The Straits Times, 18 October 1973

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 20 1 TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 250,000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1973 20 CENTS MX. (P) 28/78
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  • 94 1 AMERICAN marines relax in the parking area of Morehead City port in North Carolina before beginning their sea voyage to the Middle East war zone in the USS Iwo Jima. They are among the 2.000 marines who are being sent to strengthen the US
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  • 785 1 MASSIVE TANK BATTLES Flare-up along central Suez across Ismailia TEL AVIV, Wednesday MASSIVE battles between Israeli and Egyptian armour flared up today along the central Suez sector opposite Ismailia, a military spokesman said here today. The battles began after what had been reported as a quiet night. The spokesman said
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  785 words
  • 56 1 r ONDON, Wed. The LJUS dollar dropped sharply on International money markets today. ome dealer* said Arabs were unloading their vast dollar holdings to farther depress the American currency and exert new pressure the United States In thr Middle East war. ondon dealers reported some switch of Middle
    56 words
  • 200 1 BEIRUT, Wednesday OSSES of planes, tanks and other military hardware by both sides in the first 12 days of the conflict have been tremendous. Military experts say if it were not for the aid pouring in for both sides from the Soviet Union to
    UPI  -  200 words
  • 34 1 BALTIMORE. Wad. US attorney Oeorge Bemll says be hu received physical threats a* a result of hi* probe of political corruption in Maryland which led to the resignation of VlcePreddent Splro Agnew AP.
    AP  -  34 words
  • 85 1 pOMPANY director Aw \j Kow was acquitted yesterday of 24 summons charges alleging evasion of taxes totalling $700,519 after the prosecution withdrew Its case against him. Mr. Mahmood FadJlar. Of the Inland Revenue Department, gave no reasons for dropping the charges. The alleged offences were •aid
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  • 59 1 PHNOM PENH W«d. Nine government Midlers were killed and 16 wounded In a clash between government and communist-led Insurgents, the Cambodian command reported today. It said the Insurgents also suffered heavy casualties In the fighting some X* miles (50 kms> from Ftinotu Penh on Highway
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 47 1 TEL aviv. Wed. One of Britain's most respected Journalist*. Nicola* Tomalln. 43. of the Sunday TUnea. was killed instantly when a rocket hit a ear he was sitting in on the Golan Height*, near the IsraelSyriaa front, a colleague of his said here today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 43 1 BONOKONO. Wed. Telegram service* to and from Himsjront suspended slnot Oct. 1] otcause of Industrial action by local employees of the Cable and Wireless Co. resumed this afternoon v they temporarily called off their action. I —Reuter. <Sas Back Page). I
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 171 1 K. LUMPUR, Wed rpHE National Union L of Commercial Workers today served a week's ultimatum on lit companies to start talks on a cost of living allowance or face Industrial action. NCCW secretary M M. Vasagmm said the majority of the employers had
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  • 564 1 'Thanom heading for US report BANGKOK. Wednesday fORMER Thai Prime Minister Thanom Kittikachorn, who resigned after bloody clashes here between troops and students, left Bangkok for the United States last night, authoritative sources reported today. The sources said he left on a Trans World Airlines flight bound for Boston accompanied
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  564 words
  • 39 1 TEL AVIV, Wed. Two American pnotographers and a television crew were detained by police today when tryIng to film the arrival and unloading of war materials in giant US Lockheed CSA Oalaxles at an Israeli airfield. Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 335 1 Gunman holds two envoys hostage JIAVANA, Wed. A Cuban gunman, holding the Belgian and French ambassadors hostage In the French embassy, has threatened to kill the diplomats and himself unless he Is given a safe-cop-duct flight out of Cuba. The self admitted anti CasTo kidnapper has been holding the two
    335 words
    • 57 1 MOSCOW, Wed. Premier Kosygin may have flown to Cairo today to consult with President J'adat on the Middle Ea« war. a Western diplomatic source said. The sourer said the Soviets infor-ned the Dantah embassy Mr. Kosygin would not be able to attend a dinner being given tonight
      57 words
    • 46 1 WASHINGTON, Wed. President Nixon today conferred with four Arab foreign ministers and said that while they had "differences" with the United State*, he b»lto**9 "a fair and Just and peaceful settlement" can be reached In the Middle East war. AP. (See Page S >
      AP  -  46 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 26 1 DYLON Dyes BBANOH *MDSS BUTTSKV a CO.. LTD. DMU LUMPUR fO -01 'it' JAVA Til: iM74 riNANG r 0 SOU *U Til SIM] .POHPO SO»K»m 2SK
      26 words
    • 45 1 ©UNIFLO for top performance ■ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssass<^> M^LP™ M 4 T- MB B B^^EEHZ F,* W^M B FM M M W^L B 'jT*\ffl'7 r f" I 3af fl I m .ssssi^^^^sasal V sa4» IB^**^**^ Wm JstssssssW 1 "if sasaaM /lW J^l^^ttSaJa^allß wsWa %t* MIH J» JwJ 'Or
      45 words
    • 169 1 SoW state AM/FM />2s^B Cassette jM rKOrder I l 8000 WOMAN BEHIND MALAYSIA'S HEROIN LAB PAGE 11 U.S. rushlnc Jets and missiles to Israel S TAX MEN collect $255 million in six months 5 THREE plead fullly to 31 eharfe* 1 OOH oa the rtfht mental attitude to teaching 9
      169 words

  • 441 2 TRIPOCI. Wad LIBYAN leader Oadaffl today sent cables to European leaders expressing his satisfaction at their attitude towards the Middle East war, the official news agency Arna reported. The agency quoted Col. Oadaffl as saying: "These attitudes show that Europe
    Reuter  -  441 words
  • 107 2 M-E poll: 47 pc for Israel WASHINGTON. Wed. A doU published today by the Washington Post showed that 47 per cent of Americans Interviewed who had beard about the Middle East war one in 10 had not sympathised with Israel. Six per cent said they sympathised with the Arabs. Th»
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 22 2 PHNOM PENH. Wed. An explosion in a movte theatre yesterday killed atven people and injured U other*. poUce laid. AP.
    AP  -  22 words
    • 492 2 Egypt's Zaf er missile can reach Tel Aviv CAIRO, Wednesday THE Egyptian Za- fer (The Victor) missile now poised against Israel is a singlestage ground toground rocket developed in the early 1960s with the help of West German and other foreign scientists. In his speech to Parliament yesterday, President Anwar
      Agencies  -  492 words
    • 323 2 Tone of Sadat speech one of dictation: Israel UNITED NATIONS. Wed An authoritative Israeli source denounced Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's proposals for a Middle East settlement yesterday as the "speech of a man who wants neither ceasefire nor peace." The source, whose remarks were believed to reflect the views of
      Reuter  -  323 words
    • 572 2 WASHINGTON. Wad SENATE Democratic leader Mike Mansfield, cautioning against com- mltment of US forces, called yesterday for a six-power summit conference aimed at ending the Middle East war. Shortly after Mr. Mansfield made the proposal in a Senate speech. State Department officials reiterated that
      572 words
    • 28 2 JAKARTA. Wed The Indonesian Navy will hold •eparate war gui.n with the Australian and the Philippines narle* In November and December, navy sources aalo today Reuter
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 76 2 JERUSALEM, W. 1 The Israel FarUa Bent yesterday approved •vendlni I Ss»B million <S$«S5.« million) to finance the war. Hie money, to be raised from compulsory war loan and liphonlnt fqndi from the develop- ment budcet. will be In addition to the regular 1973-74
      AP  -  76 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 185 2 0 aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBafI BBBBBB»^^ YES, ABSOLUTE HACK. THE CANON NP 1100 PLAIN PAPER OFF CE COPIER PUTS AN END TO POOR REPRODUCTION AT REMflßKftßiy LOW COST. You know Canon for their excellent per- your copies look like originals. For perfect formance. Now meet another Canon master- reproductions, low cost maintenance and
      185 words

    • 135 3 WASHINGTON. Wed. Reacting to the fuel shortage, the natlon'i airlines agreed ye-ter day to discuss flight cutbacks on seven major trans continental routes. United, American, and Trans World Airline* agreed te meet tomorrow to discuss cutting flights The Air Transport Association (ATA),
      135 words
    • 78 3 rKYO, Wed.—Japanese officials today expressed shock over the 17 per cent price Increase for crude oil posted by the six oil producing countries of the Persian Oulf. Japan's consumers braced for a heavy Increase In the price of kerosene, with which most Japanese families
      Agencies  -  78 words
    • 614 3 WASHINGTON. Wednesday THE US is reported to have rushed 24 Phantom supersonic jets and a number of Shrike air-to-ground missiles to Tel Aviv as part of its effort to make good Israeli losses in the Middle East war. The dispatch of the
      Reuter; UPI  -  614 words
    • 115 3 China backs Israel, says Russia MOSCOW. Wed. The ,111 Tass news agency said today Chinese leaders are encouraging the "Israeli aggressors and their Imperialist backers In their expansionist ambitions." ta a commentary on Peking's stand on the Middle last war. the news agency aald •aid China called llaelf the meat
      UPI  -  115 words
    • 47 3 TOKYO. Wed Japan will build the worlds laraaat imp. a taobr. (or the Orcek Andnadto ■htpptnf group. It was announced yesterday. Hitachi tald the tanker, actlmated to coat M.OOO million yen (about SUM milUoo) would be dtamwd by the end of ItTT. ReuUr
      47 words
    • 34 3 PERTH, Wad. Premier Oough WtaiUui will SMS* a lift of a pedigree Murray grey bull to the Chinart government when he vwts Pektnc later this month. It ni announced here jesMr<ur Reuter.
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 288 3 'Send arms to Golda' demand in Commons LONDON, Wed. —The Oovernment today faced mounting pressure to end Its arms embargo to the Middle East and supply ammunition and tank spares to Israel. Amid bitter exchanges In the House of Commons yesterday. Foreign Secretary I r Alec Douglas-Home defended the Government's
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 186 3 Sigma lenses for the action photographer. A lens for every purpose. Close focusing automatic telephoto lenses that put you where the action is. Six popular Sigma telephoto lenses include a 100 mm F/2.8 with micro photography capabilities, a 135 mm F/1.8 fast enough for indoor available light photos and the
      186 words
    • 248 3 r- >~ SafavV *3Bfr -JHSMNaaHtp* [y ■JwßgmPy **^**mwl "B l£ &S*mT^ 2 1 s» -V :smWtf Aajmr I j^.—amJMi Vf. £*4mW I The Beautiful people! Just look at the beautiful people! Beautiful skin. Shining hair. Sparkling eyes. The whole family a picture of health. Do they eat ten oranges a
      248 words

    • 120 4 ITNTTED NATIONB. Wed. The steering committee last night voted to add to the O c n c r a 1 Assembly'^ agenda an Item seeking the expulsion from the UN. of Cambodia's Lon Nol Government and Its replacement by the regime of
      Reuter  -  120 words
    • 116 4 Democrats in bid against Ford WASHING toy Wed. Several Democrats In Congress yesterday launched a drive to delay confirmation of Mr. Gerald Ford as VicePresident until the controversy over President Nixon's refusal to hand over White House tape recordings Is resolved. But the attempt Immediately met opposition from Sen. Howard
      Reuter; AP  -  116 words
    • Briefs
      • 34 4 HONGKONG: Hongkong's economy is expected to continue to grow despite Inflationary trends and a shortage of raw materials, the Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, said today in his annual policy statement to the Legislative Council
        34 words
      • 28 4 WABHINOTON: The United States U still paying Cambodia more than UBSI million (852.3 million) for "Phantom troops" non-existent men on the Cambodian army payroll congressional Investigators alleged yesterday.
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      • 36 4 CANBERRA. Wed. The Australian Government will not allow the foreign controlled Woodsl'e-Burrnah group to export natural gas from the north-west shelf until its full reserves are established. Minerals and Energy Minister Rex Connor said last night.
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    • Backsliders
      • 23 4 TOKYO: Japan is expected to promise increased economic aid to Bangladesh Prime Minister Mujiblr Rahman, who arrives here today on a week-long visit.
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      • 46 4 WELLINGTON: New Zealand mast play Its part in attempting to reverse apartheid as a way of life in South Africa, Prime Minister Norman Kirk said at the opening of an art exhibition to raise money for the New Zealand Defence and Aid Fund for Southern Africa.
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      • 14 4 UNITED NATIONB: China demanded yesterday that Taiwan be ousted from the International Monetary Fund.
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      • 32 4 MANILA: A special Cabinet committee to investigate complaints against "backsliding." government officials was formed yesterday by President Marcos, who accused some government officials and military officers of striving for privilege and inefficiency.
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    • Typhoon toll
      • 34 4 LONDON: Princess Anne and Capt. Mark Philips would contribute towards the cost of using the Royal Yacht Britannia for their honeymoon In the West Indies next month, the House of Commons heard yesterday. Agendev
        34 words
      • 23 4 TOKYO: Prime Minister Kakuei Tan as.a said today he had promised major bank loans to the Soviet I'nion for Siberian resources development projects.
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      • 30 4 MANILA: The Asian Development Bank today approved technical assistance to the Oovernment of the Republic of Korea to help increase food production and boost rural Income, an ADB spokesman announced.
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      • 29 4 MANILA: The death toll from typhoon Ruth destructive sweep across the Philippine island of Luion rose today to 12 while scores of others were reported missing and feared drowned.
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    • 360 4 DrK moved by Nobel award 'Grateful to Nixon for the chance 9 WASHINGTON. Wednesday SECRETARY of State Dr. Kissinger has said his shared award of the Nobel Peace Prize represented a recognition of the central purpose of President Nixon's foreign policy achievement of a lasting peace. Dr. Kissinger shares the
      Reuter  -  360 words
    • 101 4 Doctor: Three cancer cases cured by drugs MELBOURNE, Wed— An Australian physician today announced three different cases of cancer have been cured by <*-ug therapy. Dr. Ronald Bean uld he knew of no other Incident In medical history where cancer hu been cured by drug treatment alone, and predicted that
      101 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 87 4 I 1 Wear it with pride V I l^* mSV i 1 [S s«m^ _^ssfl l»"ttrfd Mod* 110-1500 |^H B^k H Etvnt Mmic Utnt thm. tutomtoc. wnh cthndm m tit. gcMnh—d JBs^bb I I oW Only Eterna has the ball-bearing-rotor automatic system as your guarantee of accuracy and precision. In
      87 words

  • 207 5 Namal, 6: Hospital seeks his parents rE Outram Hospital If. trying to trace the parents of a six-year-old boy who was warded after an accident on Oct. 5 in Thomson Boad. The boy, Namal bin Mohammed All (above). was Involved in an accident with a motor cycle and brought t<>
    207 words
  • 58 5 THE Rotary Club of Singapore (Weat) will hold forum on "Youth Problems of Today at Shangri-La Hotel at 12 45 p.m today The speakers are Professor Maurice Baker, professor of English. University of Singapore. Dr Nalla Tan. lv senior lecturer in social medicine and public health, and
    58 words
  • 63 5 si-arrows wUI be releued to mark ihe opening of a food and fun fair October Pteata, at the University of Singapore Btudenu' Union House In Buklt Tlmah at 11 a. in today. The fair Is to alse funds for the second annual general conference, of the Student
    63 words
  • 313 5 Tax men chalk up a record $288 m TMK Inland Revenue Department, in its highly successful drive to catch tax evaders, has notched up a new record of $288.7 million in income tax collections for the first six months of this year. This is more than 60 per cent of
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  • 181 5 BRUNEI CALL FOR BAN ON SHORT SKIRTS BANDAR Seri Begawan. Wed. The new State Education Council has proposed a ban on skirts above thr knees for schoolfirb and teachers. If the proposals are accepted, girls In Primary One and Two classes will hare to wear skirts at least three Inches
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  • 33 5 Boatman Low Big Brow. 54. waa fined 175 yesterday for carrying 10 extra passengers In his boat In the sea off the Inner Raids on Oct. 3. He pleaded guilty.
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  • 24 5 POLICE recovered the body of a man near Seletar Reservoir at noon on Monday. He had no Identifier tlon papers on htm.
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  • 71 5 THE Singapore Bakery and Confectionery Trade Association will announce a price increase for loavei and cakes today. Its president, Mr. Wee Soon King, said yesterday the increase would be in proportion to the Increased prices of wheat flour, wrappers and other costs. The association held an emergency
    71 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 608 5 I A NEW APPROACH TO I I FAMILY PLANNING- Vj§?k I __l^^ Bs^_! s__r ___kV_V "^^^^F <J_tf_M_^_l _H^^^^_^_^_^_i _^_V _^-H _i _V V '_H I_£^^_^_^_^_M_^_^__?^^^^_^_K y ~_^_l_l_fi _^b^^^^^_^_^^^_B fl^_^?_^_H'__#^ f Luxurious ma aaa Ca^«« The 929 Coupe: 929 Sedan a Magnjficent Motoring Mazda planned the new 929 sedan with only
      608 words

  • 469 6 He swore before temple urn to wed me: Widow BEAUTICIAN SUES YOUNG PRINTER WIDOWED mother of two boys told the High Court yesterday how a young printer wooed her and led her to accept his "marriage proposal" in June last year. Beautician Song Chal Yok. 36. said: "Michael Wong Choon
    469 words
  • 157 6 SAF commandos for 3 months training in New Zealand rpHE Defence Minis- -s- try announced last nirht that 142 National Service volunteers from the Commando Battalion of the S.ngapore Armed Forces would be sent for three months training In Ne- Zealand early next month. This Is the first time the
    157 words
  • 131 6 Restaurant hold-up: 3 youths escape with $18,600 fUIHXS armed youth* 1 held up the newlyopened Fortuna Restaurant in Hotel Asia In Scotts Road on Tuesday and escaped with 118,655 In cash and Jewellery. The robbers, one armed with a revolver and the others with daggers, walked Into the office at
    131 words
  • 59 6 BROKER Ho Baj Oeok. 53. was fined $400 or two month* Jail on each of two charge* of having opium and smoking utensil* dayHe was found guilty of having one packet and on* gramme of prepared opium and a pipe at a house In BelUlos
    59 words
  • 32 6 SIXTEEN pupUt of Buklt Ho Swee Weat Ooveroment Oilnaw Primary School hare been picked winners In the school's itory-telllng competition held recently to promote the standard of EnglUh and Chinese language*
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  • 36 6 MR. Ng Quec Lam. chairnun of the management committee of Nanyang OlrU High School, will officiate at the opening of the school Alice Lxt Building and new tuckahop on Oct. n v 1 PJ»-
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  • 233 6 CHRISTMAS came a Uttle early for three year old Michelle Chin yesterday when she came face to face with one of the three kings from the Magi Propped prettily on mummy Mrs. Theresa Chin's arm for a closer peer at the
    Chew Boon Chin  -  233 words
  • 304 6 MP calls for new attitude to army career TiHE MP for Alexandra X Prof. Wong Un Ken ■aid yesterday that the people must re-orlentatp their attitude towards soldiering a* a profession. "We have accepted national service as an obligation of citizenship. but we have not recognised a career In the
    304 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 182 6 /I MM it m BMW Wm at a motorc >' c e IS wortr >, cannot be established only from the \^H BY horse-power or from the maximum speed. But from the power brought on to \^H J—\ the road in practice. From the frame and the synchronisation of suspension
      182 words

  • 266 7 rURTEEN year old Poh Lay Lay had always thought It a pity that there were people as young as herself who took drugs. And her opportunity to do something about It came when a recent essay competition against drug abuse was organised.
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  • 145 7 FISCHER OPENS WORLD TOURNEY ASIA'S first International grandmaster chess tournament began In Manila yesterday with an exhibition match between President Fedlnand Marcos and world champion Bobby Fischer which was adjourned after three moves. Ten grandmasters and seven other international masters and natlon&l masters are taking part In the 21-day competition
    145 words
  • 79 7 rE Government Is to acquire a total of 199.858 sq. ft of land In the Districts of Singapore Town and Telok Blangah under the Land Acquisition Act for construction of Lower Delta Road from Buklt Merah to Keppel Road. A Gazette notification published last night
    79 words
  • 211 7 A YOUTH and two men who socialised in car thefts and housebreaking involving a total of $75,625 were jailed for between three and seven years yesterday. 1 Ther were welder Chla wsee Choon, 18, who was jailed for 44 years; salesman Tan Ah Chwee,
    211 words
  • 207 7 Judgment reserved in HDB suit over flat rt Hlfh Court 7Htrrda; rewrved Judgment In a eaae la which the Housing and Development Board sued a businessman for the recovery of a tworoom flat and for forfeiture of aU Instalments paid on toe alleged grounds that he made a false declaration
    207 words
  • 82 7 Plywood firm lays off 300 MORE than 300 workers have been retrenched from Veneer Products Ltd.. a plywood manufacturing company In Jurong, following cutdowns In operation. The workers, represented by the Pioneer Ind v s t r I c s Employees Union, are negotiating with the management for retrenchment benefits.
    82 words
  • 28 7 ELIA& Michael. 19. w«j fined MOO yesterday (or taking an MX piU outside the Equatorial Hotd in BUvena Road on Sept 17. He pleaded guilty.
    28 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 296 7 HIGH VOLTAGE TEST SET PORTABLE TEST SET Mode l A3 ihowrnq <niulated ttft prods Prov(rJ« a po»- j PKI nwni loi I M laar^P^ai I H"B KX-XJV ttlting I -«*> L^-——, Model- A3 I Bj| KSll j Output Volt j^ |HW I OIL TEST SET j^m^^^& FOSTER Siwidard oil Ittt
      296 words
    • 226 7 H JsßsW ,/->T" ksv^^BstSt^ W rJX, ■W m -^^^^^^BbTbb^ 4sath >^ \V Tmj£j€r' SB. Wi Your family has trusted it for generations... Burnol has been around for a long time your Usßsß^ family has always trusted it, because there isn't any fl|^ other antiseptic crpam god enough to take its
      226 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 320 7 Bringing Op Fithtr By BUI Kiviß*|h Hal c »P -<■ rrMucr I /she oubmttdN I Jraetrs n^r this") I MJ what can A/mxi cam etvc /MM WA6*H7DNSt*\> B 6 A I HA/E AN GVE j -i AT GHO&TVB T IDO FOX M 6 AN E\C saw icu caw»» Jo« of
      320 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 294 8 1 If "Hellhouse" frightened you... JOEL DELANEY will scare the kail out af you! illll \L I I IM) A I^IOMOKIIOW ■fiTltii a»BBBT^ '«li\-V JOEL DELANEY starring SHIRLEY MacLAINE MARIAN COLON, MICHAEL HORDERN, PERRY KING OPENS TODAY simultaneously 5 THEATRES PRESIDENT-REX-SKY-ROXY-JURONG V AB9aVBBBCvBB«^ itarriiK TI LUNG, DAVID CHIANG, TIEN CNING
      294 words
    • 443 8 MARYLAND PARK iiH»m« at »M««laaln» Im/Tn|n| lilni aaaa/Aaa»t hM 18 STOREY FUTSQPEN FOR BOOHNC NOW I wa* Mi ■»«< l*n weI^lbvl aaaafiM 2 lilt Will tMI laMtaala)«J j C In BaMi II 11.T1 M^>i«n< a Drat cbjaa milUmllll ana MturtW dona MountfcorMVAMlarAanana Katve *MdL it umlliU tha OWM Wim^Hng Club
      443 words
    • 298 8 r GOOD NEWS !k ATTENTION Housng Developers and Contractors q//£Wmarble. terrazzo onyxterrazzo just arrived from italy 16 meet the demand of on butters for todays modern bukkngt we apeoaty •nportad from itaty hugequanMe of Mai Ma aab* and T«rr«» n varcut typaa ft odnn xnth rWferant torn and ahapat Our
      298 words
    • 107 8 KONG CHIAN OPINS TODAY! 1.90. 3.10, 7. 15, t-30ae». ka-awLa rntti: $3, $J, WHAT WAS THIIR HOMirriNt) SICMTt A HOWuING IMB CNIAN: sat. unite Ana 1 Stirtaay Shew kt 11.00 AM. (He Free Liat Hilnlia Price.: S3, S3, $1 U.IMT EASTWOOD IS BACK VITH MORE ACTION F YOU'RE LOOKING
      107 words
    • 322 8 vvvvwvvwvvvvwwwww»vsrW»^w*j*jWi.yv .JtTiZ. OPPts* TODAY! cnfL^i, I mA .JBBBB W 1 ill i I BT A I J lAtnmn Ca«k at tka Cafaer Ctaaaiatgai 1 \ua m 4 s-Jsr&aZß w I;: CATHAY: OPENS TODAY! 5 Sktvt at 11 1.30, 4.00, 630 I 9Mpa. I From T| V Adam's JL I J
      322 words
    • 704 8 I it CATHAY JEk' HHwiuTiiw > OFEMf TODAY! f 2 siitti: 7.00 9 30p« TMt VAMPIII OO|. L Mondorin CotorScopa 1 with English Subtitlat 1 Jmmi Or*v*-kt CkwaM 1 Oa..n OrckaH: 1 2nd Midnight Soturdoy l 1 (OMON Sundoy ot 9onrt "BLACK PANTMU" Vondortr I Chan S<ng Y.n Non Slue
      704 words

  • 692 9 J)EPUTY Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, Dr. Goh Keng Swee yesterday stressed the importance of teachers to cultivate the "right mental al l i t tide" towards their profession. He was addressing the Inauguration and graduation ceremony of the Institute of
    692 words
  • 49 9 nVT men ware **eh fined 170 jrMtenUr (or pUyim "P»h Kow" (card (>mei at Tuijonf P*or Road on TUMday. They were Aw Yin Men«. M. Yeap Tang Chan, U, Tan Yoon Konf. 32. Tonf Kool Chin, M and Ctaaong BUk Ouan. U. The» pleaded ■ulltr.
    49 words
  • 558 9 rE Institute of Education has deplored a system that had produced a lack of fluency In writing and speech among trainee teachers. I i The director, Dr. Ruth Wong, made the point yesterday at the Inauguration ceremony of the Institute and presentation of
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  • 217 9  - Best all round student and an ambition fulfilled Chaw Lea Ching By TWENTY-TWO rear old schoolteacher' Miss Aw Choot Imm was noticeably one of the happiest tlrls In the Initltutr of Education yesterday. A long-cherished ambition fulfilled when she received her Certificate in Education from Deputy Prime Minister and Minister
    217 words
  • 85 9 THE Postal Services Department has urged the public to Dost their Harl Raya Puasa greeting cards by Oct. 23 to ensure dellverv In time for the festival. Addreaae* ihould be written clearly and completely. Including the postal district number for local delivery.
    85 words
  • 45 9 MR CHEUNO Chi -Leung. wIU hold an exhibition of Chinese traditional painting* and calligraphy at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce Exhibition Hall today at The exhibition will be open to the public from tomorrow to Saturday tram 10 ajn. to 6 pm
    45 words
  • 343 9 Five-man S'pore team to tour Japan's industries A FIVE-MAN Singapore delegation will leave for Tokyo on Tuesday for a nine-day Industrial tour of Japan. They will be led by Mr. Chua Soo Tlan. head of the manpower division of the Economic Development Board. They will among other things, study the
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  • 30 9 THE United Nation* Aj*oclatlon Singapore will hold the finals of It* oratorical contest for secondary trrMWrti at the Cultural Centra. Canning Rise on TrVij at I p m
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 343 9 ITALIAN TRADE MISSION TO SINGAPORE 15th -20th October, 1973 An Italian Government-sponsored trade delegation of 9 members is now in Singapore They will be here until the 20th October and Interested parties can contact them at the Raffles Hotel (Regency Room). OFFICIAL GROUP Dr Francesco PALMA (chairman) Italian Ministry of
      343 words
    • 222 9 TtijQtyrta&nvp luxurious tbon\sawait you (UTUndfytiprta... fttn{ US 5M.00 up. HOTEL lAYAKARTA n Fxililm Indonnii'i ne«eu ultri- I o, chl< Room modern haul ttul it idcjlly Jjcky'tßtt located in jjkjru't down I cj.opp,,,. Centre town b*nk.n|. commercial Modern Onema and chopping vicinity JWO**»; a*jrO*nl*» IrnfcuMim po*A**7 dMfw Vwwty HvlmiM SSM Cllln—
      222 words
    • 326 9 OUCH! hdty? Get quick rattof! oz. size MENTHOLATUM SOOTHING.COOUNG HEAUNG BALM Gently cools and soothes away skin irritations, insect stings, burns, bruises, etc. Quick relief from colds, coughs and headaches. In economy size packs. Made in England. MENTHOLATUM The Great Reliever. FOR FREE SAMPLE, (ill in coupon below and mail
      326 words

  • 145 10 ROADSIDE EXTORT BID: MAN GETS ONE YEAR OON Mln Kwang alias Ang Meng Kwong, 32, was Jailed for a year yesterday for trying to extort money from two men in Johore Road on July 18. Oon. who has a string of convictions since 1956. admitted attempting to put Tan Bock
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  • 40 10 BOATMAN Lira Kal Kit and lorry attendant Lok Kum Chiang were acquitted and discharged yesterday fcr allegedly trying to extcrt 11.000 from Tan Lye Hock In Lorong Sepat off Upper Berangoon Road on Oct. 1 latt year
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  • 183 10 HOLLYWOOD acton Robert Kedfonl and Steve McQueen may be In Singapore In a few months to star In a $3.4 million Warner Brothers aim. The film, "A Team", li about 12 men from the Green Brrrii ill trained killers who do
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  • 64 10 rE Catholic High School military band Is planning a goodwill tour of Hongkong and Taiwar from D-" to SO. The school has appealed to the public for fln- anclal support to make the trip possible. The band, set up In 1905. comprises five
    64 words
  • 257 10 750 ROLLS OF CANNABIS FOUND IT AM I L bin Haji Hussain, '2'A, fcgctibed in court as a "drug pusher," was jailed for four years yesterday and ordered to be given four strokes of the rolan for trafficking in cannabis. He pleaded
    257 words
  • 243 10 Brothers settle 4-year dispute out of court TWO brothers, acting on an advice of a High Court Judge, on Tuesday reached an out-of-court settlement tn a civil dispute over a shop premises In Simon Road. Mr. Justice Choor Singh said that the cue had a fairly long history at the
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  • 188 10 More now buying homes with CPF funds MORE Singaporeans are buying their own homes with the help of their Central Provident Fund credits, according to official figures Just published. In the first seven months of this year, the fund paid out a total of over $23 .7 million under the
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  • 303 10 THE ROAD TO BETTER ART: VOLANG TRENCH contemporary artist Volang yes- terday called for Singapore art delegations to be sent abroad to promote better understanding among Deojles of various artistic backgrounds. The Hanoi-born ftguratlve painter is here for the first major exhibition of French artworks In Singapore from tomorrow to
    303 words
  • 43 10 TRBNO Cheow Tlanc 21 unemployed, pleaded guilty on Tueadaj to two charge" of outraging the modesty of a woman The court rejected hU pie* and ordered him to be remanded at Woodbrtdt* Hoapltal until Oct M. pending a P*ycr>latrlit't report.
    43 words
  • 35 10 LABOURER K»llmuthu KanJaumy. JO. >» fined SlOO ynwrday for fraudulently having three Una of sardines worth tl 05 behind PSA Oodowtu 23 24 at about «40 pm on Sept 12 He pleaded guilty
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 229 10 So good with S B^aV 9 a^sVl m 111 /jE3i BL^abHPW^f^slU a^F All-Family Drink Exciting new model in Ford Escort range! Ford Escort 1100 L Fordor Ford Escort 1100 Tudor I Escort range of fine cars has always With Mylar insert windshield rtice range offered great value Now the 1
      229 words
    • 72 10 i ■BROADSHEET ON THE WINTER'S TALE I Tka Winter'i Talc baa been regarded ay I iMi critics at Me of the greatest plays I Saakttpeare wrote li the secoaa of a threeI part tenet today, New Nations ypw I edicatiM broadsheet I ditcuMi tat iougtry m^^.^ I to tka pLay.
      72 words

