The Straits Times, 26 October 1973

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 20 1 TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 250,000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1973 20 TENTS M.C. (P) 1366/73
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  • 1009 1 Soviet troops on way to M-East? World-wide standby order goes out to US forces THE United States today placed its military forces throughout the world on an alert as Pentagon sources reported signs that Soviet troops might be on their way to the Middle East to police the
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  1,009 words
  • 281 1 Dayan rejects 'resign' call JEL AVIV. Thurs. Defence Minister Gen. Moshe Dnyan today rejected a demand for his resignation by a senior Cabinet minister who accused him of failing to nuike adequate |«rep;i nit ions for the latest Arab-Israeli war. The resignation demand came from Mr. Jacob Shapiro. Minister of
    Reuter  -  281 words
  • 28 1 BANTIAOO. Thurs— Ftour More "leftwlng extremists" »< rr executed by firing aqusd sftrr being sentenced by court msrtla). tht Chilean mUuary regime snnounced lo« night Renter
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  • 91 1 SAIGON. Thnrs. North Viftnamrsc troops, spearheaded by tanks, have demolished the southern flank of a Government column which srt out three weeks ago to recapture a Central Highlands border base, military sources said. A well-co-ordinated assault with artillery. tanks and infantry forced the flank battalion
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  • 728 1 TEL AVIV, Thursday AN uneasy truce hung over the Middle East ceasefire lines today as the first United Nations truce observers began to position themselves between Israeli and Egyptian troops. Israeli reports said fighting had virtually ceased on both fronts, following the two-hour flare-up on the Suez front
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  • 181 1 UNITED NATIONS, Thursday tnOHT non-aligned members of the Security Council today formally called for the immediate creation of a Urlted Nations emergency peace-keeping force for the Middle East. Their draft resolution also would have the 15--natlon council demand that "Immediate and complete ceasefire be
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  • 57 1 HONOKONO. Thura.— A 1001 b gold bar. valued at HKMOO.OOO (8UM.00O) was missing from a scheduled flight from London to Hongkong, police reported today A police apmtasmsn said the gold was part of M fold bars on the same night The remaining similar It gold
    AP  -  57 words
  • 33 1 BAHRAIN, Than Tot Sultanate of Oman today Joined othar Arab stau» In exploiting the oil weapon" ■gainst Israel, •nnounclng aa Immediate ban on export* to the United States and Holland. Rtuter.
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  • 23 1 BOMBAY. Ttran. Bonb«» doc* workers today caS*d off UMtr M-dar-oM «Wa» following nrHamwit with tht Pot Tnat. the omployt«« talon tnnounc«d
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  • 454 1 WASHIN GTON, Thurs Democrats charged with Investigating whether President Nixon should be Impeached over the Watergate bugging scandal decided last night to push their Inquiry "full speed" ahead and hold public hearings. Mr. Peter Rodlno. chairman of the House of Representatives Judiciary
    Reuter; UPI  -  454 words
    • 62 1 WASH INGTON. Than. The Whit* Hoasc said alert was "precautionary" but would not »ajr why preoautloas were necessary. Senator Henry M. Jackson (Democrat) said today the alert was ordered after Moscow delivered "a roach and brutal" note to the IS regarding thr possibility of the Soviet
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    • 37 1 WASHINGTON. Than. Srcretary o." State lUsstnier today warned the Soviet Union that while thr United States will try to avoid confrontation with It in the Mlddlr Bast "there are limits beyond which we cannot go."—At-
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    • 30 1 MOSCOW. Ihurs. Soviet leader Mr. Brrihnev today postponed a scheduled speech to the opening of the World Congre<» of Feace Forces. No SZplanition was given. -UFI
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 93 1 See our Exclusivw^HßTTp^oT EXQUISITE JEWELLERY gracefully h»»d finish**' by MmrarcrofrMMH from Sri Lank*. Visit us before you make your next purchase and compare our prices and quality. B.C. DE SUVA BROS. MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS, 3 RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE 1. TELEPHONE: *****/***** i The Oldest and Trusted Jewellers 'ii Raffles Place). *IMnTroNi
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    • 53 1 REVAMPING SCHOOLS ECA SYSTEM ...In P»«» IS tarns down role of freace keeper t NO need for chance of policy by US toward Thailand 3 "SO SLOW" Muei merger cets Nov. 1 deadline 9 WORLD NEWS 13.4 CROSSWORD 7 LETTERS 10 BUSINESS 11.12. IS TV/RADIO IS ACROSS THE CAUSEWAY If
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    • 39 1 TELEPHONE^ H BMP DAY NIGHT ■wf (*****0 *****0 I I SINGAPORE *****V1 I K.LUMPUR ***** ***** < I IPOH ***** ***** I PENANG ***** ***** jOHORE 5474 i r m J ■a^ak da^ll haWiala^ M 3tLL wa. w i L^j
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  • World News
    • 343 2 THE United States, while swiftly rejecting Egypt's appeal for a joint Soviet-US peace-keeping force in the Middle East, has said it is prepared to hold talks with the Russians on reducing arms shipments to the Arabs and Israelis. WASHINGTON, Thursday War material has
      Reuter  -  343 words
    • 114 2 CAIRO, Thurs. TB* Cairo newspaper Al Ahram said today a new type of French Mirage Jet shot down over Sinai yesterday was one of 50 sold to Israel by South Africa. An Egyptian military communique Issued last night said Mirage jets belonging to foreign country other
      Reuter  -  114 words
    • 90 2 Manila hit by earth tremor MANILA, Thar*. An intensity four earthquake shook metropolitan Manila today, swaying- tall buildings The Manila Weather Bureau's geophysical division said th- tremor (track at 2-1 p.m. with an intensity of four on the Rossi Forel seal* of nine. Epicentre of the quakr was placed at
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    • 331 2 PARIS. Thurs /TME Western Industrial X nations and Japan opened talks today on what steps they should take to avert the risk of a growing world energy crisis. They are meeting at the level of officials In the oil committee of the 24 nation
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    • 302 2 'No oil cut' pledge by Shah, but price may go up MILAN, Thurs. The Shah of Iran has pledged In an Interview published here that he would not cut off oil supplies to the West but warned that petrol could be 10 times its present price. In an interview with
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 398 2 r^k Isn't it iriLa crazy m^ lazy jx^^O way /X W to slim WL and F^ keep v fit? At last the secret of "HARAMAKI" is out! It's fantastic! elastic! magnetic! idealistic! realistic! YESI F ANTASTtCI because it's self-adhesive, tones up abdominal muscles and haals back ache. ELASTIC because it's
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    • 381 3 WASHINGTON, Thurs •pHERK is no need for basic changes in IS policy towards Thailand because of the collapse of the military government there earlier this month, a senior State Department official told Congress today. Mr. Monteagle Steams, Deputy Assistant Secretary of
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    • 141 3 Russian diplomats leave Cambodia capital PHNOM PENH, Thurs. —Ten Soviet diplomats and their families fiew out of Phnorn Penh today, virtually closing the embassy in Cambodia. The diplomat* and 19 wives and children left for Singapore on an Arroflut Ilyushin Jrt without any explanation on why they were leaving-. Three
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    • 80 3 $864,450 for Ming vase at auction LONDON. Thurs. A vase thought by Its owner to bbc worth only £100 (*****> was sold for £135.000 'PJ864.45U1 In London on Wednesday as a perfect example of Ming dynasty art. Phillips, th* auctioneen. ••Id It mat the highest price ever paid In the
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    • 99 3 BELFAST, Thurs. Protestant hardliner William Craig today called for the total Integration of Northern Ireland with mainland Britain. But If the British Government chose to break the existing unlcn op tween mainland and Drovlnce. Mr. Craig said In his first mator speech to
      Reuter  -  99 words
    • 264 3 SAIGON, Thursday A SOUTH Vietnamese government s|>okcsiiian has warned that communist military actions in South Vietnam should be viewed as deliberate acts of war and not as simple ceasefire violations. Government spokesmen Bui Bao True was commenting on North Viet namese politburo member
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    • 51 3 Hijack leader a woman LA PAZ. Thurs. A 25 year-old blonde divorcee was today Identified as the leader uf three young guerillas who surrendered to Bolivian authorities after hijacking nn Argentinian airliner. Bolivian security agents who Interrogated the four said the womtn. Lldla Bleie Diaz, showed "remarkable aplomb- during questioning
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    • 30 3 OTTAWA. Thurs. External Affairs MlnUtei Mitchell Sharp said today he will make a five-day visit to the Soviet Union next month (or talks with senior Soviet officials UPI.
      UPI  -  30 words
    • 20 3 HONOKONO. Thurs. North Vietnam and Argentina today established full diplomatic relation*, the North Vietnam newt agency reported Reuter
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    • 150 3 LCANBERRA. Thurs. *U The Australian Government Is making urgent inquiries into reported allegations that Japanese trawlers Ignored flares sent up by survivors of a capsized freighter who drifted for nine days in an open dinghy. The seven survivors of the 10-man crew of the British-registered
      Reuter  -  150 words
    • 348 3 Whitlam to face Japan's global resources diplomacy rpOKYO, Thurs. ■I Australian Prime Minister dough Whitlam will face Japan's new global "resources dlp 1 omacy" when he arrives here tomorrow on an official visit. Japan, worried by the policies of the new Labour Government, is anxious to get assurances from Mr.
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    • 70 3 WASHINQTON. Thura Dr Addekc Boerma. DlrectorOcneral of the United Nations Pood and Agiicullurt Organisation, warned last light that the world was heading for an alarming food crisis He told the International development conference here that with the aid of good crops Ihls year and by wortlng down
      Reuter  -  70 words
    • 260 3 LONDON, Thura. rpHE liberal Guardian x today published an article on Hongkong which said doubt had been cast on the ability of the colony's administration to respond to the needs of Its people. The article, headed ••Political Right* Bureaucratic Wrongs," said: "The past
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 62 3 CiteiliiMjaM Ls<>u.S!j willi, 1 1 it ncwrat sr Tsrrait. 4 lff/n »s not muc*h iff hi can ack I < \\w| >i !jfMiriMmfjiiiutifH|. Also sold as SR T303 or SR TlO2 v' .v. IfUltvlfQ MHK SINGAPORE (PTEI LTD. Tong Fong Bid*. sth Fir.. 52 E Chin Swwßd.. Spore 3. Tel
      62 words
    • 470 3 K XDM^ SOUP CAMFIBiS DSA. 30 m Another CORNROUR uom 35 M Q*****H FVma# l 1 HNEAPPII JUICE he 31 M .rC^Sr^ITo I MOODIES MYOJO 4 Ph*. f> 95 Restaurant I chepdar cheese «aft a* 55 White Horse Innl P^^Sfreshlymadl^ I m now open I protein rich II at the
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    • 125 4 pOLOMBO, Thun. Vj Sri Lanka will spend leu on defence and food subsidies and more on development, health and education next year, according to estimates presented in the National 8 1 at c Assembiy. The Finance Minister, Dr. N.M. Perera. presenting
      Reuter  -  125 words
    • 398 4 Anti-war BUI: New Nixon moves WASHINGTON, Thursday 'J'HE White House was expected today to mount a major effort to prevent Congress from overriding President Nixon's veto of a Bill that would limit his powers to wage undeclared war. Mr. Nixon maintains the measure would undermine the ability of the US
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    • 33 4 BELFAST, Thun. A bomb exploded prematurely In the Bogttde district of Londondery today, killing two nupectad Irtih Republican Army bombers and Injuring •everal other people, the army said. UPI
      UPI  -  33 words
    • 147 4 10-YEAR ORDEAL OF WOMAN IN CAGE MILAN. Thurs. Police Mid today they had freed a 87-year-old woman who had been kept in a cage by her two elder sisters for 10 yean. The woman. Ermlnla Ladlsa. tu taken to hospital in serious condition. Doctors said she weighed only 30 kilogramme*
      Reuter  -  147 words
    • 67 4 PHNOM PENH. Thun. Oovernmtnt troop* killed eight mnununltt-led Inaurfenu In claib near Phnon Penh and ncapturcd three nil»»e» In oth* umt. th* Hiih OnmiMnrt reported today It Mid Ux lnaurnoU were killed but nl«hl when they infiltrated into Kt»i Ksh vill»»e. on Urn tut bulk
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    • 48 4 FIREMEN fighting I umn engulfing trucks and other vehicles Involved In a series of collisions on the fog-shroaded New Jersey turnpike near Kearny in the U.S. Nine wodlc were killed and 43 others hart In the hi- plle-up. I PI radlonhoto.
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    • 31 4 MALAGA. Thun— A bus carrying Brltlih and American tourUU rolled down an embankment near Fuemgirola on Spain's Costa Del Sol yesterday, killing one person and injuring 23. police said
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    • 172 4 BUENOS AIRES, Thurs. Swissair officials here tonight stayed silent on the company s efforts to secure the release of Its Latin American manager, Mr. Kurt Schmidt, who was kidnapped here on Monday. They officially denied reports that a threeman delegation had arrived from Zurich
      Reuter  -  172 words
    • 31 4 SEOUL. Thun. South Korea today announced the arrest of 51 people on chartex of spying for North Korea In thr necond major crackdown on intellectuals In six yean Reuter
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 268 4 PARIS. Thurs. President Pompidou announced last nljht he has decided temporarily to drop his controversial proposal to cut the French Presidents term from seven to five years. NICOSIA: Guerilla leader Gen. George Grlvas threatened In a leaflet distributed hrre today to renew his armed struggle against the government of
      Agencies  -  268 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 555 4 Introduction to /m 'TMUm—f THE WORLD'S FlNJ^fflv^aßOPE T«lurit rtvoMKmiWt T^^^K, I J^M I JEt jm m t** whoit conc«pt*o*i Jlll^A If M A^£r j/^y A 0* splony and rf*»c*\ X* ■TU^^H ■Jt/nt^w hn qo# |tY m wrrmnattonof gfuHPfQH I JIOW >^Z&^ rAWA Talunt *t"u*% jrc tuiiabt* for urn «v<th \t««l
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    • 198 4 UllulllUf W Carpet Palace l\ Hnnual Sale of Supreme m wm. Persian Carpets *r^B lu^hw Don't miss this once-a-year opportunity b^v^ to bu> ;i fint', handmade Persian carpet I |k y.-^H at a special discount price. FtE* '^^^^^^^^B Supreme Persians, produced by master craftsmen in Iran, hate risen 600" in
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  • 225 5 By WONG LAI WAH nPHK 147-year-old Te--1 lok Ayer Market, one of Singapore's historic landmarks, has been transformed into a modern food centre at a cost of (520.000. Popularly known as" "Low Pa Sat", the Telok Ayer Food Centre (above) as it Is
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  • 304 5 rpHE Singapore Manufacturers Assocla--1 Uon will soon launch an advertlsing-cum-public relations project designed to link th*« "Marfe-in-Sinirapcre" imprint With product excellence. The chairman. Mr. Dng Leng Chuan. dls:loslng this said a study committee will be formed to work out details and
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  • 40 5 THE Toa Payoh rj Postal Agency at Block 47, Lorong 6. Toa Payoh will be open for business on Nov. 15. Tne eerYlces available are sale of postage stamps, postal orders and acceptance of registered articles and parcels
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  • 53 5 A JOINT art exhibition by three Ifeiarsten artlaU— Cheah Tew BUk. Tew Mad Tong and Van Book Leone v on at the lecture ball of the National Library until Sunday. The dlapiay of oil palntlne>. bas-reliefs, mono prtnta and water colours can be awn from It
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  • 100 5 Two seminars on project management TWO seminars on project management the technique by which a project target is attained within a fixed frame of time, cost and and manpower will be held for Singapore's top management, and professional and administrative personnel, on Nov 27 and 28. and from Dec 3
    100 words
  • 67 5 British trade mission due tomorrow A 19-member British trade mission will arrive In Singapore tomorrow for a week* visit to look Into possible Joint ventures here. The mission from the Birmingham Ci-amber of Commerce and Industry, will promote products Including oar accessories. Jewellery, domestic consumer goods, office equipment and dumper
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  • 243 5 Motbere warned: Don't overfeed your babies- A DOCTOR has warned mothers against overfeeding their babies. "Fat babies are not healthy babies." said Dr. Teoh Hoon Cheow "When they get sick, they are at greater disadvantage than the slimmer ones. They also grow uo to become overweight adults susceptible to heart
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  • 39 5 A CINK camera and a roll of colour Him were found at Jurong Bird Park's parking lot yesterday afternoon. The owner la asked to cootact Senior Customs Officer Mr. Urn Hong Choon itel. 44 W«).
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 198 5 AW *rk iiif r-^ ##aB »L\\ iMMSr %t^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ft' L liM WE BUILT A LOT OF CLASS INTO COLT GALANT And a lot more of other things besides. Like the super jgsjsiiw 1 400 cc engine with a built-in anti-pollution device. Isn't o/awjtU !tWl^ a^Lv. that something? Pollution is such
      198 words
    • 419 5 Lombvd North Ctmnl Httd O/fie: Carton Strut. London Subsidiary and Associate Bank* and Finance Houses: Lombard Australia Limited Canberra. Sydney. Melbourne. Adelaide. Penh. Brisbane. Hobart. Newcastle. Wollongong. Liverpool. Geelong. Parramana, Bsnkstown. Chatswood. Pennth. Rockdale. Ringwood. Devonport Lombard New Zealand Limited Auckland. Wellington. Chnstchurch. Hamilton. Dunedin. Mastsnor,. Invercargill Lombard Banking (Cyprus)
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 404 6 NajMBBaMtMAtB-SBtf^ankMßM FORCONVENCNT CAPITOL -9th DAY! "ggESSSSg 5 Sh=« doiy: II on.. 1 .30. 4 00. 645 9 30pm <9mAl^TVf^mV t. INSIDE STORY of i^^gT^ the COSA NOSTRA J^Lmllk THE WAY THEY J&^ltWvM LIVED DIED 11 SHr/%\ 1 [he bloody demise [|^^r^j|^j in a barbershop of K^llSliKl Anastasia Lord L}iL*|t \/S,
      404 words
    • 358 6 RESERVATIONS TEL: *****5 280- 286, ORCHARD ROAD. SPORE. CUSTOM TAILORS SUITS-SLACKS- SHIRTS SATISfACTIONGUARANTEED custom tailors 'f(\\\^ UIC liii»ri t Hlle«eroraii<MHe» >— Ok. MM 1 pin I I CaM lIAMAVAN* Tal '0»H fll/iclllj 87MtrlhBri*iaP S ■-iiport, i J i EVER-GREEN RESTAURANT 12, Jolar. Karat, S«mb««ar>f Hill Ettata. s'ngapore, 20. Tal: *****'
      358 words
    • 497 6 I'd run a mile in 30 seconds for the stewed frog and atthe Stadium Restaurant! •> Easy Parking Facilities Swift Smooth Service '•^H I; Convenient Reach of the City W^ only 5 Minutes Drive I V\. Open 7 Days a Week N. A Live Combo to Entertain you L W
      497 words
    • 313 6 NOW SHOWINC AT THE CATHAY i 11 AM. I. JO, 4.00, «.3O t V. JO P.M. I maul* /<\ JOMNSMA/T O^Lr THE Brotnw MaVi IH>\/ intfwMotfMrfaml. "^^JvK» f ShafttestfcMrVH A A ....ajNtfwway. K^Pteats A STRUNG SI.LJPHANT ROGER LEWS PiaJjrton I VONFTTAMcGEE WHtotJ/SmKjStIJPHnNr rVxaxadbyHTJG& LEWS >K«byJOHNGJLl£f>*l Mebooohr ftrwann* DAILY AT Mr-JW
      313 words
    • 720 6 jft CATHAY Ijf'iiiii.'iilHillili 1. how snow me > >2SNw«:7.oo&9.3ovfti:: {"■LACK >AMTHII" Morxloxoa^ Chan Sing Yen Non She»- 'i CokvScope English Su^s a 1 ■I Jaroot Drhre-la Oaeoae I" 4 Catliot: Tomorrow or 1 Sunoov ot v.dn.ght' a* I HVIN TO ONC Monrlar.n^ Shorn Kuan Ling Fung > Vosuaki Kurotn Scope
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  • 656 7 By CHIA POTEIK A NEW bonus sharing scheme for some 3,000 Jurong Shipyard workers, under which they would be offered company shares at "r e a s o nable prici's," was suggested by the shipyard's director ;ind deputy general manager, Mr. Low
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  • 37 7 THE following numbers were picked In yesterdays Toto draw No. S4/TS: 41. 14, IS. 17 and 23. The additional number was 7 In tne circles draw the numbers picked were N, SI and I.
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  • 40 7 said Ho Barman. 27. was fined 1750 In the Third Magistrate's Court on Wednesday for having a reel of blue film in Olnos Nit* Club. TangUn Road, at about 13 40 a.m. on Aug. 13 He pleaded gaity.
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  • 201 7 Govt plan to increase stockpile of rice rH E Government it Planning to raise the stockpile of rice In Singapore to M.Nw tons, Informed sources said yesterday. Under the scheme, the 25 local rice Importers will be repaired to Increase their total stockpile tram the existing 2*.»ot tons to 4S.ON
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  • 91 7 Two drivers are fined $1,380 TWO men were fined a total of $1,380 on Weunesday for dangerous dVlvlnft Motorist Shalt Sallm bin Obed Barnaul 2». waa Oned S7OO for disobeying s red traffic light signal at a Junction opposite Ngee Ann Building In Orchard Road and colliding with a car
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  • 124 7 CZECH -born American grandmaster Ljubomlr Kavalek was- In sole lead after the sixth round of the Philippines International chess tournament played on Wednesday In Manila. Kavalek drew with Florin Oheorghlu (Rumania) to total 4V4 potnta. Second position, pending decisions on adjourned games, is
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 83 7 You can see them growing taller every day with JUIiIUITE Junivite is the vitamin syrup specially formulated for children, with the 6 Fssential Vitamins in concentrated f^^fC" [uSrt orange juice. ljgg«> j£g£2£ai4 Start your children £^^k m on Junivite today. ■^^^B^^^^RfMflv >^gk VuCiys^Hfl^^A m_^^^Va,Ba RECOMMENDED BY DOCTORS <^^^^^ Dining out?
      83 words
    • 3 7 r iv^i^©\rlg«P*s s^gfgßßaaflgUjrad
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    • 227 7 \>^ 4"CEREBOS REFRESH tastes of an island in the sun Refresh is the new instant fruit drink from Cerebos. It's delicious. Comes in four tempting flavours California Orange, Lemon, Mandarin Orange and Blackcurrant. It's wholesome. Contains vitamins A and C for bright eyes and healthy skin plus added glucose for
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 307 7 Winding up LEGAL proceedings are expected to be taken soon to wind up the War Damage Fund, according to the chairman of the War Damage Commission. Tan Sri Chong Hon Wyan. Straits Times Crossword ACPOSS 9 Estrangement Is a deccp--1 Bubalstcnc« existence? (4, Uon to people (10). 1. 12 Merry
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  • 134 8 Apexians to house old folks in flats rK Apex Club of Singapore East plans to rent four two -bedroom HDB flats to accommodate old folks. The aim is to allow them to "enjoy their Uves In the twilight of their >ears. instead of making them miserable, locked up with other
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  • 41 8 MR. Hanson has been elected preaMant of the Singapore Land and Housing Developer* Association. Other offlclaU Include Mr. Las Chin Chuan ince-preat-denti. Mr. Ho Kok Chsong (secretary). Mr. Scan Bay Yoont caatt. secretary) sad Mr.ii Tong (tfMUrsr).
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  • 514 8  -  CHEW LEE CHING By THE Education Ministry is studying how it can reduce the c x t racurricular workload of teachers. This was announced by Education Minister Dr. Lee Chlaw Meng at the National Police Cadet Corps annual dinner at Neptune Restaurant on
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  • 359 8 German envoy looks forward to closer ties THE new Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Singapore, Dr. Hans Jurgen Dietrich, is looking forward to further strengthening the good relationship between the two countries and Increasing economic co-operation and cultural exchanges. Dr. Dietrich. 55. told the Straits Times In
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  • 227 8 Reduced tension leads to economic build-up -in Asia-- A UNIVERSITY o? Singapore lecturer said yesterday that Asia was on the threshold Of positive and constructive economic development as a result of reduced tension and conflict in the region. Dr. Lav Telfc Soon of the political science department said this would
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  • 11 8 THERE were 109 traffic accldenu. nine lerloui. on Weds—day
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  • 232 8 A DISTRICT court on Wednesday heard how a department store car park attendant Impersonated a police officer and ordered a man to strip naked In a carpark. Selladurai s/o Rengasamy Veerasamy, 27. «as Jailed for sU months after he admitted Impersonating
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  • 33 8 THE Tan)onf Puir community centre you'h croup wtll viiit the Little niiUii of the Poor In Upper Thomson Road and the Drmgon Lotus Home for the Aged In Woodlands on Sunday.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 210 8 ,^m»m. m\ l at I Ti ra^ mm/ ifm^m^JmmmmmmmW mm mmmml "^^v^ We'll have you riding a cable car hours ahead of the rest Hours faster from Singapore to island stopovers in the Philippines. So San Francisco than any other airline. much we want you to see and do. Lakes.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 299 8 Bringing Up Father By BUI Kavanagh 6t Hal Camp f stesTljluKE sue s*o I\f I'm ch-at shts > I "I ulp. looks li«.e sms mcovsi »«v;) V lk»*f»"6y i sue mas seme *-> NCn- shocwnc- fo« -^±eci.&rr s\-ar-rn,Hs r\i\qom^r^ f thb window- shoptm*// Vmcwb cumes^/ 5p\ IN rue syr J
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  • 129 9 Little Banu helps to spread some Deepavali cheer JH year-old Banu Fa--sup.i th! (centre) Is being able Ui tuck Into all those mouth watering goodirs without earning a parental warning about what sweet thing* can do to growing teeth. After all, it's only one day a year that Deepavall comes
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  • 452 9 By T.F. HWANG DEEPAVALI Joy came on Wednesday to Mrs. Sarada Subramanlam. wife of a retired school clerk, who won a tenancy appeal case In the High Court She was at home, preparing for the festival, when her appeal was heard before Mr. Justice
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  • 78 9 11 S'poreans pass London law exams ELEVEN private candidates from Singapore have passed the Bachelor of Law examination conducted by the University of London In June. They are Kok Kar Wing (second clan honours, lower division). Cheo Llew Klat. Llm Chye Huat (third class honours). Mervyn Desmond and Neo Lam
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  • 13 9 There were M road accidents, five of them serious, on Tuesday.
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  • 69 9 TWO "well dressed" men. armed with knives, robbed a housewife of $085 in cash and Jewellery at her home In Upper Paya Lebax Road on Wednesday. Police said Madam 8. Umayal was alone In the kitchen preparing lunch when the robbers walked In. According
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  • 122 9 How firms can help improve industrial -training- MINISTER of State (Foreign Affairs). Enclk Rahlm Ishak has urged Industrial companies here to encourage their experienced and qualified staff t:. teach In Indus trial training Institutions. It was through such cooperation and on-the-Job experience for the teaching staff of the Industrial Training
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  • 421 9  - So slow buses merger gets Nov. 1 deadline P.M. RAMAN By THE Minister for Commanications, Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin had personally to intervene to bring about a true amalgamation of the three bus companies so that bus services could be run by a single authority from Nov. 1. His original
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  • 112 9 Orientation programme for Ngee Ann's new students NOEE Ann Technical College Student* Union has drawn up a fourday orientation programme for the second batch of 241 new studenU. The profnnunc will begin with a to party at the college auditorium at am toda». Education Minister, Dr Lee Chlaw Menf who
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  • 49 9 A THRO-DaY residential seminar on Living Kffecti»ely in the New Society opens at the Orand Central Hotel tonight (Prl). About 40 people. Including huslnwstrmi and teacher* her*, are expected to attend the Milne r. organised by the Chicago Institute of Cultural Affair*, a research and training organisation
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 191 9 Look into a pair of Polaroid sunglasses and see the difference. ****V^ Ijs ■B*^^ SSSSSkV a "*.^B m 8 ''*sssssl *^>J*ss^*ssssssssssssP^*sssssssssssssss*ssssssK*sssssk «4 *eT You see a difference because Polaroid sunglasses are MBa^^^^hsasW different. Polaroid lenses aren't just tinted plastic or glass J ■jp^ They are an optically correct 7 layer
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  • The Straits Times FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1973
    • 322 10 pOMMUTERS stand vindicated. For the second time In some four months the Communications Minister has conceded that recurring complaints against Singapore's bus services are valid. Bus services have, Indeed, deteriorated since Mr. Yonp Nyuk Lin last spoke out. Spot checks showed that there was a shortage of 242
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    • 250 10 PROPOSALS by a group of non-aligned countries for the early establishment of a UN emergency force to police the Middle East's brittle ceasefire make sense. The combatants are too much In the grip of their own passions and Illusions to accomplish that Job themselves. The on-agaln-off-again fighting
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  • 459 10 n/Z refer to A YLsletTf ter headlined "Need for communal study halls for students" (8.T., Oct. 18) and your leader on "studying space" (Sun. T., Oct. 5l). The National Library is mindful of its functions and responsibilities as a national and public library. The
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  • 839 10  - Israelis stopped short of decisive victory... DREW MIDDLETON: _Bjr NEW YORK RISKY CANAL CROSSING PAYS OFF ISRAEL'S air and ground operations between the first and second U.N. ceasefire resolutions produced a significant improvement in Israel's military situation, say Western military analysts. Consequently, Israel may now have* a stronger bargainIng position
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  • 582 10  -  J. SHARP: KWEILIN By r:E Chinese appear to be cautiously developing the city of Kwellln. with its breathtaking scenery and quiet dream-like quality, as a potential tourist attraction. Most spectacular are the clusters o! massive limestone outcrops which rear abruptly out of the lush
    Reuter  -  582 words
  • 92 10 THE announcement by the Communications Minister. Mr. Tone Nyuk Lin setting up a tripartite committee to control and supervise bus services from Nov. 1 la Indeed very timely. In view jf the committees task may I make the followlni suggestions: (1) Express bases should
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  • 137 10 When an accountant should be a member Lot SSA I REFER to the letter by Larry B.K. Kong (ST.. Oct. 20) seeking clarification of the term "accountant." First, it is necessary to distinguish between an accountant employed In a business firm and an accountant who sets up his own private
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  • 635 10  - Reorganising Anzuk will be completed December EIGHTEEN months or so of patient and careful planning went Into the formation of the tri national Anzuk force set up under the fivepower defence arrangement for Sin-gapore-Malaysia. Unscrambling the Integrated command and supply structure to adJust to the withdrawal of the Australian army
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 13 10 Seiko J§Nk7 The Watch |K£43|' that Science yKJ^MvL SEIKO fjuart7 s* 6o4 50
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    • 195 10 These bouncing babies get double protection with every feed BBBBBBBBBbTC <K P^MMsBBBBbI bbbbbbbbV 1 VMK S V^^Jb^^^ sbbbbbbbbbbHsbbbbbl I bbbbbbT BBBBBBBBB? jfc, _^iK. JeSS^C bbbV iMk. IK ™iWB^ j^jm 1 BBbY tBBBB> VJBbV. aW**v*"***^ I V Bsr \i bbbbbbbbbbbbbb^^^mbbbbbbbbbbllbbk. JA Jl sr^ i sA^^bbl LIMSHAOWEN OINESH fJAMALINGAM SYED AZLAN BIN
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  • 1088 11  -  GEORGIE LEE By fHE Thais first started talking about the Kra Canal some 180 years ago, they are still talking about it and they will probably be talking about it n years from now. Now the off-on-off Kra Canal project has been revived
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  • 470 11  - CDs in S'pore soon to remedy shortage of money market facilities SOH TIANG KENG By THE first negotiable Certificates of Deposit (CDs) In Singapore dollars will be issued bybanks early next year. This was disclosed by Mr. Michael Wong Pak Shong, managing director of the Monetary Authority of Singapore. At
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  • 568 11 bIAJOR govern- merits will have to work out some form of "compromise" before agreecan be reached on a new world monetary system. •his Is the view of Mr. Fred H. McNeil, president of the Bank of Montreal. Canada's
    568 words
  • 345 11  -  LEO GONmGA By MANILA: During the decude of controls (ended USD when U8 dollars were being rationed and priority In allocations wa* being given to those In Im-port-substituting manufacturing ventures, several individuals and entitles were able to get foreign exchange quotas (or non-existent factories which they subsequently
    345 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 121 11 K|^ Open daily -12 noon sp.m. 7p.m.- la.m. nSj~iL <? TrjH| "B rm b RjwT -r I\A X^V 9 littery Road, Singapore 1 Wt Vf Tel *****1 (for booking I-89SU sHBHHP 1-90 Ye». They re Fast Too! Instant Sound A Picture. ♦At Hitachi we use ALI Transistors in ALL our
      121 words
    • 55 11 ■^^^^^^^M^i^^m^^^ HHl^^ mf macro focus m i frei^H| J| TECHNIJ J I andindl W J I exhibit! B H V KUAL/^^HH H I November!^ A V JalanChangkat Stadium sH m 0 urtner information, oleas* contact: I French Trade Commission in Spore A 1 Room 404 Shsw Hou-.e Orchard Road Hi
      55 words

  • 237 12 ALTHOUGH Mega Chemicals did not quite make It out of the red despite the high hopes held out at midterm the year ended April 1973 could be considered a satisfactory one. For although consolidated accounts show that Mega's losses have not been greatly reduced ($186,000 against 1971-72*8
    237 words
  • 860 12 PBER Merlin million the year before Vfnlnvttn nf^rls IDNna a tremendous Malaysia needs nowdown. not only m to give a lot more x*rmM of a companion Information than It with the 1971-73 upturn has done so far If sj*,"J? shareholders are to
    860 words
  • 463 12 Sir Henry Somerset. chs rman of Humes Australia, has retired as deputy chairman of Hume Industries (Far Bast i but continues as a member of the board, according to an anno unc c m ent by the chairman, Mr. J s. Kirkh*m. Mr. Irtcbael TO. F»m. managing
    463 words
  • 307 12 Jardines one for-one scrip issue JARDINE, Matheson has announced that operating profits after tax for the first nine months of 1973 were 40 per cent higher than for the same period last year. Directors reported that the trend of compound Internal growtn was expected to continue and the net profit
    307 words
  • 86 12 TOKYO. The Feden--1 Uon of SecuriUei Dealers acid it I* nefoUaUn< with the Finance Ministry t* allow securities Anns to bay share* In the WeUlnfton, Montreal, Madrid, Slnjapore. Henfkonf, and Manila stock markets. The federation said It could not say at Urn ■Uffe whether the
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 428 12 It's a static year at M. Breweries 'TRADING profits at Malayan Breweries Improved by a mere $282,000 In the year ended June 1973. However, there would t-ave been no Improvement at all If not for lower charges In depreciation and other provisions, and a good rise In sundry credit balances
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 380 12 Beautiful (■)Bang&Obfsen \.> Hallmark of Dani* Quality BEOSYSTEM A harmony between idea, specif ication.function and design, The Beosy stem is therefore a means of offering a totally integrated audio com bination coniistinq of amplifier/turn -table and speakers. m <in<i in iate» tamfl BEOSYSTEM 3000 A mcHeie itereo tynem witti matched
      380 words
    • 269 12 aB aa^^^^B aaft 1 h^V CHINA. I Hsjs_i^pl ENGINEERS m\ B M ml ltd. Vn uo "Oi ?MU nu Instant communication with AWA UHF VHF AM/FM Radiotelephone Whatever your business, you're on the s same wave-length with the people you I want to reach instantly! Especially useful in the marine
      269 words

    • 1558 13  - Stockbrokers and jobbers in London ride out the lean times MICHAEL BLANDEN By J^ONDON: Ihe mood of the stock market has improved in reccal weeks. Turnover has picked up a little, and there have l>een signs that the big institutional investors are beginning to come off the fence and use
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      • 218 13 LONDON: Wednesday's tin rose fully £27 per metric ton all round vith Three Months touching a new high of £2,250 on the kerb. But the strength of the market remained an enigma to many dealers. The Initial Impetus came from the tharply higher Eastern price
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      • 215 13 LONDON: Rubber eased In the early part of the session after Wednesday's Eastern decline but later showed signs of a minor recovery. Certain dealers attributed much of the market's movement to the varying developments In the Middle East situation but others said that any such developments had been
        215 words
    • 383 13 MELBOURNE MELBOURNE, ITI Thurs. There was a general firming of Industrial and mining shares on the Melbourne Stock Exchange today. Industrials were strongest and In this sector rises outnumbered falls by more than three to one. Most of these moves, however, were In the five-cent category. Market leader
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    • 428 13 NEW YORK, Wed The shaky ceasefire situation In the Middle East kept the market ofl balance most of the day but a rally in the final 90 minutes of trading enabled the list to close on the dlus side. Analysts said part of the support appeared to stem
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    • 247 13 rKYO. Thurs. Prices on the Tokyr^ Stock Exchange opened higher today under the lead of speculative Issues. In ihe morning session, some shipbuilding, steels and chemicals gathered buying orders Paper-pulps, heavy elec trlcals. cements and textiles also gained ground in active trading. But some constructions eased off under the
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 14 13 OWING to a delay in transmission there wIU be no Hongkong stock prices today.
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    • 1051 13 [smcwpom Taimont iourd, TENDER NOTICE I lincmi are invlttd (or tn« supply of: I A. Tender No Pt/43/73 I 21,300 not. Cordi Instrument Deposit: $?00/ Closing Date: 23rd NovimMr, 1973. I B Tender NO. PI/4W73 10,000 kg». Solder BPO No. 8B Uepout $200/ Closing Oat*: 23rd November 1973 I C.
      1,051 words
    • 646 13 PWH SINGAPORE Tender* are invited front ton fcr U» under-men-tioned works:--1 Construction of Lorcng 21 (part) from aims Avenue to lot* ***** and 4525 (part) "Civil 'i n g i n c c r 1 n g" or 'Road s" Contractors. Closing Date:, 9 1173 at 10.00 a jn. 2
      646 words
    • 666 13 PWD SINGAPORE Tandem are lnvtud from PWD Registered Contractor! and from "Specially Registered Contractors" for the following works. I) Laying of Main and Mlnar Sewcn at Interaattraal Road for Jur o n f Sewerage Bch*aae Phase IV CMrtract V. Singaport. C I t 1 1 Engineering Contractor! abort SIM.M*/-. Ckwing
      666 words
    • 662 13 HOUSING A DEVELOPMENT BOARD Separate tenders are Invited for any one or all of the following:— (1) ERECTION COMPLETION of Two Blocks of 25-Storey 5-Room Plats (Total 192 Units), Two Blocks of 4-Storey 3-Room Flats (Total 56 Unit*) 28 6hops/Q uar t c r Market, Hawkers' Centre and One Electrical
      662 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    55 14 The family of tht law MBS SOHAN SIN<.H thank relatives, friends doctor* and staff of thr University HocpitaJ (or the wreath*, telacfanu. measure* of ooodolence k. id help and attendant* during their recent bereavement. The Path Boot ceremony will be held on 21tf\ Oct 1»71 at 1130 am. at
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1034 14 DUMEX I JACK CHIA-MPH LIMITED We hava the following vacancies in our Mir lUlre laysian subsidiary. [ACK CHIA 4> CO. VAN SALESMEN (MALAYSIA) SDN. IHD: 1 WHOLESALE/RETAIL SAUSMEN for To sell nutrition/pharmaceutical producta to T'l^JT,—? pw lnl rM fo he based •undry shops, coffee shops and Chinese drut Selangor and
      1,034 words
    • 564 14 feida (LEMBAGA KEMAJUAN TANAH PERSERITI AN) Pennohonan adalah dlpelawa darlpada Warganegara Malaysia yang berkelayakan untuk jawatan PEGAWAI PFNTADBIR Kelaykan: IJazah darl Unlversltl Malaya atau Unlversltl yang setaraf dengannya dalam Jurusan Ekonoml. Perdagangan atau Pentadbiran Pernllagaan. Keutamaan akan dlberl kepada calun yang mempunyal IJazah kepujlan dan dua tahun pengelaman di-dalam hal
      564 words
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    • 870 14 COMMERCIAL FREEZER New Double Contact Plate Freezer capable of freezing 400 450 kg of product within 3 to 4 hours at considerable savings over air blast methods. All new, at pre-yen revaluation price. Contact P.O. Box 1090, Kuala Lumpur, or call 03-***** for further information. LEMBAOA PELABOHAN NOTICE OF EXHUMATION
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  • 202 15 Farmers start $lm pig breeding venture IVESTOCK rarmer. Panning to form a $1 million corporation to raise pigs and poultry for local consumption. w Disclosing this yesterday, the president of the Singapore Livestock Farmers' Association, Mr Lai Fee Kwong. said this was in response to the Government's call to establish
    202 words
  • 68 15 S'pore, South Vietnam sign air pact SINGAPORE and South Vietnam have signed an air services agreement at the Ministry of Communications here. It was signed by the South Vietnamese Com-retary-Oeneral. Mr. Ho»m Nfoc Than, and the acting Permanent Secretary (Communlratloni). Mr. H. R. Hochiladt. The pact, which was first initialled
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  • 35 15 PARLIAMENTARY Secretary i Labour i. Mr. Pong Sip Chee. will attend an Kaao ceremony In Pulau Ayer Chawan today at 10.16 am to mark the reflnery'a achievement of 1.000 days without lost-time Injury.
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  • 83 15 $13,000 GOODS STOLEN FROM WORKSITE GOODS worth $13,000 have been reported stolen from a construction site of Robin Shipyard In Jurong The theft was discovered on Wednesday morning by the watchman who found the gotds belonging to two contractors missing from the Shipyard in Jalun Benol. Police said that f
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  • 30 15 THE UnlvcraitT of 8lni»-* pore United Nattona Stu-di-nu Asaoclatlon ruu handed over 35 bagi of old clothes and blanket* to the P*kls:anl League under 1U International. relief programme.
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  • 23 15 WATER consumption or Wednesday was 119.9 million gallons (MS.N4) cabli metres), 1.3 million gallons «.Mv cable metres) more than on Tuesday.
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  • 281 15  -  NANCY BYRAMJI By r's off to Frankfurt for these firia from the People's 1m til Uon to "sell" Singapore to the Germans through Chinese, Indian and Malay dances. The 14 folk dancers. and 18 lion-dancers left by a Singapore Airlines' jumbo jet on Wednesday
    Francis Ong shows the girls preparing for their departure  -  281 words
  • 123 15 pHEW Chean 8.,-ng, 21, was Jailed for IS months on Wednesday for stealing $1393 In cash and valuables from his godmother. He pleaded guilty to stealing from Madam Lum Kam Leong, 36, %X her flat In Block 43 In Tangltn Halt Road on Aug. 11. The
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  • 118 15 $40 FINE FOR ASSAULTING SOLDIER SEAH Chak Seng 38, unemployed. m fined $40 or a day's Jail In the Second Magistrate's Court on Wednesday after he admitted causing hurt to a soldier from the Singapore Armed Forces at the Junction of New Industrial and Upper Paya Lebar Roads on Aug.
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  • 27 15 THE Singapore Teachers' Union will bold iv STtb annlvenary dinner and dance mi the Neptune Theatre Restaurant. CoUyer Quay, on Nov. (sat 7 JO pm
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 180 15 TOP ©EXECUTIVE SUCCESS how to achieve it... how to hold it... TODAY... .^^^j^^^^ is for YOU the younger executive j^H This forceful, fast-reading new Guide exposes the dynamic strategies seldom openly discussed and "''J^^ k almost unknown to the younger man who needs !ig- s them most j'-^V'^jp k No*
      180 words
    • 158 15 e»VoU>! t's Fenntastic A Here to Demonstrate 1001 new ways to better cooking New Ideas. New Recipes. New Methods. Meet him at People's Park Complex November Ist to 6th. Demonstrations daily at 12 noon to 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday 4th, 12 noon to 2 p.m.
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 170 15 r 7^|a^mgPHPP|l^Bj ak t a. K^^ TV SINGAPORE (5) lAA PM Opening and For The Kews la Brief IJS Cartoon Corner O.liU Family (C) IJS Diary of LM Taaayaa Minggu (MalayEvents (0 1.41 Love Is A Many repeat) 7ji News and Newsreel M) Splendoured Thing 4JS Art Appre- 7.99 Sports
      170 words
    • 600 15 TV MALAYSIA (3) \AA rK PrertHM immty lea Boon's Lane Boomereni IM JUw Ut Tke MaaM. Has rVaya—a Seoaary Ml Egyptian M.lly IJ7 Potrat Pekerti Kalau *H»-«aasia HiduDtu MS Penstma del Ajal 1.17 \*m 4J7 Bintanj IM Newt IJ) Kinman TV Kahera* DIM 4 Proiraame Summary IN 145 Tun Ruak's
      600 words

    • 117 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. More than 5.000 books the entire collection of the late Malay scholar. Za'ba will be donated to the library of the University of Malaya. Most of the books. In Arabic and Malay, are c.i Islam. Malay custom*, belief and
      117 words
    • 28 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Thun. Anti-narcotics officers have detained two men and a woman believed to be ganja pushers and seised SM packets of ganja worth about tI.OW).
      28 words
    • 180 16 Campaign to 'sell' Asean countries KUALA L U M P V B, Thus. A putHkitj campaign will be launched shortly to "selT the Aaean countries (Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia. Thailand and the Philippines) In Europe. Asean has agreed to accept an offer from Holland to underwrite the campaign. A spokesman of
      180 words
    • 175 16 Relief pay day for govt staff of the Perak state treasury said payments were made "the moment we receive the vouchers from the government departments." He added so departments hau i paid and others i>*d been asked to submit their vouchers as soon as possible for early pa.-ient. In NEGRI
      175 words
    • 186 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. rELDA has gone Into cacao planting and r as a pilot project 5,000 acres of land has been set afide for the crop. I The Federal Land Development Authority re port for 1972 says that the first phase of thU project
      186 words
    • 38 16 KUAI.A LUMPUR. Thun School taxis will not be ■lowed to operate In Malaysia from November, a ipoke*man of the Road Transport Department has announced "From Nov. 1, on'y bus sekolahs" wlli be allowed to cperate.
      38 words
    • 29 16 JOHOR BARU. Thun— A total of 29.000 plants and 114 roll* of ganja worth $207,320 went up in smoke at the Naraotles Bureau headquaren on Tuesday
      29 words
    • 254 16 Breakthrough by Malaysian physicists KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Physicist* from the University of Malaya have made a major breakthrough which will now enable them to study the techniques of controlled thermonuclear reaction. After three years of work on plasma *nerrv research, a six-man team from the unlversltys Physics Department last week
      254 words
    • 62 16 JOHOR BARU. Thur: Lorry driver Lee Moh Eng. (1. was fined II.SOO or 15 monthi )»il for dangerous driving and causing th* death of two people Th* two people, a bus driver and woman pa>•engcr died following a collision between Lees Sorry and th* bus
      62 words
    • 167 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The Health Ministry U keeping check on food and drinks to make sure they do not contain saccharin. "Our health officers and Inspectors are always taking samples to see If they contain this prohibited artificial sweetener." a ministry spokesman 'd today.
      167 words
    • 88 16 ITOR. Than. Dr. S. Mathlah. 34. a diotoftat with the General Hospitals in Pr.iani and Kedah. died yesterday when the Veafeot 5M he was driving was involved In a collision with a stationary lorry on the main trunk 14 miles south of here. He
      88 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 612 16 CONSTIPATION Here's the sugar-coated answer 15^i^PINKhTl'£S Mttansjl MSMSI MS Pinkettes. The sugar-coated laxative tablets. Pinkettes work gently, but thoroughly to get the bowels working smoothly and comfortably. Pinkettes restore the regularity of bowel movements, and give help to pile sufferers because they maintain soft stools. For constipation, the sure but
      612 words
    • 124 16 "Silver Imperial" a precedent for majestic "White Dot elegance. [he stx-.uti-t While U* m.uVs .i s^ pit tor sjv dd f"wv>^"4«- Vliiyuturnt Silmi lni(vn.J a.auti in the tnmk-- tr.Kiilioii el lie MOW'S liik-sI wntinc insminniit-. let N.Kk v-niss h.iti+im^ .mvnS aorssasting'js m m^iJ stif line M.iKhuii; yvn l\ill|>»inl and
      124 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1151 17 MRTIIRCISR P SailCi M H/MRTIRtIT ACaKI I P >alaa| D aan It. am HI Ua*R B ii ki nkt ii m hrn om ii M *INt. llP*ttS II HM II Hrn 1 Mt 1 kc I Mt a Hat lia'laM iwitil »Mi nMr UMc il kt il kt itkt Cl
      1,151 words
    • 974 17 VS ™l#fcBBT"l JfcBTJMIWBta Paaaai P M4M SMI LaNM| tor PMMTMM MM Mil K n MMM K-ISIO.. ptna mi n Ma Ma Mum. Simwu*. J"» MCBOWIIrI. NilMHftM, HMtl H WII rtlxlMllllM lU*> (VUaatt Ml.ll, FM II PM II 2?!*' 0 <**"*■ I PMllSiLin FM a MH Ml HMaiai. V M: p
      974 words
    • 788 17 J Bm^ it V h\j LJ %I^L_a_a_a_a_a_l n P*** H-ten IM I'Ma S pan P laiaai k aa. aallra FraaH UIL HIUUI im aw hrn urn aM urn MCMH UPMSS nan lIHm IMi IN > kt IM HUM MM II M II M I M MM II M I M
      788 words
    • 968 17 wmsmmmtkmWmm FULLY CONTAINtmZID SIKVICI TO EUHOPt <—■•* la. FM j^**"** I lotttrOvn. tastttfe-. WM|, ll Hrn, niuitii MM is MM, Hiatmt Irißa, liMirtiiii. 3_SSm SI Anws. cinmiu. Gom-tat mmm. nmS^mxr S 7 StortMM. Oslo, MM bMh|-i. FULLY CONTAINERIZED SIKVICI ptOM EUKOPt m nm 4 IHtli-a. fcPttirMi.. totiMfi. ll Mm EJp*
      968 words
    • 776 17 M»a»ara VIM 44; P. R^mmj 4M41; K.L. *****; PaMaa 2SIOI. THE BANK LINE LTD. umi ml 1 1 tract Mil Him ii. L. NaUMV OarMr I CMlaaal P MUaf SI/SI Mt S'pari I' l Ma tlttliam laaar.ian. lim.m. b aaja k.n. l BartMi I S MIM p Miaai 11/11 Ma
      776 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 983 18 IHHI^b.MMMMMMaMWMMaBtBaVBM-MaMMMaaH "^KAWASAKIIUSEN KAISHA LTD. uwtsui iimai usn uism no. itvu, iuk. $Turn sameL IW Wiania Iw P. MHat I MMMM Mill ff. a. IBat IBW Japan Arabian Sull larvla. SaWMWt Paw panPMiaaMP •bm cawManwett/Oaaa./ «waaa..»»a/ laartHiHa— vMtnt/tatmainiii. Japan Saulb Alrtaa Waal Alrtaa i.rviaa lacaaan PM. I pjaanaai atM >. a
      983 words
    • 774 18 BJ CTO m KMTT HUM la Ptrt 17 M Mrta. Lt I KMTf MR II m 11 Ml Trtctan ta liliin I lei. hmtt inn am a m incuti f* iiiia. Main MCIIII 17 kt U M Djaurti KOTT HIT II lit akt afaali. WMt aMI BMI Marti. IS a*
      774 words
    • 1009 18 U.K. IU«Ofl SltVICt LOADINO POt LONDON. MAVM. «OAM. N'MIIS. MtMIN MPtaai tatrtTit n/a iat t>aw »ll Mwfe kMI raaa. laaaw. ttimi axPTawi laiuu nwtiaw itaaw Jill ia» in wit imi Itau in ali 'i I/U MnaMaawautiai na kinklMx 1/ i aw •«w ill wi vu raaa. itaaw. traaM ARRIVALS PROM
      1,009 words
    • 737 18 umc sarnt ti imm, uißWavowMat mm II laaa. Hum f taua| riawt I naw. Mn twwa aain taNrt rattr till I Mm U/u hi«i a t> iw avu MtUMIM 111 BW 11/14 BW ll'H Baa IMI Bw fcltw 14 IJ. Iwa I), It. lla«n,U laws v ■la>l 1/1. I'arn I
      737 words
    • 750 18 T*» raBT tP liaoiHll ta aaaia Haiti .11) al a*jwaa 1 AuTMtaiTt AaaauMcio tv™ ijawii ta ai. aaa in 18. TMt PtlxtWliat BltTMlaio a»ra») M Marta aM ta II il. AltaaittMtaTi Pa a ttrr tt. Baaja) M Marta. Mia* AT WIMI PtBT Ptt ttlTi Ja«»ital. wlaOwtaßrwu.' tCT. M ■llliT. natnUaauMl)
      750 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 789 19 An expanding affiliate or large U.S. Company invites applications for the pnsitk us or 1 MANAGER-SHOP OPERATIONS 2) MANUFACI URING ENGINEER 3) PROCESS ENGINEER 4) TEST ENGINEER 5) PRODUCTION SUPERVISORS Qualification: I. Knfinerrim degree or technician Diploma from the Singapore Polyiechni: preferably. Candidates with good general education or leaching diploma
      789 words
    • 474 19 SINGAPORE PETROLEUM COMPANY PTE. LTD. invites applications for 3 A. PROCESS UNITS TECHNICIANS B OIL MOVEMENTS TECHNICIANS I C. UTILITIES TECHNICIANS 1 I. LABORATORY TECHNICIANS I QUALIFICATIONS EXPERIENCE I Applicants should possess at least a Cambridge H School Certificate with credit in Science or ■J Mathematics or Chemistry and a
      474 words
    • 896 19 The Singapore branch of a well established European Bank, invites applications for: OFFICER Head of Loan Department For this senior position a minimum of 5 years experience with similar responsibilities covering all aspects of credit administration is required. Age range preferably between 28 38. Write giving full details of qualifications
      896 words
    • 491 19 An industrial company with about 800 employee! in Singapore invites qualified candidates for the position of PERSONNEL MANAGER i he position offers an interesting and challenging opportunity for a dynamic person to develop the personnel department to meet the requirement of this fast growing company. formulating long-term policies to
      491 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 640 20 classified ads (D CLAIIIFIED RATH Oeneral: I OM per word Minimum: 1 9 00 (16 word*) Personal: I 1.20 per word Minimum (24 00 (20 words) MINTt. For natural facelifting browa patebes. acas, all skin conditions, regular facials, post natal and spotreduclng consult Louise Klerk, msdlcally trained and qualified Beauty
      640 words
    • 688 20 INOAFORI TCLIPHONI BOARO Requlree ARTISAN QUALIFICATION! 1. Completed at least Primary education or Its equivalent In a Gove.nment or OovemmentAided School Candidate* with additional vocational or technical trainIng will be preferred. 2 Preferably a CUs* 2 or Class 1 Driving Licence. JOB IPICIFICATION! TO Install, maintain subscriber's apparatus or external
      688 words
    • 714 20 FIMALI CLIRK TVPIIT prt fsrably with ex peri In** JB import /export deniment Knowledie of mxealrllsl eo.respordene*. book keeetag Bute experience In owa handwriting to 2*o-0. Joo ChMt Road. B'pora 18. FEMALE OFFICE CLERK! required by Import and export expanding firm. Offering attractive salaries and fringe benefits. Oualirieatisn. (1) Cambridge
      714 words
    • 718 20 BALIS RIFRIMNTATIVIS Maarvan citiaeos aa* 28 IS preferably well aeajexUated with building construction circles. Own transport Omrrmi com mission. Broadway Enterprises Pte Ltd. 8 Kwoat Mia Road Spore 23. MEDICAL SQUIPMENI •ALII REPRKINTATr E We an a lan* European Trading Company and an seeking the services of a Msdlcal Equipment
      718 words
    • 693 20 AUSTRALIAN FAMILY require* English speaking amah, live- la. general household duties. Children 15 yean. 13 yean. 5 years Oood wages and condition, modem house. Ring 3T4411 ext. T»T Spore. WANTIO ENCLIIH SPEAKING Chinese llve-ln general amah for American family of 3 IB Holland Road area Must be good with II
      693 words
    • 687 20 MALI ANO FIMALI PUMP Attendants canted. Attractive salary plus many other Incentives Plesje call personally 880 Upper Serangooa Road. B'pon, 4! m.s Caltax Service Station. FIMALI PRODUCTION Age: 1* yean and above. Education Primary to Secondary School In aay langus cc stream. Weralng Csnditlsns Ooo<l starting (alary Increment on every
      687 words
    • 895 20 0 R I I N T A L ESTATE HOUIING orTerj accommoda tloo hi top da., localltief Detached:- (II Sbelford Road Exclusively built detached standing on 15.000 sq f. matured garden. 3 bedroom*/ study, extremely elaborated Interior wall-to-wall carpetln</ specially made brand new rurnltun. etc. (2) vicinity Diet 11 Centralised
      895 words
    • 797 20 OUT. IS WARIHAM ROAD. I 4 bedroomed colonial type bungalow iana garden, eeparst* servant's driver's quarter. (1.400 uafuratshed. Tel M 0420 Spore. •ILITAR HILL*, new 2-storey bungalow 3 bed ooms Land ana 8.000 aq. ft. Quiet pleasant surrounding. Furnished 11.500. Tel: 9109*3 evenings •***** Spore (1) QU»*N ASTRIO HILL. DIST.
      797 words
    • 736 20 URGENTLY RIOUIRI lIMI OETACMOTJ, bungalows, terrace, apartments, shophousls IR various district for ready clients Contact 4431 M B'pon. MBAIIV OFFICIAL ursertly needs houes/flat furnished/unfurnished, dlst. 9. 10. other areas consldeed Spore T3491. RIOUIRI 1 ROOMtD FLAT (UHFURNIIMEO). nearest town Contact Miss Lee Tel. MIU7 after p m. WANTIO a 2
      736 words
    • 680 20 WINDSOR *****. off mils* Thomson Koaa. 2-Rtorey huu-y Terrace house 5-bed:oom* living and dining hall. Terrazoo. Approximately 3 200 sq ft. TH *****04. ***** M Spore. NIID A LOAN CMA»I MANHATTAN BANK te buy heuMf PERIONAL BANKING DIVIIION can hslp j Loans of *o% up to 18 yean List "inn,
      680 words

  • 177 21 rE Singapore Council of Social Service has called for the development of a voluntary spirit among social workers. The council said this was important because there were presently many voluntary workers lackIng self sacrifice, commitment to service and continuing responsibility. In an editorial
    177 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 601 21 AIBCOHDITIOMID OFFICI IMH available at Ooldra CulK Huilding. «0 South Bride. Road. Spore 1. PI raw contact Ml NMI/I MM OUT. 11 OFFICII TO LIT. Area MO 400 »q. ft. Par i WARIHOUII IPACE AVAILABI t for immediate occupation 3rd floor 4.M0 sq.ft lit floor «.400 eg ft. Groundfkwr 3,200
      601 words
    • 649 21 TRANS EURO ASIAN TRAVL service Room 303. 3rd Floor. Central Building. Magatine Road. S'pon Tel: 9*1292/94:04 Offers special low cost fll|hU to Loss Son Europe Dally ARCHIPELACO SPECIA. TOURS— AIR. TRAIN COACH KUALA UrMPI'R'SINOAPORE DAILY- WEEKLY-MONTHLY LONDON CHARTERS 4700 S42S Lake Toba 4 day* SS4U/Banxkok, Chlengmal 4 days 8844/8884. 4******4/Banxkok
      649 words
    • 703 21 INTIRIOR DIS4ON DIPLOMA, Comprehensive correspondence tuition leads to Interior design diploma recognised for memberihlp of professional body Full colour prospectus sent by *lrmall on receipt o' 25p British Postal Order from Dept BTP Rhodec Intern" tlonal. BCM/Rhodec London WCI. England. CINTRI BOOK Kit PING (BIOINNIRS) Twice weekly. Tuesday and Thursday.
      703 words
    • 806 21 TYPEWRITING: Learn from sxperlenred teachers of Raja College to be sure of luccees. Classes anytime. Details from Raja's College. *****/4974 M. JAPANESE: Four Months rapid Count. Starting November. English/Chinese explanation. Detail* from Rajas College. 9M9TO. BOOK-KEEPING ANO ACCOUNTS A rapid course for beginner* lead to the LCC examinations and the
      806 words
    • 892 21 1474 CORTINA OT, 2 owners. 4 brand new tyre* and new paint. Sport* rims and steering, excellent condition 15.500 ono. No dealers Interested contact *****1 Joseph L»e ECEMBEP '5.7 1 TOYOTA CILICA, good condition, with sport* run*. upe-recorder. Price: 110.000. View: 4 25*2234 NC KIONC CAR TRADER* PRIVATE LIMITED Horn*
      892 words
    • 745 21 14 FOOT NONC LIM centre board sloop complet* with sal's. 4 h.p. Johnson outboard. feet Dinghy, boat covers. 11 SoO Call *****5 Spore CAN! FURNITURI Imported furnishing material* at It* beet Consult Adrian s 425 River Valley Road *****4. Singapore TURI company 25 Cavenagtt Road. Spore Tel *****4 Specialist in
      745 words
    • 600 21 ill your employees male/ emale. by Singapore Uniforms Kanuf*ctur*rs. specialism* la ill type of ndualrlsl uses lotcia, restaurants. secu Ity. itc. alao badges, kmoe. neck is* for your requirements ;all 82*47 Spore. I 0 U R REFRICERATORS. 'RIEZERS, All conditioner. i*ea repair, rsapraylng or **rice Contact us for an estlnaee
      600 words
      405 words
    • 250 21 tCJONOMAND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURS, Bed. Table. Wardrobe and Loungesulte. etc SS. Rochore Canal Road, Singapore 7 Tel ***** ***** W* SILL, NUT, INSTALL A IXPORT Phlleo Kenwood Eleetrotux Hoover OJL Phillip Hot point Oala Westlngnous* Rosphill Norge Ignis Carrier Acma Necchl The Largest Home Appliance* Display Centre In Singapore HOMIMAKIRS ILICTHICAL
      250 words
    • 167 21 NUI I I I ESTATE OF LOH HEE SANO, alias LOH TVS THIM, DECEASED lale of 64, Pheng Oeck Avenue, Singapore who died testate on the 18th day of August. 1966 at the aforesaid address (Probate No. 775 1966; Pursuant to Section 32 of the Trustees Act all persons Interested
      167 words

  • 192 22  -  JOE DORAI By SINGAPORE Badminton Association will invite 20 foreign stars, including defending champion He Sumirat of Indonesia, for the Open championships at the SBA Hall from Dec. 13 to 17. The players are from eight countries. Each country will have two representatives except
    192 words
  • 29 22 LONDON. Thun. The Australian touring U.»m awamped Cumbria by at points to two In their Rugby league match here laat night after leading 11-2 et hulltime. Beuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 443 22 SAAA meet attracts top Asian athletes By ERNEST FRIDA MALAYSIAN athletes bound for next month's Asian track and field meet In Manila will compete in the SAAA All-Comers championships at the National stadium on Sunday. MAIAU have picked 17 athletes for the Asian meet and all of them are expected
    443 words
  • 44 22 KOTA KINABALU. Thun Parma world heavyweight baxinf champion aiuham■Md All arrived here today to a traditional welcome bjr aome 100 taxing fan*. All. accompanied by hie family and 11 other*, will give an mhlbltton bout at tnia teat UalayHan city.
    44 words
  • 26 22 PRAGUE. Tbura. Senfinrt milled QuUcrma YUm of Argentina be»t Britain'! CMrmld Bettrtck «-a. 1-t. e-4 In the Prague Open tennis tournament laat ni«r" Mi
    26 words
  • 34 22 Luigi's lucky escape MO T O B CYCLIST Lulgi ConMantin is hurled over a hay bale in a spectacular accident duriiiK the Vallelunga 600-kilometer motorcycle race in Rome recently. Constantin escaped with minor Injuries.—lPl
    34 words
  • 120 22 Lifter Adams prefers Australia to England SYDNEY, Thurs— Bantamweight Mick Adams, selected to represent England In the Commonwealth Games welßhtlirtlnß In Christchurch. New Zealand, next year. will withdraw from the team and will lift for Australia instead. Adams was chosen by England on the basis of reports sent to the
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 785 22 IpPSA 1 TENDER NOTICE Separata tenders are invited from PSA registered Contractors for any one or all of the following: in SUPPLY and INSTALLATION of 2 Nos. Domestic Water Pumps for Mount Faber Station. (2) TRENCHING and LAYING of Underground Power and Telephone Cables at Nelson Road Warehousing Complex Phase
      785 words
    • 659 22 LIQUORS LICENSING BOARD SINGAPORE NOTICE OF GENERAL LICENSING SESSION A General Licensing See«lon of the Liquor* Licensing Board for Singapore will be held In the Court of the Pint District Judge. District Court No. 1 Dtatrict and Magistrate*' Courts Building. South Bridge Road. Singapore on Tuesday l lth December 1973
      659 words
    • 399 22 MOTOR AND GENERAL UNDERWRITERS INVESTMENT HOLDINGS LIMITED NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS NOTICE v hereby given that the transfer book* and the Regiiter of Members of the Company will be cloied from i 2.00 noon, Friday, 16th November, 1973 to 12.00 noon, Friday, 23rd November. 1973 both days inclusive, to as to
      399 words
    • 5 22 ■kt.' 'ESMM HI M i£tt
      5 words

    • 791 23 Lacklustre Ajax edge Bulgarians AMSTERDAM, Thurs. AJax Amster- dam's reign as European soccer champions could be nearing lta end, Judging by their lacklustre display In a 1-0 first leg second round victory over Bulgaria's Cska Sofia here last night. When the team* met in the same round last season. AJax
      791 words
    • 122 23 MACKAY IS NEW MANAGER OF DERBY LONDON, Thurs—Derby County football club chairman Bam Longson announced yesterday that Dave Mackav of Nottingham Forest had been appointed manager i n succession to Brian dough. "The Board of Directors of Derby County have pleasure in announcing that Mr. David Mackay has been appointed
      122 words
    • 115 23 LONDON. Thurs BUI Wllllamaon. the M-ye*r-old Australian jockey who h>« been riding In England and Ireland since lttO. la to retire from the saddle at the md of the flrt raclnf atajon next waek. He ««ld today: "I don't know ret whether I win remain In England
      115 words
    • 440 23  -  EPSOM JEEP READING jockey Jim Johnson will ride Gomanwyn in the B|f Penang Cup for Class 3 Div. 1 horses (Race Eight) at Penang on Sunday, and the versatile five-year-old is likely to start a firm favourite. With JJ astride, Oomanwyn was so full of
      440 words
    • 38 23 JCHANNESBURO. Thurs. The tourlnt Derrick Robins cricket eleven today beat a Ortqualand Watt team by IS runs In a 50 Scores' Robins XI lt-l-t (B. Francis 85, R Tolchard It no Orlqualand 112-7 tswarbrook ID.
      38 words
    • 231 23 Scratchings, barrier positions for Sunday SCRATCHING S far Saaday'i races al Pesumg: RACE 1: 111 Class S Dlt. 1 «f Facets. Bonlio. RACE i: t.M Class S Dit. Ho-. First RACE J: t.M Class S DW. «f Hat Money. MfUj RACK 4 S.M Claas t OH. 1 U NaUanal Credit.
      231 words
    • 244 23 Sobers will not retire but just 'fade away' /-IEOROETOWN (O U VI y ana). Thurs. Gary Sobers, former West Indies cricket raptaln, la net thinking of retiring from the game, he said here. Instead, the 38-year-old all rounder told Ouyana pressmen, he would simply "fade away" when there Is a
      Reuter  -  244 words
    • 783 23 RACK 1: HI Cl I DIV. iF. 1 Pcrfrct *M tana It I Btoltea G«M M* JanaMi I I Scv«a Lack I.l* SabUn I t'Mitomjr S.'l Omar 11 S OU»iaari 1.11 r**mmt 7 Graetfal Vlaw I.l* C. lim 1 1 It's W—iafal Lit Artflta -klpp> I.M Balrl 1*
      783 words
    • 207 23 PAAF will send 3-man team to Taiwan yi anila, Thurs. A'nateur Athletic Fesending a three-man delegation to the Asian Games Federation (AOF) council meeting In Tehran on Nov. 15-16, PAAF secretary g c n c r al Arsenlo de Borja said yesterday. PAAF president Ambroslo Padilla. first vice president Julian
      AP  -  207 words
    • 243 23 Chartchai plans to stop challenger Hanagata in six OANOKOK. Thurs. World flyweight boxing champion Chartrhal Chlonoi wound up his ring training today for his title bout against Japan's Susumu Hanagata and announced, ''I'm fit enough and I'm going to keep my title." Chartchai, three times world flyweight champion, is making
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    • 173 23 Kaeser: Russians can play Cup tie in Santiago SANTIAOO, Thurs. Helmut Kacser, Swiss secretary-general of the International Football Federation iFIPA), said here yesterday there was no problem In the way of the World Cun qualifying match between Chile and the Soviet Unlnn taking place In Santiago. The Soviet Football Association
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    • 82 23 JAKARTA. Thurs.—lndonesia has received an Invitation from Hor, Korux to take part In an international badminton tournament In tne Colony in December, a spokesman of the Indonesian Badminton Associstlon said today. He said the association was still studying the Invitation. Informed sources said Indcneila was likely to
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 177 23 /thoroughbred... V m Best value* \ior your money a^^U^__^aVMa^Eaßßk^^P^^a^| lßaTawaT""^^^^r Optional extras: Quartz lodine 4 head- >^° aaaw M^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^f lamp .ystem directionally controlled d IDCP linked to steering, rear heated window. a9^BoaV^Efafm I M'Chehn XAS tyres, power steering. I power operated dual circuit disc brakes. The CITROEN 'SUPER' possesses the
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous

  • 147 24 pAIRO. Than. An V; Egyptian official said today be had no knowledge of in? Soviet troo9s in Egypt to help police the ceasefire. Bat he said the Soviet Union had already indicated' that It wii ready to send troops into the war tone. Dr. Ashraf
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  • 53 24 EABT BERi.TN. Thur*. w Btrllner. Kurt lachke. hu been aentrnced to TV4 yean J«u ben for trying to smuggle people out of afeat Oermanjr, n wu ported today. The official comtnunut newgpaprr Neuea Oeutgohtond tald In iv report that he had been acting on behalf of "criminal human"
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 458 24 rONDON TTiura TIM Slock markri cloaad :i,.M in qul.l two-war trmdtac today after aa aaxllar advanca w U parad br raporta of a La military atari. MawiTar. IM undTWii ramalntd firm wtta man laad«n on* or two paaea hapdar. Al I p.m. Tt* financial Tlm«a Mai wma am
    458 words
  • 189 24 Forged shares: Court told of link with Malaysia HONGKONG. Thur*.— Police believe a Malaysian-based syndicate was involved in recent forged Hongkong share certificates, a district court Judge was told today. Forged shares in two local companies. Mcl Hon and Orient Overseas, were discovered here last September. Two men appeared in
    Reuter  -  189 words
  • 37 24 DAMASCUS. Thim. Office of the Arab Boycott of I«rael announcement today It will blacklist foreign alrllnrs and ships which use Israeli alrportj or ports before Israel withdraws IU forow from all occupied Arab writortes. -DPI
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  • 355 24 BANGKOK, Thura PRIME MINISTER Sanya Thammasak today preseiited to the National Assembly a 14-polnt statement giving the broad outlines of the new Thai Government's future internal and foreign policies. It was Mr. Sanya's first appearance at the National Assembly since hi replaced Field Marshal
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  • 115 24 NIXON PUTS IT OFF AGAIN WASHINGTON. Thurs. President Nixon called off a nationally televised conference today which had been expected to focus on the Middle East crisis and his handling of the Watergate controversy. It marked the second time In as many days that Mr. Nixon had abruptly switched *U
    115 words
  • 32 24 TRIOPLI. Thurs Libya h*> intimated rom^nsatlon due for BrttUh Petroleum iBD assets, nationalised In December 1971. at 25.550.73S Dinars i about SS2OO million > the Libyan news agency Ama reported today Reuter
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 417 24 Daiwa has the international expertise necessary for a wide range of investment banking requirements Everyone knows the full extent of the growth of the Tokyo capital market. But did you know that as a securities underwriter and distributor in this strong-growing economy, Daiwa is an important factor? The volume of
      417 words
    • 132 24 a^BBBBBBBBaB '--&i' W \t lr m\\\\ I 1 Watcrwa ol Swiuarland Eaatam Waicfi Co Laa day a Co DBS BuiMmg. 2K. South Bndga Road. TOO. Nonh Brdoa Road. Lai Towers Ovaraaai Union Shopping Canlra. Panwiaula Shopping Compaja Kalong Shopping Canlra Panmsula Shopping ComphM CX Tang (S) Pla It*).. Lam Wan
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  • Page 24 Miscellaneous