The Straits Times, 8 October 1973

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 250.000 The Straits Times Ertd. 1845 MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1973 M.C. (P) 28/73 I 20 CENTS
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  • 1215 1 Syrians mass 1,000 tanks and field guns CAIRO, Sunday ISRAEL threw the full weight of its air force into almost nonstop attacks today on Egyptian am Syrian troops battling their way forward into Israeli-occupied territory, Egyptian and Syrian mili tary communiques said. One Egyptian communique, issued
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  1,215 words
  • 70 1 WABHINOTON. Sun Prwloent NUoni top economic advtier today told American conwmtrs they can «P*ct food prices to eonunu« ruing sharply for at toart the nert six months Or Herbert Stein, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, predicted that for food price* which nave rt-en 20 per
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  • 41 1 PARIS Sun— N«arly onetjurd of the French capital. 5" I""" 0 population want *°jm~ Part, btfar* ratlrtnt. •""ordtae to a nttnt aurwr. H* Pv cent of the ranch population outside P»rts do not want to Uv* in <*» capital Rcutcr
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  • 380 1 How Arab forces broke Israel's infantry screen NEW YORK. San.— The apparent eaac with which Egyptian forces crossed the Sues Canal wa* explained jeatrrdaj b> American military sources in terms of Israeli tactics. Since the ceasefire that ended the six-day war of Jane. 19*7. Israel has held the eastern side
    UPI  -  380 words
  • 145 1 CANBERRA. Sun. DOWER restrictions will be enforced at midnight today In New South Wales, cutting commercial and home consumption of electricity and threatening the Jobs of thousands of workers. The restrictions were announced today by the ESectricity Commission after 14 days of
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  • 143 1 TWENTY-ONE horses were withdrawn by the stewards of the Singapore Turf Club at the Bukit Timah races over the week-end. On Saturday. Apple Twist (Race Five), Bilver Mint and Altruistic (Race Nine i failed to pass their pre-race urine tests and were subsequently withdrawn by
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  • 62 1 3 rebels killed MANILA. Sun -Three Insurgents have been killed and 13 others either have surrendered or have been captured In encounters with the Philippine Constabulary In the Sor&ogon and Bataan provinces, the military announced today. Constabulary headquarters said two of the rebels were killed In a 30-mlnute battle in
    AP  -  62 words
  • 25 1 ISTANBUL. Sun—Twentytwo people ware killed by flood*, landslides and lightning ywUrday a< fierce storms lashed a large area of western Turkey.— Hauler.
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  • 156 1 MISSILE BASES WIPED OUT: ISRAEL TEL AVIV. Sun Israel air force Jets wiped out most of the Soviet built missile bases on the Syrian ceasefire line today and led bomblnc raids deep Inside Egypt, the military command reported. By Israeli accounts, the tide appeared to be turning on the second
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 89 1 SAFETY /|^2 Wt SHOES VfcM K^ 0"-- No. 707 RESISTANT 122. DAKOTA CRESCENT. BLOCK 36. OLD KALLANG ESI ATE. SINGAPORE 14. TEL *****1 BLAZE GUTS 11 SHOPS PAGE 15 TANAKA'S bid for a peace treaty 2 is plea to Arabs and Israelis 3 DANCERS from Berlin cominc 4 ALERT cops
      89 words
    • 100 1 R>r Fixed Deposit j Accounts and Mortgages choose HONG LEONG FINANCE LIMITED lUunmilri tr, »ni«t a s»syaim> HeadOftce MO-M2 ftobnson foad. Srvvxae 1 Tel ***** (5 5ne5) Snnc»o««n Ml Soul* B. .dp ftoM Soot I T* 71«t4 393 G*vl«nf Road S po<« 14 Ttl *****9 ;i] Lj.inOi Stii Spow H
      100 words
    • 264 1 Lr royal iL> COPENHAGEN H« AND 1•* v BING GRONDAHL Danish Art ftxcelain \M HSENACPTDLTC. <*V HCH CLASS JEWELLERS MM fcssL A SHANOM-LA MANTWSM Ask <Z* 1 RAFFLES HOTELS WHEREVEF it's a question of numbers, words, data and in'oimation handling. Olivetti is there. In the office and >n the factory,
      264 words

    • 295 2 WASHINGTON. Sun. L VICE PRESIDENT Bplro Agnew today faced united opposition from the press In his efforts to discover the sources of news leaks about corruption allegations against him. Mr. Agnew't lawyers have Issued subpoenas against reporters from several leading US newspapers and television organisations
      Reuter  -  295 words
    • 39 2 NICOSIA, San. Greek Cy^rlot guerillas today attempted to kill President Archbishop Makarios by exploding four landmines under his ear as It drove to an island village to bold a Sunday saass. a government spokesman said.— l'Pl.
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    • 140 2 29 die in Turkey flood havoc ANKARA, Sun. Twenty-four hours of torrential rain in much of Turkey have taken 39 lives and caused property damage estimated In millions of Turkish lira, officials said today. Twenty people were drowned In flood waters in Black Sea and Marmora Sea coastal towns In
      AP  -  140 words
    • 352 2 Tanaka's bid for peace pact with Moscow MOSCOW. Sun. JAPANESE Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka arrived here today for two days of hard negotiations with Soviet leaders aimed at producing a peace treaty ending World War II hostilities. Main topic on the Japanese leader's agenda Is the longstanding problem of four
      Reuter  -  352 words
    • 292 2 Russia aiming at nuclear monopoly says China HONGKONG, Sunday pHINA said today the Soviet Union has v Increased Its inter-contlnental missile strength more than 15 times In the past 10 years and described Soviet deployment of troops along t*e Mongolian border as a threat to China's security. The official New
      Reuter  -  292 words
    • 169 2 'S. Africa in for stormy UN session' warning PRETORIA, Sun. Opposition politicians have welcomed Prime Minister Vorster's decision to remain a member of the UN In spite of the rejection on Friday of South Africa's credentials and a mass walkout by 100 delegates. United Party member Mr. Derlck de Villlers
      Reuter  -  169 words
    • 66 2 YOKOSUKA. Sun-About 18.000 people demonstrated outside a US Navy base ban today against the arrival of the US attack carrier Midway lo m«fc» Yokoauka. south of Tokyo. Iti home port. The Midway, which arrived here last Friday. I* expected to operate out of ban for the
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 57 2 EAST BERLIN. Sun. The hearu of more than 2.000 East Oermann are kept ticking by artificial pe.eemaktrs. the Socialist Unity (Communist) Party paper Neuas Deutschland reported yesterday It said 2.771 East Germans had been glvrn pacemakers over the past five years and 2.325 were still aim
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 34 2 JAKARTA. Sun. Indonesia ha* aiked the United mates to stop the release of IU rubber stockpile. Trade Minister Radius Prawlro aalß after a meeting with President Suharto at the palace. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 36 2 New GovernorGeneral OTTAWA. Sun. Prim* Minister Trudeau hu named Mr. Jul« L*c<r. Cuudi'i All* Mi dor to Belgium and Luxembourg, to become Oor-•rnor-Osnaral succeeding Mr. Ro*and MIcbUMT Hr. Lagsr. M. will hmh oßca In January —AP
      AP  -  36 words
    • 40 2 WABHWOTON. Sun Th« CoMt Quart yesterday declared the iu«n between Cuba and the sbuth-wesurn Orand Bahama bank* v possibly hazardous to ahtpptng. foUowtng the loas of two Cuban fishing rtawli and the apparent dWppwrance of an American boat.
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    • 79 2 LONDON, tun British actor Dennis Price has dlrd In hospital, aged 58. It was announced las', night. Mr. Price had parts In Innumerable Alms as the Impeccable Englishman anu was best remembered in Britain In the television role of P.O. Woodhouses's butler Jeeves. Mr.
      Reuter  -  79 words
    • 69 2 CABTEL RIQONK (Italy). Sun. What do you do when a cow storms Into a cottage, la trapped under a collapsed beam and risks bringing the whole building down In panic? Firemen called by farmer Angleo Alunnl found an answer They tamed the cow by giving
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    • 54 2 MANILA. Sun Indonesian and Malaysian authorities have Joined In the search for a Philippine light aircraft missing since Thursday with four people on board. It was disclosed here today. Aboard the plane were three executives of the A. Soriano Corporation. Including iti vice-president. Mr. Sebastian Urgarte.
      Reuter  -  54 words
    • 60 2 LONDON. Sun. British Airways nights to Europe were back to normal earl; today after a strike that caused havoc at Loixtons Heathrow airport yesterday. The huge state airlines European division formerly known as tr.tlsh European Airways had to enncei over 100 tlchts when engineers and maintenance
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 262 2 ATHENS. Sun. j TIHE Greek government will pay the depoard Greek royal family 120 million drachmas (about I SJ9.I million) in compensation for the expropriation of IU property in Greece. A presidential decree published in the official gazette said the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 109 2 MAKES SLUGGISH CARS FEEL BETTER Wynn's Lubricant Supplement is highly concentrated for use in bear ings, gears and engine assemblies. It makes manual gear changing smoother and faster; makes steering easier and lighter. You feel it in your fingertips. And you can hear Wynn's reduce "howling" in gears and differentials,
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    • 84 2 ssHbh Wk SBB7 IBBBBSSBBs! BBBBBBfe^SBBV^ *SSSBBBa^^BBsr „f»w>^% sssssss^^9"^ 1' tmK w K n prices are .jjgsjw*** IbsbbbbbbHbW) «bR^ incrcysing. Horlicks reduces 'iV^OS bsssHhP^ ils l irKC u vv von even _AVs**VC5 Bbssss»^ bettor value lor money von save ft \JUnjCv^rCnf^ ssss^P f Horlicks gives you all the foodmtm of C^toA**^^
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    • 141 3 AIRPORT IN MELBOURNE TAKES THE FULL LOAD MELBOURNE, Sun. TuHamarlne airport in Melbourne handled SO international airlines yesterday compared with eight to 10 on a normal Saturday and Sunday. A spokesman for the Department of Civil Aviation said the Increase was due to the outflow from Sydney's international and domestic
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    • 58 3 BOOOTA. Sun. Colombian police seized cocaine worth an estimated U*****.000 (811.610.000 i on the Black Market, from a Bolivian woman who arrived here by air yesterday. Police said the woman. Elizabeth Pino. 23. landed here aboard an Iberia flight from Santiago and La Pas. carrying the cocaine
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • 67 3 LAS PALM AS. (Canary Island) Sun.—Military tribunals have sentenced four Jehovah Witnesses to prison terms ranging from 10 months to six years and a day for refusing to do military service. One defendant, Juan Carbonell Uria, sentenced to It months, had already served II yean
      Reuter  -  67 words
    • 399 3 US plea for halt in M-E fighting WASHINGTON. Sunday rpHE United States, caught by surprise by the outbreak of heavy fighting in the Middle East, yesterday appealed to Israel and Egypt to halt the conflict and avoid further worsening of the military situation. Secretary or State Dr. Henry Kissinger, who
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    • 177 3 Security, C-mart talks for Brandt and Heath T ONDON, Bun. West German Chancellor Willy Brandt and British Prime Minister Edward Heath today continued their examination of Euro p c a n security questions and the Internal evolution of the Common Market. The two leaders began summit discussions yesterday with particular
      Reuter  -  177 words
    • 31 3 PARIS. Bun. Police said a special anti-drug squad seized narcotics worth 2.5 million franca (Stl.4 million) In a double swoop at Orljr airport and arrested two Arabs. dpi.
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    • Briefs
      • 22 3 VATICAN CITY. Sin. Pope Paul met in a private audience yesterday with Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra. secretary general of the Islamic Conference.
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      • 30 3 JAKARTA: The American Sun Oil Company today signed an eight-year cob tract with the Indonesian PerUmina Oil Company for the exploration of oil In Irian Jay a (formerly West Irian).
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      • 38 3 DACCA: Bangladesh blamed Pakistan for slow progress in the repatriation of thousands ot Pakistanis stranded here since the 1971 Indo-Paklstan war. MOSCOW: roar Jew* have been Jailed and another fined for demonstrating outside the Interior Ministry last Friday.
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      • 21 3 SANTIAGO: More than 1.000 militant supporters of the late President Salvador Allende have been rounded up In southern Chile In raids.
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      • 52 3 NEW DELHI: East German Deputy Premier Gerhard Schuerrr arrived today on a 10-day official visit to India. BUENOS AIRES: Presi-dent-elect Juan Peron called 'n the nations top military commanders yesterday for lengthy talks coinciding with a wave of political violence a week befr.-e he takes over the Presidency for the
        52 words
      • 47 3 I JOHANNESBURG South African police have arrested two Australians and one American at alleged leaders of an international drug ring. BELGRADE: United States Treasury Secretary George Bhultz yesterday met President Tito and top Yugoslav economics officials for talks and a review of bilateral and International econc.Tilc questions.
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      • 51 3 SALISBIRY: Police today patrolled Salisbury's riot-prone Harari African township here after three ramparing soccer fans were wounded In police firing. BELFAST: Two youths threw a bomb at a British army patrol In Londonderry yesterday before the start of a civil rights demonstration. A ar.'.dler and a woman passerby were injured.
        Agencies  -  51 words
    • 148 3 'China no longer socialist MOBCOW, Bun. The Soviet Union's most authoritative reference book signalled this week that the Kremlin has withdrawn recognition of China as a socialist state. The Yearbook for 1973. an annual supplement to the Oreat Soviet Encyclopaedia, went on sale a few days ago with its previous
      Reuter  -  148 words
    • 87 3 NEW YORK, Sun —Six women students at Harvard for the flrat t'me have applied for the Men only" Rhodes scholarships. The University Fellowships Committee has endorsed three of them. Director of Fellowships Miss Katherine Hutchinr*. said the com- mlttee was aware of scholarship
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 125 3 o vW W /'+> ORIS W f y SJM 2Q I m\\ tm \yA i i i^^^ 5220 r 59 dollars this Oris Swiss Watch for only 59 dollars! That is the price of this handsome Oris Automatic 73 It features a beautifully designed date dial, a built-in crown; and
      125 words
    • 449 3 M \Wl|f"™" HORLKKS 3ib <i362<) tm 7.50 M O l^liL*^ 1 COOKING OH FU«A Polyunsalu^ CII Size 10.60 RestauranilN I CRAPE JUI(E lwmi 7 3f 79 u^s-o^ Irtnf UJ> CAMPBELL S USA °of Mushroom IOiM 6 I m nowopen I at** h^BHi air m DBS Building Jf Kn^fr-N «SS£33SnV %,Shenton
      449 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 285 3 Straits Times Crossword' ACBOSB Uclaru seen In asrefibly 1 A hearty applicant? (11). («-6i 1 Very big loan half sup- Bird U to cut drink (10). plied from capital («J. 1} Details of Laura's trip 10 Railwayman in restaurant abroad about a hundred car? (5-5) (11). 11 About to get
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  • 239 4 $5 million computer utility to be switched on by Hon rpHE Finance Minister, 1 Mr. Hon Sul Sen. will switch on Singapore's first large-scale time-sharing computer service at the Development Bank of Singapore tomorrow to mark the opening of this computer utility. Launched at a cost of about $5 million,
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  • 64 4 SINGAPORE Council ot Social Service will host a 13-man delegation from the Children and Youth Division of ttkl Hongkong Council of Social Service from Nov 7 to 11. The delegation will vtalt youth and community work projects sponsored by the Government and the voluntary sector
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  • 134 4 Walkout by 100 workers closes 3 snack bars THREE snack ban of 1 A.' at Wof Singapore Sdn. Bhd. were closed yesterday morning when 100 workers staged a walkout over wage claims. The workers claim that the A ft W management refused to Implement the recommendations of the National Wages
    134 words
  • 107 4 Crash deaths: Driver's trial on Dec. 13 THE trial of PUB driver Veerabadran Naldu charged with causing the death of four members of a family by dangerous driving, will begin In the First District Court on Dec. IS. Naldu U tlleced to have caused the oeatha of teacher Ronnie Lee.
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  • 38 4 MR. I.e. Baptist executive secretary of the Oonaumer Asnclatlon of Singapore, will ipeak on how the man In the Ureet can fight back acalnit profiteering at the Klwanls Club's lunch meetIng at the sflng Court Hotel
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  • 136 4  -  SMEN SWEE YONG By LIKE firebirds flittini in night »ky. members of the Orman ballet company Berlin are shown here In a scene from the classical ballet "Coppella." Th* 2S member company, rrnownrd for the versatility of its repertoire, will Hy In from Berlin for
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  • 131 4 PARLIAMENTARY Secretary (Labour) Mr. Fong Sip Chee ha* hit out at people who ridiculed works of local artists as "crude." Mr. Fong tald these people, who considered themselves to be the pillars of society, possibly because of higher tdu- cation overseas, were against
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 187 4 GET A IATSUN AT IHUNGSHAN MOTORS_ MTIUN MOK OT MAJWJTOr kajßSSßßf^^^^^^^B wi sWbsmH f gS^ QATSUN IMA St OAM Authorised Dealer: CHJNC SHAN MOTORS (PTE)LTD 5- 1 1 Gotdhill Plus. Ntwton Rosd. Singapore 1 1 Showroom. Sain ft Administrative OHion Tel: *****2 240 Lsvtndw Street. Sir^sport 12Ss*eiTet: 268-4880 ft 26*3329
      187 words

  • 212 5 YOUTH LANGUAGE— THAT'S WHAT GLOBE- TROTTING GRANDPARENTS PICKED UP GLOBi TROTTING has taught these Australian grandparents a valuable lesson the language of young people. And now Mr. Fred Scuulz. 51. a motor engineer, and wife. Betty. 47, a free lance artist, who passed through Singapore by ship on Satur- I
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  • 50 5 THE MP for Bukit Mermts and Parliamentary Secretary (Home AOalrai. Mr. Ud Ouan Hoo. yesterday flawed off a kilothon' at Tlonf Bahru Secondary School In Lower Delta Road. The six-kilometre walk was to ralae funds for bursary awards for deaervinc students and to Improve school amenities
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  • 26 5 A JURONO Shipyard painter. Cheng Heng Son. It. was stabbed and robbed of nil watch by two armed youths in Newton Circus on Saturday
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  • 100 5 A BARGE whoso sides literally split open to release loads is being built In a Jurong shipyard Believed to be the nr.t split barge to be built in South-east Asia, it will be used for projects like land reclamation Made by Promet Pte. Ltd..
