The Straits Times, 3 May 1974

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 28 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1974 25 CENTS Mystery deepens as police carry out probe to see if it's mass murder M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 480 1  -  K. S. SIDHU By SEVEN more skeletons were unearthed yesterday from the south-eastern beaches of Sentosa bringing the total number recovered to 1 4 since last Saturday. The skeletons those of both males and females were found dumped in a 4 ft-deep hole. The niacabre discovery also
    CHRISTOPHER LOH  -  480 words
  • 570 1 TCL AVIV, Thurs. [\R. HENRY Kissinger arrived iere today for fresh alks with Israeli eaders on separating heir troops from jyrian forces on the >olan Heights front, md said his aim was ;ot to seek conceslions. "I have come here not o discuss concessions
    Reuter; UPI  -  570 words
  • 76 1 BANGKOK, Than. HI Am, to stssjag *ewm Ha isiliit ee— aad head«aarters la ftattahlp. ThallasA which has directed dlstrlbvttea ef sappoes fat the Casafcedtan war, the Thai Foreign Ministry IWW wed today A Ministry sbiiii— teM aswsn the ■sevc we«ld trim t4tf US aviMtarr
    AP  -  76 words
  • 34 1 VWW YORK. Thura Mori than 100 fangland flgmw* Inch, dint two liana iitaafialiis wan inflate! in eonnavtfcn with Ukgal fambltag nuketa yesterday followtag dawn raids on Maw Yorfc'f crime fwnlUas— iUutar
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  • 42 1 WaTW TORK. Thura. Dow Jonas average*, baaad en first hour af trading on tha Hew York Mock s*change SO ladM SS3SS. down 1U; M trmnsp 17S 16. dawn 0.S0; IS uttla 7171. Up 0 41; S6 st«fcs MOM, down HI.-DW
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  • 212 1 One-leg man is run over by I car I rpELEVISION mechanic 1 Koong Kirn Kee. 20. survived a five floor fall seven years ago. Yesterday, he was knocked down by a bicycle, run over by a car— and died. Koong, a bachelor, who had one wooden leg, lost his balance
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  • 37 1 JAKARTA. Thurs. PrasMsot Suharto left tar central Sumatra today on his way to Ptnans. for Informal talks with Malaysian Prime MtTth*T- Tun Abdul lUsmk. Mr. Suharto U to fly to Pcnanc tomorrow. AP.
    AP  -  37 words
  • 805 1 WATERCATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE SPLIT WASH I > PRESIDENT Nixo have won a mm a split in the Hou< Judiciary Commit! impeachment over But a special ses which ended late last still faces growing p fron'-atlons with Coni The committee decided by 20
    Reuter; UPI  -  805 words
  • 142 1 Manila armed forces buildup 1 1 MANILA. Thurs. The Philippines is strengi th?nlng its armed forces from 100.000 to about 250.000 men by next year. President Marcos said today. Mr. Marcos announced the Increase In a speech I at the 39th anniversary of the Philippines Air I Force "It is
    UPI  -  142 words
  • 44 1 BANGKOK. Thura A young Thai atudant kiUad heratli last night on dlaeovertoc that atie failed to paai bar final high school Nar.taka Papobun. M. killed herself with a abotcua after hearlnf the result* of the exams on the radio. PPL
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  • 40 1 MADRID, Thura.— Leftwing damonatrators hurlad dynasatU and petrol bomb* at flva bank* In fcroikma yaatwday, Tha blaita cauaad no InJurta* tn the banks which wer* mainly empty on tha May Day hoUday No arrssts wert reported.— Rautar.
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  • 27 1 TRI HAOCC, Thurs. The Dutch Oowrnmtnt has dSCttSd tO ptMt MCUlity Offlctn on Royal Dutch AMbMS (KUI) fl%hta to the fcOddla and Par bat AP.
    AP  -  27 words
  • LATEST Tapes: 'No' by Nixon
    • 46 1 WASHING TON. President Nixon's lawyers retased to meet today's eae- aeeaa deadllae to hand ever topee ef a Watergate resattiaiitsrsatl—e to specUl preeeeater Leon Jaworskl and said they woßld right the case att the way to the Snprrme Coart If necessary—UPL
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 76 1 See our Exclusive Range of EXQUISITE JEWELLERY aracahilW HaM fiimHce ey MestarcrefttNMN from Sri Lanka. Visit us before you make your next purchase and compare our prices and quality. 6.C.DE SUVA BROS. MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS, 3 RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE 1. TELEPHONE: *****/*****. (The Oldest and Most Trutied Jewellers in Raffles Place).
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    • 81 1 CASE URGED TO PROBE LUX SOAP PRICE RISE Fafe SHOCK la UN. as D.B. sn«ps aid plan fer boot countries t ISRAELIS and Arabs shot down their awn planes S CHINA'S Ne. man ■takes his eetne-aaek 4 ROBIN te Invest $M million tn heavy machine plant S COLOUR TV test
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  • Straits Times World News
    • 280 2 Snedden stakes his career CANBERRA. Thurs. Liberal leader BUI Snedden has staked his political future on his ability to bring down inflation to an acceptable level within six months If voted Into power In the May 18 general election. Mr. Snedden told a Press conference yesterday in the Queensland holiday
      Reuter  -  280 words
    • 6 2 No explanation given for sudden decision
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    • 137 2 Indonesia Times makes its bow [AKARTA. Thurs. A I new English-language dally— the second fresh paper allowed by the Oovernment since It banned 10 dallies and weeklies during studentInitiated riots early this year appeared m Jakarta today. he Indonesia Times U similar In format to the old Jakarta TUfcies which
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    • 539 2 Shock in UN US scraps PObil aid plan for poor nations UNITED NATIONS, Thursday JHE L'nited States last night withdrew its planned L'Ss4,ooo million US$lO,OOO million) aid programme for the developing countries just before the Ciencral Assembly approved a controversial plan for a new world economic jrder. There was no
      Reuter  -  539 words
    • 300 2 $45mil a year income man tops Japan's tax list- •■•w— «v, iLur,. ab Bli. year-old bum who earned the .-{Bivalent US$lB.3 million (8945.7 mill on) through land sales had the largest income In Japan last rear. "1 was just lucky, that's aU," said Mr. ManJl Haserawa, who sever got beyond
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    • 92 2 Miki off for 12-day tour of Europe TOKYO. Thurs— Mr Takeo Mlkl, Deputy Prime Minister and Director-General of the Environmental Agency, left for Europe today on a 12-day tour. He will first visit Parts and meet Mr. XmUe van Lennep. •wretary-gwaenl of the Organisation tor Economic 00-oparatton and DeretaßßSßt HU
      AP  -  92 words
    • 161 2 HONOKONO, Thurs.— North Vietnam has launched a huge programme to rebuild wardamaged Vlnh city, an Important communications centre which was a frequent target of U8 bombers. The North Vietnam news agency, monitored here, said today the city waa rased time and again during the US
      Reuter  -  161 words
    • 48 2 UARACATBO (Vencsuela). Thurs. Police amid that 16 people drowned when a launch smuggling Colombian* Into Venecuela ■ank laat nlfht In the Qulf Of Marmcaibo which separatee the northern part* of the two countries ■fht people, including se*«ral women, were rescued. they added— Reuter
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • 24 2 ISLAMABAD. Thun.— The United SUtea signed an Huanmu to five Pakistan about US$34 million (BS6O million) to expand agricultural research. Reut«r
      Reuter  -  24 words
    • 27 2 LONDOK. Thun. The Prime Minuter Mr. Harold WUaon. «aid to a written ParilamtnUry aniwer that he had no preaent plan* to vMt China Reuter
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 242 2 ETHIOPIA GOVT WARNED: NEW STRIKE 1F... ADDIS ABABA, Thurs. The Confederation of Ethiopian Labour Unions said yettterday that If the Qoveriment carried out Its threat to dose down the confederation, this could well lead to a general strike the second In two months. In a message trirtreai ed to the
      Reuter  -  242 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 704 2 |THEGIASSTOWK^ m W^w^f j^^^^^^b H^LHeja^BUT^Sl^ai I u^fcike^^^iTßßW WVAAaIKa/UIIV/1 3fe GlqjsTowef 180IO180HO TheG -doobtedly «te o f Wigapori s most cfcstincriv* office ccwp*e>e3s is nowmody lor •.'^Sq^p occuoquoo MiwatvQ ftc^tf In me heart of I ><ngcpon\ commercial centre M m m comiCavy or-conCeHonea, HJyserfked, with ample W cor parking tcolttiet. wifl
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    • Briefs-,
      • 40 3 MANILA, Thurs. The Philippines last year received a total of USM93 7 million (S$M4 million) worth of deve--lopm c nt assistance from International, governmental and private institutions, according to a report issued here today by the United Nations Development Programme.
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      • 36 3 WASHINGTON? sea. Thomas Mclntyre (Democrat) who killed the navy's plan to rush construction of the Trident submarine last year, has opened a major attack on Pentagen plans to develop new nuclear ■"Ms! It warheads la 1*75.
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      • 30 3 DUBLIN: Police seeking 19 old master painting* seised in the worUfa biggest art robbery said today they have a possible Identification of a dark-haired girl who apparently led the hold-up.
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      • 26 3 BANGKOK: Ponce and missionaries were today trying to establish contact with bandits holding two foreign women nurses for ransom in a Jungle hideout in southern Thailand.
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      • 37 3 BTAVANQER (Norway): British soldiers were flown into a closely guarded military airfield on Norway s west coast yesterday for a closed-door hearing into Irish Government charges of torture and ill-treatment by British security forces in Northern Ireland.
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      • 39 3 LAHORE: The runiab Government has denied any involvement in the mysterious disappearance yesterday of the province's former chief minister, Ghulam Mustafa Khar, who U said to have been taken from his house by five men in police uniform.
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      • 50 3 LONDON: Labour Tarty members today rallied to the support of their deputy leader, Mr. Edward Short, who remained under some pressure after disclosing tha- he once accepted £250 (811,430) from a man who was recently Jailed for corruption. Mr. Short has received the full backing of Prime Minister Harold Wilson.
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      • 32 3 RIO DE JANEIRO: At least 3M people are dead and over 200,0ea homeless after three weeks of flooding in Brazil's desolate northeast, officially described as the worst in the country's history. Agencies.
        Agencies  -  32 words
    • 44 3 Ban on Woman Dracula JAKARTA. Thun. Tha South Koraan film Woman DracuU has been withdrawn from circulation In Jakarta, a tpofcMWian of th* Indonesian Film Cenaorohip Board I said today The withdrawal was ordarlad bscauM th* Ola could endanccr public morals, h* said.— Reutw.
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    • 256 3 p Washington, TberaTL II fS&AEL, Egypt and 1 Syria all shot down large numbers of their own planes with their own ■riseltei dwrlnf the October Middle Bast war. US military experts said today. On one day alone, Syria shot down by mistake nearlz M So-viet-baUt
      UPI  -  256 words
    • 305 3 Hope for return of Timor JAKARTA, Thursday Special plea to Lisbon urged ANE of Indonesia's leading MPs said today he hoped the Government would appeal to Portugal for an eventual return or Portuguese Timor. Mr. John Naro, Vice-Speaker of the Indonesian Parliament, said that after the coup in Portugal, Indonesia
      Reuter  -  305 words
    • 132 3 HUSSEIN'S DARE TO ARAB LEADERS BEIRUT, Thura King Huaseln of Jordan yesterday appeared to challenge Arab leaden to take positions on the sensitlTe Issue of who should represent the Palestinians In their struggle for an independent Palestinian state. In a major policy speech to mark Labour Day. the 39-year-old monarch
      Reuter  -  132 words
    • 61 3 ATHKNB, nin.-ONN« ie ipiHil to «I9«1 tW uMcrt »t AUmbs almrt teat wn la whUk fl»e p«*pla 41e4 wk4 w«t« wmtmM, an aatk»riUUvc nvm MM km IMI «U*t The mwm Mid tk»* tkc fttrfi— tUl decree which will e*M«tc their death tentencc lnU Hie iapri—nMcut
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    • 165 3 Indira's hope for peaceful ocean rriSHKRAN, Thurs—ln--1 dian Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi said yesterday she would not like the Indian Ocean to become an area of tension and pomnbie conflict. She was addressing a press conference during her official visit to Iran for talks with the Shah and Prime
      Reuter  -  165 words
    • 60 3 BONN. Thun. DmpiU Wwt Otraany'i eurmt •qy f"f 1***. Um tint But O«nuu> offlcbtb will tato up pwyMHDt I mtimtr* to on Uraoi row, H fif iiuvwhC" •d hw« jwtartter But Um acrsno* pitri of But O«naany"i pi— MBt iwlinti win eofMUt onVf ot t—tmti^) ponotuMl."
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    • 29 3 OSNXVA. Thm. With Irrti*. coovtctod for bw put in th. Howard Hath* Mrtoblafimptiy hoax. wUf b* ntaated (ran a Swla prlMo tmamm, bar lawmen aid UxWv OPT.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 89 3 ON SALE NOW AT YOUR NEWS-STAND SI.BO A COPY SSI EsaJ r 1 TIME THE WEEKLY NEWS MAGAZINE mo VISCONI I I 1 i>t:vni i\u;\ki: "In the past qutrt«r of c glßtttHr there Vve b— a fllae poteatlallv aora influential....,! MB W* of none whiph has been ■ore truly a
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  • Untitled
    • 157 4 JAPAN TO INCREASE FUNDS FOR GOODWILL YOUTH SHIP rKYO, Thurs. The Japanese Government has decided to increase considerably Its financial support for a youth ship which will be sent to South-east Asia in October to promote friendship between Japanese and South-east Asian youth. Chief Cabinet Secretary Susumu Nlkaldo said today
      Reuter  -  157 words
    • 202 4 ARTICLE BY INDIAN WRITER UPSETS ENVOY L NCW DCLHI, Tlmra. rIE Americau iimaa— dor, Mr. Daniel Patrick Meynihan, yesterday castigated the Indian writer of a newspaper article that attacked the United Statesgenarally and Mr. Moynihaa personally. The article appeared la yesterday's National Herald, generally eonsMerod te reflect government views. It
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    • 108 4 Indonesia logging ban on foreign firms JAKARTA. Thurs. Foreign companies will be banned from exploiting forestry re sources In Indonesia, it was announced here. The chairman of the Capital Investment Coordination Board, Mr. Barll Hallm. said yester day after seeing President Suharto that Joint venture companies will also be banned
      Reuter  -  108 words
    • 363 4 China's No 6 makes come back After several months in the c01d... PEKING. Thursday THE No. 6 man in the Chinese leadership, Mr. Li Teh sheng, who has been criticised in many provincial wall posters recently, has made his first reported public appearance for several months. The official Chinese news
      Reuter  -  363 words
    • 36 4 CHICAGO. Thur*. Traffic fatalHias in the Onltod Mataa dropped 28 par cant In March Lowar driving apaaoa wan an Important factor la tba dacUne. the National Safety Council aatd restart*; -AP
      AP  -  36 words
    • 39 4 BUROT, Thurs.— An Iraqi revotai,.totuuy court teat night wntaaoad to daatta five mambara of a group that triad to aUf* bomb attack* on a Waftuixt cinema and at Baghdad Airport. tfan In* Haws agatitj mid today.
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    • 172 4 'Zebra' murders: Two charged SAN FRANCISCO, Thurs. Police investigating San Franc co's mysterious "xebra killings In whclh 12 white people have been •hot dead In the street* during the past five montha yesterday arrested two fcack men and charged them with murder A total of 18 people have been shot,
      Reuter  -  172 words
    • 41 4 NXV YOKJC. Tburs— Radio TV Raporta Inc. fltod a U8»29.000 (8173.600) Suit against togmm Oo— wn Secretary Maurice Mvi and two ottMra >lihf, niiiin payment of faw ti"tttinr owad by tba finanoa ooaamttta« to ra ateat Urn PraetdanL AP.
      AP  -  41 words
    • 230 4 Return to the gold standard 'only way to beat inflation 9 LONDON. Thurs. The editor of the London Times. Mr. William Rees Mogg. yesterday proposed a return by Britain to Urn fold standard the valuation of starling In terms of gold. The proposal to return to a system abolished by
      Reuter  -  230 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 493 4 \\°Wm for Building Materials (QJ This unique Display Centre for Building Materials Ie J^m! L O^!® Equipments enables Businessmen to exhibit their am^l JB Products under one roof. Thus providing easy access ma^aTN i^f arM^ convenience to your clients whether they be ■k I\\3k \©i Foreign Businessmen, Architects, Civil Engineers,
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    • 12 4 -i M lii i I si I at kS j Si t
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  • 283 5 Koyo Seiko to invest $10 million in Jurong KOYO Seiko of Japan Is to Invest $10 million ln a new 22-acre manufacturing complex ln Jurong. The new company will be known as Koyo Singapore Industries Pte. Ltd.. a wholly -owned subsidiary of Koyo Seiko. It will Initially manufacture precision bearings.
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  • 155 5 Woman drug pusher gets 31 years A 55- YEAR-OLD widow. Taj Lent Hong, was sentenced to three-and-a-half years' jail by the Third District Court yesterday on two charges of unlawfully trafficking ln drags in Tanjong Pagar Road at aboat t.M p.m. on Dec 12 last year. She pleaded gailty. She
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  • 229 5 THE Robin Group of Companies is to invest some $30 million in a new firm to manufacture heavy equipment. The new firm Robin Engineering Pte. Ltd. was formed because of the Increasing demand for high technology engineering products arid shipbuilding supporting lndusTrles, according
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  • 174 5 2 SACKED SEAMEN CLAIM $8,700 WAGES rriHE two, "stranded" 1 seamen Mr. Donald MacPhee. 45. an Irishman, and Mr. Gary Dunscombe, 28. an Aua tralian who said they were dismissed from the Oreek ship Constan tlnos ln Port Kelang two weeks ago. want to claim their wages and repatriation benefits
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  • 29 5 A PAST patrol boat for the Royal Brunei Malay Regiment. fCDB Porwlra. wul be launched at Vosper Thornycroft Shipyard In Tanjong Rhu at 1245 p.m on May
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  • 38 5 MB. M. OUHAKATWAM. 63. has been n atarteri preatdent of the Oey too Sports Club for the sixth aum— 'n year Vies pmldsnH are Mr. HJC Kutaatnsha and Mr. Bit Vaskfsr Secretary Is Mr. F. Athadsja
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  • 25 5 MBTBOPOLJTAH YatCA wul hold a pii at Horsing on May U. C w -/*ee a-* $1* lor member* and tor non -mem ben
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  • 317 5 Chiefs of Staff to study Anzuk changes nk NZ U K structural A changes, necessitated by the Australian withdrawal of ground forces from Singapore will be discussed at the threenation Chiefs of Staff meeting l n Canberra In about 10 to 12 weeks. Sources said a meeting could be called
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  • 159 5 rE Begtonal Medldata Centre, which openod its doors to pay Ing patients at DBS •■lldlng In gheaton Way. yesterday started off with good response, tneladlag a patient who spartally iew la f r o at laaaaaaia to A spuai—an (or the soarec aaid that aboat five
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  • 202 5 -Securicor union seeks aid to get laid-off benefits TB K Becurtcor Employee* Union U seeking the good offices of the Labour Ministry to secure retrenchment benefits for Its 300 members. The union secretary, Knclk Yaxld Ibrahim, said he wrote to the management on April 22 claiming payment In lieu of
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  • 64 5 BINOAPOR* nee merchtnu said yesterday that lbs import price of Thai rlea ni now higher than tba local price by II t ptcul. However, they Mid the aimtaeelii price of Thai aapargrade rkse yeattrday was |M tod for the 100 per cent rice a»a picul. a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 113 5 Wrß^J^^^^^ iw^B s^asaaa/ W aawV sfl aal Ml^ a^^afl ■jNgaV Hofl gsws Swasgai g H leelj, "tapk* I "4 «aW otar 1 I *•>**» n ji{4»niii! nni b sw«i r PI W Haa. 1 I 7fa<V*sff I 1 'llSfif/l I Nothing leaves your skin tin^ing-clcan lite new Tussy Lemon Cleanser!
      113 words
    • 366 5 aT ibibl m 1 la^Bß^'awlTai aak i#ak aosi aaam ss oa agov)^a. AajSs^^ama^V B '*a l M Jb\ T^* •say waa j\J %A VwaisM aw w wswaaaa saasas a waww^Fii^ I*t^wsL for only $100 Wise investment now will mean steady 2) Capital growth prospects over a capital growth and regula-
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  • 308 6 Good turnout at the third Welcome supermarket A CROWD of 200 shoppers turned up at the third N T U C Welcome supermarket yesterday when it opened for business In Porchester Avenue In Serangoon Garden Estate. The shoppers, mostly housewives from the constituency, described the prices of commodities sold there
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  • 132 6 h Picnic at Changi ends with fatal dip A MALAYSIAN textile sslssisn Un Kent, 24, died on the way to the Ansmk military hospital en Wednesday morning, shortly after he was Heked conscioßs from the sea off Changi. It was learned that Urn was swimming with a friend at about
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  • 38 6 THE PUoUge and Berthing Section of the Fort Master** Department win tH moved from the Pilot Offlc* at Cut Wharf to the ton floor of Caw* Car Main Buildtof at Blangab Bay today. The telephone numben
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  • 446 6  -  IRENE NOOO By QUEENSTOWN Consumers' Club yesterday made a complaint lo the Consomers' Association of Singapore (Case) against the "unjustifiable" price increase of Lux soap by its distri butor, liever Brothers. The letter, signed by I the club's chairman Mr. Khoo
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  • 177 6 Timber joint ventures deliver the goods fWS Singapore In- doneslan timber lolnt ventures in Sumatra are bringing in at least 10,000 tons of oawn timber to Singapore a month, Mr. Fong Pin Chee president of the Singapore Sawmlllers' Association, said yesterHe said between 60 and 80 per cent of the
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  • 277 6 Chye sim and kai lan go up 5 cents and 10c I rnHI price of cbye «im 1 Increased Air her by fire cenU to 76 n t* a katl and kal lat by lo cents to 60 cenU a kati according to thi Trade Department yesterday rrlces of many
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  • 35 6 THK numben picked in yesterday* Toto draw No 34 74 were IT, 4. 6. 11. and it The additional numter wua 11. In the circle* draw, the number* wwe. it, > and 41.
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  • 34 6 THX Central Adult Section at the National Library will orgaalM a talk and alldeahow or Malayan silverware by Mr Tla Hovlua at the ll'rarys mectlnc room on May 8 AdmiMkm to trtm.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 469 6 lashioii. parade COME AND BEE THE NEW EXCITIIMQ RANGE OF BLIPPERB/BANDALB FOOTWEAR AND LOOK OUT FOR THE LATEST JANTZEN'S '74 RANGE OF ■WIMWIAR fVof>|>.Hl. FRIDAY 3rd a WEDNESDAY Bth MAY at: Jm€W¥€l> premier store 119- North Bridge Rd. b^Sb^i^b^i^b^^^^A o^!^^^ f_^J D^^l^iiLr%r»^^BV%V Q C3REATAA/AYS IvOQSnSOn 5 y<X su gERMARKET The
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 266 6 Bringing. Up ly IUI eUvmigh <i Hal Ca«p Ulw-Hg- to** COMMA A I j I COUUP LKwWTAIS.I \T~\ I \~W VfT *">. f J OOT OU* MMM Z WBVT TD OUK j OUT O* TVtC OOCTO*'* J IT THg OU* MAO J I HJ*9tMD )V. VVTTVI A »V« OOCTOPJ A
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  • 278 7  - British Airways makes detour for 31 Arab ladies Ranee Govindram 1 BRITISH Airways played the Knight In Shining Armour yesterday when It came to the rescue of 31 Arab ladies In distress. The airline decided to re-route Its normal flight today via Bahrain so that these ladies from the land
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  • 67 7 Grounded ship freed, sails for China SAN BUNO, the 4.000--ton vessel which was grounded in mud off Kusu Island for nine hours on April 24. sailed for China last night. Her 1,000-ton cargo m unloaded In Singapore as a result of the Incident and •he will not sail to Klang
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  • 372 7 pOLOUR television set dealers described the RTS trade and test pattern colour transmission which began yesterday morning as of "a very high quality." And the general comment of shoppers and passers-by, who had their first taste of the Mary Tyler Moore Show and
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  • 33 7 THE Postal Services Department will deploy mobile poi t office »t Katong commutlty centre. Jalan Betu. on Monday*. Wednasrlejs and Friday*, from today bet«iM 1 II p.m. and lit pm
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  • 105 7 $200,000 CHAMBER GIFT TO SCHOOL rE Chinese Chamber of Commerce U to donate $200,000 to the Chinese High School towards its $3.8 million expansion programme. This decision was taken at the chamber's monthly management committee meeting on Monday. The school hopes to revert to the one-session system when Its expansion
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  • 49 7 MRS. SHXAJ.ES wife of the President, will be gurat of honour at the Cheshire Home's Champa rne Ball at the Shangri-La Hotels aland Ballroom on May 11 at I 8 p.m. ■hie ball U in aid of the 1 home, of which atv la patron.
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  • 125 7 Call to stamp out the 'pseudo planners! rpHE Singapore Instll tut* of Planners has written to the Board of Architects and the Professional Engineers Board asking them to help weed oat Imli planners." Bu*i president. Mr. Ong Teng Cheong, said yesterday that the two boards could play tneir part by
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  • 22 7 A 14- MP""» Australian Metal Trades Export Oroup mission to South-east Asia will arrive here tomorrow for a five-day visit
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  • 211 7 Can CPF money be used to buy these flats? rl Labour Ministry U to be asked If It would allow middle Income group people to use their Central Provident Fund savings to buy flats to be built by the Ho<islng and Urban Development Company (Pte.) Ltd. Mr. Ang Ham PUu.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 194 7 AdverUaement TORMENTING RECTAL ITCH STOPPED IN MINUTES Science Finds New Healing Substance That Promptly Stops Itching and Pain of Piles »r.W YOWL ST. Y.— (Spacial) Improvement' wae repotted Ono at th» moat common and Tariaea oj a doctor a i;t>afilctlons la a condition eervationiiThieimproTemtnt known aa Itohlng pllaa". It la
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    • 82 7 oe invlecl Tir^^^^ see hear J^CK /MALMSTEN (USA T.V. and recording artiste. Musical Director of Thomas Orgaa) He will bring you an unforgettable musical journey to the outer limits of sound on the Thomas Moog Synthesizer. 3rd May, 1974, 12 noon 2 p.m. 4th May. 19/4, 1.00 p.m. 4.00 p.m.
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  • 0 8
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  • 171 8 Bank staff queue up outside in protest m/fORE than 70 em ITI ployees of Bangkok Bank In New Bridge Road yesterday "queued up" outside the bank before entering their office at 9 a.m. to begin work. They had gathered outside the bank halJanhour earlier before clocking In. A 81ngaixve Bank
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  • 341 8 iMystery of the schoolgirl who drowned in pond MYSTERY surrounds the death of a seven-year-old schoolgirl who drowned In a pond near her home In Lorong Semangka, off Chua Chu Kang Road, on Dec. 12 last year. At the coroner's inquiry yesterday, no one could say how Ang Bee Llan.
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  • 119 8 Hotelier may be victim of revenge -killing J nOUCB are working on the theary that wealthy Brunei bsjatiiiisssßau. Mr. Ang Leag Chaan. 4*. was a victim of -revenge ingMr. Ang was found stabbed to death la his rooea at the Singapore ■Btest est Teesday nl€*t. Mr. Aag, who runs a
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  • 45 8 1 DR. LAWmBNCB Alan Babb. visiting Raasarch Fallow with the Department of Sociology. University of Singapore, will give a talk on Tha American Imag* of India, at tha Singapore Karala Association. Race Course Road, on Saturday at pjn. Tha public Is iartted.
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  • 175 8 12,000 fewer visitors in February A TOTAL Ot njUT! people visited Stncaoare In ntoraary. a drop of ***** visitors over the January figure. Japanese visitors accounted for M Jt par cent of total arrivals, followed by Australians <Mj per cent), British UJ.4 pet- cent), TsdooeWsoft (11 par cent) Americans. (9J
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  • 65 8 A LADIIS puna containing SMXt was found by a pupil of Swiss Cottage PrtDMT7 S«boo1 at tba Junetton of Oraanteaf Boad and Oraanlsaf Drtrs on Wsdnas Lias Uan Am. tH. found It whlls ba was cycling naar his hosaa and took tba puras to hU
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  • 328 8 4 Boy set on f ire' case: Defence is called fHE High Court yesterday called on Tay Chwee, 22, to make his defence on a charge of causing grievous hurt by fire to a 14-year-old former newspaper boy in Geylang last July 11. Tay at first chose to remain silent,
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  • 210 8 CHINESE TEACHERS WILL ATTEND ASSEMBLY rIE two Singapore Chinese school teachers unions have said they will take part in the World Assembly of Delegates of the WCOTP (World Confederation of Organisations of the Teaching Pro f c salons i though they have withdrawn from the organising committee. These unions Singapore
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  • 49 8 ■XPLOtUVEB will ba used In excavation works in the WUy area bounded by Fander ■oad. Hanrtaraau Road Kstsuoton and Telok IMaiwati ■toad between 11 ajn. and 11 noon on Mar T. 10. 14, It. tl.S4.Maa4 11. The public are advtoad to keep clear of the aiea.
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  • 74 8 Book show at World Chess Week WORLD Chess Week will be held from July 20 to 27 with an exhibition of chess books and chess demonstrations at Toa Payoh branch library. This year is the BOth. anniversary of C World Chess Fadarattou and ttw them will be on cheat for
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  • 103 8 rl Singapore Manufacturers Association has urged 1U members to Increase their exports to Poland. The Polish Ftrwten Trad* Ministry will also study how beat the country can increase its Imports of Singapore -made According to the latest laaoe of the Manufacturer, official organ of the
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  • 201 8 MOPPETS IN WIG A HIT DOING A JIG MOPPETS dancing to the soands of If I Were a Rich Man from the musical production, Fiddler en the Roof. Their hilarious teats captivated their audience and made their performance a big hit at a music anrl dance presentation for District One
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  • 51 8 TH« Department at gstramural Studies, University ol Stowapore. wUI organise a lalecture course on The Law of Oeneral Insurance from May 7 O Mjrtnt Boe. lecturer at the Faculty of Law. will conduct the courses on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7JO pa **> P-m. The im
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  • 212 8 Rising costs will hit book printers MANUFACTURING and labour coiu in the book publishing Industry will continue to Increase under current Inflationary trends and the scarcity of raw materials, This win hare a bearing on the prices of books, says the president of the Singapore Book I Publishers' Association. I
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  • 42 8 POON Chun Men* 30. was fined ISO by Pint Magistrates Court yesterday for abusing police Set. Abmad bin Katafc, to the departure hail of p»y« Lebar aSraort at about 1.40 aj*. on Wednesday. Ha pleaded guilty
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 286 8 Only a British Airways 'Europe for you' holiday offers you all this in Europe 7city tour with organised sightseeing JMb^TJL •iIvHWB bY9 ssa-gol BjsbT JBT*NLL! .Lt t 4 jbT It bWubl iHIBBUBor M Msbbl £6!ltiBBBlK*l&BY Brussels Innsbruck Venice BBBBBBBBBB> BBBBW ejT *^jBB%I $y|bßaß^aa9 aBBMBBBM BBBBBW VS^PS "jf 11-^^ SUml gaßMtißaß^BßßVwrWjl
      286 words
    • 87 8 THIS WEEK IN TIME Portuguese mtMtary officers carry out an unusual coup to replace a <*ctatorsh,p with a democracy Key question: W.M Portugal African cotonws Portuguese Guinea, Mozambique and Angola ba content w,rh the Federation new leader Spmola proposes, or will they fight for indapendance? Henry Kissinger's visit to a
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  • – ,i 1
    • 346 9 Buffalo that attacked three is shot by police— KUALA LUMPUR. Than. Police shot dead a buffalo after it ran amok and attacked three people in the Damansara area this morning. They fired at least 1* shots before killing the animal In a field off Changkat Damansara at IO.?O a.m. It
      346 words
    • 61 9 I Rice dealings in katis KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs —All dealings In rice at all levels must be measured In katls from tomorrow when the price control on rice comes into effect. Also, all millers and traders (importer, wholesaler and retailer) are required to display price lags or notices in Malay
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    • 28 9 I KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. National Bureau of Investigation officers detained a police Inspector, two police cbostobles and a housewife In Penang today on suspicion of corruption.
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    • 32 9 I KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. The Government has withdrawn the sales tax on toddy as from Jan. 1, this year, a spokesman of the United Planting Association of Malaysia said today.
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    • 517 9 TIN ABDUL RAZAK today called for a balanced development of both the urban and rural population so that harmony and stability may be maintained, especially in a multi-racial society. "Much has been done and will continue to be done for the organised industrial workers
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    • 236 9 27 lorries seized in Malacca by Customs MALACCA, Thursday pUSTOMS officers have seized 27 lorries believed to have been imported without valid licences within the last 48 hours. 1 Eighteen of the lorries —worth a total of about $405,000 were in a workshop at Pok o k Mangga Road, three
      236 words
    • 47 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Thun Pccbmt menurj at Uw U&lmjnUn Oc— i UMOt OtfVoars' 00-qcMrmtt— i Hou_n« Saototy, T Wilmin, m granted tatve by the PMer_ Court today to »ppe_ to Urn Prtyy ODUt— U M-Mt 1U ontar for IU- to p»y IM» JM to **«t SoaMy.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 362 9 ■_a_^a— b^— .«mMsaiM>««ea«'4maamamßai^Mbaasßai^Hßaa^iH_ BBBiHMi^Hßßß^BHiß^BmHßißßiaaMa^B^Baanßa^aß^^BMß^^^^HaHHaai^Bn^BaßißHß CORdIALS 110 CORN (ML $760 CHICKEN LEGS $2.10 (4 FLAVOURS) Mr Ib Ff|N a,* |wM COLDW 2k, •-> LOCAL (454,) CONDENSED MILK w r^^OIIS m~-«* 7Q? BEACH TOWELS 30 ««r COWBELL M M (396d >"<- noodles pn f~ t+«m *1.45 TAwnc myow b_ rf» x ,p«k
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 237 9 Straits Times Crossword 1/ [2 I IS I 14 I IS I I* I H^~ A< EOBB 7 Take cane. In exchange 1 EEC lodgings capable of for bills (ID provid.n? rVtlreminrin- Spurs In money? I have ccme (11) <J tint (10) Last letter in chapter v 13 -•cWne ">
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 275 10 I SAVE I $33.83 1 Special 27-week TIME introductory offer. 27 issues on your doorstep for just I $14.77 (Regular price* lor 27 week*: subscription $20 JO, $48.60 at yow news-stand.) SAVE I TIME! Just phone I 361-422 and order your 27 weeks U of TIME at $14.77 a copy.
      275 words
    • 152 10 i tioMen Phoenix Fam»j»fc»itsSj»xi*jwi«ndPWrjig sryt>daatsM <; Tht mon popular rMtauram ai town An intimate spot for both young and old Enioy your favourm cockta* to Mnorrxnujl 7} gutat muse No mirwnurn or cover charges faksamam Henowmed tor Suxuaatn. mcv. mouth waMrng sM**s. chop*, chrism and Ma-food fbranaw 3 «sM«J a»pa»Tenoe.
      152 words
    • 308 10 J I iniiiiiaaiiii NOW SHOWING 4MMsjwl 1«. 4. 7 a.30 N«PrwLM An Actlorv »aekad Mar. 7 dartn rVoductwr Coloracapa wMh MM CMnaaa I Starring Vaauaki Kurata fa Soon CNa Ung t Lo P» t Gotdsm Qty. Ori«nt»l, Grand. t Outfit And RoyaJ To Muiioi NNaMgM ft Sunday Marrang Snow h
      308 words
    • 328 10 *ieshe nnlwikm sakvs smciiplo 50^diseount Exquisite ready-made shirts. With trendy designs and matching colours. To suit die personal taste of every fashion conscious heshe, both the young ones and the young at heart! Visits our HESKE store now Katong Shopping Centre, Colombo Court Shopping Centre, Peninsula Shopping Centre, High Street
      328 words
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    • 771 10 ItWSAW.SATItH Now SnoMrmg No Fraa Li.t _B 11 am. V4S. 4.00. S 30 ft S IS W^ Ftonnrta Bolkan ft Mawimo M 9 Raman ROMANCE color H£ Tomorrow Sunday M mi. Sun ft Mon Morning Showt CAPITOI-LIOO-JURONG •r* PRESIDENT REX SKY Michaal Hu -SCANDai Mandann m Scopa Colo. BE BW!T|
      771 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 438 11 I Apollo Restaurant! Nite-Cluh I^l I^b7 MZ^vry^*^)) Spend an enchanting evening dining, ((^^av dancing and feasting on genuine Hunan W^^e^l) food. Maximum seating capacity W^^S/^^^^ including special YIP rooms HoshigaokaSaryo Restaurant l^^wL&m I! Authentic Japanese food amid typical FTaj^l Japanese surrounding an exotic experience Stlr^r V T 1 of discovering
      438 words
    • 282 11 Ralan for a haircut .Mfc, I with our friendly, I waH-trainad lady bartMn. I Sarvicat include shampoo. I setting, manicure, oadicure, I facial maiiagß. etc. I At reasonable prices. 4t PETITE BARBERS I A^ >■ 204/205 Tanglm Shopping Centre ffl 2nd Floor Singapore 10 Tel: *****5 24 Hours Coffee House
      282 words
    • 18 11 WW^\^F*m\ rKmVI "^^^^^r -jl, Bf^y^^^FL(AA/N IN BYKLgW S^B^Bikh^ x I BH m^Bßaß^Bb^aA mMmiUm 25 SCOTTS ROAD, SINGAPORE 9
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  • 0 12
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  • The StraitsTSmes FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1974
    • 491 12 HAND— NOT FIST THE switch from clenched fist to a raised, open hand in endorsing resolutions is symbolic of the basic changes wrought In the Singapore labour scene through the NTUC's modernisation process. As Labour Minister Mr. Ong Pang Boon said on May Day, the trade union movement is no
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    • 104 12 KINO HUSSEIN'S decision to accept Palestinian representation at the Middle East peace conference if and when it reconvenes in Geneva settles a "family quarrel" in the Arab world. Seventeen Arab states extended full recognition to the Palestine Liberation Organisation at a summit meeting last November. Jordan
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  • 498 12 Solving the mystery of pigeon power LONDON: For almost 5.000 years, ever since the Egyptian Fifth Dynasty first discovered their skill, homing pigeons have been winging their way back across unknown country to their lofts How they do it has remained a mystery. A man taken 500 miles from home
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  • 502 12  -  ROBERT CRABBE: Tokyo By •YpSE life of the soldier 1 is short and beautiful," says a Japanese proverb, "like a cherry Moosom falling in the heart of Japan." Warm spring winds today blow clouds nt falling cherry blossoms through the grounds of Yasukuni
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  • Untitled
    • 937 12 GIRL FRIDAY SOME people are born to make smart remarks while others are born to smart from them, lost for words on how to retaliate. How many of us can truthfully say we can handle with cool the situation where someone pops up to us and quite unprovoked declares that
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    • 147 12 THE DAY-, SEASON TICKET HOLDER PAID FOR PARKING (\S April It, I revr eelved a Demand Notice from the Housing Board parking superintendent for a parking offence allegedly committed at Taa Payea car parkI informed the officer an duty at the Tea rayon parking tOt* about the mistake and showed
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    • 40 12 I HOPE Television Singapore will telecast the Youth Festival which will be held at National Stadium In July. It promises to be a colourful affair because It has been painstakingly planned by teachers and students. ANG WEE BIN. Singapore 22.
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    • 34 12 1 NOTICE that some Singapore Bus Service drivers and conductors smoke in buses, in blatant contravention of the "no-smoklng" notices In the vehicles. Such Irresponsible busman should be' reprimanded L. A. DUCKWORTH, Singapore 19.
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    • 37 12 f\N my last visit to vF Marine Parade Housing Estate, I noticed that there were pools of stagnant water on the rooftops of the 25-storey point-block flats. They make excellent breeding grounds for mosquitoes. MATI-LAH, Singapore 15.
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    • 128 12 DARKS are prir mariJy built for relaxation and recreational p ur poses; "for a change of fresh air" is the usual phrase one heartt from city folks. Besides these facilities. parks fclsj enhance the Image o." Singapore as a Garden City. The park
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    • 86 12 MT famlij and I hare been staying In Hindoo Road since 1973 When Housing Board officials collected data from residents In the area for a resettlement scheme, our particular* were not submitted by the owner of the house we are occupying. I have applied for a two-room HDB flat and
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    • 201 12 MR. Chin Ming Lek of the Finance Ministry (8.T., May 1) has missed my point, which is that films of genuine artistic value are raiely shown In cinemas la Singapore, and that the excessively high level of entertainment duty is an Important contributory factor to this miserable situation. Films of
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    • 56 12 OLKABE refer to ths 1 letter by High Jumper (ST.. March 21). The provision of a white line along Flower Road U not recommended by the traffic authorities. The construction of roadside kerbs Is also not recommended as this will narrow down the road. TEONG KUM ME. PabUc
      56 words
    • 56 12 njX refer to your re Tf port -BOB* first prefab flats In Bedok" (ST.. April We wish to point out that the current selling prices of three-room (Improved) and fourroom flats in New Towns like Bedok are SHAM and 115.500 respectlTely. not 115.500 and $21,500 as reported. TAW BAN HtJAT.
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    • 79 12 result, and make a small profit— derisory, perhaps, to a businessman, but enough, at any rate, to encourage him to continue. Clearly the system which exempts certain live performance from entertainment duty should be extended to films which can be shown to measure up to th* same exacting artistic criteria.
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    • 34 12 lAM surprised that the Potong Paslr vegetable farms are to make way for a Housing Board estate. Will this move not affect the regular supply or vegetables to the local markets? ecu Slagapere 14.
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  • 439 12  - rWhere there is no future in getting a degree... g. WBNRAJB: Lucknow (India) By rpHE dormitories at Lucknow University are closed. The students, ha v 1 ing luggage to rickshaws and scooters, drift away. "It's a shabby state of affairs." said 22-year-old Ooplnath Shrlnath. placing Wto rope-bound books and two
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 6 12 Olivetti EDITOR 4 the electric typewriter
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    • 126 12 laf^a^BßlsateS» 3^ ~^a! H^^awA**^ wbw^^w^^^ ■bU'^^^bb aw£— "^asl A spectacular occasion fo. the entire family. Come and see a dazzling array of merchandise^sfl|^ fashions, paintings and hundreds of other A A|\ fabulous Philippines- made products. m I JHJ See the Philippines at her best at y 1 A jW METRO
      126 words

  • Business Times
    • 795 13  -  DAVID KEEFE By LONDON: Forward tin prices passed the £4,000 per tonne milestone for the first time last Tuesday when Three Months traded at £4.015 in first ring I London Metal Ex- cha n ge dealings. (.'ash was bid at £3,990. On Wednes day, prices
      Reuter  -  795 words
    • 131 13 Bankers Trust conference NINETEEN senior executives from the United States, the United Kingdom, Korea, Taiwan, Australia. Japan, the Philippines. Indonesia, Thailand, Hongkong and Singapore are to attend Bankers Trust's Asia conference to be held today and tomorrow at the Mandarin Hotel. Leading the delegation will be Mr. David L Rothsteln.
      131 words
    • 410 13  - Oil crisis gives natural rubber a price edge IANCY BYRAMJI LONDON: The new oil scene may bave given natural rubber producers a chance to eonpete more favourably In world markets. An editorial In the latest tame of "Bobber Developments," a Journal of the Malaysian Bvbber Producers' Research Association, says present
      410 words
    • 296 13 HARD on the heels of Its one-for-flve scriD issue, Poles Industries has dropped a bombshell. Pre-tax profits for the first half year ended February 1973 have nose-dived. The chairman. Tan Sri Datuk Tan Hlan-Tsln. blames the M per cent fall In earnings from $1.01 million to $410,000 on
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    • 1109 13  -  kLAN CHALKLEY By/ HONGKONG: Despite the lifting of the oil embargo, the confrontation caused by the oil crisU and the food crisis still continues In Asia. It will sharply divide the nations of the region Into losers and winner* during this year.
      1,109 words
    • 74 13 LONDON Vlckers da Costa and Capel-Cure Carden. UK. broking firms, announced they are studying a merger. They said the strengths of the existing businesses are largely complementary and In combination could prov 1 d c International ■tockbroklng coverage to the highest standards. Unaudited
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 181 13 I FOR LEASE I I First class light industrial floor space in a newly completed ninestorey building in Jurong. j Also available on top two floors, air conditioned office space with panoramic view of Jurong industrial estate. Proximity to Jurong Town's offices, other industrial establishments, commercial banks, post office, recreational
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  • 276 14 New lab company for survey group HERRING Caleb Brett, Sooth East Asian marine and cargo swveyors, la to extend sun hi is to general laboratory and toils testing through a new company. Capt. D.J. Herring, resident director of Herring Caleb Brett, announced the formation of Herring Caleb Brett Laboratories, which
    276 words
  • 580 14  -  ERNEST HOLSENDOLPH By XJEW YORK: Pro--11 nts reported by major oil companies for the first quarter have shown increases averaging nearly 80 per cent rrom a year ago, but some analysts estimate that they may be much higher. A number of
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  • 500 14 Another two blocks of flatted factories in Paya Lebar ENCOURAGED by it earlier success in flatted factory development, New Industrial has started construction of another two fivestorey blocks of flatted factory buildings. Located at New Industrial Road. Upper Paya Lebar. the buildings which are spread over 72,000 sq.ft. of freehold
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  • 419 14 PEOPLE IN BUSNISS Slme Darby Holdings has announced the appointment of Slme Darby Plantations general manager, Mr. Douglas Gold, to the boards of the Slme Darby subsidiaries, Consolidated Plantations and Seafleld Amalgamated Rubber. He has also been appointed to the boards of two associated companles, Kempas (Malaya) and Benta Plantations.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 464 14 V W\ m Mat 9""^^*^* p^a^a^M *&?sf&; -sBaBBBB r >^3l Graceful and dis'Tictive the Alaskan 49 atwayt looks, always it. ready to movt The ALASKAN 49 is a true all-weather cruiser Rugged construction, heavy And with settee and the aft deck, this single displacement (57,000 lbs.), table, nearby icemaker and
      464 words
    • 203 14 Giait nixer PROGRESSIVE Builders has installed the largest capacity con- MOK SIN PIN HELLO INVESTOR OR STOCK MARKET TRADER! HAVE YOU BEEN LET DOWN BY INSIDE INFORMATION AND RED-HOT TIPS? Do you wish you hadn't followed the crowd? Do you wish you hadn't hung on for the last few cants?
      203 words
    • 176 14 I i Service I exclusively for Mercedes-Benz owners. .M >1 LI Even though you'll rarely Just ring *****6. need it, there's a service just You may never need it, but for you. If ever your Mercedes- isn't it comforting to know that Benz needs emergency repair there is a superior
      176 words

    • Untitled
      • 64 15 Rises C. QHTtaf* $3 80 O.CJ.C. 17.00 N. Inn $0.10 M. Bnrnte $5.70 8. Ttmta $3.60 ■Ml Le^t IU> WNHM I3.M CailH $3.00 iMbetn $4.76 TM.C. $3.50 Vi. $3.74 C«M Store $3.3* P N $4.50 N«Mk $1.70 S. Dark; $3.60 UJt Watt $3.00 D.BJ). $3.50 P. Vnktn $1.56 J6 JB
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      • 10 15 Ua. M. Flear 81 90 —70 Kallm 61.40 —10
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      • 26 15 Most active stock Smss Derby 339.000 Haw r%r Is. am 336.000 Ctt* Dllllhpilaits 1*9,000 Dev. Basa of S>oro *****0 Total T-i— isi: SJSM fetal Vafcse: 86.1411
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      • 56 15 Apr. M May t IadwtrUte: Stt.lS tUM tFtaaaee: 4UM ***M H^tb: 1MJ7 U».»l ffprnitn: IUJU 1MJM t Tlni: 1IMI IMJU t f nktora: UIM tt.M t O.CJ.C. MM1 11.74 t 8X5. to*. 11J.M tUJU Dm. M. 1M4 1M 1 Dee. St. I— 1M Dm. IMS 1M Dm. tl, 1»7»
        56 words
    • 1510 15 CLOSING PRICES rpHB last transected sale X at the ckae of bininom in ttw Stock Exchange of Singapore ytotwrtay compared with tbc prevlouo day's prices together with 1074 high and low. ('Adjusted for all new 14.80 12 50 Kapms 11.80 MS 1.41 XLK'si I.M 08 K. Stdlm 8.84 8.14 8.14
      1,510 words
    • 370 15 SENTIMENT Improved the Improvement was generally on the especially Stock Kxehanre of Sin- smong motor stocks, fapore yesterday. Trad- This was no doubt lag was moderate Unked to the big Increase throwghoat the day. bat In profits reported by there was evidence of Cycle and Carriage
      370 words
    • 1398 15 BUSINESS DONE (SINGAPORE) BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yamerctoy with the number of 'hares traded ahown In brackeU In tots of 1.000 unlU unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Acsaa (2.088 2.198) (1) 2.05. (1) 2.04. (1) 2.07. A.P.I. (1.03
      1,398 words
    • 277 15 "Buyers push shares up in KL BUYERS came out In appreciable numbers, sparking off a rally in the afternoon session of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. It was the market leaders that made the biggest gains of up to five per cent while others rose marginally in reaction to
      277 words
    • 1243 15 KUALA LUMPUR BID and offer prices officially listed and 1 mains** In and reported to tnc Kuala Lumpur stock Exchange ■»»*< iriay with the number of shares traded •hown In brackets In lot* of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. INOL'STBIALS Acsaa 1.008 2408). A. Tape (0.958 1.008). Aleaa (2.758) (4)
      1,243 words
    • 152 15 GOODYEAR Tire and Rubber of the US said the first quarter Increase In sales and earnings reinforced Its belief that the company will perform "creditably throughout 1074," in spite of economic uncertainties and rising costs. The increase in first quarter profits and sales came despite a strike at
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    • Untitled
      • 28 15 CLOSING PRICES Rubber: May 2. Singapore: 2-7.M eU (down 3.M cts). Malaysia: tMM cts (down 2.M cts). Tin: $143(25 (down $4.75). Official offering: SU tons (up 9 tons).
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      • 81 15 rE Malaysian Mints ter of Finance has fixed these rates for calculating Customs duties from May 2 until farther notice. Bobber 91| cents a lb Copra SUM.*- a ton Palm oil 51.M5.30 a ton F. kernel $235.25 a ton The rates of duties payable are: Rubber I*l cU
        81 words
      • 104 15 C MINIS! PROOUCt IXCHAMCI. fIHOArOIK HOON CLOSING men ran picul yiitisioay CaaaaaK 0)1: bulk 814 ON stlltrs, dram »MIN aclltrs Caara: Mlzad (loot*) UK/Ooal |7» B w> r: Munlok AST A wtms fob 100", NL.W 881S aallan. Sarawak whit* fob NL.W UO3t (tile's. Sarawak special black fob 9*% K
        104 words
      • 39 15 London copper prlcaa oa Was)naaday (prrrtoua la bnaktta) Wlrabar spot kujrar U.SSs K1.845) at liar II.SSO (iI.SM). Throa Months buytr f 1.189 ui.rT> *m«r n.Mo id. rrs>. Marks! Una: Steady at tbt lowar Itvtl Sataa: 4,000 tons
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      • 255 15 Straits tin DOWN $4.75 mHE Straits tin price In 1 Penang yesterday slipped $4.75 to $1,330.25 per plcul on an official offering up nine tons to 322 tons. The overnight London market was also softer with forward buyers dropping £20 to £3.985 per metric ton. LONDON: Wednesday s tin prices
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      • 189 15 deposit rates m at cIom on Thund»j. May 3. ITS DoUan (Mtar BM 7 dayt 10 7 10 5 8 1 mth 11 14 11 1 2 mtbi 11S/16 11 3 l« 1 mtlti 11 ft/1* 11 3 16 8 mth« US/16 11 1 16 mth* 10
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      • 32 15 Closing Interbank rates In Singapore dollars for May 3: Offer BM Overnight 11 10 1 mth 2 mths 9\ »H 3 mths I*4 94 Prime rate 1» Mavray-JaMMS l.t«at.— at
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      • 523 15 AFTER opening 1.50 cents lower following disappoint in i overseas advices, the Singapore rubber market yesterday drifted downwards on lack of interest to a low of 705.00 cents per kilo for May RSS One. with the turnover small. China acceptances and some covering of May RSS One made
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      • 73 15 rtAILY BMR prtew ImMd »t noon yerterd* jr (OwmtMtk' (r«nrt«tt: Mm»i m MimMm IqmMM BMR ICY (1 ton pftlfct) J4lOO 144J0M J4l OO M4.90J BMR »L (1 U» MUM) »35 00 537.00N 00 SSI OOf SSI6 (ltac^OM) Ml JO SO4MN Ml JO M4.MI BMK 1* (1 too
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    • 95 15 THE US dollar finished around the 82.4110 *****0 level after a day of fairly active trading yesterday against the opening of 32 4030 1340*0 In the Singapore Porex market. In early trading the dollar advanced to »2 4125 82 4135 and later slackened to 82 4100 *****0 I
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    • 164 15 The following are the nominal average closing Interbank rates In Singapore CwTcoetoa Nominal rates Tiadlti— ilia tooted yeeUnUr (erese) parity chaoe* US doLar 2.4110 2.4130 2.81 M —14.4* Sterling pound 5 8275 6 8375 7.3469 -20 68 Hongkong dollar 47.56 47.00 M 51 5 M MsJaystan dollar 101.70
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    • Untitled
      • 226 15 nONGKONG, Thurs. Share prices rose today after a four-day decline. Trading was moderate. The Hang Seng index closed up 10.63 points to 300.77. Hongkong Bank Jumped to HK519.20 on Its Local register and moved up to $19 60 on Its London register. Other gainers Included China Light at $1330.
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      • 46 15 On the fra* sishanca market In Hongkong yesterday the U I •allar waa quoted at 5 OSM/5 OftHS for T.T. and 5 OS 5 07 for saasi. Stsnint was quoted at 12 15/ 12 35 and Mm tsei sf saM waa quoted at I.oo*oo
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      • 170 15 fpOKYO. Thurs. Prices X on the pre- holiday Tokyo Stock Exchange closed sharply higher today In active trading with the Dow-Jones average at a six-month high. The Dow-Jones average closed at 4.6*4.6*. up 40.42 while the New Index rose 1.53 to 332 96 Volume waa 350 million shares. Today
        170 words
      • 314 15 MELBOURNE. Thurs Yesterday s sharp rally In share prices petered out on the Melbourne Stock Exchange today, with buyers withdrawing to '.he sidelines and limiting themselves to ac all c red bargain- hunting forays. The cautloua market tone pervaded all three sectors, but this did not prevent selected Issues
        314 words
      • 235 15 NEW YORK "NJaTW YORK. Wed— The r 111 market bad (harp (sins j! In oil slid oil related Issue* and put together tv bast h gatn In more than two weski. Turnowr expandsd con- 1 tlderably tram the extreme*! J slow pace of recent irssimn J but moct analysts cauUoned
        235 words
      • 117 15 Gold Markets W ISHltn Tumill) Ull Ull Mrlbounw < 1 > 11>M HIM Laadea l«M IS> B*init Cowl ***** ■wtiisfn iMoe Zurich CloMi 1M&0B CIO1«« *****S > Parta Vo»» V'n»» a-pon (t> CkM4 1«7 MB CV>M« ItS.TOB Expert pnen la nan-«t*riliic t ana* to U.a dotlara p«r suast. (1>
        117 words
      • 98 15 FINANCIAL TIMES TINS Wednesday M 31 Tuesday 93 75 Week ago M4l KIBBOU Wedneiday 374.41 Tuesday 374.03 Week ago 3M.73 OILS Wednesday 2M 48 Tuesday 2M M Week age 3M.Ot INDL'STBIAU Wednesday 3031 Tuesday srr* Week ag 3*4 5 DOW JONES AVIBAGI INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 853 M TxiMday B*6 7*
        98 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 662 16 H I OBERCX IMPERIAL I SINGAPORE FINANCIAL I CONTROLLER Qualifications: Degree in Accountancy or its equivalent in professional qualification. Age is not important, but personal I qualities of leadership and integrity are essential. Responsibilities: The Financial Controller will be directly responsible to the General Manager. His functions will include the
      662 words
    • 484 16 MEW OPPORTUNITY FOR A SUPERIOR MANAGER A U.S. based multinational company is now accepting applications from managers who are doing well in their present jobs. This unique job opening results from a company decision to expand one of its faster growing divisions into South East Asia. The successful candidate for
      484 words
    • 561 16 CHIEF ACCOUNTANT MACPA or equivalent required by substantial and diversifying Malaysian public company, mainly in timber, to take charge of the financial and management accounting functions at our head-quarters in Sabeh. Responsibilities include financial and secretarial services for s number of subsidiary and associated companies, refinement of the group's present
      561 words
    • 385 16 PURCHASING MANAGER r»Mirtd by Leading International Hotel ii Singapore Qualifications: The successful candidate must have at least three years experience in the purchasing field at supervisory or managerial level. Previous hotel background would be an advantage, however is not essential. Must be familiar with modern purchasing techniques. Responsibilities. Reports directly
      385 words
    • 599 16 SALES REPRESENTATIVES CPC (Singapore) Pte. Ltd requires Sales Representatives. The applicants selected will be based in Singapore, and wHI be responsible for sales of the Company* products to the wholesale and retail grocery trade in the Republic The men we seek: Are Singapore citiiens over 26 v*«r» 0* »0« Possess
      599 words
    • 216 16 PW.D. SIM,APORt Tenders are Invited from PW.D Registered Contractors and from other suitable contractors for the following workIfrouum to KHiibilii«tK>« eatrc al S«. Jos*'< Islaas. ■•iUiag eacraclert ibo>» MMH/(lesssg Date: 17.5.74 at 10..V1 ».m. Persons or Companies who are not registered with the PW.D. but with the necessary experience and
      216 words

  • 426 17 'How ton get on 9 advice to food packers I fHE Government has suggested to the Singapore Food Manufacturers' Association that smaller firms should strengthen themselves through merger and bigger firms collaborate closely for mutual benefit. The suggestion was made by the Finance Minister, Mr. Hon Sul Sen, In a
    426 words
  • 108 17 How to apply for aims licences THE Port of Singapore Authority has advised masters, owners and agents to adopt the following procedures when applying for licences and permits for Import, export. In transit and discharge of arms i and explosives In port I waters: Application for a licence and permit
    108 words
  • 41 17 Took MX pill Fined $750 MOHAMSD Amln bin tomail, 33 ni fined Sl5O In 'be Pint Magistrate* Court /rsterday for «««»«^tmim n 4X pill at a bUMtand In jorong o. Toa Payoh. at oout S.3S p.m. on Wednesday. He pleaded fullty.
    41 words
  • 30 17 UIIiIOPOUTAN YMCA I will conduct a la-iwlnn conrenaUonal Mandarin comae for beginners on Monday* and Thuradaya fitna May II at 1U Intcrnattooal Centra. Palmer Road. at 7 pjn.
    30 words
  • 67 17 nrttßEE praaaencers In this bns swUlned lnjauias after It crashed Into a tree at the 9th mile Bakit Tlmab Road yesterday. They were treated as outpatient* at Thomson Hospital. Police said the bw crash Into the tree after being
    67 words
  • 213 17 Thieves have a field day on May Day with $13,000 haul THIEVES broke Into five homes and shops and escaped with cash and Jewellery totalling over $13,000 on May Day. Police said the occupants were not at home when their homes were broken Into and ransacked. The first theft was
    213 words
  • 96 17 THX first Regional Conference of Dermatology will be held at the Regional English Language Centre, Orange Orove Road, from May 7 to I. About ISO skin antrlstiats wtu meat and discuss Utelr eapaetaucaa and wort in their respective countries They ara from Japan. Taiwan. Hw^tonj.
    96 words
  • 22 17 water water WATBtMHasyttM •a Wataaaaay mi lit asillUa f liana Slt.eet cable metrea). 41 mUtton gaUeas (IMM nMcaMira) less (baa •a T»aaalay.
    22 words
  • 194 17 Family of man killed in accident awarded $35,000 rpHB family ef a taw 1 manafactßre*. killed la a triple read aceldel.t, was awarded* damages at the end of a seven-day hearing before Mr. Jastlee Tan Ah Tan yesterday. Tee See Ctauan, 51 was riding a motorcycle when he was
    194 words
  • 69 17 NIMaTIBBN senior executives from 11 countries will attend a two-day meeting of Bankers Trust Company AaU conference opening at ttoe Mandarin Hotel today Banker* Trust U said to be the seventh largest eoaamerdal bank In the United States It has an -offshore" branch and an Asian Currency
    69 words
  • 250 17 Move to set up Asian engineer consulting centre \f R. Jack a Mueller, general manasrer of a leading engineering consulting company in Europe, has arrived here to set up an association to heift build up an Asian consulting firm. The association, to be set up in Singapore, will provide multl-dlsclpllne
    250 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 142 17 This one little Strepsils lozenge gives the fastest relief for sore throats and coughs because Strepsils kills germs in the mouth and throat in 1 minute sß^^A regular BSSSBBBB^^ honey and lemon ANOTMIiR INTERNATIONAL PRODUCT FROm(^|P) S#ft, Hard ud U»rtk U^Kt Una I^oun6 Optical Co. V^WaWlßhtcgfEsai CONTACT LENS PRACTITIONERS tCF.
      142 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 407 17 TV MALAYSIA (3) TV SINGAPORE (5) I 3.ooawwra 6.44trraa io.oo^-tjt l^'jfi .SraSraS Sa*^*! rffiisr-is SreffissS 1•" URayt tplaassaras 1 Thaw ill House- SOOtti Ufetnaa (repeat) UM WarW 1 mm 1 Mati;.M: Tie Land-Part 2 Premiere Fssbjra-Tie Cosaactiea TV MALAYSIA (10) (Caataaeae) Ul lutimuw Ul ttarriaj Ckartet Dwninf. tea* Coetanf-wi Ui
      407 words

  • 1147 18  - Withdrawal from Arab lands vital: Assad C L. SULZBERGEK Damascus THE ROAD TO MIDDLE EAST PEACE... By SYRIA has no intention of following Egypt's lead by diversifying the sources of its arms supplies, which at present are almost entirely Soviet. At the same time, Moscow has assured Damascus that it
    NYT  -  1,147 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 218 18 Pour Pouf I DXT-5340 23 COMPLETE AUDIO COVERAGE Four-channel stereo music system plus four sound __g_j(p^& sources. Plays cartridges, cassettes, discs, and receives jSmfc I AM/FM stereo broadcasts. Direct recording from cartridge, disc and radio to cassette. 65W music power. el I SSS gß^r^B^?liP lajsls^-'^^^^^^ I' ■?^*'if*f'a?» WmmW' I T_S'"''-"^ft
      218 words
    • 150 18 JW^BBBBBBBBISWW^ 1• -M_r W Ligfasatatouch... time after time... after time... The New Silver Match convertible lighter is the ultimate in design and technology, created in France, and backed by a guarantee of instant servu Here is how it works: 7 Slide off the head to refill by jswi pressing lightly
      150 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1199 19 COWTaMlirrSa" StltiCl Tl M/CMT rtm TOKIO EXPIESS Tm7'S*S2 £3 =R v wumm \tz sz i.s sa S5 IS ft ii ?i an ill ttmmftuttr uttxt fmm mvtmmn tm b b S IS KTE'tB IB 3& as xx rTS ut mC SS 1 S&V& IZ Imm ,?S 3S ?*S "»5 aS,
      1,199 words
    • 1111 19 tVamc ffrlaag pore ImmAlh lar* Rff ItHH BMM li BBM) It fc PIISaMNI- MM t MM I MM I CnttOW. KMfMM, I I MMMI MM M MMM MUM, jKMMVIII*. I 11 PtMIM MM MM IT SiMiMk, CMrintM. I PMTtSrUM MM IT MM 14 MM M I >,liii, < i«tnii II
      1,111 words
    • 1011 19 l t DIM nm r«a. S'aart P KtiMt I'M. AMtna Inac* UK KM EIPItSS it Ptrt IMtNMf MMfMMt tMtaMauM liSi llSmi i'm urn VtM im MUatlimU BMf n«M> l| km UMM BMM MMM tTaUtt" "MM lIMM IMM IM| IM| IMI TIM) UM MMM DM II Mr II MM MM* II
      1,011 words
    • 980 19 FULLY CONTAINEKIHD SIKVICE TO IUKOfE MMjmS'im ffJI WTIAMtt Ma 4 Mttutn m m «a, tt wtttftai, Aartiran, AitMf*, Ulam. Uaat hrn tl I.^l. u*^am*. b*^m^ fciimt»M SELAMI4 I MMti VaMM*Ta> MIMMa, MrvMBTVMmi. ■HMM taM 11 jLjrW CBMMM. Go'JMmMHI Mmmm MiiiLifs if uau mm n 1 w.*^p»w«,», HWM Mi > StockkoM.
      980 words
    • 729 19 «4mmj»im*j •1J444; P. lUlmm) 414 1; K.L. *****; Pmmmj 2SIOI THE BANK UMB LTD. IMK Will INK*. ■»a»iM Italia MMW pWm Mylf Mf Vmti 11/11 Mr lITMM (lAfncttMn PMWf lIMM JMn 1/ 4 MM tMTIAM ajrta «■>! p. few, Mt-MM nm TlSn*** ;ulil MM) r UMM »'M« IM-Mm WMUBt I4NTI
      729 words

  • 265 20 SHIPS IN PORET I AUTMOHITT »N»«v«CIII out: TTwtum 11, a««u»Hki M>ru J. A«lrM Ballk* T Nrplur.' UHMn 10/"l. GtanotW 11/14. BMMaini IS 11. U.- Marco I*. Kranatu J" WaM. Owat Asa 21 Eaat. FUJah Brook* 21 V M«*aiani 01 JI AM* llatf' Hnular S3 M. ixitaiir M/S*. Baußxin pi»»i 40/41.
    265 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    26 20 IN MEMORIAM In tame mtmmry ml I K)V(. KIOV >O* D<f*nr*l U Sadly missed but always remembered by Wife. Son, 2 Daughter. Daughter-in-law. I and granddaughters.
    26 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 997 20 rnft "iuuaTujuli iuli 1 i i mini* itti MWASAU IMUU wan lABM ITI. kVUI. MKI9K. STUITS SOVKL MMM NaaMMf ».*paar* P. Mkjaf i nan mb Jaa>an Arabian Quit Hat rtaa likAMl'l "Mi n MIIMM B 'Mat CaMaM/HMcat/Oatai II IMTMMk a. AM OMti/tMa/Mkraia MmISmiMMMMMBM. Japan foaUi Aniß-WM AMM awrTMt) t NJb
      997 words
    • 762 20 ■EAUTY LINES Fran n* ro taaamw LC.T. KMn ifTK hMAt Pom )M 7 Haa Ikfaaii. LC.T. Katn MT Tarakao J Mar 7 tan latatiii. LSI. LBTfIP Maa la Put 3Hn TankM. IST. HatflUW Hill nil M Part 4 Hat InMutn. lUJTT UiY HMM I Ray I Haf Maall. KItnUHU Manila
      762 words
    • 838 20 UJ(. tWOft SCTVICt LOADING fOt LONDCN, ROTTERDAM, HAMBURG. BILIAO, U HAVRt <n m ataaatra t MIMf PtMaj IMW H _*r« rS-TJsr- "sSS IMS Sss ag sb ss H* v S /TB? WB3 n/TSV AS A. »r «j»art p >«-« ir*2. aT. VH MFTkM (Mf 1411 M IMt/1 »aH l/4»at|VtlJ»/
      838 words
    • 783 20 DfWKS SOrYKt TO LOWm LrfTw^>/CWT«IT Ptm > Ti. Mm) lupiin Miihi Pa«af LaMMj tan MMU tAIA 4/ I Mat 1/11 Mat 11,14 Mat 11, II Mat B.iaao I'aa. HI Mdanaa in. a AM*a« 1/7. Mil TANMM Ml. B-M rl/ll Mat 1/ I Mat [I fanoi 17/1. U Hawa ni%, I'Mtl
      783 words
    • 626 20 ~T^^Sa»MMMMMaiBBaBM^SiB THI BAMkRI ri< K<l Lmbmbmbl aaaaaMMaaaaal iC HAPTER 111 NOTICE IS HEREBY OIrEN that the First Meeting if Creditors In the unlermentloned cases will be leld on 16th day of May 1974 it the Official Assignee's Chambers. Top Floor, Supreme Court Building. Singapore 0:In bankruptcy Nos. 130/73 Hoo Boon
      626 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    35 21 The flat inDlururr BHOO ceremony of late Mr Kartar Singh <P W-D Pensioner Talplat Departed »».7» will be held at tbe Satb Temple Tftlptng at 11.J0 ia on Sunday M.74. Lunch will be serrsd.
    35 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    20 21 IN MEMORIAM In lOTlng MWT of A R kavaratkam who tart us an M.TI. Remembered by wife. ehIMNB and pBMMA
    20 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 567 21 TENDER NOTICE UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA Tenders from Class 'A' Contractors currently registered In Jabatan Kerja Raya under HEAD n Sub-Head 2 are Invited to be delivered to reach the Tender Box at the office of Bursar, University of Malaya not later than 12.00 noon on Monday 27th May, 1f 74
      567 words
    • 600 21 POUTEKN« UNOKU OMAK. IPOS. PSNOAMBILAN nNWTVT-rKNUNTVT BAKU BAOI TAHXJN PBfOAiIAN l*1«/ltH. Pennchonan adalah dlpelawa dartpada warganeaara Malaysta >anc berkatavakan untuk menalkuU salah satu dartpada km bus kuisus dl bawan lnl (tt PollUknlk Uncku Omar bad tahun pen«ajlao ir?4/7J. Jin sea Kejsntaraas) 1) Kejuruteraan Latrsk (Koaaa) Beetrteal CnKlnecrlm (Power) in Kejtmiteraaj
      600 words
    • 588 21 PU9AT PBNYELIMKAN GET AH MALA TWA (The Rubber Raaaait* InstifcsU of Malaysia) Pennohonan -pennohonan adalah dipelsws daripada wargansgara Malaysia untuk mamenuhi jawatan -jawatan barikut:--1 a) Peasbant* Tekaik (Powwr) b) Psanbaatu Teknik (Electrode.) Vmui Tidak melebehi 90 tahun Tangga gaji (Pokok): 9410 1 16 440/460 1 30 MO/610 x 30 6»0;
      588 words
    • 688 21 y^^ We are market leaders in the^w S^T field of heavy equipment As a result of rapid expansion, we now require a number of mechanical tradesmen, fitters and salesmen. Relevant experience is necessary, besides personal qualities such as. initiative, drive and a capacity for hard work. The man's specifications are:SALESMEN
      688 words
    • 397 21 /lets SALES EXECUTIVE ICI (Malaysia) Sdn Barbed invite* applications for the position o f a Sales Executive. THE JOB To be a member of s teem respontible for the tales. promotion snd ulet development of s range of chemical products to industries. THE FERSON Must bo i Malaysian citizen between
      397 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 2289 22 I classified ads (H sale! All Items Mutt Clear 1 EvenIng Praam $55.00, Skirt Suite $23.80. SwlmsulU $14.90. Slacks tt 90. Negligee Sets $23 90. Blouses $8 90, Evening bags $14.90. Shoes $12 90. etc 29 Tanglln Road B'pore Tel: *****7 ON SUNDAYS What Joes Bands? raesa lo tk-MP ii
      2,289 words
    • 797 22 YOU ANO YOUR CAR American I Company needs 2 men/ women for Direct Sales earning $300 part- time $400 full -ume. No eoUecUon no Jellvery Tat: STOtU 56-A. Zlon Road from 9 a.m. 1 p.m. SALISQIRL with PLEASfItO personality required for gift shop In Tanglln area Apply with (nonI returnable)
      797 words
    • 821 22 REQUIRE ROOM AIRCONDI TMtMR INSTALLATrON mechanics, preferably with driving licence. Apply tel *****6 and *****7. ELECTRONrC TEST required by leading electronic organisation For the above position, we require a man wtth a degree/ diploma In Electronics or TalscommunlcaUon E- gineertng with 3 yean experience In electronic test design Duaos wM
      821 words
    • 776 22 LEADING CORDIALS AND timir manufacturers require an experienced mixer Please apply In your own handwriting dearly suting experience snOJiasjry reautrotfe/o United Seafood Supply Service. 543-A. Syed Alwl Road. Blk 6, 8 -pore 8 within 7 days from date hereof. DELIVERY BOY must possess motorcycle/ scoour. Only those living around dlst
      776 words
    • 646 22 Representatives, experience not necessary 2) Delivery Clark with class 3 drtvlng Ucence Appllcanu who completed National Service need apply Ring *****/ *****4 today/ tomorrow OIMRAL clerk and outdoor Lady Sales Assistants are required immediately Please apply wtth personal particulars with photo to 6 P.O. Box lZTSS'pore. A large Shipyard In
      646 words
    • 700 22 on nearly 2 acres of greenery. 3 living halls 2 servant's study bedrooms modern kitchen storeroom 3 baths Enc tries *****/*****9 MOSBSRT HOUSE BACNILOR APARTMENTS (opp. Orchid Inn) offer furnished comfortable rooms with alrcons. maid service. TV. ear park, h/c water, crockery, cooking utensils, recreation facilities. 24 hour security Rent
      700 words
    • 837 22 near, t it. Trtoojaa walk apart num. 3 bedrooms, 2 alrcon dltloners, one bathroom and on toilet Fully furnished $600 Foreigners only Contact 7445 ft ***** NEWTON TOWER APARTMENT 1 23 Evelyn Road Dlst I) w.U swimming pool, fully fumUhec 81.500. ConUct *****/ 7581! B'pore PARTLY FURNISHIO 2-store; terrace house
      837 words
    • 880 22 Illy luxurious double-storey t semi-detached 3 bedrooms, servant's, built-in bar. fur- nlshed/atreondt./ telephone, $700. Ace Housing *****29/ 7 *****46 j KUMHING COURT LUXURIOUS 1 APARTMENT 3 bedrooms, ser- vant's. fully alrcond.. rurnished/ telephone. $1300. Ace Housing y *****29/*****48. OIST. 16 OPERA ESTATE luxurious bungalow 3 bedrooms, furnished/ alrcond telephone/ I
      880 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 756 23 g*^SJ[T^S^Eßße^BW^BijßwjasjßW| ■KV^BKk^jyL FLATS. BUNGALOWS TERRACE HOUSES in Katong, Opera Sstau. nangi. Slglap or Frankel. Ren- •al: $400 $1,000. Phone *****7. CLEMBNTI PARK SINGLE-STOREY SEMI-DCTACHSD bururalow with central alrcondlUonlng and 3 window units, fully furnished Otethrlm furniture, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, maturra garden with gafj waurfall Please contact *****/ *****. VACANT
      756 words
    • 641 23 FABBR HILLS OOUSLS-STORSV ■JJf'-MTACHSD facing Park 1206,000. Phase 8-A double-storey leml-detached on eltvaud sIU. Ready September 1974 $200,000 n n o Phone SBM7B between (9 00 sm 400 p.m *****2 (7 00 p.m. 10.00 p m MILL TOP OSTACHSO 3-bed-roomed bungalow, separate living, living cum dining, garage, Mjrvant s quarters
      641 words
    • 758 23 1 ROOM SPACB for 3 desks wtth phone. Ideal for administration, communication only. DIM. 11 Tal: *****2 Spore. WANTED 7M SO. FT. office space in dlst I with telephone and other amenities Please write to Ttw Advertiser ST. Box A ***** Spore. ROBINSON ROAD I.SM I.MS aq. ft. available independently
      758 words
    • 716 23 Jot -Ace TouHeSs Dissni Jet-Ag* SJaMaaatng Ceeanes SPECIAL HONEYMOON TOURS DAYS VI est Malayna/OenUng Highlands $IM/- (Deluxe alrcondlUoned coach/ rooms) SPECIAL BUDOST TOURS 1 DAYS Pangkor Island/ Fraaer's Hill/ Oenung Highlands $109/Banckok/ Chlersxmal 15 DAYS $249/- (all Inclusive DEP:— 6/5, 1/6. 8/6, 1/7/74. Oenung Highlands 3 DAYS $79/JONCWORLD TRAVSLS 8121
      716 words
    • 665 23 TRANS-BURO ASIAN TRAVEL SSRVtCS. Room 303, 3rd Floor, Central BulMlnrMagaxlne Road. Spore Tel *****8/ M 204 Offers spadal km coat flights to London ft Europe Daily. AUSTRALIA NSW 2 EAL ANO EUROPE PACIFIC W/ASIAPLAN YOUR OWN ITNeSRAMV. For further detail contact GERMAN ASIAN TRAVELS BATTERY ROAO. ROOM IBM. STRAITS TRADING
      665 words
    • 835 23 GOLDEN UON RSSTAURANT Can- tonese Cusslne. ginger chicken our J "jgetalto. Dtp Trtsd fresh water rub. Johore seafood our pride, r Call ***** V *****9. 4M. Opper E»*t Coast Road. 8 mile Spore J BSCAPB TO SINOAFORE'S J HAWAIIAN Village. Tanah Merah the lush, lovely light-hearted •and of Aloha for
      835 words
    • 857 23 ■RSSO SNORTNANO IS SIM*LSM Spaed guarantee 100 wpm n 3 months Other Uiree-monah 3regg Courses: Typing, Accounting. Business. English fulltime Secretarial Course. OTI'S Oregg Training Centre. 248C-7 Orchard Road (*****1 or 299 F Selegle Complex (*****4). SAMUNO pRS-uNrvßßsrrv iartsj ACCOUNTAISBV (ACA, LOCJ BUSINESS CORRBBPOHOSNCB ««j eaßNy we MJM aB am
      857 words
    • 971 23 DAIMLER IS7S MOOSL 2.4 litre. automatic. Only 24 000 miles. 1 owner, immaculate condlUon. Used Ull 1 1 78 $8,000/ Tel: *****8-pore. CHRYSLER VALIANT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION with radio, alrcondlUoner. Price 881,200. Contact 9 17 136/ ***** 18 "M BMW VSRV good condition ask for 82.4 M. Phone 910.M4 ext 216
      971 words
    • 840 23 1972 MSACSOSS BSNZ MS petrol. G me owner, alrcon, In excellent n ondiuon $16,900 ono Contact Si 1572 DATSUN MSZ. Showroom randttkfl. sports rims Price $13.--5000 no. Phone 64A42W Ronald IS7I TOYOTA COROLLA IMB $6.- TOO 18*1 Escort Super 4-door, tporu rims. $5,100. 1971 Mini S Clubman sports rtms. lyres.
      840 words
    • 677 23 !ANS FURNrrURB/ Imported fur Hatting materials at IU best. Conult Adrian's 4SS River Valley load *****4. *****0 Singapore. ***** AM CBNTRB re bare the widest range of imorted curtain fabrics for omestlc and commercial ppncallons of Interior decoraion. We provide free colour conulutlon You are under no Mlgatlon u> consult
      677 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 640 24 <r.UMT» TENDER NOTICE Separate tenders are Invited for: 1 AIRCONDITIONING and ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION to Keppel Club Lounge at Keppel Club 2 TRENCHING and LAYING of Underground Power and Telephone Cables between Gate 8 and Gate 9 and Cable Car Main Station Building and Keppel Road Tender documents are obtainable from
      640 words
    • 686 24 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION SINGAPORE NATIONAL LANGUAGE PUBLIC EXAMINATION SEPTEMBER 1974 1 The September National Language Examinations are open to civil servants and m?mbers of the public. Candidates sponsored by the Public Service Commission will register In accordance with procedures and on dates given by the Permanent Examinations Board of the
      686 words
    • 211 24 IVJ QT I P 1 I M)r K NOT l( r M STRALIAN NEW Our new telephone number is Zealand *****9 UNITED KINGDOM TEXAS OFFSHORE CO. ro «<Es LTD., Tenders are Invited for the provision of the following 21, Wisma Indonesia Building services and supplies Orchard Road a Provision of
      211 words
    • 727 24 MMMtry ef Mm Ejwwmmmm m SINCAPORt Tenders are invited from I PW.D Registered Contrsc- tors and from "Specially Registered Contractors" for the following work:Besea New Tewa aas Eatt Caset Kariaawrt— Sewerage Seats* Contract Ne a Tat Ceaetrscties) ef Bcsea New Tew. Pwaaaat Statioa. < i»U Eagißeeriat er aWMMg Caetraclen saw*
      727 words
    • 1033 24 NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 9th Annual General Meeting of Trengganu Development A Management Berhad will be held at Ist Floor, No. 57, Jalan Brickfield?. Kuala Lumpur on Monday, 27th May, 1974 at 11.00 a.m. for the following purposes: 1. To receive and adopt
      1,033 words

  • Untitled
    • 414 25 LONDON, Thursday jy|ANY big names in English soccer are likely to be competing for the job of national team manager, folio wing the announcement yesterday that Sir Alf Ramsey had been dismissed after a 11 -year reign. The Football Association (FA.) have appointed
      Reuter  -  414 words
    • 700 25  - Record double wins Asiah 'best 9 award A. JOHNSON By PROMISING Asifh Osman won the Best Performance award for Secondary Girls at the Monk's Hill Secondary School's track and Field Championships at Wlnstedt Road yesterday. Aslah was in terrific form to score a record double. She underlined her promise as
      700 words
    • 686 25 Chee Kee and Hassan share honours HASBAN and Shek Chee Kee shared the honours when they won the Individual championship In the "B" division for boys and girls respectively at the Upper Thomson Secondary athletic meet Hassan collected 19 points with victories In the long Jump (4.03 m) and triple
      686 words
    • 114 25 LONDON. Thura PMarborough UnMa4 boat OiUjnghaoi 4-2 In a top of the table claah in the Fourth DMaton of the Bncllah Pootbail LMgu* laat dgnt The win gate FKarborough iMdenhlp by a point from OUllngham. With two garnet tn hand orer their rtTmta, PeMttonwgh are aat
      114 words
    • 294 25 Everton and Derby name teams rvERBY County and -IS Everton, the English Football League Dlv. One clubs, have named their teams for this month's Anchor Soccer Festival at National Stadium. They Include International stars like Archie Oemmlll, Kevin Hector, David Nlsh, John Hurst, Joe Royle and Colin Harvey. Coventry, the
      294 words
    • 29 25 PARIS, Thurs. Tony Jacklln. the former British and U8 Open golf champion, shot a two-under-par 69 to win the US$6OOO (8»13.M 0) American Express promb event. Renter.
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 144 25 r Atletico fined and 3 players banned GENEVA, Than. The Enropean Football Union (CKPA) last nigat annoanoed that it had fined Spanish champion* Al l eti c o Madrid IM,»M Swiss francs (Sf77,»M) the highest penalty It has ever imposed for violent and antlsportlng conduct in their European Cup eml-Dnil
      144 words
    • 168 25 Japan, China win opening games TOKYO, Thurs. China defeated Sweden 5-3 yester- day, the opening day of the men's team event. In a four- nation table tennis Z tournament. Japan beat Sweden 3-0 In the opening match of the women's team event. I In other matches, t Japan defeated Yugoslavia
      168 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1132 25 I classified adsW I-' PRESTIOE ELECTRICAL COMPANY, specialize in repairing all brands of alrrondltloners, refrlnerators washing machines, cookers .md other appliances .ict Ttl ***** 1 ***** Spore SHAMPOO CARPETS, polish all tyties of flooring at reasonable (urges Contact Olobe Cleaning service Tel VII9I. ALUMINIUM kIIDINO DOOM, wlnmosalc. wall tiling, grille
      1,132 words
    • 177 25 Everyday I to the USA Philippine Airlines crosses With Philippine Airlines you're the Pacific seven times a week on the wings of a warm, gracious to San Francisco. Four times a bird where you'll find care, concern week from Singapore: Monday and generosity are part of the »~ya> Wednesday Friday
      177 words

    • Article, Illustration
      55 26 HUNDREDS of China's athlete* are now training hard for tbe Asian Oamm In Teheran and win be taking part In triaU at Peking and other cttlm this month. ABOVK: Chang Hsu Ting. 18. one of the Oamm* hopes m training at the Kong Kau School to Shanghai She train* »x
      55 words
    • 33 26 Aussies lose Ausuralltn •oMh.t auenal bukt, v <U ter^ M yreatrday t toe lapanme >aUonal tmm ef-bS in the first of tour roodwiu ganm m Japan. The Australians led m-K at halfUm*. AP.
      AP  -  33 words
    • 324 26 123, 000 boo Brazil for another draw I LONDON, Thurs West Germany last night won the last match of their warmup campaign for this year's World Cup finals, while champions Brazil were booed off the field after their second goalless 1 draw ln four days. Substitute Jupp Heynekes scored twice
      324 words
    • 41 26 SmOAPORC Uarblea chalked up their fifth ■traigrt win whan they bemt jbUllads 3-0 m a FAS Lmgua Dtv. 3 match at Fairer park ymmrday. MarWm who tod 1-0 at hatf-time. won with a goal men by Ahmad Naafe* and
      41 words
    • 88 26 f ONDON. Thur*. TO* OoKrmmant ymtarday laMariurt tv oppoaiuon to the British Lion rugby tour of South Africa. aOm Joan Uslor, a Parliamentary Utxter-aacrctarj at Urn Pormjn Office, mid U» tour, starting later this month, would be "very da magi nf to what we are trying
      88 words
    • 746 26 KACE OWE rt clam onr 4 m 1 Afc— t.M P. Ut 13 I UttW Miiu tit V. Naahaa t I M««MrW HI M.C. Laa S 4 Fljwfcail t.11 S Nalfcaa I Bar* n%M IM Djattttr It f— tM K. terth? 1 7 fifcMilj CnA IN JmMI Bamatr
      746 words
    • 711 26 BACE OWE LJO CLAM 3 BflV 4•HP STB i siaiiiiii m (•> m. i ■tot smml (IS) roo; 3Timm atma* Wanrnr (IS) «00; 4 Finliity (0) roo; ft D|aM Dram (ft) «07 Bayal Camamm (17) 107; 7 EaUal•kamr (11) (.07; Eaaigj (1) «07; Tk. Oraat Bmaa•ar
      711 words
    • 763 26 All eyes on Auric Stable's Charisma (^HARISMA was the cynosure of all eyes as she cantered over the straight 5f with class 2 newcomer Achilles 111 at Ipoh yesterday. The Idomeneo three-year-oJd fUly, which cost Auric Stable $17,000 at the National stud auction last September, Is still on the "big
      763 words
    • 115 26 Big Spruce to run in Ascot LOKDOK. Thur*. Bl f «>• American none who flniabed aeoond in 1»T» Waahtagton DC. Intems'4onal. U to run to the Ktaf Omrsc VI and Queen ■taMth stake* at Aaoot on July ST. Aljd entered from ftmsrtf to Mr Bert Flreetone's Ln- Omsu;, winner of
      115 words
    • 171 27 GRAHAM LEADS BY TWO STROKES TOKYO, Thurs. Aus--1 trallan Graham Marsh fired a two-under-par 70 for a two-stroke lead today In the opening round of the 15,000,000 yen <*****,920> sth Wizard 36-hole golf tournament. Marsh, who was placed 31st in the Masters at Augusta, Georgia, last month in his first
      UPI  -  171 words
    • 16 27 I LASER beat Soccer XI 4-0 In a friendly soccer match at Tanglln yesterday.
      16 words
    • 101 27 SINGAPORE will cot compete in the Fifth Asian Basketball Confederation women's championship at Seoul, Korea, from June 22M. Basketball Association of Singapore offl elate took this decision at a management council meeting following reports from the selection committee that the present standard of o»r wo-
      101 words
    • 347 27 Nor heads 5-member team for Manila meet fU OH WHAT A PALL! But Anthony Yeo (No. 48) bounced off this fall (below) with Us pride unhurt. He tumbled inches after he won the 100 m final (above) for Secondary Two students at the SJI meet at National stadium yes erday—
      347 words
    • 775 27 It's inter— class sports at SJI rpHE new approach A to school athletics Inter class competition involving mass partlclpa- tlon looked promising wr en tried at the St. Joseph Institution championships at the National stadium yesterday, re- ports ERNEST I FRIDA. Initially the standards are not as high as the
      775 words
    • 413 27 jnHAMPION sprinter Kj Yeo Klan Chye, who Is making a strong comeback in the long Jump, will be going all out at Thomson Road tomorrow to win the Police title and set a record In the process. Last month, Yeo gave the leading
      413 words
    • 41 27 Cricket scores T ONDOM. Thurs. cioee of play Korea in yeetcrtLJ**. 2^- (Friendly) if tc 314 Surrey m-i /t Casrtrtjg, aZSutljT J or •hire 300-« (O Boycott 140, »*r»u. Cambridge I If Hill U0 noTou?,. B^ex Brt^e bees Ml Notts 43-J
      41 words
    • 270 27 Noh told to take a month's rest from soccer rational player and i 1 Youth captain, Mohammed Noh. was yesterday advised to take a month's rest from •occer by the Youth team manager Col. AJt MlnJoot, reports JOE DORA I Col. Mlnjoot, who returned with the Youth team after the
      270 words
    • 437 27  -  JOE DORAI By SINGAPORE'S Ma- Be is the team's second laysla Cup play- fullback to be out of actprs »ill wtnrl nnifholr lon ThrK weeks ago Abu £Lv;lm fP c Su J» k «ustalned an ankle preparation for Sun- injury and has been
      437 words
    • 85 27 Buchanan is champ ROME, Thurs. Ken Buchanan of Scotland, won the ■uropean lightweight boxing title a*. CsgUrl feat night when he knocked out holder Antonio Puddu. of lUlj In the sixth round. Buchanan, the former world champion, gave a elajste display and Puddu had little chance after the third round.
      85 words
    • 46 27 LONDON. Thurs. Oallano (W. Canon) won the 7f Joo Coral Victoria Cup handicap at Ascot yesterday by four lengths from UlUe Sr fecho (P. Morby> Father Christmas (O. Lewis) was third of the 11 runnen. Blue Cashmere the nwourtto. was fourth.
      46 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 637 26 When time and accuracy mean money the IABULEXBBO will save you plenty... star ting with its pt ice... k ra^eLawmwslM wf^ m M m amwrnl mm ySk y Bwmmmwmi BmV >1 TABUUXBBO--■aja Iftwnar fßlsmm M ■MMf no kihjci i nwii v pwmi TABU LEX 880 main features: 8 digit display
      637 words
    • 56 26 Bm^^^^^n Ar\u»ol 1 The majority o< hsemorrhoids or piles require no surgery. Itching. bleeding pain and general discomfort can be easily treated with Anusol. Fast acting Anusol reduces these symptoms, protects again'ectiori, shrinks piles, and generally soothes This encourages healing to proceed naturally and quickly. Anusol for long lasting comfort.
      56 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 12 27 Mildflavoured Australian Ghee brings out the best in your cooking O AUSTRALIA
      12 words
    • 152 27 In the fine tradition of Morris engineering Marina with the long-life performance and lifelong economy you expect from Morris BBBBBBBBBsF 'JM BBBF f^ i-^B^I V BUBBUBBBBBBBmi .^Bsfl BBBsW BBBr i\ wf^^A .^BBB BBBr "**vHL I I Lk. B^^- saMsssv jß»wmines6 and luxury (ami fort I |%rston bar suspension Bsfim^^s^^a^^^^a^^^J HmHm^mMml
      152 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 95 27 TABLE TENNIS National Schools ch»mptj«uhip« ■nnlflnaU (Tanjong Katon« ATHLKTICS OCram Swondary (Quaenstown 1 pm.), aglap Secoodarj (M«Up 2), Victoria Bchool (VJetorta ground lit) MounU»U«n AXB meet I (National Htartlum ami Strangoon Oarden Sacondary mart (Toa Payoh2pjn i St Michael* School (Farrer Park 1). 9OCCEB SBH PL Otv f rrplay HK
      95 words

  • 202 28 'Sympathy cash' for families of Japanese air crash victims rpOKTO, Thurs. PanX American World Airways will make a cash payment to the families of victims of the April 22 Pan-Am Jetliner crash In Ball but only If the victims I were Japanese, A spokesman for the air- line said In
    Reuter  -  202 words
  • 258 28 rOUSANDS fill a main street in Lisbon toIng May Day observances. Hundreds of thousands of Portagnese. chanting "Vlctwry" and waving b a n n c r a, marched under the watchful tank gvns of the army la mass demonstrations sponsored by left-wing parties and
    UPI  -  258 words
  • 60 28 Draw for Spassky MOSCOW Thun. Ptarmer world champion Borl* Spaasky and Anatoly Karpov today drew the eighth gam* of then- world chess. chan>ptonahip rhsJliiigiia eenaifmal in Unlngnd. Tan new* agency reported. The draw, agreed on the 40th move, wa* the fifth of the series. Karpov has won two games and
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 75 28 NBW YORK. Ttaars.— An ■■i In .Inn i I nai ml% I> l ltlh-I ti ÜBwasa flaaßsMuVß nfIBOB warOUKn IDS locker roost of the Alitalia terminal at Kennedy International Airport yesterday, shattering gmas wall* and Injuring at least two peom -Apparently, there was scene kind of
    75 words
  • 136 28 US dollar continues to move up strongly LONDON, Thun.— The US dollar moved up strongly on European foreign exchanges today, continuing an Improvement that began late on Tuesday. The biggest jump came in Paris where the American currency surged up 5-1-4 centimes to 4.85 francs. The dollar was up 1-1-2
    AP  -  136 words
  • 37 28 JAKARTA, Than. Indonesian teachers and student* •re banned from cigarette* and wearing outlandtah clothe* In ■ohoofc. an "it^'ttiwa atlnlatry apofceaflaan sals' today Thee* vtolsttng the ban -uuid be daaaUaaed. be added Keutar.
    37 words
  • 62 28 LONDON. Thun. Brttalß'« reserves of told, currency and special drawing rtttoU roee by nil million (fitlJOt million) during April, after accrual* of foreign currency baruwlug by the public **ctar under tor ■■change cover actem* totalling CMS mlltton (8»1,7«1 mlUtonK the Treeeury announc**d limHet At the
    62 words
  • 45 28 PORT ALEZ A Thun At teaal 10 .people died, five other* are missing and M saore reported injured a* the remit of a tanrtrtde In Marantuape. a eosMawAltr In the Interior of the northeastern BraalUan state of Ceara. police lepuited yesterday AT
    45 words
  • 26 28 PrTHBOMQH. Than. PlMM— alt National Bank ha* ■nurwiwd tt ha* opened repreaentatlT* office In gtnfapore PNB official Raa Kitoo win b* the bank's re-
    26 words
  • 441 28 LONDON. Taan.— Ttw *Uea m»r k.i awl aviatur flna «MKy bat HMk *iirniai accaataaiMl *>im. aartlcaaul) at govtranMot hmtt Oala* am nmf* to alnuii it palate at Mm Hat wua but mh naatMa w— aato* tawarat Urn etmm *f > <■!■■■■ M*aiua aa4 *«art-«aUa laaaa war* mil* eaaac*'.
    441 words
  • 109 28 60 rail union leaders arrested NEW DELHI. Than.— The Oovernment today arrested 60 prominent railway union leaden acrou the country In anticipation of a nationwide railway strike which could cripple the economy, the Press Trust of India (PTI) said. It sal'l the Government crackec. down on union leaden and arrested
    UPI  -  109 words
  • 32 28 New York visit 1 1 LONDON, Thun. Princess Margaret and her husband Lord Snowdon left for New York today for an American vuit In which they will attend the Kentucky Drrby. Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 233 28 harman/kardon HI-FI THAT LOOKS AS MAGNFICENT AS IT SOUNDS TWIN POWE RE 0 AMFM MULTICHANNEL RECEIVERS Harman/Kardon receivers arc world famous for their fidelity, the sum total of engineering skill, adherence to twin-power supply, phase linearity and ultra wideband circuitry. This ability to reproduce frequencies you cannot hear, significantly improves
      233 words
    • 319 28 W&m "TwM '.-^Mv awaawT^ I ri W l r^TU uW I ga^a-J^LuSawLhuiA B^H 58-A South Bridge Road, Singapore 1 Teephone *****1, *****2. I H TOSHIBA I PACKAGED AIR COINOTIOIwERS Offering you whisper-quiet, high efficiency, greater comfort, elegant styling yet economical operation. Wide range of models available from 5 h.p. to
      319 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous