The Straits Times, 14 May 1974

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 OTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 250,000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
    21 words
  • 383 1 50 with placards calling him 'Killinger' Taunted before meeting with Golda andteam JERUSALEM, Monday TAUNTED by a chorus of protesting demonstrators, Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger held the first of two meetings with Israeli leaders today on bridging the negotiating gap with Syria over
    Reuter; NYT; UPI  -  383 words
  • 41 1 LONDON. Man Prim* Minister Harold Wlmoo Mid today British security force* In Northern Ireland hay« uneanhed a plot by tit* Irish Republican Army (ERA) to leise oertaln densely populated ipmu of Belfast and IU IHhMIBI UPI.
    UPI  -  41 words
  • 188 1 PLANE HIT BY SOVIET-MADE MISSILE BEIRA (Mosamblque). Mon. Gen. Francisco da Costa Gomes. Chief of-Stafl of the Portuguese armed forces, con Armed today that a Soviet made 8 t re 1 1 a ground-to-air missile hit a military plane flying over northern Mozambl que last week. The general said that
    Reuter  -  188 words
  • 115 1 Cut-up body: Woman charged with murder A HOUSEWIFE was yesterday charted In the First Magistrate's Comrt with the murder of Madam Kwek Lee En*. S3. whose dismembered body was found In several places lr Singapore last Saturday. 81m Jo* Keww, 44. faces a tenti tive charge ef murdering Madam Kwek.
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  • 52 1 Thai princess visits Russia MOSCOW. Moo. Thai Princess Kalayanl Wat Una arrived In Moaoow yesterday for an unofficial etgbt-day visit to the Soviet Union. Tact reported The princess, elder sister of King Bhumlbd of Thailand! was greeted by Mikhail Oeortadst. aacretary of Urn Presidium of U* Supreme Soviet, and other
    AP  -  52 words
  • 29 1 LAOO6. lion Otar SM Mgarlaaa ha*e been MpatM frost Sudan aloof with e4k*r forrtcn Africans In a eras*. down an alien*, the Ucos Sunday Tune reported A*.
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  • 136 1 Ford: House may charge Nixon WASHINGTON. Monday VICE-PRESIDENT Gerald Ford said today he expected the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee to recommend the imoeachment of dent Nixon. But be predicted that the full House would not support the tieomawwInterview about Mr. Nixon's ch»n«i of Impeachment, Mr. Ford Mid he estimated
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  • 114 1 OOHQKONO. If on II China said today a strode earthquake which rockad south western parts of the country last week caused "toast* In liTes and livestock" and "varyinf degrees of damage" to houses. The report, carried by the official New China News Agency, was
    114 words
  • 61 1 MANILA, Mon President Marcoa baa formed a Consultative OouncU of Muslim atadtri to heap formulae government policy. particularly on dsvetoptuM the predominantly Muslim Mindanao Island in the southern Philippine*, the Government announced today. Mr. Marcos eald the mm ni part of efloru to achieve national
    AP  -  61 words
  • 27 1 TOKYO. Mob. Japanese Emperor Hirohlto planted rice in his palace today aa annual uanumny calling lor a food ha; nest In the year ahead— PPl.
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  • 122 1 Rodgers due here for defence talks LONDON, lion. Brii tain s Minister of BUU (or Defence, Mr. William Rodgers, wtll rly to South-east AaU tomorrow for talks with Commonwealth government leaders on Britain plans to cut its overseas defence commitments Informed sources said. There are persistent reports that the 10-week
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  • 45 1 BANOKOK. Mon. The decision by ministers of the Asaodatton of South-east Asian nations (Aasen) to site the organisations headquarters In Jakarta la a tacit acknowledgement that Indonesia la the dominant force in the region, the Bangkok World said today —Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 24 1 CARNARVON i Western Australia), Mon. The pUot and a passangi were killed when thetr atagis-engtae*! Cessna aircraft crashed near her* Saturday neuter.
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 57 1 CARACAS. Man. An exptaatan severely damaged two sms pipeline* belonging to the Mans Orande OU Company. a subsidiary of Oulf OU Company, near the oil team of S3 Tlere tn eastern Venesueja. Caracas newspaper! Several of the oil company's nearby drilling oparatsans were halted boaauae of
    57 words
  • 38 1 BERLIN. Mon. The Western silled smlia— artnn to Watt Oormany attended a wreath laying ceremony yesterday at West Berlin's Airlift Memorial on the 26th anniversary of the end of the Soviet btockatfe of the city —OK.
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  • 416 1 Pinning down drug abuse in youths HOME AFFAIRS MINISTRY SETS UP COMMITTEE THE Ministry of Home Affairs last night announced the setting up of a seven-member committee to study and identify the reasons for growing drug abuse among youths and to recommend effective counter measures. A ministry statement sa.d that
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  • 155 1 Grenade attack on Johore police station KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. _-A hand grenade was lobbed into a police station in Ayer Ritam last night, damaging the rear portion of the station. None of the policemen lnsiae was Injured. Johore Chief Police Officer Senior Asst. Commissioner Zamanl bin Abu Samah said today
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    • 58 1 NEW DELHI. Maav— —India's striking rail unions backed down slightly today In their confrontation with rrusK Minister Indira Gaa4hl as the Government claimed It waa gradually restoring train services despite the ate-day-eld walkeat. The unions said they would be ready to negotiate even before tha— ands
      58 words
    • 65 1 MILAN, M— w Egypttaa PiisHiil Anwar Sadat was •••ted to day as saying Egypt waa ready to negotiate ••ewe sirdars with Israel perhaps thr— gh a deamUltartaed aa— under the condition of a return to the ltd Wntors. In an Interview with Milan weakly Epeca Mr.
      AP  -  65 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 58 1 PPf**su*W ll -^ROLEX SALES SERVICE is at 73 Robinson Road Now serving the garden city... JAL's 747 Garden Jet U^r 4M rf m iA -Am > aut^ )eparting Singapore rbr"ibkyo via Bangkok every Tuesday and Thursday at 900 a.m. W new farjBrt him important you are ULAPAN AIR LJNES Anson
      58 words
    • 223 1 1 1| CROCKETT JONES NORTHAMPTON t NCI AMD SENTOSA SKELETONS: IT'S MURDER Page 9 SOVIET baf»in| the new spy scandal S HAWKERS UM: Be eteaa or lam DRUGS: Over S* will not ke spared 7 DEATH In a coffee house f LEVERS on why Lax Is us by t cents
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  • Straits Times World News
    • 347 2 Bonn code machine tampered with BONN, Monday ANOTHER incident of attempted high level communist spying on West Germany came to light n the midst of continuing scandal over the East German spy that led to Chancellor Willy Brandt's resignation. A Bonn Government spokesrtan said
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    • 243 2 CONNALLY NAMED IN MILK POLL FUNDS WA SHINCTON. Mon— The name of former Secretary of the Treasury John B. Onaally was reportedly Involved In a hurried effort by dairy co-operative leaders to raise UBSSM.tM (SSSaMM) or BMtre overnight for President Nixon's re-election campaign after a White House meeting In ltTl
      UPI  -  243 words
    • 211 2 PACT ON NEW BONN CABINET, POLICY BONN. Mon. West German Chancellordesignate Helmut Schmidt announced last night that the country's governing coalition parties had reached "agreement In principle" on the make-up of a new Cabinet and Its Government profr-^rnme. The louncement came si ys after the shock n> Agnation of Mr.
      211 words
    • 356 2 I 1 PEKING, ttton. r*KOTSBE Vice Premier Tent Hsiao -ping has Indicated that China 1* now willing to recognise Bangladesh Mr. Teng was speaking yesterday at a banquet for the Prime Minister of Pakistan. Mr. Zulnkar All Bhutto. He was standing in for Premier
      Reuter  -  356 words
    • 36 2 I. front bT .amw ikr«« TeTo^t 3, •Unlfl«aat adc* MtwUc ?j<|/,|| J^r^-'^rxi 1 "»rla»ary" vote alckl 4»ra M* T** M^ii-*rf tkasr rfv»fcj »nd lefi tk«aa atoaM fc> tM AcM Beater
      36 words
    • 313 2 CAIRO. Mon. Egypt today categorically rejected a Libyan overture for a normalisation of relations between tl c two countries, the ofncl 1 Middle Bast Neus Agency reported. The agency carried an omclal statement attributed to a responsible Egyptian source a few hours
      Reuter  -  313 words
    • 40 2 LAB VBOAS. lion. Plnfllhwn using helicopters and buUdoson Uie ywuniay oonUliud a 1 JM-acra tin In th« Santa Fa national fore* which cauMd mort than UBSI million i 852.5 million) damage to Umber and watenhed raawircoi UPI.
      UPI  -  40 words
    • 181 2 RABIN TO FORM HIS GOVT THIS WEEK JERUSALEM. M 0 n. premie r-deslgnate YiUhak Rabin today was confident of forming a government this week, out he might only have a majority or one or even a minority government with an uncertain lifespan. Leaders of his Labour Party were predicting be
      Reuter  -  181 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 592 2 [GRAND EUROPEAN TOUR FROM DEPARTURES EVERY SATURDAYS FROM 20th APRIL to 23rd NOV. for other TOURS and more details, please write or call us for a free BROCHURE INTERNATIONAL AIR TRAVEL AGENCY 217. East Coast Road. 12-14. Argyll Street. Singapore 15. Uaafci Wl. Tel: *****7/*****0- Tel: 01-437-1182/8267 I the Straits
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    • 212 3 'LIFE AND DEATH' FOR JAPAN TO HAVE BIG FRIENDS KYOTO, Mon. Japanese Foreign Minister Masayosht Ohlra said here today that friendly relations with Japan's giant neighbours on both sides of the Pacific were a matter of life and death for this country. Mr. Ohlra was speaking at the opening of
      Reuter  -  212 words
    • 67 3 CAIRO. Mon.— The American navy's amphibious assault ship Inchon arrived In Egyptian territorial waters today to replace Its sister ship Iwo Jlraa as the base for clearing the Suez Canal of mines. An American spokesman said the Inchon was anchored near Iwo Jlma at a
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    • 29 3 KATMANDU. Mon Two Japanese climbers and two Slierpas have been Injured on the 25.2»4-feet (1.710 metre) Mount Jannu In eastern Nepal, the Pbrelgn Ministry said today— Reutei.
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 37 3 JAKARTA. Mon. The state-owned oil company Pertamlna has announced the discovery of two new oil wei!* In Bast Kalimantan capable of producing 1.448 barrel. of oil and 1. 837.500 cubic feet of gas dally.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 440 3 Plan for space colony of 2,000 NEW YORK. Monday CONFERENCE of physicists, astronauts and space flight technologists discussed the likelihood and desirability of establishing self sufficient human colonies in space last week. The conferees were Invited to Princeton University by Dr. Gerard K. O'Neill, professor of physics there, to discuss
      440 words
    • 46 3 ATHKN& Mob. Mr euro Aftwm, former OS Viov-PTMtdrat «jnv«d h«re from New York reaUrda; for prl»»U vtsU to Qrmcm Dunne w» Mr Agntm Is Mcpactad to visit Urn sull township or Oanrattanol. in Uw P»topniiiKM. the ptaoa where hu father iv born. Itoultr.
      46 words
    • 221 3 DIVORCE: ITALIANS CAST THEIR VOTES r.ME. Mon. Italians should know by tonight whether they can still divorce each other, or if their marriages are to remain lifelong bonds. So far, some 78 per cent of the country's 37.5 million voters have cast ballots in a referendum which will decide the
      UPI  -  221 words
    • 41 3 HONGKONG, lion. Police seised 30 pounds of heroin and 100 pound* of barbttone worth HK4400.000 1 8*300.000 > here yesterday. Two people were arrested and will be charged with possession of dangerous drugs for unlawful trafficking Reuter.
      Reuter  -  41 words
    • 50 3 BANGKOK. Mon A committee examining the frosen assets of three ousted military leaden who are living abroad jerterrtay revealed that they left behind a total of more than one billion bant < B*l2o million' in cash and pupeity and did not pay tax during the last five
      50 words
    • 52 3 TARRAOONA (Spain) Mon— Police yesterday announced the arrest of 1* alleged communists, including several women and a former priest. They were accused of causing recent labour troubles In this Catalan province and of aggression against a municipal policeman on May l Subversive pamphlets were seised, police
      52 words
    • 47 3 WASHINGTON. Mon. A new computerised navy gun designed to shoot down incoming enemy buss bombs showed a disturbing tendency to train Itself on friendly veestls and even nearby Islands in recent tesu and thus is "worse than useless Res, Lea Aapin (Democrat) charged yesterday. UPI.
      UPI  -  47 words
    • 207 3 SAIOON, Mon Peace In Vietnam depends On a correct Implementation of the Paris peace agreement and not on any other accord to benefit the communists, the South Vietnamese Oovernment spr.tesman said today. Commenting on local press speculation about Press speculation about U8
      Reuter  -  207 words
    • 311 3 Crackdown on 'Red propaganda' PHNOM PENH, Monday PRESIDENT Lon Nol went on national radio and television last night to dispel rumours about a big new recruitment drive paid for with American money. The President said he had ordered the arrest of groups
      Reuter; UPI  -  311 words
    • 42 3 ARDLUI (Scotland). Mon. —A school bus crashed M feet down onto a railway line killing three children and a teacher, police said. Thirty other children and t He criers were injured, a ponce spokesman said.— UPl
      42 words
    • 48 3 JAKARTA. Mon. K modem tourist hotel will be built by the side of a lake In Jaympur, capital of Irian Jaya (formerly West Irian), the official Antara news agency reported here yesterday The report did not say when work would start on Uie hotel —neuter 'll
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • Briefs
      • 33 3 MOSCOW: Gavlriel 80perfln, a dissident who •nee worked as a reMtnktt for banished author Alexander 8dshenltsyn told a Surttt court today he did not rerard his activities as wrong, according to dissident Doorces.
        33 words
      • 37 3 BELFAST The extremist Provisional wing of the Irish Republican Army has launched an Internal spy hunt for an Informer wnose tip led to the capture on Friday of the group's Belfast Brigade commander, IRA sources said today.
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      • 33 3 SAN FRANCISCO: Newspaper publisher Randolph Hearst said yesterday he is neither surprised nor encouraged by reports that a bloodhound led agents to a hiding place bear Ing the scent of his kidnapped daughter.
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      • 49 3 PARI8: A still-secret report on the fatal crash of the Tupolev 144 80vlet supersonic Jetliner on June 3. 1973 at Le Bourget airport Indicates Its crew handled It so recklessly during a spectacular demonstration the day before that Its controls were worn out. Le Journal Du Dlmanche said yesterday.
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      • 24 3 LUSAKA: President Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia broke down and wept today as he attacked apartheid at a meeting of 5M Airican church leaders.
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      • 27 3 NICOSIA: Greek Cypriot newspapers Joined today to warn Cyprus President Archbishop Makarlos to take urgent action to prevent his reportedly Imminent overthrow by military Junta in Greece
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      • 36 3 MADRID: Eight youths forced their way Into a cinema last night and tried to steal the reels of a Spanish movie containing a scene satirising the right-wing Fatange movement, the uewipapti Hoja De Danes said today.
        36 words
      • 35 3 HARTFORD: Motorcycle enthusiasts, among them members of groups like the "Hell's Angels," burned a helmet in the Connecticut State Capitol parking lot today to protest a new law requiring them to wear the protective headgear.—Agencies
        Agencies  -  35 words
    • 196 3 RUSSIA'S WOMAN MINISTER TO BE REPLACED? Vf OSCOW. Mon. TeiTX knterlna Purtseva, the Minister of Culture and Dollttcally the most prominent woman In the Soviet Union, has apparently been na*sed over for renomlnation to the Supreme Soviet In the current elections. The elections are important as indicators of the relative
      196 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 36 3 CiiniiiiHjaH \h cntKij \vitl\, Ik» im»ui»sl sr-t siren. Hk^ivh mil much i^hi can add exwpt jjiMir inuif)inalNM|. __4isgßsftjj| "inolta Minolta MINOLTA SINGAPORE (PTE)LbMITED Tong Fong Btdg sth Fir. 52-€ Chin Swm Rd., Singapore 3. T«l *****1
      36 words
    • 269 3 CAN YOU EAT so many fruits? Htoee(filCEE)/ "'i? 3 equals the X" A I Pears Vitamin C V* J content of S Mandarins JPfersimmons Oranges Lemons Apples I A jm ■Strawberry For good health, clear skin, extra energy and resistance to colds, the whole family needs caries Winder Tonic with
      269 words

    • 117 4 Curfew after 75 hurt in clashes NEW DELHI. Mon. A curfew was Imposed m the town of Monghyr In Bihar state today after violent clashes between opposing political groups In which 75 people Including the union Deputy Education Minister were Injured. The minister. Mr. DJ\ Yadav. mi at the bead
      Reuter  -  117 words
    • 279 4 LISBON, Mon.—Portugal's new military Junta, on the verge of appointing a civilian Provisional Government here, has met with Its first angry reaction from White settlers to its offer to guerillas of a ceasefire offer without surrender In the country's African territories. Thousands of angry
      Reuter  -  279 words
    • 180 4 TEL AVIV. Men. Dr Nahnm Goldmann. president of the World Jewish Congress, said yesterday the Soviet Union was prepared to establish unofficial Ues with Israel before a peace agreement was reached with the Arab com n tries. Dr. Goldmann told a Press conference the Soviet Union was
      180 words
    • 251 4 TOKYO. Monday fHE ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) yesterday hung onto its slender seven-seat majority in the Upper House of the Diet by winning an important by-election victory in Kochi prefecture. LDP-backed Mr. Yu Hayashi, 49, defeated the candidate of the Japan Solcialist Party
      UPI  -  251 words
    • 20 4 •Mcr a UajsJiit today, hrinsinc the s*«lk tan to S*.. l^ L** «W *-»le were still
      20 words
    • 131 4 RAMMING OF BOATS: CHINA WARNS S. KOREA HONGKONG. Mon. China today warned Bouth Korea that its fishing boats must lm mediately stop Interfering with Chinese fisher men. The warning was contained In a New China news agency report monitored here which al leged South Korean yea sels had recently "brazenly
      Reuter  -  131 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 193 4 t it* £f I x a/" \ik- _^^M M N£ HHksH A^^^^^^^i^^Ls^sW^sA 1 1 i 1 fc 3-T Wm Tip" ii mm iMafTfi^alaßsl I***- --v.~. < W f *Hsy ■^fcr^^^J^M^ Wn^n^nl aH^^al Mil '^Ss9sk^ fcV- < l w J Im I *1 A ■Hft 1. a^B> I T^ s^B^B^B^B^afl^^B^ni^nl B^aßaiß^B^nWi
      193 words

  • 283 5 fHE Minister for the Environment, Mr. Lim Kirn San, yesterday warned hawkers and food handlers to practise personal hygiene when preparing food or stem would be taken to withdraw their licences. This warning came after the Ministry confirmed another case of cholera,
    283 words
  • 141 5 Imposters pull off $118 hold-up HPHREE men, posing as ■L detectives, robbed a 22-year-old welder of $48 and a gold ring and watch together worth $70 while he was walkIng along Home Road, off Kallang Road, on Saturday. Lam Sooi Seng, of Home Road, was returning home at about 11
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  • 244 5 THK working of the NTI C wages council research section is being studied hv Asian labour leaders who are keen to adapt certain features of it for their own countries. The leaders, who attended the ICFTU-ARO seminar here last week, were given a
    244 words
  • 59 5 SHIPYARD BREAK-IN: $3,000 LOSS THIEVES broke into Robin Shipyard at Tanjong Rbu Road on Saturday and stole S3.OM worth of welding cables. A shipyard worker. Wong Seng Huat. 30, discovered the theft at 8 a.m. the next day. In another theft. Ng Thin Wah, 29, lost $2,500 in jewellery and
    59 words
  • 68 5 Jail, rotan for having opium PAINTER Urn Tee Tee. 36. was sentenced to four years Jail and four strokes of the rot an yesterday for drug trafficking He pleaded guUty to trafficking in 10 slabs of raw opium weighing 30 kilogrammes at Ylo Chu Kang Road at about 645 pjn.
    68 words
  • 62 5 THI Singapore Institute of Management will conduct a coune on Company Law at Its oonfereno* room, third floor Thong Tack Building In Sootu Road, from May 20 to July IT between 630 p.m and IN pm The course to be held •vary Wednesday will coat
    62 words
  • 51 5 THi cas* against Abdw Rahlm bin Bnbi. 11. charged with raping a woman in a womn'fl tolkt at Bock Chuan comiHttPtty centre. Tt)a Payoh, on Aprl. 1. w*e yesterday fixed for further mention in the am Magistrate's court on May JO Bail of HOMO was
    51 words
  • 141 5 CONFUSION, SO OIL FIRM MAY CHANGE ITS NAME rjiHE Credit Sulsse Oil A (Brunei) Ltd. might change its name "to avoid confusion" with Credit Bul s s c (Swiss Credit Bank) in Singapore, according to Its secretary Syed Anwar Effendl, yesterday. Syed Anwar said the company's directors would meet soon
    141 words
  • 34 5 PARLIAMENTARY Secretary (education) Mr Ahmad klattar will open the consumer bulk purchasing ierv.ce branch of the Singapore Teacher* Uulti-Purpoat Cooperative Society LW. at the Hitltute of Education on Saturday at 11 am
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  • 266 5 Clamp on nopermit Malaysia registered cars rE Registry of Vehicles has berun rounding op motorists driving Malaysian-re-gistered ears without permits. It Is understood that 31C Singaporeans and 14 Malaysians have been booked so far and are to be prosecuted soon. The law requires owners of Malaysian-register-ed cars to have vehicle
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  • 62 5 All you want to know about your job THE Supervisory and Management Training Association of Singapore will hold courses on Job method, Job safety. Job relations and Job Instruction next month. A coune on telephone bahavlour and efficiency will also be held at the Ringapor* Professional Centi* conference room, from
    62 words
  • 75 5 MADAM Ng Ah Ctaee, 36. a mother of three children, fell to her death from the eighth floor of Block 142. Lorong IA, Toa Payoh, yesterday erenln*. Her husband. Mr. Ong Tow Leng, 40, a wlreman said he was at work when
    75 words
  • 211 5 NWC'S 1974 award out by end of month NATIONAL Wages Council recommendations for this July's wage Increases should be out by the end of this month. Well-informed sources said that the basic recommendations have been drawn up, and it only remained for the NWC to cross the Ts and dot
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  • 58 5 TWO former political detainee*. Mr Vaau Katr and Ulji 81m Teong Hlok. said In a statement yeaterday that they would not comply with any of the conditions tmpoiad on them on their reThe police statement at the time of their releat on May 9 had mU
    58 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 397 5 AUSTRALIA FOR SALE By Private Treaty DREDGE PATTERNS. DRAWINGS and TOOLING In part or as a whole Under instructions from J.H. Jamison. Esq.. t Official Liquidator of G.H. J A WATSON PTY. LTD. (in liquidation). Offers are invited from interested persons or Corporations for detailed plans and specifications to all
      397 words
    • 326 5 Here's your chance to I sample one of I B V^^H Switzerland's most famous and successful g-^g-^»« cosmetics Juvena. L^^9 I Normally this exclusive fl I Juvena skin-care trio fl "~~"~""""^wl I would have cost you SIS Juvena cosmetics. NOW V fedfl c most ov n B care I I
      326 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 263 5 Straits Times Crossword IDo awaV^i a«_ SSSSTSy left by hla mixture <7>. 7 Sweet on the crest of the S Abstain* from chew we hill' it* tripe! <i> onianlasd (7). I put apirH In pottery for 10 Metal guide (4). prosperity (7) 11 Respectfully relent very 9 Equivocate and avoid
      263 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 275 6 V^VkrVa^rvwv^VaVwv^sv*^Vavvw^vvVa^VaV^ < «VB^ I LAST 2 DAYS!" SSSTaSSW S jADWISSION: Adults $2.oo •Children $140.; TANG LAN HUA YANG CHUN BW*2£ LTED j%^ j A lUt4irii Fib h C«isf Sc»y WUi r^ A tatoi^ CATHAY: NEXT CHANGE! Drenched in Barbaric Terror! Raging with Brutal Passions! _fl E| J| ■K aBBk *i.
      275 words
    • 374 6 fA* i^P"JrH w an^SHl'a^FVjrvCaP/ AfrJH aaT ((HOWPC jflH^N aaaff S^bbb^bbb^ •wtffcaßßßßßm bbbi rOy J»A Nw J —^laia. a» »__<-«- r **MTbM ia Blrti«d Fia-n-rIL ii ••a^Ba* *aj)^ißßj fOBB. BM VU f^Bßi rffBBBMi y^f J^>, aVhS^aewrOTßßniQlelkm /^Yj 55\ c Cmrb to a fkaaa^ai r.-_ut. V^ yk/yY^awajajCMUf »CA— j jiiMhaa irWa.^J j^<
      374 words
    • 368 6 I 4WINNER 1 BB^Bn MBBaßa&^^^aaaa* //^^^/jfcj,,fP*y\ FWEtLrST' Witho JH BbW^Vbl I V ■e__i afaBB^BBJ Li*dV.\ i fTaWOrr I IJ 7Vi JOB tjdai afar nbbV W^W' S-p WK J BBBBBV BE IV V tX I Bl af RUJL IH KRT INCWHUIM RFDrORD ROBtRTMI\H A G€OoG£ PC* HU FILM [m me sriNG~
      368 words
    • 84 6 wmmumm I-Wllla'ild'iwl ti Em: Chair I SAFE CABTNET ladt.tdual Irx-ka A^^B VlalMa m^^V^ Racordara I H»MI SAFK Paper Sfcraddar^^^ I Cola CovMer Slaal Deak Am! Tvpiat Chair Hydrolic Draftnan a Chair UnUr Door Sale u tty inauUtad aaaaw ci»at. I |r^K I jffc- Door Ras i let— Ofci lewtniSf IV
      84 words
    • 350 6 I 3 GREAT COPS... first "BULUH" tien "DIRTY HARRY" aid now "McQ" I tkc cop bo one «> m can stop... not £&i jLpß^BeYeitkecopslflK V«aaa\ I I Baaatßat^ tMMaW amfcatJUM C(ll»(Im J HIB!*CLia JqW *MMiU v o*«^ «•■>' •••b iin naaMCa^at j TODAY ONLY AT LIDO a 5 SIOVS AT
      350 words
    • 669 6 VWV\rVaVVVAVrfVNrVVW%-A Ux CATHAY %|CJKANnATIIN •T lU^iisUiiejßßWaaßUUl LAST 2 DAYS' j I Ii 2 Show* 7.00 ft »30 am. i Ji JILTEO" m Mandann > I Tang Lan Mm Yang Chur i I 2 C<*orScop* a Engkah Sutxnias J» OPtNS TMU<«SOAY' i I I .n CANTONCSC Oeloou* 1 TMi lITTLJ MAM.
      669 words

  • 506 7  - OVER-50s WON'T BE SPARED CHRISTINA CHEANG IN THE RELENTLESS DRUGS WAR... By ALD AGE is no ground for defence in the current relentless war against narcotics in Singapore. Even grandparents who got hooked on opium half a century ago when opium smoking among both rich and poor Immigrants was like
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  • 188 7 LETTERS THAT HOLD UP THE WORKS... THE General Post Office yesteraay urgea tne public to use stanaara size envelopes tor their letters to help speea up tne delivery of mail. A OPO spokesman said standard size envelopes could facilitate tne speedy handling and stacking of mall as the postal services
    188 words
  • 323 7 After 25 years, KL takes over I /CONTROL of the Flight L Information Region (FIR), which has been in Singapore's hands ior the past 2z years, will soon pass over to Malaysia T. transfer will U c ace in two ph**c later -.hi? year a: year. AU planes flying 20.000
    323 words
  • Article, Illustration
    88 7 rfO naval cadet* from Singapore have won top prizes at the Royal Naval Collete In Dartmouth In Britain. They are Yip Eng Poo (left), who won first prise in the professional seamanship section and second prise la the academic section, and Hung Eng Ong (second from right)
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  • 369 7 A MOTHER of three, married for nearly 30 years, told the High Court yesterday that her husband left her for good 14 years ago after quarrels over his going out with other women. Tan Eng Llan. who married her husband. Ang Thtam Kuan. In 1944,
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  • 36 7 LOCAL d aching manufacturers have ■p to Jane 1 to submit their prototypes of metric calibrated darning* to the Metrication Board They can atoo submit mi gesAJons on the sue of other lnstnunentsu
    36 words
  • 100 7 Bargirl who didn't want to leave A BAR waitress was fined $250 by a magistrate's court yesterday for overstaying In Singapore. Marlani. 38. a mother of five, pleaded guilty to remaining in the Republic till April 10 after the expiry of her visit pass on March 28. She had been
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  • 90 7 Nurse robbed of jewellery in lift A NURSE. Clk Turlah blnte Bararom 38. was robbed of Jewellery worth $6 0 In a lift at Block 101, Henderson Crescent M about 3.30 p.m. on Sunday She told police *he iv returning home after a wedding party when > man. aged •bout
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  • 300 7 A BOMBAY company yesterday sued Tunas ■^(Pte) Ltd. of Singapore for $298,869 damages In an alleged breach of contract suit over two cranes to be built In India Western Mechanical Industries Ltd. of Bombay, alleged In its action, filed in 1972, that Tunas In an
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  • 165 7 Exams and those 3 last days... rE Singapore Teachers Union has written to the Education Ministry to ask it to allow secondary school teachers the use of the last three days In the final term to mark examination papers. This, the BTU said, would enable them to make a fair
    165 words
  • 58 7 THREE men and three women were fined 53. 000 each yesterday of assisting In operating 10.000 character lotteries In variou* place* over the weekend. Chua Quee Song 30. Oh Keng Hong. 39 Teo Ah Kow. 70 and the women. Loo Ouat Ooh. 48. Urn Poh Oeofc.
    58 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 145 7 S£B fctfj I^H :.^sW MA Asft fJEf A —^5 g^aH IW§ TOO CAN OWN... THE LATEST 3Q lfl ii MM^HInAAaiA IMPORTED #K»»/i//#2«z?o#* 6B«W g^tfjjy] TRIMWALL REFRIGERATOR KTIOI 10.1 cv. ft. **j -»_-f» „Tp™ F"** Freezer Vegetable Crijper Pushbutton Defrosting In-the Door Egg Storage Full- Width Dairy Chest Adjustable Gliders Shielded
      145 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1857 8 Murata'S Singapore Plant PpdUCeS Message from The Founder President Ceramic Capacitors, Variable Resistors LI |of Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Today we celebrate the opening of TTIlf ft fMi-'IWHT i ■T^^L.V ■■H^H^^H^^^H In the 30 years that we have been m Murata'Electronics Singapore (Pte) Ltd., a BRTi the busmess of electronic
      1,857 words

  • 233 9 Mishaps at work place: 14 killed ANOTHER 14 workA ers were killed in Industrial accidents in March, bringing the total number of such deaths to 41 in the first three months of this year. There were 13 death* In January and 14 In February. According to the Labour Ministry's monthly
    233 words
  • 69 9 MR. LEE Slow Mong h&s been elected president of the China Society Other officials Include: Mr. CM. Wong. Mr V P»kirtsamy. Mr Cheong Pmk Chow, Mr. Christopher Hool, MUa Sunyee, Prof. Hsu Yun-tsUo. Mr. Lee Pook Hong. Mr. C K Tseng, Mr Koh Boon Plane and Mr
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  • 38 9 MRS YVES de la Broase. wife of the acting manager at Banque National dm Parts In Hongkong, will christen and launch the Freedom veil ■stlna at Jurong Shipbuilders Pte. Ltd Tanjoog Kllng on Saturday at 11 am.
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  • 316 9  - Skeletons at Sentosa It's murder PAUL WEE Forensic tests prove it: Pathologist By the 14 human skeletons recovered from the shallow craves on Sentosa recently belonged to murder victims, head of the Government Pathology Department, Dr. Chao Tzee Cheng, said yesterday. Dr. Chao who carried out forensic tests on the
    316 words
  • 142 9 NOW THEY SHUN THE BARS PR O P RIETORS of Singapore's girlie bars and nightclub* complain that they are losing their bargirU and their customers as well —a* a result of recent poUee raids oa mth establishment Many of their gir's, they say, are refusing to tarn up for wo
    142 words
  • 30 9 RKDWAN bin Hadl. 33. was yesterday fined fTSO by a magistrate for consuming methaqualone at ICelantan Lane on Jan. 37. Redwan. who had a simitar convtrUon. pleaded guilty.
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  • 234 9 Islands that want to do business THE British Solomon Islands Protectorate wants to trade with Singapore, Mr. Andrew Kukuti, a member of the islands Governing Council said yesterday. Mr. Kukuti said they also planned to set up a national provident fund scheme along the lines of Singapore's Central Provident Fund
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  • 88 9 Man stabbed in Pasir Ris Hotel A LABOURER Tv Chok Heng, 28. was stabbed three times In the Paslr Rls Hotel's canteen In Tamplnes last night. Tu. It is believed had an argument at the canteen with tome labourers working at a nearby construction site. Pour oX them set upon
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  • 205 9 Bargirl who didn't get a diamond Ting ABAROIRL hanged herself after her lover refused to buy her a diamond ring, a coroner's court heard yesterday. The woman. Tan Lye Wan, 32. was found hanging from the bathroom doorway of a house in Jalan Setla by her landlord. Yeo Bye Kwee.
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  • 63 9 Lone suspect still under detention DETECTIVES from Joo Chlat Police station have released all but one cf 10 people arrested for suspected secret society connections during a raid on a Katong bar last week. The last detainee to believed to be wmnUd by the Malajnian police for theft Pottos source*
    63 words
  • 312 9  -  BEM DAVIDSON By A MAN suddenly declared that he wanted A to assault somebody while having a drink in the Singapore Coffee House in Bras Basah Road. Minutes later another customer at the coffee house was stabbed to death. i The dead man. vegetable sUll assistant
    312 words
  • 85 9 AWAITING THAT REPORT THE Nstt— 1 1 Theatre to HUag the repart oi two AasrtMS nnwMult es) b*w to imprvre the iiisisjl soaSMl systasa. Bat whether aa mUnty new sfnant systasa wwaM be IsMUttert m toat baar«*e~ swto saaoa to the (reseat Tstasa whU trorat a* the avsJlaMllty tt faaak
    85 words
  • 105 9 Case of the unsold exhibits QOMZ organisers of C charity art exhibition do have an eye for art. According to a Government minister, they do not return unsold exhibits to i heir owners they l misappropriate them. Fund rals.-wc exhibitions, said fe'nlster of State for Environment Mr. Wee Toon Boon,
    105 words
  • 194 9 Why this old salt broke his vow rwNCE a sailor always a \J sailor, or so it has proved In the case of Anang bin Searnya, M. who had vowed In 1960 never to take to sea again. That was the year he was released after being held In a
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 57 9 Congratulations to MURATA ELECTRONICS SINGAPORE (PTE) LTD. on the occasion of their Official Opening from KIAN YIP ELECTRICAL SERVICE 17. Rochdale Road, Singapore. 19. Tel: *****1 We are proud to be entrusted with the Electrical installation for this Project. Congratulations to MURATA ELECTRONICS SINGAPORE (PTE) LTD. on the occasion of
      57 words
    • 298 9 Congratulations Best Wishes to MURATA ELECTRONICS SINGAPORE (PTE) LTD. on the occasion of their Official Opening from KIM BROTHERS INTERIOR DECORATION CONSTRUCTION 194-D, Lavender Street, Singapore 12. Tel: *****92 *****44 We are proud to have been associated with this Project through the installation of: 1. Office Panelling 2. Office Factory
      298 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 246 9 Bringing Op g*tlw sly »Ut Kaw— AgJ. Uml C«a»» L t ru. m w»Apy f<m twl I Dtwrv Aaw me to| V cmxoukt msoltt! so >ou ASK HIM TD DHOP O*P MV HOOOUJM WHS* Hf PWO* TVUS o** JXJ6S ifWSmOMZE «NTV«,7OOi IaVT 7 CLIWTi MB* AND CAtmAmJ r A««IV« S
      246 words

    • 288 10  - Fashion is Lani's business MAUREEN CHUA By LANI Slnarwl's secret dream Is to be a film star. "But that Is only practical to be one," Indonesian beauty. Her real ambition has always been to build a career around something she loves doing fashion designing. Bo she took a plunge a
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    • 700 10 TALK about cosmetics and women and Dr. Renoo Kotrajaras is all ears. She la after all, a woman dermatologist, whose Job Is to keep skin unlnfected and she feels cosmetics have a lot to do with a woman's skin. Dr Kotrajaras.
      700 words
    • 175 10 (XN A warm night. U with net a wisp of a kreese to rastic the leaves, how 4* yen keep cool? It's alright If you are at home and can lounge around in your itsy-bitsy nightie. But If yon are heetess of a poolsidt
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 314 10 VaremoTd® aw a^' a^fc^a^B ■^^■T s^^^m I For Effective Oral Treatment Of Piles Hoamorrhoidi V'grpiYloYd VM I Va* 111 \f I %s4 Oynainic Factor P Zym» givM }f^M rapid r»li«( of inflammation and K*'^l irritation* oauaad by Pila» l«^| (Haamorrhoid*). Clinicalry f^fl provan to ba wfa and widely ak^^H acotptad.
      314 words
    • 94 10 Advcrtiiamant Business girl beauty Essential to the business girl who values the cool, flawless appearance of her complexion is s unique beauty fluid that will help maintain the vital balance of her skin and prevent it from becoming too oily. Always smooth a film of Oil of Ulan moist oil
      94 words
    • 244 10 That's Italian for "marvellot s". And that's what you'll say when you see the fabulous range of ARISTON gas cookers. Each one's a real aristocrat. I k Take the model L4O G T (illustrated) A for example. It has all these most wanted features: a^T A^K ARISTON tt-ie aristocrat of
      244 words

    • 285 11 SMOKED OUT! AND 170 HOTEL GUESTS IN NIGHTCLOTHES END UP IN THE STREETS... KUALA LUMPUR, Mon J^ FIRE early this morning destroyed a Kuala Lumpur nightclub and sent about 170 hotel guests dashing out of their rooms into the streets. The guests almost all of them In their nlghtclothes spent
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    • 180 11 Public help brings in 115 pushers KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The Cent r al Narcotics Bureau detained 115 people Involved In the sale and distribution of drugs during the first four months of this year. Attorney-General Tan Brl Kadlr Yusof said In a statement today that In April alone 57 people
      180 words
    • 83 11 Van driver crushed to death by own vehicle BUTTXRWORTH. Mon. Van driver Tan Chlr. Teik. 97, was crushed to derth by his own vehicle yeatariay ft* moon Tan was proceeding from Kepala Bates to Bumbong I inn at 345 pjn. when tie acrtdeni occurred at the 15 S mlk Butterworth-Alor
      83 words
    • 52 11 SHAH ALAM. Man. Eighty-five Mara Institute of Technology student* aat (or tbelr BtftUh Inatltutc of Marketing »»»mi n^t>^f) «t the MIT here today. A tpokcaman of UM MIT School of Butinat StudlM •aid 44 aat for part one papera. S3 pan two and eight
      52 words
    • 28 11 BCTTSR WORTH. Mon Custom* Mtaed another Mar-oedes-B«ns and <t— lnert a taxi driver last night. Tbe car. worth 610.000. was believed to hare been Imported UtaftUy
      28 words
    • 131 11 CALL TO SMASH WHITE JPOH, FVhjnday tUe Ministry of Home Affairs is to be asked to step up action against white slavery in the country. The Umno Klnta I Utara division decided i this In one of tie several resolution* passed at Its delegates' meeting here yesterday. It wants the
      131 words
    • 122 11 THE TAXI DANCER WHO AROUSED SUSPICION rOH. Monday. An IS year old taxi dancer was arrested by police near tbe Junction of Hume Street .\nd Jalan Yang Kalsom here yesterday evening and found In ptasceslon of heroin. A police spokesman said that two detective constables of the Crime Prevention Branch
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    • 38 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The body of a matchman. missing for five days, was found In Kanopuni; Pantal Da lam here today. The man, T. Balakrlshnan. 10. worked at a oocstructlon site in Buklt Paiita.
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    • 126 11 CASHING IN ON THOSE LONG QUEUES A LOR STAR, Mon. A Police and the Registrar and Inspector of Motor Vehicles office here have Joined forces to wipe out racketeers operating lr the RIMY office following the Introduction of the new type driving licence. Alor Star OCPD Deputy Supt. Yahaya bin
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    • 52 11 KUALA LUMPUB» Mon. JeUtxmtec* m«*»C«deal AuatnlUn tourist yomf and other AwlnUaju re«Uent here hare bm given a ttmeJy r«mlndwr: Vote 'a Into Sat.riay 1 AastnlUn gvaanl linttuni «r fiMW a fine. Fall Twttng fa«ulUe« and application forms far postal Twttng are arallaM* at Ih* mgh CmwWm In
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    • 231 11 Another five years for armed robber KUALA KUBU BARU, MOD. Hoo Chong Koy alias How Chong Kwal alias Yu Pek, 24, was Jailed for five years by the Sessions Court here for Illegal possession of four guns. He was also sentenced to nve years Jail for Illegal possession of 136
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    • 91 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. —The Malaysian Government Is carrying out cloud seeding experiments to control rain and Initial results prove promising, according to Home Affairs Minister Tan Sri Ohaxall Shane. Tan Sri OhazaJi, who Is also chairman of the National Flood Control Commission, said today the
      91 words
    • 40 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. A tree planting campaign will be launched by Dewan Bandaraya next w^fi The frampalgn Is to encourage the public to plant trees In their gardens, near tbelr offices and shops to beautify tbe city
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    • 46 11 PBNANO. Hon. The mobile kHebea eooklng team of tbe Bod Cross Society bare vuited tbt Sunfel Dim Ju*(lee Home yesterday ■wrung to cook, lunch for Ms Sli Inmates. The Tlatt was In eaajvneaan with lUd Croat Day whtan was celebrated on Mar
      46 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 654 11 Kodak presents sound movies you make yourself Easy-to-makesuperB sound movies with Jiff lip-synchronization! Just drop in the film cartridge. Plug in a little B^ jrV*^ I microphone. Precs a single button... and you're on your i A way to msking happy, laughing, singing super 8 sound m movies.. .by the
      654 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 457 12 WHIFFS of perfume and the stench of espionage are not an unusual combination. They have fused into a heady aroma in West Germany since Mr Willy Brandt's resignation last week, wafting strongly through the corridors of power. The combination has threatened to engulf Mr Brandt while he moves
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    • 120 12 pERHAPS it was the ferocity of the x welcome he received from Portuguese settlers in Mozambique which made General Francisco de Gomes take a hard, colonial-war line. The deputy leader of Lisbon's Junta said in Mozambique that Portugal would continue Its 10-year-old colonial war, would not grant
      120 words
    • 329 12 AFTER following with great Interest, I could not help but comment on some of the more relevant questions Involved in the second language issue. As one closely associated with mothers of primary students, "Mothers Plea" (B.T. April 23) seem* a more representative view of parents of
      329 words
    • Govt replies
      • 108 12 I refer to the letter by A|x Lee (ST. April 26) reporting that some bus drivers Ignored the request* of commuters to pick them. All bus drivers are required to stop and pick passengers at bus stop* or their routes when beckoned to do so unless ths buses
        108 words
      • 28 12 THIS U In reply to L. A. ■■> Duckworth (8.T., May 4). We thank him for his comment* which have been noted. LOW HENG TOW Public Relations Officer! RTS.
        28 words
  • 1156 12  - Reducing the gap between the haves and the have-nots WILLIAM CAMPBELL HOW THE NWC MAINTAINS INDUSTRIAL CALM —By WHATEVER the final recommendations of the National Wag >s Council for 1974 one thing certain is that any increases will be weighted in favour of the lower income group. In his May
    1,156 words
  • 544 12  - Cancer scourge of factory workers SCOTT THORNTON: By 1 ixeneva pOR millions of peo--1 pie throughout the world occupa tional cancer Is the hidden danger in their workplace. Hundreds are known to die each year of cancer contracted through substances or processes with which they deal, and the number could
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 196 13 Car sales down to two-thirds of 1973 figures JHE motor car market is stabilising at about two-thirds of the 1973 sales capacity, and traders hope it will stay that way. According to tentative figures compiled by the Rir.feapore Motor Oar Traders Association, April sales were down by about 3,000 units
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  • 111 13 POSTHUMOUS AWARD TO SLAIN FOREMAN rE Ministry of Home Affairs will make a posthumous award to foreman Goh Eng Kwee, 43, who was shot dead after a robbery last month, during the coming Keep Singapore Crime Free campaign next month. According to informed sources, a "few thousand dollars" have abo
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  • 55 13 LIM Tiong Sla, 41. was fined $760 by the First Magistrate s court yesterday for having opium and another S3OO (or having the utensils to administer the drug. He admitted havlag four grammes of prepared opium and the utaoslls at a hut in Kheam Hock Road
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  • 44 13 EIGHTEEN employers were fined a total of 112.125 during the week ending April 21 for Infringing the Central Provident Fund Act. In addition. 544.003.53 being arrears of CPF contributions and 5529.10 being Interest on late payment* were collected from them.
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  • 40 13 HO TENO KHOON was yesterday charged. In the First Magistrate's Court with murdering labourer Boh Tal Wan, 43, at the Singapore Island Country Club In Slme Road on May 4. His case will be mentioned on May 30.
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  • 65 13 MR. TAN Tock Peng has been elected president of the Singapore Scout Association <Katong> Other official* Include: Mr lim Soon Chye. Mr Booty Chua. Mr CT Chta. Mr. R. Sachdev Mr. Cecil Kaan. Mrs. P. Ounaratnam, and Mr TO Aerta (vice-presidents): Mr. Oeorge Chlng (secretary). Mr.
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  • 16 13 THERE were 115 traffic accidents, five of them Krtous and two fatal, on Sunday
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  • 304 13 CBIBTMAB this year will not be the same again for the Bohman family, Matthew, Charles and John. For Mrs. Prances Bohman— "Mother Christmas" to many who had known her died suddenly in the arms of her husband, Matthew, on Saturday morning.
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  • 30 13 THE Metropolitan TMCA will conduct a six-session course on Industrial Psychology at Its International Centre on Friday. Fees are 170 and tM for for members and non-mem-bers respectively.
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  • 258 13 Three jailed for breaking into shops rpHREE men who broke X Into shops and stole money and goods totalling about $17,000 were yesterday jailed a total of 17 years by a district court. Scan Oek Choo. 35. Othman bin Arshad. 36. and Ngo Seong Chua. alias Ooh Ah Buay, 39.
    258 words
  • 47 13 JAKARTA. Mon— The South Sumatra provincial Government will send officials to Singapore to promote closer relations between Indonesian people hailing from the region and the people of Singapore. The mission, comprising members of the Jambi provincial legislative Assembly, will visit Slngapore later this month. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 234 13 10 cents drop in price of mutton MUTTON was quoted 10 cents chfc»oer at $3 a pound at MacPherson and Cambridge Roads, while It was retailed at $3.10 at most other places, the Department of Trade said yesterday. Following are the recommended prices: MCE: American 15 per cent, 90 cents
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  • 464 13 LEVER Brothers Singapore Sdn. Bhd. confirmed yesterday that the wholesale price of its Lux soap had gone up by nine cents this year but stressed that it had never profiteered at the expense of consumers. The general manager, Mr. Ylng Yoke Kwai,
    464 words
  • 56 13 A 78-yeaj-old man ni yeatenUy given ilx month* condlUonaJ dUchatfgw by a magiatraU'a court for placing beta on an Illegal 10,000--character lottery. Teooc Pent Nam aaid in mltlfatloo that he bought the lottery on behalf at hla daughter. He pleaded guUty 10 placing beU at
    56 words
  • 80 13 PROP. UK Cbong Yah. Dean of the Paeuliy of Am and aortal Science Unlv«rilty of SUxapor*. will chair a forum on Living Together In theFaanily at Barker Road Method!* Church Hail. Barker Road, on ThMraday at pjn. Other speakers will include: Rev. (Dr.) Ounnar Tellaaann. Dtractor of
    80 words
  • 49 13 1 HI chainnao at the TManr—aßunlcaiton Authority of Stnopon. Mr. Frank TaaexChnx Tune, win pnaant lane —met »w»nU and acheiarahlpi to IN lamilrjua of TA« at Hymtt BMal Qyawl Bpjillvnnpm <mi a^aaataW^aaW ftft Maot^ the radpaaßta an two who win reaetwe MBavetup awards valued at »!•.•>■>•
    49 words
  • 148 13 MORI than half of the 350 workers of Philips Singapore, who resigned last week In protest against the sacking of ftvir supervisors, returned to work yesterday. They returned after their union, the Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation. obtained an assurance from the company that the
    148 words
  • 18 13 THX Metropolitan YUCA will organise trips to Mount Klnabalu and Ounong Tahan on June and 10. respectively.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 133 13 r CfILLIMQfILL QcniNi|n NOW'S YOUR BIG CHANCE to collect bright, new unique Horoscope Stickers for yourself, your family and f nendsl And that's not all I You also get a fabulous Horoscope Wall Chart on wfiic*» you can stick your set of Horoscope Stickers. So send us your name and
      133 words
    • 352 13 NYAL PLURAVIT ONE A DAY CAPSULE HP 7 M ZLZLaMaa^BflH aft^B earn Bkaflfl aa^^Ja^P^^i EVERY GROWING CHILD NEEDS MORE THAN JUST P00D Food it not the answer to healthy growth. It ha to be a well balanced meal. Even then, there is no guarantee that vitamins and minerals are no<
      352 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 604 13 an7T»ffTTTjP_4!a#llll?.B iffii.E I TV MALAYSIA (3) C fkA Wl Pro|raaMM sammary QAi N Bakat 74 IJI Pens D.UU LH Star Trtk Ul O.UI tiwa IN New IJI isr.rß.iiiiL'K a: »r ""i 111 »n Tin T«i 143 Duty's Trail "I 0 Wl Out IJI Profrawpt wwaary 7JI 11.54 Koiak 11.42 Lata
      604 words
    • 286 13 TV SINGAPORE (5) 1 IU.UU Trade and last Traas- O.JU LstsM Tka Cliff S*Tr£!2Lia" sSalT* IM **H* *+fi IM oSU\sTTaad kZii *"***«> IM Saaataara Utk) Ul Diary o< basts (E*i ik) Tit* Mtua Kaaak Dram) IM Low Is a ttaay SeleaCjrsd Ul ktefcel Ortra-Taa NarWs TMat Ul Ow aMc Makers
      286 words
    • 20 13 WATOt imtmifplam oti tutanr was IMJ saim*-7aW («7MM •aklc ■■iiti). ISJ aaatttaai filHtsa (M.MC raMe aeirea) kaaa Uuta •a Saturday
      20 words

      • 83 14 I. Titaeii M> J« I. Buk $7.15 J0 >< 8.l »7.« J0 $6 JO +.1» lB)OB Lud '.0.8. Uj Dr». Bank I. M. In 4 tmtt De». (I>il >un»»p lad. I L»» I.U. rr^ f'wata <ne4«n I. Urn I. Tmr JMW Store $1.74 $120 $4.12 tlJ* IIM $2.51 $1.70
        83 words
      • 21 14 Haw Par 334,888 Ctty Dcv 313*88 D.aVS. 187,888 BL CrcaVt 137.988 Tatal Tawn I.M M Total Vaaat: $*.9tM
        21 words
      • 57 14 Miffab: IMJ4 I»M rUuBW: 4J»J4 444 11 Hatch: 171 17S.U Properties: 1H.7» MS. 5 Tim: IM.7* IM. t I raUtn: J44.M MS 14 0.C.8.C.: tUM tM.74 gj.B. Ib 4: t4«.M MlJt Dm. M, IMS 1M 1 Dee. 11. IMS 1M t Dm. t». IMS b 1M Dee. SI. 1»7«
        57 words
    • 1576 14 7»K« test transacted ami* 1 at the close of business in tie Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with U« previous day's prices togetiui with 1974 high and tow. Adjusted for all new Imm) CLOMNO TOMS: All MCtMa* ekM** r*rj M«aa> TUMNevSM: Official total lornovtr aa taa aj»,*san
      1,576 words
    • 365 14 PRICES ruled from steady to firm in selective trading on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. Operators appeared generally cautious and support was only Intermittently evident, resulting In a smaller volume of trading. Interest again was centred on the handful of speculative stocks which knowed better gains
      365 words
    • 1280 14 |»ID and offer prices officially lUted and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In bracket* In k>U of 1.000 unit* unten otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Aes&a (3.308 3.388) CD. A.PJ. (1.068 1.098) XD. A.T.I. (1.078) (1)
      1,280 words
    • 1235 14 BID and otttt prlcM officially luted and buslnOM In aad reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Enhance yerterdmy with the number of aharw traded shown In bracket* in lota ot 1.000 unlta union otherwiat ipeclfled INDUBTmiAU Aeaut (3.10 B). CD. AJlaiairti 1 2 SOB A. Taoa (1.01 B).
      1,235 words
    • 210 14 CHINA Provident of Hongkong reports net profit after tax for 1073 of HK$l4 047 million ($13.82 million). Final dividend proposed is 20 cents making a total of 40 cents. The chairman told the AOM that development plans for the 41 -acre container terminal at Kwal Chung the colony's
      210 words
    • 300 14 Better start to week in KL SHARK prices took a slight turn for the better in dull and sluggish trading at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange. Throughout the day. there was a steady underlying tone resulting In prices Improving from Friday's easier levels. Market observers said given a continuing. steady
      300 words
      • 28 14 CLOSING PRICES Rubber: May 13. Singapore: 181.58 ctv (down tM eta.) Malaysia: £#9.M ets. (down t.H cU.) Tin: 11.345 (down IS). Official ofTrrinr 255 tons (up M tons).
        28 words
      • 25 14 THE Straits tin price In Penang yesterday eased $5 to $1,345 per picul on an official offering up 66 tons to 255 tons.
        25 words
      • 106 14 MlNti* PKOUUCa «X CHAMCI BINQAPeat NOOK cLOtiMO palest run picul TstTiiaoav. Caaanut Oil. ••nla fISO swats* l arum lIU nominal Caeca: Bflxaa ilooati UK/ Coat. SM nominal ■••par If unto*. AST* whlt« fa.». 100* NLW SSOS a*ll*ra. aarawmk wblta fob. M* NLW $2*21 Milan, Sarawak •prrlal black fob. NLW
        106 words
      • 98 14 SHIPMENT of Straits refined tin from Penang for April 1974 totalled 7,505.56 tonnes (March 7.250.27 tonnes), according to statistics issued by Straits Trading. The following table shows the destination and metric tonnage, excluding metal shipment from Klang via Port Kelang: apan fnlted Kingdom 574.07 llngapore <1 I 5
        98 words
      • 48 14 Export price in Ma-atarlta*- area* la U.S. a»r ouaea. (1) Auatrallaa dollar, aar aaaea. (I) Avon** price. v t* u.t* Iflbourtw ID UH«. lll.M TTim Uuit. 117 TO •Irut IWOO m«m— mm iwm ■nek Uw. IMBOB unv. i«<soa art* Vmv. ITS.M pen tX) 165.M8 1M ISB
        48 words
      • 104 14 OUTPUT of tin concentrate* for the month of March 1974 by the following mines are: BBBBBJ Austral Amal 3.343 Aver Hltata 3.353 Brijunul 8.956 Cl»enderlan«; 353 Oopenß Conv)l 3.667 IdrU Hydraulic 843 JC-Mlne 148 KTJiuntlng 1.718 Kampong Lanjut 580 Kent 1.011 Kllllrurhall 935 Klnta Kella* Tin 600
        104 words
      • 575 14 nrSHK Singapore rubber 1 market yesterday ruled very quietly at levels some three cents below those of last Friday following lower overseas advices One feature was covering Interest for May RSS One shipment to the USSR and the United States which was completed on switch basis. The afternoon
        575 words
      • 87 14 fJAILY BUR pneat laucd at noon y—Urday: Mm) Jut (OvtMtMtk> <r*rwa*4Mfk) «"Ll tayenSeaan B^nldbit (eaataperfcf) ItahKkil BMR JCV (1 ton pallet) ***** 344 00 N ***** 144 OON BMHSL (1 ton pfcDet) ***** 3M.MN 235 00 XU 00N SUR i (1 too pallet) Ml M M4MN Ml 50
        87 words
    • 65 14 rfIHE US dollar opened 1 In the Singapore forex market yesterday morning at $2 3940-12.3980 against the previous close Of $2 3950-12 3970 but managed to edge up marginally to $*****--$2 3995 In light early trading. However. It slackened to 32.3M5-f2.3975 by mldmornlng and held steady at this
      65 words
    • 167 14 The following are the nominal avera*** closing Interbank rates In Singapore: Cwiaaiitan NMBiaal rates 4m*h—UMn rmntw (■•ted ycatertay l«m») ehaa*. PS dollar 2 395 a 2 3965 2 6196 Sterling pound 5 8230 5 8330 7 3449 -30 7' Hongkong dollar 47.40 47 45 MSI 6.11 Malaysian dollar
      167 words
    • 171 14 ASIAN currency Interbank deposit rate* as at close I on Monday. May 13: 18 Dalian Nate: These rates may differ slightly from those quoted by banks to their customer* Offer BM 7 days 11-1 4 11-1 1 1 mth 11-13 18 11-11 16 i mttu 13 11-78
      171 words
    • 32 14 llngmpore dollars (or Monday May 13: Offer Bid Overnight 4 Nil 1 mth *S 9\ 7 mth» 9', 9 3 mth» 94 9 Prlma raU 9 8*«rr*: r. Murray -Jane*
      32 words
      • 202 14 UONGKONG, Mon. Share price* retreated today in light trading. The Hang Seng Index dropped 583 points to 329 33 Hongkong Bank dropped to HK520.60 on Its Local register and moved down to $20.80 on Its London register. Other losers Included Hang Senr Bank at $9«00. Harbour Centre $9.00,
        202 words
      • 150 14 Oa ta« fn» Hikwi* mmrtut M Hoatkonc r«t«rtU» Ik* U.S. quotod al ft.OMO'S.OMO for TT v* 5 043, S(MO for Wk, ttwilns wm* euotad st 12.15/ IMS aae mm taM |*M wu quota* «l SOO.OO. p. AJUMOMtO *M lUK* Mtuumii Dtci ««4 1 Cm T7l 1 WuriMkl 440
        150 words
      • 71 14 TOKYO. Mon. Prices on the postholiday Tokyo Stock Exchange closed higher with the Dow Jones average recovering to the 4700 level. The market opened higher with speculative asues and shipping selectively bought. The Dow Jones average was up 9.39 points to 4704.42 but the New index eased 0 03
        71 words
      • 290 14 TtfELBOURNE, Mon. ifl Led by leadIng industrials and finance stocks share prices retreated In quiet trading on the Melbourne Stock Exchange today. Mining counters were mixed to lower while oils were sold down. Dealers said the market was heslstant ahead of the election next Saturday and on reported fears
        290 words
    • 269 14 MARCH rubber production by estate* of the following companies are KJlocrans Austral Enterprise* 33.747 Aver Molek 37.253 Benta 137.000 Buklt Katll 20.642 Castiefteld (Klang) MjftJH Consolidated Plant 1.990.000 Bdensor 58.060 Olangowrie 31.752 OoMn Hop* 876^47 Holyrood 62.143 Hongkong (Selangor) 20.865 Inch Kenneth (Kajang) 76.304 Jeram Kuantan
      269 words
    • 441 15 PUINNESS Malayu sla's chairman. Mr. C.A. Wood, was. in retrospect, overly modest in his last annual report when he confessed that he did not expect the profits Increase in the current year to be as substantial as it was in 1972-73 when earnings rose 64 per
      441 words
    • 393 15 MALAKOFF Rubber Estates says that following the transfer of its residence for tax purposes to Malaysia in February 1973. it recently applied to the Bank of England to be redesignated non-resident for exchange control purposes. The bank has indicated that it will accede to this
      393 words
    • 401 15 NEW YORK: Franklin National Bank, one of New York's major commercial banks, has received a pledge of financial support from the Federal Reserve and announced a series of proposed actions of its own to bolster its financial position. Both the Federal Reserve's pledge of advances
      401 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 529 15 1974 I A career I lin sales I Olivetti is moving ahead I fast and now we need more I dynamic younu men to join our I sales force. This is a great opportunity I for you to establish a career I with a well-established I international company. One that
      529 words
    • 800 15 Pjpj ILfl *ri eipcnding „roup of p»ur*»iion*l accountants "i put*: practice imnte* applications tor -w following portions TAX MANAGERS At toast 5 years of v*n*d •xpwienc* m taxation •ip*o«ly m tax planning, tax research and training, and tai consultation dealing with a wtd* rang* of both loc»i and mutli national
      800 words
    • 603 15 rADMINISTRATIVE/PERSONNEL 1 OFFICER Required by a leading European Company a male Administrative/ Personnel Officer who has the following qualifications and experience:- Applicant must have good command of written and spoken English HSC level and above preferred. Age around 25 —30 years. Preferably have linguistic ability including Mandarin. Familiar with Salaries
      603 words
    • 555 15 THE GUTHRIE ORGANISATION invites applications for the following post in its Financial Administration Division:CHIEF INTERNAL AUDITOR (Based in Singapore) JOB SPECIFICATION: ResDonsible to the Managing Director for ensuring that the internal audit function is carried out effectively, with the object of (a) achieving the most efficient ao ministration of the
      555 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 781 16 LEMBAGA KEMAJUAN TERNAKAN NEGARA JAWATAN-JAWATAN KOBONG Permohonan-permohonan adalah dipelawa daripada Warganegara Malaysia yang berkelayakan untuk mengisi jawaUn jawatan koaong saperti berikut:1. Ahli Ekonomi (Peg. Pembangunan) 2. Akauntan/Pegawai Kewangan (Peg. PenUdbiran) 3. Pegawai Kakitangan/Latihan (Peg. PenUdbiran) 4. Pegawai Pemaaaran (Peg. PenUdbiran) 5. Penolong Pengarah I Pengeluaran Uuma) (Peg. Pembangunan) 6. Ketua
      781 words
    • 909 16 LEMBAGA PELABUHAN JOHOR Pwnohon-pafnohon adali i dipclawa dari warfanefara Malaysia untuk mcrocnuhi jawaUn <waUn berikut dl Lembafa Pelabuhan Johor 1. Jawatan: Paaalmg SatUoaaha (UaaaagUa<smn«> BahafUn 1 Tanuaiaji «2S x 34 934/W2 x 34 1.264 (Gaji Nhstsl (<>nU)h Gaji Pokok MM Elaun Sara Hidup Elaun Sews Rumah 144.00 Elaun Svwa Rumah
      909 words
    • 473 16 ■PROSPER WITH MATSUSHITA* COME JOIN US sssssssssssl I I W, asjßßsajsjji g4jssssssss pEjajstj BUI ssssssaaj MATSUSHITA INDUSTRIAL CORP. SDN. BHD. (MMIFACTIRER Of AIR-COUDITIQHERS) Invites applications from suitably qualified Malaysian citizens for the following position: ASSISTANT ENGINEER Age: Below 30 years. R«quir«m«nts: In possesion of a recognised Degree/Diploma in Mechanical/Electrical Engineering,
      473 words
    • 581 16 ThU Is a reprint of our advertisement of 8/3/T4 which did not produce the right candidate. ThU It why we are running It again. Why don't YOU reply this time?) MARKETING EXECUTIVE FOR CONSUMERS GOODS We are an old-established International TradIng Company. Apart from technical lines '.nd capital goods we
      581 words
    • 525 16 EXECUTIVE APPOINTMENT Required a Service Engineer to run a Service Department dealing in nechanical/automotive and electronic repair operations. The successful candidate must be able to control workshop staff and must have had basic engineering and supervisory experience. Please reply to Box No. A 5530 ST., K.L., 01-02 with a non-returnable
      525 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1159 17 CMTAINEISIIP SEITICE Tl M/CMTHEIfT ssif-i? 1 1 is *n sis s v i SaF- ?S IS 15 MINI n-rUffl I HMM) 4 HnM) M JmM M Ihm M hMM, M |*-i SS£ !I If -3 13 li 23 nirT»MgMiy sbwce fmm wycMTiwuT: on rfMrn Irta rum miiatllll P MIM«
      1,159 words
    • 1118 17 tj.QriMjnltaaiM.Mit/Piiil UTarti Siara P.Mtm Nai I MMM MM MM MMM Mf NMM II PfISMMI MM MM MIW MM tan 4 Mat I tan II II I MMM MM MM 11 Mtf 11 MMM MM M PIISIM a) NB|IIB|II Ml M S2SS mm ll H I PMTiiiiMrs mm rmmrmm i mm
      1,118 words
    • 1008 17 Jr^ W*f *r 1 mr^fi r *m\ II IMMM N-ton I'Mmn ran S'H* P Mlaag Icaa Iwka Fraaca II *m1 NMm I tan N tan -J-MMI.XPMSI ijS S5 Sim jm dim.: nm lIM MIM ii Mn ii I*.. "tak Itak tak 4 tak vssr j?a gs sS sa ss sa
      1,008 words
    • 1031 17 M^---M|l fMM |l i J •JaJ nlv^P^ I FULLY CONTAINEKIZEP SERVICE TO EUKOft I Mmmm S'aara M i^m^ m r*» m> aQUffl KLTT n* IS t.,n..ii.- i,., I tAaMaaM n tajiaTM, naMlrMMi, nnvtrp, li mn. m lUMMU tan I |mjn, HaaaVt BrMM, IIMIIIII'I. I ■JJJJJW MJMA Mat n A«aM, CMMM|M,
      1,031 words
    • 775 17 1 *****4; P. Kate*. 4MI; RX. ***** r+mmrn, 2SMI. THE BANK LDfE LTD. LMK Will MrU MMIM (Ulll MMMH) P MMf M/11 Mm S'aan It, I Mt, ITMM (SMnuMf) P Mtaag VI Ma Stort 1/ 4MI MTMM (S.«rncin%) P Mim Ma-tan S'pora lITMM (CMMIaatMV P.Mlm MM M*M NM lAST I
      775 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    74 18 Mrs. Taa Q*Jt* >al (ace (Im Scai Ve*i aged 72 years, passed away peacefully on 12th May 1974 leaving behind 3 sons Tong Wai Khuln. Tong Wai Cheng. Tong Wai Leng 3 daughters. Tong Wai Yong, Tong Wai Lin. Tong Wat Keng, 4 daughters-ln-la»r, 2 sons-in-law and 13 grandchildren
    74 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1024 18 Pint KAISHA LTD. UNrSW RIMUI RISEN KAISIM LTI. UPAN, MM OK, STUm SEMKL Ma* HmtUH S-PMT. P.MIMf a mm WaHßtri Tin S««M- rll If KHIM MAAII »41 »Mf Naj-f*. ItatPf *R RISITBAT II »~M |MMM|aM Japan Ar-bUn Call a^rrtM S.f»Ml« PBt: nAt-AMi- e-M^jy-^Jj-. KMrtity MirM/KMrri-fMAr. j.paa|M>di Alrla. twrrlM ATIART.C
      1,024 words
    • 848 18 BEAUTY LINES sees? a"": jig fs;S iii BE. SS S5 gt KAITTiIIT Mwill n*l 2»" 1 KMTY M*ml< NeWf 21 Ma Mkiila. Sum* hofljkorn i 5 Mt, 17 Mm Mxiili Hcmikoni 2i Mt. »Ma Indoiws.i aS Mm. 4tt H- laaat M.. Tmb M C: MT Call: ttfp" Tit tl4tH R
      848 words
    • 867 18 U.K. IU«O»t SCTVKa LOADING «Ot LONDCH. lOTTIBDAM. HA», »u«G. RILtAO. Lt HAVRE <«faMn ''MlMf PMMf LMMa raa M'kwi MPTWN IAPt-llt l.*l_yi4M» <•/"■" IA/MMf 11 Ma lIM* MM. FMBCI MAM JIM. 7/ I taM M/11 MM IMf lIM* 17 Mf BIPTUaC IMIUI* MMB/IMI l/4Mf MM Him fAaj ARtIVALS FXOM NOATM-WE.T EUROftAN
      867 words
    • 741 18 Evtns snrncf to lomm. irarta/camftiT nm H Immiii p Mtw( PMMf laflaj tm IMUUU ta-M-M IA.IIMr M/H Mf I.IM* U«. IMM* IA/f, */mb m%. limm Vl%. rr>«W| 2/7. Antmrt Iff. SWMA AMSIAM M/M Mi 1/ I )BM Im* lIIIM* liMll7. LwM U/7. law It/7. tnmmWl. M-»«r| ■7. A-Mf.M/7 IHBAt MILATI
      741 words
    • 738 18 -TM* »«BT OF II«O»MM <bar«.i Oam m a. Nattaha K AUTMaaiTT ANHOUHOaO T»a (llabl.rl POLLOWIMQ BABTHIHO out Kin ft*nc and Kirn Raa LJ mTj+2muZfS?3m ET«m T t WMI. l^rmk .fo«l«»««l »T «*.r- Martilllllß* rinai II) 21 WM. R*«<ot CitT tP»« «*ty: Pwrv Urn l?si .?*'i!L" iS.i*'i?y ».3l*lr. tt 'M.
      738 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 783 19 r.^^^^^^^^^^—^ m^. KAMTOVG i^.,JLT TIN l WP'2Br^B|r^B !>KtU(iING BERHAD l p^ kß j^L*-^B LL^fl <^l lhaearparaia*] la Malaysia) NOTICE IS HERBBY OIVKh ss»ss»sss»sss.issss»s«s»sißal tfat a dividend, the fortyninth, of fllty cents (60 ctt per share, leas Income tax at Ul rmle f tOTt P eT ctm been declarec! due and
      783 words
    • 1109 19 felda KENYATAAN TAWARAN Tattaran-lawaran adalah dip«la»a daripada knntreiter lu>ntrrkl«/pi-mb»fcal-|Jrmbrkal vsng hrn>m»Blarnan bs(i ktrja ««t is trnrbul di hawah Krrja-krrja bsfi (At HANYA kontxekter kontrrkirr yang hrrdaftar flmnan IKK Malaysia aUs k*laa A' aUu B aUu 'fiX di bswah kruala I. Pciahan krpala I. krmla 11. u*vshan krpala I dan 2
      1,109 words
    • 774 19 II if Tawaran adalah dlpelawa dan syarlkattyarlkat yang berpengalaman untuk merumbak. memblna dan menylap Blllk Oerakan Projek dl Ibu Pejabat Lembaga Pelabuban Kelang yang menyentuh kerja-kerja lepertl berlkut— 1. Mengadakan wooden panelling; Teak plywood 10 mm thickness two layers. 2. Msnyedla sliding board berukuran 6* x 4' (berframe) sejumiah 14
      774 words
    • 946 19 DOW CHEMICAL PACIFIC LTD. requires TECHNICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE for their sales office in Singapore. Applications are invited from candidates possessing the following qualifications and experience: A degree in Chemical Engineering or Science. Have had a minimum of 2 years experience in selling of plastics, metals and industrial chemicals. A working
      946 words

  • 50 20 MADAM TAN BIANO KEOW passed away peacefully on 11/5/74. Cortege leaving 300 Tanjong Katong Road 15/5/74 2 pm for Phor Kark See Bright Hill Drive ETHEL CHARLOTTE KLASSEN 61, passed away peacefully 13.5.1974 cortege leaves No 20. 12/12. P J (Tel *****21 at 10 am 14 5 1974
    50 words
  • 75 20 THE FAMILY of the late Mrs Elizabeth Llm Chew Aye wish to express their ieep appreciation and thanks to doctors, nurses/ staff of Mount Alvernla Hospital, priests, nuns, relatives and friends for their kind attendance donations, wreaths and assistance rendered THE FAMILY OF the late Cyril Urn Eng
    75 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 576 20 classified ads (D ACNE. PIMPLES. OPEN POKES are these your problemi? Then consult Louise Klerk, medically mined beauty therapist with 2S ymn tropical experience, at Hotel Slngapura telephone *****3 (8'pore) S.T. CLASSIFIEDS CONTESTS Reeutts el Contest SP (3) are out today Dent tret M you havanl vet .on a SHEAFFER
      576 words
    • 771 20 GENERAL CLERK MALE, matured personality with good command of English, able handle commercial correspondence Independently with some experience In manufacturing concern Knowledge of accounting principles an advantage Apply stating experience, age and salary expected to:- P.O. Box 274. Singapore CLINIC RECEPTIONIST. Apply with photo (returnable) and stamped, self -addressed envelope
      771 words
    • 692 20 FEMALE CLERK/ TYPIST RE OUIRED. Please call at 195. Penang Road near Killlney Road Post Office WELL ESTABLISHED COMPANY requires one Typist' Oeneral Clerk Must be fast and accurate Apply to P O. Box 1594. Singapore. Required Urgently (A) FEMALE CLERK/ TYPIST Qualifications and experience required 1. Senior Cambridge or
      692 words
    • 795 20 TVPtSTB, AQBD It ABOVE. Star ting salary ($l5O $180) commensurate with shorthand ability Appointment phone *****22 IMMDIATE EMPLOYMENT Established Jurong company anxiously requires the services of FEMALE ASSISTANT The selected applicant must have a drivers licence and be prepared to work In a number of varied positions including clerical and
      795 words
    • 780 20 r OENERAL ELECTRIC (USA) HOUSEWARES PTt. LTD. MODEL MAKER Candidates should poasess a Craft or Guild Certificate in Machine Practice with a minimum of 5 yew*' working experience as a Toolmaker or Machine Operator. The successful candidate should have some ability to maintain records and stock control and will be
      780 words
    • 753 20 •XV DRIVING SCHOOL requires driving Instructors $400 per month and Female Clerks 303. Orchard Road. WANTED FULL/ PART TIME Instructon for typewriting. Bookkeeping Shorthand. Japanese English Languages and other tutorial classes State Commercial School. 244 A. Upper Thomson. (20) 1) SECRETARY 2) CORRESPONDENCE CLERK i) TELEPHONIST/ RECEP- I TrOWST 4)
      753 words
    • 829 20 WE PROVIDE HEAVY EQUIPMENT Operators. Die and Tool Makers. Welders. Turners. Pipe Fabricators. Riggers. Platers, all categories of Shipyard. Fabrication, factory shopfloor tradesmen PankaJ (Singapore) Services. 48 Market Street. Spore 1 *****. MINICAN ENTERPRISES M 410T28/*****6 Detached Clementi Park. Henry Park. Oreenleaf Road. Berrima Road. Braddell Heights. Holland Road. Beletar
      829 words
    • 887 20 LOOKINQ FOR SUITABLE ACCOMMODATION In dlst 9. 10. 11 ($BOO $o.500) for present/ future? Why not call Mr w K Ho of Pan Asia Agencies. *****7/ *****2 for an appointment BUNOALOWS/ APARTMENTS OISTS. 9. 10. 11 and 21 1 1) For the senior executives: Dlst. 10 double-storey detached bungalow on
      887 words
    • 840 20 FURNISHEO ROOM TO LIT In Hlllvlew Estate. Buklt Tlmah 8 miles Tel *****8 9 a m -2 p.m FURNISHEO BEDROOM POR SINOLE/ -tudent/ couple In dlst 12 quiet environment Ring *****3 LUXURIOUS SEMI-DETACHED Faber Hills $1,100. Clementi Park $2,500. Executive Bungalow Braddell Heights $1,200: unfurnished flat Hartley Road $500. Unfurnished
      840 words
    • 709 20 DIST. 9 BEHIND FfTZPATRICrS double- storey terrace 1900aq fV 3 bedrooms, servant's mosaic/ paxquet Ace Housing *****39' *****46 OUCENSTOWN: 3 roomed Housing Board Flat $21,000/- Terratao flooring Phone 9464 P. Singapore. TAI KENG GARDEN. DIMT SJ Very spacious 2-storey terrace house, split-level, dining/ living, aluminium sliding doors. $20,000 additional renovations,
      709 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 643 21 WANTED CORNIR TERRACE/ IIMI-OET ACHES In sny gooti dl.tirirU Oenulne principals write to s T Box A9IOSI. nITACHED BUNOALOWS at Brsddell Helihls required for isle purchase. Call Soh Associates *****8/ *****3 IMMEDIATE PURCHASE SY PROPERTY INVESTOR ■livr properties to sell at "■His Perk. OsMNB Tows*. ?£-SnCo-l Ca~*agr. Hot*.'. .trier similar
      643 words
    • 720 21 MA*. CHARTERS LONOON 8710 Furope 8770. Australia 8500, USA/ Canada *****. Tokyo/ Indonesia/ Bangkok 36K. Priruep Street (qppoalte Cathay) Tel 3223*1/ *****7/ *****1 Join SNENTOURS FIRST COACH TOUR to KUANTAN Sac the QIANT TURTLE for only 8*37 50 2 Days Inclusive of Meals Alr-cond Coach, and Accommodation. Oapc 2J/8. 1/6.
      720 words
    • 683 21 ARCHIPELAOO SPECIAL WEST MALAYSIA TOURS Heastyel/ SeaaaMe 7 days tiSsVMsls»s*s 5 7 days 81*8/ IS* (Sundays) HnieV SaagUsa CMsagsMat 14 days SS**rS**r K. Tinas* 810/-. Malacca 82*/Spore rears (Sundays) •Wsetrleal Coaot Tews* 7 days Merslng/ Kuan tan Trengganu/ Sungel Oolok Haadyal Songkhla Penang Ipoh/ X.L only tiSS/ *IM/-D-p-- 1/*. 2/6.
      683 words
    • 737 21 LOMTOSM HOW** 18 Emerald HUI Road For the bast In traditional Indonesian cuisine Tel: 379*70 S pore lITTIIWATtOMAI. TRAIWNO CBKTRI LONDON INSTITUTE OF MARKETUSS PART I EXAM 10 months course Monday. Tuetdav. Wednesday. Friday. 6 7 90pm Commetxtng 3 July 74 AU»BRTISHIB L.C.C. HMrWR 4 monliu BBSJM Tuesday. 8 7.J0
      737 words
    • 825 21 RAPM) SNORTNANO SB SHINS** starting 15-3-74 Mondays Wednesdays. Fridays 7.30 tx p.m Singapore Institute of Con.snerce. 283-C Selene Complex (*****9/ *****1) CITY OUILOB electrical engineering practice lntarmadUU for beginners, commencing 1*75/74: electrical engineering final, telecommunication, radio servicing, builders' quantities starting soon Regal School 3*0328 EXECUTIVE ENOUSH A Certificate course commencing
      825 words
    • 997 21 AUSTIN ISS* OT 1*73 AeifiUSSW free with radio, cartridge, burglar alarm etc. Owner driven Best offer secures Tel *****1 of'ice hours, for Inspection No dealers please. •»i MAZOA IBS* one owner. Oood condition Price 83.8*0 6318. Blk IS. Jalan Buklt Ho Swat. Tel: 632*97 TRIUMPH SALOON IBM good condition, owner
      997 words
    • 833 21 MBRCEDE* SPORTS ISSSL I*7l original Denso Behr alrcon sports rims. Becker Mexico radio/ cassette, mileage below 19,080. excellent condition Highest offer secures No dealers Please phone BISS4S Miss Ong AUGUST 1*73 CORTINA OT 1000 c.c one owner, alrcond and radio, unyl top Excellent condition. St. SOB o n.o. Easy payment
      833 words
    • 733 21 ALSATIAN ***** 7 MONTHS Singapore regtsternl, now under training frum Oerman family Contact Tel *****8 Ext 222 after 8 p.m. RIOUIREO GIANT SIZB MALE Dobermann for mating. Interested please ling 882*47 from 12 to 2 p.m A PAIR OP BROWN MUNIS! for sale Ring Tel *4»4*3 KATONO BIRDSHOP FantastlcaJly beautirui
      733 words
    • 762 21 MUST SILL AB SM ea-eVßkwi ana* our ptaai roo^«as» Sek* Dots MTN MAY 1*74 et MawsSOO VOTHObw flfl aver res* s^.l. csmssjl base ofcaagapkw rood ll»MHrl 17 •SO DWT *TIIL MOTOR CAR QO vessel Panama flag For sale or Time charter please conuct PO Box 112 Katong. Singapore 15. AOUARIUM
      762 words

    • 752 22  - WORLD CUP SUPPER STARS CRUYFF-THE REDEEMER JAAP KLOKKEMEYER By The logical successor to Brazilian ace Pele JOHAN CRUYFF is the sporting hero of two nations and the envy of the rest of the soccer world. In Spain they call him El Salvador the redeemer and in Holland they see him
      752 words
    • 577 22  -  EPSOM JEEP By AS so often hap■^pens In the racing game, a stroke of bad luck for a Jockey may well mean a lucky break for another. Apprentice Peter Lee was riding high last season when he was brought down on General Trong 111 In
      577 words
    • 1070 22 HANDICAPS tor tkis n w*ok-oa4'. Baku Timok meat: lATUHOAV CLAM 1 OIV. t WP TTtatttata t.OO Saluu 111 Parpt* Doatlay I. l* Nabt* Baaparar tot Poatfaolaa tot OoMßkaaa tot Oroudl.r II lot Real Natural I Ot WkMtaw Boy I.OT Sapor Pilm I OS Champatiw II 111 Pauawaa
      1,070 words
    • 543 22 Apprentice Lee suspended for three days 1 PPREN TICK Peter Lee was suspended from riding for three days for causing Interference In Race 1 and Race 6 at the Ipoh meeting on Sunday. The stipes report on Sunday's races at Ipoh. RACE 1 Making the turn out of the straight
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    • 385 23 Davies, Hector make it a Derby night KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Roger Davles and Kevin Hector, the hardrunning strikers, made it a night for Derby County when they beat their English League Div. 1 rivals Coventry City 3-2 at Stadium Dalulmakmur In Kuantan last night. Davles, who stands 6ft. 31n. aad
      385 words
    • 74 23 Newcombe outlasts young Borg NEW YORK. MOO. John Newiombe capped a remarkable return to the top with a determined four -net victory orer B)orn Bor* for the USaM.OOO ($125,000 > flr*t prt*e in World Championship of Tennis tournament at Dallas yesterday. Refusing to let the low of the opening Mt
      74 words
    • 359 23 INDIA CLINCH 99-GAME DOUBLES TIE NEW DELHI, Mon. India took a 2-1 lead over Australia, the holders In the Eastern zone Davis Cup tennis final at Calcutta when Anand and VUay AmrltraJ beat John Alexander and Colin Dlbley 17-15 6-8 6-3 16-18 6-4 in the doubles. Each side had won
      Reuter  -  359 words
    • 56 23 SDfOAFOM Kerala AsaaeiattoD wm hoJd tbt annual Oaaaa bstointoo toaraaament next month Tbt tournaMtnt to atotetXy open la "SffieTarftovitad |or the meat ataglas and daaaast, baaa suwtas (U years and SEwrSd girl, -nftaa. ■tttrva should rsaeh 44 UN Courts aoad by May M. Par furtber lulm—bm oootect
      56 words
    • 35 23 mwoOMßt Karen Fang eajUy beat Janet Oan tn tht 100 m UaasUtrofcs for girts unosr-lt y*an In Urn of l m at Urn Stngasore netsssslng Club's Open rhaanHnnaTHm bald over the weekend.
      35 words
    • 483 23  -  JOE DORAI By DIIXY BINGHAM, manager of the English professional soccer club Everton FC. yesterday paid the highest tribute to Singapore's $30-million National Stadium when he described it as one of the best in the world. He said In an interview at Toa Payoh Sports Complex:
      483 words
    • 194 23  - Chin Joo plans comeback for A-Games ALBERT JOHNSON By rY Chin Joe, Sportswoman of the Year 1972, has returned to serioos training after a one-year absence. In preparation for the Asian Games at Teheran In September. Chin Joo. who misead Urn 1973 Seap Games because of her pre-Cni-veratty examinations Last
      194 words
    • 382 23  - Singapore beaten in extra time ERNEST FRIDA By SINGAPORE lost their Malayslap Hockey Federation Under-23 title to Selangor In extra time at Jor.ore Baru yesterday Selangor clinched the championship with a 2-1 victory after the scores were level at one-all at full time. Singapore gave a lethargic performance yesterday, in
      382 words
    • 222 23 Indians lose 2 wickets before lunch ONDON. Mon. The Li Indian cricketers were facing an uphill struggle to keep their unbeaten tour record Intact after losing two cheap second Innings wickets against Yorkshire at Bradford, today Set 278 to win In 220 minutes, the Indians soon lost openers 8. S.
      Reuter  -  222 words
    • 143 23 LONDON. Mon. Sir All Ramsey, former manager of England! soccer team, confirmed today he baa tunMd down an offer of U8571.000 (l ISO oooi to coach Ajax of Amsterdam. "I want to work with gnglab footballer*.' the M-year-otd architect of Xngland's l»as World Cup
      143 words
    • 27 23 BSOUL. Mon. o».»twww. upset South Korea 1-0 and Japan drew 1-1 with Malayda In the fourth annual President Ptrk Obung-Bst Cup soccer towoaaMnt bare today
      27 words
    • 404 23 PVOURTTE Bllt Boaley finished on top tn the preliminary round of the BICC Championship with a two round aggregate of 147 at the Buklt Courae. Boaley shot a superb two-over-par 73 on Sunday. He will meet the former Asian Oamea water-polo player Freddy Lee. In the
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 835 22 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW 1 J Jell j f ,1 A Z 1 1 I jkimjAißS MESS/ I I ADMINISTRATIVE I I CAREERS I SIA, a leading international airline, offers a satisfying and rewarding career to persons HEj Xsl possess a Class lor Class II (Upper) honours degree; i£X fig are ambitious yet
      835 words

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    • 411 23 fa* an ■^■rrnEir^ [ggy a^ataF B^PPPP*JgtPvVVVV^PTv^gtI Hi SB Entar th.i tanple eo«te« and win youraaH a trip to the Malay** Cyp final later this yaar. AH you Mva to do to select the teem which w»« repreeent Singapore •n tha kay match eaamst Pahartf on Saturday. May 1«. W74. Pruas.
      411 words
    • 398 23 I FLY AWAY TO I Ithe world cup I I law wmM yas Ms ts tria i tree rttars sir trip ts I Hsaita far tws. tiektti ts tat mrtie« warM Cay Haste I I awl aaav attar attractfct prim' Tsa caaM saaa ks I wtafiaf fa* awj ay Lafthaaat
      398 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 55 23 SOCCER PDAWU Le«rue: Cold Storage v Hyatt iTaagUn SIS p.m.). FYlend!y Kuo Chuan OC v Robert Botch (Oeylang). SQUASH SBRA V grade league: BCC v CYMCA iSCC), Scribes v University i Alexandra). Police v BAPBA (PA). Anxuk Dieppe v BCC (Nee 8ooQ). SOOCEB Frtendllea: MAS v SRC (Padang). Hampshire v
      55 words

  • 227 24 Day 3— a new peril seeps from blaze ship POWERFUL Jets of 1 witter fighting a futile battle to save the doomed pilgrim liner Malaysia Klta off Katong yesterday. This picture by Junid Juani was taken (is the giant 13,52*-ton liner, with smoke billowing from her portholes, keeled over to
    Junid Juani was taken is the giant ton liner with smoke billowing from her portholes keeled over to her portside Just before noon nearly hours after lire broke out on one of  -  227 words
  • 52 24 LISBON Mon. 8e»«n people— five men sod two wua—n wn kUlad In an esptoaton tn a Urinn bar teat night, poltot MM ywUrs The blast, which occurred whan workers wbi* laying carpet In the bar s haw mant, wu caused by leaking gas. according to
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 205 24 Saclant's Secret planch in Indian Ocean rpHE HAOUE. Mon. 1 The North AUantlc Treaty Orga n 1 s a tlon iNatoi Command for the Atlantic Ocean (Saclant) U secretly preparing plans for expanding Its operational territory to the Indian Ocean, according to the Dutch dally Volkskrant. In a front-page, Brussels
    205 words
  • 36 24 RAWALPINDI. Moa Paklatan-i "i^Vnalltaii lndurtrta. would earn a net profit before tax of about U8»lo million (SIM million In tb» currant flnanrtal rw*r. a nstttof World Bank mlanon has been told nan. lleuter.
    36 words
  • 29 24 LONDON. Won. Bootland Yard *ald today It waa famainalliia chartw* that atnlor police offlont took Maw troen the owner of a trlng of pornographic bank ■bopt. *p.
    29 words
  • 27 24 SALISBURY. Man. Mar* than 1M etvtOans ka«t bean killed in Dorth-nut RhodaaU ■tnet African guerilla* began opcratlona than In nan—iW 1171. the OcT«mment raportat AP
    AP  -  27 words
  • 104 24 PIXMAN'S WRONG FOCUS ON NUDE TOKYO. Men. A > 1 year-old Javanese photographer was ar- rested last night while 1 taking nnde ftotvas of a lf-year-oM actress In front ef the French I Kmnasay. police said today Police said photographer Senit Uruihibars w-vwld be charged under the public morals law.
    104 words
  • 73 24 Farm run by women KALUNADTYA. (Bri Lanka), Mon. Young women are carving a communal farm out of takan-over plantation land here In the luah Sri Lanka countryside a* part of government drive to change rural life In this u)and nation. To many members of the oppoutkin United National Party the
    AP  -  73 words
  • 420 24 LONDON. Mea. TW MM oar k« I lower wear la aaM <n«M. aa« si p m aw Fwaa<Ul TIM* Ma wu am 5« t* Ml.*. Hl«h.r laurwt rataa abraad ul •mall Mlliai ittil of Bntaui April trs4> aearwj. *m Wilmtay. wtrt m«« for th. iiittai la a Market
    420 words
  • 349 24 NEW DELHI, Mon DRIME Mlmst«rs Indira Gandhi of India and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman of Bangladesh yesterday reviewed bilateral ties and the sub-continent situation to set the course for four days of discussion on specific Issues beginning today. The two leaders mtt without aides
    Reuter  -  349 words
  • 55 24 KARACHI, lion Police amid today they aetaod IM.OM rounds of ammunition ntanufftctttfwJM Id cmwv •ftiW^w. in a raid on a Karachi aton la* nifftt. PttkigaTjat aUTVfttaftil t>»^ a^OfW* krapar. Abdul HasaU who adntKted that be had bean cngaMd In "thta buatoeaa" tor acme Man and waa
    55 words
  • 39 24 LISBON. Mon A haavUjr armed guerlUa group killed atran sen and wounded M in aurnrte attack on Friday on workers building a road Hi PwtwjiMaa Owtnaa. Urn Uabon nrwapepar Dtarto Nouela* reported today from m— ii pinrtrr
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
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    • 96 24 SAVINGS t=OR THE FAMILY om DISCOUNT DESIGN 14 :^tW <^itifl iiwji-wW2 ESIGN 18 ja L aizea 2 -5 V DESIGN 09^ W if^^\ DESIGN 37^^PV\ M sizes 5-10 J JJJ DESIGN 73 £^-xfZ*&o^ \^J «I*««S.II.L. DESIGN 74 DESIGN °%£^tdjXft t $11*95 DESIGN T^^^/ Jtr-^9) *11*1 2 I Wf sis«sio-1 4-9
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