    • 310 11 The long long airport wait of little Suzanna KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Elevenyear old Suzajina binte Jerry Khoo was found stranded at Subang international airport here on Sunday night. Suzanna who was to meet her lather. Mr. Jerry Khoo. at the airport at 5 p.m. waited UK 130 a.m. But he
      310 words
    • 34 11 .■OHOR BARU. Wed. U>-ry attendant Ooh Titan Clye. 28. of Singapore, was k; ad when his lorry ci «h--ed into the back of a «tatuatry lorry at the lTth m* Baling. Kulal.
      34 words
    • 25 11 »UALA. LUMPUR. Wed. MAS has resumed iU aXrnoon Pokker Pnend-ihip f-ghu from Malacca to Sagapore which were dtsrcated for IS days this nanth
      25 words
    • 264 11 THAI TRAINING AND THE PHOTO SHOP FRONT THAT FOOLED THEM ALL KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday THE "brains" behind Bukit Merta jam's underground heroin processing plant is a woman and she has been arrested, the Director of Central Narcotics Bureau, Haji Abu Bakar bin Fathil, said
      264 words
    • 39 11 IPOH. Wed. The Chief of the Armed Ptorce*. Den. Tan Sri Ibrahim Ismail, wsrnec today that the Oo< eminent would be forced to take "some drastic actions" if the people continue to help the communist terrorists.
      39 words
    • 31 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Encik Hunuh Ma)ld. under-secretary for special functions In charge of environment In the Oeneral Planning Unit, will visit Singapore tomorrow for talks on pollution control measures.
      31 words
    • 219 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday METAL Box (Malaysia) In Pet all ng Jay a Is closing its factory, at least for the time being, following a lightning strike by its 700 employees this morning. The strike, which was over a cost of living claim, took not only
      219 words
    • 82 11 PICKETING BY STEEL WORKERS Bt'TTERWOBTH, Vie*. Several hundred iteel workers will begin picketing, outside their mill here for four hours everr day from tomorrow over a pay dispute with the manaitmrnt An emergency meeting of the IJ2OO- stroni t'nlon of Malayawata Steel Workers last week decided on this action after
      82 words
    • 158 11 BOYCOTT— SO JUMBOS SKIP SUBANG KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday QANTAS Airways Jumbo Jets have over- flown Subang airport twice since MAS workers started to boycott overtime last week. 1 This has cost the Department of Civil Aviation $4,480 In landing fees. Informed sources said today the landing fee for B.Mng 747
      158 words
    • 57 11 Lincoln Centre closed for repairs KUALA LUMPUR. Wad. The Lincoln Cultural Centre in Leboh Pmaar Beaar will remain close* till TueaB A notice ouuid* the building said that the centre Is being closed for repair* and Inventory Yesterday about I.oo* ttudenu held a demonstration ojtside the centre to protest against
      57 words
    • 24 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Wad PAS today urged all Mmlaytlana lo boycott American and larmell good* Imported directly or indl.ectly from the two countries
      24 words
    • 74 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Onemilllon dollars worth of heavy machinery, believed to include tractors and parts, has been reported missin if from James Warren -Scott and English Sdn. Bhd. This haa been reported to poiice by the firm's machine* section manager Mr. I*.G. Hayden. Mr.
      74 words
    • 79 11 Malaysian navy to get second survey ship rE Royal Malaysian Navy Is In the process of acquiring a second survey ship estimated to cost about $30 million, Chief of Naval Staff. Rear Admiral Datuk K. Thanabalaslngam. said today. In an interview at the KD Malaya at Woodlands, Datuk Thanabalaslngam said
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 73 11 ROBINA SUPER TEXTILE SALE Prices slashed up to 30%! Robina s Ist floor textile bonanza gives you more than 24 brands of imported fabrics to choose from. Come feel the softness and texture of Swiss voile and linen. French crepe and georgette. English primed jersey and denim*. And Australian iricel
      73 words
    • 786 11 welding sets Completely Mobile... GENERATORS Serving Today's "Action" Trend! m» (j^R s[Denyo *Sp GENERATOR DC ARC WEIDERS *m^&* »CO TOO »SI GENERATOR 0-5 KVA 300KVA Multipurpiiv. Maximum Drprn.laMuy. Minimum Mamitntmr I^^SpSQH? DENYO POWER, enioys popularity among users 1-^s*'*" in many fields, as a mobile, standby, or emergency r j 1
      786 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 427 12 t li/HAT peace? That about sums up the attitude of South Vietnam to the news that the Nooel peace prize for 1973 will be awarded to U.S. Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger and North Vietnam's roving troubleshooter Mr. Le Due Tho. Saigon's cynicism is not surprising. The
      427 words
    • 107 12 rpEACHER morale, Dr. Goh Keng Swee said yesterday, needs a boost. It is a fact of life that the teaching profession does not occupy a high economic and social status In Singapore. Some reasons for this the expansion of opportunities for well-paid careers In business and other professions
      107 words
  • 454 12 By NIGEL HAWKES: LONDON AGROl'r of European scientists have reinvented the windmill as an alternative source of power to nuclear reactors or declining fossil ha They have built a windmill generator on the German Island of Sylt capable of supplying five families with electric power,
    454 words
  • 1088 12  - Helping the paralysed find their feet in society WILLIAM CAMPBELL By FOR as long as he can remember, Mr. Tan Sai Lek, 24, has been paralysed from the waist down. But he is far from immobilised. Mr. Tan, afflicted in his infancy by polio, has long learnt to live with
    1,088 words
  • 1250 12  - BRANDT UNDER ATTACK lOR SLOWING OWN DETENTE ANNETTE VON BROECKER Bjr I BONN OS T POLITTK," which swept Chance llor Willy Brandt back to power last year, has again come under attack not from the Opposition but from his own parliamentary leader, Mr. Harbert Wehner. And the charge now to
    Reuter  -  1,250 words
  • 195 12 AMID all the heated talk, among Jews and Arabs both, about holy wars and desecration. It U worth remembering that wars and violence have at least as much to do with hard cash as they do with high sentiments and theology. Syria. Egypt, Iraq. Jordan
    195 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 38 12 HjISS cut to tha lalatt by our molt a«patlancad crifu man <inca 1934. Sultt complataly Hand tallorad a ttltchtd right to tha buttonholat aniurlnf b«tt «ornman«hip. w. an •Ito import. 4 aaportart of Cantt SMrtMS*
      38 words
    • 72 12 Millions of wiry Scots can't be wrong. p* Years back tht y made our whisky a legend of Glasgow, .in^^^ Today they still drink it like there's no tomorrow. It was only recently, by modernizing our old distillery, we were able to make enough Langs to get some past the
      72 words

  • 125 13 U«OUR crmed men held jv up two courting couples within 30 minutes i.f each other at Katong on Tuesday night and got away with about 1600 In cash and jewellery. Police believe It was the work of the same gang. The men.
    125 words
  • 65 13 THE trial of car salesman Or Klan Tlong. 23. accused of voluntarily causing grievous hurt to his girlfriend Doris Phua. 21. a salesgirl by slapping and punching her In a discotheque on July 2a. was yesterday postponed to Dec. 19. This was because his counsel airs A
    65 words
  • 231 13 SWIRLING lar c c s stamped 13 (iris for a while on Tuesday night. The girls, flnalhti In the Miss OeepavaU contest to be held at the National Theatre at R p.m. on Sunday, had to pick a saree
    231 words
  • 120 13 rvENMARK expects to MJ boost its exports to Singapore by about $10 to SIS million yearly as a result of the nine-day Denmark In Singapore exhibition held at the Conference Hall recently. The Danish Charge d'Aßalres here, Mr. K W. Rasmussen said he based this
    120 words
  • 121 13 20 long haired youths held in raids nOUCE detained 20 I long-haired youths In their latest "blitz" against the underworld on Tuesday night. The raids, spearheaded by the CID. were conducted in Kandang Kerbau, Jod Chlat and the Rural West divisions. The youths were taken to the CID headquarters In
    121 words
  • 50 13 A DRIVING licence belonging to Craig Barry Orr of Elia&beth Downs. Adelaide. Australia, haa been found by strain Times reader together with four Bank of America travellers cheques worth a total of USII4O and other personal documents. The owner can claim them from the Strait* Tunes Newsdeak.
    50 words
  • 551 13  - Lethong chief pledges not to leave SHEN SWEE YONG By •JMIE chairman of the Board of Directors of the Lethong Chit Fund, which is allegedly insolvent to the extent of $4,881,620, yesterday gave his assurance that he and his directors will not leave Singapore until the company has been properly
    551 words
  • 60 13 TOH Chine Rowee, M. wta yesterday charged with having revolver at Mul Puig reataunnt In But Coaat Ro«j at about aIS pjn on Oct 18. and «lx buUeu In Stugee PUc* at about 6.M a.m. on Oct. It. No pies waa recorded. The cue will be
    60 words
  • 25 13 W A TEE conaumpiion on Tuesday was 121.5 million gallons <SU.*M ruble metres). 3.2 milLob gallons (ISJM enkie metres) mat* than on Monday.
    25 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 151 13 ■ulDlDQffiial a«F%S> HOTEL SfMGAPOBE Erj:j::i:..: ■•■•■••■•■•>••■•■•■.. v MMaB»B««B»B»l>">«»-a<»«l»J«yiJ, x noS J _iMHi£iwaa^laHßal tot. 1 'ffifi ii.iliw 0 *Z f> lawaarW// *3aßki2P^J |^^^_^^^A^^^i^^^u^ajgajg|agaaJa&^HYißMisfittg^gs May I now show you I the DECCASOLMD I Compact 3 I 11 A complclc stereo system in one H compjit unit. Record deck, amplifier, Wg two speakers
      151 words
    • 317 13 ■T" 1 I *>v Thu heavy Ms. duty synchro C-^Vt^^S^-.^s^ facer will reface n *mmTM \nl. cn 9' ne valve l&fLl IVMr^Vl* *»fe heads up to 4" J n diameter h Wit "J fc *c using a flared Hj > JsB»Ll jiL cup whet I and 1 valve heads 4"
      317 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 779 13 1 TV SINGAPORE (5) 1 TV MALAYSIA (3) dZ n tin'*™* summary Qurin IJ4 Aian Mi|rib 1.17 2 AA M Housewives 1 matinee: Persembalun Kj 7JI News (lUlty) £.*TJ 2.47 Toto draw JU Nasyid 1.44 Eurcise with Gloria O.UU The Old Fool (Cantonese T.4I Pre Examination Programme: Ganda Waif Andt
      779 words

    • 509 14 Here's how much a name can hurt STICKS and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me" Is a tried and true old adage that has recently been proved very wrong Indeed. Names, according to a pair o! psychiatrists in San Diego, California, can hurt you very
      FWF  -  509 words
    • 253 14  - These five women do work together WfRENfcIVKK any of them says she is In partnership with four other women, the reaction is a horrified: "You mean five women can work together?" Yes, it le quite an unusual working arrangement. Isn't it? Five women in business together. But the partners of
      253 words
    • 186 14 You seldom rind dres*es like this anymore. The main reason being It's just not economical. It's dress that requires metre upon metre of fabric. And to the rag trade people, cost is a great determining iactor these days. It's costly to sew and thus costly
      Oirlsrsaliat Lot  -  186 words
    • 162 14 LOOKING GOOD NATURALLY Janet Leigh and Jenny Law are two very vivaclous girls who will give you a chance to see how English beauticians work. They are Mary Quant's international demonstrators now in Singapore to Introduce her latest Special Recipes Skin Care range. They are in their early twenties and
      162 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 235 14 Mother! Your daughter needs Branrfs every month There are tinws in ttons helps them feel a girl's life when she feels better quickly, tired and depressed. Brand's has helped There are days to many mothers before when she feels drained and after childbirth to of energy. restore lost energy and
      235 words
    • 246 14 End M Constipation Whan someone in th* family haa constipation, there always the question of what to give him or her that's cM cc 1 1 v* as w*4l as m le Vaara of reietrch and tasting hsve retuited In a remedy that both sffeciiv* end safe for adults and
      246 words
    • 89 14 k i\V. wJ Lak. ■EPbL^ U f a- bB ■yd "•■AS'^l'sS L>Haß^lSaVi^B>^B^B \IA laSi Hr».^)^ Ab B«flBI al^ft vit 4adfl '^A m f \M f ill VITAMIN EGO IB HERBS I ndiMlllnopl H in nil m «v I miwiim I <Xl l-> H IM.l;|t|> I tor lot for dyjjoyVß J^S±j|i|J
      89 words
    • 122 14 M BUIGURiqp IkS r v Tiffml P £uJM r JsSr^lßfisfe. I r Pk. B^B^B^»B^Z^B..Ba>. j^^w2jE2?je!sijE lioi^vtI ioi^v t I SOFT MARGARINE A yT W> guERLAD, J. really cares for your skin Beautiful skin comes only with care. To achieve a flawless complexion great care must be taken to cleanse thoroughly,
      122 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1261 15 rfWTIManSWf StWKt Tl M/tMTIOTT: v AIMI nnM RAY S."|iw>'t P ftelarf 0 aura Iraai. Hawe UK 1.1.1 mill II Ht II Hai II Mi IS Ml II Ml "ill Ul HI rial II Hat II Hat aMt II Ml "'l'VaVea" "Mi lIM IMa IHe IHe ll He UMJM lIPIIM BMt
      1,261 words
    • 971 15 W^^ Meaaaa HHymi H. Yen I Peaaai p. mimi S ear. MMrti^B I HHrrniiMi im is sea nsm ti Ert!S_JS_lI MUM Saa 1 Sic II Sal 14 l _i'!l_^_lli t M mn sif tog a tat a im* h net ho» n i I MfMaM Sao nHt I M I
      971 words
    • 903 15 Ih-H-I-Mml H-t at r LJLJ *_n^Blß^l Tl tIMfl: H1a rtm Saon > Itlaac tcaa. aaetria Iraaca J" U-IMM MT a hi nhi 11 mi 14 mi ii m. ii mi MM HIM BM ua- ii a* nm. ii ua. OSiU MT ii hi »HI II aw It M. n Hai
      903 words
    • 1079 15 r^_.™^* ii m a I 1 1 j m— _^>_— _>J— i ß— _fc k _LJB_- W p«n JLLY CONTAINCmZEP SERVICE TO EUHOPt MMI S FM: UMI? Uin *fm °i I otl( h «'P. l» *«"1. HM NM I Imm), HtnMtX InRNR, IVMIiMMR* KIOIB aillMl ll 'l_4_, turn Mtß|"«M, CaJinMjia,
      1,079 words
    • 749 15 •ttere VU444; P. Kalaafj 4341; K.L. 27)11; Ptr.a«, 2!301. THE BANK LINE LTD. IMM FM I. t I. WHU VMM {Maar.l.M. ltaa.aa. MaiaraTi. H.ra. I Harm I S U'.tl) P »na»| i .oti I aa/n M I (Haa.aa. L. Maraatt. Oar Mata t Caaafal P Ularaj B 'II M S»t
      749 words

