The Straits Times, 26 June 1974

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 734 1 Israel: Muslim plea to world _J KUALA LUMPUR. Timm. 'J'HE Islamic Foreign Ministers tonight called on the international community to impose political and economic sanctions against Israel. The call came In a 25--page Joint communique Issued at the end of the flve-day conference here. The communique re quested "all nations
    Reuter  -  734 words
  • 67 1 LOURFNCO MARQUES Tues. Five Africans wer» killed snd reveral others were Injured when Portugufse troops at the Reuano Gercia border post opened fire en a "disorderly crowd" of mlneworkers returning from South Africa today, a military spokesman said here. Lieutenant-Colonel Perrelra Correla said the miners refused
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 39 1 MOSCOW, Tues. The Soviet Union today announced it had launched an orbital research station named Salyul-3 A Tass statement said the aim of the new space laboratory wa* to test out design snd "on-board" systems. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 54 1 LONDON, Tuss. British ■hare prices tUfed a rmUy today *fter hlnU from Chancellor of the Excfuquar DenU Hraley that he would act If necessary to avert the dancer of a recession Millions of pound* were added to chare values, with many quoted prices ruing between five
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 62 1 LUXEMBOURG. Tues. West Germany is now prepared to back a Common Market com mltment to contribute US$5OO million (551.200 million) to an emergency United Nations fund for poor countries, subject to strict conditions. Informed sources said today. The West German compromise was being put to EEC Ko
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  • 43 1 NEW YORK, Tues. Dow Jone* averages, based on the first hour of trading on the New York stock evchange: SO Indus (2423. Up 7.90; 20 Transp 166.86. up 1.20; IS UMlf 69 11. up 067; 65 Stocks 247.34, up 2.22 UPI.
    UPI  -  43 words
  • 205 1 MARY'S GREAT LOVE FOR DANCING nVTSIBB her classroom M 7 T mi 18 M iambi (Sumatra) has only one lore dancing. 'I do not know when I w II stop dancing," she said here yesterday Mary, a high school student back home, to the lead dancer in four tadiUonai Indonesian
    Marian Bad ran  -  205 words
  • 28 1 ADDIS ABABA. TIMT Minl'iers. tovernment offlrikli and thousands of other Ethiopian* were today banned ficm travelling abroad pending Investigation* by a tough new antt-cftrruptton comm).'*lon Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 134 1 riBANKFUET. Tues. r Prime Mlnlstei Lee Kuan Yew met some 2t West German bankers and Indus triallsts her* today for talks aimed at boosting West German Singapore trade. a Singapore spsks— said. The talks were held at a ranch by Deutsche Bank, West Germany's
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 146 1 \f OBCOW, Tues The ifA Soviet Union was reported today to have embarked on a fresh effort to patch up Its quarrel with China by agreeing to resume ruptured Soviet-Chinese negotiations In Peking. The Soviet Tass news agency today announced the arrival in Peking
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  • 24 1 BELFAST. Tues. British troops arrested SO men suspected of being members of the outlawed IRA In a series of dawn raids today
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  • 485 1 RED ARMS SEIZED, 16 HELD Girl nabbed in shoot-out, then a series of raids KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday POLICE detained 16 people, including three women, in a pre-dawn swoop in Jin jang and Kepong following a shootout with a suspected communist last nightThey seized a .32 pistol, four handgrenades dynamite, home-made
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  • 706 1 Israeli Prime Minister Mr. Yitthak Rabin yesterday warned Lebanon It bore full responsibility for Use Arab guerilla attack on tbe Mediterranean honeymoon resort of Nahartya in which a mother and her two younf children were killed— Reuter NAHARIYA (Israel), Tuesday fHREE Arab guerillas killed
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  706 words
  • 164 1 Diesel up 8 cents in Malaysia KI'ALA LUMPUR, T»es. The Government today announced an eifht-cent Increase on a gallon of dlesel, bring the pump price to SI. It ■Is© abolished the four Per cent surtax on diesel imports. The announcement was made in a brief Treasury statement given to newsmen
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  • 76 1 Nixon off to summit talks WASHINOTON, Tues. —President Nixon flew from Andrews Air Force Base near here today for Brussels on the first stage of his second foreign trip this month. Prom Brussels he will go to Moscow* (or hU third Mjit I— sting with Boviet Accompanying him on hta
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    • 60 1 TOKYO, Tats. JaMUMM wM6tH4tM*VMH urged Soath-east Aatan nations today to tmproTe their financial systssus to boost the ■erolopsaent of Independent domestic tadmstrles. At a news conference following a twoday meeting of Japanese and South-east Asian business leaden. Mr. Klichlro Kltaura of the Japanese delegation said an Internationally
      AP  -  60 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 44 1 SPALDING 17 GOLF EQUIPMENT m% "*^l I^SLsbsss awi \M NIHAfi 1 Pfl TIM «to»s««C«i»l«.6w»W-Rssf 16-11 nW W. C«l— ttmt. fc«a*»»«i-* Til: *****1. BBSS*, MjltstflTlfll ,^^^^F Flash l^a^a^LZ O UnJtS m^^^T 3 year WE^L^Lw guarantee BBBSBSSBS^AkMBsaBkUsI «SSSMsiI lflBBS«tBBBr* WpmMbJM w and lyear tor Xenon lube
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    • 64 1 LEBANON HOPES FOR CLOSER RELATIONS -PAGE 11 SIKKIM king flees 2 LON Nol palace under rocket attack S TOUGH drugs laws no impact 4 UNION: Cut lessons in Malay 5 CHINESE drags: New curbs 7 PLAN for safety checks on goods 11 HOSTESS tells of fatal phone call 18 COMICS
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    • 225 1 (M'AIJTV UEIULIXCIXMIi MM those who appreciate J^LW beauty and precision. P-<3V->1 Chun Chong Ifc^^l 62 South Bridge Rd. Ja i^L Singapore I Tel *****/2 V&shica J__ El precision Un comes to 110' The YASHICA ELECTRO 1 10 is here! Now you get YASHICA electronic precision plus the convenience and simplicity
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  • Straits Times World News
    • 330 2 fiARACAS, Tues. A procedural stranglehold on the UN Law of the Sea conference here appeared to be loosening today following Australian and Indian compromise proposals. These were discussed In two lengthy closeddoor meetings yesterday. Further private discussions were scheduled today, when conference president Shirley Ameraslnghe also
      Reuter  -  330 words
    • 180 2 Acid test for new ulcer drug BALTIMORE, Tues. Researchers In Baltimore and more than SO other medical centres around the world are testing a new drug that Is expected to give an add test to one of medical science's traditional theories on ulcers. The drug, called Metlamlde, also holds the
      AP  -  180 words
    • 218 2 SIKKIM KING FLEES... XJEW DELHI. Tues. 1~ The Chogyal (King) of Slkklm left his troubled capital of Oangtok. in the "dead of night" today and was heading for Delhi, officials here said. The Press Trust of India (PTI) reported from Oangtok the Chogyal departed amid reports of antl King crowds
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    • 89 2 It'll be one McGuire after another... KLMHURBT (Illinois), Tues. After Marianne McOulre weds on July 0 she wont have to worry about changing the name on her credit cards or driver's licence. Marianne. S3. Is marrying another MoOulre. Roger Ten of the n paop» In the bridal party are named
      AP  -  89 words
    • 150 2 Nixon had a touch of phlebitis WASHINGTON, Tues.— The White House disclosed last night that PresXent Nixon bad rerecently suffered from phlebitis, an Inflanuna tlon In a leg vein, but said that It had presumably abated. Mies Judy Johnson, a staff assistant at the White House Press Office, •aid la
      NYT  -  150 words
    • 30 2 BOSTON. Tues— Car dealer Peter Puller yesterday said he gave up his bid to run for Oovernor of lUssachusetU because of death threat* against him and his family
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    • 83 2 Judge: Dangers of sauna bath LONDON. Tues. A sauna bath Is potentially dangerous unless proper care Is taken, a High Court Judge said here yesterday. Mr. Justice Kenneth Jones awarded damages of £1.200 (354.M0) to 70-year-old Herbert Doman for bjrns received In a privately-owned sauna bath three years ago. The
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    • 340 2 DISAPPROVING VOICES BUT... LONDON. Tuesday gRITAIX's latest underground nuclear test is permitted under the 1963 partial test ban treaty and does not violate any international agreement, diplomatic observers said here today. NATO officials did not comment on the test which the British
      Reuter; UPI  -  340 words
    • 308 2 Shah denies plans for nuclear bombs DAWS. T»ea.-Bhah MoM. hammed Reia Pablevi •f Iran Hew In for an official vitJt to France yesterday, saying Iran has no plans for nuclear bombs aad that Is ridiculous The Shah was greeted by President Valerv Glscard d'Estalng. At the tame time as the
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    • 57 2 PRAOOS, Tuea The Supreme Court her* yesterday upheld the death «entenc* agalnet a ZS-year-oid woman accused of the premeditated murder of eight people. Ceteka News Agency reported today. The appeal was lodged by th* woman's mother who asserted that her daughter. Olga Hepnarova. wu mentally deranged and
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 64 2 NUKRNBTRO (Oermany). Tuea -A Polish football fan in West Oermany to as* the World Ou» football playoH» haa aaaed for political asylum here, the refugee office In this north Bavarian city aald yesterday The office said the unidentified Pole aaked to remain in Wast Oermany after watching
      AP  -  64 words
    • 34 2 CtXOVBO. Tttss. Th« world* tea exporter* are nearlnt an International agreement on an economic price for the commodity Brl Lanka* Minister of Plantation Industries Dr. Colvln De SUyb said here yesterday Reuter
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 28 2 WALLOPS ISLAND (Virginia). Tims— The US National Aeronautic* and Space Administration Is •cbsautod to launch M roekeu Into the atmosphere over a 14-hour period beginning yesterday
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    • 196 2 NEW METHOD OF LISTENING TO HEART BEAT OCHENECTADY (New O York), Tues.— A new technique for listening to the sounds of the human heart is being developed at the General Bectrtc Research and Development Centre, OK .Aid today The technique employs an electronic sound sensor about the site of a
      AP  -  196 words
    • 116 2 Call for joint fight against pollution PARIS. Tues. One thousand scientists f*om more than 50 countries were urged today to encourage their governments to get together to eliminate pollution. Th* call was made at an environment conference arranged here by the C< mmlsslon of the Euro p- -an Communities (CBC
      Reuter  -  116 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 167 2 Haig^^gla^g^gPSVJlM/^^l gasssssssssssHasssssV^KfillKi^S %£\*r3B^^^K^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Kl^^Bm^^^^^B^&t^^^^^^n3v ssß bbwV^ BSBBBssr bsbbbbbbbbbW M bsb^bsbbbbbbbbbbbb^^^Lbbbbbs*> i ■m\ a^VtO -^■^^lil^^^^^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^^^^lHHbH^H^^E^^^^^^^^U^DJ^^^^Bp- H 1 WaVV*^Lv j^gV _^*a^H Ml ~V^ sassßßsr^B^pP^ V as^Bßßsf a^BBBssI BBBBBBBsa TsSsbb^lbsW. SBBBBB^BswfILCaBBT pblHbsbPSb^BbbsV ■bbbbßT^ I YSjKuJT 4k Mm rL *£>• mSki 'I Kssffl I\i BBBsl ■^I^BBBBBBBBBBBBK^V^^V .aSBBBs! ftoSBBBBBT afl BbW M ST Islffc >g«fl W^^^
      167 words
    • 20 2 4fl I eja^SBBBB* I gyaBaBBBBBsSr 1 •Hg^BBBaSBBBBBi gM. Vsr i jge^gF v bbbbbbbbbbbA O SSBBBBBBBBaBBBV i 00 s m m
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    • Briefs
      • 150 3 COLUMBUS (Oeorgla) Tuea. William Calley's lawyers urged r Federal Judge yesterday to throw out the former army officer's murder conviction in the My Lai massacre on grounds the court-martial board was influenced by statements by President Nixon and top military leaders. Calley's attorneys cited several other Issues during a daylong
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      • 140 3 PARIS. French car manufacturers Peugeot and Citroen are today setting up a Joint company to merge before the end of the year. BONN: President Tito of Yugoslavia today meets West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt for a second round of political discussions expected to concentrate on European security, world economic
        Agencies  -  140 words
    • 338 3 Lon Nol palace under rocket attack Evacuation after daily barrage PHNOM PENH, Tuesday INSURGENT gunners last night fired four rounds of Chinese rockets to the south of President Lon Nol's palace, wounding seven civilians and damaging two houses. military police said today. The police said the rockets landing daily near
      Reuter; UPI  -  338 words
    • 131 3 Brando well after food poisoning HOLLYWOOD. ToesActor Marlon Brando (above) was recovering In a hospital today after treatment for Internal throat lacerations reportedly caused by a food poisoning attack in which he a.most died. The dim trade newspaper Variety reported that Brando tore bis oesophagus during violent vomiting after eating
      Reuter  -  131 words
    • 174 3 WASHINOTON. Tues Secretary of State Henry Kissinger today denied as "totally false In every detail" published reports that he made secret agreements giving the Soviet Union an edge In the number of strategic missiles allowed under a 1972 agreement. In a 70-minute news conference on
      NYT  -  174 words
    • 181 3 Dismay among Nixon's loyal friends WASHINGTON. Tues. Some of President j Nixon's closest and most loyal Senate friends are showing concern over hlireection of demands for more tapes In the House impeachment lnqjlry. Sen. Norrls Cotton counts himself as among perhaps 30 to 35 Senators "who are really trying to
      Reuter; NYT  -  181 words
    • 34 3 DUISBURO. fOennany) Tuea. A demonstration by several hundred leftists erupted into street fighting in this Ruhr Valley dty yesterday. Police raid IS officers were Injured and &0 persons arrested. AP.
      AP  -  34 words
    • 227 3 'DRAMATIC INFLATION SLOWDOWN SOON' PARIS, Tv— day INTERNATIONAL experts predict the rate of inflation might slow dramaticilly next year in the world's industrialis;d countries, informed sources said yesInfl&tton In the 24 countries of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OfaCD) U at present runnlnt: at about 15 §cent a
      Reuter  -  227 words
    • 48 3 NFW DELHI. Tues. India yesterday agreed to give A(ghanl:-tan Increased (lnkiiclal and technical aid (or agricultural, power and l>«clh projects. The pledge wit contained In a communlq le lseued at the end cf (our -lays of talks between officials from tne two nation*. IT^t
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    • 38 3 TOKYO. Tue». Two Jaoanrse atecl Industrial delegations will leave here this week (or Peking to negotiate Ihe mle of iuel product* and ancillary faclllUe; (or rt«H making plant* to China. Nippon Steel Corporation tald yesterday. Reuur.
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    • 21 3 DACCA. Tv«. Bangladesh will become telf-runi-rlent In foodyralns by IVTt. accordit.g to the Agriculture MtPtater Mr Abdus Samad Renter
      Reuter  -  21 words
    • 321 3 "kJICE Tue«. In the 11 World Chess Olympald matches Singapore drew by two all against Chile in final Group C. Llm Kok Ann won on board four when his opponent blundered while Leslie Leow and Choong Llong On drew their games. Leslie's draw against the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 346 3 J mmmmmammmmammmm^^ Business Hours. 9.30 a- 7.00 p.m. Mon. thru Sun. LOWER GROUND FLOOR. SPECIALISTS' CENTRE, ORCHARD ROAD /SOMERSET ROAD, TEL: *****4 J I I m GREffTWAYSI DANISH \l&LtS**4&^\ LS^S oBl^] I JJ" r7~\ /—y/^Ets. KILOGRAM J^^^^^^^ wm^K^m^m^mmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmm^mmmmt^^mmmm^ I\ L lg^ o NOW! TWO FRUITS Ed g ,ii 825 1
      346 words
    • 151 3 I J k SyfrFp SPECIAL Tl OFFER OneBRUTSOAP WORTHS 160 c He WITH THE PURCHASE OF BRUT 3tw Aerosol Spray Lotion or Bful 3 2 o/ Split Lotion I of the most devastating movies H M^^^W i^Hever made, one of the few films J^^Bwhich has brought audience after I applauding
      151 words

    • 249 4 Tax on out going ships from China ports HONGKONG, Tuesday FOREIGN vessels carrying cargo or passengers out of China will be required to pay taxes on transportation incomes as from next month under a government decree, the New China News Agency reported today The decree on the ■Regulation* for Taxation
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    • 109 4 Japan's plan to expand trade TOKYO, Tues— Japan should expand its trade with advanced Industrial countries by importing more manufactured goods to achieve division of labour with the rest of the world, an official Japanese Government report said today. The White Paper on International trade said Japan was required to
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    • 386 4 200 die in Kiangsi fighting, say posters pBKINO. Tues.— China's 1 southeast province of Kiangsi hat emerged as a major centre of factional strife, with reports of killings and sabotage appearing in wall posters displayed In the streets of Peking. One poster signed by four Kiangsi workers claimed over 200
      Reuter  -  386 words
    • 120 4 Somchai replies to prosecution appeal BANGKOK, Tues.— The defence counsel for Bomchal Chalyasut. the Thai police officer accused but acquitted of planting a bomb aboard a Cathay Pacific Jetliner. filed a formal reply yesterday to a prosecution appeal of the verdict. A military court last month found Somchai Innocent of
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    • 162 4 U.S. TO SLASH BUDGET BY $12,000 m WASHINGTON, Tues. —President Nixon announced ye s t erday the Admlnlitr atlon would try to slash next year's Budget by US$5,OOO million (Bsia,--000 million) in an attempt to control Inflation. "We are doing everytmng we can. under existing legislation, to restrict expenditures In
      Reuter  -  162 words
    • 217 4 rKTO. Tbm. The Soviet Unions resumption of purchasing large quantities of cultured pearls from Japan is giving the sagging pearl industry here a ray of hope for the revival of an export boom. Pearl Industry spokesmen report that the Soviet Union imported Japanese
      NYT  -  217 words
    • 33 4 CAPETOWN Tues Haart I transplant plon t a r Dr I Christian Barnard haa said I the GrooU Schuur hospital i transplantation programme haa come to a virtual standstill ReuUr
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    • 502 4 NEW YORK, Tues AFTER 10 months, New York State's stringent anti-drug laws have had little effect on the total amount of drug trafficking, particularly In New York CKy, or on the operations of major narcotics dealers, according to many law enforcement authorities. One of
      NYT  -  502 words
    • 373 4 Park warns of take over forth SEOUL, Tuesday gOUTH Korea today marked the 24th anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War with an anti-communist mass rally in Seoul and a warning by President Park Chung-hee of a North Korean attempt to take over the South. The warning and the
      Reuter  -  373 words
    • 222 4 $35m art theft: 9 years for ex-deb DUBLIN. Tues. Dr. Bridget Rose Dugdale, a 34-year-old English woman and former de butante. was Jailed for nine years here today after pleading guilty to receiving 19 paintings stolen from the home of Sir Alfred Belt. Dr. Dugdale who rebelled against her millionaire
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1066 4 FIRE PROTECTION SECURITY ELECTRONIC ALARM SYSTEMS DESIGN MANUFACTURE SUPPLY L^ INSTALLATION MAINTENANCE s^H -M laV B^a^r i |1 INTRUDER ALARM JS ™!!l! 1 SYSTEMS ijjjg n s^s^s^s^g«^s^s^g«B BUILDING SERVICES Js«Sslfaw>SSaSS»i{ Woimild Sprinklers and Fire Protection SSpSSssSSSS' Equipment are manufactured with jJJJHJJJJJJJJJJj extreme emphasis for outstanding i ••ita»a»Ca'!iiii performance and maximum
      1,066 words

  • 240 5 Malik: Better ties after Suharto's visit in August THE Indon eslan x Foreign Minister, Mr. Adam Malik, said here yesterday that the existing good relations between Singapore and Indonesia would further improve after President Suharto's visit here in the later part of August. Mr. Malik, who passed through here yesterday
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  • 78 5 23 dentists leave for China TWENTY three dentists from the Singapore Dental Association left for China on Monday to study the latest Chinese dental health practices. Including acupuncture. The team, led by the association's president. Mr. Wong Tew Cheong, comprised Government, private and University »f Singapore dental surgeons. The three-week
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  • 25 5 THX Consumers' Association of Singapore (OA8C) will bold Its ascend annual meeting at Trade Union Rouse, In Shtnton Way on Friday at pj»
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  • 309 5 Union: Cut lessons in Malay *pHE Singapore Malay Teachers Union has submitted a memorandum to the Government seeking, among other things, a reduction in the period spent on second language lessons by Malay students in Knglish language stream. The memorandum was a sequel to a directive from the Ministry recently
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  • 165 5 Option to buy PUB hired gadgets soon rl Public Utilities Board is expected to write to conjamers next week giving them an option to bay the electrical appliances they have hired from the board. The FUB which has discontinued hiring oat such appliances doe to lack of skilled men to
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  • 50 5 TBiANTS and owners of Housing Board flats have been notified In writing of their increased service and eonaanracy charges which will be Introduced from July 1. The exerclae. which began on June IS with the help of HDB Inspectors, was completed yesterday, according to a HDB spokesman.
