The Straits Times, 30 October 1973

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 20 1 TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 250,000 The Straits Times Efltd. 1845 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1973 20 CENTS M.C. (P) 1366/73
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  • 122 1 U.N. PEACE FORCES ARRIVE AT THE WAR FRONT JJNITED NATIONS trucks carrying Finnish soldiers of the peacekeeping force entering the outskirts of Suez City on Sunday to supervise the implementation of the Security Council's Middle Kast ceasefire resolution. Mr. Ali Khalil, director of the U.N. Information Centre in Cairo, said
    UPI  -  122 words
  • 354 1 TRUCE: MORE VIOLATIONS TEL AVIV, Monday ISRAELI forces shot down three Egyptian helicopters which penetrated Israeli positions below the Suez Canal early today, an Israeli spokesman said here. The spokesman said Kgyptian helicopters were intercepted by Israeli planes when they flew ovei isntM i>ositions in the K;is Masala sector south
    UPI  -  354 words
  • 251 1 Top secret note from Sadat to Nixon CAIRO Monday PRESIDENT Sadat has ant a personal note to President Nixon, Al Ahrain newspaper said today. Acting Foreign Minister Fahml left last night lor Washington to deliver the message and to hold talks with Secretary of State Dr. Kissinger. Al Ahram did
    Reuter  -  251 words
  • 78 1 NEW YORK. Mon. Interpol has told police In Orlando. Florida. that the teenager who weni on an alleged US$5OO 000 stolen credit card spree c.nnoi be extradited or prosecuted for the European costs of his illegal Junket Orlando Del Kitty said Interpcl o!Bc.«is told her that
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  • 42 1 Trapped boy search off PLYMOUTH. Mon— Royal Navy divert uive up hope today tor a boy trapped In a capaizrd fishing boat Ke«ln Crocker. 13. waf deeping below decks »n»n the trawler rolled over and tank In 200 feet of water AP
    AP  -  42 words
  • 24 1 MANILA Mon. The Phlltppine-Untted States bilateral cotton textile agreement, scheduled to expire on Dec. 31. has been extended for three years AP.
    AP  -  24 words
  • 119 1 Iraqis pull out from Syria BEIRUT, Mon. AnNahar, a usually wellinformed Lebanese newspaper, said today that Iraqi troops on the Syrian front had begun returning to their home barracks. It quoted diplomatic ■ources In Baghdad as saying that the troops were withdrawing and returning to barracks In Baghdad and other
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 66 1 TOKYO. Mon Leading businessmen and experts of the United Slates. Western Europe and Japan today began a three-day conference here to discuss energy problems and formulation of new policies. The meeting, sponsored by the Atlantic Institute. Is also expected to provide a forum to exchange views
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 64 1 NEW YORK. Mon— Police were looking today for a thief who stole a bag of walnuts They want to save- his life. The walnuts. meant for rats and squirrels, were taken from a station wagon belonging to a pest exterminating (inn and they are covered with "enough
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 656 1 Non-stop arms aid offsets war losses WASHINOTON, Mon. Despite staggering battlefield losses, Israel, Egypt and Syria may emerge from the war as heavily armed as before the fighting began on Ot 6. Dmcials said yesterday the flow of weapons from the US and hjssla was continuing unabated by both air
    Reuter  -  656 words
  • 46 1 WELLINGTON Mon A US scientist Is investigating an ailment which Is becoming Increasingly a problem In the Antarctic the common cold. I aoliled Antarctic researchers are liable to catch a cold quite easily from germ-carrying newcomers who enter their infectionfree environment Rtuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 37 1 TOKYO, alon and Brazil today signed a pact for a preliminary Japanese feasibility study of a BraslUan project to build an Integrated steel mil' on Sao Luis Island, near tne mouth of the Amazon. Rtutcr
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  • 133 1 WASHINGTON. Mon. The alert Is still in force for 400.000 IS servicemen as th resalt of Middle East tensions. PrnUgon officials did not say when the alert would end. President Nixon said he ordered all 2.2 million men in military service to be placed on
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  • 71 1 NIIOATA (Japan). Mon One worker was killed. 17 people were injured and an estimated 520 million yen iS$42 million) damage was caused In an explosion and fire at a chemical plant here yesterday. The vinyl chloride monomer plant of the Shinetsu Chemical Co. was
    AP  -  71 words
  • 366 1 Japan's six point policy for world co-operation TOKYO, Monday FOREIGN Minister Masayoslii Ohira today spelled out Japan's basic sixl>< >i 1 1 diplomatic policy based on international cooperation. In a keynote speech to a JapanAustralia ministerial conference, Mr. Ohira said: "We are now entering an era where the strengthening of
    Reuter  -  366 words
  • 27 1 CAIRO. Mon. Cairo international airport, cloned during the Middle Kast war. will re-open to normal traffic tomorrow, -he Middle East new* agency reported today Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 38 1 ARMS CUT PLEDGE VIENNA. Mon. The Soviet Unloa and the 1 mud State* pledged today to work for a reduction of troop* and weapons In central tarope. but negotiators laid a Quick agreement wa* unlikely. I PI
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  • 31 1 HOME. Mon -Kfypt s Foreign Minister. Dr. Mohammed Kl-Zayyat, Mid here today the road to a real peace In the Middle East was still "lone and difficult" Rrutrr
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 51 1 good day to ROLEXI^ A^J 73 Robinson *^*^^IH no gadgets, no trouble^ Just good pictures OLYMPUS 35ECR Just line up the image and shoot. The electric eye automatically sets the correct exposure, for perfect pictures everytime. Ji m cp rK I r I asVJ 1 xwvic* BkataM throughout Singapore and
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    • 61 1 YOUTH TO GET MORE FACILITIES Page 8 ISRAEL to quit Sinai pledge by Brethnev 2 $4.5 BILLION trade surplu!> by DA 4 CALL for watchdog body for Govt ministries 7 810 NEW advance In heart surgery planned here 13 WORLD NEWS 2. 3. 4 CROSSWORD 7 ACROSS THE CAUSEWAY 9
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    • 116 1 obermain Kr,,,1,,rJ Trait Mark Philips present 2 great amplifiers. Your best choice for under $600! Cash 5525 Philips RHS2I Hi-Fi Stereo Amplifier STEREO 4 circuitry for 4 speakers in 1 room, or 2 speakers in 2 different rooms. 120 watts total peak power. Frequency Response: 20-20,000 Hz, Idß 2 power
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  • World News
    • 149 2 RUSSIAN THREAT TO DESTROY JEWISH STATE NEW YORK. Mon.— The Soviet I nion threatened the destruction of the state of Israei" by Russian troop* anlea* Israel slopped violating the Middle East ceasefire last week. Time Magazine said today. Time said the threat was contained in a secret note sent to
      Reuter  -  149 words
    • 58 2 JAKARTA. Mon. The Dutch Shell Mljnbouw Company has signed a joint venture agreement to search for coal In South Sumatra. Shell and the Indonesian company PT Tambang Batubara signed the agreement last week calling for a twoyear search by the Dutch company at a cost of
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • 299 2 MOSCOW. Mon PIAVDA said today West European countries are compelled to dissociate themselves from the pro-Israeli policy of the United States because of the "genuine possibility of the use of oil as a political weapon." The Communist Party newspaper said a solution to the
      Reuter; UPI  -  299 words
    • 48 2 JAKARTA. Mon. President Suharto said here thmt Indonesia must strive to wipe out poverty through development schemes Speaking to (10.000 Muslims crowded into Jakarta's main moaque here at the weekend. President Suharto said that Islamic teachings obliged Muslims to feed the poor Reulei
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    • 636 2 Israel will Pull out rom inai pledge by Brez BEIRUT, Man 'pHiil Soviet Union, in agreement with the US, has assured Egypt of an Israeli withdrawal from all of Sinai before the start of peace talks between the antagonists in the region, the newspaper An Nahar said today. Writing from
      Reuter; UPI  -  636 words
    • 252 2 ELAZAR REVEALS CANAL BATTLE STRATEGY rf*EL AVIV, Mon. The 1 Israeli army waited for the bulk of the Egyptian army to cross the Suez Canal before launching Its own of tensive across the water way. Chief -of Staff Lieut -Gen David Elazar said last night. Describing Israeli military strategy In
      AP  -  252 words
    • 348 2 Concern over strain between US, Nato allies LONDON. Mon— Three leading British newspapers today expressed concern over the signs of strain between the United States md her Nato allies, brought on by the Middle East war. The Times said that no one emerged with much credit from the wrangle between
      Reuter  -  348 words
    • 307 2 Indonesia ready to send peace troops to M-East JAKARTA, Mon. Indonesia has told the UN that it Is willing to send peace keeping troops to the Middle East Foreign Minister Adam Malik told reporters at the weeitned that he had received a cable from Secretary General Dr. Waldheim asking if
      Reuter  -  307 words
    • 27 2 ANKARA. Mon. The Turkish Republic todsy began lavish Mth anniversary celebraitons with t simple, scmbre ceremony it the tomb of IU Kemal Ataturk Reuter.
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    • 86 2 LONDON. Mon. The i West African na- tlons of Ghana and Senegal announced yesterday they had broken off dlplomatlc relations with Israel until a lust and lasting peace was establlshed In '.he Middle-East. Their action brings to 22 the total of African countries
      Reuter  -  86 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 406 2 Fully automatic, with buirt- in water-heater and detergent dispenser, a single control for all washing programmes. Maximum loading capacity of 5 kg (about 12 Ib.) of dry clothes /Allll\\l Just load the machine set the control and switch on. IHIIUIIIJI Zanussi takes care of the complete washing process tmS»t)« mudobtT
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    • 119 2 all girls... law IstJaa asaa Isaac* a pas castast kasst aa MM siatsra al tkt aratti |hi tkat kaa craua aar lack Fags sswa aar Drat him Tkari ■M ka Mf. Mg artist far aar rassm. saa attracts* artaa far Ist tfrh. Tatar wt call aa al ratty fait to
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    • 358 3 NEW YORK. Mon. PRESIDENT Nixon decided to fire special Watergate prosecutor Archibald Cox because of Cox's determination to investigate four sensitive subjects Including one that was "potentially one of the most explosive scandals In Washington." Time magazine
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    • 370 3 TOKYO. Monday AUSTRALIAN Prime Minister Gough Wliillain revealed for the first time today that his (ioverninent wanted to retain 100 per tent Australian ownership of key mineral resources. He gave full details of government policy towards foreign Investment at the opening session of
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    • 326 3 LONDON. Mon. A British guide to hotels and restaurants, covering European Common Market cities for the first time, gives Its highest marks to Paris and London. Paris wins on restaurants despite some disappointments —but its hotels are rated behind those of London. MANILA: The Philippines expects to impose a
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    • 291 3 Students to Taiwan: Do not harbour Praphas, Narong BANGKOK. Mob. Thailand's powerful National Student Centre says Thai-National-ist Chinese relations must be changed if the Taiwan government provides ancillary for two military strongmen who fled there after an ■prising acre two weeks ago. A spokr>man for the centre, which claims 4M,--•40
      AP  -  291 words
    • 85 3 KATMANDU Mon Two Japanese mountain climbers became the first ever to set foot In autumn on Mount Everest, the world's tallest peak, the Nepal Foreign Ministry announced here today. It said Ism hi Ishlguro. 2a. and Yasuo K«io. M both of TDkyo.
      AP  -  85 words
    • 61 3 NEW DELHI. Mon. A conference of India's HartJans (untouchables) and other depressed classes has urged that the Government enact laws to atoli the centuries-old castle system The two-day conference, vhlch ended today In Bangalore. Mysore, said In a resolution that social reform In all aspects can
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    • 96 3 rKYO. Mon. Japa neae Industries were reported today to be keenly Interested In a proposed major Indus trial base In West Aus trallas Pllbara district at a cost of A 56.000 mil lion (about 5519.000 mil > But Japanese banks denied a local newspaper
      Reuter  -  96 words
    • 199 3 NIXON'S TOP ADVISER LAIRD 'TO RETIRE' WASHINGTON, Monday itfELVIN Laird, President Nixon;, chief 1" adviser on domestic affairs, was reported yesterday to be hoping to retire soon after Mr. Gerald Ford is confirmed as vicepresident. Mr. Laird, former Defence Secretary, was quoted by the Washington Post as saying: "With Mr.
      Reuter  -  199 words
    • 71 3 CAPE CANAVERAL, Mon— The countdown began overnight for the third Skylab mission, scheduled to blast off on Nov. 10. The three Skylab astronauts. Lt-Col. Oerald Carr. Dr Edwarc Olbwn and air force Lt-Col WUilam Pogue are now In training for the Si-day mission, planned
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    • 302 3 WASHINGTON, Monday INDONESIA, with rich oil deposits. may make a bid to help fill the petroleum gap in the IS, intelligence sources s;iy. Oil-producing Arab states have moved either to cut off or reduce shipments of petroleum j to the US In retaliation lor
      Reuter; AP  -  302 words
    • 42 3 Ry an sued for divorce LOS ANOELES. Mon Actor Ryan O'Neal. 32. has been sued for divorce by actress Leigh Taylor-Young. It was disclosed today. The couple, who met while Aiming the television series "Peyton Place", married In Honolulu In February. IWI.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 549 3 ".My husband is amazed and delighted.'! Read what Mrs. Janet James lias to say about her new figure. I feel that I must write this in appreciation of all that House of Dawne 0 has done for us. Ml In just twelve short weeks, my weight tins been reduced from
      549 words
    • 240 3 Itb the little things that make lite sweeter > -*^*b1 i Kmtxng healthy maana Imping dim... ihals why Herm«»el«» art the iwml alternahve in lea or coffee Hermesetat dissolve instantly, have no after-latte am) give you all the sweetness you So. they help you to slay ihm and HI. Hermesetas
      240 words

    • 63 4 TOKYO. Mon Brazil will sign contract with a Japanese underwriting group here on Wednesday to float a 10.000 million yen bond (about S$M2 million) In the Japaneae capital market, the tint Brazilian Oovemment bond lisue In Japan. Japanese securities business sources said today The money raked
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 67 4 BEIRUT. Mon —Lebanon's main undersea cable link to the west, cut by what was described as a sabotage operation 10 days ago. Is back In operation. Minister of Pouts and Telegraphs. Tony Pranjelh aald last night The cabie was broken off Beirut* coastline after a aeries of
      Reuter  -  67 words
    • 404 4 $4.5 bil trade surplus coup by US In the black with Red countries WASHINGTON. Monday fHK I'nited States is headed for a huge US$2 billion (554.5 billion) trade surplus with communist nations this year. The surplus, far exceeding original forecasts by the Nixon Administration, is being built largely on agricultural
      AP  -  404 words
    • 55 4 NEW DKLHI. Mon. India today sent back another batch of 838 prisoners of war to Pakistan through the Wagah border. 300 milts west of here. With todays repatriation under the Delhi agreement of August. India ha* sent back 17.105 of the ***** PoWs held hare since
      55 words
    • 34 4 TAIPKH. Moo. Taiwan has suspended diplomatic relations with Upper Volla. the Central News Agency, quoting a Foreign Ministry spokesman, reported today Upper Volta established diplomatic rt^ttims with China last month. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 268 4 Thieves hired to steal priceless art ROME. Mon. Armed thieves who held a priest at gunpoint on Saturday night while they stole priceless paintings from one of Rome's most famous churches were probably hired to do the Job, police sold yesterday. Four masked men waving pistols bound and gagged the
      UPI  -  268 words
    • 7 4
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    • 385 4 MOSCOW. Mon rpHE Government has 1 praised Soviet farmers for their contribution to the great economic victory Just announced an all-time record grain harvest of 215.000.000 tons. This astonishing rebound from the disastrous 1972 harvest when 118*2.000 million i854.60G million) worth of grain. chiefly
      Reuter  -  385 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 153 4 WOULD YOU BELIEVE (Ricoh) electronic printing calculators Introducing the Ricomac 1000P— a re- mals And much more. If that's not enough, markable new electronic printing calculator we have 101 OP. It has some important at only $499. The 1000P adds, subtracts, additional features. Like a memory key multiplies, and divides.
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    • 14 4 the delicious, fun way|M»J to good health and better complexion irncDv^ k^i^ Registered Trademark
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  • 908 5  - Towards the pushbutton battle field ROBERT STEPHENS By AMERICA AND RUSSIA TESTING THEIR WAR WEAPON 'KITS' IN MID-EAST AFTER Vietnam, the Middle East became the "field laboratory" tor testing out Russian and American war weapon "kits." Specially on test were their advances ln electronic warfare towards the push-button battlefield. Some
    OFNS; UPI  -  908 words
  • 510 5  -  ROLAND HUNTFORD: STOCKHOLM By FIVE journalists who revealed the existence of a secret branch of the Swedish intelligence services which spied for Israel have been arrested on suspicion of espionage. They are alleged to have endangered national security and they have undoubtedly
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 799 5 50,000 TRIAL HAIR TREATMENTS To be sent absolutely A K yWf\ FRK t0 a "STRAITS W/I Rr y TIMB r Mkn! "^^B. ■BJ-ajß^K. under ony conr>tan> you lik* ml^^B^bl bt^bV O< lf <Jo n ul N r *raot J Ty V 'o'iing ho<r rtlwv* you of rton ■■V f V
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 238 6 From today, Air New Zealand —^X^*^^; You can cnoose from 10 channels of Jsfe^Btf on the 'Big-KT tray I W h b OI^ ac 'nc --%SBL_ JP music, one to match your every mood. >ttHBM^ i¥ l s a breed apart f^ff,°with P ali^ f wan^ O Thre e e\^lleys
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  • 470 7  -  R CHANDRAN TO KEEP MINISTRIES 'ON THEIR TOES' By THE Public Accounts Committee has recommended the appointment of a watchdog committee to oversee financial administration and remove anomalies in government ministries and departments. The committee has suggested that the watchdog committee should consist
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  • 114 7 FUR players share the lead In the Philippines International chess tournament at the halfway stage after eight rounds. When the suspended games were concluded In Manila on Saturday. International master Stefano Tatai of Italy had won two points from three games to
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  • 137 7 Copters for fire fighting plans shelved THE Singapore Fire Brigade haa shelved plant for a feasibility study on the use of helicopters In flreflghtIng and rescue operations at blghriae boildlng». It la understood that this Is dae to the shortage of officers following a spate of resignations In the past
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  • 27 7 THE Liquor Licensing Board will hold a general lireruarm session In the tint district court In South Bridge Road on Dec. 11 at 930 am
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  • 211 7 Woman wanted for 19 years arrested by PSA police A 35 YEAR OLD woman on the police wanted list (or 19 years has been arrested by the Port Authority police. According to police sourceo. she waa an Inmate of the Girls Home Craft Centre at York Hill and escaped from
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  • 87 7 rE MP for Oeylang Serai. Enclk Rahmat bin Kenap. has secured alternative accommodation for some 130 government officers who have been told t'< quit their Halg Road quarters. Following talks with Housing Board officials. those affected by the quit notices will now stay temporarily
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 299 7 I -wB china. I ■hM ENGINEERS. I 70S. ?tft Fioo> Coitynoo C«w*i. I-Pinil Tat 7X*\ ?X*3 230*3 Furseset I I the stage... I I ...with the right stage equipment. I afKassai assssssst I ira Be SttnCLJ I Furat haw nad years of axperianca in stage lighting I ana engineering equipment
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    • 161 7 Have you thought about it? The luxury of it all. The smooth air conditioned joy ride in a really posh ur. You too may be seated in a limousine one of these days if you hit the top prizes in the Singapore Sweep. A dollar put into the Sweep is
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 260 7 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS (It). t Marauding leader goes 1 Desiring drink. Sonla colberserk dally! (I) lects mother after a swim Struggle to be let out on (10). ctrlke (6). 4 Are they sleeping soundly' 10 Audibly disapproves of his (7). wan (•> 5 See what aoap may dispel n
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  • 127 8 SALE of Pakistani rice at community centres has stopped, except at one centre. There are two reasons for this rice stocks have Increased, and most provision shops are also selling the cheap rice anyway. A PA spokesman yesterday said that only
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  • 65 8 PAP Anaon branch has act up a fund to award scholarships and bursarie* to children from the lower Income croup In the constituency from this year. Student* from Primary. Secondary and Pre-Unlver-aity rlaaww In the four language streams can apply Application forms an available from the branch!
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  • 172 8 Youth, 16 stole drinks for Hari Raya joy Al6-YEAB-OLD boy stole eight bottles ot stoat on Saturday be cause he had no money to celebrate Ban Raya Puasa, a magistrate's court heard yesterday. Zulkapli bin Haji Said admitted stealing the stoat from a provision shop In Lorong Engku Aman at
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  • 121 8 3 jailed for stealing $25 scrap iron rTVHREE men were Jail 1 ed yesterday for stealing 501 b. of scrap Iron from a construction site n Jalan Boon Lay on Saturday at about 8 ajn. Watchman Slripal Singh. 51, and Vella&amy Arason. 44, were each Jailed for three months while
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  • 44 8 BCHOOLBOY Ang Cnev Boon. 13. has reported to police that he paid (20 "extortion money" to another student between July and earlier thu month. Ang. of Beo Cist ant. s*ld the youth claimed that he was from the 24 secret aoclety group
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  • 112 8 ATTACK ON POLICE: TWO CHARGED T«WO men were charged ■i- yesterday for being members of an unlawful assembly which attacked a police party at the fifth floor of Block 123 In Buklt Merah View last Saturday at about 10 30 p.m. According to Senior Inspector Ourpal Singh, prosecuting. Llm Up
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  • 66 8 Youths with long hair held DETECTIVES from Central poUee station arrested 14 youths —II of them with lone hair daring anti-crime rounds on Sunday night The long- haired youths were later released after a hair cat. Their particulars were recorded and they were warned not to sport long hair. The
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  • 299 8  -  NANCY BY RAM J I By •JHE government is stpdying ways of providing youths with more facilities to spend their leisure. Announcing this, the Minister for Science and Technology, Dr. Toh Chin Chye said that unlike western countries, youths In Singapore have no
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  • 19 8 THERE were a total of 101 road accidents, six of them tertou! and one fatal on Sunday.
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  • 253 8 BOARD OF U.S. BANK TO MEET IN STORE SINGAPORE, will be the venue of a meeting this week of the board of directors of First Chicago Corporation, parent company of the First National Bank of Chicago, which has a branch here The board, which will be In the Republic from
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1565 8 Study with FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS HOME STUDIES DIVISION Two of the biggest names in education Federal Publications Sdn Bhd and Wolsey Hall, Oxford now bring you systematise*] training for examination success. Systematise^ Training what The Counes available does it mean 9 It means study with a plan. The Home Studies Division
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 268 8 Bringing Pp Vmthmr My BUI Kavanagh tfc Hal Camp s name wo*e lone I V ill &*v' TMey I -&m -ne *Anw& suits sjr/THtm M466C *HD MS OW BATMW© SUITS IN CAMS DOWN BELOW j TM6V V.*A* v—»__J-^ I I T>* m*CH+fHB4 WC .I-/ V THOSS D4P>S DIDNT J TMB«
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  • 118 9 TEENAGE DETAINEES ESCAPE FROM LOCK-UP PENANG, Mon.— Two teenage detainees escaped from the Central police station lock-up early yesterday morning. The two fugitives were A. Muniandv, 18, of Kamiung Kawa. and M >iulhur.iiu. 1?. of Beach Street They eat the wire gause grating from the wall and escaped. Muniandy and
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  • 69 9 IPOH. Mon About 120 people who were evacuated yesterday from two adjacent kampungs. returned to their homes today 1 hey were from 16 families living In the low lying areas of Kuala Slim and Kampung AJah Bongkok near 811 m River town. He*vy rain In
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  • 48 9 IPOH. Mon Klnta Indian Asfoclttlon has started a irllef fund for the Ounong Cneroh disaster victims by an Initial donation of 11.000. Perak Chlnise Association and Perak Chinese Chamber of Commerce which Jointly launched a relief fund two days after the tragedy raised MUM.
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  • 158 9 Call by DAP to remove two Senators IFOH. Mon. The DAP has called tor the removal ot £i.>nator Lew Sip Hon and Senator Yeap Kheng Yam from the Senate because both still hold an "office ot profit." Party director of election and planning Mr. Ngan Slung Hlng said In a
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  • 364 9 ON THE CARDS: BIG CHANGES IN JUDICIARY KUALA LUMPUR. Mon 'Younger set* judges to be appointed A MAJOR reshuffle is Wipectod in the judiciary next year with the Lord President and two other judges retiring. In fact, the changes have already set in with the appointment of Mr. Justice Mohamed
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  • 94 9 KUCHING. Mon. Two guerillas were killed yesterday when Malayslan security forces clashed with a band of 12 armed guerillas Including a woman, the Chief Executive Officer of the Rajang Security Command (R a scorn) said today. Wan Sldek said the clash took place
    UPI  -  94 words
  • 51 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Tun Abdul Raxak will open the Asian and Euro-American Merchant Bankers < Malaysu> Bhd at a reception on Wednesday at the Kuala Lumpur Hilton. Aaean Bankers, as the organisation a knovn. U a consortium of seven bank.' »ith a paid-up capital of
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  • 45 9 ALOR STAR. Mon—Flihmooter Yeo Kirn Lee. and two of his workers were ambushed and robbed by three armed men last night on a lonely track In Sunxel Batu estate, about 40 miles from htre The victim* were relieved of about UN
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  • 29 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Oeneral Officer Commanding Peninsular Malaysia. MaJ Oen. Ohazall Seth called on the armed forces yesterday to contribute a more meaningful service to the nation.
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  • 22 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Thieves got away with •***** worth of goods in two separate burglaries In Selangor over the weekend
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  • 83 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon More than 8,000 Government technical i employees will ballot for I industrial action next I week In a dispute over the Sufflan Commission recommendations. The Malayan Technical Services Union said it had asked the Govern- ment In 1971 to rectify
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  • 50 9 BUTTERWORTH. Mon. About 3.000 people who have been living In t Pral squatter colony for over a 100 yean have been told to quit their homes by tomorrow. No compensation has been offered to the families who were given notice by a housing developer last month.
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  • 112 9 Accidents and the driver high on drugs KUALA LUMPUR, Mon Insurance companies have clamped a drug clause in motor insurance policies to ldemnlfy themselves against motorists who are involved In accidents while under the Influence of drugs. In the past only a few companies had this clause The clause also
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  • 65 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon A friend to tnoutand* of convent pupils, the orphans and the needy, sister Theodard TtssooUßei. 7». died at Urn Cheras Convent last Friday after 53 yean In Malaysia. Born in Prance In IM4. Sister Theodard took her religious vows In 1920 and
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  • 31 9 ALOR STAR. Mon.— Plrc completely gutted a store at the FELDA fringe alienation acheme In the remote Peril* kampung of Ulu Pauhon last Saturday Damage was estimated at 130.000
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  • 204 9 BROTHERS KILLED IN DEEPAVALI CRASH KUALA LUMPUR, Monday TWO brothers and another man were killed when two cars collided near Tanjong Malim over the weekend. O. Oopalakrlshnan, 23. died Instantly and his brother, B. Manlmegam, 32. died on the way to hospital. They were travelling In a Morris 1100. A
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  • 240 9 Made-in Malaysia plastic goods to cost -more- KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Prices of finished plastic products might have to be increased in view of the high prices of raw materials, president of the Malaysian Plastic Manufacturers Association Mr. Thomas Wong warned today. "With prices of raw materials going up, plastics manufacturers
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  • 87 9 IrOH, Mon. Bobber smallholders in Perak can now »o in for a variety of other crops or even grow orchids on a commercial scale all with financial aid from the Government. Instead of replanting land with robber, they can choose from a list of crops
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 111 9 Scotland at its best Bonnie Prince Charlie's ncrsunal Rfc^i^^i^^^ liqueur, {'resented io lii.> loyal henchman H^ MacKinnon of Skve in heartfelt gratitude lor loyal service during the fierce battle &VsV* for the English throne in 1745. The battle was lost but great history JSjk was about to be made. w*
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    • 315 9 I Come on in I I and meet the I CHAMPION I i GIRLS! 1 J^T We've got a bevy of gorgeous Champion girls just waiting to meet you! H|B The Champion girls are spending a week at major petrol stations along BMIH 4&P Upper Serangoon Road, Braddell Road, Thomson
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 540 10 :j iJTWJL now "showing! ,-ssaßi^, i CkNSiHVKMki Und^ a n» Ttl aaa-^ -l- ""V*^ '!rTa>eiKe^a»rTSalllee*a7^te^««waTCwllaii*we» I«.ee— l Sr. 100,. e.Ur AHee «.Ma« rk~ keeU~.ce. eel S anea»i< i l*e )im| Dllie la Ooeme Baz-erftee. J Jurong Drive In Cinema NEXT CHANGE! AWAKEN TO A WOULD OF WQIIOwMI V _K oHMwerM*>
      540 words
    • 388 10 Dining out? Try the French epicurean way. From soup to cheese, savour great French dishes. Come tonight! I $12.50 per person .IA. half price for children I*UNQ COUKT MCTPEJ, v H drru is really informal J jPjTA /J^H/j J #aj J^^^j J i^ N l£u CAmNMIIL*»OAOIB IBaaBBBBBa>VaaBBBBBBBBBVIaaBBw a aal W!«GAJ^OBE^TtL37wW
      388 words
    • 227 10 STILLA -the bhe drops That refresh your eyes. (an toothing retwf to vxe, tired, red and itching *y*> AN ABIC PRODUCT MKO CHf MKALt UI PTI LID OCEAN THEATRE (Mr test) lm Dfhf Tel: MM* Oaeae Teway: X.M, 7.11. *.M p.*. Goloin Horvett Preiantt "••UCt UI TNI MAN AMD TMI
      227 words
    • 601 10 I W CATHAY WAlt I"*»I»*TIIM >pnn7<ij.i»i4-lK«ni tK new iHownct s'2Sht«i:7.oo 4 9.30p8^ '•"•LACK PANTMIf Monoo'.n", Jl Cher S«B Yen Nan Uw> fl CotorScope Englith S«/h Ne»t Chonge' > Wolt (tarry preteroi I 1 14.11HH6 ttAUTY" coloI 1 Pi Wolt Oanev i I j feotuotie "•ONCO" Color NOW tHOWINC Skewt
      601 words

  • 206 11 NTUC backs plan for petro chemical complex T«E NTUf Is back--1 n g Singapore's plan to (ranch out Into petrochemical lndustrio. The GoveTtment and Japans Ssmitomo Chemical Coipany recently reacted a basic agreemeit to set up a multi-millon dollar petrochaiical complex In the ttpublic. despite fears It some quarters that
    206 words
  • 70 11 THE MP for Aljunied. Mr. Chin Ham Tong launched a door-to-door campaign In his constituency on Sunday to recruit members to the NTUC's Welcome Consumer Co-operative. About 100 people, including members of the community centre management committee, dtlsens consultative committee and teschers tnok part
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  • 45 11 TANJONO Pagar community centre in Van Kit Road will start i fencing course soon. The course, to be held on Wednesdays and Sundays from gpm to 10 p.m U free of charge. Those interested are asked to register now at the centre.
    45 words
  • 306 11 A MAN thrown overboard from his small A boat after it was Involved ip a near collision with a high-powered speedboat in pitch darkness on* Changi on Sunday night, was still missing late yesterday. Taxi-driver Lee Ouan Bock. 35, lost his balance and fell Into
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  • 91 11 OFFICIALS FLY IN FOR BANK OPENING TOP German banking officials from the Dresdner Bank In Frankfurt flew here last night to attend the opening of the new premises of their Singapore branch. They included Dr. Hermann Richer, chairman of the bank's supervisory board and Mr. Juergen Ponto, chairman of the
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  • 88 11 Wrestling Association officials THE Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Environment i Mr. Chor Yeok Eng was reelected president of the Singapore Amateur Wrestling Association at its biennial meeting on Sunday. Mr. Young Hal Wah was elected deputy president. Others elected an Messrs. SO Thompson and Albert Lam vice-president* > NO. Kutty (•scntaryt;
    88 words
  • 145 11 STU to host 3 educational seminars rE Singapore Teacners Union will host three educational seminars two to be held in December and one in August next year. The first, a seminar on the promotion of opportunities and training facilities for women will be held at the Regional English Language Centre
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  • 60 11 PEDESTRIAN Miss Cheu Yin Tee, 30, was killed when she was knocked down by a motorcyclist at the Junction of Serangoon Road and Towner Road on Sunday Motorcyclist Ong Swee Hock. 17. who was thrown off his machine, was taken to Outram Hospital in
    60 words
  • 32 11 THE Institute of Health In Outram Road will get additional space when a third floor is added to the existing two-storey building. The entire building Is also to ba renovated
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  • 103 11 AMENDED rules on driving licences Just gazetted have changed the description of Classes 3 and 4 vehicles. Class 3 vehicles, which were originally ears, now also Include "motor tractors the unladen weight of which does not exceed 21 tons." Class 4 vehicles cover heavy cars and motor
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  • 266 11 To supply Spore with beef JJKKF for Singapore markets will come from Balaam, about an hour's boat ride from Clifford Pier, if present plans to develop a cattle ranch on that Indonesian island materialise. Mr. K. C. Lee, i Singapore's Ambassador to Indonesia, disclosed that Joint
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  • 173 11 Relatives of two old patients sought ALEXANDRA HosA pltal authorities appeal to relatives ur friends of two old people to contact them. The old people now In the hospital are Mr. Lee Eu Heng, 70. and an unidentified woman In her sixties. Lee, who Is deaf, was picked up by
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  • 78 11 Trio with slain thug in court today rpHE girl and two men, who were arrested after police shot dead wanted g unman Leo Joon Kee, 21, In Pongfol last Saturday, win be charged in court today. Police said they wUI be charged with conspiring w>th a wanted man. Leo, alias
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  • 26 11 PARKED bin Omar Ashib11* of Singapore has been permanently banned from entry Into Singapore under the Immigration Act. according to the latsst government gasetU
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  • 160 11 Mother of three electrocuted after work A MOTHER of three was electrocuted at her Jalan Bawang home, off Jalan Übi, yesterday as she was about to leave to pay Harl Raya Puasa visits to her relatives. Clk Roklah blnte Mahmud. 32. had just finished washing clothes when she went to
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  • 97 11 TWO giant local unions, the Pioneer Industries Employees 1 Union iPIEUi. and the Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation. (SILO) have Jointly acquired the services of a German expert to train and build up a corp of negotiators and future leaden. The expert, Mr. FrlU Hauser. nf
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  • 128 11 Rooms at centre for pupils to study in quiet Kuv-nuKE community centre has offered to help students In the area who find It too noisy to study In their Housing Board flats. It Is providing study rooms for those who want to work in peace and quiet. A spokesman for
    128 words
  • 25 11 THE Australian Minister of Science. Mr W L. Morrison flew in yesterday from Kual* Lumpur for a one-day stopover en rout* to Christmas Island.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 12 11 sssss^ i^ Nk ISv A wm ssssi .^H l^^^^ssss^sssssssssssssVsssslHff .^sssssH I iJiiiMl
      12 words
    • 202 11 NOW! A FLORA POLYUNSATURATED MARGARINE I J^^^^^^^ -<r~ »t— <^_ .si I S^^bm Cassssssa sssssssssv I A *ii tv m sssssssW. V sssv^av ssssm^^ aUlsssssl m BsssV. kVwM^' 'ftfclkV <i<X©' K. Pv*^ f^iß^iß^iß^iß^3V.SL l^aQs'tlw^ssssssi T~ X sssssssssssssssssssssl 1 ssM ssßsfessssssssßh^ Flora is very high in Polyunsafurates Flora soft margarine is
      202 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 377 12 EUROPEAN troop-reduction talks open In Vienna today against a rather murky background. They will not be blessed by the euphoria ot detente which attended sessions of the parallel European security talks In Helsinki and Geneva. Although a combined Russian American effort produced a ceasefire in the Middle
      377 words
    • 217 12 IN A REGION beset by conflict and hatred even the slimmest evidence of peaceableness is cause for hope. Israel has permitted a mercy mission of 100 trucks to pass through its lines with medical aid and supplies for the beleaguered Egyptian Third Army on the Suez Canal's east
      217 words
    • 255 12 Planet of the Apes series has a message for us C<REDIT must be given to the late Arthur P. Jacobs for producing the highly successful "Planet of the Apes" tlim series which aroused enormous Interest among local moviegoers. The series not only fascinated moviegoers with wild Imagination It also revealed
      255 words
  • 83 12 I REFER to the letter from Time Is Precious 18T. Oct. 16). A recent check conducted by the ROY on bus services Not 80 and 81 a* Tampines Road showed Service No. SO to be under operated. A report on the check has been submitted to the Bus
    83 words
  • 2335 12  - Window for the world a $70m centre to boost trade LESLIE FONG By OF REGIONAL COOPERATION AND NEUTRALISATION Gandhi approach towards peace and stability in South-east Asia THE Indonesian Foreign Minister spoke recently In Kuala Lumpur on Gandhian principles in relation to modern developments. In the course of that address
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 242 12 Hg^ftaK.A JaJgMa^g^g^M* «^HflgUg|jafl HD-21 Series B. A^^ .^Bav am*av«a\ BMBkx BMl^ak. ■BtfaaV Make ttte Alha-Cnalmers HO-21 prove to you OlMllfll wT™ I how good it is at landdearing See how it won IB«aF w eVfll %aY its reoutanor, on difficult development ckoi m ects around the world Compare power The
      242 words

  • 299 13  -  CHR<STINA CHEANG By STEPB are being taken to rebuild the 30-ft high retaining wall which collapsed at Block B of Far East Mansion in Kirn Yam Road, off Ki.rr Valley Road, during the torrential rain last Friday. The developers, Singapore Trading Co., are removing
    299 words
  • 90 13 CHINA BAN ON OLD CLOTHING, BEDDING BY POST f<HINA has Informed v/ Singapore that its postal administration will not accept any Importation of used clothing or bedding from Thursday. A similar notification has also been sent by China to postal authorities In Hongkong. Agency reports said the Chinese action was
    90 words
  • 49 13 DrpoalU with the Poat Office Savings Bank hare Incrcaacd by 73 per cent since the beginning of lut yew According to Uie Minister of Btate (Communkatlonsi. Dr. Ang Kok Peng, the deposit* totalled Ml million on Jan. 1, im when POSB became a statutory organisation.
    49 words
  • 248 13 Centralise noise control call to Government A UNIVERSITY of Singapore professor has called on the Government to set up a single authority to deal with noise pollution in the Republic. Prof. Bill Urn Blu-Pul. of the Faculty of Architecture and Building at the university, made this point in an article
    248 words
  • 326 13  -  P.M. RAMAN L_[S pLANS are under way to introduce vein grafting surgery in Singapore to correct compfications of coronary heart disease. This is the latest advance in heart surgery to bypass the obstruction of major coronary arteries. A specialist committee of the Ministry
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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    • 249 13 JKr^. />^L Jj ivCT auto air conditioners designed to fit most cars QUAUTYAWOSgirvK^QOSjgMINOTmsMtAfgO SIMOAfOME 54 OrcJwd Ro« M *****/ B KUALA LUkWUM: 1 M«, Rotamoo M iOJii/3 Sl^Ji!* 1 Urn S %tt Tsl 364 n PCNANQ: X3 lun* Ro«j. M *****1* by mmnm Mn. o«w cmum lhn>u»V>u< N*«* Mslsy^a, SaMt
      249 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 672 13 WATER consumption on Sunday was 109.6 million gallons (457.000 cubic metres), 11.l million gallons (49.000 cubic metres) less than on Saturday. TV SINGAPORE (5) TV MALAYSIA (3) J.VU htk) JJ» Dury of imti \p rtptil) 7 Ne« (8.1,y) 7.41 S.UU JJ4 GrLf Goll.ei JJI /-W JJ4 Forw 7J4 fimtwj Snilitk
      672 words

    • 825 14 IT'S time once again to look to the fashion capitals for an Idea of what women will wear next year. For the past week, the rag trade has been watching designers show off their ready-to-wear collections. Aline Mosby of UPI reports that the bigname hlgh-fashlon
      825 words
    • 311 14 Annette keeps up with the latest techniques MISS Annette Chla has been a beautician for 12 years. But she's not letting the experience go to her head. She believes she must always keep up with the times. When she was working for a French cosmetic house until two yean ago,
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    • 143 14 ONE FOR THE KNITWEAR BUFF HAVE you noticed bow knitwear baa becu keeping up with the different styles of late? The moment the designers decree this is In or that is out, knitwear manufacturers take up the cue and jump on the bandwafon aa fast as they can. And If
      143 words
    • 367 14 Moisture cream YOU IF YOU notice that your skin Is no more as elastic as It used to be land this occurs somewhere around the mid- twenties i, it's time you look for a molsturtser. There Is a new cream Moisture-Response by Helena Rubinstein which Is claimed
      367 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 172 14 I InßaSj] I nuiMia ssjaaaaatT BuLEUn IQPu I^PfHeV^^^V AJ^fl La»^B^aaaaaaalaaaaaaaf y Cj| L j t^iaaaaaaW^^e^^^n^< aaT^^T •^^HB^^^^aa^^T^eP^^^^TK*!*! *j^-lA*Xaaaaaaaaaat II EI«T il Maaaalll t>_ 7f) I I I Bflß BBBBB'^eV A**bbHbbbbl Lbb^-Sbbb^^ .^bbßbl if 0g I Mslbßb*** Now availaMfc^r K. A leading BoLrftiLies^| m m m I^^ m SSI IA WWBMariWlvUaßMiß^Bi
      172 words
    • 94 14 Advertiaemtnt Every Wrinkle Tells its Story. You fint noticed that one on your wedding anniversary. one when your huthand K"t hit promotion, that one and another and so it goea on But why uaa your far* at a calendar? Try 2nd Debut with CEF-the skin's anti wrinkle discovery that
      94 words
    • 28 14 HABIT ROUGE For men by <.ii:ki \i\ PARIS HABIT ROUGE de GUERLAIN ,Q. Alter Srieve Lotion Cream Ecu De Cologne Mfc \lJrf/ Deodorant Shaving Cream Bam Soap Ufljo
      28 words
    • 381 14 The most V> genuine way to a mm clean, i— i m, healthy ouuuv*a skin. if Iy> *KU(a* ft* 111/W IU UOm V o rich deep cleonsing lotion I -hoi r.dt oil d.rl ond llubborn I 1 1 1 /UU !M UM» lone with Skin Tonic- I light and tuiioble
      381 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1188 15 onnwna:p sfltwet n m^mtwiit: jtffMFM HMF'K Ham P Wat IM Me aS7 II ihm ium Vi a Vi a 1 a 1 a i a 1 CAMMia ut 11 kt 11 ka 1 M I la I M I Mkcuat iittii akt ik MM 11 a MM a mn ut
      1,188 words
    • 1113 15 I kg Hlkli: SEALJNE Maaa Mk/Pm a tan Patat P. Man raft Mmtt lawa ut a sat M im mi mmi ii mi i I K auata ke aki s m i ama m a n I 5J PMatTMtt kt ii ki ii ma I aiia ii a a aij
      1,113 words
    • 859 15 2JSSL >Z ra. ra- P.UMf lua. Amlim liaau UK MUD ElfttSJ n a ii a im im imi ii lITAM) aaf nh, ii ka IM Mia II Ml II HIM UmSS aMi Tt mm Ma ii a li a Ml CMMIM 111 II Mt II a I M I M
      859 words
    • 1078 15 Iwmmmmpgmmmmmk 9a— HBVHHiiM— I at_r^^Ba^^^^Ml lal lal^ l^laj a^aa, i>^*T*. 1 1 1 p i 'Xl I K-r JI FULLY CONTAINEKIZIO SMVICE TO EUHOH I• r FM. ""ill j: a EUHM. Mf 1 Mt-ta,. *»,„<-,. tatw u •ituin miai ka ti Imm, lUrairl. IrtMa, Bnaitaia, C" *».-»o, c rinm»t imm.
      1,078 words
    • 745 15 a aaaa.. tIM44; P. KiUm *J4l K.L. *****; kmaatj JSJOI. THE BANK LINK LTD. Uat W! II lltU tl Kama. I. Mtfaa. kaa I CMiMat f IttMl M Pl/H kt lan 1/ Ika tItAM IHJ.MI. kM. -ji. km i Mtiai I Air.cii P Wai n/M Mi Swi nm ka IM
      745 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 913 16 KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. UWASAII UWAI US£N UISIA LTD. lAKN. N HOW. STUITS SOVKL U*aa lIIHHI Stan P. Mam SMRRR RUM t. > I RM Japan Arabian CaM Sarvlaa imwi Pat MMI lIIIRRS.IP IBn C.UaM/»ait»t'OaM.' RltaiSaV Maraa.'tnail/lavaa/(MrnaaMar. Japan itulh Alrtaa W.M Alrtaa atjrvia* S.nfaao<* fM: MMSaßala UAH I M IS
      913 words
    • 911 16 ETA ETO M KMTT «MM IM MM Maiilt IC T Kttn lints ti Part 11 kt Victors for Itdoanit Kiun UU il W 4 Ml Mwilt KMTf NCIII 11 ttt SMt jhuMi. LCI. KMTf an II Mt 11 Mi Trtetoo far Moaesia. 1 HUM Jt M. HMi Wmi. »Mi a
      911 words
    • 1043 16 un. roiori twvict LOADING FOR LONDON. HAVRf I DAM H lUIG. ttEMIN Snuai'i P. tiaaf faaaaf tuliaa. aIPTMI IaMUL. la fart Laataa n-ll Itaa t l •.il MMar saata »«*"1 t. v Mnmi AMAiutrai lis a n Mt/i mm vs mi >/v Mm ti I'M. laatta, anaaa MftaM natea
      1,043 words
    • 730 16 nma snwet w utf, uwiftavtiwi«m run Is. Uaa iaxwan «al ftaq I alt. Lan IMU Mill Ml Nrl i ,0.1 l 2 L an 11 II H'aart 8 12 I'M 1} IMI HUM 1/M Ml 11/11 Mr 11/11 Mi It/It ay a.ila* 1) 11 I'aa II,|J I lm H 12
      730 words
    • 846 16 SINGAPORE HNANQ LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN SINGAPOREI 1 NOTICt IS HEREBY GIVEN thai the Thirteenth Annual General Meeting of the Stock-holders of Singapore Kinance Limited will be held at the Registered Office of the Company, 100/102. Robinson Road. Suigapore. on Wednesday 21st November. 1973 at 11.00 a.m. to transact the following
      846 words

    • 760 17 By MICHAEL JENSEN YORK: Six months ago, this was a jumping, jiving noisy place." said Mr. John P. Romeo, a vice-president of Merrill Lynch, Fenner and Smith, as he surveyed one of the vast working floors where the firms
      760 words
    • 302 17 HK does not need securities controls— Chase TfONGKONG: xhe pro--11 posed Honfkonc Securities Commission would not be a help to the development of the Honfkonf market, Chase Manhattan vicepresident Mr. Joel Stern has said. Speaking to journalists at a lunch here, Mr. Stern said he was an advocate of free
      Reuter  -  302 words
    • 476 17 BANK AMERICA Corporation reported gains in earnings, deposits and resources (or the first three-quarters of 1973. Consolidated Income before securities transactions for the nine months ended Sept. 30 Increased by 14.3 per cent to U*****,387,000 or $2 24 per share compared with $139,119,000 or $1 96 per share
      476 words
    • 160 17 Top man for London exchange proposed Lunlajpi: *«c polntment of a chief executive for the Stock Exchange Is one of three major reforms proposed by the Stock Exchange Council's advisory committee and accepted by Ihe council. Chief aim of the reforms Is to streamline Stock Exchange s administration and to
      Reuter  -  160 words
    • 423 17 rE value of sales at Tropical Veneer has leaped 80 per cent to $4.48 million In the first six months ended June 1973, but profit margins were narrow. This, says Senator Tan Sn Oan Teck Yeow. the chairman. Is the result of fulfilling contracts
      423 words
      • 282 17 HONOKONO. Mon. The market opened on a strong note but mild profit-taking soon crept in resulting In share prices easing fractionally. In the afternoon tradIng continued brisk with prices holding steady. HK. Dock rose to HKJ2B while both HK. and Kowloon Wharf and China Provident remained unchanged at $26.60
        282 words
      • 33 17 in Howkonc mtinUr tlw U hllr quMM at *****' 5 0750 (or T.T. an* JH for tun. tltrllf* wu quolM al 11. SS and MM IW S«M wu quoted •t SI4.M.
        33 words
      • 487 17 MELBOURNE. Mon. There were widespread gains among industrial stocks on the Melbourne Stock Exchange today. Mining shares attracted less attention but the market was firm with rises outnumbering falls by two to one. Among the biggest rises were C.S.B. which rose to A 54.40 and real estate develoDer Lend
        487 words
      • 146 17 GENERAL Motors Corp., America's largest automaker, has reported record worldwide sales of 1.751.000 vehicles and more than doubled profits for the third quarter of the year. Profits went up from US$l22 million for the corresponding period last year to $267 million this year. Sales during the period went
        146 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 688 17 TIE SABAH ECOIOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION invites applications for the following posts 1. EXECUTIVE ARCHITECT (One): QUALIFICATIONS a) Candidates must b« not less AND then 30 yeers of ege and must EXPERIENCE: be R.1.8.A. or equivalent. In addition they must be eligible for registretion with the Malaysian Institute of Architects. b)
      688 words
    • 642 17 The Singapore branch of a well established t-uropean Bank, invites applications for: SENIOR OFFICER (Operations) 5530.000 p.a. The candidate should be capable and willing after a familiarisation period to assume full responsibility for: Administration of accounting and office systems and procedures. Preparation of Management and Head Office reports. Administration of
      642 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 588 18 IB LEMBAGA KEMAJI AN Vfi9lr PERISAHAAN FERSEKITUAN Pemohon-pemohon adalah dlpelawa darlpada warganegara Malaysia bagl jawatan-jawatan berlkut:--(1) JlKl IKKM.KAS Krlayakan: Sijll Pelajaran Malaysia atau 81 jll yang setaraf dengannya dengan mendapat kepujian dalam Bahasa Malaysia atau Bahasa Inggerls. Eebolehan: Mengambll trengkas dalam Bahasa Malaysia selaju 80 ps.m dan dalam Bahasa Inggerts
      588 words
    • 701 18 DEVELOPMENT BANK OF MALAYSIA BERHAD (in formation) A wholly-owned Subsidiary of BANK BUMIPUTRA MALAYSIA BERHAD requires SECRETARY THE 108 He will be responsible for the setting up of the Bank^s internal organisation and overall supervision. It will be his duty to specify the divisions of work, etc and he will
      701 words
    • 507 18 HICKSON'S CHEMICALS (MALAYSIA} SDN. BERHAD require a CHEMIST to be baaed at Butterworth. Preferred Age: 25 30 Academic Qualifications: Chemistry to the minitmim level of G.C.E. 'A' level or Hlger Natnonal Certificate. Industrial Experience: At least three yean' industrial experience, preferably with some Involvement with quality control operations. Additional Requirement*:
      507 words
    • 558 18 FEDERATION OF MALAYSIAN MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (JOHORE BRANCH) Invite* applications for the post of SECRETARIAL ASSISTANT (Mak/Female) Citizenship: Malaysian Age: Minimum 30 years Qualifications and Experience: a. Applicants should have at least Cambridge School Certificate or equivalent and with a minimum of 5 years 1 administrative and secretarial experience. Applicants with
      558 words

  • Article, Illustration
    29 19 ■I EVER LOVING I memory of Mr. A. Sup- I puh Filial departed on I 3*lo 1970. Dearly remem- I t»red by wile, sons and I daughters.
    29 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
      820 words
    • 877 19 Tj^ We have immediate vacancies for the following posts 1. Warehouse Executive a) H.S.C. or higher. b) Minimum 3 years experience in a similar capacity, preferably with a plywood company. c) Bilingual I English Ch.nesel 2. Secretary Candidates should be young women with mature and pleasant personality, having: a) H.S.C.
      877 words
    • 437 19 |SJ| CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Career opportunites exist in the Singapore Armed Forces for Skilled Personnel and Trainees in the following vocations: A. Driver B. Electronic Trairee C Armourer D. Technical Storeman E. 'Q' Storeman F. Vehicle Electrician G. Vehicle Mechanic H. Other Combat Vocations Those interested in joining the SAI in
      437 words
    • 652 19 (ijljfri PUBLIC UTILITIES \^gp/ BOARD WATER DEPARTMENT ELECTRICAL OPERATING CHARGEMAN UOHOREi ($456-665) Certificate of Competency a> Electrical Charjjaman with Nil Restrictions issuad by tha National Electricity Board, Malaysia. Must have sound knowledge of safety rule* and precautions and be able to supervise and control men under his charge. NOTE (a)
      652 words

  • 76 20 MINT*. For natural facetirting. brawn patches, acne, all skic conditions, regular facials, postnatal and spotreduclng consult Louise Klerk, medica'ly trained and qualified Beauty Specialist and Physio-therapist wiu 24 years tropical experience Hotel Slngapura. telephoni *****3 (Spore). NAIR LOS* I I I Flair's London qualified 111--caotoglst for consultation on
    76 words
  • 133 20 MR. F.I. FIRIRA passed away 6.15 p.m. 28 10. 73 ORGH leaving wife 5 sons, 5 daugbmourn his loss. Cortege leaves 8. Branksome Road Tuesday 30/10/73 2 p.m. to St. Joseph Church Victoria Strict, thence to Chua Chu Kan.: Christian Cemetery. MR. TAN LIF KINI age *8 passed
    133 words
  • 31 20 Bong Aun Seng. Pang Seng. Teng Seng and K'.m Seng t tank relatives and frit nds for .heir kind assistance. w:eaths. messages of attendance and donations during then
    31 words
  • 12 20 F.E SUNDARAM departed 30 10.52. Kondb remembered by sons.
    12 words
  • 13 20 .04. SAMARITANS OP SIHCAPORC Trouble Dlacouraxnl? Rini Sl-M-44 Day and Ml
    13 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1774 20 classified ads W CLASSIFIED RATES General: 0.60 per word Minimum: 9 00 (15 wordai Personal: 1 20 per word Minimum: $24 00 (20 words) PART TIME state age. quail Hcattoas. experience, give tele phone number (If any) S.T Box A.***** Spore. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY YWCA Invitee applications fron Christian female, Sirgapon
      1,774 words
    • 735 20 EMALE DRIVER, any age. -equlred urgently. Knowledge ol ion r. mrnable photo to B.T. Box V ***** Sport. VAITRESSFI AND CASHIER WANTED. Please apply per lonaiiv to Malaya Cafe 27 Ita. iford Road Spore 6. CASHIIRt A RICIFTIONKT* Mvi: *>a/c ,-:>mn> personality. Apply personally to TROFICAMA SCQTTS ROAD, SINGAPORE WANTIO
      735 words
    • 774 20 OIST. ANOULLIA FARM t-bedroomed 2-storey semidetached, telephone. 1 alreondl tloner, newly painted. $964 unfurnished Dlst S 3-bedroom ed 2-storey terrace 1 aircondl tloner. telephone. $650 furnish ed Dist 23 3-bedroomed single storey semi detached furr.iabe< $500. Tel: 6*0420 S'po.e. HOLLANO MILL Choice ele vated 2-storey lealdence 01 orer 1 acre
      774 words
    • 851 20 MOO— FURNKHIO -STOREY SIMI-OITACHIO (near Scran goon Garden) 4 bedrooms. ImI mediate occupation. Golden Land Agencies *****7 spare. RINT *»00 Luxurious 3 bed roomed newly furnished apart ment Jalan Mi llnra District i 10. No broken. ****** C.H. WILLIAM* A CO. PTI n TIL: M**l I FORE CLEMENT, PARK OI.T.
      851 words
    • 801 20 DIST. 1* RELINQUISH BOOK INO Duchess Oard.n extremely modern split-level detached bungalow on SO4O aq. ft. Completion date: Mid 1975 P: lee $3*0.000 Tel 9167*2 Spore. 1 BINJAI RIM. 2-storey detached fu: nlahed bouse on 13.200 to, ft elevated site. 3 bed rooms, study, etc. Enquiries Wicka Partners. Chartered 1
      801 words
    • 714 20 1-STORIV CORNIR TIRRACI 22-A Hoayth Raad for sale/ rent 4.575 aq ft. freehold Contact 9112 M. DRAGON MANSION fully furnlahed a part -n ant— 3 bedrooms, servant's room. dining roo»n and lounge, lei: *****9 Spore. HOMIg A ORIINS: singlestorey bungalow in Frankel Eaute, 6.000 sq.ft. $210,001) 0.n.0. Pleaae call *****,
      714 words
    • 650 20 JUM«O TOURS 11A747 TO HONCKONC lAHCKOK Days »«75/»»»S 10/11, 12/1: 14/11, 17 11. 24 11 1 12. VV HONOKONO TAIWAN HWI LEIN (ALIBHAN) S Da) ***** HONOKONO JAPAN TAI WAN HWALXIN ALISHAN 12 Days »16*0 Dep. 19/11 i 12. 10 11 Lowest fare to London 6 times weekly BANOKCK HONOKONO
      650 words
    • 735 20 1 SLOANI COURT MOTIL. 17, > Balmoral Road, quiet ml«a--k lial. Orchard Roa4 area. alreoadttioned. $20/- upward*. T«l: M2M/T (Spore). MOTIL SAVOY 10 A. Upper Wilku Road. Tti 2*491 1 Monthly rat*a UK 00 Han* day raiaa 112 00 SlB.OO PONG OMC RESTAURANT 10 Ceylon Road. Katong. 8 po:t 1}
      735 words

  • 1046 21 By BRIAN WILLIAMS: PHNOM PENH THE monsoon rains now hitting Cambodia seem for the moment to have damped out the fires of war and to have brought some nourishment to the political and diplomatic scene. The respite from fighting offered by tfce rains
    Reuter; UPI  -  1,046 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 634 21 ORGAN INTENSIVE COURSE ay Yamaha Music School tot kMldsying students and teache s Bsaimiarlrs November 12 esjaapwtNsi In December 21. 1973, total 30 Isssons One boui lesson each day from Monday re Friday. Classes avallabli IMP am.. 10-11 p.m. U-ll pm. 12-1 p.m. 2-3 p.m. 3-4 j m 4-A p
      634 words
    • 488 21 HIRI PURCHASE Hong Leon? •-.nance offer flexible t*:ma toi our Hire Purchase requirements Advertisement Permit No 08S4 Tel t340« ttTI CORTINA OT 2 owners, new tyre* and new paint Sports rim and steering excellent condition Contact Joseph Lee, *****1 Spore VOLVO PiaOOJ ttOS sircon dltloned. excellent condition, new 7.X tyre*.
      488 words
    • 560 21 t f ,,,,,.WW TALL, 0000- LOOKING PRO FISSIONAL. CHINISI gen tleman. M seeks friends of alml tar status and appearance below 24. Photo* (returnable! and phone appreciate*. B.T Box ADI2X2 Spore. AVAILABLE Doctors. Accoun Unts. Engineers. Executive*. Teachers. Nurses. Stenographer* Free Brochures 0.P.0. «47 Spore. O.INV.RAL S»RAT.»AH«TII«C repair refrigerator* and
      560 words
    • 701 21 SIRVICINO ALL KINDS T.V., Tapr-fUeortfers. Amplifiers reaonable chart** d»y nnht service Plume Spore MOOD. 2SIHSOB anytime science Technical T.V. Serrlce. IBARKLINO ILICTBONIO INQINIIRIHO TV Day Nlskt Service. All brands Repair ,-uarantc*4. Moderate chars -s TV I S'por* *****2 TMALLV LOCATID. for partnership SlO.OOO or complete takeover (negotiable) New equipments Quick
      701 words
    • 358 21 SINGAPORE RED CROSS SOCIETY DON ATIOH ORAW 1973 PERMIT NO. 85/73 PRIZE TICKET pwzE T CKE T pR|ZE TICKET NO. no. no. NO. no N O. 3fd i? 403 S£ iiJU? 661h ***** 4lh noivst 3Slh 048J02 67ih *****1 5 h nilll »JJ °»°0« 6»«h *****^ 6th *****6 ?2Jh oflVll
      358 words
    • 116 21 H MaVif— I J I A*s' AT lam w »LLtaftsW -^BbH^ ...join the Upton iigglers All over the world more and more poople are changing over to Upton's teabags j So will you when you urttSKi at A find how convenient they C \y& m** are. No more waiting Jfl
      116 words

  • 301 22  - Singapore will meet Tibilissi in quadrangulai JOE DORAI By THREE leading foreign clubs Julich (West Germany), Dukla Prague (Czechoslovakia) and Tibilissi Dynamo (Russia) have confirmed their participation in the quadrangular soccer tournament from Dec. 5 to 8 at the NaThe opening match of the tournament on Dec. 5 will be
    301 words
  • 101 22 CRYUFF MAKES A GREAT DEBUT BARCELONA. Mon. Dutch soccer superstar Johan CniyfT made a great Spanish league debut here yesterday for Barcelona, scoring two goals and laying on another in his new club's 4-0 victory over Oranada. CniyfT. formerly with world club champions A] ax of Amsterdam, produced a colossal
    101 words
  • 268 22 BANGKOK. Mon RAJVTTHI of Thailand won the Queen's Cup football tournament here last night edging the local Port Authority side 2-1 after 30 minutes of extra time. Deadlocked at one all at the end of the regular time, Rajvlthl scored the deciding goal
    Reuter  -  268 words
  • 26 22 American John Mihafley won his flnt pro(e*alun»l golf championship yesterday when he captured the Sahara Invitational tournament by three strokes from Dave E»che!berger.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 1 22
    1 words
  • 142 22 Newcombe falls to unseeded Ramirez in final TEHERAN. Mon. Mexico's young Raul Ramirez yesterday established himself among the world tennis elite when he captured the Aryamehr Cup Orand Prix tltte by beating crack Australian John Newcombe. The 20-year-old unseeded Mexican's 7-5.6-1. 7-5. 6-3 victory was the biggest triumph of his
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 84 22 BOMBAY. Mon Mercantile Cricket Association or Sri Lank* beat Bombay Cricket Awoclatton by three wlcketa In a one-day M-ovei match today. Bombay made 178 before bring dlunloed In 47 1 oven. Iranpur m their top acorrr with 7« which Included five *Ues and eight foun. Opening batsman
    84 words
  • 230 22  - Blacks rely on threes to retain Blues Cup GODFREY ROBERT By T"HE Blacks RFC 1 from Singapore will bank heavily on their threequarters when they defend the All Blues Cup in the annual Interclub rugby tournament In Kuala Lumpur starting on Friday. The Blacks have been drawn In a tough
    230 words
  • 241 22 SYDNEY, Mon. No new players will be brought Into Australia's World Cup soccer squad for the return match against South Korea despite the poor showInn In a scoreless draw here yesterday In the first lex of the Asian zone final. Coach-selector Rale Raslc tomorrow
    Reuter  -  241 words
  • 84 22 MELBOURNE. Mon —The possibility of a bowling comeback by Australian Test fast bowler Drnnis Lillee has grown following an encouraging workout In Perth yesterday. Lillee. who had not planned to bowl at all this season because of strea* fractures In hi* back, yielded to the temptation
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 385 22 Lim's 4 titles feat is Chia's target Yew Jin. is a brilliant player with bags of stamina. He handles the ball well and his distribution is Intelligent and tricky. Eng Kia, who is also a fine centre-three, la a nippy player, and his initiative has earned him unexpected tries. The
    385 words
  • 63 22 MONTEVIDEO. Mon. The Soviet Union thrilled 10.000 spectators with a powerful display of volleyball here last night to beat Japan and win the first world women's volleyball championship. The skilled Japanese glr.s put up a tenacious resistance, but they had no answer to the power of the
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 219 22 The world is growing smaller at Dresdner Bank As world trade expands the So far this year Dresdner Bank Dresdner Bank is one of the Meet Dresdner. Grow with requirements for skill, resources and has become the first German leading banks in international finance, Dresdner Worldwide versatility in international finance
      219 words

  • 334 23 By EPSOM JEEP IT WAS 20 winners up for trainer Eddie van Breukeien's ace apprentice, Djulklfly Anmad, when he landed seven -year-old Voluble a four length winner in the Class 5 Dlv 3 «f race at Penang on Sunday. Dj illicitly
    334 words
  • 195 23 PARIS. Mon. Engllah challenger Parnell waa disqualified from first place In the Prix Qladlateur at Longchamp yesterday and hla rider. English champion Jockey Willie Carson, was suspended for four days Ine Longchamp stewards said they would ask lor the suspension to be extended to
    195 words
  • 379 23  -  DENNIS CHI A B» piZARRO 111 should be on your short list for this weekend's pro-am meeting at Bukit Timah. I strongly recommend him after his dashing workout on the sand track yesterday morning. Pizarro 111 responded splendidly to Margaret Baker's urging from the
    379 words
  • 628 23 JOCKEY C.H. 00l was suspended for three race days lor careleas riding on T^T"^ bin In Race T»o at Penang on Sunday The Stipendiary steward In hla report on the day a races BjajMK RACE ONE: When the field jumped away. Bmprr Cras> U (Rajooi
    628 words
  • 156 23 NEW YORK. Mon-Alwtn schockemoehle of «««<>£ many rode Rex the Robber to victory In the Presidents Cup nna! on the closing night of the Washington International Horse Show Hex the Robber waa the last of six horses to go in the aecond Jump-off aga'rwi the
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 34 23 SYDNEY. Mon. New Zealand retained their lead after the third day of the womeni International golf series at Royal Sydney here today when they salvaged a hard earned draw against Japan. Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 26 23 OENEVA Mon —The fourday congress ol the International Rowing Federation has decided to admit China aa a member. a congress spokesman said yesterday
    26 words
  • 793 23 WBIOHTS for Ulia weekend'a Singapore Turf Club pro-am meeting at BvUit Ttmah. SATURDAY Ckw I Dl>. t 71. Strike Lucky 00. Match Box 1.10. Ming Derby 8 08. Invader (44, Charlie Brown 8.04. Happy Climax 8.01. BeauUlul Sunday 802. Nlpah II 802. BeU Rajah II 801 Nineteenth September
    793 words
  • 384 23 rRONTO, Mon. American super horse Secretariat ended one of the most brilliant careers in North American racing history yesterday by winning the Canadian International Championship Stakes. Secretariat. winner •f the American Triple Crown, finished hla career la typical itjlc Klilnf the lead
    Agencies  -  384 words
  • 49 23 MELBOURNE. Mon. The Sheffield Shield match between Victoria and Queensland at the Brisbane cricket ground ended today In a draw when Queensland failed by 12 runs to scon an outright victory. Score* were: Victoria. 114--t dec. and 2*2-7 dec. Queensland 315 and 266-7— Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 101 23 NEW YORK. Mon— CanAm champion Mark Donohue yesterday announced he waa retiring from car racing after a day in which he scored triple victories at Riverside race track Donohue. 26. said be would retire after the final of the "International Race of Ch-Tiplons In Daytona, Florida, in
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 105 23 OUR BEST WISHES AND CONGRA TULA TIONS TO The Trade Representation of Bulgaria On the occasion ol the OHiciol OewnlKf a* tke Bulgarian Trade Eikibitian in S'por* at rfc Great World Amusement Perk MS INTERNATIONAL TELEX CORPN. PTE. LTD. No. CICIL ST., SINGAPOtE. gineral cargo agent world wide service. OUR
      105 words
    • 396 23 /your 24 HOURW A Make V)u> calls, itfc* your calls, accept and pau on instructions, take book incjj. orders, appointment! do everything your own staff can do. Our Specially trained giils become J| V your private and confidential N^ secretaries Working for yenj/ clock. yS"^ j /j Special Services include
      396 words

  • 175 24 countries' /CANBERRA. Mon. \j The Government's senior defence advisers believe that Australia Is one of the most secure countries In the weld. Minister for Defence Mr. Lance Barnard said In Perth today. Mr. Barnard told a Returned Services League conference that the Government's advisers
    Reuter  -  175 words
  • 78 24 LONDON. Mon. British soldiers wIU be told this week exactly what they axe giving Princes Anne as a present when she marries army Captain Mark Phill.pi> next month. A Defence Ministry spokesman was unable to comment on a newspaper report that the present would be a
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 53 24 NEW YORK. Mon. British contestants finished first and second in the ballroom dancing section of the world professional dance championship at Madison Square Oarden Rtchsrd snd Janet Oleave beat national champions from other nations In the competition, which Included the English and Viennese waltz, tango, quickstep
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 37 24 TAIFEH. Mon. Taiwan Is to -end a twMsV membe. trade delegation abroad next month to purchase 105 million metric tons of ferrous scrap for the next five years, the Central News Agency reported today Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 44 24 DURBAN. Mon Mr. Chanderdeo Sewpersadh president cf the Natal Indian Congress, was banned today foom attending social or political gatherings for five rears. Mr. Sewperssdh, s 38-year-old attorney, was the third member of the Oandhl-style organisation to be banned. Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 20 24 SRINAOAR. Mon An earthquake rocked the Kistlwar area. 300 miles southeast of here, on Saturday. killing three people.
    20 words
  • 210 24 33 hurt by three terror bombs in Phnom Penh PHNOM PENH. Mon Terrorists exploded three grenades In crowded sections of Phnom Penh today, wounding at least 33 people. Including two children, police officials said. The first explosion was at 5.30 a.m. local time In the fair grounds In the Serel
    UPI  -  210 words
  • 63 24 MOSCOW. Mon The Oeorgtan Communist Party has fired two regional party leaders (or (ailing to weed out "religious prejudice and to promote atheistic education, according to the TblUal newspaper Zaxya Vostoka. Two other members have also been expelled because they had their children baptised In
    63 words
  • 51 24 Oovernment took the unusua! step tod»y of Inviting Western journalist* to attend the trial tomorrow of defendant* accused of smuggling people out of Bast Germany An Invitation from the Foreign Ministry Press Department referred only to a "trial" Details on the accused, wen not available
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 32 24 TEHERAN. Mon. The Iranian senate today unanimously approved a one billion dollar (8*2.250 million I special allocation enabling the Oovtrnment to purchase sophisticated arms to strengthen Us forces AP.
    AP  -  32 words
  • 19 24 FRANKFURT. Mon. Hold-up men today slots two million marks <Ssl 8 million) from a truck carrying money
    19 words
  • 69 24 BANGKOK. Mon— A policeman was Ullrd when about 50 armed faterillas attacked a police station In soathern Thailand yesterday. Five ooUeemen were on Am./ in the Naaan district of Sorat Than! Province. SSS mites sooth of here, when the guerilla* attacked, police sources said. They
    69 words
  • 353 24 LONDON. Mob. Tba itock mar. kct closad mliad U4>r Co moderatt twow»r tradinc. Proapacta of a atatl pnr» rtaa and Ml aupplr dlfrtcultlca eauaatf aooM apprthcruloß dcapllc th« upturn to tba U.S. Stplamber limdr aurpluj and prim* ral* raduetiooj Al t p.m. Tba Plaaacul TIOMa lndf« waa dowa
    353 words
  • 26 24 LONDON, Ma*. SPOI IS. TO. SatUaaHM Dae. IS. 10 Jaa J4.W. Ju/llti. I*Bo. Oaaml c.LI Hn. II.TS saa>.. Dae. 12.15. Jaa 31 so alart.t Qnm.
    26 words
  • 28 24 LONDON. Mam. Spot Dumra line (axk) aallaia IBM (uartii hrwi kuran nni i—it>. aalWra On* (—IS) Sttllamaal ***** <—m>. Tttrnovtr a.m. ISO M ISO. Tom* Btaadr
    28 words
  • 43 24 ROMS. Mon —Heating oU and kerosene distributors went on a one-day strike day v Italy felt the nip of Autumn frosts. They said with higher Import prices they could not operate under the existing government controlled prices AP.
    AP  -  43 words
  • 57 24 Mil COM CHIHO CMUAH. IT pmmS away pcaccruliy 10 71 laavim Mind t»lova4 wtra, 1 MM. > *au(btara. I aona-la-la* a»« I sraaeckiMna. Caria* laavra 4TS. SUM Aw»» tm 1/11.71 2 00 pa. lACHAN KAUK. 44. Caaaaa Mask or Imt Polio km pmil <••; K 10 73 al OROH.
    57 words
  • 141 24 $lm drug seizure at three English ports LONDON, Mon. More than three-quarters of a ton of raw can na bis resin worth £187.000 .Bslo2B mil I on the black market was seized at three English ports during the first two weeks of October, a Customs and Excise spokesman said last
    Reuter  -  141 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 181 24 fYrfrrLLL r T| i 1 1 1 J ,I .I V iM ir f f 1 1 .1.1 U 1 1 1 yl J 1 1 1 1. 1 ■ll\ f I tt rr ff ■*ii*»"**'' 1 1 11 1 1 av?i 1 1 t 1 1 1 JCT.^i*! 1
      181 words
    • 248 24 9W ttvwfr" CJbbm ~^a^ B awl ßbbbb^^^^^wl mm la. i 11* awfrLr' 4lsaaV' aEr^^aw>M^^Baw! IMIMMITEI) "NO FROST" flaw? I A^'^^iSßaßaaaal Bawl «aawß i HaaaTwawM Saaß BflC^KEcjkff^* l""^ •U-aSaClwi aaaaasVaT J "Vj^^^^yiy^sa^^Jsl T^ MODEL TDE 140FN 14 cv. ft SPECIAL FEATURES:- FOAMWALL CONSTRUCTION AND ABS THE CHIP PROOF. RUSTPROOF MATERIAL USEDIN
      248 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous