The Straits Times, 22 September 1973

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 20 1 TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 250,000 The Straits Times Eitd. 1845 SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 22, 1973 20 CENTS MX. (P) 28/78
    20 words
  • 749 1  -  N.G. KUTTY Majority honest and upright, says Chua By THE MAJORITY of Hi* Singapore Police Fore* are honest and upright, but the Mack sheep would be rigorously sought out and got rid of without compromise Mr. Chua Sian Chin warned last night. The Minister for Health
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  • 102 1 Agnew to quit? Talks at White House WASHINGTON, Frl. Ajmld continuing rumours that Vice-Pre-sident Agnaaj may be considering resigning, he and President Ntxoi. held a lengthy private meetIng yesterday afternoon A White House spokesman said that "the President and the VicePresident agreed there would be no report or discussion on
    AP  -  102 words
  • 28 1 COLOMBO, frl. Herds of marauding wild elephant* have laid waste to vast areas of Sri Lanka cocurut and banana plantations, according to reports reaching Colombo AP
    AP  -  28 words
  • 32 1 TEL AVIV. Frl— land's bus eo-operaUna rssumed asfilns yesterday after a district court ordered them to and a strike which forced thousands of Israelis to walk to their Jobs.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 37 1 ROME. Frl— Public transport sen lias throughout Italy ground to a halt for three hours today aa the nations JM.OOO transport workers staged a half-day strike to press for improved pay and working conditions —Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 25 1 TAIPKH. Frl.— Heavy rain triggered a aeries of landslides In Northern Taiwan today, killing two children ano disrupting road and rail transport —Rcuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 208 1 A YOUNG medical researcher says ke has Invented the world's first artificial liver machine aeed oatside a patients body to cleanse hit blood Dr. Kenneth Matsa mara. 2t. of Tokyo de votsaai the book- si ir disposable de'iee eon tainlnc live animal Bver oeUs
    AP  -  208 words
  • 148 1 PARIS. Friday pRANCE was reported today to have lm- posed new measures to defend the franc as speculative pressure against the French 1 currency persisted. French authorities luued Instruction* which would prevent francs leaving the country and thus deter their us* (or speculative purpose*.
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 43 1 WASHINGTON. Frl The Senate confirmed Dr. Henry Kissinger as Secretary of State today, elevating the 50-year-old German immigrant to the No l position In President Nixon's Cabinet Dr. Kissinger, won approval amid calls for foreign policy unity. UPI.
    UPI  -  43 words
  • 22 1 BANGKOK. Prl South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu will mak* a state visit to Thailand on Nov. I. UPI.
    UPI  -  22 words
  • 318 1 HOUSTON. Fri BILUB Jean Hint heroine of the Women Libbers, made Bobby Riffs eat bla words •boat women's tennis with a humillallnj 6-4. 6-J, 6-3 defeat last nnht In their I'SSIM.MO winner take-all battle of the sexes at the Astrodome. "Maybe I
    318 words
  • 48 1 HONOKONO PT1 Chln» lonifn trade incraMtd Of ttt par cent In Un lm ticht mn An article releaacd by th* New Chin* Nm Acency Mid Chin* h»» tnwl* rel»Uons with mor* than 140 countrla* and trade a(r*tombU with more than M at than— lUuUr
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  • 217 1  - Six-year job rule for permanent residence CHIA POTEIK By THK Government is offering permanent residence to holders of employment passes who remain with their employers for at least six years. Tills Is yet another move to discourage Jobhopplng. particularly ami.ig skilled foreign workers. The Government recently banned work per mlt
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  • 67 1 SANTIAGO, Frl -The head of new military Junta, Oen. Augusto Pinochet, today outlawed Chiles Marxist parties the main support for the late President Salvador Allende At the game time Oen. Pinochet denied that "neither the United States nor any other outside power was involved in the violent
    UPI  -  67 words
  • 31 1 VIENNA. Frl. The 11--natkm Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries has formally asked Western oil marketing companies to auend price talks In Vienna 011 Oct. a spokesman said today. Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 26 1 JAKARTA. Frl.—lndonesia has lifted a 17-month-old ban on the export of rubber from state-owned plant* Uon*. a Trade Ministry spokesman announced here today Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 19 1 BUINO6 AIRES Prl. Fin people died In a Are which damaged a chair factory yesterday. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 49 1 BANGKOK, Frl— The US marines today officially stopped their role as a combat force in South-east Asia. In ceremonies at Nam Phong Royal Thai Airbase, the United States flag was lowered and the last of the Leathernecks stationed ai the remote outpost left Thailand UPf
    49 words
  • 39 1 WASHINGTON. FM. A loan of UBtS.MO.oao istll.--374.1*0' wai granted yesterday by the US Export-Im-port Bank to Indonesia to iovst 38 per cent of the cost of three DC-MO jet passenger planes (or Osruda Indonesian Airways— Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
    • 59 1 MINNEAPOLIS. Fri —A M-year-old St. Paul m-man who underwent a rare liver transplant 11 days ago at lnl\n»lty of Minnesota hospital died today. I'nlverMty doctor-. used two new techniqaes in the operation, rapid cleansing of the blood and installation of a spare liver, because the had
      AP  -  59 words
    • 34 1 LOAN TO BANGLA LONDON. Pri—Britain hai> offered Bangladesh a £3 million interest free loan to be spent on British food-, needed to help In the country's economic development. It •as officially announced today —Venter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 147 1 mmazda The car tiH^L with f/^!fH Rotary Wj\m Power MAZDA ROTARY ENGINE LICENSf D BY NSU/WANKEL $45,000 HOLD-UP AT FACTORY -BACK PAGE COMMONWEALTH deadline for new money system 2 SECUBITY alert at Australian embassies 1 NTLC wants job quota for disabled 4 INSPECTOR accused of cau*inc hart to cabaret girl
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    • 108 1 V --lw/ > i '"Jr 1 V THE EXCLUSIV W/Jf JEWELLERY ANC "L GEM MERCHANT: G. M. DE SUVA PTE. LTD JHwUaM OtAMONO AND GEM MERCHANTS QM ,<v Specialists' Centre Ci'ound Floor OrcnarO Road Singapore 9 T> 1978 How happy will you be five years from today? Happiness comes from
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    • 128 2 'Reversed airline seats can save lives' MUNICH Frl. A West Oerman Air Force physician said yesterday that fixing seat rows aboard airplanes In the reverse could help save huhan lives In the event of a crash. Lannln Beck, a doctor at the Fuerstenffldbruck air base near Munich told an International
      UPI  -  128 words
    • 386 2 Photos to prove Allende shot himself— junta SANTIAGO. PM rE gov c r nment offered to shov newsmen photographs of the dead former president Salvador Allende to prove that he had committed suicide. The Chilean military Junta last night announced the capture of a well-known leftwlng leader of the resistance
      UPI  -  386 words
    • 144 2 Now the mini bifocal lens WASHINGTON. Fri— A new bliocal contact lens, smaller than tk« pupil of the eye, hsa been developed, it was reported yesterday. A report piepared by Dr Claod Kendall far a meeting of the American Optometric Association said the patented lens would be widely available for
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    • 50 2 COLOMBO. Prl. Sri Lanka's Prune Minister Btrtmavo Bandaranauu announced yesterday that all the country's resources will be concentrated on food production by putting Sri Lanka •on a war fcottng The announcement followed warnings by government spokesmen ol the developing food crisis and impending starvation AP.
      AP  -  50 words
    • 30 2 TOKYO. Prl.— A fairly strong earthquake shook parts of western Honshu main Island and northern Shlkoku Island In western Japan today but caused no Injurtf or dasaago.— QFL
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    • 335 2 DAR ES SALAM. Friday fHJMMONWEALTH finance ministers agreed yesterday to press for the establishment of a new world monetary system by this time next year. In a communique ending a two day conference here, they urged that the necessary directives and guidelines (or
      Reuter  -  335 words
    • 108 2 Selassie gun incident denied UNITED NATIONS. Frl. Ethiopian Foreign Minister Mlnasse Halle, here for the UN. Oeneral Assembly, yesterday denied a report that a grandson of Emperor Halle Selassie held a gun on the monarch aboard hU plane last week. He said the report. Issued In Beirut, had been attributed
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    • 45 2 MEXICO CITY, Pn Mexican code* exporters will stop selling coO«e indefinitely In the world market to keep prteea up. the Mexican Coffee Institute announced yesterday It would watcn market reaction with a view to selling In a mote orderly manner later. Heutsr.
      45 words
    • 134 2 'Nixon isn't forcing Agnew to quit' WASHINGTON. Frt. The White Home yesterday branded as false a report that President Nixon was putting pressure on Vlce-Preal-dent Agnew to resign. A spokesman denied any* effort was being made to force Mr Agnew from office, reaffirmed Mr. Nixon's confidence In the Vice- President
      Reuter  -  134 words
    • 20 2 DACCA. Frl A woman wai killed and thra* Injured In norm that lashtd U» citjr last nlfht UPI
      UPI  -  20 words
    • 262 2 Currency reform: We're closer to it says Bonn DUESSELDORF, Frl. West German Finance M 1 n1 s ter Helmut Schmidt said last night that agreement among major western countries on reform of the International monetary system was conslderaly closer than official statements led people to believe. In an interview with
      Reuter  -  262 words
    • 25 2 CANBERRA. Prl. The Automobile Association vcaterday asked Leylands to recall all IU six-cylinder PIS can because of a potent al flr* haiard. UPI.
      UPI  -  25 words
    • 114 2 LONDON, m Two I satlon to Mrs. Levy, the men were Jailed ye»- 26 year old brunette terday for selling fake named last May as the diamonds to call-girl i prostitute who sold her Norma Levy, the woman favours to Lord Lambtoi. at the centre
      Reuter  -  114 words
    • 282 2 Bhutto takes a tough stand on Bangla UNITED NATIONS Frl. Prime Minister Zulflkar All Bhutto of Pakistan told the UN. General Assembly yesterday that his government would not recognise Bangladesh nor agree to Its admission to the world organisation before tre last Pakistani prisoner 1° repatriated. This Mr. Bhutto said.
      Reuter; UPI  -  282 words
    • 42 2 JERUSALEM. Prl— The Soviet Union stopped Jamming Uraeli broadcuu beamed to Ruutan Jewry for two days this wrrk. marking the nrtt time it halted such Interference since it began JO months ago. a national radio official said today -UPI
      UPI  -  42 words
    • 29 2 HONOKONO. Prl. The Soviet Union's two underground nuclear tats In eight days showed that It is expanding Its arsenal, the New China news agency said today. UPI.
      UPI  -  29 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 135 2 3 ways a day to beat the crowds to Hong Kong 9:loam, 11:40 am, 2:oopm every day I c *^a^sSBSSK. B^s^Bslfcßaw>"*\ Jr* t J k^s^Hsa^-'.^v'^* ~~7 \\lJb^B Only Cathay Pacific gives you the service flight leaving at 2:00 pm. choice of 3 great ways a day to fly to No
      135 words
    • 68 2 shoi: immiti: PDING PREMIER STORE AND ■I r> f ■■■>■■ _L ,f trend boutique F f Ls^P Mk^s^sWlV H ampomrrCm J fJCUttM II I \AM take ptooaure r. rMting you to our "SHOE ROUTE 7H" foor-ion s»-iow and tee at the hiton Hotel, sundey 23rd Beptember 1 873,4 .00 p.m.
      68 words

    • 226 3 Concern over world grain deficit ROME, Frl. Highranking del egates of the world's main wheat-export-ing countries, who met here urgently yesterday to discuss the danger of a serious world grain shortage, agreed that the world supply situation was better than recently feared. But tne United Na tlons Food and Agrlcul
      Reuter  -  226 words
    • 33 3 AMSTERDAM Pri American Jazz musician Ben Webster— regarded as one o» the great tenor saxophonist* of the old gene.-atlon of elastics! Jaamen— died In an Amsterdam hospital yesterday, aged 64 Reuter.
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 228 3 Mongolia: Chinese troops at border causing tension MOSCOW, Frl. Mongolia has accused China of trying to subject It to political and economic pressure, sending more troops to the Mongolian border and issuing hostile propaganda, Moscow Radio said today. The radio, in a domestic broadcast, said the Mongolian claim was made
      Reuter  -  228 words
    • 169 3 Carol's fling with 'tennei-s' causes a street stampede LONDON, Fri Jamaican girl Carol Reynolds walked into her bank yesterday, drew out all her saving* and then sauntered into the street and threw away a small fortune. This is for the poor of the world." she cried as she showered more
      169 words
    • Briefs
      • 125 3 UNITED NATIONS: The ON General Assembly's steering committee has approved a 101 item agenda, clearing the decks for the opening of the general debate on Monday. SALISBI RY: Des Frost, chairman of Prime Minister lan smith's ruling Rhodesian Front party has called for the creation of a Ministry
        125 words
      • 134 3 MOSCOW. The Soviet Union yesterday established a "copyright acency" that gives the Government firm control over the publications of Russian authors In the West. BELFAST: The British Army said It would soon begin to use an American -produced loud speaker system to combat riots by drowning out all ronversatlon
        134 words
    • 395 3 Aussie alert over Arab guerilla reprisal WARNING AS PLF MAN IS JAILED CANBERRA. M, THE Australian Go vernment was reported today to have warned its embassies overseas to tighten secu--1 ity because of possible reprisals for the six-month jail term given to a senior member of the Pale s t
      395 words
    • 39 3 DALLAS. Prl.— The Concorde supersonic airliner today makes a series of flight demonstrations over the Oulf of Mexico and around the Caribbean, following It* historic first flight of a supersonic transport Into the continental United State* Reuter.
      Reuter  -  39 words
    • 187 3 Nixon's 'no' sets stage for court battle WASHINGTON, Ftl An fH»m«nt president Nixon has rejected a compromise over releasing his secret Watergate tapes, setting the stage for a historic Bupretne Court ruling on his rights to privacy. Mr. Nixon's lawyers and special prosecutor Archibald Cox told Federal Court of Appeals
      Reuter  -  187 words
    • 57 3 LO6 ANGELES. Prl John Jackson. 32. and Torlano Jackson. 19 member* of the Jackson Plve rock music group, have been ordered to stand trial on charges of receiving stolen property They were charged yesterday with Sanders Brscy. M. as s result of the burglaries of
      57 words
    • 25 3 LAOOB, Prl. Three evtncellju mere killed by lightning during a revival atnrtcc In eaatcrn Nigeria yesterday, the Da,Uy Time* reported here. Heajtsr.
      25 words
    • 31 3 MELBOURNE Frl A 41--year-old Englishman detained for examination In hospital here 1* suffering from a ■clld form of cholera, and there Is no fears of a aartoua outbreak Reuter.
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 19 3 PARIS. Prl.— Japan and North Vietnam signed an agreement today eatabUahlng diplomatic relation* at ambassadorial level.— UPl.
      19 words
    • 111 3 fERUSALEM. Frl— An el Israeli official said here today his government expected the United States to launch a new Initiative soon to end the Middle East crisis. The official said the drive for a Mid-East peace would probably be spearheaded by US Secretary of Bute-de-signate
      UPI  -  111 words
    • 252 3 'Morning-after pill may not be safe' warning WASHINGTON, Friday rpHE Food and Drug Administration baa asked doctors to warn patients that the "morning after" birth control pill Dlethylstl! bestrol (DES) may not be safe and may trigger such side effects as blood clotting. It said yesterday that manufacturers of the
      Reuter  -  252 words
    • 114 3 Mussel men hit out NAPLES. Frl. Seven people were Injured and four arrested yesterday when mussel sellers made redundant by Italy's cholera outbreak attacked the local Government Prefect, police said. The vendors were on the roof of the Municipal Palace, where they have been holding a demonstration for several days,
      Reuter  -  114 words
    • 43 3 LONDON. Prl— The Oovennent and Brltslns Traae* Union Congress met yesterday In the latest round of Ouvemment Initiated talk* on the economy, but failed to agree on the proposed third stage of Prime Minister Edward Heaths pay and prices policy Hauler
      43 words
    • 31 3 BRUSSELS. Pri Security guard* ••arched the 15--*torey headquartera of the Common Market council of minister* hers following rumours of bomb threat but found nothing. Informed •ource* Mid today Reuter.
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 34 3 WASHINOTON. Prl—Deputy Secretary of State Kenneth Rush, but not Dr. Henry Kissinger, will lea 4 the United Bute* delegation to the mlnUterlal meeting of Beato the State Department said yeaUrday. UPI
      UPI  -  34 words
    • 27 3 PBKTNQ. Prl Thousand* of young Chlneae (a*e Bfypttan Vtre-PnaMant Huaatln n-Bha,f« a routine naluuuw nbea be flew in today for a four-day official vua Reuter.
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 29 3 JAKARTA. Prl— lndoneaU will support admflop of the two Korea* In the United Nation* In the current Oener»l Aaacmbrr meetlne:, Foreign Minuter Adun Malik amid today.— AP.
      AP  -  29 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 134 3 STARLITE ALUMINIUM AWNINGS A EXTEND wiHkiiii YOUR LIVING COMFORT! Starlite gives you a whole range of colourful, durable aluminium awnings to choose from. They're a must for any home! Starlite aluminium awnings add charm, grace and beauty while they provide you with full protection against harsh sunlight and rain. And
      134 words
    • 1828 3 invites sypitJtkMis far the fotlowing «acutrve awotiiUiwits *snloi Our client i> a maior transportation Candidate* should be Singapore company with interests in Singapore citnem «ith several years sales ex nd Melayua. and seeks an experienced psrience in a transportation company. (FREIGHT S|| H Manager to head the Freight with a
      1,828 words

  • 383 4 Death for gangster who killed member of own gang A2l YEAR -OLD gangster was sentenced to death yesterday for the murder of a member of his own gang. ChelUah Slivanatham. alias Tamplnes Rajah remained calm when sentence was passed. Trial Judges Mr. Justice Wlnslow and Mr. Justice Kulasekaram said they
    383 words
  • 75 4 KUAI Kheng Peng, 38. was sentenced to three years and two strokes of the rotan yesterday for trafficking in drugs. Kual. a hawker, pleaded guilty to having 119 kartoos of cannabls out- side the Mandarin Hotel In Orchard Road on July 24 together
    75 words
  • 176 4 Judge calls for report on young armed robber A DISTRICT Judge yesterday called for a Reformative Training Centre's report on a factory hand who admitted committing two armed robberlesj Llm Ah Cheng. 17. pleaded guilty to robbing Tang Ah Kls. it. and his fiance Lai Ms.l Sag of valuables worth
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  • 33 4 A FALLEN tree across But Coast Road yesterday evening caused an hour-long traffic Jam. The tree, which had fallen in a heaTy downpour, was later remored by PWD workmen
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  • 426 4 T«HE NTUC is to urge business organi--1 sations to employ a quota of properlytrained handicapped people. NTUC Projects Director Professor T. H. Elliott disclosing this at a forum on Rehabilitation of the Disabled at the Council of Social Service In Penang Lane last
    426 words
  • 128 4 Two British MPs to visit Anzuk bases in S'pore rpwo British MPs are due In Singapore ne:t week to visit the ANZUK bases. Mr. Peter Blaker. Parliamentary Under-sscrttary of Btat« for Defence will arrive on Monday, while Mr Antony Buck. Parliamentary Underseen tary of State for the Royal Navy. m
    128 words
  • 100 4 $300 fine for failing to sign up for NS AN odd-job labourer was yesterday fined $300 for falling to register for national service despite repeated requests by the Defence Ministry Lea Uika Hng tv required to rectat*r on Mov 1. ltM, but only presented hlnuelf to the military authorities on
    100 words
  • 82 4 4 charged with murder IJV>UR youths were charged yesterday with the alleged murder of Sck Kirn Seong. They «r» Tan Otm Chew, It. Urn Yeo» Lam. 10. Tan Ah Chin, and Urn Yeow Koon. (both It). The chart* altatad that they wen memben ot an unlawful uMinbly wnoat common Intention
    82 words
  • 296 4 Call to firms to retain employees hurt at work SENIOR Parliamentary 5 Secretary (Social Affairs). Mr. Chan Chee Seng, ■attested last night that management retrain and retain workera Injured In Industrial accidents. rhls would make the task of organisations looking after the welfare of the i disabled much easier, I
    296 words
  • 40 4 THE Prankel Bnate Postal Agency st 3*. Slglap Drive. will open (or business on Oct Service available at the agency will Include sale of postage stamps. Singapore postal orders. *nd acceptance of registered articles and parcels I
    40 words
  • 240 4 General cargo lighterage rates to be increased LIOHTERAOE rates for general cargo win go up by 10 cents to $2 a ton from Oct. 1 for the first time since 1955. But charges lor a:' other special or danger ous goods like timber and metal ban except that for cement
    240 words
  • 69 4 A SEVEN- MEMBER British trade mission is expected here on Sept 28 for a week-long stay to look into more outlets for their products. The mission Is sponsored by the Westminster Chamber of Commerce and organised by the Financial Time* In association with BOAC.
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  • 152 4 rvR Gloria Urn. actIs Ing Dean of the Faculty of Science and Dr. (Mrs.) Tao Chuen Chi, acting Director, School of Pharmacy, have been promoted associate professors, the University of Singapore announced yesterday. Dr. Llm holds a doctorate from the University of London and a master
    152 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 331 4 t VALUE -WISE A wonderful selection of beautiful I fibreglass draperies and home I furnishing fabrics c 0 m««»f»yto«vo.ddi»«ppomtm«nt' UPBB|| TOYUND ANO I QS9 W W^M^BP CLEMENCCAU AVE SPO«t 9 TEL XiblT^^^W $2O,OOO/ WON In Draw No: 74/73 (20-9-73) SINGAPORE POOLS I F 1*J"T- F^ «PTi) LTD. I LJ i^
      331 words
    • 98 4 g»^^[ wSt if L ■gfetajl iM The precision mower that grooms your lawn to prefection. Wuh us combination -l a"d 'Olle< th* i> built l*'ince*» puts an imrrwculdte Imish ,v you" la*' Its line scissor -like cutting action tf imi th,- to 9>ve you a lawn ot velvety smoothness C'>
      98 words

  • 186 5  - It's not kung-fu but a classic dancing posture... Ran*« Govindram HI rfIBOSE who know 1 thine or two abort Indian classical danos will reeocnlM tits Bharatha NaUjam par and not mistake It br Chinese kanf-fa. Mm. Eathi Kartaeta*. who struck the liMl at a press eonferen* rtterday was (ivtai in
    186 words
  • 91 5 Nt visa low for one week's stay in Saigon CIIOAPORKANB and other »Htor» to Vietnam will now be able to May (or s week without a rlaa. accordln« to rational manner of Air Vietnam Mr. Tran Tbo Phu« yrtterday Tie facility, howrw. applln only to sir tnvalltn who must have
    91 words
  • 201 5 Bank chief in to assess the Asian dollar mart rpHE President of 1 the First National Bank of Chicago (FNBC). Mr. John E. Drick, flew In from Japan yesterday to assess Asian dollar market developments and review the progress of the bank's branch here. During his two-day visit. Mr. Drick
    201 words
  • 138 5 Children's Day joy for pupils PRIMARY schools and R Primary sections of full school* will celebrate Children's Day for two days— on Sept 28 and Oct 1. On Sept at. a—nhllM will be held at 1.4S ajn for the morning neston and I. lt p m (ar the afternoon •ton.
    138 words
  • 42 5 Management course THE National Productivity Board will conduct a l»-*e»--aton Junior Encutrn*' Court* at Its Juronc prtnmti from Oct. I to M Count tat Is sis* for monben of the National Prodactinty Aanrtmtim and MM for non-member* For further dtUUa, ring mill.
    42 words
  • 366 5  - Cabaret girl and the police officer... IRENE NGOO rOURT TOLD OF CUTS NEEDING STITCHES ■y A POLICE officer threw a glass at a cabaret girl on learning that she had disclosed their intimate relationship to his girlfriend, a magistrate's court heard yesterday. As a result, Esah blnte Sulamlah received two
    366 words
  • 132 5 STREET SALES HITTING US, SAY VENDORS pmNBBE newspaper v- vendor! want the four Chinese newspapers to publish their editions after midnight They said yesterday that the early editions which come out on the streets the night before the actual publication date have affected their business. This U because they an
    132 words
  • 35 5 MORI than MM pupUa. •Ufl and advisory ontaailttee mam bar* of Tanjbng Katonc Otrl* school rakad too l U for the school* iliiotn— il protect froat a wsJkathon held oo Au« it
    35 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 31 5 nSlflmOTOR[O,(PTE)LTD THKES PlEflSURE RHD PRIDE TO UMRmLV UlELCOmi YAMAGEN JAPANESE RESTAURANT on their OFFicmi openinc TODBV On THE 19th FLOOR Men snn Buiminc 268, ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORE 9. (Opposite Mandarin Hotel)
      31 words
    • 210 5 I for a 0R waX prolong I I AO"T"II\IO Th e washable. I (LAii I Illlli J^l non-slip, self-polishing I HIW 9 .1 4 floor wax. Specially f^t 111% 1 1"" C A formulated for vinyl tiles, UlKTrnnnnnC \l parquet, mosaic, OrlllML WATERPROOP terrazzo.marb.eand PLJIlir Pi all finished u HI
      210 words

  • 221 6 Gold Bars murder: Two get time to file appeal TWO brothers, under A death sentence In the Gold Bars Triple Murder Case, have been granted extended time to file their petition of appeal. Andrew Chou Hock Quan, 32. and David Chou Hock Heng. 35. were granted a month's grace by
    221 words
  • 62 6 TUB Postal Department li to Introduce new stamps •lot machines to various post offlos* on Sept. 30 when the new set of definitive stamps will alao be luued According to the department's spokesman. the machine the first of its kind here win start operation on the same
    62 words
  • 232 6 STRICTLY for the birdwatchen and the professionals that's what this looming > $1«,0«0 tele-photo camera is supposed to destine. Bat it the Rollei showroom In the DBS Building yesterday, an exception was made for Miss Janet Lai And there to explain
    MAZLAN BADRON  -  232 words
  • 34 6 THE First Lady. Mrs Bbeares. will give away prls•s at a prize preaenution-cum-*xhibltion of the Children* Art Competition at the Bau Premier Store In North Bridge Road on Oct. 1 at S pm
    34 words
  • 153 6 Japan aid for Straits surveys KUALA LUMPUR, Frfckj JAPAN is to provide Further assislnnre for hvdrographic surveys in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore. Additional assistance Is covered by protocol agreements br'ng signed to modify her Memoranda of Understanding with Malaysia. Indonesia and Singapore on the surveys. Under the agreements.
    153 words
  • 52 6 $10,000 bail for drug charge youth JOHN Michael Harris. I*. an American, yesterday denied selling eight kartoos of cannabls. He Is alleged to huvr .sold the drug for $82 to Jeffrey Knowles. 20. at Tanglin shopping centre on Sept. 20 The case will be mentioned on Sept 22 Bail of
    52 words
  • 33 6 BANK of China will celebrate the 24th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic on Sept 30 with a reception in the bank hall i from 4 to g pjn.
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  • 71 6 Offence on girl, 14: Man gete a year SOH Chwee Huat 48. was Jailed ftr a year yesterday for having carnal corrections «lth a 14-yeai-old girl. He p taded guilty to having intimacy with the it.i. referred to as Miss X >■.. home li Block ~i RimCharles Square betrrrn April
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  • 33 6 TAIKONO Ho Ylt 800. 57. >v lined $75 yesterday for carrying 24 passengers in a sampan oft Changl when he tv licensed to carry only 13 at about SOS pm on Sept
    33 words
  • 186 6 PRMER motorcycle racing champion KiLsslm Douglas Osman. 28 was fined $22,000 yesterday on three charges of smuggling dutiable liquor and shag tobacco. He was convicted In the Fifth Magistrate's Court on Wednesday. He was fined $2,000 on the first charge of fallIng to stop a van
    186 words
  • 148 6 r'O hotel cleaners stole from a hotel because they were "Induced by temptation," a magistrate's court heard yesterday. Regasamy s/o Oovlndasamy, 30, and Radakaishna s/o Andlappan Supplah Sanlbaslvan, 39, were Jailed tor one day and fined $1,500 or three months' Jail each
    148 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 404 6 solid reasons why you should invest in SINGAPORE PROGRESS FUND NOW Hedge against inflation. 38.5% per annum achieved over the last 3 v i years. Special discount offer. Since iv inception in February. 1970 the SPLIT ISSUE Singapore Progress Fund has achieved |n iccordance with Clause 12(6) of the TniM
      404 words
    • 77 6 Kleenex Fun stickers Sttcfc'em up anywhere! Five Kleenex Fun Stickers. In brilliant, happy-zappy colours. Stick them on wardrobes, cabinets, doors, your car, or anywhere. Hurry Limited stocks only! /jjV Wv^^V Start collectin 9 Kleenex Fun Sucker I fjr 4J> now lheres a FREE Sticker 1^- <Tf in any one of
      77 words

    • 226 7 Govt is urged to take over the rice supply- Xl ALA LI'MPI'K. Frl L Pan-Malayan Islamic Party national president Datuk Hall Airi bin Hajl Mad. called on the Government today to take drastic measures to tackle the rice crisis. Including a take over of rice distribution. "Severe penalties should be
      226 words
    • 62 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Prt Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Husaein Onn today callrd on the police, military. Customs and National Rice Authority officials engaged In trie campaign against rice smugglers to "continue to be uaedfait in their duty This was to ensure that no rice got out of
      62 words
    • 575 7 'THE ONLY WAY TO ACHIEVE RESULTS' fVN Abdul Razak returned from the non aligned conference in Algiers today with Ihe proposal future meetings shonld be held on a regional basis. "This is the only way in which we can achieve results." the Prime
      575 words
    • 309 7 MCA MEN IN TOP ALLIANCE COUNCIL KUALA LUMPUR, Friday rpHE Malaysian Chinese Association has announced the party's representatives in the Alliance national council and Its natlo- nal bureau directors. The MCA iecretarygeneral, Mr. Chan Slang Sung. MP (or Bentong. made the announcement on behalf of the national president. Tun Tan
      309 words
    • 44 7 IPOH. Prt. Penk's first bumlputra goldsmith shop will open for business] at liedan Jay* on Jalan Datoh on Monday The shop, which will speclatlM In Jewellery produced by Kelantan craftsmen Is run by CncU Bhaari bin Awang Long. M. of Kelantan
      44 words
    • 104 7 Copter service to Langkawi KUALA LUMPUR. Frl Langkawi Coun try Club plans to start a helicopter service soon to bring tourists to tne island resort. "ThU would further Improve transport lacl lltles to the Island." .-aia the manager, Mr. Law rence Chew. At present access to the Island Is orlv
      104 words
    • 29 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Pri. Three Polish delegation* rubber. Umber and textile ■re to Hull Malaysia between October and early next year Polish Charge d'Affalree Mr WasUkewski said today
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 152 7 Wm K AUSTRALIAN AUCTION SALE 12- SUCTION CUTTER DREDGE Under instructions from EXPRESSWAY EARTHMOVING PTY LTD. At the Mooring Site, ST HUBERTS .SLAND. BRISBANE WATERS GOSFORD, NSW FRIDAY. 28th SEPTEMBER. 1973. ot 12 NOON Obstructed .n 1968, tebuilt ,n 1971. incorporoting xund pioofing ond high copoc.ty hydrouliCS, equipped with 12"
      152 words
    • 64 7 pNett PriceK I $189/- m^ I With Busicom i^^^^^^^J, »W on. subtraction. ont,rtt <£v multiplication, division. iuukm r>\ mixed -alculanons, other (o calculations Capacity Entry l?< Oec<ewl Manual Aw/jwt *i preset (0. 2. 3. 41 Power source Four t j^Z^r pem.te batteries or AC with special adapter Personal 6ODB
      64 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 370 8 BBMBBiBBiBBBBTTfL^kS^tVi^BBBBBMIBBBBI rJTJU MOW SHOWING! JM-V jt YUE FUNG PA! YWC in A WANOAP.IN fILM IN COLOHSCOPI WITH tNQ.HH SU»S I A«>i«iiCaiat»»liSiißi H»* Ct»T Clmi* tnm !«.«>—. I i I* t.M»ai. «.11. AH.r H».i. rtw *aa k* I Jurong Drive In Cinema" Cathay Orchard SIMILTAIEOIS MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! jT7 (OIEOI: Tomorrow
      370 words
    • 145 8 KONG CHIAN: Tonight Midnight! BLOODIEST APACHE BATTLE IN HISTORY! £t ADMISSION PRICES: 4 WUCF OAVISON RCMAPO JAECKEL <«>" kX- r«nouC!CM IbTA Ifoi TECHNICOLOR X i umiveisjil picrin iistiimiei iy tic Tons CHFAir^liiSMncfoßY LAST FEW DAYS! KONG CHIAN; 1.10. 3 30, 7.15, t 30 p.m. NtW VICTOtY: 1 JO. 1.10, 7.10,
      145 words
    • 64 8 I bbW .^^b^bbbH&R^bb! BBBa^BatBaBBaK BBBBar^^B^B^al aa^air 'jat^^^^ai BBaVaBI 'iBBaBBBCV^I EMal I i-MU li^bK^t^hS^bl irOfaitv v BaU!aBBBVBnBVBn MLaßaaL -BaVJ bbkl_.' %^S^be "aai /WNrV.VANVVW'WSVVWA ODEON I :5 TONIGHT J:; j^MIDNIGHTM:: I* bßßt^ B^i BBaL.^.*: JW BROWN BQ9B STiILASTMNS RIP TORN IPJ^TuMi^iJB new atewaoi 2.30. «00 4 9 00PM •^■usr.'f". I I Ptanl
      64 words
    • 228 8 kksamana STEAK HOUSE THE RESTAURANT FOR SUPERB AIR FRESH STEAKS •Mouth-watering Peppercorn Steaks ■T^^' 42* fc*K Tm*> (toad Snypot 10 M ***** I i—™^ mm 1 MOW SHOW IMC! -Me fr— Usi m GOLDEN CITY: 1.45, 4.00, 7.00 A ».3O p.m. m GALAXY I. IS, 3.30, 7.00 A ».30 p.m.
      228 words
    • 256 8 opeisVtodVy'at I. i "mii" 4 SHOWS DAILY at 1.45. 4.00, 7 A •ISa*» I BBaYvVrr TB»T^ Bave^afll .^Baval tVS bK^bW^B I PSbbV^^V Judy Geeson Joan Collins j Ralph Bates Peter Cushing MAMMM PRODUCTION 'fCMaCOLOPI* BJ Tonight M'nite Tomorrow Morning Shows SIMULTANEOUSLY at 4 THEATRES CAPITOL LIDO PRESIDENT JURONG TheESCAPER I
      256 words
    • 738 8 to CATHAY XX mow showing ?2Shtwi:7.oo 4 9.30»ni: Yu* Func Po- Y>ng "A TOJCM O» UN" Mandorm CalorScoc« ,J »ith Cnglilh SubtrtlM I Jww| (Mv*-ln f 'nti* i 1 Of*k«r< m 4 C*MMrr I Tonight o* Midr»ioht' t 1 (O«»l«: Tomorrow 9i"> '•ST«AN«R FROM CANTON J Po. Pkju Sit
      738 words

  • 394 9  - Businessman Cleared on pistol charge T.F. HWANG By A BUSINESSMAN charged under the Vandalism Act with stealing a revolver from the Airport Police annourv, was acquitted yesterday after a four-day trial in the High Court. Francis Adrian was. however, convicted on a second charge of unlawful possession of the revolver
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  • 94 9 Widow gets High Court order to wind up firm A WIDOW obtained a High Court order yesterday against a firm of shlpchandlers. founded and named after her husband who had since died. Madam Tan Pow Nee successfully asked Mr. Justice Chua for an order to wind up Chew Eng Chuan
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  • 37 9 MR LOW Ouan Onn. deputy general manager of Jurong Shipyard, will be the guctt-of-honour at the annual dinner of the Old Engtneertng Apprentice* AesocUUon (of Naval Dockyard i *t Shangri-La Hotel at 730 pm today.
    37 words
  • 283 9 JOB GUIDANCE VITAL, SAYS RAHIM the likes, dislikes, aptitudes, inclinations and capabilities of their children." he said. "Life Is too short and precious for young people to take risks In selecting their careers. "Wrong decisions are not only a waste of time and energy, but also lead to unhapplneas and
    283 words
  • 42 9 FROn»SOR Choo Beok Chrow hit been elected vtcedean of the Faculty of Bnjlnn ring. University of Singapore. Prof Choo, whoae reaearch Inleteat l« in annlconductor electronics, graduated from Imperial College. London with first claai honour* In electrical engineering
    42 words
  • 101 9 A FACTORY worker told the High Court yesterday that her husband left her for good 12 years after their marriage after assaulting her. You Yuen Wan. who married Fok Cheng Wan In May 1954 and has four children, said her husband used to
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  • 247 9 PM gives lecture fees for book prize MR Lee Kuan Ye* hu donated tb lecture feea he receive durint his recent over mi t«w to the Mini* try of Education to hi mcd to promote effee tire NUnmalujm in th school* The money will be used for annual awards. U
    247 words
  • 27 9 THX Singapore Red Cross Society ha* been recognlaad a* the 119 th member of the International Committee of the Rad Croat. It waa announcad yeatarday
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 418 9 27th Sapt H Lunch Peacock Room Omner >aaaoa fooludc I M 2Stti S«pt MING COURT HOTEL S Unth »«acock Room o***, r^a, ►oohKk K -.^n. MING COURT HOTEL X gfl 9en 49in a apt I Lunch Peacock Room Dinner Main Pooltidc fj MING COURT HOTEL GOODWOOD PARK HOTEL K Sun
      418 words
    • 434 9 WENG HENG'S AUTUMN UP NOW 4« Germ.. Catta* Material J 2 w MANY OTHIR FABRICS 10% _,0~ o DISCOUNT FREE GIFTS PURCHASE of I 1 English Cara«t f 12' 2 Rvas 27" SI" WENG HENG COMPANY 71, Victoria Street. Singapore 7. TEL: ***** ***** OPEM SUNDAY FROM 9 A.M. TO
      434 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 230 9 Straits Times Crossword ACKOM pteokad (t). Working private trana- 1 Twin* tor example latad into Old ttiollan brought back mile if i <■>. I A quiet century atteea 10 Ah. me! Polea give aiana heard la Latncaahire 5 i«-5-4i 11 Sndleaaly itartlng wronc 15 Judfat? Judges have unPMW (T>. ea*7
      230 words

  • 399 10 The Straits Times SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 22, 1973 WILL TO EXCEL rpHREE separate comments op upgrading professionalism were made this week. Dr. Ooh Keng Swee described the standard of Instruction In many of our military schools and units as varying from mediocre to appalling. A series of remedies will be applied
    399 words
  • 166 10 WHAT a day for women! Thursday Sept. 20 (Friday, Singapore time) saw the humbling of tennis old-timer Bobby Riggs at the hands of Billle Jean King. Three sets were all she needed. The man who took to the court for fathers on Mothers' Day In May and
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  • 687 10 EXCERPTS of editorial comment from the New Straits Times, Malaysia. WHERE are many more 1 out of work than need be. Vacancies do not conveniently occur where unemployment is greatest, nor Is manpower training and expertise developing exactly In step with employment opportunities. Mentri Besar Datuk Othman
    687 words
  • 426 10 T.F.Hwang takes you down memory lane A SCHOOLGIRL or 16 has set <."f a chain of memories (or much older Singaporeans with a true-life drama which happened here 31 years ago. She wrote of a black chapter In Singapore's hlsU.-y when the Japanese Imperial Army in its flrat flush of
    426 words
    • 238 10 Walkathons: Schools have to meet certain conditions pLEASE refer to the letter by D.W. headlined "When fund raising Is persistent and so unpleasant" (ST., Aug. 28). The Ministry of Education control* all activities of fund raising Including •walkathon* organised by schools School principal* have to meet certain requirements In seeking
      238 words
    • 316 10 rE pedestrian mall, now under construction along Orchard Road, is much needed. It will be greatly appreciated by Singaporeans as well as tourists. It has been difficult and dangerous for people who use the present rough walkway which li punctuated with
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  • 655 10  - Are you accident prone? DAVID ELLIS TESTS BY RESEARCHERS SHOW WHERE THE REAL DANGER LIES... By ACCIDENT prone adults are born not made. As children, they were the ones who fell off the "safe" swings in the park; who suffered from broken bones, cats and bruises. They always had grazed
    655 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 11 10 |Af AUTOMATIC RADIoI SPB-5001 8-track stereo I B|jab«TtaJ»M«jn| car player J
      11 words
    • 162 10 sssWrfaH fa|>j,MDtLAMD» BUTTIWY A CO.. LTD. I A i»mbt' oi the Amalgamated Meiai Corporation Special offer! Only $285/ Usual Price $590--40 Wottt S*M Stot. Silicon Stereo Amplit.c, Cents lt« HI plvt fr*« fleoapkortrt Nm Cheong Electronic Centre Pte. Ltd. 501. North Bridge Rood Spore 7 Tel *****4 G-06, Ground Floor,
      162 words

  • 193 11 Asean 'yes' for talks with Japan on synthetic rubber JAKARTA, Frl. The five-member countries of the Association of South-east Asian Nations (Aswan) have agreed to hold direct talks with Japan on matters relating to synthetic rubber. It was announced here. An Asean spokesman said the decision was taken yesterday at
    Reuter  -  193 words
  • 64 11 NINE hundred postmen win take part In a walkathon tomorrow to raise funds (or charity. The walkathon will begin at Toa f-ayoh Central post office and at Circuit Road post office. It Is being held In connection with Postal Week. Dr Ang Kok
    64 words
  • 256 11  -  NANCY BYRAMJI By IQINGATORE architect O Mrs. Hoa Clayton has I been assigned to help rr-deslfn Outram Hospital And Its aU dae to a free trip she won to London. For it was while she was In London that she tot
    256 words
  • 47 11 Visitor faces charge of cheating CARLOS A Umana, 29. of Costa Rica, yesterday denied cheating Hyatt Hotel of $1,222 In hotel bills between April 19 and June It. The cue will be mentioned on B>pt U Ball of SJ.OOO wai allowed HU pamport was detained by pottoa.
    47 words
  • 137 11 SHELL will donate a piece of land worth over $30,000 to the People's Association to be used as a community centre. The ***** sq ft. plot Is situated about 50 yards from the sea at Ponggol Point. A buffet party will be held
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  • 166 11 Coffee house murder: Two suspects arrested DOUCE ha*e arrested two suspects in connection with the murder of vegetable-seller, Tan Ffcg Kirn, 23, at the Singapore Coffee House in Bras Basah Road on the morning of Sept. IS. They were picked up by CID officers at the Junction of Serangoon Road
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  • 33 11 AMERICAN aallor Jeffrey L. Knowlea. M. was fined SMO yesterday for having eight kartoot of cannabu In front of TanfUn Shopping Centre In Tanglin Road on Thursday at about 10.0* pjn.
    33 words
  • 344 11 J^ SCHEME to upgrade the standard of general medical practice in Singapore is expected to be introduced soon. The College of General Practitioners and the Government have agreed that It will be a system of postgraduate education in the various disciplines relevant to
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  • 46 11 ABOOCIATE Prol Edward Tock Peng Chong has been ra-appolnted nib-dean of the Medical Faculty. University of Singapore. Prof. Tock. 39. holds a doctorate degree In pathology from the University of London and a doctor of medicine degree in pathology from the University of Singapore.
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  • 2 11
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  • 132 11 Three top bankers leave for Nairobi meeting rpHREE top Singapore A bankers will leave today (or Nairobi to at tend the annual meetIng of the International Monetary Fund. They are Mr Uen Ytng Chow, chairman of Overseas Union Bank,' Mr. Wee Cho Yaw. managing director of United Overseas Bank and
    132 words
  • 41 11 Dental surgery passes THRU candtdaU* hart completed the final profeaUonal examination (or the D*gr«( of Baihctor of D«nUl Surgery Ttatr are Khenj Klw Ttong (ConaerraUve Dentistry. Urn Chenc 8l«w Oral Surccry and MUa VtUuUiam Onana D*n (ConMnratlT* Dentlatry and PrertnUv* Dmtlatryi
    41 words
  • 31 11 TOMMY Ohm. 30 t Dux. wmj fined 130 rtnerd»y (or b*tn( drunk and Inc*p*ble at Uk Junction of T«mpk StrMt and N«w Brld(* Road at about 105 am rwUrday
    31 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 209 11 swV I aJv^^lswß I w^BF^ Bw^a^ BvHawfl S^H II r a i BwaSk B^awawfl law! II w^g¥* ■Kaf Swaa? «V IU J v^^vMswW.^^ I f* \l| 1 *a£ml Iv 1 lt^sw^sw^sw^H ■^^sw^sw^ Now! SETRON gives you solid state TV at a price you can afford! This amazing new 20" set
      209 words
    • 151 11 2 GOOD THINGS FORTHE PRICE OF I HONEY AND VITAMIN C Hudson's Honey Vitamin C mediated swtcts. Yummy honey, and precirus Vitamin C. Two good Ihinp. for t*ie price of one. S.Hilhing. tsste-rirh. And it's food for you. Try it today! p^^ f t oni the ns^sw^fez II I swßSVsVsiswß
      151 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 191 11 TV SINGAPORE (5) 1 AA PM Opening and Sesame 7AA PM For the Family (Eng I.UU street I M Saturday .W hsh Repeiti 7M u>iin««-.FMt nt "iniaii i m Tki News (Miliy) 7.41 Two Weeks in IT« c r-H, t (The S"*** 011 ItKKUI 7th StAP Garnet Footkall Tourai Dsnce
      191 words
    • 715 11 I TV MALAYSIA (3) 9 J.Z r>o|r«mmt Summir, 7 1 7 Ml Mtjalltk TV 7.49 CIO 2.47 Susri Wimti 1.11 1.1/ Pro|f»mtM Summary fn|lish Film-Tripped 4JI Man 7.41 Gjnda Wan| Andj IM Peru M«nari SM Orotrtmme Summary tiws IN News 1.11 OomJing 111 Tiles of Nells Far|o Mr. Say»n| \M
      715 words

  • 278 12 QUICK thinking and a cool head during an emergency enabled a taxi-driver who cannot swim to reaeae a drowning boy last month. And for saving student Ong Slew Onn, 15, from Bnklt Ttmah Road Canal on Aag. 4. NTTJC COMFORT driver Tong
    278 words
  • 86 12 Woman fined for factory offences MADAM Khor Tun of Khor Tun Woodwork Factory In Jurong Road was fined a total of $1 000 yesterday for two offences under the Factories Act. She pleaded guilty. ant was fined MOO lor operating a factory without a i provisional permit and $400 j
    86 words
  • 29 12 LIM Ah Tom. tt. iv fined $300 yesterday for smoking prepared opium on board a tongkang berthed at the Singapore River on Sept 9 He pleaded guilty
    29 words
  • 120 12 A BAKER was sentenced to a year's Jail and three strokes of the rotan yesterday for armed robbery. Tan Hock Chal. SB. pleaded guilty to robbing businessman Mr. Loh Uat Kwang. 40. of $429. with an accomplice still at large. In Upper Serangoon Road on Sept.
    120 words
  • 29 12 THE Singapore Brpnyers Federation will hold a dinner to commemorate Its silver Jubilee at the bland Ballroom Bhangrt-La Hotel on Oct. U at la pjL 1U silver
    29 words
  • 145 12 I'll do my best says new S'pore envoy KUALA LUMPUR. Frl. —Singapore's High Commissioner designate to Malaysia, Mr. Wee Mm Wee. arrived here today and promised to do hls best to strengthen friendship between the OoreromenU and people of both countries. Mr. Wee, 59. former editorial manager of the Straits
    145 words
  • 165 12 TWO JAILED FOR CASSETTE THEFT AT GODOWN r'O men were Jailed I yesterday for (teal- ing five sets of radio j cassette recorders worth J $630 from a PSA godown on Thursday at about 1 am They were Tan Ah Kow. 30, who was Jailed for a (lay and fined
    165 words
  • 259 12 Farm census to step up land use AN AGRICULTURAL census aimed at optimum use of land in Singapore will be carried out from Nov. 1 by the Ministry of National Development and the National Statistical Commission. Two hundred Interviewers from the ministry's Department of Primary Production will visit all farms
    259 words
  • 256 12 An Ideal' place to invest for S'pore traders AN export precesalnc tone !n Bataan. fhl Upplnn. baa been sui tested aa an 'Ideal •Uce for Slncaporr ba^nrumen to lnve>l In industrial joint yen tares. Mr. K C Tar., president o. the Chinese Chambt--1 of Commerce and lead er of Its
    256 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 230 12 The Lightweight Winner In mattresses No more putting and panting with cumbersome. 9sT m T^^'*^\ heavy mattresses. FLEXIFOAM is so light that CJt^'A>"»»3i!al even a child can lift it So light that airing, LaaSfc •w^**a'^l sunning and Imen changing become easy Exposable to sunlight. FLEXIFOAM always P^CbW^il stays fresh, clean
      230 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 249 12 Brtagltsg Up Fatlsar By BUI Kavsfgli Oltl C— m* gß^""*™"*"™""^gJß I MMCT/mow dans >cv I I ***tcrs all t>« }~|il T >«s' ok iv scswW.' rr»*«r sounds lks jusec'lH \coHm into this mouss at commotion J vw«v to t«at a z thought *ou l\ I ruawi *m a '•c^^ajli |n<wgE_»i
      249 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1372 13 aaat"ssaLaTjClKTs^?^Bl CMIIKiKK' SlltXE Tl M/CMTMRI HANIUIC EXPRESS 'J3 Jg m%\ gwr 11 is il "is ".s if laial >i.v n fct van i< an is a*. it an ISK4 ut a fci It fct il an It Ra aan is an '•'lmm!! BaS «aa aan aRTtIMKa-IP SEIYICI HHJ IR CMIIRtII
      1,372 words
    • 984 13 i-2,1 BLUE SEA UNE \f HMiH bit Phi Ton Pmmi P. Mam I M^ umhi 1 I '4MMUT ftimißl I JfMI I irlTI la a tilt CI M I M I M I pcaMMt mii 4ai ii tat a p** mp ii im a m i I MAM. Im 1
      984 words
    • 924 13 Trt FIIDtIPF FwNmm(| llama Mhimm IW CUIIUrC ClM«al|ii >nmi kattu IJL S.n|»p*» P Kclani ScaaMMii Austi i FrtKt S'RMttsi Haabri Eijrets na* h m mm 17 m 11 ie» wimm. ut 3kt s tct nkt nkt nkt »kt »IWIM« UT 14 kt II kt IMI IMI IMI 4Mi I HIRE
      924 words
    • 1094 13 H|aHßfl|HHHHHm^HH^fl "■MMMMMMMM»»Maaaaa^aMMMaaMi L-v A a 1 1 1 A LV*3 l Mt J-i FULLY CONTAINIKIZID StUVICt TO EUHOf. FM [Jlijl, s Jff a RottWMH. MUrjttrcJan. Anla»>p. It Havtt. ESS mut 88 K fclMrt miM.i an i Ajrans. Cl|li>nil. ColpmW|. Hmw. MIUITt Ilimt 4 StKUKM. Oslo, MISMtI. kjRtMR FULLY CONTAINEHIZED
      1,094 words
    • 708 13 fcataaart *U444; P. KaMKfj »341; XL 27J11. P.».«a *****. THE BANK LUCE LTD. IMK Will aHIU •Rtlal iMMi.t»v mmm. aawaajl. Mm, t MKtan I I Alr.tii > M iaaj tv t fcl I pki M/H M Mn i HKtan. Mm I daman P mimi nil M Im i> laa IMM
      708 words

  • 232 14 AUTM4HITT milaauu •UT l.aatir* Hani 1 < a... ■tan 3 laalrrn refiMa Bui Mar,. ini.rm.c JO7 n. RJxaxwr U K Urn akaa 41 O. Traaa aaaaa Tmillli M, Tlar. <• mirinl Bar Utatar«a> s<l I A«™> HUa> rv irallevat I na in iMnm so amik l« Taira
    232 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1045 14 JY^ KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. UMSUI UMI US> UISM ITU UMI. IKK, STIAITS SBPflet lataa Maftaai Im P. MWaj urn aiiu i v aan MIMUM lUM in 1 Mt •flraat MUM < at tan I Ml Japan Arabia* Cull SajtrvltM iwrn pam attnia him i a an coijaMttawatOata. imw dm
      1,045 words
    • 990 14 IT* ETO FM I C I Nun lITB la Part ?4 Saat Tractan tor laaaanu. MUTf fMU 24 Saat 27 Slat S»foa. Mill! HIT HSaat 71 Saat MwiU. KMTT MCMI nsaat nSaat HmK. HMM Saat 3 fct JaorU lUCMU 14 fct 17 fct «V i FIN li fct MM U*ta
      990 words
    • 1082 14 O.K. lUBOW SHVpCI LOADING rX)« LONOON, HAVRI. I'DAM. H'lUta. MlMfrl I IM|I I P. liaa| Ptaaaa tmaat; MPIBM UMTBTtI 11,0 Mt II II Mt aYS itt t 'taa It II atari I' 11 biptbm ibimu M/a attaiaM/iMt n an laaaaa ia/11 i'Mai ».1 iif f I a/11. Btnaat ituauiiai n/a
      1,082 words
    • 661 14 urns sawct n imm. irniP«at,xa»TiK»T p«rrt_ IL «a». t ipilll P Ktitat Paaaai laataal tan MPBU IiUIII la Part nntttl I'aaa 110 raa. 12/11 law li'l KW| it 11 «aMtn 21 11 bmbu nun I- i an ii ii an 1/11 art Mbsj tit i taai U/ii I Wi 21
      661 words
    • 718 14 PROCLAMATION AND NOTICE OF AUCTION SALE In The High Court In Malaya Al Melaka CIVIL SIUT Na 67 of 1965. BITWEtN 1 Tan Lee Choo (Widow > 2. Chia Soon Chiang (An Infant) Plaintiffs J. Chia Soon Kian An Infant) I h« 2nd and lid named infant rUintilK <.uing hy
      718 words

      • 21 15 larimau Invest 221.000 law Par 155.000 OB 155.000 oUl Turnover: 1 93 M otal Valor: $6 87 M
        21 words
      • 61 15 r Cement 8.80 Jl >nt. Prop. I 2.82 .2" nrhcape 7.50 .21 Paper Prod. 2.02 .1' uinnfji 8 15 .1! Dent Sec. 3 28 .1! Dunlop Eit. f 2.90 .11 Balm (M) 3.90 .11 ietron 5.10 .11 [old Store. 5.70 .H I Trading t 8 60 .11 9CBC 111.50
        61 words
      • 15 15 limbers V) .zu C'Ulnrrs $2 20 10 iiro $292 —.08 tidal *1 08 —.06
        15 words
      • 45 15 Srpi. M S«pt 21 lodutrUh: 111.11 1 HaUb: ttlJS tttM rnpcrtln t*y* I Tlni: 1U.M 11».M t I rakbtn: I«M 3« SI O.C.A.C.: Ilt-M Il«»l Dm. M. 1(M 1M Dm. II. UN s 1M t Dm. X. IMS 1M ju. 1. l»7t 1M
        45 words
    • 1549 15 rpHE last transacted sale at the close of business In th* Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with yesterday* prices together with 1073 high and low ('Adjusted for 111 new Issue*). CLOSING TONE: All sections closed vary steady. TIstNOVER Official to'^l turnover on the Singapore trading room as
      1,549 words
    • 1271 15 DID and otter prices offl- cially listed and business in snd reported to the Kuala Lumpur 8 1 oc k Exchange yesterday with the number of sham traded shown In bracken In lou of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified INDIsTKIALS A. Tape iIOOB 1068) (1) 161. (2) 165.
      1,271 words
    • 339 15 rr Stock Excbarwce of Singapore yestarday behaved erratically in featureless as operators were still operatlnx under a cloak of uncertainty. Many were still holding off fresh deals and the few deals recorded In scattered instances were attributed mainly to contra or bargain hunting account In the
      339 words
    • 1279 15 BID and offer prices of flclally listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the numoer of shares traded shown In brackets In lou of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Aeasa (3.00 B). tJinoßMte 13.506) Alean Hi 3 3«. Allied
      1,279 words
    • 277 15 Shares in KL narrowly traded rwas another day of mild fluctuations in the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday as prices hovered around their over-night levels. Even the more volatile industrial heavyweights, which had been seeing sharper gains or losses, were relatively narrow In their movements. Fresh and light support prevented
      277 words
    • 19 15 PAN-ELECTRIC and General Industries (Malaysia) has obtained shareholders' permission to change the company's name to Peg! Malaysia
      19 words
    • 151 15 Source: r. Mwrw- Jones InternsllonaL A 8IAN currency dcpotlt r»t*» »t clo»e on Frid»y Sept 11: US IXIhn Oflar BM 7 day* 11-3 I U-l 4 1 mth 11-3 16 11-1 16 1 mthi 11-3 16 11-1 1« J mtlw 11-3 18 U-l 1* mttu ll-> If
      151 words
      • 28 15 Rubber: Sept 21: Singapore 17J.M cts (down O.M ct). Malaysia IMS* cts (down OS* et). TIN: MM (up 15.871) Official offering 247 tons (down M tons).
        28 words
      • 74 15 RISI'LTS of tender held on Scot. 21 for bilK to be Issued from S«»t. 24 to 28: Offered: S M.M«.f«a AppUed for: $19€3M.»H Allotted: f S«. 000. 000 Accepted bids: For Sept. 24. 2«. 27 snd 2s $99 09 approximately 12 per cent; higher bids in
        74 words
      • 94 15 TINS Thursday MM Wednesday 90 Si week ».o na Kl I1H»Kn Thursday 43« SO Wednesday 434.10 Week »fo 417.17 OILS Thursday M9M Wednesday Mill Week ago J64 £5 IS Jl STRIALS Thursday 41»2 Wednesday 4J0.3 Week «go 415 J DOW JONF8 AVEKAGB IM'I-IKUI-Thursday MO M Wednesday »10 37 Week
        94 words
      • 34 15 London roppcr prwc» on Thur»day ipmwu in brmcHttai Wlr»b.r-spol l«r«r 1101.00 117*0.00) KlKr 1*04.00 (1TS1UO); T»r». monlh. Ml)r<r ITH.W |I7TJ.OO> wllcr 1T17.00 (1771.00) SUrkM MM: Slr.Or SI ftlSbtr Kvrl. SUM: 4.27} loss.
        34 words
      • 236 15 T^OLLOWINO the strong J; overseas tin price*, the BUalts tin once In Penang yesterday jumped by another *****6 to 0000 per ptcul on an official offering down 30 tons to 147 tons. Th* overnight London metal price was staaay with forward buyers quoted 11* up on Wednesdays close
        236 words
      • 77 15 (-TiTano* iihc» ori noon Vmoas "«>"- VISTSB.OAV. CHm i on: bulk IT» lentra. •ZJS 33 <«~. ■Art* ik white f.o b. Mf NL>W Ss? k ar tss ..iitr. Issaswat **ta biatk fob. HXK NUW lIH2I **•*>*, Lampons buck AST A lob IO fts*>se l i LW Ap!"i rob™"
        77 words
      • 31 15 THE Malaysian Palm Oil Producers Association iMPOPA) yesterday announced the following UK CIF prices for Malaysian Palm Oil: Feb. £175. Mar. £173. Apr/ June £171. and Jul Dec. £169.
        31 words
      • 370 15 rpHF Singapore rubber X market yesterday fluctuated irregularly over an approximately similar range to that of Thursday In thin conditions and there was no particular trend or feature. The morning session closed quiet. There was little change in the afternoon market until after the close when upcountry selling
        370 words
      • 80 15 DAILY BMR ptice« Uaued »t noon jretfenUy: Oct. Not. (Carnal Mth) I Forward Mthi M.K.E. Ba;en S«llet» B»>er. Mien BMR SCV (1-ton Pmllel) HIM) 170.00N IM4O IMSON iSSsL > 1-ton Pmllet! 1«7 SO 170 OON 1M 50 1M MM BMH 5 1-ton Pmlletl 1«3 00 146 00N 1«3
        80 words
      • 241 15 AN unpredlcuble weeks trading of mixed MnUmant fairly broad movemenu between a range of some It otnU with ttw markr t» finishing, on average between nine and 10 cent* better but the tempo slackened ai the week progressed, says Holiday. Cutter. Bath In IU weakly rubber report. At
        241 words
    • 84 15 f^OLLOWINO the *pecuU- Uve pressure against the U.S. dollar In London and New York on Thursday it opened well marked down at (***** *****0 from IU overnight level of 82 3470 *****0 In the Singapore forex market yesterday At one sue* It dropped to below 82*400 but further
      84 words
    • 162 15 'PHE following an Che nominal svrragt closing Interbank rales In Singapore < arrrncki Nmlaal rates SoUUimouui QaoW 7»%>r4iy rarity Chaagr US dollar 2 3415 ***** 2tlN —KM Stirling pound 5 6100 »<77» 7 M 6» 22 K HK dollar 45 70 45 75 5051 (J1 Malaysian dollar 101.45
      162 words
      • 120 15 fOKYO, Prt. Prices on 1 the Tokyo Stock Exchange nosedived with the Dow-Jones average dipping below the 4 400 level for the flist time In five month*. Initial moderate gains were erased In no tune by a continuous selling wire attributed to foreign and Institutional Investors. Major Issues such
        120 words
      • 46 15 yURICH. Thurs. The i Li stock market was not j Influenced today jy the i New York Stock Ex- M change's very flm. clos- ing. There was nothing i to stimulate Investors who showed reluctance to commit themseives. Bonds maintained their prices. moui Maaton prices
        46 words
      • 159 15 wELBOURNE. Pr. The market in udustnal and mining shares steadied I in quiet trading >n the Melbourne Stock lxchange today Mining stocks performed better than the Industrials but. with a few ex-eptlons. price me /as were small. BHP led the do» nslde of i the Industrials. The shares dropped
        159 words
      • 209 15 thsn 19 points yesterday, picked up another 10 10 to 930 53 The New York Stock Exchange common stock index gained 044 to 67 44. while advances topped declines 1.103 to 461. Today i dosing prices In US dollars followed by the Ufference on yesterday s priot P.
        209 words
      • 36 15 NEW YORK. Thurs.— Deny.nd continued to iMCreaae on the New York Stock Exchange. < riving prices sharply higher for (he second day In a row The Dow Jones ttu ustrUil ■verage. which shot up more
        36 words
      • 224 15 UONOKOSO. Prt. Share prloes conUnued to Use moderately on the stock market today in Increased Hading. The Hang Seng Index rose 14.02 point* to 523 24 llongkeng Bank climbed to KKS267O on Its Local register and to 828 10 on IU Londoi. register Other gainers Included Hongkong Land at
        224 words
      • 331 15 On the fraa aaatiansa maratt in Honskaos raat»r*air IM U.S. dollar oil «uol«d •< 5 1150 for TT. an* 5.1025 for cajh. llirl«l ae* quote* at 11.12 an* Ma taal »t sat* 4<w<r4 at (M.70. Cndit (vim* IMS —IS out Kan* Corpn IMS 5 Union B*ak J«&5 ■•lullr
        331 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 552 16 B Placement Advisory Services §JU for Clients GENERAL MANAGER An established manufacturing company locateu in Johore requires a General Manager to take charge of its operations and report to the Board of Directors. The factory is in a profitable industry and is running at full capacity, with sales limited only
      552 words
    • 586 16 bm invite applications for the following posts: MAMETIIfi EXECUTIVE To take charge of marketing Low Voltage Switchgear, Power Tools and allied products. Applicants should have several years experience in a similar marketing position. An engineering Degree is not required, however, applicants should have a basic knowledge of and an interest
      586 words
    • 736 16 Z 1 I IvM n *cement Advaory Services 1 I fof Client I CHIEF ACCOUNTANT A Company which is in the praeeas of completing its factory for the processing of agricultural products and which will employ about 500 persona requires a Chief Accountant who would be capable of taking full
      736 words
    • 739 16 litronix An American electronics manufacturing company invites suitably qualified applicant, with appropriate experience to Till the following vacan cits: 1. TEST EN6INEER Candidates should possess a defree or a diploma in Instrumentation, Electronic ano/or Communication Engineering and not lew than one year of relevant experience in semi-con-ductor manufacturing industry. The
      739 words
    • 254 16 E CHANGE OF (<\ TELEPHONE NUMBER I 8B Please note that with effect nH* B"w from 2 1 st September 1 973 our telephone number has been RR to thank our many customers HH patronage and support and look el H better service in the f Jture. W Si!^ ONGKONG
      254 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 683 17 MOTOROLA I MALAYSIA Seta. MM X !>' TO RAPID EXPANSION S Invites appilcanu Iroin luiubly quallfled I MALAYSIAN dUsens for the followink key pott- I tloni in PRODUCTION MANAOEMCNT tnd I KNOINCBUNO Belds T^| •iFMOR PRODITTION MANAGEMENT PEK- I sonnel Sunetsful candidates will be effective I communicators at til levels
      683 words
    • 629 17 lUMBAGA UMAJVAN TANAB PtBMKI'TUAN) Permohonan adalah dlpestwa dtr.pada Warsaiwsjan Malaysia rant berkasayakan untuk )awalan-)awaian berlkut 1 Ahll Klttia tte*»r*a*n ftmfr'riT— Uaaah Kepujlao dalam bklani Klaala dari UnlwalU yang dllkuraf I Jaraicra Jealera IniKn li>'s tTsssrattfTiarnhian- Uuah Kepujlan dalam jurueaa Kejunitaraan Jentera ttau Kejurateraan Kunla dan Uruvertitl yang dUktlraf. I Charteataa
      629 words
    • 249 17 THE PAN PACITIC DBTBOPBBS (SARAWAK) SDN. BHD. lnv.t** the following applicant* ts! o«.!»f Mlnlnc Eoclnettr (Ds«p Tunnel) (b) Mlnlnc Entlne«r 4 (c) Mechanics! Knctoeer Mlnlnc/Flotstlon and Plant Machine)) 3 <d) Ore Concentration Technician Flotation 1 <e> Mlnlnc Technician (Deep Tunnel) 2 Qualifications required:— (1) Applicanu must be Malaysian CiUsen* <2>
      249 words
    • 877 17 PENFIBRE SENOIRIAN BERHAD A Urge, newly established subsidiary of leading International textile companies. Invite suitably qualified Malaysians lor the undermentioned posts for their new factory currently under construction at Pral Industrial Complex. Butterworth, Penang. A. Qualified Engineers: (a) Electrical Degree In electrical engineering Minimum three years' experience In handling high-voltage
      877 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 666 18 J»iuiJi»U> Kaeeac Leaaeaga Pael tea Bera. Naeaxa. Ptrmohonan darlpad* Wananegara Malayala dip»la«a Untuk nKJnenuhl jawaUn atpertl bertkut dengan Letnbaga ml 1. Pegawai Kerja 2 Pagawal Kerja Kira-Kira 1. Jurutcknik iLelakl) 4. Operator Meaen Krlalaaaa Bagl Jawalaa: 1 lai (I) Diploma dalam Penudbiran Awam dart In»tluut Teknoloji Mara auu Badan-Badan yang
      666 words
    • 728 18 I LSI :JMJH'ffl I aWWWW*?Wr'WlWtff^lffraWJ^^ I A progressive American Electronic Industry base! In Penang i* seeking the following personnel. I Accounting Manager The Accounting Manager will be expected to give guidance and shall be responsible for the financial development oi accounting control within the Company. The man ne?ds an alert
      728 words
    • 662 18 SENIOR MANAGEMENT SERVICE POSITIONS In its continuing efforts to modernise and improve efficiency. substantial Singapore beted organisation having over 5,000 employee* ii setting up a nevv management serviow division and wishes to make the following two senior appointments: EmCIEMcTAMD AUDIT COMPUTER SYSTEMS MANAGER DEVELOPMENT MANAGER about $30,000 p. a. abut
      662 words

  • 152 19 ONIQMT MICMILLI lIAUTY MOOIL Academy preeento 1 Topical Fashions In conjunction with BAFTI'S Annual Dinner. Oatfiu by Bri Ayu Boutique Makeup by Dr. N.O. Payot ot Pane. Oompen James Klaag. J ATCHOMO LIVII AOAIN I ra* bo looks like the late King of Jaxs and be even sound,
    152 words
  • 60 19 NIAHTIIIT OHIITINOI TO MOM. ANNII LIM ON HIM »11T. •IRTKOAV." Mr. Mm. Lm Chwif CImwi Mr*. A Mr. T.A. §iiw» Mr. Cin Cim CMflC Mr. Mr, P.!r.«K Ma* Mr.. RMta T.n Mr. O»M MtCully Mr. k L Ch*«C Mr. Mmm Tm J»' Mr. D»M In Mm Aunt* Klant
    60 words
  • 102 19 CARVALHO Tbc family of to* law wnir Mary Carvajho <Nw FrUraoa) thank Ik* Pan.n Prml It Fraacla Church tlw Slalcra CH1J Malacca BrotMn of S F. I nla'lvti and fri»oda for mm klofl aaautaBC* attrndanc< donatlona. wreallu. l«l«ram« uK eordoleneM during Uwir rrcrni btrtaTenvnt. TUt FAMILY W lat*
    102 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 342 19 classified ads Wi OBBBnH oWo^s»-nnnnn-^SBBBBBBmiHBoIo-nn-ltnnßlZo^^ CLAMIFIIO RATIS Oeneral S 040 per word Mkoltaomi: 00 (16 words) jptraantl: $1 30 per word -Minimum 124 00 (30 words) Malaysian Idltlen a> Plat 60% surcharge B^P^^2ah»CSXiBBnXnQnBBB! 0000 NlWtl If you an planning a tract distnbutloi campaign an Evangelistic Cm •ad* or Meetlng-A peraona
      342 words
    • 635 19 HIOI MMMILTIHA INiNimiMa nnm hu ntum far Structural Dea1<a*re id Draughtsmen with minimum year* experience BaUry COBV •nsurat* win aateleacy. Apply T Bos AMMO tvpore. •mm atMtn* (tit*) T. A Aaajlajin •ta, LM. requlrae A) INTIRNAL AUDITOR TIM pareoa e«lectad should have an Accountancy quallflcatioa reoognl.ed by the Singapore Society
      635 words
    • 696 19 NIOR ACCOUNTS CLIRK required with at least 3 yean i experience hi keeping full sets iof aiM—ta. Ability to canPleaso ring *****/3 Or write P.O. Box Ba*S B'pore. Leading aad expanding Department Store ha* a vacancy far a Applieanu ehould be as* 16 to 30 yean with at least I
      696 words
    • 720 19 MALI CMINIM CLIRK 801 30 to 38 Sealer. Caaokridt Typlr* 30 w.p.ab required txamedlstrly by Insurance Pint Apply BT Bsa A*O*o3 rpon. A LAROE EX PORT ORIENTATED MANUFACTI'njNO COMPANT OI Bt'KIT TIMAH requires a ILLINQ CLIBK TYPUT (mala) RetaHremenut 1 Senior Cambridge 1. 1-3 yean' experience at a Billing Clerk
      720 words
    • 666 19 IPIRIINCID SINIOR AND JUNIOR SALISMAN (one each) wanted by reputable oMllri/axport Bna to sell teaaod proYkuons. eboeoute naftttUaery Matt have excellent contacts Oood aaiary plus attractive pisase apply to IT Baa A 9041. CIT MUCH MORI RIWARO A SATISFACTION FROM YOU*) OWN BUIINktI Wt eaa help write to S.T. 808
      666 words
    • 702 19 UILOINQ CONSTRUCTION FIRM) requires a alto ageat with arvanl yean of experience Apply stating aaiary required to S.T Baa AJOS4* rpon. PHILIPS MACHINI FACTORY reeaavee (1) MAINTINANCI FITTIR— Muat have experience m repair and preventive main toaanee of precision machine Added knowledge In Pneumatic hydraulic. aad eleetre-meciisnleal repairs will be
      702 words
    • 663 19 erve in eeckull lounge Monthly seoaae approximately $800/--m Non-cltueno acceptable 'ood provided Apply personally wean inn. 88 orchard Road rpore. A well-eetabrlstMd motor-ear ■rm has the following vacancies a) FOUR TRAIN!! SALISMIN (Oeaasneraial Yam ales) ONI PICKIR Trainee SaMasMn Candidates muat 1 81 ng .pore Cambridge OCA 'O* Level, preferably
      663 words
    • 861 19 MTID EXPIRIINCID lIAMSTRISS for alterations Uao Two English ppoaksag Ules Asalstanta Tal: ***** if tor 11.00 a.m. YOUNC JAPAN!*! IPIAKINO TOURIST OUIOBS AND ASSISTANT. Experience not neeeeaery raoaladdi of basic Japanese oaeiallal Training course prowled Salary negotiable. Plea 00 send personal particulars with a recent photograph to:JAPAN TOURS PTI. LTD
      861 words
    • 867 19 LUXURIOUSLY BUILT OI APARTMINT In diet. Split- 3Wvel deeuja Interior eeelrallaed ro ai rood swimming pool. Spa- al clou* living, 'dining with extra dt aatertaiaaneat baleoay party space TlSht eeeurity Viewing M 38*1310 rpare. at. OIST. off Orchard Road. centrally located 1-hedroomed ?J apartment wall to wall ear- peted. wallpaper,
      867 words
    • 820 19 IST 18 BBIIZY FUMNIIMIr bedroomed bungaJow. bath aaaa attache*. Tvlopbano. 2 roondlt loners, available hasae aUry. *83S p.m. TM. Ill*** OUNT SINAI ORIVI: dOL >te orey 4-noarooinad oonter ter,ca Fu.Jllebed. aireond water ■BB*. Interested call "1783*/ ***** "7162 "pore I6PARATILY 6IARCMINO BR ACCOMMODATION? Why >t consult ua? Phone OM Hoae--4T
      820 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 810 20 DKT H.D.B. Btlow BWOO- Others Considered Urgently Require Apart ■Baal Chlnen Brother Bister Spore *****7 43T714 Anytime? UNFURNISHED DETACHEO MOUM 1 bedrooms and study with alrcoadltlontra. Large living dining 100 m and largt covered patio area Dm 9.10. 11. Call *****5 after 4pm WANT ID UNFURNISHED HOUSI FLAT for small
      810 words
    • 782 20 LAND AT CARMICHAIL ROAO off Braddtl Road n.SOO sq ft freehold Can develop for apartments or bungalows. Price: (20 pit Contact Mr Woo ITSMS B'pore LOCK CNO APARTMENT all complete selling (113 000 negotiable 1 rooms. 1 hall. Approximately 1.500 sq.ft. Inte'ested contact Ricky Wong *****1 1 or. TACHID alngle-stony
      782 words
    • 774 20 LIMITID Tour West Malayan) Stveu Dayi B*lls/-. Air conditioned bu* B*l4o/-. Malayal* Oenting Sevea Day* B*l4o/-. Departure Every Sunday. Monday Cameron High-lands-Four Daya B*7o/-. Bveor Wednesday Haadyal Songkbl* by'Alr— Three Days SC23B/-. Four Days 8*248/-. B>r»rT Friday Bangkok Cbltuoal Airconditioned bus— Fifteen Days B*l7o/- 4' lo/71. 21/10/71 10/11/71 17/11/71, 28/11/T3.
      774 words
    • 670 20 CO PLACES WISELY wltk Chin Travel for world wide travel A hottl arrangement*, chartered flight* A piekag* tour*. Our staff are qualified experienced 111 O round Floor, near AarofkX. Shaw Centre, ■colt* Road. Singapore Tel. S7MIT/STSO4*. OXLIY TRAVIL LIMITID OVERSEAS TOUR* (al Korea Japaa Taiwan/ Hongkong I Bangkok 1*Daya (1940
      670 words
    • 808 20 LCC REVISION HIGHER ACCOUNTING. BOOKKIIFINC costing. Economics. Business statistics. Shorthand speed and otter class** specially for students preparing fu the 1*74 LCC atamlaaimn. Weekday and weekend Ha use In (Ingle subjects or Diploma courses are available Pleaae enquire and enrol early— Singapore Commercial School. 15 A. Mackejsj*E iv,.< Spore 2T7ST/
      808 words
    • 876 20 a^A^axa^L^LA IB JA O JEWELLERY STONES some imperial quality set with diamonds closing out builne** J two days only. Tel 37«-«O2 Ext. FOR distinctive eaae faral- F tur* superior quality ft -nished material*. Coasult Adrian* 42* River Valley Road. *****4. Spore home*. Lee Wah 10C Jervols J Road > Cavenagh
      876 words
    • 809 20 ALON CAT A LIN A (AIRCONIITI0NIU) hairstyles. **Una ath. maatagt. wdcomc ladle*/ J entlemen. 11*- A River Valley I load i Opposite Kiniuey Road). rport. 1711 M Bran-h 48-V. Alan Lumba Kuda. J.B. <*•!. lAOOIE'I IMPERIAL tOberol I mperlal Hotel) for Oents Jdles Halratyllng by txper- > pneed hands Sauna,
      809 words
    • 1447 20 IMD AIRCONDITIONIR4, tood condition, under guarantee ith installation Hng Liaa llrcondltlon Electric Trader*. 07. COangi Road. Spore 14. ti: 44T211. 4*7721 INI "DIVILOF" PHOTOTAT oopylnc machine capable f taking double foolscap size or sale. Price around (ISO. 'or details pleate call Mia* :oh at 2133. NO has new houiahold furniare.
      1,447 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 138 21 times Saturday car mart ASIA DRIVINO ICHOOL Brand new Dataun. Honda. Morris I*oo. dual -eont rolled j 13 Selegie Road. Spore *****7 1 211T7 lAFITY DRIVINO IMITITU TION, Guaranteed course 20 hour* 190/- Hourly 14 50 S. 11. mam Street, •pore, 7TT73. IKY DRIVING ICHOOL modern lual controlled Dataun. Morrla
      138 words
    • 2031 21 MTt TOYOTA CILICA IMO air-cond.. Toyota 1000. Ford Eeco.t 1100. 1971 Vauxhall Victor 2000 aL. Vauxball Viva Deluxe. Ford Eaeort 1100, l*7u Ford Cortina station Wagon. 19M Ford Capri I*oo OTL aircood.. Volkawagen 13M. Re nault 10. IMS Ford Cortina OT. IMS Volk*wag*n ISOO. Ford Cortina Super. Llaa Hop Sang
      2,031 words
    • 1308 21 tOT* VOLKSWAOIN ISM la excellent common (MOO on o Owner leaving country. Tal. Khoo/Phu* 4*7111 omee hour* «*o* VAUXMALL VIVA 4OOOR on* owner very good oondltion. M.MO o.n o Contact «S2*tt "< pore. 10S1 MO MIDOIT Oood eondi twn. 12 000 oa. u Tel Sport 4*211* before p.m 1*73 COLT
      1,308 words
    • 149 21 top can* for excellent condition low mileage. 19TD Cortina l*OOE prete ably with airconditioaing and extras Pnone M32M S'por*. IMS 44 MIRCIOII RIHI 1(0/ 2M Jaguar 2 4 INS 44 p v»r 2000 TC. Pmigect 404. Volvo 1». 25 agUp Riae rpore 15 Phone 4*59t» rpor* WANTID USID CAR
      149 words

    • 176 22 It looks a field day for ace J J ACE Australian jockey Jim Johnson can have a field day at Ipoh today. He rides several fancied horses and can score on Giant Power in Race Two, Pleasant Fair in Race Four, National Credit in Race Five, Cash Cheque II in
      176 words
    • 1605 22 Race One shy AWAY: Beat only one home in Dlv. I B*f last week but run previous B. Tlmah Aug 25. she was fourth with 9.0 to Oood Report Div. 2 Of; won Dlv. I BJf Pg. Apr. 21; good outsider ULTRASONIC: Likes wet track,
      1,605 words
    • 1694 22 IMM 1.30 CLASS 5 DIV i- 9F Mi in"mwlnai ,$6,000 54.20 C to winner) 1 2100 Sea Swallow a (Tyreman) RR Breukelen 1 1.10 (same) Nasadl 6 2 1440 Shy Away a (Z Y> Mansor 1.1 (ud— l) M Ismail 4 3 8305 Vltrasaale (Steven) E Donnelly 7
      1,694 words
    • 146 22 m> (ii» TIK T»K riiDTii W FnMi oooa R»pon Ultruoalc Crwi Haaa Warm Brandy Mlfhtr Plurw U1t....n,, Mlcblr Plum. w rMiiiu Oar L«o Kalana Q>« mummt •an Rsc<iur Oar Las K.l.n, OlaJlt Powrr Bnnui iv. Mm. 11l Daman Don ■awartty HlMtai L.I. laraet* IMni.h Don Omn.i Vlnalt PtiAntom LJt*
      146 words
    • 75 22 LONDON. Prt. The life ban Imposed on footballer Tony Kay eight year* ago In Britain* "soccer bribe* 1 scandal Is to be lifted from next March, an English Football Association commission riled here today. Kay and Sheffield Wednesday team mates David Layne and Peter Swan
      Reuter  -  75 words
    • 725 22 i Laacelk* I t» rn»iri Grenadier II I.M Ktanton 1 7 PnlrnlH I.M Sablaa 1 I String O'Feark) I.M Niiw It Nanwleai I.IS L. Jobiuen 1« JuWUtlon II t.tS J. Johnson 17 11 Credit Centre 1.t4 liarbrldfr I* 12 (reck Slrrrt IM C. Tan 4 13
      725 words
    • 371 23 Lascelles in, Joint Command out JOINT COMMAND la a oaahtful •tartar is the SalUa-a Out* Vase This brtlllaat gray. hM lwo wtas and a ncini la) his last lane starte. ha 4 a Moot braise earlier la the ■em Ha appeared sere what) lakes hi by Bad Oawaina <nt«rdaj> maraing.
      371 words
    • 472 23  -  \\Sl Swee Chew took a commanding fourstroke lead after the second round of the SGA Tiger tourn a m ent organised by Keppel Club at Bukit Chermin yesterday. The stocky Swee Chew, of SICC, played steady golf to card a three-over-par 71 for a two
      472 words
    • 430 23 King triumphs in battle of the sexes OOUSTON, Frl Bobby Rlggs wax trans n formed In two hours last night from 55-year-old super-hero of male chauvinists Into a middle-aged tennis player unable to cope with the relentless onslaught of 29- Today hU wistful wlj for return match wit the high
      Reuter  -  430 words
    • 133 23 Best makes comeback on Tuesday LONDON. Frl. Oeorge Bast, the controversial soccer star who quit the same last aeaaon. la to make his comeback In a testimonial match in Portugal on Tuesday. Mancnescer United manager Tommy Oocherty said here last night. Best, whose soccer talent* and off-field skirmishes have made
      Reuter  -  133 words
    • 243 23  - FAS to send 2 coaches to Teheran JOE DORAI By poOTBALL Association of Singapore will send two of their budding coaches to attend the three-month FIFA Coaching Clinic Id Teheran beginning on Oct. 1. The selection of the two candidates (or the course will be finalised next week. There are
      243 words
    • 116 23 PARC to send 65 for Sabah Games PORT Authority Recreation 17 Club will sand a 65-»trong contingent to the Mh Interport Oamea to be held In Sabah in November. PARC games convenor P.T. Murth. aalw; The Singapore port team which finished third In toe sariss last year, are determined to
      116 words
    • 28 23 THE first International regional sports mart of the handicapped organiser! by the Singapore Sport* Council for the handicapped will begin at PaiTer Park athletic centre today.
      28 words
    • 28 23 I BINOAPORX Motor Sports Club annual Oap HIU Climb I will be held on Sunday at < South Bouna Vista Road froaa 10 am. to I pjn.
      28 words
    • 119 23 aramnno. Scotland, m The Un.ied BUtas tollen. who trailed Britain and Ireland by three matches after Wednesdays opening series In the Ryder Cup international here, rallied to halve yesterday's foursome aeries. Altar the foursomes. Britain and Ireland led by 1* matches u> 41. Jack Nicklaus
      119 words
    • 30 23 BUENOS AIRCB m India's national hockey toam soond their fifth succeaslv* win hert whan they beat a comMned Northern Clubs Warn 7-0 at The Municipal Club yesterday Rautar.
      30 words
    • 27 23 INTTRNATION AL CODtract BpacuUlst bsat fairchlld 6-0 In a friendly soccer match at Toa Payoh ytstcrd»y Richard Tham (I) Oulam Hi and Micky Kwek
      27 words
    • 241 23 'Jumbo' moves up to 2nd place- rKYO. Frl. Former World Cup Japanese player Takamlu Kono today fired a four-under-par M for an 11 under par IJ3 and a one rtroke lead in the second round of the U,HMjM yea -•M) Flr»t FUght golf tournament at GotemK One stroke behind Kono
      241 words
    • 381 23 LEEDS Unlted'i run of seven successive victories in the EngUih Soccer League has taken Its toll in sprains and bruises but they should account for Manchester United tomorrow. Leed's Injury problem* were highlighted last night when they left out five first team regulars and
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    • 130 23 >-6l%]^» NEW, fruity f XwF/ cartoon-shaped s S > \ffl' multi vitamins now' .and jta&wS Multi Vitamins. Bugs Bunny and Flintstonei Uulti Vitamins are made especially for children to that they get the vitamins they may need each day •n a form they will like to take. Just one tablet
      130 words
    • 237 23 tft at I Mil I I I -^B I I I swaP^^^^^H L 1 111 P*^^^^ gsaaaaaaaaa^^^^^^Lf BaaaaaaaaW I BwaaaaV Laaaaaaar^ LaaaaaaaaaaW. t Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa BaaaaaaaV^aaaaaaV ■■m l^saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw '^^^*>S^^HRsHsjaaaaaaaaaaßslCkW^/^^^^ ■4* Robina is the only department store LkkkkALkkAkkkAAkAAAA* with a miniature putting green wssl^ssaaaaHßlaw SRS^gsT, Come putt with us. I can't stand
      237 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 71 23 SOTHISG UP YOliq fiIRRVES OR is THERE? rwu TttmmSSSm na?Ta>*wa> Ut«aw>c^Lb| g^f^iajrorsw mjgurK '^H^^pVPH^PmaiucksWon rt«^ rm MkU. W a«U.-4MrnoaaK> x> m*3i laaaP^ 2J2* wuo S^pM'waaai tMUTV HAPa»» 4Mf uji US) .nay aafnuauai I OKPwrnuo rr «*a> avuo ■m***^ W jtcot w« tot Li uuiY/m«*rww.«»*(Sw J 2un7« VjM rmmu, issai
      71 words
    • 90 23 QQjQBHHHIsiH-H Baawatniaa Junior Inter- namaot (quarter finals): club semi finals (SBA ball, sfarte* v Taonanaa sVoven 0 ma). (Jm Baaar, 4pm). MacFtvarOasT (OA THw louroa- J^ jSSc^raSiawSTl? ment (Buklt ChanDin. 0 am) Be*Ss(sedJ BaajVr BRU nv. 1 AH mauhea at Parrtr league WMZAP r Woodland. Park. (Ttngah). Dlv 1: aVU>BA
      90 words

  • 23 24 PHNOM PENH Frl At least 27 people U northwest Cambodia ha«e died after drinking adulterated rice wine Imported from Thailand —AP
    AP  -  23 words
  • 24 24 LONDON. Fri Twiggy, the wafer-thin top fashion model turned actress, has agreed to a trial separation from her manager-husband Justin de Villeneuve —Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 38 24 O A M SAVaaiMAVNAH Mams BIRNAOIMS OASS aaaM* awe* s*a»full> 31. 71. on H < m«im *IC. Block St. Whimpo W>il. I.SS p ra. 72 71 la Our La4r of U»r«n. tatan to Urn Can Kanf r«m,i«rr. jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    38 words
  • 328 24 Forged passes gunmen grab $45,000 TWO gunmen got away with a $45,000 payroll from a factory after fooling security guards by wearing forget! visit passes, police disclosed yesterday. Once Inside the Tung Ming 'Textiles factory Ui Boon Keng Road, they held up six women and (our men In the accounts
    328 words
  • 38 24 LONDON. Ptl. One woman drowned and M other people were trapped u n roots a* heavy rainstorms lashed London and south east England today Roads ware blocked, train.tielayed and house* Hooded in the deluge. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 38 24 UNITED NATIONS, Frl— Secretary Otntril Kurt Waldheim yesterday called In South African Amhaandnr Carl von Hlrschberg for talk* on the killing by police of 11 miners at a gold mine riot at Carletonvllle last week Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 30 24 LONDON. Fit Dr. Joseph Luna, Nate atcntarygeneral. today spoke of the danger of Soviet "greatpower imperialism" and called on the Atlantic Alliance to maintain its solidarity. Reuter. lIIMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIITIIIIIIIIh
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 92 24 'Martial law has ended graft' says Marcos MANILA, Frl. On« year of martial law has wiped out corruption, anarchy and rebellion. President Marcos said today Mr. Marco spoke to a group of 130 Filipino* from Hawaii who flew In on the fit it anniversary of the proclamation of martial law.
    92 words
  • 59 24 JAKARTA, Frl. Atean legal expert* on extradition win open a three-day meetIng here on Monday to discuss drug abuse and laws. an organising committee spokesman said today. The meeting, the first dcaring with drugs was called In view of growing drug abuse In Asian states (Indonesia. Malaysia.
    59 words
  • 35 24 CAIRO, m— Libya, which rellea on import! (or some Ml per cent for her needs. Is 'acini threats of a wheat blockade because of her nationalistic policies. Al Ahnun newspaper «aid today. AP.
    AP  -  35 words
  • 28 24 HKjORADK Tburs. A (litanttrm from Malaysia, led < by MlnlsUr with Special < rtsneUOßs. Tunkn Ahmad < nilhaiiflwi arrlnd here yes- terday tor a vMt to YufOmlaru AP.
    AP  -  28 words
  • 24 24 navy airmen tn rasnwd by Urn Jipansa. ieatnijui Haruna jaat.iilay attar their AJ M craxhed Into the Paclfc off aouUMtn Japan. upi
    24 words
  • 21 24 NXW YORK. Fii CBS newt reports that President NUon ha* cancelled hii ptanned trip to Europe this fail.
    21 words
  • 118 24 ITC ups prices in world tin pact LONDON. Fri— The International Tin Council (ITC) today announced an increase in prices In the International Tin Agreement with Immediate effect The lower sector was raised to M*635 to M 5675 per plcul from 1583 $833. The middle sector to Ms«7s MJ72O from
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 26 24 LONDON, Fri. Britain has offered a loan of £3 million (BSIB million) to the Bangladesh Government, the Overseas Development Administration announced today. UPI.
    UPI  -  26 words
  • 24 24 WASHINGTON. Frl The security guard who discovered the Watergate break-in says he Is Jobless because employers seem afraid to hire him. AP.
    AP  -  24 words
  • 325 24 LONDON, Frl. Tto* markrl cloni m.»«l la v.ry w< limalx Out as <UM 'on« to tquillea «aa latterly t9*rr»94 oa lght lupijort with liad*rs marked v* OM ar two pin T»« outconw o« r«.l»rd»ir t«l«" dmwms tl» Oomrmmlil u< Of Tmtm U>Ma Coacnx LOlMliI »ltk motor Mauatrr UonoH.
    325 words
  • 28 24 LONDON. m. SpM *T»o| OrttSSlMßl Oet ITTS. Oti/DK KM HOT IT M DM MOO lv Maraa tS M Omml C.I f Ort BIS Hat 1150 M.rk.l V.rr
    28 words
  • 27 24 LONDON. Tn Spot buj.r. into i*mi. MMn mss (♦«»> rorwmra buMn fills •(Mi. atikm lint (*i«i S.III—I ftlOS .+!»>. Turn •Mr a «TI tea* ISO tax TOM Sta«4r
    27 words
  • 146 24 GUNMAN'S EXIT AFTER A 4-HOUR SHOOTING SPREE rICK driver Takashi Sawada makes a forced and bloody exit after a wild fourbour shooting spree In (Haka. Sawada 26. left his home drunk on Wednesday after a quarrel with hU wife. He then went on a rasapage killing three people and wounding
    146 words
  • 26 24 LAHORE. Prt— The flood* which hit the Punjab last month claimed 4M lives, according to figure* given today by the Flood Relief Commission— Reutcr.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 175 24 BRUCE LEE'S DEATH A 'RARE PHENOMENON' lIONGKONO. Frl. A O British forensic specialist today described film actor Bruce Lee's death as a "rare phenomenon" and said he agreed with the pr.u mortem findings that the Chinese martial arts exponent died of brain swelling caused by hypersensltlvlty to a drug. Th
    175 words
  • 116 24 Mansfield backs Sihanouk plan to end war WASHINGTON. Trl. Senate Democratic leader Mike Mansfield urged Dr. Kissinger yes terday to end US lnrolvement In Cambc.lla along the lines suggested by Prince Sihanouk last month. Prince Sihanouk, who now lives In Peking, was ousted In a bloodless coup three years ago
    UPI  -  116 words
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    • 113 24 BEST BIRTHDAY CAKE Rtasoneble •r.cet. it is rbareten very Kiimk te five ai o Gift or for own nee. It aaske* s Perfect Gift. OeMee Colcuree ■Mti- ii P If to it t« write MI I j— I rear maw cad the Mute coo oMfoe* r r "O»KjC f W
      113 words
    • 198 24 M 1 y!_ Ta*k plywood I I b9droom c^j yours for only JSr^" mm^£>? $3J5/-(4ft-ar-TmWl J^ $Jsw/-(3h waraVtkt) L-Shaped I Cushion Sitting I Room S«t $255 <■ K**mJf mi«i rtiacMAii r~^^ Alae ovoilabt. »'<*> rwio* Of nnus*h«ld «toctricol osplionoi LEE FATT Furniture Electrical Ek 135. No 209,211 »'»«otv»o »<J. S
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