The Straits Times, 7 October 1973

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 27 1 TOTAL WEEKLY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 300,000 Largest sales in SlAsia The Sunday Times No. 1952 M.C. (P) No. 29/73 SUNDAY OCTOBER 7, 1973 25 CENTS SINGAPORE EDITION
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  • 63 1 LONDON. Sat. nighu by British Airways Into Europe were being delayed or cancelled today becaua* of a walkout by engineers and maintenance men over a pay duput* The walkout affecting some 3.000 men followed a meetIng thta rooming of shop stewards and the airline warned paawngers
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 34 1 BRASILIA. Sat Japan will tell Brazil nearly 500.000 tons of *Uel product* next y«ar and supply SO per cent of the country's Import*. communique from the Indus try and Commerce Mlnuu,said yasUrday.
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  • 574 1 Air and land battles ISRAELIS IN CLASHES WITH EGYPTIAN, SYRIAN FORCES LONDON, Saturday FIGHT INC flared today on two fronts between Israel and its Arab neighbours Egypt and Syria as Jews marked the holiest day of their calendar the day of atonement. Each side accused the other of shooting first.
    Reuter  -  574 words
  • 101 1 Typhoon threat to bumper rice crop MANILA. Sat. A typhoon with winds up to 150 miles an hoar (240 kph> in moving In slowly today from the Pacific Ocean. The typhoon threaten* a bumper rice crop of I.umn. the main Island and rice bowl of the country. The Weather Bureau
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 25 1 OTTAWA. Sat Canada will all China up to 334 million buabeU of wheat In the next three yean. It was announced yeturday Reuter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 21 1 PRAOUZ. Sat Prwldent Oirt of India arrlv«l here today from Bucharest (or a four-day Bute visit to CatchostovaUa. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 44 1 ALICE SPRINOS. Sat About 200 people welcomed Prince Philip when b> arrived her* today on a threeday private visit to Central Aiutralla He larft for an unknown dsrtlnstton in bush country where he will camp out for two night*. R«ut«r.
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  • 36 1 BEIRUT Sal. Saudi Arabia'! oil retinue roat from UWI.SSS million (about BM.Ut mllUoni In 1»11 to UBM.«W million (about 8M.06S mlllloni test rear, the weakly renew Middle last Economic Survey said today. Ilauur.
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  • 462 1 AGNEW IS NOT IMMUNE: JUSTICE DEPT BALTIMORE, Saturday •pHE UNITED States Justice Department said yesterday it was constitutionally proper to bring any criminal charges necessary against Vice- President Spiro Agnew even if he has not been impeached by Congress. This stand contradicted \(r. Agnew's contention that Congress, not the courts,
    Reuter  -  462 words
  • 278 1 fAIRO, Sat v Palestinian sjuerillas today warned they will launch attacks all over the world, on trains, buses and apartments operated by Israel and countries who support The warning was made in an interview with Akhbar El Youm by a leadini
    AP  -  278 words
  • 228 1 US can't keep its food aid pledge to Indonesia WASHINGTON. Bat. The Government has told Indonesia It will be unable to provide food assistance for the remainder of this year, despite an earlier pledge to help President Suharto. Concerned by the shortage. Indonesian Ambassador Sjartf ThaJeo left yesterday for Jakarta
    AP  -  228 words
  • 40 1 Taipeh. Sat. Taiwan will Import 234.000 tons of coal from Australia next y«ar to meet domestic demand. Taiwan produce* 3.&00.000 tons of coal a year and baa to Import 500.000 tons to meet local needs— Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 230 1 UNITED NATIONS. Sat. South Africa today remained fullyfledged member of the United Nations after her race policy of separate development for whites and blacks had sparked the biggest demonstration against the Republic in the world body's history. About 100 delegates
    Reuter  -  230 words
  • 93 1 SINGAPORE'S Foreign Minister Mr. 8. Rajaratnam shaking hands with the LS Secretary of State Dr. .len-y sUsateger when the* wA yesterday. The meeting which took place in Dr. Kissinger's hotel suite In New York was originally fixed for Friday but was post poned till
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  • 308 1 Possible delay in pullout says State Dept WASHINGTON. Saturday SECURITY considerations In South-east Asia could delay further U.S. troop withdrawals from Thailand, the State Department Indicated yesterday. But department spokesman John King said he could not confirm a report that the withdrawals have already been stopped He also refused, in
    Reuter  -  308 words
  • 71 1 CEASEFIRE MOVE UNITED NATIONS, tat. Diplomatic o a r c c a said today the Security Council <v expected to be called Into urgent lession within the nil few hoars to consider a Middle Eatt ceasefire call— Beater. CAIRO CLAIM CAIRO. Sat. Egyptian fllhters downed 11 Israeli etaea In
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 271 1 MHUNt i% Plvl ™liiltlWliwsP HmßKaftimrttin. JEWELLERS OF DISTINCTION COLO STORAGE ARCADE TEL 374M3 FACE TO FACE WITH 007... LAST Sunday John Pearson, the biographer of James Bond, described the events that led to an invitation to him to write the 007 story. In today's episode. Pearson is introduced to the
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    • 117 1 S QUALITY STYLISH FOO'IfVEAR FOR ALL MEMBERS (IF THF FillllY MAOf IN ITALY U lnt LI aaa^^^^Jtv *»«*i«fci».! NOBINA DEPARTMENT STORE f DESTINATION L 40% off A Take the uncommon flight ■S to Karachi, and get to know our unique blend of IsH V Eastern hospitality and 1 international I
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • The Sunday Times /WORLDWIDE
    • 144 2 Dr K woos Latin America NEW YORK, Sat US Secietary of State Henry Kissinger yesterday proposed new era of dialoiot between the United States and Latin America to Improve relations. Be was speaking at a lunch be hosted for some 7* forelcn ministers and IN diplomats from Latin American countries
      Reuter  -  144 words
    • 144 2 13 hurt in banana boat blast and blaze Oil price query PLYMOUTH. Sat. A Dutch owned banana boat beached yesteraay after an explosion aboard Injured 13 men was still ablaze today and police said another explosion was imminent. The 1.528 ton Lebanese registered Barrad Crest was beached In Plymouth outside
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    • 552 2 POMMUNIST led insurgents have attacked three government positions on the southern front and northeast of the Phnom Penh defence line, the Cambodian Command reported today. Oen. Eth Buon, First Division commander who Is directing operations In the southern front, said about 2,000
      Reuter  -  552 words
    • 72 2 LONDON. Bat.— Tht 1.700 worker* at a doomed saotorcycle factory In Coventry said today they want to buy the plant and run It themetlvee. They were backed In their bid by the oountry's Moeat labour union Mastermind* of the plan. Labour UP Leslie HuckAeld and
      AP  -  72 words
    • 112 2 Japan to produce more rice this year rTOKYO. Sat. Japan M. is expected to produce 12,250,000 tons of rice this year, compared with 11,897,000 tons In 1972, the Agriculture and Forestry Ministry announced today. It said the forecast, based on a survey made up to Sept. 15 estimated the average
      Reuter  -  112 words
    • 32 2 LONDON. Bat Prime Minuter Heath will hold a news conference on Monday to unveil plans for a continued battle against Inflation. hU No. 10 Downing atraef omce said yesterday UPL
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    • 228 2 British envoys review S-E Asia policy CHIANG MAI. Sat. Heads of British diplomatic missions In South east Asia today began a closed door meeting here to review their country's policies In the area. Mr. Anthony Royle. Under- Secretary of State (or Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Is presiding over the meeting,
      Reuter  -  228 words
    • 39 2 LONDON. Bat. West Oerman Chancellor Willy Brandt and British Prim* Minister Edward Heath. In summit talks beginning today, will concentrate on economic, monetary and other development within the ninenation European Community In the next few mn«th* Reuter.
      Reuter  -  39 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 91 2 Wtancfer IS FUINTTIME! With someone c=>*^rt you like In the sportswear you re in^jy^ ■at' "^^aV See them m alt styles at ROK CENTRE and also avertable at all leadrtg stores SOLE DISTRIBUTORS JAYTEX TRADERS SSBtIBBBBBBBBBBBS-^V* I KeSl^^Bß BBtrsßfdlV no^l^BllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflßV^HßlVf^vLs'**^Blll^^Blllllllllfl BBBBvW*/ H.I BSBaaßa^^BSßi ■BsHa^asa BaaT aTaaaaaaaaasasr si Bsa^Cflsa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaasl ■XC
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  • 392 3 Labour Party now more united BLACKPOOL, Saturday TWO THOUSAND British socialists wound up their party's 72nd annual conference here today on a new note of solidarity and with the party firmly steered on a more pronounced left-wing course. From the five-day conference of political leaders and the party faithful had
    Reuter  -  392 words
  • 172 3 British and Soviet planes join the big airlift fQJEVA, flat. Brtttah VT and a>vlet aircraft have Joined In a repatriation shuttle service on the Indian sub-con-tinent which has returned 10.000 Pakistanis and Bangladesh nationals to their homelands over the past two weeks, a UN official said yesterday. The repatriation Is
    Reuter  -  172 words
  • 46 3 JAKARTA. Bat PreHdent Suharto and other Indonesian leaders watching an Armed Poire* Day military parade yesterday war* drenched when two hug* tenti collapted In hear? rain. Sevan people Including Argentine Ambaisador Otto J. Wane wan Injured by (ailing Iron pole*. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 26 3 San numciepo. sat Comedian Red Skelton. and his bride-to-be Lothian Toland. 35. will be married on Monday In the First Unitarian Church UPI.
    UPI  -  26 words
  • 54 3 BONN. Sat. Tbe World Wildlife PwJaraUon today appealed to all government* to stop nuclear testing to preserve sanaUlve specimens ol plant and animal Ufa In a resolution adopted at the Federations third congress, delegates said they were concerned about nuclear contamination and the destruction
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 44 3 WABHINOTON. Sat. Wholesale price* for major food .product* dropped by s per cent in September and the overall index went down by 1.1 per cent, the greatest monthly drop In more than a quarter century, the Oovtmment reported yesterday. UPI.
    UPI  -  44 words
  • 133 3 SANTIAGO, Sat. Chile's ruling military Junta today faced mounting inltrniUunal pressure to atop executing supporters of the late Marxist FreslUent Salvador Allende. A Junta spokesman announced last night that It "leftwlng extremists" were executed by firing sauaa on Thmiday after trial by court-martial In three
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  • 251 3 Power cuts add to chaos in nsw SYDNEY, Sat Power blackouts by workers demanding a 35-hour week added to the chaos today in New South Wales where air travel from this city has been disrupted by a 25-day old strike Cuts In electricity throughout the State are expected to be
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 290 3 I WITH BNE PISr-tITTW ACTIIN! 1 ElactieMC /4B^3K33i\J^7^!lr Uk^ I I*U you ssn^WP wMw*- I* tasee MttMt ~Xj^f| a ipoura etioi V-aaaaW YASHK^ELECTRO 8 "> JMm^ BaaBBBBBBBBBB»V/'.^Baa«aa«a*a«al It's the amateur movie event of the year! The S.E. ASIA BEST 5 COMPETITION, organised by the Singapore Cine Club. And this year,
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    • 604 3 "In five years' time will I be a success?" Collier Macmillan Schools can show you 264 ways to be successful. aaH Ra^Rt. Now It Ih* lim* 10 Itti think. ng about R^& «m*t* you'll b* In tiv* yaart lim* Now ll T a a a a a J Ih* urn*
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    • 216 3 ssUMik-IMH COOKING OIL LAM SOON 6lb (2724g) 4.65 CHOCOUTE NILI CARNATION 14 oz 45 SKIMMEI MILK MACNOLIA Ib (454g) pkt 1 .40 CANNEI DRINKS TARAX 13 oz (369m1) 45 ILACKCIRRANT HIM ORCHARD BLOSSOM UK. 25 oz 1.75 SOIP CAMPBBTS USA Chicken Noodles iOj oz 62 Tomato jwce vita israel 43
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  • 600 4 Drive aimed at couples who have completed their families |N its drive to control population growth, the Family Planning and Popul a t i on Board has stepped up its programme to promote sterilisation of coup 1 es who have completed their families. It U expected that nearly 9.000 male
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  • 81 4 Bribe offer to PC: Gambler fined S3OO LH4 Beanc Kwang 37. was fined $300 yesterday for corruptly offering no to a police constable a* an inducement for not arresting him for gambling. He offered the money to PC abU Stngb afUr he wu anajtad lor pmblmi In public In Bn*
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  • 54 4 THB Stngapora Kennel Club wUI hold 1U fourth Blna»pore Champlonahlp Dog Show at the exhlbni'n hall of the National Stadium. Kallang Road, on Nov. it at t ajo. Goodwill crulte THX Nippon Mara, the flonini yaraity. wUI call at atneapore on lta aanfeth youth goodwill crulat on Nor.
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  • 118 4 MR LIE Kuan Yew has expressed the hope that the Singapore Ceylon Tamils' Association will become more Singaporean in Its thinking and outlook, and become a valuable component of society. Singapore's well-being. the Prime Minister said. was based on united effort to Improve the
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  • 271 4 Doctors conduct tests to isolate dengue virus SINGAPORE doctors are now conducting fol-low-up experiment* on a big breakthroagh In the battle to Isolate the virua that caaaxe dengue haemorrhage fever If their experimental are succesaf ul It would be possible to isolate DHF virus in three to four hoars Instead
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  • 232 4 340,000 vital income tax files in danger of destruction SOME 340.000 highly confidential and Important files of the Inland Revenue Department are now daily facing the danger of destruction. And all because bureaucracy has been caught short of bureaus. A high official said yesterday that the flies were now stacked
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  • 47 4 A IS-MINTJTE ride li, i crowded buf coat a bill collector 51.750 yesterday Police Mid NM Mohammed Yacoob. 44. boarded a bus In Arab Street at S 30 pm When he alighted in High Street he found the money rotating from hU pocket
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  • 130 4 rnHE Comptroller f.f In--1 come Tax. Mr. Hsu Tse Kwang. Is petitioning thr High Court for orders to wind up three companies In the Donald Moore Orr<up. The petitions are against Donald Moore Bonks Pte. Ltd.. Donald Moore Associates Pte. Ltd. and Dt.nald Moore
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 576 4 Rarkerj Irtemafonal^ji rf a proud possession, a magnificent gift. ■SlimmrM ball pen ever made by Pjrker the writing instrument that combines good looks and flawless performance. •Crafted in five finishes, UK Gold on Sterling Silver, UK Gold-Fill. 22K Gold Electroplate, Solid Sterling Silver and Brushed Stainless Sieel. Each perfectly balanced
      576 words
    • 362 4 SUIE OF A TOP PASS The Stamford College Way S> All Stemford OoUeoe Home nudy courtef ere SecretarM: compiled by expert*. Students have obtained top merkt Privete Secretery'' certrlicete: m enarmnatwnt uana Stamford Coliaea couna* ONLY Executive Ser.etary'i Certrficate: So can yey. Compen, 3ecretarywiip C I S/C C S S>
      362 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 778 4 TV SINGAPORE (5) O I C iM Oot»n| and Pesta IM Nm m Brief US Woody y.tO RU (Malay, repeat) woodpecier. II el Tennis Special: Bobby Riyj 7AA A Malay doawstic n Biltia Jaan Nq 12JJ K /.UU utiitJoa drama JJI Sttame Street (repeat) \M CM- Hews and NtwarNl (Malay)
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    • 28 4 WATER consump- tlon on Friday was I 122.4 million gallons I < 556,004 cubic metres), an increase of 5.9 million rations (i.poo 1 cubic metres) than on I Thuradsy.
