The Straits Times, 30 June 1974

Total Pages: 29
1 29 The Straits Times
  • 22 1 The Sunday Times Largest sales in SI Asia No. 1990 SINGAPORE EDITION SLVOAY, JUNE 30, 1974 30 CENTS M.C. (P) No. 17/74
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  • 1437 1  - Cops not triggerhappy Police chief LESLIE FONG STERN ACTION IF THEY SHOOTWITHOUT JUSTIFICATION By^ THE Police Commissioner, Mr. Tan Teck Khim, has shot down any suggestion that police officers, particularly detectives, are trigger-happy. He told the Sunday Times yesterday that he had full confidence that they would open fire only
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  • 570 1 Nixon-Brez talks on N-test ban still snagged MOSCOW, Saturday PRESIDENT Nixon and Soviet leaders have failed so far to reach agreement on an underground nuclear test ban treaty and referred the question back to technical experts, a Soviet spokesman said today. Spokesman Leonid Zamyatln mads the statement after Mr. Nixon
    UPI  -  570 words
  • 62 1 British share prices up LONDON. Sat Share prices took an £800 mlillon (SSVMO mil) upswing on Urn London stock market TMUrdajr following yeaterday'» overtures to hnilnaw men by the Government 1 chief fl-»TT'»' adviser Mr Harold Lever Mr. Lever* aawrmnees that there would be no confrontation between the Labour Government
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 154 1 ANUSHA DRAWS THE CROWDS AT ZOO pOTTOMS ap is UD year-aW Anusha's unabashed way of playI ins to the gallery On the other hand. It w— ld be a sort of cartay, elephantine fashion. to the crowds wb« gather to watch her. Apart from this. Anusha, who la a Mt
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  • 62 1 ANIOKnr. Bat. Jossph Leydevant of this French town wreu a latter to his riancee. start* Oharvler. when he was a prisoner of war In Oermany during World War n The letter dated 1*45 arrived this week at the horns of Jossph and Karte. only Leydevant read
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  • 62 1 BOGOTA, 6at Rtmt »w*«i dug Into m> of ■nut and rocfca tods*, wttag ttcUma of a lsnihalili In Which It U fMTMI M BMBf as so people may have dud The but* til* crashed iowa onto a I— ln highway aest of Iwt m darkness
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 101 1 BANOEOK, Bat— Th« seetecaiy -general •f the powerfal Natteaal Sta4eaU Centre ef Thailand (NBCT), Mr. •■kit Thaaaraag tauusyawwagsa, haa rssigßMsl as a ras«H his failare te asti a faraaer deaaenstratien. Asms Urn fansen from central tad northern Thailand ■wired lnte Bangkok atoee Usi Mend
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  • 84 1 Ex-Yemen Minister slain in Beirut BDRUT, Sat —Mr Mohammed Ahmed Noman. a former North Yemeni Foreign Minister, waa assassinated here laat night, hospital sources said. He was shot several times in a Beirut street and found dead on arrival at the American University hospital here, the sources added Details of
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 371 1 ADDIS ABABA, Saturday fHE Ethiopian armed forces seized control of radio stations and some other key points in and around Addis Ababa last night and early today but a Ministry of Information spokesman denied claims that Cabinet ministers were being rounded up. The Information
    Reuter  -  371 words
  • Latest
    • 63 1 DACCA, Sat. Pakistani Prime Minis tar Mr. Zulnkar All Bhutto i 54-hour ••arch (or rue— elßsUon with Bangladesh ended In total failure today with relations between the two na tteas now teetering toward* hostility 1 cam only M 7 that we arc deeply disUlwtoMd tkala great opportunity
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    • 38 1 Mrs. Peron tikes over BUBNOB AIS E 8. 8«t. MmrU Estela Porea today mmh4 the acssiiinry of Ar mHu antll saeh time as her ailing hatband. General Juan tew, Is fit to rf^MHic Barliamen* tary aearces said. ESta
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 15 1 Available at aft eading shoe stores or at our showroom. No 97 JjfvSu<tan. Kuala Lumpur.
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    • 230 1 DEVAN: TAKE PRIDE IN WORK Pmg» 6 POSO: Nixon win be Impeached If he doesn't Klre tapes 2 FORMAL Russian backing for SM-km Limit S LKE to make a big bid for French Investments 4 HON predicts Spore win soon build bigger vessels 5 ACROSS the Causeway f Urn tontine
      230 words
    • 108 1 l9 I Mil M2460N .^^sv I Ki **n #rr I— MM *o rtte rw4o. yw'M «Mtf« >t^n*j r«*o lAJd PM. SW| mm %mmfm'% rfMHW ♦2**0*t. Jack for S**rvocmt ad^4o« MMC BuNMn canrfMMTiMh* M«i pNM u»* tB rtw MM (aynmny c« t ko*o MMon A «um ii.xtiniplinMr pi DtoKvi MA v«ri^b
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    • 8 1 ROLEX SALES SERVICE is at 73 Robinson Road
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • The Sunday Times WORLDWIDE
    • 608 2 WASHINGTON, Sat. VICE- President Gerald Ford has predicted President Nixon will be impeached if he refuses to accept a possible Supreme Court order to yield Watergate tapes. Also, Mr. Nixon's chief defence counsel, Mr. James St. dalr, tacitly admitted yesterday
      Reuter; UPI  -  608 words
    • 199 2 RANOOON. Sat Burmese state council today decided to form an Inquiry commission to Investigate into recent workers' strikes during which 22 people were killed and 73 others wounded. An official announcement today said the State Council, Burma's highest policy-making body ttlsT: decked that
      Reuter  -  199 words
    • 238 2 Pak aides 'fed-up' with Bangla officials T\ACCA, Sat. Pakls•Lrtanl officials today expressed total exasperation with their Bangla counterparts at the end of the three-day bilateral talks between Pakistan and Bangladesh. They said the hope for any concrete achievements was fading quickly. "We are totally exasperated by these people," moaned one
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    • 607 2 New evidence shows smokes lead to lung cancer WASHINGTON. Sat. TH E Oovernment said yesterday it has new evidence that cigarette smoking Is the major cause of lung cancer, chronic bronchitis and emphysema, and Is a major factor in coronary heart disease. The Department of Health. Education and Welfare, in
      Reuter; UPI  -  607 words
    • 34 2 HIW DSfIJU. Bat— Flood* in ■■am, which o*>ve dalav ed six Him a» tar and affected mart than peopte. trs hatfmnns; to rood*. aooonnnf to ofletei roporU nacbtag bar* today. Wautar
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    • 320 2 Torre is Asia's first world Grandmaster VTICE. Sat. Twenty--11 three-year-old Eugenlo Torre of the Philippines yesterday became Asia's first international chess Grand master by obtaining a "grandmaster result" for the second time. When he made the first move In his game against Viktor Korchnoy of the Soviet Union yesterday afternoon,
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    • 95 2 GLASGOW. Bat. Maajr ha— ewltaa In Glasgew. which has one of the highest rates of aleohoUam a*r capita. In Earoae- are realadag ooffee moraInfs wtth drtaklmc maliii, the eitjrs OtMl a* AanhsM— was tali today Phslimaa Alexander Trotter aaid bored beam wives wtth 4 eatfj kettle of
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    • 34 2 ROMS, an Twenty SMiafcen of th* BaMsn Wosnsn's Ltksrattoo Front rMUrdftjr began a public fm»t Mar Roma's Osntnd Plu» Navooa to demand a partUßMOttrr dateW on BIH to lsamllss abortion In IWlj
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    • 384 3 Soviet scientist goes on hunger strike as Nixon starts talks MOSCOW, Sat SOVIET physlcls Andrei Sakhamv today entered the first day of a hunger strike In protest against the treatment ot Soviet political dissenters, as President Nixon prepared to continue his talks here with Soviet leaders. Meanwhile, in a surprise
      Reuter; UP  -  384 words
    • 306 3 'Muslim rebels trained by Asri's men' BANGKOK. Bat. Governors of three provinces in southern Thailand hare charged that a member of the Malaysian Cabinet la involved in training Thai Muslim separatists In Malaysian territory just across the Thai border, the Bangkok Post reported today. The newspaper reported all three governors,
      Reuter  -  306 words
    • 121 3 SiOIOMBO Sat— lndia \j yesterday tamed ever to Sri Laaka the bland ef Kaehebativm, a wertfcleas vteee ef land wheat ownership had the twe eomnfctes at odds for rears. The agreement ended It years ef Intense and often qsjsniilsoifn negotlastoats. The Uay elnm»
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    • 394 3 CARACAS, Saturday THE Soviet Union, deserting a makeshift alliance with the United States on maritime policy, yesterday aave formal support to a 320-km (200 miles) economic zone favoured by developing countries at the United Nations-sponsored Law of the Sea conference. While reiterating Russia's
      Reuter  -  394 words
    • 332 3 Heavy govt toll in struggle for key position SAIGON, Saturday GOVERNMENT troops \J suffered more than 12S casualties In their second straight day of substantial losses as they tried to retake a strategic position 37 kilometres (23 miles) nr.nh of here, the Bal gon Command said today The command gave
      Reuter  -  332 words
    • 146 3 Iran to get reactors from US WASHINGTON, Sat. The United States will provide Iran with two nuclear reactors and fuel under an agreement to be signed in Teheran shortly, the Btate Department has d closed. Department spokesman Mr. Robert Anderson said yesterday that nuclear co operation with Iran had been
      Reuter  -  146 words
    • 21 3 MOSCOW flat— The Soviet asrHxM Astoflot wIH Inaugurate a new passsDg*r •srvtaa to ttte Pstwlea capital, Una. tomonow -Renter.
