The Straits Times, 30 September 1973

Total Pages: 23
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 28 1 TOTAL WEEKLY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 300,000 Largest sales in SI Asia The Sunday Times No. 1951 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. 1973 25 CENTS SIKSAPORE EDITION *.C (PI No. 29/73
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  • 36 1 TOKYO. Sat An earthquake originating near Soviet Far Eastern territory Jolted northern Japan, Tokyo and part of western Japan today. Hardest nit areas Included Hokkaido and Tokyo. No casualty or damage was reported.
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  • 62 1 JAKARTA. Sat—lndonesia ha* no Intention or wiling iv (rounded Russian pUna. according to Air force Chifl-of-SUff ViceMarshal Saleh Basarah Under the purchase tenement with the Soviet Union. Indonesia should not itll th« plane* to a third party. Marshal Baiarah tv quoted a* taring in an
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 158 1 MOSCOW. Saturday 'Two Soviet cosmonauts returned to earth safely today aboard their Soyuz-12 spacecraft after a two-day flight designed to pave the way for a US-Soviet Joint mission in 1975, Moscow Radio said. It was the first Soviet manned flight since three Cosmonauts died on June
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  • 37 1 RAWALPINDI. Sat. Oovernor Aslam Khuttak of PikiittDi North-Wot rronttcr province has ordered a pollc* hunt (or a gang which •hot at int car of «n opposition party le«drr killing on* of hi* attendants —Reutar.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 20 1 LONDON. B*l BritMiborn pott WH Auoan died I lut evening In Vttnns He I wm M. R«uUr. i
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  • 373 1 Threat to blow up plane THREE NATIONS SAY 'NO' TO GUERILLAS ROME. Saturday TWO Arab guerillas aboard a Cessna light aircraft today threatened to open fir* and blow up the plan* on the runway at Cacliari, Sardinia, unless they were granted permission to land in Tunisia, airport officials said. The
    Reuter  -  373 words
  • 806 1 I will not resign, says Agnew LOS ANGELES. Saturday VICE President Splro Agnew today vowed to clear himself of corruption charges and gave the clearest indication he would not resign even if formally accused of a criminal offence. Mr. Agnew said in a speech here It would not be an
    UPI  -  806 words
  • 172 1 Five bomb blasts destroy buildings in Northern Ireland BELFAST. Sh.t rive bomb blast* yesterday wrecked buildings in separate attacks across Northern Ireland, and a sniper wounded a British soldier In Belfast. The neighbouring Republic of Ireland placed troops and police on full alert after a ware of bomb threats linked
    UPI  -  172 words
  • 110 1 EVERYONE has heard of the Wizard of Oz. From next Sunday the Sunday Mall Introduces readers to another kind of charmer, the wild and whacky Wizard of Id. The Wizard of Id replaces Batman whose exploits are no longer as popular as they once
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  • 174 1 Skylab 'star' spider Arabella found —dead HOUSTON, Sat. Spaee-travelHsi' spt der Arabella, last «ur\iving member of Skylab's animal collection, was found dead Just before midnight last night In IU cage at Marshall Space Flight Centre. Hontsvllle, Alabama. The tiny Insect had In many ways been Skylab It's star performer, requiring
    Reuter  -  174 words
  • 245 1 WASHINGTON, Sat. rt White House yesterday warned the Senate it had embarked on a rlsng«ros» coarse by voting to order President Nixon to nuke major eats In IS troop strength oversea* The President's reaction of dismay and anger over the Senate
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  • 220 1 US beefs up Cambodian army with $390 mil aid UHNOM PENH, Sat. r The U8 has boosted its economic aid to Cambodia by another US$5 rrllllon (5511.5 million). An agreement for the Increase was signed today by US Charge d 'Affaires Thomas Enders and Minister of Foreign Affairs Chhan Sokhum.
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  • 179 1 Seato's new aim: Better life for people VTKW TORK. Sat. A~ The South Bast Asia Treaty Organisation announced today it was changing Its emphasis from military security to social and economic development in the area in the light of the detente with China and the the Indo-Chlna ceasefire. Seato secretary-gener-al
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 49 1 WASHINGTON. Sat The senate yesterday extended the authority for the tale of arms to Israel By voice vote and with no debate the Senate added U> the USUI billion <S*4» billion i Military Procurement Authorisation Bill an amendment extending the authority till Dec. lTlt7S.—
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  • 35 1 LONDON, aat Prince Philip left London by air today for Bulgaria to attend a ssaatao of the International Olympic Congress In bis capacity v prwldtiit of the International Equestrian Federation Reutrr
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 47 1 BUD GUERILLAS OFF TO MALTA CAGUARI (Sardinia), Sat. A twinengine plane carrying two Arab terrorists left Sardinia today Airport officials here said they believed It was headed for Malta. Kariler Malta and Libya had given permission for the plane to land at their airports.—Ar. (See this pagei
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 144 1 *r\ QUALITY STYLISH Mf>!jT'i^ FOOTWEAR FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THF FAMIIY MAOf IN I'AIY 1 11 S^^Bl Rcwina 9 DEPARTMENT S TO R E Tracking down the real James 80nd... TO millions of James Bond fans Ihe world over, aaper secret af ent M 7 was Juat a legendary hero
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    • 9 1 nothing ffi tastes uwm the real B^Jjl quencher \£2j^
      9 words
    • 92 1 GEMS A ri Mm. JEWELLERY U.S. de SUVA SONS, Jeweller* 62. 24, RAFFLES PUCE, SINGAPORE- 1. TEL: ***** SElEa[aE][3E]l3il][3E][aE][gG][3E] Tour needs... I that's our 3 business. 1 51 From the usual banking services to helping you with your personal loans business loans business transactions I ?reign exchange you name it
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • The Sunday Times WORLDWIDE
    • 281 2 Drugs can cause serious harm to reproductive system, says don GENEVA, Saturday A GENEVA newspaper yesterday quoted an American professor as saying research workers at New York's Columbia University had found that cannabis can cause irreparable damage to the human reproductive system. i The Tribune de Geneve Suoted Prof. Oabriel
      Reuter  -  281 words
    • 32 2 NEW DELHI. Sat India yesterday announced It has withdrawn the restriction It had Imposed earlier on u.e number of foreign postdoctorate (cholart wishing to do rseaarch In this country ReuUr
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    • 142 2 Mugs with picture of phoney US$3 bill seized WASHINOTON, Sat. The US Secret Service ordered seizure of Japanese made beer mugs containing President Nixon s picture atop a print of a phoney US$3 biU on Friday.. It Is not the President's picture that the Secret Service objects to, but the
      AP  -  142 words
    • 58 2 WASHINOTON. sat.— The Senate yesterday approved the navy's request to go ahead with construction ol a fourth nuclear aircraftcarrier, rejecting criticism that the big vessels an both costly and vulnerable By a 66-10 vote, the Senate defeated an amendment to withdraw funds for the carrier
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • 17 2 BEIRUT Sat Iraq's socialist regime today lifted a curfew Imposed on Baghdad yesterday morning DPI.
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    • 112 2 MELBOURNE, Sat. A Supreme Court Jud»e has ruled Invalid the will of a man who left most of his A 5272- (about 519Z5.6M) estate to the Israeli Air Force. Justice Adam said Zvl Hary HaVr. K. a former company director, waa probably suffering from a
      112 words
    • 64 2 Lady in mansion on the -dole- BOSTON, Sat. A mother of four living in a USs»«.do« (5«6«.--6001 mansion here is receiving I'SS2M (M 44) a month in State aid. according to Ma»acbusetts Welfare Commissioner Steven Minter Be said yesterday the woman can collect welfare benefits since none of the 18
      Reuter  -  64 words
    • 162 2 Envoys meet to work out a new charter on US-European co-operation UNITED NATIONS. Sat. One Amen can and nine Western European diplomats t>et about today to himmer out a declaration on trans Atlantic political and economic co opera tlon for President Nixon to sign whenever he visits Europe. Mr. Walter
      AP  -  162 words
    • 461 3 Sadat vows to keep his hardline Middle East policy CAIRO. Saturday PRESIDENT Anwar Sadat has vowed to maintain his hardline Middle East policy and told the United States that Egypt rejected outright a peace based on partial Israeli withdrawal from the Soez Canal. He made Ms pledge last night to
      Reuter  -  461 words
    • 277 3 Committee to speed up Watergate probe WASHINGTON, Saturday. rpHE Senate Watergate Committee, dis--1 appointed by the first day of its Inquiry Into political "dirty tricks" and by the ending of live television coverage. Is considering speeding up its Investigation, Congressional sources said yesterday. Republican members of the committee had previously
      Reuter  -  277 words
    • 139 3 'England is going coloured' says Powell LONDON, Sat. Conservative rtghtwlnger Enoch Powell renewed his campaign against coloured Immigration tonight and warned that some British cities could eventually find nonWhite* forming a third of their population. Addressing a local political meeting, Mr. Powell said many Britons voted Conservatives In the 1870
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    • 100 3 SANTIAGO, Sat.— Chile is prepared to reopen talks with United Htates copper companies on compensation for their holdings here which were expropriation under President Allende's Government, the Foreign Minister, Adm Ismael Huerta, said yesterday "The possibility is open," the Minister said in reply to a question
      Reuter  -  100 words
    • 182 3 Canadian paper to cost $57 more a ton OTTAWA, Bat. Two paper companies are to Increase their prices, while three others remained strikebound yesterday. Strikes continued by 5,500 members of the United Paperworlcers International Union iUPIU) against Canadian International Paper 'CIPi with mills In Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick, and
      UPI  -  182 words
    • 32 3 COLOMBO. Sat Prime Minuter Sirlma B»nd»r»nalke yesterday announced a drastic increase in food price* and reduction of fovTnmoit subsidies in an attempt to tide over Sri Lanka'a financial crisis. UPI
      UPI  -  32 words
    • 192 3 WASHINGTON, Sat. UNITED States scientists have tracked down a rare highprotein cereal variety of "life-giving importance" to more than SM million undernourished people in developing countries. US aid officials announced yesterday. Dr. John Hannah, administrator of the Agency for International Development (AID), told a
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    • 118 3 ROME. Sat. Thousands of fans shoutIng "good-by Nannarella" rushed a heavy police cordon yesterday at the funeral of Italian actress Ann Magnanl. Miss Magnanl. the raven-haired actress who won international acclaim for her passionate stage and screen roles, died here on Wednesday night aged
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 761 2 S British Fortnight NOW mm flPf^H m^HHH A spectacular and exclusive display EVh of British merchandise amidst gaiety, pomp JJ%jL and pageantry. An unforgettable tour of L^JP J Britain in a space of a few hours. m |j^^^ LAURENCE GRAFF C^JfcjU )£&L[jSok M^. Queen's Award Winner A vW\ i fff&lSitinßSLiKwtt
      761 words
    • 113 2 this Oris day/date automatic Swiss watch for only jlZ#*sft^^ That is >hs pi c f <his har>dsome s ■bK» ISB Automatic 73. It features a beautifully designed B Jl Jaguar dial many colours to choose from BW%^ and it is water-proof, shock-proof and antiKJp^^S^^jy magnetic The case is craftman -carved
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 225 3 LONDON ONLY $$850 551.500 return Air-India wraps up London for you. At less than half the normal fare. Singapore- London or Singapore London Singapore. Jtlil Extracairindia all the way. >4fl_Lj_i See your travel agent for further details. fljiflß^^ ©(tra^jda extracairincia exirat^irincia xiTcKairincia ■Sgp^jJSfjJJlpßH j T_l_,^N^[___Ss??_^_-_ P*T— t»»N_^i__l y_v C\___BV^_/ _^^^^^H
      225 words
    • 719 3 SOIP CAMPBELL'S USA. Cr of Chicken 10 j oz 62 CASTER SUGAR SIS. slb (2270g) 1.95 lEEF lALLS NORM A NORWAY IS Sz 87 MACKEREL KINC CUP in Tomato Sauce 5 oz 3 for 85 LONGAHS WHITE FLOWER TAIWAN 20 oz 95 JELLY CRYSTALS COLD CREST AUSTRALIA 3 for 80
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  • 301 4  -  BAILYNC SUNG BY MORE than 34.--1 000 births were averted last year as a result of the national family planning programme. This was stated In a paper Jointly prepared by the chairman of the Singapore Family Planning and Population Board, Dr Wan Fook Kee, and
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  • 389 4  -  CHIA POTEIK BY MORE information about Singapore Is being fed Into compu ters as the Republics developmental thrust and lorwara planning create an insatiable thirst (or facts. An idea of this in for matlon U given In the 1972 annual report of
    389 words
  • 205 4 Man to be struck off citizens' -register TH E Government Is withdrawing the cltlsenahlp of Anf Sioni Hlanc, 34. of Jalan Bemni. off Chanel Road for being "engaged in activities which are prejudicial to the security of Singapore." The Minister for Health and Home Affairs. In a notice published In
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  • 91 4 First Lady to attend charity show THE First Lady. Mrs Sheares, wUI be the guest of honour at the Gala Charity Night organised by wives of the diplomatic and consular corps at Goodwood Park Hotel (main poolsldei today at 7.30 p.m. Highlight of the night win be full programme on
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  • 58 4 THE trial of insurance manager Daniel Cheong. 17. charged with assaulting his former colleague. Willie Tan. 17 was yesterday postponed to Oct. 27. Cheong. group manager with Oreat Eastern Life Assurance Ltd Is alleged to have assaulted Tan at the Inn's offices in Straits
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  • People and Problems...
    • 636 4 Workers can claim either sick leave or compensation WRITES VICTOR TAN: "In accordance with the Workmen's Compensation Act, if a worker is Injured and Is temporarily incapacitated, he Is awarded 1195 or a sum equal to one-third of his monthly earnings whichever is less for a period of five or
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 392 4 India 11 days Madrasing $1,299* Do your own thing, fn Madras, Bangalore, Mysore, Cochin, Tnvandrum and Madurai. Discover South India during 12 great days. Accommodation, return economy-class air fare, breakfasts, ground transportation and guides all included. Madras your introduction to South India. Beaches. History. Bargains. Whatever your heart desires. It's
      392 words

  • 137 5 A MALAYSIAN tourist and a nine-year-old boy were robbed of 1253 In *.wo separate robberies on Friday. Encik Hanlfla bin Shalbls, 21, from Kuala Lumpur waa at the People's Park at 8 15 a.m. when two men approached him and asked if he
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  • 51 5 BEVEN men were fined SMO each yeaterday for taking morphine In a houee In Amuy Sircet on Friday They were Chew Hock Tock 49. Kartar Singh, it. Un Ah Kow. 62. T«y Boon Kwee. M. Ong Chin Tua. 43. Chlen Chwec Thor. 47. and T»n tog Nam.
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  • 129 5 Two men pose as patients and rob -doctor— r'O men posing as patients held up a doctor and three women employees In the Mcl Ung link In Queenstown on Friday and escaped with 5354) and three gold chains valued at over $390 Police said Dr. Leong Chee Lam. 34) who
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  • 276 5  - Step-up in HDB antimosquito measures IRENE NGOO By THE Housing and Development Board is carrying out anti-mosquito measures to its 1,381 water storage tanks on the rooftops of 660 blocks of multistorey flats. It Is sealing up the tanks and fixing gauze to all ventilation and overflow pipes. This Is
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  • 86 5 Nine film on French art and crafts for students THE Museum School Service will screen nine films on art and crafts In France at the National Museum lecture hall In Stamford Road next monah. The (lima, which wUI be shown to atudenu only, an from the French Emba»y The flr»t
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  • 62 5 82-year-old woman in death plunge STATE Coroner Mr. Ibrahim Burhan yesterday recorded a suicide verdict on Madam Chan Yue, SI, who feU to her death from her thirdstorey flat In Prince Philip Arenue on Sept. 0 at about 245 am She died of head Injuries The court waa told thai
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  • 35 5 ST. John Ambulance Brigade will hold IU Mnd Hrat aid competltton at IU headquarter* in Beach RMd at 4.30 DJB. today. Bniade vice-patron Ik. DP Mclntyte wul pneent Ow prlaat-
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  • 38 5 PONOGOC atajnp eoUectlng (roup will hold an exhibition at Ita community centre In Upper Benncoon Road today at 1 pa. Mrs Nf Kah Tint. «lfe of (he *U- (or Ponffol. will preeent the prl—
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  • 182 5 No more sleeping, lying down in food —shops— SLEETING or lying down 1b a food establishment U prohibited under new rule* foverniru the conduct of auch a business, which will come Into fore* tomorrow. The rules are made under the Environmental Public Health Act. Indrr It the definition of a
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  • 29 5 BANKARAN Sualnadrai.. 33. waa fined 110 (or behaving In a dlaorderly manner by ahouting In ScotU Qreen Road gate in the PSA yesUiday at about 12.10 am
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  • 159 5 Drive by union for kidney donors I TWIVKRBITY of 81n U gapore Students Union In conjunction with the National Kid ney Foundation will start a monthlong kid ney donation arl v c among lecturers and undergraduates from tomorrow. This was announced on Friday by the community welfare secretary of USSU
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  • 55 5 Four women fined $280 POUR women were fined 170 each yesterday for play* Ing mah)ong In a common gaming houae In a Queen a Crescent flat on Prlday at about 10 16 pjn. They were Koh Lay Hua, 41. Ng Boh Kng. M. Cbla Loh Jee. 36. and Lee Blok
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 337 5 Give her Carmen Curlersthey'll go to her head Give her the gift of perfect curls tf£k_ give her Carmen Curlers With <n,rV Carmen Curlers she can change u^v her style or change her mood in less than 15 minutes. Show her how much you care. Give her the I perfect
      337 words
    • 282 5 COMMENCING TOMORROW Bargains FOR SIX DAYS ONLY! GET ALL WHAT YOU WANT AT PRICES DRASTICALLY REDUCED MODERN SILK STORE 34, HIGH STREET. SINGAPORE 6. TELEPHONE: *****. Ik T I v <- i MIUICQ m 'XZL,~. IwllWl»lBt»ial «.n». iu*.c. «,fc,K-w. HI-FI DEALERS avitMiM^ac. iMT«i«iati ■ajfjgj Z, v iu ilim SSfc.- c
      282 words
    • 254 5 *WITH THE COMPLETE AND GUARANTEED COURSE FROM UNGUAPHONE Knowinf Mandarin a a mutt for o*. co~«m» imcutmoM eftectwa communeation todey cou«« .»«i»an for proteaannal man. Ha- !;j"^a°,">ia°?ni"^i'nii»""« chart, studantt. iob seakart. cnoic* or it r«o>«i. or 4 tautmeevnen hx averyone" So ';s!?£?' «.%'V?omJ«a'°« many more of your clientt will m)
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 21 5 H'ATI.R consumption on Friday was 121.9 million callons (SM.MM) cubic metres), 1.4 million cations «.M« cubic metre*) less than on Thfdmy.
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    • 865 5 TV SINGAPORE (5) 1 A fiA *M oP«> in l Car Urn for lamia Bit* Ml Nen IU.UU toon Funnies H.IS In Brief IU Woody Woodpecker LSI tan (Malar repeal) 1I.« Ptsta Ria ataais Mania-Malay donettic dra(Malay, repeat) 11.11 Star Soccer na (repeat) IM Hen and Nwsraei Alton Villa n
      865 words

  • 236 6 Singapore will need 30 more post offices in the next 5 years SINGAPORE will need another 30 post offices over the next five years to cope with the Increasing volume of mall. This was stated by the Minister of State (Communications), Dr. Ang Kok Peng, at the Postal Week dinner
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  • 89 6 Society to show Soviet film THE Singapore Film Society will show a Soviet film, White Bun of The Desert, at the Cultural Centre ln Canning Rise today at 6 p.m. and 9 p m Set In the de*ert landacapr ol southern USSR, the film deplcU a one-man struggle to liberate
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  • 65 6 5270 fine for five gamblers FIVE men were fined $270 yesterday for gambling ln public on Friday. Urn Kok Wah. a. Pant Bey Pan. X). and Poh Joo Seang. I>. were fined 180 each for playing card* at a wrkattc ln Beach Road. Ihe other t»o. Ho* Chuan 17. and
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  • 187 6 Prof. Lim to exhibit 60 of his works A WELL-KNOWN Chinese painter and c»iiirapbtst from San Fran claeo wIU exhibit hit works at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce Auditorium tomorrow. Prof. Allen Taint Al Urn (above) an art Instiactor at Rudolph Schaeffer School of Dealgn ln San Francisco, will display
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  • 150 6 MINDEF said yesterday that none of the soldiers Involved ln the accident between two military vehicles along Mandal Road on Friday night, were seriously Injured. An official statement said only seven soldiers were Injured ln the crash, Involving a threeton BAF truck and
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  • 123 6 THIS artist's Impression (above) Is the proposed dual flyover system at the Adam Road/ Farrer Road Dunearn Road Buklt Timab Road junction. The Public Works Department has awarded a contract for Its construction The scheme, designed to alleviate the traffic and safety situation
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  • 258 6 OINQAPORE Book Publishers Association has called for a Literacy Fund to promote local writers. Vice-president Mr. Raymond Yuen said the fund could subsidise the publication of distinguished works which publishers here have found It unvlable to undertake. Speaking on Publishing and
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  • 350 6  -  CHEW LCE CHING By I^HE L'niversity of Singapore Academic Staff Union has i ejected the University Council's salary proposals because it considers them to be "inadequale, niggardly and unacceptable." The union's executive committee found the administration's wage proposals Inadequate a* they fell far short of the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 513 6 KiuWiilff M|L^p^gjgajSßH| 9 msl '^^^■HRRr^ I &*k ■a^3s'%fc. O\V\ A VILLA WITH ONE DOLLAR Think of the grand feeling of it sll a spacious and elegant twolevel lounge. With high ceiling, spacious bedrooms, convertible study, central air conditioning, built-in pool, exotic garden, stylish car porch. A mansion of your very
      513 words

  • 374 7  - MAN HOPES TO MAKE TRIP AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS IN PLANE HE MADE IN HIS BACKYARD NANCY BYRAMJI BY It's around the world In 8* days for retired American air force pilot Meat. Col. Donald Taylor. In hla home mad* aingie rnfined plane. Col. Taylor, who launched his
    Tan Wee Him shows CoL Taylor with his home-made plane at Seletar Airbase yesterday  -  374 words
  • 59 7 SIOW Hon Leong. 52. sub-manager of the Asia Commercial Banking Corporation in Robinson Road yesterday denied criminal breach of trust of $45,373 belonging to the bank between May 23 and Jury 29 last year. The case was fixed for hearing In the Third District Court on Dec.
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  • 397 7 AN unhappy home is the breeding ground for drug addicts, according to a Government medical social worker. Mr:. Peggie Fermapdez of Outram Hospital said: "The tragedy of the unstable home Is often compounded In that coming from one usually leads to estab 1
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  • 26 7 TAN Teo Boon of SUat Road was fined 125 yesterday (or keeping a dof without a licence on May 31 He pleaded guilty
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  • 185 7 rTiHE National Maritime 1 Board has already initiated moves to solve •ome of the problems fac- Ing Its members. The board chairman, Mr. M. Coomaraswamy I said that the management took this step be- cause nothing could be Mired without dlscus- ilons
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  • 38 7 RKTAMTTM Jay* Raou, 14, tcruKd of murdcrinc at noolglrl Cbarmnjlt Kaur. 11. ai FUngmw Barrack* In on Aug 20 was ordered to bt rcmandad tor another week ye»t*rday at Ontral police nation for further Inveeugationi.
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  • 41 7 POUR men ere fined 170 each yesterday for playing "ase ask" at a houae In Joo Chlat Road on Friday at about COS pm They were Ng Choong Hock. Tay Heng Huat. Tay Toh Tee and Tee.
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  • 177 7 Ex-barman gets jail and rotan on drug charge FORMER bartender Adam bin Ahmad, 22, was Jailed for three years yesterday and ordered to bt given three strokes of the rotan for trafficking in dru?* He pleaded guilty to having 68 kartoos o' ganja weighing 101.5 grammes worth $204 In Cavenagh
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1198 7 Develop HMuscles IN JUST MINUTES |Sll!urJ^ /XV A DAY! ot '^M CaWMi ran "lF ottPt«V«WjV •wrnrnn \^chist 1 MrTIT»M(T*M Tj^aW^ At latta i»>«mk wa> tot<uildthc body otScr xis [s.\ and %>.> mis (H INo wtighn No barhfll* No kng I fa W!^ I and boring workouts. It't caay, BY J
      1,198 words

  • Petticoat Junction
    • 712 8 figuring out a fair sum far parents "I HAVE Just started 1 working and wonder how much I should contribute to househdd expenses. My mother has never brought up the matter but I feel I should pay for my food and board." "I work a* a secretary. I have been
      712 words
    • 300 8 rjIRLS who use the same cologne as the 11 boys in the office, or wives who share their husbands' toiletries need not do It with any compunction. It's quite a common practice really. According to Mr. Francois Bertrand, International director of Christian Dior perfume* In Paris.
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    • 228 8 Rocking chair comes of age... rpHE itood old rocking 1 chair has come of age, taking on a newlook tlsunour. Far from beinc made of cane or wood, the new versa— called a sofette— comes with ail the comfort* of a sofa. It b available alone or In total lounge
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 708 8 ADVERTISEMENT aftaaaaaaagßLaaaaaW aaaK" Isr* W mUW laa^ Every Woman can Share the Secret of Younger Looking Skin When a woman dreams of being breathtak- Ulan Is Indeed a prlInirly beautiful she visualises first a flawless, celess gift that scl-p-tal soft complexion, for this is undoubtedly ence has presented the most
      708 words
    • 228 8 INAUGURATION LAST DAY A T NEW PREMISES\S^ Lower Ground Floor LUJ TOWERS \sV Orchard Road Singapore 9 ji^^v SHOPPING HOURS: \l \C)\ Mom Tuei Thurj Frii: NirX 9.30im to 6.30pm j Weds S»U 9.305 m to 9.30pm V^CX Sundays: 9.30 am to spm X^-— Fourth Floor /^-sfiTai^V spttwusTS-SHOHiw ran* /#*^3\
      228 words
    • 425 8 VVed like to make a few promises If you use Tampax tampons you'll never again be bothered with pins, pads and belts. Nur with odour, chafing and the butt* Because Tampax tampons are worn internally, you'll be comfortable. So comfortable, in fact, that you might even for. get all about
      425 words
    • 191 8 i SKINNY A PEOPLE wW gel new W^ ™^L\ All-in-one concentrated A^^^^ H food supnlrmt at quickly jnv«» m wf pounds *nd inches of W solid, healthy flesh to thin,' underweight men and women. Super WATE-ON h s new SKIMMV WOMEN Get that flrm. pleasant-to-take substance that's rounded Igure— bunting
      191 words

  • 920 9 No rebound to prove market's slide over TSAI TAN Talking money SEPTEMBER was the month that wasn't as far as watchers of the Singapore stock market waiting for some excitement were concerned. IU only claim to being anything memorable is that on Sept. s— the second trading day in the
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  • 32 9 THE StrtiU Un prtet In Pcnang yesterday mad* a •trong MMimt of IIOJ7I to dost tns at »6t7 per plcul on an official offering down It tons to 151 tons.
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  • 262 9 The 1000 th telex subscriber gets plaque and year's free rental 'THE number of te--1 lex subscribers In Singapore topped the I,oooth mark yesterday B*4oo per cent Jump since 1970 when there were only 205 subscribers. To mark the occasion, the Telecommunications Authority presented a plaque to Drug Houses of
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  • 147 9  - Toy stall delights girls at Danish display CHRISTINA CHCANG FJV THESfc two firls ia a wonderland of wood are Trlna Chtistensen (left) and Anahi Anderson. And all round Ifcem arr every Imaginable kind of wooden toy ranting from a little bus request stop on the left near Trlna's knee to
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  • 172 9 Monetary Authority has SI ,492 m assets MONETARY Authority of Singapore reports a balance sheet total of 11.492 million for the year ending March 1973. against a balance sheet total of $795 9 million last time. This is made up of asset* of $1,426 million in gold and foreign exchange
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 350 9 The cost of living is going up and up" These dtys you've got to do thit little titra if you're going to get ahead. Csllitr BVk Mjcmillan courses can show you 264 ways Bfe\ to do it Our Home Study Programmes can help you achieve the specialised knowledge, the training
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    • 135 9 NOW.SIA747BTO HONG KONG, TAIPEIJOKYO Every Monday, Wednesday, Saturday Starting 1 October, you can fly the Hong Kong; 10 flights a week to Taipei world's most advanced 7478 to Hong Kong, 14 flights a week to Japan; 10 flights Taipei and Tokyo. SlA's new giant departs weekly to Australia; daily flight
      135 words

  • The Sunday Times Sunday, Bept. 30, 1973
    • 248 10 ma Of men and flowers TkTOT everything In the garden Is lovely, the Commissioner of. Parks and Recreation admitted last week an admission not the less handsome because the Straits Times reader whose hor 1 1 cv 1 tural criticism prompted official response was an obvious expert In the field.
      248 words
    • 142 10 T<HE British speech examiner who urged speech training for public leaders made a proposal which deserves wider application. Correct speech no less than correct grammar and syntax are vital to communication at whatever level.. English speech-tones and patterns vary from one country to another from one district to
      142 words
  • 868 10  -  liEalrflrM rE lawsuit which ended with a declaration branding Japan's Self-Defence force "illegal" began as a dispute over the environment (The court ruling is now under appeal, but the Japanese Diet passed two Bills last Sunday providing for the expansion of defence
    868 words
  • 171 10 rMr. Heath wishes to have the war right on the doorstep of the English people, then he shomkd proceed v quickly as possible with bis policy of integration He can be assured of ruin, devastation and suffering In his own land. Provisional IRA statement. I DON'T
    171 words
  • 989 10  - Recapturing the Japanese surrender MASIEKWEE: UMm SCENE OF SIGNING CEREMONY SHAPING UP IN WAX iy T*HE scene when a Japanese general signed the surrender of half a million Japanese officers and troops in South-east Asia after a 34-year war, is slowly gaining wax shape here for reconstruction in Singapore not
    989 words
  • 419 10  - Bigger exodus from China worsens HK population crisis JOSEPH HO By HONOKONO; This 403- square mile (about 1,045-square kilometr?) British Crown colony is facing an unprecedented population crisis created mainly by Its giant neighbour. China. Already over-popula-ted 3 95 million people by the 1971 census but considerably more by unofficial
    Reuter  -  419 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 2 10 M SEIKO
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    • 144 10 fl I PLIGHT OF I SOVIET I DISSIDENTS Soviet iottllectiilt have oaforled the flag of iifiideace agaio. Toaorrow New Nation higaligtrtt the alight of Rmaiai intellectuals Those Mviof atoriea reveal that no ■atter bow mthle it the rcfl police auditory io a >It»V"^^ auto, tktn will be wna^j-r iadMiuit for
      144 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 43 10 ■K^ ipu kxm lift's mmmta WV JJW JM <*»f mat»i4Ourorm <•«* it Thmk 140H M\ /M Srmmer, 14m at? trimnjemntrj can noiajr rtutr -> ■■UUUUUUUUUUUI it ifJUt may... I /icm iwnw n I J naNTfNOum BSJOMr] <*»> knot* me r ime-, Is-i momm fm»m» I ftgtit...
      43 words

  • leisure
    • 453 11  -  JOHN MOYMtHAN By MEETING the Norraphcr of Ml for tea In the Riti oonjared an Immediate aura of Intrlfue. John Pearson arrtved from Victoria Station wearing an Immaculate blue rnlt and clutching a briefcase. He looked as If at any moment he was
      453 words
    • 2652 11 PART ONE OF JOHN PEARSON'S BIOGRAPHY OF 007 You must stop your inquiries, warns Defence Ministry man THIS article it exacted from lime. tonal Hie Authorised Biography of 007," by John Pearson, to be publifked by Sidcwick b jackton on Oct. IS at £2.75
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 409 11 f The Danes know their business §%jl|g^*^ift^ how to meet them ■(■A lEiU Qjlfl Denmark's largest bank, has vast nWJwwW l\ 1 tvT^flK experience in international trade, and our Hwiaßlfrn- i\ I rWjB countrywide network of branches places us ■U^^T^W^l^i I 'nrl I within easy reach of nearly every business
      409 words

  • leisure...2
    • 436 12 Soviet cars top sales in -Finland- HELSINKI: Beaatlful girls, imposing houses and luxur? yachts are some of the typical symbols of bourgeois life being used here to advertise Soviet cars currently topping sales in Finland. Latest figures for this year show that the Soviet- built "ZhlguU" sseater saloon has climbed
      436 words
    • 809 12 Lighting up to cut down accidents THE NEED FOR BRIGHTER LAMPS... READ somewhere that more road accidents occur at night than during the day. The article referred to roads In France, but I would think that this Is true In Singapore too. Of course, many accidents occur In the day
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 350 12 An invitation from DR. WEST'S to ©CASH PRIZES GALORE MUST BE WON Its easy... it's fun! Age Grouping This is one contest To ensure Wmess to all participants, judging for this contest will Where you II see smiles all round. divided into 3 Age Groups as follows:Because it's so easy.
      350 words
    • 52 12 The tantciSi k puncture-resistant _X -fTH,iS?,WIy J jf r 'W *-i S~ M w^w\** r^^r^^C^fx s^* Ik. iJ*^A^Of^f*W^ VI W S-rl .^g-^k^g-w^r^ j \mM IcflL VjyvYv Tj^Y"^ f^^glß^g^ m v^^^ 3 vA w^ VL^ v g-^gm^gVyagnW^^gslgi "I OSfCSSS (do? BRIDGE STONE ]ez2£m A milestone towards better, safer motoring I BS
      52 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 264 12 SUNDAY TIMES CROSSWORD ACBOSS DOWN 1. Full Oft: 10. Malt -J,. l^*.""^!^ A I. male (3) 1. Scolded (5) 1 W^h.^r t^LtlJfon m tIC fOWI (1) Bhrt k it. Mechanical repetition 7 Satire <5> I Liouor <«>; 16. Confine <3>; 17. U nk «>; 9. To correct .»T Frank (4).
      264 words
    • 593 12 Chance", starring John Wayne, will be 1 1 IhUW (hown on Saturday or. Ch. 5 at 2 p.m. I A HIOHLY-PRINCI-A PLED girl who makes a disastrous ClifiipnßP marriage and then amaHrunc fallJ ln love v the theme of Oeoree A HUSBAND and EUlofs "Middle March, wife team of con-
      593 words

  • leisure...3
    • 322 13 WASHINGTON: The greatest worry of a hurricane forecaster Is his ability to predict where a storm will strike land. Dr. Robert Simpson, director of the National Hurricane Center In Miami, said a mlas of only 100 miles can mean the difference between disastrous flooding
      322 words
    • 430 13 ITOAMPTON'S CAMEL: f <A and M). Pete Frampton has at last found a congenial grujp to offer a debut album that will prick up any ear on first llsUn Since leaving Humble Pie In 1971. Frampton moved around for about six months looking for
      430 words
    • 914 13  - THE CHANGING PICTURE OF TELEVISION LEONARD SANTORELLI NEW TWO-WAY CABLE SYSTEM THAT COULD REVOLUTIONISE OUR LIVES... By ri'i'Hiunflm NEW YORK A CABLE, no thicker than a pencil Is changing the picture of television In the United States: Some say It could revolutionise our lives In the same way as the
      Reuter  -  914 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 123 13 Mt~yil "?*-*fll tSßßßaaai jdkf bbbbbbbb\ bS Xl '%M*k •■biß'B^h HNgL A»J*Sa.'* -4 Jfliib jjjfr Saaaaataflß '>h/ iMafc jlaaa^3ttiaaaa» aai^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^l bbbßißbbbbbbbbbbbl bW^bbH Bblbbbi I aaaSaaalaHlala^lll. C pilirF*lrnxf S USHSBaaa! \3 f s^s^My* aaßl^^^B^^BßßW JU/C/Ut\ TIME MMJARE t* Willy tiWinxi as Ift* new match fashion look. Daeipieß For Today 1 V»rr«tl Sr*M*
      123 words
    • 424 13 nrr WENG HENG'S AUTUMN sang U.r». NOW 120" tnflrsh ICI Terytene $7 10 $3.90 4a" Fancy Atrylk Fabrics fJ.SO 4*- Germ*. Cortw. Materiel $2.90 MANY OTHM FAIftrCS 10% —50% DISCOUNT FREE GIFTS PURCHASE of 1 lafkiti Cermet r i ll' 2 R»«s 27" x 51" I hflMi Carpet x V
      424 words

  • leisure 4
    • 642 14  - Traffic snarls in city with mania for speed... BERT OKULEY By BANGKOK DIDINQ In Bangkok traffic can sometimes be only slightly less terrifying than making an emergency landing In a disabled jetliner. At certain hours of the day, usually 7 a.m. and 4 p.m everything in this metropolis of 3.5
      UPI  -  642 words
    • 405 14 Paradise' that is getting too crowded HONOLULf: Skyrocketinc problems In L he .»'T aradl ">» Facinc are forcing state officials and environmentalists to seriously consider steps to limit Hawaii* population by banning migration to the 50th state It has even ueen sugcested that the state establish a, "mm aja. tern"
      405 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 138 14 "*V f jar j^_ *"?Aa^!sssM a ssssT J^Bfl HsV l^^^^^-i Our slogan applies to you, too: Our slogan says -We're here for Head Office: l2,Holmem Kanai you' which means that we like to DK-1092 Copenhagen X, Denmark make your business our business. Telephone ;oi: *****0 We do it for our
      138 words
      7 words
    • 153 14 too coii pm (QiwO OF THE biggest names in XeSeducation Federal Publications Sdn Bhd and Wolsey Hall. Oxford now bring you systeminsed training for examination success through the Home Studies Division of Federal Publications. Systesflatised Training what does it sneaa? The courses available It means study with a plan. The
      153 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 178 15 1 '^K% kT^k^k mVEEy' J OUR FELICITATIONS TO TERASAKI ELECTRIC CO.LTD. OSAKA, JAPAN ON THE COMMEMORATION OF THEIR ANNIVERSARY from TERASAKI ELECTRIC CO. (FE)PTE. LTD. No. 1. Commonwealth Lane.Tanglm Halt Industrial Estate, Singapore 3. Tel: *****3. *****1 Specialists in electrical distribution and control systems, from planning to production. 90% of
      178 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 3001 16 c OVERSEAS UNION TRUST ITD. (Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore under the Companies Act, Cap .lBs) PROSPECTUS This prospectus is dated the2Bthday of September 1973. A copy of this prospectus has been lodged with and registered by the Registrar of Companies in Singapore, who takes no responsibility for its
      3,001 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1060 17 PROSPECTUS CURRENT ASStrS SS SS SS Statutory deposit with MAS 3.426 .3 1 7 Loens end interest receivable 27^375^312 Hire purchase debtors (after deducting unearned interest of 5528.836) 186,276 Other debtors end prepayments 1 5.3 M Amount owing by holding company on operating account 459 193 Fixed deposits witt. holding
      1,060 words
    • 1494 17 such cable or telegram by a written nomination complying with the above men'ioned requirement*, and any act done by the alternate Director nominated in such cable or telegram between the date thereof and the date of the receipt within the prescribed period by the Company of the written nomination shall
      1,494 words
    • 1261 17 20. With the exception of a suit to decide the ownership of an item of collateral security worth approximately 55 70.000. the Company it not engaged in any litigation either at plaintiff or defendant and the Directors do not know of (i) any proceedings pending or threatened against the Company.
      1,261 words

  • 69 18 FOR MOST OF US TODAY... r IS is a food day for informal parties, for family visits and for getting to know people. There could be some healthgiving activities too if yon set about them In the afternoon. Get out of doors if you can. You may have some good
    69 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 159 18 /jot. /^o^^^\ /^o^^^^m i^iv\ 11^ CTWWBniW This SHARP TV 24R-300 is designed to please the *^H I •WAV I AVfW Excellent reception sees to it that you get bright, stable Ml Hll WA\ II W, 'AVvVf I and true-to-life images on its magnificent 24-inch I^^^^__^ -VvVtV' J Coupled with a
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 320 18 ■■■§^^^■■■■■■1 IF it's your birthday... This you could certain- You could benefit A 1 1 I 1 as you orward lnto ly do if you exert yourself through a windfall or <fl another year of life you'll between your birthday legacy either in November MM probably be much con- and
      320 words
    • 674 18 THIS WEEK FOR YOU CAPRICORN (D«c 21- TAURUS (April 21 -May VIRGO: (Aug. 22-Bept Jan L 19 w You be «ln the 20): A peat deal could 22): On the personal side week with some celebra- happen In your personal this could be an lnteresttlon and end It by mak-
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    • 317 19 BERANANG. Saturday PHE Government is to crackdown on traders who pass off local rice as imported grain. "We are taking a serious view of such unscrupulous practices to exploit the people, particularly the poor," Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Hussein Onn said today.
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    • 20 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Set. The Ooremment Pensioners Association will meet soon to discuss the decision to Increase their allowance
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    • 291 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. MANT MalaysiaSingapore Students Associations are believed to be still active despite the call by the Government that Malaysians should Join only their own organisations. About three yean ago, the Malaysian Union of Students in Australia (NCSA) was formed to eater
      291 words
    • 133 19 BRAIN-DRAIN BLAMED FOR LOW QUALITY JOURNALISM KUALA LUMPUR, Bat. The standard of Journalism In Malaysia has fallen due to a brain-drain In the newspaper Industry, preslsldent of the National Union of Journalists Enclk Abu Barker Ismail, said tonight. Ha added that food Journalists had hopped to other Job* which had.
      133 words
    • 36 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Bat Police lecorereQ a Bpenlahmade Si automatic and flic rounds oT ammunition In JaUn Tuanku Abdul Rahman lasHirlaj morntnc. This brings to II the total number of pietols reoorered thli year.
      36 words
    • 155 19 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Scientists and university teaching staff here have set up an organisation to help Malaysian farmers increase their meat production. The recently regUtere d Malaysian Society of Animal Production will also attempt to help the fanners solve problems connected
      155 words
    • 39 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Bat. An Incentive scheme to keep legal officers and maflatraUa in ■ovrrnment service la In the offing. It Involves the creation of a new acale the senior tlme-eeale with a starting salary of 51, 600.
      39 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 268 19 B^\£- N0W L SHOWWt3! cZSS* MAJESTIC •OKtl-lATMI-MIY-tlLWaemr crrrvufSZ 1 T ocSoH^tsva»iSY n I fi^ nupim ■snauYEN x^s^. ij J I wnOI «t«W )n»«1 S»ln la_Oai»ie^l_t««_-»Wl»«^^| i COMINC TO CATHAY SOON! i; MGM Presents An Ml MEW MvMtan Of j: ik-jB^^^JBB Km jb^m Kmb^ via [Hi B^^sssS^s^^Sasßsssssssss^ssssVsassssssssssßsia^^ "TRADERHORN" ROD TAYLORANNE HEYWOOD
      268 words
    • 191 19 KONG CHIAN: today special MOKNIN6 SHOW AT 11.00 A.M. BLOODIEST APACHE BATTLE IN HISTORY! <•*«■■) PRICES: m LANtTAfTtR »s»*e BRUCE DAVISON RCMAfIO JAECKEL >^ rosiri i nm •■uriwnn-'i" t^&A a oMttn v »m« tm iano< xcoucio. ISTA I^lfl TECHNICOLOR ■ksssf > IHIVEUU PICTIIE lISIIWUI IT f IX. *</ KONG CHIAN:
      191 words
    • 286 19 plus 1 FREE AR demonstration racord DYNACO A-35 Spaakar systam. in SINGAPORE" Exhibition <t Confsrenca Hall from 29th Sapt. to 7th Oct. Coma I vlii- our STAND No. 25 md tae all tna lataat SCAN uyna Starao Systam. TAI BROTHERS ELECTRONICS 130. Markat Straar Singapora 1. Tal: *****3/*****1 330/331. Shaw
      286 words
    • 702 19 WSrVWSrWSrVWNVbWVW jjia cathay J Isssssm I mow ■■owiwut :;2thnrs:7.oo&9 30pB POl Piou Srt Ova Y*n Mondarin Color Scope with 6r«alnh Subtnlss tttM 1 rrvimm HOW SMOWINS' J SK..I at I In-. I.M. 4. 4 10. f.M«m. ■TMI LAST AMfRICAN MHO Jcft Bridget <m Color) PVlstsw 20rh Centurr-fOT NOW IMOWIMS 1
      702 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 2241 21 times Saturday car mart tIPTIMBIR HOLIDAY SPECIAL MALAYSIA T DATS PICIAL tIRVICI 1 MIALt lUN MOM: 7-Day Unique 3 Meau* Dllux A/C Coach KM 00 ruit: Puiim/PWlkor/ Cameron Highland* 5-Day K-NlKhtl »7t (0 WID p«nang/Cam*ron High lands 4-Day* S-Ni«ht Mt THUM Penant IpoU 1 l»l 4-Nlfht *4*.«0 PR I:
      2,241 words
    • 745 21 «TIRIOR DIIION DIPLOMA. umf i eaasjilve corraspoadeaee iltlon leads to I (trier design Iploma recosnlsed for rambirllp of professional bod). Kull jlour prospectus Mot by airi*il om receipt on 25p British 'oaUU order from Dapl BTM Lhodec International. PCM/ Md«. London WCI. *.nglana. ICRETARIAL COURtI M' ■art time) New fleas
      745 words
    • 544 21 I*2 AUSTIN MINI COUNTRYMAN perfect condition, oar owner. 11.SO0/- att CC. Tel: Liew IMBU. ISM AUSTIN A4O Goo* runmrn condition and good body wo.* Selling (1.200 ->nly Cont»c *****1 Bpore Itss HOLOIN KlMim .uiomni c oo*. owner alreood good condltloa. X2.400/- ono Tel 54J744. IN4 MORRIS 110*. IMT Mud* 1000
      544 words
    • 352 21 YOUR RIFRICIRATORS. FRIIXIRS Air conditioner*. need repair, reaprayins or aarvict Contact us for an estimate No obligation. Phone *****9 m *****1 I'aUyila Unlom Refrigeration Alr-nondltlonlas Co. 23-25. Salboo Street. S'por* 9. FOR AN ENJOYABLE OUTING anytime Go with a High Society Lady Escort. 248-C Orchard Road (oppoelt* Mandarin Hotel). Tel:
      352 words
    • 254 21 A Choice for Progress Qollei invite* applications f, jr rha following poets:ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Qualification: 0 agree/Professional Diploma in E lactrical Engineering with at least 3 veers working experience in P lanning and construction of elec ilrel power system, control and f >rotec-'On circuits and HT/LT iwitchgaars. <rtowledg« of PUB and
      254 words
    • 272 21 Carve yourself Wk I a Career Em Cft We are looking for a young team of top /V Gf quality people for our electronic factory Wk Applicants should be acquainted with ari JV industrial set-up, and n»v the acumen and V( §P oJjth" l p rt c 01l# ln "w»u«t'y
      272 words

  • 175 22  - Bang-in-form Ismail can score double EPSON JEEP I RAcma njj DANO IN FORM jockey Mohd. Ismail can score a double on Kaya II In Race Five and SnmmerLand In Race Six at today's pro-am races at Kuala Lumpur. A beaten favorite In his last start over the Tlmah 9i
    175 words
  • 951 22 RACE 1 INSTANT POWER: Topflight sprinter at his peak; won only start as amateur Bt. Ttmah tf In 1971; looks (It. EXEMPT: Won 7f with 11.7 at Ate Star May 19. following up with smart win IV*f with 11.7 at Pg; chance SUPER SOUND: Lost In last
    951 words
  • 122 22 AGI fiom jur riKTIK POINTIR MAMtlf ■uptr Sound P«w«r Mihmr ■klpoll COMOOH ILIU Royil Brui tound Ipm« TMUMomcoum rulm Film P*lyin< Flaa LITTLI «tT r«mn rum THiuMWr Court iriiCHMAxm r»atur» nim •UMIt ••»T OIFT Man). Cryptic Coalman! ROMAN mFIRI ■at Olft ■■IT OIFT KoU Tun* 4 KILAMA Oallant
    122 words
  • 265 22 Imagele, Lord Nelson a Smith double SYDNEY. Sat. Crack New South Wales colt I mat fie, starting at 8-4, beat South Australia's Lelca Lover (14-1) by a short head In a thrilling finish to the AJ75.000 AJC. Derby at Randwlck today. New Zealand bred Grand Cldlum. the even money favourite,
    Reuter  -  265 words
  • 59 22 The next Penang race meeting, on October 30. 21. 27 and 28. will feature the Penang Cud over Bit for Class 3 DlvUlon 1. worth $8500. DlsUnces are: Clasi 3 *t or 7f and 8f or 8(f Class S s|f or 7f and 6f (-•r B,f;
    59 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1266 22 Ltn^J i universiti keba dgs/ian Malaysia Prrmohonan adalah dipt 'lawa darlpada Warganegara I Malaysia untuk mengiat Js watao Pembantu Penudbir ■■^^^^^L^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B I di Unlvenltl Kebangsaan II alays is I ~^h_^^^B> I Reasyakaa dsn s>—^-i»— c 'slun-calun hendaklah I sekurang-kurangnya mempur. ra! IJaxah Am darl Unl- «C^awsw> I versltl-unlveralU yang dllkllral
      1,266 words
    • 109 22 NOTICE OF REMOVAL (ho We pleasure in announcing that, effective from Ist October 1973 our business Office will be located' at the :'ollovvnn K New Address: HWEE LAI CO. (M) SDN. BERHAD 516, 3rd Mile, jalan Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur 13-04 Malaysia. Tel: *****-***** Importers of automotive spare parts and engineering
      109 words
    • 299 22 CHILDREN'S DAY BONANZA |XrrOBER IST-7TH ONLY W wMftftC^MC^R*^ ■LtltH'' I C*± 1 METRO GROUP OF DEPARTMENT STORES METRO HIGH ST -7>/7< High V.-»»»t SmoaDore 6 fatenlvtn* jaou ***** 0113^ lnn Bld *--"sRd Srx>«»9lei 3T074/5 .•nospore 9 Telephone *****? I #mas I malaysian airline system |«h invites applications from suitatly qualifiad
      299 words

  • 1500 23 Helen scores on Picasso PICASSO n, well ridden by Mis s Helen Chong, won the 6f Kuala Lumpur City Plate for worn en riders to pay $80 at Kuala Lvm Top y a™te d ur y rider. Desmond Brown, scored a double on Jason, with V. Cheong up, was backed
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 496 23 Let sharikat national solve your fire hazard problem with %cunic the performance walls Cunic walls are much more than space dividers. They're performance walls designed with fire resistance and sound control in mind. And there are so many other varieties of wall finishes you can choose from. Fire resistance and
      496 words

  • 291 24 Ban Chew, Ah Ngo to meet in final SEEDED players Lee Ah Ngo and Tan Ban Chew Justified. their 1-2 rankings when they qualified: for the final of Ihe SBA Junior men's singles badminton chtmplo nshlp at Oulllemard Road last night. Top »€e<i Lee beat improving Chan Kong Ming 15-6
    291 words
  • 175 24 'pURNBERRY. Scotland American Charles Coody shot a 70 for a total of 212 to take a four-*troke lead In the John Player Oolf tournament here yesterday. He led from Tom Weiskopf. the British Open champion, and Britain's Tony Jacklln. both on 21C. Weiskopf had
    175 words
  • 64 24 LONDON, Sat A player waa earned off on a stretcher and five other* were booked by the referee during the English Football League Div 4 match last night Stuart Morgan, captain of Colchester United, waa carried off with a badly bruised leg Four Exeter players had
    64 words
  • 30 24 London Sat. Halifax brat Tranmere Rover* 1-0 In an English Football League Division Three match yesterday Result* of Dtvtalon Four matches Colcheater 0 Exeter 0; Stockport 1 Newport
    30 words
  • 27 24 TBA beat Singapore Indiana 4-1 In a friendly soccer match Ramu and Dollsh r scored two goal* each for TBA. and Ramachandran for Indiana.
    27 words
  • 565 24  - Phua flops and Alvin shoots to the front ERNEST FRIDA By LIAU, the SICC assistant professional, shot into the lead as his colleague, Phua Thin Kiay, buckled under pressure on the second day of the SGA Rolex tournament organised by Sembawing Golf Club at Sembawang yesterday. The bespectacled Alvin, who
    565 words
  • 279 24 day's scores 144 AKin I.Uu 73. 71 13*M). 14* Tea Boh Heng 71. 71 117-3* l. Tt« (hln Seng 71. 75 iM-I*i, Phwa Thin KUy 7*. 7* 117-I*l. 8. Basley IAI 71. 7t 13*JTi. 147 Tal Wah 7S. 73 iM-SC) 14* Uaa Aa >faag 7*. 72 1 33-39 1.
    279 words
  • 547 24 SEAP GAMES hurdling representing Maurice Alphonso, yesterday beat the 13-year-old record of former International hurdler Wong Fey Wan when he clocked 15.7 sec for the 110 m hurdles at the Inter-Varslty-Col-lege athletic championships at Farrer Park yesterday, reports ALBEKT JOHNSON. Re eraatd two-tenth* of a
    547 words
  • 342 24 Coventry move up to second spot in table T ONDON. Bat. Coventry moved up to second place behind Leeds United in the English Football League's fjrst Division when tAey defeated Leicester today. Leicester, unbeaten before today's matches, slumped to a 2-0 defeat. Leeds kept their unbeaten run and three points'
    342 words
  • 45 24 ai« UM UMNO SIHO, *1. 4. Khfim Hock Road i*a««-i away pnnlull) n 73 ruHitl acrvin 1 M p m J0» 73 laU HP l-hiirrh Ollttrao R- «a Bunal Protntant OwiUry Chua C"bu Kan< No wrvatlu pl«aM D*> nation* to Lilt Cfc'.reb Bullaina* iwal
    45 words
  • 489 24  -  G. ROBERT By MOREE RFC of New South Wales scored a comfortable 27-12 win over The Blacks in their rugby match at the padang yesterday, but there was a moment when I thought The Blacks could have provided an upset. This was
    489 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 122 24 10 reasons why National transistorised tv is your best choice. Strong beautiful vmlnut f Fue\ Vmuistoroed Somd cabinet with stdmg doors State 1 2 v¥ev— 3 speakers Q? Instant picture. Instant sound 1 Uses less power. I/ "Magic Line' gives needk sharp saves on electricity bM P\focusing 7 Shdwig control
      122 words
    • 184 24 I a'avswKi je r®i<y© i I J3-74 j •'*^^H bbbsbbbbbbW KANEBO presents "If" at the Singapore y '^fl BBBaw Red C ross Society Charity Fashion Show aaL* -^V s P arkle Tokyo '73 -'74 J 0 j^M bb^SAbsbbbbbbbbbbbbK At the Shangri-la Island Ballroom 0 M W& A BaßßßssaV Sat. Oct
      184 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 7 24 SPORTING SAM by Reg Wootton >a». IT
      7 words
    • 67 24 GOLF— SOA Rolex tournament (Semoawang I ami SOCCER Sembawang League: Tf Irau v Anzuk Pollc* cDeptford Road' Priendly MSP v Blp» Wanderes I Changi FAS Youth tournament aeminnali (Jn Boar 4 50 and 45 p m > BADMINTON Junior chanipionihip nnals t8BA 5 pm) CRICKET— Singapore Unlveralty v Malaysia University
      67 words