The Straits Times, 12 June 1974

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 250,000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 674 1 'My reputation and honour defamed../ SALZBURG, Tuesday DR. KISSINGER, shaking with anger and close to tears, today threatened to resign as US Secretary of State because of news leaks questioning his honour in Watergate-related wiretapping. His voice breaking with emotion, he said the controversy was hurting
    Reuter; AP  -  674 words
  • 372 1 THE Government last night announced a partial easing of credit control, in force since last March, to meet the higher Tinancing needs of the more productive sectors of the economy. Under the move, banks and finance companies arc allowed a 10 per cent increase In their
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  • 106 1 Dinah's toll of 11 VfANILA, Tues. At ITA least 11 people were killed and millions of pesos (thousands of dollars) worth of property were believed damaged by tropical storm Dinah when it hit the Philippines yesterday, the Red Cross reported today. Nine of the dead were reported caught in landslides
    Reuter; UPI  -  106 words
  • 70 1 CHINA STILL OUT FRANKFURT. Tues. The International Football Federation (FIFA) today rejected a new bid to re-admit China to the world football body. At the FIFA congress here, 59 delegates supported a Kuwait proposal that China should be re-admitted to membership in place of Taiwan, while 47 opposed the move.
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 54 1 YORK (England). Tues Three explosions today damaged a British army trainIng camp used for preparing soldiers for duty in Northern Ireland. But there was no casualties because the blast occurred in an unoccupied area of the Ramp, which borders open moorland nine kilometres north of this
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 41 1 LOS ANOELES. Tues —A radio station yesterday received a hand-printed letter stating that "Taiua"— the name chosen by revolutionary convert Patricia Hearst— ls dead. A station spokesman immediately dismissed the letter as the work of a crank. —UPI.
    UPI  -  41 words
  • 278 1 Second ballot topples Sir Stanley r CiRANKFURT, Tues. Joao Haveiange of Brazil today became the first South American president of the International Football Federation. Mr. Haveiange wu elected by the FIFA congress and unseated the reigning president Sir Stanley Rous of England, by M votes to 52 In a second
    Reuter; AP  -  278 words
  • 115 1 FRENCH N-TEST LIKELY THIS WEEK PARIS Tues. French warships and planes have fanned out around the Pacific atomic testing grounds and the first of this year's new nuclear tests may come this week. Government officials said today. In LONDON, defence sources said Britain is preparing to monitor any fall -out
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 60 1 ROMS. Tuss— Italian politician* today organ Intensive consultations aimed at forming a new govemsssnt following the collapee of the country's three-party coalition. Although Italy faces s deepening economic crisis observer* expect the consultations to be lengthy. aa the coalitions resignation last night left the country with no clear
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 28 1 MANILA. TU6S.-SU Filipino m*;-or» have been suspended md fact poMlble trial for offsncM rugging from «b—nte«lim and unexplained wealth to murder. military T"tf"t" laid today.—DPl.
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  • 32 1 MANCHESTER. Tues. England won the First Test against India by 113 runs tods Scores England 32S for 9 dec. and 21a for J dee India 24« and 182 (See Pace
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  • 462 1  -  P.M. RAMAN By MR. Lee Kuan Yew who is leaving for London In a few days will have talks with British ministers on Britain's troop pullout schedule from Singapore. A statement from the Prime Minister's Office said yesterday: "A further rundown of British forces in
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  • 181 1 Sanya acts to quell strike BANGKOK. Tues. Prime Minister San ya Dharmasaktl today appointed two r.f his cabinet members to deal directly with a strike by thousands of textile workers. An estimated 1.000 textile workers, mean while, continued their vigil in Bangkok's largest market place. The workers went on strike
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  • 33 1 WASHINGTON Tues. The United Slates Supreme Court has ruled that city administrations could tax city-centre car parks steeply as a way of encouraging motorists to leave their can at home. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 587 1 'EXPERIENCED GUNMAN* CAUGHT ASLEEP KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday pOLICE today announced the arrest of a man fitting the description of one of two gunmen who assassinated InspectorGeneral of Police Tan Sri Abdul Rahman Hashim last Friday. Acting lOP Hariiff Omar told a press conference that shirts
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  • 71 1 ROACHES CAUSE EXODUS NEW YORK. Tnea. A crowd of bus passengers swarmed from their seats in New York when a heat wave forced hundreds of cockroaches out of their hiding places. They waited for another bus, bat only to see more passengers rash from it for the same reason. Then
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 113 1 X: Dismay in Washington WASHINGTON. Tun The Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted unanimously today to review Dr. Kissinger's role in national security wiretaps. Senator Edmund S Muskie aald. Or. Kissinger* resignation threat was greeted with dismay by some Democrats a* well as Republicans and §t■ a t c Democratic
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 86 1 s»^ *T^» v J_i J^^^P 1 flff £L i mm W^^r afl nil" m ag fffl^ Sa^^ 111 a^ai^B^B^B^aaw VERY SPECIAL TfINGFASTIC OFFERS AT THE HOUSE OF TAMG is now on First time in the history of the House of Tang, a store wide selection of goods at very special
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    • 308 1 <MALITY <.HUI\\<MMIi Jta For those who appreciate 4^M beaut y <"*d precision. P-i^R-« Chun Chong B£^ 62 South Bridge Kd, M^m^mmML Singapore I. j t i *****12 WORLD CUP SOCCER REPORTS PaX« 22 REDS take lead In Laos coalition 2 NIXON 'no' to any further subpoenas S BEER at sarabat
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  • 212 2 Scout chief in cheat charge drama CHICAGO, Tun The United States boy acouts movement has been accused of cheat Ing to pretend It has more members than it actually has. The scoots national campaign to enrol 2.0M.0M new members by 197« is riddled with cheating and padded membership rolls, Mr.
    Reuter  -  212 words
  • 61 2 UNITED NATIONS Tues Mlcroneslan spokesman found fault yesterday with the US administration of the Pacific Islands trust territory. Mr Wilfred Kendall. a member of the Congress of Micronesia, told the Trusteeship Council that declarations the United States will move as quickly toward self-gov-ernment for the islanders of the
    UPI  -  61 words
  • 51 2 GENEVA. Tues Trade negotiators from some 80 countries are expected to meet here in mid-July to review progress in technical preparations for a new round of international bargaining to free the flow of world commerce. Informed sources said yesterday They will gather at a session beginning about July
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  • 662 2 Rightists in disarray give way at every turn to Pathet Laos REDS TAKE THE LEAD IN LAOS COALITION |N the two months since the formation of the new coalition government in Laos, the com i n v n ist -orien ted Pathet Lao has taken a
    NYT  -  662 words
  • 220 2 Security Council OK for Bangla's UN entry UN IT E D NATIONS. Tues— The Security Council today unanimously rec o m mended Bangladesh for un membership, two-and-a half years after the bloody India Pakistan conflict which brought the new state Into being China vetoed Bangladesh's earlier application in August 1972
    Reuter  -  220 words
  • 221 2 WASHINGTON, Tuesday I 1 UK Soviet Union is ahead of the United States in its nuclear missile arsenal and widening the gap fast, nuclear physicist Kdward Teller said yesterday. "There is no parity," said Mr. Teller. "Russia Is No. 1 In the size of their
    UPI  -  221 words
  • 272 2 CAIRO, Tu«B. rpwo Palestinian guerllX las released from Jail in West Berlin and expelled to Egypt arrived here last night, Cairo airport security officials reported. The two men, named as All Salem and Mohamed Zaher. were freed following threats of terrorist attacks during forthcoming
    Reuter  -  272 words
  • 29 2 CANBERRA Tuea The a»erafe weekly minimum •«fe for Australian men during lurch this year *v USTTiOJ (about tlM> accordin* to official flcurw released here today Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 119 2 II7KLLINGTON. Tue*. fT AllegaUons that a foreign correspondent baaed In Wellington war. an tnteMgenee officer for Peking were not supported by any erldenee held by the New Zealand Government, Prime Minister Norman Kirk said last night Mr. Kirk was questioned at a news conference about
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  • 253 2 SOVIET TOP 3 FOR TV SPEECHES Moscow, Tv«» Soviet Union's three top leaders appear on national television this week to wind up a month's election campaign with speeches expected to yield major policy statement*. Premier Alexf Kosygln opens the series tomorrow with President Nikolai Podgorny following on Thursday and leading
    Reuter  -  253 words
  • 48 2 RAWALPINDI. Tuet. One man was killed and six Injured In a clash between two crouDS of workers at Kohlnoor textile mill. The clash marked the latest outbreak of violence between rival unions which has troubled factory areas In Punlab province during recent weeks Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 41 2 WASHINGTON Turn Drr wmUnt, iUimm ud hall damme* in America* Ore*t PUlra have put dent In the expected winter wheat harrtat vhlch accounU for about three fourth* of the nation* bread grain, the US Apiculture Department reported yentertajr AP.
    AP  -  41 words
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  • 149 3 TkTBW YORK. Tues. II Soviet representatives have been quietly offering the purported memoirs of Aleksander Solzhenltsyn's first wife to Western publishers In an apparent effort to discredit the exiled author. The manuscript Is attributed to Natalya Reshetovskaya. PARIS: President Valery discard d'Estalng's new government today approved a draft law
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  • 149 3 WELKOM: Black workers at a gold mine where three Africans died last night in a riot over pay. were considering today a new par offer, a company spokesman said. SEOUL: The trial of South Korean Opposition politician Kirn DaeJung. charged with violation of election laws seven years ago.
    Agencies  -  149 words
  • 497 3 GREATER SHARE IN OPERATIONS NEW YORK, Tues. Saudi Arabia has concluded an agreement \v it li the giant Arab-Ameri-can Oil Company (Aramto) to increase the government's share of ownership from 25 per cent to 60 per cent, the company said here.
    Reuter  -  497 words
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  • 31 3 MEXICO CITY. TIMS. A wu shu (martial arts) group from China opened a series of six performances here yesterday before a crowd of 8000 in the national auditorium. AP.
    AP  -  31 words
  • 83 3 TAIPEH. Tues. The 20th Asian Film Festival opened here today with 3M Dim world delegates from It nations participating in the fiveday affair designed for regional co-operation. Actors, directors and movie-makers from Taiwan. South Korea, the Philippines, South Vlet- nun, Thailand. Cambodia, Indonesia, Singapore, Japan and
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  • 150 3 SHAW ON 'WHY I PUSH RUNG FU FILMS' NEW YORK. Tuea. The tabloid New fork Post yesterday carried a two-page article on Hongkong movie magnate Run Ran Shaw (above). The article, titled "How Ran Run Shaw runs Hongkopg Movie Industry," was by post correspondent Sylvlanr Gold. It detailed the history
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  • 63 3 T.OURENCO MARQUES Tues. Portuguese army units have rounded up more than 500 former member* of Mozambique's now-disbanded security police, the DOS. In a territory-wide swoop, military sources said here ttv. nlsiht. The men are being detamed pending official Inquiries into alleged atrocities committed on prisoners by
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 276 3 Pakistan tells Wilson of N-blast fears LONDON. Tues. Pakistan's anxiety for Its security after India's first nuclear test explosion was expressed to British Prime Minister Harold Wilson yesterday by Pakistan's Defence and Foreign Affairs Minister of State. Mr. Axis Ahmed, Informed Pakistan sources said. The Pakistan Government Is seeking from
    Reuter; AP  -  276 words
  • 510 3 rpHE White House 1 today stood fast against two courts and the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee In refusing to yield any more Watergate trial evidence or material for Impeachment Inquiries. In a final move before leaving for the Middle East yesterday President Nixon told
    Reuter  -  510 words
  • 28 3 UPPSALA (Sweden i. Tues. Several Swedish flrmn r>Tx»railn« In South Africa are Davin* their black employees starvation wa^e* according to a report released here yesterday. Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 222 3 Marines go into action in 'Kangaroo One' war games ROCKHAMPTON, Tues. About 500 United States marines today Invaded Sablna point off the central Queensland coast as part of a fournation defence exercise code-named "Kangaroo One." A large party of senior officers representing the US, Britain, and New Zealand, as well
    Reuter  -  222 words
  • 128 3 40 up for Donald Duck HOLLYWOOD. Toes. Donald Duck turned 40 on Sunday after a career fusslnj and quacking through more than 100 Walt Disney cartoons and feature iilms since Jane 9, 1934. when he was Introduced in Wise Little Hens. It was a bit part, bat movie (ocrs thoutht
    UPI  -  128 words
  • 99 3 Whitelaw to be new Tory chairman LONDON. Tues. Mr. William Whitelaw. the former Conservative Government's trouble shooter In Northern Ireland, will soon be named as the party's new chairman In preparation for the next general election. Informed sources said yesterday. The appointment by Opposition leader Edward Heath will make Mr
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 396 3 tSSSSSSSSm^^^SSSSSSSS^^^SSSSSSSaI^r II Business Hours*. 9-3Oa.m.- 7.00 p.m. Mon. thru Sun. LOWER GROUND FLOOR, SPECIALISTS' CENTRE, ORCHARD ROAD SOMERSET RQAD,TEL:3SO644 J OPEtXi TILL 9 p M EV/EF T^ VA^ pf^ ESPAy s THURSD/ayfif I I FROZEN GARDEN PEAS Findui 227g50.95 TOMATO SOUP Campbell's 3 Tin, For 1.55 I FV I STRIPLCHN
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    • 154 4 PRIVATE WINDSOR SERVICE FOR DUKE LONDON, Tues— Fun eral services for the Duke of Gloucester, ancle of Our en Elisabeth, will he held In private al the chattel of Windsor Castle on Friday He will be buried In the nearby royal mausoleum The 74-year-old son of Kin* George V and
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    • 431 4 Plan go-ahead despite Dr. X's objection BONN, Tuesday THE nine Common Market foreign ministers decided yesterday despite American objections, to make an offer of broad economic, technical, and cultural co-operation to 20 Arab countries. The European plan had been agreed upon on March
      Reuter; NYT  -  431 words
    • 28 4 CANBERRA. Tut* Australia had 1U blackest month of Industrial unrest ever last month, with more time lent through strikes than for the whole of 1973. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 264 4 Ne Win in new round of talks with Suharto JOOJAKARTA. Tues. Burmese President Oen. Ne Win arrived here today from Ball for another round of talks on Internal problems and International matters with President Suharto. Oen. Ne Win who was briefed on Indonesian or. industry by Mr. Ibnu Sutowo. director
      Reuter; AP  -  264 words
    • 29 4 WASHINGTON. Tues. Accidents Involving pastenger airliner* In the US killed 227 people feat year, the highest death toll tfhee IMS. the National TrananortaUon Safety Board said.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 31 4 PORT-Or-BPAIN, Tues A prison official In Trinidad has accused priests of being the chief smugglers of letters and other articles in and out of that country' jails. AP.
      AP  -  31 words
    • 31 4 RANGOON. TUM. The Burmese Oovernmen' has (ranted oil exploration right* in the Bay of Bengal to three I West European companies, according to the Burma New* agency Reuter I
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 31 4 MXLBOURNB. Tues— OrKaruaers of the Melbourne film festival yesterday cancelled a acreenlng of the controversial Michelangelo Antonlonl documentary on China after anonymous warnings of *rmMv& and other violence. Reuter
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 344 4 pAIRO, Tugs. PrealV» dent Anwar Badat has assured Palestinian leaden that the battle with Israel Is still con tlnuing and that Egypt has weapons which she had not yet used, the newspaper Al Ahram said today. The Egyptian leader was speaking to the
      Reuter  -  344 words
    • 87 4 Final touches to African summit MOGADISHU. Tues. Organisation of African Unity (OAU) foreign ministers get down to last-minute consultations today to complete an agenda and prepare resolutions for the frlcan summit here They art expected to work throughout the day and into the nlftH a» African heads of cut* arrive
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    • 264 4 BAD REICHENHALL (West German). Tues. The stalled trans-Atlantic dialo cue between Europe and the US gets off to a fresh start today in this Alpine health resort. US Secretary of State, Dr. Henry Kissinger, Is driving here from Austria, where he and President Nixon are
      Reuter; UPI  -  264 words
    • 213 4 Vietcong and Saigon resume ceasefire talks SAIGON, Tuesday GOVERNMENT and Vietcong military officers today resumed talks on ways to implement a ceasefire in Vietnam after a month-long break, a Vietconu spokesman said. Delegates of both sides met In the Joint Military Commission (JMC) at Tan Son Nhut alrbase on the
      UPI  -  213 words
    • 159 4 Secret arrest of former president SEOUL, Tues. —A former President of South Korea was secretly arrested and Interrogated recently for having helped to finance anti government student demonstrations In April, according to authoritative Korean and foreign sources here. The sources said that government agents picked up Yun Po Sun. 77,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 227 4 A bW^^b^b^bl W^^ I La st 3 days!! I WVS<5f 3^ 2nd FLOOR. I HOUSE. SINGAPORE^^B I TUBEMAKEPS OF AU8TRAUA UMIT1D ff^J^J B.T.M. CNVISIOfSJ Manufacturers of Precision Carbon and Stainless Steel Tubing for all industrial applications CARBON STEEL TUBINGS STAINLESS STEEL TUBINGS Cold drawn seamless tubes Welded stainless tubes Drawn
      227 words
    • 125 4 hand planer^^^ cutting machines L^L^p METAL SAW ROUTERS dL IMPACT WRENCH 4Jt^<^Fl N ISH I NG SANDER HAMMER DRILLS RECIPROSAW ROUTER MACHINE UNI WOOD MACHINE CIRCULAR SAWS angle drills bvbmhb^hmbihhbhb Alto available: Other MAKITA Power Tool model* of 230 volts and 110 volts. Baby Sanders Band Saws Belt Sanders Bench
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  • 129 5 THE Tiger-Moth that crashlanded at a Manda! hill on Monday was dismantled and taken by lorry to the Singapore Flying Club yesterday. The two-seater plane that landed on Its belly on a hillside oft the 12} milestone Mandal Road was earlier Inspected by the
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  • 38 5 MR David Phoa. president of Rotary Club West, will hand over the Cancer Library to the Singapore Cancer Society at 1U new premises. Unit 334 Peace Centre. In Sophia Road on June 21 at S pjn
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  • 257 5 Beer at sarabat stalls if rules passed By GERALD PEREIRA JJKKK may Ik- sold even at sarabat stalls if new regulations now being considered by the Government is passed. Sources said that the proposed regulations would give special licences to enable businessmen to set up establishments to be known as
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  • 63 5 Next-of-kin: Contact police POLICE are anxious to contact the relatives or next-of-kln of Yuen Peng Khuan, 78. who died at Outram Hospital at 10.40 a.m. on June 7. They are asked to contact -Insp Poo Sek Leng of Central Police Station A police spokesman said yesterday that Yuen's last "known
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  • 449 5 A TOTAL Of 3,785 secret society members have been detained under the Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act since it was Introduced in 1958, the police disclosed yesterday. Some 2,#2« have been released after detention. This number Includes 21 detainees
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  • 53 5 LIOHTNIN Mixers Pty Ltd. of Sydney together with their local representatives James Whyu and Company (Malaya) Bdn. Bhd will hold a two-day seminar on the Treatment of Waste Water, with emphasis on mechanical aeration and mixing equipment applications at the Cambulac Room, at Marco Polo Hotel today
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  • 264 5 Salesman murder: Was jealousy the motive? JEALOUSY over a woman Is believed to have been the motive for the murder of a salesman, Loh Kuan Seng, 25, In Lorong 6, Oeylang. on Monday evening. His father. Mr. Loh Kirn Lai. 55. who claimed his son's body at the Outram Hospital
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  • 80 5 Reminder to rice merchants THE Trade Department yesterday reminded rice merchants that they should submit their applications for licences to deal In rice to the Supplies Office by Saturday the dosing date Applications received after that would not be considered, the department said yesterday. Under the Price Control (Rice) Order
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  • 34 5 THE Australian High Commissioner here, Mr. Robert N Birch, will apeak on Australlan-Asean Co-opera-tion at the Apex Club of Singapore's International Night to be held at Hotel Equatorial tomorrow at 8 pm.
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  • 41 5 EDIWAR Maxkmur. 33. was fined (350 by the First Magistrate's Court yesterday (or exhibiting obscene photograph* along Jslan Sultan on June 10 st about 10 p m The photograph* were ordered confiscated and dssiiojed He pleaded guilt*
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  • 65 5 rE Ministry of the Environment has declared Singapore cholera free from Mobday. A ministry statement said yesterday that no farther cholera cases. had been reported since the last one on May IT. The total number of eases this rear remain od at etrht, with one carrier. There
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 82 5 IJi] I i2'*'*'fc /A sssßsaja-^fl HOME LEAVE CAR HIRE fotd V»u.h#>Jl BLMC. Chi>»*#f Ovir 30 ditf*r«nt modri m«nu«< or Mito utoon. *«tat« or motor cwivin RMlistK f\9% from CM tor 4 «m«lii or fIM for 24 wfci includ* comprt r*»n»iv» in*uf*rx« n\4>tot«neir»c« unltm.tsd mil««o« and U K T«i«s D*liv«kv to
      82 words
    • 770 5 rt^T-.^^av Do r«i want promotion, security. 1 H i! laflsamf better pay. and a really worthwhile MM| 106 Then write (or YOUR copy of JjHLtr^T ENGINEERING OPPORTUNITIfS". tn« 3^SKuPfl^9fjnauC r most successful career book ever sV^^ Pf" 1 1 his authoritative guide Ijwn vWr aL <" s ou alevef y*"
      770 words

  • 316 6 Supply poor, so fish prices still high rpHK price of fish reX malned high during the last few days because of poor supplies, according to the Trade Department yesterday. Prices of Spanish mackerel (tengglrl bekah). horse mackerel (selar) and mackerel (kembong) went up by 10 cents to $2.30. $1.60 and
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  • 59 6 Motorist hurt in road crash MOTORIST L v c v s Leow Lip Peng, 28. was admitted to Outram Hospital with head Injuries yesterday after his mini was Involved In an accident with an oil-tanker at Orchard Road. Tb« accident oocurrtd opposite the Orchard Road Police Button at about 13
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  • 188 6 AC Ong to be named new zoo chief ACTING Assistant Commissioner of Police, Mr. On* Kirn Boon. Is to be appointed the new director of the Singapore Zoological Gardens It Is understood Mr. One will take up his new post after his retirement soon from the force which he joined
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  • 73 6 4,000 th ad: The 2 who spotted it mHE two winners of the 1 fifth "Spot the 4.000 th advertisement" contest organised by the Straits Times were Miss Lily Lee Bau Choo, 21, an accounts clerk, and Mr. Raymond Mondoo Chi Liang, 17, a student. Bach will receive a golden
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  • 145 6 SILVER PLAQUE FROM INDIAN CADETS ¥>BOFESSOR I. A 1 Jansen, chairman of the National Cadet Carp. Council, yesterday received a stiver plaaae from visiting Indian air cadet officer, Bavinder Singh Palia. The Plaque, a gesture of good will and friend fhlP. was presented on behalf of the Ah- Wing of
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  • 44 6 rIE two-week strike by more than 100 workers at Selclene laundry In Delta Road ended on Monday The, management and the Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation resolved their differences over NWC pay at the Labour Ministry over the weekend.
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  • 363 6  - $12,000 for 'wrongly' sacked 'tec BEN DAVIDSON CONSENT JUDGMENT BY COURT By DETECTIVE constable, who was said to have been wrongfully dismissed from service in July 1968, was awarded $12,000 in a consent judgment by the High Coart last month. One of the terms of the settlement of the suit
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  • 116 6 PC denies theft of rose plant cuttings A POLICEMAN was charged In the First Magistrate's Court yesterday with talcing 10 rose plant cuttings from the Botanic Oardens Hlsham bin Abdullah alias Renganathan Mohan, 22, denied taking the cuttings at about 9.45 p.m. on March 11 without the written permission of
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  • 186 6 A TOTAL of 13.064 people were treated for upper respiratory tract Infection. Including Influenza at Government outpatient clinics for the week ending June 1. This brings to 35,176 the number of such cases since May 13. according to the Health Ministry Doctors in
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  • 27 6 THE Oberol Imperial Hotel and DTA French Airline* will Jointly hold a Festival of French Food and Art at the hotel from today to Friday
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  • 148 6 SIA HAS BIGGEST BOEING FLEET IN S-E ASIA SINGAPORE Airlines has more Boeing aircraft than any other airline In South-east Asia This was confirmed by an SI A spokesman yesterday when he announced the purchase of a 10th Boelng--707 recently. SlA's total fleet of 19 aircraft is made up of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 287 6 TdfTlDfi SPEAKERS ARE NOT NEW BUT THE/ HAVE BEEN l IV 1 1 ilV^ V LIU with new processes and materials. An 80 watts 3-way 4-speaker system amongst the most advanced speaker system ever designed, by TAMON. Meet the most strict demands for even frequency response and low distortion. Superior
      287 words
    • 69 6 This one little Strepsils lozenge gives the fastest relief for sore throats and coughs because Strepsils kills germs in the mouth and throat in 1 minute Jk tk regular honey and lemon ANOTMfcR INTEHNATIONAL PWOOUCT FROM{g ■i twfxj groii axj there k a yeat aewapaper I hi Hapg Kaag M'»
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 298 6 ■rtngltiß Up F>th»r By mil Kavawaih —I Camp -Jljw h*k OH.swcutiil Icm yojft no, zmcan hfuNas jtoetAsmm-Ano i mgftoirr KXJ KUtOUnm JHm,B**L»f'. J\Jtrvf^tOj (T! M3U I V*W« >OU J «TIU. TWV J OFTHt ilS2jry^s*LO« WB 7l TWOOOMT TH4T S LOOK SO I tVP* A TDOOA "S ■flrTMairM jca i J
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  • 160 7 Robber among 48 caught in raid on cinema FORTY-EIGHT men were arrested by police at Clros Theatre In Telok Blangah last Thursday in connection with a spate of housebreaking and robbery cases, a district court was told on Monday. Senior Inspector P. Satlvelu raid this In his summary of the
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  • 136 7 S'PORE'S $13.M 'SHOW FISH BUSINESS MORE than 10 million tropical Ash. the majority of which are rupplrs. were exported last year, according to the Singapore Guppy Club, yesterday. This amounted to some $13.4 ml'lion In revenue. And the major importing countries were America, Europe, West Germany. Britain, Japan and Australia.
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  • 775 7 How to beat the shortage... 'ITS THE BEST AND ONLY SOLUTION' THE Singapore Dental Association has proposed that the "best and only solution" to the shortage of dental surgeons in Singapore is to train more dental surgeons. It stressed that "all efforts be directed towards
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  • 154 7 Three grants for dental students TfHE president of x of the Singapore Dental Association, Dr. Y.C. Wong, yesterday announced that the SDA was offering three bursaries for dental students this year. He said this was to encourage more Singapore students to take up dentistry as a career. It was also
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  • 411 7 3rd bid proved fatal npHE Singapore Polytechnic has no Jurisdic--1 tion over long-haired students who are waiting for their final year results or to Join national service. A Polytechnic spokesman said: "We can't tell them to cut their hair because they are no longer
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  • 126 7 JOHORE CASHES IN ON COLOUR fiOLOUB TV sets will \j be sold in Johorr before the end of this month. Mr. B.K. Huang, general manager of Setron Ltd., local TV set assemblers' yesterday said "We have a factory in Johore Barn turning nut black and white seta. "It has already
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  • 50 7 ■MO Boon Whee. 61. ni fined 1300 by the PMt Magistrate's Court jeatatday for having two ■ninmai of morphine, and fined another 1300 for having a eyrtnga with a needle attached In Syed Alwl Road on June It at about 11.10 pm He pleaded guilty
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  • 87 7 A MALAYSIAN seaman. Jlaa Lamudln. 47, who was found unconscious In a nve-foot deep freshwater tank aboard the cargo vessel Sri Salado. died on arrival at Outram Hospital, at 2.30 p.m. on Monday. Police laid he iv a»■Mned to clear Urn tank shorUr after 3
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  • 157 7 Getting rid of that bad feeling JAPAN must provide faster high quality technical aid and better trade patterns to Southeast Asian countries In order to cut down local resentments against Japanese Interests. a Japanese official said yesterday. Mr. Toshlro Shlmanouchl, a councillor of the Japan Federation of Economic Organisations, said
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 177 7 JmttJot J RKOHSOOC mcoH m S O O .^SJIBS^Bk' The world's most wanted camera Makes obsolete every other camera in its class Auto/Manual exposure •Shutter speeds from 1/8 to 1/500 sec. Exposure lock facility Electronic flash synchronization Automatic self-timer •40 mm wide-angle f 2 8 colour corrected lens Rapid range-finder
      177 words
    • 550 7 FREE! The 2-minute Search I NSW YQHK Sim -£<A TO WRITE TO US _s^~*^^x-s WILL WRITE TO ICti-O w^^kl ABOUT THE >^A^>v^a^^ YOU DIRECT FROM tvk. J~rPL PROOUCTSYOU ouUAAA THE STATE OF RV. •^ZhA NEED FOR YOUR I NEW YORK, U.SA t^JO" Take two minutes to write on your are
      550 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 280 7 Straits Times Crossword b^bl ulaV* Mai" 7 bBP ■^■^"TBanß ACBOBS ihcres wfctl* dlffercncr 7 Ply to the oven' •s > •■i S Try to remember about v S Dicky leapt Into the fold short prayer id. it;. 9 Lotc the thread at Orave- 6 Such a rude woman to «end
      280 words

  • 1603 8 Upsurge in country's Economic ictivities Prospects bright despite odds MESSAGE FROM HE FERDINAND E. MARCOS, PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES- done, we have finally begun the momentum that makes our final break from the old and stricken environment. This is the beginning of change,
    1,603 words
  • 1590 8 PHILIPPINE INDEPENDENCE DAY SUPPLEMENT gARELY 21 months ago, nearly everyone was writing off the Philippines. Though it obviously had great potential, the unhappy land was rapidlly going down the drain from social and political anarchy. Today, the change in the country's prospect
    1,590 words
  • 1818 8 CIONINO the pro--13 clamatlon which placed the Philippines under martial law was, in President Marcos' own words, the least difficult decision he could make when fronted by the gravest crisis of his administration and the greatest threat to national security since the Philippines became
    1,818 words
  • 47 8 AN exhibition of colour as well as Mask and white photographs entitled Philippines, Las* of the Beautiful will be held la the foyer of the Crystal Ballroom, Hyatt Hotel tiasy. It la sponsored by the National Media Production Centre aad the niisi«-mt of Tears—, Manila
    47 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 65 8 FACTS ON THE PHILIPPINES ton£r*<Sssi l>: I l <MU» •*> km), Mindanao (M.CM at. km.) and Population: 41.47*5.174 (1*74 estimate). Population growth rate: $.1% per annum. Population density: I M. Z persons per s*. km. (1*74 estimate). Average temperature: n.V C (Manila). Currency: The Philippine peso has keen floating in
      65 words

  • 889 9 PHILIPPINE INDEPENDENCE DAY SUPPLEMENT "DEFLECTING tfce present-day Filipinos, ambivalence about their country's past, there are today two contrasting tendencies among Filipino historians. One is to Insist that Philippine history properly begins in 1872, with the first assertion of Filipino national will
    889 words
  • 876 9 suffered during the Pacific War. Rlxal Park Its focal point Is the Rlzal monument which stands where the young revolutionary was executed by the Spaniards in 1896. Nayong Plllplno Situated right beside the Manila International Airport, this huge park offers a glimpse of
    876 words
  • 1086 9 hphere things, to L begin with must be said about Philippine culture. First, that it is the outcome of a continual stream throughout the centuries and into the present of influences from outside the geographical limits of the archipelago. Second, that these influences throughout
    1,086 words
  • 163 9 MANILA will be the •Ie of the Miss Universe International beauty contest of MM Seventy beauties from all over the world. Including Sin rapore and Malaysia. who have competed In their respective countries, are expected to converge In the PhiUppine city by the first week of
    163 words
  • 975 9 Imelda carries banner of pride in all things Filipino rpO the western world especially the Press Imelda Romualdex Marcos Is best known for her beauty. She Is surely one of the most beautiful presidents' wives the world has seen. Her beauty is a dependable constant, a gratifying fact for all
    975 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 522 10 THERE is a time for haste, and a time for caution. According to reports from Cairo, Egypt and the US believe it would be appropriate to resume Middle East peace talks in Geneva recessed since last December around September or October, and not in the next few weeks
      522 words
    • 101 10 yESTERDAY'S collapse of Italy's 36th post-Second World War government tends to support an American columnist's view that Italians are dedicated to proving that Western nations do not need governments. Prime Minister Mariano Rumor's Government came apart because of a dispute over how Italy's current economic crisis should be
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  • 262 10 rwas fortunate that the fire at Trengganu Btreet occurred In the morning. I dread to think what the outcome would have been had it been in the evening. Evacuation of occupants would have been impeded by hawkers who choke the street with their stalls, while entry
    262 words
  • 6 10 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR B^l B^MvC^M^B^^^3
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  • 151 10 pLEASE refer to the r letter by "Disturbed Residents" (B.T. June 4). Your correspondents are advised to provide full details of the mentioned bungalow to the Assistant Director, Building Control Division. 4th Floor. National Development Building, Maxwell Road, Singapore 2, so that the matter may be looked into.
    151 words
  • 1000 10  -  H.L.LIM A GIRL blissfully unaware of the law of supply and demand turned up at the Golden Theatre last month to see the Academy Awardwinning film The Sting. But all tickets were sold out. Undaunted, she went up to an elderly, shoddlly dressed man and asked if he had
    1,000 words
  • 1039 10  - 'Return home' efforts leave nurses so cold NANCY BYRAMJI: By London ]F nurses in Britain get their demand for higher pay, Malaysia and Singapore are likely to lose more of their Britishtrained nurses to Britain. Singapore and Malaysian authorities in London are unable to provide absolute figures but it Is
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  • 124 10 rpHE National Library ■1 baa more than books; it has anwelcome bed Iran. too. I was blaten while reading in the library last week. And when I looked at the chair closely I found a big nest of then. To be exact, there were 14 of them.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 9 10 for absolute if J^Ji^^L precision \J^i\r j^l CHRONOMETER ssxhoo
      9 words
    • 256 10 jWlfl HONG ENTERPRISES (PTL| LTDJ SANDEN2S> Rotary Auto-Air Conditioners 1 Light Weight, Compact, Small Engine Load, Quiet Operation, No Viabrations Stress. 2 Less Appetite For Petrol 3 Right Even For 1100 c.c. Class 4 Especially Designed For Datsun 120Y, Toyota 1200, Colt Lancer Subaru 1400 Mazda 808. 5 Terms of
      256 words

  • 206 11 Armed robbery youth gets 20 lashes A YOUTH was sentenced to a total of four-and-a-half years Jail pins 2* strokes of the cane by a district court yesterday for armed robbery and theft Teo Koon Teck. 18, was Jailed for two years plus 10 strokes of the cane on each
    206 words
  • 78 11 Missing man found dead in sea PoMce recovered the body of Wang Chla Chin. 37, of Jalan Bumbu. from the sea off East Coast Park, on Monday. A ponce spokesman said Wang, who was a crew member of the motor launch Ong*. was reported missing at 920 am last Saturday
    78 words
  • 56 11 MR. WOODROW W. Everltt, fojmer manager at ContlnenUl nilnoU National Bank in London, la the new manager of the bank's branch In Singapore. He take* over from Mr. David B. Bterrett, who haa been tranaferred to the bank's branch in Amsterdam. The bank opened lta
    56 words
  • 202 11 Why it's vital to have top security at PSA rE Port Authority said yesterday that a sound security system at the port was vital to maintain the confidence of port users. A PSA statement made the point to explain why passes were needed to enter the port area. Such passes,
    202 words
  • 54 11 Jailed: Illegal immigrants FIVE men were jailed for two weeks each by the First Magtotraate's Court yesterday for entering Singapore without a permit between January and May this year. They were Samm Kaaalm, JO. All bin Tabal. IS. Atan bin Osman, IT. All bin Ahmad, 30, and Hashlm bin Rahmat.
    54 words
  • 45 11 TEO Leong Chong, 68. unemployed, who was fined a total of 5n.500 but week for drug offences, has begun serving 1H years jail In default He had admitted three charges of unlawfully manufacturing and having prepared opium and -«"H"f utensils.
    45 words
  • 31 11 THE price of cement was yesterday reverted to Its previous price of 5127 50 per metric ton delivered to site. Inclusive of distributor's commission, the Department of Trade announced.
    31 words
  • 46 11 THE Minister of Bute (Environments* and MP for Sepoy Lines. Mr. Wee Toon Boon, will officiate at the balloting ceremony for the sale of 330 units of threeroom improved flats at the ear park behind block 27. Outram Park, today at 1 30 pjn.
    46 words
  • 92 11 rE driver of this smarts ear Mr. Tong Hong Cheong, 29, escaped unhnrt when It was Involved la a collision with a cyclist and landed on Its side at Havelock Road on Monday night. Tkiif k visibly shaken, Mr. Tong crawled oat of the
    92 words
  • 203 11 Gunman wanted for robberies held nOUCK have arrested a wanted gunman who Is said to have been responsible for a series of robberies and housebreaking cases during past six months Detectives who arrested the man In Changl Road on Monday mornIng recovered a revolver and eight bullets from him. Sources
    203 words
  • 34 11 DR. Chao Taee Cheng. forenatc pathologist of the Pathology Department. Outram Hospital, will speak on Home Safety at the lunch meetlrg of the Rotary Club of Sine,:- do-- at Mandarin Hotel today.
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  • 352 11 TRANSPORT operators, unions and several organisations yesterday supported the Government's move to organise a five-week national campaign from July 15 to encourage car pools and staggered working hours. They said that the campaign would be a positive step towards helping commuters to familiarise themselves
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 35 11 I It's living stereo on wheels I I from AP for your listening pleasure. I u\jM B)li\|lbL.^bHM\bbbT I\|bbL^b3i^bb\, aaaai I\bbbbbbbbWjv 1 W LwV'JbblWiWbbbbbbbbbbbW Baa! LawVSaiBBBV bbbbV '•^ri^tor [Si JebsenA Jessen •Ch* 000 sVSCJI 1 aaaaal
      35 words
    • 225 11 ißobina 7hr Sur smt Gsa /brtek BALL I shoes at rock bottom prices while stocks last Plus: Imported French and Italian casual wear shirts (Mailcott, Pierre Conte, Montagu t and Ntno) less 30ft Ties from aO over the world Jjt Wk Imported Attache bags for lilpM the office SjWrrr Rodeo
      225 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 161 11 TV MALAYSIA (3) Ofi r* Programmi summary QAA PI Pratrtmmi summary -J.ynJ SJ4 Abbott and Costel O.UU |bWI lo SJS Documentary film S.M We* ther Ul Nm 1.11 Btbjjarlah Nnstwa Ml Nm Ul Bahasa Anda lIS Make Room for Komentar LSI Bamaby Jones 1144 Daddy 1.41 The Partridge Family Nicholas
      161 words
    • 714 11 TV SINGAPORE (5) 1 A tin **> to 12JI mm H»l*i) Ut News Brief US IU.UU Trade sad test trass •iflemM: The EMntmer IM mission (cetoar) IM Traea and Sciaaca 4 (Uassce Production) 7JI test tram«*ssion (cohwr) IJi News and Nemred (Hswy) T.SS Oaeawt aad lama Mnjaraa Daadsaf SsMdra (Malay,
      714 words
    • 22 11 THE water consumption on Monday was 11) million gallons (514JM coble metres) 11.4 million gallons (4H.OM ceibic metres) aware than on Sands;
      22 words

    • 208 12 $5m KL radar system ready this year LfUALA LUMPUR. Tues. [V Malaysia's first long range radar system, which can locate aircraft flying within a radius of 200 miles of Kuala Lumpur, will be In operation before the end of the year. Communications Minister Tan Sri Sardon bin Hajl Jubir said
      208 words
    • 56 12 TOKYO. Tu«a. A «ixmember Japanese mUslon today left (or the Rengam district of Johore to collect the remains of seven World War Two Japanese soldier* The mission, led by Mr Masao Iwasa. an official of the Welfare Ministry, will hold a memorial service Jiere around June IS
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 313 12 Five hours outside the school, then back to classes... SUNGEI PATANI, Tuesday |T was back to normal today at Father Barre's Convent where more than 200 girl students staged a fivehour demonstration outside the school yesterday. The glrla, from three Form Four classes
      313 words
    • 26 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues The Islamic Foreign Ministers attending the five-day conference here beginning June 21 will visit development projects in Paninsular Malaysia after the meeting
      26 words
    • 55 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Peninsular Malaysia harvested a record rte* crop of 1.1 million tons last ye*r, surpassing the 1972 production by more than 1M>,04» tons, the Government said today. About 2.M0 of the 12.624 acres under cultivation were damaged by floods, pests and drought The production made peninsular
      55 words
    • 41 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues Twenty-seven cases, including one death, of dengue haemorrhagic fever and three of cholera were reported In the past 41 hours In Peninsular Malaysia The fatal dengue caae was a four-year-old girl from Batu Pahat
      41 words
    • 167 12 Car race drama between robbers, contractor pATU PAHAT. Tues. D Contractor Yre Yong Foong. 49, outraced four highway robbers to the safety of the Tongkang Pecan police station In a four -mile car chase drama yesterday. One of the thugs, took a shot at the tyres of his Mercedes-Bens bat
      167 words
    • 32 12 NDJAMENA Chad). Tues Special Malaysian envoy Shahuddln Mohamed Taib arrived in Ndjamena today from Gabon with a message from Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak for Chad's President Ngarta TombaJbaye Reuter.
      Reuter  -  32 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 395 12 VIVaVaVbVaVaV.V»WVeVV«VaVa'aVaVjWaVa*.Vi ■■■■■BBWtfLrasTWf™"***'"** i act nAY! 2 shows nightly: 5 LAST DAT! 7.00 9.30 pm. J ADMISSION: Adults $2.00. Children $1.00; GOOZIUAV «^r\n coiorscope -^K s HURRY! HURRY! HURRY!-^! S Join the "Dirty Dozen" ni blip then fight their way into tlia gl sth EXPLOSIVE WEEK! —^j w* llrA 7HMM mm
      395 words
    • 159 12 CJ Ling F«y«n9||l^ T »^NbC i VBB^BBm bbßibbV^s "sßßawXaWaw \m\ ilffUr M J mimichoo VJi iiifWii tV VI I I Tvvo EXCITING lmm\ LmY \^^JMM floorshov« ■»T .bbH^K.^ W^a^^BT NIGHTLY THE >/Qgr "ELECTRIC \wfm show by wit immmmmmv n. world fIA X RENOWNED IllflfS ARTISTES. p Bk antartainmant nightly by
      159 words
    • 149 12 brSh bbb^^l^^lTbbl NOW SHOWING 3. S. ft 9 M. Ino m*a ut' HAJESH KHANNA MANOm f\J 111 l JOROO KA OUIAM I Hind" Colo- «vit" EngHst a Malay Submlesi OCEAN THEATRE (Ah C«nd I 7ms Siglap Tai *****6 LMI Day 2 .30. 7 16. t 30 am OoWan Harvest Praaants
      149 words
    • 253 12 f THE TRUE TEPPAN YAKI STEAK bbMbbV I /^^^£s!* te&k&r'-^ The* true leppon-yald receipe in guarded under thin chefs cap Our chefs will show you the preparation stage by stage right on your table. Every stage is an experience. Every bite is a delight. But the receipe is still a
      253 words
    • 658 12 OW6AWISATIIDN NOW SHOWING No Fraa L,.t 11 am 1 46. 4 00. 6 46. f 16 Chan Kuan Ta. a fu Shang MIN From Th, MONASTERY MANDARIN ,n Scopa h Color NCXT CHANGE' SCHOOL CHILDREN $1 00 10 ANY SEAT N ai ALL SHOWS da< v HEINTJE Tha GOLDEN VOICED
      658 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1302 13 CDNTAINEISNIP SEIVICE TO U» CONTINENT »v* tiic mill ym tL H »<*° v*u tLBt PJMnU 'HM Illvr IMW ItM HM •MW iiiiho maiu aMm nmm mm UMW HM "law IS iil llf H laM MM aM UMW till I lIMW ..mi huh i Mi) IM a mw nn* it HD
      1,302 words
    • 1200 13 til BLUE SEA UNE \y To U.S. East Coast Gulf Ports S'aen P MlMf PtaMf LMaaa] fer. PiiUMEe shim ii Pt im ii mm il Cristobal. KMpton. peiiseus- mw i mw i Miami Jacksonville PiITESIItIS MW II MM M» IT T" T?k«l«,M patmcius m»i mr a Sa»annah. ciariesion. pilailTNius Aat
      1,200 words
    • 1194 13 R^V^TP^^TS^T^^ a^^ Ba^^^*^NJVMNJI^MMBMBM I lUM»t Hiart law I Mai S port P Mkkj Scaa Axtna liaaci U 1 ut Mate MPart ii mm i mw iimw n mw imw ITAM MAII a MM BMM MMW MMW UMW H M.| UMMT 11 laM n laar M MW H MW 11 laW
      1,194 words
    • 1020 13 ■—■-■"■ir™^ a^_iaMaW M awW^^JLl»_^^a(a>^i.a^aß_iMLJaaaaMßMWa^il I FULLY CONTAINEKIZED Si«V)CE TO EUN.OPE MMattaan FM liiifiiTi iiiimi 'mm D KoH« r *»"i *wte.dam. Antwerp, le Hanrf. ■'"•lu* S3 ii H u 1 B m< tltm ntn iutumia mw a Aaihtft, Copenkaien Gotkenbur|. Maimo i'ihiu Mm Aai ii Stockholm. Oslo. aMkla, Uaited Kin|dom CMiat
      1,020 words
    • 863 13 Sanaa**** •*****; P. Kalanaj 4341; K.L. *****; »aaaa t J3301 THE BANK LINE LTD. IMK fM E I S AfIICA TATMM IS a»lf I P $fm 11/H MM S KXr 11/11 MM TISTMMI (call* laiauaal P Mlaat S tvt It/M MM IU'IAM lla.ll t MnaMi A S Air cal
      863 words

  • 247 14 T"I ut «"tt »'J«Sun«5 OUT N-d>r Rijn I 2. Marnruli 7 20. Cant Lrr 21 Mai. Mu.i 11. Korean Mall MM. Tnoraonrat JS *l Kb» Matu >H> IK <bar**> 51 North and Lion City ißamn M South IM..Rh«lrl.or 3 4 N.» Krrlufii. Marnruli I, Itrait V»<
    247 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1019 14 mm Tft M^VMMMMMMMBMBaaaaMMVAMMaaMMM^MMMaB YLi lorn KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. KAWASAKI KINKAI KISEN KAISHA LTI. JAPAN. HONGKONG. STRAITS SEWICE Mom llaajaan Siagatarr P v t-g saiMtiN maiu v 11 C.taa* Singaporo Japan Sarvte* Stngipori I*ll. IIttPIAM NIMaAT lI IOM Itti[•■uMrg ag Ml|) Japan Arabian Cull Sarvloa SiagAtoii rtt •flu Mill >
      1,019 words
    • 979 14 ACCEPTIM TMCTMS. TMCU ANI OTNEI NEAH EMIPMENIS FM SAIAN AM INMMESIA ALL PMTS. From HA ETD NttaaiMM ICTIUiniITB Sampit 14JMI II Imi Indonesia. LCIKAinjMT larakm Ii Ptrt 14 Jm noonesn. IST lENTAP TaraUn 22 Jim 24 Jom Imdmsii. LSI MUELLAN Indonesia II Imi II Imi 'ndonesia KAITT HIT Manila II
      979 words
    • 880 14 ocicnT uner U.K. tUHOft SWVICI LOADING H* LONDON. BOTIIROAM. HAMBURG WLiAO. laMMor* P Mitag Pttaag loaMa lum H'tat MPTtBiIMIIAU tiaa/lW l/«Ml VIM| KM, IM Aai A««IVALS MOM NOtTW-WIST lUROMAN POtTS AND LONDON Ptnaag P Miing Siagtoorf M >aag vuau >oM MPTUM SAPfM.H »«l M/«M| •a| lA, II tM, STRAITS AUSTRALIA
      880 words
    • 801 14 QMESS SEIVKt TO LMTMH. LIWJPMI/CONTMniT WITS U Vwii Vagitxr P U»| MM| •>• m fm taut I MILATI IS/11 MM ii Pirt it mnn XJ. I'wri I I too i II HMMarg 14 I MMA TCIATAI M/ISMM 14 II IMI It, llah 1/ IMM PdtM il loMor S I in.
      801 words
    • 599 14 SHIPS IN DISTRESS CALL 7^/^SaaMMal V~ W^-t-fHBfW Tolox RS2I3S2 xr^>4M H g H gVr. Ciblos SALVE NGER A V\ SCLCO Ot»mATIOMt 24 MOOtW >A*3C^scsw^^~^^''"" Singapora 22 I SELCO OPEWATIONS CENTRE SANKOUNE^ FROM JAPANESE PORTS AND HONGKONG Singapore P. Kelong STRAIT VECA Cdn 10-11 13 |une DIADEM 15/17 June STRAIT MARS
      599 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 765 15 rl ML*) ASIA CONSTRUCTION MINING I \**y MACHINERY PTE. LTD. ACCOUNTANT ACMM recently incorporated Singapore company of the U.K. Richards Wallmgton Group it the sole distributor in Singapore for LANCER BOSS Forklift Trucks and Sideloader Trucks. RUST ON BUCYRUS/BUCYRUS ERIE Excavators and Cranes, and COMPAIR INTERNATIONAL'S Holman Broom wade Mining
      765 words
    • 1262 15 |UNI-TRAVEL PRIVATE LIMITED II A fast expanding travel organisation is looking for qualified applicants to fill I II the following positions: (D TRAVEL CONSULTANTS Dynamic young ladies with pleasant personalities who have a I minimum of 2 years' sales experience in travel industry. Must possess a I H.S.C. or Senior
      1,262 words
      140 words
    • 223 15 A large manufacturing concern specialising in sheet-metal and aluminium fabrication invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the posts of: a) Workstudy Officers b) Workstudymen They are required to carry out studies in material handling, product layout and work place layout as well as method and time studies in sheet
      223 words

    • 82 16 rraetan Iron I. Steam 16.00 93M $7 JO .30 +J0 M >CBC neheape m n i. rmr 'A* r. Bw. i. P»r M IJlwrt* A wmU Umi JOB If. Bulk JniUta 3 Can. BBS »rim» lardlnc Blorc $7 JO M 74 IS OS MM 13.10 W3O S3 12
      82 words
    • 21 16 Most active stocks Haw P»r 3M.J** DAS UMM gdUMTI HUH* Pan. Elect. ToUl Taravrer: 3 05 M ToUl Vahw: $S.O M
      21 words
    • 57 16 IndastrUb: tun *SIJ rtaurc: HIM 4MJ I Hatch: 174.7* 175.1 Titpmttm: III.IJ I**J t Ttaa: IMJJ IMJ i f rakken: J« M M*J 0.C.8.C.: I*4. M M 4.' 8.E.8. Ind.: M7.M tTSJ Dec. M. IMC IM f Dm. SI. INI b IM 1 Dm. M. IMS It* Dm. 11,
      57 words
  • 1596 16 rpHB last transacted' sale at the close of business In the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day'r price* together with 1974 high and low. Adjusted for all new Issues). INDUSTRIAL 1*74 La*t N. L. lala 2. TO 2.00 Aetna 1.41 13* 1 01 A.
    1,596 words
  • 381 16 rWAS a day of general gains on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with blue chips and a number of situation stocks coming In for Investment attention. Having stemmed the flow of selling this past fortnight, the market was showing evidence of heading upwards again. Market
    381 words
  • 1326 16 'did and offer price* officially listed and business In sand reported to the Stock Exchange or Singapore yes•terrtay with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. INDI-BTBIAL9 Aesaa (3.468) XD. A.T.I. (1.008 1.108). AJIdo (3.508 2.708) (1) 2.50.
    1,326 words
  • 1345 16 BID and of fer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In bracket} In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified INDUSTRIAL! Atmamata <2.408> A. Tea* 11 IM). Ataan 11.141) (1) ll*. (I)
    1,345 words
  • 298 16 MACLAINE Watson has formed an Engineering Division In Malaysia and Singapore with the acquisition of Faithful Engineering. I Mr. Harro Brandt. Maclalne Watson's deputy chairman, described the acquisition as one of a series of expansion moves to broaden the operative base of the group regionally. "Our new
    298 words
  • 120 16 A ONE- for- three bonus Issue will be made by Public Insurance to raise the present Issued cap.tal from $15 million to $2 million. In addition shareholders will rece'.ve a 17) per cent dividend for 1973. five points up on the previous year. The chairman. Dato Lee
    120 words
  • 300 16 Sentiment improves in KL market OENTIMENT Improved O at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday following emergence of stronger buying interest. Activity picked up from about mid morning, maintaining a steady pace, with buyers dealing more freely. In the last half hour of trading brisk business was recorded and a
    300 words
  • 80 16 rnHZ ÜB. dollar opened very firmly at 12 4340-80 in the Singapore forez market yesleiday. compared with Monday's close of U 4245-55 lri Initial trading the dollar rallied to $2 4380-90 by mldmomlng but slipped In mld- seaston trading to $3 4375-85 by lunch time The dollar firmed
    80 words
  • 151 16 The following are the nominal average closing Interbank rate* In Singapore: Note: These rates may differ slightly from Uhmo quoted by banks to their cu*». quoted yesterday (rrowi parity US dollar 2 4380 ***** 2 8196 St«rllnc pound 5.8460 5.8560 7.3469 Hongkong dollar 48.33 48 38 50 51
    151 words
    • 29 16 Rubber: June 11. Singapore: IM5* cents (up 1.5* cts). Malaysia: 188 5* cts (up I.M ct). Tin: $1,330 (up $•5,871) Official offering: 25* tons (down 55 tons).
      29 words
    • 103 16 Cmihisi rnoouci ixcNAaos. »IH0A»0al MOON CLOtINC MICH »ICUL TSSTiaOAT. Csssnm 0*1: bulk SIM noralaal. drum (I*s nominal Caora: Mixed (looeel UK/COnt. 190 nominal n>air Muntok AST A white fob 100% NLW Slo2t sellers. Sanwek white fob NLW 12*0 sellers. Sarawak special black fob. M% NL.W 1200 sellere. Sarawak ASTA
      103 words
    • 167 16 Straits tin UP $6.87 rIE Straits tin price In Penang yesterday continued IU uptrend with another rise of $6,871,4 to $1,330 per plcul on an official offering down 55 tons to 250 tons. LONDON: Monday's rise In the Eastern prices and the firmness elsewhere were the main factors In an
      167 words
    • 98 16 CHIPMENT of Straits refined tin from Penang for May 1974 totalled 6.887 64 tonnes (April 7,505 56 tonnes), according to statistics Issued by Straits Trading. The following table shows the destination and metric tonnage, excluding metal shipment from Klang Tla Port Kelang: May Jan /May Jnited Kingdom
      98 words
    • 59 16 M*mf>r litur««» U II Mil MlltaWM (1) 104 U NA Lull! IST 40 N A Mrat IM.M ISB6O H— «>»■« IMM IM.M toM IM.MB N A IM.MB N A Pmrij IMM N A k POC« 41) 1M238 IUISB IHM IMM ikpon prtm la no« •l.rllni la U.S. «ellara
      59 words
    • 488 16 AJ»ART from short-cover-*»lnf In June which consequently gained a little ground, the Singapore rubber market yesterday was barely disturbed all morning from Monday's final levels. Trading was confined to routine and further incentive was lacking In the absence of worthwhile fresh features The morning MMtan cksed quiet The
      488 words
    • 91 16 |)AILY not pruea teued at noon rwterday: Jw (OwiwlMik' IhmrHßk) MKII.E Birmkhn IqnMin (Mate par kg) (e«atap«kf> SMR 5 CV (1 ton pallet) SUM 131.MN 31*60 Ml SON SMR 6L (1 too pallet! 31*60 Ml SON 31*60 231 MN SMR I (1 ton pallet) 1M.60 1M SON
      91 words
    • 231 16 IJONOKONO, Tues. The market continued to move forward at the outset today with shares putting on further gains. However after mid -morning a strong selling wave developed wiping off most of the early gains. But the afternoon session saw the market revive as more buyers stepped in again to
      231 words
    • 42 16 On the free esenange market In Hongkong yesterday the U.S. dellar waa quoted at 5 0428/ 5 0440 for T.T. and 5.025 5 033 for sasn. Sterling was quoted at 12 12 20 and ana last quoted at 93» 00
      42 words
    • 179 16 rpOKYO, Tues. Prices on the Tokyo stock exchange turned sharply higher after three days of continued falls. The Dow Jones average soared 58.04 to close at 4.698.49 and the New Index gained 2-41 to 337 20 Trading volume totalled 200 million shares. Today's closing prices In yen with the
      179 words
    • 173 16 AMSTERDAM. Mon. Dutch internationals closed generally firmer aided by sentiment on Wall Street last Friday. Hoofovens lost most of the charp Initial rise and Akio and Unilever gained nearly one guilder each. Royal Dutch edged higher but Philips moved lower against the trend. The rest of the market ruled
      Reuter  -  173 words
    • 107 16 j r/URICH. Mon. The La stock market closed generally firmer on a medium trading volume. Bonds were well maintained. The Credit Sulsse Index soared 3.6 points to 211.8. Cloaint prices la Bwlaa franc* with the dl*T»r«aet an the previou* Credit Sulase 2700 M Bwia* Bank Corpn Ml IS Union
      107 words
    • 296 16 MELBOURE. Tues. The Melbourne stock market closed on a geneI rally easier note In dull trading conditions, with i volume relatively thin. Some selected Issues, however, were able to gain ground under bar-gain-hunting, to close at higher levels for the day. Oolds found favour, with Emperor Jumping to Asl9s
      296 words
    • 387 16 NEW YORK. Mon The ■lock market scored iv sixth consecutive advance today In somewhat slower trading as prk-ea again were buoyea by Investors' growing confluence that Intercut I rates have peaked Profit taking weakened quotation* on the New York I Stock Exchange In the morning Marion following the
      387 words
    • 33 16 London copper prleaa on Man Say (previoue IB bracaata). Wlrebar Spot buyer il.lM (£1.11*) teller £I.l*o (£1.117): Thraa Month. buyer fI.OSS (iI.OM) aellar il.M* (£I.MI). Market tana: Him Sanw: «.200 teas.
      33 words
    • 92 16 FINANCIAL TIMEB TINS »££»7 »IJ7 Friday »i M Week ■««> KVBMU JJMJM MO.IS MO 3t4 0J OIL! ai««H Friday 222 10 W«*fc mo 2UJS INDUBTKIALS »£n<tay 2*4 7 W*«* ago n* DOW JONES A VISAGE INDUMTBIAU >*on«Uiy IMI7 FrM»y «5».72 Week ago UIM LONDON DOLLAK Finatw Monday 41%
      92 words

  • 542 17 Group profit at OCBC advances pROFITS at the Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation group of companies have Increased significantly in 1973 by 76 per cent to $24 31 million after all provisions including tax and transfers to inner reserves. However, as the OCBC accounts point out, this Is not purely organic
    542 words
  • 390 17 THE first profit report from Tan Chong Motor Holdings is smack on target. Consolidated pre-tax profits before exceptional items for 1973 stand at $10.23 million against a forecast of not less than $10 million by the group when it came to the market earlier this
    390 words
  • 76 17 Wearne's interim improves FRST half pre tax profits at Wearne Brothers have improved by 26.5 per cent to $9,174 million. Directors are now forecasting an unchanged April -September, making full year profits of about $19.8 million, "unless there is an unexpected change in trading conditions." They, however, hedge their bets
    76 words
  • 201 17 A BIAN currency deposit interbank rate* a* at rloae on Tuesday. June 11: t'S DOLLAES Offer Bid 7 d«y« 11 1 4 nil 1 mth 11 3 I v 1/4 2 mth* 11 3 11 1 4 3 mthi 11 9 18 U 7 16 6 mthi
    201 words
  • 31 17 Closing interbank rate* In Singapore doilari for June 11 OHer Bid Overnight 10 9\ 1 mih BS t% 3 mths 9. 3 rnth. t", l' 4 Prime rate 9%%
    31 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 561 17 TELEPHONE FOREMAN BRUNEI SHELL PETROLEUM COMPANY LIMITED invite applications for Telephone Foreman in their organisation based in Seria, State of Brunei. The successful candidate will be responsible for the installation and repair of Company telephone and teleprinter equipment. Qualifications between 25 and 40 years of age should possess a City
      561 words
    • 783 17 SINGAPORE SPORTS COUNCIL Applications are invited from citizens or permanent residents of Singapore Malaysia for the following appointment EDITOR ($1 120 00 rising to $2 280 001 QUALIFICATIONS/ EXPERIENCE: An Honours University Degree preferably with journalistic experience and be bilingual in Chinese and English Those without a Degree but have
      783 words
    • 340 17 ACCOUNTANT A Singapore group of companies associated principally with the development and maintenance of office/ shopping complexes is looking for a reliable and experienced Accountant. The successful candidate should find the job challenging as it entails plenty of initiative in setting up/ reorganising the system of accounting controls in the
      340 words
    • 572 17 ASIA- PACIFIC SHIPYARD PTE. LTD. PROJECT MANAGER (552.600/- and above per month) Qualification* Preferably a Degree/ Diploma Holder in Mechanical Engineering/ Naval Archi tecture/ Marine Engineering/ Civil Engi nee ring Experience At least three to five years experience in shipbuilding and repairing Preferably in the construction of tugs, supply boats
      572 words

  • Article, Illustration
    36 18 In everlovtng metmry of AUGUSTIN GOH KIM EWE who tv called to the Lord one year ago today <12.6.73> Fondly missed but never forgotten Inserted by wire, children, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, grandchlloren and loved ones.
    36 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 485 18 fl GEORGE KENT (M) BHD Applications are invited to Till immediate vacancies in the Industrial Equipment Division for the following positions: 1. SALES ENGINEER Job Specifications: to assist the Divisional Manager in the marketing of industrial equipment, particularly incineration and waste heat recovery plants, steam and hot water boilers and
      485 words
    • 894 18 SUM CHEONG PILING (M) SDN. BHD. We invite applications from suitably qualified Malaysian citizens for the following vacant posts in our organisation: 1. Engineer (2 vacancies) 2. Site Supervisor (3 vacancies) 3. Secretary (1 vacancy) 4. Book-keeper (1 vacancy) 5. Fitter (1 vacancy) Please submit your applications to the following
      894 words
    • 480 18 MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS GOVERNMENT Of MALAYSIA TENDER NOTICE Tenders are Invited for the supply of Calcium Chloride. Further details and specifications are obtainable from the Director Oeneral. Malaysian Meteorological Service. Jalan Sultan. Petaling Jaya. Selangor. The tender dose* at 12.00 noon on list. July, 1974 THE BANK OF TOKYO LIMITED
      480 words
    • 271 18 LAND WANTED We would like to purchase a vacant lot of land of approximately two acres or more, preferably along Jalan Cheras, Kuala Lumpur. Please write to the following address: Sum Cheong Piling (M) Sdn. BhcL, 53, Jalan 21/12, S.E.A. Park, Petaling Jaya, Selangor. \\je ml) ZUELLIG FEEDMILLS (MALAYA) SDN.
      271 words
    • 583 18 NOTICE OF LOST STOCK CERTIFICATE FOLEX INDUSTRIES BERHAD The following ordinary stock certificates has bsen reported lost and Is h?reby declared null and void: Certificate No. of Name No. Stock Miss Benz Kam Yock FC SSCO 500 NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN that If no claim or representation In respect of
      583 words

  • 154 19 ARE YOU TIRED, of that same old hairstyle? Let Julie give you the latest London scissor cut at Louise Klerk's Salon, Hotel Slngapura. telephone *****3 (Spore) CLASSIFIED LOGOS COMPETITION $1,000.00 TO BE WONI Are you uatng your company logo In your Mml-dtoptoy ed? If you are, you can
    154 words
  • 30 19 3 Religious Announcements SINGAPORE KESWICK CONVENTION ITH 15th June. 7 30 p m nightly. National Theatre. Speakers: Alex Gllchrlst end Samuel Kamaleson Motto: "All One In Christ Jesus" Everybody welcome
    30 words
  • 29 19 JOSEPHINE LONG AGED S3 paw ed away peacefully on 11.6.74. Cortege leaves 387 Joo Chlat Place at 9.45 am on 12.6 74 for Holy Family Church. Katong.
    29 words
  • 165 19 21 Acknowledge ments THE FAMILY OF the late Francis Llm Chew Aye wish to express their deep appreciation and thanks to doctor, priests, nuns, relatives and friends for their kind attendance, donations, wreaths and assistance rendered THE FAMILY OF the late Simon Png See Mua thank his Lordship. Priests. Sisters,
    165 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 314 19 aassifiedads d) ANOTHER SON POR PAT and Anthony Law and brother to Michael on 11/6/74. Thanks to doctors and staff. >S^t*>BMliS)SMsJ KINDERGARTEN TE*CHER. St Paul's Church Kindergarten requires a bilingual (English/ Chinese) Chinese basic trained teacher with minimum Grade Six piano Apply In wriung to: The Supervisor. St Paul's Church
      314 words
    • 728 19 EXPERIENCED SITE FOREMAN required by construction firm. Must be able to converse In English. Mandarin and preferably In other dialects. Contact Miss Esther for appointment Tel: *****2 NAVAL ARCHITECTURAL S OtSION Closing date of enrolment 29th June 1974 Enquiries: CEE 8 OEE SCHOOL 87 -C, Buklt Tlmah Reed Opf>©*wt# KsVIObWM
      728 words
    • 733 19 REOUIREO FEMALE OENERAL CLERK urgenUy Knowledge of book-keeping, typing and Mandarin Please call at: Room 5834 7th floor, Oolden Mile Shopping Centre. Spore 7. at 1 p.m. 2.30 p.m. and 5 p.m. 6.30 p.m. Closing date 15th June. JUNIOR TYPIST CUM TELEPHONIST required Immediately by C*nouMng EngMeorlng Fwm. Apply with
      733 words
    • 717 19 SALES CO ORDINATORB full/ parti -time required for established company Highly rewarded Interested write 701. Straits Trading Building. 0. Battery Road with full particulars and 2 photographs UNIQUE OPPORTUNITIES POR THE RIGHT GIRL TELEPHONE SALES OPERATORS We are looking for young ladles of the right calibre to operate our Classified
      717 words
    • 661 19 young male Vocatioral Student completed N.B to work as apprentice under a supervisor for itinerary duties In Indonesia. Malaysia. Thailand. Chinese eCucated preferred but not absclutely necessary State experience and salary required. Apply ST Box A ***** Spore IF MULTI CORPORATION (S) m. Ltd. WE. A FAST EXPANDING HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL
      661 words
    • 840 19 FAMILY REQUIRES HOUSEKEEPER COOK for western cookIng. Oood living conditions including alrcondltloned room. Salary negotiable and will be above 8200 for right person. Call *****4 during office hours or 17A, Poole Road after 5 p.m LIVE-IN AMAH for American family of three Age between 35 and 45 Able to speak
      840 words
    • 711 19 WANTED BRIGHT YOUNG MAN with Secondary 4 certificate completed National Service, for vacancy in Assembly section of home study electronic course O»n transportation an advantage Commencing salary 8150 p.m Apply in writing to: Private Mallbag No 6 Tanglln Poet Office Spore 10. lEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS ANO ENGINEERING LTD BLOCK 34,
      711 words
    • 719 19 DELIVERY DRIVERS REOUIRED BY well-established Company. Applicants must possess valid class 3 Driving Licence. Preference would be given to those who are able lo converse In more than 2 Chinese dialects besides English Please call at 60 Victoria Street. B'pore 7 for personal Interview 2 pm 5 p.m. CIVU ENGINEERING
      719 words
    • 854 19 DETACHED BUNCALOWB: WhlUey Road $1,700 East Coast Road $1,000 Opera Estate $750 Semi-detached Thomson Hills $1,000 Namly Oarden $1,200 Eng Kong Oarden $900 Buklt Tlmah $850 Seletar Hills $800 Katong $750 Upper Changl $500 Terrace Houses Sennett Estate $1,000 Paslr Panjang $650 Bedok Terrace $600 Apartments Holland Road $1,300 First
      854 words
    • 824 19 I DIST. 21 RIGINA HILL 4a. bedroomed 2-storey sem&i detached 2 alrconds lelephonsji furnished. $1,350 Out 23 Cheab>i nut Drive 3-bedroomed detached* furnlsped $1100. 3-bedroome# semi-detached furnished $1,250? Fuyong Estate 3-bedroomel semi-detached nice garden, can park, furnished $500 *****0 DIST 10 APARTMENT with swim* mlng pool unfurnished $1,700} Henry Park
      824 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 810 20 INTERNATIONAL COMPANY'S new regional office require for their professional personnel:- (1) Detached uniu (3 or 5 bedrooms) with big garden/ preferably with swimming pool. (2) semidetached/ apartments (3 bedrooms minimum) (3) Consideration for luxurious apartmenU Details to *****82 Mr Kang BANK DIRECTORS REQUIRE several houses in respectable districts Company lease,
      810 words
    • 880 20 LUXURIOUO BUNOALOW at pres- tlßlous Queen Astrld Park Singapore 10 Built ut Area over 4.000 sq ft Land Area approx 12.000 sq ft Four spacious bedrooms with attached bathrooms: study: servant's room etc Enquiries: City Developmenu Limited. 140--142 Robinson Road. Mezzanine Floor, Singapore I. Telephone *****1. LUXURIOUS BUNOALOW at Clementl
      880 words
    • 735 20 ODEON SEASIDE PARK. Opposite Katong -Odeon. Hlghclass Rest- I dentlal Area 2-storey modern < terrace-holt** vi-lth Immrv fir- tings. 5 rooms. 3 halls. 3 baths, 1 large balcony, spacious kitchen. big compound parquet flooring, aluminium main-door, private fencing. Easy instalments, oromDt delivery Contact Mr Chong Singapore Tel: ***** fc *****
      735 words
    • 665 20 AVAILABLE FOR RENT IMMEdiately Self-contained office In Uoldhlll Shopping Centre. Thomson Road Package alrcondltlonlng. carpeted. 1,400 sq ft $2,000/- p m David Phoa b Sons Tel: *****2 OFFICE SPACES FOR RENT A larg* Organisation net preanglous JB*>. A -n mr mm In, j Bssaast^BsaaßSMß OVPJCO ipiCil *0« rfjni on ■■jßjßnnßjßjn
      665 words
    • 797 20 PHOENIX TRAVEL: Oentlng 2 f days air $115 dally/ Saturday I 15.6.74.. 22.6.74 4 days coach 895 I Monday Penang/ Cameron 5 r nights $84 90 (alrcondltlon coach 3 $100) Wedroeday Penang/ Ipoh 4 nights $54 90 Thursday Cameron/ Ipoh 3 nights $39 90 Friday 247 South Bridge Road *****7/
      797 words
    • 829 20 FAR EAST TRAVEL CLUB (Pte) Ltd.. offers low cost flights to London/ Europe Also Worldwide reservations Please call *****2/ M3SSS/ *****1 LEISURE TOURS PRESENT 4 Days Kuala Lumpur. Renting Highland. $217 00 I 6 Days Lake Toba. Medan. $390 00 3 Days ,'akarta $545 00 8 Day Bali. $912 00
      829 words
    • 686 20 MALAYSIA CUP RETURN MATCH (Football) Singapore versus Pc- I nang. Trip and tickets only $43. 1 Limited tickets left Call *****5/ 1 *****1. I JUNE MOLIOAY SPECIAL 5 DAYS HOLIDAY TOUR by alrcondltlon coach to Oentlng Highland Penang and Cameron Highland for only $115 00 Dep: Every Monday 4 DAYS/
      686 words
    • 749 20 TYPEWRITING BEGINNERS RAPID COUROE commencing 10.6 74. Duration 2 months Fee $14 Dally morning 11am 12 Afternoon 3 p.m. 4 p m Evenings 5.30 ?.m. 6 30 p m or 6.30 p.m 30 pm or 7.30 p.m -830pm Normal course twice weekly Fee 08. Convenient times for shift workers Please
      749 words
    • 645 20 GREGG OHORTHAND 3-month complete course covering Theory and Speed (90-100). Typing. Accounting. Business English and Full Secretarial Course Enrol OTl's Oregg Training Center. 248C-7 Orchard Road (*****1) or 2998 Selegie Complex *****4 SWCTSiaiaVO New full time secretarial courses commence on Ist July Register early to qualify for the scholarship examination
      645 words
    • 888 20 MODERN/ TRADITION MATHS and Chinese Language for Primary Pre-U Tel *****7 Peter PRIVATE MUOIC TUITION: Classical Pop Music on Piano Ring Raymond *****3 Any Time PUBLIC TUITION ACADEMY Home Tuition for all levels in English. Chinese. Science. Maths. Arts 736J4 ENGLISH. LITERATURE, GENERAL PAPER for Seconiary IV and PreUnlverslty by
      888 words

  • 255 21  -  P.M. RAMAN By J^ SECURITY organisation is showing interest in providing closed circuit television coverage of imj)ortant games at the National Sports Stadium. The stadium authorities have also had talks with at least one other organisation not the RTS— on either a
    255 words
  • 175 21 12 who are proud owners of Comfort taxis THE first batch of 12 Comfort operators yesterday became proud owners of their taxis, and full members of the NTUC transport co operative. Announcing this yesterday. Comfort's executive director. Mr. Chin Ham Tone, disclosed that Comfort had launched a new scheme for
    175 words
  • 168 21 Public spirited citizen catches a thief ACOURT yesterday heard how a public spirited citizens suspicion led to the unmasking of a thief one morning earlier this month. Kamaro bin Markon. the court was told, became tusplclnus when he saw Omar bin Obrahlm cycling along Alexan dra Road at about 4.30
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 993 21 SINGAPORE USED CAR (PTB) LTD I 154. Albert Street. Spore *****4/ I *****4 or 44 Cavenagh Road. Spore. *****4/ *****9 Offers--1973 Morris Marina. Toyota Cellca. Afa Romeo 2000 0.T.V., Subaru 1400 D-L. 1972 Escort 1300 XL. 1971 Mercedes 230. Mazda Capeila Coupe. Colt Oalant. 1500 Renault RIO (air-con). 1970 Maida
      993 words
    • 852 21 MAT THE HIOH COST of petrol I and road tax. Be the pmud owner of a beautiful Beach Buggie imported from America. At economical cost of 35 miles per gallon and road tax only SSIOO/--for six months. Price 557.500/--0 n o Contact David or Michael at *****92 REGISTERED 1971 MINI
      852 words
    • 815 21 CARS LIFT TOA PAYOH to Shen- < ton Way Write PO Box 268 T0* 1 Payoh giving phone BUDDHA ANO HIS TEACHINGS D) Narada 700 pages complete pholosophy $12 00 Ring *****5/ after office *****8 ADRIAN'S CANE FURNITURE of distinction/ furnishing materials of superior quality 425 River Valley Road. *****4.
      815 words
    • 818 21 MOUW fAWnW. We apeesslsw in house painting, home decoration*, office renovations, construction works, furniture. Uan Alk Furniture Decoration It Construction Company Tel: MtSS Chong 333frt» Westinghouse ■/.nd w»w WISTINOHOUSI Reem FOR HCNTAL AT ONLY SIM A DAY. 'REE MAINTENANCE SERVICE DAY ft NIGHT CALL YOUR NIAMST DEALER OR TELEPHONE 1
      818 words
    • 683 21 GOODWOOD PARK HOTEL LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Twenty-Sixth Annual General Meeting of Goodwood Park Hotel Limited will be held in the Ascot Room of Goodwood Park Hotel, Scotts Road, Singapore on Friday, 28th June, 1974, at 12 noon 1. To receive
      683 words
    • 547 21 FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY HEAVY EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 1 Unit CAT 619-J Scraper. 1 Unit Complete ALLIS self-loading. Series 61 F CHALMER Hydro Cone Elevator Series 43F 20 cv yd reaped capacity 3 Units CAT DBH Tractors 2 Unit. CAT Electnc *TT 1? A -"'Bulldozer Generator Set. Model D 353. I
      547 words
    • 39 21 Overseas Manufacturer Representative requires urgently Factory cum office space in Singapore Total area approximately 10,000 sq.ft. Please reply with quotation to: P.O. Box 220 Sepoy Lines Singapore 3 E. I. PARRISH has a new easy-to-call, easy-to-remember Telephone number 65-1234
      39 words

  • 36 22 A CKNOWLEDGEMENT The family of the late MR. KWOK AH YEW thank Doctors, Nurses; of Ward 6 T.R.O.H. relatives, colleagues and friends for their kind assistance attendance, wreaths scrolls and generous donations during th*»lr rwpnt hprpnv*»m#»nt
    36 words
    • 408 22 FIFA shock: China fail in bid to be a member FRANKFURT, Tuesday fJE International Football Federation (Fifa) today voted to keep Taiwan as a member and refused to admit China. A Kuwait proposal calling for the replacement of Taiwan by China failed to get the necessary three-quarters majority at tre
      408 words
    • 308 22 Scots out to make impact after 1 6 years MUNICH. Tues—Manager Willie ormond s bold comment: "We are not here for the ride." underlined Scotland's determination to make an Impact In their first World cup final appearance for 16 years. But Scotland's World Cup build-up has been less than impressive
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    • 145 22 Pele: Brazil will go defensive BELGRADE, Tues.— Brazil soccer superstar Pele said here last night that his country^ team would play a defensive game at the World Cup finals in West Germany. "Brazil's team will show a lot of novelties In West Germany, but also something until now incomprehensible— defensive
      Reuter  -  145 words
    • 77 22 MUNICH. Turn. Fernando Morena. Uruguay's 22--year old ttar-ftrlker, has agreed to )oln "r— "*«r- club Real Madrid after the forthcoming World Cup finals for ÜBSI mllßon ($1.4 million), team tources laid here today The final contract will be stgnad after the World Cup finals. Morena U Latin
      Reuter  -  77 words
    • 34 22 MUNICH, Tuea. Weat Oerman coach Helmut Scnoen *ald yeaUrday that he would play Wolfgang Orerath lnateadl of Ouenter Nctaer In Wtat Oamany'* opening match against Chile on Jun* U in Berlin ■Miter
      34 words
    • 256 22 MUNICH, Tues. British bookmakers gave odds of 500 -1 against Haiti winning the World Soccer Cup and one critic said the only way the team could do it would be by sacrificing a cock in the goalmouth. But team coach Anu>:ne Tassy believes.
      UPI  -  256 words
    • 220 22 FRANKFURT, Tues. r Sweden's 22-man team flew Into West Germany yesterday guardedly optimistic about their chances of surviving the first round of the World Cup finals when they meet Bulgaria, Holland and Uruguay. The team arrived from Copenhagen after Sunday's final warm-up match against
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    • 181 22 Riva tips West Germany to win world title rANKFIRT, Tues.— Italy's ace striker Lnigi Riva said in an interview yesterday he tips West Germany to win the World Cup and thinks Italy's footballing fortunes have faded since they were run ners-up to Brasil in i 1970 "My favourite is West
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    • 355 22 17RANKFURT, Tues. r The 16 World Cup finalists will be playing for a brand new trophy when the final stages of the tournament start here on Thursday. The new cup replaces the Jules Rlmet Cup which has been the glittering symbol of world soccer supremacy.
      Reuter  -  355 words
    • 221 22 Police fear demos against Chile at Berlin WEST BERLIN, Tues. A small army of 2,400 police and security men will be on duty during the World Cup matches at Berlin's old Olympic Stadium but they will not see much football. Though security measures are uniform for all nine World Cup
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    • 301 22 FRANKFURT. Tues The 10th World Cup finals tick off on Thursday when ttir holders. Brazil, meet Yugoslavia in a Group Two match ii. Frankfurt at 1600 OMT (1130 pm. Singapore time). The rest of the matches arr follows (all tunes Singapore). June Ml Gro«p One: West
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    • 260 23  - CSC hold fancied Police to a draw A. JOHNSON By r«EYLON Sports Club lived up to their senior division status when they held fancied Police to a goalless draw in an SHA Dlv. One match at Balestier Road yesterday. CSC gave a vastly improved display, compared to their poor showing
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    • 313 23 Club officials must support Malaysia Cup effort COME of our club officials have their priorities mixed they have put their own interest before the National effort. After FAS officials had fought hard to solve the problem of leave for the players, some of the clubs are now giving FAS a
      313 words
    • 61 23 MUNICH. Tues. The We*t Oerman Newspaper Publishers Association yesterday protested the World Boccer Cup organising committee's decision bannln* wles of newspapers In and ouUlde the stadiums In a letter to West Oerman Soccer Federation president Hermann Ooesmann. the association said that the tan did not take the public's
      UPI  -  61 words
    • 40 23 MUNICH. Tues. Paulo Cesar Lima and Jalrxlnho Brazil's negro World Cup stars, are expected to sign for Prench club Olvmplque Marseilles In a US$l.2 million is 2 6 million) transfer deal alter the finals in West Oermany. Reuter.
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    • 32 23 JAKARTA. Tues. Indonesia will send Its national football team to Kuala Lumpur next month, to take part In the Merdeka Oames. the Indonesian soccer federation (PSSI) announced 'oday Reuter.
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    • 195 23  -  JOE DORAI By FOOTBALL Association of Singapore will invite Zaire, pygmies of the World Cup finals, and Australia, to play two matches at the National Stadium next month. Mr. Peter Fong and Mr. KimMahtani, FAS's two representatives to the World Cup starting tomorrow at
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    • 465 23  - Newcomer French Riviera shows promise DENNIS CHIA By rENCH Riviera showed ability In a trial with newcomers Hopeful II (Staples) and Secre-tary-General (Nglow) at Buklt Tlmah yesterday morning. Ridden by Razak, the Daniels-trained trio reeled off 3f In 37 3/5. with Hopeful II slightly In front at the finish. But
      465 words
    • 35 23 MUNICH. Tues. The president of the Uruguayan Soccer Association. Permln Sorhueta. yesterday lifted a ■no-talk.r.g" tan Imposed on hh players on Sunday because he felt Insulted about newspaper reports on the team. UPI.
      UPI  -  35 words
    • 128 23 Fifa agree to expel or bar racist FA's FRANKFURT. T«e*. F The International Football Federation (Fifa) today agreed to expel any member association which practised racial discrimination. At the Fifa Congress, delegates voted 76 In favour and It against on an Ethiopian resolution that any national association which practises racial
      128 words
    • 330 23 England grab First Test by 113 runs LONDON, Tues— England beat India by 113 runs In the First cricket Test here today. Final scores: England 328-9 declared and 213-3 declared, India 246 and 182. Fast bowler Chris Old put England on the victory path soon after lunch when he took
      330 words
    • 154 23 ENGLAND 338-9 dec and 213-3 dec INDIA Ist. Inns 246 INDIA 2nd Inns Gavaakar c Hendrlck b Old M Solkar c Hendrlck b Underwork It Wadekar c Knott b Orelg 14 Vamaoatk c Knott b Old 50 Patel c Knott b Old I Enfineer c Knott b Hendrlck 12
      154 words
    • 56 23 SINGAPORE Amateur Athletic Association will hold a trial to pick the relay team* for the BAAA Open at the National etadlum on June 21-23 The trial will be held at the National Madliim on Friday at 3 pjn All athletes are Invited. The event* are 4xloom and
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    • 25 23 CAPI TOWN, Tues. The British Lions rugby team today won the ninth match of their South African tour by beating Southern Universities 36-4-
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    • 207 23 South Korea will send team of 171 to Teheran SEOUL, Twee. South Korea has decided to send competitors to the Teheran Asian Oames and will take part In all the 16 events except hockey, it was announced here today Mr. Kirn Tal-Soo. president of the Korea Amateur Sporu AMoclatlon. told
      Reuter  -  207 words
    • 47 23 NBW YORK. TUBS. Yesterday's Major I«ague naiwoall results Lracee: Montreal i Cincinnati 1. Philadelphia 11 Houston 0. San Diego Pittsburgh Bt. Louie 4 Los Armeies 3. Aaaerleaa Leagae: New York T California 5. Texas Detroit S. Boston 4 Oakland 1. Minnesota Baltimore 1 Reuter
      Reuter  -  47 words
    • 46 23 AKMEO rOKCZS -A" trounced Tamil Brotherhood Association 6-0 in a PAO League Div Two match at Fairer Park yesterday. Dlv. Three results Junior Wanderers beat Hamilton "A" 3-0. stable Boys wo. Kou Ra.iah. PalrfMd Wednesday wo. ASAS. Western Rangers wo StUa Jaya
      46 words
    • 470 23 DESERT NOMAD 11, who has yet to win a race, showed up In a sparkling trial at Bukit Tlmah yesterday mornIng. With stablemates CIA (Razak) and Moneyface iNglow) for company. Desert Nomad II shaped best In a 3f run In 37 1/5. Be was travelling
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 707 22 l'S"f§§g RADIO-HOLLAND B.V. urgently requires a RADIO/RADAR ENGINEER preferably Polytechnic graduate in Electronics, with at least 5 years experience. Salary above $1,000/- a month with car allowance and other fringe benefits. Only Singapore Citizen or Permanent Residents need apply with testimonials, details of experience, age and salary expected to: The
      707 words
    • 213 22 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT (Chapter 18. 197* Edition) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the First Meeting of Creditors in the undermentioned cases will be held on the 25th day of June, 1974 at the Official Assignee's Chambers. Supreme Court Building. Singapore: Bankruptcy Noa. 168/63 Amir All Bin Mohd. Sadlq of No.
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 104 23 TWO DAY MALAYSIA CUP TOUR m conjunction with F.A.S. We are pleased to offer soccer fans a special 2 day package tour of Penang to watch the thrilling Malaysia Cup match between Singapore and Penang. Tour cost $270 per person. Price includes return air-ticket by special BOEING Charter, Hotel Accommodation
      104 words
    • 355 23 THE TABULEX 880--you can pay more for a pocket calculator but how much more will you get for your money? The TABULEX 880 'S an METRIC CONVERSION MONTHLY PAYMENTS economical pocket calculator Inches to C«ntim»tr»*. f RAISING TO A POWER (bsttary or m»in» oparition) Centim«tr»» to Inch**. atrioonrAi c capable
      355 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 137 23 BADMINTON SBA (Fsrrer Psrfcl. Harper OilUnder 18 championships tlllan r Strait* Times (Tang(SßA hall 6.30 Djn.i Un>. Oecon v Hyatt (OeyHOCKEY SHA Dlv. One lang). Jurjng Plywood v League: Schools v Janaenites. Slme Dai by (MFA) Friendly Dlv 2 Police B 1 v SAFBA Stock Exchange v BCC •B\ CBC
      137 words

  • 151 24 TO 11 Puan Dawee, wife of the Thai Air Chief of Staff. Air Chief Marshall Tun Dawee Chullasapya, examining the Thai decoration awarded to the late Malaysian Inspector-General of Police. Tan Sri Abdul Rahman bin Hashlm. in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. The decoration,
    151 words
  • 87 24 TATABANYA. <H«n«ary). Tues -me driver of a Caeca but. which crashed near here yesterday killing two of the 31 school children on board, committed suicide when he discovered the extent of the tragedy, officials said today. They mid Ponbfll Bohumll, S3. threw himself under a passing- milk
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 37 24 H*W YORK. Tues A telephone caller using the slogan of the Jewish Defence League today took credit for the bunblng this morning of the site for the new Soviet mission to the United Nations. Router.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 350 24 Nixon holds talks with Kreisky under tight security SALZBURG. Tues PRESIDENT Nixon conferred today with Austrian Chancellor Dr. Bruno Kreisky on a broad sweep of issues ranging fiom East-West detente to the Middle East. The meeting, scheduled to last two hours, took place at 18th century Schloss Kleshelm the residence
    Reuter; UPI  -  350 words
  • 135 24 60NN. Tnes. The Common Market expects the Arab oil boycott against Holland and Denmark to be lifted soon following the EEC's decision to open a dialogue with the Arab states. West German Foreign Minister Hans Diet rich Genscher said today. Mr. Genscher, who presided
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 68 24 LONDON. Tuoa— A British navy mutineer who has U»ed In the Soviet Union for UM past 40 yomn Is to bo trmxtod a vtsa to return to England Mr. Leonard Wlncott. a former able wtmin who m a leader of the 1931 British Atlantic Fleet mutiny
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • Article, Illustration
    459 24 LONDON. Turn Tlm atack mar. ktt cloaca Mil«r on balance In llaHI tradlao today althoufh moat ltad«ri eleoed above UMIr lowaat. At p.m. Ih* Financial Tlmaf Index ni down 3.1 at MO.«. Raovwad nimwn of a broking firm with liquidity probkma aaw the market drift down •taadlljr from
    459 words
  • 423 24 Razak's call to solve world's 3 ills... GENEVA, Tuesday •pUN Abdul Razak urged developed countries today to take immediate action to solve the global problems of inflation, unemployment and food production. The Prime Minister said no one could afford to allow the Internal political and economic conditions ip the major
    423 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
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    • 54 24 HAUAM KMOe SAW W/S ail* Mr. Tar Uaa Tta paaaaa* ■way p*ae*full* iI.».T« laavlac aaksaa 4 sea*. Joaaai*. Ak Caaaa. Fee* Ctaay Paak sue. saacatar*. 4 «aus*t*r*-ia law, Siaaatalssraa an*) manjr traat (rmadcaiMran to aasan aar smb. Osrtaf* Kama IMA. Halt** Oardan. 4-S/4 MlVas Klaus Raa4. Kuala Lumpur I* stokkMa
      54 words
    • 149 24 f HOUTOKUS DAISY FOR DECISION-MAKERS I VCIHI p am.^9 I ■BBBBBBBsaB^BBBMBs»s w> JWBf* M agaa all- -^Bgaja-fttsti *S«Ba U^BBBBBTX BBaaataßfea. '^■Sslsßßßsi IB a^k aWsßas^^^aWsßflaWsaßßai I aWsaasaasaVsV I LbbW x. Comfort matters most during decision making moments Houtoku's Daisy chairs provide comfort in vinyl or fabric upholstery. Daisy chairs compliment Garbella
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