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  • 277 5 fHREE alert off-duty policemen and the sharp memory of their OC Crime, have resulted in the arrests of seven wanted armed robbers. Round-the-clock Investigations since the robbers' arrests on Friday, showed that they were responsible for at least 35 armed taxi holdups
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 430 5 MJTU o l^is*^^ That's becauseKoyos H^^ m^^ r iMs^lr*- high quality coated JM I Beflfcwabrasives and buffing l^^ssa^ f .~_^^il^il^^ Z&mt compounds give that r^""'|^^^^^^Biß»^B»W^B^^' extra performance ef- 11 lisWrß^V>n! ficiency so essential BBK3WT«y < 'aw in grinding, finishing »^^jß^^BCr^^^T*. and polishing opera- '\j A_ tions as well as bring
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 304 5 Bringing Up Fatliar By Mil K«van«gh %U Mai C—ip -J I /cOvaBAN WCKG &>**& OH A 5 MAVBC XXIKC OO»*O ON V /iHM/tWMmia k»' s. (Atxjyppi*' imsat stuixs srAitriNoJ a meat stwkm 'fM eof«s I \l COOKBP THE DINhUm > /wMATB I/C^i k IDOAV i STWl^'f^L^^l\C^ BiondU By ChU ZJ~~
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 450 6 THE INAUGURATION OF NIPPON EXPRESS (SINGAPORE) PTE., LTD. Increasing demands on the transport industry and calls for rationalization within the industry itself are two of the prime reasons for the establishment of Nippon Express (Singapore) Pte., Ltd. The new company will draw 'on the experience of its three parent companies
      450 words

  • 171 7  -  ANN PETER,, By rftHIS U the dress that A madr heads twirl ai it twirled In stunning blue, it drew Kneroas anpl&use at a d Crma charity fashion show on Saturday Priced at HJN, the evening town, in soft georgette with wide swishing
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  • 555 7 'Schools should teach road safety' THE vice-president of the Automobile Association of Singapore, Mr. E.H. Sheares, yesterday strongly recommended that teaching of road safety be included in the school curriculum. He said the children of today would be the drivers of tomorrow, and If they were safety conscious, they would
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  • 139 7 THE Singapore Armed Forces will conduct military exercises in four training areas this week. The exercises are to be held at Llm Chu Kang/ Chua Chu -Kang from 0 a ir. to 8.30 p.m today, tomorrow, on Wednesday. Friday and Sunday. Tuas Lokyang from
    139 words
  • 270 7 SOCIAL Affairs Minister Encik Othmaa Wok told employers and manager* on Friday that the problem of shortage of technically skilled workers la Singapore could not be solved by crimping and counter-crimping hat rather by creating job satisf action. Bpeaklng at the annual
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 135 7 Don't Dream About It ..Own It I Citibank's Home Appliance Plan can help you get all those home appliances you have always needed. Just tell us what you want to buy and whether you have steady employment, and we'll credit your account with the money you need. The interest is
      135 words
    • 160 7 Wlk tf^ 1 HEALTHY CHILDREN TAKE ISftjal CALCIUM OLUCONATf TABLETS tortrfiad oWi Vlttwim O. Promom •troofl l««th ***Tl and bonM ~2l d*v^opnwnt kMi m C*aum pnfnvicvand Q^l^H Ikuikx So 4. Afxi Com Sto'as* IM) Sao Una Our Best Wishes and to NIPPON EXPRESS(SWGAPORE)PTE,ITD. on the occasion of their establishment from
      160 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 346 8 aaaaWkaaaal aaV VJ TIONQCOnfINIfI... THELrITtSTCRrIZE INCRfIZINESSrINDSOrtQ To say the Tiongco Brothers singing trio art mad is to underestimate them. They're cuckoo! The zanieat songsters we've presented Of course, there's method in their madrwas. It pays off! For you in fun. For them in success. Sine* 1961 they've been headlining. Winning
      346 words
    • 530 8 "^^^^^^B edaaaaWr^ Try the black comb test B you iw a dandruff «hampo© on TUESDAY buulandrufrs fcack on THURSDAlf.maybe what you've got isnf ordinary dandruff. Atk your doctor. Flaking, scaling and itching could be early ««ns of eczema, leborrhea or psoriasis whita is why ordinary dandruff shampoos may not relieve
      530 words
    • 123 8 RHAPSODY.* lk'M LaaaWjt Laaf aT*^ LAST DAYI Geleiy 1.13, 3.30, 7 t 9 30 GeMe* City 1.45, 4, 7 ft 9 30 j Went Kw. B Hthmt, Yetuki Kerete ft Mary Liv In Mandarin CelerSceee GALA> v KMflf Tt mina 2 Sfcowt of J 00 ft 7.50 ate* "Went M
      123 words
    • 279 8 NOW SHOWING! TICKETS AT $1, $2 ft $1 FOR ALL SHOWS AT THI ODION THEATRE ON SAU NOW Cci« RueJaae Oah Me 'f*e Let j PLIAM NOT!: Uca Patiaa It ABawe< Te Pawaaee I i i A M.i 1.1 O< 4 TleteH Oaty- l| < < ZS; BRUCE LEE VM
      279 words
    • 585 8 lift .CATHAY ij MOW SHOWING! 1 SHOWS AT v. m, IML 4.i CASH BOOKINGS ONLY! i| 'BHUCt LEC TNI MAN AND TMI LIGINC A 90-minute full-Ungrh I 1 feature m Morxfar.n 1 1 Color Scope Tnghth Sob^ OMON: NCXT CHANGIi ij MQMt "LOt AMIGO1" tr.-mmifX^nWTWM I* NOW SHOWINO! S Sho.,
      585 words

  • 183 9 Damage to cable cause of power failures DAMAGE to a high tension cable along Depot Road was the cause for the recent power failure In Friendly Hill. Anzac Road and Marlborough Estate areas, the PUB said yesterday. A spokesman for the board was commenting on a report In the Straits
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  • 88 9 THE Straits Times has received a total of tI.MO from various donors as at Oct. 4. The donations art for The Forgotten Ones at Dragon Lotus Hill i $100 i; Straits T.mes Chanty Box (|S0); Minimal V mthly Donation i s 25 1. School of the Blind
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  • 16 9 THE Singapore Numismatic Association,, bcld an auction of cetM-al Urn Uon City Hotel yatferday
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  • 28 9 THE Singapore KU Shin Kan Karate Association will conduct new eluw for beginner* at 1U headquarters In Sea Avenue, off Bast Coast Road, from Oct. 11.
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  • 229 9  - Songs and dances mark Children's festival S.M. MUTHU By CHEERILY twirling red v ribbons to the lilt of music, these kindergarten children and scores of others won the hearts of hundreds with their dances at the National Theatre on Saturday night. Lithe and atile with rosy cheeks, these children carried
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  • 300 9 local trade unions have suggested that an educational programme be formulated for the workers so that a new breed of potential leaders can be groomed and nurtured for the future. The Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation (SILO) and r the Pioneer Industries Employees Union (PIEU) made this
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  • 79 9 MR. C. K Lee. public affairs manager or Esso Singapore, has been elected president of the Institute of Public Relations of Singapore at Its annual meeting. OUmt official* arc Mr. L»wr«nc« Loh. flnt Tie* prMtdtnt; Mr. ChrU Tan. •econd rice president; Mr. Mark Won*.
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  • 34 9 THE Carnation Company (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. will hold a Carnation food feaUval at the US Trade Centre in Yen San building. Orchard Road, today and tomorrow from noon to 5 pm. dally.
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  • 269 9 Wind up' petition by chit fund company liquidator ANOTHER liquidator of a chit fund company (now In voluntary liquidation) Is asking the High Court to discharge him from his office and order the company be wound up. Mr. David Teo Lan Chua. a public accountant, was appointed liquidator of Public
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 71 9 Tim Sum for Champs? Stadium Restaurant wins every time! So Quick So Easy •Swift Smooth Service^Easy Parking Facilities •Convenient Reach of the City -only 5 Minutes Drlv« •Open 7 Days a \rVeek«Lush Pleasant Surroundings in Air-Conditioned Comfort We Specialise in Cantonese cuisine and Hong Kong Tim Sum. Com Join tt»
      71 words
    • 3 9 I BBSS I
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    • 168 9 Todays fashions need loclays Fashion shoes BALLY W£ of Switzerland THE LEADING MENSWEAR STORE^WA^ S G08.31 hfcgh Street Centre Tel M4O- -^^m^KS Goodwood. Hilton Raffles Hotels. Cold Storage Shopping Centre 3 ways a day to beat the crowds to Hong Kong 9:loam,ll:4oam, 2:oopm every day r *«t i 1 /••■•'\J'A>"""\
      168 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 684 10 JSRAEL Is on the defensive in the battlefield for the ftiSt time In 25 years. Tel Aviv claims. of course, that It had prior knowledge of Saturday afternoon's assault on two fronts by the Egyptians and the Syrians. It could have pre-empted the Arab offensive, Israel says, but
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    • 125 10 Disabled's plea for chances to be useful I REFER to your editorial on "How To Fish..." (ST. Sept. 24 >. It Is such write-ups that help create among the public an awareness of the special needs of the handicapped. Two major obstacles which are blocking us In our endeavour to
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    • 297 10 Prof. T.H. Elliots call on behalf of the NTUC for business organisations to employ a quota of properly trained handicapped people Is Indeed commendable and should have the support of all who are Interested in the rehabilitation of the handicapped. Vocational and job training facilities In Singapore fcr the handicapped
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    • 190 10 The above are but some of our problems. There are others but one which Is giving us quite a headache Is the provision of arUflcal limbs and appliances to us. At present there Is far too long a waiting period be.'ore we can obtain our artificial limbs and appliances. Sometimes
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    • 105 10 We hope that all social Institutions, especially the relevant authorities, will take note of what Prof. J.A. Jansen of the Uulver slty of Singapore said on social service: "Let us not add our names to donor lists. If afterwards we raise our retail prices. Let us not dispense with scholar
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    • 102 10 I REFER to the reply by the Public Relations Officer of the Postal Services Department (S. T, Sept 29) regardIng a complaint by George C. Stone (S. T.. Sept. 24) concerning the usage of Singapore postal district numbers. On many occasions I received letters from the Postal Department without the
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    • 140 10 I REFER to the letter by V. A. T. (8. T. Sept 25). It Is Government's policy to place students and teachers in schools near their homes. His contention that request* (or transfers to schools nearer their homes are being either rejected. deferred or discouraged Is not true.
      140 words
  • 550 10 NEW YORK, SUNDAY -hJLWSPKIMT shortage ll has forced American newspapers to experiment with the kind and amount of news they offer Some editors see unrxpeeted benefits In the cutbacks they have had to make. The Associated rress Managing Editors Association mailed Questionnaires on the
    550 words
  • 1122 10 QENISE was giggling like a schoolgirl. A reasonably mature woman although she does consider the boogaloo superior to the tango a mother of three, and a computer expert in her own right, she should not have been. But she was. Seated on a battered cane chair In the
    1,122 words
  • 479 10  - It's still God save the Queen Down Under 3RUCE JONES By -CANBERRA After nine \j futile months which saw thousands of ambitious but unacceptable entries In a contest for a new national anthem. Australians will still be singing •'Ood M the Queen" on their next National Day. The search for
    Reuter  -  479 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 28 10 v^y\- REACHOUTFOR f^^ 7 ZX^Z YDURSHAREOF '1M T- SOUD SUCCESS! eH± I ifUft' i i Bank with the Solid |YTw v .*2R~, as-a-RockBANK O— naa-Oiinan Bartung Corpn. Lk)
      28 words
    • 286 10 S i 13 Model I Br I If I I i JBpQQSI^r T^ i I *^358usw'^BT^ivV^ Capa Sub mmiatura Slia, calculation 8 Digit Capacity. from 4 chaap 3 Rogntart. Floating throwawav battarm Decimal. Constant Constant, Floating Switch. Undarflow^^^H and Fi«ad Daumai Zaro Suppr«i» Automatic tV SVttVfTI \k. aLaaka S v
      286 words

  • Business Times
    • 487 11 A TOTAL of 64 teams, representing- govern ment bodies, business organ i s a tions and educational institutions are now taking part in the third National Management Game. Sponsored by the Singapore Institute of Management (SIM) in co-opera-tion with International Computers, the game was officially opened by
      487 words
    • 941 11 SECOND of a five-part weekly series on stock market investment by NG SOO PENG chairman of the Stock Exchange of Singapore. rpHE Darwinian theory ■I of the "survival of the fittest" Is generally acknowledged to embody a great deal of truth
      941 words
    • 113 11 DBS- Dalwa Securities International has been granted an Asian dollar licence. The licence, approved by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, became effective from July 30 this year. DBS -Dalwa has seconded Mr. T. Agata. from Sumitomo Bank one of Its shareholders to bead Its Asian Currency Unit
      113 words
    • 634 11  -  SOH TIANG KENG By TKN years ago, Shenton Way was just an ordinary road in Singapore. Today, it enjoys the glamour and distinction of being the "Wall Street of Singapore." Towering skyscrapers along the palm-fringed avenue contain posh offices of top
      634 words
    • 53 11 FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS IN SINGAPORE Approved Financial Institutions Sept. 1973 IM3 Commercial banks with branches (including seven off-shore) 54 33 Commercial banks with representative offices 28 Nil Merchant banks 16 Nil Discount Houses 3 Nil International Money Brokers .4 Nil Licensed Finance Companies 36 Not licensed SOURCE: Monetary
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 252 11 FOR COST CONSCIOUS MANAGEMENT See the U-BIX 750 and you've seen them all The fast ones, compact ones, economical ones, efficient ones etc. But only the U-BIX 750 has all these and more for copies that look like originals. Copies anything from half to solid tones. Even pale blues. On
      252 words
    • 140 11 MPJIl^— Lighters in solid 18 carat gold, plated in gold or silver. ORFEVRES A PARIS Sole Agents CASEY ENTERPRISES PTE. L TD. Rooms 230/231, Stamford -House. 39. Stamford Road. Singapore 6. to rfmr mo oro NEW! FLEXIBLE! PROFITABLE! FOCL's 3-mc>nth fixed deposit. New! This is a new 3-month fixed deposit
      140 words

  • Marketing
    • 359 12 The world of Getz Brothers meets in S'pore GETZ Brothers, one of the oldest American Internationa 1 marketing companies, Is currently holding its 1973 worldwide convention in Singapore to coincide with the 50th anniversary of its local subsidiary, Getz Singapore. Chairing the marketing tete-a-tete which ends this Friday is Getz
      359 words
    • 682 12 THE re-organisa-tion in Pan Malaysia Cement j Works of Its various subsidiaries and activities last year has proved to be a rewarding one for its shareholders. For tl.e company has achieved record pre-tax profits of $10 million for the year ended March 1073 against $5.8
      682 words
    • 356 12 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Mr. W Robert Allen ha* been appointed general manager of Bankers Trust, Singapore branch, at Shlng Kwan Mouse, Shenton Way. iiar.kers Trust also announced the appointment of Mr. Alexander T. Liv as marketing manager Both Mr. Allen and Mr. Liv are assisi:uit vice-president of the New York
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 160 12 Today's gimmicky car A few years from now BbV In a few years, today's gimmicky car will be melted down. And the retrievable metal rechanneled into minor manufacturing projects. Like the making of beer cans. You've been warned! Lurking beneath the gimmicky car's glittering odds and ends are mechanical parts
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    • 444 12 Hotel Danau Toba welcomes you to Medan. Indonesia's northern gateway. A world of superb comfort and service awaits you at the Hotel Danau Toba in Medan. We have 200 beautifully appointed airconditioned guest-rooms and sumptuous suites, plus a fine restaurant, 24-hour coffee house, cocktail lounges, bars and conference facilities. We
      444 words

    • 1417 13 AS s ssrvice to readers Use Business TiSMs sslisMlsJ weekly a detailed analysis of ssttctod shares Haded M (heSt'Kk. rtchaage of Singapore. The year's htjks and lows are followed by die work's movements n price sad turnover with calculated dividend yields sad gross price earning ratios NOTES:
      1,417 words
    • 630 13 THi followmi b a Ksi of revised quotation fm the »«k up to Friday. Ort. 5 foi counltts mi iiuhitfrd in Ihr weekly diiir uulyiH. Pnct movement hiied on a comaanaoa of list uln on Sent. 28 and Ocl I ii <hu»n m hrackeli. L. S. 4.60
      630 words
    • 451 13 YEW YORK, PrJ.— 11 A sharp step-up in demand for blue chips sent the stock market soaring to Its best level In r.f-arly seven months. The growing demand tor stocks, which have been surging ahead since late August, continues to be attributed to a belief that the Federal
      451 words
    • 120 13 "7URICH, Frl. After £J a weak opening the market again turned around to recover the losses and to close at yesterday's level. Bonds were well maintained. The Credit Sulsse Index was unchanged at M 2.5 points. Closing price* In Swiss Franca with the difference on the previous melon's prices:
      120 words
    • 99 13 FINANCIAL TIMES TINS Friday 93 so Thursday 93 3« Week ago tlJtl Rl BBLKS Friday 446.61 Thursday 446 «l Week ago 439.11 OILS Friday 268 93 Thursday 264.64 Week ago 26S 41 INDUSTEIALS Friday 433 1 Thursday 434 J Week ago 429.4 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Friday ***** Thursday
      99 words
    • 40 13 On T»» iu«»|i «i«r««i la RoMkoac oa BmlunUy lb* U.I. Mv waj quoted M SO*, S.OttS for T.T. U4 S.OT lor MOM. Maritot was qootos at 11 13 •nd m im il »»M was quoted at SJO 10
      40 words
    • 45 13 TjH)R the week ended r Saturday. Oct. th« range of call rates received from Short Deposits (M) Berhad wer» at follows: BANK FUND: S p«r cent to 3>i per cent. GENERAL FUNDS: 3'f. per cent MOVEMENTS of fan* totalled Ml million.
      45 words
    • 141 13 The following company meetings are due: I tilled Asbestos Cement Bhd.: Oct. 11. 11 am. Re»lM*red Office. Bth KJoor. Kwong Ylk Building. Kuala Lumpur. Rahman HrdrasJie Tin Bhd.: Oct 11. noon. India House (Oround Floor;. 25 Beach Street. Penang Fair Lady Paahlons Ltd.: Oct. 12. 11 a.m.. Registered
      141 words
    • 193 13 rKYO, Sat. Prices on the pre-hollday Tokyo stock market opened lower but dosed slightly higher. At the opening, major Issues such as steels, shipbuildings and chemicals were going down. Home man-made fibres and non-ierrous metals were also lower. However, some resources Issues such as Telkoku Oil and Arabian Oil
      193 words
    • 50 13 rr Imy Thvrlday UM UM MflbMnu (I) M.U M 73 L MM MOO B.injt »»00 **1i ■^T-»»— t 100 M 100 40 ZltrKk 008 KB vt.oo* Mm Parta 103 M 101 M Eiport prtna In non sterling urn la US. «oll«r par ouac*. II) Auatrallaa «oiu™ ptr ouaot.
      50 words
    • 258 13 BUSINESS TIMES PORTFOLIO BUSINESS TIMES PORTFOLIO NET LOBB TO- DATE FROM bile cf Investments $6,548.90 Less: Dividend Received $1,074.20 Luu: Dividend Receivable 495.00 $4.9790 WE are not out of the woods yet, but things are certainly looking up at the stock market, as reflected in the $7,700 cut in our
      258 words
    • 37 13 Lodooo eopptr pHm an rnd«y fprrvtuua l> krackMl). Winter Spot bujrer HI" 00 Kill 00) a»ll«r «il» 00 1111 l 001; TkrM uonlha buy«r <T»2 00 cl.-MOOI Mller 1TV3.00 ctTMOOI UirM ;»m: If.dr >•!••: 7.190 ion.
      37 words
    • 133 13 Baa* Ytu: Ju. 4, I*7l 1M 1971 Wccai Action Hl»h In 28th sth (han f r 533*4 211.11 ArtiMw 25*.»5 257.44 (.4* 4M.73 Banks, Imuuh, Flnaner ana Trmilm 533.33 54 3.5 J ill,l 219.21 15:. 28 < hrmicak, Bubbrr Proaaeta. Rrflnlnc ana SmrKln* 17t.4* 1T1.41
      133 words
    • 118 13 FT\HI. following U.l of stocks fives the ten most dealt In I hut week. The list gives the turnover In thousand* of units, eloaing price* on Friday and high and low for Companies Turnover Prices '•M Oct. i ialajaa Credit l.iM SIM aw Par Brothers I.MS lac
      118 words
    • 109 13 Oct. 1 IrvdmUi.U M*.l« lluUta: tt7.4» Properties: Ml.4t Tlas: li« 2» t f rubbers: M 1.74. 74 O.CJ.C: M4J7 OH. t IM.SI tt7.71 1*559 11C 29 M 1.74 «S.«» Oct. IM.II Mt.U llttt JS4.M Oct. 4 3MJS t11.7( s«;.7i n«.» MIJI JM.7J Oft.s t)i.;o mi
      109 words
    • 42 13 p»ynwnt ate <M) «%t luir RJvrr 15.75' i thaaf Coiuol. 17% rnlOMPljwood U'.TL pjyablr Urn year pnrtum jti No*. It »%t lt% Nov. 15 13 :5' c 15'r Dk. M% M% Oct. 11 15',TEt «%TE TE Tax exempt t Interim
      42 words
    • 184 13 ASIAN currency average deposits rates for the wrek ended Friday Oct. 6. IMS. US t (Bid Men) 11, h Law 7dajrs II 0 I/I lmth 11 3 8 10 1/t 3mths 10 IB 10 S/l« S mths 10 3/4 10 3 8 tmths 10 1/2 10 3
      184 words
    • 328 13 rwas an uneventful week In all sections of the Singapore produce market last week. There were few inquiries from abroad and it was qu'te obvious by the weekend that this week would be just as dull. The deterrent factor was the wide disparity hetween local and overseas price
      328 words
    • 405 13 T*HE week on baA lance had been one of gains for most stocks on the Stock Exchange of Singapore. Lower priced stocks were in the forefront of buyers' attention and the percentage advances registered in them were easily above market favourites in the h e a v ywelght
      405 words
    • 682 13 LOWER-PRICED industrials baskec* in the limelight in the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange last week when they became active following some early buying support. The continuing flood of encouraging Interim results from various companies provided a nliip to trading in such shares. Except for tins, gains overwhelmed losses
      682 words
    • 643 13 ONDON: The mar- ket firmed last week with turnover slightly higher. Investment demand was prompted by hopes that the Government's consultative paper on Its Phase Three proposals due shortly would indicate a change In its present prices policy. The opposition Labour Party's nationalisation proposals and industrial unrest
      643 words
      • 216 13 T ONDON Friday's tin wiu encouraged by the further rise in the East and new highs were wt (or Ca*h at £2.305 and Three Months at £3.175. Fresh buying together with covering again: t US and European physical business was reported Restraining the market were modest profit-taking
        216 words
      • 436 13 LONDON: Rubber values lost modest ground early in the d»»v on Friday, reflecting a marked lack of physical offtake despite the avaMaDllity of consumer grades from Ceylon at cons'derable discounts, dealers reported. Also Imparting caution to the market were currency considerations linked to uncertainties over the Japanese
        436 words
    • 119 13 NEWS International announces profits of £2.455.000 (£2,467.000) on turnover of £37,500.--000 (£31.900.000) for the year to June 1975. Interim dividend Is 14 per cent (18.75). Earnings per share 12.138P illlp). The company said national newspapers will be greatly affected by the increase in newsprint and other costs in
      119 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 464 14 ©CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER BRUNEI SHELL PETROLEUM COMPANY LIMITED have a vacancy for a qualified Construction Engineer for major onshore construction projects in N.W. Borneo. The successful candidate will probably be initially involved in the construction of a new oil terminal and marine jetty complex. Qualifications: aged between 25 and 40 a
      464 words
    • 563 14 PEOPLES ASSOCIATION Applications are invited from suitably qualified Singapore Citizens for vacancies in the appointments scheduled below: POST: A ASSISTANT BANDMASTER B JUNIOR BANDSMAN (MALES ONLY) C GIRL PIPER D DANCER SALARY SCALES: POST A: S29S x 20A 335/385 x 20A SpS/560 x 25A 660/750 x J5 A 890 Dm
      563 words
      682 words
    • 703 14 A LEADING LOCAL BANK WITH INTERNATIONAL BRANCHES INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR SENIOR MANAGEMENT POSITIONS APPOINTMENT DUTIES QUALIFICATIONS/EXPERIENCE GROUP Responsible for all secretarial func- Candidates should have relevant proCCrOCTADv Inniol the Bank including statutory tessional qualifications in lam or/and SCCHcTAKY and legal matters. tecretarialship. Must have several years' 2. In attendance at
      703 words

  • 369 15  -  N.G. KUTTY By LMKF razed a clusr ter of 11 shophouses and factories at Playfair Road, off MacPherson Road, yesterday afternoon. Fanned by a' strong breeie, the fire also threatened a metal works firm across the road. But it waa contained by four fire
    Tan Wee Him  -  369 words
  • 122 15 THE Singapore Institute of Management (SIM) will conduct three courses this month. The flrst two course*, which will be conducted at the SIM conference room at Thong Teck building In ScotU Road are on application of financial statement from Oct. a at 9 a.m
    122 words
  • 26 15 THE Parliamentary Secretary (National Development > Mr Ho Cheng Choon, will open a seminar on 'Metrication In the Building and Construction Industry' on Oct 20.
    26 words
  • 29 15 THE Ministry of Law and National Development naa appointed Mr Joahua H W Urn aa secretary of the T c n a n t a' Compensation Board.
    29 words
  • 159 15 Taximan drugged and robbed by 'fare' A TAXI-DRIVER, Isa bin Tahir. 57. was drugged and robbed of $100 by his passenger In East Coast Road on Saturday. Isa was plying outside the Novena Church In Thomson Road after the 1.30 p.m. mass when a man hired his taxi to go
    159 words
  • 56 15 THE YMCA'a annual "Taan Prtnceas" contest will be the highlight of a, dinner and dance at the Hilton Ballroom on Not. IT to ralae fund* for a youth goodwill <atudy tour of Indonesia In December The contest la open to all women in Singapore There will be
    56 words
  • 15 15 MR Chang Kok Ming hu been appointed uiuitnl Public Truatee from Bept. 34.
    15 words
  • 131 15 Youths lose $350 in cinema hold-up rpHREE armed men held X up two youths at Odeon Cinema on Saturday and grabbed $356 In cash and valuables. Ng Chwee and Chan Wan Alk. both 19. were looking at posters on the ground floor of the cinema at 10 am when the
    131 words
  • 24 15 THE deputy director of Civil Avtatton. Mr Tin Hwang Hung, haa been appointed the acting director of Cml Aviation until Oct. 20
    24 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 114 15 protect your from infection •^s^p^^2^s^^^^ Bathing the eyes regularly with Optrex Eye Lotion f "N is the best and i most effective I l protection against V -jf eye infection Sore, irritated and inflamed eyes are soothed ■«^ss*|^ B jj and relieved u^.s* Optrex EYE LOTION Protect your eyes with
      114 words
    • 34 15 LEATHER for that fine touch of luxury... A superior quality toilet soap, mtde from superior quality ingredients with a light, long-lastmg aroma, found only in the most exclusive of perfumes. erf London afVf sT^SI
      34 words
    • 365 15 C |U VERSATILE r/^Mi» FUEL PUMP iJ^p TEST STAND EVEssßßfaaV^ The Hartrid 9 e Series T r =sgj-Jr'BcsJP» 800 lest stand ■^^^ias^^^jiY inc orpor«tmg diatronic ~T~B^JB Phasing is built for B^>a accuracy, speed and I^JH versatility It will ■^H efficiently test all I V^BI popular diesel pumps i^^>--^ of up
      365 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 639 15 TV SINGAPORE (5) JAA m Openinf followed by 7AA PM My Three Sons-Tht 0 W Kudumba Malar aamil) /.W Advent ol Ferpj IJI %<x trTT, 1 arS <*'•" 5 serial (last episode) 4.M Sadhanfai l«r) Bontn;a Destm. s Oil— lndian dance leaturmi, Puni Child Ul News and Hewsreol «>** Tta
      639 words
    • 212 15 WATER consumption on Saturday was 122.4 m.llion gallons (556.--•M cable metres), the same as on Friday. I TV MALAYSIA (3) CAA HI Programme Summary Mew. US Programme Summary 3.UU US Merry Melodies IM Arina Sukan Ul Penstiwa SJI The Brady Bunch-Her Sis- IN News 111 Temperature Ris ter's Shadow S.M
      212 words

    • 265 16 Union: Govt to give CoLpay ALOfl STAR, Sun THE Federal Government has agreed in principle to pay cost-of-living allowances to all workers, the president of the National Union of Teachers, Mr. Gurnam Singh, said here last night. He said the Government agreed to this payment when the National Joint Council
      265 words
    • 283 16 Stop price rises at source, Kit Siang tells Ministry CHEMOR, Sunday THE Ministry of Trade and Industry hit. been urged to stop price increases at production and importer levels and not to blame retailers for the current price: Increases. I The DAP SecretaryOeneral Mr. Urn Kit Slang, made the call
      283 words
    • 131 16 OCBC men told: Seek out viable bumiputra projects KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. Field c.Tlcers of the Overseas Chinese BankIng Corporation have been urged to seek viable bumlputra projects for financing. The call was made by the bank's chief manager, Mr. Tan Chlap Howe, at a two-day seminar on "Rural Credit" for
      131 words
    • 31 16 MANTIN. Sun .—Nine-rear-old Chan Yak Yin died after being knocked down by a car v the vu returning from a fun fair at 10V. mile Berem-ban-KL Road last n*ht.
      31 words
    • 29 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The MCA 1* to hold a «rte* or politic*] nUitm to prepare for the general election, party vloe-preMdent, Btmtor Wong Seng Chow said ye»teroay.
      29 words
    • 145 16 QET ALING J A V A, I Sun— The Transport Workers Union has included Its "closed shop policy as an additional condition in Its claims to employers, its general secretary. Mr. V. David said here today. "We have sent out claims for M per
      145 words
    • 112 16 $16,000 vitamin pills haul PNANG. Sun. Customs officer? from the Penani Antl-Smuffllnc Division seised more than »1«.»«« worth of vitamin pills from a l.fhter alongside m British ship in the harbour today. The pills, contained in M cartons, were found concealed under the floorboards of the lighter. Duty on them
      112 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 964 16 HARIftAYAAIWLFITRIOEEPAVALI lafl Si RL 1 4tsl saV^Hsa^fl JCL w i^H3 I U QLyMPJM *SsQoW^^^^BK_ sfc v^S H>4rU&i epssw yawEj^^SßßraSßßflaißßßaa*' a^^A I^SkJk. ■^fc^r^^arJ **l aW*^ MM wS Get set for the festive season with a visit to the Metro Stores. Bring ferive cheer to all your family with our stunning selection
      964 words
    • 52 16 <^B^k Smooth, Sta prest, jeans--7 y~-^^ Y> [^sJM action in Nuvo jdKv^ reat or men n jH wm I p Box 1059 i^BBH I SBST I Singapore. \asn BBa/ m Penang. BsW Sa. i Wearing Levi's is better than wearing pants It's a Wonderful World for Women every month in
      52 words
    • 103 16 Congratulations and Best Wishes to M/S NIPPON EXPRESS (SIN6APORE) PTE LTD on their official opening from POH TIONG CHOON CONTRACTORS (PTE) LTD., AND POH TIONG CHOON SHIPPING (PTE) LTD., Japan Airlines I congratulates Nippon Express (S)Pte. Ltd. I on the occasion of their opening for business in Singapore and wishes
      103 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1457 17 cwntMiEisiiP sttTici ti w/ciiniNE»r KOWLOON BAY v"*<u "*< "o^** u« 7 II hi aMI lan ll an 11 to IMi ■ami Mtl ahi ll Mi 11 Mi il Ma il Mi tsiu mt ii ht aht am. nm. aMa ti mi nma na in ian nan aan man HIM «1P«
      1,457 words
    • 974 17 To U.S. East Coast Gulf Ports j PHTisruM "T* iS'Tt ifn JS_, situ. an il im ll C""-* 1 ~«|SlOri, piciraitt mil pm n an a Mum. Smm Ml ni'umu _'i s s K s k wi ii *i«»iio«. I Ptuiin pm ii in it it— v .aasfifit s et
      974 words
    • 883 17 111 ifrJl TiVtUwPW mtmm ra Itm P.MUH Icm. ten.* fnac. U MMM MT II Ml II Mt IM. II M. II Ma Ik MIM MAM ii ht il an 14 Dm ii mi a k 0-U MT Hhi Ii ht ll an II an aan is an Nt-EI UPHSS ik
      883 words
    • 951 17 __PWi_H_B^BH_H I Ivl —I M IkIIM Dw' a_ ?E —l I F' W V— l FULLY CONTAINimZED SfUVICI TO EUKOPt M<l>»< FM KffSUf „,>, !J"«tttirti". Aosl«f_n. Antama. Ii Hmi. JUJW M. i ItDt. Ht-t-l Eumm. Iri-trlmtt. munw- Z lalAiita. CintKiu, MHmn -*m. l'm^. StoctMai, OUt, Htha*,. UtittO H*t*FULLY CONTAiNfRIZED SERVICE
      951 words
    • 689 17 Sta>«-M» t1)444; P. X.1.., 4341. X.L J7JM; P.maaaj NMM. THE BANK LINF LTD. LMK FM E. I I'l Cl HTtMM NMM, l-a,M. tU-aja. h.ra I HHtMI I S /lr..i) t,, H la/ M Sm Ptll [Inm. HanMl. tartM I P WIM( nm Mt IMa Manila •MM tin t MOTR
      689 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 853 18 lyl KAWASAKI KiSBN KAISHA LTR uatsAm imui usn wish* ltd hum. ton. stuits fftna. Ma "aajaai ran ««1 HUM imm a) I M M UHnuntn ii mi Japan Arabian Call lar»iM umm.. r-, ranna tuM M nan cmi na lain/ Hiaiii.'tat/ j nail rtua»iaa> tmm i»«i:iwi Imwurt*. Japan South AMM-WtM
      853 words
    • 958 18 ETA CTD F» LX.T. KMTT lIIIS II Part I fct Tractan to liMltn ■Mn LKT la Part I fct Haala. •UITT MtNII I fct II fct MMll. SUTI silt II let 11 fct latarta. IMI MM 17 M laurta. ■MITMMI MM 21 M Sums. fill 21 let Ikt laaa. ■11l
      958 words
    • 869 18 U.K. lt)«OPf SWVICI LOADING PO« LONDON, HAVM DAM H BU«G. IP.IMIN Ham 'i r. mat Naaa Miiim airraK MMnmr waw 11/ M an it 11 at t.aja Mil an nm turn. laaa. Mk amajH iMaau rva M taw la.ll 11a M/u ■rtttaarltai l«aM| a/11. MPISM iMiailM ttm M a/iaa tia
      869 words
    • 714 18 opmb SBmct n vmm, uwaaytMTMnrt mn la. Umt Imn r Irian Mn imai Mn aaau mvii t/11 tit it MMi ii/il M [•<••« .1 11 I'M 14,11 1 lU«| n II H'M>| II MmiMa 1> taau tasai v a m n/a Mt lamii >«.•• i» iM Una turn a v
      714 words
    • 571 18 •8 BAJULA P O General Cargo Division announce with regret their imminent withdrawal from the Madras Straits passenger service following their decision to dispose of RAJULA in early October 1973 rather than mid 1974 as was originally envisaged. P O through Its former operating suDsldlary the BI Steam Navigation Co
      571 words
    • 361 18 I I IN THE HIGH COUKT OF SINOAPOKK I Loicp«jil«B WlruUntr-Upi Ko. 28 v' 1«73 In the Mattet o. TUX COhfPANiXB Af7T (CHAPTER IM) AND In the Matter of SUN BWIN HUAT TIMBER COMPANY ;PTEi LJMITXD AOVERTISCMENT OF PETITION Notice U hereby (tven that a Petition (or the 1 winding
      361 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 533 19 INTERNATIONAL COMPANY Invites applications from suitably qualified Malaysian c.usens tor tbe position of PURCHASING OFFICER The applicant must have the potential to become Purchasing Manager and must have the following requirements: Age: Be over 30 yean of age. preferably married Quallncat.on: At least Higher School Certificate preferably with Degree from
      533 words
    • 579 19 UNITED ASBESTOS CEMENT ASSISTANT ENGINEER A career opportunity Is offered for a Malaysian Citizen In a well established International Company: Ace: Below 35 years. Qualifications: A recognised degree or equivalent In Mechanical, Electrical or Chemical Engineering. Work: Mainly project work associated with plant Improvement, maintenance and operating techniques associated with
      579 words
    • 637 19 SUKVHANJATA MLABUHAN Fl'Ut PIN ANG KKKOSONCAN JAWATAN JURUTEK.MK UUUBUTEBAAN J ENTER A Pertnohcnan-pennohonan «<<«i«k dlpelawa danpads wsria-negara warga-negsxa Malaysia teiakl yang memUlekl ktluluaaii-keluluaan yang tanebut dlbawah lnl untuk jawatan Jumtcknlk KeJuruWraan Jcntara: (a) Tanagagaji SMS x IS MS Bckatan Kecekapan I x 15 410/ Sekatan Kecekapan x 16 MW. Tanfgagajl
      637 words
    • 405 19 LEVER BROTHERS (MALAYSIA) SIN. BHD. ?^^^^*™J ACCOUNTING LCVCR SERVICES K^ZSuSIIZS ASSISTANT In the Accounts Department We wlah to thank all applicants not shortlisted for Interview for the above post which was ad. vertlMC recently. The poet has been filled and a. the response has been overwhelming, ws »pFotosise for not
      405 words
    • 105 19 Apphc-tions are invited for the post of Mechanical and/or Electrical Engine**. 1 1 Erper lence At least 5 years' practical experience in factory management. (2) Qualification: Preferably a University Graduate. (3) Age Male Malaysian Citizen above 30 years. Apply stating salary required to: The Advertiser, P.O. Bok No. 83. Butteiworth.
      105 words
    • 231 19 FEKBAOANAN KEMAJVAN NEOEstl StXANOOK. (Selangor state Development Corporation). "Execution of Earthwork* for Low Cow Housing Scheme, st 2nd Mile Jalan Meru. Kelang" KONTRtK NO. PKNS/ KKSKI- KON— 35.73. Tender-tender adalah dlpelawa dart Kontrekter-kontrekter yang berdaftar dengan Perbadanan Kemajuan Negerl Beiangor. Kelas D dan keatas Kepala 1) untuk kerja-kerla dlatas. •>——•»
      231 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 530 20 I ii rot'iti: un «*jrfM»f*i«PfM««pff Jm ll't Itl Hlt I 1 .11 fO.wl »j.i.\.M;f;K. awwd itumhl Hl:*' to |H takt* up a «*/i#t ti«/iii«| |'«»l». vftiti mi jH TrwJob The successful applicant will be given full responsibility to handle our public relations and inter staff rela- tions dei 1 ngs.
      530 words
    • 481 20 ENGINEER SUPERINTENDENT The Hongkong Salvage Towage Co., Ltd. invites applications for the position of ENGINEER SUPERINTENDENT. The Company operates a large fleet of modern harbour tugs varying from 500 to 3,500 h.p. for which the successful applicant would be responsible in terms of running efficiency, repairs and survey overhauls. Applicants
      481 words
    • 417 20 MARINE/STEVEDORING SUPERINTENDENT INDONESIA Experienced in loading/unloading of log carriers, cargo vessels and barges. Practical knowledge in fueling and rigging of large ships and in the operation and scheduling of tugs and small craft. Must have strong supervisory experience to manage up to 100 men and load a large number of
      417 words
    • 447 20 TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited from interested parties for licence (on month to month i<asis) to tap approximately 35 hectares of rubber estate on lots 113-10 and 113-11 Mukim 13 off Admiralty Road (Sembawaug) The tapping of the rubber trees is to be carried out in accordance with the normal
      447 words
    • 135 20 NOTICE Notice Is hereby given hat Mr. Alyachaml s/o /eeraputhimn Had withlrawn his partnership rom our company with Fffect from Ist October 1973. He Is therefore not Luthorlsed to transact any justness or collect monies in behalf of our company Sign Indo-Chlna Industrial Service. SHUIMANAI* FREIGHT INTERNATIONAL NE ARE PLEASED
      135 words
    • 97 20 The Chartered Bank announces that its Selegie Road Sub-branch is now located at Peace Centre Building, 1 Sophia Road, Singapore 9. The telephone numbers *****9 ***** remain unchanged. v ANNOUNCEMENT OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORPORATION LIMITED (Incorporated in Singapore) 1. The Directors of Oversea-t hinew Banking Corporation Limited are pleased to announce
      97 words

  • 74 21 in Hotel Sinjcapura for you. lateat hairstyle*, expert perming and torgvou* tinting. Ver> moderate price! Appointment! telephone *****3 (Spore). FOOD PRODUCTION IN (INQAPORI In the (SOS of ruing food prices and food shortages. Just what is Singapore doing to produce food for her owa needs? NIW NATION examinee this
    74 words
  • 47 21 3 Religious Announcements "WINE OF MORNING" A ne» feature lensth IS mm coloui motion picture I* now availabli for church acreenlng. Relea*e< by Evangelloo Films. (VANGELION PILMg present top talent featuring Henry Lin and other*. Saturday 3711 October 8 p.m. Victoria Theatre For tickets phone *****8 Spore
    47 words
  • 169 21 POO PONG INO. S3 paaaed away peacefully on 5-10-73 4.30 am. leaving behind Husband Heni: Fock Hong, sons Aik Form. Aik Meng. daughter* Sal Chin. Sal Kheng. Sal Kirn. brother-in-law Fock Hak. com in law Urn Jit Lit. Hwang Cheng Shlanit. Jtow Phuan Jin. daughters-in-law Ooh Say Cheng.
    169 words
  • 90 21 THANK YOU: Fom the family of the late Madam Ling SWw Lang to doctor and ataff. Ward 8 T.R-G H. for their car* of th* deceased during her last Illness to friends, relative.. Th* Reverend Pastor and members of Fooebow Methodut Church for their w:«ath*. donation*, viait*. and
    90 words
  • 65 21 FUNERAL MEMORIAL SERVICE Rice A.D.J (David) The funeral will take place privately in Jersey Channel Islanda, on Monday Bth October I*7' A Memorial Service will be he d at St John a Catheral. Hon. Kong at 4 30 p.m on the asm* day Floral tribute* may be
    65 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 345 21 classified ads gg CLASSIFIED RATIS rieneral I 0.(0 per word Minimum. •00 (16 word*) Peraonal: 1 30 per word Minimum. (24 00 (20 words) Mslsyslan (ditie-ei Plus 30% surcharge PAYTON LEI Clifford ool) ion of th* Ist* Mr. Bail Paytoo of Kldmore End Oxford ■hire to Irene Bhuk-M*l youngeii daughter
      345 words
    • 685 21 I WILL ESTABLISHED EYE HOSPITAL require* nuralm I utei la-charge with ophthal rale experience and optnalmi< nuratng diploma. Application* will be treated with the atnet •at confidence. Apply will reference* teatlmonlala. etc ST Box ASO7M S'po:* MECHANICAL ENCINEER Required by European Timber Cent, acton an Engineer to eupervis* the maintenance
      685 words
    • 663 21 I assistant. Preferably wltb L.C.C. Higher accounting, experience aad knowledge ef Chineee mantle!, salary will commensurate with qualifies tiona and axpcrlener. Apply with full detail* to: S.T. Box A»0843 Spore. Leading deluxe hotel In Singepore invitei application* from suitably qualified personnel for the following positions (S) NIGHT AUOITORS Applicants should
      663 words
    • 626 21 RIOUIRIO IMMEDIATELY store Salesgirl* eg* X— ml Minimum aecondary school qualifications. Interested app'icant* pleas* apply personally at Metro Orchard Holiday inn Bid* Scotu Road Spore i from Monday to Friday between (.30 10 30 a.m. PIMALI COUNTSR SALES ASSISTANT cum typist required by expanding wholesale garment company. Starting salary (160
      626 words
    • 782 21 Ths Pf.iaim.l Ooasrtment U-> ..:al C!t>«renMe Corporation Ltd. 707-P, C*i*mineiselth Drive. Qtissnstswn, •'per* J. Due to our raped expanalon w* have many vacancies for PIMALI PRODUCTION OPERATORS Rssjulrimliltai Ags IS aad above. Singapore or Malayalaa cltiW* eSTer: (4 or above dally wage. (10 bonus monthly Pr*m*ti*n speertimltHM Free medical treatment,
      782 words
    • 700 21 IMMIOIATI VA 'lAN CIS S for factory worker* Ag* above Alee require experienced fork lift driver*. Apply personally with IC to vinyl Coatings d'pore Pt*. Ltd. 10 •eon Lee Road. Jurong Town. 8 pore x2 between Sam. 4 p m FAIRCHILD SINGAPORE PTI. LTD. 11. LOROWO 3. TOA PATOH. SINOAPORE
      700 words
    • 543 21 YOU CAN SURI of Job/ *uc»e*s/ promotion whoa you get your training from Raja* College Contact: Raja* College •or detaila. CocUlner TYaneportat'on Company in Jurong invite* appll cant* for th* following po.ii(l) JUNIOR ITENOCRAPHER (PIMALI) (2) BOOK KEEPIR <(> GENERAL CLIRKS/ TYPISTS (FEMALE) PRIIOHT STATION SUPERVISOR (S) STOREKEEPER ((> ELECTRICIAN
      543 words
    • 735 21 WANTIO VOUNO BOYS CIRLI for Snack Bar. Apply personally B. The Arcade. Collyer .Quay, Spore 1 Newly well established Japanese immediate employment for th* following posu FIVE CASUAL TEMPORARY LABOURERS Rate of pay at (6 so per day plus transport aUowaace. (J) ONI DRIVIR with Cla.f 3 driving licence Preferably
      735 words
    • 815 21 DETACHED SIUNUALOW: Tot Height* (050: Seraasooß Oar den (Sou. Semi Detached Namly Oarden (1.000: Hlllcreal Park s*so: Mayfair SMO: Bin la I Park (800: Bukit Tlmar, 4*50: Woodland* Oarden (*OO. Terrace houses: Henry Park (1.300: Serangoon Oarden (700: Ayer Rajah (O00: Braddel' Heights (560: Bukit Ttmak (630: Thomson Road (500:
      815 words
    • 818 21 TERRACS BUNGALOWS, APARTMENTS semi-detached house* available la dlst 10. 11. 11. 19 30, 21. 28. Rental t*so- (3000. Contact *****4/7 ••por*. SINGAPORE IS Lucky BIU •pllt-U-vel 2-atorey corner terrace terraio parjurt water heater longbath furnlahed unfurnlab'd. Ring 72»W/231*3»3 OUT. 17 UNFURNISHED 1BIDROOMID BUNOALOW at Toh Drive on 10.000 sq.ft. of
      818 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 703 22 BUNUALOW* SEMI Ol FLATS required. $900 $1.50 Owners please call *****2 *****6 Public Housing MaJ tenance. BUNGALOW* APARTMENI VARIOUS DISTRICTS t'rsently Require SJUf International Oil Company Long Lease B'po *****7 *****4 Anytime* Ai.amt.led; Urgently requires detached, apartments furnished, unfur nlahed) in dlat. 9. 10, 11. 21 tor their
      703 words
    • 813 22 I J.B. DETACHED BUHOALOW (over 8.000 sqft). 3'i-acr Tampol 'and for housing fo immediate aale Principal* Onl) Contact Inland Enterprise* Sdi .;hd Tel 5333 PREMIER REALTY: Bund 10, lows $6X0.000: $800,000. Bern bungalowa $220,000: $229,001 Terraces. $125,000: $130.0J< Apartments: $229,000: $239,001 ra Spore 412N90 *****3. Z LIGHT INDUSTRIAL LANO a
      813 words
    • 729 22 8 AIRCONDITIONIO OFFICS c SPACE AVAILABLE lmmedl I ately at 2nd floor. RoLlnsoc Road, approximately 1.000 sq I. ft. Tel: Spore 793*4/93*99 lot further deUile l- FOR SALE 3 unit, office space In prestige it ova dlst. 9. Partly furnished it Available sue 900 to 700 sq.ft it each il
      729 words
    • 740 22 LOW WINTER FARES to Europe. Limited Mill on scheduled airline* to London. Brussels. Amsterdam. Frankfurt. Part* BSal oUm»' i.«.-opean destination* Call General brrvices InternatioW at 2085*»Q. ARCHIPELAGO SPECIAL WIST MALAYSIA TOUR* ■y Air, Train A coach Kuala Lumpur Sing aae/r* Duly Weekly Menthly. Malaysia S/T daye— Bloo 8140, (Oentmg) Sunday/Monday.
      740 words
    • 763 22 BECINNERS. SHORTHAND BOOKKEEPINC, TYPEWRIT ING, AUDIO-TYPING, PrlociI le* of Accounts. Higher Ac ountmg. Business Correspon dene* and Report Writing. Morning. Afternooo and Everin* Sessions available. Typewriting md Audio-typin, any day be twean 8,00 a.m. 9.30 p.m. Commencing: 6tb 10th October. Picas* enquire and enrol early Blnfapore Commercla School. 19A B
      763 words
    • 811 22 ARCHITECTURAL DRAUGHTSMANSHIP BUILDINC CONSTRUCTION 19.10.73. according Polytechnic aubjecu alao Shipbuilding. Mechanical C.T.5.0., 188. Upper Serangoon .S pore LCC HICHER DIPLOMA* IN ACCOUNTING, COtTIHG ECONOMICS Stamford Centra o'er, a rapid course by Its expert .taff Course commence* 1-11-73. Closing date for UCC cntrlu 19/10/73. Apply for detail. *TAMFOEfO EXECUTIVE CENTRE >1S
      811 words
    • 761 22 HIGHWAY DRIVING SCHOOL new Datsun 1200 Hourly $6/.--248-C4 Orchard Road (opposite Mandarin Hotel). Spore *****5. LAMBERT'S DRIVING SCHOOL, Dual-controlled New Toyota, Datsun 1200, M 1000. 10 Balmoral Road, Tel: *****/*****. CAS) ESTHUSI/4TS all modlflcation parts and other accessories from U.K. and Australia are now available on order Fait delivery ensured
      761 words
    • 780 22 FOR SALS 194* VET. auto mobile Triumph Grand Tourei reconditioned Tel. 6*Ts*.i Bob or Vicky. 1971 CORTINA GXL alrcon. radio, cartridge, tinted glass $7,800 0.n.0 Call tel. *****7 b pore. TRIUMPH HERALD (14*4) engine Excellent. Tax. Insurance. Paid. Highest Offei Secure* Ring 94X46. 197* AUCUST FIAT 12* Special low mileage
      780 words
    • 710 22 SALON 2* for Massage. Steambath. Saunabath. Gents Hair Stylist Business Hours 10 00 a.m. 9.00 p.m. Call 26. Kum Hens Court. Tomllnson Road, relephone 633T44 *****9. fRI Hotel Royal Newton KoaO Tel *****1 '*****i ext 131 Massage Sauna/ Steambath. Hydro use of gymnasium etc. Dally 16 a.m to 10 p
      710 words
    • 751 22 TV FOR RENTAL 16 at (13.00 19" at (18.00 23" at $23 00. Conuct Bee Cbew *****4 Spore. USIO 'KILVINATOR' Al RCON DITIOHE R OR ALSO WELCOME. PHONE: *****1 OR 37XOM MALAYSIA UNION REFRIGERATION AHO AIR-CONDITIONING CO 23-28. SAIBOO STRUT,' SINCAPORE 9. HEW ANO MODERN teakply furniture for hire at
      751 words

    • 437 23  - Singapore Chinese enter final JCE DCRAI By SINGAPORE Chinese qualified for the final of the MCFA Cup soccer tournament with a clean slate beating Johor 1-0 last night to finish South Zone champions at Jalan Besar Stadium. They will meet the North Zone champions in the final at the National
      437 words
    • 36 23 TOKYO. Sun— Muhanuned All arrived tonight at Tokyo International airport en route to Jakarta where he win nght Rudy Lubbers of Holland on October 20. Alt. will depart for Jakarta on Monday— UPl.
      36 words
    • 326 23 \rARNA. (Bulgaria.) Sun. w The Inte r n a Uonal Olympic Committee will revise IU controversial nil* on who Is eligible to compete In the Olympic Oames and has already agreed In principle to some changes lOC president Lord Klllanln said here yesterday. The lOC.
      326 words
    • 383 23  -  FETER SIOW By AHMAD Bakar, of the Port Authority Recreation Club, played above himself to brush aside tournament favourite Ng Chor Y»u 15-10. 15-11 and win the SBA Senior Open badminton championship title at Oullltmard Road yesterday. Ahmad's surprise victory has strongly enhanced hla
      383 words
    • 199 23 AGF may meet in Manila DANOKOK. Sun The v Asian Oames Federation council session on the thorny 'Two China" Issue will probably be held In Manila next month. The disclosure wss made last night by the Malaysian Defence Oato Hamash bin HsJI Abu Samah. who stopped off In Bangkok
      199 words
    • 719 23  - Chiew Guay loses to Sheila in 100 m ERNEST FRIDA By A T T R A CTIVE Sheila Fernando took the shine off Seap Games 100 m gold medallist Eng Chlew Ouay with a record breaking win in the BAAA Interclub championships, sponsored by Cycle and Carriage Group, at the
      719 words
    • 20 23 SINGAPORE Armed Forces thrashed Ceylon Sport* by 176 runs In an SCA league match at BalesUer Road yesterday.
      20 words
    • 24 23 I A held POLICE held the defending champion Indian Association to a 1-1 draw In an BHA EMv 1 match at BalesUer Boad yeaurdaj.
      24 words
    • 520 24 English soccer faces a winter of worry I ONDON, Sun. England's professional soccer club prepared for a winter of worry as attendances failed to improve yesterday and misconduct increased with five players sent off. Officials, managers and players know that If England are knocked out of the World Cup In
      520 words
    • 48 24 NEW YORK. Sun— World chumplon driver Jackie Stewart, shaken by the death of his team-mate Francois Cevert has withdrawn tram today's U.S Orai.d Prix, aa a mark of respect The third member of the British Ken Tyrrell raxing team Chris Amon will not be competing either
      48 words
    • 894 24 W L D F APU Leeds 2 0 31 I It Burnley 3 1 19 10 15 Coventry 6 2 I 14 14 Derby i I 3 IS 10 13 Liverpool 6 3 2 12 13 Everton 4 4 2 12 (13 Leicester 3 1 11
      894 words
    • 385 24  - FAS Plans 3 teams for internatinsls Jt£ BORAI ly MICHAEL Walker, the national soccer coach, Is Implementing a new scheme to have three national squads to cope with the heavy international commitments for the last three months of this year. The first phase qf tius plan comes lnlc operation tonight
      385 words
    • 104 24 cYDNIY, Bun. Australian 3 Teat player John Bena id hit a rousing 55 to heip lan Chappell's XI beat an eleven led by Tony Oretg by It runs In a charity match before 8.500 people here today. Benaud who earlier Uua year announced his retirement from
      Reuter  -  104 words
    • 195 24 TkJEW YORK, Sun. i.^l Francois Cevert, 29, killed today In practice for the U 8 Grand Prix, reached world class In four years of motor racing and became the only Frenchman of his generation to land a major Formula On« title. His willingness
      195 words
    • 164 24 LONDON. Sun BnUih golf star Tony Jacklln won ihe Dunlop Uutera golf title at Chrpslovr In Monriouttuhlre (or the accond tune In six yean The lonner holder of the Brttuh and U.S. Open tltlea streaked away from the ttr ing Held to win by aeven
      Reuter  -  164 words
    • 2760 25 RACINfi I DRINCE Sinclair, 1 with Laurie Johnson up, won the Gold Cup trial over 8f at Bukit Timah yesterday. Second was Prince Troy with Royal Mark third. All three are engaged in next Sunday's classic. Starting a hot favourite, Prince Sinclair ran the
      2,760 words
    • 48 25 Ist. No. 168*37 (S4SM) 2nd No. ItMM (I1M7) 3rd. No. Mtn (X tf/3) STARTERS ($l5B each) Nos: 15J381 *****4 KS9JB ISS2M *****1 1(2188 *****9 *****5. C O N 8 O L A TION (SIN each) Nos: ISBSSS 15*624 *****3 *****7 *****4 *****1 *****4 *****2 MI7SS *****8
      48 words
    • 585 25 JOCKKT AJC Cheam and apprentice RuU wen "•vended from riding lor two race daya lor careless riding of their respective mounts at the Buklt Tlmah milling yesterday Cheam rode Beyal Mart In Race while Raaak waa aatride Tesaartaa II In Base TJ>« «*lpas report on
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 1522 23 Scicon comes to Singapore Scicon is an acionym for Scientific ((The Production Director insists that 46 It jeems that we still don't understand trtrv* PLANNING itATION Control Systems, a group of Bruiih programmes for eight weeks ahead must be why we're only gelling 80% yield from the CARE tK JOB
      1,522 words
    • 225 23 V/ GET THEM IN METERS. IT'S CHEAPER. U Usual: Now: I 30" Chine* utin $3 20 $1.60 PM 3IT Chines* brocads S 8.00 $1. 10 P.M. 36" 80/20% Polyertir cotton 2 50 $I.OO KM 36" Hut Chun tilk 2.50 11.10 P.M. 44" 100% pur* silk $1280 $7. 00PM U~ Printed
      225 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 25 23 DQIaBBiaBBH BOCKEV* Senior kneckoul: SRC v Kl.alsa (padang.. SHA dlv 1 CSC v Jansenlte* (Bslestler Road), Police v Schools (Thomson Road). II'GBI SRU trial* (padang).
      25 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 545 24 L K Vb^b^bV I <" Ib^b^b^b^b^L. aIU a^^^HßK _^—^B^BjMw*«^Hm Whatever yourfUßaMKi air conditioning requirements Carrier makes sure you get the most out of your investment. Whatever your requirements-for room units, central home air conditioning, systems for hotels, factories or office complexes air conditioning is an important investment because it becomes
      545 words
    • 164 24 WHAT MAKES PENTAX SO GREAT? THERE ARE TWO THEORIES... M^H^I^ESSSaIMBs^H DBS 11l la9^^ I^^Sl Somt say that th« incredibly I ~1 Pentax has won a lot of fans tool versatile Spotmatic 1 1 is the »A Some wy Takumar holds •term. Its sophisticated enough NMbV the tecrtt. Better lemn make
      164 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 232 25 Isn't it crazy to slim sir k B^^ fit? At last the secret of "HARAMAKI" is out! It s fantastic! elastic! maenetic! idealistic! realign VESI FANTASTICI because it'i sell-sdhejive. lone* up abdornrul muscles and heal! beck ache. FLASTIC because it's of rayon-nylon texture that would ifIYJSSg" lh wautline *nd keep
      232 words
    • 282 25 t S| £j^k aaaV^B^Bßawl BaVSaaa^^aaaaw^H BjP ■BBwTjfl A -i'^^ ESI IB SBWaU H »,V':- Bmw^.^Bwaw! Bmaawssa Gl^^flr^^tteaV*^ l^aaaaaawsaaP^ aaaa^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaSßP ai^4^P^iaßßßßßW^n^ 4^aaaiaßßW^^^Sßwaßa^ ■wBBBBBBBBBBBBa^BaaawK^' I S^^^aaataat^^aaawL B^^»»SbW& aaawP^^s*L' Jll^ National Development BuMdingTSingapore Philips Lighting Expertise is yours. The expertise that created the lights for projects all over the world, we at Philips
      282 words

  • 20 26 LSew KIM HIS 1 <7MK ■tit, >«•«•« )«»i wir. run.ii im chim anpm»». ram «i i w p m »-iou
    20 words
  • 338 26 Lon Nol troops re-open vital 'rice road' in two-hour battle PHNOM PENH, Sun. Communist troops cut across Highway 5 yesterday, tempora rlly Isolating the provincial capital of Sala Lekpram, but Government troops anticipated tr.e assault and drove the rebels from the road two hours later. Government field commanders said intelligence
    UPI  -  338 words
  • 197 26 Greek ship with 312 tourists seized by Syria WASHINGTON. Sun. A Oreek flag cruise liner with 20/ American and 105 Oreek tourists aboard has been seized In the Meal terranean by Syrian naval forces and is being held in the Syrian port of Tartus, the State Department said today. A
    UPI  -  197 words
  • 26 26 HONGKONG. Sun China and North Vietnam haw atoned an agreement on China** military aid In 1974. the North W.nam news agency reported today ftoutcr.
    26 words
  • 121 26 Typhoon smashes village, hits power lines MANILA. San.— Typhoon Nora rammed the Philippines tonight with winds of M kilometres per hoar (1641 mph) and torrential rains spreading damage from the coast to the capital There were no Immediate reports of casualties. bat a coastal shanty village was swamped by hu(e
    121 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 210 26 IMPORITI) "NO FROST" 4fe?/l//#2CZafO#* I ■H^^^bHßb^^T'^l i *w mi ii i_su y I! MODEL TDE 140FN Ucu.ft SPECIAL FEATURES: FOAMWALL CONSTRUCTION AND ABS. THE CHIP-PROOF. RUSTPROOF MATERIAL USED IN SPACE MISSILES. "NO-FROST" refrigeration, temperature control, twin-slide out crispers, sliding shelves which can be adjusted. Reversible right or left doors to
      210 words
    • 174 26 STlS!i[ 10 INCHES El IN ONE HOUR Decide where you want to look slimmer; the Joanne Drew O| jfl specialists will wrap you in bandages pre soaked in a special saline You take an hour's nap and p when the bandages are removed presto you are actually B^ l )i^&£
      174 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous