The Straits Times, 13 May 1974

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 250,000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION MONDAY, MAY 13, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
    21 words
  • Article, Illustration
    789 1 ALL 56 SAVED FROM SHIP FIRE r K.S. SIDHU. PAUL WEE and JACOB DANIEL Rescue drama as boats fight through heat By ALL 56 crew including the captain of the burning pilgrim ship Malaysia Kira were saved early yesterday morning after a flotilla of marine police and harbour boats raced
    Mohamad Yuaoof  -  789 words
  • 496 1 Nixon's plea to House: Act swiftly STILL WATER (Oklahoma), Sun. President Nixon, battling against swelling demand* for his resignation, flew to friendly territory In Oklahoma last night and appealed to Congress tc move swiftly in its inquiry over his possible Impeachment. Repeating a theme put forward by his aides In
    496 words
  • 49 1 Amin's peace messages KAMPALA. 8-m Pnaldent UU Amin of Uganda yesterday sent cables to Soviet wader Leonid Breshnev and President Nixon u.-atng them tc direct Joint peat* effort* on the resettlement of the Palestinian people He said the Paleotlnlan question was the bam of the Middle Bast crisis Uvuter.
    49 words
  • 34 1  -  TEL AVIV. Sun. In occupied Oaiit. an unknown assailant pitched a hand grenade Into an open air market In Oais City, wounding two Israeli* and an Arab teenager, eye-witnesses reported AP.
    AP  -  34 words
  • 679 1  -  MICHAEL YEOMQ By MADAM Quek Lee Eng, 53, had put up a struggle before she was killed and her body chopped to pieces, an Informed source said yesterday. "Bruises on her head and body Indicate that there was a struggle between her and a
    Reuter  -  679 words
  • 114 1 Leg that was 'lost and found' OEKINO, Sun— lt was a case of "lost and found" with a difference for a W-year-old Yugoslav sailor recently thanks to the skill of a team of Chinese surgeons. Branko Kalabrlc had his leg cut off above the ankle In an accident on his
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 26 1 Hijack Bills JAKARTA. Sun. The Indonesian Cswrrtunent Is new foranulrflng aua on air hUaoktas «nd drug abase. Justice Mtnlrttr Moehtar Kuauatmadja Mid. Antara News Agency reported.
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  • 104 1 S'pore trade team arrives in Cairo CaflßO, Sun. A 29--man Binsaoore Roodwill trade mission arrived early today to begin a tour of the Middle Bast lasting Into neit month. The leader of the group. Mr. Ridswmn Diaflr, head or the Finance Ministry's Trade Department, will today call on Bgyptian Foreign
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 115 1  - GIRL HELD IN TOILET rHKYO, San. PcHee tonight mcicd a 19-year-old rtrl held at knifepoint for eight hears in a pleasure gardens lavatory at Nara shine by a youth demanding 10 million yen (SSS4JM> er he weeJd eat her throat Seame N poUee surresßSse 1 the lavatory before officers tmrst
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  • 382 1  - S'pore humble S'gor in Cup tie Ramsay Zlogelaar By SINGAPORE played *3 magnificent soccer last night to humble mighty Selangor by two goals to one in a vital Malaysia Cup match at the National Stadium. Olven little chance against the visitors, who were unbeaten In 10 matches. Singapore made nonsense
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  • 74 1 VIP hotel's drug garden JSRUSALgM. Sun— The King David Hotel, boot to lihml'i mo«t famous guaaU and now the Jan Ma aw iMadquerten or ascreUry of State Henry rial new, added a ftooaw chapter to Ha tnuotrtous history this weekend. Poppas from which cplum a txtrmcted were found growing in
    AP  -  74 words
  • Untitled
    • 47 1 DAMASCUS. Sea.— Syrian aad Israeli forces feaght aeree artillery battles ea the Golan Heights treat today Military eeaaaaaiaaea broadcast by Das%asees Radio soAd heavy gans aad rockets psnndii Israeli positteaa la several sectors el Ike Geiaa Heigh U aad e« the atopes of am
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 103 1 ki No M 1 Available at all leading shoe stores or at our showroom No 97 Jin Sultan. Kuala Lumpur. 'HENCHMEN' ROLE OF PERSONNEL MANAGERS PAGE 9 GENERAL strike decision by unions 2 AIR strikes hit 1M furrlllas 3 SPINOLA to form interim civilian fovt 4 RICE war in Malaysia
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    • 165 1 ir royal jC% COPENHAGEN V* AND <* v BING GRONDAHL -y~^gj#/ Danish Art PorceJain Norm ct: \3 H SENA (PTE) LTD wJll HGHCLASR JEWELLERS ■MM s. SHANGW-UV MANOMeN M *■£*<-' RAfFLES HOTELS gM The investment bank There are many ways to invest toney of The Standard aad Chartered Banking Some
      165 words

  • Straits Times World Nevus
    • 319 2 BRANDT TO STAY ON AS RULING PARTY CHAIRMAN WEST BEIRLIN, Sunday MR. Willy Brandt, In fighting*- spirit, has left no doubt he Intends to remain active In politics despite his shock resignation as ChanceUor last Monday. The M-year-eJd Nobel Peace Prise winner yesterday used his first public appearance since he
      Reuter  -  319 words
    • 141 2 Mao has 'cordial' talk with Bhutto fjONO KONO. Sun XI Chinese Communist Party chairman Mao Tse-tung today had a "cordial and friendly" conversation with Prime Minister Zulflklr All Bhutto of Pakistan In Peking, the New China News Agency reported. Chinese Premier Chou En lal and Party Vice Chairman Wang Hungwen
      Reuter  -  141 words
    • 79 2 2 missing in waterfall mishap NTAOARA rtdAA, Ban. Two men In a small motorboat were swept over the 150- foot Horseshoe Falls yesterday, officials said. The man were presumed drowned after going «w the tourUt attraction on the Canadian side at Niagara Falla. Their bodies were not Immertlatafr reeovared. Parte
      AP  -  79 words
    • 62 2 HONOKONO Bun -PtrolsiHlw vehlclss Imported from neat Nov. l must not emit more than 45 par cent by VRlUme Of Carton mtnmnwtAf under ragulationi announced ymtwday by the Oovernment In its drive to oontrol pollution In he Britten Colony An official spot—nan said the Oovwnment Intended
      62 words
    • 49 2 HONOKONO. Bun Prtno* Norodom w^im^iK. leader of the foroee SMaing to oust the Cambodian Ooremment of TTeahtent Lon Not. had a meet teg y—Hiday with Him Nguyen Thl Dtnh. deputy roD-nander of the VMteong i-med foroes. in mint, the New China news agency reported Renter.
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 38 2 •AN JOBE (CaJlfomla). •un— Oonvtct RucheU liagec ptoaded ntlty on Friday to a chart* of kidnap as a reeuK of the August ItTO Martn Oounty eourthouM ibootemt which hrft lour people dead, including a judge— on.
      38 words
    • 28 2 BHWTT H, Bup.~atotarw»y deatb* m Bssjttßß bar* pjrnyd by 71 per esnt slnei SilM kHoiiisCs 'tt sails*) aa how apeed Halt was u»po»d last Wuiilm to
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    • 30 2 TOKYO. Sun Th« i»■MOns of M.OO JapaMM war dSMd. itUMnd m ttaa South Pfcclflc In im. war* burled in a gardan tor the war dead bw today— Mwrtsr
      30 words
    • 40 2 WASHINOTOiI, §*r kmmmm\ ih< Day- ttrttrWm M tk. pmdi «f t*. Wash Mtta tkrvwlag. ImMbi W mnts— >su stands and i«B« «f tsjssj— is <■■■■< sjtgry. •m ta* Hilton ►■sin— area bmsw Th» M*nassLSSLsr** 1 is^* 1 s««rT.
      40 words
    • 343 2 General strike decision by unions Delhi offer unworkable say rail leaders WEW DELHI, Son. India's Confederation of Trade Unions has decided to call a general strike on Wednesday in support of the national rail stoppage which entered lls fifth day today. This was announced last night by the confederation's general
      Reuter; UPI  -  343 words
    • 267 2 Rabin makes final bid to form govt wod.-tt TEL AVrv Bunday JSRAELJ Premier-designate Yitzhak Rabin Is making a final attempt to form a Government within the next 48 hours Labour Party officials said today. If be succeed*, the new coalition will either hare a majority of one In the 120-
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    • 141 2 BANGKOK HANOI TIES: CALL FOR 'POSITIVE ACTION' HONOKONO. Bun. North Vietnam today called on Thailand to take positive action to Improve relation* between the two countries. the North Vietnam news agency reported. The agency quoting a commentary from Hanoi's official dally Nnan Dan said relations between Hanoi and Bangkok could
      Reuter  -  141 words
    • 39 2 ONTARIO (Canada) Bun Two WMrtpUn national* •Wending COO** In the United States wan sentenced »o *»r year*- kkU on Friday tor robUoc branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank here Of Cl 11.000 (about 8BM.400) on April AP.
      AP  -  39 words
    • 32 2 NICOSIA (Cyproa), Sib Th« «rtr— rttht-wlnj uiu imnMßt uudwaiuuad or«anHiUo«i BDta-B hw ■tote Imw» quantity of hmrj rlitimMm and oUmt weapons fmo «a army camp. tsw OnTwniwii •anounoKl yinJa/. AP.
      AP  -  32 words
    • 29 2 BAlfOstOK. Bun Swtat banker lUoa B. urn, who wm rMantljr but* up by n**mn hurt, tea dmled chart** of fraud otigiiisUnf la ObH— hinl. That poBc« »oday.-AF.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 216 2 NowTbkyo! ■^UT"^^av s^ M^^ BaMa a^^ B^ B j B aßß^iesSß^B^Bl a MHMtJSBBBsmfS^B^B^BSBSBftmm Departing tlllfc bbbl.l%^ Kuala Lumpur '^Bsf^^^^^HH^^^^^^^^^^^HH 9.30 a.m. Mondays, Wednesdays. l^V Fridays ana Saturdays. rueH Now you can enjoy all the fw^saaaF** pleasures of Golden Service to fsaaaHL Tokyo and back every Monday, )^m&? Wednesday, Friday and
      216 words

