The Straits Times, 29 June 1974

Total Pages: 48
1 48 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. Estd. 1845 Final edition SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 518 1 MARCOS AMNESTY OFFER Muslims given govt posts in bid to end bloodshed MANILA, Friday VOWING to end "senseless bloodshed" arising from fighting in the southern Philippines, President Marcos today signed a proclamation granting amnesty to all Filipino Muslim rebelsMr. Marcos also responded to a call by last week's Islamic ministers
    UPI  -  518 words
  • 129 1 World Cup final in colour TBE World Cop 1 final "live" telecast over Television Singapore on JwJy 7 most likely w«l be in COLOUR. In announcing thai y««*»rtUy. eUdio and TV Singapore said this was hscanse TV Singa- pore would conduct tests on its twitching facilities (monochrome to colour and
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  • 70 1 16 KILLED IN PLANE CRASH PHNOM PBTH. Frl. Sixteen of the 11 paopie aboard a Cambodian domtttJc airliner were kilted yesterday when the DC! alrenlt crashed and burned while attempting an etnergenor landlnc at the province capital of ™*t*rm>anf. airline aourcea said today. The Cambodia Air commercial plane, piloted by
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  • 52 1 CnVCINNATI. (OHIO) Frl. A Utter of rare BenMl tigers p««Md their first w*efc in goad health yesterday m officials pondered movtnc two rejected cub* out ol their Incubator bxxne. Three of tl»e kittens are white and the fourth h nrmoflc. but paeataaae capabiltUM of atrtag while
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  • 30 1 PUEBLA. (Mated) Frl. Twelve people vnre kUled end sixteen othen were e»rtoußly It )ured jislnmy flMn a bus ooOtded with a track loaded with rock near hew. AT
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  • 520 1 MOSCOW, Friday PRESIDENT Nixon and Soviet Communist Party chief Leonid Brezhnev today cancelled a scheduled visit to an astronauts' training centre and the two countries signed three agreements. White House Proa Secretary Ronald Ziegler said the two leaden decided not to go to Star City
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  • 42 1 NsTW YORK. Pri. Dow Jones averages, based on first hour of trading on the New York flock exchange: 30 Indus 7M.M down 4.61 20 Transp Hi 75 down 1.0s; It UUla 67.T4 down 046: 65 Stocks MO.ll down 1.46. UPL
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  • 54 1 LOKOOM. Prt Tha BriUeh Perd Motor Company made a record pre-tax profit of over (66 million (figtio mil.) hot year, it wu die closed laet night Export sales were up M per cent to £M» million (Bt2.ooon>) while dmnaatlc ■alee Increased by ate per cent to
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  • 137 1 SEOUL. Pit Nerth Kerean ran boa U today sank a South Korean peuee patrol •oat in a aea battle. Defence Ministry sewrees said. The tH ton aoMee craft had reverted by radio at IMI am that It was engaged in eeenbat with three Nerth
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  • 329 1 A re-think on area licensing plan if... By AHMAD OSMAN 'THE area licensing scheme, under which motorists will have to pay $60 a month to enter the central business district (CBD) during peak hours, may be reviewed if the Communication Ministry's campaign to encourage car pools and staggered working hours
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  • 31 1 BANGKOK, Frl About 1.000 Thai farmers continued tnelr demonstration bare today after re)ecttig a call by their leaden to accept a Oorcmment offer of aid. (Sea Pag* 4).
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  • 47 1 Stools attack on man SAtXH bin An. M. of Kl-alaa Crescent, was admuted to Thomson HoipUaJ In serious condition, after he was attacked by four man armed with stoola. at Dm 11 miles. Semoawang Road. atoorUv after midnight. Police said he was brought in by a passer-by.
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  • 31 1 TOKYO. Prt Toyota Motor Co. said today It has decided to reduce Its automobile production (or the June November period by about 100.900 becauae of alow demand at home.
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  • 296 1  - SBS bus lands on its side H. G KUTTY By CEVEN people were Injured when a Singapore Bus Service bus went off the road and crashed on Its side, trapping about 20 people including children, for more than 15 minutes in Changi yesterday. The crash took place at the junction
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  • 42 1 LONDON, rri— Israeli Prime Minister Itshak BaMn arrived here today U attend the ScclalM International fen—. Aa estimated l.M* troop* and potte*. hacked by armoured can and helicopter* blanketed Heathrow airport for hia arrlraL UFI (fee Page 4)
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  • 48 1 BEIRUT, rrt A Palestinian commando was killed and several wounded in an exchange of fere between guerillas at a refugee earn* today, a commando statement said The statement said the clash was between two groups belonging to two organisations at the Palestinian refugee camp Renter. •s
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 78 1 p DIVORCE: WIFE TO PAY COSTS Pag* 15 INDONESIA to develop nuclear power I INDUSTRY told: Posh ahead with chances 6 OUTPUT: A call to allow NPB to settle rows 7 NEW food laws to guard against public health 9 MINISTRY rejects promotion plan (or teachers SI comics ie ACROSS
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    • 109 1 nmnVIPVmB Bg? faa-la The fixed deposit Bank By pacing your money on Axed de- Fixed Deposit for as short a period as 3 posit with The Chartered Bank you earn months— or as long as 3 years If you're higher interest than in a normal savings looking for a safe,
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  • Straits Times World News
    • 277 2 \fOSOOW. Fri. The iTI Soviet Union and Japan yesterday concluded a five year timber for machinery trade deal covering Joint development of the vast Siberian forests. The agreement, which is to start In 1975, came after several days of talks between the head of
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    • 121 2 Four held in gems smuggling bid LISBON, Fri Pour men were arrested at i Lisbon airport yesterday i and charged with diamond smuggling after a Swiss commercial airliner carrying them to Geneva was ordered back here In mid- flight, police said yesterday. Three of the four alleged smugglers had recently
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    • 28 2 Girl, 11, has Twins •/VTIIIO KINOOTON, Frt. —An 11--year-old girl hu (Ivan birth to twin* at St. Joaeph'* Hoapital here. offlclaU Mid jreurrday One of the babies iv
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    • 53 2 Lever allays fears LONDON, Fri Mr Harold Lever, chief economic advUer to the Prim* Minister, told worried British financier* yesterday then would be no confrontation between the Labour Government and the biulnea* world. He declared .hat Britain would continue to have a mixed economy, but one which continually achieved greater
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    • 349 2 FORGET PAST ENMITY AND BITTERNESS CALL BY MUJIB DACCA. Friday BANGLADESH Prime Minister Sheikh Mujibur Rahman said tonight Pakistan could contribute to improving relations between the two countries. Speaking at a banquet he gave In honour of visiting Pakistani Prime Minister Zulflkar All Bhutto,
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    • 149 2 CHOGYAL WAITS TO MEET INDIRA >TEW DELHI, Fri—The »rmler of the Indian Protectorate of Sikkim was .till waltinc for a meetiof with Prime Minister Indira Gandhi last night, mere than 48 boors after he flew In for emergency talks. An Indian official co.ld not say when be would have his
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    • 63 2 WASHINOTOW, PM Sen Henry Jackson, regarded a* a leading contender Gr th DeB >°craUc Party* 187« Presidential nomination, ieavea for Peking tomorrow for foreign policy t»i^. •1U» Chmeeeleadm^ The Senator, who ha* apeclallaed In nuclear amu nontroto. la particularly intarcaUd in dtacuaatng the •übtect with tneOhtnaaa
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    • 292 2 Blonde police woman who foiled extortioner SYDNEY. FTI.-A trap featuring a tall blonde policewoman posing as a stewardess foiled a A 5200.000 (*****.000) extortion plot against Qantas Airways police said yesterday. The events unfolded on Tuesday when a man claiming to be a member of the Black September guerilla group
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    • 82 2 Failure again at US-Thai air talks BANGKOK. Fri. Thailand and the United SUtes have failed in their latest attempt to negotiate a new commercial air agreement, the Communications Ministry said yesterday. new talk* for four days •ndta. Wednesday. wlUvJli '••eJUng an agreement which would give rtai commercial •"craft, landing rlgnu
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    • 399 2 SAIGON. Frl. AVER 2,200 kilos v (two tons) at opium have been seized by a South Vietnamese naval patrol on board a teasel off Con Son Island In the South China Sea, the Saif.on command reported. It sala yesterday the wooden vessel. Identified Llun
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    • 20 2 tkTrESi? I!"? 7 'f* 4 L WnM visit to the United SUtes last year Beater.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 252 2 And you can't go wrong. 4& By Because Selsun is medically A%i Sr V> k U proven to be the most up- to- «X-J Jr3tr^g f date effective dandruff orepa- T i/rJrjLWL ration. The one-action solution 1 V y J that stops itch instantly. Treats I A^kr^^^ sssl and cleans
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    • 237 3 Island in the sun for Miss Universe MANILA, Frt. Besides winning the usual prizes, this year's Miss Universe will also own a tropical Island during her one-year reign. Philippine organisers who announced this today, said the contest will be held In Manila next month. ThU is the first time In
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    • 49 3 SAN SEBASTIAN. Frl. A time bomb rocked the labour union headquarters at the Tolosa industrial centre yesterday, police sources said. No victims were reported, but damage was considerable. Police said the bomb was planted by three people. Including a woman. who broke into tha building. AP
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    • Briefs
      • 56 3 MOBCOW. Frt The Soviet Union said yesterday its naval vessels are already In the Red Sea on the way to Joining American and British teams In clearing the Suez Canal and Gulf of Sues. The official Tass news agency said the Soviet Navy was taking part In the operation at
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      • 29 3 TOKYO: Japan's balance ef International payments deteriorated during the month of May necessitating increased overseas borrowings by private Japanese banks, according to figures released by the Finance Ministry today.
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      • 27 3 RANOOON: Burmese Customs have ordered the confiscation of six trawlers flying th« Taiwan flag seized earlier this year flshlnß Inside Burma's territorial waters, according to court sources.
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      • 32 3 CARACAS: Delegates ef 149 countries set course today for nine weeks ef negotiation on a new international convention to govern tbe way Man exploits ono of his biggest natural resources the sea.
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      • 33 3 HONOLULU: A Federal Judge today Issued a preliminary Injunction against Qantas Airways, defendants in a US$26 million (Ss4B mil.) law suit, barring the airline from selling tours In the South Pacific below cost.
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      • 48 3 TULSA: Court-appointed officers of a—well drilling Arm tjto which more than 2,000 people invested at least US$lOO million <Ss24o mU.) in one ef the blgge** swindles In history said yesterday that the company, in an effort to recover some money, might even actually drill an oU well.
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      • 32 3 CONCEPCION: Floodwaters ripped away a railway bridge over the Andallen river In Chile yesterday and at least 15 people, most of them children, were missing and presumed dead, a city official said.
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      • 28 3 HONGKONG: The Peking People's Daily today denounced the super Kwer policy ef nuclear kckmail of the United States and the Soviet Union, the New China News Agency reported.
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      • 29 3 BEOUL: Popular novelist Chung Eulbyung was today acquitted of being a communist sympathiser but four other prominent writers charged with him were convicted and sentenced to Jail terms. Agencies.
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    • 89 3 5536,000 punch over leaves SYDNEY, Fri— An M-year-old man who punched his 74-year-old neighbour during a quarrel over fallen peach tree leaves was today ordered to pay Aslo,ooo <8$36.000) Injury damages. Judge Gameraon Smith awarded the damages to Mr. William Finch who claimed be lost the sight of hi* left
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    • 64 3 NEW DELHI Frt— India's deaert state of Rajaathaa U In the grip of locust Invasion, and breeding by the Insect U reported heavy In some areas, the Locust Control Centre in New Delhi ■aid yesterday A major locust population cculd tpeU disaster for thU country. now
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    • 349 3 Indonesia to develop nuclear power fir peace MALIK WELCOMES FOREIGN AH) JAKARTA. Friday INDONESIA will develop its nuclear technology in the coming years, but for peaceful purposes only. Foreign Minister Adam Malik said today. Mr. Malik said assistance from any foreign nation would be welcome in the execution of Indonesia's
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    • 97 3 Sadat begins Mid-east peace talks VIENNA. Frl. President Anwar Sadat of Egypt and President Nlcolae Ceauseacu of Rumania are expected to begin formal discussions In Bucharest today with prospects for a Middle cast peace settlement heading the agenda. The Egyptian leader arrived in Rumania yesterday wf.i his wife to return
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    • 33 3 MILAN, Frt Italian postal authorities nave offer*! aornt 400 tons of undelivered mall to a pulp mill at a price of S.OOO lire (SfM) a ton. It waa revoalaq today.
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    • 59 3 Bail for 11 newsmen HONOKONO. Fri.—Thirtythree people. including 11 local Journalists,' today pleaded guilty to entering a restricted area at Hong Kong airport during oainonttTatton against tha deportation of 1M Illegal tmmlgranU from South Vietnam earlier this monta. The magistrate aJJourned tha okje until next Tuesday for sentencing. The SS
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    • 218 3 ANOTHER DEFEAT FOR LABOUR ON RATES POLICY LONDON, Fri Britain's minority Laboar Government last nliht easTered its fourth major House of Commons defeat In two weeks after a Joint Conservative Liberal broadside this time on local rates (dwelling tax) policy. Bmi speculation that the two main opposition parties' Commons teamwork
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    • 98 3 Japan aid to UN fund TOKYO, ITI. Japan Is expected to contribute about US$2OO million (BsMom) to a United Nations special fund for emergency aid to nations most severely affected by the oil crisis, newspapers reported today. Japanese newspapers quoted government source* as saying the amount Japan win pledge to
      UPI  -  98 words
    • 51 3 LOURENCO UARQUBS. Frt. More than 1.000 common law offenders were yesterday rsaeajad troaa afoaambique tails under a recent ■aural amnesty by she Partugusee OovrrnaMnt Official aouroea said anther 3400 people Imprisoned (or noD-poUneal ttflamwa would have tbetr eases reviewed to aea whether tbe ammety appUad to tbata.
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    • 205 3 New attacks on Chinese leaders OBONO. m. New I wall poster attacks against Chinese provincial leaders have appeared In Peking and the provinces. Travellers from Slan. the capital of Bhensl province in central China, reported seeing posters attaching Lo Jnl-shan. beau of the artmtnlatratlvt an«l political bodies of Bhensl province
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    • 270 3 WASHINGTON, Friday PRESIDENT Nixon's chief lawyer, Mr. James St. Clair, failed today to persuade key Congressional Republicans that Mr. Nixon had not ordered hushmoney payments to the Watergate burglars. After the first day of Mr. Bt. Clair's presentation of evidence to the Houae of
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    • 109 3 U.S. TO CUT SUPPOPRT UNITS IN PACIFIC WASHDJOTON, Frt The army Testerday announced it was reducing headquarters and support Jobs in the Western Pacific to beef up its combat forces. It said it would reduce the number of men assigned to headquarters units In Okinawa and South Korea, and cut
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    • 60 3 BONN, Frt Yugoslavia's President Tito ended his first official trip to Waat Oermany yesterday, amidst tha tightest security waanras ever instituted for a state visit. Hundreds of policiemsn lined up along President Tito's route almost shoulder to ahoutrtsr. aa Chancellor Helmut Scbmlds accompanied the n-year-okl communist leader
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 214 3 The Directors of CENTURY CHEMICAL WORKS SDN. BERHAD wish to thank MALAYSIA PACIFIC INSURANCE CO. BHD. for prompt and full settlement by them of a claim of $330,000 in connection with a fire at the company's factory on Uth June 1974 andalsotheir insurance brokers MALAYSIA MINET SDN. BHD. for their
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    • 174 3 EASY TO PLAY [PI U DDQ A Electronic L^nUlnaA Organs FOR THE FAMILY OR PROFESSIONAL B^Lflalgei gayeM PaaaSjaartf dis fc>j< w&\ gfltaga^ajaVgagajgMagaaß £»«q» ll^^*^W**^*^*^^*^^^^^^^^^| raajaMr* waft Suaa** H Cawfl naaMri to» KiM* B^BJ B^B and 4 INruaaian/ I ton VMa Aartamahc I Baaa fa»(itiiii< LaaSa I 2 «wf l l
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    • 647 3 I technical I Sales En9*nccf I Around 124,000 par annum pan Company Car I Our client is a wail established oil company, currently experiencing a growth in the sales of petroleum products to the industrial and marine engineering industry. The Technical Sales Engineer will be required to provide back-up support
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    • 313 4 You will get back your land Sanya's pledge to Thai farmers BANGKOK, Friday »J*HK government, in a bid to end a three day-old 1 protest demonstration by Thai farmers, said today it will help the farmers get back their land which they claimed were taken away from them illegally by
      UPI  -  313 words
    • 20 4 MUNICH. m Volkswagen President Rudolf Leiding announced yesterday a cutback In production of VW» famed -beetle' model UPI.
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    • 222 4 LONDON, Frt. International economic problems will dominate Sunday's meeting of social democratic leaders from all over the world. Including 10 prime ministers and one president British Prime Minister Harold Wilson will make the keynote speech on a major economic theme when opening the
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    • 157 4 NEW ENTRY RULES FOR SPOUSES LONDON. Frt. Husband* and wltw of Immigrant* already settled In Britain will. In future, have the right to enter the country, Home Secretary Roy Jenkins announced today. He said he had reviewed the Immigration rules which hitherto limited admission to cases of hardship and said:
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    • 71 4 ifBW YORK, m Hrm Tort J«U fooUMil (UHUr tack Jo* Mua*U> /MMrdMT Otod UB*mooo (Ml J mOtkm) ault dMTginc ehswM gum cfpany wtito unuithorissd Me of Ws plctur* on bubbU fun wrappers and pbMt cars. Nunath charted the Topps CtMwlac Om Oo had bata uatnc hi*
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    • 202 4 Lebanon seeks missiles to check raids TJEIRIT. Frt. LebanD tat Prime Minister Takieddln Al-Solh said last night that Lebanon was seeking modern defensive weapons, particularly missiles, to confront repeated Israeli raids on IU territory. Mr. Solh was making a political statement by his Government to a Joint meeting of the
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    • 59 4 RIO DE JANEIRO. Frt.— A ttraxlllan military plane crashed In a suburb here yesterday killing two people on board and Injuring another two. the Jornal Do Braail news agency reported. There was no word of any casualty on the around The plane, a C-118 trainer, caught
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    • 263 4 38 'hijack' refugees can stay on in HK HONOKONO, FrL Thirty-eight Chinese refugees who escaped to Hongkong aboard a hijacked Chinese barge yestfday will be allowed to stay here. Oovemor Sir Murray Maclehose said today. Sir Murray told a news conference the fourmember crew of the 40--foot flat-bottomed barge has
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 840 4 I MASS TRANSIT RAILWAY CORPORATION Negotiations are proceeding with contractors investment approaching HKs6,ooom. m the who are expected to begin construction of next five years. Revenues in 1980 are forecast the Mass Transit Railway later this year. to be at the HKs36om. level rising to HKS 1,200 m A system
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    • 119 4 HAVE YOU SEEN OUR LOW- COST BURGLAR ALARM SYSTEM! COME TO THE EXHIBITION NOW AT TOA PAYOH WEST COMMUNITY CENTRE. Exhibition open today and tomorrow from 10.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. BB^^^**sß ■T J bVa «b*V b&r \M Bw I ->ssil For Crime-Prevention "An average of 2,000 month -a special
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 184 5 1^ t^ 10RWMMETOWHJ5 C^ V—^ C^^X^ -J FEMININE TOWELS |T ii»L v ir^ft^N^JM Wlth the unic l ue self adhesive strip I^^^^^^^^B N° loops No pins No belts 4 ii/ujifn MLLKtji rlcf ,v Kotex New Freedom feminine towels bring you the freedoms MHWM i I tiK > jdpeirfi fca— aMMiii—
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  • 303 6 Singer's family sues airline for dependency damages By EVELYN NG THE family of RTS singer Mul Patt Chew, who died In the Cathay Pacific Airlines 1972 crash over South Vietnam Is suing the airline for damages In a dependency claim. The writ of summons, served on June 11 by Messrs.
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  • 91 6 Pilgrim ship will be salvaged ORSAT Malaysia Lines, which owns the Malaysia Klta. the pilgrim ship that was destroyed by fire in May, has called for tenders to salvage the ship, now lying on the sea-bed off Tanjong Rhu The tenders which also call for the remoyal of the wreck
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  • 66 6 rriHE Vosper Thorny--1 croft Pte Ltd. in Singapore has begun work on two 71-foot patrol craft for the Royal Brunei Malay Regiment. The boats, expected to be ready by April next year, will be equipped with comprehensive navigational and radio equipment, echo-sound-er, and gy.o compass.
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  • 73 6 S'PORE TOP INVESTOR IN MALAYSIA SINGAPORE was the Up f oreirn Inrestor ta ■loneer industries in Malaysia in irrj. M e*r*lag to the Malaysian High Commission. The High Commission said Singapore'! Investment «f 891IM million was followed by an American investment of Sf»M million A British investment of SftlJl million
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  • 57 6 Language course BCAM3O Regional IkiglUh Language Centre will conduct a three-month apoclaWaarl adTaneod course in methods of language teaching from July IS. The course is for educationist* from member countries of the South-east Asian Ministers of Bdueattan Organisation (nr*IMT». Further information and application forms may be obtained from the registrar
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  • 59 6 A WELDER who (ell Into an empty tank of ihlp undergoing repairs at the Jurons Shipyard on Monday died Utter hours later at Outran Hoeplial Poilca amid Tok Slang Ngov. 29 of Block 16. Jalan Tentram. off Bajeatler Road, wu working on the atarboard aid* of the
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  • 571 6 Industry told: Push forward with changes 'MODERNISE AND RESTRUCT Hon calls for attack on three fronts FINANCE Minister, Mr. Hon Sui Sen, last night urged Singapore manufacturers to "push forward" programmes of modernisation and restructuring which would adapt them more readily to present-day economic difficulties. He prescribed a threepronged attack
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  • 213 6 MINISTER DENIES CHARGE BY UNION TOHE Education Ministry has taken action I against 12 school principals for various offences or misdemeanours since 1965. None of the offence*, however, was (or errors In administrative decisions. Three were (or convictions in court, another three (or moral turpitude, one for misappropriation of public
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  • 39 6 THB Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation (SILO) and the Ptoneer Industries ■■nloyeea- Onion (PTsTj) hay so far concluded was* aaTreoments with 4. componies fcgfrnU lanpjomenta. HOB Of NWO ~—««~w. Uons :t7«, on behalf of workers
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  • 45 6 JOoaOa Belards Bells*. M was iwmr»id for trial at tat Hash Oowt for murder yesterday after a two-day preliminary Inquiry SMaja. a PtUnmo. a) accused of aturdoilßg Alice Ong at a boose In Lotting Kesum on Jan H this year
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 729 6 BnUal B^l saaak. bP^bbl naturally beautiful I BMfc^^Jl blb^^l W^^S^S^M |< ()I{.\L| ■fci— -■■■■■^■■■1 Wn ww* Model Stag. 7 The most outstanding 12". 4speaker. 4-way system with exclusive B«aiK aj sal wide- focus acoustic lens and air-tight buffer cabinet which eliminates all I Sm*^Bß^9 acoustic bounces. I jSsf BSBSB Other
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  • 883 7 Output: A call to allow settle rows 'ITS DECISION SHOULD BE BINDING IN LAW fHE National Productivity Board should be empowered to arbitrate between employers and employees where productivity targets are in dispute, the chairman of the Singapore Manufacturers Association. Mr. Ong Leng Chuan, suggested at the association s annual
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  • 360 7 rE Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research (SISIR) will soon extend Its certification programme to cover products which are liable to pose a threat or danger to the health and safety of consumers. BISIK chairman Dr. Lee Kum Tatt, who announced
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  • 263 7 Night an Amy officer was stabbed to death AN Araay officer was murdered while «H tinj with kla girlfriend In the hasfcetbali CJurt la MacPher I sea Commanity Centre, a Cornier* Court heard yesterday. Seeaatd Lieat. Peh Eo« KUt. SI. of Mlndef, was stabked la the chest with a bearing
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  • 65 7 Mermaid for Anzuk base in S'pore Hits Mermaid, the sixteenth British warship to bear the name Mermaid, will arrive on station at the Ansuk naval basin In Singapore In September. A J 400-ton genaraJ purpot* frigate. «he I* armed with a twin 4-»n gun mounting four 40mm amor* gun* and
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  • 59 7 im. Kirn Kaat Community Centrrs Women SubCommittee win hold a baby show lor baMrs from thro* mon ins to IS month* old at the esntre's pr*mia*a on Jult 31 at JJO pm gntrta* eta** on July 10 Further detail* ar* avaUabw from the centre* organMEg
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  • 43 7 A VKHLANTC Corps national scrrlcoman, Ong Bin. 21. wa* jaltod tor a month by the Vint Magistrate's court jesujjajj for being absent from training session* at the OsntraJ Fir* Button from April n last year to last Thursday. H» pUadsd guilty.
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  • 21 7 FORTY-NINI meoamTul tramoa* from the training ship Eingapor* berthed at the Kaat Wharf wul b» ■wanted eerttncatoi today
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  • 206 7 Plans to give the children's zoo a big boost rE new director of Singapore Koolofjcal Oarderu, klr. Oaf Kirn Boon, U planning to expand the "chlldna'a mo" and launch a campaign to ret more children to run the anlmala The aoo would be publiclaed through talks and films In tfhooia
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  • 64 7 ■VntPTUN* Orient Unas 1~ plan to operate passenger aenrloea soon sources sold yeaUrday. «arly tola week, NOL of&CIAIS OOsßtfttCttd QCCOtlatlons with a top official from Ceylon Ship- ping Lines on the purchase of a Teeael, according to the sources. NOL waa formed Is I*6o by
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 77 7 \bu need not go far tofookforjusfme right toy praarne for your Tittfe kid... •..IT'S NOW THE I UDil N TOY TOWN (June 29 -July 27 1974) jM5* Jk Ljl^^ib^ Quality toys and P^H j^j J A educational games at special discounts only^V^pjafl during the MPH Toy J Town Fair. A
      77 words
    • 577 7 ga^^| a\\\\*» p >i ■■I long ll— wi rMC«« "\^jjrjifWtt f? o«cron/36% Potyemr $42 00 $19.00 K»^B .^IV^' I ■J bo* shin <odd.i«*^~ Less2o% B^t^tT^ ir^tf^^§*%*tff' -AmUf UNDERWEAR jjf M |H|T^Prf--111 BELTS (Europe, America) F^n*fTfrslwt ■F^Bf^ saTsß iff iK^d —*|m Le*th*r from B.UU > K^l saP* vc MlaS -fjlß ALL
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1019 8 A leading Singapore furniture Maker, Celebrates two memorable events today. headed it. At a consequence, she has grown in size and at the same time achieved undeniable popularity in the furniture market. It is an obvious fact that we all seek to liv* a comfortable life, a life rich in
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    • 112 8 design services. Mr. Poh, a trained furniture designer, has been In the trade for several years, he was teaching furniture designing and construction at industrial technician level for about two years prior to Joining the company. He has also worked as a free lance furniture and Interior decor designer for
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    • 57 8 On behalf of the Board of Directors of Yee Wen Chuen Shanghai Furniture (S) Pte. Ltd., it give* me great pleasure in announcing the official opening of our showroom and to commemorate the company's fifth anniversary simultaneously today. The furniture business, notwithstanding its competitiveness, has also been most demanding in
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    • 103 8 Message from Mr. Yee Wen Chuen Managing Director sophistication of people throughout the world, the demand to cater for a comfortable and happy environment is no longer an easy matter. But despite this, the results can be most satisfying, for in trying to meet with demand of a modern society,
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    • 95 8 But this would not be possible without the facilities and skilful employees and, in this respect, we take pride to say none is lacking at Yee Wen Chuen Shanghai Furniture which painstakingly sees to it that all customers are pleased with the products and services offered by the company. The
      95 words

  • 263 9 Oil hikes: AA to form watchdog body rpHE Automobile Asso--1 elation of Singapore plans to form a watchdog committee to ensure that motorists are protected from "unjustified petrol price Increases. An editorial In The Highway the official newsletter of AA said It had been disturbed by "a lurking doubt" about
    263 words
  • 84 9 Treasure hunt with books contest THE National Library's central children's section will hold a treasure hunt with books contest In conjunction with this year's Festival of Books. The hunt, from Monday to Sept. S. Is open to children from Primary Five and Six. Participants will have to read books lor
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  • 55 9 LIM Ah Kow. 41. a PSA employee was fined $500 by the First Magistrate's Court yesterday for stealing nine plastic bags, two name card books, a pair of baby's shoes and two sweaters, together worth about $15, belonging to Ban Hock Lighter Co. from a godown In
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  • 302 9 Ministry tightens up standards 'pHE Ministry of the Environment yesterday announced two sets of regulations to protect public health and to ensure wholesomeness, quality and purity of food sold in the Republic. They are the Food Regulati ons 1974, and the Environmental Public
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  • 187 9 MARY IS CHAMP WHEN IT COMES TO FUND-RAISING... MISB Mary Irene Gvarin, 19, (above) a champion Filipino fundraiser for charities, was surprised yesterday when told that Singapore has yet to set no a community chest Miss Gnartn, whe won the Miss Red Feather Faith 1974 title In the Philippine* for
    187 words
  • 37 9 MrrSOPOLJTAN YMCA. Tanglln Centre, win conduct tai chl ebuan semlens at Its premUea in Stevens Road, from AM ta to 7.J0 •jh and 6 pun. to T p.m. OB Tuesdays and Thuradayi starting from July 3.
    37 words
  • 61 9 NXOH Tan Hong denkd In the rmt Magtetrate'i Court yesterday a charge of cheating a woman, Chaa Ah Kirn. of foar airline OakeU worth MJM en May It. He is aflssed to have obtained the tickets from Chua on a falae promtM of paying for them. The ease
    61 words
  • 46 9 TO Boys' BrWavteta Bto•apoi* will hold their anneal review and dspUr at IXM Payoh aporu SUdlum at as*, tomorrow HUMlthts of the ato«raanns Inetud* a drUl dtav pevr. mtttar> and ptp* band display, n— ntaMuii of li i-gjj. jM^mwanaaa kn J ana* trophtw.
    46 words
  • 106 9 IJtXCETT for cortains, MJ the rest of the renovation work on the National Theatre, c«atln« mm Mjm. to expected to be ready by end of next n«nth. There has been a delay In the deliver? at the Material far the new certains, bat everythlnf ehe ahevld
    106 words
  • 211 9 The danger that comes with affluence: Jek pULTURB Minister Jek Vy Teun Thong yesterday warned that the present affluence that Singaporeans enjoyed as a result of economic development also carried grave dangers with it. Speaking at th* opening of an art exhibition by the Singapore Art Society at the Victoria
    211 words
  • 49 9 •nuc Nattonel Mussoa will screen two films on the music of Beethoven and Bach In iv lecture hall on Wednesday at 7JO pm. Free xfmtsetnr ujecet* are fMtl^"* at the luewar office during office hoars The film* are being screened by courtesy of the German ■abaav.
    49 words
  • 50 9 TWO ears hit each other head-ue and a station wagon crashed into them at the 11 km Yk> Chu Kang Road last n*Bt. Four people were taken to hospital but no one was warded. The crash caused a traffic lam along Tie Chu Kang Road.
    50 words
  • 141 9 Alumni to survey 50 SBS bus routes A SURVEY of 50 bus routes operated by A the Singapore Bus Service will be cooducted from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. today. The survey Is organls- ed by the alumni of the National Youth Leadership Training institute as part of the institute's
    141 words
  • 128 9 Oratorical contest in Chinese for students TTHK NaUonal Book Def- Telopment CouncU of Singapore and the Youn« People 1 Service of the National Library will hold a Chinese oratorical contest for Secondary m and Pre-U II students In conjunction with Festival of Books 1974. The contest Is also open to
    128 words
  • 32 9 TO Minister foe aeewl ATain ud MFb Psslr Pttnjaat. Bnolk Othman Wtaa. fIU sHelali at tte opamtac ewsb^my of Urn Keep savor* Crlmt Trm rutty at Dumoi crwowu at ttlpn
    32 words
  • 42 9 labours* n i tiw trim filial s/o K. Janrdhana, U, vn fined »M ay the fwst MmMtiUi Cbwt yesterdaf for flajbttas with ma übkaowß nu tn Chang Mnf KtxA m wimw at 10 ie p» on Thanday Be pkaded nUtr.
    42 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 29 9 nmmm^^l jj^^^^ssnjtntnnt Lmmml HuffiH SPECIAL mM OTTER ~M OneBHUTSOAP WORTH $1 60 c FfSvVTTH THE PURCHASE OF <<M Hes> BRUT 3oz Aerosol Spray lotion or Brut 32v Spit Lotsn
      29 words
    • 429 9 f VEsW SPECIAL TAIUGFASTIG OFFERS AT THE HOUSE OF TANG ■™«»»^^™**i» B^BB B^J"^^ a^Hl IJ wSWS«MHr PI H* r\ I sa f^ W IS} H^bb^BjbbMbsb^m eflSoaMam ffii s^sk Ihbb^^^^m^^ l^-—.—^^^^^ t^nwr jHpy jjHT ]IBtv x Ea/-al IL' '~p f BARGAIN COUNTER f iad!JSan T-Shrts $150 Gents Cotton T- Shrts $&00
      429 words

  • 187 10 Lee: An eye on Norway's expertise for shipyards nSLO, m— Slngapore Is Interested in Norwegian technology and equipment to develop Its shipbuilding and oil rig industries, Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew said today. Mr. Lee, who arrived here yesterday for a three-day private visit, told a press conference that trade
    Reuter  -  187 words
  • 48 10 THB King of Tonga Taufa'ahau Tupou IV. net home yesterday after a fourday private visit. He waa ■ccompaaM by Qumb Halaevahi MaU'aho and their daughter Prince* Balote Ptloeuv. During their visit, they nade a brief tour of Jurong Industrial Estate and tne Jurong Bird Park.
    48 words
  • 139 10 MR. Justice rrotu yesterday granted an application 67 a hoosewlfe for an order to wind ap Express Tsarist Service (Pte) Ltd. of Haveloek Eoad. over an anpald loan riven by her to the company in 1972. The apptteatlen by Clk Anlnih
    139 words
  • 987 10 135 DEALERS TO GET PERMITS Fine, jail for selling without licence By IRENE NGOO THE Government will issu 135 licences today to thre categories of dealers to trad in rice, which is now a con trolled commodity. Of these, 24 licences for th import, export and wholesal dealing in all
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  • 102 10 Scheme to recruit musicians for ensemble fTWt Young Musicians' m. Society is to conduct classes for the horn, trombone and trumpet. Students selected after audition will be given 20 hours free tuition (about three months) after which they will Join the Youth Orchestra's Wind Ensemble. Instruments will be loaned to
    102 words
  • 241 10 Devan calls for united stand against inflation LOCALLY Induced In nation can be overcome through consumer co-operation In retail, wholesale and production areas. Pointing this out in the Consumers' Association r.f Singapore CASE < report covering the period Nov. 17. 1872 to March 31 this year. NTUC secretary-Gen-eral Mr. C.V.
    241 words
  • 139 10 CASE TO HELP DRAFT CONSUMER ACT rB Finance Ministry h«s set up a committee under the chairmanship of the Trade Department to discuss and draft legislation (or consumer protection. Prof. Arthur Rajaratnam. president of the Consumer Association of Singapore, who said this at the CASE annual meeting at Trade Union
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  • 27 10 THE Hyofo Youth Flo*; Ing University. the Cor*. Pilmtaa, will sail In on Jul: 1 lot a cparte exchange pro gnuame with Urn Ffcoptei Association
    27 words
  • 94 10 ftHB Chinese Chamber X of Commerce's Tan Kaij Kee Scholarship Fund will award eight •cholarshlps for tertiary students this year. This was announced by the fund chairman. Mr. Tan Tock Ba n at the chamber's monthly management committee meeting: yesterday. Application forms are available at
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 161 10 atot«sj^sa^Usajragiy »JT ■ttl atoVaMaafli $Jk atel Cmmap M^^*^W I Jieee. hsjw crjMsjß mistTl puknv. i pont A T~ 1. 1 xmpoh Loo-iNo,oA»aj»e»-l|||lll|l[ tO UKE TO I [M6REiSALO^Byt3UMOKIO| IWMAT CAM VtXI SMOW] I ■■ORML NOTWINO BUT I V »OY A MICE S— BRACrLSTFORTWO ME FOQ TEM OR y-r-A rMYCOMPtXTsT Jf^—\ T»OOSAMO
      161 words

    • 326 11 Guideline vital for Umno: Hussein The five 'musts' to be ideal leaders KUALA LUMPUR, Friday J)EPLTY Prime Minister Datuk Hussein Onn today outlined five qualities that would help to create "ideal leadership" within Umno. Addressing the Joint opening ceremony or the Umno Youth and Wanita general assemblies at the Dewan
      326 words
    • 165 11 'Second returned student held in Malaysia' HAMILTON (New Zealand), Fri— The New Zealand University Students Association has alleged that a second Malaysian student has been arrested in Malaysia because of activities while studying in New Zealand. At a meeting here last night, the association's International vice-pre-sident. Mr. Allck Shaw, said
      Reuter  -  165 words
    • 76 11 PENANO. Frl. Penan* has moved a "giant step forward" and broken the back of the unemployment problem. Chief Minister Dr. Unt Chung Eu said today. "Today, we can move forward with greater confidence In strengthening our sense of social consciousness and commitment to preserving the quality of
      76 words
    • 35 11 RANOOON Pri. Buna* U to send more doctors to Malaysia «t the request of the Malaysian Government, the Burmese-language morning newspaper. Vanguard reported today. Ten Burmeae doctors are already serving in Malaysia.
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    • 98 11 Ipoh, PH.— The Bultan of Perak last night urged parents to be vigilant and immediately tip off the authorities should they find their children falling victim to drug pushers. "In this way, not only Is there the chance of the youth being saved by early
      98 words
    • 32 11 SUNOCI BIPOT. Frl.— A rubber tamper, V. Krlahnan. 41. found guilty of illegal pmMarlon of a long-tailed monkey a protected animal was fined WOO by tbe Magistrates Court her* today
      32 words
    • 165 11 NORASHIKIN AMONG NEW FACES IN UMNO WANITA KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Toh Puan Norashlkin Ismail, widow of Tun (Dr.) Ismail, is among the three "new faces" elected to the Wanlta Umno executive committee at the movement's annual assembly here today. She obtained 192 votes when the results for the 1974-76 elections
      165 words
    • 290 11 KUANTAN. Frl rE East Coast logging industry is "going broke," due to a stamp in the prices of legs and the lack of overseas orders. Thousands of tons of logs. Uke meranti and soraya, have been piling up In the log yards and
      290 words
    • 211 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Friday rpHE Umno Youth today urged the Govern--1 ment to Introduce legislation restricting the ownership of land to Malaysians and the maximum acreage for individual ownership. It also called on the Government to set up a housing board for the federal territory
      211 words
    • 40 11 KUALA LVMPUR FH The third Boeing IVT bought by MAB will arrive at fittbang airport from oVdnay tomorrow The aircraft win be used tor normal scheduled services and for pUcrtanage charter to be carried out later this year.
      40 words
    • 275 11 "Names eaten away by roaches? Unlikely, court told IPOH. Fri. it was improbable that cockroaches could have conveniently eaten away portions of contract notes where the names were printed, a magistrate's court was told today. "Except by human cockroaches," added the Senior Federal Counsel. Mr Ounn Chit Tuan. Hp was
      275 words
    • 544 14 Excerpts of editorial comment from the New Straits Time; Malaysia. rl joint communique of the Fifth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers Is by far the longesi statement to have come out of a meeting of the Islamic Conference Organisation. clear evidence of the increasing number of Issues
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 638 11 make-up musical show A beauty programme to be staged in *f i the Main Hall of Cortina Department Store: 'THE 8 BRIDES ON g HONEYMOON'^| Taiwan artistes in bridal gowns. Saturday, June 28, 1974. Commencing at 4.00 p.m. Bridal make-up demonstrations at the ground floor of Cortina Department Store. It
      638 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 306 12 NOW SHOWING AT L1»O S J .howl OBilr= 1 1 •>". 1*». 18 A frotkilysophbtiated coady af ADULTery JassaliE Lf»ii««»^Bn»Pi«<»cno«ii f mi George Segal Glenda Jackson ..Md«nF«k.- A ji BEST t A v I ACTRESS I i afefolSV Of Class mWINNER j I I !W aaW'-efal Am Baanßa I I
      306 words
    • 416 12 on your mark, get set... %x go! f» BlaW "*^^r^^a> "Cfe. aaV fla^^^aaVaaßVaafafSPaaVfl lyWaW^Baa^^ 1 L^aVi^aaa^aß* .am. .aaaa^^^^^^^Laa! LUNCH i^ 11.30 A.M. -3 P.M. EVERY HAPPY SATURDAY SUNDAY Hugs heapings of delicious dishes, great mounds of roasts, gourmet specialities, heart-tempting European, Chinese and Malay favourites. Along with tray* of desserts,
      416 words
    • 362 12 Cfl MISS LIU VU-HUNG J^ Taiwan favounta Wk. W*~- a^L^hV T V St r laW I wL m MB plus B mk V Taiwan ttngf WB 21 Dane* K .^Jt^ Hoateaaea J JHtO; If 1 P I •5f% X LEt*"' c ONO Two ahowa mghtry IH^ 33^3EC tacqualikit I \Vlaaaaaai
      362 words
    • 183 12 j cempafla I jputlhlnnj J r presents T the exotic, spev J JINBQNESWiN &J jPEf+fING FOQD j I*Kepalalkan Merah I J Roast Mutton J **Gulailkan fn Eight Precious J '•Inter national Pia/i, Ist Floor.^^ 123-6 A.son Road. Singapore Tel ***** <f L M ZODIAC WATCH I USE YOUR LUCKY STAR
      183 words
    • 254 12 gun HUB I NOW SHOWING I -No Free Liat a OOLOiN: a Shows at 11.00 AM. I.JO 4 00. a.48 6 5.30 pan KONO CHIAN 4 Shows art 1.30. 3.30. 7 16* 930 pan. KOMQ CHIAN TOMORROW PLUS 11.00 AM MORNING SHoWa>^ TME MOSI urvubUAL HORROR FILM EVER*. MADE SEE...
      254 words
    • 733 12 6il ON NOW SHOWING' 11 am. 1.48. 4.00. 4* »i 5 Glanda Jacaaon (Acauamy Aware WINNER for BEST ACTRESS) 4 Gaoroa Sagal in "A TOUCH OF CLASS Panavraion Cotor lAVCO EMBASSY FOX NOW SHOWING No Fraa L>«( 11 am. 1 30 4 00. S4S. W Jama* Coburn Tatty Savalai a
      733 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
      229 words
    • 261 13 0 dp Singapora'i top antertainars If\ back after a luccauful tour from Bangkok ft l|^ Kuala Lumpur's "Tima Tunnel" ditcotheque. AHo appearing Mm Chaong Siew Lan and Taiwan Nightinqalw. Vj 1 f^P^ Intamational Ftooranow Nigntty V#a Taiwan IMiteclub 11th Floor Maxwell House, Maxwell Road. Singapore 2. Tal. *****6 ***** C.
      261 words
    • 257 13 Mau Langkawi. Kadah. Malay r> „i lw j baach ,N><al comptax (A member of Federal Hotel Group) v 100 Luxuriously furnished air -con. rooms with ~F exotic restaurants, bar and swimming pool 3 GIVE YOURSELVES TO A SPECIAL 3 HOLIDAY AT LANGK AWI COUNTRY CLUB AMIDST 99 UNSPOILT AND BEAUTIFUL
      257 words
    • 224 13 at^BBBBBaV. yOr M BBaT I BaaPUaA V^BBBBBBBBBk aaaW^L^ BBBBBBT^^^* 9^?«39«Sbb^bbw <3al I BBn^^^Bßß BB?7 C^"" la>tAß#a(lkKA^r^l Y^ fJ B€UNOA^*->Jkft4^^^Vr ■/RAHIMAH R«? J CHANG A V RAHIM fc£ 1 8 1 IBIbbI bHDbI «j m BTT^HJ ~^C9| 1 IbbbVJ E i flaaXaVA LVMaaal BBBbbbC |QU M I HZS 3KH I BBflß
      224 words

  • The Straits Times SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1974
    • 456 14 /\N the face of It, savings and Inflation appear incompatible. Price increases induce belt-tightening. How can average households save when there is little slack left? By changing expenditure-patterns so that, however hard the going, there is something to stash away. As for the wisdom of saving in an
      456 words
    • 166 14 ATOP a little knoll some 20 miles from r%- Dacca, President Bhutto yesterday made a solemn gesture symbolising his desire to expiate the savage repression of East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) In 1971. Mr. Bhutto appeared unhappy when he laid a wreath on the Martyrs' Monument, news agency reports
      166 words
  • 477 14 fUOTHES make the V/ man. If distinctive, they also mirror his exact station In life. His outfit or uniform then would provide the clue to hl& Job. No one can ever imagine a High Court Juige minus his robe an.f wig lording over lawyers
    477 words
    • 1045 14 Can plants read minds of human beings EVIDENCE THAT CELLS CAN PERCEIVE By MARTIN SHERWOOD: London JN the Western world, living things are divided clearly in two sort; plants and animals. Although man has always reserved the top seat at the evolutionary table for himself, he has been willing to
      1,045 words
    • 226 14 We cried but in our hearts I REFER to Jean Haleem's letter (B.T. June 26). Firstly, It was not publicised when the team was leaving for Penang. However, the hard-core Farrer Park crowd was there at Sports House to see the team off. I did not see Jean Haleem around.
      226 words
    • 84 14 I have made several complaints to the Ministry of Environment and the Housing Board about excessive noise by bin collectors who drag dump and hurl metal bins around every morning at the collecting centre behind block 128. Toa Payoh. Nothing has been done to alleviate thla nuisance. Babies, young children
      84 words
    • 63 14 rpHOSE living In HousX Ing Board flats In Manning Road have to walk about one and a half miles from the main road. There are no bus services Into the estate and the road Is poorly lit. At night, the walk from the main road Is hazardous especially to girls.
      63 words
    • 46 14 SINCE the ban on tipping at the Paya Lebar airport, the earnings of most airport porters have dropped. Could the airport authorities us,e part of the $10 airport tax—which is about the highest In the world—to increase the take-home pay of porters? FAIB PLAT. Singapore 11.
      46 words
    • 71 14 LAST week I boarded a number two bus from Changl. I was about to pay for my fare when I saw the conductor throw his cigarette butt onto the floor of the bus and crush It. I looked around and saw at least four signs which read: "No smoking $500
      71 words
    • Govt replies
      • 45 14 OLEASE refer to the I letter by Miss Llm Sock Hwa (ST., Jun» 12). Provision for bus shelters along Commonwealth Avenue and Holland Road has been lncluded in the PWD's works programme for this year. TEONG KUM KKE. Public Belat'cns Officer. Ministry A National Development.
        45 words
      • 45 14 "ABSIRTIR" (ST.. U June IZ) U thanked for raising the Issue of potential flre-hasards The Public Utilities Bmrd hat Initiated necessary action to diminish such haxards not only at Trengganu Street but also elsewhere. SANDRA JOT VAX (Miss). Ag Public Relations Officer Public Utilities Board
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 2 14 hS ifll
      2 words
    • 286 14 Congratulations Best Wishes HITACHI ZOSEN ROBIN DOCKYARD PTE. LTD. on their official opening Another Prestigeous SOUND SYSTEM INSTALLATION ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING PTE. LTD. 271, Outram Road. Singapore 3. Now introduce th« •Mint and faptost way to /^Skx'tAVN U T t make hot drinks Just /W^ 1 V'j^tffN twitch on and taava
      286 words

  • 201 15 Interim order to oil firm not to use its name T«HE Brunei High Court has ordered Credit Suisse Oil of Brunei to refrain from using its name until the court's next sitting in September. Credit Suisse (Swiss Credit Bank) In Singapore last week applied for an Injunction to restrain the
    201 words
  • 63 15 MR. S. JAYAKUMAR. Singapore's permanent representative to the United Nations, returned here two weeks ago. He resumed duties at the University of Singapore's Law Faculty this week. Prior to his UN posting. Mr. Jayakumar was the lecturer and sub-dean of the faculty. He was
    63 words
  • 73 15 MAN HELD FOR HOLD-UP AND ABDUCTION FLICE have detained a suipect In connection with the robbery at the Holland Road home of Mr. William Cheng. Permanent Secretary. Ministry of Labour. On Monday night, four dagg c r wielding men held up Mr. Cheng's wife. 39, two daughters and a friend
    73 words
  • 397 15 PROBABLY FIRST CASE IN SPORE IIR. Justice Tan iT1 Ah Tah in a divorce hearing yesterday ordered I wife to pay $500 costs to her husband. Mrs. Raymond de Castro, 45, Is probably the first woman in Singapore against w h o
    397 words
  • 62 15 THE School of Postgraduate Medical Studies. University of Singapore. has announced the results of the recent Master of Medicine (Internal Medicine) examlnatlon held earlier this month The successful candidates are: Drs. Daniel Chua Hua Bng. Owee Hak Meng. Ho Kok Tong. Patrick Kee Chin Wan. Uu Tsun
    62 words
  • 49 15 EDUCATION Minister. Dr L- Chlaw Meng will open the 21st World Assembly of the International Council on Education for Teaching UCKT) at Shangri-la Hotel on July 28 About 400 delegates repinentlng Institutions of higher learning from more than TO countries are expected to attend.
    49 words
  • 91 15 MISSING PIPES IN YARD POLICE raided a scrap--17 yard In Recreation Road, off Serangoon Road on Thursday and seized 24 steel pipes worth $28,000— believed to be part of the $30,000 loot reported missing from Esso Asia Services Incorporated of Jurong the previous day. Acting on a tip-off, a police
    91 words
  • 18 15 Matt LINO Street postal a tency at Block 154. Queenatuwn. will open for business o.i Tuesday.
    18 words
  • 405 15 Businessman: It was turf officer who offered me money BUSINESSMAN Ngoi King Chlk, accused of trying to bribe the chief security officer of the Singapore Turf Club, alleged in a district court yesterday that it was the officer who offered him money for information on bookmakers operating in the club.
    405 words
  • 78 15 DR Walter Oegelka, coordinator on special education at the University of Missouri. St. Louis. United States, will conduct a trainIng course on "Special Education" at the Sbigafjore Association for Retarded Children's Lee Kong Chlan Centre In Margaret Drive. The asset ons will be from Aug. S to
    78 words
  • 94 15 Musical drama at Cultural Centre A MUSICAL drama Magdalene of Canossa will be performed at the Cultural Centre on July 16 to 18 and at Hal Sing Glrla' School auditorium on July 20 and 21 beginning at 7.30 p.m. Boys and glrH from several mission schools will present a wide
    94 words
  • 62 15 THE Convention Bureau of the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board U collecting Information on local organisation* which are affiliated to International and regional organisation* to enable the bureau to promote Singapore as a "Convention City" "We hope that auch Information will give v* an Indication of thoae aaawUtmn* which
    62 words
  • 53 15 1088 PTorence Tan Be* Hong, a chambermaid at Hotel Boysq-Hamarta, recently received a piece of Thai allk from a gueat for her honesty She found and returned a gold chain betongtng to Mr. Bnethal ftmetepiri»< of Bangkok, who fW etaylng at the hotel while attending the recent
    53 words
  • 37 15 ASBT aunt A Cornelius. of the Potto* Academy, will apeak on "Crime Prevention How the Pubnc can Cooperate with the Policeman' at the lions Club of atagapore Hirtnheon meeting at Marco Polo Hotel on Wednesday.
    37 words
  • 40 15 LABOURER Moh— lerl btn Dalmen. M. tu fined WO by MaguAraUs court yesterday for steattng a tin of sardines worth II at the Shipping Block Oete of the PSA at about 5 15pm on Thilrsday He pleaded guilty
    40 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 96 15 JLRobina lit S*»r ittn ,gn mr V* A Ladies Dept Ist Floor V a. Two-piece knit tops from Paul Simon of London $39 00 i b Pants from Karting of France. £cc r\r\ I c. Blouse from Andre Falter of France. $52.50 d. Skirt from Go- Ray of London. I
      96 words
    • 277 15 weekend. VAN I tjll Don't forget your ■j™ J™ B IT A U Eilm bubbling VANISH IVOaaK Him. cleans and disinfects HOW SUPER fIA vanish s?infectanJ A 1 L CLEAN^^dB ■v JT TTWj la^r sL^^ m A^ f sls^ar "*X*^al I SJS ■r el 9^afl OlSINf(& /J^ W p^a^aV Jal
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 815 15 WATER consumption on Thursday was 112.4 million gallons (SU.MO cubic metres) 10.4 million (aliens (45.H0 cable metres) I e than on Wednesday i TV SINGAPORE (5) IAA PM Opening and Sesame j \C\ PM V«s in Brief US •UU Street IJI Saturday O.JU What's My Line IM Matinee— Hell Bent
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 573 16 Electric (USA.), the largest manufacturer of clock radios in the world, is anticipating major growth of its I I facilities and is now seeking suitably qualified candidates I for the following interesting, challenging and rewarding positions:QUALITY CONTROL ENGINEER Candidates must be graduate Engineers in electrical, electronics, or mechanical engineering with
      573 words
    • 363 16 WELL ESTABLISHED GERMAN INTERNATIONAL COMPANY REQUIRES FOR ITS EXPANSION PROGRAMME THE FOLLOWING PERSONNEL A. Experienced Diesel Mechanics (2) Applicants must have at least three years practical experience in the installation, maintenance and servicing of high low speed stationary and or marine diesel engines Successful applicants are required to serve the
      363 words
    • 774 16 DHDB We invite applications from suitably qualified candidates for the appointment as:ARCHITECTS Appointees will take part in the challenging task of implementing a housing programme which aims »t providing 30.000 homes a year and a better living environment for more than half of Singapore's population. Architects will be involved in
      774 words
    • 703 16 ACCOUNTANT Our client, a large international Bank which is establishing a base in Singapore for its regional operations, wishes to recruit an Accountant. The Accountant will report to the Resident Manager and will be responsible for accounting and administrative functions which will include the administration of the accounts department, preparation
      703 words
    • 519 16 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Our client, a development and construction company whose activities stretch throughout Malaysia and Indonesie has vacancies for aggressive far sighted young men of not more than 35 years of age who are capable of fulfilling the company s stringent requirements. SITE ARCHITECT— MCS 300 This position requires a
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 527 17 IK^n THE |wj MARITIME ■Ml COMMAND JOIN US AS SEAMAN GUNNERS SEAMAN COMMUNICATORS SEAMAN DIVERS SEAMAN RADAR PLOTTERS APPLICANTS MUST a) Be physically fit b) Have good eyesight c) Not be colour blind d) Have passed at least Secondary II or LCE A or B be above 16 V) years
      527 words
    • 676 17 GENERAL MOTORS OVERSEAS DISTRIBUTION CORPORATION trwttaa appttoattona from Ulngapnw dttoane for tha challenging poattton of PROJECT ENGINEER The Job The Project Engineer reports to the Asaembl' Protects Manager and will be required tc render technical assistance to various dealer assemblers In Southeast Asia. Functions H would Include planning of plant
      676 words
    • 597 17 I SALES EXECUTIVE I I We are specialists in the field of materials hand- I I ling, and with the rapid expansion of our oparat- I I tons *ye invita applications from suitably qualified I I parsons for appointment to this Singapore baaad I I position. I We require a
      597 words
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1554 18 naaNifciiriiaaH merck AIBEQ. a^SmZLZmm MEDICAL BSKSSSL^ 1 fo b(v qu if-d tl mm REPRESE NTATI YE (1) INSIDE STOCK CIIPFRVISOR This leadin 9 vvoridwide pharmaceutical combUrCnvlOUn rec|u j res a me dical representative to Require Higher School Certificate minimum. School Cart- promo te its range Of products to the medical
      1,554 words
    • 302 18 "Marketing Executives" Applicants are invited from suitably qualified candidates for several vacant positions They must possess the following qualifications and experience 1. Technical education, preferably with mechanical engineering bias. 2. At least 3 year technical selling experience. 3. Age between 22 and 35 years. Salaries will commensurate with qualifications and
      302 words
    • 177 18 aim* D<s ANNOUNCEMENT With effect Ist July, 25% discount is given to the trade for all Lederle products in Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei. New price lists will be circularised to retailers and wholesalers in due course. The nett wholesale prices remain the same, but the consumer prices are revised. Lederle
      177 words
    • 206 18 JmT My brother ONG SIOW VfX OMS-ACS (pm> •If only I may grow: Mr ncr, slmoler. quieter :ind warmer." Oom Wang Tsao Chi: g 29th June. 1974 Singapore THE COMPANIES >CT (Act 42 of 1*67) IN THE HIGH COURT OF THI KEPUBLIC OF SINCAPOKr Name of Company: United Slnma Co
      206 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 2119 19 classified ads gl TONIGHT SEE MICHELLE lAUTV Ii Model Academy's ru in Fashion Show at ■;>'-,.ingri-LB Hotel. Island iiiilroom New Modelling Classes rornroenclng on Monday/ Wednesday Enquiries Please it lephone *****3. ON BOOKS Nation s book review page la intellectual* *«<d she man hiSTllreet. R«ed N todey and every temrdty
      2,119 words
    • 654 19 SALIS RBPRBSSNTATTVIS POM COPYBtO, duplicsitng steal and office machines Salary commls>*>n commensurate with experience Apply Associated Office Equipment 79 Blk K Outram P*rk Spore 3 9ALESOIRLS WANTEO by drug More m leading hotel Orchard Road area. Apply ST. Box A *****. INDOOR SALESGIRLS with or without experience Apply ptrsonally at
      654 words
    • 617 19 YOUNG MAN? BNBUBW S> lAKBI (I needed for single expatriate a* living in housekeeper Letters with photos send to ST Box A ***** ROCKWELL SINGAPORE PTC. LTD. require* tßperlenced MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Applicants should have 3 years experience In gtneral maintenance work Including Installation, maintenance and repair of production machinery. pipe
      617 words
    • 720 19 PHIUPS requires a 2 3 yaars experience in the repair and maintenance of Electrical Hydraulic phneumauc controlled machines and tooling MasN be .Mma as werk en 2 tMRa. Appllc«nu should alto possets at least a grade 2 trade certificate or It* Equivalent Pleaaf submit full details of personal particulars, qualifications
      720 words
    • 762 19 BWFBJMBNLIiI BRrVIR RBOU—O for international bank. Must be 21 years old or above Please forward all references with application letter and recent photograph to S T Box A *****. wanted OPPtCI BOY. Possess Class 2 Provisional Licence Call personally MOCCIA. Middle Road. Singapore 7 Ttl: *****2 ha* vacancies for Singapore
      762 words
    • 707 19 A LUXtlg LOOM Batß ha* immediate vacancies for the foUowtag positrons 1 SECURITY WARDEN Applicant* sbould have previous experience In security work and or training ln the police force, army or tht fir* brigade The successful ctSKtißatsi must have completed at least Secondary II level of education Those who have
      707 words
    • 906 19 WESTWOOO THI BEST PENTHOUSE type of apartment with 3 bed -rooms, long Olympic slae swimming pool and many extras Centre of town, reasonable rent t and many other hunsjahiis to your choice district For more k details tel: Vronlque Realty Pte Ltd ***** V *****/ *****1 OFF ORCNARO ROAO 9BBW
      906 words
    • 813 19 VICTORIA PARK Exclusively Brand New Orand 2Itorey Spanish Architectures sungalow in best surroundings Ipllt-level lounge dining room 4 )edrooms wtth individual own xtthroom Building completely :entral I'nlt Mrrondltlo.ied tx lulsitely furnished servant's oom. own amenities Additional ollet downstair* Inclusive tight tiling* Flooring Chips and iarble throughout, modern [ltchen Facilities Hot
      813 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 683 20 PAOFICinN6IOIS^!EIMTAL»a6O overlooking sea. furnished. Dateu phone, no obstruction, direct sea breese ***** *****3 SELETAR HILLS 3-BEDROOMED BIROLE-BTOREY mosaic throughout 3.800 sq. ft FurnUhed un furnished sale rent Call owner *****4 CENTRALLY LOCATEO DIST. 8 fully furnished 3-bedroomed flat. Living dining room. $750 p m Tel *****2 DIST. 2< HONG KONG
      683 words
    • 667 20 OISTR'CT 10 Jalan Hail Alias Brand New Luxurious 3-storey Townhouse 6 Split level. Elevated Land 3.000 Sq ft Built-in Area 2 800 Sq ft freehold 4bedrooms 3-liathrooms. Parquet Moculc TVrrano. Aluminium Slidlnk' Doors. Tlrted Windows $196,010/- on o R ng *****8 SITUATEO SMUGLY ON THE FRINGE OF DIST 11 CentrtJ.
      667 words
    • 570 20 POR OMCK SALS Of Property please get in touch with EBC. 248C-2 Orchard Roai (opposite Mandarin Hotel). Tel *****6/7 WANTED TO PURCHASE SEMI OST ACHED and terrae. houses at Oolden Hill. Pleas* cal. Property Agency *****4 POR RENT or tale. unlU 5*26 and 5827 area. 456 sq. ft. each on
      570 words
    • 749 20 NABB-NO TRAVEL SERVICE (SINGAPORE) PTE. LIMITED Tour West Malaysia Seven Days *****/ air— conditioned bus *****/-. Malaysia ft Oentlng Highlands by atr-condit'oned bus seven days *****/- Departure Every Sunday and Monday Cameron Highlands Four Days BSSO/- Oentlnt Highlands Four day* *****/-. Depart u re Every Wednesday. Bangkok Chiengmal by alivcondltioned
      749 words
    • 566 20 MAS CMARTERBLONDON 8740/- Europe 8750/- Australia 8500 U 8 A Canada 31.250 Tokyo/ Indonesia/ Bangkok 36K. Prlnsep Street (opposne Cathay. Tel *****1/ 3338W/ *****1 ARCHIPELAGO SPECIAL DAILY. WEEKLY. MONTHLY SIA. Mondays 747/ 707 Grant) Burse sen Tests 15/22 Dajrs SJ9OO/ ***** Inclusive meals, hotels with I private facilities, ft sightseeing
      566 words
    • 710 20 aOUEN UON RESTAURANT Pan t onset Cisine, ginger chicken aw speciality Dip fried fresh water run. Johort ssafood our pride Call: *****6/ *****5. 686, Upper East Coast Road. 8* mile Spore VISIT BEDOK REST HOUSE THIS Sunday for Exciting Chicken Curry Luach. Nast Lemak (Coconut Rlct) Sambal Oula Melaka. 83
      710 words
    • 759 20 JULY EEE4IIIRMH SHORTHAND UOOKKEEPINe TYPEWRIT. n Q CLASSES In preianUlon for the Ut PITMAN SCHOOL Fxamlnallons. Commencing ath July. Days TTme: Short hnnd Monday and rnday 6.39 7 3B p m Rookkeeptnf: Tuesday aisff Thursday 6 SO 7.30 p m. Typewriting: Any time between S a m and 9 30
      759 words
    • 843 20 MSW6TTI IA66B aa6JBM6BRr RAPID COURSB commencing 9 7 74 Duration 3 months Pee 110 Limited vacancies Tuesdfc)*/ Thursdays 7.30 p.m 8.30 p r.i or 6 a.m. 10 a m Teacher in charge 8 years' leaching experience Please enquire: Systematic Business Training Centre Room 117. Ist floor. Peace Centre Selegle Road.
      843 words
    • 663 20 EIPERIEWCBO TEACHER OWES TUITION ror Primary levels. Interested tei *****0 Saturday. Sunday after 3.30 p.m. WANT YOUR CHILORSN lo get scholarships through tuition? Contact Michael tel: *****69 Primary/ Secondary ntudents. MATHEMATICS ENOLISH. Individual Coaching by experienced 'utor 372 A. Lorong 1. Toa Payoh Block 112. CLASSICAL OUITAR TEACHER Invites private
      663 words
    • 212 20 SOS INTtPKATIOWAL KACINO DtNOHV. perfect condition full In venlory. Including 3 suits of sails SB3 200 or near offer. Phone Bay Us (daytime) *****1-9 Scott (evenings) *****3. •KI-BOAT BVHt«UOS 46 TRAILS*. skis Accessories complete All excellent condition 32.800 0.n.0. Phone Kenneth *****6 O.K. "ACIHO DIHOeIY. perfect condition, silver medallist boat
      212 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 758 21 RENTAL SALB WOOOBN FURNITURE, refrigerator* tradein arrangeable Please contact 18. Tiverton Lane Spore 9. )BUB IJfiti MMt j CURTAIN CENTRE We have the widest range of Im- j ported curtain fabrics foi domestic and commercial applications of Interior decoration We provide free colour consuiutlon You are under no obligation to
      758 words
    • 772 21 CAsfSRA WANTED Japanese Oood Mechanical condition, leas than 4 years old Alan Read (U.K.). American Express, American International Bonding, 6th Floor. 1 Robinson l-oad. OPBCIAL. tPBCIAL. BPBCIALI Louise Klerk. Continental Beauty Specialist with 26 yean tropical experience. Introduces scientific facial treaunenu (open pores, pimples acne) for Nurses, Teachers and StudenU
      772 words
    • 835 21 Wfl Socialised M CARMTB. wallpaper, curtain fabrics etc. Ring Rome Interior *****7 or call B-26. Katong Shopping Centre 9 a.m. 9 p.m. dally SCTVICMtS ALL KNtOS TV. Taperecorders. Amplifiers reasonable charges. Phone Spore *****08 anytime Science Tsehntrti T.V. Service TROPICAL T.V. DAY/ MIOHT Repair Tel: *****3 All rands Falreharpss. Repair
      835 words
    • 1812 21 SILLINO CHBAP. LOUNS.S. DSX4SMI sets, wardrobe drcaslng vole, voao spring beds, all tea* ■Tf l*T^f Philips Utovwon. Hoover DMl\- UfJ ikYlljLMa' wosner. Refrigerator ste. telephone *****9 TtWBR BKN4 MOUNTED SOUUfTt. FULLY. Ring *****1. COMSS TO YOU M 9WBAPORSI NARSM -DELIVERS THS OOOOST THE MOST COMPLETB U9H Of MARKUrS S BSALN4O
      1,812 words
    • 703 21 MALAYSIAN RBSeSTBRBO 1080 AUSTIN Mini food eondlUon price 93.380 on o. Tel *****7 Spore 1007 VOLKSWA4MJN USB C.C. excellent eondlUon. tax Insured ■oUlitgat 92.900 o no. Ttl *****3 ext 385 Oremll office hours TOYOTA CROWN DELUXE 1870 automatic, excellent eondlUon 89.600 European owner Tel: *****6 1087 VAUXHALL VIOTOR very good
      703 words
    • 490 21 107 C CORTINA tOOOS f European owner driver Moderate mffrsgt exceptional condition 96.300 0.n.0. Ring *****7 ■BUST SSU. JAOUAR 4 J XJ6 4-1 1971 Denso alreon. tape extras Taxed one owner Tel *****9 0 MONTHS OLD Toyota Corona MKTt 3000 c.c. One owner, accident free, showroom condition. 99.980 ono Ring
      490 words
    • 406 21 ic j cosrrsßA statiooiwabnm. Seinnf 98,100/-. Hlfhast affar itcuni RlDf m««B Night BttlsS. LATS iSfS POS» BSCOOJT 1 100 c c Owned by mechanic Tip top condition Cm-. 1 art PmhUc. Richard 3T7304 307. Ckrhard Road NO SANSAIN SBAUTIPNL CONBCTION. Toyota CaUea 1972. October 2nd owner airean sports rims, overuse
      406 words
    • 241 21 M fk hopelessly ILJ-.vJ looking around^ for a V V good economical car I no further than W W Goldhill Plaza, and GO Chung Shan Motors yfor your DATSUN fnentfy sevices! Buy Datsun witri conwamanoa. And halpful sxpartNa. Tha Chung Shan tway to to Dstsunl Buying Datsun from Chung Shan
      241 words

  • 389 22 Shortlist idea not fair, union told By CHEW LEE CHIKI THE Education Ministry has rejected a Singapore Teachers Union's proposal to shortlist teachers for promotion by alloting schools a number of applicants according to their size. The reason Is that the proposal would be
    389 words
  • 121 22 rpHREB yo-yo players, L will be chosen from 600 contestant*, to represent Singapore In the finals of the Coca-Cola Russell yo-yo contest In Kuala Lumpur on July 14. The seml-flnals, from which the three will be selected, will be held at the High Street
    121 words
  • 36 22 thb bap Mmm liiti' Aaw elatlon wul eelebraU lv •ecood annlvenary with a dance at tba SAP NOO Club in Beach Road tonight Ticket* at 14 a couple are available at tba a— relation
    36 words
  • 31 22 Manama of sute icommunlcationa) Chal Chong YU. will *f**k at Uie prla* im»>iil«lt<iii of a children's books oontaat at the Inatttut* of s>^f« ti^ auditorium at I pjn today.
    31 words
  • 143 22 Use of water may double by 1980 WATER conetunptlon by the manufacturing and commercial sectors la expected to double by 1980, the UP for Ulu Pandan, Dr. Chiang Hal Ding, said last night Speaking at a "Water Is Pradcus" exhibition At the Ulu Pandan communl.y centre, he said that the
    143 words
  • 107 22 ATTRACTIVE (Iris 111 be oo hand U hela iSfSfifi aa major aaaermaraete here befhi retaJHsuj hi metric aaaer a Magaaere Metrieaiiea Be«rd arefraaaane frees Jsdy 1. The flrU, wearing T-ahlrt B with the Bearers lem and the war* -Oe Metric," will be atMtteaed
    107 words
  • 160 22 Murder Police seek help of two I contact tw» men te help them to the In Teertf tteni Into the murder ef Leeag Peag Swan, 15, on Dee. It last year. They are Oh Bwee Teefc alias Stew Teefc, tl. ef •44. Chye Kay Boad and ZIS-L, Lorestf Betaam Sesmkawaag
    160 words
  • 43 22 THE atacapore Council of Social awie* »od *m a|»clal TMcanon Unit, Ministry of ■rtamtluii wUI Jotntly hold a workshop for aon-«p»citaMn tsarhsw at the council's prsnlaM In Penan* Lane huglnnlng at ajn today The wortubop will contlpiif for Mght eooaeoutlvs Bfcturdaym.
    43 words
  • 139 22 rpHE Singapore Sanitary Ware Importers 1 and Exporter! Association yesterday reported to the police that a man had disappeared with $100,000 worth of sanitary wares belonging to IT of Its member firms. Memben held a meet- > Ing at 1U headquarter* I In Kalians Road yiitfday
    139 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 31 22 Ik r6l* D llil fl 111 Jk i*n maaaal maY V4^^Pl I L^Bl I a a H ■1 \lw PROTEIN .aJmB g Siicciail offer Jj I mSmaaHl l&^B^Baaaa^maaaaama^Bl CONOmONSMO A. ll'
      31 words
    • 494 22 Rust Proof. Chip Proof. Imported from Europe S iIE. i I- B-ijis .^r 3 ~*^—^m^pw^p^ TOPTRADEIN VALUE OF siera apmis >CIO o?S Sng ™n door model LT> f% W REFRIGERATOR NO-FROST The all new A PB-4 1 5 a truly TODAY'S refrigerator with matchless features and a price that will
      494 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 695 23 Expanding Group of Manufacturing Company in the Electrical Trade in the Ipoh Area have immediate vacancies for the following positions:1. Works Manager (a) Applicant* niunt have technical knowledge of workshop administration, workshop plant and machinery, practical experience an added advantage, and be able to conduct and supervise minor repair jobs
      695 words
    • 715 23 IHC (Ma)ayaia) Sdn. Bhd. a member of the IHC HOLLAND group of companies, shipbuilder and engineers invites applications from experienced personnel to fill the post of: STEEL CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT Experience The applicant must have a minimum of five years working ex|>erience in a reputed shipyard in a similar capacity. He
      715 words
    • 371 23 PBOWCT MAWA6ER CPC (Malaysia; Sdn. Berhad, a progressive food company In Petallng Jaya, has an opening for a Product Manager to Join Its marketing management team. The individual we are looking for should: Be a Malaysian citizen fluent In spoken and written English. Hate a minimum of S years experience
      371 words
    • 204 23 /Ich wish to inform that with effect from Saturday 29th June 1974 their new telephone number for their offices in Wisma Damansara will be: 03 *****3 (20 lines) (The change is expected to be made between 2.30 p.m. 5.00 p.m. on the above mentioned date) From July 1, rinc *****4
      204 words
    • 610 23 KOREA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CHANGE OF ADDRESS We will h«- iiiomd". our Xl ALA LI MItIK office to NSW IMtKMISBSat BANGUNAN JAVA Koasa 8-A and «-H JALAN HAJI HUSSEIN. KUALA LUMPL'R M-1S Telephone: MtO», *****, XM4&. SM73 ami ***** ON I JULY, 1H74 KimlK n m uui MM AddrmH JERNEH INSURANCE
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 232 24 NOTICE With effect from Saturday 29 June 1974 the telephone number of the British High Commission is changed to XL *****3. The Passport and Consular office telephone remains unchanged at *****. Mobil Please note w.e.f. June 29th 1 974 our telephone numbers have been changed as follows: *****2 < 7
      232 words
    • 1008 24 0.C.8.C. FINANCE (SINGAPORE LIMITED I BALANCF SHIFT 31»T MCCttttfV It 7* O.p^oSJ-on 1972 FIXED ASSETS. 8.383 Improvements to Is— Mold buftiflng 24.884 21.618 3.366 27.»t0 Fumitura.mtrr^andofßcaaqoJpmant »8.3»9 46.266 21 .144 1,280.170 Equipmsnt on lease 4.140J19 1.376.621 2.765.198 1.316.613 $4732.302 $1,*****4 2.7 M.708 STATUTORY DEPOSIT WITH THE MONETARY AUTHORITY 1.318.729 OF
      1,008 words
    • 556 24 DISTRICT AND MAGISTRATES' COURTS •WOAPORE D.C. Summon* No 9006 Of 1013. Between Uan Bee Credit Co (Pte) Ltd.. Plaintiffs And 1 Neo Wan Choo Neo Ouan Choo 2. Lee Ngiah Kirn Defendants To Mr. Lee Nglah Kirn No. 40. Oxley Road. Singapore. 9. Take Notice that an action has been
      556 words
    • 348 24 nssnnßni sssssssssnlJ Ls^ssl Ls^n^jL M. Mi SAF CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN The Singapore Arm*d Forces has vacant les tor women in the Regular Service in the following Vocatiort A Clark B Pay Clerk C Library Assistant D Language Instructor E Switchboard Operator QUALIFICATIONS For Post A D At least three
      348 words

    • 621 25 FRANKFURT, Friday ARGENTINA'S World Soccer Cup squad, still sroggry from a ni^ht of Dutch devastation, set off today for Hanover and Sunday's South American showdown with champions Brazil. Argentina appear to have lost their chance of winning the trophy after their 4-0 defeat by Holland on
      Reuter  -  621 words
    • 389 25 SOME of the shrewdest brains In world soccer are sending out the message: Don't write off Brazil for the 1974 World Cup. The reigning champions, shorn of Pele and other great stars, have so far disappointed the purists In this campaign. But the fact
      Reuter  -  389 words
    • 206 25 WORLD CUP 1974 Why West Germany started poorly DI'SSELDORF. Fri. The reaaon West Germany started their 1974 World Soccer Cup quest poorly was that "they wanted to win the caar way," said Frlti Walter, captain of the West German team that lifted the trophy In 1954 "I was disappointed with
      206 words
    • 138 25 P«RANKPURT. PH. Two World Cup soccer stars —Roberto Perfumo of Argentina and Over Hadzlabdlc of Yugoslavia had second referees 1 warnings officially confirmed yesterday The Disciplinary Committee of the World Soccer Federation (FIFA) issued a list of 14 players who were shown the yellow warning
      AP  -  138 words
    • 661 25 MANILA, m— Justina )Jl Taeng and Khoo Teng Cheong wen the only gold medal winners for Singapore In the Asian Age Oroup swimming chimp! onshlpa here today Justina won the Group 2 girls 100 m freestyle in lm 06.2 from Japan's Ifuuml Otekl. with
      661 words
    • 179 26 Minister opens Nestles soccer scheme By JOE OORAJ rFHB first big step to•1 wards raising the general standard of soccer was launched ln Singapore yesterday tar the Minuter for Social Affairs Knclk Othman Wok at the National Stadium. The ffrstle* Football Training Scheme, which costs $18,000. will gire 750 schoolboy*
      179 words
    • 35 26 PORMIR International afahat Ambu aoorad two goal* to balp Hotel Inge pur*, edge Star United 3-1 In a frieaaiy aoccar match at Farrar Park yesterday. La* Bee Seng netted (or Star United.
      35 words
    • 247 26  -  ERNEST FRIDA By SINGAPORE has submitted preliminary entries for 14 sports of the Teheran Asian Games from Sept. 1 to 16. The 14 sports are athletics, badminton, basketball, boxing. cycling, fencing, tennis, volley ball, welghtliftlng, football, hockey, shootIng, swimming (Including wrterpolo and diving) and table
      247 words
    • 208 26 STTA out to spot talent in Senior tourney By PETER SIOW riIMOAPORK Table Ten- nli Association •electors will be on a talent scouting mission at Senior Cham- lonshlpa starting at KaJlang tomotro*' The selectors plan to pick the players for the PesU Bukan ln August and Asian Otmei ln September
      208 words
    • 66 26 LONDON. PH.— The Football Aaaoclation baa aeiaeted Sir Alf Ramat7'« wnvaaior for the hotaeat of stagland aooear maiiagat and will name him In the next two weak*, PA officiate aald today The PA fired Rainier when Kncland ware eliminated from World Cup competition. The new
      66 words
    • 533 26 Lee improves her own 3-day-old 200 m record rpALSNTBD Lee Poh 1 Kirn of Ahmad Ibrahim continued her record breaking performance In the Buklt Tlmah district athletic championship* yesterday when she won the 300 m ln a new time of 28.45« c In the girls Lower Secondary Division, reports EKNEBT
      533 words
    • 42 26 LONDON. Ftl.— Tha Pakistani crlckaten gained tha third suceaiaivt victory of their tour whan they overwhelmed Urn UaivantUa* Athletic Union bjr an Innlngi and 77 runs jaatardii F-.nal Korea: Paklstania »l-9 cleclarad UAU 104 and IX (Wtattn Raja 5-Jt)
      42 words
    • 505 26 wKLANM M&itens stole IVI the i h o w In the PMtr Panjing DUtrlct athletic OM«t with three wins at QuMnitown yestertUy report* Peter ■tow. MeUnie won the Lower Secondary girls* Mm hurdles, 400 m and long J'-uap. ItaavlU Bay* Mat la*. IMb* traMlaat 1 Lao*
      505 words
    • 394 26 RI star set for a City meet treble TJATFLES Instltu- tlon'g long dlatance star, V. Mahen tha ran, won the 3000 m steeplechase with a splendid time of 10:26.6 for a double In the City District Athletft meet at RI ground yesterday, reports JOE DOBAI. Mahe n t h aran.
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 264 25 //ig^gk Ik, I BBV MULLER PHIPPS (F.E.) SON. BHD. Singaport Kuala Lumpur Ptnang Ipoh StaCkitttl CORTINA BTK. LTD. ROHNA DEPARTMINT STORt Colombo Court. HHjK It Spor* 7. Robins HouM. 1. SKintonWiy, S'aora 1. ROBINSON A CO. (S) PTI. LTD. ORCHARD PLAZA Spodalltt.- Bid.. Spor. t. 2na fir. Orchard Bid*,.
      264 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 153 26 Congratulations Best Wishes to HITACHI ZOSEN DOCKYARD PTE. LTD. on the occasion of their official opening from WELDING (61JIBRO) PnODUCT SPARES EQUIPMENT- ACCESSORIES MUnufacnmn and Swctaa ol Ory Ac«v*n* WM*«a a Cuttmo Equipmim Span* UH YEW CHEOfHi WaDIHC HIS 1 147. RANGOON ROAD. SINGAPORE S. TEL: *****10 A 25*8111
      153 words
    • 33 26 CONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHES to HITACHI ZOSEN ROBIN DOCKYARD PTE. LTD., on the occasion of their official opening from CHIYOICHI TTM (F.E.) PTE. LTD., 45, OOLDHILL PLAZA, NEWTON ROAD, SINGAPORE, 11. TEL: *****4/*****1.
      33 words
    • 144 26 Congratulations and Best Wishes to HITACHI ZOSEN ROBIN DOCKYARD PTE LTD on the occasion of their Official Opening from ASIA PROJECTS ENGINEERING PTE LTD. 6, Benoi Road, Jurong Industries Estate, Singapore 22. Tel: *****9, *****1, *****8. Congratulations Best Wishes to HITACHI ZOSEN ROBIN DOCKYARD PTE. LTD. on the occasion of
      144 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 104 26 HOCCgm NTUC final: SPBD PrsKT (Jalan Baear Spjn.) later-C*—itlaiary: Ulu Pandan r Telok Blangmh (Queenetnwn Complex >. Kg. Chat Chee f Bkt Marah (Oeylang Stadium) Changl v Kg. Dbl (Toa Pmyoh Cornpan); Kuo Chuan v Kg. Kemhangan (National BUdlum Track)— All matcbe* at 5.15 pm. BADMINTON SBA Under-31 aeml-flnaU (SBA
      104 words

  • 162 27  -  EPSOM JBEP fljf REPULSE BAY II has a bright chance of a double in Race Three at Ipoh today. The Ba 1 lymosa seven-year-old haa hit a bright patch; track copditions suit him; and he Is a better horse over a longer trip. Nyonya can
    162 words
  • 492 27 BACK 1 CLAM S DIT. > »HF 1 NalUehe Unit 2 Glen Linwili MS Salri > Erer Baeecaa Ml Wu 4 Cm! Mllftaa S.M Ltew 5 Frwhi StaM Mt M. L«» < »mlwiee >.M supln 7 Ueardtan Kkoo > Friendly City «»5 Chaam > < cpnva
    492 words
  • 1202 27 RACE ONE WONNAI: Ooes well on wet track; third with 10 10 Oeorgy Porgy Div. 3 tit last week was good showing; chance. ESPIONAGE: Mudlark; did not show up Dlv. 3 Sit last week; run previous lost narrowly with d.O to Tyrant Dlv. 3 »f heavy going
    1,202 words
  • 240 27 Veli Koot should score again today By Dennis Chia DOWN in Dlv Two again. Veil Koot haa Uttle to beat In Race Two at Ipoh today. LMt week. VeU Koot ni tlowlr awajr In the DW One •if r»ce. But he ma4c up ■round and produced hu characteristic storming ftnlah
    240 words
  • 1214 27 111 1 2.15 Class 6 Div. 3 9f aLatldaSUl ($5,500 $3,850 to winrwr) 1 0800 Tin Dkulii a (Falrwind) Wat tt (dd PA Lmmj 1 1 1 0003 Winml a (RN) Jaafax 1 1 11 (-1) 'Clxin t lOS3oB*s4oade*>(NL) Ahmad lit (dd *1) M*Clmii* 5 4 am *d»«ei
    1,214 words
  • 89 27 1 Ayt«ar*» gay V«H K«a« ■Mfan PamtfM Own P»»«y A«t» Wtutl Ayaiartk I VMKMt V«N Kaat O«a»«j Parn OM aaa Baii Bay HO4 Ma.«T Maitakak HaC MaMay Tyraal Wamla. Bay NO Mtrnr ftaamat Bay Bavt Stltar A«M«v amanC 2 it. T»w«r lac Dyaaaty •at. Tm Ttjwliiii Mr««ra —I my
    89 words
  • 426 27 Splendid gallop by Showgirl CHOWGIRL V, likely favourite In the Perak Derby (Race Four) at Ipo*- tomorrow, wound up her preparations with a splendid gallop on a yielding track yesterday, reports EPSOM JEEP. I With George Podmore astride, Showgirl V worked with stable mau" Chaya Timor II (Dennlr. McClune). They
    426 words
  • 170 27 China's shuttle stars rout Germans YJONORONO. ftt XI China's badminton rtaxa best a Weat German team 6-1 before 18,000 cheering spectators ftt Peking Indoor Stadium, the New Chins news agency reported today. Roland Maywald. 26, caught attention In hit match agminat Chins'* National champion Hou Chla-Chang Usywald Impressed the spectators
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 134 27 For the man who wants to run his own business offers you that chance. If you are a man of action with a keen desire to be your own boss, and the aptitude for this highly challenging and competitive business, you are the man we are looking for. All you
      134 words

  • 80 28 Plan for n-station in HK HONOKONO, Fri. Three British experts will arrive on Monday to study the feasibility of building a nuclear power .aatlc.n in Hongkong, the Government said today. K government spokesman salt the three would spend about two weeks in the colo ly looking Into* safety, e nvli
    80 words
  • 62 28 DUBLIN, Frl. Teddy Kennedy, the U-year-old son of Sen. Edward Kennedy, was taken to a Dublin hoepllal today a.'ter becoming HI while on a holiday In south west Irelard yesterday. The boy, who had hla right leg amputated last November to stop 'he spread of cancer,
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 14 28 WEATHER outlook for Singapore from 6 a.m. to noon today Scattered showers
    14 words
  • 282 28 SYDNEY. FrWay A SINGAPOREAN and a Malaysian, charged In a Asloo,ooo (*****,000) heroin haul, were refused ball In a federal court yesterday. The magistrate, In re- fusing bail, ordered back i into custody Tx>h Bjk Ching. 37. a Singaporean deckhand on the
    UPI  -  282 words
  • 81 28 HONOKONO. Fit The North Vietnamese For»Jfn Ministry hs* saedssd Tballand of detaining a group of Vietnam*** national* living In Urn cjur.try and demanding rans-xn for thetr relsess, Urn North Vietnam newt agency leported today. The Mtavtry yesterday quoted an unnamed oommander of toe Oommunlet Supreme OperaUone
    81 words
  • 82 28 WDJ»OTON (New Zeetend). •M.'-TtM court of appeal am today illsaitawirl •a appeal by two Hnrntone; a m a. Y»u Koof Chuen MM Vi v Plot K»l. against oonrictxi on charges of a Sinfapare aaavnu aaesea Bsmssrasr at UM put of Mount Maun tanuT m New Zealand*
    82 words
  • 56 28 nae, urn twam Men ox Say Cttm. W. IMIII twt> MMXMtjr <• Mth lum, 1»T« >WMf taftUß* tar bif»«« >Mfc«l «m teustur. aw Mal•4 llwMir, on* M -la-law. M> )m Ptofc to aMia tfttfr taw. F— ll on M inly M 11 fiwa 10, Balti OiMi Raa4.
    56 words
  • 339 28  -  NGIAM TOWG HAI By THE Chinese Chamber of Commerce wants the Government to further relax its credit restraints. Among other things, the chambe- wants the Government to abolish the mandatory requirement by banks to maintain a statutory deposit ratio of Dine per rent with
    339 words
  • 145 28 Insurgents execute French newsman VIENTIANE, Frl. Khmer Rouge Insurgents in northern Cambodia have executed a French journalist, claiming he was "an American spy," accordIng to reports from Cambodian refugees crossing Into southern Laos. The Journalist, Marc FUloux, 29, a stringer with Agence France Press*, was killed by the communists on
    AP  -  145 words
  • 77 28 BURTON ON CRUISE SHIP WITH FRIEND NEW YORK, Fit Actor Richard Barton, diverted earlier this week froir film star Elisabeth Taylor, sailed ob the Uner France today with hi* friend Ellen Reeaen (above) and bodyguard Gino Marciello Mr. Barton did not cis close hU desUnation. The France la sehedaled to
    77 words
  • 473 28 SELANGOR Mentri Besar Datuk Hajl Harun Idris was today returned with a comfortable majority to lead the Umno Youth for another two years. He receiyed 245 votes defeating Deputy Home Affairs Minister Datuk Abdul Samad Idrls who got 107. Thunderous applause greeted Datuk Harun
    473 words
  • 47 28 BTOBUIOWAY (Outer Henrtdea). m The mduatrtal revolution has reach*! the tweed weavers of the Outer Hertridae. the remote Mends off the west eeeet of Scotland five Marru tweed weavers have been iMgenrtad by their association for using electric motors to drive their hand looms Heater
    47 words
  • 27 28 DACCA. FA The flood ettuatlon in soatn-eaet WentMdesh Ifrtml yulir day ea rain -fed waters froea the river Klahlarm went down ataast to pre-flood tarel
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 182 28 \|B^^ bs^Bb^bV M 1 "•(■ssssssMaPW '•'^BjsßßßsißwW* Sango Quadrille is the ultimate in contemporary design, the most advanced design and colour schemes ever attempted on porcelain. with colours guaranteed to stay fast even in your dishwasher. Almost every pieu of Quadrille has been cast to bring you the simple beauty of
      182 words
    • 186 28 riles bs^ Esslsra Wslcfii (Ms) U<s. rCflsB-A South Bridge Road, Singapore 1. Telephone *****1,*****2. I f ft 5f fl DON'T in DIRTY SHOES SPOIL YOUR APPEARANCE A FEW MINUTES EVERY MORNING WITH KIWI MAKES THE DIFFERENCE TO YOUR APPEARANCE KIWI SHOE POLISH Polishes to a high shine Preserves texture and
      186 words

  • Business Times
    • 482 29  - Nikko teams up with Wardley to form new investment fund MARTIN LIM By rpHE current dep- ressed state of the stock market may be nerve wracking for most Investors but not so for Nlkko Securities (Asia) of Hongkong. For, according to Nlkko general manager, Mr. Kojlro Watanabe, this Is the
      482 words
    • 381 29  -  TSAI TAN By rE unsecured $8 5 million loan United Holdings made to International Holdings (IHL U secured after all, according to a UH letter to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange. Security in three forms has been received from IHL: LETTERS of guarantee on
      381 words
    • 656 29  -  HO MINFONG By FRTAMINA has completed two projects on Pulau Batam as part of its US$372 million plan to develop the Island into a "logistics base" for the Indonesian oil Industry. Both plants, wllch were officially opened last Saturday by the presi-dent-director of
      Ho Minfong  -  656 words
    • 1145 29  -  C. S. LEE PART ONE of a two part series on corporate disclosure. By INVESTORS in Singapore and M-uJaysian stocks have been fortunate that none of their companies has gone broke as a result of fraudulent management. This does not mean that there Is no
      1,145 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 447 29 -aaaa) aTk w>samai^a«aa> .^aj erj BBj W^ ~9r 1 -J \tfc amafl Lw 4m t aww^ J y ~V >^ -i* *"jfc. Sr* JS*^**?- sisj r_. j gyjgj;^ J*** ejnar^ J BVaaatfJ^* 9 i "WsßP^*^^- J^Z \SL~^ a*Waaf"aal Bma^^SCilßiaaaaaaß! t^ ss^BH Bejpjßjmjßjagp L^^^Ba^aaaM~^^r^ aVT~Trr -HaaVJL aafafl *bb#»^ •a^f*__^_^B^^ "^>^ The
      447 words
    • 225 29 LTB§ I j SaaaaaaaaaS sbbbt '■ejaß^Bß^aaaaaaaaaT* «r -^JM LaflaVjfl -fm^V^V W M 575 MX 111 How does that sound for a cut in your water transport operating costs? Profitability Types Figures taken from ovtr 125 *Soprarrar PTS 75 MX 111 scheduled hydrofoil Mrvtc*s featured above. Payload 12.3 throughout the world
      225 words

  • 505 30 ifEMPAS (Malaya) chairman, Mr. K.N. Eales, told shareholders at the AOM In Kuala Lumpur that Kempas was "heading for another successful year." He was "cautiously optimistic" and Indicated that Kempas, which Includes the Benta Plantations subsidiary, would harvest 21 J million lb (9 0
    505 words
  • Article, Illustration
    12 30 An architects impression of one of the hotues in Washinrtonia H'illa
    12 words
  • 359 30 NEW Town Development, a newcomer in the local real estate scene, has embarked on a multi-million dollar housing project. The company, incorporated in March last year, is currently engaged In putting up Wasningt on 1 a Villa. a medlum-slsed estate off 94 milestone Yio
    359 words
  • 216 30 Malaysia Building Society has announced the appointment of Encik Yahya bin Abdul Wahab to 1U board with effect from June 11. It also announced that Mr. Kirn Kok Kwang was appointed alternate director to Mr. R.E. Beacham with effect from June 12. The Institute of Credit Management
    216 words
  • 533 30 Xfrw YORK. Thun It L^ waa a bad day (or the stock nuu-fcet today. The Dow Jones industrial average toppU-t 13.30 polnu and Cuacd at lU low 803 M It •v the largest loss for a day since May when the Indtft (ell 11.93. With yesterdays loaa of
    533 words
  • 84 30 TINS Thandta 74.M Wednesday TIM Week ago WJO Thursday 11l 44 Wednesday JHtO Week ago 125 M OILS Thursday IHH Wednesday IMJt Week ago INK INDUSTRIALS Thurfdky 547.4 Wednesday 54«.0 Week ago J42 3 DOW JONES AVERAGE INOUBTUAU Thursday NIM Wednesday «I«.M Weak ago tM Tt LONDON DOLLA* PBUnVM
    84 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 273 30 RENOLD j£M MARK 10 A MOTORCYCLE M CHAIMS yB-^3 M RENOLD TIMING I CHAINS AND 1 I AUTO w I ADJUSTERS rVsrld-faiaaut rsplscsaiaat sapisaeat availaklt far all British. Esrspsan aad Jaaaaeas vehicles JSSi. UMW «>*•* rom thm •anr/c* plum (A* mtpmrUmm p UNITED MOTOR WORKS SINGAPORE SHAH ALAM PENAWG TAWAU
      273 words
    • 70 30 The finest pen you'll ever hold Parker 75 in sterling silver Aotoble n sets with I bal pen and pend i]f| Mkgoldorvermei I PARKER_ Mi rtjftfctft DtMftttUTOKS MM.4*U«t aTUftial LUaSflrfl Pf HANG NvV. -v."—\^.^v.;.;.*.v.;.;.y.;.;. V'X-'vX^^^M I M *****7 RENT A <2E> NMafsN&IaVCOMMIIMMS Motor :<: FROMSaJM PHOTOGRAPHS Place your order for
      70 words
    • 117 30 ■L^ (tsjajk^^^BjaA^Ba^i^^B^ljl r?>*^^^^™ TMfIOOIKMfIKJ Of ISIUa)OaC m Advartisfjntnt Hello Investor and Share Trader! M€ YOI WATCIINfi FOI SIMS OF TIE KIT MU NttKT? if to you must icam i 0 ,ntafp.ei pore charts anil otnar curva* o» TECHNICAL ANALYSiS o« MMaM »"<i «rtiv.r)(,.ii shares or commoditt«ft Th« chart. leM yen,
      117 words
    • 102 30 Tempting Stopover Holidays in Europe Bp b^^^^H^ <- Ib^P b/^B V^aaßsßaajßkßßSßar-^r^ Swissair has assembled a tempting Package of Stopover Holidays in Europe (for a few days or a few weeks). Swissair departs Singapore every Wednesday at 8.05 a.m. by daylight flight all the way to Zurich or Geneva. Daily onward
      102 words

      • 75 31 M'.B.C. »8 80 ■L Hatal $1 JO Tfp. Bank $2 06 «<wbert »1.» MOf H«»t $2 45 U> KapM« tl.M E.Y. Bmc taw rtr $2.M rcM( 8ec »2.80 rnui d«». ii.40 I. LumI »J JJ l*n Hold. $0 M )nnl»p Eat (3 04 •a. riaa*. $3.te ■cheap* $3
        75 words
      • 10 31 I. Trmden < M .C.M.P.H. MM tO.M —JO —.14 —.10
        10 words
      • 23 31 la* Mi. M 4.000 City Dot. 346.000 N«4. II I 1»3,000 Bin* Dftrfcy 171.0O» TeUl Tnm: 3MM ToUl Vim: M4OM
        23 words
      • 54 31 J«mS7 JhmU MaatrUfc: X47J7 *44.7« rinmaoc: S»4» ttl.U Hotels: >«».M UtJ7 Propertin: U1.ll UIM TIm: U7«» inj* I rnbken: J4J.W t4SJt O.C.B.C.: (M.M SM.Vt S.E.8. In*.: U4M UIM Dm. M, 1M« 1M I Dec. SI. 1M* 1M t Dec t». IMS a 1M 9 Dec. 21. 1»7« 1M t
        54 words
    • 1549 31 CLOtIMO T*HB: Batala and osmmoditlaa fairly ataadr walla tha nat ita*4y. turnoviii cwririai total turnover oa Urn Biasspor* Irsdin* room aa saßßtflaa by ttM BSaek Ksoaaa*a tectusaa* sea* lota totalM J.ITI.M* (I.MS.OM). with stock aad shara a*lu vaload at 54.M0.M0 (M.MI.M*). •rhllt laduatrtala aeoouotad tar aaaaoa
      1,549 words
    • 387 31 TIK Stock Exchange staged a slew recovery •a short- covering aceoant after a weak openlac yesterday. Trading was generally Uint. Throughout the da? speculative stocks set Cue pac*. With very little fresh dealing. shortcovering formed the balk of activity and this too was not evident
      387 words
    • 1246 31 DID and offer price* oOoially luted and buwneu In and reported to the Stuck Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. INIiUSTHIALS Aena (2.268) (1) 2 30. (4) 2 3C. XD. API. (1.03U
      1,246 words
    • 1217 31 DID and offer price* offldaily listed and builnesi In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchang* y«eterday with the number of shara* traded shown in bracket* In lota of 1,000 unit* unleM otherwise *peclfled IMDUITBIALS Ailn.mtt* (2308; (1) I.M. A. Tim 110(8) A.M. O.». (1 1»8> (1)
      1,217 words
    • 260 31 AOOVE»NMENT-aP-proved price increase for its products in mid-1973 was primarily responsible for Pacific Milk Industries (Malaya) achieving pre-tax trading profits of $1,523,824 for 1973 against losses of $•07,042 previously. Exceptional gains of $501,957 on foreign currency re-alignment and $8,494 on the sale of fixed assets raised
      260 words
    • 267 31 Property stocks lead KL advance HPHE Kusl*. Lumpur Stock Kxehsuiffc turned steady again yesterday on the return of some freßh speculative Interest particularly In selected property stock*. On the property board, San Holdings and Island Hotel attracted strong speculative attention from the opening at the expense of Industrials which were
      267 words
    • 178 31 A 10-BTORKY building called Bangunan Emu in Jalan Pudu. Kuala. Lumpur, v to b« acquired for $33 million by Ban Development, a wholly-owned subsidiary of San Holdings from Wong Sun and Sons Realty. The building, scheduled to be completed by end-January, U expected to yield a groat rental
      178 words
    • 232 31 a T Urn opening In Urn Bta- gapor* forex market yesterday. Urn VA. dollar was marked down to 63.4400-M from the overnight clone of $2.4645-55 However. It movnd up In moderate trading to finish the morning sssaion at 13.4630-40. In vary quiet afternoon trading the dollar eaaad slightly
      232 words
    • 165 31 The followta* ire the nominal average closing interbank rate* In Stngapa.e: Currencies NmUml rates SMilhaealaa r<rc«tUat« «■■<■< ywtataay (erwa) partly chance US dollar 2 MM 1.4630 2 81M 1288 BUrUnf pound 5J640 5 8940 7 3480 19J1 Itangkonf dollar 46 80 4* 85 50 51 3 39 Malaysian
      165 words
      • 28 31 Rubber: June 2S Singapore: 1C7.5* cv (up 2.H ets). Malaysia: U7.56 cts (up S.M eta). Tin: $Ml«l2i (BD $2). Ofßcial offering: 813 tons (down 25 tons).
        28 words
      • 101 31 CMIMIII PMODUCI IXCMAMOB. IlkOAfOm M«OM CLOSIHQ •Biaas w*n picul tiitiroav eaaaiwt OH bulk lieON aallara, drum IIMN ,ell.r« Ooprai MUad (losot) IK Coot MON B PIMII Muatok ASTA wait* fa a l(»% nlw |3*2« aallan, Sarawak wbit* fob HUH SSM aaUara. Bkrawak apaaaal Maak f.e.s M% KLW |I*T| aallan,
        101 words
      • 33 31 I naln eosair prtoas os That*aar (pravte-a la brackvui Winter Spot earar IMB (tWO) aaUar ISM (MIS); Thraa Month* kaqrsr BM6 (a*M) astlar <*O4 (SM*) MmM ta*» ataa4r Sataa: 4.M8 toaa.
        33 words
      • 145 31 HPHE Strait* tin price In X Pen a n g yesterday gained $2 to $1,318 12' 2 on an offering down 25 tons to 213 tons. The overnight London market again dropped another £10 to £3,700 per tonne for forward buyers LONDON: Thursdays tin registered marginal losses from
        145 words
      • 20 31 (As at Jum tl) fun* at Auairaiia AJ2 PrafMrttr Bikli of Aasc All I PBA Uttniallsaal aw.ku valuation.
        20 words
      • 417 31 /-vPENDiO qaiotaitoni la tha rubber martet yerteraay war* marked up 050 cant following oversea* advice* but w»« uncertain and hesitant at the start. Steadier condition later ensued as forwards came under trade <H*»»fT*4 which was po*»lbl\ attributed to latex tales hedging The market was quietly unchanged In the
        417 words
      • 81 31 not prtoM tMitec at boob ymtmrtaj: (Ovialillk) ir.nrmr*Mth) Mill! BvpOTlritan liymMm iMiirwki) (Mttp«k|) 8*4R »CV (1 Ion ptUct) 117.00 ltt.OON 117.00 1M 0ON 8MR5L (1 too pallet) in 00 1M00N 187 00 1M.0ON 8MK II Un ptIX) l«100 163 0ON ***** 163 00N MB It (1 ton p«Uet)
        81 words
      • 258 31 uONOKONO. rrl. Share prices ckwed miaad todwy in greatly tecraaaad trading. The Hang Seng index elo*ed at 399 S* pclnU, 0 41 lower than yesterday. Hongwaak Baak advanced tn HK532.00 on IU Local register but dropped to (31 30 on It* London register Oalneis also Included City Hat**, at
        258 words
      • 210 31 Thunaar WadMaaay u»s us* aWlbouna (1) M.M 100 T* 1 lalen 144 M 14* M Beirat 144 00 14T M Honskoos 144 90 IMM Santa* 43 MB 143.008 144 SOB 147 SOS Parta 144. M 14* IT S'sera (1) itl.m 14S00B *****S I4STM I Istsart priaaa la aoa-attrlinc
        210 words
      • 191 31 rpOKYO. PVI. Share price* on the Tokyo stock market continued to decline today, reflecting the bearish tone of New York Stock Exchange The Dow Jones average dropped 40 J3 points to 4609.87. while the New Index wa* 2.11 lower at 333.02 Volume was 110 million share*. Blue chip* declined
        191 words
      • 321 31 I waXBOURNE. Fit. Bar- il "K gain hunters ehaasd < iectecl Issues In light trading on the Melbourne Stock Exchange today. BHT said steady at AS6.TS I —the 1 last trading day before toe end of the financial year. Miners showed an Improved trend towards the closa, as did
        321 words
      • 58 31 AMSTERDAM. Thurs Moderate losses pre- j dominated again today Id a i rather dull market. Losers In Dutch inter- i nationals were Ass* and j Heegswea* and In dtunestic* j the major banks. Stau loan* i wara again easier where i changed. daatas priaaa la L>uu* Kuitoars with taw
        58 words
      • 49 31 Thuri. The major volume on today'i Stock Exchange was traded «t lower prices with only a few exception*. Bond* were irregular. The Credit Sulaw Index lest 2 3 point* to 306.2 CaxMkf priaaa hi Bwiaa franc wil» Ik* ilaTnaan oa tta n»»laua W^' P. Cnai aaiasa MM M
        49 words
      • 56 31 R HOLTS of Treasury bills tender held on Jut 2S for 91 day bill* to be issaed from July 1 to f Offered: $M.M«.awS Availed far: SU^MJM to S Allotted: »3«.*M.OM dsssUti bids: WN approximately U per cent; higher bids In full. Average rate of dlscount on
        56 words
      • 359 31 Arm ttot previous waak'a sever* drop the market attempted a racoaasy which although not entirely surcuM fill at leaf had the affect of a conaottdatlon at the tower level* without any baatc nhange* taking ntee* in tha hMtan rt. aceontßer to Hottxky CMUer. Batni weakA gain
        359 words
      • 183 31 SIAN currency deposit rL Interbank rate* m at do** on Pnitr. June 21 t* DOLLARS Off«r BM 7 days 12 11 12 1 4 1 Bath IS 7/1 II 8 t 1 mth* IS >l 13 II 5 mth* IS 1/4 IS II 6 mth* II 3
        183 words
      • 26 31 lngApar* dollar* tor June Ote BM iverni«ht 10 1% mth 10 t% mUu 10 9\ mth» 10 »H PrlaM r«U: 1— rn: P. M«iwj«m
        26 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 787 32 THE CHARTERED BANK AND SUBSIDIARY AND ASSOCIATED COMPANIES CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 31st DECEMBER 1973 Liabilities 197 j* Current, Deposit and Other Accounts 1,389,325,000 1,010,195,000 Dividends Payable 3!500,000 3.375,000 1,392,825,000 1,013,570,000 Provision for Pension Liabilities 1,626,000 1,682,000 Capital and Reserves Capital 9,680.000 Reserves 68.224.000 77,904,000 65,708,000 Minority Interests in Subsidiaries 953,000
      787 words
    • 190 32 Curt ant Assets j^ Cash and Short Term Funds 227,632,000 204,857,000 Investments iqq coo qqq gg os 2 000 Advances and Other Accounts 1,093,384,000 750;642,'000 1,430,549,000 1.051,761,000 Fixed Assets Investment in Subsidiary not consolidated 153 goo Investments in Associated Companies and Trade Investments 21 780 000 13 217 000 Premises
      190 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 1081 33 fl-MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMJ| I IMM MMM |^4lTt?aT^Ti^fT^^li i^nnmiaiip K mn n m/tmmtn OSAKA BAY i ut ZSilz" rg 32 SSS sk sis ss. iffrPMl lAT *t Mj If Ml I ami M Am II AM I AM •IMMM nM| MMf TIM II M II Am lIMJ Tttit iviiu mmm taat nl2 niZ
      1,081 words
    • 998 33 Express »ttes to StjMtt. Cm MCI a Oimm MMtn* Mit/anii Tan tm P aMMf Pm'l A ■MM UWt UUM MM MfIMPI/MI MJ I I Er SSS S Si'3-s5^ w 1 PMMJtTMM MtJI MJIMjWMJtII Am II *m II tM N •MMtli KM IM lkji AajMAajli PMM Ml It »4« IMf 11
      998 words
    • 848 33 wmm\ TO EUROPE jw-Mj ltmm r M S M-J OMMTI kM MMfIM.UIL Smmmi PMMf StM. MttJil MMf kit. OSAKA lAY urn uto ntn am MM) 1 w» II ;CP4«U MM IMI JM| aMI a Jatf aM| MMJ I LltPafMliaT ISMf IIM| laj II m% lit* «MJ j I KUIMJ HMD
      848 words
      855 words
    • 718 33 lIM| •1*444; f. Ka*MMj *J4l; X.L I7JII. Nm SSMI. THE BANK LUCE LTD. lmm win umu •Mf MM (MX l. MfMM I S AftKjl >. IMMMJ M PI/I M| I'am •MtMAM (MawitMt. LMfMHIS AffK.l PMMMja/aMj lltlUMflMJ MM utt 4 MM* MMU. rtJJ MMMM. MMU. •tffMM n,,^ rtr9 fT J P
      718 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 775 34 P\|- '^CAW^AIQIMKN KABHA LTD. 11 'l UWUAJU IMUI BSI ÜBM ITI. JAPU, MMMM. STtUTS JUVCL JMM rliajaiaj HMjlin f bmmi Mil* r. n I. SB* c**a>Ma Kt*sit MM* mm» Jsaaa-AMBMB OaM Biiilli t-J mitttSZEL. M.llunlUKWUk. IspSllJleMl* Atrt— -W— l AtTMB «S«»lll tiajaam IMt BSU*M B*M M MM* tMMM. BMM-i. L»4»4.
      775 words
    • 765 34 MCfPTIMI TUCTMB. IMMMim KMrt IMPaMTV IHUMIIM HajMSUtUPaTTL From HA HO IIIMMtM LC.T. HraTTIfTR JsurU »MM) IMf lilHMll LC 1. KsITT MT TaniM Ii Part bmm IbJmsm. LXT LfItTAP Tmsji 1 Mr, 4Mf l-fclllM. KaaTTUIT beMa>| »mm 1 Mf sMte. HsTnMM mimm 4Mf IMf IMM. MM NSMMMJ IMf 4Mf HSMI. UM
      765 words
    • 579 34 l\^ncpTunc^ciaiT uk/\ U.K. HWOft sWIVrCI UUJSJM HMj LONDCM, tOTTIIDAM. MAMBUM. MLIAO. Lt MAV«I lliißiii f MBaj "MBaj HMM) raja rr»«r| atrraaf OMIM* rlil»M VIM) V' Mr M*aj MMa ---.----I fr-pg'V? mum AomuuA mvxx safAor -w» usra. -jar? Ta .n, jjt-jMjjjMMM, mmmm. im-^ wmwm ZI! t^r tira SffRsSKM»SEU > g rCr^aal.
      579 words
    • 614 34 lmui savn ii ismmi, uMnsVewnar Patn T|.V«ai ■ÜBin MiUN UaMj Mr." ■SMMTtMTW a*at Mm avr. la*a mm mmv MM* tvm mi n/a mi wmm lit, imtrm i/t, rrtaa •jbm mom 1/ mj l/liejwnaiHniaj zssa l n< MBM MMM MVM Ml MVM Mj ZmXi. L Mai •188, MW| Fatal IX/CmUbTMI PatTl
      614 words
    • 741 34 tm p««t ar m<aA>aaa >eaT klaho 1 AWTMeaiTr ahmsumcso llMir r«<ti an anann v, TBS PSLLS»I«O IMTMM NM> TMarla. Kala ImA m AaaAMoiMiNTt r»m jwh« i>m>ak. S»T: Hoaaiiaa« MaU I'J. TWan smm JaNf i Baaaa 111. Maarak «/1, BraaM IS. I.ua4 Marat IMni FariM. Uumb i». i.ia»< IMi M/M. taw
      741 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 81 35 HITACHI ZOSEN ROBIN DOCXYARD(PTE)LtD NO.I DRYDOCK (AND RELATIVE B^aUTES) OFFICIALLY OP&HED TODAY y THE HONOURABLE AAINISTK FOR FINANCE r MR. HON SUI SEN |,|,M-.IT-H[ Hitachi zosen Robin Dockyard (Pte.) Lid. H ■^H N0.15, Benoi Roadjanjong Gul Channel, Singapore 22. M Telephone *****2 Cable :Hitazosen ■^^H Telex RS ***** or RS
      81 words

  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 311 37 I Congratulations 1 I HRD 1 I Hitachi zosen Robin Dockyard (Pte.) Ltd. I On the Official Opening 1 I of its No.l Dry Dock (And Relative Facilities) I I From I I Hitachi Consumer Products (S) Pte. Ltd. 0 Hitachi Ltd. 1 (Singapore Office) 0 Hitachi Chemical (S) Pte.
      311 words

  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 246 38 I CONGRATULATIONS BEST WISHES TO I I HITACHI ZOSEN ROBIN DOCKYARD PTE. LTD. I I on the occasion of the official opening I of its No. 1 Dry Dock. (And Relative Facilities) from I I xdl^ CHUAN HIAP SENG (PTE) LTD. I (Sp ESTABLISHED 1927 f 93 I 174-176, Tyrwhitt
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  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 121 39 bbv aaar abbb! bbb bbbb^^^^^^^^bbh a^ at Abbbl **V^'* ifß ■■aai i X zrift^!^""^^^ ■>■ < aall \l aaa^ l 1 aam I I BKi .^blbbk I -<A B ll HbII bbV C I V^^bT aaai •■J^-W [1-^^ <rf bbbb. "■■■■■■■■aaaß^^ ■■aaßßßaaaaaa»Ba» Iftaßßßßw. V^^Bk VJT %*Ca^, JWKlic^W BCk V *^^^^BBfc3PIaBBBBB#^iBBBBB^^^I
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  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 65 40 I Z23k HITACHI ZOSEN ROBIN DOCKYARD(PTE)LTD. 1 on the occasion off the official opening of their No.l Drydock A relative facilities 4 i^^^Ml^^m- HOCK CHEONC CO., 4 4 I V^^ HEE HOCK CHEONG INDUSTRIES (PTE) LTD 1 > < B 138 Kalteng Place. Singapore.l 2 Tffc&Jt-£#>A^#<£^J J Tel *****33/4 *****24
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  • Page 41 Advertisements
    • 95 41 i unttratalalioHn to Hitachi Zomd Robin Dorkjnrd Pte Lid OB the occasion of their official opening Xippon Express (Si.««pore> Vie Ltd 713 Supreme Hoinr IVnuntf Roa>d Sim<apore 9 Tel Nmms *****9 A 333M5 International ft Domestic Freight Torwarders Travel Tour Organisers OUR HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS |^P|^^Hh^ x hitach| zosen ROBIN DOCKYARD
      95 words
    • 144 41 f Congratulations Best Wishes ut Hitachi Zosen Robin Dockyard Pte. Ltd. on the occasion of their official opening from Tovo <tot<J> Valves TOYO VALVE CO. LTD., JAPAN FOR THE SERVICE OF INDUSTRIES OVER 50 YEARS In lapan, America, Europe, «tc over 70 countries proved the advance design superior quality Continuous
      144 words
    • 50 41 Our Heartiest Congratulations and Best Wishes to HITACHI ZOSEN ROBIN DOCKYARD PTE LTD. on the occasion cf their Official Opening from ORIENTAL TYPEWRITER COMPANY, SUPPLIER OF OFFICE MACHINES EQUIPMENTS, Block 30. No 471, Outram Park, Q P O. Box 1481, Spore 3. Tel: ***** *****0, THNG KWEE CROON (Sole Proprietor).
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  • Page 42 Advertisements
    • 95 42 I Congratulations I I Best Wishes I I HITACHI ZOSEN I I ROBIN DOCKYARD PTE. LTD. I I on the occasion of the official opening I I of their No. 1 Dry Dock Relative I I Facilities on 29th June, 1974. I I THE HONOURABLE FINANCE MINISTER I I MR.
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    • 82 42 Congratulations and Best Wishes to HITACHI ZOSEN ROBIN DOCKYARD PTE. LTD. on the occasion of their Official Opening by the Hon. Minister for Finance Mr. Hon Sui Sen from Jotun Marine Paints SINGAPORE OFFICE: ROBIMA HOUSE" No. t SHCMTOM WAY, SINGAPORE 1 T.I: *****2. Cabl. "JOTUNPAINT Singapore CONGRATULATIONS to HITACHI
      82 words
    • 91 42 BEST WISHES TO HITACHI ZOSEN ROBIN DOCKYARD PTE. LTD. on the occasion of its official opening from NTN BEARIIMO-SINQAPORE CPTE) LTD. lowiowiuiLOMgiTKiiacMuiCHMWKOMi iMUxmi mimoM turn Best wishes to HITACHI ZOSEN ROBIN DOCKYARD PRIVATE LIMITED on the occasion of the official opening of their No. 1 drydock 8c relative facilities by
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  • Page 43 Advertisements
    • 197 43 m Congratulations Best Wishes U R Hitachi Zosen Robin Dockyard Pte. Ltd. 2 Kj on their Official Opening I UIIRCROPCI I llipURDUIinC55| M S iOl STOCKISTS 5 (9_wJ SUPPLIERS OF i I jrft MARINE AND OIL FIELD A m m ruf% I equ|PM ent I w\ b[t\ I vw// Steel
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    • 222 43 HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS j and BEST WISHES to I HITACHI ZOSEN ROBIN DOCKYARD PTE. LTD., on the occasion of their official opening i Tki Honorable Minister Fir Runt MR. HON Sll SEN from 1 UNITED STEAM BOILER REPAIRING ENGINEERING Office: 60-A, UPPER SERANGOON ROAD. SINOAPORE 13: TEL: *****0 It *****2 WORKSHOP:
      222 words
    • 100 43 Heartiest Congratulations Best Wishes to HITACHI ZOSEN ROBIN DOCKYARD PTE. LTD. on the occasion of their official opening From: BangkokßankUmtted 55, New Bridge Road, Singapore 1. Tel: *****1. CONGRATULATIONS to HITACHI ZOSEN ROBIN DOCKYARD PTE. LTD. on their OFFICIAL OPENING from JURONG LABOUR SUPPLIERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS 36 A. Temple Street,
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  • Page 44 Advertisements
    • 297 44 Congratulations I I congratulations £r HITACHI ZOSEN ROBIN DOCKYARD PTE. LTD. Best Wishes to I <o&'£*« Hitachi Zosen Robin Dockyard Pte. Ltd. I t on their official opening I WE THINK ALL IN ALL OQ+ T IQ7/1 I WITH VALUE QUALITY Oil Lt\) til J UII6, It/ 14. NIPPON VALQUA
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  • Page 45 Advertisements
    • 248 45 Congratulations to HITACHI ZOSEN ROBIN SHIPYARD PTE. LTD. on the occasion of the official opening of their dockyard THINK BIG L *\^k y (millcJ) fliiflE/^ j m Im S I $i I wk i LL IK 1 **J^^^B E^bW^^ t M B^Jb^Bh I S^BB^BB^BB^Bh The mobile diesel engine driven welder
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    • 223 45 Congratulations and Best Wishes to HITACHI ZOSEN ROBIN DOCKYARD PTE LTD. on their official opening from SWG HUAT HARDWARE ft MACHINERY PTE LTD. FUJI AIR TOOLS SYMBOL OF QUALITY, DURABILITY HIGH EFFICIENCY TOOLS l lf^Mff ft f v '^^VvlevX'v 111 .^^^a^^M t^^^^^^^^^ i THE MOST RELIABLE TOOLS AVAILABLE IN THIS
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  • Page 46 Advertisements
    • 178 46 HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS to HITACHI ZOSEN ROBIN DOCKYARD PTE. LTD. on the occasion of the Official Opening by The Honourable Minister For Finance Mr. HON SUI SEN from JOO CHEONG HARDWARE (PTE.) LTD., 27-F, Kelantan Road, Singapore, 8. Tel: *****9 *****8 Store: Sl7/35, Kampong Arang Road, Singapore, 15. DEALERS IN STAINLESS
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    • 192 46 Congratulations and Best Wishes to HITACHI ZOSEN DOCKYARD PTE. LTD. on the occasion of their Official Opening from LIM KIM HAI ELECTRIC CO. (S) FTE. LTD. 580, Upper East Coast Road. Spore 16. Tel: *****1 (10 Lines) 47, Cuppage Road, Spore 9. Tel: *****9 *****0 264. Jalan Besar, Spore 8.
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    • 165 46 CONGRATULATIONS to HITACHI ZOSEN ROBIN DOCKYARD PTE. LTD. on their official opening from YEOW KONG ELECTRICAL CO. ENGINEERING (PTE) LTD. Vir TEL: *****88 CABLE: Ik UKONGELECT bti.«u TELEX: GHING R8 21*02 V AFTER OFFICE HOURS: •***** *****6/*****4 Workshop faclllUw cater for the repairs and rewinding of motors, generators and electric
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  • Page 47 Advertisements
    • 186 47 I Congratulations I Js^^ Wishes I j zza HITACHI ZOSEN ROBIN DOCKYARD PTE. LTD., I 1 on the occasion of their official opening I I THE HONOURABLE MR. HON SUI SEN I Minister of Finance ~m I from 1 I <F FIRST STEVEDORING TRANSPORTATION PTE. LTD., Room 3C-1, Tan Chwee
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  • Page 48 Advertisements
    • 418 48 HITACHI ZOSEN ROBIN DOCKYARD, We salute you for choosing the original and the best hoists cranes. Hitachi Zosen-Robin chose DEMAG mfeJfe mt9 mSm tO mOVe heaVy materialS and lOadS, C^ -IB |K, r lj> Large shipyards, palm 0.l factories, elevator plants, motor assembly ,^Jg M^^, plants and even the small
      418 words