  • 196 16 t":utm."t» ••T: Tal Pla* II CMullino Talaw I] II Kiniko Him 10 Kou M. TiaMm il Wm. fnahw Ham 77 >l. Cliiwn n/M. NotlaMa W 11 II MMM Mara M. Tauao aoitßam»,o« iTaaa.rl It ill Uan City (B. Bars.t 50« IN: AMMn Mall II 11. Ktrl
    196 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1007 16 ■MJMMMMMMIMMMMMB-JMMMMMMMMMBMIMMMMM-BL. J til JaaT aM* aftk 1 /^aaßßaaV atf /J Maai R-mTlaaaaaaaaaTa-mi KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. KAWASAKI KINUI KISEK MISM LTD. umii, imt. STum sonnet UOM WMMa| SKrt P. MM* ansaia mm t tM. n SMBM MAM 0 IM I BM Japan Arabian OaM SawvttM fcatwm rta, lIIIS HIIMS.IP 4
      1,007 words
    • 847 16 ETA JD FM: lIUITTI IUITT LHt h Part > Set Mwilt. KMTf BKMI Jl kt J4 Set UtaU. > lUITT «AMA Hkt Hkt Manili ICT. MAITf LUIS a kt a kt Tractors lar liatnii. Fill a Sri 1 Rw aatt ■All M kt I Rw Mia tit. ICTKAeTfBjST II Rw
      847 words
    • 1008 16 U.K. lUROW SWVICf LOADING FOt LONDON, HAVRI. I DAM. H'RURC. BREMIN S.anoara P Mian Pun, Miiim: mptbwi aMrani n 'if an la Pan a/a tit a.ian ?< v am j; ii Ha. iMMa. Iriaiii atPTtai iMiitu a art i m imm nn ti— n MHt aaatar Smii lliwaal S/17 BIPTMI
      1,008 words
    • 774 16 BJ^RJBJMA|jUJ3^jjjMr^^^M^a^^i^i^r^^j^t^_^^lßL Lrmc SUTrtt Tl IMMR. UTTJ»ML^BaTT|B«BT pajtn tl alaai t ipti i P. uiaac Praq v tan MW WUTI a/M Mt la Part [«.W 11.1. I'M »1| 1 I Hiwi Jtai M*»»r| 112 •KtMaa J I! aawu taut n/M an a/a an iw iui«m ir/tt I a«<| S U laar
      774 words
      1,014 words

      • 68 17 G.E. life $27.00 +.5C H. M'si» 9 2 .80 .25 O. Union 1.82 +.12 I*. Hotel I 2.10 +.12 C. Sec. 3.40 +.12 8. View t 1.53 +.11 S.M. Ind. 2.10 10 K.L. Ind. 2.32 +.10 Cft C S 5.30 +.10 H Low 6.40 +.10 B. Kawit 1.80 +.09
        68 words
      • 21 17 OCBC Haw Par T. Sec. 8. Darby ENE $11.50 —.40 5.35 —.15 S 4.66 —.14 J 5.35 —.10 6.30 —.10
        21 words
      • 22 17 San Holdings 368.000 Harimau 315,000 Nat Ind. 191.000 City Dev. 151,000 Total Turnover: 3.8 M Total Value: $7.97 M
        22 words
      • 43 17 Oct. ii Oct. n Indntrl&h: IM.M tt*.»l 1 Hotel*: U«.»7 lU.M Properties: J31.49 UI.M t Tim: llJ.l* llJ.t» I I rabben: MS.M U&.M t1)( B( 3!1.0» 11» U Dee. M, IM«=IM 1 Dm. SI. ltM-lM t Dm. It, INS=IM J-- 1. 1»7»=1H
        43 words
    • 1597 17 I^KE last trarsacted tale at the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with previous day's price together with 1973 high and low. i« Adjusted for all new Issues). CLOSING TONE: Hotel* and properties fairly steady while the re*t easy TURNOVER: Official total turnover on the Singapore trading room
      1,597 words
    • 373 17 AFTER a firm opening, conditions turned erratic with prof.t-tak-Ing still evident on all fronts on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. The strong run-up In property prices which reached a peak on Tuesday slackened yesterday, and In the absence of a follow -through values were set on
      373 words
    • 1648 17 DID and offer price* officially luted and builnes* in and leported to the Suck Exchange of Singapore jtsterday with the numoer of shares traded shown In brackets in lots of 1.000 unit* unless otherwlae specified. INOUBTBIALS Acma i 3388 3.408) (1) 3.40. A.1.1. (1.(18) (2) 141, (.1)
      1,648 words
    • 1464 17 BID and offer price* jfflcially luted and buali eat in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Ejchange reaterday with the numbe o.' •hares traded shown in bracket* in lot* of 1.000 uilU unlru otherwise specified INDI'STKIALS A. Tape (1.808) (3) 1.(0 (1) 185. (2) 1.78. AJlaomota (2.608).
      1,464 words
    • 304 17 PROPERTY and lower I priced Industrial stocks extended the previous day's advance In the morning session of the Kuala Lumour Stock Exchange yesterday but ran Into a bout of Drofittaklng in the afternoon. Values were thus off the day's best, and the close was a
      304 words
      • 29 17 Rubber Oct. 17. Singapore ***** cts (up 125 eU). Malaysia: 17J.25 cts (B? 4.25 cts). Tin: 5704 (down 124 ct»). Official offering: m tons (a? 16 tons).
        29 words
      • 75 17 rE Malaysian Minister of Finance has fixed these rates for calculating Customs duties for the period from Oct. IS to 24: Bubber 72t a lb Copra $7U.H ton Palm Oil $«59 00 a ton P. Kernel $235 2> a ton The rates of duties rayable are: Rubber 4}
        75 words
      • 98 17 (^c'haJci ."""o'i noon closing »iucit »ta ricuL VStTSNDAV. CwM OH: bulk Ml Milan. drum ua mlfn. Caarai m«ed (Mom) UK/ Com. (47t B. »*■»•>: Muntnk AST* whIU fo.b. 100% NLW 5270 Mllui. Sarawak wblU fob. t*« NL.W SMO Minn. aarawak ipcrlal blick fob. »o'4 NLW ***** Mlltn. Sarawak ASTA
        98 words
      • 33 17 Loodoe esestr anew aa Taws*r iftrmh In brackets i. Winter— apot tuytn IMS.OO I10M.00) MlKr <«7*.00 (IU7 OUI. Tttr** month buy«r iSSO.&O (iiMOOI Mllir i«SI.M KUt.OOl. Mafkn KM: Eultr J.H23 tool.
        33 words
      • 30 17 THE Malaysian Palm Oil Producers Association iMPOPAi yesterday announce^ the following UK/CIF prices for Malaysian Palm OU: Feb £182. Mar. £175, Apr/ June £173, and Jul Dec £169.
        30 words
      • 212 17 Straits tin down a fraction ffiHE Straits tin price in X Penang yesterday eased fractionally by 121 cents to 1704 per plcul on an official offering up 16 tons to 282 tons. The overnight London metal price was quiet with forward buyers quoted down £2 on Monday's close to £2,181
        212 words
      • 43 17 us* ties Mflbounx (I) HM LooAoo 101.88 >01.» B.lrut 10J.00 ItI.TS Honfkont 104.M ZurKß 101. MB 100 7»B 101 25* 101. TU Pan. 10S.M lOt. 7* Expert PTICM la aon-«ltrlin* areas la U.B. dollars p«r oubcc. (1) Auilrallaa dollar* p«r
        43 words
    • 152 17 A BIAN currency deposit interbank rates a* at cloat on Wednesday. Oct. 17: US Dalian Offer Bed 7 days 6-3/4 8-12 1 mth 9-1/4 9-18 1 mth* 9-5/1 9-1/1 1 mths 9-7 8 9-1/4 6 mths 9-1/1 9-3/8 9 mths 9-6/ 16 9-3 16 11 mths (-1/4
      152 words
    • 515 17 npHE Singapore rubber 1 market yesterday ooened higher b:- about one cent from Tuesday's final business after hours, and proceeded to rule aulet and rather uncertain. Later on, speculative buying on nervousness over the Middle East took the market higher The afternoon market hovered uncertainly around the 1
      515 words
    • 88 17 w AII.V mfil nrlf<M laii^i at nivin .-at*ni*v N*T. Daa. (Corral Mtk) (Farwari Mth MEII.W B«tt« Stllrn Bmjer» Mm C«au par k(. Caato par kg. BMR SCV 1-ton pallet) IM.OO 168 OON IM.OO IMOON SMR 5L (1-ton pallet) IM.OO IM.OON 194 00 1M OON SMR t il-urn pailet)
      88 words
    • 68 17 xrKRY quiet and dull UadIng wa* area In the Singapore foreign exchange market yesterday aa most dealer* remained hesitant ant! reluctant v open fresh posit. oru m view of continued nghtlng In the Middle afeSt. Opening quietly at 12.3175 M the rat* did not move sway from thl*
      68 words
    • 154 17 The following are Uie nominal average closing Interbankrate* In Singapore: Nate: Tnete rates may a'lier sugniiy irom uunt quoted by banks to their customers. •voted ralerda; US dollar J 3190 ***** Sterling pound 5 8387 5.6422 Hongkoi.i dcil»r 46.M 45 51 Malaysian dollar 103.00 102 20 B«l. (rmnc
      154 words
      • 227 17 TJONOKONO. Wed Share J1 prices registered minor changes In flow trading today on the stock market. The Hang Seng Index rose 1.17 points to 493.33 Honi. ting Bank advanced to HK»37RO on Its Local register and remained unchanged at 827.00 on It* London register Other gainers Included Jardlne at
        227 words
      • 36 17 Chi the frM tithangt market Id Honikonf reaterday the U.S. •lllar quoted at 5.***** ».OTT» for T.T. and 5.0*60 for *atl>. tterlMf waa quoted at 12.21 and ana tad af ttW «>. quoted at tU.M.
        36 words
      • 254 17 TOKYO. Wed— Price* K mo Tsi. «"fhUy ahead on the Tokyo stock Exchange today. The market opened marginally higher on the «trength at a tmall rally started the prevlouj day. Some dredging* *uch a* Penta-Ocean Construction. Toyo Construction snd Wakachlku Construction rose. Shipping and other constructions also moved higher
        254 words
      • 264 17 MELBOURNE. Wed Induitrlsfc continued firm in slow trading on the Melbourne Stock Exchange out mining stocks weakened '"RA dropped heavily to close at AS3 10 one of the biggest falls of the day. WeedsMe-Burmab, which had been watched keen y through the day in the light of yesterday's comments
        264 words
      • 121 17 ZURICH, Tues— After a weak opening shares recovered from their losses and the market was able to maintain yesterday's level. Bonds were better. The Credit Sulsse Index was 0.1 up at 256.3. ChMlns prltM In iwih (rues with la* *l>cnao> as tM pnviouj mm too i prices: rrr^lt (uum
        121 words
      • 291 17 XTiW YORK. Tue»— The xl market extended yesterday's sharp decline through mld-wuion. but then attracted strong support and finished with only a small loss on toe day. Nervousness over the Middle East and a number of domestic problems exerted pressure on stock* at the outset. Analysts also observed
        291 words
      • 94 17 FINANCIAL TIMES TINS TuMdiU 93.36 J*«wl«r 9356 Week ago ajjo RIBBEKT"*«t»7 459.92 Monday *s«. 3 j Week ««o 461.90 OILS Tuesday 24SM Monday 247 06 Week mo 260 58 INDUSTRIALS Tuesday «28 3 Monday 431 a Week ago 438 0 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Tue*d»y M 7.41 Monday 967.04
        94 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
      678 words
    • 500 18 SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for the following posts:--(1) ASSISTANT REGISTRAR (2) ASSISTANT BURSAR Qualifications: For Pott (1) Candidates must possess a University degree/ professional qualification or equivalent. Administrative experience in an academic institution or in the public service or in a large commercial or industrial
      500 words
    • 828 18 Sembawang AdR g^g Engineering A. SENIOR ENGINEER (ELECTRICAL) B. SENIOR ENGINEER (CIVIL/STRUCTURAL) C. ENGINEERS (CIVIL/STRUCTURAL) D. LEADING DRAUGHTSMAN (MECHANICAL) E. DRAUGHTSMEN (CIVIL/STRUCTURAL) F. DRAUGHTSMEN (ELECTRICAL) Applications are invited for the following positions A. SENIOR ENGINEER (ELECTRICAL) Applicants should have a recognised University Degree in Electrical Engineering or equivalent; have worked
      828 words
    • 550 18 SALES PERSONNEL SINGAPORE Required by GOLLIN (S.E.ASIA) PTE. LTD. Due to rapid expansion and planned diversification, we seek suitably qualified applications for two vacancies in our Graphics Department. SALES SUPERVISOR To supervise and participate in the marketing of a comprehensive range ol graphic machinery including press and bindery equipment, photocomposition
      550 words
      418 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    22 19 TAN YAP POH passed away 18.10.1972. dearly missed but always remembered by his wife. aona. daughter, daughters-in-law, son-in-law and grandchildren.
    22 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 458 19 Eastern Agencies Office Machines Division SALES REPRESENTATIVES Vacancies exist for additional Sales Representatives in the Office Machines Division of Eastern Agencies in Singapore. These are challenging positions which should lead to substantial earnings through basic salary and sales commisssion. The successful candidates will be trained in the marketing of Office
      458 words
    • 521 19 SPSA has vacancies for the following Senior posts:MECHANICAL ENGINEERS QUANTITY SURVEYORS QUALIFICATIONS EXPERIENCE Degree or Diploma from a recognised Institution or its equivalent. Preference will be given to those with relevant experience. SALARY i"900 x SO 9SO/1050 x 50 1400/14 SO x 50 $1900 per month. Points of entry will
      521 words
    • 666 19 TOURIST PROMOTION BOARD (ASSOCIATE MEMBERS) REGULATIONS 1973 With the coming into operation of the Tourist Promotion Board (Associate Members) Regulations 1973, any firm or organisation in Singapore which is connected with tourism such as shops, departmental stores, restaurants, tourist agents, tour operators, hotels, airlines, banks, centres of tourist interest, etc.
      666 words
    • 728 19 CENTIBUILD PRIVATE LTD. (Incotporated in Singapore) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that share certificate No. 1 for 10,000 *ares in the name of ALBERT CHEW KIM SOON has been reported lost NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that if within seven da., hereof, no representation or claim is made to the Directors in
      728 words
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      486 words
    • 409 19 li HI n UTILITIES BOARD TENDERB WATER DEPARTMENT: 1 5th Floor, Colombo Court Bldg) 1 Supply and delivery of one motor driven hack saw machine. Tender deposit $100/-. Close at 2. 1t pm on 22 11 73. 2 Supply and delivery of one pontoon with pump Tender deposit $250 Close
      409 words

  • 94 20 ATTINTION: No FMenO. Acquaintance. FU!»tlve Whomsoever (Inclusive Brothers. Mother. Sisters). U Involved Whatsoever with My Life s Affairs or with Any Lawsuit Instituted by me (Miss) Dcldra Ng Yin. 22 Butterwortu Lane. TNI WILL TO civi UP Meet the people who had the 111 to give up
    94 words
  • 113 20 3 Religious Announcements 000 PROMISIO in tlie Bible to send a Propbet-afasstnger in tbe spirit and power cf Elijah to th:» generation to re-tore the Church back to His Word be fo.e tbe second coming of Tbe Lord Jesus Christ; and this was fulfilled In tbe lift of William Marnon
    113 words
  • 95 20 LOW SOCK tUAN, M. passed away peacefully or 17.10.73. leaving behind beloved wife. Cboon Lye. 2 sons. Boon En* Boon Hua. < daughters. Bwe« Tin, Bee Tin. Son Tin. Guat Tlo. Chye Tin Blew Tin. sons-in-law, Nt Sob Beng. Koh Thong Dieh. Paul Llm Ng Kirn Poh. daughters-in-law,
    95 words
  • 34 20 FAMILY OF TNI LATI Donald Miranda thank all friends, relatives and the management and staff of Union Carbide Group of Companies for their kind assistance, attendance and contributions during their recent bereave-
    34 words
  • 28 20 IN lovinc MlMomit of my brother App»)re and bis pet doc Cindy 18 10 88 and 22.12.70 respectively to know them was lore Isabelle Athisayam.
    28 words
  • 13 20 101 SAMARITANS OF IMCAPOKI Troublrd' Discouraged? Rinu 91-44-44 Day and ML
    13 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 312 20 classified ads gg CLAIIIFIIO RATH Otaml: I 0 «0 otr w»rd Minimum 00 (IS word*) Ptraonal: I I 20 per word Minimum: (24 00 (20 word*) Miliroan Idlllan Plu« SO* •urebArf Proi««»tt>n»l DIIICNIKI require Mnlor sna Junior draughtsmen. Good prospecti and salary bind on qualifications and experience Apply in writing
      312 words
    • 626 20 DOCTOR TO WORK M A. i.tant In r.tabllnhed mrdial clinic. Diat. 3 Apply muni nrrlrncr to IT. Box A9IOM S'pon. OIAUTICIANS URCIHTLY REQUIRED «t per you according to your performance. There will be no celling to your (truing power If you art prepared to walk the Ultra milt. Piik lend
      626 words
    • 633 20 XMRIINCIO IXICUTIVE lECRITarv wanted for one year, cut* full detain of experience and qualifications glvln( telephone nurab«r. If any Salary ntiouibit Apply 8 T Box ABIO4O. Market lot Dlnetor of Biitnh Engineering Company PJurong hu vacancy for PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL lICRITARY •alary Is negotiable depending oa qualification and experience Pleas*
      633 words
    • 673 20 IWANTID DYNAMIC Ami TIOUS Servicemen to mark*! lour lew com ea*y selling aoc comprehensive National Servlci man Accident iniuranc* It U hlgh'y rewarding )ob for thi Mght maa. Ptionr SMMIK Ipon tor an appointment »A t «i >lr«lllh-«IIVI A Madtag Buroptan 'ompii\> requiree tb* service* of a Salei Representative to
      673 words
    • 675 20 .LABORATORY ASSISTANT required by large ttxtll* factory IB Ju ong H.B.C or Mill* nlnt preferred. Pkw apply to Box ASIOB4 BT. Spore. MITIUMI CO HI LTD. hss vittntm for PRODUCTION OPIRATORI Fer.iale Slngapore/Malaysiaa Cltlaene. Age 1« W mar apply. No experience required. Good working conditions and ■alary. On* day ahlft
      675 words
    • 727 20 QUIRED, age above 21 Know, ladle of 8 pore roads essential Alao urgently required appren tleee with motorcycle licence. wiiiuik lo work hard Apply ST Boi A ***** pen. MAHACIN Wt are looking for young mao with experience Id carpet IO manage a showroom. He should be aggre* !vi. raaoumful
      727 words
    • 675 20 wAiTßfti moumiD. pinaarl Chirmim personalities Malayans preferred Apply personally to: Mlramar Hold. 401. Hevelock Road. ftlngspore PRODUCTION SUPERVHOR AND DRIVERS required. ApplJ with full particulars and salary required to S.T. Box AHO34 8 port. 6TORI-KIIPIR required for a t.r» dlvu.on of in existing company In Jurenc. Ouai.f Italian, and lipenenca
      675 words
    • 798 20 DIST. t EXECUTIVE PLAT PENTHOUSE wilh iwlmmlna pool, wall to wall carpetlni ll. *oo fumlihrd Large enter■tudv S3. MO furnnh'd Kur Merryn Road $1200 i-erannoon Garden (700. Belelar Hllll (1.600. Hw Tan Company |*****0/»1T042 I 912T41 Spore. HNN APARTMENT/ NNn High Paint (Hih Boor) enormoua bedrooms/builtI In cupboard, complete mod
      798 words
    • 807 20 RAND HIW MOUSES— Pong101 facing hesch 1950: Hedok MM. Tal Rwu Garden MOO; Lock Cho tWO. Detached Bun gaMNr recently renovated. Thornni Road (530. Serene Realty TM9I/914J73 B' pen CMOICI BUMOLOWI VICTORIA PARK, OUT. N Top executive house with very tare* ground, in excellent locality. 4 bedrooms. lane lounge, separate
      807 words
    • 864 20 BUNGALOWS, HtUIII, ed tar lon* lIX 1 waiting clients wh» are from vartom w-ll established nnra skiing bu slness In South-east Asia and having Regional Oltttm in Singapore. In all districts Good rent payable for suitable i>rt> perties Please phonr Internallor il Housing AKency «3M.13 S pore COMPANY requires untently
      864 words

    • 205 21 I REFER to the letter by Library User headlined "Students occupy all the seats in library" (ST.. Oct. 16). I agree with his remarks. The National Library must decide what Its main function Is: a library for the public's use or a communal
      205 words
    • 60 21 1 REFER to tht letter by Tourist (ST.. Sept. 22). Owing to construction work presently being carried out at the Orchard Road pedestrian mall and the 11 mll a tlon of working space, part of the footpath has to be used. However, all steps will be taken to
      60 words
    • 72 21 I REFER to the request by O.L. (ST.. Oct. 2) to conduct a feasibility study on the Installation of traffic lights at the junction of Lower Delta Road and Jalan Buklt Ho Swee. The Installation of traffic lights at the said junction Is not recommended since Jalan Buklt Ho Swee
      72 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 770 21 Ifs T If: 14. Jalan Amp*" Bedok one single-storey line roof detached bungalow. 4 bedrooms. 1 dining cum lounge ITice (15.000 Contact K C Nl *****3 S pore n*le storey 3-bedroomed Mr,,ce bouse Are. I.SOO *q ft. mosaic noonnic throughout Price (72.000 EBC *****6/T pore 1) DISTRICT U: Well renovated
      770 words
    • 819 21 NAM MO THAVIL SERVICE LIMITED Tour Wot Malaysia Haven Days 8(115/-. Al:--ondmoned bu« BSI4O/-. Malay- ia./Oentmg B«vrn Days 8tl«0'-. Departure Every Bunday, Monday. Dunne School Holldayi Everyday. Cameron Highland! Four Days B*7o/ Ever* Wedneaday. Haadyal Hongkhia by/Air Tbree Uaya a»235/-. Pour I)»jri 8(241/-. Kvrry Friday. Bangkok. Chteagmal AlrcoodKloaed bua— Fifteen
      819 words
    • 646 21 FANTASTIC OFFIR! LAKE TOBA Days tZ«O/3M/4«0 HAADYAI 6 Days 1103 BANGKOK (By Air) 6 Days $570 AIM Economical Toum To M«U;ji». Europe A Par Kast Enquiries 2353-233 (3 lines; Ma KIN-AIR tIRVICtI INTL. (FT!) LTD. 5111. Oreund Fleer, Q.M.f.C, Boich Rud, Slngapere, 7. sat t 30 a.m.— 4.00 p.m. ■UN.
      646 words
    • 688 21 INTERNATIONAL TRAINING CENTRt lODK KliriHC (BECINNERI) Twice weekly, Tuesday and Thursday. 6-7 30 p.m. Commencing lit Nov. SHORTHAND THEORY RAPID COURSE Thrice weekly. Monday. Wedneiday. Friday. 6-7 p m Commencing 2nd Nov FRENCH (BECINNERS) THREE MONTHI COURIE Twin weekly. Tuesday and Thursday. 8-7 30 p.m. Commeoelng lit Nov. MARKETING Course
      688 words
    • 867 21 OUALIFV FOR A BETTER Joe Untaini foremost eoimpoi dene* school can help you qu«lify for a rtspontlbl* well p. id X>b With lv ouuianding success record, the »chool o(«<ra you lb» beat possible imoint (or a suoemful atntr. Com ple.. home «tudy counts m Book keeping Accountancy. SeciYtaryshlp. Banking. Com
      867 words
    • 833 21 I I»7J OCTOBER ALFA ROMEO ISOO c.c Oood condition owiKn $H.4UU 0.8.0. Tel: *****9 Mr. Phua. INI tINCIR CAZILLI ne* reniitratlon and insurance Must Mil. Til: MIMI tn 3278 after oilier. 1962 AUITIM MO: 18*4 MO lioo. ISM Victor 1M0: 19T2 Viva taxed/Insured. Tal: H***** B'por*. IMC FIAT 1100R On*
      833 words
    • 767 21 MAKI TOUR CHOICI If a lifetl eniujcemrnt and wedding rinKt distinctively at ■n diamonds from Tin Sing Goldsmiths Pit Lid 215-217. South Bridge Road. S pore. EN"LI|H SACHCLOR, 3fl, vtalt-l log Singapore for »lx w««lu la DeremLer/ January, would Ilk* to (bar* or ml centrally located fla*. Also interested la
      767 words
    • 686 21 EX BRITISH W.O. CIVILIAN EMPLOYE! and former top t mdc union leader going Into honest )awellery/eurw trade aeeka financier or partner. Phrase phone MHOO7 Spore. CLASSROOMS (FURNISHED! ro LIT in registered commer cul school. Ontrally located Phone *****0 *****7 —pore DOZER WINCHES CARGO li 24. for Do or M. hydraulic
      686 words
    • 106 21 COOD PACKAGID UNIT air conditioned set Westinghouse 4 h.p.. Ford Falcon car, good condition, baby cota. (P. A. > amplifier, dry photo copier machine and keroaene pressure cooking Ing for cheap sale. Telephone 2133/4 J.B. ROOM AIR CONDITIONERS FOR SALI, rental, repair, service. Cookera and refrigerators also available. Sin Hrn
      106 words
    • 92 21 FOR SALE AND HIRI secondhand alrccndltloners. refrigerators In good condition. Twl *****6. 627 Ge> lang Road. Spore. tICONOMANO RONIO STEEL storage cupboards sue 72 high x 38 wide x 18 deep Selling Cheap Ring *****/***** and chair and one Malacca table. Telephone 6H0618 between 8 a.m. 12 noon. 1 HP.
      92 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    29 22 S a r d a r BAMUND SI.VOH. Retired Post Master, passed away 10.10.73. Ceremony at Kampong Pandan Road Blkh Temple on 21.10.73 at 12 noon. 13.1.73
    29 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 820 22 JAWATAN EOBONC PERBADANAN MEMAJUKAN IKTISAD NECEKI TRENGGANU Permohonan-pennohonan adalah dlpelawa dan Warga Negara Malaysia untuk menglsl jawatan-Jawatan bertkut dl Perbadanan Memajukan Ikuaad Negerl Trengganu (A) Jawataa: Secretary Accountant Krloloaan: I) Permohon-pennohon mitllah lulus SIJU Penekolahap dengan mendapat kepujlan dldalam Bahasa Malaysia dan menjadl anil kepada salah sebuah badan tersebut a)
      820 words
    • 669 22 BE I NIVKRSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA PERMOHONAN adalah dlpelawa darlpada Warganegara Malaysia untuk menglsl JawatanJawatan yang tersebut dl bawah lni dl Universal Kebar.gsaan Malaysia. PENOLONG PENDAFTAB Kelayakan Mempunyal Ijazah Sa/Jana Muda dengan kepujlan darl Unlversltl yang dllktlraf serta sekurang-kurangnya pengalaman pentadblran selama 2 tahun, dan mempunyal Ijazah Sarjana Muda 'Am darl
      669 words
    • 252 22 An Opportunity To Join Citibank We are the world's leading International bank, a position we have won by meeting changing financial needs quickly and efficiently with lmacinaUve services. Today, to maintain our rapid development In Malaysia we need more resourceful young people. PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER to handle our public relations
      252 words
    • 303 22 A Large Japanese Bank requires a Senior SUIT of Malaysian Citizen Quallflca:lons n Must be a university graduate or a man of equal level with knowledge In Economics, Commerce or Finance. 2) Must have a good command In Bahasa Malaysia In addition to English Language and, if possible. Japanese. Responsib'Uty:
      303 words
    • 500 22 TODDY TENDERS FOR NEGERI SEMBILAN Tenders are InvlUd for the supply of fresh toddy for one year /two years to Oovernmest Toddy Shops In the Slat* ot Negerl Sembilan for the period of Ist. January 1974 to 31st December 1(74/ Ist. January 1974 to 31st December I 1»75 respectively. Pull
      500 words
    • 633 22 KAJfUNTING TIN nKUfQING LIMIT! n Notlc* v hereby given that at the forthcoming Annual Oeneral M -eting to be held on lh» 14th Jay of November. 1973. the Directors will recommend the payment of a final Dividend of J pence per share (equivalent t-> 4 3M pence per share grosa)
      633 words
    • 100 22 LEMBAGA FELABOHAN KELANO KlWiniN TAWARAN NO ltM Tawaran-Uwaran adalah dipelawn bagl membekal dan menyrahkan perkakaa-per-kakas Bengkrl Llmbongan (Sand Blasting MachfnJack*. Welding Seta and Maintenance Transporter, etc Dokumen-dokumen tawaran dan pr uiclan boleh didapatl darl pejabat Ketua Jurutera (Pi dengan menunjukkan reatl berharga 110;- yang dlbayar kepada Pengarah Kewangan. L.PK. bagl
      100 words

  • 459 23 jyfOST Indonesian fans predict that former world heavyweight champi o n Muhammad AH will stop Rudi Lubbers in the first round of their 12 round non title bout in the soccer JAKARTA, Wednesday stadium here on Saturday. A taxi-driver after viewing Lubbers training said:
    Agencies; UPI  -  459 words
  • 215 23 LONDON. Wed—lnsideforward Bob Hatton scored three goals In 11 minutes to lift First Division Birmingham to victory over Second Division Blackpool in a stormy English Football League Cup second round replay last night. B.ackpool were twice In the lead but after their centre-forward Wyn Davies
    Reuter  -  215 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 239 23 HEIEiWWYMmUMHfY if you fly both ways VlOh; via the Pacific L to USA Catiada if you stay in America tt for more than 14 days L canaoa T pu but less than 35 days "v r a usa ~raltSH—f, tours, entertainment you'lgeta FREE "~^-OI_LJ—«MI3 voucher worth ***** to spend and
      239 words
    • 315 23 m s^s^sß^ss^^^^^ M i^skj^s^^Hj K^^^^r JB^^fc^r^^^T^sPl^^B^H 'F^liSli^HV/sV Jvf 4\^m\ 'M' "'*~"^^^^^^^^^^^bl/''s^HbP' ■V^^SSSslLi^sSs^Sß s^L^^sa^s^sks^sfl I s^L^r i M i iIJ si^^S s^SfS y ii^y^/^ t w^ya i^P^st\ v m^sK Many people say that Kjeldsens Butter Cookies are the best they've ever tasted. 4s» We agree with rhem. But of course it's
      315 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 289 23 Straits Times Crossword JflV HBJ HHJ HHj 1 2Z~f^ BbTThI HhT^^HSB^HhI ACKOSB 1 Fallen lady entering 7 Injustice common to the Heaven though borne dark? (10) down with sin? (6,6). White or tan It could 5 Hot-pot maker! (4). mean trouble (2, 3 5i 10 Pulling strings to enter 12
      289 words

  • 560 24 Barrier draw for Penang races UENANO. Wed. FWella (Class 5 Div 4 7f > Lunar Module (Class 8 Div 4 and Developer (Class J Div 1 71 1 were withdrawn before the barrier draw tv made (or Saturday's and Sunday* fields here. Ballot lor emergency acceptors was also made lor
    560 words
  • 618 24  - Baldwin can make it 4-in-a-row EPSOM JEEP By PENANG, Wed. The remarkably improved Baldwin, who has won four races this season, his last three in a row, is keeping his form. With a handy 7.13 this well-bred fouryear old English horse by Baldric has a bright chance of making it
    618 words
  • 21 24 Royal Commission Best Gift Shelford Road National Credit Repulse Bay II My Pleasure Thunderer Melody Fair Gomanwyn Watergate
    21 words
  • 67 24 LONDON. Wed. Andy Wuson, once the world's most expensive soccer plsyer, died In London last weekend. He was 77. In 1923 the Scottish star, famed as a goalacorer. was transferred from Middlesbrough to Chelsea for a then record £6.500 (worth 8556.000 In Uiose oaysi Nowadays British
    AP  -  67 words
  • 420 24 Trevena gets 12-month suspension MELBOURNE, Wed. 8 a n d o w n Park stewards on Monday disqualified leading CaulHeld trainer Geoff Murphy and jockey Alan Trevena for 12 months on an alleged Improper practice charge. Murphy, 46, and Trevena, 32. lodged appeals to the Victoria Racing Club within 20
    420 words
  • 144 24 OAKLAND LEAD IN WORLD SERIES NEW YORK, Wed. Bert Campaneris singled home an unearned run In the llth Inning last night to give the Oakland Athletics a 3-2 victory over the New York Mets in the third straight World Series game decided by defensive lapses. The victory gave Oakland a
    144 words
  • 187 24 Five teams enter Vietnam soccer tourney CAIOON, Wed— Teams from Indonesia. Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore have accepted invitations to compete in South Vietnam's annual National Cup socrer tournament from November 1 to 5, it was announced today. South Korea has also been invited but not yet Indicated whether It will
    187 words
  • 319 24 MANILA, Wed. Unseeded Hans Pohmann of West Germany today upset nfth-seed Charles Pasarell of the United States 6-4 2-6 6-2 and moved Into the quarterfinals of the International tennis tournament here, the third leg of the Asian Tennis Circuit. i The 26-year-old German
    Reuter  -  319 words
  • 212 24 KINGSTON. Wed. West Indian batsman Lawrence Rowe. who has been out of Test cricket recently with an ankle lntury. Is confident he will be available for selection for the forthcoming series against England In the Caribbean. The Jamaican twisted his ankle while
    Reuter  -  212 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 45 24 M LEADERS IN ENGINEERING World renowned products. Trained, experienced application engineers. Effective parts and service support. This combination is your assurance of quality and reliability for all your engineering requirements. Eight specialist divisions are at your service! AmW l«\v^J AmWm w£+ I Tll^ *£^^nf^^J** -^^^s^^i^sT^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^.
      45 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 73 24 Danny Blanchflower's Soccerstrip /Ss£L.l KEEPING THE BALL LOW V m» *if c^H ncuMOum /acmiiwpd tn i mStirj tTtl V^Br^^^^^sT "•««t '»w tmc Shot «mp hit 1 7 Tl|«T TU* PCIKfH Esf TUB WUV X> HIT TMS V MAW** TMC V (uSmm iß^jff raOPfOIY THBCU6W TU« Mil 111 s^sV n »Sb
      73 words

  • 518 25  - seven 'Nod only for those with medal hopes' ERNEST FRIDA By {SINGAPORE will send a token team of seven competitors two swimmers, two boxers, two weightlifters and an athlete and two officials to the Commonwealth Games at Christchurch from Jan 24 to Feb 2. They are high Jumper Nor Azahar
    518 words
  • 373 25  -  ALBERT JOHNSON By STAR studded Armed Forces yesterday failed to overawe rivals Jansenites and had to labour (or a 1-1 draw in an exciting SHA Division One league match at Farrer Park. Both teams put up a well-balanced performance but the fighting rally by
    373 words
  • 80 25 \f ANCHESTER. Wed. AT Oeorge Best, playboy soccer star who vowed he would never play again. Is back In the Manchester United Une-up. The wayward Northern Irish genius was named for next Saturday's league game against Birmingham He last played In a league match on Nov.
    80 words
  • 49 25 BANOKOK. Wed. The Laotian Army outplayed Hongkong's Caroline Hill 4-1 In the Queen's Cup soccer tournament here tonight. In the second game Port Authority trounced Muda Jakarta of Indonesia 7-0 The tournament was resumed as calm was restored after three days of violent civil disturbances.
    49 words
  • 267 25  - Kiwis smash Police for first win P. SIOW By ROYAL New Zealand Infantry Regiment "C" Company scored their first victory of the season when they trounced Police Sports Association 31-6 in their Singapore Rugby Union's League Dlv. One match at Thomson yesterday. The New Zeaianders got their points from a
    267 words
  • 28 25 LISBON. Wed. Victoria de Setubal of Portugal beat Racing White of Belgium l-o In their UETA soccer cup second round first lef match here last night.
    28 words
  • 312 25 rP seed Chla Chong Boon advanced to the fourth round of this year's &ITA Senior Men's singles table tennis championship when he won both his matches confortably at Kallang last night PETER SIOW Favourite* Chong Boon, who was given a bye In the
    312 words
  • 80 25 Home Affairs fancied to retain title pvEFENDINO eh a m plons Home Affairs are strongly tipped to retain the Rldwan Damflr trophy In the second Inter-MlnlMry sepaktakrtw championships at Buklt Chermln from Nov 33 to Dec 14. Knclk AHi MusUJab. assistant convenor of the BCBRSC. said about ten Ministries will
    80 words
  • 119 25 Yan Kit banned one year by FAS EH)NG Van Kit, a youth Player of Radin Mas. was yesterday suspended for a year for misconduct during a FAS V i) v t h tournament match at Jalan Besar Stadium two weeks ago. reports JOE DOKAI. Font was allrred to have "kicked"
    119 words
  • 466 25  -  TEOH ENG TATT By ALT H OUOH Chrlstchurch announced last month that Singapore had entered a team of about a hundred for the Commonwealth Games to be held there from Jan 24 to Feb 2, It was known all along here that It was going to be
    466 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 80 25 Newsweek October 22 Issue Thailand Students vs Government N B BMfnkkS" v 4(8.17 ".^bsssbbbT .sbbbbbb! BBBBBBBst BBsJ BSSsssssslls^^VJbssssssWbsssssssslsssssssssb^^Bbl BBBBBBBI^fI* I^BBBBsL. WSKAmaricrtMw.VTMrVwisfam Sssssß 8888 8888 8888 BBBM 8888 MAIL YOUR COUPON TO I Newsweek International SANVC ENTERPRISE SUITE 138 STAMFORD MOOSE SINGAPORE 6 TEL ***** IV EC D Send 27 Newsweo1
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    • 455 25 I ssssK^* 5^ V >^ \/f few wt H n BBBsK J?^ t^L -4. >!^bl J^^^P^HLJ^^B Hbbl atf^sflßaF BsW»W"*V^^^. .^BBslw'^^'^^^^BßßßßSssr Bssft jk bW^lbbßßßs^bT iT^i*' '^^^^BBBBBrssi BBBW '^^H; JBT t JbV"* B^ sv L T# Tit I^Bbssssl j ~^^W fc^sj^ How you cook chicken melting in lime sauce Here's a list
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    • 35 25 ROCKET BHA Junior ko semlflnaU: CSC "B" v SC (Balestfcr Rd) Senior k.0.: Police v Sembawang i Thomson Rd). BADMINTON Interhospltal: Outpatient Services v Wood bridge. Hq v PatholOfjr Dept ißaharuddln Vocational Institute 7 pjn.i
      35 words

  • 61 26 D E MO NSTRATIONS have ended, police and soldiers are not back on duty, and the kids take over in Bangkok, swarming over His debris of "battle." Here a group of poor children try to salvage whatever is useable from this jeep which was set on
    61 words
  • 94 26 HONGKONG. Wed Hongkong's telex services with the outside world were cut for 31 hours this morning by what officials at Cable and wireless said was "technical trouble." International leased and telephone circuits were also affected. Telegram services to and from Hongkong have been suspended since
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 61 26 lHHalana Cbraoi Owak Ktowl PUM iwlf 1710 73 asM M. Daaply meonaa b* Ma. daufbtan. aoaa-talaw dausatar-la-law. am (raadehlldna. traM •om-IbUw traM dancataraliilaw and craat irandcallaraa. Corta*e iaa»«a as. inn email 1»-1O-T1 1 11. for Holr Bplrit Cfcorek tkam to C.C.I. V. TNIVAOaBMA, TJ. Hi»ilf Oovrrt.miDt PrMltaf OBtoo mill!
    61 words
  • 150 26 Al7-YEAB-OLO boy waa stabbed to death In gang clash in which police opened fire to disperse the rival imp at Indus Lane, off Havelock Road. last night Two detective* from Orchard Road station found Goo Ah Lent lyinr near Block (2 at
    150 words
  • 47 26 WASHINGTON. Wad. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger still plans to visit Peking later this month, the State Department said yesterday He Is due to leave on Oct. 11. but could be delayed If the Middle East situation •till demanded his full attention. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 344 26 I ONDON. Wad. n< .loc* markat cloaad •llfhtly flrraar today »itb aom* aqulqr laad*n marked up a couple of panca. Howev«r. tde volume of trad* ni •mall, renaetloc irowloi concern over d*v*lopai*au la the Middle But. Al S p.m. tba Financial Tlmaa ladei up 1.1 at tw 3.
    344 words
  • 26 26 LONDON. Wad a»M WOO nun ihikimi Not. aa4 Dos. W.a> aoa.. Jaa. M.os aoai.. Jan Marck ST.SO. Onini elf Nor. aad Ooc M.M. Markat UacarUla.
    26 words
  • 29 26 LONDON. Wad. apM tarran <na* (—is). Milan moo <—17). Forward buran mil t—tly. ■aUan OISI I—in. Stltlamml tSStS (—IS). t»mm •>■ 210 urn f.m. ISS taaa. TaM Bartlr SMS*.
    29 words
  • 201 26 HK APPOINTS TOP MAN TO FIGHT CORRUPTION HONGKONG, Wednesday HONGKONG Governor Sir Murray Mac- lehose today declared war on graft and announced the appointment of a top civil servant to head a new antl-corruptlon body. In a major policy statement to the Legislative Council, the Governor said: "We mear business."
    201 words
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    • 148 26 Model ES-8100 M^^^HH Model ES-8100 D Fully automatic with 4 programmes for you to pick Ht the desired swirling motion for your laundry D Load capacity- 11 lbs. i D Selection buttons for desired high and low operation of wash and spin-drying. ii LJ Two water levels. £2 Waste filter
      148 words
    • 157 26 mm > ,p3? *fi < I Few Teeth r—> IJflßpwl^?*'m Contact *f*~~' tm*^^^^^^^^^^M Lbbb. 4t M^OW Tf^lh Ba**aßßßßrfA*jßfMaßßMat>ia*aA in lonian hHß^JtMiprlrVMaV'aßßßßWV'Ha^k j^M bbT b. Mms=wk > CVCLOOBIVE BEiEB v»Ri»TOB C»P*CiTV VI6MP ISO HP CA<V*CITv% IOOMP BEOUCTION RATIO II I ***** SPEED RATIO 3 3. 4 10 I* l B««r Cyclo
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