The Straits Times, 1 July 1974

Total Pages: 40
1 40 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 Final edition MONDAY, JULY 1, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 410 1 A FLOP SAYS BANGLA 4 A great opportunity towards ties lost' DACCA, Sunday BANGLADESH Foreign Minister Kama I Hossain has described the first summit talks between his country and Pakistan as a failure, and said a great opportunity to move towards normalising relations has been lost. Speaking shortly after Pakistan
    Reuter  -  410 words
  • 191 1 Maria takes over power OUENOS AIRES, Sun Mrs. Maria a-tela Peron, the world's first woman President, today appeared to have filled the political power vacuum left In Argentina by the illness of Gen. mark today waa how temporary her mandate would be: Whether Oen. Peron. 78. would rtcour I from
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 127 1 King's mother killed outside church ATLANTA, Sun. A Mrs. Martin Luther King Sr., mother of the slain civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, was shot dead in the Ebenezer Baptist Church today by a young man who apparently went berserk. One other person was killed and another wounded when
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  • 63 1 JAKARTA. Bun Indoneeian Foratgn "'nlrtir Adeja Malik, now In Belgrade during an Cast European tour, will sign a trade agreement with Poland, according to the Minister of State tor Finance, Industry and Boooomy. Or. Wldjojo Nrttautro. Inrtnnetle plans to step up let trad* rehttOM with
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  • 31 1 BBMXJT, Sun. Algeria has warned it to prepared, together with other oil-producing countries, to redact oil production In order to Maintain currant prices, an authoritative oU )oumal eald— UFI
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  • 73 1 $191,000 PAINTING THEFT BftCaciA. g«a. A •Anting at the Lut tapper by ItaMaa arts* P»lma The Teejager, n.Im4 ii tbevt $c ih^Bboo Bre <ftSl»l.4ee) he* keen •Uien frees a ekarek mi here. peSee saM jieUiSay. The wet*, painted to the 17th Clilwj waa take* freea the Part* ehareh ef Fim—i
    73 words
  • 82 1 TOKYO. Sim— Two Bouth Korean fishermen died, another was injured and 30 were mining when their vessel was In collision with a Japanese ftshtng boat last night off Hokkaido, the Maritime Safety Agency here said toda*. Of the SI crewmen of the 785- ton Kalkongo.
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 399 1 Amors, Mr. Chua Slan Chin, officially closed the campaign and Police Week with a buffet dinner at the Istana last night Bpeaklng at a rally at Queen's Crescent on Saturday, the Minister for Social Affairs, Encik Othman Wok, said con- rTHE month long A Keep
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  • 73 1 THE MANE ATTRACTION WATCHED by side* and a seeartty etfleer (in dark glasses) Soviet Cesasaanlsl Party chief Leonid Breafcawv passes te ran a eeaas) through his hair on arrival at ftlatlerepel airport en Saturday before setting forth te ateet the dlgnatries assembled there. He and President Mxon arrived at Simferopol
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  • 243 1 Ethiopia military makes highlevel '-arrests- ADDIS ABABA. Bun. A The.Ethioplsji armed forces, now effectively In control of the country, announced today they had made some arrests and would be making more. In a communioue. which pledged unswenrlag loyalty to staperor Halle BelaaHe and the BthiopUn people, the armed forces did
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  • 58 1 HONOKONO. Sun. Mr. Ma Nine wu today Indanttn«d m the eoeunander of China* air force, according to t Mew China new» agency report. The agency named bin at the rnm— alHlsr in a Ik* of Chinee* oOciaU at Poking* airport to ace oO a delaaartnn of
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 329 1 Nixon: A lot of progress at talks YALTA, Sunday PRESIDENT Nixon today started the fourth day of his summit talks with Communist Party chief Leonid Brezhnev after announcing that the two sides had made "a lot of progress." The two leaden started the day with a stroll around the grounds
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  • 31 1 CAIRO. Sun. SMjpt IS negotiating a UBS7O million (Sties mil) loan from the World Bank to prepare the Sues Canal for navigation. the sen HK?MaI newspaper Al-Ahraan reported today.
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  • 50 1 LOKDOM Son.— The ■vents*- Mows ef London, which claims the Mggeet evening newspaper sals In the world, announced today it was gotng ÜbkKd on Sept IS The eveulug news has bean a taositoh— for M years. It has a dally circulation of 1 M mimon.— AP
    AP  -  50 words
  • 221 1 24 die in disco fire horror PORT CHESTER, Sunday TWENTY-four young people died when a flash fire swept through a crowded discotheque in this New York suburb early today, fire officials reported. Many were crushed and trampled, according to police on the scene, as panic overtook the Saturday night crowd
    Reuter  -  221 words
  • 162 1 New aid offer ends demo by farmers BANGKOK. Sun. Several hundred Thai farmers today ended a weeklong demonstration here after the Government re-worded an offer of aid to help them get back land allegedly seised by landlords ant money-lenders. The fa .-men, who had camped out at the Phramane Market
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    • 63 1 PEKING. San China tesla* marked teriKirrow's SSrd annlversary ef the fo«ading ef the Chinese CsaaasaasH Party with a call to the party to wslssaaa the errUeJsea anj [ssjsuihaasi ec the "The" call waa iavaei to an editorial to he eeaMshU In saajer O#We^e%P©TS iMMCTfW aaWl areaaeast
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    • 51 1 HAVANA, b in. Caaa teeay heM tts •ret essetaaaa sines the IMS KveteUee, The aeO, ay ike aeeaes ef ttke saaal rrevtoee ef Mataaaas^aaat aers ci* aianictaeJ aaaa a Sjret ata» tewafie el U»e regtsae aa. Ike dWeaUaUeetleai tt tkc stale's aelsaimlairattve asvaraiva. liaiii. .1
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 135 1 KING'S jflKjP SAFETY s4§ W shoes j# Km OIL- 9 RESISTANT^^^^ 122. DAKOTA CRESCENT. BLOCK 38, OLD KALLANG ESTATE. SINGAPORE 14. TEL. *****1 /MUSIC FRO/M GROUND THE WORLD AND OF YOUR OWN CHOICE WTTH&MVO 4-BAND R ADO/CASSETTE COMBMADON Listen to good, dear musk on Sanyo 4-band radio. Whether you tune
      135 words
    • 247 1 sVaK^ei ONG: BIASED NEWS NO EFFECT ON PARENTS PACK LANDSLIDE buries MO a BHUTTO tells India: Lefi see N-pians I Bl firm against 'rebel' leaders call to Rasak 11 BUNGING op children Spore style IS LBTTHW 10 CITY DESK SS TV. RADIO IS SPORTS ST. IS, 39, 40 YOUR Straits
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 170 2 Cambodia troops kiU 80 rebels DHNOM PENH, Sun.— 1 Cambodian covernment troops attacked rebel forces yesterday as they were building bunkers along Highway 5 north of Phnom Penh and killed at least 80 insurgents In an all-day battle. field reporters said. The clash outside Peam Satha about 18 kilometres (11
      Reuter  -  170 words
    • 184 2 28 men on board sunken Seoul boat QEOUL, Sun. A South 3 Korean military spokesman said yesterday there were 28 mo*, aboard a 200-ton pr lice patrol boat sunk by North Korean gunooats near the eastern sea border in the Yellow Sea on Friday. The spokesman released the figure to
      AP  -  184 words
    • 187 2 FLOOD THREAT RESTRICTS RESCUE WORK OOLICE aided by 1 civilians carry to a government helicopter some of the estmated 200 victims of a landslide on Friday nijht that ens/ulfed about 4* cars and buses on a road east of Bogota, Capital of Colombia in South America. Meanwhile,
      UPI  -  187 words
    • 661 2 LONDON, Sun BRITISH Prime Minister Harold Wilson told a summit meeting of the Socialist International today that there was no future in a confrontation between the organised oil producers and oil importers. "The answer, sooner or later sooner I hope will not be
      AP  -  661 words
    • 96 2 MEXICO COT. San. -Tkirt7-nln« pewWU were killed and MM than M InJmrtd when a k«s skUMed as* crashed mu> the sMe af a hill Ukm (M ■Osa) aarth af here fastorday. poUee said. Twenty-nine peoalc ware killed lnstantry and 1« acre dted Uter
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 328 2 Rk^^TcHAMPION Choose Champions and I W fit them yourself. I P^^« I^^ They're the spark plugs I |^j ft^J your car really needs, Availahlp at all I A^Mi\ AiM4\ automotive outlets. I I^iUj !,f KM- -41 spark plugs from dirt and II \Tjjr J^M l"Bim > "ILB dampness. So whether
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    • 78 2 1 1 1 1 f iir i m k ißuL^sm _^kH Liar a> Ab a^sv^^^a^ii bViUB^P M ■MpBIMB Next in oi I SERIES for diteriimnoting I filmpoen: on hiloriom.JANl I FOtsOA and ROBERT REDI FORD in the renowned Broodway hit, BAREFOOT IN THE PARK; and the magHMH nificant TRUFFAUT'S tmoll
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  • B ASM
    • 122 3 SOLDIER SHOT BY SNIPER OUTSIDE PUB •DELTAST. sun. A ffissrffsrsss: Uc Ballymurphy quarter of Belfast last night ocr of shots were fired by J he 8nl .P«r and two struck «nn i oldl r ln hk chest and head. He was rushed to a hospital where he was "very seriously
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    • 28 3 WARSAW, Bun. Thirtytwo miners were klUed by a gas explosion In a coal mine yesterday in southern Poland. the Communist Party nolltburo announced last night
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    • 114 3 DUBLIN, Sun. Doctors treating Senator Edward Kennedy's 12--year-old son Teddy for a mild side-effect of his treatment against a recurrence of bone cancer have decided to keep him In St. Vincents Hospital for another 24 hours, a hospital spokesman said today. The (aid
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    • 30 3 KARACHI. Sun A Oerman-bom Canadian, who hopes to prove that the ancient Phoenicians were the first to rail to America, has arrived In Karachi In his family aiUboat Phoenicia.
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    • 225 3 Let's see your N-plans, Bhutto to India DACCA, Sun. PAKISTAN Prime Minister Zulfikir AH Bhutto today called on India to allow international inspection to prove that its nuclear programme was purely for peaceful purposes. He told a news conference In Dacca that If India desisted from further tests It would
      Reuter  -  225 words
    • 177 3 HK clamp on export of plastics lifted— ff>NGKONO. Sun. Controls restricting the export and reexport of a number of plastic raw materials will be lifted effective tomorrow, the Commerce and Industry Department announced today. The controls were Imposed on a quota basis earlier this year on five key materials after
      Reuter  -  177 words
    • 55 3 JOHANNESBURG, Sun. Six African workers were killed In two separate underground rockfails in a gold mine near here yesterday Five isalawlana died In the flrrt accident, JJSO meuve (10.600 feet > below ground, and ntn* other Africans were slightly Injured, a tf*fnan for the Bast
      Reuter  -  55 words
    • 38 3 TOKYO, Sun. Unmftijfn military delegation lad by Oen. Va*l.e Alexe, commander of Uie anti-aircraft defence of the armed force*, wound up a visit to China and left Peking for Dome today, a Peking broadcast reported AP.
      AP; Domei  -  38 words
    • 277 3 Eban: Speed up talks with the Arabs FTEL AVIV, Sun. Is- rael's former foreign minister. Mr Abba Etoan, today suggested that the Government should try to speed up the timetable for renewed negotiations with its Arab neighbours. In a radio interview. Mr. Eban said It was not Important whether the
      Reuter  -  277 words
    • 335 3 ChogyalIndira talks fail to solve Sikkim crisis VTBW DELHI, Sun— The 11 ruler of the Indian protectorate of Slkklm met Indian Prime Minister Mrs. Indira O*ndhl here yesterday but their talks apparently did nothing to help «olve the mountain klng <1 o m's Political crisis. The ruler. 51 -year-old Cbogyal
      Reuter  -  335 words
    • 70 3 BISHOP (California). Sun. -Seven people, including a woman and live of her children, wan tilled on Friday night whan tbslr pickup truck was rammed by a trailer taoded with lumber which had separated from a semi-track on 'TB Highway 196. the California highway patrol said. The
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    • 38 3 TOKYO. Sun. Six Japanese around Self -Defence soldiers were killed and atx others Injured when a mortar sheD exploded yesterday during a firing drill In the northernmost UUnd of Hokkaido, the OGDT northern haadquartats said UPT
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    • 407 3 ROME, Sob. Romans thought what they were drinking was fraseati wine from the nearby hills, bat it was actually a Tile caaaacttan of water, dregs from pressed grapes, molasses meant to be cattle feed and colouring. The stuff was shipefrom Sicily in kers, and it
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    • 56 3 JAKARTA, Son. Indonesia* oil production reached 40.8U.W6 bsxreU last February or 1.457,--878 barrala a day, a spokesman of the state-own-ed Pertamtaa OU Company said today. Indonesia was stepping up Its oil production and was expected to produce more than one and a half million barrels a day
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 256 4 Tohamy gives $2,300 to Thai school HAADYAI (Southern Thailand), Sun. fHE secretary -general of the Islamic Conference, Mr. Mohammed Hassan A l -Tohamy, yesterday presented a cheque of 20,000 baht (552,320) to a Muslim school in Pattani province. He said what he was trying to do was to raise standards
      Reuter  -  256 words
    • 25 4 BANTIAOO. Sun. Chile ttoa "*w*-j»iiy protected to Pranoe about 1U nuclear twu In the South Pacific, according to a Foreign Ministry spokesman. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • 147 4 GuineaBissau seeks to be UN -member— ITNITED NATIONS, vJ Pun. The selfproclaimed Republic of Guinea Bissau, which declared its independence from Portugal last autumn, has decided to seek membership in the United Nations. OU Fernandes, nn offlelal of the new Government, conferred yesterday with secretarygeneral Kurt Waldhelm and said later
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    • 115 4 Boy, 13, treads water for record 31 hours BAHRAIN, Sun— A 13--year-old British schoolboy has claimed the world record of treading water— 3l hours non-stop. Tony Standland was hoisted from a local British club pool at 2 a.m. local time today after treading water without touching bottom for 31 hours.
      AP  -  115 words
    • 25 4 COLOMBO, Bun BrtUln will give Sri Lanka a kmn of £3 million (8517 .4 million) under a commodity aid agreement signed heie. Reuter
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • 301 4 REYKJAVIK, Sun— The future of the American Nato base In Iceland is at stake In general elections today likely to see a swing to the right. With the left In disarray, the rightwlng Independence Party of Mr. Gelr Hallgrlmsson, who has pledged to
      Reuter  -  301 words
    • 219 4 Think again' plea by world body to Fischer NICE. Sun. The Inter national Chess Federation (FIDE) yesterday appealed to world champion Bobby Fischer to reconsider his decision not to defend his title next year under FIDE rules. Fischer cabled FIDE officials here on Friday resigning his title on the grounds
      219 words
    • Briefs
      • 47 6 /CANBERRA, Sun— Aus- V* trallan attorneygeneral. Senator Lionel Murphy, is scheduled to leave for The Hague tomorrow to present Australia's case against France for resuming the nuclear test programme in the Pacific. He will present oral arguments to the International Court of Justice later In the week.
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      • 29 6 GALLUP: Laboratory testa yesterday confirmed that a 12-year-old American Indian girl who died in the Pubilc Health Service hospital In this New Mexico town was killed by bubonic plague
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      • 37 6 ATHENB: A Greek Olympic Airways pilot, whose plane crashed into the sea killing 37 passengers In October 1972, may have lost his bearings while approaching Athens airport for landIng, an aviation expert told a court here yesterday.
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      • 35 6 SOTTEKDAM: The US frigate Julias Farer ran agroand early today five miles off Den Helder while on Its way to take a crew member suspected of having appendicitis to port, a Dutch navy spokesman said.
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      • 38 6 NACOODOCHK3: Several cars of a 40-car freight train derailed south of this east Texas city last night. At least one car, believed to be loaded with toxic chemicals, exploded and sent flames shooting aa high aa 300 feet.
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      • 21 6 BEVERLY HILLS: Actor Robert Vaughn, 41, and actress Linda Staab ware married here today at the rhurch of the Good Shepherd.
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      • 44 6 BRUSSELS "French Foreign Minister Jean 8a v va g nargues takes over as the new president of the Common Market's decision taking Council of Ministers next week at a time when the Community could be prised to move forward again after months of stagnation.
        44 words
      • 32 6 SANTIAGO: Thirty-one Chilean Leftwinf era were sentenced to prison terms ranging from six year* to life by a court martial here for resisting last September's military coup, a Government statement said. Agencies
        Agencies  -  32 words
    • 491 6 AS SENATE WATERGATE COMMITTEE DISBANDS, A MEMBER CHARGES... WASHINGTON. Sun. Members of President Nixon's Administration and campaign organisation are alleged to have been responsible for some 370 abuses of law or of the Constitution in the course of the Watergate scandals. This charge was
      NYT  -  491 words
    • 77 6 DACCA. Sun Bangladesh baa recelred lorelgr aid totalling £473 million (B*3.M1 million) since 1U creation In IITI, the BUte Minister (or Information and broadcasting. Mr. Taheruddln Thakur. told Parliament yeatarday Only SO million (***** I million) of this m received {In cash but the total
      Reuter  -  77 words
    • 53 6 BQRUT. Sun— Ter. people nave been arrested here by the Lebaaaae military intelligence for allegedly spying for Israel. Beirut new: .papers reported today. Police aald the 10 aeven men and three women were u«lng "sophisticated equipment that no other spj ring had ever employed In
      AP  -  53 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 371 3 Save your figure now or pay later. It's much easier to M mL control a figure problem if you catch I it at the beginning. It's easier to help B you. And it costs you less. At the House of Dawne JjM upper V we have heard all the usual
      371 words
    • 382 3 aJa^snWMMiMMWHgI INSTANT COfFEE iaxwhi house KRAFT it* 4.70 Whip. Mustard. Sauc*«, Gravies tc POLY UNSATURATED (ML FLORA 4.546 Elm 12.00 .Miincce osgrt^T" EVAPORATED MILK wma baby BONtLU) MUIIUN him nun 411. AA AUSTIAUA SMg 155 MUAWMIIf^W PORTERHOUSE STEAK SANITARY NAPKINS mn NEW ZEALAND SMg 5.05 **»•*>■ 1.30 SCOTCH EYE STEAK
      382 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 262 4 i^il^ fff vßkv .^s^hl aw r __Il^ ate Bski HaJßlfe'^* W 1 I 1 Wm r fl^HfL_ \j BbH BbHßbw A. Polaroid Sunglasses Make This Difference. The reason Polaroid Sunglasses make a difference is because they arc different. Bb) X BbVbTbIK Each lens contains Polaroid's special filters that >^ B
      262 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 140 5 Erointoday^ mas has nu(f nm^ y*c^ y y jjk 2 destinations s J^^^E£ Y (jfe) &JwJi A/A BTbW I sV^BaJP'^Baßr^"^ B^bW. Xj^^ 9^ iT yv^^A^B L--v >^ i^. %P #1 «^r «*«m< m*n« skv\ im i m Stf if I wtw^ MH-Mtt fm\ k9a. a Wv^ is, m I Si
      140 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 481 6 m r,iif "ilj? P^i k mm overseas carpet rsf TOJ ¥j You Too Can Afford A h T(% Attr3ct Envy! IMPORTED CARPET RUGS. IllJMpllWl TflPB I seamlws .conom^ Ma<a t »rth doubto backlog 6' V gVflH^S^^SQSLaaaaaaaal yet enviaWy luxurious Usual Price $172 Now $140 P^^iPPilMplfla^fl of rT X' th -P
      481 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 248 6 Bringing Op Fatliw My BUI Kavanagh «Jc Hal Camp S* *X f(T*>i ASoJt^ 1 I WNBMI Afim >CUf V**U.,T«LL HaV* TO "^LI IVI OOtN© TO \HO. XajWK NOT-"^ rrtIMCLS) nMB MC MAOOtC MOLDtNO Uf> SO AWSVAD WITHOUT J HAVE ONNCR AOUWB OCHN© "XJ ■•VaVry-/ V CALUDI, TMal CxNNGK PO« YOU"
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 266 7 London! Now, Mas i gl gets you A IKjifli there Jm i^Hi B tastest tor H| WWII I just $890. I Golden Service, now to London! jfl Hk §9B|^9B^HHHp^' I p« And with the fastest available flight in 9 B the region. It's an exciting new t I*** L F^
      266 words

  • 674 8 Ong t**Us Chinese papers: THE Labour Minister, Mr. Ong Pang Boon, said yesterday that biased reports In Chinese newspapers against non-Chinese schools would not influence parents from sending children to schools of their choice in the various lang v a ge streams. He urged
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  • 39 8 THE Boy's Brigade held their annual review and display at the Toa Payoh Sports Stadium yesterday. Lt. Col. Jimmy Tap who reviewed the Parade, said that their training would assist them when they Joined national service.
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  • 195 8 Don't feed your pets anything you won't -touch— |\O not give your pet anything you do not consider fit for yourself to eat or drink. The Singapore Zoological Garden's newsletter, Zoo News. In giving this advice to net lovers, says: "Although a dog will drink, dirty water, eat rotten meat
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  • 198 8 FUGHT people were —riaiilj Cj |ared when two ears crashed into each ether along NleoU Highway oaring a drisale at aboat 4.1S p.m. yesterdayAmong the vlcUnu were three women and two boys. The accident, which involved a Dataun and a Feral Cortina, caused a
    198 words
  • 202 8 Allow science teachers tax perks' call ttchz Science Teachers L Association of Singapore (STAB) has called on the Government to allow science teacher* tax deductions for subscription fees paid to professional bodies. Science teachers should also be allowed appropriate tax deductions for the purchase of professional journals ana books, says
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  • 25 8 itim Oovernmant Junior Branch of tne »%rT»tit Union of Public Employee* bald 1U annual meeting on Saturday at tbe staff cantan Pullarton Bu'ldlng
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  • 257 8 rl Singapore Institute of Education has announced the result* of Certificate -In Education examinations held In May Tha following candldataa have paaaad tha final yaar examination tor th. OarUficaU -in attucauon oourat (■ngUah)afiai Lim Lay Loot Luy (Cradtt). anas Om Poh Bng. Msa Poo Mang
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  • 104 8 TIB ocean going yacht Sea Star. Is due In Singapore today to promote the United World College campaign to Increase International understanding through education. The veseel Is manned by IS crew members, four of whom are students of CWC and the rest
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  • 132 8 Teenager killed in rival gang fight J7OUR teenagers, said r to be members of the Sio Gee Ho secret society, narrowly escaped death during a surprise utack by a rival gang on Friday night, a police source said yesterday. They fled when they realised that they were outnumbered during a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 508 8 I GENERAL |1| ELECTRIC I V^BBa^aV^BmavV/ If aMftuWneVfc I Superb Quality and Long Life I I ...when you buy GENERAL ELECTRIC I GmOO X LV- U IwS*L'EO.IT S^' L^" "T^ MOOE?M« C fUFFIT SKILLET MOOtt INSTANT SPRAY, SfEAM AND TOASTW-OVW GRILLE AND WAFFLE BAKER uutLtu Variable ipa«d control MODEL Pl
      508 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 164 9 Madras! on Golden ■Bjhtaji^^?^ ►"^©i''"-' *^^^SBI^WWH Now fly to Madras, with MAS, I I V and save two days travelling each way ■Bto^gg^^^M^| t 1*« extra days for you to enjoy there. |^B up >fssA& r^^^^^^^SSl^K^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^tt^^K^^^^^^^^^^^^m^K^^^^^KlEK^M 1 l^^tt And on MAS, you'll experience the special IS 7^§^iV%Pßi^lft^^^^^^^^^^^^^HM^^^^^^ service renowned in
      164 words

  • 624 10  - A question picking heir to Mao CHARLES SMITH: FIGHT AMONG FACTIONS By I Hongkong rB Chinese Oesasraalst Party will observe Ha sJrd anniversary today In this report. CPI senior editor Charles Smith traces the party's history rrom the day it was foanded by a doien Chinese, Including Mao Tse-tnm, and
    UPI  -  624 words
  • 595 10  -  DENNIS McNAMARA: i 1 -Lm4m- -GENERAL Idl Amln has \X been perilously close to losing his grip on the slippery reins of power In Uganda since he seised power In 1971. He took over with British blessings, but less than two years later
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 366 10 Put an end to coffee-fatigue with 1 Wf »J/ Moccona Instant Coffee: a blend M |P W bbbbbbbbiW /v Sp^THf" \i| of carefully selected beans, spe- A fcflfc^ »h. ti lr?'gn ed J cially prepared to an old family vMit^HL fo «oS >J*S recipe m m, f^ uri^ r Jf
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    • 128 11 Wanita storm over 'Hello -sayang— ITUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The TV advertisement for a popular brand of hair cream Is objectionable and will corrupt the young, the Wanita Umno alleged today. "We find the advertisement objectionable," said Cik Rahman Hajl Kaaslm, Its representative to the Umno General Assembly. 'Imaginative' Cik Rahman
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    • 75 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun.— Pour Malaysians will b* among 300 top management and union leaders to attend the Duke of Edinburgh's study conference In Oxford from July 6 to 30 They are Mr. Wong Chung Leng. marketing director of Associated Pan-Malaysian Cement. Enclk Mohamaed All MusUfla of
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    • 71 11 3 new palm oil carriers next year KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Three palm oil carriers on order from Japan by the Malaysian International Shipping Corporation are expected to be ready next year. A MISC spokesman said the increased production of palm oil had necessitated the corporation equipping Itself with more liquid
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    • 64 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Bun Acting MCA national prasld•nt Oatuk Lea Ban Cboon urged membera of the women's asctlon today to torsi co-opermUvea and Join eonaumer movements to help fight inflation "T*-^"r to stout 1400 womer ihmsssi Kstiiss at their drat national me«tli« Datuk Lea amid the time
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    • 33 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Bun The aecratary-ftnersi of the Association of ftmitti east Asian Publishers. Mr RJf. Menon of Mslajsk. will tour several Asian countries In October to promote Increase* publication of periodical
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    • 28 11 MALACCA. Sun A leading Japanese valve ooe»--pany Is to set up a factory Involving an authorised oapltal of U minion at the AyerKeroh Industrial ssUte here.
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    • 365 11 KUALA LUffPUR. Sunday TUN ABDUL RAZAK was urged today to deal firmly with Umno leaders who used underhand tactics to further their own ends. The call was made by Datuk Ungku Mohseln, spokesman of Umno Trengganu, at the Umno General Assembly here, during
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    • 82 11 DORT KLANO. Sun 1 Malaysian rubber U going to Europe in door-to-door containers for the first time. The rubber is packed and loaded into containers at the rubber estate, at the point of manufacture, and then delivered. Overseas Containers Ltd. has recently packed 06
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    • 104 11 KUALA LUMPUR, San Satisfied and relit ved that U how Dr. Tan Koon Lin feels after Just receiving her Fh.D at the University of Malaya convocation ceremony yesterday. "It U satisfying to know that everythlnc has paid off for all those research
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    • 49 11 KDINBUROH. Bun. A Malayilan girl. Miss Jacqueline liok Tek Qua. of Kuala. Lumpur, haa won a prise for the most ffijtlnguUhed woman medical student of the y«*r. Edinburgh University announced. The priae la presented by the Scottish Association for the Medtf I sMucattOß of Women. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 272 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The Government was urged today to enforce a common selling price for all diesel sold In the country. The pro-tern chairman of the Petrol Dealers' Association of Malaysia, Mr. Koh Jit Khlang. said that as long as
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 193 11 Air chiefs visit KUALA LIMPIR, San. Indonesian Air Chief of SUff, Air Marshal Salleh Basarah, Is scheduled to make a foor-day visit here on July 8. Be will meet ranking air force officials, Including Air Chief of Staff, Commodore Datok Sulaiman bin Sajuk. and inspect air bases in Koantan and
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    • 359 11 g^s—f^-j, w S j f m■! I. 1 *t T *■> i«^T-TTrdT al L -¥*^-rr^M_| F 1 ll^7 \j at Peace Centre _f LT^H'IITH >S^^^ Buying, Selling or Renting? i~" >- T*^" tf VO>ftn Consult our Property Department Personal Executive Service r^2ZXI r~*"'- li:^ i r-; JTTI y^^ii We know
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  • 88 12 Keep your families small plea by Sha'ari lIAJI Sha'arl Tadln, Senior Parliamentary Secretary Culture yesterday urged parents to keep their families small. Hall Sha'ari, who officiated a baby show at the Kampong Chal Chee community centre, said there was a rise In the birth rate over the last few months.
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  • 205 12 HOW YOUTH CAN PURSUE IDEALISM yHE youth of Singa--1 pore while adjusting themselves to a modern society must engage In wholesome activities that will fulfil their idealism, said the Minister of State for Health, Dr. Ang Kok: Peng, yesterday. Speaking at the St John Cadet parade at the Police Academy,
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  • 54 12 THIEVES broke Into a salesgirl's house in I/orong 25-A, Geylang Road, and stole cash and jewellery totalling $755 on Saturday. Mlm Tan Ah Moey, 27, told police that she went to the market at about 9 a.m. and when she retarned about 90 nvmtes later she found
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  • 43 12 TORS youths anatctiert labourer"* walk* -~>*-T--taf IN while he waa about to pay a hawker lor h* food at Jobore Hoed on Friday Ooh Jhaj Bw«. a. of Block M. Unof Vwu. Toe, tVyeb. ate leat aw personal dommtmtU.
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  • 46 12 TBS Bin«aport OItU Servtoe Aanektko wui bold kante :i at Us pr at T—MHhn Road. Isstead of at leal Cbln ftoad area oflasa, horn Jute l. Tnantnc win cc held eaTlwwda^aad Saturday! batwwn 6 M p-m aad 1 pa between TK pjs and pm
    46 words
  • 272 12 Another 118 SAF A men get HDB homes fHE second group of 118 Singapore Armed Forces reservists and regulars were yesterday allotted Hoasing and Development Board flats under the SAF priority housing scheme. This brings the total number of flats balloted under the scheme to 264 unit*. The first 146
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  • 185 12  - Sex cases: Police face snags PAUL WEE By pOLICE action against rapists and sex 1 offenders Is being severely hampered due to lack of co-operation from the victims, the Straits Times learnt yesterday Victim*, according to police source*, are too often embarrassed or unwilling to no ahead with prosecution. In
    185 words
  • 35 12 Of yeeterdaTs Toto draw No. Bl 74 the numbers picked were 10. n. SO and JO The additional number waa n. to the etrefce draw, the number* were 17. M and 47
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  • 162 12 MINISTRY DRIVE TO LICENSE STALLS rfIHE Environment 1 Ministry will begin licensing all stallholders In eating estabUafamenti from today. This la in keeping with the Environmental PaMle Health (Amendment) Act, introduced am May, which require* that stallholders in eating hooaea like coffee sheas, restaurants and those In noosing estates, be
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 210 12 Tour DELHI KASHMIR, visiting the Taj Mahal, Red Fort, the Mughal Gardens, Shalimar the abode of love, Gulmarg... ringed by the snow-capped Himalayas, Yusmarg... serenely beautiful with pine and fir forest, and spend 5 wonderful days on a houseboat on Dal Lake. TOUR PRICE FROM ONLY $1,600 Tour Price includes
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    • 129 12 (bright PACKAGING aM |g& We manufacture a wide variety of PVC extended packaoinflUsH suit your rsquirag^H and your pra^fl bring out yoH presentable ecooomical ™"™Sal Shown are wrm wf^Mef have produced. More end more products manufacture. ill are using us. What about you? Mm WmiTE Of) CALL US BY PHONE
      129 words

  • 267 13 Centre to help solve youth problems TPHE Ministry of EduJ- cations proposed Dialogue Centre is aimed at solving the socioeconomic problems of youth In the Republic Mr. Ahmad Mattar, Parliamentary Secretary (Education), said this at the Installation dinner of the Lions Club of Singapore Central on Saturday. He said the
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  • 126 13 CAPTIVATING DANCE BY NURWULAN TO ROUND OFF ASEAN BALL rIS West Javanese dance br N'urwulan Atmadibrata, 16 was one of the highlights of the Association of South-east Asian Nations (Asean) ball at Shangri-La Hotel on Friday night. Nurwulan, a member of the 52-strong Batang Hari Revue, also captivated the audience
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  • 159 13 THE history of local fishermen is attractive and it should be preserved for the Information of future generations, the Minister of Btate for Foreign Affairs, Enclk Rahlm Ishak told a group of fishermen yesterday. Enclk Rahlm was speaking at the start of a survey by the Siglap
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  • 124 13 7 top jobs vacant in Education Ministry A PROMOTION exercise will be carried out by the Education Ministry to fill seven supersede vacancies. Two or the vacancies are for the posts of deputy director of education, one of which Is a Grade E post ($3,000 a month) while the other
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  • 564 13 Making of food: New rules in force Changes in light of latest findings fHE ingredients and their proportions which should go into the making of "kway teow," noodles, soft drinks, eof fee and numerous other items consumed daily by the Singaporean are. set out in detail by the new Food
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  • 29 13 TH» tnmOmt Oi the Mbgapor* »Ul*.y*Je» Hindu Ba,--majam Urn been appointed Deputy Raftatnu- of MartiM*. under the Women a Charter. Tbe prwant preddent Is Mr A rimeii Itandimn.
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  • 22 13 laß Btnopora F!a» Br>cMr *IB aeraeß UU» ■emnei 1 VMMsM on Auc M at Urn OttMml Centre la CuuUn Mac.
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  • 114 13 COUNCIL SET UP TO GUIDE CO-OPS A CO-OPERATIVE Development Council has been set up to assist, co-ordinate and expand NTUC co-operatives like Income. Welcome, Dentlcare as well as 811 0 co-operative project. Formed at the recent special delegates conference of SILO, the 1 council consists of 15 members. SILO also
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 566 13 fT V L p mmmmmWr^TtTi^!mmmm\ 1 YOU NfEO PHOTIIN every dcv bKWH it cannot be «<x»d m Wf^^r WmlfW the body for tutui m» You rM«t provide yoof body with enouf?i J iLt protein every dey or n«k "prow.n tttrvution". WW |PV 2 VOW NEED P«OTf IN every (lev to
      566 words
    • 619 13 \vC^ M 3Ti v ryi'*' v W-* I V x VbV I \L NEW [Am No one knows Australia like Australia's first bank Doing business with people thousands As the largest free-enterprise of miles away can be difficult at the best finance, investment and banking complex of times and in
      619 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 442 14 fONTINUITY and consultation are the main features of the Soviet-American economic agreement signed in Moscow on Saturday. The new trade pact will be in force for 10 years, when the two countries could review and. if they so wish, revive the present arrangements. Saturday's agreement specifies areas for
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    • 136 14 T ESSER beings are again restless In the "Kingdom of the Lion." When Emperor Halle Selassie's 30 -year -old imperial rule was threatened last February by a soldiers' mutiny, he established a "reform Cabinet" which included some army officers to prepare Ethiopia for political and economic modernisation.
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  • 430 14 A diary can help in fight against -weight A CALIFORNIA psychiatrist has demonstrated that people can lose unwanted pounds without counting calories or even limiting what they eat. The trick, according to Dr. Albert Stunkard, Is a behaviour modification programme which Includes mod c r ate exercise, the keeping of
    NYT  -  430 words
    • 108 14 A dash that could mean death pOULD the Housing v/ Board give some thought to the construction ef an overhead bridge across Fairer Road, between blocks one and four mnd blocks five and six? Children and adults find It almost Impossible to cross the road, especially during peak hours. The
      108 words
      • 150 14 11/E refer to a report, TT entitled "Plea to ease traffic chaos at Toa Payoh" (ST. June 22). In our public housing estates It Is not possible to provide every unit of accommodation with one parking lot due to limited land and to the competing
        150 words
      • 89 14 rE presence of hawkers In Trengganu Btreet and other parts of Chinatown has been In existence for many years. Since 1973, with the completion of the licencing of all bona fide hawkers, their population has been checked. This Ministry Is aware of the problems posed by their presence and we
        89 words
    • 138 14 rll "boxed junction" at the Orchard Roa4, Stamford Eoad and Dhooy Ghant intersection Is a* badly marked that It ta practically impoeatbie for motorists to notice It firstly, there to a* advance warning sign anywhere along Orchard Road. Secondly, the difference la the level of roads at
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    • 109 14 U7I refer to tbe letter by "Bleary «ye»" (B.T, June 32), concerning poor television r»eeption at block M, Toa Payoh we have m^H* tbe central television antenna at the block on several occasslous and ascertained that the system Is In good working order for all channels Our Investigators checked many
      109 words
  • 944 14 ]yjA< ilC carpets are considered oldfashioned by today's writers of escapist-literature. A pity. There was a charm In these oldworld rides which took readers above unspoiled shores along which palms waved and maiden* playfully cavorted. Today you are more likely to read about now some unsuspecting co m
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  • 864 14  -  DAVID SHIPLER: By Phno* Penh YOU cannot always 1 hear tbe rockets come In. Often you only hear about them, the way you hear about murders in New York. If you are lucky the insurgents Chinese made rockets which smash Into Phnom
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 30 14 Tine Firslr Scralrclri prooiv^jfe ar- *J» a T~^^» mw AJ B^B^ta^Ba^^awaflß^B^BVar Cafcfnrlav I a^r »ll 1 11 1 1 S Day-am* DIASTAR No.B Idp Qvkty Swim Wafch Scrvch-proof mat* J
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    • 25 14 A U I i^B^a^^k B I iii I I I L^H I I Mlfll 'Tf ibJIFi P^H :Jx %I i it ob f Kbf *fl
      25 words
    • 477 14 HK3H STREET& SUPREME HOUSE DISCOUNTS Kimatrai's HIGH STREET B4H.GM ST.. SINGAPORE I Gents I Fsncy Shim From t 4.90 I Gents Socks 4pa for 3.60 I LEVI'S Slacks (odd sizes) H«H Prkw From $15.00 I LEE'S Flsrw From 114.90 Ladies I Stretch Panties 4 pcs for t 3.00 I FRENCH
      477 words

  • 217 15 I*P petrol dealers have formed a nine man action committee to push their demand for higher commissions from the oil company. The committee was formed at a recent meeting of the 35-member Singapore British Petroleum Product* Dealers Association. "All members have deposited $1,000 to
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  • 106 15 SAFETY COUNCIL SET UP FOR PORT WORKERS THE Port Authority has set up a safety council to provide safe and healthy working conditions for its S.Mi workers. The council will also see that stern measures are taken against those who flout safzty regulations. Management and union members will form the
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  • 32 15 QUEENSTOWN Library's adult section is organising a talk on furnishing your flat on a modest budget by Mr. Urn Thye Peng at its lecturt room at 7.30 pjn. on Friday.
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  • 42 15 ABOUT 300 members from the Singapore Currency Board and Monetary Authority of Singapore recreation clubs took part in a big walk yesterday. It was flagged off by the deputy chairman of the board, Mr. Chua Kirn Yeow.
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  • 72 15 Another 961 for stint in army ANOTHER batch of 961 youths will be called up for national service on July 17. They wIU assemble at nine community centres at 9 am. before going to the Central Manpower Base. The centres are Stamford, Alexandra, Kirn Tlan, Kallang, Sennett. 81ms Avenue, Jurong,
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  • 722 15  - BRINGING UP TOTS STORE STYLE MASIE KWEE Don's new measuring standards By eiNGAPORE has, for the first tinut designed its own standards of measurement to assess and ensure the healthy growth and development of preschool children. These standards are the result of a two year research Just completed by Prof.
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  • 43 15 THE Singapore Buslneaa and Professional Women* Association will meet at the Council of Social Service In Prnang L«ne at 530 p.m. today. Mr. Ivan Baptist, executive secretary of the Consumer Association of Singapore (CASE), Will b* the ffUMt speaker.
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  • 44 15 THE youth nib-committee ■f Buklt Itamh oummunlty centre will organise a Southern Island* tour on July Jl from 9 ajn. to 4 p.m. Tickets at *6 for nonmembers. 15 for members and 14 for children are available at the centre.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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    • 280 15 FRCIBMCY With interest of your needs in our hearts, we realize how you will view efficiency and how it can affect you. And that's why we get your banking requirements ready for you much faster than ever before. With 20 years of experience, success and growth, our progress-orientated bank is
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 851 15 TV MALAYSIA (3) TV SINGAPORE (5) SOO rU urnm '1 U4 The Sei Hunt 7.41 Dondang Sayan t in O.W Penelope Pitstop Summiry 1.17 Vena Sukan 1.31 XOO Op mnj followed b K}A MDm in Brief lIS Irama Keroncong SSI Weather I.M Penstiwa IN News 121 The ?lrt- J uv
      851 words
    • 76 15 WATEB etBHBV Uoa on Satarflajr va> IMS million gaUaa* (MMM nMt awtrw). f«w mutton galtaaw (IMM tmUe w*ttrm) teas than on Friday. HIGH TIDES THAT: Sapamn M 3 ml M, 122 Ml QM MM McM 13* iji. 12.1 m), 600 pjL aM. Nrt Makaa 4.01 ».m. (HO, 143 i.m. O.4aL
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 315 16 ia «twyyjM^JL/^^ > > *a > »*»*a^ftrt^^^^AA»%Sft^^^^Q •■BafIBaBafIBBBTaTT t L I NOW SHOWING! M Wp-; i > ftjairttitf Mf^s: 52.00 CWJrjj: j; f «m iKMHfai.CaaSwahaWMMi K.^3 J SPECIAL MORNING SHOW! jj ORCHARD: SAT., 6tk JULY it Ua»i: STMY Of THE 6LWY Of LWE!;! I fm'^siS Js.. j jfaLjjjf Love.and^ jj
      315 words
    • 232 16 ONHOT,HUMIDDAYS... "RcnEsitr SOOTHES contains no hexachlorophene BaaaME^^Btfli ■aal v^^^^^^^ BbbP^^^^Bb»^ BJBjW^^aatafaaa^PV^M*^^^ The Antiseptic Dusting Powder that cares for your whole family Prevents prickly heat, skin irritation and dermic eruption jSJIGRAFTON /lll\ LABORATORIES PTE LTD IMcALISTER 1 SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR IPOH 1 laßßaaaaa,....! PENANG KUCHING BaaaHft^l^^BßaN^TTllßllfitleaaaaaa^Bßßai BBBBBBT^BBaI A^^A^^^^A^^^^^B I F 1
      232 words
    • 488 16 m vsTinr^M I 9 I vi 3 jl 1 i \^Ue6& Jifi"f'pttcm IBWa^B^BS— pa-tea-fc^BJB^BHMVajBBi^I KaKk^Bßmjl I ffsTJ?B»SS KWItW |^P ANTISCrTIC^^ I H^SB^a^aiXSjL^^BBBBBBBaI M!s Germs h**>"^c\\ i BPMPfflliKMiiHfi^Bßaaß 1 1 HBESH HURRY, WHILE STOCKS LAST! LJSTERINE-THE WORLDS LEADNG MOUTHWASH ■NITTO SPV*(«:^vr- ctiv The finest protective covering made for metal, plastics and
      488 words
    • 304 16 t y I s I r i NOW SHOWING AT LIDO Bahowa Daily: 1 1 sir. 1.46. 4. «.48» 9.16 A frothily sophisticate coady of ADULTery George Segal Glenda Jackson ..M*kF».u. ,1 BEST Ofj lass Ay NNE EMBASSY PICTURE-Distributadby,^^ JKKm aota ckntuvy fox film coipoeation IBBhj I U Funniest Scmtcs
      304 words
    • 712 16 —II 1/ I •■CiimtJiTioN NOW SHOWING' 11 am. 1 48. 4 00. 8.46. B IB Glandi Jacfcaon lAcadamy Amranl WINNER lor BCST ACTRESS' a Gaorga Sagal <n "A TOUCH OF CLASS Panavraroo-Cokx (AVCO EMBASSY FOX SNOW SHOWING 1 11 am. 1.30. 4 00. 6 45. 9 30 Jamaa Coburn TaHy
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 443 17 /V^fliamaaVaVi I S^lK .aafaP^ WbH V I^ANNTVERSARY 7 W\\\Mfj W^^ -a^aa^v Xytji)^ W V^l ■never-bepore m special i^^«aV»^^ aft. f Bat: i *a Pf>'f>,Slf *V^^| V II r $1150 >1 i«*« v 7B B» P IE L af a B B^^^^ssi t^^^^^^ lm CS* school .'jfa&^&k S>»^wi^siift&\ WEAR I ifMBBTOgV
      443 words
    • 157 17 ttxamxn I k won 1 l)inijon j Laaaaaa^^aaQ BaHHI^ Sunday "inn c in rinoauaai .c_.i aaß |al HaOIMI Imatinee^HJU > »y << m l/wpj Laßav^af*^"' '**aaal SBbMbllbbbl laL~ flU^l iH > aL^J^aa \l k^| JSfiy)i 551J Break the wind-trap that causes the pain Acidity ia only partly tha cauaa o«
      157 words
    • 207 17 TRADITIONAL ENGLISH FARE Mmj year fcitaA to a Opca tar kaadi a aa» 7sar a "*ck ll.Majav MMattki A Pla»a» 37(425 CaaMCaaatttr For RaUaf of RGSEN Cooatipation. «»a»«a»»a» tj BMiouanaav win I Stomach ditordan dua to faulty admmation H Bal>fi^^«B RGSEN doubtt ftranotti laxatw* tabtvt am if couxTOHAGfiwaDN ano KARATE
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  • 319 18 MP calls for review of aims of education MR. J.F. Concei--11 cao, MP for Katong, has called for a careful re-think of the purposes of education, in the face of rapidly changing conditions. In an address at St. Patrick's School prlaeglvlng day during the weekend, he said that amidst revolutionary
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  • 370 18 NEW ERA AHEAD FOR C-PLAN rpHE Colombo Plan is looking forward to a new era of co-operation among member nations to face new challenges ahead. I A review to mark Its 23rd anniversary today outlined the substantial progress that has been achieved bat itmsesd that solution* have yet to be
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  • 64 18 Press Club treat at zoo MEMBERS of the Singapore Press Club took child 'en of Canossa Convent In Aljunled Road on an outing to Mandal Zoo yesterday. Betides seeing animals, the children were treated to pony rides, a tram ride (which they shared with two Orang Utans) and to lunch
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  • 46 18 THXRX will ba mn exhibition of Chloaaa pnlntfpg* and c&lUCraph; by Mr. Cboy Kong Bang at the txhlMtton hall of ttM Chlnw Chamber of Oommaroa from July 6 to July 10. TIM exhibition will be open daily from 10 am to p-m
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  • 122 18 HARRY'S CHAMP A BIRD TO CHIRP ABOUT pHIKFING over his \J champion merbok Jambnl after a bird singing contest yesterday, Mr. Harry Chna said it had always been "nothing bat the best" for his winged friends. He feeds them fried powdered groundnuts mixed with egg yolk and sugar for "stamina"
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  • 96 18 How to behave when on Sentosa RBOULATIONB for admission of visitors to Sentosa to ensure orderly behaviour have been published. Among the dont's are collection of birds' eggs, shooting of films, holdIng or addressing public meetings, reproduction of exhibits for sale and hiring: of boats or chairs. The visitors are
    96 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 124 18 Starting today the people at Mantin now have people they can count on Mr. Chan Yong Seng Officer-in-Charge MM) MALAYAN BANKING BERHAD j 1 Kawasan Hijau, j/ulllilSr* Mantin, Negeri Sembilan. mimm^Bi Tel: 266 fficer |n Char 9 e) With 124 Branches we are Malaysia's biggest bank. And we are getting
      124 words
    • 109 18 Save money on the quiet aWifctdl' H SA-1018. 10.000 BTU Sanyo saves you up to 25% electricity costs, without making a noise about it. The secret's in Sanyo's compressor that puts Sanyo revolutionary engineering— years ahead in noiseless the most advanced of any cooling technology, too. of today's brands. Maximum
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 435 19 In The Matter Of THE COMPANIES ACT (Cap. 185) and In The Matter Of INDUSTRIAL PLANT ft EQUIPMENT PTE. LTD. (Munbera' Voluntary Winding-Up) dA'^J? 6 1 meetln 8 of the members of INDUSTRIAL Sid on ?h E< I h P ENT PTE LTD du| y convened and futlon, wer e
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      766 words
    • 540 19 TELECOMMUNICATION AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE PHYSIC GRADUATES We are looking for Physics Graduates to fill a number of senior technical appointments After period of training they will be assigned to technical areas of work. The candidates must have a recognised Honours Degree in Physics. Those with relevant technical experience will be
      540 words
    • 108 19 Tempting Stopover Holidays in Europe •it 1 1 lit s aFrtyrTssßsl lam V MWi 4 *ilji Swissair has assembled a tempting Package of Stopover Holidays in Europe (for a few days or a few weeks). Swissair departs Singapore every Wednesday at 8.05 a.m. by daylight flight all the way to
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 504 20 ■PROSPER WITH MATSUSHITA* COME JOIN US I MATSUSHITA INDUSTRIAL I CORP. SDN. BHD. (MAHUFACTUREH OF AIR-CONOITIONERS) Due to rapid expansion, Matsushita Industrial Corp. Sdn. Bhd. offers immediate career opportunities to suitably qualified Malaysian citizens for the following positions: 1) PRODUCTION CONTROLLER AGE: 26—35 years. REQUIREMENTS: H.S.C. and/or Diploma from a
      504 words
    • 554 20 BRANCH MANAGER Port Kelang An old established and a leading Organization engaged in the packing of household effects and freight forwarding, we are seeking the services of a Branch Manager to head our Port Kelang office. This is a key position within the Company and offers a unique opportunity for
      554 words
    • 634 20 SIEMENS We are a subsidiary toni|>eny of SIEMENS AG of Germany, one of the largest c tmipanies in elec-tru al equipment and electronic*: in the world. We are presently implementing an expansion program in Malaysia and have vacancies for the following poMtion*:L PRODUCTION TECHNICIANS Responsible for the maintenance of **nnconductors
      634 words
    • 936 20 IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR COMPANIES WINDING UP NQ 7 OF 1974 In the Matter of Premier Credit Corporation 6dn. Bhd. And In the Matter of the Companies Act, 196.V ADVERTISEMENT OR PETITION NOTICE is hereby given that a Petition for the Winding-up of the abovenamed
      936 words
    • 739 20 felda KENYATAAN TAWARAN Tawarantawaran aftalah Hi|» l«w» danpada honUafctor kin rnktor/penirMrfcal-tieainrluil Immci krija-kirja tvraebut ill luiwah (A) BP. NO: lsW7«: atsSßftehsx <lan n,.i>|hant«r NW "Aluninnuni Cosgulam aalu art MiUmi" Hlaag Uetah K« Awah.Trnieiloh I'ahani (B» BP NO: 17W74: Mm. lnn. jalan-jalan uei lanian dan |x m.lh cun«. Kk -alu »t
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 476 21 TAIPING CONSOLIDATED BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT OF RESULTS The Directors wish to announce the audited results of the Company and its subsidiary for the year ended 31st December 1973. 1973 1972 $000 $000 Rubber net proceeds 1,608 cess refunds 88 Tribute income 166 320 Investment income 270 80
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    • 421 21 Bata Lfcataag Ba*fec C« Barked (IncjrporaUd in Malayua) Natles of sksskfst as fro— Ist. July. 1974 RagJatian: Mmuv Psyn* Dava and Co.. No 2. Station Road. (Ut floor), Shar» i iKJUrin to«tnt wiu> duly rnssylrtil tranafcr dssda for ragistraoon ahould br addn—id and asnt to th«a. H*o*tnd No 6. Jaian
      421 words
    • 430 21 KDTTATAAN TAW A* AN DMVEMITI MALAYA MEMBINA DAN MENTIAPKAN JALAN MASOK DAM JALAN CNXVUSm KA KAMPDS UNIVEMITI. CNIVEMrn MALAYA Tender-lender adalah dipelawa danpada KodtrekturkxalreJOcr Idas C atau ran* leblh unmi Head 1. SubHead 1 and Head IV, Sub-Head 1, S (b> and 10) yana; berdaftar deo«ai> JKR untuk ■tf*. 1
      430 words
    • 188 21 ENAKMEN LEMBAGA BANDARAN IX.IU BAB ll7| NOTIS DI BAWAH SEKBYEN-SEKSYEN 117 US DENOAN INI DIBBUTAHU bahawa adalah dicadaagkan dl bawab Bakaysn 144 Enskmen Lrrmhaga Bandaran (N.M.B. Bab IS7) mwlnrts Plan Bandar Ipoh yanc Dtiuluskan No. B 3 yang lUsasrfctll aebagal Pemberttahuan Ha 2*46 dl dalam Warta Kerajaan Negert-Negen Melayu Bersekutu
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    • 426 21 NOTICB OP INTENTION TO TBANSPBB LIQUOR LICENCE NOTICE IB HEREBY given In pursuance to Section 12 of the Excise Regulations IM2 that I. NO KIM LEX (NRIC No. 04M675) Director of MALAYSIAN TRADINO COMPANY SON BHD of No 141-1. Jalan Ngee Heng. Jobore Bahru, Johore. West Malaysia Intend to transfer
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    • 452 21 MALACCA MUNICIPALITY BATES FOR THE IND KALF-TEAB, 1174 Owners of property are reminded mat rates (or the tod half-year. 1974. are dut aad payable la advance wltttou' iti~-~« at the Municipal Office. Mf'*ir" In the montti of July. 1*74. 1. The percentage of rates payable for the year 1974 Is
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    • 461 21 MALACCA MUNICIPALITY CLAIMS FOB REPTJND Or RATES ON INOCCUFIED BUtLDtNOA (SECTION N OP THE MUNICIPAL ORDINANCE) NOTICB 18 HBUCBY GIVEN that claims tar refund of rates for me Ist half-year (Ist January SOth June). 1t74 In respect of unoccupied buildings within Municipal Limits must be delivered at the Municipal Office
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 543 22 BT »\m BBal^al Ik I aT iA 1 By I bT* J I THE I Hi MARITIME I l IUI COMMAND I JOIN US I c SEAMAN GUNNERS I SEAMAN COMMUNICATORS I c SEAMAN DIVERS I SEAMAN RADAR PLOTTERS applicants must a) Be physically fit b) Have good eyesight c)
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    • 608 22 LEENG PARTNERSHIP INSULTING ENGINEERS Applicants are invited for:1. PROJECT ENGINEER (in the State of Brunei) Successful candidate will lead design team to carry out major engineering projects in the State nf Brunei. Qualifications: Applicants must be MICE.. Ml. Struct. E. or equivalent. Experience: At least 5 years in a position
      608 words
    • 373 22 m I Ma *l' aa\ SHIP REPAIR EXECUTIVES SAFETY OFFICER SUPERVISORS •DRAUGHTSMEN ESTIMATORS«TECHNICIANS CRANE OPERATORS MACHINISTS ELECTRICIANS PIPE FITTERS* PAINTERS GENERAL DIESEL FITTERS .^■Biaar Va^aaw war f v rm Hbb^L^^^^ 111 o^y .Ja lf/¥f "^^^^^BB^^^BBaa^I We pay top salaries and attractive fringe I benefits to the right man. I Apply
      373 words
    • 818 22 Shangri-La hotel invites applications for the foiiowing positions SENIOR SALES MANAGER The Senior Sales Manager will be directly responsible to the Director of Marketing to provide leadership to a dynamic sales team in promoting the business or the Hotel The ideal candidate for this poartion should be above 28 years
      818 words
    • 262 22 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS As a result of our expansion, we have 2 executive positions in our Administration and Export Departments for suitably qualified Singapore citizens. Suitable candidates must be holders of H.S C or its equivalent, aged 24 28 and possess the following requisites:POST A For Administration Dept. a Bi-lingual in
      262 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    34 23 •Safe in the arm. of J«i»" In loving memory of our beloved Father, the late Mr V.Peters who left us 2 years ago. Inserted by wife, sons, daughter, son-in-law, daughters-in-law tt grandchildren.
    34 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 194 23 BBbI I LUSTRAL PTY LTD. AUSTRALIA. (A wholly-owned subsidiary of Steetley Australasia) takes pleasure in announcing the appointment of BEAUKHEM (FAR EAST) PTE LTD SINGAPORE region"' 8 fOf he C mPlete fange f consumer and ind "Strial products in the Far East We wish them every success on their launch
      194 words
    • 314 23 ABIA COMMERCIAL BANKING CORPORATION LTD. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of Asia Commercial Banking Corporation Limited will be held at the Registered Office, 104 L 106. Robinson Road, Singapore, 1 on the 15th day of July 1974, at 2.30 p.m. for the
      314 words
    • 156 23 *mmrs m m s m UNITED OVERSEAS BANK LIMITED 111 l (INCORPORATED IN THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE NOTICE Please be informed that with effect from the Bth July 1974 the Principal Share Registry of the Company will be situated at:United Overseas Bank Building (7th Floor) Not 1 Bonham Street Raffles
      156 words
    • 130 23 CALDBECK MACGREGOR CO. LTD. Caldbeck Macgregor Co. Ltd. announce that, as from Ist July 1974, the business of the company In Singapore will be carried on by CALDBECK MACGREGOR (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. which company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Caldbeck Macgregor Co. Ltd. Address and telephone numbers remain unchanged. T.J.
      130 words
    • 27 23 Place your order for photographs pub lished in The Straits Times Croup's news papers at Times House, or by calling *****1 extn 235 fsh?!The \O*Bi Straits Times
      27 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 498 24 Oversea Chinese Banking Corpn. Ltd. t (Incorporated in Singapore) /*fe\ AND ITS SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET -31 ST DECEMBER 1973 S'OOO's $'000's S'OOOs CURRENT ASSETS f*&\ 393,096 Cash and balances with bankers and agents 876,679 32.380 Money at call and short notice 27,806 58,818 Bills receivable less provision 97,898
      498 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1167 25 t/3&\ Oversea -Chinese Banking Corporation Limited @s 11 JS •SL J] (Incorporated in Singapore) KJjg^l \f/j^y BALANCE SHEET— 3i« D.«mb.f 1973 -"fcfe SOOOs SOOOs SOOOs SOOOs f'OOO's SOOOs \S&/ >^7V CURRENT ASSETS (kfe\ SHARE CAPITAL AND RESERVES 382.274 Cash and balances with bankers and agents 818.488 fS\ e?%J Authorised Capital
      1,167 words
    • 568 25 PROFIT AMD LOSS ACCOUNT for the year ended 31st December 1973 /_|feA ooos looog rooty* /ZZ\ Net profit for the year (including interest from [W^ki Singapore Government Secuntiet) after \^gH providing for taxation, diminution in value of assets and after making allocations to /Z&\ 12.843 inner reserves 15.138 fff%) ADO
      568 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 2292 26 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET. 31st December, 1973 1t72 H73 1.72 j y^- -1973 The Bank The Group The Bank The Group The Bank The Group Tha Bank The Group S$ S$ SHARE CAPITAL S$ S$ SS S$ CURRENT ASSETS SS SS Authorised (Note 1 50 000 000 50.000.000 200.000.000 Ordinary shares
      2,292 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 1341 27 9fi mm Im! .I-.-! Consolidated Balance Sheet 31st December 1973I 1972 1 I 1973 j 1972 j— 1973 Th 1 The Bank The Group The Bank The Group Theßenk Th. Group The Group s$ SS SS CURRENT ASSETS SS SS SHARE CAPITAL S$ S$ 71.074.527 *****481 Cash on hand and
      1,341 words
    • 454 27 Consolidated Profit And Loss Account For The Year Ended 31st December. 1973 r t97g~ j 1 973 The Bank The Group The Bank The Group SS SS SS SS Net profit for the year after providing for taxation, depreciation of fixed assets, diminition in value of investments and after allocation
      454 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 1101 28 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET. 31st December. 1973 r-30 June 1972- 1 p3l December I>73 r ,-30 June 1972 1 .31 December 1973, The Bank The Group The Bank Tha Group Two Bank Tha Group Tha Bank Tha Group S* SJ CURRENT ASSETS 5J J3 S$ SS SHARE CAPITAL SS SS Authorised
      1,101 words
    • 479 28 CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT for the eighteen months ended 31st December 1973 p3O June H72— 31 December 1973 The^ank Tha^Orouo Theßanfc The Group Net Profit for the period after providing for taxation depreciation of fixed asaets and diminution in the 397.000 520.000 velue of investment (Note 11) 1.292,000 1
