The Straits Times, 10 May 1973

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 23 1 TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 250.000 The National Newspaper The Straits Times Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1973 20 CENTS M.C. (P) 28/73
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  • 745 1  -  cHIA POTEIK, P.M. RAMAN and LESLIE FONG By People quick to get over their surprise at dollar split THE SINGAPORE DOLLAR ACROSS THE CAUSEWAY: Page 8 SINGAPOREANS yesterday quickly got over the surprise caused by Tuesday's sudden split of the Malaysia and Singapore dollars and went on
    Reuter  -  745 words
  • 54 1 MOSCOW. Wed A Soviet ptrllnrr crashed on take-off on Monday during a training (light at Vnukovo airport, but there were no casualties. Soviet sources said today. Official* said only the crew, who were all safe, were on board the plane when It crashed beyond the end of
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 138 1  - Normal dealings in London banks MASIE KWEC By LONDON, Wed. Business In London banks dealing in Singapore and Malaysian dollars carried on as usual today, despite the non-inter-changeability of the two currencies, announced in Koala Lumpur yesterday. The concensus of three bank managers was: "There U no disruption in transactions
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  • 662 1  - Hope for a common market in securities 808 NG: City Editor By ]y|R. Ng Soo Peng, chairman of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore yesterday expressed the hope that there would be no restrictions in share dealings when the SEMS is separated so that a common market in securities
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  • 30 1 MIAMI (Florida) Wed Barbara J. Barrett, a 23-year-old brunette with 2.800 hours flying time and college decree, has become the first woman pilot hired by Eastern Airlines —UPI.
    UPI  -  30 words
  • 79 1 BANGKOK. Wed. Two policemen and 10 villagers were killed and 21 others seriously wounded when one of the policemen tossed a grenade among a crowd attending a folk music festival In northern Thailand. Police sources said today the two policemen from a communist suppression unit protecting
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 118 1 NAGASAKI. Wed. WITH a deft chop of the hatchet, Mrs. Lee Kuan Yew cuts a rope to christen Singapore's first supertanker, the 233.200--ton Neptune World here today. The simple ceremony was attended by the Prime Minister and officials of Mitsubishi
    UPI  -  118 words
  • 46 1 JACKSONVILLE Florida) Wed.— Fßl agents and Florida state police have recovered the U8W03.000 (1700.000) ransom collected by a hijacker who parachuted Into the Jungle of British Honduras with hi* loot a year ago. but refused to say when they found the cash. AP.
    AP  -  46 words
  • 343 1 Fresh fighting flares up in Beirut BEIRUT, Wed. Fighting between Lebanese troops and Palestine guer i 1 1 as erupted on several fronts in Lebanon today, shattering the latest ceasefire agreement drawn up only a few hours earlier. Leaders of several Arab countries, most of them pledging their support to
    Reuter  -  343 words
  • 31 1 LONDON. Wed. Unilever, the multinational soap, fats and frozen foods corporation, announced today that it will spend US$l25 million 0310 million) to combat pollution during the coming decade. AP.
    AP  -  31 words
    • 41 1 WASHINGTON Wed.—At-tomey-Getieral-desicnate Elliot L. RtehardMD tesUlled today that be wold wkm Senate action oo his choice of a ipectal Waterf»te proMcator. »m» would make a new .election If lenators did not endorse his first preference, I'PI (See Paje 4)
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    • 41 1 WASHINGTON. Wed. Mr. EffU "Bud" Krogh, «M to imve accepted full rwponiiblHtr tot th* break-In at the office of the ptychlatrtat of Daniel Eltabcrr In U>« F»»t»r>n rmpta eaae today •■omitted hto rriMrnatlon as Under -Secretary of TranaparUttaa.— B««tar.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 113 1 INTRODUCING PHOTOSUII Bifocil aid TrifMil Lmet PnofoMiH Looja m m Moojl ooojaplaflMWt to Pho»o9r«y Lmm. It effort yaaj optima* balance of comfort ana 1 yMMlfty which hoi rvtvai been available (Since 1829) DAH SIN OPTICAL MOUSE Optometrist— P. S. Dzjlg, 0. D. (Phllo) 325, North IrMfO Rood, Stafapora-7. T.laohona: *****.
      113 words
    • 129 1 THOREISR the acknowledged leader in turntable TD-150 J| fijfc] W. R GOODALE PTE. LTD. IQbI »~~«0l t» >*•■ W. hwtlM 1 •■>■ W WiitelUla it tr JOM4I BKS.NEW HOLILW BARGAINS 0R73 lOOK N THESE GREAT VMJJE-FOR MONEY HOJCW6 HONG WONG BCWS FROM ***** HONGKONG TAIPEI BCWSFROMSSI,2O9 BANGWOK6D^S FROMSSSB9 IODKyiOKKO 6
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  • 142 2 Villagers paid $80,000 for $30m treasure JAKARTA. Wed—Twentysix West Java villagers have been granted 13 million ruplahs ($80,000) in cash as their share of a treasure hoard worth more than $30 million which they found almost 30 years ago. The Judgment came yesterday after a court case lasting a full
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  • 58 2 WABHDJOTON. Wed— The Pentagon said last night It had uncovered a marijuana ring among Marine and Navy guard* at President Nixon's Camp David mountain retreat In Maryland. A Defence Department spokesman said 20 Marines and 18 sailors on guard and security' duty at the presidential
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 82 2 WASHINGTON. Wed. Defence Secretary Elliot Richardson agreed before a Senate committee today that only US air power was keeping Marshal Lon Nol's Cambodian Government from falling to the communists. Mr. Richardson said the air force was spending about US$5 million ($12.5 million) a month to fuel
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  • 504 2 Terror squads blast market and railway ICCS WORRIED OVER ATTACK pOMMI'MST terrorists set off an explosive device in a crowded market town 10 miles southwest of the northern port of Danang, killing two nnd injuring 14, and mined a passenger train for the second time in two days, the Saigon
    Reuter; AP  -  504 words
  • 29 2 BONN. Wed. Christian Democratic Party leader Dr. Ralner Barrel this morning resigned his post as chairman of the West German parliamentary opposition, a party spokesman said. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 132 2 rNBKRRA. Wed. Australia did not intend to close its doors to overseas students graduating from Australian universities, Immigration MlnUter Al Grassby told the House of Representatives today. Replying to his predecessor. Dr. James Forbes, Mr. Grassby said that originally, students from overseas countries were compelled
    UPI  -  132 words
  • 174 2 PEKING, Wed A MERICAN actress ShlrJ\ ley Maclalne said today the single most impressive event In her threeweek tour of China was watching a birth by caesarian section with acupuncture used as the anaesthetic. "Two needles In her ankle, that's all," she
    Reuter  -  174 words
  • 192 2 Neutrality useless without ties with Peking JAKARTA, Wednesday J7V3REIGN Minister Adam r Malik said today neutralisatlon of South-east Asia would be useless without normalisation of relaH? 1^ I the A c ntrles in the region and China. He added that Indonesia will, in time, normalise its relations with China, suspended
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  • 70 2 LYONS, Wed Hundreds of rioting prisoners early today ended a seven-hour mutiny at St. Paul's prison here and returned to their cell! after at least 20 of them had been Injured In clashes with riot police. Before the revolt ended, a largely sympathetic crowd gathered In the
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 128 2 WELLINGTON, Wed. The ruling Labour Party's annual conference decided today to ask the Government to adopt "God Defend New Zealand" as the country's national anthem. The Government will also be asked to study the question of re-deslgning the New Zealand flag. One delegate told the conference
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 186 2 FRFF* One plastic full colour Wilt Disney character sticker with every tin of Cerelac you buy. Buy a tin of Cerelac with the cartoon all the vitamins, minerals and .sm& zlZ***BMT'2MKKKttl^^ g»»<fc-.. flash on it and you will get one free digestible sugars essential for his .Ji^'WMM S^K^ plastic Walt
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    • 352 3 Pilot's heart attack blamed for jet crash LONDON, Wed. A heart ailment that had been eating away at pilot Stanley Key for perhaps 30 years finally struck In the moment of takeoff and led to Britain's worst ever air crash, an official report said today. Also blamed for the crash
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    • 165 3 DEBBIE FAILS TO GET GUN CHARGE DROPPED NI.W YORK, Wed. Actress Debbie Reynolds (above) told a court today she thought her 15--year-old son was playing with a stage prop when he accidentally shot himself in the thigh in their Manhattan apartment. Miss Reynolds, 41, who is currently starring in the
      Reuter  -  165 words
    • 28 3 NEW YORK. Wed— Two Italian shoemakers have been charged with connpliing to smupplf US$25 million <M 7.5 million) worth cf heroin Into the United States— Reuter
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 222 3 We have icon the battle against inflation: Barber LONDON, Wed. JBrlush Chancellor of the Exchequer Anthony Barber yesterday claimed success for Britain's battle against inflation and said the country now faced an "unparalleled opportunity." Inflation was down, exports were fully competitive, medium and shortterm foreign debts were paid off, and
      Reuter  -  222 words
    • 48 3 LONDON. Wed. Btudents punched and kicked a wellknown professor of psychology as he tried to deliver a lecture at the London School of Economics yesterday. It was an apparent protest •gainst Prof. Hans Jurgen Eysencks theories on race and 1 n telllgence.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • 267 3 LONDON, Wednesday J)l{. Henry Kissinger arrived from Moscow today lor talks with British fritue Minister Edward Heath after six dayi of secret talks with the Soviet leaders. Dr. Kissinger will dine quietly with Mr. Heath at 10 Downing Street this evening. Only
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    • 26 3 GENEVA, Wed— Kenya haa invited the 143-membeT United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (Unctad) to hold Its lourth full aeaaion In Nairobi— Reuter
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    • 54 3 BELGRADE. Wed Yugoslavia yesterday became the first communist country to open a foreign currency exchange, in what the head of the National Bank described as an important step towards convertibility of the dinar. The exchange will deal in 13 currencies the U8 and Canadian dollars and
      Reuter  -  54 words
    • 25 3 BANGKOK. Wed The South-east Asia Treaty Organisation (Seato) will stage Its 43rd military training exercise In Thailand for 12 days starting tomorrow. AP.
      AP  -  25 words
    • 399 3 AMSTERDAM, Wed. •piIK Intergovernmental Group on Indonesia (IGGI) exceeded the Indonesian Government's request for l/Ss7<)o million ($1,900 million) in external assistance lor 197M-74 at the 14th IGGI meeting here, it \>is disclosed at, a news conference yesterday. About US$l6O million ($4OO million)
      AP  -  399 words
    • 28 3 KHARTOUM. Wed— Sudan's permanent constitution came into force today after being endorsed by President Jaafar ElNimeiry this morning following the release of all political detainees. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 202 3 Alien influence blamed for HK inflation HONGKONG. Wed. A top Government official said today that Inflation In Hongkong was largely caused by external Influences. The acting Financial Secretary. Mr. D.J.c. Jones, speaking in the Legislative Council said inflation generated In Hongkong was a major factor pushing up prices and the
      Reuter  -  202 words
    • 36 3 BANOKOK. Wed. A Thai woman was killed and a man Injured when a bomb, jettisoned from a U.S. nghter-bomber. exploded In a paddy neld near Udorn. north-east Thailand, the U.S. Embassy said yesterday. AP.
      AP  -  36 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 185 3 End G>nstjpation Worries Whan somaona In ttt* family hat conatlpation. tharaa always tti* question of what to giva him or her that's effect iva at wall as aaf a. Yaara of research and tatting hava resulted in rerredy that la both effective and aafa for adults and children alika. Tha
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    • 388 3 WEISEN-U DOUBLE ACTION RELIEF for STOMACH ULCERS and OTHER COMPLAINTS. H|Jsagi§ WEISEN-Us main qr v^flfP ingredient has undergone S^l "!j;jj successful trials by many lin^s-' leading Japanese Hospitals. MA^gS Sole Agents^ SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR IUCn UJ AH mCDKM CO.( J PTC.ITD. I Bock yggr copy of the swinging weekly-!
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 36 3 THE GAMBOLS By Barry Appleby Z*z S /»Jeu. «UILOT\ 9"*^ (I'LL OO HCW tOVELV XO I owe I S> *J* «Or*ereA-c« sue** wuo« I \uouu? scu nefee j I Aixtvep at j I^-A V la«t \^y
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    • 822 4 Agnew: Press has over stepped its bounds... 'THOUGH IT HAS HELPED UNCOVER FACTS OF THE WATERGATE BUGGING SCANDAL, IT HAS EMPLOYED McCARTHY-LIKE TACTICS' WASHINGTON, W«d yiCE PRESIDENT Spiro Agnew has accused the Press of employing McCarthy like tactics in reporting the Watergate bugging scandal. Although the Press had made contributions
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  822 words
    • 349 4 Nixon is unlikely to be impeached WASHINGTON, Wed. Possible impeachment of President Nixon over the Watergate bugging scandal hat been widely discussed but few members of Congress think it is likely to happen. First, most believe Mr. Nixon was not personally Involved, and, secondly, they think putting the President on
      Reuter  -  349 words
    • 22 4 UNITED NATIONS Wed. The offices of Secretary -General Kurt Waldhelm were given a routine monthly check today for any bugging devices.
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    • 23 4 CANBERRA: Th c Chinese ambassador to Australia, Mr. Want Kuo-Chuan. 62. arrived here- today to a warm reception from Chinese and Australian people.
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    • 37 4 MANILA: The government today announced plans to phase out within three years all log exports one of the major sources of foreign exchange and so halt forest denudation which was partly blamed for disastrous floods last year.
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    • 30 4 WKLLINGTON: Sir Leslie Munro. a former president of the L.N. General Assembly. said France would ignore any ruling by the International Court of Justice on nuclear testing in the Pacific.
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    • 34 4 LONDON. The rock i roll era of the 50s 1 being brought back t< London in the form of i new American musical call ed "Grease. The show 1 already a hit on Broadwa>
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    • 30 4 MOSCOW: A Ikrainian factory is building a supersonic raring car with a planned top speed of 745 miles prr hour. The highest motor speed ever achieved is 631 mph. Agencies.
      Agencies  -  30 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 94 4 FIY THE BETTER BOEINGS 144 MAS FLIGHTS WEEKIY BETWEEN SINGAPORE AND KUALA UJMPUR. SINGAPORE/ KUALA LUMPUR/ KUALA IJUMPUR SINGAPORE 8.00 a.m. 6.30 a.m. a* 8.15 a.m. 7.00 a.m.^ 8.45 a.m. da,y. 8.30 a.m 1.45 p.m. d.u y 9.15 a.m.d aiy 4.00 p.m. a* 9.45 a.m. da ly 4.30 p.m. d,
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  • 333 5 fill-: Port Autholity hist Yr;tr made an overall net profit of |52£3 million an increase of S3 per ct'iit over li)7l's $.'W..~) million. Its annual report said the PSA's total assets also rose by 21 per cent from 1971's figure of $315.4 million to
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  • 149 5 Appeal to soldier son to 'come home' A 19-YEAR-OLD National Serviceman, Murli Xi shoomal (above), has been reported missing since April 30 after informing his family that he was roing for a medical test. His father. Mr Kishoomal Ganfaram, 43. who appealed to him to return home said: "My son
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  • 78 5 POLICE are looking for the relatives or friends of a 60-year-nld man who was found dead at the foot of Block 21. Chal Chee Road. Kampung Chal Chee at 4 a.m. yesterday. Police believe the man fell from the 10th floor. He had no indentiflcation papers
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  • 163 5 DR Yeoh Ghim Seng, the Speaker, has expressed the hope that ties between the Singapore medical world md the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons vould be further enhanced in the future. Dr. Teoh. speaking at a dinner on Tuesday for the delegates attending the colleges
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  • 273 5 Old folk told: Sports not just for the young PARLIAMENTARY Secretary (Social Affairs), Mr. Chan Chee Seng, said yesterday that the older generation should alter their attitude that sports activities are meant gnly for the young. He said these people Included even those who were sports enthusiasts. He hoped that
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  • 39 5 ASSOCIATED Bus Services i Pte) Ltd. was fined a total of $360 yesterday for using buses which emitted excessive smoke along Queensway. Tanjong Katong and Changl Roads between last Nov. 7 and 12 The company pleaded guilty
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 149 5 Up Father Hy Bill Karanagh A Hml Ca—p Pf 4 R|©WT' OONT NVCRRV, DEAR, rM~^^ I I SAID NO WiNDOW-SMOPPiN© J| I J STOP THAT >. i WE'LL JUST v NOT SOl»*s ■"f ANC I MEANT |T/ r^f] (WINPOW- SHOPPING RE^'BERWE-RE Ar TQ STCP-^p V I V J Bondie
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  • 138 6 fkRDERS for the 1973 Sin\J gapore Mint Proof sets to be Issued on National Day have far exceeded the maximum permitted 1,000 sets, it was announced yesterday. Chartered Industries of Singapore Pte. L t d., which mint the sets, appealed to local as well
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  • 321 6  -  AHMAD OSMAN By Caught in trap set in steak house DETECTIVE with 18 years' service \v;is yester day jailed for 18 months lor trying to briiK? his superior officer. Det. Loh Tai Chuan, 38, was found guilty of corruptly offering $2,200 to
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  • 121 6 SANDAKAN, Wed. j Two rirls and a man were burnt to death when their car overturned and caught fire soon after midnight I last night in North Road here. The driver, Johnny Chin, 26, a contractor 1 from Kuala Lumpur, manured to crawl
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  • 22 6 THE Finance Minister, Mr Hon Sui Sen. will Introduce the Property Tax < Amendment) Bill at the next sitting of Parliament
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  • 155 6 T»HREE directors of A Hotel Singapura International have been summoned to appear in the First Magistrate's Court tomorrow to face charges under the Companies Act. The officer incharge of Commercial Crime, Deputy Supt. E. Mahadevan, served the summons on Monday on Ng Teng
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  • 281 6 JEALOUS FURY OF 67-YEAR-OLD MAN A G7-YEAR-OLD man attacked a younger man whom he thought was breaking up his relationship with a widow, a magistrate's court heard yesterday. i Armed with a chopper In one hand and a knife In the other, Wong Luan slashed the head of Lee Meng
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  • 78 6 Driver hurt in crash dies DRIVER Scan Choon Han, 3U, who was critically injured in a road accident In New Changl Road on Sunday, died in Outram Hospital on Tuesday. Seah's car collided head on with a lorry carrying sand. Three others In the car. Including newly-weds Tng Hen« I
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  • 46 6 THIRTEEN visiting Russian atadetnlclars yeiterda; toured the University of Singapore's Faculty of Medicine an( met Its acting dean. Prof. Phton On Iru- group romprlstij hl.-t)-rlans, medical men. pnljsophers pnd writer^ earlier met nembers of the university s cademir sufi at Guild Hali
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  • 61 6 HAWKER JaaJar bli Must 26. was Jailed for six nonUu yesterday (or cheating Vo Aik Thorn;, a United Bus Ceipar.y conductor, of 30 cents be fare at about 150 pm on Aril 29 The court was told las week that he Impersonated a police constable from Woodland
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  • 69 6 SYDNEY, Wed— A viewing audience estimated at three million tonight watchPd an hour-long television show on the tourist highlights of Singapore. The film "Hogan Abroad 1 features cultural and tourist aspects of Singa- pore presented In the earthy style of Austrian television
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 90 6 ALFA KOMEO 4|a2& -the la yi,. SWEEPS! Alfa Romeo has done it again. Superior power, handling and reliability have enabled them to register sweeping successes from North to South, ye?r after year since 1969 and 1973 is no exception. SotoAgant: Alfa Romeo-The King. Xj) BIV^^MDTDRBBDNBHD P^ 1P0HTR*****-KIUrVf\JRTR2BSIry7-re^^ *>IWP /Mk'ZjJf KUALA
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 18 7 MR. BALCOMBE time is not of the essence ln the case"
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  • 712 7  - QC tells of a takeover bid that failed T. F. HWANG 5 A QUEEN'a Counsel told the High Court yesterday that a holding company failed in its lake-over bid of a development company for $4 million when it was allegedly at all material times ready to complete the purchase. Mr.
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  • 217 7 Husband: Wife turned on music full blast while I slept a BUSINESSMAN, suing his wife for divorce *\>n the ground of cruelty, told the High Court yesterday that his wife used to turn on their reprd player full blast while he was sleeping. Mr. Koh Yew Llm. who married in
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  • 94 7 CAR RAMS COFFEESHOP: TWO HURT TWO men drlnklnc coffee were injured when a car rammed a coffee-shop In Bukit Panjang yesterday afternoon. Food stall assistant Tony Han, 25, was cut in the thigh while his friend, Pang Swee Gnan, 24, a chargehand with a shipping company, was bruised on his
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  • 152 7 CC to stress value of family A COUNSELLING and educational guidance service will be provided at Siglap community centre from next Monday. The main purpose is to stress the Importance of family unity as an effective unit of society. Counselling sessions will be on Wednesdays from 3 p m. to
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  • 21 7 KAU Kirn I«e. 48. was ye»Urday fined $700 ln a magistrates court for having another person's Identity card.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 61 7 believe Wind and Gastric fain With Geluiil-M tblets. Recommerded by actors because they're sfe, effective and cause n side effects. Gelutil-M contains nt one, but three atacids to promptly nieve pain and wind ctised by indigestion, ecessive stomach acids o ulcers. Olusil-M also protects u:ers and allows healing t< proceed.
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    • 765 7 HOW TO SPEAK WRITE MASTERLY D OES your En O llsh revaoi your lock of •ducotton. o. K .^il i^^av. *-'dOM it prove that you or* a penon of culture on Al^flß P^k r»fin«m«rt? Ar« you handicapped in your «pw»cr« O na B^B writing, or dock your command of English
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    • 479 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday S i n g a p ore dollar will be quoted in the Malaysian foreign exchange market, chairman of the Asso c i a t ion of Banks in Malaysn, Mr. Hooi Kam Sooi, said today. Mr. Hooi
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    • 356 8 At first some confusion, inconvenience KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The business community is studying the full implications of the chcnges to exchange control regulations, following the Malaysia-Singapore currency split yesterday. Many manufacturers. Importers, exporters and traders still do not know to what extent the changes will affect them. However, they expect
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    • 75 8 Singapore fishermen fined KUALA TRENOOANU, Wed. Seven fishermen fror.i Singapore have been fined a total of $3,300 by the magistrate's court for encroaching Into Malaysian waters and using explosives to catch fish. They committed the offence In the sea off Besut on Aug. 8 last year. The fishermen were fined
      Bernama  -  75 words
    • 114 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. —Ton Abdul Raiak urged the Asean nations today to examine the possibilities of broadening the scope of the association for a programme of regional industrial integration. Opening the 28-storey I'MBC Buildinc. the Prime Minister said: "We should examine the possibilities of
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    • 102 8 25 HOUSES RAZED IN VILLAGE FIRE A LOB STAR. Wed. Fire razed a row of 25 shophouses in a remote village at Mrgat Dewa, about 25 miles from here, early today, causing about $400,000 damage. The village railway station was also partly burnt. Villagers and flreflgtiting voliinterrs from nearby area*
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    • 85 8 Postal action plan off KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The industrial action threat by postal workers Is off. Labour Minister Tan Sri V. Manlckavasagam was Informed of the decision by the Union of Post Office Workers this morning More than 2.000 postmasters and postal clerks were to have started an overtime boycott
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    • 286 8 Penang's trilingual Father Ashness dies at 70 pENANG, Wed. Rev. Father Louis Ashness. who re-built Pulau Tikus CatholiiChurch here and turned it into one of the most popular parishes in Penang, died in Ipoh last night at the age of 70. He had been admitted to Our Lady's Hospital. Perak.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 113 8 1 y (Bswri. S 11)1 I Jb I I n 1 rl I \m&&& Dah Hwa lx^^""*"^^^^^^TT^^ shoe co. 3 345/346. North Bridge Road. Spore. Tel: 2681 3 ***** I Ml Mm f js^ w 11 W mmk I WML -W M mm**i^* HMD CABBAPWB Diana Ross in Lady Sings
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    • 110 8 Australian pumps have to be dependable... come along and see. Australia has some o( the most rugged conditions in the world Pumps often have to operate m isolated areas and in great extremes of clima:«i. Australia builds dependability into all kinds of pumps for industry, agriculture, mining, petroleum supply, chemical
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    • 860 9 JJEW, liberal and non discriminatory foreign exchange control rcgulajtions have lnvn introduced in Malaysia. They are to apply uniformly to transactions with all countries except South Africa and Rhodesia. Their introduction was the third major policy decision' announced by the Malaysian Finance
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    • 332 9 Way open for Central Government to take over KL KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The Selangor State Assembly this afternoon passed a Bill to amend the state constitution to pave the way to make Kuala Lumpur a federal territory. In his wind up after the four hour debate, the Mentrl Besar Datuk
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    • 70 9 Truck and car crash: 10 hurt KUALA KANGSAR. Wed. Ten people were injured when a bus and an army truck colUded 10 miles south of here yesterday. Seven of the injured were admitted to the hospitals here and in Ipoh. Three others were treated as out-patients. Traffic was held up
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 70 9 FVI.V. EASTERN QUEEN I I completely refitted for I the SINGAPORE I FREMANTLErunJI Enjoy yourself on our ?pi Budget Holiday- Fare irom $425/ upwards each way I I PI W^ I nil Jiiaih ami hrmhii'ii obtamahli •rui'i 1 5R5CC I I SINGAPORE AUSTRALIA SHIPPING CO. PTE LTD. I HOTEL MIRAMAR
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    • 313 9 ,~>*~ WHITE JNYtON yffiGERIE WOOLLENS** 1^ 'jf COTTONS jjß l^ r Ji6l^»isT r COLOUREDs IL~ BULKY CUWTAI IMS trf^ HEAVY BLANKETS Queen-sized washload on your mind? HOOVER has the answer. And it's amazingly simple! Just insert this magic keyplate HOOVER AUTOMATIC Model 120 has two easy to read keyplates. Between
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  • 369 10 THE president of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Tan Keong Choon, yesterday urged both the Singapore and Malaysian Governments to simplify cxc h a nge procedures of the two currencies after Aug. 7. "This should be done to facilitate international trade
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  • 61 10 MR. Rtrtm Hew Eng Lee has been re-fri-cted chairman of the Old Outramlans Associations. Other officials are Mr. Raymond Chan, vice-chairman: Mr Mohamad Abdullah, secretary; Miss Rena Ng. assistant secretary; Mr. Wong Chong Kee. treasurer. Ml.v Annie Kee, assls-ta-it treasurer; Mr Thomas Tan. Miss Judy Nk. Miss
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  • 119 10 A TOTAL of 482 openheart surgeries have been performed at Tan Tock Seng Hospital's cardlo- thoracic unit since Its opening In 1966. More than 60 per cent of the patients admitted to the unit were cardiac cases. These figures were given to a
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 321 10 >SWiWW.W. I .W.V.V.W.WV.'.WA^Wtf| ,m DAILY AT ODCIiQ TftflAV T ADULTS U'l 7.00 jopm Urtno lII II ATI oßßfcjiji ■I Th Me*a| b^iH >■ COLORICOW V?• Jj »*«iUa« Jgjf Af a; •J I Advance Ce«h Beokma* at Hie Cathay Cinema tnm 10.00 a.m. I a I ta 400 pm. do. i
      321 words
    • 121 10 Lett 1 Sha»i 1. a. 4 P.M. E/uraAacoiM Jn^VT SANJEEV KUHAR jK'** jp MUMTA2 fr— Wish 1 1 1 Robert Ryan and Jean-Louis Trintignant Luck! j From this mmMMk n..., split: second on *o^Sm^b w i these men #,-^RC^^i^ Today! Qfegoingbbe J »^S^ i^^ 5 Shows At 1 Nff Jbl
      121 words
    • 419 10 ALISTAIR MicLEAN .wko iknlW ym with "Gms Of Naviroae", "Where Eafles Dare" ft "Piypet m i Ckiii" NOW OUTDOE^HEIMLUN EXCITEMENT! PJ Lj i^^V/V^Btfj^l^fl^B^^^^V^^ "j I b^b^b^^^bT^^L^l^^^^^b^bh 8 P HbRSBSHSE^ PANAVISION COLOR I fIU ANTHONY HOPKINS NATHALIE DELON ROBERT MORLEY HAWKINS «kquiv>« i OPENS TOMORROW at LIDO If ever this jC"
      419 words
    • 653 10 iKATHAY < I SiT IH*>IISATIIN OriMS TODAY! 2 SHOWS: 7.00 9 30pm Kirn Chin Pok "TI6IR" (Momf Tsu Mang Color Scope i* with Engli^n Su* titles Jwm DWve-ln Clmm ft l m OrclMir*: Saturdoy Midnight' "THI CANNIBALS" (Mandarin) Chen Chen Color Scope with Encjluh Subtitles ■•in— ;r.^;*»BMtri:M^l 4td HLART-FLUTTIRINC WEEKI
      653 words

  • 431 11  - NWC pay rise: All govt. servants to get full 9p.c. EDWARD LIU By FROM JULY 1, SAYS MINISTRY civil servants, including those in supcrscale, ill receive the full nine POT rent National Wages Council pay increase in July. This Includes the top civil servants who, only In February, were given
    431 words
  • 38 11 THE Singapore Manufacturers Association is publishing its own magazine, the Manufacturer, to promote its views and alms. Th» magazine is published once in every two months in English, with condensations of the main Items in Chinese
    38 words
  • 22 11 AN Indonesian, Taml bin Durat, 40. was Jailed (or a month for Illegal entry Into Singapore on Dec. 28. I»7'J.
    22 words
  • 170 11 Jail and rotan for razor attack on girl friend AN unemployed youth, who attacked bis fcirlfriend with a razor blade. was jailed for three months and ordered to be given three strokes of the rotan yesterday. Ngan Sine Fook, 23. pleaded guilty to hurtinc barwaitress tfonr Choy Har, 23, with
    170 words
  • 83 11 Blood bank reserve above average RESERVE stocks In the blood bank were at an above average level over the last week, according to the Blood Transfusion Service weekly report. During the week. 473 donations were received against 710 transfusions given. Donations last month totalled 3.508. Oroup donations came from National
    83 words
  • 28 11 KEONO Ho Seng, alias Lim Ah Twa. 23. was fined 1100 yesterday for punching Loke Chee Piong outside the Criminal court canteen In South Bridge Road.
    28 words
  • 99 11 THE Young Musicians' Society Is organising a mammoth music fair Muslcarama 2 at Wonderland Amusement Park in Kallang from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on June 3. Proceeds of the fair will be used to finance the development of the Singapore Youth Choir,
    99 words
  • 289 11 Shipowners urged to pay Asian seamen ILO rates THE International Transport Workers Federation Asian Seafarers Conference yesterday resolved to urge all shipowners to pay Asian seamen the International Labour Organisation's minimum wage rate of £48 or US$ll5 by Sept. 1. General secretary of the ITF Mr. Charles Henry Blyth said
    289 words
  • 79 11 FORTY -POUR Jurong Shipyard workers will leave tomorrow for a 10--month on-the-Job training course in Japan. They will be trained at the Yokohama shipyard of Ishlkawajlma Harlma Heavy Industries (IHI), a partner of Jurong Shipyard. They are the second batch of trainees from
    79 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 121 11 Cockpits """S^Nmng Ro*d/Oxky Rb«, Singapon 9. J Ttl: 3791 It INDONESIAN BUFFET LUNCH of exciting exotic dishes is served every Tuesday Thursday in The French Restaurant Our popular Rijsttafel" lunch continues as usual on every Saturday Sunday. E><B^gSto Dip Dip house BBBS^aE^ 102. EMERALD HILL RD. SPORE 9. EXCELLENT CHINESE
      121 words
    • 283 11 j+,o B *T^9rißH R9 j l^ m\ ,^b *fcji, "^^^B™^^^^Tbb» (JCLbbbb^l lE***!! Fully Booked For Dinner Tonight, Sunday Night Monday Night Inconvenience Regretted M Hotel Royal ram ada Newton Road. Singapore 11 Phone *****1 beauty with brains behind it the new MORRIS MARINA COUPE And why this young man likes
      283 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 249 11 Straits Times Crossword^ ACROSS 6 Scvmge giving hint to com--7 Found Industrial equipment panlon (S). (S). I' Costume group In the theatrt Speculator about Pugi.i m»in- (5. 6). Ulnlng spirits (7, 2). 13 Beginning to show advantage 9 Writer of considerable depth? (S). (6). 14 DUputcd competition with 10 Allusion
      249 words

  • the Straits Times
    • 366 12 EARNING to live with the "split dollar" is proving to be a painless exercise for most Singaporeans. The man in the street appears to have taken the change with an air of casual nonchalance. There is no panic nor was there a rush to the banks to convert
      366 words
    • 149 12 rpHE outcome of Henry Kissinger's visit to A Moscow will indicate what impact —if any the Watergate mess has made on international affairs. If Dr. Kissinger keeps the proposed NixonBrezhnev meetings on the track, it may be safely assumed that the Big Powers are more concerned with
      149 words
  • 381 12  - 2,000 BC Chinese works of art on display in Europe -I N. ROBERTSON By PARIS: A spectacularly I beautiful exhibit of ancient art treasures never before seen outside China is now on view at the famed Petit Palais museum Just off the Champs-Ely sees. It Is already the art sensation
    NYT  -  381 words
  • 615 12  -  F. WHEELER: By LAS PALMAS (Canary Island) CARRYING everything from chewing gum to shark repellent, 12 strangers from nine countries are scheduled to set sail next week on a lonely raft voyage across the Atlantic. The purpose of the three to six
    615 words
  • 1397 12  -  TAN WANG JOO By MERRY MAYHEM— THE WILT IN THE SPORE LILT BUSINESS English should be better written, say some readers. They miss an important point. All communication spoken or written should use intelligible and accepted forms to be effective. How far
    1,397 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 67 12 Stylat cut to tha latatt trand by our mott axparlanead craft*man tinea 1934. Sultt eomplataly hand tallorad *> ititchad right to tha buttonholat anturlng batt workmanthlp. Wa ara alto Importari axportart of flnatt Gantt taxtila* tharaby wa hava tha latatt I wldatt ranga of matarlalt for talaction. And for our
      67 words
    • 138 12 aY w *mt 4kJM| m Advert nerrxnt Doctors warn you: stomach pain, in indigestion, MdjlnX heartburn, can lead to an ulcer ...and you may not even know you're getting one. Few people realize that one with protective medication person in 10 is suffering to give nature a chance to from
      138 words

  • 155 13 Woman in Aussie prison seeks pen pal AN Australian woman A prisoner Is looking for a pen pal in Singapore who can teach her the local languages. Twenty-nine-year-old Miss Ooldie Kelly of Fremantle Prison In Western Australia, is anxious to write to a girl aged about 21 or 22 and
    155 words
  • 58 13 SINGAPORE Kennel Club will hold Its first Limit do? show at the Duneam Secondary School on June 3. The show is restricted to dogs which have not won more than two first prizes at any show In Singapore or abroad. Dogs which have been awarded challenge
    58 words
  • 30 13 MOULMEIN community centie youth aub-commltteee will organise a taekwon-do course for beginners. Entry forms are available at the centre from 2 40 p.m. to 10 30 p.m. dally.
    30 words
  • 370 13  - Knock— and gunman is surprised in a brothel K.S. SIDHU By HE HELD DOCTOR'S FAMILY HOSTAGE— J^ WANTED gunman who held a family hostage during a gun battle with police in Bedok last month was arrested at a brothel in Guillemard Road early yesterday. He was arrested after public tip-off
    370 words
  • 126 13 MP TO RAISE AUSSIE SPY UNIT ISSUE THE presence of an Australian military electronic soy unit In Singapore is to be questioned in Parliament at its next sitting. Mr. Ng Kah Ting (Ponggol) will raise the matter In a question to the Foreign Minister, Mr. S. Rajaratnam. Mr. Nk will
    126 words
  • 107 13 STATE Coroner Mr. Ibrahim Burhan yesterday recorded a verdict of suicide on the death of secretary Chan Ol Lin. 30. who Jumped from Block 23. Queens Crescent, on April 13. The court heard that earlier she had gone 10 a friend's
    107 words
  • 54 13 AUPE guitar courses THE AUPE educational projects committee will conduct three courses at the WUma AUPE In Upper Paya Lebar Road later this month They are the elementary and Intermediate guitar courses startinn trom May ?2 and the basic electricity and home appliances courses from May 26. Further dualls are
    54 words
  • 37 13 The BuddhUt Union will celebrate VesaJt Day In its premises at Jalan Senyum, oft Chargl Road, on May 17. Cwh donations and gift* will be distributed to welfare homes and charitable organisations on Bunday.
    37 words
  • 248 13  -  CHRISTINA CHEANG By A SIX -MONTH study of Singapore's police force has convinced Mr. E. P. Bellamy. 57, Assistant Chief Constable of Birmingham City police sent here as adviser, that our policemen are "beyond re preach." Mr. Bellamy, due to leave on May 18
    248 words
  • 25 13 Watch your tap! WATER consumption on Tuesday was 116.4 mill on gallons (529,000 cubic metres), 0.9 million gallons (3.500 cubic meres) more than on Tuesday.
    25 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 66 13 ARISTOf*S42G7tL the gas cooker with the plus features: 4 gat burners 2 electric hotplates THERMOSTAT control RINGING timer Electric oven Grill ROASTING spit Non-rurt glazed aluminium handle Cast-iron grates Available at all hading dealers Newsweek May 14 issue WATERGATE: CAN THE PRESIDENT SURVIVE? THE TWO FACES OF CHINA MEDICINE: WARNING
      66 words
    • 196 13 Advertisement. TO CONSUMERS: We do not promote the 'facial and name fames' of our executives or owners (we are more interested in you, our public and consumers). We concentrate on: service, availability, good packaging, range of product types, range of sizes, low prices, high quality. We do not guarantee you
      196 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 715 13 J.N PM Opening and Housewives' i I.M Untamed World— Waterhole Matinee— Legacy (Cantonese 7. 1S Persembahan Ku featuring Film, Pt. 1) Saudi Hassan 1.4S Our Music Makers: Featuring J-JJ Ne s (Mala >' B Sin!" Stf? S Li-- Blockade La. (CTinese-Repeat) n| News M Hmi^ 4.11 Days 0< Our Lives
      715 words
    • 298 13 2.45 PM Opening and Programme 1.11 Hubble Bubble Summary 1.31 International Zone Df 'I! £d,d PBt CaTer, Fimil> 3.M Story Book of Fables 7.52 Redigo The Crooked Circle 4.N Wayang Kulit I.U Programme Summary 4.23 Empat Sekawan 1.22 Ma/i Menari 4.4J Astro Soy Return of Cleo- 1-31 Cahaya patra Ul
      298 words

    • 382 14  - Making the best of a Saturday afternoon ONG KIAT BENG By TJNLIKK many girls their age, Alice Tan and Joanne Chia don't spend their Saturday afternoons shopping or at the hairdresser's. They have better things to do, they say. Like carting around bags of clothes for household fashion shows. Or
      382 words
    • 254 14 "THERE'S no doubt about It antiques are attracting a lot of attention. They're being collected by both young and old. all with an eye for the unusual. All are aware also that antique pieces go up in value all the time. To remind you of this
      254 words
    • 271 14 DANDRUFF does not seem to be that big a problem for Singaporeans. That's the observation made by Mr. R. Olding, a British trtcologist during his visit here. Mr. Oldinc who was here recently as the visiting- consultant in conjunction with the opening of Flair's
      271 words
    • 779 14 When girls become obsessed with marriage WHAT makes teenagers marry so young? In fact the reasons differ widely. Though statistics in both East and West sr:ow that three out of four teenaged couples go through with the ceremony because they earnestly believe they are in love, the motive of one
      779 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 370 14 Advertisement Women need Brand's every month There are times in a woman's life when she feels rind and depressed. There arc days when she feels drained of energy. 1 hat's when she needs the natural good* 4 Brand's Essence of Chicken. Many women rt-ly on Brand's Essence of Chicken every
      370 words
    • 112 14 Advertisement To Cherish Your Complexion Fur the woman who cherishes her complexion, there is nothing more rewarding than a film of a unique beauty fluid smoothed lightly over the skin. This Oil of Ulan moist oil blend is vital to every type of complexion because it helps bring out beauty
      112 words
    • 181 14 iflisVa et V° ur NEW, fruity (^Jj\ I Jrt^r? cartoon-shaped X *^J4s *\TVC^/ multi vitamins now! f\-yg^f 2nd Mult i Vitamins. Every bottle of 100 tablets gives you a healthy 3-month supply of vitamins and minerals; and for two bottles of 60, a 4-month supply. A vail able now at
      181 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1508 15 CWAINnKNIP ttjWCE Tl ItVtMTUCIf, rtm CARDIGAN BAY ••yj" »~2 tmL UIL """■I "PM" IM IM DM 71MM lIM ™Ji... urn ikk ISIf HI II MM IMM It Jatr »MM 11 MJ *k II MM II Mtl II Mil II M| INUMA MAM 4Mb n Mr M Mr 71 Mr IMJ
      1,508 words
    • 1177 15 k£i BLUE SEA UNE \f/ States to Straits ing® days <- f FMniurriT irmn umci unci rasa east ssait i"H aMtka MVPt.I. I. Tart Nakf S'tan P. MlMf Jakarta PtllM Mar 74 Mar a Aar I IMM ll Part M MII a (T«TI AfTI AST IT MUM II Ma pi
      1,177 words
    • 1002 15 uc cintiinq sana r- >—*"i t«..«- v Cuilkfll CtrMMr mvi.i Sliailta IAUISAI UV S.noao-1 Scaakwia AMtna Fraaca >«tl«l««a1 BAT l| Ml SMm IMM IMSI IMM iiimim imm im iTMM a mm iimm iim IMIMI IMM IM a MM 17 MM IMM Mil SAT II MM IM I* MM V. MM
      1,002 words
    • 944 15 f INTEROCEAN-BLA.C FULLY COWTAINEKIZED SIKVICE TO tUKOPt Mta« I aar. I Fit: nugnwrn n r, m i, M* I::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Si SZ.VSL£SX2Si M M« Mk I Statuil-rilii. M««3lu. FULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE FROM EUROPE CONVENTIONAL EXPRESS SERVICES TO EUROPE P. MlMf PMMf I'Mra LlUiai FMi MtSAMA MIS'B M I/I'M I/MM 1 C'lliact.
      944 words
    • 713 15 tta^ t^^^gi SMaMaw. «1M44; P. K.laa, «141; K.L. 2731 1; IMH* J5301. THE BANK LINE LTD. LMK FIJI E I S WWI IintSAJH (MavilKM. lIM.M. TaatM. lain. WMrtan A I Unu) P wlan 'I B M S ryx, tl II M •PSMMMSI (It.ri. i MOMtl I S P MUaf
      713 words

  • 237 16 Sembawang debut by the Magnificent Seven THI-: "Magnificent Seven" #>t down to M tion at the Semlmvang Port hours after MThring from China on board tin iMilk carrier Pmn over the weekend. The mission of The Seven Geminitype (nuns of 11 tons capacity each: to load iii excess of 2."),00()
    237 words
  • 156 16 rE East Aflatie has expanded its .shipping activities vith the purchase of a timber bulk carrier, the 27,000 dwt Casuarlna. The first loj? and Umber bulk carrier ever purchased by EAC, was delivered to the company on Feb. 8 this year at the Mitsubishi
    Agencies  -  156 words
  • 305 16 TMI POUT OF ll>.CAH>«i AUTHO 1 ajITT AMNOUHCID TM FOLLOW I rap. mat tUT auia o< O«aaa a. Prum j 11 14 Adraataa 1 It, Anlilectiiia It, OrMrUl Pairl II Xunak 9O w«al. TMraarlaiil ]l'» JoluMT« 53 J« Ramai Mara «0/4< Tm 41 41. Orru Maamrak 44.
    305 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1049 16 "ItTwASAIOiaSEN KAISHA LTD. UWUUI IWUU USU UrSM ITI. !IPM. RUM. STUITS Stm tt.ll Mta HaajMaf trutaara ITlMuiaaf iiitiuai HIM 11 t» aai a ta» ti cam I «/ta Mt, n Ma, It Mn Japan Par.ian Cull larvla* laaaiin IM TiTlilal Ban v 11 an Calaaaa WMcal Data: laaOat'/Oaka/ taara.ii. Hot
      1,049 words
    • 991 16 NORO-TRANSPORT (H.K.) LINE laata* Ur: ITtWT ailttttM. IHUIH Ita Itltuaf tiaaatara P «laa» Peataf at untt lima or. v h p« a. aiauir r» D IS 2 H a 1 tta aitaiiM d ii a atr Ban laaaaajiar 1 MiaaMi aakaM aa tapt raw Liwatara P. Kaaaj 'I 1 viuil
      991 words
    • 997 16 *^2laJaaa^Ja^«2 U.K. tUIOft SIIVKI LOADING PO* LONDON, MAViI, OAM. H'tUIC, aiIMIN Tallin I P ttiaaf Paaaaf Irrwaa «PT»lll IMITn Ji ij v Ma, M Part Havra i. I Maa n*. OXPaaaaa Caaal) tiiaia. tata. JMatn. mptmm tawauaiM |/v jaaa tl/il Ma ll ll Ma a<aaa aa 1. anW. ■ipT«m laitaia
      997 words
    • 711 16 B^BJSSI^BatSaStaHSaSAB^HBHBa^HHSSS uwtu wmci n imi, umnwyttwriitiT ntn It. Maa. lipin P. Kilanf Paatif laaaaaj tan aau HUTU la Part, ma Ptn MVI I'aaai 17 1 *aar» at trtawa ."4 I HaWaffpl •aau utait apart imi at, 11/ II Ma, uumi im. Ilialtl, «Mwtr| ll*. Ltttl n t. maim i aaau
      711 words
    • 201 16 NISSEI LINE Prom Sitfapora o Yokohama t Na«ora (Special Haa«v Liftar yp ro 40 lontl MV "fflS? a^IRV" tTA S-UJtl MAY 12 M.V. HOSII MA«U" rrx S POKE MAY 10 Tt C.r f 5 b4»hir>tl, c«a»awt Gan.r.l A,.nt, HAI Sl/N HUP CO. (PTE) LTD. UT > U. trt. Flaw K^tty
      201 words

    • 355 17 CIM Lim Irivestments has entered agreements to purchase stakes in three property companies for $15,422 million, the consideration to be satisfied by the iisue of 7.107 million shares in Sim Lim at a price of $2.17 each, against a last transacted price of $3.20,
      355 words
    • 36 17 THE Stock Exchange has been informed that United Trust of Singapore has acquired 1.19 million shares in Ollanl Jute and Textile Mills, which is equivalent to 23.6 per cent of the company's Issued capital.
      36 words
    • 43 17 SIME DARBY London: Interim dividend 1.4p for the year ending June. TUBE INVESTMENTS: Pre-tax profit £22.3 million (£19.5 million) for 1972 on sales of £335 million (£3OO million). Tax: £9.2 million (£7.9 million). Final dividend: 7.5p making 19.7p (19p) for the year.
      43 words
    • 155 17 APPLICATIONS lists for the ofA fer for sale of 25 million shares in Sembawang Shipyard will close as scheduled on Monday despite repurcussiops following the Malaysian Government's decision to split the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore. This Is announced today by the Development Bank of
      155 words
    • 391 17 Another bumper year for Hutchison lIUTCHISON Inter- national of Hongkong tn the year ended March 1973 is heading for yet another very successful year This assurance comes In an Interim report from the company's chairman, Mr. Douglas Claque. He says profits for the year, though not yet finalised, will considerably
      391 words
      • 76 17 rIE Malaysian Minister of Finance has fixed these rates for calculating Customs duties for the period from May It to 16: Rubber 61 > 8 eta a 1b Copra $540.00 a ton Palm Oil $490.0* a ton Palm Kernel $235.25 a ton The rates of duties payable are:
        76 words
      • 100 17 (-HINffK -ROOUCI EXCHANGE. SINGAPORE NOON CLOSING PRICES PIH PICUL VEiTIROAY Coconut Oil: bulk $82 •elltn. drum Set uliera. C»pra: Mixed (looa«) UK/Cont. P*M«r: Muntok ABTA white f.o.b. 100«* NuW $2071 Mllera. Barawak whit* f.o.b. M<* NLW ***** aellrra. Sarawak •perial black f.o.b. M* NLW J1371 aellcrt. Barawak AST*
        100 words
      • 40 17 In London on Tuesday the palm oil prices of Malayan 5 per cent c.l.f. UK/N European port In bulk sterling per long ton Nov. Dec. was unchanged (UK £130 sellers); Jan June was also unchanged (UK £128 sellers)
        40 words
    • 184 17 THE Straits tin price in Penang yesterday took another heavy knock of $7.12$ to $621 per picul following the big drop in overnight overseas metal prices. The official offering was down 25 tons to 215 lons. The overnight London metal price was easy with forward
      184 words
    • 91 17 MAT 9. RUBBER: 138.00 cts. (down I.7s cents). TIN: $621 (down 9USK). Official offering 215 tons (down 25 tons). In view of the tight nearby situation. Only light nearby business was reported done. Sellers ask ng prices for Spot and Prompt shipment physical Straits ranged from 204 to
      91 words
    • 33 17 London roppor prlrea on Tueadav (prtvioua In bracket*): Wlrebar Spot buyer »«3.00 (£607.00) atllcr £544.00 (IftOS.OO); Three months buyer £343.00 (I8OS.O0) •eller £583.90 U606.50). Marktt Una: Weak. tain: 16 500 torn.
      33 words
    • 476 17 SELLERS on the rub- ber market yesterday were marked up 0.50 cent at the openIng whereafter the market ruled quietly steady in thin conditions with business confined to setting off of May and June positions. The morning session closed uncertain. Two cents were lost during the afternoon session
      476 words
    • 91 17 ■pvAILY SMR prices Issued by the Malaysian Rubber Exchange J and Rubber Association of Singapore at noon yesterday. iMR SCV tMR 5L IMR 5 IMR 10 iMR 20 IMR SO (Corrent Month) Bujtn Sellers Cent* per kg. (1-ton Pallet) 161.00 163 00N (1-ton Pallet) 157.00 159 00 N
      91 words
    • 785 17 BANK OF New South Wales has announced that It would submit for approval of the proprietors at a special meeting on June 1 a proposal that the capital of th# Bank be Increased by A 522.500.000 to A 5107-.-500.000 by the Issue of 11,250.000 $2 shares at
      785 words
    • 172 17 rE Association of Banks In Malaysia-Singapore announced these best agreed merchant rates as at May 9. Local dollars to one unit SELLING BUYING of Foreign Currency TT or OD TT OD D.S Dollar Sterling Pound Australian Dollar Canadian Dollar New Zealand Dollar Local dollari to 109 units jf
      172 words
    • 157 17 A SIAN currency deposit rates as at close on Wednesday, tfay 9: US Dollar* Offer Bid 7 days 1-3/4 7-1/2 1 mth 7-13/16 7-11/16 2 mths 8-3 8 8-1 4 3 mths 8-7/16 8-5 16 6 mths 8-3 4 8-5 8 9 mths 8-3/4 8-5 8 12
      157 words
      • 291 17 lIONGKONG, Wed. The market opened on a quiet and dull tone with stocks sliding until the morning close when buyers stepped In again to help some recovery in share prices. The market continued to improve in the afternoon session, saving most of the shares from closing at the lowest
        291 words
      • 41 17 On the frt* tuhinn market In HonKkonc yeaterday th. U.S. dallar was quotel at 3 ***** t tr T.T. and J 17 for eaih. Stirling wu quoted at 12 90 and •n* tatl »t f*ld wu quoted at 577.
        41 words
      • 355 17 MELBOURNE, Wed. iTI Trading was quiet throughout the day on the Melbourne Stock Exchange today, and prices were mixed. Mining and oil stocks were generally easier while the industrial stocks were firmer. Rises and falls were roughly in balance during the day. On the mining board, C.R.A. closed lower
        355 words
      • 232 17 NEW YORK, Tues. After drifting moderately lower in early trading, prices gathered strength and established a small gain. Trading volume slightly above yesterday's lack-lustre pace, was accelerating towards the close. The market was coming off a day of profit-taking after a strong advance last week. Most analysts said
        232 words
      • 139 17 (At at M... Fund of Auat. Sterling .MS <6 Fund of Auit O' doll»r> HOl (From May 1 to 31) Au't Int. At«H Property Bond" ProiK-rty Bond, of Aust All 18 cona. Natural G»» 27'% Continental Oil 34', Dupoot IT* i Fml—l Kodak 13<l Kalrchild Camera 52H :-'lr»t
        139 words
      • 97 17 FINANCIAL TIMES TINS Tuesday 97.62 Mondhy 99.77 Week ago 100 04 RUBBER!) Tuesdty 443.56 Monday 468.92 Week ago 479.94 oil s Tuesday 311.7 Monday 310.C1 Week ago 320 45 INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 447.8 Monday 455 0 Week ago 4«5 9 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 956.M Monday 950.71 Week aito
        97 words
      • 54 17 Tuesday Manday jjs uss London M 40 »n.30 Beirut DBM I'nav Homckong TOB M.2OR H1. 70S 90.WM Parti M 2* »2 TH B' port (1; UM H>S S'porc (2) 2-.1.50 2-1. 50 ill Kxiort Pf"" CD non-«t*rling arta» In U.S. dollar! P»r ounc*. (2) Urn dtalrri prlcn in
        54 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 493 18 I SINGAPORE PETROLEUM I I COMPANY PTE. LTD. B invites applications for the position of I INTERNAL AUDITOR I QUALIFICATIONS EXPERIENCE: Degree in Accountancy and/or ACCA or equivalent qualifications. Candidates would hove ot least two or more years experience in having established anr* implemented an effective Internal Audit Program for
      493 words
    • 596 18 SIME DARBY MALAYSIA BHD. requires CLERKS-OF-WORKS Applications are invited for experienced deita-Of-Worta to supervise our piling contracts in the Kuala Lumpur area. Nationality: Malaysian Citiren Job: To assist in our contracts involving piling and substructure. Qualifications: Knowledge of piling equipment and operations with a minimum of 5 years experience in
      596 words
    • 932 18 We have the pleasure to announce that PILA CO., FRANCE has appointed us as Sole Distributor for FACOM TOOLS. KIAN HUAT HARDWARE PTE. LTD., 22, Blanco Court, Singapore, 7. TEL: *****, *****. PREMISES FOR RENT (Vacant for immediate occupation) 9rd Floor, People's Park Complex Area: Approx. 0,200 sq. ft Good
      932 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 839 19 IMVEBSITI KEBANGBAAN MALAYSIA (JAWATAN-JAWATAN KOSONO) Malaysla^nT^Teng^^a^j.^^^^ 1) Beadahati Kejhyakaa/Pengalamaii: a i Mempunyal Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia serta lulus dalam k> Mal *y 8l »t*u Bahasa Melayu II dan b) Ahll penuh:I) Malaysian Association of Certified Public Accountants atau 11 > Institute of Chartered Accountants In England and Wales. Scotland. Ireland. Australia
      839 words
    • 600 19 I ASSISTANT SUPERVISORS I TEXAS INSTRUMENTS the world leader In the manufacture of semiconductor components, has openings for ASSISTANT SUPERVISORS required to assist Manufacturing Supervisors in carryIng out their responsibilities which Include planning, organising and leading a team of female production operators in an I assigned production area. Minimum I
      600 words
    • 566 19 BANK BUMIPUTRA MALAYSIA BEBHAD Due to the rapid expansion of our organisation we offer forceful and intelligent Malaysians a challenging opportunity to advance yourself in the rapidly expanding banking sector. Initially you will be taken in as EXECUTIVE TRAINEES Applicants must be graduates in either one of the following fields
      566 words
    • 1000 19 SERVKES WANTED MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR required by fleet owner of 20 trucks based at Port Dickson. Interested parties expected to have adequate manpower and facilities. If you can provide the appropriate service please write in to Box A 3333. ST., X.L BOH BAN HUAT POTTERY WORKS SDN. BHD. KUALA LUMPUR
      1,000 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 631 20 CajnoraJ aWiBiSJBBRISraIS Srajapontorrv SO cants a word Mrwrwn 7 SO for tS wordß tv worntnt Pt son* SngapomoraV $laword Mnanu/n $J0 ter 20 words Bo* No oorvc* chßr go 5 00 SUN WOH TRADING COMPANY commenced on 12th May 1373 Delegating Agent of A. A. Trading Inc. In Taiwan dealing
      631 words
    • 4802 20 classified advertisements S T*>»jflhone aervtca 1 LUXURIOUS 2-STORIV DITACMIO bungalow to let In dlat. 11 and also r 1 2-storey Amerlcsn Town Houae with i central alrcond.. Tel *****6 B'pore. SIRANGOON CARDEN ESTATE 2i *torey terrace ta*lefully furnished 2 alr-condltlonera. Tel: *****7 I after office *****7. TUOOR S-VLI IXECUTIVE 1
      4,802 words
    • 890 20 LIAVI HOUSE DISTRICT 11 com pk-tely furnished avallab'c from l«t June. 1973 to 3l*t December 197.1 Phone Singapore *****6 office hour* (1) LUXURIOUS APARTMINT In Hillcourt with swlmmim- pool ex uected completion Sept I .73 Situated In choice residential area of district 9. Spacious built-in area of 2.100 »q ft.
      890 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 735 21 (Cont. from Page 20) '.OLDEN MILL LORONO CNUAN brand-new 3-atorey split-level terrace bouse Ist floor 3 bedrooma. family hall, balcony and 2 bathrooms Groundfloor lounge dining room kitchen aervant'a quarter bathrooms car-porch and front garden Lower groundfloor big executive ault* with garden Land area: 1.750 sq.ft. builtin 2.130 sq.ft. Selling
      735 words
    • 514 21 JOHORE BANRU beautiful eeaslde HUM) opposite Singapore Punggo! (19 000 per acre. Also Town area semi detached 2-atorey house (47.000. Tel: B'pore U0294 between 10 a.m. to I p.m. LOfcONC FAVA LIBAR: 2-Storey terrace, (100.000/-. Tuan Bin* Park: 3-Btorey seml-de'achad. (200.000 Qolden Mile Studio Office, 9M aq.ft. (100.000/- Phone: *****
      514 words
    • 920 21 FLAT*: OITY TOWIR. Kimjia Court. Henry Park. Grange Height Terrace house* Barmy Park. Thomson Hn Estate. Oolden HOI Estate. Semidetached: Seletar Hill Estate. Upper East Coast Road. Namly Oarden Hillview Estate. Buklt Loyang Esute. Detached Bungalows: Baletar Hill Estate. Phase 12. Changl Orove Esute. Namly Oarden. Enquiries Tel: 31S0M Spore.
      920 words
    • 847 21 MONO KONQ INDUSTRIALIST urgently requires a warehouse cum office withm 7 mile* from town. Parking spaos essential. Or vacant Und approximately 10.000 sq ft. •unable for commercial iiajiiimu Tel: *****8 B'pore. WANTED Q0O0«N lIRVICI Work ■hop Approx. 2.000 to S.OOO eg ft. Buklt Timah and Thomson area preferred. Apply B.T
      847 words
    • 657 21 ORIIMTAL (FICIAL. Weat MalayaM 7 days (SB/-. 21.6.71. 4.6 73. Bangkok. Chtenarmal IS Oaya (280/-. 18.8.7*. Bangkok 11 days (20»/-. 12.8.75. Raadyal. Songkla 7 days (10S/-. Every Sunday. Oriental Travel Bervlce 2*. Prlnsep Street (oppJtOV) Spore 7 Tel: US2B4. QILL TRAVIL A INSURANCE BROKER* (FTI> LTO. alTers guarantees] A eewOraweal
      657 words
    • 515 21 L'NOUAPHONI INSTITUTI (LONDON) teaches SS lancuagea quickly at home 50 years *tn»H 3.000.000 successful students. Guaranteed oour*** backed by optional year* coi ■sepondsnee course. Free demonstration at (-13 Penlnaula Shopping Centre. (3rd Floor) Cole man street. Singapore Tal: ***** or SOA President shopping Centre, Seransoon Road. Elniiapore S Tel: 3*3607
      515 words
    • 560 21 BOOKKIBFINO BIGINNIR* AND INTIRMIDIATI qualified experienced teachers. Commencing on 14.8.7* Roslater now People's Commercial School. 20-A East Coaat Road. (Opposits Katong Odson) Tel: 4*7883. Bui Inn* AdrjMnistratiaei A Sale* Manaxement Part time (Svenlng/ Ceurs** Commenclnc 16.4 73 Leadln* to LB. A. 'Stamford Centre Diploma*. A wide range of optional subjects
      560 words
    • 514 21 ASIA DRIVING tCNOOL. New Dat.un 1200 Morris 1000 dual controlled Hcurly (3 13 HeleKle Road, Spore *****7/*****. CNIF MONO VIHICLI* It) Ltd 44 Scot ts Road. 1 Newton) Singapore 9 Tel *****1 a *****3 offera 1972 Volkswagen 1300 Ford Escort Deluxe. Dstaun pick up. Dataun 100 A. 1971 Maida FIOOO
      514 words

  • 283 22 RTS tohold N-Day story and song contests RTS will hold two competitions In conjunction with National Day celebrations. The first competition RTS Tell A Story Is open to Singapore children between nine and 12. Competitors from tho three language streams will narrate, with suitable actlons, any story they have read
    283 words
  • 314 22  -  ANN PETERS By VISITING Western Aust tralian Charity Queen 1973, Rosemary Firkins, seemed to have hit it off on the right note with this budding- "secretary" from the Spastic Children's Association. Thirteen-year-old May Li. who was furiously practising on
    314 words
  • 192 22 SINGAPORE'S domesUc »J export of textl'es to Canada has dropped In the last three years from an all-time high of $9.2 million in 1989 to $7.1 million in the ten months of last year. The Singapore Manufacturers Association's new publication, The Manufacturer, says the decline
    192 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1147 22 classified •^advertisements (Cont. from Page 21) MIRE PURCHASE Huna- Leong Fie ance offer flexible terns lor youi Hire Purchase requirements Adven Permit No. A.POOVS Tel: ***** tSTi FIAT IMS. radio tape »S,OOO on o 1»72 Morns 1300OT radio/ tape 17.350- ono Auto Credit House. 3355 M. ISM COMMIR (PETROL) VAN
      1,147 words
    • 696 22 YOUR HSFHICIPATOXI, PRSIXIIIS Air-eoixJltKxxrj nHd rapair. raapraylnc or Mrrte* Contact a* for an wiiaata No obligation PkMM I7MM or STOMI Malajraai Uatoa rUfrtgtratioa Air-aoa*i-lioalat 00. 23-18. Salboo Stroai. Sport S. MAXIM SOCIAL BNTIKTAIMMBNT provide* top claaa Social Charming Young LAdMa to entertain you. Day and night Mrvlca. Call 23SSS. Room
      696 words
    • 196 22 IMPORTED HITACHI ROOM Air conditioner* I—S1 S h.p. for sale, natal, ttrvlct, repair. Sin Bin L*e *****4 SPECIAL OFFER Heee 1-way A*eu*tle Suipennon Speaker (y*t*m, 20 watts R.M.S., S years gusrantee Mil* SISS. NAM CHEONG ELECTRONIC CENTRE PTI. LTD., OS, Greund Fl**r, Peninsula Sheading Cimpln. Celeman Street. Til SISS4 FOR
      196 words
    • 220 22 ANNOUNCEMENT OFFER FOR SAU OF 25,000,000 ORDINARY SHARES IN SEMBAWANG SHIPYARD LIMITED r The Development Bank of Singapore Ltd. and its co-offerors. DBSDaiwa Securities International Ltd., and Singapore Nomura Merchant Banking Ltd., have, notwithstanding the repercussions of the decision taken in Malaysia on the Bth May, 1973, to split the
      220 words

  • 166 23 Looking after the old and helpless- KIWI (ST.. May 7) Is unnecessarily distressed by the sight of old people doing laborious work in Singapore. If they are fit to work they should be allowed to retain their pride. Independence and dignity earning their own living instead of being forced to
    166 words
  • 53 23 ON May 5 at about 2.30 p.m. at the 0.0. Department Store, Upper Cross Street, I lost my purse containing my Identity card, my son's photos and some money. I appeal to the finder to return my identity card and my son's photos. I shall be very grateful. YUE KING
    53 words
  • 244 23 Promotion exercises: Sports and ECA must be taken into account THE recent policy x of Ihe Public Service Commission in the promotion exercise for teachers is laudable. Paper qualifications need not be the sole criterion. Work performance, extracurricula activities and community serv i cc must also be taken into account.
    244 words
    5 words
  • 284 23 I REFER to the letter by Y.H. Leong (ST., May 3) asking the HDB to consider revising the Internal layout of Its flats. While the views expressed by him may be plausible, the beard, for that matter, may contend that It Is difficult or lnfeaslble to cater to the Individualities
    284 words
  • 63 23 I REFER to the letter from Mrs. Bennett (3.T. May 5), regarding my lost diary which she picked up. I am Indeed very grateful for her concern to return my diary, but unfortunately, I could not find her house. Will Mrs. Bennett please contact me at 195. Albert Street. Singapore
    63 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
      952 words
    • 497 23 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING STAFF BRUNEI SHELL PETROLEUM COMPANY LIMITED, under the terms of their contract with Brunei LNG Limited, wish to recruit experienced mechanical engineering foremen for the recently opened Natural Gas Liquefaction Plant at Lumut, State of Brunei. Candidates, aged between 25 and 40 should have achieved either City and
      497 words
    • 173 23 PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD. SINGAPORE TENDERS ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT (2nd Floor, City Hall) 1 Supply and delivery of four units of portable Industrial coolIng fans. Tender deposit nou Close at 2.15 p.m. on 31.5.73. 2 Supply and delivery of small mild steel galvanised clamp* Tendei deposit $250/-. Close at 2.15 pm. on
      173 words
    • 432 23 bt Lee Ah Lai and \to Meow mww~ Hoon 21-14. 31-16; HO Bong conduct an 18-lecture Chwee and Ng Eng Oeok bt course on "Scientiflc Im£ Foundations of Sports Chwee and Eng Oeok 29-24. *o My 6at Sports House. 2i-« The IS lecture course noiaenTiu Way to w y^ y
      432 words

  • 251 24 RTS to hold N-Day story and song contests RTS will hold two competitions In conjunction with National Day celebrations. The first competition RTS Tell A Story Is open to Singapore children between nine and 12. Competitors from th# three lamguage streams will narrate, with suitable actlons, any story they have
    251 words
  • 32 24 THREE youths, Le« Jee Suan, 16. Lee Jee Soo. 18, and Low Eng Yew. 21. were fined »35 each for fighting near Bago Street on Tuesday at about 10.30 a.m.
    32 words
  • 83 24 A. Mary wife of Santhanasamy (Baboo Kepala) passed away peacefully on (.5.73 leaving behind beloved husband and son* Joseph Anthony, Singapore. Anthony Ra)u, Ministry of Poregln Affairs, S. Maria Das, Locoshed Railways' K.L., 8. Kolandalsamy, Federal Hotel, K.L. sons-in-law. N. A. Das, Kelantan, D. Rajarathnam, Radio Malaysia, Malacca. A.
    83 words
  • 316 24  -  ANN PETERS By V SITING Western Australian Charity Quern 1973, Rosemary Firkins, seemed to have hit it off on the right note with this budding "secretary" from the Spastic Children's Association Thirteen-year-old May U. who was furiously practising on
    316 words
  • 191 24 SINGAPORE'S domestic •3 export of textiles to Canada has dropped in the last three years from an all-time high of $9.2 million in 1909 to $7.1 million in the ten months of last year. The Singapore Manufacturers Association's new publication, The Manufacturer, says the decline
    191 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 632 24 classified •^advertisements (Cont. from Page 21) HIRI PURCHAII Hong Lsong Fie anct offer flexible terms for youi Hire Purchast require mentt Advtn Ptrmlt No. APOWS Tel: *****. 1971 FIAT list, radio tape M.OOO ono 1972 Morris 1300OT. radio/ tapt 17.350 ono. Auto Credit House. *****6. IMI COMMIR (PETROL) VAN Mil
      632 words
    • 505 24 PURNITURI FOR I*ll. Moving overam a Rosewood. Mahogany and cant furniture Umpi. fans and miscellaneous Please call 538TM B'port No agents pitas* POR ILIGANT. CANS rUKNITUH suptrior quality furnishing materials. Visit Adrian's 423 River Valley Road. 5713T4. Sport. PtRtIAN CAMPSTS Juat arrived' A small choice selection of x 4' beautiful,
      505 words
    • 707 24 YOUR REFRIOIRATORS, FREIZIRS Alr-eaadlUaotrj nttd repair. respraying or strrtct Contact u» for an tttimatt No obligation. Phont 3720 M or *****1 Malaysia Union Refrigeration A Aireonditionlng Co. 23-25. 8.1 boo Strati. Sport MAXIM SOCIAL IMTIRTAINMIMT provides top claaa Social Charming Young Ladles to entertain you. Day and night ttrvict. Call
      707 words
    • 112 24 IMPORTCO NITACNI ROOM Air conditioners I—S1 S h.p. for tali, rtntal. service, repair. Sin Bin Ltt *****4 (PSCIAL OFFIR Mats 1 way AttuttH) iMSfnsUn tptaksr •ysttm, 20 watts N.M.S., 5 Mir. guarsntst tnly *1»» NAM CHCONC SLSCTRONIC CENTRE PTI. LTD., 06. Orsund Plttr, Ptnlnsula Shtpplns Ctmpiti, Ctltman Street. Ttl. JtOM
      112 words
    • 219 24 ANNOUNCEMENT OFFER FOR SALE OF 25.000,000 ORDINARY SHARES IN SEMBAWANG SHIPYARD LIMITED The Development Bank of Singapore Ltd. and its co-offerors. DBSDaiwa Securities International Ltd., and Singapore Nomura Merchant Banking Ltd., have, notwithstanding the repercussions of the decision taken in Malaysia on the Bth May. 1973, to split the Stock
      219 words

  • 167 25 Looking after the old and helpless KIWI (S.T., May 7) is unnecessarily distressed by the sight of old people doing laborious work in Singapore If they are fit to work they should be allowed to retain their pride. Independence and dignity earning their own living Instead of being forced to
    167 words
  • 54 25 ON May 5 at about 2.30 p.m. at the O O Department Store, Upper Cross Street, I lost my purse containing my identity card, my son's photos and some money. I appeal to the finder to return my Identity card and my son's photos. I shall be very grateful. YVE
    54 words
  • 337 25 More new books will be available for the young during holidays PLEASE refer to the letter by "Reader" (S.T., May 5) regarding the book stock at the Young People's Service of the National Library. Since January this year 275 titles (871 volumes) In all four languages have been added to
    337 words
  • 217 25 Promotion exercises: Sports and ECA must be taken into account THE recent policy of the Public Service Commission in the promotion exercise for teachen is laudable. Paper qualifications need not be the sole criterion. Work performance, extracurricula activities and community service must also be taken into account. This policy should
    217 words
  • 289 25 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR HESwsOd I REFER to the letter by Y.H. Leong (ST., May 3) asking the HDB to consider revising the Internal layout of Its flats. While the views expressed by him may be plausible, the board, for that matter, may contend that it ls difficult or lnfeasible
    289 words
  • 24 25 goodwill and keep civil servants healthy, and away from shady activities. Sports can give the civil service a better .m--age. "DOCTOR LIDAH". Singapore 4.
    24 words
  • 63 25 I REFER to the letter from Mrs. Bennett (S.T. May 5), regarding my lost diary which she picked up. I am Indeed very Rrateful for her concern to return my diary, but unfortunately, I could not find her house. Will Mrs. Bennett please contact me at 195, Albert Street, Singapore
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
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    • 688 25 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING STAFF BRUNEI SHELL PETROLEUM COMPANY LIMITED, under the terms of their contract with Brunei LNG Limited, wish to recruit experienced mechanical engineering foremen for the recently opened Natural Gas Liquefaction Plant at Lumut, State of Brunei. Candidates, aged between 25 and 40 should have achieved either City and
      688 words
    • 138 25 I SCANDALS I I IN HIGH I w\\ When political scandals erupt, If they create shock waves which ft I can topple the highest I I political figures from lofty I I positions. i^^ I Once such scandals are C^^k I I exposed, there is no putting s\ W I
      138 words

  • Inflow
    • 355 26  - Impressive gallop by Joyful Affair EPSOM JEEP By JOYFUL AFFAIR, an eight-length winner at Buklt Timah last week, stepped out stylishly on a yielding track yesterday. With Jim Johnson astride, this Star Affair three-year-old went easily on the bit over 3f in 42 2/5. Joyful Affair Is paying dearly ior
      355 words
    • 140 26 Japan's soccer team confident r3KYO, Wed—Manager Ken Naganuma is confident that his Japanese national soccer team will win the World Cup Asia preliminary tournament in Seoul from May 16-28. Also competing will be Israel, Hong Kong, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand. South Korea and South Vietnam. Members of the Japanese team
      140 words
    • 88 26 Che am will replace app. Sng JOCKEY A.K. Cbeam will reolace apprentice Martin Snr ma MBA's representative in invitation races to be ran at Istanbul, Turkey, in conjunction with the 11th Asian Racing Conference in May-June, reports EPSOM JEEP. Last year Cbeam rode in Australia during the 10th Asian Racing
      88 words
    • 274 26 BANGKOK. Wed. rpHAILAND's boxers packing power punches outfought their opponents and won the sixth Asian amateur boxing championship here last night. Encouraged by a partisan c-owd. who packed the 10.000-capaclty Kit 1 1 kachorn Indoor stadium, they scored two knockout victories, one technical
      274 words
    • 120 26 |\EROrr, Wed. George y Foreman, wond heavyweight boxing champion, will take part in a series of five exhibitions iw4 he U>S and Canada this month, according to Leroy Jackson, his personal business manager. Jackson signed a contract for the series here yesterday with Pro
      AP  -  120 words
    • 476 26  - Walker recalls Kim Lye to Seap squad JOE OORAI By gIX former internationals, including: centre forward Quah Kirn Lye who skippered the national team before being dropped last year, have been recalled to the national soccer training squad for the SEAP Games. Quah, a prolific goal scorer with a sharp
      476 words
    • 195 26 218 top Asian athletes in Seoul meet WEOIL. Wed. A field of 218 top Asian athletes have entered the first Asian goodwill track and field meet scheduled for May 11-13 in Seoul, the organising committee said today. The committee said the participants represent 12 Asian countries Brunr Taiwan, Hong Kong,
      195 words
    • 75 26 NEW YORK. Wed— ResulU of yesterday's major U.S. baseball league matches National League: Atlanta 10 New York 6, Chicago 3 San Diego 2 (12inns. Cincinnati 7 Philadelphia 1; Montreal 4 Houston 3: Los Angeles 7 Pittsburgh 4: San Francisco 9 St. Louts 7 American League: New York
      Reuter  -  75 words
    • 281 26 Kargar-Jam scores winner for Iran nPEHERAN, Wed. Iran took a two-point lead at the top of the Asian zone Group 2B world soccer cup qualifying table when they beat Syria 1-0 here yesterday through a late goal by left-back Akbar Kargar-Jam. In another Group 2B North Korea were held to
      Reuter  -  281 words
    • 143 26 LONDON, Wed—Flamboyant football star George Best has been admitted to hospital in Manchester with pains in his right let believed to be caused by a blood colt. The 27-year-old Best, the playboy of Britain's soccer world, announced his retirement from the sport last December after disputes with
      143 words
    • 29 26 BUENOS AIRES. Wed —Chile beat Argentina 3-2 In their Davis Cup American zone south section tennis Anal here yesterday. They now meet the United States or Mexico.
      29 words
    • 25 26 AMERICAN International Assurance trounced National Cash Register 7-1 in a SBHF League and Cup Dlv. 3 soccer match at Bales tier Road yesterday.
      25 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 110 26 M^^ J^h^^^^^F^^^^B|Sf i 10l PRIZE Ford Coruna L 3IXJ PRIZE A doubte return ar ticket to Amsterdan AvVP^WM^H|« plus $1,500 pocket expenses \Asms^|i,S^ BJy 10 4 th PRIZES Pioneer Hi-Fi stereo set X) sth PRIZES 6 months GrftVbucher at $100 per month 100DtnP«ZES Seiko waN docks 7thPRIZES 1 set at
      110 words
    • 17 26 3v^i^Z QmmpQ SINGAPORE trade industry fingapoirt only monthly revkw for burincssnSn to get your copy- phone *****1
      17 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 73 26 BLANCHFLOWER'S SOCCERSTRIP Two ways of trapping with the chest ARC TlMtf tVMfW A BAlL^l Af UE UA« AW "X COMf« OUT Of TM» AIR TO A 1 OPPONENT M9UINO H^H n^jWl rommao awo thcpts motmikjs 1 uum,h««mouid«tioo ~^wHWP^»^^^t^BP^^^J t^£2HlW^ wotoCr Jof i6 m A TMS MU AWO KW (*M BfsW|CL\\
      73 words

  • 455 27 Lewis tolead MCC XI against the Kiwis f ONDON, Wed. Tony Lewis, England captain on the recent winter tour of India and Pakistan, was yesterday named to lead the MCC team against the New Zealand cricketers at Lord's here on May 19. Eight of the team were on the tour
    455 words
  • 48 27 THE People's Association and the Police Sports Association will organise an lnter-communlty women's basketball Championship for the Police Cup at MacPherson community centre on May 21 at 730 p.m Entry forms are available at the People's Association headquarters. Entries close on May 13 at I.oopm.
    48 words
  • 263 27  -  G. ROBERT By HPHE 20-member Vigilante Corps Judo team returned from their threeweek tour of Japan with a string of defeats, but the team was not disappointed. Deputy Commandant Lye Hln Weng, the manager of the team that returned on Tuesday night, said yesterday:
    263 words
  • 898 27  - DOUBLE GLORY FOR ANG AND WEE PETER SIOW By VICTORIA School, who won the team title on Monday, made a clean sweep of the National Schools Boys 'A* table tennis championships when their ace player Ang Ohee Leong won the singles title and later partnered school-mate Seh Chin Chlow to
    898 words
  • 484 27  - Burma will compete in 1 1 events ERNEST FRIDA By DURMA has tentatively enter ed for 11 of the 16 events in the Seventh Seap Games in Singapore from Sept. 1-8. Burma, the sixth country to submit its list, has provisionally entered a team of 161 competitors and officials. Heading
    484 words
  • 93 27 A SECOND half goal by Inside right Majld Ahmad helped Hampshire hold Stable Boys to a 1-1 draw In the FAS League Division Two soccer match at Parrer Park yesterday. Stable Boys took the lead In the 17th minute off a defensive error by the unsteady Hampshire
    93 words
  • 48 27 CHESTER. Wed. Crisalgo (Walter Bentley) won the Chester Cup Handicap run over two miles, 2f and 87 yards here today. Bretton Woods (Lester Plggott) finished second, seven lengths behind,, with Realist (Pat Edderyi third of 10 runners. Three lengths separated second and third.
    48 words
  • 33 27 BOURNEMOUTH. Wed. "Buster" Mottram, 18, son of former British tennis star Tony Mottram reached the quarterfinals of the British hardcourt championships here today. He beat Austrian International Hans Kary e-0. 6-4.
    33 words
  • 32 27 WEARNE Brothers edged Singapore Cricket Club 3-3 In a friendly soccer match at the padang yesterday. Michael Tham (2) and Robin Chan scored for Wearnes, while Smith and Peter replied.
    32 words
  • 101 27 TkJATIONAL Sports Pro--1 motion Board will conduct an 18 lecture course on "Scientific Foundations of Sports Coaching" from May 28 to July 6 at Sports House. The 18 lecture course will cover nutrition, sports i medioine, Mnesiology, anatomy, physiology, fitness testing and theories of conditioning.
    101 words
  • 185 27  - Tanglin score sixth win B.T. YAP By SA FS A I swamped SCC I 4-0 in an Inter Club B grade squash match at the Padang on Tuesday evening. Kang Oee Bah put the soldiers on the victory trail when he beat John Armstrong 9 7, 9-6, 9-2. On the
    185 words
  • 25 27 COPENHAGEN. Wed —West Germany gained a 2-0 victory over Denmark here last night In a qualifying match for the European Under-23 soccer championship.
    25 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 295 27 HoidcnThcGrcat "fl^V HlJ^^ki jjj^^^i^^^ tftf^a^r^T \te<f MSOW > %HPP^^^^ Prwm Motors (Pie) Limned (.5° Orchard "O** S»>o»p<k« 9. Ttl«phom ***** or *****7 \Y\ Showrooms are open until 8.00 p.m. on wwkdayt and 5.00 p.m. on Ssturdsyt. The new Holdens have already changed Australia's ideas about how ready waiting for you
      295 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 78 27 SOCCER: BBHFL Lf and C«p rer Park); SOTBU v RBOEU ni» t: Metal Box v Spore Hilton (Parrer Park). (Olllman Brks); Rollel v P and SQUASH: Inter -Clab: Scribes N (Oeylang); Dlv 3: Veneer V v Forces V (Mt. Vemon); Products v BtralU Time* (Parrer Forces IV v Police V
      78 words

  • 151 28 Johor Customs scraps 'M dollars only' order By ARTHUR RICHARDS MALAYSIA yesterday reversed its decision to collect Customs taxes and duties at the Causeway only in Malaysian currency from Monday 12 hours after the public was notified of the move. Johor Baru customs officials stopped the Issue of thousands of
    151 words
  • 152 28 MALIK: WE WILL NOT INTERFERE IN SABAH CLAIM JAKARTA, Wed. Foreign Minister Adam Malik today denied that Indonesia had asked the Philippines to abandon its claim to Sabah. "That is not true. It Is Improper to tell a sovereign country what to do," he told his weekly press conference at
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 117 28 BRUNEI'S State Financial Officer, Datuk John Lee, flew In yesterday afternoon for a brief round of talks with Currency Board officials on the dollar spUt. Before his arrival here, Oatuk Lee told reporters at Bandar Seri Begawan that the present Interchangeability of the
    117 words
  • 327 28 T ONOON. Wad. On Ihr .fork mar- krt today, rubber abaraa lost mot* around on ending of thr currency agraament bflwwn Malayila and Slngnporr. Tba markrl wrakrnrO further rrflactIng continued nervou*nr*« ovrr rrnetlbla tlahicr cradlt and curb on comiimn aMam At 3 p.m. tba Financial Tlnv. indes bad
    327 words
  • 49 28 LONDON. Tim. Spot 24.45. «VtHuiiiil: Jvne. July. July/to* am) Aw 24. 50. Oct/Dec and Jin Mind 34.20. April jane sad Jatr'Srpt 04.13. Octi Dm 24. 50. J«n M.r.h and Aarllfjin* 24. 35, July Wp- 24 40 Camral: elf Jim*. 14 40. July 24 05. Market: Nominal. w*H»«i-ll~« mmul
    49 words
  • 29 28 LONDON. Wad. Spot bvm (ITOT (—43). Hllm £1-10 CIO). Forward tarm (16*2 (-C10). Milan ***** CO. tottlemMM: ***** 122). Turnow a.m. 110 tola. p.m. 210 tons. Too* Study
    29 words
  • 56 28 A JAPANESE girl presents Mrs. Lee Kuan Yew with a bouquet of flowers before the christening of the supertanker Neptune World by Mrs. Lee yesterday in Nagasaki. Looking on are the Prime Minister and the managing director of the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Mr. Michael Wong
    56 words
  • 47 28 TOKYO. Wed. Japanew dockers today postponed a planned Indefinite walkout a' 90 ports In the hope of gaining further concessions In currently deadlocked wage negotiations. The workers were due to strike from today, but decided to postpone their walkout until May 21.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 94 28 CAREERS A good basic training is essential if you want a successful business career. The Department of Business Studies of ITC has now introduced a series of courses for management The subjects include Advertising, Business Statistics, Salesmanship and Sales Management, Commercial Law, Company Law, Accounts, Costing, Commerce and Finance, Public
      94 words
    • 21 28 DIATM OlMLini. BOSSY. NMri MM at Ouirmta O«aml BMpltal oa r».Tt. Ittrtof Mtiad hi* baiovM wlft N*ll. No flower* by rwjutit
      21 words
    • 241 28 See the incomparable New Mercedes-Benz 280S "S-Qass" at Cycle Carriage (Enterprises) Pte. Limited, 41/43, Orchard Road, Singapore 9. Showroom opens from 8.30 a.m. to 10.30 p.m. daily (except Sundays) until May 16, 1973. (C^l^lrVv* CVC E CARRIAGE GROUP V LOOK AT OUR NEW LOW PRICES! HEAR THE SOUND THAT HAS
      241 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous