The Straits Times, 31 October 1973

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 23 1 "Eg* I TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 250,000 The Straits Times Eitd. 1845 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1973 20 CENTS M.C. (P) 1366/73 I
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  • 385 1 U.S. NAVY'S STRAITS CHALLENGE Task force to demonstrate right of way in Malacca waterway WASHINGTON, Tuesday THE US has ordered a naval task force into the Indian Ocean as a demonstration of America's right to use the Straits of Malacca and to operate in the ocean. This explanation for the
    Reuter; UPI  -  385 words
  • 126 1 T'EHERAN.Tue*. Sln--1 gapore has Informed organisers of the 1974 Asian Games it will not take part in the event, an Asian Garnet Federation source said today. The source declined to comment further or disclose Singapore's reason for not participating In the meet Heads of the federation
    AP  -  126 words
  • 51 1 JAKARTA. Tues. West Java military commander Mai. Oen. Wahju Hagono said communists were gaining a foothold In Indonesian universities He told a Press conference In Bandung that there had been signs of penetration even Into the Military Academy by members of the outlawed Indonesia Communist Party (PKl).—
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 201 1 Soviet trade deals shelved WASHINGTON, Tuesday I^HE Nixon Administration today withdrew temporarily its proposals for granting trade concessions to the Soviet Union because of sensitive Middle East war negotiations. It had wanted Congress to Include most-favoured-naUon treatment for the Soviet Union in a major trade Bill which is still in
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  • 39 1 JAKARTA, Tues—lndonesia announced today Its decision to raise oil prices by 20 per cent. Dr. Susllo. director for production and exploration of the state-owned Pertamina OH Company, said the new prices would come Into effect shortly.
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  • 44 1 MONTEVIDEO, Tues— At lean 160 people were under arrest In Uruguay today after the Oovemment closed down the country's only university claiming lt was being used as a centre for Marxist indoctrination and for the Incitement of armed struggle— Reuter.
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  • 21 1 JAKARTA. Tues.—Thirtyone communist suspects have been detained In frlan Jaya for alleged sabotage activities. Antara news agency said today.
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  • 39 1 NEW DELHI. Tuer—lndia'* foreign exchange rewrves have fallen in the last three months from a peak USII.2IJ million (about 13.788 million* to DStI.OM million 'about $2,429 million) due to huge food Import*, economic expert* *ald today. DPI.
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  • 26 1 Government said today that 1M rebel* and their sympathisers most of them Muslims, surrendered to military authorities In Matl. in the southern Philippines
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  • 214 1 Hopes rise as Sadat's man meets Kissinger WASHINGTON, Tues U.S. officials were buoyed today by initial Egyptian -American contacts here which the Nixon Administration hopes will lead to ArabIsraeli negotiations on resolving the continuing Middle East crisis. Special Egyptian envoy Ismail Fahmy arrived here yesterday from Cairo and Immediately held
    Reuter  -  214 words
  • 37 1 NEW DELHI, Tues. A bus carrying 30 people back from a religious festival plunged Into a rain-swollen river in Maharashtra state during the weekend, killing all Hboard. the Press Trust of India said today— DPl.
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  • 28 1 JAKARTA. Tues— lndian Army Chief of Sufi. Oen O. O Bewoor. arrived today for a five-day Halt a* guest of Army Chief Lt -Oen. Surono. Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 890 1 Lee on energy crisis and the grim days ahead- 'THE world Is In foi l A period of Increasing oil shortage and rising prices, with all their implications on production and economy, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew said yesterday. The Prime Minister was opening the seventh world congress of the International
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  • 49 1 TOKYO, Tue* Japan had < umulatlve deficit of D 555.417 million ia»1 2.459 million) in the first half (April to September) of this flr.»ncl»l ye»r. the Finance Mlntatry announced today Thl* crmpared with a »urplu* of UStI.MT million '314.501 million) In the corresponding period last year. Reiner.
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  • 47 1 JAKARTA. Tue* Three men and two women were arrested in a casino for gambling with forged banknotes A police spokesman laid today the five carried M 0 forged 1.000 ruplan notes when they were arrested following a complaint from a casino cashier Reuter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 357 1 BANGKOK. Tuee. rfIHAILANr/S new 1 civilian Cabinet turned ousted military leaders' own special powers against them today and ordered a committee to seise the fortunes of three exiled military strongmen. A Government sro*c«man said an» committee under Finance Minister Roonmt Wongsawan would
    AP; UPI  -  357 words
  • 144 1 Julie speaks up again— in defence of Nixon MBS. Julie Nixon Eisenhower (above) defended her father during a dedication ceremony for the Owlght David Eisennower Junior High School in lUIoU. Speaking to more than 8M people at the ceremony she said that the Watergate Investigation and the more recent talks
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  • 186 1 Boiler Room disco closes down MANDARIN .Hotels Boiler Room, a favourite discotheque with teenagers will close down today. It Is the first discotheque to close following a government announcement last week that lt Intends to shut down some nightspots because of permissive activities and drug taking. A Mandarin Hotel spokesman
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    • 64 1 JERUSALEM, Tues.— Defence Minister Moshe Dayan told Israel's Knesset (parliament) today that Egypt has agreed to an immediate exchange of wounded prisoners of war. Dayan said there also was reason to hope that Egypt would submit the names of aU its Israeli prisoners of wai to the
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    • 41 1 WASHINGTON. Tues.— President Nixon will confer with Israeli Prime Minister Golda M«ir here on Thursday at part of the President's effort to achieve a lasting peace in the Middle East, the White House announced today. Renter.
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    • 24 1 LONDON. Tues. Firemen rescued three people trapped on the 11th floor of an office block boosing Scotland Yard's crime computer today.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 260 1 PRICE OF PORK TO GO UP AGAIN PAGE 6 NATO allies cave us a hard time: Dr. K 2 JAPAN takes Aussie curbs badly 3 CONSERVE fuel law to co before L'S CoDcre&s 4 DRIVE to tell public all about marriage laws 7 MAKING sure the East Coast doesn't flood
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    • 111 1 62 South tiriJue MJ. Spore I. Tel: *****. The YMCA SctNtsHiFuss tMivr touMts Hit Muskai Of Tm Roabimi T«(htie» I Tickets at C.K. Tang, at VICTORIA THEATRE Cold Stor No*. 6,7,8.9.10. I Robm D#pt Stof pfVj I Take VIE along with you J and get great pictures. Automatically! Every time
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    • 628 2 TEL AVIV, Tues •THE United States is putting heavy pressure on Israel to return to the Oct. 22 ceasefire lines, the Washington corr espondent of the mass circulation after noon paper Maariv said yesterday. The paper said: "The U.B. Government,
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    • 141 2 THE EMPTY HOTELS. TEL AVIV. Tues. Israel plans a worldwide campaign tilling apprehensive wonid-be visitors they have nothing to fear d< spite the Middle East war. tourism officials said todj.y. The campaign, they said, will hopefully counter a sudden slump in tourists. Israel's number one source of currency. Except for
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    • 298 2 The 'strings' to Soviet aid— by China lIONGKONG, Tues. n China today attacked the Soviet Union's economic arid military aid to other countries. In a lengthy commentary, the official New China news agency said: •The Soviet revisionists, bullying the weak and nuiking use of the dependence of recipient countries on
      Reuter; UPI  -  298 words
    • 142 2 DUTCH ENVOY TO CLEAR THE AIR rh HAGI'E. Tues. Fo.eicn Minister Max van der Stoel has ordered an envoy to tour several Arab oil states "to seek better understanding for the Dutch position in the Middle East conflict." Ministry sources, disclosing this here today, said 'he envoy, Mr. P.A.E. Benardel
      Reuter  -  142 words
    • 348 2 WASHINGTON, Tue» SECRETARY of State Dr. Henry Kissinger yesterday accused America's Western European allies of falling to cooperate with the United States during the Middle East crisis, a US Congressman reported. At a brief closed meeting with parliamentarians from seven
      Reuter  -  348 words
    • 321 2 Russians won the M-E war says paper NEW YORK, Tues. Who won the lates* Middle East war? The Russians, Time magazine said yesterday. And. Time added ln a seven-page summary, Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Dayan may prove to be the big political loser. Tracing the windingdown of fighting and moves
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 316 2 The (ellular Horn. I no speakers in a portable radio rasselle i The same speaker we put Meanwhile, your 4" primary have a listen over a cup of coffee, in our large expensive speaker speaker takes over in the middle Or, if you're in Kuala Lumpur, systems, we also put
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    • 165 3 The open valve that caused Soyuz tragedy WASHINGTON, Tues. Soviet space officials have disclosed that an accidentally opened exhaust valve caused the deaths of three Soviet cosmonauts in the Soyuz spacecraft on June 30, 1971. American space experts who were in Moscow last week for talks on a US-Soviet space
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    • 165 3 Traffic curbs in Sri Lanka cholera areas rLOMBO, Toea.— The Health Ministry is considering recommending that all road, rail and air traffic be su»pended to two areas north-west of here because of an outbreak of cholera. Ministry officials are to decide today whether to urge the move after receiving- a
      Reuter  -  165 words
    • 387 3 Japan takes Aussie clamp badly... JOINT VENTURES TO GO ON BUT... TOKYO, Tuesday JAPAN today reluctantly accepted Australia's new policy of barring foreigners from investing in Australia's energy resources. Japanese Foreign Minister Masayoshi Ohira said that Japan will continue technical and financial co-operation in development of Australia's energy industry "when
      Reuter; UPI  -  387 words
    • 44 3 MADRID. Tues— About 50 doctors In a state-run hospital in Bilbao went on strike here last nlgnt to back demands for more staff In similar hospitals throughout Spain. Informed source* said. The doctors were continuing to treat urgent cam. Keuter.
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 30 3 NEW DELHI. Tues. Ancthcr batch of 825 PaUitanl prisoners of war was sent back today by India to Pakistan through the Wagah border. 300 miles weat ot here
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    • 212 3 Attacks on Bebe hurting Nixon says Julie NEW YORK, Tue» Mrs Julie Nixon Elsenhower has told Time magazine that mounting charges of improprieties agal n st CO. Bebe" Rebozo were actually aimed at President Nixon and had "hurt the President deeply." Julie said that Mr. Rebozo "is being attacked to
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    • 122 3 NEW DELHI, Tues Prime Minister. Mrs. Indira Gandhi, has predicted that the worst was over for the country's economy and things would Improve in the coming months. A good crop was expected to come Into the market next month and food shortages, which had touched everyone,
      Reuter  -  122 words
    • 23 3 ALOIERB. Tue*. The West African republic of Gabon h»j broken off diplomatic relation* with Israel. Algerian Radio reported but night Reutw.
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    • 270 3 Two dangers as world heads for trade boom GENEVA, Tues World trade should boom ihla year but widespread Inflation will continue and become more dangerous, the annual trade report of the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT) said yesterday Wor'l output in 1973 Is ukilt to increase more than
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    • Briefs
      • 34 3 HONGKONG. Tue*. China has organised mllltla units, comprising mainly border tribesmen and nomads, •long the Slno-Sovlet border in north-western Slnklang province 'to defend against surprise attacks by the Soviet revisionists." Radio Peking reported today,
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      • 30 3 TOKYO: The Cabinet decided today that to redace chances for corruption it would restrict government officials from accepting gifts I and golf and party Invitations from people outside the Government.
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      • 48 3 LA PAZ: Klaus Altmann. naturalised Bolivian businessman, wanted In France for war crimes under the name of Klaus Barbie, was released yesterday after nearly eight months In a Bolivian jail. Altmann had been held since last March pending extradition requests against him by the French and Peruvian governments.
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      • 44 3 LONDON: Uganda last night gave six Marine guards assigned to the American Embassy In Kampala 48 hours to leave the country, according to the official Ugandan Radio. Marine guards are appointed to most US embassies around the globe and carry out routine security duties.
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      • 29 3 WASHINGTON: World production of soybeans, a vital raw material for meat, poultry and eggs. Is rising at the fastest rate In history this year, an Agriculture Department report said.
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      • 47 3 WASHINGTON: The United States hopes to make recommendations soon on repayment of the *****.900 million (5J57.270 million) owed to It in World War One debts, a Congress subcommittee was told. The biggest unpaid accounts are due from four European countries Britain, France, Germany and Italy.
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      • 35 3 MO3COW: West German Foreign Minister Walter Scheel arrives here tomorrow to seek a compromise with the Soviet Union on difficulties over West Berlin, but Moscow has Indicated lt will not give ground on this issue.
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      • 32 3 LONDON: One of Britain's biggest motor companies. British Leyland, which has two factories in Chile, said yesterday it plans to give four cars to Chile's military Jui.ta as a "goodwill gesture." Agencies.
        Agencies  -  32 words
    • 248 3 BANGKOK. Tuesday A POWERFUL province governor and close associate of ousted Deputy Prime Minister Praphas Charusathien has agreed to appear for questioning in a 10-month-old murder case, a senior police official said today. Lt -Gen. Sanan Narinaorasak, commander of Thailand's pro v
      UPI  -  248 words
    • 154 3 Moves in HK to curb graft LONDON, Tues. The new head of the Hongkong Anti-Corruption Commission, Mr. Jack Cater, said on British television last n'ght the chances of successfully rooting out corruption In the British colony were good. Steps would be taken at the highest and the lowest level to
      Reuter  -  154 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 168 3 NIVICO 'itmti. HI-FI DEALERS SS^m'u -uW. SIHCAfOM hahHltl IRIIICCANU MtMCASItf M.-11C. Wll«t«.H. "»HK H. »«S-,t,.fc,, SV»Cfc.!tat«C« •v M KflAhlAk HilmHm|lC. ,fi, ir SJS"* 1 l«.*» W.KC.SIrt T.1..<fc..i1«. M QMNCMAiaiMO M, [r^IMCIKIMUI JOHOBf a.UklMw ii£l WLu V<»,ta«l* T C. S 1 Mh. kaiu U,l_H,.tC. M. U, H..' T.W.i C. MITKtSm Youil
      168 words
    • 80 3 I WEISEN- U DOUBLE ACTION RELIEF for STOMACH ULCERS and OTHER COMPLAINTS. <r- t^St? WEISEN -U s mam 1-^1 ingredient has undergone \J; H*J successful trials by many i^yifKj leading Japanese Hospitals So» Agerls 9NGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR men umn maNCM co.(s) ptcitd. "A MUST FOR BOATING PLEASURE cMiaaaaaaaCt. Q
      80 words

    • 227 4 Start of marathon talks on troop cuts in Europe ■17IENNA, Tues. Nato T and Warsaw Pact countries today started complex and long-awaited negotiations on troop reductions in central Europe that are likely to become a diplomatic marathon. The talks represent a milestone In the process of East-West detente. Nato officials
      Reuter  -  227 words
    • 126 4 Chinese to be official language at the UN ITNITED NATION 8, \J Tues.— Chinese will become a full working language, requiring its use In all General Assembly documents, Including the verbatim records, under a recommendation unanimously approved today by th_U.N. budgetary committee. The 135-naUon body also urged the Security Council
      Reuter  -  126 words
    • 52 4 CANBERRA. Tue». Two young <nen and a woman received sentences of up to fl»e year* In Jail today In Melbourne (or coniptrtnf to Import 30 gallons (91 litre*) of cannablit by plane from Ir.dotieiu The Uirw were Richard Trecear, 23. Bruce Watt. 25, and Julie Rhodei.
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    • 275 4 Watergate: How White House duped CIA WASHINGTON, Tues The Central Intelligence Agency was an "unwitting dupe" (or White Bouse efforts to Involve the agency In the Watergate affair and other Illegal activities. Congressional Investigator* reported today. In a 23- page report, the House of Representatives armed services subcommittee on Intelligence,
      Reuter  -  275 words
    • 363 4 Plan to set nationwide 50mph speed limit WASHINGTON. Tuesday THE Xixon Administration will ask Congress to approve emergency fuel conservation legislation which would include the imposing of a nationwide vehicle speed limit of 50 miles an hour, the Wall Street Journal reported
      Reuter; UPI  -  363 words
    • 92 4 Speed up loans urges Tanaka TOKYO. Tues— Prime Minister Kakuel Tanaka today Instructed Foreign Minister Masayoshl Ohlra to sr>eed up grant of government loans already pledged to develODlnn countries, officials said. Mr. Tanaka triced Mr. Ohlra to investigate Into delays In honouring loan* promfeed by Japan but the Prim* Minister
      Reuter  -  92 words
    • 21 4 KAMPALA. Tues— Uganda hat banned the sal* of four newspapers from Kenya fnr supporting. "Imperialists. Zionists and colonialists
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    • 188 4 US begins destroying nerve gas bombs DENVER. Tues. Technicians wearing fas masks and coveralls yesterday began destroying thousands of nerve fas bombs on orders of the Defence Department. An army spokesman said detoxification of the 129,115 GB nerve fas bombs will take about three years, on an estimate that five
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    • 158 4 BRISBANE, Tues. A prospector today claimed he had found one of the world's biggest form a 1 1 ons of molybdenite, a mineral which. If refined, is used In strengthening and hardening steel, in northern New South Wales. Mr. Robert McLaren. 88, Of Mt
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    • 468 4 NIXON SHOULD RESIGN SAYS INOUYE SAN FRANCISCO, Tuesday SENATOR Daniel Inouye (Democrat) said President Nixon should resign and be replaced by "an outstanding republican." "When will thi< nightmare end," Mr. Inouye asked about 700 members of the Japanese American Citizens League on Sunday night. He said the promised surrender of
      AP; UPI  -  468 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 491 4 a great life begins here At the sound of the gong at the gangway. ..and then the ship's whistle and you're off! Ahead blissful, timeless days to enjoy the invitation of a great ship and fun-filled, glorious holidays on *HAL's ir t vacation land. ..the stately tiu ia jlj jtT^^T
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    • 167 4 does something no other electric typewriter can d 0... It remembers PACIT ISM The Facit 1820 has two tabulator systems. Regardless of what the first system is used for. the second one will always remember exactly what your standard forms look like! In addition the Facit 1820 features: keys for
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 832 5 New from ICI Dulux weathershield the unique exterior wall finish that withstands the most extreme weather conditions! 4^H|l^9^^^^ Self-cleaning, self-priming and fungistatic. I t formulated to protect all exterior masonry S**~ wrripri I surfaces against sun, rain, mould and dirt. „y -""■l^it^ JJP| Its amazing durability has been proven in
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  • 156 6 Just a reflection, that reddish object. T»HE bright reddish- object which many residents in high-rise flats saw over the eastern sky last night was only a "reflection of light from a cloud base," according to the Meteorological Department. A department official said such reddish objects were usually visible over the"
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  • 113 6 A man lost $500 when his son failed to appear in a magistrate's court yesterday. The court forfeited the money from bus driver Lee Tal Heng, who signed a ball bond for nls son. Nglap Kin. who ls charged with falling to register for
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  • 74 6 Certs for 3 from Indonesia m H R E E Indonesians 1 will receive certificates on completion of their six-month training stint with the Goodwood Group hotels today. Mejanto. 27, Sulleto S; .^darsoao. 26, and L Prassaeto DJatl. 22. have undergone Intensive practical training In every department. Including learning how
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  • 52 6 THE Pan-Paclflc and South-east Aata Wommi Aaaoclatlon will hold a tea party and cooking demonstration by Mr. Bob Perm of Sunbeam at the Singapore Cricket Club on Nov. at 1.30 pm Tea, will coat S3 a peraon All proceeds will go to the Aaaoclatlon for
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  • 37 6 PARLIAMENTARY Secretary to the Ministry of Culture and MP (or Kampung Chal Chee Knclk Shaaii Tadln. will open a three-day dental health exhibition at Kampung Chal Chee community centre at 7.30 pjn. on Nov. 1.
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  • 177 6 Ministry of Social Affairs moves house rB Ministry of Social AfTalrs and same of its departments have started moving to their new headquarters at Pearl's hu; The shifting for the Ministry or Social Affairs Building to Pearl's Hill, which will Involve 15 departments began yesterday and Ls scheduled to end
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  • 30 6 BUKTT Merah North community centre In Redhlll Close will conduct an Interior decoration course on Saturdays In November between 7 pm and 9 p.m. The fee Is 110.
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  • 37 6 Handicraft sale A SALE Of p»tlenu handlcratt will be held at Outnun HoaplUl'i Occupational Therapy Department on Friday from am to I p m Toys, baaketa. hand bad rota, euahloni and decorative item* will be 00 saJe.
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  • 263 6 MALAY kampung drums beat out a throbbing welcome for Mr. Robert J. Tixard, New Zealand's Minister of State Services and Health, and Mrs. Tiiard. who arrived here for a four-day visit yesterday. The Tisards who flew in on the inaugural flight of Air New
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  • 95 6 Girl of 13 hangs on to assailant Al3-YEAR-OLO girl grabbed the shirt of a man who had molested her and hung on till her elder brother came to the rescue on hearing her screams. magistrate's court was told yesterday. In the dock was Llm Cheng Klat. 24. who pleaded guilty
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  • 144 6 CHIPPING companies here have been told *3 by their Malaysian agents not to sign on Malaysian seamen for call to ports in China. They received this unofficial ruling a week ago. It Is understood that more than 40 Malaysian crewmen from two companies have
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  • 319 6 Pork to cost 30 cents more a kati pORK is to cost 30 cents a kati more from tomorrow. Pork merchants announced the increase yesterday, only a week after they promised the Primary Production Department not to raise prices by 10 cents a kati. The new prices are the highest
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  • 61 6 STUDENT Tan Tlam Huat. 17. yesterday pleaded guilty to stealing a bottle of beauty lotion worth $10 from a Port Authority godown on Oct. 27. Tan was helping Ma father to take delivery of cargo when their lorry was checked by PSA police and the bottle found
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 345 6 IsaJalasSassssasassTTlL^i^TTM''*'' 1 I tJTUSU LAST DAY! e£S&,% I X^aaaaW I"|»d..-<, CoiK aook.oot ot Mm Ctfco, ClneiM lm> lOOCo-1 a* to tee*»< oiil, AHor a.Maea Paaaa ao^l«a> can ac I J accaarea at rke JaraMta Drrra-U Uiwm'i aa>-aMaa. Jurong Drive-In Gnema: OPENS TOMORROW! •I ALL THE SPECTACULAR ENCHANIKENT OF THE WORLD'S
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    • 298 6 aotssTWais^ alaJa^/ I .jaaoß l^m aaßMsat .^ay mm mM n m m bJW Saoi b 9 aJB laJaJaJaJa^Saß I Dye Hombre! Eet is the time for Fiesta Latina! Come ipple a tequila, taste a tamale, or a taco and then ling to a flamenco with the fantastico music of the
      298 words
    • 664 6 OR6AMISATIOM J M»w SHOWINC Ha-. 1.45. 4.M. ».10. IS Keith Borron. Kemfth Coo* I. CA««Y ON INSTANT lovr- ,n crxcm UTKAI Newt U COLOK M 0.006 Years et Csiim., hlsloHcol treasures o> iSo. NEXT CHANGE' "ItUCfT OUIII" Mondcrin in Scope Caen W LAST OAT! Ham. 110. 4.00. 4.41, t 10
      664 words

  • 218 7 Teenage girls molested by armed youths in HDB flats AT LEAST la tcenaje girls have been molested by dafger- wiHdinf youths In Housing Board lifts In the past month. The girls, who reported the Incidents to police, said they were molested In HDB lifts In To* Payoh, Bukit Mer a
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  • 68 7 PEDESTRIAN Madam Ooh Ouat Chlng, 50, died In Outram Hospital. 15 hours after she waa knockeJ down by a motorcyclist at the Junction of Aljunled Road and Sims Avenue on Monday at 4.50 pjn. The motorcyclist. Nlah Chug Wan. 30. who was thrown off the
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  • 58 7 ONG Kheng Huat. 11. was yesterday charged with caus- Ing hurt to Tan Son Ptau. 24, with a bearing scraper at about 7 pjn. on Sept. 11 In Penjuru Road No plea waa recorded, as there was no medical report. The case will be further mentioned
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  • 43 7 CHIN Swee Yin. 35. mi acquitted yecterday on a charge of volunUrlly causing hurt to Oan He Sing with chopper In a coflee Khop at the Junction of Sago Street and Keong Blak Road at about 5 10 pjn on June 11.
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  • 30 7 TEC) Ah Hup. (3. was fined $1,000 yesterday (or h»vinf a packet of opium and smoking uteiulU at a home in Tronoh Road on Oct. He pleaded pillty.
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  • 363 7 Shopowner killed in struggle with robbers: DPP High Court x yesterday heard how two men allegedly shot dead a wine shop proprietor when he put up a struggle during a robbery attempt. DPP Mr. Olenn Knight was opening the prosecution case against Neo Bean Chye, 28, a bumboat operator, and
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  • 131 7 Yi-OOSLAV grandmaster LJubomlr Ljubcjevlc Is leading In the Philippines International chess tournament after the ninth round played on Monday In Manila. LJubojevlc won on time In 34 moves against Philippines' Renato Naranja to chalk up seven points, half a point ahead of L. Kavalek (US),
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  • 709 7 education drive is bein^ launched by the Govern- I nient to get people to be more familiar with the social and legal requirements of marriage. Social Affairs Minister Enclk Othman Wok announcing this at a press conference yesterday, said that during
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  • 43 7 TB> Public UUUUea Baud »H1 lay a mile-long water main alonf Ctamcntl Road from Ulu Pandan Road to Ayer Rajah Clrctis from tomorrow The work v expected to b» completed In a MotorlsU an adrtaed to ■voM luttaj Urn road.
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  • 187 7 Imported biscuits, sweets and chocs cheaper now TMPORTED chocolates, 1 bUcuiU and sweets are now one to five per cent cheaper because of the removal of import duties by the Government recently. Prices of chocolates went down by live per cent, biscuits three to four per cent and sweets one
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  • 282 7 Use insect killers with care, urges Ministry rpHE Ministry of Environment yesterday called on the public to use Insecticides discriminate^ and with care at all times. A Ministry statement warned that no Insecticide was absolutely harmless to man "When Insecticides are used for household purposes, the public is advised to
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  • 42 7 THL Hibiscus Queen 1973 contest, organised by the YMCA Young Adults Oroup. Malay Youth Literary Association and Singapore Adventurer* Club, will be held at the Singapore Hilton Orand Ballroom on Nov. 17 and not Nov. 11 as reported on Monday.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 191 7 FREE! Tne 2-minute Search. hiw vomsnvi <?7 MANUFACTURERS -OJ\ TO WRITE TO US XCCCCXj WILL WRITE TO !V^ "O^l J!? 00 -^-A->-A^/^ YOU DIRECT FROM -O^J J^~\ rfKl«^ THE STATE Of O-V--<Pi\ K«° UR NEWro«K,U.SA o^T> Take two minutes to write on your are more than 40,000 manufacturer* business letterhead
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    • 792 7 B_P^W Building And Estate Management Society H_jL j^ru University of Singapore Second Annual Seminar CONSTRUCTION PRACTICE AND ECONOMY IN SINGAPORE 30th November- Ist December 1973 SHANGRI-LA HOTEL. Orange Grove Road. (Patron: Mr. Ho Kok Cheong) Papers: MEETINC THE BUILDINC INDUSTRY'S LABOUR REQUIREMENTS Dr. Ow Chin Hock Mr. Coh Chui Muah
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  • The Straits Times.
    • 347 8 rE extent to which the marriage law has been infringed is not known. But it must be widespread, or at least spreading. Otherwise Government would not be embarking on a major campaign to Inform Singaporeans of the law and to prosecute those who flout It. The Women's
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    • 201 8 ARAB anci Israeli belligerents may echo China's charges of "superpower collusion" in the Middle East if details of a Russian American peace settlement "scooped" by the Beirut newspaper An Nahar turn out to be true. An Nahar's correiponde'it writing from Cairo says the plan involves withdrawal
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  • 794 8  -  MARTIN ShERWOOD: By LONDON MODERN warfare can be waged as effectively with commodities as with armaments, as recent moves by the Arab oil-producing countries have shown. Tet, during the past three decades, billions of dollars have been poured into research and development work on
    FWF  -  794 words
  • 1443 8  -  H.L. LIM IF YOU are bothei- ed by the cost of eating out going up, here is something for you to chew on: A big guv» of fresh orange Juice costs almost $8.50 In what one might carelessly call a posh hotel; A big red apple luscious enough to
    1,443 words
  • 1329 8  - After his triumphs Kissinger faces the questions... LARS-ERIK NELSON: The tough-minded American Secretary of State By WASHINGTON IMMACULATELY bar bered and blue eyes unblinking, Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger stood in a State Department auditorium and refused to explain why he, in office just over a month, had recommended
    Reuter  -  1,329 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 18 8 OCjlx\U IfL K^-'W The Watch If Vf F that Science |i^ *> SEII^ D Minium 3803-7040 QllAVt7 *****.50 J
      18 words
      27 words

  • Business Times
    • 642 9  -  BOB NG By S i n g a pore stock market has recaptured some of its old sparkle with share prices currently making the strongest and most sustained climb in many months. Pacemaker for the greater part of the present upturn which materialised early In
      642 words
    • 160 9 BI'SINESS TIMES Introduces from tomorrow the Straits Times Finance Index. It is composed of 14 financial stocks which were recently separated from the industrial sector and grouped under a new finance section by the Stock Exchange of Singapore. The 14 component shares of the finance index are:
      160 words
    • 363 9  - Investments in the Philippines by multi-nationla on the rise LEO GONZAGA By MANILA: The climate for foreign investment in the Philippines has so improved since the imposition of martial law that it haa attracted a number of multinational corporations to pat up manufacturing plants l.rrr and. or establish headquarters for
      363 words
    • 312 9  -  SOH TIANG KENG By rpHE first-ever board 1 meeting In Singapore by an American bank will be held on Friday. It Is the top-level meeting of the directors of First Chicago Corporation, parent body of First National Bank of Chicago The Singapore board meeting will
      312 words
    • 209 9  -  TAN LIAN CHOO By mHE Far Eastern Freight 1 Conference welcomes the move by Asean members to form a* regional shippers council. This was reiterated by Mr Mlchaei Strachen, chairman of the public relations committee of the FEFC. at an Interview yesterday. Mr. Strachei. explained that In
      209 words
    • 667 9 rKYO: More than 90 of the National Tax Agency's list of 100 top money earners this year made their money through land deals a reflection of one of the most crucial national problems facing Japan today. The Income of land owners
      Reuter  -  667 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 85 9 DYNAJRON Compact Audio Systems HFCS2 (WHITE) HFCS3 (TEAK) HFCIOI A (TEAK) CPI CASSETTE DECK HFC6O (TEAK) 1 ->'l!.'.','f|ff» (TEAK) HFCS9 (TFAK) H i t This is o fishy story about the to San Froncisco. Contact ones that get away. On Philippine Philippine? Airlines on ***** Airlines new cargo service for
      85 words
    • 115 9 THE COMPLETE BANK is also at JURONG providing a full range of commercial banking facilities for all— the individual right up to the largest corporation. Current, Savings Short-term facilities for Import and Fixed Deposit Accounts. and Export financing and performance. Cash facilities for payroll Raw material and stock financing, and
      115 words

  • Shipping
    • 681 10 Cabin comfort a better deal for container crewmen fLOCKWORK preclslon Is the essence of container service. Meticulous planning and the maintenance of rigid schedules are necessary if the speed of container ships and the efficiency of the organisation are to be optimally combined. Both In port and Inland, the container
      681 words
    • 250 10 A FAST patrol* boat. built and fitted out as a Police and Customs launch by the Fairev Marlnr Group, of the IK, held demonstrations in Singapore in midOctober for senior officers of the Police and Singapore Armed Forces (See picture). It la one of the
      250 words
    • 651 10 MERRILL LYNCH Pierce, Fenner and Smith has reported tnlrd quarter revenues consolidated In New York amounting to US$l62 million. Consolidated net income for the third quarter came to $4.55 million, or 14 cents per common share, compared to $2.76 million, or 8 cents per share for the
      651 words
  • 141 10 Greater Pacific to expand into Indonesia By KINGSLEY WOOD SYDNEY: Greater Pacl- flc finance group has begun a four- pronged Asian expansion programme to offset swings In the Australian economy. A move Into Hongkong has been completed and footholds secured In Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Indonesia. Negotiations are under way
    141 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 367 10 NOTICE OF REMOm As from Ist November. YYJX the Han Pa r Group of Companies will have their offices at: 900 Cathay Building (9th floor) Singapore 9. The telephone number will remain as: ***** (Mines) HAW PAR BROTHERS lINJTE Rf\J ATIOINJ A L LTD I VV SvuP 1 j Kuala
      367 words
    • 136 10 When you think we/ding iflrpL^l A compete range of weldng •^■W^l Hjequpment eltctrodes J||r*^ j £J] generators accessories L from and backeo fflW Vf^lr'^' tJV mort tnan sQtv years ~M. m A wuirtiAi tcmnumti ma IWj 1 PffeANO 'Ik 04 »mt MCMill Of TM HKIKAH MtHAB CftCUP I flß&'rr ABS
      136 words

      • 75 11 C. Sec. OCBC Gentinf T. Sec. etc C Store lEE Malex PEGI S. Darby M. Bank T. it > C. Prop. Setron H. Par E.N.E Inchcapt B. Semb. t 4.00 .46 $1250 +.40 5.25 +.35 5.05 +.33 S 5.80 +.30 6.40 +.30 S 280 +.26 S2 95 +.25 S
        75 words
      • 24 11 Hariman Inv. 1.297.000 Sime Darby 271.000 M. W. Wool 180.000 Perak Carbide 168.000 Total Turnover 5.12 M Total Value 512.8 M
        24 words
      • 27 11 Oct. M Oct 1« Indastrtek: HIM 347.3: HoUl»; HIM MI.X ProperUn: J4« 44 JS» 4» In,- 113.ZS 113.M I lubben: M 4 3M.4* O.C.RC: J3J.»4 54t.1l
        27 words
    • 1610 11 'THE lait transacted sale x at tile Block Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared ».th previous days price together with 1(73 high and low. (-Adjusted (or all new Issues). CLOSING TONE: All secUons closed very steady TI'BNOVEB: Official toul tu.-nover on the Singapore trading room as supplied b> the
      1,610 words
    • 1884 11 DID and offer prices 01 flclally D lined and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday *ith the number of shares traded shown In bracket < In lot* of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Acma (3608 3.625) (2i 3 60 A. Tape
      1,884 words
    • 1559 11 ■o ID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yestfrdi*y with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified INDUSTBIAXS A. Tape HUB 1(08) (1) 1.86 (5> 1U (1) 1(0. Akaa
      1,559 words
    • 320 11 rpBADING condi- Uons were firm as speculation built up on the Stock Exchance of Singapore yesterday. Most lower priced Issues were taken up to higher ground with dabblers from the sidelines boost lit r sentiment. Yesterday', buying spree was reminiscent of 1* months back when it was
      320 words
    • 284 11 Good day for blue chips in KL THE performance of industrial blue chips lent a bullish touch to the brisk pace of trading in the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. On firmness carried over the extended weekend. heavyweights spurt ed up to help push the New B.T. Industrial Index 6.00
      284 words
      • 29 11 Bobber Oct. M. fftngapore: 170 75 cts. (up 1.7S CU.I Malaysia: IS7.M cts (up 7.2S cts). Tin: $72».12» (down $2). Official offering: 47$ tons (up 135 tons).
        29 words
      • 102 11 -minus vaoouci i« *CMAHOS. SIHOAPORS NOON CLOSINO PBICtS •>!« PICUL CiunK Oil: bulk IM a€ll«r«. drain »i« MlKra. Coera: MUMd (Ioom) UK/ Com. n«t B. p«att.' Mum ok ASTA whiu fo.b 100<t NLW SIM) aaliara. Sarawak wblta fo.b. as« NLW S2TO Mllvrv. Sarawak apcctal black fob. M« NLW SIM
        102 words
      • 29 11 THE Malaysian* Paim OH Producers Association (MPOPA) yesterday announced the following UK/CIP prices (or Malaysian Palm Oil: Peb £11*. Mar £17&* Apr- June £171. and Jul/Oet. £ISS.
        29 words
      • 44 11 M«M>r l.turdi, UM Ult Melbourne (I) ClOMd UN Umdon ClOMd 29 Beirut Cloud 100.40 Honnkorj 101.10 102 V) Zurich Clowd M.iWB Clo«»d MOOS Pmru Cloud 102 41 Export prICM In noo-itcrtln« ■mi in I'l dollar! p*r ouiic*. (1) Auatraluo dollan per ounce.
        44 words
      • 30 11 London copper prices oa Mon WinUr ISul buyer lUO.OO <(*:T00) teller iftal 00 (ISM. 00): lIU3 00) seller fC3 00 KSMUOI. Market lene: Barely Heady. Islet: 5.*79 loot
        30 words
      • 196 11 Straits tin price dips THE St raits tin price In Penang yesterday clipped $2 on Friday's close to $720.12| per picul on an official offering up 135 tons to 475 tons. The overnight London metal price was steady despite a drop of £7 on Friday's close to £2.217 per metric
        196 words
      • 182 11 ASIAN current deposit 3 rottu IS 13-1 t interbank rates at at a mths 13 12-1 2 cIDM on Tuoday. Oct. 30. 12 mths 12-7 < 12-1 2 US »«lter* FOREIGN EXCHANGE 7 day. B-T 0 BPOTPEICEB igth «-l 4 8-1 ft US 2 4239 2 42(5
        182 words
      • 582 11 rE Singapore rubber market yesterday opened after the long recess with quotations being marked down about one cent from last Wednesday's close but sosie early buying interest SBvealed a reluctance on the part of sellers. Japanese demand for physicals was reflected by forward hedge demand
        582 words
      • 90 11 JJAILY SMI mm BMR SCV BMR 5L BMR 10 BUR 20 SMR M R price* iwu.d at noon ttterday N*T. Dec (Cwnal Mtk) (Fwmrtl Mlk) Baytra Mkn Buyer* Sellrrt < «.U per kf OnU ptr kg (1-tOO P»IX) 160 00 183 00N ISO 00 162 00N <l-t«! r-liet)
        90 words
    • 68 11 pOLLOWINO the recovery of the US dollar in European centres, the currency opened frmly at $2 3350 in the Singapcre lorex market yesterday. Short-covering In the mo-nlnc Drouth*, the dollar to *****0 »2 1500 I Business was reported done at »2 34«0 At noon the dollar prored to
      68 words
    • 171 11 The following are the nominal average closing interbank rates In Singapore. Currruric. Nominal rates fflitoflf tooted >ealenUy l«wi p«nlj chuif* Ue dollar ***** 2 3480 3 8196 —KM bterlli;g pound 5 6861 5 6*78 3469 —23 90 Hongkong dollar 46 17 46.19 50.41 I J9 Malaysian dollar IU3
      171 words
      • 263 11 UONOKONO. Tues. Strong buying pressure pushed thare prices up across the beard on the stork market today and sent the Hang Seng Index above the 600-polnt level The index closed up 37 48 points at 630 .54. The r'.se waa the tilth In nve trading days. The last time
        263 words
      • 38 11 On rhr rrM fitfiangi mark*! in Hongkong on Saturday lh< 111 iilln quoin) al t.0*29/ 3.0*30 for T.T. awl 0M23 for fattl SUrlMi quol*d al 12.22 and on, tMI af s*M »ai quolad at (10 10.
        38 words
      • 196 11 I>OKYO. Tues. Prices on the Tokyo Stock Exchange advanced sharply Trading was (airly active Blue chips gained ground, including electrlcals. drugs and constructions. In the alternoon. Investor's enthusiasm concentrated almost entirely on blue chips. Light electrlcals Including Matsushita. Sony. TDK gained ground Other big gainers included Nippon Musical Shipbuildings
        196 words
      • 107 11 7URICH, Mon The J ma.-feel »as comparatively quiet throughout the dty Trading volume was light Bonds were traded Irregularly The Credit Sutsse Index dipped 0 1 to 262 2 points. Claatn* prim In s»l»« franca vioiu iMßlon 1 price* Credit miiM ITM 9 Sola* Bank Corpn IUO un.h. Union
        107 words
      • 271 11 MELBOURNE. Tues The market began to weaken among both industrial anC mining than* on the Melbourne Slock Exchange today. J»e«o Improved to tS 40 and B H. Soatk >v up at (3.40 Ml. I»a Minn eased Among the oil stuck* Asapel Exploration reacted lo the profit figures by falling
        271 words
      • 78 11 (A. at Oct. 23) Fun 4 01 Ai>«. Slrrllni A S3 10 r»«« or Au.t. <i'g M un JIJS (From Oct. l to ll) Pwrty Bond, of Aiut. ASI.S9 PBA International AM.SV Loc*h«»4 iv v Mobil Oil t2i MU Ei mlw S i* I'miip Horn. ilt Z S
        78 words
      • 217 11 MEW YORK. Uon— The *7 stock market advanced slowly most cf the oay but did a gradual about-face late In the afternoon and finished In retreat for the first tune In five sessions. Some analyst* suggested that, when ih> market failed to attract follow -through support for tie
        217 words
      • 105 11 FINANCIAL TIMES TINS Monday M M fj ld (4 13 Week ago 94 30 Bt'BBEBS Monday 457 34 Friday ***** W«e* «8O 458 16 OILS Monday 276 67 •*»<>•> 377 23 Week s«o 261 19 INDUSTBIALS Monday 4344 Friday 435 6 Week ago 436 3 DOW JONES AVEBAGE INDUSTRIALS
        105 words

  • 678 12 HfWMIM IF. during the course of a discusslon regarding the roof of your about to be built home or office, the architect concerned mentions that "organotln compound trlbutyltln oxide" will be applied to the roofing system will you know what he means? asks
    678 words
  • 838 12  -  MICHAEL SOUTHERN By SYDNEY: Australia is being racked by so many strikes and industrial disputes that the employers' organisations have stopped counting all but the major disruptions. The official statistics with the aid of computers will take some time to come tr. rough. In the
    838 words
  • 178 12 Mr. John Sims has been appointed in place if Mr. Ramon Wll llam Lytken as alternate director to Mr. LJ. Mulkern of the Bank of America, according to an announcement by the Development Bank of Singapore. The Announcement said that the appointment was approved by the DBB
    178 words
  • Article, Illustration
    118 12 TIIK Hilton Health Club has select** M. Ijiuw for ftct finding mission to Copenhagen to Mirvt'v the >iuna ami bathing f.tcilitiei there Hotoriatt in t Road area will I this well-known s|H>rtsman a» h> cycle?. head down, ksttsa towinjr a bouncn^ < cart along the ro*d behind him. "My
    118 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 179 12 7 ~Z7" J N Over the counter or by mail order, select themftom M)UVENIR Antique,jeweUery,vvatche. lighters, batik crystalwares, ruverwaresandpewterware. Visit us and we help you solve ®your gift problems. OWL THE VW COMMERCIAI i^^j JwV Mm a^'-ifli^HHflfllMaflt ■^L^hlX '^a^a^aff^Ha^MMii^a^V "V^Js^ ***^W .TlPTSt^a^aWl^ ■»B^^^ 4fl a^E 1 t^aH a^a^ka^a^al j^S^ JH^V
      179 words
    • 308 12 In America, two hundred patients suffering from piles were treated with the active ingredients in Haemodyne ointment. These clinical studies showed striking results. With regular use. an average of over 92*^ of the patients, (all but the most severe cases), found relief from pain, itching and discharge. Bleeding was almost
      308 words
    • 28 12 STILLA -the blue drops that refresh your eye: 1 fait toothing mUei to sore, tired, red and itching eyei AN ABIC PRODUCT msco cm tucAit tti m ltd
      28 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1290 13 V-mm-HMMH-BM^MH^^HH| COaIIINEtSR P StITICt II M/CMTIMaI H%>t jfJJ^ RttFHFN FXPIFIS i l "»-i tMI BKMLfI CATHUS ,f ,tm ttm aniat anu IS an It an I Mt il Mt UMt Hie 1 MMian iipaiis a aw n an n He v Mt v Me 11 Me ■•o.cuic npans aMc aMc
      1,290 words
    • 1057 13 Ptaaag P. Mianf S'aai LMfcaf tor paoailiacts aai" it an ti an n Cnslcoil Hiafston, piiim Ht ii Me ll mi a Muau. Sniiml 'HMMIi tt. II I- a MJ a ackwrnlk. WiMHftM. pTlmus S a Ml It Clwkstor. Mn Orluas patnsiuas m a in n lit a Houston limi
      1,057 words
    • 854 13 I VrTMr^i Wy i\l\iATm I ana. t'laa 5 pan P klaaf So" «*iki U MOKII EIfIESS il aw ll an I Me I Me I He I Ma HIIRO Mall is an II an I Ml it Me II Ml I In UMMC EIPtESS aan TI an 11 He II
      854 words
    • 1063 13 FULLY COWTAINtItIZtD StKVICt TO EUROPE I fat: SEUMU 1 RoiKnun. fpaaMaa, Antant, It Kllft. I aituiil himu tZ il tn*. Htmtmi. tlfjm, lllMllMiu. I'. 0 Z *rt«. Co^tatt,. Stdattart Mm. «"Iti"T*i'nin m SI""" 1 o*. H 1 «"<«««»««*»" FULLY CONTAINfitIZtD StKVICt FKOM tUHOPt FNM < HIMIM »J» J RolHf«»Tii. Msttiua.
      1,063 words
    • 771 13 tinaoata t*****. f. X.l.*, 4141; K.L. *****; Pun, *****. THE BANK LINE LTD. ii*b nut inrici «TI (H.I ai I. aVian. tanaa Ciaataa.l P «hki MPII aw I'M 1/ law 1 1 tuna nm.i^i. IrwM. Ti II H.ra I ManuH S IMaa -I IS la He IM II 11 Me
      771 words

  • 190 14 OUT Mam I 1. Rarer KMU 1/2. Wl«4v*law Hrwi.r« s k! aV. iT.,<a.o Hani I-. Ja>> I*. Lao Ham Jl 31 BnMlc« I. VaiUlin a*Mi UM< Vnoll Lmm Clly iB Vanial 30 >OMIh. PabMnml UM. M.I w iri la.itm Qutrti l« H.Ua M^t.k n M Mrl 41
    190 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1096 14 IYI- KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. MWASAII IMUI USU UISMA LTI. IAPAR H UM. STUITS SONICiL IMM HM|tMt Span P. IWM| imam cum n in. 1 aM Japan Arabian Cull Sorview S.ataa.l NJh nm riiiaasaip I bm*/ i»ii»< /mm/ l»fa.iil<.».t,ai«Aa IMtraatMat. J^ pan South Alrlc-Waat AlrltM KnlM«Mt US. ■aaa
      1,096 words
    • 865 14 HA nD FM KMn IMI N Part 11 let Maili. LC T MlITt lITK J1 kt 2ia Tnttort for liaiit.l. KAIIT HIT 2ia Sla Itwli. HAITI MCMI lia IMa S»c« LC T MAITT WIT II Ra 13 Ra TiKlars hr hiaana. HUM 21 ia Ii Ra Marti. Fill 2J Ra
      865 words
    • 900 14 U.k. iuiopi tMvici LOADING POR LONDON, HAVRE. R DAM. H lUIG, IRtMIM lajm p. umnj »ini| m— BtPnm imiui v. nn Itw 21, II I aaa I n ■M BaaM faacc >M.'| I 12 MPtaat MBaaUliat lam. »a 1/ IBM 1/ I BM *<Bao VB MMti •12 MPTIPM MKBa llt
      900 words
    • 737 14 I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......— a^.._— n»g sawn ti laajaj, ummutmmtan mn Tl. UK. ».»piln r. aataaf r^aaa| ÜBSSf tel aBBM Mill larart [tMUUUmIfU Hian JI 12 I la. 31 U MU MICI Ml BM 11.11 Bat 11/11 BM H./M) BM l.lkM 11 12 I'M. U1? r«« MU Im It/12 Nl.t.'l M tatora
      737 words
    • 528 14 STATE OF BRUNEI VACANCY FOR RESEARCH OFFICER Applications are invited for 3 years to Include an from suitably qualified initial 8 months probation candidates (or appoint- l*or a successful candidate ment as Research Officer who is a subject of His In the Language and Highness the Sultan 'he Literature Bureau.
      528 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    40 15 MDM GOH SOO HUM It of No. 18 Pegu Road Singapore 12 Afie 89 departed on 29 10.73 at 1 1.10 am. Leaving youngest son. chlldre grandchildren and gre. grandchlidI ren Cremated on 2.1173 afternoon al Kong Mcng Sar
    40 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    20 15 TAN TYE CHIT passed away pracefmlly on 29 It) 73. Ftmeral at 5M t'pprr Sr-ranfoon Road on 2-11-73 noon.
    20 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 713 15 THE SABAH ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION invites applications for the following potts: 1. EXECUTIVE ARCHITECT (One): QUALIFICATIONS al Candidates must be not less AND than 30 years of age and must EXPERIENCE: be RIB A or equivalent In addition they must be eligible for registration with the Malaysian Institute of Archi
      713 words
    • 678 15 AREA SERVICE ENGINEER The Regional Office of a leading manufacturer of earthmoving equipment invites applications from suitably qualified persons for this challenging and rewarding senior appointment. The Man: A mechanical engineer with a minimum of 5 yean' postgraduate working experience in the construction or allied industry, preferably in a similar
      678 words
    • 513 15 DIVISIONAL MANAGER An established metal works industry requires BUILDING SERVICES DIVISION SALES MARKETING OFFICER required by an established internatiordl com- (a) A degree or dir'oma in Mechanical Engineering is pany Only those with marketing experience in preferred but not essential building line and ready contacts with architects/ (b) Wide expenence
      513 words
    • 769 15 RENT-A-CAR MANAGER (SINGAPORE/ MALAYSIA) A large and established Company invites applications for appointment as Manager for its Rent A Car Division in Singapore and Peninsula Malaysia. Applicants should be between 25 and 40 years of age. possessing administrative, analytical and sales experience. Tertiary qualifications although useful will not be essential
      769 words

  • 160 16 Building site deaths: Open verdicts r r O labourers were killed at construction sites on Oct. 3 and 5. a coroner's court heard yesterday. Ong Mol Huay. 40. died of a fractured skull on Oct. 3 while she was attending to some moulding work near an uncompleted block of flats
    160 words
  • 29 16 LEONO Wai Kok. 52. was fined 110 yesterday for being drunk at the Singapore Recreation Club carpark at about 12 30 am on Sunday He pleaded guilty
    29 words
  • 449 16  -  JACOB DANIEL By THE Environment Ministry is now taking steps to prevent future floods in the East Coast residential areas, which were badly hit in recent heavy downpours. Deslitlng operations of drains ln Opera Estate, diversion of the drain off Chal Chee
    449 words
  • 24 16 the body of taxi-driver Lee Ouan Bolt. 31. who fell Into the sea off Pulau Übln on Sunday ln a boating Incident.
    24 words
  • 36 16 LIM Boon Teck. 33. was fined $3,000 yesterday for ...i^irfg i n operating an Illegal 10.000-characier lottery ln a house ln Jalan Labu Ayer. off Bartley Road, last Saturday. He pleaded guilty.
    36 words
  • 181 16 Brothers fined for wheels theft rO brothers were fined $2,909 each or six months' Jail yesterday for stealing four car wheels worth about $1,200 from Mr Lee Tie Gnan at a carpark near Block 23. Bendrmm Road between 11.30 p.m. on Aug. 30 and 3.20 a.m. on Aug. 31. Sim
    181 words
  • 612 16  -  MASIE KWEE By LONDON, Tues. "This attitude was in Singapore's volun- fact seen ln recent tary helpers hope to SteAy fhe'S sell the idea of fami- elation and the School ly planning as part of Bociai studies in a Of an advisory narlc sample of
    612 words
  • 188 16 Bulgarian bid to increase trade with S'pore BULGARIA opened 110--day trade exhibition ln Singapore yesterday ln the hope of boosting the flO million trade betweed the two countries. The Bulgarian deputy Minister of Foreign Trade. Mr. Vladimir Orancharov, said y hoped Bulgarian and Singapore firms would widen their volume of
    188 words
  • 94 16 SINGAPORE Jaycees have presented a trishaw to a museum ia Nice, France. The trishaw was presented by 20 Singapore delegates attending the Jaycees World Congress now being held there. The Singapore delegation ia bidding to host the 197S Jaycees World Con great in Sin-
    94 words
  • 239 16 Ex-driver gets three months for cheating A FORMER driver uf Haw Par Brothers International Ltd.. Sathupatru o. Oopal. 33. was Jailed for t^me months yesterday for < rlrrinal breach of trust lnvul: ing $112. Sathupathl. who had two previous similar convictions, pleaded guilty to committing the offence on July 4
    239 words
  • 35 16 THE National Museum will screen lour (Urn* on sculpture, art and artists of Canada in Its lecture hall today at 730 p m Adpil.uion is free Tickets are obtainable »t the museums offlcf
    35 words
  • 242 16 Price' of stepping on a foot: $5 and 7 bottles of beer WHEN a. bus commuter accidentally stepped on his foot, teenager Chan Ckye Hock de- manded compensation and the victim rrteckb obliged with $5 and srven bottles of beer So Chin decided to gel more out of his older
    242 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 738 16 A well established and fast expanding group of pioneer Manufacturing Companies In Ipoh requires the following:— 1. OFFICE MANAGES Qualification Must have full knowledge of personnel relations and company procedures etc. Should have had experience ln industrial law accountancy, stock checking and purchasing procedures. A responsible person and able to
      738 words
    • 476 16 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT TENDER NOTICE Tender far Llaes) Uattem Material. Tenders are invited (or the supply of Unen to Uniform Material* to tbe Sarawak Medical Department to be delivered to Central Medic* Store, Tanah Puteh. Kuchlng. Sarawak. Particulars are obtainable tram tbe Suptg. Pharmaceutical Chemist. Central Medloal Store. Tanah Puteh, Kuchlng.
      476 words
    • 880 16 MKDICAL DEFABTIIENT TENDKK NOTICE Tester rer Laboratory Aseararea Cl silnli ■mill Tenders are Invited for the supply ol Laboratory Apparatus Chemicals Reagent* to Uw Sarawak Medical Department to be delivered to Central Laboratory. Sarawak Oeoeral r*** l Kuchlng Barawak. Particulars are ototainab'a from tbe Suptg FbarmaeeuuetU Ctu-nlst. Central Medical Starr,
      880 words
    • 124 16 You can see them growing taller every day with JUIIIUITE Jumvite is the vitamin syrup specially formulated for children, with the 6 Essential Vitamins in concentrated l^fcT^T^A^ orange juice. jp? 3k* /'^geE-^a^E^kfcfV gtE^^ak Start your children Yfl Jk/^^^ on Jumvite today B^| Jh^^k^e^eP^el T '"»-»»io«s*t l^gßE^^Lw L is^sW-l Oblem RECOMMENDED
      124 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 241 16 Straits Times Crossword F~~p I n I i 4 I I i 6 I ■■^vr ACROSS Seed ol fruit given to 1 TNT.'* nuclear replace- little girl <6> ment. that's clear (11). 1 Soldier (Inds child upI A funny man? Oet away setting Mary North (11) (41. 9 Making clergyman
      241 words

  • 383 17  - Pay rise for 10,000 bus workers R. CMANDRAN B* I INCREASES WILL COST FIRM $6M A YEAR SINGAPORE'S 10,000 busmen will get pay rises of 80 cents per day for conductors and drivers and $20 a month for monthly-employed workers from tomorrow. The new pay deal will cost the Singapore
    383 words
  • 92 17 SOME Chinese cotton foods now coat 5 to 15 per cent more at the Chinese emporiums here. They are bath towels, bed sheets, blankets, handkerchiefs, socks, si m lets and shorts. Prices of other Chinese goods remained more or less the same, said
    92 words
  • 50 17 TWO candidate*. Abraham Kochltty Abraham and Ocng In* Ban. have pesaed the third Part 1 fellowship examination for 1973 of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons conducted by the University of Singapore's School of Poctenduate Medical Studies earlier this month. Seven candidates sat for the examination.
    50 words
  • 459 17 ~HE president of the International federation of Petroleum and Chemical Workers, Mr. Luis Tovar, pledged that labour would exert its influence to use petroleum for peace and not for war. Mr. Tovar told the opening session of seventh congress of the federation at
    459 words
  • 112 17 A 13-YEAR-OLD primary schoolboy was charged with attempted murder In the First Magistrate's Court yesterday. Tay Cheng Slong was accused of trying to murder an 18-year-old hawker. Ng Chin Tong. by stabbing on his right eye with a wooden chopstick at the Junction of
    112 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 68 17 IMPERIAL LEATHER for that Fine touch of luxury... A superior quality toilet soap, made from superior quality ingredients with o light, long-lasting aroma, found only in the most exclusive of perfumes. by JB^P^^ CuSSOR- ot London 'aSS __J MOTOR CAR ~l motorcar repairs, tyres. batteries, .J^Bk glass insurance, upholstery. ~YaMow~
      68 words
    • 349 17 The «fc2£ sweet way T 3t Baygon bait is sweet. That's why flies, cockroaches and insects can't resist it. Then it kills them. Pow! Instantly! But if you're art insect, it's a sweat way to go. H&lr Fly Bait HfW\\ 04roodN» Kills flies and crockroaches instantly. /T\ BAYER (S)PTE LTD,
      349 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 731 17 WATER consumption on Monday waa 112.5 million gallons (511,--000 cubic metrea), 11.* million rations (54,000 ruble metre*) more than on Sunday. TV SINGAPORE (5) TV MALAYSIA (3) ?AQ W Md Tim- 7AA M Pre euinnit.on Pro- CAA W Pro|nmme Summjr, O1 7 W Mijjllah Wtniti IJI uS SLUSS^rH <«■
      731 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
      2,669 words

  • 473 19 A WIDOW, plaintiff In an alleged breach of promise suit, had "love affairs" with two businessmen before she knew a young married printer, the High Court heard yesterday. Beautician Song Chal Yok, 36, widowed In December 1970, agreed that during
    473 words
  • 26 19 MOTORCYCLIBT Pn» Ah Pah. 33. m fined S&00 yesterday 'or riding while under the influence of liquor In Fort Canning Road on July so.
    26 words
  • 83 19 SI B CONTRACTOR Koh Ah Poh. 43, was fined $4,000 In a magisfor employing an illegal Immigrant in June. He pleaded guilty Another two similar charges were taken Into consideration. Police raided a work- site In I'lu Pandan Road off Holland Road on July 6
    83 words
  • 138 19 rVO men pleaded not guilty In the First Magistrate's Court yesterday to a charge of being members of an unlawful assembly that attacked a police party last Saturday night. Lim Up Sin, 26, of Indonesia, and Chlrasak Sunaschal, 22, of Thailand, both denied
    138 words
  • 28 19 DR. Loke Yee Oon. a lecturer In the civil engineering department. University of Singapore, will conduct a course on matrix methods In structural engineering from tomorrow.
    28 words
  • 154 19 Peon who stole a blank cheque X OFFICE BOY Othman bin Mohamed Tahlr. 19, pleaded guilty yesterday to stealing a blank cheque from lawyer J.B. Jeyaretnam's office In Anson Road on June IS. Tbe courl heard that Mrs. Jeyaretnam, a partner in the firm, was told by the secretary In
    154 words
  • 31 19 VIOILANTE Corp* member Bean Hoe Hul. 30. was fined »2M) yesterday after he admitted absenting himself from training between April it and Oct. 10 at Thomson Secondary School.
    31 words
  • 306 19 mHE stadium at the 1 sprawling Oay World Amusement Park, which was taken over by the Government In July, ls all set to do heavy business before the year Is out. The National Sports Council now managing the complex has already accepted several tentative
    306 words
  • 418 19  - Girl raped and killed: 10 years for youth T. F. HWANG By A YOUTH, who killed a 10-year-old schoolgirl after raping her, was jailed for 10 years by Mr. Justice Chua in the High Coart yesterday. Tan Kirn Seng, 19, of Jurong, pleaded guilty to causing the death of Goh
    418 words
  • 56 19 rVO firms were fined $1,440 yesterday for falling to pay CPF contributions for their employees. Express Service Enterprise (Pte.) Ltd., of Lavender Street, was fined $900 on nine counts of falling to make the contributions, while Hung Ouan Trading Co. (Pte.) Ltd., was fined $540 on six
    56 words
  • 40 19 THE SAT bomb disposal unit removed a shell believed to be a war relic at the reclaimed land behind St Patrick's School In Bast Coast Road, yesterday' afternoon Police said the shell was found by a passerby.
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  • 44 19 THE new Oreek Ambassador here. Mr. Bail Vltamxls. presented his credentials to President Shearea at the Istana yesterday. Mr. VltaaxU. who succeeds Mr John Yannakakl*. is presently the Oreek ambassador to India He will continue to reside in New Delhi
    44 words
  • 181 19 Vashi turns up in court to settle wage claims yASHI C Mahtanl, managing director of four Vashi department stores yeiterday made his first public appearance since the closure of the stores to answer wage claims by his employees In the Labour Court. Mahtarl, whose stores closed on Sept. 30, reached
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 361 19 PROSPECTUS NOTES ON THE STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES 1. LOANS The loans are secured by way of a floating charge on all the Company's property and assets including uncalled capital and goodwill. 2. FIXED ASSETS The fixed assets are stated at cost and are depreciated at straightline rates based
      361 words
    • 587 19 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS IN COMPLIANCE WITH CLAUSE 23 PART II OF THE FIFTH SCHEDULE OF THE COMPANIES ACT, CAP 185 OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE. CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES (FAR EAST) LIMITED 17th September, 1973 The Shareholders Chemical Industries (Far East) Limited 52 Jalan Buroh Jurong Town Singapore 22 The Companies
      587 words
    • 573 19 97. The Directors shall have power to pay and agree to pay pensions or other retirement, superannuation, death or disability benefits to any parson in respect of any Director or exDirector who may hold or have held any executive office or any office of profit under the Company or any
      573 words
    • 464 19 18. The name and address of the auditors have been stated earlier in the Prospectus. 19. No Director has any personal interest in this issue of chares. No sums have been paid or are agreed to be paid to any Director or to any firm of wnich a Director is
      464 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 694 20 classified ads |g CLAMIFIED RATES Ossmml* $0.60 per word Mlalmma: 900 (IS word*) Peraonal: 1.20 per word ae«-i- T (24 00 (20 word*) I menot* Friday 9th November. The Joan Booty Charm (for all ag**) and Model Academy (opposite Supreme House). Enquiries please Tsl: *****7/ *****3 S'pora. D16H16 POR A
      694 words
    • 836 20 SECURITY OUAROS minimum height 5' 10" and sound health Tsl: *****1 ext. IS4. EXPERIENCED INDUSTRIE! R A D I OORAPNIRS required Ring *****0 B'pon. •>) ■BBTBlsartaU and Clortoal CORRESPONDENCE PERSON NIL Well established manufacturing, Import and export firm requires female and male correspondence personnel In Singapore and Jakarta (Indonesia) offices
      836 words
    • 723 20 ESTABLISHED IN T I R I 0 R •IRM has vacancies for Male/ •>mal* Sales Representatives Mlractive Salary Sales Com nimon will be paid to those who have this neeesssry quailIcations experience Apply In nra handwriting to PO Box !Tl2 S'por*. DELIVERY ANO COUNTER sale* boys required urgently Minimum age
      723 words
    • 787 20 SWIM ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIES <PTI> LTD. Invites applications for PRODUCTION WORKERS Mai* and Female Abov* IS yean of age Tran no I allow*-w* paid Free La terms pi grided 5-day ccx No shift duties Free medical benefits Regular wage Increment CansMatM are ti apply personally at:Jureng Pier Read, (■pare 22 lADIO
      787 words
    • 808 20 EXPERIENCED SIWINC GIRLS wanted Starting salary (4 per day. Kindly apply personally- vileo Manufacturing Corporation Pte. Ltd.. 3823-D. Jalan Buklt Merah, Block 2 4th Boor, Redhill tndultrls! Building. Spore 3 WAREHOUSE HELPERS RE OUIRID. Passed English Primary Hx (8 per day plus overtime Call personally at Oxford University Press 875
      808 words
    • 680 20 OFFICE BOY REQUIRED to •tart work Immediately. Perferenee given te those with scooters Call personally at (8 Kramat Road Meuanlre door or tel *****7 S'pora DELIVERY BOY WANTIO with motorcycle licence. Apply personally at 181-B. Oold HUI Shopping Centra, Singapore, between 5 6 p.m. on Friday only. EXPERIENCED DRIVER. Minimum
      680 words
    • 784 20 SALESCIRLS, SALESMEN AND CLERK required. Apply In writing 9 Jalan Saudara-Ku S'pora IS or tel. *****0 MALI RECEPTIONISTS WANTED. Apply personally at Lloyd Houne Hotel. Lloyd Road, B'pore 9 A well established plastic factory In Jurong requires: MACHINE OPERATORS, and DRIVERS. interested applicants may dial *****6 far tntsrvlsw er sail
      784 words
    • 877 20 DIST. IS CORONATION ROAD WIST 4 bedroomed doubleetorey detached bungalow furnished $1,700. Hilton Towe.s off Orange Road 3-bedroomed apartment rurnlshed $950. Ooldhlll Avenue apartment furnished 81. 400. Semi-detached bunaalow fumlahed $1,400 Tel' *****3 MODERN SPLIT LEVEL Binjal Park bungalow on 15.000 iq ft beautiful matured garden. Three bedroomi. separat* living
      877 words
    • 770 20 LUXURIOUS QUIET RESIDEN TIAL apartments houses li central or Faber Drive. Fur nlshed unfurnished Rental STOi I— $1,800 Tel *****4 Spore > RACE house at Sembawani Hllli Estate. Mosaic floor. Car porch 4 400 aq ft Avallabli Immediate y. *****8/*****7. OIST. 21 RIOINA HILL 4 bedroomed 2 itorey semi detached.
      770 words
    • 873 20 1 WANTEO BY TOP SENIOR executives detsched bungalows. apartments or 2-storey bouse* In good rildrntls. area. Dlst* 9. 10. 11 and 21. Minimum 3 bedrooms llving/separa-.e dining room and area for entertain- ment. Must have adequate amount of privacy. Rental pay--1 able $3,000/- $5,000 p m Preferably unfurnished Apply with
      873 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 839 21 (1) CHANCERY LAN! nev. 2-storey detached bungalow, 4 bedrooms. guest room. servant s. 12) Chestnut Crescent, single-storey detached bungalow. 14,300 sq.ft. (3) Dlst 10 Napier Road newly renovated apartment Equatorial Housing. 80(0(7/*****2. OEI TIONG HAM PARK double•torey bungalow 9000 sq. ft. $410,000 (2) Oolden Mile flat with central airconditioning $180,000.
      839 words
    • 732 21 LEONIE TOWERS BLOCK B or Cavenagh Court as substitute, urgently required by genuine buyer Tel: *****3 B' pore WANTED WESTWOOD APARTMINT for ready buyer Contact Pan Asia Agencies 300(7/***** Spore URCENTLY WANTED SemiDetached Bungalow In Seletar Hills Estate/Serangoon Garden. Phone 94(49. 8 pore Ah conditioned office space at Ist floor.
      732 words
    • 690 21 SIAKSON COACH TOURS, 38. >rln**p Stteet. Sing»pore 7. T»l *****. Agent for above Upper Buklt Timah Tel (***** 7 Days. West Malaysia Air-Con Bus $139/- Dept: Every Sunday Monday. 7 Day*: Haadyai/Songkhla $103/Dept: Every Sunday. 19 Days: Bangkok Chlengmal Air-Con Bus $3(0/- Dept 12/il. 27/11. 12/13. Agent* for worldwide irlin
      690 words
    • 652 21 lIRVICI. Room 103. 3rd Floor. Central Building. Magailne Road. Spore Tel: *****2/9(304 Offers special low oast flight* lo London A Europe Dally TO EUROPE ANO U.S.A. Singapore London S 700 Singapore Pan* 779 Singapore Amsterdam 779 Singapore— New York $1190 Singapore— L. Angeles $1300 FOR OTHER LOW COST DESTINATIONS Please
      652 words
    • 779 21 EXPERT LONDON TUITION by: air-Law; LL.B. Bar; Secretaryship: ACIS: Accountancy ACCA. ICWA. A.I.A. Institute of Credit afansuement. Banking: AIB School Certificate, H S.C. LCC: Marketing Th* Kapld Results College. Dept TFia P.O. Box 1171. Spore BASIC INGREDIENTS IN JOURNALISM. 12 workshop sessions Wedneaday* and Saturdays from p.m. 7 p.m. commencing
      779 words
    • 970 21 V.M.C.A. JUDO FOR CHILD REN. (8 12 years) Wedneaday and Saturday commencing 1.10.73. Enrol 'A' Orchard Road. Spore Tel: *****3. MALAY, MANDARIN, HOKKMN, CANTONESE at home/ Jubilee Tuition Centie. 34 X, Block D, Far Bait Mansion. 8 pore *****9. BAUSTIER SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Beginners ceursee In: (1) SHORTHAND TYPING (2)
      970 words
    • 903 21 RIGISTIRID 1971 CORTINA 1(00 c.c Super. One owner. Excellent condit.on. $5,330 0.n.0. 3T4-B. Blk. 33. Lorong Toa Pnyoh Spore Tel: *****6 Wong. 19«s MODEL FORD FALCON 300 with new tyre*, road tax and Insu: ance and good condition. Askinr for $1,800 Phone office (***** Ext. 27 Spore. JACUAR KM 4.2
      903 words
    • 824 21 MONTHS OLD Jaguar 4 2L Tl Automatic. atrcon Contact Tl lira Ong *****. 301(9 during be .nice hour*. Ai 1971 CAPRI 1(00 OTL, 1970 Fl ■fazda 1200. 19(9 Moms IIOOS Ti View 46 Zlon Road (behind '.rent World), Sjore MOB 194 M Excellent condition I New Insurance tyre*. Kcrni 9
      824 words
    • 761 21 LINKING OF PRESENTS' imk orchids' Long-lasting. autifully boxed, to Europe lutralla. Ameiica, etc Air relght Orchids A Company il: *****7. MM NIW FRIENDS INtantlv:: Hundreds Ot Inter iting Friends Guaranteed All rofessions Malaysia BlngaWl O P.O. (97 Spore ENOVATIONS PAINTINGS/ 'HITEWASH/re.slrs. etc Al. Misehold problems we underike big and small
      761 words
    • 790 21 WANTED TO PURCNASI I Small Commercial School In I Central Location. Term* Negotisble Front sharing possible. > Apply with details and contact Telephone Numbers to 0.P.0. I Box 2832 (B'pora). HAVE YOU THOUGHT OP going Into the retail business' Specialists' Shopping Centra I still haa a few prime shop* available
      790 words

    • 283 22 KUALA LIMPI R. Tues. Major i. Ann Hon. who was crowned Miss Malaysia on Friday night, has been stripped of her title. This follows her decision not to represent Malaysia at the Miss World contest to be held in London on Nov. 12. Sitting in
      283 words
    • 187 22 A-G rejects bid to oust senators KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday Lew Sip Hon and Yeap Kheng Yam are qualified to be senators, the Attorney-General, Tan Sri Abdul Kadir bin Yusof, said today. He Is fully satisfied that they are not holding "offices of profit" as alleged by the DAP and are
      187 words
    • 170 22 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Prices of household electrical appliances, radio and TV sets will be Increased from November. The Increase Is expected to be between 15 and 20 per cent due to higher costs of material and labour. The total lnc-ease, however, may not
      170 words
    • 52 22 KUALA LUMPUR. TUW With only three d»y» to go before Polling Der on Saturday, eleettoDwrlnc In Urn Kajang atatc by-election 1* now In full •wing. The three-cornered fight (between Alliance. Pekemas and DAP) U considered by ob»«n«u ben as one of the toughot atnc* the laat
      52 words
    • 14 22 Kampoug Oa]«h. IS mile* from Teluk Anaon. thu afternoon, flooding low-lying area*.
      14 words
    • 129 22 $100 m loan to finance projects KUANTAN, Tue«.— The Pahang Tenggara Development Authority U negotiating with the World Bank for a $100 million loan to finance Its projects. Its chairman, Tunku Datuk Bhahrlman bin Tunku Sulalman, said that the authority was also seeking a loan of between $160 million to
      129 words
    • 203 22 So-cool youths pick up $10,000 from bank counter IT LANG. Tues. Two well-dressed youths, in long sleeves and ties, calmly removed $10,000 from an unattended counter of the Chartered Bank here today and walked off with ihe money. The roths were so cool that a tauJ customer who saw them
      203 words
    • 52 22 KOTA BARU. Tue« KclanUn police detained t»o suspected car thieves at a road-block yesterday and seized a van which had been stolen from the Telecoms store In Jalan Cochrane, Kuala Lumpui on Friday It Is believed the two suspects Intended to dispose of the van across
      52 words
    • 30 22 JOHOR BARU. Tues. Customs recovered 24 rolls of textiles worth 14 000 at Telok Java Masai last night The textiles, smuggled from Singapore, were hidden In some bushes
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    • 312 22 KUALA LUMPUR, TV*. The cost of living allowance claim by 15.000 commercial workers i.- to be reviewed for the third time following unsuccessful negotiations with employers ever the last fortnight. Representatives from 138 companies will meet here tomorrow to consider
      312 words
    • 132 22 KUALA I'JMPUR. Tues. Ma ayan Banking holds the biggest share In a multinational consortium of seven banks. Aseambankers. which will be officially launched on Thursday. Aseambankers Asian and Euro-American Merchant Bankers (Malaysia) Bhd. will be launched by Tun Abdul Razak at a reception at
      132 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 155 22 Ml M m 1 J& >^g t^s^gTsTaTa^a*aTaTTa*a*a*a*a^aßaTa*a*aw*a*a^s^a*a*g*s*a*a*aT r -< \_V *lV him; I tof<* v *aTawA sTafaW I I* \fcOFFEE HOUSE JUaddhiCoffeellouse in Shenton Way Traders breakfast of Oriental 'chok' or European bacon eggs. So conveniently located at UIC Building, lower ground floor. "A good way to start your day
      155 words
    • 218 22 classified ads ./'I in., p.. ffa 41 v Mcoftdlu nd room A.rcon4ltionfn (Cont. from rafe 41) hp EHfiitm amnuor Contact 442M7 olln houm LATf IT 2 PliCt tone Iftltr SSS^SSa*S*S*aTa*a*aTaTS B 10 wllh c«ntrepl«t« teak lablr and muchlnc armcbair ».'h Slgf<g<flflflfl<flflflfl9BSßg<^^= fooisiool nine M7D74 sport SPICIAL OFFIR Vinyl übMIICONDHAND HOUSIHOLO
      218 words

    • 88 23 RECENTLY I bought a packet of vitamin C tablet In a drug store for 20 cents and In another, a bottle of 12 vitamin tablets at $3.80. Due to carelessness I did not check the items on the spot. Both were found to be "Sample and Not for Sale." I
      88 words
    • 64 23 I REFER to the letter by Mr. Bitten (B.T. Oct. 5 1 on mosquito breeding In a drain between Market Street and Outhrle Lane. Hawkers in this lane do not throw their rubbish In the drain. We all have dust bins for this. Stagnant water in the drain is due
      64 words
    • 27 23 RECENTLY our Government launched the antl- pollution campaign. I think It has not been very successful. Buses and lorries are still emitting excessive fumes. LEE, Singapore Zt.
      27 words
    • 276 23 1 WHOLEHEARTEDLY support CPrs view (ST.. Oct. 24). Since CPF contributions, are compulsory savings for old age. surely our Government which Is encouraging home ownership schemes should look Into the matter seriously and see how the CPF contributions can
      276 words
    • 256 23 Education in Living for the elders too T«HE Ministry of Education's Introduction of Education in Living In primary schools next year is certainly most commendable. However, while the elders begin to teach the young the virtues of humility, good manners and the like, may we also look back at the
      256 words
    • 80 23 I WISH to draw the attention of the relevant authorities to the street light blackout along a stretch of Windsor Drive that leads to Wing Loong Road. This road Is used frequently by military as well as civilian vehicles. As a result, this road is full of pot-holes and with
      80 words
    • 280 23 WHAT kind of leisure activity does Dr. Toh Chin Chye (ST., Oct. 30) have in mind for us youth? I do not frequent discotheques and I do not consider myself permissive. But it would seem to me that while the elders of society keep telling us
      280 words
    • 141 23 B e ggar who doesn't need alms but care HOPE through your column, I can bring the attention of the proper authorities to the plight of a beggar who frequently haunts the popular eating stalls along Beach Road, In the early hours of the morning. This poor tool is blind
      141 words
      • 107 23 I REFER to the letter by "CHB" (8.T.. Oct. 13) on the subject of probationary period and probationary examinations for civil servants. Since the re-organlsa-tlon of the Administrative Service and the General Executive Service whereby the probationary period has been reduced from three to two years and the passing of
        107 words
      • 81 23 I REFER to the letter from "Frustrated" (8.T.. Oct. 17) on the re-routlnK of buses at Toa Payoh Central The Toa Payoh Central bus terminus and the lane used by buses nearest to Block 184. were planned In conjunction with the construction of the Toa Payoh central complex. For the
        81 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 216 23 Have you thought about it' The luxury of it all. The smooth air conditioned joy ride in a really posh car. You too may be seated in a limousine one of these days if you hit the top prizes in the Singapore Sweep. A dollar put into the Sweep >s
      216 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 238 23 Bringing «P Fitlnf My Mil Ktytßtih «t MtU Camp /rrs a OA6. i rrs limb wtmbu tmk I I nauomtv. naughty auntie I you may call it mm iv 1 MOWS XDH •«**D»LIY. i <SCVBIN<k«T I B4OY THATS PCTTV y LAUCKNY I CALL T CLASS IV V TQWim SllWtl ITSHgVWft
      238 words

    • 628 24  -  DENNIS CHI A By JOINT COMMAND 11, who was withdrawn from both his runs at the last professional meeting at Bukit Timah, showed there was nothing wrong with him when he did a dashing gallop on a good track at Bukit
      628 words
    • Article, Illustration
      50 24 SOUTH KOREA'S Kirn Ho Kon and Kang Kee Wook (right) break up an Australian attack during the World Cup soccer championship Asian elimination round match at Sydney last week. The match ended In a scoreless draw and the second leg will be played In Seoul on Nov. 10. UPI radloplx.
      UPI  -  50 words
    • 383 24 The Bite in line to win $330,000 cup race m SINGAPORE racehorse owner S. K. Qoek has a first-rate chance of winning one of the most glittering prises on the Australian turf— the ASIOO.--•H ($334.0001 Perth Cup— with a bargain purchase. The Bite, bought by Quek for only AJ2.000 ($6,600)
      383 words
    • 30 24 MANILA. TU«. Oriental Boxing Prdcratlm has approved a title Bght between South Korea'! Soo Hwang Hong and Filipino challenger Eddie Saloma (or the vancat Orient bantamweight title
      30 words
    • 185 24 SYDNEY, Tues Jockey Rey Selkrlg finished his race the hard way today and (or a while It was quite certain he would even be able to claim the victory. Selkrlg, riding a horse named Hot Chestnut, was well ahead of
      185 words
    • 380 24 3 'stranded' athletes in Australian Games team SYDNEY, Tues. Three athletes "stranded" overseas have been named in Australia's team for the Commonwealth Games in Christchurch early next year. The trio, all potential medallists, have been told by the Australian Commonwealth Games Federation that they would have to pay their own
      380 words
    • 161 24 LIFTER IS DROPPED BECAUSE OF SHOT PUT MELBOURNE, Tues. Ray Rlgby Ausira- 11 a's Commonwealth Games chr.m p o n welghtllfter. has been dropped from *he team for the 1974 Oames in Chris tchurch. But he will represent his country in the shot put instead Rlgby. a super-heavywelgh'. said he
      Reuter  -  161 words
    • 63 24 STOCKHOLM. Tuea. Lite Nutate ol Rumania ii top-*eeded lor the 1 165.000 Stockholm Open Tennl» Tournament which begins here on Sunday, officials announced last night. Stan Smith of the United States and Tom Okker of the Netherlands are seeded second and third respectively for the eight-day
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 117 24 Bookmakers saved by Tony's misses LONDON, Tues. Tony Jacklln, former British and U.S. Open golf champion, failed In 26 attempts to score a hole-ln-one here yesterday, and saved a bookmaking firm from paying out more than $550,000. If Jacklln had succeeded, one of 28 winning contestants In a recent Schweppes
      Reuter  -  117 words
    • 109 24 Dropped catch saves W. Province Papetown. Tues. a droppec; catch cost D.H Robins' XI a chance of forcing victory over Western Province before rain brought the cricket match to in early close as a draw here yesterday. With Western Province 88-5 in their second innings and still three runs behind.
      109 words
    • 163 24 READ WINS HIS DUEL WITH AGOSTINI f ONDON. Tues —Britain Phil Read, the new SOOcc world motorcycle champion, decisively won his longawa'.ied duel at Brand's Hatch with Italian ace Oiacomo Agosllnl, wno dropped out when tral'lng badly Riding a lour cylinder MV Agusu. Read powered through 10 laps of the
      163 words
    • 253 24 I ONDON. Tues— Sweden. East Germany and Bulgaria are poised to move Into the World Cup soccer finals in the next two weeks. Sweden have to beat Malta by at least twe goals; East Ofrmany need a win over Albania, while Bulgaria require only
      253 words
    • 224 24 Toshack's goal puts Liverpool in third round I ONDON. Tues. A goal by John Toshack after 22 minutes gave English Football League champions Liverpool a 1-0 victory over West Ham United in their League Cup second round replay last night. Liverpool's defence was stretched to the limits in the closing
      224 words
    • 56 24 PERTH. Tues Tennis champion Margaret Court said here today It was unlikely she would make another attempt on the fourtournament 'grand slam." She said that playing the grand slam circuit meant being away from home for too long "Right now I'm v»ry tired and glad
      56 words
    • 265 25  - SLTA want venue changed GODFREY ROBERT By SINGAPORE Lawn Tennis Association have asked the Malaysian LTA to change the venue from Penang to Kuala Lumpur for the a n n v al International scheduled for Nov. 11 »nd 12. The request was made In a cable by the SLTA secretary
      265 words
    • 116 25 NEW YORK. Tue» Hubert Green moved back to tht top 10 moneywlnners on the POA tour with his tightplace finish In the BaJiara Invitational, tournament according to figures released by the Tournament Players division of the POA yesterday. Oreen. a winner of two tournaments
      116 words
    • 156 25 Gonzalez gets $21 8,500 fight offer NEW YORK, Tues.— Kodolfo Gonzalei, the Ulented World Boxlnf Council lifhtweifht kinj, may fo to Japan to make his third title defence. "We're wei(hinf two offer?," Jackie McCoy, Gonxalei's manager. kid yerterdav. "They are both rood possibilities." Gomalex, 27. disposed of Italian challenger Antonio
      156 words
    • 504 25  -  ERNEST FRIDA By gINGAPORE AAA have dropped long distance runner A. Mahalingam from the team to the First Asian track and field championships in Manila from Nov. 18-23. The reason: Mahalingam did not compete In the SAAA All-Comers meet at the National Stadium last Sunday.
      504 words
    • 23 25 UJUtt HIM HYATT HOTEL 8. C. beat The Stnlts Times S C 4-3 In a friendly table tennis match last night
      23 words
    • 367 25 Murphy may coach our divers again SINGAPORE Amateur Swimming Association may send their promising young divers for training either to Aus tralla or United States depending on funds being available In preparation for next year's Asian Games In Teheran. Diving coach Bruce Bland disclosed that he was new negotiating with
      367 words
    • 65 25 BARCELONA. Tuts Soccer start from two hemUpneres wl)< meet here tomorrow night In friendly match to celebrate the Pint World Football Day. The Europe* verius South Amtrtc* match was organised by the International Football Federation (Flfa) and mil be played at the SO.OOO--capaclty Nou Camp Stadium
      65 words
    • 417 25 rpHHEE foreign Clubs X Aurl Angkasa of Jakarta. Bangkok Bank of Bangkok and Medan rC will compete In the Tamnlnes Rovers quadrangular soccer tournament from Dec. IS The tournament, staged to celebrate Rovers' 25th Anniversary. Is the first to be organised by a soccer
      417 words
    • 231 25 Dundee: AH ready to fightFrazier lIONOLULU. Tues. Angelo Dundee. Muha m m ad All's trainer, said here yesterday that the former heavyweight champion has returned to his home In Pennsylvania and that there "is nothing seriously wrong with his jaw.' Dundee, who decided to remain In Hawaii for a few
      231 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 277 24 CONSTIPATION Here's the sugar-coated answer BpjW^mT* .ammmfef d liouM>> Pinkettes. The sugar-coated laxative tablets. Pinkettes work gently, but thoroughly to get the bowels working smoothly and comfortably. Pinkettes restore the regularity of bowel movements, and give help to pile sufferers because they maintain soft stools. For constipation, the sure but
      277 words
    • 38 24 with comfort have the latest rang: o( HOUTOKU quality furniture availabb new in (Singapore aW Houtoku Oynatty (Singapore) Pte Ltd Shenton House She-ton Way Singapore 1 Tel: *****4 (2 lines) Associated company with Dynasty Interior! (Singapore' Pte. Ltd.
      38 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 61 24 Danny Blanchflower's Soccerstrip ISLszLi ATRICK PASS .JX '&w—m^mmm&^^^m f ton*** i axM o»t«*i i swwmoc mv X »^^>. tm«T" TL/ /2//Wmmml ■T^ jmmmmWWwfldmm^^'^t CJ^ 1 t K» n«a« TT^ I W > '•fc'l mmf »»ou«ut vn mtur im^\ MM V J K «tx»jo me back of «rr i»rr W flmw.
      61 words
    • 33 24 Horkfy— SHA Dlv 1: CSC v SAFSA (PaiTer Park I. Rcfby friendly Spore Civilians v SRU President's XV ipadang). Soccer friendly: Star United v Vigilant* Corps (Parrer Parki Bips v Ming Court (Tanglln
      33 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
      169 words
    • 126 25 m\W Look, your best with EYE-GENE the all-in-one eye bath. wmX^" Late nights, office work, dust and mt RR glare all put excessive strain on our B c\cv They become tired, red and f^^^^m*Ur sore. flHp 1 4 fl i^9 mI 'm Eye-Gene, the new sterile eye- r^*M^lw^Ni drops from
      126 words

  • 506 26 CAIRO, Tuesday J]GYPT was today reported to be handing over to the International Red Cross the names of Israeli prisoners-of-war, removing one of the major obstacles of the initial stages of the Middle East ceasefire. The authoritative newspaper Al Ahram said the Egyptian decision
    Reuter; UPI  -  506 words
  • 186 26 Let Third Army get supplies, US tells Israel WASHINGTON, Tuea.— Tie United Slates advocated that Israel open up a corridor to let In relief supplies for the Egyptian Third Army trapped on the east bank of the Sues Canal, the State Department said last night. But department spokesman Rob-rt McCloskry
    186 words
  • 44 26 WTKLUNOTON. Tues. New Zealand has earned, a record NZ5613.*****0 (about *****3 million) In a year from meat exports, the Meat Producers Board announced today. Meat and meat by-products earn 40.7 per cent of the export Income, the board said Beuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 369 26 LONDON. Tuw. Tlm nock market cloud aaslar on balance toda; dsspltr tradlaa: revival towards lb« clom which raiaad Mlact•d luura a fsw ptner abort low. Proaa reports of a Bloomy shortcouplfd with hlKher US TTmsurr bill rates ovtrnlxht wers cttsd lor At I P.m. tho Financial Ttroas lUDI
    369 words
  • 24 26 Settlement Not M JO. Dec MOO. Jaa. 94 as Jaa /Mar M.M Oneral elf: No* IIU norn Doc MM asm. Jan. 12 00
    24 words
  • 33 26 LONDON. Moa. Spot buyers ***** lunch), seller, in) <— £11 Forwanl Buyers IJMS (*£lll. sellers l»» (+£lol sVttleoMnt ttru £3i Turnover a m MO taaa pm. S3 tsas. Toee: Very steady but quiet.
    33 words
  • 212 26 Britons get a preview of new laws to come LONDON, Tues. Queen Elizabeth today announced a sweeping programme of government legislation, including plans to clean up pollution, tighten controls over Indecent public advertising and reiorm corporate laws. She did so In a speech from the Throne read to members of
    Reuter  -  212 words
  • 233 26 SAIOON, Tues— South Vietnam today charged Hanoi with Infiltrating 600 tanks and thousands of troops into the south since the ceasefire in preparation for an imminent communist offensive. Oen. Phan Hoa Hlep, Saigon's chief delegate, made the charge at a regular meeting of the
    AP  -  233 words
  • 72 26 NEW YORK. Tues Th. witches ol America. Issued their annual Halloween {rediction yesterday on the performance of the stock market during the next six months. "A wrier of 260 American witches Include* the prediction that toe Dow Jones Industrial average will hit an all-time high of
    UPI  -  72 words
  • 37 26 BANOKOK. Tues. The Foreign Ministry today dismissed the Ambassador to South Vietnam for leaving the country without informing the ministry. The decision to dismiss Col Pmttana Payakkanlthl was made after a Cabinet meeting —neuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 282 26 Low-cost, lop ahi c tours of Australia andjffe^, New Zealand *^g||^ JCt ttiCTC by ttie dozen different tours for you to super comfortable c u^\ 5 "l"ss!i 2" group «*4avr fM^ ti\ departure rate) to 21 days I H^\ 111 H' (*****9, group departure rate). Times yoa'H never forget. 2J~2±ttX3£
      282 words
    • 75 26 to sec... to savour... to taste fine quality food is one of the greatest pleasures in life. open any can of 823 see, h^ GZm^3 <^^^%assssssssssi IZtB^SB^S^F ft l^B^r^^^^^T"sSSSSSsi SBBSPV^SV '^SBBBBBsJ SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^I^IBBBBBBBB*_^I^H W^m^^Km i L' M^^^^BOm I L VfiSS i\r J f At now do you believe us? I "sl\im
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