The Straits Times, 2 August 1974

Total Pages: 30
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Kstd. 1845 FINAL EDITION FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 713 1 THREAT TO CYPRUS CEASEFIRE Turkey accused of 'major truce violations' then Soviet veto NICOSIA. Thursday THE Cyprus ceasefire threaten ed to crumble today, with reports of major Turkish truce violations and a Soy i t veto blocking the United Nations from expanding peace-keeping efforts on the wartorn island. Turkish warships
    Reuter  -  713 words
  • 220 1 Wife of army officer found shot dead JPOH. Thurs An army officer's wife. Cik Zulekha Ghani. 32. waa found dead with gunshot wounds in her house in ialan Abdul Jalil early this tnornInf. Her husband is the Cemmandli.f. Officer ef the 3rd Battalion Reconnaissance Corps, LtCol. Abdul Ghani bin Haji
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  • 45 1 CANBKRRA. Thun. The Government today ended discriminatory treatment (or traveller* to Australia by requiring everyone except New Zea landers to have visas to rnter the country from next January. The decision will affect migrant*. tourtcU. businessmen and other temporary visitors. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 57 1 IPOH, Thurs. Security force* have found eight communiu terrorist supply dump* burled at Kanthan Bani and Ulu Plan In the Populated area* of Tarn bun near here in tin kit two days. .The BUtt Secretary. Knclk Wbak Tadln. who U also chairman of the SUU Security
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  • 44 1 WBW YORK. Thurs.— Dow Jonw svrrtffet. based on On* how of irvlli* on the New York Btock Exehaom: M Indus 75-20 down 0 23. JO Irann) 157 93 down OH. 13 uUte n>« down 0 4ft and M •toeto 2JIOO down OJS.
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  • 44 1 JAKARTA. Thurs. Two Australian Navy patrol boats will arrive hers tosaouow for a four-day visit to Jakarta, the Australian embassy said today. HMAB Attack and HMAS Advance will be open for public tomorrow and Saturday and leave Jakarta on Monday Reuter.
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  • 20 1 KAMPALA. Thurs. President Idl Amin's Government ordered military alert today and warned Its troops may occupy northern Tansa-
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  • 66 1 Alert for Aug. 24 polls KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Police operations will be mounted here to clean up the city of all secret society members and other undesirable elements for the general elections on Aug. 24. A special committee, consisting of senior police officers, has been set up at Federal headquarters
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  • 30 1 LONDON. Thurs. The second standard production model of the Concorde supersonic Jetliner will leave here next Wednesday lor a demonstration flight to the Middle Bast and Singapore. neuter.
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  • 23 1 DACCA, Thurs. More than 300 people are feared dead In floods which have devastated 19 district* of Bangladesh, sources said today.—AP.
    AP  -  23 words
  • 489 1 Nixon aide's move to bypass House WASHINGTON. Thun. Congress was today determined to preai on with Impeachment hearing* against President Nixun despite White House mores to sidestep embarrassing debate In the House of Representatives and seek a quick trial In the Senate. Hardly had Washington digested the Judiciary Committee's historic
    Reuter  -  489 words
  • 288 1 BANGKOK, Than. Prime Minister Ban/a8 an/ a Dhamaaakti Unigbt formally eaaAacat«d the assets ef three exiled military leaden and their wlrea a msr« agreed en earlier today to salve a usastlla7ls«sl dJapate with Thailand's ffattswal Assembly. The asaeU. Talaed at over Mt
    Reuter  -  288 words
  • 172 1 ■y RAJICC OOVfNMUM 1 PETITE Pauline En»I ush was f aite a wee* when Jean Martla wall— ly put his anas round her. His sadden reaction was something ef a surprise eat she raepen4ed '-mtsllstiirj with cheerful Uujhter. Pauline, a swimmer. and John, a hasaetkail
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  • 43 1 nkw Daun, Thar*. Masai eawssd by —*"tit rains bar* killed at toast ie» people. Officials fMrad that all a members of nine finHltes IB on* vlUsc* In Assam, northeast India, had been swept to Uwir death by floodveten. Roller
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    • 38 1 NICOSIA, Than. Turkish troops continued to advance westward from Kyrenia today In contravention ef the Geneva cease Are acreeaaent, eyewitnesses said They reported fighting near the villages of Siaklepos and Alyos ETawft+latsM. fctttjltr (See This Page)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 19 1 Diamond Gem Set Rings DE SILVA BROS MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS., 3. Raffles Place. Singapore 1. Tel: *****. tstu»H»H*f, daddy [flj
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    • 81 1 SUICIDE AFTER REFUSAL TO WED -PAGE 5 FIVE-MINUTE gap In Nixon tapes 2 CALL for changes in World Bank 3 IS KILLED in Red hlt-rnn raid on hamlet 4 MOTOR traders fear new dip In sales C AXE to fall at another two factories 7 A COMMON exam next year
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    • 105 1 TELEPHONE DAY NIGHT V| *****00 *****0 SINGAPORE 1e***** K.LUMPUR ***** ***** IPOH 7297* ***** I PENANG ***** ***** LJOHORE 5474 M Earn Increased Interest in Solid Safety Now that Interest Rates are really good, it makes sense to save your money in Fixed Deposit or Savings Accounts. And for true
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  • Straits Times World News
    • 183 2 Godber: 'Retired 9 officer turns witness HONOKONO, Thurs. A ranking police officer who was accused of bribing former Chief Police Superintendent Peter Qodber has been granted an early retirement by the Oovemrnent after he agreed to testify against the superintendent a Oovernment spokesman said today. The fpokesman said all corruption
      UPI  -  183 words
    • 548 2 5 min gap in Nixon tapes Meeting with aides not recorded WASHINGTON. Thursday 'J'HK White House conceded yesterday there was a gap of at least five minutes and 12 seconds in one of 20 tape recorded conversations it has turned over for possible use in the Watergate coverup trial. The
      Reuter  -  548 words
    • 32 2 BULNOi AIRES. Thurs President Maria Esteia peron. the work!'; first woman Preslden*. has receive a massive vote of confidence from Argentina's political parties and labour and employers' organisations. Renter.
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    • 215 2 Indira's interim Budget comes under fire NEW DELHI, Than. The Indian Govern ■Bent's interim Badfet announced yesterday to help fl«ht infUtlon wms attacked in ParUaaent by aU Opp o 1 Uon rroups Finance Minister Yeshwantrao Ctaavan proposed I.3fi« million rupees (about S$43S million) in additional taxes during the remaining right
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    • 180 2 'Buy gold' ban lifted in US WASHINGTON. Thurs. Congress yesterday gave private American citizens the goahead to buy gold as a hedge against Inflation. ending a 40-year-old ban Imposed by President Franklin Roosevelt The gold measure had been tagged on to legislation giving the International De v e1 o pment
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    • 20 2 HONOKONO. Iriura. An Australian workers' delegation was feted in Peking yerterday the New China News Agency reported R'tte
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    • 248 2 PEKING, Thursday SPONTANEOUS burst of applause greeted Premier Chou En-lai when he appeared at an Army Day reception here last night, his first public appearance since suffering a heart attack nearly two months ago Though pale and moving with less than his former
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    • 140 2 DISGRACED EX-ARMY CHIEF REAPPEARS HONGKONG. Than. Mr. Yang Cheungwu, a former Chief-of-Staff of the Chinese army who was sacked in IMS as a ''conspirator,'' has reappeared in Peking. Mr. Yang made his first known public appearance, since he was sacked, at an Army Day reception which was attended by Premier
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    • 232 2 Sound progress in Dr KAllon talks WASHINOTON. Thurs. US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger yesterday had a two-and-a-half-hour meetIn; with visiting Israeli Foreign Minister Yigal Allon on bilateral relations and Middle East prospects. and said afterwards t*ey had made very good progress. Yesterday's session which took place over lunch, was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 292 2 The precision mower that grooms your lawn to perfection. With its combination ot reel and roller, the precision built Princess puts an immaculate finish on your lawn Its fine scissor. like cuttmq action trims the grass evenly, to give you a lawn of velvety smoothness. Choose the Masport Princess for
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    • 302 2 bbbVnw~t- :aal M •'I I' all^ -a? J naaa^l^^^B W al^aaaaasaa#^ ga^^^^aii^gaVlfc^ aaT ilsaail 'aJ Ha^gjaaaaaj BB^Lafta^^a^^aV^ AEROD YNAMIC GS shape Computer designed to calculate minimum drag. The GS shape has about half the wind resistance of the average car giving more effortless speed and reduced fuel consumption. Safety features
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    • 259 3 ARAB OIL SWOP STUDY NOW ON PARIS, Thursday gXPhHTS from the Arab world and the fc-uropean Common Market began working out the details today of a breakthrough plan to trade Middle East oil for Western industrial know-how. The Europeans and Arabs ps£l(rne<t economic specialist* to lay the groundwork for a
      UPI  -  259 words
    • 170 3 ACCORD ON PLAN TO SHARE OIL IN CRISIS BRUSSELS, Thurs. Senior officials from 12 of the richest Industrialised nations yesterday reached broad agreement on an emergency plan to share their oil in the event of a new world energy crisis. Delegates leaving at the end of a three-day meeting here
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    • 41 3 MADRID. Thurs. The Archbishop of Madrid. Cardinal Vicente Enrique V Tarancon. has paid a fine of 100.000 pesetas (about 514.130> Imposed on a parish priest for making political sermons, the Roman Catholic newspaper Ya reported today. Reuter.
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    • 29 3 PARIS. Thurs Citroen will Introduce a new lnter-medlate-slse car this autumn despite an Industry-wide slump In sales of larger cars a senior company official said yesterday —Reuter.
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    • Briefs
      • 50 3 NUSHKI, (Pakistan). Thurs. Pakistani Prime Minister Zulflkar All Bhutto said here that Pakistan would receive foreign aid If attacked and offered a peace pact to Afghanis tan to settle differences over frontier people. He said Pakistan would not be Intimidated by the massing of Afghan troops on Pakistan s border.
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      • 27 3 CAIRO: King Faisal of Saudi Arabia and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat travel to Alexandria today for extensive consultations on the problems of peace in the Middle East.
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      • 41 3 WASHINGTON: Sen. J. William Fulbrltfht Is confident that a report by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee expected within 10 days will bring to an end the dispute over Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's role In Initiating a series of controversial wiretaps.
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      • 27 3 WASHINGTON: The House of Representatives voted tonight to require Congressional approval of any future agreements by the United States to supply nuclear power technology to other nations.
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      • 2 3 Tanaka's man
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      • 27 3 TAIPEH: Japan may send an ambassadorial rank diplomat to Tal p c h heading the semlofficial Interchange Association Office, the Chinese language United Dally News reported today.
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      • 29 3 TOKYO: Foreign Minister Tosbio Klmura said today simultaneous member ship in the United Nations by North and South Korea does not rule out peaceful reunification by the two countries.
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      • 40 3 GEORGETOWN, (Guyana): Guyana's Marxist ex-Premier C h e d d 1 Jagan appeared in court here today on arms and ammunition charges folio wing yesterday's raid on his home by Special Branch detectives. The hearing was adjourned to Aug. 9.
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      • 30 3 WASHINGTON: Former Vice-President Spi r o Agnew has been determinted not to be a menace to society, and permitted to keep a run despite his status as a convicted felon.
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      • 34 3 WASHINGTON: The Government may slap the Howard Hughes empire with a civil suit In the same case that led to Hughes' Indictment on criminal conspiracy and stock manipulation charges, according to knowledgeable sources. Agencies.
        Agencies  -  34 words
    • 373 3 Call for changes in World Bank McNAMAEA ON HOW TO HELP THE POORER COUNTRIES WASHINGTON, Thursday 'J'HK World Bank should be restructured to help under-developed countries combat inflation and the effects of a sagging economy in the West, bank chief Robert McNamara proposed yesterday. The proposed changes Include tapping the
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    • 32 3 SANTIAGO. Thurs. A Chilean military court has condemned to death four former supporters of the late President AUende's popular unity government after finding them guilty of treason and sedition. Reuter.
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    • 35 3 MANILA. Thurs Eight people died and 31 others suffered serious burns when a moving passenger minibus caught fire In a remote village m Zamboanga Del Sur province on Mlndanao Island. AP.
      AP  -  35 words
    • 181 3 WASHINGTON, Thurs. The House Defence Appropriations cub-committee has made a largely symbolic cut of 3.5 per cent In the defence budget, signifying that the Pentagon will once again emerge victorious In the annual military debate on Capitol Hill. The sub-committee, Congressional members reported yesterday, has
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    • 33 3 CANNES Thur». A man claiming to beknf to the IRA (IrUh Republican Army) held up a Brit »h -owned bank here yesterday and got away with 50 000 francs (IM.IM) Reuter
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 106 3 Save money on the quiet SA-1018. 10.000 BTU Sanyo saves you up to 25% electricity costs, without making a noise about it. The secret's in Sanyo's compressor that puts Sanyo revolutionary engineering— years ahead in noiseless the most advanced of any cooling technology, too. of today's brands. Maximum savings, mm
      106 words
    • 511 3 Singapore 1 fdffJ^T/// 9 Food Fair MmmmmmM for fillC pfOdtlCtS MCE festival Thailand 100 3kg 5.00 tr" 1 CONDENSED MILK festival 3*, 6ti»f« 3.58 S pore Institute of Standards Award Winner ROYAL RESERVE SAUTERNE penfolds TOILET ROLLS snowy trio 5 for 1.51 J J PEPSODENT TOOTHPASTE v. e~ 1.10 1
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    • 200 4 MEXICO CITY. Thurs. —An American who hijacked a United States airliner here three yean ago has claimed before an examlng magistrate he was acting on orders from the US Central Intelligence Agency. Robert Lee Jackson, deported to Mexico, earlier this week from Argentina
      Reuter  -  200 words
    • 46 4 WASHINGTON, Thurs Taiwan has been out of tha United Nation, since 1971 yet It trade* with in countries. US News and World Report aaid. Tha magazine said per capita Income Is U***** (8I1.4M) a year three to four time* above China. AP.
      AP  -  46 words
    • 422 4 16 killed in Red hit-run raid on hamlet Civilians target of pre-dawn attack? SAIGON. Thursday £OMMUNIST troops launched a surprise attack on a Government hamlet in the Central Highlands, killing 16 people and wounding 20 others, the South Vietnamese Military Command said today. The command said the attack took place
      Reuter; UPI  -  422 words
    • 349 4 Arafat hits out at US 'scheme 9 in M-East BEIRUT. Thurs Palestinian guerilla leader Yasser Arafat today accuse* the United States of "scheming to destroy the future of the Palestinian people." Stating this In an Interview published by the Beirut magazine Al Hawadess he also said he would not permit
      AP  -  349 words
    • 85 4 Miss Teenage title to Goa beauty pARACAS, Thurs— Miss \j India, 15-year-old Radha Bartake of Ooa, was crowned Miss Teenage Princess International. Diana M«cDon»ld 16. of Canada, finished second and Sury Marie Juliet of the nearby island of Curacao In the Netherlands Antilles vu third. ■'All I can say is
      UPI  -  85 words
    • 222 4 Deepest hole feat by US scientists DUBLIN, Thurs Scientist* aboard the U8 research ship Olomar Cha 1 1 c n ger announced yesterday that they hare drilled the deepest hole jet into the earth's crust beneath the Atlantic Ocean The vessel arrived here this week after the latest In a
      Reuter; UPI  -  222 words
    • 32 4 MANILA Thura tamer Filipino »mr»aMrtnr Manuel O. Ztmon. who was reclptant of atveral aaoorattons from different Raids of SUU has died of t heart tttaefc He w M 70 AP
      AP  -  32 words
    • 191 4 SYDNEY. Thurs. Mrs. Jutta Totniolla (above) nurses her Z.S kg (six-pound) baby boy who made flying history In Australia yesterday when he was born f ,1M metres (3,H# feet) above Alice Springs In central Australia, airline officials said. The officials said the 21-year-old mother,
      UPI  -  191 words
    • 314 4 WASHINGTON, Thursday MAJOR US economic aid to South Vietnam could be ended by the end of this decade if Congress grants all the funds requested for Saigon, Mr. Graham Martin, US Ambassador to Sooth Vietnam, said yesterday. "I am certain that
      UPI  -  314 words
    • 93 4 US wants a better trade deal WASHINGTON. Thurs. —The Senate Finance Committee yesterday shaped draft trade measures that would require developed nations to make substantial concessions to the United States in exchange for a lowering of US Import barriers. A committee spokesman said after the cloaed-door seaalon that, before the
      Reuter  -  93 words
    • 274 4 Senator sets out plan to boost the US economy WASHINGTON, Thurs. In a reply to President Nixon's speech last week urging less consumer spending and more patience. Senator Lloyd Bentsen < Democrat) has proposed a sixpoint plan for economic recovery. In a nationally-tele-vised speech on behalf of the Democratic Party
      UPI  -  274 words
    • 95 4 LONDON, Than. A widow whose husband lay unconscious far four years following a ear crash in lMt, was today awarded a record (C7»JIS (gsM4.*M> in damages by the High OSBJtt Businessman Alas) Murray, who died in hospital last April, was a passenger in a ear
      Reuter  -  95 words
    • 117 4 CALL TO BUILD UP FOOD STOCKS r)KYO, Thurs. The Japan Foreign Trade Council today proposed that Japan should build up a stockpile of foodstuffs and conclude long-range food agreements with exporting countries to prepare for short-term shortages. The organisation of leading Japanese trade firms said In a report that long-range
      Reuter  -  117 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 783 4 Youth is eneraw and vitality; it A is Wate-On Super Wate-On f is a food supplement that can give pounds and inches of healthy solid flesh to skinny underweight men and women. Super Wate-On contains fruit flavoured nutrients fortified with such essential vitaminsasßl,B2, D2and blood-building vitamin 812. FOR SKINNY WOMEN
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    • 40 4 Opening Offer from our Tailoring Department Suits, (lades, shirts, etc. 15% DISCOUNT for on* month only Also available imported quality gam's shoes. DAILY FROM 10 A.M. -9PM BlSjaxi Emporium Pte.Lt jj Peninsula Shopping Comple ■E I_2A, in Floor, Telephone *****
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  • 197 5 Exports: Govt seeks chamber views T^HE Government is seeking views from *>»« Chinese Chamber of Commerce on how to step up exports of products made by the chamber's members. Among other things, the Government wants to know what the chamber expects it to do to find more overseas markets. In
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  • 28 5 A WATER ski-course for beginners will be conducted by the YMCA Orchard Road at Pongßol every Saturday from 2 pm to 6 pm from Aug 10
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  • 220 5 MOTORISTS should get out of their cars at petrol kiosks and supervise the services being performed by attendants If they do not want to be cheated. The Consumers' Association of Singapore (CASE) gives this advice in its latest news bulletin. Warning against malpractices at
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  • 313 5 All out to realise an ambition— to make this a better world... CIGAR-SMOKING Mr. W Clement Stone (above) looks every inch the prosperous American with his thin moustache, bow-tie and white suit which strains a little at the waist-line. And his is a success story that started at the age
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  • 139 5 \M ANY teachers find little benefit in at--ITI tending in-service courses held locally in terms of acquiring new knowledge and teaching techniques. The Mi ntor, the SinRape re Teachers Union monthly organ. lays the general feeling Is that the courses do not seem to differ much
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  • 56 5 A PIRATE taxi driver tv yesterday jailed by the Third District Court for three years and ordered to be given three strokes of the rotan for trafficking In cannabls. Ibrahim bin Mohamed. 36. denied trafficking 500 gmt of rannabu found In his taxi along Woodland. Road
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  • 131 5 rO armed men held up a businessman and seven women during a mahjong r»m« and escaped with S3.OM in cash and valuables on Wednesday. Mr. Nf Cher Seh, 23, told notice bo was playing mahjong with seven friends and reUUves at his hill in St.
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  • 560 5 15-YEAR-OLD bargirl told a man who refused to marry her to die with her in a suicide pact and he agreed, a distiict court was told on Wednesday. The court also heard that the girl, Charanjlt Kaur, died as a result of drinking detergent
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  • 81 5 MISSING: 341 SINKS FROM STORE rv)l'R cases of sinks ■T worth about $19.--000 were reported missing from the factory of Diethelm Singapore Pte. Ltd., in Alexandra Road, yesterday. They contained 341 sinks. The factory's assistant store keeper, Mr. Chan King Mun, 31, told police he discovered the theft while making
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  • 34 5 THE Boon Yew Association will celebrate its 33rd anniversary with a dinner at its premises on Sunday at 730 pm All donations received will go to the Spastic Children's Association of Singapore
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  • 46 5 PROFEBSOR Urn Chong Yah. Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. University of Singapore, will •speak on Economic Development and Underdevelopoient Some Facts and foilncies at the Rotary Club of Singapore Bast lunch meeting at the Singapore Hilton today at 1 pm
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 93 5 JBL's Studio Master 200 It's JBL's big studio Monitor dressed up for company oiled walnut enclosure and sculp in Smoke. Raven. Aegean, or Burgundy sound you hear Bach or Bochorach -was recorded. ii mixed down and mastered using a speaker like this Come hear why SB COmMD J&BSr A ?I3
      93 words
    • 205 5 y m M kills instantly cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes, all flying and crawling pests. more effective: Flushes out pests npjMHH from normally inaccessible places. ■irj\"/| Mij more lasting: with a unique residual action that lasts andlprotects for months. ITIOre economical: because Baygon kills faster and lasts longer, you use less spray.
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  • 400 6 Witness: Founder was 'happy' to finance new club A FOUNDER of a Chinese association. who Is also a martial arts exponent, was "very co-operative and happy" when a delegation of the association sought his financial help to acquire new premises of Its r.wn. But when the purchase was effected, costing
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  • 62 6 ABOUT 70 general practitioners, university and government doctors will participate In a teaching seminar on vener c a 1 diseases on Sunday. Tht atmlnar. organlard by the Singapore Society of Microbiology, will be held at tht nnlwtlty of Stagapore'a Medical Faculty In Sepoy Una*.
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  • 44 6 THE Government Is to acquire M 4 aq. m. (10.100 aq. ft i of land in the town area for the Urban Redevelopment Authority. According to a CKiette notification, the land U owned by the Mohammedan and Hindu Endowment* Board.
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  • 32 6 A MOTORIST, Kin Hock Chuan, was fined SM yesterday for disobeying the traffic lights at the Junction of Dhoby Ghaut and Orchard Boad on May ts. He pleaded guilty.
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  • 219 6 traders fear that the four per cent hike in interest rates on hirepurchase mortgages of cars and motorcycles will further depress the market. Traders said that since the higher interest rate would put up the overall price of cars for buyers in the
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  • 36 6 A BUDDHIST monk. Soami Sarlputra of the Bokark Set Temple In Bright Hill Crescent, will talk on How To Be What You Are at the Theolophical Lodge. CalrnhlU Road, next Thursday at 7 p.m
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  • 132 6 Chamber study awards for 61- mHE president of the 1 Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Tan Keonc Choon. presented scholars hips worth 5109.5 M to 61 tertiary students at the chamber conference room on Tuesday. Twenty-five students from Nanyanc University, 11 from the University of Singapore. 17 from the Singapore
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  • 149 6 Travellers stranded here by Sydney strike MORE than 100 travellers to and from Australia were stranded In Singapore on Wednesday because of a strike by fuel reflllers at Sydney airport. The strike also delayed SlA's flight SQ722A for several hours at Sydney It finally took off for Singapore, overflying Jakarta,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 319 6 WIN A FLIGHT ON SlA's NEW 7478 *'ialP f J^ f y H^^feafa^B^a^^^^^^l^B^H Wtt i'*V A'^K. iJsf al^bS-'^b^bV Bmt^B ■JbhbW ■BalaVfl aUaVaS Our third 7478 arrives on 17 August. To mark this occasion, we're offering 100 free tickets for a demonstration flight of our new Jumbo, on Sunday, 18 August.
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    • 52 6 3 ff^^^^^"~~~~ 1 l w »wslStSaiTcVt twe'*** l Jf I GOLDEN GOODNESS I I GREETINGS I I FROM AUSTRALIA I 1 from I Amalgamated Cooperative Marketers Australia Ltd. I to 1 Ben and Company 1 on their Silver Jubilee ■L and move to their New Cold Storage Facilities B ■■■■■jijiiij
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 237 6 Straits Times Crossword ACVOM Inn* gone for publicity 1 flamrnaai of period It at 4 nc important* yM (I*> 8 **< Dot that U about to follow <"*f*f <*>• human belna to TTtt raaaar la utterly to* hana <•) a**** of mfermlns; <», I. t OcMrml and praatdem la a
      237 words

  • 106 7 MOVE TO ASK CHAMBER FOR ANSWERS A GROUP of Malay intend to ask the Malay Chamber of Commerce for an explanation for its failure to undertake promts proposed at the Chamber's last annual meeting. Informed sources said the group would bring up the Issue at the chambers coming anChambers coming
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  • 48 7 Accident Free campaign THE Government wljl hold a nation-wide Keep Singapore Accident Pree campugn from Oct. 6 to 31 on the same lines as the recent Keep Singapore Crime Pree campaign The aim of the campaign Is to make Singapore a safer place to drive and live In.
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  • 44 7 THE Minister for Communications and MP for Oeylang West. Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin. will officiate at the balloting ceremony for the sale of 240 four-room Improved-type flats at Block 44. Sims Drive. Kalian* Basin Estate, on Aug. 6 at 2.20 p m
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  • 454 7 Judgment is reserved in Wilson defame case JUDGMENT was reserved by the Sixth Magistrate's Court yesterday on Securltas chairman, P.R.L. Wilson, accused of defaming lawyer Donald Yeo Hock Chwee, former chairman of the AA, in two letters to the Corrupt Practices Investigations Bureau and the Attorney-General. The prosecution and defence
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  • 280 7 Selar dearer by 10 cents a kati rl price of horse mackerel (selar) Increased by 10 cents to $l 60 a katl yesterday, the Trade Department reported. Following are the recommended prices: SUee: American IS per cent. 00 cents a katl or 605 g; China 10 per cent ylm check.
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  • 144 7 rE four year old boy who survived the Johore Baru-Ayer Hitam trunk road crash on Monday, was reported to be In "rood condition" at Thomson Hospital yesterday. Raftirantan Renganatban, who sustained a fracture In his right leg In the accident which killed four
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  • 378 7 LEAST two more electronics factories in Singapore are expected to retrench their staff soon. Like NS Electronics Ltd., one of the larger factories which laid off about 630 workers on Wednesday, the planned retrenchments are said to be due to a fall In
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  • 83 7 Cultural show in aid of the disabled A charity cultural show will be held by the Singapore Armed Forces Reservists Association and the Society for Aid to the Paralysed on Sept. The show at National Theatie Is In aid of SAP's Rehabilitation, Educational and Welfare fund for the disabled and
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  • 104 7 Transfer of union man sparks work stoppage MORE than 400 employees of Borneo Company in Robinson Road stopped work for several hours yesterday In protest over the transfer of a union official. The official iv Mr. A P. Raju. branch chairman of the Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workan' Union. who
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  • 56 7 DR. Robert Loo has bean re-ekKtsd president of the YMCA Orchard Road at Ma annual meeting. Other officials Include Mr. Sim Mian Klan (vice-presi-dent) Mr Cecil Wong (twa•urar. n alerted) and Mr. rent Hoe Benf (genrrml secretary. re-«lseUd) Mr David Chow and Mr Ooh Kee mang w«
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  • 50 7 MRS Jet Yeun Thong, wife of the Minister lor Culture, will give awa» prises at the finals of the 11th annual InUr-scbool Safety First Quls contest at cultural Centre on Wednesday at »J0 pm The participating achooU are Anflo-CWneee School Raffles Institution and 8t Andrews Secondary School
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 370 7 isssfaH-^aW^ MSSSSW^^I IKssbC 4^^SSSW^t^» mmmU J9two^^m^m^mW mm m^m^^^^maam^BKimkiS^ jS^mtmWmm "OwfJt T WmWrnm/^^Smmf^i \J^lm^9 -^\s» /^L. A^aw^^.Tr^T'* Lombard North Contnl Httd Otfic: Canon Sir, 01. London Subsidiary and Associate Banks and Finance Houses: Lombard Australia Limited Canberra. Sydney. Melbourne. Adelaide. Perth. Brisbane, Hobart. Newcastle, Wollongong. Liverpool. Geelong. Parramatts. Bankstown. Chatswood. Penrrth.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 302 7 Brtnging Up Father By BUI Kavanaf h «3c Hal Camp "~~^YJJi| HONefT, CHNTV, I CANT I hAAOetC. PL«*« II I HOPf THS DOCTO* IM MOKE ANP I CANY MAKE (T TO**6Hr! MAg»IC TgLL TM(« 9UY I J MAKM HOU6S CAli»/TMsJ AFR>»P TO PLAY POHOt WTTM J-. *ONT LKT ME OOT.'y
      302 words

  • 462 8  -  CHEW LEE CHINOL [•y~| A COMMON SingaA pore Cambridge' General Certificate of Education 'A' level examination Is to be introduced here next year for pre-univer-sity students in the different language streams. It will be conducted Jointly by the Education Ministry and the
    462 words
  • 182 8 ALL confirmed education officers with five years of trained teaching service as at July 1 this year will be considered by the Education Ministry for preliminary shortlisting for the coming promotion exercise. According to the ministry, there is no need for them t~. make individual apDllcauons.
    182 words
  • 245 8 'CPF interest could have been higher' A LOCAL economist yesterday said the Central Provident Fund Board had acted right by increasing its rate of Interest from 5 3 4 to ft'j per cent per annum, but It was still Inadequate. Dr. Lee Sheng-Yl, a senior economics lecturer at the University
    245 words
  • 39 8 THK Chart* d' Affaires of Bwitaeiland. Mr. Henry Bcgle and the Minister of SUte iCommunlcat'.on*). Mr. Chal Chong YU. yesterday exchanged toaau on behalf of their presidents at the 8»1m National Day reception at Marco Polo Hotel.
    39 words
  • 254 8 National Expo opens at stadium tomorrow rE fust National Exposition will open with a wide display of local and foreign products at the National Stadium tomorrow at 4 p.m. The exposition, to be opened by Dr. B.K Sen. chairman of the Singapore Snorts Council, will feature 300 stalls over a
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  • 41 8 A CATHAY Pacific Airways pauemer feU over the plane ramp, while boarding yesterday, at about II a.m. The passenger, whose Identity was not ivallable. Is believed to have received head injuries. %n ambulance took the injured passenger to hospital
    41 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 426 8 jp-. Hk^ is uir I m prriwy Ml f* >w^ m m. I Ll* I S J-" R. l# *Q ■Jd ma »->-«- |^*M 7^_ I «ajt a> Mrk^lllirV^Ti R^o*l .RJ^ I^ja iv a* avl KJ/VYJ^^^^^Pfl litm li mt \jTl \AJtBEh Jlp'^^vfi^^ ImBUhHI ii^L^LH *^4*^^^^ *^^^^i*SSfl^PsiHi^BlßS^J m ''r-f r* l^2*'
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 134 9 73c 95< 90c *4*90 5 6*95 *I*o !£|WV»H: A new exotic flavour filled with all the «W0 BIfCE 15% $V™ V P^^^^ goodness of delicious Wall's Elite ice-cream. V^T I f 2*3£ 3^ ANOTHER GOOD 7 FULL P4 Jg jK^j| ->ffl/O4y THRU THURSDAY. 300 ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE 9 MtlN6£Woi> WMmBtLJ-X
      134 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 401 10 y.v^^a*■^^^^r^^^^J^v^^,v.Va^^vwvwvvvvw^^^«^aVa I NOW SHOWIMC! ftuiy it 7.00 A 9.30p«. Hbjliilw: iUWts: S2.N-CMMrM: SI.M The Original Doberman Gang In Their All NEW Adventure!!! :;IW«ACTIOI!IIOt£TI»UJJ!I«tCUCITIIinT! |Rlw y m!SiTSs Si&' CATHAY: TOMORROW BPtflOm I HATHAY NOW showing! j I "CONRACK PAYS TRIBUTE TO GOOD ■I TEACHIXS..." Edgar Koh. Naw Natran jlThey called him
      401 words
    • 292 10 ■UilAllßa < TRADITIONAL ENGLISH FARE 3 Mctt >o«r frinas w Tmm^m rww mmmVmMmrtt. 4IT Rim VWtty Raaa. Op*" for hMdi A 4mm 7iayt a *wck 4 II M»a.m MMaajiM A nhM»J7S42S CaMCaaaUr H ||L y aWaiißaW. TENDERLDIN GRILL ROOM COFFEE HOUSE b^F^l Marrily at our^H W HAPPY HOURS- J Sam.
      292 words
    • 332 10 CAPITOL-OPENS TODAY! t dally at 1 1 am, 1 .48. 4.00. 6.45 ft 9.30 am —N» ftw UU HAMMER Films -Tk VAMPIRE SPECIALISTS and SHAWS-Tke KUNG FU SPECIALISTS fol tHelr tap tttn mi cnithn tudnifitt te ariwg yog... ■■bV-IbTbTJbb PP/H 'W\£* B^al BIUC WV) Bp a vN^p' I'm B^ J
      332 words
    • 796 10 WWWWWVVWW.V. CATHAY: IiCAWISATION NOW SH IWING 1 2 Sixmra 7004• 30 pm < THE OARING OOBERMANS S Marring Tha Onginal Ooberman J Gang In Color I I J Juronf Drtva-ln Cinema Odeon ft Orchard a 2nd Midnight Tomornxw' J Olur Sunday at 9am i I .n CANTONESE Oiaiogua .•THE TENANTS
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1319 11 jP^l I A A fI^PVIVPVRMVNHMMIWHHB I bf \arV/iP^ I^^Pi^^wß if Gokk?n BHaW n I are now 1 fe cmweserestouramtl iHHffili^ Ik U^. -^g J V^jy; Undoubtedly the best PWiMHNpM jl JW| ll^^Q llf I^l aM Szechuan Restaurant in I^^^^^^^L^ii^^J MMvll IV^./w f|H W Famous fonts 1 jHß^^^^^fc '^^I^,^. <^ llilSiJ
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  • The Straits Times FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1974
    • 394 12 DRIME MINISTER Sanya Dharmasaktl's 1 mipl-confrontatlon with Thailand's interim National Assembly ended yesterday with a compromise deeply rooted in the Thai tradition of mutual accommodation. The assembly will withdraw the order it gave Mr. Sanya last month and Mr. Sanya will then proceed to comply with the
      394 words
    • 179 12 WHAT kind of game is the Soviet Union TT playing? The Soviet Union may have taken pleasure in the discomfiture of the Western world when two Nato partners Greece and Turkey were on the verge of slugging it out. The Soviet Union was completely entitled to
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  • 447 12 rpOKYO Bangladesh J. has a moral homily about an honest sparrow and greedy crow who decide that whoever can eat the most pepper seeds will have the right to eat the loser of the contest. It is a simple story of the kind hie h
    Reuter  -  447 words
  • 414 12  - Little things go a long way JILL GERSTON: By few Y.rk rvNE side effect of the Vf current Inflation Is Is a modest pennypinching among members of the middle class who are too affluent to cry, yet vulnerable enough to feel some pain. Interviews with, about 40 persons In the
    414 words
  • 1109 12  - Can those moonlight cruises still do the trick? JACK GERMOND: AS NIXON FIGHTS IMPEACHMENT... By Washington CONGRESSMAN Barber Conable Jr. is not your everyday, routine Republican Congressman. To be sure, he represents one of those upstate New York districts that seem to send Republicans here as a matter of divine
    1,109 words
    • 212 12 MY letter (ST., July 25), dealt with two matters. Firstly that there was no truth in the suggestion that the 1074 Order was brought about as a result of Government pressure and I sincerly believe this to be so. Secondly, that that Order was
      212 words
    • 123 12 rLB refers to the letter from S. Farts (ST.. July 19). The RTS commentator described the Sri Lanka team during the march past of tiie contingents as follows: the team from Sir Lanka making their second appearance In this Age Group Competition. Their first appearance was last year
      123 words
    • 61 12 rpHIS v In reply to the 1 letter from OP Revl (ST.. July 24). We have noted his comments but would like to point out that the '"live" telecast of the lnter-constltuency soccer final overran the time slot provided for It. As It was. the programme following was delayed by
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 3 12 CPTirn jb^^ *****.00
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    • 445 12 (DBMI) the name in self-priming centrifugal pumps ADVANTAGES: DESMI self-priming Pumps:— have a quick and efficient self-priming system. will pass solids easily without blocking. will retain their performance features even after considerable wear. require an absolute minimum of maintenance. SOLE AGENT ©UNITED ENGINEERS v*u Commercial Division SAVE MONEYU lulu 0m
      445 words

  • 77 13 JAKARTA, Thurs. Se- curity preparations for President Suharto's visit to Singapore and Burma have been completed, according to the Intelligence body's < Baking i chief Yoga Sugama Mr Sugama said this yesterday after report- I ing to the President on his recent trip to
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 202 13  -  PAUL WEE By least 10 police inspectors are to be seconded to the Singapore Bus Service Ltd. by this month. Informed sources say some have already Joined the bus company. The others are expected to do so within the next few days
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  • 175 13 NZ grant to help Sisir develop NDT rE New Zealand Government has approved a grant of $500,000 to assist the Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research (Slslr) develop and strengthen its Non- Destructive Testing (NDT) facilities. This was announced by the New Zealand High Commissioner, Mr. R.E.B. Peren, when
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  • 109 13 IJOLICE arrested five I secret society suspects, Including a boy, during a series of raids carried out on Wednesday. They are believed to be connected with the Sio Leng Hor 108 secret society gang. The boy, aged 16, was picked up from a
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  • 184 13 Visiting minister takes a close look at how food is processed rt Papua New Guinea Minister for Defence. Foreign Relations and Trade. Mr. Albert Maori Klkl. looking at food being canned at the Yeo Hlap Sent Food processing plant in Bukit Timah, yesterday. The factory (irU are canning curry chicken.
    184 words
  • 33 13 FHE numbers picked in yesterday* Toto draw 60/74 were 13 S. 6 37 and The additional number wm 39 In the circle* draw, the numbers were 10. 38 and 7.
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  • 33 13 THE Kajnpong Chai Chec community centre building fund donation draw scheduled to be held this Saturday has been postponed to Nov. 2 at the Victoria Memorial Hall at 5 p.m.
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  • 338 13 Visit to cement Indo S'pore ties further rIE Indian Foreign Minuter. Mr. Swaran Singh, Is due here on Sunday (or a three-day official visit to further cement the good and friendly relations between the two countries. He will exchange thought* on Asian, regional, as well as world Issues, particularly on
    338 words
  • 71 13 Macpherson to celebrate N-Day M ACPHEKSON c o n■tltuency will hold «t number of events to celebrate the Republics ninth National Day. A b»by ahow and dinner will be held at the centre on Aug 11 at I tin and 1.30 p m respectively. Then will be a aoccer tournament
    71 words
  • 66 13 TMK Young Muatctoiu Society hu decJdad to expand 1U youth choir from It to 1M member* following IU recent succeaa at th* WMah International Bateddfod contest. All tboat bemoan It and S3 fun of age are •Uglbta to apply Apr"c«Uon loraa are avauabht (rom the nude
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 239 13 PUT THE NEW VAUXHALL VIVAS TO THE ULTIMATE MPG TEST AND WIN UP TO $1,000 IN CASH PRIZES--3 WAYS TO WIN 1. You start with a new Vauxhall Viva from Orchard Motors, Orchard Road Showroom. 2. You start with a new Vauxhall Viva from Orchard Motors, Paya Lebar Showroom 3.
      239 words
    • 200 13 B^B^B^B^B^B^aVßaVßßaiiaßJiiiiiiiiiiM.^af ■M^^^» ■^lO^ar "af •Maw--- M»||j^^^^ AkjnnaiMi^^ M for Trouble 1 a^C^Vf^B With a new sensuous B^^ all-day fragrance MMM> Aftershave Cologne jc-mpi. look out for IVouMe! This new kind of TVouble leads to the kind of trouble you like. f 'TOZEiY 1 I Rubber £Kf>on/ion Joint I I ■J
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 1047 13 TV MALAYSIA (3) TV SINGAPORE (5) lAA M Summary 3.13 The 7 ICW Dtkir but 7.42 Sum. )AA H For the Family (Cni luarap (Malay-Repeat) News J.KnJ Tall Man 1.27 Potret /.ID mary 7.41 Malay Film- O.UU nese) 335 Diary ot and Newsreel (Malay) 7.99 Sports Perkerti 3.M Atsalamualailuim All
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    • 21 13 WATER consumption on Wednesday was 123.3 million fallons (SCI.M* cubic metres), two million gallons (10.000 cable metres) more than on Tuesday.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1390 14 bßen Group of Companies Silver Jubilee opening of their new offices cold storage facilities x BOARD MEMBERS Message from f jA ThG HOD IVlf. A. J. Fdtllkner, IN/1. P. «UP^Pw^^k The Board of Directors of Bens comprises a distinguished list of members with wide exposure 3P^y^s^B? in commerce and industry
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1041 15 Auckland, New Zealand and after completing his education at Wangunui Collegiate School The new premises at Spottiswoode Park Road are more spacious, cleaner and centrally located loined the South British Insurance Co. Ltd. within close proximity to bus routes In addition, ample car parking facilities for the staff have I
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1643 16 The office area is air-conditioned by means of a water chiller operated off the main CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP EXPORT DEPARTMENT o With its progressive and enlightened policies. Ben and Company believes in modern This department handles the export of products of the Company's associate and subsidiary OLJIDDII^I_ rN rranagement techniques and
      1,643 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 491 17 Dflj jje^ j Ap4bl| IT r I M I IV JkL-" ~\jfi 4^sk\ J'lbL ***^j IH W L^ '^^^^tf^^^^C\ '1 \a V^V Hp^S B^L Mm ~^^^m* f\ m\ Sv g^jj /Jtfr^fWUßf^^aT^mX m\Smm% wBPMBMrJBFCT^BJrv^ A l^^fl '^f^**' 1 M 4^^ 1 B^^S Mw^BJ vkflS I m^^ m^ m^ Mr m^ "Miv
      491 words
      64 words

      • 80 18 ■«fi $2<H 7f«Df »203 LX. Ind. $100 t«M— cm $373 PUaU. $2.21 ies $a.» lon* $3.00 r. Chaof $3.03 Cftfcka $3.36 KM $340 K Iron $370 rwito $208 k Bemb. $3 30 $280 I. Stow*. $288 JX $300 iro>pu $317 WK $380 I. Tlbim $3 18 a iOop lad.
        80 words
      • 23 18 gone Darky 3+4.000 Saa Hsanfge 331.000 Faker Merlin 330.000 Haw Twr 204,000 Tetal Tnmerer: 2.70 M Total Vatae: $490 M
        23 words
      • 62 18 ladvtrUta: t1J.17 9 Ftwuxx: JM.IS Mt *4 H HotrU: ISTJM nvyvttn: lU.t7 1t1.71 t Ttaa: IMJU IMJU t t nMrn: MM 134. M i 0.C.8.C.: It 8.» IMJ« i 8.E.8. latf.: M 4.7» ttt.47 Dee. St. ltM s 1M f Dec. tl, INI "H f Dec. M.
        62 words
    • 1582 18 THE last transacted sale 1 at the close of buslnnr ln the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day s prices together with 1974 high and low. Adjusted for all new Issues). CLOSING. TIN!: All aacttoaa cloaed barely ataady TURNOVIH OIBCUI total turn over aa
      1,582 words
    • 411 18 rl Singapore stock market yesterday plumbed the depths again, resulting in a big collection of new lows especially among the speculative favourites. An opening rally on short covering account proved short-lived as selling pressure mounted later and by noon the Straits Times Industrial Ordinary share index had
      411 words
    • 1361 18 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and, reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown ln brackets ln lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Aetna (2008 2.068) (1) 2.04. (1) 2.00. A.P.I. (0 958 0
      1,361 words
    • 1245 18 BID and offrr prices officially listed and business ln and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of share traded shown ln brackets in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Aiinanttla .:;»Bi (2) 230 A. Taa* (0 »28> Allan (2 UB) A.M.
      1,245 words
    • 273 18 THE profits upsurge of Associated Plastics Industries his continued Into the first half of the current year with a 364.5 per cent Jui.i,: In unaudited consoiiuj"»d trading profits to $1,513.--500. The growth Is all the more creditable when compared to the 29.5 per cent rise
      273 words
    • 292 18 Sellers send prices down in KL BEARISH sentiment continued to ruled as more shares were subjected to steady selling pressure at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. Business was a little slow ln early trading as operators look stock of the previous day's sharp declines. The urgency to sell Increased
      292 words
    • 158 18 A BIAN curwncy deposit interbank rate* M »i ctoM on Thurwtay Aug. 1. IS DOLLAEB T daya IS I*- 7 1 mth 11-1/4 13-1 1 mth* 11-1/4 IS-s I mths 13-1 4 IS-5 6 mtlM 13-13 16 13-11 16 t mthi IJ-3 I 13-14 12 mthi U-l
      158 words
    • 26 18 Mi^ipmi dollars far Auf 1 O»f BM Ownifht 12 11 1 mth 10 0% 1 BUM 10 S BUM 10% 10 Prim* nto liw%
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    • 327 18 T«HB ÜB. dollar closed 1 slightly higher at 82 4740 60 ln the Singapore forex market yesterday against a basically steady opening of S3 4710 30 after a day of dull and featureless trading It bit the days high of 13.4750 60 In very early trading and thereafter
      327 words
    • 181 18 Note: These rates may differ slightly from those quoted by banks to their customers. The following are the nominal average closing interbank rates in Singapore. CarraacaM Nominal rates Smitbssniaa Percentage «voted yesterday (crass) parity chance US dollar 3.4740 3.4750 2 6196 —12.28 Sterling pound 5 SMS 8 9025
      181 words
      • 28 18 Rubber: Aug. 1. Singapore: IC9M cts. (down 4.50 cti. Malaysia 169.M cts. (down 4.5* cts.) Tin: 31.381.25 (up $1.25). Official offering 315 tons (up 3 tons).
        28 words
      • 105 18 HIKIII FRODUCt II V CHANGS. tIHQAPOm MOON CLO.INB HICII Nil PICUI VISTIMDAV. CmiMl IK: bulk 1150 nominal. tram SIM nominal. Capra: MUud (looae) UK/ root SSS nominal *>•«•.' Munlok Ar» whllf fob 100<» VLW S2*O aallan, Sarawak whlta fob. NLW St77i Milan, aarawak apaclal buck fo b. nlw
        105 words
      • 37 18 Lotxloe ooppar pneaa aa Waiixadar (ptaTlam In bra,ck«ta). Wlrakar Spat MTar iSll (fS49) Mllar fSll (IMS). Thraa Montha buyer iStl If MS) aallcr i«3l <<M*i. Mama* tana: ltaa«y at tba lowar Mnrvl. talaa 4.17S mm.
        37 words
      • 183 18 Straits tin UP $1.25 rpHE Straits tin price 1 advanced $1.25 to 1.301 25 per plcul ln Penang yesterday on an official offering up three tons to 315 tons. LONDON: Wednesdays Cash tin rose £80 and Three Months gained fully £65 per tonne. The higher Eastern price and easier sterling
        183 words
      • 552 18 fvPEJUNO quotations ln '-'the Singapore rubber market yesterday were marked down three cents following overseas advices and the market was slow to form. Trading waa very quiet but the undertone was steady at the new levels, assisted by some August covering activity. Vklue* tended to slip once more
        552 words
      • 120 18 QAILY BUR and 88R prtca* iMued at noon yeatentey <Cwr«at HUI (Parwar* Mth> M.EXL.B. B-ym Mhn B. T «n Mkn P« M) (Mats pot W BUR SCV (1 ton pallet) IC7 00 IMOON 167 00 16t.00N BMR »L (1 tOB palM) Id 4o IMOON 187.00 169 00N
        120 words
      • 211 18 HONOKONO, Thurs. Prices rose slightly today in very slow trading. The Hang Seng Index advanced 3.84 points to 341.99. Heagkeng Bank remained unchanged at HK818.30 on Its Local register and gained to 117.80 on its London register Other gainers Included Hongkong Land at $7.00 Hong Kong and Rowloon Wharf
        211 words
      • 244 18 ►pOKYO, Thurs. Share 1 prices on the Tokyo stock market opened firm today but turned dull towards closing. The market was mixed with the tone bearish In the morning session, food stuffs centring on the milk Industry, stones and sands, ceramics, rubber Industries, detergents and small-medium sized heavy electrlcals
        244 words
      • 308 18 wEL3OURNi;, Thurs. The 191 Melbourne stock market closed on a generally uncertain note in quite trading tooaiy. A few sharp gains, however, were recorded ln both mining and Industrial sectors. Among the former, BUM stood out with a sclld jump to ASI 73 while Western Minim climbed to II
        308 words
      • 148 18 A MSTERDAM. Wed— The r\ market continued quietly mixed today. Only Akse gained some ground among Dutch internationals Lomm had a slight edge over gains in dull locals with A mote 1 dam Rabber. Algemene Bank Nederland. Pa* hoea and Bergoas leaders to rise and OCE leading declines. State
        148 words
      • 120 18 wed— The Stock Exchange showed a steadier trend today although the volume remai.. Ed small Bonds were traded at higher levels The Credit Sulsse Index climbed 1.8 points to 204 5 Closing prim in Swlaa franca with the difference on tba pnvioua aaaaion'a pticaa. Cradlt auiaaa 2*7S +Ts i»H
        120 words
      • 453 18 "\EW YORK. Wed— Stock x^ pr:c*s reueated alone a broad front today with the Dow Jones industrial average declining 8 14 points to 757 43. 1U lowest closing level in almost (our yean. The flgure (or the average was the lowest since It finished at ***** on Nov
        453 words
      • 61 18 Export prlca In non-atari ins araaa to U.S. oollan par eunct (1) Australia dollara per ounce. (21 Averas* price. Sydney (1) London Beirut HOMkOfU Zurich P«rl. ■'pora <2) KlilUly TiMiday U»» U»» 105. M 105 »S 1M 00 1M 50 157.50 15S 50 ISt.M I*o.oo 145 00 IMOO
        61 words
      • 92 18 FINANCIAL TIMES TINS Wednesday 71^3 Week ago 7144 ftIBUKS Wednesday 51< 9 T ue. day 330 63 Wee* ago j* OILS Wednesday ISO 40 Twsda, iS:« Week ago 194 j| INDUSTaUALa Wednesday j M 4 Tuesday 2425 Week ago 263 4 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 757 43 76»:67
        92 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 2919 19 18 1 Ml 1 K^^Jc^jqyU fcfij BLUE SEA IME I i W f jit^t^^ W ■BBPWPfrIf'PWPTHWB fc k^ mSaLrijJlil •U.S. East Coast 4 Gulf For^ LIJiM IMAW^ ViV" THlTlllfw ImIM IWttilttfi CONT»mf»SKIP SHVICE Tl UK COMTIMFNT I LoVHoJ MB I MLluti^ I^LB CITY OF EDINBURGH w-. •m^ oK? N A
      2,919 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1622 20 l---_-__i__| te^ llu- lUIIv> Cklull Ullw (Minm^r^ t^i B- B j^__^j^j^___ aj .W_-_— _> I T H! T $iMOAPO"f touNi Part Kawau Kola Ratu -__^__ZZl_____l____________ •eciniaj til iini w nun [.iirtamr rw pmtknm mhpit __F 1 AOTMOmTV ANNOUNCIO nico Victoria. Hoi Ying. Horyu r—^-— aiMiintum. uiitPtfti. simiiimi uaautiUM. rutu* uuio
      1,622 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 2376 21 SESr 1 1 HWA CHONS JUMIOR COLLESE I ca^ you co^i^CßfwrnniotraßS? j FOREIGN SINGAPORE and contribute to their success by conveying the benefits of our BANK invite applications from Singapore citizens in TEACHING APPOINTMENT FOR 19 7 5 products to them? requires the age bracket of 25-35 years for the
      2,376 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 2627 22 I |W/ 1 V^ Applications are invited from Malay- ngfe tfiftl \vwsy KLtcTBOHOMf The applicant will be around 30 years 2^Jr i i old and must be familiar with the use kinyataan tawaran j^%, ELECTROHOME (M) SDN. BHD. of local ingredients in the prepara- kenyataan tawaran bank keriasama bank iOMiruTiu
      2,627 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 4306 23 l/^f/ICCf ff/^/T fwswv ft&*\ -^-dT^vS s^¥»B s^i^s^ttc^ar ?.VtrE^S h s.r; k :ss aTU^SaSg SSS SSS I JEM X X## mm^mM MMmm V r. /i« wlth c ls?', t i. S^lViT gvlngdeWUU. salary, etc to -f vice Room 5363 F. 2nd Floor, fringe benefit Please submit to S T Box A
      4,306 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 5080 24 SAFETY ORIVINO INSTITUTION tMT KW COMAM ImmvultU PUT CAWN cmiierwivn twin >O>(* »UMII Sued D, EUROPEAN IMPORTERS MOUIM BMBVBVBVBVBVBMBMBms^BBBI^BBBBBBBBBIHBMBBBnBI BBBBMPIbBBBBW Ml SffsfflPWUffrf 1 T«""li'h""S^ 'a^tiAihto Ouaranteed course 20 hours 1110 condition Owner leaving 45 hp Chrysler outboard motor Deropsey of OoMfMd. S IC Cs supply of departmental store and •■•■■■■■■■■■■.■■■.■BWBBls^sßsWllsWsiißßWsWssßWßWsaiMß^BswsWßßSsie^Ba...—
      5,080 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 3581 25 Cavenaom court apartment modern sunoalow also %q ft aWH BBBaBBMnaaS m^m" •"> floor A^. ap JEr o)I l ma t 1 i °'f Changi Road Central air- I bV^bWVAV^BbbJBbI^PHHbI /////t?s fridav nronerties inw <w ■fA T3ITT^ llm 1 turn ■i^=v^b^b^b 1 f J* •««*\r «^P*^# *»*^J o||CM: p v)LLAOf 2
      3,581 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 3257 26 IVlAnlxt lIIM O (/-/Sat! MARITIME Mim.try of the Environment MANAGER WfrJA comma n d TmJ^^L 8TL....J < H PWD. Registered Contrac- _^a^o s^^^. (Area Marketing Manager USSSSSSM tors and from "Specially \k\ designate) Registered Contractore 1 for >«\ Applications are invited from suitable candidates for ap- the following works i^A^
      3,257 words

    • 118 27 Seminar to discuss licences for S'pore buses JOHORE BAKU. Thurs Tourlat guides meet here this weekend to discuss, among other things, barriers to the development of tourism In Malaysia. Seminar papers to be presented to the 70 delegate* will discuss the barriers" and recommend their removal. Bemlnar organising chairman Tunku
      118 words
    • 82 27 Robbers beat roan to death KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Robbers battered to death a 75--year-old coffee-shop assistant In Jalan Pahang before escaping with 1800 worth of foodstuff early today. Police believe the thugs used a blunt Instrument, possibly a crow-bar, to hit Yeoh Chow Wah on the head and right eye.
      82 words
    • 58 27 KUALA LUMPUR. Thura. Th« RMAP will expand IU supply depot to make space for apare parts of the P-S jeta which It wul take dellvary next year, Chief of Air Staff Air Vlce-Manhall Datuk Sulalman Sujak said hart toHe waa speaking to reporters during his annual Inspection
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    • 307 27 KUALA LUWPUR, Thursday PRICES of locally assembled cars have shot up— some by as much as $1,500. The latest firm to be granted government aDproval for a price hike Is City Motors —distributors for Alfa Romeos which marked up the prices
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    • 45 27 IPOH. Thurs. An estate labourer. O. Munlandy. 33. was Jailed for three months by the special sessions court here today after he pleaded guilty to molesting a 13-year-old girl in a house at Chersonese btate in Kuala Kurau. near here on June 11.
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    • 122 27 Acid attack student seriously 111 QEREMBAN, Thurs O A Sixth Form student, T. Panlrsel vajn, was admitted unconscious with acid burns at the General Hospital here last night. Panirselvam, a student of the Locke Academy here, was returning home after tuition class at about 7.15 p.m. when he was stopped
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    • 31 27 LIMBANO (Sarawak). Thurs. The chairman of the SUPP Umbang branch, ■ncik Tahlr Hassan, has resigned from the party U> Join the SNAP. His reslgnaUon took effect from July 35
      31 words
    • 159 27 Ghazali Jawi tipped to be Perak Mentri KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday pOUR states Perak, Pahang, Trengganu and Kelantan are expected to have new Mentrls Besar. Agriculture and Fisheries Minister. Tan Sri Haji Ohuali Jawl. is likely to replace D*to Sri Hajl Kamamddin as Perak Mentri Besar. He Is expected to contest
      159 words
    • 109 27 Man banned by Spore to contest poll JOHORE BAKU, Thurs. Lawyer Abdul Hazak bin Ahmad, 32, one of the Malaysian students banished from Singapore In 1966. Is to stand fcr election In Johore imder the Partal SocialU Rakyat ticket Enclk Razak. who is in private practice here, is a central
      109 words
    • 142 27 KUALA LUMPUR Thurs— Tun Abdul Razak will launch the Development Bank of Malaysia— a fully-own-ed subsidiary of Bank Bumlputra in Jalan Melaka here on Saturday. The bank, which has an authorised capital of $100 million, has been set up to encourage bumlputras In
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    • 27 27 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. The Election Commission confirmed today that deposit for both Parliamentary and state candidates for the Aug. 34 general election have bean increased three-fold.
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 1216 27 SEMBAWAHC SHIPYARD LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore) INTERIM RESULTS The Directors of Sembawang Shipyard Limited announce the unaudited trading results of the Company for the first six months of 1974. FIRST HALF YEAR (January June) (January DtotmtMr) 1974 1973 1973 S t Turnover 47.670.000 40,830,000 82,293,000 Profit Before
      1,216 words
    • 716 27 I GOVERNMENT Of THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE THE PLANNING ACT (Cap. 279. IS7O Ed.) THE MASTER PLAN RULES, IM2 None* under Rule 12 Notice is hereby given that the following proposals for Alterations to the Master I Plan were submitted to the Minister for Law and National Development for approval:
      716 words
    • 150 27 Everyday to the USA Philippine Airlines crosses With Philippine Airlines you're the Pacific seven times a week on the wings of a warm, gracious to San Francisco. Four times a bird where you'll find care, concern week from Singapore: Monday and generosity are part of the -^"ZiS^StT" •~.^«o Wednesday Friday
      150 words

    • 157 28 Aik Mong out of Asian Games —squad— KUALA LIMPIB, Thurs Moo Foot LUn and Sylvia Ng, who won the national badminton singles titles on Tuesdar. and Dominic Soong and Rosalind Singba Ang are In the Malaysian team for the Teheran Asian Games on Sept. 1-16 It will be the first
      157 words
    • 58 28 MUNICH. Thurs. The Soviet Union won the Junior Women's European table tennis title for the sixth time here last night when they beat Yugoslavia 3-1 ln the final. The Soviet Union also qualified for the final of the Junior Men's event, beating Czechoslovakia 5-2. Sweden beat
      Reuter  -  58 words
      • 931 28 l.M Csmb S Dl». 4 «F. 1 Fine Print I.1S L. Johnson 1 Z Sokitomi 111 lahnu J Subali III F»<»sri 11 4 Rout h and To«*b IV 1.12 Wilson f 5 Sunny Heart II 1.12 Wan S < Chye Chla S.12 Hum t 1 Actress IV 1.12
        931 words
      • 1000 28 1.15 Ctoaa Mr. S IF. 1 Br»« III t.M CUjub II t Little Milir (11 V. Natkan S MkM III Wu S 4 Clerer I nton Ml Be 5 lui Prlwa Ml 8»lri t SaaMla I.M Ub| 5 7 Laeky Laeky IT IN Un S Olympic Terek U
        1,000 words
    • 586 28  -  EPSOM JEEP By KUALA LUM- PUR, Thurs.— Pride of Galway passed his "blinkers test" with flying colours here today. Ridden by Dennis McClune, th i 8 five-year-old English gelding came away from Golden Avenue (Hassan) at the finish of a 3f trial in 372/5 on
      586 words
    • 29 28 LONDON. Thurs. Result* of last night's Drybrough Cup football semifinal* Dundee 1 Celtic 2 (after extra tune Scorn after •0 minutes 1-1 > Hibernian 2 Ranger* 3. Reuter
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    • 28 28 CANBERRA. Thun. Former Test cricketer Jack Bit*, who toured Qigiund with the Australian sloe In 19M. died In hospital -\t Melbourne thik week aged 12 Reuter.
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    • 391 28 -Ace of Aces triumphs in Sussex Stakes LONDON, Thurs. French-tralped Ace of Aces owned by Texas oilman Nelson Bunker-Hunt, yesterday comfortably won the £15,222 ($83,700) Sussex Stakes, high point of the day's Goodwood programme. The American bred colt, an 8-1 shot, finished two lengths clear of Dr. C. Vlttandlnl's Habat.
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    • 197 28 Somerset, Kent in Gillette Cup s-finals f ONDON, Thurs v Kent and Somerset coasted Into the seml-flnals of the Gillette Cricket Cup yesterday with decisive victories over county champion ship challengers Leicestershire and Surrey respectively. While there was no play in the YorkshireLancashire clash, Worcestershire were on th* brink of
      Reuter  -  197 words
    • 237 29  - Swimmers and divers prepare for Games A. JOHNSON By SINGAPORE'S Teheranbo un d swimmers, divers and water-pr.'oists are undergoing Intensive centralised training In preparation for the Games In September. Coaches Tan Eng Bock (water polo). Bruce Bland diving >. Dr. Chan Ah Kow. Fong Hoe Beng and Kee Soon Bee
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    • 287 29  -  PETER SIOVV By I OINGAPORE sailors boosted their medal hopes for the Pesta Sukan yachting Inte r n a tionai when they won all three events International 470, Lark and O.K. Dinghy in yesterday's practice race at Changi. The tournament begins today. Seap Oames silver
      287 words
    • 131 29 Japanese to boost cycling pORTY Japanese cyclist* will take part In a 'Pedal More' campaign In Singapore today and tomorrow. The cyclist*, attached to Industries company Limited In Tokyo, a cycle components firm, which wJH open a branch In Singapore sometime next month. are here to encourage more people
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    • 18 29 QUEENSTOWN trounced Vigilante Corps 13-1 In the Pesta Sukan waterpolo tournament match at Toa Payoh yesterday
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    • 470 29  -  ERNEST FRIDA By JAPAN played magnificent hockey yesterday to thrash Singapore 7-1 and emerge champions in the three-nation Pesta Sukan women's tournament at the padang. Japan beat Sri Lanka 4-0 in the opening match on Wednesday. The swift-moving Japanese gave the local players a lesson
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    • 240 29 LOW CHEB KIANO. Andrew Olan. Teo Chin Seng and Elizabeth Koh enhanced their chances of being selected for next week's Pesta Sukan Judo International when they won their respective divisions at J*\n Besar last night, reports Peter Slow Defending light middleweight champion Teo Chin Seng,
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    • 310 29  - Othman calls for quality leadership JOE DORAI By TNCIK Othman Wok, the Minister for Social Affairs, stressed yesterday that sports leaders must develop a sense of "professionalism" for the benefit of individual associations and also for the general development of sports in Singapore. He said: They must develop a high
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    • 776 29  - Syed's late goal puts Malaysia in Merdeka final Maurice Khoo By P O H, Thurs. Malaysia entered the final of the Merdeka Soccer tournament with a hardfought 3-2 win over Thailand at Stadium Perak here tonight. They will meet the winners of tomorrow's clash between South Korea and Hongkong. Watched
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 169 28 M CONGRATULATIONS TO 1 I THE BEN GROUP OF COMPANIES on their 25th Anniversary and Cold Store Opening Ceremony. We are proud to be associated as suppliers of battery operated forklifts stackers pallet trucks (All the equipment provided were specially designed to perform under temperature of -25' F) JOHN CHEN
      169 words
    • 104 28 ALFA-LAVAL/DE LAVAL GROUP OF COMPANIES STAL-ASTRA Gmbh and ALFA-LAVAL FAR EAST SDN BHD BEN AND CO LTD on the opening of their new premises at 48, Spottiswood Park Road a Singapore 2 TI "YOU NAME IT, WE COOL IT." S~ (^\Mm B tKk ara— v* vavav STAL ASTRA SCREW COMPRESSOR
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 147 29 THIS WEEK IN TIME uflil^sl iU v BBS <^^^^^W^^^^^S^^^^^B*^^^^ Watergate: A unanimous no to Nixon. Greece: Caramanlis returns. A new hope for democracy. Cyprus: Aftermath of a three-day war. France: The manure revolt. South Korea: President Park stamps out opposition. ON SALE NOW AT YOUR NEWSSTAND $1.80 A COPY A
      147 words
    • 126 29 f YZERMANS CO. P.O. BOX 5061 SCHtVENINGEN HOLLAND. EXPORTERS (Since 1795) congratulate THE BEN GROUP j OF COMBAJNTIES I on their I SILVER JUBILEE j Congratulations to the BEN GROUP OF COMPANIES on their 25th. ANNIVERSARY and COLD STORE OPENING CEREMONY From: PETER LEE YOKE HENG Butchery Stall No. 63,
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  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 31 29 HOCKEY: PmU Sukan Women's International Sri Lanka v angaporc (Padang. Hi). YACHTING: PeaU Bukan International Regatta (Chan- CHBM: PmU Sukan tournament trarrer Part) BADMINTON: Inter- Bus»iteas Houses Tournament (SBA HaU. pm
      31 words

  • 107 30 Bid to oust Suharto. Student charged JAKARTA. Thursday -A former Indonesian student leader appeared In court here today charged with attempting to overthrow President Suharto. Hartmtn Slregar. 34, looked calm as he entered the court room strongly guarded by security officers In civilian clothes. The Government prosecutor, air. T. H.
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  • 38 30 JAKARTA. Thurs— Beven Singaporeans were among the 117 forelgnaaa from 21 countries deported from Indonesia In the first half of thia year for abualng visa and passport regulation*, an Immigration office spokesman aaid yeaUrday Iteuter
    38 words
  • 390 30  -  PAUL WEE By A WATCHMAN waa found dead at the Kwong Soon EngineerIng shipyard'! office in Shu Cross yesterday. Beside his body was a note from his killers praying for his tout, and another which explained why they had robbed the yard of $15,000.
    390 words
  • 260 30 MAKARIOS URGES ACTION AGAINST THE TURKS LONDON. Thurs. Archbishop Makarios. depr.sed President of Cyprus, today urged action against Turkey over Its military moves In Cyprus. "I think Turkey should be made to behave." the prelate-politician said. He declined to specify what type of measures should be taken. Archbishop Makarios was
    AP  -  260 words
  • 118 30 SIHANOUK PLANS CAPITAL NEAR ANGKOR DHNOM PENH, Thurs. ■a Former Cambodian Head of State Prince Sihanouk's rival government plans to set up Its capital near the fabled ruins of Angkor Wat. military sources said here today. The sources said Insurgent forces of the Royal Oovemment of National Union, formed by
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 21 30 BRASILIA, Thura. Bmatl'a inflation rate for tbla yt*r will top 35 per cent. Finance Ministry offldaJe ■Id yeaterday Reuter
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 145 30 "how to ■J| assemble *3&fQ I instantly M furniture Iv to your i^lNfl^j^^gfc measure' 1 m 1a Ljfl g^LgaJ ©MultiStrux The most versatile shelving system Instantly assembled without tools or screws Your design and creation in all shapes and sizes For living room, children's room. Library, Office, Books, Display, ornaments,
      145 words
      3 words
    • 333 30 GO EAST OR WEST f± V* SINGAPORE MADE s>V PERFUMES OF THE ORIENT 7^ -j» ARE THE BEST f^_ J <f|"^ gf I^**^^ __P*3_' 10 m ITEALTROnK Year XJH j^aal g^g^g#»Mi^^^^^^^^^*^Bl W Guarantee /ML aaaaaaaaaaa»a^^J w Nen Price Tealtronic PM 1200 is one of the most advanced desk-top electronic calculators
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  • Page 30 Miscellaneous