The Straits Times, 13 June 1974

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 184 f I|[NAL EDITION THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1974 25 CENTS MX.(P) 21/74
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  • 585 1 Two million Egyptians line streets to greet US President CAIRO, Wednesday PRESIDENT Nixon arrived in Cairo to a tumultuous reception today at the beginning of a week-long tour of the Middle East, during which he will seek ways of moving Israel and the Arab states
    Reuter; UPI  -  585 words
  • 41 1 NSW YORK. Wed. Dow Jones averagra. based oa first hour of trading oa the New rork stock eaohaoge: N Indus S4S.SS down %M> M Tranep 174 70 down IS3 15 DUU TSSS down OJS. Stocks down IK «FL
    41 words
  • 282 1 Accord on gold for loans WASHINGTON, Wed. The finance ministers of the world's leading Industrial nations have agreed In principle that gold could be used v collateral for International borrowing, the U8 Treasury Department said today. In a statement released here, the Treasury said: "In the Treasury's view the ftnanne
    282 words
  • 221 1 China ties with Spore: Talks on TOKYO, Wed. China 1 mas began negotiations for the establishment of formal diplomatic rsUtte— with the) Philippines. Thai' land, Singapore and Indonesia a Japanese isswa^^aaß m n ar4 #w>«k*eM B< a L sTTfSM FCPOr* lI VIU sTr»tIng said today. fhe fo«r countries are members
    AP  -  221 words
  • 360 1 FRANKFURT, Wednesday AN the eve of the opening match of the World Cup, plainclothes detectives today set up a search for an ArabJapanese suicide squad reported to be on its way to Frankfurt. A spokesman for Frankfurt police chief Horst Yogel
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  • 148 1 6 die in clash with Thai terrorists BANOKOK. Wed. A Government force of anry and police clashed with Muslim terrorist* In southern .Thailand yesterday, and four terrorist* and two policemen were killed, reports reacting here said today It mas the first major dash in what the Oovernment calls an all-out
    AP  -  148 words
  • 51 1 BANGKOK. Wed— Nearly 10,800 striking Ttasl textile wailen and sympathising students oarrted their vigil la Beugkok's tartest marketplace Into the fourth day today to back worker demand* for higher wages PoUce M*l Mongkol Worapband said the dsaioostr*ton wen peaceful and no tncidente of rtolsnee wen reported.
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  • 37 1 SCXTHSSA (England) Wed. Oliver Reed, star of the ntn version of the rook ■osteal 'Tommj.- eseapsd unhurt when fire broke out la the ballroom of a sis sills pier where fuming was taking place AP.
    AP  -  37 words
    • 34 1 BUKMOt AIMS Wed -Mtal tauhrw of Argentina today threatened to resign hi the f Me of wkit k« jalle* an erehastrated M«Hll« against his Mimiiil mawttkln Ike forces of Peroa-
      34 words
    • 30 1 UNITED NATIONS. Wed. Ob a irsasasl froa Aastrana, Ike UN Ti— Uushl» Ceansll sieeMed today Wmm aettoa <m la«e■saSsass for Puu New Galnea «nUi Seatesaher AF
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 7 1 Design OS Sizes 38-44 a s* 1
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    • 96 1 1 The newest of the new now at... I I WATCHES OF I I SWITZERLAND I I DBS Building I Shenton Way^^sJ <? SMsisfStsi i §nn§s Quartz Crystal Time I dowi tt CTrtt^^nggg Now Favre-Leubs rxeseni the most .^i^swißhjhkw accurste wetch m the world, a fl Swiss inven gsssn\\ sfl
      96 words
    • 198 1 $4m CO-OP PLAN FOR BUS SHUTTLE ■age 9 CHINA'S "fantastic" civil defence system 2 BID t'. slash aM to Salcon falls S CDC plea to rich nations: S PAY hike: BPEU follows Don lead 7 3AKABAT stalls won t get licenses 11 ALL set for work on 100 m yard
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  • 303 2 BOMB SCARE ARREST ¥>HNOM PENH. Wed I Military police today detained a woman who was found carrying wires and batteries used for plastic bombs while Prime Minister Long Boret was speaking at the state funeral of two officials killed during student demonstration! last week. Police said they also found a
    Reuter; UPI  -  303 words
  • Straits Times World News
    • 134 2 TONOKONO. Wed. 1 Police last night mounted a major antivice crackdown In the Wanchai bar district of Hongkong, raiding girlie bars, massage parlours and gambling dens. police spokesman said a number of arrests were made as part of a hunt for known criminals and
      Reuter  -  134 words
    • 455 2 China builds a 4 fantastic' defence system PEKING, Wednesday PREPARING FOR SOVIET AIR ATTACK? t (^HINA, claiming it is under serious threat from the Soviet Inion, is building a system of civil defence which "makes the Great Wall of China look like a toy castle," the head of an Indian
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    • 27 2 LO6 ANOELBB. Wed. Pour ilrU were born yesterday to OecUia Montemayor. 17. doubling her family and causing her to scratch her head for names. AP
      AP  -  27 words
    • 215 2 Chiang is at death's door renort fiAirEH. Wed. The 1 battle la almost ever fer Generalissimo Cfclanc Kai-shek. rhe M-year-old PtisHisji ef the Bepabtte of China, who lest the mainland to the cosamanlste 25 years a*© and has been waginc a awenlrea battle to retara ever since. Is at death's
      215 words
    • 66 2 value halved in ten years LONDON. Wad. The nkM of HirMns hu almost haired In 10 yean, BrttUh Treasury Junior ISJnUii Or. John OUbert atid In reply to a written psrttssMnfrry awnon Dr OUbert Plnanet&l Secretary to the Treasury, aaid: -T*ktDf the Internal purcbMtac power of ttw pound aterUnc as
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    • 250 2 Whitlam sets up watchdog team on foreign investment /CANBERRA. Wed Prime Minister Qough Whltlam today announced establishment of new machinery as part of the development of more extensive Government surveillance of foreign investment in Australia. A new Inter-depart-mental committee will be established to examine and provide advice on foreign Investment
      Reuter  -  250 words
    • 131 2 U.S. TO PLUG MILITARY KNOW-HOW WASHINGTON, Wed. The Senate voted yesterday to Rive the Administration new powers to block exports which might provide advanced US military technology to the Soviet Union or other commiiniit countries. The measure was passed after Democrat Henry Jackson said the US had been providing too
      Reuter  -  131 words
    • 278 2 V*M M*** MSUUSIKJ JOT* Dterday opened a vigorous counter- attack against the Labour Government's advocacy of nor* nationalisation ai a core for ttw nations economic problems. Mr Ralph Batcman. new president of the Confederation of British Industry. (C8I) seat a letter to his 12.000 memben
      Reuter  -  278 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 313 2 choose the right holiday*and you'll be having the time of your life this year C\ SEAWING TOUR TO SOUTH PACIFIC^^. 3p»E Fly New Zsslsnd's Big DC 10 to Sydnsy then C\\ TfcaScs\vl^ seil P O's 'Oronsay' or 'Himalaya' to exotic QSfl. South Pacific islands. 3 Iszy wesks for only Wy^
      313 words

    • 225 3 Bomb attack on British army training base YORK (England), Wednesday AN extremist bomb attack yesterday left a trail of devastation at a British Army camp used for training soldiers for duty in Northern Ireland. Three bomb explosions were followed by fires which destroyed a block of eight huts at iiic
      Reuter  -  225 words
    • 100 3 Hearing soon for US 'spies' in India WASHINGTON, Wed officials reported that a case Involving two young Americans held In an Indian jail on spy charges Is moving forward now toward trial on spy charges is moving forward now toward trial after 14 months of Imprisonment. Anthony R. Fletcher. M.
      AP  -  100 words
    • 29 3 STANFORD (California). Wed. Mr. George SchulU, 53. outgoing secretary of the Treasury, has been appointed to the faculty at Stanford University's Oraduate School of Business. UPI.
      UPI  -  29 words
    • 51 3 THRKE soft-hearted armed *osrs gave a crying monthd baby a bottle of milk and it him to sleep be/ore inaacklng a flat here and eallng rash and valuables. They had tied up the other and her other four lUdrea and at* most of le food in the refrigerator.
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 309 3 NEW YORK. Wed. French -born publisher Maurice Girodlas plans to tne the Nixon Administration for USsl* million (SS2S million) for allegedly trying to suppress publication of a novel called President Kissinger. Mr. Girodlas, who scored antl censorship victories in tbe 1950s
      Reuter; NYT  -  309 words
    • 100 3 Marcos: Full amnesty to rebels MANILA. Wed. President Marcos today announced full amnesty to all rebels who laid down I their arms and surrendered themselves to a special government commission. "We (hall accept them as brothen In the Republic and forget whatever they did In the rebellion ptnlnrt the country."
      Reuter  -  100 words
    • 78 3 Three monks killed in demo BAIOOII, V»cd.— Three buddhlst monks were killed and 13 others Injured during a demonstration demanding the release of nine youths detained for dodging military service In the Mekong Delta, police reported yesterday. Local police reports said about 800 monks and nun* were marching In Kien
      Reuter  -  78 words
    • 25 3 LONDON. Wed. A first edition of Copernicus revolutionary book on astronomy De Revolutlonlous. fetched £44.000 (8*360.000) at Sotheby's auction rooms here yesterday. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • 317 3 PAKISTAN'S case for a 1 "nuclear umbrella" provided by the world's five nuclear powers now that India has a nuclear status was presented In ministerial talks here yesterday. Informed Pakistani sources said. The Issue was discussed In a meeting between Pakistan's Minister for Defence and
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    • 445 3 Senate yes' to $54bil for Saigon Bid to cut military aid defeated WASHINGTON, Wednesday THE Senate yesterday approved a US$2l.9 billion (5554.7 billion) military procurement Bill after narrowly rejecting a further reduction in military aid to South Vietnam. By a 46 to 45 vote, the Senate defeated an amendment by
      445 words
    • 62 3 WXLKOIC Wed —An African mlneworksr was killed and IS were Injured when police used tee^gas and dogs to break up a disturbance at Marrleaprult Mine, near Welkom. last night, a mine spokesman said today. light of the injured men were savaged by ponce dogs and
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • Briefs
      • 30 3 JAKARTA: Indonesia feels there will be no change In the present friendly relations with Australia following the announcement of Prime Minister dough Whltlaro's new Government, a Foreign Office spokesman said.
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      • 31 3 NICK: The Soviet Union yesterday took a commanding lead In Oroup One at the 74-natlon Chess Olympiad here, while England pulled ahead of Canada In an exciting but still unfinished match.
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      • 29 3 WASHINGTON: The head of the American foreign aid programme asked Congress yesterday for l-SSI.6 billion <SM billion) in new funds for economic aid for the Middle East and Indochina.
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      • 27 3 MEXICO CITY China has ratified the additional protocol II of the Treaty for the Proscription of Nuclear Weapons In Latin America, the Ministry of Foreign Relations announced.
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      • 2 3 Trade talks
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      • 45 3 GENEVA: Negotiators from some 8* countries will meet here on July 17 to review progress in technical preparations fee a new round of world trade talks to enter a retailed bargaining phase later this year, a GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) spokesman said.
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      • 33 3 LONDON. The House of Commons yesterday blocked a move to abolish the British Parliament's Upper House, the House of Lords, by refusing a Labour member permission to Introduce a Bill to do It.
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      • 32 3 RHODES: Five Greeks were given Jail terms of up to four-and-a-half years here after being found guilty of the manslaughter by negligence of 32 people in a nightclub fire in Sept. 1»72.
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      • 28 3 WASHINGTON Treasury Secretary William Simon said yesterday he hoped to recommend an end to the 40-year-old ban against Americana owning gold bullion by the end of the year.
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      • 30 3 CANBERRA: Four crew members of a homemade New Zealand yacht have been found by a fishing boat stranded on a desolate coral reef M* smiles off Australia's east coast. Agencies.
        Agencies  -  30 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 48 3 ml /m oo»ir° rt ®^i 1 CiHiliiMjaHis i i isij \xM\ 9 (Im>im*\\vsl sr-t si raa. 4 1 \nw si m A much yciucanadd exeqit your inm))iiialkM|. Sm'TT 1 sVasssV Minolta MINaTA SINGAPORE (PTE) LIMITED Tong Fong Bldg., sth Fir. 52-E Chin Swas Rd., Singapore 3. Tal: *****1
      48 words
    • 357 3 1 3th JUNE to 1 9th JUNE 1 974 TOMATO CATSUP lawom 340 i Ifm 147 STERILIZED MILK ww ieu. mt c 1 mi m GROUND WHITE PEPPER mm in .95 BAKED BEANS ■EIH AIST. IN TOMATO SAUCE 454 g .66 JELLY CRYSTALS laiys choice 113 g ASSORTH) FUVOUR 2
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    • 213 4 Value ofworld exports up 37 pc UNITED NATIONS. Wed— World exports attained a total value of more than U*****,000 million (811.423,000 million) last year an Increase of 37 per cent over the previous year, the United Nations reported. The exports of developed market economies reached US$4lO,OOO million (SI 1.025.000 million)
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    • 94 4 7 killed, shops razed in new clashes RAWALPINDI, Wed. Seven people were killed and shops and houses burned in fresh sectarian clashes In the North west Frontier province, the govern-ment-owned Urdu language daily Mashrlq (East) reported yesterday. The clashes on Sunday involved members of the minority Ahmadl sect and orthodox
      Reuter  -  94 words
    • 89 4 LONDON, Wed. Britain's former Foreign Secretary Sir- Alee Douflas Home said yesterday that Europe still relied on the United States for Us survival but America needed Kurope for Its own selfdefence. In a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affairs. ho
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    • 639 4 EHRLICHMAN TRIAL PUT OFF... fHE Federal judge who indefinitely postponed the conspiracy trial of John Ehrhchman because President Nixon will not yield his former aide's subpoenaed White House files today prepared to issue orders for Mr. Nixon to comply. The House of
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    • 109 4 SUHARTO, NE WIN FOR MORE TALKS JAKARTA. Wed. President Ne Win of Burma visited agricultural projects in the village of Bulan this morning, accompanied by Central Java Governor Mundl. The Burmese Leader was also scheduled to tour Mangkunegara Royal Palace In Burakarta, near Jogjakarta, later today before going on for
      Reuter  -  109 words
    • 209 4 Women go on a rampage over inflation nORT MORESBY. Wed. X Angry women today smashed their way Into Papua New Guinea's administrative centre during a wild demonstration against lnflat ion. They burst through a police cordon and went on a rampage through the office bl<vk In search of Chief MlnUter
      Reuter  -  209 words
    • 328 4 Giscard 'forced to order new OARIB. Wed. Mr. I Jean Jacques ServanSchrelber sacked from the French OV.-ern-ment In a nuclear po Ucy dispute, yesterday accused the French military of using pres sure and Intimidation to force President Discard d'Estalng 4nto authorising a new series of nuclear tests. He claimed that
      Reuter  -  328 words
    • 305 4 ABC will defy warnings on China film SYDNEY, Wednesday THE Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC) will screen a controversial Michelangelo Anton ioni film of China despite warnings from the Chinese Ambassador to Australia, that friendship between the two countries could be harmed if it is shown. Spokesman for the commission said
      Reuter  -  305 words
    • 124 4 Call for change in entry laws f ONDON, Wed. Bri mj tain* minority Liberal Party today called for sweeping changes in immigrations laws, and a fundamental redefinition of British citizenship In a report on immigration and race relations the party said a royal commission should he set up immediately to
      124 words
    • 34 4 MILAH. Frl. Pour' armed and masked bandit* broke into the offices of Pirelli, the giant Italian rubber company. In Milan today. pMolwhlpped a guard and fled with ISO million lire (BMMMO). AP.
      AP  -  34 words
    • 22 4 DACCA. Wed. Bangladesh U to receive Uf43o million (8t76 million) in urbmn devekpment aid from the United Nations. Reuter
      Reuter  -  22 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 397 4 SOtTlf^ Ol Ol If i 'w!m ils^ produce an excellent meal, even an experienced cook needs a good stove. IL (*^T^lL^lt k -J I n mucn same manner, a worker in industry is most productive when I^l^PQ^ Q"J|Q I^i7 2, <|9f f^i^ using good equipment. O^^ L\ lSw What you
      397 words

    • 242 5 Spinola spells out his views on territories T ISBON, Wed. Presldent Antonio de Spinola yesterday pledged to de -colonise Portugal's African territories and let them decide their own future but only after democracy is established there. The first step would have to be a ceasefire agreement with African nationalists who
      242 words
    • 364 5 'A common stand to fight poverty vital* LONDON, Wednesday THE Commonwealth Development Corporation (CDC) today urged affluent nations not to cut their aid to the poorer ones be- cause of economic pressures of world inflation and the oil crisis. In Its annual re- port
      364 words
    • 59 5 UNITED NATIONS, Wed. Diplomats from industrialized and developing countries alike expressed dismay today over the little response so far to UN Secretary-General Kurt Waldhrim's appeal for emergency aid for poor states worst affected by the world economic situation. Sweden is the only country that has offered funds
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 256 5 Giscard move to tighten belts PARIS. Wed— President 1 Valery Oiscard d'EsUlng called his Cabinet Into session today to approve a sweeping economic belt tightening programme for France. Premier Jacques Chirac said the Cabinet would adopt "energetic measures," including higher taxes, to slow inflation and reduce the nations balance of
      256 words
    • 147 5 Fahmy to pave way for summit pAUM>, Wed._EgypUan \J Foreign Minister Ismail Fahmy will visit Moscow soon to arrange a summit meeting between President Sadat and the Soviet leaders, a Cairo Government spokesman said yesterday. The announcement followed speculation that one of the Soviet leaders, possibly Commmnlst Party secretary general
      147 words
    • 60 5 SEOUL. Wed. Former South Korean Opposition polltlcaln Kirn Dae-jung today denied he campaigned Illegally for President In rtlolatlon of the country's election law*. Kirn appeared for trial In Seoul district criminal court charged with making false accusations against President Park Chung-nee and the ruling Democratic Republican Party
      60 words
    • 216 5 China's worker teams back in vogue ITONOKONO. Wed. H The Worker Propaganda Teams of China are now back In vogue. In the summer of 19M. when fighting betweea factions of the Red Ouard raised the spectre of anarchy, large detachments of workers were dispatched to Chinese universities to restore order
      NYT  -  216 words
    • 26 5 JAKARTA, Wed. Indonesia, regretted steps taken by the French Government to resume nuclear testa In the South Pacific. Foreign Minister Adam Malik said Rruter.
      Reuter  -  26 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 518 5 iMEntpi siP^ *t r *GJktNSSTO^ N( ffeaiaf* srV l»*^ Thounndjof mttrw of Of I* D*^ Air .'IJ-^TT—sm CURTAIN MATERIALS Pir .3aiW USA Fiberglass (Printed Pinni from HOI*/ 72" '184 cm. 44"' 110 cm AA IMUW Frockto F.berjlaa 44" 110 cm JtUU I aCTTT7IFT7TsBBBBBaVs>Bs>\ p., u.t,. imported upholsteries C
      518 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 220 5 Brinßlnß Up Faths>r By BUI K»v»n»|h 4k H«l C*M«» <li|uxx atthb»)b pmonb"^\ I' Pio omocH** kan« "N f no -but he NO \AOMOgg OiJW PHONE V Hal WHAT PO MPU J V U»* TWB PMONB DSAR V) V 9TOPnO TAUCH*!] BILLS ARE SO HI9H.' ~S i BXPECT MC TO fr
      220 words

  • 239 6 $390 duty on booze not paid: Man fined $4,000 a aen was yesA terday lined $4,000 by the Sixth Magistrate for having 10 car tons of dutiable beer worth $150. Ho Juan Khlm pleaded guilty to having: the beer, on which duty amounting to $392 40 had not been paid,
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  • 40 6 THB public is advised to avoid the MacPheraon Road and Upper Aljunled Road junction from Saturday as the PTJB's Water Department will lay a steel main In the area. The work Is exported to take about four weeks.
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  • 81 6 Traffic lights to go into operation THE Public Works Department will put Into operation traffic lights at the Junctions of Braddell Road and Lorong Chuan, and Ulu Pandan and Clement! Road tomorrow at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. respectively. The Junction at BraddeU Road Lorong Chuan has been converted from
    81 words
  • 432 6 Survey: Danger zone is the kitchen 'J'HE kitchen is the most accident-prone spot in a home, according to a National Safety First Council pilot survey conducted among 255 primary students in five Singapore schools in April. The survey showed that 29 per cent of the accidents happened In the kitchen,
    432 words
  • 36 6 <or the blind The Hello Support Orour lub U organising an tanaten for 30 blind youths to M Singapore Zociogiral larder., ami the Japan— i harden In Jurong on Sunday om (JO ajn to 3JO pjri.
    36 words
  • 105 6 TAS and US firm to publish phone directories rX Telecommunication Authority of Slngagapore Is to set up a Joint venture with an American firm to publish telephone directories In the Republic. A TAB Btatssaant said yesterday that the Joint vantare between the authority and the Ocneral Telephone Directory Onwipany. incorporated
    105 words
  • 53 6 fAOtBAM 't--44 was Jailed lor IS saontbs b» the First Magistrate! Court vestai day Sir sin Una two ■anhftts cover* worth IS4JS in beat of a Mock of flats in Staroee stoad on May at about 441 m. The seven bekneed to the Housing and Dwetopeaent
    53 words
  • 34 6 The weekly ssess rbs paopte at sum of the Minister lor Soclei Affair*, toett Othaaan WOe, he* been jnttfrnH from June IT to June MM tbl PwsU Pantang PAP branch In Alexandra Lane.
    34 words
  • 259 6 Chamber welcomes Govt move to ease loan curbs rB acting president of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Chew Tent How, yesterday said his chamber welcomed the Government's move to partially ease the control of loans extended by hanks and finance companies to Industry and commerce. Under the more, banks
    259 words
  • 60 6 CHUA Song Phaow 21. was ywUrdajr Jaited tor four montba by U* Second sfa■MraWl Court for harms a (rram of morphine powder and for another four month* for having the utensils to administer It at a houae In Omar Road on May 11 at 1J
    60 words
  • 265 6 A WOMAN. Kanageii\ wart d/o Krishna: 21 W h h s d na »"clnatlons of her dead mother cali!T f »v e J' Jum e <J »o her death from a block of flats in Whampoa Road m ont
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  • 54 6 Accountancy course in Jurong The National Productivity Board will conduct an executive accountancy course at Its Jurong premises from Monday to Friday The programme Is planned for accountant* who axe Involved In management, and manager* who are involved In financial management. The fee la SIM for member* of the NPA
    54 words
  • 45 6 LEAW Ah Ee. JO. tu fined I7S by the First Magistrate's Court Tasteruay for ganbUnc in an open space In front of a bouse In Lorong Buang Kok Kechll In Ylo Chu Kant on June 11 at about 440 pjn. He pleaded guilty
    45 words
  • 115 6 A TOTAL of 172 hawkeri were brought to court for offences under the Environmental Public Health (Food Handlers) Regulation* last month. They were fined an average of $40 each. Meanwhile the Ministry of Environment yesteray warned that strict action would also be taken against
    115 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 249 6 J^ eAusta sia line SS. MALAYSIA" (FULLY AIR-CONDITIONED) TO WESTERN AUSTRALIA For your Holiday of a Lifetime Six Wonderful *^bbbbbl Fun packed Days to FREMANTLE (Western h«maniiS Australia) or Seventeen Days SINGAPORE To SINGAPORE (with Four Days in W. A FARES FROM SSEOS.OO (SINGLE WAY) OR 551,298.00 (ROUND VOYAGE USING
      249 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 257 6 Straits Times Crossword *<««»!« 5 Dwelling with a twelllrn' I BM belli growing IB*. Nonaenae It i refined and v t Uon aoucht by rebuilt ITI JS?**^? eonolß > r '•> 7M lo msht-path at the t Ctsar field ano ase point. end O f the road <S> perhaps <«.
      257 words

  • 223 7 NOBODY will ever dream of Ucailnf The Godfather under the chin. Except perhaps, for "wax doctor" Shiieru Kosufe. 24. Had it not been for Kosuge's profess! onal touches, the lines and grimace on Marlon Brando's face a visare which helped win him the
    223 words
  • 89 7 Nine lose homes in blaze NINE hawkers were made homeles.'. when fire razed their two storey house In Upper Chin Chew Street early yesterday. The victims, all fruit sellers, lost a total of about $4,000 worth of belr.iglngs and Roods. Police said the fire started at about 315 am due
    89 words
  • 28 7 SINGAPORE Karate Association will organise a karate beginners' class at the HDB Met Chin Road office early next month. Closing date for entries U June 27
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  • 282 7 'Promote culture by raising funds for National Theatre npHE newly- ap- pointed director of the National Theatre yesterday urged the public to help promote cultural activities in Singapore by raising funds for the National Theatre Trust. Mr. Urn Slam Kirn, deputy head of publicity, Ministry of Culture who took over
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  • 127 7 BYPASS NICOLL HIGHWAY ON THESE 2 DAYS MOTORISTS are advised to avoid travelling along Nicoll Highway and the adjacent roads on June IS and IS when the Singapore National Soccer team play against the Hongkong Seiko team at the National Stadium. This is to facilitate the flow of traffic. Parking
    127 words
  • 213 7  -  EDWARD UU Give us the same in full, 30 banks told By THl£ 4,000-strong Singapore Bank Employees Union has asked 30 banks to implement in full the National Wages Council recommendations as modi lied and accepted by the Government. A spokesman said yesterday that
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  • 309 7  -  R CHANDRAN By A SINGAPORE trade mission returned home after a month's tour of West Asia yesterday and said that prospects of expanding trade ties between the Republic and the countries visited were "very bright." It said In a statement that this was
    309 words
  • 112 7 A f INTSTER of State 1 (Environment) and MP for Sepoy Lines, Mr. Wee Toon Boon, yesterday balloted 320 units of three room Improved flat* at Park Road Redevelopment. Park Road Development In Precinct South I la a 20-itorey building
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 107 7 Train for television Course commences September 4th, 1974 This is your opportunity to train as a television and radio engineer on our full-time Two- Year College Diploma Course specially designed to cover the examinations of the City and Guilds Radio, Television and Electronics Technicians' Certificate Full theoretical and practical instruction
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  • The Straits Times
    • 470 8 I\R HENRY KISSINGER'S emotional outu burst In Salzburg on Tuesday was unprecedented but understandable. "This Is a question of my honour he told reporters. He confessed, too, that he was irritated, angered and flustered last Thursday when reporters meeting him for the first time in Washington after
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    • 131 8 rpHE secretary general of the InterL national Football Federation (FIFA) said last year that the organisation "does not want to have politics mixed up with sport." It is perfectly legitimate to argue that bitter political partisanship is best excluded from the sports arena where gamesmanship counts or
      131 words
  • 629 8  -  S. WINCHESTER: Washington By TWELVE congressmen sitting on an obscure IS House of Representatives subcommittee have been hearing a tale that makes Dan Dare sound like medieval melodrama. They were told about a device now sapposely being tested In Israel, on a slight
    629 words
  • 1890 8 Building links with the peasantry SOLDIER-LEADER AND 'PEOPLE'S POWER' DESTINY, rather than over-riding ambition led soldier administrator Mr. Ne Win (meaning "radiant son") to take over Burma in 1962. Ability kept him at the summit in the *****, with the backing of a powerful and disciplined army, and tacit acceptance
    Reuter  -  1,890 words
    • 495 8 YOUR editorial 1 (S.T., June 10) is pertinent to the report concerning civil servants (Sunday Times May 19). It is the obscurity of their writing and the impersonal tone of their approach which largely accounts for the disrepute into which our Civil Service (Government
      495 words
    • 61 8 I REFER to the letter by "Cold Silence" (B.TJune 3). Your correspondent will be pleased to not* that the Adult Education Board <« looking Into the feasibility of improving the facilities provided at the Cultural Centre theatre in stages. As regards the sound system, it has bean checked
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 72 8 Styles cut to the Ictect trend by our most experienced craftsmen since 1934. Suits completely hand tailored 4 stitched f H*ht to the buttonholes ensuring best workmanship. We are also impor ters c* axpor ters of finest Gents textiles thereby we have the latest A widest rang* of materials for
      72 words
    • 320 8 I PRIZES I I CHILDREN I I CbiMrM, yta- wit i cash pria by writmg a Utter to Ntw NatiM't Ptft Far Tt» Yaiig I which appears Mtry Tbw»day. The best letters I I wMI rtcttw Sl9 e*eh every wee*. Ym cm write I M My tbMM bit tbe letter
      320 words

  • 188 9 rX>R 20 minutes a r hoowwlfe held a large crowd of nei(hboars In soapenae aa she stood unsteadily on the led fe of a first floor bolldlnr in Kitchener Road from 9 20 p.m. on Monday. Below, the crowd Joined anna and waited In
    188 words
  • 162 9 Probe on Customs exam paper leak r THE Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau Li believed to be Investigating reports of a leaka g c of examination pupers set for probationary Customs officers. Several Customs emSoyees are- said to have en questioned following a tip-off that papers for the examination originally scheduled
    162 words
  • 83 9 PA invites tenders for 2 new centres HTHE People's Assocla■l tlon has called for tenders to erect two new community centres In Joo Chlat and Jurong. It is understood the present one-storey Joo Chlat centre will be pulled down to make way for a three-storey building to be completed In
    83 words
  • 157 9 Lee's son wins special Cambridge award LEE HSIEN LOONG. eldest son of Prime Minister Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, has won a special distinction star for outstanding performance at Cambridge University. His father was also awarded a special distinction star at Cambridge 24 yean ago after heading the honours list twice
    157 words
  • 68 9 Cisco constable dies in road mishap A CISCO constable died In Outram Hospital yesterday morning a day after he was Involved In an accident with a bus at Hill Street. Police said Mahdl bin Abdul Rahman, 43. waa walking along Hill Street at about 7.10 am on Tuesday when the
    68 words
  • 32 9 LABOURER An« Bmg Wan. 30. ni fined, 1350 by tin* Pint HifMnU'i Court mtontey for ■wtmmlac in SeleUr RoMrroCr on June 11 •t about SOS pa. H« pleaded fuliU
    32 words
  • 282 9 J'HE Singapore School Bus Owners' Association has tentative plans to set up a $4 million co-operative to operate the shuttle bus service that the Government will introduce with the park andride scheme next year. The co-operative will be set up to enable school
    282 words
  • 83 9 WEEPING GIRL DO YOU KNOW HER? ¥>OLICE have picked I up a four yrar old Malay girl who waa found erring along Boon Tetk Road at about 1* a-m. on Tuesday Police described her as two feet eight Inches tall, slim built and clad la a white and brown panty
    83 words
  • 43 9 HO Song Hua. 31, waa fined |7M by the First MagUtrate'i Court yerterday for coDsuning "^thatpia )ttnt a controlled drug at the Lion City Hotel lobby In Tanjong Katong Road on Mar 7 at about IN pm He pleaded guilty.
    43 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 118 9 IMPROVE YOUR COMPANY'S MAGE WITH TFLfPHOf* CALLBS WITH A IVIOVITEX STAFF INDICATOR vJLaB Lsar I t sb^bbbT I aBBBB^^^S^BBaH r -W^^ Saßff TEUS AT A OLAMCI KM«»M|H*mta* »yMO IS m> ■»»*l»» x'«id rt<a tor •bout W-30 wy Tm tony h»» MHO IS OUT 7 not^Mto^dby.w^dcr.l^ WHUt Will Hf H BACK?
      118 words
    • 266 9 I(VA f^ ■Iwl 1 afl aaaaaaa^^ f^MW^^ aaT^B aa^aaßat^' f^afc*' V: v; W JjA^W^. A aaaW W J'f) I V aaaaaaa^-^^ I '*{i, So*aAfl»nt raaflak MULLER&PHIPPS(F.E.;SDN. BHD. W^P Sin«apors Ku»ia Lumpur Penan* Iport St Ck cohtin* rrr ltd ROBINA department STORK Colombo Court. Htm It S'oom 7. Robin. H.y M
      266 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 886 9 TV SINGAPORE (5) TV MALAYSIA (3) 10.00 gSJZ B 6.35 S, S 2.45 "/JTL^ 6.00 B IZ. l^ B^. mission (Colour) 2.M Trade and Man Oettroyj-Yoe Can Help LW q,,^ HerTi Luc* 151 ThJ Test Transmission (Colour) 3M Throw it Here (Repeat) 7 JI News Rlfl «<w J Inch Higk
      886 words
    • 21 9 WATER consnmption on TucadaT was 113 mUllon gallon* (SIMM cable metres), 0.4 million gallon* (2,m cubic metres) lass than sa Monday.
      21 words

  • 219 10 Sketches of IGP'S killers go out as hunt hots up ifUALA LUMPUR, 1Y Wed.— Thousands of copies of an artist's Impression of two suspected hired killers of lOP Tan Sri Abdul Rahman Hashlm have been distributed to police officers and men. TV Malaysia has also been asked to flash the
    219 words
  • 26 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Selangor UMNO approved today the formation of an Umno-Pa* co-ordination committee for closer dialogue between the two parties In the state
    26 words
  • 161 10 Tokyo plan: Council in the dark JOHORE BAJtU, Wed. The Renggam Local Council today said It did not know anything about a Japanese mission's plan to collect the remains of seven Japanese soldiers buried in the region. A Beater report from Tokyo yesterday said a six -member mission was expected
    161 words
  • 55 10 KUCHXNO. Wad. More than 100 people were admitted to hospital today with suspected food poisoning after eating at a local re«taurant. health officials amid. The Director of Medical Service*. Or 8 K Mukherjee, •aid a full investigation was now being carried out but there was
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 44 10 Dairy industry for Perak? IPOH. Wed. An Australlan arglcultural and property management consultant Mr. Phillip H Broagarth U her* looking Into the poaMbility nt setting up a dairy industry In Ptrmk. The propoaad 114 million project win be a Mat venture with local Industrial-
    44 words
  • 471 10 Mystery plague kills millions of fish: Probe on POLLUTION, OXYGEN DEPLETION IN /CHORE STRAITS M4Y BE CAUSES... THE Ministry of Nuclear Energy and Environment will carry out investigations into the mysterious death of millions of fish along the Golden Mile beach in Johore Baru. The minister, Mr. Michael Chen, said
    471 words
  • 87 10 IPOH. Wed— A police supervisee. Rahmatullah Badar Din. 29, with 11 convictions, was sentenced to six years jail and five strokes of the rotan by the Sessions Court here today for armed robbery. Rahmatullah and Ong Chlew Koy, 20, pleaded guilty to robbing mining
    87 words
  • 55 10 THE TWO SECURITY RISKS KUALA LUMPUR. Wat T»« JifUM rIUMH have been iwmillj ar«hibMev fraai catering Malaysia for aeearity rmwi, it wu A |>I«I1W gasrttr UttflU Umlmh Inn OUU. tt. of NtfMiU. mm* MlakUkiro gaaakl. M. W OcayaaM. The Hiit Affair* MtjtMry an«" law lijhmi fill) *acM»e4 to <tirlm the
    55 words
  • 129 10 KELANTAN Mentri Besar. Datuk ishak Loftl announced today that the Kelantan tide of the East- West Highway from the sth mile up to the Kelantan Perak border had been declared a protected area. About 40.000 people will be affected by the move. Under the law,
    129 words
  • 286 10 KUAIA LUMPUR, Wed. Profits derived from any land deal are i not taxable under toe 1947 Income Tax Ordinance, the Federal Court ruled iii a test case hen: today. In view of the absence I of the word 'trade" In the Ordinance, profits derived
    286 words
  • 26 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed A second earth satellite station will oe built In Malaysia toon. Communications MlnUter Tan Brl Sardon Jubtr asld here today Reutor.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 67 10 What the competitor offers as 'original; we've discarded. Our old 'X' model I I Invented 4O years ago, S^Bss»sbTsbbsbl y^.n^paw#^^^^^^^^^^ SJSaja^SJPS^PSy_^^ w\ B^^^^ sbbm BhBSB H^B*B»a"""'^ B *^BlJAs^B* What MHE is offering as original, the new DEMAC 'P' model, i _.__<^ the competitor can't match. K(^Tln^^3^k ft m% it 'bmt^vwl
      67 words

  • 273 11 fHE Customs and Excise Department yesterday confirmed that its officials were now studying legislation to give special licences to stallholders in hawker centres and eating places to sell beer. But offldali from the I department clarified that place* such aa aarabat and
    273 words
  • 137 11 3 MORE THAI SHIPS WITH RICE SEIZED ANOTHER three Thai fishing vessels have been detained by Customs this week for importing rice without Import documents. The Singapore authorities seized one other vessel last Thursday. Each of the vessels carrying 500 bags of rice from Bangkok arrived In the Inner Roads
    137 words
  • 44 11 BINOAPORI Ai-med Force* aircraft will carry out Uveflrlng wort-lax at the Southern Island live firing range at Pulau Pawal today and tomorrow from t am to 6 p m daily The public U warned to keep away from the range.
    44 words
  • 231 11 10-cent drop for kembong and selar rE prices of hone mackerel (selar) and mackerel (kembong) declined by 10 cents to $1.50 and $1.30 respectively, the Trade Department said yesterday. Following are the recommended prices. SICE: American 19 per cent. 00 centt a kaU. China 10 per cent Ylm Cheok, 11.00;
    231 words
  • 48 11 TWO men and one woman were Jailed (or two weeks each by the First Magistrate* Court yesterday for entering Singapore without a permit between April and May this year. They are Awang bin All. 17. SharUT bin Bekar. IS. and SaUmah binU All. IS.
    48 words
  • 47 11 ONO Ke« Bun. 65. was fined ISM by the Pint Magistrate'! Court yesterday for having O.SOS kUogramsaei ot prepared opium at Bellllos Road on June 11 at about 11.46 m and another $260 for having one opium pipe and lamp He pleaded guilty.
    47 words
  • 167 11 WHEN COMING TO GRIPS WITH KURA THE ZOO'S GIANT TORTOISE... rr*HIS is what happened when Kura, the sole giant tortoise at the Singapore National Zoological Gardens ducked under his shell in order to keep his weight all to himself. But the four soo officials were equally determined
    167 words
  • 218 11 $1,000 for brave man's widow »|ADAM Ooh Soo Choo. 1 whose husband was killed by a robber, yesterday received $1,000 from Mr. Ho Cheng Choon. the Mp for Qeylang East. The money, a reward from the Oeylang £ast citizens' consultative committee and PAP branch members, was for the bravery shown
    218 words
  • 40 11 A TOOTH. Ng Chin Oumn. or Loronf Jurml. off Chanel Ro»d. ni ymterday Jailed for five month* In maclitrate's court after he wu found guilty of falling to register for national serrlce on March t. I*7l
    40 words
  • 71 11 FIVE-hun dred-and-seventy-three firms had agreed to pay the National Wages Council's Interim award of $25 to their employees by the end of April, according to the Labour Ministry The majority paid the $25 from February. Alao by the end of April. 670 firms
    71 words
  • 204 11  -  N. G. KUTTY By TWO officers of the ClD's Commercial Crime Branch are to fly to Malaysia today to bring back a man who is wanted here in connection with an $80,000 1 swindle. The man U said to b» wanted by the
    204 words
  • 146 11 PRINTERS' UNION CALL TO BEEF UP CO-OPS rpHE president of the X Singapore printing Employees Union, Mr Peter Wong, has called for a greater emphasis In strengthening the cooperative movement in Singapore. Speaking at the 2nd biennial general meeting of the union at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce recently, he
    146 words
  • 54 11 Three holiday camps for children THE Metropolitan YMCA will hold three children's camps during the school holidays this month. There will be three-day farm camp at Ponggol from June 17, a five-day outdoor Pun-o-Rama at the Katnng centre from today and a fire-day kelong camp from June 17. For further
    54 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 311 11 They know the difference. Developing originals like the new DEMAG "P" hoist keeps us ahead. That's the big difference you get a^^ from us. Large shipyards, palm oil factories, elevator j [\v >f^sfc»*e»smw«awi^aw«B^aw3^aw3^aw3^am-^aw3^mW4»jm wss^mVawMsa e^aws^mvawawa plant, motor assembly plants and even the small Ilj V *^^C?^«BBas<woßßhiBfc^lP 1, i m mm
      311 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 474 12 T^^ A v S^L \a* am^^^ ■^^^^'^£^3ajß^^^^^^Pl X kW~~Y\ "A I i.MM*t^ala^^VTajMa?rT <O(a\ttk MHslQf 'r^^^^i rrm ./*\u> -J •S*Xv.V.V.V»*^rSSy V* >"•*■'• .••»vfcX^KaT > *'*'y"\^lsf* > ~^T^^B i^j irr i n •■v*y^^^.>^.'.Sj.....-^^. 0M *<*f^'^^BaC^ff^ i> '*^j^afiß»**"^~*^**^"*J*aiaTW^ i r^BJB *y^^^s^T m^^SL W^B>»y p3L*^^TjSsffM Ip^; a^aJNßp^a^ft'^ s^^jß^^a^B^B^^^^^y^aS^*^-^^^^^aaa^P^^^^ MC-*^ v l^^tC*^**^^*^*".-**^ "^-^^^^^^^^aß^B^B^Bßa^aaa^^^^^ ■:i> THATIS
      474 words
    • 334 12 Lellini The international shirt from the golden age. ONini Shirts are C iflaß^^B^l* tailored to the highest bW Hf stanAirds oi eleqancr W^^l reflectirg the opulent masculmrty Urn a^ar o) the gotde* age k% V _^e*»w aW BTaTaTaT*7 *^^B^^araaTeT I I In desqn cut and (ashon detaiknq Ceilmi 1 HP
      334 words
    • 429 12 AXil€ TAnA VI 2 SHOWS M.GHTLY I; Qrais IWAT! 7.00 9.30 PM. SADMISSION:5 ADMISSION: Adults $2.00. Children $1 00 SMOKE IN HIS .j^L^L^LV ky .a^^^Bkt J CHRJNGSUM JJj J JJjO I^C mt^^^A w chin yA [^3hH a^a^^^afa^aV 'AM Ml HL Ufl JMT CHCUNO I A Wwrfaria Fiwiw DiiorScopc with Engteh
      429 words
    • 739 12 f 'jW.VA'.VAV.'.V.V/.', >!«k CATHAY ::JCVm»»HMIII I Jl OPENS TODAY' <\ |J 2 Shorn 7 00ft 930 pm Hu Chin •Tann. ,n i S SMOKE IN HIS EYES > Mandann CoiorScope aj "*> E"oirsh Subtitles sr* Jurong Drrva In Cinama |aj OOaon Cathay Orchard a Saturday at Midnight' 1 1 "i
      739 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 313 13 NONYA EVERY THURSDAY 12.00 p.m. to 2.30 p.m. International Buffet Time 12.00 p.m- 2.30 p.m. Every Friday $6/= per head M HOTEL GRAND CENTRAL Cavenagh Rd./Kramat Lane (Off Orchard Rd.) Smgapore.9. Tel *****4 Cable "Hograndcen" Newsweek THE INTERNATIONAL NEWSMAGAZINE June 17 Issue ON SALE NOW! Newsweek EUROPE: A Tycoon Looks
      313 words
    • 295 13 mw watiow hurt., A»m n T %w>Jir~~ I s^sa^^s^^^P"^*al s^s^^B S'"V pl^r^al^sV^^sHil InS^l)^^^ M local news t fp|^' >Mr >,^ r§A T T M ii^^^l^^l^j^^J^t^ mN^ I ftfj going k and C3.ffi^^^^^^H H::»::M&l;ft up agair a n -f M. SMlnisSsiHlsHl fi K"»I: Fish, veg and tV oCi ||p ("AMIHIMM ,C
      295 words
    • 441 13 PHILIPS TasL-aaaaaaaaaaaH a^^^^ ll *Ml^^£w bbbbt 4bbbl g3&' asßsi *Wm m ml fl |HJH HHsßaßßßaaHaßßaal Rsak N2510 s^^ > >^%r^V» v tescicrcccrr RHS2I From Philips. A fully compatible sound system. Each unit working with the others for unparalleled hi-fi performance. You can spend a small fortune on hi-fi Wow and
      441 words

  • 215 14 TRINIDAD PLAN TO SET UP OIL TIES WITH SPORE. AM R. Solomon Satcu--ITI mar Lutchman, High Commis-sioner-designate of Trinidad and Tobago, yesterday said he would seek close cooperation with Singapore in the petroleum Industry. Mr. Lutchman said petroleum represented 80 per cent of his country's exports, mainly to the Americas.
    215 words
  • 43 14 A FTVE-OTBSION course or, of the Biglap Women's Aaodation will be held at the 81glap Kindergarten on Saturday at 3.30 p.m A Jumble lale will also be held In conjunction with the meeting to ralat funds for the association
    43 words
  • 229 14  -  NGIAM TONG HAI PROJECT TO TAKE 2 YEARS B, on the new multi-million dollar shipyard to be built by the Mitsubishi Singapore Heavy Industries (Pte.) Ltd. in Tuas, West Jurong, is expected to be1 gin next month. A spokesman for the company
    229 words
  • 69 14 SINGAPORE CITIZENS STRANDED IN HK HONGKONG. Wed A number of Singapore citlxens have been stranded In Hongkong because their passports expired according to immigration officials. The Hongkong Immigration Department said that there were between 16 and 2« Singapore cititens now living in Hongkong as "stateless" people. A department spokesman declined
    69 words
  • 36 14 Skin care for men kin care ancx facial manage ■x men will beg In it the letropohtan YMCAi KaUmg entre In Meyer Place, jmorrow at p.m. The fee I- 115 for memen and $20 (or non-mtm-ert.
    36 words
  • 150 14 TiHE Law Society has ■i- advised its members not to wear flashy clothes when appearing In the court. In a circular, the society said that some lawyers especially the younger ones have been using flashy shirts and ties In court. It. pointed out this should
    150 words
  • 39 14 PRESIDENT Shearcs and the Pint Lady will be mests-of-honour at a dinner or(anlMd by the Singapore National Academy of Science I to be held at Ua> flower Restaurant In DBS building on Saturday at 7 45 pm.
    39 words
  • 152 14 IT is unlikely If any--1 one who has watched j the development of I musical performance by >ur young musicians would fall to feel im?ressed by what we neard last night at the Conference Hall Members of the Youth "Jholr. Youth Chinese Snsemble and Nan Hwa 31rU'
    152 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 843 14 MICROELECTRONICS (MALAYSIA) SDN. BBD. ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL An expanding International Microelectronics firm Invites applicants for the position of:— PURCHASING OFFICER Perform specialised Administrative duties pertaining to procurement of products and services associated to the electronic Industry. Riqjlres Individual capability In exercising Independent Judgement to develop sources. Requires minimum o! 2 years
      843 words
    • 66 14 IN maOKIAM TO THK OLORY OF OOD AND IN AFTECTIONATE MEMORY OP THE LATE MRS. FLOEA NESAMOLEY JAMES Departed U.5.1»7l A f«* r ha» pawn uric* jot left us without saying goo* bye. silent In sorrow and constant In thought and orayers. Remembered by loving husband children and loved ones.
      66 words
    • 1047 14 IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR DIVORCE PETITION NOi 20 OF 1974 BETWEEN Ouek Ah Keng (f), No 6-B, Jalan Thambapillai, Brickfield.. K«... Lumpur AND Cheong Wai Seng. No. Til, Hillside EeUte, Ampang Jaya, Kuala Lumpur RESPONDENT NOTICE OF PETITION To:Cheong Wai Seng, No. T-11, HilUide Estate,
      1,047 words
    • 171 14 Is your hair hungry for vitamins? Pantene I in a red box I Gold with oil Vitamin I for normal. U I.T/tmir FF f» I dry seal P I Gold without oil I for normal hair, oily scalp VaakjM, WrJd Also m a I i blue box for I kP^fT^l
      171 words

  • 20 15 ENTRUST YOURSELF CONFIDENTLY to our perming, tinting, highlighting expert Julie at Louise Klerk's salons, Hotel Slngapura, telephone *****3 (Spore).
    20 words
  • 130 15 MDM RUBY SWEE POH KHENO passed away peacefully on 11.6.74 leaving behind beloved husband Urn Jew Chock. 2 sons Lawrence Llm Meng Jlow and Michael Urn Meng Chye. 1 daughter Llm U Ling Cortege leaving Singapore Casket for Mount Vernon on 13.6.74 at 1.1 a.m. MRS. LIB THI AM
    130 words
  • 30 15 THE GRANDCHILDREN and great grandchildren of the late Marie Agnes Mitchell. 96. thank relatives, friends for their condolences, wreaths and donations on their recent bereavement SPITFIRE MX J In
    30 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 513 15 classified ads d) IPAh(§UCr*K( &XWfTr*rrnTXED' DM you apot me MSBBI ctoeoMod sd. In Centoet PB(1) wMcn wo* m •m Straits Time* ot June IS? You nun be Bw winner of a PANELICTRIC PERMADOOR PkFRIGERATOR worm over S4SJ/ Entries tor Contest PE(1) must roocn us by noon Mondoy Juno 17. JUST
      513 words
    • 783 15 > ACCOUNTING FIRM requires Im I mediately (A) Accounts Audi > Clerk qualifications: Must posses minimum LCC Intermedlat preferably with some working ex perlence (B) Bhortliand TypUt Oeneral Clerk. Must hay I minimum SC with credit li English Please reply togetht with passport photo to S T Bo A *****.
      783 words
    • 770 15 I- REQUIRED FEMALE GENERAL It CLERK. Knowledge of typing and v general accounts experienced on ■c commercial line Interested i- please write or call personally at 269 Joo Chlat Road. Spore IS. c 1 n (r An expanding manufacturing company Invites applications for FEMALE ACCOUNTS CLERK OuißHnMiiia. Sec. 4 certificate
      770 words
    • 724 15 ACTTVS OUTDOOR VAN SALES- MAM required Driving licence essential Pay It Commission. Singapore Citlsen only. Full personal particulars with nonreturnable passport photo. Apply P.O. Box 4057 PART-TIME CAREER Large British company with a growing business require* PARTTIME men/women for promotion and marketing publicity. Job and familiarisation training and remuneration range*
      724 words
    • 845 15 RIQUIREO AIRCONDITIONINQ MECHANICS with working experience and driving licence. Interested please call personally at 269 Joo Chlat Road for Interview LARGE TEXTILE MANUFAC nM^COBIPANY HAS VACAN. "il"™"*"" ■NOINIM O* FOREMAN Must have at least 5 years practical factory experience in Electrical/ Mechanical work Conversant with servicing and maintenance of power
      845 words
    • 810 15 REPUTABLE SHIPPING FORWARDING agent require* a outdoor clerk. Must possei motorcycle driving licence and b conversant with PSA clearing shipping procedure Apply wit full personal particulars an salary expected to 0.P.0. Bo 947 Slngapc 1 1 RBOUMEO VAN DRIVER to work t Jurong. interested please rln *****6/ *****6 for Interview.
      810 words
    • 739 15 peyARTMSJMTAL BTORB requires n Male/ Female skillful in window is display Full/ Part-time Apply ST BOX A ***** Lllllßl* has vacancies for: j (1) RECEPTIONISTS (tomato) (3) DRIVER Please call personally at: 461, Iteislssk Read, rporal gjajftaTM ofHo* homi. f WANTBO MALE/ FEMALE pump 1 attendants. Call personally at 2H
      739 words
    • 809 15 YUMIN OPPIRB LUXURIOUS APARTMENTS Calrnhlll Court. Leonle Towers. Hlghpolnt. Balmoral Park. Napier Road Detached Houses Holland Road. Coronation Road West. Third Avenue. Oartlck Avenue. Semi-detached Houses Hlllcrest Road. ?each Oarden. Thomson Oreen. Rental $700 $3.000 Contact *****/ ***** We Otter Only The Boom DIBT. I M> Furnished unfurnished luxurious apartments
      809 words
    • 783 15 GOLDHILL TOWERS (UNFURNISHED) 11.266. Tomllnson Mansion II 500 Eastern Mansion $500 Oriole Crescent (partly furnished) $1,500 Dyson Road detached $1,000 Hua Ouan Avenue detached $1,300. semldetached $750 *****5. *****2 36, JALAN MUTIARA fully furnished 3-bedroomed, 3 aircons. large living and dining Kitchen and servant's. Centraly located. SI .BBS. Him cor)
      783 words
    • 948 15 I KATONO HILLTOP SEA VIEW TWOI STORBV Duplex Split-level. Houses Remarkable Designed. Ideally located Aluminium window and door, freehold land. East Coast Road Seaside. Easy Instalment Contact Mr Chong Tel ***** Singapore RICHARDS PARK RICHARD AVENUE UPPER SERANOOON ROAD. Off 6ms Upper Serangoon Road, enter by Flower Road. Only a
      948 words

  • Article, Illustration
    37 16 In ever loving memory of K Slvadas who passed away 13.6 64 "Many a lonely heartache, often a silent tear, but always loving memories of one we loved so dear." By loving mother and relations.
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  • Article, Illustration
    42 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 620 16 INDONESIAN BUYER with permit to purchase, requires semidetached in Buklt Timah/ Holland Road »rea or maisonettes/ apartments in dlsts 9. 10 Tel: *****2 *****7. FONQQOL LAND WANTED Preferably with sea frontage Will consider any plot exceeding one acre Please apply with lot number and nett price to P.O. BOX 44.
      620 words
    • 332 16 OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE for rent 473 sq ft 17th floor International Plata. Anton Road. Ring Mr Ng *****0 FOR SALE 858 sq ft office space Far East Shopping below cost at $145,000 0.n.0 Phone *****4. THIRD ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL 20H discount off Normal Fee Free Booklet Call *****7/ *****6 REOUIRE WAREHOUSE
      332 words
    • 510 16 I NAM NO TRAVIL SBRVICI (SINGAPORE) PTB. LIMITEO Tow West Malaysia Seven Dayi *****/-. alr-condltloned buj *****/-. Malaysia li Oentlni Highlands by alr-cceWluoned bu: seven days Ssl7o/-. Departun Everyday Cameron Highlands Four day* 8880/-. Oentlni I Highlands Four days *****/--13/6/74. 15/6/74. 18/6/74. 19/6/74 20/6/74. 26/6/74 Bangkol Chlengmal by air condltlonec
      510 words
    • 484 16 I I REASONABLE RELIABLE r PHOENIX HOLIDAY Special Oen--1 1 ting Highlands Holidays (air) 2 I days $115/- dally. Saturday 2 days 3 nights (coach) $59 90 Friday 4 I days (coach) $95 00 every Monday Penang Cameron 4 days 5 nights $84 90 (alrcondltloned coach I $100/-) 5.8 74.
      484 words
    • 770 16 PAN EAST TRAVEL CLUB (Pte) I Ltd offers low cost flights to London/ Europe Also Worldwide reservations Please call *****2/ *****6/*****1 LONDON/EUROPE SPRINO SUMMER TOURS Weak* Dap: Apr-Oct 1574 16 DAYS LONDON/ EUROPE (7 Countrto.) $1000/ 23 DAYS LONDON/ EUROPE (7 Countrto*) SSSSS7--1 38 DAYS LONDON/ EUROPE (7 CUM— Me)
      770 words
    • 753 16 SHORTHAND BEGINNERS RAPIO COURSE commencing 14.6.74 Duration 3 months. Fee $10. Mondays/ Fridays 7 30 p.m. 830 p m Limited vacancies. i Please enquire Systematic Business Training Centre Room 117. Peace Centre Spore *****/ *****5. 00 inlngua Now «w world-* lorooot group oi iangu>ee ochool* oiler the fcoowtna counoe on
      753 words
    • 942 16 ADDITIONAL AND PRB-UNI-VERS4TV Mathematics by experienced honours graduate with London Post-Or.duate qualifications Phone *****3. YAMAHA MUSIC SCHOOL CLARINET Course Tuesday 9* m to 12 p m 7 p m to 9 p.m Mon- I day 7 p.m to 9 p.m $35/- per month. Yamaha Music School tot *****5. ***** Singapore
      942 words
    • 997 16 ISSS TRIUMPH SPITFIRE MX JX In excellent condition with hard/soft top $3,700 only HP possible phone *****2. DECEMBER ISSS MOB SPORTS Radio, racing steering, new battery and tyres, good condition $3,200 View Esao Station 537 Balestler Road ISS9 PEUOBOT SS4 red, airconditioned, rad.r cuaette new tyres, $8,000 0.n.0. H.P. arranteabie
      997 words
    • 478 16 BEAT THE HIGH COST of petrol and road tax Be the proud owner of a beautiful Beach Buggie Imported from America At economical co*t of 35 miles per gallon and road tax only *****/--for six months Price 587.500/--o no Contact David or Michael at *****92 MX 1 JAOUAR 1988 2^4
      478 words
    • 446 16 ARE YOU LOOKING FCR A COMPLETE HI-FI SYSTEM? For $155/- down, you ran own a Pioneer EI OOO A stereo system complete with tape-deck. SOUTH ASIA. $91, VICTORIA STREET. JUST WATCH HER EVES SPARKLE especially when you give her fashion's latest choice of exquisite Jewellery from Tin Sing Goldsmiths Pte
      446 words

    • 360 17  -  JOE DORAI By ]T will be a "make or break" mission for Armed Forces goalkeeper Eric Paine, who is I on a comeback trail, on Saturday 1 when he plays for Singapore against Hongkong League champions, Seiko, at the National Stadium (kickoff 7.30 p.m.).
      360 words
    • 195 17 CAPE TOWN. Wed.— De- I roonstrators Interrupted a rufby match between the British Lions tad Southern Universities here yesterday in what ia awttevad U bt the first ever protest to have held up a sporting event in Sovth Africa. Seventeen minute* Into the Brat half of
      Reuter  -  195 words
    • 93 17 Ali calls off trip to Gabon PARIS, Wed. Former world heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali flew back to New York today less than 24 hours after he arrived. Ali earlier cancelled a scheduled flight to Gabon in West Africa where some reports said he planned to stage an exhibition nght. Members
      AP  -  93 words
    • 19 17 THE National Trades I Union Congress badminton tournament will resume play on June 23 at Oulllemard Road
      19 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1693 17 classified ads (D ATTENTION LADIES. Sauna oaths scientific slimming, spot- I reducing, postnatal treatments with very latest machines at Louise Klerk's Salon. 22 Ngee Ann Bulldlne No streneous exerdßSi Telephone *****2 (Spore). MANDARIN HEALTH CENTRE. Mandarin Hotel. 3rd floor massage/ sauna/ steambath/ facial *****6. *****1 Ext 750 Spore MADE-TO-MEASURE suits,
      1,693 words
    • 215 17 SANITARY SERVICE to Lavatory defect Reposition water pipe, wash area and Manhoel. Tel: *****5 WE SUPPLY OATSUN PICKUP or Medium Big Lorry to shift household office equipments or clearing cargo. *****7/ *****3 fOR CHARMING AND SOCIABLE Lady escorts dial *****1 The High Society, 248-C3 Orchard Road (opposite Mandarin Hotel). SPECIALIZE
      215 words
    • 184 17 HIOH QUALITY ALUMINIUM COLLAPSIBLE tubes available ror toothpaste, glue, adheatves. oilmenu ett Enquiries ring 9160T5 CEMENT USSS3 per metric ton fob Manila 3.060 metric ton 10.000 metric ton loading capacity per shipment. COPRA available for local Importers Apply 18-A. Orssnßsld Drtvo, 8>o*» 18. MADRAS LAND DEVELOPMENT, Building and Civil Contracts
      184 words
    • 219 17 ACMA AIR-CONOmONER twincool refrigerator special dlacoiint for cash Trade In 1120/- upwards. Servicing/ repair-rental Hl-Cool Alr-condltlonlng L Refrigeration (Pte)Ud.. 234/Vlctorta Street, Spore 7 Tel: *****0 NOTICE FOR SALE QbWHlemi midt htf jiim mbbcMmwv BSjß* Mama Include: (a) Tube notching machine (b) Mudguard forming machine (O Single head trading machine. etc.
      219 words
    • 258 17 FOLV AUTOMATIC DISHWASHERS. Kenwood. Oeneral Electric. Smeg and AEO We also stocked detergents and nnse-ald. Available at Singapore Refrigeration Company, 12/14. International Building. Tel: *****8/ *****0/ *****0/ 37*442 FURNITURE HOUSEHOLD OOODS: refrigerators, beds, cupboards, complete bar set. alrcondltloners, flower pou. etc. Tal. NEW SHIPMENT KAWAI PIANOS Just arrived Highly recommended
      258 words

  • 516 18 Don't expect miracles from us, says Beckenbauer TJAMBURG, Wed. ■"—West Germany, hosts and favourites for the World Cup, were warned to beware of over-con-fidence as the 16 teams made final preparations for tomorrow's klckofT. It was a day of quiet training In isolated quarters near the nine cities, where Cup
    516 words
  • 401 18 fTWANKFUKT, Wed. The r IS ftealMa hi Ike World Cwb have been seeded Into fo»r gnaaa of fear according to their strength ana reecraphleal location. The two lea teams In each croap wM ge threat* the »eeond rovnd after pUylnt the ether teams in the sreas.
    401 words
  • Article, Illustration
    631 18 FRANKFURT, Wednesday ttavelange proposes to re-name World Cup after Sir Stanley BRAZILIAN Joao Havelange, swung into action within hours of his elec:ion as president of the International Football Federation (FIFA) when he proposed that the World Cup should be tamed after Sir Stanley Rous. 13-year reign Talking
    Reuter; AP  -  631 words
  • 407 18 FRANKFURT, Wed. For the first time r since soccer was organised on an International basis 70 years ago, the leadership of the game has left Europe. Just what this will mean for football is not yet clear, but the Europeans are apprehensive. Blr Stanley
    Reuter; UPI  -  407 words
  • 159 18 Taiwan FA praises Fifa action rpAIPEI, Wed.— The National Football As- sociation of Taiwan issued a statement today praising- a rejection by the World Soccer Federation, FIFA, of a proposal that would have expelled Taiwan and admitted Peking; to the International Sports Body. "The action has fully demonstrated that the
    AP  -  159 words
  • 412 18 \f UNICH, Wed. BuliTA garlan football fans, are looking to a lanky six-foot mldfleld ace to reverse their reputation as among the greatest starters and worst finishers In World Cup soccer. Four times In a row. the Eastern Europeans fought their way to the
    UPI  -  412 words
  • 111 18 Hongkong daily criticises Fifa decision HONGKONG. Wed. The China Mall said today that the decision of the International Football Federation (Fifa) to keep China out of the organisation "is a disastrous one." The English-language newspaper In a commentary said: "It Is a ludicrous situation when a quarter of the world's
    111 words
  • 149 18 higher tempo FJAST BERUN, Wed —East Oemiau team manager Oeorg Buachner expects the coming World Cup final matches to be played at a much higher tempo than those played at high altitude to the last championships In Mexico four years ago Buschncr wid In
    149 words
  • 361 18 Scotland's injured stars are fully fit again tiRANKFURT, Wed. Scotland's manager Willie Ormond, still seeking an attacking formation, yesterday put the final touches on his team's World Cup opening match in Dortmund on Friday. As the Sects trained near their luxury hotel at Erblsmuehle just n'rth of here, there was
    Reuter  -  361 words
  • 99 18 FRANKFORT, Wed Tomo-TOWi World Cup programme tall times BUisaBSM), i.X pm. Fanfare b» the 3* Band of the WwC Oenrian Armed Force* 833 Polk Music 1049 Pel* and Owe SMler put the World Cup trophic* on di»play 1101 2.000 school chßdrer stand In a formation representing Uie
    99 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 290 18 si Wwf^^^ BBB^. BBBBBBkw ■PMtat \M atjustthepush KbA -M ofabutton-withthc ■iw™ National ■I >VV%S*^4a***.dt**sa 1 y Wr m m mm\om jff mm mm iStoiv K maf Sm^m mm mm mm '^H Air Conditioner M It cools quickly. _fl vH^ Ha. 7 Extra-large condenser and evaporator coils, mm *\fS. c perfectly
      290 words

  • 268 19 Guthrie retain their winning form By JOE DORAI pUTHRIE BERHAD maintained their splendid form yesterday when they beat Imperial Hotel 1-0 in an SBHFL Division One League and Cup tournament at Jalan Besar Stadium. Guthrlr, who scored a shock 3-2 win over Division One league champions KLM Airlines last week,
    268 words
  • 71 19 NEW YORK, Wed Results of major league baseball games played last night: American Laagwe: Calllomla 5 New York 4. Bowon 10 Oakland 9. Detroit 8 Texas 6. Kansas City 1 Milwaukee 0. Baltimore 4 Minnesota a, Cleveland < Chicago 0. N»ttonal League: Chicago Ban Prandtco 4. Atlanta
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 38 19 SRU meeting tomorrow BINOAPORE Rugby i- won't first ma.iag«nent rommittee meeting Hi! be n«W at the Singapore Crtc- Club tomorrow at 7.U pm All club representatives and officials of new teams seekng affiliation are requested to_att«ad the mating?^^
    38 words
  • 104 19 PARiS, Wed— Francois Jauffret. the French No 1 cleared after an unprecedented dope test. Is confident he will reach l "c semi-finals of the Jrench International tennis championships Jauffret. forced to take a dope test demanded try Wimbledon champion Jan Kode< after he had beaten the Cxechoglovak
    104 words
  • 1177 19 Twenty topclass stayers in Perak Derby fPWENTY topclass stayers will compete in the Perak Derby race meeting at the Perak Turf Club course here on June 22, 23, 29 and 30. The Derby race Is over a distance of one and a half miles to be run on the last
    1,177 words
  • 441 19 DraKe worKs like a winner By DENNIS CHIA nRAKE, strongly v fancied In the Class 3 6f race on Saturday, worked like a winner on a slightly yielding track at Buklt Timah yesterday morning. With Monaco (Desmond Brownt for company, the pair went once round the sand track and clapped
    441 words
  • 396 19 Barrier draw for pro-am races ("IRDER of running, scratchy Inga and ban-tar draw for the pro am races at Buklt Timah this weekend SATIRUAY: Bate 1: 3.16 Mara Class 5 21 Scurry: Twili«ht Caesar n. Rocky. The Minx, Sartma, Orey Grenadier. Subhan (119 2 4 10 1 7 It S).
    396 words
  • 361 19  -  ALBERT JOHNSON By jyjANILA- bound swimmers, Elaine Sng and Anne Hoe won themselves another overseas trip when they beat the Asian Games qualifying mark in the 400 m freestyle in the SASA-organised trials at Toa Payoh pool yesterday. Terrific pece Elaine, Sportswoman of the
    361 words
  • 34 19 BRASILIA. Wad. Carlos Monaon. Argentina's World Boxing Association middleweight champion, will stake his title against Australian Tony Mundlne tt BuaMa, Alre* on September 7, promoter Juan Carlos Lectours said here last night.
    34 words
  • 284 19  - Australian yachtsmen to compete in Pesta PETER SIOVV By qnHE Singapore Yachting Association will hold an International Regatta in conJ unction with this year's Pesta Sukan from August 1 to 5 at Changi Sailing Club. SYA hope to make up for the absence of yachting as an event in the
    284 words
  • 123 19 Penang coach tour for Malaysia Cup match A CnONrTBB Sports Club, a division three league soccer side, in cooperation with Austrasla Travel Centre, are organising a supporters coach tour to the MalayMa Cup semi -Anal soccer match between Singapore and Penang at the City stadium on June 23. Actionltes B.C.
    123 words
  • 61 19 Jansenites score second win JANBKNTTTB ragliUred their second straight victory whan Utsy beat Combined Schools 3-0 In an SHA division one league hockey match at the padang yastarJansenltas. who rallied to beat Ceylon 8C 3-3 last month, war* far too superior for the schoolboys Former International Anthony Joseph put them
    61 words
  • 218 19 Bose hits 66 against Universities ONDON, Wed. Oopa; Bose hit 66, his highest score of the tour, for the Indian cricketers against a Combined Oxford and Cambridge Universities team Here today. Possibly still feeling the effects of their defeat by England yesterday in the tense First Test, the Indians lost
    218 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 116 19 H»i^#% U| p| my takes the headaches out of your copying problems jmiL| CE2E22E33 bd 25A •^™^M^l Compactly designed for easy operation and foolproof electronic control. 1 I Automatic Multiple Copying with Constant Developer Density. j Automatically cuts copies to size Low price copier which gives high grade, sharp copies,
      116 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 48 19 SOCCCB: FAI Lragws Park. 8.16); FUsaaVjr: HampDhr. 3: Katon* 8C v Knights shir* v Maritime Command Katong Socctrttw v Civilians (Fairer Park. 8.16). UBC; SKKN v Kranji 8C HOCKCY: SHA Laaga* Hampshire "A" v Alexandra Dlv. t: Prlmns v Ansuk 8C (AU matches at Farrer Forces (Changl. 8.18)^
      48 words

  • 154 20 TONGKANG SINKS BUT TWO ARE STILL AFLOAT rIS cabin toy of a tongkang bad provided a roof over the heads for tbese two men ju»t before the picture was taken. Then the boat sank. And they found that the cabin's rooftop was the best place for "directing operations" to recover
    154 words
  • 73 20 IRAN'S BIG PLANE DEAL WITH U.S. WASHINGTON, Wed Iran has reached agreement with Grumman Aerospace Corporation to buy a further 50 F-14 navy fighters. Defence Department ofdclals said yesterday. The agreement, signed on Sunday, Is worth more than US$9OO million ($2,250 mllllont and bring to 80 the total of the
    73 words
  • 23 20 the Merchant Service Oulld paralysed Premantle harbour bare today whan they < noped work to dl»nw> strike action over pay claims. —Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 325 20 One-third Golan pullout by tomorrow TEL AVIV, Wednesday ISRAELI forces will evacuate by Friday about one-third of the 800 sq km (300 sq mile) Golan Heights salient they captured during the October war, Israeli military sources said last night. The source* added that the area, between the Ma'atz Junction and
    Reuter; AP  -  325 words
  • 97 20 STUDENTS' WREATH PROTEST AT JETRO BANOKOK. Wed —Re preaentatlTM of student croup.l and a teacher off animation laid a wreath at the Japan Kxternal Trade OrganlMtlon (Jetrot headquarters here yesterday In a protest analnst Japanese. Taiwanese and US economic policy In Thailand. The student representatives read a proclamation calling for
    AP  -  97 words
  • 49 20 LOB ANOELXS Wad. Dino Martin, zs-yaar-old son of Dean Martin pleaded guilty in court yesterday to charges of Illegally poaMMtng automatic weapon* In his Beverly Hill* home. Dino U husband of British actreu OUvia Huasey and a medical student and a university tennis star Reutav.
    49 words
  • 349 20 LONDON. W«L— l** BMf«Mt MMd •IKkllT IB dull U«4li« <>■ i«i»il nuwin about l*uMitr iw>l«i. At S *m. Ik* rMMW Taaw Ma m <m la to M »■—^«-f ttack* mn Mimir IOV4C WSIM MIU, MIOMVBa#AfI SJM •IK AM* dMiMMd. nwiWMt tea* MM la ft/ttka *f palat. MMtl—UHr la
    349 words
  • 62 20 JAKARTA. W«d. CUBocnfktoatcd 1] ton* of elore* unuctled Into TnimiMia by ship from auinpore recently, police aald today. Tlm eknw worth M million nipiah* <aai«S.OOO) m* now In th» hand* of tba lotai pott authoritlM and mn| Pfopir from two tradtac coropanlei In the city battered
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 39 20 ATLAHTA, WM. TwantjF-thro» Ombß who nMbad into what imwiiil to b» m routtn* mjimi ffcrt murdM "Ml Hte flto" from potcnUally Mhai hjrmm mind* tm. "<»*«aJM»d TIM i— Mlririw war* iwportad ta mUsTactDTT wmdttton. on.
    39 words
  • 71 20 DURBAN, Wad. Mrs. Winnie Mandela, wife of Imprisoned African leader Nelson Mandela. yesterday atarud a U-hour fast to mark the 12th anniversary tomorrow of the paaamg of a Ufa sentence on her Immband Mr. Mandela, former leader of Urn banned African National Congress, la currently
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 29 20 CHARLOTTE (North Carolina). Wad. Narcottcr agent* have wised SOO pounds of marijuana they said was smuggled In from Pretoria. South Africa, la eraUs marked African handicraft AP.
    AP  -  29 words
  • 491 20 Accord on money reform only if... WASHINGTON. Wednesday DEVELOPING nations within the* International Monetary Fund (IMF) today gave notice that they will approve an agreement on international monetary reform only if the need for a transfer of real resources to them is accepted. The Group of 24 eight representatives each
    Reuter  -  491 words
  • 43 20 MOOAOTBRU. Wad. Fbreitn mlnMtan of Urn Ommamaon ot Afrlcu Unity today ifrwd to oon•Kler ■anrtfctn atminai oounJgj^jilU tradtn. with They authorised the OAD ■atntai-Mt to bagta an jMDMdlata atudy into the batt aachoda the ■"">»« nt— t oo«ld be anforead. Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 65 20 ■OHlf. W*d. The Wwt OiimMui Pmrllamant's ooov■iMiOß ot laquirT Into tin W www which tod to Cbwmllar WlUy Brandt JJJ f>*tloe opMMd b« /?*y »n«rt ■ninn on twdiiil wttan, Urn m>> ■lilai Miridni to hold lv ftrt wrttn ■iiillin tahlnd etond doon ant wm* into 5* ChjnwMi
    65 words
  • 28 20 phnom mm. w«d. IUMn drad su Ohwi— Ul» mmm raafcats into the tiwi tMtb of Ptonom Penh toftay. woundtot UUM CMUtMLJIUUIT oAatak mM -OH <«as two).
    28 words
  • 114 20 Why a doctor killed his wife and sons MAIDSTONE (England) Wed.— A doctor killed his wife and two sons on the night of Britain's February general election when It became apparent the Labour Party was going to win, a court was told today. After shooting his wife, Brenda. and sons
    114 words
  • 164 20 Don't up oil tax, EEC to ask Opec BRUSSELS, Wed— The Common Market will ask petroleum producing countries not to raise oil taxes when they meet later this week, informed sources said here today. The Nine have authorised West Germany. current chairman of the EEC Council of Ministers, to express
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 187 20 f unisex SUPER CREPE nx x NYLQN BRIEFS free size stretch. p«". «"<* i in/^Ar iioit^ t~ anc lacey front UnCrrr PdMLS plain back design. Denmark MHMHHI HHBH INTRORG SINGAPORE MB* G.P.O. Box 3599 Singapore. Tel. *****.3 Cable 'Introrg' Singapore W^B RiKOVAC K— l2lM I ■V KS W r^KS Mode
      187 words
      130 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous

  • Business Times
    • 629 21 r\PPOBINO campaigns U have been launched by two groups of preference shareholders of Hume Industries (Far East) one In support of the company's proposals to convert the preference shares to ordinary shares, the other agalast the proposed rate of conversion. The group in favour Is
      629 words
    • 592 21 WASHINGTON: One of w the United BUtes' foremost oil Industry analysts predicts that oil company profits will moderate during the second quarter of this year, and may show a decline next year. The predictions com: from John O. Winger, vice president for energy
      592 words
    • 284 21  -  MANCY BYRAMJI By FONDON: British oU i lndaatriaUsta who have Interest* throat h oat the world are now looking to South-east Asia for toint ventaree. A team 01 British offshore oil lnaastry exnerts exaeeta a few aeals to be clinched darts* taeir Ml Soath-east AaU
      284 words
    • 491 21 Slump in Japan but there are still more jobs than takers rKTO: Japan's economy is In one of its slumps, but the decline worries the bookkeepers more than the average man and wo man who find it hard to teU the good times from the bad. Profits are off. Inventories
      491 words
    • 690 21  - Economy gets a 700 mil boost SOH TIANG KENG By pUNDS amount ing to around $690 million can be released into the economy this year through banks and finance companies as a result of the Government's partial loosening of its credit squeeze. This, on paper, Is the sum the "productive
      690 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 201 21 OnlyTmhas the 'Evin Seat It's one of TWA's unique Ambas- kind of service you like. As for food, only sador Service* features in Economy. TWA's Ambassador Service offers you That means if nobody's sitting next to a choice of 3 International meals in you, you can fold down the middle
      201 words
    • 186 21 WZ Klj Service exclusively for Mercedes-Benz owners. _Jl__jy<DP •wjswai sj^ Even though you'll rarely Just ring *****6. need it, there's a service |usi You may never need it, but for you. If ever your Mercedes- isn t it comforting to know that Benz needs emergency repair there is a superioi
      186 words

  • 390 22 rKYO: Mayan Steal Corperatlen last month began the installation of Japan's fin* full-scale IrtUnf aad pradacUon platform in the *U and gas fields off A* a In NUgata Prefeetara. Th* oil ana* gas fielas off Aga are estimated to contain rsservss totalling IS million
    390 words
  • 774 22 Specialised services boost Singapore as a top world port SPECIALISED repair and maintenance services available In Singapore for vessels callIng here are enhancing Its ttatua as the fourth largest port in the world. And In the field of marine radio services especially, angapore now Hag qualified t»n>>»nl^f n« and engineers
    774 words
  • 272 22 AJinomoto (Malaysia) has announced the resignation of Mr. Take* Saekl as chairman of Its board with effect from April 36 and the appointment on the same date of Mr. Shlgeakl Sasaki as the new chairman. The company also announced the appointment on April 26 of Mr. Tads*
    272 words
  • 436 22  - Petrodollars won't lead to banking crisis EDWIN DALE By WI L L lAMSBURG, VA: In the coming tug-of-war between the prudence of bunkers and the decperate need of national governments to borrow money to pay for the higher noet of Imported oil. prudence is likely to prevail. This was the
    436 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
      294 words
    • 241 22 THE GLASS TOWER Ready for immediate occupation 180 dsmenoscaiA^armje, Singapore 9. j- l»s^ak. mmwm^ mm MM (a^avsal I al OFFICE SPACT to let Ideal Location •UniT Sizes 3i600& 1800 sq ft. Fu|yA>^ndfioned Ample Or Rjrfcng #Fulry Serviced ror furiher detols and to crrange inspection, please -«H contact Mr.F.CLoke, lei. 329KX)
      241 words

    • 1436 23 T>ID *nd alter prices officially listed and buslneu In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange rMtcrdnjr with the number of shares traded shown In bracket* In ktU of 1,000 uniu iinliM othenrue specified. INDUITHItUI A. T*a» (1.148). Al»m (S.StB S.MB) (1) S.M. Al*a l*)|. (I. MB
      1,436 words
    • 277 23 A day of rises in the kL market QUARKS received firm g! rapport to state a on»ni advance at the Kuala Uanpat Stock Exchange yesterday. The market started off Mrely steady. Prices fluctuated narrowly and trading was dulL It was only in the afternoon that prices be gan recovering In
      277 words
    • 189 23 OX UU 130.50 8. Trad. *M ■..It—. 3.71 TttS f l.M !■!>!■> I 3J3 H*. Tiakcr t 7 M jtwku i aji Shancri-La 1.30 TiwMn I 73 C*tm. imL 2 M B. Kit 1 60 B. Scaa. t J 80 C C 3 JO 8. TteW t
      189 words
    • 1669 23 T»HB last trmnaactad aala at the clow of buatoCM In the Block Exchange of Singapore veaterday ootopared with the previous day's prtcea 1 together with 1974 high and > low Adjusted for all new laiUM). 3 Ixiiwn IMM Traot (Kuiiir'i >rtlli for Jaw IS) Tba Comnwrc* Ind. I.M
      1,669 words
    • 347 23 SHAKES atade all-round gains oa the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday on good follow through by Investors In another period of selective trading. Sentiment received a boot from the Singapore Government! announcement of a partial relaxation of lv ered-t aauaeia. Although It was categorically stated that
      347 words
    • 1527 23 ■nID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets in lots of 1,000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUBTBIALB Aesaa (3.408 2 508) ZD. A.TX (1.108). AJtne. (3.708). Aksaa (3.338
      1,527 words
    • 182 23 I^EW YORK: A plan has been worked out to combine the stock clearing operations of the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, and National Clearing Corp's over-the-counter trades. Merrill Lynch chairman. Mr. Donald T. Regan, disclosing this at a New York Stock Ex-
      182 words
    • 53 23 f*H> US dollar flnlabad 1 around UtUi-H ywUrdij w> 10 potnu blgtwc than 1U opaolng Wwl 01 UUTt-M tat III* atncapmc nrat market In (airly act>T« mnmint tr»dln« the dollar «trtnfth•cMd marglnailjr. to rmch W.IWO ««00 by Junch-Uroe Afternoon truUnc continued guM with mott budnan don* at Urn
      53 words
    • 159 23 Tta* foilowmj are the iwwtnal averac* ctoetog interbank rmte» In Singapore Cwiib^m tfwtal rmlcj ladlhiflaa Pmatti* parted yartiitaj |«W) part* ehufi US <*>Uar ***** 2ttM 3J1M —13.53 aierUnt pound 6«4M »JM0 1MN -30 44 Honafrong dollar UJI 40 MAI 4 M Malajilan dollar 101 15 1»1JO 1MM l.M
      159 words
      • 28 23 Robber: June 11 Singapore: ltt.M cts (down tM et). Malaysia: 187 M cts (down 1 cts). Tin: %\M* (up |1«>. Official offering: tons (up M tons).
        28 words
      • 61 23 rm Malaysian Minister of Finance has fixed these rates for cal rolatinf Customs duties from Jane 13 until farther notice: Rabber WJ cts a Ib Copra 11.4 M a ton P. Kernel $235 25 a ton •arable are: Babber 10i cU a Ib (Total 151 cents) (Snreharie SI
        61 words
      • 104 23 pMIHKI HIDOUCI lICMAMCI v tiMOArom noon clmino MIICH rtll PiCUL TUTIIMT. CihM OM: bulk »l*o Molaal. dnn IIM n— «l— l Ca*rt: Mtsa* llkM>) UK/Ohm tM iiami C—r* M1I«« llwtl UI CHI f.*.k 100% NLW UNI Milan. tarswftk wbit« fa» M% NL.W UM mi in, aanvrnJi apadaJ HMk Cab.
        104 words
      • 52 23 thMu lli my u«* u.»t M*H— i (1) io»»l vmm ma IST ■Mr* IMTt IM.M ■llgll 111 IMM IM.M SurMk 1M MS IM.MB Ua.«M IHM part* inn m.M Tron <1> IM.MB 1M»B IW.MS IMKW ■spwt rrwn Hi tTil«« inu la UJ «oltan pv (1) AiMtraHwi Mltn par »—tr
        52 words
      • 216 23 Straits tin UP SlO qpHE BtralU tin price in JL Penang yesterday went up by anotner $1U to 91.340 per picul on an official offering up oO tons to 310 tons. Tne overnight London metal price was st*aau r aiter easier witn forward buyers quoted at £3.940 per metric ton,
        216 words
      • 34 23 lain* MHtr srtoa T«a*4*r (prt'law a kraakMa). WMkw Bpot boyw 11.11* (II. IM) MM tl.lll (11. IM): Tarw MaiUM k«jr<r II.MI lil.Mli —Ut Il.M* II.MS). Mniiw *—m: Buw hwi 1.4 M Mas.
        34 words
      • 554 23 npHS angapcr* rubber mar- kat jrasterday auadtod on Mcfantwl esnatdanUons as tnunstfled eowtoj of Jun* rakMd the premium to July Id 4.50 eenu par kUo. TracanDonary ahort-eowjr-ing of July ni another rfttfmnw factor while the fora-a touted to ba left behind. Turnover waa oo the The momtof i
        554 words
      • 71 23 LT SMK PCMW W I XT (1 lan pa »L (1 too pa i t (1 ton pa M (1 ion pa m (1 tan pa *0 (1 ton pa ImwMl at noon jw>»da/: |Oww^Ml>» (FT— HIM.) UMhi«k|i («Htep»kv) um> mm ujjom n*M aum Ukt) »N B3MN MM
        71 words
      • 211 23 UONOKONO. Wed—Trad- Ing was brisk In firm condiOoos with good gains recorded In leading thares The Bang Bang Index jumpad 16 44 points to 450.2* HK Baak-s Local ragtater advanced to KKIJ4 20 and the London register to 834. Jaraiae Seearities cUmbed to 89 00 Total turnover on the
        211 words
      • 195 23 fyJKYO. Wed— PrtcM on the Tokyo stock market continued to firm. In tb* morning session, oil Issues surged shead sharply on speculation that the Oovemmer.t may soon remove controls on oil goods piicei under the "standard" system. The Dow Jones average was up 22.11 to 4.726 60 and the
        195 words
      • 96 23 yUHICH, Tims.— Trading volume on the stock 1 msrket lncrea.«9d again today and Drtcen were firm ei--1 paclally banks Bonds were traded at higher levels. The Credit Sulsee Index jifmced 39 points to 214 7 <*> *tt*a la Swim franca with Urn Mmai oa ta* smtou* r tfl Uaiaa
        96 words
      • 131 23 A MBTBBDAM. Tuea.— The market rose over a broad front, led by UaUever In Dutch Internationals and major banks In local Issues Mehnara and asMtrnwsßi Babber were leaders to ease against the trend Oains predominated In state loans. CMaac Mica la Dutck imidtra »H» tb* auraaww oa Urn prtvtwu
        131 words
      • 289 23 JUELBOURNB, Wed. —The ITi Melbourne stock market desed on an undecided note today, with iradlng acuvity reduced to a minimum, ana turnover continuing thin However, scattered bargainhunting succeeded in boosting soon stocks to higher levels In the mining sector. GUI •tood out with good jump to All 56 followed
        289 words
      • 345 23 MIW YORK, Tws.— Sticks mat prof I -tuxti, aiid the market Vatr*- iower "law* altar r*«r« tor snore than a weak m enieetarturi that lnterer* raMs warr BBMBB Analysts sugfeetad in vrators may T»a»» been (ilMppototed by tna faUure of other large New Tork and West Ooaat bank*
        345 words
      • 166 23 A MAN cvrnwy dapoalt interbank rataa as at •loss on Wcdnaaday. Jub* OflM BM T dan U 11 14 I mth U 1/4 11 It 1 nthi 11 II a 7 16 I mtht 11 111 n I'll mtha 11 •it li 716 mttom 1* S/4 1*
        166 words
      • 27 23 Ctoalng lntarbank rat** In Mngapore dollars for June II: Otfar BM OwnitßMt 10 1 mm IS 2 ntiu m »s 1 mlh* IS Prime nil
        27 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 709 24 .s^^IIsAPORE^^V f POLYTECHNIC 1 SCHOOL OF. INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the post of Lecturer/ Senior Lecturer in the Chemical Process Technology Division which offers four elective courses of studies in the area of rubber technology, plastics technology, food technology, chemical analysis and control. Applicants
      709 words
    • 636 24 UNITED ENGINEERS (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. invites applications for the following positions:A) SALES ENGINEER To promote sales of Transmission Products. Applicants must possess s Polytechnic Diploma in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent and be not more than 28 years old. Experience in transmission and conveyor systems would bs an advantage B) ASST.
      636 words
    • 581 24 I LIQUOR SALESMEN I S3 We require two experienced liquor I Salesmen The rewards are substantial. I 2f> but the work is demanding and often I involves time outside office] hours. Onty I m those applicants, therefore, of high calibre I and experience need apply V Quafrfications H 1. Singapore
      581 words
    • 822 24 SLATER, WALKER SECURITIES At the Annual General Meeting held on 30th May, 1974, Mr. J. D. Slater said:"Since 31st December, 1973, further realisations of important investments have been made by your Company. We have sold our investments in Blackburn Assurance Company, The Pioneer Life Assurance Company, Crittall-Hope Engineering, Slater, Walker
      822 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1326 25 ml^^^mm^B coNitinwiiP sonnet ti wtmmmm ••■MMaTAMMMMMMMMMMM^MaaMMMMBaaaMMat M W'f I VC| Cl |C Ml|| fc I P «H»«f 0/aam In*. Ikm U.K. tLMt UM Ii Part IMB MMM 11 MM IMM •"""."J" SS! Bl< W)- IJ)- 111- wuiw am* amm nmm bmm mmm mmm MMMMMM IMM IMM MMM MM* MMM MMM
      1,326 words
      1,011 words
    • 966 25 M^^ mmm 3 '/*7i mT A r I ItMPf n«i i«w r*M S'M* P.MkMJ ton. MtMit Fnaca II »iM MM M Ptrt IMM MMM II MM IMM IMM nMM MM MM* 11 MM lIM "*T »M amm a mi> nmm amm ii mv 'MMt MMN IMM IMM MMM IMM BMM
      966 words
    • 788 25 FULLY CONTAINHIZED SEKVICE TO lUKOTC MMtM MM, Mjuin mm Mt a IttarMi, AMsttriM, Mtvtn, Limmti. iSSSm Sil NaHMr "M*. aiMirajiu, KSSSfMiiT 3 c m 8- t »u«u 3 ii StortlMM, om, HtMki, Mm Kmmom. mbmj tmm in amm im a Man FULLY CONTAINEKIZEP SEKVICE FKOM EUKOfE Mian FMI: SSitimim M»a
      788 words
    • 739 25 I IM •1J444; P. UMM U4I; K.U *****; pWm UMI. IB BANK LDfB LTD. IMB mill aTMU TAtIaM II Mnu Mrl Pi-Ma 11/ll mm S'Mn 11/11 Mm TtSTtAM (CON »Mili| P MMMJ S'Mn M/M MM MATUM BnM.l MMMMtlaMct) P MUMJ IV BMM S'Mn IMIMIM IMmtilim, Nm M. L MVMM t
      739 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 936 26 PJtV JQmV I Iky I Dal n W ■MMBMfI MmmUmMMMmI [\t- KAWASAKI KISCN KAISHA LTD. MWASAII INUI W» UOM ITB. mmi. mMX, snuura somcc. Mat llaaittai I UMari P mot amis ii ii mm amm Mmm 'f IWUJMJMT lIMM Mtv JasMM-.lra.bWM OsUt ill ill! httMtn IM PIM IMM M W
      936 words
    • 699 26 ACCCPTIM TMCTMI TMCIS AM irtQ tUTT MJgMBIi. FM SIM! Mi IMMUIA AU PMTI F'M HA fTD MSMMM> UT. KmTI im SMprt 14 Mm Mmn IMmmm. LCI KAOTY mn Iwaus Mfart MJm liMiiiu LIT. IarTIP Ttrttw nmm MM UMimh. LS.T HMOIM MkMsu Mmm Mmm Msmhi. KMTTUIT Msmh UM- Nmm Immmi KMTTnMt
      699 words
    • 759 26 l\^ncpTune ocienT unu ujc. iwow mvtci LOADINC >0C LOMOCH. tOTTUDAM. HAMMNtG. MLtAO. U HAVII «Mtaaara (*laaf PMaa» laataa Iw H'to<i KPTMf IMBUi IWHW 1/4 IM| t/TW «W, IK I ka| liimin t *r»M 'i»nas K(Ma It nhh f 'aw IMm MPTMt rsrtl «VSta| W* *at tl**t MSaat I M I
      759 words
    • 601 26 dwto amg n mm momumnon mn Ts. Vmh bataaMi P (UiMf Hm* UaMi Mr MM* MUn IS/11 mm -art n Hwrt «W. r«. 11 I'aaH tX llaaam 14 1 tarn* nsmi »n mm nm imm m i>m mmi mm j». IMM vs. ii,s. ScaaM IVS. >wi ni H taf| 3
      601 words
    • 686 26 T*** T i»c>PMi rent ulahs 1 AUTMeaITV AMHOUMCIO TKI »«LL»WIMO lIIIHHC M IW •UT: M.ran.ll •7. luuna SnawM a«, Mr Auto ■ar11.14. Cl*n M*«rak 14 14 taw Ml> T»«i Orva I PMalia* II Wot' Y«jo Man n v i^** > Utmlraa U/M. »<*d Man. 42 41 kM T«m.rl.»r *f, mmmm
      686 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 436 27 IT UNI-TRAVEL PRIVATE LIMITED! I! A fast expanding travel organisation is looking for qualified applicants to fill I II tne following positions: (D TRAVEL CONSULTANTS Dynarric young ladies with pleasant personalities who have a I minimum of 2 years' sales experience in travel industry. Must posses* a I H.S.C. or
      436 words
      552 words
    • 399 27 CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARY International Manufacturing Company located in Jurong requires the service of a Female Confidential Secretary. Qualifications 1. School Certificate with credit in English. 2. Certificate of formal training in Stenography and Secretarial duties. 3. Minimum of five years working experience in the capacity of Secretary Stenographer. Interested applicants should
      399 words
    • 784 27 SABAH AIR KOTA KINABALU requires a fully qualified ACCOUNTANT to control the finances and maintain the books of the Company. Preference will be given to a qualified applicant who has worked previously in the aircraft industry and who possesses a knowledge of aircraft stores accounting. Those interested should apply not
      784 words

    • 892 28 Bridal oufits that can be worm after the big day.... fHE 1974 bride has every excuse to let her hair down, forget her veil and train and wear every colour under the sun. For fashion and the inflationary times both dictate It's time for her to breeze down the aisle
      MOHAMMED YUSOOF  -  892 words
    • 130 28 Nothing can match the beauty of a woman's smile but what a pity if, when the smile fades, tiny lines and wrinkles are left in Its place. Check the area about your mouth for tell-tale signs of age. Possibly some expression lines may be quite
      130 words
    • 296 28  - Typist Karti hopes to fulfil her fashion dream MAUREEN CHUA By TYPIST Kartl Mohammed Amln, 20, spent a great deal of her childhood days designing the most f««hw»fhlt clothes for her paper dolls. "In fact, Imitlll cr&sy over paper doll iresses even when I nt doing my senior Cambridge," oonfesesd
      296 words
    • 168 28 BEAUTY TIPS FOR THE RADIANT BRIDE II7HAT can brtdea do to TT prepare themaelT M for the Important occasion? Here are aome -weekbafore' tips for the blnabinc bride -to-be given by Kanebo cosmetic firm: On the first day, take a look at your hands and fingernails, which you will have
      168 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 166 28 Jm #v Do Women f/L Have to Age Faster fIPP In the Tropics? jfe N Not if they keep their skin young-looking b with Tussy Lemon Moisturiser! jHn 1 Everyone knows that the Intense heat and glare of the tropical ll^^E I sun, dust, perspiration and pollutants and the sudden
      166 words
    • 170 28 <j«-- BBn^Bß^^F .^BbtJ 'Tz.Si^ K» .^Bal W^^ a^BafaV C I BußntLL U>M aa^afl Ba^^aMaF V^^Bbl-^bW B^. 10>* The luxury chocolate from SwitzerlandSUCHARD^ Experience delicious full flavour that is unmistakably finest quality Swiss chocolate in a wide range of combinations and tastes. a Milk chocolate with hazelnuts and wafer cream filling
      170 words