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  • 213 5 Plan to dredge sea for land expansion Jl'ROXd Town Corporation may have to dredge the sea off Jurong soon to create more land for industrial use. Disclosing this on Friday the chairman of JTC. Mr. Woon Wan Slang, said Jurong Town now covered an area of 12 square miles and
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  • 40 5 New Fiji envoy SINOAPORTs High Comimuloner to Australia. Mr. Punch Ooomarammjr. has been concurrently appointed High Commlss'aner to Fiji. Mr. Ooomaruwamy. who mil continue to live In Canberra, was the Republic's tnvoy to New Delhi prior to In Canberra appointment
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  • 106 5 NGEE ANN STUDY AWARDS FOR TWO rfO Ngee Ann Technical College instructors. Mr. Tang Kee Chi and Mr. Leong Chin Yong, have left for further studies in Britain under staff fellowships awarded by the college. Mr. Tang, senior academic Instructor in the Electrical and Electronic Engineering 'Department, will do a
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  • 23 5 A OROUP of cargo agents fro-n Singapore have left for Rome (or a training course In cargo handling aeponsored by Alitalia.
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  • 187 5 More ships now under the Singapore flag SINGAPORE'S mer--0 chant fleet tonnage last year recorded a 102 per cent Increase over the previous year with 659 ships totalling 1,450,820 gross tops on the register. In 1971, the Singapore flag flew on 549 ships totalling 718.799 gross tons. With the introduction
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  • 41 5 SINOAPORES High Commissioner to Indlt,. Mr. K M Byrne tuu been concurrently appointed Ambassador to Iran. Mr Byrne. who ti al»o accredited to Nepal. Bangladesh and Bri Lanka, will continue to raid* In New Delhi.
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  • 225 5 Spore top market for cognac in East- FB A N C E'B cognac "king." Mr. Klllan Henneasy, is a moderate drinker. "And my favourite drink Is brandy and water," he said. Mr. Hennessy. head of the Hennessy Moet Dior Group one of the largest corporations in France, is here for
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  • 47 5 British trade team for 4-day visit rpHE Luton Chamber of 1 Commerce Trade Mission from Britain will arrive here today for a four-day visit. The delegation comprlaes senior representative* from JO British companies Their goods range from computer stationery and selfadhesive tapes to microwave communications technical aanrteas.
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  • 737 5 Only serving govt officers be testers WRITES \AP T.C.: "I passed my Class 5 driving test recently and I aspire to become a driving tester. "I »h»i: -je grateful to know the necessary quaJlflcatlonx and to which government department I must send 017 application." Says the Registrar of Vehicles. "Driving
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  • 44 5 TO DOUBTFUL: Regarding your query about the qualifications for a re-entry permit, the Controller of Immigration says: "As 'Doubtful' has not furnished sufficient details, she Is requested to call at the Immigration Office at Kmpress place to enable us toadvise her accordingly."
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 251 5 I jka.%^l .^^al»»l»»l»»l»»l»»l»»g^^^^a^^^aK»».»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» I ti V. ji aassa^H ssf^H Baafssßassssai aft^^^Ssai .jatW^aTssssSV'*' fi^*"— ajaj HlaW <sal Ikl bQbls^bl f^sj i tt^t naiaakt E^alssssssssssssssssssssssssssss^ssssl LSssssMalssl aY Jaasssl sssW IN^^l V «Mai\aßasssssssssVsi BW^kft'' -ull jF '-^T l^kiHflH al^^^Sl aSiS^Rall). i^^Salß^^^^^ ao^safc^lss* »ay 4s|jß SsssfaM sssssstsssssP^aWa.! B^aa^aa«ssssl a«sss. sV. a»ss^a«ssi^aiJa«sssssssl -aY- .^^^^^Sblssssssss^bß I
      251 words
    • 272 5 SO MUCH EASIER THAN BEFORE NEW FUUV GUARANTEED language cour*s from LINGUAPHONE Knowing French it to profitable Inttrnationarry jpektn, Frtnch a a mutt lor busintn tiptcuiiy >' you- products and principal! art from Europ* With Frtnch. you can gel a hatd start in your ovtrsasi flucmon Mats your continental holidays
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  • 292 6  -  NANCY BYRAMJI By SPABKUNG and smiling these Thai beauty «aecn« were all set to get on the catwalk yesterday despite a sleep leas night beeaase of a flight delayed In Australia. The eight girls, all beauty title holders, flew In at Z am
    VOW YLN WOH  -  292 words
  • 238 6 SC R OOLCHILDRKN should be trained to offer community service, principal or New Town Secondary School Mr Ng 800 Boon. said on Friday. For this reason, he said, his school had set aside a week each year for Week of Benrlce during which
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  • 73 6 Housewives' Metrication exhibition A TWO-DAT exhibition on metrication for Singapore housewives will be held at the National Library from Not. 10. Tlm ohiMttoo. organised v 7 U» Metrication Board and lie Home VaammSn Temchtn Aooctattao. «U1 faauin aMtrteatMn in diwamaklnc. eooktng. auUMrcraft. cuttarj. w—wttci and fashion. Sraa local aMabUahmanU will
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 372 6 m f W wUykjfial^^^^H HBHHJIIHIMIHBjBfIHHIHH r .7^ I ajQ^rlf^J Irjitf i I i^^] IS Ij^jlj ssssssh sssf <)■ I i ~l? gffffaa gffW I sssssV ■■^r^gsw^l .^*^Sio^^^ H B Aaaorr 24 lAfalf'S PV siib| w I K&pillWMaiUlMßHpaMlgH 1973 EXAMINATIONS GUIDE BOOKS HSC MCE CCE LCE PSLE STP SPM SRP THE
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  • 272 7  -  INN PETERS By EVEN Pearl Lee Wei Ping's name has a touch of the Pacific where she was born on board a ship Z4 years a*o. For, Wet Ping means "peace" and the great Pacific Ocean waa at its most peaceful state at
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  • 104 7 PC and uncle attacked by gang of youths A POLICE constable and his uncle were Injured after they were attacked by a gang of nine youths In Kallang Bahru on Friday mornIng. PC Oan Din Chat wa* waiting in hi* car for hi* uncle. Llm Cheng Koon. who had ton*
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  • 127 7 CABBIE STOLE TAXI AS IT WAS DIFFICULT TO HIRE ONE A TAXI -DRIVER was jailed for six months yesterday for stealing a 17.000 taxi from another cab driver. Luo Hot Leone. 41. Hole a vehicle belonging to Beak Ah Huat at the Junction of Veeraaamy and Kamponf Kapor Raada on
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  • 31 7 MR. Urn Ouan Moo. ParMamenUry Secretary (Home Aflalrs) and MP tor Buklt Merah. will nag off th* Tkong Bahru Secondary School fciiniK«n at th* school today at TJO am
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  • 242 7 Five top young men and women get gold medals PVE people lnclud ing two national servicemen were pre sen tea with gold medals by tne Minuter for Health and Home Attain, Mr. Chua Slan Chin, after they were named under tne Out standing Young Slnga porean Award Scheme on Friday
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  • 160 7 BANK TAKES OUT Sl.9m COURT WRIT AGAINST 4 TRADERS MOSCOW Norodny Bank Ltd. Singapore has taken out High Court writ claiming $1.9 million and Interest from four businessmen. Defendants In the cult are Nglam Hoo Kok. of Realty Park; Tmn Puay Ouan of Race Course Lane; Kok Eng Hock of
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  • 90 7 Prizes for the best metric suggestions ABOUT 150,000 copies of newsletters on the second Issue of Our Metric Way has been distributed through HDB estate offices to encourage public Interest In metric units. The Metrication Board 1* alao organising two competition* for the best niggwtion* to Increase understanding of metric
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  • 37 7 THX Hong Llm Orarn community centre wUI hold an oratorical contctt In Chin*** for primary and aacondary achool MudenU on Nov. 10 at tb* centre. Kntrte* should be cent to th* centre by Oct. 30
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  • 179 7 PARKING in a reat- rlcted parking place at the Port of Singapore Authority's car parks beyond the two-hour limit will be a costly business. Tb* chart* can be up to •10 an hour, or any part of It. after the explnr of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 122 7 l <g> 1 Kuala Lumpur 3 Holiday Inn Is In Kuala Lumpur to give you more than a taste of all the traditional comforts of a Ist class hotel plus new services, unique only to Holiday Inns. 200 spacious and luxurious rooms and suites fully air-condltloned 2 double beds In
      122 words
    • 197 7 too caii m Ifwo OF THE bioest name, in vg» education Federal Publications Sdn. Bhd. and Wobey Hall, Oxford now bring you iyttematiaed training for examination succev through the Home Studies Divkion of Federal Publications Syutmaiaed Training what does it rot an 1 Hat couran available ll means study with
      197 words
    • 153 7 f CAR STEREO C J. 30 CasMtt* BJa^attLAl% Studio cum c**wit< otn- •>■' Hi narao unit mat it higOly »n«iiiv« and U%^^,^^Mtf^^ I highly lalactiva FM/MW lunar Hi ■|WW^~ I <MaMa^B I compact In^aah placaniant tavw tpaoa f^*jß^^B^^^^H(a^a^Hti^w!y^ i* I and mafcat mounting umplt a^L^P'jHlß^H*W*L^^'> ■BJBSS^- a Elegant undatcknn car
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  • Petticoat Junction
    • 641 8 Table toys far itchy fingers ILf OST people doodle on their writing pads or blotters.. Some play with pins on their tables. Others pick at the threads on their sleeves. Everybody fiddles with something when on the telephone. It's habitual. Automatically, fingers get busy the moment a telephone conversation starts.
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    • 84 8 Dolly Flora slum in aid of SASA A TWO-DAT exhibition and sale of dolls and flowers will be held at the Shangri-La Hotel Oardenla Room from next Sunday. Called Dolly-Flora, it U in aid of the Singapore Amateur Swimming Association and sponsored by Goodwood Florist and Miss Chul Phul Ling,
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    • 257 8 rERE'S no doubt about U. A girl In a bikini out of the water is always the centre of attraction. Not only men, but also members of her own sex, love to watch a bikini-dad girl moving around the pool or beach. But tf you
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    • 157 8 IJEREs a recipe for O housewives in a hurry. It does not need elaborate preparation and you have a delicious and filling meat For Noodles with Chicken Soup, you need: two italks spring onions. one chicken breast, thinly sliced, two teaspoon* chilli sauce, pepper, two
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 652 8 ADVERTISEMENT How to stimulate a tired, lifeless complexion How often have you heard someone say, "My skin always seems to feel taut and tired and looks lifeless, even at the beginning of the day". Si 'jKaTaßat* Hi iHaa^W 1 ■•■WUK,, BB>^' V aa^BnV i BtJHk m J i.aßMw'^^^^- «A This
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    • 8 8 BBW^ V*' WHaat I bbW /<* Jfl Ij M
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    • 273 8 The perfect gift for perfect curls This year give Carrn.n Cur'ars the perfect gift for your friends or yourself Carmen Curlers are so fast and easy to use and so safe and kind to your hair With Carmen Curlers it takes less than 15 minutes to change your hairstyle to
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    • 10 8 MHpf BUl6UB«qj»I j BE tsL ■K^ mj_i I^—" -aia»^a»E^ ala^^^
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  • 315 9 Give quidance to young people during their problem period AN INSTITUTE of Education lecturer, Mr. rk Soh Kay Cheng, warned parents yesterday about the "problematic" period of adolescence. Mr. son said the per- I lod was not only dlfflcult for young people I but also posed problems I for parents,
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  • 142 9 /COMPANY director V; Lawrence Ho Bam Choon has been cleared by the High Court of adultery allegations brought against him In a divorce suit by Francis Poh, 33, a bank officer. At a hearing on Aug. 29. Poh alleged that his wife, then a
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  • 212 9 Report extort bids at once, say police DOUCE yesterday adI vtaed the public to report Immediately extortion bids. This, according to police, la because extortionists usually return several times for more money and police ambushes can be effectl re if reporta are made early. Police spokesman, Asst. Supt. Ng Woon
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  • 65 9 Another two weeks in custody RETANUM Jaya Raman, 24. accused of murdering 16 year old Thoolglri cha r a n J l l Kaur was yesterday ordered to be placed In police custody for another two weeks. Hr l* alleged to have murdered CharanJlt In IBM sporta office of Kangaw
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  • 244 9 Unsigned letter led to discovery of 'other woman' By T. F. HWANG AN anonymous lettei from Bangkok led a Singapore housewife to engage a private lnvestl--1 Ration firm to trail her husband, working In Bangkok, when he was last here In July, the High Court heard on Friday. Mrs. Judith
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  • 50 9 FOUR firm* were fined a total of $2,400 on Friday under the Destruction of Disease-bearing InaecU Act Paber Union Ltd. »*s fined MM. Hock Seng Enterprlae* Pte Ltd. l&OO. Singapore Soon Hing Construction Pte. Ltd. MOO and Kwong Patt Enterprise* Pte Ltd. *1M They ptaadad guitty
    50 words
  • 78 9 rE Industrial Train Ing Board held It* (irst annual sports meet at Queenstown Stadium yesterday. It brought together for the flrat time participant* (ram 11 vocational institutes and training tchoola. They were from Aljunled. Baharuddln. Boy» Town. Bukll Merah. Oejrlang Serai. Jurong. Paslr Panjang.
    78 words
  • 25 9 THE Inner Wh«l Club of Singapore will stage Chrlatmaa FaJr I*7l. in aid of variom charities. at the victoria Mamurhil Hail on Dec.
    25 words
  • 373 9 THEY PLEAD GUILTY TO ROBBING ATTENDANT MAN' and three youths who specialised in robbing petrol stations were jailed yesterday and ordered to be caned. Murukan Palanlandy, 22, was sentenced to tour years' Jail plus eight strokes while his accomplices, Dhuman Singh, 17,
    373 words
  • 180 9 BOY LOSES A FINGER TIP IN GANG ATTACK AFTER SHOW A STARING Incident during a show at the Oder a Cinema In North Bridge Road on Friday resulted In two boys being Injured when they were attacked by a gang after the show. Police said Frankle Tham Kee Foon and
    180 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 139 9 i/;i.l jaaaaal BBBV*"^^ NeW 17* l*»"A i jl Mtcnen BaSgjikiLi Bfe.. y^^^^j taaaT^ 'aa >—^^ J^ PaVfBMfaaSB|BBHHBB|BJBa r IDP f\ 'J jajj^tjaj^^a^^^gg^^gja^p^^aj '^B^B^aat \>^ m- ulHlnJ *wpi*"^^PL aaf Wade in England n r «aaaaaaaaaaaaaVaaV w*^ Made in Australia ~~——*f ~i\ -J| CROSS -m^tipw*** PAPERWARE^v^iri Made in Australia jf Q\gk J
      139 words
    • 471 9 HOW IT WORKS H*m «m a Polaroid cnmti work? How is colour taJtvision transmittad' How can vending bucMim rajact *M coin*? What it an artificial kidnav? vVMtm*kasßuna*w»laraxploda? Why doas a jat angina cfcMfa nota at it passes ovarhaad' if you or anyone in your family has avat askad. How doas
      471 words
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  • The Sunday Times
    • 164 10 EH Big but not lavish are probably in deep despair. A mass wedding and honeymoon trip for SO Singapore couples last year, the same for 150 couples last week, and the promise of even bigger scale nuptials next year! Last Sunday's threehour affair was a combination of showbiz hoopla and
      164 words
    • 164 10 "VTOU Just cannot win" could well he Intraco'i response to merchants griping about the prlr-e of rice Imported during the recent shortage Consider the situation when Intraco began shopping for rice. Harvests in most producing countries had been poor. Supplies were so tight that Thailand stopped exports.
      164 words
    • 69 10 WHAT makes a work- Ing-class housewife secretly pay $50 to $100 a month to an extortioner for eight long years? Terror. A Kuala Lumpur housewife told Malaysian police on Thursday she had been making the pay-off because of a robber's threat to harm her and her child. There Is
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  • 747 10 TH E WORLD Peking's stand on the overseas Chinese OVERSEAS Chinese are the most formidable economic power in Asia, outside of Japan, Fortune magazine said two years ago. "It is haid to see how > South-east Asia could do without them," Fortune magazine added. I* It their affluence > and
    747 words
  • 1250 10  - Quiet revolution in our school MEW LEE CIH6 EVIDENCE OF A SMALL BUT STEADY IMPROVEMENT ty THE "quiet revolution" In our educational system has begun. There are differences of approach among teachers, principals and the Education Ministry about how much remains to be done. But there Is agreement that climate-changing
    1,250 words
  • 121 10 riOR Socialists of this r generation, Chile is our Spain. Mrs. Judith Hart, MP, Labour Party spokesman on Overseas Development. WHEN one side loses they Just sit back and wait for the other to make a mess of things so they can have their turn on
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  • 516 10 A PALESTINIAN guerilla threat to attack Soviet embassies abroad caps a long list of Soviet setbacks In the Arab world that began with the ouster of Russian advisers from Egypt last year. Although doubts have been raised about which guerilla group made the threat,
    AP  -  516 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 44 10 WM MMf M .li'hfum th»fm ...4nd yet, I Hear fw ifTM 'fs4vm%l nonrifiMO virtually cetpmndmrt thau *c ttrt Ctotnq Oeonp: cm me pmr of us to Mill we11... ketpgotKg... ...nghtnomr*ieiitweir»mliu sii m«u need teetering on Hie onnk. gr^~~ r Irttle help... T^'^ ■■■*y*ttmfllt*o*rr<' I
      44 words

  • leisure
    • 2300 11 Face to face with 007 BACK in London, all that Urquhart said had seemed quite logical and clear. If Urquhart told me Bond was alive and well and living on some distant Island. I believed him. Now, Installed In this luxury hotel In Hamilton, Bermuda, I wasn't quite so sure.
      2,300 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 218 11 i swIVX Bk Prove it yourself! Bon Hair Liniment H^. fW^JJ I■* made from selected ingredients which I nourish your hair tissue to grow side I I burns, moustache, beard, eye-brows and H eye-lashes with regular use. It also I darkens grey hair, combats falling hair. relieves dandruff, itchy scarp
      218 words
    • 395 11 An invitation from DR. WEST'S to V Vox/ CASH PRIZES V^ 23 GALORE y MUST BE WON! It's easy... it's fun Age Grouping This is one contest To ensure fairness to all participants, judging for this contest will where you II see smiles all round. J vi M ded into
      395 words

  • leisure...2
    • 741 12 MAZDA S SILENT SPEEDSTER THE NEW ROTARY- POWERED RX-4... |T has been some time since I last tested a Mazda, and they have since brought out some new models. One of these is the Mazda RX-4 which is the rotaryenglned version of the Mazda 929, or vice-versa if you wish.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 643 12 The small Grinder with big advantages aaaal ■aaaßßga^.^gP^^ aagag^^^^^^^^^^ 26 cm; It is Bl j A handy machine m^ J which has long been BBk S expected by many BgV craftsmen. This new, heavy duty Bosch One- impossible and maintenance handed Angle Grinder is powerful w^ *a^^k is absolutely minimal,
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 635 12 The mysUry thriller, "The Bait", rtarrlng Donna Mills, will be shown on Friday on Ch. 5 at 10.10 p.m. A YOUNO man de88l Bagl A dicates himself to avenging the murder tlieiDflDC of hls father during SlMUirUnt i 3 century ln the Avnuvn «u,ni> fllm Tne Saracen YOUNO cou^e 81ad1
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  • leisure...3
    • 554 13  - Lee Marvin:Holly wood's Merchant of Menace... JANE SHERIDAN By I WAS three o'clock «n the morning, well past the witching hour and the party was almost over. But one guy was still going strong Lee Marvin, busily pretending that Bloody Marys were nothing more than tomato juices g^g^g^g^K. '^gK pretending,
      554 words
    • 473 13 RICK WAKEMAN: THE SIX WIVES OF HLNRY VIII (A and M). When Yes' keyboard expert Rick Wakeman wanted to cut his first solo album, he had great difficulty looking for a theme. That's because he is essentially an lnstrumen'alUt. And a theme has
      473 words
    • 617 13  - MYSTERY OF THE INSEEN LANET X STUART McCLUSKIE SEARCH FOR THE TENTH MEMBER OF OUR SOLAR SYSTEM By SEVERAL times a month the West's biggest optical telescope the 200-inch Hale at America's Mount Palomaf Observatory swings its all-seeing eye towards one corner of the universe in the hope of achieving
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 417 13 QUALIFY.* promotion through ICS SPECIALIZED TRAINING IN MANAGEMENT AND TECHNICAL SUBJECTS Learn at home to improve your position and to earn what you are really worth. ICS home-study courses have helped thousands of ambitious men to achieve promotion and better pay. Moderate fees all books supplied Take the first step
      417 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 244 13 SUNDAY TIMES CROSSWORD ACROSS DOWN I. Quibble (Hi; 11 Lake 1. SUfe (S). 2. Rrmovt 4' 12 Death (4i; 11. Re- error.* <s>. 1. Feud <8i; 4 preatnlativca (6>. IS. pnaw- Craft O); 5 Repoie 14): ••i. 1 animal it). 16 Rock 6. Oraln >4>. 7 Dwellingparticle* 14); 17 Bicycle
      244 words

  • 1 14
    1 words
  • 925 14  -  LEFEUBRE THREE DIVERS WHO CAME WITHIN FIVE YARDS OF A FORTUNE By Q2232EE3 rEV know exactly where the £3 million ($16.8 million) of gold bullion Is. Once, they came within five yards of it and that is the closest anybody will ever get for
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  • 695 14  - Travelling to Russia on a dining room table By ELIZABETH TAYLOR I TOOK my family to Russia on our dining room tab > I mean. I sold our Refency dining table to pay the fares. With the proceeds we took the "ladybird" route to Leningrad 1973 must be -populationexplosion year
    FWF  -  695 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 467 14 Low-cost, top ~va hie tours of Australia and tS^a I\eu Zealand «S||3|^ I^^^NewZealand. Times you'll never forget. departure rate) to 21 days In Australia, visit swinging Sydney (*****9, group departure rate), or get out into the great outdoors. The tours follow different routes Drive over the scenic Blue ar| d
      467 words
    • 16 14 BPT 1 IBS BBB^\ 1 V(l bbbbbi^v^S aafc^l^tf BBBBBBBBI^ li A BJ^k. v bbW. wt^S^jlSl 5v3
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  • 687 15 pOR market dab- biers, price movements last week were reminiscence of the market's now historical glittering days. With bullish steam warming the market right from the week's start, Monday saw an 8.5 point Jump in the Straits Times Industrial ordinary index.
    687 words
  • 173 15 The disabled in student exchange too ROTARY Club of Singapore (West) will Include disabled youths in their 1974 student exchange programme, the president, Mr. David Phoa, said yesterday. He was commenting on a suggestion made on Thursday b> Mr. Ron Chandran-Dudley of the Association for the Blind at the club's
    173 words
  • 59 15 A "-YEAR-OLD woman was slashed several tunes In the back by an armed youth In a are-loot way off Cecil Street on Wednesday. Madam Honf Yin Kheni said she was mending cushions at about ISO ».m 'Then the youth attacked her from behind. She was warded
    59 words
  • 148 15 T*HE Slnga pore Armed Forces Reservists Association intends to build clubhouses for members In several housingestates. A start has been made on one in Toa Payoh at a cost of about $75>.t— Mr. Lee Yip Loi, the association's general secretary, said yesterday that architectural
    148 words
  • 65 15 Asian seminar on social work The International Association of Schools of Social Work will hold a 10-day regional seminar here next month. The «emlnar will begin from Nov. 6, at Eu«ofl Cblleteand the University of Singapore. It will be attended by about 70 delegate* from Asian countries They Include staff
    65 words
  • 19 15 SINOAPORE Numismatic AMucmuon will hold an suction of coin* at Uon City Hotel today at 10 a.m
    19 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 82 15 IBM WENG HENG'S AUTUMN U.P. NOW 'JO EntU»h ICI Teryttne S7.SO !U.»O fancy Acrylic $3 50 41" German Carton Materiel $i.fO MANY OTHER FAIRICS 10% —50% DISCOUNT FREE GIFTS PURCHASE of 1 £n,1,,h Corp* 9' a 12' 2 Una* 27" a SI" I E»«l»h Cerper a f I Iq
      82 words
    • 907 15 The Singapore Growth .Rind has stood the test of time A*\ «t^ per annum TJ/o over 4 years (after tax) This is the growth record of SingaporeGrowthFund Units and investors in August,l969 have enjoyed a 182/ appreciation! The Fund Managers have achieved this excellent performance over the 50 months Investment
      907 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 735 16 TO jiM SING KOON SENG PTE. LTD. "iBL'^W l I| (blb^bV* on t^ ie success f u l building "e\ ■^^H^^r) *T* Wmr asjeJ i" l awJ s£«3 o/ MAJU BROOKE No. 1" «a 229 /f Twin Screw tH^^^^^B^^^^^^^^^^^^K 1 Shallow Draft Log Carrier \[l HOE SENG HUAT L Hardware
      735 words
    • 80 16 We are proud to supply all the Petroleum product for "MAJU BROOKE No. 1" Dealers in Petroleum product of all kind for Marine Industrial use SIN YEONG CHEONG 46 B Lorong Marsiling Singapore 25 Tel: *****2 *****6 SEE HUP SENG TRADING CO. 81, JALAI LOYMG SESAR. SINGAPORE. 17. TEL: *****9
      80 words

    • 296 17 KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday gC'AFK is to develop relations not only with the European Economic Cominnnity but also with Comecon, the East European version of the EEC, according to the Ecafe executive secretary, Mr. J.8.1'. Maramis. "This la the result of our latest
      296 words
    • 128 17 LABOURER SHOT DEAD DURING WILD BOAR HUNT KUALA LUMPUR. Bat. A labourer N Perlasamy wu shot dead during a wild boar hunt In Serdang yesterday. Perlasamy who wu tracking a wild boar with four friends for more than 10 days died while he was studying the beast's hide-out at about
      128 words
    • 48 17 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. Police hava detained a robbrry suspect believed to be the atxto member of the seven-man Terang Bulan" gang which strikes on moonlight nights. Three numbers of the gang were Jailed last month, one wu fined and another ia awaiting trial. lnclud-
      48 words
    • 93 17 RAWANG. Sat. A Are broke oat on the first floor of the Labour Office building last oight and damage wu estimated at 530.0 M OCPD Assistant Supt Shamsuddin bin Ismail laid today: "We are checking whether Government files have been destroyed In the
      93 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 189 17 I'll lYliaaSl LaV I A 1 •Mb^^XU^OXS ifJWTTT 1 J W aaV jt TO AA 1 ■aW^aavV •f**fr\ sl^waaafaaLsawV^sWT^* vXC| Q* saaaP^P^VV^PPV^Laaaaal ■^Laaaaaaa*iJaaaw' Jsfaafl BBaaaVlT 1 S I*.'|lt!!PtH > ""^^^^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*-^ Law^aTßaaa»^^ ll^sial ygrgrJ "jM i^^" B^^^aaaLat atV^wßsaL L^Baafl Jg '^LaaaPQaaaaaaa^laf I *^BT aaaaaaaaaa^aaVV BaaaaaaaaaaaaH aw^^ <JaJaa^^aaaVa! BLafJL a^aaaaar X3oc Eifaafijt'"'***
      189 words
    • 94 17 F .saaw&J^s^ll I .aMsafa^saaaaaaaW' kCaaJ I NO FEAR OF I STARVATION IN STORE I Drticbtt no flotdt hi tireat trtfißciig I ceiitriet ban nfari tba faar af wisjesareie I faariM. Ihnapinaai ia att haw ttamtiaa ttariag thaai ia tba fact bacaaaa tba I Rtaahak baa wde rapid ttrMaa hi araa
      94 words
    • 293 17 I BBaavt^^Bßa! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaHsjsssssssssai LAURENCE GRAFF < Queen's Awerd Winner Diamond International Award Winner is her* in personal attendance with his most fabulous ever multi-million dollar collection of fine jewellery at our JEWELLERY DEPARTMENT. I^— -^i>^ ay, -^s^aßf^^paiw A cascade of beautiful things for a beautiful home. DORCAS Flannette Sheets, VANTONA
      293 words
    • 350 17 EOBINSON'S British Fortnight NOW A spectacular and exclusive display of British merchandise amidst gaiety, pomp and pageantry. An unforgettable tour of Britain in a space of a few hours. For the ladies, an exquisite selection of British collection of dresses for all furniture including occasions. Renowned British the famous PARKER-KNOLL
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
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    • 156 18 I I I G€E-ITSeEMS yn golly, i wish "tsft^ /,>i«l Hi milliKWS! W Ll U1 U B K ife> u g jf-^^j j| rV\yg I— v /fy*v h"' (?^^!^?w GUESS MEM it i eiCT ,si\/PU i^ it. *T) OS JUST DOJY THIKJK A > USM9I ti^fVCm -^Mb.r JP&I --T T*l_l/^CC
      156 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 139 19 With such a multiple of pluses and /^*^a aY%« I extraondinary features, doesn tit make JJ .^f ml EJk" m mm are deigned fa^ added efficiency V^lfciSr^r^i; JWCkO^ reliability and convenience... /^^^sj^.Mi^iwJP^^^H^l^ii^.^i^^lSr wr^^ m^~ >^^^^s^Hg^g^^g^Ws^g^g' m^ l Model CS-6431A) come* with unique Memory loading lamp. /j7/^^gb -^^^^^Blil^ Yg^ll <^ :^^sJ|WJ^F
      139 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 125 19 IF It's your birthday you may grumble that life la rather dull between now and the New Tear. As soon as you get Into 1974 however, the outlook becomes much more cheerful. Tou must endure delays over Christmas but after that you can plan rapid progress. There are many changes
      125 words
    • 240 19 tain changes that are likely to cost a good deal. So don't be too extravagant in the very near future. You'll be making: new friends this year and in consequence changing your way of life. Some idea that you have been considering since August should now work out By February
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    • 795 19 THIS WEEK FOR YOU CAPRICORN (Dec. 21— Jan. 19): Changes that have been discussed lately could get underway by Friday, you must consider new projects that should bring you a good deal of money. Your jtatus and business should Increase too. On the personal level you strengthen a tie that
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  • 372 20 lOC hold back backing for Asian Games VARNA, (Bulgaria), T Sat. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) will wait until the Asian Games Federation's full Council meeting decision on invitations to next September's Games at Teheran before deciding whether they should five the Games their patronage. The lOC Director, Madame Monl
    372 words
  • 13 20 VeHeaeead leeee* ■laeai. jiliaii* kf Tveetterk Ceetery-»e« S
    13 words
  • 188 20 Jacklin looks set for first win this year LONDON, Sat. Brltain's Tony Jacklln looks certain to win the US$l5,OOO Dunlop Masters golf tournament after finishing the third round four strokes ahead of the field at Chepstow yesterday. Jacklln, without a tournament victory in Britain this year, returned a one-under-par 70
    188 words
  • 111 20 Ali leaves for his Asia tour NEW YORK, Sat. Muhammad All left today (or a Southeast Asian tour and a fight against Rudl Lubbers of Holland In Jakarta on Oct. 30. All will go to Japan and then to Jakarta to:..orrow to start training for the scheduled 12--round flgiit with
    111 words
  • 80 20 'Stuck' in a jam NEWPORT. WtJea. Set An rngUah Fourth Division •occer match between Newport County and Manaflcld Towr. waa poatponed lait night har*ai|a» the visiung team UtctmUy got atuck In a Lrafllc j*—« A gbie tanker overturned on a motorway. «r* m "t iv content*, and the ManaOeld team
    80 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 502 20 ■> MlffTTM.l-uJ JI'BHHWI-l-l-'-l NOW SHOWING! A..m: IXO* CMUrea: $100 II 11... 1.10. 4.00. S S 1 Skew, et 7.00 ft t.MPM 700 ft e.JOPM. TICKITS AT $1, $2 4sl FOR ALL SHOWS AT THf ODION THIATKt ON SALI NOW ij 2 Cea> ImUmi Oalr— Ne free Lh« 5 "I II
      502 words
    • 384 20 MMU MMX ATTRACTIONS THt COIC STOMGt 'POKING Of FICE S _°y*_ N .P_ AY TODAY FOB HtStKVATIONS FO*. ANY OF THESt EVtNTS. Or aioll the potto! boohing fona. baloo todoy. October 9: aAILET Of THt GtHMAN OPfKA. IttllN Coopalloond The Wonderful Mandarin, at tha National Theatre: S2S, $20, 517.50, SIS,
      384 words
    • 118 20 itT.ifrinti.n.n.inui i (Geylong) (Quatrwtowr) Laat 2 Day* t I Gale.y 1.15, J JO, 7. fJO I GoMer. Ctt, 1.43, 4, 7. JO Aa £»crtim Attrea Patfcaal Marta-erm Film wrth TariMtB t Matanitaj Caan Starring Warif Kwu HtiolHj, Ya.aeki Kyrata Uapaame) Mary Uy Coloncopa with Englnh OiincM Subtitles To-Da T Soeoal
      118 words
    • 90 20 lONC CUM: TODAY SPECIAL MOftNING SHOW AT 11 .00 AM Ne Praa Ltat Aia.latla« Prim. $1, $2, lIHOW TO CATCH A COLD ILMMEI KILLER! Storring: lOY THINNB SANDRA DO THE MAN HIHTET Cim.i iwniami Cii|iiMli >Mr A IMntmi nckM lataaiaiajr KB Jwnrrn nil W SUNDAYS V Ip.a Ulf.a. L^mm /^m\
      90 words
    • 294 20 26th DAY and still packing them in AT THE CAPITOL Duo to fllm'i Mjnoth Only 4 SHOWS doily Non Tir»t«: 11, 2.30, 6.15. 9.15 Nto Fr»« List JOHN WAYNL DAVID JANSSEN, JIM HUTTON, ALDO RAY. lAYIOND ST. JACQUES. IREHE bU NOW SHOWING AT LIDO Horn, 1.45, 4.00, 630 9.15pm NO
      294 words
    • 610 20 B 0W6Alllt»TI0>l Ne> ikewme No Free Uit It 1.45, 4. c JO. t.ll Gecro- Seool. Suton Antpoctt "14».« la Ure" col^r |WB) Mrk ItC DAY Ne Feer Uu N.I. Dae te Mlei'l lenark ONLY 4 IHOWt OAICV Ilem. 1 »0. ell ft file—. •lerett" Storti PROMPTLY at 11.10. 1.10, e.JO
      610 words

  • 98 21 3 Religious Announcements INTERNATIONAL BAPTISI CHURCH of Singapore. 00 Kings Road (near the Am* Ican School). All servtc i tn English. Morning worship services 9 a.m. and 11 s m.. Sunday .Vhool for all age* 10 a.m Evening worship PRiaSVTIRIAN CHU R C N SINCAFORI Comer Orchard Road, renen* Road
    98 words
  • 28 21 THI CORTEGE of the late Dr. Kbong Kirn Tak will leave No S Namly Orove for Mount Vemoo Crematorium at 10.45 a.m. oa Sunday 7.10 73
    28 words
  • 39 21 THE FAMILY OF lats Mr. Alan Loke deeply appreciate and slnceraly thank all then relatives and friends for their kind assistance. message, of i>mpathy, wreaths, donation, to charity and presence at the funeral of Madam Loo Meow
    39 words
  • 63 21 FUNERAL MEMORIAL SIRVICS Rice A.I) J (David) The win take place privately la Jereey Channel bland, oo Monday Bth October 1973. A Memorial Service .ill be held at Bt John's Cathedral. Hongkong at 4 30 p.m. on the amass day. Floral tributes may be sent to
    63 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 549 21 classified ads gp TAN KIM PIOW second! son or Madam Ng 800 Hlan and Tan Juat Ngor third daughter of Mr. and Mrs Tan Heng Trek today •OS SAMARITAN* OF SINGAPORE Troubled? Discouraged? Ring 91-44-44 Day and Night. m) Prolmmßlmnml SINCATIX CHIMICAL* (PRIVATE) LIMITED requires Male Adminiat ration Executive iMalaysian
      549 words
    • 650 21 WAITRESSES REQUIRED Aprly personally Bugls Ba/ Ml. Victoria Street. Spore 7 Tel: Mr. Ng 30*34. FAIRCHILO SINCAFORI FTI. LTD. 11. LORONO 3. TOA PAYOH, SINOAPORE 13. Career Opportunities for We offer top wagea Attractive atartmg pay Aseemalers: JISS/- to 3337/Beoden: (143/- to 1247/--|ISS- to S2«O/Training will be provided plus the
      650 words
    • 659 21 AC! HOUSINO requires houses' apartments and land for teady clients Phone 2SBOIW/*****4* (Monday Saturday). IMMIOIATILV AVAILABLE FULLY furnished and alrcondl iioned executive office rooms. boardroom with use of complete office euuljueuts and secretarial eervieee on a dally, weekly or monthly basis Also desk and telephone eervtee. T.I. 3321*1 Busloees Office
      659 words
    • 754 21 GILL TRAVEL A INtURANCI BROKERS (FTI) LTD. Offers ruaran***4 confirmed flights from Singapore to London Brussels Frankfurt Hamban Munich— Copenhagen Visa— Madrid T»l *****5 KLM HOLY LAND TOUR 17-Day tour to Thiee count r we Depart. 14th November. 12th December 1W73. Calling All Christiana To Join the thousands of Pilgrims
      754 words
    • 1273 21 ASIA "MVIM *C"O0L Brand new Datsun. Honda. •■■•< 'DIAL FRIIMDt Morris 100* eaial-eootro led. inrouah stevrn of v. Be. 10M 13 BrteEie Read. Sport 332' M/ POr« Members InOude ladws *****. gentlemen Conf :d«rti«l introductions. ilstalle or 1000 iinlmi r»» fcsaBBBaV*JB»aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal friends. AH professions. Malay- ■ia/aiasapon. 0.P.0. *07 > t
      1,273 words
    • 479 21 I I*l l f oTCTai ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Board of Directors Management of MAYFLOWER RESTAURANT SINCAPORE PTE. LTD. wish to extend their sincere thanks to the distinguished guests and patrons for their kind attendance, congratulatory messages and good wishes on the occasion of the OFFICIAL OPENING on Sat. 6th October, 1973.
      479 words
    • 339 21 TTm DATA PROCESSING tijil MANAGER Applications we invited from suitably qualified candidates for the post of Data Processing Manager. Applicants must be graduates or have a recognised professional qualification together with some experience in Industry or Commerce. Knowledge of high speed date processing equip ment and applications ere essential. Applicants
      339 words

  • 211 22 Top bet today: Dallas Cowboy CONSISTENT Prince Sinclair, who has been out of board only once in nine starts, looks a bright each-way prospect in (he sf Gold Cup Trial (Race Seven) at Bukit Timah today. The Prince is engaged in the Gold Cup, and a good showing can make
    211 words
  • 2537 22 TU-MM 1.15 CL 4 DIV. I— 6F MMt^M ($9,000— 56,300 TO WINNER) 1 OMI Mr. Mm (Twilight i E Donnelly 4 8 0 (ul +4) (at) F -Ron 10 2 1312 Tolstoy a iFarmi Allan 7 8.11 (+«> (6f) F Alton 3 1208 Prectocly a (T3 Nun) E
    2,537 words
  • 166 22 MOM Jll> UK H« lOimn UN ».ia oaaa (unablnt Touch ToUtoy lorn Taaa ToUtoy •hl-itaro T>» ■altlar Juna Burn.. 7>ak Oarlnt Mkuian Amu.rm.t)l VII I.m.rlon AIMIM VM Trlrwrlok Tutor Mom Aiynmini vn Omnipotent Tom Parok ■»lar> »w aml Burnbra. Boy Daytooa urn, Hl»l Bulaa Pmamt lUronmrtb ylan taiau Humbraf
    166 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 435 22 BUMIPUTRA MERCHANT BANKERS BERHAD invite applications from Malaysian citizens for the post of Deputy Banking Manager. The successful candidate will be experienced in credit analysis and money market operations and will probably have held a managerial post in either a commercial bank or financial institution. Candidates must be capable of
      435 words
    • 456 22 aaMTas Australia •< < fevnea Airline IS SEEKING A TICKET OFFICE SUPERVISOR FOR ITS SINGAPORE OFFICE Applications in writing «t invited from Singtponi Citizens who: Arc ig(d up to 40 y**n Arc capable of supervising the ticket etle* office* end iteff of a major end busy carrier Have considerable tariff
      456 words
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    • 149 22 HASS£LBLAD (leader in large format photography) is out of this world. Hasselblad has been to the moon and brought back breathtaking pictures of world interest. And scientific sharpness. Each 6 x 6 cm negative can withstand many times enlargement. With the Hasselblad 500 c/m, you can change over to black
      149 words

  • 2508 23 I RACIHB (JRADU ATION won a berth in the Singapore Gold Cup field with an impre 8 si ye twolength win in the Class 1, Div 2, 8f race at Bukit Timah yesterday. Well-rldden by A.K. Cheam. this flve-year-old New Zealand gelding came with a
    2,508 words
  • Article, Illustration
    1687 23 RACE ONE Hr. Mean: Runaway fourlength winner Dlv 1 If with 1 10 XL Sept 9: retain* form: chance in spite of big rise. TeMoy: Consistent sort who ha* finished In first four last eight starts: last start second with 1.9 to Attorney Oeneral Dlv 1 If
    1,687 words
  • 37 23 Ist 162M7 (11.977) 2nd 15SJM (f 1,422) 3rd ISMS 2 ($711) Starters (IIM each): *****4. *****5. *****1. *****6. *****5. IS47M, *****6. Consolation (fIH each). *****2. *****9. 1583*1. *****1. 1575 M. *****8. *****1. 162««6 164)587. *****5.
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 144 23 VINCENT LAM COMPANY (PTE) Stock Share Brokers Members of the Stock Exchange of Singapore Ltd. NOTICE OF CHANGE IN NAME As from 7th October, 1973, the name of Vincent Lam Co., (Pte) will be changed to K. S. FOO CO., (PTE). The change will in no way affect contracts entered
      144 words

  • 329 24 Chor Yau, Ahmad to contest today's final By PETER SIOW \O CHOR YAU Of 11 Armed Forces, moved closer to the SBA Senior Open badminton championship when he bundled out defending champ lon Yeo Ah Seng 15-4, 15-6 in 20 minutes at Gulllemard Road yesterday. Chor Yau's fine victory put
    329 words
  • 669 24  -  ERNEST FRIDA By PHEE Swee Lee yesterday became Asia's fourth best woman 800 m athlete when she performed a record-shattering run in the SAAA inter-club championship at National Stadium ycsterH-v. Swee Lee, pushed by M^moon Azlan In the early stages of the
    669 words
  • 468 24 Swee Chew, Boh Heng win Australia trip OICC golfers Lim Swee Chew and Toh Boh Heng yesterday qualified to compete In this month's Australian Open by finishing 1-2 In the Hlcksons Timber tournament tre final leg of SGA circuit at the New Course, reports ERNEST FRIDA. Swee Chew, 28, topped
    468 words
  • 429 24 SINGAPORE Chinese, with all-round strength, last night thrashed their closest rivals Malacca 5-0 at Jalan Besar Stadium to put themselves practically In the final of this year's MCFA Cup soccer tournament, reports JOE DORAI. Singapore need only a draw tonight against Johore to make
    429 words
  • 25 24 alx In their friendly soccer match at Jurong Vocational Institute group 1 yesterday Haaaan (1). Mat Nor, All and lUedar scored.
    25 words
  • 498 24 Burnley's boys roar back to 2nd T ONOON. Sat— BurnLd ley's bubbling youngsters roved back into second place In the English Football League Div One title race today as leaders Leeds United surprisingly dropped a home point against struggling Stoke City Stoke, trailing to a first half Leeds goal by
    Reuter  -  498 words
  • 171 24 /GREATER Public VI Schools Old BOji Rugby Club from Brisbane rallied strongly in the second half to beat Singapore Cricket Club 12-S In their rugby match at the padang yesterday. The tourists, who lost 27-17 to a SRU XV on Thursday, scored a goal and
    171 words
  • 58 24 P RAOHAVAH (ML. Laron. To* I'iron, uml «w«r ptanrully t 10 T3 Invin b. klsd wlf«. aona VMM Balan. •mi, Anaadaa. Aaoku. eauanm rww, Oartae* uavas OROH 7/10 71 > pa tar BUI tin Crematorium KUMAMI (SUNOKAWALI) ■a am a»r flO 7j cori... Block 70. liO Dawaoa lUM. apor«
    58 words
  • 168 24 ANALIE WINS AND SETS NEW MARK CYDNEY, Sa.t ChajnJ (tea stiver Anallc broke Urn ailiawiaij r»eord for asana Ist Australia wbea aha wm the *WH» Crmrea Plate at Kaadwich racaeafaa hen Wday. Starting aot fava*rlte at (-4 an. Analie, rMden by Kerln Langbj, won the IN race by a length
    168 words
  • 358 24 SEAP MEDALLIST LOCK IS ONLY RECORD MAKER LOCK Hong Kuan, the Asian Age group silver medallist, set the only record In the Chinese Swimming Club meet whep he won the 2(iotr. br c a ststroke l:i 2:47.2 at Amber Road yesterday, reports JOE DORAI. Lock won untroubled from Phoon Kum
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 220 24 National VTR/CCTV bringing the future closer Video Tape Recording Systems or Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) requires the utmost in engineering technique. It is a precise science that calls for creativity, precision, rigid quality control and exactness. National has a history of offering just these things. National has been a leader
      220 words
    • 449 24 You cannot buy love but you can purchase protection for your child [while at school w^l and at play) for as little as jr Under our Studerils Pertonal Accident Policy Scheme, tor an annual of SlO only, plus 50* Stamp Outy. your child it fully protected against iniury o>
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