The Straits Times, 4 October 1973

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 20 1 TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 250,000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1978 20 CENTS MX. (P) 28/73
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  • 38 1 4 WE have no intention so far as we can help it, of allowing the results of our years of hard work to be eaten away by the pernicious effects of inflation. X MR. HON SUI SEN
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  • 1017 1  - MARCHING ON- AT 1 5 pc A YEAR CHIA POTEIK Hon sees a bright future for Spore in this decade. By FINANCE Minister Mr. Hon Sui Sen yesterday expressed cautious optimism that Singapore's economy would grow at the rate of 15 per cent a year for this decade. He Maid
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  • 259 1  -  LESLIE FONG and GERALD PEREIRA By 60 employees of Vashi's chain of department stores, closed since Sunday, have lodged claims with the Labour Ministry for salaries owed to them by the company. More are expected to stake similar claims with the Ministry's labour court,
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  • 21 1 KUCHINO. Wed. T»O t«n»g» communist merllUa surrendrrnl to Sarawak* •ecurlty force* yetterday. It «v ducloud here today. ReutCT
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  • 81 1 QUEEN TO VISIT JAPAN IN 1975 LONDON, Wed. Queen Elizabeth and her husband, the Duke of Edinbuith, will pay a state visit to Japan in the spring of 1975, it was announced last night. It will be the first visit by a British monarch to Japan. The announcement was made
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 46 1 JAKARTA. Wed. A daughter of the late president Soekarno said today she was suing her ex-husband on s torture charge, alleging :hat he beat her three tunes before they were divorced The daughter. 23-year-old Ranmawatl. said the lawsuit had been submitted to the
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  • 41 1 BANOKOK. Wed. Thai •ecurlty force* on Thailand* border with southern Burma havt been placed on the alert following reporu of a bl« clash between nbel and government Burmese force* inside Burmese territory, a senior police official reported today. Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 29 1 LONDON. Wed.- --Healing engineer Tom Martin. 13 and nine member* of bit family today won a record SM*.iJ2 (BUI million) In In Littlewood* aocccr pooli UPI.
    UPI  -  29 words
  • 175 1 JUDGE'S WIFE JAILED FOR THEFT LONDON, Wed. The wife of an Egyptian high court judge was sentenced to J all for 30 days today for stealing a baby's suit from a London store. Mrs. Mahassan Mohamed, 47, who was also fined £50 (BS2SO) with £25 (Ssl4O» costs, was released on
    Reuter  -  175 words
  • 63 1 JAKARTA, Wed.— lndonesian airline companies have been alerted to watch out for a rroop of M Japanese youths linked with the hijacfciiu of several aircraft, a Jakarta airport official said today. The companies had received a list of names of the 14 Japanese from
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  • 153 1  - Sydney airport closed NANCY BYRAMJI By J^LL flights from Singapore Airport to Sydney last night were diverted to Melbourne because of a complete closure of Sydney Airport for the first time in 39 years. i This is because of a breakdown In vital communications equipment following a strike by radio
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  • 51 1 |N a freak accident, this bus crashed through a fence, ending up in a swimming pool of a tourist hotel in Nairobi. The water in the pool cushioned the bus but four of the 70 passengers died. Several others were injured. L'PI
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  • 51 1 LONDON. Wed.— Bank robbers snatched almost £50.000 (SS2BO.JOO> from a bullion tratft today, then scattered passersby as they drove wildly along tie pavenr.ent In a small van and through a narrow pedestrian underpass. The three-man gang, brandishing pistols, carried out the daring raid outside a North London bank.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 70 1 LOS ANGELES. Wed.— A U8S2.S million (about SI S15 million) damage* suit ni nied In the Federal Court agaliut Prank Sinatra and two of hi* aaoclate* yeaterday by a bualniimn who claimed he tu beaten by them. Prank J. Welnatock aald he iu aoaulted
    UPI  -  70 words
  • 31 1 HONOKONO Wed US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger will visit Chlr.a from Oct M to 29. Radio Peking reported tonight It will be hi* sixth visit —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 18 1 VIENNA. Wed. Indian President V V Otrl arrived in Bucharest today for an official «*ll Reuler.
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 271 1 Pay in yen Japan told again rpOKYO, Wed. Saudi Arabia has asked Japan to pay for her future oil imports in Japanese yen rather than American dollars, petroleum industry sources d 1 s closed today. The Saudi Arabian request, following a similar one by the Middle East oil country of
    UPI  -  271 words
  • 38 1 MANII.A. Wed Bobby Macher will come to the Philippines on Oci 16 on his Qrat trip outside the United Statea since winning the worM chess title from Boris Spasaky In Iceland In July last yaw.
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    • 26 1 WASHINGTON. Wed. President Nixon said today that it was for Vice-President Spiro Agnew to decide whether he should resign If indicted.— Renter.
      Reuter  -  26 words
    • 42 1 WASHINGTON. Wed. —The Senate Watergate hearings were interrupted today when an unknown man telephoned the Capitol three times and warned that a bomb had been planted in the Caucus room. No bomb was found and the committee resumed bearings.— L'Pl.
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    • 30 1 INITED NATIONS. Wed.—Secretary-Gene-ral Kurt Waldheim today turned down a request by Austria to assumr responsibility for transient Jews pawing through Austria to Israel. UN. (See Pace 3.)
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    • 32 1 A YOI'NG woman was stabbed In the left hip by a youth who attempted to snatch her handbag In busy Chinatown, Just before midnicht She was sent to Outram Hospital
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    • 18 1 WASHINGTON, Wed. President Nixon announceJ today he would visit Europe "In the next few months." Keutcr.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 31 1 ZtfiWyV SAFEfI The safer hoarding pbee for 1 -i Homes... for I Offices ■■■fc I 8,, t _.,j TEXT OF THE MINISTER'S SPEECH IN. PAGE 12 UNIFLO for top WlhifM 'Of
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    • 130 1 m SI So TEAC put tfwir hearts into making a casMtt* deck that's better than everyone etw's. The result is the super A 450 Its amazingly low 0.07% wow and flutter rating alone will put shame many reetto reel decks telling twice as much. And TEAC has gone as far
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  • 110 2 500 flee from leaking gas OTTAWA, Wed— About 500 people were evacuated from two western Canadian settlements In New Norway. Alberta, last night after poisonous hydrogen sulphide gas began leaking from a ruptured natural gas pipeline. The break occurred yesterday at the sjte of a natural gas well near the
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 35 2 HONOLULU. Wed. Jamei Planer. M, who nrvived 73 days at aea clinging to an overturned trimaran with fellow American Robert Tlnlncnko. 34. died yesterday In a (.capital from kidney compile* Uoni.
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  • 203 2 SYDNEY, Wed —A petrol bomb exploded at the front door of the Portugese Consul's home and offices In a Sydney suburb today, police said. The Consul Deolando Bncarnacao and his wife were asleep at the time and were not Inlured, police said. The bomb, believed
    UPI  -  203 words
  • 30 2 BANOKOX. Wed.— Prtme Minuter Thanom Kltukachorn said today Thailand would support any legitimate gorvenmtnt in Cambodia. even one headed by exiled Chief of State Prince Norodom Sihanouk.
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  • 137 2 Heath orders graft probe LONDON, Wed.— Prime MinUter Edward Heath yesterday ordered an Investigation into Britain's tity halls to find oat if there is any corruption there and now to plug any legal loopholes that might encourage It. The move followed the arrest earlier this year of John Poulson, once
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  • World News
    • 684 2 China hits at 'national egoism' Russia UNITED NATIONS. Wednesday CHINA today attacked the Soviet Union in the U.N. General Assembly as an exponent of "national egoism and great power chauvinism." Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Chlao Kuan Hua, In a policy address to the 135 -nation world body, said: "What the
      Reuter  -  684 words
    • 271 2 General who surrendered Quang Tri gets 5 years SAiGON, Wednesday nnHE general commanding the South Vietnamese troops who surrendered Quang Tri to the communists was sentenced to five years' hard labour, reduced to the rank of private and discharged, the semi-official Vietnam Press said today. The Vietnam Press said Brig-Gen
      UPI  -  271 words
    • 65 2 DUBROVNIK. Wed— The Soviet Union and Yugoslavia Issued a j oi 1...1 for a wor;d conference of disarmament as Soviet Prime Minister Alexei Kosgin flew home after an eight-day visit The two countries said In a statement that suspension of the race for nuclear and classical
      Reuter  -  65 words
    • 57 2 CINCINNATI. Wed— Po He* have not to death an elephant that became unmanageable for trainers of the RlniUng Brothers. Barnum and Bailey Circus. Circus officials amid the elephant, Tyler valued at US $30,000 (8M7.M0) had lost his fear of man and became unmanageable Trainers told police they
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    • 155 2 Seato aid still holds: Thanom BANGKOK Wed Member countries of the South-east Asia Treaty Organisation were still able to call for Seato military protection If they faced communist aggression, Thai Prime Minister Thanom Klttlkachom said today. Field Marshal Thanom was speaking at a press conference on decisions taken at a
      Reuter  -  155 words
    • 138 2 MOSCOW. Wed. US Treasury Secretary George Shultx yesterday met Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin amid signs of Kremlin displeasure over the Nixon administration's failure to get its Soviet Trade Bill through Congress. Mr. Shultx, who arrived in Moscow on Sanday, saw Mr. Kosygin after a hurriedly-called
      Reuter  -  138 words
    • 255 2 Hijacker foiled by secret Dutch method AMSTERDAM, Wed. A would-be hijacker demanding the resignation of West German Chancellor Willy Brandt ar.d the release of imprisoned West German leftists was overpowered by the crew of a KLM Royal Dutch airliner en a scheduled flight from Dusseldorf to Amsterdam today. The man,
      Reuter  -  255 words
    • 146 2 Fire guts store: Was it a bomb? LONDON, Wed— Police were today investigating whether an incendiary bomb might have caused a fire which gutted a large store In the eastern England garrison town of Colcbener. Local police said that in view oi the current wave of bombings .n mainland Britain
      Reuter  -  146 words
    • 229 2 HONGKONG, Wed. Mongolia has delivered a sharp attack on China, claiming that Peking Is whipping up war hysteria to cover its Internal problems. The Utter denunciation of the Chinese leaders, especially Premier Chou- Bn-lal. was an apparent reaction to Mr. Chou's call at the
      Reuter  -  229 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 300 2 Here's why more people prefer Fab detergent, [yySj^ay LW If 1 I 1 V-^^s^^baHa^taH am. K si sV^iV sSK^Lt^Ha^L V| I^^L^^^^^l flaa^LV t "^L^^^^^b^^^^b* ft Jhl I L^F^^^asttal .^■■■■■■■■l ■■■■■Bi'r *aa^LmJr^VvJL Cik Rohani Yousoff: "At first, I was using another Mrs. Lai: "I'm very fussy about keeping my husband's Madam
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  • 450 3 SEOUL. Wed. South Korean President Park Chung-Hee today urged North Korea to return to the detente talks with the South and give up their scheme to bring all of Korea under communism. WASHINGTON: The President of the Common Market Commission, Mr. Francois Xavicr Ortoli, completed two days of meetings
    Agencies  -  450 words
    • 286 3 Aussie image of a reliable friend 'lost' A DELAIDE. Wed. A Australia's reputation as a reliable, trustworthy and unobtrusive neighbour In Southeast Asia has been almost totally destroyed, a Liberal Member ot Parliament claimed yesterday. Dr. Jim Forbes was speaking at a Press conference on his return from the Commonwealth
      Reuter  -  286 words
    • 64 3 MEXICO CITY Wed Chinese author Han Suyln U)kl a symposium on birth central that young Chinese were being peiwaded not to consider marriage In the cities before the age of 25 and In the countryside before "This form of population planning Is possibly statistically sDeaklng one
      Reuter  -  64 words
    • 60 3 LONDON. Wed The number of ships lost through foundering and lire last year was the highest ever recorded, according to the casualty return of Lloyd's Register of Shipping Some 371 ships were lost In 1972. at a total tonnage of 949.336 tons, only just under
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 21 3 DACCA. Wed —Extensive floods In Rangpur district. northern Bangladesh, have killed It people and devastated a wide area— Reuter.
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    • 518 3 Austria seeks UN aid over Jews problem GOLDA SHOWS LITTLE INTEREST VIENNA, Wednesday sought today to get the United Nations to take over responsibility for the thousands of Soviet Jewish emigrants who come to Vienna before being airlifted to Israel. Chancellor Bruno Krelsky ordered a broad diplomatic effort to engage
      Reuter  -  518 words
    • 196 3 The Pill may cause a special type of arthritis KYOTO. Wed. Oral contraceptive pills may cause a special type of arthritis, a Danish doctor reported to an International medical conference today. Dr. Ole Mune, of the Holding General Hospital. Denmark, said eight women out of 277 arthritis sufferers he had
      Reuter  -  196 words
    • 193 3 LOWEST U.S. AID BILL IN 27 YEARS WASHINGTON, Wednesday THE Senate has passed the smallest foreign aid bill in the 27 years of the U.S. aid programme. The US$l,2lB million (552.800 million i bill. which must still be passed by the House of Representatives, contains a requirement that countries receiving
      Reuter  -  193 words
    • 22 3 HONOKONO. Wed. Salvage operations begin next month to raise th* 83.000 ton Queen Elizabeth, the Marine Department said today— UPl.
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    • 110 3 REYKJAVIK, Wed. Britain was today withdrawing Its three frigates from the disputed flshlnc waters off Iceland bat the Government here will be keeping an anxious eye on the trawlers they leave behind. A threatened diplomatic rapture between the two countries was averted at the
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    • 60 3 LOS ANOELES. Wed. Philippine Secretary of Tourism Jose Asplras told a press conference that although the number of US tourists was holding steady, for the flrrt time last month Japanese tourists had exceeded Americans. "The Japanese have suddenly found that it IS cheaper to spend a weekend
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 183 3 Tanaka to discuss joint oil project with Bonn pONN, Wed.— Japanese D Prime Minister Kakuel Tanaka Is likely to raise the question of Joint exploitation by Japan, We«t Germany and America of Russian oil deposits at Tyumen In Siberia 'in his talks with West German leaders. Mr. Tanaka is due
      Reuter  -  183 words
    • 158 3 COLOMBO. Wednesday ABOUT 12,000 undergraduates were sent home yesterday, a fortnight early, from university campuses because authorities cannot find food for them. Education officials said boarder* at schools and colleges were also sent home and time tables were being changed to allow three
      Reuter  -  158 words
    • 69 3 MOSCOW. Wed. Rimsla today put Into orbit eight earth satellites launched on a single carrier rocket— the Soviet news agency Tass reported. The ntrllltes contain scientific equipment designed (or the continuation of space Teaearch. Radio systems (or the exact measurement o( orbital elements and radio telemetrlc systems
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 27 3 BERLIN. Wed. WUII Stoph was elected today by the Fast Oerman Parliament as successor to the Ule Walter Ulbtlcht as titular Chief of SUte. AP
      AP  -  27 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 141 3 Machine Tools k SELECTION FROM OIR STOCK unm mwhk HAMAi 26mm Collet BROBO Circular p^H BROBO Friction MAS 26mm Radial jwn MHU WOMINfi LATHES nova 1/8" x 8 ft Guillotine EMCO Bench NOVA 60 ton x 8 ft. Press Brake MYFORO Bench NOVA 100 ton x Bft Press Brake TOS
      141 words
    • 688 3 I aoAq LAST THREE DAYS Bargdins ITALIAN, FRENCH t SWISS BROCADES. Normlly $14.i0 to $55 00 yBBi, NOW $7.10 upwordt SWISS IMBROIDERID SILKS COTTONS Normally $22 50 to $48 50 a yard. NOW $10.00 upward!. THOUSANDS HAVE BOUGHT AT REDUCED PRICES Why not you? MODERN SILK STORE 34. HIGH STREET,
      688 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 120 4 MAS Golden Service extends toTaipei today. Departing Kuala Lumpur 9.30a.m, p «^»m^^_^^^m|^m_m. Now you can fly the Golden Way L* to Taipei. C^n lkU^B n an atmosphere of luxurious comfort, Pampered by the warmth J^ J and spontaneous friendship of ■j^^^Hfc* *\jr^^SS Malaysian hospitality. N i^,R^4Jj?iS#jf Call your travel agent
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  • 286 5 Another outbreak of sore eyes in S'pore AN outbreak of sore eyes (conjunctivitis) has again hit Singapore, the Health Ministry re ported yesterday. An official statement said that attendance for treatment for sore eyes at government out patient dispensaries had been on the increase lately. The Infecting agent was still
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  • 60 5 MOHAMED Nor bin Ahmad, 19, yesterday pleaded guilty, to breakIng Into the house of Mrs. Celine R. Sandosham In Jalan Kunylt at about 4 a.m. on Sept. 30 to steal two watches, a $40 gold chain and $36. A progress and reformative training centre report was called
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  • 38 5 TAN Ban I jk. 29. was (Intd $1,000 yesterday for trying to embrace a IS-year-old schoolgirl He admitted using criminal lorce to outrage her modesty In Balestler Road on Tuesday by grabbing her from behind
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  • 491 5  -  P. M. RAMAN By ASEAN trade liberalisation programme will start with the study of free movement of food products among member nations. This was decided at the close of the twoday meeting of the Asean permanent committee on commerce and industry here yesterday.
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  • 84 5 TH lEV 8 entered an unlocked wooden hut in Benot Road. Juronr. on Tuesday nitht and escaped with an assortment of wrldii i equipment worth $9.5«0. The theft was discovered by Mr. Foofc Chee Konc, 26, a foreman of Wong Sent lluat Construction,
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  • 110 5 rVETECTIVE Loh Tal Chuan, 38, yesterday lost his appeal in the High Court in a 52.200 bribery case In which he was convicted in May with businessman. Lee Ah Kirn, 49. Chief Justice Mr. Wee Chong Jin upheld the lower court's sentence of 18 months jail on
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  • 184 5 By BAILYNE SUNG DrSflTr. Uvinc IB a glamour world after winning the Mis* International title Miss Solvleg Larsen of Australia Is still very much down-to-earth. Bight At the start of an Interview yesterday, the It year old bea a t y
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  • 36 5 VIOILAMTE Corp* member T.n Joo Kin. 11. m fined f ISO yesterday lot being (brent from training at Thomson Secondary School and Bouna Vista Camp from July 10 to Sept. XI. He pleaded guilty.
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  • 135 5 Prince Philip due tomorrow for overnight stay PRINCE Philip is sche- duled to fly In tomorrow for an overnight »tay en route to New Zealand. He will arrive in the afternoon in an aircraft of the Queen's Flight and will be met at the airport by a Minister and senior
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  • 58 5 MADAM Cuek Mln» ;»kr,g. 91. has refjottw. to pultce that a mot>rcyc:« uwtched hei handbai: containing WOO and two Id.-. city card* and iped off tc'-ard Oemen<eau Avenue on Tuesday nigh.. Madam Quek. a Uacner w».s walklru; with her huiband aleni Cuppage Hoad, off Orchtrc Road,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 148 5 M An Spots and pimples didn't give my skin a chance before So I started to fight back using Clearasil as my doctor told me to. Clearasil doesn't promise an overnight miracle cure. Nothing works like that. But by following Clearasil's daily blemishcontrol plan my skinimproved day by day. Because
      148 words
    • 421 5 SNJZ! \4 oz. size MEMTHOLATUM SOOTHING.COCXJNG HEALING BALM •For quick reliel Irom colds, coughs and headaches. •Gently cools and soothes away skin irritations, insect bites, burns, bruises, etc. •In economy size packs. Made in England. MENTHOLATUM The Great Reliever FOR FREE SAMPLE, till in coupon below and mail to J.L.
      421 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 210 5 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS tor the opportunist (T). 1 Olve account of manger T °»^J\ with ~d «»tter«l .bout >»* J4. 5 BJ.PPU- »or-, to, port. gSSSTIppUL^ not a«r turning coy on ln»»- "commended for «llmtmuan (Si mers <o. S). 10 in^Tpomi .ppear. com- *> DOHd of Una if) me*.
      210 words

    • 357 6 Price control for rice warning KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday THE price of rice may come under government control if the situation gets out of hand. National Padi and Rice Authority chairman Tan Sri Syed Nasir Ismail said today. "We will not hesitate to slap price control on rice, if necessary," he
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    • 91 6 SALESMEN LOSE $2,400 TO ROBBERS BATU PAHAT, Wed Two cigarette salesmen were robbed of $2,400 by four armed men at Parit Jora yesterday. Mr Tan Kok Kay and Mr. Chua Ah Sey were on their way to office in a van when they were stopped and held up by four
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    • 135 6 Guerilla unit loses leader and 38 men KIXHING, Wed. Government troop* In Sarawak have killed 39 members of a unit of the outlawed North Kalimantan Guerilla Force (Paraku) this year, it was announced The Chief Minister, Datuk Hajl Abdul Rahman Yakub. said yesterday Paraku's Combat Unit J3O was completely put
      Reuter  -  135 words
    • 91 6 It costs more to greet your friends... KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. It is going to cost the public more to greet their friends during the coming festive seasons of Harl Raya Puasa and Deepavali this year. O reeling cards are costing as much as 20 per cent more than It did
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    • 56 6 MALACCA. Wed.— Smoking will be banned In all cinemas within the municipal ana from Nov. 1. The ban also affects school halls and other auditoriums used for staging plays and musical shows or any sport competition, exhibition or other entertainment to which the public are admitted
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    • 29 6 TAIPINO. Wed. The Sultan of Perak's consort. Puan Sharlfah Salmah. who lives here, has reported to the police that a diamondstudded platinum ring, costIng $3,400 is missing
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    • 29 6 SERKMBAN. Wed. Madam R. Letchumy. 24. a mother of three, was killed when the was knocked down by a lorry at the 13th mile Jaton Nlial yetttrday.
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    • 60 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Cuepi.cs president Mr. T. Narendran and deputy president Enclk Tanaya bin Mohamet All will leive for New York tomorrow to attend the Conference ol Public Seivlces International Organisation The four-day conference will, among other thing*. feature Ufa by Dr Rudolf Meldner. guest
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    • 62 6 Licences— at 1 a minute KUALA LUMPUR. Wed A minute that U all the time you need to wait when reneving your driving licences, when the new 23 IBM machines bought by the Road Transport Department at a cost of 5500.000. are put Into cperatlun In January next year. The
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    • 170 6 Plan for tighter discipline in the civil service KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday piVIL servants may be subjected to tighter discipline under the revised General Orders. It Is understood that the Government had completed work on the revision of the General Orders about a month ago. and a copy had been sent
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    • 62 6 MANILA. Wed Trtdt between the Philippine* and Malaysia for the tint ilx month! uf this year showed a balance to favour of the Philippines for the first time In five years, the Department of Trade said today The Philippines told UStT97.«U (8418 million) worth of goods to
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    • 46 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Asian regional branch at the International Federation of Free Teachers Union iIFFTUi will hold a fourday seminar on "Social education In Khools In Asia" here beginning on Dec 20. The Asian regional branch repitsents about two million teachers.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 404 6 *5e freen Berets" CHARGE into their 23rd BIG DAY of EXPLOSIVE ACTION ii VIETNAM AT THE CAPITOL Due to film's Itnglh Only 4 SHOWS doily Note Times: 11. 2.3o^Us^9Js— ht^ Free List BB^Bjm *WIZ *3r vjH k^ef 41 awkV J(ShTwAYNE. DAVID JANSSEN, JIM HUTTON, ALDO RAY. RAYMOND ST. JACQUES, IRENE
      404 words
    • 181 6 KONG CHIAN: Opens TODAY 1.30, 3.30, 7.15 ft f.3of*a BLOODIEST APACHE BATTLE IN HISTORY! <«4p| f** ADMISSION PRICES: J ,^-i BfIUCE DAVISON RICHARO JAECKEL j MMcbfrwMt oivd »w<er*UN»«r»-rjiaih( Sj^\ «in«w«''>iua»caiwaiwv (mrl caxtiii a km* ai>i vouch moouciion \m^ lali.l TECHNICOLOR jS) BBmI UNlVtmi PICTHI lISTMMTII IT C.I.C. VT/ KONG CHIAN:
      181 words
    • 45 6 r luxurunisftxm^auwtyou otTtotdTwobprta... fifmiVSSM.OOup. HOTEL lAYAKARTA n Facililwt Indooevjs n.«e« ullrj I Q, chld kaom modern hotel Ihil it ideally |jcky\gji kxittd .n itkKUtdawn siwpp.oiCenlrt town tanking, commercial Modern Cinema and (hopping vicinity MO«Kh>IMK Emaean tan** <h jayakarta PHOM J7»nio272S4S c< <9 I^^L CAfU tAHOIU
      45 words
    • 255 6 SIMULTANEOUS OPENING TODAY! riekitt at SI, S2 S3 ftr ALL SNOWS it Mior Tbtatra N SALE NOW! < •I Cash Botkiigs Oily Strictly Hi Frtt List. PLEASE WOTE:= i Each Patron is Allowed To Purchasa A Maximum m Ji ot 4 Tlcfcou Only. BRUCE LEE 1 fey SSttCS aMMST et
      255 words
    • 736 6 WVrfWWWV.VIiV%V.S'.V. te'.ATHiY go|^ muHiiTiiti lll^iißin'' OP EMI TODAY! !l JhOWl ATilltM. I.M. 4 I 7 4 »10»M 7 tlOPv." (No FrM Lit' CASH BOOKINGS ONLY' t\ "BM7CB LEE THI MAM AND THI IKINO i| A 90-minul. full-length feature in Mondonn Color Scope English S^b« Orrver*lN Cinema ■OOCON CATHAY OUCHARO*.
      736 words

  • 356 7  -  SOH TIANG KENG 'MORE TRADE, FASTER GROWTH RATE* FORECAST By TOP Japanese economist, Mr. Snburo Okita, yeste i day predicted that the "economic (1 vna in i sin" of Japan would gradually be transmitted to nations in South-east Asia. This would lead to a
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  • 467 7 When multinationals are made scapegoats. riOODYEAR Inter\Jt national Corporation yesterday hit out against the practice of using multinational corporations as the scapegoat for all Ills. Regional director J.E. Purcell Indicated at the business conference that all multinationals should not be tarred with the same brush. He said: "Ooodyear's worldwide activities
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  • 223 7 'Now We're all the more aware' rE senior vice-pre-sident of the Fint National City Bank. New York, Mr. Raymund A. Kathr. told the conference that criticism of world corporations In Asia had Ird their managers to become more acutely aware of the need to adjust and adapt to the changing
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  • 421 7 UNEMPLOYMENT In U Malaysia at the end of the Second Malaysia Plan In 1975. even If the Plan's ambitious targets were met. would still remain at 7.8 per cent exactly the same figure as at the beginning. This was stated by Malaysian Deputy Minister of
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  • 292 7 ROLLEI Singapore has managed to reach break-even point In its second year of operations, and by 1974 "we shall be able to secure good profits." Furthermore, a turnover of $10 million in the first year will be translated Into sales of $140 million by next year.
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  • 514 7 TH E international trading company of Jardlne, Matheson and Co. Ltd., Hongkong, which has Interests In Singapore, Malaysia and other parts of the world, will increasingly turn over ownership of its units to the people In whose country they operate.
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  • 321 7 THE Indonesian Government is pushing ahead with plans to develop capital and money markets, including the establishment of a stock exchange. Meanwhile, eight mer chant banks have been granted operating licences to do business In Indonesia. The Oovernment also Intends to invite 31
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  • 262 7 Welcome lack of sloth in S'pore says banker A HONGKONG banker told the conference that Singapore's progress as a financial centre seemed well defined 'with the Government at hand to prod It along If there are signs of faltering." "They have also shown themselves willing to Intervene if they think
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 7 7 i Discover hospitality at Apollo Hotel 0:5
      7 words
    • 148 7 awi^^^X jf*. IIC Will rRJ!. SILVER MODEL RT 30-E 1 1 Built Sll.VERf^few_ H« More .dSm^L Than Good p^^^^^ vi IWiiimlKv W^rV V Modal RT 30-E >y^ >^\ I Thu modal offarj you a umqu« feiture s >- I allowing you to throw in your own voice or I background
      148 words

  • 418 8 AN OLD FRIEND WITH NEW IDEAS MESSAGE FROM SIR JAMES FORREST CHAIRMAN, AUSTRALIAN CONSOLIDATED INDUSTRIES LIMITED Australian Consolidated Industries Limited is pleased to have been associated with Singapore Glass Manufacturers Pte. Limited since the commencement of operations of Singapore Glass in 1948. Initially, Singapore Glass was established
    418 words
  • 938 8 HISTORY AND PROGRESS Singapore Glass Manufacturers Pte. Limited was established in 1948 as an offshoot of Australian Consolidated Industries Limited at the time when Singapore was emerging from the effects of the Second World War Trading conditions were improving and economically
    938 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 289 8 from: m-.T-.~«~ui 'Z!ZZST^ m umeasaaaear E.C. De Witt Co. Ltd. Un(on LW Haj| o hman Ebrahim Sudan a Son Cold Storage (M) Sdn. Bhd. (Magnolia Dairies) Hodeidah, Yemen "co map song Ltd. Chop Eng Alk Seychelles Breweries Ltd., Seychelles Drug Housm of Australia Aala) Pt*. Ltd. Overseas Cam corporation, Kabul,
      289 words
    • 5 8 Singapore Glass Manufacturers Private Limited
      5 words

  • 1 9 r
    1 words
  • 78 9 Fined $600 for three road offences SALESMAN Urn Kirn Chal SI. (X Malaysia, wu fined a 1.-.lal of $600 yesterday for thrte traffic offences He was fined »300 for driving a van without car* and attention and colliding into a acoo er at Owen Road at about 12.30 pm on
    78 words
  • 39 9 OEOROE Chew Chye Peng. 20. a hangar helper, wmt Jailed for a year yesterday for having 11 roll* of cannubl.s weighing 13 grummet In Changl Village civilian quarters on the night of Sept. 23 He pleaded (rjllty
    39 words
  • 236 9 Danger of dubbing pupils 'failures' 'IT MAY LEAD THEM TO VIOLENCE' A LEADING Singapore educationist, Mr. Francis Thomas, warned yesterday that dubbing thousands of young citizens "failures" for their poor school performance would build up raw material for violent revolution. Mr. Thomas called for a less negative attitude towards such
    236 words
  • 60 9 MOTORCYCLIST Teo Lak Kwang. 19. was fined Sl«0 yesterday for falling to display "L" plates on his machine while holding a provisional licence at the Junction of Kallang Bahru and Boon Keng Roads on May 30 He was fined another 1140 for not being covered
    60 words
  • 154 9 Singapore and W. Germany sign investment pact 11TE8T Germany and TV Singapore yesterday signed a treaty to reciprocally protect their nationals' investments In the two countries. The scheme provides for 15 years protection to investments of nationals In each other's territory against non-com-mercial risks of expropriation without prompt and adequate
    154 words
  • 56 9 Gilmore for pullout CANBERRA. Wed. The Defence Department today announced the appointment of Brigadier lan CHlmore to ovi'!« the withdrawal of Australia's Ansuk contingent In Blngapore. The department aald Brig. Ollmore. 48. was expected v> take up his new duties v Chief of Staff on the heaJauarters of the Anxuk
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 27 9 fined $10 yesterday for being found drunk and Incapable In front of the National Theatre In River Valley Road on Tuesday evening. He pleaded guilty.
    27 words
  • 281 9 $271 million frozen to counter excessive liquidity THE Monetary Authority of Singapore froze $271 million of liquid assets from the banking system In March lo counter excessive rate of monetary expansion, MAS disclosed yesterday. A statement reviewing the authority's annual report for the year end ing March 19.3. which will
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  • 159 9 ANANYANG University graduate waa Jailed for six months yesterday for housebreaklng and theft. E. Tho, 27, a graduate in Chinese language and literature, pleaded guilty to breaking into the students hostel of the university in Upper Jurong Road on June 17 and stealing a
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 278 9 Newsweek OCT. 8 ISSUE REPUBLIC OF CHINA I TOOAY AND TOMORROW TO RUSSIA WITH BUSINESS FROM OUTBACK TO OPCRA MOUSE DJMyfr Sr 1 \lk Aa. fl k^^^l BJr» M 9 asxaß Ms! •SaA^sßl W *ft*' afc Ja^k^a^Bißt aB/ Bft ißWC*^*^*^*Bal*sM j MAIL YOUR COUPON TO I I Newsweek international i
      278 words
    • 283 9 OA9 k LBc% *afeMej^l LUaBT-jlv .^B M& ag^asli am vK^amv '^^B V^aml ameSL^BH B^arnT Tim Wheatley. rally driver, chose his watch as carefully as le chose his lights. Tim's choice was a Tudor— a Chronograph Oysterdate built with the toughness and dependability sportsmen look for. Make a Tudor your choice
      283 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 171 9 Brin.l.. Up r.U..r SIM K.v.n..b H.I to-p |/Cl^N('«SUr') 111 /S^Sl-T 1 pSS&aJKfSJS^^WWrPIfo Blo»d»« ay CM« I .uIT JULJUS HAS Tlli I IfOHYtARS «-H USeOTOKISS 1 I DOeSNT HST KISS ■*OU I TM LUCKY* MS SHAKES UAnOS '\MCOM9O< _-\^M« MI4WTAMO J -A IiMVMO«« fy—^ -ST W.TWMEONOUB AMMIVCRSARY^ LTI Abntf By Al
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1136 10 ME I RD HOLDINGS LIMITED Incorporated in Singapore under the Companies Act (Cap 185) (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") This Prospectus is dated September 28, 1973. A copy of this Prospectus has been lodged with and registered by the Registrar of Companiss in Singapore who takes no responsibility for
      1,136 words
    • 603 10 UNDERWRITING COMMISSION Pursuant to the Underwriting Agreement referred to in paragraph 16 under the heading "OTHER STATUTORY AND GENERAL INFORMATION the whole issue of shares will be underwritten by Singapore International Merchant Bankers Limited at the rate of 1% on the price of the shares to be issued. BROKERAGE Brokerage
      603 words
    • 732 10 Details of increases in the issued capital of MOPL from the date of incorporation to the date of this Prospectus are as follows: No. of Shares Date of Issue of S$ 1 .000 each Consideration September 20, 1965 200 Cash November 11, 1969 500 Cash August 1,1970 500 Cash 1,200
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1325 11 VALUERS' REPORT (Prepared for incorporation in this Prospectus) The Directors September 24, 1973 Metro Holdings Limited Singapore Gentlemen, i) 72 &74 High Street ii) 200 Clemenceau Avenue iii) 8M Napier Road In accordance with your instructions, we have inspected the above properties (more clearly described in the section entitled "PROPERTIES")
      1,325 words
    • 837 11 DIRECTORS' REPORT (Prepared for incorporation in this Prospectus) September 27, 1973 The Shareholders Metro Holdings Limited Singapore On behalf of the Directors of the Company, I report after due inquiry in relation to the period between the date to which last accounts have been made up and September 27, 1973
      837 words
    • 1225 11 OTHER STATUTORY AND GENERAL INFORMATION 1 There are no founders or management or deferred shares. 2 No application will be accepted on the basis of this Prospectus later than six months after the date of issue of this Prospectus. 3 There is no shareholding qualification for Directors. 4 The provisions
      1,225 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 390 12 PRUDENCE Is reflected In Mr. Hon Sul Sen's "cautious optimism" about Singapore's prospects of achieving Its targeted annual growth rate of 15 per cent. The quality of our manpower, inflation, and turbulence In the world monetary system are factors which could upset our calculations. But, as Mr. Hon
      390 words
    • 165 12 »the St. Andrew's School principal ob- Jects to the label "failures" for those who might be described as premature school-leavers. But a change of name will not Improve the self-image or lot of these youngsters. Call them by any other term, they will remain poignantly conscious that
      165 words
    • 467 12 Reptile squad— what a pull it can be at zoo rE constructive responses of the acting Commissioner for Parks and Recreation (8.T., Sept. 21 and 25) and of the editors (ST.. Sept. 22 and Sun. T Sept. 30) to my letter, "How Singapore can become a more beautiful garden city"
      467 words
    • 104 12 rpHE pasar malam site 1 at Tanglln Halt Road should be restricted to one side of the road. Fed-up Is thanked for his letter (ST.. Sept. 23) and checks will be made to ensure that pasar malam hawkers do not obstruct traffic. H. BRI'YNS <Mls»), Public Relations Officer.
      104 words
  • 1982 12 Of trade limitations, manpower needs, inflation and the world monetary uncertainties FULL text of the speech by Mr. Hon Sui Sen, Minister for Finance, at the Financial Times (London) Conference on Busmen Opportunities in the Pacific latin held at 'he Shangri-La Hotel yesterday.
    1,982 words
  • 1794 12 labour and as the antllnflationary measures mounted by governments take effect Whether the rate of inflation would also slow down in 1974 however. Is more problematic but as a whole, it is expected that there would be an improvement In 1974, as
    1,794 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 30 12 man tinea 1934. MM complataly hand tallorad A ttitchad M na»a tha MM 4 oidatt nmm of malarial! for talaction. 21. Chulla St.. Singapora. 1. IK ***** Hong Kong (Branch)
      30 words
    • 104 12 W^^^^ LOW COST. HIGH SPEED Hj DUPLICATING... I*^9 J^Sh filHl^ i 1.10 i^hih i w HH Jn L. a f 9 HH TABLE TOP DUPLICATORS 212 220 j^HT^H AM presents two new table top Duplicators, the 212 and 220 which have been exclusively designed to incorporate many features usually found
      104 words

  • 215 13 Ailing grandma asks daughter to return AN ailing 62-year-old woman, Kob Swee Kee, yesterday appealed to her eldest daughter, Mrs. Ler Ah Cbik alias Line Ling (above), 29, who has been miasing for the past year, to return home. Ah Chlk's younger sister, housewife Mn. Lee Cheng Huat, 26, who
    215 words
  • 27 13 TANO Boon Seng. M ni lined M.OOO yesterday for assisting In carrying on an Illegal chap-JI-kee In Havelock Road on Sept 25 He pleaded guilty.
    27 words
  • 199 13 DOLICE have warned -1 residents of Toa Payoh against two young men who specia Use In robbing women In HDB lifts. Police spokesman Asst. Supt. Ng Woon Poh described the two men as "medium built and In their 205."
    199 words
  • 16 13 THERE were 120 road accident. IS of them aertout and one fatal, on Wednesday
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  • 55 13 A MAN with 22 previous conviction* In Singapore and Malaysia, was jailed for two years yesterday for theft. 8 Nathnua bin Sheik. 45. pleaded guilty to stealing a bag containing »38« and valuables, and some personal documents belonging to Ra;oo Periathjunby In a loosing hou?e In East
    55 words
  • 275 13 Employing illegal immigrant: $400 fine is doubled pHIEF Justice Mr. Wee Chong Jin yesterday doubled the $400 fine Imposed by a lower court on an employer, Chen Han Meng, In July. Chen, 30, had pleaded guilty in a magistrate's court to employing an illegal immigrant, A. Azaharl, as a daily-rated
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  • 23 13 WATER consumption on Tuesday was 1167 million gallons (S3l.M* cubic metres), 6.3 million gallons (29,»0C cable metres) kas than on Monday.
    23 words
  • 68 13 THE UP for Ulu Pandan. Dr. Chiang Hal Ding, will officiate at the balloting ceremony for the sale of 1.034 units of three-room (Improved) and 572 unlU of four-room data at Buona Vista Bslate at 230 p.m. today. The ceremony will be held at the car
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 216 13 Baygon bait is sweet. That's why flies, cockroaches and insects can't resist it. Then it kills them. Pow! Instantly! But if you're an insect, it's a sweet way to go. Kills flies and crockroajhes instantly. /T\ BAYER (S) PTE. LTD.,TEL: *****2 HH SKINNY PEOPLE gar* 9 P*aa\ A All-in-one concentrated
      216 words
    • 231 13 oaaaaaal t> MaaaW ,*afl mmW CHILDREN^ COUGHS.. GIVE IMMEDIATELY NYAL baby cough syrup FL "^^MJli Pleasant tasting Nyal Baby m, jMfM I I Cough Syrup is specially K atA£2Ladg^g^Mk f° rmul ed to g' ve j g^gm i mr nediate relief of coughs jj--i^aaaaaaßMaßß colds to children, safely I imSimtm
      231 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 539 13 TV SINGAPORE (5) Iftft W Openinf and House- 7 m News (Malay) 7.41 O.UV wives' Matmee-tife ol /.JU Opera H.M.S. Pinam &s Fi \,y *>* w« Chinese Paper Cutting (Chinese- Scotland Yard Nothmi to Repeat) 4.11 General Hospital 4.55 Live For I M News and NewsIntermission I.M Opening an] Looney
      539 words
    • 333 13 THE TIDES THAT.- ttapgwt 3.36 a.m. (2m). 2.43 p.m. Q.4m). Stdli Kackil 3.11 a.m. (2 lm), 111 p.m. M 8m) Part HcksM 10.28 a.m. (2m). 10.36 p.m. (2m). TIMMHMW: t«|aurt 4.49 a.m. 1 18 m). 339 p.m. (2.2 m). SMI McM) 4.13 a.m. (2.1 m), 207 p.m. (1.7 m). Part
      333 words

    • 318 14 Top models and a sparkling show from Tokyo SrARKLt Tokyo, a fashion show in aid of the Bed Cross Society this weekend, promise* something more than the dress parades we usually see In Singapore. Three top Japanese mannequins, a stage producer and co-ordinator are here preparing for the show, which
      318 words
    • 553 14 IN A medical laboratory In Hamburg the other day, I cautiously sampled the contents of a tall glass of fluid which looked like co:d thick tea and tasted if that's the right word like a cross between weak porridge and watered down vegetable soup. Hardly.
      553 words
    • 68 14 HATS to bring your husband along when shopping? One way out of this problem Is to tag on as a supplementary member If your husband has an American Express account card. Wives of card holders will be Issued with supplementary cards for an annual subscription of
      68 words
    • 257 14 time and you're pretty well finished with eating for the rest of the day, apart for a small intake of basic bulk foods. At least, that's the theory and. n:.» surprisingly, it will be a few years yet before such a product
      257 words
    • 222 14 ALL foods need some protection in the refrtgerator-freeier. One rule is. -if it doesn't already have a wrap, wrap it." Cover food tightly with something moisture and vapor proof. Use something clingy and disposable, or a rigid container reusable and washable. If It Is already wrapped, leave It.
      222 words
    • 59 14 DONT reach into a cage while visiting the zoo. Don't let a child do that either Where feeding of animals is okayed, only dole out victuals permitted for that animal. Following the rules keeps you and children from being harmed. Abiding by the feeding suggestions for
      59 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 501 14 Be a believer... in reducing the risk of heart attacks. m^ ft VsaVHksß ~~^£f [DONT UVfcT m# p^aifjasaM fW«sia*i ag*«~< Tn '11 lt-i VI tp ia-a-Hfatiaw wmiiti THI to uuiuvaie v*. yMt w^ 4 tm^ Wrinkles. tm^^m—*. b^*»«. -jk|-aj Hon in f set filltfft 1 A parched dry akin ia
      501 words
    • 87 14 Ej BULCUR^T IJSCtBwSV^LIIBSSSsHi A/ fl ft* 'S I aw fj^i 1 ■5^ HIIM Hss« W y x V > liW^ •>FOtyurfeArtJHAm> V I I I Ol^ I SOFT pRGARINE f A Bk J W^k J*^ UsssssV^^^rlrß^A^Bi Kss^^ HiV^^lsssssT^ I tsssssssissSn J > r 1 UssY >1 W I J jfllssssssss!
      87 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1323 15 cwiTiHm-i:p sttntE ti m/cmtineni l IVERPOOL BAY <>->" an™' i»n LiicitruuL ito a m aMt ato ato ■r.r:.r |g EE |t IE :;r.rY. v,..5.u „.5. jje _k ,jk ,jk 3E -sc CONTIINEISNIPSEJYICE iTMI M/CIHTIItENI: I'tni S'F— apton P. Kaliaf S po'e I0«l0ta UT I 5a.1.1 SI.M Sa.Mf Sa.kl I kl
      1,323 words
    • 1082 15 V MMM I Mt/Ptjl a Tut PtMtf P. Ht— tj S'nn lartl I ntn a mici —Mil J PMtmuas sn ii Sa* it w n ki atoii to a P i II mih. sn ismiiin ii an iktnm a to a I 1 imu SMasnasna anitaniianil II MiMaia sii it
      1,082 words
    • 978 15 LmmmmmmmmM BTat f i HW| mat. I'M. Inn f naitat Scm iattm Fraatt u« I UTJUM MT 11 Ml 11 Mt IMI II MI 11 Ml IMI MINE MIIU aMt 11 an II an IS an II an OSMa MT ato nto ii an ii an aan ii an IKMEN
      978 words
    • 1003 15 FULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE TO EUKOft -Jt-IIM., FM: ™J**[Jjsf_ to ottlf •<■»'•'*■. OatMrp, li Hjvn uSmT? Mm Z 1 ai»i« an AMtaa. Cmiilihii. ClltMawt kUtan. ...1u,,. m. 1, MMUajta. FULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE FKOM EUROPE •M PO-I FMH: "Su, 1 k', fcustirfcai. AntMrp, ll Hnn aiiiiori iiif, Sl**- •i»» z, i;»-m*s. c«pei-inp..
      1,003 words
    • 725 15 S.n 9 «P<>'< ******; P. X.1.., (Ml, Xl *****; P.n.r, J5301 THE BANK LINE LTD. LtUS FM E. I I IFIICI tTIHIUM |HM aiMiM. Mtiaaii. a. I Martini I S F »i>| tl/ll to Spot H/M M PiTMaaimM. I. aantn. Oar Mata t Canloim) P HllMf n/a to IWinkl/IM
      725 words

  • 139 16 T"| T 1>I»DI>INTI PS* OCT 4. OUT: Qua i>a II BM. Nam Pala Kaimaaiaina Saauafta »'M. CknaM Ckau 25 X Lot DM M aad UnraW Bar IS IN t'tiKM Evwrßr««a I I. Strmal Luanda, ft, MouAt £a« S, Marvl Mam 7' a. Oiaac Ami 21 But. HMnrfTMHI
    139 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 953 16 Iyl KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD UVUUI IHHUI UStH UISU in. MPU, lON, STUITS SIKL Mass Hea|Ua| Im F. biaaaj wiuun his* in- i sm unais im in IM MM UIMM MaM H II act Japan Arabian Cull IsrvUs twin pss, SStnu SaVSS MM Cilia/ltalcat/Oala./ II i an -Oaaa/ nMIPMSMMf Ih
      953 words
    • 853 16 no Mi KMTf VIM* hhrt f M Sup*. LC.T Kiirt UK S lit I tct TiKtors (or Itvjssois. MMTT HIT I kt i M Hwla KUTY 9KIII I kt I M MmU. WtIIIII MM II M Matt. UM MM 17 M liajrti. mi a lit lin laws. MU MM 2ln
      853 words
    • 776 16 U.k. iurom swvici LOADING FOR LONDON. HAVRI, ROAM. H'RURO. MfVIN mrvmm mt.»TTi n/FIA mn TS a/a' fci ::/ii mm nm •trnmimmt wa m Kj£i MrnVSTw/ii «n«a wumumi MM Slit %i Imm 'W'w iiii ARRIVALS FROM NORTH-WOT lUROMAN PORtT ANo'IONOON norm imrnn £73 I"** 1 £TC mrvm Huaiiin uu an
      776 words
    • 688 16 urns tame it vmm, inamutmrnmn mn fc SMfkjtrt f. MMf PMtaf natal Mn ■"••■aWI VII Ml TV* Ml H/tl Ml tilion 1) 11 i'imi II I IS 11 H tori .1 II Mnirat* 3 U H/ll M H/11 M I'tM lUU anti v v "■tor| 17 I? IW 10 U
      688 words
    • 845 16 PI BLIC ITIUTIES NOTICE TO BOARD CONSIGNEES TENDERS M NepUne Sssliln'l ELECTRICITY DEPART- CASUAITT MENT: (2nd Floor. City Consignees are hereby Hall i notified to effect Imnedlate 1 Bupply and deUvery of cls»ranc« of their ca-»o o Bltumen-B»se Filling Com- N«Ptune Sapphlrr dUpound during the year j charted by m.v
      845 words

      • 88 17 •rdine v Pen. italex ■K.I ientlng >. Milk P. Chem teo H. 8. mperlai r. Dev. 11. Ind. if. Flour kcma lobinson ;CM E See :ac <BT 'Irita ilm him A. Tile $18.50 +2.00 3.50 .40 $2.72 .20 5 30 M 7^0 .20 t 148 .18 f 3.18 .18
        88 words
      • 19 17 Ha' mperlal laUjan Credit in Yan Seng 'otal Turnover 'otal Value 285.1 318.1 152.1 29 J9.7
        19 words
      • 38 17 IndutrUla IM.11 1 Holrto Mill M».!» Properlirt 10J.59 IM.U t Tim 118t» HIM t 8 rnbbrn Ml. 74 1*4.00 t O.C.B.C. Kl.O 1I4.M Dk 1H4-1H 1 Dm. SI. 1M*=1M t Da. 1MZ 1M Jan. 1. 1K*=1M
        38 words
    • 1594 17 THE last transacted sale at the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with previous day's price together with 1973 high and ■low. Adjusted for all new Issues). CLOSING TONE: Except for finances which cloaed easy, the rest were steady while commodities remained neglected. TURNOVER: Official total turnover on
      1,594 words
    • 338 17 LOWER priced stocks were taken to higher ground in generally erratic trading on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. Most heavywe.ght stocks tended to ease towards the close when support was lightest. Many In market circles believed that syndicates are back In the market of late
      338 words
    • 1548 17 DID and offer pilcas of flclally listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the numoer of •hare* traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 unit* unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Acau (3.368) (3) 3.M. A. Tape (1.778 1.828) (1) up,
      1,548 words
    • 1444 17 I>IU and offer prices offl- clally luted and business in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS A. Tape (1.718 1.608) (1) 1.81. (3) I.M. (1) 164. (8)
      1,444 words
    • 290 17 Index is up a fraction in KL DESPITE an easier afternoon In the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday share values closed higher In fairly heavy trading. Lower -priced stocks saw better action over a wider front and It was In this class that moat of the significant gains were made.
      290 words
      • 28 17 CLOSING PRICES Rubber: Oct. 3. Singapore 163.75 cts. (up 1.75 cts.) Malaysia 159.M cts. (up I.M cent). Tin: $493 (up $4). Official offering 212 tons (down Si tons).
        28 words
    • 76 17 rr. Malaysian Minister of Finance has fixed these rates for calculating Customs duties for the period from Oct. 4 to II: Rubber 751 cts a |b Copra $?M.M a ton Palm Oil $659 M a ton P. Kernel $235.25 a ton The rates of duties payable are: Rubber
      76 words
    • 111 17 CHixtn raoouci CMAMCI. SIHOAPORI MOON closing rmen Ma ricuL VISTMOAV. CiumK Oil: bulk Ml aallara. dram fin Mints. Caora: aflmad (Ioom) VKJ Coat (471 B. Pavaxr: Munlok AST A whit» f o.b 100« NLW I 217» Mlltra Sarawak whit, fob NL.W ***** Milan. Barawak ar*ela> black lob M-, KL.W
      111 words
    • 49 17 TuMdar MMdar U»* UM Melbourne II) 65 10 ST It London tT 75 73 Btlrut 94 00 ST.SO Haaakaai 100 7J ioj 2» Zurich »T 008 IT 008 M.OOB 308 Pans ***** saar Bapon prioM la aon-ittrllng snaa In U.S. omian ptr man (I) Auatrsllaa aollan p«r
      49 words
    • 29 17 THE Malaysian Palm Oil Producers Association yesterday announced the following UK/CIF prices for Malaysian Palm Oil: Feb. £181. Mar. £173. Apr/ June £171. and Jul Dec. £169.
      29 words
    • 267 17 Another gain in Straits tin rpHE Straits tin price In 1 Penang yesterday gained further ground by another $4 to $693 per plcul on an official offering down 36 tons to 212 tons. The overnight London metal price was steady but quiet although the quotation for forward buyers at £2,122
      267 words
    • 35 17 Wlr»bar Spot buyvra ITTB 00 .CH/3 001 aallar 1790 00 IItMOUI. Tkroa monlha buy* 17(7 00 ***** 3O) Miter f 7S* 00 imiW Ma-utt am: st«aar at ta* town 1.v.1. talaa 7.973 Was
      35 words
    • 163 17 ASIAN currency deposit rates as at close on Wednesday. Oct. 1: is Dalian Offer Bid 7 days 9-7/1 9-3,4 1 mth 10-1/6 16 2 mtt.s 10-5 16 10-3 16 3 tmhs 10-7 16 10-5 16 6 mths 10-5 16 10-3 18 9 mths 9-13 16 9-11 16
      163 words
    • 501 17 TUESDAY'S ste a d ler trend continued In the Singapore rubber market yesterday lullowlng Improved London advices and fresh shortcovering Impetus However, trading was slow and turnover was light. There was some coverIng activity In the October position In the afternoon, otherwise the market was barely disturbed from
      501 words
    • 76 17 LV SMR price* luuad at noon jttttr Od. ICmat MUi) IB Baratm Seller. (>«■ per l» SCV (1-ton pallet) ***** 159 00N 5L (1-ton pallet) 15*00 159 OON t < 1-ton pallet) 151.50 143 SON 10 d-ton pallet i 145 50 IMSON 10 (1-ton pallet) 144.50 145 SON
      76 words
    • 66 17 rvBSPITB tight conditions In the Singapore montr market yesterday the U 8 lollar held very steady at marginally lower 1 ere Is against the previous close. Opening hesllai :ly at 63 3406 $3 3420 It met with further liquidation and waa done at $3 3360 in mldmom!i,n dull
      66 words
    • 167 17 rpHX following arc the nominal average closing Interbank rates In Singapore: Nate: These rates m»» differ slightly from these quot-d by banks to their customers. «uotai vnlerday ■S dollar 3 1385 2 3405 itcrllng pound 5 8405 5 6424 Hongkong doUmr 45 97 46 00 UtliyiUn dollar 101
      167 words
      • 303 17 HON IKONO, Wed. Share prices moved up sllgntly on the stock market in quiet trading today The Hang Sens Index advanced 6.16 points to 516.58. Buyers were active during the first hour after the market opened in the morning and share prices made small gains. A lull then developed
        303 words
      • 41 17 On tha fraa aiahanaa marMt in Horukoni yrttrrdar Uw U.S. aMlsr was <j- "d at s.oa/3 oais for T.T. and S.o» for assh. Martins waa quotta at 11 It and ana taat at gala waa quotad at (la so
        41 words
    • 196 17 *r*OKYO. wed. Prices on 1 the Tokj > Stock Exchange gained ground sharply today with gains centring on denomination related Issues. The market opened (Inner on the crest of liie previous day's bulll&h tone. Some paper-pulps, printings and non-ferrous metals gathered buying orders The Doa-Jones average was up by
      196 words
    • 40 17 rRICH. Tues. Yesterday's ilrmer trend continued throughout today and the market closed on a bright note all round. Bonds were slightly better. Closing prices In Swiss francs with the difference on the previous session's prices: Cndlt Sulut M 4*
      40 words
    • 426 17 TV/fELBOURNE. Wed— The fate of WoodildeBarrnah from which the Federal Oovernment has said It will buy all North-West Shelf production. claimed m.tft attention In very cai tious trading tne Mcl bourne Stock Exchange today. The shares plunged to AS: 10 a*, the opening of Uni morning, recm -r»d
      426 words
    • 249 17 ikJEW YORK. Tues Stocks with special situations drew moat of me a.ttentlon on Wail Btreet today, as 'he market extended the r- advance of the last week*. National Semiromlurto. sparkling performer since lute lasi week, roae 13 points to 81-3 4 attar a long delay In opening The
      249 words
    • 97 17 I'INANCIAL TIMES TINS Tuev.ay 93 28 Monday 98 28 Week ago 61.16 RUBBERS Tuesday 445 29 Monday ***** Week ago 440 44 OILS Tuesday 263.04 Monday 262.79 Week ago 268 10 INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 4376 Monday 4M.6 Week ago 438.1 DOW JONES AVEkAGE INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 958 M Monday 946 61
      97 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 588 18 1871 1971 QbJIB 1971 -2071 Ingersoll-Rand ON THE HOVE IN CENTURY II! Th« following appointments, for Singapore dtizens, are necessitated by our expanding operations. A. CUSTOMER SERVICE COORDINATOR Age: 24-30 years. Qualifications: H.S.C Experience: 2/3 years' experience in customer service functions, ability to conduct correspondence, liaise and co-ordinate with various
      588 words
    • 622 18 COMMUNICATIONS ELECTRONICS PTE. LTD. Invites applications for the following potts:MECHANICAL ENGINEER Duties: Design develop and carryout all aspects of mechanical engineering work, including production planning control relating to the communication system installation. Qualifications Experience A degree in production or mechanical engineering with 2 to 3 years experience in design fabrication.
      622 words
    • 520 18 aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^dBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB%B%BBBB^aBBBBBBBBBB^aB>V ■■peaajrtaaßaaTa^weB v eJaweJS4awrtaa^B#^aaaißiaaTeaaieAalßjßjß^Ra For our expansion needs, we invite applications for the following appointments:— Post (a) PROJECT ANALYST DUTIES RESPONSIBILITIES Responsible to Manager (Loans) for project appraisals including market, financial and technical studies on the viability of proposed projects. Also responsible for post-finance supervision and follow-up. QUALIFICATIONS Degree in
      520 words
    • 702 18 UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE Applications art invited from suitably qualified persons with approved practical working experience and residing in Singapore or Malaysia for the posts listed below in the University's Development Unit. (1) CIVIL ENGINEER (2) CLERKS-OF-WORKS (3) DRAUGHTSMEN (STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING) Qualifications/Experience (1) Degree or Diploma granting exemption from Parts I
      702 words
    • 541 18 VOSPER THORNYCROFT PTE LTD WORK STUDY OFFICER The Company A progressive Shipbuilding and Repairing Company. Modem management techniques are extensively utilised by forward thinking management team. Industrial Engineering has wide application in this Company. The Man IWSP or Industrial Engineering qualifications. Experience in Shipbuilding and Repair trades an advantage. Matured
      541 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 630 19 FOREIGN BANK Rapidly expanding foreign bank has vacancies for clerical staff in several departments including Asian Currency Unit Candidates who shouid be Singapore Citizens must satisfy the following requirements: Possess a Higher School Certificate. Age between 21-25 Have some previous experience in office routine, and basic accounting. Previous banking experience
      630 words
    • 687 19 LIM; BANK BUMUVntA MALAYSIA BEMAD Due to the rapid expansion of our organisation applications are Invited from suitably qualified Malaysian Citizens to nil In vacancies at our Kuala Lumpur Office and other branches for the post of: CLERKS Candidates should possess the Federation of Malaya Certificate of Education or the
      687 words
    • 552 19 CHIEF ACCOUNTANT International Oroup of Companies require. a Chief Accountant who must be capable of taking complete responsibility of the entire accounting functions of several companies operating In Malaysia. The successful applicant who must be a Malaysian Citizen will be based In KuaU Lumpur. Qualification Membership of one of the
      552 words
    • 641 19 wish to announce that they have transferred their main office to:Syah Alam Industrial Estate, Sungei Renggam, Selangor. Tel: *****1 -3 on October 1 1973 GOODYEAR TYRES CARLSBERG X S^ NYLEX-fTH IKT^TI f" BREWERY X X NYLtx-f- UM--I I mm^/^l i*^i\^ > TOKLANG \3l Tl9B >C Motor Pacing Track Hargill Engineering
      641 words
    • 440 19 IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT. 19«S AND IN THE MATTER OF PRIMWOOD AGatlPRODI'CTS SENDIRIAN BERHAD NOTICE OP VOLUNTARY WINDING-UT J. At an Extraordinary Gene» ral Meeting of the member*. of PRIMWOOD AORI-PROj DUCTS PFNDIRIAN BE3V HAD duly convened and helaV at the Registered Office <* the Company. 4th
      440 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1873 20 classified ads H WANTIO IMMEDIATELY an intelligent female Clerk for Real Estate Company Must have a pleasant voice and typing ability. Salary $200/- p.m. Apply personally between 10 a.m. 11 a.m. at 10 Jalan Lada Puteb B'pon 8 Required: FINANCIAL ASSIS TANT Quanaeatlena LCC Intermediate Accounting and B.C. cr equivalent.
      1,873 words
    • 726 20 INDIAN FEMALE TYPIST CLINK wanted by film company. Salary $120/- $130/Tel: *****S B'pon for appointment MALI BOOK KEEPER CUM CENERAL CLINK wanted by small office. Applicant* irast be ahls to keep run set of book* and c familiar with office roJtln*. L.CC. Intermediate and O.C.E. Level ess.ntlal. Starting salary $300—
      726 words
    • 671 20 quire* Sale* Representatives for Immediate employment. Call personally at 213-B. Lavender St. B'pon 12 Tel 25*4224. ESTABLISHED TEXTILE COMPANY requlna experienced Indoor Salesmen/Salesgirl*. Interested please call ***** dur tnr. omee noun. COUNTER SALI'^IRLS for ably from Katong. Geylang ana*. Tel: *****1 8 do- for Interview. who an interested In sales
      671 words
    • 747 20 WANTIO LIVE IN AMAH for cooking, general housekeeping and looking after 2-year old child. Sa'ary $160-S2OO. Worklag knowledge English Lan guage advantage. S.T Box A ***** Spore. LIVE IN COUPLE WANTEO for American bachelor Wife duties cook li*: gene «1 cleaning and washing. Husband Driving and (.ardentnt duties. Please Call
      747 words
    • 740 20 OFFICE BOY* roqulred immediately by a large commercial firm. Applicants must have primary English education and be between 16 aad IT yean of age. Starting salary— $110 p.m Pleas* apply to P T Box A ***** Singapore by 6th October 18T3. EASTERN UNITEO TNAOINO (PTI) LTO. Owing to expansion, we
      740 words
    • 626 20 WANTID LORRY DRIVERS with class 4 license. Apply personally 407 Kampong Bahni Road B'pon 4. *****7 for appointment. FACTORY OPERATIVES (MALI) Requirements (1) Completed Sec. II educattoa (2) Ag* 20—25 yaan (3) Mv t perform shift dutle* by weekly rout ion (4) Oood starting pay (approximately $170 p.m.) (5) Height
      626 words
    • 771 20 SHOP ASSISTANT with knowledge of typing. Please apply personally at 280-K. Joo Cnlat Road. Spon. IS OPPICI BOY WANTIO with motunycle licence. Apply personally 28. Winchester House, B'pon after 11 a.m. An Engineering Firm require* th* undermentioned personnel AN OFFICE CLEANER CUM OFFICER HELPER Pleas* apply personally, at INDUCO PTI.
      771 words
    • 822 20 ••60.0* WOO.OO, •1.080.00, $1.20u VO Eng Kong liaee. 2Storey Terraced Fully Furnished Taraan Permata Duplex Fully Furnlabed Robin Road Apartment, 3 Bedrooms Fully Furnished Oreenmeed Avenue Duplex Fully FurauuMd Wlllcw *****/*****. COM! TO WHIN! GREENERY AND PRISM AIN I* I I King Albert Park— lsolated detached situated on hilltop. 3
      822 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 859 21 SLLETAR HILLS: New doubK itorey bungalow. 7.600 aq. it., four bedrooms. Available immediately furnlahed unfurr.lah >U Tr\ 331-981. DIST If. 64 JALAN LIMBOK frml-detacbed 2-eluiey Bsasaa low furnished. Rental $»uu Tel. Chan *****3 9 a.m. 6 SPACIOUS FURNISHED ROOM IN SEMIDETACHED BUNCA LOW. Rental $170. Single double. No cooking. Contact
      859 words
    • 804 21 BUMCALOWI, H 0 U APARTMENTS wanted IB all dutricta preferably dim 10 11. 21. r-urnuhed/unfurnlehed Rental payable (400 $3,000 Plrtuw Tel International Houi ing Agency «35»33 8 port AfARTMINTI BUNCALOWI m city dlttncti urgently required for foreign executive. Jlrectora Rental MOO upward! Juit dial *****0 M 0922 fer Springfield Enterprlae.
      804 words
    • 801 21 DISTRICT 11 PEOPLE'S PARK complex 4-Bedrooma. 2 Toilets Price: $83,000/-. nett. Principals contact *****6. FLAT FOR SAL! at 6-A 6U> noor Mandalay Court $220 000 Contac: Tan. *****7 Spore. TWO ITOREY Comer terrace house Tal Hwan Oardens. No broken Apply S.T. Box A *****. CENUINE BUriRS RIOUIRC a) Residential Land
      801 words
    • 700 21 NAM-NO TRAVIL IfRVICI LIMITID Tour WW Malaysl* Seven Dayi Mils/-, Al■ondltlonM but B*l4o Malay •i» Onung ima Dayi Ml6O/-. Departure Every Sunday. Monday. C«m«ron Highland*— Four Dayi HTO/-. Every Wednesday Haadyal IHf" by/Alr— Three D«yi 8*233 Four Dayi £5248/., Every Friday. Bangkok CBltngmal Airconditioned but Fifteen Dayi 8*370/-. 6/10/73 21
      700 words
    • 748 21 CILL TRAVEL OFFERI Lonaon $700/Brussels $678/Amsterdam/Paris $678/Krankfurt $673/Hamburg/Munlch $673/Copenhag an/ Madrid $800/ALBO TO EUROPE. 'J B.A HONO KONO, INDONESIA A AUSTRALIA PT BEA TO AUSTRALIA/ HONO KONO M, THE ARCADE. IST FLOOR, RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORI 1. TIL: T2447/***** OASI AGENCY (PTI) LTO. (Air Broker A Assney) OFFERS OUARANTEED FUOHTS
      748 words
    • 857 21 SINGAPORE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE. 593-A. Barangoon Road (Opposite Rumah Mlakln Police Button). Telephone W *****. For Science. Mathematics. English. Secondary II to H B.C. BOOK KB B PIN C TYPEWRIT ING an-1 Shorthand (All Stages) L.C.C. Commencing Sth October Enrol at Khalar. Educational Centre. 2 Tessenaohn Road. Spore *****06. CONVERSATIONAL
      857 words
    • 914 21 1170 FORD CAPRI QTL food condition with alrcood tapertccrder. conso'a box, laaurance and road tax new. View, 4 Aliwai street, Sport I, Ml (MM IMI MORRIS MINI food condition Insurance lax. $2,060/- Contact Albert 12»»A. Blk 208. To* P.yoh North Bpo.e 12. FORD CORTINA lUPIR 1»«7 model On owner Flat
      914 words
    • 802 21 MORRIS 1W MXII registered Jium IMS One owner. 54.600 Ml Chung *****77 office houn. I*7o FORD CORTINA SUPER Oood condition. Road tv till March '74. Contact Mr. Ho lAUuwlri Hospital Canteen). NO KIONO CAR TRAOIRS PRIVATE LIMITID Horn* of quality uh4 ear* and for maximum valuation on your vehicles
      802 words
    • 727 21 CIANI to attend to your beauty mad*, specially trained on trtttnnt of troublM ikm. Professional and personal makeup course* available at Avon Beauty Balon Tel: s«xr»4. ••itjr A MalnlyNnf, Faiiai, Preklem llm Bridal Mske Up And Pensnal Baauty Cum Cenduettd By IxperlsMM Lenden Traliwd Beauty Ipaciaktt. After ruin litntni
      727 words
    • 764 21 tPICIAL OFFER Tono duplicator, tmuo tint-clock Ollvttu SP2O. Underwood U2OO adding machine. Contact Associated Off'c* Equipment T«l: J**********2 B port. WI FAY TOP MICI for used Olympla Typewriters Wt rent, Mil all braadi of typewriters. Phone Singapore Oat* Equipmm Company M2M Sport. WANTIO MOHILI CHAN! new and secondhand 10 ton*
      764 words

  • 416 22  -  EPSOM JEEP I RACINfi m| i, KINS SOUTHERN PRIEST SKINTA SOUTH PACIFIC 0 it TIGER LANE BULAN PENAMA FIREBRAND, one of the top prospects in the llf Singapore Gold Cup, stepped out stylishly on a good track at Bukit Timah yesterday. With regular Jockey Des Coleman
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  • 567 22 Classy Infiltrator is morning's star performer I N F I L T R ATOR, a classy Australian gelding who showed promise of developin to a Cup prospect unill an accident on the training track put him out of action, was the star performer in a morning of spectacular gallops at
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  • 391 22 Proclaim has come with record of 6 wins PROCLAIM (Plate Dancing Fu.yi. a four-year-old New Zealand gelding by Mighty Gurkha, came with a record of six wins over varying distances. At two he won over 6f in lm. IS. As a three-year-old Proclaim had IS starts for three wins. He
    391 words
    • 212 22 Ali will meet Frazier on Feb 4 NEW YORK. Wed. Former world heavyweight boxing champions Joe Frazier and Muhammad All win meet in a return bout here on February 4. according to Madison Square Garden sources. In their first meeting on March 8. 1971. Frailer then the reigning champion, knocked
      Reuter  -  212 words
    • 303 22 Bugner beats an ungainly challenger LONDON, Wed. Britain's Joe Bugner made the second successful defence of his European V eavy weight boxing title with a laboured points victory over Italy's Bepi Ros at the Albert Hall here last night. Ros, 31. an unathletlc looking man with a massive girth, kept
      UPI  -  303 words
    • 160 22 SYDNEY. Wed. Australia face a gigantic I task to beat South Korea in the Asian Zonr final of thr World Cup I later this month, national soccer coach Ralr Rasic >aid last night. Ras<c spoke by trirphonr from Hong Kong to Aus- tralian
      160 words
    • 258 22 Gunners crash to shock Cup defeat LONDON, Wed. Third Division Tranmere Rovers eliminated Arsenal, the famous First Division side, from the English Football League Cup here last night. Eddie Loyden scored the 30-minute goal whicn carried Tranmere to their shock 1-0 win and put them through to the third round.
      258 words
    • 100 22 A splendid haltnrk by speedy inside- forward Kenny Urn enaoled Polytechnic to iruunce Nanyang University 6-0 in the semi-nnal* of the— Varsity Games soccer tourrament at Dover Road y -sU-rda> Colin Ang (2i and Kenny Urn completed the rout in I the second-halt "ulytcchnic will meet
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 209 22 This one little Strepsils lozenge gives the fastest relief for sore throats and coughs because Strepsils kills germs in the mouth and throat in 1 minute regular ANOTHER INTERNATIONAL PRODUCT FROMI flp* l JAPANESE 1974 5 COURSE to b«ti» April 1974 Re.idcntiol I -year intemive program. 100-ocre comput with modern
      209 words
    • 66 22 Outright Wt mm Winner of First Malaysia JTjJ Singapore Rally fc^Liniglity w MINI \M/^^fKf^^ Mile Journey Tougher Mini 1275 GT The Mini 1275 GT driven by fl M Arblaster with navigator Douglas Chua. won the gruelling 1 100-mile First Malaysia Singapore rally proving once again MINI outstanding reliability, ruggedness. economy
      66 words

    • 574 23 SOFIA, Wednesday JAPAN placed the China question before the lOC today by proposing that Peking sports groups should be accepted as representing China. The Japanese proposal to the Varna Olympic Cong ress brought a quick rebuttal from Taiwan, which claimed that if the Olympic movement
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    • 418 23  -  JOE DORAI By SINGAPORE Chinese Football Club are planning to send their team, which competes In the MCFA Cup South zone tournament beginning tomorrow at Jalan Besar Stadium, on two-week tour of Europe if they win the Anal on Oct. 27. This was decided by
      418 words
    • 133 23 S'pore invited to meet JAKARTA. Wed. An International table tennis tournament will be held in Jakarta from November 12 to 11. It was announced here toda*. An Indonesian Table I Tennis Association spokesman said Ttaaii land and South Korea had stated their wiUinci ness to take part in the I
      Reuter  -  133 words
    • 51 23 HONO KONO, Wed. The Malaysian soccer team, returning home from the Presidential Cup tournament In Seoul, were beaten 1-0 here tonight by Hong Kong in a friendly international here A crowd of SO .000 saw Scottish player Derrek Currte score the only goal in the 19th
      51 words
    • 22 23 PI.ASBON beat PMC Ml in a friendly soccer match at Jurong Vocational Institute ground yesterday. Rank. Hamsah and Ibrahim scored.
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    • 367 23 rpHOMAS Cup player 1 Ng Chor Yau beat Indonesia's Eggy Sukamto 15-7, 15-10 to move into the second round of the SBA NaUoral Open badminton championships which began at Qulllemard Road last night. Eggy could And no answer to Chor Tau's power play In the
      367 words
    • 431 23  - Rodger helps Diggers to a 19-8 victory GODFREY ROBERT By J INDSAY N. Rodger, the 'baby 1 of the Diggen RFC from Zambia, yesterday carried the tourists to a 19-8 (a goal, a try, a dropped goal and two penalties to two tries) win over Woodlands in a rugby match
      431 words
    • 157 23 GORMAN FALLS IN 2ND ROUND mOKYO, Wed. AmeX rican Sherwood Stewart today scored a malor upset by eliminating his countryman Tom Gorman. No 2 seed 8-3, 4-6. 6-4 In the second round of the men's singles in the Osaka Open tennis tournament. Paul Kronke of Australia also staged an upset
      UPI  -  157 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 226 23 Get away for a l^| holiday et\jfm\e to ;^^^k loft Qt\dAusttuha. Get away! On a holiday of a lifetime. Charm, Modern Facilities: enchantment, exoticism all the way to Australia. Cinema Onboard the luxury-plus KOTA SINGAPURA. «Q Australia is calling! And a luxurious, leisurely, J> wimr n 9 001 carefree cruise
      226 words
    • 379 23 V VALUE -WISE A wonderful selection of beautiful fibreglass draperies and home lUrniSmny IoDrICS Comeearty to avoid disappointment' gj ||MB|| TOYLAMO AND DONALD MOORE AfTRACTION™ THE GERMAN OPERA BALLET I NATIONAL THfATTi OCTOBER 9th 8. 1 Spin J Sold out throughout Asia -but youl *n CAN STILL BUY CT *^^5^
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 44 23 BADMINTON National c'ahlpt (SBA hall S pjn). OOLT Rlckton't Timber tournament (Wand course. 8 ami NFTBAIX NTUC lnterunton tournament: SATO v apwu; aupe t sno: PDAWU v BBSC (All matches at Farrer Park) INTER VARSITY GAMM: Table teniut NU v natc. en so. ioc
      44 words
    • 42 23 POJjr (TTC ground). Soccer— final: Polytechnic t Spore University (Jalan Beear tUdlum. 5 pjn.). KUQBY: Tour match OFNB Brisbane y SRU XV (padanf. 5.1$ pjn) SWIMMING Chlwat Swlmmlnc Club meet (Amber Road. 7 pjn.). SOCCER Friendly Palrchtld v Apollo Hotel (Toa Ptyoh)
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  • 248 24 Nixon orders oil curbs to avert crisis WASHINGTON, Wed. President Nixon last night ordered mandatory controls on the distribution of home heating oil and gas to avert a threatened shortage this winter. The allocation programme for propane gas, used extensively for drying crops and providing heat for rural homes, was
    Reuter  -  248 words
  • 132 24 Kirk protests arrest of yacht WELLINGTON. WedNew Zealand has officially protested to France over the seizure of the anti-nuclear protest yacht Greenpeace 111 near Mururoa Atoll on Aug. IS. Prime Minuter Norman Kirk &aid In a statement today that- twr New Zealand cltlieru. Un Anna-Marie Home and Mix Mary Lornle.
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 118 24 DIVE-IN TO HUNT FOR 'NESSIE' JAPANESE skin-diver Kou Toyohara of a 15-member scientific team Jumps into Loch Ness during a search now going on to find "Newie," the legendary monster In the Scottish lake. Calling themselves the International Loch Ness Monster Search Party, the Japanese have brought an array of
    UPI  -  118 words
  • 101 24 MANY TAN IOMC NSe, 83. IKn Taj t«a Wall) puaad away peaceful Ir S-10-TS laavlag mb Tar client tk»w. thrm dauftitcra. thro ao«<-la-law. Poo Kirn Kiai. TbM TWam Chr«. Urn C»>« Hock. M «aiwkur-la-m, lft««a puMUn, m« CTilmalw a*4 t»» <raM-<aacht*n-n-law v nxxirn uwlr law. Cart«f> taa»a. if-C Loroac
    101 words
  • 338 24 Lon Nol troops lose key village PHNOM PENH. Wed pOMMUNIST-led insurgents last night forced Government troops to pull back from a key crossroads village on Phnom Penh's southern outer defence lines the second village to be evacuated on the capital's southern flank in a week. The High Command said today
    Reuter  -  338 words
  • 103 24 THE PRISONER WHO DIDNT PLAY BALL PRTH, Wed. A prisoner who was transported 120 miles from jail to play In a soccer game made the most of It he escaped by walking out of the stadium. Police said today they were looking for Michael Edward Briscoe, 23, a South African,
    AP  -  103 words
  • 71 24 SYDNEY. Wed. Australia and the United States are so closely intertwined that separation would severely harm both. US Ambassador Marshall Green said last night "We are like two vines which have wound about one another as they climb a wall In mutual support.
    UPI  -  71 words
  • 368 24 J ONDON. W*4. Tile mirUM CMM qmrlly nu»d and S a.m. tM niuncial Tlnus md«» »v o« 01 to 4M.7. Banalaa UUIM T.KOI n.«lv. latMlrtata m«t proflt-lilitQC In Maetua la ia» mnl gala with Oiaaa Urn ehwf loatf. mttena-aMtortaa mm. ho»--mi, ana*o aa 4M baaka ud la— loniM
    368 words
  • 27 24 LONDON. WH MM 00 Ma. HUMMiI Nov. MOO aem Do. M.SO aon.. Jan. J3.JO Mm JU-aUr. MM. 0«Mnl t If. Nov J0.40. UK. MM. Marine QuMt.
    27 words
  • 33 24 LONDON. Wed. Spot MT« Ulto I t lioi Mlm (11*3 (4.110). rmuJ haytn {11M lIJV •rttan (TIM <*(I 2) attltaaml: l»l«« It fit! Tnanr «.n> m MM p.m. ll* Mm. TMm Wlm*t
    33 words
  • 30 24 VIENTIANE. Wed Tha IfaUonsJ Avtmbly today afrrcd to extend 1U current mmtoa by nearly one month ■o that a new coalition gntrment can be formed In Ijum— UPI
    UPI  -  30 words
  • 340 24 Wilson: No deal with the Liberals... BLACKPOOL, Wednesriuv OPPOSITION leader Harold Wilson today ruled out any prospect of his labour Party joining a coalition with the small but apparently rising Liberal Party. He drew enthusiastic acclaim from the annual Labour Party conference with a pledge that Labour will push ahead
    Reuter  -  340 words
  • 127 24 HEATHROW AIRPORT RESUMES FLIGHTS AFTER FIRE LONDON. Wed. London's main airport at Heathrow resumed normal flights today after havoc had been caused by a fire last night the 13th there since last July The blaie in an underground power plant near the control tower plunged a passenger terminal building and
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 72 24 CONGRATULATIONS to SINGAPORE GLASS MANUFACTURERS PTE. LTD. on the occassion of their 25th Anniversary. from mt^fttt^^ tAmoy Canning Corp., (S) Ltd. New Zealand Dairy Supplies (S) Lid. Green Spot Bottling Plant Bubble Up Bottling Plant. bd>r4ALs MOORE pr««nti KULEM CLOWNS ALL AMERICANINDIANS GAY WORLD STADIUM OCTOBER 10 and II 7.30
      72 words
    • 220 24 THE USE OF SEX IN ESPIONAGE Sex and sspionage have always been a part •f international politics and intrigue. Britain is resorted to ban a special squad of 50 attractive girls ta lure foreign agents. «fajw Russia and the US maintain ~-jP spy satellites in the g 5,,.^, skies. New
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  • Page 24 Miscellaneous