The Straits Times, 21 June 1974

Total Pages: 30
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 488 1  - BOOBY-TRAP ESCAPE LESLIE FONG and PAUL WEE Death just seconds away as police crew probe bomb By THE CREW of a police patrol car escaped death by seconds when a booby trap bomb attached to three communist flags and a banner strung from the overhead bridge outside People's Park Complex
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  • 51 1 JAKARTA. Thurs. The Shah of Iran, Mohammad Ream Pahlevl and Queen Parah Dlba will visit Indonesia in October as a part of an Asian -Australia tour, the semi official AnUn new* agency said today. Antara said the official visit was at the Invitation of President Suharto.
    UPI  -  51 words
  • 103 1 Lucy-silent witness of a double murder IJER name is Lucy, and she saw the murder of her master and mistress in their Tiong Bahru flat. Locked In her brain is the drama of the violent fight the couple put up as their killer* stabbed and slashed them In their living
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  • 468 1 Wilson to call new polls? LONDON, Thursday PRIME Minister Harold Wilson met his Cabinet today In a sharpened political atmosphere that could bring a new general election in Britain within a few months or even weeks. The Cabinet ministers were assessing the minority Labour Govern ment's weakened and uncertain p-.sltlon
    Reuter  -  468 words
  • 38 1 ZAMBOANOA CITY. Thurs. Armed forces In the Zamboanga sector have been placed on "red alert" against possible Muslim rebel attacks in connection with the opening In Kuala Lumpur tomorrow of the Islamic Foreign Ministers meeting.
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  • 28 1 PARIS, Thurs. Prance today raised bar bank rate from 11 per cant to a record 13 per cant In a mova to combat runaway Inflation. UPL
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  • 58 1 JAKARTA, Thurs— A new agreement on Indo-nesian-Singapore Joint naval patrols In overlapping territorial waters Is expected soon. Defence and Security Minister Oen. Maraden Panggabean said here today. A Singapore embassy spokesman said talks were being held between the two countries. "Nothing has been finalised yet, but an
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  • 55 1 CAIRO. Thurs. Cgypt Foreign UlnUter. Mr Ismail Pahml. said yesterday ha would fly to Moscow shortly for talks with his Soviet counterpart, Mr. And r at Oromyko, on relations between the two countries. Mr. Pahml was addressing a meeting of top officials of the Arab Socialist Union,
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 39 1 TOKYO. Thurs. 8ovl«t reconnaissance piano flew namr Japan's territorial air limit ow Urn Japan Sea ywterday and today in an i.pparcnt attempt to collact radioactive tall-out from Chinas latest nuctaar teating, the Air SaU-Daftnca Force raported. UPI
    UPI  -  39 words
  • 118 1 LONDON, Thurs. Three national dallies, the Times, the Financial Times and the Dally Mirror printed only a few copies today because of a printers strike. The printers' union the Society of Oraphlcal and Allied Trades, (SOO AT) —ordered all its men to quit work
    AP  -  118 words
  • 215 1 Bhutto tells of plot to kill him TSLAMABAD, Thurs. 1 Prime Minister Zulflkar All Bhutto recalled today that Pakistani Intelligence agents foiled a plot to assassinate him at an Islamic summit conference he hosted last February In Lahore. Mr. Bhutto told the national assembly the plot was initiated by AJmal
    Reuter  -  215 words
  • 47 1 ROTTERDAM. Thurs. An explosion rocked the huge Roygl Dutch-Shell refinery »t Pemis near Rotterdam this morning. Initial reports said five people were Injured. The blast In a naphta cracking unit was Immediately followed by a fire, which U not yet under control. AP.
    AP  -  47 words
  • 45 1 NSW YORK, Thurs— Dow Jones arerages. based on first hour of trading on the New York Stock Exr-hang*. 30 Indus 826 03. down 0.06: 30 transp IBS 91. down 0 12: IS Utlla 69 85, down 0.29 66 stocks *****. down 0.19 UPI.
    UPI  -  45 words
  • 587 1 Asri says 'sorry' over that remark XL ASSURES BANGKOK: NO MEDDLING INTENDED KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday THE Malaysian Foreign Ministry and Malaysia's Minister for Lands and Special Functions today expressed regret over the misunderstanding which had arisen from Datuk Mohammed Asri's comments of June 13 on Muslim secession in Thailand. Datuk
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  • 88 1 Locust swarms head for India YEW DELHI, A1 Thurs. An invasion of locusts Into India from Pakistan is expected later this month or In July, an Indian Government agency warned. A swarm had been spotted In Pakistan flyIng eastward, and widespread rain In the Indian state of Rajasthan had made
    Reuter  -  88 words
    • 62 1 BANGKOK, Than.— Three passengers were killed and 14 wounded when Muslim separatists opened fire with automatic weapons on a train about 40 miles north of the Malaysian border today, police said. The attackers raked the train with heavy automatic weapons fire only a vaarter
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    • 55 1 LONDON. Thar* Premier Wilson today scotched speculation about a July election. "I would not think it Uktiy that a rmimendatlon will be made for a July elect tea." he told the hut of Common*. He Mid he had "no Immediate Information" on the timing of an
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 69 1 JUDGING PUPILS BY MARKS IS A SIN: DON Pane 6 COMPANIES In Britain warn Wilson 2 FUBLISHER says sorry to Dewl Soekarno t PARTIAL eclipse of the sun: Picture 6 COLOUR TV: Brisk sales of sets 7 COST of RTS live 1 World Cap telecast 11 LEE interviewed In London
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    • 79 1 TELEPHONE DAY NIGHT e.*.TT!Lr J*****0 *****0 SINGAPORE 53! 911 K. LUMPUR ***** ***** IPOH ***** ***** I I PENANG ***** ***** kJOHORE 5474 M ■SS^^^^^^V .^BSBBBBSV I BBSSSSSSsW s^Hs^^w^m^B sH^L^LHisV Make safety and security a part of your plans too! As many other responsible people are doing. Open your OCBC
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  • 289 2 LONDON, Thurs. Industrial leaders warned the Government last night that mass unemployment will sweep Britain this winter and companies will go bankrupt If statutory pay controls are abolished while prlc curbs remain. The warning by the Confederation of British Industry, which represents some 12,000 British
    AP  -  289 words
  • 30 2 JAKARTA. ThUTS. Eight Taiwan fishing boats nave been detained In east Indonesia, for fishing In Indonesian waters lll*gall> Krar-Adm Suaaryo Mardi. the East Indonesian Maritime cemmander said today.
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  • 167 2 WHEAT SALES TO CHINA RESUME SOON WASHINGTON. Thurs. The- US Agriculture Department said yesterday t'S wheat shipments to China are expected to be resumed soon, thanks to a new smut detection programme. Last February. China refused to accept a series of wheat shipments worth about USs24* million (***** million) because
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • Straits Times World News
    • 300 2 LONDON, Thurs.— The United States, after striving for better transAtlantic consultation, kept secret from the European Allies Its offers to help Egypt and Israel with nuclear technology. British authorities, who reported this today, are trying hard not to take too tragically what they
      Reuter; AP  -  300 words
    • 445 2 War if Egypt makes N-arms: Sharon ISRAEL WON'T HAVE ANY CHOICE, WARNS EX-GENERAL WHO LED THRUST ACROSS CANAL HAIFA (Israel). Thursday Sharon, the retired general who led Israel's invasion across the Suez Canal in the October War, said yesterday Israel would be forced to make war if the Egyptians developed
      Reuter; AP  -  445 words
    • 116 2 NO N-ARMS FROM U.S. REACTORS, SAYS Dr. K OTTAWA, Thurs. Egypt would not develop nuclear weapons using the nuclear reactor the United States agreed to sell last week, US Secretary of State Dr Henry Kissinger said yesterday. Dr. Kissinger told reporten: "There Is no possibility that Egypt can develop nuclear
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    • 30 2 RIO DE JANEIRO. Thurs A BrasllUn judge will open a hearing today to decide whether British train robber Ronald Blfgs U to be deported, court sources said. Reuter
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 121 2 MOSCOW, Thurs— The body of Marshal Oeorgl Zhukov will He in state in Moscow today for Russians to pay their last respects to one of the great heroes of their couiurys right against Nazi Germany. Tass news agency anounced that the 77--year-old marshal who died on
      Reuter  -  121 words
    • 100 2 LONDON. Thura. Royal Air Force transport planes will deliver 10 more trucks and 10 land rovers to faminestricken Ethiopia for the distribution of relief supplies, the RAF said yesterday. A apnfraaman amid a Belfa*t strata**; freighter tne RATi btfgaat bulk carter, will iaa*a
      AP  -  100 words
    • 266 2 Publisher says sorry to Dewi Soekarno LONDON. Thurs. a London publishing firm today apologised to Madame Dewi Soekarno for a false allegation by call dlrl Norma Lew that she had sexual Intercourse with the late President Soekarno of Indonesia. Miss Levy. central figure in a British sex scandal involving a
      Reuter  -  266 words
    • 29 2 PEKINO. Thur». Talks hare between Japan »H China on a new fUherte* agreement have been adjourned without full agreement being reached. Japaneae sources aald here today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  29 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 129 2 H^ftli^lH^HKv a^B iWZr IF/ VI iflKaSk mtM/ ff ■V f W vl Fg^**^ ft 1 Mr"- r 1 jsvt .^H BSSV 1 gs'frflavW^F Sflgr BBBk f^SSJf t Jars-: ft L IVjiV V \jW__ jS^^L VS^wJß«^a^X .a 4 A *C/jj^\^^^«PfsM^»T\J«r» »_S Wm^ j^K' g^g^g^t/^^ga^g^r 1 H I It^bP# V^^*^^L^g*^B^al *f *X'■
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    • 105 2 Superior Training backed by 25 years of expertise and unsurpassed facilities for study and research contribute to fashioning the most sought after Secretary the Stamford Secretary (epitomising excellence in Secretarial skills) Whan you quality as a Stamford Sacratary you obtain an internationally validated internal Diploma awardad in collaboration with external
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  • 274 3 VIENNA, Thurs. So- vl et Prime MlnUter Alexel Kosvgin yesterday called for closer Integration to help East European nations meet j their long-term energy i needs. He told the ninenation communist Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON) at a meetIng in Sofia that "aUround co-operation" was needed to harness
    Agencies  -  274 words
    • 487 3 OTTAWA. Thursday fHE Atlantic Al liancc. which two months ago celebrated its 25th nnniveisary on a sour note, received a fresh injection of confidence at this week's Nato foreign ministers session here. Ministers and officials hailed the pew declaration of Atlantic principles, approved by the
      Reuter; UPI  -  487 words
    • 72 3 TOKYO. Thurs. A Mr was presented yesterday to the International Eyn Bank In Sri Lanka by Japanese Lions Clubs In Numaza and Kurashlkl as thanks for the rionatlon of a human ccme*. ihe Sri Lanka Embassy said The come* ws» donated by a Sri Lanka
      AP  -  72 words
    • 198 3 10,000 Reds threaten Kompong PHNOM PENH, Thurs More than 10.000 communist-led Insurgent troops were threatening Cambodia's only deepwater port of Kompong Som. 165 km (110 miles i south-west of the capital, according to military sources here. The sources said yesterday two government positions on the outskirts of Kompong Som had
      Reuter  -  198 words
    • 117 3 Mail strike causes big pile-up SYDNEY. Thurs. Postal services in Aus tralla's biggest state of New South Wales were still at a standstill today with more than 40 mil lion articles of mall held up because of an Indus trial dispute over a wage claim. Postal workers are weting as3o
      Reuter  -  117 words
    • 197 3 COAL CRISIS HITS STEEL INDUSTRY TOKYO, Thurs. A leading Japanese steel industrialist said today the Japanese steel industry might be compelled to reduce production because of a shortage of coking coal. Mr. Suburo Tanabe. senior managing director of Nippon Steel Corporation, said In an interview with the economic journal Nlkkan
      Reuter  -  197 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 173 3 ■"■P^^lev >^ °V %r^r VICTOR has a way with figures Available at all leading authorised dealers Scott SC English Limited 154- 170, Clemenceau Avenue, M G Centre, Singapore 9 Tel *****1 10 Lines) Scott SC English (M) Sdn. Bhd. Kuala Lumpur Tel *****. ButterworthTel *****. Ipoh Tel: ***** With offices
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    • 399 3 f COLD STORAGE CORN OIL mazola u.s.a. i c.v. 13.50 GO METRCCOMPETmON. lt#nAUmgf> MILK POWDER anchor fu c J^!^ CLEANSER m i_ s. 1.30 From 10th -27th June only. INSTANT COFFEE Nescafe (io X 2«3 f 6.90 COFFEE MATE carnation u.s.a. (iiw)3i2i 2.30 ;—;:—>« '^m^zm^.'**********, TOILET SOAP camay 2
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    • 137 4 Indonesia studies joint gold projects JAKARTA. Thars.—Minister of Mines Mohammad Sadli maid today that six foreign companies, two British and four Australian. had applied to eater Into Joint ventures with Indonesian companies to exploit gold. Speaking to journalists after a visit to the state-owned Gicikotok gold mine, Sadli said It
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    • 578 4 Strained Nixon-Dr K ties a 'myth': Haig 'RELATIONSHIP IS JUST FINE' WASHINGTON. Thursday A WHITE House official rejected as "mythology" reports of strained relations between President Nixon and Dr. Henry Kissinger over the Secretary of State's threat to resign unless cleared of allegations that he initiated government wiretaps. "The relationship
      NYT; UPI  -  578 words
    • 80 4 BONN. Thura. Wast Oermany yeaterday vetoed a t-yttay Common Market contribution Of UBSBOO million 811.200 million) to a United Nation* fund to help the poorest developing countries meet mounting oil coats. Oovrnment spokesman Mr Armin Oruenewald tojd a Press conference after a Cabinet meeting: "West Oermany
      Reuter  -  80 words
    • 52 4 DAR E8 SALAAM. ThUM Tanaanus President Julius Nyerere opened the sixth Pan- African Cbngrees rerterday %lth t call for nonrartallam among black*. Several hundred delegate* from America, Europe, North and South America,, tha Caribbean and the South Pacific wul begin the real buslreax of the nlnaday consreas
      AP  -  52 words
    • 280 4 'Fruitful' talks by Schmidt, Wilson on economic problems DONN, Thurs. British Prime Minister Mr Harold Wilson said that he and the new West German Chancellor Mr Helmut Schmidt, examined the economic problem"? of European countries "in great depth" in their two-and-a-half hour meeting yesterday morning. "We had very deep and
      Reuter  -  280 words
    • 104 4 8th remand order on Godber LONDON. Thurs. Former Hongkong Police Superintendent Peter Oodber was again remanded In custody for a week today at London's Bow Street Magistrates' CourtThe bearded 52-year-old Oodber. made a M-aecond appearance In court, his eighth since he waa arrested or. April 39 at iua English country
      Reuter  -  104 words
    • 406 4 NIXON'S TAX PAPERS EXAMINED WASHIMGTON. Thura ¥>R£SIDENT Nixon's in- come tax returns will come under scrutiny today by the Congressional committee investigating whether grounds exist for the President's Impeachment. Earlier this year. Mr. Nixon was assessed and paid U8»M7,000 (811.130,800) In back taxes, following a finding by a special Congressional
      Reuter; NYT  -  406 words
    • 63 4 ANKARA. Than. Tfcre* people were reported kilted aa4 handreds left haiale— Udar when tlMda rnc«l(ed the central AaatoUan town of UrtkkaJe. M kilMMtrea (M atflea) tut of here. The Cmww «f Ankara. Serif Tnten. a*ld that the Dettoc Wtct overflowed its hanks after three kawt of torrenUal
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 657 4 1 I ll Bata School Shoat art mada from tha batt quality fUT^I ||n| -F"\ I canvas material! with durable PV C. »oU datiortad K 1 E "^^at^^Tl i\*-*" to withstand and roughest treatment of tha most W _/y S\jQ aoanjatic child. Thay'm alto denoned to allow S^L^B -rNr//\) 1/r'A
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    • 51 5 artist's concept on how the Boeing 747 jumbo jet will carry the space shuttle Or biter piggy-back style. The National Aeronau- tics and Space Administration announced that it would use the 747 for shuttle approach and landing tests and to transport Qrbiter across the country. UPI
      UPI  -  51 words
    • 236 5 Cairns secret dossier: Call for inquiry CANBERRA, Thurs. The Australian Labour Government Is today conducting an inquiry into the leaking of an alleged security Intelligence dossier on the Deputy Prime Minister, Dr. Jim Cairns. The federal AttorneyGeneral, Senator Lionel Murphy, announced the lnvestiication following publication of the report Yesterday in
      Reuter  -  236 words
    • 60 5 BORDEAUX (Prance). Thurs An inquiry into a major wine scandal involving the doctoring of millions of bottles of Bordeaux wine ha. c led to fraud charges against 18 shipper* Justice sources said yesterday. Those expected to face trial in October include two of the most illustrious figure;
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 200 5 PARIS, Thurt. A prominent Catholic lay movement yesterday called for separate Inquiries by the Interior Ministry and French bishops Into the death of Cardinal Jean Danielou, who was stricken by a henrt attack in a Parts nightclub dancer's apartment. The circumstances surrounding the 69-year-old
      Reuter  -  200 words
    • 253 5 US experts tell of 'fratricide' snag WASHINGTON. Thursday 'pHK I'nited States Air Force has concluded that the effectiveness of multiple nuclear warheads in attacking enemy missile silos may be limited by an explosion phenomenon not previously known or fully understood. In this
      NYT  -  253 words
    • 99 5 S'PORE LOSE TO IRAN NICE. Thura. The Singapore team suffered its first defeat in finals Group D of World Chess Olympiad t the hands of the .rani an team yesterday. At close of play we had lost the first two boards but It is likely that Lee Cbee Seng will
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    • 32 5 LA PAZ Bolivia). Thurs Unconfirmed report* circulated here yesterday that ■n unspecified Incident on the border between Bolivia chile had prompted both ountrles to mobilise troops n the reelon
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    • 105 5 Govt accord on economic curbs ROME, Thurr Italy's frail coalition Government has succeeded in Patching up its differences and has agreed on a series of tough economic measures to halt the nations slide towards bankruptcy. After a Unae nine day* of Political consultations Prime Minister Mariano Rumor •nnmincud shortly before
      Reuter  -  105 words
    • 76 5 Police guard for China display OSAKA, Thurs. A special guard office was set up today at Ihe Osaka site of Japan's 1970 World Expoiitlon where the monthlong Chlnest exhibition Is *cheduled to open on July 13. Police fcald Uie office, with a staff of i4O policemen. Is expected to guard
      Reuter  -  76 words
    • 162 5 SECRET SERVICE KEEPING EYE ON FORD'S DAUGHTER WASHINGTON. Thurs. The Washington Post said today that the Secret Service considered Vice -President Gerald Ford's IS-yea r o I d daughter Susan a possible "Patty Hearst-type" kidnap target and has assigned her special protection. She is the only one of Mr. Ford's
      Reuter  -  162 words
    • 288 5 UNITED NATIONS. Thurs. SecretaryGeneral Kurt Waldhelm yesterday recommended that the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) consider next month the immediate establishment of a 25--member commission to draft a code of conduct for multinational corporations and governments they deal with. He also urged the setting
      Reuter  -  288 words
    • 169 5 Russian doctor captive of rebels freed BANGKOK. Thurs. A Russian medical doctor who was captured more than a year ago by Burmese rebels along the Thai-Burm-ese border was brought to Bangkok today after being freed. 8..r1s Orlgortvlk. 34. was released by the Burmese rebels along the border yesterday and arrived
      AP  -  169 words
    • 180 5 Hopes of pact on sea law recede pARACAB. Thurs. v> The third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea opens here today with 1U president already expressIng scepticism that the 10- week session can produce agreement on a new treaty governing twothirds of the world The conference bead.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 182 5 introducing a new lighter cooking oil at a lower price No heavy,o«y taste. Easy to digest: Higher in poly-unsaturates Lower in price: New Lady's Chace Pure Vegetable New Lady's Choice Pure Vegetable New Lady's Choice Pure Vegetable New Lady's Choice Pure Vegetable Oil is so pure and light, there's no
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  • 205 6 Suharto visit: Talks on to finalise plans TALKS are going on here and In Jakarta to finalise an itinerary for President Suharto's visit to Singapore in August. Although no date has been fixed, the visit is expected to take place In the third week of August. Taking part In the
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  • 27 6 THE YMCA will hold a 37-leaaon course on photography for beginners un Tuesdays and Thursdays The fee Is $50 for members and SSS for non-members
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  • 498 6 Judging pupils by marks is a sin— don A UNIVERSITY of Singapore don told 700 principals and teachers of primary schools yesterday that to measure a child's ability and talent by marks alone was an ''educational sin. Prof. Wu Teh-Yao, head of the Political Science Department, said Education for Living,
    498 words
  • 52 6 Lapse of 'cured addict A RECENTLY discharged Inmate of the 8t John's Island drug rehabilitation centre was yesterday fined »900 by the First Magistrate's Court for having four MX pills along Paya Lebar Road at about 10.40 ajn. on June 6. Mahmood Marlcan. M. a hotel employee, pleaded guilty to
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  • 28 6 PDTANCB Minuter Mr Hoo Bui Sen win attend Uv Singapore Institute of VUui•fwaent's annual dinner at Shangrl-LA Hotel's TmngUn Room on July 17 at p m
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  • 218 6 Missing $75,800 ship stores: Captain denies charge captain of an oil tanker yesterday x denied in the Second District Court a charge of misappropriating $75,855 worth of spare parts and scrap from his ship on March 3. 8. H. Bhatia. 40. was alleged to have disposed of the spare parts
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  • 107 6 RESPONSE TO BUDGET AID OFFER NOT BAD T<HE Consumers Asso- CASE) has received a "reasonable" response to Its offer of budget forms to aid housewives fight Inflation. IU executive secretary, Ivan Baptist said CASE received a total of 28 aprllcatlons since the ptfer «as made by Dr Ngak 81ang. chairman
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  • 73 6 ONO Chin Soon, 16 was fined $450 by the Tenth Magistrate yesterday for three traffic offences. Ha was fined »150 for driving a car along Stanley Road on Jan. So at 4-50 p.m. without the owner's umaanl and SIM on each, charge of not
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  • 53 6 THUrVTB broke Into the I Office of Partners Aluminium In Kmmpoog Ann* Aoad between p m and T pjn. on Tuesday and stole otto* equipment worth a toUl of M.830. The theft wma discovered by the Ann* director Mr. Ton* Koh Tone. M, on Wednesday at
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  • 199 6 SOME 000 Housing Board flat owners In Tanjong Rhu yesterday appealed to the HDB to reconsider Its decision to Increase the service and conservancy charges This followed an emergency meeting of the Tanjong Rhu Housing Estate Flat Owners Association which dl.«ussed on Tuesday
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  • 83 6 2,000 VC men to join CSF ranks rB Vigilante Corps will hold a parade to mark the official expansion of the Community Security Force to 6,000 members at the Police Academy on June 29 at 5 p.m. Man than 2.000 national astTtcemen being drawn into the CBT will take part
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  • 68 6 Course on magic at YMCA MR. Tan Bah Chee will conduct an eight-session course on magic at the Orchard Road YMCA every Sunday from 145 p.m. to 3.45 p.m. start'ng July 7. Student* win be able to tern bttween 40 and M tricka with playing cards, coins, cigarettes, handkerchlrvM. paper.
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  • 228 6 rHS picture of a partial eclipse of the son was taken yesterday by Straits Times tame'aman Vow Yun Won outside Times House at about noon. Mr. Tow and another co 1 1 eag a c stationed themselves at River Valley Road with telephoto lenses and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 476 6 Hie world's first fully programmable pocket calculator is just one example of the kind of calculators we offer. c Our new HP-65 fully programmable pocket calculator lets you write, edit and record programs up to 100-steps long without knowing a special language. It's one of a full line of Wt
      476 words

  • 262 7 Common pay pact for all insurance workers likely A COMMON collective r\ agreement with identical terms and conditions for all their employees may be adopted py Insurance companies In Singapore. It Is understood 18 companies affiliated to the Singapore Employers Federation are studying this idea. Mr. 8.8. Sharma, general secretary
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  • 37 7 TWO men were Jailed for one month each by the First Magistrates Court yesterday for entering Singapore last May without valid permit. hamld bin Othman. 19 and Ah bin Mohammed. 21. pleaded guilty.
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  • 218 7 Wife falls to her death after row A HOUSEWIFE Jumped to her death after a quarrel with her husband over another woman in his life, a coroner's court heard yesterday. Lav Cho Poh, 24. a car park attendant was found dead at th; foot of block 120 In Buklt Merah
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  • 84 7 Two fined $800 for opium offences TWO men were fined a total of $800 by the First Magistrate's Court yesterday for smoking opium and having opium utensils in a house In Johore Road at about 11.25pm. on Wednesday. Th<*v pleaded guilty. Sect Kirn Seng, 42. was fined SSOO for s-noklng
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  • 154 7 OFFSHORE OIL: BRITISH BID TO CASH IN TIHE British are trying M. to break Into the South-east Asian offshore oil industry In a big way. An eight-man oil Industry mission which arrived yesterday believes that Its North Sea exploration experi ence would be useful to offshore drillers In this part
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  • 23 7 THE Tanjong Rhu Housing Estate Flat-Owners Association wIU celebrate lti second anniversary with buffet party at Katong community centre on Sunday.
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  • 37 7 TAN Tec Wat, 14. was fined 11.000 by the Pint Magistrate yesterday for using hlr house In Kampong San Ten; as a gambling den at 8.10 p m. en April S. He pleaded guilty.
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  • 103 7 AEB to hold 20 courses in 6 months THE Adult Education Board will conduct about 20 courses from next month to December this year. They Include two courses on permanent wave hairdressing and bartering (tarring on July IS and 30 respectively at the AJSB's Mountbatten centre In Dakota Crescent. The
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  • 68 7 ONE* Hong Co. (FU) Ltd. will celebrate 1U 4Oth anniversary with a cocktail party and an exhibition of Chinese carpet* at the Victoria Memorial Hall on July 6 between 1 p m and 4 pjb. The times for the weeklong exhibition will be from 2
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  • 283 7 A RE you about to give •fa. up trying to get your screamtnr tearful child into the dentist's chair? If you are, then relax. Help Is on the way. Dr. John Hartland. 72. Is In Singapore to introduce,
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  • 193 7 Colour TV: Brisk sale of sets six weeks to go before Radio and Television Singapore introduces colour TV programmes, local dealers report brisk business in colour TV sets. As many as 1,000 sets have already been sold and installed in homes, they said. Philips reported that 900 of their original
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  • 73 7 Film show on paperwork at NPB THE National Productivity Association tNPAi will show a film on Industrial engl n c c ring called Looking pt Paperwork for its members at the National Productivity Board's theatrette in Jurong on June 28 at 5.30 p.m. NPB Industrial engineer Mr. Wee Yue Chew
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  • 270 7 30 boys and girls at first CC day camp ABOUT 30 boys and rirU between tfx and 12 rears of ace are now attending a children's day camp at Alexanda community centre in Mei Lint Street. The four-day camp, which began on Wednesday. Is the first organised by a community
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  • 72 7 More five-room Marine Parade flats sold DR. Yeoh Ohlm Seng Speaker of Parliament and MP for Joo Chlat, yesterday officiated at the fourth balloting ceremony for the sale of 288 units of five-room flats at Marine Parade Estate. To date, a total of a.736 flats 1164 three-room Improved flat*. 70S
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  • 38 7 THE Water Department will je laying water main* acroas Lavrnder Street, naar Beatty Rr*d. and Buklt Tlmat Road, near ilarfcmilo Road junction tooarrow. The public la advised to avoid Umm stretches to prevent traffic congestion.
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  • 150 7 FLJCE yesterday appealed to a youth, said to have been assaulted by a detective constable at the National Riadlum on May 26, to make a report at 1U Public Relations Division. A police spokesman said yesterday that the police began Investigations aiterlt received complaints
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 132 7 ZODIAC'S AMAZING RED DOT Kg m^^JUJjjjk JjJ I ssj gaMswULflrwMßswl W I •^Kfe Jkl!x m m ■wW^^^ESr Lw fm si sWsfl HMV^A'^^ gav^^v .^gKga^gf sfl IlmlW^ P^^^ZawT sfl The Distinct Sign of our Time J£^ It marks the seconds. An exclusive innovation a revolutionary W^** design in watchmaking. That's the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 258 8 Polaroid's new SX7O. UJ^^^B^* Jp^m^_z Pk. 1 I .fe s <Ji Just press the electric button and whoosh! A color picture is ejected and develops before your eyes. I L i r- l aw^' a^atfafl W^aV' W *$mM&' I^^bw^^b^bV X_ f Laaaaaam In seconds, you see the faint outlines of
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  • 263 9 Way to fight rising crime problem THE Singapore Association of Social Workers said yesterday it was the collective responsibility of professional bodies and social workers to tackle the problem of parental negligence which has t>een blamed for 70 per cent of crimes Singapore. Mr.
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  • 76 9 Probe on on baby buried 3 years DOUCE win exhume 1 the grave of a six-month-old baby in the next few days to find out whether she had been murdered. The girl, born with only one arm, was buried three years ago. Death was then given as "from natural causes."
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  • 29 9 Some 700 student* of the Hwa Chong Junior College will begin their lessons In their new 14 million college building In BuUt Tlmah Read on July 8.
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  • 59 9 TELEPHONES In the Mandal and Woodlands areas have been out of order (or three days due to a cable breakdown caused by lightning. The telephone switchboard at the Singapore Zoological Gardens Is also affected. Workers from the Telecommunication Authority of Singapore are repairing the damage and hope
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  • 241 9  - Eastern Queen to carry pilgrims to Mecca JACOB DANIEL By rE Eastern Queen of Great Malaysia Lines is to replace the flrestricken pilgrim vessel Malaysia Klta on its pilgrimage trips to Mecca from October. The 12.457-ton vessel, now a passenger liner between Singapore and Australia, will complete Its final sailing
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  • 125 9 rrS only a mx model of sex symbol Raquel Weleb but the hair still needs plenty of attention. And hairstylist and beautician, Mrs. Susan LJm. 42, spares no effort to ensure thit the locks are set to perfection. Mrs, Lim gives
    125 words
  • 388 9 Visualising: Metric Board not worried THE chairman of the Singapore Metrication Board, Mr. Baey Lian Peck said yesterday that the board was 'not unduly concerned" about the inability of most adult peope to visualise metric units. He was commenting on remarks made In the Press recently about the lack of
    388 words
  • 67 9 THE Singapore Institute of Management will conduct a course on Getting More Out of Research at Its conference room at Thong Teck Building In ScotU Road from July 16 to 30. The course, *o be conducted by Mr. Bruce Miller. will be held on
    67 words
  • 55 9 BBOUL, Thura lUnkuk Paper ManufacUlrtnc ob> amid today it hu alcned a taint ventuN eootnet with aogapore'i Kwanf be Stalppln* Co. for loftln* In IndOThe contract calk) for both partlea to put up 8*260.000 each (or the projected oparatlona on an unnamed Indonesian Uland. where Kwanf Kee
    55 words
  • 240 9 ROY to crack down on illegal lorries rpHE Registry of VehiI cles Is to crack down on unlicensed Scheme A lorries. an Informed source said yesterday. "ROY officials have tone to Jurong to observe these unlicensed lorries and action can be expected soon," the source said. "It Is likely that
    240 words
  • 20 9 KAH Motor will hold a photo exhibition at Ua showroom In Buklt Tlmah Road at 10.30 ajn tomorrow.
    20 words
  • 22 9 THE Blood Donation Centre at the Outrun Oenerai Hospital will be open on Sunday between (.30 am and 1230 p.m.
    22 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 535 9 A /ERIE/ OF TRADE FAIR/ IN DOmOAY, DURING 1974. ORGANIZED DV THE TAj fTIAH AL HOTEL An excellent opportunity for buyers to see the latest from the various Indian industries ...under one roof FIRST INDIAN AUTOMOBILE y^V^v FIRST INDIAN INTERIORS ji-JkVuUtll SPARE PARTS TRADE FAIR. /ft Al A\ TRADE FAIR:
      535 words
    • 329 9 wWV «jW^^Vf JBBHB 9HBA BHhb} SLMLv L ombtrd North Ctntrtl Httd Offict. Cur ion Sutti. L ondon Subsidiary and Associate Banks and Finance Houses: Lombard Australia Limited Canberra. Sydney. Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane. Hobart. Newcastle. Wollongong. Liverpool. GaeJong. Parramana. Bankstown. Chatswood. Penrith. Rockdale. Rmgwood, Oevonport Lombard New Zealand Limited Auckland.
      329 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 210 10 With its order of the Lockheed L-1011 TriStar, Saudi tube. There's also more room between seats, to the front and Arabian Airlines will soon be bringing a new era of quiet and sides, comfort to the 47 cities it serves on three continents. The L-1011 is also incredibly reliable. After
      210 words

  • 288 11 Price of kang kong falls 5 cents a kati THE pnc« of kang kong X dropped nve cenu to 30 cents a katl, and cucumber and long beans rose nve cents to 35 cenu a kati each, according to the Department of Trade's price list for yesterday. The prices of
    288 words
  • 91 11 AEB courses on fashion, charm The Adult Education Beard will conduct courses on Introduction to Fashion Designing, and Personal Charm and Social Graces at the Cultural Centre beginning July 11 from 7 to 9 p.m and July 15 from v to 8.30 p.m. respectively. It «1U also conduct a confectionery
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  • 55 11 THE Hello Support Group Club will hold a dim show and talk on cancer for members at its premises In Siglap Hill at 830 p.m. on July 11. The talk will be given by Mr. R. Nambiar. vice-chair-man, educational committee ol the Singapore Cancer Society and
    55 words
  • 36 11 ANOTHER 17 cases of dengur harmorrhagic (ever were reported in April, bringing thr total number of cases to 103 this year. The Environment Ministry yesterday said there have been three deaths so far.
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  • 18 11 INTERNATIONAL Computer Tournament, scheduled to be held here between July 20 and July 24, has been cancelled.
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  • 38 11 MISS Ling China Hong, of Chart on Park, Singapore, who is a business administration freshman at Berea College, Kentucky, was named to the freshman honour society Fleur de Lyt at the college's annual Women's Day banquet.
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  • 265 11 Airlines face deficit of $1,920 m AIRLINES are facing a US$BOO million (S$ 1,920 million) deficit, according lo Sir Geoffrey Roberts, president ol International Air Transport Association. Sir Geoffrey said a further Increase in air fares could help to close this gap between earnings and expenditure but airlines might have
    265 words
  • 84 11 Cup final telecast will cost $40,000 /TirLtVISION SingaX pore's direct telecast of tho Munich World Cup soccer final on July 7 will cost its sponsors about $40,#W. The telecast on Channel 5 Is being sponsored by Lonjines and Akal. In addition TV Singapore will have to pay the International Football
    84 words
  • 30 11 TAN Ah Leong. was fined $150 by the Tenth Magistrate's Court yesterday for hawking In North Bridge Road without a licence on June 6 at about 8.10 am
    30 words
  • 263 11 A new service by shippers council rjiHE Singapore National 1 Shippers Council has started a new service to Karachi, Hongkong and three Scandinavian ports Copenhagen, Gothenburg and Orlo with Chinese vessels. The council's executive secretary, Mr. Lim Sok Chek, yesterday said the monthly service, began early this month. He said
    263 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 547 11 @Multistrux JlJiSk The most versatile shelving system X W For: Living room. Children's room, Library, Office, Books, Display, Ornaments, Filing, Storage. I I^b^bT bW After 30 major international rally wins Escort has benefits you can see and feel. Wow! Ever ridden has the double safety of a dual and the
      547 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 235 11 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS our In hired vehicle (7. 8 Game one plays from 8) scratch? (8) 3 Ably grasping difficult 9 Apprehensive of a strong tracU In unwordly faatuck shton (10). 10 Beat French and Amen- 4 Temporary cessation concan politicians cemlng grudge (7). 11 Praises archbishop In the
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  • 266 12 'STUDENTS GAINING NEW INSIGHT' SINGAPORE'S educa*3 tional policy has succeeded In helping students gain new Insight Into national values, a university lecturer said yesterday. This conclusion could be drawn from essays on national values submitted recently by pre-uni-•rerslty students, said Dr. Ho Tak Chew, of Nanyang University's Department of Government
    266 words
  • 34 12 THE body of Madam Chung Scow Lan. 64, of Blcck IS. York Hill, was dragged out from the river at Kirn Seng Road yesterday Police do not suspect foul play.
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  • 170 12 Four more Freedom ships for export TURONG Shipbuilders J will deliver four more Freedom vessels costing a total of $52 million to foreignowned shipping lines next year.. The vessels, each coating $13 million, are for Mar Intercontinent, Asturiana Annadora, Centurion and Naviratora Reinante Armadora. A company spokesman said seven such
    170 words
  • 449 12  - Silent witness to couple's murder PAUL WEE By Victims' pet parrot saw the killers tomorrow. She then went Inside her flat and minutes later. I took Chia Chin for a stroll outside. "I only learnt of the tragedy when I returned at about 9.30 p.m. and heard Boon's mother scream."
    449 words
  • 156 12 Public duty to fight crime too: MP HpHE UP for Tlong 1 Bahru. Mr. Ch'ng Jit Koon said last night it was regrettable that certain Deopie still believed that the duty to eradicate crime was the duty of the police and not theirs. Opening an exhibition In connection with the
    156 words
  • 37 12 THJt finals of the Snfapore Organ Pfeatlval i»74 will t» held at the Confer«ce Hall on June 2». Tan organist* will via tor tlw Organist of tt» Yew and B«t Chlkl Organ!* award*
    37 words
  • 20 12 THE Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to *t collected Ilk 577 from atrwt coOectkxn on lv flag-day.
    20 words
  • 169 12 EXHIBITION PLAN BY WORK CAMP STUDENTS rpHE University of Sin- gapore Students Union's Work Camp committee will hold an exhibition on their camp activities for the benefit of new students who missed the camp. Disclosing this yesterday, committee chairman. Mr. Ng Huah Heng said the seminers, talks and forums will
    169 words
  • 35 12 THE numbers drawn In Toto Draw No 4S 74 were 6, 10, 47, 10 and 32. The additional number was 33. In the three circle* draw, the numbers wye 19, 33 and 10.
    35 words
  • 43 12 THE youth sab-committee of Bukit Merah Community Centre will organise a Southern lalands tour from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on July 21. Tickets at M for non-members, $5 for members and $4 for children are available at the centre.
    43 words
  • 238 12 Parade and display on first NCC Day THE National Cadet Corps will celebrate its first NCC Day with a parade and display at the Toa Payoh Sports Complex on July l at 10 a.m. The parade will be reviewed by the chairman of the NCC Council, Prof. JA. Jansen The
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 132 12 Congratulations TOSB! You have the key to efficient, modern banking in Singapore. With the installation of %f Department, of the Port IBM banking terminals at 17 *a^ of Singapore Authority, of its offices the Post Office Using PSAs powerful IBM Savings Bank becomes the first local System /370 Model 145
      132 words
    • 32 12 >\ No stirring, no boiling, can't over-cook m Better flavour«and nutrition Only a few cents for one whole day cooking Guarantee for one year. SO»« Agent tffcfifft *?PP 1"? IMS wij ijuMiinii wi
      32 words

    • 387 13 Diesel crisis likely to put students and trawling in a jam ITCALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The diesel shortage is threatening to leave thousands of school children stranded and paralyse the country's trawler fishing industry. Informed sources in the industry feel one major cause of the shortage is hoarding by some people
      387 words
    • 139 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs Finance Ministers of Islamic countries will I meet In Jeddah tentatl- vely on Aug. 10 and 11 to consider and approve the draft charter of the Isla m I Development Bank, the chairman of the bank's preparatory committee Tunku Abdul Rahman, said today. The
      Reuter  -  139 words
    • 195 13 Kidnap gang who got cold feet KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Eight year oli Man] It Singh was kidnapped from his school yesterday by three men who later released him before they could collect their ransom. Manjlt, a Standard Two pupil of La Salle School. Brickfields, was lured out of the school
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    • 28 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs An eight-member Portuguese trade mission arrived here today (or a four-day visit to Investigate the possibility of having direct trade links with Malaysia.
      28 words
    • 473 13 Multi-billion special fund to aid poor nations Saudi, Kuwait set the lead KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday •pWO major Arab oil producing countries have set up special funds involving billions of dollars to help developing nations. The Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia, Saved Omar AlSakaf, and his Kuwaiti counterpart, Shalk Sabah Al-Sabah,
      473 words
    • 139 13 Islamic agency needs $75m for expansion KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs-The International Islamic News Agency which has Its headquarters in jeddah needs 175 million Initially to be« n worldwide operation*, the agency's director-general. Mr Safdar All Qureshl. said today. "We are trying to re emit staff and get a tr an s
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 191 13 I/A POSBGOES nn-unE FASTER PROCESSING SHORTER WAITING TIME •GREATER EFFICIENCY ■JPJBlpaipjp^PJPJP^PJP^P^P^pHpjpi ON-LINE SERVICES ARE NOW AVAILABLE JH^Pb^WbPopVbk at our queenstown and toa payoh ■f i l i wm bw r central branches and at the posb HZ■! i \Wm HEADQUARTERS rildSftisfl AS FROM IST JULY A NEW AND HIGHER jViUfAf^S
      191 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 240 13 Bringing Up F«thT My Bill Kavn««h Hal Ctap X I MAP TD RFHJ«M I WHAT WAS W«ON« J~\ TH6N WH> |,l PR WgPC CXSCCVeWSP I'M M TrfE '-'"•C 6 MINI< CO* T (WITH IT? p,p yql ~->^ V^ ALLBK&C TO MiNK/ TEAKS DARUN >WU OKPSREP J I ,r^ RSTUWM <<
      240 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 427 14 THERE Is nothing in the current Thal--1 Malaysian spat which cannot be sorted out with patience, understanding ana good^i 1 on both sides. Certainly, this is nTthe time for ultimatums emotiona outbursts and vituperation, but for rea sonableness and recommitment to traditional friendship. Both countries are members of
      427 words
    • 120 14 NATO's Ottawa declaration would appear to have proved Dr. Henry Kissinger right again. Disputes between the Atlantic partners are like family quarrels, Irritating but not final, he has often said. Two major trans-Atlantic disputes were resolved this week. Agreement was reaffirmed on the need for consultation between the
      120 words
  • 440 14 Did boycott force beef prices down? NEW YORK: Beef prices have come tumbling down In the United States, but there Is a division of opinion" on the main cause. Some say It Is entirely due to a boycott. Others disagree. Housewives in a coffee drinking circle in the San Fernando
    Reuter  -  440 words
  • 619 14  -  PREM BHATIA By New Delhi INDIA today swings between hope and despair as a result of two major political developments. The underground nuclear explosion on May 18 and the breaking up of the most serious railway strike in the nations history 10 days later
    619 words
  • 1092 14  -  TSAI MAN SEERS who have peered into my palms or got starryeyed over my horoscope have with unswerving monotony declared me fickle. And i would confess their total accuracy If not for the fact that I know there is at least one constancy In my life. It is
    1,092 words
    • 176 14 rE only reliable record of the life of Jesus Christ is the four Gospels. The Gospels' account present Him as a perfect ard sinless God-Man The film Jesus Christ Superstar presents Him as one ol the lovers of Mary Magdalene a mere human who had
      176 words
    • 131 14 MR. A.B Green (ST. June 10) is using the poor response from locals to his appointment advert for a creative director as a veiled support for the motion that there is a dearth of lr.?al talent. By this line of reasoning, if few expats reply to my recruitment advert and
      131 words
    • 58 14 THERE are no complaints about the Housing Board pointblock flats at Geylang Bahru But there should be some benches and litter bins at the circular grass patch in th square. In the evenings, many residents sit on the narrow kerb. Benches at the shopping square at Kallang Bahru would also
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    • 50 14 IT Is disgusting to see uniformed personnel such as, postmen, policemen and policewomen and other non-pay-ing passengers seated in a crowded bus while paying passengers have to stand. These people should be told to give up their seats to paying passengers, especially women and children. PRO BONO PIBLICO. Sincapore 1.
      50 words
    • 39 14 CAN any of your readers please tell me why so many local cats have short tails? I realise that a number of them are born that way but why do some people chop oft the tails? CL'BIOL'S. Sincapore It.
      39 words
  • Govt replies
    • 206 14 Reasons why operations were put off INVESTIGATIONS have been made following the publication of Miss Rengayah's letter "Is this the price of being poor?" (ST., June 5). Miss Rengayah's mother Is a labile diabetic suffering from a right cataract. This lady, however, has good vision In her left eye (6/9).
      206 words
    • 77 14 PEASE refer tr. the letter by "Scorpion <ST. June 5) regarding cat nuisance at block 100, Commonwealth Crescent. Investigations revealed that some residents at the block were keeping cats. We wish to Inform that necessary action has been taken against the flat owners. Should there be a similar nuisance, readers
      77 words
    • 62 14 IREFKR to the letter "Inflation in property" (ST., June 14). There has been no report of any breach of trust or duty against any licensed house agent, as such it Is not considered necessary to require a deposit from the licensee. Your readers, however, are Invited to write to me
      62 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 10 14 carefully crafted for absolute precision Jfc >^C%^\w C^P ifcSßfcZ^-^t^^B^r CHRONOMETER
      10 words
    • 145 14 Yr* The National Theatre Trust Tl in association with the Embassy of Inaonesia^f presents M gh°cnvuo \"Jr I'TOm Indonesia :*sJE\ 26th h 27th June 1974 *'yLrrmt \^i^ 830 p.m ~^j <. v National Theatre H Ticket! $2. 3 5. .jpt, i Tj^H^National Theaf'j ffk < .1 C.X Tang. Zjmt *L^
      145 words

  • 1021 15  - Development in region depends on how HARRY MILLER 'WE'LL ALL BE DELIGHTED IF THINGS WORK OUT By LONDON, Thur«. DISSATISFACTION with the lack of British information on the timing of the withdrawal of British forces from South-east Asia, the re-entry of China into the diplomatic and economic world, the hopes
    1,021 words
  • 68 15 Of coarse One must not forget that the Labour Government rave us 1968 until 197* and the Tory Government gave us 1979. until 1974 and we have not wasted time. We have built ud a new relationship a new balance, if you will between our 1 m m c
    68 words
  • 120 15 ON CHINA, after speaking of the hoped-for results of Tun Abdul Razak's visit, the Singapore Prime Minister declared: 'If developments are as favourable, as we all hope they will be, I think all the other countries in the region will be delighted and will wish to have China participate in
    120 words
  • 46 15 MR. Urn 800 Ann hat beee otoctsd tb» dlatrtc* fo»--•moc of the Date CanMtt* Alumni AsscnaUon. Othor officials Include Mr Prsnds Bu (deputy district governor). Mr. Henry Tan (district secretary). Mr Koti Ksy Tsofc (district treasurer) and Mr. Mai^us Chan (tmmedlste district governor).
    46 words
  • 150 15 Injured widow not told of double tragedy A YOUNG woman lies Injured on a hospital bed still not knowing that her husband and 11 -day-old son are dead. Poh Slew Chong, 38, still does not know that her family was wiped out in a holiday road crash. Her husband, Hoi
    150 words
  • 38 15 SINGAPORE AirUnes and KLM will operate Joint ailcargo service between Singapore and Amsterdam from July 4. The weekly service, with a total capacity of 35 tons, will leave Singapore on Thursdays and Amsterdam on Wednesdays.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 126 15 DIETHELM SYSTEM 70 EXECUTIVE DESK You'll be proud of its good looks. Pleased with the functional design. And impressed with the specially -treated kiln-dried timber that gives it its lasting quality. System 70 Executive Desk It's the smart one for your office. A PERFECT MATCH FOR THE EXECUTIVE DESK Modern
      126 words
    • 270 15 PARKER 45 Fligliter Ithe]JLmid The Flighter fills two w*yi. From an ink bottle or with t large capjcity cartridge -.hat writes up to 10,000 words. Point assembly is easily replaceable with a choice of S point sues. Ranging /rom Extra Fine to Broad in 14 K gold. The Parker 4S
      270 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 1061 15 I TV MALAYSIA (3) fV SINGAPORE (5) 2AA °P enin '«<> PrB Fimbanjunsn 1 14 Cahayi IS3 1 A AA AM It UN Iw: Petticoat junction: Lady Doctor J.yJU gramme summary 3D Thjp Thfiin.»k.r« m rtikir Vii lvf.UU Trade md test trans i 7.18 Lensa Keluarga (Malay, repeat) he Tall
      1,061 words
    • 72 15 WATER consumption on Wednesday was 119.5 miUlon gallons <M3,tM eakae metres). 3.2 million gallons (IS.M* eakir metres). leas than on Tuesday HIGH TIDE THAT Stapaan 12.23 p« (25<ii), 11.19 p.m (2.9 m); MM KataH 11.10 i.m. (2 sm), 9 15 p.M. C.lmh Hit MOM 7.43 p.M. H IMMMV: aapmn 1
      72 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 402 16 C^_9| irf iiM'-k,ii.t.if'i:niti:ii V_jpm^^_3PTyT t S?\ 2ND BERUNTUNG !< "fj I _^Bd^^ aT MMtT -I EXCELLENCE I _«ffl #Sa= I I tf^ H W M aH W M J TjovapaxxarreCvwwarstlfc\r«rTXJSicvvith I pfy^^yjSfrW\ *s (JhMIaMKP IsuL-UUI >'-v^-^^^^ Que«nstown T«i *****6 < ir»^andContnentalfood I h NOW t W 7 N 930 frlf(xanenver(>TattheErt^)erorsßoorn
      402 words
    • 295 16 ;.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.-.%v.v.v. [j j Gunn.--.;: OPENS TODAY (no free list) DAILY 5 SHOWS AT 11.00 AM. 130. 4.00. 6.46 9.30 pm. THE INVASION IS DEADLIER THAN THE MODERN WEAPONS! j_i__^_^ KW« chiam;:| >" ail_H_r__o Sb. TOMORROW MORNING ■sT^^V SHOW AT 11 00 AM I _,ML7 _«fey PaifeS SUNDAY MORNING j iSkMOM
      295 words
    • 234 16 fiat*/ C^ Ltrtrarra/ |[j O«iklen Phiienix g| FarnMforruS-acrtjaYiartdPaluig style dshes The most popular restaurant m town K j JGbbcuaGouage i An intimate spot tor bo(h younQ and old S f Entoy your favourite cocktail to sentimental guitar music No minimum or cover charges [> x (aksamm HenovvnedforSuxxiantMCV moutrt waterng stsaks.
      234 words
    • 301 16 aj^L t f^yjl^*^y^^^W^^A^^V*e^^t^A^r^»^'^rN»*e*-VeA»T»V| 9 B _MMs|s«HeSB||PB^_MBeBVWBBJ|HBBHHPHHBBB^| unm cunuriucV 2 shows nightly;: g J NOW SHOWIN6! 7.00 9.30 pm. \\\l ADMISSION; Adults $2.00. Children $1.00 c t EMPRESS DOVWV3ER*S AGATE \ASE^^*AJ£ IShongKuonUngFurtg _^r*mJM W U HuChano W 16th SWASHBUCKLING DAY! j" 1 ftr*-k«r*|.**» wr :l 30 400 S 30 9 15P
      301 words
    • 667 16 I■■PP mcjunsnTiow JPINS TODAY No Free Lie! II am. t 45 4 00. 8 45. 9 IS Robby Benson Olynms 0 Connor JEAEMY COLOR lUAI LAOiES ONIV PREV'EW Tomorrow 9am SOLO OUT' iterate Jackson lAcademy Award WINNER (or BEST ACTRESS! George Sni..i <m "A TOUCH OF GLASS PanavtsKtn color lAVCO
      667 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 334 17 9tf VheQreatest tMusical 5; :i. *a* ion bar A 'V\ m 1 mi/. fi MARGOHAIGH VK m The Charming Singer with a Captivating Voice V JANET RAE The vivacious, infectious, gorgeous Vocalist/Instrumentalist from Australia MARGO and JANET are making the scene at the lON BAR where they're all set to
      334 words
    • 67 17 I TEL *****1 "There is mb love sinccrcr than losv c/foocirjaaShaw 1 V(t serve only gcxxl food xt i# Chalet for lunch or dinner i ObR LUNCH SPECIALS MONDAY U Steak and Kidney I Pie Ituesiky HMm Oxtail WEDNESQ\Y Pilau and Chicken [Curry THIIRSDAY Irish Stew FRJD\Y Fish Molly i
      67 words
    • 126 17 b^b^l' iIBUb! vS %gf T aJ^^IJ A. I TAI WAH DISTRIBUTORS (PTE) LTD I I i *«V«V44 114 Killiney Rd. Singapore 9 g Jfi. I lOW Tel. *****1.*****3 7\^p I IIBBBBBBBBaBaBBaBBIBBaBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIIiaJ J 24 HOURS COFFEE HOUSE W^f DAILY SPECIAL SET-LUNCH DIFFERENT MENU DAILY AT $2.90 ONLY (from 1 2 p.m.
      126 words
    • 296 17 f loot's lioppening 1 a Qinza the famous entertainment centre of Japan. Mingling and swinging with business and pleasure. You will fiftd a lot of people like them having coffee 'n' conversation at the Moby Dick. 24 Hour Coffee Shop with garden barbaque and family buffets on Saturday* ft Sunday*.
      296 words
    • 220 17 1 VICTOR MENDEZ 4 proudly present > A GRAND PUBLIC AUCTION SALE OF CHOICE PERSIAN CARPETS RUGS DIRECT FROM ISFAHAN 75 rare pieces of accomplished excellence and beauty for the discerning collector, including: 10 antique Turkestan and 5 Shiraze Prayer Rugs 3' x 5* 38-year old Superfine Silk Tree-of-Life Shah
      220 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1449 18 itiHjSBBBBI MOTOROLA Malaysia Sdn Bhd., COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION Is looking for suitably qualif led MALAYSIAN CITIZENS I for the following positions for our facility in PENANG. I I PROCESS ENGINEER I Responsible for establishing and maintaining manufactur- I ing process, writing manufacturing and material specif 1- I cations, production yields and
      1,449 words
    • 528 18 HHEI Const ruction Equipment (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. We have immediate vacancies at our new depot in Petaling Jaya for first class staff with appropriate experience in the replacement p»rts, field service and workshop functions. FIELD SERVICE AND WORKSHOP Applicants for vacancies in the above functions should preferably have substantial experience
      528 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1362 19 ajyismp som« ti w/cwnntiT arlTlHfl UlatU S>at>DO<a P. KllMf O'aurt Ittai NMia U I I KIIAHU mmnv nimm n)mM 14 >lrtr v tarf umi ii mi r lUU IIT aMM aMM II larf a lalf 14 latf II Mff I 'SuAU MAM IMU IM* MM| IM IMJ M M>» L
      1,362 words
    • 1044 19 mp BLUE SEA UNE To U.S. East CoastA Gulf Ports I'Mn P MMat Pmmi LMBMaJ ttf: MMM MB a MM a Mf 1 Cntlottl. KMJSion. PIPMM* Mf I Maa MiMal iKklOnvilk PAaTUILAM- MU 1 Ml 11 a) II t^L SZL PIIMCIH laaj 71 Ml M ifj"* 1 rIWIMH AM 14
      1,044 words
    • 986 19 |Eg^<kw!^'>^S Tt EUfPE H-ttti I'tam rM S'Mrt PMMt ICM. AatUit Frtaca ttl. ■ITAM HAM IIM 71 laaa II Mf Iliaa II a* MMA MT MMM aMM DM) aM MMk II Mf riIAAU MAM IMI t MA) KM a*Mf It M> MM LITI'PMI MT II MM II Mf lAM MAm 11
      986 words
    • 862 19 This is the flag of the Far East Europe shipping few most frequently seen on the Mediterranean. !*MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMi K FULLY CONTAINEKIZEP SEKVICE TO EUKOf E MH'miJFft wJii" 1 >UI IwttirdtM, Amstirdaa, Aitatrp, LlHirrt. •mSiiS. 2S"*. H-jUTt IrtaM. IrtMtrlMwjL Pi'Smi? Ml S ,J B^MMff. fetal. 3 n Sheaa-m, tMi. aIMMi, Mittf
      862 words
    • 744 19 aaimn 1 1)444; P. Kataaaj 4)41; K.I. *****; hata| 3SIOI. THE BANK LDfE LTD. IMK FM L I i. tfUU. TATMM (I AffKt Mffl PKtUatMPVaMa '»l TIITIAM irtlH Manual p MUai 1 aw. l«| aar MIT MM IMm. I UarMti A I Arnctl P MUat M/M Mt IM» MIMUa laaariliM.
      744 words

  • 250 20 AUTWOKITY AMHOUHCIO TNI FOLLOWING QCRTMINQ OUT: ■locaporr Brtatot Haru «/T. Aruion IS l« Bn Pninr" i«. Hanohwvrratl It. Kllaa M. Rajah Braokt 21 But. Tamil II Wtat. Rabotchaja lana B N PHaah •««ya«y»a 17 7* Dla4aaa It/W. RW VMWI 11 M Baat WorVd MM Tr»pea 44. Hoiulon
    250 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 999 20 ■-'iCAWASAKIiaSEN KAISHA LTD. MWASAKI KINUI KIS£N MISN* LTB. JAPAN. MOMCKOK. STIAITS SttVICE. nMt Htofitaf IWajaan P MMaf ajmia »ii n mm Hau-trt Japan Sar-ri— S.nftao'l FM rjMfitii aitaair aMM iimMlartarmafMW Japan Arabian Cull Stjrvia* tiaftpatt FM: ail nil MIM V 44 >MM Cona*o ■ahwtl -IWali «M OM»./DaMVa*raia aVMit/MVM/WarlMMialll. Japan Soatb
      999 words
    • 910 20 MaMMaW^VPVa^MaMMaMMaMMaMMai AKEPTIM TUCTMS, TMMS IM ITatt KMT EMNWHTS. FM SAIM AM IMMCSiA AU PUTS From HA ETD tttttaatNa LC.T. KMTT HTK Ssmc-t 7\ tan 24 laat Imtoncsii. LC.T. KMTY MT linun la Part 21 laat laagatM. IST. IEHTAP Tarawa 22JM8 Umn liMaun. LIT. MMUAH l-soanit SkM 2Slbm Manrit KMTTtHT Maxili
      910 words
    • 947 20 U.K. tmO*t SUVtCE LOADING fOt LOHOCN, ROTTERDAM. HAMMUtG. BILBAO. U HAVRE tian-art P Mlaaf Ptaaai looaoa I'M Ntar| ■mMItWUI M-ZTmi I/I** 4MI 4«JJ I IJ-, aiPTMi upniitt an a- nm ut nm ««i m mm m ly ataja Tmaiiii P KtttM PtMaa Itl Ha Ll Ntm I Ita loflaaa Bf-TMH
      947 words
    • 662 20 EXPftSS SOffnCt TO IQWOW. lIW-WII/CWTMMT PUTS T| >w banaao r> Mlaaf Ptaaa| laa*aj munuiii nmim* wui~ mim I'JfrmiimT trtma 11/1. U/l. ritarf ?l mm. «aua m mnmm jo*^ 11/1. raw w* •aaMwita i/i mj hi- «rii«-i «/'i«a Z^'ZitoT' tmmm. ■aau kmu *«ai iv« mi rJS^-tnSt' FMH IX/CwiwtMl PWH K.IKU P»aaa»
      662 words
    • 549 20 &\&rz RETRIEVAL OF Mf^k|MSUNKE ECTS ><3mffi .MBS, \Z^mJ M o* course! I m T Jaian Samulun. Jurong. Singapore 22. n v jy\\— >aT> Taiaphona *****7 > »j^^__!!*^5 > Cabtaa SALVENGER g AUCTION SALE OF aßTt^i^^^^^^T^^ Jade Jewellery comprising rlnts. brooches, bangle. bracelets and cuff-links -"rRAMA MARI To Be taeld on
      549 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 437 21 f A CHOICE FOR PROGRESS 1 Qollei INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR QUALITY CONTROL TRADESMAN/CRAFTSMAN GCE. with 2 years industrial experience preferably in the manufacture of precision mechanical components. Knowledge of precision measuring equipment desirable. PRODUCTION PLANNER Singapore Polytechnic Diploma in Mechanical Production Engineering, preferably with 1 2 years experience in similar
      437 words
    • 525 21 YUEN TUNG JEWELLERY MANUFACTURING (S) CO. PTE. LTD. AND LAI LOY (ASIA) JEWELLERY HANDICRAFT CO. PTE. LTD. in conjunction with THE INDUSTRIAL TRAINING BOARD invites applicants for apprenticeship in FINE JEWELLERY CRAFTSMANSHIP The Job Designing, setting, mounting, styling sophisticated high-grade jewellery in diamonds, gold platinum, jade, sapphires, rubies and other
      525 words
    • 611 21 Applications are invited from Singapore citizens between I 20 and 35 years of age for appointment as: INVESTIGATING OFFICERS, I Registry of Vehicles Minimum Qualifications Required: GCE 0 Level Passes I in at least 3 subjects or the School Certificate, plus a valid Class II or 111 Driving Licence. Experience
      611 words
    • 698 21 f~H SERVICE m/lllH TRAINING INSTRUCTOR We invite applicants from suitably qualified candidates with experience to fill above position. Job requirements Will be responsible to Manager-Service Training School for FAR EAST REGION. After a period of training, he will be expected to assist the Manager in all facets of service training
      698 words
    • 484 21 f MECHANICAL 1 I ENGINEER I A well established Group of Companies requires a Mechanical Engineer with the following qualifications A recognised diploma degree in mechanical engineering. A few years of working experience preferably as a maintenance engineer in a food processing or refrigeration industry. Previous supervisory experience of a
      484 words

  • 291 22 SHARE prices sank further under Increased selling pressure at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday at bearish rumours and the ovemlgnt plunge In Lon don depressed sentiment here. A selling spate In the afternoon was mainly responsible for the de cllne, but some
    291 words
    • 90 22 H. LOW —^4 Ale»n $5.14 Jl Online $3 JO IS OCBC $8 85 —.18 S. Rnlß Danlop Isd. N. Iron Wmrnes H. Par F. Lilian C. P-op. Huu (M) Bt. Semb. T. Sec S. Darby LOB Traeton M. Tobacco H. Lcon( T. Veneer H. P»r A DBS •3.78 MM
      90 words
    • 22 22 City Dev. 252.000 Saa HaMings 2427)00 Haw Far 204.000 D. S R. 144.000 Total Wmmmmn sum Total Vahtc: W.55M
      22 words
    • 60 22 nee. M. 1M« IM f Dec. SI. IMS IM I Dec. 29, IMZ IM fe Dec. SI. 1978 IM t Jan. 1, 197t =IM Intfmtriab: 252.84 T Finance: »7.«S JJ3.54 Hotels: 174J7 172 81 Properties: 214.41 111.47 t Tina: 1W.31 IM.SI t I rubber.: UtM 345.04 t 0.C.8.C.:
      60 words
  • 1596 22 THE l£.-t. transacted sale I •t the close of business In the Stock Exchange of i (ttngapore yesterday compared Irith the previous day> prlcei together with 1974 high and low. c Adjusted for all new issue*). 14 20 12 SO Kepoas >2 50 2.15 1.41 X.L Kpg 153
    1,596 words
  • 387 22 LOSSES were recorded across a wide front In qu.ct trading on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. Sellers dominated most of the way and in some cases drops ranged up to 3 per cent Sentiment was affected by psychological factors. One of these Is the
    387 words
  • 1490 22 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of t shares traded shown In brackets in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. INDCSTRIALS Ajinomoto (2 40B). tAtcan (3 128 3.205) (1) .3 20.
    1,490 words
  • 1375 22 DID and offer prices offi- dally listed and business In urid reported to the Kuaia Lumpu.- Stock Exchange ytsterday »tth the number of shares traded shown In brackets in lots of 1,000 unit* unless otherwise specified. INDUITMIALS Ailnamata (2 4SB 2.508). A. T.p. (l CM). Alaan i 3
    1,375 words
  • 239 22 FENCHLRCH Insur- ance Holding directors, apart from those also on the board of Guinness Peat Group, said the discussions with Vlasov Group will not now lead to offers being made, it has been announced in London. These would have been in cash and at a substantially higher price
    239 words
  • 99 22 OUTPUT of tin concentrates for the month of April 1974 by the following mines are: Meals Aokam 2.760 Austral Amal. 2.745 Ayer Hltam 4.117 Berjuntal 0.919 Chenderlang 12S Oopeng Consol 3,311 Idrls Hydraulic 450 JC-Mlne 244 Kamuntlng 1.617 Kampong Lanjut 740 Kent 937 KlUlnghall 1.120 Kinta Kellas
    99 words
    • 236 22 /OVERALL trading in the Singapore forex market yesterday was generally quiet and thin. The D 8 dollar opened at 12.4470-90 and finned up marginally In Initial trading to *****0-90 Later It hovered at S2 4475-85 till lunch time. Afternoon trading was influenced by the initial firmness of the
      236 words
    • 178 22 The following ar« the nominal average rioting Interbank rates In Singapore. Currencies Naminal rates Smithsonian Percentage quoted yesterday (crass) parity chance US dollar 2 4478 2 4485 2 8196 13 20 Sterling pound 5 8455 5 8555 7.34*0 30 44 Hongkong dollar 48 55 48 60 50 M
      178 words
      • 26 22 Rubber: Jane 2*. Singapore: 164 50 (down 0.50 ct). Malaysia: 164.M cts (unch) Tin: $1,281 (up M). Official offering: 25C tons (up 26 tons).
        26 words
      • 105 22 pHINBSS PNOOUCI fXCHANCI. SINCAPOM NOON CLOSING PHICIS ffR PICUL VISTCHOAV Caaanut OH: bulk (I*o nominal., drum 1169 nominal Oaawa: allied ilooae) UK Con t (M nominal Paaatar: Muntok AST A while fob 100'; NLW $2*2! aellera. Sarawak white fob NLW $2*o aellera. Sarawak apeclal black 1 fab NLW
        105 words
      • 65 22 WaoViaaday Tuaaa'ay u.s.s u.s.s I Malbowma (1) 104. M 109 Loniam 153 M 153.50 Balnit 154 SO INN Hofukon* 15T. 50 IM 10 Sanaa isi sob 154 sob 153.508 15*008 •■aria 1M.14 IMM Sport (2) 151. 508 154. 508 154 508 15* M 8 Capon pricaa In aaa-atarllns
        65 words
      • 35 22 Loarfon copper prttaa on WaaV n»«Uy iprevtoaa la braekaU) Wlrakar Spot buyer fMS (<*M) aallar f»M (IM«): Thraa Moatha buyer (M 0 (»TS) aallar IMI (1*17) Martial Imm: Irregularly *aal«r •alai 4.200 taaa.
        35 words
      • 211 22 Straits tin UP $6 'THE Straits tin price ■I recovered $6 to $1,281 per picul in Penang yesterday on an official offering up 26 tons to 256 tons. The overnight I<ondon market continued to ease with forward buyers sagging £68 to £3,727 per metric ton. LONDON: Wednesday's tin was unsettled
        211 words
      • 505 22 P«IRST business was struck at Wednesday's final level although opening quotations in the Singapore rubber market yesterday were lower following wane than expected London advices. Some short-covering held the market fairly steady until afternoon when buyers backed away The morning session closed quiet. Afternoon conditions were a shade
        505 words
      • 94 22 riAILY SMR prtoe* tMueo »t noon ywterdaj: Imtf A* (OMMtWt! (F»nr»r* Mth) MRlLfc B>yrra S* ttan Baycn ScOen par k|> (KlUKkl 9MR K7V (1 ton paltot) I*7 00 IMOON 107 00 1M 00N SMR IL (1 ton pUJetl 1»7 00 199 00N I*7 00 IMOON WX 5 (1
        94 words
      • 231 22 f-fONOKONO. Thurs. Share prices opened lower and continued to drift downwards on selling pressure throughout Urn day. Lo—m were .alriy .harp In moderate trading The Hang Seng Index dropped 9 45 points to 434.42 Hongkong Bank lost to HK523.80 on its Local register and declined to ***** on its
        231 words
      • 365 22 On Urn fraa sichants market in Hongkong yesterday the UJ. dellar «v quoted at S IXIO MM2U for T.T. and S 02 S 03 for eaah Sterling «v quoted at 12 00/ 12 30 and an* tat) ef geld waa I quoted at 9» 50 B Hf. Coal
        365 words
      • 99 22 fHDKYO. Thurs. Bhare prices on the Tokyo stock market opened firm today as incentive backed Issues were selectively bought but turned lower as a wait-and-see attitude developed. In the morning session, machineries and communication equipment were selectively bought. Chemical, oil refinery and cotton spinning Issues gained ground on selective
        99 words
      • 161 22 TLTELBOURNE. Thurs— The j A A share market succumbed I once more to sustained sellI Ing pressure to close on an easier note for the third day In a row In Melbourne. 1 lading activity was confined to leading selected Among the miners. Boufalnvillr. CRA, Hameraley. PovMon and MIM
        161 words
      • 177 22 4 MSTERDAM, Thurs f oaf predominated In quiet tracing, with a decline in Dutch internationals led by UnUever, mainly on UK offerings, and In ill Will It issues by Helneken, Algemene Baa*. Albert Heijn, BBV. B«er and KNSM. Akia. Hoogovens and Philip* were slightly easier while Royal Duu-h edged
        177 words
      • 114 22 7URICH, Wed Stocks MJ maintained ihetr prices on a small trading volume today. The market showed a resistant tendency. Bond prices were firm. The Credit Sulsse Index gained OS to 2127 points. Cloains pneaa In S>wlaa franca with Urn difference on th« previous ecaaton'a prices •>. Credit Sulaae XTTO
        114 words
      • 447 22 XJEW YORK. Wed The stock market did Uttle today, but what It did wu mostly bejirUh. Prices opened mostly on the downside and remained that way throughout the session It wa» the fourti) session in a row that stocks declined. Volume continued sluggish with 10 55 million shares
        447 words
      • 90 22 TINS Wedrpday Tueaday M B1 W6ek "Vw*. BSFV:::::::: 2JS w- k mo mii Wednetday 195 lt Tuesday I9S 93 Week afo j u 81 INDITSTKIALg Wedneaday 35a 0 mo 2 Wee* ago n» DOW JONES AVERAGE INDIISTUIALS Wedne«iay «3« v Moae Wee* «to S4< M LONDON DOLUAS rtnom Wedne«tay
        90 words

  • 516 23 Malayan Containers at new peak AFTER three years of decline in profits, Malayan Containers came back strongly in the year ended March 1974. Latest reported pretax profits have swung from a low of $959,000 in 1972-73 to a new high of $5.61 million, beating the previous peak of $5.11 million
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  • 147 23 PULL year profits from Sin Heng Chan (Malaya) for 1973 have fallen well short of Its prospectus forecast of $3.1 million. Pre-tax profits come to $2.45 million. 12 per cent down on 1972 and one-fifth less than the figure expected by those who subscribed to
    147 words
  • 129 23 A RIGHTS Issue of one for three at par (lOp) la being planned by Plantation Holdings. It will apply to convertible loan stock holders and will raise around £1 million In all. In the annual report to shareholders, chairman B.W. Uvesey said the company Is In a strong
    129 words
  • 172 23 TOKYO: Nlkko Securities said overseas Investors are believed to have sold about twothirds of their Japanese stock holdings. Net portfolio Investments in Japanese stocks by foreign Investors between 1967. when they started to buy seriously, and 1972 totalled U551,798 million. Their net sales of Japanese stocks
    172 words
  • 175 23 s urn d a**u «.mw S Belg J7 87 MM SOullder 2 6BSO 2 MOO *US 2.4470 1.44K It U8 ***** 3.40 M ***** 554«0 Mt ***** ***** KUB ***** ***** IK t *****0 *****0 Not*: These tmte* may llffer sllghUy from Uxm* luoted by banka to
    175 words
  • 20 23 Infaport dollars for i: June O««r BM vernlfht 10", mth 9\ mths mtha Prim* r»U »W% 10 Mi
    20 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 868 23 Ms^Ms»^MMMM»asMM^iMl^iMMi^pMi^pMSfM— i^M»B L^s*m_J L^ssV^ _^bih _am_l _aW_ J g^ Our client, an insurance broker and consultant, having offices in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore invites applications for the position of:GENERAL MANAGER The successful candidate will be responsible for promoting the business and administering the office. Requirement: A.C.1. 1. 3-5 years post
      868 words
    • 652 23 A M MANAGEMENT ft COMPUTER yjjy SERVICES SON. BHO. Due to further expansion, we now tnvite application! from Malaysian Cltlsens as follows: EXPERIENCED COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS Applicants should preferably pnsaws an honours degree from a recognised university and should have a minimum of j years working experience In COBOL. Salary will
      652 words
    • 514 23 WAREHOUSE WANTED Goodyear Malaysia Berhaci is interested in renting a warehouse in Ipoh for an area of approximately 8000 sq. ft. which will include approximately 350 sq. ft. for office space. Interested parties are requested to forward information on cost, location, etc. to:Goodyear Malaysia Berhad P.O. Box 49 Shah Alam
      514 words
    • 226 23 IN THE MATTES OF THE COMPANIES ACT. IMS AND IN THE MATTES Or KWONO TECK ESTATES SON. BERHAD l lacT»«rUe« ia Malaysia) NOTICE OF RESOLUTION Beets— 154 (1) At an Extraordinary OenersJ Meeting or Members ol Kwong Teck Estates Bdn Berhad. duly convened and held at the Offlcea of Kennedy.
      226 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 621 24 rijj*ii:iiMj:Bav bm BEHN MEVBR GROUP OF COMPANIES invites applications for tha following positions: Material Handling Division ENGINEERING SALES EXECUTIVE Duties «< Responatbilities: To supplement the existing tales force in order to cope with increasing sales activities of leading MUNCK engineering products Qualifications Experience: Either a Diploma or a Degree in
      621 words
    • 550 24 NOBLE. DENTON ASSOCIATES We »re an international <; rm of Marine and Engineering Consultants, specialising in operations and towages of offshore drilling platforms and other unusual marine objects We invite applications for the following vacancy. The applicant should be a Singapore citizen, aged between 30 and 45 physically fit and
      550 words
    • 525 24 TENDER NOTICE Separate tenders are Invited for--1) PROPOSED Refuse Bin Centre and Ancillary Works for Kverton Park Development. 2) SUPPLY of Printing Forms for 12 months from I Aug 74 to 31 Jul 75 3) SUPPLY and DELIVERY including ERECTION of three I nits of 30.48-Tonne Transtainer (for Block Stacking
      525 words
    • 540 24 TENIMSK Tenders wlil be received In the Ministry of Defence (Logistics Division). Tanglln. Slngapoie 10 for the undermentioned Items up to 11.00 am on date shown against the Items: 1. COVER CUSHIONS Tender: MINDEF (LOO) 112/74(3) Closing Date: 1.7.74 2. CHAIR UPRIOHT TUBULOR STEEL Tender: MINDEF (LOO) 113/74(3) Closing Date:
      540 words
    • 510 24 HOUSING DEVELOPMENT BOARD Separate tenders are .nvlted for any one or all of the following: (1) ERECTION COMPLETION of Two Blocks of 13-Storey ftRoom Imp Flats L Shops, Three Blocks of 2-Storey Flats It Shops (Total 384 Units). Two Blocks of Electrical Sub-station 8.6 XV at Kallang Basin Neighbourhood IV
      510 words
    • 432 24 ffflU) ITPi TENDER NOTICE Tenders are Invited from Registered Contractors of the Jurong Town Corporation for the following projects: A CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF THREE (3) BLOCKS OF 14-STOREY LOW COST FLATS (BLOCKS NO 17, 18 AND 19) AT KAMPONG JAVA TEBAN. JURONG TOWN ELIGIBILITY Building Unlimited SHOWROUND 28.6.74 at
      432 words

  • 77 25 JOAN BOOTY'S FLYING MANNEOUINS to Kuala Lumpur by S!A 6 major Kanebn Cosmetic choreographed fashion shows featuring IN Boutique and Bulova Watches Merlin Hotel Today 10.00 p m Saturday 10 00 pm. Sunday 100 pm (Reservations *****3) Ampang Park Shopping Centre Tiday 7 Ot p m Saturday 300
    77 words
  • 72 25 3 Religious Announcements WORLD REVIVAL PRAYER FELLOWSHIP will declare open by Brother Ooh Ewee Kheng. President Oldeon International Singapore Camp 2) on Saturday 22nd June at 3.00 p.m Place: Registered premises 42. Lengkok Saga 1 1 H miles Woodlands Road Spore 23 All welcome DELIVERANCE CRUSADE begins tonight 7 30
    72 words
  • 36 25 HOLIOAV IN BRITAIN Carefree motoring al provincial rates Latest lype Ford and other makes for-self-drlve hire Free delivery airports and docks Very attractive rates W Jones Sons. Lenncx Street. Bognor Regis. Sussex. England
    36 words
  • 95 25 THE FAMILY of the late Mr Cheung Tlam Slew thank the Paaton of paya Lebar and Orace Methodist Churches, relatives and friends for their prayers, condolences assistance, wreaths, scroll, donations and attendance during their recent bereavement THE FAMILY OF THE late losephlne Long thanks priest, relatives and friends
    95 words
  • 24 25 HUSSEIN BIN LOMBE I^parten suddenly 216 54 aged 23 "Two aecades had gone, the memory of your loving nature lingers on."
    24 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 292 25 classified ads d) SPOT ITI Tn* 4.000 th clasaMod ad. In contest SP(7) Is in ST IS/6/74. You may win s SHEAFFER Golden Vinteg* Ml worth 963/-. Send in your entries now. C toeing d*w tor Contest SP(7) Is Saturday Jim* 22. noon. ACNE. PIMPLES. OPEN PORES are these your
      292 words
    • 809 25 REOUIRED FIRST CLASS tug boat engineers to work In Indonesia Only experienced engineers need to apply personally Comex Far East. Room 705. Thong Teck Rulldlng. 7th floor. Scotts Road. PART-TIME ACCOUNTANT REQUIRED. Call at Jin's Shop. 390 Peace Centre. Selegle Road. Spore 7 Tel- ***** between 10 00 am 1200
      809 words
    • 762 25 GENERAL CLERK/ TFLEPHONE OPERATOR required by a Jurong factory Applicants must possess School certificate with credits in English and Mathematics Please apply with full oartlculars to S.T Box A ***** REOUIRED MALE/ FEMALE General Clerks Age below 30 With good knowledge of typewriting Appiy with full partlculan including age. qualifications,
      762 words
    • 733 25 WANTEO INDOOR 9ALESOIRLS cum Receptionists with or without experience Apply PO Box 358 Spore EXPERIENCED MALE/ FEMALE SALES personnel with initiative and can work independently by interior decorator Apply personally Ace Decor. Suite 197 International Plaza. Ist floor, or ring ***** PRINTING SALES REPRESENTATIVES with established clientele wishing to enrn
      733 words
    • 798 25 REOUIRED AN EXPERIENCED electrician "il one Scuba Diver Oood prospects to right persons Write with full personal details 8 T Box A ***** Spore Required by Well Established Company -PHOTO-COPYING TECHNICIANS" Applicants, who have completed Technical Education with Craft Certificate or ITC In Electrical (Electronics) Engineering, must be Singapore Citizen
      798 words
    • 736 25 FEMALE CLERK/ TYPIST by Import house preference with minimum two years experience and must be accurate in typing apply 8 T Box A ***** TRAINEE FEMALE PARTS INSPECTORS required by elec tri.-al fact" r v Applicants must possess School Cert above 16 yean, speak Engl.>h and Chinese Apply personally at
      736 words
    • 624 25 GFNERAL WORKER/ GARDENER I r» t ilred by factory In Jurong i >' ood remuneration Please apply i wtth full particulars to Colombo < Court PO Box si 6. Singapore 6. FEMALE CLINIC ASSISTANT WANTED Experience not neces- -ary Mandarin and English speaking essential for interview personally between 1 pm
      624 words
    • 765 25 BRITISH MATE/ MASTER with maste- F O certificate seeks posit. on with Singapore bases company Experience In Tanker. Dry Car* Supply vessels Position required must Include family accompaning f.wnily Singapore basis Available August S f Box A *****. FOREIGN GOING MASTER available now for ship or administrative post reply PO
      765 words
    • 777 25 DETACHED BUNGALOW. HILL TOP location off Chancery Lane dlst 11 4 alrcondltloned bedrooms, study, separate living/ dining rooms, large patio, storeroom, servant's quarters matured garden Utmost privacy Suitable top executive Tel *****0 CHOKE LOCATION BINJAI PARK single-storey detached bungalow 3 bedrooms large patio furnished unfurnished for immediate occupation Call *****2
      777 words
    • 785 25 DIST 19 VACANT UNFURNISHED FLAT available Immediately at Taman Nakhoda. 2 bedrooms, bathrooms attached, living/ dining rooms with mosaic tiles, servant's quarters provided Please contact *****9 CAMDBN PARK COLONIAL HOUSE on 40.000 sq ft land for rent Available from 16.7.1974 Large rambling house, fruit-treed garden Jogging distance from Buklt Oolf
      785 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 875 26 EXECUTIVE HOUSE 3 alrcondltloned bedrooms beautiful garden with sea frontage for sailing swimming pool English family willing to rent July/ August with servants, gardener, pool attendant Inclusive 552.300 per month to suitable tenants Tet: *****17 *****4 •'pore. DIRECTOR OF FOREIGN BANK requires detached bungalows dlst 10 1 1 with large
      875 words
    • 774 26 HONG LEONG GARDEN terrace Type D. $124,000/- Woodland Garden. Semi-detached 8.500 sq.ft $110,000/- Newton Court Apartment $95,000/- Carmlchael Road. Detached Hou.w. 6.000 sq ft $185,000- Victor fc Mender *****8 FLAT AT DISTRICT Jalan Jintan partly furnished $120,000/Klm Ysm Rood Far East Mansion $79,000/Goytong Rood Lorong 39 $80,000/Ambor Road Rose Garden
      774 words
    • 563 26 WANTED TO PURCHASE detached bungalows In Braddell Road. Storage space Oeylang or Paya Lebar and MacPherson Road Please call Property Agency *****4 Mosbort Oroup. Specialists In Real Estate URGENTLY WANTED TERRACE/SEMI-DETACHED BUNGALOWS DM. 9 10. 11. 18. 10 VACANT INDUSTRIAL LAND RESIDENTIAL LAND Ploose Contact MOSBERT INVESTMENT DEVELOPMENT PTE LTD
      563 words
    • 787 26 FOR SALE: Two blocks of flatted light Industrial factory al Oentlng Lane off MacPherson Road (12) Each floor area 4.500 sq ft 2 cargo lifts 3.500 lbs each Completion expected end of 1975. Call now for more details: Mutual Housing Pte Ltd 11 Jalan Besar. Singapore 8 Tel: ***** REOUIRED
      787 words
    • 678 26 MODERN BUDGET TOURS HURRY GET YOUR BOOKING NOW FOR MALAYSIA CUP S UNM ON 21RO JUNE 74 AT PENANO LEAVE 22nd Juno 1174 RETURN 24m Juno 1*74 Kuanlan. Trsngganu. Oonttng. Qlonl Turtle Tour I lays 11*8. 3 days 4 nights 171. N. 2 days 3 nights $14,M. Q#Otlf*Q NlQnMffM, P>n#O*J,
      678 words
    • 756 26 FAR EAST TRAVEL CLUB (Pte) Ltd.. offers low cost flights to London/ Europe Also Worldwide reservations Please call *****2 *****5/ 327*7! SLOANE COURT HOTEL, 17. Balmoral Koad quiet residential Orchard Road iir.'«. alr.ondltloned. $20 upwards Tel: *****T (Spore) V.M.C.A RESTAURANT/COFFEE HOUSE A Orchard Road next In museum (Telephone *****9) onomii
      756 words
    • 720 26 PRIVATE SECRETARIAL COURSE: Our courses are Comprehensive/ Rapid Reasonable fee Enrol your name at Raja's College to be sure of success Raja's College. Raffles Place (*****). Raja's. 2181) Changi Road (*****8) SHORTHAND/ TYPEWRITING No one can teach you belter than we do Rapid/ Simplified Courses Success Guaranteed Moderate fee. Register
      720 words
    • 951 26 ENGLISH LANGUAGE. GENERAL PAPER for Secondaries. PreCniverslty I II Oroup Individual tuition Chinese English stream students, foreign students, huslness executives all welcome 3*0329 *****4 PIANO NEW IMPROVISE METHOD Modern Music Within 5 weeks able to play first melody Full Profevional Style Its am.izing easy/ rapid learning Vincent *****8 DUTCH DRESSMAKING
      951 words
    • 1065 26 1*72 TOYOTA CELICA ST One owner alrcon sports wheels and tyres, tape. 111.600 0.n.0. View 836 Mountbatten Road (near Junction of Tanjong Katong Road) Spore 15 1*72 MERCEDES BENZ 200S Sa loon, one owner, accident free. Densu alrcon Very low mileage Tax till February 1975 *22.600 o n o Contact
      1,065 words
    • 661 26 V.7 FIAT 124 second owner, quod condition, price $3,350 Tel *****7 631-B Blk 15. Jalan Buklt HoSwee. MUST SELL MERCEDES 230 late 1971 denso alrcond. tip top condition Owner leaving asking $15 800 nett Tel *****2 10*4 AUSTIN 11*0. Good engine Road tax and Insurance Just renewed $2,000 ono Phone
      661 words

    • 235 27 WI name 4 new caps in team to tour India BRIDGETOWN, (Barbados), Thurs. West Indies cricket selectors last night named four new caps to the team touring India later this year. Two of the newcomers, opening batsman Gordon Greenldge and offsplnner Albert Padmore, are from Barbados. The others are Leonard
      Reuter  -  235 words
    • 148 27 rKVO. Than. The International gwtsamlng Federation i Final will discuss the possibility of -»«n-f an exception to its roles lo enable China to participate in the Asian Games In Teheran In September, Flna's araslsteat Harold Kenning »»id here today Mr. Banning, who estds his visit
      148 words
    • 138 27 BOYCOTT HITS UNBEATEN CENTURY LONDON. Thurs—England opener Geoff Boycott, dropped from the Second Test team to play India today, hit back at the cricket selectors with a fighting 140 not out for Yorkshire against Derbyshire yesterday. It was the second century In four days for Dovcott, who slammed 108 In
      Reuter  -  138 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 693 27 HUM OWL SEEKS CHRISTIAN >b yrars and above Write Box A »17»T^^^^I ,LSATIANS. VON NEU HOSS Litter SKC Clas« I pedigrees. large healthy and dewormed. male $280 frmrtlr $230. SKC approved. 12 Lelth Road off HlllMde Drive Spore IS •fOEOMeO ALSATIAN »UP»IES for sale 3 months old Ring *****7 9.00
      693 words
    • 679 27 FEDERAL TV DAY/ NIGHT Service All brands Repair guaranteed Moderate charges Tel *****59 B'pore. COCONUT OIL/ copra' ramln merantl logs/ chillies/ nutmeg preferably of Indonesian origin Large quantities required Tel *****/***** BUSINESSMAN GOING TO BANGKOK. Taiwan. Hongkong. Japan in early July wish to represent manufacturers, exporters, and business house Reply
      679 words
    • 454 27 SIX MONTHS OLD TV M9O Sanyo 4-channel stereo gram 1700 Washing machine 1390 NCR Cash Register 1850. suitable for restaurant Food showcase 890 Tel *****7 No dealers. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE family returning L' K Call between 10 00 am -4 00 pm S Martam Close Spore 17. SALE/ SERVICE/
      454 words
    • 908 27 11 MARINE FISH GLASS tanks 3° X IS" x IS', one 6' x 2' x 2' -Phone *****2 WANTED TO BUY FURNITURE urgently Dtntng table w'th without chairs to seat 12 14 Modern or antique. Call *****9 WAMTEO USED UPRIGHT PIANOS and Yamaha Electone organs Contact Mun Kal Piano Company
      908 words
    • 752 27 L—^Jaaaaaaaafl snnaM snaaifl I TELECOMMUNICATION AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE TENDER NOTICE A. TENDER NO. PT/37/74 (Z) Tenders are invited for the supply of. 1. SO Nos 2" diameter SeH-Pnming Water Pump, air-cooled. 4 cycle single cylinder, appro* 3 HP at 3600 rp.m complete with 15 ft Suction Hose. Foot-Valve and 2"
      752 words
      700 words

    • 6 28 WORLD CUP 1974 WORLD CUP 1974
      6 words
    • 409 28 FRANKFURT, Thursday FAVOURITES West Ger many and Olympic cham pions Poland are the only teams sure of places in the last eight of the World Cup soccer finals while South America's four contenders hovei on the brink of extinction. Poland, In the finals
      UPI  -  409 words
    • 258 28 Hellstroem defies the Dutch FfcORTMUND, Thurs. Sweden defended magnificently to hold Holland to a goalless draw here last night and keep alive their World Cup hopes. The Dutch Group Three favourites attacked for long periods of the game, prompted by the tireless Johan Cruyff. but could not find a key
      258 words
    • 107 28 pRANKFVRT, Than. r World (up UMn after yesterday*! Aril roams' mitcfcw: GROUP THREE P W D L F API. HolUnd 1 1 t S Bulgaria t 1 1 t Sweden 2 0 2 0 I Uno»; 2 1 1 1 S 1 Ne»t (irovp Three matches:
      107 words
    • 234 28 Uruguayans rescued by Pavoni lIANOVER, Thurs. 11 —A goal by Bulgarian captain Mhristo Bonev 15 minutes from the end set their World Cup Group Three match with Uruguay alight here last night but with only three minutes left Riccardo Pavoni drove in the equaliser. The setting contrasted with Uruguay's dlsasterous
      Reuter  -  234 words
    • 376 28 Bremner a great improviser Pele FRANKFURT, r Thurs. Pele, the greatest footballer of them all, today acclaimed Scotland's skipper Billy Bremner as one of the outstanding stars of the World Cup finals. Only 24 hours after Brrmnrr had led the Scots to within inches of victory over Pele's beloved Brazilians,
      Reuter  -  376 words
    • 200 28 Szarmach slams three goals against Haiti MUNICH, Thurs. ITI Goal-hungry Poland last night crushed Haiti by 7-0 In their World Cup Group Four soccer match here and made sure of a place in the quarter finals of the competition. The well groomed Poles showed a merciless determination to demonstrate their
      200 words
    • 267 28 Italians lucky to save valuable point STUTTGART, Thurs.— After 90 minutes of sparkling football, luckless Argentina only salvaged a 1-1 draw (h alft i m c 1-1) against Italy in their World Cup Group Four match at the Neckar Stadium here last night. Outclassed and outplayed, the Italians saved a
      267 words
    • 52 28 PANTTAOO, Thur«. Soccer fan Lorenao Pardo kicked out In excitement when Chile equalised against East Oermany on Tuesday, knockIng over a living room stove and starting a fire which burned his rtianty-town home to the ground Lorenao was taken to hospital with bum* on his stomach, police
      Reuter  -  52 words
    • 215 28 \fUNICH, Thurs.— HaliTl ti's star fullback Ernest .can-Joseph. barred from the World Cup for taking drugs, is expected to be sent home to Port -Au Prince in disgrace today, Haitian trainer Antolne Tassy said last night. Tassy told a Press conference after Haiti, minus Jean
      215 words
    • 56 28 FRANKFURT. Thur*. The Om It MCMr World Cup fetus have been watctwd by 811.000 spectator*, according to sUUttici complied her* today There have been only tour capacity crowds, two at Frankfurt for Bnall'l matches against Yugoslavia and Scotland, at Dortmund when Sweden played Holland, and last
      Reuter  -  56 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 201 28 Mazda's O v I pcrlbr mcr Way ahead in all senses of t lie word* j^ The magn iflcent 929 The revolutionary RX-4 Rotary -m A car for those who love motoring. An eye- Fitted with the engine of tomorrow: the ultray catching five-seater with acceleration, roadholding quiet, ultra-smooth Wankel
      201 words

    • 739 29 Runners and draw for Sunday RACE ONE !M CUes S, Dlv. »F: 1 Leonardo (8) 9.00; 2 Warpath (1> 808; 1 The Jaguar (10) 8 07; 4 Texas II (IS) 8.04; 5 Permata Kuchlng HI (11) 8 03; 6 Rommel 12) 803; T Pull Tilt (5) 8.03; 8 Moonbeam (3)
      739 words
    • 24 29 SYDNEY. Thun. Australian Horace Undrum one of the Worl<r« greatest «nook«r players, died here today after an Illness. He wa« 6J Rauter
      Reuter  -  24 words
    • 597 29  - Former soccer greats bank on a S'pore win JOE DORAI By OINOAPORE's per- formances in Malaysia Cup soccer matches at the National Stadium the past few months have won the approval of former Singapore soccer greats. "Twlnkletoes" Chla Boon Leong. Kee Yew Leng, "Pop" Llm Yong Liang and Ivan Vass
      597 words
    • 767 29  -  EPSOM JEEP By JPOH, ThunBombard.*r (Race Pour) and Time Immortal (Race Two), who did well in their Initial runs at Bukit Timah last month, have made splendid headway and can be confidently backed at Ipoh on Saturday. with T. 8 Chlam astride, moved
      767 words
    • 124 29 Shangtung Hero finished his workout with a sharp sprint. Ten Times Ten (Asuwadl) galloped freely over 3f in 38 4/5. Wonderful Moments (S Salrl) had Sneaky Pete trtr company in a splendid trial over 3f In 38 Just Twiggy showed up clocking 38 2/5. Second to None (Johnny
      124 words
    • 643 29  - 800m record is Swee Lee's target ERNEST FRIDA By GINGAPOREOpen Track and Field c h a mp io n s h ips starting at the National stadium today will serve as a dress rehearsal for the fort hcominfr Teheran Asian dames. Seventy of Asia's best athletes from Japan, Thailand. Malaysia,
      643 words
    • 219 29  - Sasa name team to tour Spain ALBERT JOHNSON By pORMER Olympic water-polo player Eric Yeo, and Asian Games representative Kenneth Kee, are in the 15-member team selected for a two-week tour of Spain next month. The other players are: Ong Klan Cheng. Kwan Wai Meng. Soh Seng Thitt. Ang Ouan
      219 words
    • 150 29 HATTRICK BY JEEVA HELPS CSC TO 4-0 WIN A HATTRICK by International M. Jeevanathan helped Ceylon SC score an easy 4-t win over Sembawang Shlp- yard in a SHA league division one hockey match at Balestier Road yesterday. Centre-forward Jee v a scored his goals In the second half, after
      150 words
    • 317 29 Amiss hits century against India ONDON. Thurs. Opening batsman Dennis Amiss hit a century as England laid the basis for a big total on the openIng day of the Second Test match against India at Lord's here today. Despite suffering a bad attack of cramp In the leg when he
      317 words
    • 101 29 LATEST: England 285-1 (Amiss not out 164, Edricb not out vlously hfld by Geoff Boycott, made 46 and assisted Amiss in a stand of 116. On Uiyd's dismissal. Amiss was Joined by John Edrich, who was 34 not out at tea, when the unfinished second wicket partnership had
      101 words
    • 281 29 Radha is most impressive among novices RRADHAKRISHNAN cf Rt.'^Tnatlve Tralnlrg Centre wsu> most In presslve boxer v- »he first day of the SAB/» Novices Championships at Maude Road CC last night. Radha scored an easy points victory over J Masilamani of M.'.ude Road CC In the bantamweight division Rmlta. Light
      281 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 176 29 THIS WEEK IN TIME I I>^ sVmlr^^Bßla^Q Msssfl B^sW^O^t^ o^^ IsV JaP^H SataflLfl Ib^mEbWVMbl B^kW.^% BS^aX BSM aW^R I ssm^ai B^L S^H VQBHHadfl aW I t. W Nixon's triumphant Middle East Tour, fully illustrated. Italy's disastrous economic crisis. Row over French nuclear tests in the Pacific. Russia-China border clashes. The
      176 words
  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 402 29 Tomorrow's programme at Ipoh c— las nunnk I 18 Apple Twtst 8.97 Hassast I 8 Bright Career Sll M. Issasil 4 CT 1 JSi 895 Ju£F lil oVaeefsl Style 898 Ssssry 4 8 rrnmn. Holiday 841 8. Naihas, 18 MM CLASS I DIV. S- 8T J* SsltaTrM^T II 894 C.£aa>
      402 words
    • 111 29 ATHLETICS SAAA Open Brtdgestone v Inchcape B Championships (National Metal Bm v Spore Olass •Udlum 3 pjn.). (Farrer Park), Jurong PlyBOXING SABA Novices wood v Maybank (Tanglln) Championship (Maude Rout Shangrtla v Oecon (Tos CC 730 p.m Payoh). HOCKEY SHA Dtv gimniiiiir r*«a vT.uVnd.r O"^,,^ (T SOCCEB SBHFL Dlv h
      111 words

  • 173 30 Saigon forces hunt for more Red vessels SAIGON, Thurs. Government naval and air unite today searched for more communist vessels in the area where an amrrunition-loaded landing craft was sunk earlier, the Saigon Command said. Warships and planes were sent Into the area after four unidentified vessels were reported just
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 53 30 LONDON. Thurt. Lady Jane Welletley, 23. a friend oi Prince Charles and daughter of the Duke of Wellington, was stopped while driving today and given a breath test (or alcohol by police. Scotland Yard tald. A yard spokesman declined to say whether the bream test
    UPI  -  53 words
  • 452 30 Our crucial role in Mid-East— by Nixon MILLIONS HAVE TRUST IN U.S., HE SAYS WASHINGTON. Thursday DRESIDENT Nixon returned here yesterday at the end of a weeklong tour of the Middle East and said the United States must play a crucial role in bringing peace to the region. Looking tanned
    Reuter; UPI  -  452 words
  • 111 30 'Thieves to be shot on sight warning JAKARTA. Thu«. Admiral Sudomo. head of IndoneuU's National Security Agency (KopkamUb). today warned that he would take stern measures to check the growing crime rate In the nations capital, and If necessary Issue orders that thieves be shot on sight. He attributed the
    111 words
  • 75 30 LONDON. Thurt. Curraceous Linda Lovelace. American rtar of the acx film Deep Throat, today caused a •Ur at the fashionable Aacot not meeting for the asoond consecutive day thU time with an outfit of tee-through lace worn without panties Linda. 33. who went braleej In
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 24 30 JAKARTA, Thurs Burma, and Indonesia begin negotiation* on Monday on the poa■MUtT of opening air Unka between Rangoon and Jak»rt». AP.
    AP  -  24 words
  • 313 30 BEIRCT, Thursday ISRAELI planes struck at Southern Lebanon for the third day running today and pressure is mounting in the Arab world for reprisals against Israel. The Palestinian news agency Wafa reported that five civilians and at least 19 were wounded In
    Reuter  -  313 words
  • 78 30 Youth who raped Anne's secretary MANCHESTER. Thurs —A youth was sentenced to life imprisonment here today for raping Princess Anne's secretary. Christopher Oraham. It, unemployed, was sentenced to concurrent life sentences for two offences of rape and one of attempted rape. He pleaded guilty on all three charges He told
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 73 30 JERUSALEM. Thurt. Defence Minister Shimon Peres today called on the United States to avoid entering a race with the Sonet Union In arming the Arab countries. In an address to the Jewish Agency assembly here. Mr. Peres said Israel would do all It could to persuade
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 22 30 LONDON. Thurs. Sir William Barnetaon was today elected by the Reuter board for a third three-rear term as chairman— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 433 30 ONDON. Thura.-)forakt waa, low at tb* LOBOVn itock market tod»jr tod ■bar* price* fall mi amid fresh talks of an Mrl> national election. Ta* rinuclal Time* lodustrlsl index >v down ig .t 253.1 n*ar to* clom. Th* defeat of tb* minority Labour Oovernmem In tb* House of Com-!
    433 words
  • 34 30 FUNiHAL AKRANOIMINTI of Mra. MurMl rtonac* Olui dm W«bb Cona«« M«T«a a»e»»f» Cuk*t OB 21 1*74 al 10 m. for rrmaela Xa*Mr'a IT— lit aamaeaaa Oartfana Batat*. and Tkaaaa to Mount Vcraaa Craaaa,torium
    34 words
  • 26 30 MADAM SITHAMPAHAM. BMtkMT NaaMißcua. Miiiru Railway!. u4 a. lUtMa. mwmmXf arc. «a*art«« rtatwiky. Oat He* laavlai Block MI Uww AlMaMI Uh S 11-4-T4 tar ■maiarl.
    26 words
  • 143 30 ALARM BY HIJACKED MOTORIST SAVES HUNDREDS BELPABT, Thurs Masked gunmen loaded a hijacked car with bags of explosives and then blew It up at a militia post west of Belfast today, escalating an Irish Republican Army bomb campaign to drive British troops out of Ulster. Security officials said nearly 20
    UP  -  143 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 293 30 \WJSAVINGS I EASTEIWUNITED I I TRADING (PTE) LTD. I WALLPAPER, CARPET LIGHTING DEPARTMENT Unit B 6. Lower Ground Floor U I C Building F Shenton Way (Next to N TUC I Tel *****1.*****2 Sunday Free Parking Weekdays after 5 00PM Free Parking Jf For 1 month only! Westbrook carpets from
      293 words
    • 519 30 Importer wholesaler contractor CHINESE TIENTSIN I WALL TO WALL CARPET i^ Rising Arts Crafts Pte Ltd Sf) Wur Talat A»» Swell w Maw»t<l Baat tat) THM32S2J DONALD MOORE ATTRACTIONS UKTIi i'WD JUHE June 23: KLUTE "Jane Fonda's finest performance yet... in this sex fe suspense thriller". Los Anneles -'ines. June
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  • Page 30 Miscellaneous