      Reuter  -  21 words
    • 337 3 SAN FRAMCISCO. Sat. ijnVß YEAR OLD r Heather yesterday blew bubbles as doctors told how a flrst-tlme-erer Injection of calf's hormone saved her from a life of perpetual Illness and possible early death The frill girl has been a constant hospital patient since she was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 91 2 Premier store BATA BUILDING- 119 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD AND ALL retail stores agencies \&g>\ s N O Js°O O ft JfnMtt"*" 11 8 •METRO HWH ST. telephone 3^ S^ CXJ^ vrf* S 2^ rY> C/ X1 8 StV**' ft fiiVl Oe«v9 30sm4pm.Tue,Tlm:§.30asv6.30sai. Sun: Closed 1/ ifivV V> <* <? %P
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 89 3 SEETHE WORLD CUP SOCCER FINAL IN COLOUR ttijt a^LTHsi {jjf i|Jr y Telecast direct from S > Munich Stadium in full y > colour at 10.30 pm on jl S July 7, 1974. < j^^ M |SIERAIIICTV26 AVAILABLE FROM ALL LEADING RADIO DEALERS bm^. *9 tntt or Siogapora Matavwa. Brunei
      89 words
    • 538 3 COURAGE I COMFIOEWCE I LEADERSHIP S!SLJS lOiriTi bkßßslsßßßl Ms\#a stsßßsf Waß4^B AcajHK* po.ta and eorMtnc* Sesak «MKtM**r ftunti tnd your i«Mt Ba at yam b«l with any group Trw* and *pMk en i»* Hat a C«*tl «aar Mid wany Ba aattar mwmiHHwlitt OaMta* your M*» a*.W-» Ml Mlar M. mora
      538 words
    • 219 3 CONDENSEI MILK FESTIVAL (14 oz) 396g I tins lor IM S'pero UuHMe of StondVds Awsrd Wwwr VEKTULE ML WESSON USA. Pur* 1 Cal 12.M WMIII6 lETOwEIT FAJ QaN &xc 151 lICE FESTIVAL THAILAr4O 100* 3kg SJI MUI S.I.S. SuperW CranuialW 2k 9 1.51 IiSTMT COFFEE NESCAFE (60x)170g 4.M COffJUUS FESTIVAL
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  • 499 4 PARIS, Set. CINGAPORE Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew will find French Government and business leaders responsive to calls for larger investments when he begins talks here on Monday, officials said yesterday. Mr. Lee will meet President Valery Discard dTSstatag and Prime
    Reuter  -  499 words
  • 199 4 IS new buses in service neat week TH E Singapore Bus Service (8B8) will put another 23 new buses on the roads next month —18 on Monday and the others during the first week of the month. The buses, 13 Alblons with a passenger capacity of 73 passengers each and
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  • 45 4 TK» Oaotiml Touoc PaoPk»'« Baouon of Nattoaai Übrmry will omaniaa a taJk oa awrrrtnt CTKnii as a ■econd laaa«aa« at its maw in» room at pjn. on StUrTha apaakar la air Tta Banf Chaoe, a awrtiar tram Urn Joaapba TnatWwMwi. lifflmi la traa
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  • 228 4 Jail for youth who set bumboat afire A FORMER secret society member set fire to a bumboat in KaJlaa« River after iv owner refused to itlve him a loan, a eoart was told yesterday. Aw Tecs Boon, 19, was Jailed II months by District Jodre Mr. Ibrah m Bar h
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  • 331 4 Rid your rice of insects. exporters are urged 1 OCAL exporters of rice to Britain have been urged to clean and rid their rice of insects to avoid contravening British health laws. Those shipping nee by containers have also been asked to fumigate them beforehand. These Inst r v c
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 472 4 -«asSßaaßaßaßai 1 Tl_ at •kw SBBaaaw affafaai 7 Bsa^^B^aaaallaaar y < aajTaaaaJE^^^^^aW"*^^^ -aß^^P^^aßL J aaaaBBBBaaa«»MBBBl V^^a^^ai 'M/I a ja^Bßß^Bßaaß^tx JH9 Of course he is. Because an important part of his convalescent treatment is Sustagen. «w Sustagen is used in hospitals, clinics I^* ii i^* and convalescent homes throughout the world.
      472 words
    • 418 4 ANOTHER PROMOTION bacaus i he had better qualifications through STAMFORD COLLEGE Win jucces with a better education through spare af^l time study with Stamford College Sta.nford College -va^^ft* horn* study courses are scientifically dsvisad to wf^ .a^aV fuarantae systematic ana rar»d learning Qualify now a^^^ M V^L a flP^K^^^fe •n
      418 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 898 4 TV SINGAPORE (5) IAAAH Opemni aad Jack rapaat) Ul Craat AnMtaras of 11/.UU v Lam* Smm (re Captain Kiaa (Last Eattooa) US paat) IIJI Mifkty Mourn IMS New Dick Vaa Oyfca Ska*. Pttta Ria (Malay, repeat] ttJf z M Newt ia Brief Ul Star Soccer: BirmintlaM City w O.JU Ocbatt
      898 words
    • 22 4 Water oaawamsHiaa •a FrMay «v INJ ■aMttaai faOeaa <S4t.M# eakte kMtraa), VU aaJUkaa gaUaw (WJM OVMC Mlfll) Mff Uuui mi ThvrwU j.
      22 words

  • 883 5  -  CHIA POTEIK By piNANCE Minis ter Mr. Hon Sui Sen predicted yesterday that the next few years should see Singapore building more sophisticated and bigger ships, and offering a wider and more compreh ensive range of repair service to
    883 words
  • 63 5 Youth killed in lift chute fall LABOtnUBR Nfc Chin Heng. 18. waa killed when he fall Into a Uft chute of an uncompleted building at Kalian, Basin on Friday. Pake* said that Nfc waa working on the second atony ot the building whan a plank gave way, sanding Urn youth
    63 words
  • 111 5 HAVING A SMASHING TIME WITH SAKE A SMASHING way to celebrate the opening of a shipyard as Finance Minister Hon Sni Sen breaks the seal on a cask of Japanese rtce wine. With one powerfal iwint of the sledge hammer, he sent a party of businessmen and senior GoTernment officials
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  • 30 5 TAN Ctteng Boa. 47. in yesterday nned SXOoa by the First Magistrate's Court for saeletlna; in a 10.000 ohajtotars lottery In Jalan Kuktto on Friday. He pHaaad guilt/
    30 words
  • 307 5 Divorce: When a man should apply for costs gOME Singapore lawyers are for making it an accepted practice for wronged husbands in certain circumstances to apply for costs In court from their unfaithful spouses. Their consensus waa that men who successfully petitioned for divorce should be permitted to seek costs
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  • 175 5 Officers told: Don't throw your weight around T«HE Minister of Culture, Mr. Jek Yeun Thong, yesterday called on artillery cadet officers at a passing-out parade to provide leadership to their men "without Imposing their will." Speaking at the parade at Taman Jurong camp, the Mr. Jek said: "As all of
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  • 87 5 The bey who couldn't swim well OTATB Coroner Mr Tong Tung SUI yesterday lecontod a mlssMTwantura vwdict on Tan Hln Las, 11, who waa drowned while swimming with his brother and two friends In Ponggol Rtver at about 1 p.m. on June 1. The dead boys friend, Lee Tat Cheng.
    87 words
  • 46 5 POLICE from Buklt Panjang station have a/reeted a fourth aaaa In connection, with the reset* thefta ot steel pipes and tubas from four flrtna la Jurong The man, about la rears of age, wmj pteked up from a abop to BUI atwei
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 135 5 p bsm am^ Up front there's a really functional, new-shape air intake scoop. .aft. IJl^ eIJL^ f T ix/vrMm aWle#\/ vl And cars your vS-cylinder engine leaves behind will see out newly-designed rear lights group. g^ j—^ So whichever way you look at it, the superb new 230 6 offers
      135 words
    • 196 5 Hawß*V j r ft. s^^^S^^B'i'%e»»a*Bai»i^ J jrfaLombtrd North Ctntnl H—d Of/ie: Curion Str—L London Subsidiary and Associate Banks and Finance Houa*a: Lombard Australia Limited Canberra. Sydney. Melbourne. Adelaide, Perth. Brisbane. Hobart. Newcastle. Wollongong, Liverpool. Geotong. Parramatta. Bankstown, Chatswood, Pennth. Rockdale. Ringwood. Devonport Lombard New Zealand Limited Auckland, Wellington. Chnstchurch, Hamilton.