      479 words
    • 70 28 CHAMPION MOTORS (S) PTE. LTD. Notice is hereby given that Mr Peter One Yew Leong and Mr A. Ramamoorthy are no longer employed by this Company They have therefore no authority to transact or negotiate any business on our behalf. CORONATION FLOWER SHOP CORONATION FLORIST wish to announce that they
      70 words
    • 115 28 I NOTICE GENERAL SURVEY B ROS E A (arrived 27/6/74) A General Survey will be held for all damaged «*/s',£ U £l c carg P8 A Oodown 18 on Monday 8/7/74 between 0.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. Thowssn Co (S) Pte. Ltd., As AfenU: Southern Shipping Line*. Adelaide. CHANGE OF
      115 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 1072 29 mTTTm BALANCE SHEET. 31st December 1973 1973 1972 Accumulated gmirf riPiTAi o* Cost Depreciation 1973 1972 SHARE CAPITAL s$ SS FIXED ASSETS Sf SI SI If Freehold land and building 3.936.168 3 936 168 Furniture and fittings 16 956 5,465 ***** ***** Authonsed (Note 1 Office Equipment 62,354 20.976 *****
      1,072 words

  • metric is simpler SPECIAL FEATURE
    • 214 30 MESSAGE by Mr. Ridzwan Dzafir, Director o/ Trade and Chairman of Economic Sector Committee of the Metrication Board: /\NI of the terms of reference of the Economic Sector Committee Is to co-ordinate the changeover to the metric system In sectors Involved in the supply and
      214 words
    • 989 30 The major supermarts go metric today... CONSUMERS will have to change from today their habit when buying things and use the metric units. For from today, the major supermarkets Join the drlYc to metricate the retail sector. Metrication In the retail sector requires rery careful planning, coordination and support from
      989 words
    • 8 30 V :ol k > f n
      8 words
    • 206 30 Baey: Public can make switch smooth MESSAGE by Mr, Boey Lian Peck, Chairman, Metrication Board: BY now, I think moat of yon an aware of the Government's policy to adopt the SI metric system The campaign to encourage the use of the metre in the sale of textiles benn In
      206 words
    • 542 31 SEVEN BIG REASONS WHY SINGAPORE SHOULD GO METRIC the Government announced that Singapore would be changing over to the metric system of weights and measures, the question posed was Why should Singapore go metric? There are many reasons why, but the Metrl cation Board has listed seven main reasons to
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 309 30 On^rtßc*d/Som«»*Ro«J.S*n9^poi»«i^3SO«44 Lowe pound Wuui,ami>a— irdwH W- GREOWMS V\ GO METRIC /A\ dhr 39tis HUHJntKT Wi il A NOW' U.S. T-BONE^! 5.95 SUCEP HAM -»q.1.60 PORK CUBES to 4 *»'I9O 5 BIG BEEFBURGERS 190 VEAL CUTLETS 5.20 French **^B Styie^JiH P^bW^^ Approx.Bsog Mt E^^^ m TWO BUTTS Edgoll 925 g 155
      309 words
    • 17 30 SHOPPING 1 w KILOGRAMS (for frown foods etc at the Supermarkets) at from July Ist 1974 !<* J
      17 words
    • 13 30 K« fl -j a -r^ MFTMC CTI MWUW QUOC > 1 Ilifl s *4^
      13 words
    • 219 30 THE AVERY wm MAKES METRIC EASIER! The practice of calculating price from weight is as old as trade itself. Now see it in an entirely new light. The 1 750, known as the decision-maker, never leaves a pricing decision to the scale user. A digital display of weight, price per
      219 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 53 31 support THE METRIC SYSTEM We have gone metric to standardize caculations' Metric is simple. Metric saves time. SHOP IN METRIC TODAY' I Ml 1 ♦■>#«••• *J s to 60 0 If p^iMIiMMMHHHBVHMHBH are proud to be associated with the Metrication Board. Shop Metr Shop Cold Storage. /UN Soft Drinks are
      53 words
    • 163 31 SUPER 6UVS EVERY DAY 10am 9.30pm Mon Sat 10am 6.30pm Sunday FREE PUKING After spm Mon Sat _A)I day Sunday pPECIAU)FFERS Ivion-Sat Co Metric Co to Supreme Supermarket for Superbuys With Compliments And tU'Mt II ifthv* Front ""I ace stationery company mw STATONtns *MOTo-corvwG nn->M'W ■WWnp^ UMW'M MUSK* STAMPS *CCOu«'
      163 words

    • 1362 32 A 8 Mrvtot to tniwn tit* Bimuimi Tta-.M »«mW>m wim.l? s detailed aaalyeto ef nlulis saarM traded ea Uw Atsck EsrarM* of Hasgsswi. TW yMJ-.Usfc.aai few* an Mtowaa ay Ik* week* awrMMaU la prte* aad tarwrar wita n* Iwilelas savMeae 1 yiaVs* aad grass prie* *araiag ratio*
      1,362 words
    • 655 32 THE MU«m ii lim «r tar ik> w* u* u fria.y. M» iiiMlm m* i«hU^ i. d» ««hb dur« —alyri.. Prto. mm« M.eWMirln. rf 1..c hI« m Jwm aM- ta» II a* <a*n la imhlll INDUSTRIALS H L. I.M -1 03 A Tut loa 11* 111 Alex
      655 words
    • 402 32 YORK. Frt. InA^ vestors were demoralised by Inflation and rumours that another boost In the prime interest may come next week and consequent selling continued to drive prices down today. The decline stretched the market's slide to three consecutive sessions, and left the Dow Jones Industrials hovering near
      402 words
    • 188 32 rpOKYO sat. Prices on X the pre-hollday Tokyo Stock Exchange turned higher today with constructions leading the way. Also higher were dredging* and Issues related to the Oovemment's Investment programme. The rises followed reports that the Finance Minister was considering easing the current tight fiscal and monetary policies. The
      188 words
    • 103 32 Company meetings The JDQowtng t»"«— meetings are due: Malayan Oeataiasrs Bk*. July S. 11J0 am. Bangunan U7DP. 117 Jalan Anpang, Kuala Wimpirr. The Metal Bex Ce. ef Mahtrela LU.: July IS. 11 ajn. 21 km.. Woodlands Hoed, Singapore M. Held tags Ltd.: July 16, noon. l-A Amber yifi~*o~ iat Floor.
      103 words
    • 164 32 AMSTERDAM. Frt Stocks weakened virtually across the board today, with sentiment depressed by the overnight decline on Wall Street Dutch internationals however recovered somewhat from steep Initial declines. Major losers on balance were Ussgsii— and Unilever. Alt i ■mi Bank, Beer. Hsfafc:— Pakheei, Akfas and DeU led decline* elsewhere.
      164 words
    • 60 32 FrMar Ttmn«mr UM U.S.S Hswiarai d> nn test 1 oaten uitt 144.5e sum M»so i« Hoackons 14S.M 14* to SwtSk 144 008 US SOB 14S.SOS 144 SOS Part* 14T Ot 144. 5S Spat* <J) 143 SOB 147 SIB 14* MS 145.458 Bfcsart prim la aoa-Martlnc ar*** la U.S.
      60 words
    • 31 32 LaaSaa M|ii prt*M oa Friday It'i'lf la bracket* > »ln**r karw *SU (MM) WKr (ISSS): tbim mobum v m am (SMS) Mll«r iSSO SM4) ■arliM tM»: suur •alw: 5475 tea*.
      31 words
    • 25 32 Oa Urn trm ni-iimi hmvM g.'^y* «wm at t.em/ for T.T. ana iimi ajr irSlm v clwu as* I— mm m Mat* tn.m.
      25 words
    • 89 32 FINANCIAL TIMES Jr** 1 74J7 2*«*«M 74*4 W«* MO 71 JT ICSSSM 314 M Thurwtajr m .44 W«t* MO JI7.W OILS 1M.47 Th««»«y IMJO We»k MO 190 44 WNDUmiAIA Frtd«r JH.I 2»«"««*y M 7.4 W«*k mo M* 1 DOW JONIB AVKKAOI INOUSTSIAU >Wd«y MM 41 Thunder matt Wmk mo
      89 words
    • 71 32 7URICH. PH. Dm to the MA weak situation on the New York Mock market, the downward trend continued also in Zurich today Bonds wen Just maintained The Credit Sties* Index wag down 1.4 points to SMJ. CSM»a» MtaM swtai (man wKk ta* as om ar*. vlaai mhMbi priMa P.
      71 words
    • 309 32 Forex market roundup nmiLJC the dollar conTf tlnued It* upward move early last week in European forex markets, it subsequently suffered 1 a considerable setback following the announcement late on Tuesday of a large trade deficit In May Towards the close of the week, foreign exchange dealings became extremely cautious
      309 words
    • 178 32 A SIAN currency average deposits rates for the week ended Friday June 7 days 1 mth 2 mtha 3 mth* 6 mtha mliii II mth» ■Ifk Uw 15-1/4 11-7/» is-6/» ia-a/4 13-12 13-1/2 13-3/$ 12-I'2 12-l/S 12-1 2 IJ-1 4 11-1/U 12-l/S 11-4/1 1 mth 3 mth»
      178 words
    • 93 32 rIC fiMiiitag Mat af stocks gives Utat tea met dealt hi last weak. This Ms* rives taw imrmmtm km Hi»«saas* ef aniu. destag prtaw ea PrMay aad high aad tow fer 1»74 r DiniupMft m Itarfcjr r. Bank «f g*»w« v fir fci«fi UmuU latatrtM EMtcrn Hatch
      93 words
    • 108 32 BASE TEAR: JANUARY 4. ItU— IN H7I/74 W«k'« Acth» Hlch U>w tW Uth CkHft 1155.41 111.51 iMka, lnsarmaec. T^SSSL*"* MM *IM -Mi M»2l 1(1. SI Oiwilflk SaklMr Darfitoi 1U.«7 HIM —I.U •M.44 IMS! OH«lMnte *M ttl.4* —140 U«4 »17. 2r *n S:::^-- ta Mi4# >44j$ 44L74
      108 words
    • 151 32 InAuaUteto: rrtptrttf: t Ttaa: t rabban: o.cj.c. UJ. ta4: Jwwt4 JmU )mt H Jim tl Janets *4«. M tW.ll UtM MIJT U*M HIM HIM UIH Ul 41 17«.n IM.U 1M.71 ICfI.M 1«>.(7 t*4.U Ml.f* tM.M tM.I7 SIMS 1«7»J I*7.M K7.M K7.M IIVN S4S.SI S4I.U SU.M MLV
      151 words
    • 352 32 PRODUCE dealers In Singapore had another lean time last week as their foreign counterparts continued to hold off. Locally there was a general lack of Incentive for want of proper price Indications. Price* of the various eonv maJlUes. as quoted by the Singapore China* Produce Exchange at the
      352 words
    • 575 32 HTBE Singapore stock market last week saw a concentration of activity among: the more volatile stocks which on balance finished the week lower. Like the previous week, the market was afain under a setling bias and recovery seen on certain days was purely technical. There just was not
      575 words
    • 46 32 MOST ACTIVE JUNE STOCKS: San nilaiigi (*) CHy Develop BMate (MU,***); Haw Far flimiHiaal (S.«tM**> i Shoe Darwy (MU,***) Devehssatees Baa* af rpere (M»«v***); Malayaa Credit (l.Ns,***); Nsrliasl lasastrles (l.SM,***) Far Eastern Heesss (I,4*l,***); Pea Elk trie (MSM**): aad Uattsd Overseas Bank <l.»S.ea«).
      46 words
    • 498 32 BUT for a few shares that shot Into prominence under late speculation Interest and some block deals, trading at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange last %eek lacked lustre It was the usual pattern for the market to open trading very hesitantly and business on most mornings was
      498 words
    • 48 32 P«OR the week ended SatarCay. June 2». the raage •f call rates received free* Sheet DspieWe (M) Berfcad were as fellew: BANK FUND: I] pt« teat w per eeaL GENERAL FUNDS: Si •er cent to 71 per eeaL MOVEMENTS ef fiuwfi Utalled i:*l bssßmss.
      48 words
    • 684 32 LONDON: Equities last week feU to new 15 -year lows on more gloomy industrial predictions, before picking up on hopes that dividends curbs might b* relaxed. Compared with the previous Friday, the FT Index showed a 55 point gain at 354.6. On Thursday, however, it sank to
      684 words
    • 152 32 LONDON. Tin drifted lower last Friday under moderate pressure from hedge selling, which developed despite the continued strength of the Penang market. Values finished fully £60 lower for Cash and £70 down for Three Months. This week's stocks are expected to show a moderate Increase. Afternoon
      152 words
    • 431 32 LONDON: Rubber steadied slightly last Friday although still in basically thin trading. Forward Interest in the East was thought by some dealers to have been connected with hedge covering against latex sales although this was an assumption rather than reflecting any concrete news. But the Easts steadiness
      431 words
    • 9 32 Tta: lit ftahfcar: HCOSS Mt.n< fftt W
      9 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 1286 33 fMUimiSNIP SEWICE Tl M/CKTWENT: 7tlliMi IMI v l) Mm* uk RIIWMH MMR* JM|p |M|k MMk Mta% |lf( rPtM MT i ItH IT Ml Aa| It M, "ita, ,*L i urtN JM »3 «taj Ilk| lla! i 5 Sail HT-MII MM; l laj n Aaj aAm II km nkm rrlrSll**" 73
      1,286 words
    • 1127 33 fefa BLUE SEA UNE \4/ To U.S. East Coast* Guff Ports Smk p aMjaj Faai l**aaj »w Ww—' to*i/siaPVMi ta* I Cnitobll, Kafltia. ■r Si Si: "-"MS/"" Uttpia, ItaMM mmj tta I I nal MtatMfMjMitlCMMMI I Ham MMTIEII S&fPIM CO PTL ITI. IM TSri NHI < MAIATIIM HmtMTMMI MWM CMMMTMII
      1,127 words
    • 831 33 i irww "ttrl ItMM ria S'MatOi OttMft IrtMt AMMr| Alt UK ssr» s| IS IS s3 „3 •tl* llPttO Mil* ttt, D Ito M Aai v gaaa^ «3 ii ?-a ;2 .3 ?3 ium*iw iiPitu 11 am aam iiim Mi*. nZm MM Dttatrt •rtatt I'mWli —a. Aatlna Nttrt Otit. mrpMl
      831 words
    • 986 33 FULLY CONTAINIKIZED SEKVICE TO EUKO»I M«ir»trt f« ImTT___ i >-Jl '"^^M Ml PJm BntHar—aaai a- -J- I» IMMUf j^ f 4 ■OutfWW, AMStKOMI, WTWfff, If IWVTt. mXSnmin S HMHr t JSSJT* S C 1 t". MW--WI. Milm. MKIITI MIIMA _p< 1 St«Cl_J». Olio. HtrWlkl, UtaM Kl*f«Ml MM| T_M: ICI MMI
      986 words
    • 618 33 *****4j P. Kal«aj 4341, *****; N-Mf ISMI. THE BANK LDWE LTD. ran mica. MITIM- fftin. LMt-tMAIAr.K« p Mtaaj taPVI tak Sptrt IMMHMMI IMatr.tjM. llMtna. iMt—MAs A»-«i *.**h mmm* tt—mtrnvtim "W— r^r, M/11 P-*Mt rm 17/tt to* KUWAIT SHIPPING CO. (S.AJK.) ttoua mf samct «"l r mi— iW: Al AIIMIAI 111
      618 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 865 34 ■MiimT^^^^^^^^^^^^MMm! \X^ mOOOm mm KAWASAKI KISCN KAISHA LTD. UW.SAII KHHUI KISH WISH* ITB. MnM. MM MR. JTMm SBWICL MM llaMm S.tfapar. P. Miaaf < MITM II CllmhmViM ttlrafH" a**a-«p*bUa OoJf tMMnrtM tiipaart PM. tkPMMMI*! IMj Cato-M/MjgWM^ Kamil/MMak/HMnaMMar. J.pan South Alrlaa W««l Alrta* IwTlll t.afa*art PM> ■HUM MAM M U»aM. M.(at.,
      865 words
    • 827 34 AXCEmM TMCTMS. TMUS AM ITBH BtAH EMtflMn FM SMAI AM MMKSU Ail PMTt IC.T. KAfITT LtTK Jaktfll 4M| IMi Indoaem ICT HMTT MT S*nf«»lirin JM| IM| I*MMSU. LXI. IEITAf Tarakaa 2M| 4M| Nnmmm. lEAITT UT Kjoskanf I M| I Maail*. HABIT VAnn Mmm IMt IM| Mali. MAMA Hon|M*f SM| HMf
      827 words
    • 800 34 l^^ncpTung ocictt umv U.K. IWOW tKVICI LOADING *0t tONDCN. IOTTItOAM. MAMBU«G. BILBAO, LI HAVtI ImMiri P Maa P*a**( laalaa lua Mtarf atPTMf OHMII PUT»I4 VIM) l/TU I Aaf M Aai II Aa, atPTMi uppmm a/n Aai a/n Aaf a/n Mt n *a* a vat t *a> MaMara P «akM Paawf.
      800 words
    • 705 34 BWEg SEWKI TI URUR, LlrfaWM/CMmREWT WWB I| WMi I i*i| i n P. uiaa« Ptaan U*M| Mi MMA riiATAi la Part tiaM mP. laa«a» J,l raaa It. k«w IV*. A««ll Ul Mtaff ?l I MMA MU* tt/W Mr 17/ a JakJ la Dam II loirm M H-»ar| u/t. r*M ii
      705 words
    • 493 34 SENTOSA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited for 8 Hawker's Stall at Blk 4, Carlton Hill, Sentosa. Payment of $100 deposit (refundable) on collection of tender documents. Showround: 10th July at Jardlne Steps Ferry Point, 10 am. Closing Date: 15th July 12 noon. MEDICAL REPRESENTATIVE MACEUTICAI COMPAN.ES FOB SINGAPORE
      493 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 709 35 classified ads d ENTRUST YOURSELF CONFIDENTLY to our perming, tinting. miiliKhting expert Julie at Louise Klerk's Salons. Hotel Singapura. telephone *****3 ispore) ARE YOU TIRIO of that same old hairstyle' Let Julie give you the latest London scissor cut at Louise Klerk's Salon, Hotel Singapura. telephone *****3 iS'pore). PRIVATE TUITION
      709 words
    • 699 35 CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARY reI quired by International Publishing Company Candidates must possess the following minimum qualifications: At Mast on* year's experience as Confidential/ Private Secretary, excellent shorthand and typing speeds, excellent command of English (spo«en and written), pleasant personality Ownership of car and driving licence are additional qualifications. Applications giving full
      699 words
    • 640 35 —U* WANTED MALI FEMALE BALIS Represenutlve to market a wide range of products on textiles, petroleum chemicals cleansers and cosmetics Attractive Income offered Ring *****8 for Immediate interview. WANTID AN EXPERIENCED OUTDOOR salesman, fully experienced in textile trade and having good connection with the local Importers Pleaae apply stating experience,
      640 words
    • 665 35 I 1) T«6jfcS*BJ6al ELECTRICIANS with at least 5 years working experience In the marine industry required by an expanding company In Jurong. Tel *****9 for appointment IMMEDIATE OPENINGS PON I LOCAL or expatriate* experienced r Electronics Technicians HF/BSB Tel: *****4 AIRCO B-POM FTE. LTO. 31 Infrneßonol Rood. Jurong Town, MsgasßOre
      665 words
    • 779 35 COOK SOY OR COOK AMAH. Chinese live-In Experience. Speak English. Ring ***** after 9 J a.m. I IIVt-INCXPSUNSUtCSO AMAH over IS for cooking and housework at Changl Tel: *****4 ***** I f I GsMftASMI I w^^^r— I WANTED (1) OFFICE BOYT Saiary 8150pm. plus 835. Poasees Class 2 driving licence
      779 words
    • 596 35 RIOUIREO t ELECTRICAL and Plumbing Workers with driving licence. Inexperienced will be considered Apply personally at 849. Oolden Mile Tower, Beach Road sssssssssssssssWßsSl sbsM liHatASk** e*Sssl Cesssjaw, 1) STOREKEEPER Holding at least Class in licence Speak and writ* good English Experience an advan tage 1) OENEKAL MECHANICS Experienced In dtesel
      596 words
    • 689 35 BEHIND MING COUNT NOTIL luxurious apartment 81.200. Serangoon Oarden detached bungalow 8550 Merryn Road detached bungalow (unfurnished) 81.200 Oriole Crescent detached bungalow (partly furnished) 81.500 Uplversity Road double-storey semi-detached 81.--000^*****3 *****1. TO RENT TO SCLL TO BUY TO FINO 0000 TENANTS? Consult us for efficiency OM HOUSING S TRADING (PTC)
      689 words
    • 862 35 DMT. 8, 18, 11, 11 Etc Da- I Uched Bungalow*: Swts* Club Road 31.500; CISHMnM Park 63.--3 M. Nsmly Close 83,306 Jalan Kampongj ChanUk S3 JOO, Binjal Park t3,MO*. Chestnut Crescent 8700, BraddeU Height* (81.300 «.4S0); Trevo*e Crescent 83.000 Jalan Buloh Perlndu 81.000. Semi-Detached Terrace Namly Rkw $1,000 Quern* Road
      862 words
    • 758 35 I OMT. 16 LUXURIOUS DOUBLE STOREY O€TACMEO 4 bedrooms servant's, alrconds./ telephone. 83.000. fully furnished Ace Housing *****29/ *****46. 1 OR 4-BEDROOMED APARTMENTS /semi-detached centralised locality, ranges $500 onwards Viewing *****90 FWrST CLASS DCTACHCO Fifth Avenue (pool) 85.000 Blnjal Rise 82 008 Dyson Road $3 000 Jalan Kampong Chantek (pool)
      758 words
    • 897 35 INTERNATIONAL SANKINQ DIRECTOH requires d*ttv:hed jungalow luxurious apartrtent Small 'amlly Excellent referenort. 3 years permanent •ompany lease Attractive renlals. deposits assured Principals ■el 333 W./ *****J O-TTACHf D BUNGALOW OMT. 16 partly furnished 4 bedrooms rent $1 400/- available immediately 4 6 months phone 7393' V Tllß/CE NOUS! BRAIMAR DRJYI,
      897 words

  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 469 36 OOSON SSASIOS PARK. Opposite. Kstong-Odeon. Hlghclass Residential Area 2 -storey modern terrace-house with luxury fitJuSpOTOB* vais,T baths, large balcony, spacious kitchen, big compound parquet flooring. aluminium maln-dotr, private fencing Easy InsUlments. C%"s£3&. kT U 7946.". ***** Cevonatri House 1 700 sq ft parti; furnished Tenanted for 11.500 Terraxso/ parquet flooring
      469 words
    • 523 36 Storage and office space In the same building on the ground floor of approx 4.000 si), ft. Long lease rtsslrrcl and would prefer modern building Tel: *****6 NEWLY CONSTRUCTED TUNAS BUILDING at Anaon Road have office space of approximately 1 .000. 2.000 and 4.000 sq. ft still available for Immediate
      523 words
    • 467 36 Per Bast TWO STOREY TERRACE FACTORIES/STORES at MacPherson Road Location: Macpherson/Playfalr Road. Land area: 7,100 sq.ft Total Covered area:7.loo sq.ft. Tenure of land: Freehold Approval: Factory /Store cum Office Completion date: Expected March 1975 Loan: Up to 65H of sale price can be arranged No of uniu 7 Only 4
      467 words
    • 722 36 SIAKSON COACH TOURS. 28, Prlnsep Street, Singapore 7. Tel: ***** (5 lines) Agent for above Upper Buklt Ttmah Road. Tel: *****8 7 days Malaya (alrcon bus) 1140/- every Sunday 7 days Haadyal/ Sonfkhla 8190/- (alrcon bus $140/-) every Sunday. 14 days Bangkok/ Chiengmal (alrcon bus $360/- return by air $530/--14/1.
      722 words
    • 554 36 WORLD CHARTERS CENTRE IM-A Market St B>ero 1 Tst *****6 SIMM London $710/PstwVAswMarwaoVilaww $775/BninsH/Cspsiispii 87M/llsswsws/PrsswJartrOsle $796/ flSWrtol— S $796/New Yorfc/Monwoai SIMBVL Aigiln/S. Prsiulses titSß/Also Special Low Fares To:Aassraws HeeafeMg Tokyo JETAWAY TRAVEL fINTW! 146-0 Rnaksssw Rea* t*pon 1 TffcjsisVi mtsi MODERN BUDGET TOURS West HilsiiM 7 days Inciting 3 meals
      554 words
    • 740 36 SOOK-KSSPINS SSINMBIaS 3 MONTH course commencing 1 7.74 Monday. Wednesday 6.30 p.m. 7.30 p.m. by experienced Accountant People s Commercial School (OppoalU Odeon Kalong) Tel *****6 CONVERSATIONAL JAPANESE BEGINNERS INTERMEDIATE starting 2 7 74 Enquires midday onwards call *****4/ YMCA •A' Orchard Road. SUCCESS COLU'OE 1-A. Pays Lssmjt Ro»« (14)
      740 words
    • 642 36 COSTIN6J/ MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING JULY BEGINNERS Classes preparing for the LCC 1979 examination Days/ Time Costing: Monday and Friday 6 SO 7 SO or B.X 990 pm. Tuesday and Thursday 5.30 6.30 pm. Saturday 4.00 6.00 pm. Sunday 10 00 11.00 noon Management Accounting: Tuesday and Thursday 730 8. 30 pm.
      642 words
    • 603 36 CITY S GUILDS Electrical Engineering Practice Intermediate and Final Commencing t.7.74. Register now for 1975 Exam, at Hong Kong Radio ft Television Institute. 39-B. North Canal Road. Spore *****. ASIA COMMERCIAL SCHOOL 642- A UPPER MRANOOON ROAD STORE [It TIL: BMMS The following courses conducted by our team of speclallsu
      603 words
    • 712 36 SINGAPORE INSTITUTE OP SCIENCE. 593-A. Serangoon Road (Opposite Rumah Mlskln Police Station) Telephone *****20 Enrol for 1974 Sessions. Science. Mathematics. English. Secondary n hsc SINGAPORE CHINESE MANOARIN SCHOOL 112-12 S. PftNVSEP STREET. rPOKf 7 OFFICE HOURS I te pmTEL: ***** LEARN CHINESE. New Class for absolute bejlnners (EnflUh Explanations) commencing
      712 words
    • 699 36 IS7S TOYOTA CROWN AUTOMATIC COUPE Alrcon Casjette Radio. New Tyres Price NecoUable Telephone: *****93/ *****22 PORO ESCORT VAN MODEL IW7I Very good condition Tax and In- surance expire February 1975 Hire purchase can be arranged Ring ***** VOLVO 1446. 1971 MOOEL. Alrcon Radio. Cassette. New Tax New Tyres. Accident Free.
      699 words

  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 898 37 T 0 wh «> you care but can t be there send flowers by Interflora Worldwide Service Contact your Local Interflora r !<»rlsn BaTr9tSß<4aßaßßft^Bi "NUINS BEST QUALITY CROCODILE, snake, lizard, ostrich skin bags. beiu. shoes and wallets at lowest price Chan Rep- Ules. 120 Peace Centre. Selegle Road Tel: *****2/
      898 words
    • 658 37 aQ GET SMARTI UNIPORMS for all your employees male/ female, by Singapore Uniforms Manufacturers, specialising in ail types of industrial uses, hotels, restaurants, security, etc. Also badges. lo«ros neckties for your requirement* Call ***** SPECIAL! SPECIALI SPECIAL! For H.D.B. flats only. Replaster the hollow block wails of your flat with
      658 words
    • 886 37 POPCORN. KBCRCAM MACNMIS for sale, new and food condition telephone *****5-2! Mrs Stm ■MnPßjnvs^Btnßß^S km CARRWR AIRCONOfTIOWBRS FOR RBMTAL, SaJe and Prompt Service. Call Kool-air (8) Pte Ltd.. SSI. Buklt Tlmah Road. Tel mm. SSSSaSB^LSSE LATBST FRIOIDAIRE. OBNBRAL I ELBCTRtc. Westlnghouse. Hot- I point. Phllco. Norge. Aema and PSJi-Hectric. 110/
      886 words
    • 281 37 I Soothes rashes, relieves sprains, 1 I rheumatic and muscular pains. I I Stops Itch Soothes Rath** S Rstisvss Musculsr Pain* Sooths* Bruisw jfe H Rclisvss Rrmomatic Psins MBm^^ Soothes I |i t^^^B E-CHI-CO a cool, white B Wi%m§+ translucent cream stops itch, B soothes rashes, relieves sprains, B y
      281 words

    • 421 38 Their 'Princes' fight out finish rpHE CURRAOH, 8un. Mrs. Vera Hue Williams and her husband, Roger, brought off a unique "1-2" family triumph in the Irish Sweeps Derby h*--* English Prince, owned by Mrs. Williams, held off the challenge of
      Reuter  -  421 words
    • 62 38 LONDON. Sun Attlvo (R Wemham) owned by Mr. P O'Sullivan. won the Joe Coral Northumberland Plate run over two miles at Newcastle yesterday. Colonel O. Stevenson's Hell I*,1 Gate (S. Perks) wu second, with the late Lord Rosebery's Tom Crifcb (W. Carson) third of 11 runners. Attlvo
      62 words
    • 247 38 Japanese owned filly wins at Aqueduct NEW YORK, Son. North Broadway, Japanese-owned filly, ridden for the first time by Ansel Cordero Jr.. easily won the U5557,850 (5144.M0) Sbeepshead Bay Handicap for fillies and mares at Aqueduct racetrack yesterday. A turnout of 31.360 saw the Kentucky- 4year- old daughter of Bold
      247 words
    • 2153 38  -  EPSOM JEEP By KEMOSABE IS FIRST IN TOP SPRINT BUT LOSES RACE TO KUALA ROMPIN ON PROTEST piREBRAND, with Des Co leman astride, scored a thrilling short head win from Salute (Peter Lee) in the $50,000 Perak Derby over 12f at Ipoh yesterday. Third, a neck away,
      2,153 words
    • 41 38 FIRST: No. ***** ($2443) SECOND: No. SI72S ($1471) THIRD: No. 34*11 SSS) Starters: 194 each: Ncs. ***** 377(3 M 902 ***** ***** 3#738 34*71 Consolation: $45 eata: Nos. 3**3 l 3*397 32*13 35**1 ***** 3212". 33*87 ***** ***** 389*5.
      41 words
      • 684 38 JOCKEY Moses Lac was suspended for font months by the stewards yesterday for his handling of Monitor II In Race Seven at Ipoh yesterday and of Jadl Wang on the second day of the meeting. He was suspended otte month after an Inquiry Into the
        684 words
    • 469 39  - Eng Han pulls off shock in under-21 final PETER SIOW By JAN ENG HAN pulled off a big surprise last night by beating fancied Wong Shoon Keat 5-15, 15-8, 15-11 to win the Singa p o re Badminton Associations' Youth Under-21 Boys singles title at Guillemard Road. EnR Han, considered
      469 words
    • 100 39 ATHENS. Sam. The Fastball ÜBlsm af the DaaVseaaaas Istaaal sast U4ay R wasjM kareaMgaU a i bird Dtvlsiaai saeeer match eecwva twa ef the Island 't teaaaa. KalavaU ana 'IsamMili were seasieai* to pbvy aa Wiaaiiiiy aftaraaea. bat the saateh els as si wHa a ll»e telecast
      100 words
    • 41 39 I ONDON, Sea.— GaadapJ P« Vlswaaata kit 1M the IntUa erkkMM evening day tfceir UUM-tk* MAtek MAIKt Ungkaaa jastirlar. It iiMii Umtmmm to tolin their Srst SM-i (Saekir Mas* IS). At tk» etaea, tkc eeaatr I miM wttk
      41 words
    • 265 39  - Padang clubs thrash their rivals ERNEST FRIDA By CINGAPORE Cricket Club and Singapore Recreation Club carried forward their tussles for the SCA Div. One title when they registered convincing wins yesterday. SCC trounced Armed Forces by 10 wickets on the padang. while SRC thrashed ANZUK by nine wlckeU at Nee
      265 words
    • 344 39 Orantes foils fairy tale ending by Roche LONDON. Sun. Manuel Orantes of Spain pulled back a twoset deficit to beat Australia's Tony Roche and ensure that the first week of the Wimbledon Tennis Championships ended yesterday with all the seeded players still surviving. Twelfth seeded Orantes won 2-6. 5-7. 7-5,
      344 words
    • 410 39 CTDNtT, asa. Rawiu at r—tataayi Aaatraltaa Am■eelatiea rootbail sMMaaa ware N«w aaata Walai FM. EMt 1: HadamM 1 Satkarlaas 0, Waatara 1 Aata 1. B4v. ti RlTaraM* I Mawtewa S. MarrMkrUl* t OuiMfoi* 1. Mallta 1 Ntk. SiSaiy 1: Oi« Si Biwwra 1 UarMntty 1. Knney
      410 words
    • 1310 39 Vf ANILA, Bun. ITI Singapore swimmers finished third with 12 gold medals, behind Japan and Taiwan, In the 13--natlon Asian Age Group meet here today. Singapore won five gold medals today through Karen Chong and Richard Quek In the 100 m butterfly, Justlna Tseng.
      1,310 words
    • 251 39 STORE WHA NAME 16 FOR FIRST ASIAN MEET SINGAPORE Women's Hockey Association have selected 16 players to represent the Republic at the First Asian Women Hockey Tournement at Kuala Lumpur from July 20 Singapore will be one of six countries taking part In the tournament. The others are Malaysia, India.
      251 words
    • 131 39 A asEN, Holland, sun Italy's Qlacomo AgoeUnl, 13 times World champion, scored a double triumph on a Yamaha cycle, wlnalng the 35Occ and SOOcc erenta at the 44th Dutch Motor Cycling Orand Prix here yesterday. Agostini. watched by an estimated 130.000 spectator*. beat hi* own SOOcc lap record
      131 words
    • 54 39 hADRXD, Sun. Real Ma bid yesterday beat Barcelona 4-0 to win the Oeneraluatmo Cup. A goal by centre forward Bantlllana at the seventh minute gave them a 1-0 lead at the interval. Bcorin* for Real Madrid In the second half were Ruktnan (47th). outeiderlght AguUar (•3)
      54 words
  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 241 38 Ift marvellous what Milo can do for you Football is a game of stamina. gen^ Requiring constant alertness and superb team co-ordination A JH^ J That's why leading Football players rely V V r~~~ i on M'k> for their vigorous health and I i t boundless energy. v> Made from
      241 words

  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 260 39 v IJJIIIi\ rfrJ m m j jiiwjagsH^p^yfr ~\\r "i m bbbbbbbbP^bbl p^^»SMas^^^ssssr4ssa7'Tsl \^t! I I BBBBBBBBS^BBsi SBBBH t "fl X^^keje^sVaaBSBaBBBBBBBJ I r sH ■IBi 4 A. sssH^^ffv^|^^9| J^ B^B iaV B BsUP J» JHk L.S II Bsssal 1 II S«J llbsbb^H H bWC/ I j«?s^ JUbf*- I Bgfl The only
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  • Page 39 Miscellaneous
    • 54 39 ATHUnCS Pastr Panjang District Meet (Queanstown Complex. SJo pnv) Berangoon District Schools meet (Cedar Otrla School > pjn.). HOCKEY SHA U Dlv. 2: Armed Force* v SC (Dover Road. SIS pjn.); Dlv. 1: SOC v Polios "A" (Padang, (.16 pjn.). BADMINTON NTOC Tournament (SBA Hall. 6 pjn.). SOCCDL— National Trials
      54 words

  • WORLD CUP 1974
    • 197 40 EiRANKFURT, Sun. Poland, 1 the Olympic Games champions, continued their unbeaten streak In the World Cup finals when they edged Yugoslavia 2-1 here today. The winning goal was scored by Lato In the 64th minute. Both teams were level at the Interval. After Deyna had shot
      197 words
    • 39 40 FATHIH LIO LBS tIANC NUSNO, 4«. at OROH on M.S.T4. Man at «m of Pcaca Chunh (Taojoof Katoos Rd) al 130 pm— Tuesday 1.T.T4. Contf will leave Church (or Chua Ctau Kang Chnatlac Ctnwttry at 3.00 p.m. ITT4
      39 words
    • 324 40 swedes lace W. German team out for revenge nUESSELDORF, Sun. West Germany's new look World Cup side clash with Sweden today (late start), seeking revenge for one of the bitterest soccer defeats in this country's memory. The last time the two teams met In the tournament was In the 1958
      324 words
    • 819 40  - No. 14 who makes a mockery of soccer's golden rule: One man does not make a team JHM WARD By N SPAIN, he 13 "El Salvador" the redeemer. In Holland they simply call him "No. 14." For the rest of the soccer world he Is superstar Johan Cruyff, natural heir
      819 words
    • 342 40 Holland hand E. Germans a 2-0 beating f.EL SENKIR- CHERN, Sun.— Holland, the World Cop favourites, hammered a 2-0 win over East Germany here today. After midfleld dynamo Johan Neeskens who beat an old thigh Injury, had shot them Into the lead in the ninth minute, Rensenbrlnk clinched the match
      342 words
    • 98 40 pRANKPURT. Sun. Brar slUan Armando Marques yesterday became th* first r*f*r*a to be officially eenflired for his >"~*W"g of a World Cup gam*. The Referees' Commission of th* International Football Federation (FIFA) said his handling of the match between Wast Germany and Yugoslavia In Dusseldorf last Wednesday
      Reuter  -  98 words
    • 348 40 DANOVER, Sun. Braa 11 pushed themselves Into a Wednesday clash with Holland to decide the finalist from their group when they edged Argentina 2-1 here today. After a Urging first half for their, Jalrzlnho headed In what was to be the winning goal In the 59th
      348 words
  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 50 40 Co/fbri k ktmrrmtkumNy $ut s mis'. II I MONT I 1 IBIAHCI flg^B MADE IN «|H GERMANY B— —^o BJ^BB^ SoteAesms *BbJ fc"*** 0 WBBjKß^fveßj V nnonsjii -^1 WILLIAMS. JOHN lWiOklT U I (PTE) LTD •iwn I Room 4,30. I ANC Cotombo Court Bkk*. ■sw'^sfcgTmß^^^ C*g4*iii^Mi Court Spor+* Tel. MUM
      50 words
    • 322 40 you fly Alitalia 10, r fcom London^ Paris Frankfurt Ny^or most other European cities. There's no extra charge on your airfare. Just book an Uitalia flight when you go to Europe, and you get Rome— free. Enjoy the special comforts of Alitalia's new DC-10/30's. "here's a roomier cabin, more legroom,
      322 words