The Straits Times, 1 May 1974

Total Pages: 28
1 29 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 250,000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION WEDNESDAY. MAY 1, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 783 1  -  JOSEPH YEO pon't expect too much from NWC Q_By 'World trends towards chronic inflation* MR. Lee Kuan Yew yesterday warned Singapore workers not to expect "an increase in real wages as high as those enjoyed in the last few years." The Prime Minister said the National
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  • 40 1 MaW YORK. TUse. -nw Jon*, aiswgis. baaad on first hour of umdtof on the Haw York mot*. SBtebange: M ladas ni». wp i >• tranap m.«». up o*4. U uuu iiw, down 0J». M ■lock* SMJO. up 0.17. UPt
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  • 478 1 PAUL WEE and M. P. BHUPATHY 6> Another five graves— and work on Sentosa stops DOUCE yesterday hear gan UvestlfaUona into a piaaiait maaa mnrder on Jenteea after five more akeletona were unearthed from ahallow gravea en the tourist laland In the morning. The
    Tan Him  -  478 words
  • 374 1 Godber remanded on graft charges LONDON, Tuea.—Former Hongkong Police Superintendent Peter Oodber wat remanded In custody for 10 days today when he appeared In court accused of corruption In office The 54-year-old Oodber was arrested at his home In Sussex last night by detectives armed with a warrant under the
    Reuter  -  374 words
  • 172 1 rpwo plane* had a lucky escape when a fire broke oat a few feet away from them at the parking apron In Paya Lebar airport yesterday. Both planes were bein* prepared for take-off at 1.45 D-m. when a tractor ran Into a fuel hydron, cauetnf
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  • 169 1 Riddle of hotel room murder MAN FOUND DEAD WITH STAB WOUNDS A BRUNEI businessman, whom police identified as Ang Leng Chuan, 42, was found dead last night with stab wounds on his back .in his room at the Hilton Hotel. I Police were called to the hotel Just before 8
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  • 74 1 TOKYO, Tuea.— Japanese Finance Minister TaksoFukuda today proposed nasetlng in Japan of leading figure* in South-east Asian countries who had studied beta, govemntent sources aald. Mr. Fukuda. who attended a general meeting of the Asian Devatopment llank bold m Kuala Lumpur last weak, said there
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  • 30 1 LONDON. Tuaa.— A Tel Aviv press report that Israel hod declined a proposal to buy the Angto-Prsnch Jaguar strike aircraft was discounted today by the BrttMi Aircraft Corporation —Router
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  • 68 1 KATMANDU. Tttaa.— POUT Britlah climber* t\-« aealad the previously imeonquerad 21.900 ft CJW-saotre) L*mammal Peak in mid-west I the Foreign Ministry ry^^T l today. It aald that RAP Plyinc Officer Philip NtesM. M. and Sapper Derek Cr aaaberlain. n. reacbad the sansstt on Thanday and that
    AP  -  68 words
  • 606 1 M-E peace: US, Soviet pledge /^ENEVA, Tues. v The United State* and the Soviet Union said tonight they would work together to settle the Middle East conflict and said they favoured an early resumption of the Geneva peace conference. A communique Issued after seven hours of talks between US Secretary
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  • 51 1 JAKARTA. Tburs. T<m front wheel of a Pofccar Friendship plane with M people on board junmen on kndlng in Pontianak. Wait Bomao. ysatsi aay. A CMI Aviation i***-"" said tba plana, batoafhw: to the aomsoHß sferpasi Muaantara Atrttna, kutdad without ssrtous damage and an ito tisassngwi wart
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  • 60 1 HONOKOMO. Tuaa- -Chlnaaa soldier* shot and kilted a young CM nan aa btt Mad to flat acraas tba bortar into Kongbnng. a adHtary ajniinum said bora today Tba apnsaanun said «ha saan was bit by wsrMnagutj are tnatde Chtnoso temtery at tba Sbum Chun Ri»ar. which marks
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  • 49 1 CAIRO. Tuaa.— Aa aarOieuaks rooked s lan a ares of Bsypt, including Cairo, tact night but there were no raporta of namalMas. tba oaV eial MMdk) Bast News Agency said. Tba aplasnrrs of tba oaato was put at about 40 ndlaa sat) uatthaaat of Coin.
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  • Untitled
    • 65 1 Saigon bombers hit across border SAIGON. Tasa, lull Vteteamee bosabars yesterday attacked leag range Hart b VbteMMW artillery gaas iaaMe Casaiedla which fl&Aflgiflftt4 awMTfe tawMkM UN Mb into a Goveinsaeat oataoot en tae Vtetsuuaeao (Me el the border. Saiga* aaftttary sewreee aald E fewer taaa Saw fialira at the i
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 51 1 BP^iLAPQCsr aeuKmoat saw^^ sjMMLAeig) NAHAR A Cll'^s?^ W« Wl Sin i— m I Tat. M 2729. THE HOUSE OF TANG is CLOSED TO-DAY LABOUR OAV OPEN AS USUAL ON VE/AK OAV 6th mA V F3m C.ILTANC (S) PTE LID. f** JKI ORCHARO ROAO S*4GAPORf 9 TEL t /SSOO b t
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    • 212 1 I.'IOO a*—a dtarwal ■fl/£ C T^X»\ •voontor wsa an addtaonal M^*C J ■il I «ii» tmnfl cmfndlad f" W I by a* Ml pushbutton \m m^ M Caayal Q-ton^mtimutr, y^if ttw-out toofcod riuni by I right pusßfeaaon 7 )ewek) «it«i» shMfr-oroteciad 51 413 CHUN CHOMG 62. South Bridge Road. Singapore
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 83 2 FROM TODAY, SIA ACCEPTS CARTE BLANCHE CREDIT CARDS ACROSS THE WORLD Now you can use your Carte Blanche credit card to purchase SIA tickets and SIA HOLIDAYS from any SIA office or SIA Travel Agent anywhere in the world. You may purchase any number of tickets on any route, for
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  • Straits Times World News
    • 105 3 AMMAN, Ties.— A number of Arab countries have turned to the Soviet Union for military assistance only because of American bia* in Israel's favour, Saudi Arabian Defence Minister Sultan Ben Abdel Axii Raid yesterday. Addressing a delegation from the U8 National War College.
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    • 565 3 Tax on oil profits by Opec TRICE HIKES ALONE NOT ENOUGH' VIENNA. Tues, EVERTS from the world's major oil exporting nations met yesterday to stady ways of getting a bigger share of the profits from crude oil. A spokesman for the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) said one method
      UPI  -  565 words
    • 25 3 HONOKONO. TUM. China and Oaten have decided to ♦*>«m^ diplomatic relation* at amtoaaMdortal level, the New China News Afency reported today. Reutar.
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • 59 3 COLOMBO. TUM Army unit* have been alerted to help riot police control any trouble when the Sri Lanka Oovernment and Opposition parties hold rival May Day rallies tomorrow. Attendances could be a teat of strength for the leftist Oovernment of Mrs. Slrtma Bandaranalke. whose popularity has
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 51 3 LUXEMBOURG TUM. Common Market farm minister* agreed here today to ■lap a WMk-long baa on Urn ianue of Import licence* for beef The b«i>. Uktaf effect tomornwr. v Intended to prevent •paculativ* Imports of foritn beef floodlnf into U» nine DOC countries. In/armed eouroM said
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 226 3 JERUSALEM, Ti ORIME Mlnlater-deslg--1 nate Yltchak Rabin and the ruling Labour Party yesterday began negotiations with members of Prime Minister Oolda Melr's outgoing coalition In efforts to form a new government. First on the list were the National Religious Party (NRP) and the
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    • 79 3 BRASILIA, Tues Runaway train robber Ronald Biggs will be expelled from Brazil this week, government sources said yesterday. The aourow Mid the BrartMan Ooremment had decided to expel Biggs. arrMted in Rio de Janeiro on Feb. 1 after betnf on the run for more than eight
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    • 28 3 MBW YORK. Tues.— Alfred Hitchcock. 74. master of wpenee movie* and tektvMon thrlUen. was honoured last night at a Lincoln Centre function far hia M year* as
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    • 395 3 LISBON. TiMMday PORTUGAL'S rul- Ing military Junta yesterday declared May Day a national holiday as political leaders usea their newfound freedom to Jostle for a role In the provisional government to be set up soon. The decision to make May Day a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 455 3 J SbSSSSSbibiSSSSbbbbbbbbbbbSb^^ II Business Hours: 9.30 a.m- 7.00 p.m. Mon.thfu Sun. LOWER GROUND FLOOR. SPECIALISTS' CENTRE, ORCHARD ROAD/SOMERSET RQAD,TEL.:3SO644 <MEEjBUEg.iI OPEfI AS Iff UM TODAVtf n 1 1 OePeRiBS Imk i mm "-""gH-iui mmm i lg aS.ChOfeejrf^, mi Thai Ut Grade 5 kahes %5 40 MUME JUK Priman 19 o,
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  • rji
    • 66 4 HAMBURO, Tins. A Hamburg court has oaßod off the trial of aocuaed Jfasl mast murderer Bruno Btreckmbacn on the ground the 72-reajr-old former SB general has a weak heart. Strecfcenbach to Accused of nun ■Mini from his desk the murder of at least a million
      AP  -  66 words
    • 26 4 TOKYO. Tun. Deputy Premier Ttkeo Mlkl win leave on Thuradajr for a 12-day tour of France, Britain and Oermsny. government offlclaJa aaid today— UPL
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    • 168 4 NEW DELHI, Tuei: The Indian army today completed the massive repatriation operation to Pakistan of nearly 83.000 Pakistani pri-soners-of-war and civilian Internees from the 1971 war. All India radio reported. Their repartition began afU-r the Delhi Agreement of August 38 last year, signed by India and Pakistan. LONDON: The
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    • 174 4 ADDIS ABABA Ethiopia i communication* links with the outside world were being blacked out from 1230 p.m. today by an Indefinite strike among the country's telecommunications workers. LONDON: Prime Minister Harold Wilson announced today that a royal ri—s nlsslnn will be set up to Investigate ill aspects of
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    • 72 4 LONDON: PoUee today Investigated an «<»«' lover's compUint that c»pt, Mark rum**, the hasband of Princess Anne, mistreated the horse he rode to victory last week at the Bad mint Ion Rldlnr Trials. MANCHESTER: Police yesterday charted two Irish slaters with conspiring to cause explosions In Manchester. The
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    • 388 4 Japanese Soviet coal deal pact signed $l,oBom LOAN FROM TOKYO TOKYO. Tuesday J^S agreement under which Japan will loan the Soviet Union USs4f 0 million (Ssl,oBo million) to develop coal re sources in the Yakutsk region of north east Siberia was signed today by Soviet officials and Japanese businessmen. It
      UPI  -  388 words
    • 285 4 A CALL FOR U.N. 'CRISIS' CENTRE UNITED NATIONS. Tim. The United States formali; srs»sstd yesterday that the UN General Assembly develop a worldwide early warning system to signal Impending surpluses and shortages. Dr. Henry Kissinger, US Secretary of State, first offered the idea in an address to the Assembly on
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    • 173 4 US buys more from Reds but sales fall WASHINGTON. Tues US trade with communist countries in Europe has Increased but the United Btates k buying more and selling less than a year ago. the Commerce Department said yesterday. UB-Chlna trade advances have been more dramatic and more favourable the United
      UPI  -  173 words
    • 124 4 BURTON: ANOTHER WEEK IN HOSPITAL SANTA MONICA (California). Tues.—Richard Burton will remain in Ht. John's Hospital for another week, recuperating from a lung Infection and an Injured left hand. A spokesman for the actor, who announced last week he and Elisabeth Taylor will be divorced, said Burton Injured his hand
      UPI  -  124 words
    • 453 4 SAIGON, Tues. Communist forces have used tanks In the Mekong Delta for the first time in the Vietnam war, the FRlKon 'Command announced. The command cited a brief attack by five Bo-vlet-muae light amphl blous tanks on Sunday night
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 799 4 The new Vespa Sprint V is even safer than last year's! Can you see the changes scooterists were only half as in this famous Vespa? likely to get involved in a If you think it looks much *g s?*^ serious accident as the same as always don't l^^^^dA <i^k motorcylists.
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    • 79 4 Choose it forgood time's The Lamy 2000 ball point pen for men with an eye for style. WM A body of Makroton point, prats button, and clip of ttainlest steel unique clip spring reliable I mechanism. Modern styling I from a practical I point of view. tAMY I 2000 BALLPENI
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  • Untitled
    • 210 5 Consensus soon on 'debts' proposal fTNITED NATIONS. U Tues.— Member states were reported last night to be close to a consensus on a proposal that the developed countries cancel, reschedule or apply a moratorium on the debts of develop ing countries hardest hit by the world economic crisis. A six-page
      Reuter  -  210 words
    • 316 5 Parents' skin to save badly burned children BOSTON, Tues.-Some burned children who <"£e would have faced almost certain death now are being saved with a new treatment that uses their parents' skin as bandages. The hJwH 11 Purposely inhibits their ability to fight infection, one of a burn patient's deadliest
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    • 120 5 $2.5 mil gems theft from exchange NEW YORK. Tues Thieves made off with an estimated US$l million ißs2 5 million) worth of jewellery from a Manhattan gem exchange, police reported today. The burglary was not dUcovered until yesterday morning when a maintenance worker found the thieves had broker. In from
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    • 513 5 MADRID. Tuesday OOLICE last nifht announced the arrest of 20 communist leaders alleged to have planned terrorist attacks tomorrow May Day —as extra police were drafted Into Madrid to quell any dashes. The announcement came Just after Roman Catholic bishops expressed dismay at the
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    • 376 5 Bitter debates as parties gear up for elections SYDNEY. Tuesday AUSTRALIA'S general election campaign was on in earnest today with the major political parties locked in bitter debate despite a flurry of Opposition policy declarations that blurred the differences with Prime Minister Gough Whitlam's Labour Party. Mr. Whltlam formally kicked
      Reuter  -  376 words
    • 217 5 Missile system to guard White House WASHINGTON. Tues. The Secret Service has developed a missile system to protect the White House and other strategic areas In Washington against aerial attack, according to Aviation Week Bpace Technology. The magazine said yesterday that the radar system at Washington National Airport will become,
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    • 49 5 ROMS Tust. X— Menu of Quarto aOgno tuburb complained to police they had received no mall (or a long Police lnveettgatod and found mailman Olaneaito Blanconl. 39, burning i.'mdreda of letters In a field on Monday. He was arrested on chart** of deatroytac mail UPI.
      UPI  -  49 words
    • 217 5 INDIRA BEGINS TRADE TALKS WITH IRAN Tues. In--1 dian Premier Indira Gandhi began talks with Iran's Premier Amir Abbas Hoveyda on bilateral trade and economic and technical co-operation. Indian Foreign Minister Sardar Swaran Singh, Iran's Foreign Minister Abbas All Khalatbarl and Minister of Power Iraj Vahldl also took part in
      Reuter  -  217 words
    • 61 5 WWCHBBTBi (CDcland), Tue«— H»lr curler* amved houjewife Viol« Hoar* from more atrloua Injury the night bar >)■)»*** ful attacked her la bad with o«mmcr. a court heart today Ronald Hoar*. S3. admitted hltunf hli wife with the hammer white the m aileep and eaustng lnjurlee which
      Reuter  -  61 words
    • 316 5 1 NCW DELHI, Turn rE Indian Government yesterday decided to seek a verdict from the Supreme Court on a major constitutional row developing over the presidential election* due in August at the end of President Olri's five-year term. The court will be asked to decide
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 11 5 Pi wJ iii U* fc .fc I I V J
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    • 308 5 tffffMfittWffi aHHsv^i^^iiiiiiiiWlP** v&" Deep in that golden orange taste is the B9M real orange goodness a body needs. Sunquick gives you vitamins A and C 41 It takes a kilo of oranges to make a bottle of Sunquick. ,F orange squash That's how highly concentrated it is. j Mixed with
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  • 134 6 HAPPINESS U having water at the Una for these children at l#l. Alexandra Terrace. For M families In the area, who had been without water for the past 17 days, found their taps flowing again at 3.4» p.m. yesterday. The water supply was
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  • 246 6 Memo to Govt on training of dentists T*HE Singapore Dental A Association will soon submit to the Government a memorandum with recommendations for the training of dental personnel. The association's president, Dr. Wong Yew Cheong, said yesterday this was Important for It would not be to the advantage of the
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  • 499 6 ]VfR. Milton Tan, new chairman of the Automobile Association, said yesterday that his association would seek an assurance from oil firms that hikes in oil prices are fair to local motorists. "We are disturbed by the Increases In petrol prices and
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  • 32 6 MR. K K Harjanl has bssn elected preadent of the SlndM Merchant* Association. Other official* Include: Mr R Durgadaa (vice-president); Mr T. Ratnchand (secretary) and Mr. P.O. g>«— m (treasurer)
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  • 120 6 r\E Tooth Service Committee of the Rotary Club of Singapore East is offering ■ehoiarshipa worth $5,t0 to student* studying in Secondary One to Four classes In schools in the eaat districts. Each scholarship will cover a year's school fees, a cash grant of 9M each
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  • 273 6 The 'pilot' who didn't look right in uniform A JOBLESS man donned a Singapore Air Defence Command pilot uniform each time he went to tbe Ministry of Defence in TangUn to fetch his girlfriend, a magistrate was told yesterday. But there was something unusual about Ho Giolt Tong*s manner as
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 238 6 The most luxurious Cortina i^tit^Wr^^ 1 Bt^Bßb BBS^BBBw^BB^^^^T ~w*k wr J^^^^M bb^bbblbbbbb^h Bm k^b^^^Wbl It/bW^P W*A yj> MM IH Ibß I jffif f Ik^^l bbb\ bbbbbbbbbV K P sHifcr'S Br^^Bk SbV^BBM BBB^^^^^sßßt^B j^| Ft »W i^BBBBB < ff'*M "'^jH^ Jh $45,000 car features for $17,990 Here is a car unlike
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 215 6 Bringing Up Wmtttmr By BUlliviii>|h «V Hal Cm tp W «ounp» u«sl r i «acA iV~X~con t""\| I 1 üßin, ewoovwtJMH* Jieee) KONYCAH?J Twg man I "Xxfui V^i^N L etTTy is mvscrmo r—Gj^^r- BtowiU By Chic Young ipuu^ dagwooo. so I've oeciDeo to I it's a lead pencil >!' ItT
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  • 230 7 Inflation adds $1.5m to cost of home for aged pLANS to biUid anHoii- w er dollar home for the aged sick in Mandal nave been shelved because bu 1 1 d1 n c costs have more than doubied— fron »i million to $2 5 million. This was disclosed by Mr.
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  • 42 7 MR. Be Peng Liang has been elected president of the Singapore Council of Social Service. Other officials Include: Mr. Ooh Sin Tub and Mr. Harry Wee vice-president* >, Mr. Loin Ewe Huat (general secretary) and Mr. Cecil Wong (treasurer). s
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  • 293 7 Factory girl who was 'cheated' by a boy friend A 16 YEAR OLD factory girl killed herself by drinking Insecticide a few days after telling her mother that she had been "cheared" by a boy friend, a a Coroner's Court was told on Monday. Chua Al Bee, of Chua Chu
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  • 26 7 THE Metropolitan TMCA will conduct a beginners' course In yoga at Its Palmer Road Centre from May 3. The fee Is $10 per month.
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  • 38 7 THERE were 646 blood donors last week. Reserve blood stocks show total reserves to be average with blood group "O" well below average, group "A" below average, group "B" above average and group AB average.
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  • 151 7 BRONZE PLAQUE FOR RED CROSS VETERAN MS. and Mrs. Fok Fook Choon looking at an award Mr. Fok received for outstanding services to the New Zealand Red Crew Society. Mr. A.W. Beasley. the chairman of the New Zealand Red Cross Society, presented tbe bronir engraved plaque to Mr. Fok, vicechairman
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  • 50 7 MB. Juatk* DC D-CbtU has been elected pjeaidfiit of the Singapore Scout Association. Tlonf Bahru District Other officials Include Mr. Andrew Nf and Rev Bro. Joseph Kiel? (vloe-preo-dento). Mr. Choo Cheolr. Hal i chairman). Mr. Oragory Wong (secretary). Mr. Quah Liang Thye (treasurer), and Mr. Joseph Lo (auditor).
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  • 74 7 Birth rate down again rffi! downtrend In Singapore'! birth flgnrM eonttnued last January with 489 fewer lire birth* than for the prerlooi January. There were 1152 live births last January 2.1 M of them males and I.BM females. The January babies rave Singapore a natural population Increase of 3.061, after
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  • 26 7 THB Mngmpore Numl»tn»Uc Association will hold the *!>■ coin exchange aeagton .d mini auction at the abiffapore Cricket Cldb on May 6 at 10 ajn.
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  • 395 7 As demand exceeds supply IMPORTERS and dealers of television sets expect an increasing demand for colour sets soon but fear they may not be able to meet the supply. For according to sources, the current quota given to them by manufacturers In Germany,
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  • 165 7 rK executive commute of Private Investment Company for Asia (PICA) at Its meeting here yesterday approved three new Investment projects, one each In Taiwan, tbe Philippines and Indonesia. Involving slightly over $8 22 million. In Taiwan. PICA with an Investment of $2.35 million will
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  • 26 7 METRO Orchard bald two lunch-Ume children's fwr fashion show* jartwitaj Tbe snows, part of He FUplno Fortnight programme, ware enUUad "Palaruan Parade" (playground parade).
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  • 167 7 28 NEW BUSES ON THE ROADS TODAY npWENTY-EIOHT new I buses costing $1.56 million and with a combined capacity of 2,000 passengers will be deployed on Singapore roads today. The new buses comprise 12 Albion types, each with a passenger capacity of 73 and 16 Mercedes Bens buses, each of
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  • 97 7 rfiWO vendors In the 1 Albert Street/Queen Street area are to be prosecuted soon for using faulty weighing machines, the Trade Department of the Finance Ministry said yesterday One case Involving a grape vendor will be beard within a fortnight while the other U
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 103 7 ZODIAC'S AMAZING RED DOT aaSSBM SWSBB Ul BBBBBB^I msSm&mM ill bbbb^^^bbbbb! Vim m k W^^m\>sw^^^ mW^^^^M^r The Distinct Sign of our Time Frfi It marks the seconds. An exclusive innovation a revolutionary J^^ss! r fi<sign in watchmaking. That's the amazing red dot of Zodiac aWjjW J J fVstrographic. A high
      103 words
    • 411 7 IBSSSSSSSSSi!^BB^aV w^BSl BSw. VrvA a. S&S^ .^B^AT^V^BlW^r^BSflCaW^K^— i aJ 1 m^ Vv* SSI IMK Bfjt J-iW i> i ■sTaYs? 1^ JV^flr #J-1 i i'i W^^fl P^aV "^^BBBBW BBBBBW *^^J^kv SBBa^L^L^SBF^m^BBBr^ "^JBB BBBbW'^^ BBBBtL_Ji -JBB1»^ IT 'k I^Br had fl n*m ■Jsssfe^fl ivtslisfcaMaVlW J. Tfc > 13 V^f BBBsV B*^^^^^BSBSr-^^^^^ h^_
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  • 387 8 'Higher oil prices trend likely' Forecast by executive... J^N OIL executive yesterday forecast an upward rather than a downward trend in crude oil prices in future. Mr. JR. O'Neil, chairman and managing director of Mobil Oil Singapore Pte. Ltd., said he could see no political or economic force that would
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  • 128 8 SAVINGS of as much as 70 cents were made at the Singapore Teachers Union May Day special sale of consumer goods at the Teachers Centre last night. Items on sale Included Thai rice, canned goods, paper products, toiletries, detergents and ln-
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  • 289 8 Conserve energy policy: Engineers' help sought WHE Institution of Kn•i- gineers official body of the profession has called on engineers to offer their expertise to help the Government formulate a new national policy on energy conservation through new concepts in plarailnK and design of new buildings and engineering systems. The
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  • 77 8 ABOUT V m dealers from the United Stales *ra taking t«rt in a tomrday RoUei convention starting here today. They will attend business seminar*, meetings and discussions at Shangri La. Another troop of 15 dealers from Europe will arrive on Sunday for a similar
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  • 34 8 MADAM Leong Ah Yee. 71. of Rcdhlll Lad*. reported to police on Monday that the lost aU her wrings of fl.ftOO which she had placed In a bltcult Un In her Hat
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  • 48 8 Singapore to Paris direct flight UTJk French Airlines win operate direct menu tram aincapore to Parta as trass *oter The Mrrlea. wbfcb will hare only one rtopovw In Karachi, will operate «v«ry Tuaadajr. Wedneadar aod Saturday AU the nifhU wIU tend at the new Charles de Oaulle Airport.
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  • 229 8 Overtime plan for busmen hits snag AN OVERTIME scheme to boost the take- home pay of Singapore's 9,000 busmen is said to have run up against certain workers' resistance. I It U believed that these workers want the Singapore Bus Service Ltd. to allow them to work overtime on their
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  • 45 8 THIEVEB broke Into the Shell petrol kiosk In Holland Road on Monday and escaped with the previous day's collection of $3,382 and a portable television set. Police said they entered the premises by cutting open a metal trill mesh of the alr-ventllat-lon louvres.
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  • 40 8 MONK 8 Hill Secondary School will hold lte 17Ui track and field championship at the schooUleld tomorrow at 1.15 p.m. Mr. Chan Kal Tun. th-> Deputy Director of Schools Ministry of Education. wUI give away the priaer
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  • 549 8 EX-NEWSVENDOR TELLS COURT... A 14 YEAR OLD former newspaper vendor yesterday told the High Court that two men poured oil on him and set htm on fire a week ift«r he had r-v°rt-ed to police that th*»y had assaulted
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  • 45 8 Accounts course THE Youth Section of the PAP Alexandra Branch will conduct a htoher aceounUnr course every Wednesday from June S More Information tor candidates of the UCC higher accounting examinations next year Is available at the branch at Block IT4, BUrllnff Road (tel. OS1M)
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  • 400 8 Ministry transfers a 'good move 5 npHE transfer of two 1 Ministers of Btate. Dr. Ang Ko t "Peng from the Communications Ministry to the Health Ministry, and Mr. Chal Chong Til, from the Education Ministry to the Communl cations Ministry, was welcomed by observers yesterday H a good move
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  • 283 8 Girl, 3, dies eight days after fall from see-saw N. G. KUTTY By ATHREEYEAR OLD girl has died eight days after she fell off a seesaw in Marsilllnff Village. Little Hen* LJ Li was admitted to Outram Hospital two days after the fall. She died last Monday night without regaining
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 81 8 Super 99 The New Generation battery from Evereaay Specially designed > 1 i ■> for your new ft\ generation equipment I^hi^h Eveready Super 99! Big strong power to work at a touch, to drive motors. s^^dT Extra power for all your new generation equipment. Seal-wrapped for freshness! k^ /£^Sr&^mmw\ Pt»o1o*
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    • 150 8 LJ Bft'J/1 1 fiY \'l\ ijljt f L'vi Daily DECON care does wonders for your eyes Decon Eye Drops is scientifically formulated for the relief of simple eye strain, congestion, minor inflammation and irritations of the eye and eyelids gently, efficiently V^ s^ and pleasantly. A Few' Drops of Pure,
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    • 166 9 Safety in industry must be a 3-sided affair. MP INDUSTRIAL safety promotion should be a tripartite responsibility, namely, the Govern ment! workers and employers, the MP for Jurong, Mr. Ho Kah Leons, said yesterday. The role of Government was to Implement legislation and educate workers on safety aspects of their
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    • 67 9 THE Judging cf tntrles of the 25th Singapore Interr national Salon of Photo- graphy, organised by the Photographic Society of SUixapore. will be hr ld at the Chinese Chamber of Com- merce on the following days: May 4 at 8 pan. (colour prlntsi; May 5 at 10
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    • 68 9 A LABOURER, Tan Piak Cheng was held up by twj men with "sharp objects" at > a public lavatory in Beach Road on Monday night and robbed of $25, his watch and Identity-card. They than ran out and m escaped. Raja's session THERE will be no meet- the-paople
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    • 22 9 POLICE arrested four secret society suspects during "Operation Eagle" at Lorong 37 Oertang on Monday AU four were later released.
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    • 285 9 How the consumer clubs can help check inflation pULTURE Minister, v Mr. Jek Yeun Thong, said yesterday one of the most effective ways to help the lower Income groups to combat inflation was the setting up of more consumer clubs. He said consumers could turn those clubs for their dally
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    • 42 9 THERE will be a private viewing of the David Moms Jewellery collection at Hilton Hotel on May 8 from 730 pm. to 930 p.m It U organised by the Chanral organisation In conJunction with David Morris Jewels Ltd.
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    • 24 9 THE Finance Minister. Mr. Hon Bui Sen. returned yasterday after attending the Asian Development Bank board of governors meeting In Kuala Lumpur
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    • 85 9 JAMES Ong Hock Slew, 2t, was charged yesterday with stealing three cars. He was alleged to uave stolen one from Mr. Ong Hai Soon at a petrol station in L'ppei Seranroon Road on Aptil 10; another from the Shangri-La Hotel parking lot on April C
      85 words
    • 197 9 No move to teach science in English KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. —Science and mathematics will continue to be taught In Bahasa Malaysia In national s?hooU, the Education Minister. Enclk Mohamed Yaacob. said In th a Dewan Rakyat today. Replying to a question by Dr. Chen Man Hln <DAP-Seremban Timor), who asked
      197 words
    • 68 9 Booby trap flag in Muar MUAR. Tues. The Army Bomb Disposal Squad from Kluang wer* called In when two communist flags, one of them a booby trap, were found today. The flag, with explosives attached to It, was found at the "k mile Jalan Bakrl. The explosives were later detonated.
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    • 38 9 London varsity exams KUALA LUMPUR, Tuse,— The University of London will ecu« registering candidates lor 1U external examinations from Sept 1, 1977. Howevei. candidates who have been registered before that date will be allowed to take their e»auptf>»ttont
      38 words
    • 28 9 KUALA LUMPUR, TOM. Ttie Oowernmenl U carrying out !U InvMUgmtloo* on report* of oU (licks which have pollutad parts of not beaches In Trengganu aad Panang.
      28 words
    • 54 9 KUALA LUMPUR, TUcs. The aedea mosquito caniar of the dengue fever virus has been found to breed in M and JO par cant of house* In Kaaatan and Ipcb respectively This is ttm flndmf of the Institute for MsdlcaJ Research In Its aedea larvae curve* carried out
      54 words
    • 126 9 Inflation?— Not so bad as others' KUALA LUMPUR, Tuc*. The Deputy Trade and Industry Minister, Datuk Musa Hltam. den^d In Parliament today thai •fMaysla was facing rampant irflatlon He was repiyir.f to Mr. Hor Cheok roon (DAPDamansara), who had asked whether the Government Intended to tighten control on lndlvldula or
      126 words
    • 109 9 THIS is the kitchen of the terrorist camp which was found camouflaged on a plateau In the Bukit Kinta Forest Eimsn In l*erak recently. Malaysian seonrity forces who discovered the camp during Operation Gonsales believe It may be the regional headquarters of the
      109 words
    • 259 9 Solutions to city traffic problems being studied KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday 'pHE Government is considering the setting up of an underground train service in Kuala Lumpur to solve the transport problem in the city. Local Government and Housing Minister Datuk Ong Kee Hui told the Dewan
      259 words
    • 162 9 NO PRICE CURBS ON PRIVATE HOUSES KUALA LUMPUR, Tues It is not feasible to control the price of houses built by private developers, the Local Government and Housing Minister, Datuk An* Kee Hui. said today. He said this in a written answer to a question by End*. Mohamed Salleh bin
      162 words
    • 66 9 Citizenship fraud suspect is detained SEREMBAN, Tuea. Police have detained a man suspected to have cheated several applicants for Malaysian citizenship. The susp«ct was arrested In an ambush in a canteen near the Registration Office here yesterday a/teraoon. Police recovered $50 In marked notes. Police said the suspect claimed he
      66 words
    • 46 9 BUTTCRWORTH. TUM Ire gutted a bouse in Chain r>mr Road last n%&t eaalnf damage fsttmafrd at »sfMO It wa« the second Mas* bar* within 30 noun. tfcrUar. at S sun. two factories tn Jalan Dd> were rased with tosasa tsttaaud at »m.MO.
      46 words
    • 23 9 ALOR fTTAH, Tub. K*tfah and Pwlls rte* whoktsatan ar» prwpartaff a lotnt p^Hfcm to Mm F*£ral OoMresMßt f<r postponeenfotr^rnem'to July I°°"
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 497 9 fesfe^. M Rr^r Consistent reliability proven in actual use all over the work). That's what makes us so confident about our machines. So confident, we guarantee them not for six months, but for two years! During which time, we'll service your machine periodically \t no extra charge. And in the
      497 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 271 9 Straits Times Crossword BM HT K |H< flgf*~~aß*~l asT 1 ACBOM fl J™ 6 "stuned 8 Cares about that lady who with this! (10) i. tookinc (8) 7 Movement arising when 9 Office wench s heart tn wild-cat Ukeacharge (8) e«r rung 1* Cheam aaed collector 10 Cut' MofUf tree'
      271 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 402 10 S OPENS TODAY al LIDO JfS MhßWi (UUy at ilaaa. I^9, 4.00. 6. JO «h a.ispaa -M« Pv*m Umt K^BbI bTy\ aaaV^ 1 "ROMANCB"HAS THAT "GRADUATE" MAGIC UA WMm MX EaflSaTr \P I llu laaiaw m^ I mrfi f^wflWral BaaV J I ■^BBaaaaaaF' aaaaaaajp. ■1 4 11 BB ■I Ml
      402 words
    • 390 10 aaaaaaaaaaoaaaoaaoaaaaaa*. a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa T ;i KONG CHAM KONG CHIAI\i:i :^.«.u-. 04 "a Today Special 3 Show. o*flv morning show 11.00 AM 3JS 7>*S pm a at 9.00 am AOMISSIOM »3. $i «1 SCHOOL CHILOMM a AWARDED FOR SPECIAL* CONCESSION •"juhv pmxe in thb Cannes* to any seat «-^^^"*>U""<Q THE U«>
      390 words
    • 430 10 ■%v^rvwvy^^rvavww^ww^^v^^ opihs ORCHARD today!^i SU»*tli4mr.nm,\3o,A.(>o,(>.3ol9AS99L-J} iX (No Froe List) WINNER OF 2 ACADEMY AWARDS. £fe BEST SONG BEST DRAMATIC SCORE -THE BEST LOVE STORY OF THE YEAR!' aMDMII^tfH| > ON STAGE^f 9J5 pm. SPRING SYMPHONY" FASHIONS tm Bob's Bob.ta FaskM-Watcks 1 Mssk Galsre ky l Make-Up ky WesMiu Gowit by
      430 words
    • 817 10 >■*■■■■■■■■ i I {ffi/.rß*//][\\y/ OR6AMISATIOM t f| Oaan* Today -No Fraa Liat 11 am. 1 46 4.00. 30 4 9 15 Flerinda Bolkan t Maaaimo Ran,.., "ROMANCE color 9 Now ShowKijNo Fraa Liat 7 11am. 1 30. 4.00. •46 a 930 9 Davx) Chiang Fu Shana, a LHy Li m
      817 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 314 11 A^W Root Beer is always good and it is even better with our Burger Family aHllta*^ I ■bAsJiI "I W^^^^UJ^JP^ BaS <Jr It's a 9 ood thin 3 to do FAMILY RESTAURANT Rranrhoc SIA BmkJmg Paya Lebar Airport 3 Branches m orangnes Ounearnßoad c Jurong KuataCumpur 4 Jh Aioff<S> i
      314 words
      248 words
    • 214 11 SPECIAL ITI4YMY BUFFET aMa^sßßßßf 5 Don't take time to count the enormous selection, or you won't have time to eat! Mountains of salads, cold dishes and tasty treats. At least 3 succulent, breathtaking roasts ham, beef, pork, sliced JS your taste. A whole banquet of fabulous hot looil Chinese and
      214 words
    • 169 11 XX (w^X -m^u^aji ********** m Jm*^bO*A IxWIVI JjT 4 %^^^pw^ F l-C>MSI IN BY KjLM, A Cl sWi.^^ MbV^BbbV^ 141 bbbiV^>Ssbbb^V.^^bbbTbbb! iiiiMgJljjiM 25 SCOTTS ROAD, SINGAPORE 9 i- LABOUR DAY CELEBRATION i| we are closed todsy H BUSINESS AS USUAL TOMORROW J%4y Katong Shopping Ceure TayßuanGuan(pte)ltd. supermarket m (/round floor)
      169 words

  • TheStraitsTJmes WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1974
    • 482 12 it was the kind of plot that fiction wrlt--1 en who set their espionage stories In Bonn would have dearly liked to think up themselves: An East German spy in the office of the West German Chancellor. The alleged spy, Gunter Gulllaume, was no run-of-the-mill bureaucrat in Bonn.
      482 words
    • 101 12 OO VIET- AMERICAN agreement on co- ordinating their efforts to step up the pace of peacemaking In the Middle East may lead to accusations of "superpower hegemony" but it invalidates the theory that the Soviet Union wants Syria to keep fighting. Dr Henry Kissinger and Soviet Foreign Minister
      101 words
  • 420 12 Battle for French votes hots up PARIS: The easapeJgn far the Presidency of France, with only one weefc to f» Wfere the first rwrao ef vetIng. Is raatdlr getting boaraer andhotter Political iftdepeßdent Jean Borer, a srasader against pornography. was faced with a striptease, volleys of rotten fruit and chanted
    420 words
  • Untitled
    • 265 12 People who pay $60 for a live show... WM are prepared to give Mr. Donald Moon the benefit of the doubt that his spirited attack on entertainment duty (ST., April 36) Is Influenced by an altruistic desire to serve the public Interest. Hence our reply through your columns. Mr. Moore
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    • 81 12 qlxase refer to the K tetter by Unfair (ST., April tl) regarding his unaucceaiful appUeatton to alter the refuse chute hopper at hU flat In Buona VUU Kstate We wish to clarify that the Housing Bnvd would not approve any application from tenantt/leeaees to alter the poattidn of the refute
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    • 99 12  -  (\N April SO at 0 45 p.m. U we bought three $1 tickets (two adults and a child) for entry Into the Toa Payoh swimming complex. We were told by a clerk at the entrance that the tickets were valid until the pool
      99 words
    • 79 12 AS a transit passenger returning to SlngaEire I was taxed by the alayalan Customs at Padang Desar 35 per cent duty on the goods I had purchased In Bangkok. When asked why I was being taxed as I was only on transit, the Custom officer on duty remained silent. I
      79 words
    • 69 12 fOULD the Bousing v/ Board tell me whether It Is true that the peasant five-room pointblock Oats under construction at rarrer Road are laser isd for lte staff. I applied for a flat In this area three years ago and I should be receiving my registration number soon. As such
      69 words
  • 936 12 MID WEEK AIRFARES are going up. Yet, If you travel by air, you get silly little gifts you do not really want and which cost money. On some airlines you get tote of liquor, too, which also cost money but which does not help you get to your destination any
    936 words
  • 740 12 THEODORE SHABAD: A MORE ENLIGHTENED COMMUNIST SOCIETY By N«w York VTIKITA KHRU8H- >* CHZV, In reminlscenes published last weekend, expressed hope for a "more enlightened communist society" In the Soviet Union In which people would "enjoy their Inalienable rights." The former Soviet leader, In memoirs dictated
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 17 12 SEIKO AUTOMATIC CHRONOGRAPH £f\ SEIKO S i.rthon ft Technology •^-^^sWl^^g—f B^^^*^^ B *^Pt]g^_ |^^^F 701 w 0000
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  • Business Times
    • 897 13 New Arab oil money n trickles into rorld markets THE second of a two part in-depth survey by LEONARD SILK on the new wealth of oilproducing nations and its impact on world economies. fIEW YORK: Hundr eds of foreign banking, brokerage and investment institutions in financial centres all over the
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    • 460 13 rB cofldent words expressed by Cycle and Carriage chairman Chna Boon Penc of the future In bis last annual report in the face of falling profits were not uttered oat of mere bravado. Buoyant sales and profits figures ior the six months
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    • 381 13 KINGSLEY WOOD By CYDNEY: The big four Western Australian Iron ore miners expect to sell ore worth ASSBO million this year, more than 30 per cent up on last year. Given what one executive called "only the normal problems" the usual
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    • 188 13 PROFITS began to decline at Malayan Flour Mills in the first half of 1973. However, against the second half downturn, when profits were slashed by 47.6 per rent pre-tax, the Janu-ary-June reverse of a mere 10.2 per cent appears mild. As a result pre-tax profits for
      188 words
    • 447 13 For Intraco the best is yet to be RIDING high on the crest of record breaking results for 1973. Intraco chairman Sim Keen Boon < above) Indicates to shareholders that the best Is yet to be. At several points In his 1973 report he makes optimistic references to the future,
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 223 13 The following Rights Issue having been completed, this announcement appears as a matter of record only. 5514,899,945 Rights Issue of 8,514,254 shares of Ssl .00 each at SS 1 75 per share in SINGAPURA BUILDING SOCIETY LIMITED Advised and underwritten by SINGAPORE INTERNATIONAL MKRCHANT BANKKRS LTD. (SIMBL) in association with
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    • 239 13 nrsirn means If you care a hoot about your money, carry First National City Travelers Checks. Be a wise bird Don't risk losing your cash when you travel Wherever you go, go with First National City Travelers Checks They're welcomed at more than 1 .000,000 places worldwide refunded at more
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  • Untitled
    • 963 14 This industry has now 'come of age' mm TOTAL revenue from the ship repairing and shipbuilding industry soared from $38.72 million in 1965 to $363 million in 1972, according to Mr. Chua Chor Teck, president of the Singapore Association of Shipbuilders and Repairers (SASAR). The growth was to a large
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    • 192 14 Impressive debut by Lancer Boss 'handlers' AU. the recent talk A aeoßt improved handling of containers at the FBA being necessary has brought along Lancer Boss to demonstrate Its loading machinery via its Singapore distributor Asia Construction and Mining Machinery. lAt a recent demonstration at one of Its buyers Jeveag
      192 words
    • 1408 14 A U.N. code against brain drain UNITED NATIONS: Rising concern about the ]»oorer countries 1o t ing many of their most promising scientists, engineers and doctors through the "brain drain" to the U.S., Britain, France and other Western nations is prompting the United Nations to consider drafting an Internationally accepted
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 482 14 Tel: *****7 REjjTA World's No. lair conditioning maker FROM $25.00 Alitalia gives you a comfortable way to get to Europe and back And a chance to see Rome, with no extra charge to your airfare For the businessman, it can be a long trip flying to Europe and back. So
      482 words
    • 58 14 THE COMMON MARKET Art* you looking for a business partner in W Germany or ir. the Com mon Market? We may help you ss we are experts in Marketing, advertising, public relations, distribution Plesse send us your enquiries Wirtschaftswerbung Krebs Consultant* D-28 Bremen (W. -Germany) P.O. Box 321 Martinistr. 12-16.
      58 words
    • 148 14 Hallo Investor and Share Trader! ME YOU WATCItlfi FOR SI6IS Of TIE lEXT Mil HMOT? If so you mutt learn to mtafpret puce chant and other curve* of the TECHNICAL ANALYSIS ot market* and individual share* or commodities Ths charts tell you what people are REALLY DOING .n the market
      148 words
    • 381 14 Talk Industrial Equipment with these Australians. Meet the men from AMTEG the Australian Metal Trades Export Group. The companies they represent together offer a wide range of metal products, financial and advisory services. If you have a need for industrial equipment don't miss this opportunity to talk to the men
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    • 1615 15 CLOSING CRICES THE last transacted sale at the dose of business In the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day's prices together with 1914 high and low ('Adjusted for all new issues). CLOSING TOMI: All MCtloaa akma atndy TURNOVSN. OfBCKI l«*l turnover on th* Singapore trading room
      1,615 words
    • 392 15 rE level of specaUUve activity was much rrdutfd while the trend was uncertain on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. This was partly due to the fact that much of the squaring of open positions had already taken place while fresh deals remained scarce and partly because
      392 words
    • 1663 15 DTD and offer price* off xlally i Harimaa (0.688 0 698) (3) M.W. Wool (0 SOB 0 558) (3) D listed and bustneaa In and 0.66. (1) 0.67. (1) 0.674. (7) 0.50. ■epated to the Stock Ex- 068 Mats*, (5 508) :hange of angapore yeater- Haw Par
      1,663 words
    • 1145 15 BID and offer price* officially listed and business in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded ihown In brackets In lota: of 1,000 units unless otherwise specified INDUSTRIALS Aesaa (1.758). A. Tape (0.938 1.038). Alcan (2708 2.708) (1) 174. Ale*
      1,145 words
    • 265 15 CITY and Urban Properties, a member of Hongkong's Hutchison group expects to meet forecast profit of HX$3O million In 1974 ($849 million), chairman Sir Douglas Claque said. Cement supplies have •\ow returned to normal but at Increased prices. This should have little effect on results since a
      265 words
    • 252 15 "Shares in KL mark time rtE Kuala Lumpur Stock Market escaped heavy losses yesterday as small bear covering steadied prices In the afternoon on the eve of the Labour Day holiday. In justriils thus closed the cay mixed with most of the volatile Issues posting marginal gains. The New S.T.
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    • 21 15 AN Interim dividend of 28p for the year ending June 1974 Is to be paid by Malayan Tin Dredging.
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    • r 1
      • 25 15 Rubber: April 38 Singapore: tUM cU (up 3.M cU). Malaysia: 26* H eU (up *.M cU). OfllcisJ offering: 313 tons (op 17 tons).
        25 words
      • 14 15 <\ar. Mar. Tta: J1.2»».515 11.165.154 tßabber: Mi.l* ZZS.SS«c •Rabfcer: M1.678e ZM.SZJe tfl'asre •M'tia
        14 words
      • 103 15 rHINISI PHOOUCS. IXCeiANCI, w SIHQAP4HS NOON CLOSIHQ PftlCIS P.a ffCUL TIITSROAT Caiwoit (Ml: bulk $140 nominal. drum (143 nominal ••erai Mlxad (looae) ÜBT/Ooat. STS nominal abuitok ASTA wait* fob. 100% NL.W (SOS —tint. Sarawak whit, f.o b. t*% tOJH *2»2i aellera. Sarawak iiwctaJ black f.o b nlw H»2t a.llera.
        103 words
      • 303 15 Straits tin UP 59.75 TTHK Straits tin price recovered some of isonday's loss with a gain of 8876 to ***** per plcul In Penang yesterday on an official offering up 17 tons to 313 tons. The overnight London market was much firmer with forward buyers putting on £90 to 13J60
        303 words
      • 55 15 U»t Ull MtlWwaa (1) in 71 Cloaaa I Mill CtOMtf n»lnil 170 Uaa». ni>m im 10 imm Zurtea 1«« MB Ctaa*4 1700K Clom4 P*Ha Una* UM« ■•por* (2) 1«7 4SB K7.NB IMTM IN «M ■■par* prim la aon •t»rlln» ana* la V dollara p«r ounc* (1) Aiutrallan dollars
        55 words
      • 36 15 «_a4OB Qmmmmf BfftaM OB afOße»y (pmrkm. la bruftata) Wlrokar Bpot buyer il.ttS (tl.Slo) Mll.r iI.MO IH.2M'. Tare* Month buyer fI.SM (11.242) *ell»r il.Mft (d.MI). Mark* UM Mail at ta. atskaat tav.l. »ae*a: 6.SM leas.
        36 words
      • 190 15 A SIAN currency interbank deportt rate; aa at clom on Tueaday. April 30: US Ddhn Off«r BM T days 11 1/4 11 18 1 mth 11 9 16 11 7 16 2 mth* 11 5 11 1/3 1 Dlhl 11 1» 16 11 11 16 6 mthi
        190 words
      • 30 15 Singapore doUan for April M: Offer Bid Overnight 10 9 1 mth »v» 2 mthi »S 3 mttu »W >H Prime rmte tU% 8«Ttr r. Murmj-Jaaaa Iatonwll— I
        30 words
      • 433 15 rnHE Singapore rubber 1 market yesterday opened unchanged and slightly better but later fluctuated narrowly around the 209.00 cents per kilo mark for May RSB One. Good Interest was noted for October/ Deceiuber 1974 as forwards narrowed In future. Physicals remained very quiet. The morning session closed quiet
        433 words
      • 76 15 [JAILY SMR prlcw IWMd 4t noon ywUidM: mil.1 kmMn lqnMM (•MtepOTkg) (•Mtepvhf) 8MR §CV (1 ton pallets) Ml 00 MINN MJ 00 S4«00N SMR 5L (1 ton |»U«U) 3J7 00 3M00N »7 00 »IOON SMR (1 ton p*UeU) »1.80 MCJMf MtJ* tOttOtl SMR 10 (1 ton palleta) *****
        76 words
    • 85 15 T*HC dollar was marked down when it opened In the Jfpore forex market yesterday morning to $2 3960--82 4030 against the previous close of 82 4075-85 It managed to edge up to $T 4030-30 In cautious early trading. It held steady at this level In dull mid-morning trading
      85 words
    • ■«i;il3;q fflyg
      • 36 15 ft Iron talim Merlin thMcH-la Bank. >.CB.C. > I Tnx. I'Pore Land >■ Darby «2.0« ts.u »1 50 153 nvj M.»S M.76 •1.74 $1 87 <3 4S J6 15 .1J .M .o; .06 .06 .M .04 .04
        36 words
      • 48 15 ua. i.c. T. Vim* IaL ta, Mil FM.R.L Orient. Hold. l-.M.W. Loan M.W. Wool P.M.I. O.f.E. C.C.M. 8. Steamship *280 10.80 KM »1 10 txeo $3.12 11.30 $0 50 <0 80 »1 U.3S »2 78 —.16 —.10 —.10 —.10 —.10 —.OS 0« —.06 —.06 —.04 —.04 —.04
        48 words
      • 26 15 Haw Par lntera. *****0 Der. Baaa af B>are 139,000 Mass Darby 68,000 Malayan Oeatt 68.000 Total Taiaa>«i: l JIM Total Valar: $2 74M
        26 words
      • 53 15 In4Mstriato: TrtMUM*: 4SS.U 41XM H««H»: 1M.M 1MJ7 rraprrtka: 1M.U 1M.M t Ttau: 1MJS 1MJ5 t t rabken: 141 S41.M t O.C.B.C.: M7.IS tM.<7 t IXt. Ind.: tli.U fUM Dec. M. ltM 114 Dee. SI. 1M* 1*1 f D«. M, IMS Ml Dee. SI. 1»7» It) t Ju.
        53 words
    • 160 15 The following are the nominal average dcUng interbank rate* In Singapore: Camaaiea N— rates nsdlli— y^"**T (er«ss) parity ehaac* rjs Dollar 3.4090 3.4030 3*lM 14 Si Sterling Pound 6*478 6.8675 7.346» M 41 Hongkong Dollars 47 45 47 50 R0 61 06 Malaysian Dollar 101.76 101.85 100.00 1.76
      160 words
    • Untitled
      • 101 15 fJONOKONO. Tues— Prices dropped stiarply today In increased trading The Hang Seng index dropped 7.46 potnU to 300 the lowest since Dec. 17. 1971 when it stood at 398.61. Hoofkeag Bank moved down to HKSI9.IO on fets Local register and dropped to 119.30 on Its London register Other losers
        101 words
      • 77 15 TVDKYO. Tues. Prices on the post-hoUday Tokyo Stock Sxchange moved higher with the Dow-Jones average recording the years' new high The Dow Jones average was up 26.52 to close at M 2335. and the New Index gained 1.67 to 130 23 Volume was 370 million shares. Today's closing prices
        77 words
      • 40 15 7URICH, Mon.— The stock market today weakened slightly again on little trading volume Bonds, however, were well maintained. Coattac prteai la sviat fraaoj wlta Urn SlSTtnac* oa tao pravioui P. CraStt Salsso 9SM M S*m Bank Oorpo MM 1
        40 words
      • 49 15 AMSTERDAM. Mon The market was quietly mixed with Royal Dutch leading declines In lnteriiatlonals Unilever, however. was firmer and Hoogovsua finished unchanged. Otooiac pricM In Dutea mild.n wlta ta* aisroroaoo sa Urn prwioua MoMoai prtcas P. Akaa «t.OO .90 Kea. ■Msonao rt to oaea Pklllpa 12 SO «t
        49 words
      • 137 15 VfXLBOURNI. Tues 1TA The Melbourne sto»* market closed on an irregular note in qu<et trading today Although the general tendency was for prices to drift lower, several key Issues found good support under bargain hunting to climb to higiv-r level*. In the mining section BaagaiarlUe rose to AS 194
        137 words
      • 261 15 MIW YORK, Mon.— A^ Lo*-*r first quarter earnlngs from Nue chip ootnpantaa and c->.-t<aued worry about the sharp .i«e In Intarast rates pusnad prices down The New York Stock Bxchange common stock Index dipped 006 to 47.76. while declines led advances 731 to 619 The Dow Jones Industrials
        261 words
      • 440 15 Oa lh« frM mirtM In Hooskaas y«*t*rte|r th. O.S MUr wu quotas at MOO/S.MM fee T.T. ud 8.50/5 so for mom. Stwikw vu quota* *t 13 20/ 12.40 im oho taol or tote wu quoted at 10U.U0 Nippon Hote 745 0 Kirtn Brtw«rj *M 1 Klkkoman lIS Torajr
        440 words
      • 86 15 FINANCIAL TIMES TINS Monday M.14 Friday KJ4 We* to tnJkt WWII Monday m.U Friday »70 44 WMk ago IHU OILS Monday U3U Friday Ml II Wm* ajo UIM DfDUSTBIALS Monday SMI Friday SM J DM ago JT7 0 DOW JONCS AVKKAOB OfDVSTBIALS Monday MU Friday Mitt WMk ago SMJI
        86 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 687 16 a. all PHILIPS f require PRODUCTION MANAGER 1 rjjjjg for the T.V. Factory JjP? in Toa Payoh r jjgj The man we are looking for should be a jj| m Wv. qualified Engineer with proven experience W ij£i in managing an assembly-line operation. He I must have proven ability and
      687 words
    • 698 16 'Ins. the I j MARITIME! I COMMAND I JOIN US S lAS i SEAMAN GUNNERS SEAMAN COMMUNICATORS jI SEAMAN DIVERS I SEAMAN RADAR I PLOTTERS f! II APPLICANTS MUST: a) Be physically fit b) Have good eyesight c) Not be colour blind d) Have passed at least Secondary II or
      698 words
    • 414 16 VO/PER THORNYCROFT HI. LTD. A leading Company in high technology Shipbuilding and repeiring have vacancies for the following positions 1. SLIPPIHG/DOCKING SUPERVISOR Qualifications Experience: Singapore Citiiens Must have served a recognised apprenticeship as a shipwright and subsequent experience in the Shipbuilding or Shiprepairing industry Duties The successful candidate will be
      414 words
    • 280 16 tniuuita l Electronics Singapore (Pte) Ltd 41 Upper Pemimpm off Upper Thomson Road Singapore 20 VACANCIES exist in our factory for the following personnel: ELECTRONIC ENGINEER Applicants should possess an electronics engineer tog diploma from the Polytechnic or Singapore University. At least 2 year* experience relevant to the electronics menu-
      280 words
    • 311 16 implications are invited Irom Malaysian Citizens for a Coty nructfon Project in Johore. Successful candidates will be baskJ at the Site Office. PROJECT ENGINEER/SITE A6EIT fSalfc/y $2,500.00 to $3,000.00 pml Qualifications E«perief»ce Holder of recognised Diploma or Degree in Engineering with at least 5 years working experience on Construction Sites
      311 words

  • 256 17 Simplified Chinese for schools from 1975? A LL Education Ministry A Chinese teachlna materials will use the newly-Introduced 2.248 simplified Chinese characters from 1975, the Straits Times learnt yesterday. These characters are also expected to be used In examinations by 1977. For the time being their use in examinations would
    256 words
  • 80 17 Jones paper on industrial boilers IT was reported In the Sunday Times that Mr. Noel Jones, a Far East representative of ThomsonCochran Boilers had presented a paper on Selection and Application of Fuel Oil at the recent "Fuel efficiency" conference at the Regional English Language Centre. This is incorrect. The
    80 words
  • 24 17 Water, water THE water consumption on Monday was 112.7 million gallons (512.MM cubic metres), 1.7 million rallons (3.M0 cubic metres) more than on Sunday.
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  • 943 17 NTUC award for three top executives For their role in 'partners for progress 9 f H R E E top executives in Singapore are, for the first time, to get special NTUC awards during today's May Day celebrations for their role in the "partners for progress" in industrial relations. They
    943 words
  • 290 17 $42,000 for the loss of arm in crash LEE Soni Seng, 37, waa awarded $4ZJM damage* and costs by the High Court yesterday In a civil suit for the loss of his left arm in a road collision. On Sept. IS. 1972. Lee warn riding a motorcycle when he coll
    290 words
  • 132 17 Barisan and WP call to workers mHE Barisan Soslalls in 1 Its May Day message '.oday called on workers to fight for their vital rights and to strengthen their unity. Workers must continue to demand a check on rising prices, reduction of working hours and increase in wage 9 and
    132 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 167 17 ¥m for ftuildiqg Materials 1 wI(W\ I^ 1u um< l uc Display Centre for Building Materials Ir Ai fl&r\£j F.quipments enables Businessmen to exhibit their ■\1 H Products under one roof. Thus providing easy access M//vs wJ3kP convenience to your clients whether they be mlllvrT \©j Foreign Businessmen, Architects, Civil
      167 words
    • 400 17 QA-7000 is engineered to provide total excellence of audio fidelity as well as the widest possible versatility. The unit's unique features allow you to combine its four separate all stage direct coupled OCL pure complementary amplifiers by means of an elaborate bridging circuit to provide more than double the power
      400 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 728 17 SWIMMING TIMES THAT: Uanears 7.46 p.m. (2.2 m). Sam bed' 5.31 p.m. Qm). rwt ■mm 271 p.m. (21m). TmftmV Smgapsrs 7.19 a.m. BJrn), 8.31 i.a>. i2Jm). Sam lam) 6.19 p.m. (2m). rwt Matm 3.34 pm. (2.4 m). TV MALAYSIA (3) TV SINGAPORE (5) 5.00 SMMartTrtcS JnS"'"! tnvmm summery 1ft OH
      728 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
      104 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1700 19 7~\ [SINGAPORE JOINS KOYO m% BEARINGS ENCIRCLING j5$L^ THE WORLD. A^k H^^ QiMfl'QTVM'O \X7lll HP mj^Kl'TlCy ftlCTil- The choice of Singapore The Koyo policy has Singapore's industrial and uses, oil seals, sewing aM aTA^T jU OIIlliclKA^*^ Will U\y lliai\nig Ol^Hl for the Oroups expansion always been to meet the technological
      1,700 words

  • 147 20 JAIL FOR YOUTH WHO ROBBED GIRL ATBNAOER was yc«terday tailed for four years and ordered to be given 20 strokes of the cane for armed robbery. Mohammed Noor bin Mohammed Hassan, 19. pleaded guilty to robbing an eight-year-old girl. Noor Laila. of a $350 gold chain In a lift In
    147 words
  • 28 20 MAJOR supermarkets In Singapore will seU their frosen product* In metric from July 1. according to the latest Issue of the Metrication Board's Our Metric Wsy.
    28 words
  • Article, Illustration
    310 20 LIFT HOLDUP ROBBER WHO GOT INTO A JAM AROBBKB held at bay a young expectant mother and her teenage sister in a lift at a Toa Payoh bkvk of flats for more than 30 minutes yesterday. But In the end he had to flee empty-handed as he could not get
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  • 140 20 Spare a thought for less fortunate: Mrs. Jek MRS. Jek Yeun Thong, wife of the Culture Minister, yesterday appealed to the public to spare a thought for the less fortunate. "Even a widow's mite Is welcome." she said when she opened a month long fund-raising campaign organised by the NTUC
    140 words
  • 31 20 TH« ■ngapore Institute of Management will c-nduct a course on Principles and Practice or Management a; Its conference room In Thong Tec* Building. BootU Road, from May IT to July
    31 words
  • 258 20 Price index hits new peak fJONSUMER price index for various items, including food, housing and other miscellaneous items hit an all-time record of 172.1 points in February. Tfcla was the biggest inflationary Jump (of 44.6 points) since November 1972, the new base-year of the Index. It is up 35 per
    258 words
  • 303 20 Fish and veg go up because of the rain rpHE price of chye slm •a has Increased by 10 cents to 65 cents a katl due to heavy rain in the producing areas, the Trade Department announced yesterday. It said price increases were also noted In all sea food items:
    303 words
  • 242 20 'REVIEW ANTIINFLATION STEPS' CALL npHE Chinese Chamber of Commerce pre- sident, Mr. Tan Keong Choon, yesterday called on the Government to review its antiinflation measures as 3ome of the steps were enhancing rather than curbin* infik! Uon. Addressing the cb<»tv. ber*a monthly mauitment committee meetIng, he aid that the loctj
    242 words
  • 130 20 jobs weir TH E Parliamentary Secretary (Social Affairs), Mr. Chan Ch«c Seng, said on Monday that society ■••ded eltlsens who whatever posts they held. It did not matter what Knits they be longed to or what social strata they came from, he said when
    130 words
  • 129 20 rl energy crisis has created a worldwide demand for small can. Shrl Lalchand Hlrachand chairman of Premier Automobiles of irvUfc, ■aid yesterday Consumers were demanding that such small can were of high quality, he told a press conference. Bhrt Hlraehand. now on a business tour
    129 words
  • 50 20 TOT National ProdoeatHj ■•art (WF») win bold an Intensive couns on Import Export Praetk— »t iv Juroof |ii iilmi from May 13 toll Yhu II nsejau oouna wtu eaet lies tor mswssts of Urn NattooeJ Productivity Assamnnn. and MM lor pen i»— lhsri AppHcaqjns does en stay I
    50 words
  • 65 20 Disposed of stolen goods: $2,000 fine A LABOURER was yesterday fined $2,000 for helping to dispose of stolen Jewellery worth $1,140. Poll Koon Klat. M. pleaded gouty to o: tne Jewellery at a pawnshop In Sembawant Road at 3.30 pm on Nov. M last year. The court was told that
    65 words
  • 91 20 Siglap Centre courses THE women subommlttee of the Slglap community centre will told a six-week flower irrangement dkebana) course on Saturdays from ■1 pm. to 5 p.m. i.t M '*r course. The committee wUI also bold a two-month ribbon novel -making nun as on Tuesdays from 7 pja. to p.m.
    91 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 501 20 Corolla th« wortd's 3fd bwt s*lling modal in 1973 Corolla is Toyota s greatest success. 5 million and more proud owners can prove its exceptional value for money! Everyday more and more people are driving every bit of accessory that can help put a lot about building high-quality cars than
      501 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1128 22 COKTAINfRSmP SERVICE T» M/CMTIW TOKIO EXPRESS j-gi og k Z7, u« ■F HI ill sa w?gmls i% B 4 g CONTAWERSNIP SERVICE FMM Ul CONTINENT s Jh s'^ is .OtiltM UT Sa.M SUM SarM Sj Zl RMM ITj rMtMM lIPIIU U. 1.1 S..M V..M urn {J» TOITO l» SHIN laila*
      1,128 words
    • 1206 22 fe& BLUE SEA LINE %jjf To US East Coast »GJf Ports X f Ptaaat PtM por, LaMMf f» PIISPDMf MM t MM I MM 1 CliStOMl. F.rtl|SlOll. I IMtu Mt n Man Mum. )Kkson,ill«. I PItSIHS M» SI laM II 'la.aaail CkarltStM, I PMtISUAas Mj II M, 14 lar, it
      1,206 words
    • 1134 22 i aa Kt-t l«a*aa riaa S'para P Mljo| Scaa Aattna Fraaca UK nM««« >Hrn > Hat M Ha, n Ha, Ha, IfNiftN ii Ma, i| Hat •Ma It Ma 11 Ma IMa ItMUIII MAID mi. M Ha, 11 Ma 11 Ma II Ma IMI MaCAONI EIPHSS JS Hat 77 Mai
      1,134 words
    • 1040 22 HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMaMa^^aiaM^MM [^■•MT^^ Mafc^^ai^ FULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE TO EUROPE loaftafSawa FM sRua!i*iii f t It- it HotteftJarr, Amsterdam. Antwtfp. UHi»f«. "sir""" m-1 H ur BrwM ■"•"i"'" 1 DIHON Jm-mj |f Ij4, riHiMMIMiBM rnftWaalfft MftiflHtf NlllliTl Df lIMi MaaMl rlil^" p »*l I*^*^**"***}***! tj»ajaj»ajßMMjßj»aj, bVJ mv i Stockholm. Oslo. Helsinki United Kingdom.
      1,040 words
    • 872 22 ISbmm»»»m •1J444; P. KaUaHj 4341; K.U *****; Paaaa t JIJOI THE BANK LINE LTD. IMK Win IfMU. AfttHMM (calls »a.i or' p mi*imj IIU Haf S'aora 14/11 Hat I«Y|4N» s>' MMM P Kaiaaf 1/ I Mm Saw a 1/ 4 Mm OMTI4M Alr,ca ar.1,1 P »laof HnVMM S'aara TISTIAM lulls
      872 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 958 23 j^Tt—** *^_KWASAI_I_SEN KAISHA LTD. 1 I KAWASAKI KIMAI KISEN KAISMA LTD J IAPAH. HOW ROMS, STIAITS SCMKL JMM HMftMf KOI" P.MIMf ji nun Japan Arabian Cull Sttrvleu S.nflpO'. rtl: Ji UIIUII M II MM Col— lao MM(ll/IMMi I Ul«-t> I Jt At. oHM.'oo*l'ta»«l.» MaMW—MM UMKnmMaf. I Japan iouih AtrltM W*_«
      958 words
    • 821 23 BEAUTY LINES From n* ETD OntiaattM tC T KAin LITW P»lar.| Ptsau 3 Mar i *»l Indonesia. LC T KAITY HIT TiuUn tail I Maj ludnntju. LIT lEHTAP Japan Tl LS T MACEILM InaoMsia H Part 2Mm InOoatsia. IEAKTYIUT MMrta IMS JM* Jrt. BfIUTT VANDA v OKtNf 3 Mir Mm*.
      821 words
    • 942 23 U.K. IU«O»t SWVICI LOADING fOt LONDCN, tOTTMDAM. HAMiUHG BILBAO. Ll HAVtI ■■in P Mix*. PntM im*m Ntar| mpT»ac SAPftiiM imi mm 'in A, nil mm him n imi amm ?_J«a_M 1/ttaM 11- HIM. Hm_ 11 Ml II Ml aMI rww lailiuii MUm P»«i"i Iriwo liki*m X'a^l MIPTMk TafAl 4/IMM IMS
      942 words
    • 717 23 Eggg sDwct to iw«. itngMt/cwronr pots T^ Mmi iMfMtn P MIM( 'IMU lltain far aaa>A UIA 4 IMm 1/11 Mm ti/14 Mtf IS/11 Mai l.ibw 4,1. loMo. •raatr Hb«| It Antatrt 7 7 MM i TAaiaa* viMwmn m, i/ikiiwm v HMT' B/l, L Mti Ktajl •UIWA AMSABA Mti 1/ I
      717 words
    • 667 23 AUTMOaiTT AMNOOMCID ft Jm^M TMnaT «M« 4J-41, TNt POLLOWIHO ataTHIMO J>»; O»"ul PM.R AaaAHQIMIMTI fOR «A» 1 I." v U»«rT» 44. Am.rlra* «L-- iim. a«th. saa- in si K«t» TODAY T-" ritv fll fJMMaj BUT: Bncurn ni«. Loon im lilt. 3'«. UJ ¥«r»» O»n« .foiled b, GUM ADn> it «AvMh
      667 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 552 24 4>-— Pennohonan adalah dlpelawa darlpada Warganegara Malaysia bagl nremenuhl Jawatan-jawatan berlkut:— (A) I AKAI'NTAN Tangxagajl 1860 x 50-850/1.050 x 50-1.350/ 1.400 x 80-1.600 x 100-UOO Umur- (1) Calun-calun bagl lai.tlkan terus hendaklah berumur tldak meleblhl 40 tahun (11) Pegawal-pegawai Keiajaan yang sedang berkhidmat dalam perjawatan tetap termasuk mereka dalam percubaan.
      552 words
    • 697 24 REDIFFUSION (MALAYA) SON. BHO. A membe.- of the Redlffusion International Oroup of Companies within the BET Organisation, has a vacancy for A QUALIFIED ENGINEER to fUI the following post. DIVISIONAL MANAGER (designate) of the Audio/Visual division. This appointment involve* developing nd controlling an organisation responsible for mat feting, planning,
      697 words
    • 626 24 £33i AIA BOARD ELECTIONS Mr. O.M. Hughes, formerly Chairman of the Board of Directors of the American International Assurance Co.. Ltd. (AIA). was elected Honorary Chairman at a meeting of the Board held in Hong Kong on April 4th. 1974. He continues to b-> a member of the Board. Prior
      626 words
    • 553 24 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT IM7 IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT MALACCA IN BANKRUPTCY NO. 45 OF 1973 RE: TAI KEE YOK EXPARTE: KOK THAI MOTOR FINANCE CO. (SDN) BERHAD CREDITOR In the matter of a Bankruptcy Petition filed on the 10th day of January, 1974. To, Tal Kee Yok.
      553 words
    • 829 24 UNDANG-I'NDANG LEMBAGA BANDARAN (N.KB. BsA. 137) PnnbcriUha Dl Bawmh Seksyea 137 Bahawa dlberiuhu dibawah Seksyen 137 Undang-J Undang Lembaga Bandaran laitu plan-plan Peranonsj*B kerana kawasan-kawasan yajg tersebut dibawah lnr*J •elan dlsedlakan aan terbuks bagi pemereksaan orani-fl orang awam pada tUp-tlap h> n waktu kerja dl Peja>^s| bat Majlis Bandaran KuaiiUc
      829 words

  • 79 25 CHENG KAI SHUI, beloved husband of Molly Kirn En. father of Daniel. Stephen and Susan departed suddenly on 29/4/74 Funeral service at St. Andrew's Cathedral on 1 5 74 11 00 am followed by cremation at Mt. Vernon crematorium No 2, 12.30 p.m No wreaths please. Donations to St
    79 words
  • 26 25 In Memoriam IN EVER LOVING MEMORY OF I PETER SUNOERAJU. departed! 1.5 72 Oone but not forgotten by I wife. sons, daughters, sons-ln-l law, grandchildren, relatives
    26 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
      515 words
    • 752 25 ouantity SURVEYOR required for independent Job control to building projects Salary negotiable depending on ability Replies in writing to ST. Box A ***** Spore. A large contracting oompeny requires the following security personnel for one of Its construction project sites a) SECURITY/ SAFETY OFFICERS b) SECURITY OUAROS. Applicants should have
      752 words
    • 806 25 AUTOMOTIVE OR MECHANICAL I ENOINEERS wanted by Established Surveying Company Degree/Diploma from recognised Tertiary Institution preferably with 1 2 years working experience Salary Is negotiable Submit full data including educational background, experience. current earning and relevant documents to 8 T Box A ***** Spore. A large well established manufacturing company
      806 words
    • 736 25 WANTEO URGENTLY AIRCONOITIONING MECHANICS, apprentices, fitters, drivers with at least 1 2 years' working experience in similar field Apply ST Box A ***** Spore GIRLS FULL/ PART-TIME Male worker Honey Bar. 197 Selegle Road. Spore 7 Tel Randy *****9 from 2pm REOUIRED WORKERS, experienced in tank cleaning, chipping and painting
      736 words
    • 987 25 FLAT OOLDEN MILE 12th floor 3 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms and servant's quarters Fully furnished Parquet flooring, built-in cupboards, big terrace, lovely view, swimming pool Call *****1 before 9.00 am/ after 4 00 p m CHANCERY LANE OIST. 11 furnished 3-bedroomed flat 1 alrcondltloner. 2 bathrooms, big lounge cum dining, servant's
      987 words
    • 731 25 EBC REQUIRES URGENTLY DETACHED bungalows, semi-de-tached and apartments Rental $500 $4000 Please phone *****9' *****7 Spore Group of Companies requires ACCOMMODATION IN THE RANGE OF SI. M* S3.SM kt any good ReeMenttel luuatuw. Pteeee Contort MOSBERT INVESTMENT DEVELOPMENT PTE. LTD. 17tti/I*th toor Tunaa Buß*«g Aneen Read. Sliißppnre. Tel: *I**t3 Eat.
      731 words
    • 705 25 AMPANO SHOPPING COMPLEX 2 shoplots Most prominent slluaST K L 01-02. Warehousing shopping complex mcfudTng office for sale near harbour area Post-war solidly constructed HC building Built-in area apSrox 29 OOOiq ft Land «ea approx 21.000 sq ft Available soon Price $2 5 million Offers considered PLEASE WRITE TO: ST.
      705 words
    • 711 25 TRANS-EURO ASIAN TRAVEL SERVICE. Room 303. 3rd Floor Central Building. Magazine Road 8 pore Tel *****2/ ***** Offers special low cost flights to London Europe Dally. OXLEY TRAVEL IPTE) LTD.. OVERSEAS TOURS (1) Japan/ Taiwan/ Hongkong/ Bangkok 17-day $1980/--(2) Taiwan/ Hongkong/ Bangkok 14-day $1490/- 12--day $1420/Departure: 7/5, 14/5 2/6 3/6
      711 words
    • 835 25 AUSTRALIA TOUR SERVICE offers charter flights to London 3710/-. Europe 1770/. Australia 8500/-. L'SATokyo/ Indonesia 142 Race Course Road (Tel *****/*****9) MAS TRAVEL LOW FARES 36K Prlncep St (Opp Cathay) Spore 7 Tel *****7. *****1 London .8710 N. York *****. L. Angelas/ Sen rVtoee *****. Zurlcn/Oe eva/Oelo S7M. Perie/Ameterdom/Bruaoola S77S
      835 words
    • 846 25 STENOGRAPHY: Guaranteed Rapid/ Normal Courses Morning' Afternoon' Evenlni Bes«lon< Starting May Raja's College. Raffles Place (*****) Rajas 218 D Changl Road (*****8) TYPEWRITING: Individual Attention Classes anytime BbjcooM guaranteed Details from Raja's College *****/ *****8 SHORTHANO: Latest method In teaching Our course* are comprehensive/ Rapid New Sessions starting May* Register
      846 words

  • 731 26  -  WILLIAM SAFIREx NOT ALL GRAND JURY CHARGES ARE TRUE By New York Mr North Seymour Jr., ft then United States Attorney for the southern district of New York, called a Press conference to announce the indictments of John Mitchell and Maurice Stans, he heaved a
    731 words
  • 1139 26  - The threat of nuclear terrorists CHARLES FOLEY: Los Angeles By MORE than 3,500 1 men and women working in America's fast-growing nuclear empire civil and military were removed from their jobs last year as "security risks." The problems varied from drag abase to mental illness, alcoholism to sexual eccentricities which
    OFNS  -  1,139 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 1187 26 pSBBSgBgggS Itn M *ZO* 10*0 c.c. sutlon I wagon. New tax and Insurance pVpMMiBj I 12 450 o n o Tel *****3 7 p m onwards. 0M ists MAZBA 1300 c.c. 55.600 or 10SSS CORTINA 1970 concealed I9M Austin 1100 cc 82.500 Both air-con, cassette stereo one excellent condition Interested
      1,187 words
    • 841 26 1074 OATSUM AMCONOmONED. cassette player and radio Only 200 kilometers. Available Immediately Pbone *****7 for appointment to see from 3 5 p m IS7J CORTINA OT Up top condition with radio, cassette player and automatic aerial. 1 lady owner. Tel: *****0 B'pore IST* TOYOTA COROfA MsU 2000 c.c. one owner.
      841 words
    • 796 26 'ABBNNILIS MKINOIII PUPPIES, Imported parents 8 K C. approvod Ring M«0O1 or view J Winchester Road ft'por* 5 WE HAVE ADORABLE OOOS and cats for adoption Please help by living them a home Contact 5 PC A tel *****9 or call at 151. Orchard Road. Spore 0. LOVABLE MALE OACHSHUNO
      796 words
    • 776 26 PMM.CO. WfSTINQMOUSt YORK, ACM*. Suv'o split system air conditioners/ refrigerators including P*p Electric and Electrolux/ Washing Oas Cooker/ Water Heater We also provide after sales service and repair Ring Associated Air- conditioning Co 4MC4I/ *****6 FOM LAMM nTTINOS choose your isle, t varieties a special offer from LCONO YEW.
      776 words

    • 602 27 IMAGINE, a wellbuilt two yearold filly by Endless Honey out of Aquabrook, drew attention to her chances in the closed race for Ma-laysian-bred horses when she did a splendid gallop on a good track at Ipoh yesterday. With Samry Kadlr astride, Imagine beat stable
      602 words
    • 203 27 Professional approach blamed for decline in cricket ONDON. Tues. Ld The "professional" approach has caused a decline in English cricketing standards, according to Norman Preston, editor of the Wiaden's crick eters' almanack. Mr Preston, writing in the 11 lth edition of cricket's oldest and most authoritative annual to be published
      Reuter  -  203 words
    • 969 27 The Saturday when 'My Old Kentucky Home' is pure magic I»JEW YORK. Tues. A1 —Played on any other day, it sounds like a minstrel-show anachronism. Played on the first Saturday of May. while America's finest 3-year-old thoroughbreds step onto the track at Churchill Downs, the corn ball flavour of "My
      969 words
    • 213 27 What has happened to the proposed quadro? MANY months have passed since Selangor Turf Club proposed the Introduction of "quadro" betting After one announcement of a posti ponement due to unforeseen circumstances, there has been no further mention of this proposed new form of betting. It would appear to me
      213 words
    • 221 27 iTI Au«-MU yeaterday named their 23 players tor the World Cup final* In We«t Germany, omUtlng Ray Baarti. the country's outetandlnf footballer who waa Injured at the weekend, j Baarti to In hospital paralysed down his left side after being struck to the
      221 words
    • 200 27 Women jockeys are odds-on favourites rEN Aujtrallan girl jockeys received an enthusiastic response from a crowd of n ore than 5.000 at Oosford racecourse recently wh'sn they rode In their first race at a registered meeting In New South Wales, Australia. For the girls, the race r. Oosford. 96 kilometres
      200 words
    • 433 27 United fans set fire to stands after Stoke win 1-0 T ONDON, Tues. Relegation-doom-ed Manchester United were In more crowd trouble last night when their fans lit (Ires on the terraces after the English First Division soccer match against Stoke City. United, who face the D r obabMty of r.ewvy
      433 words
    • 133 27 NEW TOE*. Tawa. B wedtah teenager Bjern Barg will net slgm a contract with World Teaaa Tennis (WTT) thai year, the League's taf-a/' irlnnnnt at TaMterday Tfce 17-year-old Sort fca4 Indicated 1* days ago that he weajM slgm far the Cleveland Net wfce ware
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 943 27 I If you're a I bookkeeper -here's I I your chance to I change for a more I satisf yiiirg career. I Olivetti, Europe's largest I manufacturer oi business I machines, now offers I experienced bookkeepers a I unique opportunity to become I Accounting Systems I Sales Representatives. If you
      943 words

  • 162 28 Minister unhappy over SCSA decision LONDON. Tuea. British Minister for Sports Denis Howell said yesterftay there was nothing be could do to stop the British Lions rugby tour of South Africa. The Minister said It was well known he was aeainst the tour but whether it went ahead or not
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 23 28 NEW YORK. Turn. RrsulU of last night* In*ball funtt. A»HintWfw: Indiana 3 Twin* 2. Anf«k 7 R«-d Soot 2 NaltaMl
    23 words
  • 33 28 MANILA. Tues. China's national man's n»»ka>h*ll team arrived here today for s goodwill visit They are scheduled to play their first tame acalnst tha Phi Unpin* national team on Thursday
    33 words
  • 17 28 IMPERIAL Hotel beat Cold Storae* 4-0 In the PDAWC soccer tournament at Tanelln Barrack* yeater-
    17 words
  • 328 28  -  JOE DORAI By A PENALTY goal In the 56th minute saved league championship contenders Singapore Air Transportworkers Union from a shock defeat and helped them hold Junior AA to a 1-1 draw In a FAS Division One match at Jalan Besar Stadium last night. SATU,
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  • 76 28 HARPER OILFTLLAN (S) Pte Ltd hare selected .'onntdable teams (or their forthcoming- Inter branch competitions with four Malaysian states at Kuala Lumpur from May 4-4. Capt. Daml Shu tor said they would be competing In seven eames with their counterparts In Malaysia. They are soccer, sepaktakraw, table
    76 words
  • 408 28  -  BANGKOK, Tues. The Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Executive Committee yesterday approved Kuwait's proposal to invite China to participate In the 17th Asian Youth Tournament next year on condition China Joins Fifa. Kuwait's application to host the 1975 Youth tournament was approved at a meet
    408 words
  • 750 28  -  PETER SIOW By AMIR SAIMON. Ong Yok Hoon, Soong Klan Fah and Lee Poh Kirn were the outstanding athlete* at the Ahmad Ibrahim Integrated Secondary School's athletics meet at Upper Thomson Road yesterday Amir won the Senior Boy*' best performance award for hi* record run tn
    750 words
  • 411 28 Barker: Qualifiers only ERNEST By FRIDA Turf Club gives $150,000 to Asian Games team RATIONAL Olympic Council president Mr. E.W. Barker last night said that only those who made the jrradc would represent the Republic at the Teheran Asian Games in September. Mr. Barker said: "Spor tsmen and women, who
    411 words
  • 265 28 Johor FA confirm Muar venue JOE DORAI By SINGAPORE will play this Sun- day's return Malaysia Cup match against Johor In Muar. This was confirmed by Johor FA secretary Mr. Peter Danker yesterday. The match will be played at a newly-built stadium and not at the old ground where Singapore
    265 words
  • 350 28 India and Iran finish as joint champs DANOKOK, Tues.— lndia and Iran battled v to a 2-2 draw to end up Joint champions of the 16th Asian Youth football tournament here today. r The score was tied 1-1 after regular play and 30 minutes of extra time brought one tUSM
    350 words
  • 84 28 NSW YORK. Tuee Johnny MlDar. iaadtng money-winner on the rs jwiifiaiMiiial e°tf tour, has Increasad his 1*74 earning* to ua»isa.rn (Mgt.itT) mar* than t»ii the amouut won by hi* doaaat purauar. Hubert Oreer. POA sUtMlcs relaaaad today ehowad that Miller-, vtetory tn the tmmsment of i» ■■>'■■
    84 words
  • 318 28 Run out robs Indians of victory LONDOff Tue*. —A I needles* run-out of opening batsman Sunll Oavaskar robbed the Indian touring cricket team of almost certain victory yesterday In their opening county fixture against Worcestershire. Set 221 to win In 135 minutes plus 20 overs, the Indians finished 18 run*
    Reuter  -  318 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 438 28 Ted Bates Limited the USP Advertising Agency Senior Copywriter We want someone who is prepared to deal in realities in Advertising. Someone who is interested in producing advertising that sells the product. We have a strong creative credo, the U.S. P. It is not an easy credo to practise but,
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  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 43 28 ATHLETICS Swift* meet <Chtn«ae High School. Buktt Tlmah road, 3 SO pin.) GOLF BICC Open c'attfp* (Thornton road. 7JO ajn.) SQUASH BBRA laacuc T>- gradr: SaCC v Anauk Woodland. (8ICC); Poikse v CYMCA (Police Academy); SCC v RNZAF (SCO: Tanflln v BAPSA (TantUn)
      43 words

  • 130 29 Nixon hands over those tapes WASHINGTON. Tues. The White House today delivered to the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee edited transcripts of Watergate-relate* conversations that Pi esldent Nixon promised last night to Congress. The transcripts and related documents were contained In 38 bulky Manila folders one for each member of
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 25 29 LONDON. Tue«— An estimated 20.000 teacher* in London walked out on their puplU today to Mag* a protest march for more pay. Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 94 29 A MASK IN magnetic hydrofoil minesweeper pulled by a helicopter (not sbowa) sussts down the Sues Canal after detonating a mine (puff of smoke at upper left). The rommsnaVr of the American minesweeping helicopters from the Iwo Jima said that the
    UPI  -  94 words
  • 115 29 Mr Short and man jailed for bribery f ONDON. Tttes. BrlVa tain's Labour Oovernment was embarrassed today by an admission from Mr. Edward Short, the party's deputy leader, about a past association with a man recently jailed for corruption. Mr. Short came under pressure from the Opposition Conservative Party to
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 47 29 RAWOOON TUM-PrMld-«nt N« Win nturnad bar* yesterday after a ntno-aay ▼isit to India. Pakistan aad Bangladesh During hto tour the Burbmss leader bad talk* with Pakistan Prime Minlrti ZulOkar All Bhutto. Indian Premier Indira Gandhi and Bsnglartein laadsr Sbstkh Mujlbur Rahman— MauMr
    47 words
  • 30 29 LONDON TttM. —Mr me «ard Youdc. a HOlnr caraar ittpb— t whospaak* Chaw* fluently, win bs Britain's mm ■■susaur la Faking. tt» Fomgn Offk* annwwWrt today. stouter.
    30 words
  • 29 29 DEATH OIWAH CHAM |UHI .wmy %mmtm» m Q.BL m SS/4/T4. I (Mw taav« «S-B omatt Ma*. j B«M* Tl Ml 1/S/T4 I.M p.B. far I Ctaa Cta UK Mattery.
    29 words
  • 232 29 LONDON. TUM.-Tfc. WW cto**d mm* aa Mluc mtat trrndin*. At S a.m. tbt riaaactal TUMa Mb was up l.T to W7.2. TM »a»alaa of J.M. VintMar u4 B«riti|r —ountm M4U«« mOmi at ta* ouu*t. bat tk« aarkat Ular railMd aa ■■all aatoetlr* i— art. Camaaalaa iwmill wM VavaaMwr,
    232 words
  • 123 29 Israeli planes attack Syrians on Mount Hermon rpEL AVIV. Tues. IsX raeli planes today attacked Syrian military targets On the foothill* of the strategic Mount Hermon, a military spokesman said here. He said the attack, which began at 11.45 a.m. Us ted about half anhour. All Israeli planes returned safely
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 133 29 Razak to invite Siew Sin to be adviser If UALA LUMItJR, tues. 1\ —Tun Abdul Rasa* said today that he will Invite former FYiaiW Minister Tun Tan Slew Sin to be a financial adviser to the Oovemmeqt. EL- would do so when Tun Tan's "health permits and he ha* fully
    133 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 107 29 Quadc vWe dyuueicxOcLce square shape. /^r*^" aWaT^T gavaaaW/ 9^*sWl Sango Quadrille is the ultimate in contemporary design. the most advanced design and colour schemes ever attempted on porcelain. with colours guaranteed to stay fast even in your dishwasher Almost every piece of Quadrille has been cast to bring you the
      107 words
    • 308 29 *^^&^r x^^^^^^s^^^ <Bsa^ta I SOVRINSS^oaeMoa I OUTSTANMNG WATU«I I •CAPACITY 04-ruMCTION CONSTANT: H^> Euxnwtt m»*t uolo thtnr«t of Prowtw coratart oculatiora en tH XXIX function*. i *****0o > io**io 9.9aaaase > to' •decimal I •TRANSPOSITION IquwpMot* an automate floMmtdKMiiritoMijn) Thn t—tun pomw»v wwndt ufr »»h«tt>«t •POWtR ""> h •"••"•< Owttional
      308 words