The Straits Times, 20 July 1973

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 23 1 TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 250,000 Ijie National Newspaper The Straits Times Estd 1845 FRIDAY. JULY 20, 1973 20 CENTS M.C. (P) 28/73
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  • 356 1 OPIUM KING HELD After clash with Burma troops... BANGKOK, Thursday THAI border police have captured Lo Hsing-han, known as the "Opium King of the Colden Triangle," it was announced here today. Police LL-Geh. Prachuab Suntararangkul, the Deputy Inspector General of Police, told reporters Lo was arrested with another international drug
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  • 46 1 TAIPEH. Thurs Retired 'S Army Oen. Albert Wedcleyer yesterday received the ey to Talpeh as 'a token ,-f Godwin." Oen. Wedemeyer was Chief i Staff to President Chiang :al-<>hek when the latter was ommander-ln-chlef of the hlna/theatre In World War wo Reuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 54 1 BEIRUT. Thurs. Ten people sentenced to death on charges of operating against state security were executed In Sanaa at midday toUay. the Iraq news agency reported. The men had been convicted of the charges, which Included the frying of mines and operations against the i north) Yemen
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 53 1 I ONDON. Thurs. Oxfam charity's aid programme for last year was dominated by help (or people of the Indian sub-continent, the organisation announced today. Chairman. Mr. Michael Rowntree. said that almost one-third of Oxfam'i expen- dlture went to India. Pakistan and Bangladesh during the year to last
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  • 39 1 MEXICO CITY. Thurs A search plane yesterday found the raft Acall which had lost Its way on a transAtlantic journey from the Canary Islands to Yucatan. In southern Mexico, with five men and six women aboard. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 25 1 NICOSIA. Thurs Oen. Oecrge Olivas, 74, the Greek Cypriot underground leader. Is suflerlng liom cancer and heart trouble, well-informed sources said today. Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 37 1 LTU11U1IIUU11I J. UNITED NATIONS. Thurs. The Security Council today approved unanimously a recommendation that the Bahamas be admitted to mt mbership of the UN. The foimer British colony will become the 135th member Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 63 1 BEVERLY HILLS, Thurs. Chuck Connors of TV's 'Rifleman" fame, who gave Soviet Prime Minister Leonid Brt-zhnev a pair of six-guns and a cowboy hat on his recent US visit, has received a Russian samovar in return. The urn was presented to the actor at his home
    UPI  -  63 words
  • 257 1 Guerilla in hotel drama ATHENS. Thursday armed Palestinian gunmen held If) people hostage in an Athens hotel for more than lour hours today then released them and was driven to the airport with three Middle Hast ambassadors The gunman had held the hostages in the lobby the Amalia Hotel after
    Reuter; AP  -  257 words
  • 103 1 Man shot by 'tec he attacked A 33-YEAR-OLD man was she, in the left armpit by a detective when he tried to attack him with a stool in TanJong Pagar yesterday. The Injured man was admitted to Outram Hospital. Police said his condition was not serious. Det. Yap Leng Chor
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  • 40 1 RIO DB JANEIRO. Thurs. Tens of thousands of criminals sentenced to terms of Imprisonment are walking about free because Brazils prison* are full, th« head of the Federal Penitentiary Council, Joae Julio Oulmaraes Lima, said today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 74 1 LONDON, Thurs. A Leeds divorce court (ranted Mrs. Sybil Bradley a divorce on Monday on the grounds of Irretrievable breakdown of her marriage to Walter Bradley. But Sybil Is so soft- hearted she could not bear to think of Walter suffering. So she has let him stay on
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  • 351 1 TRIPOLI BANKS FINANCE BIG WALK CAIRO, Thursday I IBYA'S merger march IJ was 30,000 strong to day, with civilian and mili tary vehicles joining the caravan to Cairo. The long march began yesterday under orders from Libyan President Gaddafi who asked his people
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  351 words
  • 332 1 French N-tests any time now PARIS. Thursday FRANCE is expected to shut its nuclear tests in the South Pacific any moment now. Radio France Inter reported Ik re today. The broadcast said the testing might begin tonight equivalent to Thursday morning at the test site on the atoll of 011-C
    Reuter  -  332 words
  • 84 1 Dollar drops in West Germany FtANKFURT. Thurs The US dollar's modest recovery last night proved short-lived as the American currency opened here today at 2.2870 marks, close to its fixing rate early yesterday afternoon of 2.2880. Its closing level last night had been 2.3000. A statement yesterday by the US
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 20 1 A MOTCR-CYCLIST »»i critically injured after he collided with a bus at Devil's Bend. Mountbatten Road, last night.
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  • 70 1 WELLINGTON, Thar..— A French aircraft iwooped lo« over the New Zealand nuclear protest frfeate OUfu tonight as It »a» about to take up a position Ju*t nulsidi- French territorial water* around fir Muiuroa nuclear lest aria In in- South Pacific, a N>» Zealand Press Association rorrr«p< ndent
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 43 1 BELFAST, Thur*. Bri Ukh troop* today caplurw BelfaM'i Up IRA turt'lL Qam Adams. 16, and tw< of hi* tenter oiHcerm. Bimi dan Hufhr*. tl. aitd Ton C'ahlll, 33, brother of th< foinvr PROVO rbkrf U Belfast, Joe C'ahtlL— AP.
    AP  -  43 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 102 1 See our Exclusive Range of EXQUISITE JEWELLERY graeahilty Ummi Hwhtwd by MastcrceafriaMn tram Sri Leaks. Visit us before you make your next purchase and compare our prices and quality. G.C.DE SUVA BROS. MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS, 3 RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE 1. r TELEPHONE. *****/*****. {The Oldest and Trusted Jewellsrs In Raffles Place).
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    • 61 1 BARISAN REBELS HIT OUT AT Dr LEE PAGE 8 CONGRESS il.-fi.-s Nixon's threat 3 SPECIAL .itistubles join in the drive against the long-haired 4 NIW 'aw to ban pyramid selling 4 H IRNETS for lone-haired factory girls 9 JACK Hawkins: An obituary 10 THE smashed showcases: The Governments reply 15
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    • 102 1 TELEPHONE DAY NIGHT c-.»,^ a r, r 1 *****0 *****0 SINGAPORE *****1 K. LUMPUR ***** ***** I IPOH ***** ***** I PENANG ***** ***** LJOHORE 5474 Right from the start of your career j bank on success Bank on OCBC. Just at millions of others have done. And succeed with
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  • y i World News
    • 112 2 HK may regulate operations of finance companies £fONOKONG, Thurs L The government was contemplating regulating the operations of finance companies here through legislation, the Legislative Council was told yesterday. Finance Secretary C.P. Haddon Cave. replying to a question from a councillor, said the Government was "willing to contemplate" the possibility
      Reuter  -  112 words
    • 107 2 SUHARTO SOEKARNO BACKERS JAKARTA, Thurs.—President Suharto has quietly released from detention some of former Pre s i dent Soekarnos leading supporters Including two former mi- nlsters a move seen here as reflecting Indonesia's growing political stability. Informed sources said today a number of prominent figures during Soekarnos regime had been
      Reuter  -  107 words
    • 411 2 The day Liddy offered to be killed WASHINGTON, Thurs PHIKF Watergate conspirator Gordon LiddVonce offered to be assassinated if President Nixon's re-election committee was not convinced thai he would remain silent about the affair. This was revealed to the Senate Watergate Committee by former White House aide Fred L a
      Reuter; UPI  -  411 words
    • 155 2 LATE FOR WORK MINISTERS ANGER AMIN KAMPALA, Thurs. President A m i n called on Ministers and senior civil servants yesterday to "pull up their socks" and arrive punctually at offices in the morning. Radio Uganda said Gen. Amln made a surprise visit to some government offices yesterday morning and
      Reuter  -  155 words
    • 170 2 ROME, Thurs. Police kept up their search today for Paul Getty, 16, the missing grandson of the is oil magnate, after a letter warning that he faced death from kidnappers. A threat that hi would be killed if the kidnappers' demands were not met was contained
      Reuter  -  170 words
    • 131 2 TOKYO, Thurs.—Official Japanese sources today welcomed Australia's decision to reduce Import tariffs by 25 per cent to combat Inflation. They said the precis* Impact of this move on Japan's foreign trade could not be assessed until full details were known. But It was certain to
      Reuter  -  131 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 63 2 Famous The World Over ■IMh mm siNCi <i«o IMPORTED BEER Browed in the I'lultppmrv Hongkong. Spam. Guam and P;ipu;i Nr» (-Minea Distributor. COLD sioK\(,l (MALAYSIA) SDH. BHD P.O. Box 576. 176-IH4 Orchard Rd. iporc Tel Ml N v II ■wiißL m^ m POWDER WWP* IwkJ fK **ICMfO WITH VITAMINS Aft.
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    • 61 2 BAIK WH A A KOREAN X GINSENG WINE jf Baik Wha's Korean Ginseng Wine is a special brew treated with prime 6 year +t old ginseng roots. <**l| Baik Wha's Korean Ginseng Wine is also vj^^ health sustaining 54 it JL Kopean K J Depaptmental Stope 3SSSM (Pte) bkd. 2nd
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    • 391 3 WASHINGTON. Thurs. Ol U.S. security interest! in Eurupe and Asia .ogether with major nits in spending could greatly reduce future defence budgets, accord ng to a top-level study published today. idy, by th Brookings Institution, warned that a contlni ation of .< policies could result In a 197 defence
      Agencies  -  391 words
    • 411 3 MERICANS today facJ\ ed another big jump in food prices as President Nixon appealed for time to slow down inflation with a new programme of tough, selective controls on the overheated economy. The President yesterday unfolded his Phase Four
      Reuter  -  411 words
    • 409 3 Congress defies Nixon's threat to veto war Bill WASHINGTON, Thursday 'JMIK House of Representatives last night defied the threat of a Presidential veto to pass an unprecedented Hill designed to curl) President Nixon's power to commit IS forces abroad. The Bin was approved by 244 votes to 107, falling short
      Reuter; UPI  -  409 words
    • 296 3 Lords put gag on story of deformed babies- ONDON, Thurs. A Li leading British newspaper today lost its court battle to publish an article on children crippled by the drug thalldomide and its editor immediately asserted that the outcome was a blow to freedom of the Press. The outcome of
      Reuter; UPI  -  296 words
    • 144 3 AFGHANS SCRAP ROYAL IMAGE NEW DELHI. Thurs Portraits of the deposed King and Queen of Afghanistan were being removed from government offices in Kabul following Tuesday's coup, according to Radio Pakistan monitored here today. Kabul Radio reported that the leader of the coup, Mr. Mohammed Daud. had been named President
      Reuter; AP  -  144 words
    • 209 3 GENEVA. Thurs.— The United States yesterday proposed International agreement on the rights of nations to exploit resources mainly petroleum and natural gas In the seabed around their ccasts Mr. John Stevenson, special U.S. representative for the law of the sea conference
      Reuter  -  209 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 2 3 Iv M
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    • 154 3 W Another m Salad Bowl 1 Restaurant I I White Horse Innf ft nowopen f DBS Building Way \^f We have Take-Away Lunches too! SCOTCH EYE STEAK Australia ib (4S4 8 4.80 BEEFBURGERS SI I Taste Try pkt Of 2 1.Q5 FRANKFURTER SAUSAGES su P k>. 2.30 ROASTING CHICKEN farmkist
      154 words
    • 197 3 EVAPORATED MILK carnation Vi». A D increased 14-1 oz 53 INSTANT HOT COCOA carnation U.S.A loi 10 pkti. for 1.35 TOMATO KETCHUP tmrs "IT^ 73 BLACKCURRANT JAM beachs ib 4S4 t 1.37 WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE lap England soi j.QQ CHRYSANTHEMUM TEA kut fonc Taiwan P k,. 1.30 BRANDY VSOP martell france
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  • 152 4 Coming: A new law to ban pyramid —selling— A BILL to ban multilevel marketing and pyramid selling will be Introduced by the Finance Minister, Mr. Hon Bul Sen, at the next sitting of Parliament on Wednesday. The proposed legislation is entitled Multi-Level Marketing and Pyramid Selling .Prohibition) Bill. The Government's
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  • 25 4 TELOK Ayer constituency will hold their National Day celebration at Hokkien Huay Kuan In Telok Ayer Street on Aug. 12 at 7.30 p.m.
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  • 238 4 GERALD PEREIRA By j^\A, part-time national servicemen in the Special Constabulary on the heal have been mobilised for the war on long hair. Orders were issued to them on Wednesday to interview all long-haired youths at shopping centres, bowling alleys, coffeehouses, discotheques
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  • 51 4 Passenger killed in crash A PASSENOER was killed when a van collided with a lorry at Jalan Boon Lay In Jurong on Wednesday. Theah Kok Kong. 25. was seated beside the driver Teh Ouan Poh. 27. when the mishap took place. There were 118 other accidents on Wednesday. Six were
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  • 25 4 POLICE arrested two Indonesian illegal Immigrants at construction Mtes In Benoi Road on Wednesday Three Malaysians whose passports had expired were also detained
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  • 27 4 BT. OABRIELS Bchool i Primary and Secondary will hold a dinner to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the founding of the school on Aug. 25.
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  • 122 4 Suspect jumps out police station window A SECRET society suspect was Injured yesterday when he tried to escape by Jumping from the first floor of Kandang Kerbau police station. The 18-year-old youth was being questioned by an Inspector about his activities when he suddenly dashed for the window and Jumped.
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  • 70 4 ACS comes out top in literary contest ANOtO- CHINESE School has won the second annual literary contest organised by the National Junior College Literary Debating and Dramatic Society. Second was Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus (Victoria Street) and third St. Joseph's Convent. Six teams took part in the finals
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  • 45 4 OAN Poh Chye. 20. was fined $400 yesterday for MnkM driving along Mountbatten Read on Peb. 17. He admitted he was on the w:ong sid; of the road when he collided Into another car at about 8.30 p.m. that day
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  • 121 4 QUEENSTOWN police yesterday arrested two youths suspected to be members of the ■Breakfast Robbers" gang. A police party led by Asst. Bupt. Khoo Kee Chiang and Inspector Hardlal Singh arrested them at Skillets coffee house in Penang Road at 3.30 p.m. In their car, believed to
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  • 106 4 TWO Indonesians were jailed for five years each yesterday for illegally entering Singapore and stealing $47,770 in cash and valuable, from 15 homes all over the Renublic. They are Yamis Napitupulr. 17. and Alex Johny. 22. Alex was Ja»Jed for three years for
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  • 80 4 THIEVES smashed the glass window showcase of a jewellery shop in East Coast Road and escaped with gems worth $20,769 Police said the night watchman of the shop in Lav's Arcadia was awakened at 4.30 a.m. on Sunday by a loud crash outside
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  • 172 4 MORK than MM of ri«e were Ped up by houscu l the NTUC Wrlcon operative Supernurk in Loronj 4, Toa yesterday its openi day. As early as 9 a.m. «h the doors openr business, the hou--trooped in with bass and baskets
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  • 9 4 Complex Ti i muik the 0:1 1
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 35 4 Authorised distributor for kbbu your home free from mosquitoes use Shelltox Shelltox has been the household insecticide for 20 years... and now Shelltox knocks down mosquitoes faster, kills them quicker. '*J B^* Lit/ v V
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    • 206 4 ft Sankyo Super LXL 255 Macro LXL 250 LXL SERIES YOU'RE NEVER IN THE DARK WITH AN LXL LOW LIGHT MOVIE CAMERA Now. wth SANKYO LXL 250 or Super LXL 255 Macro and ASA I6omovi< can take perfect movies under any kind of lighting daylight moonlight or candlelight. If you
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  • 280 5 London divorce for Joan Ismail By HARRY MILLER; LONDON. Thurs \|liS. Joan Ismail who \v;is the main prosecution witness in the murder trial of the man whose name she had borne for several years, Sgt. Lan Reed he is serving five years lor the man slaughter of his wife, Dorothy,
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  • 57 5 —Russian poet to read his works YEVGENY Yevtusheiiko, Russia's bestknown poet, will read nis own portr.v in Knglish at the Regional English Language Centre tomorrow at 8.15 p.m. Yevtushenko. who flew in late last night from Manila where he was truest of President Maxcos, will be in Singapore for three
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  • 93 5 SERANGOON Oarden Technical School and Pay» Lebar Methodist Olrls School are the finalists in the Serangoon District Inter-school debate at Victoria School at 2.30 p.m. today. The motion Is: When Students become Delinquents. They Themselves are ;o Blame. around the world when he criticised anti-Semi-tism in Soviet L'nion
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  • 35 5 NINE Indonesians were jailed for a Month each yetterday for entering Singapore without permits between May 1 and July 18 Another was Jailed for three months for unlawfully returning to Singapore.
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  • 27 5 LORRY driver Ong Book Chwee was fined $140 yes- < terday for speeding along Jalan Toa Payoh at 38 mph on May 1. He pieat'.ed guilty.
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  • 185 5 THE Ministry of Culture must be congratulated for its latest innovation— lts first late evening concert in the Music for Everyone series. The Carl Pini Chamber Players, an Australian quartet, was presented at the Conference Hall last night. Ii was an unpretentious concert with
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  • 71 5 A HOUSEWIFE told the High Court yesterday that her watchman husband, who frequently beat up for no reason, chased her out of the house one day. Mrs. Nlranjan Singh nee Mohlnder Kaur. who was granted a divorce on the ground of desertion, said her
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 133 5 v.^liilr^H f.u »1 «f^C^aV^ -^g^^T^^ V dai kin m 9000 BTU 1 h p. $795.00^^^1^ ***** BTUl'jhp J***** ***** BTU 2h p J lO5O 00 'I 111 See a wide range of DAIKIN tO^Ny] window type room air conditioners JCj^ -Jll on display at our showroom L»« Great Stereo Starts
      133 words
    • 31 5 B^Bv^^s^J a rr t^ j -m^^^H xl f B^g^gV l^g^gH M v g^v m t V^V t^V I HrlM' 1 »l \flg^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^gf I laVHt*l*"g^gH PrT m m 1 '"i^^ u wl
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  • 337 6 Grounded ship's seamen back in Spore BAIL'NE SUNG By TWENTY seamen Ihree of them local, flew into Singapore last night, none the worse for a "frightening" ordeal when their ship, the Cherry Venture, ran aground off Brisbane 11 days ago. Singaporean Mr. Foo Jee Lin. 40-year-old fourth engineer, said immediately
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  • 29 6 THE Young People's Service of the National Library will hold a forum lr Mandarin on "Our Educational B\stem" at the Library's meeting room tomcrrow at 2.30 p.m.
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  • 90 6 Uncle's plea to missing youth FACTORY hand Don Alfred Nanayakkara (above) 18. has been missinf from horn? since July 16. Yesterday his uncle, Mr. R. Dharmadasa. appealed to Don to return home. Don left his Tanglin Halt Road home on the evening of July 15, saying he was coins to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 247 6 •I DAILY AT kIAW CMftWIMCI ADULTS $2 7.00 4 t.lOaw. flUff JnUff lim: CNILDRIN SI \l SIMULTANEOUS MIDNIGHT TOMORROW! < Hsiu i THE STORY^ (J IA 'jj wtk[a^*S*Mte < Ad>in(i Cash icokinf. at tIM Cathay Cirtama tram 10 00am I to 00pm aaitv. AH*r i.OOam. PKon. bookin«i can a< I
      247 words
    • 56 6 ifl b^b^^HULLJHHHHH I DRAW Q 56/7! I RESULTS 1 NUMBER: 4 3 CIRCLES n tfiifiilsfl Tape Recorders with Compatible, Flexible, Professional Features, iisQa lEYCunniiMK wwm-mniu NEW STARLIGHT lv,m.. PAII« PANJAHG ROAD (AIRCONDITIONED) Tel: *****6 0.«m.t.1y LAST DAY! I SHOWS: 2 10. «.4S. 1 ,m "THE SNAKE MAR" ANTASY MOVie Oon'r
      56 words
    • 132 6 -ra jl jra *5^ BALL AIWO ROLUER OCMi/M? BEARINGS W*H TEL:*****3 fflM SINGAPORE \*m£jK TEL:2O3IG2 KUALA LUMPUR METROPOLE HOLLYWOOD VENUS T^o 111 S- f V IN MANDARIN COLORSCOPE Full Action Thrilkr! With -fflfi BRANDO^IBRANDb.;. BRANDO..." i brilliant stunning captivating •xjwuaM-ntawow namn nan nm wuzx Eerily and effective^ tpW...Winnet J s
      132 words
    • 330 6 ONE PAIR OF ***** LEAPSTO ANOTHER RifViPQT cjttvk mj in j7 i\i \7 SHOP G *27, >//## 00w^^r^ jIT* lAi 1^)1^ 5 v^iN I He (GRCXJNOr-UX)R) V ORCWAROROAD, v .v SINGAPORE 9. )x<SMVq (X yftZf/rtu te1 *****4 \0 vZ 1 m *-Vi-" Vli „;"yir—,'.. Also op»o on Sunday lill 5.00pm
      330 words
    • 698 6 OWCiINISATIOwI H fl n r Oaa-n T.aaf Na Fraa Utt |1a», 1.45. 4, l)oini,»| a, MARLON Bi!A>t)O TMI NICMTCOMEIIS" .n COLO* (AVCO-FOX) 10th DAY! P 11am. 1.4J, 4, a. JO, tJO n |I Ryan O'Neal 1 Jacqueline Bitter "Tlw ThUf WHa Cam. B B Ta Dtanar" Scope-Color («VB TOMORROW MIDNIGHT
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 228 7 "T VaJ nowomTwoPEfiN i ETfTIRE CMMN REWIE? 2 Not too long ago, one of the most glamorous, a> fabulous night clubs in the world was Havana's Tropicana. That's where Marta and Chekis graduated. Since then they've brought their Cuban fire and romantic songs to some of the finest spots in
      228 words
    • 165 7 'OUR BIGGEST CHOICE when you are in Kuala Lumpur /jiH HCaW^»«fl m mm coMmn '•cants /fl B\ MM II ill -NOMC IWOT B\ IHOM HC-. Bl <ntfM HUK law ■■•••••••••••^M tSh 'I* jaiMiiu u> MM HFf^M't^Mtff niaiaal aari aa]»l «M > j nuaaiwau awn r»u I ■atJWjJ*^ mini naiitM Mtiaauai
      165 words
    • 140 7 §5/ Restaurant Coffee House VmX 37, Scotts Rd. Spore. 9. Tel: *****0 RESTAURANT Scotts Road first Chintu /j^ '♦V^^'N, restaurant that serves f 2MB^^^ delicious Cantonese food I '^•^BB^^^^ y /or /u/icA anJ dinner. A Business hours 1 1 a. m. £S*^' II p.m. r^\ f'\ v COFFEE HOUSE V\^
      140 words
    • 55 7 TV wonderful Ei^fehlbodoftheKood oUdnsishKkal THE BEEFEATER Meet your (Ho^taa fftMttlM PUD StfiVMBOfTV 4n,RimVUIevHoML OKaforlHKk&tfHer vdaysaweck iu sssH»r •Delicious CoW Counter (|\aiMiTake-Away service always 111 aft^ilahlr I TENDERLOIN GRILL ROOM 'COFFEE HOUSE Our Speciality in AIR FLOWN. FRF.SH BEEF, SAO »jn. to MMnighl. OTangtm Shopping Cantrf, 1». T«ngl.n Road. S'lWOtl,
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  • 120 8 CPF: Five year wait cut to six months rE Central Provident Fund (Amendment) Bill now before Parliament proposes to relax the five-year restriction on withdrawals from the fund. At present a CPF membei. who has made a withdrawal, cannot apply to withdraw from the fund again until five years have
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  • 36 8 BUKIT MERAH North community centre will conduct an e'grit-week course on interior decoration from July 28. Registration can be made at the centre at Block 67. Redhlll Road. Applications close on July 22.
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  • 328 8 REBELS HIT OUT AT Dr LEE R. CHANDRAN 'He's behaving like Chiang Kai-shek' By A REBEL group froui the Banna Sosuilis yesterday accused the party chairman, Dr. Lee Siew Choh, of behaving like President Chiang Kai-shek. Rebel leader, Mr. Harbans Singh, who was freed in February after serving a four-month
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  • 183 8 Boy dies as dengue fever cases rise KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday A 10- YEAR-OLD boy died yesterday from A suspected dengue fever with haemorrhagic complications in Pontian district hospital. The boy, from Parlt Permatang Duku, Benut, was admitted the same day. a Health Ministry official said today. Five other suspected cases
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  • 78 8 14 GIRLS DETAINED IN RAID ON FLATS KIALA LI'MPIR, Thurs. —The AntiVice Squad raided Hicks Mansion last night and detained 14 girls believed to be involved in prostitution. Several (iris were seen run n ng away half-naked in the flats when police entered the premises Some mi who were with
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  • 39 8 FETALING JAVA, Thurs. The visiting olx-rr.ember Chinese rubber technical team yesterday visited the Dunlop factory here. Tomorrow they will attend the opening of the planters' conference, organised by the RRI. at the Kuala Lumpur Hilton.
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  • 45 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Thun, A 56-year-old man waa found dead beside the railway line near Kampung Kasiplllay on* Jalan Kuching here yesterday. Unemployed K. Paplah Naldu was believed to have been hit by the ButterworthKuala Lumpur mail train at about 630 a.m.
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  • 77 8 Immediate that ban on 'sex' films UIALA LUMPUR. Thurs. The ban on sex and violent films will go into effect immediately. An official of the Home Ministry said today that films approved before the ban came into effect would be "subject of a deeper study/ He added "All new i
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 293 8 I I 3 **^sH I I THE BIG I I DECISION I I Should you go to a movie or watch the new I feature on TV tonight? Just pick up I May's New Nation. I Our "new look" back I page offers comnents ~T^ I and a brief storyline
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    • 208 8 aY d Tsi^^^ Pierre Grosjean. Lumberjack, chose his watch as carefully as he chose his chainsaw. Pierre's choice was a Tudora Ranger built with the toughness and dependability a man looks for. Make a Tudor your choice too 7159 Chronograph Oyilerdale A BtOp W c«*e carvfK] out o< oo« of
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 266 8 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 1 FUh*rty« atutude to thr 1 Weird leturn of tr* conlikids is 181 nenul doctor objret. re: S a nice change for Mvm 1 «">"» ortantf.tion.Bi 16 t Intimate union of Sam and S Water mu»iC .3 5> Stone' (8i 10 Omcal counter to French '3
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  • 196 9 Detective who got a private eye to spy on his wife WHEN a detective suspected his wife was unfaithful, he hired a private investigator to check on her. "The investigator's report had more than amply confirmed my suspicions that my wife had turned prostitute." Det.Cpl. Aw Oan King, 35, told
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  • 67 9 UK Currency Board in Kmpress Place will >p filing the S5 Seap hum silver coins to>rrow. More than 170.000 coins th tosting SS have been Id up till yesterday. Of these. 100.000 were sold throuKh the banks. But 50.000 piece-, will be on sale
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  • 249 9 Nets for long haired factory girls Penalty for those who flout rule FACTORY girls with long hair, who do not wear protective hair nets provided by employers to prevent hair entanglement in machinery, are liable to be prosecuted under the Factories Act. Similarly, bosses of factories, where there is risk
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  • 81 9 POLICE APPEAL TO BOY'S FAMILY. pOLICE yesterday 1 appealed to the relatives of this boy who was found loitering in I'pper Thomson Road on July 5 to contact the Social Welfare Department. The boy, aged between five and seven, answered to the name of Ah Tiong. He is 3ft Bin
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  • 40 9 TAY Knee Say. 18. was charged on Wednesday with the murder of Tan Oeok Hwee together with two others in Rotan Lane on Sept. 12 last year. No plea was recorded. Tay was remanded pending further Investigations.
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  • 38 9 SINOAPORE Takada Industries Co. a sub-contrac-tor of Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries, was fined $500 for providing an improperly wirec electric Use grinder to workers at the Pulau Iyer Chawan worksite on Jan. 20. The company pleaded guilty.
    38 words
  • 174 9 Spore firm to build all-purpose hydrofoils MULTI-PURPOSE hydrofoils are to be built in Singapore for export to Southeast Asian countries. They will be built by Supramar-Ling Pte. Ltd a Joint venture between a Singapore entrepeneur. Mr. Charles Tow Siang Ling, and Supramar AG of Lucerne, Switzerland. The company hopes to
    174 words
  • 167 9 i Love on i beach, then fleeing boys drown A VERDICT of misadventure was recorded yesterday on the deaths of two office boys, who drowned in the Changi River on Jan. 13 while fleeing after they watched a couple make love on the beach. The court heard that Rahmat bin
    167 words
  • 24 9 HENO Oeok Hoon. 34. was fined $250 for attempting to enter the Port of Singapore Authority with an altered pass on Tuesday.
    24 words
  • 72 9 National Day paint-in for children YMCA wl.l hold a j National Day palnt-ln for children at Bras Basah Road Park on Aug. 12 at 3 p.m. Entries will be divided Into four age groups. Prizes will be awarded to the best three selected in each group and to the three
    72 words
  • 45 9 YONO Hock Kee. unemployed, was fined $300 and disqualified from drlvlnc for six months for dangerous driving. Yong. a former schoolbus driver, admitted swerving to the right of Sims Avenue and colliding head-on with a bus at about 12.30 a.m on Peb 4
    45 words
  • 34 9 TAXI driver Ltt Tol Buck was fined $55 after he admitted making a prohibited U-turn at the junction of Balestler and Bhamo Roads at about 550 p m on May 37. 1971.
    34 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 274 9 Compare the NEW ACMA AX-SERIES with other brands before you buy HATURII ACMAMANO OTHf R MANO* REMARKS E ■!'.<*»'¥ ultnt Among rht many M«ll known >n tht m«rktl Comp^.io^ iNiwtd b* mtdw with unit o* only onf o. two On mMcti ou« uo,tt the Mrrw *ctujl c«pM>tv 'ilr^ Cooling UMCity
      274 words
    • 318 9 I TOILET SLICED 3>5O i ROLL COOKED m% I KWLL m i HAM <«« t C.N.S. 5 (SKINLESS DEFATTED) FRUIT COCKTAIL 1 10 CHOCOLATES MUll lUIMMIL 1.4U MALTESERS (>«) *t 2 »Of* LETONA »•<»« p»» (B«) i 50,. 1.85 to. CUSTARD POWDER 85' «0"»«wwi uj BIRD'S 111 m. (325 f)
      318 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 223 10 WELCOME generated enthusiasm and support even before it opened for business yesterday. The NTUC's co-operative supermarket has over 2,000 investors and its paid-up share capital exceeds $1 million. With that kind of support, and with crowds like those which shopped there yesterday, WELCOME can hope to thrive. The
      223 words
    • 95 10 DACCA'S adoption of a Bill under which Pakistani prisoners-of-war can be tried as "war criminals" is a churlish response to the Pakis f an National Assembly's resolution empowering President Bhutto to recognise the state of Bangladesh. Bangla leaders claim that the planned trials touch the hearts and minds
      95 words
    • 1050 10  -  WILLIAM CAMPBELL By AS DEVELOPERS feel the weight of the new building maintenance laws they want to shed their existing responsibilities for blocks of flats completed and sold. They want flat purchasers to assume full responsibility for maintenance and repairs
      1,050 words
    • 363 10 T ON DON: Jack Hawkins, who died here on Wednesday, was one of the most impressive film personalities of post-war Britain whose tough bulldog character was reflected in many of the parts he played. He was 62. His career o;; stage and screen,
      Reuter  -  363 words
    • 436 10 Should govts subsidise consumer spending? yOUR ed.torial (ST., July 13) arguing that 1 a consumer subsidy in SingaDore is incongruous and indefensible is only valid if the philosophy underlying our society is each man for rimself and we reject the philosophy that it is cur duty to ensure that the
      436 words
    • 102 10 grows Its own rtce and expects to spend M$13 8 million to subsidise imports needed to supplement home-grown supplies. This brings us back to the question whether governments should subsidise consumer spending IT was recently announced in tb( that banks would sell the $5 silver coins What astonishes me Is
      102 words
    • 101 10 Extend bu services from zoo to Bukit Mandai the open Im pei'oi;. from al. life ha\ing to Mandai. A.s a reran s i n the are.. tr< bus especial!} We gapore B ■en unfortunately bust's do i. through Buki: M 1 1 rom wards i May we suggest tha extend
      101 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 351 10 ABOUT TIME £S& YOU OWNED 1 m A SEIKO? SHBf/ r~^"' SEAPCmm— Wf M w_ S'NGAPORF 1973 \H 9/ W i o»cim m< V SEIKO "SS2S 6119-5470 Meet Captain Yonaka of Northwest Take a break in Tokyo. Then let me fly you on a 747 to the U.S.A. m\VW Leave
      351 words
    • 169 10 gpws Share the fun of being i--| A young and I fk healthy Hai Tai JP flives eneri|> Get a (in today ICQ Korean Itaparf.iMr.Kfcal Sfcoi. ■sa (pfc<i) bta. 2nd f ioor,?18. i Singa[. YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS through home study cows The School of Accountant, Business Studies, with f>o
      169 words

  • Business Times
    • 1354 11  -  CHAN BONG soo, By recently §n Indonesia FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC SECTION OF THE STRAITS TIMES fHK So nth sen timber boom li;is finally caught up with Indonesia. IK forestry authorities are, currently hatching ambitious plans to keep the boom going.
      1,354 words
    • 178 11 By GEORGIE LE£ THE $10 million Robina Department Store, located in Robina House at Shenton Way, will partially open for business from tomorrow. Only two floors sellIng men's and ladles' ware —of the planned six floors will be opened. The remaining floors will be fully operational
      178 words
    • 163 11 AIR New Zealand According to Mr. Birch, will imerate Its the flow of tourists *nn v rom New Zealand io first DC-10 here on Singapore was fast JnOct. 30 to begin a crttsint and it twice weekly ser- was "essential" that the vice between
      163 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 238 11 •^B^a *Ii J r 1 **n I^^Zfl \if^£sHS~ 1 36 i Banks for a lifetime of luxurious cruising Examine the hand- «HMHH| periods in any sea. The rubbed, satin-finished GB 36, for example, has teak interior panelling a fibreglass hull and and cabinets. Walk on is powered by marine the
      238 words
    • 231 11 Jivy r x9IL, For those who .^/fi9& i;^} hate those traffic Wf Vy jams at peak hours 4\<. jitj-inhA drop in for a drink V f FOUR SE4SONS FOUR SE4SONS eodcl- to for Come tO _<■ r k h 'THE OFFICE" the finest in French and Mexican Cuisines for the
      231 words

  • 286 12 Mr. Fonf Hock Sun, a director of Copper Industries, has resigned from the board on June 20. The other directors remain unchanged. Mr. Goei Tek Tjiang is no longer a director of Prlma. His name appeared in the 1972 annual report which the company said was 'a
    286 words
  • 804 12 THE story told by Harper Gilflllan's consolidated accounts is a mixed one and suggests that a continued uptrend in pre-tax profits and dividend distribution may gloss over a problem which deserves some permanent solution soon. Perhaps a rights issue may be pitched to
    804 words
  • 433 12 IMPERIAL (.K()i f reports pre-tax profit of £48.7 million (£40.6 million last time) for the half year to April on external sales of £789.5 million £658.5 million). Tax £9.5 million £10 million), leaving £38.8 million (£30.6 million). Of the total turnover. £96.2 million was contributed by the
    433 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 93 12 The finest pen you'll ever hold. Parker 75 in sterling silver /ValaWe n sets with I |b ba I pen and pencil, til In stering sKer, E t PARKER tttfmm DiraiauTOM'V'Ti its -*d"G«a 4 T,i JTO44 ••■i<f>an»iiu'o«iii'in iho •-,-.**>. -r-r 2M*» •IS«V, M m Ot m MV WaflK^ Seiko y^^Jx^mm
      93 words
    • 560 12 VV BUSINESS T? J OPPORTUNITIES Wl PACIFIC BASIN aJ I A i W H ■TT 2 3*4 OCTOBER. 1973 H_Z— Shangri-la Hotel ~^fl Financial Times. *^9 Straits Times, 9 m yW* Investors Chronicle, BOAC. I Speakers will include: OPPORTUNITIES IN THE OPPORTUNITIES IN THE PACIFIC BASIN- PACIFIC BASIN THE VIEW
      560 words
  • 228 12 DRE TAX profits at Hong Leong finance advanced 121 per cent to $3,369,651 in 1972 from $1,523,138 in 1971. Chairman Mr Kwek Hong Png attributes the significant improvement to the overall increase in volume of business activity during the year. A point
    228 words

    • 871 13 1 18 H4S) 1 42 •i 10 <.lUm Jute <0 828 0.8651 UB6. «.uU IVrak 1 .li 0.9651 II ...Hi11.... ***** 12.0051 15 1161 1 800 I M. i 3 008 3.3 Iniraco ■.'3BSi 18 6CB nan 1 1 708 I K 1. Holdin« SO! Urn H"
      871 words
    • 667 13 Rally in KL fizzles out PICES staged a rally on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yes- i terday Opening l»vels were firm, but hopes of a sustained recovery In the morning were stifled when profit-taking set In. and prices eased slightly towaids the close. For the first time in two
      667 words
    • 0 13
      0 words
    • 66 13 .Nut K i N Krnipas Dunlop I tt Jadu K Bldim Ksso Ord Str;«mrr> V Irrin Sanyo I- 1 (.1 v limr* 5. Tradrrs 3t Srmb I'miuii J 3 04 $1040 5 .35 3 44 2 8(1 3 30 S 3.76 4 00 7 95 3.10 5 60 3
      66 words
    • 20 13 M. Hank ..05 29 Acma 35d l>l* k 5.20 .10 Haw j S Darby $6 05 —.10
      20 words
    • 1006 13 U \l s IS) 1 3 1 100 I I 6.90. II I.. mc ill 7 Hi. fill N Inl \\<-o»i 3 20 J 40 4 00 :<SO ,ro i 5 208 I .14 i29BS> .21 300. 2 98 8. .(31 S. i B. i «1 MB 1
      1,006 words
    • 9 13 8t0^« 20, Hilton S l .ur,,.,vrr: ftiffi
      9 words
    • 45 13 July 18 July 19 Industrlmb: .114.13 545.M I|o(rK MJ |2 uf>M mi Mil: 378.17 377.68 l.n. 126 21 126.11 J rubbrrs: 346.77 3M.4S M hi 341.62 541.5J n.r ::o. Ims It* |..< II IMI it* Drr I*. 1962 IM t J»n 1 19*0 IM
      45 words
    • 383 13 E\( (II K\(.l I) hy the inrrnmht IMMH >pr( ulators srt off 011 a liuvint sprrr on the si, nk I xi h.inrr of Singapore yesterday morning. Bui this provrd short-lived for lack of follow thri.ueh. rau^.u* pricrs to Irvrl off to a miM'ri finish in rrnrrally
      383 words
    • 1 13
      1 words
    • 26 13 JI'LV 19 n 1 it h 1 k 219.50 rrnts (up 2.50 cents). TIN: SCM.N (down $15). Official offerInf: 355 tons (up 11 tons).
      26 words
    • 83 13 C H c 'h M ."capore hoon clotinc pricis pir picul teiterdav. Cllinul 0.1 hllk $<0 seller*. drum irllen. C«p»a Mlied i >ocironl. 517 B r«W«r M'ir.lok *STA white f O.b. M neller^. Sarawak white (o.b. iw (270 jiller- Sarawak uperlal blark lit. M< M.VV «172t Mller». Sarawak ARTA
      83 words
    • 101 13 US* us« I<ondon 11'. "'1 '?1 (V) P*rl> Spore 11. 122 55 121. 43 f Spore (1) I'nav. ?wn. r»»« in D S dollari per (2. benl uea'erii prlrm m s.n«a Copper prices LAniion .opper prlrea on W'edne^rt^y Iprevio'i* in Im Wlrel.r spot hur*r 00 l(«2S.aai .filer lM»on
      101 words
    • 202 13 Straits tin tumbles THE Stralt.s till P: Penann yesterday tumbled $15 t n $690 per plcul on an official offering up 14 tons i The overnlKht London metal price with forward I quoted down £32 on Tuesdays close to £1.983 per metric ton. LONDON Wednesdays I tin finished showing gains
      202 words
    • 475 13 New peak reached by rubber /OPENING quota- tions In the rubber market yesterday were marked up three cents on London's good performance ar"i after fluctuating around 224.00 cents per kilo during the first hour's trading. August RSS One advanced to 228.00 cents per kilo in quiet conditions as prices continued
      475 words
    • 168 13 ASIAN currency deposit Rn. Ext. rates as at close on I middlr prlcn I Thursday. July 19: 1 mth 8-12 11-14 I I Dollar* I 3 mih.s 9-3 16 11-5 8 Otter Bid j 6 mths 9-1 1 16 12 7 days 10-7 8 10-5 8 13
      168 words
    • 104 13 IVMI V SMR prices -ssued by the Malaysian Rubber Exam hiiJ Rubber Association uf Singapore at m«.n yesterday \u« srpt iCurrrnt Mlh i Kurmird Mlli Ku'rr, Srllm Rutrn Mai rnU per kt >nU per kg. SMR SCV (1-ton pallet i ***** 2130CN ***** 212&0N SMR SI. (1 -ton
      104 words
    • 80 13 THE US dollar wenf under further pres! .sure In Singapore yes-, morning Open--1 $2 2650-S2 2 At that level commer-; ciai demand began <o i1 the rig was i. and the Hongkong dollar! at 45.3500 cents The dollarl was q volume of buslm for 3 1920 3
      80 words
    • 82 13 HONGKONG Tl [.it.- telling pressure early prlce s on tlv market. The market opened I and reman during the mornln. Ing hours The Seng points I dwlnd> taking >1 at ***** yesterday Hongkong Rank gained to HK531.50 register but Gali Light I Whirl... Taikoo $10 20 n Included
      82 words
    • 41 13 advanced today In the non-It. shippings gained gi. sharply. Film U cals and finished In dlvi trrrl The Dow-Jones a age was up 27 23 and the New M 084 to 381 Total turnover was million shares Today's closing p.icr
      41 words
    • 90 13 \I 1 panics likely tv m«rt Increas prtltlon as n thf gci fused trading on I Stock Exch id: i. g some )r:es which fell bed goods, textiles ami automo mil" wrakrr trend in; and closed up a AJB7B the industrial boani .bli shewas rla mlnate< one l< I
      90 words
    • 43 13 thru second sharp iraJn ir Analysts sa. Pullm i improvrd r»rn •inU rr Inlrniitiona 1 four U) I lo»a Href Prorruon two U ■< the Federal Trar. chanted the etgh Toria llowrd by th. dUTrrenre on yesterday' Ca.tman K«taa i mm < M
      43 words
    • 49 13 HI II Hongkong rates Nomura Sinrapore i Mrrchant K.inkine Indices tk ago 10 m i.i OILS INDI 41 41 HIM IH\l> \W KM. 12 I IMII i HI ndajr 8<) 90 BON l«ll I \K HRKMII M II K II \M v> DM- > INDI -IK: I w-
      49 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 550 14 RUBBER ASSOCIATION OF SINGAPORE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 108- The Executive Secretary's pott is the moit senior administrative appointment in the Rubber Association of Singapore. The I xecutrve Secretary will head the Associations secretarial clearing house and accounting departments. He will report to the Management Committee and will, in the course of
      550 words
    • 533 14 Qhdbj invites applications from Singapore cit'tens for appointment as: FINANCIAL ASSISTANT (DATA ANALYST) QUALIFI- t») HSt w l h a Pnn.ipal CATIONS: Level either in Mathema- g tics or Physics. OR (b) University Graduates with Mathematics. Science or Economics. KXPEIIFNCE: Knowledge of EDP equipments and experience in systems and programming
      533 words
    • 596 14 PARKS k RECREATION DEPARTMENT. SINGAPORE requires (A) CHIEF PARK RANGER (B) PARK RANGER ELIGIBILITY: Singapore Citizens, above 20 year* of age, who have pasted Secondary II in a Government or Government-aided School or equivalent and For (A) with 2 years experience in Law enforcement work and nature conservancy. Ability to
      596 words
    • 542 14 Well Established BRITISH FIRM has a vacancy for AN ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN with experience in marine radar and Communication Systems. Attractive Salary and fringe benefits will be paid to the right candidate. Apply: S.T. Box N ***** Singapore. EXPATRIATE AREA MANAGER SOUTH EAST ASIA The Company A multinational rapid growth manufacture-
      542 words
    • 492 14 We have immediate vacancies for suitably skilled persons to fill the following posts in I urnlture Production Department in our factory in Juronf. (A) SECTION LEADER The suitable person will have i) 2 years basic Knowledge in the use of wood- working machines, ii) Ability to train tnd supervise fact<i
      492 words

  • 223 15 BONNIE'S HERE WITH A POCKETFUL OF WISHING STARS iu^>i aim ftlMllllt are all part of Bonnie Drury's world. fantasy and real life? There's 'i life, and there's mess and happi- '>:>, for happines from within a person," said Bonli, Disneyland's Ambassadress of the Year, at the airport last night. onnie.
    Mahfati Natter  -  223 words
  • 111 15 A SALES represen:ve told the High yesterday that nis apher wife's renlp with him y diminished four ifter their weddicn she met anman. i Pheng Chye, who .inted a divorce on desertion, I his wife, ig, were happily married until Sep--1969, when she
    111 words
  • 328 15 The smashed showcases at Amber Mansions TMIK Government said yesterday that the showcase structures in the passageway of Amber Mansions, in Orchard Road, had to be smashed on Tuesday because it was not possible to dismantle and carry them awa\ "Had it been
    328 words
  • 156 15 Application forms to British universities A PPLICATION forms and handbooks for admission to first degree or diploma courses In British univr.rsi.ies and colleges in 1974 arc now available at the Public Service Commission. Students who intend to take full-time courses leading to a first degree or a first diploma at
    156 words
  • 104 15 Jailed for theft of car —wheel- A THIEF, described in court as a "specialist" in sttealing car wheels at car parks was jailed for a year yesterday. Tan Soo How, 24. of Tanjong Katong Road, admitted stealing a car wheel valued at S300 in Karikal Road, off East Coast Road,
    104 words
  • 223 15 Probe into theft of racing tyres POLICE are lnvestlgatIj.r the theft of 109 racing tyres for cyclists in the Seap Games. The tyres. worth about $1,200. were stolen from Sports House in Farrer Park. They were bought from Germany for the 16 Scan Games trainees. THK MINISTRY ot Labour has
    223 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
      17 words
    • 261 15 Patate Lounge Suite It's sheer luxury and corr.fort. It's the Patate Lounge Suite from France. Individual chairs, corner units and pouts in super-soft polyurethane-coated fabric can be arranged to form straight or angled sofas. The possibilities are almost infinite! Patate. Another exclusive from Diethelm. BIG CAR PARK FOR OVER ISO
      261 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 851 15 I TV SINGAPORE (5) 3 P.M. Opening and For The Rovers: Forget Me the Family (Chin- Not; 7.05 Sakapur Sireh eso; 3.30 Diary of Events (Malay Repeati; 7.30 (Chinese; 3.40 Where News and Newsreel (Ma- the Heart Is; 4.00 House- lay); 7.55 Sports Parade; wives' Matinee: Three 8.25 Here's Lucy:
      851 words
    • 22 15 WATER (onsumption on Wefincsdav iraa l!l t Billion K.illons (566.000 cuhic iretres). 1.8 million Kallons (9.000 cubic metres) more than on Tuesday.
      22 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 660 16 INSTITI T AKAINTAN IMI M MALAYSIA THK MALAYSIAN ASSOCIATION OF (IKIUIID PI BI.IC ACCOUNTANTS APPOINTMENT Ot TKCHNICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICFR The Malaysian Association of Certified Public Accountants wishes to appoint a suitably qualified person as a technical and administrative officer. Since Its small beginnings in 1058. the Association has achieved
      660 words
    • 581 16 GENERAL I MANAGER I I Our client .4 a prOfrnsive and w*ll-»ujbliiK J I I public company with divcnifwd nvanuTKturing I I internfi. In anticipator! j! further <iiv«rvt>- I I cation into o:h*r fieldt ol activities, th* Com- I I pany it seeking a high-calibre man for the I I
      581 words
    • 450 16 PERNAS TRADING SON. BERHAD Applications are Invited from suitably qualified Malaysian Citizens for the following positions In the Accounts Department. 1. Post Accounts Assistant Age 25 —32 years Qualifications: SC MCE or equivalent with Credit in Maths Passed at least Part II of the ACCA. ICMA or ASA Experience: Preferably
      450 words
    • 660 16 THE TROPICAL VENEER CO. BERHAD invites applications from Malaysian Citizens for the post of MAINTENANCE ENGINEER in ts factory at Kuala Trengganu Applicants should possess a Degree or Diploma in Mechanical Engineering and should have at least 3 years' practical experience Salary payable will be commensurate with experience. Applications giving
      660 words
    • 830 16 ORCHARD MOTORS (M) SDN. BHD. Distributor for Vauxhall Cars MM Announreosent: Government Approved Nrtt Srlllnc I'rirr Other ilnrliuive of (.us. rnnwnl Srlllng Make Model Surtax) MBM HC Viva Deluxe 12j6cc 17.004 25 ***** 36 $8,806 <1 HC Viva SL 1600 cc $7,812 75 $2,034 7V $9,847.54 HC Viva 8L 1800
      830 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1170 17 COXTAINEtSNIPSamCETOW ONIINENT m™ 1 in Isi "I «a| Ak T smi I Smi Smi IMI gtri- ism. i\\z sa iw lIH4M" ISsr«l I (cl (if I I act CIrtIAINEISHIP SERVICE FIOII WL CWIWENI A^ m S l*aMl#l4M P WlltaH* MKt adKUM UPtISI SI.VM SIM IMM tHM H Part li **<"
      1,170 words
    • 1014 17 PBLUE SEA UNE To U.S. East Coast Gulf Ports mi a Mia ia« m,m, i«mu ik a lat tl taf a uekMuilNj. *,m:h|«m. Satt II SaptJl IWI M kt 11 kt 11 art 11 Mat I tat IT I i.mjitaa. an Ofiim SMt II Saotlt Mail~, tiaiM S»|t a
      1,014 words
    • 904 17 I ImmmmmJ \%j ztkipfitm^Lm II t— K ''•art I ft. C"»a»a I'kaaM (.Mia. -MMMiiPMts ta, km. »ta, ata, aj IMTOUT II tal II ta! Ih7 OSaa ItaM S MMI (AT tl ta| II tool li taM IM Jut tiruai mw i s«i i smi 21 s«i hsX> asZ 7IS lia.,|.
      904 words
    • 767 17 I TOYAMA closma times: Singapore FCL mi 21 im m I JULY 22 j LCL: Miiimiln (V Benelux W. Germany Alir'llCX (Saarland Rotterdam AU^ ST Rheinland Pfali) France p- Switzerland W. Germany (Except areas H.nbu, 0 AUGUST y J-»J»-I 26 Denmark (Jutland Funen) Sweden Gothmbur, A^UST > =k 28 (Zealand)
      767 words
    • 673 17 ■MV^^i^F^^aß^^^^^M^l^H? i*»|iHf» »1J444; P K.! =i^ 4J4| XL 17J11. Pmaavj ISJOI. THE BANK LINE LTD. LHK FM I S. A.IICA lIUUM (anarw. ttm, l Mntati I I*" 1 Mi.-j 11.11 ta| ipo'f I/I* ta| •t.u.M imm.., (mmm, MM, I Unan i A'frcil P tflint II II Snt Sp-,-. SIISMt no
      673 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1038 18 l^^-a*— KAWASAKI KJSEN KAISHA LTD. KAWASAKI KIMaM USED KAISHA LTD lAPAN N U«t. STRAITS SERVICE ■aaa K*aA*aa| S pw, <r.a«i IIIUIIH Maili Minna »«l insult Ham n umi "I a^ Japan P«r«l»n Culf Sarvica s t a»«-t PHi unit Man a n Ht, cm* Muscat thru, ta.aoaa /Data/ lati.i Japan
      1,038 words
    • 941 18 NORD-TRANSPORT (H.K.) UNE laaaaat far: tTtauT, miUfiH. .aiuiac am aanun SMMjaam P. VJaaf *tM 1 aaitai iiisia or 1: m, aa Pan aaasm II Mr, m, cuai msia 71 ii< a aat 1 Nil HnuiM in I) is aat M Aa| laatai Mr L lUNWI. initial AM CAP! ram Sipil..
      941 words
    • 897 18 U.K. fUROrf StRVICt LOADING TOR LONDON, HAVRI. RDAM. HRURS. RRIMIN Mrtiiai nitoa M lar, 1 aat 1 1 M nll a«t Har, i?i. a«i» :n liaMa 11 r H'tar| 21 .i ai.iuai Tifai n/n Aag is 21 aat ft' "t Laaaaa 1.10. •'•aai. NaMarr I aifinai upraiit 111 mi nti
      897 words
    • 582 18 aPVIVVUtVCiIHHB^JJ^BiiftU EIPItSS SEIYICt TI LIRWN, UITTtPOOL CONTINENT PUTS TI s i|aa i iN'i >.nvi iaa*ai tar. MHU tara < iiq i n aai '2 is aai ti n aat tarn n,i IM ia/1 taw lot. 1.,*.- s NX'I 2« I. a «..p 111 MMU 111-ia Dim lIMLa MTU, WaaM j,
      582 words
    • 653 18 I A S2m purchase yOSPER Limited, parent com par y of Vosper Thornyrrc.ft iVTS). announces hat coii! have been exrriantjed for the acquisition bj wholly-owned.: subsidiary mlted ("Vosner") of the I carried on by Harland and WjH Southampton from July 1 The purchase price for the assets beli;. I quired,
      653 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 553 19 I 081 Oil I TENDER NOTICE PA fc |£n£ AI RIPA 'RS ARh I PAINTING to Beacons uithin the I Singapore Territorial Waters 2) N i TAL LATION of New Rubber I l'Mi? e EJ? yit f "i Anc'Uwy Works at I Pulau Sebarolc for Pier No. 2 CONSTRUCT, ON
      553 words
    • 438 19 ■Kh ITPI TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited from Registered Contractors of the Jurong Town Corporation for the following proje (A) RECONSTRUCTION OF ROADS AND DRAINWORKS AT JURONG MARINE BASE, JURONG TOWN I I K.IBILITY: Civil Engineering $100,000/- and above. SHOWROL'ND: 25.7.73 at 10.00 a.m. Meet at J.T.C. Site Office, 15%
      438 words
    • 649 19 GOVERNMENT OF THi REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE THE PLANNING ACT (Cap. 279. 1970 Ed.) THE MASTER PLAN RULES. 1962 Notice under Rule 12 Notice U hereby given that the following proposals for Alterations to the Master Plan were submitted to the Minister for Uw and National Development for approval: vr (i)
      649 words
    • 604 19 P.WJ>. SINGAPORE Tenders are Invited from PWD Registered Contractors and from other suitable contractors for the following works 1) Installation uf 8" diameter Boreholes for the foundation of the proposed 56' a" internaJ diameter tn «~e r off Kallang Bahru. Kallang Basin Singapore for Kallang Basin Sewerage Scheme— Contract DC.
      604 words
    • 592 19 P.WJ). SINGAPORE Tenders are Invited from PWD Tflstered Contractors ai a from "Specially Registered Contractors" for the following Works I) Supply and Installation of Sewage PumpIng Equipment etc at Dunbar Walk Sewage Pumping Station for Bedok Tanjong Rhu Reclamation Sewerage Scheme Phase 111 Contract V. All Mechanical or Electrical EngineerIng
      592 words
    • 345 19 I LIQUORS LICENSING BO ABn SINGAPORE NOTICE OF GENERAL urn -sion A General Llcenslr Session of the Uquo > Licensing Board for Sir gapore will be held In tt Court of the First Dlstni Judge. District Court N 1 1 District and 1 Magistrate i Courts Bulldi.ig. Sout Bridge Road,
      345 words
    • 293 19 HOI/SING DEVELOPMENT BOARD Separate tenors are lnL vlted for either one or both of the foilowiiigj (ll ERECTION i. COMPLJTTION of One Block of 4-Room Flats. One Block of 3-Room Flats with Shops St Quarters on Oround 4o Ist Floor. One Block of 3-Room Flats it h ar >d One
      293 words

  • 168 20 brown patches, acne, all skin; conditions, r.'gular facials, postnatal and spot-reducing consult' LOUIK K and qualified Beauty specialist' years Iroi Hotii telephon. *****3 > HA R LOSS Flair's La .don qualified trlfur consultation on J' your hair A scalp problems Tsl: *****-1 A Expert hai -dress lnK Tlntlns.
    168 words
  • 45 20 3 Religious Announcements HEAR REPORTS ON ICCC Mh I World ITlIM Kar Rutrrn i Bible Colirvi- S-A CilMrad Road Knd»y 20 7 73 s K> p m Colour I <lld«a and «M today at 6 30 p.m. 81 Annr i| Church. 9 m TodkicoI Road.
    45 words
  • 33 20 ib.jjijihiuhwB OELICHTFUL OLD SINCA- PORE HOUSE with lovely Knr- 11. all conveniences n plus live-in am.ih. ntrjp reiison- able rent. No children. August P Ist 'October Ist. Phone *****3 •> after 7.00 p.m. (I
    33 words
  • 80 20 lm.mIi f i ■AU SWEE POH pa:aed away peacefully 19-7-73 l-avmg be- three children Judy. Kdmund. Sylvia. Funeral Saturday. Cortege lei Shepherd s Drive at 1 1 00 a.m for Kampong Kapor CM tnence to Chua Chu Kang,* Christian Cemetery. WEB HOE PEE. 64. passed away paai ■•ons. 7 oi
    80 words
  • 27 20 FAMILY OF THE late Mrs. K. K. S. Menon thank relatives and friends for their kind assistance, wreaths, condolence! and attendance during thtlr recent bereavement.
    27 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 158 20 classified (11 CLASSIFIEDS PATES CENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS: 50 cts a wo d Minimum ST M for 15 words ANNOUNCEMENTS PERSONAL: 4 51 a word Minimum S2J for 20 words U BOX NUMBERS SERVICE 1 CHARGE SS 00 w ■■MMM ti a) Professional ni TUITION SCHOOL reaaj ton 8 hours p. r
      158 words
    • 716 20 MECHANICAL ENCINEER required aa INSPECTING ENCINEER SURVEYOR Vppllcanta should ba Singapore ;t!/en In poaseaslon of current Irlvlng licence and with at leaat lon and erection of steel work, nstal'ation of mechanical plant Jid able to prepare technical ■c ports. applications giving full details if qualifications and experience Ihould be submitted
      716 words
    • 672 20 WANTED 2 EXPERIENCED Wharf Clerks for Immedlatt employment Apply personally to Banry Transport Services Company. 12-B Stanley Street. Spore, 1. (See Mr. Richard Hwa) WANTEO FEMALE BOOKKEEPER with L.C.C. Inter{mediate 2 years experience. i Please state qualifications experience salary expected tc S.T Box A ***** Spore I Public Accountant requires
      672 words
    • 604 20 i nilllL AND HVLirtAULIt. MECHANICS required for Tug i and Salvage Barge operations baaed In Singapore Must be experienced, capable of working 1 Independently, and fluent In English. Oood aalary opportunities. Send particulars to P.O. Box 2316. Spore, 1. A large Manufacturing Company in the city ana requires A STORE
      604 words
    • 759 20 APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED 'ram Male Singapore Citizens' •permanent residents for (I) 1 Trainee Machine Openton (2) Assistant Fitters (3) Labourers for Jurong Oil Factory. Van Attendants. Delivery Clerks. > iand Clerk required for Town Office, rieaae apply giving details to ST Box A9IIM Spore 1 SYNTAX INTERNATIONAL PTE LTO la
      759 words
    • 738 20 UNITED COFFEE HOUSC reI quires Waitresses experience not I necessary. transport provided for nnjit only tin vicinity). Interview at 512 A. Commonwealth Aye.. Spore 3. Beside Golden City Theatre, from 2 I p.m. 10 p.m. Local Travel Company requires 1. EXPERIENCED TICKETINC RESERVATION OFFICER (FEMALE) a. 1 to 2 years
      738 words
    • 598 20 WANTEO FEMALE CLERKS and Duplicating Machine O^eratorj preferably with experience Apply In person to Administrative Oflljei 8 Urn ford College, Queens Street. Singapore 7. SHOWATEX PTE. LTD., 14. Lokyang Way, Jureng Tewn, Slngapere 17. (a) FEMALE PRODUCTION WORKERS Age 16 to 26. no night duties. Company provldt hostels (b) FEMALE
      598 words
    • 594 20 ONE HARDWORKING STORE LABOURER. Apply stating quallflcatuns and experience to 32. Boon Vat Street Spore. REQUIRED 1 LORRY DRIVER. Please apply Eastern Labour A Supplies Co., 25- A. Telok Rlangah Road. Spore. EXPERIENCED DRIVER CUM MESSENGER required urgently P*?ne *****7 Spore. TREND REQUIRES (BAM STRESSES, l-lease tel: 3789*4 Spore. 'hunts
      594 words
    • 426 20 SEMI DETACHED OIST 1 10, 11, 21 Jalan Vrnap. Kins Road. Mount glnai. Victor Park. Wai ten. Clementl Par (1.200 to (1.700 Please a Consult .nt Unique ***** 2191 |Bpore. FULLY FURNISHEO CAVI NACH COURT apartment 3 be. rooms. 2 bathrooms, separa servants room. 5 ni.condltlo asm. Please contact *****
      426 words
    • 176 20 rs. ST. THOMAS WALK furnished. i-s (400. l.loyd Court rerla rla pool (1. 000. unfurnished Conrk. tact Mr Ong *****6 8 pore all 63 DORSET ROAO di" 103 double 'lorry sinxle house furn'shed Rent (600 141 DIST. W-li f irnlshed room bathroom i m FURNISMEO BEDROOMS. for lat;MM233 Spore. tan
      176 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 626 21 QCEBStjE MANDARIN PARK DOUBLE STORBV SEMI DETACHEO S 220. 000 Golden Rlae Estate U üble atorev terrace $163 000 l^nKkok Marlam tlngle-atorey .'etached central alrcon with t-.any txtraa $195,000. Hong Gardtn double-storey ■■tied 4.800 sq.ft $260.--000. Pleast ttl. Internationa! Housing AKtncy *****3 B'port APARTMENTS, PACIFIC. iMO.OOO, $120,000. Tarract. Hong Leong.
      626 words
    • 680 21 NILLCREST ROAD. District 11. Fully furnished. Doubks-storty. Sem. detached. Freehold. 3 bedrooms, servant a room Tel: *****2. RBAL BARGAIN!: Hong Leon* Oarden Phase I. type 'C Completion 1974 Price $145.(HH Ttl: B'port *****7 GoldenLand Agencies. BEAUTIFUL SBMI-OETACHEO CORNER SINOLB-STOREV HOUSI Recently redaooratti with marble flooiing and fully furnished. Stlotar Hills.
      680 words
    • 753 21 AVAILABLE AIRCONDITION BO newly completed office space of 5.500 aq ft. at Enggor Street/ 1 'Tras Btreet, Ist floor Apply 7*313 11 INTERNATIONAL BUILOINO ORCHARD ROAD Office spaces available For particulars, please contact' Tel: BTMSS during offlc* hours SMALL OFFICB ROOM In Shen- ton Way to let with centralised aircond.
      753 words
    • 834 21 TRAVBL WIBBLV with txptrltnct staff of International Air Travel Agency London. Europe, New York, Los Angtles or any destination Call 217 East Coast Road. Singapore 15. Tel:! *****0/4*5287 London- SSA. osaington Street London W2 Tel: 01 229-4432 01 727-9754. ARCHIPILACO SPECIAL TOURS AIR, TRAIN. COACH DEPARTURES KUALA LLM PUR SINGAPORE
      834 words
      862 words
    • 820 21 (PERT LONDON TUITION oy r Law: LL.B Bar: Secretary Ip; ACIS: Accountancy: ACCA. *A, A.I A lnttitute of CreI Management. Banking: 1.8. School Certificate. H S.C X: Marketing The Rapid faults College. Dept. YFla 0. Box 3173. B'pore ICRITARIAL COURSE FOR RLS: Btartlng Auguat Reils- sarly i Shorthand. Typewrit1. Bookkeeping.
      820 words
    • 847 21 CHINESE LANGUAGE at your I place) by Nanyang Oraduttt. once twice weekly, $***** monthly. ***** 00 YOU WANT to learn Oerman Language? Call Mr. Keller 1 *****3 ext. 2000 from 6.30 11.00 p.m J.T.C. 00NOUCTIN0 Group Tuition In Mathematics. Science. Languages to B.C. level $10 $20 subtect *****9. 1 ASIA
      847 words
    • 892 21 VOLKSWAGEN 120* C.C. Kirly 1963 Roglne good conaition $1,500 0.n.0. View at Viern> Inn. 825 Upper East Coast Road' opposite Army Camp from 9.00 a.m. 12.00 noon. Weak-; days only. TRIUMPH HERALD ESTATE 1966 Excellent condition Leaving, Singapore Must aril $2,400; i ono. Tel: *****1 Spore afternoon. I ROVER ISOO
      892 words
    • 777 21 810 DISCOUNTS dreanes, tultl textiles, ladles and gents tailor Ing. turlos. novelties and gll artlclra Visit Rr»n ITepl Store 1* 20 John Little s Shot ping Centre. E pore. FABULOUS FURS. FOR ALL SEASONS our special offer easy payments at no extra cost JAMBS FONO FURS (PTE.) LTD., 12 C
      777 words
    • 719 21 >. SPECIALISTS IN TV. Radios Amplifiers Repairing. Ron. 1,*****31 -3625ni. Technical Else- Ironies Ctntrt, Sport. HISETA TV Day Night I Service* and fitting aerials. "'Ring Spore 9*236. Raasonabl* c.iargaa. Repair ima anteed. {FEDERAL TV OAV/NIOHT Service. All brands. Rttalr guaranteed. Moderate charges Ttl: *****9 B'port 55. 000.00 LOAN REOUIP.EO for
      719 words

    • 245 22 Amiss hits 100 in England's easy victory LONDON, Thurs. Opening batsman Dennis Amiss slammed a brilliant 100 as England beat New Zealand by seven wickets with more than nine overs to spare In their 55-over one-day cricket match In Swansea yesterday. Pacemen John Snow (4-32) and Geoff Arnold (3-28) shattered
      Reuter  -  245 words
    • 3 22
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    • 384 22 THi: Singapore ath.etic squad for the Seap Games suffered a severe blow when potential gold medal winner Mehar Sin&h was injured in an accident last Saturday. Months of hard training by this talented athlete and his coach Karlchandra came tc nought. And Singapore
      384 words
    • 138 22 ANZUK Kranji qualified for the fourth berth in the interclub D grade squash tournament when they won 4-0 on a default by Chinese YMCA II at Palmer Road on Wednesday night. Michael Goh. the CYMCA No. 1 failed to turn up for his match against
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    • 422 22  -  GODFREY ROBERT By pRICKET fans who turned up in full force at the airport yesterday to welcome the Bombay Gymkhana cricket team went home disappointed as both Test stars the Nawab of Pataudi and Dilip Sardesai were not in the 15 -member contingent. Gymkhana team
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    • 180 22 Samran bags CPA title MANILA, Thurs. Samun Banyen of Thailand today scored a 24-came total of 4,776 pintails to win ttar men championship in the 1973 Cathay Pacific-Bruns-wick Asian bowling tournament. The 28-year-old Sam ran, runner-up in the 1970 World Cup tournani«nt In West Germany, led a'l the way in
      180 words
    • 66 22 LONDON. Thurs. Opening batsman Maurice Poster and reserve wicket-keeper David Murray both scored centuries in a sparkling 208--run sixth wicket partnership for the West Indian cricketers against Kent on the opening day of their threeday match li. Canterbury yesterday. Poster hammered 127 and Murray scored a career
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 5 22 Table Talk By PETER SIOW
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    • 256 22 Table tennis trainees find it tough SEAP Games table tennis trainees are finding it tough to cope with Korean coach Chun Young-Suk's strenuous training programme. Sam one player: "Since Young-Suk's takeover this month, he has decided to Increase our circuit training every Sunday from three kilometres to 13 for the
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    • 74 22 NEW YORK. Thurs. Results of major league baseball matches played yesterday: National League: Kra York 12 Atlanta 2; San Diego 8 Chicago 5; Pittsburgh 3 Los Angeles 2: San Pranrisco 8 St Louis 3: Cincinnati 7 Philadelphia 3; Montreal 3 Houston 2. American League: Minnesota 3 New
      Reuter  -  74 words
    • 44 22 HONOLULU. Thurs. Former world junior lightweight champion Ben Villaflor of the Philippines scored a first-rounc. knockout victory over Japan'. 1 Kenjl Ivata last night, setting tht stage for his return title fight against Kunlakl Shlbata. the world champion from Japan. AP.
      AP  -  44 words
    • 35 22 LONDON, Thurs. South African Mike Procter has signed a new three-y-r contract with his English county cricket slje. Gloucestershire, it was announced today. The 28-year-old all-rounder will receive a benefit in 1975.
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    • 669 22 Barak sets new marks in sprints By PETER SIOW I>ARAK Masrool, Mannivenan, D. SclvaD rajoo, Lai Pau Kwang and schoolgirl Cheng Swee Taur were the stars in yesterday's Primary Schools 1 athletic meet when tfcey each achieved a double at Dover Road However, the honours went to Barak Masrool, of
      669 words
    • 70 22 BIME Darby qualified for the quarter-final of the SBHFL Ltague and Cup Division Three tournament when they beat OC for their fourth sucvessjve win at GUlmar. B yesterday. In the otUr matches at rarrer Park Jurong Shipyard beat Maybank 1-0; Add. sograph teat Singapore bacco
      70 words
    • 40 22 - SINOAPORE Armed F. Sports Association defeated Police 20-6 In thi fir.M rugby Btsar last night In prep.. tlon for the Malayn tournament which begin month. In another match. Singapore Cricket Club heid the Combined Blacks Bucks to 4-4
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 23 22 ▼T M^ urer Wirtz YilllilC OKM;iNill The singular choice of j|ent lt'incn flic world over The bath range for the fastidious man Hfe
      23 words
    • 185 22 "The better you look, the better you feel!" Beauty may be only skindeep but il's there that self-confidence begins or ends. And confidence <s probably the greatest asset to "getting on" in the world. A bad skin s often a real source of worry. Yet all that is needed is
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous

    • 234 23 'Prince' shows ability RACING with EPSOM JEEP WESTERN Prince is worth an each-way wager against strongly fancied The Jagrar in Race 6 at Kuala Lumpur tomorrow. Ridden by Rod Dawkins, Western Prince galloped in great heart on the sand yesterday, clocking 39sec for 3f on the bit. This four-year-old Irish
      234 words
    • 725 23 ■TTTBni 2.0 CLASS 5. DIV. 4— 6 F 4-1J J fSSTVi, 1.. ,4 ($6,000-54.200 to winner) ;j *^.<^r,' V v S T.H <-14> M. Ismail 7 o. S w"'n, 'i EMERGENCY. ACCEPTORS: Harbrldtt 1J 17 M<. l.»« I.Novlirl Irh 8121 +1) 1 •Hti>l 14 18 «..U8
      725 words
    • 860 23 ■pfffWpß| 1.45 CLASS 3. DIV. 4 6 F o* V />»» K,'..»n Hr,i.n.-" n 4 n r H J t .,,oc. 7 ■'■'™M ($B,OOO 55.600 to winner) f o^? r o\<0 \< 5 10 7 V.ui-H, s^iTm I 8 him, Hrrt M« Conn IV -I' -Mjiuor 4
      860 words
    • 440 23 CHANGE OF NAMES WOTE these name change*: Berita Baik date Ace of Diamonds 11). Home First (Satalampi, Stop The Sho:o (Atan, ShangriLa V iPJ. Pride/. won a 6' 2 t race in 1:21 2 5 at Cranbourne. Texas Kanser II 'Ismail Asban> moved freely in a half-speed spin. A three-year-old
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 436 23 KH k^^bP jb^uHpw^ I Offers you a complete range of welding equipment electrodes generators accessories -developed from and backed Kj by more than sixty years' experience EM) LINCOLN ELECTRIC ff£m* M t 1 can serve you better bIVb^L HH^^^^ I VT- -«V |KHM *r^ J«b\ IHOUniBAI. ACMCUinMAi. DrVKIOM iVj HB
      436 words

  • 448 24 'NEW LIGHT' BY MITCHELL AIDE V H E I) E R I C K Larue, former assistant to John Mitchell, testified today that he believed Unit Jefa Stuart Magruder, deputy director of President Nixon's reelection campaign, knew in advance thai the Watergate 1) i ea
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  • 31 24 TOKYO, Thurs. Japans middle-of-the-road Democratic Socialist Party is to send a mission on a tiwo-week fact-finding tour of South Vietnam. Singapore, Thailand Indonesia, starting around Aug. 20. Reuter.
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  • 29 24 TEHERAN. Thurs Iran took over full ownership and operation of Its southern oil installation formerly worked by a Western consortium under a bill presented to Parliament today
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  • 30 24 DACCA. Thurs. The para military Bangladesh Rifles have rounded up 176 people alleged to be Involved In subversive activities. A large cache of arms was recovered. Reuter.
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  • 348 24 LONDON, Thun. The market an »ith moM I. „,,,n,,, orlwren 2p »pr.,.l .Irposii* < h,» p buyer, latirriy moved .elective 2«. .1° 1" "owest h-vrls At S pm the tT. in.le< wa. down r.^?' 1 h r T •"""•""•I ~lth fall, ranging to 40p on the lower
    348 words
  • 178 24 AWYERS and Judges Ld from 20 Asian and Pacific countries suggested at a conference which ended here today that a special commission should be set up in the region to handle the traffic of natural and synthetic drugs. The suggestion of the Commission of
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  • 36 24 MADRID. Thurs Spanish Chief of Slate Francisco Franco yesterday gave a reception to celebrate the 37th anniversary of the military uprising against the Republic which signalled the start of the Spanish Civil War Reuter.
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  • 172 24 SINGAPORE'S wonder horse Jumbo Jet trotted among the Jumbo Jets of Paya Lebar airport again when he flew home ast night after putting the Republic on the world racing map. Hs was the YIP passenger of Pan American Airways' all-cargo Jet freigh ter last nigi^.t. The six-year-old
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  • 145 24 Murder Mile claims 43 victims VIZILLE. (France), Thurs. A Belgian tour coach plunged off a mountain road known locally for its accident rtcord as "Murder Mile" into the swollen Romance River. kUlinK 43 passengers. Frogmen dived into the lifCl throughout the night and todar In continued efforts to recover bodies
    145 words
  • 65 24 OR. FtRNANOCZ JOHN THOMAS h»lov«J or of Krank. Margarrt and Victor, passed away IS trice leaves 8 Lynwood Grove Siturday afternoon 21 7 73 for St Francis Xavlrr s Church thence lo Mount Vernon Prayers at home for 9 daya at 7 p m RIP No irreatlM please
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 100 24 .^1 I u(- JIB^ I PI Fresh design for I 1 fresh environment. Sanyo EK-25 KRE l^^^^WHs drives the 12-inch exhaust fan comes I Hfl an 'blade needs with a new stylish I Wjt absolutely no mainfront cover. I Ifr tenance whatever, This attractive I B^W. B^ Front cover and
      100 words
    • 118 24 a^a^aka^V^ala^aitfaHa^a^ai alaß k. ■SQEBsgoa I Mrai BBBhUSB SFafl rd XL WWiCTS TURNS GRASS \-JM INTO LAWNf IS$ llMa^a. A tjvounle in conventional mowers, powered by i I l"' __-3gg^l For eve type ol liwn, there i t trouble free fINzV B^U m QlUa^V moto wn Tmwer backed by ■HaVia iKiibW
      118 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 209 24 Bringing Up Father By BUI Kavanagh tfc Hal Camp 5 7 i£ c E^i" r h .-4«, l Al Ai~-r«»osi"l ~*t mVLW TOL6 (X« <^™^ ■O. V%A< )S "O T tH ■««w cook omovn *oo J Tv_ I \l T C "'LT? S I »v*i.i» J Biondto By Oils Y*nag
      209 words
    • 14 24 The weather WEATHER outlook for Singapore today from 6 am to noon: No rain.
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