    • 141 3 Housewife who got more than she bargained for f_MAHA. Sun. A barv/ gain hunting Omaha housewife got a little more than she bargained for last week when she picked up a bottle of diet sweetener. Mrs. Ann Karnlsh, 50. said she looked at the shelf of sweeteners, then picked one
      AP  -  141 words
    • 95 3 MONACO'S Prince Balaler 111 stands en a palace balcony with his family on Saturday during ceremonies marking the silver Jubilee of his awe n din i Monaco's Throne With him are (from left) Prince Albert, Princess Caroline, Princess Grace former movie star Grace
      95 words
    • 80 3 CAPETOWN. Sun. A Capetown man wtth a wife and two OMMtators tbougtat hi* April teUpho— Mil of 3.M3 M rand (SSIIJM) im beyond tits capability of ereo the moot ebattar-bu of faminw. The Post Ottee agreed that the meter register of 73.577 unite— about 100 call!
      80 words
    • 40 3 BEIRUT. Sun. Iraq hai nationalised a UStl mutton iBl3 4 million) repair facility of tne American Caterpillar Tractor Company and will pay rwrmrfmim*'— "at book rana." the fr-t*"^ Chamber of Cuaamea reported in Its weekly bulletin yesterday. AP.
      AP  -  40 words
    • 483 3 ■4 PHNOM PCNH, Sm«. I pOVERNMENT forces yesterday killed more than a hundred lnsurgepts In air strikes and an artillery barrage south of the government training camp at Long Vek, the High Command reported today. It gave no casualties on the government side.
      Reuter  -  483 words
    • 97 3 TOKYO. Ban. A Jaa«aeae minlnv aaamaay kaa atreed U> pay duufet worth \M» ■iMaai yea (ahoat MltJ MMtoB) to farmen fat pallaUnf their lamia wtth c*Mu dtoekargaa fraam tta aIM The Farakawa Mbibmg Company ami re■reacaUttrw *f 9TI l armera, who Mve alaac Wataraee
      97 words
    • 202 3 CHARLESTON (Missouri). Bun. A Greyhound passenger bus sldeswiped a wrecked tractortrailer rig on a sharp curve near here yesterday, and police said seven people were killed and at least 35 Injured. Hospital officials said seven of t&e injured were In critical condition. KARACHI: Pakistan's Interior Minister. Abdul Qayam Khan,
      Agencies  -  202 words
    • 27 3 aOUTOet. (TViMi, San. Bam drtnUac. aw i«av «>«t« or eombtaaMon of I** two eaa mum maoan 4mlnav an tar ajinUiat mid on Prlday. UPL
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 379 3 ".My husband is amazed and delighted.'! Read what Mrs. Jaiiet James has to say alxnit' her new figure. 0% IJOTM I feel that I must write this in appreciation of all that House of Dawne 0 has done for us. In just twelve short weeks, my weight has been reduced
      379 words
    • 416 3 maßßml aWa^^K^^^^^^^^^___ a«a»m*™am*»«g*m»«a«a»*»| CORDIALS FESTIVAL 3 Flavour, J**si» 3.25 RefilirSnf 90 FACIAL TISSUES lleenex Fuui,s« 1.55 J-fc^J.9o pnpKBIT smp noLuro 7si, 150 GOLDEN CORN OIL uuisow 2k, 7.60 FRESE DRIED INSTANT COFFEE dijy MOCCONA HOLLAND :Wi &M SINGAPORE MADE TOOTHPASTE ktal sp.^^ PRODUCTS MARY KITCHEN CORNED BEEF HASH "OMUL USA.
      416 words

    • 70 4 JAKARTA. Sun —The Indonesian state-owned Pertamlna Oil Company has announced that It had struck oil In the Oulf of Berau near the East Indonesia Island of Irian Jaya. A company spokesman said the new find, with a production capacity of 12.186 barrels of crude oil a
      70 words
    • 423 4 FREE ELECTION WITHIN A YEAR I LISBON. Sunday pOR TUGAL's new military rulers, now making contact with guerillas in the African territories, plan to form a provisional civilian Government this week. A spokesman said the seven-man Junta led by Oen. Antonio Splnola will ke«p
      Reuter  -  423 words
    • 297 4 Catholic priest slain at church BUENOS AIRES. Sunday A PROMINENT left wing Roman Catholic priest was gunned down and left dying on the doorstep of a Buenos Aires church last night. Police said Father Carlos Mujlca, 42. one of the leading Argentine members of the Organisation of Third World Priests
      297 words
    • 145 4 LONDON. Bun. British police uncovered a large quantity of explosives In a house near here today In an apparent follow-up to yesterday's swoop on an Irish Republican Army (IRA) hideout In the Northern Ireland capital. Belfast. Pwo men were arrested In today's dawn raid
      Reuter  -  145 words
    • 35 4 WOLFBBUBO (Wwt Oormany). Sun. The Votk*wacon autoßohU* coociu win lay off of iv IM.--00C workon tor sU days b»two«i May M and Si beeauM of kcfirn aalaa. tha twmtmnr anrkxtncoit restsrday. mmuttt.
      35 words
    • 35 4 LOIfDOSf. Bur World producUoc of eruo* oil In IMS. desplto the snpply cruu followlnf Urn Oetobsr War. roaehMl a new rosord with a rim at nearly nln* per cent oomparod with im.— Router
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 180 4 'FLOATING BOMB' MAY DRYDOCK IN SINGAPORE DURBAN, Sun. The 87,519-ton Ore c k tanker Andros Aries described aa a floating bomb limped into Durban yesterday following an explosion and fire at sea earlier this week. Mr. A.P Stewart, superintendent c n g 1 n eer for the Gulf Transport Corporation
      Reuter  -  180 words
    • 71 4 Swoop on hi-fi smugglers DACCA. Sun. Troop* have swooped on smugglers who used a high frequency radio to help land contraband goods in the coastal area around Chlttagong The army osld it detained three people and recovered large cache of arms in the raid laat night. In addition to ■nusxlod
      71 words
    • 26 4 STRASBOURG. Son Paritawontartan* frost the ltnarton Cbuocu of Bsropt today urted their govornmenu to increase and Improve their aid to developing countries.— Routor
      26 words
    • 360 4 ROME. Son. Italians vote today In a referendum on divorce confuslngl having to vote "yes' If they are against anu "no" If they favour it. The referendum has become a major political controversy, sparking off bitter and near-hysteri-cal debate, and has paralysed government decision- making
      Reuter  -  360 words
    • 272 4 •AUTO DOMINOO, -Sunday A COCONUT tree saved Dominican Bep.fcllc Pres«snt Jeaaaln ■■Ugwsc's htMeopter from faltlnc a ravine after It ermshed and karat Into flam a, presidential —Hi Is aald today frinlim BsJaraer. who to seeningaihlrd fon»-year mandate In general slieUsns on k storm near Santo
      272 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 95 4 "^w^ nasr *o sj^^ s^ssr^ —^^^^^^B aa^^9 w f^^^w»^^^^PC3^[ r '^laaaaaaaaa mlllßLH' aafc^ T*>*ai LaaaaaaH ■H I .oaV naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar^^U^^^i' r{f V Laal n^am ***aw*^^^ V. tfV* Laal «^^aaaaM^aa^nas 3' ■"V JavJ v '^'.'p M W^ Vt^V' \-~'9^i~ .aaaaaaHK' 'I I I aT v^ T a *i\ v^^st' aaaVi a^aaaa^aaaaaaaK^s K^nHl
      95 words

  • 187 5 New job offer to union members who quit factory T*HE management A of Philips Singapore Pte. Ltd. has offered to re-employ some of the 350 workers who resigned last week in protest against the alleged si ~klng of four supervisors. Those offered are understood to be members of the Singapore
    187 words
  • 48 5 THE school adnaory commute* of Baieatier mil Technical School will hold aim enow entitled Red Aaalea at the Kong Chlan Cinema, Toa Payoh. on Jon* aat t ajn. to ralea fund* for the ■chool'a extracurricular activities and to finance buraartea for needy student*.
    48 words
  • 112 5 Drug pusher (appeal pending) refused bail SHOP assistant Urn Kirn Lye, 55, under four rears' jail sentence for being a trafficker In 0,270 grammes of drug, waa ref uoed ball pending appeal against conviction and sentence The drag. It wm atattd. was In four form* raw uptam. prepared opium. adi-oat
    112 words
  • 80 5 Course for tomorrow's leaders TRS Won— Induatrtai BinploTMi' Union and Urn aina»part In<hutrt»l labour OrtaniMtton la collaboration with the NTUC, will bald rwjrtwllal oourw on Clmltan«« AlMtd for liidw of Tomorrow at Urn National Youth T— iiwilili) Training liutltuu from Wedncactejr to iiv a*. Ha omva* to to eenckMlad la
    80 words
  • 69 5 30 for STPB seminar A GROUP of io ■uronmn twidrn—iiwi '"J-t-t ton* from Britain wiil attaod a '8ln»»Dor» Conform** a»minar" vooamd by Uw Wnjifiii Tourlat ProntoUon Board at the Regional Bbcttrti Uornfe CMI In Onust Oiw» noad today. ThU if Urn dm major pro)*. to be undsrtatan bf Che boa.^l
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 33 5 ■■A mm W* 1 ia^ I »w^ 1 1 1 m^W _«v^Hf VmAV M iJ?4 MaJ mmm^mUJm^^jf. jUmmm JBffffß7CTrTHffFHT»f!ffMW!W«Wrr^^ t ~m\ /A WLm\\\\\m\ mr^^U mw* r v^at^B HL mmmw v^al ■KVeS^B k. j'
      33 words
    • 859 5 WEISEN-U DOUBLE ACTItrN RELIEF for STOMACH ULCERS art IB mm (urn V i^^arr -tr .£Jj£fr WEISEN -Us mam ingredient has undergone IfZ successful trials by many •^^^M 'eading Japanese Hospttals SoleAqx. SWGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR lUtt\ UMH maNCMCO.(I)PTC.ITD. THAI STANDARD HARDBOARD for SALE For further details, please phone MANUFACTURERS' REPRESENTATIVE
      859 words

  • Untitled
    • 166 6 Govt plan for a palm oi! exchange In KL KUALA LUMPUR, Sun The Government Is studying the setting up of a palm oil exchange In Kuala Lumpur to replace the pool systtm. The Primary Industries Minister, Datuk Talb Mahmud, said that under the present system, some of its members have
      166 words
    • 20 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun Dewan Negara will debate the Yang Dtportuan Afung'i spMch at the opening of Parliament tomorrow.
      20 words
    • 119 6 Lake project will 'drown' two villages MALACCA, Sun. About 1.000 acres of land and two villages will be under water when the first phase of the multlmllllon dollar Durlan Tunggal water project Is completed In mid- 1976. A lake will be created to •tore 4.000 million gallons of water and
      119 words
    • 32 6 PBNANO. Sun.— The State Ooremmont has recommended to the Federal Oorernment that Peoang Island be made a free port of MalayTtee fooomatteAdattoß waa submitted <*t"-wt* the Chief Finance.
      32 words
    • 47 6 PwUNO. aurw-tA btagraphj of Tonka AbAtl Hthman In both Bahaaa U titrate and ■oghsh. Uto M pubttahed later this year or early In mi B Is written by the former sOnlster of AgrkwMura. me* Aau bbak. "We have not yyriHad on a UUe." he
      47 words
    • 409 6 Big rice 'war' over old stocks KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday J^ RICE war is being waged between millers and wholesalers on the one hand and retailers on the other, according to market sources. Millers and wholesalers are trying to sell their upgraded and imported rice to retailers before June 17 the
      409 words
    • 56 6 Fire destroys 300 tons of timber KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. Fire destroyed 300 tons of timber belonging to Moh Llm Sawmill in Jalan Ipoh here today Alto wrecked ru the tnlll'i electric saw. Total estimate of the damage is not known. About 30 firemen took M minutes to bring the Mas*
      56 words
    • 131 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. More than 200 pork sellers here and In Petallng Jaya went on strike today In protest OTer the steep price rise for slaughtered plgv The wholesale price of slaughtered pigs charged by butchers went up from $205 a plcul
      131 words
    • 74 6 rOH, Sun —A former airline stewardeM, Jan Khan, 24, (above) waa crowned Miss Perak here lart night beating 19 other contestants to compete in the national finals in Koala Lumpur. Second was Elaine Wong, 21, a travel ■alas representative, and third was schoolgirl Serena Teow, 17.
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    • 111 6 3-man robbery gang smashed BUTTKRWORTH, Bun Police hare smashed a three-man robbery gang with the arrest of the mastermind and the seizure of a home-made pistol today. The man, aged 22, was detained In a pre-dawn rala on a house In Kepala Batas He then led police to recover a
      111 words
    • 36 6 ALOR STAR, Sun Pulau Laaf kawt Jettr U to be extended at oou of $350,000 to meet the Increasing number of tourist* to the Island, Manterl Beaar Dato Seri Bred Ahmad Shahabuddln mid todky.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 350 6 In the fine tradition of Morris engineering Marina with the long-life performance and life-long economy you expect from Morris Room inssand lv x v ry- com fort I B^^| BTotskmi -bar suspension MBfBV^BUSJBMSJBJSMpjSJpJpHpjpfIBJBJpH ASf3^H IM^ W WTk Vb^bW i i blbßb^b^b^B f 3 b^bF^^^^^^^^^^^^^^b^bW l^Halß^uk— A* b^BF ml i^^B-^ 9t^M
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 281 6 ■■toglag Op ¥mi*mr My m%U .UvaaMh <c WUI r«M» LJ- 11 /NoeMMßßT^kritL maAiBWTB* our "1 I H[ I i oorr eMm wwur >©v ««v'} I MteaaiTt— Nl juox as I I tvw thmc%v rus bbcnb I I v X snu. thhx it's J/ •nmo* wuaoMi cAwy.;/ cc/ run en rrM
      281 words

  • 345 7 ABANDAOKD head, a dislocated elbow and a fractured leg could not prevent Mlsa Oul Boh Tang, (right), 22. an assistant nurse, from doing her bit for charity yesterday. Gritting her teeth to fight back her pain, and with the aid of her crutch plus lots
    MOHD YUSOOT  -  345 words
  • 58 7 BasMntanr Ssentary fsMueatton). Dm ben etacted ebalnnaa of ttw "iwit Qualltr lUttabUl* AmocUC«h,r officials elected include Mr Robert Tmj. rjoeebalrman aad chairman of miUbenrUp eUb-eunmtttee. Mr. B«eß* Yap* saoratary; Mr. C. P. Hoc. ttaaaurar. Mr. Ooh Chee Wee, chairman *«tiu« suto-ooa-antiee Mr. Pteftfe Soon, okatrasan. pirtlceitop
    58 words
  • 30 7 ■LJBCTIUCTTY supply vms leetored In Loronc Lew LJ»n, off Upper Heranfoon Road, a few hours after a blackout bettered to have been caused by a Mown -out uraitwaii fuse
    30 words
  • 240 7 EXHAUSTIVE details Cj must now be Included in a contract note Issued by a dealer In respect of a transaction (sale or purchase) in securities. Thu require ment. which hte. Just bees gazetted. follow* the passing In March of the Securities Industry (Amendment) Act which alms
    240 words
  • 58 7 SIX candidates have passed the final PFARACB examination conducted by the University of Singapore's School of Postgraduate Medlcsu studta* bald on April I this year. They art Ngo Su Ouan, Shenton Oh Mln Yueh, Chin Mun Kui, all from Singapore, Peter Andrew Jowitt of Malaysia, and
    58 words
  • 459 7 fHE Housing and Development Board has been urged to give more consideration in their blueprints to crime prevention such as well -secured designs for doors, windows and public corridors. This will help reduce the crime rate in HDB flats, said Mr.
    459 words
  • 62 7 THE Heusint aad Development Board Is to build 192 aniU of five -room flats la two 25-storry blocks and M Halts of three -room improved ta in two f«mr-e*ore acks with saoao at Meigkkaavaood II as reJok Blangaa New Towa. There will alao be a market
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  • 39 7 QUIKNBTOWN branch library will organise a talk In Mandarin on Technique* In Translation at Its lecture room at 7.30 pjn on Saturday. The speaker Is Mr. Tal Chen Hwm. a prottssor from Nanyanc University Lanluase Centre.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 58 7 ■Ba^tVjil LvT^^V sMVa^l With Gelusi»-»»'. »aDlets Rscornmendea by doc'ors because they're safe, effective and cause no side effects Gelusil-M contains not one, but three antacids tc promptly relieve pain and wind caused by indigestion, excessive stomach acids or ulcers. Gelusil-M also protects ulcers and allows healing to proceed. Gelusil-M Available
      58 words
    • 368 7 QQQt A B Qy l"«"l I IBMB; j-i. ■^B^BB^SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsC E 'I' JU it l V*Z I'tl'' o'lN' 'll'l'l S2BS SifioA i rVSo o» VooSfIHHBT M i Or i oc l l Aiy i y y i i i i BBS {aSBBHB* V isV I BY BMCPaOt X;«i> Iwl'l! 1 i
      368 words

  • 99 8 Man with chopper chases PC down the road A POLICE constable was chased by a man armed with a chopper along busy Canal Road yesterday. But policemen In a passing patrol car from the nearby Central police station ended the chase. They cornered the man and arrested him. It Is
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  • 28 8 POREION Minister Mr. 8. Rajaratnam will be guest of honour at the annual luncheon of the Singapore international Chamber of Commerce at Shangri-La Hotel on Thursday
    28 words
  • 294 8 FAMILY WHERE THE KIDS SPEAK ONLY WHEN SPOKEN TO... I SAT, I tar. I say. have r« heard this one taid Monkey to his "Dad" ventrilo««ist Warwick Cooper yesterday. And his merry little joke drew chuckles from "Mom" Annette Cooper and friends Mr. Festas, Adbu and eight-year-old Becky Poynor. Mischievous
    MAHFUTZ MATTAR  -  294 words
  • 28 8 SHANORI-LA Hotel has won a gold award in the room service menus category of the National Restaurant Association's 1974 menu Ideas exchange contest In Chicago.
    28 words
  • 481 8 Green light soon for research centre? ICFTU-ARO board to meet in HK J'HE! executive board of the International Confederation of Free Trade Inions and its Asian Regional Organisation meeting in Hongkong this week is expected to approve the Singapore seminar recommendation to set up a research centre in New Delhi.
    481 words
  • 228 8 Scheme B extension 'only if there is genuine demand' THE Communication Ministry will extend Scheme B of the supplementary transport service to more areas only if there is genuine demand. A ministry spokesman disclosed that Meld officers from the Registry of Vehicles were already lookng Into requests from the public
    228 words
  • 77 8 TWO men were charged In a magistrate's court with six counts of armed robbery between February and April. Neo Kee Leok. 39. and Loonf Bang Pook. 3*. were allecwl to havt committed the offences with arother parson soil at large armed with daggers. Cash, goods
    77 words
  • 56 8 THZ Qoremment la to acquire 23*40 9 aguare metres (243, a» aq. ft) of land in Mandal tor the Bukit Mandal booater st*Uon and water lowers under the Lang Acquisition Act. According to a Ooverr ment Omaett* notification pubiubed laat night, the land U owned
    56 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 337 8 The only cover-to-cover international newsmagazine. Newsweek is the world's first every story for the reader in contents page to our exclusive around the world, you also truly international news Penang as well as Paris, in Oslo back page interview each week get their significance for you. magazine. as well as
      337 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 151 8 Straits Times Crossword B r ~HsP~B l~' ~bH' TbT s^Lf I ACmOSS OorrMor for members 7 Oarrteat. or rnwiaai wboa* lnureat but •sxtrr*, 0 1^ 1 "SBTa^ 10 Mot a laciUmau ground P 0 1 (1 •>■ (or tortoaa growth (i 4) 1J Umnae* of oa« tdmet 13 Omhaatf tmmixm
      151 words

  • 560 9  - The men who keep unions at bay CH£W LEE CHING 'Henchmen* role of personnel chiefs By THE president of the Singapore Institute of Personnel Management, Mr. Lawrence Mah, yesterday charged that local companies were all too often usinc personnel managers to keep unions at pay and be their "henchmen" in
    560 words
  • 32 9 OOLICE arrested 1* secret society suspects, In--1 eluding two women. In a series of raids in Katong and Queen Street on Saturday nit ht They were detained for questioning.
    32 words
  • 114 9 Show to let you in on colour TV A 10-DAY colour vision and sound exhibition will be held at the National Stadium from Aug. 3, a day after TV Singapore launches its colour transmission pilot project. The exhibition, organised by the Radio and Electrical Traders' Association of Singapore, will highlight
    114 words
  • 112 9 Aimed Forces to carry out exercises THE Singapore Armed Forces will conduct exercises using blanks and thunderflashes in the following areas from tomorrow. Saxlmbun from Wednesday to PricUy between a.m. to 530 p.m Llm Chu Kang Chua Chu Kang from tomorrow to Friday between 8 a.m. to 830 p.m. dally.
    112 words
  • 70 9 AN injured motorist being assisted by passers-by after his car skidded and hit a lamp post in Jurong Road yesterday. The motorist, who declined to give his name, was driving towards the city at about 12.10 p.m when the ear went off the road and landed
    BOBBY TIP  -  70 words
  • 318 9 More may go to old folks homes ¥\EPUTY director of the Singapore Coun- ell of Social Service, Mr. 8. Vasoo, said on Saturday that the number of old people 64 years and above seeking institutional care was expected to rise In the next two decades. He said this may make
    318 words
  • 87 9 'HDB flat a betting house' charge KOH Kin Meng, 39. claimed trial In the Vint Magistrate's Court when charged with allowing his HDB flat In Lorong One, Toa Payoh, to be used as a betting house for bookmaklng on March 17. Two other man Chlak Chin Tack, SI. and Tan
    87 words
  • 35 9 KDi Sang community centra will hold tabte-Uonl« and hxwnlntnn tournaments for reatdenU and people working In the conatl fancy from June 1 to June SO. ■ntry form* an ftvrnilsMe at toe centre
    35 words
  • 34 9 YWCA U orgmnlaUw a d»r camp for fcojra ana ejrls between the agea of and 10 at 1U tn ewiaiM la Outram Road eetewsß IJ» to put. Oroea June I to June
    34 words
  • 182 9 Jogging drive off to a good start rC campaign by the Jogging Association of Singapore to Introduce Jogging to more people got off to a good ■tart yesterday morning. About 500 members Jogged a two-mile course through Serangoon Oardens. They were led by Mr. L.P Rodrlgo. MP for Serangoon Garden
    182 words
  • 46 9 ENCIK A. M Tuatrf ha* been elected president of the HUMew Caute HouaeOvners and Residents Aaaocution Other officials Include Mr Karc Eng Cheong (vtceprralowt). Mr. J. R. Denis jcrevrv), Mr. Lee Big Cnaln (aaeHtaut secretary). and Mr. N n n r < r"ftry*ti" (treasurer).
    46 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 8 9 ■If DlS H TREATM^ I NISH TREAT/^H i
      8 words
    • 381 9 does something no ether electric typewriter can oOe«e it rente rabers FACIT IBM The Facit 1820 has two tabulator systems. Regardless of what the first system Is used for, the second one will always remember exactly what your standard forms look like! In addition the Facit 1820 features: keys for
      381 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 79 10 S BB wm w Alpine Highlife Summer Holiday I Programmes Swissair suggests something better than tourism: Alpine Highlife, a fascinating series of exciting, relaxing, invigorating, unusual, interesting and always satisfying holidays in Switzerland, the heart of Europe. Twelve beautiful full-colour brochures outlining the possibilities of a holiday youil long remember
      79 words
    • 279 10 YVrt«vvvsrVWVWftvvsrV^aVW^a'»>ww^wwwy v MOW SHOWING! 2 1 s SST 9 H Tpii f i •afaMMSSION: Adult* $2.oo •Children $I<oo< TANG LAM HUA YANB CHUN Tato twtlvt wmemmi m—. Fm tlwir visit**. Ifnitt it Mm tt't rtM> tt m** tan ttm j Imm m tkt Nazis! UDtUN i* AiliA OPENS |/Umm _rt%-iil.JutK_l
      279 words
    • 551 10 BaVaaVjaa^MßVa^aWlsK W OW6JHIISJITIOW LAST DAY' HUKMV HUMVi Baa It NOW 11 am. 1 44. 4.00 «.?0 B. SIB Flonnda Bokan k Maakmo Ranian. "lIOMAJUCt Colo. TOaWMaWW OMLT! Una Vaafaaa Jacajaas lr.l "MOMIY. MONEY, MOMIT" (UA^ Color g la«MlalkMaTrfri-Tl MOW SHOWING 11am. 1.30. 4.00. B 46. S 30 MKMaal Hui "SCANDAL
      551 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 234 11 |ffia«S>BGWaiCsacS!ffiB!GaCS!i!3^ 1 BEN AND COMPANY LIMITED 1 ll (•ncorporotwl in Slnßoport) M Refrigerated Storage Space afultUe. I Temperature 65° F to O°F. Medku or Long Term storage negotiable. |j I Telephooe ***** Mr. Waig or write 5 P.O. Box 851 for nformation. aaaal Baaaaal»^Baa«aß^BWßa^BJMfl SA rEEEEEGEEEEiSGE H e STADIUM RESTAURANT
      234 words
    • 296 11 w* TOHHHHHT I eempttßii J ;puUh Inn* J r presents I theewbespey JINBGNESWN J ♦PENfING FOOD j Kepala Ikan 2 J Merah J J Roast Mutton ♦•Gulailkan I Eight Precious* jjlntef national Plaia, Im Floor. 123-6 An«on Road Singapore 2 Ttl ***** GET YO U P COPY OP THE STRAITS
      296 words
    • 314 11 He has his eye on your eyes HcrwlViit I isOrlanestop J%. I international I w "xj >crt )i i eye kniake-np. f^aaaW V aaaaV W M aaW J^ m He's here to give Bpersonal demonstrations Ito show you how to I make the best of your ■ to give them
      314 words

  • The Straits Times MONDAY, MAY 13, 1974 TERRIBLE DAYS
    • 664 12 rBC FIRST 11 days of May were terrible for law and order in Singapore. It was as If the underworld was out to underline the need for the month-long "Keep Singapore Crime -Free" campaign starting on June 2. The month opened ominously with the discovery of five more
      664 words
  • 432 12  - Once a roar, now a whimper BERNARD WEIMRAUB By pOLOMBO, The Sri V* Lanka Press, once one of the liveliest and bluntest in Asia, has been firmly quelled by the Government. Two weeks ago the last Independent chain of newspapers here, the Sun Group, which prints about 16 papers, was
    432 words
  • 642 12  -  DAVID TONGEx I By Athens 1 rras concept of the 1 "Mediterranean dictatorship" has Inimms a* generally entrenched for there to be an almost stale sense of Inevitability aboat news of each farther Intervention of the military in the conntrio* of soathom Earope The Greek
    642 words
  • 769 12 Monday Timesman 1? L E C T P Ca CHAKGI therapy is tm>u>mary in old-fashioned psychiatric wards (they use sex-hor-mones in up-to-date clinics), not at church meetings. "That's exactly the point," says Timesman's friend, the mod chu r c hgoer. "Youth groups using tt.9 'electric chair' at their communitysessions are
    769 words
  • Untitled
    • 204 12 WHY have holders of Tf gun licences had their permit* withdrawn? By all means prosecute thoee who have contravened the law. But this indiscriminate cancellation of gun licences from those who have held permits for periods ranging from 10 to 20 years Is grossly
      204 words
    • 250 12 lAOREE fully with Mr. Uns views expressed in hi* leter (S.T.. May 7). I first arrived In Singapore 10 years ago, long before Mr. Moore had started launching his mission to "civilise" Singaporeans. I have always found Singaporeans gracious and friendly. This Is not surprising, since being mainly Chinese they
      250 words
    • 124 12 I am an Australian Chinese on vacation here. During my brief stay here I have found Singapore to be clean and green and the people friendly. I have only one complaint 1 neon s i d crate drivers. On May 39 my cousin and I were walking along Fairer Road
      124 words
    • 59 12 I RECENTLY boarded a bus near Newton Circus. I cave a dollar to the conductor for two 20-cent tlckeU. He asked me to hold on for the balance But he later refused to give me the change, instead he told me to report him to the authorities if I wanted
      59 words
    • 376 12 The 'villain' was bad publicity VTOUR correspondent "A 1 Dental Surgeon" (8.T.. May 6) was mistaken when he said that our Dental Nurses Scheme had caused the present low number of Singaporeans taking up dentistry at the University of Singapore. Our Dental Nurses Training School was opened in 1963 and
      376 words
    • 98 12 I REFER to the tetter by "Desperate" (ST., May 3) regarding hi* application for a HDB As your correspondent did not reveal hU identity nor the registration number of the flat In hi* letter, we are unable to took into bis case Could he please contact the Estates Officer <i.ettlnfs)
      98 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 21 12 REACHOUTFOR -^-X^flZl YDURSHAIOF :z±:^:: solid success! d-± JLjui-UJj Bank with the Soidfu y^wli&W'' as -a- Rock BANK. Ow— O*— BiOJw CwpniM.
      21 words
    • 142 12 The 100 Pipers Legend. Our legend claims If you sip a perfect Scotch you'll bear 160 pipers play. mm That's a lot of Pipers. But then 100 Pipers is a lot of Scotch. Wsl fmj*^ ju ul ju ju 100 Rpers Scotch. From SeaaranuScotiand. •00 P*»i StofcO VtoMtty *»lt'«« >f
      142 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 151 12 a 1 k w^^^^pT^^sjy M/''-''- wM^ 1 >-^i. owen*' daw a H M^^ B M _dV_ M^^/ L iJT I '^^L~~"~~ SPOTS UKE SHE liaeT WB WELL I LRG CLEARASL AWO I RN)D S NEEDS KNOCK Tl I T* MACVELUXS. MV OOCTOR TOLp M& j KNGESI CL £*> IT VVOCIOS
      151 words

  • Business Times
    • 803 13 W 0 RLDWIDE profits of a group of 30 leading petroleum companies rose by 70.9 per cent in 1973 over the previous year. This is disclosed by Chase Manhattan Rank in a preliminary financial survey conducted by its energy economies division. Chase attributes this big
      803 words
    • 387 13 London welcomes S'pore code on takeovers and mergers A SIGNIFICANT step In establishing Singapore as a major Asian financial centre has been the introduction of the Singapore Code on Takeovers and Mergers. This, coupled with the amendments to the 81nKpore listing manual, a been widely welcomed in London and other
      387 words
    • 339 13 HONGKONG: Hie Govurnment will intredaee leflaUttoa to rtftoter nn&noe oompaniM here, Informed •ourees Mid. Only thoM eonpuiles with an authorlaed eapiUl of HK|6 miUloa or higher (of which a minimum of $2 5 million M* he iMOd-ap) will be eligible for refistrmUon, the legfaUtton drmit
      339 words
    • 693 13  - Good economic performance by most Asian nations, says the ADB SOH TIANG KENG ?y MOST developing Asian na 1 1 ons put up a good economic performance In 1973. Despite Inflation, the oil crisis and monetary uncertainties, they staged a firm recovery from the sluggish performance of the previous two
      693 words
    • 103 13 f ONDON: Reutera Commodity Index fell 26 2 polnttt last week to 1374.1 (1931 100) following a decline In prices of most commodities used to compile the Index. The Index now stands only SS.4 points above the year's tow reached go April 9. and la 105 6
      103 words
    • 233 13 McElwaine is new FEFC representative npHE Far Eastern Freight Conference has appointed Mr. D.E. McElwaine (right) as its representative for Malaysia and Singapore with effect from May 15. Mr. McElwaine 's appointment Is on a fulltime basis. He is expected to travel in the region, meeting memoers of shippers' councils,
      233 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 257 13 If you care a hoot about your money, carry First National City Travelers Checks. Be a wist bird Don't risk, losing your cash when you travel Wherever you go, go with First National City Travelers Checks. They're welcomed at more than 1 ,000,000 places worldwide refunded at more than 35,000
      257 words
    • 141 13 W £j£^^*~ I Is^Bßß^ S^s^L^T ST^^^^s** mKHmtHmt J tm W*k S*SB3 Bppß J 1f v mam I B^B^aw^^^^^a^^BKa^li with the gpod old C^@s£T hjtgftsnfflr The atmosphere it cosy and wine bst to complement your relaxed. The service personal and choice, friendly. Business lunch. Or informal In unpretentious comfort you dinner
      141 words

  • Untitled
    • 887 14 Marketing A CLEAR understanding of their respective roles between the firm as the client, and the agency as the advertiser is crucial to effective advertising. This belief was expressed by Mr. David Naidu, managing director of Feltus, Robertson Naldu, in
      887 words
    • 136 14  - As quiet as a car engine QUIET portable air compressors will soon find their way into our indu- tries. A new product, called the STS Silensalr range, from Atlas Copco, one of the world's largest manufacturers of compressors has been introduced into the local market. The new compressors have a
      136 words
    • 578 14 Dunlop results are better than expected DUITLOP Holdings of the UK reports pretax profit of £56.4? million (£53 39 million i for 1973 on sales of £750 million (£636 million). Darnings per share were 9 42p <12.42p). The company said trading results of Dunlop Holdings for the final quarter of
      578 words
    • 355 14 rIPEH After more than a decade of spectacular eco n o mic growth, Taiwan is threatened with the loss of Its all-Important competitive advantage, which had been based on Its cheap labour and ability to manufacture inexpensively for export. According to Chinese and
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 619 14 Visit our New Premier Store at G-36 High Street Centre iPvouumnT TOMJTTOOHOIC THE TOP TBllOft kill/ IV^^^S^Si STORES G-36, High Street Centre, (Ground Fkxx). Tel: *****1 G 06/31 High Street Centre. Supreme House (Ground Floor) ,Good*ood, HrHoaßrfflts Hotels. Cold Storage Shoppmg Cento*. Up to 70% of your secretary's typing is
      619 words
    • 59 14 37,753 lbs of 99% purity British Aluminium Coils for sale SPtOrKATWMS; Material Britnk Hhahhw W* parity M* wy* I* TUdu»ss 225W6 mi 24SWG Wtiflkt Ptr Ce* 350 Nm. Arfcoc Silt 8 DiMMtor ArW Stocks art «ralaV» foe fatprxtto. i««t«Hity. Fw Mn «Wuds cMtacg Mr. Mi K«* rW, ***** Ext 113
      59 words

    • 1183 15 r** sTess^Teat.y^* r r <Muss» NOTE: Cleehsj Prices sjeaas tW sric* at »hica IS* last report* traasactiea was seat aa Friday. TW etcews catassa ghes Ike amisnsl assre Ike week seterc. OMUmt VieM Is Ik* grass shies, aer start aWewi k> Ok* sssrtri sric. Price Earassgs Ratio
      1,183 words
    • 654 15 THt foUo-iag s Ital of SSllsrtls tar IB* »c*k m, I. Friday. Me) M for Mm m iactoM m ik* *mfcl» ilwrr uultw. Prict inns) ksasS sa a c*s»serissa of lvi tain sa M» If aaa Msy 3 ss atewa la hssatsla INDUSTRIALS H. L S. 1
      654 words
    • 293 15 VIW TOfUC, Frl. mvaster enthusiasm disappeared following a new round of Increases In bank prune interest rates, and popular averages clossil sharply lower, erasing all the gain of the previous sssstnn. Banking shares were among the day's weakest performer* and analysts were mystified by the sharp plunge In
      293 words
    • 92 15 FINANCIAL THUS TINS Friday ioa 05 Thursday 101 41 Week ago MJ7 BUBBUU Frldaj ***** Thursday 400.17 Wesk ago SM J4 urns Friday 344.67 Thursday 346.63 Weak ago 3M.13 INDUSTRIALS Friday 307 1 Thursday j©j.» Week ago 307.0 DOW JONES AVUtAGE DTDUSTBIALS Friday 5M.44 Thursday SSB 77 Weak ago
      92 words
    • 104 15 yUHJCH. m. TIM MMkr- tot in MPOn imUw du»ppotaUnt and prtow etaatf on a tower tof*T Bocwla ware agiln lmgukK Hi* Cndit Batmt Indn okiMd at 214 4, down O.» OlIU HWI la »<rlM fru«i wiu Ik* dux* ea Ik* iiiiIim ptt»«: r. omkhw rm -f- m Ma auk
      104 words
    • 179 15 'TOKYO. Sat. Prices on A the pre-hollday Tokyo Stock exchange closed on a mixed note. Moving higher were sugar, auto-parts and security leaders. Also higher ware chemicals, non-life Insurances and housing. However, shipbuilding and construction shares turned lower on profit-taking towards the close. The Dow-Jones average was up 1W
      179 words
    • 252 15 Company meetings The following meetings are due: Kaala Isaapa sTspssn Bkst: May 13, noon, Rajan Room. Kuala Lumpur Hilton Jalan Sulton. Ismail Kuala Lumpur Sassaawang Shipyard Ltd.: May 14. 9.30 ajn.. Registered Office. Admiralty Road. Bast Bsmbawang. Singapore Maiex sasieiss CsssssH ■hi: May 14. U ajn. 7v Jalan Ampang. Kuala
      252 words
    • 130 15 A MBTBRDAM, Frl. The market was generally quietly mixed with Akse and H**gw*wa* leading gains In Dutch internationals and FUMps edging tower kerf led kwsss In local Issues but Assert Bsips and Bergwss were firm spots Slat* loans were generally slightly easier. Clefts* »rte*a la Dvtab mlMm with Uw
      130 words
    • 49 15 MM IMS M*lt(«nM (1) HIM 1M.14 \tm*om lltn IM.M H.lnil IMK ItTM Initni IMM IM.M ZurMfe IMM MM imm imtm Put* ITV.M 1T»« rwn it) INIM 1M MB IMM* INN bport prlM la rtfcg inu la U ««llir vr w (1) AjMUmliu «ollan »ot mm* (*> A»»MI FM.
      49 words
    • 204 15 J.C. BAMFOED Excavators, the UK manufacturer of earthmovlng machinery, showed a 26 per cent Increase In pro ductlon in March which helped JCB to achieve a record output of £5.3 million worth of machinery. This was achieved despite the reduction in .-king hours due to the country's industrial
      204 words
    • 193 15 A SIAK currency avenge J*X** nu« for Uie wt«k ended FWd»,. u^ 01 1 (BM PrtoM) Hiffti Law 7 dajr* 11 1/18 11 1/t 1 mUi 11 16/ M 10 T/« 2 mth. 11 s/8 a T/ le 3 mth. 11 S/j n 7/lf mth* 11 5
      193 words
    • 60 15 isu ss £z%L^ I? s* m4i uu, s^iriJajT^ji" 1 utM ""P*— Wn»l^ l»l.M lU.7* +4J» sUmiSoSSSiSrM^ mM mjs ji ♦41 74 SLS2TS2U mji utM +M< lf!J7 1 SSSJ* 1*7.4« F«o4, Drtek v* T»h«rc. mM I —\l] i!lsi«^ CtelM^itM. 1M44 +«J4 »44.1» til M TnttM MI.J7 lIS
      60 words
    • 59 15 TPHK Mtowtai U.t W gtoak. fins tfcr tea mN tak la C*™^"*— Twnvm fwtam H%k Low mS Sit »U S2 MjU.yMCr.4tt 1J74 fl M U-51 wtr CMOrmMtDuk MM MM U Hariaaa linriMili ill M.7S fi.M MM E!"-5 l 5* He I > lM "S F»r brim H««cfa
      59 words
    • 135 15 SINGAPORE May ladMtetafc: ciMed 1 Claw* »^|w<Im: Chart Tte.: Claa* t f n*h*n: CtaM4 O.CJ.C: CtoMrf t SX.ft.Ia4.: CtoaX M«y 7 May I May Ma? 1« CM.44 tU.SS tMH *4«M 417tt 444M 4MJ4 1T«J« 17I.M IUM Ml.U 9fl.tS lM7t 1MJ5 H7J1 1M7* lM.7t »4S M
      135 words
    • 36 15 Current Data Tatal for Total for P^rment f^iMt tfcr jmi pmt»» ymr Aea» brt. lt%Tt tmy 4 U*TE U%TI M%TEt Jut M li%Tßt IIJU%TB imMm is%n t intorta n-Tu rt Ulhllll 5.1% Im. tax
      36 words
    • 401 15 S'pore produce T<HERE was a general 1 disinclination to deal In the Singapore produce market last week and In certain sectors where buyers were hard to come by, prices tended easier Right from the opening or the week, pepper suffered from the easier blmi m American buyers, who had in
      401 words
    • 30 15 mm wevtr pri«s m**? Hint— la kfMkMa) Winter SrX taqnr O. ITS (II IW) U«ci «1.1T4 XI.MS). (II.StS) mUot (I.SS* (tI.MS) Mark* iw: n malar. Mmi I lea*
      30 words
    • 27 15 Oa (k* frm tmUmmt aw** la Utisfc— t m attar**? t»» VS. writer was lailil at t.SSSS/ S.SHSfer T.T. taw t was easts*: at ass
      27 words
    • 543 15 IN terms of trading volume last week's afjcregmte o f 15.8 million units valued at $42.6 million was certainly the highest ever attained in a four-day trading week since the split of the joint Malavslan and Singapore Stock Exchange. And for that matter, the 5.93CM1 units recorded on
      543 words
    • 399 15 'THE Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange enjoyed better sentiment last week despite the swift profit- taking which followed each round of buying. The price rise is reflected by a 4.73-polnt climb in the New ST. Industrial Index, and gives rise to further hopes that the market will take
      399 words
    • 49 15 pOB the week eadec Satar*»r. >>ay 11, the ranee ef call ratea raeetvew fraea ■hart De»aatte (M) BarhM were as festowe: BANK FUN©: 4*4 par eeat 1% per cent. GEKCBAL PVNIM: S* Par cent U J', per oral. MOVEMENTS ef tMkSS tetaUs.l Use —Tui a
      49 words
    • 957 15 I ONDON: The market ruled quletlv mixed last week and by Friday the FT index was only 0.1 up at 300.9 compared with the previous week's close. Shares reacted lower early on, followed by a rally which was helped later on by the news that one of
      957 words
      • 150 15 I ONDON: The drop In U the Eastern price and expectations of a ilxeable Increase In warehouse stocks this week over-shadowed the tin market on Friday which finished with losses of £46 per tonne all round. On Friday afternoon activity In tic was almost entirely couflned
        150 words
      • 383 15 LONDON: Small scale speculative covering In forward positions again provided the bulk of business In the landed section on Friday. In physicals, factories remained on u.e sidelines with business confined to satisfying Immediate requirements. The rather depressing economic outlook continued to dampen tradIng enthusiasm although some quarters
        383 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 575 16 pMa>Ya«f>MsMP«»J« General Electric (U.S.A.). tha largest manu- I facturer of clock radios in the world, is anticipating major growth of its facilities and is now seeking suitably qualified candidates for the following interesting, challenging and rewarding position*:SAFETY OFFICER Candidate, should praf«r«bly be graduate from technical college in Mechanical Engineering or
      575 words
    • 458 16 (y^y RADIO TECHNICIAN BRUNEI SHELL PETROLEUM CO LTD have vacancies for Radio Technicians i:i the Telecommunications division of their Engineering deoartment based in Seria. State of Brunei. Qualifications: Candidates should have gained a Malaysian Certificate of Education, or its equivalent, and possess a City and Guilds (Intermediate) Certificate in Telecoms
      458 words
    • 698 16 I If you have mainI frame computer I experience I Olivetti wants to I meet you. Duo to our tremendous success in I I marketing EOP equipment, we need I men with the right experience to join I our fast expanding Systems Division. I AGE Preferably 23 and above. QUALIFICATIONS:
      698 words
    • 319 16 V INCHCAPE BERHAD applications from Singapore and Malaysian] Citizens aged 26 to 35 for the posi'ion of: GROUP COST CONTROLLER RESPONSIBILITIES To review and where necessary improve the existing costing systems for the Group's manufacturing, assembling, processing and distnbution operations and to estalish and implement costing systems for new operations.
      319 words
    • 419 16 m Boustead Engineering Sdn. Bhd A vacancy exists our expanding Company for a suitably qualified WORKSHOP MANAGER. The successful shou* have at M 3^ a Malayan citizen fluent in wr.nen and spoke" English Behasa Malaysia and ability to converse fluently M major Chinese dialects is essential The Workshop Manager will
      419 words

  • 220 17 Solomon team in to learn how to plan budgets A FIVE-MAN delegation from the British Solomon Islands Protectorate flew In from Jakarta yesterday during the course of a study tour of South-east Asian countries. During their week-long visit, the delegates, members of the Governing Council, will study the system of
    220 words
  • 167 17 Chess: 2 tie for top stop NATIONAL serviceman Pang Kwok Leong and pdence student Oey Liang Hlen tied for first place in the 36th national chess championship concluded yesterday. Both aeored 11 point* each from IS games in the twomonth lone tournnment held at Robina Department Store and will be
    167 words
  • 154 17 rl Music for Everyone series continued with the Don Burrows Quartet at the Conference Hall last night. A lazz group with an lntertlonal reputation, they Rave us an entertaining lecture-recital. Instrumental combination was George Orolla (guitar). Ed Oaston (bass), Lawrle Thompson (drums), with
    154 words
  • 355 17 LAST BUT ONE COMES DOWN... DEMOLITION workers yesterday l>esan tearing down one o! two remaining buildings on a site near the junction of Upper Changi and Telok Faku Roads to make way for the levelling and founda tion work for the second phase of the Changi Village development project. As
    JUNID JUAN  -  355 words
  • 90 17 $22,000 gems haul by thieves rIEVEB broke) into two homes on Saturday and escaped with a total of MM and Jewellery worth UZ Madam Tan Knl Wah, M, reported to police that she lost worth of Jowellei y from her home In Phillips Avenue, off Ylo Cna Kang According to
    90 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 191 17 Heuga wall-to-wall carpet looks better-lasts longer than any other floor coverings Heuga Carpet Tiles bring new, beauty, luxury and comfon *^i «Hj)V I I to your home. 'UM A, B I The extensive range of distinctive, modern colours and textures I give you your own choice, in distinctive individual patterns
      191 words
    • 334 17 LUCAS ALTERNATORS ,/^**Tnog^^E[Vi// Lightweight compact Fffl f^l^^^^S^j/i «utomotiwe alternators b \jfmm 1 n a vvere p' on red °v Jk!^^^jL /l^^mJ/ JIB are stan<^ art^ •puipment V^iJ^r /itt VB/m 21 f" 00^ 15 of British /awP9!^^ an^ C° n tinental cars. Lucas /^vro' Alternators ensure adequate \m// \J^ electrical output
      334 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 122 17 TV MALAYSIA (3) CAA PM Summary IM Mouse OftTrl Staaawn Lit Areas JVU FKtory SJ4 Studio O.Vi SuUa Ul Perrsti.a LSI Weather Ul New Ll2 Be- I.M News L2l Parliaawat Report lajarlari Bakasa Anda LW Atom Pen IJ4 The Partners IIJI Has MMs, DitfikM 1 41 Jaanaia 7JJ Tka Brady
      122 words
    • 686 17 TV SINGAPORE (5) IU.UU Traaa aad Test Trans O.JU Ammsl WerM-6raat TnTlnmHiJl* EairTlJl w (Pwt vIM t4m!% m Oaaaiaa and Sirevar Paaafa (Tamil) -Two pairs of Pasts 7 JI News JJS r*" 2fJ l T5Jl!?l l) T? JI < IW^ 1M to •■n Lo*a Is a aany •fsaaavaa imm —..M
      686 words
    • 19 17 WATER teas— an»Uoa oa SatmrtUy was 11M million (alleaas (IMJM cable metres). J millton galloau ■sow Useta eat rrteUy.
      19 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1139 18 I /in Uml lj GENERAL DIESEL INTRODUCTORY OFFER Valid for only 10 days until 25th May NEW GM ENGINES AT LAST YEARS PRICES Delivery 60 to 90 days in Singapore. Marine Engines 1025 HP 1900 RPM General Motors. 16V 149 Diesel Engines with Twin Disc MG 540 Transmission ratio 5.17
      1,139 words
    • 320 18 FOR SALE VALUABLE INDUSTRIAL BUILDING (with vacant possession) 2 Allenby Road LOCATION Situated at junction of Tyrwrwtt Road and AMenbv Road oft Jalan l«« Road and directly opposite to Jalan Besar Football Stadium LAND ARE A AiJproK 15.007 (1395 sq. metres! TITLE FraahONi IMPROVEMENTS 3 Storav pom-war reinforced concrete building
      320 words
    • 269 18 1 )jbp/ have pleasure in announcing \i?^» (59 the marriage of their eldest son YSSj Tf Mr. Lie Khin Sin \<| K 1 Miss Yap Geh Leng (GnA Mr- Mrs. Yip Siong Eu, llffil &&ft\ on Mth May. 197* /JK&& BjStifA in Melbourne. Australia. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY NEW MANUFACTURER OF SPECIAL
      269 words
    • 609 18 MALAYSIA TEXTILE INDUSTRIES BERHAD (Incorporated In Malaysia) The following Ordinary Share Certificate Km» been reported tost or destroyed: CrtMcMt Ne. ~m* AaeeeX ef Shaf* 2883 Eastern Textile $709,674/Industrles Ltd. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that If within fourteen days from the date of publication, no claim or representation in respect of
      609 words
    • 270 18 INI BA«rlKiriLl /\WI (CHAPTER IS, 1970 EDITION) NOTICE OF RECEIVING AND ADJUDICATION ORDERS TAKE NOTICE that Receiving and Adjudication Orders were made against the following debtors: Receiving Order made on 15th March 1974 Bankruptcy Nos. 494/73 Eastern Auto Air 1 Conditioning Service (a firm) of No. 21ZE. Ayer Rajah Road.
      270 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1207 19 COMTiINFRSNIP SERtiCE TO al/Ctt dl BEN AVON i ER i^a k Z?, uk. W- IH hill ft -M i11;i 1 a tjtffAWOBIIP SERTICE nm IRycONTINfNT ,»,.,itT **M KSi «C f^MM" PM li M s t Ml' I MiM MM MM n ~M» n S UN MM lulaa 5..1.1 Sm ItM
      1,207 words
    • 1179 19 p. EMt Coast «GiJf Ports I Z' S'parr p mimi Pt<uH LaaaMj ttr I P'HM- Hai is Mit ll C'iStoMl. XiflfSttt, f MUMII Jaaa I Ma I MX tj l(mi JatksoMiiw, I MMMA JIW 1% fMK Jar a. i^a. --i a—. I PIfSIVS laaar Jaaa M 5l«tMII, LaartMiaa. PiatisiiAM Jaii
      1,179 words
    • 1024 19 it caiapt a^atf IMaaa riaa S'P*» P.fttlaaf Scaa. Aatlni fraaca U Sj^« aS v s :S rsnsr js !5 .S hZ ii'.'SfJ!t w 525 •2*i M J— 7 m> SIM. SM| MM lIM IMAIU HAM IM IMJ St M| IM It Mf StMj r»tMiaaapc hmi rsaaja MMj u.i p imaj
      1,024 words
    • 903 19 FULLY CONTAINIKIZED SEKVICt TO EUROPE «a»'» ****>*. MMjjn tiiiw m a Ajtm. r CotMab*,. Mmmj. uhiui mi ii StocifMha. Oslo. HeHinlu, Untm Kutftfon. Cianai laaai: Itl Man FCI M Mat. FULLY CONTAINERIZED Sr,*VICE FKOM EUKOPE aaa I'aar. FROM «AM^aSSi KLfT 12," tortardaM, AmstefdaM, Aitottp, itHavrt. Sfua.,l m. S limtml tlmmi
      903 words
    • 775 19 «aaaj«aa ♦1*444. P. K Mm* 4341 XL *****; FWat 2SIOI THE BANK LINE LTD. i lIABS FOR E t S AfUCA. "tat IMI 'caM Miiial iaa raara II H Mai finjAM a. i uaaM f t/lMw S'para I; IMi •iiitiM j Af'iowr,) r MM-Ma raM niTMMI (caM tiaana) I MMJ
      775 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1118 20 ILl'illl IMU'illfi I 111 UWAiAU RWUI RISEN MISHA ITI. UM.Mt.UM STRAITS SEDUCE. tt*M Haajtaat 8 aanara P. MUaf I HSSU IS Mn Slnaaperc Japan Sarria* {.MMrt FM: vIS IMJ MAM »«t BMn "MCOTI UMjWHitWMMT lII— War, A Ml |> ua^i mmJbtl g IfaafaWlMl •Wff I Japan Arabian Cull »arriaa s>cw>
      1,118 words
    • 810 20 BEAUTY LINES F,oa n* HO BiiUmbm LX.T. BIABTf lITBS PulMf Pism 1* Mty Mtf ItttMSM. 1 LC.T. BEABTf MT liiitan 14 May IS May lajoatw. LJ T. IFJYAP Tiriton 21 May 21 May m^omsu L'.T MABULAM lMMts:l 25 May V toj Indoatsit. BfABTYLMV MMid 21 May 2lltot "twh. BEAUTY VARM
      810 words
    • 768 20 h jlra- nCI iiS. Oi: CnT un<L/ 'l U.K. IUKOfI SWVtCt LOADING rOt LONDCN. tOTTIRDAM, HAMBURG, BILBAO, I Ll HAVRE ajjaaart t Mmjj pmmi laMaa fut M'Mif MPTWM \Ur»\W M.. II H 14/11 M« 11/11 Wf lIMM II Mm »Mm rUHCI MIM 1I MM I IMM 11/ II M* IMJ
      768 words
    • 735 20 amss shvke to iomm. iiyopm/cntmiit kits T| VMi S-nfMo>t P IUIMf *naa| Laaßai far mmv mt« m ran 14.1t a>« 11 11 an n aai k,». laaaw lit Hr SiMMa 77 H-W| 2 1. MtMf* I 7 MMla MtSMM M/m Ba 1/llaM 4/llaM 1/11 laM auaao 1/7. IaMM •M>
      735 words
    • 820 20 DEATH Due to the tragic death of Madam Quek Lee Eng, Aged 53 wife of the proprietor of Sun Keng Soy Corporation, the Offices in Singapore and Malaysia will be closed in mourning till Pth May, 1974. The Cortege will leave 83 Pheng Geek Avenue, on 16th Way, 1^74 at
      820 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 2072 21 ENAMMKtt '——"Oft BAND AKAN (NJLaV BAB 117) NOTIB DI BAWAH SEKSTEN-SCaVSTEN ist ua DKNOAN TKI DIBaBUTAHU bahaw» adalah (tteadaiajlcan dl bawah BlaiiJStl 144 Saak men LstnbaQ Baadarail >NMB Bab IST) ssMUaVa Plan Bandar Ipoh Tang TAluluatan No B» yang owiar kan atba«al Pemter Itahuan No. 2»M di daiam Wart* Kerajaan
      2,072 words
    • 86 21 sMJj.!l'.jm...M A large international trading company invites applications from Malaysian citizens fcr the post of: DYESTUFFS SALES EXECUTIVES for textile, leather and paper industries. Candidates should possess a degree in science, conversant in English, Bahasa Malaysia and main Chinese dialects. Sales experience preferable but not essential. Must have valid driving
      86 words

  • 47 22 Announcements TMl* IS TO ANNOUNCE that our Representatives from Taiwan Manufacturing and Local Textile* Importer Meet ing to bo held on Monday 13th Msy, has now been postponed to luesday 14th May 1974. at Chinese Chamber of Commerce at 2.00 pm Wsy Come Enterprlses Singapore Pte. Ud.
    47 words
  • 22 22 Religious Announcements UNITED GOSPEL RALLY. May 14 IS. nightly at 7.30 p.m. St. Andrew's Caarch. Adfllralty Rofd. tembtwlng. *p»a>or: Dr. P.P. James.
    22 words
  • 75 22 Acknowledgements MRS. ANG LBNC CMUAN ant family wlsn to thank everyone for their condolsacos ■ISO STMIt lUttdwMeafJsM aanOwVß to Omos In their traslc losa. We would also Hke to thank svsiyoas who seat flowers sad wiaataa. It Is net pooHaHn to writ© to ff^rVa^rOttsV iWrtOMsMiy so pl*?ss## sccvpt this Intimation
    75 words
  • 27 22  - In Memoriam IN LOVPNO MEMORY of our beloved fatlier. the late Chua Peng How, departed suddenly on 13.5.73. Sadly missed but always rememtered Cv all at home.
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1577 22 classified ads d) F/A PASTE-UP ARTIST WANTID. Oood prospect* for right candidates Apply with fu.'i particulars to B.T. Box A ***** QUALIFIED *TBEL *TRUCTURAL NOINNI R*. aissjawy roo»«eo by 7 years' workli* sxperience on 2/3 big projecu Please apply to aeael Read, kVaareSS. Lerge Psesrtosl mswesrlsl MsaaMc ajrlnt Srm reaesras:
      1,577 words
    • 676 22 ACCOUNTS CLIRK *ith about 1 year's experience Must be able to keep full set of simple Accounts. CLERK/TYPIST Must at least complete Secondary 4. some relevant working experience preferred but not essential Apply with rull particulars and salary expected to: 138 S IBS. Jea Seng Roe*. raareH. 'ialirssHnsal Srss >J
      676 words
    • 649 22 A OUALIPIIO MEDICAL LABORATORY Tschnlclan U urgently required for a busy SOO-bed private Oeneral and Maternity Hospital Salary negoUable. Apply B.T Box A9OST7 Went ed LICENSED RADIO OPERATORS mrMi.MlilH SIJH iljrtMSasa* Applicants must posssss at least a restricted Radio Telephone Operators Certificate or equivalent, and speaks fluent English Some experience
      649 words
    • 530 22 wAjrrao omcl aov atie to nde wcycie. speak Mandarin Or Cantonese, not yet registered for National Service Call personally to 330, Peninsula Shopping CenUe, 13th May at 2 p m sharp. tmmm sssßi mlii, *st Bss lili sdiig posss h<^sVetr metsl work Mary In STENOGRAPHER LCC Shorthand 80-10* w p.m
      530 words
    • 613 22 WANTID FEMALE CAR PARK Attendants Phone ***** ext. 354. SECURITY GUARD* of good character, sturdily built, required. Apply Yumlr. 9SA. Market Street. Spore 1 WANTID ONI FEMALE office assistant (sll*/-) and few Ml Ml telephone cleaners ($l3O/-). Minimum education Primary six. Apply personally Room 20, 168. New Brtdge Road. Tan
      613 words
    • 495 22 WANTID IMMIDIATILY EXPtRISNCED Malay Messenger Boy with own motorbike for travel sgent. Contact Mrs Mun at ISA. Upper Circular Roa< fjr Interview bslaseti 10 a.m. < p.m. MALI OENERAL WORKERS require for factory at Buklt Tlmah Rosvd (8 m.s), at Keppel Road, and at Jurong Oood wages plus Jurong allowance
      495 words
    • 684 22 TWMIN OPTBRS POM RINT RenUl $480 to $3,000 DETACHED HOISSEB— Holland Heights. Helland Road. Chestnut Drive. Sunset Orescent. Dunsarn Read, Garlic* Avenue. SEMI DETACHED HOUSES— Henry Park. Mt. Slnal. Thomson Orson. East Coast Park. Tan ah Merah Beaar LUXURIOUS MAIeornrTTES/APARTMENT* Calrnhlll Court. Leonle Towers. High Point. Star Point. Balmoral Park.
      684 words
    • 659 22 •HELPORD ROAD APARTMENT* M-A. 20-C 20-D. 20-O. 22-B. 22-E. split-level fully furnished 3 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms attached, spacious lounge/ dining rooms, fully alrcondltloned, modern kitchen with fixtures, servant's room, own toilet facilities, separate entrance, extras, swimming pool and undercover carpark Also available 21-A. 33-D, 28-A. 25-B. 25-C. 25-D. Stevens Drive
      659 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 877 23 TWINS ENTERPRISES OFFER:- Namly. Buan Ouan Henry Park. Bio Mi. Duchess Hoed. Serangoon Oarden Coronation Road West/Drive, Steven Road. Victoria Park. Clementl. Faber Dunearn Road. Upper Thomson. Braddell Heights. Changt. Katong peletar Hills. Ewart Park Cavenasb House, aty Towers Beverly Mal. Devonshire Court Maxima. Lock Cho. Robin Koad $500 $4,000.
      877 words
    • 570 23 ■BC REQUIRES UROENTLY detached bungalow*, semidetached and apartments Rental 8500 ***** Please phone *****9/ *****7. AMERICAN BANK'S NIW FINANCE MANAGER and PERSONNEL DIRECTOR ■eek bouses within 3s miles radius OPO. Yearly advanced rental negotiable. Pioaso sentast Mr. Kang "OINTLY RIOUIRED HOU BIS. Flau, Rooms m various dlstncu for long lease
      570 words
    • 601 23 $08,800 ONLY LUXURIOUS APARTMENT 5 Minutes To Town Brand New Very Private 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Terrasao/ Parquet Flooring Ist Class Locality. Tal: **********715 1. CAVINAOH HOUSE DIST. 0 Executive apartment with swimming pool Selling partly furnished 6158,000. 2. LARGE FAIRLY NEW DOUBLESTOREY SEMI-DETACMBO IN DIST 18. Over 4.000 sq.
      601 words
    • 455 23 PON OUtCK BALI OP Property please get In touch with EBC. S4BC-2 Orchard Road, (opposite Mandarin Hotel). Tel: *****677 Spore. Oasyuiwa ■utrsM) aro*a*xr WANTIOPURCHABBOFFICI SPACE 35fV700 sq ft Far EaM/ Orcnard Towers Shopping Centre/ Thong Teck Building areas Please send brief particulars with lowest price to Advertiser. OPO. Bon 344
      455 words
    • 602 23 184*8 SO. FT. with a built-in factory or warehouse at dial 15 for sale Ring *****4 Jason AbWotravilbirvicb *****/ alrcondltloned bus B*lso/-. Malaysia Oentlng Highlands by alr-conditloned bus Seven Days 3*170/ Departure Every Sunday. Monday Dunne Singapore School Holiday* Departure Everyday. Cameron Highlands Four days 8880/Uenting Highlands ->our days *****/-,
      602 words
    • 614 23 TNANS-lURO ASIAN TRAVSL SERVICE. Room 303, 3rd now. Central Building. Mags— me Road Spore Tel: *****2/ OSSM Offers special low cost fllghU to London li Europe Dally. MOOVRN TOURS M CONJUNCTION WITH XEIO SCA INTERNATIONAL PRESENT FIRST CLASS OCLUK COACH TOURS (OPPIR ONI MONTH ONLY) SON/MJJN (A) HAADYAI/ SONSULA Delux
      614 words
    • 688 23 NEW MSTROLANO TRAVELS (PTI) LTD. THI GIANT TURTLE S« Now is your chance to see For only 837.50 all inclusive to Kuantan (Turtle Beach) 2 days by alrcon coach including 2 meals and Dap: 16/8. 28/8. 1/0, 82/6, S 28/0. Limited seau Book early to avoid disappointment Oeneral Sale* Agent
      688 words
    • 581 23 TYPEWRITING 2-MONTH RAPID COURSE. Normal class anyume between 9.30 am —9.30 p.m. Individual coaching by qualified exparWttv.ed Instructress People's Commercial Schooi (Opposite Odeon Katung) Tel *****5 Spore. WOULD YOU LIKE TO LEARN TO EVALUATE STOCKS ANO SHARES FOR PROm ABILITY? Then you must learn to Interpret price charts and other
      581 words
    • 641 23 BfOMNIRS SHORT-HAND, STINOORAPHY. BOOM-KEEPINO. TVPB-WRITWIO Vacancies Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening Singapore Institute of Ounßiare* (XnUV *****8 J. CSS S QBE SCHOOL offers CITY S GUILD* ELECTRICAL EMOINEIRINQ PRACTICE Enquiries 87 -C B-tM TksMti Read Sra Beer Tan Kea* Ttaf. 845%.. ____________i _r sß_s_R_tsas_ti _T __i Basil i VPfWVBFfaJ B\SJBSBBBJHBf P\ VI
      641 words
    • 579 23 WANTID FEMALE TUTOR to lltLBPa/_J primary studtnu at home. Apply wltn full particulars giving phone number to P.O Box 145 Taaglin Post Office SINOINO. PIANO ANO THEORY lessons by overseas trained expe^ rlenced teacher Pees from 825/Tel ***** m ADULT/ CHILDREN PIANO TUITION in Queenstown &X_qualified experienced teacher^ Please call
      579 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 446 24 LEMBAGA TABUNG ANGKATAN TENTERA ASSISTANT SECRETARY PROJECT A recently established Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera invites suitably qualified Malaysians for the above position. THE MAN: Aged not over 35 years with a tertiary qualification preferably with 2 years post qualifying experience in finance and project assessment, development and management. THE JOB:
      446 words
    • 570 24 LEM 4AGA PELABUHAN KELANG JAWATAN KOBONG Ptrm, bonan permohonan adalah dipalawa daripada Wsrgsn*Kra Ma'ayaia ba<i mamermhi jawatan -jawatan koM«| ysaf tarsti di bawah im di Lambaga rVlabuhan Kalang (1) Jawstasv JuruUajHrVampuan) Bhf 111 Taaaga Osji: Prl.uh f 126/ Tinjkaun 111 Sl4O i B— flS«VTinfkatan II $170 i 10— 1210/TinfksUn I
      570 words
    • 654 24 SYARIKAT GULA N.& (SDN.) BHD. Applications an invited from suitably qualified Mslsy. «ans to fill th. undermentioned poM t itl Head o^ t Serwnban. Nfferi Satnbilan STENOGRAPHER QUALIFICATION: Either 9C or MCE with credit in Bshsss Malaysia and a pass in English Able to take shorthand dictation at a speed
      654 words
    • 965 24 felda KENYATAAN TAWARAN Tawsrsn-Uwsrsn adalah dipalawa daripada kontrakter-koatrskssr/pembakal-pambakal van» barpvofalaman bail karia-kar-js taraabul di bawah Ksrja-kcrja ban (A) HANYA kontrsktsr kontrakUT yang bardafUr dartfan JKR Malaymia alaa lulaa A aUu B auu BX di bawah ksoaU I. fV-ahsn kapala I; kapala II pacsaan kapsla I dsn 2 dsn tspala IV
      965 words
    • 767 24 TENDER NOTICE SABAH LAND DEVELOPMENT BOARD Civil and Building Works for the Lahad Datu Palm Oil Bulking Installation Tenders from Contractors currently registered as Class B and above with the Public Works Department or who have undertaken works of similar nature are required to be delivered to reach the Tender
      767 words

  • 520 25 WORLD CUP SUPER STARS Oacy De Sa By Brazil pin their hopes on Rivelino ROBERTO RIVE- LINO is the bridge between the old and the new as Brazil begins a new era in its soccer tory. After playing the supporting role for four years, Rlyellno now finds himself thrust Into
    520 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 479 25 JLprivhte INVES ™ENT M COMPANY FOR Wk ASIA(PICA)S.A. ENGINEER for Investment Department RESPONSIBILITIES: a Evaluating the technical soundness of proposed industrial projects including review of plant location, layout, manufacturing process, procurement of machinery and equipment, raw material and utility requirements etc. a Analysis of projects using techniques of engineering economics
      479 words
    • 1404 25 classified ads (H HIRB PURCHASE Hong Leong Finance offer flexible terms for your Hire Purchase requirements Advertisement Permit No 0854 Tel: 9M06 A1 USED CARS A1 FROM UNIVERSAL CAMS 1914 Cortina IBM OXL -812.» M 1973 :.-^ont COM. AJrcondltloned 18.500 1973 Cortina 2000 OXL Alrcond 13,(40 1972 Cortina 2000 Base.
      1,404 words
    • 688 25 WI SUMtV DATSON PICKUP or Lorry to shift your office household equlpmenu or cargo**, U31«1 Sport •RESTIOI ELBCTHICAL COMPANY, speclallas In repairing ail brands of alrooodJUoners. refrigerators, washing msrhlnes, cookers snd other appliance*. Contact Tel: 37M1 1/ ***** B'pore. HOUSEHOLD MIMOVAL AND PACKINa in Singapore or overseas Ptaaae call us
      688 words
    • 493 25 SBCONDHANO NOUBBNOLD furnituni. Bed. table and Dtnlng-set. etc. 83 Rocnore Canal Road Tel: ***** 5218J7 AUTMINTIC BATIK PAIMTMICS to >w sold at coat Contact S3SM7 TWO BRAND NSW DSC with power winch for sale at current price Hire purcnaas arnngeable Apply PO Box 175 J B JUST AWWVBOI FMIH vrr)
      493 words
    • 60 25 TOMORROW— JOHAN CRUYFF r*^" WITH bb^s^bbjpw*^ HYDRAULIC GUILLOTINE SHEARS Models available Working lengths— B' up to 20 Cutting Caf jacity- 1 8" up to T'mild steel and stainless steel M WITH HYDRAULIC PRESS BRAKES Models available: VJfcrking lengths-B'up to 20' Capacities- 40 tons up to 500 tons Mild flavoured Australian
      60 words

    • 2268 26 THE STRAITS TIMES MONDAY. MAY 13, 1074 iRACIM^m Big Sweep TOTAL POOL: $9,472 1* 3777J («U44). ted 3*334 ($1,172). 3rd 34*53 ($SM). STARTERS ($65 e»ch) MS51. 3S3S2, 3**W. 362*9. S21M X7S47. SM72, M997. *****, 3«<«. CONSOLATION (US esek) 3*737. *****. *****. 3CS59. 393(3. *****, *****.
      2,268 words
    • 289 26 LONDON, Sunday 11/ORLD Cup hope- fula, Scotland, sank to a 1-0 home defeat against Northern Ireland, while new-look England whipped Wales 2-0 in the British Soccer Championship which started yesterday. Scotland. preparing for Oroup Two competition In the World Cup finals against Braatt. Yugoslavia and Zaire.
      289 words
    • 868 26  - Kim Tee betters javelin record PETER SIOVV By ■RATIONAL cfcam--11 plon Chua Kirn Tee bettered her own Javelin national record with a throw of 39.84 m at the Swift Athletes Association at Farrer Park yesterday. Kirn Tee, whose previous national record was 39.Mm, set her new mark In her secriid
      868 words
    • 32 26 JOHANHBSBOTiO «Un ArnoU Taylor of South Africa, U» World BoUnc Amoct.Uoo'c lrantaiins»jln champion. wUI Mtod hit tUte mjtaat South Koraa'a aw KwrnD-Htanc «n Durban on July s. it tv amwiiusrt
      32 words
    • 22 26 weigas boxing cheasßtm Chlnnol 8 U-nd will defend hit UUa on July l« m Toko■MM BaoacaU't mmm TMaa*» KavsJl mki.-sjrF
      22 words
    • 147 27 Bobby will make a comeback next season LONDON. San— Bobby Charlton. who retired from playing soccer last year after making over 1M International appearances for England, will make a come-back for Preston North End next season. During the season Jum ended Charlton managed Preston, who were relegated from the Second
      147 words
    • 295 27  -  MADRID, Sun. aM Bpain achieved their greatest ever hockey triumph when they defeated West Germany, the Olympic champions, 1-0 last night In the European Cup final. The goal was scored from a penalty corner in the 47th minute of a tense match by the Spanish
      Reuter  -  295 words
    • 242 27 Amir wins second SLTA title XTETCRAN Amir Leow, v the Clay court champion, won his second SLTA title this year when he beat Daniel Urn to win the men's singles in the National Championships at Farrer Park yeste r day. Amir. 39. won the first set at 8-«. after which
      242 words
    • 28 27 saocu sun mam-fc sprang major surprto* when they beat litwiitni oochampkaia Burma 3-1 in a Group B- BMtak at Urn Fourth Presidential Cup A«jan wecm tow~
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    • 1001 27 JOE DORAI By Kirn Song and Norbert shine gl N G A PORE smashed Malaysia Cup holders Selangor 2-1 last night at the National Stadium and marched on to meet Pahang on Saturday for the right to enter the semifinals. Goals by national youth team skipper Mohammed Noh
      1,001 words
    • 351 27  -  TEOH ENG TATT By pOR the 45,000 crowd who braved the rain, it was a beautiful Sunday and the Singapore players fully deserved the cheers for a great 2-1 win over Malaysia Cup holders Selangor. Hard, fighting football so successfully used against Trengganu sank Selangor
      351 words
    • 85 27 Fuji Sankei title to Marsh again TOKYO. Sun. Australia's Oraham Marsh scored a one-stroke victory today for his second successive win in the 30 million yen (»34«.308) Pujl-Sankel Oolf tournament in Hlgashi Matsuyama near here. Marsh, who was In a third place Ue yesterday. three strokes behind leader Badao Hlyoshl
      Reuter  -  85 words
    • 71 27 NEW DELHI. Sun Australia drew level at one-all, when John Alexander beat India's Vljay Amrltraj 14-13. 17-18. 8-8 and 6-2 in the second singles of the Eastern zone Davis Cup final at Calcutta yesterday. Other recalls: At Daaml♦oT West Oermany 1 Spain I: At Bogota: S. Africa
      71 words
    • 88 27 LONDON. Sun Alan I Ollaean. Tottenham Ho«»Pur's veteran Scottish Inter- national forward, marked his farewell appearance for j the London club by scoring i the second goal In the 2-0 I victory over Newcastle United yesterday. OUaean. who is expected I to be given a free
      88 words
    • 185 27  - Nantha's goal puts S'pore in U-23 final ERNEST FRIDA By J)EFENDING cham--17 pions, Singapore, will meet Selangor in the Malaysian Hockey Federation Under -23 competition final at Johore Baru at 8.00 a.m. today. In the semi-nnals yesterday morning, Singapore edged Malacca 1-0, while Selangor beat Negrl Sembllan 2-0. The final
      185 words
    • 75 27 Absenteeism mars FAS Div. 3 league ONLY four of the 10 scheduled PAS Division Three league soccer matches were played, a* seven teams failed to turn up at Parrer Park yesterday. The absentees were-Nobile SC. Singapore Malay Teachers' Union Town United STC Rangers. Nadonal Wonderer.», APAB and UFA In the
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 369 26 ■tifi!^ THE UNION CARBIDE GQpl UNDE POWER TRAIN Process Oriented Power Supplies The pick of the power field matched to fit the job... and the process VI-252 V l-400 V l-600 V"vi-1000 CAC-1500 THE LINDE POWER SOURCE 200 AMPS TO 1200 AMPS FOR MIG. TIG SUB ARC WELDING 100% DUTY
      369 words

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    • 115 27 YOU GET MORE BECAUSE JOHN DEERE JD4IO HAS MORE! ff|/ff/f D/IPI/iiflf lit H IKB Jader design with single-lever control. iHlTfll UnUiynUl LUnULn Digging depth to 16 ft Digging force is Climb aboard the JD4IO and you'll find 10,500 lbs and loading height is 1 1 ft 6 ins. everything you've
      115 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 32 27 HOCKEY MHF Under--33 final Sing* pore v Selangor (afTC yound. Johore Bam < am.) SQUASH SSRA V grade league: PSRC v Tanglln (Alexandra). SMA v BCC (AJexandra). 81CC v SAFSA 'SICC 6 pa).
      32 words

  • 181 28 Aussie no to return of island to S'pore claim CANBLRRA. Son.—Australia's Labour Government denied today a claim kr the opposition Liber il Party that it waa negotiating secretly to live Christmas Island to Singapore. Christinas Island, an Australian territory In the Indian Ocean, 221 miles south of Java, is
    AP  -  181 words
  • 144 28 'Exercise the key to good health' GOOD health and a r longer life span cannot be ensured merely through expenditure on metUcal services, the Foreign Minister, Mr. 8. Rajftratnam, said yesterday Un.'lke the past, ha said. Singapore's urban comaunlty was now paying more concern to sports both In the role
    144 words
  • 292 28 K's MISSION IN CRUCIAL PHASE AS HE SEES HAFEZ FiAMASCUS, Sun. U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger flew In from Jerusalem today and Immediately went Into new talks with President Hafez AlAssad Dr. Kissinger on his third visit here during the current peace mission briefed the Syrian leader on the
    Reuter  -  292 words
  • 32 28 MOSCOW Sun. Libyan Prime Minister Afadri Hetem Jalloud U to pay an olllclal vlalt to the Soviet Union beflnnlnc on May 14. the offldaJ Taa news aconcy announced tool«ht —Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 201 28 NUMEIRY ACCUSES GADDAFI OF PLOT AGAINST SUDAN KHARTOUM, Bun. Sudan nas uncovered a Libyan plot aimed at overthrowing the Government here, President Jaffar Numeiry charged yesterday. He said the threat was being taken seriously in Sudan and that security units had been put "on the defensive He personally blamed Libyan
    AP  -  201 words
  • 90 28 OINGAPORE soccer fans braved the rain to support the national team in their vital Malaysia Cap match against Sdangor at the National Stadium yesterday. The 45,000 crowd, many of them schoolchildren, came prepared with umbrellas and raincoats. They trooped into the stadium as
    MAX KIAN SENG  -  90 words
  • 341 28 Hijacker killed in plane gun battle BOGOTA, Sunday ANK hijacker was shot dead, his two companions were captured and another eight people were injured when police slormed a hijacked airliner here last night. Five policemen disguised as mechanics rushed the Colombian Boeing -727 jetliner with 92 people aboard 17 hours
    341 words
  • 58 28 PARIS, Bun. Ounmen tried to assassinate the son of French presidential candidate Francois Mitterrand on the Indian Ocean Island of St. Denis de la Reunion Shots were fired at the cars driven by Mr Christophe Mltte-rand and Paul Verges, secretarygeneral of the local Communist Party, after they
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 66 28 ROMS. Sun. Roofaen escaped with a quantity of jewel* and, moooy from Rome* luxury flaafcr Mt did Hotel overkwkinc tho SpanUh stepa during the nlyht. police said today. Three men. two of them banovad to be South Americana, were reported to have forces the hotel's night porter* to
    66 words
  • 29 28 RAWOOON. Sun Burmast PraaHtenl Ne Win baa told men not to blame ■oeiaJUam foe Buraoa't eeonntr4r wooa caused by ehortaaea of food* and mng prtcaa. neuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 97 28 MM. UM MVC4C AIK Ml Mkteaa Htm Wy» Yta as*d paiaei «»ay peeeefwuy oa lOtfc May ltT« taavtac Haul few buaeaa*. »r» mm, tkrw d«u«ht«r. four daucklOT*-la-law. three nu in -taw and ■May inaMlltm M mourn their loaa. In ll«i of wreath* vi troUM. kiadlr «mi> to Mount Minan
    97 words
  • 141 28 Arrests of rail union activists continue N«W DELHI. Sun. Prime Minister Indira o and his government continued widespread arresu of union activists toda.y in a crackdown designed to break the five -day -old Indian rail strike. The Action Committee of militant unions leadlng the walkout condemned "the Government's draconlan repressive
    AP  -  141 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
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    • 407 28 f HOUTOKU presents TOYO for office elegance aaaaaaaaaaaaa^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ aaaaSsaaaMsaaWaE^^si^rVl Houtoku presents Toyo for office elegance with Toyo's office chairs. Toyo swivelling chairs are with flexible back-rest and adjustable height. 12 colours to match your office interior. aaaV^^aW al^^M am*tw>M m^^aau HOUTOKU DYNASTY (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD Shenton House Shenton Way Singapore
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