The Straits Times, 15 June 1974

Total Pages: 41
1 42 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 634 1 TOUGHER LINE ON CRIMINALS 'Sentences imposed by courts inadequate' A TOUCHER line against criminals, repeat offenders and illegal immigrants, and segregation of hardcore prisoners are among the recommendations of a 10 -man Prisons Reorganisation Committee accepted by the Govern ment. Other recommendations include restitution for property and antisocial offences, better
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  • 43 1 NIW YORK. Frl. Dow Jones averagM, based on first hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange: 30 Indus 844 18 down 790; 30 transp 173.71, down 1.63; IS utllt 73 08. down 0.64; 66 stocks J55.25. down IM UPI
    UPI  -  43 words
  • 50 1 MORIOKA. Frl. A man whose ear was bitten off by a 600 lb. pig died today of excessive bleeding In this northern Japanese city, Police aald. They aald Axira Sato. 49. wu attacked l**t night by the pig while he vu filling IU feed box. UPI
    UPI  -  50 words
  • 910 1 THE Government yesterday announced its offer of $400 million registered stock for public subscription. A Finance Ministry statement said It was mainly to meet the needs of banks and other financial institutions for such instruments. "A sizeable amount of the longterm stock would be
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  • 68 1 BOtUN, FrL Pan American Airline* announced today It fired a pilot for allowing a stewardess to fly a Boeing 721 en a flight from Berlin to Hamburg on May 7. It said the flight wu a ferry flight and no passengers were on board the Jet.
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  • 45 1 BOSTON. Frl. The Anglo-French supersonic jetliner Concorde flew her* from Paris yesterday in less than half the time taken by subsonic commercial airliners The sleek, droop- nosed plane »*t a new westbound Transatlantic record of three hour* and nine minutes. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 30 1 HONOKONO, PH-Three men, one armed with what looked like a pistol, stole Jewellery worth about HKS7OO.OOO (8*3*0.000; from a leweilery shop her* today, a police mofc—msn said. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 31 1 HAMILTON. Frl— Women entering New Zealand maternity hospital* an wondering Just now tar medical ■dene* has advanced. Newlyprinted official form* a* than U» question: What an ex* your— Jtautar
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  • 279 1  -  CHEW LEE CHING By QTUDKNTB Joining the O University of Singapore from this year onwards will have to pay $100 more a year for their tuition fees. New undergraduates were recently Informed of this by the university's administration. It U understood it
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  • 121 1 OUNCE Charles, Brlr Ulna heir to the throne, and Laura Jo Watkins seen above together In the San Diego Officers Club bad a secret date in London on Thursday night, an American official said yesterday. Laura Jo, 29-year-oM daughter of an American admiral,
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  • 142 1 West Germans beat Chileans WORLD CUP WEST BERLIN, Prl— West Germany, the firm favourites, opened their bid to succeed Brazil as World Cup soccer champions with a 1-0 win over Chile here today. The Chileans successfully packed their goal area to shut out the powerful German scoring machine after Paul
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  • 28 1 KAMPALA. Fri Over 40.000 Asians deported from Uganda, In 1973 are to be paid compensation tor their property. Uganda's Finance Minister Semrmno Klylngl has told ParnMSMnt km
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  • 145 1 10 BOMB BLASTS IN EAST CYPRUS NICOSIA, FH. Ten bombs exploded early today in Famagusta, eastern Cyprus, d»m*g*"g government offices and co-operative shops but no casualties were reported. The targets included a shop belonging to a member of the House of Representatives who publishes weekly newspape* supporting Presldert Makartoe At
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 71 1 DACCA. Frl.-^A district leader of the ruling Awami League vu ibot to death test night by unidentified aaaailanU In Madartpur town. 70 miles touth of Dacca, the *trtlf«— h Tunas reported today. Harun Raahid. JO, im riding In a rlckaliaw whan, the aaaallante find at him.
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  • 148 1 BANOKOK. Frl —Thousands of Thai textile workers tonight ended a six-day strike and demonstration here after their leaders accepted a Government compromise offer on their demands. When told of the agreement by their leaders, the workers dispersed from Bangkok's Pramane Market grounds, next to the Grand
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  • 346 1 Sadat gets N-pact from Nixon CAIRO. Fri. The United States today agreed to supply Egypt with reactors and nuclear fuel to boost its electricity supply, it was announced here. A Joint statement by President Nixon and President Anwar Sadat announcing the agreement said Egypt and the US were moving towards
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  • 37 1 FOR ISRAEL TOO WASH INGTON. Fri— President Nixon plans to announce a nuclear I agree ment with Israel similar to the one made today with Egypt, administration of f i cUI« have told key members of Congress.
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    • 31 1 Nixon for Nato summit BRUSSELS. Frl President Nixon and leaden from other members of the Atlantic attlanee wUI attend a sammit meetlnc here on Jane U, Nat* an is»i tonight. Beater.
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    • 37 1 WASHINGTON. FH. Uranium supplied to Bgyft by the United States «nder aa agreemettt sl( ne«- today by rTvstflcui nuon whn mot ke rkb enough for as* la atomic weapons, aa Atomic Energy •aid —UPI
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 11 1 The Magnificent m/HAZDA SEDAN 000 COUPE ASIA MOTOR CO (PTE) LTD.
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    • 112 1 20 SHOWBIZ PROMOTERS ON C.I.D. BLACKLIST Page 9 SENATE finds In favour of Dr. Kissinger t SI ISRAELIS die In new commando horror I ACCORD reached on world money reforms 5 SOLVING snags with modern research C RICE: Prior control begins In Malaysia Tuesday It $6 mil go to busmen
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    • 155 1 gf%! I r\p*M •*•i J gm'^^Sj' J- f^^ga i Ir M-l gmV /a******** Uta/t gi\% ■ffr"- -_Timgl^ mil I Setting and reaching standards that others can only aspire to: that's IWC IWC hand-crafted watches represent the ultimate in time keeping perfection. In quality. In prestige. Limited production means only a
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  • Straits Times World News
    • 238 2 WASHINGTON, Frl. Senator Hubert Humphrey has handed over to the State Department a 7.9 carat diamond, reported to be worth US$lOO,OOO (*****,--000) given to him ln 1968 by President Mobutu of Zaire, then known as Congo Kinshasa. Tne handover disclosed late last night followed a reporter's
      Reuter  -  238 words
    • 53 2 BriJAST. Prl. British army aourees aald yesterday that captured document! revealed names of loaders and command structure* of extremist Protestant guerilla organisations and opened the wi>y for an army crackVaWRi "A number of Protestant* Involved ln subrcrslve activities mint now be shaking their ahoaa." an army
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    • 448 2 'NO CRIMINAL CONDUCT ON HIS PART IN WIRETAP CONTROVERSY' WASHINGTON. Friday A MAJORITY of the US Senate has ex pressed confidence in Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in the wiretap' controversy, and prosecutors told Congress they found nothing to indicate criminal conduct on his
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    • 125 2 COUNCIL HIT BY WALL POSTERS PKING. Frl. Several hundred people today clustered around wall posters attacking the Peking clt> council. The posters appeared yesterday in front of the municipal revolutionary committee (BC) head quarters. They accuse unnamed Peking leaders of mishandling tut current ntl-Un Pta and Confucius campaign, trying to
      Reuter  -  125 words
    • 92 2 Qualified ship officers only call SYDNEY. Frl An Australian union official yesterday called for International government action to r.iure that officers aboard ships wero qualified to control them Mr Tm Bull. Australaui reprwonuttve of th* Intornational Tranaport Workers FAaosrmUoo (TTWF) allsged tnat a Cypnot snip arriTwl hart recently with the
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    • 38 2 ROMS. PYt. Pope Pmul VI celebrated bw ln a new working claas dlatrtct of Hobm and am with a group 01 abanty dwellers yeaterday jmPhaata. the Romaa Ca, boilc Church lntertet ln Xhe poor DPI.
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    • 49 2 WASHINGTON. Frl. The Federal Bareaa ef Investigation reeehreal a ge-ahead jt% terefey te start their «ra air fare*. The Itwt of Bepreeem- UUvea appropriations aa—dttee approved a ■rspieal yesterday that WwaJd allow the cover naaent law enforce—a** agcae.v to hay paaaea far Ma work— Reater.
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    • 272 2 HONGKONG. Frl Mr. Yeh Chien-ylng, vicechairman of the Chinese Communist Party, yesterday said the long traditional friendship between the Chinese and Indian peoples would be further developed Radio Peking reported. According to the radio, monitored here. Mr. Yeh made the statement when he
      Reuter; AP  -  272 words
    • 202 2 MELBOURNE,. Friday THE president of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTI), Mr. Robert Hawke. said here today a union ban on French shipping was likely from next T\n»i^o.. I uesd-i y. Mr. Hawke said the ban would be supported by unions ln New
      Reuter; UPI  -  202 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 852 2 L^^fWKwal SILVER^MATCH ij^^^A BUTANE GAS REFILL WORTH $2.40 TCH \^J§^ Raris INTERNATIONAL •^^^Fd L •adjustable flame f^^ •leakproof \jjjlm I J ON SALE NOW Wt^^ at all dealers. Sote Agent: Metro Singapore^~-- > < fe| *****6 *****5 A Introducing the totally new Toyota Corona 1600. The car built on one
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    • 80 2 HEALTHY CHILDREN TAKE Nyal CLACIUM GLUCONATE TABLETS fortified wi* Vrtemtn O. p, im fS^- rrgmoti eta.** ttronf tOTtf) pPPJ andbonea t^voftt\ da^*opn«n* Maal MaCatctum tupplamant.n ptvanancvand lactation 8o»» Ae*m Com Swaas <M> Sdn end 1 1 1> t-gxo"Ln_lr water coolers C* iWi«cM»» atvNna: aw<aiwa»c« ■redud tartum MotMHftSl2-)2 gah pe> k»
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    • 355 3 Palestinian commandos blow up their hostages and themselves DAMASCUS. Friday THIRTY ONE Israelis and four Palestinian commandos were killed in yesterday's attack on a kibbutz in northern Israel, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine General Commando (PFL-GC) said tonight. The command said
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    • 182 3 Bomb badly damages US Gulf Oil hq PITTBBURO. Fri. A bomb exploded In the headquarters of the Oulf OH Corporation here last night, causing extensive damage a company spokesman said today. A leftist group called Weather Underground" claimed responsibility for the blast. The bomb exploded on the 29th floor of
      Reuter  -  182 words
    • 146 3 MULTINATIONAL CURB PLAN SCRAPPED MEXICO CITY, Fri. Developing countries meeting her In a United Nations conference on Trade and Development (Unctad) workIng group have abandoned a proposed article that countries had a right to control multinational corporations. Unctad sources said the "Group of 77" developing countries were now speaking in
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    • 69 3 SUVA, Prt. FIJI ordered Pan American Airways today to cut the frequency of its flight, through Fiji In retaliation against the refusal of toe US Government to grant landing rights in American Pacific Island territories to the Pljl-flMed airline Air Pacific. A government spokesman said
      AP  -  69 words
    • 39 3 PARIS, m President Vaiery Oiacard d'BMaingi Ooremaaant nOaed prleet (or home and !ndu»ui»l fuel yeeterdajr to fight inflation and alow down oU lmporu afUr having sharply lncrca«ed corporate »nd Income taxes the previous day DPI
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    • 43 3 TAIPBH. m Next year's Asian PUm PeaUval in Jakarta, unlike toe current one In Talpeh and those of the past two years, will award prises for beat films, the head of the Inrtrmaalin delegation to this year's event amid yesterday. UPX.
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    • 293 3 Fullback on schedule despite shots lEKUBALEM. Fri.—lselatcd shots on both sides of the Golan Heights disengagement Une have been reported In the past few days, bat the separation of forces is going ahead according to timetable. United Nations spokesman Rudolph Stajdu bar said yesterday. Mr. SUjduiiar was briefing newsmen on
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    • 26 3 CARACAS. Fri A second earth tremor la two days yesterday hit Venasua •as eastern state of Sucre, cauring widespread panic but no casualty Beular.
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    • 103 3 pANBCRRA. m New v/ evidence which showed that the whale was not an endangered species had led the Australian Government to reverse 1U stand on supporting a 10-year moratorium on whaling. Australian Government sources said here today. The Government's representative to the international whaling conference
      Reuter  -  103 words
    • 83 3 The stork and Mona Lisa— by a doctor LONDON, Pri. A retired London physician gave It as his considered medical opinion that the Mona Lisa Is pregnant. Dr. Kenneth Seals, a lifelong student of Leonardo Da Vinci and his work, wrote In Nursing Times marazlne "The Mona Lias probably portrays
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    • 265 3 Back to the death penalty in 28 states WASHINGTON, Fri Nearly two years ago, the United States Supreme Court virtually banned the death penalty, ruling 5-4 that It was being Imposed In such an Irregular and freakish manner as to be unconstitutional Since then. 38 states have adopted the same
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    • 59 3 WUfDSOR. m -The Duke of Gloucester, last surviving grandson of Queen Victoria, and Queen Elisabeth's beloved "Uncle Harry." was laid to rest today in a funeral both regal and public Five pjEeas beaded a funeral praseaelon through the streets of Windsor to historic St. Oeorge's
      UPI  -  59 words
    • 37 3 SBOUL. Fit Fifty-four people. Inraxßng 16 student* and two Japanese nationals, go on court-martial trial* tomorrow on charges of plot ting to overthrow the government of President Park Chung-Hea in a violent re-
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    • 182 3 QUITO, m Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamanl. the Saudi Arabian Oil Minister, arrived here yesterday for a threeday conference of the Organisation of OU Exporting Countries < OPEC > starting on Saturday. The Saudi Arabian delegation Is expected to propose a reduction
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 19 3 SEEMQS jt Aiahoritcd Sftmot Omutv Vonafnrlahlimawl Scori si L>«Wi (Mjjyital S<*\ BM mamtwn of M S G group M«(«i«/
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    • 775 3 Our client is a large integrated timber manufacturing complex I whose operations include fo est H extraction, timber processing, and I plywood manufacturing. The complex employs a estaff of around 1 ,500 and is one of the uH largest of its kind in Malaysia m It now seeks the services
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    • 717 3 Office Manager Singapore 11.500 P.A. is an international management consulting organisation with offices in more than 23 countries worldwide*. It provides for clients a rangi of consulting services II which includes corporate planning, management accounting, rtiarketing, project planning and management, and executive selection. The Singapore office has btvn established for
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    • 279 4 LONDON, Friday DRINCE Charles yesterday became the first heir to the throne to speak in the House of Lords in 90 years when he took part in a debate on sports and leisure— an action viewed as a pointer to the kind of
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    • 106 4 OKINAWA DEMO AT TANAKA VISIT NAHA (Tapani, Fri. Prime Minister Kakuel Tanaka arrived today amid heavy police protection against possible violence by leftist demonstrators. Mr. Tanaka became the first Japanese Prime Minister to visit Okinawa since the United States returned the island to Japan on May IS. 1972. After a
      UPI  -  106 words
    • 61 4 COLOMBO. Fri. The Sn lonian Pree* Council ha* begun hearing views from Individual* and profetaional bodle* on It* preparation of a oode of ethic* for journalist*. The council* chairman. Mr. A K Premaaa said that the council vu setting about Its task with great care since
      Reuter  -  61 words
    • 303 4 pOKTO. Frl.— A farmer 1 Japanese soldier, Bgt. Sholcki Yukol who returned to Japan two years ago after hiding In the Jungles of Guam Island for 27 years, will stand as Independent candidate In the House of Councillors election on July 7. LONDON: Sisters Doloars and Marie Price, the
      Agencies  -  303 words
    • 344 4 Saigon and VC officers meet for talks SAIGON, Fri. Government and Vletcong officers met here again today for talks set ■p under last year's peace agreement, hat there was no Indication they would be able to get down to the ceasefire isrsbli bis they were supposed to he discussing. Against
      UPI  -  344 words
    • 189 4 PANOVS LEAVE AFTER 2-YEAR FIGHT MOSCOW, m Leningrad ballet star Valery Panov and his wife, Oallna. left today for Israel after a two-year fight to emigrate. Sources In Leningrad said by telephone that they had left on an aeroflot flight for Budapest where they will catch a connection for Vienna
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    • 40 4 MANILA, m Weatherman today notstotl storm warning* over «outh oattern Luaon and parts of the cenral Philippine* a* a tropical disturbance moved closer to the country, still recovering from the killer assault of typhoon Dinah. OPI.
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    • 519 4 Bid by top Nixon aides to use benefit PRESIDENT AWARE OF WHAT WAS GOING ON, COMMITTEE TOLD WASHINGTON, Friday •pHE House of Judiciary Committee rereportedly heard extensive evidence yesterday of efforts by high-level White House officials to use the Internal Re venue Service for President Nixon's political benefit. Committee members
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    • 217 4 Slump in British economy, bank warns LONDON. Frl. The i Bank of England warned yesterday that the British economy was In "great difficulty." as the Government reported that the nations trade deficit In May had set another record. The central bank's warning and the trade report Immediately aroused new fears
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    • 36 4 MANILA. Prt. The first hsßcnrtor assembly plant in the Philippines was officially opened yesterday by President Marooa. The plant, which can "initially produce about 70 units a year." ha* already assembled six twin-engine be-
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    • 22 4 DACCA, m About MOM psopis dit of tuberculosta in Bangladesh every year. nsiisliilssri HoalUi Minister Abdul Mannan toJd PmsTUsmfoWOl RtfUt*V.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 518 4 BBsm^^^^^^^ JJaßrnm (■■■■■Wpl^H I 1 J^gaasf sm^Bßmmmmmsml ><^*\ ft Bk /^^K^F^ \^bb! R/v5^ beautiful Tt BP Pyrex serving ißf f k Iflask with every />"^A /SV purchase Of Av-^a^Tm 'SbbW mmmmmmsml m\ Moulinex ■-?'.>, Wk /«H T l^^^H Blender n|^^^/^B "Hflfl B^Nj While stocks last )>^j| W r bbbbsU^ -^mmsm!
      518 words

    • 222 5 Concern in Nato over British, Dutch cuts plan BRUBBELS, Frt. The i prospect of defence cuts by Britain and H<vland are likely to weigh heavily on today's meeting of the Nato defence planning committee, grouping defence ministers and top officials from all the Western alliance countries except France. US Defence
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    • 221 5 C'wealth has met today's challenge: Queen E T ONDON, Fri. Queen Li Elisabeth. symbolic bead of the Commonwealth, said today a remarkable feature of the 34 nation association was the way In which It had met the challenge of contemporary developments and managed to benefit from them. "Although rooted in
      Reuter  -  221 words
    • 429 5 Pact reached on world money reforms IMF TO BORROW FROM OIL NATIONS WASHINGTON. Friday tpHE world's financial leaders have agreed on a package of monetary measures designed to help countries get through the current economic uncertainties with as little hardship as possible. Faced by widespread inflation and balance of payments
      Reuter  -  429 words
    • 69 5 Kuwait airline to operate here KUWAIT, m Kuwaiti national airline will make twice-weekly flights to Singapore, via Pakistan. India, Bangladesh and Thailand under an agreement signed here after talks with the Singapore civil aviation directorate. The two sides said It wu s step towards strengthened ties between Kuwait and Singapore
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    • 263 5 Japan's payments gap grows wider rKYO, Frt Japan's balance of payments for the month of May produced a larger deficit than April, chiefly because of higher crude oil prices and Increased capital outflow, the Finance Ministry announced today. The overall balance of payments produced a deficit of US$9OO million iBs2
      Reuter  -  263 words
    • 124 5 Manila move to deport Mendoza MANILA. Frt. Mystic Bolivian painter Benjamin Mendoza V Amor, convicted of trying to knife Pope Paul in a protest against religion In November 1970, was released today from 38 months of prison and almost immediately was returned to detention U> await deportation. Commissioner Bdmundo Reyes
      AP  -  124 words
    • 72 5 WAILUia (Hawaii). Fft— «A M-year-old Japanese pilot. Beeps Bhlmlsu ditched hU twin-engined light plane in the Pacific after running out of gas on a flight from Hawaii to California He was reported In good condition after a rescue that involved s Pan American 747. a
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    • 251 5 GODBER: NO EXTRADITION MOVES YET LONDON, Frt Former Hongkong poUee superintendent Peter Godber waa yesterday remanded In custody for the seventh time with still bo firm indication when extradition acawnrtUff against him will start. Two weeks am Chief lawisu Magistrate Sir Frank Milton said he wwsJd allow a month for
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    • 263 5 Pakistan army on alert as national strike begins LAHORE, Frt. Pakistan Prime Minister Zulfikar All Bhutto said last night the army had been placed on tht alert to deal with any violence when a national strike called by Opposition and religious leaders goes into effect today. The general strike has
      Reuter  -  263 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 242 5 So good with £1 mm im V J For your dining and dancing pleasure. afl Lb^^bl BSSB ne are <r> th Frenrh I msnner a specialty of I tne French Restaurant. I Fooc in a lW sp^ndour *^f I and succulence is brought M^^^^^^^A m t0 ltandarcl P" r excellence,
      242 words
    • 724 5 (4 f Gifts to tell Dadl r-^ he's great 1 H Her* a select range of fine gifts |^Q Jw yjjj to show Dad how much I \VI youcarothtel M Fathers Day 1W W Sunday 16 June I I Pure leather Off the cuff sMne Easy>raoiy pipe* Fire at a
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  • 146 6 POLICE ARREST THREE WANTED MEN rpHRKE men wanted by JL police for a series of housebreakinz cases and armed robberies were arrested by detectives on Thursday. A squaa ot detectives from the Orchard station caught one at block 48, Lower Delta Road at about 11.10 am He was identified as
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  • 70 6 $1.5m. ship for oil work in Borneo NAUTBC (Far East) Pte. Ltd. will launch the vessel BSO (Borneo Straits Offshore) Dall at its shipyard in Upper Serangoon Road on June 18 at 10 a.m. The ship, which took about nine months to complete, was b'H'.t for OU (Asia) Pte Ud
    70 words
  • 248 6 POSB way to counter inflation rpHE Post Office Savings J- Bank could play a particularly important role in the present inflationary situation, Mr. Tan Chock Kian. POSB chairman and Permanent Secretary < budget division) of the Finance Ministry said yesterday. Mr. Tan. who speaking at a luncheon meeting of the
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  • 514 6 Solving snags with modern research University" Vice-Chancellor, Professor H^euh Shou-Sheng, yesterday stressed the importance of local organisations replacing the old "trial and error" technique with operational research to make up for Singapore's lack of natural resources. Every project must be well planned to obtain maximum results from minimum resources, tie
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  • 183 6 Three are killed ii road accidents rREE people died from injuries received in road accidents on Thursday. Lorry attendant Tan Thye lieng. 20, of whampoa Drive died In the Outram Hospital at about 10.30 a.m. on Thursday about two hours after he was flung from his lorry at the junction
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  • 43 6 A MAN and a woman were Jailed for two weeks each by the First Magistrate j Court yesterday for filtering Blngmpore without a permit between May and June tola rear. They were Sharif! baa Abdullah. SO. and Urn Ah
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  • 130 6 MR Taa Cheek Kian (right) Finance Ministry Permanent Secretary (budget division) and eha'rman of the Post OiTlce Savings Bank (POSB), pats a POSB account book with SIM deposit into the breast pocket of crippled schoolboy See Cher (left). See Cher. 18, a
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  • 224 6 Asean ball target: $100,000 for charity IAIPLOMATIc missions U of the Association of South-east Asian Nations (Arean) here hope to raise more than $100,000 for local charity orga n l s atlons at an Asean ball on June 28. The ball, to be held at the Shangri-La Hotel under the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 322 6 f" [lI TTBIG BUYS, I BIG SAVINGS! I y EASTERN T UNITED I I TRADING (PTE) LTD. I WALLPAPER, CARPET LIGHTING DERARTMENT Unit B-6, Lower Ground Floor, U.I.C. Building, ShentonWay(NexttoN.T.U.C) Te1: *****1, *****2. J Sunday Free Parking Weekdays After 5.00 P. M. Free Parking. 9 I WIDE RANGE OF DESIGNS
      322 words
    • 186 6 Jllii|» SILENT The great promise from HITACHI ROTARY COMPRESSOR car air-conditioner. Hitachi offers you many more features: a) Automatically controlled car interior temperature b) Smart and appealing light-weight anti-rust all-resin frame c) Compact body structure with broad lateral extension for wide-angle air distribution d) Air outlet port adjustable up and
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 241 6 Straits Times Crossword ACBOSK (1). 1 A reason for not being Turn out freih draft when able to sail tyre blows on exercise (S). I Finally forced river to "Mot neeint squirm of let drop quickly (7). I*** "sard it) IS Quiet mtle man turning Odd 16 foitow oetlre for
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  • Specialists' Shopping Centre
    • 1105 7 The Superstore for 'One- Stop' The Specialists' Shopping Centre is situated In the busiest section of Orchard Road. There are not only three acres of shops, but also eight restaurants and bars, a supermarket, Robinson's, John Little's and several specialist stores, beauty salons, travel agencies, and the largest local branch
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 364 7 Bellie/ ore r* Beautiful )t Tp For the first time in Siafl»port, *v*fX •xptctant mothers now havt their V"MJ own exclusive fashion boutique. "Ji.^Dj Jori oi Mion.ii tjjßt-»»\ Maternity Undergarments by '^Smt^^AfA Otautrt-Fit fVUVTERMTTES T(w*^ OF LO6 ANGELES BGRC3T CXPCCTanOfIS Maternity Boutique LGO7. LOWER GROUND. SPECIALISTS CENTRE %^v ORCHARD ROAD
      364 words
    • 82 7 innioorcea ciocnes I ana accessories I nnan ana his woman I i 56 scecoscs oencre 19c fiocr I orcnara nooa anoooore 9ce *****2 ©Mlananda Restaurant 235. 2nd Floor. Spactatnt Cantra. Orchard Roid/SonwMt Road. S'por* t. Tal *****6 Srechoan ft Canton*** Cutsin* Indon— ian Food Sp«ci«lis«<l Ch.cken Rica (Chin*.* Sat Lunch)
      82 words
    • 224 7 i c Ladies c Shop S In Fit SpacMlnu' Centra. A/^*^ Somtrwi/Orctwrd R«t. S'por» 9. 5 M& VJ Ttt.3T96»l 298 (B> ••«> STAR Of SIAM Jp <^P j 6. Tht Gdixy. Satnfy Rom -V Si -upon 1 T« *****? FABRICS Silkt, brocaJei. batiks. Wm BS I handloorm many more exotic
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 203 8 London Ist July Nov^Mas i gets you v A just $850* Golden Service to London from July Ist. And with the fastest available flight «NJL/ 11 in the region. It's an exciting new £>■» M^ destination in the rapidly expanding MAS international network. Exciting too, is the new fare $850.
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  • 183 9 WELCOME STEPTHAT TAX MOVE ON HOUSES T H Ln£ W CelUn $28,000 for Income mpt i? nforow n™! occupied houses was generally regarded as a welcome step in keeping with the escalated prices in property. ""j hpuae owners Mid that it was a bis; boost for home ownerf^P »t practically
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  • 171 9  -  PAUL WEE By fHE ClD's Anti-Vice Sauad has compiled a blacklist of local ana foreign "showbusiness promoters" running vice syndicates with singers. According to sources at least 20 people, mainly Taiwanese, have been listed as "undesirable" in the squad's black book. Police drew
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  • 37 9 THE Oeylang West community centre will organise an lntra -constituency badminton tournament next month to telact a U»m for the Inter-constltuency badmlnton championship Entry form* art available at the community centre Entries close on June
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  • 170 9 Experts puzzled by mystery death of EIXPKBTB were Ugtati lipped yesterday about the mysterious death of fiabes la the sea off Woodlands and Kranji and Job ore Barn. They say that It la net possible to theorise »n the causes for the mas* deaths because of the lack of informat'on.
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  • 36 9 Mr Mvlnt Boe. a lecturer In the faculty of law, University of Singapore wUI conrtiKt a lt-lerturc course on Banking Law and Negotiable IrutrumenU at Nissan hut beginning at 730 p.m from July a.
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  • 188 9 ICX3UR of Singapore Air- line's best looking alrgirls will leave Jumbo Jets behind and take to various streets in Britain In trishaws later this month to promote the airline. The girls, selected from among 300 other SIA stewardesses, are Patricia Lee, Yvonne
    188 words
  • 232 9 Schools that 'snip and paste' rE director of the Institute of Education, Dr. Ruth Wong, yesterday described certain curriculum changes carried out in the schools of many Asian countries as mere "scissors and paste work." A part of the curriculum If considered unnecessary was cut out and replaced with something
    232 words
  • 200 9 OINOAPORE Airline* i 3 may be interested In the purchase or the Airbus A-3008 aircraft for use on its short-route flights. Its managing director Mr. Llm Chin Reng said yesterday during a demonstration flight on the aircraft. The routes referred to were those between
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 366 9 Take movies in... Sunlight I Moonlight Ih^MP^ Lamplight i^^LgSF or an^v light bb»»sß^b«»sb^bsiis«SßSbl^BßSJ bs^^bbl |HB|^^Bf I ssUsTssTTW^'l !k>^cJssl LnlV t. I Bss&*^-- "^Hs! ■sftssssiP**' 1^ A Mount Faber. Singapore, taken in available light at 7.30 p.m. Sankyo Super LXL-255 Macro takes low light movies automatically If you can see it,
      366 words
    • 419 9 HONDA IS READY NOW FOR THE 1975 CLEAN WORLD DRIVE. FROM AN ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION AGENCY REPORT:"Honda's CVCC engine has met the emmission levels required for 1975." "Honda has achieved lower emmission levels tiian any other gasoline fueled engine without after treatment ever tested by US Environment Protection Agency." Two facts
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 206 9 Bringing Up WmtHm r By BUI Kivins|h Hal Camp By Chi, VwHat rf or eREATuis q i but a greater thug fl f i'd better set ocl TO BEUEVE THE DffEAM IS TO F«MT LIFE TWRU k MORE OPINOJ BEPDRC xi^i^\kr^ce!rJs. WWENWESTANOINVOJTH AND TO SAY AT THE END, 1 OECIOE
      206 words

    • 769 10 1 was not arrogant people: Doctor Abuse: Secretary is cleared m PENANG, Frl. DOCTOR denied in a magistrate's court here today that he was arrogant and insalting to people including former Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman during the course of his duties. "I did not attend to a patient sent
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    • 162 10 Multlmiliion pain oH sale to China KUALA LCMPCB, Frl The Federal Land Development Authority has made another roaltl million dollar sale of S.MC leag tons ef palm oil to China. FeMa Marketing Corporation gtaesal manager, Mr. Isher Singh Sekhon. said today that the oil which wtn be skipped to China
      162 words
    • 53 10 PKWAJfO. Frl. TH« multi-million dollar bridge ttnklnf Ptnang to the mainland U expected to ufce not «nor« than 3>, j**n to Chief Minister Dr. Urn Ctaf ru Mid thia wttea tbs new board of diracton at the ftnui CtilßM* Chamber of Commerce paid him a oourteay
      53 words
    • 55 10 BUTTOWOBTH, Fri. A lookout let off firecrackers to warn saeonshlntu when a Castoou raiding party tpprttcfam their hMeoat near here at Boea yesterday. All the sn*n workinx at the Ulecal dlsUllery escaped. The Cutonu offlcen, however, ads« 4 M truM conUinlnf 1.4 M gallons iSVIS 1 4 autj
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    • 206 10 RICE: PRICE CONTROL BEGINS ON TUESDAY KUALA LUMPUR, Friday pRICE control of rice will be Introduced In Peninsular Malaysia on Tuesday. There will be no extension of the "adjustment period" for dealers to dispose of their old stock of ungraded rice. Announcing this today, Bncik Mohamed Noor Hassan, Director-General of
      206 words
    • 147 10 Drive to curb rapid population growth rwiRAB. PTI. The OovL ernment Is to Implement a massive family planning programme to curb rapid population growth, the Health Minister, Tan Sri Lee 81ok Yew. said today. The Implementation will be In conjunction with the extension or medical facilities, and public health and
      147 words
    • 23 10 KUCHDTO, Frl Air Chtof UantiAl Dm Chullasaara <tow in today «i tt» bsad of a 14-MsriM! Thu mistjUlai sar wo-4ay Halt
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 623 10 twrtUtmtnt PRIMA LIMITED (FLOUR MILLS) (Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore) ANNOUNCEMENT NOTICE OF BOKUS ISSUE OF 7,500,000 ORDINARY SHARES OF $1/- EACH AT PAR The Directors of the Company are pleased to announce that the Securities Industry Council of Singapore, the Stock Exchange of Singapore Limited and the Kuala
      623 words

  • 137 11 YARD TO USE LOAN FOR DRYDOCK SEMBAWANG Holdings (Pto) Ltd., whleh has received a loan of about 1112 million from the Commonwealth Development Corporation, will ■se part ef the money to finance the company's MMtt-ten drydock In Singapore. A spokesman fee Sembawang Holdings hero said yesterday that the J4« million
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  • 141 11 FOOTBALL fans here T will be able to watch full-length films of the World Cup semi-finals and finals on TV Slngapore a few days after they are played next month. An RTS source said yesterday that It was not yet possible to give the exact
    141 words
  • 40 11 DOLAH t*n AatUah. M. m flMd $130 by th* Pint Magtatrato's Court yesterday for talking .thautailnm, at a bus atop near Jalaa Tons t»nf Pachah In Yk> Chu Kaag on June 4 at abaut HJO ajß. He pawded runty
    40 words
  • 322 11 rvKTENCE counsel Mr. 1/ J. B. Jeyaretnam itiffested to a complainant In an assault caae yesterday that bis allegations against Inspector Chan Jet Kong were nothing more than "a figment of ImtginfiUonT He made the suggestion In a district court after cross fiamlnlng Ismail
    322 words
  • 92 11 AOtrOBT iamlcrau«a rtMakj ||kyj 4imß BAbHmMC^ of dlrMtar wkM kc Sew In on Wateaaiay «vwiinf b ■■>■■■ *f Us taac kiSr. ImmlfraUoo •Adals Utor reieaae4 Mr. Cfcxto PatUkawa, M. after teHlnc bias U rat ka* S He eottect*4 few -part trmm tke Usrnl patl—
    92 words
  • 312 11 Busmen to get $6m in pay award Agreement between SBS and Silo *pHE Singapore Bus Service is to pay another $6 million in wages to some 9,000 busmen under this year's National Wages Council recommendations. Agreement on the Implementation of the NWC recommendations was reached on Thursday between the SBS
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  • 72 11 BABY GIRL FOUND DROWNED rw\HK body of 18-month-I old Ooh Yeow Poh was fished out from a pond about 50 yards away from his house on Wednesday. Ooh was earlier seen playing with his cousin, aged about six. beside the pond near his home at Jalan Hwl Ton, off Ylo
    72 words
  • 83 11 A CONTRACT labourer wa« jailed tor three months by the Pint MajriaUaW'a Ctourt yesterday tor cheating three people of a toteiof •330 In a house in Jalao Kundur on June 13 Iwlwfi 11 am and 13 noon Jamal bin T»lb M admitted dewWm Unnamed Noor bin
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 209 11 STARLITE \m -^spy 3 Tlf Jsß II I M i wt s^MU w p f—\ m Protect your f urnishings and save energy too! Starlite Venetians are the such extra features as a wide colourful and tasteful way to range of colour and styles to protect your curtains and suit
      209 words
    • 270 11 oave money on the quiet ia^ajaMß^sßßst&^B^BVs^sfs^sV* wTJ I ■^■Ib^As^bW t stlfesMHsM I SA-1018. 10.000 BTU Sanyo saves you up to 25% electricity costs, without making a noise about it. The secret's in Sanyo's compressor that puts Sanyo revolutionary engineering years ahead in noiseless the most advanced of any cooling technology,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 263 12 I [OPENS ODEON TODAY!! 5 Shows Daily: 1 1 AM, 1 .30, 4.00, 6.30 9.30 PM. jj DOIHG THE JOB WAS EASY FOR HIM... THE TROUBLE CAME AFTERWARDS. IT WILL JOLT YOH AS IT SHOCIED HIM! I mm llli 4aaai bT^" cp'o '^A BaßPa^atßLß I A Han To Respect Kirk
      263 words
    • 364 12 Encore Special Moralig Sbiw^ i ORCHARD: TODAY at 11». AijiitsM: SI.H. S2.M ft 8.01-Kf Frie list j cat. ASMEOtrviGHT orc«mNCAfl%s*rnjßtE DMTMCIWtWMUSICAI MAJatOTOU>< JaaW l^\ TicißTaiT I I >^.jb9jV^^B^B^bW wstarNaz,ir iac^w«ssarv.j»^MO^ioLr J JTgr««N...«rvs«.. HOMfo"u!V.L£" KupTlaSS"" i0».'.".0* Itujw RANwro -jmCSBMt SfrM(X»I WQBBBI >~.»,no~cau»- J, ■■■■■■■BBrfiiL 1 Vj iTi 4 BaßtflHßiialaßl MIIW
      364 words
    • 521 12 I I m I I I IK^™** MlSS l^9k^B>aa^ißVs .afp'tlaßßL. -^1 I I Ling b^^^^Bßbbb) *j aWl A*^a^»%i^BT^^r l *^»^B^ W" am< \^"^^^r THE 'IIVI Itomcrrow night C B^!N»Ta^BlHßjfaß Peak entertainment nightly by EavNHH^K p O p u i ar songstresses and I ItL charming dance hostesses^^ \M ntM dpn
      521 words
    • 184 12 Toauarkt M'nite Tomorrow Morning Shows SIMULTANEOUSLY at 7 THEATRES Capitol-Lido-Preskient-Rei Sky-Roxy-Juron* iMf; I with Top ShawsUrs Hongkong TV artistes JCANTQNESE LHALOCUE-'n scope a colowl I VTATH— Toniuhta^lidniitht W,' M S-- I nA M 1 1 ftr f Li\ S^ t< t I "EXPEUEICES IN LOVE" (NINOI) ttarriis MNJEEV WMM A
      184 words
    • 713 12 VWVWnrW^^WrVA\ 4h CATHAY •jtsmmriii 1 S NOW SHOWING I J t 1 Show* 7.00 4 B.JO pm Hu CMn Tanni In SMOKE IN HIS IVtS J Mandarin 'Cdoracopr wrtn Engkah Su btrtln J Jurortb Drty«-ln Cmama I O#S*Jn CaTtttcv Orct*#ro i I I romgM at Midnight' I (Odaon Tomorrow at
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 287 13 The Ilia Micro/Acoustics Speaker- System Achieves High Frequency Dispersion so natural and original as the mastertape and its dispersion is unique that it sprays around in a hemispheric pattern. Bass Response smooth and clear bass response obtainable down to about 40 eps with no doubling and the woofer response is
      287 words
    • 329 13 I^^ l^^^T^ T N^ ie '\A/II f\r* aMOWTIaJa »o9N^* t> UUt 4/'O, j fl**»wlo.4s».m \x^ V m%\m\ \m* l?*<»*ow«.l»^mclv* mm jT Autenhom ft mW M mm 3.00 a.m. i.?'*»°L h r Only Raataurant in Town V_V ML^^| I For Full-Cou.»«Oinn«f 1 LVA 1 (Sarvad up to 2.00 am) flm^^Bßßh- uAbtI&I
      329 words
    • 329 13 i dandruff free With SELSUN Selsun is medically proven to I tr jet dandruff effectively mm *m>Stops itch. Treats and deans scalp while it vimshes awey X^KKLWfI^M unsightly dandruff flakes. Selsun treats even the most mmm mm stubborn cases. It is packed suiflk" in spill-proof bottles. detergent SUSPENSION k v
      329 words
    • 218 13 \mTa\mmmJmw^' "I_J r^^^B^;^f~ wo\\^^^^iaaaaaaa\a\ t^^^^ Qfi LC *ii. t^ <kE B^Bram^—. j ea^B^aVj^H Ma^BHß^Bß#l^^B*afjVßißV BIBBS' mWaammOamw^mta^i L BH l^wS iMi Hv*l b^^ jwibWl II mi iE-iii !I^m B) I ■Lv mt Ej aT^^X. WamaV- "sbVb'ile IbKb^l B^bV mma^oW i* mwlA TS Singapore "a prosperous state governed by Asia's f X
      218 words

  • 571 14 The Straits Times SATURDAY, JUNE 15. 1974 PRISON REFORM rpoUGH measures are considered out-of- date by many penal reformers, but there is no convincing evidence to show that molycoddling criminals in prison reduces the crime rate. Prisons are not directly concerned with the soclo-psycho-loglcal causes of crime. They are Institutions
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  • 438 14 T.F.Hwang takes you down memory lane WOULD you hare believed that today's young children, without being asked, would buy police whistles which are so old-fashioned in style and shape? I would not tm i watched some kids buying them at the police exhibition in Victoria Memorial Hall last week. Every
    438 words
  • 556 14 EXPERTS of editorial comment from the New Strait* Timet, Malayna IN It* latest survey of industrial treads the Federal Industrial Development Authority reports in general satisfactory progress, bat with the warning of problems to come. Slower growth Is likely, a prediction confirmed la the four months since
    556 words
  • 744 14  - Tight pants can make one dizzy HUW GRIFFITHS By LONDON A GIDDY SPELL? IT COULD BE DUE TO THOSE TIGHT-FITTING CLOTHES OR THAT 'VILLAIN' OF MANY AILMENTS— LACK OF EXERCISE QNE minute the man in the black jacket and stripped trousers was striding purposely towards his office; the next he
    744 words
    • 299 14 I WAS reading Nancy Byramjl's article entitled "Why some girls prefer bald men" (ST.. June 11) and could not be amused at how very predictable fashion Is. fciiu Byramjl, reporting from London, said that the new "In" look for men Is short hair. What
      299 words
    • 109 14 I REFER to Mr. Green's letter (ST. June 6) about locai aumen. Where are those talented local admen? They have gone on their own, either in partnership or as tiny four-men set-ups. If they fall, they will not get back to their former vocations. Such Is Asian pride. For we
      109 words
    • 97 14 There are courses for busmen PLEASE refer to the comments raised by "Onlookers" (ST.. June 8) regarding civics and courtesy courses for bus workers. All bus drivers and conductors are required to undergo training courses at the Public Service Vehicle Training School before assuming duty. This School which was established
      97 words
    • Govt replies
      • 26 14 The training courses for bus drivers and conductors are for durations of 24 days and 9 days respectively. TAP SOON HOE, Secretary, Baa Service Reorganisation Committee.
        26 words
      • 216 14 1 REFER to the letter by "Places" (8.T., June 10). The Port of Singapore Authority maintains at Its Keppel Control, at Jardlne Steps an operations room which assists port users with information relating to the location and arrival and departure times of vessels in port. This service handles about 1,000
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 9 14 li D IsV BANKof AMERICA iTI Man-on-the-spot* service worldwide
      9 words
    • 204 14 the getaway I machine Jsk\ Get away. il*^* *^K >c3T Leave the t*» .j*-' congested m^ 5' x city and s w yo out into *ss^< ♦'t the open sea. > Find an island in the sun. Swim, fish, ski, A/^~"~-^»^^7^^ I cruise, race. There's an f "~>M^to| Evmrude to
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 413 16 BEST WISHES TO G.E.C. MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC TRADING CO. LTD. IDEAL ELECTRIC (S) PTE. LTD. Shop 38 The Orchard, 290 Orchard Road. Singapore 9 Tel: *****2 *****8 LIGHTING SPECIALISTS MANUFACTURERS Lights for Residents. Commercial Buildings. Industrial Buildings. I Exclusive agents for: Explosion proof. Flameproof. Emergency Lightings for Division 1 2 areas.
      413 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 192 17 8 VARTA congratulates CYCLE &CARRIAGE 9 and their Chairman Mr. Chua Boon Penq H p on their 75th Anniversary R looking back with satisfaction being grateful and proud of on 25 years of successful having Mr. Chua Boon Peng in business relations the Chair of our Board |H VARTA BATTERIE
      192 words

  • 241 18  - Lee hat busy time in London HARRY MILLER By LONDON. Fri— Mr. Lee Kaaa Yew will be thr nast of the British Government ia the Ant (oar days of his stay •ere. He arrives aa Sunday. Dnrinr those few days, he has eagagements with British Minister*. Oa Monday, he win
    241 words
  • 118 18 MR. Urn Chew Pali, a lecturer In the music department of the Unlvaraty of Singapore, will conduct a 18--lecture coun* on muale culturw of th* world at new lecture theatre 4 beginning at 7JO pm. from July 1. This was not only more than the number sold In
    118 words
  • 35 18 BaY Zahoor Ahmad will eooduct U-kctur* court* on BftctlT* Human BafcvUona for PwnuUns at Mkaea but TA. Unlwaty of Stn««pori, on Monday* and Wednesday* from IJO pjn to tJO p-m baxanune July 1.
    35 words
  • 270 18 Urban renewal jobs for small firms Dominance by big developers ends gMALLER developers are to get a stake in urban renewal projects a field dominated by the big developers in the past. Half of the 10 urban renewal sites offered under the Urban Redevelopment Authority's fourth sale, tenders for which
    270 words
  • 66 18 dlrferent home* win take part in neat 3 of Wen-are Talanttm* to be held at th* atngapor* Council of Social ■errlce from 13.30 pm to 4 pm today. •They win be from th* Bon Town Bom* aactlon, Stagapen Children-* Society (Toa Pmyoh branch). Convent of thaHoly tafant
    66 words
  • 37 18 LABOUR m-trtfr Uz Ong rang Boon iwtwnad from OiMva ytatorday after tuodmg the Seta mil i of the mtemaUonal Labour Organlaßtlon conferanc*. Mr. On* wat accompanted by Mr. Wimam Chan*. Permanent Secretory (Lakoar).
    37 words
  • 586 18 Display of tags: Trade Dept renews warning THE Trade Department said yesterday some shops nad not completed price tagging tor a tew items, particularly butter, eggs and salt. It warns that &&y pernon who retails essenua 1 commodl ties without price tags at his shop or stall is guilty ot
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  • 177 18 Ministry rejects step-in plea on oil dispute rl Finance Ministry has rejected a request from the federation of Singapore Pettroleum Dealers Association that It act as a referee in their commission dispute with oil companies. In a recent letter to the association, the Ministry said It regretted that It could
    177 words
  • 113 18 OOMI 1— ataasats O »dU taaaaete af Hwt Caaag Jaaesr Palate win bmti *at eftae I'nlTeretty ef atacapere taaay U that? wn aeaae at Bakit Aawa. Tke staaaats aaa ataff bare aaea aata« Urn aaaiaas at aa eatlasataa reaUl fee et 91VM9 a
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 275 18 Congratulations and Best Wishes to CYCLE CARRIAGE on the occasion of their 75th Anniversary from LEONG HUAT HARDWARE (PTE) LTD. 91, LAVENDER STREET, SINGAPORE-12. TEL: *****32 and LEONG HUAT INDUSTRIES LTD. 918, LAVENDER STREET, SINGAPORE-12. TEL: *****83 CONGRATULATIONS to pZ^ CYCLE CARRIAGE LTD.tftH ontheir7sth ANNIVERSARY TOPSTAR PRIVATE LIMITED. 372, THOMSON
      275 words
    • 95 18 Congratulations and Best Wishes to Cycle Carriage Enterprises (Pte.) Ltd. on the occasion of their 75th Anniversary (tomg ii@#® i Congratulations to CYCLE CARRIAGE LTD, on the occasion of their 75th Anniversary from YUASA BATTERY SINGAPORE CO. PTE. LTD. 3 LORONG TUKANG TIGA JURONG TOWN SINGAPORE 22. Tel: *****6 (3
      95 words

  • 425 19  -  LESLIE FONG By THE Prisons Reorganisation Committee has mil mended caning for hard-eort. yovnc offender, and habltas I erlasJaals la addition to their respective sentences, of eorree Uve training and preventive detention It proposes legislative amendments to compel prose caters aad Judicial officers to
    425 words
  • 434 19  - Training for needed goods, skills JACOB DANIEL By J'HE proposed statutory board to reorganise the Prisons Industries should produce goods that are in demand and train prisoners in skills needed by local employers, according to the Prisons Reorganisation Committee. "This board should try to cater for the markets provided by
    434 words
  • 458 19 Prisoners to be broken up into three groups PRISONERS are to be I classined into three categories and will undergo specific treatment programmes as a result of Government acceptance of various recommendation* relating to rehabilitation made by the Prisons Reorganisation Committee The Government has also accepted recommendation* for the adoption
    458 words
  • 95 19 m Taai fishing v*o**ai are bow bolag held by the CasUam for trylag to Mag law Singapore rice withoat import doTwo of thorn ware detained laot woes aad the other throe this ''■■sJB( UaWjf mrOTV ffcaaaod by the Cao- Aa offteiai of tat
    95 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 97 19 Congratulations and Best Wishes 9 I Cycle Carriage Limited on the occasion of their 75th Anniversary From }f t \BSf Bridgestone Singapore Co. (Pte) Ltd. ViHL^^^ Jg# v »*maw* WmaL. 'mm) W^^^ I l.amiu~ i %r%- i /wPfr asS> T^ar A II If IrXrMP *trit/7 Since 7 968 we have
      97 words
    • 63 19 Congratulations and Best Wishes CYCLE CARRIAGE on the occasion of their 75th ANNIVERSARY from JiQIHIWH*m lUm OM» 111 Juranf W-^. S p., T^ tMOS* Im* l»l I M |H M »M* imammi WE TAILORED THEIR WORKMAN'S UNIFORM. CONGRA TULA TIONS to CYCLE CARRIAGE LIMITED on their 75th ANNIVERSARY fvotti 6EORG
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 500 20 I El I THESOUOROUP Placement Services far Clients ACCOUNTANT Our client, 4 multinational food company in Petaling Jaya, wishes to engage an Accountant to assume the Company's entire accounting functions which inilurle costing, budgeting, financial accounting and management reporting. Requirements One to two years working experience in a similar capacity,
      500 words
    • 532 20 Anda sebagai seorang Warfanefara Malaysia adalah dipelawa untuk mertf uu kekoeongan didalam jawatan-jawatan yang berikut:--(A) JAWATAN-JAWATAN 1. AKITEK: besar membeli-belah komplek perdagangan dan projek-projek pedagangan d, n projekprojek pelancungan KeUyakaa: i) Ijazah/Diploma dalam Senihrnnnn dari mana-mana Universm/Msktab atau Institiut yang diiktiraf, dan 41) Lulus matapelajaran Bahasa Malaysia diperingkat SPM/MCE atau
      532 words
    • 518 20 UNIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA Jawatan Kosong Permohonan adalah dipelawa daripada Warga Negara Malaysia untuk mengisi jawatan PEMBANTU PERPUSTAKAAN di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Kelayakan: i. Hendaklah mempunyai sekurang-kurangnya Ijazah Am daripada UniversitiUniversiti yang diiktiraf. Mereka yang telah mendapat Associateship Library Association (A.L.A.) atau kelulusan iktisas yang setaraf dengannya akan masuk ketangga gaji
      518 words
    • 647 20 38 Mezzanine Floor > v fj Hilton Hotel f N nelmont Ttl *****/8 N S SOIIUOtICL A leading Property Company invites applicants for the two positions of Special Assista ta to the Director. Qualifications A basic university or professional qualification together with a high level of integrity and alertness. Experience
      647 words
    • 238 20 H I TMCBGVGHCXJP Placement Services for Client* ADMINISTRATIVE I MANAGE R Our dienl. a rapidly expanding organization in Singapore, involved in the manufacture of steel ropes wiaheft to engage an Administrative Manager to be responsible for factnr> and office management He will report directly to the Munaging Director Requirements: c
      238 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 794 21 IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR DIVORCE SUIT NO. OF 1973 Between: Ooi Cheng Choo (0 Plaintiff And Loo Moh Lim Respondent And Pamela Anne Boyle 2nd Respolfdent In the matter of a Petition filed the 26th day of November. 1974. NOTICE Pamela Anne Boyle Perchetakan Maa,
      794 words
    • 658 21 RNBB NOTICE BOLTON PROPERTIES BERHAD °^SSuS«r oS° (Incorporated in Malaysia) building srrcs, AfTBOACH BOAM, CtXVKBTS AND MAINS NOTICE OF REMOVAL 00 ALOB GAJAH. PBBXAKA Tenders are Invtted firm CosThe Company has pleasure in an- 5?"* o**0 wl 2"*** V' Z wlUl Jefcetan Keria Rap nouncing that With effect from Mon-
      658 words
    • 760 21 W^\\ afOJ Fill Hk. I eKI W/fpN PUBUC UTIUTieSV UfMU BOARD SENIOR TECHNICAL! OFFICERS ($960 ***** Qualifications Technician Diploma from the Singapore Polytechnic/ Ngee Ann Technical College City ft Guilds Full Technological Certificate or equivalent in Building/ Land Surveying. Civil. Mechanical or Electrical Engineering. Candidate should have a minimum of
      760 words
    • 569 21 Are you dissatisfied with your present job? The SAF can give you a more interesting and challenging career. So if you don't wish to waste the knowledge and experience you had during national service and want to join the SAF. send in the coupon below. Successful applicants will join the
      569 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 798 23 dassifiedads d) ACNI. PtStPL!*, OPEN PORI* are these your problems? Then consult Louise Klerk, medically trained beauty therapist with 25 years tropical experience, at Hotel Slngapura. telephone *****3 (Spore) m LOCOMOTION s captures reader attention sells your product service fills your post taw LOGOS In yaw ads. JO*T UNPACKED, FABULOUS
      798 words
    • 727 23 advirtisiNO FIRM requires experienced female commercial artist with Chinese and English background Please apply with full details and salary required together with a photograph (nonreturnable) to ST. Box A ***** RIOUIRID IKPIRIINCID CHINISI and English Kindergarten Teacher. Apply Tel: 8*0195 or 2. St Heller's Avenue. MALAYAN BNIWINMM (I) PTI LTD
      727 words
    • 644 23 HARDWORKHM PIMALI required as Clerk/ Salesgirl In XL. preferably with sale* expartenca and knowledge of typing and Malay. Apply *Uh full particulars including (nonreturnable) photo and sutlng salary required to S.T Box A ***** Spore "J-T SENIOR SICNITANV Urgently required by Senior Partner of a Firm of Architects. Basse raasjwanwjnte
      644 words
    • 758 23 WANTID A LADY CLINK With spoken knowledge of Chinese to work Prom 3 8 p.m Minimum age 25 Apply In person 3-32 Peninsula Shopping Complex NBPONT/EXPORT PMM requires 3 Female Clark/ TyptsU. able to type electric typewriter. Plaaae state expected salary and other neceasary details to OPO Box 3066 Spore
      758 words
    • 758 23 *T#wA*sl*J*al CIVIL/ •TRUCTUNAL MSNMNUI/ OSUtUOHTBaiAN and Draughtsmen with minimum 4 year's ex- penence required. Haass reply with resume and salary required to Sim Bee Teck It Associates 240A Blk 5. Oeylang Square Spore An --grrflij *hte,m« iisswia--1 I*TIMATOR 3 to 5 years of relevant experience in shipbuilding/ rapalrlng. metal fabrication/
      758 words
    • 901 23 APPLICATIONS AR* IN Vino tor a Male English speaking Tmmby Applications giving full par Uculars Including age. qualm cations experience and salary axpecled to Personnel Officer. United Engineers (Singapore) Pte Ltd P.O. Box 41. Spore WANTIO IXPIRRsNCIB ONTVM with Class 3 Licence. Must have some knowledge of P. B. A.
      901 words
    • 796 23 KIUUIRID FEMALI RICIPTIONIST TYPIST by well esÜbllshed firm Minimum qualification School Certificate Experience not essential. And Messenger Boy Possess own motor-cycle, willing to work hard Apply with recent photograph (non-returnable), selfaddreaaod envelops to S.T Box A ***** SrNOAPORC SPORT* COUNCIL Applications are Invited from cltlsens or permanent reildenu of Singapore/
      796 words
    • 768 23 MAtMCUN/ .I»'»OlOOUHT requires p^rt time English sp-*k- ing female assistant it 22 years Plauae call Victor 44T03» i TBUCCMMIiIMCATWN AUTHORITY Of MNOAPOM mfjswswsMnT ftßstswwa> A^MVsaVnSklsjwal f B^MBxMa OBT TsF*J*r*l NNJtjPII) aajsMsTtVaWsTawaVnV wassvsay sjw Pimsli) (1) Aiwsans (Famate) aacMrwr Ouards (Sinte) Por 1 above Muat possess a full H 8 C
      768 words
    • 607 23 MM*J9CIANSy POP QmOUfl dance bands wanted Monthly salary. lna4rur>enu studio, guaranteed to good character reliable applicants Write BEO 35-A. Jalan Korma Spore 11 I DCUVIRY CLINK CUM DPJVM wanted Apply stating detailed experience to P.O. Box 30*1 Spore. I <•) COSTINO CLERK* -TOR* ASSISTANT* (3) Ol«f"*L PURPO*! OPCRATOPJ A light
      607 words
    • 888 23 DAVK) PMOA BON* as trem %m Caaat Naad. New split- evet hoi^c. with sea view 3 Bad- rooms, study 91.300/- fur- ilshed ilntveraity Raad. 2-Storey deserted house /lice gnrden 4 Bed- i rooms 82.300/- furrlshad «anry Park. New 2-storey de- lached house i Bedrooms 8.000/- unfurnished Barker Raad. ComforUble 1-
      888 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1865 24 FOR SALE DOUBLE-STOREY 6roorn bungalow on 5.456 sq.ft. land 20. Jalan Salang. Spore 27 Near Sembawang Shipyard. Bethlehem and Senoko Power Station Enquiries phone *****23/ *****32 FORT DICKSON BUNGALOW 13 000 square feet near NEB bungalows, four bedrooms three batnroom.i lounge dinning room store garage Contact BK Ng 9 Union
      1,865 words
    • 729 24 I OANBT VILLAOE ATTAP HOUSE (3 I rooms, hall, big compound) 'or sale Phone Mr Kok *****6 Saturday/ Sunday 3 p.m. 5 30 J p.m. Off Tanlong Katong. quiet residential area. STOREY HOUSE, nice garden. 7 bedrooms. 2 halls, large built-in area, approx 3.500 sq ft 3175.000 (negotiable) Plllll Tot
      729 words
    • 877 24 FrW?rfWWßfffffTl FOR SALE: two blocks of flatted light industrial factory at Oenling Lane off MacPherson Road 12) Each floor area 4.500 sq ft 2 cargo lifts 3.500 lbs saeh Completion expected end of 1975 Call I now for more details: Mutual Housing Pte. Ltd. 11, Jalan Besar. Singapore 8 Tel
      877 words
    • 793 24 ARCHIPELAGO SPECIAL Oaky WooMy MonSMv MA HOLIOAYS 747/767 GRAND EUROPEAN TOURS 16/U Days *****/*****/Incluslve meals, hotels with private facilities sightseeing 1 (full escorted) Covering 8/9 I countries. Lake T<*a/ Modan 6 days SS66 Mult 6 days 6666/- Saturdays Bengkek (Chiangtol) Hongkong 7/10 days 6640/ iissevBsHßkifc (CMengmsn 7 days SSSS/Sundays/ Mondays
      793 words
    • 749 24 VISIT BEOOK RUT HOUSE TrNB Sunday for Exciting Chicken Curry Lunch, Nasl Lemak (Coconut Rice) Sambal Oula Mfi«>« S3 50 per person. Also Chilli Crabs, Steamed Prawns, Steamboat CAPE ATAS si FiTZPATRICK'S SUPERMARKET BHOPPMO ARCADE tor Lunch Morning at Afternoon Tom Western Local Menu at Economical Prices TEL: *****6. EBCAPB
      749 words
    • 791 24 INTERIOR DESIGN DIPLOMA. Comprehensive correspondence tuition leads to Interior design diploma recognised for membership of professional body Full colour prospectus sent by airmail > on receipt of 25p British Postal j Order from Dept BTP Rhodec International. BCM/ Rhodec London WCI, England CEE GEE BCHOOL offers CITY a GUILDS TELECOMMUNICATION
      791 words
    • 819 24 FIBREGLABS SAILING YACHT 24 ft supercraft with full cruising Inventory $19,500 Tel *****7 or *****8 18 FOOT BKI BOAT wood. 66 h p I mercury motor, ski rark. skis and rope Included. Excellent con- dltlon ***** Tel *****7 37 CHENGAH MOTOR LAUNCH for sale Deutz Diesel engine hull and engine
      819 words
    • 811 24 BKC CLASS 1 Alvitiim puppies 7 weeks old. Male/ female Phone *****2. BEAUTIFUL GREAT OANE PUPPISB. week.- old of Pfalgreed Championship Stock Male $600 Female $500/- For viewing ring *****4 or call 15 Jalan Peraduan Spore 28 SKC Approved DOG PARLOUR Everything your dog requires bathing tick -washing c ripping
      811 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 474 25 classified ads (D mattes vinyl Hies. Ring 6446*2. Vanly Metal Company. AH KIEW AIRCONDITIONINO REFRIGERATION Service specialist in sale, repairing, respraylng and rental Tel ***** MICALA SOCIAL ESCORT offers young charming ladles for entertainment Tel *****8 31 Chapel Road B'pore 15 aawaßWMsswaaassHßSßMM 1 SERVICING ALL KINDS T.V. Taperrcorders Amplifiers reasonable
      474 words
    • 552 25 SELLING 1 UNIT UNUSED Mercury Industrial tractor model MD2OPD. Perkins dlesel. rubber tyred. 10 ton pull Offers of 816.--000 or more to Purchasing Officer. P O Box 2058 Spore Tel: 378*44/*****1 LICENCED TRAVEL AGENCY invites active participation joint venture Please write 8 T Box A ***** Spore INVENTORS CORNER Investigate
      552 words
    • 534 25 SALE LOGGING TRUCK with trailer. 40 ton capacity, late model, in good condlUon. Tel *****9 AIHCONDITIONEP.S NBFNKMRATONS FOR NINE, sale, repair and install Sing L.lan Alreondltlon Si Electric Traders. 407. Changl Road. B'pore 14. Tel *****3 t *****1 LATEST COLOURFUL ITALIAN CERAMIC floor and wall tiles newly arrived Prices range
      534 words
    • 558 25 1971 DOOQE AVENOEN OLISSS alrcondltloned with accessories, attractive two digit number and low mileage selling at 813.0C0/--o.n o Contacl Victor *****3 after 130pm or View at 4*6 Joo Chlat Road Singapore 15. Uf«VEKSAL CARS A1 USED CARS Al ITI Capri 1600OTL -88.950 1972 Falcon XASOO Alrcond. 7.500 1972 Capri 13*0
      558 words
    • 929 25 SCAT THE HIOH COST Of petrol and road tax Be the proud owner of a beautiful Beach Buggte Imeeonom;cal cost of 35 miles per gallon and road tax only BS IOO/ -for six months. Price B*7.3*o ono. Contact DavM or Michael at 25*41*2. I*7l TOYOTA CEUCA ST alreon. 811.200 1972
      929 words
    • 520 25 IS7S PONO PAINSMNT 6 cylinder manual transmission 3 5 litre Radla. alrcond taxed September Very food condlUon 82.200 ono Tel A ***** I*B7 FONO CONTMA ISM Deluxe 3 ownerv 82.500 ono. Call BP 79 Holland Road. *****5 IMS PONO ANOUA excellent con dltton 81 700 0.n.0 Interested view 4-K. Met
      520 words
    • 361 25 2.4 JAGUAR IBBS 94.000 o no 1950 MOTY 94.500 Office *****1 Home *****4 USED CATERPULAR DTE 47A complete with hydraulic Angiedoser and wlneh. new track groups. Very good condition. 9)8651 Mist Llm OWN— LEAVNrO VIVA DELUXE 2 door* November 1971 In good condition 53.5500.n0 Ca11 *****1 9ffl MAZDA IM* RADIO
      361 words
    • 221 25 I*** ESC OUT >UtH road tax In- surance till December Al condition Radio fan Phone 415*80 Teddy ISSS WOLSSLEV AUTOBMTW taxed until August $250 Tel 15*2170 or *****7 HONOA 7SO MOTONCVCLE. IS years oM. owner leaving, highest offer secures Phone 66*628 OWNSTN LEAVNIO seU'ng I*B6 Singer. 850 c.c. 40 mpg
      221 words
    • 216 25 SUPER j W*/ TURTLE WAX SUPER DETERGENT PROOF SUPER WEATHER PROOF SUPER EASY-TO USE WSM SUPER BRIGHT Pnlflf jv_| U D«9jL m fL aC aUefll s flsTl Ea I Avetlabt* at all leading motor spare parts dealers. motor accessories service stations M~ HALFORD PTE LIMITED 873-07S.Upp.Bkt.Timah ROMS) 23 Tel: *****4
      216 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 801 26 i classified ads (ID EVERYONE KNOWS BY NOW that we are specialists In fully automatic washing machines and tumble driers Over IS model* on display at our showroom Call and ask for more details personally. Our experienced staff will help to solve your problems After salei service guaranteed Singapore Refrigeration
      801 words
    • 571 26 —^^^^^^^^1 II FULL HANOI HOMf A*v>UANCM I from microwave ovens, cookers. I refrigerators, washers etc. on display at Associate Appliances 28A. The Orchard, (beside Pltipatnek's) OOOD USED UMHOMT PIANOS available Reasonable price. Mun Kal Piano Company, ITS. Clemeneeau Avenue. *****9 DEHUMIDWEft 16 CU FT O E refrigerator, washer dryer, king
      571 words
    • 67 26 WANTED EIPEMIENCCD SCHOOL TIACNIH. Trachlni Pre-U Physics. Chemistry or rcononurs Buklt Tlmah 4 mU? Phone 5M72S WISH TO BORROW/ PtMCNAM History notes on B.E.A. countries from period 1940 onwards Writ* to 8 T Box ASI6M 1 ELiCTiwc tTOVI (4 cookers with oven* wmntwl urtently! On lonf-term rental or long-term H
      67 words
    • 425 26 Cycle Carriage and Mercedes Benz Md have long been familiar names. ow< lk> 1 Dunlop are proud to be associated with them as the J J«»J v3«j<g major supplier of original tyre fitments. /33Jp As Cycle Carriage in Malaysia Tv^ te@| and Mercedes Benz in West Germany I^IJ have always
      425 words

    • 717 27  -  EPSOM JEEP By gENTELLE fa as been running good races and should re-enter the winning list against moderate opposition in Race Eight at today's pre-am races at Bukit Timah. Her second to Clever Andy in a Dlt 3 6f race at Penang In April was
      717 words
    • 206 27 Sparkling gallop by Wall Street By DENNIS CHJA WALL BTREET, an Impressive second to Plzarro m In his first race over the hurdles at the last meeting here, showed sparkling form in a 3f rallop on a good track at Timah yesterday morning. With Christine McCullocb up, he went
      206 words
    • 780 27 ffy^'l 2.15 MARA Claa« 5- 2F 1 1» Baa Jaaa (Bpon FC) IS.SS ll t Ml Cm. (S-port PC) 11.11 Baa* t I l lafea* (8-parc PC) 11.10 Sak 1 4 Bka Bank (B'por. CSRSC) U Jaaa* 4 5 oao» *m Raaaj (SlUporic) 11.00 <-> S 01SS Maat
      780 words
    • 38 27 AACB 1: 1 1 fjiaj RACE Jack ef r Tlw Udi aa* I ■UCB I: Haa»—» Baa>— BATE gajaai niislsai aU.CB I: AtaaaM Pwwss— SACK Dmke AM BACK T: "~f Bataris RACE iaairßi sHiMi Me*
      38 words
    • 85 27 The schedule la: rtnt Dajr, June 23: Claas 1, Dtn. 1-5. Claw Dlra. 1-1. lv*f I'inl 4\ T June n. Ctaas 1. DlTi I Ud 1, If iDd tf DJt I Claas S Dlt l, 6f and at Div 1. »f. Tklrr Day, June Claas I. DlTt.
      85 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 315 27 PANWELD ENGINEERING PTE. LTD. 1 7 J«t«y> L*mtM>f> *C«yl#ng, OH Bers3*.me»' Road S n^jport 12 Bb^b^b^ SOLL AGENTS I*oB %^e>» •^•M-AfS-tf for these welding, B^p""B engineering and construction machines and I X*^^jß accessories. E f |Hj JUST CALL aH^F FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS Wj Our lean) of trontd and ixptntncfd /aVvßa
      315 words
      39 words
      668 words

    • 327 28  - Khoo sets two swim marks A. JOHNSON By ASIAN age group medallist Khoo Teng Chuan yesterday hoisted two national records in one event but failed to beat the Asian Games qualifying mark In the 1500 m freestyle in the Sasa trial at Toa Payoh pool. Teng Chuan, who clocked 17:56.3.
      327 words
    • 339 28 Cup squad face HK's top strikers By JOE DORAI SINGAPORE'S Malaysia Cup defence and newly recruited goalkeeper, Eric Paine, will be given a stiff test tonlghl by Hongkong's crack Club Seiko, at the National Stadium (Kickof? 7.30). Seiko's forward -line is presently rated as the best in Hongkong with four
      339 words
    • 33 28 NSW YORK. FrL BeaulU of major laa«ue baseball gafMß paved last nlfbt: KanaM City i MUwamkee 4. WiM— il l*f«: 8a» FraAdaoo 1 Chlomo 0. New York v AUanU (postponed) Kantr.
      33 words
    • 325 28  - Swee Lee, Godfrey qualify for A-Games ERNEST FRIDA By SINGAPORE'S 400 m specialist Chee Swee Lee and Godfrey Jalleh qualified for the Teheran Asian Games with magnificent runs at the SAAA trials at the National Stadium yesterday. Swee Lee and Godfrey Joined high Jump champion Nor Azahar Hamld. who was
      325 words
    • 163 28 Rhecm Hume win with a disputed goal A DaBPUTTO goal by inn ude left Mohammed Aria helped Rheem Hum* beat Union Carttde 1-1 In a SBHFL League and Cup Dtriatoa Two match at Parrer Park yeaterday ArU'a winning goal, netted three mtnutea before runtime, waa challenged by the Carhide players
      163 words
    • 40 28 C.NOAPORK. were W-« la reply to Sdangor'a ttnt lruilnga of 104 In th« Cotta' cricket final at PanUl. Kiala Lumpur, yenerday. Helangor 104 (P Muralae 33 SathlraU 4-17 S. Jayaaundram 4-aoi Htnfaoora «»-S (P. Banerll 4-I^.
      40 words
    • 235 28 Nantha scores winner for Forces NATIONAL forward Nanthakumar scored the winning goal for defending champions Armed Forces to scrape to a 1-0 victory over a revitalised Khalsa Association in a SHA league Division One hockey match at Fairer Park yesterday. Nantha's 44th minute goal gave Armed Forces their third straight
      235 words
    • 372 28  -  PETER SIOW B> HOT FAVOURITE Sy c d Hashim moved closer to the Singapore Badminton Association's Under- 18 boys singles title when he eliminated Foo Kon Pal 15-4. 15-3 In the quarter-finals at Oulllemard Road last night. The win carried Hmp'"V the top seed,
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
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    • 470 28 cmuk mim mh rexmb m. im A modern and fast expanding factory in Jurong has the following vacancies and the selected personnel will enjoy all the following benefits such as transport, subsidised hous ing, NWC, clean and healthy canteen facilities, bonus, attractive salary rate, and fuii sports facilities. The training
      470 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 53 28 BOCCSeI Tow asiteh: Dlt 1 JsAMtftea r% $mC: ang»por« BMao of Boof- PoMee m Betook (Ttaaenaoa konc cMkMaaeJ mmdtam IM Roed pjn.). IA SAFBA bjm.). (BeJevttjr Head). Dtr i. BAomrroK «ba un- 11 ice der la sMBI-AnaJe (SBA HsJl V^- cVij^rtinr iSibi 1 pJB ts \tUr. IHMAOt n Ulu ■OCKKT
      53 words

    • 399 29 Argentina's moment of truth today CTUTTGART, West Oermany, Frl.— Powerful Argentina one of the favourites, meet Olympic champions Poland here tomorrow ln their first World Cup match which promises a strong clash ln styles. Argentina, with a bevy of ace ballPlayers but a background
      UPI  -  399 words
    • 223 29 Miljanic: Tactical move gave Yugoslavs the edge PRANKFURT, Frl. A tactlcai move to push his powerful midfield trio upneld In the second half gave his team the edge, Yugoslav trainer Miljan Miljanic said after the openIng World Cup game against Brazil here yesterday. Beaming with satisfaction, Mlljanlc said the move
      223 words
    • 32 29 r T— -i worli Cap Mtrtat (all taM Magaasssti At Havar Cragaay HiajßS {UM oam>. At P— illirf fw«4ca> Balcvte. (KM paß), Al BBMleb Italy Haiti. At Stattgart Fataa* ArgeatSM.
      32 words
    • 305 29 pRANKFURT, Frl. r Here are the comments of some of the top soccer players and trainers on yesterday's opening World Cup match between defending champions Bra z 11 and Yugoslavia. Dutch atriker Johann Crayff Mai: "The game was weak kefare the Interval, fart
      305 words
    • 607 29 WEST BERLIN, Friday WEST GE RTT MANY, playing the vintage football befitting World Cup favourites, shrugged off the ruthless defensive tactics of Chile, who had a man sent off, to win their opening Group One match here today by 1-0. The scorellne gave
      607 words
    • 228 29 FRANKFURT, Frl. Brazil, a stutterIng shadow of the past ln yesterday's goalless draw with Yugoslavia, could be on the way out at world champions. Brazil, champions in I*9B, 1963 and 1970, were reduced to a second-rate side by the bog-like conditions at
      Reuter  -  228 words
    • 73 29 UJMDOK. F»t awssll ha«* ahppsd from nine-to-two to atx-to-oo* m Urn attest London sottag on ttat World aooosr Cup altar last nkjbrs asspriiiliifiiM soaDsss draw with Ylajodavte t» Frankfurt. West Ohvassnys posttton as favourites to wtn tha trophy hays strongUMMd. their odds batng enppao
      73 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 4 29 ■§fo §|wa QhO< m
      4 words
    • 312 29 Kitchener Rd. Spore Tel *****22 THE SWINGIEST NITE SPOT IN TOWN presents an event full of laughters and fun philbnoujns stow H B^F*^BaT^ W afl wBsW 'XV t^kv- v SBBBBBsa. Bay" w A fabulous dancing, singing and comedy trio. Direct from the Philippines. also appearing from w to-nite gw^^^^^^B plus
      312 words

  • 134 30 China's 4m-ton oil offer to Japan rKYO, Fri. China has offered to Increase Its crude oil exports to Japan this year from 2.5 million tons to 4 million tons, the Kyodo news service reported today. Quoting sources close to trading firms doing business with Peking, Kyodo said the offer was
    UPI  -  134 words
  • 35 30 LONDOK. Frt. A second cousin of Queen t *tf?' n, Mrs Elizabeth WUe. charjed with killing her 10-month-old Mind and deaf daughter, gained release from custody today on a 1500 (8MJ00) ball. UPI.
    UPI  -  35 words
  • 39 30 WASHINOTON. PW. Nancy Kissinger. St. the wife of Secretary of SUte Henry Kissinger, was admitted to Bethesda Naval Hospital yesterday to undergo tests and treatment for stomach ulcers, a SUte Department spokesman said. AT.
    39 words
  • 203 30 BEING a beginner twice over does not deter Ong Slew Kiew. 19. from operating a drill like a veteran. And a little later she was equally adept at using the pller lying on the work bench. Slew Klew. a freshman at
    203 words
  • 173 30 $12,000 fine for paying workers low rates SYDNEY, Friday A CLOTHING company here was fined A A 13.500 ($12,600) today for paying seven Filipinos as little as Asl7 (Ss6l) each (or a 48-hour week. i The Australian Industrial Court imposed the penalties on the Oaty Clothing Company, which had a
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 67 30 HONOKONO. Prl China bas atorcd mora than IM.OOO foucaj P«spls to Urn stratoste north sastsm borosr provineo of HoUamttiarn orsr the laat atz jraara, the Nsw Chin* nsws sgatcy reported today Tho a«ency said thsao srtucassd younc psopt* had sum IMS ssttled on SO state farms
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 35 30 'Plumbers' trial WASHINOTON, Pri. A Federal Judge announced today that the White House "plumber* trial will start on June M with former Presidential adviser John Khrttchman standing trial with three other defendants-Reuter. (See l>ag« 4)
    35 words
  • 100 30 HIKE WILL ADD TO INFLATION PROBLEM: UNION From Pago Ono Welfare opposed the increase, it does not follow that then will be no Increase. "This is because the board is not a declsionmaking body at all. It has no powers to make any decision whatsoever on 'student welfare. "The ultimate
    100 words
  • 70 30 HONOKONO Ftl. TbC outlook far Hongkong's export* to the Uniteu States and Britain looks dim for the rest of the year. accordIng to a survey by the Ptrst National City Bank. It said consumer goods such as garments and footwear that have traditionally been shipped from
    UPI  -  70 words
  • 30 30 SANTIAOO Frt —A hedgrhopptng light aircraft flfw sn tow that It hit a farmer working in a field near here, killing him Instantly, police said yesterday —Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 439 30 LONDON. Pri.— Tba (tack market ckMd auin la ««l*t Uadlac laamjr, ax) at 1 p.m. tka PlaudaJ Tin la««« wuttntl f »T*.S. OwVvTHMatt bOtMsl •CpVMsMO la fartkar raactMa ta* tnai ncurta maaaarii yattaraaji. Laaaaa rmaca* la aaa pMat la tka medium trna taana. whila aMkfar laaaaa w#r« up
    439 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 1 30 aflß^lil^l^lilH
      1 words
    • 199 30 &augp Ate AuutcrUtact ttiaw As reVKAv&odacH SQUCLCfc staftDfco 4^aaßaßaßaßaaaaaK i V .aaaaaw ■Ta^^Bßßaßßaaßaan I aaal BBT^BB^^aBB^ alaa "i aaar aaaa at" A H^aaMBBBBBV A '^^oP*^kJrf_a»-H Sango Quadrille is the ultimate in contemporary design. the most advanced design and colour schemes ever attempted on porcelain. with colours guaranteed to stay fast
      199 words
  • Page 30 Miscellaneous

  • 1899-1974
    • 660 31 'Exchange-unit' system to be implemented DETAILS of a $6-million joint-venture project to advance after-sales service for marine and stationary diesel engines in Singapore and the rest of South-East Asia were given last night by Mr. Chua Boon Unn, Managing Director
      660 words
    • 1583 31 r»YCLE CARRIAGE one of South-East Asia's major corporations whose logo has beco m c synonymous with the growth of vehicular transport in this region today look back with pride on their founding, 75 years ago, by two young men with vision
      1,583 words
    • 370 31 10,000 up— and still they come rnHX 10,000 th Slngapore--1 assembled MercedesBens car recently came off the production line at Cycle and Carriage CO. (Industries) Pte Ltd. It was presented to Kampong Chal Chee as the top prize in a donation draw aimed at raising funds for a community centre
      370 words
    • 289 31 4 A iSTH anniversary is normally a great occasion for anyone. My fellow Directors and I are proud that we should be op the Board of Cycle Carriage Limited at this auspicious time. From the small general store in Kuala Lumpur founded by members of the
      289 words
    • 1144 32 New Company, new horizons, top results WHEN the Chua p brothers of Malacca opened the Federal Stores In 1899 at the top of Kuala Lumpur's High Street (now Jalan Bandar), little did they dream that it would in less than a century grow Into a major corporation with consolidated assets
      1,144 words
    • 672 32 DEINO kept fully- informed of Improvements, innovations and modifications of quality products is an essential factor in motor maintenance and repair work. This was stressed by Mr. Low Fook Cheng, Manager of the Central Training Service unit in Cycle ft Carriage Company (Industries* Pte. Ltd.. In Singapore.
      672 words
    • 125 32 MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE: Cycle ft Carriage Limited'! Management Committee is headed by the Maaaging Director, Mr. Chua Boon Unn (seated behind the c ft C Bannerette). From far left are: Mr. Urn NJit Siong (General Manager, Mercedes-Bens Division, Singapore Operation*); Mr. Philip Smith (Group Financial Controller,
      125 words
    • 655 33 r*YCLE CARRIAGE builds In Malaysia and Singapore a range of commercial vehicles Including buses, chasses for trucks and tankers, and semi-trailers. In Selangor, the company has a 60 per cept interest in Hercules Automotive Engineers Sdn. Rhd. —Primrose Holdings (Clitheroe) Ltd. holds the other
      655 words
    • 157 33 I?NCIK JAfTAB bin Hi Hajl Mohammed AU Is the Projects and Investments Manager of Cycle Carrlaga Malaysia. He assumed his new post on May 1 this year. In his new senior management position, he Is Involved with the expansion and development of new projects for the Cycle
      157 words
    • 1562 34 UTHAT makes a car tele for the road? It Isn't the padgetry or the gimmicks flashing lights, racing wheels, aerofoils, stickers, psychedelic paint or what have you. It's "Q.C "Quality Control is the only key to a successful launching," says Mr. Stephen K.C. Scow, Plant
      1,562 words
    • 261 34 "\I7HEELS of Progress," a documentary film, tells the story of Cycle Carriage over 75 fears. Commissioned by the Company, the film has been produced by Peter Hopklnson Associates In conjunction with Meridian Communications < .South-East Asia) Pte Ltd, NeUson McCarthy Asia Pte Ltd and
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  • Page 31 Advertisements

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 164 32 I i Daimler-Benz AC send most cordial congratulations to ijgi LVde Carriage Limited on the auspicious occasion 75th Anniversary. In the competitive world of Singapore and Malaysia, dynamic Cycle Carriage Limited have achieved remarkable success. And for over twenty years they have represented Daimler-Benz in this region. We are proud
      164 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 199 33 The C&C Group Cycle Carriage Limited whollyowned subsidiaries are: MALAYSIA CYCLI I CARRIAGI (M) SON BHO Dealers *cr M«rc«d**-B«nz vehklet arid $'-ore ports ond acting as distributors ond dealers for MitM-t>i«hi vehicles ond spori parti. CYCLI ft CARRIAfif INDUSTRIES (M) SON iHO A:s»-nWy ond distribution of Mcrced«s-B«rz vehicles. SINGAPORE CYCLI
      199 words
    • 173 33 f A |H an '"C w.W f> < C^S^BP^^^^ s^a^a%^^V fiH^^^^B&^Hl 1899-1974 g^i^iftfl wL 7J- IJTbm t\? *^^bC P* ?^P > 'Ti_ "^^S^awf^jaSlßfc. sm^B^B SaSafcaMa^fc^af^^^^^^e^- m t 'ftyJp^E^^ ■Wrl^aJß^Sl B^B^B^M BTB s^bTssP"^^^L i Taß^Bß^B^s^B^Bml^aV-4BKW HL9^ AsSf4l Brw^^Bß^B\^aW^B^a^B^B^B^a^a^B^ke»B^Bnß^B^B^B^B^BMßlßM^Bv eHp^4sV '^p^^B %^^BU B^aT^^^Kt)' "T 7 sßr 1899-1974 Best juislies to Cycle Carriage
      173 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 424 34 Yf In MiTriii Ay?b? I jm k n£ yJ\t§v\^> VJili I UA)£L l^lf r llltll f? llVllllJQU /**ycu/3 I TT 3 %J andgmmg. We are proud to r^O (®§D> be associated with you. 3E ummtuktimandbetfwsks 3? j) TPUT WYh on this auspkious occasion. m MJ ▼VAliLl D\3Sl <¥o£J KUALA LUMPUR
      424 words

  • Business Times
    • 2054 35  - Why Saudi wants cut in oil price ADRIAN HAMILTON By Faisal anxious not to muddle issue LONDON: And so the battle lines of the oil producing titans have been drawn. Saudi Arabia, the most powerful oil producing country in the world and the "balancing wheel" of the world's oil trade,
      2,054 words
    • 309 35  -  BOH TIANG KENG By r SOUTH-EAST Asia, MatayaU aad ladeoeeu are the aaala aeaeflalariee ef the eaergy eraes. But itagapere can ever ef ptaapertty" ef 1U twe aetghaiars. This Is hew Mr at. Jerria, flaaaee dlreeter ef BheU Eastern Petrelaaai aaalyaed the effeeta ef the eraaa ea
      309 words
    • 387 35  -  HO MINFONG By VM/ITH Inflation raging Tf throughout the world today, the problem of keeping fixed Incomes in line with the rising cost of living has assumed greater urgency. Many indexation schemes have been proposed o: these, the most widespread Is that of
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  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 316 35 (weve kept things quiet) and as a direct result the Linn Sondek LPIS is being acclaimed as possibly the finest performing deck on the market today. A single point bearing rotating n an oil bath, a belt drive, a SA pole synchronous motor, and over Sib of platter on a
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    • 376 35 aaaV <<&*& Lw9 p^L_i —w jr y^Ba r3aaaw^T^e^afWTawarw^a»waaw^w^iw^_" MORTGAGEE AUCTION 'AMBASSADOR PRIVATE HOTEL* "MANHATTAN PRIVATE HOTEL" ONSLOW OARAGE Cnr. Greenknowe Avenue and Onslow Avenue POTTS POINT SYDNEY To Be Sold In One Line AUCTION DATE 18th JUNE, 1974 Modern 8 storey 149 room tourist hotel on potential redevelopment site in
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  • 539 36 Work in progress on choice site at Upper Thomson for light industries A MULTI-MILLION dollar Industrial estate Is being privately developed on a choice 80-acre site at Upper Thomson Road. A major undertaking of Sindo Realty, a local property developer, the estate lies within the proposed Ylo Chu Kang New
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  • 520 36 Tan Sri Talb bin Haji Andak and Mr. J. W. Nicholson have resigned from the board of Gammon South ESast Asia with effect from June 8, according to an announcement by the managing director, Mr. D. Yus tin. The announcement also said that Mr. S>ew Nim Che«
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  • 271 36 Japan to help China build steel complex rKYO: Japan and China have signed a contract In Peking for constructing a large steel plant In China by 197 The trade deal the first steel plant export to China and Is the biggest single transaction between the two countries. New steel facilities
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  • 526 36 M«W YORK. Thurs The stock market finished narrowly mixed today in lethargic trading a* some late selling erased many of the earlier gain*. There ware no apparent reason* for the market's strength throughout moat of Urn session, or the later waalmtaa. The bast gamers Included some of the
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  • 89 36 FINANCIAL TDIBS TINS Thursday nil Wednesday till W«ak afo ».U "^[^L n*** Wadnaaday IT7J7 Waak mo MIX Ml Thuraday MtJ* Wednaaday MM Wa* aao at jo INDUITBIAU Thuraday 375 Wednaaday m.s Waak mo Ml DOW JONU A VBKAGK INDUiniAU Thuraday MMC Wadnaaday Mil Waak w M» M LONDON DOLLAB
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  • 675 36  - Worst postwar slump in Japanese car industry FOX BUTTERFIELD By rKYO: Under the cumulative impact of inflation, the oil crisis and currency revaluations, Japan's automobile Industry Is suffering its worst slump since World War Two, with production down 14.3 per cent In the first four months of this year. As
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  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 603 36 Upto7O% of your secretary's typing is unnecessary Over a number of weeks or profession, banking, insurance, aw^aw^aw^ißwaw^Bw«B««Bw^Bw^Bwißw^Hßwi months, it is surprising how many government departments and or- m times virtually the same document ganisations where there is much Wu \af al^l. ll* (with minor changes) has to be to- repetitive
      603 words
    • 114 36 Advsrtiasnsnt H«lk> Investor mt Shar. Tradw! ME YOB VATCMII FOI HIM IF TK KXT MNI atftKET? If so. you must laarn to mtsrprsi pnc« charts and otttsf curvet of ths TECHNICAL ANALYSIS of markatt and mdividual thai as or commodities Ths cnans tstl you what paopla arc REALLY DOiNG m
      114 words
    • 26 36 ■ttp ,PAY CASH FOR JSBI TUGS BARGES CRANES *Sl TRANSACTIONS Mtco wm CaWTwa awH n^Bw^^H^ *^y*wW* a SAIVENOIN f 1******7 1 Kfll A %£^Q^j I FROMS2SJJO
      26 words

      • 33 37 artlac L i.tum L ta I. Bank n 1 or*. I rin JW. In*. I 4.30 t 3 7.66 t 3 J 40 3.11 2.M .1 .1 .1 4 J J
        33 words
      • 57 37 J» •CBC L Scmk. Store Tmrt. &*t*r i. atki L LwkJ Veornes LFirA L Dvky N r. A City 7.10 t 2.90 I 4.10 f 4 50 0 90 t 2.12 t Hi t 3.00 t 3 OS 4.04 4.W t 1 44 jv —JO —.14 —.14 —.14 —.10
        57 words
      • 21 37 tea HaW. 150.000 Bam PM- IM.OOO g-para Imad IU.OOO Stec Dtrtj 108.000 Totel fmii: !MM Total Vkhw- MMU
        21 words
      • 48 37 iMlutriate: M1JS U»M rtaUM*: 41M7 4RS1 HoUta: ni.n iwjs ProperUw: IJ1.»7 tZ5.ll Tin*: M.U 1M.M l«*>ui: J44.55 S4S.77 O.CJ.C: %4»M MJH S.E.8. Id*.: »7tJl Dm. M. 1M4 1M f Dec. SI, ltU 1M t Dm. IMS 1M Dm. SI, Itn 1M t Jut. 1, H7t 1M
        48 words
    • 1603 37 rpHK U»t transacted Mlc at the ctoae of business In the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day> price* together with 1974 high and low. Adjusted (or all new Imum). CLOSING TONI: All Mctloa a cloaad MMr. TuMHOvm Official total turnover oa th# •Incapor* Irmdini
      1,603 words
    • 386 37 PICES drifted Marginally lower ln lowvolume trading on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with weekend profit taking proving the main depreviant. For all its Inherent weakness, the market betrayed no sign of nervousness. In fact, following the initial bout of profit-taking, baying and selling strength appeared
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    • 1276 37 ■BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unleaa otherwise specified INDUSTUALS Arm* I2.30B) XD AJino (2.408). Aleaa (3.248). A. (hoc (1.468 1
      1,276 words
    • 1292 37 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In bracket* In tots of 1,000 units unless otherwise specified NOUSVBIAkS *lln*m*U (2 41B). A. Taa* (10RB MSB) (I) 108. Amu (ISM). AMI
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    • 286 37 PAN AMERICAN World Airways has announced its Intention to call back 280 pilots and flight engineers who had been furloughed In 1968 and 1970. An airline spokesman said the crewmen were needed to fill vacancies opened by retirements and to meet seasonal Increases In Pan American flight*.
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    • 88 37 NEWCOMER to the market, Singapore Finance, has suffered a 22 per cent profits setback vn the year ended April 1974. Unaudited pretax profits have fallen firm $252 million to $197 million. An Interim dividend of 10 per cent will be paid, two points down on last
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    • 303 37 Trading turns dull in KL market rpRADINO was dull and 1 thin at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with prices turning easier. Business was patchy with very small parcels recorded l n most traded counters. Many others were Inactive and even the most speculative shares were generally quieter. The
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    • 81 37 THB UB dollar was marked from, its overnight does to 63 .4460-60 at opening ln the Singapore forez market yesterday but managed to raoover to 82 4450-80 In fairly brisk early trading. In later sessions Urn dollar slipped marginally to 6X447ft- 65 and held steadily at this level
      81 words
    • 163 37 The following art the nominal average rJcilng lntarbaDi rate* In Singapore Cuituhl NwDlnal nUcj Satftfcaralaa *■»■*>■' *»Ue4 yesterday (ena) parity change US dollar 8.4470 2.4400 3J106 —\iX Sterling pound 5.8470 5 8570 7.3400 —30.4! Hongkong dollar 4* SO X8 54 50 61 3* Malaysian dollar ***** 101.40 100
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      • 29 37 Rubber: Jane 14. Singapore: 177.56 cts (down 6.5S ct). Malaysia: 177.56 cts. (down I.M ct). Tin: $1.3*5 (down $55). Official offering: 25« tons (up 36 tons). I
        29 words
      • 101 37 CHiMiti rnooui ixchanci. SIMOAPOBB NOOK CLOtIHO MICH »SB PICUL VBSTSBDAV. 6»Mi—t BM: bulk |1W aemlaal. drum SI4S nominal Capra: ktlxtd (loo**) UK/Coat. 100 nominal Plpplr: Muatok AST A whit* lo b 100% r*L,w ISOZI Mllm. Sarawak while fob PS* nlw SSM atllcra. Btrtwtk special bUck fob »♦<* NLW
        101 words
      • 35 37 Isalir copper prleaa an Thanday iprcvtoua In braekrtj) wirvaar Spat bur»r fi 064 (il Ml) wllar iI.OSS (I1.S48): ThrM Montha buyer 11. OM (11.011) atlltr fI.MS (11.013) Mirk* tatw: Strady MM*: 10.550 teas.
        35 words
      • 228 37 T»rtE Straits tin price fell 866 to $1,305 per picul In Penang yesterday on an official offering up 30 tons tc 350 tons. LONDON: Thursday's continued strength of the Penang market despite Wednesday's easiness here did have some Influence on tin values which finished £30 per tonne up
        228 words
    • 513 37 rvPENINO quotations In the Singapore rubber market yesterday were marked down fractionally after which the market steadied back to 160.00 cents per klk> for July on short-coverini. The rest of the morning was Dearly inactive with leva* holding just below the best. The morning session closed very quiet.
      513 words
    • 80 37 [)AILY 8MR prlM* Imed at noon ywtantay: J«lT A>«. MK1L.1L Baym Mar. mmMn (easts par k«> (aMliHrkv) «4R SCV (1 ton pkltei) SUM JHOON 314 00 J16 0ON BUR »L (1 ton pallet) SUM J160ON 114.00 216 00N SMK (1 tan pallet) HI 00 INMN llliW 1(3 0ON
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      • 203 37 HONOKONO. Frt. After a one-day halt share prices advanced broadly today In heavy trading The Hang Seng Index closed at 466.45 points. up 17.15 from Thursday. It has thus gained 65.29 so far In June. Brokers attributed the consistent rise to the easy money situation here. Turnover on the
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      • 45 37 On the fraa •aakanta markat In Hocskooc yMtrnlay tba U.S. ••liar wu quo(r<) at 5 0415 5 0425 for TT and 5 02 5 >3 for aaah. MarHn« wu quottd at 11.00/ 12 20 and an* tax |*M «v quota*) a- MS 10
        45 words
      • 171 37 rKYO. m—Prices on the Tokyo stock exchange continued to decline today, reflecting the previous day's bearish tone. The Dow Jones average was 735 down to 4,685 12 and the New Index eased 0.01 to 336 90 Trading volume totalled 160 million shares. Today's closing prices In yen with the
        171 words
      • 123 37 7URICH, Thurs— The 1 iiptrrad continued and though the gains were re- I lat'vely small the basic tenden( y of the stock market remained steady. Bonds were will maintained. The Credit Sulsse Index improved 1.9 points to 316 4. Cloainx [new la awlaa franca with th* 4lff*rane« on Urn
        123 words
      • 157 37 A MBTEROAM. Thurs Heegwrea* .aker trend In Dutch Intemstkxisls Plantations were mixed while NSU timed against a weaker tiend In shippings. Banks were generally weaker with Investment Amds edging lower where changed. In- I surances were mixed, and tocee prcdomlnauo In local Issues. Dutch state loans firmed sUfhtly. Ctoainc
        157 words
      • 318 37 \f ET.BOURNIE Frt The 1 iYI share market, led by renewed buying Inter** In Australian mining stocks, dosed on a firmer note In subdued trading conditions In Melbourne today Most oil stocks held steady j I at previous levels but norae I leading Industrials showeu a j Uttle uneasiness
        318 words
      • 55 37 U.S.* v Itlbourae (1) 106 10 106 It a>4<» 167 00 184*0 MW IMOO INN I— «tH«r 18T «6 164 M Mrtt* IM.OW IMOOB IMOOS IUOM •art* IW.M 1M.06 rpon 12) 166T6S IMOOB 1M HOB IWOOB Bzi-ort prtOM la Ma-it*rllaf irau la U.S. *otUr» p« «BW*. (1) Aiutnllaa
        55 words
      • 185 37 ASIAN currency deposit Interbank rates as at close on Friday. June 14: Offer BM 7 days 11 11 18 11 16 1 mth IS 11 7 1 3 mtht 11 15 16 11 13 18 3 mth* 11 15 16 11 1J 18 6 mths 11 15
        185 words
      • 32 37 Singapore dollars for 14 JW Off* Overnight 12 1 mth 2 mUu 9>i I mtru »S Prime rate t%% Bwet:8 wet: P. ttumj 1 IslcnHiUMua BM US »s »s »s
        32 words
      • 56 37 RESILTS of Treasury bills tender held on Jan* 14 for 91 -day Mils to be iasaed from Jane 17 to 21: Offered: S44.MM6*. Applied for: 555.530 Allotted: S4O 944 904) Accepted bids: IMM approximately 46) aer cent; higher Uds In ML Average rate of discount on allotment:
        56 words
    • 357 37 TM prophets of ISO osnis rubber were justified that week, disregarding the June poesUon which encountered sons technical adjustment before running off. pays ftoUdaj, Cutler. Bath In, Mb weekly review Apart rrosn a midweek rally which im oauasd Jointly by pries tncreasM of around M
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  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 451 38 ft Yaolmii X 4| f* SINGAPORE PTE LTD NOW!! THIS IS YOUR CHANCE a member of the Yaohan International Group of Companies, invite applicants (Male/Female) to work for its Supermarket I Departmental Store: IST PHASE 250 Sales Assistants 50 Female Cashiers Successful applicants will have to undergo two weeks of
      451 words
    • 676 38 'l PROFESSIONAL SECRETARY I SINGAPORE SALARY NEGOTIABLE I Unique opportunity exists for suitably qualified person to t»ke up responsibilities in highly specialised secretarial work with a rapidly expanding I professional firm The main duties involve providing secretarial services to various shipping conferences/rate agreements, plus other specialised secretarial duties. The post
      676 words
    • 781 38 O JURONG FAMILY SPORTS CENTRE The Singapore s first and only comple'e (amity leans centre wiM be open icon and invite applications for JURONG FAMILY BOWL a Assistant Manager In possession of a good School Certificate "vi* good Management experience Must be able to take complete charge of Bowling Alley
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  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 1334 39 COWTtIIIEIMIIP SEKICE Tl UtVCCHTItiEtIT Ma H t.rj A'wa fITIIO MAKU s "JW O'tU'k lit* Ul Rliajnv Mar.* M|— ntmt HH Ul— ISAII lIT aMa>NMM7IM>OM|MM|IIM| .uiiMi mhii I mii iMtj aMi aiatj mm mmm v[<P*Ol UT !t M/ 17 Mt| llaj Ilia] I M rIMION 71 h'l It Mtj 1|
      1,334 words
    • 1094 39 MM dLUL utA LINC. \£J Express Stales to Straits Service f n fliawa mmmi ttW/fan a fait i faart P Mtttf Pmmi^ I pi p UMM t tattM U.M taMM b.M taUa* MaM M PVMt M I MMMA iMttl aMM MUM MMM MMM M I PlnlUt ttMM lariM taaM tMM*
      1,094 words
    • 847 39 TO EUROPE J K.TIM MUM s'*'*"'5 ff HUM -Ml nkm nmm H)-| nmj i;-| }Jm KUAUI SM* »Mt ?IM) »Mf NM, II Mf ■MMHMM IH, IM, 21 m, mm* mmm M J iimfMiin iin, 1/ m, it, Ht n Z •Z, KMVM SM| MM, lite, HM» i| y.. 1 1m
      847 words
    • 970 39 FULLY CONTAINEKIZtP SiKVICI TO EUKOPE "MMi liar. rM ■faUIVI aCNM Ml 11 aj,,ii,ij tM i y aiM f.Tttii Mtj 1 aavtwaaa. l« na*>T. JS23** JJlltl. NUMMTI. IfOMM. hOIMfMW*. MtUtTI NDI C| »">H". t>dM)OTI. ItolMOt. aiMa M n StocUtotffl. Otto. H«ltma., UnitM Kifarooai. Cattai Taat: ICI a Man fCI M Mao
      970 words
    • 768 39 tlaiamt tIM 44; P. lUtMta «S4l; K.L. *****; Pwmmmj 2SMI. THE BANK UNI LTD. imm mil intju. Mz&namT i^ it/ii < va k i»B MfiUM (k'lltmi I 111,(11 P Mlt>| TTJM/IMI Jttrt MaMMaTtaUtJal {MftaJTllMM BMaMM i >hi. 1 1 Air,... nmm am m mm m^ «MJ UtT I MOT. M-tKI
      768 words

  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 818 40 M^L "^lawjSamk^kn kahha ltd. uvismo nui n» imsw in. MM* MKHMC. STtAITS SEIVKL MM lIIMIWt tlMMirt r «t MTUI 1 11 II MM SUM MmtHN.JiH* Utlm imnu M««««r mmm iw (•mVlantitrnMt*. jtpta/lwiik AM«-Wm« AtHi fcwtot film ll (MlltUU MM II MM iuW. tttll*. P MWCMrt. lajM. «MM. MiUM iim* i«m5T
      818 words
    • 542 40 ICCOTM MMR M M) ITM WUfl tMMRI FMUM Mi MMUtlfm fnm n* TO Mmmmi ULHRTim SMprt HIM HIM IHiiiii U.T. KMTTJWf TfOM total ISM* Hi. Lirinw ijfit» OkM mm* imntii uvmmuM mcmw him him im IUfTYWT ft** »Mt Sm> (MM* KMTYMMk MmH .kPM MtM mjmm. ■MM Hiitfm HIM JIM* mmm.
      542 words
    • 732 40 U.K. tUapet navici LOADING SOI LOHOCN. IOTTUOAM. NAMMIM. SM.SAO. U HAVU. J rr— SaaMf raaaaj laaaaa IM rMi( MfrMH IMMU a MB'l My Vt m iTm »Mf aaj •Mj tajam NMj •aaaaj Siitaa la Han raaai Laaaaa Mrtaat zatsa nmnmi v saj ivii m "aa* nun man ata* mmm t*mi
      732 words
    • 565 40 Bwro vom n iwwa, immmL/mmm nm U IKai iMaaaan IraMf «an«| UaM« (Mi awnaWll il/MM» aVUMa mi»mm Mm U laMaa yt. rM» ii/s. fwt mt MalaY ■aim wnm mam i**** m twnaai vs. rail 11/ l. rtmlt/t. aaau MIM I/iaa« t/ aMJ I I la] <VM »a» «.i«aa i-aa. seaMMMM
      565 words
    • 719 40 bhWI I aafWaM P^kl I fjavl tJ X"« »eeT *r nae«r*ai peat «u«o AMTWeeiTt AHMUHCID SWIM »wt: bui»a Hulaaic tub P*i.Lewiiaa asaTMia* K**\m Kirn nun. Kaui u«*aa*Mc*MSMT* p*a wai w. rumm *m k MarftuuNi euT. i<4. timtmr* ZUSi li*,' ■■>* uZ* iw.- Kyaw io.ll t>mi> tl Wax. C.I 1
      719 words

  • Page 41 Advertisements
    • 442 41 AREA MANAGER ASIA PAMECO-AIRE ASIA, a subsidiary of Pame-co-Aire Inc.. USA at present acts as U.S. Factory Representatives/ Distributors for over 30 U.S. top factories' products in the fields of airconditioning, heating and refrigeration equipment, parts and controls. Pameco-Aire Asia at present plays a leading role in the supplies of
      442 words
    • 1036 41 Applications are invited front graduates of a recognised University who meet with the specifications for the following positions: po.t a Employee Relations Officer Responsibilities He will b« accountable to the Manager. Administration for all matters relating to the Company's industrial relations and is expected to represent the Company at Management
      1,036 words
    • 313 41 I IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE Suit No 508 Of 1974 Between Overseas Union Finance* Ltd Plaintiffs And 1. Yeo Seng Chuan 2 Ho Hua Mm 1. Ho Toon Ngee (Executors and Trustees of the Estate of Ho Meng Quee deceased) Defendants NOTICE OF ADVERTISEMENT To:
      313 words
    • 989 41 MMIFCO SDN. BHD. KUALA LUMPUR invites applications for rhe post of MARKETING EXECUTIVE Scope of Work: The marketing of a wide range of hardware products in Malaysia including project wort end general distribution. Qualifications Experience: The successful candidate will have experience in the .narketing of engineering or hardware products and
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    • 200 41 An international shipping company invites applications from Singapore citixens for the position ot: ACCOUNTANT Professional qualifications in accounting recognised by the Singapore Society of Accountants. Not less than 3 years working experience in s senior accounting capacity Experience in shipping accounts win be advantageous. Capable of supervising and motivating staff
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  • Page 42 Advertisements
    • 61 42 MALAYSIA WEAVING ENTERPRISE BERHAD AND MALAYSIA SPINNING MBLLS SDN. BMD. (WHOLLY OWNED SUBSIDIARY) Manufacturers of Superior Quality Yarns, Cotton fabrics, Palaycat sarong, and Printed fabrics 1 1 For further information: MALAYSIA WEAVING ENTERPRISE BERHAD 1818, JALAN ROZHAN, ALMA, BUKIT MERTAJAM, MALAYSIA.TEL:SBI 648 i Print* and PublUfed by Tht Straits Times
      61 words