The Straits Times, 28 May 1974

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 250.00rF The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 589 1  - PLAN TO CONTROL STADIUM CROWDS P. M. RAMAN Police barricades at steps to turnstiles By CROWDS trying to rush the gates of the National Sports Stadium will in future be stopped by police barricades before they reach the steps leading to the turnstiles. This is to prevent a repetition of
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  • 56 1 JAKARTA. Mon. The Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian Parliament. Mr. John Naro, has said Thailand and the Philippines "spontaneously welcomed" Jakarta's efforts to establish an Aasan parliament. Mr. Naro said Indonesia would Invite its Aaean partners for preparatory talks In Jakarta next December on the setting up
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 829 1 DAMASCUS, Monday SECRETARY of State Dr. Henry* Kissinger met Syrian President Hafez A l- Assad today in another attempt to overcome new snags in the way of a military disengagement between Syria and Israel. Syria ha* refused to dlacuu the question of the Palestinian guerillas.
    UPI  -  829 words
  • 54 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Fire destroyed a room of the Abad Century Hotel In Jalan Syed Putra and damaged two others here this afternoon. The fire started from an unoccupied room on the fourth floor at about 4 45 p.m. A short circuit was believed to be the
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  • 23 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Burmese President Ne Win left iiert today for Australia after a four-day Informal visit to Malaysia. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 44 1 RAWALPINDI. MOD Seven more journalists were arrested In Lahore yesterday in a ""-rtlrmirw. conflict with the management of a local newspaper, the Punjabi Journalists Onion said. Sixty )oumansts and newspaper workers have bean arrested In the past weak UPI.
    UPI  -  44 words
  • 28 1 BRUBSXLB. Mon. The us dollar increased in value marginally on European markets today Dealers said trading remained stow becauaa of the bank holiday in Britain. OPL
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  • 352 1 Two Reds shot dead in Kedah skirmish A LOR STAR, Mon. Security forces shot dead two communist terrorists in an "Operation Sedar" skirmish in south Kedah yesterday. Mentri Besar Dato Seri Syed Ahmad Shahabuddin said today security forces were now hot In pursuit of a third terrorist who managed to
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  • 65 1 $240 m satellite for Iran? NSW YORK. Moo. The Bhah of Iran plan* to spend USSIOO million (***** million) (or a United Statetbulll attclllte system. Newtweek reported today. It addad: The satellite will beam educational tesrvtston programmes to remote Iranian ▼Mages and will provide communication links between the hinterland and
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  • 28 1 NSW DELHI. Mon. A strike action committee spokesman said here tonicht that the SO-year-old rail strike would be called off tomorrow —R*ut«r (See rase S I
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  • 45 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Nightclubs in the east coast town of Kuala Ttengganu have been warned to play at least SO per cent Malay music or face closure Town board officials said this was one of the conditions laid down In their neancoa, Reut«r
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 32 1 DURBAN. Man. A woman who came to South Africa from India In IS7S to work aa a labourer on a sugar plantation died here last night aged 101. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 122 1 KOTA KINABALU, lion. The Sabah State Legislative Assembly today passed a BUI making It virtually Impossible for males to sport long hair without finding life difficult. The Bill, which was approved without debate, prohibits "undesirable elements" from taking part or attending sports
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 141 1 rE two girls have found "sdventurf" in a book— thorns* It is only a bus guide. Pre-Unrverslty students He> San Yung (left) and Chaa Leh Choon have found that the ralde eaa tell them many things they never knew about bus routes before. They have
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  • 91 1 LONDON. Mon —Portuguese Foreign Minister Mario Soares today postponed his planned return to Lisbon tonight to allow more time for the tough negotiations here with African guerilla leaders aimed at a ceasefire In Portuguese Oulnea. Dr. Soares, the 4S-year-old socialist, said that he was satisfied with the
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 285 1 Razak's hope on eve of trip to China KUALA LUMPUR, Monday TIN Razak leaves for Peking tomorrow on what he described today as a "journey of goodwill' after two decades of doul ts and differences between Malaysia and China. "I hope that it will be the basis of enduring friendship
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  • 212 1 Dawee likely to be out of Cabinet BANGKOK, Mon. —Mr. Sanya Dharmasaktt has been re-appointed Prime Minister six days after his resignation and will present his new Government on Thursday. Radio Thailand said today. But royal decree on his appointment was not broadcast over the radio tonight. Executives of the
    Reuter; AP  -  212 words
  • 30 1 MOSCOW. Mon. Soviet Defence Minister Marshal Andrei Orechko left today for an official visit to Algeria at the invitation of Prssfsiu* Houarl Bomaadtsnna, Teas New« Agency said. UPI
    UPI  -  30 words
    • 31 1 MOSCOW, Mm. SoTtet Foraifa Minister Mr. Andrei Oraayk* Itft here UmUj for DanuMeui for talks ob the MkMle EMt e*nttct with Syrian leader*. Renter (8m this pm«>
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 48 1 NEW DELHI, Um At least M pa— g»n were injured when an «»c— s train ra— «il late U» i«ar of a fMds train about M mile* (ft allt— <ni) from Cochin la Um ■Mth Indian state of KaraU today, raUway officials said. Beater.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 24 1 Today is a J^g^ good day to ,£r put your A|k Ji ROLEXg| |T in for Li W*T\ service at 73 Robinson *"^<-JH Road
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    • 263 1 MALAYSIA ARMING ROAD WORKERS Page 7 INDIRA explains reason for A-blast t FORD advises Nixon to tarn over tapes 3 CUM Bank deals with Russia are called off 4 UNIONS: Pay hike won't hart Industries I THUGB use doped milk to rob cabbies POLYTECHNICS "lunatic fringe" 9 RUBBER spUt: "Little
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    • 147 1 H CROCKETT* JONES NORTHAMPTON INCLANO SHOES /jB Phi Tips 90RL416 The portable radio with precise, ultra-sensitive tuning. The Philips 90RL416 has electrical fin* tuning facilities to ensure extremely sharp, clear reception. You can listen in to the station of your choice without interference from any other. There's also full wave
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  • Straits Times World News
    • 101 2 rSTO. Mon. The Upper Hoose of Japanese Parliament today unanimously adopted a tesolutlon in protest atainst India's nuclear explosion. Hie Lower House had already passed a similar resolution. The Upper House resolution said: "We strongly protest against India's underground nuclear test which, whatever the reason
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    • 466 2 Indira explains reason for A-blast 'IT'S MY COUNTRY'S WAY OF KEEPING UP WITH DEVELOPMENTS' JN her first interview since India exploded its first atomic device Prime Minister Indira Gandhi told Newsweek magazine yesterday there is a difference between a nuclear country and a nuclear weapons country, and India is a
      Reuter; UPI  -  466 words
    • 163 2 KUWAIT, Mon. Rescuers toiled through the night here among ruins of a partly-built office block In which at least 20 workmen are feared to have died when three entire floors caved in. First reports of the accident In this tiny Oulf state said some 150 workmen
      Reuter  -  163 words
    • 87 2 EUROPE: HEATH IN ACCORD WITH CHINA PEKING. Mon.— British I Opposition leader Edward Heath ended the first part of his visit to China tonicht b» playing host at a banouet in the cavernous banqurtlng chamber of Peking's Great HaU of the People In his banquet speech, Mr. Heath said he
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    • 210 2 HONOKONO, Mon. China and the procommunist Khmer Rouge have signed a 1974 aid agreement, the New China news agency reported yesterday. The announcement was contained In a speech made by Mr. Khleu Samphan. commander of the Cambodian Insurgent forces, at a farewell banquet In Peking last
      Reuter  -  210 words
    • 287 2 All-clear for the first steam power car NBW YORK. Uon.-A steam-powered car developed by a father and son team from Texas has become the first to meet all three Federal low pollution standards without using catalysts or other tailpipe devices. The Federal Environmental Protection Agency, which conducted the emission tests,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 261 2 H FACOM Computer Systems— higher efficiency and tower costs in every hotel service lIIIIIIIIIIMIIII Thmk of i ust about an V P r °blem /rf3wk'» PArOII hotel management faces and AP 9 #tK *^V^** the Fujitsu FACOM hotel computer systems £Cl C/ Guest information is fast and complete JMMm I
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    • 175 3 Relations improve as Iran invests $2,000 m in Egypt CAIRO, Mon. Iran's decision to invest US$B6O million <Bs2 040 million) in Egypt, under a protocol signed in Teheran, reflects a major Improvement In relations between the two countries. The giant package of economic aid and cooperation projects was negotiated over
      Reuter  -  175 words
    • 28 3 BANGKOK. Mon. The Thai Government last month approved the construction of 400 factories in all parts of the country, thr Ministry of Industry said today. UPI.
      UPI  -  28 words
    • Briefs
      • 29 3 NKW YORK. Mon. Mourners by the thousands filed past the casket of Duke Ellington during the weekend to pay homage to the fallen Jazz great. He was burled today.
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      • 31 3 BEOUL: Fifty -four people, including- 16 students and two Japanese, were indicted today for court-martial trial for allegedly plotting to overthrow the Government of President Park Chunf-bee in a violent revolution.
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      • 19 3 BANGKOK: President Makarlos of Cyprus, on a private visit to Thailand, today went aou-venlr-buylng at Bangkok's famous floating market.
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      • 31 3 TOKYO: A four-man mission of the National Federation of Agricultural Co-operative Associations will leave i here for North Vietnam I on Jane 8 to pieialc agricultural co-opera-tion, a spokesman said today.
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      • 36 3 BAHRAIN: James Adalr, a member of the famous "Red" Adair Oilfield fire fighting team, has arrived here to try to stop a roaring column of gas escaping from a well that has run out of control.
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      • 34 3 MADRID: Gen. Francisco Franco. 81, stood on the reviewing stand yesterday with his successor designate. Prince Juan Carlos de Borbon, as a military parade honoured his Spanish civil war victory of 35 years ago.
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      • 27 3 AMMAN: The First National City Bank will open a branch in Amman on Thursday to become the first American bank operating in Jordan, the Finance Ministry announced.
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      • 32 3 BONN: The West GerI man economic magazine Capital has withdrawn a report alleging that the head of West Geri many's counter intelligence service, Dr. j Guentheir Nollm, was I a communist agent.
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    • 745 3 Ford: I advised Nixon to turn over those tapes •GREATER CHANCE OF IMPEACHMENT IF PRESIDENT REFUSES' Denbury (Connecticut) Men. VI C E PRESI DENT Gerald Ford said he had warned President Nixon that refusal to torn over more White House tapes and documents requested by the Special Watergate Prosecutor could
      Reuter; UPI  -  745 words
    • 216 3 Fertiliser Fund: 3 experts work out plans- BANGKOK. Mon— Three Asian economists suet today to formulate concrete plans for the setting up of a WerM Fertiliser Fund to sustain food production in developing countries The United Nations Econosmic Commission for Asia and th e Far East (Ecafe) proposed tfae establishment
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    • 320 3 JERUSALEM, Monday gITTKH factional rivalries within the ruling Labour Party over the distribution of Cabinet portfolios are jeopardising Premier designate Yitzhak Rabin's month-old efforts to assemble a new coalition government. The rivalries, which reveal bow divided the Labour Party remains, are prolonging Israel's political stalemate
      NYT  -  320 words
    • 88 3 Chou's health is 'just SO-SO' PEKING. Mon. Premier Chou En -lei. who has drastically cut his public engagements In recent weeks because of illness, said today his health was "Just so-so, not so good as before." Mr. Chou looking tired and '»rslng his usual vigour. was replying to reporters' ■aerial
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    • 40 3 CANBBRRA. Moo. foreign Minister Donald WUle•ee acid today Australia, would five another 178*14 million (Mil million) to aid rural development programme in souUv-wast TbaiAuctralla oat already given UBS24 million (SAT 6 million) for the project. AP.
      AP  -  40 words
    • 206 3 DHNOM PENH. Mon A committee has been set up to Investigate four teachers and 60 students arrested yesterday tor unlawful assembly. Information Minister Trtnh Hoanh said today. Those found guilty would be tried. All teachers In Cambodia—backed by their students have been on partial strike sine*
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    • 210 3 NEW DELHI, Monday THE 20-DAY old Indian rail strike will be called off unilaterally tomorrow, a strike action committee spokesman said here tonight. The spokesman Mid I the decision tv taken i at a meettnc of the committee this afternoon. It was based on
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    • 48 3 LONDON, lion. A awn driving a pick-up van smashed through the south gate of Buckingham Palace la»t night alter lamming the offices of four London dally newspapers. Peter ChappeU. 14. a driver, was to appear In court later today on a drunk-dnv-ing charge Renter.
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • 34 3 PARIS. Man. The AngloFrench supersonic Concorde took off from Part* today for Mo de Janeiro on the first of a aeries of trial flights this week between Europe and South America Beuter.
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    • 314 3 President Thieu sacks his top aide CAIOON, Mon. The first nigh level political crisis in South Vietnam for half a decade came to light with the disclosure today by Government sources ■that President Nguyen Van Thieu had sacked his top political aide, Mr. Nguyen Van Ngan. The sources said the
      Reuter  -  314 words
    • 159 3 1,000 POP FANS HURT IN 'CASSIDY HYSTERIA' LONDON, Man.—Pan•a—anlaji halted a David CaaaMy s*» coo cert in Louden last night as w TTrrnnds of gsflfsfai—laisr ftßst tsMfl■opiMra triHQd fof w*sk*rri toward Use stage. Ike Besieged White City StadJaas resembled a hattleflaM when it waa ewer, witnesses said. Estimates at the
      AP  -  159 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 180 3 CitaUiiMjaHis «u*ij \vi<l\, (Ih» ncnveHt SR-T SITER. mil much Ijoucanadd except your iiiui))iimiHH|. S«^ MssssW! !^^fl£|jaw Minolta MINOLTA SINGAPORE (PTE)LIMTTED Tong Fong BWg,, sth Fir. 52-E Chin Swee Ret, Singapore a Tel: *****1 jHHfc presents in tba Wi^ DONALD MOORE World Ciaaaa Scries pail I fef\s\ftßßSK IUTUAtIV NEWMAN WOOOftftRD PfKUItS
      180 words
    • 303 3 NYAL PLURAVIT ONE A DAY CAPSULE sfl LssPsPb^^^sbmT "A FEELGOOD! FEEL NEW! Tike PLURAVIT MULTIVITAMINS one*day capsule Pluravit provide* all the nsential vitamin* and -minerals for the maintenance of healthy body procesi. No meal it completely vitamin sufficient. Therefore it is necessary to supplement your daily diet fejj^k with one
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    • 322 4 Solz plans film on Soviet jail camp riots 17XILED Soviet writer £j Mr. Alexander Solihenltsyn was euoted today as ayIng he is planning a Aim called "Tanks Know the Trash" about events In Soviet ■risen camps daring 1953 M. Be also told the Oslo paper Aftenposten, In an interview In
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    • 354 4 Lisbonh seeks to stop left-wing demos T ISBON, Mon— The new Portuguese Oovernment, having used force for the first time to put down a demonstration, sought ways today to prevent more outbursts by left wing groups. It appeared close, meanwhile, to a ceasefire agreement with rebels In Portuguese Guinea Cavalry
      Reuter; NYT  -  354 words
    • 51 4 TOKYO. Man. PwUaflMnt totter ff*v« the Oovwnm«nt auth. nij to Join th» Montreal treaty which daals with the planting of bombs anplanas. The Upper Houm of the net passed law under which a person destroying flying or parked aircraft oould receive a maxtmuas penalty of death
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 516 4 Exim Bank deals with Russia halted UNCERTAINTY OVER CONGRESS ACTION fHE burgeoning business of the E x p o rt Import Bank with the Soviet Union has suddenly come to at least a temporary halt, mainly as a result of uncertainties about what legislation on fires* will pass affecting the
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    • 91 4 BANGKOK. Mon. Thai police have exhibited 00 firearms and an assortment of other weapons which they say were seised from communist insurgents and criminals In nine of the country's northern provinces this year. the first four months of ltf included US-made Ml rifles, UB
      AP  -  91 words
    • 30 4 LONDON, Mob— British and Nat* naval ferae are shatsertng a big Soviet naval fleet as It SeoUaatf fee sees* ttsse, InrtweX maay saisaarta as —Beater.
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    • 229 4 WARNING ON THE 'ILLS' OF INFLATION WASHINGTON, Monday United States' most senior central banker warned yesterday that inflation could cause a significant decline in the American peoples' economic and political freedom, i Dr. Arthur F. Bums, chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, the US equivalent of a central bank, told
      Reuter  -  229 words
    • 72 4 HONOKONO. Mon A replica of a 2,000-rear-old Chinese junk Is read* to art sail thU week on a 11.000--mlle transpacific expedition In an effort to prore that cultures in Central and South America were Influenced by tea-faring traders from last Asia as tar back aa M
      AP  -  72 words
    • 303 4 LUXXMBOURO. Mem. The ruling conservaUve Christian Democrat Party of the tiny grand duchy of Luxembourg took It* hardest knock In half a century yesterday when the MO.OOO population swung their general election vote to the moderates. The party has ruled either alone or (n coalition for
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    • 224 4 Laotian council adopts political programme 1/IENTIAME, Mon. v Laos' powerful Joint < a lions 1 Political Cornell has unanimously adopted a eeeaprrhensive 18 point political programme which will form the bask »*ncy blueprint for the country's seven week eld coalition government, the official Agenee Lao frees* reported today. The 42-
      AP  -  224 words
    • 25 4 "EWHTWTfCTaI (Wast Otmanjr) lion. Soars* of toy Balloons exploded yesterday on a fairground, injuring M children Four of them wen taken to hospital.
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    • 352 4 Tito pledges no change in political set-up BELGRADE, Mon.—President Tito said today his country had overcome a factional power struggle which had threatened Its political foundations and pledged Yugoslavia would press on with its independent brand of communism. The 82-year-old Yugoslav leader told the ruling League of Communists' 10th Congress
      Reuter  -  352 words
    • 271 4 WASHINGTON, Monday A POTENTIALLY disruptive dispute in the I'nited States energy industry over the importation of so-called "slavilabour'" coal from the Republic of South Africa had its first impact this week on several fronts. More controversy is expected. The United Mine Workers Union in
      NYT  -  271 words
    • 135 4 QUIT ORDER FROM RED EXILE ISLAND JAKARTA, Mon Chinese who have lived less than nine years on Buru Island have been ordered to leave the island, where 10,000 alleged communists have been exiled. Indonesia's official Antara News Agency said today. The order was in connectloi. with a recent declslcn of
      AP  -  135 words
    • 50 4 PBNRITH. < England' Mon. Prince Philip narrowly escaped injury yesterday when a horse-drawn coach he was driving crashed and overturned. The 63-year-old prince and four pa—ng»ri were hurled out of the carriage when one of its four horses stumbled The prince's groom. 33-year-"M lan Oarnett, was hurt
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 146 4 SYDNEY Mou. The chief economic adviser to a leading Australian bank warned yesterday of a tight economic saaeexe anlees the Australian Government released reserve deposits. Mr. Russell Prowse, assistant general manager of the Bank of New South Hales, called on the Federal treasurer. Mr. Frank Crean,
      Reuter  -  146 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 86 4 /SAVINGSv FOR THE FAMILY DiS£QijN& yA $15-12 *2« aixea 2 -5 DESIGN 09^ p DESIGN 37^ JjTix\Jl sixes 5-10 J \J& DESIGN 73 (C£--gf\^r $11*92 \V) sizes S.M.L. DESIGN 74 DESIGN °9»«^jij/£MtfK I «^^B^l sizes 9 -1H t 4^h^sl2'7S DESIGN TT^^^y DESIGN 99 DESIGN 09 \^^"r**y^^ sls«s 4-9 DESIGN 4?
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  • 260 5 PSA: Move out cargo fast or congestion will set in T»HE Port Authority has appealed to port users to move their cargo more speedily from the container tenuinal's freight station 01 congestion would result. The appeal was made at a recent emergency meeting between PBA and port users, including the
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  • 136 5 JAPAN'S passenger Uner Nippon Mam will arrive here today carrying some 430 participants of the "productivity cruise" organised by the Japan Productivity Centre (JPC). The 11,000-ton ship was chartered by JPC for a training cruise for the participants 10 of whom are women. All
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  • 98 5 Man who can help police POLICE are looking k for a Malaysian who can help them in their Investigations of tut murder of Chi* Ah Moi, 22, a: fun Ctalng Road, last yea*. Cbia was murdered on Aug. 20 at about 7 40 p.m. at Block 134. The Malaysian is
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  • 101 5 Enrolment of children for Primary One THE enrolment of Primary One children for the second semester Intake In 23 Chinese primary schools began yesterday. Only children with brother* or sisters studying in the same school, or whose parents are members of the school's management committee, school advisory committee, or are
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  • 94 5 CHARGED 2 YEARS AFTER OFFENCE A MAN was charged with home breaking and theft by a district court yesterday— almost two years after he committed the offence. Lam Kam Chlew, 21, admitted breaking Into a house at Jalan Potong Pasir between 4 a.m. and 7.40 a.m. on Oct. 3. 1972.
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  • 370 5  -  EDWARD LIU By TRADE unions yesterday rejected claims by the Singapore M a n v f act urers Association that many industries would "collapse" if they accepted the National Wages Council pay hike guidelines in full. They said the claims were "unfounded." Many
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  • 271 5 Call for body to advise the Govt on shipping Singapore Shipping Association has called for a shipping council to advise the Government on the various aspects of the industry. The chairman of the association, Mr. Tay Beng Chuan, said the council could also advise the Government on the Industry's present
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  • 20 5 THE Thong Cbsl Medical TnsUtwttan ywtardur received cheque for 11.600 frotc an anonymou* donor tor lv medical fund
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  • 239 5 Incentive pay for first batch of 715 busmen rZ first batch ef 715 busmen from the Paya Lebar branch office of the Singapore Biu Service Pte. Ltd yesterday received payments under the SBB' incentive payment scheme. iAbaejt US of then were 1 given three months payment, that is, $23 5«
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  • 45 5 MORI than 60 handicapped people will take part In the first *»»«»iy»» aporU meet of theaodMy for Aid to the P*--»ly»ed at Firm Park on Saturday and Sunday The me* v orcanlaed to promote the rehabilitation of the handicapped through sports.
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  • 123 5 A GUNMAN and hi* dagger-armed accomplice robbed a businessman of $4,300 and his Jade -mounted gold ring worth $500 In a lift at Block 138, Jalan Buklt Merah View, on Bunday. Mr Ng Nay Tarn. 54. was on his way home at 12.90 pm when two
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  • 108 5 rpWKNTY-nVI famine* X whose homes were tutted In Sunday mom Ings blaze in Chaoder Road have been offered Housing and Development Board flat* In Ben demeer Road, Oeylam Bahru Jalan Tenter am and North Biidae Road. Ten other families had turned
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 24 5 Most flights daily to Kualalximpur with revised timings to give a better choice of departure ♦F 27 That's Golden Service @)mas malaysian airline system
      24 words
    • 181 5 rHj^ co m L^^^ .^flßHik^ H^H a^aV '9 > *^^^g^g^g^gS^ a^sV n^aW Ji g^P" > j Iff Bl with every 4 rolls of Dymo Tape. How to enter? 1. Buy k rolls of 9mm x 2m Dymo tape for only $10/ Offer for Singapore only. S. You will receive 1
      181 words

  • 316 6 Three groups' claim 01 wartime mercury rt sinking of a Jaxi U-boat by a British submarine In a naval engagement off Penang (then occupied by the "Japanese) had Its sequel in the Singapore High Court yesterday 30 years after the battle. The U-859 Nail submarine was carrying a valuable war
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  • 383 6  -  M.P. BHUPATHY By TWO taxi drivers recently fell victim to a new criminal weapon powerfully doped milk. They were knocked out for as long as 13 hours, after drinking the milk, and lost all cash on them and their taxis. One of
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  • 41 6 THX China** Investigation Branch of the CID arrwtad an IS-rear-old fighter of the 810 Kuan Tong Secret Society of the IS Oroup at Cecil Street on Sunday. He Is being detained under the Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Ordinance
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  • 141 6 $80,000 JEWELS THEFT: MAN GETS 4 YEARS TCOfUKEK salesman Ang F Yong Huat. 2«, was yesterday jailed for four years for stealing $M,4M worth os* Jewels from three shops la the Orchard Road area. A district court heard that Ang smashed the showcases of three stupe between last December and
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  • 247 6 Cheaper rice for Queenstown consumers rE price of American 20 per cent medium grain rice Is 70 cents a katl at the Queenttown Consumers Club, whereas It Is quoted at 75 cents at most places, the Department of Trade said yesterday. The depaitmaut said the price of ooohad mcc and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 289 6 AT THE CAPITOL I WAY 4 SHOWS Miy: 11... 1.30, 4.00 k Msm ■TtaßttTtw 5 ikm v Mil: 11, 1.30. 4.00. 6.45 ft 931 1 WHOLE TOWN IS TALKING abort Singapore's victory over Penang aid j "McQ"— tke cop no one m^ caß stop, -not j#^ Qm even tke copsiSW
      289 words
    • 94 6 The S^aj^ M gg W FLOWN fv BEE^ FALSE TEETH? Poli-Cirip drnture adhesive cream holds your false teeth comfortably all day long restores natural biting power' Poli-Grip from all leading drug stores. TRADITIONAL ENGLISH FARE Meet ye«r frmtH s Wmdm fMB Hi jl i. 417. Rim VWky Mass. Oa« far
      94 words
    • 265 6 V aiaßatasW* >! 24 HOURS COFFEE HOUSE DAILY SPECIAL SET-LUNCH DIFFERENT MENU DAILY AT $2.90 ONLY (from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.) Afternoon Tea: Special Supreme Lovclight Cakes. Supreme Cocktafl lounge HAPPY HOURS (from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.) FREE TIT-BITS Draught Beer at 1 .30 only Plus very special
      265 words
    • 301 6 mmmmmmmmmmmmmTTiLTftfTitß-*-*-*-** >', lACT J HAYCI 2 SHOWS mOHTLY;j UUI L IMITJ! 70 0 ft 9.30 PM. -I ADMISSION: Adults $2.00. Children $1,001; lIM K JIBUTI II l/vSvmmSP ORCHARD: OPENS THURSDAY! A ItlifktfiJ Aiiaited Version Of EB jj White's Childrei's Clastic) A humble radiant Jerrific movta. i; i§ Charlotte's Web J'
      301 words
    • 670 6 LAST 2 DAYS" i 2 Show. 7.00 4 •30 pm Walt Oianav Productkmi I THE WOMLO S GREATEST > ATHLETE Tim Conwav Tacrmaxor i OPENS THURSDAY' i THE RATS" 1M.n0.,, j Alan Tang Hu O»n ColorScopa tou*ari Sut>t i iI;H:M.Mit/.y T LAST 2 DAYS! 4 Show* i 1 SO. 400.
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    • 152 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon —Police detained two suspects in connection with the killing of a shop assistant ln yesterday's $10,000 hold-up ln Seremban. The suspects are believed to be members of the four man "blanket g*ng" operating ln Negri Sernbilan. A police party led by
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    • 64 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Malaysia has appealed to the World Health Organisation to discourage the detrimental migration of trained medical HBraonnel from the depressed areas of the world. Health Minister Tan Sri Lee Slok Yew said yesterday. He said Malaysia s efforts to have a sufficient number or her
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    • 25 7 PENANO, Mon— The state Is facing a potential labour abortage particularly in certain skilled areas. Chief Minister Dr. Llm Chong Eu ■aid here.
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    • 308 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. PWD workmen at the $85 million East-West highway project, near Orik, will be issued with firearms to protect themselves from communist terrorists. Defence Minister Datuk Hamzah Abu Samah said today that some of the 600 workers who have experience In handling
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    • 82 7 HEAVIER FINES SOON AGAINST 'PIRATES' KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The Malaysian Government plans to amend the existing Copyright Act to raise the minimum fine for copyright infringement by as much as 10 times. Deputy Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Musa Hitam said today. He said the Government also planned to make
      Reuter  -  82 words
    • 179 7 JOHORE CALL FOR CURB ON FOOD TO S'PORE JOHORK BARU, Mon The Ministry of Trade and Industry was urged yesterday to ensure that needs of local markets are met first before food is allowed to be exported to Singapore. The call came from Endk Rahman Mahmud (All-Buklt Serampang) when he
      179 words
    • 419 7 SAMSU HORROR LEAVES 49 FATHERLESS SEREMBAN, Mon FORTY -NINE r children have been made fatherless as a result of the samsu tragedy which killed eight people in Rahang Kechll. K Bathumalal, 47. a driver, leave* a wife and eight children, four of whom are still at school Chandra. 16. Mohan,
      419 words
    • 76 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon— Sholchl Jfakajlma will slip Into the early morning sea off Sumatra on Wednesday to start hla formidable task of becoming be first man to attempt swimming across the Malacca Straits U all goes well for him. be will beach at Uk si
      76 words
    • 203 7 Youth group 'lazed naked in the sun' JOHORE BARU, Mon. TheJohore State Assembly was told loday that a youth and cultural exchange group from a foreign country "acted like hippies" and were seen swimming and lazing in the sun stark naked. "We must ensure that such exchange groups which come
      203 words
    • 25 7 KUALA LUMPUR Mon. Dr Hans Joachim HaiUer has been appointed imt»— dor extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Oermany to Malaysia
      25 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 441 7 bY 41 9^""^^^ i«a^aß^afiCr^.^^B%' ssa. B^BrsawT^H B^Ba^^^'^^^^'^Bl BsaS ■tNbßb^bl Kfl g^ -itftjl P^i Jk <a^^ r A\ rT^^B^BBBB^B^HT V^Hg^gVl g^g^Bß^E bsßm^B^^bV Bb*^^"^*V HK^B^B^Br IT si I BHP'^Bfl g^Br^HS^^Bni of life's good things ,_r- gH 4 *256 luxurious rooms and suites. Jtttt gaga* Rw^gl 80 more coming up by August! Wr
      441 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 260 7 Bringing Up F*M»»w sly aMU jtovnagh «fc Uml Cms ■> I T HAVE A CMTC AT THK I Mt*. VM^atNTCNSUafTT U WMV Y*MM TVS PtSHaw I HOPE MRS WA6MTONOUC HAIRCWCSOcWS MfOUU? f, CALLING YOU. I NOW? SHTU. ONLY Dammrr teu. maoahi shb you minp waswn© thsj I Aunt* ■*•>- A
      260 words

    • 185 8 REMEMBER your younger days when you romped the parks with Mum and Dad in your little floral frock? The sweet scent of flowers, the soft rustle of the leaves as a breese slices through and the brittle crack of a dry twig when you inadvertently
      JUNID JUANL  -  185 words
    • 739 8  -  Maureen Chua GYNAECOLOGISTS' VERDICT ON VASECTOMY AND PILL: By J^|EN who have undergone vasectomies should go for sperm tests three to six months after their operations, according to two Singapore gynaecologists. The tests are necessary to determine whether the operation was a success. One
      739 words
    • 79 8 MICHITO Marat*, ■iMkt'i Up beaaty ereatar k here to lnMim Imt Ana's lataat laak. She will be at Metre Saarcsne trass lsJt a.a. to iJt a.m. telly aaUl rriCABOBCBABD affara a $2»J« gift art eaaarWnc fiifaan, eaa se toilet ami a aaaa. CHRISTIAN Mar latrstaasa a now akla- •*>•
      79 words
    • 145 8 TIPS ON HOW TO GET A -sou- EVEN now, the areasare to have at least one son In the family U enoagh to prompt a woman into anothar (perhaps not really needed) pregnancy If all other means have (ailed so far, a rUnce a t theae tips might jast help
      145 words
    • 175 8 The fashion rush in Paris nARIS: The French I don't run around proclaiming that they are the world's fashion capital, but they really don't nave to. As soon as the couture began losing some of Its power back In the *****, the ready-to-wear shows moved In to take up the
      175 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 258 8 ■W^-Jr aaa rmepavigliosa That's Italian for "marvellous". And that's what you'll say when you see the fabulous range of ARISTON gas cookers. Each one's a red aristocrat. Take the luxury model S 42 GTE (illustrated) for example. It has all these most wanted features: ■fc B aV^^^^ll ■HHHflß^B^VM|JMsM^Mß|gk| ARISTON fche
      258 words
    • 100 8 AAiriiMmMl The gift of a perfect complexion A lovely youthful complexion is a gift which every woman can possess through the skinbeautifying properties of a unique tropically moist oil blend Whether the skin tends to be oily or a combination type, this Oil of Ulan brings out the freshest, youngest
      100 words
    • 131 8 XJior introduces a beautiful new look I i*^ ttat silaßsßaalsMHL aaUsW I I V^r jr: wml lew i-.. L HYDRA- DIOR skin-care Mrs. Llllon NWyar ««> ••auflclan Qiclstlajn DloCf Paris will give free demons- L^^-^gsW trations and advice on latest make-up and jM skin-care .^^SSm bsPK 25 May 1974 31
      131 words

  • 634 9  -  CHEW LEE CHING Attempts should be mode to prevent vandalism By POLYTECHNIC students were yesterday told to stop the "luntatic fringe" from continuing to ravage property on the campus. Every student must take steps to frustrate and guide such students away from their "wasteful and stupid
    634 words
  • 232 9 Why the bus fare drive failed' THE president of the Singapore Polytechnic Students Union, Mr. Woon Kok Meng, said yesterday that the anti-bus fare hike campaign failed mainly because the authorities were not co-operative. He told the freshmen o Mentation convention at the Shangri-La Hotel: "The Press accused us of
    232 words
  • 124 9 rE body of a year-old baby girl, believed to be an Indian, was found floating In the Inner Roads off Clifford Pier by Marine Police on Sunday. The baby about 20 lb and two feet tall had black curly hair. She was dressed
    124 words
  • 35 9 UU Ah Buan. 23. and Lek Keng Nguan. 20. were fined »20 each yesterday for disorderly behaviour at Jalan Batu Market at about I. IS p.m. last Saturday. They pleaded guilty.
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  • 227 9 Fire again at PSA godown AFIRE broke out at the former fire site of the Port Authority's Nelson Road godown yesterday. Two fire engines from the PSA Fire and Safety Department rushed to the scene to control the nre. which started at 9.03 a.m. The fire was put out within
    227 words
  • 31 9 A CREATIVE art exhibition entitled Karyasenl Bersama '74 by S. Mohdir and Suraldl Slpan will be held at the National Library lecture hall on June 7 at 6.30 pm
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  • 142 9 npHE 12.680-ton freighter I Bang lar Bam p ad arrived in Singapore yesterday the first Bangladesh vessel to call here. The vessel Is on its way back to Chlttagong with about 3.000 tons of cargo and will collect more cargo from here and West
    142 words
  • 43 9 ABDUL Rahman Mb Lambs*. «7. «f Malaysia, was jailed for three-and-a-half rears by a District Court yesterday and ordered to be gtren two stroke* of the cane for trafficking in ttS gramme* «t canntbU at Palmer Road on April U.
    43 words
  • 110 9 Illegal entry: Long arm of the law A MALAYSIAN woman who married a Singapore citizen and then lived here for nine years waa yesterday fined $250 for entering- Singapore illegally. Hasni Mnte Ahmad, 2S, pleaded guilty in a district court to entering Singapore on May 25 without a valid pass
    110 words
  • 26 9 THE Tlom Bahru and Kirn Tian community centres will hold a cotnbtnafl anniversary celebration at the National Theatre on Thursday at 7 SO pjn.
    26 words
  • 124 9 PUB steps up security at station rr\HE Public Utilities Board has stepped up security at the Jurong power station following a sabotage attempt there in late March. A PUB spokesman said yesterday the number of guards at the station had been Increased and overall security had been further tightened. The
    124 words
  • 64 9 UP— HDB ANTIVANDALISM POSTERS ANT I VANDALISM posters have gone up In various Housing and Development Board flats here. A random check of HDB flats yesterday showed that the posters were prominently displayed near staircases. Similar posters were also seen in hawker centres and community centres. The month-long antivandal Ism
    64 words
  • 38 9 SALIM Ahmad. 17. and Adi Pram Kerka. IS, were Jailed for two months each by the First Magistrate's Court yesterday for entering Singapore without a permit on May 20 and May 22 respectively. They pleaded muty.
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  • 30 9 THE Sports Association of the Labour Ministry will organise a mammoth get-toge-ther beach party called Pantai Ria for its members at the Tanah Merah holiday camp on Sunday
    30 words
  • 147 9 2 'blanket gang' men get jail and rotan r'O men. described as members of the "blanket gang" were Jailed by a district court yesterday and ordered to be given 10 strokes of the cane each for armed robbery. Neo Kee Keok. 29, was jailed for five years and Wong Seng
    147 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 537 9 Varemoi'd VaremoYd VaremoYd For Effective Oral Treatment Of Piles Haemo.r hoids ETZBSEXu aV^I Kodak presents sound movies you make yourself Easy-to-niake super B HBBBBBHBJ| sound movies with Just drop in the film cartridge. Plug in a little I^B^ a^ WT y J microphone. Press a single button... and you're on
      537 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 239 9 Straits Times Crossword as^l~~^^l~~^^|~~"^^|" ACROSS 8 On raft perhaps, with 1 In theory Id act out this nothing very toad nearby ZlO TeSpaiy could be near 7 Wake up! Take to rlMrl I to a universal language 11 Take in tour wander- of on* producing 1 £i a^hr^°S. Wa »U
      239 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 432 10 IF poverty could be ended by party 1 resolutions, India would by now be a completely egalitarian society. Independence and economic salvation for the masses were twin goals of the Indian Congress when it was established in British colonial times. Successive meetings of the party after independence
      432 words
    • 167 10 THE Singapore Sports Council official who told a "white lie" at the National Stadium on Sunday might have been cursed by frustrated fans and embarrassed RTS but he was attempting a public service. Some 70,000 fans had already been accommodated at the stadium which is meant to
      167 words
  • 517 10  -  TERRY ROBARDS: By Aberdeen (Scotland) mar electric guitars and X thr lyrics to American counti y and western ballads boomed oat across the dance floor at the Petroleum Country Club her* the other night as oilmen enjoyed a bolsteroaa session of drinking, dining and
    517 words
  • 1094 10  - Bad weather could dash hopes of bumper crops STEVE WILSON: ATJ^OTIT EFFORT BY ASIAN FARMERS, BUT... By Tokyo FARMERS throughout Asia are planting their biggest crops ever and If the harvests are as good as expected the world temporarily may be safe from the spectre of mass starvation. But bad
    AP  -  1,094 words
    • 65 10 pOMPULSORY price V/ tagging to help curb Inflation Is a step In the right direction. But is It the manufacturer or the retailer who fixes the price? Week after week my grocer raise the prices of various items, especially pre-packed food from abroad. Is
      65 words
    • 70 10 SOME Singapore drivers are rude, Impatient and inconsiderate. I was waiting for a break In the seemingly endless stream of traffic along Dunearn Road at S p.m. when an Irate motorist behind me started swearing at me. He had expected me to make a suicidal intrusion. It is Impatient drivers
      70 words
    • 82 10 ALL the houses at Golden Hill housing estate are built on slopes varying In height from six feet to 16 feet. But there are no retaining walls at the rear to prevent chunks of earth from falling Into houses at the lower tiers. I understand that there is a law
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    • 49 10 I was so glad to read that my comments on pronunciation of English by RTB announcers "have been noted" (8.T.. May 14). Perhaps, RTS might start with the announcer who. when announcing the Saturday morning series entitled "Bettor English Pronunciation". Invariably says "Better English Pronunciation." LA DUCKWORTH. Singapore 11
      49 words
    • 55 10 I READ a "crime prevention" poster at a bus stop the other day I found It useful and helpful as It contained tips on the prevention of burglary. Will the Police issue free booklets on crime prevention and distribute them to the public during the "Keep Singapore Crime-Free" campaign starting
      55 words
    • 159 10 DAY SSC LET DOWN SOCCER FANS OOCCER fans who were unable to get into the National Stadium on Sunday were let down badly by the Singapore Sports Council. There was an announcement at the stadium about 6 p.m. that the match would be telecast "live." Those who could not get
      159 words
    • 125 10 Govt OLEASE refer to the i letter by Mati-Lah concerning some stagnant water on the rooftops of 25-storey point blocks in Marine Parade (B.T. May 3). During the past weeks, action was taken to clean up water tanks on the roof-tops of six blocks of
      125 words
    • 115 10 I REFER to the article headlined "Clamp on no-permit Malaysian registered cars" (S.T., May 14) in which it was reported that "No permit in issued for a con- tlnuous period of alz months Any person from Malaysia who brings a motor vehicle Into Singapore with the intention of making a
      115 words
    • 99 10 I REFER to the letter by Disappointed (ST., May 2). Candidates who offer both papers 284/2/11 and 284/2/12 are allotted to the following centres: Newton Secondary School, Tanglln Technical School, Upper AlJunled Technical School, and Upper Serangoon Technical School. However, candidates who offer only one paper either 284/2/11 or 284/2/12
      99 words
    • 45 10 LIGHTS PLEASE (BT.. May 16) win be pleased to know that the Installation of street lights at Buona Vina Estate is In progress. The lights are scheduled to be commissioned before the end of this month. SANDBA JOT VAX (Mm*. Acting FJLO. PabUc Utilities Board.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 20 10 gokdnto iAMY7OOO A new idea in writing Available at all leading aw 1 stationery, goods and M JobaoniJo»son| departmental stores.
      20 words
    • 531 10 I or JaksT~ SBBr-rr ii •■be^^h I WIN $16,000 I WORTH I OF PRIZES I Mart is see* excitieg aews far all aVivare. Prizes wartb SI 6,000 arc beiagaffarea'ia the New Natiea/Vawkall Viva Ectaowy Test Contest which is aew oa Top prize is a colour TV sat. Every week wiaatrs
      531 words

  • 135 11 rE hlfh excitement of Sunday's Singapore tenant soccer match at the National Stadium proved too much for this fan. After being down 2-1 at half-time, Singapore was massing an all-out attack against Fenang when the Incident happened. With the hoarse cries of the 7M«*
    Vow Yun Woh  -  135 words
  • 174 11 Bus lanes: 20 offenders a month THE Registry of Vehicles has given written warnings to several motorists for driving along bus lanes since they were introduced in February. 1 It Is understood that at least 20 offenders were booked each month under Rule 20A of the Traffic Signs Rules 1974
    174 words
  • 157 11 1-CENT COINS FOR BAKERS AS BREAD PRICE DROPS rryjE Singapore BaX kery and Confectionery Trade Asaoe 1 a t ion yesterday "armed" iU members with $1,500 of one-cent coins for small change as bread went on sale at f I.M cent* an 800--gramme loaf and 53 cent* a Mi-gramme loaf.
    157 words
  • 34 11 TAN Kirn Hal. SS. was fined »2,500 yesterday for assisting in operating an lllegal 10.000-character lottery at a house In Zehnder Road on Sunday Tan. who had a previous conviction, pleaded guilty.
    34 words
  • 39 11 A BUNCH of keys was found In a taxi at the Selegie Shopping Complex In Selecie Road on May 33. The owner can claim It from the Straits Times receptionist In Times House. Kirn Seng Road.
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  • 32 11 MR. Roland V K. Ooh. a student counsellor at the University of Singapore, will speak on Counselling Psychology at the Queenstown branch library's lecture room on Thursday at 7.80 pjn.
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  • 467 11 I 1 HE chairman of the Singapore Rubber Association, Mr. Tan Eng Joo said yesterday that the split of the Malayan Rubber Export Registration Board, on which Singapore and Malaysia were joint members, last year had little impact on the rubber business. Addressing
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  • 76 11 Religious talk by Indian monk A SENIOR, monk of the JUmakrlahna Order. Swaml Atmu Thanandajl who arrived here last Saturday, will speak on Inter- religious fellowship at the Ramakrbhna Mission In Bartley Road today at 8.30 p m. Th* Swaml who hu been a monk for 34 years, was a
    76 words
  • 68 11 Guitar course at Siglap centre THE Siglap community centre's youth subcommittee will hold a thre e m onth guitar course at Its premises In Palm Road on Thursdays from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The fee Is $3. The ant— lifts* will also bold an eaeuratoo lor to* constituency* youth
    68 words
  • 13 11 THCRS were M road accidents, three of them aartou*. on Sunday.
    13 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 164 11 The best protection for your money. aM V bBBBBBw TtK oeaign of all CIO NW« equ.pmani based on vast industrial experience' and reeaarch Any money spcnl on safely Australia, like us. a member of protective clothing including gloves, equipment is money well spent the BOC group spats and aprons But
      164 words
    • 378 11 BBamm^Lm .^aL V- v assaP^ I 1 bV\ <\C"^ c>* ss*^^ M 'ts^^^m 9 a^^aT^a^aaaw aW* *TP BW srW avail i k-,1 'M^r[^^^^^^^^\ 0 0J**'^ NOW'S YOUR BIGCHANCE to collect bright, new unique Horoscope Stickers for yourself, your family and friends l And that's not all I You also get
      378 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 793 11 TV SINGAPORE (S) TV MALAYSIA (3) 10 fafi mn tt l!t6t Pri" l tf tttMtitl f o«l*tufi (Em- CAA PM ™**n 7 1 7 Pi Programme summery IU.UU mo test transmit- IM/Maln) UKm m brwf US O-W us Mike A Wisa 117 /.1J 7.11 form IM Mat s,on (colour) IM
      793 words
    • 20 11 WATER nrnt»naptian M Seuidaj m 1111 ■aWan fallens <SI4JM e«Mt actrw), 1 s»Utteai fallens eaaic ■BiTsa) lees thrna em SatveUr
      20 words

      • 91 12 Alma ■>>■■— h. our. C. SUn MkM g. N«t Wiwm 8. TiaM B«tna A. CfcM Baa Inch. L. T. Chon» ITwkU H. Umk T See. OX c c P N Daft I 3 40 I 3 96 •11.00 oa t 5.80 2.70 t 3.34 f 4.26 5.14 3 4«
        91 words
      • 23 12 tew 11m- SIMSB S4BB* Darby IM.OOO Mala ran redlt 155.000 DJJ IStvMO Total TvMTtr: 4J» M Total Vaaae: BU-8S II
        23 words
      • 63 12 Mmj M Nu 17 ladilllll 137 44 MS 71 I rkHH; 4M.18 4»7.71 1 IMeto: lttJU lIUI TitfuUm: MlJtt ttiM t Tim: IN-Tt 1»» 71 t f rwbhan: MMI J5« t O.CJS.C: HUM »4I M S.E.S. lml.: ***** t7»J« Dm. IM4 s 1M 1 Dm. SI, ltM 1M t
        63 words
    • 1539 12 fWt last transacted salo 1 at too cloae of buHnw* In Urn Stock Exchange of Singapore yeaUrday compared with tno prevtou* dayi pneo* together with 1874 high and tow. (*AdJusUd for oil now Issue*). CLOSING TO4H: Proparttaa anal hrtala bvraty ataaay. whi'e Urn raat ataaay. TVBNOVBB: OBVMaI total
      1,539 words
    • 1483 12 f»ID and offer price* offl- eially luted and buslneai vi and reported to the Kuala Lumpur stock Exchange yea> »««lay with the number of •hare* traded shown In bracket* In lota of 1.000 unit* unlNi otherwue ipeclfloxt iNourraiAL* A»aiam» (2TOBI *v.™* ull (1> I>sl (1) AlaaU (1MB) n,
      1,483 words
    • 346 12 BLUE chips forged ahead in moderate trading on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. This was one of those rare occasions when all good class stocks found common support. There was enough sup port in these shares to saggest that Institutions were in the market. In
      346 words
    • 1830 12 BID and offer price* officially listed and buaineM In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of ahares traded shown In brackets in lots of 1.000 units unleas otherwue specified. INDUSTRIALS Aesma (3.478 2.608) (1) 2M. CD. A.T.I. (1MB) A. P.I. (1.16
      1,830 words
    • 131 12 BASS Charrtngton of the UK announces pretax profit of £27.2 million (£285 million) for 28 week* ended April 13. Interim dividend Is 1.*****5p (1.225p). The fall In profit arose from the substantial Increase In direct costs as a result of Inflation, the brewery group said. It expected to
      131 words
    • 278 12 Blue chips lead advance in KL market BETTER class stocks received better attention than usual at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. Prices staged another broad advance with Investment shares leading the way as active buying support was sustained. Sentiment for the most part continued to be good. A first
      278 words
    • 303 12 A dramatic upturn at T. Textiles IN ITS first full year of operations after the completion of the company's flrststage expansion scheme, Taiping Textiles has achieved a dramatic upturn in profits. Tax exempt profits for 1973 rose to $3,290,100 against $311,634 In the preceding year. Chairman Tan Sri (Dr.) Llm
      303 words
      • 28 12 Rubber May 27. Singapore: 198 75 ctt. (down •.24 ct.) Malaysia Ul H cts. (unch.) Tin: H.244V25 (down $3.74). Official offering 289 tons (up M tons).
        28 words
      • 107 12 "Mill MIOUCI IK V CMAHCI lINGArOM HOOM CLOIIHG PHicit PCM PICUL VtITBROAr. Caaawirt Oil: bulk lIM —Mil. <run> |1M ■aaalwal Oaawa: Mlsaal (loeaa) UK/ Cast. MS n—mal. ■l»ir: Muatok AST A whlu f.a.b. 100« NL.W SBOTi aaliara. ■anwak wbita f.a.b. M« NLW MM aaliara. Oaiawak apacial black fab
        107 words
      • 36 12 The Str a i ts tin price in Penang yesterday continued its previous week's downtrend with another drop of $3.75 to $1,250.25 per picul on an official offering up 64 tons to 289 tons.
        36 words
      • 33 12 ALL markeU In the United Kingdom wen closed yesterday for the summer holiday and the commodity exchange and other market* In tha United States were also closed yesterday for Moms rial Day.
        33 words
      • 55 12 laturoar PrMay UOO UOO Malbouraa (I) N.A 107*1 I nntna N.A. 101. TS Batrat ***** IU.OO ■eackaa* 150.10 105.70 Surtoa N.A 100.608 N.A *****8 ParM N A IN.M S'aora (2) 100.208 100. 408 IU.ISB 1M.250 Export priea an aao-atarlliK araaa la U a. par ataaca. (1) AaotraUaa Oollan
        55 words
    • 522 12 LONDON advices were disappointing and the Singapore rubber market yesterday opened one cent lower, whereafter conditions were Inactive refit ctlng overseas closures. There was minor steadiness towards the morning close on short-cover-ing Interest The morning session closed very quiet The afternoon neataon was unchanged and Inactive although there
      522 words
    • 86 12 f^AILT BMR priiM MBuod at noon ysßMMilaj URILJ prtaM In etato par kUo youri»j Jmmt Jwtj (CwrwtMU' (IMMriM) BMR XV (ltcn pallet) 333 00 2SBOON 333 M 334 OON BMR 5L (1 ton p*ltot> 330 00 333 OON 330 00 *****N BMR 6 (1 ton pall«t> 300 00
      86 words
    • 48 12 THE U.S. dollar opened at $2 4080--$2.4100 in the Singapore forex market yesterday and in brisk early trading it moved up to $2.4110-$2 4130 Thereafter It slipped tc $2.4090-12.4105 by lunchtime In fairly quiet trading. Afternoon trading continued quiet with the dollar mainly traded at $2.4105-*2.4120.
      48 words
    • 171 12 The following are the nominal average closing Interbank rale* in Singapore: %—U4 yeatertoy (eraas) parity change US Dollar ***** ***** 2.8196 14 48 Sterling Pound 5 7840 3 8040 7.3469 —31.14 Hongkong Dollar 47 76 47.80 50.51 5 48 Malaysian Dollar 101.25 101J5 100.00 I 25 Auat Schilling
      171 words
    • 178 12 A B IAN currency deposit •^interbank rates as at ctooe on Monday. May 27: US DOLLAB6 Offer Bid 7 d«y» 11-1 11-3 8 1 mth i2-S/16 13-1/16 2 tnthi 12 11-7 8 3 mth> 12-1 8 13 6 mtha 12 11-7 8 mtt» 11-1 16 10-15 16
      178 words
    • 33 12 Closing Interbank rmtea to Singapore do Jars for Mar. 27 Offer BU Overnight |v 1 mth 9^ 9 2 mth* 9S 3 mtlu »S Prime rate »%n "S^ree: r. Uun*r-J—m InteraatteML
      33 words
    • 262 12 npOKYO, Mon. 1 Prices on the Tokyo stock market advanced today, centring on leading steel and chemical Issues, and on latent assets Issues. In the morning session, major steels and chemicals such as Nippon Steel recorded new high In the year. Paper pulps, textiles, shippings and real estates were
      262 words
      • 247 12 lIONGKONO, Mon. Profit-taking set in today especially during the morning, causing the market to lose fractional ground. In the afternoon the downward trend was checked and shares prices finned slightly. The Hang Seng index tumbled 8.61 points to *****. Al l h o ugh Hongkong Bank Rained slightly to
        247 words
      • 45 12 Oa tha fraa aiarionca aaaraat in Faosaxs* ycatcrdar tba U.S. Oo'lar wai quota* at 5.04*3/ S.OOC.i for IT. and 5 03 5.04 for Nan. Sta nn« wti quotad *t 12 10, 12 »i md M (m il faM »ll i. JOWI at 004.50.
        45 words
    • 323 12 MELBOURNE, Mon. A Active buying support in the afternoon prompted a mild rally on the Melbourne stock market today, helpIng share prices recover from the previous week's sharp downturn. Traders attributed the return of buying interest to the market to the fact that election uncertainties seem now to have
      323 words
    • 504 13 A slowdown at S. Land likely THE grim news from Singapore Land yesterday is that the 32 per cent increase In pre-tax profits to $2.17 million in the first half ended February 1974 must not be taken as Indicative of the performance for the whole financial year. Mr. S P.
      504 words
    • 172 13 Harimau's assets fall again NET asset* of Harlmau Investment*, the close -end Investment trust managed by Haw Par Merchant Bankers, have fallen to 884 cents a share at endMarch 1074. the third consecutive decline to be reported by the fund since It received a quotation on the Stock Exchange of
      172 words
    • 142 13 STRAITS Times Press (Singapore) has maintained its steady rate of profits growth In tbe first half of the current year. Interim results released yesterday show that unaudited group trading profits rose 25 per cent to 59.4 million before tax for the first six months ended February
      142 words
    • 421 13 TMPERIAL Chemical In--1 dustrles this year plans to sanction capital spending of around £300 million— a rise of £50 million on the figure given In March, chairman Jack Callard told the AOM. But he warned that Investment plans are bound to be affected If the
      421 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 643 13 J^jpvPUBUC UTIUTIIS\i\ Uaj 1) BOARD ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT CHEMIST $90 1850 > Recognised Honours Degree m Chemistry. JUNIOR SUBSTATION METER READER (Si 9o -430) Ministry of Education Craft or Trade Certificate in Electrical Installation or equivalent. Preference will be given to those who possess higher qualifications WATER DEPARTMENT ASSISTANT MECHANICAL SUPERINTENDENT
      643 words
    • 626 13 SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY Applications »ra invited from suitably qualified persona for the posts of SENIOR INSTRUCTORS/ INSTRUCTORS in> (1) Mechanical Engineering (2) Production Engineering 13) Electrical ft Electronics Engineering (4) Civil Engineering ft. Building Qualifications A Technician Diploma from the Polytechnic or Ngee Ann Technical College or
      626 words
    • 874 13 TRIO OFFICER TERMINAL An interesting and challenging co-ordination job exists within a group of international containership operators. The candidate we are looking for will fit this description:- H«> will possess a proven ability in Shipping and Port Operations. He will have the ability to deal with senior management at international
      874 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 444 14 FjS^l SINGAPORE AIR Jm DEFENCE COMMAND Application* are invited from suitably qualified parsons as Ground Instructors in our Flying Training School. DUTIES Successful applicants will be expected to give ground instructions (theoretical and practical) for pilot trainees in the following subjects: a) Acrodyamics b) Airmanship c) Meteorology QUALIFICATIONS EXPERIENCE Applicants
      444 words
    • 427 14 JURONG WHARVES EXPANSION PROJECT CONSULTING ENGINEER'S SITE STAFF Applications are invited from suitably experienced candidates to join the site staff of the Jurong Town Corporation's Consulting Engineers for the Jurong Wharves Expansion Project. ASSISTANT CIVIL ENGINEER/ MEASUREMENT ENGINEER Experience in marine works is desirable. Applicants should be experienced in measuring
      427 words
    • 379 14 fl IhU rapitf ixpaMiM.tlM Sitgtptrt true, if a FOREIIN BANK reiiiret t J JUNIOR DEALER Qualifications/Experience: Preferably possesses an A. IB Diploma with strong mathematical aptitude with some working experience In foreign ex- change dealings. M Age: Between 22 —25 wf Ability to work Independently. 'jW Salary negotiable and will
      379 words
    • 382 14 GREAT MALAYSIA UNB 8.T.8. MALAYSIA SAYA VOYAGE V 74 Salilng 90 May. 1974 at 5.00 pm EMBARKATION TIME Ordinary Bunk and Dormitory Class Puaengan. 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Saloon Class Passengers 2.00 p.m. All passengers must be on board by 3.00 p.m. at the latest. They should forward their
      382 words
      609 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1069 15 :O »!UMaswP Sana re w/cuniitm r hue maii S5 Vm- *>■£: sz. S jg. nil MtM 11 Ma 11 mm im| "S il S bur j?s ss uS$ Z% »g «3 r«s.%rsT ia 75 13 sS S3 ?3 fSS7-» 2$ ?ij iS iS iS 5 3 Still h-kurf iraa I'daa
      1,069 words
    • 1051 15 If^ HOrtaa Mataa Mtynrl NTarl fan P. MMf Paaf HBMMSI IMM MM MM MM M4MI MM It I I m} MM I*b4jm Mm* M JmmV M 1 pm^^mTSSSm*. M. 1 SSSSmTh I pmSmmS.S.SttS* 81-11-?-Apits: MMCViai MVPNM SUVKB PTL ITI -IK imn 7MII MAuniAi nrruMTiMAL tama) impmmtml Tali P. MMf 7111/1,
      1,051 words
    • 824 15 a^*MaiBBBaMB^I aa^^r Lr wf A r^m n-feff raw raa Start P MM* tcaa. Man Inaca if. MMI MAM la Vm MMb IM BMa MMa \TJL mms m 33 K lil 1 18 I I •JMUPMM aMf IBM aMf MMJ IM aMJ MM IMjW. Nwi ■'Mat rMa U.( 'UN rart fMk
      824 words
    • 826 15 FULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE TO EUROPE ■r- ~ES -.-a.— ■Bg""*" JST" »*l MMM. MMM. trMMMM, nSa 3 s c v*u t >WM atauiTi nut mj I JacsJata, (Mo, Heisiaju, «atel Kmmmi. MMM Taa: Ul M Maa fM, M Maa. FULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE PROM EUROPE fa raara "Mm JSJj" 1 BtJ MWa,
      826 words
    • 731 15 lanaaia t1J444; r. lUmmj 4341; bT.L. 17)11; Paaaag ISJOI TS» BANK LINK LTD. IMM FM E. 1 1 MM. TITUM ISMriaaMr) P MMf IVMMa faart l/WMa TtfTIAM MakMMI P.Maf Start u/M Ma MITMI (Ma. I. Maraatt 1 1 MrM) P. IrMj IVa Mm I'atra MaAMAM (Mtantia iata*a I "iraa A
      731 words

  • 200 16 T AwmeiiiTT TMI r»l_»W.«0 BMTMINO A««*«otni«T» rom M«v M. UT: AtKWlie NM4MW TlMllaaJ St*r 10/11. HHOI CMumruu n. a— ibi PTIMt O»~7 KakjM M/M. CMM <*«*•__ CMW 44. WiilWl T»ter t». mm I II Nkrtk u4 Uaa air H Sank. IN- MMamin Ma.ra >'« Mara 11/14. B*u<*r tamp*'
    200 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 901 16 < *kawaXuci_m_n kaisha ltd. UWASAU KMUI USM MOM LTI. MPM. MKNM6. STMITS SEIVKL MM MMtM«] I MUM P. KtlMf HM MUM V. ■tn«ap«r« Japan ■Mrrtai SmtMO'f rM. HltlM BAttl »47 *M. MM Nafon TMtkoaj RB— 9SiM Japan Antbt-B Calf ■sr-lsa liajMori FM: mm IU lIM CtMMM/khMCit/Onkai nn Ma «M»i/Bt»t/IMfiit KiMHt.
      901 words
    • 756 16 REAUTY UNES From HA HI 1 1 Hill In l: t. tutm nm ptiMfPtiM hNt him piitattjUS.T.LBIW Tiri_t 11*5 JJ-» MMntUt Mmm >»" J^_* KMTT VMM MMiU NcMaj II Wmj MMAI. _U— l HOMMM II I'M* MJW). nSr ST SJ imm CM few. 4t> n.. IMMM it IMM m. -7_M7
      756 words
    • 1016 16 |\__,__rT€PTUng OCICTT Uflg/1 U.K. HWOPt MtVICI LOADING FOt LONOCH, ROTTERDAM, HAMIUIG. BILIAO. liipttft PMM- PIMMI L«M* I*. k-tar| MHMI l/TMt 1141 m n/11kMt IMt lIMM lIMM MPTMI IMMU SI MM/ 1 Mf 1- 4 kit I IMf nMf It- It- AUIVAU 'ROM NO«TM-WiST IUROrtAM PORTS AND LONDON PMMf P tolaaf
      1,016 words
    • 735 16 amsx sanu. ti vmm, uimmL/tMnai mn Tf, Mmi liiipim MlMf aawaf UMM Mn MUUUMI SVIMB VIM o/IMM l/NMt lilkM|7. .Mo> U/7. I'taa 19 7. Irian 8.7, Htarf »/7. ra»,7. MUMUII 4/IMM VIIMM 14/111— I If **>'• »7. I'aial I 4/1. NM*f~ IC/t. *aitara— 15/1 Munum MvtiM* a/a mm s-m a/iiaj
      735 words
    • 511 16 pBHDB SHOPS TO LET Tenders are Invited for the letting ol the following shops: A 2 Coffee Shops and 8 service/retail shops newly-completed at Geylang Bahru. Block 16 (Kallang Basin Sims Avenue Phase 3 Cont 2) (B) 4 Service/retail shops newly-completed at Bendemeer Road, Block 47 (Kallang Basin Neighbourhood 2
      511 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 641 17 LEMBAGA PERINDUSTRIAN KAYU Permohonan adalah dipelswa daripeds Warganegara Ma laysia bagi mcngisi jawatan dibawah: n "««ra MaMERINYU KAWALAN MUTU (TINGKATAN Fang,. Gall: $220 26<VSek Peperik^asn rVKelayakan Cslun-cslun untuk lantikan hendaklah dan mempunyai Sijil Pelajsran Malaysia atau PengaJaman: seUr.f deng.nny. deng.n Tendapat kaJuluaan da I an, Bah... Malaysia dan Ilmu
      641 words
    • 239 17 DONLOP MALAYSIAN INDUSTRIES BERHAD PETAUHfi JAYA Dunlop Malaysian Industrie* Berhae invites application* from suitably qualified Malaysian for the post of: SALE: EXECUTIVE In U-« Chemical Industrial Product* Division. THE JOB Responsible for sales of a range of chemical product* mainly adhesive*, flooring materials and related building and construction materials. THE
      239 words
    • 825 17 MOTOROLA, an American based multi-national Electronic Manufacturer has openings for Malaysian Citizens who wish to contribute to the establishment and growth of its Communications Division in Penang. ELECTRONIC R AND D ENGINEER Responsible for product performance of communication equipment and sub-components from a functional conpg sideration and also responsible for
      825 words
    • 865 17 IHC (Malaysia) Ma. Bad. a member of the IHC HOLLAND group of companies, shipbuilders and engineers Invites applications from experienced personnel to fill the following vacancies: -1) ACCOUNTANT Preferably under 30 years of ace and a member of a recognised professional accounting body. In addition he must have at least
      865 words
    • 664 17 MSNTAKAB RUBBER COMPANY (MALATA) BCBHAD (Incorporate la Malaysia) NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVKN that be Plftssnth Annual Oeneral Meeting of MBWTAKAB RUBBER COMPANY (MALAYA) BERHAD wUJ b* held a. the Recistmd Office of the Owpuj, 70, Jalan Ampmns:. Koala Lumpur OB 18th Jum. 1974. at ISO p.m. for the fo'lowlns purposes:
      664 words

  • 120 18 ACNE, FSMPLIB. OPW FORMut these your problems? Then consult Louise Klerk medically trained beauty theraput with 25 yean tropical experience, at Hotel cMjtgapura. telephone *****3 i£S2T£> SLOW LEARNERS Oft ochoot. are tried »Mh stow lgiwi*sra tlijdarVaV who dnd N dMDon to keep up «*Ui me reatolth. ojasa. Now NaSan
    120 words
  • 37 18 Religious Announcements TO DAY AT 6 P.M. The New ChrlsU»n Book Centre at Suite 122-125 Peace Centre. Sophia Road, will be dedicated by Prof Khoo Oon Teik All friends are Invited to attend Refreshmenu will be served
    37 words
  • 69 18 MADAM LEE OUM NEO, aged 70. I beloved wife of the late Cheang Thlam Chu) passed away pearefully on 27-5-74 Bhe leaves behind her 5 sons. 4 daughters. 5 daugtiters-ln-law, 4 sons In-law and many grand-children and great grandchildren to mourn her less Cortege leaves the Singapore casket for
    69 words
  • 25 18 THE FAMILY OF THE late Madam Ong Tuan Neo thank relatives friends, colleagues for their condolences, donations and kind assistance during their recent bereavement
    25 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 550 18 classified ads (D ejpj: to Wllna and Stephen a fi Adrian. Tie Kwang on 5 74 Grateful thanks to obstetrician and Mount Alvemla staff. A DAUOHTER KATHARINE ANNA to Irene and TYevor WUlUon on Z3rd May 1974 In Kuala Lumpur TANG: To Lily and Donald a daughter Wei -Anne Sister
      550 words
    • 757 18 FOREIGN FIRM requires one receptionist cum shorthand typUt with typing and shorthand speed of 50 and IOOw pm respectively Please apply with full particulars, non-returnable photograph, stating salary expected to PO Box 30 Keppel Harbour Post Office. Spore 4 URGENTLY WANTED good Steno Typist for a commercial organisation Attractive salary
      757 words
    • 683 18 RECEPTIONIST REQUIRED by Interior firm Knowledge of typing essential Apply with particulars and enclose photograph together with salary expected to 2nd Floor Tong Fong Building. 52-B Chin Swee Road Spore 3. Bmimm SCHOOL LEAVERBi Are you interested in earning some generous commission through direct selling to homes and offices? Interested
      683 words
    • 785 18 SMART LOOKIN4) SALESGIRL wanted immedls*ely for new bouUque opening on 1.6 74 Oood salary plus attractive commission Must be experienced and abe to undertake the alterations Ring *****3/ *****8 for IntervWw. RXQUIRKD IMMEDIATELY BY SUBSIDIARY COMPANY OF A OROUP COVERING f'OUTH EAST ASIA M SALESMEN (MALE/FEMALE) REQUIREMENTS. Resourceful determined personality.
      785 words
    • 699 18 ■NGLISH ANO CANTONSBI BPSJUTMG nve-ln servant wanted by Chine.* family Age: un** preferably with somekoowtodge of sewing. Ring *****3/ *****9 fortnurvlew. CHINESE AJSAH I™*"**™* a m 6 pm Contact 36, Orove Drive Off Holland Road. Spore AMAH NEEDED POR BACHSXOR-Uve-ln preferred but not essential Bedok area Tel *****3 EXPERIENCED AMAH
      699 words
    • 650 18 Hotel, Beach Road. Spore. IMOUSTRIAL FIRST AMUR <!••*») (1) Minimum Secondary I education Possess First Aid Certificate from St John's Ambulance or Singapore Red Cross Society or the equivalent (2) Those who have served as Medical Orderly during National Service will also be considered (3) Age: 18 -30 yean (4)
      650 words
    • 743 18 BUYER RSOUHWB for an U 8 Company with at least lvt yean experience In general construction and machinery equipment and spare parts Apply with photograph (nonreturnable i and state salary expected to The AJmwsi S.T. Sea ABIBSB 8*»»os. QaMkja NRa-Clua 8 Ceaarat requires experienced WAITRESSES Please call personally at let.
      743 words
    • 898 18 ROOMS AVASLASU AIRCON. fur nlahad/ unfurnished Katong and Upper Serangoon area Tel: Mr Wong *****3/*****8 OIST. S. NEW PLAT 8578; Cavenagh Court $1,700: City Towen $1,700. Mandalay Mansion 81.300; Namly Place $850; Pint Mansion $800 Serene Realty *****/*****3 FURNISHEO MASTER BEDROOM with bathroom attached In new apartment In dut 12
      898 words
    • 801 18 CAIRNHILL COURT OIST. S modern split-level centrally alrcondiuoned apartment. Individually styled furniture Available Immediately $2,400 furnished. Please call Comprehensive Housing rrrm *****9 HOLLAND ROAD DIST. 18 Attractive 3-bedroomed bungalow with substantial garden Please call Comprehensive Housing. *****2 *****5! CORONATION ROAD WEST DIST. 18 Modern 4-bedroomed house with study. 2 living
      801 words
    • 847 18 DAVID PHOA 8 SONS offer: 1 DUt. 9 3 Bedroom flat 2) DIM. 10 3 Bedroom flat Price $130,808/--3) DUt 10: Luxury flat 3.300 so ft $250,000/--4) DUt 10: 2-Storey housv 9,000 sq.ft $3a0.W0/--3) Dlst 15 3 Budroom flat Price: $78,000/--6) Dlst 19 Detached aunga low Price: »142.008/--7) DUt 20:
      847 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 660 19 ?tbOvl •HO* S»ACS. 3.000 aq. ft. .rant possession, with road \9I3U S'por* MO p for SALS. Approximately Xow Lower groundfloor. KarnnTshopplng Centre, excellent **calator Interested 3 *****1 c_R EAST SHOFPINO CINTRS V.ndfloor shop to let/ sale. fr^i Was*"- T rilt3t/ A^reVLeong Housing Agency PtOFtrS FARM CENTRB SHOP 2nd floor) 650
      660 words
    • 546 19 NAM-NO TRAVBL SERVICE g»:: »V. r ,a C o U 0n o'.nu b nV Highlands by alr-coodltlonad bus seven days SBI7O/-, Departure Every Sunday. Monday During Singapore School Holiday Depar\s"* yw Everyday Cameron Highlands Four day* 88*0/Oenung Hlgj Jands -^Four da** *****/-. 2875/14. Win*. VtHA, 5/6TJ4. 7/6^4, 9/6/14. 11/6/74. Bangkok
      546 words
      496 words
    • 399 19 FAR tAST TRAVBL CLUB Ltd.. offers low coat fllghu to London/ Europe Also Worldwide reservation* Please call WITS/ 3JMB6V H7871. CHARTER BIMSAFORB SAM FRANCISCO 1 seat. Leaving Singapore June 7Ui 81.08* Call M7M7 7 p.m 6 pa. ARCMtPBLAOO *»>BCIAL WBST MALAYSIA TOURS Mi idyil/ Buialißli 1 days HM/Milaiili iTdays SIM/1M
      399 words
    • 675 19 LONTOMCHOUSC 18 Emerald HUI Road Por Urn beet In tradtttonal 1 InnnnsMan culatne Tal: 378*10 1 B'pore. m^Lbl 1 H I •NTBRNATKM4AL TRAsNINa CBNTRB SMBUBII WTBRMBPtATE Monday Friday 7-B.* p.m Commencing 3 June 74 Monday Friday ISO 9 p.m. Commencing 8 June 14 JAPAMBM BC4NNMBRB Monday Friday 1.10 -9 p.m.
      675 words
    • 831 19 BOOKKIEFINO BBOINNBRS RAPIB COUN.M commencing I 86 74 Duration 3 monthi for I Bementary elage Morning 9SO am II a.m. or evening HSO t p m 10 p.m. Tuesdays/ I Thursdays Please enquire I Systematic Buttnee* Training t Centre. Room 117. lat floor Peac* Centre. Selegie Road Spore *****/*****5 ANOTHBR
      831 words
    • 920 19 1 I 1 WMERS TO LSAJW your driving Please call Champion Driving 1 School, tet. *****. 1-*7*. ASIA PBrwMS SCNOOL. Brand naw Dataun, Honda, dual-con- trolled, moderate chargaa. 13, Salegle Road. Spore Vtmrtf ■aim 808 DRIVINS SCNOOL 1 1 Cavenagh Road (off Orchard 1 Road) Tel: *****6 Hourly, guarantee and
      920 words
    • 1000 19 ISM COttTSMA OT Oood condition Sating 81.800 Tel: 4*8638 17P TembeJng Road B'pore 11. t*TS Saw MM half race conversion with many extras. 810.000 one Hag 844*44 after 3 00 p.m. IMS, MM) ESCORT 1100 cc. Excellent condition Original caahsons Oocd paintwork Ruat PreeMBBMI IMS. MM MARK N Two careful
      1,000 words
    • 790 19 NIRB PURCHASE Hong Leong Plnance offer flexible terms for your Hire Purchase require- r, menu Advertisement Permit No. v MM Tel: ***** 0 BBMSTBRO 1884 JAQUAR MXI 31.800 0.n.0 1986 Pord Falcon $750 Registered 1961 Volvo floor I gear $1,300 0.n.0. Tel 44*6*4. I afternoon 8 134 18 a aßaaaaßßHaaaaß
      790 words
    • 667 19 Ji WB «-l BRS. HOUSEZSrSSLS ro'-ect your house--2^s£X!7 w. from fire damage Pr°* t<s effective easy gSS'- .^"iSou 1 for b ow SsSmzzSmt TROFI* JAt T .v. DAY/ NIOHT Repair Tel J***** Spore AH brand fair charges. Repair guara' I(e ed ICINO ALL KNW* TV. Taper co> ders. Amplifiers reasonable
      667 words

    • 404 20  -  JOE DORAI By gONGKONG'B league champions Seiko and Kelantan may act as sparring partners for Singapore's soccer team in their preparation for the Malaysia Cup second leg semi-fir al against Penang on June 23 at tlie Penang City Stadium. Football Association of Singapore hopes to play SeUo
      404 words
    • 751 20  -  ERIC EnEMK ■r Haitians pin their hopes on physical fitness HAITI, one of the most surprl: dng qualifiers for the World Cup foott mil finals, are pinn Ing their hopes on a spartan training pi ogramme and physic al fitness to make a good showing i n
      Reuter  -  751 words
    • 80 20 Tomorrow East Germany Lions win rough match PORT ELIZABETH. (8. Africa) Mon. the Brltiah Lions Rugby Union team scored one of the most Important victories of their South African tour so far when they beat a strong Wast em Province side ze-14 in a rough match here yesterday The Lions,
      80 words
    • 210 20  - Selectors to try out new openers ERNEST FRIDA By CINGAPORE cricket selectors h ave dropped regular opening batsmen J« sffrey Jeremiah and A. Chaturvedi from t he team to meet Malaysia In the three-day All-Comers June 7-9. The pair fared badly against Hongkong In the Inter-port match last month. The
      210 words
    • 27 20 ROME. Bun. A.B Roma bee* World C nip finalists. Zaire. 3-0 here reaterday in a friendly football match. They led 1-0 at nalft line. Reutar.
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 232 20 MALMOE (8w ede n), Mon. —Bco Hand, Yugoslavia, Bulga rta s.nd Oret^x yesterday gui illfled 'or the sen ilfln als of tfc-i European Ft x>tt>ail Union (UEFA) .Junior tournament after declslv< pert ormanc* In the third round. Sec-land won C oup One, after beating Rumania 3-2
      UPI  -  232 words
    • 37 20 11 -match tour MEXICO CITY. Mot. China* men» and woman* National volleyball team* wil play 11 matches each n various Mexican cities by twesn nest Sunday ana June the Mexican Voile Sell PadsreUon anaouncti bere yesterday Hooter.
      37 words
    • 236 20 Brazil's World Cup squad disappoint BONN, Mon. Brazil's World Cup soccer team made their debut In West Germany yesterday with a 3-2 victory over a selection from First Division club F.C. Kaisers Lautern and local teams. The world champions received a rousing welcome from the 40,000 crowd here— but their
      Reuter  -  236 words
    • 121 20 rpAIPEH. Mon Three top teenage swimmers have ueclded to quit the Taiwan team due to participate In the Asian Age Group meet la Manila oo June at. Thar* waa no immorUato Indication why the three Hsu Yu-Yun. her brother Hsu Tung-Mo and Chiang Wen-Ylng took Urn
      Reuter  -  121 words
    • 40 20 MOSCOW. Mon. The United State. National basketball team last night won the ninth and last game of a aertee in the Soviet Union by beating a Ukrainian Selection at Kiev. 101 -»B Halftime score was U-44. UPI.
      UPI  -  40 words
    • 31 20 LONDON. Mon. ma NaaUae of M »'»Hi won the mens single* title la the British Haro-Cbort Tennis ChsfnplttMßJSpe ay downing Italian Paulo Bartaojod t-i.« s-l. S-z at Bournemouth yeeterdajr.-MF
      31 words
    • 207 20 ROMS, Mm. —Mz leasts* Asserteaa players refused to f on court in the Italian Of«n Tennis Chaa»Pioashlps after a sats■r drrstanding between the lUlUnOMMrittM and the Association of Twals rials— lonsls (/4TP) here yesterday Matches were awsftfeats4 ketweea Pas* Gerfcen and Charles PaaarsO. Stan SsaUM. the tmmrtk
      207 words
    • 489 20 SINGAPORE 1 s top amateur golfer Bill Bosley won the SICC title yesterday. Bosley who had won all the club titles ln Singapore except the SICC championship, made sure of victory at the 16th hole when he beat former champion Brian Marks by three
      489 words
    • 285 20 Sasa fix Asian Games trials in June By Albert Johnson T«HE Singapore Amateur Swlmm i n g Association will hold its Asian Games qualifying trials at Toa Payoh swimming complex in June. Assistant secretary Pong Hoe Beng said yesterday the swimming committee have recommended third placing times of the last
      285 words
    • 67 20 NSW YORK. Moo South African Gary Player •tonried from four stroko back to win the UMITIjOOO (S4J0.000) Danny Tbo«u* Memphis Oolf CUane hrn by one stroka from Aawican Hubert Oreen and U>u Oraham. Player, who won the MmJ*» ««™SfP» «ejst_a%onu£ fired a brilliant flounderpar
      Reuter  -  67 words
    • 749 21 IRACIHCI1 RACIHC 1 |T WAS a day to remember for apprentice jockeys at Bukit Timah on Sunday. Turf history was made when General Trong HI (Peter Lee) Jingle Bell II (Mansor Affandi) and Tyche (Djulkifly Ahmad) finished 1-2-3 in the 6f lion City
      749 words
    • 67 21 JANSENXTES staged a strong second half rally to edge Ceylon Sports Club 3-3 In a BHA Dlv. l league hockey match at Bsleetsar Road over the weektnd The Otyiontae led 3-1 at half time through goals by Farouk Merlcan and M. Jeevanathan. Sammy Joseph scored for
      67 words
    • 30 21 AMSTERDAM, Mon. Holland beat fellow World Cup finalists Argentina 4-1 (half time 1-1) In a friendly Soccer International at the Amsterdam Olympic Stadium here yesterday. Reuter. at the
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 311 21 PARIS, Mon. Recupere, ridden by ace French Jockey Yves Saint Martin, put in a storming finish to win the Prix Dv Cadran France's top staying race at Longchamp yesterday. Mr. Alan Clore's fouryear old Just got the better of I-asaile. after spending most
      311 words
    • 58 21 BERNE. Mon. Swiss racing driver Silvio Moser died In hospital here last night from Injuries he suffered In a crash In the Monsa 1.000 kilometres race In Italy last month, a hospital official said. Moser. SI. married with one child, was flown from Italy to Locarno
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • Article, Illustration
      832 21 WKIOHTB for all races at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday: CL. t. DIT. I SF. Lowland Chief 0.00 Nlpah n 0.11 Daryl's Image 0.11 Better Policy 010 Entertainer VI 010 Hooey Prince 0.10 Be Careful II 80S Joyful Affair 8.00 King ilassemai 80S Memo II SOS Smiling Tiger 04S
      832 words
    • 340 21 LONDON, Mon. Kent, who are attempting to win the title for the third successive year, scored an exciting flve-wlcket victory over Essex In the John Player cricket league at Canterbury yesterday. Needing ISO to win. they made comfortable progress with Test batsmen Brian Luckhurst and
      340 words
    • 127 21 China visit: Tickets on sale /"'HINA's badminton \j team. Includ ing national champion Hou Chia Chang and Tang Hslen Hu ("The Thing"), will play three exhibition matches In Singapore starting on Friday The eight other players In the contln gent of 18. are Chen Tien Hslang. Fant Kal Hsiang. Wu
      127 words
    • 49 21 BAABTAD. (Sweden). Mon Sweden beat Holland 4-1 in the European Zone Davis Cup tennis quarter-finals here yesterday. Sweden's Lelf Johanaaon lost 4-4. 4-0, 0-1. 0-1. 0-1 to sixth ranking Dutchman Rolf Thunf after teammate Bjorn Borg had easily defeated Fred Hemmes 0-1. S-3 0-1. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 110 21 CHINA'S NIGHT OF POWER PLAY DANGKOK. Mm. Ckaaa-a atan sisiMsi aaaihar Bight ef pewer lilaaialia acaiaa* Thallaad'i severe. Hlgfclgfct was a tweset eralertten ky China Na. 1 player, lloa ChlaChaag, and their N». t Taaf Halea-Ha. The —all* raerd la a draw. Taag we* the first art IS-4. ao4 ■e«
      110 words
    • 25 21 PARIS, Mon— The French National basketball team narrowly defeated Turkey 66-ft4 in the European Nations Cup here yesterday France lad 16-14 at heifume—AP.
      25 words
    • 426 21 Peterson survives early spin to win Monaco GP MONTE CARLO. Won CWEDEN'S Ronnie Peterson, driving a four year -old car, yesterday won the Monaco Formula One motor racing Grand Prix after surviving an early spin and a monster pile-up on the first lap. No less than seven of the 25
      Reuter  -  426 words
    • 77 21 NSW YORK. Mon Results of yesterday's major league baseball games- American Leagee: Yankees S Orioles 5 (first gene). Yankees 7 Orioles J (oecond game). Tigers 3 Indian 1. Red Sox 4 Brewers 1. Royals 4 White Box 1. Twins S Rangers 1. Athletics 6 An gels 6.
      Reuter  -  77 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 716 20 im"*wig«rfy KENYATAAiV TAWARAN bawah tail. Kerja-kerja bail <*> "ANTA K°J«™Wfkontrekter letrlk yam benJ«n d«wan LLN dl bawah Kelas XT dan keatai sahaja. (A) BP. N* 1M 74 Merombak dan memasana: m u J* f", 00 kuaaa membekal baraniHia rw >« d f"° I nylapkan sesalor atas dan P*???* 11 11
      716 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 458 21 I BMW Cars- I I seal of driving pleasure I H For a long time, people thought that a comfortable car just H can x SDOrt V and a sporty car can't be comfortable. I J>T*v m I aß^aj^^M tasisisW ut t<x^ a V. srieer driving pleasure is our H
      458 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 31 21 HOCKKT SKA Dt». 1 J?*! u riP«ice v a ahipy*ra,Thoaianii Rd.), BAFBA J .OBC (Beiestter Rd.). Dlv. '•Hue BCC v Scribes. 800 PoUee (SCO. AMuk «?PP» SATSA (Nee aaon). v CYMCA
      31 words

  • 15 22 Some of the thousands who were locked out.
    15 words
  • 37 22 RAWALPINDI. Mon— T«n people ware burned to death when a bus oaugnt Or* Max bar* on Saturday potto* said today SeraraJ other* asaonf Urn JO aboard t» Hrlawlr burned and Urn bus dastroy•d.— RtuUr
    37 words
  • 27 22 K. VItVAUMQAM. >«*!■< «f M*4aa Ua Aa Mm. »m«4 way M-S-T4 Oortat* ST, Jatea JaOar IMpa tor M»Md MM* Ow*. Sfei*<>, umw to Chaa da Kaas OawHry
    27 words
  • 260 22 Talks on ways to end KL's dispute with Manila JAKARTA, Mon. President Sutarto arrived In Menado. North Sulawesi today for talks with P h 1 1 1 ppines President Marcos that are likely to cover ways to end friction between the Philippines and Malaysia. Mr. Marcos arrived today in Da
    Reuter  -  260 words
  • 117 22 KEY BISCAYM (Florida), Mon. President Nixon, warn uig against I—latlsnism, said today that for the first time la this century "a real chance exists for testIng peace.'' In a oarlosHrlo> radio Memorial Day address, delivered from the Florida White Howe. Mr. Mixes said
    UPI  -  117 words
  • 186 22 Whitlam likely to claim mandate to govern /CANBERRA Mon. v Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, who could end up with a reduced parliamentary majority of three to live Mats after final retails of Urn May 18 general election. Is expected to claim a mandate to govern In a speech to
    186 words
  • 99 22 Bank siege man faces 14 charges HONGKONG, Mon. L«e Wal-bun, 30. appeared in a north Kcwloon court today charged with robbery at the Po Sang Bank last Friday when 11 Ewere held hostage hours, faced a tctal of rges Eleven of than were for legal Imprisonment of 11 bank staff
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 36 22 BEIRUT Man. Iraq baa Invited 10 woatarn firm* to bid for the con*tn<etton of a USasJO million (8M73 million) paper factory with an annual capacity of MOM ton. Industrial *ourcea here said today AP.
    AP  -  36 words
  • 28 22 ■nwoKcmo. m» a hlgfa-ranklag ittlujsM»u fawn Chana't Pnphi ÜbaraUon Amy left Pvktnc today fur a natt to North Kan*, the Haw China nrw» at«ocy MML OFt
    28 words
  • 119 22 Chirac is new French -Premier- DARIS, Mon. OauUlit Interior Minister Jacques Chirac, 41, was today appointed Prime Minister by new French President Valery Qiscerd Distalng Mr. Chirac, an lntlmaU of the Ute President Oeorges Pompidou, was named as Premier shortly after Prim* Minister Pierre Messmer handed in hi* resignation. Mr.
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 209 22 Walkout by engineers at Irish power stations BELFAST. Mon. Bigineers walked out of Northern Ireland's crippled power stations today only hours after British troops took over oil and petrol supplies In a government bid to break a political strike by militant Protestants. A spokesman for the Electricity Board said the
    Reuter  -  209 words
  • 18 22 MOSCOW. Mon The Soviet Union today launched the SMth la 1U Mrt«s of cosmos satellites Reuter
    Reuter  -  18 words
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    • 114 22 You can see them growing taller every day with JUniUITE m Junivite is the vitamin syrup specially formulated for children, with the 6 Essential Vitamins in concentrated orange juice. 9jT --9b% Sttrt your children u^B"^»L on Junivite today. J^T^jU^PM RECOMMENDED BY DOCTORS r PERFORM HEAVY DUTIES WITH SMALL IMPUT POWER
      114 words
    • 141 22 f~ from West Germany "^iv with strong 'n 1 sturdy KUSCH office chairs KUSCH the prestigeous chairs with vinyl, fabric or genuine leather upholstery. Superb locking mechanism for that strong V sturdy base. Excellent workmanship for elegant offices and public areas. LHOUTOKU DYNASTY (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD First Floor Shenton House
      141 words
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