The Straits Times, 26 May 1974

Total Pages: 23
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 27 1 TOTAL WEEKLY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 300.000 The Sunday Times Largest .sales in SXAsia No. 1985 SINGAPORE EDITION SUNDAY, MAY 26, 1974 30 CENTS M.C. (P) No. 17/74
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  • 226 1 39 bulldozers and tractors destroyed by guerilla explosives and bombs Machines used for road near Thai border KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday COMMUNIST terrorists blew up 39 bulldozers and tractors near the worksite of the proposed East- West Highway near Crik on Thursday night. The machines
    226 words
  • 68 1 UNITED NATIONS. Bat.— The Onlied Statea yeatsrtty protected the pubUoaUoo of a Ct.n. report on n £"J J T deployment In tha Indian Ocear. aOsfdni that the U.ft IU offenatr* nuclear capability towards JSftrttm« in that Tnt report said that the US. under a new agrwamont
    68 words
  • 68 1 HELSINKI. Sat. Former Soviet tennis champion Torruu Ltjus la under an eat in ■jtonla, accusad of murdering hla wUa. praas report* mM bare yesterday. The W-yaar-old former Davis Cup Player, who won tb* Wttttwadon Junior Championship in 19M. (aoa* a char»e of strangling nil wife, Kn* out
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 218 1 HONGKONG, Saturday 18-hour bank siege ended dramatically here today when police stormed the building and captured a gunman who was found struggling with several hostages he held following an abortive robbery last night, a police spokesman The spokesman Mid several hostages freed themselves
    UPI  -  218 words
  • 18 1 VATICAN CTTT. Bat. Pop* Paul yaitaraay named aftßMtfnor Jareauab ■i ■tafinp of Limerick In the 3
    18 words
  • 158 1 'Indonesia not ready for ties with -China'— JAKABTA, Sat. Foreign Minister Adam MaMk said yewterday Indonesia was not ready to normalise diplomatic relations with China in the immediate future Mr. Malik told reporters the Indonesian Government had no objections to farthering contact with China through sports as suggested by the
    UPI  -  158 words
  • 159 1 HUNDREDS STRANDED IN AUSSIE BLIZZARD SYDNIY. Sat. Hundreds of people were left stranded today after bUnards and torrential rains hit two mountain anas In New South Wales, Isolating traffic and cutting power and communications. Thirty-four people In a tourist coach had to spend the night In freezing temperatures after their
    Reuter  -  159 words
  • 49 1 LONDON. Sat. Mn Marcta Williams. Prim* Mi nlstar Wilson's eoafrowtraav aoMcal and private •ternary who was atad* a Ufa uaait-n yesterday hop** to take the title of Lady Pauftanoar. Sh* said ah* was awaiting official yailMliwi (or tb* tlU*. which Arm from bar mothara family name ataaaw.
    49 words
  • 74 1 RAWALPINDI. Bat. A businessman here has put his eyes on sale to pay back his debU. In an advertisement In the mats circulation Urdu language dally newspaper Jang. Mohammad Aafhar said hu b mines* had Buffered loam and be owed MOJOO 8*32.000) Asghar
    UPI  -  74 words
  • 239 1  - Jeweller held in $41,000 HK gems seizure K. S. SIDHU. By pOLICE have arrested a Singapore jeweller and seized a $11,000 jade piece and other jewellery worth $30,000. A party from Orchard Road police station picked up the man from his home in Chinatown last week. They also recovered the
    239 words
  • 40 1 MOSCOW. Sat. A court In the Ukraine baa sentenced Jour man to death by firing squad for taking part in torturing and shooting peaceful Sonet citizen, aa tiembera of the Nasl police luring World War Two. neuter.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 320 1 Exclude friends of Thanom call OANOKOK. Sat. The powerful National Student Centre of Thailand (NSCT) today demanded that all people who were Cabinet members in the ousted military regime of Prime Minister Thanom Klttlkachorn be excluded from the new government being formed. Acting Prime Minister Sanya Thammasak, who resigned from
    Reuter; AP  -  320 words
  • Latest
    • 33 1 LONDON. Sat. Portaraeae Gwvernmeat and African Caerilla leaders today began official talks atecd at achieving a ceasefire in Port** gaeae Gainea, wben a costly war has raged for IS years ■cater
      33 words
    • 28 1 KKT BISCAY? I (Ftorlda), Sat. IHwaidant Nixon said day that tha Inflation storms ara abating and tba worst la '»or In tho flgbt against Inflation. UPI
      UPI  -  28 words
    • 24 1 KEY BISCAYNE (Florida). Rat. fraaident N»xoo wUI rtstt the MdaUe Em "at Mar fatare," a Walte Hmk svatuaawia saM taaar AP.
      AP  -  24 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 185 1 ROLEX SALES SERVICE is at 73 Robinson Roac ELMO make good movies easy B^bWbVbsbl Th« Elmo Super 110 BSBBSaW 'aalure* •10 1 Zoom Ha^sasav*^ Ratio for both wide BSBBSSB^^^ <n < SnCl T l «P r>o c rfiow. And Ultra Cloat-up tocuting th n t>las v OO to J^oot doa*
      185 words
    • 139 1 6EMS ft Kximinit* JEWELLERY U.S. de SUVA SONS, Jeweller* 62, 24, RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE- 1 TEL: ***** BREAD TO COST LESS TOMORROW Pag« 9 FOREIGN New. t S DANGERS of drug ads 4 THE great paper chaae 5 THE POND that will be the new talking point S BONUS with
      139 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • TheSundayTimes WORLDWIDE
    • 772 2 CAIRO, Saturday EGYPT'S increasingly bitter war of words with Libya led yesterday to what is believed to be the fust official di sclosuie here that a squadron of French built Mirage fighter-bomb-ers apparently bought by Libya was flying with the
      Reuter  -  772 words
    • 497 2 British troops may be sent to break Ulster strikes DELFAST, Sat. °Dra«tlc British measures In striketorn Northern Ireland, possibly Involving the use of troops to restore essential services, today appeared Imminent. News from London that Prime Minister Harold Wilson will be making a national broadcast tonight Increased speculation that troops
      Reuter  -  497 words
    • 48 2 CANBERRA. Sfct Thif» m no ""-"U"t on mugtoal MU today to ftfltet Mm Labour Oownmeoti oonfttan that It had bwn iw•tooted. The final owtconw of tt» ttortton wUI b» known on WadnMday or Thursday whan uwlaiwoo Tot« an distributed in n aarHnal Mala. nwwr.
      48 words
    • 227 2 Lawyer Wealthy men hired King's killers MEMPHIS, Sat. —Two professional gunmen hired by four "wealthy, socially prominent Americans" killed Dr Martin Luther King Jr. an attorney for James Karl Ray (above), said yesterday. Robert Livingston, a Memphis lawyer, said he had been contacted by an Intermediary for the gunmen who
      UPI  -  227 words
    • 52 2 A MONKEY named Alice Faye gently holds a kitten named Sweetie Pie In Sacramento, California, Alice, according to Pat Shepherd, owner of both animals, likes to hold the> kitten, dean it and even kiss II She says tbe monkey treats Sweetie Pie Just like a baby.—
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    • 241 2 f ONDON. Sat— ProsLi pects that Britain's minority Labour Govern ment would call an early general election receded still further tMay with the result of a Parliamentary by-election. The Labour Party comfortably retained one of Its London strongholds. Newham Soutn. with a much reduced majority
      Reuter  -  241 words
    • 280 2 No reply from Pat to sisters' 'give up' appeals •f OS ANGELES, Sat Patricia Hearst yesterday Ignored or perhaps had not heard pleas from her sisters and fiance to give herself up and save her life as police grimly pressed a hunt for the heiress and two terrorist Symbionese Liberation
      UPI  -  280 words
    • 32 2 LONDON. Sat The Rev Ketth Bhackleton. 51. Vicar of aalford, committed culdde by setting fire to hlmaelf bacauae be *v worried about hla church* flnanca*. an inquest heard yesterday Rrtter
      32 words
    • 103 3 Heath meets Mao PEKINO. Sat. Brt--1 tlsh Opposition leader Eaward Heath today met China's venerated Chairman Mao Tse-tung for nearly 90 minutes. The meeting, on the first full day of Mr. Heath's 10-day visit here, took place without notice soon after midday In the chairman's closely guarded residence to the
      Reuter  -  103 words
    • 389 3 WASHINGTON, Saturday SPECIAL Watergate prosecutor Leon Jaworskl yesterday wert to the Supreme Court ir. an attempt to force President Nixon to turn over .subpoenaed evidence. Mr. Jaworski, in his first appeal to the nat'on's highest legal body, asked whether the President Is subject
      Reuter; UPI  -  389 words
    • 666 3 Speech by the German Ambasjador in Singapore, Dr. Hans J. Dietrich, un the occasion ?f the 25th Anniversary of the Founding of the Federal Republic of Germany held yesterday before the German community in Singapore. After the German Ambassador had held a
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    • 534 3 Dr. K in all-out Golan accord DAMASCUS, Saturday THE U.S. Secretary of State, Dr. Henry Kissinger, would either have a disengagement agreement between Syria and Israel wrapped up by nightfall or abandon his month-long peace mission, a senior American official said here today. The 11th negotiating session with President Hafez
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  534 words
    • 236 3 SuhartoMarcos summit 'will be useful' JAKARTA. Sat. Indonesia's Foreign Ml nlster Mr. Adam Malik has described the plan ned summit between President Suharto and President Marcos later this month as significant and useful. Speaking tn reporters after his return here last night from Oeneva, where he had led a conference
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    • 263 3 JAKARTA. Bat. Foreign Minister Adam Malik said Indonesia was concerned over India's nuclear explosion last week despite assurances that the test was for peaceful purposes. He told reporters last night that other countries might use similar excuses to follow India's lead. Mr. Malik said Indonesia considered a
      Reuter; AP  -  263 words
    • 46 3 MANILA. Sat Mai Btati L»u of Hongkong, singing ■Killing me aoftly with hit aong". tonight won the bCw Talent award in the Mlaa Art* qutst hart. The lt-jroar-oid public relation* tn a Hongkong tottvatea company wa* choMn Mist Prlondthlp **rUtr tonight. ReuUr
      46 words
    • 51 3 MELBOURNE. Bat Vlctorlai ex*u*ted flood fighters are now lacing a new threat or disease At Nathali*. tn north eastern Victoria. 90 000 sandbags are keeping the flood waters at bay. but the town's sewerage plant has broken down, spilling effluence Into the streets of the town
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 30 3 LONDON Sat. Police •nd immigration Authorities havt e*t*bU*hed special intelligence unit* to trap illegal immigrant*. Home Secretary Roy Jenkins «aid yesterday In written reply to parliamentary question Reuter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 136 3 WASHINGTON, Sat —The higher Malajratan Un export taxes will he borne solely by the mining IndMtry tod canaot he jtstßd on U eensamera, the Malayan Tin Bnreae amid here yesterday. The hareaa said Out oa April 23 the Malaysian Govern expert duties ea tin,
      UPI  -  136 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 302 2 IK ULTIMATE 11 TIME MEASUREKMT PAGOL A WINNER EVERY TIME FOR QUALITY, INDIVIDUALITY AND VALUE SHOCK ABSORBER W \g ST""^ V yf* n **S*j- VX I If A-"**" P285E 1 -4| 4239 V i\l t*' m^9 "'A i Wil L Wii la ill wflQ bV. h ■■^r^ _^g4fl K\i v>
      302 words
    • 78 2 for enquiries eoneerning Marine Industrial Diesel Engines; Generator and Welding Nets; Pumps; etc. Call Te1:25M*****r<!^1..»7114M7 mmmmm dies el emoimeb W% ■■^g^^w wB II Mwf^ WrNI P^g^^^^^ for rHliihlllty «ml durability vSfij g^^^ M series 1 MARIMC DIESEL ENGINE COMPRESSOR UNIT INDUSTRIAL GENERATOR WELDING SET %3{P 1 88APPLICATIONS SOLE AGENTS /7||
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • 724 4 TABLET X, according to the advertise ment, gives its consumer beautiful hair, sparkling eyes, good complexion, extra energy and resistance to the common cold. But unknown perhaps to the many young girls swallowing it daily In vain pursuit of these wonderful results, the
    724 words
  • 84 4 107 houses found breeding mosquitoes A TOTAL of 107 (2.3 per cent) out of 4.658 residential houses and 28 U2J per cent) of 204 construction sites surveyed by Environment Ministry inspectors from April 8 to May 14 were found to be breeding mosquitoes. A fiaaaem from Urn Ministry yesterday stated
    84 words
  • 31 4 THB Maihtrr for Seine* aad Tmbboloij. Or. Ton Chin Ctipe. win open the Science fortnight and sfeaDSTAS adsnoaWlr ti at the Ra/Ttes DMtttutlon at it «Jn oo June 4.
    31 words
  • 391 4 Yong to shippers: Make full use of your fleet /COMMUNICATIONS \J Minister Mr. Teng Nyak Lin told local shippers yesterday to make optimum use of their fleet as they now had to operate on the basts of high fuel costs. Speaking at the 21st anniversary dinner of the Singapore Shipping
    391 words
  • 21 4 TH> School or Postgraduate Medical Btudtaa win held the Primary Matter of Madtctn* (Sorcery) Kxami nation on June It.
    21 words
  • 453 4 1 ,000,000 CPF members at the end of last month MEMBERSHIP of the Central Provident Fund has reached the one million mark at the end of laat month. This was disclosed by Mr. Robert lav, general manager of the CPF Board, at the International Ti Men's Club of Singapore luncheon
    453 words
  • 62 4 A JO-YIAR-OLD man m jre«i«rd»y charged In the Pint Magistrate* Court with raping a li-year-old girl at a rubber plantation at Pulau Übln between Sept 3S and Oct. M last year Samad bin Mohammed Tahir, a Malaysian, waa remanded at the Central Police Station until June
    62 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 341 4 gaA^aarSolQi Haa rreeravigliosa J That's Italian for "marvellous". And that's what you'll say when you see the fabulous iange of I ARISTON gas cookers. Each one's a real aristocrat, m L Take the model L4OGT (illustrated) for example, It has all these most wanted features: 1 It YZtHga^l^ I ARISTON
      341 words
    • 168 4 CONTACT LENSES I bbbbbb aaaaW LaV J A I II I Laal gaaaa^^W B M?J£k£f f2£> e xa atlons you recewe every educational L u!^ W2 Stimford Co' 1 advantage possible haa had an outstanding record of 65,000 *~~«i"«< examination atcceaaai in the Cambridge available courses course alone. This high
      168 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 940 4 TV SINGAPORE (5) IU.U3 Stow (riput) MJ| try aduetosi of iwm LM Mighty Mow* Cartoon urwt II.H NtM Brnf Ml Stood Buffy Petti ft* (Malay, ropaot) 11.41 lAmmIM mom) JJI So)ajan| British lilts Secctr CliiM f Panda*: Mlliy draioa 7JB MM 1974: Wilts n Ea|loNl i£» M and wwsrael (IWty).
      940 words
    • 20 4 WATEB i n«i—i»tioa •a rrMay ni 117.1 (ISMM e«M« Metres). 1.7 mllU«a itDou (7,tM »Mc ■rtrM) »ore tkaa »n TUan«a.
      20 words

  • 240 5 W»h, 14. could not keep time to the orian music, nor could he adjust the mike if he wanted to. For Lum has been a polio cripple since bis childhood days. But that did not •top him from singing from a wheel
    240 words
  • 756 5 Million trade in the great paper chase RECYCLING WASTE SCRAP INTO TOILET ROLLS §OME call it the great paper chase. Others merely describe the process as turning in the old for the new. Whatever the name of the game, collecting and re-cycling waste paper into toilet rolls and paper cartons
    756 words
  • 268 5 Tip on the best way to stop crime pRESERVA- TION of certain aspects of community life in the old environment such as the spirit of mutual help, is ope of the most positive ways of crime prevention, Education Minister Dr. Lee Chlaw Meng said last night. He told residents of
    268 words
  • 97 5 HPHREE men were yes■a. terday fined a total of $2,500 In the First Magistrate's court for drug offences. Hwa She Eng, M. who was found In a cubicle In Cross Street with a gram of heroin on Friday was fined $1,000. Two youths
    97 words
  • 80 5 Timber Industry Bum to hold logo design contest rxiHE Timber industry X Board Is organising a logo design competition In June. A cash prls» of SI.OOO wtU be •warded to the oontwUnt whoe» esafn Is accepted by the boejxl for Its ust. Th« coanptlUiwi will be Judged by a peatl
    80 words
  • 61 5 MP to attend institute's open house THE MP for Alexandra. Dr. Wong Lin Ken. will attend the Bahamd din Vocational Institute's open house and exhibition at 5.30 pjn. on May 31. StudaoU win demonstrate piujsato In lac wmljocpu to Urn putotte during U» thr—aar entttttm. ■shafts taeiudt fashion aits, men*
    61 words
  • 63 5 $25 MIL CEMENT PLANT ANEW $25 million eesaent factory will be set on la Jarong by the end of this year. Thai r leant factory, a ietet Tessiore ■Oswejaji De» per* (DBS) aa* Ba—ya»C Cs—ibl Industrial Ce.. of Seajta Here* hi exported to begia ptsißiUsa by 1»7«. DBS Mi Saawyaag
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  • 29 5 BWAMI Ranfaj»»th»nanda head of the fUratkrlshna Huston. Hrdrrebad will apeak on Religion and Science at the Rotary Club of Singapore's lunch meeting at Mandarin Hotel on Weaoes*ay
    29 words
  • 214 5 r-$23,000 haul in two days by robbers, thieves ROBBERS and thieves struck five times on Thursday and Friday and escaped with cash and valuables worth a total of some $23,055. On Thursday morning thieves broke Into draughtsman's office ln Jalan Benaan Kapal. off Kallang Park and carted away three propellors
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  • 80 5 Car crash: Police plea for witnesses FOLICE yesterday appealed for eye-witnesses of a fatal road accident Involving a SAF car and a motorcyclist at Admiralty Road West. 3embawang. at about 1 40 p.m. on Friday. The motor cyclist. Zalnal bin Ise>. IS. wsi taken to Johore Bthru Hospital where he
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
      574 words
    • 568 5 vm f nlatlOnt "'^W Kaw B k^bk Laonrdo da Vinci's f nUa^a -Jaw* F" Built-ifl HOW QO J W POWERMETER aj Uaaaur* your increase* slre«fl» Uom me *•*> Ch# :k lh# r# ad' n fl o" m •a Jf-gV-v SBJ aa aaj faTaaafm a. m -fjw _t*j I afX »e»jerwaier
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    • 603 6 For namesake. please leave me alone you *ouM think I'd be 1 nattered to learn a girl with the same name (down to the last letter) as mine has made It to the Miss Singapore /Miss Universe beauty contest finals. No Ma'am, I was not thrilled to bits and didn't
      603 words
    • 369 6 'Big look' Is in so mums-to-be can wait in style I ADIES-ln waiting In America are now said to be the most stylish people In town, because fashlon dictates the "big look" for this year. I am afraid I cant say the same of our lot here. Most of our
      369 words
    • 176 6 pRESJ informal" does nor mein come as yov »f. Not unless you are ready to be lest in a ses of beauteous women tastefully decked out in casuals. It means let your hair down if you must but to do Justice to yourself, please don't
      MAZLAN lADaaadkaaati  -  176 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 718 6 A $V#rtlMfllMat _^^_^af^_2 M H BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm J^ Make this your loveliest year ever Every year of a cause this unique reap the rich dividends woman's life may or beauty Tluid enjoys an of beauty as you make may not brin* with it ideal compatibility this your loveliest year a new
      718 words
    • 101 6 Skin Radiance and Sparkle Revive your skin at least once a day by lightly patting It with a pad soaked In Lemon Delph freshener Nothing Is more effective or rewarding in getting the circulation moving and bringing fresh colour to the surface. Pat the skin in an upward direction from
      101 words

  • amnannnnanßßß^Bi^^^B^^M^^^n^^^^^^^^^^^^^HaannnmnnnnnnnmnnmnnmnmmHi
    • 562 7 I NOW AFTER 10 YEARS WITH BURTON, SHE SAYS 'I NEVER THOUGHT WE COULD LIVE APART...' HOP! with all my heart that none of my children will have to suffer any divorce of their own. Divorce, however you slice It, Is ugly
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 157 7 SUPER BUYS EVERY MY 10am 9.30pm Mon Sat 10am 6.30pm Sunday FREE PARKING After spm Mon Sat .AlLday Sunday I SPECIAL Mon-Sat Chtctlata Biteiita Stick 48 g .65 Glica Pocky Flowlet Candiea 80 g .95 Nitsin Mini Bar 250 g 1.90 Mara Sterilized Milk 397 g .40 Caw Bell (14
      157 words
    • 142 7 W v 1 ■'^l-jiitlltSßQSMH^S^L *-i v'*^^^nmm^^'-^SRBoMH^m^{j.t ■^■■r'^^ B^y^joA Mmm the only I talcum that spreads lasting coolness right into your skin. You can feel Cool Feeling actually spreading a gentle, deep down coolness on your skin keeping you cooler, fresher, lovelier, even through the hottest day or evening. When others
      142 words

  • 734 8  -  LESLIE FONG TO MARK SIXTH ANNIVERSARY OF DIPLOMATIC TIES By SMALL, slightly murky pond will probably dislodge Watergate, oil prices and the weather as the main talking point at a diplomatic reception in the new Russian Embassy at Nassim Road on It will almost certainly be Inspected by
    734 words
  • 350 8 Build up the shipping industry quickly, shippers urge Govt rpHE president of the Singapore Shipping Association, Mr. Tay Beng Chuan, yesterday called on the Government to build up the local shipping Industry as rapidly as the manufacturing sector. t Mr. Tay said it was vital for Singapore to have an
    350 words
  • 148 8 CID dotoetrres arrested 1* people daring raids In various parts of the oity on Thursday and. early yesterday. Two of thorn, both arrested in Cecil Street area, were found to be. secret society fighters. One, an It-rear old youth, bdoofed to the Bio Bo Lent
    148 words
  • 249 8 'Govt should show preference for quality certified products' CTRONO preference shown in Government purchasing for standardised and quality certlfUd products is one effective way of promoting standardisation, certification and quality control wlth'n a country. This was one of the resolutions of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (U N ID
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 301 8 \llNffl \%o^^^ VUPPIPII I aw b^b^^bsj ay ssj asr ay aj km ?aia H *****8888 BSSBsi I B&^BW BBSBsI M 2415 H M2IIOF r jjuunn.ninrmtPTTt 3 BAND RADIO/CASSETTE/FM RAD.O CASSETTE RECORDER SVyIVsH PORTABLE S# 2SS, STEREOCAST SSSS 5^ JUST ONE £St=Sr S^SSS: Built-in D.rect rad.o to-tape Automatic Level Controt
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  • 668 9 gHKAI) will be cheaper from tomorrow an 800 gramme loaf down by four cents and a 400 gramme loaf by two gents becaase of the recent drop in wheat flour prices. And bakeries are expecting evep further drops in bread
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  • 80 9 Sunken ship to be turned into scrap SBLCO (8) Pte. Ltd. said yesterday that the Oceanic Queen, which sank In the Eastern Anchorage some two years ago. would be turned Into scrap after being salvaged The company which is in charge of tht aalvaa* operation* now going on. said that
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  • 220 9 A TATTOO GAVE AWAY YOUNG ROBBER A TATTOO gave away a teenage robber who held up two separate victims within a neck at the same place last month. A court was told yesterday that Soow Hwee Seng. I*. was also arrested at the same place on April 17 two days
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  • 454 9 LIFE begins again at 21 for former national youth team goal-keeper E w a y Thiam Bock after six months of his youth went up In ganja-la-den puffs. Today, hundreds of MX pills, countless canja reefers and three months
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  • 167 9 Two gold medals for Ngee Ann's top -student- LIM En« Beng. 22. Ngee Ann College's most outstanding student (or 1973/74 and the top mechanical engineering student, will be awarded two gold medals at the graduation ceremony on Tuesday He will receive the Singapore Manufacturers Association and the National Iron and
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  • 62 9 rvR Roy Joseph and Miss Rachel Matbews at their wedding at the Mar Thorn* Church in Singapore yesterday. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. P. J. Joseph of the editorial staff of the New Nation, and Mrs. Joseph. The bride is the daughter of Mr.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 103 9 X^^^^^^^B^B cf£Bj^~^^^^m JT, Tf I I B^B^hs^B^B^BftMlfiMr'^ B^B^BW jflluß^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^E' V S!^B^B^B^HHB|eß*^ I ?BH^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^HI^B^B»? A^M .Jh^BK-^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^BhSL^^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^BSSEt IJb^BW 'WWH 4JhP**^ h 3 FLIGHTS DAILY TO HONG KONG Depart Singapore at 8.45 am, 9am or 12.45pm, any day. Non-stop on the 8.45 am flight on Monday ,^k Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. Via Bangkok or
      103 words

  • ThßtafavflMt Sunday, May 26. 1974 ma
    • 289 10 FIRST, compulsory price-lagging for market stallholders and hawkers, then the announcement that display of tags for 15 essential Items Is obligatory. These two moves last week affirm the government's declared Intention to attack rising prices and the cost of living. Compulsory tagging can help. The shopkeeper
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    • 139 10 piRST Impressions can be powerful. The welfare home visits and slum, survey in the orientation programme of the University of Singapore Students' Union may be to sheltered new undergraduates the eye-openers and mind-refreshers that the organisers hope they will be. If this glimpse of life Is not
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    • 760 10 Ellington the king of jazz bows out NEW YORK. Saturday DUKE Ellington's long career as a popular bandleader and entertainer often obscured the fact that he was one of the most prolific and important composers of 20th century American mi Since his first compositions appeared In the *****. Ellington was
      Reuter  -  760 words
    • 603 10 MAHATAMA Gandhi once observed that siren the cattle population of India, largest In the world, the nation should never experience a fertiliser or fuel shortace. What the father of the Indian nation had in mind was that the enormous quantity of cowdung obtained from the more
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    • 666 10  - Display orchard plan for reclaimed land BILU CAMPBELL By NONE of us has difficulty recognising the durlan. The smell alone readily Identifies the fruit. Even as we do our Sunday marketing or pause at roadside fruit stalls, however, we may not so easily recognise all the many other varieties of
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    • 1030 10 WHEN ASIAN NATIONS REFUSE TO ACCEPT CHINA FIS an Asian irony that 25 years after a communist government was established in Peking, Cr.ina continues to be considered an enigma. Non-communist Asian states trade with, recognise and -have unrestricted personal contact with Japan whose imperial designs on Asia were
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 9 10 SEIKO 'a Nußt .jgflr eios-MTo B^B*^ stni oo radbonffecrnology
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    • 410 10 7 /'VfcMO^s EduuitsanTC^V 1074 ADMISSIONS I R«o«niM4 Ml-time/part-lim* classm commence oo B I 3rd Jur» 1974. I I) Unmtnii la) Professional: ACA/ICMA Ibl Diploma m Account** (c) Diploma m Co»t>n« I 2) Sacrataryrfiia la) Privat* Secretaryship (("It or-Wl Ibl Company Secretaryship ICISI H II Mi—«iwi- »*4 ■■iliiii S»i»*et la) Diploma
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  • leisure leisure....4
    • 6079 11  -  Col. EUGENE BIRD By Farwr IS DiracUr if Spaaiai PritM For a third of this century Rudolf Hess has been held prisoner. During that time he has spoken freely to only one man. Now from inside Spandau comes Hess's own story of his flight to Britain
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 280 11 BBBBBaI^BBBBBBBsVM I I WIN $16,000 I I WORTH I I OF PRIZES I Kara ia aaaw excitiag aawa far all driven. Prfmwarta $16,000 art Beiag after* ia tat Haw Natian/Vaaxhall Viva Eeaatay Teat Contett wfcich it aow oa Tap prize ia a coloar TV aat Every week wiaaert af tae
      280 words
    • 160 11 [Supermarket Loww around floor 9milJWl*CW, Ow*»«rt»taw4^«wrM«Bo«d,a«*q«oo—ftW3SO<44 r HBqajrßapaw CK-Hbl I**'-' > t i.ti LEAN MMOD »ofJC*t' y** BEBBURGERS <nq~. j 2.40 LEAN PORK CUBES SUut OX-TOHflm a** >». 1 1.» FIWDMEITBALLS S oso BEEFSAUS*CES :t»:w 2BKS v DANISH' V I CHICKEN y $6.95 MACKtWL nUIfS Cryngore 106 fl t O.M
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  • leisure....2
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 183 12 r diamond mototFs^^^j!j^^^?i^H^Hm^^o I J 9 .H HmHHUHfI BH^h aHs^sHi W IXIi^IIH I^l j^Biaaaalalaaaaaaaaaaa3 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa^lliaaaaaaaaaaaa^BaaaVHl SB JLSSHIB B^B^B^Hs^B^^a^B^^^l^aaaaaaaaaaaaai I aHaj^^^HHE^^B^aaaaaßr^^l Hi i^a— >^B aaaW -A -MH^LaaaaW iliillllaa^smalalaaaaaaaaaaaaa^Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal awaPHßLwtwßslLwawaawS^^^^^^^^l r^P^^*^^^^^^^ V^>& iP£Nll£l mUHH^IHiSH nPO3BBE3B HjH I^l IW BBS I jt_-^EBjJaor S^H B^BißwflK^lS^'^^^'^'^aßßß B^Lr^T T^^|fl|^flKm& B^LbIBBBBBBBBB^4jV|^LuS^LbBBBBBbVsL vVs^LbBBBBBBBBH IIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV^LBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBM BBBBBBBBBBL!__^_SbMjBBBBBbVJ ft^^aVf LbV ~*V
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 135 12 1 1^< ;k,[(J)l^^^t^l ]!->•#' fil I With the British Automobile Association Adjusting and Repiacing the Fan Belt 1 Tha fan batl dnvat iha )»n i«a,«r pump and dynamo. If 2lf ,n«f* >s too muct tr*c play mis can ba lakan up by 3To rapUc* a worn t«n ban slackan tna
      135 words
    • 953 12 nection" on Ch. 5 at *> m MALAYSIA THE ARCENT OF MAN aamfcuiwui discusses the moral dl- lemma of the scientist T 2»BiuANv n u. In our times and relates O J ER lA C NY a the principle o( uncer- a "2?*n in Star Soccer talnty ln physics to
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  • leisure....3
    • 1460 13  - AROUND INDONESIAN ISLES TEO LYE SENG HOLIDAY WITH A DIFFERENCE ilifiYlijl By THE strains of Anchors Aweigh signalled the start of the m.s. Prlnsendam's tenth voyage around the Indonesian Archipelago. As the luxury liner slipped slowly away from the dock that sunny Monday afternoon three wee is ago we began
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    • 420 13  -  Jeffrey Low j^^^^fl o LINDISFARNE: ROLL ON, RUBY (Charisma). Contemporary folk -rock music receives a shot in the arm almos; every time Lindisfarne produce an album. While "Fog On The Tyne" has always been considered this Newcastle group's best LF, opinions would certainly change
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 189 13 ■k bsb^^ v .^asu BBBBF*^ vi BssnV Juu^sbbl BBrVi* fISS 58 Am SBaBI^^'^R^BnUBMBBBBBB^^BBBrO' A^m\ I BBbT -JBBsi wL bbV r^SßsVji l«BB«^a^BBBBBnl BBS^Vsßßßßr^awi<Vjßr^ < v^^BnlP"/^Br9iir^Bßl Thai International offers 3 Royal Orchid Express flights a week to Europe. Tuesdays at B*OO a.m. Tuesdays at 8-IO p.m. Fridays at 8-IO p. m for
      189 words
    • 163 13 Graduate in London with an International n Diploma in Hairdressing 3-1 L At the London Institute and Morris fl ssnWw School of Hairdressing. Europe's largest and most popular hairdressing training centre, which has trained more successful graduates Ib***** mm than any other school. Your future could be B secure and
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 212 13 SUNDAY TIMES CROSSWORD ACBOBS DOWN 1 Treajured 4 Plow J. Greediness of appottu Beholng (IS); 14. (13); I. Kvsns (•>; I. Merit Period (3); IS. Hot punch (4) B Bsvaragw (4): 6 I «.W'^ < 4 iwi- 7. Spfcnad* c££L?*S,. .41; «*> Royal 10 Sell 11. Droop <S>; 23. Archaic
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 390 14 QUALIFY** promotion through ICS SPECIALIZED TMININa HI MANAGEMENT AND TECHNICAL SUIJECTS Learn at home to improve your position and to earn what you are really worth. ICS home-study courses have helped thousands of ambitious men to achieve promotion and better pay. Moderate fees all books supplied. Take the first step
      390 words

  • 1162 15 liHIS month may be deslgna ted the bonus month at the Stock Exchange of Singapore, Judging from the number of list-*! companies which have dug deep Into their reserves 'and come up with "free" scrip to reward their shareholders' patience. At
    1,162 words
  • 700 15 fV FISCEB: "I would like to know whether 1 can app'y for another copy of my marriage certificate from the Registry of Marriages. "My husband burnt It during a family Quarrel several yean ago. 1 was married accordIng to the Chinese lunar
    700 words
  • 128 15 IREFEB U the esMry Mr. Francis Sim mi kw to motov a )m» mi kwitf sfcte, I* th* -P*m^U 3T /rjjtojuf eoiuui (Sw. T. I».*VM). May iMjittM «rtNtSlt thM* IS BO I*Oifl feat tevtay mJImI at Uk> oAm m SBagtaL If h*
    128 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 116 15 tsVb2\. AW%*S S S I > ill TE AC A-360 j Stereo Cassette Deck Jj Built-in Dolby Noise Reduction System Jtj *Amazingly low wow flutter 0.07% jjj High Density Ferrite Heads jjj *3-Step Bias/Equalization Switch jjj I -s^essssss^sS^ g^esssW- 111 sfet sLJf^^S^^ TEAC A-450 M^^ m Cassette Deck with Dolby
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    • 687 16  -  WALTER SEOW By ANE thing you can v straightaway say about John Huston's The life and Times of Judge Roy Bean, now at the Cathay, is that it is not a run-of-the-mill Western. Paul Newmans spoof of the banging Judge encompasses
      687 words
    • 82 16 THK 81n»»pore Film Society will show Th« Adventures of Ooopy and Bbassv, a film by Satym}lt Ray. at the Cultural Centre today at S, and pm. This Is musical fantasy which tells of the two characters being given three wishes by the King
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 562 16 fur met's $ttd|en ftinie motel FRENCH food FRENCH atmosphere FRENCH chefs Come to a typical French restaurant, Le Farmer's Kitchen. You'll love our new menu. Lunch and dinner. TODAY'S LUNCH SUGGESTIONS LEGUMES A LA GRECOUE 3 50 greek style pick lad mUed vegeteblet QUICHE AUXCREVETTES $3.50 shrimps and ega> O'«
      562 words
    • 71 16 Now SnowtOf DAILY AT 3.00. 8.00 Sj 8.00 PM INo free list) JITHENORA. REENA ROY ANWAR HUSSAIN in Music RD Bur man with EnglMn S Malay Sub titles Today StMcial Morning Show at 1 1 a.m. OIMAMA KAU IBU I Inrtnn—ni.-rf^w^rcrcrti N*» Starlight 1 00 8 a 8.00 am sV-tMIAM
      71 words
    • 102 16 Gaylanfl Quaanetown NOW SHOWING Go4oan CHv 1 4S. 4. 7 t.30 Gataxy I.IS. 3.30. 7 ft t.30 An Action- Packed Mandarin Production with English ft Chinese Subtittas Marring Lo Liar). Chan Wai Mm ft Gracy Tong To Day Mernina Show at 11 am at Both Thaatraa A Muaieal Drama in
      102 words
    • 747 16 MmmWS^ml IK 1r i theE3!l2HElDn ,best SUNGLASSES AL controlled prices Authorised Distributor: ©NEW CHINA OPTICAL CO, 159 North Bridge Road Singaport (Capitol Building) Tal: *****6 J SINCAFURA OPENS TODAY J 3 SHOWS DAILY: 100. 6 9. NO FREE LIST i#aW]tlj V 4w>»T^H»§ll PwaVwaw bjf BAVf "■UIDER ii THE UlSr ustauMCoto>
      747 words
    • 691 16 iijj CATHAY!; 1 I H 1 NOW SMOWINQI 2 Show* 700 a 830 pay i Wen o<wwr Production* TMI WORLD'S OREATEST ATMUTC" I Trfn Conwav Tee^mcoior :i I m iiarflnp 110> EXPLOSIVE OAVM Ptem* Note Se»een«o Time*. 4 SHOWS DAILY AT I 11 jm. 2 30 548 a tOO pm
      691 words

  • 164 17  -  ANN PCTCRS ■y rrUTESE few singing 1 maidens all la a raw have only one veiee when they slag the Sam Bmm aoand. Called the Bam Bam Sisters after their ae-treas-atager leader Bmm Bam (extreme left). they aland
    164 words
  • 359 17  -  CHIA POTEIK By fHE Housing and Development Board has budgeted to spend a total of $494 million on public housing in its financial year 1974-75 over $145 million more than for the previous year 1973-74. The lion's share,
    359 words
  • 294 17 78,000 flats sold for $96m rE Housing Board has •old over 7S.SM flats which, with repayment of principal and addition of Interest over 15 rears, will fetch $9C million Thai was stated In a statement In the Board's 1974-75 budget Just gazetted. This tarn Is made ap of more than
    294 words
  • 64 17 FOUR community centre* In the w— »»M»nnn Oardens constituency will jointly organise a baby show at the Kampong Cheng San community centra on June IS. Babies born between Dec. 13 last year and March 15 this year are eligible to participate In the snow organised
    64 words
  • 37 17 MR JJ Cronln ha* been elected praudant of the Marketing Institute or Singapore. Mr. Chris Chen fir* Ytoepresldent, Mr. Robin Lam second rhi |«aurtant air. X.C Sim secretary and air. Kwok Kirn Ham. Li— ill
    37 words
  • 37 17 MR R. D. Qnto of tnt Reuten Meyer Trust Fund will present a BMlraaooß* to th« Singapore Cancer Society at 4 M pm on Wednesday at the Cancer Information Centre. BATA building in Shenton Way.
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  • 208 17 A BALANCED education with equal emphasis on the studies of science and technology and the humanities could help to prevent some of the aortal problems faced today, a Nanyang University don said yesterday. Assistant Professor Rung Ming-Bhuen, chairman of Nantah's Department of Government and
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  • 176 17 Attractive prizes for dental health contest ATTRACTIVK cash prises will be awarded to winners of this year's dental health contest to be staged by the Ministry of Health later this year. The contest, sponsored by the Colgate Paunollve (Eastern) Ltd. Is part of a long term campaign to stimulate Interest
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  • 41 17 THS military band of the Oordon Highlanders will give a concert of BeaUes hiu, Strauss waltaas. marches and blues music at the Singapore Confetence Hall on June at 7JO pm TlckeU are at lie. is. M and si-
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 910 17 |l At HUME INDUSTRIES My|r (FAR EAST) LIMITED COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT k Vh O D il e^ tO rs rec °mmehd to the Stockholders a capital reconstruction Involving bonus issues of shares to bring the Issued capital of the Company into line with the value of the assets In use and
      910 words
    • 645 17 TOO SKINNY to cn ioy life? Revitalise v our enemy and vitality with SUPER WATE-ON Supar Wate-On is a food supplement that can give pounds and 4*s^L^lj inches of healthy solid flesh to skinny under weight men and women. i< *^|_MaaZ] LanV Supar Watw-On anam^ contains fruit flavoured nutrier ts
      645 words

  • 369 18  -  EVELYN N6 By QTBIUMASTERB and O Hunters fly past in perfect formation during a rehearsal the Singapore Armed Force* Display yesterday. The rehearsal at Chanel Air Base was, however, marre4 by heavy rain which came on half-way through the air show. Dark clouds
    369 words
  • 40 18 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Another two caaw of cholera were confirmed and three carriers detected in the laat 2* hour* This tarings the total number of cholera cum in the district to 31 with II earners detected.
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    • 633 18 IPOH, Sat. THE Yu Pek gang of 19 members who terrorised two states with 20 pis-tol-armed robberies during last month alone has been smashed. AU but one of the members of the gang have e*ther been killed as a result
      633 words
    • 132 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat The Customs Department has launched an all out war against Illegal samsu distillers and distributors In the country. This follows the death of eight people after taking Illegally distilled samsu at a shack In Rahang Kechll In Seremban yesterday
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    • 132 18 PKNANO. Bat The JT Chancellor of Universal Sains Malaysia, the Raja of Perils, will confer the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws on a unionist, Mr. P. P. Narayanan, at the university's third convocation here on June 15 Mr. Narayanan, secre-tary-general of the
      132 words
    • 164 18 Ne Win holds talks on SE-Asia with Razak PENANO. Sat. Vislt- ing Burmese President Ne Win had a two- hour discussion here today with Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak on matters of mutual interest with particular emphasis on developments affecting South-east Asia. A Foreign Office spokesman said both leaders
      164 words
    • 61 18 Bata ad lauded for honesty and simplicity KUALA LUMPUR. Sat Bata has won the Malaysian business advertising award for one of Its advertisement posters. Tb« entry in red. blue •ndbUck beat 311 other entries and waa pralaed br g£J«%- for .U P SJsSeltr Jj««ty and attractive <WBau will receive a
      61 words
    • 19 18 Mr Otattnicsmk. nMn i of Ruhbw nvtuatry. mm *«Maßtf would buy mor« eaeet from "'
      19 words
    • 9 18 Tbm >°*>* Oerakan Bikaiw Mr* Timi N%**j
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 478 18 I SINGAPORE TURF CLUB APPRENTICE JOCKEY TRAINING SCHOOL. BUKIT TIMAH RACECOURSE. SINGAPORE. 11. Applications are invited from MALE Citizens of Singapore and West Malaysia, for a small number of vacancies in the next course of training in this School. The ESSENTIAL Qualifications are as follows:AGE. A Candidate must have attained
      478 words
    • 425 18 r r^YttO.lflll 4| SINGAPORE PTC LTD A New Departmental Store/ Supermarket invites applications from experienced and suitably qualified candidates for the folowing positions Textile Oept. Buyers (1) Ladies' Buyer (2) Children's Buyor (3) Fabric Buyer (4) Men's Buyer Variety Goods Dept. Buyers (1) General toiletries (2) General Cosmetics (3) Stationery
      425 words
    • 139 18 PLESSEY SINGAPORE PRIVATE LIMITED Due to further expansion within the Graphic Division a unique opportunity exists for the executive position of DIVISIONAL MANAGER reporting directly to the Regional Manager. The successful applicant will be responsible for the control of sales staff, marketing of a full rang of Graphic Arts and
      139 words

  • 42 19 a POUR PAN-ILICTNIC BgNMADOON Refrigerators worth over 1653/- each and lIOHT BHEAFPIR OoMon \rfcv BJBB Seu worth 806/- each to be won in B.T. Classified Contests. Keep counting the classified ads. •very day snd send In your entries a»d Ad." Contests.
    42 words
  • 78 19 INTERNATIONAL BAPTIBT CHURCH of Singapore, 90 Kings RSd. Spore (near^Amertejn UnrnlruT worship MTYwOM 9 Tn Tsnd 11 *m Sunday School for all sges 10 a.m. Evening worship P-"1-PRESBYTERIAN CHUNCH SINOApO.« corner Orchard Road, Penang Road Sunday Service 9.00 Vm snd 6.00 p.m. Sunday School v no a m.
    78 words
  • 24 19 GAY SENG HUAT departed on 25 5 74 at OR OH. to be with the Lord. Cortege leaving Singapore Casket 2pm on 27/5/74.
    24 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    20 19 LAU HB TEE pawed away peacefully 23/5/74, funeral aenricwa 2 p.m 27/5/74 at \mmaculate Heart ef Mary, Kovan Road
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 524 19 classified ads fig LIAVI car hire Latest Saloons Estates Motor Caravans from Ford Vauxhall BLMC Chrysler Realistic longxerm rates Include comprehensive insurance, maintenance, unlimited mileage Delivery anywhere Write: Martin* Sell-drive. High Street, Winchester, England. m) Pr«*4>aaio>tsaJ SALES REPRESENTATIVE We are looking for an ambitious young man who has completed National
      524 words
    • 723 19 FACTORY OPERATIVES hardworking people for the above positions. Shift duties required. Please aa^sv ootwoon 1 M F* I pja. doßy worn M**>JJsfcwaa Ore* (PM) lm. JjJJJJ*' Mm. Union CarbM* Apply personally at 8M Upper ?Moou' 00 R d 8>P STORE-KEEPER required urgently for engineering company's godown. Must be experienced In
      723 words
    • 753 19 TOA payoh HDB. Improved 3room itat. Mosaic, vinyl Tile Flooring Telephone *****4. FOR OUSCX BALIOF Property plaaat get in touch with BBC. 240C-2 Orchard Road, (opposite Mandarin Hotel), Tel *****6/7. IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE FULLY furnished and alrcondiuoned executive office rooms, boardroom with use of complete office equipments and secretarial service* on
      753 words
    • 841 19 NTTIRNATIONAL TRAN6MM CENTRE LONDON MSB lI I UTI OP MARKETINO PART I EXAM 10 months course Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Friday. 6 7.30 p.m Commencing 3 July 74 ADVIRTIOINO L.C.C. MOMSR 4 months course Tuesday. 6 7.30 p.m Commencing 4 June 74 BnajuMs* •aavem* Novae (OS* Pteer) INTIRIOR DIBION DIPLOMA. Comprehensive
      841 words
    • 1073 19 NO KIONtt CAW TNADIRI HHVATI UItTTCO Home Of Quality Used Oar*. 313-A, Buklt Tunah Road, 1 m.». (Opposite Angio-ChuW School). VSSo, BSIM7 offer*: 1873: Toyota Corolla 1200 Alreondttloned, Subaru 1400 DL. 1972 Subaru OSR Coupe, Toyota Publics 1000. Dataon 1300. Ford Eaton 1100. 1971: Toyota Corolla 1200 Coupe, Corolla 1240.
      1,073 words
    • 672 19 FIAT CAN ItS SALOON 1971 T2 must be well maintained prewtis Uarnf _R»ni *****7 *t>n ouALirr cane ruajMrruNtv fwsastung materials of distinction* Visit Adrian's 41S River Valley Road. *****4. *****0, Singapore. KINTAL. BALI WOODEN FIHMMTUNI, refrigerators trsde-ln arrangaable Please contact 11, Trvetton Lane, Spore 0. SNOW NIR VOUN LOVI with
      672 words
    • 1081 19 MAMOABIM MIALTN CINTNB, Mandarin Hotel, 3rd floor massage/ sauna/ steamr^th/ facial 3730 M. *****1 Eat. 780 S'por*^ ASIA SOCIAL ISCOfIT Offers charming ladle* entartalnsaent 55-B. President Building. Serangoon Road Tel: *****7 from 2pjT> U am MMM and sociable Lady Eacoru. Conlsct 440, Psople'i Park Complex (3rd floor) tet: *****0/ *****1
      1,081 words

  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 1580 21 f F it is your birthday sonal adventures. cerned yon are on sure 1 Ail 1 The star pattern on this Though you may feel It fround now. There PanVWaO 117WI/ VS^^Afß A fl 1 I k 1 your new birthday is a Is wise to be completely should have
      1,580 words

  • 2452 22  -  EPSOM JEEP David's Choice pays $108 for place Bif §YDNEY jockey Dennis McClune showed his class when he scored a splendid treble on Sans Pride, Kemosabe and Fondest Regards at Bukit Timah yesterday. Favourites flopped on a rainsoaked track. There were some
    2,452 words
  • 46 22 lst No. 1572*9 ($4,4 M). 2nd No. *****9 (tljpM). 3rd No. *****2 (MM). Starters ($l5O each): Noa. 1504*1, ItMM, *****7, 1564HK. 1*3*74, *****3, 15MM, *****4 *****4, ICfMZ, 1*2553, 1«7t72. Consolation (SIN each): Noa, lttlM. 164»37, 1533C4. ISSIM, 142SU, IMSU, 1544 ft, *****8, 1577*3, 1*57*8.
    46 words
  • 48 22 ANKARA, Sat. Turkey survived a tremendous lattmlnute bliu to gain a atntatlonal 70-61 victory over Oreeet In tat European Nation* Basketball Champtonahlp hare last night In Parts Italy beat Pranot 73-63. while west Oarmany edged Yugoalavla gt-gg at Hagen in the other mtttihts Reutei-.
    Reuter  -  48 words
    • 718 22 r\M Stipendiary Steward* report Ob vesterttay s ncm: RACE 1: Prior to the race. App. Au-Yeung replaced App A. Kantor on laSaHsffcia. da* to Mumti tsottaif* over- weight. St.wstges (App H H Chan waa a UtUc alow to begin. App. Chan, when questioned erpialnad that
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  • 164 22 RECORD INNINGS BUT IT'S AGONY FOR FANS LONDON. 8a t. 1 8 se z opening batsman Brian Hardlr wrote himself into the cricket record book yesterday to the agony of spectators at the County championship match against title-holders Ham p shire. Hardlr, a 24-year-old Seat, spent 142 minutes st the
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  • 21 22 MOSCOW. Sat Leningrad Zenlt beat the Central Army Sports Club 1-0 In a Soviet Pirst-Dlvtaion soccer match ben yesterday—Reuter.
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  • 289 22 f ONDON. Sat —The Indian crlckrtert survived a second Innings collapse yeaterday. to draw their match against North* mptonahlr* bare their ninth draw in nine ■naUtht* on their currant tour. The Indians started their second Innings with a lead of 13 runs,
    Reuter  -  289 words
  • 345 22 Scots impress with 6-0 victory in Youth tourney STOCKHOLM, Sat. Rumania and Bulgaria both won again last night to make tfce running in the European Football Union (UEFA) International Youth Soccer Championships, but Scotland provided most of the thrills with a fine 6-0 win over Finland. The Scots, who Include
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  • 239 22  - Decisive gets my Cup vote DENNIS CHIA By T-ECISIVE gets my vote 1/ for the $40,000 Lion City Cup over Of at Burn Tlmah today The High Treason fiveyear old has had only two starts In this country. He showed he had settled down when he finished third a neck
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 47 22 mini .lii^ll^B ail J^mW .JmTlftdfdV w **> ■gi^gfl^. jg_a^g_^g_^g_^HsV I H I ■i-BLW 4H I& J|J_ Ci I HI Im^m^m^gmJ^gwH wH gK fl jfM^th-^^jtjmsima iTiafi*! H fl Wl mwL M 11 J& Ig^^gHl 111 |1 IF I II m^gw^hjw S^^fcwr^^^*lf^Bo^^a»—^b.^^mM— swasm^ M m^m^gH V\ I 111 1 1
      47 words
    • 124 22 PAN WEST PUTS YOU IN THE GAME CAME With a comprehensive selection of quality golf equipmtnt the best the world over •Lynn AMF Ban Hoaan •Lobo Ryder •Confidence P.C.F MX 111. Wilson. Sltianaar, *Pro-Dyn *l I iniMinn'^ noiwfwßnß 'Toney Panne etc In addition, mm also supply other prestigious sports equipment
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  • 296 23  -  EPSOM JEEP By QENTAK BULAN can re-establish himself as the kingpin in the sprintir^: class by winning the $40,--000 Lion City Cup over 6f (Race Six) at Bukit Timah today. This brilliantlyspeedy five-year-old English gelding by Tin Whistle was twice winner
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  • 2472 23 Race 1 MUNTANAM: Oood third with 8.4 to Jadl Wang Dlv S tf last week: won going away Dlv 4 6f with 7.T Pg Mar I: Tf his best trip; each-way claims. TNI KINO: Fifth Dtv t ft last w**k: impress. ye winner Dlv 3 Tf wltt
    2,472 words
  • 1900 23 M-! JmIM 1 4S CLASS 3 DIV 3 7F U n |J».M ($10,500 $7,350 to winn«r) 1 7017 Mahal Ms (Bonus) R Br*uk*l*n 5 9 0 <d2*Zl i «V MeMaa 6 1 0 Jed* Otn iChyt Cheng) Chong 4 I 12 (dd*l) A. wmaH 14 1 0 fcmetowiHourlrui
    1,900 words
  • 122 23 MOM JflP lIKTIK DINNII ONIA The King Tbun4*r*r TO* KMf Tkuadanr TM*r low TMK H»ru* Tk* Kla« KMtMk ■mi pi*#r •ucrtwa Tk* Bpwlaiut atud PMmt Th» Pl»t»M«t ■ÜbMA Major ittp H»Hwar» a ■>■!»«. In,m Dun Tlll^Ulll PNtetar Tk* Btwutlvt Dnm*M( Jt«l Wui Aly MMMfIM* v mj. i, i OoMmwli
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 69 23 SEKOLAH TINGGI IPOH Jalan Tokonjr, Ipoh. Tel: ***** H.S.C. ADMISSION 1974 Third batch H.S.C. classes will commence on June 1974. AU Intending students for H.S.C. are invited to enrol now. A well-equipped Sixth Form Library with sufficient reference books on all H.S.C subjects. TUTORS: Experienced university graduates. Assure you the
      69 words
    • 1366 23 ■PROSPER WITH MATSUSHITAS SEMBAWANG COME JOIN US Applications are invited from eavenenced and soitablv TftTT^'^lr^J qualified candidates for the following positions in this BsV^BmvemMHmfmm Shiprepair Yard BsssW^Bsmi BP^fl A. FOREMAN OF SHIPWRIGHTS fcfr^fl '^KLWLWLWLMLW (PLATE SHOP) o***^.*-*^ MATSUSHITA INDUSTRIAL! al A full range of experience in shipwrights work, primarily in
      1,366 words

  • 671 24  -  JOE DORAI It's 3 p.m. THI GATES tor toalffct* Matey** C»» meotr mmtfin»l HUl— Muni ma* Slncmp^c th« W«tlMil nii*l»» (Ucftatf 7) wUI •ftm trtm I pm By SINGAPORE have beaten Selangor, hot favourites for this year's Malaysia Cup, and at the National Stadium tonight (kickoff
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  • 245 24 Nahar's goal It's 3 p.m. Farrer Park PABIR PANJANO, beaten Anallst of the 1972 Inter-Oomtltuency soccer tournament underlined their determination to win thit year when they beat Farrer Park 1-0 at Queenstown Cocplex yesterday, report* JOB DORAI. PMtr Panjang played better soccer than In th« past two yean Yesterday they
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  • 305 24  - GOALS Singapore's top priority tonight TEOH ENG TATT By GOALS and a rock-like defence these are Singapore's top priorities when tbey meet Prnani In the first leg of the Malaysia Cup soccer competition semiflral at National Stadium toniiht (kickoff 7). The -.trikers must have goal* printed on their m.nda when
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  • 69 24 NEW YORK. Bat. Results of yesterday's major league baseball games: Abmrtoaa Leagwt: Boston t afllwvukee I, Ba] Imore New York I. Cle*Und j Detroit 1. Minnesota Texas 0 Kansas City Chsoeaa 2, California 4 Oakland J Nattenal LcartJe: St. Louis Chicago 0, Montreal 4 Philadelphia 1 Pittsburgh
    69 words
  • 28 24 VISTA Utalted and Alexandra Terrace CC wIA meet In the tlnai of the Pastr Panjang Sports Association Soccer tournament at OUlman Barracks today at 441 PJB
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  • 508 24  -  MAURICE KHOO By I WONG Choorr Wah will lead Se langor's attack when they meet Perak In the first leg semi- final match In the Malaysia Cup soccer competition at Stadium Perak tonight (kick-off 7.30). Belangor FA boss Datuk Harun. In working
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  • 446 24  -  PETER SIOW By JENNIFER Chan was the star at the Mary- mount Convent's Swimming Carnival when she scored three record-breaking wuis at Barker Road yesterday. Jennifer, who won the SOB. 100 m and 200 m open freestyle event*, wu Individual champion for the
    446 words
  • 20 24 LONDON. Sat West Oermany beat Bngland M In a European Waterpolo Cfctav c?St. <^s« mauh Spain beat Oreece
    20 words
  • 33 24 kanamtmv, »T. paawe *w. r BMtesMir »/t/T« omih mm Meek a. *m s. Naval Bw •esav 4p.av Mr inanllsa. liUeirt •«Tia w*S« KAI N«Na Mr. ujto Saw waac. esaaftee SSSSSBJIS «l SSBHeBWSS
    33 words
  • 422 24  - -CHUA BEATS NATIONAL RECORD IN ALL 5 THROWS L FRIDA By BESPECTACLED Chua Kirn Tee, of Armed Forces, yesterday beat the women's Na 1 1 on al Javelin record with all her five throws at the SAAA Open relay championships at Farrer Park. Showing splendid form. Kirn Tee shattered the
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 327 24 the Golden Shadows UNIVERSAL GENEVE GOLDEN and GILT SHADOWS are the si.rrmest automatic watches in the world to offer both shock-protect «on and a ball bearing self-winding mechanism. They combine UNIVERSAL GENEVE'S genius for technical innovation with their internationally recognized talent for elegant design to create the ultimate in super-slim
      327 words
    • 294 24 j attßjaasaatafjßßiajßjaawsafl I HbV tJ^fLil Amazing M w*lbt^ I Thematic s% Lab>» ar-J Stamps ,a|^^' w '*^B^^l Offer SB^B^BBBBr BBBBBBBBBVeM H dwft'witl VOt '\J£m&jT I ont J 1 00' Faac.f jtmg H ilimpi rtepsctinf <sr*«R Mud* H bTbß^^^ V- Vof*wV 901 PViyfji Via* 1 flK' I B^ld BBBBBBsf SpsMe««l*tt Gflgtvin
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  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 5 24 SPORTING SAM by Reg Wootton
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    • 131 24 SOCCER Malaysia Cup semi-finals) Spore v Penang (National nisilli—. T p.m.); Inter -Corn Kirn Sent v CairnhlU, Chal Chee v ltlofc Siangan; Aljunled v Whampoa; Tanjong Pagar v Delta, 8l«lap v Jalan Besar (Parrer Park (30 a.m.), Kuo Chuan v Telok Ayer, Tangun v Ulu Pandan. Bt. Merah v Bras
      131 words