** CONSTRUCTION COMPANY requires (1) PROJECT MANAGER (3) OSBBERAL POSsEMEN *'-TT~ T^l li (1) Protect Msmgn A diploma in Structural Englneertrg Have at Inuu 5 years experience at s U and taking site's minutes
      782 words
    • 723 19 Lounge require Waitresses. Steward WMtreesos High income, free meal. Please contact Mr Charlie Chong, 80. Victoria Street, after 5 p.m. WANTED QREAOERS. MOTOR MECHANICS, Male Pump Attendanu. Call personally at Shell Service Station. 136 Holland Road/ Parrer Road Spore 10 Tel *****8 MALI Ouards age 23 40 (Singapore cltlaens) Attractive
      723 words
    • 733 19 $1,000. Clifton Vale dotad bungalow. 3 bedrooms, alrcondlUonod. 8000 Kumhtng Court executive apartment furnished $1.--300 Par Baat Mansion furnished •JNUtment SOU New Century Realty. *****5. *****3 if you ARE BEARCINNO for accommodation, please stop right here'! Just dial *****72/ *****03/ DISTRICT 10 BWNOALOW NNMtLV residential four bedrooms semlfurnlshed ***** Office
      733 words
    • 803 19 BTORSTY Buklt Ayer Molek. 3 airconditioned bedrooms, quiet matured garden $2,000 Henry Park 3-bedroomed beautifully furnished house near American/ International Schools $1,100 Holland Road 3-bedroomed furnished apartment $1,200 Jalan Bertaya 3-bedroomed deufhed single-storey telephone installed, furnished $850 Please tel International Housing Agency *****3 APARTMENT IN GREEN SURROUNDINGS, dlst 10 3
      803 words
    • 826 19 LAHUC SJPLIT-LKVrL tDHNBIt terrace 3 bedrooms. 1 servant's, complete parquet with Urrano. semlfurnlshed, built-in cupboards 2 alrcons. bed kitchen cupboards refrigerator Call personally 31. Ooldh'll Drive 6 p.m OIBT. 11 TASTEFULLY FURNISHED 3-bedroomed apartmenu rent SSSO ***** semi-detached bungalow 8800/ bungalow *****. *****9/ *****5. BALMORAL PARK DIST. IS, OROUMDPLOOR apartment
      826 words
    • 678 19 «»i»ii.»« (.uunt nguimi BUNGALOWS apartmenu Immediately Willing to pay up to 52.500 furnished/ unfurnished Call *****9 INTERNATIONAL COMPUTER COMPANY requires for their new managing director, a bungalow of classy nature wining to pay fery good rental for right property Please call Mr Kang *****33/ WtOTEC MANUFACTURING PTE LTO. requires several
      678 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 726 20 ALMOST COMPLETED STOREY seml-deuched at Jalan Salang off 12' mi Sembawang Road 4 bedrooms with 2 rooms bath attached Terraxso/ parquet flooring with aluminium sliding doors Prices from $135,000 and 70S loan available Call Supreme Accommodation and Housing Agency. Houl Supreme 15. Kramat Road Tel *****0 NIW HOUMS AT Chua
      726 words
    • 792 20 BUtUT TIMAH 7 M.S. Jalan Layang Layang 5728 sq ft $133,000 Seml-deteched double-storey at Buklt Tlmah 7 m s 3.500 sq ft Furnished $140,000. Semidetached double-storey Aroosoo Aven ie 4.100 sq ft $168,000 Evergreen Housing *****2/ *****2 OOLOIN MLL NEW OPLiT-LEVEL 2-storey terrace Area 1800 sn. ft Price: $119. J00
      792 words
    • 645 20 WANTED IMMEDIATELY DETACHED BUNGALOW along Holland Road and 1 3 acres Industrial land in any district Tel: *****2 *****7. LOOKING FOR BUYER* or PROPCRTV or loot Mr ADVICE LIT US SERVE YOU DAVIO PHOA S SONS PTE. LTD. Ttl: *****3 FOR OANCK BALI OP Property Please get In 'ouch with
      645 words
    • 744 20 SHOP HOUMS Ml NEWTON District wanted. Please contact Mr Ng Tel: *****7/ *****9 For Sate TWO STOREY TERRACE FACTORIES/ STORM at MacPherson Road Location: Macpherson/ Playfalr Road Land area: 7.100 sq. ft. Total Covered area: 7.100 sq. ft. Tenure of land: Freehold Approval Factory/ Store cum Office Completion date: Expected
      744 words
    • 731 20 ARCHIPILABO SPCCIAL DAILY. WEEKLY MONTHLY SI A imßflll 747/7*7 Broad Em op oon Tours 15/22 Days *****/ ***** Inclusive meals, hotels with private frcl!ities. ft sUrnueelnc fully esctrted) 8/9 countries uao Toko' Mods* 6 days 83*0/ManSo 6 dtys SMS/- Saturdays Bsngkofc/ Cnlmgwsl/ Hingism 7/10 days $940/ $1660/--n sfnV Cnlinssssl 7
      731 words
    • 715 20 FAN EAST TRAVEL CLUB (Pte) Ltd offen low cost fUghu to London/ Europe Also worldwide r**yvauont. Please call *****2/ 3630*6/ *****1. AM MRVKIB INTERNATIONAL PT*_ LTD. Room 226. Morßn HoM. tM Floor. Baoon Rood. wTtt MS7MV ***** M MBBM To An, Ono Of The CtUtt Below London. Milan, Copenhagen. Oslo.
      715 words
    • 797 20 CORRISPONOINCI ANO REPORTWRITING A five-month practical course preparing studenu to write good, effecUve letters and reports On successful completion School Certificates will be awarded Days/ Tlmea: Sundays 9.30 11 a.m. Fridays 530 7.30 p rv; Wednesday 6 30 -8. 30 p.m Tuesday and Thursday 7.30 8 SO p.m Please enquire/
      797 words
    • 814 20 ORSOG SHORTHANO 3-month complete count covering Theory and Spaed (80-100). Typing. Accounting. Business English and Full Secretarial Course Enrol: OTT's Oregg Training Center, 248C-7 Orchard Road (*****1) or 2998 Selegie Complex (*****4) TYPEWRITING 2-MONTH RAPIO COURSE- Normal class anytime between 9 00 a.m 9 30 p.m. Individual coaching by qualified
      814 words
    • 813 20 SSNBAPOM UMD CAB <*TI)LTP 194 Albert Street Spore *****1' *****4 or 44 Cavenagh Road 8 pore *****4/ *****0 Of fen 1973 Austin 1300 MX m. JS^^ Uca 1000. Flat lSasß^STTlmitMaru OSR. Ford Batort. Flat 890 Coupe Escort 1300 XL 1971 °J" pella Coupe. Renault RIO <alrion) Flat 128. Masda Capel
      813 words
    • 917 20 1603 MAZDA M 0 cc. good run nlng condiuon 50 mj> g SOW) 0.n.0. 127 Halg Road afternoon 16 MONTH OLD FIAT 127 iMo.r showroom condition, done only 7.000 kms Call ***** IST2 MIRCIDIS MS PETROL 1 owner denso alrcond Immaculat* condlUon new road *ax Insurance radio/ tape 818,000 0.n.0.
      917 words

  • 338 21 rnHE Singapore AntlA Narcotics Association (SANA) yesterday called for a "team approach" by doctors, occupational therapists, social workers and counsellors to rehabilitate drug addicts. According to Mr. Ren Chnndran Dudley. Its counselling and rehabilitation committee chairman, there is insufficient use of occupational there pists
    338 words
  • 52 21 MR Philip Chan has been elected president of the Building and Mate Management Society of the University of Singapore OUter officials Include Mr Kwan Wang Poon (vloe president); Mr. Brendan Leong (secretary Mas Llm Bwee Kboon (aast. secretary Mr. Oo* Ah Beong (treasurer); and Mlaa auiyann Loh
    52 words
  • 55 21 TO gsglap cttlssn's consultative iiiienajHMH win organise a baby ahow at the ■clap Comaaunsty Centre oo Sunday tt 10 ml On the sane day. the Big lap branch of the PAP will bold a party far under-pri-vileged chlldran of Sejkftp constituency at the Stglap Ktadargarten m
    55 words
  • 93 21 N-Day parade: Advice to guests ALL guests to the National Day Parade at the Padang on Friday are requested to be seated by 4 p.m., according to the National Day Operations Committee. A committee statement said seating would be based on a nrsKame-nist serve basis. The public Is reminded to
    93 words
  • 28 21 TO Pioneer Industries asMlnym' Onion will cclearaTe National Day with a buffet at Its headquarters In Juror* Town Corporation Drive on Asm 11 at 1 pjn.
    28 words
  • 21 21 TO Parliamentary Secretary (Culture) Hajl flbaVfcrl TMUn. wtll apeak at Victoria. School's annoeJ aneaoh and prtae-givtng day atlt am
    21 words
  • 195 21 MORE than 70 per cent of some 80,000 applicants for Housing Board flats will use their Central Provident Fund credits to pay for their flats. Communications Minister, Mr. Yong Nyuk Un disclosing this yesterday, said tbe great popularity of tbe Governments, "Home Ownership"
    195 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 693 21 JS39HS f A T 1109 LATE IBM roadworthy -ondltlon. One owner $490. „n o Intere»ted contact Tel: aMBBJI t|7l TOYOTA CBUCA one owner, iircond*. sports rims and tyre*, radio. $11,800 0.n.0. Contact Johnny Yeo *****6/ 7. IN' OATBUN PICK-UP good condition, new paint $2,800 HP „o«mle Ring *****2 View 30
      693 words
    • 796 21 CHINESE BUSINESS MAN AM 28 seeks understanding frlendr below 26 yrs Photo Tel appreciated a.T Box A *****. •MWOAPORE FRIENDSHIP PllO■pTloil SERVICE helps you mike frtends straightaway Alexandra P O Box 108. Spore 3 •JAKE NEW FRIENDS INSTANTLY* H uni r «>» of Interesting friends All Professions Malaysia/ Singapore 0.P.0.
      796 words
    • 778 21 WE SPECIALISE Mt REPAIRS O. all kinds of aluminium sliding do-.n* window*, etc Ring *****6 SPECIALIST CLEAMwM OP commercial. Industrial, resident*! buildings polishing for nil floors, carpet shampooing. Cortact WI7OM AIR COOL AIR-CONOITIONEM A REFRIOBRATION Service Specialist In alrcondltloners. i refrigerators Sales service. repairs, rental Tel: *****4/ *****0 WE ARE
      778 words
    • 551 21 Rom BALI MNTAL HIM purchaae and repairs Indesit Oa* Cooker*. SMal washing machine*. Metric che*t freesen and outer appliances. For enquiries contact Prestige Electrical Company Tel: 37WU Authortaed Distributors for the above product*. Price* are reasonable. I Motor Hydraulic Machlnajie* for Sale on moderate prtceHlgheM offer secure Fuller Elecuic Motor/
      551 words
      690 words
    • 786 21 CITY DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED LOST STOCK CERTIFICATE Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned Stock Certificate has been reported lost, mislaid or destroyed:Nameof Units of Certificate Regwrtered Ordinary Number Motdet Stock *****7 Rawi Bin Nahrawi 1.000 NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN THAT if within fourteen (14) days from the date hereof
      786 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 739 22 1 **v fwL LEMBAGA LETRIK NEGARA TAN AH MELAYU Pennohonin-permobonan adtlah dlpelaws dmripsda calun-calun W*rg«neg»ra Malaysia yanc berumur dl bawata 30 tahun untuk mengUl kekosoogan Jawatanjrang berlkut dalam Bahagian I. Tlngkatan Bias* B Tetap dan Berpencen dalam perkhldmatan Lembaga Caluncalun mestllah memUlkl SIJU Pelajaran Malaysia atau yang seUraf dengannya serU
      739 words
    • 594 22 I mMfic MIDf INOUSTtIAL CONSULTANTS SINOIRIAN RIRHAO Applications art invited from tuitabiy qualified Malaysian citizens, preferably Bumiputras, for employment as trainee management consultants. Training will be given locally, and there will be Opportunities to take up overseas fellowships. Age minimum 25 years. QuaWWcatie— Engineering A recognised degree or professional qualification
      594 words
    • 507 22 VACANCY The Org*ni»at»ow: A large industrial organization now wishes to extend its capacity and to erect a new plant The Qualification: Male graduate Electrical Engineer with Malaysian citizenship. The Fer«on: Must have a degree in Electrical Engineering of a recognised University and be eligible for membership of the Malaysian Institute
      507 words
    • 798 22 CIMINT PAINTS (SINCAPOM) *TL LTD.. a Member of rhs International Blue Cirde Croup will now consider applications for appointment of a MARKETING SUPERVISOR (or location in Singapore. The Company locally manufactures decorative finishes told through leading Agency Houses against keen competition. The successful candidate will be responsible for gutding Agency
      798 words
    • 424 22 midf MALAYSIAN INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT FINANCE BERHAD. (Incorporated In Malaysia) NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the Fourteenth Annual Oeneral Meeting of the Company will be held In the Board Room of Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Berhad, Bangunan MIDF. 117 jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur on Monday. 9th
      424 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    38 23 In Treasured remembrance of MR. T. NARAYANAN called to eternal rest eight years ago from today Though away from us physically. your fond memories give us constant Inspiration forever remembered by beloved wife. children ti relatives.
    38 words
    • 421 23  - Impressive workout by Hidden Treasure EPSOM JEEP By J£U ALA LUMPUR, Tues. Hidden Treasure drew attention to his chances in the Class 4, Division 2, lOf race on Saturday with an impressive workout here today. The strapping five-year-old grey Australian gelding by Ruantallan was eager to gallop but was restrained
      421 words
    • 123 23 Miller is still the leader VTEW YORK. Thl--11 Mexican Viator Regalado's USS44VM* (SlM,*M> victory In the Pleasant Valley Golf Clastic, his first as a pro, gave him total earnings of US$47.K4 (SIIMM) for the year the Professional Golfers Association (PGA) said yosterBut Regaiado remains far away from the top It
      123 words
    • 273 23 Pakistanis trounce Glamorgan /CARDIFF, Tues— The Pakistani cricketers carved out a devastating Innings defeat of Glamorgan at Swansea yesterday, three days before going into the Second Test. On a day which saw 18 wickets fall, paceman Sarfraz Nawaz and spinner Intlkhad Alam were the chief destroyers, sharing 11 of them
      Reuter  -  273 words
    • 197 23 Edmonds' spin sends Kent reeling LONDON. Tues. Middlesex slow left-arm bowler Phil Edmonds produced a career best performance of seven wickets for 38 runs f. plunge Kent towards de feat In their English county cricket championship match yesterday. On a rain -affected wicket. Edmonds spun Kent to 89 all out
      197 words
    • 72 23 NIW YORK. Tues.—Results of yesterday's ma)or league baseball games: NaUesml Leacvc: Houston 1 San Francisco 3. New York 10 Montreal 4. Los Angeles 6 Cincinnati S, Bt. Louis 3 Philadelphia 3. Atlanta San Diego 7. American Leaf**: Baltimore 7 Detroit 4 (Ist game). Baltimore 8 Detroit S
      Reuter  -  72 words
    • 303 23 rKYO, Tues. Undoubtedly Japanese male swimmers are emD*rraMfld that they are lncapabie nt beating a 14 year old Australian schoolgirl In the i.:e<>m freestyle event. Bhujl Ono, a 17-year-old Hiroshima high school Junior, clocked 17 minutes 503 seconds for a Japanese National record when he
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 740 23 Government of Malaysia Kota Baru Water Supply Contract No. 1 Groundwater Investigation Tenders are invited from Class C and above Contractors registered with the JKR under Head IV sub-heads 9 (a) (b), drilling and soil surveys for the above Contract comprising cased boring, sampling, testing and test pumping in the
      740 words
    • 75 23 KERETAPI TANAH MEUATU PcmlMriUha Tender Ta varan adalah dlpelawa dan pada prmborang-pemborani; letrik yang berdaftar Kela* C dan keatM dl Jabatan KejuruWratn Jfnt«ra untuk mnnbaharul pepaaangan letrlk dalam rumah-rumah kaklUngan dan ban^unan-bangunan Keretapi dl Sentul, Kuala Lumpur dan Seremban Tawaran hendaklah dihanUr kepada Jemaah Pembuka Tender. Ibu Pejabat. Krretapl Tanah
      75 words
    • 256 23 Come Thai With Me To Bangkok j^^^^ 18 flights weekly. HH Departing: I ;|^t M 8.00 a.m. on Tue. Fri. Sat. Sun. K^^^Mpr A ss^^^^^^^^ 2.45 p.m. on Wed. Thu. Sat Sun. I*^^^P^- fl 4.20 p.m. on Mon. I 8.10 p.m. on Tue. Fri. iS^^&@Bf| #^^^T 8.30 p.m. Daily. J^
      256 words

  • 184 24 On and off Best is on again LONDON, Tues. Tempestuous soccer star George Best took the field again yesterday in the latest development in his on-and-off career. Team officials professed themselves dellrhted. Best, who has «ult football on at least two highly publicised occasions, turned up at the right time
    UP  -  184 words
  • 44 24 CEYLON SC beat Combined Schools 2-0 in a SHA League Drivision One hockey match at Farrer Park yesterday, li. Jeevanathan and Parouk Marlcan scored. In the other division One matches. Police held Indian Association 1-1. and University beat Sembawang Shipyard 2-0.
    44 words
  • 227 24 Superstar Borg moves into Round 2 V[EW YORK, Tues. BJorn Borg, Sweden's 18-year-old tennis superstar breezed to a 6-1, 6-3 victory over Norman Holmes of Florida, yesterday in the first round of the US$l3O,OOO ($312,--000) U.S. Open clay court championships. America's Jimmy Connors, who won last month's Wimbledon championship, second
    227 words
  • 79 24 PARIS, Tues. Colonel Hasslne Hamouda, 63--year-old secretary-general of the African BoxIng Union, yesterday ruled himself out as a possible re>ree fpr Oeorge Foreman's World heavyweight title defence against Muhammad All in Zaire next month. Colonel Hamouda said he had never wanted to be considered as a referee
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 237 24 China will send swimmers to Games IK)KYO, Tues. China yesterday announced a list of swimmers they will send to the Seventh Asian Games despite a ban by the International Amateur Swimming Federation (Fina). According to the Peking-based correspondent of the Newspaper A s a h i, the announcement was made
    237 words
  • 277 24  -  PETER SIOW By pORMER national champion Chla Chong Boon will lead Singapore In the Pesta Sukan Open Invitation table tennis championships at Chung Cheng High School starting on Friday. Despite his humiliating defeat by Yap Chin Boon In last month's STTA Senior tournament
    277 words
  • 370 24 DEKINO, Tues. China have picked a powerful team of track and field athletes for next monh's Asian Games In Teheran, the first international multi-sports event China will participate in for nearly 10 years. The team, 24 men and 20 women plus seven oTlclals was
    Reuter  -  370 words
  • 92 24 MELBOUBNE, Taea. American Jimmy Heair will flfht Australia's Commonwealth lightweight box 1 n c champion. Hector Thomson in Brisbane on August M. The light was confirmed today by promoter Beg Lay tons New York agent, Dewey Fragettl. Layton said Beair was rated No. S by the World
    92 words
  • 466 24  - World champ Srivises heads Thai challenge TEOH ENG TATT By rpHE World's women tenpln bowling champion, Pimulrat Sri vises (Kesinee) of Thailand, will head a strong Thailand team to the Tenth Singapore Bowling Championships, organised by Singapore Tenpln Bowling Congress and sponsored by Anchor Beer, at Jackie's Bowl Orchard from
    466 words
  • 160 24 Britain coast to easy 33-2 victory pREYMOUTH (New ll Zealand ).Tues— The Great Britain Rugby League team coasted to an easy 33-2 win over a South Island team here today, the biggest victory of their tour. Probing runs by Kevin Ashcroft. Colin Dlxon and Maurice Richards resulted In first half
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 82 24 JOHANNESBURG. Tue* South Africa's Arnold Taylor, who loat hia world Bantamweight boxing title to South Korea's Hong SooHwan here laat monUv ha» been ordered to quit the (Ing until next February. The ban on. Tmylor tv imposed by the Transvaal Provincial Boxing Control Board, who
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 491 24 >^QjJ^3|fjfcV^P^'^ Government of Canada 9 M^fy VJJJkX Goovernement do Canada JP^ CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNOUNCES W FIRST ISSUE OF OFFICIAL OLYMPIC COINS I SMALL NUMBER OF LIMITED FIRST ISSUE CANADIAN OLYMPIC COINS NOW AVAILABLE IN SINGAPORE Sterling silver coins of the first commemorative Olympic issue minted /^^f BP^""^B| HH^^^^|^H| by the
      491 words

  • 408 25  - Frank loses gold in the last detail JOE DORAI By FRANK OH, Singapore's top shooter and Asian Games representative, yesterday bettered the SEAP Games trap record with a 180 but it was not good enough to win a gold in the SEASA shooting championships at Rifle Range. The event was
    408 words
  • 346 25  - Justina sets another breaststroke record ALBERT JOHNSON. By rpEHERAN-BOUND Justina Tseng gave another rousing performance when she set a new record for the women's 100 m breaststroke on the second day of the Pesta Sukan Open swimming championships at Toa Payoh pool yesterday. Justina had hoisted a meet record In
    346 words
  • 340 25 New-look squad get their chance tonight THE new-look Singapore soccer team get their chance of proving their capabilities tonight when they take on Hongkong In the Aw Hoe Cup match at the National Stadium (Kickoff 7.30 1. The team, with eight newcomers, won praise In the Merdeka tournament for their
    340 words
  • 250 25 JOHN TO HELP REFS JOHN Ferguson, one of Singapore's best Internationa! soccer and rugby referees, has returned on a holiday and during his onemonth stay here will have discussions with local referees. John, who retired from active refereeing in the late Ms. will address 6* referees
    250 words
  • 228 25 FEDERATION CUP WILL NOT BE HELD IN NZ LONDON, Tues. New 1 Zealand will not be permitted to stage the 1*75 Federation Cup women's team tennl* championship because they are not prepared to accept an entry from South Africa, an International Lawn Tannl* (lUTF) official said here today. Mr. Boall
    Reuter  -  228 words
  • 117 25 A RCHERY Association i\ of Singapore yesterday named a 12-member team, Including four women, to represent Singapore in the Pesta Bukan invitational tournament this week-end at Queenstown Sports Complex. They are, Lot Ah Chiang, BUI Wee, Peter Yeo, Andy Leong, Albert Wong, Edwin Be,
    117 words
  • 199 25 Solaimuthu is easy winner in 5,000 m IPOH Tuea. Marimuthu Solalmuthu running bare-footed won the men's 5.000 m final on the opening day of the 52nd Malaysian Open Athletic Championships at Stadium Perak today. Solalmuthu. 33, won In 15 mln 17.45. Bolalmuthu. an NKB technical apprentice In Johore Bam. has
    199 words
  • 46 25 THE Kreta Ayer Constituency Sport* Association will bold an mtra-conetl-tusney basketball tournament early next me nth to select a team to participate In tbe I Inter-constituency matches I in October. Entrance fee Is 30 cents a player. The closing i date is Aug. 24
    46 words
  • 35 25 TOKTO. Tues The West German professional football club Hertha MC defeated Japan's national team 2-0 in their third and final match In Japan here today. The Oermans led 2-0 at half time. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 327 25  -  ERNEST FRIDA By IPOH, Tuea. indoneslan and Malaysian women athletes will give Singapore's Asian Games representatives strong opposition In the Malaysian AAU Open Championships here startIng today. Singapore athletes did not compete In today's events. Singapore's 11 member team will compete
    327 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 164 25 rw ILa Ir^T 1 Bp BsSsaßßßsl BSBBBBBBBBST sT" WMk M ■awSBBBBBBBBBB^^^^^^^I iCaBaJ P?^3^ir7?c^TiK\w^T7iTM^Tl7sj^^TCi^ ■BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBsBsP^ I I BBBs\^^ •BBBbIbS^^V ssbbbbbbbb»BkKc>*' &t*4f^^ «p^ mf T vn WF WL dti B**waMfwsMM*>«s|fl W^& I MIL m\\ I f LjU mm Ml** 1 nßm Pmbmhbh Lssvndon $890! And we get you theie fastest For $890
      164 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 86 25 SWIMMING— PmU Sukan Uon (Rifle Range Rd *m) open (Tm Pajroh 1pm) SOFTBALL— Open lnvltaJUDO Open InvlUtlon lion (To* Pmjoh 3 and ftpmi (O«y World 7pm (HINESi CHESS— inrtUBAOMINTON Senior UonchMnplonshlp*. Inter-Club competition (SBA CHESS Open lnviutpm) tlon chajnplonihlp* (Furer BILLIABO Tlme-beOl Park 7 k.xl 11 pm). ehMnptonahlps (Amber Rd
      86 words

  • Article, Illustration
    158 26 4 DIE, 9 HURT WHEN A CORNER COLLAPSES NEW YORK. Tuesday f."M)I'R people were r killed and at least nine injured when a Miami building collapsed yesterday. Several others were missing and believed trapped in the rubble. A section of the three-storey building which housed the Federal Drug
    UPI  -  158 words
  • 31 26 QUIMPER (France). Tues. A mystery bomb badly damaged a Fokker plane of the French domestic airline Air Inter while It was parked at Qulmper airport in Britany today— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 73 26 BANOKOK. Tuea—Highwaymen ambushed the chief US narcotics agent In northern Thailand and his wife while they were on a motorcycle Jaunt, the us HXnbaaay spokesman said today. Sheryl Shoaf was struck In the head by two shotgun pellets but was not seriously injured. Her husband. Oeorge Shoaf.
    AP  -  73 words
  • 14 26 THC weather outlook for Singapore from am to noon todar: no rain.
    14 words
  • 348 26 I ONDON, Turn. —The stock market Rank On it*< 4 t In quirt trading. At 1 p m th. SlUHl— ji 0 —1* Rjg v*.. »p a Equities wn lrr*f«lar with Tweo ij v Wall stn*t i optaiix hisktr tna* Traat Horn. Tt aae*. i. Him for snail
    348 words
  • 65 26 ADDIS ABABA. Tue*. The Ethiopian armed forces said yesteraay they had arrested nine Judges and a former Government official, bringing to 118 the total detained since last April. The armed forces also published the name* of 21 other wanted men including 20 judges, a police genral and
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 61 26 CANBIRRA. Tuaa. A delegation from the United Nations Committee on Decolonisation left Canberra tonight for Australia's remote Indian Ocean f ilUay of Cocoa (Kaellnf) Island* The mlaston wIU hoid talk* with Mr. John Cluniea-Rcas. whote benlfn but autocratic rule of the MM Malaya who work hi*
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 35 26 ranooon. Tuea. Burmeat port workers were today ■till unloading caffo (ran the J.500-ton atneanara freighter Koto Junanl which ran agnmnd last Friday off Krauktan Crack, about 19 mllca (M knui from ham— Iteuter
    35 words
  • 21 26 vac »w§i chimo ss. Wllil sw»» peacefully S/S/T4. >«a*iß« btfelnt lhi«. kola*** »if« Datvthy. aa4 thrw eaiMraa. BUaakatk. B»»i»la, la—li—.
    21 words
  • 377 26 Independence for two African states PARIS, Tuesday COUTH Africa's military forces are now on a state of permanent alert following Portugal's decision to grant independence to Mozambique and Angola, according to a correspondent of the independent French newspaper Le Monde. Mr. Philippe Decraene said
    Reuter  -  377 words
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