The Straits Times, 29 October 1973

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 20 1 TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 250,000 The Straits Times E*td. 1845 MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1973 20 CENTS M.C. (P) 1366/73
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  • 169 1 PHNOM PENH, Sunuay, rpHE official Khmer news agency said today that ousted Head of State Norodom Sihaiiouk. In a recent interview with the French newspaper Le Monde, showed that he was beginning to understand that his situation was hopeless. I Prince Sihanouk, who heads
    Reuter  -  169 words
  • 832 1 PEACEMAKERS AT THE FRONTLINE As the UN force moves in... CAIRO. Sunday SENIOR Egyptian and Israeli officers have met to discuss implementation of the ceasefire, it was announced here. It was the first face-to-face contact between the two countries for 17 years. Gen. Ensio Siilasvuo, the Onited Nations peace force
    Reuter; UPI  -  832 words
  • 261 1 Allon: We should not give up our gains TEL AVIV. Sunday FkEPUTY Prime Minister, Mr. Ylgal Allon said he did not think Israel should give up its gains in the Middle East war. Referring to the encirclement of the Egyptlan Third Army by Israeli armour Mr. AUon insisted In a
    Reuter  -  261 words
  • 34 1 KATMANDU. SUn. —An Italian expedition plagued by death, bad weather and argument* has abandoned IU attempt* to climb M.MS ft high Mr. Annapuma. team leader Oulde Machete said today— UPL
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  • 24 1 KATMANDU. Sun Tw< Japanese climbers reachet the summit of Mount Sve rest on Friday according n report* reaching here toda). —Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 45 1 Champion beer can tosser SYDNEY. Bun. Rick Roberts won the world's first beer can throwing championship today. He threw an empty but sealed 134 ounce beer can lot feet 4 Inches In an 11-man competition at a country (air at Oosford. New South Wales. —UPL
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  • 58 1 TOKYO. Sun. North Vietnam yesterday presented a formal protest to the Indonesian ambassador for "unfriendly acts." the official Vietnam News Agency reported today. VNA. In a Uroadcast monitored here, said the envoy was summoned to the Foreign Ministry because of "distortions" of the truth In a
    AP  -  58 words
  • 162 1 Fighting continues in Mekong Delta SAIGON. Son. The South Vietnamese military command today reported continued communist ground and shelling attacks In the Mekong Delta in an apparent move to deny Saigon its vital rice supplies. The command said 21 communists were killed when Vletcong troops engaged Government infantry and militia
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  • 26 1 SAN JO6E. Sun. Former Costa Mean President OUUo Ulate Branco. who ruled from IMS to IMI. died here last night He was as.— Heater.
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  • 23 1 LAREDO (Texas). Sun Mrs. Julia Ciistan has died In atlrando city. 32 mllee east ot here. She wai 115— AP
    AP  -  23 words
  • 132 1 TAT STAN' BOASTS OF ROYAL WEDDING COUP LONDON, Bun. "Fat Stan" Flashman. self-styled "King of Brltain's Ticket -selling Touts." was today quoted as saying le had obtained, and sold. Invitations to the Wedding of the Year between Princess Anne and Capt. Mark Phillips. Mr. Flashman was qi-oted by the Sunday
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 68 1 BONN. Sun.— Franco Rosseiiinl, who Is producing Elisabeth Taylor's current film, said today that her marriage to Richard Burton Is being dissolved He confirmed a report In the West Oennan newspaper BUd Am Sonnta* that divorce proceeding* began in Switzerland In August The parting of the two
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 57 1 BUENOB. Anus. Bun. Two Argenune ships ooUlded early today In the Junta Indlo channel and at lea* 37 people were reported miavThe Coait Ouard said the Argentine Navy buoy ablp Ushuala. with about 100 men on board, collided with the Tlo Qulnto. a merchant atup
    AP  -  57 words
  • 44 1 CARACAS. Bun Van*. nielan border guards killed two Colombian clUsana In a •hoot-out with white slave traders trying to smuggle Colombian prostitutes across the border into Vrnnui*. a government epntiinn announced yeeterda; Two border guards were sartousjy Injured in the Incident—UPl
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  • 43 1 TTOL AVIV. Son. Normal airline mn\em to and from Israel's Lydda airport vere resumed today, with tb* arrlral (ram Frankfurt of a Wat Oanu r^i«K.i^ f Unar. It took off again tor Frankfurt shortly arUrwards. with in— urn and fntghl
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  • 426 1 Waldheim begins enlistment of UN peace force UN. TED NATIONS, Sun U.N. Secretary-Ge-neral Dr. Waldheim begins the politically sensitize task today of recruiting 6,000 additional troops for the UN Middle East emergency force along guidelines approved by the Security Council. By a vote of 14 to nil. with China, not
    Reuter  -  426 words
  • 26 1 BBUNOB ATJUS. Sun A swarm of African bee* attacked and killed a man near the provincial capital of Banu F*. police said. UPI.
    UPI  -  26 words
  • 317 1 Viets accuse US of bad faith CAIOON, Sun. The Vietcong Provisional Revolutionary Government has accused the United States of violating the Paris peace agreement by leaving "thousands of military personnel in civilian guise" to oversee combat operations by the South Vietnamese Armed Forces. Col. Vo Dong Olang, a spokesman for
    NYT  -  317 words
  • 55 1 Underground N-test WASHINGTON Sun The Soviet Union conducted a large underground nuclear teat yesterday a day after exploding one. and perhaps two. smaller nuclear devices the Atomic Energy Commission reported. The test was in the range of three to six megaton*. the commission said. A megaton la equivalent to one
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  • 105 1 Golda: Well do all we can... TEL AVIV, San. Israeli Prime Minister Mrs. Golda Melr promised today that her country weald do nery thing within Its power to bring peace to the Middle East. She said In an interview with the American Colombia Broadcasting System: "We can never make ap
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 183 1 anGhnrl shoes I— For men of /±^m\\W\ character! ggHsP^^ ACO4 Available at all leading shoe stores crat our showroom. No 97, Jin. Sultan, Kuala Lumpur. 8 HOUSE OF ft I TANC j If SINGAPORE S LEADING TO tt DEPARTMENT STORE U J(|J: BARGAIN COUNTER 3RD FLOOR f3T p*>i LADIES Usual
      183 words
    • 63 1 Nixon heads for another clash with Congress -BACK PAGE -SADAT'S halfbrother killed" refjort SINGATOBE can act ap nuclear power plant STAGGER office boon call by Minister 9 TWO-GUN Leo's return to hall of bullets IS SINGAPORE to be worlds NO. 1 oil refining centre 17 WORLD NEWS 1 3. 4
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    • 214 1 «fX€NMARKS A STERLING SHYER V\ARE JWf STEEL iGJ^ FLATWARE J4&r Wjensen ggg^^N(twat:H.S£NA(PTE)LJD. •j^ HCH CLASS JEWELLERS BRANOCS K SNANGR-LA MANCVHN I RATFUS HQTRS.^** The Linea 98 is the new manual typewriter that incorporates features from the electrics <* I IJ TCggge' at* '^aggf <% Olivetti's new Linea 98 comes with
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  • World News
    • 241 2 5,000 Arabs being held as war prisoners rpEL AVIV, Sun. A Israel is holding about 5,000 Arab prl-soners-of-war of whom 30 Egyptians are being sent home today under Red Cross auspices, a military spokesman announced here last night. The 30 Egyptians, ail wounded, some severely, will fly to Cairo from
      Reuter  -  241 words
    • 320 2 Sadat's halfbrother killed: Report LONDON. Sunday EGYPTIAN President Anwar Sadat's half-brother, a 22 -year -old air force captain, was kijled in the latest Middle East wur, the Sunday Times said today. Two Sunday Times reporters Just back from Cairo said three "important facts" had been suppressed by Egyptian censorship. These
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    • 46 2 PRESIDENT Sadat trrets Algerian Foreign Minister Bouteflika on hU arrival for discussions on the latest developments in the Middle Eaat. Both governments have been in close touch during the ArabIsraeli conflict. Mr. Sadat also conferred with Soviet Ambassador Mr. Vinogradov. UPI radiophoto.
      UPI  -  46 words
    • 33 2 LONDON. Sun. Bnttxh summer time ended officially at 0200 OUT <t.30 am Singapore time) today, and the nation will now revert to Oreenwlch mean time until March ,17. 1»74 Reuter.
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 185 2 LAIRD: I'M SURE NIXON WON'T SEND TROOPS WASHINGTON. Sun. Mr. Melvln Laird, former Wisconsin congressman and now presidential domestic adviser, said yesterday he did not believe President Nixon would send combat troops to the Middle East. "There may be some Amej rlcan military personnel 1 assigned to the United i
      UPI  -  185 words
    • 76 2 CAPS CANAVERAL. (Florida), Sun. A eerie* of earth tremors shook buildings and rattled windows In Cape Canaveral area early yesterday but failed to affect preparations for the Nov. 10 Skylab 111 launch. The tremors accompanied by a loud roar, were felt within (0 miles radius of
      Reuter  -  76 words
    • 265 2 Dublin peace troops as part of UN force rkUBLIN, Sun— The Republic has agreed In principle to send troops to the Middle East as part of the United Nations peace-keeping force, the Government said today. The (decision needs the formal consent of the Irish Parliament, and a resolution will go
      AP  -  265 words
    • 74 2 UNITED NATIONS. Sun South Korrm mewed It* pit* today (or UN membership for both North and South Korea and alao called for a continued UN pretence In Korea to maintain peace and tecurlly there. In a ttatement Ueued here In advance of a debate on
      Reuter  -  74 words
    • 154 2 -Sudan hits at 'big power farce' lIONGKONO. Sun. -U Sudanese Foreign Minister Mansour Khalld has denounced that he described: as a new farce of Big Power names over the Middle Bast being staged in the United Nations, and stressed the need 'for Arab unity against Israel. Dr. Khalld. who Is
      Reuter  -  154 words
    • 266 2 M-E war cost Israel $2.3bil in arms UNITED NATIONS, Sunday ISRAEL lost US$l billion ($2.2:> billion) worth of war equipment in the latest Middle East war, Israeli diplomatic sources said yesterday. They said the war had cost the country between US$l.5 and US$2 billion ($337 billion and 554.5 billion). Heavy
      UPI  -  266 words
    • 225 2 Oil and petrol prices in Israel up by -37 pc— rL AVIV Sun. Israel raised the price of oil and petrol by )7 per cent today to conform to a worldwide price rise prompted by 0.1--producing Arsb states. The Government said 93 octane petrol, tbr highest available here, would cost
      AP; UPI  -  225 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 408 2 DONALD MOORE ATTRACTIONS THC INCOMPAIAILI, THE INCIEDIIII Michael Ponti Sew rvcrvnt and rypical critical accloim for Kil recording I Scriabin'i tonatat: .oioniltlc occonfililhmrjnt t*«it «wl b* col lad 'pharKxranoF. Pont! tvjj ployad hirrnal f into ttta «l it* of todoy 't pionrih tha clarity of tha itrucrurai, avan in Scriabin'i
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  • 452 3 LONDON. Sunday THE Soviet Union reacted sharply today to President Nixon's statements on the Middle East and came closer to direct criticism of the President than at any time since the present detente blossomed early this year. At the same time, first comments
    Reuter  -  452 words
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  • 33 3 PAERI4O. Sun. Sixteen ■Urged member* of a Mafia ganf go on trial at Agrlcento tomorrow charted with a sertea of murder*. Including the shooting of a man in hoaptteJ— HeuUr.
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  • 77 3 CHIEF Priest Kencho Josen of lin.yuji temple in Nara relates the history of the temple to Australian Prime Minister (ioucb Whitlam Mr. Whitlam. who is in Japan to attend the annual i Australia Japan meeting this week, wu vlsitinc the temple with his
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  • 141 3 SANTO DOMINOO. Bun. A mini bugglnj scandal Is brewing In Santo Domingo over an Opposition politician's charge that his telephone and those of other politicians have been bugged tor political purposes. The Dominican Oovernment yesterday categorically denied the charge made by the vice president
    UPI  -  141 words
  • 313 3 rTroop-cut talks: Nato to reveal plan in stages VIENNA, Sun.— Nato diplomats said today that the Western alliance has finalised a step-by-step plan as a basis for discussion when EastWest negotiations on troop reductions start in Vienna on Tuesday. The 19-natlon conference, expected to last several years, will open with
    Reuter  -  313 words
  • 105 3 AGNEW AND SINATRA IN CHICAGO 'TO RELAX' /CHICAGO. Sun. \j Former Vice-Presl-dent Splro Agnew and entertainer Prank Sinatra are crccunylng penthouses at a fashionable hotel here. "I'm here to relax an-J have a good time," Mr. Agnew said when asked about the visit He arrived on Friday night accompanied by
    AP  -  105 words
  • 61 3 TOKYO. Sun. The J»p«m— Government hu decided to act up subsidiary of Jtpan Airline* to take over the Japan-Taiwan air route from JAL. the Sankei Shimbun laid today It said the Government alao decided to let China uae Tokyo's new airport at Ntnu when It la
    AP  -  61 words
  • 251 3 17ORMER Secretary of r State Dean Rusk yea t c r day called for swift confirmation of Mr. Gerald Ford as US Vice President, citing concern about the ability of "the human body and mind" to withstand the growing pressures of
    AP  -  251 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 118 3 Triple your penmanship power with the new il ROLLING fe FOUNTAIN PEN m New plastic tip \W Now, the steel ball is i encased in a plastic tip. And the ink is soluble. 11l Result is more smooth and clear writing you won't find in ball point fal pens only
      118 words
    • 483 3 M \DJ^HQ GROUNDNUT OIL cock brand 5 k..-,, 7.50 m Another HONEY monarch us.a. o^9* eiouom K454|) 1.35 m Qatar! Rnwl 1 FREEZE DRIED COFFEE moccona Holland m waiaia »vwwi 1 (FREE JhtA Baby Enp Milk) 100|> 395 H R©St3Ur3Hl Ifc I soup cAHrmrs u.s.a. chick™ Noodi* ioj« 62 I
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  • 447 4 Nixon's attack unjust: TV bosses NEW YORK, Sunday THK three television networks, who provide a majority of Americans with their daily news, today defended themselves against President Nixon's accusations of hysterical reporting of his activities. The National Broadcasting Company (NBC), the Columbia Broadcasting System (CB8), and the American Broadcasting Corporation
    Reuter  -  447 words
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  • 255 4 Bomb alert disrupts rail services BELFAST. Sun. Rail services between Belfast and Dublin were disrupted by a fullscale bomb alert toaay as the provisional wing of the Irish Republican Army apparently con tlnued Its campaign to paralyse road and rail traffic Troops were called in after a Up oft that
    Reuter  -  255 words
  • 38 4 CARACAS. Sun. Venezuela, the world's third largest oil exporting nation, hiked IU oil price* M per cent yesterday— an lncre**e expected to hit the United State*, the main buyer of Venezuelan crud the hardest. UPI.
    UPI  -  38 words
  • 47 4 $2.8 m for use of Chinese NEW YORK Sun. The proposal to make Chinese a working language of the UnlUa Nation* would cost the world organisation about USSII million (»2 8 million > In the first two-year period (K74-TS). in the* estimate of Secretary-Oeneral Dr. Kurt Waldhelm. motsr.
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  • 162 4 Grassby's tie gift to Queen Elizabeth CANBERRA. Sun— Mr. V> Al Orassby. Australia* Minister for Immigration, has presented Queen Elizabeth with one of his colourful ties at her request. Mr. Orassby told reporters here yesterday he was wearing the wide, multi-coloured tie when the Queen attended a reception at Government
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 62 4 MOSCOW, Sun. My-jim-iou* radio signal* recently received on earth wen probably from manmade satellite* and not from exlraterrestlal clvllliatlon*. a Soviet scientist said yesterday Prof. Samull Kaplan of Oorky Unlwnlty told the Associated Press by telephone that signal* picked up by bis university and other scientific institute*
    AP  -  62 words
  • 198 4 MONTEVIDEO, Sun. Armed troops guarded the main university buildings here last night after a student was killed In a bomb blast. Informed sources said.' The student d.ert In the engineering faculty after a bomb exploded there. The Uruguayan armed forces took over
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  • 165 4 THE port of this Sicilian capital hai been virtually destroyed by a storm which caused an estimated IM.»M million lire (*****.54 MM) damage to the city Pa ler m o officials made the preliminary estimate of damage today before starting detailed survey of the
    Reuter; UPI  -  165 words
  • 188 4 WO REASON FOR JAPAN TO SCRAP PACT WITH U.S. TOKYO. Sun— Prime Minister Kak v c 1 Tanaka said today he saw no reason why Japan should change Its policy of maintaining the US-Japan security treaty and her own defence capability He told nearly 5.000 defence force men taking part
    Reuter  -  188 words
  • 26 4 JAKARTA Sun IndoI nesia and Burma have comI pleted week-long discussions on the opening of an air link between Jakarta and 1 Rangoon. Reuter.
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  • 125 4 SANTIAGO. Sun The head of Chile's military Junta warned yesterday that the state of siege may not be lifted for another eight months and that the armed forces would remain on wartime alert. NEW DELHI: Cieral G.G. Bewoor. Chief of SUIT of the Indian Army, and hit wife will
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  • 163 4 NEW DELHI: A plant using a new process of converting raw coconut Into oil, protein and edible flour Is to be set up in the Philippines by an Indian company. It was announced here today. LISBON: Portuguese voters today returned Prime Minister Marcellu Caetano's government to power In
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  • 101 4 DETROIT: Three men Interrupted a Catholic church service yesterday, told the congregation they wanted the collection money, then shot and killed an usher who grappled with one of them They then fled without taking any money PARIS: Police have ar- rested a 21 -year-old painter and accused 1
    Agencies  -  101 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 203 4 By leasing, a small initial outlay is required and the funds saved can be applied to other profitable use. Large savings are also possible, as you can write off rentals as current expenses or manufacturing costs. Leasing will free you from the tedious administrative work involved in owning the equipment,
      203 words
    • 51 4 GLjOWEAVE BUSINESS BODY SHIRT IMPORTED IN FASHION STYLE LOCAL IN SIZE FIT T 4tr4r9x^^awltt VA gßamSi^sW' l \fl lawlsssssssP^^l^^ awiV 'II \l^^^ <gV\ \I 1 1 if^gß aw^r^ /T Excitmg. new range available at 9 FASHION TAILORS 7 8. Ground Floor. Tanglin Shopping Centre 19, Tangiin Ro»d. Spor» 10 Tel:
      51 words

  • 974 5  -  JOHN JORRE: War forges unity among opposing forces By CAIRO \\TAR has forged unity among the Arabs and among their enemies, the Israelis. The prospect of peace threatens to blow that cohesion apart. The first effect of the United Nations Security Council's
    OFNS  -  974 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 265 5 Up to the minute fashion. Down to a second reliability. Caravelle watches face up to fashion. In a wide range of distinctive styles. Caravelle is by Bulova. The people who guarantee rvery watch they make. Caravelle by Bulova. The world's _^^HH^ largest manufacturer of fine j^^^ s Swiss watcrtes. Invuntor
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 235 5 Bringing Up Father By BUI Kavanagh tfc Hal Camp i pour let rr pnAe^N ccixset ie cxcshg soon Pisco tfcw?-pleas£ see) /^tnava, snm\ YOU. MAN! I'VE ANC I U BE A&S TO MB MXW SUMMB* V 1 i 6OT ©OOP NCWS WO»< FULL. TIMB IN CATALOG I WAMT My I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 314 6 HAPPY HARI RAYA PUASA GOLDEN THEATRE j i|| BEACH ROAD TEL: *****66-7 I Lfcjfc^ NOW SHOWING! No Free List j; 5 SHOWS imity: 11 .00 1.30, 4.00, 6.30 9.30 p.-. f^ THI FIRST PICTURI DIHICTID BY fU CHIL WiH *6^ Cast: LI TZIARG LI CHUG PING FANG Aaetfcer UR Preiect
      314 words
    • 260 6 Tim Sum for Champs? Stadium Restaurant wins everytime! So Quick So Easy Swift Smooth Servicee»Easy Parking Facilities Convenient Reach of t!i? City only 5 Minutes Drive Open 7-Days a Week»Lush Pleasant Surroundings in Air Conditioned Comfort vVe Specialise in Cantonese cuisine and Hong Kong Tim Sum. Special catering services for
      260 words
    • 301 6 Ye*.They-re Fa»t Too! Instant Sound 4 Picture *Al Hitachi we use ALL Transistors in ALL our Sen, even in Color or B/W. because compared to tubes, transistors are virtually trouble tree 1 Now you know why Hitachi TV's have a 2 year guarantee So be sure to get your guarantee
      301 words
    • 177 6 Our new menu is m-m-magnifique! Come and see for yourself, lunch or dinner OUR LUNCH SPECIALS MONDAY Steak and Kidney Pie S5OO TUESDAY Haricot Oxtail $450 WEDNESDAY Pilau and Chicken Curry S5OO THURSDAY Irish Stew 5450 FRIDAY Fish Molly S4 50 Mm l^ V HOTEL Tel. *****1 OCEAN THEATRE (U
      177 words
    • 227 6 ■■■■■■■■BVff J jiff"**"*''"*™ j! fJ*\JSU NOW SHOWING! CmiiH:Vasiiaii **tafk ,' ji kV bdc cßueo lAit....*, C.I Uli^ *t tk C.K..T C.M« lr»« 10 o«*r. I t* S.aetm AN*r t.eopta rtmm a«.kl«t» CM k*l Illlllli •> Mm J.r»»* DnVe-la O«I«|'| kra-anl**. I SiailtueMt Special Horning Sbow TteUjr. ij MAJESTIC SILVER CITY
      227 words
    • 669 6 .i^nriinrrV" g •■•ANISATION HCDH^E ICLI^B a Naw Sk*wt>|— M* 'f*. li.t llm, 1.45. «.oe, a.lO, K*itr Borron, Krnntn Coo* ai "CARRY ON IMSTANT IOVI" ,n COU3H iXTRA! N.», COUIK ■•fiiaHi'iaajiu 12th lIG DAY! ii*... lie, 4oe., jo Chart** Branaon Jill IralorW "Tk. VALACHI r>a«*n" color j NEXT CHANGfI
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  • 155 7 f YBATING to beat \I music and vibrantly swinninx thrir hips and hands were sevrn local modrls who did thrir bit for charity yesterday afternoon at the Island Ballroom of Shancrl-La Hotel. On the left is Minnie Appadaral In a geo-metric-designed Jantxen bikini
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  • 95 7 THE Minister for Culture. Mr. Jek Yeun Thong, will open the Photographic Society of Singapore's national exhibition at the National Library lecture hall on Wednesday. Mrs Jek will five away the prize* On display will be 174 monochrome print* and 4« colour «lide» The exhibition will be
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  • 389 7 r-'NO NEED TO FEAR POLLUTION' SINGAPORE has the capacity to set up a nuclear power plant and Handle problems arising out of it. This point is made by Dr. R.S. Bhathal, a lecturer in the Physic* Department at the University of Singapore,
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  • 131 7 Copper bars theft: Ex-peon —jailed- A NO Thiam Hock, 36, a former peon with Oxy Metal Finishing (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., was Jailed for 18 months on Saturday for stealing $700 worth of copper bars belonging to the company. He pleaded guilty. The court was told that on Oct. 18 at
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  • 52 7 THE Industrial Arbitration Court will hand down its award In the dispute between the Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Union and the Singapore Turf Club on the union* right to represent cashier supervisors, assistant cashier supervisors. receiving caihlers. selling suoerviaors and pay-out supervisors, on Wednesday at
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  • 85 7 2-day PTTI meeting opens THE Asian Advisory Committee of the Postal Telegraph Telephone International will meet at Ming Court Hotel today and tomorrow to d'*cuss PTTI activities and draft a new programme for next year. The Amalgamated Union of Public Employees and the Singapore Telephone Board Worker* Union, which arc
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  • 126 7 Go modern farmers urged THE MP for Jurong, Mr. Ho Kah Leong, yesterday urged farmers in Singapore to adopt modern methods of farming. He said this was necessary because the trend of agriculture here was towards scientific and intensive farming. Speaking at the opening of Lorong Kabong. off Jalan Bahar
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  • 109 7 ST man retires after 47 years unbroken service CTRAITS Times pro- duction department staff gave a farewell dinner to foreman of the processing department Mr. Phua Swee Kirn (above) at Diamond Restaurant, Great World Park, last night. Mr. Phua. who joined the company as an apprentice In 1926, retired in
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  • 35 7 THE Hibiscus Queen 1573 contest, organised Jointly by the YMCA ¥oun» Adults Group. Malay Youth Literary Association and Singapore Adventurers Club, will be held at the Singapore Hilton Grand Ballroom on Nov. 11
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  • 90 7 Raja to visit Australia and New Zealand MINISTER for Foreign Affairs Mr. S. Rajaratnam will visit Australia from Nov. 10 to 17 and New Zealand from Nov. 17 to 20 at the invitation of the two governments. He will have discussions on subjects of mutual Interest with leaders of the
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  • 85 7 Ticket No. *****6 wins a Datsun fTIHE numbers picked In 1 yesterday's Toto draw No 85 73 were 36. 40, 32. 22. and 42. The additional number was 44. In the circles draw the numbers were 8. 38 and 17. In the Deepavall Special draw*, the first prtie of Datsun
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 27 7 BHI I A- t** 'EdHHaW HP^B n iw. w^ ■■MH^^a^MtaSau^f jffiin t^ff HaY BHA RH H .^HJ [I urn ifi\ XI ■V B-^I^HH B^^B^M Lgfl -^'.afcJrfcir^gf^Wß. bM
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    • 422 7 •UQITNP WRUFE! OMHNHM|fMMH Facn light up like BSEu|HI I Christmas when you g^k wHatwfi I mention the Ginny Tiu Sisters to those who saw I g^^^H 9 them latt time at fflH^^fl I Shangri-La. Everybody 4fc I g jB I fell in love w th these CU I three young,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 437 8 The cold facts about the new Westinghoyse frostfree refrigerators upright freezers (from Jebsen Jessen, naturally) 1 jpji ot J KhK^P A.* f 111 r W^**" q -cf J I REFRIGERATOR RS-218M \V FROSTFREE REFRIGERATORS 11l UPRIGHT FREEZERS •FROSTFREE Pfb^^P*B^^|^^^ UPRIGHT for easy stacking and viewing of food Entirely frostfree. Your
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  • 104 9 MR. ONG Pang Boon inspecting the new-look Telok Ayer Food Centre after Us official opening on Saturday. He was accompanied by Mr. Chor Yeok Eng. ParlUmentary Secretary to the Ministry of thr Environment |citreme right), and Mr. Ng Alk Huan. a representative of the
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  • 138 9 The new stamps on sale from Thursday THE second Instalment of the 1973 definitive aeries of postage stamps will be on sale from Thursday. The new series depict local fruits and are in denominations of $1, $3. $5 and *10. First-day covers at 10 cent* eacii are on sale now
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  • 38 9 TAXI driver Lee chuan Chwee. J4 was fined $1,000 <n the Second slsglsinUt Court when he was found guilty of smoking opium In a hut In Orange Road at about 7.10 p-m on Sept. t.
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  • 136 9 British traders seek contacts in Spore rC growing Importance of Singapore as a commercial and Industrial centre has Increased British businessmen's desire to establish firm trading contacts with the Republic. Mr. Zachry Brlerley, leader of the 10-member North West Export Club trade mission now here on a week's visit, said
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  • 393 9  - Ong: Urgent solution needed to end traffic congestion IRENE NGOO By THE Minister for Labour, Mr. Ong Pang Boon, has stressed the need for an urgent solution to the traffic problem in the Shenton Way and Clifford Pier areas. The plan should include staggering of office hours, he suggested. Mr.
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  • 76 9 Magistrate warns an accused YEO Chal Huat 26. pleaded not guilty In a magistrate's court on Saturday to a charge of Intimidating a woman newsvendor. He is alleged to have threatened Miss Oh Hong In. 21. with Injury on Oct 20 if she sold newspapers at Block 111. Henderson Road.
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  • 89 9 Businessman is made a bankrupt A OOMPANT director who owed a moneylender $20,518 has been made a bankrupt by Mr. Justice Choor Singh in the High Court. Mr. Avtar Singh BajaJ. of Battery Road, had successfully sued Koh Beng Thlam. SI of Clemenceau Avenue, iaat April for the amount owing
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  • 41 9 ELECTRICIAN Scow Wee Cheng. 39. waa fined $300 In the second magistrate's court fur using criminal force on a police constable at Pekln Street, off Cadi Street, at about 10 M pjn on Aug. 14. Be pleaded guilty
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  • 62 9 FIVE youths were fined $70 each In First Magistrate's Court for playing a game of pah kow In a block of flats In Commonwealth Drive. Queenstown. on Oct. 14 at about 12.30 pm They were Buhalml bin Sajaree. 20. Rahmat bin Othtnsn. IT. Ramll bin Yusoff. 20.
    62 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 274 9 IN SINGAPORE'S ORCHARD ROAD ADOVE ROBINSON'S A 3 ACRE SHOPPING COMPLEX SSSaa^^aw 1 j?sgfi>^«» jS^^^ afl IVP I s^^^^*"**^Bs»i HATCLPMMMy LUXURIOUSLY APPOINTED ECONOMICALLY PRICED! Today's traveller demands comfort and around the clock. To add to your pleasure service within a budget, and Hotel and convenience Hotel Phoenix is shove Phoenix
      274 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 259 9 Straits Times Crossword AC BOSS 7 Nortecs reluctant to 1 Sovereign angler? (10). stand? (10). I Not bound to be frank? Das Rhelngold the chief (4). mischief-maker? ilOi 10 Sort of article whose 13 Sullies record getting meaning ought be rague duck, and scowls (10). (10) 11 Plain distributed round
      259 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 454 10 PRESIDENT NIXON'S moods are mercurial. Last Thursday Mr. Nixon sounded the alarm bells and ordered an all-Amerlcan alert because the White House said Russia was about to send combat troops into the Middle East. On Friday Mr. Nixon was sweet reasonableness itself. Hopes for permanent peace in
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    • 103 10 TkTON-MATERIALISTIC pursuits are not Hist an antidote* to drug taking. They are part of nation building itself. Because a materialistic society is considered drugprone, the vice-president of the Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association said on Saturday, it Is necessary to counter materialistic trends with other values. The atmosphere thus created
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  • 668 10  -  MICHAEL NEALE: By OKA YAM A (JAPAN) JAPANS booming newspaper Industry, threatened by a worldwide shortage of newsprint, has only one long-term salvation the vast Umber resources of Siberia, in the view of a ten executive of the world's b 1 1
    668 words
  • 1172 10 WHAT'S in a name? Nothing, you say? A duriaii by any other name would well, never mind. Anyhow, Reader Virginia Wells of Australia does not agree that there is nothing in a name, let me assure you. Mrs. Wells was recently in Singapore. She was on a kind
    1,172 words
  • 1066 10  - Thailand sets off again on the new road to democratic rule TREVOR GOODCHILD: By BANGKOK THAILAND, with a new Government born in the midst of bloodshed, is once again set on the road to democratic rule. For 41 years, since the abolition of absolute royal power, the country's Government has
    Reuter  -  1,066 words
  • 288 10 WILL the Ministry of Education please tell me how they grade Extra Currlcular Activities in schools? My daughter, wh is a student at a Kat-.-u school, has been taking athletics ever since ECA came -.nto force. This, naturally, has Interfered with her studies a
    288 words
  • 148 10 WITH reference to the letter by Manl (ST., Oct. 15; your correspondent is advised to send his request for the repair of Jalan Tarl Lllln to the Honorary Secretary, Jalan Kayu Citizens' Consultative Committee. 162 Track 14. 10 miles Ylc Chu Kang Road. Singapore 28, for considerate n.
    148 words
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  • 145 10 BOOKING SHOCK FOR TENNIS PLAYER f\N Oct. 15 my friend \J went to the NaUonal Stadium to book a tennis court for Oct. 21. When the booking office opened he was shocked to see that all the courts had already been booked Naturally, being the first person there, he inquired
    145 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 44 10 Jf I r\ Planning r* \JL JfTI a project? 3? Jv^?l Can we he|p? T~™ f*jmLAKjtt£ I OCBC can help you y^" fajjs^sul H inince youf P r °i ect 1 UA^JV^I jP^H Come and discuss t As£— -"^^/^SI Wltn ouf managerj. ■it OMM.CMwbMfCmU)
      44 words
    • 52 10 4 maWoridofPerf^^ BfiwJ s^^^^s^^l the dra*in 0 room yOu m* r,nd the-n th, best choice 2S T •"""•"ce ,n qua i lt> which ha, mSjS.2~+ ZZVttZ ZS^LSZSS reputatlon amono the your need and mood. Uniq ut and very ind.vidual! Mf«M writ* THE HANDLOOM EXPORT PROMOTION COUNCIL 123. MOUNT ROAD, MADRAS-*****6.
      52 words

  • 2 11
    2 words
  • 1730 11  -  ALEXANDER CHANCELLOR FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC SECTION OF THE STRAITS TIMES By TOKYO: The worldwide trade negotiations now getting underw;iv in (jeneva have no less an objective than an "improvement in the standard of living and welfare of the
    1,730 words
  • 806 11  - HK's future lies in manufacturing quality goods GEORGIE LEE By THE future of Hongkong s economy depends on overseas trade to an extent not paralleled elsewhere and although most of Its manufacturing sectors are now well establish ed in world export markets, important causes of concern remain. This was the
    806 words
  • 352 11  -  KINGSLEY WOOD MONDAY OCTOBER 29, 1973 By SYDNEY: The wertd's largest brokerage firm. Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner and Smith, Is to eleee down the Australian offlee It opened In June IS7L Head of the Australian oprration, Mr. W.H. Bohnsaek, confirmed that the company was calling
    352 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 264 11 JT jpgSS^^^^Mif3BP^ aaS^*JJBM^»ICZJjTi^ *""_*^_^^^^E^aaa^aiaßaa»S ■^a^^nKaiilrßl^L O£2 »j^^s3»pE»^BgJBßfc^^-* z t3 \3 Grand Banks for a lifetime of luxurious cruising Examine the hand- HHHb^HIbH P eriods n an y sea T Re rubbed, satin-finished A vt< i GB 36, for example, has teak interior panelling a fibreglass hull and and cabinets. Walk
      264 words
    • 362 11 BW7 /aOBK \%A I JV/jLl^4^B^ea^iaß^aß^B^B^al.^eßLi^L.^lL?akiZaa^lS^ m SEIKO BELL TIMER it convenient, jocurata clock mad to automatically tound a ball, buzzar, chime, and to forth at daily praatt times. Daugnad to harghtan tha efficiency in tyttamatic tima control, it n tha ideal clock for tchoolt. factorial hotpiialt, general offion. and wharavar
      362 words

  • 329 12 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Mr. R. I. Rawlini of Peat. Marwlck. Mitchell has resigned as company secretary of Rahman Hydraulic Tin and Mr. See Chlm Leone has been appointed in his place with effect from Oct. 19. Peat. Marwlck. Mitchell Penang remain registrars of the company. First National City Bank. Singapore,
    329 words
  • 823 12  -  LEONARD SILK By T^EW YORK: The dorr, colic crisis over possible imperchment of President Nixon anr* the International crisis over the Middle East and oil have, not, thus far, had a devastating effect on business or investor sentiment in the
    823 words
  • 425 12 ALL associated crvnpanles of the Pan Malaysia Cement Works group have performed well In the six month.' ended September 1973. sj that although PMC's stake in two of them is reduced. Its absolute share of their prom.s shows a good 16.6 per cent advance to $5.94
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  • 1 12
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  • 626 12 Red Label for a quick cuppa TEA fanciers will now be able to savour another brand in the market following Ben's appointment as sole agent in Singapore and Malaysia for the well known tea, coffee and spice producer, Brooke Bond (India). Brooke Bond a maior world supplier of ndian tea
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  • 239 12 IN the first four months of its current financial year, which ends in February 1974, Veneer Products reports fur- ther group losses of $32,079 No comparable figures are available. Releasing this Information VI says that audited accounts for the year ended February 1973
    239 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 330 12 M I ■>■>■ CHINA. I hhJI ENQINEERE P^P/ 701. 7» Flaw, cm li Omm. I More I I cooling I I power at I less cost PjJP^r^E Mi^^S^' I The F.R.P. (Fibreglass reinforced 1 n polyester) cooling tower is non I I corrosive, non-rusting and maintains I high rigidity. Circular,
      330 words
    • 184 12 flucTion FLUOR OCEAN SERVICES, INC. IX'IOBr R )0 10 00 AM It 5.1.) FLUOR FABRICATION YARD HOUMA. LOUISIANA MVORAULIC CRANES PETTI. BONE 20 Hydraulic Crana. 3 AUSTIN WESTERN 220 Hydraulic ***** ***** PILE HAMMERS/PARTS: CONMACO 300 Ortirura Smgla Actina Pila Hammar. VJL CAN Singla Acting Ottinora Pita Hammar. Sita* 010.
      184 words
    • 86 12 FREE GIFT Offers Every Timex watch comes with a free gift. Hurry! Get your Timex watch today Free gifts available while stocks last I aH^a^a»r Ff ele 9 ant CROSS Pen ;nc watch purchased^^ S**~ a^aX^Br^S neW >• I V ifl W A bottle of provocatiw^^ m m x R.H
      86 words

    • 1529 13 4 S s sank* so reanm 0m tuiumm Tbnei iiillilii 1 T»e yaatt ki|fcs snd low, m foßowod by th. ««k-, iinisasau in aric. snd mmovar wits caicataMd dMdand >Kld, snd poa pnea. aatnne rit»T^^ INDUSTRIALS NOTES: Clonag pnci mtans (ht price il which the lan reported
      1,529 words
    • 720 13 1 w«k up lv Friday. OcL 26 lof coulm not irKludrd in the weekly iharc anafym. Pncr movtman! band on a companion of latl ulai on OcL 19 and OcL 26 as Am* m hncktu. 183 111 60 2 80 304 i :e 482 I. OS 3
      720 words
    • 467 13 YEW YORK. Frl— The second reduction in the bank prime Interest rate in two weeks, an easing of the crlils In the Middle East, snd a bullish report of U.S. touched off a brisk rally Popular market averages posted fairly strong gain*, with international oils and those
      467 words
    • 44 13 •rtatar Tftyntar UM UM tf.lboura. (1) 0T.14 07 11 liana M 29 100.10 km Ctoaat ***** ■m»m i02.a0 io«.M Earlck M.OOB 90.T58 MOM 100.TSS Paria 102 ts 10t.ll Eipon prkaa la ma-atming araaa la U.S. dollar par ouaca (1) Aualrallaa aollan par
      44 words
    • 42 13 Oa Ib* fraa aiartania iui«rt la aWagiimf on Saturday Urn U.I. Win waa a.uoi«4 at 5 ***** S.OTM3 for T.T. aad toon far aaaft. MMM 4 ma quotxl at II 13 aad Mf la»l «r aaat »v «uolao at *la.M.
      42 words
    • 223 13 The following company meeting* are due: Mala>awata Start Bhd.: Oct SO. noon. Registered Office, at Pr»l. Province Wellesley. Penang. blnfapura Bunalnj Society Ltd Oct. 31. 10.30 am Registered Office. Mac Donald House Orchard Road, Singapore 9 Ttw I'nited Kalaera Rubbet EaUlao DM Oct. 11. noon. No. M. Jalan
      223 words
    • 34 13 Loodja coppar prtcaa oa FrMar IPrnmi m brackets). Wlribar SHI tarar (SUM (lOT.OO) sailer lAM 00* c»T«-OO' Tkna MMka avrar iOS-OD ((Us 001 aailar MSS.M IiSSf.OOI. HarfcM tana: Butar Sal-a «.12S Mas.
      34 words
    • 209 13 r'KYO. Sat. Price* on the Tokyo Stock Exchange closed lower on In pre-hollday market De»pite a steep overnight rloe on Wai street Shippings loot k-ruunc anarply became of liravy falls in tanker rates. Oils lost ground on newi I the Middle-East cruU. •UsfT losers Included paperpulp* aredgea. machineries. I'd
      209 words
    • 208 13 Asian currency unit ASIAN currency avenfe dtpo«lU Inter bank nla for the week ended Friday. Oct. 2<. 1971. OS t IBM Prices) HKh Low 7 day* 7/9 t 1/3 1 mtht 10 8/16 3 milu f 5/9 9 5/19 3 mtht 6/9 9 S/16 t mths 9 1/16 9 13/16
      208 words
    • 199 13 BUSINESS TIMES PORTFOLIO n! better trend seen n blue chips on Friday helped to wipe out almost entirely our paper losses. Leading the improvement was our favourite. Inchcape. which rose 40 cents on the week. Even our lost hope. Slme Darby, managed to stage a strong comeback as did Haw
      199 words
    • 161 13 BVSK YL4JL: JAN. 4. 1(71— IM 1971 Week's Action Hlfh Law IMb Mlh Chance ***** 222»1 Automotive 247.48 266 40 B¥2 1189 61 428 73 Banks. Insurance. Finance and Tru»t -ts 536.02 559 39 +23 37 289 21 157 28 Chemicals. Rubber Products. Refining and Smelting
      161 words
    • 115 13 rIE followinf list of (tack* lira the ten mart dealt In laat weak. The llat tire* the turnover in Ihouumb of units, chMlnc price* on FrMav and hlfh and low for It?*. I ompanlei Turnover Price. High Low Oct. M H7l H»rim»u Inveat. I.«M Il.tS f l.ts
      115 words
    • 121 13 SINGAPORE 0c4.1l Oct. 13 lixUitrlali; 1M.04 MM t HoUh 141 (1 144.71 PraprrUn: 31» 15 342 1* t Tim: 111 i» t t rubber.: 3t4J5 364 4! tOIBC: 3J4 3Z US M Oct. Jl IM.U Z45.7S 141.4* IUJt IM.M Ort 15 Clawd Clawd (lav* CIMC4
      121 words
    • 67 13 p>rmn* payabk thr yr»r prrrtooi jrar ilrjn Mmi l»%f N«. M l«%t f, TE t if, M>■ Tin 17.5% Dm. It tS% M% kato P»». I%t No« i* T-, t if, Ickll Kjtil lt% I*% »b»r Mrrtla (M) TJ% Dec 11 IJ% TJ« abah Ttaabcr t%t Ju. t%T
      67 words
    • 108 13 ZURICH. Frl— The unexpected good closing of yesterday's New York Stock Exchange and the firm position of the U8 dollar stimulated the Zurich market Moderate gains throughout the whole list were the result. The bond market closed steady. The Credit Sulsse Index closed at 262.3. up 0.9 point. I
      108 words
    • 429 13 M. M. rpHERE was a general 1 dlsl n c 1 1 nation to trade In all sectors of the Singapore produce market last week for reasons ranging from the wide disparity between local and overseas prlre levels and the lack of gooes. The Middle East situation was
      429 words
    • 467 13 OTBADY lv firm conditions prevailed throughout the holiday-shorten-ed period of trading on the Stock Exchange of Singapore last week. As the syndicates hopped from counter to counter, dabblers on the sidelines were also joining in the buying spree. Monday opened with operators buying highly selectively but where they
      467 words
    • 507 13 Acnvmr on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange last week spread to a broader front. Fresh spots among the cheaper priced stocks were In demand with consequent Impressive gains. Persistent buying among recently active counters also saw a slight Improvement In prices there. There was also a slight
      507 words
    • 556 13 LONDON: The market closed firm In moderate trading. At 3 p.m. Friday the FT. index was down 1.2 at 436.5 against the previous Friday's close of Concern over political developments In Washington and the unsettled state of the Middle East cease-fire Rave an uncertain tone to stock
      556 words
    • 167 13 LONDON: Fridays tin opened around £10 per metric ton higher following th c further sharp rise in the exworks Penang price to f&k per Plcul which li now within the ITC Buffer Stock's upper range of $720-$760. where the Buffer Stock manager may operate. But the market
      167 words
    • 350 13 HARBISONS and Crosneld reports net ore-tax pront of £9,718.000 £5.912.000) for the year to June 1973 on turnover of £22. million (£l6B million). Earnings per share were 69.3p <55p>. Final dividend is 15.125 p. making an equivalent of 26.25p on the Increased capital the maximum permitted. AMOY canning
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    • 2 13
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    • 445 13 LONDON: Values were barely maintained in a quiet but somewhat uncertain session last Friday. Dealers said concern about the International situation made for some hesitancy although the lon* Eastern holiday also tended to keep Interest to a minimum. The sources reported some position book squaring In landed
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 626 14 LU LITTON COMPONENTS PTE. LTD. Litton We are rapidly expending our operations in Singepore snd have immediate openings for the following positions: Chief Accountant This position is responsible to the Managing Director. Salary and future prospects are extremely attractive as a qualified accountant of the highest ability is sought. The
      626 words
    • 649 14 TIE SABAH ECONOMIC lEVELOPMEHT CORPORATION invites applications for the following posts 1. EXECUTIVE ARCHITECT 'One) QUALIFICATIONS .il Candidates must be not less AND tnan 30 yeers of age and must EXPERIENCE: be R.1. 8. A or equivalent. In addition they mutt he eligible for registretion with the Malaysian Institute of
      649 words
    • 579 14 I ii We have immediate vacancies for seasoned advertising personnel to join our expanding Creative Team:— VISUALISER He or she should be a good all rounder who enjoys working on con-epts Ability to interpret striking and original ideas m visuals/layouts to presentation .standards is absolutely essential. SENIOR FINISHED ARTISTS Two
      579 words
    • 559 14 VETERINARIAN Applications are invited from suitably qualified persora to fill the vacancies in an expanding leading poultry processing factory (A) VETEIIIARIAN (FACTORY) Qualification: A university degree la veterinary science, preferebly from Taiwan Experience: Should have at least 2 yeers' working experience in commerciel industry or relevant Government Service. Duties Will
      559 words
    • 622 14 THE WORLD'S GREATEST NAME IN PELLET MILLS EQUIPMENT INVITE APPLICA TIONS FOR:PLANT ENGINEER Degree/diploma in industrial/mechanical engineering preferably with experience. RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES: All aspects of production, including production control, work standards, cost studies, engineering projects and in general to obtain optimum output throughout the plant at the minimum cost,
      622 words

  • 62 15 pOLICE tow away the bullet-riddled To--1 yota Corolla In which two-gun thug Leo Joon Kee alias Lee Joon Kee, 21, was shot dead In a gun battle at Ponggol on Saturday afternoonLeo, who was on the wanted list, was found dead In the car. clutching a
    62 words
  • 357 15  - Two-gun Leo's date with death N.G. KUTTY "y TWO-GUN Leo Joon Kit. alias Lee Joon Km, 21, was believed to have just returned to Singapore after a one-month "'secret mission" to West Malaysia on Saturday, when he was shot dead in a cun battle with the police, it was learned
    357 words
  • 132 15 Labourer gets 4 months for theft LABUI Rt R Solathan Pannesilvam, 20, was Jailed for four months on Saturday for stealing two Uperecoi acn worth $300 at PSA fodnwns 25/26 at about 8 rm. on Oct. 26. The court heard that at about 8.20 p.m. that day, assistant storekeeper Lim
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  • 359 15 ASEAN countries are moving towards establishing a regional ship ping council to develop lnter-reglonal shipping and secure more ships not bound by any inter national conference regulations for their Im-port-export trade. Singapore has already taken the lead by establishing a national
    359 words
  • 231 15 Excitement and fun on floating varsity rpwo Nanyang University graduates, Just back from an »5-day stint on board a "floating university," spoke highly of the "learn while you sail" scheme. Loe Kla Ftock and Ooh Pee Song, both 23. returned here last Thursday night together with some 440 students on
    231 words
  • 75 15 Doctor fined for failing to keep records |\R TAN Tlan Chye of Lf Thong Teck Clinic In Smith Street was fined a total of $200 by the Seventh Magistrates Court for falling to keep a proper record of his patients. Dr. Tan pleaded guilty to two charges of falling to
    75 words
  • 42 15 CHAN Kln« Z». fined 110 in the Pint 14aItatnte'a Court for being drunk »nd behaving In a disorderly manner outside hit neighbour's home In Ke> Choc Avenue, off Macpbenon Road, at about 10.15 nm. on Oct. M. He plearted pillty.
    42 words
  • 300 15 Five hold-ups on Hari Raya -Puasa— piVE armed robr berles were reported on Harl Raya Puasa, but the robbers only netted $947 in cash and Jewellery. In the first case, at 12.15 am., two youths, armed with daggers, panicked and ran when housewife Madam Seah C <x> Pheng. 45, and
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 103 15 SPECIAL OFFER! One cake of Cussons White Cross Baby Soap with every two bottles of Woodwards GripeWfeiter at no extra cost! Cu.Bons Baby Soap rich with -g Agencies GB lanolin cream, helps baby IB Bfo feel comfortable and cool all over. Woodwards Gripe Water works from inside -OMfH H^. gives
      103 words
    • 302 15 jrntMoii^o WENG HENG'S AUTUMN O.P. WOW 120" Enfln* IQ TaryWua J7 80 S3 W 4»" Fancy AuyUc Fabric* S3 SO 4t" Carman Cotton Matarial $2.90 MANY OTHU FABRICS 10% 50% DISCOUNT FREE GIFTS PURCHASE of 1 Enak-h Caraae i 12' 2 27" H" I Inilnk Caraae 6 f I 1.,
      302 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 227 15 r*i m'/o>TJirfrs»niT«M;frr«rF. TV SINGAPORE (5) Ift ftft AM Woody Woodpecker Beaver: Beaver's Doll Buggy I.N iU.uV 11.25 Christie Comedy: News in Brief MS Amnal World: Sea Food 1145 Sandiwara (repeat) *M Burro cf the West 7.M My 11.21 Holiday Matinee Mclmtock Three Sons: "dod-bve Fergus (starring John Wayne, Maureen (Part
      227 words
    • 650 15 TV MALAYSIA (3) CAA H l*rojranyii« summary QAA HI Proframnw summary i* o Me 7««"£" OUU li« The Bet Gees 111 i V The Brady Bunch S.M Wea- ther CM News 1.11 flam Pe«a.- *«i\<n I.M Hews IJI TemperatHn Ucapan Menteri Pelajaran ture Rising 1.47 12 O'clock High lit Roman
      650 words
    • 21 15 WATER consumption on Saturday was 111.4 million fallons (SX,<M coble metres). 1.8 million gallons (MM cable metres) less than en Friday.
      21 words

  • 66 16 CRIB OIATMt In tlw US tbe.t la mouniln* concern for crib 4nUu. Miny motlMrs haw bm to emotionally ilnick by thu thai they do not want to have children any more HIW NATION today prcatnta write-up on crib death* C. A. T. For your coovcnlenc* our Ultphon* operator
    66 words
  • 34 16 3. Religious Announcements Tne Man You Hull Confront" Dynamic 3>pur booktat on tht most Revolutionary Man that <«tr live*. Also '<" Bible Count on raquMt. WrIU to: Alia Fvannrllit.c Fellowship. O P.O. Box 57». Spore.
    34 words
  • 52 16 MADAM CMUA KIM. M pmaaed >wiy peacefully 28 10-73 Waving behind 2 aoni Chua Soon T«k and T»y Boon Lai. 1 (Uulblen-ln-law. 3 daunhlcrt. 2 MM-ln-law, 4« (rand children and 21 «re»t (iu< children. Cortete 1, BullMt ATenuf. RaSlea Park. 30-10-TS. NO »rcatna and acrolli. All dona ttona
    52 words
  • 69 16 HOW »lIW KIM, M*4 puKd away p»a«fully 26 10 T». leaving wife Chin 8*« Gtck ■oo* Si»n Cbye. Sian HocK d«u«ht«r Ker Uto (Mary): •oiuln law Tan Kirn Ho*. Kok Bcni Kay: dau»aur>-ln-la« On( Outk N*o. Ong Yam Uto: 7 KrandcMldran: 3 gnat«Jchildren: to mourn their low
    69 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1474 16 classified ads gj) QIHKV by established An. \pply c'vlng particular! of education, experiencr. ace and ■alary required totethrr wirh 2 pisipo-t-iind phot o r a phi (non-returnable) to 0.P.0. Bo* 340* B pore. MALI OPFICa AtOUTAHT Qullia.itl.m: OCC or equivalent Experience S l years In administrative work connected with Hint
      1,474 words
    • 694 16 FIMALI DRIVIR. any a*e.| required urgently. Knowledge Enicliah essential Apply with non returnable photo to ST. BOX A ***** S'por*. iwimi me pool maimtaih- NCI M«N wanted. Apply Sx.mpool Service. IB Len«kok Saga Spore 23. with particular! ■ad passport tU« photograph. WAITREIBII WANTID. APV'F p*r*> islly iO« Piyoh Con's* HOUK
      694 words
    • 587 16 IILITAR MILL* 3 brd roomed Terrace extensions. T«rra«o. m»ny extru 2.1*0 iq It T.I m3H 9am 11 P ■>• dVjtl'iO 4-'rOOMIO TEHRACB HOUtl. t bathrooms, mo"*" throughout. freehold. Pi'W MM. OOO furnished. Pl>«n« •62M1 B'pore. OMI MIWLV BUILT indep- n drill bungalow. Chumry U» for ull T»l: SSUIO SPOT. WANTED
      587 words
    • 510 16 LOW COST FLICHTS to London. Amsterdam. Frankfurt. Hamburg. Parts. Copenhagen. Krom (TOO/- Nr» York. Ban Kran claro, Los Angeles. Vancouver. from (l ISO/-. Also to Auatrala. Indonnn. Bangkok, Japan. Taiwan. Katmandu etc. Call Mai Travel Centre 223*1. 3M»27. «M*tt. OXLCY TRAVEL LIMITED OVIRSIAS TOUHI (a) Kurea Japan Taiwan/ HonKkonn Bangkok
      510 words
    • 551 16 lIAKtOM COACH TOURS, 2S Pnnaep sr. rti. Singapore T. [>l ***** Agent for uhove Jpper Bukii Tunah. Tel 1K2M31 7 D»)i West Malayaia Mr-Con Bua 1125' Dapl: Every Sunday Monday. 7 Day*. Haadyal/Son«knla 1105'Oept Every Sunday. 15 Days: langkok ChMngmal Air-Oor su« »360/- Dept: 12/11. 27/11. 12 12 Agent! for
      551 words
    • 632 16 OXFORD COMMERCIAL CHOOL «M. I'pper Berangoon THrphone M 3911. New Him Institute of OomnMttt. London Diploma: LCC Pitman Prlvmu Secretarial Count, Bu»lMM Correspondence, Typtag. Shorthand. Emtltah ClUm Book-keeping. French, Japa Stamford Centre's Cornpu'rr scleac* and prOKrammtng fuurt« will allow you o un the P.IMOTI COMfUIIR TERMINAL as used hi the
      632 words
    • 703 16 ORGAN INTENSIVE COUP.II by Yamaha Music School for holidaying students and teachr Commencing November 12. Completion In December 21. 1973. total SO lessons One hour lesson each day from Monday lo Friday. Claaaea available HO am. 10-11 p.m. 11-11 pirn. 4-5 pa. Special eonees•lon Fee 1150-00 for »hole oourse. nrat
      703 words
    • 659 16 Ml MHCIMt Vm MK4 air>nditiun>. rmdto and cartr.dK* id twnir excellent condition 11.500/ Ml ***** Bpore •TO CORTINA OT irnlf. tap*. liuurane*. road li Kfbm.ry 1874 (4 HOO an o all Philip ****** ft-port. ovimiik i*M foro corINA 1800 excellent on« owner rivrn. accident free 34 mp.g. onli (4.000 Mi
      659 words

  • 222 17 SPORE TO BE WORLD NO. 3 OIL REFINERY SINGAPORE is expected to become the world's third largest oil refining centre by 1975. By then, it will have a refining capacity of over one million barrels a day, surpassed oply by Houston and Rotterdam. Minister for Labour Mr. Ong Pang Boon
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  • 270 17 Speaker Medical Unit of PDF has come of -age- rE Medical Unit of the People's Defence Force has come of age. Speaker Dr. Teoh Ghlm Seng, has said. Speaking at the commissioning parade of SAF officers at Beach Road camp on Saturday, Dr. Yeoh said: "With the commissioning of this
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  • 33 17 SIX opposition parties Pcrtubuhan Kebanpaan MVlayu Slngapura. United National Front. People* Pront. Singapore Justice Party. United Prort and Bartaan Soalalls have formed a Singapore Opposition Parties Aid Arab* Action Committee.
    33 words
  • 372 17 T<HE seventh World Congress of the Inter- national Federation of Petroleum and Chemical Workers (IFPCW), starting tomorrow at the Singapore Conference Hall, will take a hard look at the role of multinational corporations In Singapore and other deve loping countries. A total of 1M
    372 words
  • 161 17 Al9-MEMBER Birmingham Chamber of Commerce and Industry trade mission Is here to sign business contracts and look for possible Joint ventures. Mr. John Rice, mission secretary and the chamber's assistant secretary responsible for the Far East, said: "Such agreements could benefit businessmen In
    161 words
  • 156 17 QUHEN Blsabeth 11. 963-foot luxury cruiser will sail Into Singapore for the first time or. Feb. 20. 1975 during her 91-day round-the-world voyage. The 63,863-ton Teasel has been described as one of the gretest holiday resorts afloat. She Sat. launched In 1967
    156 words
  • 65 17 Tourist loses handbag at airport MRS. DP. Waters, an Australian tourist, lost her handbag at the airport last night on her arrival from Sydney. Mrs. Water* realised that her handbag, containing her passport, travellers cheque and some Australian currency, was "t whan she alighted from a yellow-top taxi at Naatim
    65 words
  • 34 17 TAXI-drlver Sim Joo Choo. 41, has reported to police that three men boarded his cab in Circuit Road on Friday and robbed him of til after a ride to Telok Kurau Road.
    34 words
  • 330 17 STUDYING WAYS TO PRESERVE THE PAST 'THE Preservation of Monuments Board has started studying and evaluating the need for preserving some of Singapore's buildings and precincts. The work is being carried out Jointly by the board's research, technical and finance committees, according o Mr. E.J. Scow. the chairman of the
    330 words
  • 82 17 TALENTIME FOR HANDICAP CHILDREN TfHE Singapore Poly--1 technlc Students Union iSPSUi welfare services committee will organise a "Welfare Talentlne" for underprivileged and handicapped children In August next year. The talentlme believed to be first of Its kind here, Is open to children In welfare homes and organisations for the underprivileged
    82 words
  • 45 17 MR. CHIOU Sin Mln. principal of Otiung Cheng High School, will open the third International Photo-Art exhibition at the Chines* Crumber of Commerce today at 5.30 p m Tue show will be open dally between a.m. *nd I pjn from tomorrow to Sunday
    45 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 663 17 epitome of tle^inct and fine -raft.rronsnip 'tut will ilways he admired Call at Tin Bint Coldsmlths Pte. Ltd. 215-217. South Bridge Roa-1. B'pore UNICOLF •44 High Centra (hassmtnt) NsrUi Snags Rtad t'atrt 1. Special introductory offer o' acnsatwnal new diamond cut uniroyal plus 6 golf balls full ar.ay of
      663 words
    • 821 17 I TV FOR RINTAL 18" al 113.00 19" at (I*oo 23" at »23 00 Contact Bet Oew 4814 M g pore CRANIt FOR HIRI r tO lon P H "20 Cravler 1 22', ion p H 230H Crawltr IS ion Sumllont) Link B«it Crawitr 30 toa P H 330 Crawltr
      821 words
    • 277 17 I ARE OPEN I I TODAY I I 10AM -6 PM I I METRO I m GROUP OF DEPARTMENT STORES MCTIIO HIGH ST -72/74 High Sir**! Singaport WsoNxw ***** MITNO ORCHARD- Hoi.rj.iy inn Blog Scollsßd S 9 Tel *****6 ■I MaVTflO SUPREME Suo'erxt House Penang Rd Spore 9 Jel *****
      277 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 261 18 From November Ist, for all you Tokyo travellers, JAL has the fastest flights, the earliest arrivals, and only one stop along the way. JAL SCHEDULE IST NOVEMBER 1973 TO 3 1ST MARCH 1974 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Days of Operation Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
      261 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1111 19 CMTIMOBI'P SlltKt Tl M/tMTIKRI JJ— BRLVEN CXPtESS s Mt f irt v aMa 'ii a— i 'm i— > a a— > a a— i a t na— iia-wociiriiu is an r ld ii On ii on i! on von CI«M— MT II Me II Ml IM IMa IM IM
      1,111 words
    • 1166 19 I j-|«l MMI 11 -MM II aW. PMMtn-H Mll an 11 an n CnstoM. o-«tl«i. I POIAH On II On n M< a -arm. SMWMI. II PIIUMII M II MM MB iKksoiwilll MajMß. I I oaoau mii mll ffS_Ti m_l T_s_r' I 1 I Pioiat in ii irl it OMleiloa.
      1,166 words
    • 932 19 I J>f: at-t I-. •<. fan P. MOM _m toetna Irene 111 MO W* tIPIISS to mm It Mm IMI 4Me IMe IMe lITIM MM is Mi il mm IMi iihc il mm ioa MMM* VnOi a M 71 an MM 11 M UM l) On CMMttl MT II 0.1
      932 words
    • 1048 19 FULLY CONTAIN EKIZED SCKVICt TO EUKOPt i-a.a 1 IM FM I lonorMi. hMitiiM. MMfi, Li Howt. MOUlta Hjim mm ii Mil, 111-tax liimm. IfMirlwia. -Smhoi C" c in. mmmm*. _om. .TESiV/, S o*. «*w.. fULLY CONTAINimZED SIKVICI FKOM tUKOPI s x"' nm ttUMJU Mr I MirMi, MrtwML iMaira. li Kj-i
      1,048 words
    • 764 19 »*»to»Mi V *****; P. IMaaa »Ml> K.L. J7311. Paaaa t JJJOI THE BANK LINE LTD. UMI FM t tlimu UTI (Om ii. L Maraai. MOM I Cojl-aM P Mi-f la Pl/II Ml I'pa.i 1/ IMm lIITUM Kuril.... baw. M|MM. le.n. L Haraai \i MM P ««I»»J IVII M I'Mri 11/71
      764 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 869 20 XaMMMMMPaoBBa-i KAW.VSAKI KISEN HAISHA LTD. j UMSUI HMUU IBEN UISM ITS. uptN, h none stuits sum. lataa uiulm Itui P. WUH wiaaa ataa in 1 aat 1 aat Japan Arabian CuU ■at-rlaa LHW" r*t: nut rmanaip ItM CiHati/lfcaUData./ mtmmiltmH Uf*/*mm t/taaraa/iliiraaiaaai. .-.pan Xuth Alrtaa Waal Alrtaa •arvtoo Suajtan rat, aaaiiMt.l
      869 words
    • 772 20 hi si >U»IT MM MM MM id. WMrn UTB HW H« Trtcton ftr Moanii. i »Mf aMf Ull nMf aMf Unkiwi. EMa Maa. 4t» Fl.. katttit M, Tttn M. K HM7 Cat> taawr Ttl *****1 UCDLAI ÜBVICEO- TO Ik HOM DfOOMBSIA Fraa ET» ETD *ttia«t| urft tar ESM Itaat.
      772 words
    • 765 20 U.K. tVtOW SWVrCt LOAMNa PO« LONOOM. HAVM. to***. H IUIC. MIMfH lviii 1 f lUMjM| "JMmj tfruw tiPTtai atatnrm Vai "alt"T«i' !l aiPitM laiaui a art/a aat ujjaa a/11 taa. 4/12 ,fa aaaaMar ftaaala rMMMMjr| t/12 .;"aaTa«Sui« tta a-a tavi a« via. t.tjj. JjJ^*"^" mptbm nacaa 11/11 aat 1 11
      765 words
    • 726 20 r— aaaaßßßßßßßßßtßaaaa^^^Bi^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1 aro tang n ijmw*; inanmjtmnmn mm it HaM T naaaaia r. laiaat Naaat laatt« tan atata mit ttPart I'taai 1.12 i <a»t :mi Ht>| 22 v I aaa a/U. waau mitt i/tt att 11/11 aat ia/11 aat ii/ii aai luitaa il/U laaa v t-aaa M'll I'M* »/12
      726 words
    • 591 20 avk^BßTJa* OVERSEAS UNION BANK LTD. NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS Notice is hereby given that the Transfer Books and Register ot Members of the Company will be closed from 12th November. 1973 to 16th November, 1973. both dates inclusive, for the purpose ot making a Rights Issue. During the closure of the
      591 words

  • 266 21 NEW YORK. Bat. Rlva Ridge, winner of laat year's Kentucky Derby and Belmont Stakes, failed In the final race of its career yesterday, finishing sixth and last In the USJIOO.--000 Jockey Club Oold Cup at Aqueduct here. Prove Out. recent conqueror
    266 words
  • 38 21 MANILA. Sun— W o r 1 d chess champion Bobby Fischer of the United States said he would like a rematch with Russian champion Boris Spsssky snd will play any place which offers the right money.
    38 words
  • 179 21 'SUPER' HORSE RUNS HIS LAST RACE TODAY rfcONTO, San. Secretariat the flrst Triple Crown winner in more than a quarter crnturj and one of the most popular thoroughbred race horse* In history, ran* the last race of his career here today (Singapore time Monday about 4.15 a.m.). The big colt,
    179 words
  • 2466 21 FRESH, with Lyle H a r bridge astride, toppled hot favourite Gomanwyn by a head in the 8U Penang Cup for Class 3 Div. 1 horses at Penang yesterday. Fresh, who paid a handsome price of $69, was the second leg of a
    2,466 words
  • 382 21 The Stipendiary steward* report on Saturday's race* at Pens hi BACE ONE: When the field jumped awa/. Qa(>ndrs < Podmore) and KM Knack* (A. Ham) were slow Into stride, af. Tusoff. rider of Haaett Daal was suspended from riding for two race dsys. the suspension
    382 words
  • 1 21
    1 words
  • 143 21 TAJ ROSSI TOPPLES CUP HOPES MELBOURNE, Bun. Three-year-old Taj Rossi defeated a number of Melbourne Cup candidates when he won the AJ75.000 <£4«.3OO) Cox Plate over 2.000 metres at Moonee Valley here yesterday. Taj Rossi starting at 7-1. beat last week's Caul field Cup winner Swell lime US-1) by a
    143 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 80 21 effort's Fenntastic Here to Demonstrate 1001 new ways to better cooking New Ideas. New Recipes. New Methods. Meet him at People's Park Complex November Ist to 6th. Demonstrations daily at 12 noon to 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday 4th, 12 noon to 2 p.m. only. Bob
      80 words
    • 182 21 1 h Lower Ground Floor LIAT TOWERS Orchard Road Singapore 9 Fourth Floor SPECIALISTS' SHOPPING CENTRE Orchard Road/Somerset Road Singapore 9 First Floor THE GALLERY Straits Trading Building Battery Road Singapore 1. The ST. MICHAEL SHOP at THE GALLERY is also open today. SUPA-SAVE CENTRE I Don't Dream About It
      182 words

  • 325 22 BANGKOK. Sun. Chartchal Chlonol of Thailand last night unanimously outpointed Japanese challenger Busumu Hanagata In a 15--round slugging match to retain his World Boxing Association flyweight title. The 31-year-old Chartchal was making his first defence of the WBA title he won In May against
    325 words
  • 197 22 Gonzalez shuts rival's eyes to keep his title LOS ANGELES. Su.— Kodolfo Gonaalea last nKht reuuned ks> Werat Basing Council U»htwelfht title whaa> the re<ert» Hopped bis Hgkt at the md of Ibr troth rwasd with ilnsaflm AnUnle Pvddu <X Italy keCM»r el Pvdda's cat eyas. Bat Gcnsaka, a
    197 words
  • 1 22
    1 words
  • 125 22 COX BEATS DAVIDSON IN DEWAR FINAL ABERATON. Wales, Sun Britain's Mark Cox celebrated the end of his threemonth ban from British tennis by beating Australian Owen Davidson In the Anal of the Drwar Cup Indoor tournament hrre yesterday. The British No. 1. who Incurred the anger of BrltMi tennis authorities
    125 words
  • 719 22 ENGLISH First Division clubs put up a miserable show of attacking football yesterday, scoring only 14 Koals between them in the 10 -match programme. It was the lowest total of the season. At half-time only four goals had been registered In 450 minutes of
    719 words
  • 880 22 British soccer. Latest standings PWU L F P Leeds 10 3 0 26 1 23 Everton 7 4 2 16 (11 Burnley 7 4 2 21 12 II Derby 7 4 S IS 11 It Newcutle 7 3 3 22 13 17 Liverpool 6 3 4 13 11 15 Coventry
    880 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 354 22 MARYLAND PARK (titiitid at MMitbattM Road Taijiis Kitwg Roid A«t*r Raid, .iigaptra 15) 18 STOREY FIATS OPEN FOR BOOKINC NOW 1 badfssws wMh ■•threes* attached each Iparauet Heerinfls). I servant reea» (Music V'y'k 1 aWsf reees (Terrono Hearinaa). 3""ek plywood built- 2 automatic Kfti in»teHed for .eel. brack U J
      354 words
    • 128 22 ELDfI UFTRER J L.L CAPACITIES FROm 1 4 TO 1 TOR UFTinC HEIGHT- 5 FEET UPUJfIKDS ["illlllllCHßOH A SCXVE MATEKIALS MANrxiM i^Maaaaaam l moaiEMS *itm comsinations IaHaaSaBaMBII^ of aic savings nsBBBSBBBami I RUCCEDNESS SAFETY AND EASY aaaaal^^H i okmations. 1 YTi m^ V MANUFACTUfIEB KANTOH CO.. LTD. -OKYO agent SINYAR
      128 words

  • 580 23  - Heather, Kok and Chua set new records ERNEST FRIDA By SINGAPORE'S "sweetheart" of the Seventh Seap Games, Heather Merican, and javelin throwers Chua Kirn Tee and Kok Wai Leong shattered National records at the SAAA All-Comers athletic meet at the National Stadium yesterday. Heather, 24, Singapore's only track and field
    580 words
  • 264 23  - Gulam's late goal saves Singapore JOE DORAI By A PENALTY scored by Oulam Mohammed nine minutes before fulltime saved the Vietnambound Singapore team from defeat, the goal forcing MCFA Selection to a 2-2 draw at Jalan Besar stadium last night. The Singapore team leave (or Saigon tomorrow to compete In
    264 words
  • 105 23 AUPE games 'THE Amalgamated Union of Public Employee* will hold a aerie* of game* next month The festival begin* with swimming heat* on Nov 1 at the To* Payoh pool, and ihe final* on Nov. IS. The tint round of the arpak takraw tournament will be played at Wlama AUPE
    105 words
  • 81 23 SYDNEY. Sun. Denlie Rcbtruon. 30. broke the c JuimonweaJth women's 100 metres record when ahe clocked 11 teconda flat at the Australian Commonwealth Oamea trial* here today. The time wai one-tenth of wcond faster than the rerord of Australian Raeleue Boyle and Alice Annun. of
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 223 23 LONDON. Sun. Australia's rugby union team narrowly failed to win the second match of their eight-game tour yesterday, a bruising encounter with the South and South-west Counties at Bath. The home side won hy IS points to 14 after the Wallabies full back. Russell Fairfax,
    Reuter  -  223 words
  • 295 23 Men: 100 m 1 A. Ratanapol (T) 2 8. Suraphap <T> 3 8. Artyamongkol (T) 10.7; 400 m R. Entesarl (Iran) 2 Ong Yoke Phee (8) 3 Oodfrev Jalleh (8) 475: 1.900 m 1 Daaondha Singh ilnd) on* competitor 3:50.7 (All-comer* ree); 3.000 m 1 Aung Than
    295 words
  • 283 23 SYDNEY. Sun. South Korea scored a shock 0-0 draw with Australia in the first leg of the Asian zone World Cup final here today, enhancing their chances of winning a trip to West Germany next year. The two teams meet again in Seoul In two
    Reuter  -  283 words
  • 1 23
    1 words
  • 49 23 LONDON. Bur —Only P»r Jo. 11-1 chance, yefterdty captured the Manchester Handlccp, taut major handicap event of the English Plat racing traion Only for Jo. ridden by apprentice lan Jenklnaon, won the 12f race by half a length from Realgar (9-1). with Sunny Stroll (40-1) third.
    49 words
  • 20 23 PARIS. Sun. Prance beat Japan by JO- IS In their only full Rugby Union International at Bordeaux yesterday
    20 words
  • 265 23 rKYO. Sun. Popular Japanese golfer Mtssashl "Jumbo" Ozakl today fought off a challenge from countryman Isao Aoki to win the 33 million yen £47.150) Tokal Classic golt tournament with an 11--under-par total of 277. Ozakl managed only a par 72 over the 7,055--yard, rain-soaked
    265 words
  • 347 23  - Long lay-off so Wednesday test for Civilians G ROBERT By SINGAPORE CiVlllans, who are preparing for the vital Malaya Cup south zone rugby match against Malaysian Police on Nov. 17, will have their first test when they take on a strong BRU President's XV at the padang on Wednesday. Coacn
    347 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 282 23 II li^oiiJ •^a^a^a^a^W l^Hfe^ W fct* I i^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^Bß .^aH a^a^^a^H B f^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^B^sm LW^^BbmH(^^lßb^**^^B^|| a^L^^*4a^al Now, ladiesyou cmgveyowrsdf abeautytrmtmentanytme,^^ WithaPhilipsßeautySet. Massage Manicure/Pedicure 3 massagers to stimulate blood /ffl -jT\ Everything you need to keep your /"^""X /Y\ circulation, firm up muscles, and /saSjl hands and feet beautifully groomed :/fK i i
      282 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous

  • 817 24 PRESIDENT Nixon, emerging from the most critical week of his four-and-three-quarter years in the White House, encountered continuing suspicion among some Democrats today that he has something to hide In the Watergate scandal. Mr. Nixon was also headed for another clash with Congress
    Reuter; UPI  -  817 words
  • 16 24 LOB ANGELES. Sun.-Plre destroyed at least 10 homes In Cleveland National Forest yesterday —AP.
    AP  -  16 words
  • 51 24 CANBERRA. Sun. A three man delegation arrived today to set up North Vietnam's first embassy In Australia. Mr. Nguyen Dy Nlen, the Charge d'Affalres said at an airport news conference that North Vietnam was grateful for the support Australia had given In Its struggle for independence.
    UPI  -  51 words
  • 184 24 SRINAGAR, Sunday. nPWO groups of Muslims clashed on a prayer field In a political riot today during a religious celebration and 51 people one a political leader were Injured The hour-long fight happened on the AldllFltri festival day, which marks the end of a
    184 words
  • 87 24 Getting an indulgence at home VATICAN CITY, Sun. —Roman Catholics can for the first time obtain an Indulgence remission of punishment for past sins by making local pilgrimages rather than going to Rome for the 1975 Holy Year. Vatican official* announced here that the Episcopal Conference in each country will
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 250 24 '$15,000 unpaid loan 9 charge a lie: Ford WASHINGTON, Sunday A CONTROVERSIAL former lobbyist has submitted a sworn statement to a Senate committee accusing Vlce-Presldent-deslgn-ate Oerald Ford of falling to repay an alleged US$l5,OOO (5534.500) personal loan made several years ago Mr. Ford was quoted a* calling the charge "a
    AP  -  250 words
  • 116 24 ACTRESS ARRESTED AT AIRPORT LOS ANGELES, Sun Actresj Sheila Scott, who lost Jt paternity suit which claimed actor Chad Everett fathered her son. was arrested at the airport on charges of child abandonment. Mrs. Scott. 42. was taken to Culver City Jail and held on I 515.0W (SSII.SW) ball. The
    UPI  -  116 words
  • 65 24 LONDON. Sun. The Soviet Union put five spy satellites Into orbit during the Middle Bast war, the authoritative New Scientist magazine aays In Its current lawe. A sixth, already in orbit when the fighting started, wu brought back early to allow Soviet experts to analyse tank battles
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 33 24 MADRID. Sun. A military court martial yesterday sentenced Venando Luluaga to 47 years Jail on charges of terrorism and Illegal possession of arms, district military headquarters at Burgos said- AP.
    AP  -  33 words
  • 23 24 RABAT. Sun. A total of 3is people were charted with drug traffic ting offences In Morocco last month, official* aald— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 122 24 nANGKOK, Sun. D King Bhumlpol AdulyadeJ, 4«. has vied students who toppled the military regime of FJeud Marshal Thanom to remain united In flgfating dishonest practices until Thailand U free of corruption. Speaking before stu- dent representative* from across the nation yesterday. the King said:
    122 words
  • 74 24 Soviet-made rocket fired at British army base BELFAST. Sun. A 1 Soviet- made rocket was fired at a British Army observation In the Catholic Andersonstown area today. It damaged the post but caused no casualties, an army spokesman said. A gun battle followed but no casualties were reported and
    UPI  -  74 words
  • 36 24 JAKARTA. Sun. Moat '.ndonnlan* applying for Jobs no longer have to present documents from police and security official* stating they wtre not involved in the IMS abortive communist coup, it was reported today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 28 24 BAHRAIN. Sun. Bahrain authorities aald today they were arranging mass Inoculations against cholera. So far nine cases have been reported In this Oulf island state. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 86 24 mr. 9. s. pmm* uml away •.IS p.m. M/ 10/71 OMOa laavlM wltt S MM. S <auni«ralaKw. cnatckJKraa Hi amiii ku lorn. Conat* wvn s. Braakwa* naaJ. Tuwdtr so/io/Tt I vm. to St. Joa«s* Ckurck. VkiorM buwm. ikMK* to am* Cku Kui Ckrtttku UMifj. MAOAM ••■ANAMMAL Ml SI [■Mil
    86 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 84 24 shoot without care ONE ELECTRONIC C S FLASH WITH EVERY <^ y PURCHASE OF 2> HI-MATIC E. IS^S Bgr Amltblt at Hgag9sr^«^^il all leading I II Z photographic 1 I stores nil ]ji ■'^B—a^^l aaaa^Jlt minolta JP BgHsaß slslll^gV /Sr^^^fe^sß Minolta MHK SINGAPORE (PTE) LTD Tong Foog BkJg.. sth Fir.
      84 words
    • 202 24 sV L^sr CAM/ j& W(i 7<sa^sa^g> J sB afl sa^SsßSa ■n" CAMY IS TAPERED rmn TO GIVE YOU THAT m-m GRACEFUL L00K... Camy combines renown Swiss precision mmm^~]^^ craftsmanship with world fashion trend to /Ssr*gj tSTSia^L 9' ve tn ultimate in utilitarian and aesthetic w l«-^^WgF*'Sg« values. Camy's Time square
      202 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous