The Straits Times, 24 October 1973

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 22 1 The Straits T imes TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 250,000 Efltd. 1845 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1973 20 CENTS M.C. (P) 28/7S I
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  • 929 1 TANK, AIR BATTLES AGAIN Ceasefire breaks down TEL AVIV, Tuesday MEW tank and air battles raged on the Suez Canal front today between Israeli and Egyptian forces less than 1 2 hours after the United Nations ordered ceasefire came into force last night. The full scale resumption of the war
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  929 words
  • 286 1 THE Security Council was called to an emergency session today to consider new steps to enforce the ceasefire. An earlier report from Cairo said the government had asked for the meeting "so that the i*i superpowers (Sc.vlet Union and US) can shoulder their responsibilities towards
    Agencies  -  286 words
  • 100 1 WASHINGTON, Tues. —An Israeli force of FM tanks and 15,000 mr.i Is holding ueariy if* square miles (1,300 M kms) of Egyptian .and. according to intelligence reports reaching the Pentagon. Informed sources said rough casualty estimates showed that the combined Arab forces had until
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 429 1 Red murder town under curfew SUNGEI SIPUT (Perak), Tuesday A ROUND-THE-CLOCK curfew was imposed last night after a communist terrorist shot dead a Special Branch sergeant in a crowded restaurant following an abortive grenade attack on the police station. Sgt Chong Kek On, 54. was shot at point blank range
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  • 55 1 RIO DE JANEIRO. Tuee. Fifty-eight people were rescued when a Brazilian Vasp Airlines Japanese-built Samurai turboprop airliner, carrying 60 passengers and crew, crashed Into Ouanbara Bay moments alter take-off here today. Two people were killed and 26 had minor Injuries. The plane stayed afloat for about
    UPI  -  55 words
  • 38 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— At toast 16 people. Including five women. were Injured when a but with SO pasacngtn aMrVaU and over-turned In a ditch beside the Federal Hjfhwav-Jalan Klang roundabout here this afternoon.
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  • 22 1 WASHINOTON. Tuas. Vice President Iran Van Huong. 70, of South Vietnam wu admitted to Walter Reed Arm; Medical Centra yesterday.—AP.
    AP  -  22 words
  • 24 1 NCW DKLHI. Tuas. India today rlaapatahad by air a taam of 10 doctora and 10 una of Ue-aavlng drugs to Syria. UPI.
    UPI  -  24 words
  • 83 1 DORT MORESBY, Tues. Papua New Guinea tribesmen, who demanded A>l million (853.4 million) compensation After one of their people was killed by a car driven by a member of a rival tribe, have agreed to accept ASXJOOO (B*,Boo> Instead. But tbe dispute, which resulted In savage battles between
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  • 30 1 YOKO6UICA. Tues. Two US nirjr Jets from the attack carrier Midway today collided In mkl-alr and crashed Into tht saa oft southern Japan, killing one pilot. Mam
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  • 166 1 GUNMEN IN 4 CARS KIDNAP AIRLINE MANAGER BUENOS AIRES. Tues. Ounmen kidnapped the Latin -American manager of Swissair yesterday and demanded a big ransom for his release, company officials said. The kidnapping of Mr. Kurt Schmidt, 43. came only 48 hours after police rescued another kidnapped foreigner, British Tobacco Co.
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 24 1 HAVVMA. Tuas. Pour people were lulled and another It Injured In floods caused by a cyclone over eastern Cuba last weak. Ranter.
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  • 18 1 TOKYO, Tuae. Japanese Prime Minister Kakuel Taaaka will Tint atveial South-east Asian nations In mid-January Reutar
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 88 1 TrtENNA. Tues. A v Rumanian Oovernment official has been executed after being found guilty of taking bribes from foreign businessmen, the Rumanian press reported today. The official. Jon Tudora, was tried by a military court In Bucharest for "betraying the interests of the home- land" and
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 709 1 Impeach Nixon move nears climax I WASHINGTON, Tiwcday pHESSURK for the impeachment of President Nixon increased today. But Congressional leaders are moving cautiously although many Americans appear to have decided that the President should go. A public opinion poll yesterday showed that 48 per cent felt that Mr. Nixon should
    Reuter  -  709 words
  • 66 1 Dollar slides again LONDON. Tues. The US dollar lod>" continued IU gnu) j* decline on E '.rpean foreign exchange market* in response to the latest political upheavals in the United State.. In London, the British pound strengthened to U552.***** compared with last night's dosing rate of SZ.43M. In FRANK rTKT.
    Reuter  -  66 words
    • 94 1 Nixon: Move by Democrats WASHINGTON, Toes. House Democratic lenders decided today to begin an Inquiry into whether (rounds exist to start Impeachment proceedings iiaimt President NUon. The agreement, stavlnc off for the Ume being a flood of Impeachment resolutions Introduced by Democrats, came at a closed meeting of the 23--metnber
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    • 50 1 WASHINGTON Tues. Former L'S AttsraeyGenenl Elliot L. Richardson aald today the ultimate judnnent on the Watergate eriaia moat be made br the American people. He said he is not the man to paaa judgment on the question of whether President Nixon should be Impeached. AT.
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    • 19 1 WASHINGTON. Tae*. resident Nixon today held orient talks with Dr. Kissinger on the Middle East crisis. —•cater.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 4 1 Jk■ i I" "^BaHB"i
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    • 124 1 MORE BUSES SOON ON ROADS PAGE 17 Mr rEACE sUU a long way off' 2 ARAB oil cats to stay S STORE has to treble export* by 17 5 CALL for instant ■live In' flats 7 DIRECTOR admits $300.0O» fraud 18 BISINESS TIMES 9 12 TV. RADIO 17 CROSSWORD II
      124 words
    • 116 1 m f*U%\* C LOC KS CHUNCHONG 4fOfi>J%. 62 South Bridge ßJ.S pore 1. Tel: *****. SB' bbbbbt w af LaaaT^r LaaaW' LaaaaaT^ aaafl For cur aim, there is the LaavJ9 I striped or softly shimmered B^tt| Palazzo from Switterland. FWJ&sfaßlßHir Fine embroidered ruts fron> Germany And the brilliant H^^^l I
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  • World News
    • 843 2 LONDON. Tims. gEVERAL European countries last night welcomed the Middle East ceasefire but sounded warnings about the future. West German Chancellor WillyBrandt hailed the ceasefire, but said he was still concerned about the war-torn area. Mr. Brandt told a closed-door meeting
      Agencies  -  843 words
    • 50 2 Geneva. tu«j. The InUraatlonal Ud Groat Onmmlttt (ICRC> ha< ractlnd IUU with Uw Mm of marc than 1.000 Arab wmr prlaonen captured bjr laraaf In urn MMfcU* But war, and 1U rvpnamUUvcs are vjuing Umb In camps whan they art bald, an icrc apokaaaan said ban today Raator.
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    • 251 2 UNITED NATIONS, Tuesday U.N. diplomats worked today on plans for policing the Infant Middle East ceasefire, with support growing for the use of American and Soviet troops. The only hitch was China. Diplomats reported Increasing backing to suggestion* that Moscow and Washington send unite
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    • 65 2 BHattJT, Tues. Syria holds about Z Israeli prisoners-of-war, the An Nahar newspaper reported. Amon» them are- morr than U air force pilota. It qaoted Informed source* la Damascus as aaytaf. The taper Mid M* Israeli offlcert uid soldiers were captured dnriiu til* flr«t two
      AP  -  65 words
    • 283 2 ISRAELIS TAKE IT WITH MIXED FEELINGS TEL AVIV. Taes. Israelis greeted their government's acceptance of the ceasefire with cautious expectation of a workable peace to come. But some seemed sceptical or Arab and Intentions. "I hope, I so very much hope It will go through," said Dtna Gonda, a
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    • 413 2 PARIS. Tues. Libyan leader Muamaiar Gaddafi today assailed the United States and the Soviet Union for "imposing a ceasefire on the Arab countries." In an interview published here, he also said he "totally disagreed" with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Syrlar President
      Reuter  -  413 words
    • 168 2 Golda's 'prize to aggression' by opposition party TPEL AVTV, Tues. The X Likud Opposition Alliance last night condemned the Government's decision to accept the ceasefire call, saying It meant giving "a prize to aggression." The rlght-of -centre Likud, based on the Gahal Party, Is opposed to any withdrawal from the
      Reuter  -  168 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 138 2 II <(> WIOS (Fl)lNcl' ff^/I 2L T a3" extend hearty congratulations to jpW DRGANISATIQy on the opening TONIGHT of the new air-conditioned PANGGONG gt Ma ONE SHOW ONLY w3£2SiS&2r~ MALAYSIAN won ibi oanwiMHio mimuu of Sir a^Z^3jt>4pß charity ÜB.DATUK HUSSEIN BONN SPJ J j?-T iSls! r PREMIERE I-.U.BW-.-.HI. JEJ&RFDNECk" (WTilt
      138 words
    • 33 2 of the year! TAI PING CARPETS' GRAND ANNUAL SALE UPTOi 50/1 1.. .Hill j Ui Pm Prom Oct 27th Oct. 30th 1973 ifL Daily 10.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m WTrrrrJ VICTORIA MEMORIAL HALL
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    • 313 3 BTOCKHOLM. Tues. Two Americans. Dr. Ivar Olaever of the General Electric Co.. and Dr. Leo Esakl ol IBM. and Englishman Dr. Brian Josephson of Cambridge today shared the 1973 Nobel Prize for physics, the Swedish Academy of Sciences said. EAST BERLIN: East Germany has agreed to step up Its
      Agencies  -  313 words
    • 885 3 'Israel must give up occupied land first 9 BEIRUT. Tun Arab embargo on oil shipments to the United States remains in effect despite the ceasefire, oil sources said today. Neither of these conditions have been met by the cease fire, the oil sources
      Agencies  -  885 words
    • 220 3 EGYPTIANS' TERROR BARRAGE. WITH ISRAELI FORCES IN EGYPT, Tues. EGYPT'S guns opened up what may have been the 17-day war's most Intensive artillery barrage against Israeli positions yesterday, minutes before the ceasefire between the two countries went Into effect Waiting to see how the fighting would end on this key
      Reuter  -  220 words
    • 35 3 MOSCOW. Tues. Tne Soviet authorities have warned the US embassy here that there may be an anti-American demonstration by Arab students outside the embassy in the near future. American sources said today. Heuter.
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 67 3 Suicide note by poet MOSCOW. Moo. Ilya Oabal. 3*. a veteran member of MoHoti small dissident community, leaped to his death from a high-rise apartment building on Friday night. It was reported yesterday Oabal. a poet acd teacher, had a note In his pocket addreaaed to his wife and relatives,
      AP  -  67 words
    • 77 3 JERUSALEM. Tues. Thousands of ecstatic Israelis smothered the sacred Walling Wall with kisses and tears of Joy at the end of the 81x-Oay War but only one couple was praying there quietly last night when a ceasefire began on the Egyptian front. Gone wen the
      AP  -  77 words
    • 240 3 Oil grab: Holland wants to clear the air rIE HAGUE, Tves. A Foreign Ministry spokesman said yesterday the Dutch Government wanted to clear up a misunderstanding with Iraq which has led to Baghdad nationalising major Dutch oil interests. Baghdad Radio said on Sunday night Iraq had decided to nationalise the
      Agencies  -  240 words
    • 26 3 WARSAW. Tues Poland baa p.edged to settle within three to five yean the question of ethnic Germans who wliii to emigrate from Poland. Renter.
      Reuter  -  26 words
    • 217 3 Agnew 'a seasoned bribe taker' says Russian paper MOSCOW. Tuesday rrtOß newspaper Lenlns--1 koe Znamya has described former US VicePresldent Agnew as "seasoned bribe taker, swindler and Influence peddler." It was the strongest criticism of Mr. Agnew to appear In the Soviet press since he resigned and was convicted of
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    • 242 3 Bangkok Special Branch chief axed in shake-up BANGKOK, Tues. Authorities today dvi j into effect a shake-up of police commanders that saw the replacement of the heads of the powerful Special Branch and the corrup-tlon-rlddied Immigration Division. Announced last night by Deputy Interior Minister Chumpol Lohachala. the shake-up was the
      242 words
    • 20 3 BEIRUT. Tues. Cairo airport was reopened (or International traffic today after being closed toe past II days. AP
      AP  -  20 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 46 3 the camera that thinks for you Minolta MHK SINGAPORE (PTE) LTD Tong Fong Bldg., sth Fir. 52-E Chin Swee Rd.. Singapore a Tel *****1 rWWVWVVrVWWWW\ArVWWrV%WVWSrVVVV I .mar INMI AmecKl nrxjj SXstl (R.Chan) Roundtr**) difficult ,l Hbfcl lot wfluchon in MCMi Shjtt In Alnci CATHAY: OPENS TOMORROW!
      46 words
    • 221 3 /SHARP\ < FREE /%i I OFFER j^,,! W Ellane 6pts. «w A pi a ti6CT nc Kettle <T_ This useful Electric Kettle |f^"^^^^^^PP^J is yours FREE when you buy li ?0T 808 c£o£3* any of the SHARP TV sets listed below. lAJI bua \&S&' This Special Offer starts on 24th
      221 words

    • 167 4 Walkout by Thieu men at ceasefire talks SAIGON. Tues—Ceasefire negotiations with the Vletcong broke down for the second time In as many days and the High Command reported a record number of communist ceasefire violations. A Vletcong spokesman amid the South Vietnamese side complained at length of a Vletcong speech
      Reuter  -  167 words
    • 182 4 SAN JUAN. Tim*. fiELLIST Fablo Casals. \j who died In San Jman yesterday at the age of 96, will be burled la Isla Verde Cemetery neat the beachfront home where he lived yean ago, his family announced. A family spokesman said today
      Reuter  -  182 words
    • 63 4 LONDON. Tues. A Foreign Office spokesman today dismissed as "utter piffle* Ugandan claims that American. British and Israeli commandos are ready to parachute Into Uganda for a surprise attack. The claim was made In Kampala by a military spokesman. President Amln said he had received a warning
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 430 4 Impeach threats: Nixon 'not worried' President confident, say White House aides WASHINGTON, Tuesday OESPITE cries of public outrage, Pre sident Ni\«.n was said by his aides yesterday to be conliilent he could ride out renewed threats of impeachment caused by his firing of Watergate pro secutor Archibald Cox. "On what
      Agencies  -  430 words
    • 174 4 HIJACKERS SET FOR SAFE PASSAGE TO CUBA LA PAZ, Tues. Four young hijackers who ordered an Argentine airliner to fly to Yaculba airstrip last Saturday were due to leave tor Cuba today after laying down their arms and releasing aU their hostages. The hijackers, members of the Uruguayan Tupamaros urban
      Reuter  -  174 words
    • 43 4 NEW YORK. TIM. Funeral service* far K-Ung Boong Kung, sifter of Madame Chang Kal-shrk and wife of s former Chinese prime minister, will be held here tomorrow Mr*. Kung died on Friday after a length; Ulness. She was M. upi
      43 words
    • 207 4 'Birth control not producing results' LONDON. Tues— Birth control experts from 100 countries were told bluntly yesterday that there Is little evidence they are bringing down the rate of population growth worldwide. The gloomy warning came from Mr Rafael Salas. director of the United Nations Fund for Populatl n Activities
      Reuter  -  207 words
    • 289 4 WELLINGTON Tues. TT New Zealand Labour Minister Hugh Watt has told his Asian counterparts they will not be able to use New Zealand for exporting their unemployed. Mr. Watt sail today he had stated this during the recent Asian Labour Ministers' conference In
      Reuter  -  289 words
    • 147 4 SUPREME STATE COUNCIL TO STAY: LON NOL PHNOM PENH, Tues. r —President Lon Nol said today the fourmember Supreme Btate Council created last April 23 with special powers would continue to rule Cambodia because of the danger still posed by commu-nist-led insurgents. The President was speaking at the Joint opening
      Reuter  -  147 words
    • 35 4 BONN. Tver Police In Hamburg seised SCO lbs of haihuh valued -USS3 million (S»6 9 million' In a raid on a drug thipment dtagulied as a cargo of onion powder from Lebanon. AP.
      AP  -  35 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 187 4 I 4 A cut aboP€ others TCT SAWS 0F W^^ DISTINCTION! W WARRIOR A CUTTER Brand. If you find your tawt a problem. TRY OURS. Wt have the right taw for your requirement*. WELLSON DIAMOND WWIELS you'll g*t the Rrtinoid A Vimat best remits Bond. for your money. Sole Agent.-
      187 words
    • 57 4 PAINFUL PILES? The majority of haemorrhoids or piles require no surgery. Itching, bleeding, pain and general discomfort .can be easily treated with Anusol. Fast acting Anusol reduces these symptoms, protects against infection shrinks piles, ana generally soothes This encourages healing to proceed naturally and quickly. Anusol for long lasting comfort.
      57 words

  • 194 5 Flash! and $150,000 fire destroys factory FIRE destroyed Singapore's largest mosquito coll factory m Jalan Chekor. off Jalan Eunos. yesterday and caused damage estimated at about $150,000. The hour-long fire was sparked off by a bolt of lightning which struck the roof of the Eng Ann Incense factory at 4.20
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  • 44 5 BINOAPORB artlat Thorau Yeo will display 11 of his latest gouache paintings in the Raya Oallery In Melbourne in a month-long exhibition opening on Nov. I. The Singapore High Commlaatoner to Australia. Mr. Punch Ooomaraxwamy. will officiate at the opening
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  • 39 5 MRS. Janice Ledebatster will give an Illustrated talk on Deeoupage at the National Library's nvetlng room on Oct 31 at 10.30 im The talk, onanlaed by the library's central adult tectlon. la open to the public.
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  • 530 5  -  BHEN SWEC YONG By SINGAPORE will need to treble Its exports by 1977 If It Is to achieve the set target of a 15 per cent growth rate over the next five years, Finance Minister Mr. Hon Sul Sen said yesterday. He
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  • 135 5 SINGAPORE soprano Madam Huang Phay Chlng and daughter Vlvlenne Wee gave a combined plano-volce concert at the Conference Hall last night. There was ample variety and spice In ttv? programme with Madam Huang singing In an unaffected manner a range of songs
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  • 192 5 Women's Lib all done in lights by Sumatran dancers 11/OMKN-S Liberation TT In choreography turned oat to be a piece of torchlight fantasy. At least that was how members of the Sumatran Cultural Mlvrion saw and presented women's need for emancipation at the National Theatre last night. Tile dance called
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  • 147 5 RESEARCH ON COSTS 'NOT OUTDATED' rE study which the Applied Re s c arch Corporation made on production costs, at the request of the Singapore Manufacturers Association, was not out of date, as stated in a Straits Times report on Oct. 13. SMA chairman Mr. One Leng Chuan said In
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  • 384 5 A SENIOR school teacher alleged In the High Court yesterday that her husband, an examinations officer, had tried to coax her into secretly divorcing him so that he could marry another woman. "My husband said this was only a legal solution to the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 511 5 K. Ss^Bs^^B^r ss^sH^Bsl m~. Wttm IK^BB II Bs^Lr sHa^sW ssVask^ayß Xl sss^ssw^^^asß Bs^aV!s^sV asS s^ss^ss^ss^Ess^ss^ss^ss^ss^ss^ssb^ss^ss^ss^ss^ss^ss^ss^ss^ss^ss^ss^ a^ss^ss^ss^ss^ss^ss^ss^ss^ss^ss^ss^ss^ss^ss^ss^sslss^ss^ssls^H^ss^ssi W^K J^^| A^ss^ss^Bsk -^BsC^sSSbs^^^?Sb^s^B^^BsL«W^^^ mm* Mm* mmW mWSfZ^ JmrnW mW^mm LsV s^Bs^Bs^Bfew. fl P^L^^I B ssß^?^^^^Bs^s^bß^Btt^s ß^Bs^BsS La^^^ tsv BsTSs^k. V^blb! .4MT Jbsb Bsb B^siaß BwZ^V lafl LtK A sw Ba^BsWl^sas^BsT 9 a^BB I^Ba
      511 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 250 6 ISS op3is*TopAY! aSS j: Cm Sin tiimld bnd W j: I*A<T«««m«>i»»«»li»<««tt«» CaMmt Clmii Im llllllit Mm )ini| D.IH In O~«« IkmMii. SIMULTANEOUS MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! Majestic Odeon-KatoiK| Ruby Silver City MIDNIGHT TONIGHT SIMULTANEOUSLY AT 4 THEATRES Jurong Drive- In Cinema Odeon Cathay Orchard SEUEH TO QflE v^#ir!j Sli«xn££ Kuan '-iJLXxkg
      250 words
      70 words
    • 243 6 TIOIKJCOfifINW.? THE LATEST CRfIZE INCRfIZINESSfINbSONQ To sty the Tiongco Brothers singing trio are mad is to underestimate them. They're cuckoo l The zaniest songsters we've presented. Of course, there's method in their madness. It pays off I For you in fun. For them in success. Since 1961 they've been headlining.
      243 words
    • 158 6 feliv HOUSE OF FASHION FOR LADES CHILDREN wishes youa §apjp>Y §api RaYa cyasa Fabulous Discounts of 20% for the Festive Season. Offer valid for 15 days. B-16 HIGH STREET CENTRE (BASEMENT) NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. SINGAPORE 6. TEL: ***** jV^i^iTZ THE MEETING PLACE j^ in Singapore if Rl 1 L S
      158 words
    • 359 6 \O \V AT CAPITOL S Shows doily: Horn, 1.30, 4.00, 645 9.30 p.m. A trie, Icrrifriif stffy of orginised crime liiiertd with bo*e», UMWe. killiigj. betrayals, beitiift, 19SbHBK -wVll IbV^^^^bV^*^-^ THEvnLncHi; PBPERSH#j star, ing CHARLES BRONSON as Joe Valachi UNO VENTURA. JILL IRELAND. JOSEPH WbEMAN Direde. by Terete Yoaig (of
      359 words
    • 677 6 W CATHAY > P^ lIHNItITIH OVBMt TODAY) VKACK PAMTHIB" Mondorin'i "l Ch7n Ytn Non Sh«» Ji CokxScop* Enghih Sub* I S J«iwm Brtn-la Chmm Ji TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT Ji Jl irviN TO ONr- Moodor.n ]> Shang Kuon Ling Fung ,> I 1 Yoiuaki Kurata Scop. i 1 Color Englnti
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  • 219 7 Hold-up men hi jack car to escape YJOVE rc.bbers hijacked r a car on Monday morning because they found themselves without transport after a robbery In .Serangoon Road. Later they di mped the car owner. Mr. Lew Teng Hup. Upper Aljunled R(Ad and escaped. It happened after the robbers held
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  • 164 7 rE positions of the leading players In the Philippines International che&s tournament w e r slightly changed after the conclusions ol suspended games played on Sunday In Manila. US grandmaster LJubomlr Kavalek still leads with 3i points followed by Rev. Lombardy also of
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  • 328 7 Call for sale of 'instant live-in flats HDB SHOULD GIVE THE PUBLIC A CHOICE 'pHK Housing Board should sell standardised furnished flats as an option to the public, the MP for Toa Payoh, Mr. Eric Cheong, suggested yesterday. Speaking at the balloting ceremony of 346 units of Toa Payoh point-block
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  • 142 7 TAN Chow Heng alias David Tap. 45, former salesman of Phoa Trading Co. Pte. Ltd., In Tanglln Road, was Jailed for 18 months yesterday for criminal breach of trust of $8,379.48 belonging to his firm. He pleaded guilty In the Fourth District Cc.urt to committing,
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  • 27 7 QUEEN Elisabeth stopped over In Singapore for an hour early yesterday on her way home from Sydney where she officially opened the Sydney Optra Houae.
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  • 65 7 BKVXN employers were fined a total of U.6TO yesterday for falling to pay Centra! Provident Fund contributions for their employees In time. They were Chua Chu Chal. who waa fined S«0 E.H. Scott SSO Chan Quek Seng MM. Sim Hock Ouan SIJOO. eastern Ship Supply Co
    65 words
  • 50 7 MORE than ISO trade union leaders from 43 countries attending the international Federation of Petroleum and Chemical Workers congress (IPPCWi here next week will discuss how to cope with multi-national corpora lions. The sU-day meeting will be held at Trade Union Houae In Bhenton Way from Tuesday.
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  • 186 7 Price of pork won't go up after all pOKK merchants have 1 agreed not to raise prices by 10 cents a katl a* price* of pis. have faUen aUghtly. Thla was announced in a stateßaent by the Primary Production Department yesterday. Last week, butchers knocked down prices by 1* cents
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  • 79 7 Jayceettes installation dinner THE Singapore Jayceettes. an titillate of the Junior Chamber of Singapore, will held Itn Installation dinner and dance at the Hyatt Hotel on Nov. 10 at 7 30 pm. The 1974 board of directors to be Installed are atavs Jenny Ho (president). Ml** Violet Ooh (first vice
    79 words
  • 54 7 Don't throw rubbish about TUX Mlnlitry of the Environment announced veatarday that only partial cleana>nc and refuse removal aarvle* will be provided on Dee pa vaj tomorrow and Bail Rays Puaaa on Monday Tbe public should cooperate by uatn« plaauc ba«s for the temporary atorag* of rafuaa Normal service will
    54 words
  • 56 7 A CORONKR yesterday recorded a suicide verdict on the death of cake-saUar Kaaaaaamy Thevar RamaHngaas. M. whoaa body waa found is a drain on Tan Kit Road on Sept. JO The court heard that he waa in debt and had a rope tied round his neck whan
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  • 26 7 ABDUL Hamld bin Hajl All Mohammed. 11. waa fined M 000 reaterdar for having 11 gramma, of cannabU at Woodlanda Cuatom. checkpoint on Monday.
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  • 25 7 TORABAMY Thangapan Cl. »v fined no yasKrday (or being drunk and incapable at the PSA Container Wharf on Oct. 16 •bout UlO pm
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  • 82 7 Causeway crash kills two TIWO Malayans w«rc 1 killed when a ear they were Uavelllai In was Involved Ihinl•Won with a stationary lorry at the Sln«a»ore end of the C'aaaeway shortly aftct I.M «n rcsterdar. PoUce identified them as Mr. Em Moo Chin. U. the driver, and Mr. Ng Khenc
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  • 202 7 Jobless man: I'm ready to go to jail IN UNEMPLOYED man. who failed to maintain his three children since 1669, told a magistrate yesterday that he was prepared to go to Jail as he could not afford to support them. Ng Mak Scan. 40. said UUs when First Magistrate Mr.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 533 7 WOW' YOUR HANDWRITING ANALYZED :mi, m BY COMPUTER m I Objectively. completely. ft 1 with amazing accuracy! 1 Get the inside story on YOU! PARTY. I iwo^e» l When analysed by CHART'S giant IBM computer with our unique I why v-ti V'rtToVi VIB- 75 copyrighted programme, your handwriting may tell
      533 words
    • 381 7 IBYomeishu A GUARDS YOUR P3 GOOD HEALTH. J Taking Yomec4iu ensures good health and p-- builds up rests ance against disease. lt also gives relief from many physical disorders. poor A»»fiiu aiso Ofoemvi otsoftotßs 0k A glass ol Vomeishu laken before meals stimulates >t<e 1,. 1 appetite and helps the
      381 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 380 8 HOPEFULLY, the resumption of ArabIsraeli fighting on the Slnal front is not Irrevocable. Ceasefire violations ln an early post-war period are not unusual. But yesterday's communiques from Cairo and Tel Aviv described a more disturbing situation than the eruption of minor skirmishes. Both military commands said that in
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    • 164 8 SINGAPORE Is not moving fast enough to meet the drug problem effectively, said Mr. John Hanam, director of the Central Narcotics Bureau at the seminar which launched the Anti-drug-abuse Week organised by the Singapore AntlNarcotks Association. Inadequate treatment and rehabilitation facilities for drug abusers, say doctors, Is
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  • 450 8 Music genius with a flair for politics DABLO CASALS, r the celebrated cellist and conductor who died on Monday aged 96, represented a type of musicianship almost extinct today. His muilcianshlp had its roots ln the romantic traditions of the 19th century. As such he was a romantic himself, and
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  • 705 8  -  ELI AS AN TAR: CAIRO By (\ti the morning of yJ June 11. IN7. no one ln Egypt remembered a handsome, smartly dressed f ello by the name of Thutmoses The Third. Egypt's arved forces then lay sha'tered at Israel's feet ifter the Six-
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  • 987 8  - Search for a lasting peace as war goes on BERNARD GWERTZMAN -By- Washington -I WASHINGTON and Moscow are set to take the lead in trying to prod Israel and Arab nations into negotiating a permanent settlement despite renewed Middle East fighting. Details of Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger's talks
    UPI  -  987 words
  • 401 8  -  LOU S CAMELS By ISRAEL Is the only nation on earth whose army can use the Bible as a handbook ln troop orientation. "Orientation" Is a military euphemism for pep talks designed to build and maintain soldiers' morale. Since much of the Old Testament is devoted
    401 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 62 8 Unifl! CD PIANO ACCORDIONS cjj vwmm f>—* tmmx l*. a i»t«. m*mm %mm IMMt, Xllri. UWttliaiJl !Urttt-««. Slql, Utawi (last rt I. »«r». H foil t Mt-Sl Will 11//////^ "kuMt x*js Wlillm/Mr/ USknw> WJ 11u/ssbbbbF/ 37Mrv aituuitMtM ■IsmlHsbPv I7un ■"<»•><»«* MKj' »trtt 111, 41 myt 120 turn l\mM BJKr Him
      62 words
    • 341 8 SUPERMARKET 3rd. Dr., Shaw Centre, Scotts Rd Spore 9 MARIGOLD Eviponted Milk K J 02 $0.50 FAIRCO hMta-li $1.65 JACK BEAN STALK. Con m tke Cob-3 eari $1.75 FAIRCO Cfceese Wileri-4soz $2.00 PART-AID hstut Soft Drink Mix— lo pkis.So.9o W GOURMET b^ SNACKS... fef'f^jJ $1.60 per tin. Corn Chips Nu
      341 words

    10 words
  • 1162 9 HOW 'SMART MONEY' CAN INFLUENCE THE MARKET |N THIS final article in the series, let me first examine briefly the psychological and other characteristics of the market as a whole, involving more the assessment of the participants rather than the game itself. This is important for the stock market student,
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  • 386 9 YEW YORK: The 11 forces feeding International Inflation appear to be weakening, according to Mr. H. Johannes Wlttenveen, managing director of the International Monetary Fund. In an addreu here to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nation*, he said: "There U some reason to
    Reuter  -  386 words
  • 129 9 THE Commercial Bank ■1 of Australia (CBA) has opened a regional representative office In Singapore. The office, at Mandarin Hotel, U headed by Mr. William J. Foreman, representative for South-east Asia. Mr. Foreman said the opening of the Singapore office "stgnifW the desire of CBA to play
    129 words
  • 191 9  -  SON TIANG KENG By JAPANESE lnvest- ment In Singapore has reached $235 million (US$lO2 million) by June this year. This has reached the level of Japanese Investment In Thailand. In Singapore, there are about 140 joint ventures, of which 100 are In the
    191 words
  • 300 9  - Specialised air travel for local oil men soon TAN LIAN CHOO By TWE idea is to "create" 1 a new market, not to compete In the existing market for air travel. And earning to create this new market In Singapore la Mr. Eddie Wannissian (above), who has a wealth of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 133 9 THE COMPLETE BANK is also at JURONG providing a full range of commercial banking facilities for all— the individual right up to the largest corporation. i Cvi rent, Savings Short-term facilities for Import and Fixed Deposit Accounts and Export financing and performance. Cash facilities for payroll r, w material and
      133 words
    • 112 9 LLJLSLkJ computers Bjji pi^^ 1 Lighters in solid 18 carat gold, plated in gold or silver. ORFEVRES A PARIS Sole Agents CASEY ENTERPRISES PTE. L TD. Rooms 230/231, S 'am ford House, 39. Stamford Road, Singapore 6. u-Bix QUALITY* ECONOMY U-BIX copies anything. Excellent, dean. dear. •harp copies ovorytime. On
      112 words

  • 775 10 RECORD profits have been announced by Malayawata Steel. For the year ended March 1973 profits galloped ahead, and at an accelerating pace, so that accumulated losses have been knocked down to a manageable $198 million from $5.56 million previously. At $4.1 million
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  • 479 10 IS NATIONAL Bank of i San Diego has been declared Insolvent. In what Federal authorities describe as the biggest bank failure In US his tory. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., which was named receiver, accepted a bid of US$B9.5 million frr.n Crocker Bank of San Francisco to take
    479 words
  • 605 10  - New techniques play a leading role in Thailand's rubber boom UVEDALE TRISTRAM By DISCOVERIES made during recent aerial and ground surveys of rubber acreage In Thailand may herald the biggest boom In the history of Southeast Asian rubber production. According to Dr. Jack Bienco we, a British rubber specialist, who
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  • 338 10 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Esso Singapore has announced the promotions In Its controller's department of Mr. Wont Eng Howe to manufacturing accounting manager and Mr. George Ong Beng Chye to marine Si marketing accounting manager. Mr. Wong, a member of the Australian Society of Accountants and the Singapore Society of Accountants,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 247 10 I DIRECT TO AUSTRALIA I I EASTERN QUEEN I 4 F ult\ wr-conditton*dr Superior one class vessel Regular Sailings from SINGAPORE to FREMANTLE Fares from ***** Nov O«c (1974) 3. 21 9, 27 14, 31 i for bookings A enquiries Consult your Tnvil Agent or SFEIHII Singapore Australia SMFffWG co
      247 words
    • 404 10 Your next step should beSanwa Finding the answers to your questions on international business and banking is one of our main functions. So naturally, we have an experienced staff for this purpose. And we pride ourselves on efficiency —we give you results, not run-arounds It's no coincidence that we've been
      404 words

    • 146 11 Rites H. Leong $4.J2 +M T. Cables 52.54 +.24 B *awat $2.00 +.22 BBS $2.70 +J0 B«> $2.98 +.18 Inch $8.40 -t .15 8. Trad. $8.70 +.15 Aeaia $3.80 +.14 M.U. Ind. $1.74 +.1J Carls. $2.21 +.1! K. Guan $2.10 +.10 XL lad. $2.40 +.10 FE L'ston
      146 words
    • 1535 11 THE last transacted sale x at the Stock Exchange ol Singapore yesterday compared with previous day* price together with 1*73 high and low. ('Adjusted (or all new issues) CLOMNO TOM» All sections closed vary steady. TUKNOVR: Official total turnover on the Singapore trading room a* supplied by the
      1,535 words
    • 330 11 TtHE Stock ExA change of Singapore yesterday entered an erratic phase as operators switched their attention from one counter to another. In most shares, the opening trend was steady to Arm but profit-tak-ing later changed the tide. On k >'f*fT the market closed on a better tally,
      330 words
    • 1596 11 dally listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of share* traded shown In brackets In lots of 1,000 unit* unleas otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Acssa (3 528 3 60S) (1) 340. (1) 3.63. (1) 34*. (1) 3.M. A.T.I .1
      1,596 words
    • 1419 11 DID and offer prices officially luted and business In and iepci»»< to Urn Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of share* traded shown In bracket* In lots of 1.000 unlu unless otherwise specified. INDUSTsUALS A. Tap* (I.TTB 1808) il) 1 71. (4) 1.77, (1) 1.7*. Alcan
      1,419 words
    • 296 11 KL blue chips remain steady SHARK values were generally higher following a firm early tradIng session In the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. Speculative attention remained pinned on cheaper counters. The market bngan on a fairly active note which continued throughout the day. Industrial heavyweights were quietly steady and the
      296 words
      • 28 11 Rubber Oct 23. Singapore ISf.M cU (ap «.5» et). Malaysia l'«M (down »5« ct). Tin $718. (down m cte). Official offering m tons (down 18 tans).
        28 words
      • 104 11 MIHStI rdOOUCI IX CMANQI lINOAPOHS NOOH CLOSING •KICI* MR •■CUL vsivsaoAV. I I oil bulk SSI Milan. dninr I*l Mllm. Coatai tuxtt (loo*.) UK/ 0001. (411 B. PHMII M untok AST A wall* fob. 100% NLW 12*9 Mllm. Sarawak wbHa Icb. NLW 1270 Mltan. Sarawak ipoctal Mack fob. M«
        104 words
      • 33 11 tea ilon «op**r prMoi ca Monday (previous in btackau). winter spot tune <*si.oo lfS**.OO) Mllor IISST.OOl: Tkrw month* buror i«2» 00 IiSSt.M) otUar iSII.OO (1KM.O0). ■UrkM Mm: IrrrtuUt. •.US loss.
        33 words
      • 29 11 THE Malaysian Palm OH Prooucers Association (MPOPA) yesterday announced the following UK/CIF prices for Malaysian Palm OU Feb. £182. Mar. £175. Apr/ June £173, and Jul/Dec. £189.
        29 words
    • 157 11 ASIAN currency deposit Interbank rates a* at close on Tuesday, Oct. 23 Source: P. Murray -Jones International. btl Ext 1 (■MO* friaa) 1 mth 13-1/2 13-1/8 1 mttu 11-1/1 11 mtlM 12-5/8 13-7/1 12 mth* 12-5/8 13-3/4 rOBKION EXCHANGE SPOT PRICES UB/£ 2.4436 3.4430 US/Bw Pr. 3.0300
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    • 235 11 ffiHE Straits tin price In 1 Penan g yesterday shed 82J cents to $710.50 per plcul on an official offering down 18 tons to 277 tons. The overnight London metal price was very steady with forward buyers quoted £29 higher than Friday's close to ££.213
      235 words
    • 458 11 rvPENINO prices on the Singapore rubber market yesterday were marked down 2 cents following the Middle East ceasefire whereafter quiet conditions ruled throughout. Better demand for nearby however Improved the market against renewed offers of forwards, establishing a small premium again for November RSS One. Afternoon rubber
      458 words
    • 78 11 r»AH V SMR price* issued J noon yesterday: *■> Nsv. Dec LB. BCV 5L 10 10 60 BQm Seller* Bayer* llUm C«ata per U- Onto *«r kf (1-too Pmlltt) 167 00 158 00N 157 00 159 DON (1-ton Pmllet) 1M.60 '&5506 IMM 1M SCS (1-ton Pmllpt) 160 00
      78 words
    • 158 11 KUALA LI MPIR: renlnanla Malaysia's production of palm oil In August waa 7 J.412 tons compared with the revised flrut of 84.145 In July, aoeordin*- to the Department of Statistic*. Export of palm oil In August totalled 57.527 compared with 4»,511 tons la July. Stocks at the
      158 words
    • 52 11 rpHS U8 dollar opened yesterday morning at (2.3110— (4J120 In the Singapore foreign exchange "i«i*f< Small ""J 1 for the dollar aaw it being traded at the level of tl JIM However, news of violation of tha oaasaftre m the Middle bat brought the rwte to does at
      52 words
    • 162 11 The following arc the nominal average closing Interbank rates In Singapore: «»ted )MUrd*v («ros) ■•rtty mm US dollar a 3120 2 3130 2.8196 UOO Sterling pound t.641S ***** 7 3469 23.21 Hongkong dollar 45 M 45 72 50 41 —9 M Malaysian dollar 103 20 102 40 100.00
      162 words
    • 2 11
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    • 225 11 JJONOKONO Tues—Bell- ing pressure wiped out earl) sharp gains In snare price* on the stock market today trading was ectlve. The Hang Beng Index shed 965 points to 527.40 Hongkong Bank dropped to HK*2*.SO on lv Local register and to »2«00 on it* London register Turnover on the four
      225 words
    • 102 11 On tta Im •>••<•«■• lasrkrt ID Honskoas OB Iktlurdsy MM U.I. o»Hsr was «uot«d st 5.0*/ 3.ons for T.T. and t.OS for Bass, si»riMi aaa oiaot«d si 12.27 and m u.i •< old quoted at Source: Singapore Nomura Merchant Banking. Ippon Knl 1M 1 •»!»>■ Had. IB
      102 words
    • 116 11 TOKYO, Tues— Price* on 1 the Tokyo Stock Exchange rained ground sharply with blue chips leading The market moved higher in the morning In favourable reaction to the cease-lire In the Middle Bast and under the support of buying by investment trust fine*. The Dow-Jonas average wa* up 46
      116 words
    • 56 11 r 7UHICH, Mon. A moderate volume was noted In todays market with declines In the majority. Price changes, however, fluctuated within a narrow range. Bonds remained unchanged. The Credit Bulsse Index dipped OM to 269 7 point* Clonus prMM la Swim frue* vita Urn dlffaronc* on tbt previous mmmo'i
      56 words
    • 143 11 MELBOURNE, Tuas.— i Industrial share* remained firm in quiet trading on the Melbourne Stock Exchange today. Rises and falls were roughly In balance on the mining boards where total turnover was low. BHP went against the trend In the Industrial* and cloned down at A(7.*4. On the mining boards.
      143 words
    • 195 11 TUXW YORK. Mon Jlttcry Investors sent prices lower across a fairly broad front amid threats that lmpeachmen'. proceeding* may be taken agaln*t President Nixon for his handling of the latest developments In the Watergate affair. The New York Btock Exchange common stock Index fell 0(1 to 58 M
      195 words
    • 248 11 Swim Baak Corpn. 3*70 unrh. I'nioo Baak S*M 10 g»lualr »7» Eltlitr«w«ii UM nack. HokXrtMmk US aack. 9»i.. Reinmr UM —100 Zurich Inaur. SSOOBM Brown Bonn irncn. suii.r, Panic 400 +io Null. 4009 S cib*-o>i*r MOO —to H m»nn-L» f? il 111 INO* unch. IkUMOI 4473 IS J«lmoh
      248 words
    • 87 11 'As si On. 1O Fund sf Aim tKrlla* AH II rund of Auat. (IS dolur) 12 92 (Prom Oc 1 to 11> Property BowU o' Auil. AII. JO PBA lattraatuaal A4S.W Fu AMrMa as 14 Ptpalco Ik Ml) V Philip Morria IMS <4 Royal Dulck 41>. kill Pt
      87 words
    • 96 11 FINANCIAL TIMES TINS Monday M4O Friday »44* Weak ago *34* BIBBERS Monday Mill Friday 4«.52 We** ajo 4M33 OILS Monday ***** Friday M 1.73 Week ago 347.M INDUSTRIALS Monday 4M4 Friday 437.7 Week ago 4314 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Monday M 0 67 Frldaj M 3.73 Week ago M
      96 words

  • 491 12 Scan Dutch container fleet strength rwNCE again another of Scan Dutch's latest container vessel har graced Singapore's harbour on a maiden voyage. Nedlloyd Delft (see picture), seventh and "last link" In ScanDv t c h's container fleet, arrlvea in the Republic yesterday. This third generation contalnershlp's arrival brings the present
    491 words
    • 521 12 'On-line real time system' for jet-speed information ■TODAY'S managers I A are frequently bombarded with new tools and concepts of all sorts, all In the name of improving efficiency and moder nising management. Thus, the bewildered manager, unless he keeps abreast with current developments, often finds himself lost in the
      521 words
    • Article, Illustration
      121 12 MR. PGM. "Curly" Lee managing director of Thomas Cowan, has announced the introduction of a new pest control service. The service makes use of a net, a specially trained bull-mastiff and rifle. It is for catching irillas. The custor ■> is given the rifle when me trapper climbs the
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  • 208 12  -  KINGSLEY WOOD By SYDNEY: The International Transport Workers' Federation is to mount a campaign to rain a minimum wage of £24 a month for all wanna Thin was announced by the ITWK general secretary. Mr. CH. Blyth, who has been in Australia attending a
    208 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 681 12 M SB BALL AMD ROLL£R IIBMIM^ BEARINGS t3B*3 TEL :*****3 BO SINGAPORE n^^^EtW TEU*****2 W KUALA ULJMPUR As a member of the Peninsula Group, the Marco Polo accepts amd confirms instantly any reservation for the following Group Hotels in HONG KONG: THE PENINSULA THE HONGKONG HOTEL THE EMPRESS HOTEL THE
      681 words
    • 319 12 RUCTIOn FLUOR OCEAN SERVICES, INC. OCTOBER JO 10 00 AH (C.S.T.) FLUOR FABRICATION y AHD HO« MA. LOUISIANA HYDRAULIC CRANES ETTI BONE 20 Hydraulic „r* 3 AUSTIN-WESTER', 220 Hydraulic U967 ft 19f* PILI HAHaMftSrVAftT* ON MACO 300 Of'vxxt 'ij. Acting Pila Hanwnar h jlCAN Stnala Acting 0 ,-on Pila Harrwnar.
      319 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 926 13 TOP EXECUTIVE POSITIONS INDUSTRIAL TRAINING BOARD The Industrial Training Board was established in April 73 to assume responsibility for industrial training which came under the jurisdiction of the former Technical Education Department. Its main activities include: (a) Provision of fu'i-time and part-time training in industrial training institutions (b) Promotion and
      926 words
    • 353 13 LADY SALES i EXECUTIVE 1 f An excellent opportunity to obtain job satisfaction and matt people 91 Achievement and personal contribution is the hall mark of this post. H Opportunities to meet and attend to the i requirements of Senior Management. Requirements' Singaporean lady with acceptable degree or diploma preferable
      353 words
    • 1220 13 MACHINE TOOLS DIVISIONAL SALES MANAGER Due to further expansion we have a vacancy for a Divisional Manager in our Machine Tool Department. He would be responsible for a range of machine tools covering a sector of Industry and would have a number of Sales Engineers working under his direction. He
      1,220 words
    • 23 13 Keep ii touch with the latest lews ii SARAWAK with the BORNEO BULLETIN Place your order with your regular ncwivendor or call *****1
      23 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 562 14 felda (LEMBAGA KKMAJI'AN TANAH PERSEKL'TUAN) Permohonan adalah dlpelawa d ail pad a Warganegara Malaysia yang berkelayakan untuk Jawatan. .JURUTRENGKAS KeUyakan: Mempunyal Sljll O6C/MCE BPM dengan kepuJlan dalam Bahasa Malaysla/Bahasa Inggerls. Kepantasan mengambll trengkas selaju 100 ps m (Bahasa Inggerls) dan 80 p s.m. (Bahasa Malaysia) dan menyallnnya semula dengan kepantasan
      562 words
    • 623 14 Professional Products Division Wish to appoint the following positions 1) Medical Representative based In Selanf or to cover Central West Malaysia. 2) MesUsal Representative base*] In Singapore S) Confidential Secretary baaed la PetaUng Jaya. 4) Jialor Clerk baaed la PetaUng Jaya. BeajairesnenU for Positions 1 and 2 a) Malaysian and
      623 words
    • 557 14 c Regent Kuala Lumpur p P REGENT KUAT a I UMPUR, opening end 1973 P C invite* applies ions from experienced person- 3 C nel to fill the following vacancies: S S FsVONT OFFICE ENGINEERING S Reservation clerk Plumbers C Reception clerk Painter I) Information clerk Carpenter S CbcU Captains
      557 words
    • 800 14 gjm^mar I USAHA BERSAMA UNTUK MENDIRIKAN KILANC BATUBATA 01 KAWASAN PAHANC TENCCARA DARA mempelawa pengusaha pengusaha membuat batubata tempatan mengemukakan cadangan usaha bersama untuk mendinkan sebuah kilang batubata di Kawasan Pahang Tenggara. Projek mi adalah untuk meme.iuhi keperluan pembangunao di Pahang Tenggara. termasuk pembinaan 23 pusat bandar dan lebih kurang
      800 words
    • 729 14 MEDICAL DEPAETMKNT TENDER NOTKB Teaders are Invited for the supply of (A) Drugs taeacals. (B) Surgical Diets SSTTo Bur ifjs: ratory Equipment and Hospital sundries to be oeDvarw to Central Medical Store, Kuching or Divisional Medical Store. SUM in 1974 All Tenders submitted must be aooompanled with an earnest money
      729 words
    • 803 14 SARAWAK ELECTRICITY SUPPLY CORPORATION fKNOEB NOTICE Oa« Ualt set Tea Pmel Storage Taak Sum Om Cast 15M Ten Pael Storage Tsui Hitching tag— l Ne. 114/71 Tenders are Invited for the supply CIP to Site in prefabricated form tank materials and fittings required for th? extension of bulk fuel storage
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1255 15 WHTiIBOBIP SIWKI Tl MyCMTWKIT: V<«aaKa P HalKaj 0 wrl Ml Bm 111. U«HHPI Bill 2i bi abi it bm 21 bm nbm ii m. ■tIMla lIPHSS II Bm HBm IBM IBM IBM If Bk HUM MIM 'IBM II Bm IBM IBM IMf II M UMIIM ItPtflt aua II Bm II
      1,255 words
    • 1082 15 P%m%%s t Mn s -Mn ImmmM (mtI mmiuM I* Pw iibbmbmmm mjbi ',si, 1. bm it CrislcMl. ««|Stoa. PaMBJTMM Ml M Ml tt Ml a MIM. SIWPAM). i pbiui Ma tt Ma Bf a jicutimltt W.kvnii^ I I JbmmT' 2 5 S g CM»l«iM.ilt.Ork»M.' I PftMM lat II lat II
      1,082 words
    • 897 15 2JSSL ,mn I'M- IM. MMIMT n m iTSf n*Z TZ. b'~ "m. MUM UPMSS It BM 11 BM 1 M I M I M 1 M IItIMMM .1 a. ut. t m ilk, ii M l M ■MMM umss nbm nb. it bm ii m ii m ii m CbMIMI
      897 words
    • 939 15 FULLY CONTAINKIHD StttVICI TO lUKOW •MMirun-, FM "iiS"* t «B»ttfiltai, Abtbbii, li Htm. MKUTI NIBU BM M btlt. HmbVbX |,MM. IfMfljlM. MMMA. ABTIM. CtIMMfU. W-Ml aJtHtri mi/t 1? 1 »KaMa. Odt, HtfuMu. Umttt) lUbHmi. FULLY CONTAINtmziD SiaVICI MOM IUHOPt M S'PKt IfMJ. *f,^"" |^i WitfdMi, AaattrlML Mt»Mi, It Nan. MBUattMIMU
      939 words
    • 671 15 "mmbmbm 91M44; P. fatanf U4l; KJ. mil; PfekßMf 15J01 THE SANK LINE LTD. LMM FM t I S IFfJU "•HUM (MMfttiat. Bill 11. ji. |„r>. I mkbm t t mmmT^.TTHI« rtMt MMbM Mil rtMKaa.l UnKMalCwax > bte, a/a M limBWIB PBM IMT I Mm mtU. PM MBBBU MAMUL THHa»B
      671 words

  • 239 16 jHI 'OKI Of t.«C»K>«I TMt*" T |>"*"0WII«0 T AMMAMOIMINTa FOP VCT. 1* MIT: nrntM 1/7. T«ta«Mt 11 HntMm'"AmMn» *>'**■ Knitut M. PiiaMial fUillMii iCo«t VaaMli M. law Man <■ IBS 111 IB Ban»> <»'« Ml! SB* ill IB Banr» <>/<>. Ua Olr IB Bara«) 41*1. K.I Wtla
    239 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 998 16 \y^ KAWASAKI IQSENKAISHAMP^ uwuui imui nsn utm in. Una. i. me sruin nun. km* toanaat hn p iMa* IMMM MM I IN I Ma Japan Arabian Calf Hum mil rmaaiaip m> caiia< t /micit.'Oaaai/ Maatoa.toaa/ toiini«/l(iMMl;l«ra»/RtoniaslMftf. Japan kalb Al rtaa Wewi AlHus »l« hum M* KMSKIU HUI I. M II
      998 words
    • 558 16 m in n Wnw MM 17 M ItaiiU U.T. HMIIY UTOS MM MM Tnrtw hr Mnit •utn MC«:i n M mm Ofkxu UmillT 17 M MM M-.U LC.T. KMnMT NMr I] Ml MMuMMrt. ■MM (In HIM Mote. Fill 75 Ml lUki jap* ■U Mi MM> KMiamf a» tan. mn h,
      558 words
    • 616 16 uk. mwh mvig IOAMNC rot LONDON, M AVtf ROAM, MiUtC. MIMM ■m«N wmi ntTSZ malt **!?7iw »m tmmmutu »•«/<»> k ■m'rlT'J'm MTTMI WIHM 7I» ht »1 hJJ M. VIM K'l/lTiln t/D I'M. m kw ARR.-VAU MOM NORTH-WEST nMONAMMtTS AND LONOOf. MPTDM HUWliai (iTpUt mCW 11/11 to. to. „a» S to.
      616 words
    • 608 16 fit tang n vmm, Mmmutmnwan mm H. urn iipi i ruum tan urn an UniTl kM [M.IW U. 11 I'pMl 1 I Ham n v ITtarl 1/: •alU>4m 7 11 Mtarl I'M l/U LH*rra b-»»i a/U r«a <1/M »«t M/H M> ita M> fumy liw. MttfW •otw m>( ii/tt mi
      608 words
    • 382 16 MTIOML IRON STEEL MILLS LIMITEI (Incorporated in Singapore) Regutered Office 1 A, Amber Mansions First Floor Orchard Ro«d Sing apore 9 NOTICE OF CLOSING OF TRANSFER BOOKS AND REGISTER OF MEMBERS NOTICE if hereby given (hat the Transfer Books and Regktor of Memberi of National Iron A Steel MUb Limited
      382 words

  • 318 17 Robber who gave himself up after 2 years rO years after robbing a cuhier of J23.000, an unemployed man aurrenaerea him self to the police. In tbe Fourth District Court yesterday. Ooh Kee Yam, 37, was Jailed for six wears and ordered to be given six strokes of tne rotan
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  • 46 17 A SUM of U.4M waa rtlaedt from a charity turn show, organised by the Bt. Michael* School ParentTeacher A»oclatlon at the Odcon Tho.tre recently. Proceed* from the film. The Swtn Family Roblmon. will be ueed for repair* and maintenance of achool facllltlea.
    46 words
  • 70 17 Blood centre closed for holidays TOTAL reserve blood stocks for the week endIng Oct. 21 was average, according to the Singapore Blood Transfusion Service weekly bulletin. Total number of donation! received during the put weak m MB unit*, aa •Calnet IM tranafuatons for the aame period The blood donation centre
    70 words
  • 246 17  - What a shock when All met up with 'chi' SMEN SWCE YONG By MUHAMMAD All. farmer world heavyweight hoxln» champion la not clowning. He packed all his strrnrth Into that chop at PmgUlat v ont Yme Chee'a throat. And when It landed. All was the most aarpriaed nun In the
    246 words
  • 110 17 fICB have recovered r*n stolen watches arrested a youth Is believed to have terrorising students In Toa Payoh area. The watches wen recovered following reports by two students, Ho Choon Nglap, 11, and Tan Cheng Long, 13, that they had been robbed while walking
    110 words
  • 52 17 Sixth time loser KOH Bet 8... 61. waa fined 11.800 or six month* Jail yesterday for having a packet of opium and amokIng uttnau* at a hut In Kampunc Siren, off Upper Beranfoon Road, at about •35 pjn. on Sept 11. Ha did not pay the fine Koh has five
    52 words
  • 569 17  -  CHEW LEC CMING By (SINGAPORE Bus Services will put more buses on (he road and crack down on rude and inconsiderate conductors and drivers when it assumes full control of the public bus transport systen. on Nov. 1. Immediate attention will be given to
    569 words
  • 48 17 Appeal to surveyor POLJCI ara anxtoua to oontact aurrvjror Cnclk Suf >r bin Bab*. 36 to return hl» dUmond ring and HO whkh w«ra tafeao by (our anaad youthi woo robbed him »t SahMar Maarvolr aarbar thl» month. Kndk Sufar ta aakad to oontact P»jr» Labar pooo* etattot
    48 words
  • 351 17  - Singapore family planning experts at world meeting MAS IE KWEE B> LONDON. Tues. More than 600 famUy planning expert*. Including It frr.-n Singapore and Malaysia will explore avenues for further co- i operation between government and voluntary bodies In birth control programmes during a week-long conference In Brighton. rhe conference,
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 212 17 wV^ «2gwa^gwa^gwa^gwa^gwa^gwa^gwa^gwa^gwa^gwalgwaflg^gwa^gwa^gwa P\^« Jgv^^'^6B^La Alitalia DC-lOs- three limes weekly to Europe and Australia You can enjoy the big-jet comforts of Alitalia's DC-JOi every Tuesday. Wednesday and Saturday from Singapore to Italy with conncctiom to the rest of Europe; and every Monday. Tuesday and Friday W Sydney and Melbourne. And you
      212 words
    • 257 17 The m sweet way wi^^fir 4# Baygon bait is sweet. That's why flies, cockroaches and insects cani resist it. Then it kills them. Pow! Instantly! But if you're an insect, it's a sweet way to go. > ft w*% ay *m. \^pF Fly Bait p4fw\ c,*,»ai Kills flits and crockroaches
      257 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 149 17 TV SINGAPORE (5) XAA PM Optni*| aad Turn l«aaaot: Hostaft IJI Raws aad O.XJU puat Miatn (Malar) (Matty) IJI (omt 6as» JJI Diary of tirtats Blalay) JJB lai dbattt) Love is a Many Splendoured Tkmf 4M Persembahan Ku (Repeat) 4.1 i OK PM FBI: Tkt Engineer General Hospital 4.JS
      149 words
    • 624 17 TV MALAYSIA (3) CAAN Profraam Sswasrf 7 51« las Athlete: Looj O.UU IM Dsmmi the Menace /.fe" )me IM Varie 111 SJI Abbott and Costalle IJI rnprnm, SMuaary 111 Saara Weather Report Ul Hews 111 7_ Time for Ireakuii and Comtanc- wutiwa IJI Newt mi of Fast I.IJ Ceramah Puasa
      624 words
    • 23 17 WATER eonaanapOon on Mwndar waa 11»5 mlllUn gallatM (SU.M* emkle saetrea). 11 J mil lion gaOaoa (U.wM cable metrea) mmc than on Sandar
      23 words

  • 174 18 Newsboy set on fire: You Mi for trial rT CHWEE. 20. Wat committed to stand trial at the High Court yesterday on a charge of causing grievous hurt to a 13-year-old newsvendor. Chu» Heng, by setting him on fire at the junction of Oeylang Road and Lorong 23 on
    174 words
  • 84 18 HAJA Maldln bin Bhalk D»*ood. M. wu found fulity ysrtrrda; of committing CTimlDal intimidation by threatening to kill a Custotcs offkar with a knife or a broken bottle If r* should be arrested by the officer for retelling cinema tickets on July 30 He was
    84 words
  • 194 18 Robbers take girl for terror ride TW O armed robbers took 19-year old girl for a SO-tainatc ride in her boyfriend's ear after holding up the touplr at the Japanese rock garden in Jorong at about 11 p.m. on Monday night. They drove through the Lim Chy Kang cemetery area
    194 words
  • 22 18 MRS. B.C. Chal. assistant director (Children and Young Persons), has been appointed acting Deputy Director of the Social Welfare Department.
    22 words
  • 462 18 Director admits $300,000 fraud charge SENTENCE AFTER RESTITUTION npHE trial .of com- pany director Koh Beng Thiam, 37, charged with cheatIng Lawrence Ng Sau Long, a director of Chip Nam Credit Corporation of $300,--000, took a dramatic turn yesterday when he pleaded guilty at the end of the prosecution case.
    462 words
    • 126 18 PFTAUNO JAVA, Tuet. —Malay scholar Tan Sri Zainal Abldln bin Ahmad. 78. better known U Za'ba. died In an ambulance while returnlriK home from Asiunta Hospital this afternoon. He was admitted on Wednesday for an operation after spending a month In the
      126 words
    • 316 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— Talks among several employers In the private sector and the National Union of commercial Workers have begun for a cost of living allowance following the Government's offer t o civil servants on Saturday. The union had claimed the allowance
      316 words
    • 64 18 TAPAH. Tun Three people were killed and two others Injured when a lorry and a car crashed head-on on the main trunk road about 14 miles sooth of here this roornini The dead were M. Gandhi, St. a landowner and driver of the ear, his friend,
      64 words
  • 306 18 Gold Bars murder appeal to start next month HEARING of the Gold Bars Triple Murder appeal where seven men are under sentences of death will begin In the Court of Criminal Appeal on Nov. 12. The appellants are Andrew Chou Hock Ouan. 32. and his brother. David Chou Hock Heng.
    306 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 240 18 J^H r^ M i w jPBBSS^^B^^y > s\ j^TMfcii^ySj' 9^jKRL^asHM HI jh- -pj TVShQvPj TC^&n^fcfeZl sKs&!riK9is) ICr/ V^^al s^^s^s^s^s^s^BK^b! I* AftaW/ 1\ USUaI mJKaVLgaI ESaH *T« W\ f rrfOH M. IE Vfls^Kaai Ka^KaW sfl Ka^Kt^Ssl M llf i aBH^T j, ga^KaV iU»' KaT Tala^Wlf VI W U -W. JT Ma^flßßal
      240 words
    • 112 18 SMART SHOPPERS BUY 4T METRO STORES .^*^k. l\% lPy /fuM o^i C 3 I a .^am.lC»_/™^i I i I f &St\ GROUP OF DEPARTMENT STORES WTRO HIGH ST. 72/74 Hifh SlrM. Sport 6 Ttl 7»23*m*i. *»d. Fn. S.I 9.30 tm* pw. Tut. Thu 9»imb3O Bm Sun Cloud w€TRO ORCHARD HolKltvltw.Bl*s.
      112 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 254 18 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS cricket state has an object Was the MO upset? —one victory In game— .S^'wUhao-elrrl- ?BP utton. perhaps 7 A bit of a habit of tins 10 Olrl comes back to sat oat Cast? IS Rsatralnt for peen7 No 11 Abstainer, bale brlces air. thats wrong' (10)
      254 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 617 19 TENDER NOTICE ra Kirn Lam Company (Private) Limited Companits Winding-Up Order No. 27 of 1972 dated 4th August, 1972 (a) Factory and vacant land in the District of Pandan, Lots 172 and 173 pt. of Mukim X containing an ***** of 18 acres, 3 roods. 12 poles. Ib) Vacant land
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      1,421 words
    • 802 19 ASIELM-PAZIFIK-BAfMK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany with Limited Liability) MANAGING DIRECTORS: Dr. Karl Blomeyer, Hair. burg. Chairman Peter Schmidt, Hamburg Head Office Affiliations 2000 Hambun 1 Asien-Pazifik Merchant Finance Limited Bsllindamm 11 93, New Henry House 10, Ice Street Hong Kong Representations Abroad Singapore Branch Asm Comult
      802 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 263 20 From November Ist, for all you Tokyo travellers, JAL has the fastest flights, the earliest arrivals, and only one stop along the way. JAL SCHEDULE IST NOVEMBER 1973 TO 31ST MARCH 1974 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Days of Operation Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 711
      263 words

  • 55 21 in Hotel Slngapura for your, latest hairstyles, expert perm- 1 ing and gorgeous tinting Very moderate prices Appointments telephone *****2 (Sport). PLAT* IN OANCIR How doe* It feel to live In a block of flats that la cracking up? NIW NATION* HOB girl interviews the residents of Durham
    55 words
  • 21 21 OIIPAVALI ORIITINOS to relatives and friends of Rajah, joyes and children. We regret we will not be In Singapore
    21 words
  • 101 21 CRIENHALGN DAVID passed sway Kuala Lumpur 23 10.73 as s result of injuries sustained In tranV accident. Deeply mourned by bis parents In Australia and brother also by friends and colleagues at Survey Research Mslsysia and Survey Research B lngs pore WILLIAM STANLIY VOUNO, I 7«. paaead away
    101 words
  • 25 21 FAMILY OF TNI LATI Mr. Leong Kong Low thank relatives and friends for their assistance, condolences, wreaths and donations during their recent be-
    25 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 456 21 classified ads H CLASSIFIID RATIS OsaereJ: o*o per word Minimum 00 (15 words) Persons I: 1 20 per word Minimum (24 00 (20 word*) MR. A MS)*. L. AMBROSI t*k* pis* win in announcing the engagement of thtlr daughter. Mary Celine, to Mr Saeed only soo of Mrs F Abdulla
      456 words
    • 700 21 LAROI WILL ISTABLIIHID Industrial Arm In Juroai re quins Male Oeneral Clerk to assist In Bales Department Pleaae apply giving details of education and experience and salary expected to: PO Box 80. Taman Jurong, Jurong Town. 8 pore a. SINCAPORI TILIPMONI BOARD CLIRK QUALIFICATION* I Either (a) A Singapore Cambridge
      700 words
    • 766 21 RICIPTIONIIT OUM CINI RAL dutii* Typing ability, spoken ISsigllab aad aeverai Chinese dialects advantageous Apply own handwriting to 8 T Box A ***** rpon. RIOUIRID IMMIOIATILV gsneral female clerk Knowledge of English and Mandarin Exp*n*ne* of typing and a non-returnable photograph to P.O Box 3*49, rpore RIOU'RIO CLIRK TYPIST with
      766 words
    • 690 21 lALIS RIPRISINTATIVI RI lUIRIO for sUtlonery goods Must -cisiss valid driving Icerce Knowledge of spoken' ■rrltun English/ Onlnee* adrantaceou*. Apply own hand •rHtlng to SJ.T Bob AMITS rpon. Leading supplier of building materials need* MALI AND FIMALI SALII RIPRISSNTATIVIS preferably with 1 te 1 yean experience. Apply sjtth neevreturnaMe pkete
      690 words
    • 647 21 lUROFIAM FACTORY IB Ju«nf requires Skilled m«chlnl«n nth knowledge of English and ibtllty to road from drawing leetf salary lad warkms eonlltMHU art offer*] and Intonated ipplleants ibouM apply «ttk »rtleulart of education, aspar«Mt. He. to ST. Bob Mill? Pan. FMILIFI MACMINI FACTORY raqulraa <1) TRAINII CRAFTtMIN Mutt have a
      647 words
    • 827 21 WAHTIO OAR MICMAMICt Call ptraoaally at ill. Upper Tbomaon Road, ft! m a gbell gUUea. S-pan. OFFICI MUIPtMNT A«*«INTICI Tounc hardworking apprentice required la an once equipment company Applicant, are requeat**] to apply wit* MU particular* aad photo <noo-return»bl«> io Ow*ei lUM P.a. m, •■a»r» i. Bmtmm&tkm IMOLI MATURIO LAOV
      827 words
    • 738 21 NIAT, rCIAtAHT, HARD WC-RKIMO. feed eom.lexlon Bngllah educated girl* far Inwi Wautlean work. AppM tuu with Urn above requirement, plea** apply T Boa Ail l"7 Spore with photo (aoanmnuMi). FIMALI •■•DUOTI«M fMMTIIM Ait It mn aad abort. Education Prtanary to Se eondary School any Untn Mnam. Oooa etartlng aalary Increment
      738 words
    • 803 21 TRAVIL AOIHCT require* mperiOßeed mel*/ female reeervetie* aktrlu and him nprwiulive* Phone 177M1 far tppotnt HQIMimiMQ FACTORY reqalrae experienced «>M«. boilermen. Apprentice*. Apply liniMlry to Mr. Ho 173 a Pay* Ulw Road, pore n. ITIW.DDIIIII WAMTIO Moathlr Income approa MOO— MOO Apply pereonally: Daaay'il cocktail Lenin, 41s nuguni Read, tod
      803 words
    • 836 21 ■tony r ml drlachad rnlumlit ■d »400. Wattea Drive aseaullve kOMM H.OOO Namly Harden do^'e-etorey semi IWaahed (1 000/- Kincamead Road detach <4 bungalow <Unrurnunedl Lane grounds 11*00/ Nnr Century Realty mn 3*3192 spore PRANKIL AVINUi OUT IS ltt*cb«d alngle-Jlorey 4 badloanu J bathroom., t alreoo., living/dinm* kpui'i room/ bathroom
      836 words
    • 944 21 LUXURIOUS APARTMINT sear nmiar*) Read Brand ne« split le-*l central alreondltlooed modern nitures Reasonably priced Tel 3SOIU Spots OUT. 11 INO KMONQ PARK 2-etorey ml-delached 4 bedrooms servint s room bathrooms furnnhsd (TOO. Contact 4421 ao 8 porr DIST. IS WARIMAM ROAD 4bed roomed eo'onlal type bungalow isrie garden, separate
      944 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 817 22 DIIT 11 CREENMEAU AVENUE double-stony aaasldetached 3 furnished bedrooms freehold (210.000 Dlst M co n*r terrace double-atony 3 bedrooms Woo Mon Chew Road (140.000 Jalaa Bangsawan (130.000. Dlst. 28 Neram Road intermediate double-atony 3 bedroom* (110,000. Salient Services *****4 S'pora. OPPORTUNITY TO ACQUIRE a well kept furnished family residence Hilltop
      817 words
    • 713 22 OWNER LEAVINC THE COUNTRY, giving up fully furm.h»d apartment la dm Higheet offer oseura*. Tal: *****3 SELETAR MILL*, KA*AI ROAO terrace corner bouse, aouble-sto ey. 3.000 sq. ft 4 roomi Interest mI pert im rintt ***** S-pon FOR *ALI suitable lands for Brick Factory 61! ma. Ayer Hltam Yong Penc
      713 words
    • 673 22 AIRCONOITIONBO OFFICE SPACE available Immediately near to People* Pa«fc Complex, approilmataly 320 sq ft Tsl *****9 far Further Detail*. UROINTLV WANTID .mall room for offlc*. near main mad of serangoon/Oeylans. Contact tS*l*M Spore AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY 1 2-storey godown approx. area 20.000 *q.fl. at Kirn Seng Road. Plea** ring *****/5 for
      673 words
    • 725 22 LOW COFT FLIGHTS to I. on ten. Amsterdam. Frankfurt. Hsmburs. Paris. Copenhagen, From (700/- New York. Saa, Lo* Angeles. VHncouver. from (1130/-. Also to Australia, Indonesia. Bangkok. Japan, Taiwan. Katmandu etc. Call Ma* Travel Ceoir* *****. t!3927. 4*9*77. SOAK UP THAI OUIYURI AT ONkY OS* PIN DAY THAILAND Standard
      725 words
    • 671 22 OXFORD COMMERCIAL SCHOOL 99*. Upper B*:aaaoon Telephone 883*11 New Claaaee Institute of Commerce. L*ll*fi* Diploma: LCC /Pitman's Private Secretarial Courae. Busineaa Correspondence. Typing. Shorthand. English Chinese Book-keeping. Fieach. Japanea*. •INOAPORI INtTITUTK OF~ SCIENCE REGISTERED IN t*M 553-A. SERAHGOOH ROAO, II NO A POP. t Tiki SSM4I*. Oppea.t. Rum*h Ml.kln Pel...
      671 words
    • 938 22 TYPEWRITING: Lear* from experienced tea -her. of Raja* College to be sun of fires... CIS a... anytims. Detail* from Raja* College. 9533M/4978**. -P-'NISI: Foir Month, npld Starting November. EngIlsh/Chmeee explsnatlnn Details from Raja* College. MI*TO. ORO/N INTENSIVE COURSE by Yamaha Mualc School fo> holidaying students and trachea Cosaalstlaa In
      938 words
    • 1073 22 1972 DATSUN MOO all scat.. 1 1971 Flat USB. Toyota 1300 k Station Wagon. Maada 1(00, 4 Vauxhall Victor BLMOO. rord ti Escort 1100, Vauxhall Viva De- 1 luxe 4 -door. 1*72 Detsun 1300. C Awttla *****. Toyota IOM. t Subaru 1100 Ford Cortina 1 Station Wagon. 1989 Ford Capri
      1,073 words
    • 807 22 TM* FORO FALCON one owner. low mileage, well maintained. Asking S2OOO 0.n.0. Pleaae cootart *119«1 Spore. TOM NOVEMBER PORO ISCORT 1100 3-door good condition, accident free (3.700 one Tel: *****. CONOMICAL IMS FIAT SMB. Oood condition. Road tax cover. May 1974 Tel: 6*0153 ext 10 Spore. DEC. IM* FOPD CORTINA
      807 words
    • 792 22 npalr nfngenton and airoonditionen five houra Customtn House re enamel long-batr 23«73«2. 335M11 S'pora. MEET YOUR IDEALS through our L'nriue Computine Sy*trm. Free Brothureii. All welcome. OPO 3751. Slngapor*LOSY BROWH DACHSHUND vicinity Bedok Lane scan on head. Answen name of Beano Finder call ***** B'pon Allan ALSATIAN DOGS FOR SALE
      792 words
    • 777 22 I WE UNDIRTAKI made to order steel cabinets for filing cards to your .peel? ration ROB *****/***** S'pon 2 UNIT* 80 feet high ateel pile frame. Caterpllla grader model 14E. Howard rotovator, Bedford dleael truck. onion scraper. Plea** call *****/9*1361 Spore. DAY PARTY T Why not Hln your Chlidnn'a Slide..
      777 words

  • 211 23 It's time to improve our National Theatre I AM sure those who attended the Lenin- grad Kirov Ballet at the National Theatre recently were extremely pleased with the diversion of traffic in the vicinity. This helped greatly in our enjoyment and appreciation of the splendid ballet performances during those three
    211 words
  • 20 23 centre of fine arts. But we can only make It so If we have the appropriate facilities. ADRIAN, Singapore I*.
    20 words
  • 102 23 mHE phrase "a yen to X travel" has been used on several occasions In the Straits Times (Including the Bun d a y Times of Oct. 14). I think the correct phrase should be "a yearning to travel" "Ten" means "Japanese monetary unit." It has no other meaning. On the
    102 words
  • 59 23 SINGAPORE used to be considered a shoppers paradise where goods could be purchased so much cheaper than in Britain. But strangely as the pound has fallen against the Singapore dollar so have retail prices. Now many Japanese goods can be purchased In Britain cheaper than those here. Have we In
    59 words
  • 36 23 SOME of the examination guidebooks now on sale are good, but nome contain false Information and are misleading. Cannot the Education Ministry appoint a committee to screen these books before they are published? FABhNT Singapore 11.
    36 words
    4 words
  • 113 23 I READ a report (8.T., Oct. 30) of a 23--year-old youth, suffering from asthma, being sentenced to two strokes of the rotan for drug peddling. This youth, although 23 years old. weighs only "0 pounds, and is therefore as light as an average 12- year-old boy. He Is obviously very
    113 words
  • 46 23 11/7LL Belinda Urn please contact S3. Jalan Senvum or phone *****8 for h«r lost paper bag containing slippers, handkerchief, p. Pitman commercial typewriting book, and a fashion book which she left in Bui 41A along Changl Road at 5 p.m. on Oct. 18. PENSIONER. Singapore 14.
    46 words
  • 134 23 I HOPE the Government will allow CPF contributors, who are bona fide or prospective private bousepurehasers, to use their CPF to settle their mortgate overdraft with banks or finane: companies. Some of us are paying interest on our overdraft, at about 14 per cent per annum
    134 words
  • 434 23 Provide the right setting for our artists IT IS heartening to see three university dons express their concern for the depressing state of our cultural climate all on the same day. Their concern for something other than the materialistic Is refreshing, and augurs well for our future. A frank and
    434 words
  • 63 23 I REFER to Mrs. E. W. Roberts' complaint of pollution caused by lime duit from a (arm In the vicinity of Seletar Hills Estate < 8 T Oct. 6). The company responsible has been requested to stop such spraying and to seek advice rrom the Primary Production Df
    63 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 141 23 PLANT POWER' R^iH5W 1 1 tw^T?v* J a^^asauur sa^a^a^sMß^sß tt~ I «^sE lIIMmSvI You can see them growing taller everyday w wgT hbl .^bt a P "A with JUniVITE Junivite is the vitamin syrup specially formulated for children, with the Essential Vitamins in concentrated ffV^_^3BH^k Orange juice. 4mbM^lw^B. /bUbUI^Li This
      141 words
    • 169 23 Me v« preluM Wayloong lo Our nim# to you'll know ,ii- 1 wftoll; owned tubddiary ol Th« Hongkong And Shanghai Banking Corpoialion ways MAF can help you get what you need. rS),- If you re a dealer. MAF hire r~z2aeO purchase can help your sales whether it be a fleet
      169 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 289 23 Bringing Op F«th«r »y BUI Kavanagh <g MM C—p -C~] Iwwwwvura V ""Gu look uw.e "1 Itk tax utajMow Kgt Ipo ■^j tm»». TtoflE -J"\ *Mt«% i>p jet wnr»*3WcTM N*i»uoßfliow to APP«A«e *ou« r SS slacks wcx*x> fit JIY) THAT CXTcrr.WOCVB* 7 J T**K TUWCSf HUNSS«VHXS/ -I HtOPSKT> SIR IMCI*
      289 words

    • 292 24 Joe Dorai's soccer corner NATIONAL coach Michael Walker, whose contract here expires in July is, I hear. In a dilemma. He has been asked to consider a reduction In salary. The reason: FAS Is in the "red" and Walkers' monthly salary Is increasing the deficit. Walker's is being paid by
      292 words
    • 278 24  - AH: I will not treat opponents lightly GODFREY ROBERTS By VIUHAMMAD All, the former World r.eavyiTl weight champion, yesterday assured Singapore fans that he will expose all his boxing skill l£i tonight's exhibition at the National stadium starting at 8.00. All, who will take on his sparring partners. Tony Doyle
      278 words
    • 72 24 MANILA. Tues. Israel says it will not be able to participate In the first Asian Track and Field Championship* because of the hostilities In the Middle East. Uv Philippine Amateur Track and Field Association announced Tuesday. Israel's withdrawal leaves 19 participating countries: Iran. Iraq. Kuwait. Pakistan.
      AP  -  72 words
    • 263 24  -  ERNEST FRIDA By THE National cricket team leaves today lor a hectic three-week tour of New South Wales In Australia. The team *i'l be play Ing IS days of cricket during their tour which Includes five two-day matches, two one -day matches and a three-day
      263 words
    • 356 24  -  JOE DORAI By SINGAPORE Badminton Association president Mr. Danny Wong will fly to Hong Kong in December on a double mission to watch his players in action against world class mark. Sweden, Thailand, Malaysia. Singapore and Japan for the championships. Among the players Invited are
      356 words
    • 234 24 Lachu bags winner for Police A LATE coal by International S Lachu manan helped Police edge Khalsa Association 2-1 In an SHA Division One league hr.:key match at Serangoon Road, yesterday reports Albert Johnson. The soggy ground condition* made It difficult for fast (.■yen hockey. Khalsa were unfortunate to lose
      234 words
    • 38 24 THE Bast Astatic Company from angapore will send a 40-mtmber contingent to the annual sports meet in Kuala Lumpur from tomorrow to Saturday. Other KAC teams liking part are Irom Kuala Lumpur. Penang and Port Kelang.
      38 words
    • 25 24 MONTEVIDEO. Tue*. South Korea. Peru. Japan and the Soviet Union were today through to the semifinal* of the women's world volleyball championship. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • 300 24 SIN Mln High School art confident of dominating the district titles In the Schools' hadmlnmn champlonchlps next year. Sin Mln High School (portsmaster. Mr Urn Kwang Yu. said: "We hope to win three golds and a silver In the district badminton tournament* and a
      300 words
    • 240 24 SINGAPORE Recreation Club took a step nearer the SHA Dlv. 1 league title with a convincing 3-0 victory over Ceylon sports Club at the padang yesterday. reports Erneat Frida. Recs head the league table with 11 points from six games while the star studded Singapore
      240 words
    • 16 24 HOLLANDSCHE Club whipped Hagemayer 10-0 In a friendly soccer match at Oeylang stadium yesterday.
      16 words
    • 109 24 AM-member Singapore Cricket Club hockey team led by W. T. Sloan will make a four-day tour of Hong Kong this weekend. The Club, a division two side In the SHA league, will play three matches? In Hong Kong. The touring side is: W.T. Sloan leapt),
      109 words
    • 202 24 529 enter for Macau GP meet MACAU. Tues. A record 929 entries. Including four former champions, have signed up for the 20th Macau Grand Prix to be run on Nov. 17-18, a race I official said today. Fernando Correla Marques, chairman of the race organising committee, said the entries include
      UPI  -  202 words
    • 32 24 MEXICO Tues. Olegario Vasquez of Mexico shot a 392 out of a possible 400 yesterday to set a world air rifle record in the shooting championships of the Americas. AP.
      AP  -  32 words
    • 286 24  - Top seed Chong Boon bags Open title PETER SIOW By rP seed Chla Chong Boon settled scores with form c r International Yuen Chin Fatt when he beat him 21-I*3, 18-21, 21-10. 21-13 in the final of the STTA Senior Open singles championship at Kallang last night. It was a
      286 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 118 24 WOULD YOU BELIEVE WF J^<y "^Bp^ (afffCQjQ ELECTRONC PRINTING CALCULATORS Introducing the Ricomac 1000P a re- mals. And much more. If that'snot enough, markable new electronic printing calculator we have 101 OP. It has some important at only $499. The 1000P adds, subtracts, additional features. Like a memory key multiplies,
      118 words
    • 114 24 Wfe heard you And we give you More of a carat less of a price. T*"*^ ~J^^ aft I^K^^ L^Lf aM J ,^m^\wr Sporty, pom ifui, r— l pmUtrmmnm cm 1 mptim mdm pno. K 0 -«2mph .o MbfoontH 8.9 »«oufh tof tam.rv ol 5 too JT J REKDRDI.SL .^^Ljfc,
      114 words

  • 387 25 ReinstateClough demand by players ON DON, Tues. Derby County players today demanded the club reinstate Briar, dough and Peter Taylor as manager and assistant manager of the club, Derby officials said. Clough resigned last week after differences with Derby chairman Sam Longson and Taylor Joined him. The club accepted their
    UPI  -  387 words
  • 189 25 BANGKOK, Tues. Thailand's Rajvlthi Club gave the best second round performance to date la the) fourth Queen's Cap football tournament last nifht when defeating; the Laos Naat.onal Army Club 3-1. Rajvlthi led one nil at half-time. In the first match for the nlj-ht. two Thai clubs,
    189 words
  • 32 25 TOKYO. Tv««. The Hankyu Brave* today routed the Nwkal Hawki IJ-1 to aend the P»:lflc Froteaslonal Baaetwll Lemfur beat of five playoff aartea Into the decldlnt fifth game tomorrow^— UK.
    32 words
  • 339 25  - Smart gallop by Piccadilly on soft track EPSOM JEEP By pENANG, Tues. Piccadilly II showed his ability to handle a soft track here today. Breaking from the 4f this four year-old with Jim Johnson astride reeled off the last 3f in 37 3/5 finishing with plenty in hand. Piccadilly II
    339 words
  • 303 25 I ONDON, Tues Holland's Ajax Amsterdam, European soccer champions for the past three years, make their first appearance In this season's competition when they meet CSKA Sofia of Bulgaria In a second round first leg tie tomorrow. After receiving a bye In the first
    303 words
  • 250 25  -  GODFREY ROBERTS By RANDWICK Rugby Club, the premier side In Australia and winners of the Sydney competition, will play two matches at the padang on Saturday. The reputed Australian side, also known as the 'Qalloplng Oreeni' meet the Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment In the first
    250 words
  • 39 25 MADRID. Tuea— Haurthaeeded Tom Otter of Holland held off a >aU challenge by unatadad Jaime FUlol of Chile to win the men'a tingles In the aicUa Trophy tennla tournament hare yesterday Okkera won by «4. hTh. T-*.
    39 words
  • 160 25 3 soccer stars fined for shoplifting LONDON, Tues. Three Portuguese soccer players were fined by a court In Newcastle yesterday after admitting shoplifting from a store. Vltorlana Debutes. 23, Vllor Ooncaivas, 25, and Mario Mateus, 30, are all mem ben of the Sporting Lisbon team which meets Sunderland In the
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 34 25 TKHKRAM. Tuea —Veteran Australian Dart* Cup player aial Andaraon waa beaten 8-J. «-7. e-J by compatriot Byd Bail In the ttrat round of the AryaoMhr Cup Orand Pru tennis tournament hare today-
    34 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 11 25 H 2aflK^>. a 4 I Bskidsfl sir .^s^s^. n s^sW afl
      11 words
    • 569 25 LAST TWO DRAWS TTfnm DEERW VLI 4JJ4I SPECIAL DRAWS 1313 Gift PriMs. Draw**. 77 Ss(3OS«iHlo 2B OrtT>) .4 Urn B^^^B^\ BP^^S^^ CHI j m%j c^iTA I VT IZE DATSUN 140 J. 1M f IFTH NATIONAL Rio Cook* Itft ISFOHI V!9m •■■WlM* Md Etocnic Iron INI-OIAWTV 9HTTk PB I Z E
      569 words

  • 59 26 THE LONELY PRESIDENT... DRESIDENT Nixon climbs the steps to the executive office building* next door to the White House in solitude. Many of his close aides and advisers have dropped out because of the Watergate scandal. Mr. Nixon worked quietly In his office and left for Camp David yesterday while
    UPI  -  59 words
  • 82 26 3 BOMBS FOUND IN STORES LONDON. Tues. Three small Incendiary bombs, timed to Xi efl early this morns', were found In two big department stom In West London last night. The discoveries broke an It-day lull In a wave of bomb attacks In London and the Midlands, which began In
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 45 26 HONOKONO. Tuts China hu claimed Double achievements In the peaceful uoe of atomic energy. The New China News Agency reported yesterday that radioactive laotopea and rays were being Increasingly uaed in a wide spectrum of scientific, agricultural and Industrial projects. KeutOT
    45 words
  • 58 26 MBX P.J K. im Ooi Hou Bull wuri wc.fullj os a 10 71 lMvlnc txhiod aos Dr. nil! Kin Ckor. aSasMm KM Tin. UU Yl», a» TUI. kWIm ID law MollW «Dd CMI Bu. a»».m Dr. Ckaa KUKUt^t Dr. SW> Kmm ud IM>. Psmm —"tZTTn at 1.00 p.m. taa>la«
    58 words
  • 56 26 LONDON, Tuea. An Industrial court yesterday ln.pottd A 175.000 (BMJ7.MOI fine on a big British engineering union for defying a stop-the-strlke order. The order brings to 11*6.000 (SST7SJOO) the tota! in flnet and costs levied on the Amalgamated Engineering Union, Mcond largest In Britain with 1.400.000
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 42 26 PARIS. Tuea. The small classified advertisement in the dally newtpaper France-Soir seemed ideal for )ob-hunten. It promised "Immediate hiring. Security for the future. Social Status Foreign postings Professional training." The ad wu placed by the Foreign Legion— UPl.
    42 words
  • 338 26 I ondon. -v.. n> .tack nwrktt i!om4 ww today with Muilrlal tauten auk* 4o»o by muck v 4p. K«r>id homlllM In UK MMdto Cait coupled wltb growing uncertain! itlrroundlnc UM US pmldcntlal crtala dtprn— id awßtlmcat, daalm •aid. At 1 p.u. TW FiaaKlal Tlm«i lnd«z ni down 1.0
    338 words
  • 197 26 FIVE MINISTERS IN THIEU CABINET QUIT POSTS SAIGON, Tuesday DRESIDENT Thleu has accepted the resignation of five senior Cabinet ministers It was announced tonight. The state run TV network said the five included Economic Minister Pham Kirn Ngoc Planning Minister Le Tuan Ann and Finance Minister Ha Xuan Trung. The
    197 words
  • 14 26 ADDIS ABABA. Tuea Ethiopia today broke off diplomatic relations with Israel Reuter.
    Reuter  -  14 words
  • 28 26 LONDON. Tim. S*M M.OO •Mtlamaal: No» IS 50 Mm. Dat M.TS Dom. Ju 14.00. Ju/Hut M.70 Oanil c.l.f. Not 11 ti Dk Sit* M. M.rk.l QuMUT HMO
    28 words
  • 27 26 LONDON. Tl>«. apai term IXMI i+iT). Miton <Mtt 17) r«rw*t« evr«n tfttt < n> mllm Otll !+<•>. Wllnnt iZMS «>. Tu/»ov«r a.m. a» taoa p.m. no M Too. attadr.
    27 words
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    • 115 26 ff gffffffEgSSafl I H I sHs^s^aQ J I Qsls^sfls^sflgiN^gisH M W If L^B UsUWUkMsisM. H ll M I L I Fresh design for 1 fresh environment. Sanyo EK-25 KRE f^^ok Iw drives the 12 inch exhaust fan comes I If fan-blade needs with a new stylish I Hg^jNH Ht absolutely
      115 words
    • 236 26 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT MESSRS. NG AIK GUAN, ONG KA TONG, ONG TJIN AN, and ONG KA LOO wish to extend their sincere thanks to the distinguished guests, friends and relatives for their kind attendance, presents and gifts, congratulatory messages and goodwishes on the occasion of their father, Mr. Ong Chin Chio's 60th
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