The Straits Times, 3 October 1973

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 20 1 TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 250,000 The Straits Times Eatd. 1845 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1973 20 CENTS MX. (P) 28/73
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  • 827 1  -  CHIA PCTEIK Ghazali: Clarify regional activities and ambitions By ...Attitude between Peking and overseas Chinese a problem A THREE-DAY conference on Business Opportunities in the Pacific Basin opened at Shangri-La Hotel yesterday with a call to China by Malaysia's Minister of Home Affairs and of Information
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  • 149 1 TEHERAN, Tuesday IRANIAN security officials have uncovereu a plot by a group of Marxist Communis terrorists, to assassinate or kidnap trie Shah and members of the royal family, a govern ment spokesman announced here today. Twelve people. In eluding two women were arrested, the an nouncement
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 83 1 LONDON. Tues— The wife of a retired US navy vice-admiral was sentenced to 30 days In Jail yesterday for shop lifting. Mrs. Mildred Oralia. ST. of New York, was the first American caught In Britain's two-month-old crackdown on foreign shoplifters. More than 10 tourists have
    83 words
  • 47 1 UNITED NATIONS. Tues The General Assembly s main political committee yesterday decided to allow the representatives of North and South Korea to participate without a vote, when the 135--natlon body discusses the Korean question The decision was taken by consensus, without a vote Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 61 1 VIENNA. Tues— Austrian Chancellor Dr Bruno Krelsky said today that he had no Intention of revoking his decision to close Israel's migrant transit camp at Schoenau near Vienna The Chancellor said he would tell Israeli Prime Minister Mrs. Oolda Melr at a meeting here this afternoon. "It
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 60 1 FOR a very large part of the postwar era China has been alleged to be an aggressive power with ambitions of domination. The truth or falsity of this charge can be debated endlessly As a big power China must realise that these fears must be al- a layed, not
    60 words
  • 184 1  -  NANCY BYRAMJI B» WINNINO the Miss International 1972/73 crown has enabled Miss Solveig Larsen of Australia to live up to her name which, In Norwegian, means "path of the sun." For she Is now following the sun on a fourmonth round-the-world goodwill
    Chew Boon Chin  -  184 words
  • 30 1 BEIRUT Tues— A nephew of King Faisal of Saudi Arabia. Prince Bandar Ben Saud. was kidnapped and robbed yesterday near Beirut airport and released several hours later. Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 31 1 VIENTIANE Tues.—Laotian Government and procommunist Pathet Lao have formed Joint commission to implement the peace agreement they signed last month, the official Lao Press news agency laid today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 24 1 ROME. Tues. Foreign tourists entering Italy by car will no longer be entitled to reduced-rate petrol coupon*, the government announced yesterday Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 45 1 UNITED NATIONS, Tun Arab members are prepared to par more than ISS3 trillion (SS7 million) a Tear to have their language added to English, French. Spanish, Russian and Chinese as an official language of the VN. informed sources said last night.— Heater.
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  • 307 1 Japanese navy may protect merchant ships: Minister TOKYO, Tues.- Japan s navy might be used "If necessary" to escort Japanese merchant ships is far as l.tM kilometres (629 miles) off the Japanese coast. Minister of International Trade and Industry Yasuhiro Nakasone said today. He added that the navy cannot protect
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  • 57 1 LONDON. Tues— Britain today announced that it la withdrawing Its Royal Navy frigates and defence tugs from the disputed 50-mlle fisheries wsters around Iceland tomorrow. The British decision was part of a last-mlnut« eflort by Prime Minister Edward Heath to break the deadlock In the year-old
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  • 40 1 LOiJDON. Tues Japanese Prime Minuter Kakuel Tanaka said here today that he hoped his present European tour would prove to be a turning point In JapaneseWestern European relations, a partnership of increased cooperation and communication.—Renter (See rage II
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 478 1 SAIGON, Tuesday gOI'TH Vietnam intends launching an operation involving three regiments with tanks and air support to retake Le Minh Hanger Camp overrrun by North Vietnamese tanks on Sept. 22. "the ofli cial news agency Vietnam Press reported today. The regiments have been transported from
    Reuter  -  478 words
  • 88 1 'Flying Finn' dies HELSINKI Tues. The famous Finnish re-cord-breaking long distance runner Paavo Nurml has died here after a long illness. He was 76. Nurmt, the "Flying Finn", dominated distance running through the 20s. winning nine gold medals spread over three Olympics. He pioneered systematic time-running, carrvlng a watch to
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 193 1 Two bodies found at fire site By GERALD PEREIRA DOLICE yesterday evening recovered the bodies of two Malaysian youths from the site of the Beatty Road Road fire which left 49 people homeless. The youths were identified as Chew Lan Tong, 18. and Chee Peck Hal, 22. Accord. ng to
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  • 27 1 LONDON Tues —Europe's first multinational newspaper Europa appeared today In a joint enterprise by four major ntwspaper publishers in Prance. West Oermany. Italy and Britain —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 277 1 AUSSIE AIR TRAFFIC IN CHAOS SYDNEY, Tuesday AUSTRALIA'S airline traffic was in com- plete chaos today following walkout by aircraft refuellers in Melbourne, Brisbane and Hobart over wage demands. Meanwhile, a 22-day strike by radio technicians at Sydney airport has caused the Department of Civil Aviation (DCAi to limit arrivals
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    • 52 1 AMSTERDAM, Tues. A hijacker tried but failed to commandeer a KLM airliner today, airport sources said. They said the man, believed to be a German national, made his attempt on a flight from Dur \e ldorf West Germany, to Schiphol airport, Amsterdam, but was overpowered by the
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    • 28 1 LAHORE. Tues. Pakistan today repatriated the most senior Bengali military officer held here. Major General Khwaja Wasluddln. along with his wife and four children.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 35 1 VIENNA. Tues. Israeli Premier Golda Meir arrived in Vienna under massive security cuard today to seek a chance in Austria's declared decision to limit facilities for Soviet Jewish trait rant transit.— Renter.
      Reuter  -  35 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 140 1 THE PROFESSIONAL U GOLF '/jil EQUIPMENT Mk wwtciNMNV b^BjP ItL list IwTaftJulfj SnpppsTsj LOflipsp 'fr\i- Grart ltoor <G7) m kVs^l/ \>*^^#) 2Z729 Four totted money. Livestock has been used as money since Homeric times. Its popularity decreased when sea traders found their money Chase Manhattan makes money handling easier We've
      140 words
    • 61 1 LAW TO CURB PRICES IN MALAYSIA ...PAGE 6 MALIK warns against outside Interference 3 JOBS key to South-east Asian stability 5 FIVE hurt In big pre-dawn blaze 7 ASEAN s-.-in to get central secretariat 17 PETITION to wind up chit fund firm 18 ACROSS THE CAUSEWAY 8 CROSSWORD 7 LETTERS
      61 words
    • 170 1 6? SouiliJJriJiteKj., Spore I. Tel: 7J421. .Focus closer wrthinyTtmronlros aLaassf l7^^^B BSSBBBBSSSsV "^"^l '■■sP^ flaw ""iiijMs.' Lairun brand x Evary TAMRON \t\% will focut cloaar than any comparabla lan> of tlw aama focal lanfih. Th. 300 mm TAMRON focuaw cloaa 7 teat 1 0 Inchaa. OtMn kaap you at laaat
      170 words

  • 230 2 BANGKOK, Tuesday |N i major policy shift to strengthen its anti-insurgent suppression forces, Thailand's army will replace regular troops with Thai volunteer forces from I-aos and South Vietnam, military sources said today, j" Under the new policy, the regulars will
    AP  -  230 words
  • 180 2 Man blows himself to bits as guard closes in WASHINGTON. Tues. A man In Riverton, Utah deliberately blew himself to biu yesterday when >c was approached by an officer, and official* said he may have been on his way tr. sabotage a passenger train. The man. Doral Ray McLean. 37.
    UPI  -  180 words
  • 254 2 Further hike in price of Canadian newsprint riONTO, Ties Abitibi Paper CD. Ltd.. one of Canada's major newsprint producers, has informed ti customers of a I'SJIS ton (5W4.50) Increase In Its newsprint price from Jan. 1. 1974. a company spokesman said yesterday. The Increase raised the ex-mill price of Abitibl
    254 words
  • EWorld News
    • 607 2 Golda seeks change Austria decision VIENNA, Tuesday ISRAELI Prime Minister Golda Meir arrives here from Strasbourg today to seek a reversal of Austria's decision to close down the vital Schoenau transit camp through which tens of thousands of Jews have emigrated from the Soviet Union to Israel. The Austrian Government
      Reuter; AP  -  607 words
    • 344 2 Equal terms EEC tells Nixon WASHINGTON, Tuesday PRESIDENT Nixon learned at first hand yesterday that the European Community of nine member nations Intends to negotiate with the United States on an equal basis. President of the European Commission, Mr. Francols-Xavler O r t o 1 1 told a news conference
      UPI  -  344 words
    • 156 2 Guerillas demand $2m from airlines BUENOS AIRES. Tues Pan American and I Branlff Airlines both received letters from alleged guerillas who asked for US$5OO,OOO (about 551.*****0> threatening to harass passengers and attack their offices. airline sources said yesterday. "We're not giving out any details on this threat so as not
      UPI  -  156 words
    • 221 2 MELBOURNE. Tues AWIDO\ whose husband ditJ In an air crash In New Delhi last year today took out a supreme court writ claiming US$2OO,OOO i *****,000) damages from Japan Airlines. Mrs. Shirley Oldlng of Doncaster, a suburb of Melbourne, is suing on behalf
      Reuter; UPI  -  221 words
    • 218 2 Heath in bid to avert break by Iceland LONDON. Tues. British Prime Minister Edward Heath today sent a message to Icelandic Premier Olafur Johanne-sson In a lastminute attempt to break the deadlock In the Anglo-Icelandic fisheries limits dispute. British Foreign Office offlclaU said that the British Ambassador, Mr. John McKenzie.
      Reuter  -  218 words
    • 137 2 British warning on Russian navy TEHER».N. Tues. British Defence Secretary Lord Carrlngton today warned that the Soviet Union's naval build-up around the world could Rive it the dominance of the seas that the British fleet possessed In the 19th century. "They have a sophisticated and modem navy cauable of acting
      UPI  -  137 words
    • 69 2 BANGKOK. Tuet Oener»l Krtt Slvnr*. 5». wa» yeiterdmy sworn In as Thailand* new army commander-ln-chlef n a ceremony presided over by his predecessor in the post. Field Marshal Praphas Charusathlen On Kris, who had been deputy army command'r-ln-chief since 1»6« got the top army job
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 109 2 UNITED NATIONS. Tues. Iraq warn- ed yesterday that reports of big power troops training for desert war could only stop the flow of oil supplies from the Middle Lastern producers. "We hope that it is realised that the threats I of the use of force and
      Reuter  -  109 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 339 2 Low-cost, top value tours of Australia and New Zealand !sg|"ijjfe ETNew Zealand. Times you'll never forget. 1 ""> 2 1 In Australia, visit swinging Sydney (*****9, group departure rate), or get out into the preat outdoors. The tours f °llow different routes Drive over the scenic Blue and programmes. There
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  • 402 3 BANTIAOO. Tues. Chilean troops, operating under orders to shoot registers on the spot, have summarily executed nine civilians In the'.r continuing hunt for opponents of the three-week-old military government. TOKYO: The Mitsui Trading Company today announced a plan for an educational foundation In Australia t<lncrease cultural exchanges. VALLETTA: Prime
    Agencies  -  402 words
    • 177 3 CONFLICT LIKELY ON TROOP CUTS BILL WASHINGTON. Tues. The Senate's passage of a Bill ordering US troop cuts abroad has set the stage for a battle with the House of Representatives. which wants American forces to stay overseas. But Congressional sources agree that the Nixon administration, which opposes the troop
      Reuter  -  177 words
    • 128 3 Priest set free after 6 weeks MANILA. Tues. A Latch Catholic priest detained 'or about six weeks In U.» central Philippines In connection with a gun battle between police and suspected Insurgents has been released, reliably informed church sources said yesterday. Tbty said the priest, the Rev. Henry Van Den
      AP  -  128 words
    • 221 3 Guards saw terror bomb man on TV ONDON, Tues. Police were today working on possibly their best lead so far in the hunt (or Irish Republican extremists believed responsible for a sixweek old bombing campaign in England. Police said they had received a very good description of a bomber who
      Reuter  -  221 words
    • 55 3 WASHINOTON. Tues. The Senate yesterday rejected an attempt by Liberals to cut off all United States financial support for th* police, prison and Intelligence operations of (orelgn nations. The bid was made as a protest against allegations of police brutality In Brazil. South Vietnam and other
      Reuter  -  55 words
    • 58 3 JAKARTA. Tues Two followers of the late president Soekarno were Jailed for 15 years' each for setting up the Soekarno Brigade" after the IMB abortive communist coup. it was reportM today. The Daily Utama reported '.hat the two men. Nasru Marto and Sad! Pariyanto.
      58 words
    • 181 3 EEC move to curb exports to Britain worries HK HONGEONG. Tues. i Hongkong may fight a European Economic Community (EfcC) tariff scheme which threatens to control the colony's textile and footwear exports to Britain, the Hongkong Standard said today. The Standard, quoting "informed sources." said "resentment Is growing in high-level
      181 words
    • 261 3 PEKING, Tuesday pHINESE leaders have Joined In colourful celebrations marking China's 24th national day, but once again the Chinese public were denied the chance of seeing their venerated Chairman Mao Tse-tung. Some observer* had I earlier predicted that Chairman Mao would choose the anniversary of
      Reuter  -  261 words
    • 41 3 HONOKONO. Tue»— The North Vietnamese newspaper Nhan Dan today accused the United Stale* of plotting to turn South Korea into a military base to threaten peace In the whole of Northeast Asia, the North Vietnam News Agency reported —si
      41 words
    • 265 3 LONDON. TuwS. ANGLO JAPANI.SK ministerial talks entered their second day today with Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka concentrating on Japan's relations with the European Common Market and Anglo Japanese trade questions. While Mr. Tanaka met Mr. John navies. Minister specially dealing
      265 words
    • 239 3 Former Premier accused of coup bid hangs himself ISLAMABAD, Tues. A former Afghan prime minister. Mr. Mohammad Hashlm Malwandawal. accused of plotting to overthrow the government, has hanged himself, according to Radio Kabul monitored here. Mr. Malwandawal. who was also once the ambassador to Pakistan, committed suicide yesterday, it said.
      Reuter  -  239 words
    • 26 3 LUSAKA Tue* t>res»dent Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia yesterday signed the necessary statutory document to dissolve Parliament and pave the way for a general else-
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    • 434 3 'National wars mustn't be an excuse' Malik warns against interference UNITED NATIONS, Tuesday INDONESIAN Foreign Minister Adam Malik said yesterday that wars of national liberation must never be used as an excuse for interfering in another country's internal affairs. In an address to the 135-nation General Assembly, he said: '"As
      Reuter; UPI  -  434 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 58 3 THE HANDY COMBINATION TOSHIBA rsdio/cassett* record■■Biaßasa^Bss^siß^^ art. En|oy this unique combinstion of outstanding features and '"^^^■••^■•"•sSaiai^ superb design now I^^^^^Lsfl B Mai^ h^aw^^M ■TOSHIBA kiTbuohwWitbmorro* fff KEE HUAT RADIO Co. Sdn. BM. In every great city there is a great newspaper in Hong Kong it's the Place your ordtr for
      58 words
    • 188 3 mw A w m^w 1 m. 9mw a^r A LAST FOUR DAYS Bargains SWISS. FRENCH ITALIAN PRINTED PURE SILKS Normally $12 50 to $27. 50 yotd NOW S6 80 upwordi TO CLEAR AT HALF-PRICE JANE-COLBY ft "CATALINA" T-SHIRTS ft BLOUSES You II PAY MUCH LESS, if you BUY NOW MODERN
      188 words

  • 836 4 MALAYSIAN Minister of Home Affairs and of Information, Tan Sri Ohazall Shafle, yesterday spoke of the attitude of people of Chinese race and origin living in South east Asia, some of whom persisted with their historical role as overseas Chinese and their
    836 words
  • 116 4 MAN, 44, KILLED, THREE HURT IN CRASH A 44-YEAR-OLD man i\dled soon after the car be was travelling In crasheed at Merdeka Bridge last night. Sng Chew Beng, died at Out ram Hospital at about 9 p.m. Three of his friends, Boey Kwong Ming, 35. Ng Ah Chua. J5, and
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  • 61 4 CHEW Ah Hwat. 18 jobless and Chua Leong Ouan, 10. were jailed for six and nine months respectively yeaterdsy for stealing a car belonging to Takao Uto of Nanyang University at a ear park In Corporation Road. Jurong. on Sept. 8 They pleaded guilty. Another
    61 words
  • 175 4 rE majority of delinquents who leave Boys Town are reformed. Brother Vincent, Its acting director, said yesterday. "Most of the boarders, that is, those who came to us as problem kids, an able to face society, when they leave the school at 17 or so,"
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  • 86 4 A TOTAL of 449, M» tourist* visited the Republic during the first half of this year, according to the Sin rapore Promotion Board yesterday. This represents a MJ per cent IsMwge. over the eorrespo-iding period Last year. Australians topped the Hit of TWtors,
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  • 26 4 PARLIAMENTARY Secretary (Education >. Mr Ahmad Matur. will attend the annual spasth and prise-glTlng day of Cedar CHrls Secondary School on rrhtaj at U am
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  • 247 4 The jetabout threat to Aussie- Asian relations SYDNEY, Tuesday AUSTRALIAN residents in Hongkong, Tokyo, Singapore and Bangkok claim the latest threat to Asian-Australian relations is the Jetabout invasion of Aussie tourists. This week's edition of the Influential National Times says Aus-«ii«u tourists have replaced American tourists as the most easily
    UPI  -  247 words
  • 69 4 QUEK Teow Chuan, 38, yesterday denied two charges of Impersonating as a detective at Empress Place or. July 18. In so doing, he was alleged to have demai.ded that Kwang Ping Yong and Ooh Lek Tow, who wen queueIng up to buy new coin*, to
    69 words
  • 39 4 SYED Monamed bin Syed Abldln. 26. ol Malaysia. yesterday pleaded guilty to using criminal force on a seven-year-old girl inside a lift In To* Payoh on Monday. Sentence was postponed to Oct. 16
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  • 77 4 OOH Bock Wan. 57. was yesterday given a discharge not amounting to acquittal for allegedly raping a 13-year-old girl In a house in Hemsley Avenue In Serangoon Garden Estate HU wife. Sbn Man Kirn. M. was also discharged for allegedly abetting him In the
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  • 37 4 MR Son Kay Cheng, a lecturer at the Institute of Education, will speak on Youth Psychology at the Queerutown Branch Library* lecture room on Saturday at 230 p m The talk will b* in Mandarin
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  • 144 4 Parents told: Don't send kids on errand with moneys DONT give money to young children and send them on errands. They are easy prey to robbers. This was the advice police gave parents yesterday after a 12-year-old boy was robbed of $55 by a teenaged robber. The boy, Ong Pent;
    144 words
  • 67 4 CARPENTER Yuen Sle Koh, 21. was flned $100 yesterday for offering a $5 bribe to police constable Choo Toong Sim i on Sept. 7 to avoid being I booked for a traffic i offence. Yuen riding his I •cooler along Lorong Tal Seng when
    67 words
  • 151 4 Danish trade display bags $smil orders TVANISH businessmen mJ taking part in the I "Denmark in Singapore" trade exhibition at the Singapore Conference Hall have received orders worth about $5 million. This was disclosed yesterday by the Danish Charge d'Affalres here. Mr. K.W. Rasmussen. who said the orders were mainly
    151 words
  • 31 4 DARSHAN Singh. 32. Ml nnrd *600 yesterday alt*r admitting he h»d administered morphine to ».im«lf In a hut in Sungel Road on Monday night. He had two previous convictions.
    31 words
  • 132 4 rpwo brothers were jailed yesterday for housebrea king and theft. Labourer Abdul Wahab bin Abdul Kani. 30. was jailed for two years and his brother, Abdul Kadir. 25, three months. They were found guilty of breaking into a warehouse belonging to Leong Yew Textiles at
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 103 4 Is Si f W Hi y And the newest Boeing 737fc MAS Singapore /K Lumpur 130 weekly flights Singapore K Lumpur K. Lumpur/Singapore 8.00 a.ITI. daily 6.30 a.HI. daily 8.45 a.m. daily* 7.00 a.m. daily* 11.15 a.m. daily 8.30 a.m. daily 2.15 p.m. daily 9.00 a.m. daily 4.00 p.m. daily
      103 words
    • 35 4 jjflVlflfjPPPVJK^ DEPT AniES GENTS !2 i^ B< K. >^i«^^^ v>—^v t vii P^Hj^v H^f MBv^ IHBV i P^F j TfINBFfISTIC SHOPPING fe^aj C.K.TANC (S) PTE LTO. 3TO ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE 9 TEL *****01 5 LINES)
      35 words

  • 251 5 Jurong yard gets orders for 4 tankers JURONO Shipbuilders yesterday signed contracts with two locallyIncorporated shipping companies to build four 91.600-ton tankers. Three of the tankers were ordered by Palm Star Lines (Pte) Ltd, a subsidiary of Sanko Steamship of Japan, and the fourth was ordered by Neptune Alpha Unes
    251 words
  • 37 5 VIGILANTE Crps member Ong Poh Sing. 21. wax fined SSOO yesterday for bei.ig atstnt from deployment training i.t Scrangoon Oatden Secondary School centre from Sept 21 1971 to Sept. 24 this year. He pleaded mOhr
    37 words
  • 615 5 TOKYO. Tuas CREATING Jobs for the people will be the key to South-east Asian stability following the American military pull-out from Vietnam, according to Singapore Labour Minister, Mr. Ong Pang Boon. Mr Ong. who was addressing the five-day Fourth Asian Labr.ur
    615 words
  • 120 5 INSURANCE compaI nies can help reduce the number of industrial accidents if they "fTrr workers lower premiums where worksites are safe and clean. Mr. Milton Tan. chairman of the Natinnal Safety First Council made the point last night at the second occupational j health
    120 words
  • 114 5 Chua to open anti-drug campaign fpHE Minister for 1 Health and Home Affairs. Mr. Chua Slan Chin, will open the AntiDrug Abuse week at the Singapore Conference Hall at 4 p.m. on Oct. 20. The campaign, sponsored by the Singapore Antl-Narcotlcs Association, will feature an eight-day exhibition the same day
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  • 22 5 THERE weie 181.011 car* on Singapore roads at tlie end of Aupust an Increase of 1.845 vehicles compared with July.
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  • 160 5 GAINING experience rather than winning seems to be what these three beauty queens hope to get out of the Miss International contest in Tokyo. "I am taking part in this Miss International contest simply for the sakr of experience." said Miss Malaysia. Nancy
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  • 140 5 HDB sues trader to recover flat THE Housing and Development Board yesterday sued a businessman for recovery of a tworoom flat and for forfeiture of all Instalments paid ($4,7041 on the alleged grounds that he had made a false declaration when he bought the flat in 1964. The High Court
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  • 276 5 MODERN POCKET CALCULATORS TO BE MADE IN SINGAPORE SINGAPORE Is to 13 manufacture sophisticated shirt pocket calculators, the chairman of the Bo3rd of HewlettPackard Mr. David Packard. 61, announced here yesterday. He said this in an Interview after HewlettPackard Singapore (Pte). Ltd. was awarded a pioneer certificate by the Finance
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  • 191 5 Bicycle gang's four hold-ups in 30 minutes A GANG of right youths pullrd off four robberies in succession all in 30 minutes on Monday. The youths wete on four bicycles with four of them rldlnf pillion. Aged between It and 2* years all were armrd with bearing-scrapers. A roller spokesman
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  • 99 5 Roads to be avoided by motorists MOTORISTB are advised to avoid using the Admiralty Road West area, where excavations are being carried out In connection with the Installation of a new cable project by the PUB's electricity depatmrent. The roads involved art: Admiralty Road East and Sembawang Road to Upper
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

    • 180 6 50,000-STRONG V-CORPS IN 6 MONTHS KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday T»HE People's Volunteer Corps is to be ex- paneled Into a force of 50 000 members in six months, Deputy Home Affairs Mlnlster Datuk Abdul Samad Idris said here to- day. The corps will then have S.OOO units. Currently it has 1.54
      180 words
    • 80 6 ITU ALA LUMPUR, 1V Tues. More than 4,500 marijuana plants were seized by Central Narcotics Bureau officers in Johor. a spokesman said today. The spokesman said the plants were found In two separate raids by narcotics officers The first raid last week resulted In seizure of
      80 words
    • 78 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Tims.— Work on the M-mlle Kuala Lumpur-Seremban expressway will begin at the end of the year and U acheduled to be cnmplet«d In 1(16. the Works and Power Minuter. Datuk HaJI Abdul Ollong announced today He alao announced that hu ministry had awarded the
      78 words
    • 38 6 EI'ALA I.IMPIR. Toes. TV Malaysia will telecast four matches of the World Hockey Tourn.inifiii In which Malaysia played from Fridaf. The final of the tournament Holland ver- India— will be telecast on Oct. U.
      38 words
    • 48 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Tuns Two youth*, one armed with revolver, took oil executive Enclk Chut Nytk liham. 28. for a one-mile ride Is his yellow Alfa Romeo before dumping him In Jalao Pekelilliig here last night The robbers ware then aeen driving off towaiua Jalan Parting
      48 words
    • 205 6 Law to curb rising prices? KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. fHK Government is to introduce legislation to put a stop to rising food prices, according to sources here today. The proposed law, wh!.,h includes heavier penalties against profiteering, will be lntroduced at the coming Budget session of I Parliament. Under the present
      205 words
    • 154 6 EXTOTO MAN FINED $5,000 FOR $22,067 SWINDLE KLANQ. Tues. pvjnner Sport* Toto field officer Lim Yew Beng, 35, was Jailed for a day and fined (5,000 by the Sessions Court today for criminal breach of trust of $23,067. He waa found guilty of committing the offence at the Toto office
      154 words
    • 66 6 'FLY BY NIGHT' FACTORY OWNERS PEMANG. T«es. New industries to Be set up in Penang are carefully screened to ensure that the manufacturers are not fly-by-nitht operators. Chief Minister Dr. Urn Chong En said this at a weekend meeting with members of the Unlversiti Sains Students' Union held at his
      66 words
    • 177 6 Police smash illegal lottery syndicate: -19 held IPOH. Tues. Perak I police smashed an illegal lottery syndicate operating In the Lower Perak region with the arrest of 10 people In a raid on Sunday. Ten police officers from Seremban, Kuala i Lumpur and the Police Headquarters here, led by the
      177 words
    • 48 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues The Pahang Rivt telemetric flood warnlr* system, costing $*****0. expected to be In uperatl' n In early December It will provi je more accurate forecaVj of any Impending fl. jd to areas lute Temerloh and Pekan at least two days In advance.
      48 words
    • 32 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues There were 11 suspected case* of dengue (ever including; one death. In West Malaysia last week. The victim who dlrd was a IS-year-old boy from Ulu Bernam.
      Bernama  -  32 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 268 6 »I F-l aa if awfcai^^^n \st day: last day; iKjfl BaWr! > Atom ji.oo«. $'M I n.~. IJO *■*>. l/aB A\ •J 2 %*r*t 7.00 1 t.JOPM. I '00 4 JOPM. ffaß B¥Bl j fill H\ PtAU SfT CHU YEN IB^^B^^B tJ AHBslbs^Bs^Bs^T^^^C atasflQ^^Bßaßs^Bs^^sflißs^ I I H H 91k,
      268 words
    • 235 6 BaPß^^jtJ^B^fc^^^B Bs^^^ .a^aWiil 1 tTaJas^ai 1558 Il3l^b*#" "7 dU l^«rlL- Jtn r rOaM aVal ■■aar' 71C^b\ W I Gay* aval ll^Bs^lV£a^^9^EDEla^l I E^m~^a>i Ba^™*^^*( BsffWia^BsWJPHslil K2IE I s^Safal I ESi^aT asV^ndjHiH ESISESCSI 'yB rkJaTjf'affl a(^^a.S^ JH KING'S JUBILEE TOA PAYOH PALACE NEW HAPPY i- Last 4 Shows Today! L^SU^" JT^'^y^]
      235 words
    • 764 6 !I\OW at CAPITOL ©BrflCW/ Out to film s \tnQtt\ Only 4 SHOWS doily •ST^ll'iVsfirTtri. No«c T,m»t II 230 6 IS 9 IS Nto Frt* Lisl VHliill DM >lfh IAfCCIf i^?^r: :4tH WttlV <1K "AVANTir Cotw (UA) OF RECORD I 5^2"! i JilAllClViniJ PB9 ;S,Xi" DIICIWCCC [7*t glOT* l^ dUMIiLjo k/
      764 words

  • 433 7  -  N.G. KUTTY By Motorist drives through flames to save car A PRE-DAWN fire which broke oul at squatter colony in Ikatty ROM yeslenlay rendered 49 people from IS Families homeless. Five residents were also injured in their desperate bid to salvage trelr property during the
    433 words
  • 170 7 'THE chairman of Jurong Town Corporation, Mr. Woon Wah Slang, will open a Pioneer Industries Employees Union co-operative Showroom in Jurong on Friday. The PIEU Multl Purpose Co-operative 80--clet y s showroom In Cr.-poratlon Drive will display, demonstrate and sell electrical and home appliances Including television and
    170 words
  • 182 7 UNAS plans mock assembly to mark UN Day THE United Nations Association of Singapore has planned an Intensive programme, which includes a mock general assembly session, to celebrate UN Day. The programme will begin with an etsay contest for Secondary Four and I'm- l miwtml) One students at the Institute
    182 words
  • 155 7 COMMU NICATIONS Minister Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin left for Australia last night on board the Singapore Airline's first Boelng--747 flight to Bydney He was accompanied by Mrs. Yong and the chairman of SLA, Mr. JVM PUlay. They will be welcomed at Sydney
    155 words
  • 46 7 LORRY driver Tan Ah Tee of BaJeatler Road was fined a total of $180 yesterday for two speeding offence* He was fined MO for speeding along NlcoU Highway on May 12, lMt and 1100 for speeding along Lornle Road on March 13, l»70
    46 words
  • 34 7 JAPANESE Embaaay official*, representatives of the Japanese Association and 16 visiting youth* from Shimonoaekl last night attended the annual dinner of the Japanese Cultural Society (Singapore) at Mandarin Room In Orchard Road.
    34 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 250 7 After a few Shang Palace 10 course dinners don't be surprised if you end up writing calligraphy. A great many of our guests »__^g^jP^^^B don't know a Peking Duck EbßH^^^M from a roast pigeon or Bird's^^^B Nest Soup from braised bean curd. Others are as expert SgBBBHII as we are.
      250 words
    • 52 7 tfro your heart M VjE f Hißisdis LOUNGE Pk IaZTSBBBBBBBK. NIGHTLY B3OPM TO IAM aunr tm«m homi smcmcm atu «04»ix»«sioau sauuonw OURj CHAPPY CHOURS at our cocktail lounge \y towscwKreHAiiMm 'u— f-UL) I \j£s\ *HappyHrs. 5 to 7 p.m. ¥w*sjfc*% Attractive waitresses to ■fjfkf-:-'. serve accompany you *< *Free Tit-
      52 words
    • 5 7 »"^^^%i Mil .■■■■■in Tmm m
      5 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 217 7 Straits Times Crossword I' HI I s i i* 1^ f* I f* i^ 1 k^ BH~~HB^i~~^l~ ~Tijpj~jpjpjirj I kBH ACKOKB 7 Animal might be control- tSS^xo?" r h l<l UP Um^ca^Tmer*. Lrt of a nrmph? %J,«« nlum »SLm M .i ~«m* ij^^ eh u ,r,?or by II brink Uke
      217 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 501 8 IS President Thieu really telling it like it is? Foreign correspondents in IndoChina doubt it. They suspect that Mr. Thieu's gloomy prediction of an Imminent communist offensive is an over-reaction to the fall of Le Minh. Cynics might even suggest that Mr. Thieu has been sounding the
      501 words
    • 357 8 IREAD with amazement the main front page report in the Straits Times of Oct. 1 entitled "Price in open mart as low as $35" and "Babies Sold like Cattle. The report was a Reuter dispatch from Sydney describing an Interview
      357 words
    • 401 8 IWOI'LD like to make an important modification to mv remarks on a suggested 24-hour befriending service lor drug addicts (S. T. Oct. 2). Talking off-the-cuff to your reporter on Monday, I said: "The telephone is no use at all in the drux addict's case." This was
      401 words
  • 1304 8 YOU must have read last Wednesday's Page One report about two young Indonesian women who chased a pair of armed robbers out of a house in Frankel Estate. v Neighbours who rushed out In response to the women's screams confronted the robbers near their car. One of the
    1,304 words
  • 1107 8  - Flare-ups— but things may be settling down PETER SHARROCK: Saigon By AS l ID DE N flare up in the war in In do- China has sent soldiers, politicians and diplomats in Saison scurrying to their maps and communist radio transcripts to reassess the likelihood of a full-scale communist offensive
    Reuter  -  1,107 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 13 8 Seiko ,Mni(f The Watch (fl* S^l that Science \fl lg/, niiart7 *****.50 j
      13 words
    • 1184 8 soo on ninaj^att* akor I I f* perfect exposures... perfectly simple with Mamiya DTL Mamiya DTL is no ordinary camera. With two through-the-lens metering systems. For average and spot reading. That means perfect exposures under any and all conditions. Effortlessly and accurately. And with Mamiya's wide range of interchangeable lenses
      1,184 words

    14 words
  • 1539 9  - Many possibilities for Asean through co-operation TSAI TAN By REGIONAL cooperation in industrial projects among developing countries is the starting point for the less developed countries to set about rectifying some of the disadvantages th c y have suffered vis-a-vis the developed world. Making this point at the three-day Cf
    MAZLAN BAOBON  -  1,539 words
  • 440 9 A STRUCTURAL reorganisation of Japan's economy based on Industrial adjustment Is Inevitable. This was the view of Mr. Shlnlchl Kondo of the Mitsubishi Corp .-atlon who forecast that this move would help further expand Industrialisation of Asia -Pacific countries. He said: "Progress of structural adjustment
    440 words
  • 259 9 THE Kra Canal can be the one project which will brin« about successful regional co-operation ■attested Mr. K. V Chow, managing director of Thai Oil Refinery. In what appeared to be criticism of the various bodies whose alma are to promote regional eo-operatlon, Mr. Chow ■aid
    259 words
  • 1087 9  - A new stability is emerging in the Pacific SOH TIANG KENG By WITH the Pacific baslp approachIng political stability, the Indo-China region Is entering "an era of reconstruction" which will have spill-over effects on Southeast Asia. "The absence of military conflict Is only one facet of the new stability which
    1,087 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 108 9 DEPOSIT with SBS SBS receives deposits from trustees, corporations and members of the public at attractive rates of interest. SBS for housing loans and deposits Singapura Building Society Limited I Incorporated m the Reouofcc of Singapore MacDonsld House (4th Floor). Orchard Rosd. Singapore 9. P.O. Box 917. Tel. *****/3. 'Philippine
      108 words
    • 29 9 %WVT^ means ÜbJLSL^J computers See aid hear the B 0 Hi-Fi Audio Products at the •DENMARK IN SINGAPORE EXHIBITION' Singapore Conference Hall September 29th to 7th October, 1 973
      29 words

  • 380 10 Following a boara neeting on Bept. 28, Metal Box announced the resignation of Mr. N.D. Holt as managing Jlrector of its Malaysian subsidiary Mr. P*. BL-.ckwell, who arrived recently from UK, has been appointed managing director. He assumed responsibility for Metal Box affairs la South-east Asia from
    380 words
    • 154 10 June 73 Compute. YwTo m- tax Profit/Lou (L) fOOO) Kuniap* DWdMfc Ayer HiUm Tin Beijuntai Central Sec Cowolidated Pit. Guli Perak Hume indutL (F.E.) I.M. Tfxt. Inch Kenneth Lower Penk Tin M. Breweries MAG NBTimben PenkCubide RenongTin June 73 Apri. 73 M*y73 Mai. 73 Mu. 73 June 71
      154 words
    • 919 10 DBS, Shell Eastern Petroleum and UOB have entered into a joint venture company with an initial paid-up capital of Sslo million. Under the proposed equity participation in the company, DBS win hold 25 per cent of the shares. Shell Eastern 25 per cent
      919 words
    • 395 10 Compaue* Half year to Pre-tax Profit/Lou (L) (•000) Interim Drndrndt* Aetna Elect June 73 Allied Chocolate June 73 Randai Ray a June 73 Bedford Plant. June 73 Beruyi Kawit June 73 Carlsberg Brewery June 73 Central Properties June 73 E.N.E. June 73 Emo Standard June 73 Fancy Tile
      395 words
    • 26 10 Central Securities: One-fot-two. c .",übsiim M 56.305.055. Geatißg Highlands Hotel: Ont- for two, >mtalmng M 510.03 million. Motor and General Underwriters: One-l'or-oi.c. capitalising 554.248.580.50
      26 words
    • 81 10 N» tkmal Iron Steel Mill*: Proposed issue of 24 million It Convertible Unsecured Loan stock 1973/83 of Ssl each on the basis of three-fortwo at par. (NB: Conversion rights can be exerciwd at any time after six months from the date of issue up to maturity on the
      81 words
    • 420 10 INTELLIGENT ter- minals may soon Join the local coir. puter scene as more banks computerise their operations. Bo called because they are programmable and are capable of performing some of the functions of a computer, these terminals are still relatively new In Singapore and Malaysia although It
      420 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 2 10 H ■■■■■■■■■pmMUmwulßMih
      2 words
    • 160 10 m a«fea(L M Be warned. There's no place you can escape the Teletracer. The amazing ITT Teletracer is a pocket sized personal paging unit W '"^^^^M that alerts you when you need to I be contacted. No matter where I you are around your offices or factory premises, you can
      160 words

      • 75 11 I.M. Works S 4.6* +.36 FAN 8.45 +.39 NBT t7 60 +.20 8. Trad. $8 80 +.20 OCBC 112.10 +.20 G. Lumber 1.65 +.17 H. Leoni t 3.84 +.14 Ml Ind. $1 45 +.12 Ben t 2.82 +J1 E.Y. Sanf t 2.05 +.10 M. Cant. 2.30 +.10 B.H. Chan
        75 words
      • 15 11 M Moid •enling OB uinnrss I jO3 7.00 —.2 7.35 .1 t 830 .1
        15 words
      • 21 11 Slmr Darby 340.000 Malayan Credit 234.000 Haw Par 212.000 Harlmau 183.000 Total Turnover 28M Total Value »9 26M
        21 words
      • 47 11 OH. 1 Oct. t Ia*ntrtek: Itt.M HMttm K7.4f 111.11 ProtKTlkt: SM.4t SMJt t Tim: 116 U«.lt t S rabbrra: M1.74 M1.T4 t O.C.B.C.: M4.I7 JtS.«» Dec M. 1M« 1M 1 P«. 11. 1(M s 1M t D«. t*. IMt It* t Jan. 1, Iti* 1H
        47 words
    • 1703 11 HPHE lait transacted sake at the stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with prevlouus day's price together with 1973 high and low. Adjusted for all new Issues). CLOSING TONS- With flnsnee* fairly stradjr. the rest closed steady while commodities remained neglected TVRNOVER: Official total turnover on the Singapore
      1,703 words
    • 347 11 STEADY to firm tradIng conditions continued to prevail on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday on speculative support Inspired by the overnight firmness. The market was particularly strong In the morning when bargain hunters were out buying up some of the more volatile stocks. A
      347 words
    • 1437 11 BID and offer prices officially listed, and business in and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapoi* yesterday with the nunioer of shares traded shown In •rackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Aetna (3.308) (1) 1.28, (1) 3 26 A. Tape (I.SSB) (16)
      1,437 words
    • 1279 11 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yeaterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS A. Tape (1788 1308) (10) ISO. 1.88. 137. (1) 186. (13) 184.
      1,279 words
    • 308 11 rE Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange sprung Into active tradIng from the opening bell yesterday and share values bet'an rising on steady buying support. A brief spell of profittaking towards the cl r,e failed to wipe out the earlier, and substantial. gains. This Is best
      308 words
    • 99 11 BRITISH Airways, state-owned product of the merger between British European Airways and British Overseas Airways Corporation, raised group profit before tax and Interest to £33.0 million In the year ended March 1973 from £13.2 million Net profit after tax and Interest totalled £5.2 million against a combined loss
      99 words
      • 27 11 Rubber. Oct. 2 Singapore 162.M cts (up 2.M cU.) Malaysia IMM (op 2.5t cts). Tin: MM (op si.:*). Official offering 248 tons (down 111 tons).
        27 words
    • 101 11 CMINBSS MIOOUCt IXCHANCI, iIHCAPORI HOOH CUn»IMG MICS* Mil PICUL YIITIROAY Cinmil OH: bulk Ml Mllm. drum SA3 Mlliri. Egajsn uixid (ioo.« i UK/ Com 147 H B Pl W »r: Munlok AST* wmu fob. 100% NI.W 12*0 MlMra. Sarawak whit. fob. NLW SIM Mll.n. aarmwik IDKUI black fob. NL.W
      101 words
    • 38 11 mil la U a. atollan (wr ounca. (II Amtrillaa dollar. p«r OUBM l.lbourm (1) «.1> onto* K175 100.00 stlrjl *TM ***** lonikoni 102.1* IWI2 ulich 008 W 508 M 90S 100 SOS Iru M 103 12
      38 words
    • 37 11 London copper prtc«i on Y»nday (prtvlom la bracken) Wlr«bir ■*«< buytr ISOI OO II7WOOI Mlltr fWM 00 MSOO00). Tim month! buytr (TM.M I itm oo> Miur rru so < i7si 001 Market Imm: Snady. Salts: 4.42S tOOI.
      37 words
    • 30 11 THE Malaysian Palm Oil Producers Association (MPOPA) yesterday announced the following UK/CIF prices for Malaysian Palm Oil: Feb. £181. Mar. £173, Apr/ June £171, and Jul Dec. £189.
      30 words
    • 104 11 OUTPUT of tin concentrates for the month of August 1973 by the following mines rlcnU Aokam 2.»13 Austral Amal 1.346 Ayer Hitam 2,704 Berjuntal 7,391 Chenderlang 340 Oopeng Consol. 4,028 H kong Tin 13 Idrls Hyd JC-Mlne 951 Kamuntlng 1.«49 K Lanjut Ml Kent 1.011 Kllllnghall 1.707
      104 words
    • 283 11 Straits tin recovers HPHE Straits tin price In m. Penang yesterday recovered by $1.50 to $689 per plcul on an official offering down 181 tons to 243 tons. The local market reacted contrary lo the overnight London market where forward buyers plunged £10 to £2.130 per metric ton. LONDON: Cash
      283 words
    • 135 11 A SIAN currency deposit rates as at close on Tuesday. Oct. 2: OHer Bid 7 d«y» 11-1.8 10-7/1 1 mtl> 10-7/ 10-J/4 2 mth* 10-»/l« 10-7/U 3 mth* 10-11/16 10-»/l« 6 mth* 10-1 4 10-1 mth-i 9-J/4 II mtlu 9-11 16 »-9 IB 8«. m. Dm». (■Mile
      135 words
    • 413 11 rE Singapore rubber market yesterday was quiet during the morning but slightly steadier on some short-covering and Improved interest In forwards. Turnover was small In the afternoon. Prices were about unchanged to slightly lower. The market closed very quiet with October RSS One buyers quoted at ***** cents
      413 words
    • 82 11 LV BMB prtca* lamed «t noon restertay: oh. Wm [C«nl MUO (Forward Mtk) L Bojfr. Srlkn Bayer* Sdtan (>nl> per K> OnU per U 6CV (1-ton pallet) 157 00 158.00N 1&« 00 IST 00N U. l^too pSlrt) IS7 00 IM.OON 15*00 157 OON 5 I-ton pallet) 151.50 *****N
      82 words
    • 58 11 COME nenrou* selling i 10 US dollar* was seen yesterday morning tn the Singapore ton* market due to dealers liquidating their dollar position Into local fund*. Opening at 13 3420 *****0 It was Immediately (creed down to 5233T0 12 3384 before short covering appeared to push It back
      58 words
    • 150 11 ■pint following are th« nominal average closing Interbank 1 rats* In Singapore rwnawili Nominal rate* SblUimblmi QmM jttirrtij rarity Ctamt US dollar 2 3400 1 MM J. 8198 —17.01 Stcrllnc pound ».6»11 6.M70 7J469 -HOI Hongkong dollar 40 00 WOS »051 —8M Malaysian dollar 101.50 101.70 100.00 +1
      150 words
      • 239 11 HONO KONO. Tues. Share prices closed mixed today on the stock market In light trading The Hang Seng index slipped 3.16 points to 510.43. Hongkong Bank dropped to HK***** on It* Local register but remained unchanged at $25 90 on Its London register. Hang Seng Bank tumbled to 8116.
        239 words
      • 39 11 On tb« fw mhimi mirk* In Honskon* ynlcrday Uw US dollar was quotid at S.MT9/ 9OS for IT and 5 0775 for lilt rtrllns motrd it 12 20 and «w tan if |>M wai quotid al •KM
        39 words
    • 224 11 TOKYO. Tues. Prices on the Tokyo Block Exchange rallied today with the Dow-Jones average recovering to the 4.600 level which It lost the previous fuy. In the afternoon, some hemicsls and speculative issues such as Bhlnetsu Chemical. Hokkaido Colliery and Steam Ship. Tokyo Klkal and Shochlku gained ground sharply
      224 words
    • 120 11 r/URICH, Mon. After MJ the commission levy on foreign franc deposits wso practically abolished, a firmer trend was ■teen In the stock market today. The bond market was Irregular. T*ie Credit Sulsse Index rose 1.4 points to M Cloains pncM la Swiss Inw with tb« diff»r»nc* oa th* previous
      120 words
    • 313 11 MELBOURNE. Tues Price* drifted In colourless trading on the Melbourne Stock Exchange today. Rises outnumbered falls in both the mining and the Industrial sectors but price moves were small, few exceeding five cents. Western Mining eased but Poseidon was unchanged and Great BmMer firmed to 66 cents. Uranium stock
      313 words
    • 249 11 XTEW YORK. Mon Stock prices generally scored small gains on Wall Street, but a handful of glamour stocks and some Issue* with adverse corporate news fell sharply. Turnover was moderate. Aron Prodaets. which had been delayed in opening by a trading Influx was hammered down hard when It
      249 words
    • 101 11 FINANCIAL TIMES TIN! Monday M 28 Friday 01 91 Week ago 9195 RUBBERS Monday 441.57 Friday ***** Week ago ***** OILS Monday 362 7( Friday 365.41 Week ago 268 39 INDUSTRIALS Monday 430 5 Friday 439 4 Week ago 4333 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUBI RIALS Monday 948 83 Friday
      101 words

  • 249 12 $5m home for bank to cope with its expansion RANK of East Asia, an old established Hong-kong-based bank, is expanding its operations in Singapore. The bank, which recently entered the Asian dollar market, is currently engaged in the construction of a multistorey building to house its Singapore branch. The new
    CHRISTOPHER LOH shows an architectural model of the new bank building  -  249 words
  • 148 12 REAL ESTATE and housing developers can now overcome the costly problem of illustrating the Interior of their building and esUiU projects by the use of the Danish Modulex system. Already a number of statutory bodies, including the Housing and Development Board, Urban Renewal Department, and some private
    148 words
  • 635 12 A ScanDutch containership' s first visit to S'pore rE Korrlgar. (see picture), largest French dry cargo vessel in the world. Is scheduled to call at Singapore fur the first ■.lijie tomorrow. This follows the decision of her owner, Messagerles Marltimes. to Join ScanDutch's Europe Far East run. The Korrlgan is
    635 words
  • 377 12  -  f.OH TIANG KENG B> rE Japanese Government Is t.xclng mounting prt sure from the pn vate sector to loosei the nations watertight foreign exchange controls. An increasing number of Japanese bankers are advocating this move. Such a step will lead to the yen
    377 words
  • 186 12 BANK of New Zealand has opened its Southeast Asia representative office In Singapore. Here for the launthing is the bank's general manager and chief executive officer, Mr. Bruce H. Smith. Mr. Smith said the regional office further extends the bank's international network, which
    186 words
  • Article, Illustration
    107 12 IMR. Ken Meyer has been appointed a coach of the Singapore Girl's Softball Team and is tipped for the position of Head Coach of Singapore's entry for the Canada Cup next year. He cuts a iiashinK figure as he jotfs around Raffles Square dressed in his unique tropical whites.
    107 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 661 13 PAPUA NEW GUINEA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Of MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROFESSOR OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Applications are invited for the newly established Chair in Mechanical Engineering tenable from January 1974. The Department of Mechanical Engineering has a current establishment of 7 teaching staff and is housed in new
      661 words
    • 527 13 EXECUTIVE VACANCIES 0.C.8.C. CENTRE (PTE) LTD THE COMPANY Our client. 0.C.8.C. Centre (Pte) Ltd a subsidiary company of 0.C.8.C., established to develop and operate a 52 storey office complex, namely the 0.C.8.C. Centre, has the following vacancies: 1. MANAGER ( (i) THE JOB The appointee will be responsible to the
      527 words
    • 606 13 INSTRUMENT TECHNICIAN bRUNfcI SHELL PETROLEUM COMPANY LIMITED under the terms of their contract with BRUNEI LNG Limited, wish to recruit Instrument Technicians for their newly constructed Liquefied Natural Gas Plant at Lumut, State of Brunei. Successful candidates will work on a wide range of modern pneumatic and electronic instrumentation. Applicants
      606 words
    • 589 13 llvfiw Placement Advisory Se-«tcea milj for Clients 1 ASSISTANT FOREIGN EXCHANGE DEALER A lerge and well-kno«n European bank with wide spread international operation* aeaks an Aaaiitant Foreign Exchange Dealer for its Singapore branch. This position often a challenging and bright future to the right candidate interested in a banking career
      589 words
    • 756 13 /fj^|\ PUBLIC UTILITIES yjffUJp) BOARD ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT FIRE 8. SAFETY OFFICER ($BBO 1.650) Passed the Graduate Examinatio-i of th<> Institution of Fire Engineers with 6 years' practical experience as a Station Officer; sound knowledge and experience in the operation and general maintenance of fire fighting equipment, modern fire installations and
      756 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
      702 words
    • 713 14 J* a NATIONAL MARITIME -j!JZr BOARD JJJJJjJ MM.FR FOh TRAIMING II 111 IB SHIP SIiGAPORE' The National Maritime Board which is responsi ble for the Training of seamen on board the shorebased Training Ship "Singapore" is looking for a competent person to take charge of the ship and the training
      713 words
    • 306 14 BROADCASTING DEPARTMENT requires Make-Up Assistant Eligibility Must be Singapore Citizens between 21 35 years of age with qualifications in Make-up techniques (including hair-styling/dressingl and 3 years 1 experience in theatrical make-up work or film industry. Salary Scale: $360 x 15A 350 pm In addition to CPF benefits, the following allowances
      306 words
    • 456 14 HAW PAR BROTHERS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED (Incorporated in Singapore) LOST SHARE CERTIFICATES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undermentioned Share Certificates have been reported lotl or destroyed: Share Certificate Name of No. of Share No: Shareholder of $1/- each A ***** United Overseas Bank |,000 Nominees (Pte) Ltd. A ***** Mrs.
      456 words
    • 291 14 OFFICIAL NOTICE PROPOSAL TO CHANGi THE SHIP'S NAME WB. UNIVERSAL TRAMP INO (PTE) LTD hereb Klve notice that In con sequence of the lntende purchases, we have applle to the Registrar of Slnga pore Ships, under Sectio 417 of the Merchant Ship p<ng Act (Chapter 17! 1970 Edn.), In respect
      291 words
    • 234 14 1 AUSTRALIAN I NEW ZEALAND AND E UNITED KINGDOM FORCES y Tenders are Invited (or the provision of the following d aenrlcee: I Cleaning and Dyeing D of Carpets and Rugs for the period 1 NOV I. 1973 to 31 OCT 1974 if Maintenance of Sports if Facilities, le: Tennis
      234 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1400 15 WRTtIROgRtP SitTKI Tl H/CMTIRfR': J*^ IIVEIPOQL ttV Si^aaert p iTaa, Davrt. trta. Mam U« LiiLPiruuL t^j; sietaM aM aM mm tiwiiM lit il m tl act I Ma. n aat il Bat I M taial iun n Ml ll att it aa. 11 Ba. iim l«iai ur a act It
      1,400 words
    • 989 15 [^P^^^^^^^^Sa«™pTtlaN^^^artltala?ie^^ aBBTUtUM MM Ma Cntttael. Maau. Sanaaaa. M I paaMTMM aat a Mat n aat n itctatanat. mhibiniiii. t PBIAM Bac 11 IM a Baa a aM Caantlta.. > PIIUMMI M tl Ma a Ma a I 2"** EJ2| m > "****** I Taaaja Aiaatj musfiiu i ci pti. ira-iai:
      989 words
    • 900 15 i_aBBBBBBBB_MMM_aI BA_2 V 5 O^SL_Ha_a_M_i II BMH: H |la a turn taara P. Mlaai let" Aaatnt Fnace ItM. inriOtU UT II M II M I Mat It MM 11 Mat IMt MM mm BM 11 Bat ii aa. 11 Bat vmm HJUU wmJ Ist tl tat t7 rmw n But
      900 words
    • 943 15 ■■m||p||||HHß FUUY CONTAINERIZED SEKVICt TO EUtOft -—•I tar. I FM. JJJJJJ", ■m il lolttf *"»«»mb, /Wwar», U Hiwi. bmm S *an_. co^-n-., tetMataFL IStmT* Sjj Slxtootr. Olio, Hirsaiii. UPtidKiii|*ai FULLI CONTAINEHIZED SERVICE fKOM tUKOPt •at Start FIOM J"™""^ JJ^ RottertfM, Amsterdiai, Antwerp, Ll Hum aJIUJTI MLFT M7l tall, HM*BF t
      943 words
    • 719 15 Stata—ea tl 344)4; P. lUimmj 4141. X.L *****; Ptnar., JSWI. THE BANK LINE LTD. IMB Will. IRKI winUM Maaita. Maraan. <■ L.Maraan I S Alr.ti) P Itlaaf M/ll M Start 14/ia Ml Pan L Maraaet. Oartaa I Camiat) P <tWf urn M Start 17 an/1 Mat paw un i
      719 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1020 16 KAWASAKI tUSEN KAISHA LTD. uwisaii iwuu csn aisv. in iapm. > urn. STum sanct BaM Hantaal Swn Mlat uiuun HAM n eht ansatt bam w llht Mraaa au< a It ht Japan Arabian Sail atorrtaa I lawin fan tmm bam w ahi CiuatiHanil/Oata./ until /Ban/ "ill ftilMsair law w«^/tw».VwwtWlw«Bßwatr. swVMjwwwww
      1,020 words
    • 936 16 ■t fTO r» KAITT VMM to Part 4kt StilW. KMTT Ull Ikt Ikt Uaala Ltl. Ham UTB skt Ikt KMTf MCMR Ikt Ikt M SCni HIM II fct 11 kt laWta ■MM 14 fct IT kt Mutt fui akt iti w>. Mil MM JRm bodMM, CM. *m» et» Fl ktatM
      936 words
    • 891 16 on. won swvtci LOADING PO* LONDON. HAVtI. DAM. H'tURG. lIIMIN aIrTBM UHTITTT Tt/lV'ht 11/ll "tS ill t»w J4/11 Mm Tt! MPTWK lataUl M/a ht U fart nht laawa 11/ll t'laa Jt ■trnat aatuauiM s>va ht n/ 1 aw v1 aw IA ami 1 1 ARRIVALS FROM NOI.TH.WBT lUKOPIAN PO«tT
      891 words
    • 699 16 UniX IBWCt Tl Itwafa, lMaTim/t*WTiaaT rwH Ta. Baa. taptii, t lalaai Naat| Ua*aj an MBU Mian i/NM -vti an ii/ii an ww v n ratal iv I KtinM,ll rtwilV Illlliti MI »Vlt hi TVS ht i'aM 4/U L. Nwn 11/1 a>x i? ii raw 11,1 MBta Btllt 11/ 4Bw 1/
      699 words
    • 841 16 ■|"M F 0 B T OF lINSAFOat Una M.rin.r ul Hup MM XI 1 AUTNOBITY AMNOUBCIO ibar«... TM< JTJhi"!" l^.. V 1 0 "HIT OlTinpir Mana.r. IMM ABBANOIMIMTI F*B »C». Umn Kin. (MU. BUT alum Ham t T..ahaa <»•••• MM. Xl Tkal OUT ■■IM Haru d. TayatMV i .Mia MtTatTwaHrT
      841 words

  • 882 17  -  P. M. RAMAN By will soon get a central secretariat to tie up all the loose ends of the five-nation organisation and hdp strengthen its structure. The Asean secretariesgeneral finalised its "broad framework and functions" at their recent meeting In Manila. They
    882 words
  • 142 17 A FITTER was fined SSW yesterday for giving false information after he was aeajuitted of causing the death of a S3-year-old pedestrian by dangerous driving. Tan Chen Heng. 26. pleaded guilty to giving false information to a policeman at the Rumah Miskin police station
    142 words
  • 46 17 ABOUT M.OOO worth of men* briefs were reported itolen from the stores of R»y» Mills Corporstion st Lorong Tukang Tlf*. Juror.g Town, on Monday The company manager. Mr Han rook Blew. St. told police that the underwears were packed In M cartons.
    46 words
  • 276 17 Labourer fined $300 for hurting policeman in tussle A3OURER Shamsurl Li bin Khamls, 20, war fined $300 yesterday for causing hurt to PC Abdul Aziz bin Mohamed Nexir during a tussle In which four shots were fired by the constable to safeguard his revolver. He was found guilty of hurting
    276 words
  • 58 17 Rapid reading course THE Supervisory and Management Training Association of Singapore will conOict a course on faster reading on Tuesdays and Thursdays from Oct 18 to Nov. between pm. and 7.30 pm at the Singapore Professional Centre at Outram Park Complex. The fee la Sl6 for memben and $20 for
    58 words
  • 34 17 A tMO.OOO bungalow I* to be built In the IsUna ground Tender for the construction, to be completed In seven months, has been swarded to Messrs ChouWal Chuar.g. according to a
    34 words
  • 180 17 S'pore to host first Asian seminar on consumerism SINGAPORE will host the first seminar on consumerism In the Asian region In February. The Aye-day seminar, organised by the International Organisation of Consumers Unions (IOCU). In co-operation with the Consumers' Association of Singapore (CASE). Is expected to be attended by delegates
    180 words
  • 45 17 A group of journalists from Talpeh and Hongkong flew In yesterday evening on SIA Boeing 747 Inaugural flight to familiarise Jwr.selves with the worklr^s of the slrllne. The media rtpreati tatlvea attended a cocktail party at Hyatt hotel hosted by the
    45 words
  • 115 17 PERTAMINA TO STAGE GOODWILL SHOW IN S'PORE EIGHT top models and a 32-member cultural group from Indonesia will give a goodwill performance at Hyatt Hotel on Oct. 11 at 8 p.m. About 800 guests Including members of the diplomatic corps will attend the show uiganlsed by Pertamlna. the Indonesian national
    115 words
  • 270 17 Danielle the silver baton twirling cabaret artiste rvANCKR Danielle Manet mJ has whirled her way from high school drum majorette to cabaret artiste with her silver baton. "Twirling the baton with my hands was my favourite pastime while at school and I've spent eight years at it," she said yesterday
    270 words
  • 61 17 THE Museum School Service will conduct several courses for qualified teachers at the lecture- hall at the National Museum In November and December. The courses are on woodcarving, fabric printing for beginners, elementary puppetry and copper tooling Each course is limited to 20 persons Teachers Interested In
    61 words
  • 58 17 THIRTY tax evaders were fined a total of M.855 yesterday for Jailing »o submit their income tax >«iums In time between May last year and May this yaax. The maximum tines of II 000 sere Imposed on Liang Tal Trading Co pte Ltd. and Chuan Seng Co.
    58 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 166 17 We've prefixed Wayfooi a to our name so you'll know we are a wholly owned subsidiary of The Hongkong And Shanghai Corporation Whether you're selling a bulldozer or buying a car, MAF can help you MAF loans are flexible We can help you whether you're a retailer or a
      166 words
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 22 17 l^rj^^Rym WATER consumption on Monday was Ul million gallons (55*,--000 cubic metres), five million gallons {U.*M cubic metres) more than on Sunday.
      22 words
    • 892 17 TV SINGAPORE (5) TV MALAYSIA (3) -1 AA PM Opemni and Salu- 3C N Vision On T.H km CAA PM Pro|rinmt Summary /L AQ PM The Basil Brush i™iuM?\,)*i*l in£l lX> Io Mth 1M Deflnis ewe slB mt{t 1M trie'Vjrt Is 1 \i* Fersemtuhan News tfld Neosreel (Malay) 7.55 Ul
      892 words

  • 122 18 Missing girl 'left home to find job' qiWELVE year old 1 Fong Gaek SUm left her Ttmin Jurong home to "look foe a Job" about a month ago and has not returned since. Her father. Mr. Fong Hee Hack. 38, a Utter, yesterday urged her to return home to "talk
    122 words
  • 55 18 THE National Productivity Board will conduct a two-day course on "The Marketing Research Process" In collaboration with the Marketing Institute of Singapore on Oct. 11 and 12. Ttm (or the course are »340 for members and UOO (or non-members Further details can be obtained from the National
    55 words
  • 90 18 BELOIUM and Singapore have ratified their agreement on the avoidance of double taxation In the two nations. The Instrument* of ratification were exchanged in Brussels between Mr. Ho Rlh Hwa, Singapore's Ambassador to Belgium and Mr. R. Van Elilande, Belgium's Minister for Foreign Affairs, on
    90 words
  • 456 18  -  T. r. HWANG Liquidator seeks discharge By JHE High Court will hear on Oct. 12 a petition by a liquidator of a chit fund company to wind up the company on groonds alleging that it is insolvent to the extent of $4,881,620.
    456 words
  • 29 18 SIDAMBARAN Varaiharaj, M. waa lined 1500 yesterday (or taking an MX pill ouUlde Cathay Cinema nn Sept 5 He pleaded guilty He had a previous convictlon
    29 words
  • 107 18 A MEDICAL officer attached to the Singapore Kamllj riannlng Centre. Dr. Ng Ban Cheong, said yesterday that the Asian desire to have at least one son In the family was an oatdated concept. He also said the rat'onale for having a big family held
    107 words
  • 242 18 Worker hurt in crash gets $6,000 damages THE Chief Justice. Mr. Wee Chong Jin, yesterday awarded $6,026 damnpes and costs to a hospital worker who lost part of his right liver after a road accident on July 11, 1970. Mublim bin Arlp, 24, represented by Mr. R. Karuppan Chettlar, would
    242 words
  • 28 18 TAN Kane Lum. 29. ni Ancd tlO yntcrdar 'or telii( found drunk »nd Inopablr »t a carpark off Cantonment Road on Monday night He pleaded guilty.
    28 words
  • 219 18 2 jailed for theft of antique flower pots SA'AT bin Jasman, 43, and Ja'afar bin Mohamad Saman, 20, unemployed, were each Jailed for three years yesterday for stealing three porcelain flower pots worth $1,500 from a house in Amber Road on Sept. 12. They pleaded guilty. Another charge against i
    219 words
  • 93 18 SEND-OFF PARTIES FOR CALL-UP YOUTHS MANAOEMENT committees of various community centres are organising simple sena oft parties for anotner batch ol youths who have been called up for national service train ing. The send-offs are being organised as a token of appreciation for the young citizens who will be playing
    93 words
  • 29 18 LIM Kirn Soo 43. of Malaysia. <v Jailed (or three months yesterday (or (raudulently having a 120 transistor radio on Monday He pleaded guilty.
    29 words
  • 34 18 THE British mrdlral .'ournal. The Lancet will celebrate ita 150 year of publication on Friday. The werkly hu a circulation o( more than 51.000 coplet throughout the world Including Singapore.
    34 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 461 18 THE LEGENDAJtY, THE GKATEST Muhammad '^Jk v A L I |j£te^ Ton Doyle I plu» great iwpporting programme National Wf Stadium I Don't mii» Mi once-h-o-llferlaM, I 4 n»vf-w>-t>«-loipott«n tpofting «v«nl OCTOBER 24 w Bpm Book at Cold Storage TICKtTS $100 Pr««nr«J by DONALD MOOM and «2GUIM GUI ZANI sponsored
      461 words
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 271 18 BiHnglnf Op Fatlfr Bjr BUI Kavanagh tig Hal Camp icMnpm^rtcß •\l qrFm that man 1.„ ftf om*l.iH->* I hour cvbrtim« that) /V\ V*" \\VZ! /E Oou A s to J A l I vvoolont I Y^ rOUv must have J BIOtt«U ByChU Tomii A SMCiAi. O*FCR I > FOB TMC
      271 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 966 19 INIVtRSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA JAWAIAN-JAH'ATAN AKAOEMIK. Permohonan adalah dljemput darlpada mereka yang berkelayakan untuk menglsl jawatan-jawatan n. dl Umversltl lni Kelayakan yang dlkehendakl lalah aekurang-kurangnya Ijasah Sarjana atau ljaxah yang setaraf dengannya dan UnTver-titl-unlversltl yang dllkttrafkan. Ijasah yang lebUk tlnggl atau pfgf membuat penyelldlkan atau mengajar akan diberi keulamaan slereka mestilah
      966 words
    • 589 19 VuwKHN^ Permohonan-permchonan adalah dlpelawa darlpada warganegara Malaysia untuk memenuhl Jawatan-jawatan berlkut dl Lembaga Kemajuan Pahang Tenggara (DARA). 1. JAWATAN a) Jurutrengkas b) Pembantu Teknlk 1) Awam 11) Perancang Bandar c) Pembantu Perancang Bandar d) Juruteknlk Rendah c) PelukU Pelan 2. KELAYAKAN a) Jurutrengkas Calun-calun hendaklah belum menlngkat umur 25 tahun
      589 words
    • 536 19 ■j Position Requirements H I Production Degree/Diploma In I Service Engineer Mechanical En- fl glneerlng. Several H years of working H H experience. Should IH ■J be able to handle Independently pro- ductlon and after I B sales service WUI report directly to the Technical Ma- nager. UM H Age:
      536 words
    • 756 19 A logging operation on the Bast Coast of Sabah invites suitably qualified Sabah Cltlsens to apply for the following posts:— I). Data Processing Controller Must have at least one year's experience In complete charge of an NCR 400 Data Processing Installation, handling a large scale stores accounting system. 2). Rafting
      756 words
    • 673 19 KENYATAAN TAWARAN W. Ne: IHII Tebang. Bakar. lsemerun d*n laln-laln untuk kawasan kampung dan kawvan pertaniat bagl lanaman getah Tawaran-tawaran adalah dl pelawa darlpada Kon-trekter-Kontrekter tebami hutan yang berpengalaman bagl kerja-kerja tersebut ol atas dl rancangan tersebut dl bawah:No. Rancangan Percngkat Ekar 1. Jelal Oemas Tampin. N. SembUau. I ABCD
      673 words

  • 65 20 LOUIII KLIRK'I SALONS In Hotel stnic&pun for you: latex halratylw. expert pinnlog and iwgeoua tinting Very moderate price* Appointments telephone *****3 (Sport) NIW HATIOH i WARY Lit TALKS TO 'AMI FOHOA What U Jan* Fonda: movie aetreaa. rebel rotuer, dedicated antiwar eampalcmr really like? la tot NIW NATION today.
    65 words
  • 114 20 MM. CNIA AH MUI, 78. pau•4 »w«y peacefully 1/10/73. leaving wttt. too* Vow llni. Tow Ponn. Wai Hon. Wai ChM. Wai Paw. Wai Hon«. Wai Ho*. Wai Chon, Wai W«n«. Dauchters Kin L«ng Kin Yin. Kin Foot. Daughttra-lo-l«w Bum MUI. Woh Phi. *icy lid. Wai Laa. Yuk Tins. M«w
    114 words
  • 74 20 FAMILY OF LATI Mary Cecilia JalUh. Klang. thank ■taff or DUtrtet Hoapitat. fitcndt and relatlvu lor wreatljf, maiiiti of eondo- during their nctnt beTHI FAMILY OF Ib« lat* Mdm Tham Yoon 81m thank fntndi and ralatlvts for thnr coodolencea. kind aulitanc*. attendance. wrr*th» and donation! In tb*ir r«c*nt ber*av«m*nt.
    74 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 373 20 classified ads H CLASSIFIED RATES Ota seal: 0.60 par word Minimum 9 00 (16 words Personal: 1 20 per wnrd Minimum $34.00 (10 words Malaysian Edititn Plus 50% surcharge .T^»Mg4«sisq TYPEWRITING: COMMERCIAI teachers full-oay, Scboa Teachers (or tuition claatet morning or afternoon. Write U •41-A Serangoon Road, Slnga Pore 13.
      373 words
    • 762 20 quired Working houn 10 1 am. T p.m. waaktfaya ai a.m. 1 p.m. Saturday Apply in own bandwrltli itating experience and aalai expected to: Hooorary Stcnlir A.U.PB. Multipurpose O operative Society Ltd. Upper Pay* Lebar Road. 9'po It. Clonus datt «th Oetob 1973 CONFIDENTIAL lICRITARI (FtMALI) Application* art Invited fron
      762 words
    • 673 20 t REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY tl 30 experienced female T-yplst wltl nd eood command of Eag'lah. Cal rt penontlly at 07, Penlnsuli ng Shopping Complex, Colemai ry Strttt. y. TWO EXPERIENCED FIMAU B CLERKS, knowledge Of ae--15 counts, typing and correspond ire tag. Write with photo: Maxwtl «r Road P.O. Box 2174
      673 words
    • 648 20 WANTIO SALESGIRL from aaa 6.30 p.m. Call (or late view 54. Riga Street Spore I AIRCONDITIONING APPRII TICIS ANO MECHANICS r quired Apply personally to II Upper East Coatt Road. B'po during office Hours. BUILD A CAREER ladies: are tou diBBatlBfiei WITH TOUR PAT FOR THI EFFORT AND OOOD WORI
      648 words
    • 839 20 9 EXCELLENT HOUSEKEEPEI ir- agt abovt 35 ytan. LJve-u I Fluent English and Marxian (or European family wltb small eh Idren. Day on* Monday. Salary $350 month'y Apply to The Managtr, .'.O N Box 246. Spore. MALAY DRIVIR WANTIO t, jf Paya Lebar family. Exper fenced and respor.slble Agai 35
      839 words
    • 758 20 A TIMBER MANUFACTUHINC COMPANY In Jurong require. Female Confidential Typiat Rs ply stating salary expected aiM enclose pa aa port -else photograpl tnon-r"urnable) to S.T. Boj A90T56 S'pon. Buklt Tlmah Turf Club ana Oood Salary. Call *****58 01 personally Shop 205 Me. Mr Hotel Arcs*- lat Floor, 11 a.m. 1
      758 words
    • 869 20 WAITRESSES ANO WAITS! .-equ:rtd Day thlfts onl Please call st EUropt Ca 1 Immediately tel: *****4 Spec I WANTIO PUMP ATTII OANTs. Onattri and Mechi nlcs Interview 360 Alexandi Road, S'pon 3. MESSENGER REQUIRED pn r ferably e» National Servlcemai 1 Please apply wltb personal d< tails to S.T Box
      869 words
    • 852 20 FURNISHED UNFURNISH APARTMENTS I^houset $600 $4,500. Klllll Road, Cavenagh House Wi wood, Kum Hlng Court, Ooli Milt. Balmoral Park, Drai Park, Paslr r-.njang. SI scraper. Holland Road Pong seaside bungalow $1,000 f nished. Mount sinai duple: $1,000 $1,300 fumlahed. H Tan Company *****0/9170' *****1 Spore. A NEWLY RENOVATI dout le
      852 words
    • 866 20 ED CITY TOWERS FLAT avallal nt- Immediately. Three air com ney tloned bedrooms, one servant fat- room. Fully furnished SI.X den Phone *****6 or T2210 Ml son Lat. kygo ■ut- C.N. WILLIAMS A 00. PTI TIL: *****, SPORE O/ CLIMINTI PARK— DIST. 21 Bungalows In Sunset PUc and Sunset Way.
      866 words
    • 892 20 AMERICAN FRENCH ENTER I-RISI REQUIRE Detached Bungalows Semi Detached/ Ternce Apartments ln Dlsta. 9. 10. 11, 21 (Otbtn) Rental Payable $500 to $4,500. Oood Advance And Deposits Assured. Properties Varan t October November/December January Needed Tel *****4 aso? IS WANTID URGENTLY In all districts apartments. houses, bungalows furnished/unfurnished preferably dlsta.
      892 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 727 21 PEOPLE S PARK COMPLIN Bachelor. Apartment it Hoor. self-contained 400 tq.l suitable resideno ornee QuiC. sale (40.000 ono. 50% loa i Tel 271T3 8 pore lows (350.000 (370. 000. Semi bungalows (175.000. SIBO.OOU Terraces 590.0U0. (96.00U Anartments (160.000: (162.0.4 Spore 412H50 *****3 TUAN BINC PARK 2 store semi-detached bungalow split
      727 words
    • 812 21 Bx^^^bbbbP^^l^^^i^^i^^bbbbbb. Suitable for storage of fruits, vegetables, meat etc (near harbour). Ctntatt Mr. Tan Ttl: tTMS t'pers I tPECIALISTS' (MOPP I N IS CENTRE. Only a few shops left for rent in this flourishing I shopping complex stretching right fmm Orchard rioad to somerset Road Business gentrating feature. 4 OX)
      812 words
    • 688 21 ARCHIPELACO SPECIAL "OURS AIR. TRAIN. COACH (I'AU LUMPUR SINGAPORE DAILY- WEEKLY -MONTHLY LONDON CHARTERS SMS/M2S/jtkt Toba dayt MM iangkok/Chlengmal dayt •US MM/Bangkok Hongkong 7 daya iw MM langkok Hongkong Taiwan 12/14 days SUM ***** Bangkok Taiwan Japan i Hongkong/Seoul 16/18/21 days *17M/*l*M/S2IM/--3e- 6 10. 9/10. 27/10. 12 11 11/11. 2/12.
      688 words
    • 754 21 LLOYD HOUSE MOTIL aiconditioned double/single rooms, wall to wall carpeting. Discount monthly. AKain commercial discount io 2 Lloyd Road. S'pora. Pnoct *****1/ tTTtat STRANO MOTIL Beneoolen Street downtown, alreond nonalreond Private bath. single (20/-. double (23 Bar Restaurant Homely Service Spore Tel 2382 SLOAHI COURT MOTIL, 17, Balmoral Road, quiet
      754 words
    • 821 21 BIOINNIR*. MlUHu.'* TYPEWRITING,' Classes Pre pi mi. students for the 1974 LCC Examination. Time: 2 4 pm. Commencing «th October Pleaae enquire and enrol early Singapore Commercial School. 7*8!) A O Upper Serangoor Road. Slngapora SOTSOU/IIUS9O. SHORTHAND BECINNERS Tueaday. Thuraday 3SO 630 p m (4-10-73— 283-C Selegll Complex /Monday. Wednesd
      821 words
    • 960 21 SAFETY TRIVINO INSTITU riON, Guaranteed course 2 noun (to/-. Hourly (4 50 c Bernam Street. Spore. *****. NIGMWAV DRIVING SCHOO new Datsun 1200 Hourly *6 248-C6 Orchard' Road lopposit Mandarin Hotel i. B'pon *****! INO KIONO CAR TRADER Private Limited Home < r quality used can 313 A Buk i
      960 words
    • 1054 21 I- PACIFIC MOTOR CREDIT PTE 0 Ltd showroom at 311. Buklt i. Tlmah Road, 4| ra s B'pore 10 Ttl: 6603.3 66M191 6*9534 L often 1973 Mttda HOI. Dat- sun 1200. 1972 Toyota Celic.i c alreond Toyota Corolla Mu--1 cubi.hi Mlnio Chevrolet 330. Holden Klngswood. Austin 1300. 1971 Volvo 1445/820
      1,054 words
    • 857 21 JAGUAR 3.1* 19*4 MODEL IM Mechanic. lly very good $2,700.'- Tf ono. Call 704*9 or *****5 Is B'pore. Mj 1 OWNER I*7l VOLKSWAGEN ir 1200 c c Excellent condition 10 View at 597-A Gey'ang Road. Jl no dealers os 1964 FORD FALCON 4-door. m airconditioned. good condition Ti Phone day
      857 words
    • 637 21 ITIR ROYAL HEALTH CEN II Hotel Royal. Ntwtoo Koio U: M 1721/*****1 est l.'l aatagc Bauna/Steamfatn. Hy 0 use of gymnaalum etc. Dally 1 a.m. to 10 p.n. lAN* SALON for Turkish lift Swedish maasMge. facial lanwutt. haurtinting 2t>B> anghn Road. 6357t7 8 pore IT SMART: Uniform! for all Hir
      637 words
    • 765 21 SPECIAL OFFIR foe H D.B. flats: by paying (IUO installment p.m (special discount for cash purchase!, wt can furnish your home with 2 eels bedroom ru nlture. Teak aettee. divider, dining act. kitchen cabinets axd standing lamp. Style Furniture. 540 Qutenaway (Inside Japanese Garden! or Sin Tradm. Company. lt>9 Upper
      765 words

    • 576 22 Beautiful Sunday in smart 3 furlong workout EPSOM JEEP TWO newcomers to the classic scene, Lascelles and Commander-In-Chief IJ, may give the old brigade plenty to do in the $61,500 Singapore Gold Cup at Bukit Timah on Oct. 14. Lascelles. with Rod Dawkins astride, wu full of running at the
      576 words
    • 251 22 Newcomers Limit and Laurel Park show ability a trial with Ontario Sa'.rl Sullmani returning 37 3/5. Queenstown is coming to hand. She kept pace with Game Prince (Patrick Nglow) In a 3f trial in 37 1/5. Southern Priest (David Kwongi strode out freely over 3f In 42 3/5. Papalol. Juna
      251 words
    • 78 22 SYDNrV. Tues— Australia's Commonwealth middleweight boxing champion Tony Mundlne showed a low blood count in a medical examination today and la seeking a new date for his fight with American Emille Onfflth The right against the former world champion was due to be held in
      Reuter  -  78 words
    • 25 22 NEW YORK. Tuea. Results of yesterday's major league baseball games: National Leagac: New York 6 Chicago 4: San Diego 4 Pittsburgh 3. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • 436 22 ll33Jr^^B A j \f V friend Insists that iT Las Vegas was ridden by oiansor Aftandl In all his wins I vaguely remember Jim Johnson bringing In Lai Vegas once in Singapore sometime last year. Would you settle the argument? A
      436 words
    • 344 22  -  YAP BCH TIONG By THE Singapore Turf Club's new electronic totalisator will be fully operational on Saturday the first day of the Singapore Gold Cup meeting. Installed at a cost of $3.4 million, this computerised tote Is expected to increase turnover In
      344 words
    • 72 22 LONDON. Tues Results of English Football League and Texaco Cup matches last night were Dlv Z: Preston 3 West Brom 1 Div 1: Port Vale 1 Wrexham 0; Southport 0 Soutnend 0, York 0 Chesterneld 0 Div 4: Stockport 1 Workmgton 1. Tnuo Cap first round
      72 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 275 22 ly'^ aWflaff a 7 'H naa^naaVaaaf^ SF i LnnH Jf BBValaßßaannaW W J ipi Hr nsaaaHk^nsßnP <^Ps^P^naf anna* Lnaaar BEnaaß K B nnW anna I gj js» XH sK -'SBananal^nT naWanananananani SBaaßaannnnnnnß|nßnnannnnnnannnßnH Sturdy, dependable B&W Alpha vee-form diosels are the heart of a complete. made-to-match propulsion system comprising gear. c.
      275 words
    • 122 22 NTN ffifc BEARINGS @*H TEL-.313-733 $mTh SINGAPORE J~tjHtJt TEL:*****2 KUALA LUMPUR i> A I rI II Th outer limits rAINFUL IS I DM CC? a»aan»annnr«n»T logcthcr b\ lisanai <- .n the MontKcllo ri Fa BB in unforgcttjbk mmnjl raumo to the out-i linui\ A^«o, f] o OUnd haemorrhoids or piles
      122 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 45 22 BADMINTON National Championships (SB A Hall 8 p.m. I. HOCKEY BHA Di». 1— SRC v School* (Padang). Janaenltt* v Indian Ann. EUOBY Tour match: Digger* RFC (Zambia v W.KxJlandi (Naval But 5 Ml SOCCER Intcr-Vanlty: su v poiy. natc v an (Dover Rd S pjn
      45 words

    • 448 23 Karachi tour reward for double champs KLM RLM S I ng a p ore, the Business House Football League double champions, will leave for Karachi on Oct. 18 for two matches as a bonus for winning the Division One. League and Knockout tournaments this year. Their first match of the
      448 words
    • 49 23 Joe Dorai's Soccer corner clubs concerned Into consideration. At the sixth annual general meeting of Ocean Sports Club at Buffalo Road, Mr. Patrick Bng was elected President with Mr. US. Rajoo as vice-president. The other executive officials are Aloyslus Low (secretary), Joseph John (asst. secretary) and Bernard Teo (trea-
      49 words
    • 516 23  - Sasa recommend gold medallists for C-Games ALBERT JOHNSON By SINGAPORE Amateur Swimming Association management committee yesterday decided to recommend without holding trials the Seap Games gold medallists for selection to the Commonwealth Games In New Zealand In January. The committee under the chairmanship of Mr. Chan Chee Beng, however, ruled
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    • 367 23  -  ERNEST FRIDA By THE Hickson's x Timber golf tournament starting at the Island New Course tomorrow, will decide Singapore's two representatives to the Australian Open in Brisbane from Oct. 25-28. Tr.e two golfers finishing with the highest points after the Hickson's Timber tournament, will
      367 words
    • 180 23 Singapore meet Rajvithi in first game Bangkok Tues. The fourth Queens Cup football tournament kicks off here on Saturday with Singapore and Cambodia playing against Thai club opponents Rajvithi and the Air Force respectively. Both matches are Orour "C" preliminary tingle round robin engagement*. Fuur other foreign club teams are
      AP  -  180 words
    • 28 23 CONSTRUCTION work at the Police Academy ground caused the BHA League Dlv. 1 match between PuUca and University of Slngap. Sf acheduled for yetterd*y to be postponed.
      28 words
    • 193 23 Lee and Park quit Korean squad SEOUL, Tues Two top South Korean players have withdrawn from the national side which Is due to play Australia later this month in the World Cap soccer Asian tone final. Goalkeeper Lee Se-Yun. 29-year-old team captain, and forward Park Ee-Chun, 26, told reporters last
      Reuter  -  193 words
    • 20 23 LONDON. Tumi Result* of lilt night's Rugby Union matches: Oloiiwutrthirt IS Monmounttuhlra 9. Swansea 10 Pontypool 3 Reut*r
      Reuter  -  20 words
    • 384 23 HELSINKI. Tues. Paavo Nurml, greatest of all Finnish sportsmen, died today In Helsinki after a long illness. He was 76. A middle distance runner, Nurml won seven gold and three silver medals In three Olympic Games and smashed 20 official world records during his
      Reuter; UPI  -  384 words
    • 76 23 LONDON. Ttaaa. Birmingham C'Ujr, bottom tt thr l"B|tßaa Footbo.ll Lr&ror'i Fin* DltMwi. teat sight saM Lrcaw VmtU4 11M.M* -•M) for Uattr MM fMllueprr Gary Spnka. nthtiui British treat* far a gttktft. W»4- tmt the Utjtm f>M4.»M) Enrtan paid to HaManfleU laat jcar far the transfer of Dwrkt Lawaaa.
      76 words
    • 273 23 VARNA (Bulgaria', Tues. China's future place in world sport faced delegates to the Olympic Congress here with a major problem which could split Asian countries from the Olympic Movement, reliable sources said today. There is no debate on the China question on the
      Reuter  -  273 words
    • 276 23 Rous suggests qualification standards for Olympics VARNA, (Bulgaria), Tues. International Football Federation president Sir Stanley Rous today called for a new definition of amateur sportsmen and offered a suggestion which could disqualify World Cup players from the Olympic* He was speaking to the Olympic Congress now I in its second
      276 words
    • 227 23 By G. ROBERT ARMED Forces, with seven players of the Seap Oames gold medal winning team, yesterday scrambled to a 1-0 win over Khalsa Association In a SHA League Division One hockey match at Farrer Park. But the favourites, who could only boast of
      227 words
    • 209 23 Rhodesian pair triumph JOHANNESBURG. Tues Rhodeslans Mike Procter and Brian Davlson won South Africa a first International double wicket cricket tournament here yesterday by defeating Au trallana lan and Oreg Chappell in the final match. The victory gave the Rhodeslans in undefeated record In the contest, with 10 points from
      209 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 188 23 fjTfTT] DEEPAYALI 4LJJI SPECIAL DRAWS 13U Gin Prize*. Draw X05.77 85(3O§eptlo28Oc«'73) S2QOOO. VvONA3AIN!'! IN DRAW NO: 77/73 I WNOAPOIK POOLS VI Q X«* P^al I 77 1973 .7 <*i~"i® "> "1 ■yg < TA:;tar x, i» 1 17 w I ill Jkj is ;rj vp~~ 30 ill \m 31 134
      188 words
    • 139 23 ROBINA IS NOW FOUR HAPPY SHOPPING FLOORS watch out for the sth and 7th floors We care for your Very Special Day on the Ist floor. Enfc-4 Wm^\ VJ JF^^lj .rm Hi I*3 ..^^^^J JKj iW aiaaaaßafl H• I at* J Haaaaaaaaaaaa*** S^aaaaaaKjJaa^laafc. I ?&»-*aaaaaaaaaaaaaaH m Mi .tBV&' *^^^^H aafl
      139 words

  • 65 24 MUSLIM demonstrators are inarched away from Jakarta's Parliament building after they staged a sit-in demonstration which disrupted debate on a Government proposed Marriage Bl I. The Bill proposes reforms in matters of marriage, divorce and child adopt.on which so far have been reru'ated by traditional Koran
    65 words
  • 179 24 $9m haul: A top drug dealer gets life term TORONTO. Tues. A 37-year-cld cook from New York city. Ng Yuen Hingh ha.-' been «entenced here to hie imprisonment tor trafficking In 25 pounds (11 kilos) of heroin worth an estimated US$4 million (about 359 mil.) on the black market. Federal
    179 words
  • 61 24 TOKYO. Tuea. Japan's Brtdfaatona Company today announced it had developed a new tyre with a built-in alarm system to avoid accidents at high speed. The company said the tyre, featuring what It called the trip guard system" would be marketed In another year and would
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 32 24 SUVA. Tueg— The French Airline UTA has announced It U resuming fllghu to FIJI after a tone-month break forced by a union ban In protut at France* nuclear tests. Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 363 24 1 ONDON. Tun Thr (tock martlet elMed quietly flna today with inttreal largely Mlectlvf. lentlmeot wii alccd by bopea that Ibc aoranuneat's lonauManv* atoev rnant on Phase Three ot .It 4ouat'*r inflation policy espected nel. •rill chance present prices oollcy. At 1 p.m. the Financial flmee ladet «v
    363 words
  • 31 24 LONDON. TIM. Spot 13.00. •rttimum Not. sj so. dm. U.K. J»o 12 70 Jan. Mar. 31.1 f muni c.1,1. Nov. nom.. Dec 10 lv nom. Markac QuMt. with Milan
    31 words
  • 30 24 LONDON. *aaa. too! bujtra (2150 111). Mllrra illU I -1101. ror»*ri burn, HIM (—llOl. ••llrra HIM (—(I). aWtllmiat (2150 (-1121 Turnover a.m. 129 toDi pm 75 toaa Tom ittadr
    30 words
  • 327 24 BLACKPOOL, Tues. Mr. Harold Wilson, Labour Party leader, today proposed a state takeover programme that included land, seaports, shipbuilding, aircraft production and the new oilfields off British shores. He also attacked multinational corporations and said they should be subject to government control. In a
    Reuter  -  327 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 129 24 Sanyo RD 4300 Dolby Cassette Deck besides virtually eliminating tape hiss and noise is feature-loaded. Pause control. Cue control. Long lasting recording head. Monitoring switch. Memory tape counter. Separate record and play back level control. Normal/Dolby circuitry. Servo drive with 99.8% speed accuracy. Stereo headphone output. Pushbutton tilt-up VU meters.
      129 words
    • 352 24 Gome to LONDON for the Over 700 international exhibitors will show more than 40.000 products covering hand tools, housewares. ironmongery and hardware. This great exhit ition gives you unnv.illed trading opportunities If you buy. sell or manufacture hardware, write now for detailed brochure I Trade enquiries only) to Universal Exhibitions
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