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  • 65 5 T\ETECTIVES found a Is pistol with a bullet while searching a Junkyard In Stephen Road, off Mandal Road, early yesterday. Acting on a tip-off detectives combed the spot at about 12.15 a.m. and found the weapon. The fun and bullet are now being examined by
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  • 464 5 Jason to shuttle between homes of divorced parents r REE YEAR OLD Jason Leow only son of a divorced couple will have equal time for his parents, living In homes of their own, until 1992 or "earlier, depending on variable circumstance*.'' He will live alternately with his father and his
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 268 5 Feraud 4aaal9P«vS| Pans sLssssssm^^ssss! Bssf^T Issk M ■t #?Q v- I JLC( fft^ "fcC* rom trie most exciting couturier If \JtJr Smi. m Paris a brilliant, colourful I c &&2^^^f^jj^ Collection of what the world's jjayj^^JsV ~wfm most beautiful women are wearing |I^JMJaWpA today. Specially modelled for you Tt^imSotyf' iDr
      268 words
    • 170 5 Dymo introduces it's 4th generation labelmaker A S^^^ sssssW rS ssssl asf».*ssf VC Bssssssr^ >^ K^ 29 BSSsV FREE with every 4 rolls of Dymo Tape while slocks last ■V f Bit*** II I ITS intO i Irrr— >f your pocket. L Fabulous BIG BIG priies to be won by
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 225 5 Byingtwi Ot> Fmttorn* Kavene,§h <3s M*l Cmtmp tcy,Tw»r trom cam up> vl 7£ftc*m vm* jwi-jflf itL"^ r^Z, I aT.iT BH V AMP MB M^THOUT J CLO^HsW J MAeW*snP y\MTssT J y*~ V/issV X-, AM UMBWbsU-A -^t' Jf t HP/ _^S S 1 ay "2 CTJ pooeor to mail, I 1
      225 words

  • 293 6  -  P. M RAMAN By JEBANON hopes to establish closer econo mic, political and cultural ties with Singa pore, the Lebanese Foreign Minister, Mr Fuad Naffa, said here yesterday. Mr. Naffa said he hoped his visit to Singapor would be the beginning of a
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  • 251 6 Auction of rare Straits notes LONDON, Taes. A fifty dollar Straits Settlement note lssned In Singapore on Sept. U. 1925, was this afternoon sold for CIM (about U7o> *t an au-Uor of International paper money. The note, which Is clean and bean hardly any traces of folds, carries pic tare
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  • 154 6 Shipyard offers shares to 600 staff ABOUT 600 Jurong shipyard workers, with more than five years' service, will receive company share offers next monh On the staff allotment list are some 800.000 shares at par value of $1 each. The company Is conducting this exercise before going public with an
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  • 100 6 T\R. Yonosuke Nakano, Is world president and founder of OISCA International (Organisation lor Industrial, Spiritual and Cultural Advancement) died In Tokyo on Monday. He was 87. Dr. Nakano led a ISO-mem-ber delegation on a goodwill talMlon to South-east Asia only three
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  • 199 6 GROUSES: CASE SCORES 45 pc SUCCESS rS Consumers Association of Singapore (CASE) got full redress for about 45 per cent of the 367 written complaints It received during November 1972 to March 1974, according to its annual report released yesterday. Partial redress was obtained for about 29 per cent of
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  • 72 6 rE Port of Singapore Authority Is to conduct classes for lorry drivers to famlHsrlst them with the proper procedure for taking goods In and out of the port. The classes are to be held at the request of the Singapore Lorry Owners Aaoelatton. An MaociaUon
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  • 82 6 WHY LORRY MEN WON'T ATTEND THE Singapore Larry Owner* Association has dteMaa not to attend a meeting to discuss ear pools and fUggara* wwrkiag Mars to be neM on July 15. An iMSrtstlon spokesman ■M jnatorway that the Ministry of CoammunicaUons. which to organising the ■wat tag had saM that
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  • 238 6 Poetry adds zest to it a11... Y^HILE politics keeps her husband busy, Mrs. Zbeide Naffa, wife of the Lebanese Foreign Minister, devotes any available spare time to poetry. Mrs. Naffa. who flew Into Singapore with her husband for a two-day visit yesterday said at the airport: "It has been my
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 363 6 VERY SPECIAL i TAUGFASTIC OFFERS S AT THE HOUSE OF TAMC 4^a9 R^Rw^L f -A ,^^fc_ 91 i^ B^r^^a* RRB |fl IR^^ I RRy mw __V? _^7. j. si u£. w WRoRjßlHjr^ lifl^iV Farl~wT^i ~T~^^ Ls» a RRJRRfIR^R^^^ /vz HJ^I J^R* BRRBie^Kß^H^^^Blim^^K^i^B ■VJHBHb I Y*"<^ I NOW AT I B
      363 words
    • 70 6 sic r* i hue CARPET SALE 30 to 55 off Mid year warehouse clearance sale at Singapore Carpet Manufacturers Pte. Ltd., 2 Tractor Road, Jurong (opposite the birdpark). Open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Fri. 28th, Sat. 29th, Sun. 30th June, Mon. Ist and Tues. 2nd July 1974.
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  • 142 7 AFTER SHE SANK TWO YEARS AGO FOLLOWING A LEAK rB 2M-ton vessel. Oceanic Q«een, was refloated yesterday two years after she sank after springing a leak while anchored at the Eastern Anchorare Her rust* hulk began bobbing n from the deep at 1.45 a-88., four weeks after salvage
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  • 273 7 CHINESE DRUGS: NEW CURBS gTRICTER control over the use of drugs in Chinese medicines will be included in a new comprehensive Medicines Bill now being drafted by the Government. At present, regulations over these medicines are governed by the Misuse of Drugs Act. But according to a Health Ministry spokesman
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  • 215 7 AN international trade unionist yesterday rejected the concept that inflation should be fought through low economic growth and unemployment. Mr. Herlbert Maler, general secretary of the International Federation of Commercial, Clerical and Technical Employees (FIET). said that the concept was inconsistent with workers' aspiration
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  • 238 7 7 1/2 years and 24 strokes for 2 hold-up youths TWO youths were Jailed for a total of 7i years and ordered to be given 24 strokes of the rotan by a Sing apore court yesterday on two counts of attempted robbery and one robbery charge. Neo Seng Kook, 19,
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  • 41 7 The Methodist OirU' Schooi AJunmae Association will celebrate the school's 87th anniversary with a reunion dinner at ShangriLa Hotel on July M at 730 pm The tuast-of-boaour will be Dr. Ruth Wonf Director ot the Institute of Education.
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  • 421 7 NO Koun Teck, 31. a former personnel manager of Kose Pte. Ltd. In North Canal Road, was jailed for two years by the Third District Court yesterday for misappropriating $31,001.60 belonging to the firm last year. He pleaded guilty. Senior Inspector C. Oopala Khrlshnan, prosecuting, told
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  • 178 7 $1,000 for son's freedom, court told rE mother of a Criminal Law detainee told a corruption trial yesterday of the day a man Informed her that he could arrange the release of her son If she paid him $1,000 for "expenses". Madam Lav Ah Moi told the Third District Court
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  • 155 7 Studies come first for 'Games winner' cjTUDENT and keen l 3 sportsman Racbpal Singh has decided to abandon a dream trip to the Asian Oames at Teheran for the sake of hl« studies. Rachpal won the first prise of two free air tickets plus $500 pocket money for the Teheran
    155 words
  • 226 7 Hostage wife describes robbers to police npHE wife of a senior civil servant, Madam Chal Mcl Leng, 42, who was held hostage by four robber s on Monday night, has given a description of the thugs to the CID Police are now looking for four men described as In their
    226 words
  • 53 7 Chung Chang High School win hold it i Mth annhrersary dinner at Its acnooJ hall In OooLman Road at 7.50 pjn on Friday Mr Ooh B*M Kok. chalrnan of the school's snanaga mrnt ccmmlttcv, will gm away gold medals to t— chsri with saor* than 10 years ssrvtcs-
    53 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 466 7 ISSBBBSm. sssbb^^^^s^l-.'' .^*dJJ*^-^^^^-^^s^SSßiBjßStNScBBsagM SHssHsHssssssHgHsl V- Deep in that golden orange taste is the ■HEtf real orange goodness a body needs. Sunquick gives you vitamins A and C 1 «a# SF i ■VMS^BBB| ssssssssssssj It takes a kilo of oranges to make a bottle of Sunquick. f Orange squash That's how
      466 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
      530 words
    • 195 8 ii •••-•> l »4[ i APITOL— OptnK Tomorrow! I f JANES CnOlN frw "A Pittfii of Dyuute" jeiis E I BUD SPENCER frM "Trmity Is Still My NiW u4 TDLY SAVALAS tnm "TW Dirty Dmn" to rxfiut the Most Impregnable Fortress k the West I REASON TO LIVE REASON TO
      195 words
    • 262 8 at HIGH STREET SUPREME HOUSE jtst^ DISCOUNTS I J%^fc Ut^TO |^VMSEFai& HI6H STREET GfenifkS Fancy Shirts From $4.90 Gents Socks pcs f or $3.60 LEVI'S Slacks (odd sizas) Half Price from $15.00 LEE Flaras from $14.90 I TEX TAN Belts from $2.50 I Original BANLON H Sports Shirts L/S Now
      262 words
    • 343 8 rXcwwiTY n w tar j aSBßr*4 Omtm Tha DHUnauiahad Patrt>o*ta of "I ThaHof^raWaMhilrtaTForL-wand J National Davatnpntant MR. EW. BARKER j: ODEON: TONIGHT AT 9.15pm. i < l^s3.ssa\^-ili*S«U»nUtWett»4«HTWttre ■I «r TaL-W 3M271 tiL 11 j; FCHEN CHEN^B j 4n weather j i 0 "'CHIN Vlafaffl iflk/^ HSI MG LIN I 1
      343 words
    • 760 8 «WWaVWVAS«aSVWVWVS CATHAY i muituxwi LAST DAY' I 2 H*m: 7.00 II tJO am aj I Sr«ng Kuan Urg fung tn < B 1 EMPRESS OOWAOER'I AOATE> VASE' wntl Hu Chm Ji Mandarin CofcvScoo* I with EngM* S ■oui.i OPENS TOMOPROW' BMUCt Lit in "TNE THUNOENSrORM' Mandarin »tii Engkaii Subtni«> a
      760 words

  • 120 9 HOUSEWIFE WHO TURNED CHAIN SNATCHER ITUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Housewife M. Mariayee, 26, was today jailed for six weeks for snatching a fold chain from a man along Lor on g Chow Kit last year. Chief Inspector CO. Llm told the magistrate's court that on July 23 last year while Mariayee
    120 words
  • 312 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Tims. J'UN Abdul Razak in his capacity as national president of Umno has directed the party headquarters to remain neutral in the contest for the post of I Umno youth leader. "Therefore the Prime Minister Is naturally very angry over
    312 words
  • 116 9 $66,000 goods stolen from radio firm |(UALA LUMPUR, Tues.— Electrical goods including amplifiers and car stereos worth more than $66,000 were stolen from the store of a radio company in Jalan Brunei Selatan here early yesterday. A city police spokesman said today the theft was discovered at about 1.30 p.m.
    116 words
  • 61 9 KLCraNO. TUet. Sarawak 1 former Youth and Sports Minister. Mr. Nelson Kundal N»r»rrng, announced his resignation yesterday from the Party r*rwlr» Bumlpulra Benatu (PBB), to lead Party Blsamah a predominantly Bldayuh native party. The party was formed shortly before the IM9 general elections and claims to have
    61 words
  • 196 9 Green light for $200 m flood scheme KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. A $200 million flood alleviation scheme has been drawn up for the federal territory by the Drainage and Irrigation Department. The Dlrector-Oeneral of DID, Mr. JO. Daniel. said today that the scheme has been approved In principle by the Government.
    196 words
  • 61 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Tim The KelanUn Malay Batik Manufacturers Association called on the Ooverament yesterday to Impose stringent measures against imitation of batik designs by certain batik printing manufacturers. The association's president, Hail Ismail bin Ibrahim, said the Oovernmenti Imposition of heavy import tax on foreign printed batik
    61 words
  • 190 9 FUGITIVE WHO FOUND S'PORE 'TOO HOT KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday A FUGITIVE gave himself up to city IV police today after being on the run of more than three months. The men, wanted by police In connection with the $14,000 hold-up of a sundry shop owner In Oombak on March 12,
    190 words
  • 91 9 Can that contains four slices less PNANO. Tues. A certain brand of Malaysian pineapples In syrup labelled as containing 14 slices in a tin were found to contain only 10 slices, an Investigation carried out by the Consumers' Association of Penang's Research Department reveals. Rectify The matter, according to the
    91 words
  • 37 9 KUALA LIMPI'K, Tim. The Lakear Ministry haa referred lo the Treuvr a pr»•Mal by tbm MTUC that employer* do«Ue their eontrlbutittia to the Em»l«yee« Prorldent rand from ftv* per cent to It per cent
    37 words
  • 137 9 BONUS GIVE GOVT A MONTH' CALL r«, Tues.— The Perak branch of the Amalgamated Union of Smployees in Government Clerical and Allied Services has called on other state branches to take Industrial action through Cuepacs If the Government does not settle their bonus claim within one month. The branch expressed
    137 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 142 9 eempaßa jputlhlnn; presents Z the exobc, spicy J JINDQNESWN &J jPEfffING FQQqJ Kepala Ikan 5 Merah I Roast Mutton **Gulailkan J Eight Precious* Rice Jlnternationsl Plsh. lst Floor 123-6 Ar«on Ro*d. Singapore 2 Tel: ***** Anusol H The majority of haemorrhoids or piles require no surgery Itching, bleeding, pain and
      142 words
    • 172 9 L* 1 WBifc SILVER^MATCH jj^^^L BUTANE GAS REFILL WORTH $2.40 TCH \[^s^\ p ans INTERNATIONAL \i> ilk •leakproof h^Sttf J ON SALE NOW at all dealers. m. Sole Agent: Metro Singapore^--"" "Tel *****6 *****5 A Now...the\PBo7 The extraordinary excavator. SbbbbbK _^bbmbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV\ fM *V'- Ja^sßXm BBC. Isbb^^BW L MW 1 l^BctV
      172 words

  • 7 10 The Straits Times WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26. 1974
    7 words
  • 426 10 HATRED displaced love yesterday in Nahariya, Israel's picturesque honeymoon resort-town on the Mediterranean. Three Palestinians and four Israelis were killed, more Israelis wounded, in a bloody pre-dawn gun-battle the fourth clash involving Palestinian commandos Inside Israel this month. The three previous incidents in Kiryat Shimona, Ma'alot and Shamir—
    426 words
  • 171 10 rpWENTY-FOUR years ago yesterday, the A Korean peninsula erupted In a war which many observers feared would escalate into a wider conflagration. The Korean war brought the US and China into the only direct big-power conflict since the Second World War. although American troops technically fought under the
    171 words
  • 513 10  -  MAX WILDE: Geneva By FIR REACHING even revolutionary reforms of the United Nations system are advocated in a study just published by the Institute for Training and Research in Geneva. Instead of separate budgets for each of th« 30 or more specialised agencies within the
    OFNS  -  513 words
  • 1211 10  - Will research lead to a cheap solar home heating unit? JOHN FIALKA: Washington CONCLUDING A REPORT ON ENERGY FROM THE SUN By |F there were some way that the government could prod industry into massproducing solar heating equipment, the day would soon come when a do-it-your-self" personalities could afford to
    NYT  -  1,211 words
    • 512 10 How fickle can soccer crowds be! I WAS most surprised that there were no sunporters at their airport last Thursday to send off the national soccer team. If only there had b?en 100 cr 200 fans tc cheer them, what a morale-boosting start that would have been to thler "wl
      512 words
    • 192 10 I REFER to the letter by "a bible student' (ST.. June 21). His arguments against the film s*em very unconvincing. Half of hit case disappears If the medium for the message if In Italian open. He seems to be more Interested in hitting out at rock music. If he v
      192 words
    • 78 10 rans, I am >3 sure, must be disappointed with our national team. When we suffer heavy defeats at the hands of Malaysian state teams, how can we hope to get the better of national teams. Neither our soccer officials nor coach Walker can be blamed for that disgraceful defeat In
      78 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 182 10 Anthony Carrimore The complete range of tipping gears. V •am "V" Single Underbody jfa</ Twin Underbody/ ©UNITED ENGINEERS Heavy Equipment Division i Id every great city there is a great newspaper in Hong Kong it's the Mwt ymr orrfv far H wHh MARKAH SONS, LTD., TEL *****, ***** START AN
      182 words

  • 281 11 Wife who demanded film shows too often... A SENIOR parking attendant's marriage broke up because he could not meet his wife's almost daily demands to take her to film shows and to her mother's house, the High Court heard yesterday. Panjahchram Murugian, who married his wife Machap Muthayah Thangavellu Plllay
    281 words
  • 190 11 Entering the liery f world of men at yard DOING what was once an exclusively man's Job are women welders Tee Slew Lan (right). 20. and Neo Kin Klok, 26 (extreme left). Armed with flamespitting blowtorches they coolly work along- I side a male colleague (centre). Together with 12 others
    Christopher Loh  -  190 words
  • 31 11 THE Metropolitan YMCA wiU conduct a 10-aession beginners course on tennis at IU Palmer Road premises on July 9. Fee U $40 for members and $45 for non-members.
    31 words
  • 27 11 THE Metropolitan YMCA Archery Club will organise IU second annual Indoor archery open invitation championship on July 6 and 7 at the Homer Cheng auditorium.
    27 words
  • 46 11 THI National Productivity Board will bold a twoday rr—fttT on works council anaJyaia and future plans at iv Juronf precnlaaa from today Th« w*"*T. to b. attand•d by management and union oOctala. will study If Uw works council Is too orematwe for Stngapora.
    46 words
  • 25 11 TlOt Btackpora AnttTubeiculoaai Aaaoctatton wtU hold iv aomatJ mattlM at the aata, ChMt and Haact Clinic In Sbanton Way at SIS pjn. today.
    25 words
  • 259 11 THE Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research (SISIR) and other relevant bodies are now studying ways to carry out health and safety checks on consumer goods, the Straits Times learnt yesterday It Is understood that the project Involve* the study of safety standards,
    259 words
  • 94 11 THUGS DRIVE OFF WITH VICTIM'S CAR r'O armed thug? robbed a salesman of cash and valuables totalUm »119 and has J7,«0« car at the Bollywood cinema car-park in Tanjong Katonf Road on Monday. Sob Mob Ngen. tt, of North Bridge Road, told police thai he was about to park bis
    94 words
  • 325 11 Engineer here to promote his perpetual calendar A RETIRED American engineer. Dr. Wlllard Edwards. 71, Is in Singapore to introduce a new calendar. The Perpetual Calendar— an idea that he has been trying to get the world accept for the past 55 years. He said yesterday: "Singapore cculd make the
    325 words
  • 35 11 PROT J.A Jansen. 1 chairman of the National Cadet Corps Council will review a special parade of all school cadet* and oL>cert at Toa Payoh Sport* Complex on July 1 at 10 ajn.
    35 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 53 11 onihmmi|to SinrutpoiT- tljcvidjwf tveamtve olfip tfouHtr cucv r TRUSTED POWER! Industrial and Commercial projects today require unfaltering demands on motors. 10 million BROOK MOTORS around the world mm IA bear excellent testimony to their dependability. [electric! .^mmmmm**^ A^Lm\ b^b^b^ k mmm* ELECTRICAL MMUHS aY CO. PTE. LTD. ENGINEERS ■»<:■ "*^!-'.!l'
      53 words
    • 240 11 RKOHSOOC Ricoh am OO mmm^i m% _^^mmw^ H^ The world's most wanted camera Makes obsolete every other camera in its class Auto/Manual exposure •Shutter speeds from 1/8 to 1/500 sec. Exposure lock facility Electronic flash synchronization Automatic self -timer •40 mm wide-angle f 2.8 colour corrected lens Rapid range-finder focussing
      240 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 815 11 TV SINGAPORE (5) 1H C\f\ n mm <*■ ( JU.UV Trade and Test Trans- JA W «m Brief US mission (colour) 2M Trade and U.JV Flying— Dream or HigM Test Transmission (colour) I.M mart (repeat) 7JS That Girl Opening and Lensa Keluarga (Malay) (Pt. 2) 7.H News aad Newsreel Diary
      815 words
    • 22 11 WATE* consumption •a Monday w M H»J ■Ultoa f*U*n* (SStJtt eaWe BMtr«a). M aUMoo faUons (M.M* caWc aHrcs) lea tbaa •a Saaday.
      22 words

      • 63 12 I' OB 63.96 +.16 OCBC 66.75 +.16 S. Land 63.33 +.13 DBS 83.87 13 City Dev. 81. 0 +10 Ben 83 03 +10 M. Bank 87.60 +.10 P. Bank 83.01 +.09 XX 83.75 +.09 T. Bee. 83.6* +.06 S. Steatn. 63 3* +.06 Inoheape 63.56 +.06 8. Darby 63.64
        63 words
      • 22 12 Genting 83.00 —JO lAC 63.10 —JO Talaat 63.30 —.30 K.T. Sang $1 28 —.IS K.O. Heal. 6100 .0* ■Wax 6099 —.66)
        22 words
      • 23 12 Cttjr Dev. 415.000 D. B. S. 361.000 Sbae Darky 193.000 Haw Tut 169.000 Teial T»a*iai: 2 48M Total Vatar: NA.
        23 words
      • 54 12 IndntilaU: 144.54 SO.IS t Fln»n« }M.« 4 UI.M HoUh: 17».ll U».4S Pnnilhs: tMJS Mil t Tfav: U7JI 1M.«O t > rabbet*: 34X.51 J41.8J 0.C3.C: M7JS ZllJtS BX.B. Ind M7J« US.U Dae. M. IM4 IN f Dec. 31. IMS It* t Dm. M. IMS 1M 9 Dec. SI. 1»7« 1M
        54 words
    • 1546 12 'T'RX last transacted sale 1 at the cloae of business In the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day'? price* together with 1974 high and low. Adjusted for all new Issue*). CLOHNQ TON I: Hotala and tin baraly itaaST, wbu* Iba raat ■trad jr. TOURMOVIN:
      1,546 words
    • 384 12 mHE Stock Exchange of 1 Singapore yesterday saw some technical reaction with a partial recovery noted among the volatile stocks. Trading was characterised by small spurts of buying Interest right from the opening bell bnt otherwise the market continued to display signs of weakness. As most
      384 words
    • 1398 12 ID and offer price* officially listed and business in and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Aena (3.10 B) ZD. API. (1.018 110S). AJinomolo (3 41B) Alran
      1,398 words
    • 1385 12 BID aiid offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Kuaia Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday wl'Ji the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified INDUSTRIAL* Allnamat* I 2 448 2MB). Alaan (3 008 1 10 B) Ala«
      1,385 words
    • 305 12 LONDON: The Stock Exchange said the first stage of Its new settlement system became fully operational on Monday when foreign securities were added to the new bargain checkIng service. Over the past three ircnthj the new com-puter-iv^rj checking service has h*«n gradually extended to j rocess
      305 words
    • 298 12 Mildly better sentiment in KL SHARE prices moved up again under some cheap buying and covering support after more than seven days of unchecked decline. The market opened somewhat uncertainly, with prices stagnant. However small scattered support, slowly appeared to keep prices steady. Despite a mild retreat near lunchbreak the
      298 words
    • 83 12 rpHS sharp advance of th* US dollar In ■uropean centres fettmulated by the upsurge of the Eurodollar deposit, led to a very firm opening of the ua dollar In the Singapore forex market yesterday. It opened at 83.4630-60 a gain of more than one cent on Monday's close
      83 words
    • 156 12 The following are lie nominal average closing Interbank rates In Singapore: Nete: These rates may differ slightly from those quoted by banks to their customers. •aotcd yesterday (crow parity JS dollar 1.4676 3.46*5 3.9196 Sterling pound 5 8105 ***** ***** iongko.m dollar 48 90 4896 50.51 italayslan dollar
      156 words
      • 27 12 i Rubber: June 25. Singapore: IM.M eta (down «-M et). Malaysia: IUM eta (such). Tin: fI.UI.IZi (ud $9.87,). Official offering: 21* tons (down 112 tons).
        27 words
      • 106 12 C MINIS! rnoouci ixcmanci KNatMKI HOON CLOSING P«ICIi MR »ICUL TISTIKOAT Caaanut Otl: bulk »140 aomuul. drum |1U nominal Oan a i MU*d (Moat) UK/Ctoot (90 aeaiiaaJ ■•ppar: khintok AST A whit* fob. 100% NLW t»2| aallara. Sarawak wbita fob NL.W IMO Milan. Sarawak iptcUl black fob M". NLW
        106 words
      • 62 12 M*ntfay Satunlay USS Ull kUWWkI (1) IM.4S IM 11 LonSaa ISO 00 IM 75 Battwt 151 IS4.M aaaskoas Cleaas IM.M Savtak 149 008 IM 008 IM SOB IM SOB P»rli 161 M IM.T9 ram (I) 147 SOB IUM ISO TSB ISA TOB ■apart prtaaa m Baa-atanins •raaa la
        62 words
      • 52 12 THE Malayiian Palm Oil Producers Association (MFOPA) yesterday announced the following prices for Malaysian palm oil: UKCIF: Sept C 366. Oct £2M. Nov £240. Dec £347 Cont CIF (In U86): Sept 6636. Oct 1406. Nov 66*0. Dec 6660. Malaysia FOB (in M» Sept 61.434. Oct »1J74. Nov 61.3*6.
        52 words
      • 167 12 Straits tin UP $9.87 rl Straits tin price In Penang continued Its uptrend with another gain of $9.87* to 51.308.12J per plcul yesterday on an official C feilng down 112 tons to 210 tons. LONDON: Monday's tin advanced steadily under the Influence of moderate covering Induced by the trend of
        167 words
      • 36 12 lonian eoppar pneaa on kfonaa* (aravtoua la braakats). Wtrahar anat buyar OM (»SO) Mll*r i9M (fMl): Thraa Monttu buyar («Mo> atlltr 090 (f»TO) Mark.t tana: Btaadjr at th. Mgkar laval 9al«: 4.9 M UMM
        36 words
    • 625 12 f ONDON advices were lower than expected, but toe Singapore rubber market yesterday did not follow fully. Speculative and Japanese buying interest emerged wnich held the rvfcet baslcaily steady Just below Mondays close, and absorbed aon^ hedge aeUlng Movements were narrow and somewhat Irregular. The morning session closed
      625 words
    • 85 12 "JAILY Slfß prtMt tMMO M DOOO JMtM Itaj (CWTMtMtk> IFHW4MUI UXLB. hrmbta I<t«iM«. Cot** par kg) {mU>«k|l BUR *cv (i ton p«iM) i»i oo imoon 191 00 imoon BMR »L II 100 pdMl I*loo I*3 00N ltl 00 1»3 00N BUR S (1 lea jmlltti 16J 00 IMOON
      85 words
      • 274 12 HONGKONG. Tues. Share prices dropped on a broad front In moderate trading. The Hang Seng Index closed ,<t 409.13 points. down 16.08 from Friday Tne exchange was closed on Monday for the Dragon Boat festival, a pub He holiday. Ho n g k on g Bank retreated to HK522.20
        274 words
      • 213 12 rpOKYO. Tues. Share ■L prices on Tokyo stock market continued to edge down today. In the morning session, Hitarhl climbed above the 200-yen level encouraged by block purchases by major brokerage houses. Heavy electricals, foodstuffs and autos turned lower In the afternoon session, accompanied by end-month liquidation selling of
        213 words
      • 316 12 MELBOURNE, TueB. Share prices continued to tumble on the Melbourne Stock Exchange today, with Industrial counters moving lower following the tight money speech by Treasurer Crean last night Mining counters recovered and oils finished mixed. Market leaders BHP climbed to As 6 74 but this was not Indicative of
        316 words
      • 165 12 A MSTERDAM. Mon. J\ The market continued last week's decline on further overseas selling, dealers said. Royal Dutch tinned slightly, out all other Dutch Internationals weakened, led by Akse. Leaders to decline among domestic issues were Assert He**. GMMem, Miiii. Aaaev, Amstcraam Rabber. ABN and NaUaasle NeeterUaacav Farkheed and
        165 words
      • 105 12 7URICH. Mon. stocks MA continued their downtrend today on a very small volume. Bonds were irregular. The Credit Suisse tumbled 4 2 points to 306.1. Ctoalns pneaa la Bwlas franc with tha tlftnan on tb* pravtou taaalon pneaa ■HUM MM Bank Corp" 544 I MMWtlr 500 10 M«*lro-W«u 2750
        105 words
      • 409 12 MEW YORK. Mon. The x^ signs were all negative But the market, as measured by the Dow Jones industrial average, managed to post a slight gain of 0.94 point today to close at 816.33. Technically, this broke six days of decline at the New York Stock Exchange during
        409 words
      • 91 12 riNANCIAL TIMES **ood«y 79 OS s*>«j 7»n Mo uBl KIBMJLS Mender 333 EH**** sn.n w »*k a«o sao 35 OIL* JJos** y S l^" l«04t Wttk mo JOOS7 INDISTRJAL* >to»<»«y 34« 3 2^» M«» "•£mo aeao DOW JONKS AVUUGE INDUtnUALS JJOfKUj 8U33 rrtoMLj a isjt Weak kfo *UM LONDON
        91 words
    • 709 13 Metal Box stages strong profit upturn AFTER getting iX smartly out of its two-year profits rut In the first half, Metal Box of Malaysia went on to greater things in the second six months, so that results for the year ended March 1974 are "its vest for some time." Oroup
      709 words
    • 283 13 UNITED Engineers Is to acquire from Frankl Piling and Engineering (Hongkong) all the assets and future profits which it has In the piling Joint venture between Frankl and United Engineers (Malaysia). In return UE proposes to Issue to Frankl 188 million $1 shares, which at
      283 words
    • 208 13 4 SIAN currency deposit Interbank rates as at dose on Tuesday, June 3ft: Offer BM 7 day, 15 34 15 1/4 1 mth IS 1 8 12 7 1 2 mth* 13 18 12 7 8 3 mth, 13 3 8 13 18 6 mtlu 13 18
      208 words
    • 28 13 Closing Interbank rates In Singapore dollars tat June 36. "venilcht 7 mUi t U/U t 1/1 mtha 11 16 SI mth» fl U/U I Prime rat*
      28 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1480 13 BANCA COMMERCIALE ITALIANA MWOftPURATED IN ITALY WITH LIMITED UAHLTTY ESTABLISHED *m) BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31st DECEMBER, 1973 ASSETS Cash in hand and balances with Central Bank LM 687.719.980.671 Funds available with other banks 2.565.672.472.093 Treasury Bills and other securities of. or guaranteed by. the Italian State 1.111.552.551.433 Mortgage Bonds,
      1,480 words
    • 98 13 PI HI l< I TILITIES BOVKI). SINGAPORE Nonci in CONSI MERS SHUTDOWN OF ELECTRICITY SUPPLY In order to carry out urgent maintenance work on electrical equipment at Boh Sua Tlan Road Kiosk. It Is necessary to Interrupt electricity supply between 10am and 3 pm on Thursday. 27 June 74. In
      98 words
    • 109 13 I 11l I MKISHIN LINK m.s. "Giso Maru" Arrd. 2U/K/74 Gda. 23/24 Consignees of all damaged cargo Ex the above vessel are notified that the Oeneral Survey wtll be held on Ist Ju ly. 1974 as from 9 a.m. to 12 00 p.m. No further Survey will be held Agents:
      109 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 598 14 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD Career Opportunities For its role in furthering industrial development and technological advancement in Singapore, EDB wishes to offer career opportunities to capable young men and women with qualifications in: Engineering Economics Finance and Business Administration Candidates with qualifications in other disciplines may also be considered to supplement
      598 words
    • 706 14 PHILIPS invite applications from suitably qualified candidates for the following vacancies: MATERIALS CONTROLLER Candidates should have at least 3 years working experience in Production Control snd Planning or Materials Control Management. He will be responsible to the Materials Manager for production control and materials scheduling of a factory. Candidates should
      706 words
    • 1302 14 fi^UFZZZXM SODA ASH MANUFACTURING PLANT I lr Nufle a li INVITATION TO BID SRN and SCM Ceitificates with at I m.-j.- j o J~.. r J +~t KnilH o-nH least 2 years postgraduate expe- Tender IS In Vl ted tO deSlgn, DUlia ana |j{ rience. preferably in a manufac- II
      1,302 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1350 15 ,-IIITAIIIEtSHIP SUYIat Tl U CONTINENT M'tmrf •'•.'o lltlKt BAY S -f,.»ti« Mf O'aark Irta Mnra U.I jimi Mitu 1 laii a lair aMr a m m i.v UVKPOOL lA N Jari 11 itt, I A.f II Aaf 11 Aaf I la| HBATIM n** >B Aat IT Aaf II Aaf
      1,350 words
    • 1191 15 fcf* BLUE SEA UNE \J/ To U.S. East Coast Gulf Ports t»r. r> Ulanf PtMM Ltaataf ItT: laitu- to imi :i mm ti Mr i Cristobal. Kitipttn. i ptniM- laii i mm a Hiarni ItCfUuiwiai PttTl SIUM Mr T Mr it Mr II C^rtmtlm PITMCIW My II Mr a Ji.
      1,191 words
    • 1106 15 ■aß»^^Bi^[ar^x^*^^*"^^b^^aWJ bbbbbbbl t ttMPt: N-Btrt Ittaaa t'Mo ITaa|lM Omaurt Brtatan Aamra Al. U«. San P laianf Icm Aatiria Nmi tnt MIU lAT «k> Ilia tIM) DM) »M| II M| hum mam; imm i mi a Mi a mi a Mr m Mr Ifl'PMl BAT UMr '7 Mr lAm H Asj
      1,106 words
    • 846 15 FULLY CONTAINERIZED SEKVICt TO EUKOfE M«a Sr.». F«k ibmkan Mf 1 1 liNMMi MttiEMM, Antwerp, U Haw?. MtUtTt IflfT M" I lta "*"'t ifMM, IfMirkalEll. WjjAM>A I-! ii pWws. CtnUinit. Gotktrtwt. Mataot. nimibtb at iim aSt I Stockholm, Oik). Helsinki. United Km|<tati Catiai I*m: ICI a —mt fci II Man.
      846 words
    • 760 15 SaMfti •U444. P. blaaa 4J41; ILL. *****; »a»a M 2SMI. THE BANK LIMB LTD. UM «Lll tftJU. ntTMM IctDttasßMll P. MlMf SM.. IH/T7taM MIT lAM n,l MiraßM A I Aftica) P Miani a taa/I tab t'tan IMIMIM iM»«r,|.M, llai.M. i ».'lmlSUiui P MiaataM|/IMi S>xt tt/a M> «'IIAM PRiiant m Mttat,
      760 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 947 16 ■B^ ~Mf^ nMMMW^— iH_^— n KAWASAKI KISKN KAISHA LTD. UNAUKI lIMUI KISXN KA-M LTI. JtfAN. NMtnK. STUfTS SOVKL JttM NMOM| l»M"l P MlM| MTLM 11 M Mt CMMPIM Kl—ll Jiptt-AnbtM CoM Sottlm $iMji»an PMi INIA MAM V 44 >MB ClM*t/MMCat/DaM< Minu m<- Oa oMti,ltM/— kmt KamiVlMrM/UanMMtMr. j.panHoutta «Wm-Wmi Atwtm torlN
      947 words
    • 902 16 UCEPTIM TUCTMS. TMCO Mi flB KWT EMPHEITS. FM SAIM Mi IMMESU _l PMTS L XT KNTT lITK Itkjrti 21 Mt M Mm Wmm. 1 I.C.T. WITT lirikM M Pwt HIM IndOßtM. IST IIITaP TtrikM MMM 1 Mr IKliMil. KMTTUIT MM>M| JlfMt MMM HMiU. •U4TTT T«M MMila MMm 2Mr m»\*. |HMM
      902 words
    • 973 16 ccienr untr U.K. ILttOM SHViCI LOADING «0« LONOCN. ROTTIBDAM. HAMMitQ. BUBAO. Ll HAVRE jm.nn, p M iMt *in IMMa I'M* ir%— MPTttM iMitiu nSSnm iTtm, TTU «_m m^m «_i MPTMf MPfMM tun M| M/H 4M M7M Ml HIM »Jf »R" Snatfi P Mtaw Pimm »iih ii Km 4a« UM MPTMIHMM
      973 words
    • 716 16 owes samct to limjw, utßfm/CMTTmaT wm T| >K t-nptlri P. MMf PtMNJ UMMI Mn MM. TIMIII BPtrtM/IMj MMW7. lM*» i VH rtm n •tmm u/i «*l tM. I H>Kl 71 I MM* Mil tl M> tl/M Ml I. Mm lit. I IMtffttl S.». rtort 12/*. I'MB U/f MMM MIM V
      716 words
    • 819 16 I T"« P*" T »P IHMMII I Vl ri MM MMt M 4 I AUTHVHITT ONHOUMCIO I MMI <a4t»: C bun CktMM jug POLIOWINC BIRTHINC ARRAMGIMIMT* POR JUKI M. M>M» Uml Ot.aß MfT: KaaataJl Mar* «t. MMM Mrta-ia^ I Ur«~ It'll. Itlo Orana* Mara I Wooailar. Kalryu Mam, lon* On
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 608 17 (jmsbcrtj CARLSBEBG BREWERY MALAYSIA BERHAD Invites applications from Malaysian Citizens for the following positions (1) BOILUt ATTENDANTS: Requirements: (a) Ist or tad Grade Steam Engine Driver Certificate Issued by the Malaysian Factories and Machinery Department essential. (b) 2 years* experience in similar position preferred. (c) Age below 40 (2) MECHANIC/FITTER:
      608 words
    • 610 17 An Insurance company Invites applications from Malaysians (or the following, appointments:— i; MANAGER Must possess ACM. qualification and at least 3 years ex lertence In managerial capacity as well m a good knowledge on life and Oeneral businesses. I) ACCOUNTANT Applicants must possess a recognized accountancy qualification and have at
      610 words
    • 857 17 DEPARTMENT MANAGER For Chemical and Pharmaceutical Products The applicant will handle the overall planning and running of his department over a wide range of prestigious names in the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Field, presently marketed in Malaysia. QUALIFICATION: He will have at least sto 6 years experience in a similar (msition.
      857 words
    • 809 17 rJTKU&accmHJwm, Jebsen Jessen ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER For Consumer Products The successful candidate for the above position will be responsible for the overall planning, control and running of his range of consumer products that are being successfully marketed in Malaysia, like Grundig, Dual, BASF, Westing House, Rowenta and AR. QUALIFICATION: Preferably with
      809 words

  • 591 18 PCs CLEARED IN AMBUSH KILLING PRETTY dance hostess yesterday told a coroner's court of the phone call gunman Hoo HowSeng, 20, received which sent him out of their flat and to his death. Scow Tal Heong, 20, of Ipoh, said she was
    591 words
  • 121 18 THE 'PIRATE' BUSES: A $400 FINE TNUCENSED Scheme U A lorry driver* can be fined at to a maximum of $4*o. the Registry of Vehicles warned yesterday. An ROY spokesman said: "We have received reports of these unlicensed K>rries plying along Jurong and drivers of these vehicles have keen advised
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  • 62 18 Unions raise $23,000 at show THE Pioneer Industrie* Employees' Union (PIEU) and Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation (SILO) nave raised more than •23.000 through a dim premiere show held at Golden Theatre yesterday The unions' general secretary. Mr. Phey Yew Kok. who offlcial'd at the show, said other activities would be
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  • 263 18 PRICES of three types of fish dropped between 10 to and 30 cents a kati yeiterday Spanish mackerel (tengglri bekah) Is being retailed at $1.80 Instead of $2 10 v katl. mackerel (kembonK) at $1.00 Instead of $1.20 and red snapper imerah) at $1.00
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  • 28 18 NSW Zealand's latest frlirate. HMNZB Walkato. will arrive here tomorrow. She is the second ship to be assigned to the New Zealand Force In Singapore.
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  • 232 18  - MISSING GIRL DROWNS IN POOL K. S. SIOHU By THE bikini-clad body of a social escort WM yesterday found floating in a hotel swimming" pool three months after she was reported missinc from her Tiong Bahru home Irene Tan Hul Kwv 18. was found at th Cockpit Hotel at abou
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  • 143 18 Ripping along at an uneven pace... rl piano recital by Oyorgy Sandor at the RELC Auditorium last night was one of rather inconsistent quality. Mr. Sandor is clearly a very Individual sort of pianist, making a dellberate point of exaggerating his rhythms and phrase-lines. The Italian Concerto had a breakneck
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  • 59 18 Careers for women A SEMINAR to Inform carter-minded women of incrMMd opportunity, tn COMMroa and Industry. ••parfaUy tn marketing and banking, will be held at National library lecture tnwtre on Saturday from I pjn. to I p m Ofganlnd by the Singapore Bustneat and Profeadenaj Women'i Aawciatiou. the eamlnax will
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  • 30 18 TBS Krmn)l aestrrotr has rapacity for 1 400 million Kktloni Du* to a typographical error the mUßan~ «y Inadvertently left out in a report pubHahad on Bunfif
    30 words
  • 117 18 A DISTRICT Judge yesterday called for a medical report and doctor's opinion to find out if a man who said he was suffering from tuberculosis was fit enough to take the rotan. The Judge. Mr. Ibrahim Burhan, postponed sentence on the man.
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  • 89 18 Furniture factory machines stolen rpHIEVES broke into X a farnlture factory in Lorong Dangal, off Upper Changt Road and carted away machinery worth 93, 10* during the weekend. The factory proprietor, Mr. Ngan Kwai Hong, 27, discovered the theft at about 8.30 a.m on Monday. PoUce believe that entry was
    89 words
  • 57 18 THE University of Singapore Society will present a play "Where Are You Slncapore?" at the Cultural Centre at 6.30 p.m from July 25 to n. The play, written by Mr Robert Yeo. an English lecturer at the Institute of Education, revolve* around the attitudes and responses of Singapore
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  • 113 18 ITIRIENDS who went to r Cik Rohayah blnte Abu Bakar's home with gifts to celebrate her 17th birthday on Sunday were shocked to find the whole family tn mourning. The birthday girl had died of a, sudden Illness. Friends and family members said Cik
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  • 37 18 KAMPONO Chat Chee community centre will organise a baby show at its premises at 230 p.m. on Saturday Clk Sha'arl Tadln. the wife of the Parliamentary Secretaiy (Culture), will give away the prtars
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 110 18 m n I m I ll Ml lll \ffii w .^aaflflai laaW LVbt Jr^ L PROTEIN B ■I Special offcr^Jj CONOmOtMMG M H shampoo^^B 3|: I 'EASTERN QUEEN 9 TO aaT^ P 0 t*m Ti i* in, Cruise in relaxing comfort on board the superior one class vessel. Fares from
      110 words
    • 364 18 VICTOR MENDEZ If Xj *> AUCTIONEERS UmiISEHS# M «t proudly present P A GRAND PUBLIC AUCTION SALE OF CHOICE PERSIAN CARPETS RUGS DIRECT FROM ISFAHAN 75 rare pieces of accomplished excellence and beauty for the discerning collector, including: 10 antique Turkestan and 5 Shirae Prayer Rugs 3' x 5' 38-year
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 2094 19 classified ads d) ARE YOU TIRED, of that same old hairstyle' 1 Let Julie give you the latest London scissor cut at Louise Klerk's Salon. Hotel Slngapura, telephone *****3 (Spore). i Getting married m Jun/r Announce your marriage In the straits Times Classifieds ft you will receive 12 bottles of
      2,094 words
    • 683 19 PAST UFAMPWtU COS** ANY require* female sale* representatives to promote Its ser»lces Must have pleasant personality, good speech calibre, age 18 and abcue If you ptmmm the said qualities, plea— ling Miss Foo *****3 for in SALESMEN a SALESGIRLS Required by Singapore well known Goldsmith shop. Please apply In own
      683 words
    • 749 19 LEADING ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR REOUIRES pipe fitters and welders to work In Jurong Transport provided. Tei. ***** lEE MOUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS S ENGINEERING LTD. 10-A. Stock 34 Cwmneneeeßh Lane SMgepo-3 Invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the follow- i Ing posts: -1) ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN The successful candidate must possess a diploma
      749 words
    • 800 19 POLY CONTRACT GROUP t (Carpets and curtains specialist) Invites applicants for the following posts- (a) 3 male or female Sales Personnel (b) 1 Oeneral Clerk For post (a) transport will be provided Oood basic salary plus commission and fringe benefits Apply personally t between 930 am —4pm. 3119 Oolden Mile
      800 words
    • 797 19 ESTABLISHED EUROPEAN COMPANY handling fast selling consumer products require 4 temporary staff and a lady supervisor for a sampling campaign Applicants for the above should 4 ismasiari stall (lodto*) 1 be below PI years of age 2. be able speak fluent Fngllsh and main Chinese dialects 3 have some outdoor-sales
      797 words
    • 795 19 DIST. 11 DETACHED BUNOALOW Jalan Plata $1,800 Off Sixth Avenue $1,100 Houses Henry Park $856 $1,900 Farrer Road $700 Coronation Drive SWSO Mayfair Park $550 Hlllcrest $900 Namly Drive $900 Please tel *****3 APARTMENT* SWART PARK $1,400/-. Dragon view Park $1. 200 Semi-detached Coronation Oardens $1 300/-. Capitol Park. Island
      795 words
    • 832 19 CHANCERY LANE DIST 11 fur- nlshed 3-ijrdroomed flat 1 air- conditioner. 2 bathrooms, big t lounge cum dining, servant's room own amenities Rental I $900/- Contact 9*3763 TBLOK KURAU DIST. IS fur- nlshed ;-r> 1-* mcd flat bath- room attached servant room, j own amenities big lounge, kit- j chen
      832 words
    • 824 19 RIOUIREO BY EUROPEAN EXECUTIVE well furnished 2/3bedroomed apartment around Orchard Ro«d Preference for Devonshire Court Rental $'.000 $1,200 Omners please call *****0 ANY DISTRICTS APARTMENTS BUNGALOWS Immediate Occupation American Japanese Oermans Russians French *****7 *****4 DIRECTOR el solos of large monutacturtn*, osav BSBJ requires BUNGALOW OR LUXURIOUS APARTMENT Also required
      824 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 2574 20 SHEHTOURS present 2 days Kuantaw Turtto Baacn for only $37.50 Inclusive alr-cond coach, meals and accommodation Dep 29/8. 6/T 13/7. 2077. tin Every participant will be given an Evoroady •Packol to* through the courtesy of Union Cart Mo and Shaoaour* SPECIAL NATIONA DAY TOUR 3 day* Oentlng Highland* for only
      2,574 words
    • 573 20 •b*mmtmm»J LI "^""^qC^ Also Package Tour* to Europe Hongkong Bangkok Lake Toba Bail Far East »B. Amawr Manolon Orchard Raw*. (S) 9 Tat 3MBl*/»M747/tttM*. OILL TRAVEL OPPIRw I-ondon %WZurtch/Oeneva/Oalo «3JvFrankfurl/HeUlnkl 9796/Part*. Amsterdam 9775/BrusseU 9775/L Wo-'d-Wlde Booking Auetroßa/M.K by aaa 29. TNI ARCADE, lot FLOOR. RAFFLES PLACE (I) 1 TIL:- *****/*****
      573 words
    • 821 20 COiTIMQ/ MAW^*J"'» > JT Claase* preparing for the LCC 1975 exajntnation Days/ Time Costing: Monday and Friday 6 30 7 SO or 8 30 9.30 pm Tuesday and Thursday 5 30 6 30 pm Saturday 400 800 pm Sunday 10 00 12 00 noon Management Accounting Tuesday and Thursday 7.30
      821 words
    • 761 20 JULY MBBMHIIS SMONTMANO BOOKKEEPING TYPEWRITING CLASSIS In preparauon for the LCC PTnaAN SCHOOL Ekamlnatlont. Commencing Bth July Day* Time Shorthand: Monday and Friday 8.30 7 30 p m Bookkeeping Tuesday and Thursday 830 7 30 p m Typewriting. Any time between 8 a.m and 9 30 pm On successful completion
      761 words
    • 795 20 HAVINO DIFFICULTIES IN SCIENCE. Math* and Chinese Language' l Then please contact 5524*9, 531*02 Mr. Yeo. A.T.C. CONDUCTING ONOUP TUtTION In Math*. Science and Languages for all leveU $10 $25 per subject *****9 DOLLY SOPT TOY picture doll, raffia paper and artificial flower making by Tokyo trained expert Chui Phul
      795 words
    • 1017 20 NO KIONQ CAR TR> OERS Pr I vat Limited-home of quality usel.^" cars 313-/. Kuklt llmah Road, to m s (O|pp^<.lte Anglo-Chlneso-^ School) <*****. >***** oU--1973: Subaru/ *****)1. Forr Escort/ 300 XL. 1972 Subar OSR/ Co 'pe. DaUun.' 100 A. Da.sun.< 129 U. Ford/ Escort/ 110J 1971: M'-rcedes/ 200/ alrcondllloned.
      1,017 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 868 21 IT SELL, OWNE* LEAVING. 13 month old Colt Oslanl 1800 L O8 nn< owner, many extras, with 10" involution sports rims, console box with complete meter. 2 tape player, and a set or original radio. New insurance and road tax plus rrer i new original lyres. Interested call *****S Mr
      868 words
    • 815 21 MAKB YOU I CHOICE FOR a lifetime engagement and wedding rings distinctively set In diamonds from Tin Sing Ooldsmlths Pte Ltd.. 211-217. South Bridge Road FURS FOR ALL SEASONS LATEST FASHIONS JUBT UNPACKED JAMES FONQ FURS PTE LTD. 12-0 TANQLIN SHOPPINO CENTRE TANQLIN ROAO. 8-PORI 10 TtL: 3754J1 GENUINE BEST
      815 words
    • 773 21 OLOBS QEMtRAL COMTTUCTOH CO.. 43. Blk 106. Henderson Crsscent. Spore 3 Tel: 6343W and *****1 trili is your best chance cash or instalments payments. Specialist In rsnovatlons of HDB. flats and private houses. A wide ranee of marble, terrmxso. mosaic, tiles, carpets and wallpaper awaits your selections Prices moderate and
      773 words
    • 681 21 ACMA AW COMOmOWBW twincool refrigerator special discount for cash Trade In lI JO upwards. Servicing/ repair-rental Hl-Ceol Air-conditioning L Refrigeration (Pte> Ltd 234. Victoria Stnwt, Spore 7 Tel: *****6 TO CLI AH Km to 30H below cost brand new goods Toiletries, perfumes, books, pipes. Ugh tars and miscellaneous. Please ring
      681 words
    • 948 21 TENDER NOTICE LEMBAGA LETRIK NEGARA PUSAT PENGHANTARAN BEBAN KUALA LUMPUR LIFTS INSTALLATION Tenders art invited from lift contractors registered with the Jabatan Kerja Raya under Class A. Head 111. Sub-Head 2 (Lift*) for the lifi" installation for the proposed Pusat IVnpiantaran Beban, Kuala Lumpur Tenders will be considered only from
      948 words
    • 531 21 m Advertising Sales Representatives We have vacancies in our Advertisement Sales department for young, enthusiastic and capable young men who will join our present team of sales representatives. Successful candidates will be responsible for the securing of advertisements for our group of newspapers. This responsibility entails regular business contact with
      531 words
    • 603 21 A v*tt-«*tablitn«d ADVERTISING AGENCY invite* applications for tha position of BOOK-KEEPER Requirements L.C.C. Higher Accounting At least 4 yean of book keeping experience. Remuneration Salary v negotiable depending on qualifications and experience but will ba in tha ragion of $5,000 19,000 par annum. Benefits will commensurate with qualifications and experience
      603 words

    • 318 22  - Japan will be our main rivals Dr. Chan ALBERT JOHNSON By QWIMMING coach Dr. Chan Ah Kow said that Japan, the Philippines and Taiwan will be the main obstacles in Singapore's medal hunt In the 10--nation Asian age group swimming international championships starting at Manila on Friday. Dr. Chan who
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    • 84 22 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues Belangor and Perak will replay their Malaysia Cup soccer semi-final second leg at the TPCA stadium In Kuala Lumpur on Saturday at 4.15 am The second leg was abandoned at the TPCA Stadium yesterday In the 47th minute because of a waterlogged pitch
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    • 65 22 BANGKOK. Tues. World Boxing Association WBA) flyweight champion Chartchai Chlnol of TliaUand Mid today that he would ask far a postponement of his defence against Japan's Suaumu Hunagata from July 19 to a later date. Chartchal. who said he waa suffering from back pain, now weigh* 136
      Reuter  -  65 words
    • 284 22 piRANKFURT, Tues. r Helmut Kaeser. secretary general of the International Footba.l Federation (Flfa). said yesterday he does not believe the election of Bra sllian millionaire Joao Havelange will spilt the organisation. "The president is the Flfa representative, but It is the Executive committee which
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    • 423 22  -  JOE DORAI By SINGAPORE soccer teams preparing for next year's Malaysia Cup and FAM Cup tour* naments will tour Malaysian States, especially the East Coast, a month before the tournament as part of a psychological buildup. This was disclosed by FAS Deputy chairman
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    • 371 22 PRANKFURT, Tues. Faltering favourites West Oermany and Brazil are expected to Inject new blood into their tottering line-ups for tomorrow's opening games in the second round of the World Soccer Cup finals. In contrast, Poland see no need to change the team which sent
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    • 162 22 Fans storm ticket kiosks at Duesseldorf DUESSELDORF, Tues. West Germany's shock World Cup defeat by East Oermany at the weekend caused fans to storm ticket kiosks yesterday for the two second- round games involving the West German team. Most West Germans have expected the team to finish at the top
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    • 33 22 FRANKFURT. Tims. Mulambo Ndaie of Zalro was banned from International soooer for one yomr yesterday after beta* round goUty of attacking referee Omar Debjado of Colombia In too match against Yugoslavia.
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    • 284 22 YJILTRUF (West Ger--1 many), Toes. Johaa Neeskens, the lone bachelor in Holland's team which beat Bulgaria to outer the World Cap hut eight on Sunday, was missing yesterday when the Dutch players. Joined by their wives, met newtmen at their lovely lakeside headqaarters hero. The
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    • 339 22 Newcombe, Nastase make contrasting progress fONDON, Tues. John Newcombe of Australia and Rumania's mercurial genius Hie Nastase, seeded to meet In the men's final, made contrasting progress into the second round when the 1974 Wimbledon tennis championships opened here yesterday. Newcombe fully Justlfled his status of 2-to-l favourite to win
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    • 311 22  -  ERNEST KRIDA By TJOHANI Baharian of Raffles Girls shattered her own schools national Javelin record with a hurl of 33.10 m at the first day of the Bukit Tlmah District athletic championships at Chinese High school yesterday. Rohanl. a Pre-Univer-■lty student. Improved her national
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    • 143 23 STTA plan 5-nation Pesta meet rpHE Singapore Table 1 Tennis Association will organise an international table tennis competition for this year's Pesta Sukan reports PETER SIOW. They will invite men and women teams from Malaysia, Thailand. Indonesia and Japan to compete In the tournament from Aug. 1-7 at the Broadrlck
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    • 370 23 SYDNEY. Tues Result* of Saturday's Australian AuodaUon Football matches were: New Soath Wales Fat Dtv. 3: Corinthians 1 Manly 2. Marrlckvllle 5 Polonla 3. Nth. Sydney 0 Oulldford 3. Dlv. 3: Belmore 0 Warrlngah 2. University o ArncUffe 3, Wait Ryde 2 Campb'ltown 0. NSW Intersabartaa
      Reuter  -  370 words
    • 433 23  - Bombara shows galloping ability EPSOM JEEP By Achievement (M. Masruhen) did 3f in 40 2/5 easily. Las Vegas (Mohd Ismail) shaped better than Thunderer in a 3f workout In 40 1/5. The Director (Abdul Rahman) did 3f in 41 7/5, while The Secretary (Hassan Ahmad) clucked 42 2/5. Beauty Beauty
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    • 394 23 Wadekar's men are not flinchers, writes John Arlott ONDON, Tues. Cricket writers here were full of sup-, erlatives today over England's crushing victory in the Second Test yesterday, and few dwelt at length on the humiliation of the Indians. Referring to England's "Incredible, mammoth" victory, Crawford White in the Daily
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    • 62 23 INDIAN Association scored their second straight win when they edged Janamltea 1-0 In a SHA league division one hockey match at Baleatier Road last weekend. Nergtnder Singh rcored the goal. At the padang, Singapore Recreation Club trounced Combined Schoob 4-0 In Brother match Other results Dlv. 3:
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    • 253 23 \y ORLD amateur billiards champion MJ.M. Laf ir, of Sri Lanka, is due in Singapore on July 4 to play a series of exhibition matches against leading local players. Laf ir, who set a world record with a break of 859 on
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    • 77 23 NEW YORK. Tua» ResulU of last night* major league baseball game* National Uagae: New York 4 Chicago J St. Louia 3 PltUburgh 1. St. Louis 4 PltUburgh 0. Philadelphia 8 Montreal 3. Houston Cincinnati 1. Atlanta 4 Los Angeles 3 San Diego 3 San Francisco 1. Amortun
      UPI  -  77 words
    • 33 23 SEOUL. Tues. Japan beat Cambodia ISS-U In their group "B" final match of the Fifth Asian women's basketball championship st Changchung Oymnaalum here yesterday Japan led at-10 at half time ReuteT
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    • 228 23 UEFA BAN SPURS FROM TWO HOME MATCHES ytJRICH, Tuea The European Football Dnlon i Jl>A) last night barred Tottenham Hotspur from playing Uielr next two European matches at home and fined rVyenoord Rotterdam 25.000 Swiss francs <$. 1.380) bfcaust o. spectator rtots which marred their UKPA Cup final last month
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    • 403 23 China to send 300-strong team to Asian Games lIONGKONG, Tues. 11 China will send a contingent of more than 300 athletes and coaches to compete in 14 out of 16 events of the Seventh Asian Games at Teheran in September, the Biinhna news agency stiid today. Quoting a leading member
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 11 22 j D M I 5 I at awyivEr-J^MF-IIJ awV^awaSVvv LaW awawsawsl
      11 words
    • 224 22 Cat-rate tours'. ■Warning x feaass Sksssw Frames' European Tours may appear more expensive But then you can't expect... Ist rate tours at 3rd rate prices. Good, well located hotels with private baths all the way. Interesting well planned routes. Little or no optional tours to pay for because most of
      224 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 156 23 c It's marvellous what Milo can do for you v v. v>V"< '■>'* „->,-* Football is a game of stamina. |k^ Requiring constant alertness and superb team co-ordination. laaaVHasaHßisMawavsjavaVaWafl M ■"■■■■■■■■■■'■"'■■"■■"^mmmmmmm^mmm^mtmmmmmt^tmmmm^m^mmmmmmmmmmm^mmm^wmammmmmmmm That's why leading Football players rely —j— *1 *L^b" on or the r v '9 orous nea| th and
      156 words

  • 168 24 King and Queen of Tonga here for four-day visit XI N G Taufa'ahau Tnpou IV. Qaeen Halaevalu Mata'aho and their daughter. Princess Salote Piloleuv, of Tonga arrived in Singapore yesterday from Kuala Lumpur At the airport to welcome them were the President's ADC and protocol officers. The royal trio are
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  • 286 24 Thai Govt funds to ease plight of landless farmers BANGKOK. Tuei.— The Thai Government today promised to use government funds and forest reserves to ease I the plight of landless farmers, but Thailand's I second mass vigil demonstration In two weeks continued Into I Its second night. About 500 farmers
    AP  -  286 words
  • 96 24 BUENOS AIRES. Taes. —At least 13 bomb exateolaas racked BaeB4W Aires one after the other but night while Urn city streets were ■till crowded with aaoThe hour-long chain af explosions caused widespread dam a g c and terrified the crowds, bat there ware no immediaU
    96 words
  • 421 24 LONDON. Tw -Bqultm c)0M« quiMlr firm today and al J p.m. Urn rkucttl TIM* md« «v up S.O to SM.S. Th* auiomool ojr tk* Cbanrrllor of tb« ■~»t*»e»w No«etM act 100 If docooobit. to avtrt on KoaooiK |rocouloa aidad otatlmoM. L«<>u xocka won Jp to Tp hifhtr oa
    421 words
  • 174 24 Canberra eases curb on cash inflow CANBERRA, Tuesday RESTRICTIONS on the Inflow of foreign capital into Australia will be eased from today. Treasurer Frank Crean said last In a statement reI leased here, Mr. Crean said the amount of foreign borrowings requiredto be deposited with Australia's Reserve Bank will be
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  • 19 24 HONOKOKO actor and stager Jaamr Un Chonf will arrive ben for a abort honday on July 1
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 159 24 you may never need it BUT WE GIVE PROMPT AFTER SALES SERVICE GUARANTEED WITHIN 7 DAYS AT ANY ONE TIME, ON ALL 4i)uiMico r Products CALCULATORS iaaaaat ateaV 854 JM 2^ The most compact pocket P^i^jk ''MEMORY calculator. W^^^DL 8 Digit LED displ.iv with built m rechargeable battery With all
      159 words
    • 436 24 CX-6000 -w SANYO MINIFIED 12-DIGIT CALCULATOR Light minified dimensions, easy to operate, completely reliable. All these plus a whole host of added calculating shortcuts make the CX-6000 a must for precision-conscious businessmen, international travellers and those who need on-the-spot answers in a hurry. It features a fully floating decimal point
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  • Page 24 Miscellaneous