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  • 442 6  -  EDWARO LIU By VTUC secretary--1 general Mr. C.V. Devan Nair has warned that managements and unions may face extinction if they fail to develop a joint and collective pride in their end products. "IX, in any undertaking In Singapore, either the management
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    • 309 6 Razak: Be prepared for early elections KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday JfIALAYSIAN Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak indicated today that his Government would call for general elections well before its five-year term expires in February, 1976. Speaking at the general assembly of the United Malay National Organisation (Umno) Tun Rank called on
      Reuter  -  309 words
    • 94 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat —A good •amwitan. who mw a robbery victim in dlstreM. helped capture one or the two robbers In J&lan Pudu lart night. A budneaonan from Jlnjanc Bouth, Mr LJm Chat Chant. 21. waa waltlnc for a friend at a bus stop when a
      94 words
    • 32 6 KUALA LOIIPUR. B*l TUtm em WBieUd ttaop— hiTiiln|li tmm b«Te s*" report*! In Urn pm* 94 boon in Pmiamlar U*l\jTwo mm v* la SriMW •ad on* talfckM
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    • 54 6 FVTALJNO JATA. 8»t POUc* have detained a vouUi and rtowd about H .000 worth tt Hm-Ulml appHano—. recorta. tapw and cJothlnt from a houae In B— port Mate ban. The articles ««re bsUevad to have tern stolon trans Urn ha« Mot a company mcr«Ury. ||r. WUllam
      54 words
    • 123 6 KUALA LUMPUR Sat Work to re -site Malaysia's main naval base from Singapore to the west coast town of Lumut In northern Perak state U expected to be completed by 1000. This was disclosed here today by Rear Admiral Datuk K Ttiaj»»frf||
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    • 178 6 Umno Youth calls for land reform KUALA LUMFUS, Sat -UMNO Youtn caned today for sweeping land reform which will provide nrfflclept op fertuiMJes for the peer Inclading farmers and fishermen to own land and bowses. Bat this would net be aimed at ewMng ferelfn Investments, a youth executive eoancil member,
      178 words
    • 31 6 AIXkR BTAR, B*l -Me* ot Urn M Uf hM suite in Ksdftb h»T« slovad dowr. opsnttons bacauw Umv p^H stoeka ha»» bwn wtiaimti Son* hava tvn ttoppea
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 571 6 PHILIPS ■B^hu LvV^Hpßmm*'"! ipP^^^ LflsV V i| KflmuW W, i til JB*^% j *:S3BBS^» <►** .^mtfflßsßpwAA sP f B W' JL m»^^^ «F I j r w mTi a y \B •Till' Is^Ha^B^B^B^B^B^B^mßßß^B r fJ l^S^* w Bs^KSST^ mw tfmw^Ba s^maßß^Hsrlßßk i k.^*w* WV l wstMHstomfVL #iHpV t d9sf 5K
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  • 236 7 Professor Set up centres to assess handicapped children A WOMAN medical professor from the University of Singapore yesterday called for toe setting up of assessment centres for handicapped children In advanced and developing countries. Prof. Dr Freda M. Paul from the Department of Paediatrics said that the centres could also
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  • 53 7 THE Development Bank, of Singapore at Shenton Way will begin collecting payments of utility bills on behaJf of the Public Utilities Board from Wednesday Payments can be made on weekdays from 10 «xn to i p m and from 0.30 a.m. to 11. SO
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  • 193 7 Boys' Town hard hit by prices spiral INFLATION has hit Boys' Town, bringing with It gt«omy days ahead for about 2*o of its young boarders. Its budget baa been particularly bit by the spiralling coat of such items aa food, clothing and raw materials for the school's workshops. Director of
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  • 37 7 THE Chinese Chamber of Commerce will hold an exhibition of Chinese paintings and calligraphy by Mr. Choy Kong Heng at Its exhibition hall from Saturday to July 10 from 10 »m. to 6 pm dally.
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  • 27 7 THE Chief Justice. Mr. Justice Wee Chong Jin. will open a West Australian lawyers conference at the Holiday Inn. Scott* Road, tomorrow at 9.30 ajn.
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  • 32 7 THE magic section o> the National Theatre Club vljl conduct a coura* for befli.ners at 1U club houae on July S. Registration will be from I pin to 10 pjn.
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  • 270 7 DOLICE are look--1 ins; for three women and a man who could help them In their investigations into four cases of Illegal tontine operations involving nearly $1 million. A police spokesman said yesterday these were cases la wh'ch the tontine
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  • 82 7 AHOUSEWin reaterday UM a «av«siei aascrt botr ahe Ml six year-otd M atosM at th« huseh tahla of UMtr iMejaa a* the aiteraaai «t May M far 1* nalaatca— «j»d retaraed to Had hlao dnmumi hi a wall near their hssas, mfadaan Chsut E* Kha amid
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  • 162 7 Humour house in Bulgaria seeks S'pore cartoons rt House of Humour and Satire In Bulgaria Is seeking examples of wit and humour from Singapore. The House of Humour In the city of Qabrovo. has written to the Ministry of Culture seeking Vocal humourous cartoons and caricatures to be Included In
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  • 64 7 Course on interior decoration THK Tanglin centre of Metropolitan YMCA will conduct a 30-hour course on Interior decoration specially designed for HDB flats between 730 pjn. and 9JO pjn. from Wednesday. TICB centre will also oonduct a course on motor venlcle iotit up and mititniartrf bate—a 3 pjn and 4
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 143 7 A aPx^saT^^ I I^^B Jl .(f^, .^A-Jjj.. n l l^trNlfJAaaal SUPER BUYS EVERY DAY 10am 9.30pm Mon Sat 10am 6.30pm Sunday HENUK After spm Mon Sat All day Sunday SPECIAL Mon -Sat Sliced ctoktd IM 227 fl 1 .75 Onitk FnH cikt 454 9 2.40 Big Sister Frtsh Grtt-i 1
      143 words
    • 227 7 Do you want pronKi'ion. security. r>f| v tfTTssaaamHTc^ i •>•«•' p*> re •o'lrwrinie |L lafsalHri 11 i »<*' Tt >« n fl e for YOU* c °pt o H| i U L|r^^| 1 |lIUII ■tNGIWtRINC OPTORTUNITIES", rht xm^£^^3r^^omiSKv^Z "x**' wccessful career book ever I Tsbw^^^ *W^Hj H 1 puN'**"* Thls
      227 words
    • 1062 7 Fluent French -secret of Ann's success! Fashion importer, Mism i^^ I proved communicaUon and Ann Wee who recently |^H gt^H business relationship treopened her own garmentt mendously. Knowing factory, reveals the secret I g^^^^J French has also helped in of her success. "1 learnt I the fashion design courses French
      1,062 words

  • 393 8 8,100 more— join Community Security Force THE Community Security Force (CSF) of the Vigilante Corps will be expanded to 10,500 from tomorrow more than four times its present strength of 2,400. Some 8,000 will be totally committed In the CSP service while the remaining 4,900 who have completed civil defence
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  • 140 8 DOBKRT Luse, a wellIV qualified guitarist living and working Is Singapore, gave us a fine recital at the DBS Auditorium last night. It was very much a programme for guitarists ana musicians giving us Intimate and subtle music performed at a high level
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  • 164 8 DOWN with fatlffne bat this girl from the National Cadet Corps weald not let go her rifle. She was a boot to collapse, still clutching the rifle firmly when stretcher bearers raced to her reeeao and carried her away. A*4 all the while
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  • 336 8  - Youth found murdered outside his house NO. KUTTY By A YOUTH was found A murdered outside his house In Lorong Tad \Seng In Paya Lebar shortly after midnight on Friday. A beheaded cockerel was found beside him. Four other youths were admitted to Outram Hospital with stab wounds. They were
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  • 22 8 THB Matrotoittaa TMOA at -ration Oantra will oontfnet a motor rahlela tanaop and maJntanaaea eourae from July at t pja.
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  • 42 8 SOfGAPOU was tfa. foreign invest** ta Malaysia* jlfur He last yaw,, aeeerellag to the Malaysia* Bis* Ceen Tfce eiaaWii said Slnraperc'B Inveetaeat asMaated to SUM America* Investment ranked ssesn* with ftl.7 mimon white Brttssk were third with
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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  • 678 9 Dr. Toh blasts student leaders for 'blatant lie' J)R. Toh Chin Chye yesterday slammed sevecal University of 'Singapore student leaders for "telling a blatant lie" over the issue of higher tuition fees. Speaking in his capacity as me university's Vice-chancellor at a freshmen orientation convention In the National Theatre, E/r.
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  • 333 9 Don't pay $100 fee hike yet, new students -told- NEW stuuenu to the University uf Singapore were yesterday told by student union leaders not to pay the $100 Increase >n tuition fees as yet as the union was seeking an abolition of the fee hike. Speaking at a fresnmen orientation
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  • 162 9 rpHE University of X Singapore yesterday told freshmen that it could not afford to have student militancy now apparently the In thing" in other universities in the world. A University Council repr c s c ntatlve. Mr. Phua Eok Tee. said the pursuit
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  • 190 9 A SOLDI FR died Instantly and 11 others were Injured when their track overturned and caufht fire at 18th mile Jurong Road yesterday. Private Toh Chin Keat, 21, died of severe head and body injuries. The other 11 soldiers, Including the driver, ■altered
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  • 40 9 MR CO V Rudd has been elected president of the Rotary club of Singapore Other officials include Or. Robert Loh and Mr. B H Melwanl. vice presidents: Dr. Ranjf. Slnha. secretary, Mr. Patrick Scan Keng Suan. treasurer.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 147 9 S.A.MAJEED&CO. announces that due to Stock-taking for the half-year ending 30th June 1974 their business will be closed for the period 30th June 1974 to 6th July 1974 inclusive. We regret any inconvenience caused to our customers as a result of this. 70 HIGH STREET. (AIRCONDITIONED) SINGAPORE 6. TEL *****1.
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    • 871 9 DON'T $z!*V ME! S/ ...lusetheNC^ K TRENT' PLAN" 'SHS SJaaaSIVJ BaffalTl on (no in our office. "V ou will ke »Ioom« to worn of tho ,root Improvomontt In my tcnool rtiulli tinco applying your Ktchinf i to m» itudtot. At you know. I ncn.H too TRENT' courto In OiumMr. In
      871 words

    • 159 10 Wrap-around skirts for beach oarties |U|AN, or rjther woman, have not forgotten that their early attire were styled wrap-around, albeit they were made of animal skin or fur. Today, this practical, eotyto moke pattern CON Still b« Me* in abundance, though we k«v« come a long way from thote fif
      CHRISTOPHER LOH shows two wrap-around variations modelled by Jennifer left and Dorothy  -  159 words
    • 709 10 NOCTURNAL SOUNDS THAT KEEP THE FAMILY AWAKE IT STARTED after midnight, a very rhythmic, yet unearthly noise coming from the back door that set every heart beating faster. Could be a burglar tryIng to break In. So armed with steel baton, torch, and alarm whistle, they
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    • 317 10 WATCH out, girls, your hind view la being scrutinised more often than you realise. And It's about time you start making your back look as delectable as you probably are from the front. Vtor the managing director of a fashion house has said that
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    • 163 10 rB hawker stalls downtown abound with varieties of konloh mcc, a dry mcc dish served with separate bowl of soup. It Is a simple meal which can be prepared In ten minutes in your own kitchen Ingredients: Two tsp. cooking oil. on* tsp. sesauM oil; one tsp. dark
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    • 115 10 Putting on those inches 11THILE others starve vf and work long gruelling hours to get rid of excess weight, others bemoan their lack of voluptuous curves and long for a magic formula to acquire statistics worthy of mention. Here are some tips to a better figure given by a physical
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 807 10 Advertisement Every woman has the right to a beautiful skin Every woman has the right to a fine, flawless complexion. .whether she be young or old. A beautiful skin must surely be the most cherished of woman's natural beauty gifts. Not so long ago, however, the full potential of this
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    • 202 10 W NO-SHOW SEAMLESS BRAS nature made >ou seamless..: Maidenformgi^es >ou bras to match! Softest, doubleknit tricot seamless cups for absolute smoothness under all fashions and cling fabrics. With a whisper of light fibrefill to assure firm support plus smooth, natural shaping. More doubleknit stretches around the sides and back. Soft
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    • 790 11 WHAT LOVE AND AFFECTION CAN DO FOR YOUR CHILD THE POTENT power of love still has rii« expert, baffled, but it regularly works both mental and physical miracles curing people regarded as incurable and making Hie rest ef us healthier, fitter and more successful in our jobs
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    • 264 11 one was happily married and one was not." says the personnel director of a major chemical company. "I would pick the one from the happy home. "A man who Is going to have responsibility needs all the loving and care be can xet." Mrs. Jean Kenworthy,
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    • 249 11  - Mini proves harder to kill than create ROBERT MUSEL: By London rE MINISKIRT Is proving to be a harder fashion to kill than It was to create. The French, who originated it, were glad to see it go, bat then the French do not have the legs of the British,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 137 11 a beautiful new look BiIIB^BIBBBBBBtBTaBBBBBBBB^. '^^BataT^ B» HYDRA-DIOR skin-care Mrs. Lilian M«yor ■•autlclon Christian Dior. Part* lliJ* J will give free demons- _^Tj^^ trations and advice on latest make-up and jMk skin-care. .^B#^fl bbv%b Ist July -6th July, 1974 iMETRII supifJMi ■VBIK lIIJ HOOS€ P€NANG RO m •^■■■F SINGAPORE 9
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    • 162 11 I The latest I I from world renowned I 1 B ALL X of Switzerland I H For the discriminating man, H for the man of distinction. Perfectly W H styled of classic simplicity SUPER RALLY I Here are a few of siip-on m I I our suggestions: black or
      162 words
    • 281 11 J mbl M*jy AM V y^d rnfl BM^ /^Bfl B^BBVH^3b^L^bl B^B^^bW ÜBH B«^H bY yThe best-equipped I Vacuum Cleatjeryou can buyl That's the Hoover 'Conquest' Model 507. i 1 Among its many outstanding features are: a double stretch hose that reaches up to the highest shelves, pelmets, stairs as rvfiNnfa
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  • The Sunday Times
    • 309 12 OPINION Shooting the last resort T>OLICEMEN are armed to protect themselves and law-abiding citizens not to turn them into Wild West -type marksmen. Unfortunately, a number of shootouts in the last week of May this year created the impression that our policemen are triggerhappy or careless. Shooting incidents involving policemen
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    • 147 12 nnHE fever may turn A into a chill but if la-tt Sunday's 4-1 defeat In Penang proved Singapore soccer was not really well, this is not the tlrne to kill the patient. And kill it we can in the aftermath of our first chance In seven years
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    • 746 12 Why rebel attacks in southern Philippines could be expected SOME attentloncatchinr adventure by Muslim separatists In the southern Philippines, immediately before or during last week's Islamic foreign ministers' conference in Kuala Lumpur, was widely anticipated. Foreign correspondents covering the region were willing to bet on it. They were also willing
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    • 1972 12  -  WILLIAM CAMPBELL THE MAIN AIM IS TO KEEP PRICES STABLE By UfHAT has been done to help Sin^a- poreans who cannot afford co-operative supermarket prices, to beat inflation? Specifically nothing. For the Republic's anti-inflation strategy is aimed at stabilising prices in general,
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    • 582 12  -  PAUL WALLACE: By London BEFORB giving the latest news of the Nixon crisis the money crisis, or any one of half a dozen Impending world disasters, the electronic bulletin board in New York's Times B<]uare tells a joke French TV news-read-ers have
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 477 12 I PRIVATE I I TUITION I I IN S PORE I Mtrt Mtf ■•re Singapore!', ire sending tieir cniMrea ftr private tuitiM. What does this mm ftr tfccatiM? Now relevant it prfvatt ttitiM? Dt the chilrfre. of the rich get a better deal frw tutors? New Nation looks at these
      477 words

  • leisure
    • 4082 13  -  FENTON BRESLER CMClMfcg tfc«t-»Kt MrfM Death came to the old lady on a deserted station platform. Was robbery the motive or was this strange murder a political crime? QN a chill Friday evening, I waited with a yoang friend and his wife on the almost deserted
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 11 13 x -^M l\ Drawing shows wher« th« countess was murder *d
      11 words
    • 455 13 [Supermarket OichMd Road/Sonwrwt Ro*d,S<nga<>off A W 350G44 Lower ground floor, 9psc.sitsU'Cenb» GREATYWWGO METRIC TOMORROW u >,czdß^U SHOP AT VlB \S*S3 GWtfTVwWS W^- 6^ BUTCHERVtN KIU3GRAM j m yi''L^M,..,^L SLICED HAM 1.60 U.S. T-BQNE 5.95 PORK CUBES a* *»'L9O 5 BIG BEEFBURGERS 190 VEAL CUTLETS French %J| Approx.Bsog Sto** W TWO
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  • leisure 2
    • 518 14 Why Dirk has turned his back on fame By Both Saundara SIANNES: Few people V/ recognise the rather ■mall, slightly -buUt man who wends his way around the village supermarket Those who do are mainly locals And the locality in question U in the south of France where they have
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    • 626 14 MAZDA 1000 HAS EQUIPMENT FOUND ON LUXURY MODELS flnnE wone otthe wheel THE Mazda 1000 is not a new shape on the motoring scene. It has had the same familiar lines for a few years now, although the new model has a
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    • 557 14  - New additives that will help your car last longer SI MOW MARSH SL g^lSiiSiiUyS^H London rWONT make your car-washing ritual any more pleasant, but at least you will snow that your hour or so's work has helped to put up to five years on to the life of your car.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 528 14 LsnuuVaVsHHul j? V B -V V^*außuat_' '^^^^luusua^^uuuuuuurv^ Do Women m Have to Age Faster ,J_^ In the Tropics? Not if they keep their skin young-iooking fwS*Bi\ with Tussy Lemon Moisturiser! I MNftt I Everyone knows that the intense heat and glare of the tropical Ify I sun, dust, perspiration and
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 496 14 SINGAPORE TODAY: THOSE who have already seen "Kung Fu The Well" the repeat begins on Channel 5 at 3.05 p.m. and can thus bear without the last 15 minutes of this slowmoving, drea' v serial should find adequate reward if they switch to an hour of "SAF Display 74" on
      496 words
    • 268 14 In this programme, the fall of France Is attributed to the continued reliance of First World War techniques and equipment despite the fact that France had a large pre-War European army The French placed enormous emphasis on the heavily fortified Ma ginot Line, a chain of fortresses built to contain
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    • 426 14 Gazzara and E.O Mar shall of "The Defenders fame. SATURDAY: OOOD. STRONG fare today, beginning with "The 300 Spartans" (Ch. 5 at 2 pjn which U that blood and guts story about the valiant 300 who fought to the last man to stop a mighty invading army Cast includes Sir
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  • leisure 3
    • 703 15  -  BRUCE TULLOH By Second in a series I NYTHING that the priml- tlve man could do, we can do. We start with the same physical endowments and we are then conditioned by our environment. However, we have the knowledge and the freedom of choice to make what we
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    • 424 15 Elton's Caribou on the right track HLsW ELTON JOHN: CARIBOU (DJM): The old and trusted firm of Eaton John and lyricist Bernie Taupln seem to be a tireless team. Elton John and lyricist Taupln seem to have hit the nail right on the head
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    • 303 15 OUNNING, being continuous. Is far more demanding on the heart sutd lungs than most other sports. But for just that reason it b unequ ailed as a means of getting At quickly. If yon reach a level where you can run for 80 minutes a day
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 97 15 Tempting Stopover Holidays in Europe Swissair has assembled a tempting Package of Stopover Holidays in Europe (for a few days or a few weeks). Swissair departs Singapore every Wednesday at 8.05 a.m. by daylight flight all the way to Zurich or Geneva. Daily onward connections are available to any major
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    • 531 15 I For over 75 y«ars WOLSEY HALL, OXFORD has been helping students I from all over the world to obtain those educational and professional I qualifications so essential to success. And now, Wolsey Hail has teamed up I with FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS SDN BHD to tutor you in a more I
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 266 15 SUNDAY TIMES CROSSWORD ACROSS DOWN LTo iwuil (13). Re- J. TT^L %>?* cord l§>; 8 Incite (S). 12 Sharpen i»>; 6. Refining Abrupt 5 .13 »vi 15 SSSiSLr.STio'ii-i I Rend (4): 17 Drunkard (3). dity factor (4): 11. Pant (4). lIS Bxcuar <4>. 19 Follow 13. Purther (4). 14 Restiain
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  • leisure 4
    • 738 16  - Truants who forge 'sick' notes to stay out of school Harry Miller /\NE does not sup- pose there Is much, if any, truancy among: schoolchildren in Singapore. A youth leader in the London Borough of Harigeny found tome itart'ini facts when he conducted a survey and Interviewed a random •ample
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    • 120 16 THE way you behave within the first four minutes of waking up and the first four minutes after you get home from work can make or break your marriage. A sharp word, or a deliberate silence, can set the tone for the whole day or night. And
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 870 16 I *4S s*-sr^ I I I I MASS TRANSIT RAILWAY CORPORATION I Negotiations are proceeding with contractors investment approaching HKs6,ooom. in the who are expected to begin construction of next five years. Revenues in 1980 are forecast the Mass Transit Railway later this year. to be at the HKs36om. level
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  • 264 17 Govt told: Start campaign to boost teachers' status rpHE Singapore Chinese 1 Middle School Teachers' Union yesterday called on the Government to launch a respect-the-teacher campaign to enhance teachers' status in society. The union, which made the point In one of the 13 resolutions passed at its annual meeting at
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  • 77 17 Survey on Siglap fishermen THE Siglap community centre's youth sub-com-mittee will carry out a survey among fishermen and kelong owners in the constituency for a book on the "History of the Fishermen of Siglap." The committee will hold 1U first meeting with fishermen from Kampong lim Choo and Kampong Siglap
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  • 30 17 THE Straits tin price in Penang yesterday plunged 1M.12> 2 to close the week at $1.***** per ptcul on an official offering up 49 tons to 269 tons.
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  • 235 17 Poor response to free X-ray service RESPONSE to the free chest X-ray service for patients hju been discouraging according to Dr. N.C. Sen-Gupta, medical director of the Singapore Antl Tuberculosis Association. Writing In the association's 1973 annual report, he says the scheme was implemented by BATA for private practitioners' patients
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  • 286 17  - Leakage of exam papers: 10 officers quizzed- M.P. BUPATHY By TEN probationary Customs officers, Including three women, have been questioned by the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bur c a a (CPIB) In connection with recent leakage of question papers for a Customs Department examination. This followed a tip-off that the papers
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  • 48 17 South Pacific at the Vie THE YftfCA Sceneshifters will present South Pacific at Victoria Theatre tram July 17 to 31 at t p.m and with matinees on July 30 and 31 at 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. respectively. Tickets are available at Cold Storage, OJC. Tang and Isetan.
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  • 853 17 A WIFE" poses a query A about payment of salaries and whether the Labour Ministry could define the law or laws governing It. She says: "My husband to a monthlysalaried employee In a building construction firm where the management always delays paying employees
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  • 945 17 ALTHOUGH June was an extremely dull month as far as stock market activity was concerned, investors who sold In May and went away would not really have got the best of all possible prices. Of course, this excludes those who
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 552 17 DEVELOPMENT CHEMIST ICI (Malaysia) Sdn Berhad invites applications for a newly created post as Development Chemist for its new Technical Service Laboratory in Petaling Jay*. THE JOB To provide extensive tech meal service in Malaysia Singapore and to supervise the work of the technical service laboratory. THE PERSON Should be
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    • 651 17 GOLDEN BAY MANAGEMENT COMPANY (PTE) LTD. Orchard Towers Office/ Residential Shopping Complex Orchard Road/Claymore Drive Singapore Applications are Invited from suitably qualified personnel for the following posts: -(a) Technical Officers: Technical Diploma or Certificate from the Singapore Polytechnic, Ngee Ann College, Singapore Technical Institute, City Guilds of London or equivalent
      651 words

    • 555 18  - Economic links with US likely to expand further HENRY A. By ENGELBRECHT, Chief of th« Economic/Commercial Section, US Embassy, Singapore UNITED States investment and trade are responsive to Singapore's role as a key centre in South-east Asia, a region with great potential for growth. American firms are giving increasing attention
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    • 1012 18 AMERICAN history books talk about settlers in the colonial period who lived In primitive log cabins, huddling together to brave cold winters, disease and wild anlm»: attacks. They tell of families who cleared the land and ploughed the soil and coaxed crops to
      1,012 words
    • 89 18 Move to assure support for IDA US congressional advocates of foreign aid have won a major victory in their bipartisan effort to assure continued US financial support for the International Development Association (IDA). That victor}' came when the Senate voted &5-S7 to authorise "four annual instalments of US$375 million each"
      89 words
    • 1154 19  - Airline firms offer special visit USA fares KAY SHOWKER By WITH the devaluation of the dollar and the revaluation of other currencies, touring the United States Is becoming a "bargain" In travel parlance. The number of tourists to this nation once reputed too expensive for all but businessmen on expense
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    • 99 20 SNAPPING THE AMERICAN SCENE ROM among thousand* Of pictures submitted to an annual newspaper snapshot contest, Kodak selected 720 finalists The pictures not only effectively demonstrate the skill of novlcr lensmen, bat also offer an enlightening Insight into how Americans see themselves and their country. Eight: Pouring rain proved no
      99 words
    • 499 20 By Special Writer WHEN a visitor from abroad plans to visit the United States during its Bicentennial celebration and wants to know "what's doing," he can a$k a computer. All the wide-rang-ing events being planned throughout the United States tc celebrate '200 Years Since
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    • 542 21 rpO take advantage of the favourable geographical location of Singapore, Its bristling economy, and Its earned reputation as a trading and financial centre for Southeast Asia, the US Department of Commerce established a permanent United States Trade Centre In Yen San Building
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    • 1108 21 Between the five regularly scheduled commercial exhibitions staged annually In the Trade Centre, the open time is available tr. any US company or the «gent ot any US company for a variety of uses free of charge. A company may wish to hold a seminar;
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    • 45 21 THt Aviation Ground Support and Aircraft Service Equipment Ex ail kit! on which was held at the IS Trade Centre, Yen San Building, from Jane 17 to This permanent Trade Centre waa established by the US Department of Commerce In Jane last year.
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    • 85 21 Machine for fine-grain forgings A machine has been designed to make nonferrous forcings from molten metal Advantages are that it la a one-man operation and combines the casting of a preform, forging of the preform, and ejection of the flash scrap all in one machine. It makes high-density, fine-grained forcings,
      85 words
    • 308 22 THERE has long been a need for a spraying machine that would disperse Insecticides, herbicides and bacteriacldes into even the tiniest cracks and crevices over a large area. Now a new line o( dispersing units is on the market that promises to do
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    • 71 22 For those who do not like cold showers, there Is a, ne*7 America n product, an automatic electric shower water beater. The unit is small and connects to the regular cold water line. All that is needed is to tarn on the water valve and adjust
      71 words
    • 92 22 Gutters made by portable machine A new portable guttermaking machine Is being Introduced In the US to roofing, siding and specially contractors In the United States. The machine forms tatters on the Job site making seamless, leakproof gutter installation possible, according to the manufacturer. The machine la 23.9 centimetres (M
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    • 170 22 Skimmer that recovers oil spill rE environmental ha- I zards of oil spills to wildlife and shoreline communities Is well known. But now there Is another incentive to recover spilled oil: the price of oil. A Massachusetts company Is now marketing several designs of oil recovery equipment for cleaning oil
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    • 267 22 rpHE laser is now being used to make operations involving land leveling and grading, draina-age-dltch construction and surveying more precise and less time consuming. An Ohio firm is ex- porting a laser system which can be used on equipment such ploughs, trenchers, survey ing trucks,
      267 words
    • 89 23 Away from devotion to blue jeans ITI Hell*, every thine Tkas's the cry of anrashlonably Issfct— iaHe American ctmdenU today, who we* r anything and everything to oyrtM their own aense of ItWUriduUty CoiXsre clothe* In tbe U8 are eomiorUMe a«d they're fan. "I know It looks aWy," •ays this
      89 words
    • 754 23 System for automated printing and sale of tickets THE new Capital Centre near Washington, DC, uses a computer ticketing system that provides automated printing and sale of tickets for future and current events at remote and local sites. The system can also be easily expanded to handle financial data and
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 151 18 111 OFFERS FULL 1 K SERVICE IN I 1| SINGAPORE > S N NJnkJ the same service you enjoy in the United State*. P J >I |^VvW Europe, the Middle East and Latin America, The First National Bank of Chicago offer* full N\j\jl>N service banking in Singapore. B \l\J\j^kVi Personal
      151 words
    • 53 18 This branch of McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York W is the company's distributor W to Afghanistan, Bangladesh, ll Brunei, Burma, East Africa, Ethiopia, Guam, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Khmer, Korea, Laos, ft Malaysia, Madagascar, m ft Nepal, Pakistan, The m ft Philippines, Singapore, M Samoa, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, M
      53 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 304 19 only Fluid Film IS gUWItttUCI stronger than the sea* aW 1..W •s guaranteed to prcvwtt r «t. Outstanding qualities and characteristics of Fluid Film Grada B (gal) Whita No. 1 ara aa follows- Fluid Film will not cause any pollution problem. Fluid Film doe* not require expensive surface preparation such
      304 words
    • 413 19 I AIRCONDITIONING FROff) I I GUTHRIE ENGINEERING I PROFESSIONAL ADVICE I 1 I Our airconditioning specialists are here to answer your *^mwm\ Ba^aaaaaaaa»^_ questions. What should you look for in an air- ■^bm» conditioning system? Should you convert from 'room-type' to packaged? What's the difference between I systems in terms
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 269 20 VAN LINES /FORWARDING INC SHWV HOUSE ROOM 4tI ORCHARD HD SPORE 9 TEL *****6 Join Americans everywhere in celebrating America's Independence Day on 4th July 1974 Global Van Lines are the official movers for Disneyland ■■B^BB^^te. m, B^B^av B^P^^ fl I -mA i^^Mia^BH^ B^B* Hi b*- t .^Sy^^H bbbbuAbl. sm^bbbbl
      269 words
    • 119 20 Congratulations Best Wishes to the Government People of The United States of America on the occasion of their Independence Day from cfIJPIJ) *fG US PAX Off AGRICULTURAL Insecticides, Herbicides, Fungicides ELASTOMER CHEMICALS Neoprene, Hypalon, Viton, Nordel, Adiprene ELECTRONIC MATERIALS Silver and Gold compositions Terminals and Connectors, Berg Products INDUSTRIAL CHEMICALS
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 133 21 a^H^MmtfaUKaMMa^ai Lsl^H Lm^H Lm^B H^isKaV lilllK9flflC9c9 bNHs^bHlb^Alilbßb^MbUhV I Fourth I »We'/e the First National City Bank. We were the first American bank to open for business in Singapore Band Malaysia That was 1902 in Singapore 1959 in Kuala Lumpur and 1 965 in Penang We were the first American bank
      133 words
    • 294 21 When you buy power and motion control equipment... you need more than just a product, You want systems design, service jL^. I J back-up and spares readily available at all times. li^ajJE^^ J|f M fc Tel: *****2 Singapore. *****0 Malaysia. w\a]t Hkfl Ik Lucifer Valves General purpose solenoid valves for
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 287 22 -■^Hl^^ nfJaflSJ'"^^^ ,-)&>!*■ OS- 750 MEET SUNDSTRAND AIR SANDERS... This i« one of aight modato to ba manufactured by Sundstrand Pacific (Pta) Ltd. ■2*.,.. LJ M JT 0 The first portabta Air Sandar was introduced ▲G by Sundstrand ovar 60 year* ago Eight model! are now available Straight line or
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    • 1 22 aa^BIBSSI
      1 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 111 23 Home Roller Chains Parts {s }o\ PRECISION (J) X POWER TRANSMISSION X PRODUCTS 0 for your requirements o W AVAILABLE EX-STOCK W (OJ maouf act ured by ROCK WELL SINQAPO««E IPTE) LTD C°) X Boston Gear Boaring Products x Mk ob a r X «»«nu*»ciup«d by BOSTON GEAR DIVISION ROCKWELL
      111 words
    • 421 23 .^S^B^r^^*- B^B^^ >^^ Evaraady Sopaf 90 |n *tant powar, b#ajaar driving ~^^B^B^B^Bl r^^^ powar (or all nm ■^"^p»^. LbP^ gvnaratKKi aquipmant .^^k^^ r «eord players, tap* and tf^^L^ cawetta racordart. calculator*. B^^^^'^^^^kW "^a^fkr r photo ftaanai. Supar 98 rt O^LBBBBBW»^La^Bv£ trfVYI Wtcallv daugnad for iIV/MI axtra long powaf L I
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 167 24 Iv f "N I fIIMH SI This new SHARP TV 24R 350 clean, the way for I i j I /■SW^B |fl better home entertainment With absolutely stable and cry I i /MBm^B II stal clear P' ctures that come alive on its 24inch screen. Plus s^^^^^r^^ «rl 8 I
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  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 1102 24 IF IT'S your birthday io- You must ret the co-opera- It could come from old JUlllli mMtf W*4%M ifi^fff ■L *^T 1 1 i I 1 day... Indications on tion of people who are close investments or from a new ittlft Wf f P|K i< IlK \PyJ IIIj I] <•
      1,102 words

  • 774 25  -  T. F. HWAMQG By THREE young children of a Singapore property owner who died intestate on July 23, 1972 are not entitled to a share in the estate of their dead father, Mr. Liv Sinn Mm, 53, alias Lioe
    774 words
  • 426 25 Women told: Choose a long-term career WOMEN must rea- Use the importance of planning for a long-term career, Miss Angelina Wu, president of the Singapore Business and Pro f c s ston a) Womten's Association said yesterday. She said staUattcs show that more and more women were entering the workforce
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  • 245 25 SLIGHT INCREASE IN PRICES OF MACKEREL rEBS hu been a sllrbt Increase la the prices ef flafa. according U the Trade Department yesterday. The prtoas *T Spaateb mackerel (ten* girl Mnh) and aerae mackerel (aelar) rase by 1« cent* a katt to *1 M and UK respectively The fallwriaa are
    245 words
  • 112 25 AUNIVEBBITY of Slngapere senior economic* lecturer. Dr. Lee Saeng-yi, aaid yesterday that the reopening of the Baes Canal woald definitely benefit Singapore beeaaae of the Republic s location between the Indian aad Pacific oceans. Dr. Lee said this in a talk on International Trade
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  • 107 25 Stamps to mark centenary of po stal union A SET of three commemorative stamps will be sold at all post offices from July 7 to mark the centenary of the Universal Postal Union. The stamps, designed by artist William Lee. will be in denominations of 10. 35 and 75 cents.
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  • 51 25 POUR man were jailed for a month each by the First afaglctratc's Couurt yesterday (or entering Singapore illegally between Aufuet IM7 and June ihu year. They pleaded guilty They were Chang Han Ming, 37; RomaU bin Bachot. 38; Said Roalan bin Said Ibrahim, 21. and Kutm bin Rabmat.
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 421 25 i NOW SHOWMG.'DaiIy at 7 00 9.30pm. AawtsiM: Adolts: 52.00 CUUrw^N J \yXM, aTIIT vH tHal» aN fl j: 4m HOUJ IS THE ULChWW jj >~OBEON CATIWY* ORCNMI—^ Morning Show Today at 9am.^i SODEON: OPENS TUESDAY! Man would >«lt tt n*t f**i to win h*r itvouri. Tha kind lhay knew
      421 words
    • 267 25 MERTON COLLEGE OF CANADA Invites you to investigate the possibility of a Career in a year or less through a DIPLOMA COURSE in Airline Preparatory and Public Relations Airline Travel Tourism Business Administration Accounting Advertising Computer Programming Marketing Public Relations Court Reporting Executive Secretarial Legal Secretarial Practice Procedures Medical Secretarial
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    • 30 25 NEW STARLIGHT 3aaaV a^Blaaaal MALINI CATVBERbTX IMPERIAL vrss: JVi Ml UPata THOMSON SOAO gi.».7isfts.»e riuMum tarf CbNN MMAJtf) •JTaoe OwCkx «KI»ICAi HTKAVAOAtUA Tadar Mam. Skew IS.IS in M-K MUTMU. NIHMALA
      30 words
    • 329 25 B Bthow* Daily 11am. 1.48. 4. 6.46 9.16 AiUDULTcomcd^^D Tery J BbWWbl^^ lar' J BB*»^f n^^LlTfl .aßßßnal 1 7 CSSbbbM K. W& )o~t*t 1 1 mi r. iii r. i< ii iii iii 1 George Segal Glenda Jackson Z A X £jjs-i~ Touch laSJSS. Of Class 1 EMBASSY PICTURE- Dtatributad
      329 words
    • 780 25 i^ CATHAY! !;g StrmiimTut,:; NOW 4HOWINQ 2 SHow. 700 a SJO pm "MOW IS TM WCAtHER TOOAV? Crwn d»o C»*n Haiang Lm Tang Lan Hua Mandann CokxScop* EngVah Sub* 11* m. 1.30. 4.00. 6 30 9 30pm On Amu Jr in "MARCO Zaro Moatal Jack W*«on r» Cm Win TatAnicolor
      780 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 807 26 classified ads (D a HTERNATIONAL BAPTIST CHURCH of Singapore. 90 Kings Road, (near the American School). All services In English Morning worship services 9 am. and 11 am Sunday School < (or all ages 10 a.m. Evening worship 6 p.m. < PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 9INQA FORE Corner Orchard Road, I Penang
      807 words
    • 725 26 PLEASANT FRIENDLY FEMALES to assist cultural shows. Send photo (non-returnable) phone number Sun T Box ASM. Jrgently required by Jumbo Coffee House. VaMreaeea. Pantry Ma***. CeWse leys. Owe CeeWsr end ene Cook >ll personally to: 8111-116, Sm—rs. l* 9 am 13 pm. 7 pm I*o pm or Tat: 4*0901 lor
      725 words
    • 732 26 NAM-HO TRAVEL SERVICE(SINGAPORE) PTE. LIMITED Tour West Malays a Seven Day* B*l3o/-. alrrondltloned bu* Sslso/-. Malayda It Oenttng Highlands by air-condlUoned bus seven days 3*170/-. Departure Every Sunday and Monday. Ca- mcron Highland* Four Days SsBo/-. Oentlm Highlands j Four day* Ssno/-. Departure i Every Wednesday Bangkok Chlengmal by sir
      732 words
    • 1086 26 COSTING/ MANAGEMENT I ACCOUNTING JULY BEQaNNERS 1 naasr-i psepkSM for the LOC I UTS mmtnavsa j>ay». nine 1 Cheung- Mos«ls)r%nd Friday 6 3*, —730 or 9J| 9.30 pm Tues- day and Thursday 5.30 -830 pm Saturday 400 6.00 pm. Sun- day 10.90 12.09 noon Manage- mem Accounung: Tuesday and I
      1,086 words
    • 999 26 •ÜBLJC rumOH AC AOOfY Home rultlon for Primary. Secondary, >re-U tn Science Math*. Arts, rel *****4 MMVIOUAL TUITION IN CIBNBBB v 2nd Language. Any level. Fee Negotiable Steven Ton *****9 after 7 pm on weekdays). MTV DHI VINO SCHOOL lual-controUed Datsun, Masda ■an for safe, quick tuition Houry $7. Ouaranteed
      999 words
    • 869 26 PACIFIC MOTOR CREDIT PTE. Ltd showroom at 511. Buklt Tlmah Road. 4W ro.i Spore 10. Tel *****1' *****4/ 69*393 offers:- 1973 Colt Oalant OTO. Citroen OS Club. Masda SOS Coupe. Toyota Corolla 1200. 1972 Alfa Romeo 1300 Super. Toyota Cellca alrcond.. Subaru 1400 Deluxe. ToyoU Corolla 1200. Volkswagen 1200. Ford
      869 words
    • 969 26 •WL til* at* m CANTOWIBE: 377 -c. Jalan Besar ajj T el: 2M3303/ *****94 Branch BJ Block 44. 1436 Bendemeer Ad Tel: 2*944*0/ 15M461 it* POOO: AMm Mas HaaMßsn VEbbbs 2. Nlcoll Drive Tel *****4 TtSJ SUM: ■**noe Reajm Waatautawl 275- B/ 285 B Selegie Complex Td: *****4 LOCAL BUPPET:
      969 words
    • 359 26 GENERAL MOTORS OVERSEAS DISTRIBUTION CORPORATION IrnrtXa applications from Stngapor* otHsbim) for tn* oti*! Isno, Ing poaJHovi of PROJECT ENGINEER The Job The Protect Engineer reports to the Assembly Projects Manager and will be required to render technical assistance to various dealer/ assemblers in Southeast Asia. Functions would include planning of
      359 words

  • 713 27  -  RAMSAY ZIEGELAAR By ACSTRAUA's dynaA mJc cricket captain lan ChappeH yesterday predicted that his team had more than an even chance of regaining the Ashes from England arhen they clash Down €^der later this year. Chappell. who to stay Ing at Hotel
    713 words
  • 2089 27  -  EPSOM JEEP By FIRST: No. 39* M (IZJ39) SECOND: No. MS7O <Sl,lg»> THIBO: No. ***** SM) sTABTEU: $7* each: Nos. ***** S4S4I ***** ***** 374 M ***** 3*778 ***** *****. ConaoUUon: 145 each: Nos. 32MC MMt 37f»2 ***** S97M
    2,089 words
  • 302 27  -  DENNIS CHIA By MALCOLM Pet": iT1 Thwait«g. the t^Uclal handlcapper of the Malayan Racing Association, has resigned. Mr. Thwsites, 39, a former top amateur rider, ha* been handlcapper 1 face Mr Bob Norton .eft In 10W. Hla notice, stnt two weeks ago ends In September.
    302 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 424 27 THE EASTERN GARMENT MANUFACTURING CQ SDN. BHD. menjemput permohonan-permohonan untuk mengjai 5 atau 6 jawstan sebaxai: EXECUTIVE ASSISTANTS Urn Sales lH. l^r*T»e.u Shipping Department Accounts Department Production Department (Supervu^-) Keiaynkan. Lepasan Universili di uUmakan teUpi pemeKanßpem«Kanfi H.S.C. akan juga di timbangkan. Pemohon-pemohon mestilah Bumiputra. Di perlukan cukup faseh ualam Bahasa
      424 words
    • 178 27 NOTICE With effect from Saturday 29 June 1974 the telephone number of the British High Commission is changed to XL *****3. The Passport and Consular office telephone remains unchanged at *****. NOTICE I, LIM JOO SOON have withdrawn partnership from Jack's Place, 117 A Killiney Road, Singapore 9 w.e.f. July
      178 words
    • 38 27 QANTAS RESERVATIONS An advertisement appeared in yesterdays Straits Times advising of a change in telephone numbers for Qantas Reservations. This advertisement was for Qantas Kuala Lumpur office only. QANTAS SINGAPORE RESERVATIONS IS STILL *****4. a#JiV"r#»(S) AUSmAUAN AJRUNE V3^
      38 words

  • 337 28  -  EPSOM JEEP By THE CHALLENGE WILL COME FROM CHAYA TIMOR AND TIEN AN MUN gHOWGIRL V, who has a win, a second and a fourth in three Derby attempts, possessess all the credentials to win the $51,000 Perak Derby over 12f
    337 words
  • 1642 28 Race 1 NALLACHE (late Prune Rate); Came from last to finish fifth Div 1 9f last week; will appreciate longer trip; close third with 8.6 to Cool Million Div 1 lOf XL Mar SI; good longshot. PRtX'IOUS BTONE: Bhowed return to form last week when fourth with
    1,642 words
  • 607 28 Connors pulls himself out of a tight spot to foil Dent's upset bid T ONDON. Sat. Third Lj seeded Jimmy Connors of United States survived Australian Phil Dent'» muscular attempt to cause the first upset of the 1974 Wimbledon t«nnls championships In an absorbing centre court match yesterday. Dent, 24,
    607 words
  • 214 28 Ali: I'll beat Foreman easily this time wONTUAL, Bat. lf»--haaasaad AH aaM an Tharsday thai he was eanfl•eat of lagassaag the Wefts ataij wight utlr freaaOeane reraaaaa by tiring Ike ■a-s—pJiß Is Ike early rwsnaw and awtttag ata. away Ms m tk* hawk AM, IS, was asakiag Me first visit
    214 words
  • 1038 28 Going For©ca»t Good to yielding 2.0 Class 3 Div 2 »*f LaaiaalaaJß ($»,500 $5,950 to wirmtx) i 3SSS iM i lAllan Crith) E Br»u»>l«n tto KM-ini Ijaiai* 11 I 7»M ttm uwuli a (Tr»bl« T) 9ptnr*r lII] idd-. 10, SaMI 1 WOtw •■nil a (CtXPi Manaor n (dd
    1,038 words
  • 244 28  - All point to Showgirl in the Derby DENNIS CHIA By CHOWGIRL V, who went down to Champagne II in the Perak Derby last year, can avenge her defeat by taking the big race at Ipoh In Race Four today. She put herself right Into the Derby contention with an eyecatching
    244 words
  • 115 28 Plan to oust 8. Africa from D-Cup LONDON. Sat A n<ambsr of rjavto Cip nations are urected to seek South Africa* removaJ from this year's c oipeUU o. a leadIng ten. j official said bars last night. alt. Basil Reay British secretary of the Davis Cup n»ttn««j said some an™
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 291 28 England to field same team for Third Test LONDON. Sat The England Cricket •elector! yesterday gare a massive vote of confidence to the team which crushed India In the Second Test match by naming the players unchanged for the Third Test, starting at Bdgbaston, Birmingham, on Thursday. It Is unusual
    291 words
  • 96 28 Baaa IPMM Ml* IST OS aims S«MA •evtors sa**w~~ Oa*4«ri Stwta* BaaWa S9aa7 1 Warsala Wanata Pillliai Stan* FtMtma sum Past lawttaa Klaialaa I Fwa TU» Taaaalia. Jumar B*a* Bar*tr Bask BBiatjr la* F*U TOt Laai—a SwMa LmSy LaniSa_ S Waatew Bay Laaaenas Wlaalii aw» Mi. l mil S»a»a
    96 words
  • 573 28 IPOH. Sat.— The adjourned Inquiry Into Race second day. was concluded. It was established that at the 4 furious*. BkiaiwMß) CM. Sng) and Daa Dasa tafansori bumped, as a result Rtcardlan shifted (round and caused Jet Drafeat (Samry). who was on the rails to be severely
    573 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 408 28 ail aaaV^l laV I 1 1 3 I aV k 'S SIEMENS We are a subsidiary company SIEMENS AG of Germany, one nf the largest com pa nics in elextrual equipment and electronics in the world. We are presently implementing an expansion program in Malaysia and have 'vacancies for the
      408 words
    • 539 28 *w laV^l Bavl aw ill J I aaWV (PROSPER WITH MATSUSHITAS COME JOIN US MATSUSHITA INDUSTRIAL I CORP. SON. BHD. (MAIIFACTIRER OF AIR COHDITIOIIERS) Dur to rapid rxpanxion. Mnt.«u*hita Industrial Ostfl Sdn. HhH <i|tri> immwlialr nrw (Hi^irlunilH-s Mi MjitaliK qualiflril Mnla\-i»n (Ml/«-n» for ihf MaW inn BaMaaaa: 1) PRODUCTION CONTROLLER
      539 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 40 28 WtrM rMtfet NSW YORK. Sat. Six-teen-year-old Heather Oreenwood set a world record vesterdar In the women's 400 metre freestyle, event at the eighth Annual Santa Clara International Invitational Swimming and. Diving meet at Santa Clara Her time waa 4:n.W.— AP
      40 words

  • 325 29  -  JOE DORM By NATIONAL player Quah Kirn Song, one of the best brains In Singapore soccer today, yesterday won the NTUC InterUnlon title for Singapore Printing Employees Union, who beat Pioneer Industries Employees Union 1-0 In the final at Jalan Besar stadium. When the
    325 words
  • 516 29 Dutch look set as injuries weaken rivals ■fflH FRANKFURT, Saturday Tory over Argentina and they should pick up two more points at the expense of the weakened East Germans. Four East German players Siegmar WaeUllch, Erich Hamsun, Eberhard Yogel and Joachim Frltsche are injured, and manager Georg Buschner said that
    Reuter  -  516 words
  • 710 29 MANILA, Sat. won three gold medals at the Asian Age Group swimming championships here today through Elaine Sng and Scott Aucutt. Elaine, after being beaten to second by the fabulous Hsu Yue Tun of Taiwan in tbe 200 m and 400 m freestyle events,
    710 words
  • 160 29 Malkit's hattrick gives Forces 4-0 win A HATTRICK by lnteraatlond Malkit Singh highlighted Arnied Forces' thumping 4-0 win over sembawang Shipyard in a BHA league dtvlslon one hockey match at Farrer Park yesterday, reports DENNIS CHIA Forces, a virtually state side, however met strong resistance from 88 in the first
    160 words
  • 569 29 KUALA LUMPUR. Saturday pERAK qualified for the Malaysia Cup soccer final despite losing 1-0 to Selangor in the semi-final second leg replay at the TPCA stadium here today. Pe-ak, who won the first leg 3-1 at Ipoh last month are through on a 3-2
    569 words
  • 222 29 Wily Wong upsets Rajah to enter final ii/ONO Shoon Keat, V? thi* rear's Under- 18 runner-up, yesterday upset Junior champion K. Dha.nnarr.jah 8-15. 15-0, 15-9 to enter the Singapore Badminton Association's Under-2l final at Qttillemard Road, reports PETER SIOW. He was Joined by Tan Eng Han, who outplayed W Kin
    222 words
  • 511 29  -  ERNEST FRIDA By LANKY Lee Poh Kirn. of Ahmad Ibrahim, won the 100 m and 400 m events yesterday to complete a splendid treble In the Buklt TVmah District Schools athletic championships at Chinese High School. Poh Kirn, who showed BTV"' 1 of
    511 words
  • 66 29 MADAM aiAMAUI mm« away on »-*-T4. Ornts* Mm oa 1-T-T4 10 a.m. from AJaaaadim Hospital mortuary to tb« Chun* of Bit— BaansMat. (Tansim Halt) thoan to Ctaua Chu Kaa« Chrwtlaa com*t«7 MS). a,M. tAMSASIVA IVBS:. W. ihmiil away poaetfolly M/*/T4 loavlß* iMbiad wlft. 1«u 1 oaucbtt'*. soao-la-law. 1 «aa**t«n-la-law,
    66 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 22 29 OLYMPUS introduces the complete camera! only Fully autorr.. dually towards i;ro<ess Compact: IS/. only 14V? o. md! Fea these featur v comple
      22 words
    • 183 29 ■^^f^K^^y^y^^j fixed deposit investment CCS offer a sound dependable investment savings opportunity FIXED DEPOSITS. security s' CCS is owned by The Chaptered Bank, Australian C* J Guarantee Corporation Ltd, V-^ I and Sharikat Permodalan J Kebangsaan and has been I^Baa/ established for over 10 years. I Jkt^^S^\ interest A w^^m
      183 words
  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 49 29 BADMINTON SBA Under 21 Championships flnaU (SBA Hall 630 p.m CRICKET SCA Senior leage: IA v CSC (Balestler Rd). SBC v ANZUK (Padang). SCC v Armed Forces (Padang). SCBC v Police (Balestler Rd 10 46 am SOCCER FAS Dlv 3: ICS v T. Rovers 'A' (Farrer ParK 8.18 pjn.).
      49 words