The Straits Times, 8 May 1974

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 22 1 frMAYiwl TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 250,000 The Straits Times <[ Eitd. 1846 FINAL EDITION WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 634 1 LONG WAY TO GO: SUHARTO Call to forge closer economic ties among Asean members JAKARTA, Tuesday PRESIDENT Suharto today opened the annual meeting of foreign ministers from the Association of South-east Asian countries with a call for more economic cooperation among Asean members. He also warned that the seven-year-old organisation
    Reuter  -  634 words
  • 43 1 NEW YORK. Tues. Dow Jones averages, baaed on first hour of trading on the New York Stcck Exchange: 30 Indus UOtn, up 60». 20 iransj. 173.40. up OJ7; I* utlls 78 76. up 0.44; 68 stocks 258 97. up 1-2S UPI.
    UPI  -  43 words
  • 40 1 LOS ANOELEB. Tues Alpha the dolphin, who talked to George Scott and saved the President in 'The Day of the Dolphin." was named the top animal star in motion pictures In the 24 th annual patsy awards. AP.
    AP  -  40 words
  • 300 1 Dr. K in talks with Gromyko NICOSIA, Tuesday AMERICAN Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger held three hours of "useful and constructive" talks with Soviet Foreign Minister Mr. Andrei Gromyko today, then headed his flying Middle East peace mission back to Jerusalem to seek a compromise Israeli proposal on disengagement
    Reuter; UPI  -  300 words
  • 56 1 HONOKONO, Tm Ron«konc haj comparted Mgotiatloiu with China to buy 10,000 too* of fan oil a month, tat awcratarr for Economic Strvices. Mr Derek Jonet announced today. He did not Indicate the price at which the ftMl oil will be sold, nor (ivt other detail*
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 94 1 HOLLYWOOD. Tues. Goldwyn Studios, a central Hollywood landmark, was burned to a shell today three months after the death of its founder, film pioneer Samuel Goldwyn. Among Aim personalities who dashed for safety as flames roared through the buildings was Goldwyn's sen. Samuel Goldwyn,
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 218 1 Asian Games shock for 3 countries ONDON. Tues. a number of athletes from Pakistan, Iran and Egypt have become Ineligible for the Asian Games In Teheran next September because they competed against Chinese athletes last month an International Amateur Athletic Federation (lAAF) official said here today. lAAT executive director John
    Reuter  -  218 words
  • 49 1 Quads— but 3 die TEHERAN. Tues A 22-year-old woman gave birth to quadruplets here, but three of the babies died today, the hospital reported. It added that the mother, Shakll Bazrafshan, and the surviving child were well. The babies three boys and a Ctrl were born on Sunday. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 48 1 CALCUTTA, Tues. A snap Calcutta general strike sponsored by nine political partin disrupted this port city today and waa marked by minor clashes liaf—u police and warring faction* The M-hour general strike was called to protest against 'Vising price* and U» Government's anti-people policies."
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  • 41 1 TOKYO, TIM* A *OUI of 131 psopl* died at marine and mountain resort* during the 10-day holiday period In Japan that wded yesterday, an Increase of 40 par cent over last year the national pottos afsney said today. Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 177 1 OTTAWA. Tees.— The Canadian Government was In danger of a poMtleal crisis today on ftdtner f >lr l*»tcr Id the week— after presenting a budget whisk took a hard b:te from the rising profits sf bUMiifNimrn Beading to a packed and not«y Parliament
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  • 641 1 Schmidt picked by SDP to succeed Brandt BONN. Tuesday FINANCE MINISTER Helmut Sclimiilt was today chosen by the Social Democrat Party as candidate to succeed Its*. Willy Brandt whose resignation stunned West (it tummy yesterday. Mr JFVhmldt's nomination Is to be discussed shortly at a meetlng between the SPD and
    Reuter  -  641 words
  • 61 1 Sharp drop in pound LONDON, Tues. The pound sterling fell sharply against the L'S dollar today, in reaction to a call by leaders of the Amalgamated Unions of Engineering Workers for a nationwide strike. The dollar changed hands in early afternoon trading In London at USS2.4I7* to the pound, well
    UP  -  61 words
  • 138 1 NEW DELHI. Tues. Parts of old Delhi, the scene of violent clashes between Hindus and Muslims last Sunday. was reported to be quiet today. The curfew In the area was i: f ted for three hours this morning to allow people to do essential shopping
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    • 71 1 OTTAWA, Tues. A second major opposition party an— cod today It would not support the minority Lilt er al Government's new national budget, threatening to topple Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau from power and force a new general election. New Democratic Party leader At. David Lewis,
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    • 37 1 A MAN was admitted U Outran Hospital In critical iQiidlUoa with severe head Injuries early this Booming, after a drunken brawl at the Gay World Aanuaement Park. PoMcc have detained anwther ma*
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 64 1 Hi»w^ NOW! TO JAKARTA IN BIG DC-8 COMFORT! Four convenient flights THREE TIMES DAILY BY DC 8 departing Singapore every: 1100 HOURS FLIGHT GA9B3 1600 HOURS FLIGHT GA9BI 2045 HOURS FLIGHT GA9BS ONCE DAILY BY DC-9 departing Singapore every: 1800 HOURS FLIGHT GA9B7 XxiVe in good hands when you 30a
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    • 70 1 RESULTS OF SPORE SWEEP in Pag* 8 "NO PERMIT to print dally in Indonesia" 5 DE VAN'S call: Help create more Jobs 7 DAGGER at child's throat, but he slept on I I'NITED FRONT Asean will make others heed us: Raja 11 "COOL" Thugs* 2-mlnute $91,000 hold-up 17 WORLD NEWS
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    • 111 1 tMLUJTY (-KIOIWrMM IJ JM J^kFor those who appreciate itjA i^kfe b€auf y and precision. F~.JVJr*| Chun Chong J^ *4m 62 South Brid s e Rd > Singapore 1. t^^^^^\. Tel *****/2 I Now at Diethelm Famous Tapisom Sommer exclusive Tapisom 1030 with carpets from Franc*. A fine its unique ribbed
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  • Straits Times World News
    • 305 2 BANGKOK. Tues— The "Pattanl Liberation Front" has demanded that the United States and Britain halt all military and economic aid to Thailand as a precondition for the release of two foreign women missionaries kidnapped in southern Thailand, police said today. The two nurses, Miss
      Reuter  -  305 words
    • 170 2 CARACAS ALLOWS TOM JONES TO LEAVE CARACAS, Tues. British pop singer Tom Jones flew to New York yesterday after an order banning him from leaving Venezueli was lifted "provisionally Judge German Requena, who questioned Jones said later that the singer had been officially notified of a complaint against him following
      Reuter  -  170 words
    • 494 2 Heiress turned rebel charged with 545.6 m art theft LONDON. Tims. LAST October Bridget Rose Dugdale stood before a Judge after a Jury had found her guilty of theft of paintings from her wealthy parents. The Judge, Sir Hugh Park, gave her a suspended twoyear sentence and set her free,
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    • 35 2 DACCA. Tues. A threemember nenflsdeeh dentation has left hen for Washington to negotiate a. UBSJO million dollar iSMS million) loan from the International Development Agency for Usw isimninh s Uons projects. Beuter.
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 112 2 359 years for robber who shot police ABILENE (Texas) Tues— Arthur Lee Phillips, 21. waa sentenced to 358 years In prison yesterday for &c Nov. 2 1972 armed robbery of a local supermarket during which a policeman was critically wounded The term which does not ran concurrently with W--7e«r sentence
      UPI  -  112 words
    • 122 2 Bombay offshore oil probe: Foreign firms excluded VTBW DKLHI, Ten 11 ineUa decs net Intend to ißvtfee foreign eellatoraH— for o7fsfeor* oil expterattea la the Bombay high area of the Arabian Sem, a ■pokcsjßu in for th* IV troloun and CheMioala Ministry eaid juterdi/. That area where eil ha* boom
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    • 377 2 UN's hope for M-East peace New approach holds promise: Waldheim UNITED NATIONS, Tuesday gECRETARY general Kurt Waldheim said yesterday the new pattern of bilateral diplomacy backed by multilateral efforts held considerable promise for resolution of the Middle East problem. But it remained to be seen if this new combination of
      Reuter  -  377 words
    • 141 2 Appeal for funds to aid poor states UNITED NATIONS, Tues. The Secretary O«neral Dr Kurt Waldheim will appeal formally In the next few days to the Industrialised states and other potential contributors for tunds /or an emerge ncy assistance programme for poor states hardest bit by rising prices of food,
      Reuter  -  141 words
    • 225 2 Sri Lanka accused of human rights denial ITNITED NATIONS y Tues. The International League for the Rights of Man yesterday charged the Government of Sri Lanka with violating the universal declaration of human rights through the continued detention without trial of 6,000 people arrested in the wake of an unsuccessful
      Reuter  -  225 words
    • 62 2 WASHINGTON. Tuee. President Nixon yesterday rttnaHert poaalbte wiuingneas to comply with a subpoena for the tope* of several dosen presidential convcrsa Uons which could have bearing on the Watergate cover-up prosecution. L*et week Mr. Nixon asked the US district court to throw out the subpoena, which
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 32 2 TAIPEH. Tuc« More people *r« worUnc on the land in Tilw&u theee dajt beou— of the sharp tncreua in price* of farm producta. an oflklai lnaUtute said todkT Heater
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 413 2 look better-last longer I than any other floor coverings I S«SJ^ Hs^s^sfeZ liH ijk^s^H gfl^sflsl J IM-i bv^^^^"~"~"™^^^ H B* .les—wß .Hi I Igfl L 1 m I Wm km ilg^ I "L^flasV es^O^B d wl Pin «m^ I C.U .^Tl^jFnßglgH ggggggW ralggtagJgggg^ggggM^SMg^SmemiMsK^ '''mm^g^flH wH I ga *^^K^r^* .^ggl V
      413 words
    • 136 2 From Hongkong to Singapore Excellent Efficient Hongkong Workmanship with Distinctive Style f JADE RING >^^DIAMOND RING\ 18K yrVhite Gold set with Diamond weight (2.62) carat 1 piece square translucent 18K White Gold set with apple-green Jade, 39 Brilliant 24 Brilliant ft 16 Baguette Al 2 Baguette Diamonds. Diamonds. L 1
      136 words

    • 277 3 Unanimous approval by Tokyo Parliament TOKYO. Tuesday JAPAN'S Lower House of Parliament, the House of Representatives, today unanimously approved the Sino Japanese civil aviation pad signed in Peking on April 20. Kyodo news service said the pact was Immediately sent to the Upper House,
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    • 148 3 WHITLAM PLEDGE TO BEAT INFLATION SYDNEY, Tues. Australian Labour Prime Minister Gough Whttlam j said today his Oovern- ment would continue to restrict the inflow of foreign fands to check Inflation if It was, reelected to power, in the May 18 general election. Speaking at a press conference, Mr. Whitlam
      Reuter  -  148 words
    • 42 3 SAPPORO. Tues. Six anglers died and nve others were missing after a small boat overturned off the western part of Hokkaido today. Two aircraft and several boats were searching for the missing anglers, said the Coast Ouard— Reuter
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • 91 3 JERUSALEM, Tues.— Prime Minister designate Yitzhak Rabin plans to appoint Mr. Shimon Peres as Defence Minister and to reappolnt Mr. Abba Eban as Foreign Minister, the newspaper Haaretz said today. Mr. Rabin was the former chief of state and ambassador to the i
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    • 241 3 IMF fund for loans soon to offset oil -deficits- WASHINGTON, Tuei. The managing director of the International Monetary Fund. Mr. Jo h a nnes Wltteveen. said yesterdaj he hoped a fund to provide loans to member countries facing deficits because of increased oil prices could be operating before the middle
      Reuter  -  241 words
    • 58 3 MANCHESTER. Turn. Ftormer oil company executive lan Husktaon was •warded U8«04.1«3 (about 8«450.000i. In damagM y«st*rdaj for Injuries he raoslv#d In a car crash that will keep him In a wheelchair for the rest of hi* life It U tbt Wgpst turn rrer awarded by a British court
      AP  -  58 words
    • 184 3 British, US talks on Indian Ocean T ONDON, Tues.— United ljl States and British officials begin a searchIng examination here today of their governments' economic, defence and other policies in the Indian Ocean It will be part of the discussions that experts of the Foreign and Defence ministries of the
      Reuter  -  184 words
    • 85 3 WASHINGTON. Tues. —The White House yesterday admitted it had received complaints about President Nixon's liberal use of profanity, judging on transcripts of the Watergate tapes. Asked whether there bad been complaint* based on the frequency of the term •expletive deleted" In the transcnpti. White House
      Reuter  -  85 words
    • 46 3 NEW YORK Tues. "With world food reserves at their lowest since World War 11. amounting to a mere XT days of consumption, one bsi crop failure anywhere could mean mass starvation In the hunger belt." Tune ma«a*lne said yesterday after a global fumy. AP.
      AP  -  46 words
    • 205 3 Seychelles seeks talks soon on independence LONDON, Twi Trtmirr James Mancham of the Seychelles, fresh from an electoral victory, prepared the way yesterday for talks with Britain on an Independence Constitution for the Indian Ocean colony. Doling an hour's talk with Miss Joan Lestor, a Foreign Office Minister. Mr. Mancham
      AP  -  205 words
    • 124 3 Giscard d'Estaing wave* to cheering crowd VICTORY FORECAST FIRIB. Tues. Finance Minister Valery Olscard d'Estalng will beat leftwlng candidate Francois Mitterrand by a rasorthin margin in the run-off on May 19. accordlnc to a computer projection. The projection, compiled by the Publlme- trle polling group and published In the dally
      Reuter  -  124 words
    • 251 3 HONO KONO. Tues. North Vietnamese Defence Minister Vo Nguyen Olap made his second public appearance In a week last night after months of absence from the Hanoi scene. He was the speaker st s rally In the North Vietnamese capital celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Dlen Blen Phu
      Agencies  -  251 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 12 3 imiomsoM n mi iv sn us roim SWITZERLAND now duty-free I iMH»kii;iiM3lin
      12 words
    • 166 3 CAN YOU EAT so many fruits? Hipee(HJCEE)/^? equals the V J I p rs Vitamin C J content of 25 „12 Mandarins Persimmons Oranges H^^H W tj\)| J Le 50/^ "\M W 102 Apples I A J 0 Strawberries For good health, clear skin, extra energy and resistance to colds,
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  • KJn
    • 220 4 U.S. WHEAT: NO WORD YET FROM INDIA VTASHINGTON Tues.— Indian Government officials now visiting here have not yet voiced any Interest in getting wheat and other grain from the United States. Agriculture and State Department officials said yesterday. The officials were commenting on Indian Press reports of an official wheat
      Reuter  -  220 words
    • 40 4 KATMANDU. Tues— Nepal's Minister for Public Works and Transport Prayagraj Singhsuwal escaped unhurt on Sunday evening when a grenade was tossed into his car in Katmandu. Three people standing nearby were injured. Four people have been arrested. AP.
      AP  -  40 words
    • 216 4 Officers to advise Press on army affairs LOURENCO MARQUES. Tues— Army officers were appointed yesterday to advise Mozambique's four main newspapers on military affairs, according to an l official communique. The communique said the appointments were to safeguard military secrets In the Portuguese African territory, and to "prevent disturbance of
      Reuter  -  216 words
    • 171 4 FISHING ONLY? IT'S A MYTH: MINISTER SYDNEY, Tues— lndo- i neslan vessels operatIng off the northern coast of western Australia were not engaged only In subsistence fishing. an Australian Minister said today Mr. K. Ridge. Minister for the North-west In I the state Government of western Australia, said: "It is
      Reuter  -  171 words
    • 34 4 TEL AVIV. Tues. Israeli sources claimed yreterday that the Sues Canal now being cleared of mines by the U8 Navy, could be opened to small mlllta boats within three weeks. AP.
      AP  -  34 words
    • 292 4 Chancellor Brandt's resignation another setback to the Kremlin's troubled relations with the West VIENTIANE, Tuesday foreign forces in Laos cannot be withdrawn within the (JO-day j>eriod specified in the Liotian peace agreements, informed sources said today. The sources said that unier the agreements all I
      Reuter; UPI  -  292 words
    • 135 4 CHINA HITS AT ALIEN WORKERS' CONDITIONS HONGKONG. Tues. China said yesterday aliens working in the rich European countries were subjected to "ruthless exploitation and oppression." In an unusual criticism of the working conditions for aliens In France. Britain. West Germany, the Netherland and Belgium, the official New China News Agency
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    • 37 4 TUNIS, Tuea. The TunU Court of Btate Security sentenced four Tunisians yesterday to terms of five to 10 yean with hard labour for treaaon and spying for the Soviet Union, court officials •aid today. UPI.
      UPI  -  37 words
    • 338 4 MANILA. Tue«. rE international and regional developments in South-east Asia "inexorably leads to the normalisation of relations" between the People's Republic of China and the Philippines, "and it is our hope that soon we will have full diplomatic relations," President Ferdinand Marcos said today. He
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    • 117 4 $168 mil for nurses and teachers LONDON. Tues. Britain* Labour Government yesterday announced a pay-r.n of nearly million ■S» 168.2 million) to lm prove the wages of senior grade nurses and teachers working at schools in socially depressed areas. Trmchen and nuraas arc Mnoo, th« lowcat paid In the ■octal
      Reuter  -  117 words
    • 401 4 A 'body blow' to Soviet policy MOSCOW, Tuesday THIf resignation of West German chancellor Willy Brandt is a body blow to the Soviet Union's European policies and another setback in its troubled relation with the West, observers said. Soviet authorities sat on the news for several hours but shortly after
      Reuter  -  401 words
    • 41 4 BONN TUM. Adam Opel AO, Wot Cvmany's asoond Ur|M( car maker, announced yattOTtUy it will lay off more than half the labour fore* v two of lv ptanu for a wMk from May 13 bacaua* of tasxlnf ■ait* iuu*r
      41 words
    • 40 4 LONDON. Tue» The body of Prank Morses. M. former editor cf the Indian Fxpreai and lately lv European representative. was cremated yesterday at Oolders Oreen crematorium. Hie son, Don Moraes. writer and touraallst. attended the cremation. AP.
      AP  -  40 words
    • 28 4 LONDON. Tubs. The Soviet Union and Britain ymterday signed thel* first 10-year agreement on eronomlr. scientific, technical and Industrial co-operation between their firms and organisations. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 319 4 Saigon Govt blasts Red ICCS men OAIOON. Tues. The Balgon Government today attacked communist members of the International Cont r ol Commission v (ICCS) for falling to visit a Mekong Delta school hit by mortar bombs at the weekend. In what observers said was the strongest official attack so far
      Reuter; UPI  -  319 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 346 4 Soothe away sunburn and skin irritation with LACTO CALAMINE LOTION If you have to work in the sun, or play too long in the sun, you need the cooling relief of Crooke's LACTO CALAMINE lotion. Relieves the burning and irritation makes your skin clear, cool and soft again. ANOTHER INTERNATIONAL
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  • 349 5 Court told of !*tter rom akarta nvoy company published and printed here a Chinese daily for Indonesia called the International Tribune without a permit from the Ministry of Culture, the High Court heard yesterday. The Ministry, It was stated, learnt of this In April 1971 when the Singapore Embassy In
    349 words
  • 322 5 Day wife found out her husband already married A HOUSEWIFE dis- covered that her husband had an earlier marriage Just after their registry wedding, the High Court heard yesterday. Ohng Ouat Hua, who married her husband Teo Kwee Meng In December 1970. said they never lived together after the registry
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  • 73 5 Marine police find body on beach MARINE police yesterday recovered the body of a man at the 7Vfe mile West Coast Road. A key and a due with the words "First engineer' In■crlbcd on It wu found on the body. Police believe the body U that of a Thai engineer.
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  • 44 5 MOTORCYCLIST Lli.l Kang Ham. 25. died on arrival at Cm tram General Hospital shortly after midnight Tuesday after his m&rhlne skidded and rammed into the railings of Oulllemard Circus. There were 128 road accidents, three serious and one fatal.
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  • 114 5 CHAIRMAN OF EEC GROUP CALLS ON LEE rPHE chairman of the 1 Economic and Social Committee of the European Economic Community, Mr. Alfons Lappas (above), called on the Prime Minister Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, at the IsUna. yesterday afternoon. Mr. Lappas flew in on Saturday for talks on trade relations
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  • 46 5 THE Minister for Social Affairs has appointed six people to serve on the Singapore Sports Council. They are Mr. LAm Kirn Woon. Mr Phua Kok Tee. Mr Hashlm bin Idrts. Hajl Bns art Tadln. Mr Nf Yew Kang and Dr. Teoh Hoon Cheow.
    46 words
  • 51 5 THK condition of Hrn Say Kwang, 17. who tv attacked by a crowd along Pastr RU beach on Sunday, was yesterday reported to be lmprortnf at the Outrun hospital Two people who wsr* arrested In another Incident connected with the attack were yesterday atlll In police
    51 words
  • 217 5 A FORM writer at the Registry of Births and Deaths was yesterday fined $2,400 by a District Court for offering bribes to a despatch rider of the Immigration Department. Shalk Aiiaudln so Mohammed Sharwan, 46. a father of five, pleaded guilty to three charges
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 3 5 milk 1^ 1
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    • 450 5 Greece es more than ruins, it's island cruises ~""^b1 PI ss^^^n^^i^W s^^ Istanbul <jSry^ r\4^>. sc *3i V ssssal m^^y IZMIR /^3n|V r lONIAN sea WT/ j»Sb, _a Olympic Airways, the airline of Greece and watch a spontaneous Greek dance. Do whose service spells warm and spontaneous all this, then
      450 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 233 5 strttniag Up Father »y »UI K»vw» t h «—I C— sp f x Isk wMpte at |vs, Mw.jtee* )rpuK»Tt>Til wers mm* nom»*«tw> you vnoixpnt oomm\j osjsjb* door, will j Li is in- __--f' imtsjbjv»jw j a* emmoe thk Tsy BloniU »y CtiU V»— g iJITIZTIIIZZZTI W" r ~"<><~ Wm W'
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 796 6 I Another milestone in Singapore's Industrial Expansion I I &fr HITACHI CHEMICAL (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. I take great pleasure to announce the Opening of the Factory in Bedok New Town m MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT HITACHI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. M_^ Mr. Sanshiro Fujikubo 0 ,f 1 I BOARD OF DIRECTORS We
      796 words

  • 312 7 Mutton still quoted at $3 in two places r> Price of mutton was sUll quoted at »3 a pound at Taman Jurong and To* Payoh, while it was retallen at »310 In most other P}"" 8 the Department ot Tr&Ae said yesterday. sai <l ft Toa Payoh medium size and
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  • 43 7 Officials of the Kampong Olam PAP branch will conduct the meet -the- people session today at Its premises in Sultan Oate. Mr. S Rajaratnam. the Ftorryjn Minister and MP for Kampong Olam, is away in Jakarta attending an Asean meeting
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  • 190 7 Monday's 'wind 9 was funnel shaped tornado rraiE wind that Injured X seven workers at the Seooko Power Station in Sembawang and damaged several wooden buildings in the neighbourhood on Monday was a 50 to I IN mph tornado. The Meteorological Department confirmed this yesterday and said that the 20-mi-nute
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  • 37 7 MR. AA. Doral has been elected president of the Singapore Tamil Youths' Club. Other officials: Miss Mangayerkarasl vice -pr indent i. Mr. A. Palamappan. (secretary). Miss Vijaya (asst. secretary) and Mr. N. Slvanandan (treasurer).
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  • 34 7 THE United States Trade Centre Is holding r three-day display of harbour and dockside equipment at the Yen San Building from today The display Is open dally from 11 ajn. to pjn
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  • 947 7  - DEVAN'S CALL: HELP CREATE MORE JOBS... THE secretarygeneral of the NTUC Mr. C.V. Devan Nair, yesterday called on labour leaden in developing countries to involve themselves in economic development and creation ol more jobs. He said: "Economic development, both In the Industrial and rural areas, and massive Infusion of modern
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  • 52 7 MR. R.C. Benham. a United Nations consultant in management accounting, will be the guest speaker at a lunch talk organised by the National Productivity Association, at Orchid Inn, on May 24 at 12 30 pm The talk Is on Internnn Comparison and not Interim Comparison as
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  • 266 7 SINGAPORE Manufacturers Association's first trade team to China returned home yesterday after concluding business worth some $500,000 with their Chinese counterparts. The 15-member delegation, led by SMA's chairman, Mr. Ong Leng Chuan, has purchased from China "raw materials" and Intermediate Inputs like edible oil and
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  • 337 7 ILO chiefs 'pat on back' for economic progress CINCiAPORE's success in economic development and NTUC'i c<>- operative economic activities have greatly un| ed Mr. Francis Blanchard, director general of ILO In his inaugural address at the opening of the. trade union research seminar here yesterday. Mr. Blanchard said "Through determined
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  • 260 7 Police seize share scrips in raid— l DQLICE have raided 1 a shoe In Telqk Ajrrr Stre«t mad documents bt lon fine to Credit SaisM- OU (B) Ltd.. a Bruneiincorporated company. Among the documents seized were 8M c«fies of the company's froiptctii which are beinc distributed In Singapore and 9,5«0
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 389 7 i J Business Hours*. 9.30 a.m- "7.00 p.m. Mon-thaj Sun. LOWER GROUND FU3OH.SPE ;lALJSTS > CENTRE. ORCHARD ROAD /SOMERSET ROAD. TEL: *****4 100 GROUNDNUT OIL Dragon hot,* J 1 ALL ITEMS ARE FRESHLY MADE EVERYDAY I sk«i» 59.00 Owr ectlons «f N. Z. and U. s. choice qualify IM danjsh^sandwich
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  • 76 8 rfWE Minister f o» Health and Boom Affairs, 1 Mr. Chu Btaa Chin wUI tna—yato tfca Keep SlngßMf* Crime-Free eampalfii <*■»- mitt, at thTstafaswre Oonfereooe BaU on Mar 11 at 11 vi Tne month-lee* cuh^ a b T ß *«S June t. Is aimedal edneattng
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  • 201 8 Floating library for 5-day book show rB Logos, a floating library, will arrive tomorrow from Penang for a fire-day book exhibition. The 1000-ton Singa-pore-registered ship, is beck to obtain new supplies of books from Timee Distributors Pte. Ltd. and to sign on about 20 Singapore recruits for the next leg
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  • 83 8 When the cable cars stopped LONQ queues formed ouVtide the cable car station at Mount Paber yesterday when the can were ..topped for about an hour for maintenance work to be carried out. Service to Sentoaa and back resumed at 11 am Meanwhile long queue* comprised mostly of tourist*, gathered
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  • 36 8 THS French >mtia»a*iti>i to «ngapore. Mr. Jacques Oanma, pi emu tad hU credential* to Pf—liUnl Shear** at the latana yeatarday. Mr. O**aa*u auoceea* Mr. Marcel Plory. the former aiah*am«tor who ha* left luaapute.
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  • 257 8 Four Sentosa workers to quit 'skeleton island 9 SUB CONTRACTOR Tay Peng Hoe will lose four of his construct lon workers from "skeleton Island" Sentosa soon. But he remains unruffled and calm despite tbe "ghostly" fear* of some workers since 14 skeletons were unearthed on the Island. "I'm quite sure
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  • 60 8 antANOOOef Oarden South School AdTtaory Commltto* ha* mean Had merit award* of M 0 each to the three beat student* tor ItTS In the primary aaetton. They are Chans Tai Chin. Wong Keen Man and Wilfred On* Chlew Lens. Three otber atudenta awarded $100 acholarshlp* are Pee
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  • 341 8 DAY GANG THREATENED TO KILL 3-YEAR-OLD BOY IF MOTHER DID NOT GIVE KEY TO SAFE THIS is three year old Foo Ser Seen who slept soundly on Monday morning as four robbers threatened to cut his throat if his mother hesitated to
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  • 136 8 Appeal to kin of two men found dead pOLJCK appealed today to the next km of two elderly men who were found dead on Monday. On* of them U an Indian who wm found on a Stla* Road footpath at pm Ponce amid the man bad no identtAcUoo paper*. Ttaa
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  • 39 8 THB TOm MkMv, m otalMM «f the Peep*** *■""■»■■>. ha. mms Mr. J. P. Ommlwd, Mr cima £mg Cfcje, Hi Uh Dh Wean, Mr R*u| Sao JM. Mr C*g TKfChMH end Mr. Khmi Main far three nm.
    39 words
  • 222 8 Ticket *****62 wins $400,000 sweep prize— rCKET No. *****62 won the first prize Of $400,000 In the Singapore Sweep No. 6/74 held at Clifford Pier last night. Second prize of $150.--000 went to ticket No *****74 and the third prize of $75,000 to ticket fio. *****31. ($1«.M«) *****79 *****10 *****48
    222 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 97 8 HITACHI CHEMICAL (S) PTE. LTD. THE BANK OF TOKYO, LTD HEAD OFFICE: 6-10 Phillip St. S'porv-1. Te1: *****-5 ARAB STREET OFFICE: 54 Arsb St. S'poreW. Tel: *****22 SINGAPORE JAPAN MERCHANT BANK LTD 11 TH Floor, S.I.A. Building, Robtrwon Rd. S'pore)- 1. Tel: 7OO61 (Si/? I HITACHI CHEMICAL (S) PH. LTD
      97 words
    • 103 8 When time and accuracy mean money the TABULEX 880 will save you pjenty... starting with its price... i r a<D^e*--m_Bfm^ I I W I VJ —1 Wfl I Bm IBTBmV I O B. J V^l ÜBUUXBBOMA lAsamme? *c ■b|bbbb™^^ f*siwje^»» Tnim a fw* TABULEX 880 main features 8 digit display
      103 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 286 8 Straits Times Crossword iWOII 7 MacKlnnto cob* brofeaa by 1 -Teh?" am Bob Ksya. en* it down ptuta—nniledltln* It down by Dio- Jy 7). ken* (S. 1. 1). •R to common to patriot Strangely, none bas a m> and ramblsr (4. I. T). when oossmg m (1 10 Oroap of
      286 words

  • 226 9 DEKAN. Tues. The I Tengku Mahkota. Jentku H ajl Ahmad Shah. 44, was prc.-rlalmed the new Sultan of Pahang today. The ceremony was performed by the chief of ceremonies, Tengku Ariff Bendahara. at the Balal Rong Sen (Throne Room) of Istana Abu Bakar.
    226 words
  • 192 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The International Labour Organisation Is to provide technical assistance to rub- ber smallholders and small businesses so that they can improve the working conditions of their workers, the chairman of the ILO, Mr. Munoz-Ledo, said here today. "Prom what I've seen, there
    192 words
  • 317 9 PC scores hit in leg but thug escapes on a motorcycle KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday A POLICE constable and a gunman fought a gun duel at "high noon" in Hollywood style about nine miles from here today. Both took refuge behind trees, but constable Sharlman Shah bin
    317 words
  • 193 9 Six weeks for rice dealers to clear old —stocks— IT DAL A LUMPUR, Tues. The Government announced today a slxweek adjustment period ending June 17 for wholesalers and retailers to cleir their old stocks of ungraded rice. The adjustment period does not apply to millers who were required from May
    193 words
  • 138 9 Annual value of properties up $12 m KUALA LUMTUft. Tues. The annual value of properties In old Kuala Lumpur shot up by aaoat $12 million in the last six months bringing the Value to $144 million aa on Jan. 1 this year. The calculation of the annual value was based
    138 words
  • 40 9 NOUAKCHOTT Twa A vUlilnf Maiajrtten delegation left here today for Storm Leone and Oulnea after Inviting Mauritania^ n»e4in Minuter Hamdl Ould Mouknui to attend a nwifamtaa of T-'""** *ni|n mtnMara in Kuala. Lumpur neat month. Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 284 9 Tamily plan programme must be broad-based 9 |£UALA LUMPUR, Tuea. The Labour Minister, Tan Sri V. Manickavasagam, today called for family planning activities to be part of a general health programme and eventually of a social welfare programme. "family planning actlvitlea among workers ha* become so important and a matter
    284 words
  • 134 9 nCNANG, Tee*. Sctui Mlit lßrenanc drmfon b*«U vlll be aaat U a pr«peee* nil lea atolamr Chlawtowa U to «et up at BcBdl(«. M alias fr*aa Melboanut, lor the w of liMtota. > Tlm hoaU, which will join ptdaJt-kMU mlrwMly on nearby Lake Wminm for
    134 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 246 9 (^EASTERN QUEEN* TO K. •yjjgj _i'mimm— Cruise in relaxing comfort on board the superior one class vessel. Fares from Ss49B/Regular sailings from SINGAPORE TO FRFMANTLE May I June July Aug Sept 15 1.18 5.22 I 8,25 I 11.28 All fares and sailing schedules are subject to change with or without
      246 words
    • 423 9 Does your hair fall off excessively everytime you comb it? Is it receding at the temples or thinning at the crown? Do you suffer from itching scalp or persistent dandruff? Don't ignore nature's warning signals of impe iding baldness. Something's wrong with your scalp it hungers for nourishment. Bon Hair
      423 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 316 10 1 1WINNER T ACADEMY AWARDS X BEST PICTURE f A 7 BCtTOaKCTOR 4 V J I KSTSTO*rrANOtO»K)aXAT(O<«nai 4 I V AaVa I BEST niMIOrriNO- BUT MTTOMfCTION M <»J «IJ Bt»T BCOWWO i Adar.iji.on) •■WTCO«TVJa«OI«WN I ■i AtttorougMytna}y»Mfi«Mi"-WMt*rS«w t <a ==::^>^ SUNDAY TIMES i %aS VpbbV^* I Btfl V> gotoway »Ba
      316 words
      64 words
    • 151 10 bß*rr! rV^^^rrrrrrb arrrtaßl p^s**^^ bbbC. y- RRpaei' rW. «ew awSm\ &bKz^ll^3 DajpartmwiUlStorM* Shopping Cocnp»»» Sole Ostrtbulor UAN HUP OIL REFINERY(PTIE)ITD. ee-R.LorongMaii«n.Stagspo<«lo-rWeei3Ti. *****8 AoSrt: UNIQUE ENTERPRISE (PTE) LTD. PO BOK2H2.Sir>9«pof I.TX *****4,*****0 2nd WEEK' AT THE LIDO S SHOWS 11 em. 1-46. 4.00, «VM ft 9.16 jm AGE IS NO BARRIER
      151 words
    • 418 10 New Horizons for The Secretary Stamford Centre's next full-time (day l/pert-time (evening) Diploma courses for Private Secretaries Commtnct: 27/5/74 and 14/5/74 rmpecttvoty 25 years of experience and international exchange of know-how, supported by unsurpassed facilities for education and research produce the most sought after Private Secretary, the Stamford Secreta.y. A
      418 words
    • 399 10 I HOW SBOWINC! 1 SSPToSSW j Adults $2.oC'Ohildr.n $1.00 fl SKYUAWK i j u< nite SEVEN-UPS 11 U SY FAR THE BEST OF TME CmUOTc cor MWio."-JiT u^M-vm TIME MA4AZME SAID IT. THOSE WHO HAVE SffN IT AGREE, jj: RRRRflratUal r// m^^M I ft. RRV. RR^^^R r^T^i LH^Rr! afSP^ Rrl
      399 words
    • 620 10 tVWVWVWVAVWVAPVV. i ii CATHAY IIUAIIttATH)! NOW SHOWING' L 2 Show. 700 •> S.M am > GoMan Harvaal pf.iwm "SKVHAWK' m Mandarin KWAN TAX MENG CARTER WONG CoKxVop* witt. Englah SuU. NEXT CHANGE' JILTED" «i Mandann Tang Lan nui Yang Chun J CotorScopa Engkah SuMMm ll'l'M'l.sTMHlj:; 14<tl EXPLOSIVE DA 11 1
      620 words

  • 736 11 JAKARTA, Turn SINGAPORE'S Foreign Minister, Mr. S. Rajarat IU in, today urged the five Asean countries to move forward into comElex economic prolems with a united front "so that other countries will have to pay heed to us not
    736 words
  • 220 11 'Adopt charter 5 proposal by Romulo rpHE Philippines proX posed the adoption of a constitution and the settinc-up of a body to settle disputes between member countries. Foreign Secretary Carlos Romulo said Asean was the only co-oper-ative trooping: without a charter. He said: "No organisation can long endure the stresses
    220 words
  • 225 11 Hitachi factory opens at Bedok New Town THE president of Japan's Hitachi Chemical Company, Mr. Shanshiro Fujlkubo, yesterday Inaugurated the firm's new printed circuit board factory In Bedok New Town. Mr. Fujlkubo Is here specially for the occasion. He had an Informal meeting earlier In the morning with the chairman
    225 words
  • 163 11 BRITISH AIRWAYS CABIN CREW STRIKE ALL passengers booked on British Airways, departing Singapore from today to Friday have been re-booked with other airlines. According to BA officials here, this action was taken on lnstruc»from London fol- the strike by bin crew there, airline official said all passengers who could be
    163 words
  • 73 11 TH E Environment Ministry yesterday reminded tbe public of the importance of personal hygiene as a precaution against cholera. A spokesman, commenting on the dlstovery of three cases of cholera since IU outbreak in April, said the Ministry was keeping a close watch on the situation The
    73 words
  • 67 11 THE National Museum will screen (our film* on Franc* at IU lecture hall today at 7 30 pjn The films are: Muas* OrlmaMl (history of the museum and Plcaaso). Le Palais dv Louvre (history of Paris from Philippe A'uruat to Napoleon HI). Promenade de Versailles (the
    67 words
  • 32 11 THB Telecommunication Authority of Singapore will hold an open bouse at Ms Stntosa satellite station on slay 1> and not May 17 as reported In the Stralu Times yesterday
    32 words
  • 221 11 MR. Malcolm MacDonald, the 72--year-old former British Commissioner General (or South-east Asia arrived here yesterday to "look up old friends and see what changes Singapore has undergone over the past two and a -half years." Ui. Mac Donald. who last vUlted Singapore
    221 words
  • 37 11 MR. Prancu T 8«ow has been elected ch»mn»n of the Spastic Children* Amocl»--tK Oth«r offlcUU include Mr. Chen« Wei Nien (deputy cn»irm»n>. Kn Shell* Tryth*il (vye-cti>lrm*n). Mr. Otnd Birjwn itommar**) I^d7 K»th-rto« W»Uw secreUry).
    37 words
  • 36 11 Drunk— s2o SHAIK Salleh bin Said Bawadnaj. 21. was fined $30 by a BMaistrate's court yesterday for being drunk and incapable at Coleman Street on March 21 at about 10 10 p m He pleaded guilty
    36 words
  • 30 11 THISVES broke Into a store at Paair Panjang Barter Centre on Monday and twfe 10 doaen shirts. 16 doutn towels and 100 bottles of aerated water totalling $1,000
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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  • TheStraitsTimes WEDNESDAY, MAT 8, 1074
    • 436 12 fHANCELLOR WILLY BRANDTS dedslon to assume "political responsibility" for the negligence which made West Germany's inner-circle spy scandal possible and to resign in expiation was very much in character courageous and honourable. A lesser leader would have been tempted to equivocate, to blame colleagues and officials directly concerned
      436 words
    • 184 12 CHAREHOLDERS will find satisfaction in the announcement by Prima (Flour Mills) of a seven-fold increase in pre-tax group profits last year. The spin-off for them is a one-for-two bonus issue. But as today's Business Times points out Prlma has not explained how it came by this achievement. At
      184 words
  • 455 12  - When the world was spellbound bermrs QMSER: i 1 tub 1 A DISCREET ceremony In Parts today will mark the Win anniversary of the battle of Dlenblenphu the French disaster In IndoChlna wnose repercussioai changed the political face of France. Tourists passing near the Arc de Triomphe this afternoon may
    Reuter  -  455 words
  • 618 12 By VatcMVwf pHINESE capitalists In Btßfkinf and South-east Asia, looking beyond the uncertain poUUcal aad economic climate of their sarreaaeHaf, are investing heavily la this growing Canadian west coast elty. The massive Input of Asian money here, amounting to hundreds of mllaens
    618 words
  • 1293 12 J I I I I WAS something of 1 a landmark in secondary school. Until my last two years, I had to stand on my chair or outside one of the classroom doors, or lead mini-walkouts from the exam 1 n a Uon hall. These I had to do
    1,293 words
  • 817 12 Spy scandal knocks out 'wild boy' RONN: Tues. Willy Brandt, born a fatherless "wild boy in a tough seaport, smashed every tabo< and upset all the odds ol Gen .nn politics In his I ->g, lorg march v toe to,). But In the end, he stumbled over th.- same stones
    817 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 58 12 HOHNER mHO accorwoms twswt sun, 4tMtMtsesJi lartnax »uyt, mtmmtMM fr WlßUufo rciMMtfmji %~~9 laVawF/ w lWi *i**n.uotmmitmjm W3 i. run, wtum tiaa.w BrV Mw II V kty* II ItMM fISSVII Wf M HI. 41 Uy». 120 mum UriUl Sv| awL^ 41 k n> m iWtM r (Cash discount allowed) T.M.
      58 words
    • 203 12 ©Rushnell JLJ SPORTS OPTICS fit for professionals fit for you "Rugged, Accurate, Economical." Rif lescopes for all Purposes. For an outstanding but reasonably priced telescopic sight, turn to Bushneil Rif lescopes. It's accurate and thoroughly dependable. Available at all leading stores So» A«*m tot lim«in'« Brim ■nd Wgmiii m™)\ SHANKARS
      203 words

  • Business Times
    • 829 13  -  DAVID SMYTH By XTEW YORK: The biggest buried treasure in the world Is interred 80 feet below Nassau Street in New York City— and around It swirls one of the biggest financial arguments in the world today. The treasure U a
      829 words
    • 220 13 APRIL marked a recovery in trading activity at the Stock Exchange of Singapore. After being on the slide (or four months (since December 1973). turnover at the Exchange both in terms of units as well as value, picked up. Last month saw 41 M million shares valued at
      220 words
    • 446 13  - US interest rates poised to go higher than 11 pc DOUGLAS CRAY By YEW YORK: While several major banks moved their prime lending rates last week to a record 11 per cent, the consensus among bankers appears to be that the upward movement in Interest rates will continue to be
      446 words
    • 316 13 pRTMA (Flour Mills) yesterday reported a seven-fold upturn In group profits to $204 million before tax for 1*73 from IX9 million Vie year before, and Is rewarding shareholders with a one-for-two bonus tarue The Issue will capitalise $7 A million from the share premium account and,
      316 words
    • 202 13 rNGKONG: Ike Gevnsml will create a small steertac grevp to appraise feaatUttty ■tadlM ssaaatttec ay financial and Bwssmeas grwps Interests* In tac srtaBPSSjBWt and egerallsa of a mißniili exehaage In ■s—fceng, an eenelal snekeamaii has said Ike tress win ke Wevs•d by Secretary
      202 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 215 13 I FOR LEASE 1 First class light industrial floor space in a newly completed ninestorey building in Jurong. Also available on top two floors, air conditioned office space with panoramic view of Jurong industrial estate. Proximity to Jurong Town's offices, other industrial establishments, commercial banks, post office, recreational and residential
      215 words
    • 256 13 mpgri means |^Jfc!3|jJ| computers I If you care a hoot about your money, carry First National City Travelers Checks. Be a wise bird Don't risk losing your cash when you travel Wherever you go, go with First National City Travelers Checks. They're welcomed at more than 1 .000,000 places worldwide
      256 words

  • 978 14 PART ELEVEN of a fort nightly series on corporate finance, shares and the investing public, written for Business Times, by JOEL M. STERN, vice president of Chase Manhattan Bank in New York. COMPANIES selling v* at high p/e ratios frequently err by choosing equity
    978 words
  • 154 14 PROMET Shipyard Is contributing to Singapore's I Image of fulfilling orders on time with the U inching of two support vessels for the ell exploration Industry recently. The l»S-foot "Carrie- (see picture) was built in less than seven months for Anteraslaa Marine Services for
    154 words
  • 843 14 THE Port of Singapore Authority has set up a centre to train delivery clerks employed by members of the Singapore Freight Forwarders Assocatlop, reports my colleague, MOK SIN PIN. Delivery clerks, engaged In the clearance of goods from the PSA wharves,
    843 words
  • 31 14 BRITISH shipyards are fully booked for the next three years but Inflation, high oil pi Ices and the reopening of the Bues Canal may slow down orders for new
    31 words
  • 339 14 Heavy losses for investors of US Top 500 NEW TOEK: The 5M largest 1.8. Indus trial corporations set new profit and sales records In 1973 while investors in these companies took heavy jawei, according to Fortune Magazine. The Fortune 50» comI panics posted a gain of 39 per cent In
    339 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 441 14 THINK BIG Pi >^ V^^ gT .^r 'Jut? 1 g§ Ji '/i' m f«. inThe mobile diesel engine driven welder *>s. Miller BIG D 4 is engineered to piovide endless A Aos. quality welding under the toughest job M^h^^^fc^S. requirements and weather conditions. And J fj Hle^^^ut\ is economical to
      441 words
    • 24 14 TAN LMAN CHOP ¥*****7 RENTA<22S> WtrH"sNß.larc4MMmu*2injiuT FROM $25.00 GET YOUB COPYOFTinn STRAITS TipfKS c«i t* ANNUAL 1974 r Oih Ckcuiation Deot. NOW! &3 MW»
      24 words
    • 124 14 See some of the latest metal products from Australia. This display of Australian metal products has been specially selected for the Singapore market. It has been organised by AMTEG (Australian Metal Trades Export Group) The display shows a range ot industrial exhibits including metal-working, mining. automotive and audio-visual equipment. As
      124 words

    • 35 15 I Timb*T» W. Wael wtor» *T PiW. Law ■top Eat Mm±j*m. C. • $l«0 tSM $290 MM nit $190 M.10 $180 $3.20 .90 40 .M .J0 J1 .U .1* .11 .11 11 .10 10
      35 words
    • 34 15 ).CJ.C. Utr* LAG. Uiri ML Works LN.C. :.CJt L TnuUrt K1O $748 »1 34 $190 »2 04 W 16 U.18 U.70 »470 I5.W —.15 —.15 —.11 —.10 —.10 —.10 —.10 —.10 —.10 —.10
      34 words
    • 28 15 Haw Par Biatan* l.ltt SOS D«v. Baak of B'aorr S7S.SOS Bash* iMhrwy nilaiagi SIS.S4)* Maktyaa Craait US.SM Total Taiuaw: %M M Tatal Vaftsa: 81S.SS M
      28 words
    • 56 15 In4«atrUla: IJ7.M U7. Trfcuair: 444.1t 44tJ Hatels: in.4l ITSJ Frapcrtlra: MJ.M Ml., t Ttas: IM.SS IMJ t t robton: J4441 MSI t 0.C.8.C.: Xt7.1l tIU t U.R. 1a4.: 141 44 141 J Dee. M. I*M s 1M 1 Dec. SI. IMS 1M 4 Dm. M, IMS 1M Dec. 11,
      56 words
  • 1528 15 r*HE Itst transacted sale at the cloae of business in the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day's prices u^ether with 1974 high and Adjusted for all new issues). CLotIMC TONS.: laauatrlals ■t«d> white tk* not kanly •taa ay. TURNOVSM: Official total tv mover oa
    1,528 words
  • 363 15 rl Singapore stock market yesterday saw prices mortar; violently between boats of baying and profit-tak-ing. There wan a rush to bay daring the morning Bat sellers soon entered in force and briefly daring the earlier part of the afternoon session a sharpl* easier tendency was evident This
    363 words
  • 1748 15 - DID Ki.d offer prices officially lifted and business In and n ported to the Stock Exanange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specined. INDUSTRIALS Arama (2MB 2.108) (2) 3.10. Alran (2.778). Allied Lbac. (1.558)
    1,748 words
  • 1425 15 BID and offer price* of flclally listed and biulnea* In and ported to the Kuala Lumpur Slock Exchange yesterday with the number of share* traded shown In bracket* In lot* of 1,000 unit* unlea* otherwise specified INDUSTRIALS A. Tape (1.04 B) (1) 101 Alran (2»0B 3.0081 A.M. De».
    1,425 words
  • 308 15 —Market in XL stages another advance rl Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday saw alternating bouts of buying and pro-fit-taking after starting off biUllsbly In the morning. The market opened very actively and prices raced ahead under strong support carried over from last Friday The rapid rise In the first half
    308 words
    • 27 15 Rabber:May7 Singapore: 2W.M ets (down 3 M eta.) Malaysia: SM.M ets (down \M cts-> Tin: njMJU (up UIM). 6fftcial offering: nt tons (up M tons)
      27 words
    • 106 15 cm i it is* raoixjci siCMAMCI, »IMOA»OaS NOOM cLOtiHG rtiicss »sa ncui TIITKArV Otnmx *ti: Bulk SI4S aamlail. 4mm (ISS naaamal. Coara: Mixed (loaot) UK/Coat $7S nominal Qioair: Munlok A.TA whltt fob. 10*% NLW s*l» Mllcn. Sarawak whit* fob M% NL.W $»Mt .oUon. Sarawak oportal black t ot> NI.W
      106 words
    • 56 15 ■•Mir lomrSar U UK attlfcoaiai id Una* Ctaoo* Ha«aa IN 00 Cloao* Botatf CloMd CVmo* ■amskoaa- ISS.SS Uaa* aartah lam Cloao* i«7 ooa caoMd P«H. Unar Una* roan (2, Clooo* im sob ciom« i*7 osa ■apart prtsaa in aaa-otorMac ana. In U a ootlart por ouaaa. (I) AiMtralua
      56 words
    • 38 15 Loadoo *opp*r price on afoa4>r (pmrtotu ib brackets). fftmi Shot bujrw fl.Svt (II.SMI. Miw i I.l*o (11.1401. Tara* month. bayor 11. MS (*) Mt\n u.xas (fi.rrT) bmrkX imm: Banly M«4r .fur Ihmii. Sata*: 4. W0 ton.
      38 words
    • 17 15 loiikili r«a« Of Australia AM 15 fiaatrty Baaaa of Awl a*i 17 PSA lattraatloaal ASS.SS
      17 words
    • 226 15 Straits tin Up $13.25 rnHE Straits tin price 1 rose $13 25 to $1369 25 per plcul In Penang yesterday on an official offering up 98 tons to 312 tons. LONDON: Cash tin gained £55 and Three Months £50 per tonne on Monday. Three Months reached a new record price
      226 words
    • 181 15 A 3IAN currency depodt rataa v at cloa* on Tuaeday. May 7. US Mltn Offer BM T day* 11 1/4 11 18 1 mth 11 5 8 11 I/a 3 mth» 11 3/4 11 3 mttu 11 7/0 11 3/4 mt^.% 11 3/4 11 5 8 ml»u
      181 words
    • 34 15 Ctaslnf interbank rates in Stncaport ooUars for May 1: Offer B*i Oemlcht 11% "H 1 mtb 16 Mt 8 oaths 10 »S I rath* 16 Prune rale 6^4% Swarer: P. Marray-Joatt* latciaaMamaL
      34 words
    • 549 15 AFTER opening unchanged, the Singapore rubber market yesterday sagged two cent* In dv..l and thin trading conditions, with operators largely side- lined Desultory and featureless conditions caused the market to drop one cent In the afternoon. The market closed slightly eas-ler with May RSS One buyers quoted at
      549 words
    • 64 15 riAILT BMK prlca* hWMd at noon yastardajr lOratMtk' irw*M(M») MKII.B. BaymMtan tfilifcH iwatapark*! (Maaiparkc) •CT (1 IM »lMl*> M».M UIMN tN.N J4JMX »L II Urn nMI tSCM ttiJW Hill UIjMN lIM p^M) *MM MLMN MM MIMN U II tea pmMH) ITM INJtN 17«. M IMMN M |I«M p^M)
      64 words
  • 78 15 TRADING was «sry caaUou* raster day at the a*narapore forex market folkxwing the rtignaMon of Chancellor Brandt of West Oarmany. I At the opening, tha U.B dollar was well-bM from S3 3970 to BX4OO. It was first dona at Uie M4OOO Istsl and than raillad in fairly acUTe
    78 words
  • 160 15 Tha foUowln*- are the nominal avrrsge closing Interbank rat«* in Singapore: qaotcU later (crMi) patttr ilnf '.8. dollar 2 4100 1.4110 2 SIM 14 61 tcrttac pound 64*76 ***** 7.3469 —20 27 [oagkonf dollar 47.65 47 fiO 60.61 6.M Ulayslan dollar ***** 1017* 100 00 I.M uatrtan •chllllnc
    160 words
    • 415 15 IJONOKONO Tue*.— Share 11 prices closed mixed today on tha Hongkong Stock Exchange after three days of sha p gain*. Trading was Iwvy. Tha Hang Sang index dropped 0.11 point to 341.00. Heagheag Baak was down to HK»2I 30 on its Local reg Mar and remained unchanged at 831
      415 words
    • 81 15 rfiOKYO. Tue* Price* I X on the Tokyo Stock Bx- envaikl* moved moderately higher today with gains centring on blue chips. Th- Do*-Jones average wu up by 1105 point* to dose at 4.660.78 and the New index Improved 0.73 to 334 23. Volume was 240 million sharps Today* closing
      81 words
    • 52 15 7URICH. Mon— Because of the lack of any positive Utau'Ulon the market weakened again on 11. Ja volume today Bond* were Irregular Tba Credit Sulaat Index dipped 1.6 to 2182 CiaaUkl sttsoj la Swta* franc wttkOM atfToroßO* oa tat fmrl— a V CraSM Shorn MSA M Svlaa Baak Corpa
      52 words
    • 47 15 AMSTERDAM. Mon Tba mar<*t ruled quietly mixed today «lth Haagaveaa leading otherwise small toeati. while PhaUpa and UaaWar edged hlc'ier in Dutch In *rClaata* prteM la Daten fuii««r» with th« llS*«f M ea tka pnvtona Akae MM IS Kaa Hooavnaa TIM —I.M Philip. 31 M 1*
      47 words
    • 320 15 \fBXBOURNX. Tuas— Tha ITI Melbourne stock market cloaad today on a generally firmer not* In one of tha qulataat aaaaton* so tar tbl* Trading volume was low with activity subctoad. Today* closing middle price* In Australian dollar* and cent* with the difference on yesterday i close iHOurraiALS Ampol S>
      320 words
    • 253 15 VKW YORK. Man Stock*, apparently ■uttering (ram s lack ot tntaraat as much a* from anything In the new* background t H n mA towar *~*»y C tba qutMeat tradtoc ct UM) yaar Tba N*w V rk Stock Exchange ««■">»■>" stock Index fell 0 13 to 4833 Decline
      253 words
    • 95 15 PINA.NCIAL TTMXS TWS Monda- M 44 Friday 6641 Waik a«o 9314 atocday ***** Prtday ***** Weak a«o 371 18 OILS Monday 347 16 Friday 380.13 Waak ago ***** INDUSTRIAL* Monday 303.6 J Frtoa,' 3074 i Waak a«o 3604 DOW JONRS AVRBUGI INDUSTRIALS Mondaf 844 M Prtday 646 M I
      95 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 575 16 SECRETARIAL ASSISTANT A large Group of Companies requires a Secretarial Assistant with the following qualifications:- HSC or higher qualification. Membership of the C.I.S. Preferably with typing ability and some expenence in filing of Company's returns, share registration and related secretarial work. Starting salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.
      575 words
    • 876 16 Boustead Engineering Sdn. Bhd. A vacancy exists in our expending Company for a suitably qualified WOR.t'HOP MANAGER. The successful applicant should have at least 3-6 years' experience in mechanical engineering, fabrication and workshop practice. Ability to control and motivate workshop and service personnel is essential Ha should be a Malaysian
      876 words
    • 312 16 I ACCOUNTANT/SECRETARY I We require a Malaysian citizen to fill the above management position for our office in. Kuala Lumpur. The successful candidate will be responsible for the Financial, Administrative and Secretarial functions of the Company and will report directly to the Financial Controller on all related matters. He will
      312 words
    • 356 16 Boustead Engineering Pte.Ltd. licorponMtd in Singaport I MECHANICAL ENGINEER An immediate vacancy exists for a qualified Mechanical Engineer with experience in the design and installation of Bulk Materials Handling Systems involving conveyors, elevators and the structural and electrical equipment associated therewith. The successful applicant will ba required to prepare tenders
      356 words
    • 467 16 /liSvpußLtc i/iumes BOARD I GENERAL MANAGER'S OFFICE I LEGAL CLERK (MSO-SSB) Singapare-Cairv I bridge General Certficate of Education (minimum 3'o I Level peases) or equivalent vwth suitable experience in I I a legal torn. Muat be conversant w4th conveyancing I I and mortgages, be capable of drrwing up contracts. I
      467 words

  • 106 17 fJttYE tine aad wooden F one-storey shophonses in Clive Street, off Seranfoon Road, were destroyed during a one -hour blase yesterday. The damage was estimated at $M,M4). No one was injured In the blase. Mr. Lee Sow Chuan, 38, bis wife, their two year old
    106 words
  • 112 17 A CANADIAN housewife. Mrs. Ly n c Blanc Dan Paraman. 26. sustained slash wounds on the right hand and a bore the right eye during a tussle with an Intruder at her home In Jalan Parut. off Chua Chu Kang Road, yesterday. Police said
    112 words
  • 389 17 A CONDOLENCE book for the law Sultan of Pahang will be opened again at the Btawytan Hhjfa Oommlaalon doUnoa book waa ooanad In Jervou Road from 10 »m to 4 p.m. today. Hrn contoatardar Be was waiting for the lift to take him to the ground floor to deposit
    389 words
  • 75 17  - 'Coolthugs' 2-minute $91 ,000 hold-up N.G. KUTTY By TWO "cool"' robbers escaped with $91,000 in cash and cheques after a two-minute hold-up in busy Shaw House yesterday, opposite the Orchard Road Road police station. The robbers, one armed with a "pointed object" and the other with a dagger, surprised the
    75 words
  • 60 17 Four arrested after gang clash omcnVD from thai CID Chinese Investigation Section arrested four people who were running an ay after a gang dash at Lorong 25, Geylang. on Monday. Foiloe aaid Urn ilatauUiaa ncad to the sssoo of ttaa etaan SDOowtng a itp-oft. The lour arreatad an ngtotara of
    60 words
  • 67 17 HOCUWm CSk liaaoaa tuit Tastn, M. reported to poiloa thetatft of a pair of diamond earring* and a diamond ring, kogothar worth ISJt*. from her flat tn bkxk >T. Circuit Boad Sba told potlea that aha kapt the peas In bar cupboard on April M On
    67 words
  • 63 17 DATD* Bosnab, wtta of tna ganeral adrtaar to the Sultan of Brunei, win launch a lift fast patrol boat for the Boawl Brunei Matey Baajlmtnt at Voapei TbomycFoA Ma. Ud. atiipymrd baa*, loeaonin a* 1J« p-av Tna veaaai named XEB PWtra and the OnC of a now
    63 words
  • 22 17 TU MMlfilinil ATtattoo llanaaauniii isMiiaauiw wlB bold tv aßonSly luiirihanii waatint as t*» Ko«apar» HUton tuaMoeiow at 1 1.4* axn
    22 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 89 17 bk -^m^^^mmmmYjLmrL it jt^am E^bbbbbbV \^m m\j^^T Ull l m\ I M^mmtmmmmmmt Shampoo in to your hair the fresh, natural scent of flowers and delicate herbs. m m mm' m^m k PT f v «t herbal Ishampooi I shampoo I I I natural protrm I Natural herbal essence... I
      89 words
    • 383 17 ijfl^ lake movies in... J&f i^^s^^^El Moonlight ■■^^fl^^^ lamplight r a oy tight Lb^^bbb! Lbbbv9 HH Ibbbbbb. bb^^bbb! bbbb^bbbbbbbbl A Mount Faber. Singapore, taken in available ligty at 7.30 p.m. Sankyo Super LXL-255 Macro takes low light movies automatically If you can see it, you can film it with the
      383 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 178 17 r% j Im s^bbbbPTTT* t \^iT< iT TV MALAYSIA (3) C ftft M Prtgna—l summary Pemktkaraan 7JI Rampaitari Ml S.WJ MJ Abbot and Cat- hogramme summary LU MaMak tello SJI Dikir Bant S.Jt Weatkar WaniU Ml Parittrm Ml Nm Ul Nam 1 12 Belajirlak lakatt IJI KomenUr Ut Saarck MJI
      178 words
    • 850 17 WATTE eetnMunptten en Itenday tv 1 1 S nHlMett galleni (SM.tM eajkto BBetn»), S.l mutton gallons <n.H» etsMe metrea) more than en B«WUy. I TV SINGAPORE (5) innniinnMi- /C 2ft wdm m brwf uj lU.UU Trad* aad Twt Traa» O.jU Umi Tka tovil mrssiW (Colour) Ml PM Traot mm) r
      850 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 70 18 ■HBlpSbl^GiljSljFß PAGE IS THC STRAITS TIMES WEDNESDAY. MAY S. 1874 ,^^^^^^^^^^^e««EEE«^U fn^lflSiisi I I fc /ACT r, J^J^mß I^^^^^^U^U^y ihj,,, *****4; f. l-itim AMI) KJ- Will; ISMI. iinr— wt«* mm U.IM UN mm iB ii BS —^«w_ n««n» mm mm mm mm Mt 11 m. mm IMMM tacwr \Z~ tZ
      70 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1034 19 mbV Mw COfTAIWCIIP SEWItt T| M/d UTT it I 111 1 1 c^AlamMP taWCC FMM ML/CMfTlimfT: w, MMifßii Lm .re IMTI MT tI.M (MM M.M MM lAM rAM^AM i l it; n l 4 fe s, "s ",a IS7IV. IE 5« sg -g 2S b JB MMsriEii cMTtma suvica ptc
      1,034 words
    • 1121 19 nring P KtiM| im LMMH fV: miM «T fci_ tt "™""i I rwJMMjI M^V V4| MaT p i j.Sj.l r mmi limi I PIIUMTf Ma I MM I MM I CnllOMl, IMM, I mmaa mm a mm a Mmm, MJmmilli, I FMMM Mall MU MM*. CMfImMJ, I PMmtLAM MT IT
      1,121 words
    • 1038 19 1 1777,1 fiffiffiffi^Pl TUMTt H'Mrf IIMJMI I'M S'Mft PMMf tcm AMtm FrMtt VJL I«MM M Mn l| Mn I MM M MM II MM I Ma mmTmmi^^ im Imm smm mmm im mm UM mm 11 Mm II Mm I MU I MU IM* 4 Ml HAM MAM MM. BMa
      1,038 words
    • 931 19 ill MMMMMMfcMMaM^M^IMaMMMMMM^MV fULLY CONTAINEKIZID SiKVICE TO IUtOf I MtWftMM MJ. "RlKlafTw HUT Haf/ II > m>mmimmmm Ibmml iiai ai Im. UJmjHVMM Mjb« ft MTOrMM, MwltrMni, MliWtrp, Lfl ntff?, "•M*" Mil MIM M )rt MIUJTI KiOTA MfJ MTM, IMMM, 4.tMMr L mmiiam mS ii Stockholm. Ism. MsiMi, UmtM KatMfi. (MMi Tmmi
      931 words
    • 693 19 Mmmbm VIM 44) Kmmmj AMI; KJL *****; Nmm 2SMI. THE BANK LUCE LTD. IMM Mill, UMtL IMMM (mmiMmMl P.ltMj M/11- mm nn va M '•TMM. KAfhciMrn PMMf VIM SMn 1/ IMM MfTMM ((.AfrtciMUr) PMMf MMM Im TtfTMM IcHUMw) P.MMf CM MMM pmm un i :mti apima. pm hi mi. hmla.
      693 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 984 20 \yi- rnniin ITT UWtiAU RMUI USEN RABM LTI. MMN. MKMR. STUITS SfWCL MM NtajkMf IMMtra P.laMj i mm j.pan -AMblaa 001 l ttarrU* S.MPMI Mil NM Mill (SI *MM (..liall.lllllll.i HI M Mk./otkt/MrM fjMil/ka»nA/KktriißiHkr. j.put/Soatb AMm-Wmi UriM Bm*ri— MfMtrt PNi .ruancMPTMi --«i EZ-£ m il 2S!'- rmtmnm Um japaM/Sabab Htsmk
      984 words
    • 787 20 ■EAUTY LINES horn HA ETV IlllllUnUT. KMTY lim Pylmi Pmm IMr II Mr liMomwi. LX.T. KMTYMT Tirkikti IMf MU) haMMii. LIT. IBTflr TkTktm 21 Mf 21 Mf IMmmm. LXT. MMaiM Mmhm MMf 77 Mr Immmmi. KMTTUIT SMr »«n Mmm. nun ium HMiu imsmj ii Mr mm-m. LEU HMftakf, M
      787 words
    • 828 20 '^^ncpTun|! ocignT ung; UK tUMH HKVICI IAABM4C FOt LONOCM, tOTTHOAM. HAMtURG, BILIAO. itaatart P. Ktkaf PtMa. LtaaM r«ta M'katf, uaaaMi tlfllMtl IT/M KM ft/a Mj MMm It Mi aMt nSr.ijfc i i mi i inn M/uitM •Mr is Mr uMr SmwMWfIALI fl MM/1 Mir V* Mf S/ IMr Tl Mf
      828 words
    • 720 20 fjwEg amct n immjl inamuwnman puts Ta. MtU tItMIM P kMMI PtMf LMaM Ml MMI MTI M Ptrt It/11 MM Wl> MM M/M MJ MMa 12/*, IMM 16VI. taa B/l, Mana 2V». rttr| Mr«. AMmti 4/7 MMATMNM M/IIMtJ MPtrl II ftfgl Bit. ,U_ 1/7, H>i»t U/7. MM. MMM* MV» Mr
      720 words
    • 638 20 -mi m *r iiiirii i iii .^',Y^JfT4*'£vi*S? •UT: WtMl I'l. T»na«a >«HT KLAMO (fatMw^ br Bar*. LJ»OSi 10 11 Bar«ea» mSV £SL VZ*. 7i/l4 iSttt «-P OMW. luauti rtmkaM Ttkko Hani J5, EtMjrt M&ru Tr/Jt. «2T«S ™lT ifTk-W MM a«M. lU»t*. uru. Moaaß Pilot 4* mad LMa City II La«oa
      638 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 510 21 TRAINEE FIRE INSURANCE SURVEYORS Our Client, the Malaysian Insurance Association, invites applications from suitably qualified Malaysiarrrfor the abovementioned post. The Malaysian Insurance Association is extending its services to members by the establishment of a fire survey department. To equip the trainees with greater knowledge in Fire Insurance, the Association may
      510 words
    • 1294 21 DEWAN BANDARAYA KOALA LUMPUR Dewan Bandarava Kuala; lumpur mempelawa pemohonpemohon van* berwai*anefam Malaysia serta nsempunyal kelulusaa dan Kelayakan seperU yang tersebut untuk mraftsl kekosongan jawatan yang btrtkut:— (A) JUBC ANALJBA RANGRA (PaU 08KL.354/74) OAJI »«28. »M 3. $6V« x 34 M4/M3 x S4 1.364 s.b, Tlngkatan Tertlnfgl O 1 1.4
      1,294 words
    • 601 21 Dm_. BEHN MEYKR group of ccmrv*s I invites applications for the following position in their I H Kuala Lumpur Office: l service manager The Job: To be responsibU for the afW sales I service of our rapidly expanding I OLYMPIA office equipment* Groea Cash Register and AEG Household Appliances. Division
      601 words
    • 772 21 fetda KENYATAAN TAWARAN Tawaran-bawaran adalah dipelawa darlpada kon-trekt*r-kontrekter/Pembekal-pembekal yan« psngalaman bagl kerjm-kerla tersebut dl bawah Inl:— (A) BP. NO: HIU M«tnbi*sl dan $10 00 menghantar U% Sodium Salt 2 3 Dlcholorcplonlc Acid balg tahun 1174/76 untuk RancangsnS Pelda. (B) BP. NO: M/ 74 Merlka bentuk $250 00 dan insiiiassns "all
      772 words
    • 620 21 NATIONAL ELECTRICITY BOARD OF THE STATES OF MALAYA Lists of unclaimed security deposits for elec'rtctty supply to premises vacated since Ist Aeptemt«r 1979 to I list August I*7l will be on display or ble i.t the 1 following offices of the Nstlonal Qectrlclty Jioard until list August 1674. Alor
      620 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 716 22 classified ads (D ARE YOU TIRED of that same old hairstyle' 1 Let Julie give you the 'latest London scissor cut at Louise Klerk's Salon. Hotel Slngapura. telephone *****3 <B'pore) ENTER THE STRAITS TIMES CLASSIFIED CONTESTS The 4 000 th. classified ad. In Contest SP (3) U in todays paper
      716 words
    • 713 22 YOUNOBERG HOSPITAL REQUIRES: (1) SUte Register Nurse with working experience (2) State Register Nurse with operating room experience Interested applicants may call personally or ring *****1 for appointment ACCOUNTING/ ADMINISTRATION OFFICER A joint venture company operating s mulll tin mine complex on Bangka Island Indonesia Invites applications from suitably quailfled
      713 words
    • 774 22 REQUIRED EXPERIENCED FEMALE TELEPHONE Operator cum Receptionist with ability to type accurately Converse English. Mandarin and Hokklen Age 20 25 (Singapore rltlxen) Height 5 1" and above. Tc tal pay 4275 plus free lunch. Apply aaUng full particulars with phot graph (non-returnable) to 0.0. I apartment Store 100 Upper Cross
      774 words
    • 760 22 TRAVEL AGENT requires Immediately experienced bookkeeper capable to handle complete **t of accounts up to Trial Balance Stage and able to type. Pull details and non-returnable photograph to 8 T Box ABMIS Singapore WE.L ORGANISATION TRANSPORT COMPANY require* urgently (1) Exp*fl*nc*d Ooc»ri»*nt*Mon Clark, (2) Wharf Ootrvory Cawta. For pawl malo
      760 words
    • 685 22 VACANCY POR MALI AMO FtMALI Sales Asslstanu Agad: 18 22 years. Qualification Sac education Language fluency. English. Chinese dialects and Malay Peons Male Age 18 a years Qualification Primary Six education Application forms/ murviewT aiiilabir at Metro Toyland and Bargain Centre. Clemenceau Avenue Singapore 9. Tu* to Pri from 9.30
      685 words
    • 841 22 WANIID LIVI-IN AMAN 8. Couwold Cloae. Off Dunsfold Dpve. off Braddell Road Spore WASHING AND GENERAL CLEANING amah. 3rd mile. Thomson Road area M: ***** JAPAN!** COUPLI (NO CHILDHIN) require* LIVI-IN CHINESE AMAH to do general household duties Salary negotiable. Interested plan* contact or call personally to 4 P»iow«a», OB
      841 words
    • 729 22 I BMTOJUAL ASSISTANT (MALI) equired by research company Immediately Not liable for full lime National Service Ability to write tnghaii well essential Starting Sklary 4350 4400 Inclose photograph reply to ST. Box Urn AUDIT SINIORS AND SIMISENiOR* required by a professional firm Applicants should have s minimum of two years
      729 words
    • 743 22 JAPANESE MANUFACTURING FIRM requires 2 male factory operative* Age 19 22 years. Qualifications, completed National Service with School Certificate education Knowledge of China** and English essential Please add v personally from 8 5 74 9 5 74 between BM a.m. 10.00 am or 1.80 p.m 1.38 p.m. at Cop* l
      743 words
    • 872 22 PONO AVENUE OIST. IB detached bungalow with larg* garden of 30.000 sq.r 3 al.-condiUoned bedrooms. 2 bathrooms, large terrace, detached servant's quarters 83.800 p m Furniture and fittings may be purchased if d— lr*o by Incoming tenant Ring *****0 for furthei detail* EAST COAST ROAD unfurnished terrace 4400 Lucky Heights
      872 words
    • 919 22 I OBTACHBD BUNGALOW* Chang! r Orove 41.200. Seletar Hills $1000. Changl $500 SeDil-detsched: r Holland Road $1,800. Buklt. Tlmah 8800, SeJ-tar Hill* MOO I Terrace bouses: Orove Drive MOO. r Para Labar 4850. Frankal Estate i MOO. Bennett Estate 4550. Thomson Road 4550 FlaU Cavenagh i House, swimming pool, 41,700.
      919 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 789 23 PAN ASIA AGENCIES U looking for bungalows, apartmenu and vrnl-detached for immediate ocupation for the near future. Our rllenU are Industrialism bankers and businessmen Why not call Mr W K Ho of *****7/ *****2 and discuss about your properties EBC REQUIRES UROENTLY detached bungalows, semidetached and apartmenu Rental $500 $4000
      789 words
    • 876 23 SIRANUOON GARDEN ESTATE *£«'«-»"> r a f corner terrace 3 bedrooms. 2800 sq ft. 990,000 Ace Housing *****29/ *****46 "IW CALIFORNIA SEMI PfJACHIO 9 m.s Buklt Timah 5.600 aq. fi Aluminium doors windows. 9175,000. Tel: *****1. SANNV PARK near completion, double-storey SStiJSS. n iput 1 OOLDEN MM ESTATE near completion
      876 words
    • 754 23 CAVBNAOH HOUM APARTMENT wanted for immediate purchase Call Soh Associates *****6/ *****3 BILL YOUR HOUM or apartment through Ace Housing It's faster Tel *****29/ *****46 today ISMMOIATI PURCHASE BY PROPERTY INVESTOR If you have properties to sell at WoS! acton Perk. OoMNM Tewer, Cavenagh Court. Cl imgti Heue*. or any
      754 words
    • 798 23 JOINWORLO Budget Ceeeh Teura SUN/MON (A) HAADYAI/ SONOKHL A Deluxe 7 Dan 8145 (b) West Malaysia Deluxe 7 Days Unique 3 meals 8145 TUIS (A) PANGKOR/ CAMERON HIGHLANDS/ PENANO 5 Days 6 NlghU 889.90 (b) Scenic Lake Toba 7 Days 8299 WED CAMERON HtOHLANOS/PINANG 4 Days 5 NlghU 879 90
      798 words
    • 721 23 Jefc* SMINTOURS nRST COACH TOUR to KUANTAN See the GIANT TURTLE for only 8837.50 2 Days inclusive of Meals. Alr-cond Coach, and Accommodation. Dear 26/ S. 1/6, 8/6, GINTING HIOHLANDS 2 Days ***** 00 By Air Daily Price Includes Return air ticket transfer and Accommodation WE ALSO UNDERTAKE TO ARRANOE
      721 words
    • 821 23 YJJLCJL RCBTAMUNT/ COPPSS. NOUM "A" Orchard Road as— to museum (Telephone *****9, economical rate set breakfast/ lunch/ dinner It China— A-La-Carte PPIINCI ROOM RESTAURANT specialises In Hongkong TlmSum opens 8 am caters for all functions Selegle Complex Telephone *****4 _sBI INTERNATIONAL TRAINING CINTRI PART-TIME PRIVATE SECRETARIAL COURSE Monday. Wednesday Friday
      821 words
    • 706 23 BOOKKHPINO BBQINMBJIS RAPID COORM commencing 10th May morning 9.30 11 am evening 545 7.15 p.m Please enquire Systematic Business Training Centre Room 117, Ist floor. Peace Centre. Selegle Road Tel *****/ *****5 SEMI-DISPLAYS OO LOGO FROM JUME IST YOU CAN THIN UM LOOOS TO ENHANCE YOUR SEMI DISPLAY CLASSIFIED ADS.
      706 words
    • 616 23 •NOTOwRAPHY 16 WEEKS beginners course by an experienced and well known specialist. Syllabus Including indoor and outdoor photographing Conuct Chinese V MCA Tel *****1 SHORTHAND THEORY by an experienced and qualified instructress Contact Chinese V.M.C.A.. Tel: 9S4MI Spore STUDY AT HOMt: SCB Ltd offers home study courses. (Shorthand Typewriting/ Bookkeepli»ay
      616 words
    • 604 23 SKY DRIVING SCHOOL, modem duaj-contfolle-' Daiaun. Maxda cars for safe, quick tuition Hourly 97 Ouaranted 8180 Fetch/ send home arrangeable 303. Orchard Road. Tel *****9 ASIA DRIVING SCHOOL. Brand new Datsun. Honda, dualcontrolled, moderate charges 13. Selegle Road. Spore *****7/ *****7 TANOLIN DRIVING SCHOOL charges moderau. dual controlled DaUun 1200
      604 words
    • 678 23 ■NO tSTS MORRIS IMS selling a. 95.400 on o Interested, contain Mr Ooh Tel M 3488 during 9 a rr. 12 noon and 2 5 p.m. 1971 MAZOA CAPCLLA 2 ownet good condlUon. Please conu t 2MOS9J ISM PUT 11SSO 2 owners original condition, new tax/ insurance 8..--700 Tel *****2
      678 words

    • 200 24 When profit motive replaces good sense DEPRESSED" (S.T., May 3) has made a point about the ridiculous state of affairs in tr-.e Car Parks Division. May I add my complaints. On April 26, I found a notice stuck onto the windscreen of my car tor parking In an "unauthorised location."
      200 words
    • 95 24 STIGMA STILL -STAYS-J I WOULD like to know whether a p«taßa\, who has served a prison term, is entitled ta a Port of Singapore Authority pass. I ask this question because my pass has been withdrawn without any explanation. Recommendation by an officer in charge of rehabilitation of ex-pri-soners did
      95 words
    • 49 24 RADIO Television Singapore has improved Its techniques In Its coverape of local soccer matches. We can now see action replays of goal-scoring scenes like those provided by the weekly "Star &>rcer" scries. However, viewing can be more exciting If there are replays In slow motion. H.C. TAN, Singapore 3.
      49 words
    • 221 24 Hobbies could take up leisure time rrAIR Play (ST. April T M> suggests that full-time teachers, instead of part timers, should be allowed to teach extra hour be paid for it. Let us hope that fulltimers are now underworked In their full-time duties. I understand Adult Education Board classes are
      221 words
    • 197 24 rIS encouraging to I read in the papers, go I often, that Singapore Is a clean and green place. Foreigners often say good things about our city. The effectiveness of our civil service has also been noted. What I do not understand is why
      197 words
    • 77 24 That rock 9 n roll bus..? I REFER to the letter by Johnson Lee (ST. April 20) entitled "Rock and Roll aboard Service 139" in which the writer cited an Incident of an Irresponsible bus driver who drove a but of Service No. 139 in a reckless manner. I would
      77 words
    • 65 24 lire refer to the letter Tf by "Worried 1 (8.T.. May 1). We wish to Inform the writer that there are no five-room HDB flats under construction at Farrer How At the moment, the Board Is building a block of three-room (Improved) flats at the area. When complete <i, those
      65 words
    • 72 24 cation for t> five-room flat at Farrer Road will be considered for a similar flat in Telok Blangah New Town which is within the same zone. The first ballot of five-room flats in the New Town Is expected to be held sometime towards the end of the year.
      72 words
    • 40 24 I refer to the letter by "Too Crowied" (&T.. Apr 11). A plan is being drawn up by the traffic authorities to prohibit the uarking of vehicles along Parrer Road and Queen's Road TKONG KUM KEE, P«Mie ■iBMstM OttVMr; ""■'•'.sjssss:
      40 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 951 24 classified ads (D teat CORTINA OT witn alrcond. tax and insurance View 4 Jalan Anggerek Spore Mr Ooh. OECBMBER 1971 MERCEDE9 BENZ 200 with alrcondltloner for aale. Interested contact Mr Yeo *****8 TOYOTA COROLLA 1200 1973 good condition. Contact ***** VOLVO 1449 December ZMh 1969 very good condition, owner leaving.
      951 words
    • 746 24 18 FOOTER FIBREOLASS MERCURY 185 h p Inboard/ outboard, one year old. excellent condition. 111. 500 o n.o. Tel ***** Wong during office hours. WANTED NEW OR S.H. Waveguldeless radar for yacht. Also 8.8. 8 radio of 150 watt I E.P Reply office hours *****3 rxt 114. 199 39 i
      746 words
    • 731 24 I OUAUPMD PRO9J JAPAN, racial manicure t machine maaaage barber hairstylist for ladle* fc genu Ring *****1 ext 133. Salon Royal. 2nd floor. Hotel Ron] Spore JEAN** SALOON for Turkish >*th Swedish massage, facial. manicure, humming 24-B. Tanglln Road. 83&2<7 Spore OBTSaIART^UNIToRaISforTI your employ—* male/ female. by Singapore Uniforms Manufacturers,
      731 words
    • 627 24 AMPLI STOCKS AVAILABLI. Laminated Polysur Plywood, raw material: Plywood, Polyitar Ruin Mekpox (Cataljit). Pattern Paper. Tetoron rUma, Olue. etc Thoa* who require UM above mentioned material*, pleaae contact vi Tel 996*75. AST COAST T.V. WmtOENATION CO., auUMrUwd dealer for ail bran— colour, black and white TV. rerrlferaton. alrcond.. radiogram, waahlng
      627 words
    • 698 24 Djn £f>\ [T^ announce with pleasure J UuU ©J U tn appointment of Y\9k€*C% SHARIKAT NATIONAL (PTE) LTD. IWI \a# %a# 287-B/297-C Selegie Complex. BSelegie Road. Singapore 7. Tel: *****1 and their current Distributor CHIN HO CO. PTE LTD. Bth Floor, Far Eastern Bank Bldg., I Cecil Street. Singapore 1.
      698 words
    • 393 24 NOTK r Ettatc of Ctmmm Sasgfc, (bmi «f till) DiciaatS. late «f N*. «7 CrcnJWM Drive. Stetaaan, wfc* 4tt4 irtnlafe oa rfc* I w aat of Aril 1*73. Pursuant to Section 32 of the Trustees Act (Chapter 40) all persons interested in or having claims against the estate of the
      393 words

    • 335 25 China has the required five, says lOC BRUSSELS, Tues.— China has completed its first step towards competipg in the 1976 Olympic Games but International Olympic Committee (IOC) officials say they have not yet had any direct approach from Peking. To qualify for the Montreal Olympics, China must first belong to
      UPI  -  335 words
    • 91 25 NEW YORK. Tues.— Former heavyweight boxing champion Joe Frazier (2nd from right) and thirdranked heavyweight Jerry Quarry (2nd from left) get together here with light heavyweight rhasnpl— 1 Bob Footer (left) and challenger Jorge Ahumada at a news conference. The four men will figure in a "double-header"'
      91 words
    • 242 25 TOKYO, Tues. x Anat Ratanapol, of Thailand, the fastest man In Asia today, won the 100 metres event in a meet record 10.4 seconds at the annual All-Japan Selection Track and Field meet. The previous record was 10.5 set by Hideo lijlma of Japan in
      242 words
    • 132 25 MADRID, Tues— West Oerm a n y crushed Scotland 6-0 yesterday to emerge as favourites At the n.en's European nations hockey tournament here. The competition has no* r>»ched the quarter-llnal stage. Poland beat Ireland 2-0 in a magnificent Kame to take second place
      Reuter  -  132 words
    • 148 25 China's cagers lead 2-1 fj[ AMTLA, Tues. China x tonight beat the Philippines 93-80 to win their second game In three "f^rvrs against the Philippines Halftime score was) 60-48 In favour of the Chinese. The closely fought match saw the score deadlocked It nrne* before the Ctiln—a pulled a* ay
      UPI  -  148 words
    • 19 25 SINGAPORE Rugby Union will hold Its annual general meeting at BCC on June 6 at 7JO pjtt.
      19 words
    • 551 25  - Amalatip steps out stylishly in 4f run EPSOM JEEP Pv IPOH, Tues. Amalatip (late Kota Tingifi II), a course scratching last week- c n d, showed that there is nothing wrong with him when he stepped out stylishly on a yielding track here today. Striding out nicely on the bit
      551 words
    • 763 25 JOCKEY R. RAJOO was fined $300 by the stewards for incmsider ate riding on Sir Dan at Ipoh on Sunday, while jockey Luke Kang was fined $200 for accepting three mounts when not being able to make the weight The
      763 words
    • 286 26 England suffer second tour defeat- pEKINO, Tues. England suffered their second successive defeat In their badminton tour of China when they lost 6-1 to a Combined Provincial side in Peking's Indoor Workers stadium here yesterday. The men p:ayed steady badminton and were unlucky not to take a set off their
      Reuter  -  286 words
    • 384 26 IOC: Ban misuse of anabolic steroids I AUSANNE, (Swlt- zerland). Tues. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) said yesterday that it will introduce a test to detect whether competitors are using anabolic steroid drugs at the 1976 Olympics. Anabolic steroids have been widely used by athletes throughout the world to build
      UPI  -  384 words
    • 26 26 WRAMPOA CanaUtianer baa>t Kuo Chuan OooaUturncy in a, friendly aoeeer match at Toa Pfcyoh yeatar day Chla Toon Koeo and Tan Thlan Chye aoored.
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    • 559 26 Katong roll to a 1-2-4 sweep in mixed event BANGKOK, Tueaday QINOAPORE cap- tured the first title of the first Open bowling championships of Thailand here yesterday as the Katong Bowling Association (KBA) team rolled to a 1-2-4 sweep of the mixed team event. The KBA.-IV team posted a 2,252
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    • 583 26  -  TEOH ENG TATT fHE best 16 players in the Fraser and Neave badminton training scheme this year will be sent on playing; tours to Indonesia and Malaysia. This was announced by Mr. S. Dhana, the company's representative on the scheme's committee, yesterday. Mr.
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    • 255 26 SINGAPORE Bad mlnton Association have selected three players to represent the Republic at the Thailand Invitation Exhibition matches at Bangkok from May 20 to 25. Tiiey are Tan Ban Chew, Ng Chor Tan and Lee Ah Ngo, who were selected after National champion Syed
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    • 287 26 SBHFL to play Feith Cup match at I National Stadium SINGAPORE Business Houses have invited Jakarta's top soccer club, Ankasapurl, to play in the annual Feith Cup match at the National Stadium. The date lor th* match has been left to the Indonesian club to fix. The matcn was originally
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    • 86 26 CWCX, Cheenf and Tay Khoon Hean underlined their chanora In the final rounds of the Singapore Swimming Club Open chajnatooahlpa till weekend when they broke a record each in the heate at Tan)onc Rhu yeaterday. Cecil bettered Terrene* Wexter'a two-year-old Mm breaaUUoke time of 47.2 eeconds
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    • 50 26 LONDON, TMee ReeulU of last nlght'a football matches English Dtv 3 plymouth Aifyle 0 York City 1. Scottish Dlv 1: Dunoee 0 Hearts 0. Morton 0 CelUc 0 Scottish Dlv 3: Ptorfar Athletic 3 Queens Park 1. Welsh (wp Ami I bbj: Cardiff 1 Stourbrldfe 0 Rruter.
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 298 26 'Finalists will decide Cup final venue ITUALA LUMPUR, Tues— The Malaysia Cup soccer final will be played on July 6 with the ▼enue to be decided by mutual consent between the finaliate. This allow* the match to be played at Singapore's 50.000 seat National Stadium—if Singapore qualify. The FA Council,
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    • 81 26 LONDON. Tues. Enrtkfa Saeond-Dlvtaton aoeeer ohib Aston Villa have Hamiaaad manacer Vie Crowe and hat assistant Ron Wylie, the ?iub announced at Blrmlnatam yesterday The move follows Villas failure to earn promotion f"* a slump from 30,000 to around 11.000 In weakly aUcndanwa for a dub which
      Reuter  -  81 words
    • 482 27  - Tuan Mong dethrone champions Victoria PETER SIOW By ■rUAN Mong High School, yesterday, hum--1 bled defending champions Victoria School 3-0 to become National Schools Post Secondary boys table tennis champions at ranjong Katong. In the quarter-finals last week, Tuan Wong were hard-pressed to beat Victoria 3-2 Yesterday's victory was extra
      482 words
    • 31 27 SINGAPORE Manual and Mercantile Workers Union won the NTUC Inter-Union women team badminton flnal* when they beat Pood. Drinks and Aerated Workers Union 5-0 at SBA Hall last night
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    • 244 27 200 white fans welcome Lions' tour side JOHANNESBURG, Tues. —The Brttslh Lions Rugby Union team were greeted by 200 White sports fans singing "For they are jolly good fellows" when they arrived here today at the start of a controversial South African tour. Sports Minister Plet Koomhof and Dr. Danle
      244 words
    • 232 27 Spinner Bedi keeps Hants in check LONDON. Tues. Indian spinner Bishen Singh Bedl kept English county cricket cham plons Hampshire In check with some magnificent slow bowling at Southampton yesterday. At tae Ciose d the second day of the threeday match Hampshire were 302 for six and all six wickets
      Reuter  -  232 words
    • 292 27  -  JOE DORAI By ITLM Airlines' left half Zainol Abideen, an Asian Youth player, steered his team to a splendid 6-1 victory over Guthrie Waugh in the Business Houses League Division One match at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. Zainol, who plays for Marble FC In the
      292 words
    • 293 27  - 'All crowds love a winner 9 TEOH ENG TATT By pVERTON may not be as food as Leeds or Liverpool in the English League First Division but they can boast of solid support at Good (son Park at every home match. How did they manage this with a young team?
      293 words
    • 67 27 INTERNATIONAL Contract Specialist* scored their sixth win when they trounced Queefiatown Idol* 7-0 In a PAS Dlv 3 league aoccer match at Jalan Beaar stadium yesterday. Salleh (3). Anhad KhamU (2). Dollah Kaaslm and Omar scored At Oeylang stadium, a hattrick by Yuaof Mohammed Nor highlighted
      67 words
    • 146 27 Stephancic upsets the stars on way to title rKYO. Tues. World No 5 singles player i Anton Stephancic of Yugoslavia last night won the men's singles championship by beating compatriot Zlatoko Cordas 21-14. 21-15. 21-13 In the final of a fournation table tennis tournament. In daylong competition at the Olympic
      146 words
    • 1115 27 LIM Eng Ju and Lee Ah 00l tied for Boys "A" division honours In the Changkat Changl School athletic championships at Changl. Eng Ju won the sprints and the 400 m while Ah 00l showed his class In the longer distances, winning
      1,115 words
    • 213 27 V U ALA LUMPUR. Tues. Malaysian badminton fans will see the biggest gathering of world ranking stars here when the Badminton Association hold a Malaysia Invitation Cham pionshlps on Oct. 14-16. The decision to hold the championships was made at a BA council
      213 words
    • 28 27 BINC.APOREB Malaysia I Cup soccer team will meet Singapore Cricket Club in a 1 friendly soccer match at the I National Stadium at 730 I tonight
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    • 228 26 B^eW. E^E^E^E^E^E^E^BBfl V**V. I For the man who's t.» going places -the answer to his needs JflHEft for prestige, comfort and economy. M Jj CHRYSLER 180 is a ca' lor the man upon who* decisions others dapend <^BE^E*E^a^SSß»^P' the man who* a go-getter. It'i a smart and impressively styled car
      228 words
    • 168 26 irPP k- T P^HS Magnate AJ YKvSi Th UniqUC DU P l *y Cemre for BuUding Materials t bT%I k RV^ Equipmenu enables Businessmen to exhibit their aWI M \fc!a> r» Producu under one roof. T»ms providing easy acce s E\ln«S i9R\ convenience to You' clients whether they be ltJV5\
      168 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 59 26 4TVLETICS KJC asset (HoUsad Road). ANZUK Carrer Part I pjaO. Woodlands Tassiln (WoodsUMaHTON T ss N tends! pan Scheme finals (SBA Hall 7JO SOOCM Friendly: MsUl P" > Box v Trmflae PoMee (UFA ■QCaIM SURA Leajna: Oround 1 11 pj» > ■D" Orade: MRC iBCC aoOCam Friendly Nt(Asßiaadrm). BMZAF Ponce
      59 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 240 27 Was Adolf Hitler a blunderer or a genius? Why did he turn the world's first jet fighter into a bomber? What was it like to take the death ride of the 4th Panzer army? What made the fighting Tiger Tank tick? READ ALL ABOUT IT LFPW^P^V BBHWfB Waist deep in
      240 words
    • 347 27 K Matsushita Electric Co. (Malaysia) Berhad Incorporated in Malaysia NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Ninth Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the registered office of the Company. Lsdang Perusahaan. Shah Alam. Sslarioor, on Saturday, 1« June. 1974 at 1 1 00 am
      347 words

  • 183 28 Britain's— engineers union to call national strike LONDON, Tues. Britain's powerful engineering union today decided to call an Immediate national strike In protest against seizure of some of Its financial assets by an industrial court. Power stations, energy supplies and the car industry will be affected. as well as production
    Reuter  -  183 words
  • 62 28 WASHINGTON. Tues. Senator Edward Kennedy said yesterday he would like to be President and felt he could provide the United States vlth the morel leadership needed to heal the scars >if Watergate. But. the Massachusetts Democrat said In a television Interview, he had not
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • Article, Illustration
    120 28 MANY rSMRA. 71. wlla Of Vaioa d* Silva. IS JsJan L*ban. (Sambawans) pa*a<<4 away paac*•ully 7.SS a.m s-»-7«. leaving MblDd huib*nd. 2 iom. 2 <Uu»htara. 1 aoo-ln-law. 1 dauxhtara-18-law sad II grandchildren to mourn h»r loaa. Corttge leavu at 10 45 a.m. (or Cremation Mount Vtroon S-&-T4 at 11.43
    120 words
  • 76 28 rUREMEN dousing the flames in a parked car opposite the reai gate of the Straits Times in River Valley Road, last uight. Police said no one was injured. The fire, which broke out shortly after 8.30 p.m.. was put out within minutes. Police said last
    76 words
  • 48 28 VIENNA. Tues. OU Ministers of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) will now meet In Quito, Ecuador, on June IS Instead of June 10 to fix crude petroleum prices for a three -month period beginning on July 1. OPCC said today. Heuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 29 28 NUREMBERG. Tues Three crew members were killed when a four-engined DC -6 airliner of Iceland Airlines carrying a cargo of flowers crested near here last night Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 57 28 JERUSALEM. Tues —Israeli Defence Minister Qen Mash* Dtymn has signed a contract to write his memoirs with the British publishing house Weldenfeld sad Nlcolaon. s company apotesman said here yesterday He said Oen Dayan hoped to CTHIIHi the manuscript next ye«r for planned publication In 1»76
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 46 28 PARE.. Tues. One of five quint upleu born here haa died and the outlook for UN other lour Is uncertain doctor* reported yesterday. The five, four boys and a *Irl, were born to atarleFrance MlcheU. The M-year old woman tv doing well.
    46 words
  • 112 28 BALTIMORE. Tues. An eight-year-old boy was today awarded 1.*****.M0 (551.75 million) in damages, the largest for a single plaintiff In Maryland's history, by a jury which ruled he was the victim of a botched circumcision. The damages were awarded by the jury of
    112 words
  • 445 28 LONDON. Tun.— TlM market cloud lower and at I p.m th« Financial Time* lnou wu down 1.7 to SM.S. Early null fall* in *xt*aa*d following th* «ana«arm« werkera' •irikt daemon. Small Mlllnt waa seen la in| la*M lan noton and compaaaat maaan eat laa«lat InJu»iri*i. wan only •llchtlr
    445 words
  • 57 28 ANKARA, Tues. The Turkish Government expressed concern yesterday over stray Iraqi arUllery ihella exploding In Turkish terrluVy along the border A Foreign Ministry apttfcesman sa4d Iraq's flinliaaTlm to Ankara. Mr Maiunoud AiDaoud was called u> the Ministry to be told about Turkish concern over the fighting
    AP  -  57 words
  • 35 28 KATMANDU. Tata. Spanish climbers have reached the Souta Ooi of Mount Svercet and hope to acale the 2» .MS- toot (S.S4B metre) summit on Saturday. message from the but emmp mid today Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 93 28 LONDON, Twes. Fanner Batigiiesif PaUea Superintendent ra««r G o d b c r was remanded in euatodj ban for a further nine days today on a eharfe rupitou In offlee. FaUee imiiil an •MUcattan far ball by defence inannl Mr. C StaaweiL Detective Chief
    93 words
  • 391 28 Couple shot dead, girl hurt in ambush BELFAST, Tuesday pOLICE found a married couple shot death and a girl believed to be the daughter critically wounded in a bulle riddled car in remote County Tyron early today, police said. Police said the victims apparently wer Roman Catholics ambushed on a
    Reuter  -  391 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 139 28 ®THE CONTINUING EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF THE METROPOLITAN YMCA (formerly Chinas* YMCA) OFFERS THE FOLLOWING COURSES/ PROGRAMMES FOR THE MONTHS OF MAY/ JUNE CAREER COURSES Shorthand theory and speed Chartered Inst. of Secretaries income Tax Law Architectural Draughtsmanship and Bui'ding Construction Basic Surveying FINE ARTS/ RECREATION International Folk Dancing Social Ballroom
      139 words
    • 149 28 BRLLIANTLY 1 ENGINEERED! [he new Lenco of Switzerland I 3Ck aHHll»^^a.»__ Wjm •HvdraulJcetlv^^^ damped lowering arm for pick-up •Wow and flutter weighted to DIN ***** 0.06% Automatic stop system after which MM aonaerm lifts off the record. l P^y^CYCU ft CARRIAGE^ (EMTBWMSCSI PTE ITO Hong Kong Cargo? 3 flights daily
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