The Straits Times, 22 October 1973

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 2 2 0CT 1973 Jfc TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 250,000 The Straits Times Ertd. 1846 MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1973 20 CENTS M.C. (P) 18/73
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  • 804 1 NEW NIXON SHOCK Watergate prosecutor Cox is fired WASHINGTON, Sunday AFRESH political storm swirled around President Nixon today over his dramatic dismissal of special Watergate prosecutor Archibald Cox and the protest resignation of Attorney-General Elliot Richardson. The shake up which also involved the firing of Deputy Attorney-Gene-ral William Ruckelshaus pitched
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  804 words
  • 9 1 AttorneyGeneral Richardson quits in protest RICHARDSON ...IUrU new crisis
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  • 69 1 So Dixon is out of a job NEW YORK. Bun. Americans apparently don't find anything funny about President Nixon any more and so James La Roe Is out of a Job. The 45-year-old actor had been earning as much as US$5O,OOO ($115,000) a year, using the name Richard 11. Dlxon
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  • 29 1 MANILA. Bun. President Marcos said today the Philippines Is currently holding talks on establishing diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union. China. North Vietnam and Norto Korea. DPI.
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  • 280 1 Nixon order abrogates my guidelines to Cox: Richardson WASHINGTON, Ban The resignation of Mr. tllio. Richardson as Attorney < ■enrral ended a week of nego- 11 al l on s over the Watergate tapes between himself, dismissed special m**secutor Archibald Cox and the White Haas*. Last night. Mr. sUchard ■on.
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  • 20 1 LOS ANOKLES. Sun— Mr. Norman Chandler. Publisher of the Los Angalas Tim** died ban yesterday He ni 74
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  • 63 1 CALCUTTA. Sun. A police constable was subbed to death and two others were Injured In an attack by a gang of Maolit extremists near this West Bengal capital today. Police add the extremists, known a* Waxalltn. matched away two rifles and 20 rounds of ammunition f
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 45 1 KATMANDU. Sun. Torraitlil rains triggered floods and landslide*, killing SO people the Home Ministry said last night. A boat caught In a storm on the Kail Oundakl mountain river canrtml ytaUrday kUUnf stven of Its occupants. Ten swam to safety.— AP.
    AP  -  45 words
  • 386 1 MOSCOW PEACE TALKS ON Dr K meets Soviet leaders MOSCOW, Sun. COVIET-American talks here to discuss a ceasefire in the Middle East war resumed today in the Kremlin, a United States official said. He said merely that talks between Dr. Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State, and Soviet leaders resumed at
    Reuter; UPI  -  386 words
  • 168 1 350 die as horror flood wrecks 2 towns MADRID. Sun Wide areas of south and south eastern Spain were today fighting their way out of a flood disaster which. unofficial sources said, left at least 350 people dead and widespread damage. Officials said the final appraisal of the damage will
    AP  -  168 words
  • 51 1 RIO DX JANEIRO. Sun. A Brazilian Air Force figtiUr let crashed into a slum suburb In rimsl— today killing at Irast 12 people. Including the pilot. A Fire Brigade spokesman said at least M people were Injured and mar* might still be burled under the wreckage.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 182 1 4 more states ban oil exports to the US KUWAIT, Sun— Four more Arab states have decided on a total ban of oil exports to the United States. They are Kuwait. Saudi Arabia, Algeria, and Bahrain. A similar decision was taken earlier by Libya, Abu Dhabi and Qatar. The six
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  • 200 1 TEL AVIV, Sunday piERCE fighting on the ground and in the air was reported raging today between Israeli and Egyptian forces on both sides of the Suez Canal An Israeli military communique said fly Egyptian MIOs were shot down In dogfights The terse
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  • 69 1 CANBERRA. Bun— Immigration Minister Orassby said today at. invastlgsUon had found no evtasne* to support an aUayatton that Australia was involved in black marketing of Vietnamese and Cambodian babies for adoption. Tr c anegaUon was mad* by Australian Journalist Nell Dark* in Singapore on Sept M.
    AP  -  69 words
  • 26 1 CAIRO, Bun. Films of actress Lisa IttawUl should be banned in the Arab world, like those of actress Buabeth Tsylor. Egyptian newspapers said today— AP.
    AP  -  26 words
  • 19 1 MOSCOW. Sun Soviet Union yesterday launched another Cosmos satellite. Number «02 In tv topsecret strtas AP.
    AP  -  19 words
  • 89 1 Bridgehead expanded: Israel TEL AVIV. Sun. Israeli forces; on the west bank of the Sues Canal expanded their bridgehead to a width Of 4t kilometres <2S miles) as they bear off fierce Egyptian coun-ter-attacks throughout the day. a senior Israeli officer said tonight. Renter Israel: 60 tanks destroyed TEL
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 118 1 FAKE MX PILLS THREAT IN S'PORE -PAGE S "I'S wUl sarvive Saudi oil eat" t BRITAIN warns of setback In detente S SIHANOUK asks Prking and Hanoi for arms 4 SCHOOL head! who shun drags problem 5 TWO youths rob pawnshop 7 THE good Ufe In 8*pore t CROSSWORD 5
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    • 206 1 qMAMONDS WITH CONFICcNCE WITH QEMCXOGICAL •SLlgufl >9HN»- INSTITUTE OF AMERC* I CERTIFICATES I JHr The Linea 98 is the new manual typewriter that incorporates teatures trom the electrics .iP^^^sisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssl Olivetti's new Linea 98 comes with so many proven features from electric typewriters, it has a completely different "feel It's the
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  • World News
    • 378 2 HOPES FOR MOSCOW TALKS SUCCESS BUT... officials said today they believed the United States could survive without oil from Saudi Arabia, its principal Middle East supplier. But they made plain they were hoping that talks In Moscow between Secretary-of-State Henry Kissinger and the Soviet
      Reuter  -  378 words
    • 277 2 'SYRIANS HITTING MAINLY CIVILIAN TARGETS' CHARGE |TNITED NATIONS, Sun. U Israel yesterday accused Syr a of "premeditated terror attacks" by missiles, artillery and aircraft on exclusively civilian Israeli targets, causing heavy civilian casualties. Israeli Ambassador Yosef Tekoah, In a letter to secretary-general Kurt Waldhelm. listed 25 separate attacks on Israeli
      Reuter  -  277 words
    • 270 2 pKNHVA. Bun. The U international Bed Crow Committee (ICRC) has deplored Israel's "negatlre reply" to Its appeal that the warring Middle But countries should cbaerre new rules giving civilians greater protection. Egypt, Syria and Iraq told the committee's headquarters here last week that
      Reuter  -  270 words
    • 282 2 'No foreign volunteers serving in Israeli army TEL AVIV, Sunday SENIOR officer, Maj.-Gen. Uzi Narkis has denied reports from Egypt that foreign volunteers were seiving with the Israeli armed forces. Speaking at a briefing for frrelgn Journalists today. Oen. Narkls said: "There Is not one mercenary in the army. When
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    • 70 2 Demo against a governor BANOKOK. Hun. An estimated 6,000 uudenta have have itaged a protect demonstration In northern Thailand calling (or the resignation of the provincial gumuui for alleged corruption In administering funds allocated for local school project*, police reported today Oovemor Rong Thasanachalae of Lamphun province wa* quoted a*
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    • 278 2 OEIRUT, Sun. The Bank of America building, where guerillas and Lebanese sec v r Ity forces yesterday fought a violent gunbatile, could hare been destroyed by explosion at any moment. It was disclosed today. Interior Minister Bahlj Takleddln told reporters that
      Reuter  -  278 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 124 2 3 ways a day to beat the crowds to Hong Kong 9.40 am, 12.40pm, 2.35pm every day Only Cathay Pacific gives you the service flight leaving at 235 pm. choice of 3 great ways a day to fly to No big-crowd boarding and Hong Kong every day of the week.
      124 words
    • 57 2 !i#GETA IATSUHAT .HUNG SHAN MOTORS l^^^-s§^ vtu sKnaM/taoj aaa f M B^^B ill w**j irmn/ MTSUNIOO* SfMN Authorised Daaler: CHUNG SHAN MOTORS (PTE)LTD 6-1 1 Gotdhili Plats. Newton Road. Singapore 1 1 ShoMroom. Salat ft Adminittrstiv. Off lest T<4: *****3 MO Lsvandsr Strwt. Singapore 12 Sam Mi 26*4880 a 258
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  • 174 3 Saudi call for donations in cash and blood RIYADH, San Saudi Arabia tonlght ca'led for holy war in support of Egypt and Syria against Israel. The Saudi Press Agency quoted an Interior Ministry statement as aaylng that Instructions had been sent to the provinces for the collection of donations in
    Reuter  -  174 words
  • 35 3 MONTREAL. Sun Striking employees at four of five Canadian International Paper Co. (CIPI mills have agreed to a new contract and have begun returning to work, a union spokesman said yesterday. UPI.
    UPI  -  35 words
  • 33 3 ANKARA. Sun. The lfth annual session of the North Atlantic Assembly. Natos unofficial parliamentary body, will be held here at the Turkish National Assembly building from Oct. il to ri. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
    • 118 3 POLL: NOT ALL JEWS HATE ARABS TUX AVIV. Bun. la. JL raelis, fighting their fourth war In 25 years, are being asked: "Do you hate Arabs?" and more than half say no, a public opinion poll disclosed. The survey was made In Israel's three major cities Jerusalem, Haifa and Tel
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    • 440 3 Sir Alec warns of Europe detente setback LONDON- Sunday JJRITISH Foreign Secretary Sir Alec Douglas Home warned yesterday that any worsening of the Middle Eas crisis will set back East West detente in Europe by continuing American-Sovie hostility. Sir Alec also disclosed in an Interview that Britain has told Russia
      UPI  -  440 words
    • 29 3 MOSCOW. Sun. Soviet industrial production roee 7.3 per cent In tbe first nine months of the year over the same period laat year, Prarda said today. UPL
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    • 29 3 mler Ne Win ha* been redacted chairman of the official Burma Socialist Programme Party and hit deputy. Ban Tu. lv stcre-tary-ctßiral. It was announced here Reutcr.
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 287 3 VIENTIANE, Sun. Attempts to establish a coalition government In Laos were still being hindered today by an apparent 1m p a sse over the size of the communist troop contingent In th*> capital. More than 350 Pathet Lao troops and police
      AP  -  287 words
    • 110 3 Priest loses out on sex teaching complaint MILAN. Sun— An Italian priest who brought charges against a woman school teacher (or discussing sex with her high school class here lost his case today when a magistrate ruled his complaint was onfounded. Father Olamplero Invernlnl had objected to the holding of
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    • 80 3 'Bid to topple Lanka Govt' COLOMBO. Sun. Prime Minister sirim«vo Bu.dirinalke hat alleged that a non-violent protest demoo•tratlon sponsored by the opposition United National Party In Colombo on Friday vat an attempt to "topple the Government She told a meeting yesterday at Moneragala. In the North-east province In the course
      Reuter  -  80 words
    • 40 3 CANBERRA. Sun The Australian Oovemment announced today that the search far the misting 121--ton freighter Blythe Star would probably be called off tomorrow The ship, with a 10-man crew. dUappeared six day* ago after leaving Tasmania fUutcr.
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    • 33 3 BEIRUT, Sun. The Lebanese autncriua* havt banned a pirate radio ship operated by an Israeli, Abble NaUian, from entering Lebanon'! territorial waters. Interior M)"litiT BahU Taklsddln said here ytaiilay Reuter.
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 90 3 RANGOON, Bun. Twenty -fITC followers of "oploni klnf" Lo Hdng-han have Mrrendered to the GoTernment, an official »n--noanccinrnt uM last nl(fat. It said the tS atoo brought with them an anortmrnt of arms when they gave them atlvea op to an armj
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 56 3 W HissssV. rrnrJ M^Tm i•! aa^^^sV ■Mf sssP* ■■•••••■■■'■■■■r ■l*'*l* J > 'l»' %asM I mSS^BS* *Ax I ■sssw JKm' I bssbJbssssl I I Ms^ak I Wsssssa pj H ■ss esssw II sssVssV kV I f* I I I .^ssssssC I ■r L^ssttssssHß /f^Bm f^ I MssssT '^MsP^^^^^^A sUssssssssss! W
      56 words
    • 503 3 /vITJv sssMgflssssssl gs»B sMss* sV ssMslA a A .SBBBBr .sV^B 1 91 LV BSB^^^H gSB9^TI^IgSk#BT7^gSHnT^V^gSBrnHHBBSS^gSBBBBBBBBBK M >Mlk CORN O L COLD£J| (AUaS#MrWI) 720 i 55Q flp AnntHp»r m M r\m* 1 BLACKCURRANT DRINK cascade m Salad Bowl 1 < 2.90 ReStaUfant I FRUIT COCKTAH monarch m. Mi 1.40 I White
      503 words

    • 201 4 Nixon has gone 'too far' say Americans ■view YORK, Sun. Many Americans said yesterday that President Nixon had gone "too far" In firing Watergate special prosecutor Archibald Cox, but few said they wanted the President impeached. "Confusing," said Mary Irish, a New York City advertising copywriter. "This thing frightens me."
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    • 469 4 TOKYO, Sunday CAMBODIAN Prince Norodom Sihanouk said today he has asked China and North Vietnam for arms to counter American military aid to the Lon Nol Government in Cambodia. Prince Sihanouk also said that he will not meet with US Secretary of State
      Reuter; UPI  -  469 words
    • 91 4 BELFAST. Sun Pour masked men ambushed a car on a main street In nearby Lurgan yesterday and shot a 34-year-old Catholic In front of his wife. Ona of the four flrad a burst from an automatic weapon, then dragged tha man from Urn di-lrcr'a
      Reuter  -  91 words
    • 29 4 HONOKONO. Son. Inoo-Chlna Steam Navigation. Co. Ltd., a (übddlary of JanUnaa which was Incorporated in Bigland in laai. Is now baaed In Hongkong, tha company announcad today. DTI.
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    • 21 4 MANILA. Bun. JosMse qiMrube Makalintal waa apIjotnud today Chief Juatict of Urn PhUlpptna Bupnma Court by Piaslilaiit ktarooa. DPL
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    • 171 4 VATICAN CITY, Bun. Vatican Radio today criticised a recentlyreleased film In which Pope Plus XII Is alleged to have made no attempt to save 335 Roman hostages executed b> the Gestapo In the film, called Massacre In Rome, actor Richard Burton plays the SOU living
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    • 174 4 FILIPINO MUSLIMS NOT WORKED UP BYM-E WAR MANILA, tun. President Marco* said today there Is no Indication that th- Middle East war has fanned Muslim resentment In the southern Philippines against the martial law government. In an Interview wllh the Times Journal newspaper on whether renewed has flared In
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    • 259 4 BANTIAQO. Sun A Chilean army patrol shot dead another "leftwlnn extremist" In the central province of Talca, bringing to 10 the number of civilians executed In the peat five days, the ruling military Junta announced today. NEW DELHI: Tha Agios AntontoH, k 1 CM* -ton Greek veaeet, wae reported
      Agencies  -  259 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 294 4 BLACK IS BACK The CANON NPIIOO plain paper office copier puts an end to poor reproduction. Gives you perfect low-cost copies on lightweight paper-all on a low -maintenance cost machine. When you want perfect true white and true Mack copies at low cost and maintenance of equipment think Canon. The
      294 words
    • 320 4 Carrier Cosmopolitan there's more to j^ this beauty than/V JK meets the eye am /M fL MORE COOLING POWER f^T^ I Push the HI COOL button and in |ust ten seconds your M entire room is tilled with cool, crisp clean air. a^LI L^b^bV aflLaV II You II like what
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  • 188 5 rriHt deciding battle 1 against drug abase in Singapore will be won or lost la the home, the Minister for Culture. Mr. Jek Yeun Tbong, said last night. The fight against drug abase requires a many -pronged attack. Bat In the Anal analjrMs,
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  • 454 5 Fake MX pills pose new danger in Singapore pAKE MX pills introduced by drug-push--1 en to beat the Misuse of Drugs Act 1973 are posing a new danger to Singapore society, a forensic pathologist said yester- According v. Dr. Chao Tsee Cheng, of Outram Hospital, these pills look like the
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  • 53 5 •OSS Hilary Tan has bean tinted coalman of tbe Cbast Club. Singapore OUxr official* are Mr. Francis Tso. vto-rhalnrmn Mrs. OHM Poms, tacntary: Mr Simon Cnla. treasurer; and mmmlrrtt OMaaban: Cbaa Boon Ing. Allan Lee. Philip Tan, Mrs. Suaan Tan. Mia* Otrtrad* Ooh. Ml** Ong Km Un
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  • 160 5 Toh kicks off tree planting at new campus ABOUT m staff and student* el the University of Slnraporr yesterday participated In a tree g campaign at the site of its new tawip— at Kent Ridge In Clement! Bead. Planting the first tree was the university's VlceCtiaiwnor and Minister fee Vsenee
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  • 306 5 Association's two measures to improve driving instruction THE Automobile Association of Singapore has suggested that professional orlvlng instructors be allowed to give lessons only If they have covered 30.000 miles as drt\;rs and been driving licence holders for at least three years. An editorial in the latest Issue of the
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  • 37 5 KIQHT-rear-old Lew Foong Choon. died In Outran Hospital an hour after alter he tv knocked down by a taxi In Margaret Drive on BaturThar* wan t7 otbtr accident*. 10 of them taioua, an
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 237 5 DCO EDUCATION SERVKE COBOL PROGRAMMING As part of our service to provide quality training for computer personnel, DCO is offering a two week full-time course in COBOL. An in-depth first course in commercial programming the course has been carefully designed to combine classroom instruction with practical workshop sessions whereby students
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 241 5 Straits Times Crossword ACKOM always (t). 1 Provide support for worker 7 Schoottxqr after breaking at a strak* v. 4). u>ea m sscnt (t). 8 Cause anger, being In t Not looking forward to motion at last (t). tod of coloured version Where to (eel at peace (g). about motors,
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  • 216 6 Govt to start 'multistorey' pig farms P going to be high living soon for pigs In Singapore For. to beat the acute land shortage, the Primary Production Department of the Ministry of Law and National Development Is going to start a multi-storey Dig farm near the depart- ment's Field Experimental
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  • 25 6 TfflC MP for Juroof. Mr Ho Kah Leong. will open a new ly meUUed stretch of Loronc Kmbonf next Sunday at 6 pjn.
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  • 140 6 Youth's death over a girl? A N arg-ur\ent over a A drl is believed to have led to the murder Of 16-year-old schoolboy Marxukl bin SomerU (above), at th«Seletar Reservoir In Mandal on Saturday Mariuki. a secondary two pupil of Parry Secondary School was at the reservoir at about 6.15
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  • 104 6 IN Manila Czech-born American grandmaster LJubomlr/Kavalek Is leadlrg In the Philippines International chess tournament with 2J points from three games. In Saturday's play Kavalek beat Argentina's Miguel Najdorf in 37 moves. American grandmaster Rev. William Lombardy had a good day, first salvaging a draw after
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  • 301 6 Full pay for those on NTUC courses £IVIL servants attending approved trade union courses will now receive full pay during their leave, according to the latest issue of Perjuangan organ of the NTUC. The bulletin said the Government had agreed to this after prolonged and protracted negotiations with the NTUC.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 224 6 BHnglng Op r>th«r By BUI Ktvanagh tfc Hal Camp ~IJ C f > K OW IS V VB*H,I I MTWV)(*9I I WELL, ACHIEVE rr > L- -->Ot/'VE -VJSEVBj") BlondU By ChU Ymun% N f^'l I i I CAN T POSS'SLV I [C*L«aOWN OC*O 111. \i 'BE CABCFi^. -rtXJ<JC W^ _U1
      224 words

    • 52 7 KUAI A LUMPUR. Sun The Penlnsukw Malay etadenta' Union (OPMS) pkus to act up "brain oentte" to bdp student* In their atudaw and other activities. The centre will try to contact students particularly those from the rural areas and give them all the iiatsa sary •win*"—'
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    • 34 7 KUALA LUMUR. Bun. Crash helmet manufacturers will soon send a list of recommended price* for their products to the Ministry of Communications. The price* will range from ***** to tW.
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    • 25 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Son. A youth armed with a knife robbed a taxi-driver of 116 and a watch at Kampung Klaag OaU Baru ban yaatarday.
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    • 249 7 JOHOR BARU, Sunday TWO youths held up a pawnshop at gunpoint and got away with $10,000 worth of jewellery and $5,000 cash at Scudai, 10 miles from here, yesterday morning. Before escaping In a Toyota, the two youths fired a warning shot In
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    • 66 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Bun. The Oownmam la atnafhaj the uH to art up oU raaarrea In the oounUjr to enaora adequate auppiy, ttw Mt'tenr with Special Function*. Tunku Ahmad Rlthauddaan. aatd today He arJd the Oovaramant U alao watching the attuaUon toOowtng the dactaton tj aU-oll-produetng
      66 words
    • 31 7 KOALA IVmpUR. Bun. About 10.000 National Bactrtcltj Board employee* toiu Toted to take tnduatrlal aeboa If the recommendation of the damn Coro•slactoo inquiry la not pvbltahed by No*. 10.
      31 words
    • 292 7 MAS buys another 707 from Qantas KUALA LUMPUR. Son. —The Malaysian Airline System hai bought another Boeing 707 from Qantas and the plane la expected to be delivered in February next Tear. Informed tourcea said that MA3 would probably leaar another Boeing 707 from Qantas next year. MAS now ha»
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    • 43 7 KUALA LDHFim, Sun. The ParUaaaentary Select Committee studying the Law Reform (Maniac* and Dlrcroe) BUI has received *t let tan and ntaiimranrt* from Individuals and ortanlaaUon*. Ttu* was stated today by the niaaaalllasi ascratary Bndk Kamaruiaunan bin Helmed.
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    • 30 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Bun The Royal Malaysia Police will sand T.tftO bom <* Harl Raya cakes to po; personnel who will not be abas to be boo* for the festival.
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    • 128 7 KUALA LUMFI B Sun. Six hmndred EPF weftun aoored > M no-coisfldcncc" nnlion today again* ETP nuuiacer Mr. Lee Slow ss At as eaurnnry geaerml ■weiißg of the EPF StaiT Unlen. the memken took Mr ke to Uak for "not ahowUu latereet in utait ■raaltna"
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 382 7 itf^^kVL A Ha ""H a. ft sl^as* V V jm QawaV fk\W fi»^|f ,v^JP aawP^VwawaaaaaaaaaP^L^A aY A .11 J* asW*aV A aw»M»^aw«wM 1 n kl^d uk^gasiawH^. 4awsW V SJ^M V^ *»k 4*^9* a\\\\WEaa7^Tjl*v*TwNtw*^^^Ma^a\\\\\m W»m\v^L Jf *^*h.JJ kw^V^sPvV^^C IV9 *^"^^aaaaaw^ BaaW t t l^aaV^ Jaawf wtkmWwaWW^^ikK *V awsaaaaaaaa^H m I I
      382 words
    • 10 7 resiaurant faraJhertK: MV**^ak jWK. French prcvindal dishes. A merited IreßsireufaGraia?
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    • 381 7 Try and see yourself as others see you \bu look in the mirror at least once a day but you've probably never seen yourself as others see you... from the back! Bwf 'W* H Jawawai VaV BW M 1 V*K I Jaws! BsbbL W jj^K \a\\\\\\\. af^awV J^aaaaaaaaßiaaJ BaaaaV^_aßaaaaßW^^al m
      381 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1977 8 a^aia^l^ißlHaißl'a^BßAV ««Mnr^<iaßjflßj fVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVUVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVN yuWWUVWIrVWVWM XOW AT CAPITOL I Ti»%% Qi i»vi f A»- 41. >Ca i miiliil^ mt^jtfri§^ w^ it 4m CATHAY s "fact not fiction! I^BH Tor 4p^&£+ &m»v" A bloody and terrifying inside story of tb« ll^^ff^^^ 1 1|35 AiS^fl^V 4^J» s i> mm\fkl!fS^m\MmfSXi rflHSHflWHlflßYl E^^ Bk STW^S^bm!
      1,977 words

  • 236 9 Pay boost for 580 after accords with two firms COME 580 employees ot O two firms in Hill View Avenue off Buklt Tlmah are to get more Pay and Improved working conditions. This follows two collective agreements signed between the Singapore Industrial Labour Or- ganlsatlon representing the workers, and the
    236 words
  • 48 9 THI United Nations Association of Singapore will bold its first annual dinner and dance at the Crystal Ball- room at the Ryat Hotel on Oct. 34 at 730 pm Th* Minister of SUU Foraign Affairs KOclk A. RahUn Ishak will be the gu««t of honour.
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  • 237 9 Love story that blossomed on the sound of music... |?OR concert pianist F Andor Foldes and bis wife, Lily (above). it was a fairy tale romance with a hip-pUy-ever-after sequel. They met in New York 33 years ago. She was a Journalist and he, a young pianist making bis debut
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  • 124 9 JURONG TO GET $450,000 COMMUNITY CENTRE ANEW modern community centre, costing about $450,000. will be built In Juronsc Town early next year. The three -storey centre, to be built In Yung Sheng Road, will have a multi-purpose hall with a seating capacity Tor 300. two offices, an airconditioned library, a
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  • 503 9 OFFICIAL figures just published paint a picture of a prosperous Singapore where people are generally enjoying the good life. They show that Singaporeans are eating more and better food, drinking more and anti-smoking warnings notwithstanding smoking more. The people are also buying more can
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  • 342 9 The value of money and virtue of thrift— by Chai rpHE Minister of x State (Education), Mr. Chal Chong Yll, on Saturday stressed the importance of teaching youngsters the value of money and the virtue of thrift. Mr. Chal. who was speaking at the opening of the Boys' Brigade programme
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  • 122 9 Scholarships for Asean students rl Government has Invited applications for Asean scholarships for pre-unlverslty studies leading to the OCE "A" level tenable In 1974 at prestigious secondary schools In the Republic. The scholarships are for foreign student* who are dtlaens of member countries of Asean. Selection Is based on academic
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 87 9 KfSS^S^ r (bsssssssssssssssssW HI %l W^^t glv^^B gHH^^^^^^g^gHHlllll^i Jj I 1 I JstfL I r JmJ -t^BT J I IMF m' j Kj i a gssW— l L*. *yi ssssr^LssCTm WfW^^M bsbsibssbTl gsssss^ssssssssst^^H sssssssT H .^sstfn^sssssssK.* 4jKT EV (V. ■sssssssssssfl jfl HM 1 ■sB isW <**9g*Mfc dHI/ V sssPl V
      87 words
    • 540 9 AREYOU THE WOMAN HE MARRIED? BSSSSSSSSSBSBSr -^^BSSSSBSBSBI 9 V i*± \^BB> V ■v» w .atißßv^gflw x .^■^BBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBftBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiI^^ > *an ?^^*lgV /VoiX YOURSEI— I Y° u answer "yes" to most of these TLJCTOf^ f\\ irimAlklC. questions chances are you're losing your I M tot vJU CO I IUIMO man. Don't let
      540 words

  • Hie Straits Times
    • 600 10 SUSPECTS sometimes fire defence counsel. They are rarely able to get rid of an Inconvenient prosecutor. President Nixon's executive power enabled him to do Just that on Saturday a privilege many accused people across the United States would dearly like to share. But the luxury of being able
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  • 371 10 rEKE are no cakes and pastries for Sri Lanka folk these days. Bakers are banned from making them. They are permitted to make only bread, rusks and buna. Hotels and canteens cannot serve even rice or bread on two days a week. Bice U the key food.
    OFNS  -  371 words
  • 278 10  -  R. RAJAKARUPA: COLOMBO By cheaper rice to try to ensure being voted back into power. Six year* ago, the right-wing Government of Mr. Dudley Senanayake halved the existing rice ration (four pounds a week) but distributed the reduced ration gratis Three years ago Mrs. Bandaranalae, immediately after her
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  • 1406 10  - Russian move to keep out China in 'Asia plan' ROBERT EVANS: MOSCOW MOSCOW STEPS UP SECURITY EFFORTS By AS its propoganda war with China escalates to new heights, the Soviet Union has began to step up efforts to persuade Asian countries of the need for a collective security system. In
    Reuter  -  1,406 words
  • 1288 10 j^N Egyptian soldier closed the hatch of his tank and fell fast asleep somewhere in the Sinai desert. Eventually, a group of Israelis came across the tank. They decided not to disturb the sleeping soldier. It was Friday. They hitched the tank to a half-track with tow ropes
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 18 10 SHAPEYOUR "^^SIiSSS IDEAS INTO alwawS QfiS CONCRETE -JIP^VTI PEAIJTI^S==^=fTr?HSE prOfACt B lwKi4UCCttl Owwasj CMMM*) CtwAiiW Ccran LM I
      18 words
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  • 2 11
    2 words
  • 828 11  - UOB to float USs2sm 15-year convertible Asian dollar bond SOH TIANG KENG FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC SECTION OF THE STRAITS TIMES By FAST EXPAND ING United Overseas Bank will soon float a US$25 million convertible Asian dollar bond in the international capital market. This 15-year bond Issue the third and biggest
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  • 376 11 NMG teams enter first round's decisive period AFTER two exasperating trading periods, competing companies in the third National Management Oame have now reached the halfway mark of the first round. With only two more trading periods to go before the end of the round, those still groping around will have
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  • 490 11  - Lowest freight rates aim of FEFC TAN LIAN CHOO By THE Far Eastern x Freight Conference is not a monopoly and it is continually encaged in efforts to reduce the rates of rising operation costs. This was stated categorically by FEFC's vicechairman, Mr. Finn Erie (above), at a press conference
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  • 550 11  -  LEO GONZAGA MANILA: The Government plans to trim down the number of commercial banks from the present 43 or so to around 19 via mergers parti cularly among under capitalised banks. The main policy instrument is more of the stick than carrot type:
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  • 246 11 EEC to publish code for multinational companies BRUSSELS: The EEC Commission will publish proposals for controlling the activities of multinational companies by the end of this month, a commission spokesman said. The proposal* strongly urged by Denmark, will represent a complete rethink of the Commission's approach to the problem. Earlier
    Reuter  -  246 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 249 11 THE FIRST TRUE WRIST-SIZE QUARTZ TIMEPIECE. fci^^^^^SS 1.175<The Seiko Quartz Watch Accurate to within 016 second a day. Seiko, creator of the first quartz Unprecedented accuracy, too, because watch ever sold, has miniaturized quartz to a specially-cut quartz crystal vibrates at create the smallest diameter quartz move- precise frequency. It
      249 words
    • 234 11 M^m 1 w.^^^^^^bPtVvT^R^?3m^ i^^^^H Chase offers a complete range of banking 1 1 K_X K_li ILJ "I^--^ \s^ s' A Chase expertise VbhP M e^^A^^^A.^^^ .^^r provides sophisticated <*sr*^^^aV^^^H'^|^^^^B^^^^ financial counselling for by all industrial needs /f""^^^ /^^^Ma^P^R^r^HPT p u service capabilities Y\^^^^^^^^^^B^^ opening letters of credit. <^BBPEL~iljEi£r">l processing of
      234 words

    • 1365 12 SE W I N O thread maker, J.P. Coats (Malaysia) is offerIng for sale 1.8 million shares to the Malaysian public at |i par. It is licensed to use all the trademarks of J. and P Coats. UK. the largest manufacturer of sewing
      1,365 words
    • 342 12 Profits rise but Khong Guan Flour is cautious ALTHOUGH Khong Guan Flour Milling has raised pre-tax profits for the year ended April 1*73 by 87 Vi per cent to $2 15 million the chairman Mr. Chang Ming Thien remains diffident about the current year's prospects. While pledging maintenance of the
      342 words
    • 596 12 ICI one step nearer the ultimate in paints CXDR those keenly r absorbed in dressing up their homes or buildings In colours, it looks like we are one step nearer the ultimate on the paint scene. That Is. If Id Paints lives up to Its claims for Its new exterior
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 521 12 MARYLAND PARK (irtiitid at MMMHttN lMd,TujMg KitNg Riad Aaktr Rnd Sii'tptri 15) 18 STOREY FLATS OPEN FOR BOOKWC WOW 3 Mf— wMi bMhnxMii ■H»cfc»< H aadi (■ar«j»»t Ho»rin«»). 1 a*rrwrt ra»a» IMmli ly*3S i r^" (Tar J/^il r«xxo ffcoriuft)I JITAa^B I 1 livinf f##OT 1 tt~ Hm4 I rvna Hoertufl.
      521 words
    • 86 12 EEnSSaS Model ix La^^^L^l^l^Laal B^lvß^BaW'^BT^Sa^r La^LaßaHß^Br I O^h ur' 8 D>flM Copacirv from 4 chaap 1 Ragotart. FloaNno. ;«v battanai Dacimal.COnttanT B^^^bw Conitint, floating Switch. Undarflow^^^Hirnß^^^^^md Z«ro Supp'tftft Oint. Automatic. Svitam. Battarv a fl ß^L^__^L^l^^^auil|£^fL Overflow/. \Opaf.tao MffllintflffmjlKsn^^ Unwow fl^MsaHMMatMNM^kaS |Patf4i|i»Wßffl^^ \^BB 12 9 ?7^S_zzz9 V^LaHsn^^LW Capacity E^H \^Vh3^^
      86 words
    • 324 12 Hotel Danau Toba welcomes you toMedan. Indonesia's northern gateway. A world of superb comfort and service awaits you at the Hotel Danau Toba in Medan. We have 200 beautifully appointed aiiconditioned guest-rooms and sumptuous suites, plus a f-ne restaurant, 24-hour coffee house, cocktail lounges, bars and conference facilities. We also
      324 words

    • 1303 13 tale of Investments $6,548.90 Less: Dividend Received $1,074 20 Less: Dividend Receivable 495.00 $4,979. ,0 Vntf 'film TaUl rrtday IM to Prto> Cm* CM* Dal* Haw Par 6.000 6 42 32 520.70 5 40 (*****0) Inchcape Ord. (.000 887 41.74*80 820 7.4S1 JO M O 3,000 7.37
      1,303 words
    • 587 13 THt k>lk>wia( > 1 lut ol tariaad <)uo(iaoiu foe iht waaa Hf to Friday, Oct 19 foi oowlan not UKhxlad in dx waeklv *ut ualyaa. Ptic* mnmil baaadoa compirina erf taM ariaa am Oct. 12 and Oct. If v akown in bracken. 3.04 126 H. Roral 1.43
      587 words
    • 683 13 YTEW YORK, Frl 11 A reduction In the prime interest rate by several leading US banks enabled the. market to snap a four-day losing streak. But the advance was narrow, primarily because investors didn't appear too anxious to accumulate stocks In front of a weekend, particularly with war
      683 words
    • 150 13 The following company meetings are due: Meier and General Underwrilero Iniislmini BaMlags Lt*: Oct. 23. noon. OeJiery One. Mandarin Hotel. 113 Orcnard Road. Singapore 9. Mega Cho—lr»t« Bhl: Oct. 24. 19 am.. Registered Office. Wisma Mega. 2nd Mile Jalan Batu Tls>. Kelang The Am Httam Planting Syndicate Bn*.:
      150 words
    • 190 13 Asian currency unit A SIAN currency averse* depmlU Inter bank rates for the weak ended Friday. Oct. It. 197*. UM (BM rrhwa) Hl«h Law 7 daja 10 3/* (1/3 1 mth 101/4 tl/l 3 mth» 101/4 t7/l( I mtha 101/1 »3 4 6 mths M/ie 1/4 mtha 1/1 t 12
      190 words
    • 48 13 ■near nuanaa, UM UM ktalbava* (1) M.IT 00.04 tao«oa 101.00 101.M Batrat 101. M 101.M ■aastaaa 10*. n tarlc* 100 MB 101. 908 101 90S 102 SOO Parta IM.OJ 100.11 *«port prlcaa la aaa Martial arau la U.S. datlar par man. (l) Aaatrallaa aoll»r» mar
      48 words
    • 76 13 I mln aaeear prtraa oa meaj trinw bcackau). Wlnaai »il knrar HMO 00 (iMS.M) aaUar iHT.N (mot.00): Taraa anatai txirar fus 10 (MS4.W) aaUar ISM 00 (UM OS). Martjat tawt im« at taa krwar Irral. lalaa Mat laaa. Hongkong rates Oa tka fraa liaHiapi aaarkal la ■easkeai aa
      76 words
    • 46 13 TX>B the week ended r Saturday. Oct. 24) the range of call rates received from Short Deposits (M) Berhad were as follows: BANK FUND: S per cent. GENERAL FINDS S per cent to 31 per cent. MOVEMENTS of fwnds totalled 144 million.
      46 words
    • 100 13 Baat !■>: Ju 4, 1»71 im >»"» WeH'i Action Lw nth 17U duu«r iiSSi m*7s .STtaM.. tt7tt 7 HMiinj.srcsMS?" I!"!!!!? 1M Mt.«4 onflomrrsW J55-M MJJJ Lit UtM *MJ1 C^iMtratllMi. Brtldtac »d Emfto^Hac J4J.U J5J.J1 MJ 441.74 17* Jl iMiiTlHiili u4 Bcrrte* JW.74 MS 44W«
      100 words
    • 102 13 laat ft Tkc Uat clrn the tarnvnr In U.«u4i unlln, el«tnf price* mi Friday and high and low far 1*73 ■panic* Turnave. Pritn lll<h Law ••H Oct. It 1(71 II Haldlno 2.1*4 $I.IS tt 7t t» J« rmk CartM* U7i tMt 3» X' M rlaig iDinlinrDl l.Mt
      102 words
    • 121 13 Oct. It liulublali: SX7.M HoUli: tUJti rrapntka: 313 4« t Tin.: 113.2* t f uttui: SM.t7 t 0.C.8.C: 315.1T Oct. It Oct. 17 Oei. It 13»27 JM.II WJI XU.»I !UH U»M Ml.4t 311.M M7.*l 11U» 11U« 113.29 345.H MS.M 344 J7 ttlji ll(.lt S1»J« 141JB
      121 words
    • 92 13 payment payable tkcyrar pr«rtoo» year Bata Untang O% Dec 19 9J% East Astatic Bob. tt% Not. 9 tt% 49% Gsataar Cam. 19% Jan. 4 99% 19% Catenas (M) ti.S%T» Dee. i IMftTT U%TE H'Unda L-landi ll*%l Dee. 1 17.5%t M.71% Kiununtlni Tin tS.B% New. S9 45.1% 99% Khong
      92 words
    • 404 13 A FLUSH of over- seas inquiries made for steadier trading conditions in the Singapore produce market last week. And although a disparity still existed between local and overseas prices levels, Western buyers appeared willing to pay. Dealers here, however, were holding off either for lack of goods or
      404 words
    • 501 13 on the 1 Stock Eicnanre of Singapore last week remained selective and confined to second and third liners whose prices held from steady to firm. As was the case in the previous week, the following was mainly of a speculative nature. Earlier In the week, the property sector
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    • 621 13 rIE Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange was a hive of activity last week as share traders widened their pick of shares among industrial third liners, as well as property and hotel stocks. Turnover as a result leapt to a new high of 17.4 million units, compared to the
      621 words
    • 589 13 LONDON: The market dosed flrrr. In moderate trading; On Friday the F.T. Index was down 1.3 at 434.7 against tbe previous Friday's cloae of 436.0. A fall In the level of trading marked growing concern orer developmento In the Middle Bast, although Investor despondency was somewhat reduced
      589 words
    • 122 13 MARKS and SD*ncer reports pre-tax Droflt of £35.020.000 (£30.314.--000) for the half year ended September 1973 on turnover of £294.76 million 1 £250 5 million 1. Interim dividend is 2.0671p (1.7227p) PEBAK BTVEB HydroElectric Power announces group net profit Of £2.479.000 1 £2.051--000). for the year ended July.
      122 words
    • 161 13 COMMODITIES ROUNDUP ONDON: Friday's tin was fully steady In modest trading conditions. Cash gained £10 and Three Months fully £5. The further rise In the East was an important factor, while the nearby situation was tighter with moderate borrowing of October dates finding lenders less keen. Stoclu
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    • 514 13 LONDON: After a reasonably steady openIng, rubber continued on Its downward path largely Influenced by Friday's depressed markets at source and private reports of additional after hours easiness. But values later recouped minor ground on dealer and speculative shortcoverlng of landed set against the reserve of sellers.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 623 14 HKO.U.S.PATjOrF. DU PONT FAR EAST INC. A Itidiuß mtcrnstionsl chcmicsl company invites applications from Mslsysisn Citizens to Till the following vscancies for its new company in Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia: 1. RECEPTIONIST (FEMALE) Should have s minimum of Senior Cambridge with credit in English and be sbk Co converse fluently in
      623 words
    • 596 14 ipPSA^ (A) DRILL OPERATOR QUALIFICATIONS EXPERIENCE a Primary education a Some experience in maintenance and repair of mechanical equipment c Ability to swim and withstand heights a Ability to speak Malay (B) WIREMAN QUALIFICATIONS EXPERIENCE a A Trade/Craft Certificate from a recognised Vocational Institute in the electrical trade with 2
      596 words
    • 696 14 I SINGAPORE PETROLEUM I I COMPANY PRIVATE LIMITED I ■J invites applications for I lA. INSTRUMENT ELECTRICAL I SUPERINTENDENT 11. INSTRIMENT ELECTRICAL I ENGINEER I QUALIFICATIONS A EXPERIENCE: I I A. Octree in Electrical Engineering and I ■J Member of Institution of Electrical 'flj Engineers. If H Candidates should have
      696 words
    • 512 14 APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED FOR A NEW LOCAL BANK A. SENIOR MANAGEMENT POSITIONS Appointment Qualrf icatiorts/Experwnca Bank Officers Candidates should have at least 3 years banking experience: A good educational background, preferably with a University degree or appropriate professional qualifications. Foreign Exchange Dealer Candidates should have at least 3 yean, banking
      512 words
    • 639 14 ■2 5" SEI =O A) SHIPYARD SUPERINTENDENT (CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIRS) 1. Degree or Diploma in Marine Engineering, Naval Architecture or equivalent 2. Wide experience in Shipyard Management including new construction, repairs, organisation and control of labour and work scheduling. 3. The successful candidate will be required to plan and organise
      639 words

  • 139 15 SAF to conduct exorcises in six —areas THE Singapore Armed Forces will conduct military exercises In six areas this week. The exercises will be at Urn Chu Kang, Choa Chu Kang from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily from today to Friday: Tnas/ Lokyang from 9.3* a.m. to 9.30 p.m.
    139 words
  • 63 15 THK Singapore Adventurers Club. the Malay Youth Literary Association and the Young Adults Group will jointly organise a dinner and dance at the Hilton Ballroom on Nov. 17 to raise funds for t goodwlU-cum-itudy tour of Indonesia Highlight of the evening will be an Hibiscus Queen 1973
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  • 202 15 LABOUR Minister, Mr. Ong Pane Boon has urged local importers and exporters to change their traditional trading pattern of selling only imported goods. He said that in actively promoting trade, they must understand that they were also the salesmen of Singapore-manufactured goods. They
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  • 78 15 Competency in supervision course THE National Productivity Board will hold a course on Competency ln Supervision at Its premises ln Jurong from Nov. 5 to 23. The Course, which alms to prepare workers for supervisory posts, will be conducted by Mr. D.H. Brown, an UN and ILO opart, and personnel
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  • 68 15 A three-member deletalon will represent the Singapore Red Ctom Society or the first time at the next oeeunc of the board of joremors of the League of lad Cross Societies In Te jeran from Nov. 3 to They are Dr. W. R. R»aanayafam chairman of
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  • 33 15 CC's guitar course THE Kampung Chad Chee Community Centre will organise a guitar course under the Instruction of Mr. Harry Martinez. Application forms an available at the centre's premises in Chal Chee Road.
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  • 216 15 GIVING it another pall, this helicopter yesterday set up the path to suspend 43 cabins In the air for Singapore's $12 million cable car system from Mount Faber to Sentoaa. The whirlyblrd from thr Helicopter Services Pte. Ltd. was carryini oat the airborne operation of laylnc
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  • 53 15 THE International Federation of Petroleum an 4 Chemical Worker* (IPPCW) will bold 1U seventh World Congress at the Conference Hall from Oct 30 to Nor. 4. The United Workers ot Petroleum Industry, an affiliate of the IPPCW will host the mm— tor some 300 delegate* and observers
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  • 126 15 Seminar on the trends in Malaysia A SEMINAR on trends In Malaysia will be held at the New Lecture Theatre No. 3, University of Singapore, on Nov. 3 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Organised by the Institute of South-east Asian Studies, the seminar Is the sixth In Its series
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  • 35 15 A BRITISH trade mission will be In BUtfapore from Thursday to Nov. 1. The mission, representing a wide rang* of products, will Investigate the possibility of setting up Jotnt vantuna here
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  • 24 15 WATER consumption on Saturday was 118 8 million gallons (540.000 cubic metres), 0.8 million gallons (4.000 cubic metres) more than on Friday.
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  • 36 15 MR. Carrot Carter, special assistant to the Secretary of Trsrsportstlon In the United States, will speak on "Transportation and Urban Orowth" at the Singapore Professional Centre Hall In Outram Park today at (JO pn>.
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  • 20 15 THE Litana grounds will be opened Ut the public from am to 30 p.m. during DeepavaU on Thursday
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  • 201 15 Warning to black sheep who fleece tourists BLACKBHEEP In the tourist Industry who persist ln fleecing tourists must mend their ways or they may find their Uvellhoc.3 adversely affected. This warning came from the chairman of the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board. Mr. Runme Shaw, at the official opening of the
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  • 65 15 T.iK Ministry of BducaUon has clarified that Mr. Hang Ktong Hua. 35. who appeared In court en Sept. 13. Is not area manager of the Regional English Language Centre but is employed by an office In the RELC building. The complainant ln the cs-e. Cik Rozana Rosalind
    65 words
  • 70 15 MR. Tan Kah Hln and Miss Oh Kirn Hong will be guest speakers st the weekly lunch of thr Rotary Club of SI? (spore at the Mandarin Hotel this Weonesday Mr. Tan Is from the Rotoract Club of Singapore (City), and Miss Oh U a member of
    70 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 111 15 IMPERIAL LEATHER for that fine touch of luxury... A superior quality toilet soap, made from superior quality ingredents with a light, long-lasting a'oma. found only in the most exclw we of perfumes. r\~2r JJL"<, xT^^aSissssW 01 London IMUHAMMADI A LI i arrives i |today!| CATHAY PACIFIC I CX TOO I
      111 words
    • 224 15 DEEPAVALI and STOCK CLEARANCE SALE NOW ON BEDSPREADS, SAREES, DRESS MATERIALS, KURTAS CHEESE CLOTHS, CARPETS, TOWELS, ETC. At (Sponsored by the Government of India) 85, Serangoon Road, Singapore 8. Tel: *****1. EH ~^^^^LmW wF^f sssssslbbsJ BasilssSV VaVAW SMITHS REAR SCREEN HEATER__ Mift on the resr windowo^aaß*«* ll>ll^rr I p^ V«r's
      224 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 675 15 TV SINGAPORE (5) TV MALAYSIA (3) 4 1 iV\ Ht Kodisnta Malar Animal WorM: Great Spotted Cat CfHri Merry Melodies Ut Catty Jwev Run Deadsmd 13» J.UU (Tamil) IJt Diary ol JJt My TWm Sons: Lady Doutias DATT TV Brady tack: My Dwxwry IM Man Menari £»e»ts (Tamil) l.» Low
      675 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 646 16 INBTITUT TEKNOLOJI KEBANGSAAN Permohonan sdaJsli dlpelaws daiipada wsrguicgarm Malaysia untuk memenuhl jawatan-jawatan sapertl berlkut> A PEMBANTU PKNTADBIE Tuiggagajl: $.'o4x2g S«0 B.P. 588x2* 812 SK. 863x28 1087 (Pokok) Kelayakan S*kurang-kurangnya Ijatmh Am d»rlpada UnlrerslU yang dllktlraf dengan mendspat kepujlan dalam B*h«i« Malaysia dlperlngkat Sijll Peraekolahan ataupun keluluaan yang setaraf. Keutamaan akan
      646 words
    • 769 16 uNirasrn kktanun malatma (Jawatea «i*»i) Pcnnohonan adalah dlptlawa darlpada Wargaaeffarm Malaysia untuk mcngUl Jawatan bertkut dl Unlventtl PerUnlan Malaytla I. KNOLoXo HNBTABAH KNSTABAH (Jakmlan Ek*4*M*l daß PcraJagaaßtajii) Bldang: Tlml nan Administration (Pmtadblran Pemlafaan) Accounting (Ilmu Perakmunani dan Agricultural Economic* (Kkonomi Partanlao). IL PENSYARAH/PENOLONO PENSYARAH/ »UTOR (JaWtaa fn|aill»|l« tea PrndaTkaa hr.
      769 words
    • 782 16 PETROLEUM ENGINEERS Sarawak Shell invite applications for the above positions. Th* jebs offer excellent prospects for career development in an expanding Organisation. Candidate* should: be Malaysian citizens be between the ages of 21 and 28 hay* a good degree in Engineering (preferably Petroleum or Mining), Applied Mathematics, Physics or Geology
      782 words
    • 492 16 LEMBAGA KKMAJDAN TAN AH SARAWAK (Sarawak Laaa Pmtifit BMrd) Amlalili N«tlw life. S/Tl Applications arc Invited to fill the following posts 1 Jasaar Manatrr (S Vacancies QmalbVatom:- Candidate* mutt poaaeat at least Cambrldn 3chool Certificate or MCX or SPM with at leaat t yaars working experience In a managerial position
      492 words
    • 873 16 nUNITIO ASUSTOS I CEMCNT TECHNICAL ASSISTANT A ctreer opportunity Is offered for a Malaysian Cltlxen in a well established International Company Age Below 35 years Qualifications A Diploma or equivalent In Mechanical, Electrical or Chemical Engineering. Experience Some practical experience desirable. Work Mainly project work associated with plant Improvement, maintenance
      873 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1202 17 A_-_-_J------^---_-_-_i_______i-_H-H--l cMTtMaasi-p tnwcE v m/cmtimii: h^ »:jm KOWLOOh MV B M J£« „"5; ,"i ■aiai mam n Mt 11 an v an n an il an ■ji.i ut n Mi a Mt tl an n an a an il an HUM MM II Ml II Ml I Me Me I
      1,202 words
    • 1029 17 pmmi p. Maai Sm- U-tB lar PMTinuai mi a -a 11 _->_--. I tma Bn il an 11 Cnttotal. H.aptoa. M I SS-Ti 1 si!_f_ s -w^r^M*-. I I mbmT^ MM M1" O-rKtloa. Ht. Oriuat. I I nmn la) 11 IM 11 HmHoi. HMD: aUmill- 4 Cl. PII ITt-Irl: t
      1,029 words
    • 892 17 W aww im ram Inn P umi In Metna FrMea IX MM! MM bm nan hrn iim. nan MMU Ml nMßMßannanJlMiiiM MtJIEN UTtCU lln MM IM IM IM lIIIUB MM II M it M I Me IM Me IM MMMM E—tESS nan nan 11 Me iimc 11 Me i4Me| CIMIMN
      892 words
    • 889 17 'UUY COHTAINimZED SEKVICt TO lUKOH xm.M In., 1 FM: J"_JJJ aWif i^ 21 wtM-ai. «nHM. /-twerp, li Km. itaaa an i Kbm, Kiaaa-, In-M. ar_anla»M. S_aT™ T.. a_»_, cum-mm. Inlmii K ti StactMai. Olio. Hiltmti. Umti. Kn|-ai. ULLY COHTAINtmZtD SEKVICt HOM tUKOPt M.J'M.I, FMM flUin Kin 21 Wt-IM. tm-rtoa. AHawi,
      889 words
    • 740 17 Smaaane »IJ4A4, p. KaVaaa 4J41; KJ. *****; Pi*.-., ISIOI. THE BANK LINE LTD. LMK FM E t S. mv ainiAM mw Mama. M.n. lmmii tuiui p umi iwiiuum P«l <l L Bliliil. MM 4CM I P UMMJ mm M I P»i I 1.-VI Me FMM IMT I Mam MKt.
      740 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 930 18 M_MMM^H9HB!___M______l *^CATAaAia_BEN KAISHA LTD. UVASAU UKAI BSa RAIMA ITI iapu. i. ok. stuits sono. MM iu.jl-1 run P. Won laaaa a_t n ■nm in> j.ptn.AiNMiN CnII Ntorvtaa imtt mmum TZ S Sm^!^mmmT j.p.n toata /Urita-WNM AMaa Sar*SM snipimi nti mmttmm bun m ii bm loMtt. Pan Htrcawt. itfM. hmm. lorn.
      930 words
    • 785 18 ETA ETD PM. MMTf lUW a tet 8 tel Mmiv I.C.T KMTT inn a fct 21 tet Tracion for Ittowat. Fill tot 1 Mi **m KMTT MUM 17 fct akt DjstjrU. MMTf IKI 27 let M tot Hwl*. MU akl IMI Kjosl.Nt|. I.C.T MAin IMT II Rm 11 Rm Inmmsn*
      785 words
    • 945 18 ujc. «i»oft mviq LOADING POX LOHOON. H». «I. I DA. M IUiC. MIMM4 Ifi n t itaoe PMtra MtMni NIPTNNI laitNTlt Pit I IMI a/ilitt I>NJM S/ll Mil lt/!l rtta. uataa. trtaaa at mptnm tatMU imi/taM mm a/n innn vu NJM ttOIW Mtit Timiiiin |U Nt mptnm naiaaiiNt a/a Ml
      945 words
    • 732 18 __W__ gpatn Mint n vmm, itmntutmtman nm Ii aaM Mjiiin p MNXI PtaNNJ itaNae an aat •urn a pm mir* uv-u Ltrn »/u I Hn-t Jill H-W| VU Nt* nta a Pat ava an im vu LHtm nm Kia* ma rtm ava. «U MIM l/IP Ml 11/11 NM 11/11 NM
      732 words
      964 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1222 19 Jgg|fc SIME DARBY [UZ SINGAPORE LTD. H V REFRIGERATION AIR CONDITIONING DIVISION A SALES MANAGER A SALES MANAGER, Commercial Domestic Equipment, is required for the Division, to be responsible for the marketing and sales of a wide range of equipment. This is a new and very important position, and applicants
      1,222 words
    • 1046 19 A Poultry Breeding Company in Johore requires: requires: (A) GENERAL MANAGER (B) HORTICULTURIST Require menu: (A) Degree/Diploma in fields of nutrition veterinary or animal-husbandry. Relevant working experience preferred. Must have good administrative ability. (B) Diploma in agriculture/horticulture. Relevant working experience in orchid growing preferred. Please apply with complete resume stating,
      1,046 words
    • 1182 19 #jtc]| 5 tender notice «Chemitreat private limited I Tenders are invited from Registered Contractors of the Jurong Town Corporation (or the following projects 1 A CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION Eff«CtlV« 22 Oct. 1973 r^M,"Alrt>Z'S^ ETC Of*. 1 (SUPERSTRUCTURE) AT TOA PAYOH, SINGAPORE ano ELIGIBILITY: Building Unlimited Jim Tempua Store SHOWROUND: 26.10.73
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 2141 20 classified ads (D CLASSIFIED RATES Oeaeral: (OM per ward Mmrmnm: (900 (IS word*) Personal: 1.20 per word Mill (24 00 (10 word*) LOUISE KLERK S SALONS la Hotel Slngapura for your lauat hairstyle*, expert perming and gorgeous tinting Vary moderate price* AppolnimanU: tslepoooe *****1 (Sport). a TOWARDS A SSORI OALITARIAN
      2,141 words
    • 793 20 URGENTLY RIOUIRI expejn- I •need m"**"l* »lrcandltloner men (alary (MO te (480 p.m. k CaU personaUy ta ST. Taaglln a Read S'per* 10 Tal: *****8/ P. *****4. I Troll isHsliitill balMlac aad dvll -n«Tkat»etiip Bra* raqulra. (1) SIYI PORIMAN AND ASSISTANT PORIMAN Several year* exper- lenc* Sa wtjrkalte. FITTIR IS
      793 words
    • 757 20 NOLISH tPEAKING NOBTII■I raquirad Ser a oaskHll wag*, attractive pay. Ptoaat pp'y t w«.»*Hy to: The Ship laataaraat. M Ratlaaen Read. pare. Tl. *****. Wanted liamodtouly 1) ONI LADY ASSISTANT CLSRK Oood at Ocaru with a I yean «i|itiltatv 2) INOL I S H IPOAKINO OPPIOI DOT with experteae*. kpply
      757 words
    • 874 20 INTERNATIONAL HOUSING AGENCY offers Klngsm*ad Raad (1.900 aßMlford Road (2.090. Off Steves. Raad (1.200 atww Albert Park (1 TOO Namly Arrow* (1.900. Sixth Avmnm (I. (00 (I.MO. Mine Twak Purk M5O (1.300 Moulmein rlaad Jl 000 Maryland Drive (1.400. Bis Khoog Park (560 (KM. Lloyd Read (1.700 (2. 00U CMUtsed
      874 words
    • 883 20 WILL DECOR AT ID AIRCO* piTiONio wall ta wall cat peted 3 bedroom Sat. Prime location Tomllaaon Road. Spon 10. Tel. OSMM. OALMORAL PARK DIST. TO furnished (teanh ftoor) (bed roomed flat. fmmadHla occupation tin *ad January 1974 at (1400 p.m Phone TM9I *xt I*4. OIST. SB— JALAN MUTIARA fully
      883 words
    • 841 20 DIIT. 11 TCRfIACI 3 bedrooms. 3 bathrooms, at: wevaat't room. Ont 1.000 aq.ft. Durt. 19 <aUch«d 4 bedrooms. 3 bathrooms aad ane servant's room, approx. S.OUO aq.ft. Phone 41CT07 tefore 3 a.m. ***** after 2 p.m OUICK SALS (EMI DITACHED split level luxury k—galn a at Button Avenue Caatplttlua March
      841 words
    • 748 20 IPRIIHOLO «,STS S». FT. I idpube storey earner terrace a liA Piayth Road for sale/ rent Contact *****4 fi NIW OOUBLE STOREY T«»- RACI house la Changl SI m.a. 3.115 *q.ft. T*l: VICMT li H pore. I, LUXURY ISTOREV BUNOA- 1 LOW at good locality. Rlnc X *****1 Open. 3
      748 words
    • 725 20 NDUSTRIAL BUILOIM3 ■tuated at Kaaapani ajsgl* near Kallaag Oaa Wo-k) or light induatrM*. sadowa or mat. Back floor approx S«\000 ft -gree to tot wkato BBIM>C. **paral* loors ar unlit, oterwited panto*, ptoate mil at 31. Rochoe Road. Slngapor. onor* Bxpreea (Pie) Ltd. Tal: 14M Tl-re: VOO ass. to
      725 words

  • 104 21 Welcome: No hike in price of cold chicken NTUC's Welcome supermarket la Toa Payoh will continue to sell frozen chicken at $1.70 a lb despite higher prices In the market. A Welcome statement said the price will remain stable until the end of November. "This U because an arrangement made
    104 words
  • 52 21 SINGAPORE National Heart Association will kick off Its Heart Weak today with a combined annual dinner at Shangri-La Hotel at 730 pjn. PLIANCK Acm«, Ari.ton. Hoover. Hitachi. Kenwood. Philips. TTtclty refrlgeratore waahlng macJilnas. cookers, mircowave ovens. TV radiodams available at Associate Appliance.. 2SA. The Orchard. Sport *****0. JITCOOL
    52 words
  • 197 21 THE general manager of the NTUCs insurance co-operative Income, Mr. A.T. Shimpi, has called for more education to make the public more responsive to life insurance programmes. Speaking at the third Income Summit Club forum at Trade Union House In Shenton Way on
    197 words
  • 232 21 High rent hut dwellers fall into a trap— 4 FAMILIES who have rented huts at high price!) on sites under clearance with the promise that they would be entitled to resettlement benefits have fallen into. a trap. According to the) Housing and Dev#«lopment Board, families or peopM who move into
    232 words
  • 118 21 TWO robbers rubbed medicated oil on the eyes of a 28-year-old lighterman and robbed him of $965 at Raffles Place on Saturday. Police said Ang Tal Whatt was walking along the pedestrian mall when the robbers grabbed him from the back. While one of
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 642 21 AUSTRALIA TOUR* lIRVICI special low com dall: nights to London and Europ 1700/-; Auatralla 1408/--\'S A Tokyo -fTalpel/Honnkong Hangkok/Indoneela 142. Rao Course Road, *****/2157* 8 pore. LOW COST PLIONTS TO London Bangkok Europe Hongkong VIA. Tokyo Australia Taipei Alao Parkag* Tours to Europe. Far Eaat. Auatralla for Nov /Dec
      642 words
    • 579 21 S TVPIWRITINO. BOOKKIIP I INO (Principle* of Account*. I Dlemenury. Intermediate I Higher Accounting: SnorthaM R«ria/Normal) Theory. Bpee< I 50/130 for Pltmana/LCC 1974 y Examinations Institute ol a Commerce 75 Middle Road, 2S3C Selene Complex tllsl/ *****. S'pora. c SINOAPOBI INITITUTI OP SCIINCI RICIITIRIO IN I*4o 5*3 A, lIBANOOON BOAO.
      579 words
    • 673 21 LINGUAPMONI INSTITUTI (LONDON) taachea 35 language Quickly at Home. Fro* Deenoa stratlon at: 333. Pealosuti Shopping Centre or SOA. Preal dent Shopping Centre. T*)sphoe> (•'pore) ZMI7/M3HO7. LCC HIUHIR DIPLOMA* IN ACCOUNTINO. COITINQ CONOMICS stamrord Cnir* oirers a rapid course by It* expert staff. Course commence* 1-11-73. Apply for details STAMFORD
      673 words
    • 868 21 ANYBODY I N T I R I S T IDT Wood wast* remaining of steal •napping*, stc. to be given iway free af chars*. Those Intereated are required to use their own transport Tal: CrrIVROLIT IMPALA late 190* sircoad.. ten, rscordsr. painted ■cold metallic with buck vinyl top with black
      868 words
    • 708 21 I. IT OOItN'T PIT. ouldn t send to you Moderr kitchen from riilliMm PCX. •***** Spore MIHO MUAT IRON fUP.NI TURI eosnpany 25 Oavenaxr. Road, ft^n T-l 3TH2B Specialist In Iran ruimiapa. BOSIS available throuchout the wee*. Contact Pi lucaas fiowei Ska*. *U Orchard Road. S pore. Tel 1781J4/3782M/3T«*K. DO
      708 words
    • 628 21 T U •Ir-RIOIRATORI. PBJIIIIRS, Air condition*. need npalr. reer-raylng or service Contact us for an eatlBMte No oMlgatloa. Phone 3TMBS or STSMI Malaysia Unloo Refrlnratlon Air condltssams Co. 23 25. Salboo Straat. Spore 9 CATHA.V AIMCONDITION and Refrigeration Company apecialls ed In repairing servicing of Slrcondltlonfr- refrigerators etc Rental alao
      628 words
    • 413 21 ST, TAMOLIN HOAD, SM»4. aMtM. HUH, We sell. Rtnt. Struct InaUl ACMA NORGE HITACHI CARRIER CHRYSLER NATIONAL. FRIOIDAIRE WESTINOHOUBE A*i typaa af Packaiia Airconditiomm. Waur cool. Aireool Aircondltlorcra Refrigerators A Alrchllkr ACMA Al« CONDITIONS* twin-cool n'rtseratloii special dlicount for cash Trade-la (120/- upwards. Servicing/ repalrreaul Hi Cool Air con dltloolng
      413 words
    • 308 21 •I THE BANKRUPTCY ACT (CHAPTE* IS, 197* EDITION) NOTICE OF RECEIVING AND ADJUDICATION ORDERS TAKE NOTICE that Receiving and Adjudication Orders were made against the persons and or firm: ADJUDICATION ORDER made oa 14th Septcosber, I»TJ. Bankruptcy No*. 6M/73 Ngee Fatt Oramophonr House fa firm) of No. 377 Arab Street.
      308 words
    • 84 21 W CHRISTOPHER The specialist gets your Interior Decoration A Schemes done quickly and efficiently ALSO of interest to Hohne Decorators A SPECIAL OFFER for a short period only- ',«i Wallpaper Ittest UK appro* 60 sq. ft. per roll $10 to $15 Ml Carpets Superior Quality per tq. yd. $15 to
      84 words

  • 595 22 Training building workers to use their brains too M AY Ibe permitted to correct some of the wrong Impressions that might arise from your report on part of the Singapore B .aiding Contractors Society vice president's sixth anniversary dinner speech (8.T., Oct. 16). The current vigorous development of the Republic
    595 words
  • 97 22 I REFER to the letter by Firebrand headlined "Watering the Tarf Cißb' (8.T., Oct. 1». The Turf Ctab has lv ewn water tappl. eolleetedfrosß emk-saU ptoes anrt pamp-d to a high Wveitaaa. This water Is gravityfed to a ring main rtsad the track mud
    97 words
  • 162 22 Make use of rain water to clean factories rpHX Government has X been urging the people not to waste water. A lot of money and effort have been spent on publicity campaigns Informing the public to use water carefully. However, there are vome factories in Singapore who waste clean fresh
    162 words
  • 39 22 1 WOULD be obliged If RTB would telecast the recent International soccer match between England and Poland. I am sure soccer fans will be delighted to watch first-class players hi action. SJ. HO, Singapore 1.
    39 words
  • 263 22 'Improve working conditions oi masons 9 call T»HE acute skilled labour shortage situation x In the construction Industry Is deteriorating and something must be done about It. Dr. Qoh Keng Swee In his National Day message, lamented that the classrooms /or masonry, carpentry and other building trades were practically empty;
    263 words
  • 127 22 lins refer to the letter by TTH iB.T. Oct. 13) resardlnc obstructions along the common co rr dors of Block 8, Oeylanc Bahru Some families In the building hare potted planti on low ana narrow supporting benches along the parapet walls of on—mx" corridors. Tbeae plants do not
    127 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 645 22 Maggi Chilli Sauce B^B^H Hb^^B^B^bV .^flVr *4fc^^ i- 1 b^bßSbHK^S^wßk^^^h^bl mi PI bW"*^'^' NMjff'-- *S' Mm 1 i^M I ii'^^fe^ ■Jb^bK-A' T^cilHi I "^"^v ss^ > m > lii f A TCI Cl IVsVsVsVsH B^Blf iff BN^^^B^BW^^ J the perfect balance Not too hot, not too mild. Not too sweet,
      645 words
    • 127 22 Jaunty bells. Guaran >^V^k teeo to hit the right k, *^P note. Patch pockets ll^^^^_^ back and front. New 11^^ 5. prest and 100% brushed-cotton Dune I J^"^ j buqg fabrics. And >op colours. Hk New-style I.evi'sbells ii^Kl 'are jig '<i ***** *in B^rV XxK x Europe and America.
      127 words

  • 218 23 Jackson, Hunter star in Oakland's victory YEW YORK. Sun.— A Reggie Jackson backed the crisp pitching of Jim Hunter with two clutch doubles to give the Oakland Athletics a 3-1 victory at Oakland yesterday over the New York Mets and send the 1973 World Series into a decisive seventh and
    Reuter; UPI  -  218 words
  • 38 23 NEW DELHI, dun— lndia's Vljsy AmrlthraJ today defeated veteran Mai Anderson of AustrmlU to win the men's singles title In toe Indian Open Grand PrU tennis fHampf^nf hipf here Vljay won t-4. 5-7. ft, «-J Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 680 23 A NC HESTER United's prodigal son was greeted with the chant "We forgive Georgie Best," when he returned to Eng- LONDON, Sunday lish League soccer yesterday after an 11 -month absence. Best, the wayward Irishman who shocked the soccer world with his "I quit" announcement last
    Reuter; UPI  -  680 words
  • 300 23 Ali plans to meet Foreman before retiring JAKARTA, Sun. Former World heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad All was cooling off at a mountain retreat near Jakarta today after an easy but sweltering 12--round points victory over Dutch champion Rudi Lubbers In a non-title fight here last night. Both fighters felt the
    Reuter  -  300 words
  • 70 23 MADRID. Bun. Ton Okker of Holland beat top wed nic Nutase of Rum&nli •-4. l-«, 7-5. In the men's singles semifinals of the Mella trophy tennis tournament here yesterday. His opponent In the final will be Jaime Plllol of Chile, who bast Britain's promising young Christopher
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 47 23 THE SCA Junior lewue cricket ouUch between BtralU Time* and ClTtl Senlow wa» abandoned due to rain after an hour's ptej at BaMtar Bead rvUrdar. Scores when plajr was halted CItU atrrtoae 81-s (Jecatheean Oopalkruihnan M. AJlt BU«b 23. Remmj Ztegclaar 5-1 7 j
    47 words
  • 861 23 THttD DIVISION BrUto. R I 10 16 4 II OJdham I I 11 1 II York i 7 l ii n B mouth 4 1 II U II Chartton T 1 4 J8 15 Cfleld 4 1 14 11 14 H-aeld 4 I I
    861 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 137 23 Don't Dream About It ...Own It! Citibank's Home Appliance Plan can help you get all those home appliances you have always needed. Just tell us what you want to buy and whether you have steady employment, and we'll credit your account with the money you need. The interest is low
      137 words
    • 196 23 Austin 1300 MXIII Rugged. Reliable, Rally Proven v^iKgE g(^gl^^Mgi^gi^gi^gft^_ z^+^ "X V^^^g^lß^* .^g^a^^^^^JU iW A .^f^g^B* t .^^m f g*s W^t .^g^ m^^i n^ki ■ft^lw^gft^gft^gwH^l Igilg^gw^gw^gw^g^lJlW MB Turns the rough into smooth, and with the A small car with outsize interior space. Resttui front-wheel drive gives you the kind of
      196 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous

  • 199 24 Pat an easy winner by 11 -strokes- If UA L A LUMPUR, Sun. Mrs. Pat Stewart (8), of Singapore, won the first Malacca Open women's golf champ lon ship by 11 strokes when she carded a IS over par 87 at the Ayer Keroh course today. She had a total
    199 words
  • 71 24 OKNXVA. Sun. Lewis Perrlgno of U4 United SUtes won th* Mr UnlTcne Utle her* last night In the annual contest for physical fitness and physique organised by th* International Federation of Body-Builders The 21-year-old New Yorker won th* Utle In competition against 73 contestants from 43
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 387 24  -  ERNEST FRIDA By I N GAPORE Cricket Association youth team will nuke a 17-day tour of South India from Dec. 13-30 this year. SCA have named 16 players for the tour Including 11 schoolboys, who played In the SCA Juniors team which won the Junior
    387 words
  • 29 24 MANILA. Sun —Ross Case of Australia today defeated countryman Oeoff Masters 6-1. 641 to win *Jie men's singles title In thr Philippine InUrnatlon tennis meet. —Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 236 24 Thais sweep the board in 100 m IfUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Malaysia's top hurdler Ishtlaq Mobarak returned an encouraging 14.5 sec. In the 110 metres hurdles at the Asian athletics trainees meet at Merdeka Stadium today. Ishtlaq. 25, was satisfled with the race run under advene conditions. Pour events were cancelled
    236 words
  • 91 24 PGA honours Nicklaus NEW YORK. Sun. Jack I Nleklaus was naterday named Profaational Colfen AMOclatlon't "Player of Un Year" for the second •tralgbl T^filHam Clarke. POA pr»atdant. announced NlcklruVi aelectlon at a meeting of tne organlaaUon's necuUve committee held In connection with the UStUO.OOO Club ProfwalonaU Champtonahlr at th* Pineburat
    AP  -  91 words
  • 99 24 JOHANNESBURG. Sun. John Edilch and Onhta Roope Karcd centurtn to help Derrick Robin* XI trom England be»t an African aid* by 332 rum at nearby Soweto today In a olatorte natch, with an African dd« playing an International multiracial Ude for th* flrrt Urn*. Robins XI
    99 words
  • 43 24 BALVAOOR (BrmsU). Sun. —The World Boxtne Council n rtwfrd Maxlcot Runon TtkMqun as tta pnatdtot at a mMUn t bar*. Tb* ■WBC rice in— lilaiit tor tb* not two jr*an will b* Roocrt Turter of toe UnlUd Btotw. Rautar.
    43 words
  • 259 24  -  GODFREY ROBERTS By SINGAPORE Amateur Judo Association have drawn up a new training schedule for all Judo enthusiasts with the view to raising the standard and popularising the sport. The scheme In the form of organised classes for both beginners and advanced students will
    259 words
  • 203 24 MELBOURNE. 8un .—Orey- haired Wast Australian. Ted Ball, today overwhelmed some of the world's top golfers to win the Wills Masters golf tournament at Melbourne's Victoria 001 l Club here. Ball, with a dazzling performance, equalled the course record with a final round
    Reuter  -  203 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 376 24 Super 99 New Generation battery from Eveready for your new 9©neration equipment v^H^h^^J^^^B I Eveready Super 99i Big strong power to work at a touch, to drive motors. Extra power for all your new generation -M equipment. Seal wrapped for freshness! ffck pixMoiiastMs m^^^^^y^^^^^^rmMm^^^ ifoaf^j Calculators I ■^^^^^^K From the
      376 words
    • 248 24 Introducing the worlds first SLR camera with a fully-automatic Electronic Shutter K^Hhß^B /sC I IssssK3i Ga^H sssVv \lmiJlm r I Bsß^L iHsssssssssssssssssssssssflssl^H^ 1 assssHsWHa^l The revolutionary Pentax ES He-e s lie camera ol me electronic age The revolutionary Pema« ES Just set the aperture and shoot The bra '(3 new
      248 words

  • 577 25  -  EPSOM JEEP RACIHtt| pENANG, Sun. Royal Commission, with R. Rajoo astride, chalked up his third successive win when he ploughed through a very heavy track to win Race 5 here today. There was a sensation In Race 3, a 6f handicap for Class 3 Dlv
    577 words
  • 1862 25 (373-JOSi C Tan U i 5) Orchard Boulevard I (M4-1M) Cheam 16 Trmlarr: J. Spencer Won fey: i (1: IS--1/5). T.t*: $84. til. sa M. riniul (No*. I t I); Penan* ttT; Ipoh $77; XL $M; S-pon $153 Cearae BenUcklno Ceperoo 813 Fondest Retards B.S.
    1,862 words
  • 79 25 IST No: ***** tad No: MllB 3rd No: 52MS STARTERS No*: ***** SUM S44M SCSI* 54M4 KM9 53*82 51M1 539*4 SB37S U*» CONSOLATION No*: ***** SUm 541JJ 5154« ***** ***** SMU 5791S 532*8 ***** beaten at the top of the straight. Theatre and Be Careful drew away to
    79 words
  • 673 25 PENANO. Sun. Apprentice Djulkifly wa* severely reprimanded by the stewards for riding an Ul-Judged rare on Page Boy In Race S here yesteraay. The Stipe* report: EACE ONE: Hot Money (Mamat) and Bayalty II (Asuwadl) were both alow to leave the (tail*. Running toward* toe winning
    673 words
  • 146 25 TkTEWMARKET. Sun i.l An undisclosed buyer paid £44.100 i »242.--000) for a daughter of Sea Bird II at the Newmarket Houghton vearl...g sales yesterday. The filly, whose sire produced last week's Prx De L'Arc De Trlomphe runner-up Allez Prance, Is also a three-parts
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 65 25 TOKYO, a-m. Japan's Isao Aokl won the '0 million yen (about 877.000) Japan Professional Oolf championship at Oltu today by carding a one-over-par 71 for a four-round total of 276 In drlaling rains over the 7J46 yard, par-72 B*kl Country Cub course Hanio Yasuda of Japan carded a
    65 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 130 25 [effective relief for most skin problems I ODD B ntxtmtOH I loreSwoatSk I W Wv I Contains 5 fast-acting antiseptics which destroy the germs that cause skin problems. DDD EXTRA STRENGTH PRESCRIPTION A golden liquid that cools the skin and gives immediate relief for Spots and Pimples and most skin
      130 words
    • 301 25 New Thoroughbred From PeugeotgwHSrV^tTK^Sßlßßi "jSkJW. «*t aB ''-t '^tr^^ |H^g«lTp»*Slc-^^BSBaF-.3gJtX 4 aS *flL> H wSfi ■H63ww wwt .^gitestowl£giftift*d awPalfc. Wt^gQ iSgTSsit^l sslßsm^vl^BlP^ssUs^Bl tkaal^gß aalaaar fc*t S»T '^aaW^B I a,-^L atf "^rr^B B-^^Zj .^h v> Brr^^^^ gB^JI g|^g|.lisßssß*cr Comes with the Peugeot distinctions: durability, luxury and economy. The new Peugeot 3<M
      301 words

  • 138 26 One million at anti-war rallies in Japan rpOKYO, Bun. Lettl wing supporters and pacifists today held rallies and demonstrations throughout the country to mark the annual International Antl War Day, 'with the emphuli on opposition tc the continued presence of US military oases and the existence of Japanese self-defence forces.
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 47 26 LONDON. Sun. The »«lght of 5.000 •creaming fans of the Osmonds pop Kroup aent pan of a balcony wall craihlng at London's Heathrow Airport today and Injured gome girls Police iald six girls wen hurt, some of them being taken to hospital* —UPI.
    UPI  -  47 words
  • 283 26  -  RANEE GOVINDRAM By f OOKING radiant iv and beautiful In a bright red saree, Miss Nirmala Rajoo. 21. could find no words to express her Joy In winning the 1973 "Deepavali Queen" contest, held at the National Theatre last night "I never
    Chew Boon Chin shows Mr mala centre flanked by NUma right and Garnam  -  283 words
  • 204 26 Petrol ration in Manila to service stations MANILA, Sun. Petrol stations In metropolitan Manila today started rationing gasoline to customers, forcing cars and leepneys to queue up and triggering traffic Jams along the city's main streets. However, oil Industry sources amid they expected the situation to ease following publication today
    UPI  -  204 words
  • 66 26 ■MAIMS OF LAV! P. a»pavoo. urn of Jmm Dvi R*a4 Mt [inn away II ion at 1 am. »v tncMM tht w «v. Family uuito tnmdi and nktlni for Had uuun, llfliiri. wr»atka ix) eeatrltxitloaa MOT wma lmho u«o »m« hicklj »»laa« krawa/wkiu caret Mtck wta m tan uM
    66 words
  • 269 26 More Red violations as battles move closer to -Saigon SAIOON. Sun. A major battle raged near the Cambodian bordor and fighting edged closer to Saigon as communist ceasefire violations Increased throughout South Vietnam, the military command reported today. The command said 68 communists were kllleJ yesterday and another 14 this
    Reuter  -  269 words
  • 400 26 *fe From Pag* On* Canal across which men and equipment were being transported. Planes were also being used to ferry men and materials over the Canal from Sinai. The sources claimed Egyptian attempts to 'solate the Israeli force, to smash the bridges and eliminate
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  400 words
  • 29 26 BAN JUAN. Sun. Ailing (eil:«t Pablo Cassia, M. bad taken a decided turn for the worse" and lit doing "my poorly," a family spokssman ■aid today. Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 84 26 (itoiliiMpaM is«»as!| w\i\\. Im i m»\y<».>.l SR TSITEH. A lfl»r<»*s not much you can add exrept !j<<j.ii.iiHM|. Also sold as SR T303 or SR TlO2 I H aUK^HgW a^gLH flGa^gaV Minnltn IWHllWllll MHK SINGAPORE (PTE) LTD. Tong Fong BWg.. sth Fir.. 52 1 Chin Sweeßd.. Spore 3. Tel *****1 SnmUEl
      84 words
    • 277 26 /"Jin YT^%t ~j~^c~\r\C~^ mvownw "NO FROST" aa»»»»»»n^^^^^^jE2» "^'^M V^»»»^"*»«"""»*a«»a»la»»a»«aa» I ■'SBjSv* j I WWW Hgfaaaaa^aaßgaaatgEr? 1 W»M ■U< a-aw y la^^gt^^, I y^ MODEL TDE 140FN Mm. ft SPECIAL FEATURES:- FOAMWALL CONSTRUCTION AND ABS. THE CHIP PROOF. RUSTPROOF MATERIAL USED IN SPACE MISSILES. "NO-FROST" refrigeration, temperature control, twin-slide out enspers,
      277 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous