The Straits Times, 24 May 1974

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 4 IS I9W TOTAL DAILY CERT «FIEO SALE EXCEEDS 250,000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 IINAL EDITION FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 310 1 PRICE TAGS FOR 15 ITEMS Govt bid to stamp out profiteering THE Government is to introduce compulsory price-tagging for 15 selected items of essential commodities in »n anti-pro-fiteering move. It will publish the Price Con trol (Display of Prices) Order today listing the items, including rice, sugar and milk, to
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  • 260 1 Bread to cost loss soon BREAD and mcc will soon cost less with the drop In prices of wheat, their manufacturers' associations said yesterday. Officials of the Singapore Bakery and Confectionery Trade Association (SBCTA) and the Singapore Kway Teow and Mcc Manufacturers' Association (SKTMMA) have met officials of the Trade
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  • 40 1 MANILA. Thun The Philippine, will harvest a record riot yield next June but UM amount will not be sufficient for the country* Mali and the deficiency wUI have to be covered by lmporu. President Marco. Mid yesterday UPI.
    UPI  -  40 words
  • 344 1 Japan may cut aid to India rpOKYO, Thurs. In--1 dla was told today that her nuclear test blast at the weekend had made it difficult for Japan to extend her economic aid. sources close to the Foreign Ministry said. The Japanese Oovernmenfs attitude was conveyed when the Indian Deputy Finance
    Reuter; UPI  -  344 words
  • 48 1 BsUHUT, Thun. An explosion rocked the northern city of Tripoli yesterday, killing four people awl wounding 10 others police sources amid. The eKpJostoo occurred when a consignment Of MSSS* ing rifles tv being unloaded from a truck that had arrived from Beirut. OPL
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  • 168 1 'QUEEN' TO SISTER: QUICK. WE'RE OFF TO S,PORE r*>B Margaret Rom r (a wave) wlnninc the title of Miss Ha>tiiif» Blossom Queen '7J meant rtaal— with her sister whom she had not seen for the past 12 months. When Marraret heard that her crowning glory included two return tickets by
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  • 92 1 Probe on a burnt-out car LONDON. Thurs. S>ptostves experts were today examining the remains of a car which caught fire at London's Heathrow Airport ■*imt« after a bomb warning wm teHphnrmd to ponce there late last night. The airport i three multtatorey car parks were evacuated after the call, which
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  • 53 1 PEKINO. Thun. Chlneae Premier Chou «n-iai who eanoelled public appearances earlier thU month because of lllneat. was looking "tired" whan ha gave a JO-mmuu audience today, reliable aourcas said. The unexpected sseeOng was with aCr. Pierre gfeidrsau, former Ptsnsh Mmtekar vtatung hare for the opening of a
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  • 135 1 DOHA, Thursday W EMBKRB of a Slnga--ITI pore trade mission touring the Middle East today held talks here with the Directors of Commerce and of Finance of the Oulf oil state of Qatar. Mission lander Rldswan Dxafir and three other members of the
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 200 1 I'll think about it: Sanya BANGKOK. Thursday rpHE National Assembly today asked Mr. Sanya Dharmasaktl to continue as Thailand's Prime Minister, but he replied he was tired of politics and would think about it overnight, it was announced here The 299-member as- sembly had been given the task of choosing
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  • 42 1 NIW YORK. Thurs. Dow Jones average*. baaed on ftnt hour of trading on UM New York Stock Exchange II »t)2SO up 02J, M transp 1W 24. down OM. IS UttU 7188. down 0 03. 86 stock* *****. down OJt OPI.
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  • 186 1 Hungry Reds died after eating fruit— RAUB, Thurs. The buah terap (breadfruit) caused the death of six young communists whose decomposed bodies were found by security forces In the Sungal Liang area last month. Defence Minister Datuk Hamzah Abu Samah. said today that death was probably caused by the terrorists
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  • 70 1 Court has the last laugh LONDON. Thurs. The •on of Britain's Junior Energy Minister. Lord Balogh. wu jailed for sis month* (or contempt of court after threatening to enliven a ••ortog" pornography trial with laughing gas. Stephen BeJogh. a 3*-year-old soUcttors clerk brought a bottle of the |v to court
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 44 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Thuri A Ms-ton locally-register-ed cargo vessel, the Raja aibu. sank In rough teas off central Sarawak on Tuesday night. All 11 crew member* ware rescued by a pasting coastal launch, according to delayed report* received here today.
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  • 356 1 DAMASCUS. Thursday THE U.S. PLAN IF ALL ELSE FAILS... A SENIOR American official said today Syria and Israel were deadlocked on the issue of a thinning out of forces op the Golan Heights. Re official said US tary of State HenUssinger would deby the end of the
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  356 words
    • 42 1 ■COM (Moxambi ••e). Thars. The Commander la Chief of Portaiali military has been r—laosd, the Sovth African Press AsuslaHsi reported today Gen Basto Maeha*o. In cs>BQßßaad ataos last Aacust. was saeeceded by Gen Orlando Barhaaa, the aceacy said AP.
      AP  -  42 words
    • 48 1 DAMASCUS, Thurs. —Or. KsMftager said today that If no agreement to dlseagMe Israeli ana Syrian forces WM eosßp4ete<l osihto tata wwM certainly be achieved la the «ear fuUirr Be said great progress had been made taring his three wooas of afcattle iipliisiy hatwoen Dsasssn— ami
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 95 1 See our Exclusive Range of EXCUISITE JEWELLERY aracefylly kene 1 fiwisaew by Mostarcrefrssaen frees Sri Lanka. Visit us before you make your next purchase and compare our prices and quality. G.C. DE SUVA BROS. MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS. 3 RAFFLES PLACE. SINGAPORE 1. TILEPHONB: *****/»7©7«. jnd Most Trusted Jewellers in Raffles PL
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    • 116 1 TELEPHONE DAY NIGHT *****00 *****0 SINGAPORE < *****1 K. LUMPUR ***** ***** IPOH ***** ***** I I PENANG ***** ***** LJOHORE 6474 M PENANG'S SOCCER STARS: SPECIAL REPORT -Page 27 I LSTtR change of mind on closer ties I LEBANON to Britain: Oil supplies may be cut S 'BONN security
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  • Straits Times World News
    • 502 2 BELFAST, Thurs. rTVn Northern Ireland 1 Government last night climbed down on proposals for closer link* with the Catholic Irish Republic in what appeared to be a major concession towards hardline Protestants. But the militant uuter Workers Council (UWC) now In the ninth
      Reuter; UPI  -  502 words
    • 79 2 BANGKOK, Thurs A film covering event* of the students-led uprising last October has bean banned in Thailand because of fears it might stir conflict between the public and soldiers and police. Thai Censorship Board sources said today. The film, com pi led and edited by university
      AP  -  79 words
    • 268 2 Sadat orders new shake-up of top editors riAIRO, Than. Pre1/ sident Sadat has ordered a new shaJte-up among the top editors ef tbr nationalised Egyptian Press. Mr. All Amin, who replaced Mr. Mohammrd Heykal as chief editor ef Al Ahram the leading daily, less than four months ago, announced In
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    • 311 2 T^EW E*LHI, Thurs. ±1 Prime Minister Indira Oandhl has sent a letter to Prime Minister Zulflkar All Bhutto of Pakistan reassuring him of India's peaceful intentions in conducting the nuclear explosion last week. Informed sources said today. The Foreign Office confirmed that a
      Reuter  -  311 words
    • 654 2 SHARP LASHES OUT- AT N-TEST OTTAWA, Thurs. fHE Canadian Government yesterday suspended its aid to the Indian atomic energy programme in proigainst India's explosion of a nuclear device last Saturday. Mr. Mitchell Sharp, the Secretary of State for External Affairs, said Canada would
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    • 69 2 T ONDON, Thurs. India emerged as the world's sixth nuclear power at a cost of about £M million (SSSI3 million) a senior Indian authority claimed yesterday. Indian scientists have keen researching in high-level nuclear physics since their eomntry achieved indeSMadence in IMS. The source, who declined
      AP  -  69 words
    • 57 2 NSW DELHI Thurs. At tsaat 31 people, mostly wo—an and children, were killed last night la Son. nmz bar*, when the balcony Of house »hert they had ■■unbltfl (or wedding nnlUnssil, polka Mid today Ftftf oOm wart tnjurad and 10 Of tbss* were In aartous
      UPI  -  57 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 747 2 Advertiiement Continuing the policy of detente and co-operation Excerpts of the policy speech by the newly- elected German Chancellor Helmut Schmi w WE want our friends and neighbours, our alliance and treaty partners in the world to know that the positions of our foreign and security policy remain unchanged. We
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    • 551 2 future, remain depen- j^ dent on the United States' military and political presence in Europe. The European- B American relationship is governed by identical security interests. F The Federal Govern- I ment is determined to support, together with its allies, s policy of arms control and reduction with a view
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    • 218 2 We shall, moreover, do everything in our power to develop our relations with the Allan countries, our traditional friendship with the Latin American countries snd our partnership relations with the African countries. The right to self-determination which we claim for ourselves must spply everywhere. The Federal Republic of Germany will
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    • 230 3 'No more, no less' vote on US aid to Saigon WABHINOTON, Thurs. The House of Representatives refused yeeterday to raise or lower US military aid to South Vietnam and rejected an effort to phase out 100,000 US troops overseas. It rejected, 211 to 190, an amendment by Representative Robert Liggett
      AP  -  230 words
    • 30 3 JAKARTA. Thur*. A four-year-old boy vu burned to death when (Ire rased a house at Cljarang village. West Java last Monday, the KNI News Agency reported today— Reuter.
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    • 289 3 'No to tapes poses danger for Nixon WASHINGTON, Tburs President Nixwn's refusal to release more Watergate tape* and documents could In Itself be grounds for impeachment. Congressman Peter Rodlno. chairman of the House Judiciary committee, strongly implied Mr. Nixon's refusal yesterday to hand over more tapes could ultimately be regarded
      Reuter  -  289 words
    • 66 3 Lead poisoning in kettles probe OTTAWA, Thurs. Consumer Affairs Minister Herb Oray has urged Canadians not to use electric kettles until It has been determined whether they pose lead poison hazards. Mr. Oray said initial tejU by hi* department had determined electric kettle* could release lead Into water The tut*
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    • 29 3 TOKYO. Thui* Over two-thirds of the 600.000 member* of Japan 'a teacher* union walked off their jobs today in protest of what they termed "unlawful police suppression.'"—AP.
      AP  -  29 words
    • 250 3 NEW DEUfI, Thurs. India's nationwide rail strike entered the third week yesterday without any settlement In sight. Six Opposition party leaders told newsmen: "We are convinced the railmen must continue their struggle to compel the Oovernment to accept negotiations on the basis
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    • 437 3 BEIRUT. ThursJ. f EBANON has a cused Li the British Oovernment of being 'flagrantly prejudiced' in favour of Israel and hinted it might seek restrictions of Arab oil supplies to Britain. Lebanon's governmentcontrolled national news agency published the text of British
      AP  -  437 words
    • 372 3 ACCENT IS ON THE ATLANTIC BRUSSELS. Thurs. BRITAIN has presented to other mem bers of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation a new draft for a declaration of Nato principles. It Is reportedly more Atlantic -oriented than a draft by Prance that has been
      NYT  -  372 words
    • 163 3 'JAPANESE MAFIA CORRUPTING FILIPINO WOMEN' MANILA, Thurs. A Filipino columnist, one of the few newspapermen allowed to resume column writing under the 19-month-old nartial law. said today the Japanese Mafia are corrupting tourist industry in the Philippines. Teodoro Valencia said In his "Over a Cup of Coffee" column: "Our police
      AP  -  163 words
    • 45 3 MOSCOW. Thurs. The Soviet Union and Bangladesh called today for turning the Indian Ocean Into "a sone of The statement appeared In a joint communique following the five-day vUlt of Bangladesh Foreign MtnUter Kamai Hoeaaln. who left Moscow yesterday. DPI.
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    • 44 3 DACCA. Thurs. Ounmen killed three members of the ruling Awaml League Party's youth wing In the Bangladesh town of Barleal last night, the Ittefaq newspaper reported today. A curfew was clamper! on the town as police bunted the killer*.— Reuter
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 43 3 MADRID. Than. Be»en paoptt were crashed to deaih and about M asrioualr injured when a Jour-«torejr t»«tLfto»» ooUasawd in a Madrid main rtreet jrtsUrdaj The buUdfflf. which had been in rulni for years, was empty when the collapse occurred—AP.
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    • 36 3 PARIS Thurs. Mr. Vatary Olscard d K»uing will spurn an official motor cade and drive In bis own Citroen ear not Monday after btint s*wtol»«1 Franc* i new PrMldrnt. offielaU amid todaf. lUtiter
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    • 24 3 HONOKONO. Thurs. A Chlnaw Ouiwi—mt trade (ItHirtcn j'-tsraay WtMtnc for Swwtan. Aurtrt* and Wwt Oarmanjr. U» Maw Ctiln* Mtw« A— id Npoct-
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 47 3 Agarol s |^|Hjp^pk a gentle liquid laxative, effective ipr^l in res- ~SSfc~ toring normal bowel functions. Agarol is so safe doctors recommend it for all the family including children, expectant mothers and even hacmorrhoid sufferers. Liquid Agarol is available in two flavours From chemists, dispensaries medicine shops
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    • 217 4 rrUUPOLJ, Thurs.— -Arab states have allocated 400 million dinars ?about 5t2.«7» million) to set up a Joint ments Industry. Libyan news at? 1 reported today Cairo would be the headquarters, with factories In other Arab countries, the agency said. LOB AMGELES: Newspaper heiress Patricia gears* and two SymHanrsr Liberation
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    • 195 4 $180 for ounce of wine -it's a -bargain CHICAQO, Thorn. A SWISS banking syndicate paid the equivalent of UBS7S (*****) an ounce at auction yesterday for a rare red wine that probably won't even be tasted. The auctioneer Indicated that the syndicate got a bargain. Mr. Michael Broadbent, from the
      AP  -  195 words
    • 426 4 NOLLAU PLANS TO SUE MAGAZINE FOR ITS 'CIA-BASED FINDINGS* BONN. Thursday THE head of West German Counterintelligence was toda\ considering legal action following a mazagine report that he was suspected of King an agent of Communist East Germany. The report, which security chief Dr
      Reuter; AP  -  426 words
    • Article, Illustration
      60 4 Roy Shepnard, la llth century garb, holds a Jeroboam of Chateaa Laflte 1164 Bordeaux wine at the Heublein aartion. The reeorsl price spent for a single bottle ef wine at an auction occurred in lt?2 at a sale for charity in Florence, Italy, when a Jeroboam ef a
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    • 246 4 S. Vietnam mounts big antiRed drive SAIGON, Thursday [JNDER orders from President Thieu to push back a communist threat north of Saigon, 500 tank-backed government troops began a long-delayed drive just 20 miles (32km) from the rapital, military sources said today. The sources said the South Vietnamese battalion ran into
      UPI  -  246 words
    • 53 4 SYDNEY. Thurs. A Qantas jet with let psisnf i •board mad* an emtnjeney landing at Sydney fiernaUsnal Airport after suckfour onftnes during take-off. The fcosmg T*T asrorart janjad safety uataf thres of fta fttst at sea. The stane nt on Ms way to Moßnum* ■fur a
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    • 77 4 Rifle assembly plant for Manila MANILA, Thurs. The Philippine government hss concluded an US$B6 million 1 8*20 6 million) loan agreement with the United States to finance the establishment of an M-16 rifle assembly plant here. The agreement was signed yesterday by Finance Secretary Ceear Virata, representing the Philippine Government,
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    • 25 4 LONDON. Thurs. Britain's ruling Labour Party expects an easy victory today In th." first parliamentary byelection since the P>b 3S general election. Reuter
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • 236 4 Full US pullout from Laos almost complete VIENTIANE. Than. The United States has virtually completed Its military withdrawal from Laos, well-Inform-ed seTccs said here yesterday. The sstcss said only 43 military men now remain o«t el the original 227 personnel here. Eight men left on Monday and by June 3
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    • 314 4 BEIRUT. Thura. PR two days, on the orders of the late I President Nasser, the Egyptian air force kept a third of Its planes continuously In the air. But on the third morning, the orders were disobeyed. On that day Israel attacked and destroyed
      Reuter  -  314 words
    • 152 4 JAPAN STICKS TO 3-MILE LIMIT rKTO. Thura Japan s til officially opposes exte/tslon of territorial watt's to 12 miles from the present three mile', a foreign Ministry spoilsman said today. But spokesman Mr. Mlxuo Kuroda said that If the forthcoming Law of the Sea conference approvi ed the extension of
      AP  -  152 words
    • 53 4 LONDOW, Thurs. A cup of toa U good for the teeth a BriUah dental r— arthir said today Prof. Leslie Hardwtck. of Manchester University Dental School, tola a conference that drinking plenty of tea providei almost as much fluorkte as water fluoridated to the generally recommend
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 365 4 1)1 liPMa, Pkgftpig* 1 near 1 g«Lnmn-l!lr "Relax tonight in Tokyo. Relax tomorrow on a Northwest 747 to the US. A." I .mmmimm W^^g|---r f F^P JgiiLi .^mnw— ■smmmmml Vn^n p" w I li L-i Lmm^^^wiasammi Lw I ami a. Ltm-sftt^ T Wk ■mmmmrn** V mw^F 4^ hm oj^ H^r
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    • 55 4 With Gelusii-M tablets Recommendeo by doctors because they're safe, effective and cause no side effects Geiusil-M contains not one, but three antacids to promptly relieve pain and wind caused by indigestion, excessive stomach acids or ulcers Geiusn-M also protects ulcers and allows healing to proceed Gelusii-M Available at chemists, drug
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    • 1373 5 From ruins to riches—country that became an economic miracle BONN. Thursday \yEST Germany, the strongest country in Kurope economically, tomorrow celebrates its 25th birthday as a democratic state. At midnight on May 23, 1949, a new Constitution came Into force restoring the
      Reuter  -  1,373 words
    • 29 5 $5.6 m loan RANGOON Tburs. West Ounuaiiy yesterday agreed to provide Burma with a loan of six million deutsche marks (about U 6 million), according to an official announcement.
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    • 203 5 PEKING'S POLICY ON TIES WITH ALL COUNTRIES HONOKONO. Thurs.— China hopes to establish and develop diplomatic relations with countries of different social systems based on the five principles of peaceful co-existence, the New China News Agency reported today. Chinese Foreign Minister Mr. Chi Peng- f el said tills at a
      Reuter  -  203 words
    • 86 5 MPs WILL TELL ALL c LONDON, Thurs. British MPs last night agreed to disclose publicly their outside business interests. After a seven-hour House of Commons debate they voted M 3 to ltt In favour of a compulsory register of interests such as company directorships and shareholdings. They also decided on
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    • 65 5 ANKARA. Thura— Turklah authorities on Tuesday freed a Lithuanian father and son who In 1970 hijacked a Soviet airliner to Turkey and sought political »ayluni Prmna* Korrlvo. SO. and hU eon Alglrdaa wort betnr triad In Ankara 'a criminal court on hijacking charges whan the Judges ended
      UPI  -  65 words
    • 26 5 CAUto. Then. OS Navy sains swssphu hsuoopters have swept more than two-thirda of the entire area Involved In the Sass Canal clearance operation. TJPI
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    • 54 5 DOUGLAS, (Isle of Maa) Thors— A BBiiisalsii of inquiry today found that there were many error* and faJluree, but no villains, In a fire that destroyed a hmre holiday fan centre here last siunmer, ÜBlaw M peiifle. In terms of Urea lest, it was Britain's went
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    • 84 5 Getting set for defence exercise BRISBANE. Tburs. An advance party of about 200 men has arrived in the ShoaJwater Bay area, M 0 miles (800 km) north of Brisbane, to prepare for Australia's bioest peacetime defence exercise. Codeaamed Kangaroo 1. the sxarciM vui run for two weeks from June t.
      Reuter  -  84 words
    • 30 5 PARIS Tburs. An explosion ripped through a turret of the- Sacre Ooeur Church In the Moounarire (*tatrtct early today causing contdoraroe damage, police said. No one was hurt.
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    • 186 5 Franco-German domination of EEC again? PARIS, Thursday A WAVE of optimism about reviving the A European Common Market on the basis of a rejuvenated Franco-German axis swept French political circles today. New Uerman Chancellor Helmut Schmidt Is expected here as early as next weekend for summit talks with President-elect Valery
      Reuter  -  186 words
    • 260 5 BRUSSELS, Thursday fHE U.S. State Department has "uncovered years of embezzlement inside the American embassy in Belgium and has fired the two foreign employees behind the graft, an embassy spokesman American sources Mid two other men an acIi tan t who covered
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    • 123 5 $480 deals signed at Canton Fair TOKYO, Thurs. Japanese businessmen concluded contracts worth UBS2OO million Ss4Bo mllllor. during the semi-annual Chinese commodity lair which ended on May 15 in Canton, the Japan Association for the Promotion of International Trade said today The awoclatlon Mid that he total transaction* dowß 30
      Reuter  -  123 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 87 5 ON SALE NOW AT YOUR NEWS-STAND SI.BO A COPY m "^^^aaaaaV *V H-aaaS BS Bam^V I^LuVIbI BbT rM TIME INI \\l I kl> NEWS \l\(,\/IM JMI presents in the r^ rid Jinema Series PAUI JOANNE ANTHONY NEWMAN WOODWARD PERKINS controversial not-yet-Bnown-in-Singapore WUSA "emarkable film Concerns an ultraconservative who attempts to
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    • 482 5 /^/T&p^ifl s^^'3P''^s'*'^SBuiSus»ta«^ Lomtord North Ctntrtt h—d Off*: Cur ton Sn;<. London Subsidiary and Associate Banks and Finance Houses: Lombard Australia Limited Canberra. Sydney. Melbourne, Adelaide. Perth. Brisbane. Hoban. Newcastle Woliongong. Liverpool. Geetong. Psrramsna. Bankstown. Chstswood. Pennth, Rockdale, Ringwood. D« von port Lombard New Zealand Limited Auckland. Wellington. Christchurch. Hamilton. Ounedin.
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  • 167 6 A RIDE in the Soviet hydrofoil passenger ship, Eometa-M was Uke a space-odyssey to many on board it yesterday. A party of pressmen taken for a M- minute trip in the Singapore harbour found it an exhilarating experii rncr The $1.9 million vessel, presently
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  • 373 6  - Changi villagers keep fingers crossed P BHUPATMY By AS phase one of the Changi Village deve- lopmeni project goes Into full swing, an air of uncertainty hangs over the future of more than 150 families and some 50 shopkeepers living near the 14th mile Upper Changi Road. Reason: They are
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  • 252 6 Traffic switch for eighth bus lane rE eighth bus lane will come into operation along Jalan Besar (from Petain Road to Weld goad) and Bencoolen Street from Rochore Canal Road to Bras Basah Road) today. Fourteen car parking lots along Jalan Besar and two parking lots along Bencoolen Street outside
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  • 64 6 ABDUL Rahman bin Ha«blai. 34. m jallad far (our booUm tap a magistrate's court yesterday for theft He admitted stealing 110. two gold rtnv worth »J« a lIS* told chain, an HO watch, two gold bangle* worth •100 and a pair of diamond earrings worth MO
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  • 46 6 TBS PAP Krata Aver branch sports aub-commltte* VIU bold Ml OPM CMrrvta wimptttloa on June SI. ran Interacted may reaistar wittt Urn ■üb-cocn mltUt'* aaeraUrv. from lion day to Friday between IN pm Mid 10 pm at the branch* offlM la Btfo Urn.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 563 6 Thai International off ers 1 Royal Orchid Express flights a week to Europe. Tuesdays at 8-OO a.m. Tuesdays at 8-lO p.m. Fridays at 8-lOp.m. for Frankfurt for Rome for London, and Copenhagen. and London Ja!B LaT i nnrajf' --S s^J^^s A W Bw^3 s^ssssssssP Jv ll V^M A^^sflHsW- Hy^^ ""^^^^Sk^m.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 234 6 Bringing Up WmOtrnw By BUI K»v»n«|h 4k Hal Camp 1 i oWrT stamp au. I f-nrywt© td sneak out, >{— f i cant stamp /ru ajiaip vtouNoy' xxj. iNaecr? ru. i au. th* violsnck Blond!* By Chi« Young 1 TME BOSS 'I SOY MR. OTHERS WAS 1 DID HE V(wOBSE
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  • 469 7  - Bonn firms will continue to invest in S'pore LESLIE FONG CONFIDENCE MAINTAINED, SAYS ENVOY By "There Is no reason why German Investments tn Singapore cannot continue. "Oerman firms are still as interested In exploring the possibilities of setting up manufacturing bases here to export to the region." Dr. Dietrich cited
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  • 109 7 rE Institute of Health has so far received about 500 layout plans of tuckshops from principals of various schools in the Government's proposal anti-typhoid exercise. Under the exercise, initiated by the Education Ministry and School Health Services (Institute of Health), some 6.000 canteen vendors
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  • 72 7 MR. Liv Kang. president of the Singapore Art Society, will open a two-day art exhibition by artists Tan Tong and Tan Joo Jong at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce In Hill Street at 5.30 p.m. today. The exhibition, organised by the Singapore Art Society, Society of
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  • 103 7 SIA jumbo in Rome airport drama ROME. Than. Fire engines and ambulance* nnhil to meet a Stngspere Airlines Junto Jet as It came In to land at Berne airport today after the pilot seat a message that his two pert engines were eat ef erThe giant plane landed safely. Technicians
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    • 143 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs— Mara Institute of Technology students have been asked to return to the campus on June I—lB days earlier th a n originally announced, the governing council decided today. Council chairman Tan Sri Ghazall Shafie said MIT examinations would, however, begin on June 28
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    • 30 7 IPOH. Thur»— Over 4.000 acres of forest reserve* in Perak have been illegally felled and cultivated over the past few years by syndicate* to plant mbber or tapioca
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    • 84 7 Six more confirmed cholera cases KUALA LI'MPUR. Then. Six cases of cholera were confirmed In Malaysia in tbe last 48 hours all from Prnanr's northeast district. They include a yearold boy from West Jrlutong and a three-year-old girl from Bridge Street. A Health Ministry spokesman said todsy the number of
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    • 50 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Than. Ton Puen Narmshikln. widow of Tun (Dr.) lamatl. ha* been nominated to eonteat for a aeat In the Wanlta Umno executive council. A keen social worker. Ton Puan Norastuktn ha* been active In the WanlU affair* since her husband was In the Cabinet
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    • 245 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday MALAYSIAN Airline System pilots have eased their tough stand In negotiations for a collective agreement and offered to co-operate to cut down flight delays. An MAS spokesman said today the airline received the assurance from the two associations representing national
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    • 56 7 PENANO. Thurs. Dwellers In tow-coat flat* and house* built by the »late Qovnrnient owe about tl million in arrests. The arrears rauraaant Instalment* do* from ocHsplari who bought thetr hone* on Mil i—tcEms. Some an reported to be behind payment* for as long aa 30 month*,
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    • 74 7 Drive against dengue in Jinjang K.UALA LUMPUR Thurs. A major antidengue fever campaign, Including Intensive fogging, will be launched In Jinjang tomorrow The Director of Health BervUm. Dr Raja Ahmad Noordte, aaid today the tos> ting would be done for four or fiv« day*. "Baatdca that, health teanu wlO vlait
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    • 43 7 PBTAUNO JAVA. Thurj Robert Yuan. 31. «U--ward with ataiajretan Atnina SystMß. wa* char»ad hara today with uainfl abuaiire lancuMe to PC Idrta Mn Mohamed at Subanf airport on May M Ha plaadid not guUty Haartng m flxad for June 4
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    • 59 7 IPOH. Ttiura. At iMat flTt lllMlai I HHI ioCTT MaVBBWy planu arc oparanng here. It tv tawnt tod»y Perak Cuatoma unuOliad Mi ol tbem In Ibt town area and detained 3« of Urn lUagaJly ■■■itilirt *cfatel«. About II paopl* hatre ao far. baan qtMuooad and charge
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 190 7 Texas Instruments electronic calculatorsone thing you con be sure of is the price You don't even need a machine to tell you that. Texas Instruments electronic calculators cost less because we make the parts that go into the calculators in fact, into most other calculators. We're the world's largest manufacturer
      190 words
    • 386 7 SKIMMED T-BONE STEAK A MILK POWDER '145 Y. FARMHOUSE **{**<> i«j H* l llo <**•> JELLY CRYSTAIS T^" OIAMSB M.15 UDY'S CHOKI (Ml) '1.15 tOm X ll a-mr APPLE CIDER $4.90 SOAP PADS 85' MAITWaiIS ipl pwWt BRIUO lf» f fkt GARDEN PEAS fjty HAIR CREAM $|,95 WATTKS 11 (112
      386 words

  • 539 8 By EVELYN NG THK Singapore Dental Association yesterday described the (jovernme n ts proposed dental therapist scheme as a retrograde step which would give the poor in Singapore a second ryte dental service. The scheme would seriously damage the dental profession's present high
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  • 116 8 SINGAPORE Port Wor- kers 1 Union and the Port of Singapore Authority have Introduces! a hospital insurance scheme for port workers. ,'t provides free medical benefits for any employee's children under 18 third class) for an payment of $10. The BPWU and the
    116 words
  • 140 8 ro men were yesterday Jailed and ordered to be given four strokes of the rotan each for trying to rob four people in a coffee house at Bras Basah Road. Tay Eck Meng, It, was Jailed for one year and Allan Lim Yew Woo. 24.
    140 words
  • 54 8 MR Baey Uan Peck, chairman of the Metrication Board, will leave on May SO to represent Singapore at the week-long Pacific Metric Conversion conference to be held In Lac. Papua New Quinea from June I to I Mr Baey will latex go to Australia to vUlt
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  • 43 8 THE central adult section of the National Library Is organising an illustrated talk In English on Chinese musical Instruments by Mr. Lim Chew Pah. an rthnansusicologlat. on May M at 10 JO a.m. In the library's meeting room in Stamford Road
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  • 116 8 TWO DIED BECAUSE OF FAULTY WIRING AWOMAN and her baby died because of some faulty electrical wiring In their Mantling Drive home, a coroner's court heard yesterday. Public Utilities Board engineer Foo Kee Tan said at the inquiry Into the deaths of housewife Lee Ah Neo, M, and her 14-montn-old
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  • 356 8  -  CORINNE THAM By THIS merry trio have every reason to be happy they have not only passed uot from the Singapore Police Academy but have also won special awards. They are (from left) WFC Yap Huey Jm*n. 19 (best
    356 words
  • 235 8  -  ■>. M RAMAN By SINOAPORE airport has already put into operation the basic security arrangements recommended by the International Air Transport Association v a precaution against hijacking and other forma of violence. The minimum security precautions recommended by lATA Include posting of uniformed guards
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  • 35 8 THE numbers picked In yesterday's Toto draw No 40 74 were 34. 16. 4. 12 and J5. The additional number was It. In the circle* draw, the numberx were 7. 43 and M.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 242 8 Two Very Special Stereo Cassette Units From the Audio Innovator I Who Gave You Japan's First r^^HH»^^^^s!i^li Cassette Recorder. \F^rßW^^Eggj \mK Wow Flutter ,-B^sßf**a^Bl 0.07% Aiwa cr<3ftsman ship scores big again. S/ N Ratio This time with a pair of superb component ufOffj .1 stereo units. OUQD I First comes
      242 words

  • 73 9 THK National Producttnty Board and the Institute of Public Relations of Singapore will Jointly how a two-da.7 ooosaiwace on PubUc Hrtattooa and Management, at the Regional to»luh Languag* Oantra. Orange Orove Road, from June 7 at 0 ajn. The aim of the conference is to focus -tTTfflirr
    73 words
  • 58 9 THk Minuter of BUSS (Cunmunioattoosi Mr. Chal Chong TU will pressnt colours to the sangaaore C;nnea» MkkUe School Teaoners' Union goodwill satsston to litrtfissls at ahann La Hots! on gmturday at 1 p.m The M msibsi- mlaaion. oonatsttng of basfewtaall, Iliaiiitiiii and tab* tannto teams will
    58 words
  • 483 9 fHE NTUC central committee has endorsed the National Wages Council recommendations as accepted by the Government for both public and private sectors. It found the recommendations "reasonable in the prevailing circumstances and realistic in underlining the need for higher productivity and greater skill in the future." A resolution
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  • 200 9 $800,000 WINDFALL FOR 1,500 YARD WORKERS COME 1,500 employecs of Juron^ Shipyard will receive nine months' back pay total llrgr more than $800,000 today. Their "windfall- li the result of a ware ract slfned between the manairmtnt and the Fioneer Industries Employees Union In March this year. Under the agreement,
    200 words
  • 282 9 the Department of Trade said yesterday that the prices of Spanish mackerel (tengglri) and horse mackerel (selar) have dropped by 10 cents a katl. Spanish mackerel was i sold at $1 80 a kaU and horse mackerel at $1.10 a katl at the
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  • 41 9 TIB Department of Bxtramural Studies University of Singapore, will start s 10-lecture course on Accountancy tor Professional Examinations at the university's Ntsssn Hut I from June 0 at 7 10 p.m. Application forma can be obtained from the department.
    41 words
  • 51 9 TWO aMera free* Btakaag Paeaaw la mimiiata wttt em. h flae« $000 by th* Tim MacMrato'a Oeert yeatcreay fer iianaajla, ks Stacapere. TJkaa Ma Sa«e«. M, aas Ma Maa. M, ilnli* gwattr U atoyls« la Ike BipaSSt after the expiry eT taeir aacsU Tiatt iiim en May
    51 words
  • 35 9 MEMBERS of the management committee, women and youth sub-committees of Ponggol Community Centre will give a lunch party to Inmates of the Home for the Aged Sick at Jaian Payoh Lai on Sunday.
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  • 172 9 Inmate who died in escape —bid A 70 -YEAR -OLD Inmate of the Woodlands Home for the Aged died on a hillside during a runaway bid, a Coroner's Court was told yesterday The Home's welfare attendant, Enclk Mohammed Jawaddln, testified that on April 23 at noon he noticed the absence
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  • 68 9 POLICE are trying to get in touch with the relatives or fritadi of a 45-year-oM Chinese who was found hanged in a sawmill in Kauang Road on Tuesday morning The man >bout sft Sin* tall was clad in a white singlet and brown trousers. Those who
    68 words
  • 30 9 THB Metropolitan TMCA will conduct a it nawnn course on facial massage at ita centre In Pakner Road on Tuesday* and Thursdays from June 4 at 30 pjn.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 8 9 8 rn^mf LlgwSsfV gaQraift^ /TJtArffflp#>flM gmg^M^v <h> gfnnffimM
      8 words
    • 383 9 ONKYp. Technically Beautiful In sound reproduction, performance and design. Onkyo Y-100 is a full set compact component stereo system comprising of aAM [FM amplifier, a 1 2" (30cm) turntable with automatic return arm and a pair oj bass-reflex speaker system Its speaker matrix circuit is designed for 4 channel enjoyment
      383 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 258 9 Straits Times Crossword i cni.'gsr*- 8 ess t ta <***« iTw^S 'L l 72» wfAm nitas Oriental (7). I Editor in smart surround- 10 Sit In tha drlvWs aaat ings in Scandinavian and control tht horss- power (4, J, I). v or Asian and I sin 1* Destiny ssabracei a
      258 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 245 10 Wayne on wheels for o J RECORD-SHAHERING Znd WEEK at CAPITOL Horn, J. 30, 4.00, 645 9.30pm NO FREE LIST M Ysft I 13 I I mm 1 a^^^R^aßß BaBMSaHaV .Jafrßal VA even tie cops! 9 JOII\ lMlVNE^rNrtaf aVaaW IkWBBJM O0Ufl«OHaWB CUittLaMTaa*iUraUaßa.ifnHi«-»a» mi lawirr"*-- -art j/toamm aj"»— Mtmt-^fm <*& lido-
      245 words
    • 377 10 S2/ g s S a Golden Phuenbr 3 t G 2 Famous (w its Swctxan and Pahang styla cfcahas 2 Z, Tha mo t popoaw rastauram m tovvn S C An mtimate spot tor both young and old Enioy your (avourrta cocktail to satiumanttl gurtarmusc No mirwnurn or cover chargas.
      377 words
    • 327 10 Masses of colours BttV Fun and easy to apply j!\ Only $2.50 per pack jQ of at least m n f M 0 decorations. Blv 4 d|ffcrcnt packs each on a >fl f different thsme! j^. f From leading departmental I sfoy« ovn/ emporiums. I Mm^J^n o/ agents: Austrimex (S)
      327 words
    • 156 10 TRADITIONAL ENGLISH FARE nwet yoyf friaftMs s BaaaaV ■>■ 1 1 h 1 4P. Rjvw VakV> Road Oftm for lajaxß A eSgwr 7eays a wctk II 30a.M Midssttai {K PImmJ7S42S TENDERLOIN GRILL ROOM COFFEE HOUSE Marrilv at onr^H HAPfY HOURS spm. to 7pm. Quaanatown MOW SHOWING Gotdan Otv 1 .46.
      156 words
    • 220 10 V BEST TEPPAN-YAKI STEAKS l\ IN TOWN! Pi I FAMED 1 EXCLUSIVE 1 SALMON I EXOTIC! FRESH J SEAFOODS! J aallllmjtr aalllk^^B^R^^ R^HuKk j4p^B^Rfl X 5 aaRfIRBaaRfIRVTIL 4 > laV>W CUnUs/iiiri 2 shows nightly;. nvff jnuffimi! 7 00 930 pm. j! ADMISSION: Adults $2.00. Children $1.0Oj: rw m mmi nmvn^*%mwMnsv
      220 words
    • 696 10 WWa>VaVWVVVVVW'| Ist CATHAY;! I jJattJItUIIH;: WW SHOWING 2 BaxxM 700«.t JO pm i Wri Oianay rNodwctlona TMI WOULD S OP.CATES ATHLfTf" J> i Vn\ Conway Tachnteotor ij Jirena Ort^a-I" Clmwa Ji OaV<« Caenay OnHaia' 2r d M,drHjM Tornorrxm 1 1 i i LK*a» t«May at t.OOa ml i 1 i
      696 words

  • 277 11 Valuer to Appeals Board: That isle worth $456,000 A 220-ACRE ISLAND, acqulr- ed from its lawyer-owner for $67,500 In 1971, would now be worth $456,000, a Government property valuer told the Appeals Board (Land Acquisition) yesterday. Mr. Wong Soo Hoe, acting deputy chief valuer of the Property Tax Division, Inland
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  • 30 11 THE Metropolitan YMCA will organise swimming lessons for children and adult* from June 1 and 7 respectively Further details are available from Its International Centre in Palmer Road.
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  • 30 11 KEVIN Gerard Jude Especkerman. 17. was fined $790 by the First Magistrates Court yesterday for consuming pills containing methaqualone at Woskel Road on April 25 He pleaded guilty
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  • 177 11 rpHREE International civil avlacion experts x are now in Singapore to help effect a smooth handover of the Flight I lforpiation Region control operations from Singapore to Malaysia. Two of them, Mr. Carl EmanueLson and Mr. Donald Wood, are from the International Civil Aviation
    177 words
  • 58 11 MR Kenamger Jones, regional creative director of Leo Burnett, will give a Ulk on The Advertising Induat'y In Singapore and the South-east Asian Region t« members of the Advertisers AiaocUti' n at the Shell tneatrette. tihell Home, at 3 p.m today. The talk will be
    58 words
  • 60 11 FANCY WALK rl Red Cross Crippled Children'! Home is organising a fancy drew walkathon starting at Peat a n g Laae on Sunday at a.m. Cik Dah bint* Mohamed Noor, wife of the Minister for Social Affairs, will present prizes to the winners. The society is appealing for sponsors for
    60 words
  • 382 11 Accused: I snatched knife to use it in self-defence... A FORMER seaman A said ln the High Court yesterday that he was only acting in selfdefence when he snatched a knife from a vegetable stall assistant Tan Eng Kirn, 24. and thrust it at him. "I thought he would use
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  • 103 11 Seven jailed for stealing paper BEVKN boys wen yeaterday Jailed for four weeks each by the First Magistrate's Court for stealing 40 reams of white paper worth $1394. The eighth SMUbaT of the gang a 18-Twr-old boy. will be aenUnoed by Urn Juvenile Court on June 1. The eeren Hosaln
    103 words
  • 41 11 TUB ninth Ada-Pacific Soout Oonfennce wUI be hosted by Slntaport Soout AjgOCteUtisß 4t HoMI Roy&i RasMd* from June 4 to 10 The conference which Is convened biennially, la a general aaaembiy of eoout organisation* *n the AstaPactftc region
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  • 385 11 -COMMISSION FROM LAND SALE... AN accountant, Foo Hee LJm, who was paid $120,000 commission for successfully negctatlng a $6 million property deal told the High Court yesterday he was not prepared to share the commission with Mr. W.A. Smith, a Johore planter. Mr. Foo
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  • 22 11 A FULL DRESS rehearsal of the Singapore Armed Poresa display It will be held at Changi alrbasc tomorrow at 3 pjn.
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  • 138 11 Nurse gets divorce from 'plaboy' husband A PRIVATE nmrse was yesterday granted a divorce by the High Court from her "playboy" husband. Mrs. Tan So* Thiam, nee Chin Poh. said her SHSsinessman husband was a playboy who used to associate with other girls. He was also a racehorse owner. Her
    138 words
  • 62 11 TEXAS Instruments Singapore iPtei Ltd., will set up a multl- million dollar plant ln Kallang Basin near Boon Keng Road, this year. The plant, to be set up on 9.7 acres of land bought over from JfOUf Town Corporation. W expected to be twice as big
    62 words
  • 171 11 a Colour TV: 3 aerials for best effec t• fLEAR reception of colour television here could suffer a severe setback if a single aerial is used, the managing director of Rediffus ion (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., Mr. Jack Snowden, warped yesterday. He said to avoid this, each set needed at least
    171 words
  • 113 11 STUDENTS TO HELP METAL ROAD ABOUT 1,200 SlngaA pore Polytechnic Students will metal 2 75 kilometres of Jalan Ulu Bembawang in Buklt Fanjang constituency on May 29 and 30. The project will cost $78,000 in materials alone. The Oovernment will loan road-making machines and tools and technical know-how. When completed,
    113 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 214 11 H^*'_VJ KM 4A mmm^ *dsli*^Mßa^El^^il^MM" ssaV. bbß^^MMsF^Lm! LmVmlp^ MMi k MMaE BMsMMMsaL *j| HsV PilM m^S *ofL^^^ *m mFv RmsV*^B LmmV A* aMM^aJsM^^ cßreakaway" from the everyday" Rasa Sayang offers a fresh ru*w k venue for your business meetings, y bKl^^ erences, conventions, dinfiers or banquets. Exciting. I D_■ A
      214 words
      364 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 438 12 F Mr. Sanya Dharmasakti agrees today to carry on as Thailand's Prime Minister, he will not be the first nor the last reluctant head of government. His staying on in office till a general election is perhaps the best course presently open to Thailand. The 299-member National Assembly
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    • 182 12 WEDNESDAYS delayed Canadian re- action to last Saturday's Indian nuclear explosion could not have been unexpected. Whether one sees it as a churlish Western response to an Eastern display of independence, or as a legitimate expression of shock and disappointment by a donor country, the Inescapable fact
      182 words
    • 199 12 DURING the past few weeks the National Stadium has been packed to capacity. And I am amazed that 10 minutes after the final whistle. aU spectators had left the itadlum. This quick exit speaks well of the planning of the stadium. However,
      199 words
    • 106 12 li/E refer to the letter TT by Mr. H.C. Tan (ST.. May 8). We thank the writer for his comments in respect of our soccer cover- »*>■ We are not able to provide re-plays in slow motion as we do not have the technical devices for such effects.
      106 words
    • 112 12 CASE OF HONEY, BEES AND —BABIES- MY daughter la Primary Two mas a regular poetry lesson. By looking at her book It seei— that this lesson serves two parposes. It Is an exercise in writing and an opportunity to draw, as each Poem U followed bj a ptotare. Bat the
      112 words
  • 1120 12 /"*LOTHEB maketh a man and sans clothes is the unmaking of many a woman. Hence the anguish in the cry "I haven't a stitch to wear." Seriously, though, since Eve discovered the strategic effect of a fig leaf, the clothing ndustry has never ooked back, however delightful the
    1,120 words
  • 1604 12  - Problems of change are really not insoluble... CHEW LEE CHING BILINGUALISM'S OBJECTIVES AND METHODS By Concluding a two-part report CRITICISMS of the Education Ministry's Implementation of its new approach to bilingualism and predictions of serious consequences seem to stem largely from misconceptions of the ultimate objective. Mass production of simultaneous
    1,604 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 31 12 IUjJ BE of th 6 in I am mhi automatic Hf JFi^amA W CALENDAR Kk/^ U WATCH ■g 7005-SOX) SU4.OOSJS M SSttIOOKK, r~*^ H 1 pvv J iaaaaaWa^^mwf Tadfcon&'fechnotogy V *W
      31 words
    • 273 12 Citroen s^^ s^^B Winner of coveted International Awards! AEROD YNAMIC GS shape Computer designed to calculate minimum drag. The GS shape has about half the wind resistance of the average car giving more effortless speed and reduced fuel consumption. Safety features surpass rating of European Standards. TREMENDOUS! The GS has
      273 words

  • Business Times
    • 1071 13  - Franklin's woes trigger tremors through Wall Street ROBERT HER SHE V By JJEW YORK faint tremor, touched off by difficulties at a large New York bank Franklin National is ruinb 1 i n g through the nations fmuMcial system and shaking confidence in its stability. Rumours are sweeping through Wall
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    • 278 13 LONDON Oil production from the British North Sea could be from 100 to 140 million In 1080. the Government estimates. This compares with last year's estimate of 70 to 100 million tons. Production could be sustained at 100 million to 150
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    • 187 13 JARDINE, Matheson's chairman and senior managing director, Mr. Henry Keswick (above), will be Ira vine Hone hoof early next year to become chairman of Matheaon in London. He will be succeeded aa chief executive officer of Jardine. Matheaon by the managing director, Mr. D.E.
      187 words
    • 410 13 Actuary firm in UK to set up shop in S'pore i A MOTHER hlghlyA skilled financial facility Is soon to be Introduced into Singapore actuarial services. They are to be provided by a leading firm of UK consulting actuaries. Duncan C. Fraser. which is expanding Its operations for the Far
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    • 145 13 SINOAPOREi most successful hotel. Shangri-La, is to be expanded by the addition of 200 rooms and suites. Government approval in principle for the expansion has been granted. According to a company announcemmt^ an International firm of architects has been engaged to wort on the expansion project No
      145 words
    • 448 13 QEVERAL faCt O rs are behind the spec tac ular pr o f Its rise at Prlma (Flour Mills) last year. These Include bumper contributions from subsidiaries, and Improvement In both export and local sales, says Mr. Cheng Tsang Man, the chairman, explaining
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 273 13 ■^§■■1 H^H I^^H lib^B b*b*b .ia^^lw^^^ '41 I I Our man in Singapore Sin I can give you more than Hal I I bl! an insight into I the Capital Market. La*M>J /9k When a Multi-national Mission to H-^fl V^MLaM I outrl k* st Asia wanted a first-hand K^S I
      273 words
    • 158 13 l i||||||y tirfor The versatile machine that lifts, pulls, moves anything TIRFOR MACHINES are used in J^Bll*^<_ Handling of oil and petroleum materials jHfl fit Loading and unloading m transportation K\\\\ v\^fT\ d I Lifting of temporary scaffolding 2>tm\ v^fl^E I Shipyards for shipbuilding and repairs For every project Put
      158 words

  • 536 14  - US exchanges all set for the 'consolidated' ticker tape service PETER KILBORN By VEVV YORK: The five major stock exchanges took an irreversible step last week towards creating a "consolidated" ticker tape, a keystone of the Central Mark el System envisioned for the 1980s. Under edict from the Securities and
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  • 313 14 New laws proposed for HK's finance companies HONGKONG The protection of the Depositors Bill, which will make registration of the colony's finance companies compulsory, will stlpul a t c minimum amount for company capitalisation and acceptable public deposits, the Commissioner of Banking, Mr. Anthony D. Ockenden, said. Figures now being
    Reuter  -  313 words
  • 517 14  - ITC talks size of price real bone of contention NANCY BYRAMJI By LONDON: The slie of Increase In the buffer Coor price of tin la expected to be "the real bone of contention" when the International Tin Council meeting resumes here on May 28. after an adjournment of seven and
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  • 351 14 Mr. William God Man* Hoey bat resigned f n m the board of Veneer Products "due to heavy commitments within hla own company," accordIng to an announcement by the group secretary. Mr. Chna Swee T1e« His r e 1 g n a t Ion became effective from
    351 words
  • 116 14 BETTER commodity prices boosted Chn Teck Plantations' pre tax profits by 60.6 pc: cent for the six months ended February 1974 to $1,904,804. against $1,186,381 for the comaponding period last year. This was achieved despite a slight drop in the productions of rubber from 1.882.526 kgs to 1
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  • 200 14  -  KINGSLEY WOOD By SYDNEY: BHP Is going ahead with a Asl million study Into the feasibility of setting up a jumbo steel plant in Western Australia. The proposed plant, to cost some A»1.500 million, would produce about 11 million short tons of strel a
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 670 14 UNSURPASSED VALUEAT oiMiys4s .^■W sbbHLI sbbbbbbbbbb kaJ m Eg] 7004 DRILL BH ltth| I Combines quality construction and v *aBBsHH H excellent performance. Double insulation. |B Recessed center locking button prevents WL I accidental "lock on". A good choice for light duty work and occasional building or **^R remodeling projects.
      670 words
    • 114 14 AdvamaSßiant Hello Inveator mk Share Trader! ME YOI WATCIIIf FOI SlfiU OfTitlUT ■HI NMKET? I* so you must Isam to mtarp<M prica cttarts and othar curves of tha TECHNICAL ANALYSIS o* maffcats and mdividuji tharss or commoditias Tha charts tall you wfcai paopla ftEAUY OOING m tna martial and may
      114 words
    • 22 14 f/£//&7Zf/A loat*t*tm PA«M« (XSTftMUTOmS w^ut ko*j, t a *--.<, I I I H Wai sbbbbbL^sTT *^i^B Te|:639-437 R RENTA<9>. World's No laVttndtanMgnuatr FROMS2SjOO
      22 words

      • 64 15 JfJUL ■eh. Lau Hutop lad. L Brrw. I. Iras J.T. )Mt. PWnt I Store 1UW. LU lad. i- Gaaa louatMd V'wMe I. J. AmI WJ5 MS6 WOO U.77 •3 JO *4(H MOO M.M weo tiio W70 U.1S $1.46 »1 90 was $103 $1 ia DM -»-.46 JX 4JI .i»
        64 words
      • 11 15 HS I W. Wool tl.M $0 88 —.14 ia —.09
        11 words
      • 15 15 Most active stacks Dot 1M Dvkr Ml Par 1« Tirntm: IN M ValM: IT*! If
        15 words
      • 55 15 M>r» Mmjtl Indwrtrteh Mt.»7 IM.M fF1aaiK«: 4MJTT U1.7S Hrttb: ltt.ll 1UJM rrvtxrUca: 2J1JM ttt.44 t Tins: lM.7t IM.Tf t I itfcui: M7J1 S41jU t O.CAC: t».«4 IXi.M 8X.8. lad.: X5»J1 ft Dec. 3«, 1M« 1 Dm. II, IMS 1*1 t Dm. t». IMS x lt» D*«. SI. l*1t 1M
        55 words
    • 1621 15 -r-HZ last transacted sale i 1 at the close of business in the Stock exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with tha previous day's prioM together with 1974 high and low. ("Adjusted for all new lasuM). CLOSING TOMS: InduJinaU ataatiy wbiit Urn raat baraly ataady TuRMOVia CMlclal total turnover
      1,621 words
    • 359 15 SHARES were trad, ed to a mixed finish on all fronts at the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. Volume was reduced as operators turned cautious following a weak mornlnr rally on carried over support r.ont-taklng constltu ted the main selling fore* ttarlnc the sUde kajt even
      359 words
    • 1512 15 DID and offev prices offi- cialiy luted and bualneM in and reported to tha Sw Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traced, shown In brackets In lota ot 1.000 units unless otherwise specified IMHSTKIU.S Aeama (2.438 24«8» (1) 2.46. CD. A.P.I. 'MOB 120S) AJln—
      1,512 words
    • 1409 15 DID and offer prlcea offl- dally listed and bualneM in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur ti'ock Exchange yeattrday with the number ot share* traded shown In bracketa in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified INOUITRIALS Aiinamala >2 SOB) A Tasa il IKB 1 JOS, (1) 1
      1,409 words
    • 294 15 QANTAS made a profit of at least Aslo million in Its year which ended en March 31. Executives are hoping It will be as high as $15 million but the exact figure will not be made public until the report Is tabled In Parliament In August, when
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    • 263 15 A mixed day at the KL exchange SHARE prices moved within narrow margins as traders adopted a cautious approach at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. Prom -taking which began on Wednesday, made an Impact Initially causing shares to yield small ground. But speculative buying Interest was Intermittently felt In
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    • 69 15 nnHK US dollar opened X around Wednesday's Close of $2.401 0-$3.4040 In the Singapore forex market yesterday. TradIng was dull and featureless throughout the morning with the dollar fluctuating narrowly between $2.4010 and $2 4035. The dull trend continued In the afternoon session with the dollar closing marginally
      69 words
    • 169 15 The following ant the nominal average closing interbank rate* in Singapore: CiisatlM NaaiaalralM Smithsonian Peroeatat* aaotaa yesterday (rross) aattty akaage US dollar 2 4010 2 403 C J 8196 14J6 BUrttaff pound 6 7988 6 BOSS 7.3469 SIM Hongkong dollar 47.56 4760 SOSI 586 M»l«y«l«n dollar ***** *****
      169 words
      • 26 15 Robber: May 23. Singapore: 197.5* cts. (down 2.M cts.) Malaysia IM.H cts. (down 1.5t cts.) Tin (np 59.75). Official offering 19t tons (down 48
        26 words
      • 104 15 < HINIII PROOUCt IX V CMANGI lIMOAPOHI NOON CLOSING MICH PBN »ICOL VBSTSPJOAV. Caaatmt bulk |IBS assaSMl. «nua SIM nominal. Ca*n: Mlaa* <Maaa> UK/ Ooat. SM aaaajaal. Ptm" Mania* AST A whila fob. 1 K>% NLW ***** a*ll*ra. Sarawak •hut f o.b. NLW BMB aallara. Sarawak avaetal Mack fob
        104 words
      • 136 15 Straits tin UP $9.75 nPHE Straits Un price recovered some of Wednesdays loss with an upturn of $975 to $1,290 per plcul In Penang yesterday on an official offering down 48 tons to 190 tons. The overnight London market was easier with the forward buyers slipping £30 to £3. 810
        136 words
      • 72 15 ALL Baarkets in gwttaerland. Sweeten. Aaatrta. Beajiaan. Denmark. Prance. Italy. Lebanon. Lmxrm boarg Norway. flpala Soath Africa. Netkariaaala and Wist Gcraaany ware elaard yeatetmay far Aacenslan Day. Tae Braasels aonrve wiO kc elaard today AH snwfcets sn the lasted Klagdaaa wHI be elaaed an Monday (May 37) far the
        72 words
      • 53 15 wiOMir TiNMar MIBMIIIII (1) 10*33 1M.«1 Lotxioo 1*3.00 1«1 00 Batrat IMS 1«2 SO UI.M I*o.oo *urk» IUMB 140 MB IM.OM IM.OOS Part* Ua*r INTI po»« Hi I*l MB IM MB IMTH ltllti r*port prtew la Ma-«t*rlin< arau to U.S. dollar* p*r —act. II) Auatrmlian dollan par *ysc*.
        53 words
      • 476 15 rpHE pattern of the I Singapore rubber market yesterday was similar to that of Wednesday with a lower opening being extended on lack of worth-while demand .and hedge selling. Turnover was minimal, and movement was very slow There was practically no movement in the afternoon, but a little
        476 words
      • 34 15 London eeppar prleaa aa Wainaaday (acivlsna la ktacaats). wwakar 8po( bujrar il.lM (I1.0T4) aallar ***** (tAOTSi Thraa Month* buyar 11.070 (iI.MB) aalWr iI.OTI (£1.940) Mark at taaw: V.ry ataady. SaMa: 4.M0 tana
        34 words
      • 69 15 rfcAILY SMR prtos tawed at noon /MteriUy i-r mii.i mMi*n iqmmm MR tCV (1-ton Pkltet) W3 60 WMN »M SM Mlf MIR »L (1-ton pallK) tntO WMN H7M J3»SON not d-ton pan*) imjo lot mn im *o soojan BMR It (1-ton paUK) 17tJ« 17«J«N ITCJ* 17« MN BMR
        69 words
      • 184 15 tJONOKONO Thurs. ix Share prlcea closed higher today In active trading The Hang Sang lndn rose 394 points to 373.40 Oainers included JartUac at HJCB36 10 and Wa.iHat Marian (A) 83.66 HafatlksTakaMnaT >>■ fafc W /Ya*naa*Mi* > dropped to S33M on its' Local Register and declined to 822.70 on
        184 words
      • 201 15 'TOKYO. Thurs The price on Tokyo stock market waa slightly higher today. In the morning session steels, such as Nippon •tsst were firming up. while heavy •Metric and shipbuilding issues were also higher In the afternoon session, chemical Imum were bought again and a part of pharmaceutical and cement
        201 words
      • 102 15 7 U RICH. Wed— The stock market today continued IU tllghtly betteitrend. BoncU were also firmer The Credit Suisae index advanced 1.3 point* to 208 J Cloatias pneca ia Bwiaa franca wlih tha dlirarrac* oo tha pnvtoua r. Cradlt Suiaaa MlO nion Buk 11*0 10 Iwlaaalr 4-4 4 nxttro-Watt
        102 words
      • 285 15 MELBOURNE. Thurs.— Share prlcea drifted sharply lower In all three sectors on the Melbourne Stock Exchange today as buyers waited on the sidelines for a. final clear out Indication of the outcome of Uat weeki Federal elections. However, scattered bargainhunting In the afternoon enabled a few eeteced IaMM to
        285 words
      • 140 15 A MBTERDAM. Wed.— i Haagwrens firmed I against the slightly weaker trend In Dutch Internationals Plantations weakened. I Shippings were firmer while banks and lnuirancea were weaker and Investment funds moved lower Losses predominated In Dutch locals. Dutch state loans were slightly higher where changed. OaaUK arteaa In Dutch
        140 words
      • 261 15 YORK. Wed— Th« stock market posted <ta seventh conaaeuUv* loas today In more actlre trading. 1 with the Dow Jones Industrial average finishing down 6.97 points to 803 57. tta lowest level sine* Dec 2. 1873 when It finished at 788 31 The markets weakness was across-the-board with
        261 words
      • 160 15 ABIAN cumncy dapoalt r& lnUrtMmk ratM m at ckkM on Thundajr. May 13 CHNr BM 7 d»y» 11-1 10-7 i 1 mth IX-l/t U S BUM 11-7 11-3 4 I HUM 11-7 1 11-3 4 mthi 11-S 4 11-5 t mtha 11 10-7 I 1 BUM 10-1S
        160 words
      • 43 15 On th* fraa aiahama maraal la Hoa«koai yaalrrdar ih» U.S. *»mmr was quot«4) at ft MM' S«MB for T.T. and i «3i 1 H far aaak. Stariins waa quotad at 13.10 IS.M and m» ta.l af iaM waa quotad at NIU
        43 words
      • 99 15 FINANCIAL THOU TINS Wednesday M 31 Tuesday 100 IS Week ago 100 90 BIBBCBS Wtdneaday 40* it Tueaday «M 41 Week ago 407.71 OILS Wednesday 234 4 Turvlay 23S Weak a«c J43.70 ISDISTHIALS Wednesday »2 f Tuesday 3M Week fc«o JOJ., DOW JONES AVESAOE INDISTMALB Wednesday 801 57 Tuesday
        99 words
      • 25 15 fcncapwi Mtan for May S3 <MNr BM Omal»bt 1 mth m S mtta I mth* »S tH PrißM rmU IK« Kmwm: P. Mmr-Jmi
        25 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 811 16 A well established commercial and industrial organisation ••■s applicants for the following post! 1 Accountant Degree or diploma in Accountanty Preference will be given to applicants with several yea.-s working experience and have demonstrated qualities of self-motivation and administrative competence. Duties Successful applicant shall head our accounts department and be
      811 words
    • 629 16 PROPOSED FACTORING COMPANY requires a GENERAL MANAGER THE COMPANY: will be a DBS joint venture in conjuction with overseas and local parties. will undetake domestic and international factoring of accounts receivables as well as other related forms of financial activities. DUTIES and RESPONSIBILITIES: He will be the Chief Executive of
      629 words
    • 560 16 SINGAPORE TURF CLUB. APPRENTICE JOCKEY TRAINING SCHOOL. BUKIT TIMAH RACECOURSE. SINGAPORE, 11. Applications are invited from MALE Citizens of Singapore and West Malaysia, for a small number of vacancies in the next course of training in this School. The ESSENTIAL Qualifications are as follows: AGE. A Candidate must have attained
      560 words
    • 619 16 has immediate vacancies for Singapore Citizens for the following daily-rated posts A PAINTER B WORKMAN (UNSKILLED)/ GARDEN LABOURER LABOURER (MALE/ FEMALE) C WORKMAN (CLEANSING) D WORKMAN (SPECIAL GROUP A) CHAINMAN SALARY SCALE A $8 80 x 0.40 11.20 pd with triennial B $4.60 x 0.20 6.00 pd increments C-D $5
      619 words
    • 543 16 A CHOICE FOR PROGRESS Qollei invites applications for CAMERA REPAIRERS Requirements: Minimum G.C.E. (Techni cal) or Electrical/ Electronics/ Mechanical Trade, Craft certificate, prefer ably with 1 2 years experience in repair or assembly of high precision Electrical/ Electronics/ Mechanical equipment. Those without the above requirements but with 5 years direct
      543 words

  • 141 17 Skull on tree shock for 'tec- A SKULL, perched on a tree In Keng Lee Road in Newton, attracted a crowd of curious children yesterday. These was chatter and laughter as the children gased at It. But when a detective, on his way to work, stopped and Investigated what was
    141 words
  • 85 17 Father of six dies in crash CYCLIBT Oovlnathan Plllal, 40, died on the way to Outram Hospital after his machine was Involved In an accident with a lorry at the Junction of Lorong Tal Seng and Airport Road yesterday. OoVnathan. a PUB labourei and fatter of six, was on his
    85 words
  • 49 17 MR. Ng Cheng Leon* has been elected president o.' the Society of Certificate Engineers. Singapore. Other officials Include: Mr. Woo Fo Keng ivice-presl-denti. Mr. Van Poh Soon (secretary); Mr. Boh Tong San (aast. secretary) Mr. Chia 8' Wei (treasurer) and Mr. Chua Teo Seng (aaat treasurer).
    49 words
  • 20 17 THE Public Ht^lth Division Recreation Club baa been renamed tne Ministry of the Environment Sports and Recreation Club.
    20 words
  • 98 17 HUBBY WHO WENT ON GAMBLING SPREE AN Internal Security Department officer kept late nights on the Pi "text of being on duty but actually went out on gambling sprees, the High Court heard yesterday. Florence Cheong, a receptionist, married to Hilary Cheong Hock Lock in April 1961 and with three
    98 words
  • 36 17 THE YMCA. Orchard Road, will bold a O-seeaton course on classics! guitar at its premlset from June a. It will be conducte-J by Mr. Urn Keng Khoon every Bunday from 4 to t pjn.
    36 words
  • 32 17 THE Rubber AshocUOoo of Singapore will hold Its annual meeting tr the committee meeting room of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce In Hill Street on Monday at H4t pm
    32 words
  • 116 17 jXXJr men. two armed F with guns, pushed out taxi-driver Mohamed Don bin Mohammed. 70. from his vehicle at Kandahar Street, off North Bridge Road, and escaped In It on Wednesday afternoon. The taxi was later f'.-ind abondoned In St. Gregory Place. Police said the
    116 words
  • 32 17 THE Ministry for Finance ha* approved th« Upper Serangoon Community Centre Building Fund as an institution of a public character, with effect from May 10 this year to May 1976.
    32 words
  • 143 17 NO SUBSTANTIAL CLUES YET WELL organised crime syndicate is believed to be responsible for the mass murder of 14 people at Sentosa. Police sources said this yesterday following several weeks of intensive investigations which failed to yield any substantial clues which could help them in
    143 words
  • 185 17 Bar girls among 53 screened by police DOUCE arrested 53 people Including 13 bar girls —In a series of raids throughout the island on Tuesday. In the first raid, the Chinese Investigation Section of the CID arrested six secret society suspects at a nouse In Belllios Road, off Serana on
    185 words
  • 39 17 MR Robert Imu Ocnenu Mana«ar of the C«ntral P-o--vldant Fund Board. »111 speak on 'The CPF and .U Advantage*" at f.jt Inte--n«uon»l T'l Uen'i dub of Slncapor* lunch muting H Hotel Equatorial tomorrow at 1.90 pa.
    39 words
  • 95 17 Seminar to discuss investment in S'pore SINOAPORE-S economic progress and Invest-, ment opportunities will be discussed at a seminar to be held In Western Australia on June 13 The one-day aetnlnar. Jointly organised by the Singapore Mlation In Australia and the Perth Chamber of Commerce. U aimed at forging ctoeer
    95 words
  • 131 17 rpHK Singapore Bus 1 Service has started a centralised breakdown service at Its Toa Payoh terminal to provide a more efficient repair service for Its buses. Repair trucks, previously maintained by Individual depots, have been pooled at the new control centra. The centre's
    131 words
  • 156 17 MR. LEE INVITES NE WIN FOR VISIT This was simultaneously announced here and In Rangoon yesterday. No specific date was mentioned, nor the duration of the visit or other details. The Burmese Prime Minister Is arriving In Kuala Lumpur trday for a four day goodwill visit. Bilateral He Is due
    156 words
  • 61 17 THE Kallang Youth Subcommittee children's club will hold a story-tclllng contest at the district's community centre on Sunday at 7 10 pm. Borne 16 children from eight to 13 years of age will each tell a story for about five minutes Judges will pick winners on points of
    61 words
  • 25 17 MR. R.C linhim, a United Nations expert In management accounting, will speak on Inter-firm Comparison at the Orchard Inn today at HJ> pjn.
    25 words
  • 366 17  -  JACOB DANIEL By gEVERAL consignees yesterday denied that they w ere responsible for the renewed congest ion in tne Port Authority's container warehouse. They said It was absolutely "not tm c" that congestion had b een ere a ted because tiey had delayed
    366 words
  • 34 17 THB Society for Aid to the Paralysed Workshop will hold a Sports Night for the Handicapped and the public at 1U workshop In 35. Peng Nguan Street, on Bunday at 7 pjn
    34 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 109 17 HOLIDAY SAFARIS TO MALAYSIA'S NATIONAL PARK Explore Malaysia's National Park with our experienced safari guides live in the heart of Malaysia's jungles, yet enjoy comfortable Rest House or Chalet accommodation. There are many attractions: Exciting river journeys through rapids Hxcursions by jungle trails Animal and bird watching Swimming in clear
      109 words
    • 279 17 IrHUN^AWAY TO SEA^\ V^k m iitimivkj: WWelAftrCftlA& to exciting FREMANTLE J Spend 15/17 memorable days and nights on board. Fine food and wines Impeccable service and facilities j Dance and watch movies under the stars too! fully air conditioned accommodates 2 1 0 passengers 2 berth. 4 berth single, double,
      279 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 791 17 WATER consumption for Wednesday was IM4 million rations (MlJ«a cub.c metres) M million jsllons (tt.Mv cubic metres), more than on Tnesalay. TV SINGAPORE (5) I TV MALAYSIA (3) ■> AA M Summary JO Ml. 71 9 W SuMajry 7.14 Baria IU.UU Trade and test u W hat a*. KwsrMT A
      791 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 587 18 UW^ ss»»-^ssss»— ssssss*-^ NOTICE I To: All Banks, Finance Companies and all other persons who may have dealings with the undermentioned con* pany. re: Modern Housing Development Private Limited, Singapore. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a director's written resolution dated 17th May, 1974, purporting to empower Mr. Tay Beng Swee
      587 words
    • 616 18 TENDER NOTICE Separate tenders are lnv ited for: I) DELIVERY sad TRANSPORTATION SERVICE rf PSA Car** fer 12 ~>*m. 2, CONVERSION ef Extrth OH IsataMatiea, Gate 5, Veyel ftose as»J P»la» Sekarok tat* Lafcor stories. M PPLY. FABRICATION sad ERECTION of Steelworks lo 2 N.H. Warefcwises at Jurooa Udustrisl Estat«
      616 words
    • 998 18 By arearaf Tselliillsln RE FRAMROZ PRIVATE LIMITED (In Creditors' Voluntary Liquidation) NASSIM CO. (SINGAPORE) PRIVATE LIMITED will sell by public auction In their saleroom at 173 Cecil Street. Singapore on TUESDAY. 28 May 1974 at 10.30 a.m. ALL THE PLANT AND MACHINERY of Framros Aerated Water Manufacturing company ln use
      998 words
    • 671 18 CHAPTER IS) IN THE HIGH COURT OF SINGAPORE IN BANKRUPTCY NO 162 OF 1974 RE: CHAW CHINO UN EX PARTE: MALAYAN BANKING BERHAD CREDITORS NOTICE In the Matter of a Bankruptcy Notice filed on the 2nd day of April. 1974. To: CHAW CHINO UN late of 5106. Oolden Mile Shopping
      671 words
      601 words
    • 686 18 HOI SIM. A DLVtI-urrvir >i BOARD Separate tenders are Invited for any one or all of the follow! ng(I)ERECTION l> COMPLETION of Tour Blocks of 12-storey 3Room Improved Flats (Total 616 Units, including 20 Units Shops/ Quarters and One Bating House) at Toa Payoh Neighbourhood I Contract XIV (2) ERECTION
      686 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1225 19 MMMMMMaMMMMMMMMMMMMMjI mmi\^ al^-^a^^W COKTUIItISMIP StIVICt TO W/CIRTWERT HMfkM{ Eiprm '-3-" ftg jZZ g -x ZPJS 1 35 rtS IS »S SS ?S HUM MAM M M 1J M 14 Mb I«b IMb IMb S£a IS =S Si I llkl»t« aMb MMb II AH II Mt II Ml l] mj COiTtIIrHSWP
      1,225 words
    • 1113 19 tf* BLUE SEA UNE %J} To U.S. East Coast Gulf Ports S aan r MMt Paaani LMMBj MT: pium- s..M MPt/aaa CmioMi ILmbM. SL2JT*' Sm Sim Ptttm SS Sn S«"»«- CMMM. ImriAM m 7" mTm m, it MiMajM, R OrHaM, PtIMCIM M* H M I M RMaitl. BM «hmi tarn
      1,113 words
    • 1025 19 MBa'^M > 7V^r7^^ > T!I^MM mmMMBM M»»t| IMm raaa S'mt* f MMM Icaa Aauru Iraac* U I B-ar- iS iS &s=ss ss i,m?-m ss fjS ss SSL U ".mJ "tS 55 Sg SS S3 set 1 a 3 S3 iia 55 xs -5 IMJB ItatPl Ntari SIMM t'laa Ul f
      1,025 words
    • 1029 19 fULLY CONTAINimZED SEKVICE TO EUKOfE MMiaa t»n ff_, SfLMWi Ml hiioh mm it aiMV, MIVM, Vtwtrp, Lc Htvf?. MMUTI MUM. W»*V St?u»t. 2ij iw M -*»i. SSumiiin St i Stick-*., Oim. mMm, Umim KaMM. CMaMt l.aat: IU M Man PU M Man. FULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE FROM EUKOfE ax fiara Uailk
      1,029 words
    • 796 19 tl m V *****; t. K«M>aa 4541; XX. *****; T> 2SIOI THE BANK UNE LTD. LMtS FH L 1 S tfUCA. RWtlMkrwi p «aiaa| St*" 1 11/11 Mar ■TIAM itMncaaarrl 'him M/M Ml Smm I/M Mm lITUM icatu MMMaaal MMai Siara M/a mm lAITIAM MM I Ma<«Ml t I kt:
      796 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 841 20 ""iCAWASAIUiaSEN KAISHA LTD. UWISAU IMUI BSEI lAISM LTD. IIMN. NH-M, STMrTS SEIVICL MM. MBJkMJ tIIMIIH P MMI MMBI MAIi IT !4 MM I MM Mmmibmmf*- immm S«*rrt4M Mmm pm wMSK«'MSM.T a SST ■■IMISMJM*) Jipu-AnbUn OmM Iwvlm hum Wt. Ml* Hllll *JI H MB) CMMa./MMUt.'OMM Pill bah Bhiki'ltoM/BMr*. Em Imm«m»«
      841 words
    • 771 20 BEAUTY LINES Fro* HA HO IIUMMIM 1 it.T. WMTnum putakfpisM jbpbii v*w tyyti t UT. MMTn-JT lirstoi »S[ «Sl li.T. LfWAP Ttrau* a•» aM| Mbmm IST MAULLU IMMMSU B HABTYIIIT MiMU ailß| aM| JBM* SSJ— »:g S j a>....Ma.i«.?.v»gin«i lICDLAR BTaWflCB* TO TWO* mt>WmMlA [TA (IB BMBMUm: I IMI MBJ
      771 words
    • 733 20 ygncpTuncociOTTun^ LOADING fOt LONOCN. ROTTUDAM. HAMMIRG. BILBAO. iaaan P fmms Pmmb imjm rM rt«| MMU MMM) l/JMa» I/M mm nil mm i to* TIM* MM* MPTBM niMUt MMM/Ito* 1/ 4 to* 1/ I ton n to* IMJ I Aaj ARRIVALS PIOM NOITN-WUT lURO*fAN POtTJ AND LOMOON PMMI waMJ tMMiri tttaif
      733 words
    • 653 20 arms, samct ti iimwr, iwopwi/cmtiiot pots T».»a>i Ummn P mmm Hmn immm tan BBMUMMBMU >/» BMJ tj 4MMVIMM Ml MM g*» l "J" i>n«ai, M-fci M/ 7. A*BM* BMUMIUTI VIMM Wmm M/MMkl lyaw W 7. rawl MttrMß 15 I BBMUTIMTtI MM) M/M IMI MV I MB; VIM* WJJ-. N-aot. MMbi.
      653 words
    • 668 20 TNB IMMPtII r T 0! TN aiTT ANHOUKCID TMI Ml, lol: P«LLO«IMO •■BTMIMO Irialko. Km—M. riMCMe •»< AMOIMIKTI rOII MAT tt. IM Halll »«T MM LMH MJt. Hall BMMJM Am. *mttt- Twmm*. w «r «sl Mara 10 M 111 imiw< Mr >«• iiwrti ««•>• »M 11. 51 H«tt U4
      668 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 688 21 BANK NEGARA MALAYSIA Fermohnnan-permohonan adalah dipelawa dari Warganegara Malaysia untuk jawaUn-jawaUn berikut di dalam perkhidmatan Bank Negara Malaysia: A. JAWATAN 1. PEGAWAI PENYENGGARA (MAINTENANCE OFFICER) Tanggagaji: Gaji adalah mengikut kelulusan dan pengalaman. Tugaa: Menyelenggara bangunan dan menjalankan alat-alat pemattangan letrik dan alat jenerator dieael. Kelayakan: Sijil Kecekapan Tiada Terhad sebagai
      688 words
    • 327 21 MONOLITHIC MEMORIES MALAYSIA SDNBHD We are a progressive American electronic Industry based in Pulau Pinang and are desirous of recruiting Bumiputras for various positions in our Company. Listed below are the positions and the relevant qualifications required. Pmce— Engineer* Applicant* must hold a Bachelor degree/or Diploma in Electrical or Mechanical
      327 words
    • 304 21 DOW CHEMICAL PACIFIC LTD has a vacancy for a suitably qualified Malaysian Citizen, preferably a Bumlputra, to fill the post of an: OFFICE SALES EXECUTIVE Qualifications: A recognised Degree in Science majoring in Chemistry or in Business Administration. Experience: Preferably 2-3 years' experience in the commercial sector or related field.
      304 words
    • 231 21 OPPORTUNITIES FOR INSURANCE MEN Applications are invited from energetic men /women having good knowledge of INSURANCE for immediate EXECUTIVE APPOINTMENTS. Remunerations and Positions negotiable. Write in giving full particulars and enclose non-returnable photo to P.O. BOX 941 K.L. Please state telephone number for immediate interview. FEMALE OPERATORS EARN ABOVE $160/
      231 words
    • 687 21 ABSBTANT ENGINEER ASSISTANT ELECTRICAL ENGINEER (s7»i SUMO) [I Applicant* for thettr 2 |xmta rauat poaaaaa a L'ri. I I "fun-.- i.t D>nlnsn |.t.-rt l>\ thr liuUtu I 'if Engineer* (Mala 1 iatr Mem II benthip. Pretrrt-mf will ht- Ki\t-n to 1 1 1 candidate* I with experience in Civil or
      687 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 673 22 rm\MK. +m. classified ads (D ACNE PIMPLES, OPEN PORES these your problems' Then JGeTTmedlcaUy trained beauty therajHst with"* J2«uoplcal expwienc*. at Hotel StngaVurT telephone *****3 (S'por*) SEMI-OI SPLAYS OO LOOO FROM JUNE IST YOU CAN THEN USE LOGOS TO ENHANCE YOUR SEMI-DISPLAY CLASSIFIED ADS. IN THE STRAITS TIMES ANO SUNOAY
      673 words
    • 730 22 SECURITY GUARDS REQUIRED for a multi-storey bullolng Salary according to experience Ring *****7 and *****3 for appointment REQUIRED SEC'JRITY SUPERVISORS (posses* driving license): Investigators (posses* motorcycle license): Security Ouards (Ex-Army/ PoUce) Ptaaae call personally with 5 passport slat photographs with testimonials to 6-A. Scan St S pore SECURITY GUARD Llndeteves-Jacoberg
      730 words
    • 777 22 A LARGE OARMENT MANUFACTURING company requires the services or a shipping clerk Appllcanu must be able to speak read and write English and Chinese preferably with a driving licence and have completed National Service Please writing to S T Box A9IIBI Gutnrl* Bouotood Snipping kgon do* Sm*apirt Pl*. Lid. Has
      777 words
    • 734 22 EWsl6)« ENERGETIC MALE/ SALES Representatives wanted. Call personally at Suite 306. Peace Centre 3rd floor on Saturday 28 5 74 Tel *****/ *****. TECHNICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVES well-established organisation' requires several ambitious and -nergellc young men to handle sales for:- Toolroom machines tools and technical equipment. preferably has sound technical knowledge
      734 words
    • 711 22 OTTERS ANO MACrlNNSTS ßequired for Engineering workshop with 4 to 6 yean eyoTWnc*. Preferably those not affected occompkted National Same*. amatvU resume and telephone nuflsbar to 171. Jalan Jurong Kechil. Spore IT Many vacancies available A Large Motor Vehicles Engineer«««te^M£ personnel to fill the *aeancjas created by Its expansion All
      711 words
    • 813 22 wanted ONE COOK and one domestic amah by family with S children. Singapore citizens one to cook and the other to do household duties and look after the children Must live-In, preferable that the two are a working team or mother /daughter team Tel *****8 during office hours. I) OawssMml
      813 words
    • 753 22 DENTAL ASSISTANT CUM NURSE urgent Rum *****4 during office hours to arrange appointment for interview DESPATCH SOYS with motorbike licence to commence work on 16 74 Tel: *****60/ *****87/ *****80 FOREIGN RESTAURANT along Orchard Road requires (a) Female Capuins b Waitresses (c Towel (iris (d) Kitchen Helpers (Male) For the
      753 words
    • 816 22 LUXURIOUSLY FURNISHED 4BEDROOMBD BUNOALOWS. 3 air conditioners. Mg garden $1,390 $3,500 Taman Serasl $1,000 Deland Co *****4. WATTEN ESTATE 4-BEDROOMED BUNGALOW furnished $1,300: Hlllcrest deUcheo bungalow $1--600 semi-detached unfurnished $800 *****2 SELETAR HILLS $430 884)6 Highland Road 8580 Changi 8550 Serangoon Oarden $550 Phone *****0/ *****7 ORANGE ROAD 3-bedroomed furnished
      816 words
    • 878 22 AMERICANS TOP ELECTRONIC COMPANY reuulres house ror O M Of'ers *****33 ext I DETACHED BUNOALOWS: Blnjal Park $3,500, Victoria Park 63.500. Holland HelghU 53. 000 Trevose Crescent 83.000. Braddell Heights 82.400. Raffles Park (1.500 Flats Leonle Oarden $700 Taman Serasl $1,000. Paslr Panjang $550 Semi- detached Woodland Oarden 8500 Contact
      878 words
    • 698 22 DIBTRICT 10 Of f 6 m s Holland Road Deuched modified 2-storey house, with 000 sq.rt or rial, matured gard»n Large lounge, separate dining room. 4 bedrooms, large spacious modern kitchen Price $320 000 DISTRICT 20 Cosy single storey detached bunga'ow. with renovations. Ideally situated at 5 "i m.s. Thomson
      698 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 749 23 B^M 3RD FLOOR Yong Slak Street flat < r*droomv 1 alrcondiuoner. hall til newly renovated nhone 865.000 0.n.0. Interested parties pleaae tel: ***** for appointment to view and other FNANKEL ESTATE DETACHED SUNOALOW slngle-Uorey rrnovated. 3 bedrooms. 2 bath.rble flooring 5.750 sq it Price 8195.000 Principals write to PO Box
      749 words
    • 802 23 6.66* ACRES RUBBER EBTATE .n Johor Contact Said J B 59*9 9 a.m 12 p m JNION BUIIOINQ v onto space selling below market value with tenant for another 10 months only or exchaige residen UsJb»us*/n*t Write to: PO Bos 3060. Slncapore FOR BALE/RENT DISTRICT 2: REALTY CBNTRS ENOOOR STREET
      802 words
    • 687 23 OXLEY TRAVEL (PTE) LTO, OVERSEAS TOURS I 1 Japan Taiwan Hongkong Bangkok 17-day '2 Taiwan Hong kong Bangkok 14-day *****/- 12-day J1420/Departure 2/6. 3/6. 4/6. 9/6. 17/&TS/7. <3> Hongkong Bangkok 8-day (4) Bangkok Chlengmal 7-day S«5O/--(5) Lake Toba 8-da.v 8360/Departure. Every Friday (6) Fiesta Flliplnas 6-day 8600/Departure Every Satur.lay WEST
      687 words
    • 759 23 mmm-nu TMAVBL SCRVICE jSINGAPORg) PTE. LIMITED Tour West Malaysia Seven Days *****- alr-condltlonsd bus *****/-. Malaysia 4 Oentlng Highlands by sir -conditioned bus seven days *****/-. Departure ■very Sunday. Monday During Singapore School HoMrfiy Departure 1/6/74 Everyday Cameron Highlands Four days 8060/-. Oentlng Highlands -Four days *****/-. 29 5/74. 1/6/74.
      759 words
    • 757 23 ipoctaltaos in Hongkong um-suro opens 8 am Caters for all funcuons Beiagis Complex telephone AT LUNCHTISSB, Hotel Phoenix Coffee House (lower ground Toor. Spedaitsu Shopping Centre) v Chicken Lontong on Tuesdays, and Fridays. OadoOado on Wednesdays and Local Buffet on Sundays. Westers) set luches available dally too. VISIT BEOOK REST
      757 words
    • 851 23 WIMUIIW RPMHm t*w»m COURSE commencing today Every Friday 7.30 p m 930 &m by experienced Nanyang nlverslty graduate. People's Commercial School (Opposite Odeon Katong) Tel: 446TSV TYPEWRITING: MORNING/ AFTERNOON/ BVESN6M CISSSM individual coacblmt By qualified instructress S C.B.C 171-B, Bencooltn Si Branch. 28-B. Hongkong St (*****6) SHOUT HANO FOR BBOMSNBRS
      851 words
    • 708 23 FOR ECONOMY AND RELIASHJTY OET A FORO Escort from 39.245/ MS/- down Cortina from 112.465/- 82.466/- down TOP TRADE-INS Mr dosses Ulsphsm UNIVERSAL CARS (PTB> LTO. 1. Tnoaaaon Radge. 8 por. 36 Tok *****3/68*782 Opon aa«r to 7 pjm. CHIP HONG VEHICLES (B) LTO, 46 ScotU Road (Newton) Singapore 9
      708 words
    • 501 23 1666 MBUCBOB* BBNZ 1806 Saloon. One owner. In «cry good condlUon denso alrcon Bast oner to 636 Mountbatlen Road (near Junction of Tanjong Katong Road) Spore 15 PEUGEOT 3*4* REGISTERED September 1673. Only owner immaculate condition Used ss seront car Must sell Bast offer to ***** Simon 1073 ALFA ROMEO
      501 words
    • 501 23 '.sm totota io**, \r.i atoms 1300 OT lVil Morris 1300. 1670 Mssda '.200 S-W. 1870 MorrU Mini MX 11. I*6o Volkswagen 1300. 1866 Ford Cortina Super 1960 Ford Escort 1300 OT 1667 Volvo 144 Air-con 1945 Forl Cortina Super Teck Huat Used Oar Co 46. Rangoon Road Spore 8 Tel
      501 words
    • 341 23 PO« SALE: 34' cabin cruiser twin screw with converted dtsael engine full instrumentatloi toilet and fallery In running condition Tel *****24/*****66 2 MONTH* OLO fibreflaas speedboat complete with new M hp Johnson Price 84.500 on. o. Contact All ff***** POLVNSS4AN 4* FOOT SAILING CATAMARAN. fuUy nbreflass sheathed 4 double berths,
      341 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 965 24 Mf HAW PAR BROTHERS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED W I NOTICE OF MEETING I (Extraordinary General Meeting) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company will be held in the Jurong Room, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore, on Saturday, Bth June 1974 immediately after the close of the sth Annual
      965 words
    • 565 24 fml) ITP] TENDER NOTICE Tenders are Invited from Registered Contractors of the Jurong Town Corporation for the following projects: A. DESIGN, SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF PILED FOUNDATIONS TO TWO (2) BLOCKS OF LSHAPED FLATTED FACTORY AT AVER RAJAH INDUSTRIAL ESTATE ELIGIBILITY: Piling Unlimited SHOWROL'ND: 31.5.74 at 10.00 a.m. Meet at
      565 words
    • 657 24 PRODUCTION MANAGER DESIGNATE REQUIRED by a well established printing organisation in '>' Malaysia. THE POSITION offers the necessary challenge t<> the right man who is prepared to accept the responsibility for maintaining and upgrading the high quality printing that we have established. THE CANDIDATE should have a diploma from a
      657 words
    • 842 24 VOTII I ■U: TEO KIM < SWEE 9 TK K Utr of Nat, 487, ITS. J»IM Tuanku Abdul Kahman Kuala l.umpur who 4ir4 Mi thr sth dit of January. INT. Notice U hereby «iven that creditors and other i>having claims a«*trv estate of the above e>ceaar<J should givi it to
      842 words

    • 395 25 OONN, ThUM. Barbed wire, an alcohol ban and fears of Arab and domestic guerl Has provide the background against which three 1974 World Cup soccer matches will be played in West Berlin. In planning their security measures for the three games In West Berlin's
      395 words
    • 42 25 NTW YORK, Thurs. Undefeated middleweight Dale Ormnt, of Washington. ■cored his sixth straight pro boxing victory laat night by stopping IVdro Bojrasa. of Mexico, at one minute of the third round of t> scheduled 10-rounder at Las Vfcgaa. UPL
      42 words
    • 138 25 World Cup TV ban on Pele and Gerson BRASILIA. Thurs. The Brai Hi a n Labour Ministry has forbidden soccer superstars Pele and Gerson to work as sports commentators daring the 1974 World Cap champleaatUiM following protests by professional newsmen. Both players had signed contracts with B rail 11 an
      UPI  -  138 words
    • 28 25 MADRID. Thurs —Atletico Madrid took second place In the Spanish soccer league by 1-0 the championship, won by Barcelona with SO potato, finished on May 13.
      28 words
    • 322 25 LONDON. Thurs. —Al Feuerbach. Amen can holder of the world shot-put recr.-d. beat off challenges from two British competitors to win the event at the International athletics meeting at Crystal Palace here last night. Feuerbach. twice breaking the United Kingdom all comers' re cord,
      Reuter  -  322 words
    • World Cup challengers
      • 744 25  - Argentina's success will hinge on Yazalde, Brindisi and Ayala STEWART RUSSELL By ARGENTINA have a special mission in the World Cup soccer finals in West Germany to prove to their critics that they have found the control and maturity not always apparent in previous tournaments. Their last World Cup appearance
        Reuter  -  744 words
      • 78 25 NTW YORK. Thurs. Rriuiu of yesterday s Hajor leagus baseball games Awrteasi Uagwc: Chicago 6 Texas 3 (Ist) Texas S Chicago 3 (2nd) Baltimore 1 Cleveland 0 (13 Inns) Boston New York J. California Kansas City 1. Oakland 7 Minnesota 4, Detroit Milwaukee 4 Natlenal Leaf**: Atlanta
        UPI  -  78 words
      • 25 25 WttLWOTON. Thurs. The British Lions beat Boland by S3 point* «> ta their Rugby Union match here yesterday after leading 10-0 at half-time. Reuter
        Reuter  -  25 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 547 25 classified ads (D ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A COMPLITI NI-FI SYSTEM? .V- down, you can own a i EIOOOA stereo system rte with tape-deck For d#cnoo»jlr •Qton MM 9/t.Sow* Asia. 381, Victoria Street. SHOW HER YOUR LOVt with .nabie snd distinctive .lery from Tin Sing (.oldsmltrn Pte Ltd 215-217. Bridge
      547 words
    • 453 25 LOOW f <* Turkish bath 1 ">••••*•• '«eial. manI•ALON OE LA oranoc for massage, sauna bath Ladles and gentlemen Tanglin Shopping Centre. 2nd floor Room K47 225 Ring *****6. JEUNESSE IT BEAUTt for your scientific relaxing massage, sauna bath*, spotreduclng an? physlotnerspeuUc treatments with very latest machines 22 Ngee Ann
      453 words
    • 1107 25 AIRCONDITIONtRS. REFRIGBRATORS POM NfRC, sale, repair and Insial Sing Llan AirrondlUon L Electric Traders 407 Chan., Road. Spore 14 Tel: *****3/ ***** USV EXPECTANT MOTHERS undecided what to buy for first baby? Let Baby* Own Party solve your problem, save your time and money Tel *****5 PHILCO. WUTNtONOWBC, YORK, ACMA.
      1,107 words
    • 221 25 STACKERS AND PALLET TRUCKS Produced in Denmark by Scandinavia's largest manufacturer of Materials Handling Equipment i FULLY SEMI II POWERED JLta M STACKERS IiP^I available in 8 models MANUAL Im STACKER s PALLET TRUCKS ■■irttrim tamauwM. Brvmow f% f\ SOCNIO MOTOet SMGAPOMf T€L ***** KUALA LUSJVUR TEL 03 "76J*****' IPOM
      221 words

    • 491 26 Rous tells UEFA: Elect me again and keep Fifa control in Europe EDINBURGH. Thursday SIR STANLEY ROUS yesterday appealed to delegates at the Union of European Football Associations (UIIFA) Congress to help reelect him president of the Federation of International Football Asso c i a ions (Fifa) at next month's
      Agencies  -  491 words
    • 265 26 Denmark shock Wales in Youth tourney STOCKHOLM. Thurm. »J The Scandinavians and East Europeans had the best of the first day's games in the UKPA International Youth Soccer Cup, which opened last night. With hard tarkling and defensive play dominating on bonehard grounds In southern Sweden, there were few goal*
      265 words
    • 105 26 RACING aekadult for ant oaak'a raaaa at Kuala Lua «r»t ttay, a 1, Din 1 ud Cl 4. Din 1 and 1— S%f: Cl. S. Din 1 uM S— SfDr»a S and 4-4W •aaaml «a>: Cl 1. Wn 1 and Tftt and Sf: d. 4. Dlv I—
      105 words
    • 26 26 BONN. Thui* W«at Osrmany mad* a stmai start tn this year's European Cup Basketball Championships her* test night with surprise TO-«« win against Pranos —fUmtm.
      26 words
    • 32 26 LONDON. Thunt—Juntl-can-bom hsshvywssitil Bvuiy Jahnaon, a ttmtifltr for the Brttash Hmvywrifht UUt. beat Amrrtcsa Otiver Wrtjht OB points In a It-round ■upporttng bout at Wembk-Ti ataptn Pool but nl«ht— tJW
      32 words
    • 763 26 RACIHC TAKENGON (Race Two), Boston Kid (Race Six) and Unescorted (Race Seven) can get off the mark at Buk i t Timah tomorrow. All showed Impressive form In their winding -up gallops on soft track yesterday. Takengon with Jim Johnson astride, cleared away from Doable
      763 words
    • 846 26 BACB 1 1.4* CLASS DIV. «F. FOB AFPBENTICEB ONLY 1 I||M||| 111 HH thu S I hag Tbmt 1.1 l Hmi I Paalaa I.M JimMl t 4 Saaay Heart II I M Wli 5 Black Haraet lIS Ao-Ycmaf 7 I Tteaboriaae II 44 Sac 4 7 Saaray 111
      846 words
    • 818 26 MACS 1 1.4* CLAM S DIV. S— TPI 1 ■•Ml Klta (S> S. 00: 1 *»*r «M (14) S 11: S Sisl«" (*> •1' MmSwiali (S) S. 10: s Mian Straat (l»> S. 10: S Tho km* <•> S.SS: T Kaaani •aaaa II S.SS:
      818 words
    • 142 26 A DELAIDE, Thurs. A friendship founded in the jockeys' rooms of Victorian racetracks 25 years ago laid the foundation for the win by Singapore-owned stayer Phar Ace in the Adelaide Cup at Morphettville last Monday. The winner is trained in Melbourne by Ron Murrisaey. 43,
      142 words
    • 19 26 MA HAMID (9) achieved a hoe In on* st Warrsn Clubs 170-yard par-1 ssgbth host yesUrday
      19 words
    • 392 26 LONDON, Thurs. World Cup finalists Argentina scored a penalty In the dying moments to draw 2-2 with England In the friendly soccer International at Wembley stadium here last nght. England, seeking to compensate for their unexpected failure to qualify to go to West
      Reuter  -  392 words
    • 32 26 TOKYO. Thurs. World Junior welterweight champion Antonio "Pambele 'ervant«» Ml fight Japanese boxer Yasukl Kadota In a title bout here on July 16 a Tokyo sports newspaper reported yesterday AP.
      AP  -  32 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 362 26 SAVE $33.83 Special 27-week TIME introductory offer. 27 issues on your doorstep for just $14.77 (Regular pric** lor 27 w««ki subscription $20 SO, $48 60 at your ntwi -iland SAVE TIME! Just phone 361-422 and order your 27 weeks of TIME at $14.77 a copy. We'll bill you later. TIME
      362 words

    • 300 27  - Strikers and defenders sharpen their skills JOE DORAI By gINGAPORE'g football strikers and defenders last night sharpened their skills at Jalan Besar Stadium in preparation for the Malaysia Cup first leg semifinal against Penan? on Sunday at the National Stadium (kickoff 7 p.m.). It is vital that Singapore score as
      300 words
    • 410 27 25 pairs reach Student Lark s- finals By FETER SIOW r3P schoolboy sailor Leow Cheng Hong and crew Koh Tee Klat, are among 25 pairs who have qualified for the semifinals of the Ministry of Education Junior Sailing Club's Student Lark cham p 1 o nship at Changi. Cheng Hong
      410 words
    • 48 27 BRASILIA TOUT* —World fntherwvtfht boxing cham Pton Bdtr Jofr* haa afrwd to have hla next title bout go up for bids after being refeaicd br a court oroar from hi* two iiwmfi. Jofre ooly condition Is that the flghi br held In Bratfl
      48 words
    • 79 27 N«W YORK. Thuri Argentine heavyweight Oscar Bonavena. ustng his left hook almost exclusively. dropped hi* opponent once In the seventh round and went on to a unanimous 10-round decision over Larry Middleton of the United State* at Landover. Bonavena. the 7-6 favourite uatd hU left hand
      UPI  -  79 words
    • 53 27 Keppel games KFPPEL HARBOUR Community centre's management committee will hold a Telok Blangah lntnt constituency badminton championship, commencing on June 17, and a four mile road run competition en June 30 as part of the centres activities for 1974. Entry forms for the two competitions are available at the centre
      53 words
    • 29 27 LISBON Thurs Sporting of Lisbon won the Portugueae National Soccer Cup and qualified lor next season European Cup by beatInc Barrelrma* 3-0 In the final away game.
      29 words
    • 357 27 Milne suggests introduction of pro soccer in Singapore (X)VENTRY City manager Gordon Milne yesterday predicted a bright future for Singapore soccer and suggested the Introduction of semi professionalism, reports JOE DORAI. He said: "Semi-profes-sion aUsm will arouse more Interest among players, clubs and fans. "Singapore has all the essentials the
      357 words
    • 337 27 LONDON, Thurs.-Andy Roberts, the Antlguan pace bowler, bagged five wickets for 55 runs as English county cricket champions Hampshire took command of their match against Essex yesterday. Roberts whose action has been called controversial, took his firstclass wicket haul to 26 this summer. Nell Smith
      Reuter  -  337 words
    • 123 27 TAIWAN. Ttin Tka mmiiMiT gaatial af Talwaa'i Otyaafc CiiaiMtaa. Mr. titm rtag-Tia. aUd today that Cktaa had rl«ht U> e»art Mi c«aMry mm Ike latcnutanal Olj-aajlr CiiilMii (IOC). He raaiflraMd that Tai«aa naY a*t •>>•* to < htea )«*atag tka lOC |j- j 1* ■aßMaal^l m^at pr ovism
      123 words
    • 756 27  -  K. C. KOAY By Mydin: We are set to win Cup DENANG. Than. 1 Penang*s clash with Singapore In the first leg of the semifinal or the Malaysia Cap soccer enmprtltl >n on Sunday has created widespread Interest In the northern State. Players, officials and fans here are
      756 words
    • 207 27 Northants 142 runs behind Indians LONDON. Thurs. Northamptonshire at 154 4 trailed the Indian cricketers by 142 runs at tea on the second day of their match at North ampton today. The tourists had declared 296-8 The county's second wicket pair. Peter Wllley and David Steele. took the overnight score
      207 words
    • 87 27 LONDON. Thura Britain* Pater OostarhuU. the l»7j winner, coasted to a first round victory In the £15.000 (W2.600) Motel Knock-out Oolf tournament at Coventry yesterday OocMrhula. returning a par 73. outdated another Briton. Bryan Hutchlnjon. who (cored an 82 Tony Jacklln. former BrttUh and American
      87 words
    • 79 27 BRAZALIA Thuri. One soccer fan wai fataUr wounded and three people war* to critical condition In hoapttai after a pnMwnan fired on noting spectators during a First DtvMon soccer match brtween Ramo and Pilsaandu Belam at Belem on Tuesday The match waa »-r— M»~* to
      Reuter  -  79 words
    • 32 27 MOITIBVIDBO. That*. Uruguay bmt BraaU's Atk> tteo MlaAro ciue 1-1 hara an TUMday in a wmrm-up •oroar asateo lor Urn Wortd CUB finals opmlof 10 Waat Oarmany nan month iUular.
      32 words
    • 21 27 KD MALAYA batd Stafaport Criekat Club to aM draw In a BHA «vMon two taagua hostor match at the
      21 words
    • 167 27 SEMBAWANO Shipyard, the team once acclaimed as the mjst disciplined hockey side, yesterday shattered their high reputation when they played roughly in the Division One league match against Singapore Recreation Club at the padang. reports Peter Slow. The Shipyard team, whose meteoric rise from Division Three
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    • 17 27 MOSCOW Thurs CiechoalDvaftta beat the Soviet Union 1-0 in a friendly soccer international In Odessa
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    • 18 27 TALIB Haron of Kappel woo tha Tangah Open goif championship last Sunday with a sU-over-par 73.
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    • 213 27 BANGKOK, Thurs. Indonesia tonight get their last chance of achieving a facesaving victory against the all conquering Chinese players as the seven-nation Invitational Badminton tournament here comes to a close. Headinc the programme will be the clash between China's Tang 'The
      213 words
    • 52 27 TANG ROUTS TJUN TJUN LATEST RESULTS: Tang Hsien Hu of China whipped Indonesia's Tjun TJun 15-11. 15-4. Siagapare'i Taa Baa Chew beat HoogkoAg's Silthii eUn IS-:. 15-4 in 15 minu tea; Inisa-—la's Verawatr beat Thailand's P. Uangtrakul 11-3. lit. and rtebai »nd Preecba beat Japan's H. Tanacuchi aa4 M. Tadokoro
      52 words
    • 214 27 China's women prove they are too good doubles combination of Sri Wtyantl and Teresla Widiastuty 15-3. 15-3 in just 20 minutes of play, each set taking 10 minutes. Two men's singlematches were decldel yesterday. In the opener. Malaysia's Jam- s Selvaraj coasted to a comfortable 15-4. 15-10 victory over Cheng
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 127 27 wa^KaF afta^aH a^afe W*~ Ma af^^Bß m*m m t wWL^H aW^^ J IT 9 a^at^W r^wat^ 1 HaW^a f MvC More performance gj 0 k, v More features i No other GT saloon offers mJk SO much performance, Comfort •Electric rev counter ■4* J W^^^ and sheer value for your
      127 words

  • 100 28 ROME, Thurs. A security alert was called at Rome airport yesterday when a man police described as a Palestinian guerilla was reported to be in transit here on his way to Beirut from Madrid. The alarm was given when police received a tip-off that a known
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 154 28 RAUB, Thurs. ('HI BOH residents j about to set fire to three effigies of communist terrorists at an a nti -communist ral y today at Chrroh village, nine miles from here. Abont l.tH peop'e from all three communities—Malay. Chinese, and Indian In the
    154 words
  • 338 28 TOKYO, Thursday JAPAN'S excellent export performance has helped Improve prospects for the country's balance of payments, a senior Japanese monetary official said today. Mr. Koichl Inamura. Vice-Minister of Finance lor International Affairs, said at a Press conference Uiat the worst phase of the country's balance of
    Reuter  -  338 words
  • 40 28 LAS VBOAB Thurv A ■v In tennis cUlw ducked into the oastoo at Urn Aladdin Hotel mt*rtUr gnbtwd USS 10.000 (134 000' IUCKCd in DBSIM diiu ob ti» bacear«t Übte dMhad out and wwM in a waiting car
    40 words
  • 99 28 Enough oil, so lights go on again in HK HONOKONO. Thurs Hongkong will receive 900,000 tons of fuel oil from various quarters In the six months from April to September this year, sufficient to meet the British colony's demands. It was announced here today. Disclosing this at a Press conference,
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 210 28 CANBERRA, Thursday TWO election officials have suffered heart 1 attacks and several others have collapsed from exhaustion as tte protracted countIng of votes continued today to decide the next Australian Government. Sectoral officials In Canberra, Perth. Hobart and Sydney have reported that the
    Reuter  -  210 words
  • 34 28 KARLSKRONA. TIII.HII Thura. An all plastic warsh'P the minesweeper Viksten has been Uuoched In Urn state shipyard here and will be delivered to the navy next month. It tv announced today.
    34 words
  • 342 28 I ONDON. Thai*. Th. ttock cloMd torn an htlutM la «u»«t trm4m totejr. at W la* Fl— mi Tlam Mo w«j down 4.1 to M«.l Early amall gftia* which ntMt•4 th« but rat* oau of half >w cant wart iiimii fall—f ■Mflatl— about iiauwt «awtlOß. I««ehi» •toalu won
    342 words
  • 30 28 LONDON. Than S»M MM Mihaw Jim UM J«ir MM. U« July M.T*. Oct/Dw tin JU,Kar*k MM April Jun« •M. Jul> MM. (M/DM UTS OmnU n.f Jw< mm OltM QttfM
    30 words
  • 52 28 Diplomacy via soccer PEKINO. Thun China today launched a new phaae in Its (porting diplomacy with a aoccer team from the Chines* Forwgn Ministry playing a world' team drawn trots diplomatic mission* in ißm Tbe "world Warn" representing eight nations, were no matchvtor the well-drilled Chin MS Nxireaucrau who won
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 28 28 LONDON. Ttmrs. Thcrt wert people J obi it hi aVtuaa Urn month the towwt May flaw tor five ymn it m innownead bare today— ReuUr.
    28 words
  • 27 28 UMtOOM. Thun Bast Ml iSTtt i—«l6) Milan iIW (—««•>. Him irrn WIIWI i*T4« <*0l Tuimto tm IMO taw pn MO Ml fW: SHaay at ib« tow«r I»*«L
    27 words
  • 225 28 MOSCOW. Thursday fI!K Soviet L'nion today offered to cooperate with China over improving navigation conditions in waterways slon* their common frontier if China respected Soviet territorial integrity. The Oovernment Tass news agency said the Soviet Foreign Ministry today handed a note to the Chinese
    Reuter  -  225 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 151 28 Importer wholesaler contractor Mp^stnq'ArU fr Cufli FH Mil JM /MUSIC FRO/U 4 ROUND THE WORLD AND OF YOUR O\NN CHOICE WITHSL4NYO 4-BAND RADIO/CASSETTE COMBINATION Listen to good, dear music on Sanyo 4 -band radio. Whether you tune on the local channel or for far-off broadcasts Sanyo sensitive radio gives you
      151 words
    • 224 28 Economical for even 4 employees MacGARRETT BEVERAGE MACHINE If y ou Have 4 Employees we can prove to you it's worth your while to rent a beverage machine from v*. Compact for Office or Factory use. 5 Canisters with your own choice of our wide range of ingredients Sale or
      224 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous