The Straits Times, 25 June 1974

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 773 1 ISRAEL: RAIDS TO GO ON 3 Arab nations ready to aid Lebanon, guerillas JERUSALEM, Monday ISRAEL said it plans to continue retaliatory bombing raids against Palestinian guerilla bases in Lebanon but three Arab nations have offered to go to the aid of the guerillas and Lebanon And the semi-official Egyptian
    Reuter  -  773 words
  • 275 1 American skymen in Moscow for joint training MOSCOW, Mon. A group of nine US astronaut*, among them moon veterans Thomas Stafford and Alan Bean. arrived here yesterday to continue training with their Soviet colleagues for next year's planned Joint flight. The astronauts were taken straight to Star City, the Soviet
    Reuter  -  275 words
  • 50 1 at lowest in 2 months LONDON. Mon. Sterling cropped by more than two <*nu against the O8 dollar on the I/>ndon foreign excnanfe market today its towert point against the American curm*, ta tw. »J l quotwl 2 J »»1 this afternoon, compared with on Friday of 2 3805 Reuter.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 44 1 BELFAST (France), Mon. -Two Miram flchter-bomb-'i of the French Air Force i-Ulded la mld-alr today and ci lined In the countryside at Tr.iubach-Le-Bu. police Mid. The pilot of one of the planes wsj killed, the other m •wiouly wounded —Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 41 1 EDOERTON (KanaM). Mon.— A 23-year-old American woman parachutist yesterday drifted Into power lines and was electrocuted Brenda Kay Link. 23. of Kansas, had been aiming for a grassy landing strip r xt to the electric lines— UPI
    UPI  -  41 words
  • 34 1 PARIS. Mon —The Iranian embassy In Paris today denied a report that the Shah had said In an Interview that hit country intended to develop nuclear weapons. AP. (See Page 3).
    AP  -  34 words
  • 49 1 TUCSON (Arlsona) Mon One person m killed and M Injured yesterday when s tornado «Umm+^ into a group of mobile homes in the southwest side of Tucson. Nineteen mobile homes wore destroyed and 33 damaged. said Cmpt nil* Franklin of the Tucson fire department UPI
    UPI  -  49 words
  • 45 1 NTW YORK, lion —Dow Jones averages, baaed on first hour of trading on the New York stock «*"y M Indus ***** down !~JS; M Thumb 100.74 down 0 16; II mils urn up o o»; w Stocks J44 44 down 0 44 -UPI
    UPI  -  45 words
  • 143 1 Ties move: Peking and Manila in 'close contact' MANILA. Mon— Formal negotiations for diplomatic relations between the Philippines and China have not started but the two delegations In the United Nations have been "in constant touch with each other." the Philippine UN representative said here today. Ambassador Narclso Reyes, the
    AP  -  143 words
  • 59 1 JAKARTA. Mon. Police have detained a youth who was alleged to have stoned Oovernor Ueutenant-Oen-eral All Sadlkin when he >v dancing In a youth festival last Saturday to celebrate the city's 447 th anniversary. It was reported here today. The Indonesian dairy Pot Kota aald the Governor
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 134 1 BELFAST. Men. A 19-year-old trooper yesterday iinar the first British soldier to or charted with murder while on doty In Northern Ireland. Trooper Aloe John Par? was charted with the Border of Mr Hath Derlne, a married man with roar children. In the
    134 words
  • 212 1 Wife held hostage by robbers 'J'HK wife of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of labour, Madam Chai Mci Leng^ 39, was last night taken hostage for 25 minutes by four dagger-wielding robbers who had i rzz^zz=^=zz earlier taken $3,000 from her home in Holland Road. Madam chal was dropped by the
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  • 463 1 24 back home after 78-day ordeal in Burma EIGHTEEN Singa•E4 poreans, including a woman, and six Japanese from among the 31 crew members of the multi-national research vessel, Chang! SMS 727 who were fined and jailed for illegally entering Burmese waters In April, returned home from Rangoon via Bangko after
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  • 284 1 Wilson admits N-test at Nevada ONDON, Mon. Prime Minister Harold Wilson disclosed today that a British nuclear weapon test reported over the weekend to be Imminent had In fact already taken place. He told the House of Commons the test took place underground some weeks ago Mr. Wilson said the
    Reuter  -  284 words
  • 57 1 BEIRUT. Mon —A Sudanese court in Khartoum today sentenced eight Palestinian guerilla* to Ufe Imprisonment for the murder of two American diplomats and s Belgian In March 1973. the Iraqi news agency reported. The delayed verdicts followed a trial of the eight guerillas by the Sudanese
    UPI  -  57 words
  • 46 1 MANILA. Mon. Muslim rebel force of aboat 600 men launched coordinated attacks In the southern Philippines but were driven off by combined government air and (round assaults that killed between 150 and 2*o of them, military sources reported today. UPI (See Page Two)
    UPI  -  46 words
  • 54 1 WASHINGTON, Mon US Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kis •infer today branded M "totally false in every detail" assertions that he negotiated a secret agreement giving the Soviet Union more nuclear missiles than poblicly anmmmm ted In the first roue! of the strategic arms talks.
    AP  -  54 words
  • 29 1 WASHINGTON. Mom. The House Judiciary Committee Issued another subpoena against President Nixon today despite his declaration that he would abide by no more. UPI. (Sec Pare Two)
    UPI  -  29 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 147 1 .*^s£ A Roiex neec > so little service it deserves the best Take it to the 9 ROLEX .ES SERVICE Robinson Road MOTORISTS WARNED OF SEVERE RESTRAINTS -Page 7 IRAN will soon be N- power: Shah 3 MOSCOW plays down Nixon's Mid -East trip 4 N. KOREA sends troops to
      147 words
    • 178 1 *S^^^ seenuarrts SSL O *l sV 15 p^ss^B) I EH 22RH811 Price $595/- (complete with RH42I speakers) Philips 22RH811 For those who wont o compact, convenient 3-in-l stereo unit with true Hi-fi quality. A neat amplifier tuner cassette recorder combination with the kind of stereo sound you get on bigger,
      178 words

  • Straits Times World News
    • 197 2 .Japan's aid plans: Why they often fail —I rKYO. Mon. Japans "self-conceited, hypocritical" approach In offering technical assistance to development natlr.ns often results In failure, according to a report prepared by the Government's admlnUtra 1 1 v c management agency. The report, to be submitted to various govern ment ministries
      UPI  -  197 words
    • 131 2 WASHINGTON, Mon. Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger and Defence Secretary James Schlesinger fought over giving military aid to Israel daring last October's ArabIsraeli war, the New York Times magaslne said yesterday. According to an account by CBS reporters Bernard and I Marvin
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    • 326 2 KISSINGER MADE NO SECRET DEALS ON MISSILE LIMITATION WITH RUSSIA BUT... WASHINGTON. Monday SECRETARY of State Dr. Henry Kissinger made no secret arrangements with Soviet leaders about the missilelimitaiion agreement of 1972, but he also did not inform Congress of several aspects of it
      Reuter; AP  -  326 words
    • 137 2 Aussies forecast economic recession SYDNEY, Mon Most Australian buMnessmen predict more unemployment, reduced production and steeply rising prices in the next three months, according to a survey pubilshed over the weekend. The suney, taken between June 4 and 18. showed that 73 per cent of 290 firms expected business conditions
      Reuter  -  137 words
    • 59 2 RANGOON. Mon The Burmese Government has started a crackdown on proPeking communist rebel sympathisers who Instigated mob violence in the recent labour disturbances, it was announced here yesterday. An official announcement said military Intelligence officers and police have arrested eight youths belonging to the clandestine "Proletariat Revolutionary
      59 words
    • 342 2 WASHINGTON, JJOIMNG to win public support for its ultimate recommendation on whether to impeach President Nixon, the House Judiciary Committee is expected to make public an expurgated record of the evidence it has examined in secrecy for tfie last six weeks. Chairman Peter Rodlno Jr.
      UPI  -  342 words
    • 107 2 HONGKONG. Mon. Custom* officers last month arrested 340 people and seized dangerous drugs worth HK5363.000 (SS181.500) retail In continued crackdown on illicit drug activities here, it was announced today. A government spokesman said that the haul, made In 140 swoops on land and ships, comprised
      Reuter  -  107 words
    • 58 2 MADRID. Moo. Argentine Vice-president Maria btela de Peron. wilt of President Juan Domingo Peron. arrived today (or an official visit a» part of her tour through Europe Mrs. Peron was met at Barajas airport by the wife of Chief of State Francisco Franco. Prime Minister Carlo*
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    • 36 2 BELJ AST. Mon. A rooftop sniper killed a British soldier going to the aid of comrades under ambush In Belfast, and a civilian who resisted an army search was killed the army said AP
      AP  -  36 words
    • 74 2 TYACCA, Mon. An 1 1/ armed hand killed two policemen and aa- I caped with a large «oantity of arms when the attacked a police station In Bogra district, north of here, the daily Itteraa reported today. The policemen wer* killed yesterday when they opened
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    • 73 2 PRINCETON, Man. If US Congressional elections were held now, the Democratic Party would gain more than half of the seats In House of Representatives according to the latest Oallup poll. Fifty-seven per cent of the registered voters among the 3.063 adults Interviewed in May and June
      AP  -  73 words
    • 61 2 KARACHI. Mon About M 0 employee* of the Civil and Military Audit and Accounts Directorate throughr it Pakistan were detained .>•■- authorities during a wages strike, said a Preea release Issued by the Krlkers as the strike entered 1U sixth day The Frees release claimed that over
      AP  -  61 words
    • 54 2 HONOLULU. Mon. The Wuahu Troupe of China has begun a three-perform-ance appearance here, the first stop on a four-city tour of the United States Wushu. a Chinese folk art. translates as "martial arts" but combines elements ranging from ballet to shadow boxing and fast displays of
      AP  -  54 words
    • 326 2 Two killed in rebel attack on hydro plant MANILA, Mon. Two carpenters were killed and a chief security guard wounded when about 20 Muslim reSfu attacked and blasted the Maria Crlstlna Falls hydro-electric plant In northern Mindanao official military sources said today. They said the plant was slightly damaged but
      Reuter; AP  -  326 words
    • 60 2 NIJMZOEN (Holland!. Princess Irene, second daughter of Queen Juliana and Pilnce Bemhard of the Netherlands. gave birth by caesarean operation to her fourth child In a nursing home yesterday The nursing home said the condition of mother and daughter was "excellent It added that the baby, which
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 94 2 BANGKOK Mon. Thailand's exports for the first four months this year Increased ov 04 per cent ever the same period lwt year, the Business Economic Department said today. Exports totalled 19 7 billion baht i nearly Ss2 4 billion) while imports totalled 20.3 billion baht (nearly
      UPI  -  94 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 266 2 Welding: You'll probably do it better and cheaper with our advice. SW^' I J A' j aj Micro plasma arc welding Lynx MIG system In steel fabrication. So you should come to in the business, sometimes it's better to us when you want the best We can offer you the
      266 words
    • 31 2 They like ESBRINE Fabric, it looks so lovely and is so pleasant to wear. 1 L *i I B. So* Agents MEEHA ARJAN (PTE) LTD. 7-20, COLOMBO COURT. SINGAPORE. TEL: *****7/*****5
      31 words

    • 65 3 ROMS. Mon— The newv paper II Mitg^ero today printed Whit* House denial of Italian press report* that President Nixon would visit Rome early next month. The Milan Newspaper Oorriere Delia Sera yesterday quoted usually well-informed sources In Washington as saying a visit to meet Pope
      Reuter  -  65 words
    • Briefs
      • 216 3 TAIPEH: One million tourists are expected to visit Taiwan before the end of the year, accordIng to an official of the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Communications. CAIRO: Egypt will Indict at least 95 people this wrek in an alleged plot to overthrow President Anwar Sadat's
        Agencies  -  216 words
    • 294 3 Shah: Iran will beNpower... 'WE'LL HAVE ATOMIC WEAPONS SOONER THAN PEOPLE THINK' PARIS, Monday |RAN will possess nuclear weapons "undoubtedly, and sooner than is believed," the Shah of Iran said in an interview released here yesterday. In the interview with the economic magazine Les Informations, the Shah had been asked
      Reuter; AP  -  294 words
    • 112 3 WIDOW'S HOME BECAME TOMB' SHEFFIELD, Mon. Workmen hammering at doors and windows drowned the cries of semi-crippled widow Mrs. (Catherine Godfrey inside her home. When the workmen went away after nailing up the doors and windows with heavy timbers, they left Mrs. Godfrey. 75, In almost total darkness. She had
      UPI  -  112 words
    • 27 3 ROME. Mon.— Huge piles of refuse littered Rome streets today as a strike oy dust-cart drivers demanding more pay continued for the third day. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 63 3 CORONADO, (California), Mon. Laura Jo Watkins is back home after a trip to London at Prince Charles' invitation and a spokesman for her family discounts talk of a romance between the pair. "No, Laura Jo didn't say that they would be seeing each other again," the spokesman
      AP  -  63 words
    • 335 3 Arabs begin to spend their oil billions NEW YORK, Monday rpHE Arab States are beginning to spend their oil billions while the Western industrialised nations still worry about ways to absorb this wealth without shattering world trade-monetary systems. One r.f the big hopes. Newsweek said yesterday In a three page
      AP  -  335 words
    • 238 3 Japan gives $12mil to UN fund MANILA. Mon. Japan has agreed to contribute IS$5 million (SSI 2 million) to the I'nited Nations Revolving Fund for the Exploration of Natural Resources, including oil. in developing countries. UN officials announced today. Philippine Ambassador Narciso Reyes, president of the 18th I'nited Nations Development
      238 words
    • 25 3 VIENTIANE. Mon— Laos and North Vietnam have reached agreement to develop an air link between the two countries, official sources said today. Reuter
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • 46 3 DACCA. Mon— The death toll in Hoods In southern and south-eastern Bangladesh has risen to an estimated 59. the Dacca Government said today Twelve of the victims drowned whe i the rain-swol-len afathamv.-l River broke through an embankment, the Ooremment said.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  46 words
    • 99 3 STUTTOART, Mon. Following the lead given by other car manufacturers last week, Daimler Benz Ag Increased the prices for its Mercedes cars 42 per cent today. Adam Opel, Ag, a wholly owned General Motors subsidiary, increased Its domestic prices 54 per cent a week earlier
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    • 49 3 MOSCOW. Mon. The Jury of the Tchaikovsky competition In Moscow today awarded first place in the international vlolincello conteat to Boris Percamenshikov of Leningrad. Pergamenshlkov Is 26. Second place went to Ivan Monlgettl of the Soviet Union and third to Hlrofuml Kanno of Japan. an.
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    • 254 3 LONDON. Mon. A department of Industry Minister last night denied Opposition Conservative assertions that the minority Labour Governtn *nt had earmarked 20 top British firms for state takeover. The Opposition's Industry spokesman Mr. Eldon Griffiths, claimed yesterday that the Oovernment was contemplating some form
      Reuter  -  254 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 135 3 saHiiim. aw *^^l Bring her this close with the Minolta Pocket Autopak 70 P*^^*^ (26 x 58 x 130 mm) Weight 6i 02 (195 gm) She can come as close as the end of your cord. And you'll M get a good sharp picture of her in close-up. You can't
      135 words
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    • 67 4 Mutual aid council 'tool of Russia' TOKYO, Mon. The Council For Mutual Economic Assistance has become an Instrument of the Soviet Union "to control, exploit and plunder" the Iron Curtain countries, Peking's Hslnhua News Agency said today. Halnhua ridiculed the Soviet "propaganda machinery" for glorifying the council. "It Is jiut
      AP  -  67 words
    • 472 4 Bid to save floundering Law of the Sea conference CARACAS. Mon. T\ELEO ATES from v 148 nations returned to the negotiating tables today In an effort to keep afloat the floundering, dispute-plagued third United Nations Law of the Sea Conference. Before beginning its major task of revising the Law of
      AP  -  472 words
    • 27 4 JAKARTA, lion—Prurient Suharto ha* named Baar Adm. R BuMyakto as the m Navy Chief of Staff to replace Adm. Radan B*<tono. navy louroM Mid tjaay.
      27 words
    • 51 4 LONDON. Mon. The Tune* of London baa movad to a new home aftor 1M year*. Today's edition of the newspaper waa the lint to be printed at 1U new promises in New Printing Houee Square. Just a few hundred metres from ltt old home at Blackfrlan
      51 words
    • 576 4 Big-Power rivalry still evident. MOSCOW, won. |T made splash headlines everywhere else and produced photos of cheering crowds. But here in Moscow President Nixon's triumphal tour of the Middle East sometimes got only a single paragraph on the inside pages. On other days, when
      Reuter; NYT; UPI  -  576 words
    • 381 4 5 killed in Red rocket attack near -palace- OHNOM PENH, Mon I Communist led Insurgent forces fired three Chinese made rockets which landed near the Presidential Palace here, killing five people and wounding another 10 military police reported today. The attacks, which took place last night brought to 146 the
      Reuter; UPI  -  381 words
    • 402 4 PARIS. Mon. BRITAIN'S massive balance of payments deficit and the continuing Impact of high Inflation rates In the main non-communist Industrialised nations will dominate three days of discussions by International economic experts starting here tomorrow, Informed sources said today. The experts begin with
      Reuter  -  402 words
    • 109 4 POLICE SAVE 5 FROM BLAZING BUILDING LOB ANGELES, Mon.— A "hunan chain" with a police ofllcer at ita head, crawling on hi* •tomach to keep down In the IS lnohea of breathable air, passed o«t five 7<mnf children to safety on Saturday nlf ht from a flamlnf apartment building. Patrolman
      109 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 837 4 The new Vespa Sprint V is even safer than last year's! Can you see the changes scooterists were only half as in this famous Vespa? likely to get involved in a If you think it looks much .dmßfca. ilv- serious accident as the same as always don't jtL. 9JA* H^^^k,
      837 words

    • 206 5 30 nations at Moscow trade talks TtfOSCOW, Mon. l Businessmen from more than 30 countries today opened the biggest conference so far dn trace between the West and the Soviet Union. The opening topic will be a discussion of world economic developments. The conference brought more than 90 American participants.
      UPI  -  206 words
    • 60 5 LISBON, Mon.— The government yesterday auumed control over four Portuguese oil tankers, strike-bound In Persian Oulf ports, and ordered them to load a total of 134.000 tons of crude oil for Portugal. It was the first time since taking office five weeks ago that the Provisional
      UPI  -  60 words
    • 400 5 N. Korea moves troops to border Renewed military threat to Seoul SEOUL, Monday J^ T ORTH Korea has recently moved its strategic military units close to the 151-mile Korean truce border in a renewed military threat to South Korea, Defence Minister Suh Jyongchul said yesterday. Mr. Suh called a news
      UPI  -  400 words
    • 95 5 ANOTHER N-TEST? INDIA SILENT NEW DELHI. Mon. Indian Government officials today refused to comment on reports here that India may try oat a hydrogen-based tbermo-nuclear explosive device. The reports Quoted Inform ed sources as saying the country's Atomic Energy Department was working on a hydrogen device as a follow-up to
      95 words
    • 81 5 SYDNEY. Mon— Poet Kao Chun of Taiwan said yesterday he had com* to Australia to write alout Chinese poetry because nt could not get Peking poetry In Taiwan, or Taiwan poetry In Peking Mr Kao has been attached to trie University of Sydney for the next year,
      81 words
    • 279 5 BANGKOK. Mon. TWO needles, a few volts of electric current and a textbook on the Chinese medical art of acupuncture are being used to try to ease the agony of drug addicts In Thailand. Its practitioners here, all highly -skilled physicians, are hoping to harness
      AP  -  279 words
    • 244 5 Kirch's victory boosts Socialist Party VENNA. Mon. Foreign Minister Rudolf Kirchachlaeger's election «a Austria's first independent Head of State added strength today to the position of Chancellor Bruno Kreisky and h1 s ruilng Socialist Party. The lanky Klrchschlaeger won yesterday's Presidential election by a 5.4 per cent lead when he
      UPI  -  244 words
    • 35 5 SEOUL. Mon President Park Chung-hee yesterday appealed to North Korea to accept his proposal for a non aggression agreement between the two Koreas and a return to detente dialogue with the South Ranter.
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    • 230 5 Row may lead to second Catholic party ROME, Mon. A conference of left- wine dissenters within the Catholic Church that ended here yesterday marked an ideological and political process that may lead to the birth of a second Catholic party In Italy. Some 300 delegates attended the three-day National Convention
      NYT  -  230 words
    • 58 5 BANOKOK. Mon. Now that Thailand has freedom of the Press, the National Advertising Association of Thailand (NAAT) U attemptIng to seek equal freedom to operate radio and television stations across the countty with no control by the Ocvarnment. Thailand now has 182 radio stations and four
      AP  -  58 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 304 6 pac:h=ic OPERATES PROM SIM COUNTRIES OF THE ORIENT E 'W It AND WITH A WORLDWIDE NETWORK OF AGENTS. Crown Pacific tackles all moving and packaging problems efficiently, speedily and safely. Modern handling methods. fully trained staff and latest equipment make Crown Pacific the outstanding packers. When you're MOVING j move
      304 words
    • 421 6 FILM PREMIERE fc>Bßt3 Undar Tha Distingunhad Patronao* of Kflr^J Thß Honour-tola Minttar For Law and j i, National Ovetopmant MR. E.W. BARKER \'mM4 SIIfiATME AtMTEIR CYCLII6 ASSOCI ATIOI 5 (Uod« Tha AuapteM of Singapora NttionN Olympic Coondl) ODEON: Tomorrow at 9.15pm. 1 Tickets: $3, $5 Diutiw S«U tniUHe it Ncm
      421 words
      294 words
    • 243 6 f JAMES COBURN frp» J "A FISTFUL OF DYNAMITE" joins BUD SPENCER fni "TRINITY IS STILL MY NAME" and TELLY SAVALAS frta "TtlE DIRTY DOZEN" to capture the i molt impregnable fortress in the West! a t 'VE'VT 1 _A a Bu B CAPITOL «S3^ N Jp REASON TO LIVE
      243 words
    • 747 6 ORGANISATION^ 1 USE] QZ3IB i I LAST DAY' II "Mi. US. «00. »45 9i.. B Z O V B n on Glynnis 0 Conno, I Jf rUMV" COLOR lUA. I B OPENS TOMORROW. Sh*. Chunfl-iwr, 4my l, B RIVALS Of KUNO FU jlk CANTONESE .n Scooa C, I I I
      747 words

  • 469 7 5 years for man who killed friend over girl A WELDER, Leong Seng f*Pak. 2«, killed his friend after both fell in love with the same girl Mr. Justice Chua heard In the Hlßh Court yesterday. Leong, said to be too timid to declare his love for Miss Ef Lee
    469 words
  • 1403 7  - 'More severe restraints' warning to motorists P. M. RAMAN IF TRAFFIC SITUATION DOES NOT IMPROVE... By rpHE Road TransA port Action Comm 1 1 1 c c yesterday warned motorists of "more severe restraints" on them within the next decade if the traffic situation does not improve. The committee, gave
    1,403 words
  • 68 7 Two talks on clinical hypnosis PROF Sir Gordon Ransome. will chair two lectures on clinical hypnosis at the Pathology Laboratory. Outram Road Hospital, at 8 p.m. on Wednesday. The lacturw. optn to nwabn of U» nMdtoal proterton. will bt musnUd Jotnttr by Dm John Hartland and O Orahant. Dr. Barttand
    68 words
  • 35 7 A MAN. 7-MfcTmlntn Mb bliak. St. m jwUrday flMd I*oo hf to* Bnt MafUtrmU'i Court tor taktnf as ia pIU at Circuit Road at ■bout lt.M km on May I*. h« plMdad fuutr.
    35 words
  • 49 7 APOWB e*Me. 4aauced throngb conrtmUoo work, Teeterto ra— aa electriettr bUckoat »n the Chanri and Slgla* area*. The blaekovt at a■» affected the entire Chaa«l area, Incladlnt the Indastrial •ectlen and the NeMevUal areas of Sig lap The P»bUe UtlHUee Board restored power at noon
    49 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 156 7 VOOR has a way with figures Available at all leading authorised dealers Scott SC English Limited 154-170, Clemenceau Av«nue, MAG Cantre, Singapore 9.Te1: *****1 10 Lines) Scott English CM) Sdn. Bhd Kuala Lumpur Tel: *****, Butter worth Teh *****, Ipoh Tel: *****. With offices in Penang, Kota Kinabalu, Kuching.and Johore
      156 words
    • 33 7 JbeVour Festival of French Food and Art CONTINENTAL RESTAURANT June 12- July 14 Sebert Dupont International Tapestries on exhibition and sale Brought to you by FRENCH AHtLHES 1, Jeton Rumba. Smfapor*.* Tel: *****6
      33 words
    • 393 7 In the blindfold test... 62% 0f people prefer the taste of Dane Essence of Chicken to all other brands of essence of chicken. Over two hundred regular users of essence of Naturally. chicken were given the blindfold taste-test, to w- t_ compare Dan* Essence of Chicken to their Dane Essence
      393 words

    • 1012 8 JfRISHNAN Nadarajan picked Qp his guitar, tuned it with an expert hand and said he would play me some music while he sings. No t h ing up usual you would think, except that Krishnan is only four and I
      1,012 words
    • 291 8  - You don't have to be a beauty to star in films MAUREEN CHUA By INDONESIAN film director and producer, Turino Junaidy, has a morale booster for girls who think they are not pretty enough to be movie "You do not have to be a raving beauty to become an actress,
      291 words
    • 165 8 rPHE buxom maids of X old Europe bridled their delights in decollete figure- hugging clothes to show off wasp waists and ample cleavages. A woman's contours then, have to be welldefined, so her clothes were cut to reveal what she has and hide where she lacks. Dresses with
      165 words
    • 64 8 HIPS ARE NOW MOST VITAL STATISTIC WOMEN worry more about the six? of their his* than they do about the siit of their breasts And, contrary to popular belief, they are much less concerned than men are about Impressing their OWN aex. These are two of the findings of a
      64 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 158 8 M That's Italian for "marvellous". And that's what you'll say when you see the fabulous range of ARISTON gas cookers. Each one's a real aristocrat. k Take the model L4O GT (illustrated) M for example. It has all these most wanted features: bW^bH^lbb^^^ m ARISTON the aristocrat of gas cookers
      158 words
    • 59 8 PI 55 ~""l~-^-l r^. With Gelusil-M tablets. Recommended by doctors because they're safe, effective and cause no side effects. Gelusil-M contains not one, but three antacids to promptly relieve pain and wind caused by indigestion, excessive stomach acids or ulcers. Gelusil-M also protects ulcers and allows healing to proceed. Gelusil-M
      59 words
    • 115 8 Itk the little things that make life sweeter M K\«B»T*^G LB^^BBBBBBBBB^^^ S^W^* aV**^ Of w bB *b*^^^^ Keeping healthy meane keeping dim that's why Hermesetas are the sweet alternative in tea or coffee. Hermeseta* dissolve instantly, have no after-taste and give you all the sweetness you want without the calories
      115 words

  • 453 9 J^ GUNMAN nicknamed Botak who was shot dead by police last year, one evening told a friend he had" shot a detective and taken his gun, a coroner's conrt heard yesterday. Lim Fook Seng, 22. who Is now serving a
    453 words
  • 96 9 Grounded S'pore ship causes jam A LEXANDRIA BAY ■t* i New York), Mon. A Singapore freighter blocked traffic on the St. Lawrence Seaway for more than 16 hours when it ran aground. The Ivory Star was freed by tugboats late yesterday. US Coast Ouard officials said. The 612-foot freighter continued
    AP  -  96 words
  • 60 9 Workshop on careers The Singapore Jayceettee will hold their second Career Guidance Workshop (or school-leavers at the Thomson secondary school from 2 p m to 5 p m on Saturday. The speakers Include Mrs Daisy T,eong of Roblna Department Store (Pte) Ltd.. Mr. Tan Kirn Chuan of Cathay Organisation Pte
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  • 121 9 WIDOWED CRASH MOTHER LEAVES HOSPITAL TJOUSEWIFE Ma--11 dam Poh Stew Chong, 28, who lost her husband and 11 -day -old baby son in a car crash last Wed n c sday has been discharged from the Aiizuk military hospital In Changi where she was warded for three days. Madam Poh
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  • 43 9 THE St. John Ambulance Brigade of Singapore rendered a total of 73.900 manhours of voluntary services to the public last year, according to the brigade's annual report for 1973. The report said voluntary services Included flrst-ald duties and hospital duties.
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  • 188 9 Nantah aims to train nationbuilding students rpHE Vice-Chancel- lor or Nanyang University, Prof. Hsueh Shou-sheng said yesterday Nantah was nurturing patriotic and practical students who could take part In nation-building. He was speaking at the opening; ceremony of the orientation week organised by the Nanyang University Student s' Union at
    188 words
  • 52 9 THE Department of Extramural Studies of the University of Singapore will bsgln a 20-lecture course on good English at their Nlssen Hut SB. at 7SO p.m on July 3 The course fee is $45 and the class will be limited to 30. For further information contact
    52 words
  • 266 9 A LOCAL cabby, A Enclk Mohammed bin Nawani will next month have a reunion with an Australian couple who 13 years ago specially flew Into Singapore to present him with the key to his own first taxi. The Australians, Mr. Ted Olbbs
    266 words
  • 168 9 DEAD INSPECTOR HAD BOUGHT POISON GAS IIAWKER Inspector 11 Ng Nai Nguan, 30, whose cecomposed body was found in a house along Jalan Sendudok, 13th mile Sembawang last Friday, had specially rented the place for $420 a month Just before his death, it was learnt yesterday. Informed sources said that
    168 words
  • 27 9 SHARIKAT Flat Distributors (Malaysia) Bdn. Bhd. has donated $250,000 to th* Singapore Council of Social Service for distribution to various charitable organisation* In Slngapora.
    27 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 3 9 Milk UnlirrtM*, I
      3 words
    • 371 9 Schoolmatßs just three years ago... now they look bbK LbW, B^ J£**> W**% Ibbbb^' ml BBBW^^I bbV w^ wE**^ -\j\- Y '^^a i I|| BBMBBBBi m BBV Isr9HBW9 BBV L aBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm Mary keeps her skin fresh and smooth with «f fc. Tussy Lemon Moisturiser That glowing "bloom of youth" is
      371 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 264 9 Brtnglng Up ratHf »y sIUI Kivmmli Ml C— ;P=- <3|/ ygg/ 1 MB4PACHC AND THAT -TU\»*K* s *•**•< A 9M > AW M3U COMM6 TC\ TaTn »ANP WOOLP MAKI T euet rty, v V VM3UU> «OOn#s»// CYPO*S(*»wtvV) |rr woBWj/^-/ iZStTS (rpl VJ a^w Bloatfi* »y ClaU V— II|H|)I*" HO, I'M
      264 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 452 10 YOUTH problems produce seminars, stud- ies and exhortations usually among and by adults. The wisdom of maturity and experience is invaluable to a proper understanding of society's stresses and strains, but projects and programmes for helping disturbed or wayward youth lack an essential dimension when they do
      452 words
    • 147 10 rpHE construction of a new city In northA eastern Laos to accommodate the operational headquarters of the Pathet Lao Is not the only indication that communists are beginning to call the shots in the coalition-ruled country. The new city, recently visited by foreign diplomats, will replace Sam
      147 words
  • 544 10  -  DONALD ARMOUR: London By T<HE case of James Haaratty, hanged 12 ysars ago for a macabre murder on an English highway, is to undergo fresh Investigation following a decade of campaigning Involving influential people who believe he may have been Innocent The
    544 words
  • 1545 10  - Making use of the sun's rays to save energy JOHN FIALKA: Washington 'SCIENCE FICTION' NOW A LIVING REALITY By *pHE job of harnessing the energy in sunlight has been like pushing a cumbersome object up near the top of a steep, difficult hill. Much of the heavy basic scientific work
    NYT  -  1,545 words
    • 364 10 A $10-plan to beat vandals at HDB flats JHAVE a proposal that could relieve those experiencing lift problems and vandalism at new HrnnQng Board estates The 11 times my wife and I visited our flat In the 24th floor at Marine Parade, we took the lift three times, walked up
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 3 10 BaVISSJBJBWSBSBWfS^^^^^^^^^fVH BBm (Cm
      3 words
    • 720 10 CROSS' SINCE 1846 S4>tltip I pen I A new writing instrument from CROSS. Easy, comfortable and with a new freedom that is personally yours. The CROSS Soft Tip Pen in 12 Karat gold filled. Attractively gift packaged, including two refills. From all leading stationers and \mw\% department stores. Sole Agent
      720 words

  • Business Times
    • 888 11  -  PETER BBMUiSTSm By fIEW YORK: The most interesting question facing the investor today is not why the stock market has been so deeply depressed but rather what one can do about it. Of course, we can hardly be surprised at the action of Ihe
      888 words
    • 415 11 INFLATION wUI persist with disastrous consequences unless it Is accepted as a global phenomenon and no longer the result of temporary causes, according to Dr. Irving 8. Friedman, senior advisor for International operations of Citicorp In a keynote address before a university In the US.
      415 words
    • 458 11 New Hume conversion rate for preference shares PREFERENCE share I holders of Hume Industries (Far East) won another point yesterday when the chairman. Mr. J.S. Kirkham. told shareholders that the company Is revising Its proposed conversion 1 rate for the preference shares. The new rate will five preference shareholders 1.304
      458 words
    • 260 11 rl new buffer price ange of tin should be kept under constant review In the light of ft^iyttny production costs, says the latest Usue of Tin International. It points out that an outdated buffer price range had limited the Tin Council's ability to fulfil one
      260 words
    • 269 11 FEFC announces a lower 'currency factor' from July rPrTE Far Eastern Freight Conference announces that the currency adjustment factor (CAF) for Malaysia and Singapore of 19 per cent will be reduced to 17 per cent from July 1. This Is based on the normal monthly CAF review for June conducted
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 134 11 Th« Bank <*♦ Canton Limited V 60 V&ars of banking in Asia Security Pacific National Bank WSkmW 100 years of banking in U.S.A. I m W and around the world mwKmm^^^ 160 years of banking experience you can bank on The Bank ot Canton Limited, in affiliation with Security Pacific
      134 words
    • 374 11 Advertisement Stop breathing in unhealthy chalk dust A LEADING Japanese pen manufacturing company has come up with a revolutionary replacement for the conventional chalk and black-board method of display and Instruction. This new board known commercially as the Pilot Wytebord uses markers Instead of chalk therefore cutting down risk of
      374 words
    • 196 11 WW/fl). \^L, Jm /inMm^ Ever Thought of Increasing Your Productivity Efficiency? Here is your answer to maximum output with minimum cost. f|ARO|— Pf -M U -m^ Bi-*a4actor *5«aSsW \B AN rang* Air-Took Pneumatic equipments and air accessories are reliable, economical easy to-operate and are now increasingly needed to replace high
      196 words

  • 318 12 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Mr. Neoh Choo Ec of Penang has been appointed to the board of Taiplng Textiles with Immediate effect, accordIng to an announcement by the secretary, Mr. W.Z. Tsl. Guthrie Engineering has appointed Mr. Patrick Wong Kuei Seng as project executive, according to an announcement by the general
    318 words
  • 869 12  - Tax-trap: Help ahead for Canadian wage- earners ROBERT TRUMBULL By rVTTAWA: There Is help ahead for Canadian wage earners caught In the "tax-trap" spawned by Inflation. Pay rises that might be expected to alleviate the problem of spiralling prices, often simply push people into higher tax brackets and leave them
    869 words
  • 329 12 MWM (Motoren-Werke Mannheln AO). one of the leading German manufacturers of marine and Industrial dlesel engines, is under taking a feasibility study on the setting up of an assembly plant in Singapore as a Joint venture with local companies. This
    329 words
  • 125 12 JAKARTA Indonesian I timber has good pros- pects In a number of European countries which have shown strong desire to Import the products, according to the Director General of Forestry. Dr. Sadlkln DJaJapertJunda. Dr. Badikln, who has just returned from Europe to discuss the marketing of
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 241 12 WE STOCK WHAT YOU WANT Ball and roller bearings of every specification you need in stock in our warehouse complex now! Call us. NTN BALL AND ROLLER BEARINGS TEL *****3 we move fast to keep you moving MTM BEAPUfSJG SINGAPORE (PTE)LTD. Tong Fong Building. sth Floor 52 E Chin Swee
      241 words
    • 642 12 Practical and compact Marketing v IBS SNII I CNOOPT an 4 Woodstock have rijht size for Junior's mid-day lemon teamed up for amrcment in thU M pregeßt yo|mf practical compact tucker box, pro- kinderfarten and primary school duced by Thermos of the United children, it is available it a 21)
      642 words
    • 125 12 l"j k sfl Bk r*.t tb m *T« ii iss^r i #)l f* It's no jecrei that the best nU\lwSnl£rlAlLrl/ ta.lo».ng or.g.nat« n/P|J TAJ A| Tfl Iron, Chanra. i. so much so MfCll l\f 111 JK tha, even our many competitors.*™,,, fAUDFTIIYUK •f only to themselves \jkj[l\l\j MlWfff The answer
      125 words
    • 97 12 Tempting Stopover Holidays in Europe Swissair has assembled a tempting Package of Stopover Holidays in Europe (for a few days or a few weeks). Swissair departs Singapore every Wednesday at 8.05 a.m. by daylight flight all the way to Zurich or Geneva. Daily onward connections are available to any major
      97 words

      • 78 13 an C. Store $3.a0 —JO M.OO —JO r. s«. tt.6o .18 OB N >B 8 PUnU. I. Darby lea Cut. >. Buk k Land M Ontent »tv Dev. nchrapr i. SOBb. Hut I. TtMM Ii Iron W3O $3 80 t*i2 $2.75 $3 80 $3M tin $2.90 $3 10 tIH
        78 words
      • 22 13 City Oct. D. B. 8. M. Cn*it Total Twßorcr: ToUl Value: 156,000 -.43 000 141.000 1 TSM $3 92M
        22 words
      • 65 13 Jane 21 Jane 24 Induttriab: 2SI.M tit. Si 0 Finance: IS2.M SM44 V. HoUU: 172.7S J7«.M Properties: ZI9AI 2M.M t Tln«. I*7 JS HI SI t I rabbrn: S4I.U 34Z 51 0.r.8.C: 211.«8 227 JJ t B.C.S. Ind.: 2M.M 247 M Dec M. IM4 =I— f Dm. 11. IMS
        65 words
    • 1566 13 THE lan transacted sale i at the close of business r. the Stock Exchange of I Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day> price* iof ether with 1974 high and low. (•Adjusted for all new issues). INDUSTRIALS Aaian Oallar Sanaa (liMlia«ti*n tram DBt-Oalwa SMuntiaa InUrnallanal) nag st* issi
      1,566 words
    • 1347 13 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Acma (2 268) XD. A.P.I. (1 148). Ajinomoto <2 358> Alcan
      1,347 words
    • 354 13 yOLATILE stocks came under selling pressure on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. Sellers continued to dominate the scene In the afternoon se«ion. With buyers still cautious and apart from the few contra deals recorded here and there, the closing session was very «aiet t oases
      354 words
    • 1266 13 BID and offer prices offl- v daily listed and business In and reported to the Kuan Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. IHOUSTP.IALI Aiinamata (2 428 2 MS). Alcan i2»48 1 2OS) A.M.
      1,266 words
    • 286 13 SELECTION Trust of the UK said It Is offer- I ing nop In cash for fvery ordinary share of Amarl. valuing Amarl at around £3.3 million In all. ST. already owns 597.000 Amarl shares 20.17 per cent), which "ill be assented to the ••'Ter and £500.000 nominal
      286 words
    • 298 13 Blue chips lead losses in KL market BETTER class stocks led losses yesterday at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange where the bearish sentiment of last week continued to rule. Other stocks were marginally lower. This resulted In the New B.T. Industrial lni dcx yielding another 2.61 point* to 257.20. Selling
      298 words
    • 156 13 HONOKONO: The I Government ha* (ja- j zetted I'gislatlon design- ed tc bring requirements on con oar j account disclosure generally in line with those In force In the United Kingdom. A statement said the New Companies (Amendment) BUI 1974 provides that company balance sheets
      156 words
    • 495 13 rpHE performance of 1 lAC (Holdings) has continued to improve with a 47 per cent Increase in pre-tax profit to $2,504,000 for the year ended January 1974 though at a slower pace than the previous year when a 107 per cent rise was achieved. Sales growth
      495 words
      • 26 13 THE Stralta tin price rose another $5 to $1,298.25 per plcul In Penang yesterday on an official offering up 81 tons to 322 tons.
        26 words
      • 104 13 CHINItf PROOUCI IXCHAMCI. lIHOAPOIII NOON CLOIINC Ceaemrt Oil: bulk (ISO nominal drum IISS nomlnaL Oaoea: Mixed I loose) UK/Coat SM nominal. »ias)ir: Muntok AST A white fob. 100% NLW S2M| sellers. Sarawak waits fob. 90* NLW *2HO salrsra. Sarawak special Mack fob. M% NLW ***** sellers Sarawak AST A
        104 words
      • 28 13 Rubber: Jane 24. Singapore: 164.50 cts (down 4.M cts) Malaysia: 163.5* cts (down 4.50 cts) Tin: $1,298.25 (up $5) Official offering: 322 tons (up II tons).
        28 words
      • 59 13 lilmlar FrMar UM UM afalbaajna (1) Ctoaad 102. 11 Loads* Ctaaad IM.TS Balrwt IMSO IS4.M Hongkoac IM.M 151 SO Zortek Caaaad IM.OOB Ctaaad 154.MS Paris Closed IM.TS SPOT* (2) IM.OOB 152 808 ISS.SM 150. 70S I i Export price la naaaterlins anas' to U.S. dertrwa awr ouajaa (1)
        59 words
      • 663 13 "pHB Singapore rubber mar--1 ket yesterday did not follow London's better than expected lead and although opening quotations war* marked up. sellers predominated and first business was truck only fractionally batter than Fridays clow. Orders were again scarce and the market want on to drift lewer in very
        663 words
      • 81 13 r\Att.Y BMR prices issuec at noon yesterday (Cart«a*Mth> (F.mrtMth) M»KI,» lirtnlfhn BaycnlcUen imtaperkf) (ewltparkff) SCV (1 ton pallet) 197 00 199 00N 197 00 199 00N 6L (1 ton pallet) 197 00 199 MN 197 00 199 MN S (1 ton pallet) 16*00 170 00N 168 00 170
        81 words
      • 241 13 pOLOMBO: The Sri V; Lanka Ministry af Plantation laawatifaw has announced new sabsldies and assistance to the natural rabber la- I dastry to enable It to benefit from higher world prices. The annual sahsMy far replanting is increased by 4# per cent and the
        241 words
    • 61 13 F early morning trading the US dollar Hipped to $*****-30 from a firm opening of $2.4540-50 In the Singapore fore* market yesHowe ver an increased demand for dollars saw I It firm n g back to $2.4535-4 by lunch Urns In moderite trading. Aiterno in trading continued at
      61 words
    • 168 13 The following are toe nominal average cosing Intertark rates In Singapore Note: These rates may differ slightly from those quoted by banks to their customers auTca W— l—l rmics SmJIhMKJmn Percent*** jate***j (croui pa Ity ekaaf* »L.P°"^L. 24M a *W5 2<186 _UM Iterlißt Pound 5 8244 5 8345
      168 words
    • 185 13 A SIAN currency deposit Inl terbank rates as at close on Monday, June 34 Nate: These rates may differ slightly from those quoted by banks to tbeir customers Offer Bid 7 days 13-7 8 13-5 S 1 mUI 13-1 8 13 3 mths 13-0 16 13-1 2
      185 words
    • 21 13 Closing Interbank rate* la Singapore dollars for June 34. Overnlgt 1 mth 2 mths 3 mtha Prime rate t
      21 words
      • 260 13 rtCYO, lion. Shares > prices on the Tokyo j market opened slightly i steady today However. trading was thin In the absence of any fresh i news and Investors turn- ed cautious with the month-end approaching, i In the morning session. a segment of heavy i electrlcals. machineries, i
        260 words
      • 207 13 ALL market* in Hone konc were closed yesterday for the Dragon Boat festival. INDUSTRIALS Mnpol 51 o*# Auat. Cor 1 rvd j. 0 7j +01 kiwi Nat. lad 1.11 l _.«i *-pm. i.rrj Bank N.S.W SJVOB Bell Bros —.06 Boral 1.»2| 4i BH.P «T1 .l» Ooal All
        207 words
      • 152 13 MELBOURNE, lion. Share prices fell i I across the board In dull trading on the Melbour- ne Stock Exchange to- < day. Heading the move was market leader BHP which loc much ground to finish at A 96.70. Other Industrials to low ground Included I. Z. Industries at $3.10.
        152 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 826 14 sL^J ■Ls^t^sL aUsJ SINGAPORE CIVIL SERVICE Applications are invited from Citizens or Permanent Residents of Singapore Malaysia for the following appointments: (ai WARDEN. Outward Bound School. Ministry of Defence Gross Monthly Salary Range 51. 369 to $1. 804 The Warden will be responsible for the overall administration of the Outward
      826 words
    • 442 14 /^L Singapore hip m/rb Orator Corp., Ltd. A newly established yet ever expanding organisation requires Applicants are invited for the posts of:--(a) TECHNICIANS (b) PRODUCTION OPERATORS for the following fields (1) Metal Work 1-5 years experience in metal work particularly in gas cutting, metal sheet fabricating and welding. (2) Assembling
      442 words
    • 561 14 TRAINEE DESIGN DRAUGHTSMAN SHELL h«w« a vacancy for a train«« design draughtsman in the Technol cal Development Department of their refinery in Pulau Bukom and invite applications from Singapore Citizen* between 16 and 21 years of age in possession of a Grade <or II School Certificate (or equivalent) with credits
      561 words
    • 633 14 I INDUSTRIAL I RELATIONS MANAGER A Vehicle Assembly Plant located in Jurong invites applications from Singapore Citizens for the above post. Responsibilities He will report to the Plant Manager on all matters connected with personnel administration, salary and benefit administration, industrial relations, welfare, safety and security, and employe* services. Qualifications
      633 words
    • 274 14 IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT JOHORE BAHRU. ORIGINATING SUMMONS NO. 75 OF 1971. BETWEEN Foh Chong Finance Sdn Bhd. of No. 28. Jalan Segget. Johore Bahru .CHARO'EES/APPLICANTS AND 1. Ho Toon Ngee of No. 30. Steven Road. Singapore: 2. Ho Hua Mln of No. 8. Slan Avenue. Singapore
      274 words

  • 252 15 Aunt's aid may save boy from welfare home AN aunt's timely help may make it unnecessary for year-old Tay Choon Meng to be sent to a Social Welfare home. A baby-sitter, Madam Tan Char Boh, who Is now caring for the baby, said yesterday that the woman, claiming to be
    252 words
  • 47 15 THE St John Ambulance Association of Singapore will hold Its annual meeting- at Its Beach Road headquarters at 6 p.m. on July 10. After the meeting, the Director. Dr. PC Kwan, will present certificates to Industrial nurses who have successfully completed their examinations.
    47 words
  • 47 15 A COUPLE has been arrested in connection with the suspected murder of a •U-month-old girl, whose remains were exhumed from the Chua Chu Kang Chinese cemetery by police last Saturday. Both of them are understood to be helping the police In the Investigations
    47 words
  • 33 15 HAWKER licence fees for the third quarter July to September 1»74 will be collected by the mobile collection unit of the Hawkers' Branch next month, the Ministry of Environment said yesterday
    33 words
  • 109 15 Aussie MPs call on Speaker rpHE eight-member par- liamentary delegation from Queensland, Australia, yesterday called on the Speaker for Pa--liament, Dr. Yeoh Ohim Seng, and MPs. Earlier, they went to the Jurong Town Corporation and held discussions with senior JTC officials. The delegation, led by the Minister of Transport, Mr.
    109 words
  • 32 15 THE r%r Eastern Freight Conference (PEPC> haa revised its Currency Adjustment Factor (CAT) from Malaysia and Singapore from 19 per oent to IT per cent with effect from July 1.
    32 words
  • 31 15 THE Kent Players (Anzuk Drmme. Club) will prceent Cat on the Piddle, oomedv by John Dole, at the Cultural Centre In Canning Rise at 8 pm on June 27 and
    31 words
  • 337 15 (X)NSUMER education should be integrated in the school syllabus to ensure Singapore's schoolchildren receive enough training for the economic lives they will lead as wage and salary earners, says CASE. Making this suggestion In Its report for the period November 1972 to March 1974,
    337 words
  • 63 15 THREE men snatched a payroll worth $6,550 from a contractor while he was sorting the money Into packets to pay his workers last Thursday Mr Hone Ah Peng, whose firm U carrying out aome work In SpotUiwoode Park Road has reported the robbery to the police
    63 words
  • 274 15 Why this father never rests after work— 17NCIK Abdul Rah Li man bin Yasln, 44, of Corporation Drive never rests after his daily work. For he would b« out again searching for his missing nine-year-old daughter, Yatlmah. who was last seen leaving their flat to buy sweets from a nearby
    274 words
  • 272 15 Weather readings only 50 to 60 pc accurate LOCAL weathermen are only 50 to 60 per cent accurate In their daily forecasts, according to a StralU Times study made recently. The study was based on the forecasts supplied by the Meteorological Department's Paya Lebar airport station and the actual weather
    272 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 54 15 111 2^^& a m I i aw_ w w 'Ibbbbm ss^bs^bbTbTbbs( b^bbH X' 1 I .^o*^^ Lb^bbtC C w I k w^ BBsW*iirvC T^ for Trouble 1 With a new sensuous AMafi all-day fragrance After -shave Cologne. Jc«ph out for TVouble This new kind of TVouble leads to the kind
      54 words
    • 570 15 NYAL fujravit ONE A DAY CAPSULE EVERY GROWING CHILD NEEDS MORE THAN JUST P00D... Food is not the answer to healthy growth. It has to be a well balanced meal. Even then, there is no guarantee that vitamins and minerals are not lost n cooking and storage. To make sure
      570 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 700 15 A VPB -*..__Al^_ HAitn consumption on Sunday was 112.7 million callons (512,0*0 cubic metres), 3.3 million r aliens (15JC0 cubic metres) less than on Saturday HIGH TIDE TOUT SBpajf* 1.46 l.m (2.8 m), 316 p.m. (2.4 m). Safl KatMl 12.12 i.m. (2m), 1.50 p.m. •art KdUM 10.03 a.m. (27m), 10.29
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1213 16 (arjgberjg CAELSBEBG BREWERY MALAYSIA BEKHAD Invites applications from Malaysian Citizens for the following positions (1) BOILER ATTENDANTS: Requirements: (a) Ist or 2nd Grade Steam Engine Driver Certificate Issued by the Malaysian Factories and Machinery Department essential. (b) 2 years' experience in similar position preferred. (c) Age below 40 (2) MECHANIC
      1,213 words
    • 769 16 PERBADANAN PBMBANGUNAN PERTANIAN NEGERI PERAK. IKLAN JAWATAN. Permohonan ada lah di pelawm daripada Warganegara Malaysia, untuk memenuhl Jawatan berikut:PBOAWAI KERJA KIRA-KIRA. UMUR: 3> tahun hlngga 16 tahun. TANGGA GAJI: 1400x25 4M/4MX4O MO/930 40 *****:KELULUSAN: Lulus aekurang-kurangnya perlngkat 1 kursus Australian Society Accountant! dan mempunyai pengelaman sekurang-kurang nya S tatxm aerta
      769 words
    • 856 16 MECHANICAL ENGINEER A well established international company' wishes to recruit Mechanical Engineer for its factory near Klang. The man we are looking for must have a degree in Mechanical Engineering from a recognised University. He should have three years' experience in plant maintenance and/ or design work. He should also
      856 words
    • 713 16 fetda KENYATAAN TAWARAN Tawaran -tawaran adalah riiprlawa danpada Konlrrkl.r hSaV tr.kter/prnibrk.l-prn.hfk.l twm ker)a k«n« Uwbul di (A) hiniuia iKI K*r)a-k*rja ham (Gl HANYA Kontrrk •rr-ki.nirrklri van* hrrHafur dvnxnn JKK Malayia ila> krla« A atau H atau HX M hawah kr|>aU I. Pc.ahan BSSaala I: kr|wla 11. |>nahan Hsaala I ilan
      713 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1439 17 CtHTAIIIEtSMIP SEtVICE Tl W/CKTIIIEr h^ P ItlMf D'atrt tna Mwn UK UaNrtPi i a) mm it taw nMb n tail mmi iimi I.UIAMA MAP« 1 Ml IMb a tab a tab a tab MMb iivupooi i>r it Mb ii mi Ata ii taj ii Ata »aj iiniik a Mf m
      1,439 words
    • 1157 17 fcfc BLUE SEA LINE \|7 Express States to Straits Service f N OrtaoM Hwttw Ittt/Ptul a. Ton Vaan P KtMy Ptawt IMMA MM MM SMM li Pt/M MMo M tab I Pttttn MM IbM MM HtM tab I MM M PMTIIIUM twM H.M MaM H.M Mb I M| 10 Mb
      1,157 words
    • 1062 17 I mmmbmmml t4/w^lv MJ laMPt, N«Jf| lUi« t'Ma l»f|lW Dfairt Irtat* Anistrp All v J part P Ktiwi lua tatlna Ha>rt Dm 'SSiMMM ?Sr* 7S »Mb MM, SS M S LIWrPMt MT IS Ml II Mr Aai II Aat 11 Aai IMI HMM a tab M tab it Aaj l'
      1,062 words
    • 1087 17 FULLY CONTAINERIZED SEKVICE TO FUHOfE MOMNjIUtI FfJ. IwTAMn M| 1 m mt j. m t,. u^-. ■MOitAN Mb 1« wHtaroaM, MiajuwaOM, mhwokb. li noart. mi^Kiuu, 2" ta |f tmm 3 i« Ajtmv. CoatMofM: Bo«m*jf|. Matatie. NiiiLtri mum Hpt I Slocttoat. Otlo. rWs.nk.. Umtrt Km|doai CtaMt Tiawt: ICI M Man FBI
      1,087 words
    • 784 17 1 1 'I^l 'p 1 1 q 1 1 A^BtJajBaHaSa^aMfJ SaNaa.a.l •*****. P. lUaaaaj AMI; X.L 17S11; P...., UMI. THE BANK LINE LTD. LMK FHE.IS tfUCA. tItTMM trim tna.wl P MMf S pt'l t. OVM Mai I lAATT IAM (Ot.ra. i. Mtrawt t S AlrKtl P KttW| M tat >Mb
      784 words

  • 45 18 IN MEMORIAM OF THE LATE MR. GOHCHEWCHUaI Three years ago tod ty, the feelings of void and emptiness remain with us. Wherever you may be, may you be well A happy. Sadly misted but not forgotten by wife, children grand-children and great grand -child ten.
    45 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 902 18 aTaTAMMMMMMMaMMMMMMMMMMJMMMMMMMJMMMMMaMJJ nl pZ B^inTl^Mal <9 P mmmmmml mUmmmmmmmSmmmml r^L»» MM»*^tAWASAKIKISEN KAISHA LTD. KAWASAKI KINKAI KISfN KAISHA LTI. lAPAN. HOWKOUfi. STIAJTS SMVICI MfM Nanfliwc S.atnori P. b»*t CNAMPIM KIANII "Ml MM japan Arabian Cull »anriaa f,aaip*ri IM: i.ii MAM «44 > CoM«aao MMcilOaM. ouvii Mill) t Ala Olua.OoM'Hari.* liii«i>i;lnria/iuiofnaniiiar. Japan teultt
      902 words
    • 866 18 BB*aMHMMMMMMaHMMMMMMMMMMMHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMI fl *IXEPTIM TUCTBtS. ItHCO IM ITMI WUTI ECWIPtJCHTS fM sum *m ißMHtst* m nm. IX T. KMTT lire, uiirti AM* XMh kaMMtii. J le t. auarr war imu* Pwt ntm nmjmmii. IST lattmf Tirtkiri 21 MM Mmm Indaesu. IST aUtEILM <*»' i 27 Imm Mmm Indonesu. lUin lllf KiottMii
      866 words
    • 916 18 J.K. IU«O-I SHVICI LOADING 'O« LONDON, ROTTIRDAM, HAMBURG. BILBAO. LL HAVRf iianaan «*u*l Pimh lualaa I'laa N'kwf lIPTWC IMCIALI MMM7IMM 1/ J MJ tI M, Jtaf II Mj II «a| nihuni JAPPNIH 11» Aat it/MAaj it/MAaf MMat ltlaal It far •jaaaaar* P iifiaf |ii*m if >•♦»*. !•*> laaaaa u.iMf iitcM
      916 words
    • 771 18 lvkss suvce n vmm, immm./tmman mm If Vw Siafaaon P. Ulan* Praiaf LaatMi Mr ■MM lI MTU M Part M/M Mm My 1 M«j l.itoo 30 7. I way 31. I'lM !>•*>*• 13 I A'a«ra II itawt 21 I MMU IMII 11/11 Ml it/M Ml it Nan* 19. liwraau i/i,
      771 words
    • 1034 18 T*a »0«T 0P tINCAPONI »U LamalaH Bargt 85, aa* b| Taw 1 TMODITV AMHSUMCao TMI No 1 m Mo S Bart** PILLOWIMO OIHTMIMO aWOl: ByalKM N* 4 RAHOIMIHTI PO« JUMI M. Bar** aa« Umt Tax LJ4*l.r OUT J.m-. Ljrkai lf/14. CkaH- P*«T KLAMO a*aa 11. Kota Harapan M. Poatoaa
      1,034 words

  • 93 19 »CNE PIMPLE*. OPEN PORES ,re these your problems' Then consult Louise Klerk, medically trained beauty therapist with 29 years tropical experience, at Hotel Slngapura. telephone *****3 (Spore) ADVENTURE New Nation today presents the adventurous life-story of a Singapore fisherman who not only challenged the fury of the winds
    93 words
  • 47 19 M *O AM MARY KOH OEOK HIN. 75 years passed away peacefully on 24 674 Cortege leaves Block 51. Lorong 6. Toa Payoh on 26 6.74 at 2 30 pm for Church of The Risen Christ. Toa Payoh Central and thence lo Chua Chu Kang
    47 words
  • 87 19 21 Acknowledge ments THE FAMILY <>( the late Mr James Sim Meng Cheng thanks relatives, friends, office colleagues and O.L.P.S. members for their kind assistance, attendance, donations and prayers during their recent bereavement FAMILY OF THE LATE Mrs Muriel Florence O'Hara. thank staff of Youngberg Memorial Hospital, relatives and friends
    87 words
  • 60 19 IN LOVING MEMORY of Ra D— ta ndran Nalr, departed oa 35.6 73. Remembered by family members, relatives and friends. in LOVING MEMORY of beloved husband, nephew, brother Henry Canagasabal who passed away 10 years ago today. IN FONO MEMORY of Pung Eng Huat departed suddenly to
    60 words
  • 27 19 CAN ANVONfc KNOWING OR havirg business connection with l^onard Baptist formally of Export and Investment Corpn. Address in Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia „r Bangkok Kindly Ring *****
    27 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 455 19 classifiedads (D m) Pfto«siw>_*_ TRAIN TO BE A Quantity Surveyor j while at your present Job. Enrol 1 for 1 year Ist I.Q.S course com- menclng July 1974 Success In this examination ensure entry to I a profession that pays well. En- < qulrles at Asia Commercial < School 642-A.
      455 words
    • 689 19 BOOKKEEPING SHORTHANO TEAOHERS required for full-time employment Commencing salary not less than $400 Must possess LCC. Qualifications ResldenU of District 14. 15 or 16 preferred Ring *****8 *****0 for Interview MATHS GRADUATES for Upper Secondary Classes Singapore/ Nanyang University/ Polytechnic and H.B.C. Oraduates may apply suiting telephone to ST Box
      689 words
    • 828 19 STENOGRAPHER REQLMRED MINIMUM School Certificate Pleasant personality, preferably with working experience Please apply with non-returnable photograph and contact telephone number to North Canal Road PO Boxsol2B'pore Clearing and Forwarding Company urgently requires (1) CXPERIENCEO SHIPPING DOCUMENTATION CLERK Applicants must be extremely fluent in Import/ Export and Customs procedures Must be
      828 words
    • 807 19 I 0.0. DIPARTMINT •TOM re- qulret experienced salesgirls r Height 5' above Total monthly c Income about 1250 Salesmen height 5' 2" above Total monthly income about SS40 Age 10 IB (Singapore cltlsen) Apply personally between 10 00 a.m. 12.00 noon WILL ESTABLISHED FIRM requires Sales Representatives. Salary, commissions and
      807 words
    • 849 19 •KILLSO PIBREOLA** WORKERS required Preferably in possession 3f Class in driving licence. For Appointment Tel *****9 FEMALE PRODUCTION WORKERS lo night shift required Company jrovldes hostel Average Income 16 per day Only those 16 to 24 rears need call or write to: IHOWATEX PTE. LTD, 14, LOKYANO WAV, lINOAPORC 22.
      849 words
    • 882 19 WANTED BY BLSACIRNO S Dye- Ing Department male workers 1 completed National Service Dally wages 86/- per day plus allowance and free refreshment provided. Call personally Hanson Knitters < (8) Pte Ltd 4*B. TangUn Halt Road. Singapore 3. RSOUIRED IMMEDIATELY male/ female guide driver, also French 1 Interpreter Apply personally
      882 words
    • 682 19 EXPERIENCED NURBS CUM DISPENSER required for clinic In dlst 9 Please tal *****6 EXPANDING TRANSPORT COMPANY requires a Lorry Driver. Tel *****7 after 6 00 p m EXiDE rhe dealer In battery manufacturing invites hard-working, imbltlous men to Join IU team u- Ouawty Control Insp.Llu. Qualifications: Secondary 3 or 0.C.1.
      682 words
    • 831 19 CENTRALLY AIRCONOIT1ONED LUXURY APARTSSBNT with swimming pool, proximities to American t Tanglln club* High If 'el 3 bedrooms, split-level iiv Ing. dining modern kitchen Beautiful bathroomi Beautifully landscaped garden. Excellent security system Telephone 332M6 *****3 OUT tS CHESTNUT DRIVE 3bedroomed single-storey detached bungalow, telephone, nice garden. 1 alrcondltloner. fur nlshed
      831 words
    • 797 19 BAST COAST ROAD APARTMENT I $450: Ocean Park 8600 furnished: Rangoon Road new flat $600: Lock Cho furnished $890. Jervols Close furnished $800: Opera Estate comer terrace. $600: Lucky Hills 8990 Frankel Drive bungalow partly furnished 8800: Amber Road semi-detached unfurnished $750: JO miles Changl semi-detached $350. Bedok Oarden $900.
      797 words
    • 790 19 FURBISHED ROOMS COOKING ALLOWED I Bungalow House o\*n Enuar^-e Oood landlorJ District 20 Telephone *****3 SPACIOUS PENTHOUSE junction Whltey Tromson 11.400: Luxuriously furnished house HlllcresU Mojnt Slnal SSSO: Execi tlve Bungalow Thomson 1790: Unfurnlth Flat Kallang 1480: Unfurnished Double-storey Seleta: lilUs- MOO. *****99 DIST 9. I*. 11 APARTMENT* .Unify, flPewt
      790 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1658 20 KATONO BAST COAST RO semidetached, at least 4 bedrooms. Price moderate Tel *****2 Principal only. LjtCMt SBB*jiaafeBiBBWtBBBB4 ggsTftl with excess liquidity wishes to purchase RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES Direct details (Marked attention Managing Director reference this advertisement to P.O. Be* 344* t fpora. FLATS/ SEMI-DETACHED In any reasonable Principals only Tel: *****7
      1,658 words
    • 498 20 SHOP PREMISES at Katoni Shopping Centre 2nd noor am 288 sq ft Contact Tan Tel: ***** No Brokers QOLOEH TOWER OROUHDFLOOI 244 sq. ft Selling 368.000 ono foMgJMit Housing Agent, Tel *****2/*****2 SHOP FOR SALE 2*o sq ft 2m floor. Peninsula Shoppln Complex. Oood locality. 842 p.S.f. S.T Box A
      498 words
    • 817 20 JUMBO TOURS SIA 747 HONOKONO/KOWLOON 8 DAYS 8995 HOKOI KONO/BANOKOK 8 DAYS *106u 20/7 3/8. 17 8. 31/8 HONOKONO TAIWAN HUALEIN (Allshan) 8 DAYS $135THONO--1 KONO/ JAPAN/ TAIWAN/ HUA- LEIN (Allshan) 12 DAYS $1875 I ton. 3/8. 17/8. 31/8. Lowest Fares to London L Europe 6 nights a J week
      817 words
    • 641 20 MAS CHART*** LONOON 8710 Europe 8730, Australia 8500 USA/ Canada $1,200. Tokyo/ Indonesia/ Ranckok 36K Prlnsep Street (opposite Cathay Tel: *****1/ *****7/ *****1. INTIRNATIONAL AIR TRAVEL AGENCY SIN/HONO KONO 8430 SIN/TAIPEH 8499 BIN/TOKYO 8*99 M| 4BMM *****7 until m****3 WORLD CHARTtM CENTRE IS3-A Market St Spore. 1 Tel: *IMM *iS*»
      641 words
    • 793 20 COSTIN*)/ MANAQIMINT ACCOUNTINO JULY BEGINNERS Classes preparing for the LCC 1975 examination. Days Time Costing Monday and Friday 6.30 7.30 or 830 9.30 pn Tuesday and Thursday 5 30 6 30 pm Saturday 4.00 6.00 pm Sunday 10 00 12 00 noon Management Accounting Tuesda) and Thursday 7.30 8 30
      793 words
    • 805 20 NEW CIWNISE PIIONITIC BCBSM I by Dr Lai Kuen Yee. Secondary School students. English stream. this book will rapidly improve your Chinese Language, to that you can pass your examinations without difficulty; also valuable for others who want to Improve their Chinese only. Available. World Book Co Commercial Press Ltd..
      805 words
    • 990 20 1*73 TOYOTA IMS, 1*73 Volkswagen 1200. Volkswagen 1300. 1970 Austin *****. Ford Cortina Buper. Volkswagen 1300. Ford Escort Deluxe. V-Vlva. 1969 Austin 1100S, Ford Cortina Super. Volkswagen 1300. IM7 Ford Anglia Teck Huat Used Car Co 46, Rangoon Road Spore 8 Tel *****40/*****41 TRADE-IN ACCEPTED 1968 Austin 1100 MXII One
      990 words
    • 798 20 CHIP MONO YE MIC LE 8 (S) LTD 45 Scotts Road (Newton) Singapore 9 Tel *****1 It *****3 offers 1973 Dauun Pick-up. Maada 10M. Colt Oalant Stalonwagon. 1973 Datsun Pick-up. Datsun 1200 Stalonwagon, Ford Escort 1100. Toyota 2000 alrcon Austin 1300 OT. ToyoU Corolla 1200. Volkswagen Kombl. Morris Minor Van,
      798 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 432 21 LCON automatic alrcondltloned and radio. Contact *****5 1971 COLT OALANT GTO with sports rims and alrrond View Bik 18. 85. Outram Park. 10 a.m. 6 p m 1971 TOYOTA CORONA MXII 1700 r c One owner, alrcon.. tape. Up top condition 4 new tyres $8,700 o no Contact Mr Teo
      432 words
    • 446 21 SPECIAL. SPECIAL. SPECIALI Louise Klerk. Continental Beauty Specialist with 25 years tropical experience. Introduce* scientific facial treatment* (open pores, pimple* acne) for Nurses, Teachers and Students at special budget prices Enquiries. Appointments: Telephone *****2 (Spore) FRUIT IS BEST for your skin Holiday Magic Cosmetic Special 20H discount on skin care
      446 words
    • 431 21 IBP MOALMUNDS TV T«pr recorders. Amplifiers reasonable charges Phone Spore *****08 anytime Science Technical TV. Service TROPICAL TV DAY/ MIGHT Repair. Tel: *****2 All brands Fair charges Repair guaranteed BUSINESS with low overhead Available office space facilities suitable for enterprising insurance agent*, brokers, salesmen, pensioners. Import export agencies, parttime businessmen
      431 words
    • 447 21 FOR SALR, RINTAL, ff Im E porchaat and repairs Indcstt Oai Cookers. Sttal washing machine*. Metric chest ff«es«r» and other 1 appliances. For enquiries contact Prestige Electrical Company Tel: *****1 Authorised Dlstrlbuton ■or the abore product*. Price* are reasonable. ACMA AIN-CONOrnONE* twincool refrigerator special discount for cash Trade In 1130/-
      447 words
    • 243 21 NOTICE This is to notify that EDDIE KOK KON SANG is no longer in the employ of SLCURITTES SERVICES SDN. BHD. and is therefore unauthorized to deal in any matters concerning the clients of SECURITIES SERVICES SDN. BHD. KUALA LUMPUR DATED: JUNE 20, 1974. NOTICE SYARIKAT RAMAN (SAND BLASTERS), No.
      243 words
    • 531 21 IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT IPOH IN BANKRUPTCY NO. 132 OF 1*73. Re: Llm kwek Chan, T/A Chop Yee Woh, 5.162, Kampong Rapat New VUlage. Ipoh. Judgment-Debtor Ex-parte: Sohan Singh s/o Jagar Singh. S 119. Kampong Rapat New Village. Ipoh Judgment-Creditor SUBSTITUTED BERVICE OF CREDITORS PETITION NOTICE In
      531 words
    • 1063 21 NOTICE OF REMOVAL We wish to notify our clients and consignees that our present godown at TAB will be removed to TA6 as from 30.6.74. Kindly take delivery of your cargoes which had arrived on or before 31.5.74 by 29.6.74. Otherwise a surcharge of $3.50 per ton will be levied
      1,063 words
    • 449 21 Sale by *a>b«ie ikUm er ■raawrtlee attaatesl sa Seagal OeWkg. To be beM at No: JO Jalan Lafcjamsna (Top Floor). Malacca, on Saturday. 6th July, 1074. at 11.00 ajß. (Under Malacca Originating Summons No: JJ/197J) FartfevJai* ef w>>srllsi Ail those piece* of .and situate In the MukJm of Sungel Udang,
      449 words

  • 178 22 TWO labourers were Jailed 10 years each and six strokes of the rotan for robbing $5,300 worth of goods from Hua Tong (Pte) Ltd. in Braddell Road last year. 1 Chlonh Klan Pheow 1 and Wong Chee Yong, both 22, admitted they were
    178 words
  • 101 22 CHARGES AGAINST TWO CONVICTS DROPPED rVC long standing charges against two prisoners, now serving sentences for more serious offences, were withdrawn by the prosecution in the High Court yesterday. The prisoners were: Tan Teng Hai. 22. jailed in March for 10 years for manslaughter of his schoolgirl cousin. Chua Poh
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  • 11 22 THERE were 106 road accidents, seven serious, on Sunday.
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  • 42 22 CANBERRA community centre will hold a carrrtn (knock-out system) competition, from July 10. The competition Is open to residents and also to those working In the Sembawang constituency. Entries close on June 30. For further Information. contact Tel. *****3.
    42 words
  • 184 22 Raja to open S'[pore Youth Festival rpHE Foreign Affairs MlL nister, Mr. S. Rajaratnam, will officially open the Singapore Youth Festival at the National Stadium on July 13 at 5 p.m. A rehearsal will be held at the stadium on Saturday at 9 a.m. The festival will kick off with
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  • 70 22 Two-day visit by Arab minister THE Lebanese Foreign Minister, Mr. Fuad Naffa, and Mrs. Naffa are due here later this morning for a two-day visit. They will fly in from Kuala Lumpur where Mr Naffa attended the Islamic Foreign Ministers' conference. Mr. Naffa will call on Mr. 8. Rajaratnam at
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  • 141 22 CAUGHT -THE MYSTERIOUS BIRD 'GOURMET' PEOPLE in a small village off McNair Road who have been mystified by their chicken vanishing day after day solved the riddle on Sunday. They found that a 20ft. python had made the village its headquarters and had been feasting on the chicken. The snake
    141 words
  • 259 22 Court lifts ban on pile driving at Clifford Centre \MR. Justice Wlnslow yesterdaydischarged an injunctiop which had been granted exparte to Glan Singh and Co. (Pte) Ltd. against Gammon (S) Sdn. Bhd. and S.L. Properties, owners of the new Clifford Centre, now under construction in Collyer Quay. Olan Singh and
    259 words
  • 64 22 Blood stocks above average TOTAL reserve blood stocks at the Singapore Hood Transfusion Centre were above average last week. Donations received during the week totalled 963 units against 173 transfusions. Oroup donations came from: Changi Air Base (153). Loyang Camp (138). Singapore Air Transport Workers Union (IS*). VC District 3
    64 words
  • 68 22 A LOCAL (hipping company. Seatrana (S) Pte Ltd. hat called for tenders from local shipyard* to build three tugs coating a total of 143 million, and ha* not yet awarded tenders to them a* reported In the StralU Times. The vassals will be bought by Bashylk Corporation of
    68 words
  • 56 22 Lawyer Mr. Sat-Pal Khattar. senior legal ameer of the Income Tax Department and a director of Income will leave the civil service at the end of this month to go Into private practice Mr Khattar. a former Deputy Public Prosecutor, was transferred to the department a*
    56 words
  • 309 22 Chye sim drops by five cents a kati rw\HE price of chye slm 1 dropped by five cents to 45 cents a katl while the price of cabbage went up by another five cents to 55 cents a katl, the Trade Department said yesterday. The price of Spanish mackerel <
    309 words
  • 149 22 Man who took second wife fined $750 A MARRIED man who took a second wife before getting a divorce was fined $750 by the First Magistrate's Court yesterday for making a false declaration before the Bharlah Court. The court heard that Mashkor bin Naur's wife found out about hU second
    149 words
  • 56 22 THE Workers' Party yesterday called on the Government to Initiate, without any delay, moves to set up diplomatic relations with China. Its secretary -general. Mr. J B. Jeyaretnam. said: "The party believes It Is essential to peace In ftouth-east Asia that all countries In this region
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  • 472 22  -  BEN DAVIDSON Court told of bid to free detainees By fWO men tried to bribe a temple medium and a police inspector to get him to secure the release of some Criminal Law detainees, a district court heard yesterday. Madam Tay Geok Ldan,
    472 words
  • 428 22 rE Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) has clarified that Infectious canine diseases like distemper, hard-pad leptosplrosls and hepatitis cannot be transmitted to human beings. The SPCA's clarification came after a report in the Straits Times on June 19. headlined "Immunise
    428 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 211 22 HIH I til iff sW r A ■JSJlViiiTrliili HsUsW y XccA «S^EJragSB£k r»i'-i*' ufl M V"fewc w ~^39Br*BsF^H£^Eßtt Hk. Via v f^i h H9 w^jMs^Lsmi,, L .s^B* VtA% yk '^rffiW*^ -9lggggggggn!^*Bflgggggggggsls^E< \\jr\ Twist the cartridge to adjust the flame Cartridge comes compile with new valve Now introducing j4e? Another practical
      211 words

    • 193 23 $26mil for Islamic fund... KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. So far $28.4 million has been pledged by four Arab countries Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Kuwait for the setting up of the Islamic Solidarity Fund. Announcing this today, the Islamic conference spokesman. Tengku Ahmad Rlthauddeen, said the pledges were
      193 words
    • 54 23 KUALA LUMPUR. Mton. A candidate for the Pood and Agricultural Organisation di-rector-general's post today said that every country should establish a food security stock to avoid global hunger. The present world food stock was enough only for three weeks, Mr. Bdouard Saouma. the Lebanese FAO land and
      54 words
    • 44 23 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The RUN minesweeper K. D Jerml. rescued a Malaysian fishing trawler which was adrift 20 miles off Port Weld yesterday The trawler, which was heading towards Indonesia with a 21 -man crew, went adrift following engine trouble.
      44 words
    • 209 23 That UN 'solution' is no answer; Congress ITUALA LUMPUR, 1Y Mon.— The World Muslim Congress has called on the Islamic Foreign Ministers conference to reject the UN Security Council Resolution 242, which calls for Israeli withdrawal from Arab territories occupied In the 1967 Six Day war. In a memorandum submitted
      Reuter  -  209 words
    • 235 23 Razak's Islam unity plan: full backing KUALA LUMPUR. Monday fUN Abdul Razak's five-point proposal made during the opening of the sth Islamic Foreign Ministers' Conference has received "complete agreement and support" from heads of delegations. "All delegates have expressed complete agree ment with and support for the Prime Minister's suggestions,
      235 words
    • 133 23 PLO: THE AIM OF OUR GLOBAL STRUGGLE KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) Is fifhtlnf for the ultimate creation of a democratic state of Palestine where Arabs and lews live la peaceful co-existence. PLO political department chief and head of the organisation's delegation to the Islamic conference. Mr.
      133 words
    • 32 23 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Malaysia and Tunisia ha»t agreed to 0.-operate with each other in the field of tourism, the Deputy Trade and Industry Minister. Datuk Muaa mtam said here today.
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    • 62 23 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. President Marcos hu agreed in principle to let the Islamic secretariat establish a relief agency In the Philippines (or the welfare of Muslim* in Mindanao, a member of the President's task force Mid here today. Datu Macapapanto Abbas said the secretariat, however, should
      62 words
    • 183 23 Quest for new exam system to replace HSC- KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Btudles are being carried out to find out whether the present Higher School Certificate examination can be replaced with a new examination system. Informed sources her* said that the representatives from the Education Ministry and local universities and institutions
      183 words
    • 57 23 BKRBfBAN. Mon. Two British postal expert* win conduct an ln-depth study of mall distribution la Kuala Lumpur and ««!-»<»— soon. Communications Minister, Tan Sri Sardon Juttr announced today. Tan Sri Sarrton added that the experts were from the British Postal Consultative Service and they war* expected
      57 words
    • 66 23 TAIPINO. Mon. carpenter Chan Kirn Hong. SI. dtad In the district hospital early this morning, soon after h« was slashed on Urn head and body by a gang of fire youths in his house her* HU wife Mak Ooot Pwjg. 47, was admitted to tbt
      66 words
    • 351 23 K. LUMPUR, Men rkFFIciALS from the VT Primary Industries Ministry and the Treasury are studying various short and long term measures to overcome the diesel shortage. It la learned today. Their recommendations will be submitted to the Cabinet for consideration. The Cabinet Is expected
      351 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 92 23 a global marker... yes, we have i Lot Aiqtta, Osaka, Hone, la* (L^tfflMfc Frankfurt, Nusnaen taniisf cMti far WPf' ikwFWQLLimßm^^^^L^ offialtsm.l .JSVSKSSMPSs^ Ovtr two otcaots cf uptrwacs fat* I^BJ WsMKa^ssii^fr into .very one of our products. JMVUM Machfcs screws. Nuts sad [W^kTmLT I JjlT^lpan. f.r *«t.-w., JE ft ilk CpwNMEr9BffS2fjH
      92 words
    • 259 23 I We are the No. 1 1 I Chinese Daily I I Today I I With an average daily circulation of 85.244 I I FACTS FIGURES PROVE IT!!! I SHI* SIN CHEW JIT POH. VK SINGAPORE EDITION .^Bjß| Circulation for October, November and December 1973 '•''f^m' Average Daily ?S Circulation
      259 words

    • 30 24 JAKARTA, Mon. Indonesia will not take part In the tint Asian Women Hockey Championship In Kuala Lumpur next month, a spokesman for the Indonesian Hockey Federation laid today.
      30 words
    • 187 24 Colbertn beats 3 in playoff NEW YOiUCMon— Jim Colbert won the American Oolf Classic yesterday at the second hole of a sudden-death play-off with three other players. Colbert's eventual victory at the par five second extra hole give him U5534,000 ($85,000) of the total prize money of US$l7O,OOO ($425,000). Ray
      Reuter  -  187 words
    • 366 24  -  ALBERT JOHKSON By ItfANILA-BOUND Khoo Teng Chuan surprised swimming officials yesterday when he withdrew from the Asian Games relay trials at Toa Payoh pool. Teng Chuan, a student of AngloChinese School, In a letter to the association, said he would not be taking
      366 words
    • 229 24 Schoolboy Chandra loses out on a countback On the Green with Frida OCHOOLBOY R. 117 Chandra was beaten by the experienced R. Visvallngam on a countI back in the overall placings In the Seletar Golf Club "C" and "D" divisions Open Championships at Seletar yesterday. Both golfers shot a gross
      229 words
    • 73 24 TOKYO, Mon Masahl 'Jumbo Ocaki' of Japan the defending champion, won the 17 million yen ($129,000) Tohoku Classic Oolf Tournament when he successfully maintained his overnight lead with a four-under-par for a four-day total of oight -under-par 280 here today. This wss the season's first
      Reuter  -  73 words
    • 72 24 LONDON. Mon World Team Tennis (WTT), the US Inter -City League, are to me a TTBBIO million ($35 million) law suit folio wing recent bans on American Jimmy Connors and Australian Bvonne Ooolagong. It was announced yesterday. WTT Commissioner Oeorge McCall told a news conference
      Reuter  -  72 words
    • 716 24 Mansor gets a two-day suspension and $200 fine APPRENTICE Mansor was suspended for two days and fined $300 by the Stewards yesterday for giving false and misleading evidence and riding a badly judged race on Pontreslna in Race 3 at Ipoh on Sunday The Stipe's report on Sunday's races: State
      716 words
    • 763 24 WEIOHTB for Saturday, third day of the Perak Turf Club June (Derby) meeting: CL. 3. DIV 1— SF. Taurus 9.00 Oolden Way 8.09 Predator 8 06 Smokey Shadow 8.03 Susrlwa II 803 Nyonya 8.00 Temptation 7.11 Limit 713 Beauty Beauty II 7.13 Ma)or Step 7 11 Allegation 7.11
      763 words
    • 766 24  - Showgirl V tunes up for tilt at Perak Derby EPSOM JEEP By JPOH, Mon. Showgirl V tuned up for another tilt at the $51,000 Perak Derby (12f) with a slashing performance against the top sprinters over 6f here yesterday. A back -marker In the early stages, Showgirl V was last
      766 words
    • Article, Illustration
      558 25 FRANKFURT, Monday Poland loom as top contenders ]>ED HOT Poland, v the only team to win all three first round matches, loom as the possible num- j ber one contender with the World Cup j soccer finals mov- j ing into the second round after a wees>
      Reuter; UPI  -  558 words
    • 87 25 BUENOS AIRES. Mod. We mad* It" and "Argentina, quaJttned." read th* laWdßOaa of th* evening newspapers Cronies and L* Raaon. reporting Argentina's 4-1 victory ot* Haiti in a World Cup soccer match yesterday. Celebrating motorcade* of soccer fans waving Argentine flags disturbed the tranqulllitr of a sunny winter
      87 words
    • 350 25 ROMt. Men. Italian fans broke television sets, burned national flags and nu-ohed on the foush «n--•■esy oat of disappetntsaeat over Italy's 2-1 leas Poland veatet^ny ellnlnaUng them from World Cap Soeeer rimpilHlia. ■^eeau of Carbarn* Street In Soatheast KVosm ran to tbe
      350 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 396 24 vsrcmoiu VaremoYd* VaremoYd* For Effective Oral Treatment Of Piles Hoemorrftoids) Our ring-pull gets better all the time wmmmmuggmmmmmmmmmmgm^^^mggmmmmm^mmm because now we are ''111 111 i M I manufacturing your ring-pull closures illhlifJf M I lt ere m Singapore. ffiffff f f ff ff 'jyMl^^^^B^^^B Now you're not worried about delay
      396 words

  • 527 25  -  TEOH ENG TATT By For having put life into the tourney CINGAPORE were badly beaten by Penan? in the second leg of the Malaysia Cup on Sunday, but won the praise of Penang fans and officials for putting life back into the competition. Because
    527 words
  • 105 25 Old and Arnold rout India LONDON, Mon. Pace bowlers Oeoff Arnold and Chris Old shot India out for 43, their lowest-ever Test score, to give England an overwhelming win In the Second cricket Test match at Lord's here today. England's victory by an Innings and 285 runs clinched the Test
    105 words
  • 107 25 EngUnd Ist Inns Off. Inala Ist Inns 101 tnd Taalagi (Saturday score 1 tor no wicket) 8 Oavaskar low b Arnold 5. F ataflneer lbw b Arnold 0, A. Wadekar b Old J O. Vlswanatto c Knott b Arnold 6. P Patel c Knott b Arnold 1. B. Solkar
    107 words
  • 148 25 rpHE National Boxing X Championships scheduled f<.r July 5 and 6 will serve as a trial to pick the squad for the Ai'in Oames in Teheran In September Saba secretary K. Thlruganasothl said "We will pick four or five boxers, depending on their performances
    148 words
  • 45 25 SEOUL. Mon Iran de- featad Hongkong 70-44 and South Korea best South Vlet- nam 103-18 today In the Filth Asian women's basketball championship. With the victories, Iran and South Korea have qualified for the ami-finals. Hongkong and South Vietnam are out.
    45 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 352 25 I T I I I 1 'J I M i^^isaHaaaaaaaaaaaaßsaa^^ I 1 aT V*^ si fat it ai k *l yi> y *j *j y WijXlliSJJal^jJsilm H i v A *\asy» Si *j^ if fc/y w X M i f W *^^^JaaaaWP*^Hl iaaaaaaWßsaP^as! ICra^Baw^'sß^aaaaalaaa! aaDasasal 3*1 y J*." i j-5
      352 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 86 25 ATHLT ilCS— Buklt TUnah District matt (Chinas* High Sen. ajn.) ■OCKST BHA League Div I; KhsJsa TV t PWD, BOC v CSC V. Div. 1: SAFSA v ScbooU (IUsWJWr Rd), Div Prisons v IRNZIR (all match** at 5 1* pjn). BADMINTON— SBA ToirUt Undar-31 tournament (Oixlllamard Rd IH pjn.). •OOCBB—
      86 words

  • 244 26 Hunt for couple said to have sold young sons for $57 T^ASHVILLE (Ten- nessee), Mon. Authorities throughout the south-east were alerted today to be on the lookout for a couple said to have sold their two young sons for US$24 (Sss7) tx) a man they met at v market. A
    UPI  -  244 words
  • 72 26 THE HAGUE. Mon.— The World Court announced here today that it would convene on July 4 tc hear oral arguments In Lie nuclear tests proceedings Instituted against Prance by Australia and New Zealand. The 'Court announcement said that it would consider the jurisdiction >f the Court
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 72 26 POLICE RING PROTEST MARCHERS A STRONG police escort ring student protest marchers in London on Saturday. The students were protesting against the d-ath of one of their leaden, Kevin Gateiy, 21, who died during clashes with police at a demonstration in Red Lion Square in London a week ago. At
    UPI  -  72 words
  • 64 26 CALOART (Alberta), Mon. A 37-year-oM employee of the Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. Is going into his fourth day on top of a 200--foot water toter above the company's Calgary plant to call attention to the wage demand of the plant's 240 employees. Dave Schledel climbed the
    AP  -  64 words
  • 412 26 ONDON. Moo.— TIM itock raarktt *■< cloaad qulftljr murt today «nd I I p.m. u» Financial Times Indax «ll UBChaag «d at MS 1 Early technical gatnc war* rtvtrscd is maay mm for waat intrrMt. Ail Indiutrlallat ilootny outlook en Uw market tnad mflumced fntlmaBt to Mcnt uteat.
    412 words
  • 305 26 200 died in Kiangsi massacres, say -posters- PEKING, Mon. New wall posters appeared In Peking today claiming that more than 200 people have died In massacres In recent years in China's southeastern Kiangsi province. The posters, put up alongside scores of others In Peking's 12--day-old poster campaign, also reported fresh
    Reuter  -  305 words
  • 84 26 LONDON. Mon. Th* United State* today called for a 10-year moratorium on all commercial whaling In a bid »o lave the world's largest Uvii mammal from threatened extermination. But Ja^an rejected the proposal Addressing the opening session of the 28th annual conference of the 15-
    84 words
  • 143 26 Immigrants who may still be deported LONDON, Monday rpHREE-quarters of the illegal Immigrants 1 who gave themselves up under a Home Office amnesty may still have to be deported. Immigration officials have found that only about one person in (our who came out of hiding U covered by the amnesty
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 74 26 MOM. NANCY MARY KOM Kww Nm w/o th* lat< T*a Km Kla M*d CT nml .way tmrttmßt 1«/«/74 Myim k»htmt 1 mm. WIIU* Stock I ni| William Hock Hut. Ooorca stock ■U. i *aud>trjn. HOoa M Uu, Sfcin.T Iwm Uu. tnmm Mm Uu. 1 »00-(b-I«w. I •mufkur-lalnw. 1 imfcwi.
    74 words
  • 287 26 Pak: India has Plutonium to make 17 N-bombs IT UAL A LUMPUR, 1Y Mon.— Pakistan's Minister of Defence and Foreign Affairs, Mr. Aziz Ahmed, said today India had enough plutonium for 17 bombs and that this had been confirmed by Canada. He was speaking in a closed se.-slon of the
    Reuter  -  287 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 194 26 aY l I m "Mh 4 m lyp l^^^ f ■p Ib^b^l .^bb^b^bCW B V^/hristian JLJior Sunglasses AvaUiWc M Km foUowinf authoriMtf dtalm ALPHA OmCS* CONTACT LENS CENTRE FEDERAL OTTIEK PTE. LTD ISCTAN OPTICAL SECTION I*l, OrcfcttdftM* TlHGtWlry.GmHrtFlMf. 2nd Floor. iMtw Impwium (SI Pit. LU. ASSOCIATED OPTICAL COMPANY *> T
      194 words
    • 227 26 mlP^™ 11 11® 11 V° v «V Alitalia to, J^^^ 1 rom London, Paris, Frankfurt %s^or most other European cities. There's no extra charge on your airfare. Just book an Alitalia flight when you go to Europe, and you get Rome— free. Enjoy the special comforts of Alitalia's new DC-10/30's.
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