The Straits Times, 3 June 1974

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 OTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 250,000 The Straits Tims Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 659 1 3,000 evacuees allowed to return home SCUNTHORPE (England), Sunday THE death toll after a huge chemical plant explosion .near here yesterday would likely be 30, the divisional police commander said today. Chief Superintendent Stanley Cranage said two bodies had been recovered and 28 people were
    Reuter  -  659 words
  • 295 1 rTEL AVTV, Sun. Two guerillas were killed in clashes during the night with Israeli security forces near Idmit Just south of the Lebanese border, an army spokesman announced. Propaganda material and explosives were found in the area, the spokesman said. This was the
    Reuter  -  295 words
  • 62 1 BANOKOK. Sun n*e student froupa have urged Premier Sanya Thammasmk's new Oovammeiit to lnveatlfate a CIA-fundad airline for alleged -Illegal praet'ecs" In Thailand, a student spokesman said today. In a joint statement, the vudent. aald Air America. *nd rone other American firms" that have operated in
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  • 150 1 PLO's 'no' to Geneva peace talks CAIBO. San. The executive con mi t tee of the Palestine Liberation Organisation said today it would not take part In the Geneva peace conference on the basis of Security Council Resolution 242, Palestine National Council (PNC) sources said. In a It-point proirramme submitted
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 574 1 When grief gave way to pride... CERTIFICATES FOR A BRAVE MAN WHO DIED TJITTERNESS, anger and grief were what Madam Uoh Soo Choo felt when her foreman husband was shot dead last month trying to stop three men from robbing his neighbour. But yesterday pride filled the heart of Madam
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  • 59 1 BANOKOK. San. The criminal cowl of Thailand's aouthera province at Nakorn Br. Hwirtl hM sentenced youth to a SI -rear-old tana on charges of rap* and murder of mi t-year-old schoolgirl, the oourt nport«d a**. The court Uaattfte* the youth as Nlkorn Stsnbatboon It. of
    AP  -  59 words
  • 50 1 MADRID, Sun The Government today nned a bank 600.000 peseta* <5M0,300) tor falling to take security precautions at a Madrid branch robbed of three million pesetas (B*l2l 800) earlier today OoTtmownl rtfmUtton published earlier this year require gaards in all banks durlnf opening boon. Renter.
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  • 685 1 Reports on crime probe in: Chua 'THE Government Is studying the recom--1 mendations of two Important committees on crime and expects that the Implementation of some of these recommendations will have far-reaching and long term effects on the crime situation In Singapore. The Minister foe* Health and Horn* At- 1
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  • 29 1 JAKARTA. Sun The Indonesian Army has sent a deUchnar-n of troops to help security lores* In their operations against coaajswnk* guerillas in Weat Kallman-
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  • 769 1 Where China backs us: Razak KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday MALAYSIAN Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak said today China had given Its approval to several f ar-r each i n g commitments regardIng overseas Chinese during his visit to Peking and Shanghai last week. Speaking at a news conference on his return
    Reuter  -  769 words
  • 31 1 DACCA. Sun The United States yesterday signed an agreement to supply UBWJM.OOO <SSI«.UIJM) worth of contraceptives and related medicine to support Bangladesh s family planning project, government sources said
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    • 72 1 OOTEMBA (Japan). San. Two papaUr racing driven war* killed today In a collision darlnj the 3SSkilometres Fuji Grand Champion race at the foot of Mt. Pall ISS kilometre* aouthwwst of Tokyo, poUoo said. Six driven and tpeetaton won Injured la a seven-ear pile ap, which killed Soilchl
      AP  -  72 words
    • 25 1 CAIKO. San. President Nixon will be gin a two-to-three day visit te Egypt »a Jut IS, wail Informed aour«m smM here today. R««ter
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 122 1 KING'S jHf SAFETY Jll shoes M wm OIL- V No. 700 RESISTANT 122. DAKOTA CRESCENT, BLOCK 36, OLD KALLANG ESTATE, SINGAPORE 14. TEL. *****1 ■S^Stllgfl em-cm* A revolution In the kitchen Place your chicken in a non-m«tal container dtp it n your Sanyo Microwave Oven Amazinejl Roast ctr Jkm m
      122 words
    • 262 1 J* ROYAL JLk i COPENHAGEN f*G AND **>fm BING GRONDAHL 'jkj^bW Danish Art Porcelain 11 K SENA (PTE) LTD. UGH CLASS JEWEUJERS BRANCHES k i SMANGR-LA MANDAHN M fife Or RAFFLES -<mS 40% GOVT TO GO ALL METRIC THIS YEAR ■•age CHIKEBE "cares" that can lead to death 3 MISS
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  • Straits Times World News
    • 283 2 'Battle goes on until total Israeli withdrawal' FkAMASCUS. Sun. *J The organ of the ruling Arab Baath Socialist Party said today the battle against Israel was continuing and would not end until Israel withdrew from all occupied Arab land and Palestinian parts were restored. The newspaper, AlBaath said the Israelis
      Reuter; AP  -  283 words
    • 374 2 700 mil may not have enough food rWARNING BY UN WORLD FOOD CONFERENCE IJOME, Sun. A United Nations agency warned here today that by 1985 there may be some 34 countries with a combined population of 700 million facing malnutrition. The UN World Food Conference organisation said that by that
      Reuter  -  374 words
    • 117 2 Whitlam back in power with five seat majority CANBERRA. Sun. Australia's Labour Government learned today :t had been returned to office with a majority of five following counting In the fink} seat of Stirling In Western Australia 16 days after the general election. The Commonwealth Electoral Officer, Mr. Frank Ley.
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    • 46 2 DAKAR. Sun. Senegal Is to enter the Miss Universe competition this year tor the firtt time. The country's represent* Uv« at the worldwide beauty contest, being held In July In Manila. U to be Miss Thloro Thlam. a 21 -year-old student Reuter
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    • 204 2 Modern day Robin Hood who rescues motorists MILWAUKEE, Sun A bicycle-riding Robin Hood is patrolling the city streets here, saving "unfortunate" drivers from the pens of the Milwaukee police force and US$5 (5512.5«) parkins tickets. Whether the actions of the modern-day archer of Sherwood Forest are legal may be up
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    • 89 2 Pak surrender: Probe to resume LAHORE. Sun. A commission of inquiry into why the Pakistan Army surrendered In what Is now Bangladesh is to resume its work after a lapse of almost two years. It was announced yesterday The secretary of the commission said In a Press statement that the
      Reuter  -  89 words
    • 56 2 PORT WALTON BEACH Florida). Sun Claudt Kidd supervised a drinking duel in which two of his patrons drank themselves to death. The bar owner then died from grief less than a week later, police say. Kidd 93. succumbed after a heart attack at his home in this
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    • 372 2 PHNOM PCNH. Sun RESEL gunners find a 107 mm rocket Into the southern section of Phnom Penh early today, the sixth consecutive day of such attacks against the capital. Military authorities said the Chinese built rocket exploded at the Kbal Thnal market near the United
      Reuter; UPI  -  372 words
    • 177 2 BELFAST Sun. Militant Protestants today celebrated "a great and glorious victory" in bringing down the power sharing Oovernent of Protestant and Catholics In Northern Ireland with their 15-day strike which ended last Wednesday. Fife and drum bands led crowds estimated by security forces at 7,000
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 423 2 PSSS^Bs] JLb^Bb^Bb^Bbß b^Bb^Bb^Bb^B b^Lb^Lb^Lb^LbV I s^T «i 3 M" LSaf^'H 111 ARROW MANHATTAN Shirts ETCETC.ETC. I ;fl ■il V P 'Long/Short SlMvei) odd uzt» 39 50 BbTMbh I sfl a^r ETCETC.ETC. [I] tfj-?\ [l] 1 3 ii'l l] 3ai ft oiLj LlKlillilfßfll^Bfll LW I(k'^H KSI V sm^BlV I! flf
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    • Briefs
      • 37 3 MANILA. Sun. TUB Philippines and Indone*>» n*ve agreed to tighten air and naval patrols In their border areas to prevent the now of arms and men to Muslim rebels In the southern Philippines, the 'Government announced today.
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      • 29 3 SANTIAGO: Mexican Foreign Minister Emllio Kaaaaa announced last night that arrangements had been made to fly Into exile 71 Chilean Leftists who aoufht political asylum In the Mexican Embassy.
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      • 35 3 BALONICA (Greece): A special military tribunal yesterday sentenced a man and wife to 22 and 12 years imprisonment respectively for taking possession through fraudulent means of land owned by Jews killed during the Nazi occupation.
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      • 29 3 LIMA: The Government yesterday outlawed the Popular Action Party, accused It of subversion and announced the deportation of a former minister in the overthrown regime of President Fernando Belaonde.
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      • 28 3 NAIROBI: President Jomo Kenyatta has pubUcly threatened to crush any attempts to form a rival political party to contest Kenya's African National Union Party In coming general elections.
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      • 24 3 MOSCOW: Police yesterday detained eight Soviet Jews who demonstrated outside a hotel for foreigners to protest the government's refusal to allow them to emigrate.
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      • 28 3 DAR ES SALAAM: A UK commission lnqulrlrg into reported Port iguese massacres of Mozambique natives has received evidence that Rhodeslan troops we're Involved, a commission source said yesterday.
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      • 35 3 QUEBEC CITY: A schoolbos fall of olrl people on their way to an island picnic apparently ran off the road M miles northeast of here yesterday killing seven people and injuring S3 others, police said.
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    • 101 3 f\AR ES SALAAM, Sun. *J FreUmo, the Motamblque Liberation Front, will start negotiations In Lusaka tomorrow with representatives of the Portuguese Government, Frellmo president Samora Machel said here today. Mr. Machel told a Press conference that Frellmo had accepted the new Lisbon Government's offer to
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    • 789 3 Pledge by Schmidt after Paris talks BONN. Sunday WEST Germany, although clearly stating that fellow EEC members, must cure their own financial illnesses, had indicated it might inject financial aid into Europe's weakening economies if a will to recover was evident. Chancellor
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    • 59 3 Ted Lurie dies TOKYO. Sun. Mr. Tad Lurie, 64. the Americanborn editor of the Jerusalem Post, died last night of a cereberal haemorrhage at at Luke's Inter-National Hospital hare. Mr. Lurte had been in a coma in the hospital since suffering the haemorrhage last May 34 while attending the annual
      Reuter; Kyodo  -  59 words
    • 57 3 N«w yowc Sub The New York drug enfnwi— ml taak force ha* hnwrHHltead narcotics distribution network with tbs arrast of ana woman and sis man of Chlnase origin and the leisure of Hve pounds of brown rack heroin valued at USIMTMO (BSI.J auiuon). The arrssu followed a
      57 words
    • 184 3 Chinese 'cures' that can lead to death WASHINGTON, Sunday qpHE Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 1 yesterday warned against the use of Imported Chinese herbal medicines that may cause a fatal blood dls The medicine* In question contain ptaenylbutaione, a powerful and potentially dangerous drug that may product the blood
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    • 143 3 Poverty led gunmen to bank siege... OACRAMKNTO, Sun. fj Two teenage gunmen who held 25 people hostage In a bank here but surrendered after being given a U*****.000 < 811,800,000) riniom, said they staged the hold-up to protest against their poverty. The youths, Brian Young, 18, and Michael Madlgan, if,
      Reuter  -  143 words
    • 214 3 Glittering pageantry as new Bhutan King is crowned rriHIMPU (Bhutan). Sun. 1 In a guttering public coronation replete with mediaeval pageantry. King Jlgme Slngye Wangchuk today became the new Dragon King of this re m c t c Himalayan kingdom. A two-mile procession of chanting Buddhist monks and soldiers, whose
      UPI  -  214 words
    • 142 3 p ANTON. Sea. Wall V> p eaters sttasalai leeal leaders m KwaactsaMr pieihiue are gatef ap In the streets ef taJs seath China etty as a aew phase ef bum erttteaam gets aad> war, ChJaese aaajfees said hen ledajr. Tk« ■w*J a**aaaT^PßJsl MSal rwttaf aiasaiia
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 231 3 How to do business in Australia j^-~A- ■*^*T^TT*""^^^BSSl __L-— SSBIU A _«.i^ I Y/Ss"^ \i^l^^\ X- T" "I Bank of New South Wales Doing business with people As the largest free-enterprise thousands of miles away can be finance, investment and banking tricky at the best of times. And in a
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    • 285 4 Italian police step up hunt for Fascist gang BRESCIA (IUly). Son. Italian police yesterday stenned U!> their hunt for richtwlnc guerillas uncovering new evidence of a rightist terror plan ultimately aimed at bringing in a Fascist Government. Police sources said it was now believed that last Tuesday's bombing in Brescia,
      Reuter  -  285 words
    • 34 4 TOKYO, Sun. A minor earthquake with an Intensity of or* on Urn Jipanami «cale of term was felt In Tokyo and iv vicinity at 10.13 pm today, the Japan Meteorological Agency reported
      34 words
    • 409 4 HONGKONG. Sunday TORMER British Prime r Minister Edward Heath today portrayed China as a firm backer of European unity. He was addressing a news conference here after what he described as a "very successful" 10-day visit to China which included a long meeting
      Reuter; UPI  -  409 words
    • 65 4 HONOKONO, Sun. China will present London Zoo with two Pandas as a gift to the British people Mr. Heath said here today. He had been told about the Pandas this morning belore leaving Canton. He said arrangements would be made between officials of the two countries'
      Reuter  -  65 words
    • 360 4 LOS ANGtLCS. Sell. A CLAIM that the Symblonese Liberation Army shot down a police helicopter was termed a "little preposterous" by police yesterday. The claim was In a letter delivered to television station KNXT late on Friday and purportedly written by the SLA. The author of
      UPI  -  360 words
    • 49 4 LONDON. Son. A 10--ye»r-old prisoner died and •nether lnmit+ was badly turned by a fit* In their etil at Wine hatter prison on Friday. Prison it4lf found the door to the cell barricaded when they tried to break, in to reacue the men. Reuter
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 687 4 ])ELAFIELD (Wisconsin), Sun. White House aide Alexander Haig yesterday called on the House of Representatives' impeachment punel and the Watergate prosecutor to stop seeking more tapes and transcripts and "get on with completing the job" of resolving the Watergate affair. Mr
      Reuter; AP  -  687 words
    • 26 4 MADRID. Sun Three paopie were killed and IS Injured when a paaenger train and > good* train collided south of bar* on Friday nlfht. Rwtar.
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    • 168 4 BRIDE OF ONE DAY SLAIN BY HUSBAND AFTER ROW POLICE SAN FRANCISCO. Bun A bride of one day was shot and killed by her husband yesterday before hundreds of shoppers in front of a downtown department store, police said. Police said a witness Roi; Sagdahl, 21. followed the assailant and
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    • 130 4 PUERTO VALLARTA. (Mexico). Sun. A friend of actor Richard Burton said here today that he and Elizabeth Taylor were going ahead with their divorce by mutual consent, but remained Kood friends. Mr. Phil Ober. himself a former actor and now honorary US Consul in this
      Reuter  -  130 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 233 4 "^^vTj^bf^ i&& *^^sa. -^^^^aWr^^Sr^ .^sssssl ssifi AtL I am^ l^^l 'P^BW m «j M Vy Bs^SSE 0&a m Mm aIbV v^ _X^^^ .^^^a^ff *SV BSSSsI -SbJta A These four mm wj^fl^^^ Bsblbsssb^ ss^Ll P '^^Jaul > jtS claaping stachines are 9 £J^BB^^^ b^bssissVw^^^S >j\i/p diaaeter to 2.1/2" diaaeter CtMr^^ aw^*
      233 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 613 5 r UEAV SPECIAL 1 TAMGFASTIG OFFERS AT TGE HOGSE OF TADIG gjjAfJMßßiiiiAA^AAi^wSSsss^^ M M^^A^^^afiM^^^iii^^^^^^^^^^^^ ■w^^^^--^bß«^^"™»^»"^^p^^»^»^^ Ay A. Ak. JlAr^ ba^Hbbbalk^* f ill I^^amiab^a^bba^bbbb alk^3 bba^^bal I I Bbmbj^^ a i^^^^^^^ x&l^^u^y^^ l^u^rrr^rnr^ a^ f M m A L i 1 1 1 a* 1 1 i+ 4 m LINEN pT^dTannonßedsheet(F,tted)
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  • 458 6 At least 75 pc in industrial sector THE public sector in Singapore will go completely metric by the end of this year, with trie industrial sector adopting it for at least 75 per cent of its operations. Mr. Baey lian Peck,
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  • 33 6 NUMBSRS picked In yesterday's Toto draw No 41/74 wan S. 17. si 17 and 40. The additional number Is M. In the circles draw, moatben wars I. XX. and 11
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  • 191 6 85,000 VISITED S'PORE IN MARCH A TOTAL of 85,033 foreigners visited Singapore in March, an Increase of 18.3 per cent over the same period last year, according to the BtngaSre Tourist Promotion lard. Australians topped the list with 13,335 vialtors (15.7 per cent), followed by Indonesians (14 per cent). Japanese
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  • 36 6 TH» Balaatler BUI Technical School Advisory Committee jrwterday atrtnad a run. Rail AaJea. at Urn Kant Chlan Cinema In Toa Payoh to raise funds for extracurricular activities and award of bunarias to needy students.
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  • 63 6 Govindasamy to attend two conferences NTUC Secretary for Research and Training, Mr. N. Oovlndasamy. has left for Geneva to attend two International conferences. Be wUI attend the ICFTU World Conference on Migrant and Stateless Workers for two days beginning today. Mr. OovtiMlasamy. who is aim MP for Telofc Blangatv will
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  • 29 6 To cost $1.5 m SANITARY and water ln»--tallaUon to flva blocks of 31--•torey flaU containing a total of 400 units at Slclap ■aft Coaat reclamation ctu win east $1*77.000
    29 words
  • 267 6 rl Identity of the owner of the runaway pontoon. Bver Success, which broke loose from Its tow-Une and mashed Into 10 pleasure boats and a kelong en May 3s, remains a mystery. The 100 ft long pontoon whieb had drifted Into the One Say Ctaor
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  • 273 6 ONI sw» way of "grounding" these five flight stewardesses firm Korean Airlines Is getting them a husband each, as they themselves admitted. ■■Once a wooian Is married, she Belongs to her husband and her one and only Job Is to
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  • 200 6 Schoolbus owners keen on park-and-ride plan cCHOOLBUS owners taking part In Scheme B of the supplementary transport service are keen to take part in the shuttle service to be Introduced early next year under the Government's park-and-rlde scheme In the Central Business District. Mr. Tan Song Mong, chairman of the
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  • 43 6 ■T. AKTHONY's Church at US m» Mandal Roe,d win NUnto the Patron Fsast OB JUM Than will be three mi mm at 7 ».m. IM a-m and 10 am A prnnsinn wUI he held at Urn church pounds SI MB,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 385 6 B. EOT B^^ki SI Hal IJj I MWlmvonii.a 'I BB BBIV. mV^^^Bbl m H Ml BhOHL m MWMPt SL^^^flSj \A-m bY Jtwa^> f*> II v k *^SLJDHmI B^l Hp I I ls€ml Br9 Kl'i E bsmbwH ■'■^r^ J IWi ■Vrwl mi* B I Bwsm I a^d MMVwVnMr^l Emsw^ I ImhAwM
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    • 82 6 H Anuaol 1 The maiority of haemorrhoids or piles require no surgery Itching, bleeding, pain and general discomfort can be easily treated with Anusol Fast acting Anusol reduces these symptoms, protects against infection, shrinks piles, and generally soothes This encourages healing to proceed naturally and quickly Anusol for long lasting
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    • 112 7 KUALA Ll'MPl'R. San.— Miss Johore. Lily Chong, (above) 29. was crowned 1974 Miss Malaysia here last nliht The Batu Pahatborn air hostess, who was Mis* Fashion Queen 71 and Miss Prniicaram Club 73, beat 12 other contestants in the finals. The first and second runners-up
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    • 230 7 Miners: New tin prices realistic will be boosted* KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday TIN circles here today described as "realistic" the new price range for tin as announced _by the International Tin "Cooncil in London on Friday. The new floor price is $850 a picul as against $635. The new ceiling price
      230 words
    • 151 7 All set for King's birthday rally KUALA LUMPUR. Sun All Is set for the rally to be held at the Selangor Club padang on Wednesday to celebrate the 4«th birthday of the Yang Dlpertuan Agung About 2.000 school children took part In a full dress rehearsal here today. On Wednesday,
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    • 30 7 IPOH. Bun. The 330 illegal aquartcr* who have erected their ftouaea on state land near Jelapang new village here have been given last warning to quit by tomorrow.
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    • 194 7 'Take special care' call to Chinese KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday iiome Affairs Minister Tan Sri Ohazall n Shane has appealed to Malaysians of Chinese origin to 'take extra care" to avoid being misunderstood. Such people should make the utmost effort to lire In harmony with the local environment, he said in
      194 words
    • 40 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun Th* European airbus A JOOB the world* only ahort-to-medlura rang* wtda-bodted aircraft will touch down at Bubang Airport on June U tor demonatratton flight* th* following day. Two demonstration fllghta will be held.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 207 7 LIMITED STOCK ONLY! LAUMt TEAKPIY CAWED PANEL DOOR. Solid core laminated carved or raised panel doors with superb design and exquisite workmank I'tii ship. Both sides sur-a-i pgfMi faced with specially imported lauan carved panels trimmed with sunken or raised moulding. For further enquines Telephone *****/ *****2 OR WRITE TO:Ifj
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    • 328 7 Fuji Bonk. TncfCf Everywhere. Fuji Bank has gone international. With offices in all of the world's major financial centers. For help with international banking, from overseas remittances to syndicated loans, please contact the Fuji Bank office nearest you. In South East Asia, Oceania, Japan, Europe, Middle East, North America and
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 263 7 Straits Times Crossword ACKOSS contrive to produce a 1 Cbftkeepewe cfaermctar. chib? famaJ*. ob)ect to go b*e Sbow* tnfWnettrni to wither, in general S NaUf* return* gin to Scot 7 Arts and archdeacon In without hesitation (■>. black (l> t Stack* fruit In oantege Perhaps tending to blame, (g). in
      263 words

  • 234 8 MORE than I>M students from Singapore Polytechnic covered a 12-kilometre course for charity yesterday morning. The two-hour charitbon from the Prince Edward Road campus to the Ajer Rajah campus was organised ky the students union to raise akout U»,— tot charity organisations under
    234 words
  • 366 8 Support for checking 'shipping crooks' I OCAL shippers are all for a special body to help check the growing activities of "unscrupulous elements" In the shipping industry among other things. They particularly want action against those who vanish with cargo tx longing to others and those who slip away without
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  • 68 8 Secretaries' membership drive THE Singapore Association of Personal and Executive Secretaries will launch a membership drive to Increase Its strength to at least 500 members. Mrs Naty Chua, chairman ot the mem berth lp committee raid that SAFES, which now has fewer than 300 members hoped to upgrade professional skills
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  • 33 8 THI ParUamontary 8«c»--tary (Horn* Aifaln). Mr lim Oumn Hoo and MP for R>d Hill wiu tour his constitusney In ocnnoeUon with the current »ntl-crtme easapalgn 00 June 16, U and 9*.
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  • 27 8 MR Baey LUn Pack, chalrmao of the Metrication Board Is reprteanUng Singapore at the Paclne Metric Ooovcr•Job Confertnoo In Lac. Papua New Guinea until Sunday
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  • 329 8 Engineers plan to form a watchdog committee THE Institution of Engineers. Singapore (lES). might form a watchdog committee to liaise with the various sections of the profession "to ensure that pro t esslonallsm survives Mr. Michael BP Lee, the newly-elected president f.t IBS, suggested this In his Inaugural ad dress
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  • 296 8 Keeping 2 'flying boys under his wings pLAYINO father to tvu 1 active air cadets from the United States poses no problem to Col Eugene Kervin of the Pacific Region Star; and former wing Commander. He Is an "old hand" at the role, having been scoutmaster for more than eight
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  • 74 8 THE Minister for Finance has appointed the following to be memben of the Jurong Town Corporation for a further period of seven month* from June 1: Messrs Hiew Slew Nam. Tan Teck Khun. Lee Ek Tleng. Chan Sik Kwan, Bernard Chen A. B Pragasam. Alan F C
    74 words
  • 127 8 ABTXIAL efiee Mut« to •til tw muMMnUve run win kc Mi up »t the foyer of the it*i brilluuli fas Newton Rood from Tuesday to Jane The sUaap* lit de ■■■<■■«■■■ of It eenU and 7$ ee*U. wars designed ky local artist Mr. WlUlam Lee to mark
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 112 8 i^brabantia I POTATO-CHIPPER PEELER 1 t;^ UANHUPOtL *«M REFINERY (PTt) LTD MR Loron« Mafcam Spo« X) W *****1. 5A3428 •.•.•as^AUJEO INTERNATIONAL 1 K»ton9.ROBoi?I,SPOWt)S TV *****0.9>r>O*^__^^^___ m >•>■ %ai* "'^uSuflt'gHa^uMu^u^u^ußs^u^u^u^u^u^ul T gSBBBBESBBBsI > V*^hP^hHßS" iKL J"* "'^UB EuiHa^2H*^HuiuU N m -K^- a^^u^u^u^ui usaT^^uiS^^^uiJ uTsßi 1 1 mi" sT^I usa^uiSßM E_^#^flV B
      112 words

  • 96 9 TSHUI YIN WINS BEETHOVEN STATUETTE lIM Tihui Tin (above), a pre university student of St. Nicholas Girls School, won the open section of the 19th annual music competition at the National Stadium Theatrette. Tshui Yin, who won four other first prises In music competitions, received the Phillips Award the Beethoven
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  • 818 9  - CALL FOR NEW FIN ANCE Bank in RIVATE ECTOR CHIA POTEIK To help small and medium sized firms By fHK financial needs of small and medium sized firms in Singapore are not being sufficiently met and consideration should be given to the establishment of a development finance bank in the
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  • 59 9 AN exhibition of oil pslatlngs and batik paintings by five local artists U being held at the Asian Artists Oallerlts in Ming Court Hotel until Friday between 10 am and 9 p m daily The artist* are Choo Keng Kwang. Jaafar La tiff Jasudl Mohrt
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  • 94 9 nnHREE students, ln--1 eluding a girl, have passed the University of Singapore final examination for the degree of Bachelor of Architecture. They are Miss Chla Lay Yong. Mr. 00l Tlong Seong and Mr. Llany Hawkln. The following candidates have obtained provisional pause* In the subjects
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  • 69 9 pRIMA Flow Mill 1 Ltd. in Kernel Boad has reported the loss of *M Backs of flour valued at Sl4.M* from its lodown at Krpprl Road on Saturday at 4M p.m. A spokesman for thr Mill said yesterday that wharchoaae supervisor Mr. Loo Lea«(
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  • 257 9 Harder now to work through US college FOREIGN students studying In the United 1 States will no longer find it easy to work their way through college. Applicants for visas to I study In the United Btates must now show that they hare enough funds to cover their expenses In
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  • 79 9 A 27-YKAR-OLD man was charged In the First Magistrate's Court on Saturday with murdering the proprietor of a plumbing firm at Lorong 14, Oeylang, on Thursday night. 00l Xk Ouan alias 00l Alk Ouan is alleged to have subbed Chla Teck Chy*. W. alias Bunny at
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  • 164 9 Work on central bus workshop begins rIE Singapore Bu Service has began work to set up s centralised workshop at the former Singapore Traction Company bos depot In MacEensie Boad. It to understood that the workshop to be completed next month will pave tae way for the establishment of a
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  • 109 9 150 <sc youths at sports meet QJOME 150 youths from »3 13 community centres took part In a sports meet, organised by the combined youth sub-committees of the Tlong Bahru and Kirn Tian Community Centres, yesterday. The meet, held in conjunction with a three-day Youth Activities Week, Is to commemorate
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  • 58 9 25 to climb Gunong Tahan TWENTY-PTVK members of the YMCA will scale Ounong Tahan In Pahang on Friday morning. The team will take about eight days to climb the mountain Members are npecUd to be return to the bass headquarter* on June 14 They sight -see the next day. and
    58 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 759 9 EmP/^ fmil^iaUja^aikiafcg Tour DELHI KASHMIR, visiting the Taj Mahal, Red Fort, the Mughal Gardens, Shalimar... the abode of love, Gulmarg... ringed by the snow capped Himalayas, Yusmarg serenely beautiful with pine and fir forest, and spend 5 wonderful days on a houseboat on Dal Lake. TOUR PRICE FROM ONLY $1,600
      759 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1899 10 s=jfTz i Maiji i^th pay ti i^ L^wMßwlfflißwAwS! 4 bmBB rWnimi fe^fi tlBUk. A SHEErnJCHTOF EXOTMC >qk A Br BT I Bf B^Ba^ ■U H I I UTITTkW WJafTVaDBM TMfRATr-iM.nrt.nT < AOVCVTURE IN THE NEW ft) BW BT Bf^^^^^i^^B| £jßt *WBa«yBtB» aim Ta»s •h« ct» MDSitM uwtopoto jl j atv^.
      1,899 words

  • 344 11 'Diet one of the causes of stomach cancer TVDCTORS hen? be- Ueve that diet Is one of the causes of stomach cancer, the most corrmon cancer In Singapore, although this theory has not been proved medically yet. They say the causes for the rise In stomach cancer have yet to
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  • 16 11 AN European Airbus A-33 will give a M-mlnute demonstration flight over Singapore or. June 13.
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  • 550 11 Restricted transport scheme will cost less An acceptable alternative TRANSPORT in the restricted rone of the central business district will be more economical and less frustrating when the park and ride scheme starts functioning in March next year. The shuttle bus service which will carry car owners and others from
    550 words
  • 33 11 INCOME received S9l applications for policies for 15.M8.536 in sun assured in April. Mr A.T. Shimpi, its general manager, said this was reatly In excess of each of the previous months."
    33 words
  • 188 11 /XttTTRACT ye h 1 cles v^ which operate under the supple mentary transport "A" scheme are Increasing their hire rate by 20 per cent frcm today. These vehicles, Including lorries, school buses and mini vans, are used to carry workers from pick-up
    188 words
  • 132 11 SPECIAL BUS SERVICE FOR SAF DISPLAY NINE special bus senlces will take commater* direct to Chaagi a r base for the three-dajr Singapore Armed Forces display beginning on Friday. riacards with the words "To SAF d splay at Changi only" will be shown on bases on the ■pedal sen lee.
    132 words
  • 55 11 MR. Tan BUk Yong J7. a contractor of Chin Construction Company, ha* reported theft of a M.500 welding machine from a construction alte at Hor.g Kan Drive. He toM police that n« tort the machine at the alte on Friday It was ml— lnf whan he
    55 words
  • 303 11 Loving 'bad men comes naturally for Gitte! CHE sat there poised, elegant and said: "I'm mad about bad men." Net surprising really for she's tte wife of nlmdom's Mr. Dracula. And she hastened to add with a chuckle. "Only In films, that Is." Mrs. Oltte Lee, 39 year cd Danish
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  • 264 11 Making room for more trade trainees npHE Industrial Train- inf Board Is to expand and renovate Its vocational Institutes to cope with an Increasing number of applicants. The project, to cost about $3.3 million, will cover the Ponggol Vocational Institute, the Singapore V.I the Jurong VI, and the Singapore Technical
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  • 11 11 THKRI war* 74 trmfle accidents, six atrtous. on Saturday.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 247 11 Brtnfian Pp WmtHmr My BUI Kavtnt|h 4k Hal Camp i mops r oont wttct upTI K~*~*^* tOCNT w*»«l ><jio«e>w*9» \.\-nmmAnm iam TStg&omcrntSmFy WIH v*u 7T-b»*l afc_wrr»u*«> 1 moortdh wrr* th« man. V I jV^ ■MOMS /•nysuK ksunt*w .At A\ imr ■> i» J f* By CHI« T— I YOU
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  • The Straits Times
    • 477 12 rE guns of Golan are at last silent. The carnage has been halted, prisoners are being exchanged and arrangements are underway for a withdrawal of troops and the positioning of a UN bufferforce on the Golan Heights. It Is dangerous to predict trends In the Middle East but
      477 words
    • 123 12 T*HE Schmidt-d'Estalng weekend-summit ended in a reafflrmation of European unity and a recommitment to the economic and political ideals of the European Economic Community. It was agreed that West Europe should turn its back on petty squabbles and give its mind, again, to planning continental cohesion.
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  • 446 12 The memory of poet lingers on By HEDRICK SMITH pEREDELKINO, (Rusa sia): A cool breese wafted through three tall pines and a cove of birches where scores of Muscovites, young and old, last week made an annual pilgrimage to the grave of Boris Pasternak in this writer's colony outside Moscow.
    NYT  -  446 words
  • 601 12  -  DAVID LAHLICHT By Saigon A SUDDEN surre in the unending war, added to an inexorable economic squeeze, point to a time of uncertainty as deep as any this agonised country has known. South Vietnam lurched dangerously close to full-scale war aram at (he end
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  • 1166 12 STILL around? Good -oh. I thought I'd lost all of you, what with my two weeks enforced absence. I hope you missed me as much I missed you. I could give you three guesses about what made me keep a safe distance from my battered Olivetti— battered by
    1,166 words
    • 163 12 Even removal of phones takes time OUR telephone system is becoming something of an international Joke. Foreigners who have come here to set up business have told me about the Inexplicable delays in the Installation of telephones. It would appear that nobody can expect to have a phone connected earlier
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    • 220 12 MAUREEN Chua's article "Operation that didn't work" (8.T., May 23) may cause members of the public to think that vasectomy Is not a reliable form of birth-control. The man whose wife conceived after his vasectomy was quoted as saying that a "private practioner" took "five minutes" to do the "simple"
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    • 118 12 I FREQUENTLY visit the Cultural Centre in Port Canning Rise and have enjoyed many a good stage play and film-show there. My evenings however, would be better If I am not treated to a steam bath while sitting downstairs. I have often sweated profusely even when the air -conditioners were
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    • 77 12 I HAVE had occasion (many times, In fact) to come across errors in addition or subtraction In my Post Office Savings Bank passbook. This necessitated my going back to the post office for correction, which was very inconvenient. To Improve the efficiency of the services that the POSB provides Its
      77 words
    • 43 12 T' HE television series, MASH, is one of my favourite programmes. However, it Is being shown too late in the night. As we are early risers, we would appreciate if the programme cr<uld be televised at an earlier hour. LILLIAN POO, Singapore IS.
      43 words
    • 119 12 nrß wish to refer to the TT letter from "Not a gasbag" (ST.. May n>. We wish to Inform the writer that any electrical appliance that exceeds the rating of 13 amps will not be permitted to be used in our Bmrd's flat's. However. appliances having rating less
      119 words
    • 58 12 Please refer to the letter by "Bagle" (ST.. May 2S). regarding the "Keep Singapore crimefree" campaign which was officially launched on June 2. We are pleased with the writer's Interest and support for the cam paXgn. Brochures and pamphlets on crime prevention will be distributed at all exhibition centres TOO
      58 words
    • 39 12 JRBPTtR to the letter m by "Latent Cancers" (8.T., May IT). It would be appreciated if the writoV CDuld contact the undersigned with further information so that the matter can be looked Into. BOON TUAN TIB, PmaUe laulkai nilmi
      39 words
    • 44 12 hQaictry of Lahear. pLKASB refer to the r letter by Basher regarding frequent accidents along Jalan Ang Teng. off Airport Road (8.T.. May 4). The matter wIL be looked into by the traffic authorities. TtONO KUM KEE. rmhUe Balatieaa Officer, ■atamtry ef Nattoaai Development.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 22 12 Tine FirstScralrcln -P r °ofe3Sj 1 BaVa^^^^a^Lsar Ctiwiff L5jC J 91 D*v-d»i* DIASTAR No 8 *"•"•">< Top Quality Sw— WXcli ScrMt*»-proof ratal S
      22 words
    • 438 12 PACKAGING YOUR PRODUCTS GICTT erafk, We manufacture s wide variety of PVC extended packaging^gAj suit your requiraajfl and your pro_S bring out VO^J presentable H econom teal "Sa^J Shown are some wK7T^"Ja^H have produced. More and more products manufacturers^! I are using us. What about I BJJ you I WRITE
      438 words

  • 85 13 Price tags: SMA study 'THE Singapore Manu- facturers Association is conducting a survey among its 685 members to study how it can extend the Government's price tagging scheme to cover a wider range of consumer items. At present, price tagging Is mandatory for 15 essential commodities but Mr. Cng I«ng
    85 words
  • 68 13 JAMILAH MAKES A 999 EMERGENCY CALL CX Jamilah Sitll, 14, a student, trying to put through a 999 emergency call at the Crime Prevention exhibition at Victoria Memorial Hall yesterday. Looking on are Miss Lee Boon Yong (left) and Clk Noornneatam Lai Khan (both in uniform) of the police radio
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  • 61 13 SILO and PIEU wUI hold a special delegates conference at Soorts House. Farrer Park. on Tuesday and Wednesday. The delegates will be asked to endorse the resolutions adopted by the NTUC extraordinary delegates conference regardlng the NTUC cooperatives. Income. Welcome and Denticare. They will also be asked
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  • 84 13 GM opens $14mil regional base THE General Motors Overseas Corporation has opened a $14 million regional distribution centre for Asia at Jurong Town. The centre, which was officially opened by the MP for Jurong. Mr. Ho Kah Leong on Friday, is geared to distribute over 60 000 different Industrial engine
    84 words
  • 262 13 Tower to go: Firm won't take a cent MATSUSHITA EleciTl trie Co. of Japan will not accept a cent In compensation for its $750,000 National neon tower*) and showroom which the Govern ment plans to tear down this month, to make way for an urban renewal project. This, says Its
    262 words
  • 81 13 NEW PLAN FOR PUBLIC EXAMS rl Ministry of Education has approved a new scheme for public examinations in the national language to be* held in August/September in 1976-77. Tba owmtnottons will bt coodttod by a Board of Brantnars ast up by tbo Mtalatry. OartUlcatM will bt awarded to aueeooVul candhiatoo.
    81 words
  • 21 13 THB YiiCA yoosontay mmxUA Its ato naataai roller akattßf cawoo lor bojaltuMtm. The ckat wiu ba bosi trwy •undo*,
    21 words
  • 285 13 Urgent need to check rise in crime 'P HE month-long Keep Singapore Crimefree campaign has been launched because there is an urgent need to check the upward trend in crime. Commissioner of Police Mr. Tan Teck Khim said this at the opening of the campaign and Police Week 1974 at
    285 words
  • 78 13 THE 'GOOD SPORTS' OF SEMAKAU GOCIAL Affairs Minis- ter, Encik Othman Wok. yesterday complimented tne Islanders of PuUu Semakau and its neighbours on their way of promoting good neighbourllness through sports. He was opening Pesta 4-8, a sports meet among four Islands off the Singapore mainland, at Pulau Semakau. He
    78 words
  • 56 13 CONSTRUCTION »orter Quefc Tent Soon. 15. who fell three floors from an uncompleted building an Malacca Street last Friday, vms reported to be Improving at the Outrun Hospital. Quek. according to police. wm working on the sixth floor when he fell off and landed on the third
    56 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 143 13 X NITTO CABLE JOINTING MATERIAL Satf-fuaing EPT Rubber Tape. No.ilEP Seal-fusing Butyl Rubber Tape. N0.12F SeN-fueing butyl Rubber Tape (non-separator) No.l 0 Semi-oonduoting Butyl Rubber Tape. No.iOS Chloroprene Adheaive Tape. No.l 7W Seat-fusing Insulating Pad. Joint Cover (PVC tape ia alao suppliable.) OTHER NITTO PRODUCTS. N.ToHon Products. •PVC. Topes. •Electncol
      143 words
    • 465 13 SERVICE DEPARTMENT ■IS MORE THAN JUST A NAMEONADOOR We provide the transport, shipping, engineering and allied industries with a wide range of specialized services, including: I «9 General machining, grinding and reclaiming of all types of shafts. I Comprehensive fuel injection equipment repair. IQ Hydraulic and industrial equipment repair. I
      465 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 238 13 TV SINGAPORE (5) Irt HA <« 1? Tr *o> Malay) Ul News ia Brief US IU.UU and Test Transmis Animal World— Turtles of the Sulu sion (Colour) IN Trade am! Test Sea 7 JI Make Room for DaddyTransmisxion (Colour) ).M Open- Toonoose, The Matcaswker TJI mg and Veedum Naadua (Taatil)
      238 words
    • 635 13 1 TV MALAYSIA (3) CAA m Sammary SJ4 Mouse QAAN Araaa Sukan Ul D.UU FKtory SM Irama O.UU reristim LM NSC Ul mTSJ JS 'Sff? {ft "St! W«t MiwiUr-i Soaaca at the Owia raadiiiluw Ml Spaas Buuy NltloMl front ll S* 1 IM Tha Brady Baack IJI Kaleido- Club Padani
      635 words
    • 21 13 WATfJt BoaioajßapM**) on Satardar was IM ■illl— xaJlena <M4.--•H eeaao aaeUea). tj million fattens (UJM eaiM* aaoUoo) raere than en Pridar
      21 words

  • 1236 14  - Chilling pattern of crime by 'Angels' CHARLES FOLEY CITY ROCKED BY WAVE OF MURDERS By San Francisco |T appeared to be a routine crime. Someone had walked into Erakat's Grocery and Delicatessen at 452 Larkin Street in San Francisco on a quiet Sunday morning .uid shot the owner in the
    OFNS  -  1,236 words
  • 317 14  -  PATRICK CLOUGH By rE Italian postal service, the press warns. Is beading for a total breakdown. To the average citizen the difference between that and the present situation Is Purely academic. Invitations arrive weeks after the party is over. Summer holiday postcards arrive If they
    317 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 696 14 Yom eyes must have vitamin A Get it from Vita Rohto eye drops Your entire body benefits from vitamins. But trouble, vitamin A will protect the area the one your eyes need most is vitamin A. Without of infection and. at the same time, encourage the it. your eyes are
      696 words
    • 190 14 Ly^^TcHAMPION CHAMPION Choose Champions and I W fit them yourself. M I^^ They're the spark plugs I j^Jj your car really needs. automotive outlets. II i^fi] (t\^4l spark plugs from dirt and II \^K> IS dampness. So whether I \--apV V/ \BP H/ you fit them yourself or I \>^\/
      190 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1339 15 CDIUIHfIBMIP UITICt Tl W CMIItm b i^m. Uiraf fwi Inn unrt UK. HHiajt HMI kf>(l 4|—t j,^ j. aj—| till HMI lIMM lIMM IMk MMM 11 Mk •MM lITtM HIM aMm aMm II Mk II Mk 11 Ml UMI m" mt nmm n iMt aMk aMk a m:i ii Mk
      1,339 words
    • 1017 15 Stan P. MMaj PMMt UMMI MT: FIIUMI MM I MM I MM M CnttOMl. MBiM. SS ITS Mil PMTt.IM.IM Mk M Mk M Mk rMiaMIM PITMC4M Mk II MH I <* "TrSTI PMMCTMM M<4 MII Mtl mMMjM, H OrMM, PMMin Ml Mill aa| HOMiO*. MM: MAWnEU SMTM JOrtlCn PTI IT!
      1,017 words
    • 977 15 Tl IMIt: r>Mj vmm rM < ton t MIM Id. t«tni FIMM lllsrjs? ,ns .1-? ?s sz vssr »m mm .5 sa 'is 'mm, S& l 3 sa 5S 33 MMMM aMk MM* 11 Mt U kaj II Mt II M IMM IMH MM IM| aMJ MMJ BMt aM MMI
      977 words
    • 915 15 KjajJijj^k^KJßL—^t^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^LT^Mk^MMM^^r^^ir^a^^^^^^M m P^| FULLY COWTAINIKIZtD SItVICI TO KUKOM Maltn FM: HW*«^*aia^ A- -J »«^aaaAW V I I Uaial |||W Imm It "BnaTtWi, ASJtWfJM. MnVtrp, Lt MfTI. Ba'mmTV.".::::: i.,^ H«»>jrt im, imim. ■ffc^ijAji^M U AbmWi rjLfUaAMjMM aakMHaA MMUrVuin Mt SlocUata. OIM. r»i««lu. Unil-i lUimmi. CMMJ T«M: ttl I MM) PO. I
      915 words
    • 649 15 ItM tIM 44« P. Kmmmj *S4l; I A. *****; P%mmmj ISMI. TRB BAMK UMM LTD. urn* m l i j. mwu. .ITMM dafriUMWl P MMa, 11/ M MM lIM I/M MM TIITIM (CMMMIMMt P.MMI Start tMIM MUM (Mm. I. MMMI 1 1 «<M» P MMaj Itm Ma I tan MMMMM
      649 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 710 16 l^^-* 1 KAWASAKI KI&EN KABHA LTD UMASAD UKAI VSM IASM ITI UPAM, MMNMR. STMIH StWICL MM MMItMIt *^Sl •MMMMJ HAM M MMM aTiapir r~" lll l Ka— mmmm j, N ,-AnMu OHM Swto* |.atMn Mai MMM Clll»ll/a— iMjJ— pfllMMfM nMlW M|lil Emmm-Ammm-. Japan/ ••ut- At»l«-W«M AtoU* tarrta* W TI_U««M».II »M«
      710 words
    • 813 16 I EAUTY LINK l t U.I. KiITT lim $M»il 7 to* 11 mm li Lt.T. KMTT MT I*rikan JMM 7MM Mmm. LS.T. IBWP TarakM la Nrt 11m Momwl lil NMfUM Mmh 7toM Imm UMiMll. BtMTTWT Mmili ItoM MM- K-MMf HMnvUM kawli k-kc ItoM Mmili. MMM HKfMRf ItoM MtoM Mmili UM
      813 words
    • 840 16 U.K. IUtOW MKVICI LOADING KM LONOCH. tOTIUOAM, HAMMItG. P.IIIAO, U HAVII lll^Mil i P KMMf P*M*t IMMM *»m mm I ruatf mm Jmi M/n imi u/ti i—t ti mm mm* iwi MPTMtIMBMa MMM/IMI V 4 Mr I -I AKKIYALS F»OM NOBTM-WUT tUKOMAN POtTS AND LONDON > N**M P MUM UMIln
      840 words
    • 656 16 bwps samct ti l— w. Lwpwa/cwT-Brr wro T«. Mm. tntMm P. Punt I— an Mm MM HMW I IM> W/Itaa I MkM 1/7. UMM IV7 I'M»! tnmmnn. <fwx 17/7 «f n/7. MM* MUTI 4/ I JMI l/ll MM IVI4J— I It HMTt Ja/7. I'PM( 4/1. Mr— 10 I. Munuiii wniM>
      656 words
    • 758 16 SHIPS IN DISTRESS CALL *<mS >■ -Bi Ttltptiom truMll 1 77 X^ V*v!\ Clblil SMvwiaw S'xqmxx. tCLCO OPPUJTOMS CKHTW-, 5.^p0..;2 CHANDRIS UNES M.S. "PATRIS" VOY. M 8 BERTHING: AlongsW* PSA. godowns 31 and 32 at 0700 hour* on 1/6/74 Entry via gate no. 2 EMBARKATION: Between 1500/ 1700 hours on
      758 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 568 17 Applications are invited from suitably qualified Male I Singapore Citizens for the following positions: (I) INSTRUMENT MAINTAINER AGE 24 -35 years QUALIFICATIONS Secondary education with good knowledge of English. Craft oartific»'» or equivalent in the field of electronics would be desirable EXPERIENCE: 4 yesrs working experience in the installation and
      568 words
    • 624 17 \(Gr\ WW.IC UTIUTI»|\ WATER DEPARTTMENT ASSISTANT ELECTRICAL SUPERINTENDENT (JOHORE) ($880—1650) Certificate of Competency as 2nd Oracle Electrical Engineer without Restrictions issued, by the Chief Electrical Inspector, States of Malaya. Must rt*ve suitable experience in the operation and maintenance of nigh voltage dlesel generating plants of up to 1900 kW, swltchgearo
      624 words
      491 words
    • 508 17 wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmam THE SINGAPORE SOCIETY OF ACCOUHTAHTS Assistant Registrar The Society wishes to appoint an Assistant Registrar who will be responsible to the Registrar for the following duties:— (a) Corresponding with members of the Society and dealing with all matters concerning membership of the Society; (b) Attending meetings of committees of
      508 words
    • 626 17 J CAREER OPPORTUNITY FOR LIQUOR SALES EXECUTIVE LIQUOR SALES REPRESENTATIVES In line with its expansion programme, wellestablished European Compcny seeks one sales representative and one executive for internationally known brands of liquor. Qualifications/Experience •to A few years' experience in the liquor trade. ■to Good contacts with liquor dealers. ft Initiative,
      626 words

    • 1506 18 A 8 tTTto U rm4m* ta. ■■■>■■«■ Tli mbtohw «fcly tkulM wMi rf ulirtil tea MM m, Ik* Suck KiduMi *f Maaaaam. Tkt yw'.WWuJ Uw. w* Ml*w«d kjr ta. wmk't ■.■■■l. la priw mmt !■■«>■ wMa catena!** «rWaaa ytoU* aad p« aria* Mraiag ratiM. NOTK: Clmik Prior
      1,506 words
    • 151 18 TOKTO. Sat Fruua on x tho Tokyo Stook Bxebaago surged aboad today with th* Dow-Jon*. a*urag* enmatae to a now high tor th* yoar. Th* Etov-Jona* avorag* «m* up 14 SS to ekao at 4.757.54 white to* Haw Indo> rom ».TS to MSJS point*. Today* cJoatof prtoas In fan
      151 words
    • 742 18 TH K following i> liM tf (iMtatioa far lII* w**k v Friday. May Jl far imiki ml latludW la Ik* waafciy •har* aßalvtlr Pric* awvmmM haaad a* a eiipariaia af L»i mtm on Mar 11 aad Mar 14 a< iai»« la hraakata. a. l. 136 103 A
      742 words
    • 251 18 NBW YORK. Frl. Tho stook market flniahod I anghUy lowor In lothargle trading today rtor an ok- pasted roductton in the prime lending rate did not I »-far«fHn BoOrtlng tho markKa indifferent ton*, the Dow- Jonea mduatrlal awarag* Oniahod off 1.41 pointe at M9.IT. n* low for tho
      251 words
    • 75 18 FINANCIAL TOai Friomy ...Tn?. mM t^™^ tM? W*Ok a«O MM BVBBBBS rncmj ***** Thursday TTo T-SLr SUS WmsTa»_. Sj« WnUSTBUALS »«*M J7IJ Thursday StM Wo* ago as* J DOW iONBSAVKBAOB nroutTBIALS *™*f sm.n Thonday Worn ago suss LONDON DQLLAB FBBMIUM frt^y. 44*4 to a Thursday 44 to«4H% B.K.KANOSKNO
      75 words
    • 152 18 Company meetings Tli* foDowftng BMoungs ar* do*: VakM FmoaaSlan* Baa.: Jun* a, 10 JO Jn, WlgitaTli Omeo. at Jondanta butt TsHk Aaoon. Malaysia. kataramu momlm Bha.: Jun* 7, noon. Damaaaara nighU, Kuala Lumpur •tow Far Bnmni lateraauml Ud.: Jun* S. noon. Jurong Boom. ahangrl-La BotoL Stofapor*. Prism (Flaw Mint) LM-:
      152 words
    • 125 18 AMmWDAM. Prt. Bdoiotuus firmed agataiat an oaasr wend m I>rtdi International* tottay. Shlppan oaaM while plantattona. baaki and Insuiamoi won tnlnd and tnfiilwint funds flrmod aluntlf Dutch kteals nmw narrowly mix**, with goaw ted by OH inn, Cklw. Ms« and Pakhosd. whut VKC. Boor. Batookon and Bsitom w«rs wmkor.
      125 words
    • 45 18 PrtOajr Itaiaw IMS «M Miaiaii (1) IM.M IM.M i utn istw MM lOT.SO I*l M Baaaaaa* ihm mm savtca m.wu IM.SM ISS-OM Pal* MCSB 155.41 Im (t) IMNI ISS.MU ISS.SSS ISI.MS ■mi I prtaa ia aaa-t—as d) Aarttama OriMn par mmm <*) At— <■
      45 words
    • 30 18 I utai cm n »rta* mi FrMay QiiUm ft> >m>iti). Wwaaar SOM tavar txjtm «l.«M> atftan O.SK (U.«M>: Tbm ■1111 l kwv il Ml «S.Sa» MUan IMU (O.SBS).
      30 words
    • 23 18 OBthtfew n*ii aw* W.« —tmr was at S.OMS/ I.MSS tar V.V. aaa ettM tar —I mm wm «M 4 at SSTM
      23 words
    • 65 18 7OBJCB. FH. Aftor a wuak opuam, urn stook markot emmd on a ■in bat ftrmarbaaw itotfay. aands wan ossMly bstmr. Th* CmdaTsSm Indm wa* m*rgtn*ny mgbor at IMA up M. Th* Cradlt sutaw indn CtaMBS Irtaa la f>aaa> wta ta« a* mrtaa* mmi prtaa: MM Bataa» UU Ss- 'g
      65 words
    • 170 18 M. GOOOUCH Of the US, whose shares have Just been listed In London. Intends to boost rapital tj»tM<fTi£ thu »bh next year to U8$l» million annually from last year's $106 million, chairman P. Pendleton Thomas said. About a third of the 1974 spending will be overseas and the
      170 words
    • 161 18 ASIAN win icy iwuji de- potfU rmta tor ttw rnk Prkkky Mv ll: Uw 1 mtto 13 1/10 11 1/16 1 mlhi lift UW I mth. li n$ nun 11% ii n/ie wottm 11 10 H IS mUn 10 U/l« 10 11/16 »w It Hick Ut 1
      161 words
    • 63 18 Bm* Tmt: Iml 4. I*7l 1«* ****'">* Mkt Mtfc SIM CkHM »~im^ssg%gsr Mtf BacNkw 1M 12 ***** —M 7 Sit wi< S2USSl,'B^mt un 441.74 i^i sL^srau urn. mM 7t MJ >..u.S&l m +#J7 MuriuMif 115.17 INN 5.11 IMJf UM TmtammmtdmOtmt U&n 11M7 4.M •4«J> MI.M Tmttf
      63 words
    • 88 18 T" itoek. glm U* tea mi la 1 IM4 wj*. n. Mriw U. Imw la Himili «f ■aita. eMRf prtMa M *TM*r >n4 klgk mm* low far 1»74 Mft, 11 U74 H«w Pfer lalerm. Mt MM MM $*M C*t Dl»lll|l lati IM 11.44 tIM MJ7 ■tartrti 7M
      88 words
    • 148 18 May n Mar U May M May M May II lateatrteto: Ml. 71 Wl<t MMS tlt.H SM4S fnimw: MT.TS «MJt 4J*J7 44*71 WHIH. in.77 l«-M INJS llt.TI ri^llHli: U»M tM.77 tMJI S3LM M 7.71 t Tto«: lM.ft IM.TS 1M 44 1M.41 1M.41 t ftlllll SMJ<
      148 words
    • 79 18 M t%t tftt M% ML Fteat. M% J— M M% t1.7% 7 nit •%n Mr i it%n *f tb rttaf lt«TB Imm, It *U 7%TC »7.7% Tl iru l/TMf July M I*% lt% itakak M% J— 1* •UJ»%*. t% J«m M 1% 1% «tal lUM 11% JM
      79 words
    • 351 18 LETHARGIC trading conditions persisted In the Singapore produce market last week. The general trend was mixed with copra and coconut oil holding from steady to firm on good ail-round buying Interest from overseas. Most of the Inquiries for coconut oil received from traditional buyers in nearby countries during
      351 words
    • 494 18 WHAT was gained an Monday during one of the rare displays of appetite by Investors for bine chips was more than wiped oat In the following four trad- Ing days on the Stock Exchange of Slnga- pore last week. Gecag by the Straits Times Industrial Ordln- ary aharo
      494 words
    • 45 18 MOST ACTIYK MAT STOCKS: Haw P»r Swttin (S Ml.—) City Dcralop■MtJM (3.JM.SM) SISM Darfcy f5.2M.Stt) Dev. But 1 S>*re (4404.000); Malaya*! Credit (I.S77,ttt> Faa Btoetric (MTZ.ttt) Far Baatern Heteu (MtSJtt); I'M Oiarnai BHk (Ml Mt); San Haidlno (Wlt.ttt) and Hartma* lartat■aaM* (t.ltt.ttt)
      45 words
    • 427 18 CHARE prices yielded some ground last (week, dosing May a month of Impressive price recovery on a weak note. Small but persistent selling was aeen after midweek, caused by a combination of profittaking and short-selling. It was the speculative stocks that met with heavier losses, and in
      427 words
    • 49 18 r« the week ended Saturday. Jane 1, the range of call rates received from Short Deposit* (M) Berhad were as follows: BANK FUND: II per cent to 24 per cent GENERAL FUNDS: 2J Kr cent to 3) per cent. MOVEMENTS of funds totalled S3lB million
      49 words
    • 761 18 LONDON: The market slid lower In dull conditions last week, overshadowed much of time by the Ulster troubles. The FT index showed a 13-polnt drop at 2762 compared with the previous Friday's close. Leading the trend were stocks such as Olaxo. Flsons, Tube Investments and Marks and
      761 words
      • 151 18 LONDON: The higher 'Penang tin price war no more than expected last Friday after Thursday's strong rise here and In the morning the market turned lower In line with general trend. Moderate liquidation found support lacking above £3.700 per tonne, bat thereafter mom covering helped to cushion
        151 words
      • 465 18 LONDON. Rubber made i a definite move on the downside last Friday without any risible attempts for much of the day to m«iti»«i n the price of top grade Physicals as witnessed over the past few days. Borne dealers felt the ■act was- attempting to resist any
        465 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1081 19 SOUTH MALAYSIA INDUSTRIES BERNAD (Incorporated In Malaysia) NOTICE OF MEETING (Extraordinary Oeneral Meeting) NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN that an Extraordinary Oeneral Meeting of the Company will be held at the Johore Bahru Rest House. Jalan Sungei Chat. Johore Bahru on Sunday, the 30th June, 1974 Immediately after the close of
      1,081 words
    • 914 19 MTIOML IRON All STEEL MILLS UUITO (IBoorpormUd la u» BssiwMlt «f Hl—a»w) NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN that the Fourteenth Annual Oeneral Meeting of the Company will be held at The Development Bank of Singapore Limited. DBS Building. No. 6. Shenton Way. Singapore 1. on Thursday. 27th June. 1974 at 2.30
      914 words
    • 1425 19 SIGMA METAL COMPANY LIMITED I (Incorporated in the Republic of Sing****) Notice ef Annual G«n«ral Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tha ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of tht Company wW ba nek) at tha Confaranca Room of Apollo Hotal. 18th Floor, Havetock Road. Singapore. 3 on Tuaaday tha 25th day of
      1,425 words
    • 756 19 NOTICE Mr. Michael Teo Teow Chong, I.C. No. *****0 1/Z, is no longer in our employ, effective May 25, 1974, and has no authority to transact business or collect monies on our behalf. BRISTOL-MYERS (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. 217 East Coast Road Singapore 15. FOR IMMEDIATE CHARTER Dual Purpose Barge Liquid/
      756 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 710 20 classified ads (H There are THREE laare BIPRIOSBATORS to be wen In -SPOT THE M*MK CLAMiFIED AD.' CONTMT* KM. ceunsma snd esaw to yaw NNM Bto pete•Mates sosARK YOU TIRED, of that tame old hairstyle? Let Julie give you the latest London scissor cut at Louise Klerk's Salon. Hotel Singapura.
      710 words
    • 764 20 INSURANCE AOJU6TORB WANTED. Completed National Service Own transport pi ef erred but not essential Oood academic background. Mutt be prepared to work hard. bcetWnt prospecU Apply 8 T Box A ***** AflMftasMl C*WlwßßsfW Bwt Dtot. 14 issslill AN F.L6XTRONIC* SERVICE ENGSMEER FawMsr wMi Mnp obsrl saw tssjßal The Engineer will
      764 words
    • 675 20 FAST ANO ACCURATE TYPIST to I be trained as IBM Composer In printing factory at 245. Boon Keng Road. Blk 1, Singapore 12. Apply personally between 3 to p.m. URGENTLY REQUIRE (XPBRENCBD female shipping dark typist. Interested applicanu kindly contact 29*2111 Miss Oan for an appointment. A well-known local Marketing
      675 words
    • 624 20 I EXPANONM *HtPPNMI COMPANY requires one Male Shipping Assistant Knowledge of BnglUl and practical shipping work preferred. Submit written applications to S.T Box A ***** STBMO Minimum 2 years' practical experience required by rsprsaentaUve office of large International manufacturing concern. Salary according to experience REPLY TO MRS. TAN. pHONg M
      624 words
    • 649 20 WANTBB WEI 818 urgsntty for International Oil Company. Call psrsonaUv at Springfield Enter prise 183 A Ooldhftl Shopping Centre Thomson Road Tel: M3l9i 5\2130 ASEA We are a full subsidiary of ASEA Sweden, a world leader In the manufacturing of electrical control and rwttchgear Applications are now Invited from suitable
      649 words
    • 640 20 ■IOUIRID OIUVMV VAN DRIVER/ Store Worker with several years driving experience Minimum age 28 Most speak English TtOmiM. OPPKE BOY WANTED. Application stating age. qualification and salary expacted to 0.P.0. Box 231* Singapore MS-ATBS SN*S/«ORBPTS LTD a subsidiary of Europe's largest manufacturer of semiconductors has Immediate vacancies for dynamic and
      640 words
    • 616 20 WANTSO BIPVNIBNCID ANO APPRENTICE Tally Clerks and FortUlft Driver Must complete N 8 Interview 130. Asia Insurance Building from 2.30 p.m. to (.00 p.m FACTORY SUPERVISOR (MALI) AsaatovaMpMrs (1) 3 years experience as a 1 supervisor In an Industrial organisation (2) Completed Secondary education (3) Must bs able to read
      616 words
    • 636 20 CXt^CbWMC BO ACCOOWTAsWT will help solve your Business AccounU and Income Tax problems Please contact 30-A, Bast Coast Road Tel: *****4. NfTENSOR OflSHsNBn DECORATOR (Menrber, AID, NBID. FIPD (London) Over 10 years asMartenc* seeks related position S.T. Box A ***** EXPERIENCED MALE OBNERAL CLEM available Immediately, typing. accounU. store -keeping.
      636 words
    • 766 20 POR SALE OR RENT:. •Crystal I Tower district 10 3* m.s. Buklt 1 Tlmah Road split-level luxurious apartmenu central asreon swlmI mlng pool fauna bath beautiful gardens Immediate occupaUon Jurong Kechll Track 1 Jalan Klsmls 2-storey semi-detached bungalow. Almost complete Contact Ulephone 9613*0. ntt D4ST 6 CAIvWHJLL COURSE APARTMENT 3
      766 words
    • 704 20 BRAND NtW LUXURIOUSLY FUR NISHBD apartment with ssa view. Only 3 miles from city 3 huge bedrooms with bathrooms attached, wall to wall carpeting. alrcondlUoners. latest fixtures snd fittings, large modern kitchen, servant's swimming pool, private carpark and 24 hours security Rental (2.0(0. Call Melody Housing *****0/ *****8 SBSHrO IS
      704 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 597 21 D I«T CENTRAL LOCALITY fully furnished alrcondlUoned room, bathroom attached (310/- Inclusive servant laundry services. *****5. OUT 18 NAMLV PARK 3-bed-roomed 2-storey ssml -detached house, servant's room, nice garden, furnished (1.000 Tel: *****0 OIBT 16 JALAN CHSMPAM SMS unfurnished double-storey terrace (470 furnished double-storey terrace Teachers' Estate *****0. CLEMENT! PARK
      597 words
    • 755 21 PENTHOUSE LLOYD ROAO centrally aircond./ fully furnished 1289.000 Devonshire Court groundfloor partially furnlssd with 4 aircond* (131.000 Call Lawrence *****25 kimsia COURT high floor apartment 2 bedrooms, servant's well maintained, fully furnished, 887.000 Ace Housing *****28/ *****46. MNMTBCK PARK DUt. 10 double-sturey semi-de-tached. 3 bedrooms. 1 servant's", parquet/ mosaic flooring,
      755 words
    • 690 21 DAVID PHOA S SONS PTE. LTD. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR PROWWITQUICK. AT RkXBOffXBLB MARKET VALUE Call us TEL: *****2 I APARTMENTS. HOUSES, tn dts- j trlct 9 10. 11. required by genuine buyers. Tel: BOS *****2. INVESTMENT COMPANY WTTH j liquid assets seek* w> p P u T
      690 words
    • 791 21 NAM-MO TRAVEL SERVICE (Singapore) Pte. Limited Tour West Malaysia Seven Day* 8(130/-. alr-conciltloned bus *****/-. Malaysia Oentlng Highlands by air-conditioned bus seven day* *****7-. Departure Everyday Cameron Highlands Four days 8680/ Oentlng Highlands Four days *****/-. V 6/74. 7/6/74, 9/6/*74, 11/6/74, 1376/74, 15/6/74. 1876/74 Bangkok Chlengmal by air-condi-tioned bus fifteen
      791 words
    • 693 21 SPBMO A SAVE PTB. L'VO. Rsasn Its, Ceasral daaM. i-l Maasßteo Raaal IS) 1 TskitSSH/ *****4 Sa«aksßVCT»si>Bß«al 7 day* 88(6/Saaatel Ttswss* Laawr* Grows 7 days (1330/- (Taipei. AMesta*. M.iß.^Lswa*. Wwtett. (UM/- 14da]r*TMSA^ Bssssaw Baß Tasrs 6 day* 6747/Caiina IRsMsaSurKL 2 day* 3 nlghte 634.61 Friday Cawnr— HtewteaSVP*aa»B 4 days 5
      693 words
    • 688 21 AT LUMCH-TMBS, Hotel PhOODiX Coffee House (lower ground floor, SpsctalUU' Bhoprfng Centre) offer* Chicken Lontong on Tuesdays, and 'rtdays. OadoOado on Wsdr^days and Local Buffet on Suiadays Western set lunches available doily too. ESCAPE TO SINGAPORE 8 HAWAIIAN Village. Tanah Merah i the lush, lovely hsjnt-hskrtsd tend of Aloha for
      688 words
    • 647 21 SECRETARIAL COURSE POB Osm* (Six monua Rapid Com** preparing or BBC/ Pftman ExamlnaUons). Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening Riatlnn* Starting 16th Jun*. Register early Kate's College. Raffles Place (WIlRl; RaljT*. HID Chaagl Road (481M6) SHORTHAND (Theory /Speed upto 190 wpm) Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening HisMons Later. SDethod In tssrhlng nsrtNsr early Rate's CoDage.
      647 words
    • 640 21 MOMTN CBMBSS rniWSIII Hlg 1 74 ev4»7 TwSß c 8.36 p.m. by experience qualified t Accountant. People's Cocmmer- r clal School (Opposite Odoun 1 Katong) Tel ♦4(7*8 GIRMAh BBGIMN6RS with I Engtssh expss no Uon qMnmancsßg c on 3rd Jun*. Contact 1 Metropolitan T.M.C.A.. Tel: (S4MI j 1871 m^H AM
      640 words
    • 878 21 TOP TO TOE SROOMIIS Course st I The Joan Booty Modal Academy i ntst weak. 18 lee- i tures/ demonstrauons Enqul- i rtss please tel *****7 TUTOR AVAsLASLB TO COACH < Sec 1 3 Bern Additional Maths and f jigttsh as first or m- t cond Language Rng Margarev c
      878 words
    • 739 21 DIRECTOR'S SECOND CAR for sab). November 1971 Csllca. MMwiMJ aircond. cassette. Insurance and road tax Ull 31st October (1 1 .066. Accident free Ring Mr CO. Chua *****3/ *****9. SEBHIS M BEUEVM6X Late 1(69 Hlllman Super Minx In excellent condiuon throughout, 1 owr-er (1,700 o no. Tel: ***** ««j ISM
      739 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 602 22 LEMBAGA LETRIK NEGARA JURUTERA-JURUTERA TEMPATAN DAN PENYELIA-PENYELIA KERJA BAGI KERJA-KERJA BINAAN UTAMA L.L.N. Jurutara-Junitera Trmpatan Permohonan adalah dipelawa dari Jurtitcra-Jurutera Awam yang mempunyai kelayakan sesuai dan berdaftar dengan Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia untuk irenyelia pembinaan banKunan-bangunan utama L.L.N. dan kerja-kerja berkaitan di Johor Bahru. Meiaka. Port Dick mn dan Kuala Lumpur.
      602 words
    • 393 22 ZUELLIG FEEDMILLS (MALAYA) SDN. BHD. Applications are invited from Malaysian citizens, preferably Bumiputras, for the poets at our new factory situated at Tampoi, Johore Bahru. (1) CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARY Qualification S.C. or equivalent with credit in English. Shorthand 100 w.p.m., typing speed 40 w.p.m., knowledge of Bahasa Malaysia advantageous. Experience Minimum
      393 words
    • 543 22 For our rapidly expanding organisation, we invite application from suitably qualified Malaysian for the following positions: BOOK-KEEPER Minimum qualifications: L.C.C. advanced Book-keeping or equivalent with at least two years practical experience in similar position and must be able to keep books up to trial balance stage. Age above 23 years.
      543 words
    • 1176 22 TAMCO SINGAPORE INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEER I TAMCO Singapore seeking the service* of an I 3 ei ccptional executive, to take on responaibility I for the nalem and development of an important and apncialised line of products. T)m position will be offered to a Singapore ■g citizen, and it ia envisaged that
      1,176 words

  • 2128 23  -  EPSOM JEEP By SENTAK SURIA, with Des Coleman astride, chalked up his fifth win in six starts when he whipped a Class 2 Div. 1 field over 9f at Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Carrying 18,351 win. tickets and 1.923 place tickets, Sentak Suria paid
    2,128 words
  • 45 23 Ist No, lUttl (I*,17») 2nd No. 14MM <$I.»M> 3rd No. MUtt SM) STARTERS (fit each): Not: *****1, *****5, *****2, 142Mt, 14U«*. 1465J8), 1457 M. *****8, *****5, 141*17, *****9 CONSOLATION (S4S each) Nos: 14wMl, *****5, *****2. *****3, 144*43. 1455 M, MwttS, *****4, IU7SC, 149M9.
    45 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 362 23 classified ads (D HAVING FURNITURE PROBLEM? Consult Adrian's for cane furniture/ furnishing materials 425 Hlver Valley Road. *****4/ *****0 Spore CANE FURNITURE for hotels homes Lee Wah. 10 C Jervols Road. 9 Cavenagh Koad *****0 *****3 Spore. HENG HUAT IRON FURNITURE Company 25 Cavenagh Road. Spore 9 Tel *****6 Specialist
      362 words
    • 390 23 maoqie'S tMPgRIAL (Oberol I Imperis> Hotel, for Gents L Ladles Hairstyling by experience hands Sauna Body. Head Msssage. facial. Manicure Ii Pedicure Tel 3T1656 Kxt 122 or 118 or *****0 Spore. SALON 26 for Msssage. Steambalh. Saunabath. Oenl's Hair Stylist Business Hours:- 10. 01 1 a.m t.OO p.m. Call 26.
      390 words
    • 1081 23 HflsSS KENYATAAN TAWARAN Tawaran-tawaran adalah dipelawa denpada Kjntrektar-koartskm/TNaahsssl-oombokal yang berpengalaman bagi karja-kerja tenebut dfeawah mi (A) BP. NO Ul/74 e» 184/74 KT 1- hij" 'O'k-Mk-S di-ja. JJiJOaatTimor^ Peringkat IBCD.. sot bagi Kota Tingn. Johor satu rancangan. (ii) +1063 ekar di Felda St. Maa, Ptringkat 18. Kots Tinggi, Johor. >"• Merika
      1,081 words
    • 713 23 THE SUNGEI BESI MINES LIMITED (Incorporated m England) The Board h*. with the agreement of H.M Treasury, today declared a Second interim Dividend <* 4.00p per share net in respect of the year ended c^W^^Je^ece^^l'-cc^^ gS^g arf fSSt Payment of the Dividend to Shareholdert on the Branch Register and Eastern
      713 words

    • 167 24 China hold athletics, cycling trials OONO KOHO. Sun China have bald a Track-and-Field trial In Peking to pick S team for th* Seventh Asian Oam*s, the New China News Agency reported toThe Agency said over KM athletes from various provinces took part in th* twoday trial In Poking which *nd*d
      Reuter  -  167 words
    • 33 24 CAPE TOWN. BUn— Th* British Lions rugby team tolled for 80 rru*ning minute* b«r« ymtardav to main lain their undafsated tour record by beating a spirited Western Province side 11-s. Reuter
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 189 24 Zaire's coach: We won't be cannon fodder PLANKFUBT, Sam. Zaire's soccer coach yesterday rejected suggestions that Us men would be cannon fodder for the big cans In the World Soccer Cap that opens here on Jane Zaire, one ef the dark hones In foothall's biggest eJrcsjs, arrived in Prankfart on
      189 words
    • 235 24 Burma rally to 4-2 win over Indonesia JAKARTA, Bun. Burma beat Indonesia 4-2 and Japan and South Korea drew 1-1 In the openIng matches of the Fifth Jakarta Anniversary Football tournament here last night Burma, the Cup holders, dominated the game against the Indonesians after an initial setback. The 75.000
      235 words
    • 574 24 Channon, Todd star in England's win LONDON, Sunday ENGLAND beat World Cup soccer finalists Bulgaria 1-0 at Sofia last night with striker Mike Channon and Colin Todd, who was outstanding in defence, the stars of the victory. At Bruges, Scotland were beaten 2-1 by Belgium in their first Continental warmup
      Reuter  -  574 words
    • 724 24 APPBBJmOB CJt Tan was ffisquaHfUd for sU month* by the stewards of th* Bslsrttni Turf Club for his rtdl- 1 of PrMe ef Asm m Rao* 4 m Kuala Lumnvr on Saturday. Pride of AsU was barred from racing for six months. Th* Stipendiary
      724 words
    • 305 24 lOC begins review of new draft rules on amateurism LAUSANNE, Sun. HPKE executive ooard of X the International Olympic Committee (IOC) began a three-day meeting here yesterday at which it will review the reaction! of international sport* federations to a new draft rule on amateurism in the Olympic Games The
      Reuter  -  305 words
    • 688 24 Bolus saves Derby after Abid AH takes five wickets LONDON. Sun. AM EDIUM-P ACER ITI Abld All produced another sterling howling performance for the Indian cricketers against Derbyshire at Derby yesterday, but his good work was later undone by former England Test batsman Brian Bolus. Bolus. 40, who played the
      688 words
    • 521 25  -  ERNEST FREDA By THEY TRIED THEIR HARDEST TO MATCH CHINA'S SUPERSTARS SINGAPORE'S young badminton players courageously tried to make a fight of it, but they were no match again for China's badminton stars who won last night's friendly badminton match by 5-0 at die Singapore Badminton Hall.
      521 words
    • 40 25 MEXICO CITY. Bun. China were beaten for the fourth time by Mexico In a volleyball match here yesterday They tost 15-11. 9-15. 15-1. 15-» Their women won their fourth game against Mexico by 15-17, 17-15. 17-16. 16-U, 15-13.
      40 words
    • 38 25 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. Malaysia will send a team of five boys and seven girls to compete In the Asian Age Oroup swimming championships at Manila front June n to M. It was announced here today— Reuter
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • 267 25 Robin's goals help beat Ulu Pandan TWO GOALS by former international Robin A Chan helped Kuo Chuan to reach the final of Group Seven of the Inter-constltu-ency soccer tournament by beating Ulu Pandan 3-1 at Fairer Park yesterday, reports "I JO DQRAI. Kuo Chuan. looking more formidable than their last
      267 words
    • 79 25 Perak edge S'pore rIPING, San. Perak Malays staged a storming late rally to beat Singapore Malays 3-2 in the first leg of their Sultans Gold Cap semifinal played at the Sultan Yussuf Stadium here today. The second leg will be played in Singapore next Sunday. Singapore led 2-1 at halftime
      79 words
    • 61 25 NEW YORK. Bun Topweded Frank Sedgman of Australia defeated Hugh Stewart of the United States yesterday to move into the final of the UStlO.OOO »25 OOO> Big Canoe Grand Master tennis tournament at Oeorgla sedgman will face Torben Cinch of Denmark In the final. Ulrlch upset
      61 words
    • 166 25 Basketball clinic by American coaches VISITING American coaches Bob Bovd and Bobby Knight will conduct basketball coaching clinics here today. Ihe CiJr.c Jointly organised by the Singapore Spurts Council and the United States Information Service. Bob Boyu. 44. Is coach of the University of Southern California. In eight years with
      166 words
    • 72 25 NSW YORK. Bun— Major League baseball results yesterday were: National Laafae: Los Angeles 10 Chicago 0. New York S Houston 1. Pittsburgh 14 Clnclnattl 1, 81 Louis S Ban Diego 0. Philadelphia 6 San Francisco 3. Montreal 7 Atlanta g. t statins Leagwe: Cleveland S Kansas City
      Reuter  -  72 words
    • 601 25  -  TEOH ENG TATT By f'HINA'S ■■■'a—iaei Stan. especially Hea Chat Chaag Taag The Thing -Hstoa Ha. teasporariiy stoic the th_aer (ram thr MaJayste Cap soeeer cc— a, aaa tea— Michael Waster toss sm »t he was happy -far the rest." Me saM:
      601 words
    • 28 25 TOKYO, Bun. Japanese racing drivers. B_ebJ Busukl and Biroaht Kasalo. ware k_sd when their oars ooluded during a race at the Fuji speedway course today, ponce
      28 words
    • 389 25  - Carlile calls for two-way exchange ALBERT JOHNSON By AUSTRALIA'S top swimming coach. Forbes Carlile. has suggested an exchange of coaches and swimmers between the two countries. Forbes, who left yesterday after completing a 10 -d a y coach-ing-training programme at the Singapore Swimming Club, said: Such an exchange would greatly
      389 words
    • 284 25  -  GERALD PEREIRA By FEW THOUSAND A soccer far_ are expected to travel by air, rail and road to PeniDK for the second leg of the Malaysia Cup semifinal against Penang on June 13. More than 24 coaches were said to
      284 words
    • 362 25 Mydin: Penang crowd will give no trouble KEEP COOL that's the oro>r that has gone oat from Sejangw and Penang I* their www— and pia.vers whea they play hosts In the Malaysia Cup socoar seml-flnal return let on Jaat n. While getancvr, who play Perak In Kuala Lamaar. have all
      362 words
    • 220 25 COORE AND da SILVA SAVE POLICE VETERANS Rente da SUva T and Oetl Oocfce yesterday spun Police from near defeat to an exciting tie In their SCA Senior League cricket match against Armed Forces at Thomson Road. It tv the fiut tie In the league this teaton. Force*, replying to
      220 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 572 24 HOUH •AJNTMO. We specialise in house painting, home decorations, office renovations, construction works, furniture Lian Aik Furniture Decoration L Construction Company Tel: Miss Chong ****** JESON OtNERAL CONSTRUCTION 10 Calrnhlll Road, B'pore 9. *****9 specialise In private house and H D.B flat CURTAIN Rail, WINDOW GRILLE.' house painting, terratio. mosaics,
      572 words
    • 285 24 DISTRIBUTOR WANTIO for vacuum flask hardwares, "water hammer gun" In the region of Singapore Malaysia. Brunei. Interested parties write to B.T. Box A9MIS Spore CANADIAN IMPORTER Interested in contacting Singapore manufacturers and exporters of plastic, textiles, foodstuffs, pet products, plants and tropical fish Please write Cantell Agencies. 3232 Cook Street.
      285 words
    • 299 24 CVUYOWC KNOWS US BY MOW that wt arc specialist* In washing machines Before you purchase call st our showroom, over IS models available Philips. Kenwood. Oala. Oeneral Electric. AEOsndSlers Also available low foaming detergent Persll and Dlxan Singapore Rrfrigersllon Company. 12/14, International Building Tel: 3711 M 37J1J0 378— /***** a.
      299 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 296 25 _^F^av^^^F^^^^^^B ks S^iiiiiiaasa^s^iiaa sj^iiav aSf v■» b w^sr^^^a I I Mr^\is«wß™™»^l^ sVs^wJka^a *^J^ I a*7 Ssf f I _WffVa.sjS srst#S^aa> ft% _*h a* sj vCvtlsf^s 1 Vsf\fM^T'^il I J« l^ m Wise investment now will rreaf st&ariy 2) Capital growth prospects over a capital growth and regular dividends period of
      296 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 77 25 HOCKEY SHA Dr*. 1 League: KD Malaya vPn sons. Police B Khalaa S. Div I: Prtneoo. v SAFwA C. Porrtochnic v Ooenex SOCC'EK PAS Otv. I: Marble v Kaki Buklt. Farce* A v JeUUads: Div. I: Juaslee S— (tar. Youngsters v fire Brtfa— Ponggol 3e— a irvnr Park 1.16 pm)
      77 words

  • 160 26 Helpful to have troops in S'pore: Heath HONGKONG, Bun. Former British Prime Minister Edward Heath said here today be thought the presence of British forces In Singapore helped regional stability. The Opposition Conservative Party leader was speaking at a news conference after his 10-day visit to China. Questioned on his
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 33 26 A ball of flame r»»«s above the gutted ruins of a chemical plant in the north east English town of Scunthorpe after a blast ripped it apart. UPI picture
    UPI  -  33 words
  • 118 26 DR GOH VISITS SUMATRA OIL PLANTS JAKARTA, Sun.—Singapore's Defence Minister, Dr. Ooh Keng Bwee. has arrived in Palembang, South Sumatra, for a two-day visit at the Invitation of the state -owned oil company Pertamlna, the Independent KNI news agency reported today. The agency said Dr. Goh, who arrived In Palembang
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 53 26 CAIRO. Sun The Soviet Union baa agreed to clear the Sum OuM area free of charge below AMg. 15. the mm circulation Akhbar Cl Youm •aid yesterday The reet of the Sue* Canal area la currently being cleared of salnea and war deorta in a joint
    AP  -  53 words
  • 482 26 Holland: Oil ban stays CAIRO Sun ARAB oil ministers A today decided to maintain the embargo on Holland Imposed last October. The nine ministers agreed to meet here again on July 10 to review the embargo A spokesman said the ministers had reassessed the situation following the agreement between Syria
    Reuter  -  482 words
  • 97 26 BUENOS AIRES SunTwo provincial Congressmen Jumped out of the legislature's window on Friday to avoid a quorum, but two were not enough. Vlce-Oovernor Eduardo Cne 1 1 o ordered the doors of the Santa Pc Capitol Building. 235 miua north-west of Bw—us Aires shut while
    97 words
  • 98 26 LMKS LOW KIMC UN. U tmmt tnr 1• T4 after k«t Ulau*. i«>ii« aeataa a«l>»ie mturr. wil« mmt t laaiaim r—li»l Hum Imm M. Ornlw atra« it in »m m tatrrt (at Ovca Of Omr Lmmr S r. SWM. ikaai le CkM Oka Km CiaM terr newer 40MN Miwrea
    98 words
  • 112 26 LAMMS, B«cu— Nlsm people were rfported killed and about M Injure* yesterday In the third day of relifioua rioting m Pakistan. Their deaths brought to 11 the Banker of people killed in clashes between orthodox MasUm and the extreme Qadlams Mulim Met. authoritative Mutes
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    • 343 26 METRQJ "OLITAM T^SS2IV OFFERS THE fW^ FOLLOWING \^t/ PROGRAMMES r t CAREER RECREATION International Folk Adv.rm.os Deeien July Oanc# Jun# 7 Chanel .r-t.wt. o. *acr^ *•<»•* Massa 9 a tartee Jtme 10 Juno 1 1 iwc Survtymg Augun i Electone Yamaha Organ June 4 Electncal foaio— ring PracHea June 4
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