The Straits Times, 22 June 1974

Total Pages: 30
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
    15 words
  • 985 1  -  P. M. RAMAN Arms and ammunition seized By THE police have arrested 30 people in the past four days and seized arms and ammunition from an underground communist organisation. In the cache were a Spanish .32 Llama pistol, 42 bullets, one hand grenade, six grenade
    985 words
  • 452 1 gMITAIN's minority Labour Government suffered a third defeat in Parliament today putting Prime Minister Harold Wilson under increasing pressure from his supporters to call an early general election. Today's vote, coming after two government defeats earlier this week, was on a government amendment reducing the financial
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  452 words
  • 31 1 LONDON, Fri The Times. Financial Tuna* and Dally Mlrrrr were not published today after printer* walked cut to support pay demand by worker* In the provincial pres* Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 125 1 BRITISH SHARE PRICES TAKE A TUMBLE LONDON, Fri British share prices slumped to a 15-year low today because of deepseated (ears tor the economic outlook. The Financial Times Index of 30 leading shares dropped by another 5.7 points on the day to close at 252.3. Its lowest since Sept 28,
    125 words
  • 33 1 KUCHING, Fri Military operations against communist guerillas in Sarawak, except in certain areas specifically designated by the State (lovernmrnt, were reactivated today after being suspended for more than tbn.* months. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 62 1 SUPER athlete Bruce Tulloh's secret of fitness is doing what comes naturally. It is a formula for success that made him European 5,000 metres champion and gave him the endurance to run an incredible 4,600 kilometres (2,876 miles) in M days. Bruce will share his secret
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  • 284 1 Razak letter eases row with Thais BANOKOK. m—Friction between Thal- land and Malaysia was eased today by a letter from Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak declaring his country has no intention of inI terfering in Thailand's difficulties with its Mus- Urn minority. Malaysian ambassador Tun Sri Haji Abdul met
    AP  -  284 words
  • 174 1 Cup stars get death threat ERBISMUEHLE, (W. Germany), Friday gECURITV forces went on full alert at Scotland's World Cup soccer training headquarters today after a death threat against two Scottish stars allegedly from the Irish Republican Army. The threat waa received at Scotland's hotel on the hotel telex, typed out
    Reuter  -  174 words
  • 43 1 NEW YORK. Prl. Dow Jones averages, baaed on first hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange: 30 Indus ***** down 626 20 Transp 166.99. down 151, 15 UUU 68 35 down 0 54 65 Stocks 249.09. down 197. UPI.
    UPI  -  43 words
  • 37 1 RANOOON Prl Burma Is negotiating two Interestfree loans totalling UBSU million ISS9B 4 million i from the International Development As. oriatlon for an irrigation and a forestry project, the Oovemment said yerterday UPI.
    UPI  -  37 words
  • 56 1 WASHINGTON. FH. Charles CoUon. a former member of President Nixon Inner circle of advisers, today waa sentenced to one to three years In prtaon Coh on waa alao fined Ua»5.000 < 8*12,000) tor obstructing JuaUce In the trial of Dr Daniel BMMrf a defendant In the
    Reuter  -  56 words
    • 49 1 WASHSINGTON, Fri White House officials say President Nixon haa ruled out a visit to Japan after his upes— lng Journey to It ia quite clear, however, that the President »till would like to go to Japan some time later this year, the officials said today. AP.
      AP  -  49 words
    • 16 1 SALISBURY, Fri Rhodesia's general election will begin on July 30, the government saad today.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 56 1 r Whin tht FEELING it such that you vwnt it to last fonvtr, buy a diamond ring to tymbolitt this magic moment Jtfizl*. at CHiONG SHING'S of Honh *■<** *°«>. M 321 734 ft 3UM7 and LAU'S ARCADIA 217. Ea« Coast Road. Sntspor* T.I *****1 Certificate of origin will be
      56 words
    • 176 1 ELMO make good movies easy IRmmPH The Elmo Super 110 a^kV 'eaturesalO 1 Zoom KPk^flß^ Ratio for both wide t^ angle and Telephoio H^^ jhots. And Ultra Close-up focusing that enables you to shoot as close m V°° r subject. Slow Elmo Sup* 110 motion filming can mstantly be fl^l
      176 words
    • 178 1 nbermain Registered Trade Mark RICE: GOVT PERMITS OUT NEXT WEEK Pag* 26 ALERT for more Israeli raids 3 NIXON tax muddle 4 JAKARTA claim over sea rights 5 INDIRA lashea at N-Mast ctltics TEXTILES factories and the price slump 7 FUEL crisis hits pupils 9 PAY hike for senior bank
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  • Straits Times World News
    • 202 2 Sealed lips reporter is freed LOS ANOELES. Frl. A high court Judge ruled yesterday there was no point in continuing to Jail Journalist William Fair, who U refusing to divulge his news sources even In the face of indefinite imprisonment. Mr. Fan*. 39, has already spent 40 days In Jail
      Reuter  -  202 words
    • 50 2 BANGKOK, Frt. Britain shipped three biackshouldered kites and four Shlkra hawks back to Thailand after learning the birds it had ordered were protected and forbidden for export But when the birds arrived at Bangkok's Don Muang airport yesterday the Customs Department demanded 2,000 bahi <*****) Customs duty. AP.
      AP  -  50 words
    • 206 2 WASHINGTON. Fri. US Agriculture Secretary Earl Butt said yesterday be was "prepared to recommend more drastic action" If the Canadian Cabinet did not reopen that country's markets to IS beef. "We have retaliatory action we can take," Mr. But* told the House
      AP  -  206 words
    • 282 2 Japan seeks increase in IMF quota rKYO. Frt. Japan will seek an Increase In her quota In the j International Monetary I Fund (IMF) In view of i the growth of her eco- nomlc strength during the past five years, a senior Finance Ministry official said yesterday. By simple calculation
      Reuter  -  282 words
    • 92 2 NEW DELHI, Frl. Prof. Abdul Qayoum, Afghan Minister of Mines and Industries, arrived yesterday at tlie head of a six-member delegation for talks with India on economic assistance to his country over the next five yean. He said the joint IndoAfghan commission would take up plans
      Reuter  -  92 words
    • 36 2 HONOLULU, Frt. An earthquake shook the Ka'u district In the south-east section of Hawaii Island early yesterday The only damage eported was broken dtahea and other object* which ftU off walls and shelve* AP.
      AP  -  36 words
    • 369 2 Big US bank $152 m in the red CHAIRMAN STEPS DOWN AS GOVT PROBE GETS UNDERWAY NEW YORK, Friday JHE Franklin National Bank disclosed yesterday that it lost *****.6 million (S$ 152.6 million) in the first five months of the year— some US$25 million (Ss6o million) more than the bank
      NYT  -  369 words
    • 211 2 India's jute earnings may dip by $123 m CALCUTTA. Frl. India's foreign exchange earnings from Jute goods exports Is likely to drop by as much as 400 million rupees (3*123.2 million) this year because of production losses caused by a power crisis, according to official sources here. They quoted an
      Reuter  -  211 words
    • 77 2 Talks open on oil base project JAKARTA, Frl. A Japanese Government mission today began talks with Indonesian officials on plans to bulls a huge oil storage base near the island of Lombok. east of Ball. The mission whose leader Mr Toahlhlko Mlrosuml was received by Pi— ldent Suharto yesterday will
      Reuter  -  77 words
    • 52 2 ANKARA. Frl A Turkish air force jet taking part In the military exercises In the Aegean Sea. crashed near a Western Anatolian town of Oordes killing the pilot. An air force spokesman said the plane took off from the Ballkeslr military airport but would not give Its
      Reuter  -  52 words
    • 294 2 A GROWING "medical unde r g r ound" of thousands of foreigntrained doctors is practising medicine without licence and often without supervision in many American hospitals, according to a report published on Thursday. These uncertified doctors, most of whom have either failed to pass
      NYT  -  294 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 588 2 CHINA AIRLINES inaugurates THE ONLY FREIGHTER SERVICE TO LOS ANGELES L^Lv /I aw '^^^^a^atßal o**"' H| I^ lB As from June 1 1974, you will be able to ship your freight on our spacious B 707 all-cargo flight all the way to Los Angeles via Hongkong, Taipei, Kaohsiung, and Honolulu
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    • 248 3 Strike threat by actors seeking more pay HOLLYWOOD, Frt. Actors seeking higher pay. including more money from television re-runs, have begun sending out strike authorisation billots. The Bcreen Actor's Guild, representing movie and television actors and actresses, began the mailing to Its 27.000 members. The union Is negotiating with the
      248 words
    • 47 3 N«W YORK. Frl. »»realdent Nixon's overall standing with fie American people had onie again plunged to 1U all-time low of 28 per cent positive and 71 per cent negative. Just before his travels In the Middle But. the Harris Poll reported last night. tPI.
      47 words
    • 202 3 WASHINGTON. Frt. Russia has Increased Syria's Jet fighter force by more than 60 planes within the past two months, but a Syrian pilot shortage Is keeping many military aircraft on the ground. This sums up a new appraisal by US intelligence officials who have been
      UPI  -  202 words
    • 17 3 A Palestinian guerilla inspecting damage at a refugee camp. -UPI rad>ophoto.
      UPI  -  17 words
    • 67 3 LONDON. Prt The Government said today tt wan easing plans to tax foreigner* resident In Britain In the tax year beginning 1878 Instead of taxing such residents on 100 per cent of all Income from any source. th» Government now Intends to tax "three quarters
      UPI  -  67 words
    • 371 3 BEIRUT. Friday PALESTINIAN refugees in southern Lebanon today braced themselves for possible further Israeli attacks against their camps. Lebanese Prime Minister Takieddin AlSolh said last night that Lebanon was considering calling for an urgent meeting of the United Nations Security Council to discuss the
      Reuter; AP  -  371 words
    • 154 3 GOVT MAY DESTORY SECRET FILES ON MPs SYDNEY, FrL The Australian G o vernment is expected to order the destruction of dossiers on Federal politicians which are being held by the Australian Security and IntelUgenee Organisation (ASIO). This follows the publication yesterday of an ASIO assessment of the Deputy Prime
      Reuter  -  154 words
    • 115 3 LONDON. Prt. Two women identified by police as the wives of the Egyptian Minister of Tourism and of an Egyptian ambassador were each fined £300 (891,740) here yesterday for shoplifting. Mrs Helan B-Sayed Zaian M. and Mrs Soad Omar. 36. admitted atealing 44 item* Including six
      AP  -  115 words
    • 33 3 KICB. Prt. The central committee of the International Chess Federation (Fide) yesterday adopted a draft resolution calling for the expulsion of Rhodesia and South Africa because of their racial poUdaa, UPI.
      UPI  -  33 words
    • 71 3 TOKYO. Frl. Fourteen hunters who feasted on sliced raw meat of a 330- pound bear they shot tax an expedition two months ago arc now complaining of fever. headaches and rashes' Doctors at Hlrosaki University In Aomorl City 370 miles north of Tokyo
      UPI  -  71 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 63 3 HOUSE OJTfIHc" t—^__—^ M-^^^^^^^^^sa^B^B^Bl»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»TuL LusMbJ*^Bu^^bW^usbl BBfl l ft^ lJvtfaß|a B|aß j^p^ B^t^ pk^ a|^ v^ M if EKY SPECIAL TAIUGFnSTIC OFFERS IS MOW on A Store Wide Selection Of Goods At Very Special Reduced Prices. HURRY Don't miss this Tangfaslic special ■Her. Limilcd Time Only Ll^fcwl OPLNIVIRV WEDNESDAY TH 930PM
      63 words
    • 1189 3 B^BI invites applications for the following executive appointments Davloprosjnt Our client an American chemical com- a degree in Chemistry or Chemical IYIBnBQBr pany with extensive interests in Asia. Engineering, with experience in process U5524.000 $aeks to appoint an experienced engineering and an in-depth knowPER ANNUM executive to this position, based
      1,189 words

    • 147 4 Qantas to raise fares SYDNEY. Frl. The Australian airline. Qantas, will have to raise its fares to prevent it operating at a loas as a result of wage increases and higher fuel costs, the general manager, Capt. JM Ritchie, said yesterday. In a statement Issued here, he said Qantas faced
      Reuter  -  147 words
    • 57 4 DAMASCUS. Prl. Nine countries have set up an Arab Parliamentary Union with Its headquarter* here. It was announced today. Parliamentary leaders from Egypt. Lebanon. Jordan. Budan. Kuwait Tunisia. Bahrain. Mauritania and Syria took part In establishing Urn union. which will be presided over by the Speaker
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 31 4 Moscow, m poitc* detained aeven Jewish acUvMs ywurday in what appeared to be Urn start of crackdown to prevent protest* durlnc President Nixon vUlt next week Jewish aourcw skid. UPI
      UPI  -  31 words
    • 118 4 TOPLESS LINDA STOPS THE TRAFFIC LONDON. Frl Linda Lovelace, the American actress who won fame with her demonstrations of sexual expertise in underground Alms, posed topless outside her London hotel yesterday and chided British Customs authorities for seising her bestknown movie, "Deep Throat." Ridiculous "I think It's terrible." said Linda
      AP  -  118 words
    • 410 4 WASHINGTON, Friday PRESIDENT Nixon said yesterday no agreements with the Soviet Union have been made in advance of his Moscow summit trip next week. Sixteen hrvirs after his return from a fivenation Middle East trip, he also cautioned that more difficult steps lie
      410 words
    • 321 4 Clashes as Sikkim gets new laws NEW DELHI. FrL— The Hlma.iyan kinfdom of Sikktm has moved closer to becoming a constitutional monarch; after its national assembly endorsed the country's first written constitution. Beports reaching here from Ganftok, the Slkklm cap.tal. said the assembly yesterday adopted a resolution supporting the new
      321 words
    • 43 4 OTTAWA. Frl. Th« United States and Canada have reacted agreement on pollution control along the Atlantic and Pacific coast* The agreement, signed yesterday after two yean of negotiations, la primarily concerned with the pollution potential of huge ocean-going oil earners. AP.
      AP  -  43 words
    • 36 4 RUEKA. (Yugoslavia) Frl. A bus carrying; Dutch tourists veered off a rainslick highway today and planned Into s 30-foot rmvlne Police said seven people were killed, and an undetermined number Injured. AP.
      AP  -  36 words
    • 287 4 Red agents in guise of nuns and monks SAIOON. Ftl. Communist agents disRuiaed as monks and nuns are Infiltrating Into Saigon in a plan to disrupt the city, a government spokesman aaid today. "we have found lately that communist leaders have sent their cadres into Saigon, aa part of an
      Reuter; UPI  -  287 words
    • 458 4 Second look at Nixon's tax muddle White House silent on $31,000 'fine* WASHINGTON. Friday fHh House Judiciary Committee is taking a second look at President Nixon's income tax problems today, having learned the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) ?T U c^!w J m P° sed a Penalty of about VSs\ioOo (5*31,200)
      Reuter; AP; NYT; UPI  -  458 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 797 4 aaaaff gaaaaV aaaaal Haf a^aai B l B^^^ B^| B _^^H QJBfll.^l.^t I [.B^^^gaal lU^ laal F*^flfflaafil PfifiW aaWaP af^aal aaTg IgU BU aP^^^^^^^BaMaaS BiaSal Wm Sal Iff I aaTaaaf aaaaaV 1 aaTaWaaaaaVl V aaav aalaaf aal Bfeaaafl aaf aaav aaaaaaf aal M 1111 l ph 1111 l a^aa^lZal LnS
      797 words
    • 51 4 EHESrj DEAF! CHKTO INVtStaiE CAAPHO If, worn nnd» your ton no c oh or bottortaa. (iijurontml »c your life turn MS 22 00 pit WiM* tar Mm >i|fc>H MtAas f aan*QNi co m. lt».. S«M. 44. 144. MH I W*jaasvf AajgatwA*] RcpliaM ond offttt% forwot 300 a.rmo.l In Suorww 40
      51 words

  • Briefs
    • 51 5 PEKING, Fri.— New wall posters In Peking today demanded that bureaucrats high and low should have the same pay as workers and should be denied all privileges. The call follows charges of corruption, including favouritism and black market- 1 eering, which appeared in the streets here yesterday for the first
      51 words
    • 63 5 BONN: West and East Germany yesterday formally exchang A special envoys as part of their proclaimed intention to normalise relations. VIENNA: Following a Soviet demand, member countries of the Couni cil for Mutual Econo- 1 mic Assistance (Comeconi have agreed to work for a Joint energy .supply system to avert
      63 words
    • 43 5 MOSCOW: The Chemical Construction Corp. of New York has won the largest Soviet contract ever granted to an American firm. Worth about US$2OO million (SSSM million), the deal coven the developing and equipping |»f the first four plants of a huge ammonia-fertiliser complex.
      43 words
    • 40 5 WASHINGTON: Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kls- singer told Sen. Henry Jackson early this month that the Soviet Union was ready to guarantee that at least 40,000 Russian Jews would be allowed to emigrate each year. Congressional sources said yesterday.
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    • 30 5 MOSCOW: The Soviet Union today publicly rebuked three Government Ministers in the construction, metals and heavy industries sector for permitting gross waste of metals and ignoring state calls for economy.
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    • 42 5 RIO DE JANEIRO: British Great Train robber Ro--1 nald Biggs talked de--1 Ughtedly today of his hopes for the future after a Brazilian court ruling that he wUI not be sent back to finish his 30-year sentence In a British Jail.— Agencies.
      Agencies  -  42 words
    • 47 5 JAKARTA. Fri. The 1. 000-lon Kuala Deli sank In the Malacca Straits on its way from Penang to Belawan, north Sumatra, recently. Antara News Agency reported yesterday. The ship had been chartered by the north Sumatra provincial Government No casualties were reported. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  47 words
    • 54 5 new DELHI. Fri rhe body of Lt. Oen. YwUvendra Singh. India's ambassador to the Netherlands and former Maharajah of Patlala who died in The Hague on Monday of a heart attack, was flown here today on Its way to his hometown of Patlala for cremation with
      AP  -  54 words
    • 41 5 TOKYO. Ptl. The Agricultural Ministry said today It bad ordered that 16.000 cartons of grapefruit imported from Florida be destroyed or returned to the United States after a live fruit fly maggot had bern found among the fruit Reuter.
      Reuter  -  41 words
    • 299 5 Indonesia will fight for island chain claim JAKARTA. Fri Indonesia's team to the Law of the Sea Conference will fight for acceptance of their c«untry'i claimed sovereignty over all the seas Unking Its thousands of islands. Justice Minister Mochtar Kusumaatmadja said today. Mr. Mochtar. who will lead the Indonesian delegation
      Reuter  -  299 words
    • 44 5 MOSCOW, m Anr other link in the pipeline network carrying oil from west Siberia to the western Soviet Union and Eastern Europe has gone Into service between Michurinsk, southeast of Moscow. and Kremenchuk In the Ukraine. Tass news agency reported yesterday. Rauter.
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 28 5 A' MARA (Ethiopia) Ftl. Mi aide to the Governor-Oen-r« of the troubled Red Sea province of Eritrea was killed near his home resterday. sources said today.
      28 words
    • 82 5 JAKARTA, m. Jakarta will celebrate Its 447 th anniversary tomorrow In a simple way In line with the Government austerity camUnlike previous celebrations, this year there will be no firecrackers or youth processions alone the boulevards, but the city will be decorated with flan
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    • 243 5 EEC move to streamline trading terms BRUSSELS. Fri. The Common Markets executive commission yesterday produced proposals which it said would vastly improve the European Community s trading terms to developing countries. A top commission official said It was making the proposals despite the fact that uncertainty in the world economic
      Reuter  -  243 words
    • 498 5 COALITION OF LESSER NATIONS HOLDS A CRUCIAL MAJORITY CARACAS. Friday »J»HE United States. Soviet Union and other big sea powers, heavily outnumbered by a coalition of small nations, today renewed a diplomatic bat tie to avoid defeat at a
      Reuter; UPI  -  498 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 211 5 ImK!S33SB!BB3>mI 51 1 I 3 For your dining and dancing pleasure Fine fare in the French B j| I manner is a specialty of I the French Restaurant. I Food in all its splendour I and succulence is brought |a M I to standards par excellence. s^M^ li I I
      211 words
    • 455 5 Wzaw afl HLU IISh h£9 L rn^'M HanrnHßu 1/ .^r At d^k b^F^bl I IIUL; I w ArJfi Mr *> \HBk\\\W*iV£ m^^ I mttnllVttab^ >/■ V Am 1 nnmanl aw aw\. U!^lJ^si>>smmmmmmmJl M XV^ \> PV M V AkIT m«\irßi am^ks. Introducing RENAULT 12TS A whole new world of luxury
      455 words

    • 49 6 WASHINOTON. PH. Tht Defence Department confirmed yesterday that a small US military team will visit Egypt But the Pentagon denied a report on Tuesday that the team will estimate Egyptian military needs and said it has no authority to make recommendations on this subjects —Reuter
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 175 6 Shipwreck victim saved by turtle MANILA, rrt. The ITI Philippine Navy published an official account today of how a giant sea turtle saved the life of a shipwreck victim. The account said Mrs. Candelaria Villanueva, 52, rode the turtle for two days until she was recued by the navy ship
      UPI  -  175 words
    • 23 6 TOKYO. Frl. A «U--member Japanese Oovernment delegation left (or Baghdad todfcy to negotiate and conclude an economic agreement with Iraq. AP
      AP  -  23 words
    • 30 6 BERLIN. Pri But German border guard* shot and apparently killed a man early today as he tried to eacape acroaa the Berlin Wall. West Berll|i police reported < AP
      AP  -  30 words
    • 325 6 Farewell Soviets pay final tribute to Zhukov MOSCOW, Fri. Rfc Soviet I nion today buries one of its greatest military leaders, Marshal Georgi Zhukov, alongside the nations great In a grand state ceremony. The marshal's body will be borne on a gun-carriage drawn by an armoured car from its lying-in-state
      Reuter; UPI  -  325 words
    • 276 6 S'pore beats Syria at world chess tourney NICE, Frl. Singapore beat Syria 21 to 1* In Round Six of final Oroup C in the World Chess Olympaid here yesterday. Pang Kwok Leong. Choong I. long On and Alphonsus Chta drew their games compete ntly while Llm Kok Ann won on
      276 words
    • 68 6 Paris tightens economic squeeze PARIS, m. The French Government yesterday tightened Its economic squeeze with an extra two per cent on the bank rate, raising lt to a record 13 per cent. It was the latest In a series of government moves to restore health to the French economy Prance
      68 words
    • 162 6 UNITED NATIONS, Fri. The Security Council's sanctions committee last <ght announced It was i 'estigating a reported £42 million (***** million) scheme to expand the Rhodesian Iron and Steel Company (IRSCO) in defiance of UN sanctions. The committee said that, according to Information la Its
      Reuter  -  162 words
    • 326 6 HIT AT 'DOUBLE STANDARDS' NEW DELHI, Friday pRIMh Minister Indira Gandhi said she mm surprised at "the double standards of some countries" which had criti-i-isrd India for exploding an underground nuclear device but kept silent when others conducted such explosions even in the atmosphere
      Reuter; AP  -  326 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 729 6 I I MASS TRANSIT RAILWAY CORPORATION Negotiations are proceeding with contractors approaching HK $6,000 m. in the next five years, who are expected to begin construction of the Revenues in 1980 are forecast to be at the Mass Transit Railway later this year. A system HKs36om. level rising to HK$
      729 words

  • 146 7  - Thugs slash coffee stall man to death PAUL WEE By r* thugs brutally slashed a coffee stall owner to death In a lonely track at Jalan Lembttyong, off Tampinej Road, yesterday The killers fled In two cars. Lee Chee Ching, 35, died Instantly of multiple knife wounds. At about 5.15
    146 words
  • 49 7 SINGAPORE'S M-member conUngent to the International Musical Eisteddfod In Wales will leave Singapore for Wales on Thursday at 10 46 ajn. The contingent Is made up of the Singapore Youth Choir, the Singapore Youth Chines* Ekisemble. Nan Hwa Olrta' High School Dancer* and four officials.
    49 words
  • 37 7 OW Yeong Kum, 51. unemployed, was fined $15 by the First Magistrate's Court yesterday for being drunk at the junction of Van Kit Road and Cantonment Road at about 11 20 pm on Thursday.
    37 words
  • 19 7 THE Bt. Patrick's School band will per.orm at Botanic Gardens between 5.30 p.m. and 630 p.m. tomorrow.
    19 words
  • 301 7 LOCAL textile factories can withstand the current slump in textile prices better than factories in other East Asian countries, chairman of the Singapore Garni en t s Manufacturers' Association, Mr. Lam Thi a n, said yesterday. He said that financially and In mar-
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  • 36 7 THE Singapore Music Teachers Association win hold Its 15th students' workshop at the Cultural Centre on July 1 at 7 p.m The programme consists of piano, violin and vocal solos. Admission Is fret.
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  • 213 7 Slowdown at 2 ports: Surcharge goes up rE Far Eastern Freight Conference has raised to 50 per cent the congestion surcharge for vessels railing at Tripoli and Beirut ports from next month. An FEFC announcement on Thursday said that working conditions at both ports had deteriorated seriously, resulting In heavy
    213 words
  • 193 7 Hsien Loong gets his honours degree LONDON, Frt. Lee Hsien Loong. 22, eldest son of Singapore Prime Minister Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, received his BA honours degree from the Vice-Chan-cellor of the Cambridge University at a convocation ceremony today. Mr. Lee and Mrs. Lee were among those present at the
    193 words
  • 283 7 Plea to ease traffic chaos at Toa Payoh T»HE Toa Payoh Flat A Owners' Association is to appeal to the HDB to ease the acute traffic congestion and parking problem in the housing estate. An association spokesman told the Straits Times yesterday that it had received numerous complaints from memben
    283 words
  • 85 7 THREE robbers, one armed with a pistol another with a dagger, held up two clerks of Yong Teck Seng Com§any In Liang Seah treet on Thursday and escaped with $7,555. The roobers entered the premises under the pretext of looking for a friend shortly
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 244 7 1899-1974 THANK YOU. We thank all well-wishers for their thoughtful congratulatory advertisements, cables, messages, bouquets, gifts and also all guests who attended dinner celebrations on the occasion of our 75th anniversary. It Cjp jy*Us 5 C^L-E s CARRIAGE LIMITED NEW! AGFAMATIC 2000 Pocket Sensor Now! Shoot anything anywhere without camera
      244 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 251 7 Brtoglng Op Wmthmr By »UI Kivtaigh «fc Hal Camp 7 [~r~TT\N ttkteCrJ* r'M some to act "Tl I mrs. jxsos, i "-C why i always jcSacc W y^^'^Cf I** A pkacsmaksh ,J suggest kxj should j smoulp win.' BlondU ly ChU Y>wi| \y-s~' I BOUGMT ITMEYCLAIM IT'S SO) I I]=,
      251 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 994 8 b^bW J i L^b^b^bMb^bVi vti^EtJ^^r *.v-i I HHHRB IyBMMI Ifcfilllß A B^B^Bl S^^V ft^i^l^^^i^l i^i^B SA. flkfll I I I B^B^T^^i^l b^b^b^b^bß «mj^ 'aaiMbW^/^^^^B "Ss-^JHWiIK V|W ]f99V^ mI iv I w I HI HbH <> \m A v f ■.'■>■ B :^sSHb!b^b^bßb^b^bW V__J B^i^^fH j| v I I l_o Bhl
      994 words

    • 160 9 ITU ALA LUMPUR. Frl. A four-year-old boy from Yong Pence is the latest fatal case of dengue haemorrhagic fever to b* reported In the past 24 hours. Another 10 suspected cases were also reported six In Johore, two Penang. and one each In
      160 words
    • 54 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. The Selangor state anti-drag committee Is to hold a special course for all hostel supervisors In the sUte In IU fight to curb drug abuse. This was one of several measures discussed by the committee at IU first meeting held at the Selangor
      54 words
    • 28 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. i The DAP believes that the general elections will be In August. IU secretary general. Mr. Llm Kit Slang, said here last night
      28 words
    • 52 9 Economic report ready KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Economic experts of Islamic conntries met here today to finalise a report on the world economic situation and consider three special studies on economic co-operation. The committee's final report will be submitted to the fifth Islamic Foreign Ministers conference at its first plenary session
      52 words
    • 569 9 TUN: MAKE ISLAMIC UNITY A REALITY 'Start concrete projects' call KUALA LUMPUR. Friday MALAYSIAN Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak today called on Muslim leaders of the world to implement concrete measures, programmes and projects to make Islamic unity a reality. Speaking at the opening of the Fifth Islamic Foreign Ministers
      Reuter  -  569 words
    • 131 9 WHAT IT TAKES TO TRAP WILD JUMBOS PINANO. Fri Poor elephants from India arrived here yesterday on a special ml— lsa to help trap wild elephaats in Pentnsalar Malaysia. The animal*— three taaken and a femalewere ihipped from Madras by the 12.*M-toa KasaUn vessel KomaomoleU I'sMrUska. "They wiU he dtacharfed
      131 words
    • 233 9 MCA Wanita may contest next polls KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.— MCA Wanita members may for the first time contest in the next elections. The party's secretarygeneral, Mr. Chan Slang Sun, said today that they would be considering the matter. He added that the Wanita section members have previously contested local council
      233 words
    • 75 9 Fadi planters face big lasses PENANO. PYI. Padl planters In Juru, about 17 miles from here, face big losses this year because of the recent drought and lack of Irrigation. "We don't hare enough water and our crops are dying." a apokeavan (or the fanners sa.J today. "Whenever they visited
      75 words
    • 47 9 KUALA LUMPUR Fri The CHrekaa Rakyat Malaysia will bold IU extraordinary delagatas assembly at the Federal Hotel on Sunday More than 1.000 delegate* and observers from Penan*. Kedah. KelanUn. Perak. SeUngor. Nefrl Bambtlan. Malacca. Johore. Pahang aad the Federal territory are expected to attend
      47 words
    • 453 9 MORE than 1,500 schoolchildren from Kampung Pandan might not turn up lor school on Monday if their schoolbus operators are unable to fill up their fuel" tanks over the weekend. SchoQlbui operators have been finding it difficult to obtain any dlesel for
      453 words
    • 66 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. The Cover— mt Is to bay Swedish army trucks ana aaabalaaces costing about million. The fomr wheel «riv* vehicles will repUce the oM army tracks which were recently swapped. A mitm la* lean from the Defence Ministry headed by the First Dewaty Secretary
      66 words
    • 188 9 Muslims: Call by Libya for solution KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. Libya today called for a political solution of the problem of Muslims in the Southern Philippines which it said vas no less "tragic" than the Issues confronting the Arab world. This was the only radical note struck at the start of
      Reuter  -  188 words
    • 105 9 Handbag theft: Salesgirl sought by police 1 pETALJNQ JAVA, Frl— r Police are trying to I trace a door-to-door I salesgirl In connection I with the theft of a handbag containing jewellery valued at $5,400 and $120 in Jaian Penchala here on Wednesday. j Businessman Mr. Heng I Hung seah.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 307 9 VICTOR MENDEZ j AUCTIONEERS APPRAISERS (< 4 proudly present p AGR AND PUBLIC AUCTION SALE OF CHOICE PERSIAN CARPETS RUGS DIRECT FROM ISFAHAN 75 rare pieces of accomplished excellence and beauty for the discerning collector, including: <KVtKH>#o#<H;KH;H:B^^ 10 antique Turkestan and 5 Shiraze Prayer Rugs 3' x 5' •#••••••••♦•«■•••••>••>• 38-year
      307 words
    • 312 9 Only VSM Coated Abrasives come in 50,000 different varieties of cloths,papers and fibres, bonding agents,graintypes,grit sizes, shapes and dimensions to provide the proper abrasives for every industrial requirement. VSM Coated Abrasives, made in West Germany,are now available for industrial processes involving grinding, sanding, finishing and polishing Irrespective of the material,
      312 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 263 10 mt k 9-' a^aaßaaaaaaaaaaaaaai fcSSaH^ft *\^BaaaV al ft aBBar^^BBBBBai*^^BBBBH I 1 ataT Bap^^sssl wT^* "'•'^aal I^HSbV^BbI "'^aBBBKB^BBBBBB^'^TsBtasI fc.^^^^^ \aß HbbbbbbV r^«— 7^Baßa! .^bbbbbl BaaaaT bbbbbbT w mrm a^aaaaaaaaaaaaaT aaT Jbbbbbbbbbw #T 1 i^m. Laaaaaw «l Lw JP 1- "^atfift^aaa! aaaa Paaaaaaßaw .aaaaaa ~^BaaflaaaaW^aaW W**aaXafjWaaSaVßa*B^aaV9B«lßKß«fjßjßjßKSi| 1 Tonight M'nite Tomorrow Morning Shows
      263 words
      245 words
    • 288 10 II c s.eamAl MID- YEAR SALES hurry: HOW (Limited Period Only) ALL BOOKS AND MAGAZINES (FOREIGN A LOCAL) 10% 30% DISCOUNT From 1 7 Ih 29, h June 1974 Student's Books Associates, IaVAI 66, BRAS 6A6AH ROAD, SIMOAPOHE-7 TCLCPHONC: *****5. KING'S JUBILEE TOA PAYOH PALACE NEW HAPPY NOW SHOWING I
      288 words
    • 155 10 Ql-^O< CO "Vbbbbbbbbb^W J^ W 9th BIG DAYI 4 aha«»» m 1 00. N. 1 I S.lO MBMMaal y flaT -^B [L. g-Sawyamm s Ida Woven _V_9A E*v< Khadam Conra* J^^^Ba^^kS'.i«x WoMv Sutinah flim bWMMhb^^^a* Quaanttown Tai: *****6 NOW SHOWING 4 ahowt at 1 46 4 7. 9 30 I
      155 words
    • 300 10 a juuuuuuuia ■■■■>■ M iynuf cunuriycf 2 shows nightly! %innff onuTfinb: 7.00 a 9.30 pm. Adults $2.00. Children $1 OO; i m EMPRESS DOWAGER'S <• WJ AGATE \AS£t^^j^ rLfjT cwn auM 4^^bja! r K)ROW€ DRIVE IN OHEMA— ODEON CATHAY ORCHARD j MIDNIGHT TONIGHT!.' (Odeon: Morning Show Tomorrow 9 am.)' BRUCE
      300 words
    • 707 10 CATHAY i; il^lttAlßATin:: !j> NOW SHOWING i I' > IKim 700ft9 30 pm Shang Kuan Ling Fung h ■f EMPRESS DOWAGERS AGATeS E VASE" *.th Hu Own J i Mandarin CotorScopa > «im Engiith SubWkM Jurong Dnva-ln Clmm a* O4aon Cathay Orcnard Tan.ym at Midnight > Oaaon Tomoffow at 9
      707 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 312 11 V A v^ I 1 88 Bb^TJbß b Ml IBJ 2§^yß| ■flVLfa^^afaEE) 1 luu UU D B I mflL MJ IE lUbUBQD M b |^m Q^Q BUM] LMIMI^bMHB 11 fIEU I Ib^EbbVbQbMiJ II I Daitv 7pm to mib-night Jj a^Br\ x** I DrmW with FREE titbits ij TOT j^\ I
      312 words
      259 words
    • 221 11 OG i Depi. Store I OCEAN GARMENTS PTE LIMITED j 100 UPPCR CROSS STREET SMQAPORE 1 TEL *****3-4 f f I > 3 olld c o'o r s. cool comfort < ■am Great to golf in. swing in. 22 loaf in Grand Slam" I :jj jj" Neatly styled for any
      221 words
    • 260 11 \M b^B i^Ly L CMOr SHEMnw W» SA«AW«« MLWU CHWC XAH OWTOUNC BBP"^^^ l^^ "TbVT al j > ■S BrcoririD D ont" /■*'"'*'""*''""*''l\ ■,j Mi«n»k> V GALLERY AUDIENCE m A l n oor lfT V I W<b'lMaMli>cMMni>*>ll I V iW^^^ iT^ m '">a»joef o«o*» J» > .^a^V 1 k«.Bm^l bbbT^bT
      260 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 412 12 ITNITY and confidence, born of the demonstration of Arab strength in last October's Middle East war, characterised the second Islamic summit in Lahore last February. The conference looked to the future with hope, confident that Arab prestige and oil-power would enable Islamic countries In general to play a
      412 words
    • 149 12 ORITISH Prime Minister Harold Wilson is still on his tight-rope, but just. The four-month-old minority Labour Government »vas twice defeated in the House of Commons this week, both times over legislation arising from the fundamentals of party policy. A proposal to refund some £10 million in taxes to
      149 words
  • 451 12 T.F Hwang takes you down memory lane LEAPN English for practical value. Also Chinese (if you are Chinese) for an insight into China's great civilisation. So said far-sighted Chinese gentlemen In Singapore's early days when Chinese public schools, introducing Mandarin and English, were starting to gain ground. So said many
    451 words
  • 783 12 Excerpt* of editorial comment from the New Strait* Time*, Malaysia. rIE conference of Islamic Foreign Ministers in Kuala Lumpur wil! be meeting in circumstances even more dramatic and urgent than expected when the Lahore summit ended. The problems of trade and economic development have hardened, inflation is
    783 words
  • 829 12  -  RICHARD OLDROYD A LOOK AT TODAY'S AVIATION ARCHAEOLOGISTS WHO GO FAR AND DEEP HUNTING RELICS By London WHEN a team of Royal Air Force sub-aqua enthusiasts raised a flak-riddled wartime Halifax bomber from the bottom of a Norwegian lake, their success marked the high
    829 words
    • 298 12 It's for the adults to instil high values A verbal exhortation such as Dr. Ho Wine Meng's (ST., June 19) sounds laudable to any audience. Yet, somehow the young, idealistic and impressionable freshman who enters the university cannot see much beyond mere words. It Is true that many graduates are
      298 words
    • 255 12 I REFER to the Education Ministry's letter (ST., June 18) In connection with "flaws in those science textbooks I am thankful for the trouble the Ministry has taken In eliciting opinions about the problem I write to point out, t^at since my last letter. aye found that addi>n of a
      255 words
    • 75 12 MY neighbours and I in Block 28. Toa Payoh. have either not been able to receive Channel 3 on our television sets or have been getting blurred Images since last Saturday. I have phoned the Housing Board almost dally to ask them to repair the common aerial at our block,
      75 words
    • 162 12 ON reading ex 9th Dolphin's letter (ST June 1») I drove to Tanglln Post Office to see our priceless totem pole which has been, and still is a pride to many of us. The Pole has been considerably shortened and as it has apparently been buried In a sand pit
      162 words
    • Govt replies
      • 126 12 I REFER to the letter from "2x2-5" (ST. June 3) and would like to apologise to the writer for the Inconvenience occasioned to him owing to the errors made by our counter staff However, I am pleased to Inform him that the POSB has introduced online banking
        126 words
      • 93 12 DLEASE refer to the i complaint made by "Still waiting" (ST., June 13). Applications for early test dates are judged according to the merits of each case. Should the application De approved, the applicant will be informed as soon as there is an available vacancy to accommodate him. Our records
        93 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 29 12 .^SfcavYOUR HAPPINESS OUR BUSINESS E^BOVERSEAS Y\ >>Jr f -^riW""7f ASSURANCE CORPN. LTD. tfr&;nß LifeDev* V /M J\\ J SINCE 1920 Various Life Insurance Plans for all Big or Small.
      29 words
    • 294 12 r how DO YOU FEEL AT THE START OF THE DAY? D Tired depressed? G Reluctant to get out of bed in the morning? D Facing the day an effort? On circumstances like this, you need NA TOPHEROL natural Vitamin E capsules NATOPHSROL retards old age, and is needed hy
      294 words

  • Business Times
    • 619 13  - Loans: Banks 'over-reacted' says MAS gOME banks have "over reacted" to the Government's tight money policy by making it difficult for customers to borrow, according to Mr. Michael Wong Pakshong, managing director of the Monetary Authority of Singapore. In a speech to the first AGM of the Association of Banks
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    • 470 13 Sabah poised to produce one-third of Malaysia's oil output KOTA KINABALU: The East Malaysian state of Sabah. with more offshore drilling operations due to start next month, soon hopes to be producing almost one-third of all Malaysia's crude oil. The Federal Minister of Primary Industry, Datuk Haji Abdul Talb Mahmud.
      Reuter  -  470 words
    • 360 13 A JUMP of more than 100 per cent In pre-tax profits has been reported by Insurance Corporation of Singapore for 1973. This achieve ment comes after only four years of operation In the competitive Insurance field. It proves as strongly as the
      360 words
    • 227 13 SINGAPORE Land I: to take a U per cent interest in Orchard Squirr Development Corporation. To effect this It has signed an agreement with FournMH Bank Investments of the UK to acquire 7.8 million SI shares at P»r in OBDC for cash, which
      227 words
    • 241 13 Chase to open joint venture bank in Techeran CHASE Manhattan Bank has received permission from the Central Bank of Iran and Iranian authorities to open a new Joint venture bank based in Teheran, Mr. William Olden, executive vice president, has announced. Plans call for Chase to own $5 per cent
      241 words
    • 889 13 New York brokers live in fear of worse to come XTBW YORK: The New 11 York brokerage community Is going through Its worst pangs <lnce the *****. The remaining 518 member firms of the Big Board are suffering from an excruciating exercise In consolidations, recapitalisations and hardnosed cost-cutting to cope
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 286 13 m for sale sm Western Australia's most exclusive Penthouse FO« THOSE SEEKING SOMETHING REAIIY SPECIAI WE OfFER AN EXCLUSIVE PER'H PENTHOUSE UNMATCHED IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA Set in a presage suburb, only minutes from I Perth City, with panoramic view/» of the Swan R<ver ond the natural beauty of Kmgi I
      286 words
    • 228 13 l mi [UlllllHllllllllllllllllliiiTiTiiiiii Export /import expert. Every man-on-the-spot is. As part of Bank financing at the other end. It adds up to a A of America's worldwide network of offices, complete package handled on the spot by a representatives, subsidiaries, affiliates and skilled banker working closely with you. correspondents, he
      228 words

  • 1733 14  -  GEOFFREY OWEN By LONDON: Capitalism in the UK appears to be badly rattled. With the Secretary for Industry, Mr. Anthony Wedgwood Benn, and his colleagues pushing hard for drastic changes in the mixed economy, defendeia of the system are on the defensive. Nothing illustrates this
    1,733 words
  • 534 14 YORK. Tburs. An A increase In the prime rate by a Miami bank late In the session aent the Mock market into tv mth consecuilve decline today in continued lethargic trading. Price* on the New York Btock Exchange had been most mixed until shortly before 1 pjn. when
    534 words
  • 98 14 FINANCIAL TIMES TINS Thursday SO.M Wednesday S3 IS Week mo 93 11 RUBBERS Thursday 325 M Wednesday ***** Week ago 374.01 OILS Thursday 193.M Wednesday 195.1t Week ago 308 99 INDUSTRIALS Thursday 352 3 Wednesday 3M.0 Week ago 375 I DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Thursday 820 79 Wednesday 826
    98 words
  • 173 14 Tanks Tan Sri Mohamed bin Tunku Besar Burhanuddin has been appointed a d. rector and chairman of Pegl Malaysia with effect from June 1 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Tengku Raxa lelgh bin Tengku Mohamed Hamtah, according to a company announcement. Sungel Klnta
    173 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 363 14 vail HrJi sltoi? H Qbh/ L tr bkJ b v 7|^bw *H. BLACK IS BACK IN A3 SIZE (Double Quarto) ID IT The CANON NP 70 is the first compact copier able to produce A3 size. Besides A 4, 84, and 85. All in plain paper cassetted for speed and
      363 words
    • 64 14 NOW ON SALE! HANDBOOK 74- IMPORTANT REFERENCE BOOK FOR ALL INVESTORS By The Stock Exchange of Singapore Limited. fONLY\ I i\ssis; n«sTOaii»uWKJ ortaKa»oat(re Available from the Stock Exchange of Singapore, Rsx Book Stors (Pts.) Ltd., and sll leading book itorss. Distributors in Malaysia K.L. Marican A Sons (Ml St'n. Bhd.
      64 words
    • 114 14 Advartisanant Hello Investor and Share Trader! ME YOI •ATCIIIS FOI SIMS Of TIE KXT mi MAMET? it to you mu»l laarn to mla»pral prica charts and othar curvet of tha TECHNICAL ANALYSIS of Tiarkatt and individual tharat or commoftliM Tha charts tail you what paopla ara AtALLY DOING m tha
      114 words
    • 130 14 I B aQMs^fmll -V" 'X'- a^B^^»*^T 7^^^ w>. YeaH I B^L C < v'l B I bSbVHbS iFT^raVL I IT k i IN INDONESIA IT S THE PRESIDENT HOTEL Located on Jalan Thamrin, in one of Jakarta's most distinguished and convenient business areas, the President Hotel is renowned for its
      130 words

    • 250 15 *T*HB U.S. dollar closed fractionally firmer In the Singapore forex market yesterday at S2 4480-90 compared with the opening level of 12.4470-90. Overall trading condition was generally very quiet and dull, reflecting the usual weekend mood. In initial trading the dollar firmed up marginally to $*****-90 and held
      250 words
    • 175 15 The following are the nominal average closing Interbank rates In Singapore: N»te: These rate* may diner sllgntiy rrom tnose quoted by banks to their customers. qooied yesterday (crow) parity US dollar 2 4480 2 4490 2 8196 Sterling pound 5 8470 5 8570 7 3469 Hongkong dollar 48.57
      175 words
      • 26 15 Rubber: June 21. Singapore: 168.50 cts (up 4.00 cts). Malaysia: 168.00 cts 'up 3.50 cts). Tin: $1,20 (up $8). Official offering: 256 tons (unchanged).
        26 words
      • 104 15 CMINISI rHOOUCI IXCMANCI lINCtrOKI NOON CLOSING Caaanut Oil: bulk IISON aellera, drum fISSN aellera C«pra: Mixed (looae) UK Coot ,»ON B I Paaair Munlok AST A while .fob 100', m,W S3S2t aellen. {Sarawak white fob D«", NL.W K2W) aellera. Sarawak apedal Mack fob W, NLW tlvTi aellera. I 9
        104 words
      • 42 15 London copper prieea on Thurao«v (pran—a la bracketa) Wlrstar Spat buyer fM» 00 (IMSM) aeller (970 00 i<»s4 001 Three Month! buyer £957 00 1 1940 001 seller (950 DO lIMI 001 *»ar*.et tone Very Heady Salai 5 .000 ton.
        42 words
      • 191 15 'THI overnight steadier trend m extended on the Straits tin market In Penang yesterday with price* finishing another 16 higher official offering unchanged at 256 tons. Following the steady Penang tin market, the overnight London metal price also advanced £73 on Wednesday's close to 13.600 per tonne LONDON:
        191 words
      • 443 15 A PTER a hesitant start, the Singapore rubber market ruled steadier durtnjr the morning yesterday Three rents were gained from Thurndays cloae with the main support being derived from fhort-coverlng. but prices were off the best towards the morning's cloae. Weekend short covering and a steadier Tokyo market
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      • 75 15 £)AILY SMR prices Usuec at noon yesterday: MJLEL.B. SCV (1-ton pallet* »L (1-ton pallet* (7-ton pallet i 10 (1 ton pallet) M (1-ton pallet) M (1-ton pallet) (Current Mta > (Fanrart Mth) Bajrra Srfen Bayer* Sellera (•Mtaptrkc) ittabpoki) ***** *****N 195 00 197 OON 195 00 197 OON
        75 words
      • 214 15 UONGKONO. Pri. Shares prices continued to fall toaay in moderate trading. The Hang Seng index closed at ***** points, off 9 21 Hongkong Bank retreated to HKS23 30 on its Local register •id declined to »23 00 on its ondon register Other losers included Hongkong Land at $8 40
        214 words
      • 46 15 On the frea eieHaiwe markat in Honckonit >ealerday the U.S. oallar wu quoted at i 03KS/& 03V5 (or T.T. and 4 02 5 08 (or aaah Starting waa quoted at IT 00/ 12 20 and en* UM ef geld waa quoted at »23 50
        46 words
      • 205 15 •TOKYO. Pri Share prices on the Tokyo stock market lost ground today. The Dow Jones average tumbled 38 So to MM 74 and tht New index retreated 204 to *****. In the m rnlng session, autos were selectively bought Auto and speculative Issues moved higher. In the afternoon, chemical,
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      • 332 15 Fri The snare market ended the holiday-shortened week on an etsler note In lack-lustie tr iding condition today. With tern exceptions, most mining, oil and Industrial stocks lost ground In an extended selling bout. Among the miners. PrkoYVaUaead, BmagainvUle, t ona (.old/irfcu*. AMS and Faaeid«n recorded substantial losses MIM.
        332 words
      • 174 15 A MSTERDAM. Thurs. 2\ Prices generally declined in quiet dealings Unilever led otherwise moderate dec- 1 dines in Dutch internationals jut Hoogovens gained some ground against the trend Leaders to decline in do- mestics were Van Ommeren I and KNSM while Heinekm and Pakhoed were slightly firmer. Shippings weakened
        174 words
      • 110 15 Thurs. The stock market showed an irregular trend today on a smaller volume Bond prices were maintained. The Credit Suisse index eased 04 to 212.3 point* Cloalpg prteaa la Swim franca wlta the distract oa the previoua •euion a prtcaa Credit Sulu* frwlu B«r.« Cor, r. Z7M M 2
        110 words
      • 68 15 Thursday waonaaday Ull Ull Mrlbournr 11) 103 35 104 M LAhdno IM 75 IS3.M Beirut I&300 IM.M Konickonic 154.T0 IST 50 Zurtea 151 MB 151 SOB 1&3 008 li 3 MM Parti IST 54 150 14 8 port 12) 1M.508 151. 508 154 OOS 154 SOB Efcport prteea
        68 words
      • 191 15 A SIAN currency deposit in- terbank rates as at cloae on Prtday, June 21: Offer Bid 7 days 12-1/ a 11-7/» 1 mth 12-5 18 13-3 1« 2 mths 12-3 8 12-1/4 3 mthl 12-3 8 12-1 4 6 mths 12-5 16 12-3 IS 9 mths 11-3
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      • 30 15 Closing interbank rates In Singapore dollars for June 21: OVer Bid Overnight 8 1 mth 9\ 9% 2 mths »*4 »S 3 mths »S 9-, Prime rate »Vi%
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      • 55 15 RESULTS of Treasury bills tender held on Jane ?1 for 91 -day bills to be issued from June 24 to 28: Offered $30 OOO.M*. Applied for: M4.25MM. Allotted: Ut.MMM. Accepted bids: $99 M approximately M per cent; higher bids in full Average rate of discount on allotment:
        55 words
    • 419 15 Ann a steadier If apa'r& thetlc start following the departure of June trading the market tost ground regularly and acutely to bring prices down into the arm of early October lut year, ays Holiday. CUUar, Bath In tU weekly lubber review Lomm of up to IS
      419 words
    • 171 15 Rites M. Cant $229 +.09 M. Glaai (1 44 t 04 A. Vhoc 11.50 .04 F. Cabin $2.36 +.08 N. lad. $124 +.02 Y.H.B. $1 91 +.09 RoUunuu $3 16 +.02 Incheape (3 80 03 J inline (4.23 +.03 Fills S.HL m»c fl.Bo —.30 OlympU |i 50
      171 words
    • 1609 15 T«HE tast transacted sale at the cloae of business In the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day> price* together with 1974 high and low. i Adjusted for all new Issues). CLOSING TONS: Hotela fairly steady while the rest barely uteady. TURNOVER Official total turnover
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    • 362 15 PRICES continued to drift lower in the Singapore stock market yesterday In very quiet trading conditions. The level of buying activity was much reduced. Interest in the market largely disappeared and broking houses were practically devoid of investors. Most of the deals closed were written
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    • 279 15 Another decline for market in KL THE Kuala Lumpur stock market continued to move Sower in the absence of fresh support yesterday. Losses though were fractional in most cases. Shares again came under selling from the opening, but the slide wa« arrested at about noon by what was generally hola
      279 words
    • 1355 15 t»ID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets In lots of 1,000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS A.P.I, il 148). Ajinomoto (2 30B) Alcan (3 008 3 308)
      1,355 words
    • 1232 15 |*ID and offer prices offl- dally listed and business In and reported to the Kuaia Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 untu unless otherwise specified. INOUtTRIALI Aiinamau 2 nil Akan (3 008 3 208) •In Mlg. il
      1,232 words
    • 141 15 THE general Improvement in commodity prices during 1973 has boosted United Plantations' pre-tax profits by 21 per cent from $635 million In 1973 to $7 70 million. However, the full impact of the higher prices has yet to make lttelf felt "due to the Inevitable
      141 words
    • 380 15 MOBIL Oil corporation, the US's third largest oil company, Is discussing with Marcor Corporation a tender offer under which It would seek 51 per cent of Marcor's stock. Marcor's Montgomery Ward division Is the nations fourth largest general merchandise retaller, and Its container corporation division Is the largest
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 448 16 f MECHANICAL 1 I ENGINEER I A well established Group of Companies requires a Mechanical Engineer with the following qualifications: A recognised diploma degree in mechanical engineering. A few years of working experience preferably as a maintenance engineer in a food processing or refrigeration industry. Previous supervisory experience of a
      448 words
    • 504 16 Singapore Glass WSfljfiVJi Manufacturers Pte. Limited I ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Singapore Glass Manufacturers, a subsidiary of Australian Consolidated Industries, is the largest glass and fibrepackaging manufacturer in Singapore and exports to many countries. The successful applicant will head a small department maintaining a wide variety of electrical and electronic installations, including
      504 words
    • 588 16 [j Keppel Shipyard {Private) Limited VACANCY CHIEF DRAUGHTSMAN QUALIFICATIONS (a) Degree OR Diploma in Naval Architecture OR Marine/ Mechanical Engineering. (b) Persons with relevant experience in controlling a drawing office in shipyards will only be considered. EXPERIENCE Applicants must have extensive experience in the engineering and hull aspects of shiprepairing
      588 words
    • 595 16 W Tigress Department Store Plaza Smgapura. dealing m prestige fashion wear for ladies and gentlemen, requires the following personnel for the initial phase of it's devetopment SALES ASSISTANTS (Female) Must have pleasant disposition, neat appearance, aged 16 to 24 years, with SC./GCE SALES SUPERVISORS Should have at least one year's
      595 words

  • 225 17 Two years and six lashes for young robber A 1»- YEAR-OLD youth waa Jailed for two years with six strokes of the cane by a district court yesterday after he admitted robbing a taxidriver of $26 and a watch. Chan Deng Wah, the court was told, together with two others
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  • 31 17 MR. Andrew Pinto has been elected chairman of the management committee of the Singapore Co-operative Housing Society. Other officials are: Mr.A. Krlshnasamy. secretary, and Mr K. Veluppillai. treasurer
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  • 22 17 THE First Lady. Mrs Sheares. will launch the second Children Charities donation draw at the Istana at 3 pm. today
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  • 74 17 Secret society fighter among two held A SECRET society fighter was among two people arrested by the police on Thursday. He was picked up from Jalan Bukit Ho Swee at 7 p.m. Police said he was the fighter of the Seh Koh Long Independent Group, operating In Jalan Buklt Ho
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  • 132 17 NEW Zealand Maori singer Isabel Cowan (above) weighs 85 kilograms (187-lb) but she is horrified at the thought of dieting. She said yesterday: "I have never been on diet. I don't want to. Why, who knows, my voice may thin out." She
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  • 311 17 Banks offer 10pc pay increase to top staff FOREIGN banks in Singapore have offered 10 per rent pay rise for their workers drawing more than $1,000 a month in connection with the National Wages Council recommendations this year. This js on the same basis as what the Government is offerIng
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  • 101 17 Car sales take another plunge MOTOR car sales dropped again In May, with only 1.165 vehicles being registered compared with 1.206 in April and 1.64 C in May 1073. They are inclusive of tuition vehicles and station wagons. Of the total sales, 716 belonged to 1.001-1,600 cc range and 102
    101 words
  • 62 17 MOSQUITO breeding rose by 0.2 per cent In houses but fell by 13 per cent at construction sites during the week ending June 14. A survey by the Environment Ministry showed that 7J out of 4 002 house* and eight out of 264 construction sites
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  • 57 17 MR. Tan Tec* Khlm. CommUsloner of Police, win offlcUte at the Vigilant* Cbrpe oomNned paatng-out parade fo the 13Ui Intake of National Servicemen and the 6th batch of women whinUerx at the Police Re•enre Unit 2 base. <>iiarnway. *t S pjn. today. The parade will be followed by
    57 words
  • 47 17 MRS A. L. Peratra, a founder member of the aingaoore Awociattoo .'or the Deaf and principal of the Singapore School for tha Deaf to 10 rears, will recelv* honorary mantershlp (ram the ■awntton at IU general meeting at toe scljoot on June Kit) pa
    47 words
  • 36 17 OR. Chiang Hal Ding. UP (or Ulu Pandan. wIU officiate at a aallotLig ceremony for the allocation of 217 stalk at the Buona VUU butt markst-cum- hawker centre at J JO pm on Saturday.
    36 words
  • 197 17 Man gets six years, rotan for having gun and bullets fMSHBREEDER Ng r Peng Swee, 30, was jailed for a total of six years with 12 strokes of the cane by the First District Court yesterday for unlawfully having a revolver and six bullets last month. He was given three
    197 words
  • 47 17 MR L P Rodrmo. UP for Serangoon Oarden. will present prises at the Upper Serangoon District Primary School field and track championships at Parry School field from 2 p.m. on June 28 About 53 scnoois will take part In the sports meet.
    47 words
  • 37 17 MR Hon Sul Sen the Minister for Finance, will be guest of honour >t the Singapore Manufacturers' Associations annual dinner at the Neptune Theatre Restaurant and Nightclub at I p.m on Friday. (June 38 1
    37 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 167 17 g GS3 went man g mm in .»»M i FmnnriiiniPtP Ltd. 6 NlMUni'MK.t. ■WW pf I <*-50% SPECIAL DISCOUNT.' 9 lO 7° f OR TCXTILES GARMENTS AND SHOES 8 G k\- for every purchase of more than $10/- 9 f%C.O*^ INCLUSIVE OF TINNED PRODUCTS) A Q% f YOU WILL RECEIVE
      167 words
    • 288 17 Windex the glass cleaner that shines M I v **v I gggggEz^^^i^B<*iswJ»^^^^^ggH gsV^w^ JANI fAAfIA I Donald I Moore's mJtm .J W I world #v*ncnano w I 'Academy Award Winner. I London Film Critics Guild I Winner gfgV M I Golden Globe Winner. Wf j I "Jone Fonda's finest perfor-
      288 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 782 17 TV SINGAPORE (5) I*>CC Wl Opening am) Sesune Z ~2[\ HI News m Brief I^.DO s Is| M to O"^ *1 Line Matmee-PirKhute Nurse Stirring: |nd homi (repMt) 1M News William Wright, Kay Harris, Mar (Malay) 7.41 Ironside— The Last guente Ch*man 2.» Ne- Sco, l^J-Jgj land Yard— The Stone
      782 words
    • 21 17 WATKB conanmrtUn •n Thanday was ltl mUltoa gallons (SM,M« cubic metres), 1J aaOlion gallons CI.9H cable metres) mere thaa on Wednesday.
      21 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 511 18 FA CHOICE FOR PROGRESS I Qollei Rollei Optical (Pte) Ltd.. a member of the Rollei Group, manufactures high-quality precision lenses, shutters and viewfinder systems for world renown Rollei cameras. Our two plants at Kallang Basin and Chai Chee now have EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES for(1) PRODUCTION TRAINEES (2) QUALITY CONTROL TRAINEES Applicants
      511 words
    • 716 18 has vacancies for the fo lowing positions: FREIGHT FORWARDING SUPERVISOR Qualifications and Experience 1. Singapore Citizen above 25 years of age and not liable for National Service. 2. School Certificate or its equivalent with 3 to 5 years experience in Customs and Freight Forwarding Procedures. 3. Ability to supervise and
      716 words
    • 499 18 A Progressive International Marine Engineering and Construction Company is seeking applications from Singapore Citizens for the following positions: COMPUTER OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR (MALE) We have an IBM System 360/20 computer which will be replaced by an IBM 370/115 computer early next year Currently we are operating in a Tape Programming System
      499 words
    • 970 18 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COMMISSION SINGAPORE Applications for the following posts are invited from citizens and permanent residents of Singapore/ Malaysia: A. STATISTICIAN Applicants should have a recognised Honours Degree in Statistics or in other subjects with Statistics up to the pass degree level. Gross monthly salary from $1,270 to $2.530r B.
      970 words
    • 225 18 Pl'B L I c UTILITIM BOARD. SINGAPORE WATER DEPARTMENT NOTICE TO CONSUMERS SHUTDOWN OF WATER SUPPLY In order to facilitate connection work on an existing trunk main along Jalan Ahmad Ibrahim, there will be no water or poor pressure In the following areas from 7.00 pm on Saturday (22 6.74)
      225 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1312 19 L L^X.^^MTIiT^M^3^MMMMMMI fONUINHSItIP SERVICE TO B» CONTINENT MlTtlil MbMU Omar* 1 I'M) M*rTT UK asm a Imi aMm |i IMf 1) Mi MMf nMi .lIIIIMI 1 Mf I MM a Mf It l«l| a Mil M Mlf HIKP4OI UT g i^, tt( ta, n 1., lI.IIIM 21 I.M H l.l|
      1,312 words
    • 1183 19 BLUE SEA LINE Express States to Straits Service f OII.WJ Houllon Mil In S IWI P MMM PMM| A IWHU SIIM4 SliM4 ia.'M MM a MM It MM 1 PfniM Sa.MI tailN SatMl MM I Mlf PMTESIIIItS la. Ml Sa.lrt Sa.lM Sakl MM 7 MM II MM 14 PtTMCIH Ij.IM
      1,183 words
    • 962 19 J W%t*iiiifflKmWmm TO FIIDOPF I V KVRVrC f v Hmbmt g.^,, Vim v MMMI M ..i" 1 r ff »"4 S'MMiOP. KITANO MAIN i. pwi ntm urn, it m, iim, iiw, ISAM lAT 2IJm »Im »Mi Ii Mr MMf II W? IMAMA MAM IM| IM| »Mr SM| HMr »M| LlfflPMl
      962 words
    • 1048 19 'MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMB rULLY CONTAINIKIZED SEKVICE TO EUKOfC *MHs»jf. FM: lITIMI MM I ImIWMR. to*t»tfcß, MWtff, II Rtfft .'.Tumi". 52 n; B**8 Hl llf ■>««**^ 1 JiSmi? HUT 5 ,J C ""«MW. UtiMMtri. Milmoc. ■im. mi n Stockholm. Wo, Htlunlu. United Kmf sun CM«| Imm ici a Mn 'tt II Man FULLY
      1,048 words
    • 761 19 Smimpmi •1J444. P. Kmmmj »J4l. K.L. *****; Pmmm ISJOI. THE BANK LINE LTD. law miii uttu TITI4M (t MfKI MU) P MIMt M Pt/TI MM I'Ml* TItTMM MP N.i.«" P MIMt Sft 4 44/S MM HIT UM (Mm. 1. MJtMM 1 1 Mncf) P.MMM HflM Im IMIM4M Mmt.lw. Nm. i
      761 words

  • 206 20 ARRANCIMIHTt FOX JUKI n •OT Kortun* Runner I, Ldmi Cbona: > <•. Malayan in 11. Sri 111 in. i. U K^ud Ma.rak M. Klini.hir. l» l» Kair>u Man rul Madura 42 43> Prw. 4«. Kiiano Mara JO and Uon City si South IN MM aVa\ Hmh
    206 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    33 20 S Thirurhclvam It's a year ago today since Thiru left us and we cherish the memories of the time he was with us His wife Connie, son Selvam. brothers and sisters.
    33 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1014 20 •»___Z I^^^^MIMMMMiMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMi JYL«» *<^ KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. KAWASAKI KINKAI KISEN MISHA ITO JAPAN, HONCKONC. STRAITS SEWICE iaun Haaftot S.»t»«ort P Mlvvj Mnm ii nmm CIUHPIOa OCUNIt <^T II MM Japan Arabian Cull Sarvlaa SinttMrt IM: Ml I til aai* »44 IMM COKMM Mjtxat DaMi M. DMti'OaM Mkraia Kmaait. lasraa/UiarraanMkr.
      1,014 words
    • 938 20 ACCEPTIM TIMTMS. TMCK AM ITMI NUVT EMtPNOin. FM SUM Ml IMMCSt. ALL PMTS iron ETA CO ItstJMttM LIT KMTT UTK Sampil 22 MM 25 MM IMtoMSil. It.T. KMTTJMT laraaj.; HW 24 Mm ImtoMM. IST LEKTAP larakan 24 Mm 21mm loAmmii. LIT. MUEIUN Mariila 27 Mm 31 mm Inooresia. lUITT HIT
      938 words
    • 964 20 U.K. IU«O»I MtVICt LOADING FOR LONDCN. ROntBOAW, MAMIURG. MLtAO. Lt HAVRE awaaara P Mlaat ''•Mat laMaa I'aMi H'Mr| «i» lauait II IMa I larj 1/ 1 ia* Hay )i mi a aa| I aat VfPriM 'Tmiiii tin Mt u/M a* »,m a,, MMat num nim SiMaaora P Mlaat 'want t<iaaa
      964 words
    • 730 20 EXPKSS SCaTVICE TO lIMM, LWITMI/CMTImTIT PMTS 1| Vatii S"i|aaart P uian| Ptaanf laaawj lar •MU ttUTII M Part n/M MM KIM) liiMo 30.7. LaaMa I o«r i i Irtaw. 1)1 A'mip II I. M k»r| 21 I MM* MMt 11/11 MM IT/M MM it Hatra I 1. LixrMal 5 I.
      730 words
    • 717 20 SARAWAK SHELL BERHAD TENDER NOTICE Sarawak Shell Berhad offer for sale:Item 1 1 Pc. Diesel Generating Set Installed at the Lutong S.S.B. Power Station, c/w one lot of spare parts for the prime mover (approx value MS80.000.00) and following used Items 1 Pc. Crankcase 1 Pc Crankshaft 8 Pc Pistons
      717 words

  • 151 21 JOAN BOOTY'S N.THMJ MANNEQUINS to Kualf. Lumpur i, r\» c Kanebo Cosmetic Phed fashion shows f.-.iturlng "IN 1 Boutique and itches Merlin Hotel Today 10 00 p.m Tomorrow 1.00 pm (Reservation!, *****3) Am pang Park Shopping Centre Today 3.00 p m; Tomorrow 11.00 am Shows sponsored by Ck«eUpJ
    151 words
  • 231 21 3 Religious Annoucements FAITH METHODIST CHURCH. OUEENBTOWN Sunday Service English 7 30 am. 5 30 pm: (Chinese) 10 00 am. 7 30 p.m.: Sunday School (English) 8.30 am 3.45 p m (Chinese) 10 00 am 730 pm. Saturday 8.8.. 0.8 300 p.m MYF 430 p.m. (English I 730 p m
    231 words
  • 84 21 MRS CHIA CHENG HOE nee Chan Say Ohlm aged 76 passed away peacefully on 20.6 74 leaving sons Willie Charlie Walter daughters Nellie Lilly Peggy 3 daughters-in-law 2 sons-in-law and several grandchildren and great-grand-ihlldren Cortege leaves 48 Joo Chlat Avenue on 24.6 74 at 1.45 pm for Mount
    84 words
  • 98 21 THE FAMILY OF the late Mr Leong Kit Chan express their neiirtfelt thanks to relatives and friends for kind assistance, condolences, attendance, wreaths, scrolls, night visits and donations during their recent bereavement Special thanks to Dr. Yeo. I)r Thomas and staff of Ward 44 OROH THE FAMILY OF
    98 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 305 21 classified ads Idl i nee Tan) and Lam Choon (ex Singapore Police) a son Mervln Seng Huat Present Address: 251. Abbotsweld. Harlow. Essex. England. m) Pr*rtt>«aionsJ FEMALE ACCOUNTS SUPERVISORS required by a famous organisation, applicants must be able to manage Accounts Department Independently, good In English. Mandarin with driving licence
      305 words
    • 643 21 A TRADING COMPANY requires female clerk with good command of English. Can type, do correspondence Independently Plea.* apply with non-returna-ble p 1 otograph. particulars relaUiig «tf qualifications, experience kr.r» Idee of languages, dlalec.s to U.l* "5 Box .911 Spore. TOZEN ImmsdlaU vacancies tor FEMALE SALES CLERK Good educational background, must
      643 words
    • 606 21 REQUIRED FEMALE GENERAL CLERK with typing experience Know some Chinese Apply stating salary to 8 J Box A 9 1790 A well-established Firm of Chartered Accountants and Public Ac- Singapore, requlrerCLERK/TYPIST GENERAL/FILING CLERK Candidates should possess OCE with at least three subjects at "O" level Ability to type accurately at
      606 words
    • 700 21 STENOGRAPHER/ SECRETARY A rapidly expanding Property Company requires a Stenogntp.ier/ Secretary. The ouccaoolwl applicant wM require: (a i to be between the ages of 20 30 years, preferably single: (b) Singapore Citizen: (c) Senior Cambridge and able to take shorthand at not less than 100 wpm (d) to have at
      700 words
    • 598 21 PRINTING SALES REPRESENTATIVES with established clientele wishing to earn more Please apply BT Box ASISS2 All replies will T TflMigJ sad kept secret FeoteoMndtog rmnn InvtMs applications for trainee as AM CARGO SALES REPRESENTATIVE Ont—iasisiia. Minimum School Certificate with credit in English Singapore citizen, must complete National Service Possess Class
      598 words
    • 625 21 OMRON SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. require ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS REQUIREMENTS: 1 Technician Diploma/ Industrial Technician Certificate in Electronic Englnt ring from Polytechnic or Technical Institutes Craft/ Trade Certificate holders with few years experience In electronic Industry may also be considered 2 Must have thorough knowledge of electronic circuitry and experience In repairs
      625 words
    • 821 21 OFFICE BOYS (Singapore citizens > wanted Immediately by well established firm Minimum qualifications Primary 6 but preferable with Secondary education Excellent opportunities for absorption Into Clerical Orade Apply 8 T 80xA***** Qhdb Invites applications from Singapore Citizens for the following appointments' (A) STENOGRAPHER OisMlesslsiis. Singapore Cambridge Oeneral Certificate of Education
      821 words
    • 621 21 OENERAL ELECTRIC (USA) .fOUSSWARES PTE. LTD. Invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for the following positions: -1 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN 2. PERSONNEL CLERK QuaMteostono/ EigirloiiLi 1 Applicants should possess a Craft Certificate or equivalent In Electrical or Electronic Engineering with two to three years industrial experience and a knowledge of electrical
      621 words
    • 683 21 PHILIPS requires ASSISTANT PURCHASING OFFICERS Candidates should possess a School Certificate or Its equivalent with previous experience In purchasing of Industrial materials and components from local sources. The successful candidate* will be responsible for local purchasing -nil ensuring delivery schedules are met. ENOINrERING ASSISTANTS Candidates should possess a good technical
      683 words
    • 895 21 DIST. 12 BALBSTIER, JALAN DATOH flat furnished wtth telephone and one alrcon SSBO Ong Lock Cho unfurnished SSgo Rangoon Road $600 Dli White Drive next to Bt Andregr* School i $«00 Tel 3*137/*****2 MODERN SPLIT-LEVEL exclusive independent bungalow dlst. M four alrcondllloned bedrooms with bathrooms, wardrobes B^ tached Extensive separate
      895 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 823 22 CUTIVt BUNGALOW BRAODCLL HIWMT SI. OOO. Thomson $780 Luxurious Beml-Detarhed Novena Church 11.400 Buklt Ttmah $700. Unfumlsh house Srlruir Hill". MOO: Rooms avallabl. various dlsuicU SlOO above *****55 J B best residential area MMI-MTACMED TO LIT Fully mosaic 3 bedrooms. 2 baths wtth other amenities ALSO EXCLUSIVE ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE In
      823 words
    • 814 22 TWO-STOREY SEMIDETACHED Bungalow at Bth Avenue Buklt Tlmah Road Freehold 5.822 sq. ft 3 big rooms upstairs balconies parquet and marble flooring at $*****0- 0.n.0 Contact tel *****3 Mr Llm Principal only happy ESTATE comer 2-storey semi-detached Ready for occupation. 4 bedrooms, split-level, terrano/ parquet flooring. 4,300 tq. ft. $155,000
      814 words
    • 870 22 NAM MO TRAVEL SENVICI (SINGAPORE) PTE LIMITED Tour Weit Malaysia Seven Days SII3O/. air— conditioned bus B*lso/-. Malaysia t Oentlnc Highlands by air -conditioned bus seven days 3*170/ .Departure Every Sunday and Monday Cameron Highlands Four Days 3*Bo/ Dentine Highlands Four days B*llo/-. Departure Every Wednesday. Bangkok Chlengmal by alwcondltloned
      870 words
    • 711 22 PMOtNIX TRAVEL- Gentlng 2 days air $115/- dally/ Saturday 22 8.74 4 days coach SOS/- Monday Penan*/ Cameron 5 nlghu 184 90 (alrcondltloned coach $100/-) Wednesday Penang/Ipoh 4 nights $64.90 Thursday Cameron/ Ipoh 3 nights $39.00 Friday Oentlng 3 nlgtiu coach $59 00 Malaysia cup seml-rinal tours 3 days 4
      711 words
    • 761 22 INTERNATIONAL TRAINING CINTM LONDON INSTITUTE OF MARKETING PART 1 EXAM 10 months count Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday Friday. S 7 30 p.m. Commencing 3 July 74. hfnm Homm, Nmm Road. Singapore M J»JI7/« ACCOUNTING/ AUDITING/ ECONOMICS/ STATISTICS/ COMMERCE FINANCE July Beginners Classes preparing for we LCC 1975 examination Days/ Time Accounting:
      761 words
    • 751 22 PRIVATE SECRETARIAL COURS* Our course* are Comprehensive Rapid Reasonable fee Enrol your name at Raja's College to be sure of tucceta. Raja's College, Raffles Place (*****); Raja's. 218D Changl Road (*****8) SHORTHANO/ TYPEWRITING. No one can teach you better than we do Rapid/ Simplified Courses Success Guaranteed Moderate fee Ri-gnter
      751 words
    • 831 22 MARY CORDEIRO SCHOOL of Drtss Designing 2S-A Seah Street. Course* in Drafting. Pattern Making and Dress Designing Syllabus oased on the Katlnka Schools method. Enquiries ***** WANT YOUR CHILDREN to get scholarships through tuition Contact Michael tel *****89 Primary Secondary students COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS PRIVATE TUITION on accounting book-keeping, etc tel.
      831 words
    • 913 22 SAUNDERS JEWELLERY FROM LONDON. Latest selection of medium priced Jewellery from Saunders of Saffron Hill. London just arrived AUo Jade bangles and pendants from China, prices from ISM. Business hours Tuesdays and Fridays from 900 a.m. 900 p m All other days Including Sundays from 0 00 am 800 p.m.
      913 words
    • 800 22 OET SMART! UNIFORMS fo all your employee* male/ female, by Singapore Uniforms Manufacturers, specialising In »U types of Industrial uses, hotels, restaurants, security, etc Also badges, logos, neckties for your requirements Call ***** SPECIALIST IN: Window curtains, carpels, wall-papers, painting and flooring Excellent service guaranteed For further information contact Taranto
      800 words
    • 850 22 SERVICING ALL KINOS TV. Tape recorders. Amplifiers reasonable charges Phone S pore *****08 anytime Science Technical TV Bervlce. TROPICAL TV. DAY/ NIOHT Repair. Tel: *****2 All brands Fair charges Repair guaranteed ISTER BUSINESSMAN PRESENTLY slaying at ShangriLa Hotel Mr Samad Room 1833 wishes to make contact with exporters manufacturers of
      850 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 282 23 tones Saturday car mart UNIVERSAL CARS UNIVERSAL CARS FOR PERFORMANCE AND ECONOMY GET A FORD Escort from 58.998 51. 845/- (1< M fortlm from $12,309/--$2 AK>/- down TOP THAI'I For (iatMK laKphofM UNIVERSAL CARS 1. Thonwon Ridg.. S'por* M T»i 53(332/ *****2 Opan dally to 7 p.m. END IS7I CORTINA
      282 words
    • 219 23 REGISTERED 1972 MINI SPECIAL Excellent condition $5. 800 ono View 8-A Joo Avenue off Tessensohn/ Rangoon Road. S'pore B 1172 TOYOTA CELICA 1600 ST One owner, immaculate condition, alrcon.. sports wheels and lyres, tape $11,700 on o Contact *****0 OPEL REKORD 1000 L October 1970 vwlh alrcondltloner and radio 2
      219 words
    • 548 23 1004 HILLMAN IMP 875 cc very C condition, tyres, new paint ranee till end February Very economical Ring *****7 William IS7I VAUXHALL VICTOR with airconditioning, tax till March 1975 New tyres Contact Mr Neo 441 135 No brokers 1972 MORRIS 13M OT one owner, new insurance/ road tax Highest offer
      548 words
    • 913 23 JULY IS7O MAZDA 1000 alrcond accident free 2 owners Highest offer secures Tel. *****5 9 4.30 p m 1007 LAMBRETTA 200 $220/- View at 2SF Blk. 1 Kampong Kayu IS) near National Stadium. VOLKSWAGEN 1000 STATIONwaoon ISS7. Complete service records available. Very good condition Second expatriate owner leaving $2500 0.n.0
      913 words
    • 619 23 REGISTERED 1072 CORTINA 2000 OXL one owner returning UK Immaculate condition $6,500 View 177 Beach Road, between 2 6p.m. SELLING CHEAP 1970 Ford Capri 1600 OTL with 2-dlgit number Price $4,500 on o Interested ring ***** contact Rlngo 1004 FIAT 0000 Tax Insurance expire April 1975 Highest offer Secures Contact
      619 words
    • 463 23 OCTOBER IS7& T?VOTA COROLLA 1200 Coupe SL exce'lent condition Highest offer secures. Contact *****0 DECEMBER VOLVO 144S second car Up lop condition around $7,000 of.' rs to ***** ISM 2-DOOR OPEL KAOETT 1 107S c.c In excellent condition Oood paintwork 2 owners $2,300 Tel: ***** JULY 1070 DATSUN IMS excellent
      463 words
    • 294 23 Eflflflflflaf aL aaaaaaaaaaaaaMaL^l *J BbA-I*' B E>*4/*\ .daaaV/ EEEEt^^% p^^^HatafeßfcT V VI 4W MLi The giant of KaDTTSQBtsQsraD (~^n little Car 2M that makes you want to think small In this age of spiralling Custom molded, \ofily padded urethane foam seals fuel costs and increasing envi make driving fatigue a
      294 words
    • 29 23 m CLASSIFIED LOOOS COMPETITION SVOM 00 TO BE WON! Ar» rw uotno four compan* to** to yotml ai»H»awTltr— ato.yo» can owasr Bio Swoßs Ttwos nm»s wstc* out tot tfetaws
      29 words

  • 41 24 MR P Selvadural. MP for Kuo Chuan. will attend a variety show at Toa Payoh branch library at tonight It U organised by the Kuo Chuan community centre youth a.b-commlttee for IU members and their families
    41 words
  • 48 24 POOn Leng Cheng, 27, was found dead at the foot of Block 1 In Cantonment Road •t 240 p.m. yesterday A pair of slippers, believed to be hl». was found on the inth floor of the block Police •aid no foul play wu suspected
    48 words
  • 144 24 Record number seek SOS aid TH E Samaritans or Singapore (SOS) reported a record number of 5,000 first-time calls for the year ending May 31. So far, more than I«,*N people have called *****4— the SOS emergency number since the organisation began operations In September lMt. The average number •f
    144 words
  • 432 24 Mr Show-off that's the new S'porean CERTAIN snobbery and smugness has crept into Singapore society, a Foreign Ministry official said yesterday. "There Is a tendency for Singaporeans to show Off." said Mr. Ooh Kian Chee. assistant secretary of the Ministry's political division. "A certain kind of snobbery and smugness has
    432 words
  • 162 24 'Pay attention to regional values' QINOAPOREANS have to kJ pay attention to regional values In creating national values for the Republic, University of Singapore political science lecturer Dr. Lav Telk Soon said yesterday Olving a summary and synthesis of the preunlverslty seminar on National Values of Singapore at the Conference
    162 words
  • 53 24 THE Singapore But Service has received M applications to fill vacancies for 25 women technical apprentices, a SBS official said yesterday. He said: "We are processing the applications and hope to hold Interviews soon. We are also hoping that the successful caa4 dates can begin work
    53 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 249 24 [A Jr 1 Pick a Pretty, Practical Style 1 *^^r from our posy of casual coordinatesI T-shirt. Round neck, half eeves. with lace motif on front. Sweet -f I Knitted acrylic. Coiours navy, black and very feminine. 100% cotton. X\ mM^p^ I Isetan Original knee-length skirt with brown, cream, black
      249 words
    • 65 24 Appearing tonight H^^ QM Mlss Ul Vl HUNG HA SH Taiwan favourite 9A XH 4sr WVI t v star VI S^BB L Wlth N pi* other popular 5% Taiwan singers HH _^^H i dance hostess^ I Also on stage ran. i r i ninu Aal 9^S^9Wpps3iHwH Two sn ws n|
      65 words
    • 409 24 classified ads ACMA AIR-CONDITIONER twincool refrigerator special discount for ca>h Trade in $120 upwards. Servicing repair-rental Hi -Cool Air-runditioning i. Refrigeration (Ptei Ltd 234. Victoria Street. Spore 7 Tel *****6 FOR BALE at half price 2 ladders 1 Unitrax adding machine. 1 Imperial portable typewriter 1 NiK Cash register 2
      409 words
    • 296 24 SPECIAL OFFIR for cash sale of tanyc i "m airconJltloners ring *****4 Comfort Alrcondltlonlnß Co 285. Joo Chlal Road Spore 15 PHILIPS AAC LANGUAGE LABORATORY complete for fi M with student booths and la«Ch«r'i monitor desk Tel 63.575.S Mr Buell SHANGHAI THE POPULAR CHINESE PtANO. Troplralised tt equipped with
      296 words
    • 336 24 b^B^^f"^TP^3T^B IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT (CHAPTER 185) AND IN THE MATTER OF LIGHT ELECTRONIC INDUSTRY (PRIVATE) LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic or Singapore) (In Liquidation) Members' Voluntary Windinf-L'p At an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of the abovenamed company duly convened and held at Rooms 808/
      336 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1071 25 Anda sebagai seorang Warganegara Malaysia adalah dipelawa untuk me.igisi kekosongan didalam jawatan-jawatan yang berikut: A. JAWATAN JAWATAN PEGAWAI UNDANCUNDANG Tufas: L PEGAWAI KANAN PERANCANG CORPORATE BerUnggungjawab menentukan semua pinjaman Tumic yang diberi oleh UDA itu teriamin. Menguru* dan SrSaa K.tu. ber- -rnb.n.u surat perjanjian. Kelayakan: Kelayakan: i) Ijazah
      1,071 words
    • 663 25 UNIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA Permohonan adalah dipelawa daripada Warganegara Malaysia untuk mengisi jawatanjawatan koaong yang berikut:L Jawatan: Penoiong Pendaftar Kelayakan/ Mempunyai Ijazah Sarjana Pengalaman: Muda dengan kepujian dari Universiti yang diiktiraf serta sekurang-kurangnya pen^alaman pentadbiran selama 2 tahun, atau mempunyai Ijazah Sarjana Muda Am dari Universiti yang diiktiraf serta sekurang-kurangnya pengalaman
      663 words
    • 653 25 VACANCIES PREFERENCE TO BUMIPUTRAS Applications ar* invited for imir»diat* appointment in bi« textile mill (1) CHIEF ACCOUNTANT Degree Holder in Commerce with at leaat 3 year* experience in senior poaition of Arcounta Section in an industrial concern/Bank/Auditinf Firm (1) STORES BUPERTNTBNDCNT Oefree Holder with minimum 3 year* experience in an
      653 words
    • 717 25 KEKOSOXGAN JAWATAN KERAJAAR NEGERI SABAH. MALAYSIA STA BU: Tt/74 Pennohonan-permohonan adalah dipelaws darlpada Warganetrara Malaysia bagi JawaUn berikut dlJ aba tan PerUnlan: Jawsu* Pegawai PerUnum (Kejarasatmaa INrtMsM) Tancr* Sk*l A (TsnggS S) O*JI ($750 x6O MO/Hos SO 1150/I*oo x 80 ISOO/SekeUn Kecekapan/ I*oo x 100 1M0). Uaas* Btasany* tidak kurartf
      717 words

  • 725 26 Rice: Permits out next week •pHK Government will issue licences next week to importers, exporter* and wholesalers to deal in rice which is now a controlled commodity. The Trade Depart- f ment, announcing this yesterday, said It was now processing more than 130 appl i c a tions for licences.
    725 words
  • 42 26 POLICE yesterday appealed to relatives of Ho Keng cc. 68. who died at Woodbrlge Hospital on Jine 18. to contact Insp Wong Heng Tye, of Paya Lebar Station. Ho had been an Inmate of the hospital since 1961
    42 words
  • 44 26 THS UlnUUr for Health and Hume Affair*. Mr. Cbua SUn Chin. «U1 officiate at the forum on "Towards a Crime-Free Society at MacPtMraon community centre at t pm umamm. The forum U nrgaul— (l by the MacPheraon constituency anti-crune campaign «for^inc committee.
    44 words
  • 104 26 Teachers give 'good ties' report A REPORT pr«A pared by a 32--meraber Singapore Teachers Goodwill Mission to Indonesia yesterday described as "gratifying" the close and harmonious relations between the two countries The report, basnl on the mission's twoweek tour organised by the Singapore Chines* Middle School Teachers' I'nion. said the
    104 words
  • 115 26 JAILED FOR SELLING STOLEN FLOUR AK*AN was yesterday jailed for three months by a magistrate's court for assisting in the disposal of 130 sacks of stolen flour worth $7,280. Tang Ah Kee, 29, admitted that on May 29 he arranged with a security guard of Prima Flour Mills of Keppel
    115 words
  • 54 26 A TOTAL Of $120 was yesterday donated by the staff and officers >l the Air Budget and Contract Department HQ Singapore Air Defence Command iSADC) to the family of trishawrlder Ng Ah Leng. 36. who was killed in an accident at the North Bridge Road-Arab Street
    54 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 717 26 (isso) PROCESS ENGINEER We have an opening for the above position at our PORT DICKSON REFINERY. The person hired will be required to perform process engineering assigments under general direction with responsibility to make decisions and interpretations affecting operations, maintenance, design and economic plans. He would also utilize and develop
      717 words
    • 797 26 Asr j&\ <s£\ ARE YOU DISSATISFIED WITH YOUR PRESENT JOB? The SAFcan give you a more interesting and challenging career. So if you don't wish to waste the knowledge and experience you had during national service and want to join the SAF, send in the coupon below. Successful applicants will
      797 words
    • 290 26 e |(l Shoot an PLY' ant or an elephant... Macro Focus Sups* MF -606 rwr '*.-it^n^^^.wr aZ>* s-^^ IMS cJKH^si/^ ifc' I iJm '•<* M i P^i?MIT«XhiPW K^-^jT LiWith the Sankyo Macro -Zoom the 2* in- 1 cine camera from Omm focus to Qt (infinity) The Sankyo Macro-Zoom movie cameras
      290 words

  • 469 27 Price tagging: June 30 is the new deadline SHOPKEEPERS and retailers have been given until June 30 to put up price tags on 15 listed items —or action will be taken against those who did not comply. "From July 1, retailers not complying with the Price Control (Display of Price)
    469 words
  • 202 27 Long hair 'mark of a rebel cording to the Bing£A", »rtlcle entitled r^'i Wron y*? 7 publtohed in the latest newsletter of SANA News, says: "There Is nothing wrong provided long hair In females does not Interfere with study or work and In males does not create an image of
    202 words
  • 234 27 Seminar to boost English language in S-E Asia rpHE Regional English Language Centre 1 will hold an English teaching seminar from July 23 to 27. The seminar U on Recent Development and Research In Reading Relevant to the Teaching and Learning of English In South-east Asia. It Is for senior
    234 words
  • 28 27 MR Teo H«a Wue. police public relation* officer, will •peak on Avoid Crimes in the Home at the National Library at 230 pm. on June 29
    28 words
  • 99 27 A HAPPT wedding picture of businessman, Soon Kia Wan. 30, and his wife, Guat Hwa, 28, who were brutally murdered in their TlMif Bahru flat on Wednesday night. CID officers, Investi- I rating the case have not established a motive for the murder The
    99 words
  • 62 27 THE YMCA will conduct a six-session course on fruit and vegetable carving decoration at its Orchard Road premises every Wednesday from July 10 from 7.30 9 p.m. The course leader is Mr. A. Takahashl. author of Introduction to Table Decoration with Fruits and Vegetables
    62 words
  • 205 27 TEXT FOR NEW COURSE TO BE TRIED OUT pUTURE texts for the new subject, Educar tion for Living, will be tested in some schools before they are Introduced In schools. According to Dr. Lav Wat Har. the Education Ministry's deputy director 'development), this Is to ensure the Intro ductlon of
    205 words
  • 145 27 'Let ban on Superstar stay' A CHRISTIAN church leader yesterday urged the Film Censor Board not to lift Its ban on the rock musical, Jesus Christ Superstar, despite a suggestion by other church leaders to allow the film a trial screening here. Rev. Edward Paauwe. vice chairman of the International
    145 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 559 27 AIR-CONDITIONING M\ AND \_T REFRIGERATION FOREMAN BRUNEI SHELL Petroleum Company Limited have a vacancy for an experienced Air conditioning and Refrigeration Fo.eman in their Engineering Equipment Services Department based in Sena State of Brunei Duties to supervise the work carried out by contractor s personnel on air conditioning and refrigeration
      559 words
    • 601 27 I SINGAPORE SHIPBUILDINGS ENGINEERING LIMITED I The yard wfcepe ys« nutter At a result of re-organisation and expansion w« *a*k the following personnel for our Production Division. I A. REPAIR ENGINEER I Qualifications and Experience (a) Either a Degree in Naval Architecture or Mechanical Engineering or Marine Engineering (With sea-going
      601 words
    • 14 27 TsMtw will b« no crossword until Jvty 1 fcwM or Hi* printers strike in
      14 words
    • 65 27 FORD ESCORT leads the way with the most impressive figures ESCORT TUDOR $8,999/- nett p ESCORT 1100 L $9,740/- nett ESCORT 1300 XL $10,469/- nett HQPHI 59. Orchard Road. Tel *****1 .^af^r'iZ^LVW '1 Im. A tr^vJ IrC*M 1, Thomson Midge. I W*J£ W I Mn""Mf^wS**T#*** l l j[ Tel: *****2/*****2
      65 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 37 27 r > a b i, fHa r a i n ■*■■■■<■■ T I CK'TBPLA''n TP s vMa TWRrr r '««-|rfJrpr>fJn*l t ffj "ORri T*mnv »»»c»! SJ°SJV«»-r^p#J I«T >«i>ti:thdMh ARn li»*t i ckntßim nrgT MSB aßaHbXa mumrm UDOtTW f DTBJEnT
      37 words

  • 236 28  - Trainer Allan can take first two races DENNIS CHIA By EADING trainer Ivan Allan has a formidable team entered for the Perak Derby meeting and should get off the mark by taking the first two races with Paterson Tower and Time Immortal Paterson Tower came from near last to finish
    236 words
  • 1825 28 If J mm 2.15 Class 3 Div 5 6f sLammmmUa. ($8,500 $5,950 to winner) 1 Done. Baar Will i (nnodwood) Ahmad 10 0 <<S2 +14) 4f Kasaj 11 2 4TW »nt»iaeid t I New Zealand I West 5812 t 1 (f Rahman 6 I 1786 Lvety Ism. a
    1,825 words
  • 130 28 IIH iMOa jiip TIT OINNII CNIA PaUrMn Towtr Uaweortad Prld* of Oalwar TMno limnrwi Turn Ob Archibald 1 rt—auit Palirtoti Tower Prld* Of Oalway ■■Irrni T«mr Piccadllljr R*«ai ■tar Tim* Immortal AdumoMt Searkt Baroa t Tim. ImwUl Turn On Bcarltt Baroa S 4 tSSm Oraccful ttyU Vuli c*unt Advtnturaaa
    130 words
  • 202 28  - On good track Scarlet Mandarin is hard to beat EPSOM JEEP By CCARLET Mandarin will be hard to catch on a good track in Race Three at Ipoh today. This flyer won twice early in the season and has clocked lm 12 4/5 for the Bukit Timah 6f. Top bets
    202 words
  • 794 28 RACE 1 2.66 CLASS I DIV. 1 IF 1 Leonardo ».e« R*)oo g t Warpath IH Hamaa 1 3 The Jagmr 1.67 Paimere 16 4 Texa. II 8.64 McClrme IS 5 Permata Kaeamg UI S.6S Staples 11 6 Rommel S.M M. lamail 11 7 Fall Tilt 6.63 WUsen
    794 words
  • 611 28 C-in-C shows top form in workout pOMMANDER IN v CHIEF II showed top form for the 9f Perak Derby Trial (Race Four) at Ipoh tomorrow with a first rate workout on a good track yesterday, reports EPSOM JEEP. Ridden by George Pod-mr.-e, the useful Oveyear -old beat Chaya Timor II
    611 words
  • 1430 28 Race 1 maswin: Twice placed early In saaaon; second with It to Piccadilly II Div 6 «f XL Jan 26 creditable showing looka well after let-up; can surprise. unescorted: Ran on when suth Dlv Tf B. Timah May 23; showed promise Brat atart Dlv 6 Sf Pit
    1,430 words
  • 162 28 f ONDON. PTI. Anak Ma- Uysla. owned by Mr. Lim Chool Seng of Malaysia, finished third In the 8f Royal Hunt Cup at Ascot on Wednesday He finished three lengths behind the winner. Old Lucky, and a length behind the second horse. Fabled Diplomat, in the 30--horse
    162 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 58 28 1 NUTRITION FOOD! |j IQF^M JX IWrt I SSSSSaisSSSSsf Ii i.i aii f sjusji '■S'H |\J |_^^fc BalalsSatSa^ __.^aaaalalSSSSSalsalSSa^^ Better flavour and nutrition No stirring, no boiling, can't over-cook Only a few cents for one whole day's cooking 0 Guarantee for one year. Sole Agent r^jfi^v SOUTH WIND SON. BHO
      58 words
    • 102 28 ■I I I 111 i^l|l How to get Colour TV and keep your bank balance black and white Everyone knows that colour TV sets cost a d th. coupon below .t H *<* fortune. Rentacolor has now changed all this. For iZOO a day, j,^ Mr/Mrl/|IiII j Rentacolor will give
      102 words

    • 222 29  - Civilians meet Negri in first Cup match G. ROBERT By SINGAPORE Civi- lians, runnersup last year, will open their Malaya Cup rugby campaign this year with a home match against Negri Sembilan on July 13. SRU will hold its first trial to pick the team for this match at Tanglln
      222 words
    • 308 29  - Smiles in S'pore camp after two early shocks JOE DORAI By pENANG, Fri. Singapore Malaysia Cup team officials received two shocks when they arrived here last night but the intervention of Mr. Loh Hoot Yeang, the FA of Penang president, brought smiles to their faces today. Shock number one was
      308 words
    • 340 29  - Play fair, play hard and play to win... TEOH ENG TATT By DLAY FAIR, play hard 1 and play to win that is what Singapore's Malaysia Cap soccer team most do when they take the field against Penanf at City Stadium, Penanf. tomorrow night (kickoff B). Their spirited and determined
      340 words
    • 64 29 MUNICH. Fri— The remaining ant rvaod Urn: Tomorrow: Australia Chile (Berlin lt-M pjn, East Germany t West Germany (Hambnrc Z a-m. Jrnne 23); Zaire v BraaU (Gctaenklrcben II.M pjn.l; Scotland t YagaeUvm (Frankfort II.M lUM). Sunday: Balgaria v Holland (Dortmund lt.M p.m.l: Sweden t L'rmgvay (Daaseldorf I».JS pjß.)
      64 words
    • 651 29  -  ERNEST FRIDA By JAPAN'S Asian Games representative Yasushiro Kikawa graduated from pupil to star at the National Stadium yesterday when he outjumped his coach Shigeru Takum in the pole vault event with a record leap of 4.90 m (16ft {in) on the first
      651 words
    • 949 29 FATEFUL WEEKEND FOR 11 COUNTRIES TWO in, three out and 11 still hoping—that is the state of the World Soccer Cup finals today as the surviving teams prepare for a weekend which will decide their fate. Favourites West Germany and Olympic champions Poland, the only teams to
      Reuter  -  949 words
    • 348 29 LOS ANGELES. Fri New Zealand's John Delamere will be the most watched athlete today on the first day of the Amateur Athletic Union's Track and Field Championships. Delamere, the world's first world-class somer*aulting long Jumper, d| d 25 feet 64 Inches with the technique
      348 words
    • 206 29 I ONDON, Fri. Fngland shrugged oft* the early loss of their first day heroes, Dennis Amiss and John Edrich, to give the Indian bowlers another hiding in the Second cricket Test at Lord's here today. Mike Denness and Tony Orelg stepped boldly into the gap left
      206 words
    • 61 29 ENGLAND Ist kuu (overnight 334 for one): D.L. Amiss lbw b Prasannai lit D. Ltoyu I aolkar b Prasanna 46 J.H. Edrteh lbw Bedl M M. Dcnnees not out 117 K ftatcher o Solkar b B*dl 15 A.W. Gr«ig c and b Abtd All 106 A Knott not cut
      61 words
    • 84 29 R. NATHAN scored twice to steer Metal Box to their third straight win In the Singapore Business Houaas Football League and Cup Div S at Firm- Park yesterday Metal Box won 2-1 against Singapore Olasa. who netted through Ahmad Awang In ano'her Div. 3 match
      84 words
    • 44 29 JOHANNESBURG. PH. The Quaggas. an in Tit*tion Rugby Union Club, yeaterday said that tit* Government had turned down a request for permission to Include a Black winger In 1U White aide to meet the JarIng British Lions her/ on June 27 Rcuter.
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 19 29 LATEST— England €29 all oat (Denness lit, Knott 26. Old S, Arnold 5, Underwood 9. Bendrick 1).
      19 words
    • 320 29  - Swimmers fail to beat qualifying marks Albert Johnson By SINGAPORE'S hopes In the swimming events at the Asian Games in Teheran do not look bright following the poor performances in the final trial at Toa Payoh pool yesterday. Sixteen swimmers, who took part in the trial, failed to beat the
      320 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 242 29 It's not the biggest car around but for a 4 door small car it's a lot more room than you'd expect _^^^^^^^b-> M^^^B^BBaaßßUuuaaußuaui saw m^m ImW .^ammammmmmmmammri i M aVmla^H*lW I jA-s^H maaaaW ml Ij| M y/^A We know we're not the biggest car around. V/ -Lgma^BaaaaaaVal sKtfaA O the
      242 words
  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 76 29 ATHLETICS BAAA Open Rd) Div. 3: Cotnex Coolrhampion&rups (National 8U- Ing System (Serai. goon) dlum 230 pju.) IRNZIR v Police (Dieppe): HOCKEY BHA League RTC v Ulu Pandan (Changl) Div. S: Anzuk v PWD (Wood- CRICKET— Anzuk v Indian lands > Prisons v Constabul- Assn. (BalesUer Rd 130 ary i
      76 words

  • 85 30 PRAYERS UNDER SECURITY VEIL KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Abdul Rasak and delegates to the fifth Islamic Foreign Ministers Conference today Joined more than t.«M Malaysians in prayers at the Negara Mosque Heavy precautions were taken Inside and outside the umbrelladomed mosque. About MO Malaysians in national costumes
    85 words
  • 37 30 BANOKOK. Frt. Mr Kukrlt Pramoj, Speaker of Thailand's National Assembly and one of the country's most Influential politicians today announced he had formed a new party to fight general elections expected later this year. Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 17 30 THE weather outlook for today from 6 a.m. to noon: Isolated showers in late morning
    17 words
  • 408 30 LONDON, m —The market a*. in cloeed low«r In llgkl Irmdlnx At p.m tbe Flnaxlai Tibmi I n«ci wu down 1.0 to M* 7. mak- I ing a n.t fall of nearly 2» polnta I ea the week Oovtrnmeot bonda wen fairly active Dealer* saM that after akowUK
    408 words
  • 45 30 LONDON. Thura.-Spot SI 00. SettleeMajt July tl 00. Au« and JaJy-Sept. JI.M MtH tt.oo. Oct Dec Hl* Jaa-Marrh 11 03. April. Jub. tmi July-Sept. U.M Oct. Dec Mll Ju March and April Junt 13» OaMftl c It. July MOO. Aik. 11. U. Market iiitdr
    45 words
  • 27 30 LONDON. m Spol buytn OTM (< »>, Mil*' iSTW IM). roroard buyers iMN i 120. Milan (MM 1201. •attltmnt UT« i+tMi. Tunaxrer am. <Dea*r»4) p.m. tea* Tw»: BMaS
    27 words
  • 51 30 KUCHINO. Frt. Twentytwo Brunei students have (led to Sarawak's fifth division, according to a Brunei weekly The Borneo Bulletin Quoted a senior Brunei Oovernment official as saying: They left because they had guilty consciences over t*ielr activities and realised they were in danger of being arrested."—
    51 words
  • 31 30 CHICAOO, m Armed only with a half-eaten watermelon, a man robbed the Illinois State Bank of Ua*****0 iS»M.MO) yesterday, and then began distributing the money on the •two*. UPI.
    UPI  -  31 words
  • 34 30 PRETORIA. Frt. Th« South African Government today announced that it Is to float the lnternalonaJ exchance value of the rand from Monday, rather than peg :t against the U 8 dollar. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 35 30 TOKYO. Frt Japan has crude oil and oil product* In •tock mouth to meet the country* demand for more than two month*, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry Mid today. UPI
    UPI  -  35 words
  • 353 30 Syria warns Israel over air raids |\AMASCUS. Fri. Syria warned today it would not tolerate new Israeli air raids against southern Lebanon, but Israel vowed to continue ita campaign to wipe out Palestinian iruerilla bases. Israel! Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin said trie Israeli and Arab positions on a peace settlement
    AP  -  353 words
  • 32 30 SARAJEVO Frt. TWO people were injured and damage was reported in several towns and villages when two medium-strong earthquakes hit the Yugoslav republics of Bosnla-Rene-govlna and Slcvenla today Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 37 30 CAIRO, Frl. IfcypOan authorities have uncovered an underground organisation said to be responsible for a tnastni at Cairo's Technical Military Academy last April, according to Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister, itomrtmth Satan Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 79 30 JAKARTA, Fri. Imrtty aatlMrtttaß in and MaUytiaVaTa sauuked an intorna Uoaal riag which print** eafutarfa.. Ini—wiaii rapiah tank aotoa. Attorney -General Alt Said announce* U4ay. The rtof had alto forced Philippine*- pcIM, Hongkong doUar*. American dollars and other eancMtca, ha added. He MM It moaUy produced
    AP  -  79 words
  • 97 30 AMERICA TO SET UP TIES WITH MONGOLIA T° KY Frl The •f United States Is on the verge of establishing diplomatic relations with Outer Mongolia. Diplomatic sources here said ambassadors probably will be exchanged between Washington and Ulan Bator within the next few months, and "almost certainly before the end
    UPI  -  97 words
  • 40 30 *-V |MM>d away prarrrmi> 21 «74 1.30 p m Mo. nl A!v«rn;n Hoapilnl Body lying In at »t. P«t»r Paul ctmnrh. Qu«n Btr»*t ma. at Mm. church Monday 230 p.m thener Iravra to C.C.X. Chr.atian Omr t«ry
    40 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 458 30 YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS through home study courses The School of Accountancy Business Studies with 60 years successful experience. offers you Courses for the examinations of: Assoc. Cert. Accts. (A.C.A.) Inst. Cost Mgmnt. Accts. (1.C.M.A.) Assor. Intnl. Accts. (A.1.A.) fnTZ^Z Cost Accts. Assoc (CA.A.) ««-i^^ last. Chid. Sees. Admins. I
      458 words
    • 52 30 M|l MMH^afaaaaaaUaaal MB aaaaaaal ~TISaSS5 aßl _aai 'i I iII IV I If i I II Ihl ul aaaH Ltl> W aaaaVAlaW I RHflfla^B* H,' w. "i ipw. H Bak—Ka^a^ata 1 f M J HlHfkafeMpHHanß BB f I ■V^aß^a'^aa^^aa^aaal I lu T Inl 1 F\ /I I Chi I Itif
      52 words