The Straits Times, 16 May 1974

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 250,000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 825 1 Israelis rescue 90 from guerillas Troops kill 3 Arab captors TEL AVIV, Wednesday ISRAELI troops today stormed a school where three Arab guerillas were holding about 90 children as hostages, Israeli Radio reported. The radio said all the guerillas were killed in the battle in the
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  825 words
  • 59 1 COLOMBO Wed Sri Lanka's Opposition Rlrhtwing United National Partj, snnoonood today it will observe Repablie Day, May ttui day of numming throughout the island. The party's jearnal aaid today: "It U not poosiMe to rejoice on this day when tome of the fandamentai fmiwn saeh as fresdssa of
    59 words
  • 127 1 rIE complete LSSS2.4M (8*125,--7w» set of matched diamond and emerald jewellery that Is the centre of a storm In Washington. They were given to First Lady Patricia Nixon and her two daughters by the Saudi Arabian royal family over the past five
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 159 1 India reels from more strikes NEW DELHI, Wednesday CALL for a 24 hour nationwide strike in support of the eight-day-old Indian railway stoppage drew mixed response around the country, according to first reports. Bus aerrlces were reduced tO E minimum In Delhi, Bombay and Calcutta, adding to the difficulties caused
    159 words
  • 56 1 Signing soon NEW DELHI. Wed. Indian and Bangladesh officials have reached complete understanding on a long-term economic co-operation agreement, according to Informed sources here. The accord was expected to be signed her* today or tomorrow after another round of formal talks between Tlsltlng Bangladesh Prime Minister Bhelkh Mujlbur Rahman and
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 42 1 BANOKOK, Wed. Fir* biased through rows of shophouoM and weaving firm In eniwsrrtal atction today killing aU people and Marine Police were lnvwugatlng Urn cauee of the fire which cauaed an asUmated USU million (BS4« million) damate—AP
    42 words
  • 29 1 WASHINGTON. Wed.— Tho US Imm of tUpreaealativea Jadtosarv rssasalltss today voted 17 to 1 to suipsspi Urn tapes of 11 rrsatdanlUl eoavenations for ito lmpoachneat laavlry.— AT
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  • 63 1 JAKARTA. Wad. Foreign Ministry Adam Malik has called on the Soviet Onion to help Indonesia carry out Its aacood Five Year Development Plan which began last month. Adtfraaiing a foundation laying ceremony for the construction of the IS-atorey Soviet Babawv in Jakarta vestorday. Mr. Malik
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  • 479 1 B52s begin pullout from Thailand THREE TAKE OFF FOR GUAM I'-TAPAO AIRBASE, Wednesday THREE B-52 bombers left here for Guam today in the first withdrawal of the giant aircraft since the United States began reducing its forces in Thailand. B-52s based at U-Tapao home of the largest force of the
    Reuter  -  479 words
  • 176 1 Bomb blast at bridge near Kluang KLUANO. Wfcd. A home-made bomb exploded at a railway bridge at Nlor, about two miles from here, last night. But damage was negligible. Police believe the explosion wu the work of terrorists. The OCPD hare, 3upt K. Rodrego. said only a small part of
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  • 22 1 BONK. Wad. Foreign Minister Walter Schosl was today elected West Oerman Prettdwat. >urfadhig Or. Ouetav llrtn— lann Hsu- <»«• Page t)
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  • 42 1 NCW YORK. Wad. Dow Jonas avtraaas, baaed on first hour of trading on tht New York Btock tochanf M lndu» M».»l. down JM 30 tranip l«i M down 041; II utlU 71.M. down 0.11; M stock* M4J7. down o*B CPI.
    42 words
    • 49 1 MOSCOW. Wei. livostia ilsiliiH today Urn Soviet Mm altered test Jut to bold I HUMBIt HMtiBI wttt Mm IM-tuc la an attosapt to Mta Its ali— faf rifl with Chin*. It said Pwktaf ■mr fie Mii, hat tfcal tht offer wu still in •fleet. CPL
      49 words
    • 32 1 12 children killed TEL AVTV. Wed. At toMt a «M (MMren dsoi today wfcea brtdl troag« sscrsaod iMhMtwkmlkrM Arab vmtUlm wot* holding at*** M ehlM r*n h sot ago tUwUm. (Sot tfctaMf*)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 4 1 SUttS 38-44 --w^ itootwoftiil
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    • 222 1 8 Track Cartridge stereo tape recorder- player with built-in IC 14W Stereo amplifier BlJebsen&Jess«n| IC RS-82 TEE' FOR PEAK HOUR DRIVING? Page 8 IRAN set* death penalty lor hoarding Z CALL for censor board to vet drag adi g SCHOOLS policy and the teacher In do«bt 7 TEENAGE girl's vice
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  • 418 2 IRAN SETS DEATH PENALTY AND 15-YEAR PRISON TERMS FOR HOARDERS TEHERAN. Wed. rAN. plagued by Inflation and shr.-taees partly resulting from its vastly Increasing oil revenues, has established the death penalty and maximum prison terms of IS years as punishments that may be Imposed for hoarding consumer goods, It was
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  • 64 2 BRUSSELS, Wed. Common Market finance ministers yesterday postponed a meeting scheduled for next week at which they were to finalise agreement on revaluing gold for political settlements between central banks. Informed sources said Monday's session bad been put back until next month because the original date was
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • Straits Times World News
    • 139 2 SHORT QUITS AS PROBE CHIEF LONDON, Wed.— Labour Party deputy leader Edward Bhort last night bowed to pressure and gave up the chairmanship of a committee Investigating a claim that some Members of Parliament are available for hire to commercial interests. As floor leader of the House of Commons, Mr.
      Reuter  -  139 words
    • 117 2 AVALANCHE FEAR, SO VILLAGERS MOVED SHIMODA. Wed. Villager! at Ochll on the tip of the Isu peninsula soath of Tokyo have been evacuated because of the possibility of more landslides In the wake of last Thursday's earthquake, police said. About 60 people abandoned their homes yesterday after a crack about
      Reuter  -  117 words
    • 43 2 Parliament for Asean BANOKOK. Wad. An Indonesian Parliamentary mission aald jresterdaj It bad won support from Thailand to form a parliament (or Urn Association of Bouth-«aat Asian Nations. Mr J Naro. vice-chairman of the Indonesian Parliament said. Heater Mrs. Nixon Diamond, ruby earring*
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    • 222 2 Schcel likely to win polls for new President BONN, Wed. West Germany's Federal Assembly meets today to elect a new President almost certain to be Government candidate Walter Scheel. The parliamentarians from the Bundestag (Lower House of the Federal Parliament) in Bonn and from Parliaments of 11 West German states
      Reuter  -  222 words
    • 267 2 SACK FOR LON NOL'S 'PALACE GENERALS' DHNOM PENH, Wed.— < MT Cambodian President Lon Not in an effort to lift sagging army morale and streamline bis military command, today mnoaneed he had retired eight generate In the Biggest shake -ap to date of the military stractnre hare. None of the
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    • 917 2 Saudi gems for Nixon family Royal gifts in First Lady's personal safe for a time... WASHINGTON, Wednesday THE White House acknowledged yesterday that jewels presented to President Nixon's family by members of the Saudi Arabian Royal family were stored for a time in Mrs. Nixon's personal safe, but said they
      NYT  -  917 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 70 2 5 FLIGHTS DAILY TO JAKARTA Daily flights leave Singapore at 8.15 am, 10.15 am, 2.30pm, 5.45pm and 7pm; also 9pm departures on Monday and Wednesday. Enjoy exclusive choice of Boeing 707 Cfiw Superjet or 737 service. Plus a standard of inflight service even other Aimauiowfo jK> airlines talk about. See
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  • Briefs
    • 43 3 WASHINGTON. Wed. The radar heart of the air force's expensive new Airborne Warning And Control System command plane can be Jammed from 200 miles away by cheap and simple enemy electronics, making it useless for Its primary mission, sen. Thomas Eagleton charged today.
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    • 21 3 LISBON: Gen. Antonio de Spinola was installed as Portugal's eleventh President today three weeks after an army revolt overthrew the government.
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    • 40 3 NEWARK: Kenneth A. Gibson, 42, a black who fought to restore the city after race riots in 1907 and against a rising tide of urban problems, won re-election last night to a second term as Mayor of this American city.
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    • 28 3 COPENHAGEN: Denmark's minority Liberal Government risks defeat and a general election next month when it seeks final approval in Parliament today for Its controversial package of tax increases.
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    • 146 3 UNITED NATIONB: UN Secretary -General Kurt Waldhelm will make his second extensive Middle Fast tour next month, visiting Lebanon. Syria. Israel, Jordan and Egypt, a UN spokesman said today. VATICAN CITY: Four former Vatican employees went on trial charged with stealing medals and other precious objects from Pope
      Agencies  -  146 words
    • 466 3 MOSCOW, Wed. Libyan Prime Minister Abdel Salam Jalloud will have talks with Soviet officials here today which are likely to concentrate on Soviet military and economic aid to his country. Major Jalloud, who arrived here yesterday with a 35--member delegation Including two
      Reuter  -  466 words
    • 318 3 LONDON, Wednesday BRITAIN'S planned cuts in military spending could increase the United States defence burden in South-east Asia and fringe areas of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato), military sources said yesterday. Defence Secretary Roy Mason told Parliament that details of these
      UPI  -  318 words
    • 102 3 SINO-JAPAN FLIGHTS TO BEGIN ON SEPT 29? rKTO. Wed. The Upper Howse of the Japanese Diet today approved the Stno-Japan-ese aviation treaty signed In Peking on April 2» The Lower House had earlier approved the pact, which now has passed all legislative procedures for its implementation. Japanese aviation sources said
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    • 226 3 Prince Soupha calls for review of the national constitution -ITIKNTIANK. Wed. t P r o-c onmunlit Pathet Lao leader Prince Souphanouvong has called for a review of the existing national constitution In line with the political situation In Laos. The Prince, as president of the 42- man Political Ooundl. made
      Reuter  -  226 words
    • 34 3 BOVA, W«d. British troop* will trmln for jungle w»rf«rt In June and July on VtU Levu, th* main taUnd of FIJI. It im annrmtxiad ywtcrdajr by Pllli Department or Home Attain. AP
      AP  -  34 words
    • 359 3 Whitlam's pledge: No tax increases if returned O YDNXY, Wed. Aust*3 ralian Prime Minister Dough Whltlam told an election rally In Victoria Btate that the Labour Oovemment will not increase indirect taxes if It la returned to Dower. Mr. Whltlam 's no-tax-ln-crease promise made yesterday In the country centre of
      Reuter  -  359 words
    • 53 3 CAIRO. Wed. Arab foreign ministers maaUng her* on May 30 will dlaous* proposals for a political and economic dialogue with Europe The ministers will ronstdar a working paper on the pro)ectad dialogue first proposed by the Kuropaan Common Market at a mettng of the Arab Laagia*
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 38 3 Wildlif e refuge WASHINOTON. Wad. The US Interior Department has declared the tiny Rosa Atoll In American Samoa a national wildlife refute for sea turtles, rod-footed boobies, fairy noddy Urns and a number of other sea bird*. AP.
      AP  -  38 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 168 3 Perfect exposure everyvyhere, everytime The more accurate your exposure, the better your picture will be. This palmsized Minolta Hi-matic F is electronically programmed to select precisely the right shutter speed and lens opening for you automatically. So you get perfect exposure every time. Lens: Rokkor 38 mm F 2.7. With
      168 words
    • 304 3 SWISS CUB HI I LUXURY THREE-STOREY SPLIT-LEVEL DETACHED I BUNGALOW m±m I SWISS CLUB RD. OFF BUKIT TIMAH ROAD NEAR I SINGAPORE TURF CLUB I Central Air-Conditioning. LOCATION Aluminium Doors Windows Iwbs with Tinted Glass. I/^7^>^ Sill WILL Upper Floor Wall- to- r^ V\fall Carpet. /l/m/Jr^y '/Sn Ground Floor Italian
      304 words

    • 497 4 Bhutto's stress on arms needs to Mao PEKING, Wed. CONCERN OVER 'HUGE ARMS BUILDUP IN INDIA, AFGHANISTAN' THK thrust of Pakistani Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's four d;ws of talks with Chinese leaders was his Country's growing defence needs in view of huge arms buildups in neighbouring Irid i a
      497 words
    • 107 4 MOSCOW. Wed. The Tasa news agency said today that China was trying to foment a campaign over Kashmir to pit India and Pakistan against one another. Ta s s referred to a speech In Peking in which Drnutv Premier Teng Hsiao -ping said China supported
      UPI  -  107 words
    • 70 4 LONDON. Wed. cabin staff of British Airways on Monday voted cverwhelmlngly at a mass meeting here to continue a six-day-old strike which has halted the airlines long-haul 1 n t c m a tlonai nights. Talks aimed at ending the stoppage, called to back demands for
      Reuter  -  70 words
    • 80 4 RANGOON. Wed. The Japanese captain and multinational crew of a research trawler of the South-east Asia. Fisheries Research Development Centre were for mally charged yesterday of Illegal entry Into Burmese waters. The formal charge came after two days of hearings during which the prosecution maintained that documents
      UPI  -  80 words
    • 34 4 NASSAU (Bahamas). Wed Mlchlah Shobak, It. a songwriter from Milwaukee. Wisconsin. was sentenced on Monday to death by hanging after a Jury found him guilty of murdering an American tourist AP
      AP  -  34 words
    • 101 4 AGE IS CATCHING UP WITH CHOU... PKING. Wed. Chinese Premier Choi En-lai, complaining of being old and "not very well," has given some signs he might step aside after 25 yean at the summit of sower la China. Mr. Chou, 75, has been conspicuously missing at recent state functions. Advancing
      UPI  -  101 words
    • 118 4 LONDON, Wed— A British legislator charged yesterday the world Press and television media were largely ignoring "the 36 years of misery and despair" of the Palestinian Arabs since the setting up of the Jewish state In. Israel. Labourite legislator Mr Andrew Faulds. Scottish actor
      AP  -  118 words
    • 315 4 ONDON Wed. Fr.La mer Prime Minister Edward Heath said yesterday Britain's troubled newspaper Industry is seriously overstaffed and employs about one third more workers than ;t needs. "About 10X00 workers In the Industry are supernumerary and their extra cost to the Industry's wages bill
      Reuter; UPI  -  315 words
    • 295 4 Congress to trim Nixon's request on debt limit WASHINGTON. Wed. Congress will trim the Nixon Administration's request for a US$5O5 billion < 8*1.212 billion) deb* limit to avoid cracking the halftrlUlon dollar barrier, members of the House Ways and Means Committee predict. "I don't think the Congress Is in the
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    • 269 4 Hanoi barrage breaks four-day war lull SAIOON. Wed. North Vietnamese troops broke a four-day Vietnam war lull with heavy shelling attacks against twa key Central Highlands positions, military spokesmen said today The daylong attacks yesterday centred on Dak To district capital. 250 miles (400 km) north of Saigon, and beleagured
      UPI  -  269 words
    • 36 4 PONCA CITY (Oklahoma). Wed. Several explosion.-. act off a fire on Monday In a Continental Oil Co refinery here. and witnesses said flames shot 100 feet Into the sir. No one waa hurt. AP.
      AP  -  36 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 448 4 Thraa-hght chand«n*r Ml ogt0 gt am M .WMIVB Bam aBaTaBH ■^■■.j^aTaK T *o h J ht bracket I with chromium platad nr>«tal ■^■»»w 1 I B "B a^T^^ aW a^ka «H I^^. .^^l wlth "romiurr matal pr jr\|i/^x welcome tv j^^ I <*i^SkL CORTIN AS^ji^ kWfe i vßpFurniturß JBP& ist.
      448 words

  • 801 5 'Don't resign' drive by White House TOP CONGRESS REPUBLICANS URGED TO OBTAIN SIGNATURES FOR STATEMENT WASHINGTON, I Wednesday —1 JHE White Howe yesterday l>egan trying to persuade leading Congress He p übli cans to speak out publicly against resignation b» President Nixon. The move followed a call by Democratic leaders
    Reuter; NYT  -  801 words
  • 43 5 HONGKONO Wed. An American acupuncture group has left Peking to visit other parts of China, trie New China News Agency reported The agency said the Americana visited hospitals and held discussions with their Chinese counterpart* during their stay In Peking Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 24 5 LONDON. Wed. A alight, bespectacled Canadian, M-year-old Clarence Dexter Wiseman, was on Monday chosen as new head of the BalvaUon Army Reuter.
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 244 5 JUDGE HELD ON PERJURY CHARGE NEW YORK. Wed. Paul P. Rao Jr., a senior Judge on the United States Customs Court here, was arrested yesterday and charged with lying to a special grand jury. The jury was investigating an alleged scheme to bribe a state Supreme Court Justice in Brooklyn,
    NYT  -  244 words
    • 33 5 WASHINOTON. Wed. More than 80 people were injured on Monday when group* of youths started a bottle throwing melee outside the Robert F. Kennedy itidlum during Jackson Five rock concert. UPI.
      UPI  -  33 words
    • 40 5 HAKODATE. (Japan) Wed After 40 years of work, a 77-year-old Japanese man has completed < 3 000- word dictionary on the spoken language of the Or ok*, a nearly extinct nomadic tribe from the Soviet Island of Sakhalin. —Reuter
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 487 5 DOME, Wed. Italy's Roman Catholic hierarchy yesterday deplored the victory of the pro divorce forces in the nationwide referendum on Sunday and yesterday, but said the church would show "due respect" for the will of tr.e majority. The statement by the standing
      NYT  -  487 words
    • 122 5 CAIRO. Wed— More than eight million electors go to the polls today to vote in a referendum on a working paper setting out Egypt's domestic and foreign polic: for the next 25 years. The paper, written by 54--year-o'd President Anwar Sadat, detaib the future strategy
      Reuter  -  122 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 844 6 Call for censor board to vet drug ads J^ DRUG advertising censor board should be set up here to vet all drug advertisements before releasing them to the mass media. This suggestion was made by two local pharmacologists, Dr. M.C.E. Owee, a lecturer, and Dr. T.S. Yeoh, Associate Professor of
    844 words
  • 36 6 TRB Metropolitan YIICA will organise a mirtng trip to Pulau Tioman from June 1* to 14 Programme* include camping outdoor, hiking. and fishing The fee to sa*. for YafCA mawibsrs and UM
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  • 199 6 Appeal to help trace missing girl A WORRIED father TestenUy appealed to the public to help And hla nine- ye a r o 1 d da u(b ter. Yillmih bint* Abdul Rahman (above), who haa been mlsalng ainee May 4. Enclk Abdul Rahman Mb Yaatn, 44, aald Yatlmah, the youngest
    199 words
  • 39 6 MR Lee Boon Huat has been elected president of tho BocletjF (or Aid to Urn Paralys Other officiate are: Ib II 8. Msnon; viva president Mr C W. Won*. aatntary and Mr. Oob Pm Khlm. treaMKT
    39 words
  • 294 6  - S'pore girl kidnap case in HK begins today Florence Chong From HONOKONO, Wed. A Singapore girl. Miss Kwok Shlu Tlnn, U arriving tomorrow to attend the committal proceedings against her alleged kidnappers at the Banpokong Magistracy In Kowloon. Miss Kwok. 20. was on holiday here when she was kidnapped from
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  • 20 6 ABOUT W0 competitors are expected to take part in the Inter-prison 10th annual big walk on May M
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  • 169 6 A BILL to provide a system of licensing for electrical workers and electrical contractors making it unlawful for an unlicensed person even to replace a fuseis to be amended so that householders may do this m...0r repair without breaking the law. The Bill was
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 287 6 MERCEDES-BENZ OM 403 gives you a more powerful boat without using more engine space sa^Latafl saw *W.JsaWt !Si^^a^sal^a^a^a»4W The Mercedes-Benz OM 403 marine dieset engine gives higher performance to patrol boats, tugs, fishing boats and general workboats. And it does so without taking up more engine space than you probably
      287 words
    • 5 6 m I •si '*■-">' sHußßVa^*^^ 0
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 265 6 Straits Times Crossword ACmOM Pratt of vision (I). 1 Mac Urn painter, dotbad 7 Sol is amltti*! Uav books by Lawrence I Tba sound of nuts whan in stoat of U» Horary lbs (rass is dry 11 «iiw)iawsnai aro afractad Tasaporanoa U acbktfwd by am saws wttbout owtbus: put ebsass
      265 words

  • 269 7 STU: THEY MUST BE CONVINCED EDUCATIONAL policy changes will fail if teachers remain unconvinced of their soundness, warns a Singapore Teachers Union official. According to Mr. Rudy Mosbergen, the STU's first vice-president, the rationale for the changes must be fully understood by all,
    269 words
  • 181 7 THE MAN WHO GOT 18 MONTHS MORE. rE Appeal Court heard yesterday a lawyer's complaint over "patently unjustifiable" differences In prison sentences by the lower courts on three members of a bogus company in Beach Road. Mr. Alfred Y.B. Tan was arguing the appeal of Seah King Teh. of May
    181 words
  • 67 7 40 machines for Garment show FORTY expensive and lat««t machinery hare been flown In from Japan for the Garment Machinery exhibition opening at the Vlctorlal Memorial Hail today. Tha four-day exhibition U nrtsnl— d by Chu Chaooc Co. Pie Ltd. The exhibition will be open to tha pubko today frwa
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  • 39 7 Yong for TAS ceremony THE foundation atone (or the IM million Telecommunication Authority of Singapore headquarters In BMtcr Road will be laid tomorrow which tf aieo World Ooanmunktlon Communication Minister Mr Yonf Njruk Un will officiate at the ceremony
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  • Article, Illustration
    260 7  -  CORINNE THAM By DEATH-THATS THE FATE OF THESE LITTLE UNLOVED ONES... THERE is a sad story behind this pretty picture of a girl and basketful of playful cats. And Jennifer. 19, a mem ber of the staff of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals seen cuddling
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  • 218 7 A good place for a meeting of 500 QINOAPORE is a most favourable place for meetings and conventions of not more than 500 delegates. Thii i» the consensus of opinion of the 30 British and European top-level executives who concluded the three-day "Singapore Conference Seminar" at Shangri-la Hotel yesterday. The
    218 words
  • 64 7 17 MORE DENGUE CASES The Environ ment Ministry yesterday said there were 17 cases of dengue haemorrharir fever last month, brinrinc the total to I*3 with three deaths this year. It also said a mosquito survey carried out daring the week endlnc April 30 showed that 120 oat of 5.772
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  • 214 7 S'pore has an eye on Solomon trade' rE Government has shown "definite interest" In investing In the British Solomon Islands Protectorate, according to the leader of a five-man delegation from the Islands, Mr. Andrew Kukutl. Mr. Kukuti said yesterday in a farewell interview both the Department of Trade and the
    214 words
  • 51 7 FOURTEEN leading Singapore and Malaysian artlsta will exhibit their recent paintings at tha Alpha Oroup Show 74 to be held at the Alpha Oallery In T. Alexandra Avenue, from tomorrow to June I Forty piece* of artwork, collages, metaJ reliefs and aculpturaa will be
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 56 7 SbUkan presents: The new hard-wearing special synthetic fabric ribbon for long, tough use at an economical price. i.t.- Intensicolor ribbons have all the advantages of pure silk ribbons, I VR^b- have a longer life, are presented in an airtight pack, tjtSJsicDLjS and are available for all typewriters. jCm M. PRAGER
      56 words
    • 261 7 16th MAY to 22nd MAY 1974 CORDIALS TECLISE lEMON-BARLEY/ORANCE 510 f 2 BOTTLES ftr 1.37 PEANUT BUTTER king rooster 340 1.10 CREAM STYLE CORN Rogers nix 482 s .74 ORANGE JUICE lisp 1270, 1.3(T POTATO CRISPS GOLDEN WONDER 5 FLAVOURS 170 g 1.20 COCKTAIL SAUSAGES celebrity DENMARK 454 f 1.78
      261 words

  • 130 8 Midnight ticket tout fined $250 MOHAMED Salleh bin Abdullah. 35. was fined $250 by the First Magistrate's Court yesterday for attempting to re-sell a $1 midnight show ticket for a profit of 50 cents at the Slngapura Theatre, Oeylang Serai. He was also found with five other $1 tickets attached
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  • 138 8 'False report' boss loses appeal CHONO Kee Fong, director of a travel service, yesterday lost his appeal against conviction and sentence of six months jail for giving false information to the police. Chong, it was stated, had told the police and later the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) that an
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  • 105 8 The 3 cadets who made it TUMKK Stafapara Nftttsaal C««rt Corp* (Scs DM•toni member* ha«« bent awarded thb year* Ben LBM •ra-tnlnlnr •fhoianhipa. Two of them. Sft 111— I Kamal, 15, and L/CpL Rasanmthan Srthlnathan, 14. wul underio training In aaJUnc. rinoetnc, cadet and (riml parade eoTia. They left on
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  • 332 8 BID TO REDUCE CITY TRAFFIC AND SPECIAL DISCS FOR ENTRY INTO THE CBD JLf OTORISTS may have to pay more in special taxes to enter the Cential Business District (CBD) during peak hours. This is believed to be one of the suggestions being considered by
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  • 182 8 'Tragic side of a robber's story A YOUNG robber, sentenced on Jan. SB to two years Jail plus six strokes of the roUn, was freed by the Appeal Court yesterday. The Chief Justice, Mi Wee Cbong Jin, varied the sentence on Rajah VUayawcaram. to enable him to be freed yesterday.
    182 words
  • 266 8 Nothing like getting into the swing: Judith MORE law students should strive to participate In the International 1a w contest, "The Jeesup Moot Competition." This U the opinion of Miss Judith de Cruz, top girl in the University of Singapore law examinations this year and the third girl to obtain
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  • 287 8  - Teenage girl's Vice or death' choice... N. G. KUTTY B/ A TEENAGE girl said yesterday that four men one of them known to her tried to force her into vice at gunpoint at Katong Park on Tuesday. Miss Quek Sock Tin, 19, daughter of a jossstick shop proprietor in Katong,
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  • 55 8 A CHFMICAL reaction caused the fumes and created a near-panic— aboard the Polish cargo vessel Wladyslaw Brcniewki at a PSA godown on Tuesday. The vessel agents, Far Eastern Shipping Company, said that chemist tests showed that the fumes were caused by moisture which came in contact with
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 119 8 A lovely, Fluid Make-up.. .to 1 A give your skin I the sheer, matt, W untouched «jj_^ look of youth m^^J 't's here... «BrV I5K* MAOI IMAI c new complete make-up by LANCOME of Paris The fluidity and the gentl«ne» of Maquimat gives you the perfect complexion even and matt
      119 words
    • 106 8 Ref ***** A Automatic Day/Date •w^Tfk^rf Water Resistant. j^3 fSi~-*^im WATCH A W]i Ref 7 5007 A >J Wk Automatic Day/Date Water Resistant. jfl| ■V laW^aßlar H^fg^^^^QAj^^flH Sir 3655 Buy year watches which are backed up by 100*1 efficient after- sales servici! Showrooms Service Centres located at: SINGAPORE 3-B.Chow House.
      106 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 171 8 Bringing Op Wmthmr »y IUI Kav»anh <fc Hal C—» >■ f <r^ 1 1 Tvurr vim* lady I i hay« \/t lno td "S^rLADY Fmeet ie having )j /canH' i cu I vv— rmeots turim 1 I'm qooc news. J hear oocc a bi© onnsr pakty J\ V \tSj**S ~ivoSoo?^"y
      171 words

    • 238 9 Safe and sound, those missing seven lOHORE BARU, Wed. The seven people on board the missing cabin cruiser Barracuda were today reported to be safe in Tanjung Pinan?, an Indonesian island about 18 miles south-east off the Johore coast. They are Scow Kong Shin, his brother Kong Wah, their cousin
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    • 200 9 pENANG, Wed. A 1 meeting has been called between Inshore and trawler fishermen here to find a solution to their long-standing dispute. Both parties agreed to meet alter representatives of the Penang Fishing Industry Co-opera-tive Union had taUed to Inshore fishermen last night. Haji
      200 words
    • 95 9 I^UALA LUMPUR, Wed IV The Jobar* BUte Oovernment hit uked the FVdtral Oovrmment to stop the collection of toll at the Muar biidc*. The TnMury'* deputy secretary. Oen Datuk Ahmad Noordin said today the requeat. made to the Finance Mlnlatry. m now under consideration. The
      95 words
    • 56 9 TANAH RATA Wed The present dally rain In the Cameron Highlands, coupled with the almost total lack of orders for supplies from lowland markets have hit the hundreds of farmers here hard. The wont affected an those growing cabbages aa this forms almost threefourths of the
      56 words
    • 342 9 Strike was illegal: Judge THE High Court quashed an Industrial Court awiird on Monday, and said that the court had erred in law in holding that a strike by 137 workers of the Lian Vit Hngineering Works was legal. In allowing a motion by the company, Mr. Justice Abdul Hamid
      342 words
    • 48 9 ALOR STAR. Wed North Kedah Custom* officers seised 1631 b of raw opium worth $40,000 In a raid on an Isolated house at Kampung Tuya Mongnee. along the Changloon-Kodlang Road, near the Thai border, yesterday afternoon Two men and a woman In the house were arrested.
      48 words
    • 177 9 GANG THAT DROVE IN AT 3am IPOH, Wed. A 1 live-member gang robbed a petrol filling station in Kidd Road here of $75 at about 3 a.m. today and drove away a van, taking: with them the two attendants as well. The attendants, Balwant Singh and R Krlshnan. both 18,
      177 words
    • 29 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Attorney-Oeneral Tan Brl Abdul Kadlr bin Yusoff will leave for Jakarta early next month to sign an extradition agreement between Indonesia and Malaysia
      29 words
    • 154 9 Govt to decide fate of MIT soon KL'ALA LUMPUR, Wednesday 'J'HK governing council of the Mara Institute of Technology will hold a special meeting on Saturday to decide the date for re-opening the institute. Chairman of the council. Tan Sri Ghazali Shafie said this In a statement today. He al-o
      154 words
    • 163 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The consumer price Index for Peninsular Malaysi* increased by 2.5 points in March from 134 to 136 5 This Uan Increase of 1.9 per cent over the previous month. The index, which represents the expenditure pattern of the average household in
      163 words
    • 42 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed.— !VUlaj*Uiu can now insure their lives for f l.M* by paying J«at IS a year. TaJaseo Insurance Bhd., a bumlpvira MB— rm, la offering the scheme designed especially to give protection to people la rural areas.
      42 words
    • 173 9 Finding out how Britons make out T ONDON, Wed. L* The Malaysian Minister for National Unity, Tun V.T. Sambanthan, is spending a few days in Britain, meeting a variety of authorities for discussions on race relations. Today he met officials of the British Race Relations Board and, before he returns
      173 words
    • 36 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Attorney-Oeneral Tan Brl Abdul Kadlr bin Yusof will lead a team of Malaysian experts to Caracas next month to attend the United Na'lons conference on The Taw of the Sea
      36 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 592 9 HOW TO SPEAK "V.l.P."English QUICKLY. EASILY AND INEXPENSIVELY FOR SOCIAL AND FINANCIAL ADVANCEMENT WITH THIS REMARKABLE RECORDED COURSE THAT WORKS WONDERS OR COSTS NOTHING! Why is perfect speaking so yg o embarrassment betore others, important that it can open up Complete on long-playing discs, a whole new world for you?
      592 words
    • 261 9 some a'reons are sibrt but not cold some are cold but not silent r^^i^Mi^^^^n^ssssqx— lafcn to be silent 'ttjt=ss» m— 59E| but they will not cool your room ■■BM sufficiently Others will cool M *^^^^^^^^s j y 01 r oom out they are noisy ÜBHMMMAMHBfIMHHHHMHBI CMA gives you continuous I
      261 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 343 10 aJtl^^^^^-J\JlJ^-AJBJLJO J*^J^-J^_^L^L_^^^ w w n ft pi HA-mLmLfLH* at t KaUULi^ 1 1 OPENS CATHAY TODAY! 1 1 I— DAILY 5 SNOWS: 11AM, 1.30, 4.00, 6.30 9.30 P.M. —I DRENCHED In BARBARIC TERROR! RAGING with BRUTAL PASSIONS! GIULIANO* GORDON GEMMA MITCHELL i. SRXK THE VIKING aaaartaaal aaaaaaaaaaa* kaflL I aaaJ
      343 words
    • 316 10 }r^ SHOOTS UP FRESH SCENT TO BRING DOWN BAD SMELLS I ETC. IN aaaaaaaa^^ \W I j aSSiwH I §1111 PACKAGED AIR CONDITrONERS I Offering you whisper-quiet, high efficiency, greater com- I fort, elegant styling yet economical operation. Wide range I I of models available from 5 h.p. to 80
      316 words
    • 366 10 j 01^£iVlSr TODAY Al* iLfffft I* 5 »how» dally at 1 1 am, 1.45, 4.00, 6.30 9 1 |5jm-No_Fr \\\WSmmWß^Sm\\^^kr^ L^ |U| L^^^BBaW^ Wr^ffj^iTl^mm E BW^l^aafcaaß I a "TMWe at r^Sßt > at^JF QS aK^^M BBMjS Pg^Bßaaaßajai MUjH( BaßKr.[lflal HMaaalllllll^^V^^^3^^^^^^^^^ I I Fn r^ it cl Ka> "TLaaV ■Kafial laa>
      366 words
    • 627 10 I WLrVWV^/W%V.V k '.V I |k CATHAY I OPENS TODAY' 'I I< 2 Showa 700»»30 pm n CANTONESE duk>eu« S THE UTTLE MAN AH FOOK a" J Vi Lvi T,.n M• Q C I J ColOfScopa Englnh s I J. laj JLMONO OMIVE-IN CINEMM "I K OOEON CATHAY OUCHAPU Saturday
      627 words

  • 138 11 Petrol in JB only 14 cents cheaper TJETROL price* In Jo- hore are now only cheaper by 13 cents for premium and 14 cents for regular compared to Singapore prices. The price differences were reduced after the Malaysian Government Increased the price of Petrol last week. The price of petrol
    138 words
  • 269 11 AFTER TWO ARSON 81D5. 'J'HE Port of Singapore Authority has stepped up security at the port following two arson attempts and theft at its godowns recently. Checks and a ban on smoking According to sources, all port workers must produce their passes before they
    269 words
  • 33 11 THE Deputy Prune Minister and Defence Minister. Dr. Ooh Keng Swee. will open the new premises of the Kreta Ayer community centre In Sago Lane at 6 p m today.
    33 words
  • 52 11 A SET of two commemorative stamps will be Issued to mark the ninth Asla-Paclflc Scout Conference to be held In Singapore from June 4 to 10. The stamps. In denominations of 10 cents and TS cent*, will be on sale from June 9 Picture by
    Mlazlan Badron  -  52 words
  • 273 11 It's chye sim day at the mart THE price of chye sim vegetable dropped by five cents to 45 cents a kati yesterday, according to the Trade Department. But prices of kai lan and cabbage rose by 10 cents and five cents a katl to 70 and 35 cents respectively.
    273 words
  • 136 11 PEDAL POWER ALL THE WAY rllS la how baainc—nun, Mr. Narajaa Sln«h. took his motorcycle to the workshop all the 7t miles from Batu Pahat. Jobore, to Singapore. And he He needed a *lUI span part far km •M EmeMer motor cycle and only ea* Wltipere shop had It Sine*
    136 words
  • 387 11  - 'Press did us more good' CHRISTINA CHEANG By JJKNTAL surgeons yesterday said the Press had done "more good than harm" in brightening the career prospects of dental students in Singapore. Interviewed by the Straits Times, they rebutted an allegation by Mr. Chua Sul Yeow, Assistant Director of Medical Bervlces <
    387 words
  • 279 11 5 co-op super marts to open for business r r O big Industrial unions representing 80,000 workers in Singapore will open five consumer supermarkets tomorrow. The Pioneer Industries Employees Union will have its supermarkets located at: PIEU headquarters at Block 20, 1-5 Corporation Drive, Jurong Town and PIEU Multl-Purpose Cooperative
    279 words
  • 58 11 Drama festival by Junior College THE National Junior College will hold its fourth Drama Festival at the Cultural Centre at 7.30 p.m. today and tomorrow. A loui of 13 play* will be staged by students from various stream* over the two nlghU Cik Data bint* Mohamrd Nocr, wife of the
    58 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 140 11 STOCK REDUCTION SALE FOR TEXTILES VISIT TARGET STORE 82. High Street. also Basement 61. High Street Centre. Singapore. Beltek brings authentic music into your car! ■tyt H.Blsl.WilaMA^ sSa^s^^^fc ft Isssssssssssss^Ll^^^^^sss^B s»»f~sfj V J A* A ;< 9^^^Lssssssssssl N 1 saas^^^saLT^JUsaaaaaaaH »W^^' #^^B r4 V JasW 'm^ff mt^\ 'MtM ■nIT 1
      140 words
    • 362 11 >£2cia l GfivvS.. Books in English Qpyo&z^ priced at only 1/4 '((^sssß~~"sssssssi Ffubsophy \w\^S^^-7!_? mil/ml I conom f es vl ml •Science B^ Engineering Socio-political AM the f mest Productons Medical of sov*t Composefshave Children s books been put on GRAMOPHONE recoros i •Magazines Balalaika tor, I^^Kmm OFFICE Gsfttmen mske
      362 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 448 12 STATISTICS rarely tell the whole story. The number of drug-abusers arrested here rose from 2.198 In 1968 to 3,339 last year, but that figure probably represents only a fraction of Singaporeans who are on drugs or at least have had a go at narcotics. The more compelling statistic
      448 words
    • 169 12 A GITATION by Thai students against DeA fence Minister Air Marshal Dawee and army commander General Kris Sivara could presage a new wave of militancy in Bangkok. On the other hand, it could amount to nothing more than the equivalent of a gymnasium workout. The students are
      169 words
  • 304 12  - No fish can escape this human sonar KAMIS AHMAD By TEOH Hong Choong (above) has an unusual job. Every day he goes out to sea and dives deep to listen to sounds which, to his ears, mean big catches for fishermen. "Fishes produce sounds like the beating of drums," Ter.Y
    304 words
  • 217 12 MR. Teo Eng Seng (ST., April 22) Is correct in his statement that he had never requested for electricity supply from the Public Utilities Board. However, he may be unaware that effective from August 1973, PUB took over the Port of Singapore Authority the responsibility of
    217 words
  • 110 12 I WAS about to board a comparatively-pack-ed bus (with no passengers standing on the door steps), when the conductor, in trying to prevent me from boarding, thrust his foot onto my chest. He succeeded In preventing me from boarding. But. as if that was not enough, he alighted
    110 words
  • 635 12 By A Special Correspondent mHAILAND'S students X are frustrated. They got what they wanted when they overthrew 16 years of military rale last October a democratic constitution in the makinc, and national elections coming up when this year's monsoon rains ?nd, possibly in November.
    635 words
  • 763 12  - Hatching dinosaur eggs can mean trouble C. L. SUBERGEH DRIVE FOR TOTAL FREEDOM IN AFRICA ly rsrlt THE Portuguese coup and the revolution developing in its wake are bound to have important st r a tegic repercussions throughout Africa as that continent's last colonial empire starts to unravel. For now
    763 words
    • 353 12 IN reply to Lee Kok Lin's letter (ST.. May 10) it is presumed that the writer and the British biochemist quoted are referring to rheumatoid arthritis. This is a disease characterised by chronic inflammation of the Joints. In addition to the Joints, however, other systems of
      353 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 40 12 Sty I• cut to th# l«twtt trtnd by our mott •xpmrtmncod crsftsm.n sine* 1934. Suits compl«t«ly hand taiiormrj AY stltchad w« have the latest tfrlriast ranga of malarial* for selection. 21. Chuha St.. Singapore. 1. Tel: ***** Hong Kong (Branch)
      40 words
    • 193 12 I PRIZES I I FOR I I CHILDREN I Children, you win a cash prize by writing a letter to New Nations Page For The Young wbicb appears every Thursday. For every letter published we pay $10. You can write on any theme but the letter must not be more
      193 words

  • 301 13 Briton dies 10 hours after fall from building BRITISH oil executive Malcolm Herbert 38 died In Outram Hospital this morning 10 hours after he fell onto a parked police car from the 10 -storey Shaw House In Orchard Road. A police spokesman said: "We do not suspect foul play, it
    301 words
  • 60 13 THE Singapore Tamil* Death Benellt Association will hold its annual meeting at the Chnrt Church School hall in Dorset Road on Saturday at 3 p.m. Two hours later, the association will hold a variety show to celebrate Its 10th anr Iversary at the same place, under
    60 words
  • 29 13 THE National Productivity Association, an affiliate of the Natlonsl Productivity Board, will hold Its first annual meeting at the NPB lecture room In Jurong. on May 30.
    29 words
  • 23 13 WATER consumption on Tuesday was 114.4 million gallons (521.000 cubic metres). 0.1 million gallons (5N cubic metres) less than on Monday.
    23 words
  • 194 13 THE colou.-ful and flowery month of May in Japan blossomed for an hour at Shangri-La Hotel yesterday as Mrs. Michiko Goto, a qualified Japanese teacher from the O'Hara School, gave a demonstration of six flower arrangements to an enthralled audience. Shades of the
    194 words
  • 337 13 yyiDKH implications of a British withdrawal of troops 'from Anzuk will be discussed between representatives of the Singapore and British governments here tomorrow. The principal participants In the talks will be Dr. Goh Keng Swee, the Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister
    337 words
  • 147 13 PASSPORTS RETURNED TO FOUR VARSITY STUDENTS SINGAPORE Immigration authorities yesterday returned the passports taken from five Malaysian students on Tuesday night. The fourth-year University of Singapore architectural st v dents reported to the Malaysian High Commission yesterday morning. A High Commission official accompanied them to the Immigration Department where their
    147 words
  • 50 13 DR. Goh Keng Bwee. Deputy Pi une Minuter and Defence Mlnlatyr. wUI open the 25th Singapore International Salon of Photography and 1974 Ptoto Pair at the Victoria Memorial Hall on June 14 at 5.90 p m The exhibition to presented by the Photographic Society of Singapore
    50 words
  • 177 13 13 are fined $7,600 for opium offences rpHIRTEEN men beX tween the ages of 35 and 73 including several longtime addicts wen yesterday flned a total of $7,850 by the First Magistrate's Court for smoking opium or having opium and opium utenelU at Cecil Street and Jofaore Road on Tuesday.
    177 words
  • 47 13 IHK Metropolitan YMCA Sub Aqua Club will bold a water sports carnival tomorrow from 7.30 pm to IS midnight at the Baiarang pool la Changl The programme tncliirtaa nnnlng aqualung and diving competitions. Swimming performances, and other novelties Uka swimming raavyt are ■lao Included
    47 words
  • 35 13 THX Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr 8 Rajaratnam. will be the guest of bonour at Raffias Institutions lSlat ■peach and prtaa giving day at the school stadium at lit pm. on May SI.
    35 words
  • 24 13 THB MP tor Katong. Mr JT Conoetcao. will open a Water hi Preeioua exhibition at the Katong Community Centre toaaorrow at pm
    24 words
  • 193 13 Four years whipping for chief of boy gang robbers A DISTRICT court yesterday Jailed for four years the 34-year-old leader of a robbery gang of three boys. Urn Chong Tian, 34. a secret society member and unemployed, was also ordered by a district court to be given six strokes of
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  • 119 13 $18 million spending spree by 27,000 from Australia MORE than 27.000 Australian tourists are expected to visit Singapore In the next 12 months under Qantas Airways' new programme of Jetabout Holidays. According to Qantas. these visitors are expected to spend an estimated $18 million on food, entertainment, souvenirs and duty-free
    119 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 156 13 -Ml- r *^i» i M af I W I The glow that comes V*^M from Evergreen Fj^ IHa^ Korean Ginseng! Modern living demands a lot from you. And if you have the glow of Maw jf^^ health, you keep the pace. Effortlessly. I^^^bJ But have you the glow of health
      156 words
    • 572 13 CfINCER J/<A "^^^V^* NOW'S YOUR BIG CHANCE to collect bright, new unique Horoscope Stickers for yourself, your family and friends' And that's not all 1 You alto get a fabulous Horoscope Wall Chart on which you can stick your set of Horoscope Stickers. So send us your name and address
      572 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 361 13 TV MALAYSIA (3) ir PM Programme sumrvry The Stralost 7.31 Rancangan Malay -.1j 2.47 Toto Draw 3.M sia Kedua I.M Programme summary Kui; Sekolah-Sekolah 14! Singkism Dan Utara 4.14 Empat Sekawan 4.31 Q 1 A PM Ghazal Ml Cahaya Assalamualaikum 5.11 Programme O. IU I.M News J. 22 Dewan summary
      361 words
    • 664 13 TV SINGAPORE (5) in nn n urn k News n Brie( lS IU.UU Trade and Test Trans O.JU Cornel (Kaliy-repeit) mission (colour) Ml Trade *nd Test 7.00 Untamed World Storks 7.31 <"'-» OP— SLr^W^-^X ano Housewives' Mitwae-Hy Four Mtloß itl Mystery Ho»ie-BaM-Children (Cantonese film. Pt. 1, cek -If Urn Is
      664 words

    • 598 14 IF YOU don't know how to carry ott a stylish scarf round your neck or head, It's probably because you've not learnt how to knot It, or rather style it. For the experts say, you knot a tie but style a scarf Knotting,
      FRANCIS ONG  -  598 words
    • 815 14  - Sterilisation: What it means women MAUREEN CHUA By EIGHT months after Katie was married, she learnt she was expecting her first baby. A happy Katie, who was eldest in a family of seven girls, just had to release the good news to mother immediately. "Mother burst Into tears when I
      815 words
    • 224 14 Chance for young designers to make good rvoa are naralng a secret ambition to show the world roar ideas on fashion hat have so far been hiding in your shell. It's time yoa cone out In the open aad show Sln g a poreans what yoa can sketch, for here's
      224 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 403 14 <■•''.' 'a enoobspeam SSBH 4^ Now Sb I BBW^^^^H WT wryo 9 f***'. ■rs \jttuml C.CrtH BSBP^Bt^ >^«\ 9<***" "ox' .fLa GERM I J l l sV% 4^"s\ 4^s)^nfl I Th tit Inter national Mullilood* JJlor introduces a beautiful new look BSBBB '"V* iff aIBBBISsiaSBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBBaIBB'MM^Msuj^aiBBBBBHI* '"MM BT^H¥^ j" '^MbES |Hj
      403 words
    • 128 14 Advert isement Beauty for Mature Skins Women with mature skins should take more than usual care to protect against the dull flaky dryness that causes tell-tale lines and wrinkles. Treatment with a rich vitalizing night cream each evening before bed Is the Ideal way to help bring a soft smooth
      128 words
    • 148 14 Nyal Vitamin E capsules golden seeds off life makes you feel younger vigorous and virile BBBBBBBBI^a^ V i Nyal Vitamin E Capsules containing high potency vitamin E which is fortified with natural wheat germ oil. are BENSHS 2*V% valuable in maintaining muscle and nerve conditioning and in promoting increased I
      148 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1417 15 CINTAINfISNIP SEIVICE TO UK CONTINENT: N>irf A'atrj BEN AVON Soiatort P Mlau o'Mra traai. Hort UK. DC -""V" Sa.laa la Ptrf I laae WMM lIMM IMM ItMItUIIMAIU 'IMa, 11 Mm lIMM lIMM 14 MM I IMa HONIIOKC EIPIESS a Ma, 11 Ma, lIMM UMM aMM Idee. bhini Mieu IMm im
      1,417 words
    • 1132 15 f N.OrlttM HomM. MlfPK'l N.Tart Vttrt P MMM PMMf I ok. m -a ta ssi £2 £2 I Imts m7,m Xii m., aZ, a, Mjja mmii PMTISiIAIS It, V Mt, II MM 7MM II lt» "M» 14 MtJ IT I j PATIACIttt hn 4 i«al I tMt t^ MM It
      1,132 words
    • 1023 15 MMMtBBBi BBK^ax^Lßr^x H^^ <^^'^^ l l^^MMßaaaaaaaa7MMl n tDMPt HMt i'mm* ran* S'ttrt P MlaM Scan Aattna Frtace UK >"•*•« SaM la Part IMm II Mm 11 Mm IMm lAAMMIA MAW „i? ,t MM II MM 14 MM tMM •aMMIMMXPVEU Am 17*5 MNH gJM aM. lIMM |tf«»»f» ii'm? lIM ""SI IMtj
      1,023 words
    • 1060 15 ■L^r^^^ \T^^MMBL^^T^X^J I ■MMMMM^aiTjMMMManyrMJ fULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE TO EUROPE M»aiMS»n faj KAMMMM Ma, 21 KottefDan, AmttirdHN. Antwerp, U Hn".. "iJT 1 mii Hmmm t »'«i» i >»»" MMUft •om.* Ma AafMt, CMtMfM. goomwi, immm. umican m tl Stocuolnt. Oslo, Htlsinki. UnitM K.ngaom. ChMf TtBH: ICI a taan FCI a Man.
      1,060 words
    • 829 15 Saa>a»ara *****4. P. Kalait« »341; K.L. 2711 T; Pm M JSJOI THE BANK LINE LTD. LIAK FM E. I S. AFtICA. I«O«IAM (CIIH MMiM) P Mianf MPVItMtf Start It/a Mt, TATIAM IS AfiitaMr) P. MUM 1/ IMM Start V 4 MM MITttM (M.ra. L. MtrtjtM I J Afrwt) P. MtMf
      829 words

  • 202 16 I x 1 1 ***i or aiNOAPOm Jn? UT wJKSSii.o •"."Vtn'SSo tSLmSttmm mat <• OUT Aurora 3 Bom« Biraal Chatham Nlaa«i Karu IS II «tr-at Cumb»rU»< 1«. Roaev.lle 23 2«. Anwrlcall fonti. Pr..Ml»tit Tyl»r Ne4llovd D,ltt ..olkj.ed by M*«*l<m> and Uon City 51 Couth Ml WMitor s.
    202 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1163 16 2m____-_Z-3I P_^^_M\^^_fc__^_^^_l^^^_l I Bu KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. KAWASAKI ..iNKAI KISEN KAISHA LTD. lAPAN. HONC KONG STRAITS SERVICE JHli H«nt>»<C tootari MUlttf SEX 8S w- JS Slngapora Japan S.rvlaa S.flfapo't Fit. KLCIUM HIU Y4l *—I IM4— a. l IMPIAN XIINWAY II MM IK-". (o.uair- M Mill Japan Arabian Cull Sarvica
      1,163 words
    • 854 16 BEAUTY LINES from PA HD Unm*»' XT KAITT UTtS Pulang Pisau 11 _rf Ma; ■_«"<"'•• XT.KHTfMT T^akao ra Pyrt II *t) S T lENTAP Tafikan J_ Ja» Indonwt. ST MAGELLAN IndtmeM Ij J" i^SST^ IEADTTUIT Mamia 2»Maj 21 Ma, Mttia. IEAinVANIA Manila Netotf j2 Maj Man j. lANOA Hongioni 21
      854 words
    • 1037 16 a^nepTunco£ienTun<-'l U.K. lU«OPt SHVICI LOADING 'OR LONOCN, ROTTERDAM. HAMBURG. BILBAO, LI HAVRI (.afiaora Ktiiof PtM«f lonoon H'bwi NEPTUM MFPNII Ij Jtrt II M Mtf Illw 111. n laM FtaMCI MAMi l/li—l l/tit— I 11/11 IM IKK 111* It NIPTtNE tMI HIP Jf Ml/I M» 1/ 4M| 1/ IM| It Mf
      1,037 words
    • 743 16 r amss mwg'Tß lwdow, uraiai/cwTtiitiT nm T| Vim aiaqpara Mlaag Ptnaag laaaHat far: NX,!,,, llMmi It/a Mat ft.tlao MA IO"«" »nmn IS, Mtaf| 2 7. Aatvtrp t 7. ttmci tKCSiiu i*/M Mai l/llaa I/IM l/UJtaa Bilbao r'. io»*xi Irmn 1. H'fci'i 7. Vaara 30 MUM MfUTI 4/ lAM 1/iltaM 14/ISi_t
      743 words
    • 780 16 HOTEL MALAYSIA LIMITED Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore I NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETIM. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Eleventh Annual General Meeting of Hotel Malaysia Limited will be held In the Fuji Room of Ming Court Hotel. Tanglln Road Singapore, on Friday, the 31st day of May.
      780 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 585 17 has vacancies forA SENIOR INSPECTOR (ESTATES) B HIGHER INSPECTOR (ESTATES) C INSPECTORS (ESTATES) SALARY SCALE A $960 x A4O 1 160/1200 x A5O 1400 B $465 A2O 505/560 x A 25 660/750 x A 35 '030 C $190 x AlO 210/325 x A2O 465/485 x A2O -665 ALLOWANCES 9% salary
      585 words
    • 534 17 f ADMINISTRATIVE/PERSONNEL S OFFICER I Required by a leading European Company a I male Administrative/ Personnel Officer who I has the following qualifications and I experience:- Applicant must have good command of written and spoken English HSC level and above preferred. Age around 25 —30 years. Prefe ably have linguistic
      534 words
    • 515 17 HITACHI CHEMICAL (S) PTE LTD has established a factory at New Bedok Town. Applications are invited for the post of GENERAL AFFAIRS EXECUTIVE Requirements. University graduate in Social Science, Commerce or Business Administration or its equivalent; At least 2 yean' working experience in the general affairs and personnel field, preferably
      515 words
    • 848 17 An Engineering Ctrtrietli* Fira f l^"^~^^\ m Expanding and Progressive Group of Companies, with RfiOdirSC'- I business ranging from building construction to tended 1 ncqail C».~ I pfOperlv developments seeks a (A) Senior Book Keeper fiROUP PERSONNEL Minimum 3 years working experience able to t-pe 30 -40 OilUUr I LIIOUH
      848 words

      • 71 18 Itrdinc Kswai r. MOk ■CGI i Law L AmjJ m- Prn. 1. Nat WS UPM >unlop E. Brrw Iron x;bc f 3.60 I 1.40 1.18 t 2.50 f 5 25 3 28 8 2.M t 6 24 I 2.23 8 2 81 I 1.75 8 2 15 8 5
        71 words
      • 25 18 ■rim* uux L G. HoM. i Crmcnt l. Engineers Iron Loan W52 $3 50 IO.M $3.30 $274 $0.91 58 —.20 —.13 —.10 —.08 —.08
        25 words
      • 23 18 Haw Par lTtJ** CHy Der llljm Stane Darky IaMM r. b. natch njm Total Taraavar: I.MM Total Valae: $J.7J M
        23 words
      • 59 18 May 14 M»y IS Industrial: ZS«.«I 2M.54 fFlnanc*: 442*1 UtM ■•tali: MM 174.37 rrapcrtin: M«.SI 2M.M t Tln»: IMM IM.S4 t rnbbrre: 345.14 J45.4« (M Bf ttt.ll tt$JM t BJ.B. lad.: t4«.!7 HIM Dee. M, 1M« 1M D«c. SI. IMS 1M t Dm. t%. 1M 1M Dec. SI. It
        59 words
    • 1583 18 rTTRS ust transacted sale at the cloae of buatneas In the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with th* previous days prices to«ether with 1974 hl«h and tow. Adjusted (or ail new lasuta). CLOSING TONS: All MCtlon* cloMd (Uaajr. TURNO vm OIBeMI total turnover OB the Singapore trading
      1,583 words
    • 342 18 PRICES moved narrowly higher in very quiet .trading conditions on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. Buyers remained generally very cautious There was m urgency to sell either. front-taking was intermittently noted during the early morning session, but by the after- noon enough buyers had emerged to
      342 words
    • 1326 18 jt ID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets In lots of 1,000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS API. UO3B 1308) XD. A.TJ. (IMB 1.058). Alcan (2 82B)
      1,326 words
    • 1250 18 BID and offer price* officially listed and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Aetna (3 13B)CD ftjlaiaiiti (3.558). A. Tape (1.03 B). Alean (2.908) (4)
      1,250 words
    • 138 18 TEXTRON Corporation Is one of the companies being considered aj a merger partner. Mr. Daniel Haughton. chairman of Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, said at the AO&f. Allls Chalmers Corporation and General Dynamics Corporation were other names brought up by stockholders and reporters who questioned Mr. Haughton after the meeting.
      138 words
    • 233 18 Prices in KL show little change SHARE prices at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange were fractionally better yesterday In barely steady conditions. There was no discernible trend throughout the day's trading as prices hovered undecidedly at the previous day's levels The New StralU Times Industrial Ordinary share Index scarcely moved
      233 words
    • 44 18 Alexandra Holdings has acquired 451.000 and one million shares of $1 each on April 25 and May 7, respectively In the share capital of Seado, thus Increasing Its total shareholding to $15 million. Seado Is now a whollyowned subsidiary of the company
      44 words
    • 69 18 rftHE Singapore forex and at mid-morning was 1 market opened yes- I quoted at $2.3950 terday with dealers $2.3975 However. It showing a keen Interest managed to edge up to to buy the US dollar. Bids $2.3960 $2.3970 by ranged from $2.3960 to lunch-time. $2.4020 but the first
      69 words
    • 165 18 The foUcwlng are the nominal average closing Interbank ratea In Singapore ««ota4 jtattr4*j (eraas) putty thup US dollar 3.3950 2 3970 2 81M ISM Bterllng pound 6.7766 5.7869 7 346S —21 38 Hongkong dollar 47.35 47.40 50 51 —6 26 Malaysian dollar 101.35 101 45 100.00 135 Aust
      165 words
      • 30 18 Rubber: May 15. Singapore: 198.50 cts (down 2.M eta.) Malay.' ia 202 50 cts. (down 1.50 cts.) Tin: $1,332 (down M). Official offering 227 tons (down 26 tons).
        30 words
    • 185 18 Straits tin DOWN $4 mHE StralU tin price X slipped another $4 to $1,332 per plcul In Penang yesterday on an official offering down 26 tons to 227 tons. The overnight London market, however, behaved contrary to the easier Far East trend with a rise of £25 to £3.955 per
      185 words
    • 60 18 TuMday MMiaay uss uss Melbourne ill 112.03 112.M London IM.2S SM V) Beirut 1*7. 50 167 23 Hon«>on« I*4*o 1M.40 Zurich 1U JOB 1(15 50 8 I*7. OOa in.HS Pan* im.m im 14 pora (I) ItS.IOB 1W MB i*t.«m u;m Kxpvrt pnrn la non-ittrlu>g anas la U.S. aoUan
      60 words
    • 68 18 THE Malays an Minister of Finance has fixed these rates for calcul.- 1 ng Customs duties from May 1* until further notice: Rubber 941 rent* alb Copra $1.20* a ton P. Kernel $235 25 a ton The rates of duties payable are: Rubber 12 cents a lb (Total
      68 words
    • 108 18 C MINIS! rHODUCI IX CMAMCI. SINCAPOMI MOOM CLOSIMC rmcll Ml »ICUL YllTiaoAT Ceeenut atl: bulk tlftS nominal. drum 11*0 nomlaai. Ceava: Mixed (lOOM) UK/ Coat. SU nomlaai. Peaoer: Muntok ABTA whit* fob. 100<* NLW |305 Mllera. Sarawak wait* Io b. M« NL.W |2»2i *ellen. iaiawak aawclal black f o.b
      108 words
    • 39 18 Ltftwon copper prlc#e ea T e dir (pravioua In braearu). Wlnaar Spot buyer iI. 3M (11.2*0) Mlier 11. Ml (11. Mil Three Mania* buyer (l.tia (11. 1U) *ell*r 11. ill (it.iM). Market MM: rimer. Sal**: 7.075 tea*
      39 words
    • 505 18 LONDON advices were better than expected and after an about unchanged opening, the Singapore market moved within narrow limits In mixed trading. Interest centred around last day clearing of May and In June with forwards rather neglected. Volume waa reduced. Conditions were quiet and slightly easier In the
      505 words
    • 78 18 |}AJLY not price* lamed at noon yesterday BUR tCV <1 ton pallet) BUR »L (1 too pallet) SMR S (1 ton pallet) SMR 10 (1 ton pallet. > BMB M (1 tan pallet) ■O M (1 ton pall*) (Carnal Mth' ir«rwar«Mtkl (*a«(apaTk«) (cMtaawkft U7 00 MOOON HIM M
      78 words
      • 210 18 lIONGKONG, Wed. Share prices rose broadly today after six days of decline. Trading remained light. The Hang Seng Index rose 10.6 points to 335.28. Uonskon: Bank advanced to HK520.70 on Its Local register and moved higher to $21.00 on Its London register. Other gainers Included Hongkong Land at $680.
        210 words
      • 136 18 in Hongkong Bwswlßtas the U.S. aellar was quoted at 6.0070 5 OSHO for T.T. and S.Oo/S.OS for ***h Sterlins waa quoted at 12.10' 12.30 and on* tt*l *f f*M »v quoted at OM.OO. Kajima ronst Jll S Nippon Hodo 740 Klrio Brewery MS a Klkkoman 3*o 4 Toray
        136 words
    • 71 18 rpOKYO. Wed. Prices 1 on tne Tokyo stock market continued to edge down today. The Dow Jones average of 225 selected blue chips was down by 18 85 to 4.666 06 while the New Index dipped 187 to 330.92. Volume was 250 million shares. Today's closing prices) in yen
      71 words
    • 119 18 ZURICH, Tues. Events In Wall Street yesterday did nothing to attract: potential Investors and the market weakened again Bonds just maintained yesterday's prices. The Credit Sulsse Index lost one point to 210.5. Closing price* in 8» iss franc* with th* difference on th* pervious p. Credit 8-ilm* 2«40 —S3
      119 words
    • 155 18 AMSTERDAM. Tues. The market weakened led by Akzo, Hoogovens, and Unilever In Dutch Internationals. Royal Dutch was slightly easier. while Philips edged higher following Its higher profit announcement. Declines elsewhere were led by Van Ommeren. Algemene Bank. Bergoss. Brederode. RSV and VMF Boer. Heineken and Lucas Bols rose against
      155 words
    • 331 18 MELBOURNE. Wed. Sentiment Improved on the Melbourne Stock Exchange and prices regained lost ground In a firm finish. Industrials led mining and oil stocks higher. BHF surged to AsB 48 •and CSR was higher at $4.12. Other leading stocks advances including ACI which lumped to $2.50. Property developers were
      331 words
    • 336 18 NEW YORK.Tues— The stock market initially j advanced but surrendered most gains in later trading to close mixed on light turnover. Sporadic bargain hunt- Ing provided the list with 1 the bulk of its Initial support. Analysts offered several reasons for the late caution, including concern about where
      336 words
    • 65 18 FINANCIAL TIMES TINS TSOSy i0a.37 104 J4 l l 407 36 *5E*» 40M1 W klfo oti. m Mooaay jag i Weak ato jJ! A! INDt'STBJALS Sir?*' Monday mo Watk ago SJI DOW JONES AVUAGI INDt'BTKIALB Tw^r 847 86 weak a*o LONDON DOLLAm PBCMIIM TUawJay 43 to 4314^ is°2^' »-M
      65 words
    • 200 19 ACMA Electrical Industries has maintained its unbroken run of steady profits growth datlrig back to 1968 with a 35 per cent upturn in earnings for 1973. At the pre-tax level, 19'(3 profits came to $2.49 million, up from the $1.84 reported the year before. The
      200 words
    • 137 19 Dividends have been announced by the following companies: BATU KAWAN Is payIng an Interim dividend of 10 per cent, up three points on last time, on June 6. DUFF Development Berhad is to pay a maiden interim dividend of 5 per cent for the year ending August 1974, or.
      137 words
    • 126 19 HONO Leong Finance is to expand 1U Industrial financing operations. It has engaged a foreign expert to streamline this department. Announcing this operational shift, managing director, Mr. Kwek Leng Beng said: "With the services of an expert, we will be In a better position to meet the Increasing
      126 words
    • 80 19 BT PIRAN Mining said It received notification from Mr. J. J. Raper, chairman, that he has. as pan of a negotiation in Hongkong, acquired from Faber Merlin the beneficial Interest in 1,981,750 ordinary share*, of St. Plran (33.97 per cent). Mr. Raper has undertaken at the request of
      80 words
    • 487 19 NEW YORK: D.rectors of the financially pressed Franklin National Bank. hav e dismissed its president and disclosed that an executive vice chairman and director had resigned In the wake of the discovery of large foreign-exchange trading losses. Th e directors also ratified other moves that had
      487 words
    • 170 19 API AH currency deposit •^interbank rates as at dose on Wednesday. May IS: Offer Bid 7 dmyi 13 13-3/4 1 mth 11-1 I 11-1/4 2 inthl 11-7 8 11-3 4 3 mth* 11-7 11-) 4 6 mth* 11-7 6 11-3 4 9 mtha 11-l 4 11-l 8
      170 words
    • 26 19 Closing Interbank rates in Singapore dollars (or May. It Overnight 1 1 mth t IK mth* f !<•» mth* ■>! Prime r»U tW% ■■■r««: r- MMfimy-Jaaw
      26 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 520 19 hat vacancies for A ASSISTANT MECHANIC B ROUSTABOUTS Salary Scale A $210 x Al6 330 B $180 x AlO 240 ALLOWANCES 1 3th Month Allowance 9% salary increase $25/- pm wage supplement leave allowance (if opting for reduced leave) COMMENCING EMOLUMENTS The minimum commencing emoluments for selected candidates who opt
      520 words
    • 479 19 Appointment in Brunei PROJECT MANAGER Qualification Civil or Mechanical Enqmeer with minimum 5 years experience Capable of administrating independently approximately 500 workers in Oil-Rig construction, sheet metal fabrication, pipe-line construction. Remuneration Basic salary up to 556.000/- per month. We are willing to negotiate highf salary for exceptional qualification Bonus up
      479 words
    • 1115 19 Careers in Shipbuilding for Male Singapore Citiiens Jurong Shipbuilders Private United invites Applicants for the following posts:1. General Clerics Minimum qualification School Certificate 2. Safety Patrolmen Minimum Primary education. Must possess Class 3 driving licence Knowledge of Safety Fire Prevention would be an advantage 3. Trainee Shipbuilders Minimum Primary education
      1,115 words
    • 311 19 IN IMr Mil. ll Rl of i in win hi v Or MNCAPOM o«s*iiirs V\ inding p o 12 of 1974 In the matter of the Companies Act 1967 and In the matter of Space Creator (Pte) Limited Notice Is hereby given that a Petition for the winding up of
      311 words

  • 28 20 ARE YOU TIRED of that same old hairstyle 7 Let Julie give you the latest London scissor cut at Louise Klerk's Salon. Hotel Slngapura. telephone *****3 (B'pore).
    28 words
  • 61 20 TAN KOK HENO 24 Woodlelgh park water department PUB pasted away on 14.5.74 Cortege leaves residence on 16.5.74 at 2 p.m for Chua Chu Kang cemetery. MR. M. DAIRIA NATHAN PILLAI passed away peacefully 15.5.74 at 421 -D Jalan Tenteram. Block 21. St. Michael's Estate. Cortege leaves 1 pm
    61 words
  • 37 20 FAMILY OF LATE PAUL TEO Bong Soo gratefully thank Relatives. Friends. Colleagues. Doctors and Staff of Wards 6 and 11 T.R.0.H.. Religious Fathers and Brothers for their kind assistance, attendance, donations and wreaths during their bereavement.
    37 words
  • 49 20 IN LOVING MEMORY of our dear brother, the late Royston Tan Jee King who left us two years ago Though death do us part but we have not forgotten Memories of you live on In our hearts' Sadly missed but always remembered by father, brothers and sisters
    49 words
  • 26 20 Anyone knowing into which hotel MALCOLM HERBERT he* chock-In •ometlm* Monday night IMh Mar. 1974. PLEASE CONTACT UNION OIL COMPANY MING COURT HOTEL. TEL: 37M22
    26 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 538 20 classified ads (g) PLEASURE PAGE How would you like to hove a beuee made of loam? New Nations Ptaasure Page today presents on arwsta, with picture*, en team hamat OPTICAL SHOP FURNITURE 101 sale (Can be used for other purposes too) Wall showcases and counters, upholstery with velvet Top glass
      538 words
    • 678 20 WANTEO CHINESE DESPATCH CLERK, able to ride motor-cycle Apply personally to Room 504/506 Chinese Chamber of Commerce Building. 47 Hill Street. Singapore. APPLICANTS replying to Box numbers for Vacancies are requested not to enclose original copies of testimonials or reference* with their applications No responsibility can be accepted for their
      678 words
    • 732 20 IMMEDIATE VACANCY EXISTS for an air cargo clerk Preference will be given to applicants who have good knowledge of air cargo to handle aircraft operations at airport. Minimum qualification Senior Cambridge Please apply to S T, Box A ***** with telephone number If any Stock Brokering Firm require* OENERAL ANO
      732 words
    • 737 20 WANTBO SALESGIRLS for per--1 f umery counter* In departmental stores Applicants should be aged 18 25 and able to speak fluent English and Chinese. Attractive salsry snd commission Apply with photograph (nonreturnable) to Mark Tancock L Company Spore Pte Ltd. 301, Eng I Cheong Tower, 561 1 North Bridge Road
      737 words
    • 765 20 FORO MOTOR CO. PTB LTD 8* iiwlMtOH*. BukM Tlmah Road, tVaa.Ni We Invites young and energetic personnel to join us as ELECTRICIAN Craff Trade Certificate in electrical eMlneertng or equivalent Knowledge of electronic system and wiring diagrams Some working experience In related fields wUI be an advantage Please apply personally
      765 words
    • 785 20 URGENTLY NBBDBO PRIVATE CAR driver (Malay) must have 3 l'* T •KPerlence In drlvlnc Mercedes; 280 at least 6 years driving licence age 25-45 Call personally to 77. Changl Road Slngapore-14 DRIVER WANTED for Partner of Firm Please telephone ***** for Mr. Ow A large International group of companies has
      785 words
    • 726 20 ASSISTANT COOK (COFPBI LOUNGE), waitresses (bar and coffee house) and male/ female bartenders required. Write (enclosing photograph) or call personally 10 a m. to The Oeneral Manager. Ambassador Hotel. 42/ 46 Meyer Road. Spore 15. FACTORY OPERATIVES We are looking for young and hardworking men for the above position* Shift
      726 words
    • 794 20 DETACHED BUNGALOWS: Klngsmead Road $1,600. Seletar Hill* $1,000, Opera Estate $750; Semidetached Buklt Tlmah $1,500 Paslr Rls $700. Seletar Hills $600; Paya Lebar $600. Slglap $550: Flats Calrnhlll Court $2,500 Cavenagh House $1,600; Oolden Mile $1,600: Faber Hills $1,000 Serene Realty *****. *****3 DIST M 11. Jalan Kechubeng, 2 .storey
      794 words
    • 786 20 TOMLINSON ROAD. PARTLY FURNISHED execuuve apartment $1.--200. Cypress Avenue, singlestorey detached bungalow furnished $1,000: Jurong Park detached furnished bungalow $650. University Road doublestorey afnt-detached furnished $1,000 Bodmln Drive $450. New Century Company. *****5 *****2 OFF HOLLANO ROAD 2-storey semi -detached house $1000 near Watten Estate $850 Seletar Hills Estate Jalan
      786 words
    • 809 20 DISTRICT S JALAN JINTAN 2 bedrocmed furnished flat. Vacant possession Principals only. 8 T Box A *****. FRANKBL AVENUE (Changl Side), single storey detached bungalow. 4 975 sq ft 3 bedrooms Tel: *****2. AN OPPORTUNITY Economy with Style Small, neat, 3 bedroom flat lor the small modern family Situated in
      809 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 662 21 URGENTLY WANTED BUNGALOW or semi-detached houses preferably dlst. 9 Contact Mr Ooh *****9. Professional Man will consider purchasing single/ 2storey bungalow with minimum 20.000 30,000 sq ft In District 9, io or 11. {■reference to elejvsted site. Requirement for investment only Price must reflect current market value. Immediate payment. Write
      662 words
    • 359 21 3 OFFICES at International Plasa *****1 Miss Lira WABC TANJONG PAQAR Road i New B'llldlng to let Principals only Phone ***** office hourr INTERNATIONAL PLAZA Anson Road OFFICE/SHOPS TO LET For particulars, please call InlifMNsiial Awn Co Pto. Tetrpore 37*M8 FOR BALE OFFICE SPACE OoWhlll Shopping Centre. 1290 sc.ft and
      359 words
    • 368 21 i will waai «al«tbia tour including Pangkor Island staying Prince Hotel/ Penang/ Cameron Highlands (2 nights) Price Member 3130 non-members $140 Please contact Mode Circle Pte Ltd Tel: 9162*3/4 MODERN TOURS In ceaiyneaen wan MX) SCA INTERNATIONAL FIRST CLASS OSLUX COACH TOURS 1. Haedral/ Seagals 1 Days 8146 (Hotels: Sukhontha/
      368 words
    • 507 21 I MAS. CHARTER* LONOON $710. Europe $770. Australia $400. U.S.A./ Canada $1300, Tokyo/ Indonesia/ Bangkok. 36K, Pnnsep Street (opposite Cathay) Tel: *****/ 333*Ti/ *****1 JUMBO TOURS *IA 747 HONOKONO/ KOWLOON 8 DAYS $995 HONOKONO/ BANOKOK 8 DAYS $1060 18/3. 1/6, 5/6, HONOKONO/ TAIWAN/ HUALEIN (Allshan) 8 DAYS $1295 HONOKONO/ JAPAN/
      507 words
    • 748 21 NAM MO TRAVEL SERVICE (SINGAPORE) PTE. LIMITED. You West Malaysia seven day *****/-. air -conditioned bui Ml*?/-. Mslsy.l. fa o?nun Highlands by air -conditioned bui seven days B*l7o/-, Departure Every Sunday, Monday. Dunns Singapore School Holiday Departure Everyday Cameron Highlands Four days BSSO/-. Oentlng Highlands Four davi B*llo'-, 22/5/74. 20/5/74
      748 words
    • 826 21 STELLA D'ORO specialises In Tenderloin steak k delicious > Chinese food. We are also agenu > for Aladelphl cakes. 279 Orchard Road Tel: *****6 Spore. FRESH MUTTON SOUP with > Chinese herbs, kins slae oyster egg. yam rice served at Thomson Eating House. 924. Upper Thorn. son Road. 9* m.s
      826 words
    • 968 21 OUALIFV FOR A BETTER Job Britain's foremost correspondence school can help you qualify for a responsible well-paid job with Its outstanding success record, the school offers you the best possible training for a successful career. Complete home -study courses In Bookkeeping. Accountancy. Secretaryship. Banking. Commerce. Management. Established 60 years Write
      968 words
    • 1004 21 LATE ISM ROVER MMTC with AC radio and tape. Acrylic torquolse blue Tel ***** V *****8 I*M CORTINA STATIONWAOON 1 owner, excellent condition View 378. East Coast Road Tel *****9 I*7l ALFA ROMEO 17W Coupe 2 owners Immaculate condition Cassette/ alrcon. $Ii.OOO View BP 79. Holland Road i I*7* CITREON
      1,004 words
    • 634 21 IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE SEASON PARKING IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE SEASON PARKING $30/- par monat m Tone*! Snoaptng Centre Ring 37* 811 Hurry! Limned saecea •vaNaMe only. SENO FOR FREE "SINOAPORE MOTOR SPORT' and "BOWLINO L BILLIARD magazines from Forces Publications. 5751, Oolden Mile. Spore 7 You II like them BUDDHA AND HIS TEACHINGS".
      634 words
    • 801 21 SINCLAIR! SOCIAL ESCORT: A lovely lady will be your date, I Hurry" Don't make yourself fall behind Ring *****18 WE SUPPLY DATSUN PICKUP or Lorry to shift your offlct household equipments or cargoes. *****7 Spore. AH KIEW AIRCONDITIONINO REFRIGERATION Service specialist U»« sale, repairing, respraylng and rental Tel. ***** •ANITARV
      801 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 513 22 MSEEK A CARRER WIT!! MONSANTO Monsanto Electronics Sdn. Bhd. Located in Sun*ei Way, Malaysia requires: 1. Production Control Managers Degree, preferably a Masters in Business Administration/Engineering/ Accounting/Management. Good background in Manufacturing, Scheduling, Reporting and Material Control. Minimum experience: 2 years management position in large volume operation. 2. Production Managers Degree
      513 words
    • 497 22 ESTATE CHIEF CLERK An established international organisation responsible for developing and managing a substantial long-term beef cattle ranch in Pahang Sute in joint venture with Lembaga Kemajuan Pahang Tenggara an experienced estate chief clerk to assist th« project mac*ger. Age: 30 45 Qualification* Senior Cambridge Bookkeeping (LCC Advanced Level)
      497 words
    • 606 22 CARLSIERG tREWERY MALAYSIA •ERMAD. invites applications from Malaysian Otizens for the post of MECHANIC/ FITTER. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE 1. Ability to read and understand English technical literatures. 2. Minimum 3 years experience in maintenance and repair of forklifts. Preference will be given to candidates having experience oo Hyster Gas Operated
      606 words
    • 1687 22 TENDER NOTICE SABAH LAND DEVELOPMENT BOARD Civil and Building Worts for the Lahad Datu Palm Oil Bulking Installation Tenders from Contractors currently registered as Class B and above with the Public Works Department or who have undertaken works of similar nature are required to be delivered to reach the Tender
      1,687 words
    • 299 22 LEMBAGA LETRIK NBGARA TENDEK NOTICE JMK/TENDER NO. ***** SUPPLY OF ALUMINIUM CONDUCTORS Tenders are Invited for the supply of 2,000,000 yds each of Aluminium Conductors size 7/.083" and 7/. 044". Tenders are Invited ONLY from manufacturers or their accredited ajrents. Pull particulars and tender documents can be obtained from the
      299 words

    • 252 23  -  ERNEST FRIDA By I RATIONAL Olympic Council president Mr. E.W. Barker yesterday announced that Singapore would have a sports exchange programme with the AllChina Sports Federation. Mr. Barker, who Is also Minister for Law and National Development, said: "To start with Singapore's
      252 words
    • 74 23 10,000 enter soccer contest THE Singapore Football Team Contest. which Invited readers to select the Singapore team to meet Pahang In the key Malaysia Cup match against Pahang on Saturday, attracted 10.950 entries. Winners will get free return air tickets to the Cup Final donated by MAS, plus tickets to
      74 words
    • 295 23 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Pahang, who need only a draw to qualify for the Malaysia Cup semi finals, will settle for nothing less tran a win when they meet Singapore in the vital South zone soccer match at Singapore's National Stadium on Saturday.
      295 words
    • 175 23 ITNKNOWN Bobby Can U beat 39 other bowlers to take the lead In the semi-finals of the 1974 Cathay Padflc/Brunswlck Far East bowling tournament held at the Star Bowl. The finals will be olayed on May 26 at the Star Bowl. Bobby bowled a total 3.182 pin-falls
      175 words
    • 284 23 Havebange broke promise, says Rous RIO D* JANEIRO. Wed. Mr Stanley Rous, president of F.1.F.A.. tht Worlds governing soccer body, accused Joao Havelange. president of the Brazallan Sport* Confederation of having failed to keep his word. Mr Havelange had promised me twice, and in public, that be would not run
      284 words
    • 597 23  -  JOHN CHADWICK By Sweden can surprise the pundits SWEDEN'S world Cup soccer squad, still weakened by the absence of their top professional stars, are growing In confidence as they approach this year's finals in West Gerp»>" Ironically, their hopes have been boosted by defeat. They lost 2-0
      Reuter  -  597 words
    • 188 23 CEOUL. Wed. The defending rrv champions Cambodia drew with Japan 1-1 here today to advance to the final round of the fourth Presidential Cup Asian soccer tournament. Japan were eliminated as they lost their first match to hosts Korea 3-0 on Saturday and drew with
      188 words
    • 253 23  - Nor and Swee Lee are medal hopes at Manila ERNEST FRIDA By OPORTSMAN of the Year Nor Azahar Hamid and woman middle distance runner Chee Swee Lee are Singapore's chief medal hopes at the Pr ilipplnes Track and Field Championship at Manila starting tomorrow. They and three other athletes. Serjit
      253 words
    • 53 23 WEST BERLIN. Wed West German middleweight I boxer Eckharc Dagge. seeking a title fight with European Junior welterweight champion Jacques KechlchUn of France, streuhed his unbeaten record to 12 fight* when he beat Man-jel Gonzalez of I the United States on points I in a 10-round bout here
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 91 23 NEW YORK. Wed. Topseeded John Newcotnoe of Australia beat Mexico's Marcello Lara 6-3. 6-3 in the first-round of the Third Annual US$l5O,OOO ($3-5.0001 Alan King Tennis Classic at Nevada yesterday Othei- first round results Tom Okker (Holland) baa* Jim McManus (USA) 6-4 6-4; Harold Solomon (USA'
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 33 23 FOR HIRE P H 9125 127 Ton Truck Crane Max. Boom 300 ft. Height Interested please contact: Tel: *****4/*****1 CHIYOICHI-TTM (F.L) PTE. LTD 45, Goldhill Plaza, Singapore, 11. I .^gaUßßaassßßsßlM ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssfsßss^oHssssssssssi WW~ TsW
      33 words
    • 98 23 I FORD ESCORT TUDOR I on the road nett Bssssssss^^^MassssW excluding insurance I ESCORT TIOOL ESCORT 1300)0^ I $9,875 nett excluding insurance $10,620 fiett excluding insurance 1 ■> W'f%i asssssHssssssM W msV '1 1 I B*t SPECIAL TERMS n DOWN PAYMENTS Iff TOP TRADE-INS BNK FROM AS LOW AS $1,845/-
      98 words

    • 760 24  - 'Big 2' face threat in Joint Command EPSOM JEEP Tudor Horus Predator Tresor d'Or •Unescorted Monitor III •Global Affair Gopeng II Sentak Surla Purple Destiny Better Prosperity lOINT COMMAND II is back to his best after a brief lapse and can be a threat to the "Big Two," Sentak Bulan
      760 words
    • 422 24 qAKRJER draw far the weekead races at Bakit Time* SATURDAY: CLASS 1 DIV. t— SF: 4. S. 1. i. Is. 14. IS. I*. 12. 1. 17. 11, 12, i. It. OASS 1 DIV. 1 SF: 17, 14. I*. 1. 12. t. 2. 2. S, 7. 4. IS. 12.
      422 words
    • 88 24 PV)RMER top Sydney apr prentice Bill McClune. 23. has been Issued a rears licence by MRA and will be tiding at Buklt Tlmah this weekend. McClune. who will ride for Buklt Tlmah trainer Colin T jlloh. has ridden 360 winners In Sydney. Former champion Jockey Olyiin Pretty
      88 words
    • 30 24 ENTRIES are Invited for the Singapore Table Tennis Youth chan plot ships which co. mence on June 1. Wouldbe competitors arc requested to submit their entries before Monday.
      30 words
    • 357 24  -  By DENNIS CHIA rjtHOUSAND SPRINO 1 (late Aquamatlc), a three-year-old Romantic colt, has come with a record of four wins In Australia three of them over 6f and the other over It. He scored first time over 6f at Mornington. clocking lm 16| on a soft
      357 words
    • 378 24 Scots keep alive hope of winning British title rjLASGOW, Wed. World Cup finalists Scotland, surprisingly beaten 1-0 by Northern Ire land on Saturday, kept alive their hopes of wijmh\; the 1974 Brlti sh soccer championship with a 2-0 victory over Wales here last night. Both goals came in the first-
      Reuter  -  378 words
    • 259 24 f ON DON. Waa. Gar- don Jafa, who.* n*m« haa been linked wita the post af England* aaccer j— taid yesterday he had quit aa baaa af Queea't Pars Raacers. Jagv tald he would sUy with the Flnt Di*Waa dab far another week to clear up
      259 words
    • 113 24 CHINA EDGE JAPAN AT TABLE TENNIS HONO KONO. Wed. China, Yugoslavia. North Korea and Japan won their matches on the opening day of a five-nation table-tennis competition at Peking, the New China News Agency reported today. The four countries, along with Sweden, are playing their matches at the Peking's Indoor
      Reuter  -  113 words
    • 82 24 NIW YORJC. Wed. Remits of yesterday* 'nt^ill fUMs: National Leagaa: Chicago 7 Pittsburgh 1. Montreal 9 Philadelphia 2, San Francisco 4 Cincinnati 0 New York v St. Louis (poatponedi. Los Angeles 1 Houston 0. Atlanta 3 San Diego 2. Amer in a I tapai r.» Nt City
      82 words
      • 285 24 I AM curious to know what eventually happened to Sheldon Oeyer Remember him? Did he continue to ride after an Incident at Buklt Tlmah In October. 1960. Arthur Ward. Athol Mulley. Laurie BUlett. Ruas Maddock. S. Mlllbanks and T. Mortimer It has been
        285 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 302 24 sharpen up your Bahasa Malaysia f AY'BeLUMKAH jM Pronouns are among the hardest things to get right in Bahasa Malaysia. They are particularly intricate in conversation where an error could mortally offend someone. So although you are not likely to be writing much dialogue for the MCE examination, I feel
      302 words

    • 667 25  -  JOE DORAI By Everton's Royle and company fail to please FVERTON'S store were dimmed badly last night by Coventry, who won the opening match of the Anchor Soccer Festival by 2-1 at the National Stadium. Their million-dol-lor players, Joe Royle, George Tefler and Mick Buckley, all failed to
      667 words
    • 418 25 FAS sets sights on Olympic Games TOOTBALL Assor elation of Singapore is aiming to compete in the 1976 Olympic Games In Montreal, reports JOE DORA I FAS deputy chairman N. Oanesan said this at yesterday's Lion's Club luncheon meeting. He said: "We have definite plans for a team to compete
      418 words
    • 229 25 FAS officials were all ■mile* yesterday. They were able to persuade the employers of centre half Urn Teng Sal to release him far centralised training in preparation for Saturday's Malaysia Cap match ag«inst Pahang at the National Stadium, report-* JOE I DORAI Teng Sal la a
      229 words
    • 29 25 MADRID, Wed. The Argentine National soccer team played a 0-0 tie with Granada in :t; tint European game In preparation (or the World Cup here yeeterday DPI.
      29 words
    • 258 25 Ban Chew forced to concede Ist round match rP-SEEDED Tan Ban Chew conceded a walkover to Jufrl Jurami in the opening round of the men's singles In the Singapore Badminton Association'? Junior Championship which began at Gulllemard Road last night, reports Peter Slow. Ban Chew conceded his match as he
      258 words
    • 20 25 METAL Box held Tulip SC to a 1-1 draw In a friendly soccer match at Balestler Road yesterday.
      20 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 302 25 Do all Kawasaki Steel customers look alike? f As a matter of fact the V dont (except for that smile of M I Sr^s^jy^OT 1 contentment) That's why we are oriented to the individual M m f^^SflKStJ--^ customer And that's why the steel we supply differs from m m m.
      302 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 67 25 BADMINTON Junior championships (OulUemaid Rd 7 pm). SOCCER PDAWU League: Mandarin LadyhlU (Tangiln 6. 1S pm) Prlendlies: Pederal Publications v Port Warehousing Bti»h-ea (Dover Rd. $15 pm): University's SUlf v OCBC's Staff (Bt Tlmah 5 lb pm) ■QUASH SSRA League C Grade SAPSA 3 v SAPSA 3 i Holland Rd):
      67 words

  • 205 26 CWENTRx* City, one of the three English professional soccer Clubs competing in the Anchor Soccer Festival here, last night kept their golden tour role of goal getting when they beat Everton 2-1 at the National Stadium. But the 25.M* football fans, who had atreamed Into the
    Mak Klan Seng ahowa Mick Lyons of Everton heading powerfully with the bail rebounding off Coventry defender Graham Oakey left  -  205 words
  • 240 26 Killers of Sentosa victims of same gang PLICE believe that the killers of the 14 murder victims skeletons were recovered from Sentoaa belonged to the aame gang and that they knew the Island well. Sources pointed out that It was extremely unlikely that different gangs would pick the same
    240 words
  • 92 26 LONDON, Wed. Britain's foreign trade deficit decreased sharply last month despite a further rise In the cost of Important oil, the Oovernment announced today The unexpectedly good April trade figures showed a deficit of £301 million (8*2.2 billion) compared with a record £453 million (852.6
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 334 26 T QWDON. Watf —TIM MMt BMTket clom*: quietly aim to4ay U4 at ap in tke riaaaatal Tlaaaa Maam w.j up 4 < te MO Teateriay'a apeeab by the CteaeaUor at Urn Bkakeejaer ea eVren-■Mt-iadeatry ac eaerait— >■»■« natlanal. awn* aaewlattve kajrlac ■>aa« ef the trade fliur*. ni ala*
    334 words
  • 31 26 IiOHDOM. WW-Bfat MM. eaOUaill MM Jaljr MM. Km Jair/Bajt. mi*, oat/ oh jufium are*. A#ni thnt n T». iaty/Beat. 8T O«L/Dw. MM Oeaaeal e>f: J*M MM. J«U MM MMket: SaJat.
    31 words
  • 28 26 UKOXm. Wee. bbm kavara aero (—mm, im— turn (—Ma). Pfcrwtf* karera tMO» aetlera {Ml* <—4M» eniniiai oem oe> t^— »i a.aa. *M MM) *M Maa. T»aw mm**
    28 words
  • 52 26 SBOUL Wed Ant^iretmft funa around Urn praaidenUal Bine Houae mansion bare fired warning ahou m two unidentified aircraft approacbed the flight control aim of the eepttal attar today, tb* PTMtdentlaJ Office waaiiai. The PraatdenUal Offict did not mention the natto— llty, trp* and aaoHnattun of the
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 27 26 MB A.m.. KMMMAN (ntin* ■mv, OMy mmtm—nrrwo nil. eraare) a* P»Ja>iaetia. f%i»va*e. Qaliea. »■■■< mr let* Me* at Trr»»j»tnam BMrtll erf ■a— jajaaAy Kea**aa\, 9 eaAaibaaea) KoW
    27 words
  • 24 26 LONDON. Wed. ViceAdm Sir Edward EvanaLombe who organised the re-occupation of Hongkong after the Pacific War. died yesterday, aged 73. Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
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    • 131 26 fqppprjfppi* (MADE IN GERMANY) WORLDWIDE TRANSISTOR PORTABLE RADIOS WITH NO LIMITS GALAXY MESA 9000/Starao With 17 Wavebands, md 11 bandipread SW Bands. AM, FM, 0 LW. 3 SW Bands from 1.58 19.0 MHz, Modern Slide Controls. 69 Sol id State Devices md. F.E.T. It Mesa Transistors. Stereo Decoder, BFO for
      131 words
    • 397 26 9 H ptrM fxtrs rty p staU Hf I afri BBaIMTB f*»«r BBBBBBk^^ ./*Baßsflaßßßal Y*?9 feakw. Tn 1) Graat Time Saver extremely speedy 2) Forge-Proof imprints perforated words figures 3) Unique Repeat Control able to print same amount of figures repeatedly 4) Remarkable Efficiency no usual writing mistakes 5) Awarded
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