The Straits Times, 21 May 1974

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 250,000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 472 1 RAZAK'S PEKING DATE First Asean nation to set up ties KUALA LUMPUR. Monday TUN Abdul Razak will fly fro Peking next Tuesday fro formalise the establishment of diplomatic tie* with China. An official announcement tonight said: "The Government of Malaysia and the Government of the People's Republic of China have
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  • 49 1 SEOUL. Man. Ptour people were killed tat tond■bdee and IS* others made homeless in rainstorms which lashed South Korea's southern coastal areas yesterday Fifteen fishermen were also reported missing when their boats eapsiacd In the storms, which also destroyed 35 buildings and three ships. neuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 40 1 BEIRUT. Mon. Algeria and the United SUtes will restore diplomatic nrtattms.. broken during the IM7 ArabIsraeli war. after sgrseaisiit or the disengagement of Syrian and Israeli forces Is reached, the Iraqi news agency reported from Algiers today. UPI.
    UPI  -  40 words
  • 441 1 Dr K to seek accord on arms cut BUFFER ZONE AT GOLAN DAMASCUS, Monday THE buffer zone separating Syrian and Israeli forces in the Golan Heights will vary in depth two to six kilometres, a senior American official said today as U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger flew here for
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  • 103 1 TVAMASCUB. Mon. IS Syrian and Israeli forces foaght "neree" artillery. tana, aad armoar battles oa Moant Osiaisa aad large sectors of the 40-BtUc (M km) Golan Heights front today. miliiaVrj OOaaUMIIIft^SCS said. A ««aainl(i(, laaaed one boar after the arrival of 18 Secretary of BUte Or.
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  • 97 1 JAKARTA. Mon. People fled then- homes when an earthquake rocked Pclembang. south Sumatra, and TaZicatalaya and Bandung la west Java at the weakend, a useeuapei said) today. The Plkfraa Rakyat did not report any casualties or jaaiags In the earthquake, which was asjo felt In Jakarta. Beuter.
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  • 295 1 Britain to make bigger cuts in defence spending WELLINGTON, Mon. The British Government expect* to make bigger defence spending cuts than ever before, British Minister of State for Defe n ee William Rodgers said today. But he said at a Pro— conference here that peace-keeping operations In Northern Ireland would
    Reuter  -  295 words
  • 53 1 CAIRO, lion Egyptian rtndn Minister Hi bull Pahau today sccepUtf an invitation to vMt OMM. «t daw to be find, the sCddle bit Hmi Aasney reporUd Tbt invitation «m at talk* today with Cha*MS Ambassador Mr. Chat T»s■aln. on Mlateral relations and UM current noaortalinai
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  • 38 1 ADELAIDE, Mon. -Favourite Phar Ac*, owned by retired Singapore businessman Teo Thuaac Hal today won the AM I^oo *****6,000, Adelaide Cup over SJOO metres (two mllesi at MocptetWflfc her*.— Jtsater (Report In Page 33).
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 1 SYDNEY. Mon. Floods that have Inandafrt nearly half v* State of Victoria daring tbt past week tonight threatened the esMtenee of ■ohora. Muter. AMBASSADOR CRONK not In tot offlot whan tbt parcel arrtrod
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  • 598 1  -  N. 6. KUTTY By A BROWN pared addressed to the Unit ed OUtes Ambassador la Slagapore. Mr. Ed win Cronk, sparked off a bunk scare In the BU Street embassy balldlni yesterday I toad explosion rocked the neighbourhood whoa a hastily tan moaed Sliftiorr
    AP; NYT; Mak Klan Seng  -  598 words
  • 137 1 Portugal calls truce in Angola LUANDA. MOD Portugal called a truce In Angola today In an effort to promote peace talks with African rebels In the country, a military spokesman said. The ceasefire In Angola was part of a campaign mounted by the new military Junta In Lisbon to end
    UPI  -  137 words
  • 72 1 SECURITY ALARM OVER DR. K JERUSALEM, Mob A seearlty alarm mtrt« h 'T signalled possible asoasßtnaUen attemsH sftaol Dr. Kissinger, as he boarded his pUao bars for Damascus Is day. A short eiremlt la the electric system for the airport tonataal wto+f? aaatVeaftaaaVstsal Sail Cb* aatosaatte entrance* and exits
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  • 40 1 BANGKOK. Mob. Hoaoars wore shared la the first badminton match between China and ladeneeia here today China's Pang Kal Blanc won the first sot 111 against TJaa TJan. hat test the Masai IS--1. There was no third sot.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 14 1 *a y wsaa rile aVICtI Rwir~j> /^■nasßßsßßa^saaw^^^L^^Bna ara AUTO POUStTand CLEANER si ST Hi
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    • 109 1 GISCARD: THE DAWN OF A NEW ERA —Page 2 FATEFUL tape handed oat by While Hou.s* t FRI says Pat to -armed and poses danger" S •BEWARE of bomb de vices' warn! n i In Britain S INDUS pledge aa N-power 4 TEENAGE r*n> jailed for breah-lns and robbery LIVING
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    • 197 1 For Clear A Comfortable Coniult: C.S. CHONG O.D. EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19. CHULiA STREET, SINGAPORE I* ThePhilps22RN7l2-foffich, alkouno stereo in your car. There's an exclusiveness about the Philips 22RN712's brilliant FM stereo sound reproduction. It's as if your car becomes a concert hall or a trendy discotheque. What's more. Philips
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  • Straits Times World News
    • 170 2 315,000 GALLONS PETROL AFIRE SAIOON, Mon Communist sappers today penetrated South Vietnam's biggest oil depot, blowing uP s tank and destroying some 315.000 gallons (1.500.000 litres) of petrol outside Saigon. Meanwhile a government task force began moving against communist units which had swept down to within 25 miles '40 km)
      Reuter  -  170 words
    • 181 2 Sadat: Ties with Soviet in 'more positive phase' CAIRO, Mon —Egyptian I President Anwar 8a- j dat said yesterday relations between his country and the Soviet Union were entering a more positive phase. Mr. Sadat made the comment at an Egyptian Cabinet meeting after receiving a letter from Soviet Communist
      UPI  -  181 words
    • 302 2 GISCARD: THE DAWN OF A NEW ERA VALERY Glscard d'Estaing, winner of France's closest Presidential election, moved quickly today to put together a "new era" government to face challenges by a powerful Left that nearly defeated him. The 48-year-a'd Con servatlve called meeting* with his political supporters this morning after
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  302 words
    • 48 2 YOKOHAMA, Men. Twelve-year-old Hiroyas* Takagi was known to his claswisaies as an expert at standing and walking on his hands. To«y he tried a handstand on a three-foot-bign window ledgVaT hJs^SJooTbut fell 17 feet to the ground and died three hours later in hospital.— AT.
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    • 456 2 Evidence handed over by accident WASHINGTON, Monday PRESIDENT Nixon has only grudfl ingly given Watergate tape-record-ings to Congress or the conrts and now h is refusing to turn over any more tapes. But In one instance, the White House supplied by accident
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    • 148 2 Marcos, Suharto to discuss 'problems' MANILA, Mon. President Marcos of the Philippines and President Suharto of Indonesia will meet on May 29 and 30 for talks likely to cover issues causing friction between the Philippines and another Southeast Asian nation, Malaysia. The two leaders will meet in Menado, capital of
      Reuter  -  148 words
    • 34 2 HONOKONO, Ison. Radio Hanoi la using a new transmitter built by the Chines*, tt was reported today A North Vietnam Newt Agency report monitored here said Vice-Premier Tran Huu transmitter yesterday. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 39 2 HOUBTON. Mon. An etching by Pablo Picaato stolen from an exhibition at Rice university on April 21 has been returned with regret* said Mr. Harm Roaenstetn executive administrator of the Institute for the Arts at Rice. AP
      AP  -  39 words
    • 19 2 NEW YORK. lion. Maria Calls*, long-time temperamental opera star, v aosng Into pop music. Newsweek reported yesterday
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    • 272 2 Diplomats on picnic get into trouble PEKING, Men. Seren K French illplomaU were surrounded by a hostile crowd and held for fomr hoars yesterday after one went strolling near the Mine tosabs nerth-east of fekin*. The Incident occurred during a plenlc at the tomb of one of the Ming Dynasty
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    • 35 2 ENOLKWOOD. (New Jersey. Moo. Tyre* CHenn •1. trombotw player known far Urn sw«etn— i of his ton*, who joined Louis Armstrong In IMS and played with him until Araatroofs death died on Saturday
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    • 36 2 JAKARTA. ;»oo liuJomala today pralat4 US SaertUry of BUU Dr Henry Kinstnasr for bte effort* in srlnetac U.-V. and Syria to •art* to eoasksde a provisional mm •coord on the Oolan nstgbls. Rcutar
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    • 101 2 BANOKOK. Mod. Doctors uy children In Thailand are suffering numerous Injuries while trying to Imitate Japanese science Octiop television show.. Iocs! newspapers said today. I *VsHS rti neat mmtukmi programmes shown here, such as Super Bay Man, JumboA and Kamo. the Superior Man, show
      UPI  -  101 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 80 2 f> ssssi tssssflsssssf m ifewiW m aSM ■Ok 1 f wW fIU BBSstst BSSSSSSSSSSSsi BBSSIS* klm' TWICE DAILYTO JAPAN Only SIA offers you the exclusive choice of Boeing 7478 or 707 Superjet service to Japan. Two flights every mofning. To Tokyo at 8.45 am, to Osaka at 9am daily, En
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    • 72 3 AMOMORI. Mon— Two J\ housewives and three children were injured yesterday when seven tons cf bananas showered down on them out of the sky. The bananas were hurled Into the air when a truck carrying the fruit exploded in this northern Japanese town. The
      Reuter  -  72 words
    • 572 3 Heiress 'armed and poses danger' Store Shootout: FBI charges Patricia and two SLA members LOS ANGELES. Monday DESCRIBING her as "armed and extremely dangerous," the FBI yesterday charged Patricia Hearst and two m embers of the Symbionese Liberation Army m connection with a shootout last Thursday night at a sporting
      AP; NYT; UPI  -  572 words
    • 54 3 BEIRUT. Mon. A leftist Lebanese publisher All Ballout. wa« jailed for »U month* today (or libelling King PUuu of Saudi Arabia. Bailout's Al Duwtour magazine published what It called secret letter* In which King Faisal allegedly urged former US President Johnson In IMS to arrange for Israel's IM7
      AP  -  54 words
    • 174 3 Commuunist radio calls on Thais to revolt BANGKOK, Men. A clandestine communist radio station has called on the Thai people to unit* and expel tbe "American Imperialists" from Thailand. The "Voice of ♦he People of Thailand," In a broadcast yesterday said that since the Government of Prime Minister Sanya Thamtnasah
      AP  -  174 words
    • Briefs
      • 34 3 WEST BERLIN: British military police today found an arrow inside the walls of Spandau Allied Jail with a piece of paper attached demanding the release of the prison's only inmate Hitler's deputy. Eudolf Hess.
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      • 30 3 WASHINGTON A delegation of Soviet legislators arrived In Washington yesterday for a 10-day visit with members of Congress, the first meeting between the lawmakers of the two countries since 1933.
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      • 33 3 DUBLIN: Police said today they are hunting eight men for a bllti of weekend car bombings that killed 29 people in the deadliest of such incidents in five years of Irish political violence.
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      • 30 3 COPENHAGEN: More Danes now oppose Danish membership of the European Common Market than are In favour of it. according to an opinion poll published today In the Copenhagen dally Polltlken.
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      • 39 3 Tour off TAIPEH: David Rockefeller, chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank, has called off the remainder of a scheduled Asian tour after he fell and fractured the upper part of his hip bone last night, a spokesman said today.
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      • 29 3 LONDON: Amnesty International appealed yesterday to Zanzibar President Aboud Jumbe to spare the lives of people sentenced to death for alleged Involvement in the assassination of Mr. Jumbe's predecessor.
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      • 33 3 ISTANBUL: The Voice of Kurdistan radio today said three more Iraqi Ah* Force planes had been shot down, bringing to 18 the total claimed downed by rebels since fighting broke out In March.
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      • 27 3 ANKARA: The Republican People's Party, the dominant partner In Turkey's four-month-old ruling coalition, has decided to withdraw from the Government plunging Turkey into a new political crisis.
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      • 20 3 BELFAST: Barricades went up around Belfast early today as hardline Protestant workers tightened their stranglehold on this vtrike-bound city. Agencies.
        Agencies  -  20 words
    • 258 3 LONDON, Monday POLICE today warned the public to watch out for explosive devices following fears that a new wave of bombings in Britain by Irish extremists is starting. The warning came after a car bomb explosion at London's Heathrow Airport yesterday morning and the defusing
      Reuter  -  258 words
    • 31 3 PIXINO. Mon. An exhibition of British stscmna tool* and sctenoric inatromenU will be held In Shanghai from March 26 to April 4. ISIS. It ni IHKHmOId here today —Reutcr
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 279 3 SEOUL. Mon Three armed youths. Including at least one army deserter, commandeered a sedan and an express bus, killed a highway patrolman and then held about 40 people hostage at. a downtown teahouse today police said. The three men. armed with two carbines,
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    • 205 3 The green light for Rabin to form coalition Govt rL AVIV, Men. Israel's dominant Labour Party last night voted to' set np a new coalition Government together with the Inde pendent Literal Party and the CJvil Rights mO» ritirni By sn overwhelming rote of 3*2 against M. with ate abstentions,
      Reuter  -  205 words
    • 210 3 FLEEING LON NOL MEN MISSING PHNOM PENH, Monday THE fate of 200 government soldiers hotly pursued by communist rebels since they were routed two days ago from an outpost along Highway 4 about 60 miles southwest of here remained unknown yesterday. Military officers aald they believed all 200 had been
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    • 126 3 LAOTIAN MP QUITS IN PROTEST ■yIKNTIANK, Mon. An MP from the Laotlon northern province of Luang-Prabang resigned today following the new coalition Oovernment's decision to fre e s c parliamentary activities Mr. Phan Norlndr. who tendered his resignation to the President of the National Assembly this morning, said he had
      Reuter  -  126 words
    • 540 4 Indian peace pledge on N-power 4 Not for use by the armed forces 9 NEW DELHI. Monday DEFENCE Minister Jaajivan Ram pledged yesterday that India would never use its new-found nuclear potential for military purposes. "Our armed "forces know this is not for their use," Mr. Ram said. Judging by
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    • 122 4 Peking blast at Moscow HONOKONO. Mo n China today charged that It waa the Soviet Union which Intended to exploit the Indo-Pakls-tan dispute over Kashmir in the troubled South Asian sub-contin-ent. The official Rev China News Agency, in a ii ran man tary monitored here, said "fact* snow clearly that
      Reuter  -  122 words
    • 23 4 TATPIH. Man. American ■whaaairtor Leonard Unger opened tbe first trade ■how in the new U8 Trade Centre In Talpeh today m
      23 words
    • 41 4 WASHINGTON. Moo. Onniuasiri around the matt wbo have bam hart by km beef (unpttes and tU prteea tor my*nl years win as* a dramatic mctvaas In napDr la Mm neat II Months, an Acrtratoir* Departautit import «U today DX
      41 words
    • 348 4 NCW DELHI. Men rS King of Slkkisn said yesterday that Hope Cooke. the American defcatante wbo became ha Himalayan Quern, bad moved te Mew York after OppoatUoa pol.ticlans aac— e< her of fcelru a spy. But the year-old King. Paidea Tnondup
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    • 117 4 34 HELD AFTER BURNING OF FLAG PERTH. Mon. Thirty X four demonstrators were arrested In a fracas outside the Exmouth Communications Base tn Western Australia today They were held after demonstrators set fire to an American flag and threw burning fragments over the heads of polict guarding the base entrance.
      AP  -  117 words
    • 33 4 OHRID (Yugoslavia i. Mon English writer V 8 Piii chett waa yesterday elected president of Pen. th* International writers' association, succeeding Nobel Prise winner Henrtch Boeli or West Oermany Renter.
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 102 4 HONOKONC. Mon. People In the earth-quake-affected areas In south-west China are confidently reviving production and rebuilding their homes with nationwide support, the New China news agency said yesterday. It said In a dispatch monitored in Hongkong the people were determined to win a good harvest
      UPI  -  102 words
    • 305 4 Premier Chou's withdrawal process continues HONOKONO. Mon. Premier Chou En-la; ls continuing his steady and studied withdrawal from the frontline of ad uilnlstratlve leadership in China. The withdrawal pro cess that began early this month during visits by two Heads of Btau> has followed the same pattern during the current
      UPI  -  305 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 216 3 370.000 EXAM SUCCESSES *p-~» Whichever you want rapid promotion in Ssahlef your present job. a bigger opportunity with Marketing another company or an independent career of Eipon your own— a Metropolitan College boss* Matrt 1 Cam laa ■tudy training, direct from the OK, U the ■horteat route to your goal.
      216 words
    • 1033 3 CAN YOU EAT so many fruits? mo~fHJCEE)^ 7* -H equals the X" J I Mrs Vitamin C >^»— V* J content of Oranges fr^|r^Wß fc*r -41 I Lemons 50 f 1 102 Apples 1 m IMA ■Strawberries For good health, clear skin, extra energy and resistance to colds, the whole
      1,033 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 645 4 mmmumtawfsmmmmmuUUßßßmmami I FUEL ECONOMY FROM I DIESEL ENGINES I How to get it...^^^^^V Fuel conservation poses a challenge to diesel v 2. engine operators in these days of fuel shortage \A $/a and rising fuel prices. B s^* Fuel-saving gßdgets often are mere gimmicks. K iViamfl Lmmv X^m* To conserve
      645 words
    • 258 4 ■^"^Hmmssssmßa™^^^^^ f^* I nw Ont Pfittor S4OO Movie-making won't ever be the samel Canon's revolutionary Auto Zoom 518SV Super 8 Converter Lenses A lot of and colorful thmgs Action can be taster or stower exposure and are the home mow.c with three filming speeds automatic F!E maiung
      258 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 242 5 TRUE COLOUR BOTH OH SCREEN AND BEHIND IT. The brilliant true- as life colours of Metz 26" Special Announcement Colour TV sets prove that they are incomparable— A supreme in qualities of reproduction and technical Consideration in selecting a colour ft must reliance. Th 2 slightest touch on the selected
      242 words

  • 171 6 American who had drugs fined $5,000, loses ship An AMERICAN sailor was yesterday fined a total of $5,000 and had his vessel forfeited for having drugs and smoking utensils. Jeffrey Alan Robinson, 28. captain of the sailing junk. Pharluang, was fined $3,000 for having 5.09 kilogrammes of cannabls on board
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  • 50 6 THE Singapore Land and llou-lnc Developer* Aaaoclanm will aeck membtntatp of tae International Real tout* Federation (PIABCI) at its »th annual coogre_t to be held In Madrid next week The wcretary of the a_»ciation Mr Ho Kok Ckwonc. will represent the aaeoeiatlon at the aeren-day concres*
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  • 36 6 THE Conwlate Oenerml of the Republic of Argentina will eelebrmte Argentina N» tkma) Day with a "Vln d-HoniMmr" («HM» Of honour) at the Oberoi Imperial Hotel on May IS tnm boob to IJO p-m
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  • 188 6 $16,000 goods stolen in three raids rIEVES got away with about $I«.*M worth of goods In three raids daring the weefcenJ. In the first case, the Hwa Kong Trading Co. (Pte.) Ltd.. reported the loa of 21 cartons of ball-bearings and office etatvsßcat worth S7.CU from their Mayo Street ottee-eaai-aiore.
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  • 24 6 AN ex-patient of Woodbrtdfe Ho-plUl Raja Oopal 10 Krtahnan. J4. died after con -nine artenlc. a ooronera court was told yesterday verdict Suicide
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  • 90 6 A TEENAGER, who carried a knife to settle a family dispute, was yesterday Jailed for two months and crdered to be given six strokes of the rotan by a magistrate's court. Oanesan Bupplab, 16, pleaded guilty to having the knife In Boon Keng
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  • 308 6 Teenage gang jailed for break-ins, robbery FIVE youths were jailed a total of IDA years by* the Second District Courl yesterday for housebreaking,, theft and robbery. Three of them were also ordered to be given six strokes of the rotan each. Ng Chua Chwee, 1». unemployed and a father of
    308 words
  • 42 6 THE National Muaeum wii; •creen four film* on the peinungi of lngrw. Clause Monet. Henri Matu»e «nd Pica«o at 1U lecture hall tomorrow at 7 M p m *>*• xlmhrton tickets are available at the miueum office during office noun
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  • 21 6 PONOOOL Point community centre will hold Rrratu 1*74 to promote m_ sport* and rmiae fund* Pongiol Point on Sunday.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 720 6 Kodak presents sound movies you make yourself Easy- to-make super 8 H|^HH^ sound movies with ■^^^^^Hl_^Hk lip-synchronization! Just drop in the film cartridge. Plug in a little 1^ microphone. Press a single button... and you're on your __k way to making happy, laughing, singing super 8 sound movies.. .by the
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 336 6 Bringing Up Father By BUI Kavini|h A Hal Cftmp I J AM> mg NOT TKtjV f\| I 4O UWTM*6 ANO imi \I I'M 9O<»* I V Z~C*tfr I UUI lim 7, I PL4V VBRy y HIM I WONT &TVtC J CMtT HEAR A k«AK r Ir* Mr«lN Ur&TM9K& I ___^__TTI
      336 words

  • 385 7 rWEQUENT floods F even after a alight downpour are giving a hard time to residents of the Boehare area. They blame the floods on the present eonstraction work going on hi the Bochore Canal to clean ap the waterway (above). Many a time, they
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  • 147 7 Bankrupt firm's claim on trio hits snag lIEARINO of a High Court civil claim against three businessmen hit a legal snag yesterday when it .was discovered that the plaintiff company. Oroup Enterprise of Beach Road. was now "a bankrupt." Mr. Chan Kum Too, for Oroup Enterprise said that the legal
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  • 145 7 Standard metric sizes for soft —drinks— rVK Metrication Board has approved the Introduction of standard metric sizes for soft drinks. It has also agreed that with Immediate effect, bottles of new shapes Introduced by current or new bottlers of soft drinks must be in standard voluraers of 250, 500. 750
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  • 46 7 MR Yet Chine 4au h«* been elected praetdent of the Arademlc SU/f AaaociaMon Nfot Ana Technical Collet* Other official, include Mr Oac He Ttan. (vie* prestdtnt). Mr Chan Slew Leone (secretary). Mr. N avsfaimaran (aedstant aacretary). and Mr. Cheaag Chunc Kit (traaaurtr).
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  • 32 7 Mr ivan Baptist, isaaative secretary of the Onnwari Auoctation of Singapore, will tan: on Inflation at the Tcuny Women's Christian AanekUon hootsl at Port Canning Road today at 3.46 am
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  • 216 7 6 fined $12,000 for operating illegal 4-D |X>UR women and two r men were fined a total of $***** by the first magistrate's court yesterday for assisting In operating an Illegal 10.000 character lottery at various place* last weekend. The three wc.-nen arrested last Saturday were Koh Ouat Ing. 49,
    216 words
  • 56 7 STATE Mg walk**, Mlehaei Seagal, 1», was jailed far a day and fisted |7M yesterday amter the ■o aUaiia- gallty U» falling to vanes* far fsilItBM ttoaal servtee a* Urn Central gfaaaewar Base (CMFB) Im IHmjMj Bead last Od U after feeing served with
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  • 176 7 -Police crack down on body tattoos nOUCB have begun a sT new crackdown on people with body tattoo* sinister symbols of secret societies in SinTattoos have recently reappeared on the bodies of aecret society members, about 10 yean after they were forced out of fashion. In the early sixties many
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  • 287 7 Mackerel up 10 cents rpHE Department of Trade said yesterday that both horse mackerel (selar) and mackerel (kembong) were retailed 10 cen*higher a katl than on last Saturday. The prices of solar and kembong were $1 SO and $1.10 a katl respectively. The department said Increases were within the usual
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 44 7 Robina-Holeproof t cj»soto4fc*,. Cm Now on until 1« June 1974 it*. •af^ 1( I L >S display at She-it. Way and The Orchard Branch Buy two pairs of Hoieproof Hosiery and get your entry forms NOW. at Robins, Shenton vVsv and The Orchard Branch.
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    • 88 7 lifflPM F\ay M slaafea^mws t "/am 57i \m Iflgf o^gmi naa^^^^^^^Js^nal Here's your -chance to sample one of W Switzerland's most famous and successful -<ssflj Ba^naaaaak^l cosmetics Juvena. Normally this exclusive > 4^' Juvena skin-care trio ma su I would have cost you SI 8 aggf f I Juvena cosmetics.
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  • 301 8 PARLIAMENTARY 8eI cretary <itaucatlon> air. Anmao Matter said yesteraay that Singapore piaoeo strong empnasls on quality control as the foundation for her Industries and technology oi the future. He told delegates attending the ttve-aay workshop on "Quality Control and Certification Marking lor Industrial Products"
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  • 43 8 THS Singapore Phoenix r%ne« Troupa will organla* •rversl dance oouraaa. v Chong Boca Otrla School in Talek Ayer Street from June i to a Thoaa lntereatad can r*tlsur at the Chong Hock kindergarten on Sunday* trom 10 sjb. to pm.
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  • 234 8 Wif e s s dresses that led to break-up A CLERK walked out on her mechanic husband over eight years ago because he criticised the way she dressed, the High Court heard yesterday. Tan Suat Yong, who married Scow Fong Fatt In September 1963, said ahe left her husband In
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  • 113 8 r VOX corporate preal•l sldent of Boeing Company, Mr. h-^tp Stamper, aald yesterday that he was greatly impressed by the management and growth of Singapore Alrllnee. Mr. Stamper, who baa just signed a $96 million contract for the delivery of a fourth Jumbo jet for
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  • 37 8 FOSMKN haefca* tpit Urn f»U t Inn la Hmhl AM-Olaa Avetme La Yte Cha K>u ywtwtoy aa4 ..■ml tfce bcrtr ef lUwM Chee Ch«M. M, lean*! lWltt.l la the -are Baa rttUct are i«TM%itiiif.
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  • 174 8 fleW Taaaptnea Hesse 1 fee BetartWtl Children reeeaads with laagfater aaal toy with the retara ef their cheerral Officer In Charge. Mrs. Molly Lear The children, whe have taken a tremeadoas liking te A an 1 1 c Meily," n, missed her far
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 506 8 I- asa«riweka aaCsawisn m 20TM CCNTL RV--OX 1974 VERSION OF TNE THREE MUSKETEERS |i Preaaitae by i| ALtXAMOI R J-ALKINO A RICHARD (JtriN FILM Ji Baaad on ta (oval by J ALEXANDER JUMAS 2 30, 9.00 ft 9.00 pm. j! |iaaal Sfcii-IMP*tiiir~*| S /■^■UJUUUJUUUUUUJUUL TRADITIONAL ENGLISH FARE Mccl yum fries*
      506 words
    • 157 8 THE SUPER LADY m OtrTlOnmimTvOn QT Tnw 4VT o/axarting tha mnar ttrwnftti. V I Warrina mathodi and ttm^^^M dltcipiina of mind owmr M I Now at tha Omit Tnamtra I "\s.B Battmurant and nightclub. I L^^ NO COVER CHARGE aaaaaaaaaaal W '^aaaaaaV jfl sS^^ Non-Stop A dance rrtus«c and e«
      157 words
    • 307 8 -as. am flafl aal M aaar aY aW 9 OPENS TODAY AT LIDO J S 11am. 1.46, ♦.00, «.45. 9.15pm fr— List J with Top Skwstirs 4 Hongkong TV artistes I ICAHTOWESE DULOGUE-Shiwscope I Color NEXT CHANC.E ft A* AT THE LIDO ll£ SCARECROW IS SAD Azwßm AND FUNNY, SORDID
      307 words
    • 637 8 MsMVSSa a a OBaUIIiItATIONI Off NS TOOAV s.. Fiaa un B 11 am. 1«S. 4 00. S4S. Sis I "NOWOKONO 73" CokMcop. I in CANTONf Sf OIAIOGUE NIXT CHAMOf I Z Cana Mae«man S Al >ac "SCARfCROvr iwe I Panawtaan S Tactwaooto' tiitl L NOW SHOW.NO So FVa* I 11
      637 words

    • 257 9 4 armed robbery gangs smashed in Perak •If UAL A LUMPfTR, E A. Mon— Four armed robbery ganga In Pc- rak have been amaahled and several of their menbera detained. Other, have gone into hiding. Another two gangs, j, mm operating here and the other in Butter- worth, have also
      257 words
    • 115 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Defence Minister Datuk Hamzah Abu Samah said today Malaysia would like the flvepower Commonwealth defence arrangement to be continued until such time a* the concept of the neutralisation of South-east Asia could be phased In. Speaking to reporters In Talplng Datuk
      115 words
    • 174 9 A LOR STAR. Mon. A carpenter. Choo Vhean Sang. 37. waa k'tot when he grappled with a robber at his Kimpung Pantal Johor home, four miles from I her«. early today. Hi- >hen watched helplessly aa another robber assaulted his wife before escaping with $973
      174 words
    • 427 9 14-day tio visa' plan to boost travel in Asean (JITIZENS of Asean countries will soon be able to travel to any of the countries in the region without a tin for a 14-day period. A recommendation on this was accepted at the recent Asean Foreign Ministers' meeting In Jakarta, Deputy
      427 words
    • 49 9 KUALA LUMFUA. Mon. Twalw wapactad o— of dang^a (tvar wara reported ot tha paM M hour*. Bgnt of them an from Johore Urn wont affactad atote and four art from Bsmngor. A CS-ycv-old man from Bait Jelutonf tn Penang waa nported aa a ehotera auapact.
      49 words
    • 164 9 'Sharing skill will increase trade' KUALA LUMPUR. Monday MALAYSIA and otter South-east Asian countries, by sharing with each other their commodities and skill, "will see an escalation of reciprocal trade and sound Joint venture." This «v stated her* today by Mr. John Hunt, leader of a 10-man Australian trade mission
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    • 91 9 136 are saved from stricken vessel SIBU. Mon. Tha Boyal Malaysian Navy reaeaed 134 people on board the eoaatol vssasl Sangsaria which ran aground In the Sutgal ■ejsjag at Tanjang P end an, U Bailee (24 km) from here, on Saturday night Baacme (.trititm which began late en Saturday night
      91 words
    • 94 9 Not guilty plea by Razali to new charge KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Malaysian Casanova Raaall Ymcob. 39, pleaded not guilty In the Sessions Court today to cheating Soplan binte aionamed Nor of a diamond ring worth $300 In December 1972. Hasali. who U Nrrtna thru fsar )all tmn tor ehsatln« two
      94 words
    • 42 9 BKRSMBAN. MOB. rorty-oM paopto. Inclwdlna woaaan. wen •rraatad at club In TkOMtn Laoxm jmtcntay for pltyint **p»k*u." *«Uea alao daUlntd man aims Jalan Wilkaon (or hartni atfbt ttrta oonUtnlng U*aaJ numbn Tbay (omad lI. IM oq him.
      42 words
    • 29 9 PARIT BTJNTAR. Moo A two-foot Idol, vajuad at about It.tM, hai baao ra> ported atalnc fraaa Urn OaAaak tcmpM a. Kamput^ low aaag. taw atUaa ffoai ben.
      29 words
    • 24 9 dartroyd 'tha homa of a twkear taspar bfaat Oaaar, St. la gaejpwng Bmta ban laHaiday mornlnf Paenga v taf&ata at M oeo
      24 words
    • 224 9 'Open sky' policy to woo tourists urged KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Tourist Development Corporat lon wants the Government to adopt an "open-sky policy" In allowing foreign airlines to operate through Malaysia In the Interests flt tourlam. Ita chairman, Enclk Burhanuddln bin Mohamed Saman Rals. said this at the semlnaf organised
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 191 9 wkh c F^aSayang ■sjl ajaji The atmosphere's perfect A^^\ I Jfl I for Romance. Luxurious rooms. jM 9jJa| I Miles of private beaches. <| m W^^^l Intimate coves. And exciting BF k'jfc, A. -fl Uiings to do together. Boating. m J^t 1 M w£^9 Skindiving. Water-skiing. h| Mr \W flj
      191 words
    • 224 9 )o Women lave to Age Faster n the Tropics? Not if they keep their skin young-looking f%B with Tussy Lemon Moisturiser! I V^L Everyone knows that the intense heat and glare of the tropical sun, dust, perspiration and pollutants; and the sudden changes 'f" from suffocating heat to dry, chilly
      224 words

    • 148 10 Swim-mates for those swinging beach parties WHEN lissome maids head for a beach party, they bring along more than just a bikini. For though a bikini equips them for the sea, they'll need a little something else when the party goes into swing. A towelling beach-coat may keep you warm
      148 words
    • 684 10 Women in glamour jobs: Does it harm their love-life? J^flOHK and more women today ha vi- le/t their homes to work in the outside world and for many their jobs do not confine them tg the fonr >;tark walls of the office. In fact, they often hold challenging jobs that
      684 words
    • 305 10  - Meet sweet Suet, the girl who searches for oil MAUREEN CHUA By lIWA Suet Chiang is probably the only girl in the Republic who la constantly on the look-out for oil and gas fields. Wondering what a sweet girl Uke Suet Chiang has got to do with oil and gas?
      305 words
    • 133 10 Downtown METBO Orchard has Introduced an ea-the-speC key cattlag SWIM. can at duplicated fa law than n>e ■hiswat and each dapheate eat CHEIBTIAN Mar haa isaaißii the Multiple. seft naloartng rural far eyea. Up* aad cheek* la fear shades. AJbe aaaktag their arrt aaaseraan ea the Dior counter are the
      133 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 391 10 Nual QRAMQgJUICi COMPOUND I t-o «o««^E*^^Hßa^aaaaaa^BT^Ba^^' stopmrmnt your trim* m\ fM» R ew"" dmUy w/tfi Vitmtm C tnrictfd kWsV^fcT*^ R NYAL Ofof Jut* Compound WMtKLXMZ^ T I NY* Omwt Jukx m mmd» from r^W frmti. mtn~dnnctmd oiwmM. ■•Jrw fl iupp*™—** wttfi i*tn ~tm*tfi $Mng Vtmmin C...aH dm. Vc X* Viwnm
      391 words
    • 402 10 Bring Lasting Loveliness to Your Skin aaaaaPSaaaaaHaHHaVaaaaaaaV Over rhe centuries women have tried countless skin beauty treatments in their search for feminine perfection. Some have proved higiil\ effective and have become widely known and widely used throughout the world. Toda> modern science has made it possible for women in all
      402 words

  • 349 11 Large crowd turns up at court To glimpse woman murder accused. MORE than 500 people, many of them women, thronged the South Bridge Road lower courts yesterday to catch a glimpse of housewife Sim Joo Keow, 44, accused of killing a woman whose dismembered body was found in several places
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  • 135 11 HDB flats, money for fire victims SIX of the eight faml lies made homeless by a fire at Happy Avenue East, off Aljunl ed Road last Friday, have been provided with accommodation by the Housing Board. All 48 victims r.f the fire have also received cash from the Social Welfare
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  • 161 11 WHERE MOST WORKERS CYCLE TO WORK MOST workers with member organisations of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce cycle to work. And they also live close to their worklng places. A chamber spokesman said this yesterday to explain why Its members thought there was need to organise staggered working hours for
    161 words
  • 51 11 THE Japan Trade Centre (Jetroi and the Singapore Manufacturers Association (SMA) will Jointly organise an export presnatiasi seminar on Friday to narrow the trade rap between Singapore and Japan. There will be about M participant* frees SMA. the Department ef Tra de, Jetro, Japaaeae Easbaasy, and non-members ef
    51 words
  • 163 11 $16,500 claim settled for $6,000 AsU.see claim ey a chit fend tieaiay against a aamailler. Sio Keen Us. was setU*d In the High Ceevt 7«sterdav for with each pai ty to hear Its own coats. Unl (Pte) Ltd. of Welgaje Bead had originally aUcgrd that ketween June and July 1171,
    163 words
  • 229 11 SINOAPORES 10th National Day parade this year will be held ln the evening for the second time. It has been tentatively fixed at 5 p.m and the route tc be taken to expected to be sllghtiy modified The first rehearscl
    229 words
  • 58 11 THS Fellowship of the Royal Australasian CoUeg* '< aai*onj Part 1 emaml--1 «t»oc wtu be held to Bbiraporp from July 10 to July Eninei dose on May M CKalw of appncatfcn and n try (onns m»y be obtained tt «b the gfcamlnauon Secret*T. Royal Australaalaa Ctollete
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 58 11 gg^^^^ 1 Anuaol 1 The majority of haemorrhoids or piles require no surgery. Itching. bleeding, pain and general discomfort can be easily treated with Anusol. Fast acting Anusol reduces these symptoms, protects against fntection, shrinks piles, and generally soothes This encourages healing to proceed naturally and quickly Anusol for long
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    • 795 11 m^tfjt ga^^^SaiJgl *^-< 1 it A g«gggfi W Introducing the totally new Toyota Corona 1600. The car built on one of the most vital concepts in family motoring today- total safety. New Corona 1600 safety machine j/^ What of the engine ?It has 90 h.p. and a 1 587 ex.
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 203 11 Straits Times Crossword ACBOBS 1 Schoolboy obtained fuel 9 Promise than appro- <•> prtatc (I) Second hand American 10 Its tbe wrong «hape for Journalist? (4^ the masses (5). 1* Money, crushed and torn 11 Home-university comblna- (6-4» Uon U hardening 14 Mart* makes fUM over 12 Forced to be
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  • The Straits Times
    • 438 12 THE Oaulllst Party candidate finished a poor third In the ttrst-round election for a successor to the late President Pompidou on May 5. It was thought that Prance was witnessing the end of Gaullism following the death of its President in April two years short of his seven-year
      438 words
    • 172 12 povERNMENT has urged local manufac- turers to print retail prices on their products to help fight profiteering. Members of the Singapore Provision Shops* Friendly Association which does cot represent all the grocers started pricetagging on their own in March. Shopkeepers and hawkers in two constituencies have held fair-price
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  • 427 12  - His all one big family affair BERNARD WEINRAUB: I—* 1 Colombo— A young government official whispers. "Kumar and Bunethra they are two of the most Important people In Colombo." Dissident Journalist says, "Kumar and Sunethra are the Jack and Jill of politics they seem to be all over the place."
    NYT  -  427 words
  • 510 12  -  TRACY WOOD: By- EIGHT men In an invested model of an MMtaaftft OaUasMaM JVAfc are iilsrsataU te rewrit* the history books ay •rovln« that Asian seafarers Z,M# years Mo coald have salls4 U S»«th America. Mr. Kano Knobl. a IT year old Aastrlan JovnaJUt who
    510 words
  • 1007 12 New search for unity in Europe AFTER A VERY CLOSE FRENCH ELECTION.. gUAVE, smjling and sure of himself, former Finance Minister Valery Giscard d'Estaing promised France "a new era of politics, rejuvenation and change," shortly after his eieciion as French President on Sunday. "You want change, politically, economically and socially.
    1,007 words
    • 154 12 Two hands better than one r appears that the reasons riven for the failure of many learners at driving tests are ridiculous. A friend of mine failed because he was not riding the motorcycle with both hands while approaching a roundabout. Can you give hand signal* and at the same
      154 words
    • 94 12 IirHATEVER his poli'T dea on the. pricing of tickets, Mr. Donald Moore has brought more good music -nd musicians to Blngi.port than all other Impresarios put together. Mr John Cooper (B.T. May 13), U lucky to have discovered the art of gracious living in Singapore T hope Singaporeans will be
      94 words
    • 52 12 RECENTLY I was humiliated by a person in plalnclothes. who identified himself as a security personnel, at a hotel He checked my identity card and frisked me for concealed weapons. I was even made to take off my shoes Are not security men supposed to be tactful and civil? BULLIED.
      52 words
    • 36 12 MITB have received .vV nuisance calls on our newly Installed telephone. When we lift the receiver there Is a dial tone. Can the authorities kindly advise us how to stop these nuisance calls? AX* Singapore M.
      36 words
    • 61 12 IRXFKR to the article on "Call (or Central Lorry Parking Lot (ST., April 8.) Officials Of this Ministry have met members of the Singapore Lorry Owners' Association to cHsniss their needs and problems. Several sltas outside the Central Area an now being examined as possible cites for lorry
      61 words
    • 59 12 nrx would Uke to ln- form "Park Lovers'* (8.T., May 3) that with the Improvement to oar direct refuse collection system, the bin centre at Lorong 12. Oeylang Is scheduled to be phased out In the meantime. action has been taken to reduce the nuisance at the bin centra. TAP
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    • 38 12 rpHIS Is In reply to th« 1 letter by "Victor (S.T., May 10) We regret we are unable In comply with his request to repeat the World Cup Bowline finals records last year. UM HKNG TOW. PakMe Bdattona
      38 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 33 12 With instant jjk f Jfl bilingual /9 day -date Vh W and uniquely IJ^ jj mm cut faceted >^^mfSk BK glass SEIKO mK>M Vadaon K Technology H ajj,^^ M Vg, SM n ssnioo
      33 words
    • 195 12 la^^^^"""*** aiß>B^Hl I I WIN $16,000 I WORTH I OF PRIZES I lan It Maw iurtiag atws far aN Jrivara. I frim wartt $16, W0 arc a«iag etfarrt ii tat Ha* «ttiaa/»aaxaaU Vhra Ecaaaaqr Teat Caatatt vtfcfc it aaw aa Top arize v a cater TV set. Evary waak wiaatrt
      195 words

  • 325 13 Display price tags or face prosecution hawkers are warned THE Environment Ministry yesterday warned that market stallholders and hawkers who refused to display price tags for their goods displayed or sell them accordingly would be prosecuted In court. The new rules which have been Introduced in amendments to the Environmental
    325 words
  • 56 13 THK Alexandra community centre will hold a Children's Day camp for 40 children between the ages of and II at iU nnilaee in Mcl Ling Street from June 19 to 33. Application forms are available at the centre and at Tanglin Halt postal agency at Commonwealth Drive.
    56 words
  • 1119 13  - Industry wage bill will go up by $146 m P. M. RAMAN and EDWARD UU 'PRODUCTIVITY MUST BE INCREASED' By I M A N U F A C--1 yesterday estimated that this year's National Wages Council recommendations would jack up their wage bill by another $146 million a year. The
    1,119 words
  • 54 13 THE Peoplft HaaocHtlcai cultural ttwspe wsaaoaMS peung peat* to Jotn tta 4anae ualt as part Haw or fUU-tane aaaaakan under Oaa HManee of »m» Wen* Ii UM aneTMadaea N« Kfc« lei Application furmj and further datalle an awaltaMa at Uw ffeisjla'a Heanrtartoti cultural aaeUaa. Kallanr frees 1
    54 words
  • 111 13 Another $50 m for CPF from new rates rE Central Provident Fund Beard is expected to receive an additional $50 million this year as a result of Increased contributions amder NWC gvMeUnes from Jaly. According to estimates, the total .-olleeUons for this year may exceed $«M million. The Ministry of
    111 words
  • 47 13 Course for youth leadership. THE YMCa will organise a youth leadership training course lasting one to IVi years. The court* is lor rtudenU. acnool leaven and working mduiU and Is aimed at developing the skills and potential qualities of trains— Those Interested should telephone miU or 3»444.
    47 words
  • 40 13 THE Parliamentary Secretary (Boclal Affairs). Mr. Chan Ohoa Sang, wUI receive a cheque for M.OOO on behalf of Social Welfare Department from the Singapore Buddhist Federation at the ministry's conference room at 10 M ajn today.
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  • 29 13 THE Minister for Social Aflaln. Cnclk Ottoman Wok. wul attend a reception at Mandarin Hotel at 7 p m on June 1 to mark rtaJy National Day.
    29 words
  • 23 13 WATER consumption en Sunday was 11M million gallons (StS,--»M cable metres), «J aaUßon gallons HUN eaUe metres) lees than on Satarday
    23 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 164 13 awawF^ W TSOF OIL, WATER COLOUR AND PRINTS ON PERMANENT DISPLAY AT UNIT 232. HIGH STREET CENTRE, SINGAPORE 6. TEL *****6/*****5 MCtIM Of fl KRIS Pff. 110. Now breakfast goes tasty S wiss<^L with Hero jams mmmL and jellies. Lip-smackingly delicious strawberry z^iW^Sa^lS^ J am scrumptious blackberry jelly mXmwF subtle,
      164 words
    • 294 13 LEO '|> NOW'S YOUR BIG CHANCE to collect bright, new unique Horoscope Stickers for yourself, your family and friends' And that's not all! You also get a fabulous Horoscope Wall Chart on phicn you can stick your set of Horoscope Stickers. So send us your name and address with a
      294 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 173 13 TV SINGAPORE (5) IAAATII2 MM Trade «aw» ia arief Ul IU.UU m 4 Test Traaaawskia O.OK) Lassie -Mo Greater (Colour) 2JI M Traae ana- Test Law IJI Mm Masaiiaa (aWeyTranaossraa Caiaar) Ul Qatmtf reaaet) IM dm (aWty) IM aai la aai Araaai iajHaa) Ul Saafmri A Malay Dram Ml Diary
      173 words
    • 647 13 TV MALAYSIA (3) CAAN OasMtf mi are- tranaae usmary IJI sekst 74 Ul J.\n) V mm*mmif%M Fsnst.n Ul Nm Star Trek Ul Man Metate l» 921 Weataer Kasert Ul Dm 1 .11 Be wre^l* M.U MM~ii« Koias UjarM Msm And* 117 Ria Tm UM Isle Mem IMI Wasda* fm Ml
      647 words

    • 164 14 Mtst acthri stacks CMy De*. 5M464 Saa ■slaiags 561j66« ■ar Par MUM Paa Baa*. M&M* Tetal Ttaraover: 4J4 M Total Vakse: MJU M INDICES HtHM 1870 Hat H 70 *GI $187 Bank |7 U X Prop. MM Immbur tI.M K luk tXSO r. Vcnaer W 90 •m.
      164 words
    • 1626 14 rPHZ last transacted sale st the cloee of buatness in the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared vlih the previous days prtcea together with 1974 high and low. Adjusted for all new is«uu>. CLOtIHO TOMBI HoUto mkiot whit* Ik* not vary wur TwaHOVBB: OalcUl lo«a) irmoT»r am Mm
      1,626 words
    • 373 14 rE Mock market la Magi por* yesterday held up pretty well 4mete the latest National age CoMcll's recommendations and their higher product on COM implications Tbi* has give* credence to the o-Uef that the market was on the uptrend on Institutional support and there was good trading
      373 words
    • 1596 14 BID and offer prtcea officially listed and business In and reported to toe Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In bracket* In too of 1.000 unlu unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Aesaa <2 3«B 2.408) (3) 3M. (1) 3.40. CD A TJ.
      1,596 words
    • 1413 14 «1D and offer price* offt- ctally luted and tnmncas in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock exchange yesterday with v* number of share, traded shown In brackets In lou of 1.000 unit* unleat otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS *Jlw— (2 70B) A. Tape (HOB) Alraa (1MB) (1) J.U. Alex
      1,413 words
    • 302 14 Steady start for market in KL QTKADY conditions preO valied at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday under moderate buying support. Profit-taking was weU absorbed with the result that by the day's end there were gains in all sectors. The New ST. Industrial Ordinary share index extended its climb by
      302 words
    • 318 14 VORTH Borneo 11 Timber Is to take part in a $435 million Joint venture project with Sabah Foundation to set up a sof two o d plantation. This move should ensure that NBT will continue to play a major role in the timber industry
      318 words
    • 90 14 IN A preliminary announcement. Allied Cho colate Industries says group pre-tax profits have fallen by 16 3 per cent from $1,181,296 In the preceedlng year to $1,000,332 in 1973. The company Itself however only suffered a 4 per cent drop in pre-tax profits firm $1,263,279 to $1,215,166. The
      90 words
    • 59 14 JARDINB Matheson of Hongkong said it and London-based Oill and Duffus established a Joint commodity broking and merchantlng company in Hongkong. Jardlnes Gill and Duffus. owned on a 50-50 per cent basis by the two companies, will carry out In South-east Asia, the Pacific Basin and Australasia the traditional
      59 words
      • 30 14 Rubber: May 2t Singapore: 20C 50 ets. (up I.M cU.) Malaysia ZM.M cts. tap S.M eta.) Tin $1427 (up 75 centt). Official offering Ut tons (up 11 ttno).
        30 words
      • 27 14 THE Straits tin price edged up 75 cents to $1,327 per plcul in Penang yesterday on an official offerlpg up 11 tons to 260 tons.
        27 words
      • 108 14 pHIMItI MtDII IX V CNAMOS, llNGtmi KMN CLMINO MUCH PIB PICUL VKTSaOAT Cmmn en- bulk SISS mbiui. Arum 11*0 aaaitaal. (Hn: Mu<4 iloaw) UK/Coal MS mmiimi >Wir: Mumok AST A whit* fob 100-. VLW Ultl —Urn. Sarawak whll« fok SS% NLW SSeS Mii*n. airawak •aacial MMk rob. f+ mm
        108 words
      • 56 14 •atotrtay FrMay v.t.a v i MdbovrM (1) NA 11* M I 1111 l NA IW.M B.IFW NA IMM HiM»IM NA IMM Bart* NA MM NA IM.M «|A ITI.U ■»r* IMMB 1«4 TOB I«T.IM 1«T «M 1 1 port prtw la ooa •t*rlia« inu m WE tm mm-. (1)
        56 words
      • 470 14 mHE Singapore rubber I market yesterday opened unchanged and ruled quiet with little Interest emerging on either side until towards noon when better buying came In. raising June to ***** cents per kilo. Some top grade covering orders for prompt steamer to the United States were executed on
        470 words
      • 76 14 QAILT SMX prtow iMMd M boob rwuntey JtM* My (Call MO' (ramrtMtt) III! kmMm llyilifcii (•aatoparhf) (««ato»«rh«l •MB tCV (1 tea palM) *37M MOMN 237 M M« OON •MX IL II too pallM) J31 00 D4NN ***** 2>« OON ■MR* il Urn {MOtoO KIM MWH M9J0 WNK Mfll
        76 words
    • 61 14 pROM a firmer opening of $2.3950 $2.4000 against Friday's closing of $2.3925 $2.3935. the U.S. dollar moved up marginally in the Singapore forex market yesterday to $2.3995 $***** by midmorning in thin trading. In mid-session trading the dollar moved up to $2.4010 $***** by lunch-Ume. The dollar held
      61 words
    • 165 14 The fcUowtof are U* nominal «v*r»|t clwlng interbank rale* in Singapore Cvkmlm NeaaMlratea SmHluMiM Ttrctmtmf n m^4 jutmtmr <«*•"> *"»*T ehaag* US dollar 2.4010 2.4030 3.81W -MM Sterling pound 5.7W0 5«020 744« f -21.16 Honckooff doltar 47 M 47 6» M5l SJ« Malaysian dollar 101.M ***** 100 00
      165 words
    • 195 14 Money market ASIAN currency depodt interbank rata* M at clom Monday. May 30: US DOIXAKS OCcr BM 7 day* 11-3 4 11-5 1 mth 12 11-7 3 mtbi 13-3/16 12-116 3 mthi 13-3/16 13-1 16 6 mths 12-1 8 12 > mtha 11-7/16 11-5 16 I mUia
      195 words
      • 249 14 lIONOKONG. Mon. 11 The market opened the week on a strong note with buyers dominating throughout the day. Share prices Improved from the very start and continued to advance gradually as the day wore on, resulting In some very good gains being recorded. The Hang Seng Index advanced 19.09
        249 words
      • 38 14 On th« frM m*rk*4 la HoasJtaas y«i»nl«T th« US ••llir w.i ««eu« 5 00JO S.OftM for T.T. and 04/5.0* (or aasß. •UrtMf >v quolKl 12 in. <t 10 id 4 m IW ■< (*M quot*4 at STS.M.
        38 words
      • 184 14 rrOKYO, Mon. A Prices on the Tokyo stock market opened higher yesterday. Some speculative Issues such as chemicals, shippings and paperpulps Increased sharply, but the market reacted weakly because of a report that Japan's aec,ond biggest air-condi-tloneer sales and leasing comDany went virtually bankruDt today. In the morning session,
        184 words
      • 19 14 lAm it M., T) g— «T Auini,. 2.M""» 1 Aim rBA lat*nMll«Mi AH 11 a»i j: AMU
        19 words
      • 236 14 \fELBOURNE, Mon. IT Initial indications of a Labour victory In last weeks national elect ions depressed market sentiment on the Melbourne Stock Exchange today, sending prices sharply lower across the board. Mining and oil share* bore the brunt o' the selling wave. CaXA plunged to A 52.75 while MIM
        236 words
    • 671 15 S. Finance seeks listing SINGAPORE lnvea*3 tors are to get an opportunity to invest in a new company soon when Singapore Finance receives a quotation on the Stock Exchange of Singapore. The company, the second new issue this year, will offer (or subscription three million $1 ■hares at $1.50 each,
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    • 180 15 rpRADINO In the shares 1 ol Hume Industries irar ftasu was suspended yesteraay, at tne company's request once again. Directors are now trying to find a solution acceptable to both ordinary and preference stockholders, after the High Court Interpretation of certain rights of Hume stockholders was not accepted
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    • 234 15 rwIRECTORS Of Haw U Par Brothers International announce that Its subsidiary Slater Walker Securities (Hong Kong) has entered Into an agreement to sell 20.5 million shares In Southern Pacific Properties to Peninsular Oriental Steamship of the UK for a total cash consideration of HKWS.B7
      234 words
    • 128 15 LONDON: The Monopolies Commission has said It found the proposed merger of Boots and House of Fra»er might operate against the public Interest. The commission conciuded that the merger might be expected to operate against the public Interest In that It would lead to
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 679 15 I BROWN ROOT-WIMPEY \J I MIDDLE EAST S.A. I The co itinuing expansion of our recently opened fabrication yard in Manama, Bahrain requires that we engage the following staff: STRUCTURAL PLANNING ENGINEERS Graduates in structural, civil, or mechanical engineering with experience in steel fabrication and production scheduling. Duties will consists
      679 words
    • 592 15 SCHERING CORPORATION U.S.A. Requires A MARKETING PLANNING MANAGER ETHICAL PRODUCTS Location Hong Kong THE COMPANY Schering Corporation USA is s laading worldwide pharmaceutical company which has expanding operations throughout the Asia/Pacific ars*. The Regional Headquarters for the Company s activities in this area is bind in Hong Kong. Following promotion
      592 words
    • 626 15 General Electric (U S.A). the largest manufacturer of clock radios in the world, is anticipating major growth of its facilities and is now seeking suitably qualified candidates for the following interesting, challenging and rewarding positions:-MAMGER-ACCOUMTS PAYABLE Applicants should be qualified accountants who have had 2 to 5 years experience involving
      626 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 892 16 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING BOARD SINGAPORE Applications are Invited for admission to full-time and part-time courses at ITB vocational institutes commencing from 1.7.74. FULL-TIME COURSES Industrial Technician (nurses Trade Courses (2 years) (1 year) a Advertising Art a Electronic Servicing b Interior Design b Electrical Fitting and Installation c Three Dimensional Design
      892 words
    • 945 16 ipAhducnticl (Incorporated in Singapore) The results (subject to audit) of the Company and its subsidiaries for the year ended 31st December 1973 are as follows:— GROUP COMPANY 1973 1972 1973 1972 Trading profit before depreciation 7,442,000 1,879,000 1,787,000 1.235.000 Less: Depreciation 1,949.000 1,644,000 256,000 226,000 Trading profit after depreciation 5.493,000
      945 words
    • 649 16 THr rUNkRI Kf( > ACT i(H»PTKR IS. lew EDI I Mil l< I Off INTf SUED I POSITION Bankruptcy Nos 9/49 Scow Ouan Ho* t/S Chop Tlont Hoe formerly of No. 63 Telok Ayex Street. Singapore. 1 352/72 Effective Communications (a firm, formerly of No 1MB. Emerald Hill Road, Singapore.
      649 words
    • 495 16 HEAD ENGINEERING EXPENDITURE CONTROL AND ADMINISTRATION BRUNEI SHELL Petroleum Company Lirmwd hiv. v.cancv tor an expiK.eoc^ Eng,n.*riog as H..d of lh..r Eng.n*HJng Expenditur. Control .nd Ad mini«tr.tion Dep.rtm.nt b.^ m S«ri.. State o< Brunei The »ucce««M applicant wW be response for the implementation .nd of com .nd commitment
      495 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 998 17 m—^pAp^lmP^^MHhmMmml (I o7j I )tj *MM cMTAinTtsiiP wmct ti MycHmttm mw rja. MMfkMf EXirttt t"Wt troa. Nmto U.K. ihi til uiiu 1 h^m 4 Imm tt Mmv M Imm Mi Imm M Imm lIM HAM ItM* lIMM IMf MMf 11 Mf I Mr KITMM MAaM M kfj M ma ij
      998 words
    • 1035 17 Ml MMMHV M.TMI V I MMI I*M MM U.M MM I 14/ Mr 8 MM B mST* SS. iSm 1 mTS m. mm I t«*a», -f!4 MfM M/M Mf It. Mil MJ I FVfjTI lUffS m»| J* M*f J I IS! f I> < aMT| IV mm in m^ f
      1,035 words
    • 930 17 m\^tTw*i^*mA^m\ Tt litfl- n-wi iimm Mn PMMI AMlm In-. MX iiiiimiiii law aSr in* mm iim dm. mm MtM MAM IM* lIM MM J M MMM MM UM MAM 11 MM II Ml IMJ Mr 11 Mf IMr lITAM HAM MMM aMI MM MMf ITMf Iljjr MAU MT TIMI IIM)
      930 words
    • 865 17 fjMa^^B^AMM^^JLM^^^MM^akaMlß^^^WßHaiMaMl I V CONTAIWiKIZID SfUVICt TO IUIOf I KThtimii- *S»l**. t TT-. 11 I*^1 TtTAM Mf I i AtrlMA. CajMJM, CMMMjrg. Hrn "?»tiTi m? n I StoefcMa. Orit, mik, Imm Kimmm. cmmj imm: Ltt a m re. m Mm. FUUY CONTAINEKIf tD SEKVICE FKOM EUKOft MI PM fH" UUmSP ■■T
      865 words
    • 754 17 tlaiMi -i 91M44; P. RaMaa *S4l> (K. 17X11* P»«»i HMI. THE BAJfK Ll*E LTD. LMMUt *«c* MMWMM MmM iirna n m.,1 p.»m aynM rM i/im rUMMM-l I'M" tl/I.M MItMM (tm. L MMM II Mmm PMMt MM IP** IMIUII M7H MMA. PM IMMM. MMU. MM.IAM P MlMf Mftt MM KUWAIT SMTPPIWC
      754 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 769 18 m J m Trmm^^irLJ UA I /mT fi Ht ■HTfMIIWIIIfIT ITSwlmmmmmml rTL— KAWASAKI KJSBN KAISHA LTD. KAWASAKI IMUI KIS» ÜBM LTI MPU. K4CKMC STMITS SttVTCf MM iMeMt IHtam P. MMI ojaaaj MtM T II IM MMM rM, am* mm t a niM lurori {-—MM MMt NMi M« MMMM MM-AMM OMlf
      769 words
    • 788 18 Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafaaaaaaaaaaaaaal lEAUTY LINES fm, n* TO liitliHn Ul. KJTT UTK P*« Nm m ftrt aM) mmmm. u.i. mmn mm ikw ihr m mmm. UJ. lantf Ttntar) MMr aM| mm. LIT. HWUI Mmmm "5 M*y 27 Mf IMmmu. KMn Ulf Mtmi. 71 Mar »Ml Mtmlt KMTT VMM *Mli MMJ »M| MMito.
      788 words
    • 793 18 U.K. IU«O«t MtVrCI LOADIHC «0« LONDON, BOTTI«OAM. HAMBURG. MLkAO. LI HAVII laiMairo P Mai PMMf LaaM 4oa Ntarf, •f PTta* IaPTMM IiPM lIM UM «M rumiuv VIM a/MM U/lIM. IMt il Mj il Mj MfTMH iaf till Mi/1 too; I/4MV I' IW) 11 W| taaj taal ARRIVALS B «OM NOKTN-WtST
      793 words
    • 689 18 BWPS mm Tl LIWII. ltfflflaVMoW»flT WOT If. Van tMptMi f MMf •mat loaMi Mi mmv mti »W latM 14 <> imm im. 100 nt liaai. 77 n »Bf| 2/7. IMatri 1/7 1 mmm nii'nn m/m > m i no. I/it Mi nw» M, mm I iaa it t. •roao.B/7. Noorf
      689 words
    • 587 18 Tmi MM or MMB K,»~ ■>» »i 1 »utmo«it» •ancuMCIO Mr«o aa« OMni Hafoiar tni r*LL«»iaa iinmno "ore IaaaMRRaMMrTI Pin MAT >< pout klabg •ar. IT. Nan A 111 11. P«» II ».l»a«l. ACMo »4mi. '«Ml ill or ManarMHtra IS II •»< Krtiaoaa Qulnnoiimr It. Raja* ■rwot ID HMFao law.
      587 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 480 19 xatong port authority port Mang "May** >£W^ sbUPbbl JAWATAN KOSONG PENGATUR RANCANGAN (PROGRAMMEK) BAHAGIAN II p ermohonan adalah dipelawa daripada Warganegara Malaysia untuk memenuhi jawatan PENGATUR RANCANGAN (PROGRAMMER) BAHAGIAN II di Lembaga Pelabuhan Kelang. Taagga Oaji: $420 x 20 460/604 z 20 $812 (Gaji Pokok) ditambah dengan Elau Sara Hidup
      480 words
    • 751 19 UNIVERSITI KEHANGSAAN MALAYSIA Permobonan adalah dipelawa daripada Wartanefara Malaysia untuk Bisrual Jawatan-jawatan kosong berikut 1. SRTI A US AH A KrUrakan Can ■filaßiaa: Calun-calun hendaklah a i Idermunyal 81)11 Pelajaran Malaysia atau 81JU vanf sctaraf aengannys dengan kepujlan dalam b) Boleh aisngsmtill trengkas dalam Bahasa Malaysia seiurang-kurangnya 100 pun. dan
      751 words
    • 555 19 I (Sso) ESSO EXPLORATION Has openings for ACCOUNTANTS If you are a recent University Graduate and your major field of concen- tration was in accounting, there are training positions open in our growing operation for Accountants. ACCOUNTING CLERKS If you have recently passed your STP/HSC and have some knowledge of
      555 words
    • 850 19 fertda Permokoßan adaUh dipelawa dtfripada Warganegara Malaysia untuk jawawui-jewatan berikut: L Bailie Howae CWisj—s n ri'njili iTiajilsisim Mempunyai Sijil Dreber Injin Setim dan pengalaman yang aaauai mengandalikan dandang dan perkakas berkaitan. Mereka yang mampunyai Sijil Gred I dan 6 tahun pengalaiian akan di pertimbangkan untuk jawaUn Boiler Houae Chargeman Kanan.
      850 words
    • 503 19 LEMBAGA LETRIK NEGARA, TANAH MELAYU (National Electricity Board of the States of Malaya) Temengor ft Malacca Transmission Developments Contracts 3022/1 and 2 Tenders are Invited for the supply and erection of the following switchgear and transformers associated with reinforcement of 275kV and 1321 cV transmission systems. Contract 1: One 5
      503 words

  • 31 20 usjC YOU NEED expert and 1. qualified advKe on your skin? Then consult Louise Klerk. medically trained beauty '•therapist with 29 yean tropical experV-nce. at Hotel Bingapura 3pbane37U7l(S > pora).
    31 words
  • 29 20 I WIFE ANO FAMILY of the late Mr M Dalrtanathan Filial thank relatives and friends lor their condolences, wreaths, cash and kind assistance during their recent bereavement.
    29 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 2113 20 classified ads B CLERK/TYPIST with 1-2 years experience for legal firm Prospects good for right candidate Replies to ST Box A ***** by 26.8.74 stating salary expected. FBMALB TYPIST knowledge Of general office routine State salary enclose photo non-return-able. Office in dlst 8 Writ* IT. Box A ***** Required Urgently
      2,113 words
    • 828 20 THE CHINA ENGINBER6VNYOOPN (8) Pte. Ltd invite sppneauone for Bates Executives tobandte the dlstrtubuUon of (1) Building Hoteu and Washing Oondoias Stand-by Oeneratort Sets. Singapore or Malaysian Citisens. Technical quail nealions essential at well at good connections with contractors. arcUtecU and consultants. Apply In own handwriting giving personal par ticulars.
      828 words
    • 700 20 FBMALB ACCOUNTS CLBN*./ female cashier wanted Apply personally 439. Orchard Road knd floor. Danny's Restaurant Ntte-Club between 12-2 p.m. RBOUIRB GREASER and car waahsr. Apply Ab Boon Semes Station 3M. Tanglin Road Tel: *****6 BtCHCAM BSRMAO has the foUowing vacancies 1. STOCK AUDIT CLERK wSßks) NBC er Beater Cacnkrla*s Oroste
      700 words
    • 800 20 WANTEO PUMP ATTENDANTS, please call personally to MOBIL Station. 199. Old KaUang Airport Road, tel ******. FBMALS CLBBML Must be abte te) type (2) Shop Ajatetant. Abte to apeak Cantonese and English Contact Mr. Lai tel:- *****? CHLOejOB MTTMEIU AStA~ PTB. LkwUBB We are expanding and you are invited to
      800 words
    • 838 20 8-STONIY OBTACNBO BUNOALOW Sng Khong Oarden 4 bedrooms. 3 alrcons 60*0 sq. ft. fully rurnlshed 814*0 Phone XCH62 Mr Chen. ROOMS in 2-storey bungalow or 2 storey burgalow to tet Nea-Sem-bawang Shipyard. Bethlehem and Benoko Phone *****32 *****66 ORANGE ROAO 3-bedroomed furnished nat parquet/mosaic noortng "lease call at: 86. Gfensse
      838 words
    • 837 20 FURNISHED THREE BEDROOM APARTMENT near Schools. Church. Times House AvaUabte 19.6.74 Ring *****8 Office Hours FUNNISIIED ROOMS Cooking Allowed Thomson/ Slrlap Area Oood Land lor* Main Road *****6 Jerry (Office Hours). OI6T 11 TASTEFULLY FURNISHBD 3-bedroomed apartmenu rent $890 ***** Semi-detached bungalows 8800 Tel: 9363*97 *****9 SEPARATE LOUNGE ANO DINING
      837 words
    • 773 20 LEAVE HOUSE WITH GANOfIN near American Club Minimum 4 weeks avaUabte 28th May 8900 per week, amah and utilities included Phone *****1. ON LEAVE I BBDROOMBO well furnished apartment, dlst 10 available Ist June to lMh July Contact *****6 1 l-SEOROOMED AFAR I MBNT fully rurnlahed wanted for June, July.
      773 words
    • 677 20 BXBCUTIVB T l C 1^ O jK I v*mu* s dnliuoms 1 tsr*aAl 89 900/- Contact Lawrence ibbswing Agency Tel 291 IBM PLAT MEAR NOVBNA and S6tnlrtslarhefl bungalow with big land areas Jalan Chelagl Write to ro Box 30*9. DisTßicre -thoroughly renovated like new. 3 bedroom hat sltuUed right in
      677 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 643 21 FAR BAST TRAVBL CLUB (Pte) Ltd offers low coat fllghu to London/ Europe. Also Worldwide reservation! Please call *****2/ ***** V *****1 MOOfRN TOURS «K) SCA MTBRMATIONAL areaaal FIRST CLASS DCLUX COACH TOURS i. 11**1-' S—eMe 7 Days 8146 (HoUU: Suklwntha/ President) Dep Sundays i weal Meltisli 7 Days 6146
      643 words
    • 532 21 EURo-Bw*eAPOR- *_p»waae (PTE) LTO. eOLOBN MILE SHOPPING CENTRE TEL *****11: ******7. USSSSI BANOKOK ANO MALAYSIA TOUR (1) MALAYSIA 7 days alrcon roach $140/--(2) HAADYAI/BONOKHLA 7 days 8130/- Dept. Every Sunday! (3) MA LAV. SIA 4 days 5 nights 879.90 Dept, Every Wednesday night (4) PENANO/IPOH 3 days 4 nighu 869
      532 words
    • 413 21 1 NAM-NO TRAVBL BBRVICI (BINOAFORB) "TE. UMtTtO Tour West Malaysia Seven Days *****/ alr-condltloned but *****/-. Malaysln k OenUng Highlands by air -conditioned but seven days sine-. Departure Every Sunday. Monday. During Singapore School Hobday Departure Everyday. Cameron Highlands Four days 8880 < Genung Hlghlsnd* -Pour days *****/-. 285/74. 1/6/74.
      413 words
    • 419 21 L CUT OWQ HOUSE SaSSswl Road For the seat tn traditional Indonesian cuMne Tel *****0 B 'pur* DELICIOUS YAM RICB. rejuvenating mutton soup with herbs, served at Thomson EaUng House. 924 Upper Thomson Road. 9«4 m.t. T«T *****1. BIN LEONO RESTAURANT PRIVATE LIMITED 187. ataePwareaa ftaed. Spor* 11 Tel:- SBBBS.
      419 words
    • 748 21 BINOAPORB INSTITUTE OP •CsbWCS, 593-a. Bsranaoon Road (Opposite Rumah Mukln Police Station) Telephone *****20 Knrol for 1974 Waa-nns. Selence. Mathematl:t. English, flecondary n H.SC LCC NEW SESSIONS M (i) HajNa* Asst.—ng S rsTJms'rrii (4) Csaiiiiiirilil Law (8) eaaatef Prwidptt* ol flnsSaa Law (5) Bui* infra (7) SSieiw>a»< (THeary a Saw**)
      748 words
    • 965 21 ABIA 04NVN4O SCHOOL. Brand new Datsun. Honda, •ual-eoo-troiied. moderate charts*. IS. Selegle Road. Spore J*****/ *****7 LEARN SAFELY. ENROL WIBBI Y At Bob Driving School. No 1 Cevenafh Road (Off Orchard Road) Tel *****8. Spore. owners. -xceUent condlUon New paint 96.500/- Universal Cars. 46 Orchard Road. Tel: *****1. HIRE PURCHASE
      965 words
    • 891 21 MA2OA taas aa isss onginai tip top condiuon. accident .ree New Konla. -onaole bos. radio, carUidge. meters. Trade-In considered Highest purctoaat possible Conuct Simon ***** PSUOJBOT S64S SHOWROOM CONOmON. Only 6 months old. (1300 c.c single owner with sub roof. Cassette, radio, low rnue-g* 94.000 down payment can secure. Interested
      891 words
    • 769 21 BROWN VOMBRAMIAN BITCN name 'Tina' Angsana Ar»nue Senneti Estate maybe wsnd:rtng around please phone *****9 Mrs Lee. UTB. SNORT LI'OID dachshund. Adorable small bread puppies Champion bloodline registration »220/ Unregts tered 1160 *****7 FOR SAL! JUSTLIB FBMALB Boxer Puppies .7 weeks and 3 ■<■ years old ***** Telephone *****4 Justin
      769 words
    • 723 21 WtBTIHeiIOUBB, e-L AWVCOWOITIONIRS/ OINUMIOirifRS. Acma Remaerators, tv cookers, waaruna machines etc. Export, rental/ repair, phont MainOlstrtbutor Charlton, 91*941/ Ts«B7Slnfapore ■VBRTCMSt KNOWS BY NOW that we a4t specialists in PMIco. Acma. Frifidalre, Oeneral Electric. Hitachi. Sanyo Window Unit and Pa-kate Alrcondltioners. Call over to Stncaporc Re'rlevraUon Company. 12.14. Inurnallonal Bulld-nf. Tel
      723 words
    • 112 21 lATIBT COLOUNFUI IT AII AH CIN ASMC floor and wai. tiles ajewly arrived Prices ranatfroM 91. 40 per sq ft onwards. Tel: 1963TM Blk 23. sis. Bendesneer Road. Spore 12. BALS/ SBRVICS/ BINTAL all makes sewlrar machines Contact Hon« Huat Sewlns Machine Co BU 74 324 Whampoe Drive Sj>orr 12.
      112 words

    • 338 22 Teo's Phar Ace outclasses his Cup rivals FAVOURITE Phai Ace, owned by retired Singapore businessman Mr. Teo Thuang Hal, today won the $41,200 i ysl 45,000) Adelaide Cup over 3,200 m (2 miies) at Morphettville here. The Melbourne-train-ed Pl»ar Ace 15-10 favouritt) won from Ade-laide-ti-ained Tallan Lad (6-1), with Sydneytrained
      338 words
    • 100 22 PARIS, Mon. M Marcel Boussac's Dankaro scored his third straight victory here yesterday by half a length in the Prix Lupin at Longchamp. Dankaro hit the front as they came into the straight in the 2,100 metre (iov,fi race ana held off a strong challenge
      100 words
    • 60 22 NAPLES, Mon. Australia, won ih* Federation Cup woman's tonnU oompadUon today when they beat ttvp United SUtdai in Urn final J-l. Keaulu Mnglt*: Bvonnt OootafOßf (Autumn*) beat Julte Headman (United States) 6-1 7-5. Jeanne ■vert. <U8) beat Dlanne FrcmholU. J-«. 7-1. 6-4 Doublet: Eronne Oooi&fon C ana Janet
      60 words
    • 17 22 BEHN MCYKR trounced Euter 8C H in i friendly aoccer match at atHman Barrack* yesterday
      17 words
    • 707 22 STtPC'B JUPOWTJ JOCKEY M All has been suspended, for three months by the stewards for his handling 'of Mr. Moon In race four on Sunday. The stewards at the same time barred the horse, Mr. Moon, from racing for a period of three months.
      707 words
    • 799 22  -  EPSOM JEEP By fWEXTY topelass sprinters will contest the $40,000 Lion City Cup over 6f at Bukit Timah on .Sunday. The new sprint "classic" will be worth $28,000 plus a trophy to the winner. Dlv l field over the Buklt Tlmah 6f
      799 words
    • 1109 22 tAJKIOHTt tor ihn wwkcnd rrnrw at Bukit Tlaak. SATUROAV CLASS 1, OIV W 80nn... 1.00 Indian lUb*l 9.00 WWIU B.l* WUOU4I S.IJ f>alla« Co»boy II ».ll Omiow BM »11 Laactllai 8.10 Fr»»doia Fisktar 1.09 Full of Fob B<B WB*a »Mairar 1.08 ■wttar Praaponiy $*M Meant KiubKm tM
      1,109 words
    • 414 23  -  TEOH ENG TATT By IN five more days Singapore will face Penanf, fht unbeaten North sone champions, in the first le* of the Malaysia Cup soccer championship semifinal at National Stadium, and goals for and aralnst will be a very Important factor. Singapore, with the
      414 words
    • 537 23  - Uruguay hit badly problem FRANKLIN HORACES By URUO UAYAN football fans meaning Just about every one of the three million citizens of this small South American nation were shocked at the results of an Australasian tour In April by their prospective World Cup team. The proud Uruguayan* were beaten 2-1
      537 words
    • 307 23 rpALIB Haron, 31, 1 scored a rare golf hattrlck when he won the Tengah Open championship from a field of 140 at Tengah on Sunday. Las* month, Talib won the Changi and Sembawsng Open* also from a record field. On Sunday
      307 words
    • 256 23 The Irish match showed a lack of physical fitness, for the home team were forced back onto defence In the later stages by the faster visitors, holding desperately for their 2-0 win. There was a lack of coordination in midfield and goalkeeper Oustavo F
      Reuter  -  256 words
    • 272 23 SINGAPORE Amateur Swimming Association president, Mr. Chan Chee Seng said yesterday that the association was now studying use of scientific training techniques and to recruit professional personnel to help popularise swimming in the Republic. f Mr. Chan said that although much had been
      272 words
    • 283 23 By PETER SIOW KDHARMARAJAH, the exciting star in the Just-concluded Singapore Badminton Association's Junior men* singles championship. may soon find himself in the State squad. For Dharmarajah, a comparatively unknown player before the start of the tournament, Is the newly-crowned Junior champion. Above all. he dismissed State
      283 words
    • 66 23 Swee Lee wins gold MANILA. Man. Singapore wan Uuuo sold msdals in the MilHsiuii Track and FMd ehainptonships which ««tod yesterday Nor Aaahar Hamld coiMct•d U» tint so« for amgapon last Friday la the mm"m h»eh jump with a leap of ft Oodfray Jaoata (Mao) and Chot awes lee (Wtaasu)
      66 words
    • 418 23  - Everton to train three local players JOE DORAI By RVERTON Football Club have offered to help FA of Singapore raise the standard of the game here by training coaches for Singapore. The offer was made by Everton FC chairman, Mr. Alan Waterviorth, yesterday before the team left for home after
      418 words
    • 100 23 HONGKONG. Me*.— The Singapore ■hooting team was Invited U a baaeuet in Peking yesterdiy by the Chinese Marksmanshin Association. Ike New China, New, Agency (NCNA) said. Singapore, led by Fung Lea Nam were beaten by ZS66 points to 21 M In centre Ore pistol today. It said Mr.
      100 words
    • 167 23 LDf Cktow Pen* Singapore's Malay klm Cay goalkeeper, haa roeoreced from a f roln ln>ry sustained In the Batch a«ainst rahanf at the NaUonaJ Sta41mb mi Sunday, reports JOE DORA I H« will join the MjMd at centra ttifil training today
      167 words
    • 172 23 Indians lose both openers LONDON, Mon. The Indian cricketers made a shaky start to their flrst-lnnings reply when they lost both openers to England fast bowler Geoff Arnold on the second day of their match against MCC at Lord's here today MCC declared at their overnight 305 for eight and
      172 words
    • 172 23 Koreans trounce Indons in Cup final SEOUL. Mon. South Korea won the fourth President Park Chung Hee Cup soccer tournament today, defeating Indonesia 7-1. South Korea led 5-1 at halftlme. Five mlnutea after the first half whistle, forward Park Ee-Chun opened Koreas goal spree with a strong valley kick from
      UPI  -  172 words
    • 24 23 PARIB. Mon Prance and England drew 2-2 yesterday In a friendly l'.ider--23 soccer Inlernatlnn.i The teams were tied 1-1 at half time.
      24 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 206 22 JPaV """""*T^^-~^'lx»j axf Al^xftjrfwM^fcVjg .JLfrnta r^^ A* Mf}£- •^BaaaxaßßawV'S^^^l aaaaaaaaaxl rtfl Bam S* Jk Ba^^aW Jf iMB j^g* i -<^f, MB^~ K V_ /X BxavavVJaaaxw m jTT tK^^' TBX^^^^ aVadaW' WI t .^BBBB Ba ■r M* *^T^9 I TW I j+ aaal < I I' il I 111 BaxW V
      206 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 32 22 GOLF SICC wome n's ehamptonshlp (Bt. Cou. -ac 1.16 pni HOCKEY BHA Dlv. 1 league.: Police v Khak (Tiiomaon Rd. 6.15 p.m.). SOCCBaV-FDAWU league Marco Polo v Oberol Imperial iTanglln 6.16 p.m
      32 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 182 23 NEW INDUSTRIAL CO. (PTE) LTD. 2 Blocks New Five Storey Flatted Factories for JtffMftM*#£ PROSPEROUS INDUSTRIAL ESTATE Steel Pile Foundation Solid Structure Well Designed Sufficient Height Elevated Site Suitable for Factories, Offices and Godowns kesnniinsfll LnT^^Vnnnninsllns] rt-si IJ» liLJH*' W^ itlJsssi n^sflsssssKdl K4* bv»^££^^""""""" I V L iT^ >^nsnsl BBnT
      182 words

  • Article, Illustration
    9 24 Supt. Wg (right) check, the parcel after the explosion
    9 words
  • 23 24 TOKYO. Mon. Prof. Bh:geru Najnbara. former president of Tokyo University, died yesterday of stomach cancer at the age of S«. Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 31 24 HONOKONO. Mon. China ha* railed on IU people to Increaa* grain production fend alao to atort It in caat of war. the New Cuina News Agency reported today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 112 24 Mobutu orders 48 men to hang KINSHASA, Mon. President Mobutu of Zaire yesterday lined up 48 people, whom be described as assassins during a political rally at the May Mth Stadium, AshM inimnrtd >U of them would hang following a massive crackdown on violence in the Zairean capital. Mr. Mobutu,
    112 words
  • 120 24 Army chief asks to quit 'peace' job BANGKOK. Mon. Thailand's army commander in-chief Oen. Kris Sivara said today that he would consult with Prime Minister Sany a a m s aktl about dissolving the post of Director of National Peace Restoration he was also holding. Oen Krl* told UpMleiS
    120 words
  • 42 24 LONDON, lion. York•bii* puiwt. awampad with eaia) about a car CaJTytnt "unuMasl lufSMaa." eventually (topped It 00 a buy road and found ttaa woman driver's two iMMri a ntm yaar-old boy and a nv«-Maivoid girl sunbatbinc on the roof-rack.
    42 words
  • 515 24 OVERSEA VOTE COULD BE THE DECIDER SYDNEY. Monday pOSTAL and overseas votes could decide Australia's general election cliffhanger, according to political commentators today. Forty -eight hours after the polls closed on Saturday, nobody is certain whether Prime Minister Oough Whltlam's Labour Party has been
    Reuter; UPI  -  515 words
  • 60 24 BANOKOX Mon. Chief of the General Staff of the Australian army. Lieut-Can Frank Haasett arrived here today for a five-day visit at the Invitation of the Thai army. An Australian bnbauy ■pntaaman said Oen. Haaattt would meat Defence Minister Air Chief Marshal Dawee Chullaaapya. Army
    60 words
  • 26 24 OCNKVA. Mon. Pour gunmen today raided a bank kh^^woSTr Ptoyeea aa hostages. Police amid Uier they were negotiating with the gunmen Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 172 24 BONN. Monday tnNANCE Ministers and Central Bank governors of West Germany, Belgium, Denmark. Holland and Luxembourg last night agreed to continue with the Joint float system linking their currencies. After a three-and-a-half hour meeting at Gymnlch Castle near here. We«t Germany's new Finance Minister. Mr.
    Reuter  -  172 words
  • 338 24 T OtCDOrr, Moo —TIM .took nvkit «MX BixM ta«ur b«t wit* aa •mmt btu. aa« at Sp m law tlMiaHI TtaM* lad* wu «m 1 to HO! Itrnnr wat null illlltl MM SDTi ant «uan«r naulu —«i Or nmy imfa n na»»M or wwn oaaaiaff loovoa wita ICI
    338 words
  • 49 24 NAKAOI. MOO. Rescue nrtn today wiled off ma* st»e starch opwittiini her* tor ftwr peopte atisatof after landslide trtMrad by ar> tarihquafc* on May 1 Polk* Mid the bodies of M people had been isuuiwstl from beoeath a ptl» Of mud mi d trthfcH. RiKar.
    49 words
  • 214 24 13 HELD AFTER HYPE PARK BRAWL LONDON, Mon— Arabs and Jews fought each other with fists, bottles and bricks at Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park and outside the Israeli Embassy here yesterday. The helmets of a dosen London bobbles were sent flying as police broke up the battles. They said
    AP  -  214 words
  • 125 24 C'wealth summit in April next year LONDON. Mon. The next summit conference of the 33-natlon Commonwealth Heads of Government is expected to be held in late April next year, in either Jamaica or Kenya, diplomatic sources said today. The timing and place of the summit was (Harnaead at a meeting
    125 words
  • 58 24 JAKARTA. Mon. Four people will face trial soon in coni.<setioo with a fire which nawtriMsd a wanhouaa and caused damage worth 450 million ruptaha (about an 61 minion). A police i|ii»aaaniaii said today several people ware also injured in the fire at the
    Reuter  -  58 words
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