The Straits Times, 7 May 1973

Total Pages: 36
1 36 The Straits Times
  • 23 1 ifOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 250,000 The Straits Times The National Newspaper Estd. 1845 MONDAY, MAY 7, 1973 20 CENTS M.C. (P) 28/73
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  • 1331 1 WASHINGTON, Sun. In the gravest threat so far to President Nixon's position, former White House counsel Mr. John Dean was reported today to be ready to testify that the President personally praised his efforts to stop the Democratic bugging scandal engulfing high officials.
    Reuter; UPI  -  1,331 words
  • 45 1 DAR ES SALAAM. Sun. Miss Julie Manning has been sworn In as the first African woman High Court Judge In But and Central Af.ica Miss Manning worked In the Parliamentary drafting office of the Attorney-Oeneral until her new appointment. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 637 1 Malaysia may go it alone Moves toward setting up ties with Peking PALEMBANG (Sumatra). Sun TUN Abdul Razak has told Indonesian leaders that Malaysia may be the first of the Asean countries to establish diplomatic relations with China. Indonesian Foreign Minister Adum Malik today said this was conveyed to President
    Reuter  -  637 words
  • 167 1 Village polls off to quiet start in South Vietnam SAIGON, Sun. The first elections in South Vietnam since the Paris agreement was signed went ahead quietly today without interference from or participation by, the Vietcong. Voting for new village councils took place only in Quang Tin and Go Cong provinces
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  • 27 1 PARIS. Sun— Opponents of France's nuclear testing programme (ought police yesterday In the southern cities of Toulouse and Montpelller. Twelve people were reported injured.— UPI
    UPI  -  27 words
  • 165 1 BONN, Sun. About 600 West Germans, many carrying banners saying "32 years are enough," marched through the streets of Bonn today to demonstrate for the release from West Berlin's Spandau Prison of Hitler's former deputy, Rudolf Hess. Hess, who was 79 ten days ago
    Reuter  -  165 words
  • 179 1 A CHOPPER ONLY TOM THUMB CAN RIDE IN rl. grown-ups made no bones about it. They wished they were a lot "smaller" at Chanci airfield yesterday. For before this toylandsiie helicopter took off. there was only space for Tom Thumb and no more. And so everybody had to be content
    MAHFUTZ MATT AH  -  179 words
  • 719 1 Lee is off today to Tokyo rKYO, Sun. Mr Lee Kuan Yew will have wide-ranging political and economic talks with Japanese Government leaders during a weeklong private visit beginning tomorrow. Ostensibly, *.he Singapore Prime Minister is making the trip to attend the launching by his wife at Nagasaki on Wednesday
    Reuter  -  719 words
  • 53 1 DACCA. Bun At least 250 people were reared drowned today after two motor launches collided on a tributary of the Brahmaputra River near Dacca last night. Rescuers today were still searching for bodies, but most of them are feared to have been swept away by
    53 words
  • 35 1 JOHANNESBURG. Sun Five people, (our of them children, died In th* eastern Transvaal town of Oraskop this week after eating poisonous mushrooms. The mushrooms also killed a cat and a dog— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 84 1 Freed political prisoners flown to Cuba mexko an. sun. Thirty Mexican political pri•oarr* rrlrawd in exchange for tbr kidnapped IS onailGeneral In CiuadaUJara left here by air today lor C üba in a Mexican Air Force DC -4. The releair of the prisoners M men and (our women had
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 124 1 CASE OF THE TRIGGER HAPPY POLITICIAN the Prime Ministers spetch to the BACB meeting: Page 8. KMT division in northern Thailand to disband 3 GOLDA: No Cairo response to peace initiative 5 LET shipyard workers use CPF money to buy shares, urges union leader 9 WHERE to register your child
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  • World News
    • 389 2 WASHINGTON, Sunday jyjHS. Martha Mitchell, wife of the former Attorney-General, said Mr. Nixon should resign because of the scandal. ''I think he should say goodbye," she said. Asked Why, she replied: "I think In order to give credibility to the Republican Party
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    • 179 2 Syrian leader in secret visit to Kremlin DEIRUT, Sun. Syrian President Hafes AlAssad held talks with Kremlin leaders during 24 -hour secret visit to Moscow last week, diplomatic sources said here today. The sources said the Syrian President went to Moscow on Wednesday and returned to Damascus on Thursday night.
      Reuter  -  179 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 201 2 ANNOUNCING BIG NEW HOUDW BARGAINS FOR 73 k Wi B^T Ilk *"m A Jm JK M Wi^^mL* *B ilaaß&baafc Li^tfl m wm sV vi ip xs afj 5* Mm M HI pr^ mt i irf l^U 1 Mm t WWm It Tf i vHHsVc* iiUs ■■■^■1 k taaaßk .^Bl "^H
      201 words
    • 27 2 r sore i i irritating i I^throaTJ SOOTHE INFLAMMATION D PREVENT COUGHING D ATTACK INFECTION with medicated antiseptic throat pastilles Solt Agents: COLD STORAGE (M) SON. BHD.
      27 words

  • 306 3 Ex-KMT men to scrap border division BANGKOK, Sunday 1 former Nationalist Chinese Kuomintang troops in northern Thailand have reached agreement with Thai authorities to disband their military formations and stop opium cultivation and smuggling activities. Major-Gen. Sanan Narinsorasakdi, Deputy Commissioner of Provincial Police Forces, told reporters here yesterday that the
    Reuter  -  306 words
  • 46 3 WASHINGTON. Bun The US Ltnl.-on Office being set up In Peking Is to have a staff of 30 and will be guarded ty six marines, according to the Slate Department officer who !ed l\\e American advance team to China. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 155 3 Top Huk leader, 5 rebels killed by Govt forces MANILA, Sun. Five rebels were slain and their woman companion captured during a clash with government troops in northern Philippines, police reported today. The 20-minute gun battle took place in Bulakan village, 75 miles UTOkm) north of here yesterday. No government
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  155 words
  • 78 3 Whirlwind ravages Kiel KIEL, Sun. A whirlwind storm struck this northern Oerman city of 270,000 yesterday, leaving behind dead and Injured In a large area of destruction, police said. A 14-year-old boy was killed when he was trapped under a blown-o.T rooftop, and at least 15 people were hospitalised, police
    UPI  -  78 words
  • 57 3 BRUSSELS. Sun. Japan snd the Common Market have put off further negotiations on 4 bilateral commerical agreement until after the coming worldwide trade talks that begin later this year. Thl* was sated at a Joint Press conference yesterday by Japane^i* Foreign Minister Masayoshl Ohira and
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 37 3 WASHINGTON, Bun The Soviet Union will have in effect two seats in the Security Council next year and in 1875 following communist states' endorsement of Byelo-Russla's candidature to succeed Yugoslavia in the 15-natlon committee. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 26 3 PARIS Sun. Japan has told Thailand It was prepared to consider favourably requests for increased development grant In the form of technical assistance. —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 69 3 LONDON. Sun. A 70--year-old man died today from Injuries received when an Egypt Air Boeing 707 airliner hit air turbulence over the English Channel last night. Mr. Cecil Hartley, from Harrogate, was one of five people injured when the airliner, carrying 118 passengers, dropped abruptly
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 99 3 Mik &3£t 1 I/km qu*i* nt# A masterpiece of lasting beauty and elegance a gift of finest precision and superior quality, for people who like to enjoy every day the pleasure of something reaiiy special. Reliable as only Swiss precision can be. Unlimited international guarantee. The unique slim-line ballpoint pen
      99 words
    • 445 3 L A A m ml -mm J .f^^B^s^b V^t/m •Vn|l EVAPORATED MILK festival hi oz 49 UfcN HONEY LANES USA Orange Blosso-n Ib 2.85 SUGAR sis 5^"TB5 Illlill I^Jfc^s^Jilii HI CORN OIL NAZOLA USA Pure Gallon 10.50 P< J <MT Z^f M Jg|fg|igjgifgfggfffgp|^[Hfgf"|Pß|^ Now we can serve w& WkWSSSI?SIS^SSSSIifSIMm a
      445 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 26 3 THE GAMBOLS By Barry Appleby I%' |(sfc«r) ~P \l\O£O Ur»^\ (PiOtfT KEEP VtV/lHG>\ *Xie 09OM J/^\ s\ \W W KNOW WHCtfC J "{TOVK/j-Sr A^ \TOFINP TMIN^^/
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    • 383 4 £}HIXA today accused the Soviet Union of using spies to conduct subversion and sabotage against sovereign countries, including Hongkong. "To meet its need of carrying out expansion and aggression abroad, Soviet revisionist social-imperialism is resorting more and more to shameful means of espionage to conduct
      Reuter  -  383 words
    • 186 4 BELFAST, Sun. The booby-trap bomb deaths of three British soldiers a few yards from Northern Ireland's border with the Irish Republic brought new demands today for tighter security along the frontier. Irish Republican Army IRA > guerillas, apparently operating from across the border, claimed
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    • 69 4 PEKINO, Bun A line of billboards flanked by four mammoth wooden pillars bearing communist slogans which stretched acrca the city s Tlenanmen (Gate of Heavenly Peace) Square was removed last night. One of Peking's moat prominent landmarks, the billboards at least 30 ft. high (almost 10
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 26 4 CAIRO. Sun —King Peisal of Saudi Arabia will arrive here on Saturday for a 24-hour visit, the Cairo newspaper Al Ahram reported today.— AP.
      AP  -  26 words
    • 71 4 THE US Ambassador to South Vietnam. Mr. Ellsworth Bunker (left) receiving the flag which flew over the embassy "on the last day of war and the first day of peace" from Marine Cant R.E. Carill, Executive Officer of the 53rd Marines, during
      UPI  -  71 words
    • 126 4 NEW DELHI. Sun. A re tired district Judge o the north-east India! state of Assam was toda; sentenced to death for mur derlng his wife and thre< daughters three years ago. The sentence was hand ed down by the district am sessions judge of
      Reuter  -  126 words
    • 32 4 CANBERRA. Sun. Japar.e and Australian business leader' will meet in Melbourne frorr May 9 to 11 for the llth Joim meeting of the Austraha-Japar business Co-operation Committee i AJBCO— Reuter
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 170 4 China backs small European nations unity move HONG KONG, Sun Chinese Foreign Minister Chi Peng-fei has expressed Peking's support for the unity of small European countries against domination by the big powers, the New China News agency reported today. Speaking at a banquet he hosted last night for Luxembourg Foreign
      170 words
    • 28 4 SEOUL. Sun. One person died in a pre-dawn flre which gutted a s-x-siorey market building In downtown Seoul today. Damage was estimated at U*****,500 (— Reuter
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 21 4 DACCA. Sun. Two Soviet naval minesweepers sailed (or home today after working on salvage operations in Chittagong harbur. Reiner
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 456 5 Golda: No Cairo response to peace initiative TEL AVIV. Sunday ISRAELI Prime Minister Mrs. Golda Meir has said she recently approached Egyptian President Sadat through a third party on the possibility of secret peace talks, but has received no reply. She disclosed this in a preview of a television interview
    Reuter; AP  -  456 words
  • 69 5 Bengalis held in security swoop ISLAMABAD. Sun—Pakistani police rounded up several hundreds and possibly thousands of Bengalis In a massive security operation In this capital early today. A Government spokesman said they were being taken to two or three places "In preparation (or their eventual repatriation to Bangladesh." Large squads
    69 words
  • 60 5 BUENOS AIRES. Sun— A ransom tn pesos equivalent to US 1 1.6 million (S3 7 million) was paid for the release of a Bwiss businessman's son kidnapped six days ago. unconfirmed reports said. Santiago Soldatl. 30. whose father Is chairman of the ItaloArgentlne Electricity Company and
    60 words
  • 25 5 BELFAST. Sun— A bomb exploded atop a Londonderry pub today and showered British troops below with debris but the soldiers escaped unhurt— UPl
    25 words
    • 57 5 SYDNEY. Sun— Queensland Bute Premier Johannes BJeklePetersen foresees a "Wounded Knee" situation if the Australian Oovemment takes control of aboriginal land rights In Queensland. He told reporters today that If Queensland aborigines were brought under federal control. they would be encouraged to live together In settlements
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 405 5 JAKARTA, Sun Borne 2,000 bar glrla have lost their Jobs because their casinos have been closed down following a government ban on gambling In Semarang, In Central Java and Bandoeng In West Java, the newspaper Post Kota reported. SANTIAGO: Several thousand antl-gov-ernment demonstra tors battled police for two hoars
      Agencies  -  405 words
  • 104 5 LONDON. Sun. United States Presidential ad vlser Henry Kissinger will visit London on Wednesday for talks with British ministers on East West relations and other major International developments. Brl tlsh officials said. He will be In London on his way home from Moscow, where
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 159 5 One Upjohn vitamin everyday gives you all the essential vitamins you need to maintain good health and to assist in the prevention, among other things, of Malnutrition Loss of appetite Lack of Vitality Nervous tension General disability Upjohn contains all the essential vitamins all your family needs. It is a
      159 words
    • 180 5 Save money NEW R iMILY SIZE New Family Size (5 0z.) Brand's Essence JP^ *^^§i\ oi Chicken costs much less than two large F *vffJf I^^L^L c x<^*ff^^l size (2 1 2 oz.) bottles. You save money! ULltf JMlP^^ ll^! Brand's tried and trusted for many K 11 L^^ generations
      180 words

  • 285 6 A single yellow line would suffice at Tai Thong Crescent RESIDENTS of Tal Thong Crescent were deprived of their car park about a montn ago when the police drew a double yellow-line along the road. This was done lnspite of the road being wide enough to have parking on both
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  • 109 6 A booth that has no phone I WOULD be gratefol if the Singapore Telephone Board would let residents of Ctaal Chee Avenue know when are they going to install a public telephone In front of Block 38. Chal Chee Avtnue? For the past two months, a booth has stood at
    109 words
  • 53 6 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ■jmffi^Bl I AM a resident of Eng Kong Park. The quietness and peaceful ness of the night has very often been disturbed by the barking an<l yelpIng of stray dogs fighting. I would be much obliged If the authority concerned would kindly look Into this matter.
    53 words
  • 1096 6 An urgent need for an old age pension scheme AM continually distressed to see old men and women struggling to survive on a subsistence level by working on building sites and at other unqualified jobs. Sorely there must be a tetter system than this for keeping these old people alive.
    1,096 words
  • 173 6 CO FAR you have published a member of letters praising the programme "Kung Fu". I would like to speak for the minority who do NOT like It. Frankly, I ■do not see any merit in this programme. The lead actor's main asset
    173 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 198 6 Lufthansa. To the heart of Europe. Copenhagen Hamburg I Bremen I Hsnovsf Amsterdam I Cotogoe Bonn Brussels Ftensburg Manchester^ Stockholm 2"°*" 4^k I Gothenburg G>»9ow Helsinki Prague Paris Frankfurt Warsaw n" I I Moscow Saarbrucken Budapest Barcelona Madrid 53?rL Lisbon |^H Belgraoe Pallia 4a^B^' Bfl oofaa Santa Cruz deTenerife M
      198 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 305 6 Straits Times Crossword ACEOSS Brazilian city entertain* ex--1 Thunderous tidal wave? centric economist (7). (I 4) 7. A pull men obey if they cant I The blue ran badly out of the get job*? (13). iky (1) 10. Umucceaaful gamble at Body of approximately (an billiard*? (6. 6). ounce «hort>
      305 words

  • 279 7  -  PAUL WEE By SOME 200 residents of Kampung; Chai Chee and 400 national servicemen rolled up ilit-ii sleeves to metal and clean up a road In the constituency. They were taking part In a two-day tot on* royong (self-help) project yesterday in Jalan
    279 words
  • 270 7  -  MASIE KWEE By LONDON, Sun. Two top civil servants from Singapore and Malaysia are among nine foreign representatives on a three-week visit to study the publicity network in Britain. Mr. Kwa Soon Chuan. Singapore's Permanent Secretary (Culture', and Encik Harun Din. Malaysia's Under-Secretary
    270 words
  • 189 7 Spend on necessities, not luxuries: Ya'acob rE Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Ministers Office, Haji Ya" acob bin Mohamed. has urged people to be thrifty and to spend money only on necessi ties rather than on lux uries. Speaking at the opening and fifth anniversary celebration of the PAP's Kampung
    189 words
  • 48 7 MR A Vljlaratnam has been elected president of Keppel Club. Other officials are Mr. Chung Kek Choo (vice-president), Mr. Vincent Lai (secretary). Mr. Cheng long Seng (assistant secretary), Mr. Llau Nyuk Slong (treasurer) and Messrs Loh Heng Kee. Willie RaMah and R.B. Milne (committee members).
    48 words
  • 170 7 INSURANCE PLAN FOR DINERS CLUB MEMBERS DINERS Club members In Singapore will be offered "Insurance passports" under a new programme to give them pro tectlon when travelling abroad. If they become "passport (policy) holders', they will be able to claim reimburse ment for medical and hos pitallsatlon expenses In curred
    170 words
  • 86 7 A YOUTH was arrested by police soon after he snatched a gold chain and pendant from a 17--year-old housewife on Saturday morninf. Am Kirn Geok was with her two-and-a-half-month-old daughter In (iuillcmard Road on Saturday when It happened. She shouted for help and constables In
    86 words
  • 288 7 T«E Minister of State for Foreign x Affairs, Encik Rahim Ishak, yesterday warned that erosion on the quality of life by new corrosive forces will gain momentum here if left unchecked. He said with the rapid industrialisation and increasing urbanisation.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 221 7 ■bbbbbbW^^"^ bbbbbbbbbbbW. I /bbbbbl LbbbbbbV "~"7^bbbbbb! ■Uk PER MONTH B.T. U. When you hire a brand new 'Kelvinator' air-conditioner you get:--(a) Free monthly service (b) Free replacement of parts Also, you get the air-conditioner absolutely FREE on payment of your 36th monthly rental Why not call at our showroom today!
      221 words

  • 1677 8  - CASE OF THE TRIGGER HAPPY POLITICIAN... LEE KUAN YEW When a hasty decision can cause irreparable damage to the economy By SURGEON'S primary instrument is his scalpel, a politician's is his word. When I was invited to deliver your Syme Oration, I hesitated. I reacted with unease to the connotations
    1,677 words
  • 557 8 cular section of the Encyclopaedia goes on to quote Freud who "conctlves of personality as constituted by an ego. which roughly corresponds to the organised perceptual workaday self, an id, which embraces the unorganised reservoir of instinctive Impulses and
    557 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 343 8 LEADER Wide range high quality electronic test instruments for industry and service workshop R^^r B^B^ ■■■■BJBJB) BS^bSb B B^B^B^B^B^S^B^Bj LBO-501 ft/V =";1 This instrument fulfils the iT^^^°Sss^=T^^^^^B requirements for use on 1C !T1; o~fl coloured TV servicing, on iJaiffJiY*-- b^^ production line, education and I -W*iL \^r laboratory appbeations. H^k*
      343 words

  • 212 9 Shipyards welcome 'citizenship for skilled workers' offer- SINGAPORE shipyards have welcomed the Government's offer of permanent residence and, eventually, citizenship for skilled foreign craftsmen who have passed tests and qualify. They said It would provide further Incentives for them to make Singapore their permanent home. Mr. Lawrence Ma h, general
    212 words
  • 106 9 ARCHITECTS INVITED TO SEND IN PLANS /CHINESE Chamber of \j Commerce president Mr. Tan Krone Choon has invited architects to submit plans on how best to redevelop its property in Teluk Ayer Street. Redevelopment of the property a row of seven shophousrs occupying more than 21.000 sq.ft. of land will
    106 words
  • 33 9 MR. LEE Siew Kwong. Director of Social Welfare. presented on Saturday certift- cates to 36 trainee seamen at their graduation ceremony on i board the training ship Singu- 1 pore. I
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  • 136 9 rj HE Singapore Indian 1 Film. Arts and Dramatic Society will honour four outstanding Singaporeans for their 'valuable contrl- buttons to the Republic" by awarding them "golden robes." The ceremony, under the patronage of Dato Lee Chee Shan, will be held at
    136 words
  • 52 9 SAF live firing exercises SAF will conduct live firing exercises at their Southern Islands firing range at Pulau Pawai from today to May 11. There will also be demolition live firing exercises at Pulau Senang range from May 9 to May 11 The public are warned to keep clear of
    52 words
  • 270 9 Let shipyard S workers seCPF to buy shares -SA YS UNION LEADER OEM BAWANG Ship y a r d Employees Union has appealed to the Government to allow its members to use their CPF savings to buy company shares. Unioji president, Mr. Peter Vincent, made the appeal at the union's
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  • 27 9 Two extramural courses THE University of Singapore's Department of Extramural Studies will conduct a course on Industrial administration and another on musical form and analysis this month.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 347 9 When you fly to London on BOAC we'll give you Africa for just $86 more. fill I /it iTii Tm<\ !l \llmnl\fnhwl Next time you fly to Africa. Stay in Ceylon and spend three nights at the London, give yourself the explore the lakes and the Reef Hotel. lour the
      347 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 131 9 Bringing Up *~tn*r By BUM Kacmmmg* A Jfaf Cmmp \J- —^s- *N~l' I T TOIP HIM TO RUN V I'M THINKIN6 OF -fT" /»|7^ '•f^ECT'/SO TVUITS WHO'S TAKJNG CARE OfY I THE OFFICE THE J APPOINTIN© YOU <T I- /If V «'»»*> f» Ch *f»"g DAC-WOOO WANTS TO A V
      131 words

  • 86 10 Training course in marine microbiology Parliamentary Secret aiy i Education Mr Ahmad Mattar will open a regional training course In marine microbiology at the Nanpang University's Lee Kong rhlan Museum of Asian Culture today at 9.30 a.m. Twenty participants from lumid Asian tropical countries ire expected to take part In
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  • 334 10  -  GERALD PEREIRA WON 25 COMMENDATION CERTt By STORIES of his courage and guts have been told and retold each of the 25 times that Station Inspector Harmon Singh received commendation certificates. And last Thursday was his proudest moment when President Sheares pinned the Public
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  • 216 10 THE United Front, a newly-registered political party, hopes to call a meeting of Opposition parties to form a watchdog committee to check on price Increases. In a statement yesterday, the party said It was concerned over the recent price of commodities and
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  • 503 10 TWENTY-THREE governX ment and aided Chinese primary and full schools will admit children into Primary I classes In June. Registration will be from May 14 to 16. Parents who wish to take advantage of this second semester Intake have to give
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  • 78 10 THE natural Increase (live births minus deaths) in Singapore's population last year totaled 37.927 2,1 U more than In 1971. According to the latest offldal figures, the natural Increase In January this year was also higher than In Januar, 1972: 3,4«5 against 3.695. There wu
    78 words
  • 149 10 Dr. Tan lends a hand in clean-up drive THE MP for River Valley, Dr. Tan Eng Liang, yesterday met his constituents thanks to a springcleaning campaign. And he gave them a hand. Dr. Tan was visiting residents of the Far East Mansions in Kirn Yam Road, off River Valley Road,
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  • 100 10 PICK-UP VAN PASSENGER DIES IN ACCIDENT MADAM Urn Hum Chlow, 46, was killed when the pick-up van in which she was travelling crashed Into a tree In Upper Ayer Rajah Road on Saturday. Three other passengers were warded in Outram Hospital. Their condition was described as "not serious." On Thursday,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 280 10 DAILY AT I ACT nAYi ADULTS S3 > 70C 10PM k#%a>l I/AI CHILOaiN $1 I CHIANG NAN YEE YUAN ii 4^^ A MANDARIN FILM ii COLORSCOPE with ENGLISH SUBTITLES j I^^T^>7Zri~cTl*~*aTrSllrT^rTZl~cr7tely™cllllla7TrTZr" 1 0.M I I. *00pm daily. Aftar a.OO ■m. ahaiw baaklnai caa ka I actaataa' at Mw J«r»t
      280 words
    • 80 10 (Gaylong) (Quaarotown) 14* BIG DAY I GOLDEN CITYI 1.41,4 00, 7 10, m. GALAXY: I.U, I.M, 7 ft Ml pm. Tka Maa* Eicttloa Hakklan Wailnl Cawaaj— A Film Far All CammanKlat CHENG TUN m SEMCHOFLIU^ UIM^HIvMH NOW SHOWING! I JO, IA». t 10 ft «00».ni DCDOY SUTOMO, RITA ZAHAKA, LENNY
      80 words
    • 195 10 BACK* SOON ,^-T 12m at the v2T\ mad, mad, mad, I mO *f£ a mad world I lIFIf /KiJ| needed JT #jt y ITS NOW! '"^isjm" /iDAfiAU DEPARTMENTAL STORE \yg| STRAITS TRAOING BUILDING aftM A& HI ■■MHII M BATTERY BOAO. SINGAPORE 1% VI W Wll V TEL 9W»3 Iwithtxcaptionof food
      195 words
    • 547 10 Jj ORGANISATION LAST DAY! 11a*. 1.4», 4.00, 4.10 ft «.1S iopmo Lorrn "MORTAOtLLA m In COLOn IWornar bros) OPENS TOMORROW! Lily Mo "facatt wr Lo»«" A SHAW f-RODUCTION Mondorm in Shawtcopa, color NOW SHOWING! ll am. 1.4>. *.v», tin 4 9)0 I ronco Nero Pomelo [irtin "TWi HUM CORD" m
      547 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 430 11 PRDBLEMSWITH YOUR HERRING? When you're hard of hearing you aaaMy LTaV mtaa parts of th« waaiaa* PMHpe haarmg aMa help beeat eountfc you cant nonwa#y hear. Two oaaie moaala are •»^"^^w. ran wiwi naa uwm ajpasi W^k ?<*•"' rtaarlng aM* WIM These come in types: StanVt*H Hr dt a Higrt-Power
      430 words
    • 366 11 BRUSH UP YOUR SMILE WITH DR. WEST'S... f flHr y i mLmm fk a^^^^ FOR THAT SPECIAL DATE A smile can mean so much. At an interview. Before a camera Or at those boy meets girl occasions Since 1976, Dr. West's fine toothbrushes have given millions of people in America
      366 words
    • 30 11 HsW V&iKmmmm TENDERLOIN GRILL ROOM 'COFFEE HOUSE. Our Speciality in AIR FLOWN, FRESH BEEF, D.,1, |O0 a m. to S*dn,hr OT»nglm Shoop""« Centre, 19. Tangim Road. Smeniora. 10. Tel. *****1/4.
      30 words
    • 297 11 Taißng Carpets are fabulous in every way. TAtmt SINGAPORE CARPET nr MANUFACTURERS PTE. LTD. Mpojsjajamw Snowroom Tudor Court, BUsUJUB 125. Tangi.n Road, Spore, 10. Tel: *****1 2. GOURMET LUNCH MENU Chef Manfred Rudolphs own recommendation tor people who care about good food. SFK V INDIAN MUTTON HX IP A sumpitiously
      297 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 550 12 PRESIDENT Nixon has added a horrendous touch to the already bizarre Watergate scenario. Tre limitation Mr. Nixon has placed on disclosures and confessions by former White House aides devalues the presidential pledge that "the truth will finally be brought out whoever was involved." The Watergate caper raises
      550 words
  • 678 12 the Water gate mob needed was foreign technical aid in reverse, a touch of Asian expertise which would have kept them from botching their job. "Every man is a saint until he is found out," George Bernard Shaw once said, passing on to posterity another of his eminently
    678 words
  • 1720 12  - Manpower for industrySingapore's master plan YAP BOH TIONG 'The present secondary school system which hives students into a medical or science stream must be abolished' BY The first of a two-part series INDUSTRY and institutions of higher learning need to work closely in Singapore's long-term interests, Dr. Toh Chin Chye
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 21 12 Buying a house a skyscraper I jg~p OCBC CAN PROVIDE THE MONEY! J r^TT** W^^l3ZP-J P OwMfrCNnM*BanUnaCorpa.Lkl I Group MMtsovw 51.511.000.000
      21 words
    • 186 12 The 100 Pipers Legend. Our legend claims if you sip a perfect Scotch you'll hear 100 pipers play. That's a lot of Pipers. But then 100 Pipers is a lot of Scotch. 100 Pipers Scotch. From Seagram.Scottand. >00 Pipers Scotch Whisky Bottled in Scotland Cr«»Ud in the Mull that ruu
      186 words

  • 80 13 POLKA-DOT HELEN PLEASES BOTH SEXES Hn KN Konc (above) won approval when shr modelled a deep purple polka-dot dress .it .i < haritv fashion show m S.iturda.v. From the men. appren.iluc dances and from members of her own sex. cenerous applause. Helen was one of six models who took nart
    80 words
  • 279 13 Barnard: Our position fully understood •JMIK Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister. Mr. Lance Barnard, said yesterday that Singapore fully understood Australia's position on the future deployment of its forces in Singapore and I Malaysia. He said this before leaving for Kuala Lumpur after a two-day visit here for
    279 words
  • 365 13  - Devan: Asian unionists are not messenger boys CHIA POTEIK —NTUC HITS OUT AT SNAP REQUEST BY ICFTU TO SEND A DELEGATION TO SYDNEY By X»H NTUC Secretary. General, Mr. C. V. Dcvan Nair, Ikis told the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions thai Asian unionists are not messenger boys to
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  • 257 13 Coming: First batch of nature loving -tourists A NEW-STYLE package tour with the accent on adventure and discovery will bring a first batch of nature-loving tourists from Europe and the United States to the Far East later this month. It is being promoted by British Airways, the new name for
    257 words
  • 26 13 BUKTT Merah North community centre will conduct a Taekwon-do class for beginners from May 22 at the centre in Block 67 in Lengkok Bahru
    26 words
  • 24 13 Watch your tap WATER consumption on Saturday was 118.1 million gallons (537.000 cubic metres), 0.7 million gallons (3,000 cable metres) lew than on Friday.
    24 words
  • 99 13 T>OLICE have arrested a I 33 year old man who la believed to be a member of a syndicate of pickpockets operating at the Singapore Turf Club. Detectives from the CID doted in on the man at the race coarse In Bukit Tlmah on Saturday.
    99 words
  • 128 13 SECOND YOUTH CHOIR TO BE FORMED ANOTHER Singapore Youth Choir will be formed by the management committee of the Young Musicians Society. Mr. Urn Kirn San. honorary secretary of the society, said that more than 200 singers had to be turned down during the recruitment campaign in January. The maximum
    128 words
  • 30 13 JOHOR BARI Sun.— Police raided two massage parlours here last night the third raid in a week. Eight women and seven men found gambling were picked up.
    30 words
  • 126 13 Fund will have few members left by December THE Redundancy Payments Fund, which has 7,852 members, will have few members left by the end of the year. Many of these members will be non-citizens who will not be entitled to any further payment from the fund until the time they
    126 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 172 13 -X.QQ^-1 Get your NEW, fruity (^J*\ I <r+frf^J cartoon-shaped AC& Vh N S ~\II^/ multi vitamins now! /j*y^^? .and Multi Vitamins. Every bottle of 1 00 tablets gives you a healthy 3-month supply of vitamins and minerals; and for two bottles of 60, a 4-month supply. >t <^^w A vai
      172 words
    • 39 13 1 9 55 p.m. MOD SQUAD ((ft) 9V^ fl v s^ /y^ 3 Safe TAKE CARE OF YOUR EYES Pffanlwl tya c«f« calk for c«r« 3'vibV WV fMr .rttitht ok»«ctJ..lT accurately. PIN PIN OPTICAL co Sinaapora A. fkana 2tSIS
      39 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 712 13 3.99 rM Kudumta Malar (Tamil) 7.99 My Three Sons: Polly Wants 3.39 Diary of Events (Tamil) A Douglas 3.35 Where the Heart Is 7.39 News (Malay) 3.55 Sadhangai Oh. Indian dances 7.49 Pesta Ria (Malay) featuring Rajeswan and 9.35 Kung Fu: An Eye for An Eye Revathy (repeat; 9.39 Ne»s
      712 words
    • 287 13 5.99 PM Programme summary i 9.23 Pembangunan Negara 5.94 Bmtang Kechil J-2 p «istiwa r 9.99 News fur > 9.19 Parliament report 5.59 Weather forecast 9.27 A Talk by Culture, Youth and 9.99 News Sports Minister on Youth 9.11 Alarr Pendidikan Day 9.33 The Amazing Chan and the i 945
      287 words

    • 389 14 WE CAN'T LET PATIENTS DIE— DOCTORS DOCTORS inter viewed here dis agree with the sug gestion that they have an "inescapable: duty to allow some severely ha nd iC I pped patients to die. KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday and alleviate suffering. They were commenting on a news agency report which quoted
      389 words
    • 210 14 $5-a-day travel in Malaysia for students -scheme- PENANG, Sun. The Penant Tourist Association has already appointed a sub-committee to try to arrange a cheap travel scheme for Malaysian students within this country. The sub-committee has been asked to look into the possibility of launching a students' travel scheme by chartered
      210 words
    • 56 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun— A long-term economic project to benefit 840.000 people in 420 new villages throughout West Malaysia is being planned by the Government. The Minister with Special Functions. Dr Lim Keng Yaik. said that the project is to urbanise the new villages and help
      56 words
    • 51 14 JOHOR BARU Sun —Officers from the Enforcement Unit today seized more than $20,000 worth of food seasoning which was In lmltat'on of a leading brand. This followed raids en two houses at Jalan Datuk Sulaiman In Century Oardens and Jalan Senjum Wadlhana. after a three-day
      51 words
    • 143 14 THESE three chubby boys were among the winners of a baby contest at Buklt Ho Swee community centre yesterday. Besides a silver trophy, each of them and all participants received a hamper of milk products, cereals and biscuits. The contest, sponsored by Friesland (S>
      143 words
    • 96 14 MONTFORT Primary School band won the top award in the Singapore Youth Festival 1973 band competition at the Dover Road sport 1 complex on Saturday. The band too the Best Progress Award trom 23 other com pe tint primary school bands. Last year's
      96 words
    • 190 14 Time limit set on Penang's free port status? PENANG, Sun. Has the Federal Government set a time schedule for the total abolition of Penang's free port status? DAP State assemblyman Yeap Chlm Ouan (Kelawel) will ask this question of the Chief Minister, Dr. Llm Chong Eu, at the State Assembly
      190 words
    • 82 14 IPOH. Sun— lt was a last minute reprieve for Saturday night revellers here with the restoration of power supply shortly after 7 p.m. Cinemas, bars, nightclubs and restaurants hud almost their usual Saturday night crowds, but with only fans in use. as air conditions were not allowed
      82 words
    • 71 14 IPOH. Sun. A fisherman was killed, two housewives injured and eight houses destroyed when a whirlwind and rainstorm swept through 16 riverine kampungs on Friday evening. The half-hour storm also damaged 108 other houses, making 850 people homeless and lprooted scores of fruit and other trees
      71 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 146 14 Qollei extends heartiest congratulations to Varta Private Limited on its inauguration -V^J3fo^ .■Jfe^f .^^RflRjRflBRB^R v^^R^ RIR^. v%£, -.^rMF" .^ifi^^^^^^^^^SMk^i^l R^rW ML WtF J Hr ■^SS^f J Jfl R^r R^PRRb -<. A fHflflvw' H- > R^Hb I PM m>jrWiVChl r w mi MMb #fTwiJ .i/iJ hw fKaUm of mA Af¥\ CONGRATULATIONS
      146 words
    • 152 14 Congratulations and Best Wishes to VARTA Private Limited. on the occasion of their inauguration. HOECHST SINGAPORE RTI/J\ PTE. LTD. Bth Floor, Supr-me House, Pernng Rood, Singopore 9. Tel: 2650). Congratulations Best Wishes to VARTA PRIVATE LIMITED on the occasion of their inauguration. SCHENKER WORLDWIDE FORWARDING ORGANIZATION service in 5 continents
      152 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1261 15 IN THE HIGH COIRT IN MALAYA AT IPOH IN BANKRUPTCY NO. 190 OF 1971 Re: Llew Kool Yoon Tin Mine (sued as a flrm) A-l, New Village. Ex-part*: KVatt Tin itoS. D g£T DEBT RS (suing as a firm) Jalan Datoh, SUBSTITUTED SERVICE OF SSSSga^S^!? lOtn^di^ofTarar?' iV?*"" 1 iSS™^ To:
      1,261 words
    • 419 15 TOP CLASS RESIDENTIAL LAND AND BUNGALOW at Biggs Roaa, Penang, for sale. Freehold. Over one acre. Interested parties please contact: Advertiser, Box A 3303 S.T., K.L. M MATSUSHITA INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION SDN. BHD. (Manufacturer Of Alr-Cond.t onrrs Invites applications from sulUbly qualified Malaysian citizens for the following appointments: 1. CADET ENGINEERS:
      419 words
    • 687 15 GENERAL CLERK— A newly established Heasing Development Company in Kuala Lumpur invites applications from Malaysian citizen* (male and female) for tka post of CeiMral Clerk. (a) Age between 20 -25 years. (bi School leaving certificate (M.C.E) or its equivalent with two years' working experience. (cl Initiative and hardworking. idi Accurate
      687 words
    • 570 15 3 VOLVO MALAYSIA BERHAD I invites applications for I BRANCH I I MANAGER I We ret u re suitably qualified and dynamic person I *>' s l to administer our Kuala Lumpur Branch •^U A PP |Ic nts musr be Malaysian Citizens with at least I «S y' Jrs experience
      570 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 702 16 gjs*jss* B^^^^^^" I *X*jja» B: classified advertisements IS a wiightv problem: Flair solves all with her keep fit classes fully equipped gymnasium spot reducing with modern equipment*. Tel •***** KINOIRQARTIN PROBE stvery year there I* a scramble for place* in kindergartens and thl* ha* brought about th* mushroomIng of more
      702 words
    • 670 16 Xl jAafaaasfesVaaTsttfak aVLafsk I ofsfa 1 4fjftP4 4a^ft_l APPLICANTS replying to Box number* for Vacancies are requested not to enclose original copies of testimonials or reference* with their application* No responsibility can be accepted for their los*. Applicants are a'so advised to write to Box numbers correctly and check them
      670 words
    • 760 16 LADY secretary with office experience stenography and book-keeping for property executive. Apply w'f telephone number to Room 406. ICB Building. Shenton Way. Spore 1A Firm of IxpansNng PuMl* Accountants requires the following (A) JUNIOR AUOIT CLIRKS. Applicants must have H.B.C. Qualification and be prepared to pursue an accounting career. (B)
      760 words
    • 669 16 WANTID GOLDSMITH able to act Diamond Jewellery. Muat have it to 20 yeara' experience. Willing to work on monthly salary or piece) rate Apply stating salary acquired to S.T. Box A ***** Spore. PHILIPS SINOAPORI PRIVATI LIMITID TELECOMMUNICATIONS PACTORV lit. JALAN AHMAD IBRAHIM SINGAPORE M. Invite* applications for the post
      669 words
    • 734 16 UNIVERSITY OF SINOAPORI Student* Union require* 2 Office Bow* Ac*: 16 20 years. Probation $120 On Confirmatlc- $140 Uniform provided Ability to speak English wilt be an advantage Writ* to University of Singapore Students Union. Union House. Buklt Timah Road. 8 pore. 10 with photograph by 9.3.73 or phone *****4/*****
      734 words
    • 789 16 LOOKING FOR EXPERIENCED SEAM STRESSES to cut and sew for boutlqu*. Apply Benjamin* 21-1. Amber Arcade. Orchard Road. Sport Tel: ****** a.m. p.m.) (ANVO ELECTRONICS ((> PTI LTD ITM PLOOR, J I, KALLANO PLACE. SINOAPORI 12. Wanted A MALI ANO A FIMALI CLIRK Minimum qualifications: Passed Secondary 4, English educated
      789 words
    • 754 16 NEWTON TOWERS APARTMENTwith swimming pool fully furnished $1,600 Dunearn Estate. Dalkietr Road bungalow partly furnished $2,000/-. Clementl Park Sunset VII. douhle-storey detached bungalow partly furnished $2,300-: Holland Oarden semi-detached furnished $860/: Ban Ouan Park semi-detached fully furnished $1,200/-: Orsnge Orove Road Apartment unfurnished $800/-. Contact Joint Housing Agency 91*35", B'pore.
      754 words
    • 752 16 AOAM INN It is a home away from home. Alrcondltloned. telephone, longbath attached. Daily $22 $36 Monthly $300 $SOO Tel *****1. 120 Adam Road. B'pore 11. OUT. 21 CLIMINTI PARK double-storey bungalow. rrcently renovated 3 bedrooms, study Rental $2 000/- Partly furnished Engines Off. Williams A Co. Pte. ***** B'pore.
      752 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 985 17 (Cont from Page 16) jRCSNTLV WANTID detached /semidetseh*a/ruts dlsts 9. 10. 11 21 •nd 23. Rent I*oo to 11.200 Tel *****0 arpore. l»t OR MOUSI niently required by coup t^. lU I*l1 1 MO/ M*"- 1-1 *2? 1 1M tvon -»»*0 office hours. SENIOR EXECUTIVE urgently wanted any house*, flats,
      985 words
    • 1004 17 KIM SIA COURT i Off Orchard Road. 4th floor Oat 1 Bedroom* l-*er-vuit-s room, llving/dtalag room Vacant rnssssslou or wlta Isasinj Price: $140,000/-. David Phoa Bon*. Valuer* EstaU Agents Tal: •*****. SELETAR MILLS PHASE 11. double- storey -N' typ*. **ml-d*Ueh-•d 5.000 sq.ft. 1 bedroom*, servant room, split-level ilvlnc 'dining, klto*en
      1,004 words
    • 665 17 URGENTLY WANTIO to bay spartmeau/notss*. any district preferably 8. 10, 11. Immediate cash transaction No brokers. TM: fpsn BUYING: Bangalows. seml-oKacnos Urrae*. apartments, shoos. Und Register saleable propentes. Quick Bale Market price* B'por* *****0 OBNUINE BurißS for houses /ruts la good residential areas. Also Industrial land Tel: Hock Brothers *****8/
      665 words
    • 787 17 IN PAVA LEBAR lit Boar of a n*w building 17,000 sq ft. of office/factory store wltb Acoustic ceilings For rent Plsss. sentsst 2*7*3 S'pers AvslisMs fer sale M Jwwi with wster and power faetlitlea Furnished and renovated for Immediate occupation. Land area It. ooo *q.ft. Building area 9.000 sq.ft. CeeiUet
      787 words
    • 800 17 AUSTRALIA TOURS SERVICE offer, low cost lUlHTiloe air and sea ticketing to London/Europe $525/--upwards to $700/-; Fremanti* $400/- i Sydney < Melbourne/ Aossslde MM/-. Contact *****-***** Spore N.I.T. TRAVELS Offsrs s*n«spers Ts LONDON 8525/HAMBURG $T2ft/PAJUB $400/NEW YORK AMSTERDAM $OM/--•Baa Francisco (VIA HKO) PLUS 1 NIGHT FREE HOTEL $1250/LOW FARES
      800 words
    • 883 17 LINCUAPHONB INSTITUTE (LONDON) toaokas 38 language* quickly at bom* 8* year* experience 3.000.000 successful students Guaranteed course* backed by optional year* correapondene* course. Free demonstration at 3-33 Peninsula Shopping Centre. (3rd Floor) Cotomao Street. Blnsanor* 8. Tel: 23*17 or SOA Pre•id*nt Shopping Contra, Rarancooo Road. Singapore 8 Tel: 30M07 or
      883 words
    • 760 17 ENGLISH. LfTERATURE. GENERAL PAPER for secondary 4 and Pre umven.ty. by experienced English Honours Oraduatr B'pore *****7 MATHEMATICS (ELEMENTARY. ADDITIONAL. P*LI.) Science. Eac lisa. Individual Attention. STC. BTI. Nnrta Bridge Road Tel: 3*3842 TANQUN DRIVING SCHOOL. «UICBto pats Datsun 1200. M/ 1000 available. 16. Taaslla Road. Ml 842J09 pore. HIGHWAY
      760 words
    • 506 17 DATSUN tsaa FIOKUF Late I*7l owner driven perfect condition Tel *****1. auoi ml i**a o.c. i*a*/*7 00*. owner $4,100 Very good car Interested call *****6. ANGLIA -*1 813** 0.N.0. 6 .noatfta road lax. 1 year insurance Call ***** Mrs. Rstidall. MERCEDES BINZ US automatic alrcondltioned with stereo Boowroom condition $21,000
      506 words

  • 391 18 FORMED-NEW $3 mil JOINT VENTURE ■TEPPEL Shipyard i hitherto untapped tive business of shippi to Singapore for proc It has Joined hands with Intraco. the Governmentbacked International tradIng corporation, and two other local firms to form a new $3 million company for such operations.
    391 words
  • 222 18 Hokkien Huay Kuan may give bursaries to non-clan children THE Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan may extend its five schools' bursaries to children of nonclan members and other races. A sub-committee was formed at the association meeting on Thursday to look into the matter. The bursaries will be extended to needy
    222 words
  • 23 18 WINNIE Dressmaking and Embroidery Institution will hold a dinner and fashion show at the Island Ballroom. ShangriLa Hotel on May 30.
    23 words
  • 87 18 APPLICATIONS are open A up to June 30 for the sixth annual national Koran reading competition In July. The competition, sponsored by Majlis Ugama Islam on behalf of the Government, ls for the challenge trophies donated by the late President Yusof and Puan Noor
    87 words
  • 108 18 CHINESE YMCA will organise three day camps and an outdoor camp during the school holidays. The day camps, for children between five and eight, will be held at Tanglin Centre from May 28 to 31. at International Centre from June 11 to 16 and
    108 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 702 18 classified •J advertisements (Cont. from Page 17) HOSALIC HIMNOM, HoMar Of II Internationally Rtcocn>aa4 Diplomas with tbt loiutst taachina aiparMnc* conducts full Professional/ Ptraonal twauty eultura. halrtreaslns and body maaaasa eoursrs In Chinatt Ertsllah Maiay Morninf afternoon «v*nlng dusts Every Tuesday Tbunday opts till S pm. Ttl me*. Salon
      702 words
    • 696 18 VPH St^^^^^^^^^aXX^Q^^sflsißai LIGMTBURM ENGINEERING PRODUCTS from Australia hydraulic jacks from 1 ion to 12 tent Mini camtnt mixture* from I eu ft. to 1H en. ft., single and dual tpetd tlectric Band drills ttc Available tx -stock at give-away prlcts For detain please write Owtn Road PO. Box U or
      696 words
    • 614 18 MLW sw THE •^^■^TT^sW^Vv TELECOMMUNICATION I"""^ "X^KBKKkj AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE Tender Notice Tenders are invited for the following: (a) Building renovation and electrical installation works at Ground floor, Telecoms Building, 35 Robinson Road (Tender ref: TAS 2/226/4*/Vol 3 Pt. 2; Box No. 3; Closing date 14 J.I 973). (b) Supply
      614 words
    • 121 18 ||PSA (A) TECHNICIAN (ELECTRICAL) (B) TECHNICIAN (MECHANICAL) QUALIFICATIONS EXPEHBENCM: A School Certificate oi its equivalent with technical subjects; OR A Full Higher School Certificate or its equivalent with technical subjects entry point $326.00 per month; OR An Industrial Technician Certificate or 1U equivalent entry point $325.00 per month Preference will
      121 words
    • 631 18 PHYSIOTHERAPIST BRUNEI SHELL PETROLEUM COMPANY LIMITED require a qualified female Physiotherapist for service in Uieir modern, fully equipped hospital situated at Seria. State of Brunei. Candidates should be a Member of the Chartered Society of Physiothe rapy (England) or an equivalent professioral body, and preferably have experience of running a
      631 words

  • 1293 19  - Ben-Gurion —Israel's uncrowned king without power COLIN LEGUM IN A KIBBUTZ CALLED SDE BOKE IN THE NEGEV DESERT LIVES THE MOST REVERED JEW IN THE WORLD TODAY By DAVID BEN-GURI-ON. a stocky, vibrant man with a wily halo of whit? hair ami a warn but abrupt manner, is the most
    OFNS  -  1,293 words
  • 736 19 caught before they could begin to implement this plan, and there was an inquiry Into the bungling of the operation. The man from whom the affair took its name, Pinhas Lavon, was Minister of Defence at the time. He never denied that he
    736 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 594 19 There is only one way to get genuine Essogas in a safe Essogas cylinder FROM THESE AUTHORISED ESSOGAS DEALERS IN SINGAPORE SOON CHEONG (PTE) LTD.. INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONICS CORP 33/34, Pekin Street (1) Tel. *****/3/4 8 Crane Road (15) Tel. *****8/*****7 SENG HIN. SHENG HIN ELECTRICAL CO.. 387, New Bridge Road
      594 words

    • 850 20 GECOND DIVISION Sunderland, written off before the match as no-hope outsiders, were today hailed as the "Soccer heroes of the Century" after toppling mighty Leeds United in yesterday's English Football Association Cup Final. Commentators, who had unanimously declared that Sunderland had no chance of
      UPI  -  850 words
    • 522 20 minated English soccer for the past decade, winning the League and Cup, as well as, two European Fairs Cups. But Leeds have never quite reached the status of a super team and have often fallen at the final hurdle. Yesterday, the myth of their
      522 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 241 20 In bright pop colours. A velow. red, green, blue U .scienhfcalydesigned JJ T^t •iora-tastrg flexion tuHs "IW* k M .(text*? leveled ho-xle fi^k^BH^^ WISDOM the fe tortHneh mate nttvvxrti 1 f* Sole Agent: JX MOWSON.SONAJONKS i±l (giiiA»T)PT«.im,^^f Mtrcintilt B«ik*«r», R.t«« S.n9»port. 1. £%SW^ AH YAP TAILOR now at:--24. GROUND
      241 words
    • 158 20 Laaß Bam I THE SORDID I I WATERGATE I I SCANDAL I w President Nixon now sits In flj| tragic isolation in the wake ||I of resignations of the top staff ||t| In the White House. The mm floodgates of the Watergate H§i scandal have only just been Si opened
      158 words

  • 513 21 A jab byForsyth ends Celtic's reign (GLASGOW. Sun. Rangers ended Celtic's reign as the undisputed masters of Scottish soccer when they beat their deadly Glasgow rivals 3-2 In the final of the Scottish Football Association Cup at Hampden Park here yesterday. Celtic, who have won the Scottish League for the
    513 words
    • 128 21 Bookies get a beating I ONDON, Sun. Bookmakers lj took a heavy beating on Sundrrland's shock victory over Lcedx United In the English Football Association Cap Final here yesterday. Although Ijrrds were the overwhelming favourites, many punters In norih-emal England made sentimental beU on Sunderland when they were quoted at
      128 words
    • 44 21 STRAITS TIMES beat Verity Oill's XI by 38 runs in a friendly cricket match at Olllman Barracks yesterday Scores: Straits Times 130 (David Kraal 52. Wilson 5-32. Bridges 4-34). Verity's XI 93 (B. Lynch 32. N. Bridges 28. R. Zlegelaar 6-17).
      44 words
    • 606 21  - Nightmare with a happy ending for Selangor By MAVRKE KHOO [£UALA LUMPUR, Sun. So the Malaysia Cup Final is over and with it, a nightmare with a far from frightening: ending. D a t u k Harun Idris, Selangor's boss, let me in on this nightmare over one particular player.
      606 words
    • 319 21 pOMBINED SCHOOLS scored a thrilling 61 -run win over defending champions Singapore Cricket Club, with only six minutes to spare, to strengthen their lead in the SCA Junior cricket league at Balestier Road yesterday, reports GODFREY ROBERT. Schools, boosted by good knocks by skipper Han Kee
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    • 76 21 ROME. Sun World middleweight champion Carlos Monzon of Argentina last night scored a filth-round knockout over American Roy Dale in a nontitle fight at the Rome Sports Palace. Monron. who entered the ring only hours after hearing news that his elder brother was shot dead
      76 words
    • 56 21 COLOGNE, Sun— Malaysia. Gladys Ch»j N f Mcl South East Asian record holder in the high lamp and pentathlon, yesterday clocked 12.4 sec. for the women's IM-metres In training for the Seap Games in Singapore in September. Officials here said it wu the best time for
      56 words
  • 101 21 ALDERSHOT MOVE UP TO THIRD DIVISION LONDON, Sun.— Aldershot won promotion to the Fn*l'sh Football League Third Division when they drew i-i w'th Stockport on Friday. The result moved them up Into fourth place In the Fourth Division above Newport County. Fridays English football results: Dlv One Deroy 3 Wolves
    101 words
  • 59 21 BERNE.Sun— Leeds United s Scottish captain Billy Bremner and ttrlker Allan Clarke were banned from playing In the European Cup Winners' Cup final against AC Milan In Salonika on May 16. Announcing the ban. tne European Football Union iUEFAi aald It was Imposed because of offences
    59 words
  • 301 21 BRASILIA. Sun. Eder Jofre, Brazil's golden bantamweight of the early sixties, won the World Featherweight boxing title here last night by outpointing Cuban born champion Jose Legra over 15 rounds. At the age of 37 and 13 years after winning the World Bantamweight
    301 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 137 21 sis. MALAYSIA "j (FULLY AIR CONDITIONED) i WEEKEND CRUISE FOR ONLY $120/- j PLUS SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR FAMILY TRAVEL (Head of family pays the full applicable round trip fare Accompanying wife and/or children over 12 years but under 19 years pay 25% less, children under 12 years pay 50% less).
      137 words
    • 126 21 I L ml lJ i 111 I^l i»PKi Soon The Bank of Canton, Limited will be moving from Chuh? Street to their new offices at Denmark House, next to the Asia Insurance Building on Raffles Qjay. Telephone numbers remain unchanged. The continued growth of our business in Singapore has made
      126 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 94 21 ISOMETRICS for the Businessman fS^l cite** cmoulmm am nu Hum oTk r© ju«t r^Z>-r-^iii.i n mam ittfßMcw CT«j*ru iNiwaaMouMM l^^fl I Lotnmm*t» V^ \^S2? > r tuaceubs »u*mb w«f w» »«;»►< iflf J HaV^Lfc!^ MTTwf >^«^sllc i L tSJjrSZiy; V«»W»«»IM» A «O» CIU». TMtMMt«MU... J^F^^r^^Bb JH^^^^^^Wmm om. em tmousm* ■^gT^'B
      94 words

    • 533 22 DEFENDING champion Daniel Lim and three seeded players yesterday qualified for the men's singles quarter finals of the SLTA Claycourt tournament at Tanglin. Lim. the second seed, was too good for Teo Teng Poh, winning by 8-3, 6-2. The other seeds were Sharin
      533 words
  • 835 22  -  ERNEST FRIDA By RATIONAL Serviceman Savinder Singh and preuniversity student Koh Hong Pang outshone National sprinters Yeo Kian Chai and Ong Yoke Phee with record-breaking performances at the Swifts AA athletic championships at Farrer Park yesterday. Hefty Savinder, co-holder of the National Discus record
    835 words
  • 59 22 SAN JOSE. California, Sun Al Feuerbach, bronze medal winner at Munich, broke the World Shotput record yesterday with a ics of 71 feet 7 Inches and averaged more than 70 feet In a series of six throws at the San Jose Invitational Track and Field meet. The previous
    59 words
  • 96 22 BANGKOK. Sun. Malaysia 0 and Singapore were eliminated from the Sixth Asian Amateur Boxing championships here tonight. Lightweight Tobias Totu of Malaysia was knocked out by Thailand's Vichit Prlanand In the first round, while Singapore's Cyril Jeerls was outpointed In the featherweight semi finals by Japans H.
    96 words
  • 96 22 NEW YORK. Sun— Reaults of yesterday's baseball games: National League Houston Astros 9 New York Mets 2. Montreal Expos 8 Cincinnati Reds 6, Atlanta Braves 7 Philadelphia Phillies 0. St. Louis Cardinals 3 Los Angeles Dodgers 11. Chicago Cubs 7 San Francisco Giants 4, San Diego
    96 words
  • 41 22 LOUISVILLE. Kentucky. Sun. —Secretariat won the US$lOB--800 Kentucky Derby yesterday overtaking Sham with two furlongs to go and winning by two lengths. Forego third, eight lengths behind sham. Secretariat ran the lOf in a record lmln 59.4 sec
    41 words
  • 53 22 TABLE TENNIS National Schools final <Tg. Katong 830 and 2 30) SQUASH— Inter Club: BCC 2 v Forces 2 (SCO. Changl 2 v Tengah 2 (Changl); Police 2 v Tanglin 2 (Thomson Rd); YMCA 1 v Woodlands 1 (Palmer Rd All matches at 6 p.m.). SOCCER— Friendly: Monarch Wanderers
    53 words
  • 701 22 /COMBINED SCHOOLS \j athlete Jan Lee scored a sprint record double at Rallies Institution's annual athletic meet at Orange Road on SaturBespectacled Jan won the 100 m In Il4sec. to erase National sprinter Andrew Chee's six-year mark by a tenth of a second. Later
    701 words
  • 515 22 Koh runs fastest and beats 42-year-old jump mark PRE U N I V E RSITY students Koh Swee Wan put In a strong claim for a berth in the Singapore contingent for September's Seap Games when he ran the fastest 100 m in Singapore this season at the St. Joseph's
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 125 22 IWe speoateem made -to -order slings. V I til bb9 *J mechanical and hand springs for wire ropes f HMI i We are dealers of assorted cargo blocks. A SP bbRbMRH 4 <L shackles thimbles turnbockles deck eye 1 J fl W^ fi I plates bulldog cfcps and other hardware
      125 words
    • 216 22 China Airlines now flies to the U.S.A. And brings you closer to unique destinations in Asia. We now fly to Honolulu and Los Angeles Monday. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. -a^~v^»^«T»*r' I To San Francisco: wttti I |^k Tuesday. Thursday »nd Saturday. I (via an overnight stopover in Taipei). L^^^^^gM 9^S
      216 words

    • 2989 23  -  EPSOM JEEP By SIR CARRICK, with Terry Tan up, caused a big upset at Bukit Timah yesterday when he won Race 9 and paid $729 for win and $131 for place. Well placed In the early stages, Sir Carrick swept past the
      2,989 words
    • 45 23 Ist No: *****2 ($4347). 2nd No: *****8 ($1242) 3rd No: *****4 ($621) STARTERS ($l5O each) fos: *****3 *****5 *****7 ***** *****9 *****3 ***** *****9 *****4 ***** *****2 *****0 *****. CONSOLATION ($lOO ;ach) Nos: *****2 *****0 ***** *****2 *****8 *****2 *****8 *****5 *****9 *****5.
      45 words
    • 181 23 Apprentice Sng suspended for 3 months APPRENTICE Jockey Martin Sin has been suspended from riding for three months. The Stipendiary Steward reported that the Stewards opened an Inquiry into the running of Balkan Chevalier II (apprentice Martin Sng) in Race 2 on Saturday, and after taking evidence from trainer I
      181 words
    • 283 23 Mon Fils' trainer: A meal ticket for life I ONDON, Sun. MonFils, 50-1 chance, won the 2,000 Guineas at Newmarket yesterday as outsiders dominated the second of this season's English classics. Mon Fils, an English colt ridden by Fran hue Durr beat American owned Noble Decree by a head in
      Reuter  -  283 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 169 23 FACTORY FOR SALE iltav BtT^iMiTawi.'i —v* HI llb atiaaa>&!Ma9 JSTV '^P.T^V 2J N BaaaaaaßaaaaaQaaßa! ■V'^Lal I iaal JBfißtl f^aMaaßaßaaßaa^^L-^Ljri 1 lll><^ UNIVERSITY MLAN'Jg -~-^»»CT|J~~~~" 3SSb»*»»»»b5L f~\ JM.AN StM*NG*T mggwi r^ I vy L ~^*™ilKfcßl I *H0«MO0M S FACTOMV $>7f Uf~ H f« JBfflHk IOfFICI BLOCK *WF^' ajfffaaaflHH 5 1 Rare
      169 words

  • 248 24  - Eight are saved after tankers collision in Straits K. S. SIDHU By piGHT people in- volved in a collision between two tankers in the Straits of Malacca arrived here yesterday on board the British contalnershlp Priam. They were rescued from the sea after the 83.900--ton Überlan registered King Agamemnon and
    248 words
  • 145 24 $880,000 OFFER TO STEAL PHANTOM BONN. Sun. A newspaper claimed here today that the Soviet secret service promised a group of West German agents one million marks ($880,000) if they delivered a Phantom jet fighter to an Eastern Bloc country. Bild Am Sonntag. in what it called an exclusive report,
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 97 24 MR. CNUA CHOON LCONC, acM 77. pxurd ««»y ptartfully on Sunday. Bth May. 1973. Laavlnc behind b»lovrd wife. Madam Llm Chan N«o. 2 >on>. Prnic Knu and Thlam Ptnc. 2 datiKhttra-ln-law. Kwik Poh O»k and Soh Knc Nfo DauKhtrra. Geok Khrnit. in-law. Noel N(. And 22 greatgrandchildren to mourn
    97 words
  • 28 24 TOULOUSE i Prance i. SunDemonstrators protesting against Frances nuclear policy Including atmospheric tests In the South Pacific clashed with police here and In Montpelher yesterday— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 23 24 GUADALAJARA. Sun. A light plane crashed near Guadalajara. Mexico last night. kill 1 iK all six people aboard. AP.
    AP  -  23 words
  • 275 24  - Thailand helping US to continue the war HANOI -SAYS HONGKONG, Sunday fI()RTH VIETNAM today accused Thailand of supplying the United States with air bases and manpower to continue its war in Indo-China. Hanoi's army newspaper Quangdoi Nhan Dan, quoted by North Vietnam news agency, said: "The reactionary ruling circles of
    275 words
  • 18 24 CANBERRA, Sun. South Korean Foreign Minister Yong Ehlk Kirn i.- due her* later this month. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 180 24 KUALA LUMPUR, Bun. The different ways of participation by the bumiputras and non-bumi-putras in the new economic policy often create the impression that the policy only benefits the bumiputras. Tun (Dr.) Ismail said today. In the context of a developing economy, said Tun
    180 words
  • 276 24 MR. Lee Kuan Yew (above) being conferred the Honorary Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of Surgeons by the college president, Mr. John Loewenthal, last night. The occasion was the opening of the college's five-day 46th General Scientific Meeting at Shangri-La Hotel
    276 words
  • 64 24 DUBLIN. Bun— A top-level Inquiry Into phone-tapping at Dublin police headquarters Is believed to be underway following the discovery In a Dublin flat of cassette tape recordings of dozens of police telephone calls Some of the taped calls were b?lieved to have been made by Chief Superintendent
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 104 24 JAKARTA, Sun. Caltex Paclf c Indonesia, an oil company owned Jointly by Standard Oil Co. of California and Texaco Overseas Petroleum Co. (Topco), has discovered oil In central Sumatra, the state-owned Pertamina 0 1 Corporation announced here today. Officials pinpointed the location of the
    AP  -  104 words
  • 248 24 Guerillas call on Mexican people to join armed struggle- MEXICO CITY, Sun. Mexican leftwing guerillas who kidnapped the US Counsul General in Guadalajara have called on the people to join them in an armed struggle to topple the Government. They made the call on the nations radio and television network.
    Reuter  -  248 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 180 24 f Hf J Amazing Thematic W y%^C"fc'fr i^lßß Stamps Offer 'Wl^| different stamps yours Uf^^^^^^^*~^^j^ for only $1.00! FascinaB| M|HH t,' f 9 ting stamps depicting I Rubens nude paintings, I cheetah, Fox, Panther H^, h^fllßM 9 attacking native, ManchesI 'JlmfKß^^^^^A I ter footballers, Moon H\"fl Flight of "Lunik 17".
      180 words
    • 1 24 a^L^L^L^L^L^a^L^L^aa^Ha^afls*
      1 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous

  • Business Times
      • 568 25  - Better link-up needed to develop our money market CHIA POTEIK By the rate it is progress ing. Singapore js well on the way to Incoming a complete international financial centre like London. It will not be long before the Republic will be able to offer all the sophisticated financial services
        568 words
      • 273 25  -  CHAN BONG SOO By riE visit of a 20-man Japanese mission to Jakarta recency Is viewed as a potential threat to S ngapore's chances of reviving Its role sign ficantly In the Eastern zones coifee trade. And Its timing Is all too prop.tlous
        273 words
      • 517 25  - Aim exports at Pacific region, Gould urges RITA LOONG By gINGAPORE'a aspirations to sell more to the Kuropean Economic Community may full a little short of expectation! if the goods ear-marked for that market are of the hightechnology kind. This view is expressed by Mr. Ken Gould, outgoing chairman of
        517 words
    • 241 25  -  CROESUS By Cash in \"R Robert Kretschmar ifl wrote to me last week to point out that FitzPatrick's shareholders had a cash alternative to Hongkong Land's offer. They could have sold on the open market and got cash. The way this gentleman he represents Jardine Fleming (SEA) which
      241 words
    • 305 25 PENCH fries American style was in the pan at the US Institutional Food Trade Exhibition when granulated potato for making chips was Introduced in Singapore for the frst time. Demonstrating the quick convenience of the specially prepared dehydrated potato manufactured from potato granules was
      305 words
    • 60 25 lAC i Holdings i has pushed a 76 per cent first half gain into a massive 112 per cent pretax profits upturn for the full year ended January 1973. Group pre-tax profits stand at $1.72 million against $813,477 previously. A first and final dividend of 12 per cent
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 323 25 PAPUA NEW GUINEA TOURIST AUTHORITY Chairman The Papua New Guinea Tourist Authority has recently been created and it is now necessary to appoint a Chairman. The The new Tourist Authority has been established to develop Organisation and promote tourism in Papua New Guinea in a way that is compatible with
      323 words
    • 108 25 HBv yvA m V^o w J^^^^^m^^^^^^^^^m Chase offers a complete range Chase expertise provides ycT****-^ /^^iaßK*^£t?^i^nß sophisticated financial yQ ■l7?»)*l counselling for *v^^ B* M^A>PjP~"lß\\ «|V Full service capabilities r opening letters of credit, flHEflfe ib^^^^T^^. processing of documents, Assistance in locating new y^i^^^kflf \*f~ J^^^livfl Br markets, new materials,
      108 words

  • 374 26 GATT probes textiles trade problems GENEVA: An inter- national working party here has been instructed to identify and examine problems in world trade ih textiles and to seek possible alternative multilateral solutions to them. The mandate came from the 56-nation Council of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade <GATT>,
    Reuter  -  374 words
  • 101 26 THE Vespa assembly plant in Petaiinc Jaya has introduced a new primer dipping system whereby fully assembled Vespa bodies are dipped in a tank of antirust primer plant (see picture). The bodies are then drip-dried and baked in an oil-fired oven. The system, which underwent extensive tests bath
    101 words
  • 534 26 T*HE Marketing Insti- tute of Singapore (MIS) has been registered and president Robin Lim, business administration lecturer at the University of Singapore, calls it an institute "long overdue" to cover the whole field of marketing. "This body is unique because it brings together all those concerned
    534 words
  • 222 26 GATT Probes textiles trade problems Comcore Public Relations has announced the aopointments of Mr. Michael A. Smedlejr as Vice-president and regional director for Southeast Asia; Mr. Harry Crabb. general manager. Sngapore: and Mr. Anthony Ramisamy, public relations consultant. Miss Lily Lim has been promoted to PR executive and Miss Diana
    222 words
  • 140 26 A CHINESE restaurant with a difference a difference that pleases everyone especially businessmen.. .and their wives. No only first class Cantonese cuisine (non-greas^ for weight-watchers!) Also the added luxury of lavish decor and furnishings, along with quiet, easy- listening, easy-danc-ing music
    140 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 294 26 #C£b SINGAPORE 1973 bEIKU For accuracy you can carry around the Greenwich Observatory Clock Or Seiko's Quartz Watch. Sales Service: THONG SIA CO (S) PTE LTD smgakwc m kkfomo «o»o i«i m st»im it «sjMTuwt<uAoca.RA»«MN m. «»»Tf For you, prompt payment is an But insurance can only do the test
      294 words
    • 82 26 STIHL 05MV Hi The 051 AY is the Most Powerful |511 H L among he lightweight production saws. L^*||^^J and is a must for the professionals in mediumtolarge timber. -Qm^JBB^HI JBk A widt -in/ft ol Oth*' Mow Jv«.IK)l. from** STIHL Ayu ft t»».r AuthOf'Md !>»!»■• m S">9kk>'< Emi and Am
      82 words

    • 1232 27 A S «,Iti7i2.' ct r V d# 7 th€ Time» publl»h«« weekly a m.Jt?*i y r hi h lnd lowl tn f onow»d by the weeks move gron pirc. P r ,"ln; d r.tVo r Oyf th d B- md NOTE: Closing price meant tha price at
      1,232 words
    • 120 27 rl lollowinr list of stocks elves thr ten most dealt In last week. Thr list gi\es thr turnover in thousands of units, closing prices on Frida> and Inch and low for 1971 and 1972. Companies Turnover Prices High Low 000 MM Darby Holdings 793 Development Bank of
      120 words
    • 284 27 CUrrrnt Date Total for Total for payment payablr Ilir yrar Previous yf«r Ben 12', 12^ 7.5', Houstrad 10', June 9 15'> •K.S", Thin Trek June 20 T.i<- 13.S'j Cycle Carriage June 4 7', •15S3 r Fabrr I'nlon 10', June 26 10', lt' c I.ingut Dry M> May ZK
      284 words
    • 188 27 JyTEW YORK: Growing Investor optimism mushroomed into the busiest trading session In nearly three months. Leading market Indices showed strong gains for the third day In a row. Todaye cloning nrlcn in U.S. dollari folluurd by tha diffannra on Thursday prlci. Mlled Chemiral 3*l^ Mil* Chalmrra ou Ira.
      188 words
    • 357 27 WHILE prices were generally pointing upwards towards the close of last week on the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore, there was little to suggest that fresh baying support was the bull factor. Most observers were of the consensus that the reaction was purely technical. As was typical
      357 words
    • 34 27 London copper prlcea on Friday (prrvioua In bracket): Wirchar Spot buyer {62« 50 K62O.Su) aellert (623.00 ((621.00): Threr months buyera (6 '3 0U (£616..V)1 Milan (623.50 ((617.001. Markat tana: Kirm Sale*: 4.850
      34 words
    • 42 27 In London on Friday the palm oil prices of Malayan S per cent c.t.f. UK N European poits in bulk, sterling per long ton Nov./ Dec. was quoted at UK £130 sellers (unchanged); Jan. June at UK 1128 sellers (unchanged).
      42 words
    • 172 27 On Ih* fr.. aichan«a markat In HonKkonx on Saturday thr U.S. dollar waa quotrd at 5.1573 for T.T. and 5. 1S for cash. Stirling wan quoted at 12.00 and ana tad or (aid waa quoted at 267. 3u. Trxna Inmrumrnt 111 1 Union Carbidt «2% W»Hlern L'nlon
      172 words
    • 75 27 Industrials r Hotel. Properties: t Tint: t I rnbben: mi in Apr. 30 ***** 229.91 302 24 133.69 327.14 tM.47 May 1 May 2 May 3 Closed 315.99 321.24 Closed 233.21 234.34 Closed ***** 315.64 Closed 133.69 133.75 C losed 328.5* 328.48 Closed 300.28 306.45 D«C. 30.
      75 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 89 27 u-Bix QUALITY+ ECONOMY U BIX copies anything. Excellent, clean, dear, sharp copies everytime. On both sides of ordinary bond paper. From half to solid tones. Colours, even pale blues. Cassette loaded for efficiency. Available on a special low-cost easy payment 2 year plan. Maximum <^M value for your t. ..^■aaataV^^e.w
      89 words
    • 443 27 Our man-on-the-spot banking service is available worldvdae. Bank of America is a truly America branch is in an excellent international bank able to serve the position to serve you. And you'll find needs of all firms throughout South the people courteous and efficient at East Asia. Our worldwide network of
      443 words

  • TIMES CITY DESK (continued)
    • 379 28 LONDON: The PT Index closed last week 5.7 points down at 462 3 against the previous Friday's close of 468.0. Interest was minimal with the May day demonstrations and adverse press comment making for an easier trend. A bullish survey or. industrial trends t>v the Confederation of British
      379 words
    • 53 28 FriOiy Thuriday US* US* London »O 30 90.30 Beirut rioKPd Hongkong 90 63 90.74 Zurich 90.201? W).M)B 90.MS P0.708 J'arli ■•2.9S Singapore (l) 91. h3 92.15 Blncapor» (2) 211. W 2*2.50 ,1) Kxpon prur m mm-iti-rllnic area* in L.S. dollars per ounce. (2) Local dtalm prices In SiniMiore
      53 words
    • 203 28 ASIAN average deposius met. ftw the week ended Friday. II IS (Bid Prices) High Low 7 days 8 1 7' 3 1 mth 8'i 2 mths 8>, 8 3 mths 8', 8', 6 mths 8 8' 2 9 mths 8' 2 8\ 12 mths 82 8
      203 words
    • 121 28 BASK YEAR: JA>. 4. 1871 100 1973 Week's Arliun High Low 27th 4th Chance SSS.OS 274.45 Automotive 285.40 280.44 4.96 1189.61 532.21 Banks. Insurance. Finance and Trustees 587.36 588.50 1.14 289.21 172.50 Chemicals. Rubber Products, tiffining and Smelting 179.38 185.39 6.01 699.44 319.40 Conglomerate 333.83 340.27
      121 words
    • 53 28 I^OR the wrrk ended Satur- i day. May 5 the range of call rates received from Short Deposits (M) Berhad was M follows: BANK FINDS: 3>» per cent to 3', prr rent. GENERAL KINDS: 3 prr cent to 3*2 per cent. MOVEMENTS Oi fund* to ta11..
      53 words
    • 663 28 THE following is a lift of revised quotations for the. week up to Friday, May 4 for counter* noi included in the weekly thate analysis. Price movement baaed on a companion of last sales on April 27 and May 4 as shown in brackets. INDUSTRIALS H. L.
      663 words
    • 34 28 l_ _l RUBBER TIN (prr kilo; IprrpiculM Apr. 30. 134.25 CU $616 12: May 1, Closed Closed 2. 137.25 cts $621.00 3. 140.25 Cts $***** 4. 140.75 cts $624 00 5. ttnM
      34 words
    • 101 28 The following company meeting are due: Jardine Waufh Ltd.: May 10, 12.30 p.m., 40 Cuscaden Road. Singapore 10. Cannon South East Asia Bhd.: May 11. noon. Hutel Merlin. Jalan Treacher. Kuala Lumpur. South East Asia Development Corporation Bhd.: May IS, 10 30 am. Registered Office, Lee Wan Bank
      101 words
    • 358 28 ALL sectors of the Singapore produce market last week recorded slack activity Inquiries from abroad remained fairly good but due to the lack of stocks held locally, dealers here tended to quote much too high to attract Interest from the traditional buyers overseas. Pepper, for Instance, showed an
      358 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 252 28 TWAiswhat travel should be. •ssssssssssk V^^^^ assssssssssssssk sssssssssssssssß /'^.^assssP^^^^^alsssssssssssssW Bass^aW j^aff Lai* J^^'G** jMaH •Ell bbbbP^Bl Laasß JF tM aW^t^ii Vp* ""^^Bsavl aaflxsss^T M WHAT AN ECONOMY SEAT SHOULD BE. WHAT AIRLINE FOOD SHOULD BE. TWA's unique twin seat is available on all flights On every Ambassador Sen ice flight,
      252 words
    • 763 28 DBS CHARTERED ON-LINE (PTE) LTD MARKETING REPRESENTATIVES DCO is an international joint venture between The Development Bank of Singapore Ltd.. The Chartered Bank, and On-line (Holdings) Ltd., Hong Kong. The Company has recently installed a Univac 1106 in the DBS Building, Shenton Way. The services provided by DCO cover the
      763 words
    • 486 28 NATIONAL SPORTS PROMOTION BOARD Tender for the running Rrfrrshmrnt Mills at Farn Park Swimminc Pool, Riirr Vallr Swimminc Pool. Mt. l.mlly S»ln minx Pool and S< mbawang Sum mint Pool. Tenders are Invited for tl: lease of the above Refreshmr: Stalls for the catering of dunk hot and coid beverages,
      486 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 631 29 LLJ UTTON COMPONENTS PTE. LTD. Litton Litton's Electron Tube Division. World Leader in Design. Develop ment and Manufacturer of Microwave Devices, hat an immediate need for the following QUALITY CONTROL MANAGER MINIMUM EDUCATION: A Degree in Electrical Engineering EXPERIENCE: Minimum 5 years in Engineering with Test experience. Minimum 2 years
      631 words
    • 553 29 «J is looking for a person capable of managing its pro- jSr #W gramme of property development projects. £5t jraß The successful candidate is likely to be one who has: 5§ jj* a degree or professional diploma in civil engi- *V Kg neering, architecture, or estate management, SSI and one
      553 words
    • 560 29 FAIRCHILP SINGAPORE PTE LTD. A SUBSIDIARY OF FAIRCHILD CAMERA AND INSTRUMENT CORPORATION DUE TO EXPANSION We invite applications from suitably qualified Candidates for the following positions: 1 ASST. QUALITY ASSURANCE ENGINEERS/ QUALITY ASSURANCE ENGINEERS. Applicants should possess a University Degree /Diploma in Electronics. Electrical or Mechanical Engineering or equivalent professional
      560 words
    • 580 29 Roxy-Rubycon Electronic Industries (S) Pte. Ltd. requires FEMALE FACTORY OPERATIVES for assembly line work m their JURONG factory Requirements Age: 16 30 years Experience not necessary Training will be given Education preferably Primary six and above. Good Working S day week Conditions: No shift duty Paid Annual Leave Uniforms and
      580 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 582 30 SINGAPORE OXYGEN PTE. LIMITED VACANCIES Applicotions ore invited from Sirgopore Citiiens for th« following vaconc SALES ENGINEERS We require two engineers to promote the sole of speciolised industrial equipment ond processes. Appliconti sdcuid hove on engineering degree or diploma ond some soles experience. TECHNICAL ASSISTANT Conjid^es should possess o diploma
      582 words
      837 words
    • 758 30 RISDA I PIHAK BERKUASA KEMAJUAN PEKEBUN KM II PERUSAHAAN GETAH TAWARAN Tawaran-tawaran adaiah dijemput untuk membekal DALAPON' selama, dua, belas (12) bulan mulai dari lhb. Jun. 1473 mengikut banyak yang dlperlukan oleh Pe-giwal-Pegawal RISDA Negeri di seluruh Malaysia Barat RISDA menakslrkan keperluankeperluan DALAPON sebanyak 150.000 paun. tetapi mungkin membuat pesanan
      758 words
    • 1064 30 IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAY AT KUALA It Ml I i; COMPANIES WINDING-UP NO: S OF 1973 In the Matter of Cheah Corporation (Sabah) Sdn. Bhd And In the Matter of the Commpanles Act. 1905. ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITIONNOTICE u> hereby given that a petition for the Winding-up of the
      1,064 words
    • 306 30 feicia FEDERAL LAND DEVEI.OPMI.NT AITHORITY TENDER NOTHE BP. NO. 10J/7J Tender for the Supply. Delivery. Installatlcn^ Testing I sioning and Ouarantee ot 400 KW Turbo Allern.. FELDA's Jennka IX Palm OH Mill, district of Temerl. of Pahang. Malaysia. 1. Tenders are Invited from REGISTERED OVmUCIOU the above works as follows:—
      306 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 1306 31 1.11 NitrSNIPSERVICI TOM CONTINENT ii mr am na\ Ipim mi»,. II IMt IW, it Mf II Mh I lal, laM IS Mr, II Ma, lIM* tt lah I lal, II Ml, 7S Mr, lt Mr, a Mr, vt ■•:<* catt'inif i si.XI Sa.M Sa.MI II Mi, Sa.M b.tat SI.MI Sa.M
      1,306 words
    • 1124 31 BBBaaaaaaaaaakaaaaal C^^BXaaiaßßaaßAßaßaalwUßaaßaßaaßM^aaaaaßaaaM haaa^aaaaaaaaaßaal «BLU E SEA LINE To U.S.A., East Coast Gulf Ports f Ptetaj Sm Plr i-i Lit! i| Mr: PtllM Sa.M la Part Ma, II Baaa, StnaatH PIISIMIt Mull Ma, a Mt I Jacaaaat.llt. K.ia.iftM PMTISUAM MMll MMII MM S Ml CMrMttM. Mai a Ma, II Kaeitta. IMa
      1,124 words
    • 1079 31 I 'f t i aaaaaaaaa-l HC CJNTAINd StRYICt Na aaneretai C.eta^ac.n a Ceraaa, ltntli.i S'taMtM rAPniCAM lIV Timiiii I Sca"*ir.«j Ail' i fiaact UMKUIbMH B»I llmt lmn ltm tmm aoacioac EiPMis nan HMm li l~ BMM ll IMt l-aAitll 4MM 7SMM MMM II Mm 71 laM IIITI lit It MM
      1,079 words
    • 1107 31 INTEROCEAN-E.A.C. FULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE TO EUROPE fptn lot NEHLCI MUMA Mm 13 a iaa. A'*aa. A-*tn. i. hmujTUtlt MM I Ulll. Htara. I ata. lama UlAMil MM7I Aartat. C kati.. Clari. Maaeo. a i mm MU 1 imcuum, Sim. mii.uu. FULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE FROM EUROPE NEILLOri OEIIMA May 13
      1,107 words
    • 748 31 Sinoaeore V *****; P. Krlona 4341; XL. *****; Pe»ena HMI. THE BANK LINE LTD. LUIS FH E. t S MM timmtiK BaMaa aaMM, t,-,, n i Maraw.. 1 s tfr.iii p p,,-, ii a Ma, 5> t II 11 Mai sptiaiiAM aa ajajai i|m •> p ttiaat spo-r it n
      748 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 1076 32 ■»-a* KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. UWISMI KINMI RISEN MISHA LTD UPtN H RONS. STRAITS SEWICE 1MB) M)M lIIMJIKI n»Stora ITA» talari saiasn Mat* a. 111 1 Moi saititaaa Mam v 11 I Moi 11 Moi Japan Peraian Cull i.rvlc. iMBMm FM llllii«i Miau vas 11 moi coio-to n.itit D*i. a*»a«a».
      1,076 words
    • 969 32 NORD-TRANSPORT (H.K.) LINE laaaMt (or ITtaiT. MUltini. atuaiii am uisum. S.ifMori P Waat *oomi ailim msia Of r ra Part a r aaajlAT i» Ti Mtl IS Mr iHiiiiuiNii aim a moi LaotMi tan i Mllaatl. Nwa AM) cm tim Htwara P na»| UCM nun il Mai lIISU "Mm II
      969 words
    • 1084 32 h i. «ok i S^rxTSai \AjkV •JaoOAMrW i »r. aauaui UK- IU«O»I SIKVICI LOADING POX LONDON, HAVRE, R DAM. H BURG. IRIMIN s.ntiao'i P Kiian Nmj Htmt: airruai imitmtst il. I) Mai lo Part I I Mai m.-i 25 t. laaoM ne Vi. »ana«i Ci" Iraaoo. I AMnra airruai atatMAtiai
      1,084 words
    • 725 32 timg SnWCt TB LBWON LIVIIWOL CONTINENT PUTS It Mm. Unpon f in-i Pf-t'i laotiot lar: ••ati utaiai lo Pan it ii Mai •>.. I iim l? t A'Mra 21 t trm«o 24 t Haatorl 2t I. lanci SIMIA lo Port II 14 Mi, is II Moi It "awl II f.
      725 words
    • 675 32 Giant timber bulk carrier from China arrives A TIMBER bulk carrier has arrived from China as part of an international shipping firm's plan to clear the hutte timber pile-up at Port of Klang in Malaysia. The 43.000 dwt Prag, In Singapore last Thursday, was chartered from West Germany. The "relief"
      675 words

  • 548 33 Formula for success by the manageress A II I career in Exilic hotel industry i interest in mkinp are the injirehkh formulated s Pauline Oofs positanagerew ol" the olden Rajah Lounge. I Ins enterprising lass Irom now also part i. u)inl venture i paid up capital of ii the vi
    548 words
  • 804 33 OPENING of the Golden Rajah Lounge at the Golden Mile Shopping Centre today brings with it a new whiff of Penang and Indonesian cuisine. But there will he no pomp or ceremony when the restaurant opens its doors to its first customer as
    804 words
  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 187 33 j L*J* A *i 1 V A k* V -'^Hfe*^ 1 Today -and every other day 1 l theG(XI*:NR/\l.\}UlX.'NC*:is()pencdt()V()ii. S-7-^ 'i|^r'™^^^^^^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^^^^T™^^t^^^H^H^H^H^H^H^HMi v*lL^ I Lm L"" 0^ anc dinner, we'll serve you the Ix-st of Indotx-sian and iM A_l A 1 L^H ft 1 1 H X i ftnang food. Spicy
      187 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 26 34 Cycle and Carriage welcome a friend to Singapore. We congratulate Varta Private Limited on the inauguration of their new company here. (|C|^l^Ui^O JjTHE CYCLE CARRIAGE GROUP
      26 words

  • 785 35 VARTA opens new factory in Singapore. Inauguration of Varta Private Limited, a subsidiary of Europe's largest Battery Manufacturer, on May 7. It has taken only five months from the time the decision was made to produce batteries in Singapore to actual production. Following a comprehensive feasibility study last year, Varta
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  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 36 35 Congratulations and Best Wishes to VARTA PRIVATE LIMITED on the occasion of their inauguration ASIEM-RAZIRK-BAMK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany with Limited Liability) 50 Collyer Quay P.O. Box 2111 Singapore 1 Telephone: *****5
      36 words
    • 29 35 VARTA k A PRIVATE LIMITED inauguration May 7th 1973 COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. f |> Congratulates I VARTA PRIVATE LTD., I I $> on the occasion i their inauguration x
      29 words
    • 36 35 VARTA BATTERIE AG Hannover, VV. Germany, extend their heartiest congratulations best wishes to VARTA PRIVATE LIMITED on the occasion of their inauguration at Kallang Basin Industrial Estate, 2 Kallang Place, Singapore 12. on May 7th 1973.
      36 words

  • Straits Times Book Page
    • 555 36  - Hilarious but not so much fiction as the truth? ERNEST COREA Coups and counter-coups in an imaginary S-E Asian city By |F YOU have an evening to spare, cur! up with Dennis Bloodworth's "Any Dumber can play." It's too absorbing to l>e taken in small (lollops. Many foreign correspondents display
      555 words
    • 347 36  -  JOHN RCSSELLI By HE "coloured the ideas of people." His successor's verdict seems about right. Kingsley Martin is one of those names like Suez, meaningless to people under 30. He was a great editor; in the thirties and forties he made
      347 words
    • 394 36  -  TONY GODWIN By IN THE three years since Allen Lane, the creator of Penguins, died, the market value of the Arm must have reached more than £20 million. Not that this is necessarily a measure of Penguins' achievement. But it is a yardstick of commercial success
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  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 254 36 FIVE STAR armour-plates your engine against money wasting wear! YOUR ENGINE STAYS CLEANER, RUNS SMOOTHER, LASTS LONGER All Caltex oils are classified under suitable for driving conditions where the American Petroleum Institute's engine operating temperatures may classification system for easy be high. At the same time, Caltex identification. Caltex Supreme
      254 words
    • 162 36 EL. .Jl i a i I i j^^ j^f Singapore Rj2£3 Malaysia I OUU nett Specially designed for business use so compact, it fits in a briefcase. 12 digit registers input capacity 24 digits) even for multiplication and division with 3- (c&~~~~ register underflow system for added efficiency. r*fll^^ Convenient
      162 words