The Straits Times, 5 October 1973

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 20 1 TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 250,000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1973 20 CENTS MX. (P) 28/73
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  • 850 1  - BIGGEST PLUS FACTOR Lee CHIA POTEIK Political climate and rapid growth in S-E Asia TEXT OF THE PNTs SPEECH: PAGE 10 by By MR. LEE KUAN YEW yesterday told a packed gathering of top executives and officials from various parts of the world that the political climate in South-east Asia
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  • 11 1 THERE were 100 road accident*, one aertout. on Wednesday.
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  • 264 1  -  GERALD PEREIRA By THK Ministry of Labour yesterday posted notices of wage claims by 21 employees of four of Vashi's department stores on the front door flat of its managing director, Mr. Vashi C. Mahtani, 40, at Emerald Mansions, off Orchard Road. The claims,
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  • 73 1 MASS HYSTERIA AT FACTORY girls were stricken by mass hysteria at the Pon Pon Food Manufacturing (Pte.) Ltd. In Little Road, off Upper Paya Lebar, yesterday. he management declined comment. [owever, It wa» learned late last night that the company closed for the day, Immediately aftei the girls were taken
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  • 52 1 WASHINGTON. Thun President Nixon tod*; urged □tjiuueaa to m%ore moea> favound nation treatment [or the BoTtot Union In trade reform lefUatlon that la expected to reach the House lext week The Bill U 'clearly lntdaquate" without that pn>rtalon. he safcl UPI. (Be* rue 1) 21
    UPI  -  52 words
  • 289 1 LONDON, Thun. An opinion poll, published only hours after Opposition leader Harold Wilson pledged no coalition with the minority liberals, today put both his Labour Party and the Liberals ahead of the Conservative Government. The poll, published In the London Time* and the Guardian, credited the
    Reuter  -  289 words
  • 326 1 UPROAR AFTER SOVIET-CHILEAN CLASH AT UN ASSEMBLY UNITED NATIONS, Thursday CHUVING and shouting diplomats screamed "fool" and "liar" at each other across the General Assembly podium yesterday after the Soviet bloc made an appeal against the execution of a communist leader by Chile's
    UPI  -  326 words
  • 66 1 SAO PAULO. (Brasll). Thun. A 14-year-old boy arrested here ha* confessed to two murders, four attempted murders and 151 armed robberies all committed within a year The boy confessed ba had attacked lover*, taxis, petrol station* and shot down a rtv»l In cold blood as wall
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 24 1 TZHZRAN, Thun. Any firing squad* have executed five men for trafficking In snuggled opium and heroin, a Government .pnfc«— announced yesterday. AP.
    AP  -  24 words
  • 434 1 BEIRUT, Thursday PALESTINIAN guerillas have threatened terror attacks against Soviet embassies unless the Kremlin bans Jewish emigration to Israel, according to a Beirut newspaper. The Soviet Union has never been a guerilla target before. The An Nahar said i today the Eagles of the Palestine Revolution
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  434 words
  • 27 1 JOHANNISBURO. Thun. A policeman died In hospital hart after «*^^"nt ban•elf In the head while playIng Russian roulette with a group of friend* Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 39 1 TRAFFIC came to a crawl (or more than three noun •long busy Paya Lebar, Upper Paya Lebar. Mountbattcn and Old Airport Road* last night a* natdent* In Pay* Lebar area oelebrated the ninth moon featlvaJ with procession*.
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  • 30 1 BOSTON. Thun. Bernardo Bartoljcd'i "Last Tango In Part*" was named the wont movie of the year yeaterdr> by the Harvard Unlvenlty Lampoon, a humour m fta~f n AP
    AP  -  30 words
    • 61 1 NEW YORK. Than. Stock prices failed to respond immediately to Government reports of a break in the Inflation trend and were mixed In active trading today on the New fork Stock Exchange. The Dow Jones Industrial average was off 2.91 at shortly before 11 a.m. There ware
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    • 41 1 WASHINGTON. Than. State Department officials today labelled as "wild speculation" reports that the main purpose of Dr. Kissiniei's trip to Feking later this month Is to pave the way for fall diplomatic relations between China and the t'nited State*. AP.
      AP  -  41 words
    • 27 1 UNITED NATIONS, Than. African state* today succeeded in suspending the meeting of the General Assembly and thus prevented the South African Foreign Minister from speaking. t'FI.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 100 1 See our Exclusive Range of EXQUISITE JEWELLERY aroterul-r hond finished by MastarcrcrHmen from Sri lonko Visit us before you make your next purchase and compare our prices and quality. G.C.DE SUVA BROS. MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS, 3 RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE 1. I TELEPHONE: *****/*****. (The Oldest and Trusted Jewellers in Raffles Place).
      100 words
    • 69 1 workers"' WARNED OF TOUTS PAGE 4 NIXON t rts new trade powers i OPEN UP land for housing call to S OVERBEAB training for disabled urged COLOUR TV equipment under study 9 HON'S IS pc target can be achieved, say traders 15 WORLD NEWS 2, 3 CROSSWORD S ACROBB
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    • 94 1 KING'S Jag!* SAFETY fJMM SHOES OIL- no. 703 RESISTANT 122. DAKOTA CRESCENT. BLOCK 36, OLD KALLANG ESTATE. SINGAPORE 14. TEL. *****1. *****2. 3E][aE3t3E]Ss]l3E]SEl[a3l3E][3e] 01 Tour needs... i that's our 1 business, g @j From the usual banking services to helping you with your E{ personal loans business loans business transactions
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  • World News
    • 390 2 WASHINGTON, Thurs, PRESIDENT Nixon yesterday supported Vice-President Spiro Agnew's expressed determination not to resign if indicted on corruption charges. Mr. Nixon, however, gave strong backing to Assistant Attorney-General Henry Petersen, whom Mr. Agnew has accused of leaking Information to the
      Reuter  -  390 words
    • 173 2 ROOSEVELT DENIES MURDER PLOT TIE-UP WASHINGTON, Thurs.— Mr. Elliott Roosevelt, son of the late President Roosevelt, has denied before a Senate sub-committee that he was Involved in any plot U> assassinate the Prime MlniiVr of the Bahamas. Mr. Roosevelt, describing himself as a "very sad person," told the Subcommittee on
      Reuter  -  173 words
    • 67 2 BMJPAOT. Thur*. The Brttlah army sayi It aa» put 38 children, all believed to be under IS yean of age. on it* dangerous list of euapected trrroruu Two of the children «ere reported to be nine yean old. The army said many of the children
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    • 41 2 MONTREAL. Thur* RHing wu.da blew away a waiat-hlgh blanket of deadly blue fog -which ipewed from a natural gaa well in New Norway. Alberta, and by last night most of the 6.000 people evacuated had returned home Reuter.
      Reuter  -  41 words
    • 55 2 TOKYO. Thun. Delegates from IT countries to the fourth Asian Labour Ministers' Conference yesterday agreed to co-operate In fighting poverty, unemployment and underemployment In Asia. A Joint communique Issued after a three-day conierence •aid: Conference participant* aauxnrledged that poverty, unemployment and underemployment are among the most serious
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    • 104 2 ST. JOHN (New Branswtek), Thars. Paper w «*ker» began to return to their Jobs early today a 2«-day newsprint strike was settled, a spokesman for the union "■J* The stoppage ended when the second of two union branches) approved in #t M, offer mill, MacMllUn
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    • 274 2 Japan is vulnerable to oil producers' requests: Aichi r»KYO. Thurs. Finance Minister Kllchl Alchl said today Japan Is "vulnerable" to requests from oil producing countries that It pay for petroleum In yen rather than In dollars. However, he expressed doubt that the yen was strong enough to be used as
      UPI  -  274 words
    • 120 2 Call for freer rates in gold PARIS, Thurs. FlnI ance Minister Discard d'Estalng has called for a meeting of European countries to discuss dealing In gold at near the free market rate. Under the present system, central banks deal In gold among themselves at a fixed price well below the
      Reuter  -  120 words
    • 58 2 PARTS. Thun. Presidents Leone of Italy and Pompidou of Pranc* have agreed Uncommon Market countries should overcome an apparent drift away from Europe by the ÜB. This emerged after the two Isaawi completed two days of talk* yesterday with an enlarged session when they ware
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    • 235 2 JAPAN plans to conclude a commercial air treaty with China during Foreign Minister Masayoshl Ofalra's visit to Peking next month a Tokyo iaUy said today. The Yomiurl Sfaimbun said the delay for the signing of the air accord that would replace itaillar agreement that
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    • 151 2 End all nuclear testing says Australia UNITED NATIONS, Thurs.— Australia yesterday called for an end to all nuclear t^*ti"g and expressed regret that China and France were still conducting such tests. Sen. Don WUlesee, leader of the Australian delegation to the UN General Assembly, told the assembly In Its general
      AP  -  151 words
    • 143 2 Call in assembly to Mrs. Banda to quit poLOMBO. Thurs. v The Sri Lanka parliamentary opposition yesterday accused the leftwlng Government of Prime Minister arlmavo Bandaranalke of bringing the country Into, a perilous situation and called on It to resign. •In a motion of noconfidence tabled In the National Assembly,
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    • 200 2 Human torch murder of woman noerroN. Thun. A D 24 year old social worker died yesterday In Boston city hospital a few hours after six youths forced her to douse herself In petrol and then tossed a match on her clothing. Police, who appealed for witnesses of the "human torch"
      AP  -  200 words
    • 295 2 BALTIMORE, Tburs. Lawyers for Vice-President Spiro Arnrw have won a court order which allows them to question Justice Department officiate and perhaps newsmen as well about leak* In the Investigation Involving Mr. Agnew. The order was Issued last night by JadgA
      Reuter  -  295 words
    • Briefs
      • 39 3 DALLAS: Former Attor-ney-General John N. Mitchell has testified the Justice Department prepared a list of persona Implicated In the Texas stock fraud scandal, and thr list Included the Governor, the Lieut. Governor and the Speaker of the Texas House.
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      • 32 3 BOSTON. Sen. Edward Kennedy has sharply criticised the Nixon Administration (or an economic policy which he said "condemns millions of American men and women workins full-time to receive leu than poverty wages."
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      • 2 3 Peace quest
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      • 26 3 SEOIL: President Park Chnng-Hee said today South Korea would continue to seek productive talks with North Korea to help towards peaceful reunification of thr divided land.
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      • 29 3 BEIRUT: Egypt and Syria have requested North Vietnamese experts to train their military personnel on the handling of Soviet-made surface-to-air Sam missiles, the Beirut newspaper An Nahar said today.
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      • 36 3 WASHINGTON: A majority of Americans feel President Nixon should be Impeached if he refuses a supreme court order to surrender White House tape recordings of his conversations on the Watergate case, the Harris poll said today.
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      • 14 3 NEW DELHI. India will repatriate another 5.000 Pakistani war prisoners over the next month.
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      • 20 3 UNITED NATIONS: Israel has proposed a Middle East settlement modelled on the ever-closer ties of the nations of Western Europe.
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      • 1 3 Walkout
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      • 31 3 UNITED NATIONB: The General Assembly today faced the prospect of Its second massive walknut In as many days a. South African Foreign Minister Hllgard Muller prepared to address the 135-nation body.
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      • 35 3 SAN JOSE. 'Costa Rica): President Jose Figueres has withdrawn a threat to declare a state ol emergency in Costa ftica. following talks l.ivt nitht with labour leaders who had earlier threatened a wave of strike*.
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      • 22 3 TOKYO: Britain Is making a major bid to sell more aircraft to Japan Id the fourth Japanese International aerospace Show opening tomorrow.
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      • 25 3 CAIRO: Libya has revived a 1.400-yrar-old Islamic law under which adulterers will be lashed or atonril to death, the Revolutionary Command Council announced today. Agencies.
        Agencies  -  25 words
    • 227 3 World agency's food aid halved as prices rocket K World Food Programme's aid resources have been cut by almost half because of rocketIng cereal prices, Its executive director, Dr. Francisco Aquino, said here yesterday. The sharply rising cereal prices had forced him to scrap projects, he said. "In recent weeks,
      Reuter  -  227 words
    • 50 3 PARIS. Thurs.-The VlHconf today walked out of the weekly negotiations It has been holding near here with Saigon on a political settlement for South Vietnam. The talks, provided for by the Vietnam ceasefire accords signed hen) In January, have shown no signs of making progress. Reut*r
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 95 3 SEOUL, Thurs. The Asian Parliamentarians Union (API) held committee meeting". In Seoul today to discuss 18 prearranged draft resolutions affecting nine participating member countries. Results of the discussions of the four committees political, economic, cultural and transport communica- tions will be
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    • 407 3 Nixon gets new trade powers WASHINGTON, Thursday Free hand for President at world talks PRESIDENT Nixon won key Congres sional committee approval today o a Bill giving him sweeping new powers in trade negotiations, but lost an at tempt to give the Soviet Union lower tariff rates. By a vote
      Reuter; AP  -  407 words
    • 54 3 ROME. Thurs. French film actor Pierre ClemenU. who spent 17 months In a Rome Jail on a drugs conviction, has been declared not guilty by the Italian Supreme Court. Clement! was released last December when an appeul court overturned a lower court decision which lound him guilty
      Reuter  -  54 words
    • 197 3 Military budget cut plan: Just words says China ffONOKONO. Thurs. II China said today a Soviet proposal that permanent member countries r.f the UN Security Council cut their military spending by 10 per cent to provide more aid for developing countries was a propaganda attempt to Infiltrate the Third World.
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    • 139 3 NEW DELHI. Thurs Rajasthan state police said today they have tracked down a gang of killers which hacked to death 40 people, mostly saffron-robed Hindu monks, in the past eight I months. An official In the state capital of Jaipur said Police nabbed eight members
      UPI  -  139 words
    • 190 3 mEHERAN, Thurs. 1 The Government has closed down the BBC (■T\ce here and expelled correspondent John David Blerraan on charges of "false reporting and abusing Iranian reforms," a Government spokesman said. Officials said today that one reason fr.r the closure was the
      AP  -  190 words
    • 27 3 Jakarta. Thurs. Tht late PissKtoiit Sukarno's first wife. Faunawau. M. win soon have an operation to avoid going- blind, hsr son, Ountur, said lodaj Reuter.
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 73 3 NEW YORK. Thurs. 08 Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger. who will visit Peking from Oct. 26 to 29, gave a private dinner last night for Chiao Kuanhua (above) Deputy Foreign Minister of China. Dr. Kissinger ftcw to New York after President Nixon announced at
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    • 160 3 Tanaka begins talks with Brandt nONN, Thurs. JapJD anese Prime Minister Kakuel Tanaka and West German Chancellor Willy Brandt began an Intensive round of talks on major world Issues today. The discussions in the Chancellor's Rhine-side office were expected to centre on economic, monetary and trade problems. Last night Mr.
      Reuter  -  160 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 263 2 Exciting new model in ford Escort range! Ford Escort HOpL Fordor Ford Escort 1100 Tudor I Price range Escort rangr of fine cars has always With Mylar insert windshield offered great value. Now the 1 100 L Fordor is Open front quarter vents. Ford Escort 1 100 Tudor 7,392 even
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 627 3 NEWPULLWORKER WITH POWERMETER packs your body with v^ N solid muscle in only 5 minutes a day (IB mum KSMJS WUUNTrB M MRT I WEBS-N fMI MKHYMCW and measure your muscle increases link as six months! instantly! Your mirror and tape measure *ill Resd these /acts: no V°u lhel smszing
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  • 159 4 rpHE two-way trade be--1 tween Singapore and South Korea Is expected to double to about $130 million by the end of this year, Mr. Lee Yohn Kyu, director of the Korea Trade Centre here, said yesterday. He said the two-way trade in the
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  • 48 4 TWO men were fined t2S each yesterday for disturbing the public peace by fighting at the Junction of South Bridge Road and Temple Street on Wednesday. They were Veerailngam Rarrmllngam 59. and MaJlamanl Sundratamy, IS, who had a previous conviction. Both pleaded guilty.
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  • 169 4 No court order over fire-walk rights rE High Court yesterday dtimlwxi the application of a group of Hindu devotees for an order to compel the ■in d Endowment Board to submit to arbitration their dispute over the right to conduct the annual firewalking and related religious ceremonies In the Sri
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  • 19 4 THE Slglap Women* Association will organise a Tun Sum course at the Slglap community cert re from to-
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  • 363 4 Workers warned of 'f ast buck' touts. THE NTUC has warned workers to be on guard against touts who pushed goods on them on behalf of certain firms. In a statement yesterday It said workers should not fall prey to such sales gimmicks which only benefited touts out to make
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  • 112 4 NATIONAL POLICE CADET CORPS DRILL MEET TEN top National Police Cadet Corps units will meet for the final round of the annual drill competition at the Police Academy, Thomson Road at 9 a.m. tomorrow. Five boy units will vie for the Kwan Sal Kheong trophy while the girl units compete
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  • 71 4 LAWYER Mr. Le« Kirn Yew has been elected president of the Singapore Island Country Cub Other officials are: Mr. Cheong Thlam Slew and Dr. Robert c. K Loh (vlcc-pre-UdenUi; Prof. Chew Beng Keng (captain l. Mr Cheong Wing and Mr. H Knags vice-captalru Mr. Steven Tan (treasurer):
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  • 52 4 DR. Aw Bwee Kng u( the University of Singapore will speak on the Or'tln of Life at the annual lecture of the Fellowship of Evangelical Students at the Cultural Centre at 8 p.m today. Or. Aw Is a eenlur lecturer in biochemistry In the Faculty
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  • 29 4 TAN Kok Kbonc. 46, was fined |10 yesterday for being drunk and Incapable at a block of flats fh Toa Payoh on Wednesday night Be pleaded guilty.
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  • 109 4 fiNG Ah Hye, was U placed on five yean preventive detention jresterda* on two counts of housebreakiax tnrolvluc 11.165 in cash and valuables. He broke Into the flat of Madam Yap Chai Motj. 54. In Henderson Crescent off Alexandra Road on Jane 4 between II ajn.
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  • 112 4 ASIAN BEAUTIES IN TOKYO AB EV T of beauties from five Asian countries pose for the camera In their national c o s tume*. outside the Imperial Falace in Tokyo on Wednesday. They are (from left) Miss Chin tana Techamaneevat T ba 1 land). Miss Doris Ong Gek Swee (Singapore),
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  • 32 4 MOHAMED Dawtre bin Darhan 23. yesterday denied taking an MX pill In Colombo Court on Sept. S He will t>e tried on Oct. 12. Ball of $1,000 we*, offered
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  • 465 4  -  T.F. HWANG By THREE appeal Judges yesterday unanimously reversed an appeal judgment uy the High Court and restored with costs a 1971 order of a subordinate court in a $1,400 civil claim over an 11 -year-old car. Eastern Supply Co., secondhand car
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 172 4 All^UUU^^Dt' BUuir When you buy a KOK pare guaranteed service ft quality We give you the largest range and choice* ®520 main dealers for after sales service. I KDK))fl!!T§B^wto^make fans. WHEN IT COMES TO SELECTING A FINE AND SUPERIOR BRANDT, THERE IS ONLY ONE ASBAGH URALT. i a^taflgauuuuV Bottled Old
      172 words
    • 237 4 VNlhat would you Pocket Instamatic Camera right now? ILuuV ■auk. S^^Kuf >>Auuuur ■fw^gr^LVawfl MX 1 *>■». I alu 4lin& ML! k -1 WauEA- Jtgauul Some good things happen hist V?"*" D fil LK 0 voo smhmw, b. a 3% | r— 4Vi inch 3R KODACOLOR Pnnß OTICC In a llTVnme.
      237 words

  • 136 5 Pay rises for 220 Hotel Merlin employees SOME 220 employees of Hotel Merlin In Beach Road will tret wage Increases ranging from $30 to $70 a month. This follows a new collective agreement signed between the management and the Pood. Drinks and Allied Workers Union on Tuesday. Under the agreement,
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  • 59 5 RADIO Singapore will broadcast at 7.10 pm. today the speech made by the Prime Mlnls"*r, Mr. Lee Kuan Tew. at the close of the Conference of Business Opportunities In the Pacific Basin, at Shangri-La Hotel yesterday. The programme. International Affairs, originally scheduled for broadcast at 7.15
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  • 522 5  -  Losllo Fong By LOCAL property developer, Mr. Ho K o k Cheong, has urged the Government to open up large tracts of State land for "massive" housing schemes by the private sector. These tracts, he says, are utlll unscheduled or iioned agricultural under
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  • 172 5 THE NTLC Welcome Consumers Co-opera-tive supermarket at Toa Payoh has made arrangements with the Primary Industries Knterplse (Pit.) Ltd. to •ell local nth at "much cheaper prices" Announcing this yesterday. Welcome's publicity chief. Mr. K. T. Samuel, said retailing would begin, this
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  • 94 5 Dying woman, 72, found wandering in Chinatown DOUCE are looking for I relatives or friends of a 72-year-old Chinese woman who died In Thomson Hospital on Wednesday at 4.15 pm. The woman was found wandering wound Chinatown by police on Monday. She had no Identification papers. She was sent to
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  • 69 5 4 long-haired youths rob a boy A 17- YEAR-OLD boy. Low Pong Sal was robbed of $180 by four longhaired youths at Kramat Road, off Orchard Road at 3 am yesterday. I Low told police that he I was walking along the road when the youths confronted I him. One
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  • 75 5 A SPOKESMAN tor the Indonesian Embassy ■aid yesterday that the purpose of next week's Indonesian cultural show Is to foster goodwill between Indonesia and Singapore and not Just between Indonesia and the diplomatic corps as lm- piled In the Straits Times report on Wednesday. Top Indonesian fashion
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 113 5 You can see them growing taller everyday with JUniVITE Junivite is the vitamin syrup specially formulated for children, with the fi^^a i Essential Vitamins in concentrated I^^^MaaQ^k orange juice. A^^2gso^ This is how the 6 Essential Vitamins I^^ in Junivite promoteyourchild's health: J^| t_^^^^^^^^ NICOTINAMIOE For healthy appetitr hH >^K^
      113 words
    • 417 5 W Another Salad Bowl 1 mm Restaurant 1 1 White Horse Innl nowopen I atthe n lli ['Cm DBS Building M mEMmSSSSk ££kv COOKING OH. IAMsooN a (2724,) 4.6S I^^^H^^ CHOCOLATE MIIK caiwatioh "h «45 s SKIMMED MUK maohmja K4s4t)* 1.40 CANNED PRINKS taiax 13 m **D 45 NOW OPEN
      417 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 235 5 Straits T' me sC ross w or d ACKOSS (7). 1 Stolen jltTtr found In kit- T Put on a pedesUl. by unlchen (I). venal aeekim (7>. i There's nothing In It! (t) I Ltea utd heartlee* calumt Think orer place date and ny produce raized comUnw (t). menta <10
      235 words

  • 339 6 DOTARI ANS were yesterday urged to consider extending their overseas student exchange programme to include suitable and capable disabled youths. Mr. Bon ChandranDudley, of the Singapore Association for the Blind made the suggestion at the Rotary Club (West) weekly luncheon at iJ.iangrl-L* Hotel and
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  • 40 6 rl four Chinese newspapers ln Singapore have Implemented their Joint decision to have only five holidays a year These five holidays are New Year's Day. Chinese New Year's Day, May Day. National Day and the day after.
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  • 24 6 TAN Tee Tee. I». was fine»lO yesterday for being dnink «nd Incapable In River Valley Road on Tuesday. He pleaded tu'lty
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  • 231 6 rCKET No. 22«4238 won the first prise of $400,000 ln the Singapore Sweep No. 10/73 held at Sens Poh Lane last niKht Second prise of $160 000 went to Ticket No. *****93 and the third prise of $75,000 to Ticket No. *****01. JACKPOT NUMBERS (SIMM): *****22
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  • 36 6 SUHAIMI bin All of Sennrtt Road was fined $60 yesterday lor riding motorcycle which emitted excessive smoke along Rochore Canal Road on June 37 last year at about 2 15 pjs. He pleaded guilty.
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  • 25 6 NEW Town Secondary School In Queentmy will donate $10,000 to 10 charity, organliatloiu at the achool> OnaimetwiaUon Day at 6 p m today.
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  • 233 6  - 60-yard dash and Spock gets his man K.S. SIOHU By A FLEET-FOOTED Hiegal immigrant met his match in Spock early yesterday morning when he was caught by the police dog after a 60-yard chase in darkness. rhe three-year-old Alsatian and Its handlrr Constable Tan Cheng S»i, 30, were assigned to
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  • 29 6 MR. RUNMF Shaw la-! night preaented the first Runme Bhaw International sheas master prtae of $6,000 o Tan LUn Ann, St. at a *mnony at Mandartn Hotel
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 192 6 1 1 Carpet Palace p |m Annual Sale of Supreme M '^L Persian Carpets Mm ff-^B Hb»»W. Don't miss this once-a-year opportunity i^^V K *><jl|^^^^^^^^ to buy a fine, handmade Persian carpet "^^^^^^^^BfK B^ at a special discount price. >j^/^M Supreme Persians, produced by master craftsmen in Iran, have risen
      192 words
    • 250 6 McALISTER FIRST IN FIRE PROTECTION *> _aa_fc__* M _^bf _B^ Mora than a J^^k century ago McAlistar h»'P»d to put ifl V }^m Singaoor* Today McAlistar ara still '■_[_[_r F<rat ln Flr# Protection. F Designing, manufacturlng, supplying and Installing all (he protection requirements THROUGHOUT SOUTH-EAST ASIA /JjSl Me A LISTER*
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 178 6 Brtnglnf Op y««*f» »y RUI K«vana»th <c HI C— up l/iLar ui*7V l** SAio "^~]tl M y B BISMT I L^}'"7~O~'l^^/ r MOW SHE CANT Wf MAX SME "N LovsliiT2L«v hwwq «-i tmi* cARPsr- j-rf \U iTKV doamvtmwo mJ auvtmns.' J ■londl. By ChU Young '-n/ okay. rSvT-vMMerW PB V
      178 words

    • 153 7 TPOH, Thurs. Five m. masked men, armed with parangs and screwdrivers, raided a house In Lahat Avenue here just before dawn today and escaped with cash and valuables amountIng to $759. An office-boy, Chow Chlng Hoong, 17, told the police that his
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    • 37 7 SUNGEI PATANI. Thurs. —Work has begun on a Simile road along the coast from Kuala Muda to Telok Ambol. It Is being built as a rural development project and will cost an estimated 1250 .000
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    • 31 7 TAIPEH. Thun. A Malaysian Airline System (MAS) jetliner took off from here today with a group of Nationalist Chinese Journalists on Its Inaugural night from Talpeh to Kuala Lumpur.
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    • 151 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Than. Three schoolboys suffered burns when a bunsen burner exploded whi\e they were carrying out an experiment In their school science laboratory In Jalan Maxwell here this afternoon. They are Jasblnder Singh, 17, Chow Choon Won and Annuar AUun Khan.
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    • 54 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Thousands of Jobs will be created when about 100 new industries start operations at the Ulu Klang free trade •one. Oeneral manager of the Selangor Development Corporation. Endk Tahlr bin Abdul Rahlm, said moat of the industries would manufacture electronic devices and
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    • 375 7  - Guild's price rise list for Govt CHEONG ME.I SUI By KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday pRICES of almost all daily necessities have gone up from ikan bilis to a cake of soap. The Items which showed drastic Increases Include coconut and groundnut oil, glutinous rice (pulut), dried chillies, Ikan bills, eggs and
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    • 41 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. —The 128 million by-paas channel project to prevent silting In Sydney Lake Ing Lake Garden.". Is expected to' be completed next August. Work on the project, being carried out by Dewan Bandaraya, began In May.
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    • 166 7 Votes to decide on action over CoL claim [f UALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The Airlines Unployees Union has sjued ballot papers to t.s 1,800 members to delde on the action to be aken on its cost of iving allowance claim or employees of MAS. The union is also lalming a 13th
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    • 68 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs The recent visit by a Malaysian delegation to the Scandinavian countries has generated "considerable interest within business and rr.edla circles there," according to Deputy Trade and Industry Minister, Endk Musa Hltam. E-ink Musa. who led the delegation on the t-xir added: "In termi of direct
      68 words
    • 45 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Work on the $3*0.000 National Spinal Centre In Jalan Cheras I* expected to begin next year. "It will hare facilities to treat 100 patients for a ■tart." the Dlnctor-Oeneral of Health, Tan Sri Dr. Abdul Majld Ismail, said today
      45 words
    • 245 7 Where the final answer lies to drug abuse IPOH, Thursday LAW enforcement and education alone cannot succeed In wiping out drug abuse, said director of the Central Narcotics Bureau, Haji Abu Bakar bin Fathil. v "The final answer Ues with the community, with parents." he said. Hajf Abu Bakar was
      245 words
    • 46 7 IFOR. Thura. M*de-ln-M*l»>tl» producte art beicmlng lncreulnfly popular In Jipen now becauae of the quality Improvement In the last few jean. This aoetament wu given oy Mr. M Shlrakaw*. the president of a leading Japanese trading company, the Shlnko Sangyo, her* today.
      46 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 303 7 THE GERMAN OPERA BALLET »»l.n I I NATIONAL THIATRE OCTOBER 9th 8.15pm I Sold out throughout Asia -BUT YOU I CAN STILL BUY BCT SEATS IN SINGAPORE *^J^^9t^^^^l The Gerron Opera Ballet Is G«rmony'» fineir ballat company. Ir li also morvllously flood B looking. In Singapore rhey will dance Coppelia
      303 words
    • 286 7 TexQS Instruments ElaosfDfiiß SahiJstaf s The world's leading manufacturer of solid-state electronic components now brings you the same precision and dedication to quality in electronic calculators. ssssT 9Bllfesssß>. /S ssssk \^B I gssT Hhjsw JH gs»»»»gH^g»»^^^^^^ \to c V^V^ g^m v-v \^V" r)Vr^ f M 9 Texas Instruments electronic Texasinstruments
      286 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 258 8 NOW SHOWING! *rj_--. w jr7.s"irvMVi? 0 n w*. I TICKETS AT »1. $2 -S3 FOR AU SHOWS AT THE OOEON THEATRE ON SAL- NOW ,j C*M Mikf Oair— Na Fraa Uat J r>HA»I MOT1: -wfc >a»t»a la ««a.i< Ta H.r«>aaa J I l| A M.II--1 Ot 4 Tlckat. ftalT- I)
      258 words
    • 220 8 I JF at the SI 1 __L <^^ J^ J__| J Louoa%ang '"^F FangCru V WITH PETE ARISTOREN/IS HIS ROYAL RnMADinNS AND 'THE LUCKY YEARS' OUR POP RAND *For Reservations. Phone: s344ll J I fit* Hotel Royal ramada! Newton Road. Singapore 11 I I Cables Hotekoval fetex ROyaLS RS *****
      220 words
    • 84 8 ___SfwM^_H IHR99H KONG CHIAN Now Sfcowin! 1.10, 3.30, 7.1 S, 9.30 p.ia. Na Fraa L,st Admrsiior Prices (3, $2. 11. BLOODIEST APACHE BATTLI IN HISTORY! X __4^ __^^v "^^^H___H^__ m LANCAfTER ULZANAI c«-- BBuct owison nouno jwckq. Lmj TECHNKMLOfI TOMORROW MIDNIGHT AT KONG CHIAN AND SUNDAY MORNING SHOW AT 11.00
      84 words
    • 350 8 i TOMORROW at MIDNIGHT SUNDAY MORNING SHOW at BOTH THEATRES fMPIROR FILM INTERNATIONAL PHLKNTS SUPU PRODUCTION WITH INTERNATIONAL TOP STARS ALEX LUNG (Hongkong) STEVE YU (Taiwan) YUKIO SOMENO (Japan) ft JENNY JONES (Hollywood. U.S.A.) Mandarin Cokxtcopa With Englith China** Subtitles Vm-\TTHKWB //i <X) the soul strring sound i^oftheBLACILMCKS! (f Put
      350 words
    • 407 8 24th DAY off record-shattering business and crowds AT THE CAPITOL Dim to film's tog*. Only 4 SHOWS daily Nott Timt*; 11, 2.30, 6.15, 9 IS— hto^fj* Llif _^____B __L h 4t__B__ ___^_L W^L^^ I ___l._____k-S^B» it^__ff'l_r^D_l-__^ ___NQ_______S-^____P^__L____-l^i i_____i-__^__l^__ii^^^^^^^^ __L_ ___^_H__-K-_# j 4f3-FB. iw i the Green Berets MHIW«ONO TtOa«7Xo«« «-m»-i
      407 words
    • 672 8 r l li y.--.-- T LAIT DAY! t N.I. Dm te tUm't laaaHi ONwY 4 tHOWI OAIIY Warn. LM, 4 IJ 1 lit. Jock Lammo-i, Juliet Mill* in o SILLY WILOCR f.lm "AVAMTir Color (UAI OPENS TOMORROrVI Gaoroa Saool, Suton Anacoch I tm La-a" coto. IWB 14tk lIC DAY— No
      672 words

  • 271 9  -  BAILYNE SUNG By Rl S is carrying oat assessment studies to choose equipment for its new colour TV studio. About $6 million Is to be spent on the equipment, which Includes teleclne. colour camera, and outside broadcast and lighting equipment. This follows a demonstration of
    271 words
  • 281 9  - Isabel le's alive, thanks to Mrs Sudoh SHEN SWEE YONG By ILTHERE mere words become inadequate, this, thin smile speaks volumes for the relief, gratification and quiet Joy which Mrs. HE. Sudoh feels about having helped restore life to a dying Alsatian. Without her compassion and determination and 8 1
    281 words
  • 34 9 SAMAT bin Sunrl, 33, m fined »SOO yterday for hiring 0 4 irugne of cammbt» In block of llaU In To* Payoh Ctntnl. *t about 10.16 pjn. on S^t. JO He pleaded
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 344 9 Sm Hd h»r tbt B ft 0 Hi-Fi Aidit Prtdiett at tkt DENMARK II SINGAPORE EXHIBITION' Singapore Conference Hall September 29th to 7th October, 1 973 r_4 N Beautiful |)Bang&Obfsen Hallmark of OsnMi OMsHty Bang ft Olufsen'i extraordinary imapnattve creation and combination ot the best from today's electronic industry have
      344 words
    • 344 9 CLEANSER FRESHLY si 95 I I VIM $1.00 GROUND P- 1 j ECONOMY «eh MINCED BEEF (4M a) I PEACHES $j 20 DOG FOOD 2 for HALVES/SLICES mtXi UJtt (411|) $JJS WATTIFS tin (822g) INSTANT COFFEE $4.80 DEODORANT 2 w MAXWELL HOUSE 6oz (170 BLOCK, PARRY'S 56 85^ adoic mire
      344 words

  • TheStraitsTimes
    • 524 10 MR LEE KUAN YEW presented a strong ITI case for South-east Asia yesterday. There is fortune to be found here by men of good Judgment and guts, he said. Mr. Lee spelled out the advantages the region offers to developed countries interested in investment and trade. South-east Asia
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    • 148 10 Where are these men? art write to you re- girding Americans who are missing In action and prisoners of war who are stUl unaccounted for in North Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. We have reasons to believe that some Americans are still being held prisoners and that your influence will bring
      148 words
    • 166 10 Those not so gentle men 1 REFER to the new health laws prohibiting hawkers from swearing, digging their noses, etc., on pain of losing their licences and their livelihood I think it hi rather unfair to slng'e ut hawkers while professional men —who are educated and therefore have less excuse
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    • 298 10 I WAS one of those who applied for the free trip on Singapore Airlines' jumbo jet on Sept 29 Unfortunately I was not among the 200 lucky one*. I wonder whether SIA would consider organising more such trips. I suggest that SIA could
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    • 134 10 COULD "*****M/E' (B.T. Sept. 25) please give his address and further Information to the undersigned (Tel. *****4) to facilitate Investigation Into his case. ii/E REFER to the letter TV by Flat Owner (ST., Sept 29). Post-war flat* In Ttong Bahru Estate were sold under the "Home Ownership for
      134 words
  • 1973 10 S-E Asia offers opportunities and fortunes to the enterprising 'More than fair' prospect for development FULL text of the speech by Hi* Prim* Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yaw, at the Financial Times conference on Business Opportunities 'in the Pacific Basin at Shangri-La Hotel yesterday. QUOTE 4 EVERY time 1 read
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 7 10 ollvetftl LOGOS 250 the electronic printing calculator
      7 words
    • 77 10 cintok Jpßße»t Iqqri Raja 4^*" 4 N^v cassandra\^^W^, kS^^^l^^^^^HH For rrte man on trw move "Chevalier" in f A y m W£ sl °«*y s»y«ing and two tone colour com- '^^^Vr —^^W 1 Zl binotion of brown. Comn in sizes 6-10 lv > HP*"*V| ijw]fl A k it! L» yJf
      77 words

  • Business Times
    • 234 11 Manila expects steady rise in mineral exports THE share of agriculture In the Philippines will decline next year as the mineral, industrial, commercial and services industries develop at a more rapid pace, according to the Filipino Finance Secretary. Mr. Cesar Virata. In an outline of the economic future of the
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    • 856 11  -  CHIA POTEIK By BRITAIN'S investD ments overseas are second only to the United States and there are more British forces in South-east Asia than any other power except the US. The British Undersecretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Mr.
      MOHO  -  856 words
    • 405 11 Good agency houses vital for all nations rE drputjr chairman of Inchcape yesterday re-affirmed the usefulness of the role plajed by the agency hnuM- and distribution sector in the national development of any country in a itrr enterprUc society. Mr. Alan J Wood, how ever, pointed out that the ground
      405 words
    • 230 11 rE flag of convenience Is In fact a flag of necessity, said Mr. C.Y. Tung of Island Navigation Corporation, who spoke on Shipping in the Pacific. "The construction of a fleet of big tankers, container-ships, natural gas carriers and bulkers require capital financing In the billions,"
      230 words
    • 402 11  -  TSAI TAN By rE mining industry in Soutn-east Asia could have grown more rppidly had Governments taken a mor-.- realistic attitude in attracting as much risk capital as required. Mr. J'jst M. Soriano, president and chairman of Atlas Consolidated Mining and Development Corporation of the
      402 words
    • 403 11 rP Australian company director. Sir Robert CrlchUin Br .vn yesterday described "Asian and Pacific regionalism" as the new approach In Australian foreign policy. "This is an orientation away trom London and Washington towards our Asian and Pacific neighbours." he told delegates at the conference. Sir Robert, Federal president
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    • 523 11  -  SOH TIANG KENG By SOUTH east Asia will be among China's most Important trading partners in the future Instead of an "explosive growth." China's foreign trade Is geared to a "gradual and deli-berately-timed" expansion. This was shown by Mr. Henry Keswlck. chairman of Jardlne Matheson
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 36 11 K|^ Open daily -12 noon- sp.m. j^Sj 7p.m.- la.m. P< FOURSE4SONS i 4 rt ZTT* Slr ts Tfidm 8 Bld S- Basement M iNA S^F 9 Bitterv Road, Singapore 1 TV Tel: *****1 (for bookings). "1
      36 words
    • 222 11 B^LJT-*^ Tim Sum for Champs? A I Stadium Restaurant wins ever yti me! So Quick So Easy •Swift Smooth Service •Easy Parking Facilities •Convenient Reach of the City -only 5 Minutes Drive •Open 7 Days a Week« Lush Pleasant Surroundings in Air-Conditioned Comfort We Specialise in Cantonese cuisine and Hong
      222 words

  • 921 12 LEADING departmental store operator, Metro HoldIngs, Is seeking a listing on the Stock Exchange of Singapore via an offer for sale of 3.77 million $1 shares at $2.10 per share. The object of the exercise which will bring paid-up capital to $1508 mllllon-ls twofold: To
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  • 751 12 OVERSEAS Union Trust, the finance company subsidiary of the Overseas Union Bank, is coming to market with an offer for sale of 2.5 million $1 Ordinary shares at $1.50 each. This new share Issue, underwritten by another Ol'B subsidiary. Overseas I'nion Bank Nominees, brings the total
    751 words
  • 348 12 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Malayan Credit Investment Private, a subsidiary of Malayan Credit, has announced that Its board consists of Messrs Chua Kunj Slew (chairman), Chua Tens Slew, Chua Foe? Slew, Lee Kirn Yew, Abdul Manaf Ghows and P. L. Chan (secretary). The announcement says "the authorised capital of Malayan Credit
    348 words
  • 442 12 IMPERIAL Chemicals Industries announces group profit before tax lor the first-half of 1573 of £137 million against £M million previously. An Interim dividend of S.Mp, equivalent to 7 2p (Cap), Is to be Jald. Figures exclude Carringion Vlyella. The ICI board said the record group profits In first
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 398 12 The finest pen youil ever hold Parker 75 in sterling silver Avaiabk' n *<s vvrth m <*> PARKER Suit PAftKIR CHSTItIMjTOftS VJNGAfOW KUALA IIMFUft PtNANG STIHL 090G MBS* This is oui powerful, heavy-duty gear I 511 ML I drive production taw for the largest timber. The 2:1 gear utio doubles
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    • 113 12 12 DAYS IN DELHI AND KASHMIR for only 551. 600 per adult ($l,OOO par child below 12 years) Weekly departures on Mondays, Tuesdays Thursdays from Auo ,t 2nd November 15. 1973. Tour price includes o Economy-class return airpassage o First-dass hotel accommodation with breaktast in Delhi based on 2 persons
      113 words
    • 327 12 senn-sound car stereo players Our cassettes range I■ r^Ti h kciooo G>r«tt traAng Sn ir«n Ounnrt SetecKK With Aotn Omen* P>. -«oi f nqmt-td Playback Haad Poww Output 10V. ESSEN 4104 '■tssJ^^H IndasM stereo cassette player Blaupunfct sire Automatic reverse Fast forward and rewind Eiect With installation kit Total 10
      327 words

      • 76 13 H. Gtlf. $9 00 +.40 Srtron $5 30 .20 S.M. Ind $1.91 +.16 (.entitle $4.94 +.14 M. Tile $1.41 +.11 G. Perak (0.84 +.10 Mil $7 80 +.10 8. Trad. $8.90 +.10 M. Rice $0.75 +.08 G. Ceramics $150 +.08 SbantTi-La $4 18 +.06 T. Veneer $1.22 +.07 C.
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      • 16 13 Malayan Credit Imperial Warlmau total Turnover I-otal Value 315,000 300.000 228.000 3.44M S8.2M
        16 words
      • 38 13 Industrials: 33t.ll HoteU: 231.71 Properties: JW.4S Tins: U<» lilt! rubber.: M4.M Mi3 O.CJ.C: 324.SS K3.7! Dec M, ltM 1M 1 Dm. II. ltM It* t Dm. Xt, IMt s >M t Jsa. 1. It7t It*
        38 words
    • 1784 13 rpHE last transacted sale at 1 the close of business In me Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with previous days prices together with 1973 high And low. ('Adjusted for all new CLOSING TONE: Industrials and hotels were steady while the re*t easy with commodities neglected. TURNOVER: Official
      1,784 words
    • 323 13 LOWEB priced stocks were again the centre of attention at the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. Operators showed little Interest in heavyweights. Business was generally thin and price movements in these were marginal. This drifting pattern of the market showed the uncertainty of in- vestors over the
      323 words
    • 1561 13 t> ID and offer prices officially listed and business in and leported to the Stock Exchange of Slngapoie yesterday with the nuoioer of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1,000 unli* unless otherwise specified. I Mi I si RIALS Acma (3 348 (li 3.36. A.
      1,561 words
    • 1449 13 DID and offer price* offl- cully luted and business in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of chares traded shown In bracket* in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Acma (3.208 3506). A. Tape i USB 1.788) (3) 75. (S)
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    • 292 13 A quiet day for blue chips in KL IT was a quiet day for blue chips yesterday at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange. Interest In them was minimal, as were price moves. The result was that the New ST Industrial lndei was only 0.62- point higher at the end ot
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      • 32 13 Rubber: Oct. 4. Sin gap -re 161 66 cU (down 2.75 cts). Malaysia 156 75 cts (down 2.25 etsi. Tin: $697.87J (ud $4.87,). Official offering 221 tons (up 9 tons).
        32 words
      • 97 13 QMINIII mODUCI IX CLOSING PRICK PIN PICUL YUTMOAY. Ceeenut OH: bulk (11 setlera. drum SIS caller*. Gepra: Mixed (loose) UK/ Com (471 B. »IMII Munlok ASTA white fob 100% NLW (2371 aellera. Sarawak white fob. raw |247( aellera. Sirawak epectal black fob M% NL.W 1148 •alien Sarawak ASTA
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      • 30 13 THE Malaysian Palm Oil Producers Association (MPOPA) yesterday announced the following UK/CIF prices for Malaysian Palm Oil: Feb. £181. Mar. £173. Apr/ June £171, and Jul Dee £160.
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      • 245 13 THE Straits Un price In A Penang yesterday continued Its upward trend with another gain or $4.87% to «e5/.87V, on an official offering up nine tons to 221 tons. The local market reflected the firmness of the overnight London metal price where forward buyers cnalked up £13
        245 words
    • 157 13 A SIAN currency deposit rates at at close on lliurulav. Oct. 4: Source: P. Mumy-Jones International. IS Dollira Otttr Bid 7 days 11 10-3 4 1 mih 10-3 4 10-1 4 2 mlht 10-5 t 10-1 2 3 mtht 10-5 10-1 2 a mltu 10-1 4 10-1
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    • 431 13 OPENING quotations in the Singapore rubber market yesterday were lower on disappointing London advices after which the market drifted further on long liquidation. Conditions were rather quiet although turnover was fair. The afternoon stsslon was quiet and featureless. The market closed very quiet with October RSS One buyers
      431 words
    • 89 13 DAILY SMR prices issued at noon yesterday: Oct. Not. M I. I I H Bu. r Seller* Cenli per kg. iUR SCV (1-ton pallet) 15*50 157 808 3MR »L (1-ton pallet) 158.00 157 OON 3MR 6 (1-ton pallet) 150 60 152 50N 3MR 10 (1-ton pallet) 142 50
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    • 211 13 AUGUST rubber produ ctlon by estates of the following companies are: Kilograms Austral Enterprises 36.559 Ayer Molek 59.770 Buklt Katll 41.937 Castleneld (Klang) 228.159 Ed»n.«or 78.473 Olengowrle 58.060 Golden Hope 1.294.612 Molyrood 93.440 Hongkong [Selangor) 27.216 Inch Kenneth (Kajang) 142.883 Jeram Kuantan 84.823 KUllnghall 30.164 Klnta Kellas 243.581
      211 words
    • 83 13 I*he American dollar lest further ground amid -ontinued tight money condition* In the. Singapore fore* market yesterday. Dealers were again forced to switch out of their US. dollar currency position Into Singapore dollar* and by noon the rate was marked down to »2 3400 12 3410 aaainit the
      83 words
    • 140 13 THE following arc the nominal average closing Interbank rates In Singapore: Note The* rate* may differ slightly from those quoted by banks to their customers. «iw<«d y«t«rda> lirii) *»rtty rhlH|« J8 dollar Itcrllng pound longkong dollar Malaysian dollar Sel frmnc (com) Danish kroner ft franc (com) Italian lire
      140 words
      • 202 13 TOKYO, Ttiur*. Price* 1 on the Tokyo »tock market opened nnn but closed lower today. Ttie firmer opening wa» on account of news ol an advance In Wall Street Some non-ferrous metal, shipping and sugars were bought. Light electrical* were also rising under the lead of Sony. However, denomlnatlonn..*led
        202 words
      • 102 13 ZURICH. Wed. The market maintained Its strength at the opening and prices climbed as demand for Swiss shares continued The market closed firmer. Bonds maintained their overnight levels. Cloainn weee in Swtae (ranea with th« dlßerence on the pre- M.K. a pr.«~: r Credit SUM* M»S 40 •VIM Bank
        102 words
      • 367 13 MELBOURNE. Thura— Prices continued 10 drop across the boards In dull trading on the M»l--oourne Slock Exchange 10--day Fall* outnumbered rises in both the Industrial and mining and oils sectors by just over two to one. BHP closed the day dew:. at A 67 12 alter having touched 67
        367 words
      • 291 13 fUEW YORK. Wed Sporadic profit-taking and adverse corporate news nent Individual Issues sharply lower but on balance the market scored a moderate gain on heavy turnover. Pbr the most part, analysts observed that the market's advance continued to feed on carryover momentum of the last 2' i weeks
        291 words
      • 91 13 FINANCIAL TIMES TINS Wednesday 93 35 Tuesday 9346 Week ago 9145 Xl HHHtWednesday 446.63 Tuesday ***** Week ago 446 04 OILS Wednesday ***** Tuesday 363.04 Week ago 269.66 INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 434 4 Tuesday 437.6 Week ago 436.3 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 964.56 Tuesday 666.60 Week ago 949 50
        91 words
      • 47 13 UM DM Ulbourn. .11 «77 «6 10 Anton »1S rTTS telrat **.W> MOO IOBIkOD* 100 «O 100 7J luncn »«7»B »7 008 M 75S MHO! •.ni 102 U 101 n Export prlna in non-starUm mi 'a U a dollars i»r onset II) Aiutimllu aalUri par
        47 words
      • 44 13 lane** esasvr pneaa aa Wa«Midir ipravtwaa M brackau). Winter S**t bcr.r SO irmooi »utr isssm Tan* avaia* burn' US* at ,(7«7 00i aallar 17*0 00 <ITM*»I. v M ami ALL markets in llonfkoni were closed yesterday for the Chunc Yueng festival.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 657 14 RBO. U.S.PAT .OPF. DU PONT FAR EAST INC. A leading international chemical company invites applications from Malaysian Citizens to fill the following vacancies for its new company in Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia: I RECEPTIONIST (FEMALE) Should have a minimum uf Senior Cambridge with credit in tnglish and be able to converse
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    • 600 14 GENERAL EDUCATION TEACHERS Required By INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DOARD to teach English, Mathematics anu/or Physical Science with a technical bias at the vocational institutes and the Singapore Technical Institute. AND to undertake extra-curricular activities. QUALIFICATIONS Recognised teaching qualifications with passes in the General Paper and Physics or Mathematics at Principal level.
      600 words
    • 668 14 a^T taVltM nacefnent Advisory Services m [CtQfl for Clients GROUP MANAGER SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES Our client it major and well established Company operating in Singapore and Malaysia and having a number of subsidiaries in various fields. They require an experienced and mature man who will assume responsibility for the management of
      668 words
    • 666 14 CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER BRUNEI SHELL PETROLEUM COMPANY LIMITED have a vacancy for a qualified Construction Engineer for major onshore construction projects in N.W. Borneo. The successful candidate will probably be initially involved in the construction of a new oil terminal and marine jetty complex. Qualifications: aged between 25 and 40 a
      666 words
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  • 286 15 mHERE ha* been a 1 marked decrease In the number of serious injuries In motorcycle accidents after the implementation of the compulsory wearing of crash helmets ruling. Tne 1972 annual report of the Registry of Vehicles showed that fatal accidents were reduced by
    286 words
  • 313 15 A CHANCE dis- covery by a fashion designer four years ago has swept these three Japanese models up the catwalk and away from less exciting world of typewriters and shorthand pads. Hituml Kohizuml. U (left)). Us* Akikawa. 21 (centre), and
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  • 90 15 Intermediate law exam passes iXHJRTEEN private law F students from Singapore have passed the University of London's Intermediate Examination in Laws held at the Ministry of Education In June. They are Alshah blnte Alwee Alkaff. Chee Bet Chun. Chuang Wei Ping. Lee Heng Win. Lee Kirn Huajr. Pascal Baylon Netto.
    90 words
  • 448 15  - It can be done say traders P.M. RAMAN EON'S 15 PER CENT ECONOMIC TARGET By MANUFACTURERS and traders are confident of achieving a 15 per cent annual economic growth over the next seven years, as projected by the Finance Minister, Mr. Hon Sui Sen. Mr. Hon told the Financial Times
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  • 122 15 JAIL AND ROTAN FOR FATHER OF TWO r>NO Kok Koon, 31, of Malaysia, was Jailed for three years yesterday and ordered to be given three strokes of the rotan for trafficking in drugs. Wong, a father of two, pleaded guilty to having 42 rolls of cannabls weighing 66 grammes In
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  • 37 15 THE numbers picked In yeiterdajr'i Toto draw No. it 73 were 47. S3. 43. 30. and 17. The additional number was 3*. In the circle* draw. Um numbers picked were 3i. 45 and 34.
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  • 74 15 STATE Coroner Mr. Ibrahim Burhan yesterday recorded a suicide verdict on the death of Leong Klaw Tween, 65, whose body was found at the foot of a block of flats In Jalan BuUt Merah on Sept. 14 at about midnight The court was told that he
    74 words
  • 36 15 The Postal Senrlcea Department Blnf»pore had a busier Umt last year than la 1871 It handled a total of M3--OSO.IM lusnu compared will M*J»>.TOl in im— an Incrwa of 13.74t.U9 mail Nat
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 120 15 This could be the start of something beautiful The Nikon Photomic F 2 has a way of requirement; a whole new motor drive generating firm and beautiful partnerships system for automated photography; more with their owners. Their attraction is almost than 40 Nikkor lenses the widest choice irresistable. A person
      120 words
    • 286 15 /MARYLAND PARK 18 STOREY FUTSOPEN FOR BOOKING NOW jk*^V i r> (lIM Timni fin 0X 1 B > .rtj-Wli Ml Mill' 9|< c ii.ii.Ti I^^l^Hr'* Mn l h. hi J« l Imm »^»«i map land fort, a a Miilon lamlaiMliil araa irMMM along MaunMtamn/AfOarTonrsng Karan* «<nt n u.aiHiU Iha CJwnaw
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 830 15 WATER consumption on Wedneadaj was 125.7 million fallons (571.MM cubic metres), 9 million callons <41.m cubic metres) more than Tuesday. TV SINGAPORE (5) TV SINGAPORE (8)~ SAA Ml Opening and For Ihe 7AC W Sikapur Sired (Malay /(U\ N Opening and Fat son 7 H Our Workers (ChuieseJ.Kn) Family (Chinese)
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 281 16 NOTICE NOTICt IS HEREBY GIVEN that I. THEODAS BILLY SKO HONG of Mine Court Hold. Orchard Road. Singapore, have applied for a transfer of Puhlu House First Claai (Extended) (Tourist Hotel) licence in respect of premises at Orchard Road/Tanglin Road (MING COURT HOTEL) to MARIO SYLVIO RUOSCH. Singapore, and that
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    • 43 16 CONDOLENCES The Management and Staff of FLINTER GRINBERG CO (PTE) LTD. announce with regret the passing away on the 3rd October 1973 of MR. CHAN CHONG HIM, Senior Member of our Staff and convey condolences and deepest sympathy to Mrs. Chan and family.
      43 words
    • 657 16 f The Chartered Bank announces that with effect from October 8 its Selegie Road Sub-branch will be located at the Peace Centre Building, 1 Sophia Road, Singapore 9. The telephone numbers *****9 ***** will remain unchanged. y MOVE OF OFFICE SWEE BEE CO. PTE LTD ft SWEE BEE TRADING CO.
      657 words
    • 637 16 PWD SINGAPORE Tenders are invited from PWD Registered Cot.tractors and from other suitable contractors for the following works I Construction of RC I Floor Slabs and Transformer Pllnttl i at the Jurong Indu.trlal Water Works. Showround: Contractors to meet SO at the main gate of Jurong Industrial Water Works on
      637 words
    • 510 16 GOVEBNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT INTEGRATION ACT (Cap. tit Edition 197t) I DECLARATION UNDER SECTION 11 Whereas: (1) The street* rnorvn as> 1 (a.) Jalan Ei.v.s Ural pti from Jalan Pakls to tots 887 and 1127 Muklm XVI (b) Jalan Emas Ural (pt from Jalan Emas
      510 words
    • 394 16 GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE THE PLANNING ACT (Cap. tn. IJ7» Ed.) THE MASTER PLAN RULES. 1962 .Notice under Rule 12 Notice Is hereby given that the following proposals for Alterations to the Master Plan were submitted to the Minister for Law and National Development for approval (1) Reaming
      394 words
    • 393 16 GOVEBNMZNT OF THE RF.ri RIJ( OF SINGAPORE THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT INTEGRATION ACT (Cap. 210 Edition It 7«) NOTICE UNDER SECTION 2» 11*1 Whereas In exercJae of the powers conferred by subsection CD nd Section 20 ot the Local Oovernment Integration Act. (hereinafter referred to as the the Act) the Director
      393 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1315 17 CflaTl'HtWP SEWICE Tl W COttTlaEal KfIWLOOR UV Vhmihi P UlMf OMrt trra. v. P.UMLWWM MUI „K J-« n m )t 1 •Niai ana akt il Mt it Mt <| Mi MMi •>"•< ••< akt n M il an Man aan is an ■nail tiPitis tan ■an van aanMßn 'i .puss
      1,315 words
    • 976 17 Pniif p UMf I'Mn LtMaM Mr I PttntlUM fct H kt M lyt in an il an is imm. a_M— m, PMMTMts an n an it an n Mum.. Stimuli. pTluaMa 2 Kf. T. 5 )Kl r W-MtH. I PIHIM FM II FU II Mm— a— rsruu in m Lit—tH
      976 words
    • 955 17 M»^*ri^^^il^»aaaaaaaaaaaaaal Ttt<ww im tm I'm P. uMf JtM. Metra Fnan v.v. lIWIMN MT II M tl M I M II M 11 M 7 M MM -tM a M il an 14 an il an MM OS-U MT fct 71 fct IT M II an Man II at MtMEN EIPHSS
      955 words
    • 1016 17 FULLY CONTAINtItIZID SIKVICI TO tUKOft UM.M S». FM: 'SUSHmh «n "»"•'-<". Anßtfrtw. Aaratif. I.Htwe, H^"" M J MU, Hmmwi limk, IrmrMMi. MMltTt 'MMM M 11 «MMJI. CMiaTMIM, tItHIMIFe, IW-t. u.'iiu. m SloceMa. Oslo, rtaeuatu. ItetM M|*» fULLY CONTAINtmZID SIKVICI FKOM EUROPE m IMM fmm '^SffH HLFT Ufcll siuitiii M 1
      1,016 words
    • 721 17 Haaaaara •*****; P. KaUaf *3«1, XL *****; Paaaai 2SMI. THE BANK UMI LTD. lmk nui. imu ai>lUM aHr,t,_. I.M.M. Maaap. h.n. 1 "-m»i I 1 MMM) P MiMf n/tl M St«n it/il M MTiiina.M. i avtMi cvt» t ctMttm p watf a/M fct lainkviM •mm lvi i nan innct. pm
      721 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 859 18 lYr-" <^^^*** KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. KAWASAKI UNUI USU KAISHA LTD i»u. num. sTuns samet Mtta HaatUH rtwa t. wtaj lawua mmi.n uataa mum t. a- imi bM Japan Arabian Calf Sarvtaa laajatara fit: aautii ataaju a aMI CoUam/aatcatDeaai/ ItatMi'/Ma/ ?St!rt«a.w» t^araVMin japan •auth Atriaa Waat Alrlaa ■at-vtaa l>«tere rtt.
      859 words
    • 934 18 FU fTO tm KMTH li Ptrt Skt Sti|oa. LCT KilTr UTJS Ikt Ikt MMM fa !«*ati». KAITT HIT Ikt I M »ta.H. unr mvii Ikt Ikt May, SOT* HAM M) kt 11 kt Martt. MMM Mkt 17 kt Ituttt rifl Xkt IMm Mat. ■11l aM Ih bttfcaf. Ctoa Mmm. «t»
      934 words
    • 1019 18 U.K. iU»O*t SWVICt LOADING POR LONDON. HAVRE. DAM M lUKG. IRtMEN I mil', (aaaf reaaaa Me» airmai lainmr it/rl act 11.11 tel it,iii:i imo Mil Hten »,ll t'taa. taaaaa. treaw* air-rval I M llia M/a tat laaaaa 11 11 t'Ma M/ll a»u taetK tteee ImiHi a/11. MntM Mitaiaiaf Him let
      1,019 words
    • 776 18 awns itmct ti iww. utomivtiwiion run if, Wai tmn r umt H*-t utttaj tan IMI afllTl 111 M 11/ a let 11 II ttl 1 U I aaal 11/ll i >ni> n■: Mawi n ■Mtartaa 3 I? taatl mil M/U tet M/n lei laaal IH It Una UU Ht»>t 17,12
      776 words
    • 770 18 -|-M« Mlir Or lINOAMNI OUT Kr,,. mm. Ntbk*. Mm 1 AUTHOKITV ANMOUNCID I. N«« Krrlurm and Sri Kvniti TW€ FOLLOW INO IKTmimC »o*T KLAMC AURANCIMINTI ON OCT. FO T L l<o t*wttt l*»rt rrmtiwoni. Kaj k OUT aViryu item Our«aM j BraMk«. Kmi lUfu aM Kwa Kama. SUb aaau iSb
      770 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 391 19 I (Soperi Laboratories (Pte Ltd I are pleased to announce I I me appointment of I I YEOTECKSENG I I (S) PTE. LTD. I I 100, OWEN ROAD, SINGAPORE 8. I I astheir I I SOLE DISTRIBUTOR I I tor ORAL-B I I TOOTH/GUM BRUSH I Oral-B the tooth-gum brush
      391 words
    • 526 19 ■■5 WiTH MONSANTO MONSANTO ELECTRONICS SDN. BHD. Located In Sungei Way requires: MECHANICAL ENGINEER Applicants should possess a Degree in Mechanical Engineering St have Industrial experience. Fxoerlence In draughting and tools/die design preferred. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Applicants should oosress a Degree In Electrical Engineering and have U-s years working experience. INDUSTRIAL
      526 words
    • 566 19 LAn American I ntei national Company U locking for Two Top Flight SALES MANAGERS to head up .wo department* In the company The peopl; we require should be: Malaysian citizens Aged be .ween 23 35. preferably married. 0 University graduates. 0 Fluent in Bahasa Malaysia and local dialscts. Have at
      566 words
    • 554 19 PETER JOHN RICHMOND DECEASED We have been instructed to announce the death on the 1 1 th September 1973 of Mr. Peter John Richmond late of 8 Hillside Road, Thorpe, Norwich and formerly resided in Kuala Lumpur. He died in the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, England of intestinal haemorrhage. Skrine
      554 words
    • 736 19 TENDEB NOTICE LEMBAGA PADI DAN BERA4 NKGARA SUPPLY, DEUVERV. fcKECTION AND COMJtWSIONINO OF ILICIKIIM. INSTALLATIONS AT I UKAI KM t KILL Tendcn an uivi'ed Irom electrical contractor who are refWcred »nn tne Electricity Boarl for the Supply, delivery. erecUon and commladaolns of electrical Installation at Tokal Rice Mill. Tender document*
      736 words

  • 43 20 LATEST SCIENTIFIC TRIAT MINTS. For natural facelifting brown patches, acne, all sku condition!, regular facials, post natal and spotreduetng consult Louise Klerk, medically train ed and Qualified Beaut., Kpecla list and Physlo-theraplst wltl 24 years tropical experience Hotel Slngapura. telephoni *****3 (S'pora).
    43 words
  • 20 20 Rosalind Rodrlltuei thank Thorn son Rd. HosplUl sUS for thei assistance, and relatives, friend for donations, wreaths and hel
    20 words
  • 90 20 FUNERAL MEMORIAL SIR VICI Rice AD J. (David) Th funeral will ukr place private ly In Jeraey Channel Islands o.i Monday Mh October 1873 A Memorial Service win be hei. at at. John's Caiheral Hong kong at 4 30 p m on the sam day Floral tributes may
    90 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 497 20 classified ads (D CLASSIFIED RATES General: 0.00 per word Minimum 9 00 (13 words) Persons 1: 1 30 per word Minimum $24 00 (20 words) Mslsyiisfl Edltien Flu* 50% sureharg* FRIOAV FORUM Do tourists come to Singapore to see kampongs and seedy Chinatown or fint class resorts? Are we going
      497 words
    • 704 20 JAPANESE LANGUAGE TEACHER required by cur c.mpanv fer a small cr.up sf Must have some pre viou. teaching experience in the Japanese language Preferably Singapore cltlxens Japanese University Oraduates Fluent In both Japanese and English. t Flsass Tsl: is 1777 Ext. 130 n during sfnt. hsuri fer de- tails.
      704 words
    • 688 20 MALE temporary 3 month* Start Immediately prefer expe rteneed operator PMBX 3 1! out will consider Inexperience* person. Company situated a Seletar Airport. Oood salary Phone Miss Tan *****4 tot ippolntment. FEMALE JUNIOR CLERKS FEMALE RECEPTIONIST Eitsblitha-1 *rr*ms*tl*n in Ksllsng reajuires F.mal. Junl.r Clerks and a R.t.pti.nnt. The successful candidate*
      688 words
    • 882 20 ING COMPANY of household Cl goods requires field represen- in Utive for Singapora. Malaysia, in, Indonesia. R'-.. ers-Wca'lona co stating qualifications, expenen wi and salary expee'ed to 8.1. 15 Box A ***** S* REQUIRED CHINESE SALEI I CIRLS and Msmilrinii for departmental ston. Oood pros- pecu. Apply personally to Tal--1
      882 words
    • 713 20 ID suto alrcond. mechanic foi tallat'on gaa filling and ten t. (b) Seml-sklllsd auto air nd. mechanic Please apply ith full details to PO Box Paya Lebar Post Omte. pore. (SPORE) FTE. LTD. quire* for their expansion ■ogramme FACTORY ENCINIER Candidates should be Unlverty trained In Mechanical ngineertng and have
      713 words
    • 715 20 by a used car company (1> Experienced male feman clerk (for Insumnee depart ment) (2) a delivery clerk holding a elaas 111 drivlns licence. Call personally at I*o Prlnsep Street, Spore 7 for ai. Interview between 4 p.m. OO sth Oct. 1973. UNIVIR3ITV OF SINGAPORE Invite* application* for appointment to
      715 words
    • 717 20 NO male/female attendants Good salary and attractive commission basks. Apply personally 3*o Thomson Road, 4 1/8 m.s Tel 3110*4 S'pora. REOUIRED ONI EXPERIENCED DRIVER— CIass 3 2 years experience. Pleas* apply per ■onally at IS9-B. Jalaa Jurong Kechll (off 7 m s. Bui. t Tlmah Road) B'pora Ter */,/109. Kiwi
      717 words
    • 860 20 BEST AVAILABLE DETACHED (1) Cbauworth Road malestic bungalow surrounded by acre greenery, 5 bediooms< study music guest playroom. Twin servant's/driver's. Separate llvlag/dlnlng. excesslvt enteruinmeat apace serena atmosphere. (2) Jalan Benandone Oreen surrounded de Uchsd 3 kins sized bedrooms/ study, spill-level llving/dmlng. first class furnishing*. Interloi double-lined drapes, squarish spacious garden
      860 words
    • 842 20 XECUTIVE FLAT In walkin, distance from American Club panoramic view, modem fix tuns. fully airconditioned reasonably priced Also on homas near American School I Please ring *****8 OUT. 11 OPPOSITE HOTEI EQUATORIAL furnished bran) -lew 2-sto*ey 4 bedroomed ter race corner, aireonditloner new furniture. terraxxo 'par quet flooring. rent $1,300
      842 words
    • 885 20 II OIST 11 OUIST FURNISHED i, 1. bedronmrd epartmenu and al*o furn >hrd buagslow. Tsl; I. *****9 Spore c FOR SELECTED ACCOMMOOAI TION from $2,000/- $3,000/--plesse contact *****3/377*73 L B'pon. t 24A, ZION ROAD, 3 bedrooms and a spacious hall suitable for family office Phone *****4 Spore (EA AVENUE, luiury
      885 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 872 21 OIST. 11 IXTINIIVILY MODIFIED, double-storey de lacbed bungalow built on frethold land 12.000 *q. 11. 4 be.l rooms, study, servants smem lies. aepara'e living dimtl room. central aireonditiooe.l $450,000 Tel: *****8 Spore. JOHORE-FREEHOLD REII DENTIAL LAND altuated m ,lea from Joborc Babru 6.00- 30.000 sq. tt. 11 80 pal For
      872 words
    • 755 21 TIRRACI NOUII RIQUIRID n Sencett Eatate at realism .rice between $100,000 to HIO.OOr Ring B' pure *****5 with v i We have ready buyers at reasonable price Salient Service* 20 123 *****4 I NIWLY CONSTRUCTED TU- > HAS BUILDING at Anson Roat'.. Some office apace of ap- proxlmately 1.000, 2.000
      755 words
    • 794 21 LIMITED Tour Weal Malaysia —Seven Day* Slllft/-. Aionditioned bus 811*0/-. Malaysi- Gei.ting Seven Days *****/-. Departure Every Sunday, Monday. During School < Holidays Everyday. Cameron Highlands Four Daya 8170/-. Kve r y Wednesday. Haadyal Hongkhla by/Air Three Days Ss2-5 Four Days *****/-. I Every Friday. Bangkok. Chleag- I mat Aircooditioned
      794 words
    • 840 21 lURO-IINOAPORE IXPRIM IN (PTE.) LTD., Cc 220-A, Balestiar Raad, ta S'per* 11. Jl| Tel: *****1, SM4BS, all *****0 5M294 co Agent for all air ticket* at m •peclal rale*. p< Competitive rate* for group ri tour*. de Approved Charter Flight*:Imiipan Linoin *****7Imgaaax* Paris *****/--linsapera Rattardam SS7TS/•.NY OTHER CONNECTING 3NWARD FLIGHTS
      840 words
    • 820 21 ITBRIOR DESIGN DIPLOMA. imprehensive correspondenc ploma reeogntaed for memberilp of profeeaiooal body Pull ilour prospectus sent by airall on receipt Of 25p British Mtal Order from D*pt BTP hodec International. BCM/Rhotc London WCI, England. SPIIDREAOING for Or-ater Efficiency and Pleasure tm Work and Study n only ft lessons, we guarnte-
      820 words
    • 747 21 CORRESPONDENCE A REPORT. WRITING: Four Months Course starting October: success iuaranteed: Detalla from Kaja a College 9555S ***** K. MESE: 7 10.73. Sundays 1 3i 3.30 p.m. Language School. 413-B. River Valley Road, spore *****2 CITY A CUILOS ELECTRICAL ENGINEIRIHG practlc* Intermediate reviaion course for rapeaters commencing soon Regal School.
      747 words
    • 1117 21 1972 DATIUN 1200 UswIMI owner, tip top condition, co.ti Ijl i plet* with radio and cartridge M i faxed/ inaured 1974. Price $7.»- is. 0.n.0. Tel: VZMH. 1971 Cl>ar:.« MOO MXI one owner. excellent condition, B higheat Offer aecures Interesteu buyers, contact Lob *****U Ul S PO:». iV 1971 DATIUN
      1,117 words
    • 759 21 IMODERN BRITISH MICM I JUALITY piano recently tropi calned for jenoua studens Tel US! FURNITURE for sal* (Vono) 8 D spring bed. cupI board. anting chairs with cushion (Rattan) at Rock 'Bottom price* at Cnarlton Road I flat* (Oround floor, behind [Caltex station 5| m.s. Upper Serangoon Road Tel *****9.
      759 words
    • 1427 21 URCINT PRINTING NIIOIDf Letter Head from $12 50 per 1 ream (Black/ White) or from $18 00 per ream (Coloured 1 Ring *****7 for Representative 'o call and take your order or send payment with order to: 1 Jonnstone. PO. Box 1713. r Spore EXTEND YOUR LIVING COM PORT and
      1,427 words

    • 113 22 Rosewall reaches last four OSAKA. Thura. Top- seeded Ken Roaewall of Australia beat Jun Kukl of Japan 6-2. 6-4 here today to move Into the men's singles semi-finals of the US$24 000 (£10.200) Osaka tennis Open tournament. In another quarter-Anal fourth-seeded Cliff Orysdale of South Africa downed Milan Holecek of
      113 words
    • 20 22 THE Aim snow and talk by national soccer coach Michael Walker scheduled tonight at SporU House has be«n postponed.
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    • 731 22 Revalue is worth a flutter on his track form REVALUE, a five-year-old Australian gelding who finished down the course in all his six starts, showed striking form on a good track at Bukit Timah yesterday. Ridden by apprentice C.H. Tan, Revalue reeled off 3f in a tick under 36 in
      731 words
    • 914 22 RACE 1: 1.45 CL 4 DIV 6— F 1 S»l»e< t.l« Criwin i: 2 NnuUn M* ■DJulklfly 1 t Qiasnf II BtB J. Johnaon 1 1 4 Fme Brandy Ml 'Nfkm IS t MaJone Soaidl I Prince Wtnalot «.»5 Anuar t 7 Richie Rich I»5 Ho 4
      914 words
    • 377 22 r«?DER OP RUNNINO and scratching* for Sundays racing at Buklt Ttmah: RACE 1: 1.15 CLASS 4 DIV 1 SF: Vanltas RACE 2: 1.45 CLASS 4 DIV 2 «F: Fine Print RACE 3: 215 CLASS 2 DIV S 6P: Sneaky Pete RACE 4: 2.45 CLASS 2 DIV 6F
      377 words
    • 26 22 ALGIERS Thura—Abdallah Paihel. Algerian Minister far Sports and Youth Aflalrv said today that Algeria planned to be a candidate for the IM4 Olympic OUM.
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    • 482 22 'Arc' to decide Europe's best filly of the year PARIS. Thurs. The prestigious Prix de L'Arc de Triomphe at Longchamp here on Supday should provide the answer to who is thf best filly in Europe this season. The matter was to have been settled In last month's Prix Vermellle with
      Reuter  -  482 words
    • 172 22 All set for Ali's bout in Indonesia JAKARTA. Thurs Preparations have been completed for the non-title fight between former world heavyweight boxing champion Mohammad All and Dutchman Rudl Lubbers scheduled here on Oct. t», a fight organising committee official said today. He said the 12--round bout, the first world class
      172 words
    • 420 23 y.-VRNA, (Bulgaria), Than. The International Sports Federations have told representatives of the Asian Games Federation (AGF) that they would withdraw from the Asian Games next September in Teheran unless Taiwan was allowed to compete, a spokesman for the Federations said today. The executives of the
      420 words
    • 704 23  - Swee Chew fires a sizzling 68 ERNEST FRIDA By rREE stocky golfers Llm Swee Chew, Mohamed Jalil and Toh Boh Heng played precision golf yesterdny to beat the SICC new course par 70 In the first round of the SGA Hlckson's Timber tournament organised by the SICC. Swee Chew fired
      704 words
    • 211 23 Best delights in United's 1-0 win over Ajax lONDON, Thurs. Man- cheater United, with an overweight Oeorge Best back on parade, beat Euroj-an champions Ajax Amster't^n of Holland 1-0 in a friendly soccer match at Ma-ichester last night. The re-appearance of Best, making his return to English soccer after announcing
      211 words
    • 577 23 REAL Madrid and Juventus. two of Europe's top soccer clubs, last night crashed out ot this season's European competitions In the first round. Real, six times European champions, were eliminated from the UEFA Cup by England's Ipswich Town, who held the Spaniards to
      Reuter  -  577 words
    • 27 23 FAIRCHILO beat Apollo Hotel 3-1 In a friendly toccer match played at Toa Payoh ye»terday David 81m acorcd for Falrchild and Wahid for the bowl.
      27 words
    • 509 23  - Off-colour Lee scrapes into quarterfinals PETER SIOVV By with Junior runner-up Tan Ban Chew today. RcsuiU: Men's singles 2nd round Yeo Ah Seng bt Ue» Klew 15-0. 15-2: Ong Tlong Khlam bt Han Yong Ouan 16-7. 15-1: Ng Chor Yau bt Lee Peng Khlm IS-3. 15-3. Lee Ah Ngo bt
      509 words
    • 347 23  - Eng Bock wants review of system A. JOHNSON By fHIET water-polo coach ASP Tan Eng Bock ha* lecommended a review of the entire training system to keep abreast with International developments In the sport In a comprehensive report to the Singapore Amateur Swimming Auoclation on the training schedule for the
      347 words
    • 127 23 QEAP Games silver meO dalllst Urn Bee Lian achieved a double in the Chinese Swimming Club meet at Amber Road >est»rday. Bee LJan easily won the 400 m ;reestyle in 5:16 2. and followed up with another victory In the 100 m backstroke in
      127 words
    • 26 23 JLOVDIV (Bulgaria). Wed Bulgaria's Lokomotlv Plovdiv today qualified (or the second round of the UEFA Cup after beating Sllema Wanderers of Malta 1-0 Reuter
      Reuter  -  26 words
    • 336 23 Tourists lose opening game to SRU TTVHE Greater Pubx He Schools Old Boys RC. finalists In the Brisbane First Division league, opened their Singa-pore-Bangkok tour with a 27-17 defeat aga,inst Singapore llugby Union XV at the padang yesterday. The local side, made up of players representing the various clubs In
      336 words
    • 176 23 Marsh takes a one stroke lead LONDON, Thurs. Australian O r a h a m Marsh took a onestroke lead on the opening day of the 115.000 Dunlop Masters golf tournament at Cheostow yesterday thanks to some advice from the tltle-holcier New Zealand's Bob Charles. The 29-year-old Marsh, holder of
      176 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 386 22 jy II i' \i I vL \m vL^-^s^^sl ***************1111 l lIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIII I The Fiat 128 is greater than the sum of its parts When it was introduced, the to create a 'we// balanced" car Fiat 128 won seven international Designed for Italy, the Fiat 128 car-of-the-year" awards. The has won
      386 words
    • 85 22 NYAL FLUORIDE TOOTHPASTE for brighter, strorger teeth Dolly brushing with refreshing Nyal asststy ,'m Fluoride Toothpaste w, II effectively Jff m remove all stains and bad breath Nyal S£ 'M^ f* Fluoride Toothpaste will also prevent tS9o m sL. gum from bleeding and provide a O iTswW protective tilm for
      85 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 65 23 PAINFUL PILES? Li Anu%ot i ~iy l===s: J The majority of haemorrhoids or piles require no surgery. Itching, bleeding, pain and general discomfort can be easily treated with Anusol Fast acting Anusol reduces these symptoms, protects against infection, shrinks piles, and generally soothes This encourages healing to proceed naturally and
      65 words
    • 349 23 The Specialists 1 Shopping Centre T^^n«n»^^^^fc flfc i .^n^aw Aft F The Specialists' Shopping Centre is like a gigantic store where you'll find everything. In addition pjbb^ to the scores of exclusive shops, there is Robinson's. Singapore's premier department store. naan.. Robinsons new Dragor Room Restaurant, and four additional speciality
      349 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 81 23 EinifIHI.IHHHHi BADMINTON National Jalan Besar stadium 1 c'shlps (SBAi hall (pm). pm and pm). Friendly-OOLF-HWtsons touma- JESSo? \rE£ SeSf™ SlpfaVd ?*CWJ SSI fiStVp-rtT. toPCTUI i Naval tu H aon w i in! Hotel Parrer Park > inaval oaset. Site V uni- tmfrara viaatrv n HB< venitv luitmii INTBsVV AMITY GAMES
      81 words

  • 80 24 QPACE CENTRE (Houston), Thun. The astronaut crew who will fry in the third Skylab mission demonstrate with a model of the Skylab how they will moke a "fly around" before docking. They are from left to right Edward G. Gabon*, Gerald Paul Carr and William It
    80 words
  • 33 24 NEW DELHI. Thur*. A •trlto by power worker* caused widespread blackout* In U»t*r Pradesh yesterday, prompting State authorities to order the military to narch for striker* nupected of sabotaging transmission tower* TJPI
    33 words
  • 32 24 BK>UL. Thur*. Seoul National University students today held anti-government rallies on their campu» while riot police blocked the University gate* to prevent them taking their Into the street Reiner
    32 words
  • 29 24 NEW DELHI. Thura Police arrested hundred* of demonstrator, yesterday a* protest* of rising price*, which have plagued Mysore for *lmo«t a month shifted to Tamil Nadu. AP.
    AP  -  29 words
  • 28 24 WASHINGTON. Thura. The US Army mtd jimtij It would (Mttror about 600.000 gallon* of nenre (v ■torad »t ttta Rocky Mountain maul in Denver, Colormdo— AP
    AP  -  28 words
  • 393 24 GOVERNMENT troops battled their way to a link-up with forces holding the airport outside the provincial capital of Kompong Cham today, opening the road to the airfield for the first time in more than a month. Lt.-Col. Am Rong, spokesman for the
    Reuter  -  393 words
  • 31 24 LONDON. Thur*. Actor Scan Connery. star of the first James Bond film*, was granted a divorce decree today from actress Diane Cllento T.y had been married 11 year*.— UPl.
    31 words
  • 27 24 MEXICO CITY, Thur*. Three lions at a circus here pcunced on a worker cleaning their cage and killed him. Police later shot the lloni —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 53 24 JAKARTA. Thun. The Indonesian Air Force MU display one squadron of Sabre )et fighter* It received from Australia to highlight Armed Force* Day celebrations tomorrow. A Defence Ministry spokesman said the plane* would make a fly-past over a grand military parade at which President Suharto would be
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 320 24 lONDON. Thura. Tha atoca markrt rloaad aaurr later X "aTi pm U"t lh."V,'a^;rtal Tlm« todcx waa off l.i to 433.9. Barsaiui totalled 7 OS C7.*MI. laltlally. prom takini and aarvoua n*ma over ihr Chryaler ear woffcan dlaputt pullad the Inoaa dowa 3 but small Nirmi trade for a
    320 words
  • 28 24 LONDON Tkun trot 1< W norn Hrtllrrn>r>l Not 1300 acm. IW. v o Jaa. Jaa. Mar.n 11.111. .J.nrr«i c.i r No» 30x0. IW. It 75 Marar! Eaaxr.
    28 words
  • 27 24 LONDON. Hum. mm Mrrar. I2IM „iw, mot (tH7I. Forward bujrtra 12I«T (*.|Mi aalkra tilt* («.<»). SetilaaasM I2IU 14.1171 7<nm am. 410 toaa p.m. <io mm. Toa* rtna
    27 words
  • 178 24 Labour to seek referendum on EEC entry BLACKPOOL, Thursday DRITAIN's Labour Party voted today to ask the nations electorate whether It wanted to be in the European Common Market. But the annual conference of the party stopped short of actual opposition to market membership. Britain formally joined the European Economic
    Reuter  -  178 words
  • 39 24 AMORIW TAP SISW HIM of n*. Kirn asa* Road pass ad a»a» lalrifMlr ***** al OROH Cana*s laavas Wmsw Casket Saturdau> *-le-n t asm. tar M. Jown Chun*. Victoria Wrast. tfcaaca to Chua CM Kaa* K C CaaaMsnr.
    39 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
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    • 1 24 aaaa^y^Sl
      1 words
    • 259 24 Hk mm bbbbb&T aH a»BF^ WM hta O» SwitnrfefKl E«T«rr. Witch Co LM Ch.y Co DBS Building 28S. South Bndga Road 100. North Bridg* Road Lxl Totmra. 0«HMl Union Shopping Cantra. Panmtula Shopping Cwrn*" Katonq Shopping Canlnt Panintula Shopping Complax r« Tana (S) Pia Ltd Lian A/ah W.tch Daalar. ThKn
      259 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous