The Straits Times, 23 October 1973

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 20 1 TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 250,000 The Straits Times Ertd. 1845 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1973 20 CENTS M.C. (P) 28/7S
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  • 809 1 FIGHTING STOPS FIGHTING between Israeli and Egyptian forces on the Sinai-Suez front stopped just before one o'clock Singapore time this morning, soon after the United Nations ceasefire No says Iraq while Jordan accepts deadline came into force. Half an hour before the deadline, Damascus Radio said the ceasefire
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  809 words
  • 522 1 'Impeach Nixon' move today? WASHINGTON. Monday f» O NG R E S SMEN were canvassing by telephone In an attempt to muster sufficient votes to oast President Nixon from office following his dismissal on Saturday of Watergate prosecutor Archibald Cox. The dismissal has triggered the Mgggest political crisis since the
    Reuter  -  522 words
  • 411 1 Bitter last hours of the war TEL AVIV, Monday ISRAEL, Egypt and Syria battled fiercely today to improve their positions as the deadline for a ceasefire neared. Israel said Its and infantry captured strategic positions on Mount Hermon, dislodging the Syrians from territory which they had captured and managed to
    Reuter; UPI  -  411 words
  • 39 1 JAKARTA. Mon. About SO Muslims youths ds monstrated quietly outalde the Jakarta army garrison headquarters today. demandIng the releaae of students detained since they bunt Into Parliament last month protesting against a proposed) marriage B 1. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 37 1 PHNOM PENH. Mon. Charge d'Affatres Thomas Riders of the US Bnbassy hen denied today a OenersJ Accounting Office charge In Washington that Am**** 1 sank— an were acting as advisers to the "■""r^i't army. PPT.
    37 words
  • 39 1 SCOOTBUfrr ung La* Thong of Stirling Road suffered leg Injuries when he was in ""iUffaTi with a taxi at the Junction of Kirn Seng and River Valley Roods Just after midnight He waa admitted to Outnun Hospital
    39 words
  • 29 1 PHNOM PENH. Mon. Acting Poreisn Minister Chhann Sokhum s*ld today But Germany will reduce its Phnom Penh Bnbaaty staff to one person, effective Nov. T. DPI.
    29 words
  • 55 1 DACCA. Mon. About 100 armed men yesterday raided a police outpost in BaxUal district, to miles south of Dacca, trying to loot arms and ammunition from the outpost. At least one policeman was ah"', and killed and two others wounded during the flreflght. Two ssoall ma-chine-funs and
    55 words
  • 47 1 BYDNKT. Mon. Queen Blsabeth left Sydney for London tonight at the end of a flve-day tour during which she opened the Sydney Opera House The royal flight is due to make Its first touchdown at Singapore at SKI aja. local time tomorrow. ■Ml
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  • 29 1 TOKYO. Mon. A Japanese project team Is workIng on basic deafens for an International hotel in the North Vietnamese capital of Hanoi, it was announced today neuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 26 1 SAN JUAN (Puerto Rico). Mon. Spanish cellist Pablo Casals. M. went Into a coma yesterday and doctors described his condition as "grave." neuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 99 1 Dollar dips, then rallies LONDON, Mon. rears that President Niton could be Impeached by Congress because of the Watergate scandal today unsettled European foreign exchange markets and pushed the dollar down In value against other currencies. The dollar dropped In early London dealings to 2 4045 West German marks, compared
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 137 1 JOHOR BARU, Mon. Four masked gunmen robbed a goldsmiths shop here of $100,000 worth of Jewellery this evening. Brandishing pistols, the robbers forced the dlrectoi and eight employees of the Jalan Ah Ibok branch of Poh Heng Ooldsmlths Ltd., as well as 10 customers In
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  • 334 1 'Only way to real peace' SINGAPORE yesterday called on the Arabs and the Israelis to seek a permanent settlement to their protracted conflict under the 1967 United Nations resolution. A Government statement said yesterday's Security Council resolution on the Middle East calling for a ceasefire wltMn 12 hours after Its
    334 words
    • 44 1 TEL AVIV, Moo. Dr. Kissinger left here toda> for Washington after having talks with IsraeU Prime Minister Mrs. Golda Meir He li expected to stop over In London for talks with Sir Alec Douglas-Home. British Foreign Secretary. Re liter
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    • 21 1 BEIRUT, Men.—The Palestine commando movement announced tonight it woald continue the armed strut lie against Israel. ■eater.
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    • 40 1 MIAMI BEACH, Mon One thousand cheering. applauding AFL-CIO delegates to da? demanded the resignation or impeach- eat of President Nixon for his defiance of court orders and the firing of special Watergate prosecutor Archibald Cox. IPI
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 5 1 Rlfll J| AUTO POUSr^nd CLEANER
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    • 60 1 *"&'s I I s/\isidoz^^^ I fashion «*ft^r> L^H (N (Mil I changing tirrtt and _m SevxJoi docn it witfi ▲^aaaal aaaaL -Jaaaaa^aaP^^iaaaaaaT f>M ftV .t^gggggH^gggggf^^Jggl^gaV KKl "«*Ct*«t tO aaaaaaaV^a^Laaa^J .jataaaaaaaaaaaal ttw» dgg«V TQ Jtaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal 'tttHOn ol Our tim* JaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaT JaaflsaW JT d ,S^B PsJ^Jaß laaaaaaaaaß S K> V .j^ggggggggggggT^.aaaaaaß^cSflH'nJ P
      60 words
    • 60 1 MALIK'S TERMS FOR SEA NEUTRALITY Page 5 ERRANT ■ndriirsds face higher penalties t STOr these UvUh dinners call by lek it MUHAMMED ALI is a romantic poet says his wife 11 Discos tighten up entry rules Page 13 WORLD NEWS 2. 3. 4 ACROBS THE CAUSEWAY 6 LOTTOS 7 CROSSWORD
      60 words
    • 234 1 For Clear Comfortable Con.uit: C.S. CHONG O.D. EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19. CMULIA STREET, SINGAPORE 1. Five ways to make a woman happy. ■bWbm aaal* i^Bß^ Food M.ner No HRII7I »69 iUAitaO/ Push- button controls put power ai ■YjUifiaJ*'^ your finger lips A touch on the button s* tehee trie motor
      234 words

  • 386 2  -  FRED BRIDGLAND By BEIRUT. Mon— Morale In Damascus, the capital of Syria, is high despite an Israeli claim to have pushed its army to within 35 miles (40 km) of the city. I left Damascus yesterday after a weekkmg stay and can
    Reuter  -  386 words
  • 90 2 CAIRO, Mon. The Egyptian Cabinet yesterday decided to give priority to Lne battle with Israel in the 1974 budget. The cabinet, which met under Deputy Premier Dr. Abdel Kader Hatem, reviewed the Middle East war. the political ittuaUon and the United States attitude of total military,
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 27 2 TOKYO. Mon. A Man•jne Safety Agency brat left jr China yesterday to survey the pnaalbllltlwa of laying an undersea cable between the two countries Renter.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 232 2 NE« YORK. Mon IF Israel captures any additional Arab territory in the current war It may well retain possession of it because "it would have b?en mad" to give back what was won In 1967, said Israeli Foreign Minister Abba
    AP  -  232 words
  • 218 2 U.S. FLYING PHANTOMS INTO SINAI POST CHARGE CAIRO. Mon. The United States U flying replacement warplanes for Israel directly into the occupied Sinai peninsula. Presidential press adviser Dr. Ashraf Ohorbal made the charge at a briefing for a group of foreign reporters. He said at least 35 Phantom Jet fighterbombers
    Reuter  -  218 words
  • World News
    • 798 2 THE Security Coancil today called for a standstill ceasefire in the Middle r^ist and the start, "immediately and concurrently," of peace negotiations. In an emergency sessio'i, the Council approved by 14 votes to nil with China declaring non-particl patlon. a
      Reuter  -  798 words
    • 95 2 i^AIRO, Mon. The Libyan Government was preV/ pared to pay the price of a Phantom or Skyhawk jet fifhtrr to arr Pilot servlnt with the Israeli air force who lands bis aircraft safely in any Arab country, the authoritative newspaper Al Ahram said today. The paper's Moscow
      Reuter  -  95 words
  • 174 2 ISRAELIS CAPTURE 3 SOVIET-MADE WEAPONS TEL AVIV. Mon.— lsrael radio yesterday described three advanced Soviet -made weapons which had fallen into Israeli hands. One U the SAM-7 personal anti-aircraft weapon. welfiiinf It klloframms (22 pounds) and similar to the US Redeye shou' ijr missile launcher. It Ores a 330-irammi (nine-ounce)
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 350 2 ■9 M lirellT cinturato Low Profile Tyre Pirelli introduces the Cinturato Low Profile tyre. An exceptional high-performance tyre that looks at good at its grip. The Low Profile tits lower and firmer on the road. Give* your car that powerful spc ty traction. With a margin of tafety equal to
      350 words
    • 122 2 HVkVI builds up your •fl bbw asm i§ New HVM BEIKLtN is a r^- b-> highly concentrated >■ *m Mi 1 i formulation of «t "t Beiklin vitamins and i. minerals manufactured by JIL? Z^H VMjd the latest US scientific tCtlKf^MtffrH methodi HVM activates ,^»li*B«WI»" your daily diet to withstand
      122 words

    • 916 3 NOW DUBAI PUTS EMBARGO ON OIL EXPORTS TO U.S. 'Same step taken against those supporting Israel' warning BEIRUT, Mon 'pHE Arabs' use of economic weapons in the Middle East conflict spread as four more oil producers cut off supplies of tlie United States, and Iraq nationalised the in-k-rests of Royal
      Reuter  -  916 words
    • 295 3 TEL AVIV, Mon. The following is a compilation of military losses based on Israeli communiques and other official statements during the 1973 Middle East war: Egyptian sir losses: 210 planes downed during the war, including 2* in Sunday's fighting. Syrian air losses:
      295 words
    • 263 3 r<AIRO. Mon. The \j Egyptian military command said Isrtell losses since the war started included several thousands killed and wounded. Israeli plane losses totalled 316 while 670 tanks. 440 armoured vehicles and 37 helicopters had been destroyed, the command added. Dr. Ashraf Ohorbal, President
      Reuter  -  263 words
    • 165 3 STOCKHOLM. Mon. Police today raided the premises of the leftwing magazine Folket I BUd which has accused the Government of Illegal espionage activities. Police were said to have seised many documents from the offices of the weekly magazine. The magazine
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    • 267 3 Kuwait to Japan: Clarify stand on M-East war KUWAIT, Mon. The Kuwait Times caUed on Japan today to state Its position on the Middle East war. Under the headline. Strange Silence of Japan, the newspaper said that "of all the Asian and African countries. Japan is the only major power
      Reuter  -  267 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 105 3 4 DIFFERENT FRAGRANCES but each with a whiteness of 98 up a fineness of 325 mesh asssjjJJ f *N BBBsW MSlr% f" JBBB> sV 7 ÜBBBBBBS^^^^* L/MbbbblbblsbvV^ sKI <dl FIOKAL FANCY- vary Ir^LV .< Moral, psrriops £^*Sd fANGt^IUI fin. cM*«n A or^k. v ~'v BBMrVSMSiaV CbbsT I it for odulri
      105 words
    • 174 3 •AY W' M fIsfsBBBBBUI U« I B mw Vsssssi af ti# X V' T^sstfi D '\mA iX \a^3bbssbbsV I till \ew Zealand Australia 19 DAYS ALL INCLUSIVE TOUR from S$ 2572 per person. This includes your airfai eon normal scheduled flights, meals, accommodation plus the most comprehensive coach tour. Individual
      174 words

    • 148 4 Cambodia Premier reshuffles his Cabinet PHNOM PENH, Mon. C a m b 0 dian Prime Minister In Tarn appointed three Vice Premiers today when he announced several cabinet changes In his government. Mr In Tarn, whose recent resignation was not accepted by President Lon Nol. named his deputies as Mr.
      Reuter  -  148 words
    • 56 4 JAKARTA. Mon. President Suharto! advisory council hu cxpraand alarm at IndoneaUt current rate of Inflation. Antra news agency reported ynterday The agency quoted Dr. Wllopo. the council chairman and a former prime minister. as saying Indonesia was facing a period of ruing prices which would continue
      56 words
    • 64 4 MADRID. Mon. At least 1M people in one small village alone were kilted when flash floods swept across a wide area, of south-east Spain at the weekend, fttciajs reported resterdfcr. The total death toll In the flood, the worst In Spain for a decade,
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    • 324 4 WASHINGTON, Monday f ATE RGATE committee chairman Sen. Sam Ervin predicted Congress would move to continue the investigations left unfinished by fired Watergate prosecutor Archibald Cox. Mr. Ervin told a Democratic fundraising party that Congress would try to set up Its own Watergate
      AP  -  324 words
    • Article, Illustration
      10 4 Mr. Elliot Richardson who resigned as Attorney-General returning home yesterday.
      10 words
    • 32 4 Jakarta, moo. About 30.000 Australians an expected to visit IndoncsU this rear. 9.000 more than last «sar and man than sU •ITn the number that came &«r» la 1»M Reuur
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    • 201 4 RANGOON, Mon. mHE Burma Socialist X Programme Party ha* ended its second congress here with the adoption of an eightpoint plan for the country's future and a new Constitution which will now co to a national referendum for approval In December. An official
      Reuter  -  201 words
    • 253 4 Russians heading for good harvest next ysar WASHINGTON, Mon Following thL, year's record grain crop, 80--viet fanners appear to be moving toward another potentially good harvest next year, an Agriculture Department report Indicated yesterday. The report offered no forecast of 1974 Russian grain production, but said that if normal planting
      UPI  -  253 words
    • 20 4 TKL AVIV, Mon. American entertainer Danny K»yf arrtved here tonight to visit hospital* and perform for soldiers. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  20 words
    • 295 4 DACCA. Mon. A truck lost control and smashed Into a crowded balaar near Jamalpur town about 90 miles weit of here yesterday. killing 10 Deople and seriously Injuring five others. The driver was arrested. MELBOURNE: Australia and China have signed a lons-tern; agreement (or the sale, of up to
      Agencies  -  295 words
    • 286 4 New US tank missile a hit with the Israelis WASHINGTON. Mon.— A US antl tank missile, sent to Israeli forces for the first time, is proving highly effective in the current Middle East fighting. Pentagon sources said the Tow missile is among a variety of new US weapons which have
      AP  -  286 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 417 4 SANYO 'T^^aata^aaaa^aaaaaaaaaaSl V\^^ I I Mat sljj IIM fif aW=— lB aaaaa^aaaaai^^^^^^ aaaaaaßH aaaaal BaaaV aaaaaal M^L B| BaY aaaaal M 2415 H 3 BAND RADIO/CASSETTE/FM M2IIOF MM I ILlmt mW 4-BAND RADIO CASSETTE. STEREOCAST. RADIO CASSETTE RECORDER qtvi km pobtari F aaaaaW aaaaaW aaV MWS\N,/SW 2 Condenser AM/FM/SW Optional
      417 words

  • 165 5 POLICE arrested 10 people following a clash r at Rothmans Pall Mall (S) Pte. Ltd's cigarette factory In Buklt Timah Road on Sunday morning. They were later re- eased on personal bond tending further Investigations. Police spokesman, Aatt 9upt Ng Woon Poh said
    165 words
  • 108 5 rE education Ministry hu drcldrd to use Chines* simplified characters In settint question papers for subjects written In Chinese in primary and secondary school examinations from 1975. In a recent circular to all principals, the Chief Inspector of Schools. Mr. Chan Kal Yau, said the ministry
    108 words
  • 50 5 A 31-YEAR-OLD woman was fined $25 yesterday for disorderly behaviour. Chin Kwal Chan admitted that she upset table* and chairs, abused several policemen and ripped off the telephone line at the chargeroom of the Orchard Road police station at 4J4 am. yesterday. «nen she waa slightly Intoxicated
    50 words
  • 51 5 JAKARTA. Mon The Association of Bouth-ea*t Asian Nations atandlnf committee on shipping met here today to dlacuaa an Aaean stand at the coming United Nui.oru conference on code of conduct for linen The twu-day meeting was opened by the Indonesian Director of Sea Communications. Mr. Harjono Nimpuno.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 170 5 2 admit robbing boys at bus stand pERIYATAMBY Chln--1 natamby, 17, unemployed, and labourer Rashld bin Abdullah. 18, yesterday pleaded guilty to robbing two boys at a bus-stop on Oct. 12. They admitted robbing Thamarai Selvan and Kandasamy Pachamuthu of $20 and a watch and causing hurt to Kandasamy In
    170 words
  • 59 5 UANSOR bin Mat. 45. yesterday denied causing grievous hurt to Latlffa btnte Hanlp, 43, at the canteen of Yuaof lahak Integrated School In Jubilee Road on March 11 at about 7.30 am Manaor U alleged to have twitted LatUfk's hands and fractured a finger. The caae will
    59 words
  • 187 5 Seaman gets jail and rotan for extortion A SEAMAN who exA torted SZO from a restaurant manager was yesterday Jailed lor three years and ordered to be given four strokes of the rotan. Teo Koon Seng alias Lee Teck Hoat, 28. admitted extorting the money from Tan Seong at a
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  • 84 5 THE Singapore Sogetsu Association presented a cheque for $20,375 95 to three charitable homes at a tea-party at the Hyatt Hotel last Thursday. The association's president. Mrs K. Kirn. and philanthropist Mrs. Lee Chee Shan Jointly handed over the cheque to Mr. Ec Peng Liang,
    84 words
  • 682 5 INDONESIAN Foreign Minis ter, Mr. Adam Malik, spoke in Kuala Lumpur last night of five conditions for the realisation of neutralisation in South-east Asia. They are: STRENGTHENING of "national resilience and regional cohesion." INCREASED regional Integration In all fields to maintain peaceful relations
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  • 114 5 RAHIM TO OPEN BUKIT MERAH INSTITUTE mm Minister of State 1 for Foreign Affairs, Enclk Rahlm Ishak. will open Bukit Merah Vocational Institute at Lengkok Bam at 7.15 p.m. today. The Institute which first admitted students In January 1971, has 543 full -time and 253 parttime students. An open house
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  • 31 5 MP for Jurofkj. Mr Ho Kan Leong. will attend the Open Day of Jurong Town creche In Yung Sheng Road, off Taman Jurong. on Nov. S at 10 am.
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  • 85 5 Scan Dutch executives' visit FOUR marketing executives of Scan Dutch will begin their fiveday visit to Singapore today. Mtssn. K Rathjen and A. Honwteler of Ocrm&ny. K.W. Bredeaen of Sweden and B D'Hondt of Belgium wllj bt her* under the exchange programme for canvassing paraonnel for the oompany's aganta In
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 114 5 J/& hawc the tff^ key to easy gaaiaa J a»»sssL nifc pufcnasc finance Pick the car that suits you best. Our hire purchase experts will do the rest to make it easy on yourself m& (r^)Umited 45 CWhoid Bood. tpo» kM *****2 I EX-STOCK I •TRACTOR HOOKS SHACKLES I CHOKERS-
      114 words
    • 88 5 It's the littk things that make lite sweeter Vwjj aaaai T^^^^^T^ "^Laaaaßs^^^^^ keeping »Hrn thai t why H.rmtHiH are the aw*et alternative In t« or coftoe. Hermeaelas diaaotv* Inatantly, have no atler-taele and oiva you all the MHimi you want without the calorie* you dont So, (hey h«io you to
      88 words
    • 51 5 Vawaw)taaaa4 LaaV^w^ K. V Baa I i asssaaJW J^^^ta "^^^iS^^f aaaaaaaaWr^aaaam a» Ywawawal 1 -^astaA. ssssssal I assasW^^ Xk. ■V— M >E^ t K^,Wgl«aaaaaaaaaajasl V-i K\l. Ir^HNHUI m mjHir Hi aft awawawawaW. f ssaw SaaWT aaafl Laaa < 'aa-eaaw IP.hMILIL» I HSL Wal UsssM^'ar^^si^illlP^^ 1^ nfl 1 1 fl^asiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHßH^ilsiiiiiiHßlftsW iHi«l-P^wgl
      51 words

  • 56 6 TATPINO, Moo.- K Custom* party found a «anja phnutton (Imp In a forest nww ami dcv Ktmpunf Mnp In the Kail ana. about M miles (44 km) from bare, yesterday and uprooted the planu ■uHar, the party detained two men with n*e bundle* of tanja worth
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  • 54 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. nomination day (or the bjelectlon in the atate ooo•tltuency of Kuala Nena in Trantsanu will be Nov. 1. In the erent of a conteat, poOtaf oaj win fall on Nov. 11. The vacancy la neiial by the death of Tan SO Datuk Ibrahim Plkri bin
    54 words
  • 384 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon MEN and women today described the proposal by a law pro f c s sor to make mistress-keep-ing an offence ''Impractical" and "an Infringe ment of man's freedom and privacy." "No act Of law can legislate against men's pleasure," said a
    384 words
  • 303 6 TWO 'MERCILESS' ROBBERS GET LIFE, ROTAN IPOH, Monday A RUBBER dealers assistant, Mohamed Saad bin Ahmad, 22, and a labourer, Arbakl bin Ramli, 25, were sentenced to life Imprisonment and 30 strokes of the rotan each on a charge of causing hurt to a rubber dealer while robbing him. Passing
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  • 189 6 Gun blast misses police officer by inches KUALA LUMPUR. Mon The area crime officer of "A" Division, Asst. Supt. Joharl Hanaflah. had a close shave last night when a shotgun he was about to Inspect went off. The pellets whizzed a few Inches past his face. The shooting Incident occurred
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  • 25 6 IPOH. Mon. The Ounong Cneroh area here, the scene of one of the country wont disaster*, has been tvlaujr banned for habitation purposes.
    25 words
  • 183 6 KOTA TINOGI. Mon. —The Alliance was returned unopposed for the Johor Lama state assembly seat when the P c k c m a s candidate withdrew from the contest at the last minute. The Alliance candidate, Enclk Yusoff bin Mallm Kunlng alias Abdul Rahman bin
    183 words
  • 38 6 PENANO. Mon. The Penang State Assembly will have three additional seats If It approve* the Legislative Assembly Penang (Composition) Enactment. I>7l, at lie budget meeting on Nov. The present assembly com- prises 24 members.
    38 words
  • 71 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Government today donated $50,000 worth of medical supplies for the Arab war victims. The supplies were handed over to the Egyptian Charge d'Aflalrs here, Mr. Sharif Ya&sin, by the Minister of Health, Tan Sri Lee Slok Yew. In JOHOR BAKU,
    71 words
  • 470 6 Woman lawyer (recently wed) and two men killed in KL highway smash KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Woman lawyer Chon* Pit Lin, 25, and two men were killed In a two-car crash at noon yesterday near the 20th mile Kuala LumpurIpoh road. The young lawyer was married only last month. Her husband.
    470 words
  • 42 6 PENANO. Mon Tan Ah Tlong a«ed four, downed in firt inches of water at hu Preegrave Road totnt her* this morning. He ni found ylog facr(tuwn with a* bean m a 2fthlt,h water jar by hU Mater
    42 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 205 6 I CANDID I SHOTS I OF ALI I MikiMUd Mi 11 easy gaiig tag rtljxti mti I the timt ■•tphe tfc. tiuiMt rf kig-tiat I boiitg. Tt4iy, ii tkt I scctid tf tw tkret-airt I tftcial n tbit Itgiid if -^-r^ IMr tiaet, Ntw Nititt y-j Efcji^r I presMts cmdid
      205 words
    • 189 6 Bsbv^ I aaaaaaaaftawr^sasssarnVT^Hl saaaaaW saawt/ I f aaaw saat^^ksa^^aaaaW FIRST LOOK AT THE subaru iaoo Pif XE AND THEN AT THE OTHERS. You'll be back looking at SUBARU You'll be back because you just can't beat Subaru. (p~ "'[T^^ "^"""i£"S v I Take room, for instance. With the Subaru 77
      189 words

  • 135 7 You love doing things and going places You're all for getting into life and making in art of it And that's just one of the reasons you use Tampa x tampons They're comfortable, convenient and you can carry (hem anywhere. A doctor developed internally worn Trfmpax
    135 words
  • 71 7 H/E refer to the letter Tf by Frustrated (ST.. Oct. 13) who is an owner of a JTC flat and wishes to apply for a larger HDB flat. Under the conditions governing the sale <■'. HDB flats, a property owner Is not eligible to apply for a Board
    71 words
  • 522 7 Make driving a must udents THE vice-president of the Automobile Association of Singapore, Mr. E. H. Sheares, has suggested that students In our schools be taught to use our streets and roads (8.T., Oct. 8). Obviously the Intention was that our children should be made conscious of the need for
    522 words
  • 196 7 1 REFER to the letter by Concerned Parent (ST.. Oct 11). who criticised scrool bus operators charging full fees for school holidays. On behalf of Singapore School Bus Owners Association, let we explain that the fees we charge are not "exorbitant"
    196 words
  • 109 7 WATER CHUTES OFTEN CHOKED npHE parapet above the M. entire ground floor of Block 31. Holland Close in Buona Vista Estate becomes a natural "catchment" area for mosquito breeding on rainy days. This la because the water chutes are often choked. leaving the rainfall stagnant for days. As flat owners
    109 words
  • 255 7 Query on relief in estate duty payment OOME time last year the 0 Government very kindly granted a relief in estate duty payment under the Estate Duty (Remission) Order, 1972 which reads as folows: "In the case of any person dying on or after March 8. 1972, where the principal
    255 words
  • 42 7 AN old beat-up convertible has been abandoned In a parking lot In front of the Caltex petrol station in Buklt Panjang Village for the past few weeks. It would be appreciated If the relevant authorities could kindly remove It AT. Singapore M.
    42 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 174 7 UfMawlliaaM... TAMPAX aM mhiiakt rr ori cik* worn wtimuu« If you'd like a sample just send 25 cents in loo« stamps to The Name Federal Dispen tary ST (SI Ltd.. P.O. Box 211. Singapore STILLA -the blue drops that refresh your eyes. fact toothing r*hf f to sore, tired, red
      174 words
    • 344 7 °"'> tterru rus the ballbearmgrotof automatic system as your guarantee Ja4^ JB of accuracy and precision. In every Wear it with pride FYm&SS£~? The watch you can wear pride m*,t>f<l 'roc I MW 1 10 1500 Imm- MtUc l*rr» r»* MimM MA .aWO »ii «ow MM tna wMJP^: i»««o*> B4SIS
      344 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 272 7 Bringing Up Father By >I>l Kavanagß «g Camp V6AH- C A 24-INTW COLOU SET.' I I MAa>SIE. I'M \*SU_ STDr* &*J£»*<, IT. -^>«._ 7 MRS JI«6S OH \rVBU..V»E MIGHT AS I I»ls)CMr*S TMrS PANCV I NfTWIT.' I BOUSMT IT [fosus?)] KcmasMorr^ wsu. uvs itop a._^ Vtv srr you aou&<rf/\ v
      272 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 434 8 DAIIT AT J^x'nAVl AOUITI: %1 I*T*>*aTrT«»rTTTriT>r^r^»TTaW>«T~C»>aaT7^ai l».*a«ta*ll» I* >00*-. aallr Altw t.aaaai, PkMM 1 1 llilaaj can ba| a > an.a«.< at tk. J«aa| D»ln I* Oaiirt aa»-*trWa. ODEON CATHAY j! (SINGAPOfW) (KUALA LUMPUR) NOW SHOWING! TMaP .taafl^ I "E CHAPTER /JH^^V Tin ■mil— ■tfi.* fl&^L 9Mtf WHISO BATTLE FOR
      434 words
    • 278 8 taBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB- p kmßap 1 H.mmi.o wttk th* Saara Hiborwi Orka* aa Ibay racaplur* tk* romaatlc aouada of r**t*rv*ar with th* lilting blralna of kroacoag *v*rfr*aaa Tomher with tka OrKlul Pakbta*. MM m*rrv fouraora* Ikat Baa kapt Iha loa Bar aarlaftai thay will maka II non than alcM to ramambar Noa-atop
      278 words
    • 391 8 I We've added new delicious recipes to our I cooking pot. Just take a peep in our I NEW MENU. I Today* speciality I STEAK DIANE I tandwKXn steak cooked with I mushroofm. onions and parsle^^so^ kaT Tel: *****1 for reservations I -^8^ Hotel Asia's Venus Cocktail Lounge Rennie sings
      391 words
    • 367 8 Vow AT CAPITOL 5 Shows doily: Horn., 1 .30, 4 00, 645 9.30 p m mi... INSIDE STORY of the COS A NOSTR A jt AS LIVED BY r ONE OF ITS '^^j^^j^ MEMBERS! 21 The bloody demise ■^BBf^^^f in a Manhattan f a^R^HPf Anastasia Lord ■WK High Executioner flb*B*
      367 words
    • 723 8 *n r-ira-l)— irT-r-i 1/ 11 1 I OW6AI< TIOW I I hta Taaiar fm. Liv ll am. I 45, 4 00, tlO 9 IS a Tfc. MASTM .< KUN6 fU P Mondorin in Scop* Coto BJ I NEXT CHANGE' Mlth Barro*, Krnn*th Coo* "CAMY ON INSTANT B LOVI- n COLOR
      723 words

  • 281 9 Law for building plans and designs to go metric |T WILL soon be a satutory requirejnent for the metric unit to be used for the drafting of plans, Designs of buildings, and sizes and specifications of basic building materials. This was disclosed at the weekend by the Parliamentary Secretary (National
    281 words
  • 24 9 TWENTY members of the Hello Support Group Club »11l donate blood at the Singapore Blood Transfusion Centre In Outran Hospital on Sunday.
    24 words
  • 71 9 yiONSI'MKR goods from Asian countries, including Singapore, are ■now allowed to enter • Hitherto, only goods uf US or huronean origin could enter thr island, those from Jatma. Malay sla, Singapore. Hongkong and Macao were barred. According to a Reuter 'ijiiii .rom Taipeh. the
    71 words
  • 328 9 Errant under gr ads face higher penalties Maximum fine by Discipline Board is ITNIVERSITY of Singapore students found guilty of disciplinary offences now face higher penalties. Under the newly-amended University of Singapore Act Just gazetted, the maximum fine that can be imposed by the Discipline Board has been raised from
    328 words
  • 56 9 A 16-YEAR-OLD boy. Roaman bin Adullah. was charged In a magistrate's court yesterday with the murder of another boy, Marsukl bin Romerli. also 16, in Mandai Road on Saturday. He was ordered to be remanded at the Central Police Station tor a week for further Investigations. The case
    56 words
  • 43 9 THE Old Bartleyans' Association's annual dinner will be held at Po-Po Restarant In Tanjong Katong Road on Nov. 3 at 8 p m Ticket* are obtainable from OBA secretary Mr. Sim Kwang Hock be telephoning *****3 after office hiun.
    43 words
  • 48 9 CHINESE brush paintings by a local artlit. Mr Urn Slang Hlong. will be exhibited at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce lrom tomorrow til! Sunday. The exhibition, organised by the Singapore Art Society, will open at 5.10 pm tomonow and from 10 »ra to pjn thereafter
    48 words
  • 43 9 THE Vigilante Corps will hold Iti annual dinner and dance at the laland Ballroom. Bhkngrl-La Hotel on Nov. 3 at 7 p m The Minister of Health and Home Affairs. Mr. Chua SUn Chin, will be Urn guatt if hnncur
    43 words
  • 250 9  - If only... thinks little Ayako far away in the land of dolls BAILYNE SUNG By LITTLE Ayako Nakac, It is evident, never felt more like having a magic wand. For she could then, with a brisk whisk, make all the enchanting dolls come to life. But being old enough to
    MAX KIAW SENG  -  250 words
  • 31 9 LABOURER Abdoll Bahart bin Abdullah. 40, was Jailed lor four months yesterday for stealing copper wl.e worth about 132 (rom Bethlehsm Shipyard Pte ltd. In Bembawang on Oct. U
    31 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 82 9 I 40% off J (EXCURSION FARE) M Take the uncommon flight to Karachi, and get B^P to know our unique blend of VsH W Eastern hospitality and j international J standards of performance. W^ PIA flights leave Singapore every Monday and Friday hound for Karachi and the world. For details
      82 words
    • 375 9 DCO EDUCATION SERVICE COBOL PROGRAMMING As part of our service to provide quality training for computer personnel, DCO is offering a two week full-time course in COBOL. An in-depth first course in commercial programming the course has been carefully designed to combine classroom instruction with practical workshop sessions whereby students
      375 words

  • 247 10 Row led to fatal stabbing court is told AN overseer fatally stabbed an odd-Job labourer with a knife shortly after the labourer attacked him with a baling hook near a mosque in Teiok Ayer Street on Jan. 14. the High Court heard yesterday. DPP Miss Susan Wong said thLi In
    247 words
  • 28 10 THE Singapore Permanent Hair Waving Employers Association will hold a dinner at Its premise* In Westerhout Road on Friday at 7.M pj». to celebrate its 16th anniversary
    28 words
  • 21 10 MOHAMKD Yusoff bin A. LaUlf. was lined »50 yesterday for fishing at Itacßltchle Reservoir on Sunday. He pleaded guilty.
    21 words
  • 76 10 THIRTY-EIOHT people were fined a total of $2,800 for gambling at common gaming house during the weekend. The gamblers eight of them women were fined between SAO and SIM. In another cue. tone men Hul Poo Rang. 63. Yeo Kun Beng. and Chan Peng Lan.
    76 words
  • 364 10 By BEN DAY OSON AN education officer told the High Court yesterday that he filed a divorce petition against his wife, a senior school teacher in Johor Baru, on the grounds of alleged desertion because he wanted to "remove the albatross
    364 words
  • 30 10 THX National Museum will screen Feus ProUcta. Ballerina and Children's Concert. In Its lecture hall tomorrow at 7JO pm Free ■rtmts»t"ti tickets are obtainable at the museum offlot.
    30 words
  • 23 10 PWD Mandal Quarry U to be expanded at a coat of 115.150 It la expected to take two months to com-
    23 words
  • 396 10  - Stop these lavish dinners R. CHANDRAN ■—By 1 THEY'RE BAD FOR THE HEART AND THEY PUSH UP PRICES: JEK CULTURE Minist Thong, yesterday wide campaign agan dinners being held i He said that such frequent dinners were not only bad for the heart, waistline and the "figurea of our beautiful
    396 words
  • 89 10 Rioting on island: 10 cleared TEN inmates of the Opium Treatment Centre at St. John's Island were acquitted and discharged of a charge of rioting at Camp No. 12 at about 10.31 p.m. on July 3*. Senior Inspector C.V. Gabriel, withdrew the charge against Tay Jin Slong, 17, Pang Mook
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  • 155 10 Pilots from 10 nations to meet here rpOE Singapore Airlines 1 Pilots Association (SIAPA), a member of the International Federation of Air Line Pilots Associations (IFALPA). will host a meeting of international airline pilots at the Hotel Equatorial on Wednesday and Thursday. This Personnel Training Study Group meeting Is the
    155 words
  • 143 10 U.S. LEADS IN MANILA CHESS TOURNEY UNITED States grand U muter LJubmlr Kavalek maintained his lead In the Philippines International In Manila by winning an Important match against L LJubojevic of Yugoslavia In the fourth round played on Sunday. Kavalek who Is rated second to Bobby Fischer In the US
    143 words
  • 26 10 CIVIC Construction (Pu.i Ltd. was fined MM yesterdi] for breeding mosquitoes a Its worksite In King's Roac on June 15. The compan] pleaded guilty
    26 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 253 10 I Come on in I I and meet the 1 vHAMHHJN I I GIRLS I a We've got a bevy of gorgeous Champion girls just waiting to meet you! The F 71 Champion girls are spending a week at major petrol stations along Holland/ P^V Farrer Road, Clemenceau Avenue/Cairnhill Road,
      253 words
      84 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 208 10 Straits Times Crossword AC BOSS Oraek or Russian. It's 4 K part, exerc* I nave f^ 1 <«' .rRiSSnSd <i iUi SSSiJTSSSJ^,. 111 mute in prestige pMitlon M rjomStlc science In a In New York (6. 5. 8 > houseboat (I) Pays what to needed for {""nance sSS^'ra.^ gssravss 83SC
      208 words

  • 306 11  -  NANCY BYRAMJI By gEHIND every successful man, the; say, is a woman. But in the case o former world heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali, there are two his mother, Mrs. Odessa Clay and his wife Belinda. "He may have rough 24 rounds In the
    Mazlan Badron also Pin  -  306 words
  • 166 11 WOMAN DIED AFTER KITCHEN MISHAP A HOUSEWIFE wai severely burnt when her loosely fitting dress caught fln while she was Ughtini a (as stove, a coroner court heard yesterday. Bhuplndar Kaur. 24 died about two week after she was burn, while preparlag luncn for herself and her husband Mr. DavM
    166 words
  • 284 11  -  MICHAEL YEONG By A 48 YEAR OLD w a s h e r w oman bought morphine regularly and smuggled the drug Into China (or her tubercular husband who was undergoing treatment there, the Second District court heard yesterday. Mr.
    284 words
  • 75 11 $50 FINE FOR HUGGING TOURIST A 23 YEAR OLD man, who appeared in court in a women's dress, was fined $50 yesuertiay for soliciting by hugging a tourist. Syed Ismaii bin Syed Mustafa Alsagoff admitted committing the offence at the junction of Victoria Street and But is Street on Sunday.
    75 words
  • 183 11 NATIONAL serviceman Yap Hal Huat, 19, was Jailed for four months and disqualified from obtaining all types of driving licences for three years yesterday for knocking down and fatally Injuring a Housewife. He was found guilty 'if causing the death of
    183 words
  • 28 11 CHANQI n»lmmln« pool U cknad -intll further notice for reptlrt on th* breakdown In Urn filtration plant. Renovations of the premises are »J«o being canted out.
    28 words
  • 247 11 Exhibition to promote metric among women rnHE Singapore 1 1 Metrication Board In conjunction with the Home Economic Teachers Association will hold an exhibition at the Na- tlonal Library lecture hall on Nov. 10 and 11, to popularise metrication among housewives. The exhibition, to be opened by Clk Dah blnte
    247 words
  • 169 11 Jailed man promises judge to reform AN unemployed man. Phang Thlm Patt. 33. was Jailed for four rears yesterday after he pleaded guilty to stealing goods worth $100 from a shop in Serangoon Road on Sept. 9 at about 2 am Five other charges Involving a U.'.al of J7.521 were
    169 words
  • 102 11 NPB to hold course on financial analysis THE National Productivity Board will conduct a course on financial analysis at Its Jurong premises from Nov. 12 to 23, The programme b for nonaccounting manager' and other aentor executive* who need a knowledge of financial analysis tc control their budneu. Beulon leaders
    102 words
  • 55 11 f>OLICE yesterday appealed to the next-of-kln 1 of trishaw rider Tay Jit Teow. 49. who died In Outram Hospital after he collided with a car In Weld Road on Oct. 19. to contact Insp. Tan Eng Hock, of Sepoy Lines police station. There were 108 accidents, four
    55 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 342 11 %Jk/|^l* r-|rira Bohnny is being taught advanced welding. When qualified, he will earn an ff ILI I i^CI WkJ wm^^^ l^sT m I ncomc by joining the ranks of competent men and women needed jl *"*^^M+ to keep industry alive. J{j| air IS i M W Industry, of course, needs
      342 words

  • 569 12 The Straits Times TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1973 NEW BEGINNING PRESIDENT SADAT was right. It did indeed require a military adventure in the Middle East to move diplomatic stalemate off dead centre. Seventeen days of savage fighting claimed many lives. But the war also propelled the superpowers into a hectic search
    569 words
  • 836 12  - When Nixon defies a court's ruling CLIFTON DANIEL 'LIKE A MAN TRYING TO PLUG HOLES IN A DYKE' By- Associate Editor. In York Tlaw. WASHINGTON: Mon. It was not the kind of day for impeaching a President. The sky was a clear blue last Sunday, with just enou gh clouds
    NYT  -  836 words
  • 807 12  -  LESLEY OELSNER: By WASHINGTON FALLOWING are some -T questions and answers raised by President Nixon's decision last Saturday not to comply with the US Court of Appeal's ruling last week that he must turn over to the US District Court here the disputed Watergate tape
    807 words
  • 1151 12  -  Y. NAKAMIKADO: TOKYO r** 1 A PERPETUAL need for ever- Increasing energy sources abroad governs Japan's newlylaunched multilateral diplomacy. Nowhie was this more apparent than on Prime Minister Kakuel Tanaka's recent visit to Western Europe and the Soviet Union where he spoke almost exclusively
    Reuter  -  1,151 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 13 12 SEIKO /^B^W that Science f 1 _D_/f Quart 7 *^^y ss63 l. oo
      13 words
    • 327 12 Enter the Elastoplast "First Aid in Four Words" Contest 400 CITIZEN watches isKSr to be won (K^jW/ fej It's the easiest contest t^Bß^ you ever heard of but a real test of your skill in First Aid. ++~~W citizen-for that million dollar feeling On the entry form below, four words
      327 words

  • 471 13  -  P.M. RAMAN and MOVE FOR GREATER SUPERVISION By GERALD PEREIRA DISCOTHEQUES In v the city are tightening entrance regulations following the Home AffairMinister's warning to est a b 1 ishments which voierate permissive behaviour among teenagers. One of me discotheques in
    471 words
  • 67 13 MR 8 Rajaratnam. the Minister for Foreign Affair* •nd MP for Kampong Olam will leave tomorrow to spend the DeepavaU holidays with his family in Malaysia His meet-the-people sessl.m tomorrow evening will be conducted as usual by officials of Kampong Olam PAP branch snd Mr. Low
    67 words
  • 42 13 THE Commerce Society of Nsnyang University Is organising an easay competition on "Monograph about Singapore's Industry, Business and Economics." Sponsored by Bsso and Sin Chew Jit Poh the contest Is open to the public and secondary school students.
    42 words
  • 43 13 OH Eng Hoif 33. a factory worker was fined MOO yesterday for being absent from civil defence training at Serangoon Secondary School and Thomson Secondary School from April 6 last year to Sept. 6 this year. He pleaded guilty.
    43 words
  • 28 13 THIRTEEN top personnel from cargo agencies In Singapore left yesterday for a lour -day educational tour of Japan and Hongkong organised by Cathay Pacific Alrwtys
    28 words
  • 157 13 A FATAL accident case brought by <.ne widow against another was settled In the High Court yesterday for $30,000 damages and costs. The award was for Madam Tan Ah Moey, whose husband Llm Kang Hua. 29, was killed In a head on colllslr.i between two
    157 words
  • 211 13 Wage claims on Vashi: Lawyer at hearing RE P R E S E N TATION on behalf of company managing director Vashl C. Mahtanl was made at the Ministry of Labour yesterday for the first time since wage claims by 21 employees began last week. Lawyer Mr. J. F. Khosa
    211 words
  • 111 13 CARPET collectors here have paid $170,025 for 52 Persian and Oriental rugs and carpets and antique European tapestries dating back to the 18th Century. The money changed hands at the first carpet auction In Singapore by Rlppon Boswell and Co. a London-based firm. at Shangri-La
    111 words
  • 138 13 RICE merchants said yesterday that 800 tons c.f Thai supergrade rice would arrive here next week. This Is the larger part of their recent orders totalling 1,000 tons placed with Thailand before the outbreak of student riots there. Last week, they toe.'c delivery of 200 tons.
    138 words
  • 618 13  -  T F. HWANG By A COURT of three judges yesterday dismissed with costs an application by lawyer Isaac Paul Ratnam for leave to appeal to the Privy Council against an order of the High Court that he be struck off the rolls
    618 words
  • 64 13 THE Ministry cf Environment's vector control team has completed swing fogging operations at Toa Payoh and has now mr.ved to Chinatown. A mlnlitn statement uld that moKjuito breeding ni found In ISO residential houses and 24 construction sites In a survey for the week ending on
    64 words
  • 57 13 THE Ministry of Labour Employment Service has printed a pamphlet wt*u it suggeatlons to help the job hunter In the Interview with his prospective employer It contains tips to help the Individual convince the employer that It would be good business to hire him. The pamphlet
    57 words
  • 55 13 TH* Istana grounds will be open to the public on Deepavall on Thursday and on Hart Raya Puaaa, Oct. 3* from S s m to (JO pm The public are reminded not to Utter the grounds as public health Inspector* will be on duty to take
    55 words
  • 39 13 LEONO Chin, 75. unemployed, was fined *600 ymtardajr for baring two packet* of prepared optum and smoking utensils at an unnumbered hut in Slak street off Isnjong Anaon Road, on Sept 16. Be pleaded gulliy
    39 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 65 13 protect your from infection •^^^^2^"^^^ Bathing the eyes regularly with Optrex Eye Lotion f is the best and I most effective I I protection against V^ -jr eye infection. Sore, irritated f^ and inflamed VamV. e V es are soothed I 'J^M and relieved t/t^" Optrex EYE LOTION Protect your
      65 words
    • 151 13 l Aasasfl^n <aG I J3F ■t^^a^i^ J \L^/ti,h«« .WHia y j~— Diamond*, jades, rubies, sapphires Gems with an everlasting appeal. Beautifully yours in style, design, mounting. From Hongkong master craftsmen, now in Je Taunt's Singapore Design Centre for faster, more efficient servtce. I rW^Laav lWt Diamond clutter rino, /^»ftr in
      151 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 683 13 1 TV SINGAPORE (5) I MALAYSIA (3) CnA M Opening and Pro Summjry 741 Bint*n| RTM IJI 2AA HI Openinf and Foe Tkt Itetrs Mtfuiftt (M) 7JI News ?,^J r mt Su ™»7 "J O.W Family Diary of (M) IM SamJ.««n Dosa dan Z™Zrf£«?Vm^L J'X Championship Wrestlin« tI.N Rip MAvi:
      683 words

    • 518 14 JACY AND HER AMBITION TO SEW... EVER since she was a young teenager, Miss Jacy Mak had always wanted to be the owner of a dressmaking shop. It was not so much that she dreamed of being her own boss. It was a case of d ing a Job which
      518 words
    • 217 14 T ITTLE firls these <a-4 days have never had It so good. You Just name It and they have It The lone. U>« short, the Ritual They have practically a version of all the clothes that hang In her older sister's or mother's wardrobes. And
      217 words
    • 152 14 1/ITAMIN D helps build v strong bones and teeth. Milk with vitamin D added is an exceUent source. So Is direct sunlight Vitamin E acts as a biological preservative of unsaturattd fats. Sources are whole grain breads and cereals, vegetable oils, nub, dark green leafy vegetables and organ
      152 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 353 14 Women need Brand's every month There are times in a trusted for four generawoman'* life when she tions helps them fed feels tired and depressed, better quickly. There are days when she Brand's has helped feels drained of energy. M mothers before That's when she and after childbirth, needs the
      353 words
    • 364 14 Idverttiement The secret of fine, flawless skin By a Leading W^^^^^^^ m/^^ Skin Care Consultant I^ A BEAUTIFULLY fine textured skin with all the attributes of youthfulness can be enjoyed by every woman regardless of her age or type of climate In which she lives. This promise is now possible
      364 words
    • 267 14 THE SWEET SMELL OF SUCCESS MISS Jacqueline Ter- •J^fc*««^*aw rler la an example of today's succes&.ul wo- Jf W man executive. She's «^r A totally Involved In her k 1 work, dedicated and am- I C dteN J^ bitloua. Mn She Is one of the three _y. s>4fO assistant export
      267 words
    • 150 14 Advertisement The Sweetest Deceit in The Life of a Woman I"' happen* when ah* —no l<>..g«r quit* younjr, reduce* ten year* from her age and m 1 Look at youraelf in the mirror and And out if YOU would get away with it? If not, the time haa ram
      150 words
    • 122 14 t^^^The most V. Hi [genuine jS 00^ way to a clean. -JJ moi, healthy (J Ctexmui skin. TT\ 1 1> Ml/Uii:i \uis lm I -tmsst ?< I IM s Slacl with Milky Claonter make up from foce M lon* win Mm* '•"'< i l, 9 hiond lv. table for even
      122 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1175 15 CMrAwas«:p snTKt ti m^mtiwt: Vmmn nZm, VSt tnm. hU7 I nil ink MMHw a act nan van it m i wu vi n m aMt it Sat it Mt a C v Itl HI UPtfU II M II kn ife. IMa IMi a SBIr ii Ii il ii ]i I
      1,175 words
    • 881 15 W mmtm »m/mi >«i iw« r. mw, iiaraiatara^B "J, I nannuM ha nutit v, n mii tw wa I ■M I *f «i tap H MaW HMWIT HM S H I SSL tat I I»»»H Mil I tai tal arl It MII MltMnaa.n»a»M I I iMinrNu mm in-i«, i mm
      881 words
    • 799 15 ryy rim hlai lev. Mia tan BJL »J* "Mi nm it M» nMi n to. 1 1 to. MOK« Umx i aa, him it> fN< ih, nw> lITMW IMW W> II M I to. I to. I toe .Mr IMMVM uPKSS 21 Nay 77 aa. M ta. IT ta> II
      799 words
    • 832 15 FULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE TO EUROPE ■Mmw Ki/T id ti i^^b j i uumu it i AtfMrp, U Mwrt HIMN Mi I WtU HaaftW* If ii httumu it Sloddnla, (Wo, Httsnfa. UaM N^*a. FULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE FROM EUROPE «•<• FMM SHIU" 1 Mtrtai. JMM^UIton iiMN ttm 1 1 Ink. lta*«rf eUmm
      832 words
    • 584 15 "■■■■a a ♦*****; f. K.Um, *J4I, K.L. *****; P...., MJOt THE BANK UME LTD. ummt. itirau JI!T P.MMa, riantJavaMl Pttl (*~M.L»«Ma.MkM4CiaaMq P UKf «V» Mt !K. tl 4..1 an "■urn mn wmca. pm m« Hiaiu I*. MM. p.«i*vi.m rmwuM HMtM I'par.n/IIM> KUWAIT SHIPPING CO. t ri ""n im muu. mn,
      584 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1036 16 KAWASAKI KISEN KAJSHA LTD. KAWASAKI KMAI IK« UISM LTI. IAPM. UHK. STUm SOVKE. laaaa mum faara iwaai taiaiia Biail I Bm J Bm Japan Arabtai Call Raa»llB ttasapara fM nan raitaaMW Ibm CMaaM/axncii/Oalai/ mmmm,/mtl Maran;»aaait/lava»/ioniiMiaMr. Japan Kuin Alriaa-W.ii AlHaa «»rvl.a (.ajwan ria aaaiMißi nan f M ll bm Lmmh, Pan
      1,036 words
    • 703 16 Iw ETO FM> HMTf IMI 24 kt 77 kt Manila. I.C.T. UtTf mis akt akt liaclon Un liauiria. HiaTT MOM 17 kt MM O#ajrta. lUITT HIT n kt a kt Haiti. LtT MMTf MT II RN IS Rw lafcatM. port. ■MM a Rn JS Rn UUrta. FM »am a Rn
      703 words
    • 856 16 U.k. wow SMvia LOADING PO« LONDON, H AV«f I'DAM. H lUI.G, RtIMIN t-^aaan t Uiaaj Paaaaa afraan ■fpTMH tairam rumK ava fcf •■»•> a/v i; raaa. LaaMa. Iraaa. aipnM imaau nmi bm lmm a/v raaa i-i? SnK'ltSalutißi ava Mt nl mm VI Bm TO** l/u raw. im. Haw I ARRIVALS
      856 words
    • 706 16 CHDS «WIB T» I—W, UtBWiVtWTWBn WB TI.HMI lianaan P. Uaai raawj Laaa Mr. i»BU Mian K ran iHanai 11/11 L'aaal 1 I Hrrn »A1 «'te| 1/1 WtrKM 7/U. mmU BMI Urn M IM lit mm 17/1 "*»l a/U laa. S U swm mm a/n bm ii/H bm ivm bm nva
      706 words
    • 734 16 yMB PBBT BP WHBAP4BI POST «LANC thi riiLSwiNO aiaiNmi Ma«> p«rti aaauta. ahiiamqimimt* ran bet. n. him bmm. (an tmm. aM faaMßaaaaah U T: •WP "5^ Mara (Oar Carrur) 11. nm MMI PMO L4M. 1 MaMaß ?3 Mai IM. 11 'I M fc in^ H 1 M/M. Uia Bake.
      734 words

      • 73 17 I. Land (N) $3 64 I. Lconc *3 88 J.E. $4 10 1. Land $3 68 \E. Liton $288 I. Scmb $4.70 I. Lumber $1 8« 'abcr Loan $1 60 >. Milk $160 C $2 24 I. Malaysia $290 >o H 8. $2 90 '.M.C. $4.30 t.G Hold $1
        73 words
      • 6 17 iuinnen Carbide •J890 33.04 .1
        6 words
      • 19 17 San Holdlnn 341.( P. Carbide 214.1 Harimau Invest 147,1 Total Turnover 3 4' Total Value $7.71
        19 words
      • 43 17 Indmtrfml.: 1M.M m.* 1 HaUH J41it HU1 Prapcftlw: IM.M UIJ! t Tim: 11)11 1UJ) t t tabben: M4.41 U*M t u B XM.7S 3J4.J: Df«. M. IMC IN Dm. 11. 1MI in t Dec. n. net in 1 Jan. 1. 1IH IN
        43 words
    • 1556 17 1.4S 1 so* araak l 4SO S.JO N t'dak S.SO 11 00 lie? V Parak 11 00 1.00 1.00 P. Bold. 1.00 pas*. 2.00 ISS R view 2SO 2.13 I.SO S. Dana 2.20 0. Tkg 1.40 4SO 140 ToiuaHok SSO l»i It) 11. Btaat 1 00 6.00 1.00
      1,556 words
    • 349 17 DRICES closed gt- nerally higher on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. Better tains attended lower priced stocks of Malaysian otijrin. The opening market was firm as speculators made their presence felt. Latterly, however. the market turned silently easier on profit-taking. Business was moderate throughout
      349 words
    • 1585 17 BID and offer prtcoo officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown lr brackets In lots of 1.000 unltr unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Arms (3) 3.46. A.T.I (1) 180 Alcan (3J4B)CD. A. (ho. (3.708)
      1,585 words
    • 1387 17 f)H> and offer prices offl- claUy listed and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of a tares traded shown in brsxkjt* In lots of 1,000 unlU unless otherwise specified INDUSTRIALS A. Tape (1.748 1.768) (1) 179 >1> '75 (1) 1.60
      1,387 words
    • 271 17 Cheaper stocks attract attention in KL AFTER firm morning, c-hare values fluctuated around the higher levels in the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. Mild profit taking in the late afterncon caused values to close off best but gains were still widespread at the final beU. Some hesltarce to clinch deals
      271 words
      • 31 17 CLOSING PRICES Rubber Oct. 22 Singapore US 59 cts. (down 4.59 ets.) Malaysia Ul 99 eto. (down 4.M cts.) Tin $711. 12J (ap $4,120. Official afferlnc 295 tons (op 59 tons).
        31 words
      • 30 17 T«HE Straits tin price In Penang yesterday advanced $4.12 i *o a new high of $711,121 per picul on an official offering up 50 tons to 295 tons.
        30 words
      • 96 17 (•MINISI PRODUCS OXV CMAXCI tINQAPORI NOON CaaamM oil: bulk l>l Milan, drum I*l aallan. Oaavai Mlaa« ilooso UK/ Coot. M7IB Psaaar: Muntok ASTA whlta rob. 100* NLW 12*0 aallora, Sarawak whit. fob. M« NLW 1270 sellers. Sarawak special blark fob. Ml NLW 1100 sailers. Sarawak ASTA black f.o.b. 100%
        96 words
      • 122 17 Commodities index tumbles LONDON: Reuters "eekly commodities Index feU 33 2 points to 1,181.0 points last Friday, its lowest level In two weeks (the all time high or i. 238.2 was recorded on Sept. 14). Since dipping to 1.179.3 on Oct. S. the index rallied to 1,215.8 last Monday before
        Reuter  -  122 words
      • 28 17 THE Malaysian Palm Oil Producers Association (MPOPA) yesterday announced the following UK/CIF prices for Malaysian Palm Oil: Feb £182. Mar. £175, Apr/ June £173. and JulDec
        28 words
    • 531 17 THE Singapore A rubber market yesterday was lower at the opening following overseas advices and ruled almost Idle up until noon. A t,cws report that Israel would accept a Joint US-Soviet ceasefire proposal conditional upon the Arabs following suit, turned the later stages of the momlng slightly
      531 words
    • 74 17 r-vAILY SMR pnc«s usuad at noon rtsterdajr U Not. Dm. (Carrent Mtta) (Parward Mia) MBII.B. Bayers Solltn Bayerm Boilers Cents par kf. Caata par kg. [R SL IR 5 IR 10 IA 20 IK SO (1-ton Pallet) ***** lei.OON 15*00 161 OOh (1-ton Pallet) 153 00 155.00N 1M.00
      74 words
    • 256 17 GUINNESS PEAT Group: Profit after tax for IS months ended April was 1 1,835.000 (£1,280,000 for year) on turnover of non-banking group 193,126,000 (£*****3,000). Group trading profit and non-banking subsidiary and associated companies £2,915,000 (£1,953,000), deduct UK tax £754.000 £842,000). overseas tax £385,000 (£85,000). Profit of nonbanking group
      256 words
    • 72 17 rfiHE U.B dollar opened 1 at $2.3130-$2 3150 in the Singapore foreign exchange market yesterday with small business reported done at $2.3130 early in the morning. It subsequently fell to $2 3100-$2.3110 and business was traded around this le«el throughout the morning. The market remained nervous yesterday due
      72 words
    • 153 17 The following an the nominal innn rioting Interbank rate* In Singapore: CwrcßctM N«latl ralaa ITltaiflaß rfßtenUjr lereae) 08 dollar 3 3110 131 M "iSS* BterUnf pound 6MM 6«46» 7 IMS —33.17 Hongkong dollar 45 6» 46.71 80 61 —IM Jtatayilan dollar 103 M ***** 100.00 IJO B*l frmnc
      153 words
    • 163 17 ASIAN currency deposit Interbank rates a* at cloat on Monday, Oct. 22: US Dollars oner Bid 7 days 9-3 4 9-12 1 mth a.J/4 »-5 a 2 mths 9-3/4 9-5 8 1 mths 9-3 4 *-6/| mths 9-1/ IS 9-1/16 9 mths 9 (-7/9 11 mths (-16/16
      163 words
      • 328 17 HONGKONG. Mon. The stock market ruled very steady In bullish trading today in a continuation of last Friday's trend. Share prices continued to lmorove with blue chips making sharp gains on a heavy total turnover of 32 30 million The Hang Seng Index advanced 24.84 points to 537.05. HK
        328 words
      • 222 17 rKYO. Mon Prices on the post-holiday Tokyo Stock Exchange opened higher but closed slightly lower today. In the morning session. Investors continued a selective buying spree switching from one group to another. This led to rises in chemicals, dredging*, textiles. non-Ufe insurances and high priced electricals. However some resource
        222 words
      • 414 17 \M E L BOURNE, ITI Mon. Trading was very quiet on the Melbourne Stock Exchange today with prices little changed from Friday's closing levels. BHP moved up to As 7 66, Its high point for the day. A and E Cement, which has been a target of BHP buying,
        414 words
      • 44 17 US* US* MalbeunM (1) ClooM SS.M Lsaaoa Cisoaa 101.00 Bomt ioi. TO ioi so ■Jiog»m 10J.7* 104 t* Sanca ctoeM ioo sob cieoos ioi. sos Paris CMoos 104.4* Bssort ftxm la asa-otertlsa inu in U.S. aoilan tt oast*. (1) Auslranu aauars »r
        44 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 3002 18 MJd.*.l,lfnH,ffl r™T^~^" [OVERSEA APPOIIITMEMTS S)NGApORB Sembawang [tt) 8 saessa&gfggg&ii 1 I 'fl m tor positions oaiad in Indonesia which .s about 20 IVIILLO TIC.LI U. ,«a«^ Pnnin66rillC| i| km »nd 40 mini trip By munch from Singapore. Kien Tec k Avenue a^aaM I l_liyniv# ZJ J| SINGAPORE PETROLEIM Appllunti must
      3,002 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 3594 19 ■V^sl T^^^^T^^l^^^^^^Xj[j jßm PODLTET FABM SUPEBVISOB 4B| I imfl ..tern I 4 k H sAfca -Js^B Malaysian ClUien required to manage a ~m <XL& m Kflßp l^^^^si^^BiggggggLJ^^^^^l mk 1 ■A A M _^lJ JgggLZ^gggK lar > c rir- :<*r-r*aring operation ln Negerl Sem- ■MAf^. I m «*>«j\ |33 1 Appllcanu
      3,594 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 597 20 classified ads gl I CLASSIFIED RATIS OttMral: 0.00 par word Minimum 9 00 (IS words) Personal: I 20 per word Minimum (24.00 (20 words) HAIR LOSS I I I Flair s London qualified trlebologtsi for consultation oa your hair scalp problem*. For men and women Ttl: *****4 Open hatrdrcMlnx: Tinting,
      597 words
    • 714 20 LARCE WILL (STABLISHEI Industrial firm in Jurong n quire. Malt Otntral Clerk ti assist la Sties Department Pleaat apply giving detail, o education and experience aw salary exptettd to' P.O. Boi M, Taman Jurong. Juroni Town, Spore 22. ESTABLISHED OROUF OF COMPANIES require A) AUDIT ASSISTANT School Certificate or HIC
      714 words
    • 814 20 I TVFIST/ RECEPTIONIST I WANTIO for work In Bales- 1 tier trta. Pay (120 (200. Undergone •eeretilial course preferably Phone *****0 S'pon. Start immediately NEPTUNE ORIENT LINES LTD., Wa are looking for a with at least on* to two year* working *xptrl*nce In a similar position. Tht par. an should
      814 words
    • 758 20 WANTED SALESGIRL*/ LADIIB, talary prat comrnlssloa. transport pro<ld*d rrora 5 p.m. 9 p a Call ptr■oaa'ly, 3 Norms Ttrrae*. Optra Eatatt. Intervl- w Urn. Spm WANTIO FIMALI SALEI CANVASSERS to promote po pular product. Basic aalary pint attractive commission and troup Incentive* Transport prortded Phone 552*11. Applications are Invite* from
      758 words
    • 818 20 EUROPEAN FACTORY la Jurong require* skiilad machinists with knowledge of English aad ability to read from drawing. Oood salary and working condition* are offered and interested applicants .hould apply Ith particulars of education, taper teoee, etc. to IT Baa A 81.47 Sport. RIOUIRIO QUALITY CON TROLL! R for local timber
      818 words
    • 723 20 K.F.O RESTAURANT COFFII HOUII 60. Btevena Road. Bin gapore invite, application, foi waitrette*. pantry mala* sn. retired male female cashier Clerk. Apply personally wltl photo between 8 am *p.m dally. Mil ALS A ORES (PTE) LTD. Bttasaur ef Me Unien Caratd* Orau* 10 Fll—tl Rtad. •Jnni, •'tart t» mvites application*
      723 words
    • 797 20 I DRIVERS'DELIVERY MBN r*- quired urgently Call personally r to 1038. Blk I*9 Lorong 1 To* 1 Payoh 8 pore REQUIRED URGENTLY CAR n ORIVIR. Interview at 13 aad 3* Carpenter Street, ■'port I a.m. a.m. ASSISTANT COOKS WANTIO Please apply ptraonally at Kakano Japanese Reatauranl at Parklane Arcade T-
      797 words
    • 859 20 NIW LUCK 117*711 Namly Garden (2,500: Patersoi (1,500; Lloyd Court (swlmmlm pool) (1.500: Dlat 1* (900 ')nl 21 (1.200 (2.500; Taman Ptrmata (TOO Thomson Oresn (1.000 Ttl: *****1 B'pore. LUXURIOUSLY FURNISHED detached bungaiows. alr-oondi tiontd 10 Avon Raad. Flats 244-A. Paalr Panjang Road (37. 17th Floor. People Park Compwx.
      859 words
    • 859 20 11 JALAN SHAIR 121 mile. Sembawang Road furnished nungalow for rent. Contact Mis* Chlng Tal. OS9SM. WILL FURNKHIO A/C rooms vacant at good locality no children Interested please rtnv *****5 Urn SELF CONTAINED HOUSE *4 m a Upper Barangoo.) Road Contact Mr. Urn telephone *****6 raarnlnts only. dist PURNtaatlO air
      859 words
    • 854 20 FOn SAL* Two ptteta Of land Ju.t on tb* boundry of Ayer Ilitam Local Council Jobore. A. a acirs each, sultsbl* for future development In thl* fast growing Town. Imagine 19 etnt. paf. Advtrtlser P.O. Bos 22 Jobore Bahru. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW Watten Height* 2-*torty 5 btdrooms. fully furnished with 2
      854 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 709 21 CORNER 2-storey semi-detached I niversity Road, also Eden drove semidetached Tel. ***** sfter office *****7 44 ACRE! of flat rubber land road frontage 2 mile* from Alo: Gtjab Town Price $4,000/- pet acre S.T. Box A ***** Spore. MINI CARPET GRASS of tht beet, soft, green glossy icradt to add
      709 words
    • 701 21 jl LOW COST PLIGHTS to London. lAmsterdarr.. Frankfurt. HsmIburg. Parm. Copenhaicen. From •TOO/- New fork. San Fran > Cisco. Los Angeles. Vancouver. i from $1150/- Also to Australia. Indonesia. Ranckok. Japan. Taiwan. Katmandu etc. Call Mas Travel Centre *****. *****7. *****7. JUMBO TOURS TO HONGKONG/BANGKOK S DATS SS7S/SS9S by SIA
      701 words
    • 661 21 AUSTRALIA TOURS SIRVICI offers special low cost dally flights to London and Kurope r/00'-: Australia $408/-: I* 8 A Tokyo Taipei Hongkong Bangkok /Indonesia 142. Race Course Road. *****/*****. *por* INTERNATIONAL AIM TRAVIL 217. I tat Ctsit Rssd Sleigaaera IS Tsl: Net: 4MUO 4*82*7 LET* 00 SWINOINO LONDON FOR ONLY
      661 words
    • 804 21 C A C SHIPBUILDING BICIN N I RI Advanced Oaft Shipbuilding DrauithUmanshlp CTSO, 188, Upper Serangoon. (near Bt Andrew) C A C MECHANICAL INCI hours weekly CTSO, ISB. Upper Serangoon SUCCISS ANO ATTITUDE MOTIVATION course by ex-,-enenced and qualified lecturer Enquire/register at TMCA 'A' Orchard Road Tel: ***** 8- port
      804 words
    • 875 21 1*44 FORD CORSAIR V 4 *>gln*. Floor shift, afeeellent condition Above S2OOO escures. 19*« Ford M>'.u«l -'Tond with tape. good eondltx." Highest offer shove S9OOO secure* Tel 7*22* Willie I*Tt NIW UNRIOISTIRID volkSwaqin isool Variant Slstionwagoo 513.000 ono View Champion Motors. Laos Kee Road. B'pore. Offers Tel: 373JKS NBW DATSUN
      875 words
    • 746 21 IMt VAUIMALL VIVA SLM 4-door good condition 272-C. Blk 12. Jalan Bahama Spore Ttl: *****9. 1 OWN!*)* I«a* CORTINA GT for sal*. Accident free. Pr< c *4.*00. 0.n.0 Contact B.K. Stan Tel *****7. MUST SBLL IS** FIAT SM saloon owner leavmt $3.20* ono Tel: 4*77*5 Spore Mr. LJm. TtTI MIRCIOIS
      746 words
    • 844 21 TOUR ■■rniOBSKkTOM*. r BHZIM, AlrcaMllloiwn n**4 rtpair. rnprayin* or **rrle* Contact us for aa solmil.' No obligation Phon* IT* or 3TOMI afa'aysla Union Rafiiir.*ratlon *t Air-eon-dltlonlnit Co. 23-25. Salboo Btr**t. S'por* FOR AM ENJOYABLE OUTINC anytime. Oo with a HlKh Society l««y BMort. 245-C Orchaiu Road (opposite Man 4aHn Hotel)
      844 words
    • 851 21 Kempas (Malaya) Berhad lirtenin Report 19/5 The unsuditßd results for Kemp.s (Malaya) Bettiad and its subsidiaries Benta Plantations Bornad and Tong Hing Plantations B«ttiad for the six months ended 30th June 1973 together with comparative results for the preceding year are summarised below 1973 1972 1972 6 month* lo 6
      851 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    28 22 In loving memory of our beloved daughter ANNIE LEE WOON LENG departed 23.10.72. Dearly misted but always remembered by parents, brothers, sisters, relatives and good friends.
    28 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 546 22 KGK CO LTD. One of the biggest manufacturers of Ceramic Capacitors in the world is now setting up a production plant in the Republic of Singapore and looking for two productive personnel. GENERAL AFFAIRS OFFICER to assist in all stages of setting up of this new factory, to take charge
      546 words
    • 830 22 Applications are Invited from suitably qualified Singapore Citizens for the following vacancies 1. ELECTRICIAN II Age: 24-36 yean old Qualifications: Secondary education and must have a good knowledge of the Egnlish Language. Craft or Trade Certificate in Electrical installation or equivalent. Experience: 3 years relevant working experience preferably in the
      830 words
    • 623 22 HOWG LEONG FINANCE UMTTEI. HONG LEONG FINANCE LIMITED mvitaa apefceaaons from Smgacora Cftoana tor ma foaowtnc puinom (A) HIM fUUCMASC ASSISTANT Iha auccawhi appacant oral rxobaoty hava a law vaare a«pananca and a atxa to mmi «i 9m control ■Bl tfocumantanon of rti raodry aipandng hara iimlnaa sMflaa iai
      623 words
    • 610 22 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I, SIAW AH THANG of No. 21 B. Jco Chiat Lane Singapore, have applied for a Pubic Houre First Class licence in respect of premises No. 46-C, Ei«t Coast Road IKOH NGAH NIGHT-CLUB A CmBAHET) Singapore, end that this application will be heard in
      610 words

    • 423 23  - New names turn luck for owners EPSOM JEEP |T is small wonder, owners thi nk nothing of paying $250 to rename their problem horses. At Penang on Saturday, Pub lie Relations, a five year old Australian gelding by Faringdon who finished down the course In nine previous starts, ran under
      423 words
    • 311 23 By JOE DORAI RAMASAMY Seenivasan, the younger brother of national outside left R. Krlshnan, Is one of seven new players selected for the Singapore squad to compete in the Vietnam Independence Day soccer tournament in Saigon from Nov. 1 to 4. Nippy Seenlvasan is a
      311 words
    • 165 23 The Irish beat the Poles DUBLIN, Mon Mlah Dennehy. Nottingham Forest's Irish International, yesterday scored the only goal In Ireland's 1-0 win over Poland, the team which delivered the World Cup knockout blow to England on Wednesday. But the Irish did not have the uncanny brilliance of Polish goalkeeper Tomazewskl
      165 words
    • 35 23 A LATE goal by Vera Rasters enabled Singapore Cricket Club to hold Corals XI to a 1-1 draw In the SWHA league hockey match at padang yesterday. Sally Cheong netted tor Corals. I
      35 words
    • 15 23 FAIRCHILD trounced Alrco 0-1 In a friendly soccer match at Toe Pa/oh yesterday.
      15 words
    • 366 23 Why the course was watered: Brown SPORTSLETTER THEKK has keea) erHletam of tbe fact that the Eaiaamaa at Bakit Tta»h wae watered an the ef Hales <ay. Oet 11. Water**, ef Ike track ■aria* the Bafht kef arc the raeee haa keea «eec c* aaaay irmaliaa. T* IS» Bret wttk-tad
      366 words
    • 160 23 DARIS. Mon. Mr. I Alan Clore's Frenchtrained three year old Becupere, running on strongly in the last furlong, won the Prix Dv Consell Municipal at Longchamp here yesterday. Yves Saint Martin kept the colt at the back of the field for most of the
      Reuter  -  160 words
    • 925 23 -nrnOHTS for all TV eight races at Penang on Saturday: CL 1 DIV 4— Of Fondest Regards 800 Mocoee Valley I.U Oelsnggi 1.10 Beauty Beauty II I.M Rainbow Wish 807 Sentelle 1.07 Oambang I.M Sweet Talker 1.05 Adaster 805 CIA 145 High Elian 804 Bang-de-Beeuf 1.04 Show Boy
      925 words
    • 443 23 Yusoff warned for taking narrow opening on a turn rpHE stipendiary ite--1 waras report on Sundij'i race* at Penang: KACt ONE: Both Seven Luck (Sublan) ana Honest Deal (M. Yusofl) began (lowly. Approaching the turn at the half- mile. Honest Deal attempted to take a narrow opening on the Inside
      443 words
    • 255 24 SALVADOR (Brazil!. Mon. Eder Jofre of Brazil, the World BoxIng Council featherweight champion. Is having second thoughts about retiring after retaining his crown against Mexican chal<enger Vicente Saldlvar here last night. Jofre, who said before the fight that it would be his last,
      255 words
    • 33 24 THE Air «m4IUMMd •««Mh Mite at tbc NaUoml BU4lam C«mptn will be elMaa to tkt paksto after I ».m. Imiiiw k*uut the AU exhibition boot U be h«M »t the SUdlum
      33 words
    • 706 24  -  GODFREY ROBERTS By MUHAMMAD Ali, the former World heavyweight boxing champion, said yesterday that beating Joe Frazier on Jan. 28 next year was more important to him than regaining the world title from George Foreman. All said at a Press conference ye s t
      706 words
    • 136 24 The face of truth Is open The eyea of troth are bright The Una of truth are closed The head of truih Is upright The breast of truth atandi forward The vase of truth U straight Truth has neither fear Mr donbt Troth has patience to
      136 words
    • 430 24  -  NANCY BYRAVJI By rE next time Muhammad All visits Singapore he will come as a retired world heavyweight champion boxer, with big retirement plans. "There are two million Muslims In America who need me and what I can offer to
      430 words
    • 244 25  -  JOE DORAI By WORLD TOURNAMENT IN MAY fHK second World Invitation badmin- I ton tournament will be held in Singapore after all in May next yeai instead of next month. The International Badminton Federation agreed to rescind their earlier decision to cancel the tournament following
      244 words
    • 122 25 Yugoslavia face an uphill task 7AOREB (Yugoslavia). Mon. Spain almost certainly booked place In next year's World Cup aocoer filial* by holding Yugoslavia to a scoreless draw In their Group Seven qualifying match here yesterday. The result means that Yugoslavia muat win away Mgauut Oreece on December IB by a,
      Reuter  -  122 words
    • 297 25  - Chong Boon bids for his 3rd title PETER SIOW By SINGAPORE'S World table tennis representative Chla Chong Boon will bid for his third STTA National Open singles title today. On Sunday, he beat team-mate Tan Khoon Hong 21-12. 19-21. 21-18. 21-13 In the semi-finals at Kallang. In today's final Chong
      297 words
    • 345 25 ON THE GREEN i SINGAPORE Oolf Association have selected 10 top amateur golfers for Putra Cup trials at the SICC Courses this week. Eight of the 10 selected are from SICC. They are Brian Marks, Tony Thong, Oerald Loong, Ong Choon Bee, Ong Chew
      345 words
    • 211 25 Koreans, Laotians battle for 1-1 BANGKOK. Mon The Korean Cltlsens National Bank and the Laos Army battled to a 1-1 draw In the first quarter-final of the Fourth Queen's Cup footbt.ll tournament here last night. Both goals were scored In the first half. The Laos Army scored a surprise goal
      211 words
    • 159 25 Oakland keep World Series title NXW YORK. Mon— Home rune by Bert Cunpanerts and Reggie Jackson BBed the Oakland Athletics to a &-2 seventh game victory over the New York MeU at Oakland yesterday their second consecutive World Series title Campaneria and Jackson each drove in two runs with
      Reuter  -  159 words
    • 66 25 KUALA LUMPtn Man. t— Muhammad All will be paid about tIOO.OOO for his exhibition bout at the BUdlum Negara here on Oct. >0. There will also be a supporting match of That bosIng between Chean Sohongtong and Nerum Stngaamphan. two well-known profrartnnsli In Thailand. In another supporting
      66 words
    • 37 25 LUSAKA, lion. Zambia yesterday beat Morocco 4-0 in ihe first leg soccer match of the triangular finals to select tise continent's national team to represent Africa In World Oup finals In Munich next year. UPI
      UPI  -  37 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 250 23 In America, two lundred patients suffering from piles wcie treated with the active ingredients ir Hat-mod) ne ointment. These clinical studies showed striking results. With regular use, an average of over 92% of the patients, (all but the nost severe cases), found relief from pa n. itching and discharge. Bleeding
      250 words
    • 204 23 We make rubbish. In tact, Fordigraph have quite a name far it We do it with the roost wphnocated office .^aJjaT threddert. These machines ooavrn aaj—amaaam^ "^^^B •ecret document!, pnntcut, rven btho SaL^smaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawfoealaf plates, into illegible «np-i of rubbuh for PSflring. Every executive oftce needs mm mmß »»a»mamamaaal «a«. Take
      204 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 129 24 POLLUT|N^^o4^^^ U I if YOUR LOW COST ANSWER iVmli |PSi liliJili TO WASTE AND REFUSE Jflfl^ l^l I hß| Saves space -•■tfosiW'"*^"' flfloM B^l n sVJ \(i l.^_— > Portable canoe moved to waste location \^jk r I I The POLLUTION PACKER is a must for all hotels, -estaurants, Eliminates
      129 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 27 25 J? i»|il.M ."u"° -gJT S >» >L »l H^ I "M "ii VMm v 111 ywww sector y\^\ uj S2|^2 I Eg™ J (zbr i fil"~ iBI'! 1
      27 words
    • 205 25 an invitation to a 14 days party For the first time, a leading international cruise* line is sending a spectacular vessel to be based in Singapore exclusively. A ship specially built for cruising, in the Indonesian archipelago. A ship designed to make your 14-day Indonesian Adventure Cruise one of the
      205 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 34 25 HOCKEY: SHA I« CMv 1: Khalaa v police ISerangoon Rd (.15); SRC v CSC iPsdang. 6.1t). TABLE-TENNIS BTTA Open tournament (Kallang, 7 30 pm I SOCCEB: Friendly Marco Pclo Hotel v Blps iTangUn. 6.15).
      34 words

  • 100 26 Train services disrupted as track is ripped off pEMENT carrying wav cons lying In three feet of water last night near Kampar after eight of them went off the rails on Sunday afternoon. Two wscons fell Into a flooded area and work was goin* on
    100 words
  • 61 26 10,000 KILLED AFTER CEASEFIRE SAIGON. Mon.—Government soldiers killed in action since the Jan. tt ceasefire passed the Ie.MM-mark today. As of noon, combat deaths totalled 10.J10. the Saigon Command said. In addition. 1.690 civilians have been killed since Jan. The command claims 35.451 communists killed, for a reported total of
    UPI  -  61 words
  • 36 26 SAIOON. lion. About SS.OOO packs of playing cards nan been nelsed by ciutonu In South Vietnam when Import* of all articles for gambling arc Illegal, official sources said here today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 60 26 CMIOK OMAHA NMQ, 72. form.rlr of Batu Pahat i depart •4) U/10/T* toavtac wtfa. aaaa Vcow Cboox. Ytcw KwtDl Yaow Mini, r.o» Lam. dau(ht«r> Son Tlam. Sm Tlaaf. 4 nauiMin in law. t»<. aaaa-la-law. *ftaaa inixlct kfm Contit laarta S. York Plata. Span IS. K 10 73 t p
    60 words
  • 51 26 CANTKBURY. Mon. A car with two policemen was buried for it minutes before being discovered beneath a 10-ton load of chipboard that slid from a lorry yesterday One of the men was killed in the accident and the other died shortly after being taken to hospital.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 27 26 TIL AVIV. Mon. The Kneavet. Israeli parliament. U to meet In spatial tat* won on Wednesday to debate BUI postponing the forthcoming general elections. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 92 26 Rusty bombs found on beaches JAKARTA, Mon. Dozens of rusting aircraft bombs have been found washed up on beaches In the Clanjur district of West Java, the Armed Forces news bulletin PAB reported today. Local government authorities hay* closed off aeveral areas after a fisherman wno found one of the
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 451 26 LONDON. Mca. TIM itock maril k« ck>M4 mat inUi v nodtll rmu Ita4kic. Tfc« aa*cffl«a« «v I ana ki ravaai tr< urn BmrptMiiu I u4 Urartu tcetatlas Urn US call I far p»i— 1». kat llw U» pew..! cruu caiiM* mcm uanliM- UJO At I p.m. Ik*
    451 words
  • 274 26 Offer of safe conduct to hijackers OOLIVIAN President Hugo Banzer offered safe conducts out of the country to four hijackers after they threatened to shoot their five hostages one by one at a remote airstrip, but he refused their demand for a new plane. President Banzer i made hi* offer
    274 words
  • 393 26 CAIRO, Monday. PREPARATIONS are going ahead for work to start on clearing the Suez Canal, which could be re-opened for shipping within six months, the chair man of the Suez Canal Authority sak today. Mr.* Mashour Ahmed Mashour, told a newsman that the
    Reuter  -  393 words
  • 68 26 Manila record reserves MANILA. Mon. The Philippines' International reserves rose to a record ÜBtTU million (B*2 03 J million) as of Sept 10. the Oovemment announced today. The country's balance of payments registered an overail surplus of US*4« million (SSI. IU million! at the end of the first nine months
    68 words
  • 149 26 CLEMENCY FOR ALL IN THAI UPRISING BANGKOK Mon. Thailand's new civilian cabinet today proclaimed clemency for all acts of violence during the bloody studentled uprising which toppled the military government a week ago. In the new government's first news conference, a spokesman added that a special fund was being set
    AP  -  149 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 89 26 f^TWVfTTTTJT7T9 5=5 to an advance society Z=Z amidst a busy B exciting ZI~ZI environment.. SS s IIWHn s=^, plans an ssL (ttrf^^^^L IssftAssAsAssttssHsWsssft^Ls! ■l£gaf i imponwnw Living in this internationally kno'vn city, life is ■BsSPßftmg^ busy and exciting. Frequent entertainments and constant personal contacts form part of this existence. As
      89 words
    • 310 26 ®Rushnell X-JSPORTS OPTICS fit for professionals fit for you ■■■mZ ssßssiHik Award Winning Binoculars BUSHNELL Binoculars masterpiece' with 1 to 20 years warranty Precision made. fuNv coated to give you extra wide ano razor sharp definition with none of the distractions and eye strains so often encountered with ordinary binoculars
      310 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous