The Straits Times, 27 October 1973

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 22 1 :/OCTI97V mi! TOTAL DAILY CERTIHED SALE EXCEEDS 250,000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 xSATURBAY, OCTOBER 27, 1973 20 CENTS M.C. (P) 1366/73
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  • 317 1 Crisis blows over as Russia bows to US warning, 50... WASHINGTON, Friday THE UNITED STATES today eased the state of alert for some of its armad forces, although most, including nuclear and missile bases, remained on readiness because, Defence Secretary James R. Schlesinger said, Soviet intentions in
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  • 174 1 Brez: Our men are checking ceasefire MOSCOW, Frt Communist Party chief Leonid Breshnev said today the Soviet I'nlon has sent "representatives" to the Middle East to observe Implementation of the ceasefire and hopes the United States will do the same. Speaking to the World Congress of Peace Forces, Mr Breshnev
    UPI  -  174 words
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  • 496 1 TEL AVIV, Friday 1 |SRAEL said the Egyptian Third Array, surrounded and. running out of supplies on this side of the Suez Canal, tried to cross the waterway toward home today but was thrown back in another Middle East ceasefire violation. The announcement came as the Military Command
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  496 words
  • 156 1 LEE TO MUSLIMS: SELAMAT HARI RAYA MR Lee Kuan Yew said yesterday that Malay Muslims In Singapore had successfully adapted to new styles of living. In his Harl Raya Puasa message, the Prime Minister said: "Muslims, like Buddhists. Christians and others. In response to chang Ing environmental conditions, are learn
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  • 20 1 LAOOS. Ptl. Nigeria, announced here today that It would be increasing the price of its oil very soon.
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  • 68 1 -PAGE 6 "US forced Russia Into a ceasefire" 2 OIL crisis threat sparks a row 3 ANGRY Dr. K defends Nixon's action 4 NEW shift in safety In Industry drive 5 AMERICAN yoatta's dad cheques spree 8 HIJACK scare man In court 11 COST
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  • 54 1 IN YOUR SUNDAY MAIL "THE short road back to war," an analysis of what made the fourth Arab-Israeli war Inevitable, by London 'Observer' specialist writers Colin Legum and Robert Stephens. ALSO, more in the series When the world held its breath." Tomorrow's episode: The Battle of Britain. Make sore you
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  • 30 1 KOTA KINABALU. PH.— Pormer world heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad All witnessed a mass conversion ceremony here last night during which about 110 people embraced the Islamic faith— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 109 1 6 rash! AND A MINI IS CRUSHED AS WALL COLLAPSES A RACING mini Is saaasbed ndti a mass of rabble after ■art of a 36-ft high retaining wall collapsed daring the rain yesterday morning In Kirn Yam Road, off Blver Valley Road. The wall fronting the Far East Mansion high
    Mak Klan Seng  -  109 words
  • 77 1 WASHINGTON. Ptl Dr. Linus Pauling, twice a Nobel Prise winner, plans to sue the Pood and Drug Administration (PDA) to stop regulations which he says could raise the price oi vitamins and discourage Americana from taking them. His move waa tha latest development In a
    UPI  -  77 words
  • 72 1 Russia sets off two N-blasts ITPPSALA i Sweden), »J Ftl. Two underground nuclear blasts occurred today In the Soviet Union, sending shock waves which were registered by university seismographs here. The tint explosion, at the SemipalaUnsk testIng area, was measured at 5.7 on the Rlrhter scale. The second blast waa
    AP  -  72 words
  • 35 1 MOSCOW, Frt. British Ambuadoi Sir John Kllllck today had two lntiiia— with Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Oromyko here about the Middle Kast crtata. which embassy source* later ilaawHml as "helpful and constructive." Welter
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  • 27 1 CANBERRA. Frt. Novelist Patrick White la to donate his AtW.OOO (BSCT2.OOO) Nobel Prise for Literature money to endow an annual award (or Australian writers. AP.
    AP  -  27 words
  • 200 1 SYDNEY, m A simple oversight today cost a New South Wales Government minister his blue ribbon seat In the State Parliament and the AU6.OCO (8183.000) salary that goes with his portfolio. Mr. Harry Ja«-o. the Minister of Health In the State Llbera:Country Party coalition government. should have
    Reuter  -  200 words
  • 275 1 Record trade" surplus W AvafjsWUfcTQTON, V V l^l.-^SKJfrilted Stat*& tidty reported a massive trade surplus for September of US$BOO million (811,--850 m), the largest for eight years. The last time there was such a huge surplus was in March 1965. when exports totalled US$B7B million more than imports. But on
    Reuter; UPI  -  275 words
  • 28 1 WASHINOTON. FW. President Nixon will bold a televised press conference at i p.m EDT tonight (IN am. Saturday Singapore time) the White House announced Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
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  • 67 1 Alert 'will end gradually' WASHINGTON. M. -Mr. Schlesinger toW a Press conference the alert would be ended gradually as circumstances warranted. One factor that ltd President Ntrnn to place IS fortes an a state of readiness was a comprehensive alert by the Soviet Union of Its own airborne forcaa, and
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  • 62 1 TEL AVIV. Frl. A high-ranking Government source told Beater he did not think IsraeJ would object to the Soviet Union sending representatives to observe the cemsllre provided they were not armed. The source, known to be close to Cabinet thinking, said it waa presumed here that such
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 53 1 INTTED NATIONS. Fri.— The Brat units of the I'M peacekeeping forces are t« fly from Cyprus to Egrat t«atght fclgal jets, a ON sgnuwmau said. A Brits* Government .ffer of seven ▼Cl« and Hcrwmlc. transports to airlift the force baa been accepted, he
    AP  -  53 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 38 1 Diamonds... .Diamonds ...Diamondt Love.. ..Engagement. ...Marriage AT oong Sr-rg mFQjewLS ftb .jd 666. North Bridge Rosd. Sing, jore 7. TH: 21 734 8. *****7 and (branch office) gfa lous onooDia (std 19M 217, East Coast riosd. Tel: *****1
      38 words
    • 52 1 Gorudo... grociou/ ho/pitclity I in the oir oil the woy I through three continent/-™ fl/icfiu/troliQ I ond Europe. B )hu re m good kinds wfien you go yffl gapuda I U Indonesian airways ««th Indonesia. Orchard Road. Singapore 9. T«: 37*644 (6 lines) 232. Jakm Tusnku AtMtul Rarxnsn. Kueia Lumpur
      52 words
    • 142 1 KING'S Jk\ SAFETY m shoes |L|^moV OIL No 706 RESISTANT 122, DAKOTA CRESCENT. BLOCK 36. OLD KALLANG ESTATE. SINGAPORE 14. TEL. *****1. PS. E. ASIA BEST 5 amateur cine film competition CLOSING DATE: tit NOVEMBER '73 For an try form, writ* to: Th* Competition Stcrttmry, S.E. ASIA BEST 5 COMPETITION.
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  • World News
    • 90 2 Not from our bases, Bonn tells US BONN. FYI. West Germany has forbidden the US to supply Israel with arms from German bases and protested that the US had broken this embargo. A Ptorel«n Ministry sUtement jretterday announced Urn prohibition and Bald Mr. Prank Cash, the aecondranklnc officer of the
      Reuter  -  90 words
    • 59 2 GENEVA. Pri The International Red Cross Committee (ICRC) yesterCty said It was still waiting for full lists of Israeli prisoners from Syria and Egypt. A spokesman lor the committee, which has Its headquarters here, said It had the names of only 48 Israeli prisoners held In Egypt
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 51 2 JAKARTA. Pri Indonesia's rll production during the first-half of the year reached 2W.580.750 barrels, a spokesman of the state-owned Pertamina Cll Company said yesterday. Exports of crude oil during the period reached 175.004.--637 barrels, going to the United States, Japan. Singapore: Britain. Pakistan. Italy and Trinidad Reuter.
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 483 2 'US forced Russia in calling a ceasefire' HONGKONG, Friday rjHIXA today implied the Soviet Union had acted under pressure and intimidation from Washington to force a ceasefire call on the Arab countries. The official Peking Peoples' Dally, in an editorial quoted by the New China News Agency today, recalled when
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    • 148 2 rpOKYO. Frl. Japan II today told 10 Arab nations it fully understands the Arab people's desire to regain th^lr territories occupied by Urael. In a verbal note addressed to the ambassadors In Tokyo, Foreign Vice Minister Shlnsaku Hogen said Jbpan supports the United
      UPI  -  148 words
    • 298 2 Australia, Japan to hold talks on -treaty- rEYO, Frl. Australia and Japan agreed today to start Immediate negotiations for a broad bilateral treaty on future co-operation and consultation Informed sources said this emerged from a two-hour meeting between Japanese Prime Minister Kakuel Tannka and his Australian counterpart Gouth Whitbim. wno
      Reuter  -  298 words
    • 29 2 JAKARTA. Pri. The Government has approved the appointment of Mr Jwah K>um Kirn as the first South Knrtan ambassador to Indonesia, the Foreign Ministry announced yesterday. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 161 2 JAKARTA. Frl. A group of student leaders has urged the Government to reconsider Indonesia's development policy or risk a downfall. The studenti council of the University of Indonesia In a petition last night called on the Government to free Indonesians of what It
      Reuter  -  161 words
    • 89 2 SHOOTINGS: POLICE CLEARED -APETOWN. Frt. Police who fired on a crowd of African workers at a gold mine near Oberholzer last month, killing 11 of them, were cleared of all blame by an inquest magistrate yesterday. Mr. C. H. Badenhorst found at the end of a 13-day hearing on the
      Reuter  -  89 words
    • 133 2 Gaddafi makes a surprise visit to Cairo /-<AIRO. Frl. Libyan \j leader Col. Muammar Gaddafi arrived here unexpectedly last night and Immediately held talks with President Anwar Sadat on Middle East rievelopments. Col. Gaddafi returned to Tripoli after three mours o% talks with Mr. Sadat In BANJUL. Oambla announced It
      Agencies  -  133 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 153 2 m^^ jrt/J aasTaaasr^ssslaMai^ BBBBBBBS^BB^^asMr JS' A^fmk LShbV flT^ '^■Maafr 'fHB vMI V| P II I ■ssK Ussssssssr MbF Mr nWr r^^^r* SSsSaP^I ■aw ■b^^ v^sbf r M. irs\ scsl ■ssssW^^^ssaaax^ ■Ssssssssssssssw. ■sssssssssssssV A|ssss^ gS^gg^ g^ V W llMlM ai'n lIMII M» ■■■■-r.r-.T WWV Jf-T^f. -9^^Jg^MlflsH _2Jl2^^^^aaßassssssClc__^_^ai^^Sßß^ asV sfaawasV isV mm
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    • 22 2 assssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss^B^B^a^H ssVXwIS \^JB}^ssßBllssaaaaf asssssssssssssi I ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssH ■XKt 'jfrfiff *aWot«isss»L I alssssssssssslsslssssssasßssssssss^ssssaaasssss«s«ss«Bassssslssssssssl Keep your feet on tne ground till the 4 Big 10'
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  • 285 3 CORRUPTION CHARGE ON TOP U.S. EMBASSY MEN IN LAOS WASHINGTON. Friday »pVVO former U.S. officials In Laos chargx ed yesterday there was widespread corruption Involving senior officials of the U.S. Embassy in Vientiane from 1970 to 1973. The charges were immediately denied by former Us Ambassador O. McMurtrle Oodley, but
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  • 51 3 JAKARTA. FM. Indonesia's Education Ministry has withdrawn permit* allowIrq Chinese to be uaad to teach tpeclaJ subjects In North Sumatran schools where the majority of children are Chinese. Antara news agency reported today. Cs* of Chinese as a teaching medium Is generally banned throughout Indonesia.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 432 3 Oil crisis off USFrance row Move to activate the lIAB is opposed PARIS. Friday FRANCE and the United States were involved in a controversy yester day over their response to the threatened world energy' crisis caused by. Middle East production and export cuts, informed sources said. The oil committee of
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  • 251 3 WORLD NEWS TWO fled Japanese oil refineries of a five to 10 per cent reduction In crude oil supplies to Japan, oil industry sources said yesterday. The four firms are Exxon, Shell. British Petroleum and Oulf Oil. The sources said th« Saudi Arabian Oovemment has also notified a 10 per
    Agencies  -  251 words
  • 109 3 Red links: 19 officers held JAKARTA. Frl.—Nineteen senior and non- commissioned officers of the West Java Army were arrested in recent months on suspicion of connections with the disbanded communist party, the Antara News Agency reported yesterday. The arrests were made as part of a campaign to purge the armed
    UPI  -  109 words
  • 53 3 Reward for pilot JAKARTA. Frl. The Indonesian Oovemment has rewarded a pilot who foiled Indonesia's flrst hijacking by killing the hijacker on his plane last year. Communication! Minister Dr. EmU Ballm presented Captain Mlndlarto Sugondo of Merpati Nusantara airllne with five million rupiahi tSSIsMJO) and a plot of land totalling
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  • 255 3 ISLAMABAD. PTt. The Oovemment has announced measures to stop the theft of copper telephone wires which are being used to make bullets In gun factories in tribal areas of the north-west frontier province. ROME: A newspaper said it had received an anonymous telephone call yesterday that a letter had
    Agencies  -  255 words
  • 216 3 'Let the Khmers decide' UN told UNITED NATIONS. Fri. Seven Asian and faclfle nations, including Japan, sent a note to Secretary General Dr. Wa Id helm yesterday asking that the IN leave the question of who should govern Cambodia to the people. They are opposed to a proposal sponsored by
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  • 30 3 JERUSALEM. Frl Israeli general elections are tc be postponed from Oct 30 until Dec. Jl becauee of the Middle East war. Ike Knesset (Parliament) ruled yesterday. Renter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 218 3 CANADIAN Intertlonal Paper Co. announced yesterday It Is raising the price of its newsprint by about 14 per cent, which Industry observers called the steepest price hike In recent years. The company, one of Canada's largest newsprint producers, said the price of newsprint to US.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 846 3 Marketing Manager Up to 82.500 Reference 418 A new Singapore based ex port -oriented company, engaged in food processing, seeks to appoint an experienced Marketing Manager to provided support to the management team. The Marketing Manager will be directly responsible to the General Manager, and his functions will include the
      846 words
    • 1662 3 invites applications for the following executive appointments Marketing A l<r ß* manufacturing company supply- agad between 27-35. with a demon- I Mannonr >r>9 to the bulldin 9 'ndustry seeks lo stratad record of achievement in the I IVIdrUKJCT gppom, an experienced Marketing marketing of specialised products A I 53.000 13.500
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  • 533 4 Angry Dr..K defends Nixon's nuclear alert decision As the President-public credibility gap widens... WASHINGTON. Friday fHE credibility gap between President Nixon and the American public after the Watergate affair today grew wider following the atll for a worldwide aiert of US forces. The move was taken In response to what
    Reuter; UPI  -  533 words
  • 62 4 LE HAVRJR, m One ■ran wu kilted and two were Injured In an eaplealon which rocked the French TransAtlantic liner Prance, m part here yesterday. A apokeanan for the French line, which operates the luxury naail. mid the explosion took place while he Prance waa
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 48 4 MANILA, Frt Tha Asian Developmer Bank expects to lend a recora US$4OO million (B*B2o million) to ie.eloping member rations this year, according to the bank's quarterly newsletter released here today. The previous high of US$3lB million (8J7M.8 million, was achieved last year. Reuter.
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  • 164 4 'BIG TROOP MOVEMENTS IN EAST GERMANY' KONN. Fr.\ Largescale -roop movemenu tn communist East Gernany coupled with a general steppage of leave passes lor communist army units stationed along the West German border were reported yesterday by official West Oerman sources. The Lower Saxony Interior Ministry In Hanover, which Is
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 35 4 NEW YORK, Fti. The Pint National city Bank. the nation* aecond largest comzneclal bank, announced today It was cutting Its prune rate by a quarter per cent to »i per cent AP.
    AP  -  35 words
  • 137 4 STOCKHOLM, Friday TiHE Volvo car company has tested and obtained the world rights of an electric car engine invented by a 75 year old Swedish scientist, the newspaper Expressen 1 said today. The paper said tests carried out at a laboratory at
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 234 4 Whitlam: Need for regional group without -the US- rKYO, Fit Australian Prime Minister Goufh Whltlam said today there was a treat need In Asia for a regional grouping which, be Inferred, should exclude the United States. "I suggest we must get away from the idea that any arrangements in this
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  • 61 4 BERNE. Prt. The Swur Oovernment aald yeaterr^y that Switzerland waa 'eady to play Ita part In an? move that would promote a settlement In the Middle Eut The 3wlm communique. Issued after a Cabinet meeting, ni taken in diplomatic circle* here to Indicate that Switzerland would
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 407 4 CHICAGO. Friday p fc E S I D ENTIAL 1 adviser Melvln Laird said yesterdayhe expects the administration to appoint another special Watergate prosecutor. Mr. Laird told a news conference here that a mint: those who should be considered for the post are
    Reuter; AP  -  407 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 260 4 BeaoC^*kMmm\ m I >*■ J I t^f/X'jKxX'N.'-MagßllgßgWrS^V. mmmmm^^^^^HKLJmJß*tmwjiLmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm\mmmmmmmmm\. s^^t^^ Z\\mmmm\'^ /^~^~^i Jjjo^ WK' r-^uA pk N \xH ■^(^■^■^■^■fl i »»'^^jPP(!H tr ""O" on th« move "Ch«volitr" in kv -T^fe~ZZ^*Mf _l_-^Bg^ WW m mJr£ fk d«rby Ifyling and r«« too* colour com- '^*"HllW»r GJ binotion of brown. Comat in siitt 6-10.
      260 words
    • 91 4 CROSS* SINCE 1846 Mechanically guaranteed m tor a lifetime of writing > e^K ff/r l^^^^^mm^ Instruments. Pens, Pen and mlm mm Elegantly styled. iM Mm Available in 14K Solid Gold, Wi filled. 12K Gold filled and II W%* Lustrous Chrome. ml t Ml Available at «n leading ml Tmfw s^g^^B
      91 words

  • 194 5 rr\HE NTUCs Workers' X Trust Fund has received Its first donation with a cheque for $4,467 from the University of Singapore Academic Staff Union. The NTUC secretary (research and training) Mr. N. Oovlndasamy. received the donation, from Dr. Khoo Cheng Urn. president of the
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  • 30 5 HOONO Ouan Soon Construction Co. of Commonwealth Drive, was fined MSO yesterday for allowing mosquitoes to breed at their construction site in Coronation Road Wot on March 2S.
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  • 59 5 5 who gambled in house fined $500 In the Second Magistrate's Court yesterday for gambling at a bouse In Kampung Kayu Road off Mountbatten Road, on Sept. IS. Yeo Chwea Teng. 41, Chan Wee Hlan. 3«. Chew Slew Chiah 34. Ng Choon Chen, 3P. and Ong Kit Leng. 46, *trc
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  • 48 5 THE 1973 Triangular Games for the Blind, the lint of Its kind here, will be held at the Singapore Association lor the Blind from Nov. II to IT. About 50 participants from Singapore. Malaysia and Indonesia will take part In table-tennis and cheat compwttttona.
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  • 261 5 Factory safety: New type drives THE Ministry of Labour has decided to shift its emphasis on industrial safety from an exhibition-oriented nature to campaigns on an industry-to-industry basis. This is because the exhibits on display generally have only two to five per cent relevance to the worker. "It was for
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  • 141 5 12 FINED FOR USING MALAYSIA LICENSED VEHICLES rpWELVE motorists X were fined a total of $1,160 by the Tenth Magistrate's Coirt yesterday for using Malaysian registered cars. The motorists pleaded guilty to driving the cars between June and August and paid fines from $60 to $200 Registry of Vehicles prosecutor
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  • 79 5 Tenders out for bunkering barge TENDERS are being Invited from Singapore shipyards for the building of the biggest bunkering barge to go Into service in the harbour. The barge Uto service both Bmo'j own tankers and customers' ships, and la expected to be operational In the second half of next
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  • 346 5 Dr. Lee attacks 'frivolous' Ngee Ann students ED U C A T lON Mm i s ter Dr. Lee Chlaw Meng yesterday denounced the "frivolous" behaviour of some English-stream (students in Ngee Ann Technical co 1 lege which has split the student population Into two. These frivolous students formed one
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  • 221 5 mKE New Zealand Mln--1 later of Health, Mr. Robert J Tlzard. will arrive here on Tuesday on the Inaugural flight of Air New Zealand's DC-10 to Singapore Mr. Tlzard, who la also Minuter of State Services and State Advances Corporation, will be on a
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  • 146 5 3 fined $2,250 for pushing mHREE labourers were 1 flned-MM) eachTn side Ruby Restaurant] In Cantonment Road on Aug. 12. JLt They were Perlanan Sub- I ramanla. 38. Koh Seng T«ck, 33. and Tan Kool Chuan, 21. They pleaded guilty. Senior Inspector Ourpal Singh, prosecuting, said PC Foo Ah Chang
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  • 286 5 Quit notices: 133 Haig Road families get 2 weeks' grace SOME 133 families In Haig Road governmeßt^ -v ajr \a rs wto toid tbTtmzJ&asL*. pay for redevelopment in the area have been given an -extra two weeks to reply to the HDB offer of temporary accommodation. Originally, the tenantsT" who
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  • 38 5 AMO Kirn Kwee. 30, was fined $1,000 yesterday for harbouring Lira Ban Suan, 36. an Illegal lmmlgrent, at a flat In Chal Chee Avenue from Dee. 10 last year to Aug. this year. He pleaded fullty.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 186 5 MODEL v -•^*Ssaßßai MIBOO DYMO CRICKET W. jV For hobbyists. >chool. home. fact for everybody Versatile and economical DYMO labelmakers. Made of tough cycolac to withstand all abuses SOLVED! ALL LABELLING PROBLEMS Make raised letter labels of professional quality. Instantly. You'll be amazed how little it costs. Dymo labels
      186 words
    • 230 5 ■^■EflWSJntl.llß 9N<C\9(l!9So^SSsaaafl a §E|^^BP I S^i3a^aßßßßßW\jaUa^aWmA.lSaUaVsiJl\^.^a^aW^^aß^aß^aßßßl SSaBBBBBBBBBBBB&a^aBBBW^aBBBai Fjaam^ >aal aßc^^^P^^at-^^ .^st^SSBBBBBBaBK aaal^^ °^^B^^ .^fl w^^- \\^>£r \JfSk A AP .^Ca^HQat^aH I^^^^AvSlableatallleading authorised dealers ■HHw^di& j THE CAR DESIGNED WITH YOU IN MIND TODAY'S CAR WITH TOMORROW'S TECHNOLOGY a-B*\^^^B f^^^=^^ ■BB»^saßßa^.aßßßßßßP^^**"**Sls»W^^^^^^^ B^^ B '*SBSaaiaaßßWa^^^^'^Bß« BBBmV^BaBV^JBBW rtjjs* 1 .^bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV 11 /i ~v
      230 words

  • 686 6  -  GERALD PEREIRA, MAUREEN CHUA and JACOB DANIEL By 100 homes under four feet of water all because of poor drainage say residents KNEE- HIGH floods hit residential estates on the east coast yesterday morning, provoking angry protests from residents. They were furious because, according
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  • 45 6 the ir.3 Pom Office B»ving« Bank Lucky Drew will be telecut "Uve" over Channel 6 of Television S>ns»port today at 4 JO p.m. Before the draw, the Mi nlater of State (Communication*) Dr Am Kok Pent will five a short addrea*
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 155 6 |H iT II Long s\&WF*h*&e<l HlShort sleeves checked j! Hj B^^T^BK WM ."N"* I Fron^titch^^^^^lß I jacket $96.00 I El jacket with wide open V E— vßxH 'HI embroidered w' Kcotton-Knit 1W H* $33.00 I \M Wrr*£i blouse 519.00 l I T-Shirt S 10.90 I ■T-SHirt 10Q% IB^Ut'4 I Jean
      155 words
    • 74 6 Impress someone with the'Vintagegift bySheafter In .< vMaa MM r* iunl nnht Km-t\ in>; instrument tvefi dn eon*4M*l| n^hi V Sht-jtht Solid -Irri UK ki<U hllnJ 5,,,-, rt .innqur hx4nj tinivh \inUge killfxnnt m*> ptti.iv.' DEAF! CHICO INVISIBLE EARPHONFS worn maid* YOur tor% no twd. Of bottarte* Guoront*«d youf lit*
      74 words

  • 363 7  -  CHRISTINA CHEANG By rIS mass of rabble was once a part of a 30- ft high retaining wall and car park which col Upsn 1 in Kirn Yam Boad. oft River Valley Boad, yesterday. A racing car and two scooters parked In the backyard
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  • 287 7 SYED Ebrnmsha, 33, an overseer, wa* Jailed lor «U years by the High Court yesterday after he was found guilty of the manslaughter of an odd-Job labourer near a mosque in Telok Ayer Street on Harl Raya day. Jan. 14. In passing sentence. Mr.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 95 7 L^H dslß^kr w I I B^BB sBBBB^ K. ~BW I BBBb! Ibl -iBBM B MB^*"^^^^^^BBBBBf^Bß^Bl 1 r lt_L_ 1 bbbbll sfl B-— -—^^r^^B BB^^^^^^^sß BBBbII BBBBBBBm~^ '~~"BBBBBBBr^~~~^^"~' a K@ bbbblbb^k I -I B f m BBBaßßfi^_ *****8888T BB^^^ l»e BBBMBBBIKS*^^ M hJf*' sBBBb^^BCZ^^. BB^^^^^_ B^^^bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbl BEvGry drop of new Eye-Mo
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 240 7 BHnflnt Op rathar By BUI KsiVsUsfJi *k —I C—»P ~^r~- /y™ r T II f mxi OtO 7 HOW WAS V I OH.V6RV STyLiSHL> 1 T I SPSAKM6 O»= C«e«Pf7) L.^ TXp?J SH6 WHAT gO^,™""^ >OOVWWtOUT If V(RA Tf^ I VBRy S r <>> J^*^. V 1 OWFSS? \W MondlT
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  • 179 8  -  BAILYNE SUNG By UftUTING crl me reports was not exciting enough for Yujlro Togawa. He pref errpf^ ff\ write his owndHtafli stories. So he care apW job y a crime rcPVdPU with a Japanese JM«C paper] and adoptH tht name uVaru
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  • 72 8 THE National Productivity Board will hold a course on maintenance management at Its Jurong premises from Nov. 12 to 30. In-plam training will be from Nov. 30. The course Is planned for maintenance managers and engineers, work and plant engineers and other technical peraonnel. The It It
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  • 61 8 TWO former constables, Tan Seng Huat, 28. and Llm Eng Soon. 33. were acquitted yesterday without their defence being called on a charge of taking a $80 bribe from painter Tan Kirn Hock for nat taking action against him for a traffic offence. The district Judge ruled
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  • 377 8 U.S. youth's world spree on dud cheques -JOURNEY'S END IN FLORIDA AMERICAN police have detained a New York City teenager who they say had been using dud cheques in a igioffU spendj<nM s»rce iiu«Wl orkCr tfeSi Sffffcapore. jj Singapore police VereTbra yesterday of the report and have staKefrinvestlgatlons. •crrt frorji
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  • 196 8 NO Alk Khian, 18. and a group of friends mistook four policemen in plain clothes for "bad character*" and had a showdown with them, a magistrate's court was told yesterday. He pleaded guilty to being a member of an unlawful assembly In Shenton Way
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  • 50 8 A WOMAN. Lena Sulilman. 21. pleaded not guilty yesterday to a charge of having 0.47 grammes of cannsblt at the Beach Road police station on Oct. It. at about 4. It t m. The case will be roenttsned at the second magistrate's court on Dec. 4
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  • 183 8 rwas quite a Job deciding whether to hear the Lorenz Duo (on the pianos) at the Culural Centre or the Philippines Chamber Qvsemble at the Conference Hall, but curiosity prevailed in the end and I went to Shenton Way. It was an unfortunate choice One
    183 words
  • 246 8 Jail and rotan for three who robbed -tourist— THREE labourers who robbed an elderly Australian woman tourist were Jailed for 15 months each yesterday and ordered to be given two strokes of the rotan. M ."lamed Nor bin Othman. Mohamed bin Saharan. both 16. and Jamaludln Jin Harun. 24. robbed
    246 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 299 8 I W ll irl «V .^g^gi^^^^^^^^^j^g^g^^^^^^^^ I ?^^M "*^^^gsW r_ Polaroid Zip m^^^^T the camera that gives !^^^^^H _r^s»W** y° u Pictures in 30 g^P^^^^^gi -_«^^^t^ seconds. Anyone can I '^■gßgij get perfect pictures with 9^| 1 m r Ovenette the p because te B Ll* that lets you see
      299 words
    • 239 8 sfl I^^TJbbV the m m I HMiWa china. W- I 888-Bs^B ENGINEERS. I rat. >«Rio». CoxxasCoun iw«t<> 7X»< jxaj ;3o«j B I Achieve great I I heights in I I work output! I workplsi f I forms snd f f I stfety "f T^Jx^ f I Engin4#ri. f I Oioost
      239 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 319 8 Straits Times Crossword sB iHT s^ HT~IH ACROSS <4. 2. 6> 7 You think I'm t white 5 Oct tt someone iolnt bird? You mutt b* North to «lww pomp <») mad! (S) Displayed by ftshermmn 8 I'm lift with put of who hat lott t pound' tbe Bible thtt
      319 words

    • 212 9 93 Reds killed by army this yean Hamzah KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. The Armed Forces have killed 93 communist terrorists this year. Another 29 surrendered making th c years operations a major success, Defence Minister Datuk Hamzah Abu Samah said today In a Hart Raya message to Armed Forces personnel t>ver
      212 words
    • 87 9 US bank loan for MAS WASHINGTON. Frl. The U8 £xport-Import Bank has announced It will support a US$65 million < 8114.95 million i sale of a Boeing 737-200 jet with spares, equipment and services to Malaysia. The bank has authorised a loan of U552,925.--000 <556,727,500> to finance 45 per cent
      AP  -  87 words
    • 41 9 KUALA Ll/MPUR. Frl Malaysia l> to sign an Investment guarantee agreement with Prance next month. The agreement will be signed between Finance m-'i" Tun Tan Slew Sin and the French Finance and Economics Minuter atr. Valor CHacaxd DTatalng.
      41 words
    • 201 9 MAN WITH FORGED CHEQUES: INTERPOL JOINS HUNT KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. Selangor police have sought the help of lntcrpol to track down an Italian wanted here in con nee ti on with cheating a note* and Jewellery shop of a total of $9,792 last month. The man recently paid his hotel
      201 words
    • 84 9 $78m TokyoKL deal TOKYO. Frl— The semiofficial Export- Import Bank of Japan announced that It and nine Japanese exchange banks have signed a 6.369.--620.000 yen I about 3178 million) loan contract here with the Malaydan Government for lti palm oil carrier project. The loan bearing an Interest of 5 5
      Reuter  -  84 words
    • 52 9 20 to train overseas KUALA LUMPUR. FrL Twenty officer* and personnel of the armed force* will attend courses la Indoi.i six Britain and Sweden cext month. They Include Col. Monamed Hashlm bin Mohamad All of the Defence Ministry, who will attend a special threemonth course at the Indonesian Defence Authority
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    • 23 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Frl. Tun Abdul Ratak mill open the Asian and BuropeanAmerican bank at the Kuala lumpur Hilton on Oct. 31.
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    • 224 9 Razak: Growth rate rises to 10.6 pc KUALA LUMPUR, Frl Malaysia's economic growth rate rose to 10 6 per cent in the first half of the Second Malaysia Flan, Tun Abdul Razak said tonight. The Prime Minister said the achievement It Is 4.1 per cent higher than the projected growth
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    • 155 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. The use of DDT will continue to be allowed in Malaysia as it Is a valuable Insecticide for the control of malaria, a health ministry spokesman said today. He was commenting on a recent Singapore Government order banning the use of
      155 words
    • 381 9 Stricter rules to lawyers' hands off their clients' cash clients' cash STRICTER pr ovisions are to be introduced to discoarage lawyers from using money belonging to their clients. Under proposed legislation governing the conduct of advocates and solicitors, lawyers are to keep separate accounts and ensure that the money received
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    • 222 9 Union's threat over payment of CoL KUALA LUMPUR. Friday THE National Union of Commercial Workers has threatened Industrial action against employers If they are not "quick and reasonable" in their offers of a cost of living allowance to the workers. "We have already amended our claims, based on various grades
      222 words
    • 28 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Ptl Singapore High Commlf atoner Mr. Wee Kirn Wee paid a courtesy call on Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Hussein Onn at his office to-
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    • 79 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Ftl. I Several nations I have offered Malaysia big supplies of rice. Among the offers received are those from Argentina, Peru, Venezuela, Holland and Thailand. According to rice clrcles this Is an tndlca- Uon that the world »Ice supply slt'^atlon Is "brightening
      79 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 293 9 Jaunty bells. Guaran teed to hit the right note. Patch pockets aflaa^a^L^aVw— back and front. New fefe^ Sta prest and 100% brushed-cotton Dune I 5tW B^^^l buggy fabrics. And P^ft great pop colours. Bk New-style Levi's bells Tl\vare big favourites in B^H I aa^aaX Europe and America. H^ pBk") Available
      293 words
    • 42 9 JOIN THE MEN 1974 fashion from Europe Mens Acrylic T-shirts V 2 1/4" slim belts from Play-Boy playboy Ffeoples ft»k Complex. Ground Floor. Sngapore. a^a^a^aw^^^ II a^a^F I I seLaraat '1 \mi i :> -;--'--?\7 v a s c^ fjrhaßi '|ra| I aidiLPftßT|
      42 words
    • 195 9 SELMER In every continent Of the world. SELMER- PARIS is acknowledged by musicians as the symbol of Viigh craftsmanship in musical instrument manufacture. XbW' 7 SaY I .i-wsjoT it/. Is/on Jxin Sot* Agent*: '«lm)?»( bijst ,lt *y jm "I »<ut ilqosi" No 16' NoMfi Br.dgaßoKl.lCw.rol SuiKling! S.ngw. S Cab* "SWEELEECO"Ttf
      195 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 544 10 IT WAS an ugly coincidence. Eleven years to the week after American aid Russian fleets were eyeball-to-eyebail l £MVB&>%msV£ SZ differences between the Cuban missiles crisis of October 1962 and Thursday's brinkmanship, however. The evidence of Russian missile emplacements in Cuba directed at the American heartland was
      544 words
    • 463 10 CUNGEI Slput U well 0 chronicled as the little town In the Kinta Valley where the -first shots In the communist Insurrection were fired. Throughout the 12 emergency years, the town earned a reputation as the centre of an area of Intense commumuniit activity, a reputation It
      463 words
    • 456 10 T. F. Hwang takes you down memory lane rls hard to imagine there was once in Singapore a lob-crlmp-lnx prohibition rule affecting an important segment of the private sector. Harder. wjjen that rule was ao Kara, in force before it was revoked In 13*6 Hardest and paradoxically also, when It
      456 words
    • 867 10  - A crisis a day keeps impeachment away... JAMES RESTON By rE main thing Is that a direct confrontation between the policies and military forces of the U.S. and the Soviet Union in the Middle East has been avoided for the time being. But you have to wonder how long the
      NYT  -  867 words
    • 920 10  - Anatomy of a superpower confrontation JOHN FIRIEY: WASHINGTON By AMERICA'S across- the-world alert order was dispatched from the Pentagon's national m 1 1 J ta r y command centre shortly after midnight, Wednesday. n was already late Thursday morning In some Far Eastern U.B. bases by then. The order was
      920 words
    • 537 10 MUCH has been said about drug addiction in your columns and more will be discussed at various seminars on the subject to be held from time to time. Until the authorities are prepared to be ruthless even to the point
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    • 123 10 WE wish to Inform Disappointed IST. Oct. 17). that the running tracks In Tea Payoh Sports Complex are being resurfaced The complex will be handed over to the Singapore Sports Council for management :i> soon as resurfacing work Is completed. YAP Ft K HONG (Mrs). Senior PRO. Housing
      123 words
    • 77 10 IN view of the war against "Hell Drivers" of motorcycles mar I suggest the period that motorcyclists and scooterists are permitted to be in possession of "L" licences be limited. At present they can have the licences for an Indefinite period. After say three years
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 17 10 J^k .jj* xT^T^r?^gL^,a^g^sW Ha ?sSTOVERSEAS j |jy ASSURANCE CORPN. LTD. covered by life insurance OVERSEAS «//oS»!iu v
      17 words
    • 189 10 gwviliMv I jftr^^^lg^gPfgßßsß^reS IgMsfjAsWsiEs^F J si I^r *wV H "*t- K^^'V 1 fig* JgHsvf)' y rv*^H H L :-Al iswl BTn(J V*sl B %J ■BflHX' Jyl p^V C f^^i I r^g^g^g^si g^s^s^gT^^ll WgP^lr m^ r\i i i^g^ibVgfgLJft^iyk .fl .K> I 1- 1 -fl sPsm »MB jfi^ v gP^gP^gP^gPjg^gP^gP^gV i^H l^s^P/
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  • 445 11  - Appeal by dentist's estranged wife is dismissed T.F. HWANG B> npHE Court of Appeal heard yesterday a motion by Madam Deidre Ng Swee Yip, estranged graduate wife of a dentist, and dismissed It without her being in court or represented by counsel. Her case went back to Dec. 8 last
    445 words
  • 56 11 MOTORCYCLIST Yoone Kec* Look. J«. of Whampoa Road, ni fatally Injured after his machine ikiddrd and hit a road divider at elchth mile Upper Bukit Timah Road on Thursday at 11 10 pm Eyewitnesses are aaked to contact Sepoy Lines police station There were 71 other accidents,
    56 words
  • 206 11 Deepavali a field day' for hold-up '—gangs— DEEPAVAU wii a "field day" for robbers, who pulled off four hold ups on Thursday. Lav Yeow Tong, 2», was seated in a bos travelling along Bukit Timah Road at about 9.30 p.m. when three long-haired youths sandwiched him In the rear of
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  • 188 11 rE World Cup quailM tying soccer match between Poland and England will be a highlight among the special programmes on TV during Harl Raya Puasa. It will be telecast over Channel 5 at 11.50 a.m tomorrow. A special Harl Raya variety show
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  • 20 11 RED Cross donation draw will be held at Red Cross House In Penanc Lane at t pjn today.
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  • 118 11 A shop manager of Bata Shoe (8) Pte. Ltd. who used his employer's money to settle his gambling debts was jailed for nine months by the First Magistrate's Court yesterday. Ho Kian Lam, 35. a father of two, pleaded guilty on Sept. 25 to
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  • 507 11 Hijack scare: 'It was all a joke' I was in a jolly mood journalist tells court A DUTCH journalist, who caused a hijack scare at Singapore airport on Wednesday, told the Fourth District Court yesterday that it was meant to be a joke. In the dock was Hendrikus Cornelius De
    507 words
  • 68 11 quiz The Chemistry Society of Nanyang university will hold its first allSingapore chemistry quiz competition for secondary and pre-un* verity schools at the campus on Dec. 10. A forum and an exhibition wii: be Included In th* day* programme The topic -or the forum b "What can
    68 words
  • 46 11 PEH Chenf Ton. U. claimed trial In tha Pint MafttrtWi Court when charred rtsterday with allowing hit home In Tuipin** Road to be used as a famine home on Aug 5 He will be Mad In the Snond MaclstraU's Court on Dec. J
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 118 11 WOULD YOU BELIEVE sW.<4 ssL. <5Ss»- Jm* 1 iR/COM^) ELECTRONCPRIr\mNG CALCULATORS Introducing the Ricomac 10O0P a re- mals And much more If thafsnot enough. markable new electronic printing calculator we have 101 OP. It has some important at only $499. The 10O0P adds, subtracts, additional features. Like a memory key
      118 words
    • 108 11 SSf^ 1 sbt •Bs^aVe^S^V^B^W^ss>ws«MHbW f MJST ARRIVED FROM RUSSIA... Russian Arwrjer Jevf»Kej y Jooks GreMiftg Cards Wooden Dolls Classical Records sestet gallery Shop 117 Ground Floor Shaw Centre. Scous Rd Singapore 9 Tel *****3 GLOWEAVE SPORTS BODY SHIRT IMPORTED IN FASHION STYLE LOCAL IN SIZE FIT \^sl I I VrnsS
      108 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 21 11 WATER consumption on Thursday was 116.C mill.on cations (536.000 cubic metres), 3.3 million gallons (15.000 cubic metres) less than on Wednesday.
      21 words
    • 930 11 I TV MALAYSIA (3) TV SINGAPORE (5) 0 ftft Pr °l'« m M Summary 43Q PN Josie and the Pussy- 1 J CA PM Op«nin| and Se- Brief MS Wkat's My Line 7JI /•W I.H KjnjkKanjk Ber "-J/ cit 5.11 Hiburkanlah 1&.3 M same Street 1.41 Sa for the family
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 296 12 b BIG BIG HARI RAYA PUASA ATTRACTION OPENS TODAY at REX STATE BOTH THEATRES 5 SHOWS DAILY 1 1 am. 1 .30, 4, 6.30 ft 9.30pm-No Free List I WINNER of 3 Large MERLION AWARDS at the i 19th Asian Film Festival in Singapore 1973 9erKg;9lnans> ffi WIDYAWATI M m
      296 words
      94 words
    • 309 12 hksamam I STEAK HOUSE THE RESTAURANT FOR SUPERB AIR FRESH STEAKS •fctouth-watenng Reppercom SteaKs^-. •Succulent T Bone S«eaks (Lj^^sXfy B 4» ■>*•■ T»ne* toed lomninn 10 SO4JI I r **i*»« J MOW WOWING! AT GOLDEN STAR THEATRES JSjT SINOAWRI: 3ALAXY ft GOLDIN CITY. J_M||||JtlLj. K- LUMMIR: MAJESTIC ft GOLDf N
      309 words
    • 301 12 i < \jo, ji y i xr^T^TTP^Tf^Maßß^Eßitß^B at* Laam bbbbbb! Lm 9 ■aaBBBBI BBr^^^aßk^^Bß^^ajl bbP!/vy// n t ii\ I KING'S JUBILEE TOAPAYOH PALACE NEW HAPPY NOW SHOWING Daily 4 Shows —No Free Ust BJMW A MANDARIN FILM PACKED WITH J <jG»-W FIST ACTION TMRILLIR A C \H In-tL.. IAILi-V /A
      301 words
    • 233 12 7^ v NOW^SHOWING! e *SSBi»J, i Cfci Sai Yasuki ttn^A .1555& lA4V— «c Cccli »i lUm^TZr^Tci^mr Cbe-e rw IQ.OeVor. I re tetie. eeotr. Arler •.••>■ Hw »«■"*>■ cc. kel ■■■■■■ret Wte >»»— Ditu I. O..e.e'. te.-er*«o. j TOII6IT A TOMORROW MIBNIGHT! 1 AIM TMMTTtw t MMdty Special Moriiig Show j
      233 words
    • 784 12 ORbANISATION risk all Muslim Patron Seknat Hari Raya Puasa JJ Oom Toier No Free Utl Her., 1.45, 4.00. 0 30 *.1I B Keith Borron, Kenneth Cooe "CARRY 6n INSTANT LOVI" in COLOR IXTRA! Hen in COLOR •00.000 Yean of Chioeo «.IJH.|lttMI 10th BIG DAY! B 11 OH, I JO, 4.00,
      784 words

  • 200 13 Trademark case: HK firm loses appeal ix A HONGKONG company lost its civil appeal here yesterday against dismissal by the High Court of its trademark suit against a Singapore Industrialist, Mr. Yap Kwee Kor, of New Star Industrial Co. In the Redhill area. On April 19. Mr. Justice Choor Singh
    200 words
  • 71 13 Istana grounds open THE Isuna gnmncU will be open to the public on Hirt R«ya Puasa on Monday from S »jn. to tM> pjn. Member! of the public are urged to help keep the grounds free of litter, especially of cigarette and Urn wrappings "Parents ahould make aure their children
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  • 300 13  - Eating out: It's costlier now... WONG LAI WAH By rE cost of eating out has gone up in the past week following a rise in the price of groceries. Office workers out for their lunch break were surprised to find sudden Increases In the prices of cooked food at several
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  • 133 13 Minister's father dies of heart attack MR. Urn Choon Huat, father of the Mlniser for the Environment. Mr. Llm Kirn San, died of a heart attack at his Clemenceau Avenue home yesterday afternoon. He was 87. Sumatra-bom Mr. Llm came to Singapore when he was 10 years old and In
    133 words
  • 36 13 WONO Uang Kan. It, and Koh Cher Kanf. 17 were fined 123 each In the First "tig l Court yesterday for disturbing the peace by lighting at Bex Cinema car •park on Oct 15.
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  • 160 13 BENT Larson of Denmark shared the lead with L. Kavalek (US) after the seventh round In the Philippines International chess tournament prayed on Thursday In Manila. The Danish grandmaster, who Is the highest rated player In west Europe, defeated Philippines master E. Castro while
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  • 231 13 llth HOUR SHOPPING SPREE BAGS BRIDE A HOLIDAY was on an nth-hour shopping roree on her wedding eve that taJesgii-1 Teo Sok Kianc haired herself honryrroon air ticket to Hongkong. She ma-ted an insurance aient last month. Teo. now Mrs. Koh. 23. had tone to Bobina department store in Shenton
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 300 13 It's the Pride of Renane ii i miles of white sandy beaches, secluded coves and bays... rooms and suites with a nxxintain or ocean view. Prning one of the world's Ijst unspoilt pleasure islands. And nestling on 1 1 acres of its magnificent tropical bcachland is the new luxurious Rasa
      300 words
      146 words
    • 54 13 I *****2,*****1 I I Tanglin Shopping Centre I (The first of its kind in Singapore.) 138, lit Floor. SpKWlim' Shopping Ctntrt, Orchard Road. Sinfaponi 9 TM *****3 SPECIALISING IN AUSTRIAN CUISINE •arvad in Continental atmospher e. Set lunch $5 from 12-3 p.m. Happy Hour* daily from 4 7 p.m. L«s
      54 words
    • 1 13 M
      1 words
    • 282 13 WE'RE TAKING ADVANCE BOOKINGS FOR ha^ a r^icc Were c Bl1 r ne l hotel |T\K/\L/lOC the best place to stay in Paradise. f his is because of our Balinese staff. When you check in we guarantee you won't feel the same as you do when checking in anywhere else
      282 words

    • 159 14 loxy Elec $4 52 +52 .oud wood $4.60 .43 Ni $6 80 40 AC |3H +38 f ft G $8.00 35 IC-MPH $2 40 it Feedmlll $4.00 +.30 i Darby $5.90 +30 Ja N $890 +30 law Par $5 95 +25 > Times 16 00 +.20 X
      159 words
    • 1528 14 ipHE last transacted ssjle jt u»- close oi buslnoss Ih The Slock ExcLa.ige of 9tr4jTipoTt yesterday compareO sjllli jesWldaj's price" jot »ih»r «vitn 1573 nigh and 1 low. 1 -Adjusted lor ail cam 1 laMtov mmmJM uti 6.M> 3.00 AJino. 1.00 2.00 t,M* Am Hd*. 170 990 3
      1,528 words
    • 325 14 ALL classes of stock moved up marcinally on the Stock Exchange of Singapore as speculation built up yesterday. At leading broking houses, dabblers sought out whatever bargains they could ret Unlike earner this week, the heavier priced counters also came In for attention with many
      325 words
    • 1656 14 BUSINESS DONE (SINGAPORE) DID and offer prices offl- daily listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Slngspore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified INUISTRIALB AC MA CM) 3.50. A.T.I. (IMB 1.(58) (4) 198. (5)
      1,656 words
    • 266 14 Higher priced shares up in KL PRE HARI fuya buyIng saw Values high er. wllh Industrial blue cnips coming into che picture In the Kuala Lumpur St.:* Exchange yesterday. Improvement in sentiment, notably In the atternoon. apparently stems partly irom an anticipation of a better market In the week ahead.
      266 words
    • 1425 14 and repcrtM IB Lhe Kuala Lumpur Slock Vxchanre yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lotsof 1.000 units unless otherwise specified INDVBTBIALB A. Tape (IMB 1.908) (1, 183 (1) 1.14 (4) IM (3) 188 (1) 1.(7 Alcan (3.528) CD. Allied .hoc (2648) (2) 3.70.
      1,425 words
    • 1 14
      1 words
    • 23 14 Rubber Oct. 26 Singapore: Closed 4 Malaysia, 159 75 cU fd? B.7ft ct). *r>fnrial offering 1 if tons (up 65 tons).
      23 words
    • 52 14 RrStI.TS of tender held on Oct. 2* for bills to be issued from Oct. 30 to Nov. 2: Offered: 4MM.M4 Applied for: $13C.4M.N« Allotted: 40.«M.H« Accepted bids: $99 09 approximately 24 per cent; higher bids in fall. Average rate of discount on allotment: 3.640 per cent
      52 words
    • 105 14 MIMItC PRODUCI 11-1-CHANOI lIHOAPORI NOOK cloiimq Mien Ma ncuL i Cmhul Mil bulk l«l aallan. drum Sit! aallan. Cmi him (loom UK/ Cont. MSI H. P»a*rr: Muntok AST A whlta rob. 10U* NLW IZ«> atlkn. Sarawak «hitt f.o.b. MH NLW 1270 aallara. Sarawak iprrial buck to b. M% NLW
      105 words
    • 31 14 THE Malaysian Palm Oil Producers Association I iMPOPAj yesterday announced the following UK CIF prices for Malaysian Palm OH: Feb. £182. Mar £175. Apr/ June £173. and Jul/Dec. £169.
      31 words
    • 46 14 Tnuiid.y andimiir US! Ull Malbouru 111 17 11 67.71 London loc. lo W.TS Hnnil 100.40 100.24 Hooskons 102.M 102 to Eimrh 7SB »t »B IN.TH 100.23* Parla 104.11 lM.n E»pon prtca In aw tlrrhnc araaa in IM dollari per ounra. 11l Aiuirallaa collars par
      46 words
    • 234 14 A sevenyear high for tin .yiHE Straits tin price 1 In Penan*; yesterday again soared 56.124 on Wednesday's close to set up a seven-year high of $722,121 per plcul on an official offering ud 6a tons to 340 tons. The overnight London metal price was barely steady with forward buyers
      234 words
    • 37 14 Latvian copper prlcra on THur. Wirrbar Spot l>«yfr i«77 00 li*7»00l Mllrr IH7IUO I (M 0 001 Thrr* month* buyer i*3« 00 (I*4o 001 arllar IiMI 00). Markat tana: V«ry Heady Slltt < 250 too*.
      37 words
    • 191 14 ASIAN current deposit Interbank rates at at close on Friday. Oct 26: US Dollar. OHer BM 7 days 10 9-7 1 1 mlh 10-1 1 10 2 mths 9-7 16 9-5 16 3 mlhs 9-3 8 9-5 16 6 mths 1-15 16 8-13. 16 8 mths 1-13
      191 words
    • 441 14 iiriTH overseas adTT vices more or less as expected, opening Indications in the Malaysian rubber market were left unchanged from Wednesday's clos*. The market thereafter ruled in stagnant conditions In view of the long weekend holiday. The market closed officially at noon with RSS One November buyers at
      441 words
    • 103 14 T-vAJLY SMR price* lasued it noon yesterday Nsv. Dee. ICarreal Mth) (Psrw ari Mth) M B I.I, B. Bayers I titer* Bayer* SsUert C«nl* bm kg. CeaU per kgSMR 5CV (1-ton Fillet > 117 00 1M008 157 00 lSflOOo H—l IL 1 1-ton Phllet) 154 50 155.538 154
      103 words
    • 81 14 rpKE US dollar opened hesitantly at 1U overnight level of 12 3120— 13.3140 In the Singapore foreign exchange market yesterday. The morning saw the dollar being well bid to IU height cf 12 3240—12 3250 and around noon business was reported done at 12.325«. I There appeared to
      81 words
    • 170 14 %m*t yeatarday leraaa) partly etaac* US dollar 2.3200 ***** 3 SIM —17 72 Sterling pound 66M7 ***** 7 34W 22 96 Hongkong dollar 45 79 45 81 SO 51 —9 34 Malayttan dollar 10i 24 102 50 100 00 2.25 Bel franc icomi 6 4094 ***** 8.2915 Ib
      170 words
    • 229 14 T>OKYO. Prl— Prices on the Tokyo Stock Exchange opened higher today but rioted ofl best. In the morning session some In-cer.tlve-backed luues and speculative Issues gathered buying orders In the afternoon tesslon, I some speculative Issues such as Atsugl Nylon and Bho- < chlku shot up Drugs like j
      229 words
    • 109 14 IK Electric J.TS .03 i.X K Wharf M.U uncfe. K l«.7O .70 <K Land 12.10 HI «K Rra'ty !.«B 4- .20 IK a Shanghai 34 w) i ■>' ■IK TH-phon; 42.00 +2.00 IK Tramuayi ll. so 2U (ulchlaoa 12 10 .IS lardini Main. MOO .30 lardinr aVi.
      109 words
    • 109 14 UONOKONG. Prl After a weak opening, share prices rallied today on the r iock market, posting moderate gains. Trading was active The Hang Seng index closed up 1331 polnU lit 588 78 The rise In the Index Is the thiid l.i three trading days. Turnover on the four stock
      109 words
    • 37 14 Oa tht fraa nahansi nurk.l la Howkons riattraar iiw U.I Oallar «ai <iuu<m at l.i for T.I and 5 OS for aaa* lltrlint quoiid at 12.U ar.d ana tail al said »a> quoted al 1U.20.
      37 words
    • 124 14 ZURICH. Thurs There were no significant changes In today's trading The volume was moderate Due to the lack of any stimulation Investors thowed relu-unce to commit theirtelves The Credit Bulsse Index dipped 06 to M 1.4 points. Cloainc prlcaa In swisa franca with the aiflrrrncr on Iht pnvioui irMWa
      124 words
    • 308 14 MELBOURNE. Fri.— Industrial and mining shares made good general galna In quiet trading on the Melbourne Stock Exchange today Rises In both sectloru predominated over fills by between four and five to one. On the mining board, uranium stock QorrnsUnd Minn jumped to $1 50 and Kathleen Investments was
      308 words
    • 243 14 ■J^EW YORK, Thurs. Developments on the Middle East situation made the market fluctuate At the close popular averages wtre higher, and Investors were encouraged that the US snd Soviet Unloi. had agreed to keep their troops out o( any United Nations psace-keep-ing force. The Dow Jonrs Industrials scored
      243 words
    • 106 14 FINANCIAL 1 IMI TINS Thuiday MM Wednesday 12 12 Week ago MM RUBBERS Thuisday 453 92 Wednesday 454.6J Week ago 461 96 OILS Thursday 267 W Wednesday 266 »i Week ago 251. 7S INDUSTRIALS Thursday 433 a Wednesday 436 0 Wt»fc a«o 431 9 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS ThurMlay
      106 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1202 15 COMTIiHEIStIP SEWKE Tt M/'MTIWIT: N n(MK_ RIV P MIMC O'au>f% trial aa— l I'l UdMKH DHI »ki il M it M nan van aiMMI null! 71 an nan il kc It Me MMc UM II'IIUI 111 II M II M IM I M IM IM lOll UT IM IMaMBMIIMaM cwTuwntip
      1,202 words
    • 1053 15 t£j BLUE SEJIUNE mmim IMVPvi a. Ten PaMg P. wi Itta Mtnt^| I smm im aMa tn n miimii m i I MataM im aki IMt I M. ii Matn n I PMactmii ki nkil4ki 71 MMMtiMjiMa IMMtM MIM 11 MM «»MJ»»~ I Ptua an 11 an 11 an n
      1,053 words
    • 770 15 I _____L^____l B t_ i Ti Jj %I^mL____bb__l m CIIDABt Ftr*M_»i rit-. ht-n-i TO EUROPE c*-*- wttr-M-iM-- un Sit|«ari P Ha-M Sim MjMa Fnaci S-_»tw KAU MT 27 kt MM II MM 21 M. »M. 17 Ml -EMM EMS rIMt 11 Ml I M Iliac lUM lIM. 17 Mt IMI
      770 words
    • 1019 15 I a-VMB a__j i/l||U ft___k^___^_________l MMMMMm! U BBUBIHMMUajHM|B9 I I L a! M I I——! I L •Jl FULLY CONTAINIIIIZED SEKVICI TO EUtOPt «'t S">" FM: :l Sap* IS MmviMt. MtMfi, liHnrt. MHitn iiihu an ti Ink, HuaMt Irenaa, aVMlrtmn, mmS-i m p**-. C**-aa, tetlaatt-. IMat, aSuTi'tnn t? o*. HtHak..
      1,019 words
    • 736 15 lufapa- V *****; P K.Una »)41; Xl *****; P.x.xf 3530) THE BANK LIMB LTD. IMS FM E I S tmu ITI Itni 11. 1. M— pit. DaitM t Cwan P. MMt-Pt/lt Mt I'l— I lan UTMM IHMntan. t-~M I- a.*- t thai P tMM| tl/a M Sm ll ll toe
      736 words

  • 247 16 -p«l NIT niiurtiii UT: hiiuii 1 t yuan auiaj Oraaa La«> I*. ■uaro Man a M. Mam i». am BaMxnk mi; Km KM tttni H n n. Kok> v.'v ta n 18. him so. uoa r.i, iB karn) M Narth TaaaHoau Mam M/M aM aßa 111 IB
    247 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 945 16 \y\r KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. uwuui iimai urn urn in. IM, STMiTS SOYICt laa Hntn. t rtm p. laaa Impa -i -Arabian Cult ■aattlaa ■am PN: Pitts nuaaaap taa ciiMti/tJacit/Ban/ mmmt/tmti tavw/naMii/aaiavniiiMani. Japan a«utlt AtHaa Waal Afrlaa ■aaataa I MMln Ntg |,i|,||l? aa-taai tiaa f. a ii an iat n.
      945 words
    • 760 16 mwk bbbL_Zl__L ill In* ETD m lUin MM. M Ptri 17 tal Kailt. LC KMT' lins act art littton fw Itsaait. ■MTT Ml II kt Ik Baa* KMTT Menu 31 art i tat DtKiiii. LC.T WaTf IMT II an 11 m Tr»-on hr lajoaca. MMa aia aln aurta. m am
      760 words
    • 926 16 U.k. niton tuvtq LOADING POR LONDON, MAVtI, «DAM, H'lUlG, MtMIN Hum r. buat laa timai vmm unr«MT it ran tiiMa avn mi nr.\ v mm laitut n ttt iaa vmm a/v raa </v MttMaMttaa. Htatait I/u mnmt Mauuunaf MiinkiiM V I aa »Ma s/S km t/u A«a:VALS HtOM NOHTM-WCT lUKOMAN
      926 words
    • 709 16 nmg mntt n uimm. LirHrML^Mnaar m.% n. tlai lipilii f. lauaa >.«| I jtal Ht: l 4 i atf l/ll mant rMi W>| JJ/li titan JTU aaau atitt t/a aa n/u aa wu m> mv aa ij/u t aa> a/v tax «ai raa nn? ttauaiTt H/iiMaljaaaaj nua. urn. i ra..
      709 words
      687 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 583 17 [jJHDB invites applications from Singapore and Malaysian Citizens for appointment as ESTATES OFFICER (PERSONNEL) If you are a University graduate or a holder of an acceptable professional qualification in personnel management with at least 5 years' experience in the field of personnel management, you may be the candidate we are
      583 words
    • 574 17 MBfl Placement Advisory Services *.m for Clients Our client is c maior American company handling specialty products for the construction and civil engineering industries end it in need of the following personnel for its Singapore operations: CHIEF ACCOUNTANT Functions: The candidate will be responsible for the entire accounting systom of
      574 words
    • 612 17 PLANT INSPECTOR We invite applications for the position of Plant Inspector in our Pulau Bukom Refinery Complex. The post is of Senior Staff status. The requirements for the position are: Age: Maximum 40 years Citizant hjf> Singapore cations Holder of WOT Steam Certificate. First or Second Class Emwrienc*: At
      612 words
      513 words
    • 594 17 NMB SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. nvites applications from suitably qualif ied Singaporp r r»ns to fill the followng positions PRODUCTION SUPERVISORS Applicants should have a i ec^anical Engineering barkyround and a mirmum of two years experience in production supervision with an .-.'ji'.ity, maturity and personality to assure true leadership from the
      594 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 678 18 JAWATAN KOSONG KERAJAA.N NEOCRI SABAH Pennohonan adalah dipelawa darl Warga. Negara Malaysia untuk memenoru jawatan-Jawatan koeong yang berikut dl Jabatan Penyiaran Malaysia. Sabah JAWATAN: (I) Juruteknlk Siaran. lingkatan IV (SPA Notice No 133/73) iin Prmbantu Rahcantan, Tingkatan II (InggerU) (SPA Notice No. 134/73) TANGCA GAJI: Untak (I) di atas Skel
      678 words
    • 627 18 JAWATAN KOSONG KfXAJAAN NEGEKI SABAH SPA NOTIS NO. 111/71 Permohonan adalah dlpelaws, daripada Wargo Negara Malaysia untuk roengislkan Javatan koeong yang berikut di Jabatan Penyiaran Malaysia. Sabah: (a) JAWATAN: FEMBUUTA <b> TANOGA GAJI: Skel Dl. 1 <IMO x 20 400; 436 X 16 tOOI. (o I'MLR: Calun-calun mestllah berumur tldak
      627 words
    • 521 18 ffl THE SGV GROUP A newly established trading company with international connections, wishes to engage a BOOK-KEEPER IJTI IKU for its operations in Malayi*« 'T^ti' position ,w*irfce in Ku*la tumour oo" ma OIMnOW jjhjhL (iv ■< "0 9* Requirements JJ^T Applicants -must p««sess a School ,C«r«rfi*a*e and should lAfeJMr*" ed
      521 words
    • 903 18 WANTED ONK EICE MILL FmODCCTION AND KAEUTING MANAGE* to be stattooed In Northern Malaya. Applications must be Malaysian ClUaans. have more than 10 years' experience In the similar capacity, and should have knowledfe of grading of padl and rtoe with expenence In personnel management of rlee mill production and marketing
      903 words
    • 573 18 jAjnco SlnGapore invites applications for the following positions:PROJECT ENGINEER Qualifications: A degree or professional diploma in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering. Experience: Two years experience in a manufacturing or industrial concern. Emphasis on Mechanical design, knowledge of automated and electrically controlled equipment, and supervision of the installation of equipment. Duties: Responsible
      573 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 2017 19 classified ads gg I.C. STEEL STRUCTURAL >RB\UOHTSMAN required b> Consulting Engineers Preferably 2 yean experience. Apply IT Box A ***** S pore Well established Manufacturing Company has a vacancy for he poet of CHEMIST Minimum aualiseatisns i B.Sc. Degree In Pure or Applied Chemistry. Duties: Will be responsible for Ine
      2,017 words
    • 698 19 union itikooraphiii riquirid Apply giving particulars of education expsrteae* etc.. in own handwrltlag to B.T Box MUM B'POT*. RICirTIONItT CLINIC AtAJITANT Specialist practice. Tsnglin Mandarin, unmarried, pleasing looki. manners J2OO (300/ tSM $600 Telephone number, non- returnable photograph to *"^Tfr»«» »nmi fa—. FINAL! rmmTYWIT rtsqulvaWt. MMly to SI. W A
      698 words
    • 766 19 IILL-TIMC AMAH LIVE IM, A list 11. Tel: 5124K2 Spore. B. INCLIIH PASMLV require fe [eneral amah with references. 81 ilmpte cooking. Tel: *****0 A wtwe^n a.m. and 1 p.m. O t,MAH WANTED No children II ruth Avenue Tel: 60MSS ■'pore. NTANTBD UROBNTLV expertmeed baby amah (stay-in) Ring 831X74 voi
      766 words
    • 541 19 A LIAOIMQ TROPICAL FI.M ■XPORTIR nqulra. male sad female worker., ag« If to M. Singapore or Malaysian etttaeaa. Apply M, To* Cmemt. off Changl Road. U rn/a. Spore IT. JURONO SHIPYARD LIMITID urgently require* (1) MALI CLIKK TTHIII Minimum OCE/Chl* I OovtrnßMßt ftooonoary IV aad able to typ.. riMALI TILIPHOHI
      541 words
    • 800 19 LAVIIMLr FURNISHED STORIV bouse on 25.000 iq rt of matured garden tn top leu drntlal locality dial. 10. L«r«« living room. separate dlnlrm room 4 bedrooms, study and family ball. 3 strvanti room Renfl »5.500' p.m. (2) Large detached bungalow on 1 acre of matured garden In dm 10 ne«r
      800 words
    • 783 19 MAMLY OAROIH. newly painted, two-storeyed furnished detached. 4 bedrooms, etudy dinlm iUtini;. nnrini. 4 airco.xmtoo hot wittr. Ttl: IM. Clww MM!, rUKDIIHID lIMI DITACMiD BUNGALOWS available Immediately. Apply n Crowhuisl Drive, rpor* 1» (Berangoon O»rd«n kUH) 1.00 «.00 DiaiCTOll'l RItIDINTIAL AT IXICUTIVI NIHT Spacious detached with I alrcoodlttoned bedrooms on
      783 words
    • 862 19 BIOROOM »UITABLI lIM QLI COUFLI. Hall. CMktat facilities. S-B. Jalan Karma. 2t miles Thomson Road Sport OUT FURNItHID AIDCON BOOM at $300 Mnrtot. carpark Singles OBly. Pbone 3TSIM office hours. OETACHCD lUHCALOWI at Jurons Park and s»n.t»»<in for rant at teaaooable v-ice Ring ***** B'port OMI FURNHMID ROOM at 31-B.
      862 words
    • 832 19 »0OOLAMO» W m.: (JsJsn, ielrKan aingle-atorev seml-de! ached area 4230 sq.ft. I bei-i aoras. 2 bathrooms. 1 aer-1 «n! mosaic/parquet noorlnir I •lIHk 1110.000 tuni.lwO CMaet Bntimi Housing *****2 t'pore. >I(T. 11 OUIIT KIIIDIH DAL locality 1 itorey semlletMCbed »lth over 4.000 Ml. ft. reeboid land Vacant poeaeslon. Highest oner
      832 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 169 20 (a) Korea Japan Taiwan/ Hongkong Bangkok ItDays (1940/ (b> Japan Taiwan Hongkoag Bangkok IT- Days (1(20/--(C) Taiwan Hongkong Bangkok 14-Daya (1330/- 13Daya (1255/- Departure--27/10. 17/11. 27/11. i/i2. n/i2. (d) Bangkok Chiengmal TDaya **00/- (Every Monday) WIIT MALAYSIA TOURI (a) West Malaysia lOentlng Hlghlanda) T days Airconditioned coach (135/- (I*s/-. (bl
      169 words
    • 127 20 (Pte> Ud offers wide aelectloi of Grand European Tours Ah world wide ticketing with apech dlacouat. Call 321. Bupren House. Penang Road. Te 3X2413. *****3. 3T77**. 3777* FOR SIRVICI A RILIABILITV T days New Thailand 798. 14 daye Taiwan/Hongkong/ Bangkok 11.3*7.(1 15 days Auatraha/ New Zealand (2.121 0 21 days
      127 words
    • 745 20 NAM-NO TRAVBL (IRVICI LIMITED Tour Weat Malayeia —Seven Daya B*lls/-. Air conditioned bua 8(140/-, Malaysia Genting Seven Dayi ssito/-. Departure Every Bunday. Moaday. During School holidays Everyday Cameron Highlands- Four Days SSTO/-. very Wednesday. Haadyal Sonckbla by /Air Three Daya fS23S/-. Four Daya *****/ Every Friday. Bangkok. Chlengma 1 Atrcondltloned
      745 words
    • 675 20 KIN AIR SERVICES INTEL (PTE) LTD., SIU, GOLDEN MIL! HOPPING CENTRE. BEACH ROAO, (PORE 7. Lake Toba Daya 1390/ 490/Australia by Ship —$408/Haadyal /Chelnginal (T) Day., —SATO/ Haadyal Daya Slot/AL**l: Economical (ours to Japan. Malaysia. Australia and the Far East ENQUIRIES: TIL: 25M233/ HNin. TAIWAN. MONQKONO. BANCKOK 12 days 51.253/NONGKONO
      675 words
    • 760 20 INTERIOR DIS4 3N DIPLOMJ COCltpf4lar*fMllr*t QOCTMpOO4fffM tuition leada to interior deals, diploma recognised for membe ship of profeaalonal body. Fu colour proapeetua sent by all mall on receipt of 2Sp Brills Poatal Order from Dept 8T Rhodec International. BCM/RJm dec London WCI. England. net-ins on November 4. (1 Coating w>
      760 words
    • 859 20 llHEaCssCeSsCflMsai r REWAS LADIIt SHOP hai p everything to pleaae a lady A range of exotic and colour ful fabnea, oriental outfits am ready-to-wear dreaaea for al oecaaiona Reliable 24 bou < tailoring- service Rawa'i Ladles' Shop. lat. Floor. Bpe clallat Centre. Somerset, Orchard Road. Singapore Tel 7*5*4. UNICOLF B-44
      859 words
    • 704 20 II MARTINA'S SALON 11-A Caimhlll Circle, maasage /aauna bain /barber. Complete gentle men g rooming by trained lad: attendanu. Ring (B'pore t 37T751 '3730 M INTER-ROYAL Ml ALT CINTRI Hotel Royal. Newtoi 9 Road Tel: &*****/***** 1 ext II IXI Maaaace Sauna /Steambatb a Hydro use of gymnasium etc a
      704 words
    • 511 20 11-MTTTsnT^aaWaaWai 00IH0 CHEAP Household Furniture. Standard and TaMrlampe. CarpeU. W Records Oil Paintings. Books. TanaUn tor Radios. Record Players. Bookcase. Wardrobes. Dma- bade. Cou. Playpena. cr«st-of-Drawers. Single and Double Rubber afattreaaea. Kitchen Cabineta. Double Deckbeda. r Sltnngroom Seta. Sideboards. D OlBce Desks and Many Other r Household Itema. CCC Junk
      511 words
    • 241 20 fVIKYOHI KNOWS US BY < I K9W that we are specialists in i washln* machines. Before you c purchase call at oui ahowroom. < aver 13 models available I Hoover. Philips. Kenwood 1 Oala. Ignta. Zamual and Oen- I eral Uectric Singapore Kern- c teration Company 12 14 Inter- national
      241 words
    • 360 20 CAB) CARTR'OO.I. eaasstt* playe:a. t»:: window healer*. soneole box etc available Ibuaineaf aa usual tomorrow). Hong Kee Motor Trading Co. Ml *****2*/2»a.1529 IPICIAL OFFIR for Twines lesigns misty square and two tons stnpe Vialta 201 *l nin.uks BkorPm* Cample*. ?oleman Street. rpare Tel. Ml •PICIAL OFFIB! TICO BRAND DESK TOP
      360 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 396 21 times Saturday car mart SAFCTY DRIVINQ INSTITUTION, Ouarantred course 30 boura (90,- Hourly (4 80. S. Bernam Street. Spore. *****. ASIA DRIVINO SCHOOL. Brand aew Dataua. Honda. Morrla 1000. dual-controlled. 13. Selegle Road. Spore *****7/*****. LIARNINO TO ORIVIT Enroll at Lambert'a Driving School 1U Balmoral Road Tel *****/ MM TANCLIN
      396 words
    • 393 21 PACIFIC MOTOR CREDIT Pte. Ltd. Showroom st 511. Buklt Tlmah Road. 41 ma. Spore 10 Trl 6*0393 /«M1» 1 SWS34 offera 1973 Volvo 1448/820 aircond.. Colt Calant 1400 Stationw.non. 1972 Colt Oalant 140OL. Mltaubishl Minica. Holden Klngawood. Auatln 1300. 1071 Masda Capella. Maxda 1500. Masda 1300 Toyota Corona 1700 MXII.
      393 words
    • 545 21 1572 OATSUN 1400 aircond i I*7l Flat 1258. Maxda 1500, i Toyota 1200 Station Wagon. Vauxhall Victor 81*2000. Ford Paeort 1100. Vauxball Viva Deluxe 4 door 1970 Dataun 1200. Austin *****. Ford Cortina ma- •ion WaKOn. IM9 Ford Capri I*oo OTX Aircond 19*8 Ford Cortina OT. Volkswagen 1300 Llan Hup
      545 words
    • 357 21 FAST I*7l MINI CLUBMAN rull race Derrlngton Alloy head Weber etc. 1 owner. Enquinei Iplrtx Conversion Ml AijuniM Road Spore Mobile SUtlon. 1C i.m.— onwards. IUNI I*7* RINAULT 1108 0000 condition with new palm work, tyres and road tax Vim at 27, Loroni: 3* Otylang Roa« between 2 l> m
      357 words
    • 431 21 COLT CALANT IBM November IV7O ont eareiul owner, exeepi t tonally Immaculate condition I with -*ny extras. Price (*.WO I 0.n.0. Vltw I*3 Blk. 92 Zlon Road Ttl: »MTI— 3 David Ho RINAULT DAUPNINI IMS Excellent condition. May be seta at IS Mount Pleasant Drive, beI twetn 5 and 7
      431 words
    • 463 21 PIAT TM (PICIAL registered I October I*7l Immaculate condl- i two. (10.SOO. No dtalars. In- tereated ring 3*0613 Sport I*7l MORRIS ISM OT. Console box Radio, tape. Insurance, tax new. Showroom condition. (*.2 M *****0 Spore. i PIAT I*4 COUPI late I*7o alrcond.. a beauty Ornulne buyers only. Ring *****2
      463 words
    • 424 21 LAT* S* VIVA SLM Bei'idful rondmon. one owner S3.MO View A Rocbore Canal Road Tel IT4M. I*7* CORTINA OT new paint console, tape. Insuiance road lai February I»T4 ** ono Call Philip SMB*» B' pore. IS7O MORRIS COOPgR Many arcraaorlci Juat overhauled, new paintwork, sports rims. Cooper B parts. TI4M
      424 words
    • 182 21 •^■bbbbMß^^^i4oo«^x IHV gff^B Bl Sxißliua tnekiaaiej I Mr ..M'**'""'* ■sbbb^BBBb^bBBBBI m\ .j TiTom < IRTMI3 TAI« MOUOB T road with i^cs^^*^ r I Mitsubishi Motor Vehicles MOcc.WatOf-coolod f]^^^B>\ 4-cyclo OHC oogin* •j£ss^!s^^s*^^B^Bi.^B^Bk BVsfsfesfr Pb^^P^ -3 'jj/D -+47 111 4 ooonSedan/ LsBB^IbBb^B^BB-lA^^^^^^^^^-^ 1400OC SATURN ENGINE 92HP At B-L^^^MMHBV 1600 cc SATURN
      182 words

  • 162 22 Courtsway —good start for punters £OURTSWAY, a strong stable fancy, can give punters a good start in Race One at Penang today. Runner-up In both his last two starts, this Crest of the Wave four-year-old should get off the mark against moderate opposition. Fondest Regards may prove too speedy for
    162 words
  • 1297 22 R \CE ONE Molten Gold: Pair effort Sunday finishing sixth In field of 16 Dlv. 6 If: ran some good races early In season winning Dlv. 3 If with 1.10 B. Tlmah Mar 10; good longshot Severn Lack: Came from nearly last to finish fast third with
    1,297 words
  • 861 22 ■TfJWM 2.15 CLASS 6 DIV 5— 6F miUH^tm (s s# ooo $3,500 to winner) I 5050 Perfect a (Clare) Jaafar 6 9.0 (same b() Asuwadl 12 a 3666 Molten Gold a iPong Wong) Chong 6 9.0 (same) F 'Jaaaial 3 3 :t43 Seven Luck a (Ho Mar
    861 words
  • 783 22 GOING: HEAVY 6 0000 Beatelle. a (K A L) atougoure 6 87 i-7 1 L. Johnson 1 8 C3M Oambang a (Sultan of Pahang) Tulloh 7 8.6 (dd -7) f. Harbridge 4 7 00 Sweet Talker (Katong) Allan 4 8.6 (dd Uew 13 8 2007 Awaster a (Re-Entry i
    783 words
  • 262 22 No crowd, so Ali's HK show cancelled LIdNG KONG. Fri. A baxlng rihibllion br Muhammad All ken v. marrow night baa been r*ncrilrd becsuir of poor advance Uekrl the promolen announced today. A apokeaman for Vortrx International Promotions aald only 11* of Ike It.OM aeala mad been sold All, carrently
    262 words
  • 65 22 BANOKOK. m. The Port Authority Club of Thailand came from bth.nd to edge out the Korean CKlam's National Bank 2-1 ard enttr the final of the fourth Queen's Cup football tournament here !a»t night The Korean Bank ted 1-0 at halt time An estimated crowd of
    65 words
  • 58 22 LONDON. Prt Rhelnlold. tne English-trained vlnnci of the 1973 prU Dc L'Arc de Trlomphe bora race, h»- been sold (or over one million ttcrllng <S»S 4 ■Pillion The colt fu origins:* purchased v a jrearling (Of 13.160 Mr. Tim Vigor*, who owru stud in the
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 453 22 A URGE EXPORT-ORIENTATED MANUFACTURING COMPANY requires: Position Qualifications 1. Bill Collector (a) Minimum Cambridge School (Male) Certificate. (b) Able to speak one or two Chinese dialects (preferably Cantonese). (c) Scooter Driving Licence. (d) Some working experience as ari3^v|B«vfljing :3B w.psflfr. I (c) jMUeast t¥<o >ea>s' working exp*-.*ce^o||% M 3 Offft
      453 words
    • 706 22 GROUP PERSONNEL MANAGER required for taking over responsibility for the overall personnel function of the Group. mmm .iv» .MOOHOJ Candidates should have a professional qualification and be Singapore citizens between 30 40 years of age, At teast yegrs_J£>erience in a similar capacity would be essentialSalary and terms will be commensurate-
      706 words

  • 515 23  -  JOE DCRAI By CING APORE Chinese's speedy trio Quah Kirn Lye, Se a k Poh Leong and Quah Kirn Song hold the key to success in tonight's MCFA Cup soccer fip-.l against Selangor Chinese at the National Stadium at 8.00. These three players, who
    515 words
  • 298 23  - Note Texas Ranger on Sunday EPSOM JEEP By DENANG, Fri. Texas Ranger 11, who 1 ran third to Tresor DOr over 6f last Sunday, showed impressive form In an attractive trial in soft going here today. Steadily clapping on the pace after passlng the half mile he ran the last
    Reuter  -  298 words
  • 199 23 AMERICAN IS SHOCK 2-STROKE LEADER BRISBANE. Frl D»rk horje American golfer Jerry Breaux today continued hi., unexpected domination of the A 52&.000 Qantas Australian Open tit the Royal Queensland course here. Breaux from Las Vegas, finished the second round today two strokes ahead of his challengers, adding 71 to his
    199 words
  • 271 23 MARATHON CHAMP BIKILA AT 46 ADDIS ABABA. (Ethlo piai Fri. Abebe Biklla, the only athlete ever to win the mara thon gold medal twice In a row in the history of modern Olympics, died here yesterday in an Ethiopian Army hospital. He was 46. A captain In the Ethiopian army.
    271 words
  • 28 23 FRASER and Neave edged Straits Time* B.C. 4-3 In a return friendly table tennis match at River Valley Road yesterday FAN also won the
    28 words
  • 301 23  - Chin Fatt regains old form PETER SIOW By rVDRMER international Yuen Chin Fatfs r splendid performance In the Just-con-cluded Singapore Table Tennis Association's Senior Open singles championship may see him back in the national team. Chin Fatt, who was dropped from the State team in July this year because of
    301 words
  • 344 23  -  KUALA LUMPUR, Frl Shooter Ally Ong wants to back out of the Malaysian contingent for the Commonwealth Games In Chrlstchurch In January. Ong protest* that Malaysia should have picked, Uk rtceet team rather than rnly him for the Individual event. Ong, who would have
    344 words
  • 43 23 BOMBAY, m. A brilliant 67 by Brl Lanka Test cricketer RanJlt Fernando and hattrlck by left-arm spinner Fitzroy Croder helped Mercantile Cricket Aisoclatlon beat Mafatlai Sporu Club by five wickets In a one-day game here yesterday. Scores Mafatlai 17f. MCA MM.
    43 words
  • 1 23
    1 words
  • 131 23 CINOAFORE'B team for the 0 SAAA All-Comers athletic meet at National Stadium tomorrow Goh PI Tuan (pole vault and anot putt). Tang Ngal Kirn (Javelin, discus). Ong Yoke Phee (100 m and 400 m). Serjlt Singh (400 m and 1,500m1. C. Kunalan Ho Mun Chtong. Godfrey Jalleh and
    131 words
  • 95 23 SINGAPORE Amateur weignimting Federation's representatives to the Commonwealth Games Chua Koon Siong and Ng Bee Kia are now in serious training in preparation for the Games in 4ew Zealand next year. Welghtllflers Koon Slong and Bee Kla are being put through their paces by Bawlf coaches
    95 words
  • 405 23 Derby's Mackay faces big test today LONDON, Fn fkAVE Mackay, tough minded new manager of Derby County, faces his first big test tomorrow when his disgruntled team takes on West Ham here In the English First Division. The prayers are reported to be still angry at last week's resignation of
    Reuter  -  405 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 681 23 Sunday's programme RACE tl I.H CL. DIV. 1 IF t g^,., Afeß 111 L. Johnson 13 1 Ens Saj Chlalß 1J 1 Kinder Star ill DJalklfljr 11 2 Umana ».H Wlhon t 4 Burkrtt Lasa MM Chjjas t 3 UlcnlUry S.M J. Johnson 4 5 Prectatly MM f J 4
      681 words
    • 38 23 SOCCER: MCFA Cap Final: Spore Chinese v Selangor Chinese; Friendly: BCFC Veteran* v Utilises (Both matches at National Stadium. 6 30 and s pen 1 RUGBY: Tour Match: Randwlck 1 RMZIR iPadang 3 45). Randwlck BCC (Padanf. pn>
      38 words

  • 58 24 THIS long crack on the cement ground was caused by the collapse of a ."iO-l't high retaining wall next to this block of Far East Mansion flats in Kirn Yam Road yesterday. But the developers of the flats have assured residents that the buildings
    58 words
  • 494 24 j( From Pag* One The Egyptian bid to cross the canal came alter an offer of safe conduct to cross the lines, made by LieutGeneral Halm Bar-Lev, a former chief-of-staff who Is now back at the front, had been rejected, an Israeli war correspondent reported.
    Reuter  -  494 words
  • 107 24 PARIS. Frt— The oil committee of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Develop ment (OECO) unanimously decided durlni a twoday meeting here not to apply a share-out of strategic oil rr .r rvti among European countries, a top OECD official said. However, existing rrqergencT
    107 words
  • 175 24 SIHANOUK: I'LL STAY IN CHINA TILL MY DEATH PARIS, Fri. Former Cambodian leader Prince Norodom Sihanouk said today that he would never go back to his country, but would stay In Peking Ull his death. In an Interview published in the evening newspaper Le Monde, the Prince said he now
    Reuter  -  175 words
  • 43 24 HONOKONG Frt. —China will not accept post parcels containing used clothing from here for health reasons. The post office could no longer accept Items containing used clothing because China wanted to protect IU people from contagious diseases. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 38 24 teams battled gale-force winds and rough seas yesterday to save hundreds of sailors trapped aboard vessels in Palermo harbour Dozens of craft sank after colliding with each other or hitting piers or the -tak.-
    38 words
  • 40 24 PEKINO. Prl. The first Australian aircraft to land In China for over 10 yean arrived tor*ay with one muchpampered passenger aboard a bull which Australia Is giving to China to mark Prime Minister Whitlama forthcoming state visit- Reuter.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 421 24 I OWDON. Prt Tin market J closed quietly firm at the of acckunt with induitrl*! leaoere marked up by aj much M ftp The cut lo the US prime rate md upaurft In IU trade eurpluf helped Kntlmtat. dealera Mid. indei waj up 1.7 at 4M S. Barnine
    421 words
  • 203 24 REDS BLOW UP BRIDGES LINKING HIGHWAY SAIGON, Friday T»HE vital north-south main highway was A cut today after communists blew up two bridges on the central coast, the Military Command said It said communls mines destroyed two spans of the 200-metre long Bern Thach biidg In Phu Yen provtnc last
    Reuter  -  203 words
  • 370 24 Ulster hit by new wave of bomb terror BELFAST. Friday DOMBINGS, vehicle hijackings and road blockades today disrupted nearly every main highway in Northern Ireland and forced the evacuation of entire villages, army and police spokesmen said. British Army explosive experts moved in to Investigate about 50 suspected bombs across
    370 words
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