The Straits Times, 18 June 1974

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION TUESDAY, TUNE 18, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 1084 1 Blast hurts 11 after phone call warning LONDON, Monday A BOMB exploded at Britain's House of Commons today, injuring 1 1 people in the first attempt to blow up Parliament since the celebrated Guy Fawkes plot 370 years ago. The explosion tore through a building adjoining the actual
    Reuter; UPI  -  1,084 words
  • 342 1 Big Ben goes on chiming LONDON, Mon. A BLAST, then fire and smoke, shattered the historic calm of Britain's Houses of Parliament. But 20 minutes later an unruffled Big Ben chimed the hour. Londoners and summertime horde* of tourists looked on in disbelief. The Deputy Speaker of the House of
    Reuter; UP  -  342 words
  • 494 1 Israelis to get US N-aid JERUSALEM, Monday PRESIDENT Nixon and Israeli Premier Yitzhak Rabin today announced a new programme of American aid to Israel in the fields of nuclear technology, space and science and other technical areas. In a Joint communique i issued before the conclusion of Mr. Nixon's 25--hour
    Reuter; UPI  -  494 words
  • 63 1 NEW DELHI. Mon China carried out a nuclear test above ground In the Lo* region at about MM GMT today (1.39 pm Sing-spore time), the Indian Atomic Energy Department announThe announcement said the explosion had a yield of about one megaton of TNT and the signals were
    AP  -  63 words
  • 39 1 MANILA. Mon. At least 10 men. Including four officers were killed when Mualim r-bela amhuaharl an armed .'orcea armoured peraonnel carrier south of Jolo Town In the Sulu Islands on Friday. reliably informed military sources said today.
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  • 44 1 NEW YORK. lion. DOW Jones avcragea. based on nrat hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange SO Indua 837 n, damn ill: M tranap 172 82, down 1.01; 15 Utlla 7205. down 042; 66 stocks 2U 39. down 1.62.— TJPI
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  • 107 1 LONDON. Mon British offldaU today discounted a report In the Sunday Telegraph that Britain had decided to withdraw all 1U troops and airmen from Singapore this year? The officials said the withdrawal Issue had still to be decided In the defence review which would not be
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 64 1 Aussie reports denied SYDNEY. Mon.—Australian Treasurer Prank Crean today categoric ally denied reports tha the Australian dollar Is about to be devalued. Mr. Crean, returning home from International monetary talks in Washington, said: "Devaluation would be Inflationary and quite contrary to Labour policy. "I give the lie to it now.
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 165 1 K Lumpur, Mon DENANO S goal-scoring I ace Shaharuddln Abdullah will play against Singapore In the return leg Malaysia Cup soccer championship semi-final In Penang on Sunday The PAM Disciplinary Committee, after hearing his case for 4i hours today, decided to postpone further hearing
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  • 178 1 Anti-KL protest march in Bangkok BANGKOK. Mon. A group of Thai students marched on the Malaysian Embassy In Bangkok today, protesting against the Malaysian Government for Its alleged "support of Muslim separatist movement" In southern I Thailand. About 20 students, representing universities in Thailand's four southern provinces of Yala, Narathlwat,
    AP; UPI  -  178 words
  • 56 1 AMMAN. Mon. Armour plated Land Rovers with M-eaMbre machine guns guarded the airport as President and Mrs. Nixon stepped off the presidential aircraft, tee Spirit of 1«. to greetings from King Hussein and Queen Alia Jordanian tanks and heavy machine guns were In emplacements on hills overlooking
    AP  -  56 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 178 1 A'lQutctc Stilt**)" i— OlUclr, Tlw»sl"wttH AUTO POLlSrffind CLEANER eluio make good movies easy Ssfl HbHbVH The Elmo Super 110' LBk^tsV 'eeturesa 10 1 Zoom Hpfßgaw' Ratio for both wide angle and Telaphoto HP^ shots. And Ultra Close-up focusing that enables you to shoot at cloie as 14cm of your subiect.
      178 words
    • 81 1 OIL PRICE FREEZE EXTENDED 3 MONTHS Page 3 *GOVT should give job* to ex-prisoners' 5 POLICE probe hushed-up kidnapping 8 HDB to tenants: Accept new charges or quit 7 ARCHITECT gets 18 rronths for bribery 7 RAZAE call* for Press watchdog committee 9 RAJA: Threat from within la more real
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    • 211 1 For Clear Comfortable Consult: C.S. CHONG O.D. EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19. CHULIA STREET, SINGAPORE 1. 22RH943 Philips big idea in compact stereo-this superb 4-in-l set-up plus two speakers for only $755/-. The Philips 22RH943 is all you ever want in a stereo set up It combines an amplifier, a tuner,
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  • Straits Times World News
    • 275 2 All set for junk's proving mission APLJCHAU ISLAND (Hongkong), Mon. A much-delayed expedition to sail a replica of a 2.000-year-old Chinese Junk from here to South America is finally expected to get underway tomorrow. The International eight-man crew of the Tal X*. who aim to prove ancient Asian seafarers crossed
      Reuter  -  275 words
    • 34 2 3QME. Won. A part of the. roof of Rome's modern train station collapsed yesterday. Police said halt a ton of bricks, mosaic* and Iron bars fell. No one was hurt. AP.
      AP  -  34 words
    • 307 2 CAIRO. Mon— Foreign Minister Ismail Fahml said yesterday nuclear co-opera-tion between Egypt and the United States will serve "purely peaceful purposes." He warned, however. Egypt would manufacture, or acquire, atomic weapons, if Israel did the same Addressing a news conference, Mr. Fahml charged American
      Reuter  -  307 words
    • 101 2 TINA, 13, FAILS IN CHANNEL SWIM CALAIS. Mon. Thir-teen-year-old British schoolgirl Tina Spry failed In her attempt to become the youngest cross-Channel swimmer when she abandoned her attempt three miles off the French coast early today. She had !<-'t Dover yesterday morning and was palled oat of the water when
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    • 757 2 'I stick to quit threat unless name cleared' DR K DENIES WIRETAP ORDER JERUSALEM, I Monday I gECRETARY of State Henry Kissinger today said he intends to adhere to his threat to resign unless his name is cleared of Watergate-related wiretapping charges. In Salzburg, Austria, a week ago, he told
      UPI  -  757 words
    • 94 2 ACAPULCO. Mon. Rescue teams of the Red Cross. Mexican army, fire department and volunteers searched today for victims of a mudslide that swept away part of a hillside In this Pacific coast resort, burying several homes under tons of earth. Police said the number of
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    • 173 2 'NIXON MAY ASK DR. K TO QUIT NEW YORK. Mon. The breach between President Nixon and Dr. Henry Kissinger "may have become unreconctlable." Newsweek said yesterday. Dr. Kissinger might even be asked to leave. Privately, the President was reported "very annoyed" when Ur. Kissinger gave him no advance warning of
      AP  -  173 words
    • 228 2 Indonesia looks to socialist bloc for credits JAKARTA. Mon. Foreign Minister Adam Malik said today Indonesia is prepared to receive foreign credits from socialist countries despite slightly higher terms compared to Western credits "Previously Indonesia used to receive low. soft term credits, but now because of our Improving economic condition
      AP  -  228 words
    • 239 2 Manila tops E. Asian zone in Chess Olympiad VICE, Mon. The 11 superiority of the Philippines over other East Asian zone countries was demonstrated by their team qualifying for final Group A among the top 16 teams in the World Chess Olympiad. Although Indonesia and Australia came dose to doing
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    • 47 2 ROANNE (France). Mon. A passenger train struck a herd of cows In a railroad tunnel h«e yexterday and was derailed. The crew and passengers escaped Injury, but five cows were killed and the RoanneLyon rail line was blocked for mot of the day, AP.
      AP  -  47 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 317 2 4P Jr :ii j i ii iii i i i i l i JVC WITHTHEJVC NIVICO S.EA (SOUND EFFECT AMPLIFIER) YOU CAN CONDUCT AN ORCHESTRA IN YOUR LIVING ROOM. You've been to concerts. You know how music sounds frequency ronges ore left unaltered when it is played by an orchestra
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    • 258 2 More for you this fortnight: female THE o p^A IAR JUTiiUK&i f£/rs>/**AJ™s> WARDROBE Female can \LMAAX4*At/IVV The good, better, best of take yOU there TT-fF 1 how to mix match your OlZA^rilZj 1 O WVre w\\ in tn the fourth of n p rri ir^T? T T?T? wardrobe to score
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    • 321 3 LONDON. Mon. Few employers and trade unions are enforcing Government legislation to stop racial discrimination in Britain according to a report published today. The report, by David Smith and entitled "Racial Disadvantage In Employment." found however that Industrial difficulties arising from race relations are less frequent and serious than
      Agencies  -  321 words
    • 29 3 Relatives of the deported Vietnamese clash with Hongkong police as they try to fore* their way ml. restricted areas of Kai Tak Airport.— UPl radiophoto.
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    • 63 3 MONTREAL. Mon Canada decided last week it will no longer co-operate with Taiwan in the field of nuclear development, according to a report In the Montreal g+JaT. The newspaper said the decision apparently was made after an assessment of the impact of helping Taiwan build up its
      AP  -  63 words
    • 537 3 HONGKONG, Mon PEKING, Monday WALL posters in Peking attacking a member of the Chinese Communist Party politburo by name for the first time have been torn down less than 24 hours after they appeared. The posters attacked Mr. Hua Kuo-feng, a party leader from the
      Reuter  -  537 words
    • 103 3 AWOL protest by 92 US sailors TOKYO. Mon. A total of 92 sailors from the United States attack carrier Midway were absent without leave when the vessel sailed from the naval base at Yokosuka on Friday, a US Seventh Fleet spokesman said today. He refused to comment on reports fiom
      Reuter  -  103 words
    • 52 3 BOSTON. Mon A young woman was killed and 15 people were Injured when they were thrown off a faatspinning carnival ride yesterday. Police aaid the ride, called "the hurricane." malfunctioned and suddenly increased In speed and hurled riders M far a* 40 or M feet
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    • 87 3 MANILA. Mon. Bolivian painter Benjamin Mendoza today pleaded Innocent during deportUtlon proceedings against him on charges he had become an undesirable alien when he tried to assassinate Pope Paul VI In Manila in 1970. atendoaa. 30, appeared without a lawyer during his arraignment before Immigration
      UPI  -  87 words
    • 347 3 ORIME Minister Long Boret today announced the formation of a new 15-member wartime Cabinet, replacing his old coalition government which resigned last Thursday, the official radio reported here today The new Cabinet contained seven members of Mr. Borers Soclo-Repub-Ucan Party, which supports President Lon Nol. six
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    • 354 3 Tax surcharge to go up, but... QUITO, Monday •pHE world's major oil producers have agreed to freeze oil prices for a further three months, a leading delegate at crucial price-fixing talks saicl here. But the delegate, who refused to be named, said
      Reuter  -  354 words
    • 365 3 Major consumers face huge external deficits PARIS, Mon. Its happening faster than even the experts thought. The major oil consuming nations France, Britain and Italy are piling up huge deficits In external accounts, and the concern Is mounting about how these deficits will be financed. A banker in Frankfurt, I
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    • 86 3 Joan Kennedy under mental strain NEW YORK. Tues. A family spokesman said Senator Edward Kennedy's wife may have to return to the sanatorium where she recently sought relief from psychiatric strains, Time's magazine reported yesterday In a sixpage cover story. The magaxlne also quoted a friend of 27-year old Mrs
      AP  -  86 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 133 3 ■world Cinaaa w»»»nt« iar. SW And DOW, la o\ nltl—il WOKLD CIITQU SSKIBS, pr«I ai«t P*f«r O'Tool* «nd KattMrln* Hepburn in tb* «uperb lion in w/^rei? I Toe Hlddl* the; really were: crude, aurderoua and bmtlab always daap "nd often bitterly c01d... THE LIOR 111 winter la, nonet, eleaa, an
      133 words
    • 364 3 BSi WEISEN-U ■■I DOUBLE ACTION REUEF ■I for STOMACH ULCERS ■FT and OTHER COMPLAINTS. ■Sl C* .^aai ■Wal^'^Bal A ■^aaa^BJ k\\\\\\\\\\\ A MpMMMI 11/^lll iW M ■■QTjTtpKl K. j&jS WEISEN-U s mam ingredient has undergone HHsWa^JJaVH *|> successful trials by many laa^afll leadin 9 Japanese Hospitals atQaMßßaial Sole Agents f^^^JEJHra
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    • 144 4 'SO LONG' FROM CHARLES TO LAURA LONDON, Mon. Prince Charles has only a few more noun to say so long- to his American girlfriend bat he's doing It In private. "Ton don't think Id be such a bloody fool as to ■ring- her here," the 25--year-old prince told newsmen hoping
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    • 449 4 WASHINGTON, Monday SECRETARY of State Or. Henry Kissinger left President Nixon's grand tour of the Middle Bast today to go to Ottawa for the most significant ministerial meeung of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation In the 25 years of Its existence. State
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    • 45 4 PRAOUS. Mon Eight people were killed and four badly Injured in an explosion in a block of houses In Preaov. Slovakia. tne Communist Party daily. Rude Pravo. said yesterday. A leaking gas main was suspected as the caua* of Urn blast— Router
      Reuter  -  45 words
    • 31 4 OEOROETOWN Mon. Guyana will tend 10.000 tons of sugar to a Chinese foreign trade agency during the coming week, according to the Ministry of Trade In Georgetown. AP.
      AP  -  31 words
    • 532 4 Japan and US told: Adjust economy with W. Europe TOKYO, Mon THE influential Japanese and American Committees for Economic Development (CED) today issued a joint statement urging the two countries to join with Western Europe in re-ordering the international economic system. The statement says new rules and procedures are needed
      Reuter  -  532 words
    • 222 4 RUSSIA, U.S. ACCUSED OF PLOTTING HONGKONG, Monday £JHINA has accused the United States and the Soviet I'nion of plotting to restrict the sovereignty and jurisdiction I of the coastal states. The charge came In %a official New China News Agency commentary monitored here today en the third United Natlo is
      Reuter  -  222 words
    • 110 4 PAKISTAN DETECTS N- BLAST FALLOUT ISLAMABAD. Mon.— The Fakistan Atomic Ener--17 Commission (PAEC) Km iiM It had detected radioactive fallout following India's first nuclear teat explosion near IU seeders. A brief sUtement issned by PAEC yester day said the release o radioactivity had beet; detected In PaklsUi. Aftei the recent
      110 words
    • 45 4 DAB ES SALAAM. Mon All UUW In Tanzania. llKlUaing "mister and "tsesl■•ncy Mvt bocn rtplevccd by "ndum" or "brother according to a government dacm pubtUhsd here. The Ooremmem aays the decree Is rtsUcwd to «ump out Urn the ftiw ol pomposity Reutcr
      Reuter  -  45 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 287 4 f about time you install.... > ATTiNOAMct Bns^Bax ■■JB^BB^^^^ga ■tCO«O€« WATCHMAN I M WITH CLOCK I OVIHTIMI H CALCULATION MA>T< liißsnsssnfl noc»HMfi I A A """"Jijic/clirt— Singapore: Sta, cm'« M««uirw no.. soo>« i M *>««*• a vi j**j Kuala Lumpur: Its. MaaSMt NMSi Lumpur. >to*;>. <r«4/> Panang: 'o. svacx sum.
      287 words

    • 560 5  -  P.M. RAMAN By EMPLOYERS feel that the Government and statutory boards should set iin example by employing former prisoners and tnus help remove the existing social prejudice against them. They were commenting on a report by the Prison Reorganisation Committee which, among other
      560 words
    • 212 5 ANE of the problems of having sex educa- tlon in schools Is the lack of trained staff, a director of the Family Life Movement of Australia said yesterday. I John Robson. 54. that unlike other ;ts, sex education surrounded by all of prejudices.
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    • 39 5 THE Vigilante Corps will hold a passlng-out parade of Its 13th intake of national servicemen at the Police Reserve Unit base In Queenstown on Saturday. Commissioner of Police Mr. Tan leek Khun will review the parade.
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    • 77 5 New roster for car-park workers THE Ministry of National Development and Nanyang University have Jointly developed a computerised duty roster for 1,000 car parking attendants employed by the ministry The system, based on the concept of rotation, is to Improve the present system and to ensure that roatem are diawn
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    • 69 5 THE president of the Hiroshima Jayceea of Japan. Mr Toshlo Uno, has presented 300 water colour sets to children In the Spastics Children's Association of Singapore and the Red Croat Crippled Children's Home as a gesture of Japanese goodwill and friendship The sets were presented at
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    • 29 5 BTATE Coroner. Tom Yung Bul yectcrdav recorded a verdict of suicide on an unknown Chinese, aged about 45. who hanged himself at a sawmill in Kalians last month.
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    • 29 5 MR Robert H Birch, Australian High Commissioner here, will apeak on Papua New Oulnea'a mmiaai towards Independence at the Klwanls luncheon meeting at Ming Court Hotel today
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    • 176 5 DOUBLE JOY FOR BOY FROM INDONESIA F could have been jut another birthday party with cake, candles and candy. But It was something extra special for Kong. It was his first ever birthday party, and the first time In his life he could walk after foar operations on his leg.
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    • 349 5 Troop pull-out story speculative says Anzuk ANZUK finds It difficult to reconcile a London press speculation that Britain will withdraw her troops from Singapore this year with what Mr. William Rodgers, the British Minister of State for Defence, said here last month. The Sunday Telegraph reported that Britain had decided
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    • 41 5 THE Telecommunication Authority of Singapore clarified yesterday that the Joint venture by TAB and an American firm, General Telephone DUectory company to publish telephone directories In Singapore would brain operation on July 1. 1076, *nd not this year.
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    • 52 5 IHB National Youth Leadership Training Institute Alumni will conduct a survey on the operations of the Singapore bus service on June Questionnaires will be Issued to bus commuters, conductors and driven daring the rurvey Tb* alumni v.V submit 1U findings to the Ministry of Cwnmunira•tons and other
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    • 27 5 MIBB UWietrne Urn. daughter of Mr. and Mrs Richard Urn Km Ming of Singapore has received the Bachelor of Arts degree frost Wellealey COuege, Massachusetts
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    • 193 5 Hike in tuition fees: Varsity may help out THE University of Singapore may try to get financial aid for new students from poor families who cannot afford to pay the $100 hike In tuition fees. But a university official yesterday said the administration would only do so If approached by
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    • 109 5 Opening of new shipyard by Hon MINISTER for Finance. Mr. Hon Sul Sen, will open the Hitachi Zosen Robin Dockyard Pte. Ltd. on June 29 at Its premises at Benol Road, Jurong. The shipyard, established In 1970. Is a Joint venture between Japan 'a Hitachi Shipbuilding and Engineering and Singapore's
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 77 5 SALES ORDER TAKERS If you aspire to becoming more than just an "order taker" we have a shies position ready (or you The better the product the better the pay If you are imaginative, industrious, and persevering you can't miss! Aluminum and acrylic coatinri mot .painiM are In great demand
      77 words
    • 202 5 Three new Flor Ayer Make-up products. To charm at will. Pearl> Cream for colour play on the eyes. Three bright shades for fun-lovers: mimosa, gentian or avocad.v Three swtok) shades for a quieter mood: thyme, iris or reseda. Slightly pcarlv. but just enough to catch the light and brighten the
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 124 5 Straits Times Crossword js^ gtSr I ACBOM Parson* show lrrtUUon 4 Border weed fPP*ars 6 p*per allows larger ound tfte Spanish ville. (t} .IT terror. lUmskv-Kor- ft frUlt wkov returned glass (•> trowm,, mils dancer 9 Paper anathema to candl- 7 EErrO r U i| s7 ,0 ffiSLS' a^ive. at
      124 words

  • 274 6 Officer tells of assault in station rSPECTOR Teo Sol Lip of Joo Chlat Police Station alleged in a district sourt yesterday that he saw his colleague, Insp. Chan Joo Kong, beat up some men In the station. He was testifying at the continued trial of Insp. Chan and Detective Serßeant
    274 words
  • 41 6 THE Adult Service of Tor Payoh Branch Library mill hold a clajßlcnl record aea Mon on Beethoven, <-•.,- phony No. 6 "Pastorale"" by Mr Robert Poo at Its lecture hall on Friday at 7 JO pm Adm union Is free.
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  • 179 6  - Police probe hushed up kidnap PAUL WEE By POLICE are questioning a woman in connection with the kidnapping of a Singapore millionaire three years ago. She was picked up a week ago after gunman Chua Hung Peng, 25, was shot dead by a CID detective at Alexandra on June 6.
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  • 109 6 SOLDIER ON FIREARM DISCHARGE CHARGE A THREE-DAT preliminary inquiry against national serviceman, LJew Ah Choy, 18, accused of discharginf a firearm under the Arms Offences Act, began In the First Magistrate's court yesterday. Hew faces a charge of using an AR IS to cause injury to Lt. Hor Koon Seng
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  • 126 6 Dates of dental contests prelim rounds rTTHE preliminary rounds •1 for secondary a;. a primary students taking part in the Dental Health contests will be held from June 27 to 29, and July 1 to 8, respectively. A total of 724 students from 115 primary schools and 248 from 50
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  • 143 6 University to start 12 courses next month ■pHE University of Sin- gapores Department of Extramural Studies will conduct a record number of 12 courses next month. The courses and starting dates are: Management process, banking law and negotiable Instruments July 2; English for secondary school leavers from nonEngllsh stream (20
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 403 6 r »t_aLRAJ^-ft-W-R-*_"LRJi. HHHWa«*«aaa.««.« t HUUriUimiiiiiii rW*fa «TrwTr*r*Tr*r» rr*Y Festival 4 *«'*r*Wlfyr June 17t019/74 T TODAY and TOMORROW i SODEON. CATHAY. ORCHARD. JURON€ DRIVE-IN CINEMA S MAJESTIC ODEON-KATONG, RUBY, |S; -*--AII Thaatrat Cath Booking! Only 81 No Fraa L«t^"-<^Ji FILM PREMIERE f>,d\ Unrjar The Oittinguithad Pationjga o< \«f 1 The Honourable
      403 words
    • 375 6 \f (iij I B-jatf-B tat am A W-\ I k n»C "P^i aaa^Bal 7^^ \,'r Now *t intreduca tha V^J^ J^T^' 5 Jm~L 111 way to .^^■»S»^r^**\llLlri^dfc. I />^t maka hot dnnki Juit f/m^'/ V I vStTTTS I 7\ awitch on and laava it to do l9r/t'>r/ffy*~^q\\mm r I I\y
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    • 306 6 CAPITOL -OPENS TODAY! 11 am, 1 .30. 4.00, 6.45 9.30 pm -NO FUCt LIST J^% MONASTEKf tUrring CHEN KUAN TAJ A FU SNEIQ MANDARIN FILM in SCOPE COLOR OPENS TODAY AT I 1 1>O 1 1 am, 145 4.00. 6.45 9.1 5 pm -NO FRCE LIST STREET Itf j with
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    • 670 6 ATI ON ■aflXaßSQkaaai 11 am. 1 46 400 «45 9,« P "03SSI* STUItT Co kJoI; I-. CANTONESE DIALOGUE NEXT CHANGE 1 Rotobv 8.0t,,,. Glvno* OConno, aj JtWEMV ,oi.O». (OA ajj Hurry' Murrv BOOK V LAOIES ONLY PREVIEW M I SATURDAY 33na Juna 900 *m F Stall. tCJrcHH No Fr« u«
      670 words

    • 485 7  -  JOSEPH YEO By the new tenancy agreement would remain the same as the present agreement. "This quit notice has been served to comply with legal requirements, It added. The 70,000 who bought their HDB flats under the "Home Ownership" scheme are being served
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    • 43 7 BBVERAL articles, including keys umbrellas, clothing, personal documents, a handbag and an alarm clock, have been found In taxis during May and are now deposited at the Registry of Vehicles The owners may collect the Items from the ROY
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    • 238 7 SELAR PRICE UP ANOTHER 20 CENTS 'THE price of horse mackerel (selar) has mxx creased by a further 20 cents to $1.80 a katt, while that of other commodities remain unchanged, the Trade Department said yesterday. Following are the recommended prices: RICE: American 15 per cent, 00 cents a katl;
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    • 90 7 Prof Wong to open two film shows PROF. Wong Lln-ken, Pn.fe»«or of History, Unlvenlty of Singapore, and MP for Alexandra, will open two film shows ornnised in conjunction with the Keep Singapore Crtme-PYee campaign next weekend. One show will beul p m on Saturday at the Alexandra community centre in
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    • 127 7 SLIGHT FALL IN FOOD pHEAPER rice, flour. \j pork and fruits in May resulted in a drop of 1.1 per cent in the food index last month. This partially offset the higher costs of flsh, vegetables and eggs In May, according to a Department of Statistics' statement yestrr- day. The
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    • 47 7 AN eight-member British oil Industry mission will visit Singapore from Thursday to June 27. Members of the mission include leading firms concerned with al aspect* of oil Industry, from canteen equipment to drills, cranes and pumps. They will alao visit Thailand and Indonesia.
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    • 317 7 Architect gets 18 months for bribery AN architect in the Urban Renewal Department was Jailed for 18 month.s by the First District Court yesterday for accepting a $5,000 bribe from a contractor. Senior District Judge Mr. T. 8. Slnnathuray also Imposed a $5,000 penalty on Chew Chee Sun. 34, former
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    • 102 7 Kalong-to-city expressway work begins next year II7ORK on the proposed IT multlmilllon dollar super expressway Unking Katong to the city will begin next year. According to the Public Works Department, tenders for the contract will be called for in October, but the dates were flexible as tenders would only be
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    • 64 7 NPB course on transport costing THE National Productivity Board will hold a course on Costing for Transport Maintenance Organisation at Its premises In Jurong from July 1 to 5. The course Is designed .'or managers and owners Involved In th« management of transport maintenance Registration closes on June 27 The
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    • 33 7 THE Commercial and industrial Security Corpora.Ucn iCUco) will hold a buffet at the opening of lv Jurong branch office at Block 104. Yunf Kuan* Road, on July < at 12 30 pjn.
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    • 168 7 A TOTAL of 2*>o people, Including 15 women, were yesterday fined a total of about $15,000 by the Tenth Magistrate, Miss Pauline Woo, for littering various parts of Singapore during the months of May and June. The "Utterbuga" came from a cross-section of
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    • 150 7 Housing firm fined $5,000 for breach of licence A HOUSING development company was fined $5,000 In a district court yesterday for breaching certain conditions In a licence Issued to them under the Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Act. Ooh Oeofc Chuan. a director of Yew Uaji Development i Pie Ltd..
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    • 20 7 PEK KIO community centre will hold a baby •how at Its premise* In Cambridge Road on July M.
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    • 349 7 Student Peter turns grass into plastic AN 18-year-old student scientist has perfected a technique to make plastic out of lallang Peter Ooh Mm Tim, a Pre- University 2 student of Anglo-Chinese School, one of the three winners of the Science Fair '74 exhibition, made the plastic by converting the chemical
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    • 34 7 THE Rising Arts and Craft* Pte Ltd will hold an exhibition of Chinese paintings by artists Chin Pai-ahlh, Huang Pln-hong and Hsu Pel-hong at the Rising Gallery from June 20 to M
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    • 136 7 MORE than 75 per cent of the failure among the rirst and second year full-time law students the University or igapore have passed tl supplementary exai... nations set by the university. Thirty -eight of the 40 first year candidates made it in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 205 7 Vulcan Australia Limited is most interested in opening up contacts with sheet metal manufacturers. Interested companies should have presses ranging from 40 to 100 tons, with bed sizes up to approximately 9' x 56" (2.743 metres x 1.676 metres) There would be continuous work for first- class trade houses, Vulcan
      205 words
    • 403 7 ■JPfsS^ywyßßnfcJW a«fe vl LV m aaaW«SiS2wu9BßaiM9 &n«aVJ BBaV^^^^^^^^^^^ .^afl HsT* HbbVJ .^SbVJ LaaaW afl I3BKXarV^iB(E*E^BL JHr .sal aaatSnßaKeV&BKC^BaiS /M aaaaf .afl amP* LaaaKaffcHbKSKcfS *M /^asfl BfeaRM«F BaM^al af JT .afl i^k- BaaaSatMHßSaTCxSß^aaP^^^^^Bß if k <v afl ■£S3s^n££Jiifl Lv/a^a^sHfl aaa^aaa£^£sttfam Jr^AalX F^ e»H tt, -^^H \£9a^a^flD.a^BW satH^am T^J& W*Ji P J
      403 words

    • 153 8  - The night a bridegroom went back to mother for his security pillow MAUREEN CHUA By jT was good-bye to the rowdy yamsengs and hullabaloo at the dinner as the newly-weds stepped into their Indeed, the poor couple were more than relieved to have some peace and quiet to themselves after
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    • 492 8 Bedtime rituals "Where are you going?" asked the puzzled wife as her husband started to put on bis shoes too. "Back to mum's to get the pillow. Why don't you dress up and come along with me?" Bhe did. and the couple drove 12 miles for the eight-by-four-lnch security piUow
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    • 315 8 How to show your true colour pRENCH beautician Nicole Levasseur is r out to get women to show their true colours, without any artificial cover-uD. "The latest look In Paris Is the transparent face, with a glowing complexion which shines through the light foundation," she said when she was here
      315 words
    • 242 8 Realistic fakes' are making the scene CHUNKY plastic bead chokers and metal pendants have lon* been flashing* from the necks of our wellgroomed girls' They are still around and will probably be back again with greater force in new forms and styles in the future. Bat for the time being,
      242 words
    • 115 8 For those who want authentic appeal bark finishing and diamond cuts to give an authentic appeal. Wendy (above right) models a silver plated necklace with white cry atal and navy blue plastic Insets. It Is done In a link -chain stylo which graduates from one row to three rows down
      115 words
    • 445 8 How to overcome teenage skin problems Most teenage skin problems are due to excessive oiliness, the direct result of adolescent hormonal changes overactivating the oil (sebaceous) glands. This condition is most common below the age of twenty-five, but can persist until later in life. If not checked it can lead
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 75 8 Until qow you've been hiding a f reshec more perfect layer of skin! Complexion I to re-ba lance a multitude of I complexion complaints j£ Skin Dynamics It gently safely sluf fs away dead surface eels. Tv -Itre-iextunses •It adds suppleness. f -It creates a more responsive skin. B IouTRIE
      75 words
    • 1 8 Advertisement
      1 words
    • 157 8 Nsw^s^s^^l W rmer*avi(Jl iosa M That's Italian for "marvellous" And that's what you'll say when you see the fabulous range of I ARISTON gas cookers. Each one's a real aristocrat. 1 L Take the luxury model 542 GTE (illustrated) jM for example. It has all these most wanted features: ARISTON
      157 words

    • 26 9 BUKIT MERTAJAM, Mon. Fire gutted a jo» stick factory In Kubang Ulu, about five miles from here, yesterday afternoon, causing damage estimated at $30,000
      26 words
    • 219 9 Shorter hours plan to cut costs at petrol kiosks ITUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Petrol kiosk owners in Peninsular Malaysia are proposing to operate from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. dally to save operating costs. At least dealers In two states Selangor and Peralc are keen on the proposal A vice-president (for
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    • 167 9 OLD STOCK RICE STILL ON SALE KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. F r 1 c c control of rice comet into effect tomorrow, bat new graded rice appears to be In short supply in the market. A random survey today showed that many shops including snmr supermarkets are still selling old stock
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    • 424 9 TO IMPROVE NEWSPAPER ROLE KUALA LUMPUR. Mund>y fUN Abdul Razak called on newspaper editors and publishers today to consider the setting up of a "watchdog body to ensure that the Press is functioning in close bar rßony with the aspirations of the rakyat. But
      424 words
    • 200 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday SINGAPORE, Malaysia and Indonesia will hold a meeting within the next three months to discuss pollution In tt.e Straits of Malacca, Special Functions Minister In charge of Nuclear Energy and Environment Mr. Michael Chen said today. He said the date and venue
      200 words
    • 83 9 Close ranks call to MCA members SEREMBAN, MOD. MCA members were told yesterday to close ranks to achieve unity and strength to enable the party to play a meaningfu' role In the National Fiont. "Our party cannot be complacent and be only a inmiigti In the Front," toe Deputy OommimtnaUooa
      83 words
    • 41 9 KUALA LOMFUR. Men. Delt«aU» from mtntnl earntrttf h«v« tapm •fT*»ta« here for th» fifth ?■>— lie Pontan Ifinteun Contemn* which opens on Friday. Thott who trrivvd today wtr* Motor officials from B.udl tfgtwnljSin Tunisia. Iraq. Turk**. Syria and Oambto
      41 words
    • 25 9 KXJALA LUMPtm. MM. Th« Dwrao «akjr»t wul stt •cam for tight daji tnm July If. The •"•*»j2"i begin iv four-day sttUng from July M
      25 words
    • 198 9 NZ Govt's concern over jailed Malaysian student OfELLINGTON, Mon. —Prime Minister Norman Kirk said today the New Zealand Government is still awaiting a report about the Jailing of a Malaysian student, Mr. Khoo Ec Liam, In Kuala Lumpur. The New Zealand University Students Association has alleged that Mr. Khoo has
      Reuter  -  198 words
    • 82 9 10 years for killing lover's hubby KUALA LUMPUR. Mon A nan In a ki»e triangle *v jailed for 10 yaan by the High Court today after he admitted killing hl» lover'B hucband In drunken fight last Ceepavall M. Pachlappan. U. originally charged with murder, pleaded guilty to a reduced chart*
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 197 9 I I Do Women Have to Age Faster In the Tropics? >-v Not if they keep their skin young-looking HM with Tussy Lemon Moisturiser! M Everyone knows that the intense heat and glare of the tropical I sun, dust, perspiration and pollutants; and the sudden changes BISW// j from suffocating
      197 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 238 9 Bringing Up Father »y BUI Ksivoign «fc Hal Cm ap f i S6S yOU *Hi I >CU SHOULD M*E MAPcAj >O»J BETTW* DO THAT WALL PiP >OU TAKE 3*OOVWsA U— DCNT KNOW 1 BOTH WALLS TM6 SAME OVw* A&AJN.' I OONT LIKE ACVCE J««S»VOC KNOW J /Much about couofi 1
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  • The Straits Times
    • 407 10 PRESIDENT NIXON'S tour of the Middle East has cut a swathe of nuclear proliferation through an already explosive region. That somewhat exaggerated assessment represents the viewpoint of Mr. Nixon's critics who were aghast at last week's US-Egypt nuclear agreement and who, by the same token, should be deeply
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    • 164 10 YESTERDAY'S bomb explosion at West--1 minster was not the first time the "Mother of Parliament" came under attack. Ouy Fawkes failed to blow It up In 1604 but much of the old Parliament building was destroyed by fire in the 1830s. During the London blitz of the
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    • 417 10  - Alarm bells to protect HDB flats BJWIUIAM CAMPBELL ly A BURGLAR alarm A suddenly sets up a shrill clamour in an HDB flat. At the sound a would-be thief abandons his attempt to break in and bolts off as neighbouring flat dwellers emerge to find out what the ruckus is
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    • 1344 10  - First, make sure ow will to develop TARZIE VITTACHI By United Nations the facts of life primarily that the "population problem" is not only family planning or birth control but a much wider concern involving the extra load of passengers on "spaceship earth." Such accommodation means more than food. It
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    • 671 10  -  F. DREW By r Ouagadougou, Upper Volta "/^OCA-COLA today's V^ thirst!" proclaim the stickers In the ban of Bamako, Ouagadougou, and a dosen other subSaharan cities of West Africa. But 1974s thirst is. jet again, proving rather more intractable than that, and looks
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    • 380 10 Doctors alarmed by drug allegations rjiHE Singapore Medical J. Assodatlpn has noted with alarm the comments and allegations expressed by your reader on "Doctors and use of drugs' (ST. June 11) The Association wishes to reassure the public and your readers that "overprescrlblng" has not reached "alarming proportions" as alleged
      380 words
    • 272 10 11TE refer to the letter »T entitled "Flaws in those Science textbooks" (May 29). We thank your correspondent for the Interest he has demonstrated In pointing out In his views, certain inaccuracies In the content of a textbook recommended by the Ministry of Education. In the teaching of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 18 10 One of I wM. 1 1 the better I HI watches 1 W from V W Switzerland r\
      18 words
    • 280 10 ®Rushnell JLLJ SPORTS OPTJCS fit for prof essionats fit for you I (skL J2JM mT^****! jF^L IP"' ssssrV Award Winning Binoculars BUSHNELL BmocUars. masterpiece* with 1 to 2o years warranty Precision made, ttty coated to grve you extra wide and razor sharp definition with noc* of the distractions and eye
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  • Business Times
    • 777 11  - Consolidation behind the slower rate of progress at UOB /XDNSOLIDATION Is the key word In chairman Datuk Wee Kheng Chiang's report explaining the slower rate of progress at United Overseas Bank in 1973. Consolidated croup profits attributable to shareholders after all provisions and tax come to $15 14 million, against
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    • 369 11 Stop breathing in unhealthy chalk dust A LEADING Japanese pen manufacturing company has come up with a revolutionary replacement for the conventional chalk and black-board method of display and Instruction. This new board known commercially as the Pilot Wytebord uses markers Instead of chalk therefore cutting down risk of chalk
      369 words
    • 196 11  - Security Pacific to open representative office in S'pore SOH TIANG KENG By SECURITY Pacific National Bank, one of America* 10 largest banks, will open its Singapore representative office on July 1. A ndlng the Singapore regional office In Denmark House, Raffles Quay, Is vice-president lan Richard de Leschery. Apart from
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    • 960 11  -  EDWIN DALE By WASHINGTON: The package of agreements reached last week by the "Committee of 20" nations negotiating world monetary reform will not visibly or quickly affect the daily lives of foreign traders, tourists or even foreign exchange dealers. But, If It works, the package
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 147 11 The Bank of Canton Limited W years of banking in Asia Security Pacific National Bank 100 years of banking tn U.S.A. I and around the world I Hb^^^^ 160 years of banking experience you can bank on The Bank of Canton Limited, in affiliation with Security Pacific National Bank which
      147 words
    • 162 11 bJb^b^b^t MAr^^m BV^ /A\\# ]jrVV9^HJp4vV*^^^^BU GOURMET LUNCH AND DINNER FOR PEOPLE WHO LOVE EXCEPTIONAL FOOD LUNCH our offerings from the trolley: TRADITIONAL ENGLISH ROAST BEEF Golden brown Yorkshire Pudding A crisp salad DINNER our speciality, and a hot favourite: LINCOLNSHIRE SKEWERED PORK (marinated with apples and charcoal-broiled) A wide a
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  • 965 12 Airbus— economical and the quietest them all A3 PART Of its worldwide market in g campaign, Airbus Industrie's team of top executives arrived in Singapore recently to demonstrate the selling points of their "A3ooB"— k no w n popularly as the European Airbus. According to Mr. H. Zlegler, president and
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  • 454 12  - BHP seeks staff for pilot tin plant in Indonesia KINGSLEY WOOD By OYDNEY: BHP Is advertising for staff for its A 53.75 million pilot tin plant in Indonesia. The company has been investigating the Up mine, called Kelapa Kampit, on the island of Belltung, since 1971. PT Broken HIM Indonesia
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  • 247 12 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Mr. RJI. Maxwell wtil relinquish his posit lor as manager, lubricants md technical services at British Petroleum Singapore with effect from Jine 30, according to an tnnouncement by BP's *eglonal marketing manager, Mr. C.C. Horn. The announcement said Mr. Koh Kirn Wan, lubricants engineer, will be appointed
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 351 12 ■K^M WE ■MU^H deliver ■IB ■immediately P^ M As soon as you order we V IPI swing into action Hs^^ll Ur-i and get your bearings L^ ,1 I t0 y° u in a nurf y00 TT^ I m No delays! We've our own fleet mJp^\ 1 m of vans and
      351 words
    • 23 12 fire resistant j decor boards < nmm rtveor.rnw gypium planfi mthmttot libtw lord* demountable partition systems Bxl i standard office contracts furniture [»ROXY(S)PTE LTD
      23 words
    • 162 12 BBW^^^^si^B^tv^B^V^L a^KW «4a^atfsr^B^a*^^LaW Philippine Airlines geh your clothes Contact Philippine Airlines on off foster. The fastest palletized ***** or your cargo agent for cargo service from Singopore to San reservations and further Francisco. A new, more economical information about palletized air cargo service for exporters of cargo, locally mode wearing
      162 words

    • 176 13 INDICES June 14 Jane 17 Industrials: 151.J1 tSIM 9 Finance: 414.57 4M.7S f Hotels: 17«J2 17«J» Properties: MS.IJ ttt.7l t Tins: IM.SB It».IS t rubber*: J45..7 J45J7 t 0.C.8.C.: 144.M 243.M t 8.E.8. lad.: ***** Z7«.*Z Dec. M. I*M IN f Dm. 31. IMI 1M 1 Dec.
      176 words
    • 1577 13 rpHE last transacted aala at the close of buslnea* In tha Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day* price*, together with 1974 high and low. Adjusted for aU new Issues i INDUSTRIAL CLOSIMO TOMI: All arcttooa cloaatf aanrr. TURNOVIR: Official total turnover on tht Singapore
      1,577 words
    • 366 13 PRICES etwd general1 ly in quirt trading on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. Liquidity in the marr~t remained tight following the recent issue of eight million shares by Gathrir Berhad. The Issue Is now out of the way a i d some money will
      366 words
    • 1206 13 BID and offer prices officially listed and buatneaa in and reported to the Stock Exchange of Slngapora yesterday with the number of snares traded shown In brackets in lota of 1.000 units unJeaa otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Acma (2 248 3 428) XD. Ajiao i 2 708 1
      1,206 words
    • 1222 13 T»LD and of ter prices officially listed ana bualnesa in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shires traded shown in brarkelt In lot* of 1.000 unit* unleaa otherwise specified INDUSTRIALS Ajinamata <2408>. A Taaa 'IMB 1 108) Allan <3 108 3
      1,222 words
    • 510 13 MERRILL Lynch, parent of the US'j largest brokerage firm, plant to enter the insurance business by acquiring Family Llle Insurance. The announcement may accelerate similar moves by the other big retail brokerage (Inns. Several have indicated that they were actively considering similar acquisitions or were planning to
      510 words
    • 297 13 Trendless day in KL market T<HE Kuala Lumpur ■1 Stock Exchange experienced one of its quietest sessions yesterday, with trading remaining featureless and uncertain for the better part of the day. Bven hot favourites did not get their usual following, so turnover slumped accordingly to 124 million units Prices closed
      297 words
    • 694 13 Inchcape good year ahead ALTHOUGH Inchcape has Just passed an extremelysuccessful year and results for the first quarter of 1974 are reported to be still running anead of those achieved last time, chairman A.A. Webster is careful to point out possible pitfalls which can mar the rest of the year.
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    • 31 13 Rubber: Jane 17. Singapore: 172 00 cts (down 5.50 ct>> Malaysia: 172 00 cts (down 5.50 cts) Tin: $1,310 25 (up $2,121 Official offering: 254 taws (up 58 tons).
      31 words
    • 55 13 llturdir Prt«r UM U»» MrlbMrat (1) CteM* IW.M Hi ill CtOM« 157 00 B«!rut I«*M> IM.OO H— «fc»n« OaW IST.M BiirMk Clu<4 IMOOB C1«m« IHMt Pan* CtaM« mm ■'»*n (2) 1M MB 1W T»B 1(1 23* 1H« rsport piic* In •oti-iitrllni •r«u to U Mltn per ouac*. (1)
      55 words
    • 28 13 THE Straits tin price in Penang yesterday gained $2 12 J to $1,310 25 per picul on an official offering up 58 tops to 254 tons.
      28 words
    • 102 13 -MINUS PROOUCS IX 1 CMANCI lIMCAfOat NOON cLOLtiHC paicts rm picul TSSTtaOAT eillMMl Oil bulk (180 nominal drum lltS nominal Capra: Mlxaa (taoaa) UK/ Piaair: Muntok AJBTA whit* to b 100% NLW B*M aallara. Sarawak whlta fob NL.W 12*11 aallara. Sarawak apadal Mack fob. 88% NLW SJOO aallara. aarawak
      102 words
    • 695 13 /"IONDITIONB In the \j Singapore rubber market yesterday were very quiet and thin throughout the morning. Opening quotations were marked down following overseas advices but the market steadied back Initially on short-cover-ing. Later prices were shaded marginally. The morning session closed quiet. The market slipped In the afternoon
      695 words
    • 79 13 f SMR prim iwucc at noon yesterday lair A"f (Onwt Mta> <r«nru4 Mtk) m«i N|«ilt»n Hwlihi least* perks) (ee«»»p«k«-> •CV (1 ion pallet) JlO 90 JIJOON 210 00 JIJOON »L (1 too pallet) 110 00 11J00N HO 00 11J0ON (1 ton pallet) ITT 00 in.OOlf 177.00 ntOON 10
      79 words
    • 59 13 rE US dollar moved in the Singapore forex market yesterday within a narrow margin in very quiet trading to finish around $*****-70 from the opening $2.4450--70 level. It was first reported done at $2.4460 after which It held steady in light trading at $*****--65 till lunch time. In
      59 words
    • 192 13 The following are the nominal average closing Interbank ratea In Singapore: Currencies Nwnlaal ralcj Smithsonian PerrrnUge a.— ted yesterday Icrow) parity change US dollar 2 4460 2 4470 2 £196 —13 25 Sterling pound 5 8506 5 8605 ***** —30.37 Hongkong dollar 48 53 48.58 50.51 —3 92
      192 words
    • 224 13 US Dm 2 5130 2.5160 US Belg 37.84 37 M US Guilder 2 8470 2 8490 St US 2 4455 2 4445 Ml US ***** ***** 8$ 5 8480 5 8580 S$ Ml 101 45 101 52 HK US 5 0380 5 0395 HK 12 0550 12
      224 words
    • 593 13 HONGKONG HONGKONG. Mon. A see-saw pattern developed on the market today. After opening on a very brisk note with share prices rising across the board, the market eased gradually as the morning wore on. The market firmed now and then during the day but was soon weakened by
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 809 14 STATE OF BRUNEI VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates to Oil the following vacancies in the Public Works Department. Brunei. A. ARCHITECTS: Qualifications and Experience a) Must be fully qualified and registered architect preferable associate or corporate member of R.1.8-A. or equivalent Institute
      809 words
    • 772 14 STATE OF BRUNEI VACANCIES IN THE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Applications are invited for the following positions at the Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Teachers College. Brunei. Lecturer in Mathematics methods: Lecturer in Physical Education (mal«) (Bi Lingual) Lecturer in Education (2 positions) Malay medium Lecturer in Malay Language (2 positionr > Lecturer in
      772 words
    • 564 14 Applications are invited from graduates of a recognised University who meet with the specifications for the following positions pm* Employee Relations Officer Responsibilities I He will be accountable to the Manager. Administration for all matters relating to the Company's industrial relations and is expected to represent the Company at Management
      564 words
    • 605 14 T. L C. C A diversified Company with maior operations in Taiwan and Hong Kong and two factories in Singapore now intends to establish a new integrated chemical complex for synthetic tex tiles here, it invites applications for the following positions 1 MECHANICAL ENGINEER 2 CHEMICAL ENGINEER 3 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER
      605 words
    • 550 14 We are one of the largest international banks with a worldwide network of branches and affiliates. In connection with our expansion, we are looking for young dynamic men to fill the following positions. Male Officer Trainees Applicants must possess a University degree, preferably majoring in Business Administration or Economics or
      550 words

  • 187 15 Hospital's intensive care unit ready soon THE proposed $200,000 centralised Intensive care unit to be developed at Outram Hospital I* expected to be completed in September. A hospital spokesman said yesterday: "About $150,000 Is being used to buy sophisticated equipment to help treat heart and lung ailments. "The balance will
    187 words
  • 843 15 Raja: Threat from real... FOREIGN Minister Mr. S. Rajuratnum warned yesterday that the probability of Singapore being destroyed from within by its own citizens was far greater and more real than the destruction of the Republic by outside forces. Mr. Rajaratfiam, who was opening a six-day seminar on National Values
    843 words
  • 290 15 Why S'pore needs open system SINGAPORE'S development into a technological society will depe.nd on whether her people accept the concept of an open 1 class system. Dr. R.S. Bhathal. deputy director of the Sin gapore Science Centre, said this at a seminar on National Values of Singapore for pre university
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  • 109 15 Date set for defamation hearing THE summons hearing of the case of former Sin Chew Jit Poh chief accountant, Chong Wan Pong, accused of defaming the general manager of the newspaper, will begin In a magistrate's court on Sept. 30. Chong is alleged va have made imputation* againU Wong Yut
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  • 167 15 POLICE PROBE TWO RAPE CASES A woman and a teenage girl have reported to the police that they were raped after being lured into lonely spots by their assailants. The woman, about 26 years r.'d, said that she was also robbed of her gold chain after being raped near Pearl's
    167 words
  • 206 15 Bid to smuggle rice: Thai Govt acts AN OFFICIAL of A the Thai Embassy here said yesterday his Government would take action against the crew members of Thai fishing vessels which tried to smuggle rice into Singapore. He said It was an offence In his country for anyone to export
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 120 15 txihuui nar'v From Indonesia f* \Jf'. 26th h 27th June 1974 %\f\ \rr^ x National Theatre V^ \y T,rkets $2. 3 8. b j^g^^aM "5*T, Available at: i /jßj& y National Theatre H^M A spectacular combination R.^ of beauty and movement. B Ancient Indonesian folk-lore brought to life in wM
      120 words
    • 239 15 Mr i 7 it easy with a HOOVEBJSS2C Hoover 652 C's extra-wide swept For above-floor cleaning, the 652 C path lets you cope easily with has a two-speed motor to give you large carpeted areas. Its modern extra power. And a front headsmooth contours enable its light helps you expose
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 22 15 WATER consumption on Sunday was 106.9 million gallons < 486.000 cubic metres), 14.7 millions gallons (67,000 cpbic metres) less than than on Saturday.
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    • 889 15 ■^T^^^V^b^V^b^bl bßb^^b^b^B»*^^^^^b^B b^bV^B^b^bl TV SINGAPORE (5) i n w i tt nM m ainM m in Bnef IU.UU Trade and Test Tram- U.JU Lassie Lassie's Bus) ■Was Colour) IM Trade and Dty 7Jt News Mafuine (MalayTest Transmission (Cologr) IJI repeat) IM Km (Malay) 7.41 Openiflf and In and Around (Eng
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1117 16 Anda sebagai seorang Warganegara Malaysia adalah dipelawa untuk mengisi kekosongan didalam jawatan -jawatan yang berikuf— A. JAWATAN JAWATAN PBGAWAI UNDANCUNDANO Tugaa: L KETUA PEGAWAI PERANCANG CORPORATE Berunggungj.w.b menentuk.n «en,u. pinjam.n Tugaa: van* diberi oleh UDA itu terjamin. Mengurus dan Bertugas sebagai Ketua Cawangan yang ber- membantu Peguarn-Peguam Cara/Peguarn-PeKuarn unggungjawab untuk
      1,117 words
    • 947 16 QSDORQ JAWATAN KOSONG Jawatan: PBNYFLIA PEJAHAT (2 jawatan Kosong) Ug»wr :22 tahun keataa (perempuan). Ketalßsan B.C. atau B.PM. dan kebolehan bertutor didalam Bahasa Ingserla dent an fBMh. Fe>f alasmaa Mempunyai pengalaman aektirang-kurangnya 2 tahun benerja MDagal keranl atau Salesgirl, boleh menaip sekurang-kurang 40 p.s.m. dan tahu menguruskan Akaun Syarlkat, urusan
      947 words
    • 297 16 KENYATAAN TAWARAN Tswsrsn-tswsrsn sdslsh diptlawa dsripads KontrekUr-Kontrckter/Pembekal-Pssßbakal bagi ke.js-Wjs tarssbut di bawak mi:— -(A) BP NO: 144/74: Meagaagkut Bush- $10.00 Bush Kelsps Sawit satu set (FFB) dari Sg. Koyan I. Periagkat 2, Kuala Lipis, Pahang k* Kilaag Bukit Mend i 80 Bstu) stau Kilaag JengkalV(±77Bstu). (B) BP. NO: 147/74: Menusi,
      297 words
    • 376 16 IN THE HIGH COUKT IN MALAYA AT KUALA LUBtrUR COMPANIBS WINDING UP NO: I OF 1*74 In the Matter of Standard Aaa-date (Malaysia) Oroup Sdn Berha-I and In the Matter of the Companies Act. IMS. ADVEBTIBEMENT OP PETITION NOTiCI Is hereby given that a petition fu the wtnding-UD of the
      376 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1353 17 CIHUINEISNIP SEIVICE Tl M/CINTINENT: M^ A »'la" KITAIO MAHU o 1 x" 1 riihbw Mini >M-t ntmm )W| |-J v •S4U UT a toM It laM 11 ta* II MI MMf ItM| i'»i M4t« Ito* I la* M to* ato* M to* Mtoti UTHPMI UT II to* II to* I
      1,353 words
    • 1017 17 |S^ BLUE SEA UNE %§Jf Express States to Straits Service f Ortaat IMMMa MruPTMi Tart fare P UMat Paaan 1 MMM MM MaM MMt toa a MMM to* 1 PttUM MM Una* tato* toM to* I to* > PMTItIUM ta.aj* IMM UM MMa to* 7 to* It Mr 14 P4TMCIM
      1,017 words
    • 1048 17 I lIMW «a»<| IMaM rtM Sara PlaMf Sea. aaatna Fnaci UK ITUM MAM MMM aMM 14 to* It to* II to* II to* ut atoMatoMnto*ato*Mto*itto* mmv mam JMr ito* a a to* a to* mm* INtPMI UT It to* 17 to* I 4ai II 4ai n to] I toj iutm
      1,048 words
    • 1064 17 FULLY CONTAINIKIZED SIKVICE TO EU«O*I •Mttol I'M* FM: MMIITI HJtMa Ml 22 iprjardM. /MWitrtM, tetMm. le Hunt. SSnSSSIt JgJ»!iMM. HMMt IfMM. trMMI-MI. MMitTt Mm *at i Atrtwa, ri>|l»Mtit (tOMMrf. MtMoe. "m? 11 mi JJ SttCMMM. (Wo. HaWMi. IMM fat(fMi. CMa« Taa. Ut M lan fu m lan. FULf. CONTAINERIZED SEKVICE
      1,064 words
    • 790 17 MaHMin »1J444; t. Kmmmt 4141; XX. *****; hni| ***** THE BANK LIMB LTD. IMK mil! MftlCi. TITUM I J llr«j ea»f) P UW| It/B MM I'Mn I. 1/TM* UITUM [cam laaa an) P uMat i'tan 11/14 mm MIT UM (lam. L Mtraaat. I I aikcd P «ni»t M/a Mat t
      790 words

  • 254 18 r M ;H«"y ".a*:" gVc'.V t*n« RAMOIMIMTI F 0« JUHI 1(. •UT: Taybank I 1. Oaataar I) 14 Botany Tnumpk l» It Hataaa Maank I*. BiralU Mara tT/U. Kay* Man UM Malay.t. Ran M/St. Akl* RrWtr 40 41 votaaka 44. LaiaiiHa itollovati kr Butata »ll»l 47. Kur.m.
    254 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 958 18 [vLi > *^tTwA3Aiaia»KN KAISHA LTD. UWASMU lIWUI USER UISM LTI. IMB. MOW KOW STUITS SEWICL MM Maaakaaf tiaMnn f MM«f Mtim ii mm* iimm 4J*MMMMM#M aai JMM4MI SMWtOa) S,»|.ao.. FM laaaff ta aicaatT aMa pMaMatMjaajl Japan ArMblan Cull Sorvloo •.afuwi mt' •Mart laOTa.-MiiiaaiaMtr. J.p.njSoatH AMM-WaM AlrtOM Sorvloo unmo 'talIIUUIU lUaa
      958 words
    • 887 18 UCtrnM TUCTMB. THCC IM ITWJ »U*T EMIPtHTS FM SMMrI IM MJMOiAIU PMTI Froa HA ETO IlitMatlMLC.T. KMTY lITB SMMit Jl mm 71mm Imsmui. LCI KMTf Mrt linkM la Part MMm liMiMia. LJ.T. LFJTaP TiriUf. &M» 14 Ma IaoMMM. li.T aUCfILU Indonesia 21 Mm HMm limMIJI. •UITT HIT Mamla 24 Ma
      887 words
    • 886 18 \a^ nepTung ocicnT untr U.K. IUHOM SWVrCT LOADING FO« LONOCN. tOTTIROAM. HAMtUtG. BILBAO. LI HAVII S>apaara f laajat PMaaf laMaa > tarn »f>t MfTWM IMf IMI M MM/I M*f l/IMrf If I latf II Mr l*af laa( MfTMM UffMM W/IJ tat S/l M M/M *a| M laat M laat a
      886 words
    • 633 18 <m m m m m m^ mmmmm lM!!l&( m l m^ mm txmss sarct tb imam. ummL/trnnon rmn "™T7 T S.a|Ma>i f MUa« raaaai Laafcaa. far NMi TIUIII ti/MMM BlVtm, M/MlaM ».MM a-7 LMMa 3 aaa 1-% araaaa 11/t, ma mmm m... w*m«mm ngZXUm 11/». r«aa ill mmimim i/iaaj a/iMt
      633 words
    • 607 18 DEATH MRS. TAY KOH VAT nee TAN TIAM NEO, 87, passed away peacefully 16/6/74, leaving behind 7 sons, 6 daughters, 4 sons-in-law, 9 daughters-in-law, 72 grandchildren and 22 great grandchildren. Cortege leaves 368, Thomson Road on 20/6/74 at 2.00 p.m. for Chua Chu Kang Buddhist Cemetery. NOTICE This Is to
      607 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 892 19 38 Mezzanine Floor y— v H J J_- J J Hiiwn Hotel N oelmont .sir:: r=H Tel: *****/8 N S OClIl*Olla« A leading Property Company invites applicants for the two positions of Special Assistants to the Director. Qualifications A basic university or professional qualification together with a high level of
      892 words
    • 369 19 UNIVERSITI MALAYA Fakulti Ekonomi Pentadbiran Permononan-pennshooan adalah dlpelawa untuk ia*atan-Jawatan koaong yang tersebut dlbawah. Tertakluk kepada kelayakan uinlah dan pengalaman yang sesual keutamaan akan diberl kepada calun-calun yang mahir dalam Bahata Malaysia. A. Oaa Jawataa Pre.easer Ma4ya Ailaas eMaagMdanf bertkut: (1) Pentadbtran Awam (Public Administration) (U) Perangkaan Statistical Calun-calun meitllah
      369 words
    • 257 19 CARRIER INTERNATIONAL SDN. BERHAD, invites applications from Malaysian citizens for the following positions: -(1) QUALITY CONTROL FOREMAN Applicants should preferably have a trade or vocational certificate and at least three „esr» experience in a quality control environment. (3) MECHANICAL FITTER Applicants must have welding and maintenance experience on factory machinery
      257 words
    • 480 19 'MYS MOD 1 EXPANSION WORKS Malayawau Steel Berhad will be inviting tenders for expansion works in connection with their Mod 1 Project Anyone interested in participating in the tender is requested to submit their names and addresses and the following information to MYS by 30.6.74. If you need clarification before
      480 words
    • 561 19 CHARTER CONSOLIDATED (M) SDN. BERHAD TRONOH MINES LIMITED ANNOUNCEMENT An exclusive agreement has been signed between the Selangor State Development Corporation of the one part (55%) and Charter Consolidated (Malaysia) Sendirian Berhad (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Charter Consolidated Limited) and Tronoh Mines Limited jointly of the other part (45%) concerning
      561 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 463 20 DIETHELM MARKETING DIVISION invites applications for the position of SALESMAN to promote a wide range of Hardware and Sundry Products. The job calls for a hardworking and ambitious young man with previous working experience in sales promotion, preferably in similar product lines as well as knowledge of the wholesale and
      463 words
    • 452 20 ACCOUNTS CAREER OPPORTUNITY IMi position it an opportunity for an ambitious young person studying Accountancy who is interested in joining a large and diversified Group in Singapore which offers good career prospects. POSITION: Accounts/ Administrative Supervisor DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (1) Prepares statutory accounts and monthly Management accounts. (2) Oversees the
      452 words
    • 420 20 s» flnnouncfmcnT «se THE DYNASTY GROUP OF COMPANIES hat the pleasure to announce the promotions and appointments of the following gentlemen: QS2Q9 Olavy** Jk W* K OZAKI JOHN PANG Assistant Managtr Mana»»r Houtoku Dynasty (s) Pte Ltd Dynasty Interiors (s) Pt* Ltd LIM LIAN KHENG Sales Managtr Dynasty (Malaysia) Sdn
      420 words
    • 546 20 JAWATAN KOSONG Lembaga Kemaju&n Pahang Tenggara (DARA) mempelawa permohonan-permohonan dartpada warganegara Malaysia bagl memenuhl Jawatan-Jawatan berlkut: (1) JAWATAN (1) Pegawal Kerani Calun-calun hendaklah sebalk-balknya mempunyal pengalaman dalam bldang kewangan sekurang-kurangnya LIMA tahun dan memlllkl SIJII Pelajaran Malaysia atau yang seteraf dengannya serta mendapat kepujlan dldalam bahasa Malaysia dlperlngkat peperlksaan tersebut.
      546 words
    • 578 20 A leading industrial group invites applications for a SENIOR INTERNAL AUDITOR at the Head Office in Singapore. This is an appointment in which the successful applicant will originate and develop the audit function within a progressive group and contribute to the evolution of systems and operational and accounting information. The
      578 words

  • 109 21 SPOT in Th* 4.000 th c Unsifted ad. in contort SP(7) I* In today* paper You may win a BHEAFFER Golden Vintage set worth $OS/S»nd in your entrto* now. Ctoemg a.i. for Contort SP(7) I* Saturday Jun* 22. noon. 00 YOU NEED expert and qualified advice on your
    109 words
  • 171 21 MR LIM KENG HONG departed 16 6 74 leaving behind his beloved wife, two sons Jeng Klat. Jeng Pin. five daughters, two daughters-in-law, four sons-ln-Wllllam Chla. Charlie Urn. Lee Yew Kuan. Frederick. Hen- and twelve grandchildren •■Ke leaves. 43 Jalan Leban. Sembawang Hill Estate 2.00 p m 18
    171 words
  • 30 21 THE CORTEGE OF Mr Albert PC Wong F.I.C.E FI struct E will leave 72. Ooodman Road at 2 00 p.m on Wednesday. 19th June for Mt Vernon Crematorium
    30 words
  • 110 21 THE FAMILY of the late Mdm. Llm Luan Ngoh thank Yen Seek Kong Poh. members of the Xwong Chee Tng and Hoe Yew Sla. Dr Chee Chin Tlong. relatives and friends for their kind attendance, condolences, wreaths, scrolls and generous donations during their recent bereavement THE FAMILY of
    110 words
  • 24 21 LEE IN MEMORY OF OUR beloved David call homed 18.6 70 In the ;weet by and by. We shall meet on that beautiful shore
    24 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1724 21 I classified ads ID ir CJ«rS4MU FEMALE TYPIST/ CLERK Salary $140 p m Call personally 830 a m to 1 p.m Wednesday June 19th 242. Serangoon Road. Singapore. 8. Expanding Shtopfna OrganlsatUn requires SHIPPING INWARO CLERKS and BOARDING CLERKS Appty P.O. Box 2572. SECRETARY REOUIRED for construction firm Please write
      1,724 words
    • 685 21 LEADING BOLE DISTRIBUTOR for water-pump, outboard motor, engine, (pare parts etc required salesmen Apply P O Box 2790 Must mark "Oil" on envelope. a large, well established manufacturing company invites applications from Singapore citlsens for the position of c Orad? 2 Cambridge School Certificate c Ability to converse In 2
      685 words
    • 796 21 EXPERIENCED FITTERS and Intelligent welders required i>y engineering firm In Jurong Cull personally anytime at 3. Jalan Terusan. Spore 22 with 2 passport site photographs Nißmel Iron 8 Stoat MB* LML, Invites applications for the post of LABORATORY ASSISTANTS (MALE) flM*tal) *ltum.'EMp*il*iu.m Oeneral Certificate of Education "O" Level with credits
      796 words
    • 643 21 BBTABLISMBO COMPANY REOUWtCB Male/ Female Part/ Full Time Field Staff For Its Expansion Programme Attractive Commissions And Excellent Op&ortunlty For Promotion Fleeted AppllcanU Will Be Olven Allowance Apply P.O Box 76. Singapore OSEROI IMPERIAL MOTEL has immediate vacancies for the following positions: -(1) COCKTAIL LOUNGE HOSTESS AppllcanU must be between
      643 words
    • 639 21 A TRANSPORT COMPANY requires (a) experienced wharf clerks (b) 40 footer trailer drivers (c) lorry drivers Applicants must be Singapore cltlxens Apply personally to 12-B Stanley Street. Spore 1 HITACHI METALS. LTO. JAPAN. Its newly established foundry subsidiary In Jurong has vacancies for (1) WELDERS WITH 8 to 3 YEARS
      639 words
    • 779 21 DAVID PMOA S SONS eßar Upper East Cout Road New split-level house, with sea view 3 Bedrooms, study $1,500/- fur nlshed University Road 2-Storey detached house Nice garden 4 Bedrooms $2,300/- furnished Raffles Park: Detached bungalow $3,000/- (well furnished) Barker Road Comfortable 2Bedroom.v study $2 700. unfurnished Woullerton Park: Luxury
      779 words
    • 818 21 EXTREMELY LUXURIOUS APARTMCNTS PON RCNT Beverley Mat Hlghpolnt Orange Heights Westwood Crystal Tower Leonle Tower Rental $2,300/- to $2,803/- (unfurnished) Can OevM Phe* 8 Seaa TatSMiaa FURNISHED LUXURIOUS 15th floor apartment at Hilltops, dlst 9 suitable for executives 3 bedrooms, alrcon with parquet flooring. Contact Mr Urn tel ***** Principals
      818 words
    • 862 21 DISTRICT 10 HILLCRSST DOUBLE storey rurnlshed semi-detached bungalow 3 alr-condltlon bedrooms rent $1,200/- telephone *****9 ROOMS AVAILABLE AMCOM. furnished' unfurnished. Katong and Upper Serangoon area Tel. Mr Wong *****8 BACHELOR APARTMENT, People's Park Complex. 14th Floor. Furnished, one bedroom with kitchen $490/- pm Call *****8 Mr Henry Quek DETACHED BUNOALOW
      862 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 787 22 WOOLERTON PARK: Luxurious •jpurlmenl on high floor Centrally alrcondllloned carpeted, furnished with quality imported furniture, attractive lightings 3 Bedrooms 3 bathrooms, splitlevel living k dining, servant's amenities Swimming pool, private carpark, security services Price: $235,000/- (furnished) Telephone *****2 BEVERLEV MAI Lower Boor Rot lor sale Oomg cheep Price: 52M.000/CaN: DAVID
      787 words
    • 530 22 BUNGALOW SINGLE-STOREY Alda Street 6.000 sq v 2-storey terrnce Phoenix Height Tel *****/ *****5 NEWLY COMPLETED APARTMENT dist 12 1.300 sq ft Terruzo/ parquet flooring 3 bedrooms bathroom attached. $89.--000 FBC *****9/ *****7 DIST 10 DOUBLE-STOREY DETACHEO bungalow 12.000 sq ft partly furnished with 3 alrconds $380,000 EBC *****9/ *****7
      530 words
    • 429 22 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA OFFICE for rent 473 so. ft Ring Mr. Ng *****0 OOLDEN MILE SHOPPING CENTRE 216 sq ft Selling furnished $25 000 Tenanted $300 p m Meng Housing *****49 FURNISHED THREE TABLES 1 SPACE VACANT, one with room. I Union Building behind International Plaza phone *****2 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING Office
      429 words
    • 840 22 NAM-HO TRAVEL SERVICE (SINGAPORE) PTE. LIMITED. Tour West Malaysia Seven Days SSI3O/-. alr-condltloned bus Sslso/-. Malaysia ft Oentlng Highlands by alrcondltloned bus seven days SSI 7O/-. Departure Every Sunday Monday Cameron Highlands Four Days SSSO/-. Gentlng Highlands Four days *****/-. 19/6/74. 20/6/74. 26/6/74. 3/7/74. Bangkok Chlengmal by alr-condltloned bus fifteen
      840 words
    • 665 22 SPECIAL LOW to London. New York. Toronto. Los Angeles. Europe. Australia. Indonesia. Hongkong. Tokyo Please call Alrmaster Travel Centre, 36 Dhoby Ohaut (Near Cathay Cinema Tel *****/ ***** INTER-UNION TRAVEL SERVICE SIMF (Groundfloor) Golden Mile Shopping Centre Beach Road. Spore 7 Tel. 258.235/2Sa3.M Special tour lo observe football gams at
      665 words
    • 607 22 MANDARIN BEGINNERS 3 MONTH COURSE commencing 18 6 74 Tuesday. Thursday 8 30 pm 930pm by experienced Nanvang University graduate School Certificate will be awarded on completion of the course People's Commercial School (Opposite Odeon Katong) Tel' *****5 the key to Better Reading Higher Grades In School Better Career Opportunities
      607 words
    • 965 22 I COPPER RELIEF ART. New classes commencing this week Tel I ((***** EXPERIENCED TEACHER GIVES PIANO lessons and also iulUon in Mandarin Call *****1 Miss Chen SOCIAL DANCING COMMENCING 6.7.74. Contact YMCA Orchard 1 Road tel *****3/*****4 ENGLISH. LITERATURE, GENERAL PAPER for Secondary 4 and Pre-Unlverslty by experienced English Honours
      965 words
    • 929 22 1972 COLT OALANT GTO with sports rims, air-con Tip top con- mtact Chia 138. Kirn •i Spore 9 (Opposite Flamingo Nightclub) REGISTERED I*7o FIAT SSSO. Oood condition $3,500 ono Phone *****9 after 10 00 a m FIAT aooo DECEMBER ISS4 in excellent condition. Just overhauled, new tyres/ paint 81.800 Tel
      929 words
    • 764 22 INTERFLORA when you care but can't be there send flowers by Inlerflora Worldwide Service Contact your Local Interflora Florists GENUINE BEST QUALITY CROCODILE, snake. Iliard. ostrich skin bags, bells, shoes and wallets at lowest price Chan Reptiles. 120 Peace Centre. Selegle Road Tel *****2 *****3 GIVE HER A GIFT to
      764 words
    • 805 22 FOR SALE: fully fun, ll rOd national standard hot- 1 in Kuta Beach Ball, in good rw nlng condition All Included (Manageiient plus working permit lor 1 manager and other IW-ence further details. plea« wr Miv* Artie HndlnatJ, PO Box I 31VJKT. Jakarta. Itdonesla HAVE YOU PLANS hND IDEAS 1
      805 words

  • 20 23 The dredger at work on the Singapore side of the Straits of Johore.
    20 words
  • 113 23 Tags up in all Friendly shops ALL members of the A Singapore Provision Shops Friendly Association have put up price tags on essential commodities, Its general affairs secretary, Mr. Chpng Kar Kee said yesterday. He said officials of the Trade Department and his association had met on the details of
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  • 45 23 IKE Minister for Foreign Affairs and MP for Kampong Olam. Mr. Rajaratnam, will open a Prevent Crime talk cum film show organised by the Kampong Olam Keep Singapore CrimeFree campaign working committee at its community centre auditorium on Wednesday at T p.m.
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  • 427 23  - WIDENING OF LANES TO BEGIN WITHIN 6 MONTHS M. P. BHUPATHY By QKKDCiING of "soft" soil from the seabed at the Singapore end of the causeway b progressing rapidly. About sOOft. of the key-way (the outermost portion of the extension) has been dredged since work started last week. Mr. K.
    427 words
  • 184 23 Toddler 'curious' about all things drowned EIGHTEEN month old Ooh Yeow Poh described as an "lnqul sltlve toddler" by his mother was drowned In a pond near his home In Jalan Hwl Yoh off Ylo Chu Kang His mother, Madam Ngln Moe Lek, 51, said that Yeow Poh, her last-born
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  • 77 23 2 deny setting bench on fire at stadium TWO teenagers were yesterday charged In the First Magistrate's court with setting fire to a wooden bench at the National Stadium on Saturday. Mohammed Wartf btn Wary and All** bin Mchammed Ohaamll, both 10, were allured to nave committed mlachtef by fire
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  • 38 23 THE Metropolitan YMCA will conduct a 10-eswaton course on How to read and Interpret toe balance sheet' at It* International centre premise* In Palmer Road tuning tomorrow Pee is atO for member* and I*o ror non-menbar*.
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  • 12 23 THKRE were US accident* recorded on Sunday. Five were sertour
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  • 384 23 'THE College of General Practitioners in ,7 S ln &apore 1* studying the problem of enlisting sufficient medical teachers under a scheme which will prepare new doctors for general practice. A spokesman for the college, which is nitlatlng this first-ever vocational training programme,
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  • 23 23 UPKL Harbour community centre will hold a fourmile road run compeUUor startlnc from lv w anitss. at am on June JO
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  • 202 23 THE Singapore Booksellers Association prefer booksellers to offer concessions on books direct to students rather than through schools. The association's president. Mr. NTS. Chopra, said his organisation had sought a meeting with the Ministry of Educatlor. authorities to d.scuss t.ils and other problems
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  • 77 23 Help for the handicapped needed THE Hello Support Oroup Club Is seeking volunteers to provide help and entertainment to the handicapped living In districts 13 to 17 through a current project called Friends of the Neighbours. Initially the dub wanu information on problem* and interest* of handicapped *o a* to
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  • 31 23 ABOUT ISO rlelegalee. Including participant* from Singapore, will take part in a 'oc ft re nee hosted by the Rotary Club of Singapore at the Mandarin Hot* on Sunlay.
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  • 29 23 THX Singapore Karate A»ocJ»Uon will hold a karate beginner* class at the HDB Mcl Chin Road office early next month Closing date tor entrlci v June 27
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  • 161 23 q\HE Singapore Aasocla--1 tion for Mental Health U still looking for a auiuble place for 1U proposed centre in Toa Payoh to counael and rehabilitate the mentally disturbed. Its president, Dr. Taol Wing Poo, said yesterday that the usoclatton had written
    161 words
  • 43 23 THB Singapore Lorry Owner* Association will meet on Sun.lay to discuss the aseodaUcn's role In the fiveweek national campaign to encourage car-pools and staggered working hours. The fUTrpr'r* will be launched by the Ministry of Cnmmiinlrarjons on July 16
    43 words
  • 20 23 ABDUL Cnanl Huaeeln. 11. was drowned while ratchmc crab* In Ponggoi River on flund. y. poUot aald yeeterday
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  • 165 23 Conductor with blindfold found dead rPHE body of a bllnd- folded bus conductor was found at the foot of Block 50 in Oeylang Bahru at dawn yesterday. Police found a note In the shirt pocket of Mohammed Yacob Khan, 24, which rend: "Please forgive me for the things I have
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  • 37 23 THE YMCA will conduct »n ei«ht-«eMlon dancing course at lte Orchard Road auditorium every Saturday from July 6 between 6 pm and 7.30 p m. Tht fee u> $30 for members and 535 for non-members
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  • 216 23 Malacca Straits oil spill averted A MAJOR oil pol- lutlou was averted in the Straits of Malacca re c c ntly when the 40,621 -ton Liber lan tanker, J. Ed. Warren, ran aground on Berhala Bank at the northern end of the straits. The Taiwan bound vessel, which was grounded
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  • 77 23 Course on how to manage a choir THE Department of Extramural Studies, University of Singapore, will start a 30-lecture course on Choralogy at the university's New Lecture Theatre 4 on July 2. The course will provide basic training for choir directon. Topics Include choir organisation and management, choral conducting and
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 218 23 CellM I The international shirt from the golden age. _-»k^^ d^^^^*^SHSSßSaflSßiaaslSMßßl BBBB^ Oftni S»wrts are F tfMLV tailored to m« tvgrwst ■^kV *vissr HT stanc.rcis of male ek-^ance m retlrcting the oouirnt matcuhndy VB 'VH SsV ottheqokk- bidesgn cut and tashon detailing Cc'im. I > 4ssr starts untold an e<v
      218 words

    • 512 24 'Dream triumph by 'faceless' Irwin NEW YORK, Mon. 11 Hale Irwin, one of the dozen or so "faceless" golf professionals who earn a good living and win an occasional tournament, had a dream three weeks ago. "I dreamt that I won the U.S. Open with a par on the last
      512 words
    • 488 24  - Punters now support 'amateurs' EPSOM JEEP By gINCE the MRA, in conjunction with the Amateur Racing Association, took drastic measures at the beginning of the year to give amateur racing a "new image" punters are beginning to give their support. Punters "went to town" on some of the hot tips
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    • 5 24
      5 words
    • 195 24 Triumphant comeback by Igloo in Brisbane Cup BRISBANE, Mob. Igloo, a bone which was written off after breaking down badly two years ago, capped a triumphant comeback by winning the A$ 81.75* (about $277,75«) Brisbane Cap over 3.2 M metres (two miles) here today. Igloo (1«-1). owned by American Mrs.
      Reuter  -  195 words
    • 916 24 II Voter* I 10 Unaacorttd 110 Picadllly II 10 lotarpol CM Ratal Stw «.M Patanon Tow.r «04 Twin Truly IM Prtd* or Oil way 7 12 Mauritania T 12 Slapdaih II T.M T* F*l TOT Storm Pttral T.OT CLAM 01 V. t— Ilf Dv 0«o Koßfkallkong f.ll rfacoya
      916 words
    • 58 24 PARIS. Mon. Bjorn Borg of Sweden won the men's single title In the French International Tennis Championships yesterday by beating Manuel Orantes of Spain 3-6. 6-7. 6-0, 6-1. 6-1 In the final. Unflappable Chris Even, of the United States demolished Olga Morosova of the Soviet
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • 285 24 HER FILLY HIGHCLERE WINS FRANCE'S TOP RACE DARIS, Mon— Queen Elizabeths Highclere thrilled her owner and delighted a capacity crowd of 25,000 people at Chantilly yesterday when she ran clean away with France's top race for three-year-old fillies, the Prix de Diane. The Queen's nily was taken to the front
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    • 46 24 STUTTOART, Mon. West German referee Rudolf Krdtlln, the man who sent off Argentina's Antonio RotUn in the 196« World Cup match against England, said today: "I never saw a more sporting team than Argentina." Argentina lost 3-3 to Poland on Saturday. UPI.
      UPI  -  46 words
    • 142 25 VS reward soccer and table tennis teams VICTORIA School will send their soccer and table tennis teams on a oneweek tour of Medan a* a reward for their lmpreaslve performance in thU years tournament* The team of ai boy* and tnree official* leave tomorrow »nd return on June 28 The
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    • 443 25 Two Germanys look set for second round WEST BERLIN. Mon. East and West Oermany. with one win apiece already behind them, should guarantee their places In the second final round tomorrow when they take on unfancied Chile and Australia who look like being the also -ra n s of Oroup
      Reuter  -  443 words
    • 81 25 MITROLAND Tour» have wu available for the JJftajwU Cup semi-final J**urr. leg match between Singapore and Penang at the City stadium In Penang The alr-condltloned coach tour coating $90 includes a nights stay at Kuala Lumpur •nd a |S Orandstand ticket. They leave on Saturday.
      81 words
    • 383 25 FAM hearing postponed Shah will play this Sunday tTUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Penangs goal- scoring ace Shaharuddin Abdullah and coach M. Kuppan were all smiles here today and they had good reasons to be so. For Shaharuddin. who faced a possible suspension for ungentlemanly conduct in the first leg Malaysia Cup
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    • 223 25 'Holland will be hard to beat' MUNICH, Mon. Brazilian soccer star Pele. watching the World Cup from the sidelines after his decision to retire from international football. sees Holland as the most impressive team after the first round matches In the 1974 finals Pele said after lunching with the Braxjlian
      Reuter  -  223 words
    • 30 25 BUENOS MRBB. Mon The French National Rugtoy tcu beat a Combined Buenos Aires sUfc Sl-9 In the third match of their seranm»tch tour of Argentina here y«<*«J»y R«uter
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 22 25 THF Singapore Table Tennl» Association lnvt» entries for national table tennis championships, commencing on June 30 entries cloae thU Sunday
      22 words
    • 312 25  -  ALBERT JOHNSON By PRESIDENTS scholar Roy Chan yesterday qualified for the Asian Games in the 200 m butterfly event at the Sasa trials at Toa Pay ow pool. Despite the rhoppy water, the Seap and Asian age-group gold medallist beat the qualifying mark with a time
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    • 493 25 WORLD CUP 1974* WORLD CUP 1974 The pressure will be on Brazil, says Ormond FRANKFURT, Mon. Scotr land's injured trio of World Cup stars— Jim Holton, Danny McGrain and skipper Billy Bremner have fully (recovered and will be available for tomorrow night's vital Group Two clash with champions Brazil in
      Reuter  -  493 words
    • 182 25 MUNICH. Mon. Top officials of Argentina's World Cup squac. smarting after their 2-i defeat on Saturday by Poland, today promised an all-or-nothing match against Italy on Wedday. "Our performance was a bit of a shock. It was one of those jinx days for us like
      182 words
    • 274 25 \f UNICH, Mon.—Ema--IVA nuel Sanon spoiled an International goalkeeping record because he promised his girlfriend he would do so. "I told Suzie I would score a goal for her in every World Cup match," he said. "I am going to keep my proI mlse Sanon
      UPI  -  274 words
    • 203 25 `Golden Boy' Cruyff: We fear nobody MUNICH, Mon. 'Golden Boy' Johan Cruyff said yesterday that he was making no predictions about Holland's chances of winning the World Soccer Cap, but added: "It's going to be diffi--1 cult to stop us now." Holland beat Uruguay 2-0 on Saturday with a display
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    • 199 25 Cup final will not be played in S'pore KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Singapore's appeal to play the Malaysia Cup final in Singapore should Singapore qualify would be dismissed said Dato Hamzah yes:^rday. "As far as 1 _un concerned, it will be a flat no. The Malaysia Cup Is a Malaysian competition
      199 words
    • 19 25 BANK ol Singapore Beat Muller and Phlpps 5-4 In a friendly soccer match at Olllman Banracks yesterday.
      19 words
    • 51 25 Today's World Cup matches (all times Singapore). GROUP ONE. Australia v West Germany in Hamburg <lt.3t pm) and Chile v East Germany in Berlin (2 am Jane 19). Group Two: Yugoslavia v Zaire in Gelsenklrchen (2 am June 19) and Scotland v Braiil In Frankfurt (2 am June
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    • 364 25 Robert and Kuah on special test By JOE DORAI OINOAPORE select- ors will use tonight's match between Singapore and Hongkong's Seiko at National Stadium (kickoff 7.30) to test their reserves in preparation for the Merdeka tournament in Kuala Lumpur next month. Besides the 18-member Malaysia Cup squad, eight other players,
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    • 38 25 HANOVER. Mon Uru-a-uayi Payers locked themselves In their dressing room after their 0-2 drubbing by Holland on Saturday, and refused to answer questions. reporters said Coach Roberto Porte said "It was a bad afternoon." rjpi.
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 286 24 I THEY DISH I I OUT DEATH I I Thty ■erciletify hick klood froa the btdiet af our youths. Th«y art the p«skert wko peddle ings md hope to make a fwtMN. These vile creitiires art tat there ii Sitf apore'i roads hit art f iadiag it i-creasiigty ta
      286 words
    • 29 24 P^^j^^Tl Ilk B 1 goodisa wallet without money Fill it up through the SINGAPORE SWEEP I DRAWING DATE 4TH JULY 1974 AT QIEUSTMn (6MJEJ CMWI lUTUMUIT) I.M P.M. M
      29 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 168 25 Can you afford 1 I not to advertise I I with us I V SIN CHEW STRAITS TIMES 2 nd leading JH POH Chinese Daily H We are the leading Chinese Daily today. In fact, our latest circuTation figure shows that we are 30% higher than our nearest competitor. This
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  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 113 25 CRICKET ANZCTK V RAT Tengah (Ttafth 11 «jn). ■OCKBY 8HA, League Div 1: S. Shipyard v Jansrnltei (Naval Bate), Khaiaa v School* (Serangoon Rd.); Dlv. 2: C8C -B' v PWD, 8CC v BC (PKJang). DtT. 1: Prt«cn« v RTC (Chanel i BOCCCB Tour match: Seiko v Singapore (National stbdlum 7
      113 words

  • 154 26 The Friskem Nightstick detects hidden knife A PRETTY firl may make any guy lose his wits but not that of "Deputy sheriff" MLM. Schwarts. Yesterday, the alert "deputy" disarmed mini skirted Joan Lee with the help of the Friskem Nifhfcstick, a hand- held detector. The detector (price: $375) revealed a
    154 words
  • Article, Illustration
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  • 77 26 Plot to kill 2 in Sri Lanka pOLOMBO. Mon. A V/ newspaper here today reported that police were investigating a plot to kill two Irftuinc ministers in Prime Minister Mrs. Bandaranaike's threeparty coalition government. The Ceyloa Daily Mirror said the plot to assassinate Trade Minister Tikir Banda Uantaratne and Agriculture
    77 words
  • 56 26 DAMASCUS, Mon. The American flag replaced Italy's over the US embassy here today, following the resumption of diplomatic relations with Syria yesterday Italy had been looking after American Interests since U8Pyrlan relations were cut In IM7. A similar ceremony took place simultaneously in Washington, where
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 358 26 LONDON. Mob—Tlm market cloMd «al«r aftar a dull Ma-1 •Ma aad at 1 p.m. tha Financial TtmM Indax wu «owa 5.4 to 270 1. Otaem about inflation Inhibit** latanat. dMlara MM. Ohimbi beaaa ahewad sat talla at im m 1/4 mm. 1 -Him aqaltlM wan Inniid with lomm
    358 words
  • 39 26 LOHDON Maa. S»at SI SO Sat ilaaiaal July M.M Aa« July SaM. 11.M Sapt. 11.10. Oat Dae. 11.M. Jaa -March 1110 April Juaa U.M July-Sapt. W W. Oct. Dae DTI. OiaraJ •Lf July UTS. Aoc 11.M Markat
    39 words
  • 29 26 LONDON. Maa. Spot humra OTM (—lilt). aallara (ITIC (—<lM) Forvard buyan UTTS Milan OTSO -«10o> SatUiMl U.7OS (—HOC). Taraovar a.m. M 0 Mm p.m. 4SS Maa Tarn. SUaay.
    29 words
  • 491 26 Protests as French N-blast goes off WHITLAM: FALLOUT ON AUSTRALIA LIKELY CANBERRA. Monday AUSTRALIA and New Zealand said today that France had exploded a nuclear bomb over Mururoa Atoll in the Pacific and immediately registered strong protests. AUSTRALIAN PRIME MINISTER GOUGH WHITLAM said his Government was deeply concerned by the
    Reuter  -  491 words
  • 50 26 Pakistan may go nuclear rpOKYO. Mon. Pa--1 kistan Prime Minister /ulflkar All Bhutto says Pakistan may Become a nuclear power to counter India's "nuclear threat." the Asahl Shimbun reported today. He said Pakistan was "pushing nuclear development" but declined to say when it would go nuclear. Kyodo. (SEE PAGE 4)
    Kyodo  -  50 words
  • 70 26 JAKARTA. Hon. POret«x Minuter Adam Malik •ill leave for btnfpore on Wednesday (or a one-day atay before going to Kuala Lumpur for the Islamic foteifn Minuter* conference. Foreign Office official* said today The officials declined to state the purpose of Mr Mails'* visit to Singapore,
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 101 26 Man who banged himself over crash VIENNA, Mon. A married man with five children hanged himself today because he thought he had killed two friends in a road accident. But the friends were only slightly Injured. Norbert Heillg. a 33-year-old farmer, was driving north of Vienna with Helmut Schuecker and
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 48 26 DACCA. Men. Twelve mupecU were detained In this Bangladesh capital at the weekend after a series of bomb explosions shook the city. Two bombs were set off In the oentre of Dacca yesterday following a series of similar blasts on Saturday. police said. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 118 26 Hv J llP*' fm ZS3mwM W CSL I3SE Ch«rvi*4 Starto But if I "^^Sj^r CSL I3S€ 4S (4T A HW channel simulator I coukj bt 1 M M 1 *«.n^ <nrto loxwr. you add t«. mon ipMkam tron. h|Jßir/ SENG HtNG RADK) ELECTRICAL SERVICE l TEL *****8. *****1.*****6. 6327? i'
      118 words
    • 395 26 Nyal ORANGE JUICE COMPOUND I OMI# JlHSj^B^^k Supptamant your cftHdrans diatt I cw"""B| dairy with Vitamin C anrtchad lkt#^'^%!!^l NYAL Orun Jt cm Compound Y^R? I I I Ny Oran t* Juicm <* "*ada from ll^^-^P I J tr *st>. sun-dranchad oranga*. HfeftaJ 3 supptamantad with axtra 'haalth lX^F^H|_V giving
      395 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous