The Straits Times, 6 June 1974

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 250,000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 659 1 GOLAN PACT SIGNED Accord on pullout and exchange of PoWs GENEVA, Wednesday SYRIA and Israel today completed a programme and timetable for separating forces on the Golan Heights, signing documents exactly on schedule. A United Nations official said the documents set in motion a phased pullback of troops on the
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  • 29 1 ADDIS ABABA. Wed. Two soldiers were killed, telephone exchange blown up and wealthy fanner kidnapped over the weekend, as Eritrean guerillas apparently stepped up their activity Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 250 1 Ex-Miss World critical from effects of drug INDIANAPOLIS <In•1 dianat. Wed —Mar Jorte Wallace, the deposed Miss World beauty queen, in taken to a hospital's Intensive care unit last night and a doctor said she was critically 111 from barbiturate effects. The Methodist Hospital here refused to confirm or deny
    Reuter  -  250 words
  • 106 1 Fighting again near Saigon SAIGON, Wed.— Heavy fighting erupted again close to Saigon last night after Government forces reported recapturing the ruins of a village on the northern approaches to the capital, the Saigon Command said, today. It said an estimated battalion of communist troops attacked Government forces In the
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  • 37 1 SYDNKY. Wed. A seven-year-old boy was drowned as heavy rain, strong winds and high seas lashed Sydney and the New South Wales central coast yesterday for the second time In less than two weeks.— AP.
    AP  -  37 words
  • 28 1 TOKYO. Wed. Bank of Japan Governor Tadarfii Sasaki warned today that Japan should be careful not to apply too much pressure to expand her export*. lUuter
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  • 35 1 SrYDNKT. Wed. Australia's frontline weaponry of P-11l fighter bombers. Bfcyhawks, and Tartar miemte swung Into simulated action off the east coast today in the third da* of the fournation sea-air exercise "Kangaroo One."
    35 words
  • 257 1 MANILA, Wed.— The Philippines and Indonesia will present a united front in the third United Nations conference on The Law of the Sea at Caracas from June 18 to Aug. 29. It was *»«h<»*«"t announced here today. The conference would teat Philippine-Indone-sian
    257 words
  • 427 1  - Little Lee Choo lost after a ride on the bus ELENA CHOMQ By DO you know this i»rl? Her father took her for a bus ride yesterday. Bat he did not take her home. "He doesn't want me He doesn't love me anymore," she said with tears rolling down her
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  • 88 1 PHNOM PENH. Wed. Four Cabinet ministers and two undersecretaries resigned today, citing their unwill-ingne-s to be caught up In any controversy resulting from Tuesday's bloody student rioting ir Phnom Penh that kiUed two government officials. Cabinet members submitting their resigna- tions were Op Kirn
    UPI  -  88 words
  • 264 1 Barker invites China's soccer team to S 'pore SINGAPORE would welcome a visit by China's football team, the President of Singapore Olympic Sports Council. Mr. E.W. Barker, said last night at a farewell dinner to China's badminton team at Penthouse Negara. Mr. Barker told Mr. Chu Tse, the China team's
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  • 264 1 Revolt in Bolivia put down LA PAZ, Wed. Bolivia's militarybacked regime crushed a revolt by part of an armoured regiment which had forced its way Into the Presidential palace here early today, according to the Interior Ministry. The rebels were reported to have withdrawn after the Presidential guard, the Coiorados
    Reuter  -  264 words
  • 69 1 PARIS. Wed. Bovlet author Alexander Solthenilsyn's first book since the Soviet Union pushed him into exile .n Peoruary vtll be published, this week, the publishers. YMCA Press, said today. The book U the second volume of Solzhenitsya's description of Soviet prison camps and police methods.
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  • 42 1 NXW YORK Wed. Dow Jones averages based on first hour of trading on the New York Stcck Exchange: 30 Indus 532.36. down 111); 20 transp 1M.14. up 0.37, IS UtUs 74.61. down 0 16. 65 stocks 24fc.»7. down lit. UPI.
    UPI  -  42 words
  • 17 1 MOSCOW. Wed President Mohamma Daud of Afghanistan arrived yesterday for a three-day official 32: mej
    17 words
  • 70 1 PARIS. Wed. The new French Government vowod today It would not permit at any price a modification of the Rome Treaty to meet demands by Britain to d Its terms of entry Into the Common Marks*. Prtat* Minister Jacques Chirac, in a policy statement to parliament,
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 230 1 Since 1929, the Name «j v a «il j. DAH SIN OPTICAL CO. L FOUNDED 111* has been synonymous with Quality and Reliability in Service. Pfmts b» inform*] thtt our NEW ADDRESS rt NOW st G 46, HIGH STREET CENTRE. SINGAPORE. 6. Tataphon* *****0 ft 34*71 (Next door Eastern Emporium).
      230 words
    • 93 1 THE YOUNG MUST BE HEARD: SHEARES -Page 6 BUICIDE touad raufht In Israel 2 GCNMEN kidnap earl and his wife 4 INLAND Sevenne tries alternate 5-day week S CHANCE for the "Black Knights" to "show off" 7 $8.4 MILLION to chit fund people 11 HON: The way to wipe out
      93 words
    • 24 1 fly the comfort way to Bangkok to 2 flights daily 9:loam, 2:oopm Hong Kong* discovery airline V\ CATHAY PACIFIC m> The Swire Group J/''
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    • 3 1 sn^^^^^^^^^^^ul I Bnaßß
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  • Straits Times World Mews
    • 344 2 Dr. X's $10 mil. Bill runs into difficulties SECRETARY of State Henry Kissinger today presented a I 554.200 million (SSIO.OBO million) IS foreign aid Bill to the House of Representa- tives and ran into objections over aid to Arab oil -p r oduclng countries and to India. Dr. Kissinger dis-
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    • 142 2 'PEACE ONLY WHEN LAST ISRAELI LEAVES' CAIRO. Wed— President Sadat, underscoring his terms for permanent peace in the Middle East a week before President Nixon arrives here, said it can only be restored when the last Israeli soldier withdraws from all the occupied Arab territories. Mr. Nixon is due to
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    • 399 2 TEL AVIV. Wednesday |SRAEL yesterday announced the capture of two members of an Arab guerilla suicide team which the Israeli national radio said was planning to attack the northern port city of Haifa, killing people at random until they were caught or slain.
      UPI  -  399 words
    • 160 2 ARAFAT TAKES ON CRITICS OF PLO PROPOSAL pAIRO, Wed.— Fatah Kj tommando leader Yasser Arafat tonicht defends a Palestinian draft action proirimnif from criticism by Palestinian hardliners and leftwinc members of his own guerilla organisation Mr *rafat. who is also chairman of the executive committee of the Palestine Liberation Or(a
      Reuter  -  160 words
    • 106 2 LUSAKA, Wed Portuguese Foreign Minister Mario Soares arrived here today for the first ever talks between the Oovernment In Lisbon and African nationalists fighting In Mozambique. He told reporters at the airport that he had come to Initiate a dialogue with the Front for
      Reuter  -  106 words
    • 30 2 TEL AVTV, Wed One •choukhlld died «nd flvt more *ere Injured yesterday after An Israeli-made detonator they ware playing with exploded In the northern town of Safed Reuter
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 276 2 Golan pullout accord: Ford praises Nixon NEW YORK. Wed. Vice-President Gerald Ford said yesterday that President Nixon deserved much of the credit for Dr. Henry Kissinger's successful negotiations toward a troop disengagement agreement between Syria and Israel. Speaking to a meeting of the American Apparel Manufacturers Association, Mr. Ford suggested
      UPI  -  276 words
    • 59 2 MOSCOW. Wed The Soviet Press today kept up 1 its campaign fur the return of a Soviet helicopter and its three-man crew detained in i China since March 14. The Soviets have said the helicopter was on a medical I mission and was forced down by
      UPI  -  59 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 142 2 Jl^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^l^^^^l^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^l -*?SHp<*- iH^ ""™«li^H t^Hp^fc^^ .*e^f Ib^b^^bl k '^"^^H^H 't^Ml^i^Hl^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^Biß^B^B^B^Bi S^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^BbK {^bV^B^F 4?B^H DfV .^lBAlvW^brS v SS| j3b^^6E^^^b^D*^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^H[ ■VV^^jrjJMj^H E\^Bi x i {■X B^K^^B^fc^f B9S J n J >QK wwpi v Hlmv^^B^bH^Ki^bl (^H^B^H^Ksio *^E x^^^^KKJtj^k IMb iHb^bV 'v m'^L, b^Bf^b^bW M a^b^t ■K vjHj^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H VltUK^^n|^Hll^P| V Jb^K NlV^^^^^HH WJk L^^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^H
      142 words

    • 192 3 Nixon scraps list of subversive bodies W/ASHINGTON, Wed. The Nixon Administration yesterday abolished the AttorneyGeneral's list of subversive organisations a controversial legacy from the days when fear of a communist takeover in the United States was at Its height. Tre list was created on the order of President Truman in
      Reuter  -  192 words
    • 595 3 pHARLES Cols o n, the former special counsel to President Nixon, is to be interviewed by Congressional investigators to see whether he can help them determine if Mr. Nixon should be impeached Representative Peter Rodino, chairman of the
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  595 words
    • 37 3 NEW YORK. Wed— Americans in eight states voted today in the nations largest set of primary elections this year, with ton posts at stake in California, New Mexico, South Dakota and lowa. —Reuter.
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 54 3 SYDNEY. Wed Parent* of 17 Australian thaltdomide victim* yesterday accepted a compensation offer of ASI 7 million (516.1 million) after nearly eight years of litigation and delays. The offer came from DUtillers Company (810-Chemi-ala) Ltd. which marketed the tranquilliser. The company, however, ha* never admitted legal liability
      AP  -  54 words
    • 34 3 YOKOSUKA. (Japan). W«d. About 40 people, including trade unionist*, today held protest rally In a park v the United Status nuclear-power-ed submarine Permit arrived at this US itaval baae near Tokyo Rtuter
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • Briefs
      • 27 3 LAHORE. Wed. The Punjab Government has released 36 Journalists arrested In the past six days for violating a ban on processions and meetings, it was announced today
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      • 27 3 COLON (Panama): The national guard said yesterday it would shut down 14 brothels and convert them Into apartment buildinss to help alleviate an a< ute housing shortage.
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      • 28 3 KARACHI: A joint Ame-rican-Paklstan expedition will attempt to climb the unsealed 21.654 feet Pal U Peak In the Karakoram ranges this summer. It was officially announced here yesterday.
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      • 22 3 TAIPEH: The 2*h Asian Film Festival will open here next Tueaday with 39 entries from It countries, the organising committee said today.
        22 words
      • 38 3 MOSCOW: The Soviet Union and the American Boeing Aircraft Company have signed a co-operation agreement covering the Joint design and development of a new passenger aircraft and the possible construction of a Boeing plant in the Soviet Union.
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      • 24 3 NEW YORK: Bevresentativr* of llt.MO striking garment workers aald yesterday they would go to Washington this week to continue contract negotiations under federal supervision.
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      • 29 3 TOKYO: A senior Australian Oov c m ment official said here today that Australia's move tn establish diplomatic ties with North Korea would be in South Korea's long-term interest
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      • 33 3 VANCOUVER: Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau yesterday launched what he termed the "second phase" of his campaign to win the July t election, saying that the Liberal Party would run on "deeds not promises."
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      • 25 3 PARIB: Renault. France's largest motor manufacturer, yesterday unveiled a new safety car It claimed would cut road deaths and serious Injuries by 84 per cent—Agencies.
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    • 214 3 PRIS. Wed. Pre mler Jacques Chirac is today expected to un veil the main points of the new government's austerity programme designed to curb the country's galloping Inflation. Mr. Chirac. facing Parliament for the first time as Prime Minister, will outline the proposals In a
      Reuter  -  214 words
    • 388 3 Soviets gain $2.4 bil revenue from oil Windfall profits from Arab embargo MOSCOW. Wednesday I^HK jump in world oil prices enabled the Soviet Union last year to reap nearly US$l billion (552.4 billion) in oil revenue with only a modest Increase in exports. Windfall profits were taken at the expense
      NYT  -  388 words
    • 296 3 Biggest in history' hunt for offshore oil WASHINGTON. Wed An energy-hungry world has turned the global search for offshore petroleum Into what the U8 Interior Department describes as "one of the most massive oil-hunting eras In history." The department's geological survey issued a 27 page repr.-t on "the worldwide search
      Reuter  -  296 words
    • 30 3 CANBERRA. Wed— Prime Minuter Oough WhlUam aald yesterday Australia was seeking to get Foreign Affairs Minuter Don WUese* named president of the UN government assembly in 1975 UPI.
      UPI  -  30 words
    • 137 3 ADELAIDE, Wed. i\ India's recent nuclear teat had greatly increaked the probability of a large-scale nuclear war, the Governor of South Australia. Sir Mark Oliphant. said today. The Governor, a noted wartime atomic scientist, described India's action as callous. and said it made a
      Reuter  -  137 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 98 3 riICEEs dovs A *v o f confidence m K^^ makes you nice to be 3% near. The feeling is GREAT The secret is v Just look at this beautiful girl. Beautiful skin, hair and sparkling eyes. A picture of health. Does she eat ten oranges a day? No. Just one
      98 words
    • 295 3 sss^^^nj tHi 6th JUNE to 12th JUNE 1974 CHILLY SAUCE welcome mh .58 CREAM OF CHICKEN SOUP CAMPKLL'S I.SJL *6f 3 TIK FM 1.79 COOKING OIL cociimh 4 mti 7.05 KAYA EGG JAM km-ies «sg ~65 CHOPPED HAM TULIP DENMARK WITH POM 340 g 2.20 INSTANT COFFEE iescafe 2M g
      295 words

    • 298 4 DUBLIN. Wed. The Earl and Countess of Donoußhmore were kidnapped by three masked gunmen from their home late last night. A newsman at the scene soon afterwards reported that a shot had been heard and a pool of blood found on
      Reuter  -  298 words
    • 111 4 SMALLPOX KILLS 10,000 IN INDIA EPIDEMIC NEW DELHI. Wed— Ten thousand people have died of Mnallpox in two Indian states over the past six months in the world's worst epidemic in more than half a century, World Health Organisation (WHO) c fflcials said today. They said the death figure was
      111 words
    • 415 4 Three-day mourning in Cambodia PHXOM PENH, Wednesday fJAMBODIAX Prime Minister Long Boret has blamed the "enemy" for the death of Education Minister Keo Sangkim and his adviser Mr. Thach Chea in yesterday's clashes between military police and anti-government students. Mr. Boret
      Reuter; UPI  -  415 words
    • 86 4 Toothache puts off a trial EXETER (England). Wed. The trial of a man accused of four murders was postponed today because the Judge had toothache. The hearing In this southwest city was due to start this morning but was postponed for three hours while Mr Justice Bordham went to a
      Reuter  -  86 words
    • 72 4 OENSVA. Wed. The International Commission of Jurats HCJ> today accused President Idi Amlns regime of creating a reign of terror In Uganda through maaslve violations of human rights arbitrary arrests, torture and murdei The report, drawn up by ICJ Secretary Niall MacDennott of Britain and his staff,
      Reuter  -  72 words
    • 80 4 JAKARTA. Wed. An Indonesian youth plans to go en a pilgrimage to Mecca ky bicycle. Antara news agency reported today. The agency said Achmad Dead, from West Java, plans to leave Jakarta next Monday far Singapore where he would continue his Journey to
      80 words
    • 29 4 TOKYO. Wed A ihreeday meeting of Japsnsss envoys to Africa opened her* today to discuss, among other item* Japan's economic »nd technical co-operation with African countries Reutrr
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 141 4 THAILAND NEEDS CAPITAL TO EXPLOIT GULF GAS BANGKOK, Wed. Large quantities of natural gas exist in the Oulf of Thailand but it would take an investment of up to US$l billion (852.4 billion 1 to drill for them a Government official said today. Mr. Samarn Buravas, Director-General of the Department
      UPI  -  141 words
    • 19 4 LONDON. Wed. World sugar production Is Increasing steadily each year, but there still is a shortage. AP
      AP  -  19 words
    • 229 4 C-mart out of the rut after long crisis LUXEMBOURG, Wednesday T»HE Common Market is on the mend again, A after months of crisis which brought the nine-nation community to the lowest ebb in its 16-year history. This was the strong Impression to emerge from yesterday's parallel sessions here of EEC
      Reuter  -  229 words
    • 119 4 Hunt for clues in triple killing SAN FRANCISCO. Wed Authorities combed rugged coastal mountains yesterday for clues to the killer of three teenagers who were beaten to death on a weekend camping trip. The County Coroner's office In Monterey said the three, whose bodies were found on Monday lying in
      AP  -  119 words
    • 67 4 WELLINGTON Wed. New Zealand will appoint air James Harrison Weir as 1U first Ambassador to Burma It wa« announced here today on tbe second day of Burmese President Ne Win's fourday visit. The appointment of Mr. Weir, who is High commissioner In Kuala Lumpur, was announced
      Reuter  -  67 words
    • 292 4 Monty just cannot tell the truth: Ike LONDON, Wed.-Thf late General Dwight Eisenhower said In an Interview due to be published for the Arst time that Britain's World War II Commander, Field Marshal Lord Montgomery just could not tell thr truth. Gen. Eisenhower, the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe during
      292 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 43 4 gH^ I i^B^^gffVVP^9^V9in^sflP^^P^TV^l9^^ g(H g^r^^k IMi 1 1% \JiA\\§mn^lmSwmMffU^ A ita^gflgfMgfliiiks^^ gfifiH g| a^^^^g^^g^ii s^^^^s^^^^^l^M J^^^Jss^l^s^^e^g^a^^^i^^^gii^i^^M^gM ■^■^■t^^^l^gMy^ sus\^^^^^a^7l gtl^s^^ftl^gfl^i^gfll ■■^•^■l^i^^^^^l^H f^^gt^^^^^H^!^ ft i i^sl j^^^^^L l^i^i^m^T^Li l* 1 1^ A^* g t |p,rm^K*,^l^ X t^ t ii*,tt* life] SJ flsirlsCiMJjg^sl^Hr? llPgftMftigß 1 ißtsKflJlTSTwli^gßS&jitfßßK;-
      43 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 532 5 in love with colon* Let it happen with SIERA CntZWltk (IERA m fITA iik COLDUR W SETS V tiMiH^*^ illiillWi IMPORTED FROM HOLLAND 1 9h >W_ V afl JH^^^ ■> I ,*v jb^ i^L^^l^L^LwA^'^^^c^i^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^Bl^L^l^L^F^'^^* > il.^ L^L^^^k^L^l «4 -X^t J'B li^a^a^a^Hia^Bß a^K SAw^ I Ha^H SIERA 111 CTV 26 I
      532 words

  • 283 6 Youth forced girl friend into vice A 20 YEAR OLD youth forced his girlfriend into prostitution so that he could use her earnings to settle his debts, the Third District Court heard yesterday. Sim Hock, who was jailed for 12 months when he admitted living on the immoral earnings of
    283 words
  • 491 6 PRESIDENT Sheares yesterday called on delegates attending the 9th AsiaPacific scout conference to listen to the views of young people before formulating policies. President Sheares, Singapore's Chief Scout, stressed this when he opened the weeklong conference at the Singapore Conference Hall in Shenton
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  • 40 6 Medical grad course THE School of Postgraduate Medical Studies will bold a six-week preparatory course for medical graduates for the Primary Master of Medicine (Anaesthesia) and the Primary PPARACS examinations from July 8 to Aug. 18 Course fee la 1900.
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  • 254 6 SINGAPORE doctors have the ability but not enough experience in kidney transplants because of the lack of kidney donors here, a visiting Australian doctor said yesterday. Dr. Robert Meadows, director of hlstopathology at the Queen E lzabeth Hospital In South Australia, said that peoples' reluctance
    254 words
  • 378 6 Inland Revenue tries out alternate fiveday week AN alternate five day week but with no ultimate loss of working hours has been Introduced on a trial basis for two divisions of the Inland Revenue Department which, together, form the largest section of the department's personnel. They are the Income Tax
    378 words
  • 357 6 A pleasant surprise say those President Scholars ALL of this year's President's Scholars Interviewed yesterday said they were surprised to be selected for the cr.veted award. Tsao Yuan. 18. the only girl among the eight scholars. Is holidaying in West Malaysia. Her father. Mr. H.H. Tsao. a civil engineer, said:
    357 words
  • 110 6 POLICE yesterday denied that most of the 14 people whose skeletons were unearthed at Sentosa recently were strangled to death. Police spokesman Mr. Teo Han Wue said: "We have not completed oar investigations and the Pathology Department has not given any medical papers on the
    110 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 333 6 j^^H Diagram 2. T shapa indicates aircraft too low. Diagram 1. By looking at the Philips T-VASIS lights on either side of the runway, pilots approaching Johor Baru Airport can toll whether or not they art on the correct Diagram 3. Inverted T indicates aircraft too high, approach slope for
      333 words

  • 212 7 Probe into senior cops on drug traffic charge THE Government is believed to be investigating the alleged involvement of several senior police officers in the trafficking of drugs, it was learnt yesterday. It is understood that several special investigators from the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau and the Central Narcotics Bureau
    212 words
  • 34 7 THE MlntMer of Btate (Envlionment i. Mr. Wee Toon Boon, will officiate at the 64th Installation ceremony for officials of Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital at the hospital hall at 2.30 pm on Sunday.
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  • 274 7 THE Black Knights of the Singapore Air Defence Command will display their deathdefying flying skills for the first time during the three-day SAF military display at Changi Airbase beginning on Friday. The Knights are members of the first ever all-Singapore National Formation
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  • 204 7 HOTEL Malaysia Ltd., a member of the Goodwood Hotel Group which has bought over Cuscaden House for $14 million, is to spend another $5 million to $6 million to renovate the hotel. The renovation work is expected to last about eight months. Mr. P.F. Chen, director
    204 words
  • 162 7 3 praised for foiling armed robbers POLICE yerterday pralsI ed three people for outwitting a two-gun robber and an accomplice with a dagger on Tuesday. Mr Sim Her San, 46. proprietor of a motor spare parts company In Home Road, his wife and a friend were In the shop at
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  • 38 7 BUKIT Merah North community centre Is recruiting members from Buklt Merah constituency for Its stampcollecting group and basketball team. Those Interested can call at the centre at block 67. MM Road, or tel. *****6
    38 words
  • 197 7 Burma's Ne Win to visit S'pore next week PRESIDENT Ne Win of 3urma is due in Singapore next week although the date of his arrival and duration of his stay have not yet been announced. The Informal visit is on the Invitation of Mr. Lee Kuan Yew and a programme
    197 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 362 7 The U.S. Government says we build the quietest big jet in the world. m "*~^^^^*3k. U B^gF^B^B. B^B^^^gj-pjp^i^i—gj^ .^^r m I BBBBm|W W V^H B^HBB^B^B^^^^^^^^B^B^l^^^V Jgv^U i^gv^3i IK- jm. ■^■^^■BBBBBBBBBBBBB^BIBBBBBJ ml J^^^H BB JVf^B B Igf T^gng^^g^Hg^g^g^gV < g^ggl gggg^*"™^"^gggl gggg^Mß^^M. gBBB\ gggflgggVKl m Wm WmWmm^^ H tk .^^^^MBi% P»B1
      362 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 306 7 Bringing Up Fnhor By BUI Kavnagh —I Cmp ««f I T©LD HIM JAMES, O\O yi«. A I Km. D-l-N-T-V 1 1 AND TH« IS BPtUMP BHu»r ie\/ *ANV»OOV ANVSOP/ CALL )SBtT\MMm \~i M-OCM»-€!y j R-O-L-L-I-N-© P-l-N J XjwS!rJ^t>^\ CALLB>T)MAVS WWiLE WE -X INvTTINO V J' ,j~-^n Blondle T9Unl^^ bqss i
      306 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 449 8 #Ca«h Bookings Only j j No Free U«t I i OPENS ORCHARD TODAY!- 4 Showt Daily: 1.30, 4.00, 6.30 9.15pn. (Sunday Extra Slaw at 11uO x/v Ws The Three Musketeers! j H^" f^ataHfa^BS am A Kw^^.v^a^Baf^'^Tßl '••aw^^^W 'W UyL^Syl iaVI *-i^^^BbT JTfl VX'J'^W .aftaS^Mßkli BaW_^B^Bßr TBw JES^D >W.a«a*BBHBKf BBm»^ aBB^BBH
      449 words
    • 276 8 yV-.'WVVWVyVWVbVVVUWi'aVV^VVVA»a%VJVSVaVa% OPENS TODAY! 2 shows nightly >ADMISSION: Adults $2.00. Children $1.00 I GODZILLA VS. m^L MSGALON SB^BBm ,ii I t^bbW l^ *^^^bbl *a TrßaaaafJaaaaV m. T -W ij 2ndRECORD-BREAKING' WEEK! F^ E CATHAY y I msT OKLV 11AM. 1.30. 4 00. 6 30 4 9.30 PH >7 WAIT DISNEY/ C/
      276 words
    • 161 8 BaaWDl** k I Baflß2'*' %i fc > I I* 1 «i»i«^^ ■> ft C It I teliilT? I 5 J ■^i.H-flrim.imrni Gev""o Quaenttown Grand Opaniog To- Oav < Gotdan City 1 45 4 7* 9 30 Galanv 1 15. 3 30. 7 Si 9 30 A Muucal Hokkian Crama Starring
      161 words
    • 143 8 Rarely has a writing instrument been designed so completely right as Vintage by Sheaffer. Elegant intique tooled finish, crafted in precious metals. |HHESHH SCA2BS/V/SIN ■""pcciaj"TEENAGERs"ONLY Prey Tew*; I UllO-Saturday Bth June 9am- Hurry! Book Now! Tickets Selling Fast! STALLS SI CIRCLE S2 No Free List St aBBBBBBBBV£aBBBWBaS*BBk. A movie M
      143 words
    • 834 8 S*"£ANISATION I^^QlZiaad^TQD NOW SHOWING' B 11am 1 4S. 400. 645 SIS ICnanai Bronaon Jill iraland Tha VALOEZ HORSES Color NfXT CHANGE' Chan Kuan Tai Fu Shang Mf N From Tha MONASTERY MANDARIN in Scopa ft Color 21at BIG DAY 11 am 1 30. 4 00. 46. 9 JO JOHN WAYNE
      834 words

    • 221 9 'Casual workers only' plants rapped JOHORE BARI', Wednesday. JIKNTRI BESAR Datuk Haji Othman Saat has criticised factories which tried to make up the racial composition of workers by employing bumiputras mainly as casual workers. There were some firms which had 80 per cent bumiputra employees all labourers, he said In
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    • 154 9 Man dead in fire hut: Was he slain? KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Watchman Abdul Sattar bin Mohamed Majid. 22, was burned to death in his shack at a construction site opposite Wisma Central in Jalan Ampang at dawn today. His charred remains were found by firemen after putting out the blaze
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    • 53 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. About 300 delegates and observers are expected to attend the fifth Asia-Australasia Hotel and Restaurant convention to be held here In August. The convention, at the Kuala Lumpur Hilton, will be opened on Aug 27. by the Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry.
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    • 76 9 Pollution in the Straits talks KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Malaysia will soon hold a meeting with Indonesia and Singapore on marine pollution problems In the Straits of Malacca, the Minister with Special Functions in Charge of nucleai energy environment, Mr. Michael Chen, said. He told a public rally last night that
      Reuter  -  76 words
    • 124 9 BANGKOK, K.L. TO REPRESENT S-E ASIA KUALA II MPi r Wed. Malaysia and Thailand will represent South- east Asian countries at the forthcoming meeting of the international monetary rrfoims scheduled in Washington on June 12, a source close to Bank Negara said today. The decision to make the two nations
      124 words
    • 43 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Wad. Customs offlc«r» aataed 2.0 M gallons of smnnu and mash in raids In Batu Caves u>They also destroyed three distilleries Duty on the mash and samsu which were found In SO drums is estimated at $10,000
      43 words
    • 387 9 Privy Council judgment in flooding' case ONDON. Wed— Jua> ij ment was delivered by the Privy Council Judicial committee today In a Kuala Lumpur "flooding" case In which a brick-making company had complained of an escape of water from an adjacent tin mine nine years ago. The committee said they
      Reuter  -  387 words
    • 37 9 BDTTERWORTH, Wed. Pclice bar* dug up a hand grenade burled near a chicken coop at Kampung O»J«h yesterday Three suspecti found In a house nearby -vere detained They Include a 18-year-old Thai barglil
      37 words
    • 197 9  - Work-to-rule by Malaysian nurses too NANCY BYRAMJI: London. Wed. By MALAYSIAN nurses in hospitals in Britain are Involved with their British colleagues in their work-to-rule during the current countrywide agitation for a payrise. However, most of them are not actively taking part In demonstrations. A student nurse from Ipoh. working
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    • 184 9 Plea by loggers: Don't book our lorries IPOH. Wed. Perak loggers have appealed to the police to refrain from booking their lorries for "overloading The appeal came after the High Court here ruled In a test case to allow the loggers to continue calculating the weight of their logs on
      184 words
    • 72 9 25 baskets of grapes seized BUTTERWORTH, Wed Twenty- five baskets of grapes were among $8,000 worth of dutiable goods seized by the customs from a lorry at the vehicle examination hall here yesterday. The otner good* Included textile*, women's garments, electric bulbs, and food containers They were believed tc nave
      72 words
    • 104 9 PE NAN O, Wed. "Helpers" looted $2,200 in cash and jewellery from an attap hut next to a burning house at west Jelutong here last nlgiit. Ironmonger Llm Boh Huat, 36, reported to police today that when Ore gutted a two-storey house next to
      104 words
    • 213 9 If UAL A LUMPUR, 1V Wed.—Establishment of diplomatic relations with China will have far-reach-ing implications not only for Malaysia but also for the whole region, the Yang Dipertuan Agung said today. This in Itself was a "great significance" for the history of the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 129 9 Ist. ANNIVERSARY SALE CHIN SHOPPING CENTRE (TAILORING DEPT.) No. 113. Gr. fir. Shaw Centre. Scotts Road. Singapore. AMERICAN DACRON WOOL UP $140 NOW $135 plus one extra Trousers one Shirting Material. TERYLENE KIT MOHAIR UP $180 NOW $165 plus one extra Trousers and one Shirting Material. ALL WOOL FOR SPRING
      129 words
    • 86 9 It's EASY all the way EASY JEANS... Superior than any other jtans. In fit, fabric, workmanship and price. Ye* Price! Easy Jeans cut for Asian fit at a price you can afford. EASY* JEANS— Easily trmbejt Salt Datrtiutora ■OLiM^Dswu. mi wfm.tro^ 1002 tOtti ftoor RotxuHouM 1 Sr» won W*». Sugworn
      86 words
      9 words
    • 179 9 Congratulations to EUROMEDICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. on the occasion of the official opening of EUROMEDICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. (Malaysia) from PROGRESS INSTRUMENTS (PTE.) LTD. Suite 315 Central Bldg, Magazine Road, Singapore 1 Tel ***** Supplier of Scientific and Hospital Equipment. BP*S f l is«»*iJ5 1 ;»?il 4 m?u»t' 1 <$P The luxury.
      179 words

    • 1108 10  - The day I watched my child come into the world YEO TOON JOO By 'AN EAR-SPLITTING CRY FROM MY WIFE, THEN A DARK HEAD OOZED OUT...' STRAITS TIMES news editor Yeo Toon Joo recounts those excitinc hoars of waiting and the wondrous, awe-spiring moment of seeing the birth of his
      1,108 words
    • 217 10 Lan Tee trusts husband despite rumours BOREDOM and the need to get sway from u a|| those ramoar* Unking my hasband Krnn-th Chang and Hollywood star Nancy Kwan" prompted Hong Kong singer Chang Lan Tee Into accepting an overseas contract to come here. She confided over loach: "Don't bHieve It
      217 words
    • 360 10  - For baby's sake, go slow on hard drinks FRAMK CAACY j E WASHINGTON, Women who are chronic alcoholics during pregnancy risk bearing physically and mental- ly deficient offspring and sometimes even early death for these children, a team of Seattle pediatric researchers reports. They say the risk Is sufficiently high
      360 words
    • 289 10  - What makes a good perfume MAUREEN CHUA By MORE than three thousand years, ago. Incense, myrrh and scented oils were ingredients exclusively reserved for priests, pharaohs, emperors and kings. It took years before ordinary people were allowed tc use them and feel the comforting effect of these ingredients which are
      289 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 349 10 .Dior introduces a beautiful new look B *m 9 ff 1 T^ HYDRA-DIOR Mrs. Lilian M»y«r ««v Beautician v. j| Christian Wor. Paris '^jt^ will give free demons- trafions and advice on latest make-up and Jw^t ■K^ skm<are <^aWfßk ■Hi^a^ 10th June 15th June, 1974 lW& C. K.TANC (S) PTE
      349 words
    • 107 10 Advertisement Beautify Your Skin To keep your skin clear and fair you need a natural cleansing and bleaching tonic. Ask at your pharmacy for a bottle of Lemon Delph the latest type skin freshener used by beautiful women throughout the world. Lemon Delph makes the complexion, neck and shoulders fair
      107 words
    • 130 10 Advrtis«m«nt A smooth line-free forehead A soft, smooth forehead can be a wonderful beauty asset, lending a special serenity to a woman's face Unfortunately, many fine expression lines begin to appear in this area as a woman matures. To keep your forehead satin-smooth, each night, before retiring, smooth a generous
      130 words
    • 201 10 The Housewife's Lament: "0 Husband! Give a helping hand! Your every need I'll surely tend, Though spirit dips from time to time As chore en chore begins to line. Your work's only from nine to five. But mine's long, dreary, and rife! To no union can I complain IMtile my
      201 words

  • 322 11 Customers find it a bother to use one-cent coins MOOT customers still find tt a big bother to use one-cent coins to buy foodstuffs In markets and shops. The coins appear to be in use only In the larger supermarkets and th c NTUC Welcome stores and, of course, at
    322 words
  • 60 11 THE relic* of the 10th Sikh guru. Ouru Oototnd Singh, can be viewed by the public at the tflkh Temple In Wilkinson Road from 8.30 a.m. to 8 30 p.m. on Saturday and 10.30 a.m. to 8.30 pm on Sunday They will be flown here from
    60 words
  • 171 11 LOUISE Carter's service with a smile appears to have gone well with these two special guests Miss Wen Chlen Te (left) and Miss Liv Hsiao Cheng both members of the visiting Chinese badminton team. Louise too was, of course, pleased
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  • 103 11 2 deaths from faulty wiring A MOTHER and son were electrocuted while repairing a water pipe In their Lorong Lintang home on April 24, a coroner's court was told yesterday. Madam Yeo Ah Hal. 59, and her son, Chua Ah Kow. 30, died while being taken in an ambulance to
    103 words
  • 376 11  - C-funds: Govt pays out $8.4 mil T. r. HWANG By THE Government has paid out almost $8.4 million to creditors of Singapore's two largest chit fund companies, Gemini and Stallion, and five others from assets realised following their liquidation. Up to yesterday, nearly 24,000 Gemini creditors had received dividend payments,
    376 words
  • 107 11 POLICE yesterday appealed to the next-of-kin of two elderly men who were found dead a few days agoOne of them, Sim Peng Chiang. 59, died at Ward 44. Outram Hospital, on Sunday His last known address waa 71-A North Boat Quay. The other waa an
    107 words
  • 155 11 Dagger men rob two women of $15,500 rpWO men armed with X daggers robbed a woman and her daughter of $15.5* In cash and Jewellery on Tuesday Police said yesterday that the robbers entered the victims' Kee Choc Avenue home on the pretext of repairing an air -conditioner Then they
    155 words
  • 91 11 THE Comptroller of Income Tax Is clainting tax arrears for a total sum of $74,710 in separate writs at the High Court against four businessmen. One of them Is Mr. Llm Yoong Ylh. sued aa the agent (or hi* father. Mr. Llm Chua Plau.
    91 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 18 11 a^BjL^aJ s llr *lats!aWi\r* mL iiJV a^al Agents THE BOHNEO COMPANY <^^ A Member erf the Inchrape Berhad Group
      18 words
    • 613 11 F Sat* Communications Bonk. Incorporttad in 1906. Today, on* of th« itrongut t^fe "*(L axclutivt and not too bio; RJ> ff> fc* BtJt t*9 •nouoh to moot your *vory banking no»d from helping you open imsll account to uhpft financing your foreign trsdt And wnall snough to givt you th*t
      613 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 436 12 FRIDAY'S announcement of impending price control for rice at import and wholesale levels raises the question if It could not have been done earlier. A severe international shortage last year caused soaring prices which were aggravated by hoarding. Price control was not imposed during that crisis, why is
      436 words
    • 163 12 nnHE death of Cambodia's Education Minister and his senior aide on Tuesday focused attention on a relatively new element in Phnom Penh's crisis-ridden atomosphere: The emergence of organised opposition to the Lon Nol Government from teachers and students. Teachers have been agitating for higher salaries and students backed
      163 words
    • 669 12 I WAS in a Chinese school one morning during the middle of the year, when the primary classes had already learnt the English alphabet. The idea occurred to me of teaching English by the phonetic approach. Chinese school children found It difficult to achieve an early
      669 words
    • 43 12 THE Post Office Savings J- Bank authorities should be congratulated for increasing their rates of Interest. It would be appreciated If the authorities could Implement a scheme for interest on fixed deposits on comparative rates as practised by commercial banks. VKO. Singapore 15.
      43 words
  • 2199 12  - Freedom of the high seas J. CAMPBELL: Lmmlh GRAPPLING WITH CONFLICTING INTERESTS OVER... By The right of 'free passage 9 a vital issue JHE third United Nations conference on the Law of the Sea opening in Caracas, Venezuela, on June 20 will involve some of the most compli cated and
    FWF  -  2,199 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 44 12 Styles cut to the latest trend by our most experienced crafts* men since 1934. Suits completely hand tat lor ad t st itched we neve the letest A widest renge of meterlels for selection. 21, Chuha St.. Singapore. 1. Tol: ***** Hong Kong (Branch)
      44 words
    • 251 12 I PRIZES I I CHILDREN I I CMMrM, |M wta a cask prla by writiif a I Ittter tt Ntw NatiM't Ptga Far Tbt Ymg I wbicb apptan tvtry Thuraday. Tbt best letter* I I will rtctivt SlO ucb tvtry wttk. You cja write I m iiiy tbtfJt but tit
      251 words

  • Business Times
    • 1426 13 Nicholas Onsen reports LONDON: Mr Jim Slater's speech to shareholders at last Thursday's meeting of Slater Walker Securities was probably one of the longest delivered by a company chairman. In many ways, It was a doleful message (or those who believe that enterprise and initiative
      1,426 words
    • 1034 13 The six factors affecting share prices ALTHOUGH countA less factors can affect the prices of ordinary shares, almost all of the systematic movements in share prices are determined by six parameters. The other factors have either a transitory impact, or they only differ semantlcally from the six systematic determinants of
      1,034 words
    • 223 13  - Partial bid by Carrier for lAC succeeds TAN LIAN CHOO By pA R R lER Corporals tlon's partial takeover offer of lAC (Holdings) has been declared unconditional. This followed acceptances of the bid by holders of 1,722.333 lAC shares giving Carrier an aggregate holding of not less than 2.752.M7 or
      223 words
    • 155 13  - Sanyo profits top million mark RONALD LAM By LAST year has been a bumper period for Sanyo Industries (Malaysia) with net profits reaching the magic $1 million mark. Net profits In 1973 took a jump of 39} per cent from $731,992 In the proceeding year to SI .021 .603. following
      155 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 238 13 SUPER-COMPACT by ry^Tp" A Bookshelf loudspeaker measuring approximately 18-11-11} wide Bass unit 8 roll surround. mid range unit 6" impregnated cone in Mparate line, domed tweeter Crossover elecfical three way at approximately 37SH* and 3KHz Frequency range 3OHt to 20KHz Efficiency measured via pink noise 1 metre on axis 44
      238 words

  • 208 14 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Cycle and Carriage has announced the appointments of Mr. Gil- kert Wong as manager of the parts department of the Mercedes-Bens division. Cycle and Carriage (Enterprises), and Mr. Erie lisa as marketIng manager of Cycle and Carriage (Industries). Mr. Wong succeeds Mr. TJL ««ek who has retired
    208 words
  • MAY announcements
    • 449 14 <:■■>!■'«■ YaarTa Proftt/LaeaV) Sat*****' DMMa* CM*) 1 nir fim OK 73 8*2.511 (B*l 867) J» 2 (29 1) iITB (10TC) £imo£: BSw Wlooo .guM) wo <v*> (ion, Benta Plant Dec 73 M*3 761 (MW.eM) M H8.«) If (16) BoSl*t«d Dec 7J M«U37 (M*6.079) 53 9 (504) 10 (12
      449 words
    • 85 14 Com^nici er Molek C M In Teck lex iLnnessMsia x>r* Land Half-year W Feb 74 Mar 74 Feb 74 Feb 74 Feto 74 Feb. 74 Pnrfll/ <•< MS3IS MM.IM Mil MS M»410 MM. 471 552.172 /Um(L) ■tm\ (MSI39) (Mts.aoo) (Mfl.lM) (Mtl.010) (MM.IM) (851.644) •SLS* i (*> 15TE (12.JTE)
      85 words
    • 126 14 SCRIP RIGHTS ISSUES Highland! A Lowlands Para Rubber: Scrip Issue two-for-one. capitalising IP 98 million Hume Industrial (Far Kast): Proposed scrip Issue of one-ror-four. then followed by another scrip Issue of three- for- five for the ordinary stockholders. and a one-for-ftve scrip Issue for Preference stocks, which wtll then be
      126 words
    • 652 14 Alexandra Holdings: has acquired a further one million shares of MSI each in Seado. Fuiip Fishing Net Manufacturing has Invested M 5200.000 each in F.nanclal L Industrial Services and Associated Food Industries whose paid-up capitals are M 5700.000 and 5406.000 respectively Gammon South
      652 words
  • 722 14 CINGAPORE, Malaysia and South Korea are the most promising growth areas in the Far East, according to Mr. H. Rootliep, deputy managing director of Scan Dutch. And the Increasing trade turnover in these areas, in his view, will consist mainly -of consumer goods
    722 words
  • 348 14 Hongkong Wharf in strong financial position lIONOK ONO Hongkong and Kowloon Wharf and Oodown has maintained 4 strong liquid position to help finance its development projects, chairman David Newbigging said in his annual report. But to ensure flexibility for continued expansion, shareholders will be asked to approve an increase in
    348 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 296 14 Tel: *****7 RENT A World's No. lair conditioning maker 1 FROM $25.00 K a ::::::::::v:::::-:-:::::::v::::::-::v:-x Copies 10 different originals in 24 seconds. ■r^ TPM mUs^Hml :^SmW Q& IT mm M ■f e*^ 7— afl L ****>•/ afl IBM Copier n. Copier ll's built-in Document rolled documents and even three- Using
      296 words
    • 56 14 R>R SECURITY SAFETY IN HEAVY LIFT OPERATIONS j{^£^^^k SELCO I THE BUSINESS MAN sjßSjav^avfVai mtms o« tow m -j-v Denis J. Lsms. D Oiirill Ovaeter. Ull Oiliiail >«Hil>iry filonwhsp Juna 6 Can to Faith Juna 13 Quarralt and* St. Andrew's C«th«*i»4 Jon. ?O tnwo4.«m«« ft MSSMKM 10 m p
      56 words
    • 249 14 Advertisement INCHCAPEBHD. will be anahrsad is in invest mam this mrsek Th« JCA Market Digest review* at least one counter each week and tetis you to buy or seM G(HD The JCA Market Oiffast die cusses GOLD regularly and gives world opinion on whether •ts price will go up or
      249 words

  • 3 15
    3 words
    • 61 15 N. Iron Vfmrmm C C C. Store Incheapr C. rr»p. P. Bank S. Land Chrm. lad. Par Tractor* DOB M. Crt4tt me T. Sec NnU DBS Matt STUM MM 17X5 W.I 7 ttM «17 «51 M.U Mli $4.11 St.M Jt.t7 SS.U W.t4 .15 .1* .1* .1* .1* M
      61 words
    • 13 15 .It (.wdmi A. Amil M. T«fc $I.M $3.M M.U !m .M Jl
      13 words
    • 17 15 Da*7 tI«JM Dot. Hl,— I*7 JM Ind. IM.M4 TMMm; 1.7* If \*mt: »4Jt M
      17 words
    • 52 15 Jnr( JnrS IndwtrlaJ*: 15WJ XU.44 FfcuuMe: 44*J» 4SI.M Hateta: 17Ut 17S.M Fraprrtlea: tITJI7 t»MS Thu: 1M.41 lIIU I rahbcrs: M7J7 0.C.8.C.: t»J« Ml.4i 8.E.8. In*.: *UJt »7«.«1 D«*. M, IM4 1M Dm. SI. IMS 1M t Uee. l». IMS 1M 9 Drc. SI. Iff* 1M Jan. 1. It
      52 words
  • 1548 15 THE last transacted sale 1 at the close of K "-t-rrtt In the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day'r prices together with 1974 high and low. Adjusted for aU new Issues). CLOSING TOMS BwUU aa* SMuaoa'ltm aaslcr wail* tbc iwjt rtaaay. TURNOVia: Official total
    1,548 words
  • 345 15 PICES held steadier In lacklustre trading on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. Though broking bouses wete still attracting good crowds, the general attitude of the market was one of wait and see. Profit -taking was more than absorbed and the heavier scrip deliveries reported earlier In
    345 words
  • 27 15 THZ Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange. the Malaysian rubber market and the Penang tin market were closed yes- terday for the Yang dlPerluan Agongi birthI day.
    27 words
  • 302 15 Prospects at Fancy Tile bright IN view of the International Inflationary economic environment, the modest improvement in trading results and turnover achieved by Fancy Tile Works In 1973 should be considered significant." according to chairman Mr. Kwek Hong Png. The company's pretax profits rose 31.7 per cent from $532,224 in
    302 words
  • 1212 15 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. INDI'STaiALS Aema (3J58) XD. ATI. (1108) Ajlae (3.418). Aleaa (3J0B) (3) 3J3.
    1,212 words
  • 318 15 T*HE Singapore rub--1 ber market yesterday opened at Tuesday's after hours level and ruled quiet in the absence of any new feature but with a steady undertone. Small gains were made towards noon. Physicals were ignored. The morning session closed steady. The afternoon session was very quiet but
    318 words
  • 148 15 ASIAN currency deposit Interbank raUs M at close on Wednesday. Jun* I: US DOLLARS Ofrtr BM 7 day* 11-1/3 11-1/4 1 mth 11 10-7 a mtbs 11-11/16 11-9/16 3 mths 11-3 4 11-6/0 6 mths 11-1/4 11-6/1 mtbs 11-l i 11 12 mths 11-1/U 10-15/W B w.
    148 words
  • 99 15 CHIKHI PMOOUCt CMAMoa. tiHO*ran( Neea) clcsimo paicst rt« ricuL vasTiaoAv. Oiniim OM: bulk IISB n—laal. Oepra' tuu4 (Isase) UK/ osm. tot ■—mi P ataatsk ASTA whlt« r.e.h. lte« nlw sstTl saUen. Sarawak wkMa f.e.k. IfLW tats ulliri. Sarawak raedal btack r.«.k. te« nlw saee a#> len. Sarawak ASTA
    99 words
  • 35 15 Luiasa linn srtewi ea Tvms*»r him la— fe »a suets). Winker Saw* war«r U.STS ui.ou). ssifar n.eit- iii.tas). Thrat Bfoatk. buyer U.tll u l.oon eaaw u.oia (ii.tes>. Market t— FlnMr. SalMi S.SM tea*.
    35 words
  • 25 15 oner am Oremlfht 11 H 11 1 mth t% »H 2 mtha tH 1 mth. tH Prim r»U *H% m: P. Mmj-MMi Mmmllwil
    25 words
  • 3 15 1
    3 words
  • 338 15 EAGLE Star Insurance of the UK reports surplus Defore tax tor 1973 of £18,074,000 (£15.771,000). Final dividend is 2.145 p. making 4.245p (4.134p adjusted, maximum permitted). Eagle Star said on underwriting a satisfactory profit In the UK was more than offset by disappointing results overseas Experience In Australia
    338 words
  • 55 15 •nKADIMO was rather brisk I 1 In Singapore yesterday dsaptto the closure of the Malaysian lores market. It opened at $3.41M-7O and rnsrtl until to show a arm trend throughout Urn way. In saorterate trading the dollar awved up to O4IN-M by lunch Aftamoon dollar was traded
    55 words
  • 170 15 The followtna; are the nominal averane closing Interbank II rates In Singapore: •mm*** iwtMilt (eraatt wrilr ckuce U.B. duOar 1.41 M 2 4190 IJIM l*M Sterling pound MOM 6 UN 7.54 M M*l Hongkong dollar 47J7 UM 60 61 ».M Malajrcian dollar UnaTallabie 100 00 Aw* aßhUUnc 11.1601
    170 words
    • 205 15 TTONCIKONO, Wed.— Share 11 prices ckwed mixed today on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange In moderate trading. The Hang Sang Index rose 1.11 points to 405 M Beaykemg Bank was down at KKI22 SO on 1U Local register and st M 3 50 on Ite London register. Oalners Included
      205 words
    • 44 15 Ob Urn trm hMmii iimiHU I la Illtfnn |MHiS«7 UM U.S. I aetlar was mtu at ».otso/s Mit I far T.T. a*4 6 OJ/6.M foe tiarMnc wu quoted at 11. to/ I 12.10 and mm tan |*M was I «wav« at 9.M.
      44 words
    • 115 15 TOKYO, wed.—Prices en 1 the Tokyo Stock Exchange turned sharply higher today after having slid for three days. Today's closing price* In yen with the differences on yesterday's duet T. no i I «M 1» I-O«ail Ml 4.1 *«t M» It m s i !M ItMM rum tW I
      115 words
    • 100 15 7UHICH, Tuts.— The steadier trend eaaOnued today In spite of a rather •mall volume Bonds were unchanged. The Credit fnilstt index was marked up 1.4 points to JOl.O ClsilM prMoa la Swla* franca wlta Urn —o»co oa UN pnMM iwlw'i wrtem. Croa* Sulaat Mas But OKU. ll« t Buk
      100 words
    • 102 15 AMSTERDAM. Tubs.— Akae and Uiiinim led Dutch Internationale higher Plantation* were firmer Shippings, banks, Investment funds and Insurances also rose. Dutch state loans finned CtesoM *rMwj to Dutch svlieara witt mm iMtmaii ea Om ani'laaa AfcM Kaa. ■mniM DIM PMUw MM It U— mi lll.M R*r»l DM* TT.M -4-
      102 words
    • 226 15 "Vf KLBOURNI Wed. All JTA three sectors of the market turfed forcefully ahead on the Mefcoume Stock Exchange today, In a strong suatatrtrd rally that wiped out most of the losses Incurred In Mondays sell-off Feae-Wsßiwl soared to A*3 10 to reocrd one of the beet gains of the
      226 words
    • 171 15 XTCW YORK Tuss.—Fuefl- ed by hopes that the srasongad rise Us interest rates saay be at aa and. prises advanced today for the second conrecuttw aaseton In the busiest trading In several weeks. The Dow Jones industrial atsrsfs gained 7U points to ttsaf. and brougnt to better than
      171 words
    • 89 15 FINANCIAI. TIMES TOW Tuesday mm Monday M»l Weak af» n .11 Tuesday M 3 74 Monday M4M Week ago 414 M twhsj ait.n Monday lls.ll Weak ago OUT mnumuaLa Tuesday M*J Mwday J74.4 Weak aao KM UOW JONU AVIUOI ocnvsraiALa Tuesday MM Monday «UA» Weak asp MM LONDON DOLXAa
      89 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 575 15 UPJOHN TUCO Invites application for FEMALE OFFICE ASSISTANT Minimum qualifications' (1) Possess MCK/SC (I) Typing speed over 40 w.pjn. (S) 1 year working experience in similar position (4) Able to work independently (I) Above 30 years of age Apply with complete t?sume to:DavU Ng Upjohn Overseas Company. e/o J.L. alortson.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 563 16 SINGAPORE PETTOHJM invites applications for I MECHANICAL ENGINEER I Degree in Mechanical Engineering. The I successful candidate will be provided with I training in the fields of Engineering Design, I Work Construction, Inspection and general I Engineering Services; I ELECTRICAL ENGINEER I Degree in Electrical Engineering. Th I successful candidate
      563 words
    • 634 16 Personnel cTVlanager ($2,500 p.m. upwards) A Singapore company engaged on the fabrication of specialised engineering equipment due to rapidly expanding growth needs to strengthen its personnel function. There is a record of success and steeply rising profits are forecast. The company has works and warehouses in Jurong and its head
      634 words
    • 560 16 SENIOR INTERNAL l^l AUDITOR BRUNEI SHELL PETROLEUM COMPANY LIMITED invites applications for Senior Internal Auditor I* their organisation baaed in Sana State of Brunei The successful candidate will be responsible for the planning and execution of audit reviews of specific organisational and functional activities m accordance with accepted standards. Furthermore
      560 words
    • 1163 16 STATE OF BRUNEI VACANCY FOR FEMALE HOSTEL MATRON Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates wno- are Singapore Citizens to fill the post of Female Hostel Matron in the Brunei Government Service. The vacancy is at the Brunei Students Hostel. Tanglm Hill Singaoore Qualification! Applicants must have passed the Lower
      1,163 words

  • 277 17 BEING an engineer's daughter, three-year-old Leah Declpeda has always found tools fascinating. But she found this one a teargas gun on show at the police exhibition at Victoria Memorial Hall particularly interesting. And Sgt. Scow Lai Watt, who was on duty,
    Mahfutz Matter  -  277 words
  • 242 17 Aussie firm sets up base in S'pore A USI RAUA'S leading A engineering contractors, Thiess Holdings Ltd., have made Singapore the base (or their overseas operations. Mr. Alex MnrokofT, managing director, said the* all the overseas operations of the company were handled through ihe Singapore base, where Thless-Pet-rosea International (Pte)
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  • 30 17 MR. FONO Sip Chee, Parliamentary Secretary (Labour), will be gucat of honour at Cycle and Carriage's 75th anniversary dinner at Shangri-La Hotel on June IS at 7 pm
    30 words
  • 457 17 Hon: The way to wipe out crime 'J'HE Finance Minister, Mr. Hon Sui Sen, said yesterday that society should spare no effort to exterminate crime, "a serious social problem," to bring about over-all peace and order. He said crime-prevention could be brought about if the public co-operated with the police.
    457 words
  • 205 17 ENGINEER KILLED IN MISHAP AT OIL REFINERY ESSO engineer Tan Pong Nam, 28, was killed when a steam how containing poisonous chemicals burst while he was checking the piping sjrstem at the oil company's Pulau I Ayer Chawan refinery yesterday. lit is believed that there was a small explosion j
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  • 40 17 SOME 30 new members of the Singapore Jaycees will take their oath as full-fledged Jaycees In a ceremony at Hyatt Hotel on Saturday at 7 pm They will receive Jaycee mementos after taking the oath.
    40 words
  • 94 17 TRAINING FOR 1,200 CIVIL SERVANTS rpHE Government's Btaff 1 Training Institute has trained 1.200 civil servants In courses on courtesy and public relations since It was established two years ago The Institute hu to data conducted 40 oouratc In which officer* who man counter! •ad telephones In government department* wart
    94 words
  • 46 17 POLJCX arrested two women an illegal Immigrant and another without a valid entry permit In Weld Road and Upper Pickering Street respectively on Tuesday A man. who had a defaced identity card, waa also detained In Upper Pickering Street the same day
    46 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 130 17 rJI id V»w***- T^ sW Dry isn't glowing. Dry isn't fresh. Dry isn't young. That's why Estee Lauder creates new Country-Mist Liquid Makeup that's a downpour of moisture for your skin. A Special Gift of Beauty from Estee Lauder This Fresh Air Beauty Kit is yours FREE, with your Estee
      130 words
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 151 17 WWIA M im-> i i« m m TV MALAYSIA (3) 1 C PM Programme summary |jLAA PM News 1.13 Belajarlah £.*TJ 2.47 Toto Draw Ml O.UU Bahasa Anda Lll Rifleman MJ Hich Private Eve Ofl |mi IJ7 H re s Luc 7JI The Kineman wz mgn nivate tye SUr)ost ;<|
      151 words
    • 815 17 TV SINGAPORE (5) 1 0 fiTi to «ssb: in Brief lIS Comcl (Malay, re IU.UU Trade and test tram- put) T.M Untamed World: New mission (colour) 2M PM Trade and England 7.M News (Malay). test transmission (colour) 3 N H Af\ PM Temperatures ruing: Opening, and Housewives' Matinee: W Is
      815 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 591 18 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING BOARD SINGAPORE Applications are invited for Grade 2 National Trade Tests which will be conducted in the following trades: Trade Practical Theory a Arc Welding 5 hrs 2 hrs b Electrician 7 hrs 3 hrs c General Fitting 16 hrs 2 hrs d Metal Machining 16 hrs 2
      591 words
    • 721 18 TENDER NOTICE re Kirn Urn Company (Private) Limited Companies Winding-Up Order No 27 of 1972 dated 4th August, 1972 (a) Factory Building with brick making machinery and land In the District of Pandan. Lot. 172 and 173 Pt. of Muklm X containing and ana of 18 acres 3 roods 12
      721 words
    • 1268 18 /JT^I BANK OF SINGAPORE LIMITED (Incorporated in Singapore) BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31st DECEMBER 1973 1972 1873 1972 JXH. SHARE CAPITAL CURRENTS ASSETS AnttwiH«<M< .~w.«~t $9,583,873 Caah and balances with Bankers and AgenU $16,740,483 110.000,000 10.000 000 shares of $1.00 each 810.000.000 Money at call and ahort notice 3,600,000 Issued
      1,268 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1271 19 CDNTAKEmiIP SEHVICE TI W/CMTINERT: M-J MMJ D'nurt Irtai Ntnt UK UTAM MAIU a taw 11 taw 14 itU II lal| 17 tall 11 latr •UU lAT O taw aMm Mtat| nMi I) lurj Iltolii Tuitua mabu i iuii toff a ta*j a i.n n tali m tai) lIVUPMI lAT lahj
      1,271 words
    • 1246 19 4- BLUE SEA UNE m )J Express States to Straits Service 1 N OrtotM MOMtoa •alt/Pail N Tort Spore P Mtaßf PtMaf A i PIIUMfI SwM MM SoiM SoiM L 11/ law IMw I Mt 11 MMU UIM ItkM UiM MW M Mw M tat) 1 PftSIUS SoiM Sa.H« SoiM
      1,246 words
    • 1077 19 EHlwi fc i i mr^r i J *m\ ti iMtn. Nwr| IM rtM Spore P Kelani StM. AMtrn Froact UK lITAM MAN MM* n Mt 14 Mk II Mat) 11 MM II MM i mau ut ntawMtawaMnaMiaMiiiiMD nPAMA MAM IM| I Mty a Mty MMM MMa) MM) lltl'PML UT IS
      1,077 words
    • 1059 19 WBSPfMupßi^i M>^_afHß_M*wW_*Hl_aTaUa^a«awL_a^ML_Jak.^BCMwLawa(W.^Nfl FULLY CONTAINEKIZED SEKVICE TO EUKOFE I FM: RMM taw 11 MMUTf mjma Mw a "o'terdMi, AmsttrdM, Antwerp, le Htrri. «U."h mu v*u H ft STitum nm 3 o m SoO **>»• miamia A*t ii SlKkholm. Oslo, Httsinki. UmtM Kim>m. CMiiat Imn LCI M awn FCI. 14 won. FULLY
      1,059 words
    • 783 19 >a|Mtrt tIM 44; P lUomm 4341, K.L. 2731 1. fMmmnj ***** THE BANK LINE LTD. iiajs mm. inuu. TATMM (S. AirKt otty) P KttMt M/rlMa S'po-i 11/11 taw TISTMM ictlll l*aa.o*l P KtWf Spare 11/ M Mw •AariAM (Itin. 1. Morawt A S P. Ktltnf It/Mtaw S ptrt I
      783 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 903 20 MMMMMMMMM|MMMMMM_MMMMMMMMMIMMMMMMM Ma— BaßßaMßaaaaaaaaa— l a— l ltßataaaß— a—BMal Im aa— t^ la^ I *9U I n<P ■a_J_L3»_--_-_-t-_l [VUai KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. KAWASAKI KINKAI KISEM KAISHA LTD •VAN. HON. KONG. STRAITS SERVICt. Mam Ntajkoat tiapotn P Mint Miaaa mam it imm Singapore Japan Sarvlaa S.i>peo>i FM. EOaoM AH mtmiAT II
      903 words
    • 902 20 PMMMMMM y— MMMMMMMMMJ UCEPTIH. TUCTMS. TIKIS tM ITRU lUVT EMIPMim. from HA CD lnUltMll LX.T aUITT lITB Samcit 7MM 11 IBM Indonesia LCI. KMTT IMT Tarttan Imn lim lihJomsii. LS.T. LEHTtP Tartkaa it Part Imm Indonesia. LS.T. MMIUM Indonesia 7mm Imm hajtaaM. KMTT UT Maaili Imm Umm KaatawiI KMTT HUM
      902 words
    • 954 20 |\^ngpTune ocioit unu\ U.K. lUHOM SWVICt LOADING FOI LONDCN. 017 IB DAM. HAMBURG iILBAO. Li HAVRE iintaMta Mill r*ata| itaMn t'taa H'an FIAKI MAM PUt. 41-41 a/It Mat 11/ II Mat 14 Mf II K4| DM| atPTDNI IMtUUI MM/1 Mat 1 HUT lIWI HWI I»« IM| I ARtIVALS FROM WITH
      954 words
    • 725 20 owks gang ti imm, imwrn/umwon run T| ITmi Siatjaatni P ltiaa| Pwamj laaaaj ttt--ItatA aatUM M Part it/ii mm*o M itMo* traaita »'7. Htwf VII A-atrt Ufl e«M4 MFIITI Mt. a/M I/It Mat 11/14 MM It Mm 30 7. Lpool 4/1. Htaaari 10 I. BttttfaM 151 1 ioma nuTAi
      725 words
    • 1353 20 AUTMOaiTT AMMOUHCaO JOWI t. AaaiHOIMINTI rea MIMI a. |N afcuri Ckan« 81. Ration. l Übtnr Hi an lltr< B 2. Tuncni BUT: ChMam— ran 1/4. atrmat llghl.rv B J. ahlnko Mara B I a..- ra«. -r. k_t ".'f, °vKi_- s;J: 21 ".tloivirwi 40/41. Frtaaarlea W«k— ukitan Mara B/4. (unlmhi m..v
      1,353 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 591 21 NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that try Ninth Annual Oeneral Meeting of Pusan Pishing Net Manufacturing Berhad will be held at the factory premises at North Klang Straits Industrial Area. Port Kiang on Thursday. 27th June. 1974 at 10.00 a.m. AGENDA 1. To receive and consider the Company's
      591 words
    • 695 21 TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited from experienced contractors under Class A classification (J.K.R. or approved equivalent under Head I Subhead I and Head II Subhead II) for die construction of the fsctory sncillary buildings and machinery foundations for the GPT Suf ar Factory Complex near 28th Milestone. Kuala Nerang Padang
      695 words
    • 897 21 MAJLIS DAERAH UTARA, SEBBRANG PERAI Jawatan-Jawatan Kosong Pannohonan -permohonan adalah dipelawa daripada Warganegara Malaysia yang berlu-layakan aa.taja untuk jawatan-jawatan yang berikut 1. PEGAWAI PENILAI GAJI $800x50 900/1.000x50 1,200/1,360 x 50 1,500/1,600 x 100 1,800/- UMUR: Tidak lebih daripada 30 tahun KELAYAKAN DAN PENGALAMAN: (a) Taraf Professional Asaociate. Royal Institution of
      897 words
    • 504 21 WORLDWIDE INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE ORGANISATION requires qualified applicants for the posts off:--(1) ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK Qualifications Experience (a) Possess MCE. or S.C. (b) At least L.C.C. Intermediate Bookkeeping (c> Ability to type and correspond Independently di Must have 2to 3 years experience In the Accounts Department. (2) ACCOUNTS CLERK Qualifications/Experience (a)
      504 words
    • 792 21 TAMCO SINGAPORE INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEER TAMCO Singapore is keeking thr wr\U¥o of an rxn|>iicin;il executive, to take on re»|>nii>.'hilit\ fur the sales and tlewlopment of an important Hllll s|M c mllSCll Illll' of pi.xlv. 1The (xiMtiou will Ih offered to a Singapore citizen, and it i« envixaged that he will be
      792 words

  • 245 22 Police probe death of lighter man rUCE aie investigating whether a lighterman. Amallase Kudalan. 45, who died In Outram Hospital on Tuesday was killed as a result of coining into contact with a chemical, Gilopen Oil. It Is understood that doctors at the hospital have confirmed that his death was
    245 words
  • 30 22 Engineering course THE Department > f Extramural Studies. University of Singapore, will oiganlae a 24-lecture course oil "Introduction to Industrial Engineering" at Ntfaen Hut 1 at 7.J0 pjn. from Jura 11.
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  • 24 22 THE Singapore Aviation Management Association will hold Its monthly lunch meetIng at Hilton Hot' 1 on June 13 at 12 46 pm.
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  • 240 22 Tenggiri drops by another 10 cents a kati PRICES of tenggiri bekan and kembon yesterda> dropped by r. further 10 cents to $2.00 and $1 21 a katl respectively, the Trade Department reported. Prices »f other commodities, however, remain unchanged. Following are the recommended prices: RICE: American 15 per cent,
    240 words
  • 42 22 MR N( rook Seng has been elected president of the Singapore Interpreters and Translators Union for 1874--76. Vlce-presldenU are Messrs N. Packlrlsamy and Enclk Abdul Azls Mustajab The secretary Is Mr. K.O. Krtshnan and his assistant Is Mr A. Palaniappan.
    42 words
  • 44 22 MR. Ahmad Sonhadjl Mohamad, a lecturer, will conduct a cl«? 3 In the National Language on "Tafslr Quran" at the premises of the Muslim Missionary Society Singapore In Oeylang Road every Friday starting on June 21 from pm. to 9 30 pm.
    44 words
  • 88 22 House wife stabbed in robbery attempt r'O men, wearing crash helmets, stabbed a housewife during an attempted robbery at Block Two, Lorong Seven, Toa Payoh yesterday. The housewife, Mrs. Annie Ang, 57, who was stabbed on the back, was not seriously Injured. The two men dashed Into her ground -floor
    88 words
  • 47 22 FEDESTRIAN Urn Klk Lai. 25, of Batu Pahat, was reported on Wednesday to have died after he wma knocked oown by a motorcyclist at about 7.56 pm on Monday. This Is Incorrect. Lira Is In tact Improving at Outram Hospital. The error la refretted,
    47 words
  • 477 22 THE Government yesterday urged all rice importers and wholesalers to apply for licences to deal in rice which is now a controllid commodity. A spokesman for the Trade Department of the Finance Ministry said: "Returns on application forms from rice dealers have
    477 words
  • 215 22 §OME 76,000 members of SILO and PIEU are to contribute $10 each a year towards two savings schemes approved by the unions The savings will be invested In their respec- tlve multi-purpose cooperative societies and the NTUC Welcome cooperative. The schemes
    215 words
  • 30 22 A JUMBLE tale In aid of the poor will be held at the Church of St Bernidette In Zton Road on Sunday from 10 ajn. to S p.m.
    30 words
  • 138 22 RAFFLES WINS SCIENCE QUIZ TROPHY RAFFLES Institution won the Science Council challenge trophy in the finals of the science and industry qul* held at Television Singapore last night. Anderson Secondary School finished runnerup in a "neck-to-neck fight" in the contest, which was telecast live. For at the close of the
    138 words
  • 107 22 rfWO readers won the 1 Straits Times "Spot the «.H»th Classified Advertisement" in the fifth contest of the series. They are Miss Lily Lee San Choo of Circuit Road and Mr. Raymond Doo of Jalan Kebaya off Holland Road. They will each get a Sheaffer
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 181 22 Is your hair hungry for vitamins? Pantene I ma red box. I Gold with oil Vitamin I I >or normal. Tnnif !/>•;- t I dry scalp tlQirJOniC I Gold without oil rtfßnfaMswtfUi I for normal hair, IH HVmWv vbi y I oily scalp MB* '< v /^^k laW t^ A
      181 words
    • 701 22 1975 UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS TENABLE IN AUSTRALIA, FRANCE, GERMANY, JAPAN, NEW ZFALAND AND THE UNITED KINGDOM Applications are invited from citizens and permanent residents of Singapore, who will be below 23 years of ago on Ist January 1975. for undergraduate scholarship* in the following fields commencing from the 1975/76 academic year:
      701 words
    • 516 22 7 years of Progress! the GEKWEE WAY To Serve you better we are NOW AT F3B 3rd Floor. MANDARIN HOTEL SINGAPORE TEL: *****3. *****8. *****3 MMfGEKWEE ASSOCIATES mKSS PRIV ATE LIMITED UmssB&£ (coach division) JHKfiv GEKWEE TRAVELS StrM PRIVATE LTD. DRILLING RIG For Sale Brewster Model N-55 Rotary Drilling Rig
      516 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 216 22 Straits Times Crossword b^bF sIP siaF sHP sla^ laf^ sHT^HaH 1 D.agh«ic Cß^u BucUn78 ucUn7 n^?,* <Bmlntah I). 7 sincere pledge (T) 9 Profiu produced In doub- I a youngster finds Der--10 AnUTiLUr be TIT* U thrown a*de Sl 16 Curs* articles the gradua--11 In i quantity U may be
      216 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 735 23 classified ads (H 6INOAPORE/ PBNANO Malaysia CUP) Return match caving Singapore 22.6.74 Return 24 t 74 M 2 per head. Limited only for 80 persons Cash bookings at 219-A. aemenceau Avenue from 8a m. CUSCADEN HOUSE HOTEL The Management of Cuscaden House Hotel regrets to Inform natrons that the Hotel
      735 words
    • 687 23 PERSONNEL MANAGER RE OUIRED IMMEDIATELY for a position with an aviation company at Seletar aerodrome Should have at least 3 years personnel or administration experience. Call *****2 An expanding foreign controlled company in Jurong requires an experienced ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS ANO SERVICE ENGINEER lo work en range et cornHe will be
      687 words
    • 731 23 FEMALE TELEPHONE OPERATOR/ TYPIST required immediately Knowledge of English and Mandarin and Chinese dlalecu Personal interview from 9 am 730 p m 49-B. President Shopping Centre •H KOMATSU SPORE PTE. LTD, JURONO offers Immediate employment for the following poets: -(1) PARTS CLERK Mata (t) GENERAL CLERK Fernet* Roqulrement*:- Appllcanu must
      731 words
    • 774 23 DUB TO EXPANSION of our company, we have vacancies for Sales Representatives (earning up to 4 figures) Conversant In English at all levels. Dynamic personality. Ability to drive compulsory. Own car advantage. Reply In strict confidence (with photograph) to P.O. Box 44. Circuit Road. B'pore. FULL/PART-TIME LIFE UNDERWRITERS required for
      774 words
    • 591 23 WANTID EXPERIENCED SERVICE MECHANIC on Log Bkldders Must Travel Asian Territories Reply with Photo and Salary Expected P.O. Box 134. Jurong Singapore 22 COMMUNICATIONS ELECTRONICS PTE. LTD. "Nt-inNl MALE/ FEMALE DRAFTSMEN I OtMsMaMMOtIB) _Md •sUMTtavwCsSr ill One year relevinl'iroTklng experience (1) School Certificate In technical stream or Vocational Institute Certificate
      591 words
    • 730 23 ESTABUSHBO AJRCONOrrtOMINO COMPANY urgently requires experienced Mechanics Please ring *****9 between 9 a.m. 7 p.m. PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR (FOUNDRY) If you are energetic and can control a labour force of around 90 60 men per shift and If you have the relevant experience and qualifications, you are probably the man we
      730 words
    • 753 23 RSOUtRED (I) SHIPPING CLERK with B.C and driving licence. Experience in shipping documentation and PSA Cargo clearance (2) Driver cum Packer Must be hardworking and have a knowledge of English Salary negotiable Call personally from 10.00 am l 00 p.m. at 610, Colombo Court 6th floor. Spore 6. BSTABLISHBO FIRM
      753 words
    • 740 23 WELL BSTABLISHBO ENGINEERING COMPANY requires One Accountant for immediate engagement Salary $1100 and good prospecu for advancement Only those with Bachelor Accountancy degree and newly qualified persons need to apply Also required one female clerk Senior Cambridge with credit in Mathematics and English Salary within the range of $290 $300
      740 words
    • 553 23 WANTEO HARO WORKING MALAY general workers for a leading transportation company Tel: *****6 for interview. McQarrctt Brwrogi MscWnes REQUIRE 4 DELIVERY BOYS Apply wtth photo to 0.P.0. SSSt. DNBBS CUTTBN REOUIREO. Interested please ring *****7 or call at 934 Queen.iway Japanese Oarden Shopping Centre. Established motor firm In Johore Bahru
      553 words
    • 766 23 CENTRALLY AIRCONOITIONBD OIST 10 BUNOALOW. i bedrooms, study complete with built-in wardrobes. bathrooms Marble floored, extensi.e living, dining Beautifully landscaped carpet turf garden Weh equipped kitchen Immediate occupation Furnished/ unfurnished Telephone *****3 *****9 FOR THOSE WHO NEED peace and Sulet" Green surrounded modern etached sited on hill top Splitlevel interior
      766 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 836 24 I BLAHPORO ORIVE (Serangoon Oarden EstaU). comer terrace house 3-bedrooms. jnfurnlshed. 8350/- Ring: Mr Chew. Tel: 82*96 (office) HOLLAND DRIVE 4-ROOMED HOB flat Interested call *****9 TO LIT SEMIDETACHID BUNOALOW double-storey 5 rooms at Peakvllle Park dlst 16. Tel *****5 DIST. IS DOUBLI-STORIV OETACHEO BUNOALOW 4 bedrooms, servant's, Ulephone/ alrconds
      836 words
    • 792 24 REPUTABLE DISTRICTS I APARTMENT* BUNGALOWS —Semi-detached Terrace* Immediate Take-over Long Lease *****4 *****7 Anytime Anytime? HOLIDAY BUNOALOW W DIST. 11 for let. up to six months. 3 bedrooms, all alrcond.. fully furnished Contact Eddy Yue Tel: *****0 during offloe hours. FORTUNA SEAVIEW VILLA: 2 storey split level semi-detached luxury garden
      792 words
    • 760 24 SIMSAWANO HBLLS PMASI 1 I hilltop Single-storey semi- I detached Well kept with extra* price $110,000 0.n.0. Tel. *****6 I FOR SALS 3-ROOMED H.D.B. flat I at Lorong 1 Toa Payoh. Tel: *****6 GENUINE PURCHAMR Will pay cash for brand new or secondhand semi-detached house or two semi-detached adjoining in
      760 words
    • 931 24 NAM NO TRAVIL SERVICE (SIN SAPORS) PTE. LIMITED. Tour West Malaysia Seven Days 8$ 130/-. air conditioned bus *****/-. Malaysia Oentlng Highlands by air conditioned bus •even days B*l7o/-. Departure Everyday Cameron Highland* Four day* SSBO/-. Oentlng W74, 9/6/74. °n/*™* IVS/74', 13/6/74. 18/6/74. 18/6/74. Bangkok Chlengmal by air conditioned bus
      931 words
    • 677 24 OKLCY TRAWL (PTI) LTD., OVKRSCAS TOURS (1) Japan/ Taiwan/ Hongkong/ Bangkok 17-day *I**S/--(1) Taiwan/ Hongkong/ Bangkok 14-day 814*0/- 11-day departure 9/*. 17*. VI. l*/7. (3) Hongkong/ Bangkok 8-day B*3o/--(4) Bangkok/ Chlengms 1 7-day MowDeparture: Every Monday. (5) Lake Toba 8-day 83*0/Departure: Every Friday. (8) Fiesta FUlplnas 6-day 88*0/ Departure: Every
      677 words
    • 616 24 MA*,CHARTIRSLOMDON-$7lO. Europe 8770. Australia 8800, USA./ Canada 81.300. Tokyo/ Indonesia/ Bangkok 3SK Prlnsep Street (opposite Cathay) Tel: 3223*1/ *****7/ 4*331 1 SPfJMO SAVI PTL LTO. Room 21$, Control BuMdHs. 1-1 Moautoo Raad (SI 1 Tat SIMM SISIS4 angsioli 'CKtong—a* 7 day* B*B3/--day* $1230/- (Taipal. Allsaan, Hiisisa, LWwsv IMaIV Taa wWJHiiMS!isWß*»ak
      616 words
    • 632 24 BHURIMANII B)B4»B*NBR* RAPIO COURSE commencing 7.6.74 Duration 3 months. Fee $10 Morning 9 a.m. 10 a.m. Afternoon 2 p.m. 3 p.m. Evening 6.30 p.m. 6 30 p.m. Ideal for shift workers. Teacher In charge 8 year* teaching experience Please enquire:- Systematic Business Training Centre, Room 117, Ist floor. Peace Centre
      632 words
    • 845 24 ■AWOARtW MSMPJWBR* S-avQafTH COURSf commencing today Tuesday. Thursday 7 30 p.m. 8.10 p.m. by experienced Nanyang University graduate. School certificate will be awarded on completion of course People's Commercial School (Opposite Odeon Katong) Tel: 44*708. SIHQAPORI INSTITUTI OP SCIINCI, 593-A, Serangoon Road (Oppoalte Rumah Mbkln Police Station) Telephone: *****30. Enrol
      845 words
    • 893 24 SKY DRrVWM SCNOOL, modern dual -con trolled Datsun, Masda cars for safe, quick tuition Hourly 87. Ouaranteed $180 Fetch/ send home arrangeable 303, Orchard Road Tel *****8 ASIA DRIVING- SCHOOL. Brand new 'Datiun. Honda, dualcontrolled, moderate charges 13. Selegle Road *****7/ 321 177 PASS YOUR DRIVING TSST quickly throughl Tanglln
      893 words
    • 876 24 PORD CORTINA OT MM latest model 2.000 miles with radio and cassette Console fitted alrcon 2 month* old No reasonable offer refused Tel *****4 ***** WILLING TO DEPART with my 1970 Colt Oalant 1300. 3 owners. If offered not less than 88.300 Tel *****0 ISM I*7* AIRCOND 36-seater tourist bus
      876 words

  • 856 25  - Havelange confident of getting Rous' job ULI SCHMETZER By RIO DE JANEIRO, Wed.— Ebullient Brazilian Jo to Havelange is con* vinced he is about to become the most powerful man in world soccer by landing the presidency of the International Football Federation (Fifa) next Tuesday. Havelange, a 58--year-old multi-mil-lionaire company
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 936 25 FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY HEAVY EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 1 Unit CAT 619-J Scraper. 1 Unit Complete ALLIS self-loading. Series 61 F CHALMER Hydro Cone. w Elevator Serias 43F 20 cv yd reaped capacity. 3 Units CAT DBH Tractors. 2 Units CAT Electric f/"" 46A WBulldowr Generator Set. Model D 353 M
      936 words
    • 803 25 I IDEAL SMALL FAMILY BOAT IS' I half cabin cruiser. 20 h p MerI rury motor 5 years old. Oood I condition Berth Ponggol Selling 51. 200 ono Tel: M 4814 IS' CABIN CHUIMR. twin U b.p. Chrysler outboard, electric start and 2 cruising fuel tanks S4.MC Tel *****3 I
      803 words
    • 708 25 TRAOING CONCERN WISHEt OENUINE buyers In Filipino products vu Jewellery, handicrafts, leather goods, garments door panels, coconut oils/ products etc Write B.T Box A ***** TECIrf CALLING ALL CREATIVE HOME OWNERSI Do let us share with you this remarkable concept SPHER>C MAONETK DOOR HOLDERS' Tasted by SISIR I A must
      708 words
    • 322 25 SANKYO The only cine projector in the world that accepts all types of Bmm film a>BrikO ss^Hga^gfl Hg^ f^ Standard 8 Super 8 Single 8 Just select the gauge you want at the flick of a switch. That's versatility. Now you can show your own films, your friend's films and
      322 words

    • 388 26 Uruguayans beaten in warm-up game ROME, Wed. Uru- quay's World Cup team were beaten 2-0 by Italian First Division side Florentina In a warm-up game for the World Cup finals in West Germany this month. Vigorous man-to-mun marking by the Italians effectively neu t r allsed the few attacking moves
      Agencies  -  388 words
    • 144 26 LYLE ENDS ASSOCIATION WITH LOCAL TURF LYLE Harbrldge. thrire champion Jockey has ended his long association with the local turf He left last week for Australia to ride for a leading trainer in Melbourne. Harbrldge came In 1961 to ride for Colin TvUloh and quickly established himself as a topnotcher.
      144 words
    • 24 26 TOKYO. Wed The British Amateur football team Middlesex Wanderers, arrived here today to play three matches against an All Japan side. Reuter
      Reuter  -  24 words
    • 795 26 Bremner can inspire Scots to victory MY heart wants Scotland, my homeland, to win the World Cup. My brain tells me the Scots can go a long way, maybe all the way, along the road to winning it. I hope to sr.ow that this Is no a brainstorm I have
      795 words
    • 903 26 He has immense ability and heart to match wingless wonder Idea from paradoxically > the Argentinians and won the World Cup with It. The English club coaches followed suit and dull results It has had. Yet one of the more attractive points about Don Revle's consistently successful Leeds United team
      903 words
    • 298 26 BARRIER draw and acratchings for this weak-end's racea at Kuala Lumpur SATVBOAI Claes 3. DH. 3—41 6 14 4 1 II 3 1 9 4 11 6 11 10 7. CUm 3. Dl». 4— 4 f: 9 4 11 14 6 6 I 3 13
      298 words
    • 410 26 Punters are getting a raw deal ITS good to see someone picking up the cudgels for the poor punters for a change. Punters are really getting a raw deal with the five per cent gaming tax and a rake-off of 20 per cent by government and the club on tote
      410 words
    • 550 26  -  EFSOM JEEP By OONITO is as good as ever in his fourth season. On Sunday at Kuala Lumpur, the Persian Lyric six year old chalked up his eighth win. It was his best performance. Badly away. Bonlto trailed in the early stages At the
      550 words
    • 216 27 Plan to blunt Perak's twin strikers PERAK Malays twin strikers. Syed Ahmad and Salleh Ibrahim, will be Singapore Malays main target In their plan to beat Perak In the Sultans' Gold Cup semi final match at National Stadium on Sunday at 7 p.m. The Singapore officials worked out their plan
      216 words
    • 220 27 CINGAPORE Rugby Union will, with the assistance of Singapore Sport* Council, engage a '"reign coach for six months to promote the Kame In the constituencies, prepare the nay° n SL team for toe fourth Asian championsnip and help raise the standard of the game. Superintendent
      220 words
    • 319 27 Ismail shines in Guthrie's shock victory fUTHRIE WAUOH.the problem- faced Business Houses team, yes* terday provided an opening day rheck in the Business Houses League and Cup tournament beating fancied KLM Airlines 3-2 at Jalan Besar Stadium, reports Joe Doral Outhrie, one of the two teams to be relegated from
      319 words
    • 52 27 T. McBegan won the Warren 001 l Clubs monthly A Division medal with a nett 69 at the Warren 001 l course yesterday Runner-up wu T. Rollins with 71. The B Dlvh.on medal was won by Vyner K.C. Woon with a 67. The runner-up was N
      52 words
    • 552 27 SINGAPORE qualified for the competition proper of the Tun Razak Cup hockey championship, along with holders Perak, Forces, Malacca, Selangor and Negri, when they won their two matches today to win their group with an unbeaten record. After beating Sarawak 2-0 in the morning,
      552 words
    • 750 27 Age no barrier to success, says coach Wen-chiao UARLY to bed and early to rise, plus self-d Iscl p 1 1 n c that's the advice China's badminton coach Wang Wenchlao gave to players who want to reach the top class. Mr. Wang said that old age superstars Hou Chla-chang
      750 words
    • 204 27 MS. CHI TZE, delegation leader of the Chinese badm inton team, last night thanked Singapore for their support in admitting China Into the Asian Games Federation. Mr. Chu was speaking at a dinner hosted by the Sin g a pore National Olympic Council In honour of the
      204 words
    • 390 27  - -Junie fails by tenth of a second PETER SIOW By JUNIE SNO was the J most disappointed swimmer in yesterday's Asian AgeGroup final trials at Tanjong Rhu she missed the qualifying mark by a mere onetenth of a second. Junle clocked 2 29 0 in the 200 m freestyle for
      390 words
    • 78 27 NEW YORK. Wed. Result* of U.S. Major League baseball matches yesterday American Leafue: Cleveland 0 Texas 9. Chicago 9 New York 3. Kansas City 8 Baltimore 0. Milwaukee 4 California I. Boston 4 Minnesota 3. Detroit 0 Oakland 4. Detroit 4 Oakland I. National League: San Francisco
      Reuter  -  78 words
    • 242 27  - FAS sell half their quota of Cup tickets JOE DORAI By SINGAPORE soccer fans yesterday snapped up half of the 1,500 gallery tickets ($2) for the Malaysia Cup semi -final match between Singapore and Penan* at City Stadium on June 23, two hours after It was put on sale. Football
      242 words
    • 91 27 Snow Knight a 50 to 1 Derby shock LONDON, Wed. A 50-1 outsider Snow Knight, owned by Mrs. N Phillips won the English Derby run over 12 furlongs at Epsom today. Colonel F. HueWllllams's Imperial Prince was second and Mr. C. St. George's Olacometti finished third of 18 runners. Snow
      91 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 355 26 It's hard to make a great car better, Mazda did it with the... mjß' m i .m^l a V ■mmflmmVkat*. 1^ mmm» m^-W m^^^fe tsmmtt U| aWs-»^m mfl.^^^^ KJWMNEL '74 CAPELLA f—f y fIHB/ You've already come to know Mazda's fl V Capella Sedan. You've come to know IB j.«
      355 words

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    • 64 27 If ERY SPECIAL TAHGFASTIC OFFERS 1 AT THE HOUSE OF TANG is now on First time in the history of the House of Tang have a store wide selection of goods at very special reduced prices. Don't Miss this Tangf asiic speslal offer HURRY! OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY TILL a3OPM f|S
      64 words

  • 163 28 Science finds answer to that itch problem LONDON, Wed. British science came up today with an answer to i problem that afflicts many more people than care to admit It Itchy bottom. A good scratch Is not enough, it seems. Four years of research lie behind a new antiseptic tissue
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 72 28 NEW DELHI. Wed. Thousands of people tried to catch a glimpse of the man they believe is northern India's notorious "hammer killer" suspected of killing at least 70 people when police arrested him yesterday. Police in the northern Indian state of Rajasthan said they believe he is
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 28 28 SEOUL. Wed. Pour divers were killed yesterday when a bundle of dynamite exploded prematurely In the southern port city of Ulsan. Police said today. UPI.
    UPI  -  28 words
  • 106 28 THE arrest of four teachers and IS students on charges ,1 subversion sparked eft this confrontation between students and police at the national police headquarters in Phnom Penh. As part of their continuing campaign for the release of those arrested, Cambodian students abducted Edncation Minister
    UPI  -  106 words
  • Article, Illustration
    0 28
    0 words
  • 250 28 Nixon outlines foreign policy for lasting -peace- ANNAPOLIS iMaryA land). Wed. President Nixon, about to embark on diplomatic missions to the Middle East and Soviet Union, today outlined a broad strategy of fore'gn policy which he said would contribute to permanent peace in the world. However, in remarks apparently directed
    250 words
  • 132 28 In JERUSALEM, UN Secretary General Kurt Waldhelm arrived today and pledged full United Nations support for the Israeli-Syrian truce pact devised by Dr. Kissinger. Canadian troops transferred to UNDOF. the new peacekeeping force on the Oolan Heights, already were moving Into positions near the abandoned town of Quneltra
    132 words
  • 188 28 $290,000 gemi grab by armed raiders f ONDON, Wed— Three armed raiders blasted a Jewellery shop window with a shotgun today. stole £50 000 'Ss2W,ooo> worth gems, and fled through some of central London's most famous shopping streets as police gave chase. The raiders hit a doorman over the head
    AP  -  188 words
  • 66 28 HONOKONO. Wed. The Chinese Communist Party has called for the training of Marxist theorists In the party to deepen the current rrltlcltm campaign against former Defence Minister Lin Plao and Confucius, the New China News agency reported today. The agency, in a report monitored here, wa^
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 467 28 London. W«d Th« market cloud quietly arm and at S p.m. Ih» FT Index wu up S to tM.I. Preu comment about government relaxation of dividend restraints and hopn of lower Intenat rate* helped Bank! led th« advances naming up to lOp on balance while Glaxo was Ip
    467 words
  • 428 28  - Four pc air fares hike byIATA RANEE GOVINDRAM INCREASE COMES INTO FORCE NEXT MONTH By 'fHK International Air Transport Association (lATA) has approved a further four per cent increase in air fares effective from July 1. The increase, which include excursion fares and cargo freight, covers Europe and the Far
    428 words
  • 64 28 JAKARTA. Wed Bjrri»n Foreign Minister Abdul H*lim Khaddam will visit Indonesia this month for talk* on the Middle East situation and bilateral affairs, a Foreign Office spokesman said here today Dr. Khaddam who Is also Deputy Prime Minister, will be in Jakarta from June II to
    64 words
  • 61 28 BANGKOK. Wed Police today arrested a Japaneae businessman who has a record of maintaining a harem of Thai girl* In northern Thailand Toshio Tamamoto. 41. was arrested at a Bangkok hotel. He Is also wanted In Japan where he Jumped ball of it million yen <B*BS.7lJt ordered
    UPI  -  61 words
  • 62 28 FMANCIS LIM CMIW AVI TT, bum* away naai rally S T« taavtac asMea t MMra torn Aaa>tw. Qwii. Haary Draala. «aaskttra Jllifflil Dan*. In*. Mas let (Mr fcvktm n U«, •aa-lalaw i Paler Ckni. Mtaaa liuaMMm. iraat truaiaa. two craaaaaaa-la-law Parties l«av«« 11. Brt«hloa Crimai T«T4 <FrMar> IN »at
    62 words
  • 127 28 Soviet buildup worries Britain NAIROBI. Wed. The Britbh Government is concerned by the build uo of Soviet naval power in the Indian Ocean and elsewhere and this is a factor in its present defence review, Mr. Prank Jodd, Minister with responsibility for the Royal Navy, said here last night. After
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 146 28 |r 10%-SO% Discount SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY lst-18th JUNE 74. t&' *^-^*^frsrTi^ l a^L^kV EXQUISITE DESIGNS AND BEAUTIFUL COLOURS DINNER AND TEA SET FOR YOUR FAMILY Famous Noritake available only from MNCAPOKE MCimO (SJI.)Pn. LTD.. C.T.HOO (DMA UNION CO (FTI LTD. Sup W Ham l? 48 -8. Battery
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